1804 SUBSCRIBERS (Sec, G. W. Rusden) £866 Shakespeare Scholarship. 1871 HENRY TOLMAN DWIGHT 6000 Prizes tor History and Education. i871H71 f EDWARD WILSON - I 1000 Argus Scholarship in Engineering. ( LACHLAN MACKINNON! " 1873 SIR GEORGE FERGUSON BOWEN 100 Prize for- English Essay. 1873 JOHN HASTIE 19,140 General Endowment. 1873 GODFREY HOWITT: - . - - 1000 Scholarships in Natural History, 1873 SIR WILLIAM FOSTER STAWELL 60S Scholarship in Engineering, 1875 SIR SAMUEL WILSON- 30,000 Erection of Wilson Halt 1883 JOHN DIXON WYSELASKIE - 8400 Scholarships. . 1884 WILLIAM THOMAS MlOLLISON 6000 Scholarships in Modern. Languages. 160. Prize (or 'Mathematics, in memory of Prof. 1884 SUBSCRIBERS .... Wilson. 2000T Scholarships for Physical and' Chemical Re­ 1887 WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT • search. . 1887 FRANCIS ORMOND 20,000- Professorship of Music. 10,837 Scholarships in Chemistry. Physics, Mathe- 1890 ROBERT DIXSON .... . matics and Engineering. 1890 SUBSCRIBERS .... 6217 Ormond Exhibitions m Music. ' 1891 TAMES GEORGE BEANEY - 8900 Scholarships in Surgery and Pathology. 1894 DAVID KAY 6764 Caroline Kay Scholarships. 760 Research Scholarship in Biology,, In memory 1897 SUBSCRIBERS .... of Sir James MacBain* BENEFACTIONS. (Continued). 1902 ROBERT ALEXANDER WRIGHT 1000 Prizes for Music and (or Mechanical Engineer­ ing. 1902 WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT - • 1000 Metallurgical Laboratory Equipment. 1903 JOHN HENRY MACFARLAND - - 100 Metallurgical Laboratory Equipment. 1903 GRADUATES' FUND .... 468 General Expenses. 1903 TEACHING STAFF 1150 General Expenses. including Professor Spencer £268 Professor Gregory 100 Professor Masson 100 1903 SUBSCRIBERS 105 Prize in memory of Alexander Sutherland. 1903 CEORGE McARTHUR .... Library of 2,500 Books. 1904-5 SUBSCRIBERS TO UNIVERSITY FUND President—Janet Lady Clarke Treasurer—Henry Butler Secretary—Charles Bage o SI'KCIM, FOUSDATIONS— a! MRS. AUBREY BOWEN - - - 500 Equipment of Pathological Museum. HENRY BOURNES HIGGINS 1000 Scholarship for Study of Poetry. DAVID SYME 3000 Prize for Scientific Research in . FREDERICK SHEPPARD GRIM­ WADE 1000 Prize for Technical Chemical Research. MR. AND MRS. A. E.-T. PAYNE ") AND MR. AND MRS. J. W. f 400 Exhibition in Veterinary Science. PAYNE ;- -.- ) SIR HENRY TOHN WRIXON • - 000 Exhibition in Agriculture. MEMBERS OF BAR ASSOCIA­ TION ...... 047 John Madden Exhibition in Law. SUBSCRIBERS (f>c. n. T. Larking) 1056 Chamber of Commerce Exhibition, and Prizes at Commercial Examinations. BENEFACTIONS (Continued). o-. DONATIONS OP £100 AND VPWARDS- ANDREW CARNEGIE • 1000 Buildings and Equipment. PROPRIETORS OF "THE ARGUS" 100 NEIL WALTER BLACK - 100 MRS. WALTER BRIDGES 100 JANET LADY CLARKE - 100 SIMON r/RASER 100 SIR SAMUEL GILLOTT - 100 JOHN GRICE - 100 WESLEY R. HALL - 100 ALICE MANIFOLD 100 CD EDWARD MANIFOLD - 100 WILLIAM T. MANIFOLD 100 DAVID ORME MASSON - 100 MELBOURNE MEDICAL ASSO CIATION .... 205 MRS. ALBERT MILLER - 100 MRS. EDWARD MILLER 100 S WALTER BALDWIN SPENCER 100 9! GEORGE ALEXANDER STEPHEN 100 JOHN TRAILL 100 WILLIAM WEATHERLY loh MRS. WILLIAM WEATHERLY 100 OTBER DOSATIOSS- 128(1 1907 MRS. EDITH LANSELL 1200 George Lansell Scholarship in Mining Engineering. 1907 MRS. JESSIE LEGGATT 1000 Scholarship in Law. 1908 WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT 200 Research Scholarship in Geology. 1908 SUBSCRIBERS 110 Equipment of Anatomy School. 1908 HERMAN HENRY SCHUAPP 400 Ore-lredttnent Plant 1908 SUBSCRIBERS in BENEFACTIONS (Continued). 1909 JAMES STEWART 26,624 Scholarships in and Advancement of Anatomy, Medicine and Surgery. 1909 JAMES CUMING • 1000 Prize for Agricultural Chemistry. 1909 JAMES CUMING .... 1000 For Veterinary Operating Theatre, 1909 SUBSCRIBERS .... 260 Dublin Prize. 1910 SUBSCRIBERS . - - - - 184 Jamieson Prize. 1910 GEORGE SWINBUBNE - 160 For Purchase of Apparatus, 1010 T. EDWARDS Machinery valued at £206. 1910 N. GDTHEIDGH LTD. - - - Machinery valued at £ 140. 1910 PER B. B. 8ILBBRBBBO & CO. Machinery valued at £150, donated by F. W. Braan and W. Alnsworth As Sons. tt 1911 ALEX. COWAN & SONS LTD. I CROSSLEY BROS. LTD. - i 150 Ore-treatment Plant, R 1911 NEIL WALTER BLACK 2065 At disposal of Faculty of Science. s 1911 MRS. M. B. FULTON - 969 For Medical Scholarship. 1911 JAMES WILLIAM BARRETT 500 Department of Anthropology. q 1911 SUBSCRIBERS .... 102 Professor Morris Prize. 1912 WILLIAM HARBISON - 2500 Harbison-Higinbotham Scholarship. 5 1912 MADAME MELBA - - - - 10UO Melba Hall. 1912 BABCOCK & WILCOX LIMITED Machinery, valued at £100. a: 1913 SUBSCRIBERS .... 189 Professor Laurie Prize. 1913 MRS. JESSIE ALEXANDER BAIRD CURRIE 600 John Baird Bursary. 1913 J. BARTRAM & SON - Machinery valued at £100. 1913 DAVID SYME CHARITABLE TRUST 500 Equipment for Experimental Physiology. 1913 SUBSCRIBERS .... 622 Physiology Extension. 1913 MISS MARY L. REID • 300 Melba Hall. 1913 JAMES WILLIAM BARRETT -» 276 Mr. Albert Mansbridge's Expenses to Aus­ tralia. 1913 MRS. ROBERT REID - 100 Melba Hall. 1913 JOHN GRICE .... 1000 Temporary Cancer Research Scholarship. 1914 JAMES WILLIAM BARRETT 600 Clinical Research Fund. BEA E FA CT10NS (Continued). 1914 GEORGE ADLINGTON SYME - • 260 Clinical Research Fund. 1914 SUBSCRIBERS 104 Clinical Research Fund. 1916 ALEXANDER MORRISON ... 276 Advancement of Knowledge of Nervous ' System. 1916 MR. AND MBS. JAMES GOSSIP MELVIN 1000 John Melvin Memorial Scholarship. 1916 MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH LEVI - • 1000 Keith Levi Memorial Scholarship. 1916 WALTER AND ELIZA HALL TRUSTEES 360 p.a. Veterinary Science Research Fellowship. 1916 SUBSCRIBERS - - - - • 220 G. C. Mathison Memorial Lectureship. 1917 PRINCIPAL BASE METAL COM- A trust formed for the purpose ot awarding in PANIES the University of Melbourne each . year two Bursaries in Mining and Metallurgy. 1917 MRS. EDWARD BAQB - - • • 1050 Robert Bage Memorial Scholarship. 1919 MRS. ANNIE WILSON ... - 2000 R. G. Wilson Scholarships. ORIENT LINE OF ROTAL MAIL Three First-Class Return Passages an- STEAMTJRS nually from 1909 to 191 fi and ORIENT ANt> P. & O. COS. (Joint- from 1919 to 1920. ,ly) - ...... -- Three Flrat-Class Return Passages an­ nually , for 1921 and 1922. 1920—1 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE UNIVERSITY APPEAL. COMING. SMITH & CO. PTY. MB. 4 MRS. W. B. SWANTCN - :000 LTD. - - - - - 5250 DUNLOP RUBBER CO. OF AUS- SIR J. M. & LADY HIGGINS - S200 TRALASIA 1000 Mil. & MRS. F. KNIGHT - - 5000 VICTORIAN SAILORS AND' SIR JOHN GRICE - - - 2000 SOLDIERS' INSURANCE ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Q. TRIJST - - - - 1000 SWEET .... 1500 WALTER & ELTZA HALL UNIVERSITY WAR MEMORIAL TRUST ----- 750 COMMITTEE - - - 1037 LEGAL PROFESSION OF VIC- HON. W. M. McPHERSON - • 1022 TORIA .... 739 SIR JOHN MACFARLAND - • 1000 SIR JOHN MONASH - BOO JOHN SANDERSON - - - 1000 Q A. SYME 500 ESTATE* LATE H. QYLBS TCR- MR. JUSTICE HIGGINS - - 600 • ,: NEB .... 1000 HENRY ' BERRY & CO. PTY; H. B. HOWARD SMITH - - 1000 LTD ... . . 500 J. F. W. PAYNE - - ' - - 1000 MESSRS. BAILLIEU ... 500 MRS. ALBERT MILLER - - 1000 EDWARD STEVENS ... 600 NATIONAL BANK OF ADS- HERBERT BROOKES ... 600 TRALASIA • ' • 1000 MBS. F. W. ARMYTAGE - - 600 BENEFACTIONS (Continued). 80-1 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE UNIVERSITY APPEAL (Continued) HOWARD SMITH LTD. - - 500 NEW ZEALAND LOAN & MER ESTATE LATE G. SWEET - - 500 CANTI'LE AGENCY ,CO A. T. DANKS 000 LTD...... 150 A.N.T. ------450 PROFESSOR ATKINSON - 150 JOHN RUSSELL MACPHERSON McNAUGHTON, LOVE & CO FUND. PER MR. F. A. PTY. LTD. - 103 • MODLE .... 400 VISCOUNT NOVAR 100 NO. 1 REST HOME - - - 307 SIR ARTHUR L. STANLEY 100 SUBSCRIBERS FOR SPENCER SIR. W. H. IRVINE - 100 PRIZES 299 GEORGE. SWINBURNE 100 M M. BRODIE .... 250 MRS. WILLIAM SMITH 100 WILLIAM G. SPRIGG - 260 DR. DAVID GRANT - 100 GENERAL H. W. GRIMWADE - 250 £. E. D. CLARKB - 100 W. RUSSELL GRIMWADE - 250 A. S. AUSTIN - - - 100 PATERSON, LAING & BRUCE D. E. McBRIDE - 100 LTD...... 250 MRS. M. A. MILLS 100 GEORGE FAIRBAIRN - 250 H. T, WILSON 100 STEWART O. BLACK . - - 250 M. P. HANSEN 100 M1CHAELIS, HALLENSTEIN & PHILIP lUJSSEI.L 100 CO. PTY. LTD. -.- 250 PROFESSOR HENRY LAURIE 100 KODAK (AUST.) PTY. LTD. - 250 MRS. M. AND MR. A. £. GRANT 100 BALL & WELCH PTY. LTD. - 250 MISS HILDA GRICE - 100 CALEDONIAN COLLIERIES MISS ELSA GRICE 100 LTD...... 250 MR. AND MRS. C. W. MILLER 100 AUSTRALIAN STEAMSHIPS ALEC. L.' LANE - 100 LTD...... 260 CAPT. AND MRS. S. M. BRUCE 100 DALGETY & CO. LTD. - - 250 MRS. JESSIE S. FRASER 100 MelLWRAITH, McEACHARN'S L. F. MILLER 100 LINE PTY. LTD. ... 250 DR. J. P. WILSON 100 J. H. GRICE 250 JOHN MAY .... 100 MRS. J. T. WEATHERLEY - 200 ROBERT, REID & CO. LTD. .100 SIR JAMES BARRETT ... W0 D. M. FRASER 100 ^ AUSTRALIAN PAPER & PULP MR. JUSTICE SCHUTT ioo S CO. LTD, .... 160 J. NEVILLE FRASER - 100 100 AMOUNTS UNDER £100 - 8437 J. G. MELVIN 100 o 1922 ESTATE LATE DR. BEATTIB SMITH 1000 Lectures in-Insanity. 58 SIR J. M. HIGGINS - - - - 2500 Veterinary Research, VIC. CHAMBER OF MANUFAC­ TURES 1500 pa. General Endowment. ESTATE LATE SIR SAMUEL GILLOTT .-- - 23.900 General Endowment. C. E. E CHILDERS ... - 100 Childers Memorial- Prize. ABERDEEN, BLUB FUNNEL, Three First-Class Return Passages on- COMMONWEALTH, ORIENT nually from 1923. and P. & O. LINES (Jointly) SIR JOHN GRICE 300 Architectural Library. SIR JOHN AND LADY HIGGINS 2000 Veterinary and Agricultural Research. ®be Itaivcttitt) of ptlbouvne.



MAT IT PLEASE YOUK EXCELLENCY, I have the honour, in accordance with Section 2*1 of the University Act, 1915, to submit to your Excellency the following report of the proceedings of the" University dnring the past year: —

1.—NUMBERS OF STUDENTS. The number of students in each of the last six years is shown in the following Table, in which students of the Ooneervatoriunij of Music are not inclnded. The figures include Research Students: — XAKlUg Taking Year. Coorwfor Single Subjects. Total. Dejrree. 1917 ... 1.072 ... 132 ... 1,204 1918 ... 1,244 75 ... 1.319 1919 ... 1,739 ... 101 ... 1,840 1920 ... 2,163 ... 203 2.366 1921 ... 2.244 ... 232 ... 2,476 1922 ... 2.214 235 ... 2,449

2.—STUDENTS ATTENDING LECTURES. The following table shows the number "of students attending lectures at the University during the year 1922 (including Evening Lectures): — 802 ANNUAL KKPOHT, 1M2-1S2S.

