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NOVEMBER 17 2012 of ace

Creative worship worship Creative hes launches experience festival

challenge he f The jesus s as Christm issues ADRA ISSN 0819-5633 ICC Australia, a ministry, is independent of the Seventh-day Adventist Church organisation but is supportive of the Church. Photo: Fred Zinggl Photography residential livingcourse. Mr Meyerinck iscompletinga NEWS a scholarship program. (CSFBHI) isbroadening itsscope withtheannouncementof for theBlindinSanFrancisco, USA, istheinaugural schol- a six-month independentlivingcourse atthe HatlenCentre scholarships willbeavailable in2013. to develop general life andoccupationalskills.Two $A2000 ships willassist peoplewithsightandhearingimpairments Melbourne, Victoria Creative worshipexperiencelaunchesfestival Lidia Nowicki, featured Biblereading, Joanna Darby andMsDarby’s friend, fest co-convenors NathanBrown and creativity. followed by afternoonworkshops on of tragedy, beautyandtransformation ship servicethatexplored questions It continuedthenext day withawor HopeChannel FilmmakingCompetition. screen FilmFestival andManifest’s case ofthebestshortsfrom theSON- art exhibition, live musicandashow- began inacafe-style settingwithan Adventist Youth Ministriesdepartment, March 2013. of HigherEducationwillpresent in Media Network andAvondale College Creative ArtsFestival, which Adventist to expect atthethird annualManifest October 19-20. youth rally inMelbourne,Victoria,on colourful paperbirds featured ata Wahroonga, New SouthWales Blind givenscholarshipstodeveloplife skills The Personal Pursuit andEmpowerment (PPE)scholar Christian Servicesfor theBlindandHearingImpaired Perth (WA) resident Tim Meyerinck, whois undertaking The service,presented by Mani- The rally, organised by Victoria’s It gave participantsatasteofwhat Films, flowers andhundreds of me, askingfor assis- there thathecontacted his pleasantassociation stan. “Itwas from recalling CSFBHI managerLee Dun - Logue Brook [WA],” said Vision blindcampsat Meyerinck attendedNew program. the ideafor ascholarship he provided CSFBHIwith arship recipient. Infact, “As ateenagerMr - emony for Adventist communicators Linley Lee, adinnerandawards cer of aplay writtenby Avondale alumna tion. New events includethepremiere Review andHerald PublishingAssocia- president ofeditorialservicesfor the Objector, andDwain Esmond,vice- of thedocumentaryTheConscientious Terry Benedict,producer anddirector that’s whatHecallsustoshare.” That’s whatGodcallsustobeand be sensitive anddeepfullyalive. the faithfulandcreative life should at SignsPublishingCompany. “But Mr Brown, whoisalsobookeditor often asameansofsurvival,” said hardness ofheart,inbiblicalterms— lives pushesustoward numbness—or a response. memorable experience andtoevoke tives onlivingfaithfully, tocreate a The aims:topresent biblicalperspec- music, thepaperbirds andpreaching. drama, film,flowers, live andrecorded Manifest 2013 willfeature filmmaker “So much inourworld andinour ->.—RECORD staff CSFBHI manager Lee Dunstan,, orfrom and give awrittensummary oftheirpursuit anditsgoals. related selfimprovement; mustbeendorsed by areferee; pursuing someform offormal andcertified,impairment- professionals andpractical communityexperience. dential livingcourse, which involves life skillstraining by accepting way andmakes themostofhis life,” hesaid. who endorsed hisapplication.“Hetakes his blindness inan mer pastoroftheChristianReformed Church, Peter Abetz, in theofficeofWestern Australian parliamentarianandfor assistance.” so thescholarships make aworthwhile alternative form of to operate withnon-professional volunteer counsellors, government regulation hasmadethecampstoodifficult each received asubsidyfrom CSFBHI,butinrecent years scholarship. Inthepast,New Visionblind campattendees tance. HisappealtoCSFBHIfor helpplantedtheidea for a Full conditionsandapplication information isavailable PPE applicantsmustbelegallyblindordeafand Thescholarship willsupportMrMeyerinck inaresi- MrMeyerinck, 31,hasworked for someyears, including - our faith.”—Brenton Stacey way theychallenge ustothinkabout but thatothers value creatives andthe not onlyshows Manifest isgrowing relations officerBrenton Stacey. “It is important,”saidAvondale public tor] MoeIoaneStilesandherteam [Victorian Youth Ministriesdirec- book onfaithfulcreativity. and thelaunch ofaManifest-branded service atthelaunch ofManifest. Young adultsplantflowers duringaworship •NOVEMBER 17, 2012 “The support and enthusiasm of “The supportandenthusiasmof -


Casualty of duplicity James Standish

I knew it! Yes, I know it’s ungracious to say so, but it’s financial instability. But most of us don’t know why. With- the truth. Three years ago I stopped by a newsagent in out getting too technical, this is how the mess began. Melbourne’s CBD on my way to the doctor to be treated People were given mortgages they couldn’t afford in for a particularly nasty bug I’d picked up during an other- America. But why would anyone give someone a mortgage wise wonderful visit to Papua New Guinea. they couldn’t afford? Because they got loan origination fees The newsagent launched into a laudation of Lance and then sold the mortgages to investment banks. Why Armstrong, assuming after hearing my American accent would the investment banks buy them? Because they then I suppose, that I’d heartily agree. He did not react well bundled the mortgages together into “mortgage-backed when I replied, feeling very under the weather you must securities”. But why would any sane investor purchase se- remember, that I thought Lance a drug cheat. “A cheat, curities full of dangerously over leveraged mortgages from you call the man a cheat? He’s been tested more than any investment banks? Because investors didn’t know how risky other person in history. What more do you want?” he said, they were. examining me head to toe as if this slightly dishevelled Investors didn’t understand the risks because the “inde- man with a greenish hue to his face, was the last person pendent” ratings agencies rated mortgage-backed securi- on earth who should be casting dispersions on a cancer- ties as very safe. But why would ratings agencies risk their surviving, charity-leading sports hero for the ages. reputation to rate groups of high-risk mortgages as a safe Of course, he was right. I had no evidence whatsoever. investment? It could be that they simply were incompetent. So why was I so sure? Because Armstrong won seven Tour But a number of experts have pointed to another reason: de Frances in an era when we knew for sure many of the they had a financial incentive to do so, as they were reap- riders were doping. Think about that. He wouldn’t just have ing record revenues and profits from, you guessed it, rating to be better than any rider in history, he’d have to be that mortgage-backed securities. And in order to keep the much better than any doped up rider in the most competi- mortgage-backed securities ratings business of the largest tive era in sports history. I haven’t calculated the odds on investment banks, which not only gave them the business that, but it must be somewhere around a gazillion to . but paid them for their ratings, the ratings agencies had, as But it’s not just Armstrong. I would put money, meta- one analyst put it, “a strong incentive to play along”.1 phorically you understand, that this year’s summer Olym- Eventually homeowners did the predictable—they de- pics were as much about advances in chemistry as they faulted on the mortgages they couldn’t afford in droves. were about advances in athleticism. We have had decades The mortgage-backed securities were then downgraded— now of drug cheats remaining one step ahead of enforce- many from AAA to junk status. As the securities were held ment regimes in everything from baseball to swimming, by banks, pension funds, insurance companies and even athletics to football, weight lifting to boxing. Why would we governments around the world, this downgrading depleted think the enforcers miraculously caught up with the cheats the capitalisation of many lenders. As their capitalisation this Olympics? Some of the more freakish performances shrank, so did their ability to extend new loans and the only confirm my suspicions. whole credit market froze. So everyone from small time But there is another reason I am suspicious of skull- borrowers to large companies couldn’t raise capital and duggery: human nature. You see, wherever you look in things started falling apart in every direction. the world, when the stakes are high, cheating is rife. But Tens of millions of people lost equity in their homes; arguably it’s in the world of finance where the cold face of many lost their homes in total, their jobs and their retire- avarice leads to the most dangerous cheating. ment savings. As an employee of one of the agencies that We all know we’re in a period of tremendous global (Continued page 6)

