Family Mourns Student's Death

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Family Mourns Student's Death C A LIFORNI A S T A T E U NIVER S IT Y , F U LLERTON INSIDE 18 n SPORTS: Fall sports are preparing for upcoming season Swimming with the 15 n PERSPECTIVES: Internet dating — the dolphins enhances wave of the future personal growth —see News page 13 VOLU M E 71, I SSUE 1 TUESDAY AUGUST 29, 2000 Family mourns student’s death nDeath: Quincy him afterward. A harbor patrol fireboat was Brown’s body was requested to aid the lifeguards in approaching Brown. found in Newport As lifeguards continued the search for Brown, one body-boarder said he Beach waters saw a white object in the water, said BY RAUL MORA Newport Beach Fire Department Daily Titan Managing Editor Spokesperson John Blauer. Marine Safety Lt. Mitch White later spotted Brown under 15 feet Before his death Quincy Brown of water. left a note. Brown’s body was later recov- The 20-year-old high ered at 8:33 a.m. — three school track-and-field hours after his last sight- athlete said he wanted a ing. change in lifestyle. “We don’t know Brown’s uncle, who what really happened,” found the note, became Brown’s grandmother, worried. According to Luree Tobin, said. Fullerton police officials, A week after the inci- Brown had mentioned to dent friends and relatives his relatives that he had met in the Community been dealing with a bout United Presbyterian of depression and had not Church in Los Angeles. eaten in days. Quincy Brown, who was According to police, Brown raised by Tobin after his Brown, a Fullerton resi- parents died when he dent, had said that he was MAYRA BELTRAN/Daily Titan was 16-months-old, was going to spend some time at the deeply religious. He often spent his Shawna Carson, a 14-year-old transfer student, shops for school supplies with her mother on her first at a university. beach to meditate after he dropped weekends with his family at their off a friend at work. local church. On the morning of Aug. 17, “You think God would like what Newport Beach police tried to make you said?” Tobin said Brown asked STUDENT PRODIGY ATTENDS CSUF contact with Brown, after his uncle her after hearing her use profanity. called in a missing persons report, After she said “no,” Brown asked, as Brown stood at the waters edge The youngest junior to ever attend the university is only 14-years-old “Then why did you say it?” wearing a white choir robe. More than 400 people attended BY SARAH EMERSON ever to attend the university. For her mother, Cheryl, having her 14-year-old According to Newport Beach Brown’s funeral on Friday. Daily Titan Asst. News Editor Carson lives with her parents in Idyllwild, a small daughter 2 1/2-hours away is not easy. Distance is Police Spokesperson Sgt. Mike Even though much of what Brown town with only two crosswalks and no stop lights. the reason Carson is coming to CSUF in the first McDermott, Brown began wading was feeling at the time remains a She follows the political elections and knows how But twice a week her parents will make the one-way place, rather than an out-of-state school like Harvard his way into the water with his arms mystery, many of his relatives feel she would vote if she could. 2 1/2-hour drive to take her to and pick her up from or Yale. out, as police approached him. that the suicide ruling is unfair. But it won’t be until the next presidential election CSUF. “It’s very scary for me, but I know that we have got Once he entered the water he They cannot understand why that 14-year-old Shawna Carson will be able to vote During the week she will stay with her grand- some good contacts here,” Cheryl said. began swimming and floating Brown would have felt the way he in an election. mother, who also attends CSUF. Carson’s first day of school was unlike most stu- toward the entrance channel at the did. “I don’t like Gore; I think Bush is a daddy’s boy “The only fears I had before coming here were dents’ experience. Television news crews followed wedge where a series of six to ten- To them, Brown drowned. — I don’t want either of them to win,” said Carson. going to a bigger campus and not knowing how the her around campus throughout the day. KTLA went foot waves began to crash on him. “I don’t like this suicide because “But if I had a choice, I’d go for Bush.” students were going to react,” Carson said. “So far with her to her first class. OCN taped her in her sec- “They saw him go into the water, they don’t know the story behind The 14-year-old political science major began this everything has been OK, so my fears have all dis- ond class. KCBS and KCOP followed her into her his head came up once, and waves it,” Brown’s aunt, Ezerlene Tobin, semester at Cal State Fullerton as the youngest junior sipated.” crashed on him,” McDermott said. said. STUDENT/ 14 Police and lifeguards lost sight of Debate surrounds summer school nCAMPUS: Surveyed Cal State Fullerton would enroll in mer,” said the Associate Vice President During the semester the state funds summer school if fees would stay the of Academic Programs Keith Boyum. about 80 percent of the cost of instruc- students want summer same as they are during the semester, Due to CSUF’s rising enrollment, tion, while students pay these costs according to a survey conducted by the the university along with the rest of during the summer. school fees to equal university in June. the CSUs, has looked at strategies that The survey also noted that of those The survey, which polled 703 ran- would alleviate the concentration of that never attended summer school, 45 regular semester domly-selected students, asked them students during the semester. percent said that the cost deterred them to rate their interest in participating One such option available is to have from enrolling. tuition in programs that could reduce the students take some of their classes dur- During the semester students often BY RAUL MORA university’s high enrollment. ing the summer. pay $604.50 for up to six units, while Daily Titan Managing Editor Of those polled, 75 percent said While the university has offered the cost of many three-unit summer source: Ed Trotter, they would be either somewhat or summer school for years, many stu- classes is $429. CSUF professor Students say that enrollment fees much more likely to attend during the dents have hesitated to enroll because “There is interest in summer school are a major factor in deciding whether summer if fees remained the same as of the price of tuition. if the fees were the same,” said to attend summer school, a survey during the regular semester. “Traditionally, in the summer, all Communications Professor Ed Trotter, conducted by the university said. “One of the things that looks like costs of instruction are paid by stu- who conducted the study. Nearly half of all students attending could happen is that students could dents,” said Director of Admissions take part of their classes in the sum- and Records James Blackburn. SUMMER/ 3 University handles parking scarci- TitAN ty during first week of new semes- e x t r a s online nPARKING: Red zones, dents keys and then issued a correspond- said. “Maybe three or four students got a ing claim check. little impatient, but that is normal.” n Check out carpool and handi- The attendants move cars from the “The first week of school, we waived aisles into designated parking spaces, the student parking fee and the daily per- the Daily capped spots used for as they become available. When leav- mits at a loss of revenue of approximate- Titan online overflow parking ing campus, students present the claim ly $25,000,” Blumberg said. “Traffic this year at http:// check to an attendant and are advised of is so heavy that the staff is assisting where the car is parked; in most cases, students with parking to help the traffic very close to where they left it flow. Our interest right now is aiding the New features and BY TErrY JOLLIFFE Thang Nguyen, a freshman hoping to students.” Daily Titan Staff Writer major in civil engineering, said he liked “But these are only short-term solu- sections will be the stack parking and hadn’t had any tions,” she added. “Our long-term available this year! With an enrollment of 25,000-plus problems. plan is to build a parking structure for students, and a mere 9,100 parking spac- Stack parking is available from 7 a.m. approximately 2,000 cars in 1 1/2 to es, Cal State Fullerton has implemented to 4 p.m. Attendants are available in the two years.” upcoming a six-week experimental stack parking parking lots until 10 p.m. to relinquish Further exacerbating the parking system, in hopes of easing the ongoing car keys. problem, 500 more parking spaces will problem. According to Paulette Blumberg, be lost in March 2001 resulting from n Part two of car show At a cost of $50,000 to the university CSUF Associate Director of Parking construction of the next phase of the series parking service, American Maintenance and Transportation, feedback has been Residential Hall Expansion Program.

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