Schools. J ii is- a 8 Ii «0G 1 2S 602 Education - 87 87 8 Science 08 64 64 11 35 230 217 „ Cleika - se 86 Medicine 111 111 202 153 117 37 731 Publio Health 3 Dentistry 27 32 48 40 142 Engineering 47 46 46 37 11 1S7 Arohiteoture 16 11 8 35 70 Agriculture 17 8 3 28 Veterinary • 1 4 8 6 19 9 9 Total • 286 276 451 247 117 235 2449 * In these schools the division of the course Into years has been abolished. The number attending Evening Lectures was 243, the number of women students was 502; the number of Free Students nominated by the Education Department was —For Education, 40 j for Agriculture, . 22; for Mining, 15; for Veterinary Science, 11. There were also the following Free Stndents nominated b.v the Advisory Committee of the University High School:— For Arts, 1 ; for Law, 2 ; for Science, 2; for Medicine, 3 j for Engineering, 1 ; and in addition War Bursars :— For Law, 1; for Science, 1; for Mediciae, 5.

3.—CONSERVATORIUM OF MUSIC The corresponding figures for the Conservatorium of Music are as follow ; ANNUAL REPORT 1922-1023. 803

V, Course. u Is 1 Degree ot Mus. Bac. 2 7 6 15 Diploma in Music • SO 22 17 80 Other Students 114 Total ..... — — 198 Of these 30 were men and 168 women students, one of the latter being a War Bursar.

4.-ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS. The number of candidates for degrees of Bachelor and for Diplomas who presented themselves and who passed their respective Annual Examinations at the examinations of December, 1922, and March, 1923, is shown in the following table:—

First Second Third Fourth Tot Year. Year. Year. Year.

•a S Schools. t •D t 3 •d 1 •8 7 SG s f. Ii I 1 1! a. 0. £ a1. a. a, c a. P. »1. Arts - • - _ 706 628 Education • — — 91 78 — — 91 73 Science 80 46 63 47 67 44 200 137 Law . • . 262 245 Dentistry - 27 17 26 23 45 34 37 35 135 109 Engineering 60 44 33 28 36 SO SC 34 165 134 Architecture 16 7 8 4 7 7 — 31 18 Agriculture 17 i 13 7 7 3 3 _. 27 23 Veterinary • f — 3 3 8 8 7 7 18 18 Musio - 31 25 26 21 23 18 79 64 — — Q Pub. Health _ _ 8 Journalism fi 6

* In these schooll the division ot the course into years has been abolished. The following are the corresponding figures of the Divisional Examinations in the Medical Course on account of the year 1922-23. 804 ANNUAL REPORT, 19221923.


DIVISION I. Division IU. DIVISION II. DIVISION III. DIVISION IV. •8 3 1 t 3 i c a- 1 1 1 s 1 l | 1 0. a. 0* a. a. a. 0. a. 1a. & 108 69 107 88 197 161 102 144 IW 106 The number who have presented themselves and passed at the examinations for higher degrees is as follows : — EXAMINATIONS VOB HIOHBE DZOBXBS. Presented. Passed. Master of Arts 6 - 3 Master of Science - 11 - 10 Master of Surgery - * 0 Master of Civil Engineering • 1 - 0 Master of Agricultural Science 1 - 1 Doctor of Letters ... 5 4 Doctor of Laws 1 I Doctor of Medicine 22 - 9 Doctor of Dental Science 4 - 1 Doctor of Music ... I 1 5.—DEGREES CONFERRED. The number of degrees conferred and diplomas and licenses granted during the year 1922-2S including admissions of graduates of other Universities is given below: Bachelor of Arts— Ordinary degree 90 Degree with honours 43 Bachelor of Science 52 Bachelor of Laws ... 48 Bachelor of Medicine and ) Bachelor of Surgery ) 106 Bachelor of Civil Engineering - 9 Bachelor of Mining Engineering - 3 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering 9 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering 1 Bachelor of Music 4 ANNUAL REPORT, 1912-1923. 805 Bachelor of Dental Science 35 Bachelor ot Veterinary Science - 6 • . . . Master of Arts ...... - 40 Master of-Science - - - - 2 Master of Laws - - - - 6 Master of Civil Engineering - -.-3 Master of Agricultural Science - . 1 Doctor of Letters ... 3 Doctor of Science - - - 1 Doctor of Laws •-•-.. - I Doctor of Medicine - - - 14 Doctor of Music 1 Doctor of Dental Science - - 1 Diploma in Music - • - 11 Diploma of Education - - - 53 Diploma of Public Health - - - ' 3 Diploma of Architecture . - -. 5 Licence in Veterinary Science • I 6—PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. - The following table shows the number of candidates -who presented- themselves for and who passed the School Intermediate and the School Leaving Examinations . of December, 1922 and February, 1923, and the percentage .'of passes in each case :—

Entries Per­ \uniber to Nuinlwr centage KxniiiinatioiiM. of Pass Entries Exaini­ Passed of nation. Passes

DKCKMBKR. School Intermediate .. j 7010 3415 1222 36.78 1902 641 33.70 FKBRI'ART. School Intermediate 1 1068. 679 54.72 School Leaving ' j 2897 095 309 44.46

Class A candidates are included in the figures given above. Of these 563 in December and 68 in February were granted the Intermediate Certificate (and are included.above as having passed the examination) on the Head- •'master's Certificates produced by them; and a further 234 in December and 30 in February were on similar certificates allowed credit for certain subjects towards the Intermediate Certificate. Further 14 Class A candidates, entitled to partial exemption from the Intermediate Kxamfnation, presented Headmaster's Certificates and of these 7 completed the examination. 806 ANNUAL KEPOKT, 1922-1923.

7.—PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS IN MUSIC. The number of subjects- entered for and passed at the Examinations in Music conducted by the University during the year 1922-1923 was as follows :— September, 1922— Total number of entries - - 3679 Total number of passes - - -2937 May, 1923— Total number of entries . - - 7.98 Total number of passes - - . 013

8.—COUNCIL. In March, Sir John MacFarland was elected Chancel- lor, and Sir John Grice, Vice-Chancellor for the en­ suing year. In June, however, on the completion of his then current term of office as a member ot the Council, Sir John Grice decided not to seek re-election; and to fill the vacancy- in the office of Vice-Chancellor, Sir John Monash, G.C.M.G., was elected. To mark- Sir John Grice's retirement, after 35 years' service ou the Council, a public meeting was held, at which all sections of the University were well repre­ sented, and a resolution was passed, expressing the deep regret of tbe whole University at his retirement, and the feeling of gratitude for the very valuable services rendered to the University during his long period of service. The Hon. Theodore Fink has also retired from the Council, after 15 years' service, and the Council adopted a resolution, expressing its thanks for his services to the University and to education generally in Victoria. To fill these vacancies, Sir Robert Gibson and Mr. M M. Phillips, M.A., have respectively been elected. Sir Walter Manifold also has retired, owing to ill- health, and the Hon. J. P. Jones, M.L.C., has been appointed by the Governor in Council, to fill the vacancy. Mr. Swinburne and Mr. Tate, whoso terms of office had expired, have been re-elected for five years. Leave of absence has been granted to Dr. Bride, Sir Leo Cussen and Mr. Tate; during their absence on visits to Europe; to Sir Harry Allen, for six months, on account of ill-health; and to Mr. Justice Higgins, Sir ANNUAL REPORT, 1922-1923. 807

John Monash, Sir John Mackey, Mr. Swinburne, and Mr. Eggleston, for short periods of absence.

- 9,—PHOFESSOES. The Council records with pleasure, the honour of Knight of the Order of the British Empire, conferred on Professor Sir David Masson. Sir David has held a very high place in the scientific world for very many years, and the gratification of those outside the Uni­ versity who know of him ond his -work, was reflected ia the action of an important business organisation, which wrote to the. Council and .congratulated it on the honour done to the University in the person of Sir David Masson. Dr. John Alexander Gunn, of the University of Liv­ erpool, has been appointed Director of Tutorial Classes (with the rank and title of Professor), and took up his duties in March. Professor Woodruff has been re-appointed for a fur­ ther period of five years. Professor Nanson, on his retirement from his chair, was appointed Emeritus Professor of Mathematics. Professor Ewart has been granted six months' leave of absence (including the long vacation), for the pur- pose of enabling him to attend the Liverpool meeting of the British Association for the advancement «f Scienoe, and to collect the latest information as to the fitting and equipment of Botanical Schools. Professor Wallace has been granted leave of absence from lecturing during the current year on the ground of ill-health, from which tihe Council is glad to know he is making a satisfactory recovery. Professor Woodruff has been granted leave of ab­ sence for 1924, partly for the purpose of studying in Europe the latest work in animal diseases, and prob­ lems of Immunity. Dr. McKellar Stewart, Associate Profeesor of Philo­ sophy, hoe resigned in order to accept the Hughes Chair of Philosophy in the University of Adelaide. Dr. Stewort's appointment followed very closely on that <>f Profeesor Strong to the Jury Chair or English, also in Adelaide, and the Council is gratified at this preferment of highly valued members of the staff to full Professorships. 808 ANNUAL REPORT, 1922-1923.

10.—LECTUEEBS. Dr. J. H. Anderson. Senior Lecturer in Anatomy, has resigned, and has gone to England to enter into practice there. His resignation was received with very great regret, as he was highly valued as a member of the staff of the Anatomy School, and also for the in­ fluence he wielded in the- University generally. Mr. A. H. Merrin, after many years' service as Inde­ pendent Lecturer in Mining, found himself unable, after his appointment as Secretary for Mines, to continue to carry out the duties, aud submitted his resignation, which was accepted with much regret. The following new appointments of Lecturers and Demonstrators have been made during the year :— Mathematics—Lecturers— B. J. A. Barnard, M.A. G. Gundersen, B.Sc. M. H. Belz, M.Sc. English—Lecturer—\V. T. Price, M.A. Veterinary Pathology and Bacteriology— Lecturers— H. E. Albiston. B.V.So. H. W. Bennetts, B.V.Sc. (including also Mat­ eria. Medica and Pharmacy). Demonstrator—A. W. Turner. Pathology—Stewart Lecturer G. B. Cameron, M.B., B.S. Beaney Scholar— W. H. J. Moore, M.B., B.S. Anatomy—Stewart Lecturer— C. H. C. Searby. M.B., B.S. Principles of Viticulture—Lecturer— P. de Costello. Principles of Horticulture—Lecturer P. J. Carmody. Plant Pathology—Lecturer—C C. Brittlebank. Woololassing—Lecturer—S. W. McDonald. French—Assistant Lecturer— V. N. T. Karagheusian. Psychology, Logic and Ethics—Evening Lecturer— K. S. Cunningham. M.A. Engineering Design and Drawing—Assistant Lecturer—G. M. Memfcrey. B.C.E. ANNUAL REPORT, 1922-1923. 809

Philosophy—Tutor—C. H. Murray. B.A. French—Tutor—Margaret S. Schollick. German—Tutor—Dorotheo E. Coverlid, M.A. Law—Tutor—J. H. Moore, L.L.M. Botany—Demonstrator—Lesley B. Kerr, B.Sc. Electrical Engineering—Demonstrator—W. Thorn. Bio-Chemistry—Demonstrator— Kathleen Semmens. B.Sc. Physiology—University Scholar—Harley Baird. In addition, a large number of part-time Demonstra­ tors have been appointed in the various departments. The following new appointment at the Conservatorium of Music has been mode:— Violin—Chief Study—Mr. G. Ivonoff. The usual appointments of clinical instructors at the Melbourne, Alfred, and St. Vincent's Hospitals have been mode. The following new appointments on the staff of the Australian College of Dentistry have been approved: — General Surgery Pathology and Bacteriology— Lecturer—C. W. Adey, M.B., B.S. Dental Mechanics and Metallurgy—Lecturer— J. Folack, D.D.Sc. Medicine—Lecturer— M. D. Silberberg, M.D.

11.—EXAMINEES. The following examiners were appointed: — 1. For the Medical Course— Regional and Applied Anatomy— Dr. H. D, Stephens Materia Merica Dr. C. Bage. Pathology and Bacteriology—Dr. E. J. Bull. Therapeutics—Dr. A. E. B. White. Public Health—Dr. E. Robertson. Forensic Medicine—Dr. J. T. Brett. Medicine—Dr. K. Hiller, Dr. S. V. Sewoll. Dr. A. V. M. Anderson. Clinical Medicine— Dr. R. E. Stawell, Dr. J. P. Wilkinson, Dr. B. H. Strong, Dr. H. H. Turnbull, Dr. M. D. Silberberg, Dr. H. Laurie, Dr. 810 ANNUAL REPORT, 1M2I92S.