Dr Barry Oliver Senior Consulting Editor Letters [email protected] Subscriptions Official news magazine of the South Pacific James Standish Editor News & Photos [email protected] Record mailed within Australia Division Seventh-day Adventist Church and communication director Noticeboard [email protected] and New Zealand ABN 59 093 117 689 $A43.80 $NZ73.00 Jarrod Stackelroth Assistant editor Vol 117 No 24 Other prices on application Assistant editor Mail: Adventist Media Network Kent Kingston Printed fortnightly Locked bag 1115 Dora Amuimuia Sales & marketing [email protected] Wahroonga, NSW 2076, Australia Tracey Bridcutt Copyeditor Cover credit: Fred Zinggl Photos Linden Chuang Editorial assistant Phone (02) 9847 2222 Fax (02) 9847 2200 “Young adults plant flowers during a worship service at the launch of Manifest.” INSIGHT

Young people Just be still changing the world Jarrod Stackelroth You know how it is? Sometimes you feel so proud of something you feel like the buttons on your shirt could actually Psalm 46:10: pop off your chest! Now I know we “Be still, and know that I am God; should be humble and I really do be- I will be exalted among the nations, lieve that. But I just can’t help myself. I will be exalted in the earth.” I am so proud of the effort that our young people across the Division have Part of my role is to produce a devotional column for the RECORD website. made to raise funds for their special At the moment I am struggling with writer’s block and a sense of disconnection World Changers project: to provide from God. I have nothing written and my brain is not functioning how I’d like Bibles and Bible study guides for their it to. Perhaps more importantly, I am struggling with my own personal devo- fellow young people who are not in a tional life. And I can feel it. I have a hunger, a longing to feel God’s presence. A position to be able to afford to pur- creeping loneliness and unquiet lie just under the surface. That doesn’t mean chase their own. Their objective is to that I am not reading God’s Word or attempting to apply it to my life. I am raise $A1 million, not only to make sure trying to spend the time, but the quality of time has changed. It’s more like a that people can have a Bible to read chore than a pleasure. And it feels like no-one is listening. and study for themselves, but also so I’m frustrated and impatient with my wife, quicker to anger and my swear jar that they are equipped to share the (if I kept one) would be filling up. privilege and excitement of being a In this hustle, bustle world, with a phone full of apps, a TV full of stations disciple of Jesus with their secular and and a life full of distractions, how often are we truly still? Life’s worries shout unchurched friends and families. into our subconscious. We pray for protection and guidance before rushing off Wow!! We should all be encourag- on the Lord’s business. I don’t know about you but I rarely have time to stop ing each other to go above and beyond and be still, let alone being still with the sole purpose of knowing God. Even on our wildest dreams. I know our youth Sabbath, the day of rest, we are caught up in church services and ministering leaders right across the Division have to others through food and fellowship. So much of rest and recreation is about been casting the vision, raising the bar entertainment and when you’re doing nothing you feel guilty about all the and putting in the legwork to make it things you’re not doing. happen. I have read emails and Face- I encourage you today to take some time and dwell in the moment, clear book entries from excited, committed your mind of less important things and think about God and your relationship young people who want to make a dif- with Him. ference. And you will! The second part of this verse explains that He will be exalted among the na- Our World Changers Youth Con- tions and in the earth. It is a certainty. Like the wind and the waves that Jesus gress at the beginning of January in calmed with a “Be still”, the chaos and corruption of this earth will be stilled by Brisbane will be the time when all the God’s glory and power in the end. buttons will be pressed and lives will be This is not about just being quiet, meditating and having a passive Christian- changed—including our own. Be there. ity. I see this as an active command to be followed. If you need some certainty The world needs YOU. The Church in your life, be still and let God handle it. He will! He showed numerous times needs YOU. God is counting on YOU. in the lives of David, the psalm writer, and Joshua, that He was willing to go before His people to deal with their enemies. Be still, He will be exalted. In that knowledge, we need to be still, give God the time and the depth for Him to speak to and use us.

Jarrod Stackelroth is an assistant editor for RECORD.

Dr Barry Oliver is president of the South Pacific Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. NEWS Grey ADRA issues Christmas challenge Wahroonga, New South Wales As Christmas gifts and decorations begin to fill store shelves, the CEO of the Nomads Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Australia is challenging people to remember those families who go without –and give them a reason to celebrate. “Almost a quarter of all Australian households are single person house- Camp holds,” Jonathan said. “Single par- 17—25 May, 2013 ent families make up 15 per cent of our population and of these 41 per cent are Stuarts Point Convention Centre unable to earn an income. “Christmas for these families doesn’t necessarily involve celebration or family. This Christmas I’m challenging everyone The annual North New South to remember what Christmas should be Wales Conference’s Grey Nomads about and to give those that need it most ADRA gifts “give life”. Camp for 2013 will be held at the a reason to celebrate.” Mr Duffy’s remarks come as ADRA Adventist Convention Centre, Australia launches its annual “Give Life” Christmas Tree program. The Stuarts Point, NSW from 17 to 25 program sees trees erected in churches, schools and other organisa- May, 2013. tions across Australia. Instead of decorations, gift cards are hung on the branches, representing special gifts that will bring life to thousands around the world, including Australia. The event is open to Grey According to Mr Duffy, the words of John 10:10 are central to the Nomads from across Australia Christmas Tree program: “I came that they may have life; and life abun- and is an excellent opportunity for dantly”. “It’s also an easy way to give meaningful gifts amongst a season of retirees to meet and fellowship rampant consumerism,” he said. together. Guest speakers include Last year more than 1100 life-changing gifts were bought from ADRA Pastor Melvyn Hayden II and Dr John Christmas Trees. “That’s a lot of chickens, school packs and emergency kits,” Mr Duffy Hammond. said. “But more than that, that’s thousands of people who’ve been given a reason to celebrate.” To find out more about the program go to —Braden Blyde 2013 will be available soon. Any (Continued from page 4) enquiries can be directed to Debbie rated the risk of mortgage-backed securities, wrote to another before the Head on (02) 4944 3220 or via email — crash: “Let’s hope we are all wealthy and retired by the time this house of 2 [email protected]. cards falters.” Maybe he was. Or maybe he found himself clearing out his desk and walking out the door for the last time; like Armstrong, a casualty of his own duplicity. It turns out a central problem with dishonesty is that, while it can give individual advantage for a short period of time, it has a tendency to leave a wide swathe of destruction. And that destruction is nowhere better seen than in the lives of the perpetrators. When God instructed us to be hon- est, He wasn’t asking us to sacrifice an advantage. He was instructing us to embrace a gift. 1. Matthew Philips, “Did Rating Agencies Give Preference to Big Banks?”, http://www.freakonomics. com/2011/07/26/did-rating-agencies-give-preference-to-big-banks/ 2. Lorraine Woellert and Dawn Kopecki, Moody’s, S&P Employees Doubted Ratings, E-Mails Say (Update2), Bloomberg,

James Standish is RECORD editor for the South Pacific Division.