A. E. B. White, Dr. S. W. Patterson, Mr. F. B. Lawton. Diseases of Children— Dr. H. D. Stephens, Dr. S.'W. Ferguson. Surgery—Mr. T. E. L. Lambert; Dr. M. Morton, Mr. A. F. Maclure. Clinica.! Surgery— Dr. J. Gordon, Mr. J. S. Buchanan, Mr. H. B. Devine, Mr. E. C. Brown, Dr. T. E. V. Hurley, Dr. B. T. Zwar. . Obstetrics and Gynaecology— - Dr. R. H. Fetherston. 2. For the M.S. Examination— Surgical Anatomy— Professor Berry, Mr; A. Newton. Surgical Pathology— Sir Harry Allen. Dr. B. J. Bull. Surgery-— Mr. B. Kilvingtpn, Dr. J. Gordon. 3. For the M.D. Examination— Medicine, including Opthalmology— Dr. L. S. Latham, Dr. K. Hiller.Dr. L. J. C. Mitchell. Obstetrics and Medical Gynaecology— Dr. R. H. Morrison, Dr. Cairns Lloyd. Diseases of Children— Dr. S. W. Ferguson, Dr. H. D. Stephens. Diseases of the Nervous System,, including Insanity— Dr. R. E. Stawell, Mr. W. E. Jones. 4. For the Dental Course— ' • • ' Chemistry— Mr. A. T. S. Sissons, Dr. A. C. D. Bivett. Dental Anatomy— Dr. E. B. Nicholls, Dr. J. K. Clark. Anatomy and Dissections— Professor Berry, Dr. .J. H. Anderson. . Histology— Dr. L. E. Hurley, Professor Berry. Dental Mechanics and Metallurgy— Mr. W. J. Tuckfield, Dr; A. J. Prytz, Mr. D. Baghel. ANNUAL REPORT, 1022-1923.. 81D

Physiology— Dr. W. J. Young, Dr. L. A. I. Maxwell. Operative Technique— Mr. C. H. Down, Mr. P. A. Aird. Metallurgy— Dr. G. B. Pritchard, Mr. Parramore. Surgery, Pathology and Bacteriology— 1 »r. C. W. Adey, Mr. C. H. Mollison. Materia Medica and Therapeutics— Dr. E. F. Greenwood, Dr. J. E. Nihill, Mr. F. S. Parrett. Operative Dentistry— Mr. G. Finlay, Mr. C. H. Down. Orthodontics— Dr. W. S. Wilkinson, Dr. E. J. B- Yule. Medicine— Dr. J. W. Springthorpe, Dr. J. E. Nihill.- Oral Surgery— Mr. F. Maclure, Dr. E. Yule. Dental Surgery ond Pathology— Dr. J. M. Lewis, Mr. G. finlay, Dr. J. Polack^ Practical Dental Mechanics— Mr. W. J. Tuckfield. Dr. B. J. B. Yule. Bacteriology— . Dr. E. J. Bull. Mr. C. H. Mollison. Extractions and Anaesthetics— Mr. F. A. Aird. Mr. F. S. Parrett. 6. For the D.D.Sc. Examination— Surgical Pathology— . Sir Harry Allen, Dr. P. L. Apperly. Bacteriology— Dr. E. J. Bull, Mr. C. H. Mollison. Dental Mechanics— Mr. W. J. Tuckfield, Dr. J. Polack. Dental Surgery, Pathology and Bacteriology— Dr. J. M. Lewis, Dr. J. K. Clark. Dental Materia Medica and Therapeutics— Dr. E. P. Greenwood, Dr. C. E. Allen. Orthodontics— Dr: W. S. Wilkinson, Dr. H. H. Ham. 6 For the Engineering Course— . .GrarJhics and Geometrical Drawing— • Mr. W. N. Kernot, Mr. C. P. McCarthy. .St -812 ANNUAL REPORT, 1922-1923.

Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Design and Drawing, Part I— Professor Payne, Mr. W. N. Kernot, Mr. W. E. Bassett. Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Design, Part II — Professor Payne, Mr. W. N. Kernot, Mr. E. J. C. Bennie. Mechanical Engineering, • Part III.— Professor Payne, M. W. E. Bassett. Mr. £. J. C. Bennie. Civil Engineering, Port I Mr. T. H. Upton, Mr. C. W. N. Sexton, Mr. J. A. Lamg. Civil Engineering, Part II.— Mr. T. H. Upton, Mr. C. W. N. Sexton, Mr. W. A. Callaway. Civil Engineering Design aud Drawing— Mr. T. H. Upton, Mr. C. W. N. Sexton, Mr, J. A. Laing, Mr. E. A. Hepburn, Mr. H. . M. Sherrard, Mr. P. B. Kitchin, Mr. A. P. Taylor. Hydraulics and Hydraulic Engineering, Parte I. and II Mr. T. H. Upton. Mr. C. W. N. Sexton. Surveying-— Mr. H. E. S. Melbourne, Mr. J. T. Lupson. Strength and Elasticity of Materials— Professor Payne, Mr. W. E. Bassett. Electrical Engineering— ' - " Mr. E. B. Brown, Mr. E. J. 0; Bennie. Electrical Engineering, Design and Drawing— Mr. E. B. Brown, Mr. W. N. Kernot. Mining— Mr. A. H. Merrin, Mr. D. Clark. Metallurgy— Mr. C. H. Nash; Mr. P. F. Thompson, Mr. D. Clark. "7 For the D.P.H. Examination- Professor Sir D. Masson, Dr. Green, Dr. W. J. Young, Dr. T. W. Sincloir, Dr. E. J. Bull, Dr. E. Robertson, Dr. J. H. L. Cumpston, Dr. W. E. Summons, and Mr. F. E. T. Cobb. ANNUAL REPORT 1022-1923. 813

A. For the Practical Examinations in Education— .Professor Smyth, Mr. Wrigley, Mr. Sharman, Miss Marshall, Dr. Lawson. "9. For theses for the degree of M.Sc Professor Sir D. Masson, Dr. Green, Profes­ sor Ewart, Mr. Fatton. 10. For the Master of Agricultural Science Examin­ ation— Mr. Richardson, Mr. Fatton. Jl. For theses for the degree of Litt.D.— Mr. Edward Jenks of London, Professor E. C. Mills ot Sydney, Professor Tucker, Professor Berriedale Keith of Edinburgh, Sir Lyndon Macassy of London,' Professor Graham Wallas of London, Professor A. T. Strong of Adelaide. 12. For theses for the degree.of D.Sc Professor Sir E. David of Sydney, Professor Skeats, Professor Laby, Professor., Sir D. Masson, Professor Steele of Brisbane. 13. For the Syme Prize— Professor Agar, Professor Osborne. -14.. For the Harbison-Higinbotham Scholarship— Professor Scott, Professor Gunn. 16. For the Bowen Prize—: Professor Scott. 16. For the School Intermediate and School Leaving examinations, December, 1922, and February, 1923: — Subject. First Examiner. Second Examiner. English— Intermediate • Rev. A. R. Osbom Mrs. McKellar'Stewart Leaving (Pass) - Mr. W. T. Price Mr. A. Richardson „ (Hons.)- Mr. W. E. P. Austin Mr. K. A. McKenrie •Latin— Intermediate & Mr. W. Kerry Mr. E. W. Cornwall Leaving •Oreek— Intermediate * Mr. K. W. Cornwall Mr. W. Kerry Leaving French- Intermediate Mrs. E. Wood Mrs. Boyce Gibson Leaving (Pasa) - Miss M. Connell Dr. Lodewyokx (Hons.)- Mr. A. R. Chisholm Dr. Lodewyokx German- Intermediate Dr. A. Lodewyokx Miss M. Baker ' Leaving (Pass & Bona) Dr. A. Lodewyokx Mr. L. J. Wrigley bis 814 ANNUAL REPORT, 19221923.

History- Intermediate Miss A. Hoy Mr. C. R. Long leaving (Pom) Mr. C. A. H. Seorhv Miss F. Penington (Hons.) Mr. E. C. W. Kelly Mr. 0. de R. Foenander Arithmetic- Intermediate Mr. L. Griffiths Hr. C. Hwcrop Algebra - Intermediate Mr. L. Griffiths Mr. R. G. Bienvenu Leaving (Pass) Mr. F. W. Campbell Mr. E. I. G. Pitman (Hons.) Mr. E. J. G. Pitman Mr. E. J. Lewis Geometry & Trig.— Intermediate MissW. Waddell Mr. F. W. Campbell Geometry— Leaving (Pass) Mr. A. Hart Mr. J. A, Seitz (Hons.)- Mr. D. K. Pieken Dr. C. K. Weatherburn Trigonometry- Leaving . O'Donnell Leaving (Pass) - Mr. I,. .1. Welch Mr. N. J. Jamieson „ (Hons.)- Mr. I.. .1. Welch Mr. J. P. Bntnbridge Drawing— Intermediate tt Leaving • Mr. J. T. I.up^on Mr. I*. M. Carew-Smytb" Military Science- Brig.-Gen. (.'. H. Jess Lt.-Ool. W. P. Farr ANNUAL REPORT, 1022-1923. 815

Additional Examiners. English—Intermediate—Miss M. Baker, Miss C. Brennan, Miss O. M. Parker, Miss I). A. Mackay, Mrs. E. Waddell, Mr. P. Nettleton, Mrs. Scutt, Rev. A. W. Tonge, Mr. J. McRae, Mr. A. H. Harry. Leaving Pass—Mr. E. C. T. Giles. Miss E. McDonald, Miss V. Rosenblum, Mr. R. McDonald, Rev. F. Sinclaire, . Miss B. M. Berrv. Leaving (Hons.)-Mr. R. C. Bald, Mr. J. R.Richards, Mr. L. J. A van Boer, Mr. C. W. W. Webster. "Latin—Intermediate—Mr. W. P. Ingram. Leaving (Pass)—Professor Scutt. French—Intermediate)—Mr. H. H. Bowden, Miss F. Barkman, Miss M. S. Schollick, Miss G. E. Adamson, Mr. H. K. McO. Walker, Mr. J. T. Hargreaves, Mrs. O. Hooppell, Miss D. Barnard, leaving (Pass)—Miss C. van Nooten, Miss E. II. Eastaugh, Miss E. M. Schmetzer. History—Intermediate—Mr. W. A. Waller, Mr. G. A. Osborne, Miss A. Wheat, Mr. K. J. Campbell, Rev. E B. Strugnell, Mrs. 0. Hain. Leaving (Pas«)-Mr. J. W.Grav, Mr. S. H. Roberta, Arithmetic—Mr. II. P. Bennett, Mr. A. T. Ebbels, Mr. A. D. Ross, Mr. A. Bright, Mr. J. W, Dcwsnap. Algebra-Intermediate—Miss K. E. Flvnn, Mr. F. Gallagher, Mr. A. D. Gilchrist, Mr. J. B. O'Hara, Mr. J. S. McC'ami. Oeometry Leaving (Hons.)—Mr. T. M. Cherry. Geometry & Trigonometry—Intermediate—Rev. E. Nve. Mr. J. T. Lupson, Miss J. T. Flynn, Mr. W. Trudiiigcr, Mr. H. Tomlinson, Miss M. Button. -Geography—Intermediate—Mr. T. F. Scott, Mr. A. V. G.-James, Miss C. Remington, Mr. J. S. Kitson, Mr. L. S. Davies, Mr. F. Chapman Mr. B. B. Hauser, Mr. J. Vroland Physics-Intermediate—Mr. S. S Addison, Mr. W. R. Jamieson, Mr. L. H. Martin, Miss K. T. Kelly, Mr. A. W. Hatfield, Miss J. T. Flynn leaving (Pass and Hons.)—Mr. L. II. Martin Chemistry—Intermediate—Mr. \V. Trudinger. Drawing—Intermediate—Mr. A. R. Cattanach, Mr. T. F. Levick, Mr. J. A. Rowell, Mr. A. Noail. 17. For the Public Examinations in Music— Professor Lover, Dr. W. G. Price, Mr. A. E. H Nickson, Mr. F. W. Homewood. Mr. J. A. Steele, Mr. A. di Gilio. Mr. O. P. Sobell. Mr. H. Thomas, Mr. L. Hattenbach, Mr. L. T- Middleton. 12.—UNIVERSITY REPRESENTATIVES. Tho following gentlemen were appointed to represent •the University: — Council of Legal Education— Sir John Mackey, Mr. Eggleston. 816 ANNUAL REPORT, 1K2-1W3.

Council of Public Education— Dr. Leeper, Sir Thomas Lyle, Professor Berry. • Melbourne Hospital Advisory Board— The Vioe-Chancellor, Sir Horry Allen, Profes­ sor Osborne, Professor Berry. Women's Hospital Advisory Committee— The Chancellor, Sir Harry Allen. Architects' Registration Board— Mr. J. S. Gowler. Council of the Working Men's College— Mr. W. N. Kernot, Dr. T. F. Bride. Recreation Grounds Committee Sir Leo Cusscn, Sir Thomas Lyle, Mr. H. W, Allen. Council of Dental College and Hospital— Mr. C. H. Mollison, Dr. W. J. Young. Workers' Educational Association— Sir James Barrett, Dr. Leeper. Conference at on Extra Mural Teaching- Professor Moore. 800th Anniversary ot St. Bartholomew's Hospital and Church— Mr. F. D. Bird, M.S. New Zealand Meeting of the Australasian Asso- ciotion for the Advancement of Science— Professor Skeats, Mr. E. O. Herons.

13.—OBITUARY. Dr. J. L. Glasson, whose appointment as Lecturer in- Natural Philosophy, was recorded in the lost report was acci­ dentally drowned whilst on holiday in Tasmania in January, after only a year's service. Dr. Glasson. who was still a young man, came to us after some years of re­ search work at Cambridge, following on teaching ap­ pointments hold in the Universities of. Adelaide and Tasmania, and appeared to have thoroughly equipped himself for his life's work as a scientific investigator and teacher. His untimely death came as a great shook, and was deeply regretted by the Council and hi» colleagues. ANNUAL REPORT, 1022-1923. 81T

14.—STATUTES AND BEGULATIONS. After lengthy consideration by the Professorial Board, the Council, and the Senate, as to the best way in which to provide for excluding from the University students who did not work or were not fitted for Uni' versity work, ah amendment of the Statutes has .been, passed under which the Professorial Board is to have- reported to it all coses in which a student, in the earlier years of his course, fails in the same two subjects- in two successive years. The student has the right to- ba heard by the Board, and the Board may determine- that he be excluded from the University or from fur­ ther attending certain University work. The Council, may review and vary the Board s decision. The School of Education having grown to substan­ tial proportions, both in the numbers of its students,- and in the complexity of the course of stud; and the numbers engaged in teaching it; and its work having become more and more separate from that of the Faculty of Arts; a new Faculty of Education has been established, which will, in future, advise the Council on all questions relating to the Education course. Begulations to carry out the conditions of gifts mode to the University have been made ae follows, viz., for the Gyles Turner Memorial Prize; for the Nervous System Research Fund; for the Beattie Smith Lec­ tures on Insanity; for the Clinical Research Fund; and- for the John Nevill Scholarship.

13.—NEW BUILDINGS. The new buildings for the Arts School, and the Anatomy department have been completed, so far as the exterior is concerned, and the work of finishing them, internally, and getting tbe necessary fittings, is pro­ ceeding. It is expected that tbe Anatomy building will be- sufficiently ont of the contractor's hands to enable it to be made the headquarters of the Australasian Medical Congress, to be held in November. On the open­ ing day of the Congress, Sir William Macewen, who is the President of the British Medical Association, and: is coming to Australia to attend the Australasian Con- ."818 ANNUAL REPORT, 10SM943.

egress, has been asked to perform the ceremony of open­ ing the Anatomy building. ' The Council has been asked by the Victorian branch of the British Medical Association to provide ac­ commodation for the Association's War Memorial, which is. a piece of, bronze statuary by Mr. Web Gilbert, :and the request having been gladly granted, the Mem­ orial is to oe the centre of the Museum, and is to be unveiled immediately after the opening of the building. It is understood that the Memorial is to re­ main in the. care of the University, until the Associa­ tion itself Has premises which it considers worthy to hold it- The work of the Arts School should open next March in the new Arts building, and this will make the way clear for the extension of the Library into the rooms at present occupied by the Arts School, which is one of the now works Which is most urgently required. 'The appearance of the new building finds universal favour, the desigu, the stone, aud the internal arrange­ ments being all much admired^ 16.—UNIVERSITY'S REQUIREMEN'l'S. As indicated above, the University's needs in the matter of building accommodation, are still unsatisfied and the Council has had to submit to the Government a schedule of further urgent requirements. In the matter of the annual subsidy for general pur­ poses, the Council has again made representations to the Government in connection with the University Bill now before Parliament, and gratefully acknowledges the Government's action in increasing the amount to that asked for by the Council. •

17.—INCREASE OF FEES. At the end of 1922, tbe Council felt compelled to secure some additional revenue, and gave its attention to ' students' fees, as being the only source under its con­ trol. In the course of many years, a number of differences between the fees -for courses which were very similar, :and even between different years of the same course, had grown up; and these were made uniform by rais­ ing the fees for all years of nil the scientific courses ANNUAL REPORT, lUM-llba. 819

-t-> .£25 p.a. This did not apply to Arts and Law, which, however, had somewhat similar increases made :in them. Further, a special supplementary examination fee of £1 Is. was instituted. The Council aimed at making the increases us small as possible. If tbe present number of students keeps up the -changes (which are as much readjustments as increases) will result in an appreciable increase of revenue.

18—PROVIDENT FUND. After lengthy negotiation with the Actuary ond the Staff, the Council was able to see its woy to establish a Provident Fund for the benefit of all full-time officers of the University, of whatever rank. The fund -came into existence on January 1, 1923, ond was launched by the contribution by the University of securities of the face value of ^£20,000. In addition, •the University undertakes to contribute to the fund •2\ per cent, per annum of the amount of the salaries payable to the members of the fund. The foundation members of the fund pay an annual contribution of 5 per cent, of their salaries in the cose ot Professors, and of ii per cent, in the coses of others of 30 years -of age and upwards. Foundation members under 30 years of age and new members, will contribute on a sliding scale, according to age. It was the fact that the Gillott Bequest was falling iu which enabled the Council to found the fund and under­ take the liability for its annual contribution. With the concurrence of the Trustees of the late Sir Samuel Gillott, the fund has been named the Samuel Gillott University Provident Fund. The Council feels under a deep debt of gratitude to Mr. B. J. Stock, for a great amount ot work in pre­ paring the scheme for the fund, and in advising con­ cerning the numerous points of difficulty which arose iu working it out, all of which was done rh an hon­ orary capacity, with a single desire to help the Uni­ versity. 19.—PUBLICITY. Much more is being done than was the case some -years ago, to bring the work and resources of the Uni- -versty before the public. 820 ANNUAL REPORT, 10221928.

As part of the Commencement celebrations, several of the Science Departments ore open on one evening, and experiments are run, exhibiting some of the apparatus' of the departments and showing some of the work done in them. Professor Laby, iin the Natural Philosophy Department has for several years conducted an annual exhibition oa similar lines, in which-he has enlisted the help of many outside bodies and business firms. The Science Club holds on.annual' exhibition to which all science deportments contribute, which consists of the display of apparatus, of the results of some of their work, and of the carrying on of demonstrations. The Engineering Students' Society holds a similar annual display in the Engineering School. A feature of all these displays is the delivery of lee- turettes oh topics of interest. This form of activity is now thoroughly well estab­ lished, and all the exhibitions are very well attended by interested visitors.

20.—STUDENTS REPEATEDLY FAILING. Under the new power to take action in the cases of students repeatedly failing, twenty-nine cases were re­ ported to the Professorial Board. Of these two were excluded from the University, and seven were excluded from further attendance on certain courses of Uni­ versity work. 21.—LOANS TO STUDENTS. The system of loans to students instituted by the Government in 1919 has been continued, and the follow­ ing figures show the extent of the assistance provided' by this means ill the year 1923. Forty-nine students who had previously hod loans" were granted d further .62,668, and 27 new applicants- were granted XI,374. The Government has placed the whole administra­ tion of the fund in the hands of the University, which accordingly is responsible for seeing that loans are repaid. The earlier borrowers are just commencing to repay. Some small amounte had been repaid to tbe Government, and since the administration was handed> to the University, .£57 has been repaid to it. ANNUAL REPORT, 19221923. # 82F

23.—BUBSABIES. On the recommendation of a special committee of the Council, made after considering confidential, informa­ tion furnished to it, the following Bursaries, etc.,' in the gift of the University hove been awarded:— Two War Bursaries,' providing for the remission of fees for lectures and examinations for a University oourse, to the children of Victorians who died on ser­ vice with the A.I.F- • The John Baird Bursary. Assistance to seven students from the Sailors and Sol-- diers' Fund. In addition, the usual two free studentships to pupils* from the University High School have been granted. 23.—DAVID SYMK PRIZE. The annual prize of £100, founded in 1905, by the late Mr. Davil Syme for the best thesis based upon original work in Biology, Chemistry, Geology, or Natural Philosophy, open to all persons resident in Australia for not less than five years, has been awarded' to Dr. P; L. Apperly, for his work on Stomach Dis­ eases, new methods of diagnosing and treating them.

24—HARBISON-HIGINBOTHAM SCHOLARSHIP. The annual scholarship of £100, founded by the next of kin of the late William Harbison, for original work in History, Economics, Politics, Administration, Govern­ ment ana Sociology, has been awarded to Miss Myra-- Willard, M.A., of Sydney, for her thesis on the His-- tory of the White Australia Policy.

25. -RHODES SCHOLAR. Mr. O. M. Focken, of Queen's College, a fourth year ' Engineering student, has been selected as Victorian - Rhodes Scholar for 1923. 36.—1851 EXHIBITION SCHOLARSHIP. Mr. A. W. Greenwood, B.Sc, and Mr. L. H. Martin, - were nominated to the Royal Commissioners of the 1851 Exhibition, for appointment to one of their' -822 ANNUAL RISFORT, 1922-1923.

: Science Research Scholarships. Mr. Martin was ap­ pointed. 27!—FREE PASSAGES. Three Free Passages to Europe and return, were granted by the. Orient. Line of Steamers, for , many years, to graduates of the University travelling for the purpose of further study. For several years, these have been granted by the Orient and P. and 0. Lines jointly, and row the responsibility for them has again "been widened. Commencing with the year , 1923, the -Council has been informed that the following lines will share in the providing of three free return passages annually, viz.: Aberdeen Line, Blue Funnel Line, Com­ monwealth Line, Orient Line and P. and 0. Line. The passages available in 1923 were awarded to Messrs. A. W. Greenwood, B.Sc, C. R. McRae, B.A., and A. A. Phillips, B.A.

28.—W. AND E. HALL FELLOWSHIP. Mr. H. E. Albiston, B.V.So., has again been appointed Walter and Eliza Hall Veterinary Science Research Fellow for work in connection with Braxy and allied Sheep Dis­ eases in Victoria. The Trustees kindly agreed to some modification of the conditions to meet some special eiruumstanees in the Veterimiry School. 29'.—RESEARCH. Miss B. Warner, M.B..B.S., has been appointed Clini­ cal Research Scholar, and is working ot the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute; and Miss M. Wonliss.MB., B.Sc, has been appointed Cancer Research Scholar, and is also working at the Institute. The following have been appointed Fred. Knight Re­ search Scholars for 1923: — A. W. Greenwood, B.Sc, £100. for regearo't o-. -Cytological Effects of Radium on the reproductive organs of animals. W. M. Ball, B.A1., £100, for a History and Criticism of Behaviouristic Psychology. Z. A. Mirfield, £60, for research into the influence of crystal size, ahd structure of speculum metal on the definition of mirrors and diffraction gratings. ANNUAL REPORT, 1922-1913. 823-

L. H. Martin, £40, for research on L series absorp­ tion spectra of Erbium. The total number of graduates and research students (excluding whole-time members of the staff and senior students doing some research as part of their course) who have been engaged in research in the various departments is 13, distributed as follows:—Agriculture 1, Chemistry 2, Engineering 2, Natural Philosophy. 1, Philosophy 1, Physiology 2, Zoology 3, Veterinary Science 1,

8tt—BENEFACTIONS. The Council desires specially to record the gift by the Victorian Chamber of Manufactures, of the sum of £1,500 per annum, to continue for a period of ten years. The only stipulation attached to the gift, is that it is to be used to assist in providing and maintaining Pro­ fessorial Chairs associated with arte and sciences which have relation to industries and production. This is- the first gift of the kind spontaneously proffered by a public body to the University, and the Council values it, not only for its intrinsic worth and because of its evidence of appreciotion of the University's work, but, in 'addition, for the new departure which it marks, and for the hope that the example set, will be followed by other bodies. For the purpose of 'suitably commemorating this gift, the Chair of Natural Philosophy has been named the Chamber of Manufactures Chair of Natural Philoso- Thae Lectureship in Metallurgy having fallen vacant, and a strong desire having been expressed that it should be advanced to a Professorship,' Professor Skeats, after negotiations with the Australian Mines and Metals Association, received a promise that a number of the principal companies in the Association would contri­ bute between them, £400 per annum. The Council ex­ pressed its warm thanks for this help, and immedi­ ately advertised for a Professor of Metallurgy. Sir John and Lady Higgins have added to their pre­ vious very liberal gifts, one of £2,500 for Veterinary Research. The Council desires to acknowledge the following: further donations in money: — .$24 ANNUAL REPORT, 1922-1928.

.-£23,900 on account of the bequest under the will of the late Sir Samuel Gillott. .£250, balance of £500, to the University Appeal, from Sir John Monash. ,.£250, port of £1.000 to the University Appeal, from the Walter and Eliza Hall Trust. .£150 from Subscribers to found a Gyles Turner Mem­ orial Scholarship. £35 off their account for professional fees, by Messrs. Gawler and Drummond. The income from a fund of £808 in the estate of the late John Nevill, for a John Nevill Scholarship in the Veterinary School. .Also the gift of a Fusiloge, Partly Dismantled Engine, and Blue Prints by the Defence Department.

31—APPENDICES. The following appendices are attached hereto: — Apendix A.—List of Contributions to Literature and Scienoe. Appendix B.—List of Donations to the Library. Appendix C.—Statement of Accounts for the year 1922. All of which I have the honour to submit for your ^Excellency's consideration. I have the honour to be. Your Excellency's most obedient servant, J. H. MACFARLAND, Chancellor. :29th October, 1923. ^Imwmttj of grtdbourue



ENGLISH. J"rof. A. T. Strong, Litt.D.. and Prof. R. S. Wallaoe, M.A— " English Verse and Prose — A New Anthology." (Oxford Press.) FBBNOH. A. R. Chiaholm, B.A.— " Disillusion" (French Verse). French Quarterly (Manchester Univ. Press), Vol. IV., No. 3. September, 1922. T . PHILOSOPHY. ^Professor W. R. Boyce Gibson, M.A., D;Sc. " Relativity and Real Length," Australasian Jour­ nal of Psychology and Philosophy, March, 1923. EDUCATION. Bichard Lawson, Litt.D.— "The Development of Classical Translation in Eng­ lish (from Chaucer to Pope." Edward Sweetman, Litt.D., and Professor John Smyth,. Ph.D.— A section each of " A History of State Education in Victorio," Dr. Edward Sweetman— • . " The Evolution of the. Australian Constitution." 826 . . ANNUAL, RKPORT, 1922-1923.

BOTANY. Ethel McLennan. D.Sc, and Isobel Cookson, B.Sc. Additions to the Australian Asoomycctes. Proc- Roy. Soc. Vict., Vol. xxxv., 1923.

CHEMISTS?. Assoc. Prof. A. C D. Rivett, M.A., D.Sc— The Phase Rule and the Study of Heterogeneous- Equilibria. Crown 8vo., 204 pp., 118 diagrams. Oxford University Press. F. W. J. Clendinnen. M.Sc— The Ternary System Ammonium Chloride—Ferric Chloride—Water. Journ. Chem. Soc, 1923, 123, 1338. F. W. J. Clendinnen and Assoc Prof. A. C. D. Rivett— A Critical Solution Temperature for Solids in the- Binary System Ammonium Chloride—Manganous- Chlonde Dihydrate. Journ. Chem. Soc, 1923,- 12$ 1344. Assoc. Prof.' A. C. D. Rivett and P. W. J. Clendinnen— Mixed Crystals and Double Salts: a Comparison of Systems containing Woter, Ammonium Chlor­ ide and a Chloride of Manganese, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel or Copper. Journ. Chem. Soc, 1923, 18S, 1634. GEOLOGY. Assoc. Prof. H. S. Summers, D.So.— The Relationship between Dacite and Granodiorite in Victoria. Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict. Vol. 35. 1923, pp. 134-8. ZOOLOGY. Prof.W. E. Agar, M.A., D.Sc, F.R.S— The Male Meiotic Phase in two Genera of Marsu­ pials. Quart. Journ. Micr. Science, Vol. 67,- 1923. H. S. Baird The Occipital Bones of the Dipnoi. Proc. Roy. Soc. Vic. Vol. 35, 1923. A. W. Greenwood, B.Sc.— Marsupial Spermatogenesis. Quart, Journ. Micr, Scienoe. Vol. 67, 1923. ANNUAL RKPORT, l;>~2 1023. 827"'

ANATOMY. J. H. Anderson. C.M.G., C.B.E., M!'D..— , 1. Abnormalities of the Duodenum. British Journal of Surgery, Vol. X., No. 39. 1923. •_.'. 1. A Case of Nocturnal Enuresis Presumably Due to Defective Cerebral Development. Medical Journal of Australia, January 20, 1923.