gn2.indd 1 3/10/12 12:57 PM NEWS Be in the know Wahroonga, New South Wales When was the last time you leafed through the New and Android RE- York Times at a leisurely pace, browsed Britain’s Guardian CORD apps. So, if newspaper, scoured the Economist, or even looked through you want to find the myriad of magazines and newspapers that serve your stories of interest home media market? Most of us just don’t have the time. to Adventists The good news is the RECORD team reviews a wide from the secular range of media daily to find stories that are most relevant media around to Adventists, and for the first time, we are making those the world, and stories available to you. you don’t want What kind of stories? There’s the American Academy to spend all day of Pediatrics’ surprising new conclusions about organically trawling through grown vegies; research pointing the way to a counterintui- the Bangkok Post Stories are available on web and mobile devices. tive path to reducing poverty; the heated spat between to the Jerusalem prominent Jewish and Christian leaders over Israel; and Post, visit or download the iRECORD app. It’s many, many other stories. easy, it’s free and it’s fascinating. It’s the best way to stay We are posting news stories of interest in a new section informed about the most relevant developments around on The stories also appear on the iPhone the world.—RECORD staff Students make desks for peers East New Britain, Papua New Guinea Seventy students at Kambubu Adventist Secondary School (East New Britain) are enjoying working at new desks—designed and constructed by their peers. Year 9 students from the Applied Sciences and Technical Studies Department built the desks, under the supervision of their teacher Alex Sando. The desks, constructed as part of the practical skills component of their basic woodworking course, were given to year 10 students to use. The Kambubu Board of Governors was present at the dedication ceremony. One board member said the desks being replaced were the ones he used at the school many years before. There is a need for 400 more desks to be The new one-student desks have replaced the traditional two-seater com- constructed as money and class time allow. bined desk/seat models that are widely used throughout the Adventist education system in Papua New Guinea.—Leigh Rice Camp meeting changes lives and habits Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea More than 3000 people attended the Central Papua Morning devotions Conference Regional Camp at Korela Mission station, which were conducted by saw 153 people baptised by 14 pastors. local pastors and Bible Church members came from six districts—Kwikila, Rigo- studies were held dur- Maria, Aroma, Korela, Cape Rodney and Abau district—for ing the day sessions. the 10-day camp. “The messages Special guest was South Pacific Division associate during the camp Health director, Dr Chester Kuma, who was born at Korela brought revival and and celebrated his birthday while at the camp. reformation in my Dr Kuma presented a healthy lifestyle series that im- life,” said Alova, a PNG pressed the locals and inspired many of them to make (Pukpuks) rugby union Pastor Kemo with the ordained ministers. decisions to reform their lives. player who attended The daily program began at 4am with prayer, followed the camp. by the Salvation Series by Pastor Simon Vetali at 5am, and Two ministers were ordained—Pastor Oscar Munile and the Prophecy Series by Pastor Cameron Wari and Pastor Pastor Kevin Mark.—Cameron Wari Tony Kemo at 6am. • NOVEMBER 17, 2012 7 NEWS IN BRIEF

Live long and prosper The right to convert Early findings from a Loma Linda University The United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on study of 96,000 North Americans suggest freedom of religion or belief, Heiner Bielefeldt, reducing meat and other animal products in has urged nations represented at the UN’s the diet can increase the life-span by six to General Assembly to do more to protect the 10 years. Vegans showed the clearest results right of religious conversion. In many countries in terms of healthy weight and lowered risk converting away from the majority religion is of chronic diseases.—LLU illegal and converts can face official or social hostility.—UN News

Fighting back By any means World Vision and Solomon Islands’ Church of Adventist youth in South America have hosted an Melanesia are tackling the problem of family interactive online evangelism series that attracted violence, running the country’s only women’s nearly 130,000 viewers worldwide. Featuring shelter in Honiara and providing Bible based pastor Luis Goncalves, the Contagem Regressiva anti-abuse programs. Studies show 64 (Countdown) livestream focused on end-time per cent of Solomon Islands women have events and invited viewers to respond via Twitter. suffered physical or sexual violence.—ABC Youth leaders are planning to make the series an Radio National annual event.—ANN

1000kms in 12 days Stimulant risk Eight participants undergoing a Salvation The death of a 14-year-old girl in the US who Army alcohol and drug rehabilitation program died after drinking two cans of an energy drink have cycled from their residential facility in has prompted calls for stricter regulation of Morrisset (NSW) to Port Macquarie. Along the high-caffeine beverages. Norway, Denmark the way, the group visited 16 high schools, and France have banished energy drinks to sharing their stories of addiction and raising pharmacies and Australian health groups want awareness of the dangers of experimenting clearer labelling of caffeine content.—ABC/Daily with drugs and alcohol.— Mail (UK)

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Historic education institution closes its doors by Julia Young

This year, the Greater Sydney Conference reluctantly decided to close Sydney Adventist College (SAC) after a long slide in enrolment. At its peak in the ‘80s, SAC had roughly 550 students, by 2006 it had 300 students, and that number has declined steadily over the past six years to the point where it had 146 secondary students enrolled just before the closure was announced. During the past decade, the Conference has appropriated more than $A4.2 million to keep SAC opera- tional. This year SAC would have made a substantial operational loss if it were not for Conference appropriations and significant rental income from vacant facilities. But there is good news. In 1989, there was only one full high school in the Greater Sydney Conference; today, even after the closure of SAC, there will be three. In addition, in the past decade, the total number of students in Adventist high schools in the Greater Sydney Conference has increased by 49 per cent. RECORD congratulates SAC staff and students for a wonderful job over so many years, and we’re proud to present this final report on the laudable charitable efforts of the SAC community.

From its inception in 1919 as an Intermediate High them. With good grace, some of those who could not go School, SAC has had a focus on service for others. Students with drivers waited for teachers to finish classes, and then have left from the school to pursue further study and work, together they covered the local streets on foot. Altogether, contributing to society as missionaries, doctors, lawyers, $A3700 was collected to assist ADRA in Australia and nurses, business men and women, shopkeepers, cleaners, overseas. mechanics, musicians—the list goes on and reaches into Another mission project spearheaded by the Student many fields of endeavour. Representative Council was raising money for Bibles for The school grew over time, shifting from Concord to the Solomon Islands. In order to do this, they had a mufti Auburn by 1922, then to Burwood in 1937. Here it was day and sold various delicacies to the student body. Giving Sydney’s central high school for Seventh-day Advent- further support, Year 9 and 10 Commerce students applied ist students and had an enrolment of over 100. 1953 saw their skills and raised approximately $340. The activities the school make another move—to its present site at 159 in this outreach were very successful and raised a total of Albert Road, Strathfield. It grew to be an exceptionally well- $1600–enough for 320 Bibles. resourced school that sought to foster in its students a love The last outreach involved a number of students—es- for God and learning. At the peak of its enrolment in the pecially senior students—and staff, and was organised by late 1980s it had close to 550 students. the Head of Bible, David Beebe. Once a month a group of Since then it has continued to achieve its mission in inner students went to Redfern where they ran a soup kitchen Sydney: it contains a microcosm of the diversity of chil- and a variety of activities for the residents. It was a time to dren in God’s world and seeks to model God’s love in this share the Gospel with others, and provided opportunities community, introducing pupils to Christ through a Christian for growth for students. As one parent noted, “We were at education, and supporting all of its students both academi- Redfern on Sabbath and I realised this is yet another gift cally and spiritually. you have given our family . . . We look forward to our once- Despite the decision to sell SAC, service to others has a-month visit. Not only that, but once again our daughter still been a core value throughout this year. Recently there experiences what joy can be gained through giving.” have been three significant examples. We are proud of our Sydney Adventist College students The first of these was the ADRA Appeal. At a time when and the evidence in their actions that the Gospel is leading many people do not like collecting money because it in- them to service for others—service that extends beyond the volves going door-to-door asking for support, our students school to create a lasting difference. enthusiastically volunteered and we had the embarrass- ing situation of not having enough drivers to take all of Julia Young is principal of Sydney Adventist College. • NOVEMBER 17, 2012 9 OPINION Erin Raethel

Atoifi and me Thirteen nauseating hours in a very small boat. This is how eight of my nursing classmates, our lecturer and I travel from Honiara, Guadalcanal to Atoifi Adventist Hospital on Malaita. The purpose of the two-week trip: a clinical learning experience in an isolated hospital and an introduction to medical-focused mission. We had flown to the Solomons with more than 170 kilograms of ex- cess luggage—alcohol wipes, catheters, dressings, hymnals, paediatric wall stickers, shower curtains, stationery and wall clocks. The students in the hospital’s School of Nursing are grateful for the supplies and distribute them 10 Feb - 1 Mar 2013 on the wards for immediate use. They’re resourceful too: gauze and cotton wool double as feminine hygiene pads and cone-shaped fetoscopes detect Training Centre Training Youth Bible Worker the foetal heart rate like an ultrasound. The only resident expatriates at Atoifi are a Peruvian couple, Dr Elma Ribeyro and his wife, Angelica, a pharmacist. Dr Elma can perform surgery Lay Pastoral Assistant only when the village generator is operating: 9am-12pm and 6pm-9pm. Outside of these hours nursing procedures must be conducted near win- dows or by torchlight. Dressed in scrubs with Crocs on our feet, we nurse patients who’ve fallen out of coconut trees, contracted malaria or tuberculosis, or given birth. The local women prepare a feast for us—cassava, cucumber, pawpaw, tuna and watercress. We also begin drinking coconut milk like we drink water. The continuous rain does little to dampen our spirits or drown out the harmonious voices singing praises at morning worships. Even on the wards, the nurses begin their day by conducting worship with the patients. Atoifi survives on prayer and hard work. To be a nurse at Atoifi is a challenge—professionally and personally—and a witness to how true healing comes from God. To nurse the vulnerable back to health, wherever God calls us to serve, is a privilege.