PHYSIOLOGY. Prof. W. A. Osborne, M.B.. B.Ch., D.Sc— Some New Aspects of the Function of the Skin in Temperature Regulation. Journal of Physiology, Vol. 57, p. xxvi., March, 1923.. A Primer uf Dietetics. Ramsay, Melbourne, 1922. L. A. Ivan Maxwell, M.Sc, B.Agr.Sc. M.D., B.S Hay Fever and Asthma. Med. J. of Aust., June 23, 1923. PATHOLOGY. Frank L. Apperly, M.A., M.D., (Oxon)— 1. The Normal Gastric Cycle. Med. Journ. of Aust.. November 4, 1928, p. 523. 2. Tne Mechanism of Hyperchlorhydria. Med. Jour, of Aust., January 13, 1923, p. 33. 8. Achlorhydrio: An Investigation into its Nature- with Suggestions for its Treatment. Med. Jour- of Aust., August 11, 1923, p. 136. Frank L. Apperly, and Gordon Cameron, M.B., B.S.— - A New Test for Pancreatic Efficiency, an Aid to- the Diagnosis of Gall-Bladder Disease and Cer­ tain Obscure Dyspepsias. Med, Jour, of Aust.,. May 12, 1923, p. 621. Gordon Cameron, M.B., B.S 1. The Diurnal Variations of the Diastolic Con­ tent of Normal Urine. Med. Jour, of Aust... January 27, 1923, p. 91. 2. Two Pancreatic Functional Tests. Med. Jour., of Aust., June 30, 1923, p. 718.

ENGINEERING. E. J. C. Bennie, M.E.— The Resilience of Columns and the Stresses produced therein by the Sudden Application of Loading. Proc Inst, of Engineers Aust. Vol. 1.

.63 828 ANNUAL REPORT, 1922 1923.

T. H- Upton, O.B.E.. M.C.E., M.So.— The Design of Steel Frame Buildings in Australia. Proc. Inst, of Engineers Aust. Vol. 1. E. B. Brown, M.Sc— Some Uses of the Resonance of Stretched Wires in Elec­ trical Instruments. . A method of Determining the Number ot Turns in a CoiL Proc. Inst, of Engineers Aust. Vol. 1.

AGRICULTURE. A. E. V. Bichardson, M.A., B.Sc. 1. The Water Requirements of Farm Crops, and the Influence of Environment on the Trans- iration Ratio. Jour, of Agriculture of Vic- £ma, April, May, June, July,, August, 1923. 2. Factors Influencing the Transpiration Ratio of Farm Crops. Presidential Address, Sec­ tion Agriculture, Australian Association for the Advancement of Science, Wellington, New Zea­ land. Proceedings of A.A.A.S.

VETERINARY. B. B. Seddon, D.V.Sc. ^ Bulbar Paralysis in Cattle due to the Action of a Toxi- cogenic Bacillus. Jour, of Comp. Pathology and Therapeutics. Vol. 85. Univcwtg of gUlbournc



LIST OP DONATIONS TO THE LIBRARY For the Year ended Slst July, 1923.

GENERAL LIBRARY. From Governments :— , ' BRITISH. ALBHETA : Scientific Industrial Research. AUSTRALIA : Census and Statistics, Bulletins, Reports, Year Book; • Gazette j. Historical Records ; Institute of .Science and Industry, Bulletins, Memoirs, Reports; Meteorology, Maps, Reports; Navy Office, Pilot, Charts ; N. Territory, Bulletins, i Papua, Bulletins j Parliament, Acts, Bills, Debates, Papers; Trade and Customs, Reports. CANADA : Oeodetie Survey; Geological Survey; Mines; Water Power, CEYLON : Fisheries; Marine Biology. GREAT BRITAIN: Agriculture and Fisheries; Geological .Survey; Scientific and Industrial Research. FIJI : Blue Rook. INDIA : Agriculture; Epigraphia Indica; Epigraphia Indo-Moslemica; Geographical Survey: IRELAND: Fisheries. MADRAS: Diary of A. B. Pillai ; Fisheries. N. S. : Agriculture; Botanic Gardens,- Forest . Flora, Reports, Critical Revision of the Genus Eucalyp­ tus ; Fisheries; Geological Survey; Mines; Public In­ struction ; Statistics. N.ZEALAND: Agriculture; Census .and 'Statistics; Dominion Laboratory; Geological Survey; .Journal of Science and' Technology; Lands; Mines ; Official History of N.Z. Effort in the Great War. QUEENSLAND: Geological Survey; Mines; Statistics. 8. AFRICA: Agriculture. S. AUSTRALIA: Chemistry; .Geological Survey; Mines. TASMANIA : Geological Survey:

..68A 830 ANNUAL REPORT, 1922-UK3.

Jfines. VICTORIA : Agriculture, Journal; Country Roads, Report; Education, Reports; Forests, Reports; Geological .Survey, Bulletins, Maps, Memoirs, Records; JuVioouvne . Harbour Trust, Report; Jfines, Reports ; Parliament, Acts, Billn, Debates, Papers; invert and-- Water Supply, Report: Statist, Year-Book. W. AI:RTRAI.IA: Statistics.

FOREIGN. BELUIUM : Rapports et Documents de 1'Enqucte sur les Violations du Droit-des Gens...1914-18. BUENOS A IRKS: F. Ameghino, Obras Completas y Correspon- dencia Cientifica. FINLAND: Commission Oe'otooigue, Bulletin. FORMOSA: Icones Plantarum Formosanarum. FRANCE: Bibliographic Scientiflque Franoaise. JAPAN: Imperial fiarthouofce Commission, Bulletin, Seismologi- cal Notes: National Research Council, Journals of Astronomy & Geophysics, Hotany, Physics, Zoology. N. YORK : Edueotion, Annual Report. OHIO : Agri­ cultural Experiment Station, Bulletins. UNITED- STATES : Agriculture, Bulletins, Experiment Station Record, Journal of Agricultural Research; Coast and Geodetic Survey, Reports, Special Publications ; .Educa­ tion, Bulletins, Report; .Standards, Scientific Papers.

Prom Institutions, Societies :— BRITISH. AGRICULTURAL Research Institute (Pusa). ASTRO­ NOMICAL Society of S. Australia. AUSTRALASIAN As­ sociation for tbe A dvancement of Science. AUSTKAL- ABIAN Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. AUSTRAL­ ASIAN Antarctic Expedition, 1911-14. BIRMINGHAM' Natural History and Philosophical Society. BRITISH Antarctic Expedition, 1910-13. CAMBRIDGE Philosophi­ cal Society. CANADIAN Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. CAPE of Good Hope Royal Observatory. CAPTAIN SCOTT Antarctic Fund. CARNEGIE Trust for the Uni­ versities of Scotland. CLASSICAL Association of Victoria. DOVE Marine Laboratory^ FIELD Naturalists' Club of Victoria. COMMONWEALTH Institute of Science and Industry. DOMINION Laboratory (Wellingfon).- QREBNWICH Royal Observatory. HISTORICAL Society ANNUAL REPORT, 1922-1923. 831 of Victoria. IMPERIAL Bureau of Mycology. INSTI­ TUTION of Civil Engineers. INSTITUTION of Engineers, Australia. INSTITUTION of Mechanical Engineers. LINNEAN Society of N. S. Wales. MANCHESTER Steam Users' Association. MELBOURNE Observatory. NATION­ AL Physical Laboratory. NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHB Oeselischoft Isis zn Dresden. N. ZEALAND Institute. ROTHAMSTED Experiment Station. ROYAL Agri­ cultural Society of England. ROYAL Colonial Insti­ tute. ROTAL Australian Historical Society. ROYAL Dublin Society. ROYAL Geographical Society of Aus­ tralia, S. Australian Branch. ROYAL Institution of Oreat Britain. ROYAL Irish Academy. ROYAL Societies of Canada, Edinburgh, London, N. 8. Wales, Queensland, 8. Africa, S. Australia, Tasmania, •Victoria, W. Australia. ROYAL Victorian Institute of Architects. ROYAL Zoological Society of N. S. Wales. UNIVERSITIES Bureau of the British Empire. WORKERS' Educational Association of Victoria.

FOREIGN. ACADEMIE des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. AMERI­ CAN Academy of Arts and Sciences. AMERICAN Association for the Advancement of Science. AMERI­ CAN Association for International Conciliation. AMERICAN Historical Association. ASSOCIATION de la Paix par le Droit. ASSOCIATION pour 1'Encourage- ment des Etudes Grecques. CARNEGIE Endowment for International Peace, (U.S.A., France,^ Germany. See Miscellaneous also). CARNEGIE Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. CARNEGIE Institution of Washington. EASTMAN Kodak Co. Research Laboratory. EUGENICS Record Office. HAWAIIAN Volcano Observatory. IMPERIAL Academy of Japan. INSTITUT d'Optique. INSTITUTE of International Education. INSTITUTO Geologic© (Mexico). INSTITUTO Oswaldo Cruz. INTERNATIONAL Hydrographic Bureau Monaco). INTERNATIONAL Institute of Agriculture ! Rome). JARDIN Botanique de 1'Etat a Bruxelles. LABORATOIRE de Corlsberg (Copenhagen). . LAWS Observatory. LEWIS Institute, Structural Materials Research Laboratory. MICHIGAN Academy of Science. 832 ANNUAL REPORT, 1922-1923.

MICHIGAN Schoolmasters' Club. MISSOURI Botanical Gardens. NATIONAL Academy of Sciences of U.S.A NATIONAL Research Council (Washington). NBLA Research.Laboratory. OHIO Agricultural Experiment Station. PAN-PACIFIC Union. SMITHSONIAN Institu­ tion. SOCIETE Asiatique.. SOCIETB de Linguistique de Paris. SOCIETE Franoaise de Mineralogie. SOCIETB France. TOKYO Zoological Society.

From Libraries, Museums :— BRITISH, AUSTRALIAN Museum. BAKRIPORE Oriental Publio Library. BRITISH Museum and Natural History Museum. CAMBRIDGE University Library. EDINBURGH University Library. EDWARD FRY Library of Inter­ national Law. MADRAS Oriental MSS. Library. National Museum of VICTORIA. Public Libraries of N. S. WALES, S. AUSTRALIA, VICTORIA. QUEENSLAND Museum. S. AUSTRALIAN Museum.

FOREIGN. AMSTERDAM University Library. B. P.. BISHOP Museum of Polynesian Ethnology and Natural History. FIELD Museum of Natural History. JOHN CREBAR Library. Library of -CONGRESS. LIEGE University Library. Mnsee. d'Histoire Naturelle de MARSEILLE. Museum voor Laud- en Volkenkunde en Maritiem Museum Prins ffendrifcte KOTTEKDAM. UNITED STATER National Museum. UTRECHT University Library.

From Universities (in addition to exchange Calendars) :— BRITISH ABERDEEN: Review. ABERYSTWYTH: Studies. ADE­ LAIDE: Animal Products Research Foundation, Report: Joseph Fisher Lectures in Commerce. BENARES ; Sauskirl College, List of MSS. CALCUTTA : Review; P. K. Sen, Laws of Monopolies in British India. CAM­ BRIDGE : .Library, Report. DUBLIN : Trinity College, Hermathena. EDINBURGH : Gilford Lectures, 1922. : Geological Department, Papers; Roll of Honour, 1914-19. LONDON : Institute of Historical ANNUAL RBPORTJ 1»2->1923. . 835"

Research, Report; Boll of Service, 1914-19. MEL­ BOURNE: Newman College, Newman; Ormond College, Chronicle; Trinity CoUege,- Pleur-de-Lys. QUEEN'S (Kingston) : Quarterly. ST, ANDREWS • 'Gilford Lecture Publications: TORONTO ; Studies; Roll of Service, 1914-19. ' . FOREIGN. ; ABO : Acta Humaniora. BABEL : J. Straux, Hand' fchriftliche Studien zu Cicero, "De Omtore." BRUXELLES : Revue. CALIFORNIA : Agricultural Pub­ lications. COLORADO Agricultural College: Experiment Station, Bulletins. CORNELL: Agricultural Experiment Utation, Bulletins, Memoirs, Report;. Islandica. FREIBURG : A. Ooekel, Elektrische Strnmungen in der Atmosphere; P. Tuor, Der.Grundsatz der Unjversal- sukzession im Rttmischen Recht. .GRENOBLE : Annates. HABANA: Revista.. ILLINOIS : Biological Monographs; Engineering Experiment Station, Bulletins, Circulars; Studies in Social Sciences. ' KYOTO : College of Eng' ineering. Memoirs; College of Science, Memoirs. LELAND STANFORD : University Series. MAINE r Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletins. MASSA­ CHUSETTS Institute of Technology: Publications. MICHIGAN : Monographs, Occasional Papers, Studies, Research Publications. . MINNESOTA: .Agricultural Experiment station. Bulletins; .. Botanical Studies. Current Problems, Oeotooicai /Jurvey, Bulletins, Studies in Engineering, Language, Social Science. MISSOURI : Bulletins, Latos Observatory Bulletins, Studies. NEW YORK ; Secondary Education Report. OHIO : Biological - Bulletins, Ohio Journal of Science. PARIS : Institut de Physique du Globe, Annoles. PISA : Annali delle Univor.-iita Toscane. RENNES : Travaux Scientinques. TABTU : (Dorpat): Acta et Comjnentationes. TOHOKU: Mathematical Journal, Science Reports, Technology Reports. - TOKYO ; College of Agriculture, Journal; CoUege of Science, Journal. URUGUAY: Annates. WESTERN Theological Seminary : Hale Lectures.

From Authors, Editors:— BERRY, B. J. A.: The Modem Psychology (Stewart- Lectures, 1921). BLOCKSIDGE, W.: National Notes- .834 ANNUAL REPORT, 1922:I923.