Erin Raethel is a bachelor of nursing student at Avondale College of Higher Education.

LIMITED PLACES LEFT Opinion poll ENROL NOW! What constitutes a lie? Any form of concealment EQUIPPING YOU Any misleading verbal communication for active ministry& outreach Untruths likely to harm ENCOURAGING YOU to work together Untruths spoken under oath EMPOWERING YOU in your area of gifts ENGAGING YOU To answer this poll, go to in fulfilling service .

03 9871 7555 HEALTH FEATURE with Cathy McDonald

Oils for heart health There are four different types of fat Polyunsaturated fats that have different effects on your body Many studies have shown that and most importantly on your heart: polyunsaturated fats can lower Saturated fats total and "bad" cholesterol while These increase the level of "bad" cho- maintaining the level of "good" cho- lesterol in your body. They are mainly lesterol. These fats are found in plant- found in animal-based foods, including based oils such as sunflower, safflower dairy products, eggs, meat and chicken. and soybean oil, as well as seeds and They are also high in processed foods nuts, especially walnuts and Brazil nuts. like chips, bakery products, takeaways Monounsaturated fats and many snack foods. We should limit Monounsaturated fats are also known our consumption and eat these foods to increase the levels of "good" choles- only occasionally. terol, which helps to prevent the build- Trans fats up of fatty deposits on the artery wall. Trans fats are found when a vegeta- Monounsaturated fat is found in olives, ble oil is hydrogenated, which is the olive oil, canola, macadamias, hazel- process where a liquid fat-like oil is nuts, almonds, cashews and avocados. made into a semi-solid form. These fats increase total cholesterol and LDL To maintain or improve heart or "bad" cholesterol levels. They also health we need to look at the decrease the level of "good" (HDL) foods we eat and the different cholesterol. Trans fats are used a lot types of fats in them. Reducing in takeaway food, commercial bakery the amount of saturated fats foods like cakes and biscuits, and can in our diet and exchanging be found naturally occurring in small these for unsaturated amounts in meat and dairy products. fats, such as mono or Again, limiting your consumption polyunsaturated fats, is of processed foods will reduce the a good way to do this. amount of trans fats in your diet. The perfect salad for any week night Mediterranean bean salad meal . Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: nil Serves: 8 100g baby spinach Dressing 2 cups (40g) baby rocket 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 cucumber, sliced 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar 3 roma tomatoes, cut into 1 tablespoon olive oil wedges ¼ teaspoon salt (optional) 1 cup mung beans ½ avocado, sliced 1. Place all salad ingredients into a 1 small red onion, thinly sliced large serving bowl. 420g can four bean mix, drained 2. In a separate bowl, whisk dress- nutrition Information PER SERVE: Kilojoules 873kJ and rinsed ing ingredients until combined. (209Cal); Protein12g; Fat 9g; Carbohydrate 20g; Sodium 202mg; ¾ cup kalamata olives, pitted 3. Sprinkle salad with dressing. Potassium 807mg; Calcium 90mg; Iron 3.5mg; Fibre 8g. and sliced in half Toss and serve.

Call and speak to one of our qualified nutritionists at Sanitarium Lifestyle Medicine Services on 1800 673 392 LIFESTYLE (in Australia) or 0800 100 257 (in New Zealand). Alternatively, email us at [email protected] (Australia) or [email protected] (New Zealand). Don’t forget to order our free cookbook, Food for MEDICINE Health and Happiness, by visiting our website or SERVICES • NOVEMBER 17, 2012 11 Health Wise Dr James Wright An online giving portal for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the South Pacific.

Q: I like muesli, which invariably contains lots of dried fruits such as sultanas, raisins and bananas, plus unprocessed bran and other nutritional goodies. But an hour later, I feel bloated and uncomfortable. Should I change my menu? A: Muesli is a good wholesome breakfast. However, dried fruit rapidly absorbs water in the gut, swelling to its original size. Many find this causes bloating and flatulence. Try to find one without the fruit. Alternatively, make your own. There are plenty of simple recipes around. Basically, it’s rolled oats and bran, milk powder, wheat flakes and any other grains you care to add.

Q: I know soy products are healthy but I do not like the taste. A: There are many options that will make them tastier. Use soy milk and fruit to make smoothies–kids often love these. Flavoured soy milk (no caf- feine) is available. Make dips and pastes from cooked soy beans. Add garlic, chilli, olives, sun-dried tomatoes or herbs for variety and make it tangy. Make curries and dhal to serve with rice. Soy milk can be used to make a custard, white sauce and cream soup or in lentil and bean soups for cold winter nights. Freely you have Unwell? Go to . Enter symptoms for immediate advice. received. . . If symptoms continue, see your doctor. freely MY STORY give Daniel Nathaniel, VANUATU Six years ago I joined the Seventh-day Adventist Support your church Church. There were a number through online giving of things that impressed me about the Church, but the Sabbath truth really stood ✔ Tithe out. I heard about it at an evangelistic meeting and I re- ✔ Donations alised the speaker was right– God rested on the Sabbath ✔ Offerings day, so we should too. My family did not agree. We had certain practices or habits that didn’t fit with my Convenient, safe new faith. They were of the and easy! opinion that you should be born, live and die in the same church. About a year ago my life changed dramatically when I got married. I Visit our all-new website: feel very fortunate to have my own home now, and it is our goal to always extend hospitality to others. It’s part of our Christian experience. I also have a daughter now. My hope is that I can be the kind of Christian example that will inspire her to grow up to love God. LETTERS LETTERS GIFTED BY THE SPIRIT ill-informed misrepresentation if you were also to happen Peter Marks, Qld of the many forward thinking, upon a child being physically Kudos to Kent Kingston and progressive, mission-oriented disciplined in a loving Chris- "Back to basics" (Features, Seventh-day Adventists who tian home and being given a October 20). Having thought not only delight in "keeping firm slap (with a hand on the seriously about these basic is- the unity of the spirit" (Ephe- bottom)—AFTER the child has sues for nearly 20 years, I have sians 4:3), but certainly do not been told the reason why and come to the same conclusions. hold the views reported by when parents were not "hot Perhaps one can go further the writer as commonly held, under the collar". Any bad and assert that all believers are or perceived to be held, by Ad- temper shown by parents will gifted by the Spirit of God and ventist "progressives". only cause bad temper in the through this gifting are called to Do the vast majority of pro- children. This type of disci- engage in the ministry of Jesus gressive Adventists, whether pline will often be more hurtful to a hurting world. or not they hold the label pro- (inside) for the parents, and I am energised by the gressive, wish to abandon bib- many children will sense it and thought that we, as modern lical teachings on the six-day feel remorseful. As parents to believers, can engage in the creation or human sexuality? I four sons (now adults) we cer- task of disentangling primitive seriously doubt it. tainly used other methods of Christianity from millennia of Yes, by all means, let's discipline too. We found that tradition concerning this issue. respect leadership and pray for we didn't have to administer I choose to go wherever Scrip- each other, and with each oth- the physical type very often, ture takes us. What about you? er. However, let's not use the but we certainly threatened wonderful experience of prayer them with it more often (as a US VS THEM? as a less than subtle attack deterrent)! We support Solo- Hugh Heenan, NZ on those with whom we may mon's admonition. Over several years I've disagree, such as that found in enjoyed and applauded the the last line of the article. Benjamin, via website widening array of interesting Sadly, this does not deepen Thanks for putting a bal- news reports and biblically the bonds of love but divides anced view on this touchy creative, helpful and practical them asunder. So, please, I subject. I think the more kids articles sourced by RECORD. encourage us to be above such are hit the more they will turn Note: Views in It's encouraging that our pettiness so that we can focus to hitting to resolve their own letters do not neces- talented RECORD team has set on the amazing work God is problems. It's a vicious circle. sarily represent those some even more outstanding doing amongst and through us, of the editors or and ambitious goals for "the His people. HUMBLED the denomination. best generalist magazine we Fraser Reuben, via website Letters should be less have in the Adventist Church" FIRM DISCIPLINE Thank you for sharing your than 250 words, and (Editorial, September 29). Bob & Elaine Donaldson, story ("Thieves and rust", Sep- writers must include Therefore, in order to NSW tember 29). I had a similar ex- their name, address maintain this upward curve and It's very distressing to wit- perience four years ago when and phone number. ensure that its articles remain ness child abuse, especially as my home was broken into and All letters are edited "so engaging you want to a type of punishment as you my laptop and a couple of to meet space and share them with your friends, did (Editorial, October 20). thousand dollars were stolen. literary requirements, and your friends actually want However, we'd like to As I reflected on this expe- but the author’s to read them" (ibid), I strongly submit that "genuine love" for rience I was humbled to realise original meaning will urge RECORD to avoid the one's child does not exclude I was a robber—for God was not be changed. Not inclusion of deplorable articles "physical punishment"—we there when I robbed Him of all letters received such as "Something we can prefer to call it discipline—as His money when I used to be are published. See agree on?" (same edition). you seem to indicate. (My very unfaithful in returning His Page 4 for contact The "us and them" mental- mum would use the toaster tithes and offerings (Mala- details. ity and condescending tone cord which was kept hanging chi 1-3). God reminded me of this article targeted toward over the kitchen door handle, through that experience and I Adventist "progressives" is unless I had hidden it!) thank Him for it. deeply regrettable. As is the Perhaps you would agree

Send your letters to [email protected] • NOVEMBER 17, 2012 13 The Greater Commission by Nathan Brown

he verses known as the Great Commission closing statements of this commission: “Then Jesus (Matthew 28:18–20) are among the best known came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on in the Bible—by Christians. They have been often earth has been given to me. . . . And surely I am with described as the Christian’s mission statement, you always, to the very end of the age’ ” (Matthew Tand have been emphasised, analysed and prioritised to 28:18, 20b). This commission begins and ends with Je- explain all kinds of mission and evangelistic projects. sus. His personality, power and presence are the context Mostly these focus on the going, making, baptising and in which His disciples are to accept and fulfil His mission. teaching—a formulation that has been picked apart and As such, we need to remember that these instructions put together in various ways. to Jesus’ first disciples were not so much a new assign- But sometimes we detach or skip the opening and ment but more a continuation of the mission Jesus had

14 November 17, 2012 • FEATURE

been already working among them. to share good news (see Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8), it was not a new undertaking but rather a broader The mission of Jesus field for the mission they had already been learning and Whether it was the prescribed reading for the day or doing. Jesus intentionally found the relevant verses (Isaiah 61:1, 2) in the scroll He was given to read, it was no coin- Therefore, go . . . cidence these verses were the text for His first public Because of their mission, training, service trips and sermon: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he personal experiences with Jesus, He instructed His fol- has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He lowers, “therefore go and make disciples of all nations, has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey every- to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour” (Luke 4:18,19). thing I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19,20). Neither is it a coincidence that the story of Jesus’ short Their ministry in Jesus' name was to reflect and enact sermon—“Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing” the values and principles of His ministry and the king- (verse 21)—begins Luke’s record of Jesus’ public ministry. dom He invited them to. They were to join with Jesus in Jesus—and Luke in his retelling of Jesus’ story—used His mission to lift up the last, the least and the lost. the prophecy of Isaiah to explain what Jesus was doing Church discussions sometimes seem to get stuck and was about to do. These verses from Isaiah 61 were on the apparent need to choose between a focus on adopted as Jesus’ mission statement. His ministry and service or witnessing, justice or evangelism. But when mission were to be both spiritual and we better understand each of these practical, and He would demonstrate concepts and observe the ministry that the spiritual and practical are not Church discussions of Jesus, the difference breaks down as far apart as we sometimes assume. sometimes seem to and we realise that kingdom action— For Jesus and His disciples, caring for particularly serving others—is a form people physically and practically were at get stuck on the of proclamation and leads naturally least part of caring for them spiritually. apparent need to to an invitation. We don’t choose Sometime later, Jesus’ cousin and one action or another. Rather, we forerunner, John, sent messengers to choose between a work with God in working with Jesus to ask the key question: “Are you focus on service or people, meeting their real needs by the One?” While John may have had using whatever resources God has mixed motives for the question, perhaps witnessing, justice entrusted us with. even hoping to prompt Jesus to action or evangelism. In one of Ellen White’s best- on his behalf—he got the question right. known statements, she explained it Yet Jesus’ response might be different to what we like this: “Christ’s method alone will give true success in might have expected—except that it echoes what we reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as have already seen of what Jesus said He had come to one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy do: “Go back and report to John what you have seen for them, ministered to their needs and won their con- and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those fidence. Then He bade them, ‘Follow Me.’ . . . The poor who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are to be relieved, the sick cared for, the sorrowing and are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the the bereaved comforted, the ignorant instructed, the in- poor” (Luke 7:22). For Jesus, it seems His practical min- experienced counselled. We are to weep with those that istry, care for those in need and practical love in action, weep, and rejoice with those that rejoice” (The Ministry should have been enough to convince—or remind—John of Healing, p 143). that He was the One who John had previously declared As we have seen, these two kingdom actions—service Him to be. and evangelism—were closely entwined in Jesus’ first In Matthew’s story of the commissioning of the 12 commission to His disciples and that is how His later and disciples, when He finalised the group of 12 special fol- greater commission should be similarly understood and lowers, it seems the first thing Jesus did was to send lived out. them out. He gave them an assignment with specific At its best, evangelism—bringing the good news of instructions: “As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The hope, rescue, repentance, transformation and God’s kingdom of heaven has come near’ ” (Matthew 10:7). all-embracing love—is an act of service. And, rightly This was the good news He wanted them to practise understood, service is evangelism, proclaiming and sharing—in this first instance, working only in their local enacting the kingdom of God in ways people cannot help communities. So when He left them with His final in- but notice in our lives—and theirs. structions to go and evangelise, to be His witnesses and Nathan Brown is book editor for the Adventist Media Network.

Comment? Go to • NOVEMBER 17, 2012 15 The face of Jesus To see Jesus' face: Stare at the four dots in the centre of the picture for 30 seconds then close your eyes. by Eliezer Gonzalez

eople are fascinated with what Jesus may line will show you the lengths that some people have gone have looked like. This is not strange in our modern to reconstruct what Jesus’ face may have looked like, using society that is obsessed with appearances. Maybe the image on the shroud. this is why the Shroud of Turin has created so much But people who believe the image is that of Jesus must interest—itP is claimed to be the very cloth in which Jesus’ necessarily also believe that Jesus’ head was too large for body was wrapped when He was in the tomb. The image His body, and that His nose was disproportionate, and His of the face and the body of a man, marked in cloth, has arms were unusually long, with one arm much longer than excited the imaginations of millions. the other, and that His index finger was 13 cm long. Why? The Shroud of Turin may well be the most studied Because those are the dimensions of the image on the and written about historical artefact of all. In fact, it has shroud. The representation of the human body on the cloth spawned its own academic discipline, “sindonology”, which looks suspiciously like what you might expect from an art- means the study of the Shroud of Turin. A few searches on- ist in the 14th century. This, along with a number of other