BRANDSTETTER, R. J Wir Menschen der indonesischen Erde. BROUWER, H. A.: Practical Hints to Scien­ tific Travellers. ' BROWN, J. S.: Relation of Sea Water to Ground Water along Coasts. CAMERON, R. R.: Studies in. the Diestatio Enzyme of Body Fluids. CAMPBELL, W. W.: Total Eclipse of the Sun, 21st September, 1922. CHARLES, H.: Romance of the Name America, Beauty and Glory of the Name America, Den deutsche Urspmng des Namens Amerika, The Electro-Individualistic Manifesto. -CLIFFORD, Lord: Portal of Evolution, Evolution of Civilization, The Theology of Creation. CROPP, W. H.: Ferrar, H. T., Grange, L. J., Henderson, J., and Morgan/ P. G.: Reprints of N. Zealand Journal of Science and Technology, IV (I, 6), V. (1-3). DANMAR, W.: World Cognition. ELLIS, A. D.: The Story of the Fifth Australian Division. FERRAR, •H. T.: see Cropp. FOSTER, J. P.: Voyages in the Pacific before Cook. GRANGE, L. J.: see Cropp. HANSEN, M. P.: Draft Report on the Leaving -Certificate Examination of the Scottish Education Department,' Report on the Systems of Accrediting Schools in the U.S.A. HELBRONNER, P.: Descrip­ tion Geomritrique detaill^e des Alpes Francoises, Annexe du Tome II. HENDERSON, J.: see Cropp. ' HIGGINS, G.: Centrifugal Pump Problems. HIGGINS, IH. B.: The Future of Greek Language and Letters, New Province of Law and Order. HOLME. E. B.: The American University. HOLTEDAHL, O.: Re­ prints of American Journal of Science, 6 Series, III. (17), IV. (20). HUBERICH. C. H., and Nicol- .'Speyer, A.: German Legislation for Occupied Ter­ ritories of Belgium, vols. 8-11, 13-17, Indexes 4 vols. HURRY, J. B.: District Nursing on a Provi­ dent Basis, Vicious Circles in Sociology, Poverty and its Vicious Circles, Sumer is icuinen in, King Henry Heanolerc and Reading Abbey, Trial by Combat of- Henry de Essex, Octocentenary of Read­ ing Abbey. IVENS, W. Q:: 5 volumes and 4 pamphlets on Oceanic languages, JANET, C.: Con­ siderations sur I'etre vivant. Note preliminaire sur I'Orthobionte des Characees. KORNERUP, T.: Musical Acoustics based on tbe Pure Third-System. ANNUAL BBPOST, 1922-1923. 835

LANGENFELT, O:; Det - Brittiska Imperiets Koloniala Litteratnrer. MATOUSEK, O.: Geological Laws of the- Population. MILLER, £. M.: Kant's Doctrine - ' of Freedom and Morality. MORGAN. P. G.: see Cropp. - MUICA, J.: Quelques observations ebimen- • toires sur lea nombres entiers, 2* Edition. NICOL- S.PBYBR, A.: see Huberich. FBCHOTSCH, B. J.: The Indispensable Religion of tbe World. FLAYER, C. A.: Arms and tbe Men. RICHARDS, H. C.: Problems of the Great Barrier Beef. ROBERTSON, J. W.: Edgar A. Poe. SMITH, H. U.: The Tropics for a Living. SUTER, H.: Alphabetical List' of N. Zea­ land Tertiary Molluscs.. STOLL, O.: More Broad­ sheets on National Finance, 2nd. edition. STRO- : METER, C. E.: Fatigue of Metals. VILBENA, H. de: Don Bern e do Belo ou do Sentido Espiritual da Vida Humana, Ensaios de Critica e Estetica. WALLACE, R. S.: Some Observations on Scottish Language and Literature. WILLAHD, Myra: History of the White Australia Policy.

From Publishers: AMERICAN Red Cross : Handbook uf the Social Resources of the U.S. ANNALES de Geographic,.XXXI. BANKERS Trust Co.: H. E. Fisk, French Public Finauce in the Great War and To-day. BULLETIN Biologique de la France et de la Belgique LVI. CALCUTTA Beview. FELTON Bequests Committee: Historical Records of the Felton Bequests to 21st December, 1922. HILOBR: Optical methods, 2nd edition. INTER:AMKRICA, Spanish and English Editions. LELAIT. LOTHIAN •. A. B.Fitt, Human Instincts in Business; J. Vevaney, Fabian. REVUE de France. REVUE de Geneve, IV., V. REVUE de Geographic IX. REVUE Generale des Sciences, XXXIII. REVUE Internationale de I'Enseignement, XLII. BBVUE d'Optique, I. REVUE des Etudes Co­ operatives, I. REVUE des Etudes Grecques, XXXIV. REVUE Penitentiaire, XLV., XLVI. TAIT : Chemical Engineering and Mining Review.

Miscellaneous:— BAGE, Mrs. E.: 10 vols, on Engineering. BIDGWAY, C. V.: Britannia Co., Screws and Screw Making 836 ANNUAL REPORT, 1921-1922.

BOOTH, General Bramwell: U. Begbie, Life of William Booth, 2 vols. BRITISH Association for the Advance­ ment of Science: A Retrospect, 1831-1921.. BROWN, Mrs. R. U. : E. K. Chambers, Mediaeval Stage, Z vols. . CARNEGIE Endowment for .International Peace: American Journal of. International Law, Analytical Index to vols. I.-XIV.; Biblioteca Interamericohar ' IV; P. Fauchille...,L& Guerre de 1914, 4 fascicules ;- A. Rolin, Le Droit modeme de la Guerre, 3 tomes; H. Wehberg, Die Internationale Beschrankung der Rtistungen. CARNEGIE United Kingdom Trustees: Subject Index of Periodicals, 1917-19 K, 1920 A. CHILDERS, C E. E.: Official History of Australia in the War. of 1914-18, VII. CHISHOLM, A. R.: R. Escholier, Cantegril; R. Maran, Batouala. COLLEGE of William and Mary in Virginia: J. M. Clark, Relations between the British Dominion of Virginia and the Dominion of Canada. CONFERENCE of Com­ missioners on Uniformity of Legislation in Canada: Proceedings of 5th Annual Meeting, 1922. EWART, Professor: 9 volumes and 2 pamphlets on Botany. FRANCE, Government of; 1917 Catalogue-Annuaire; V. Demonlds, L'AIgcrie Economique, I, Renseigne- mcnts sur L'Algeria Economique; J. H. Fabre, Un Voyage ou Pays des Dottes; Notice generate sur la Tunisia 1881-91. GUTHRIE, Mrs. C.: 19 volumes on Economics. HARDIE, A. D.: Achille Forli, Con- tribuzioni Diatomologichi. KERNOT, Associate Pro­ fessor : 6 volumes on Engineering. KERNOT, P. : 18 volumes on Engineering and Arohiteoture. KERRY, W.: Meleager, Fifty Poems of, with a translation by W. Headlara; Aratos, Phainomena, done into English verse by R. Brown, Jr.; James I. of Scot­ land, The Kingis Quair, modernized by W. Mackean. MENSINO, A. W. M.: Collections-Mensing au Soheep- vaaitmuseum, a'Amsterdam, Biblietheque, I. MEXICO, Government of: La Poblacion del Valle de Teoti- huHcan, 4 vols. MOORE, Professor: 6 volumes on Law and Politics. MURRAY, J. C. and T. H.: /. .Murray ond L. Pullar, Bathymetrical Survey of Scottish Fresh-Water Lochs, 4 vols. ORIENTAL Con­ ference, Foona, 1919: Proceedings and Transactions, 2 vols. PATTEKSON, A. S.: Hart House, University ANNUAL REPORT, 1922-1933. 83?

of Toronto. PRESBYTERIAN Church of Victoria: . T. Tait, John Dnnmore Lang. ROYAL Society of Edinburg: John Aitken, Collected Scientific Works. SOCIETY of Antiquaries of ' Scotland: A. 0. Curie, Treasure of Traprain. S. DAKOTA School of Mines: Bulletin 18. SWEET, .Associate Professor: Egypt. Explanatory Notes to Geological Map of: H. M. S. Challenger Report, Zoology, IX, text and plates. SWEDEN, Government, of: Year Book 1922. TATA, Sir D. a.: Uf. A. Bueh. Zoroastrian Ethics; if. N. Dhalla, Zoroastrian Civilization, Zoroastrian Theology. UPTON, T. H.: C. F. Marsh and W. Dunn, Manual of Reinforced Concrete, 2nd Edition. VICTORIA, Government of.- Railways, Rules and Regulations 1919, General Appendix thereto 1919. WASHINGTON, State College: Library Bulletin 5. WOODRUFF, Professor:. University Bulletin, f. (1, 2). II. (1).

MEDICAL SCHOOL LIBRARY. (1).—Journals. Acta Medica Scandinavica; Acta Scholae Medicinolis; Archives of Medical Hydrology; Australasian Journal of Pharmacy; Bookseller; Boston Medical and Surgical Journal; British Medical Journal (presented by Sir Harry Allen); Dutch-Indian Medical Civil Service; Evans' Journal; Folia Anatomica Japonica; Indian Journal of Med. Research; Japan Medical World; Lan» cet (presented by Sir Harry Allen); Mededeelingen van het Geneeskundig Laboratorium; Medical Journal of Australia; Repertoire de Pharmacie; St. Bartholomew Hospt. Journal; Speculum: Tohoku Journal of Ex­ perimental Medicine.

(2).—-Transactions and Proceedings. American Asso. of Genito-Urmary Surgeons; American Asso. of Obstetricians, and Gynaeclogists; American Laryngological Association; American Laryn. ' Rhino- and Otolo. Society; American Surgical Association; American Urological Association; Association of Ameri­ can Physicians; Association of American Surgeons; Chicago Pathological Society; College of Physicians of £38 ANNUAL REPORT, 1922-1923.

Philadelphia; Inst, of Chem., G.B. and I.; Philadel­ phia Academy of Surgeons.

(3).-^Beports. Assam Dispensaries, Jail and Sanitary: Bengal. Sanitation- and Vaccination; Burma—Hospt, .and Dis- rosaries: Lunatic Asylums; Sanitary Administration; gornegie Inst, of Washington; Coll. of-Phys. of Phil.; 'Commissions in Lunacy, Eng, and Wales; Commission­ ers in Lunacy, Ireland; Commissioners in Lunacy, ^Scotland; Commonwealth of Aust., Quarantine Service; Dutch-Indian'Med. Civil Service; Imperial Cancer Re­ search; King Edward VII. Sanitarium; Massachusetts Gen. Hospt.; Ministry of Munitions; N.S.W. Lunacy Dept.; New York; Neurological Inaitiute; Philadel­ phia Coll. of Physicians; Rockefeller Foundation; Surgeon-General U.S. Army; Surgeon-General U.S. :Navy; United Fruit Comp., America; Univ. of Penn­ sylvania (Henry Phipps Inst.); West Aust. Govt.; "Women's Hospt., N.Y. (4).—Vital Statistics. A.B.C. of Queensland; Commonwealth of Australia— (a) Official Year-book, (b) Population and- Vital; Fiji Government Gazette; Fiji Royal Blue Book; New South Wales; Queensland Govt. Gazette; Queensland Vital Statistics; Statistical Register of West Australia. (5..—SuUetins- Bulletin De La Societe de Chimie Biologique; Bul­ letin De La Societe Des Sciences Medicales; Lying- in Hospital, City of N.Y.; Mioses Taylor Hjoepb.; United States Naval Medical; United States Public Health Service; University De Montevideo; University of Toronto. (6).—Calendars, Catalogues, and Begisters. Dental Register ((U.KJ; Inst, of Chem., G.B. and I.; Medical. Eegister (U.K.); McGill Univ.; Peking Union Med Coll.; Royal Coll. Physicians, Lond.; Royal •College of Surgeons, Eng.; St. Mary's Hospt.; Uni­ versity of California, Chicago, Durham, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Philippines, Rush Med Coll.; Pennsylvania, and Toronto. ANNUAL REPORT, .1822-1932. 839*

(7).—Boots. From the Authors.—Anderson, Dr. J. H.: Abnormali­ ties of the Duodenum; Byrne, Dr. J.; 4 Monographs; Canac-Marquis, Dr. P.P.: 1 Monograph; Corlett, Dr. W. T. Leprosy; Dunn, Dr. P.: Toxaemic Aspect of Ocular Disease; Fox, Dr. H.: 3 Monographs, on Skin Disease; Goodhart and Tilney, Drs.: on Nervous Dis­ eases ; Manoukhine, Dr.: Le Traitement De La Tuber- oulose; Newman, Sir George: Medical Education in England; Thome, Dr. L. T.: Nanheim Treatment of the Heart; Walker, Dr. J. T. A.: (a) Puerperal. Eclampsia, (b) Alimentary Toxaemia, (c) Colonic and Duo­ denal Lavage. From the Publishers.—Longmans, Green and Co.— Ellis: Pract. Bacteriology; Lawson: Gravimetric An­ alysis; Woilmsley: Pract. Anatomy. Institutions.—American Medical Assoc.: 2 Mono­ graphs; Bureau of Laboratories, N.Y., Vol. 9; Carnegie Inst, of W'ton., Vols. 10 ond 12; Colorado State Med. Soc.: Jubilee Volume; Commonwealth of Aust.: Ser­ vice Publications; Crown Agents for the Colonies: Bact. Rept. of Kenya; General Council of Med, Edu.: (a) Medical Register, (b) Dentists' Register; Johns Hopkins Hospt. and Univ.: Collected Papere, 1916- 1922; London Sch. of Trop. Med.: Collected Papers, Nos. 16 to 35; Medical Press and Circular: High Blood Pressure; Municipal Court of Philadelphia: Address of the Judge; New York Univ. Reprints: Exp. Sur­ gery; Peking Union Med. College: 5 Monographs, and' Vol. 2; Rockefeller Inst.: Reprints: Vols. 42-44. and. Review; Roy. Coll. of Phys. of London: Address,. 1923; Stanford University: Arteriosclerosis Disease; U.S. Public Health Service: Cecil ond Steffen; Uni- versity of Christianio: Works by Haneborg, Hoist, Langfeldt, and Schiotz: Universita Di Padova: Mono­ graphs; University of Toronto': Monographs 46 to 57, and 130 to 135; Wellcome Research Labs., London: Monographs, 106 to 116, and 192 to 196. OTHERS.—Fairley, Mr. R. A.: B.M.J., and Medical- Annual, 6 vols. QBNBBAL ACCOUNT—STATB&ENT ot SBCBJPTS and 'BXPSS'D'JT'VBB tor the year, 1922.