16 November 17, 2012 • FEATURE

discrepancies, has led many experts who have studied the that “he had no form or majesty that we should look at shroud to conclude it's a very skilful forgery from the Middle him, and no beauty that we should desire him” (Isaiah 53:2). Ages. In fact in Gethsemane, Judas had to indicate who Jesus The earliest historical description of what Jesus looked was to the mob by going up to Him and kissing Him. This like is found in The Letter of Lentulus, which purports to again suggests that Jesus did not markedly stand out from have been written by a Roman official, Lentulus, at the time His disciples in terms of what He looked like. Perhaps the of Tiberius Caesar. It describes Jesus as, “a man in stature scarcity of information about what Jesus looked like in the middling tall . . . having a reverend countenance . . . hair of Bible is because Jesus never wanted us to actually focus on the hue of an unripe hazelnut . . . flowing over his shoulders His physical appearance. He wanted us to focus on more . . . a full beard of the colour of his hair, not long, but a little important things. forked at the chin . . . the eyes grey, flashing, and clear; in The Bible does shed light on the body of Jesus, but in a rebuke terrible . . . sometimes he wept, but never laughed different way to what we may have expected. Paul refers to . . . in talk grave, reserved and modest, fairer than the chil- the church as the body of Christ, in which we are all differ- dren of men".1 ent but important parts of His body (1 Corinthians 12:12–27). This Jesus who never laughed is not the Jesus of the As we serve as Jesus served, we are the face of Jesus to a Bible, who attracted little children to the extent that the world that is longing to know what the face of Jesus is like. disciples had to shoo them away! In fact, the description in Jesus Himself says to us, “just as I have loved you, you also the Letter of Lentulus might be more impressive if we didn’t are to love one another. By this all people will know that know that it also is a forgery, penned you are my disciples, if you have love for in the 13th century. Despite its dubious one another” (John 13:34,35). origins, this description is historically very The Bible does Just as the Greeks looked for Jesus important because it actually determined shed light on the during His final visit to Jerusalem, so too how Jesus was painted and portrayed the cry of the untold wounded lives that right up until our modern era. That is why body of Jesus, surround you is “we wish to see Jesus” we have so many paintings of a sombre but in a different (John 12:21). And Jesus has called us Jesus with a forked beard. who love Him to be His representatives Of course, Hollywood and the film in- way to what in this world: to be His hands, to be His dustry has had an important role in form- we may have feet, to be His face. It's time for us all as ing the idea of what Jesus looked like individuals, and as a Church, to consider for many people today. Some highlights expected. carefully what is the face that we show (or lowlights) include the 1961 King of to our neighbours, to our friends and Kings with the blue-eyed Jeffrey Hunter as Jesus; the 1973 colleagues, and to the community. hippie Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar; and Franco Zeffirelli’s We can start in our families and in our churches. There is 1977 mini-series Jesus of Nazareth, in which Robert Powell, an urgent need for the face of Jesus to be seen in hus- The in the part of Jesus, only blinks once in six hours! More bands, wives, fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters. When recently, directors such as Mel Gibson have attempted to people come to our churches, they do not need to see portray Jesus in more realistically Semitic ways. In the Pas- elders, deacons and Sabbath School superintendents. They sion of the Christ, Jim Caviezel had his nose prosthetically simply want to see the face of Jesus. Because Jesus’ plan face of Jesus enlarged and his eye colour digitally altered from blue to is that until He comes again, the closest that people should brown. Still, the enhancements cannot change the fact that come to seeing the face of God is to look at your life as one Caviezel is not of first-century Judaean Semitic stock. The of His disciples. story of Jesus in film seems to be the story of our insistence But if you want to know what Jesus looks like for real, on making Jesus in our own image. then I can tell you how. Stay faithful to the end, love Him Putting Hollywood aside, historians and anthropologists always and let God mould you to be the face of Jesus to the speculate that Jesus may have been approximately 5 feet world. And one day soon, when He returns to establish His and 1 inch tall2, and would have had dark hair and eyes, with everlasting kingdom, you will certainly “see His face” olive-coloured skin. Jesus most probably had a curly/bushy (Revelation 22:4). beard, since that was expected of men in that culture, and contrary to modern representations, His hair was probably 1. The Letter of Lentulus, in the Apocryphal New Testament, tr. J. K. Elliott (Oxford Clarendon Press, 1993), 542–543. short and curly. Interestingly, we can be fairly confident that 2. This is the typical height based on the analysis of male skeletons from the 1st Jesus did not have long hair because Paul calls long hair on century Palestine. a man “disgraceful” (1 Corinthians 11:14). Eliezer Gonzalez lives on the Gold Coast with his wife Ana and their two What can we find out about Jesus’ appearance from the children. He has an MA in Theology, an MA in Early Christian and Jewish Studies, and is completing a PhD. He is passionate about evangelism and Bible? Very little. The prophet Isaiah prophesied of Jesus, the growth of the kingdom of Christ.

Comment? Go to • NOVEMBER 17, 2012 17 RECORD REWIND

First female physician by Lester Devine

Margherita (Rita) Freeman became the first Advent- an invaluable and provi- ist woman to qualify as a physician in Australia when she dential preparation for her graduated from Sydney University in 1911. Early in 1912 she new role at the Sanitarium. established a practice in Cooranbong and by mid-year this Rita began a long career extremely capable young woman had secured registra- specialising in obstetrics tion for a small Adventist hospital across the road from the and, along with her hus- Memorial Church. As the sole physician within 40 miles band, took a keen inter- she was extremely busy, but she also found time to tutor in est in the nursing training Chemistry at Avondale College. program, firmly establishing Meanwhile, things were not going well at the "San" an ethical foundation of hospital in Wahroonga. Staffed by American trained doc- spiritual principles which tors with qualifications deemed unacceptable by Australian continue to this day. authorities, the registration of the hospital was about to be Years later Rita and her withdrawn. husband took specialist Pastor J E Fulton, president of what was then equiva- training in the United King- Dr Margherita M Freeman lent to the South Pacific Division, arranged a meeting with dom which required them (1884-1979). Rita and Dr Thomas Sherwin, who had just completed his to live apart for a time. She medical training and was working at the Sanitarium. After studied gynaecology and some discussion, Pastor Fulton decided that he wanted he tropical medicine. They spent many years in Victoria: Thomas to be the hospital superintendent but for that to Thomas building up a struggling hospital at Warburton and happen the doctor needed to be a married man. So Pas- Rita establishing a strong practice in Melbourne, forty miles tor Fulton asked the two doctors whether they had ever away. This commitment, and Thomas’s duties over the considered marrying each other. Rita was silent for she years in leading out in the medical ministry of the Church in had never thought of marriage, or even having a boyfriend; the South Pacific, meant much time apart for the couple. she was far too busy in Cooranbong. Thomas on the other Rita noted late in life that while she did not love Thomas hand considered the suggestion acceptable but was con- when she married him, she in time did come to love him cerned with how Rita felt about it. On reflection, she was and that they had enjoyed many happy years together. willing, so Pastor Fulton then proposed they wed within 10 Eventually the couple moved to Western Australia and days so that he could conduct the ceremony before he left did much work to assist the elderly. Sherwin Lodge, in for a trip to Fiji. Rossmoyne, was named in honour of Thomas. Rita did The couple was married on a wet and dismal day in not fully retire from medicine until the age of 75 and when September 1912. There was no time for a honeymoon— nursing home facilities were added at Sherwin Lodge, that they had no money anyway—so both were back at work the part of the complex was named The Freeman Nursing next day: she in Cooranbong and he attending Union com- Home. mittee meetings in Sydney. Rita later stated, “We were told But that's not all—the life-long commitment to Christian not to have children as the Lord’s coming was near and we medical and evangelistic service of this remarkable physi- needed to build the medical work up to standard.” cian lives on. On the weekend of November 30 to Decem- Thomas saw Rita a week later and visited her when ber 2, 100 years after Rita began her medical ministry in he could until she moved to Sydney. Fifteen months of Australia, the Adventist Medical Evangelism Network is hard work was difficult for Rita to walk away from, espe- meeting in Melbourne. Physicians, dentists, nurses and cially when a replacement doctor could not be found even allied health professionals will come together to promote, though the Avondale Health Retreat was prospering. strengthen and build on her invaluable legacy and ministry Unusually for the time, Rita retained her maiden name (see ). for professional reasons. Once working at the San, she soon found that reputable physicians would have nothing The story of this remarkable woman has been recently published. to do with the place. She and Thomas found that every Authored by RoseLee Power, curator of the Adventist Heritage attempt at registration was rebuffed until finally, after a Centre, copies of Born To Serve can be obtained via tion and questioning, the hospital was invited to rejoin the Lester Devine is director emeritus of the Ellen G White/Adventist Research British Medical Association. Rita’s previous experience in Centre at Avondale College of Higher Education. obtaining registration for the Avondale Health Retreat was