1922. RECEIPTS. 1922: EXPENDITURE. Dec. SI. Jan. 1. To Government Grants . £36,600 0 0 By Balance . £0862 4 1 Fees— Dec. 81. Lectures .. £88,692 IS 6 By Salaries . 64,063 16 2 Degrees .. .. 8,086 16 0 House Allowance 100 0 0 Certificates .. 889 6 0 Exhibitions and Scholarships 1,703 6 8 Public Exams 12,290 8 6 Examiners'Fees :. 4,466 18 0 Annual Exams. .. 4,072 16 9 Examination Expenses 8,176 16 10 66,831 5 9 Examination Papers ... 020 7 11 Other Receipts— Books 1,601 12 0 Sale ol Calendars Apparatus 4,176 6 8 and Exam. Papers 274 17 9 Dissections 604 19 0 Interest .. . 1,601 14 7 Furniture 6S6 8 10 Trust Funds( Admin­ Cleaning and Incidentals 1,163 2 6 istration) 78 19 0 Gas ana Electric Light 927 4 2 Sundries .. .. 146 5 « Water and Sanitary 276 6 9 00 Transfers from Departments for GroundWood ans d Coal 9662 1120 06 Administration, etc.— Printing—including Calendar .. 1,032 6 6 Music Examina­ Stationery 1,493 1 8 tion Board .. £100 0 0 Stamps—Postage and Duty 668 0 0 Conservatorium Advertising 96 6 10 of Music . 101 0 0 Commencement 81 2 4 Veterinary Insurances 688 13 6 Department .. 165 0 0 Repairs 1,276 1 11 Bacteriology New Bulldinm 2,171 15 8 Department .. 60 0 0 Aero Dynamics Laboratory 8098 4 2 Tutorial Glosses .. 64 19 0 Extension Fund 64 8 6 Agricultural Fund .. 116 6 0 W 061'12 6 pfm nflj 1 "i 1 Balance 12,919 6 4 O X £10M»4 1 5 £101,004 1 6 a CONSBBVATOBWM OF MUSIC—STATEMENT of BBCBlPTS and BXPBNDttVttB tor the year. 1022.

1922. RECEIPTS. 1922. EXPENDITURE Deo. 81. Jan. i; To Fees— .,...••• jBy Balance ...... , . £778 1 11 Lectures .. .. '..' £4,890 12 2 Dec.'81. Entrance Exhibs. .. 23 2 0 By Salaries- 2 Teaching Staff ..£3,766 8 6 Hire of Music 9 14 6 Secretarial 839 10 0 Hire of Melba Hall 126 16 8 ,104 18 6 Transfer from Music Examination Board 250 0 0 Administration Charges, etc. .. 101 0 0 Balance 477 I 6 Exhibitions and Bursaries 67 12 0 Music, Instruments, Hire, Tuning, '.and Repairs.. 42 16 0 ,' Gas and Electric Light.. 26 11 6 ...Stationery,and Printing 21 18 3 Advertising- 26 10 0 Postages and Telephone 78 18 8 ' Insurances .. . 2(1 18 8 Attendants and Incidentals 60 15 0 Interest 18 6 7 Repairs, Furniture, eto. 46 11 6 Loss on Concerts ... 66 14 3 Grant to Estate ol D. J. Coutts ISO 0 0 4,916 4 11 Repayment Loan on Melba Hall "83 0 0

£6,777 6 10 £6(777 6 10 MUSIC EXAMINATION BOABD—STATEMENT ol BBCBIPTS and BXPBNDITVBB for the year, 1022.

RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. 1922. 1922. Jan. 1. Deo. 31. To Balance ..£1,152 18 3 By Scholarships £306 3 1) Dec. 31. Administration Charges 100 0 0 To Fees £2,767 4 3 Secretarial—Organising 480 0 0 Interest 97 10 0 Organising Expenses , 36 16 0 Royalties and Sales Exam. Papers 157 8 4 Examiners1 Pees 957 3 7 Examination Expenses 122 6 II Printing and Stationery 78 14 10 Postages 31 2 9 Advertising .. 4 10 0 Editing Grade Books 32 11 0 Travelling Expenses 137 0 U Conference Expenses 38 2 3 Transfer to Conservatorium ot Music 260 0 0 Balance 1900 2 6

£4,476 0 10 ' £4,476 0 10


1922. 1922. Jan. 1. Dec. 81. To Balance .. £1,840 0 0 By Balance .. £1,840 0 0 £1,840 0 0 £1,810 0 0 VBTBBINABT PVND—STATEMENT ot BBCBIPTS and BXPBNDITVBB for the year. 1922.

'- 1922. RECEIPTS. 1922. EXPENDITURE. Deo. 31. Jan. I. Tb Government Grant £4,200 0 0 By Balance £1,644 6 3 Hospital Fees 233 10 5 Deo. 31. Lecture Fees 199 6 4 By Salaries 3,062 9 3 Interest 80 0 0 Administration, etc. .. 166 0 0 Balance 2,238 11 4 Apparatus, Materials, etc. 1,164 4 II Special Research 125 6 8 s £6,961 7 I £6,961 7 1


1922. 1922. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £1,990 0 0 By Balance £1,990 0 0 £1,890 0 0 £1,900 0 0 BACTERIOLOGICAL PVND—STATEMENT of BBCBIPTS and BXPBNDITVBB tor the year. 1821

1922. RECEIPTS. 1922. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 81. To Balance £68 7 2 By Salaries £3,118 7 8 Dec. 81. Less charged to General A/c. 600 0 0 To Department of Health £1^33 6 £2,619 H. & M. Board ot Works 218 8 Administration 60 Melbourne City Council 60 0 Apparatus, Materials, etc. 714 Specimens, Examinations ol 614 7 wasserman Testa, etc. 140 Interest 142 10 U 2,898 18 416 7 ac Balance 5 £&883 12 10 £3,383 12 10


1982. 1922. Jan. L Dec. 31. To Balance £2,990 0 0 By Balance £2,890 0 0

£2,980 0 0 £2,890 0 0 AGRldULTURAL FUND-STATEMENT of BBCBIPTS and BtPBNbtTVBB lor the year. 1822

1822. RECEIPTS. 1822. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Der. 31. To Balance 3403 8 3 By Salaries £1282 0 11 Dec. 81. Apparatus 394 15 10 To Government Grant . £3,725 0 U Furniture and Fittings 2320 0 Lecture Fees 28 19 0 Telephone and Sundries 32 ., 11 ' Administration llti •> 0 Students' Quarters Werribee Research Farm 1600 0;, 0 Balance 1501 0 7

£7,155 7 3 £7,166 7 3


1922. RHOEIPTS. 1922. EXPENDITURE. Dec. 31. Jan. 1. To Government Grant £2,2n0 0 0 By Balance £34 19 2 Balance 308 9 6 Dec. 31. By Salaries .. • Ml 13 4 liectureni' Fees and Travelling Expenses 1248 8 0 Stationery, Postages and Sundries 26 S 0 Books J23 1 11 Adminstrntion til 10 u

£2,658 9 6 £2,658 1) 5 UNIVERSITY EXTENSION FUND-STATEMBNT ot RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the year. 1922.

1922. RECEIPTS. 1922. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance .. B.v Salaries £363 6 8 Dee. 31. Lecturers' Fees 359 19 3 To Government Grant £1,600 n 0 Workers' Kduc, Association 533 6 S Sale ot Books 4 11 0 Stationery, Postages, etc. 23 0 11 Travelling Expenses ... 41 10 3 Advertising 17 12 0 Administration 54 8 0 Balance 1010 5 .1 £2,403 18 6 £2,403 18 0


RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. 1822. 1922. Dee. 31. Jan. I. To Vets £219 15 6 By Balance £3 1 6 Balance 11 10 6 Dec. 31. By Salaries 146 4 4 Interest. 32 4 3 Apparatus 20 2 Furniture 14 15 0 Gas and Electric Light 4 18 9 £231 6 0 £231 6 0 ARCHITECTURAL ATELIER BUILDING ACCOUNT for the year, 1922.

1922. ! 1822 Dec. 31. •' Jan. 1. To Balance £644 5 0| By Balance £644 6 0 £644 5 0 £644 6


RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. 1922. 1022.. Jan. 1. Dec. 81. To Balance £324 0 2 By Cash £7,819 IS 7 Dec. 31.., Balance 642 18 4 To Cash .. 8,138 13 9 2 £8,462 13 11 £8,462 13 11 »*


1922. RECEIPTS. 1022. EXPENDITURE. Dec. 31. Dec. 31. To Fees 3,368 8 0 By Salaries .. £650 0 0 Tutors' and Lecturers' Fees .. 2,318 8 Walter and Eliza Hall Institute 500 0 0«


1922. RECEIPTS. 1922. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. £30 6 0 To Balance .. £81 » S By Apparatus Balance 60 15 S £81 0 8 £81 0 3


1922. RECEIPTS. 1922. EXPENDITURE. Jnn. 1. Dec. SI. £126 0 0 To Balance tl2i> (1 0 By Balance £125 0 0 £125 0 0


EXPENDITURE. 1822. RECEIPTS. 1922. Dec. 31. Dec. 81. £126 0 0 To Fees £57!) 1 « By Salaries Tutore" and Lecturers' Fees 308 13 0 Balance 145 8 6 £679 1 £679 1 6 VINCENT'S HOSPITAL CLINICAL FEES APPARATUS ACCOUNT.-STATBMENT of BBCBIPTS and BXPBNDITVBB for the year, 1922.

1922. RECEIPTS. 1922. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £41 6 8 By Apparatus £1 12 6 Balance 39 14 2 £41 6 8 £41 6 8


1822. RECEIPTS. 1922. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. eo To Balance £20 17 11 By Balance £20 17 II I £20 17 11 £20 17 11

ST VINCENT'S HOSPITAL ENTRANCE FBBS ACCOVNT—STATEMENT ot RBCBIPTS and BXPBNDITVBB tor the year, 1822. ' 1922. ECEIPTS. 1822. EXPENDITURE. Jan. I. Dec. 31. To Balance £262 0 0 By St. Vincent's Hospital .. £262 0 0 Deo 31. Balance 316 0 0 To Entrance Fees 316 0 0 £667 0 0 £667 0 0 ALFRED HOSPITAL CLINICAL FEES ACCOVST-STATBMBNT of BBCBIPTS and BXPBNDITVBB tor the year, 1822.

1922. RECEIPTS. 1922. EXPENDITURE. Dec. 81. Dec 31. To Fees £631 6 0 By Transfer to Apparatus Account £S 0 0 Salaries , 50 0 0 Tutors' and Lecturers' Fees 476 6 0 £631 6 0 ' £631. 8 0


1922. RECEIPTS. 1822. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 81. To Balance £91 0 7 By Apparatus £30 0 0 Deo. 31. Balance .. 0 7© To Transfer from Clinical Fees Account 5 0 0 £98 0 7 £06 0 7


1822. RECEIPTS. 1822. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £70 6 0 By, Amount paid to Recreation Grounds Committee Dec. 31. for Maintenance of Recreation Ground Buildings To Studente' Fees 2,458 10 6 and Sports Clubs ..£2450 u 0 Balance 78 16 0

£2528 16 0 £2688 16 0 CLUB HOUSE FEES—STATEMENT 0/ RECEIPTS and BXPBNDITVBB tor the year, 1822.

1922. RECEIPTS. 1922. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec.31. To Balance £66 19 10 .By Amount paid to Club House Committee .. £1640 0 0 Dec. 31. Balance 63 1 4 To Students' Fees 1526 1 6

' £1693 1 4 £1693 1 4


RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. 1922. '1922. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £36 7 8 By Balance £36 7 8

£36 7 8 £36 7 8 WALTER and ELIZA BALL FELIAlnSHIP-STATEMENT of BBCBIPTS and EXPBNDITVRB tor the yeor. 1922

1922. RECEIPTS. .1922.' EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1 Deo. 31. To Balance £93 16 4 By Salaries .. £188 18 4 Deo. 81. Apparatus, etc. 26 7 0 To Cash 200 0 0 Balance 78 11 0

•" ' • ',', - • ". '' £293 16 4 £293 16 4


1922. RECEIPTS. 1922. EXPENDITURE. Jan, 1.. ... Dec. 31. To Balance .. £31.188 16 0 By Balance £31,188 16 0

£31,138 16 0 £31,138 16 0 UNIVERSITY FUNDS—STATEMENT oj BALANCES at Slst December, 1922. Dec. 31, 1022. Fund. Dr. Balance. Cr. Balance Summary of Investment!, etc. General Account £l'j ,910 6 Debentures at Face Value- Conservatorium ot Music Account 477 I City ol Melbourne Debentures ' £200 0 0 Music Examination Board Account 1,800 2 6 Government Securities, etc., at cost— ,, ,, Investment Account £1240 Western Australian Government.. Veterinary Fund Account.. 2,238 11 4 1,340 U 0 Stock 1,202 16 0 „ ,. Investment Account £2250 Geelong Waterworks and Sewerage Bacteriological Fund Account 410 7 4 1,990 0 0 Trust Debentures 2,166 0 0 „ ,, Investment Account.. £26,885 Victorian Government Stock .. 26,411 0 0 Tutorial Classes Fund 308 9 5 2,990 0 0 £4000 Savings Bank Credit Foncier De­ University Extension Fund benture Stock 3,980 0 0 Agricultural Fund 1010 5 3 Mortgages 6,000 0 0 Suspense Account 1601 0 7 Architectural Atelier 11 10 642 18 4 £37,968 16 0 Building 644 5 Bank Current Account- Melbourne Hospital Clinical Fees Apparatus Account 50 16 3 General—Debit .. £11,321 18 „ „ ., „ Contingent Account 125 0 0 I*ss Bank Current General s St. Vincent's Hospital.Cllnical Fees Account 146 8 6 Account Management St. Vincent's Hospital Clinical Pees Apparatus Account 39 14 2 —Credit 370 6 .. „ ,, „ Contingent Account 20 17 11 10,861 12 4 ,, ,. Entrance Fees Account 316 0 0 Alfred Hospital Clinical Fees Apparatus Account .. 66 0 Sports Fees Account 78 16 Club House Fees Account 63 1 Special Research Grant Account .. 36 7 Walter and Elixa Hall Fellowship 79 11 General Investment. Account 31.188 10 Total of Credit Balances £44,022 16 1 Less Total of Debit Balances £17,015 11 5 17,016 11 6

£27,007 I 3 8 £27,007 3 8 TRUST FUNDS-STATEMENT of BALANCES at SUt December, 1922.