18 NOVEMBER 17, 2012• Comment? Go to March 20 – 23, 2013 Avondale College




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Presidents’ retreat Riding with purpose Sisterly fellowship Local conference presidents and their wives Earlier this year, Wes Dose, Tom Dose “Back to the future . . . in God’s hands” was the came together for the Australian Union Confer- and Peta Rogers rode from Cooranbong theme for the South New Zealand Conference’s ence’s annual Presidents’ Retreat in Jumbunna (NSW) to Adelaide (SA), a distance of Women’s Ministries session at Living Springs (Vic) in August. With a number of presidents 1500 kilometres, to raise money for an Camp and Conference Centre in Governors Bay new to their roles, the retreat gave the men Avondale College mission trip to Brazil earlier this year. South Pacific Division Women’s an opportunity to share, plan and pray, while (currently underway). With support driver Ministries director Erna Johnson was keynote the spouses talked about issues and challenges James Folley in tow, the riders were up speaker for the event, which provided a “spiritual they faced since their husbands accepted their at 5 am most mornings and covered ap- banquet” and a wonderful time of sisterly fellow- leadership positions.—Chester Stanley proximately 150 kms per day.—Grapevine ship.—Janeth Greenaway

Male health outreach Green work West side service story Dr Brian Owler, Sydney Adventist Hospital Year 4-6 students at Hilliard Christian During the July school holidays, the Western neurosurgeon and spokesman for the Roads School (Tas) have transformed an area Australian Conference’s Youth department sent and Traffic Authority’s “Don’t Rush” campaign, on campus in much need of maintenance four StormCo teams to remote communities in headlined a Men’s Public Health Forum at Fox into a lovely garden. Under the guidance WA (Mullewa, Cue, Wiluna and Meekatharra). Valley Community church (NSW) in September. of teacher Dean Prentice, students did Teams ran kids’ clubs and worked on community It was attended by 145 people from the com- everything from pitching the idea to the projects in what has become an annual service munity and local churches, and was the second principal to persuading the local hard- event—one that community leaders and members in a series of health outreach events the church ware store to give them discounts on look forward to each year.—Uili Mauga is hosting.—Arthur Hudson plants and supplies.—Tasda

More than games First of its kind World of variety In August, the world turned its attention to Earlier this year, One God—One Tribe, a In September, Avondale School primary students the Olympics. But at Wellington Adventist new church plant for Indigenous Austral- brought the world to Cooranbong (NSW) through School in New Zealand, instead of focusing on ians, began at the Yugambeh Dreaming a variety concert. Germany, New Zealand, Austria, sports and individual achievements, the school Community Centre in Logan City, Queens- Hawaii and North America, Africa, Asia and Aus- emphasised spiritual values that the Olympics land. The Murri church is the first of its tralia were all represented through a collection can inspire. Using artworks as aids, teachers kind in the South Queensland Conference of cultural songs and dances. The school’s music encouraged their students to aspire to life and already has an average of 80 people teachers and students spent many hours prepar- goals such as purity, holiness and heaven.— attending.—Steve Piez/David Garrard ing for the concert, which was greatly appreci- Rosalie McFarlane ated by the audience.—Susan Rogers

20 NOVEMBER 17, 2012 • Send your pictures and details to [email protected] NOTICE BOARD obituaries Robbie and Jesse. Connie was a (Benora Point, NSW) and their These people would be avail- wonderful mother who worked families; and his sister, Jean Har- able for individual churches and Bolto, Jill, born 17.1.1930 in tirelessly for Jesus, whom she ris (Thornlands, Qld). Bryan was church meetings upon request. Three Springs, WA; died 14.8.12 loved. She passed away gently a man who couldn’t sit idle. He If you have skills in this area in Mitcham, Vic. On 31.8.1955, with full confidence of the resur- loved using his hands; he built his and would be willing to act as she married Brian Bolto. She rection. own home and worked for many a signer at public meetings or was predeceased by her sons, Darryl Groves, Peter Weekes years with car engines. He loved special church services in either Rod in 1985 and Greg in 1995. fishing but never caught many. a paid or voluntary capacity, She is survived by her husband; Poels, Martin Frans Willem He was a committed Christian contact Lee Dunstan, manager their sons, Steve and his wife, Antoon, born 22.4.1928 in Venray, to whom many looked up to. CSFBHI: phone +61 2 9847 2296; Linley (Croydon North), Nic and The Netherlands; died 16.9.12 in Bryan shared his faith with family, email ; post to PO Box daughter-in-law, Carol (Geelong); ACT. On 23.12.1955, he mar- up to his last moments. 1115, Wahroonga NSW 2076. grandchildren, Erin, Zoe, Tessa, ried Joujke Riemersma. He is Neil Tyler Reuben, Freya, Maxwell, Candice survived by his wife (Lyons); his and Kendall; twin sister, Judy children and their families, Esther Advertisements correction and family (Perth, WA); and the and Dale Arthur (Perth, WA), families of her siblings. Jill was a Yvonne and Geoff Ellacott (Can- Fundraising opportunities. The article “In the Beginning” creative, hospitable and friendly berra, ACT), Sylvia Harnell (Qld), Selling a delicious range of veg- (October 20) incorrectly stated woman of deep faith. She loved Roger Poels (Canberra, ACT); and etarian, vegan and GF pies and that the book in question is life and was quite an adventurous grandchildren, Rebecca, Aaron, meals. For more details contact published by Signs Publishing lady who faced life and its trau- Matthew, Maddie, Simone, Jennifer at Health Sense-sations Company. The book is distributed mas with courage and kindness. Lachlan, Melodie, Rachel, Jasmin on (07) 54639200 or email in the South Pacific by Signs She bravely fought Parkinson’s and Shirelle. As the first baptised . lished by Pacific Press. her family deeply and was very Canberra National church from proud of them. the Pastor Austin Cooke mission, Port Macquarie Primary School Morrie Krieg, Calvin Townend and holding leadership roles ever is celebrating its 60th an- Justin Bone since, he will be sorely missed. niversary November 24, 2012. Finally Sid Griffith, Neil Lawson,BJ Hayes All past students, teachers, staff Coombe, Pastor Leslie and friends invited. Details ph If you want Charles, born 3.5.1914 Shearer, Betty Marrise (nee 02 65822271 or email admin@ in Melbourne, Vic; Smalley), born 18.1.1929 in to walk on died 24.8.12 in Whitwell, Derbyshire, England; Avondale Adventist Aged Care, died 6.6.12 in Bethania, Qld. On Reduced price quality satellite Cooranbong, NSW. On 8.2.1943, 25.1.1950, she married Bryan. She kits for Adventist television and water . . . you he married Elma Blair in is survived by their daughters, radio. Full instructions for easy Melbourne, Vic. He is survived by Joy Shearer (Loganlea), Lorna DIY installation, photos, technical have to get out of his wife (Cooranbong, NSW); Watson (Logan Village) and Jan- support. $235 + freight. Australia their children, Raymond and ette Fogarty (Benora Point, NSW) only (02) 6361 3636. the boat. Daphne (Kariong), Glenda and and their families. Betty loved her Kevin Amos (Woodrising) and garden but because of ill-health Projectors, screens, wire- —John Ortberg Graham and Lorraine (Runny- couldn’t do much gardening, less microphones, amplifiers, mede, Qld); eight grandchildren; but her beloved husband, Bryan, speakers etc. Lower prices for and 16 great-grandchildren. made sure that it was exactly Adventist institutions. Australia Next RECORD Pastor Les and Elma were how she would like it. Betty loved only. Contact Trish, or December 1 ministry and more than 25 years great-grandchildren. She also (02) 6361 3636. of part-time ministry in loved her Lord, and was a fervent retirement. He served in pastoral believer in prayer. Medical practitioners needed and youth ministry, as conference Neil Tyler for the Logan Adventist Health The Real president and Avondale student Centre. Full-time and part-time mentor. Their years of ministry Shearer, Bryan Neil, born practitioners needed. Contact Christmas saw them serve all over Australia. 23.8.1926; died 20.8.12 in 0428 486 455. Card His life has been a positive Cleveland, Qld. On 25.1.1950, he influence for everyone. His motto married Betty, who predeceased Christian Services for the Blind Signs Ministry has a new was, “Not I but Christ”. Les had a him on 6.6.12. He is survived and Vision Impaired (CSFBHI) Goodwill flyer for you to positive spirit and caring manner by their daughters, Joy Shearer is wishing to create a register share with your community that will be greatly missed. (Loganlea), Lorna Watson (Logan of “signers” for the deaf in each this Christmas—in a church Kevin Amos, Raymond Coombe, Village) and Janette Fogarty conference geographic area. program or to letterbox. Ross Goldstone Stock limited.

Note: Neither the editor, Adventist Media Network, nor the Seventh- Packs of 100 1 2-9 10+ Small, Cornelia (Connie) Eliza- $AUD $22 $20 $18 beth, born 28.2.1941 in Johan- day Adventist Church is responsible for the quality of goods or services advertised. Publication does not indicate endorsement of a product or $NZ $28 $25 $22 nesburg, South Africa; died service. Advertisements approved by the editor will be inserted at the 18.6.12 in Robina, Qld. Connie following rates: first 30 words or less, $A60 +GST; each additional word, 1800 035 542 (Aus) is survived by her husband, CALL $A1.98 +GST. For your advertisement to appear, payment must be enclosed. 0800 770 565 (NZ) Frank; children, Elizabeth, Frank, Classified advertisements in RECORD are available to Seventh-day Adventist Theresa and Leonard; and three members, churches and institutions only. See masthead (page 4) for contact christmascard adored grandchildren, Frankie, details. ORDER TO • NOVEMBER 17, 2012 21 NOTICE BOARD

positions vacant Chief executive officer—ADRA Australia (Wahroonga, NSW). of interest for the position of internal audit manager for the Trans The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Australia Pacific Union Mission (TPUM) office in Suva, Fiji. The key function works with people in poverty and distress to create just and positive of this position is to develop and conduct a standardised system change through empowering partnerships and responsible action. of audit controls for local churches within the TPUM territory ADRA Australia seeks applications from qualified and experienced and provide supervision and training to local staff who assist in professionals for the role of chief executive officer. This role involves delivering the annual audit plan. For more information please visit the oversight and direction of the operations of ADRA Australia the South Pacific Division’s Human Resources website at . All applications, including resume, and management. The job description and details on how to three work-related referees, copy of educational qualifications and apply are available on the Adventist Employment website ; or by contacting Ken Vogel, General to: Human Resources, Seventh-day Adventist Church (Pacific) Secretary, Australian Union Conference, phone: (03) 9871 7555, or Limited, Locked Bag 2014, Wahroonga, NSW 2076, Australia; or email . Applications close December email ; or fax: (02) 9489 0943. Applications 2, 2012. close December 1, 2012.

Lecturer/senior lecturer (Accounting)—Pacific Adventist Human resources manager—Avondale College of Higher University (PAU) (Port Moresby, PNG). The School of Business Education. This fantastic opportunity is for a senior hands-on HR at PAU is seeking highly qualified and experienced applicants for generalist with a solid track record in delivering employee advice this role commencing January 2013. In addition to the preparation and coaching in areas such as employee relations, industrial and delivery of lectures and other related duties, this position will relations, performance management, change management and HR be responsible for developing high quality educational material for policy. The successful candidate will be tertiary qualified in human undergraduate or postgraduate students and be involved in some resources/industrial relations or in a related discipline; have a proven postgraduate research supervision. For further information and track record of delivering HR, IR and enterprise agreement services specific selection criteria, please visit the South Pacific Division’s to business; have exceptional interpersonal skills including the ability Human Resources website at All to influence and mediate conflict, along with a strong understanding applications, including your CV, three work-related referees, copy of organisational culture and its dynamics. For enquires phone of educational qualifications and a character reference or contact Bronwyn Humphries on (02) 4980 2284, or email . For more information, selection Director, Pacific Adventist University, Private Mail Bag, Boroko NCD criteria and the application procedure, visit . Applications close December 17, 2012.; fax: (675) 328 1257. Applications close November 30, 2012. Country director, ADRA Vanuatu (Port Vila, Vanuatu). The role Head of department: Education—Fulton College (Fiji). of the ADRA Vanuatu country director is to provide visionary and The Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Pacific is seeking to strategic leadership to ADRA Vanuatu so that it fulfils its mission as appoint a head of department for Education at Fulton College. the humanitarian development and relief agency of the Seventh- This senior position requires a leader capable of inspiring staff day Adventist Church in the area. The country director also ensures and students alike, with a strong academic background and that ADRA’s administrative operation is professional, efficient, is leadership experience. For more information please visit the financially accountable and sustainable, provides a positive and South Pacific Division’s Human Resources website at . All applications, including resume, model of Seventh-day Adventist values. For more information three work-related referees, copy of educational qualifications and please visit the South Pacific Division’s Human Resources website the contact details of your local church pastor, must be forwarded at . All applications, including to: Human Resources, Seventh-day Adventist Church (Pacific) your CV, three work-related referees, and the contact details of Limited, Locked Bag 2014, Wahroonga, NSW 2076, Australia; or your local church pastor, must be forwarded to: Human Resources, email ; or fax: (02) 9489 0943. Applications Seventh-day Adventist Church (Pacific) Limited, Locked Bag 2014, close December 1, 2012. Wahroonga NSW 2076 Australia; or email ; or fax to (02) 9489 0943. Applications close December 2, 2012. Head of department: Theology—Fulton­­­­­­­­ College (Fiji). The Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Pacific is seeking to Departmental assistant (Adventist Health Ministries)—South appoint a head of department: Theology for Fulton College. The Pacific Division (Wahroonga NSW). An excellent opportunity for role involves supervising the overall program of the Theology an enthusiastic and competent departmental assistant has become department, including developing and casting a vision for the available within the Adventist Health department of the South Pacific department in consultation with the administration. It requires a Division. If you like variety in your work, enjoy being challenged leader capable of providing spiritual leadership, nurture and support and want to be part of a ministry team making a difference, then to both staff and students. For more information please visit the this role could be for you. Based in Wahroonga NSW, this full-time South Pacific Division’s Human Resources website at . All applications, including resume, who has excellent office administration, personnel and customer three work-related referees, copy of educational qualifications and service skills. The successful candidate should be eligible to work the contact details of your local church pastor, must be forwarded in Australia. For more information please visit the South Pacific to: Human Resources, Seventh-day Adventist Church (Pacific) Division’s Human Resources website on www.adventistemployment. Limited, Locked Bag 2014, Wahroonga, NSW 2076, Australia; or All applications, including your CV, three work-related email ; or fax: (02) 9489 0943. Applications referees and the contact details of your local Adventist church close December 1, 2012. pastor, must be forwarded to: Human Resources, Seventh-day Adventist Church (SPD) Ltd, Locked Bag 2014, Wahroonga, NSW Internal audit manager—Trans Pacific Union Mission (Fiji). The 2076 Australia; or email ; or fax to (02) Seventh-day Adventist Church (Pacific) Ltd is seeking expressions 9489 0943. Applications close December 16, 2012. For more vacant positions or to advertise, go to .

22 NOVEMBER 17, 2012 •

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