Dec. 31,1922. Fund. Inceatmrnti. Bank Cr. Bant Dr. Total. Summary uf Incentinenie, etc. Anthropological £079 lb 0 1 10 £679 17 10 Dec. 31, 1922. Architecture 10 0 0 1- 4 6 11 4 V Bank Deposits, etc. £693 0 0 Argus 2,371 15 II 1 6 7 2,273 0 7 Government Securities, etc. Armytage 625 0 0 8 14 11 533 14 11 at face value- Bage Memorial 1,060 0 II 21 0 2 1,074 0 2 City of Melb. Debs. .. 8,600 0 0 Uaird 613 14 0 7 17 0 621 11 6 31. & M. B. of W. Debs. S0.88U 0 0 Barry 26 0 V 0 6 3 34 6 3 Vict. Gov. Stock .. 68,301 0 0 Beaney- Patliologi 2,631 10 II 9 11 2,631 0 1 Government Securities, etc., ,, Surgery .. 2,200 0 0 4 0 9 2,210 0 9 at cost— Bio-Chemistry Apparatus 440 0 0 10 7 0 460 7 0 £24,950 Commonwealth Black 2,226 0 II 33 17 3 2,192 2 9 Insc. Stock .. 25,156 Botany Apparatus.. 40 U 0 2 8 0 42 8 0 £6,090 W. Aust. Gov. Bowen 136 C 0 17 2 8 152 2 8 Insc. Stock 6,080 14 0 Bursary No. 1 Rest Home 300 u 0 31 7 2 S31 7 2 £69,392 Vict. Gov. Stock 67,284 15 0 Cancer Research Fund •10 i 6 40 2 6 £29,850 M. &. M. B. of W. Chainb. of Commerce 1,972 15 0 4 8 7 1,977 3 7 Insc. Stock 20,036 6 0 Chemistry Equipment 6.000 0 0 212 12 3 4,787 7 9 £7,400 H. & H. B. ot W. Childers 103 16 I! 3 2 4 100 12 S Debs. 6,110 10 0 Clinical Research Fund 1,260 3 9 70 16 6 1,349 0 2 £18,000 City ol Melbourne Commercial Exam. Prise 50 0 0 6 0 0 66 0 0 6}% Debs. .. 18,000 0 0 Cons. Students* l/>au a/c 20 7 U 63 14 11 84 2 8 £3,250 Oeelong Water­ Gonservatoriuin of Music 26 0 0 i 1 2 28 1 2 works and Sewerage Cuming 1,249 6 0 7 8 n 1,241 17 0 Trust Stock 3,283 8 9 Danks Industrial Scliol. 1 0 O 1 0 0 £250 Oeelong Water­ Dept. of Commerce 1,113 16 0 21 a 0 1,134 16 0 works and Sewerage Dick 1,664 h 0 24 9 1 1,688 14 1 Trust Debs. Dixson 16,004 10 II 22 16 6 15,981 13 7 £1,000 Savings Bank Dublin 329 15 0 6 19 10 336 14 10 Credit Fonder Stock 996 0 0 Dniglit (1,591 14 9 76 7 4 6,608 2 1 £100 Savings Bank Deb. 86 0 0 Engineering Ef|pmnt. 1010 0 0 20 5 4 1,030 5 4 £500 City ot Sth. Mel­ Fulton 1.II09 15 0 8 10 4 1,108 11 4 bourne Delis. 407 10 0 General Research .. 5,402 0 0 128 18 3 6,530 18 3 Commonwealth War Genlogy Equpnmt. 100 0 0 12 11 7 112 11 7 Gratuities 1,002 12 0 Gillott 5000 0 0 25 13 0 6026 13 0 £12,000 Met. Gas Com 641 9 2 280 6 2 61,620 19 9 Carried forward £247,127 16 0 Trust Funds-SlnUment of Balances (Continued)

Fund. Investments. Ban* Cr. Bank Dr. Total. Summary of Investments,

Fund Investmenti Bank Cr. Bant Dr. Total. Brought forward £188,618 4 8 1413 7 1 7787 6 3 183,135 6 6 Brought forward £250,046 19 8 Spencer Prise 300 0 0 21 0 6 821 0 0 Stawell 1,677 0 0 4 10 7 1,672 9 6 Stewart 30,488 10 0 886 11 4 30,826 1 4 Sutherland (Alex.).. 107 0 0 1 8 107 1 9 Sutherland (William) 60 0 0 11 14 3 71 14 8 Sweet Memorial 600 0 0 28 1 1 629 1 1 Syme 3,640 10 0 16 1 3 3,666 11 3 Turner Scholarship 1,060 0 0 6 2 1068 IS 10 Turner Prixe 160 0 0 15 6 150 16 6 University Extnsn. 676 0 0 21 16 1 696 16 1 University Union .. 600 0 0 38 2 6 688 2 6 Veterinary Eqpmnt. 660 0 0 2 4 8 662 4 8 VicSailors (k Soldiers Ass. 080 0 0 67 IS 2 922 6 10 War Memorial 1,167 IU 0 6 19 3 1,178 9 3 Wilson (Professor) 176 18 0 8 7 176 6 7 OS Wilson (B. 0.) 2,680 10 0 63 17 2 2,684 7 2 Women's College .. 48 0 0 4 0 3 63 0 8 s Wright (R. A.) 1,407 10 0 18 5 1,408 8 6 Wright (F. J.) 680 0 0 3 1 629 16 11 Wrixon 864 16 0 3 17 2 868 12 2 Wyselaskie —Classics 2,018 6 0 16 16 7 2,036 0 7 „ Eng. Con. Histor v 2,346 10 0 7 1 8 2,339 8 8 „ Maths. 2,881 10 0 44 12 4 2,486 2 4 ,, Mod. Languages 2,123 0 0 14 8 2,123 14 8 „ Nat. Sci. 2,881 10 0 10 8 6 2,881 13 6 ,, Pol. Econ. 2,061 10 0 6 18 4 2,070 8 4 Zoology Equipment 560 0 0 2 6 II 562 5 11

£250,628 12 8 £2,040 6 2 £7,867 0 0 £244,801 18 10 Professors' Retiring a/c 10,848 2 6 295 17 11 11,244 0 6 Total .. £261,676 16 2 £2.336 4 1 £7,867 0 0 £256,045 19 3 Total .. £266,046 18 8 TRUST FUNDS—SUMMARISED STATBMBNT of BBCBIPTS and BXPBNDITVBB for the year, 1922.

1922. RECEIPTS. 1922. EXPENDITURE. Deo. 81. Jan. I. To Bequests and Gilts and other additions'to Trust By Balance £4,603 7 10 Funds .. £11,188 17 3 Dec. 81. Sales or Transient of Investments 1,784 4 8 By Purchases or Transfers of Investments .. 16,887 16 9 £ Interest 9,004 4 6 Scholarships, Prizes and other payments In terms ii Balance 6,630 15 11 - ol Trust 6,891 16 6 Incidental Expenses 126 2 4

£27,608 2 4 £27,608 2 4 SUMMARY OF UNIVERSITY RECEIPTS from all sourest for Ihr Year, 1922.

Government Grants £39,008 6 8 Lecture Fees 41,929 11 A Annual Examination, Degree, and Certificate Fees 8,070 19 » "Interest—On Funds available tor General Purposes .. £4,821 14 7 On Trust Funds, tor Scholarships and other specified purposes 9,004 4 6 13,826 10 1 Publio Examinations Fees 12,290 8 6 Public Examinations in Music Fees 2,767 4 3 Sundries 2,070 5 10 Sports Fees 2,458 10 0 Club House Fees 1,626 1 6 Clinical Fees in Trust for Hospitals 4,793 16 0 128,747 3 7 Bequests, Gifts, and other additions to Trust Funds, including amounts set aside by the University tor Retiring Funds 11,188 17 3 £139,930 0 Id •The interest on the Hastie and Residue 1920 Appeal Funds is included In the Interest on funds available lor general purposes.

Audited and found correct, 1A0/23 J. A. NORRIS, Auditor-General SCHOOL LEAVING. 859 HONOUR LISTS. 1922 TO 1923. SCHOOL LEAVING EXAMINATION. DECEMBER, 1922. CLASS LISTS.

ENGLISH. I First Class. (In Order of Merit.) Joyce Maxwell Dimond Pyke Fitzgerald James ) v„„.i John Hugh Sutton ) i

Enid Alice Druoe Grace Graham Francis Kevin Heathcote Joseph Maher Leslie Andrewartha Osborn Equal Irma Lynda Bnssell Nellie Tresidder Donald Munro Armstrong Margaret Elizabeth Davies Ethel Violet Gillespie William Allison Glover Alexander John McKenzie .Equal Francis Patrick Vincent McManus Alexia Brown Richardson Gideon McCrae Rutherford Frances Elizabeth Allan Mary Agnes Campbell Ethel May Alison Farrell Marjorie Alice Friday Ralph Siward Gibson Equal William Frederick Paton Sheila Semmens Stewart George Charlton Tootell Constance Mary Warnecke ~\ John Turnbull Pringle Melrose Wilson C Equal Margaret Amy Young ) Sophie Isobel Borland Owen Evans John Alexander Leslie Henderson J-Equal Margaret Morgan ' John Geoffrey Stonham Flora Theresa Brennan Kathleen Popham Luscoinbe Daisy Ada Mulgrew Equal Bernard Francis O'Connor Kathleen Elizabeth Pitt Rona Adelaide Blogg -^ Sydney Bex Kelson Thomas Bex Mackenzie Myrna Victoria McDonald > Equal Edith Phyllis Pickering Monica Sargeant Winifred Temple Smith Wilson Denis Sproules SCHOOL LEAVING 861 Isobel Maude Allen Dorothy Beatrice Bond Thomas White Carroll Beryl Elizabeth Christie Harold Boy Fidge James Alexander Forrest Marie Josephine Gargan Gladys Irene Geraghty John Lawrence Gorman Olive Edna Gray Enid Moodie Heddle • Equal Edward Charles Jenkins Kathleen Ethel McGregor Gladys Agness Mills Jack Alpen Richards. Kathleen Muriel Stride Margaret Augusta Sydes William Henry Taylor Ernest Hugh Templeton Mary Leeson Thorn Aubrey Wilfred Baker Winifred Fanning Olive Mary Finnin Hughina Agnes Cameron Foord Jean Adele Fowler Douglas Macfarlan Little Sheila Evelyn MoBryde Equal Dorothy Alice McLean Deborah Bush Proctor Frank Baymond Tredinniok Leigh Thornton Wedlick Alan Boy Wilson Jean Florence Wilson J Keith Arnold Anson Amelia Veronica Croagh John Patrick Horan Bosanna Gertrude Jones Olwen Esther Morgan Eileen Louise O'Reilly VEqnal WiUiam Morrison Beid Harold Winston Rhodes William Theophilus Simpkin Ena Marie Tharle Frederick John von Sierakowski /

£61 862 EXAMINATION RKSULT3, 1922-1923.

Jessie Allan Simpson Adam ") Evelyn Bond Brian Charles Cornell Alice Margaret Coverlid Rosamond Mary Eocles Geoffrey Stephen King Moira Mackey Malone lima Lovell Phillips Samuel Austin Frank Pond Charles Jooelyn George Bhoden Edgar Kenneth Bodda f Equal Marjorie Glen Shannon Catherine Veronica Sherry James Stanislaus Stephens Agnes Katherine Cumbrae Stewart Bobert Cyril Taylor John William Rogers Thomson May Theresa Wallace Lesly Mary White Geoffrey Choverton Wyatt Doris Irene Zimmer Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Kenneth Thomas Adamson Wilfred Agar Bobert James Amor Claire Mary Atherton Kathleen Ella Axford Bosanna Faith Bailey Bachel Letitia Baird John Grieve Bald Frank Augustus Barrett Margaret Atone Bartels Thomas Millear Bawden John Leslie Noel Benjamin Catherine Marion Bennett Ian Tuson Bennett Reginald Mark Vincent Blakemore Muriel Blazey Essie e Annie Blewett Katie Weir Rothwell Bloomfield Edgar Heflernan Brotchie Stewart Fiddee Brown SCHOOL LBAVING 863

Eva Kerville Bruce William Alfred Bunn Frank David Burke Carmel Byrne Stanley William Byrne Innes Norma Cameron Annie Elinor Carter - Boss Hubert Carter Myrna Alice Chrisfleld ' Malcolm Clarke Thomas Cleary Kathleen Colville Agnes Connell Hebe Elizabeth Cooncy Winifred Lillie Cotes Loma Winifred Jordan Cox Francis Henry Croft Eva Doris Daniel Paula Helen Deegan Elizabeth Maudelay De Mole Hazel Mary Doery Francis Patrick Donoghue Mattie Elliott Douglas John Frederick Francis Drew Dorothy Margaret Dyson Eric Alfred Eddy Milton Gray Edison Blanche Emily Everard Marie Bethune Facey Holland Fairlev Ralph Fambacn Eunice Elizabeth Flitton Henry Edward Foo Bessie Franks Myrtle Eileen Fraser Edna Pearl Fryer Joseph Francis Paul Qanim Bobert Desmond Gardner Eileen Nellie Green Jean Florence Elizabeth Green Hultjert Andrew Greening Cora FJfreda Hadley Wilfred Oillman Hall Eileen Claire Harper 864 EXAMINATION RESULTS-, 1982-1923.

Mary Irene Healy Thomas Shaw Henderson Margaret Alice Beverley Hetherington Roland Murray Hill Mary Howard Elizabeth Bertha Hughes Freda Mary Howy Irving Hannah Isabel Jeffery Elsie Katrine Johnson Brian Charles David Jones Lloyd Emerson Jones Gwendolen Agnes Keane Emmeline Mary Keenan Aileen Louisa Victoria Kellaway Eileen Agnes Kennedy John Martin Vaughan Kennedy Eileen Mary Lester Kathleen Levens Nancy McLityre Lewes Kathleen Mary Linane Maureen Claire Linehan Janet Elizabeth Looney Amos Walter Mai en Alexander George Mancy Jessie May McClymont Mary Frances McDonald Lorna -Kathleen McCullach Kenneth McGregor Eleanor Mcllroy William McKean Margaret Christabel McKie Albert Peter McLean Matthew Joseph McNamara Agnes Minnie Meares John Francis Meehan Kathleen Mary Moran Geoffrey Hugh Mnrieson Erna May Morris James Andrew Morrison Evelyn May Morton Albert Edward Murdoch Laurence Langley Nash Melville James Nicol Norman George Nicol SCHOOL LEAVING. 865

Annie Catherine Noonan Maestoso Louisa Norman Gilbert Charles Northcote James Joseph Maurice Nnnan Thelma Marion Oates Mary Noreem O'Brien Dorothy Margaret O'Connor Norman Joseph Oliver Constance Ferguson Orr Clara Elizabeth Osborne Mabel Maria Parker Bhoda May Parker Arthur Vernon Pearoe Kathleen Emerson Perry Lilian Potter Alexander Einar Pratt Dorothy Graham Pye Paul Bedford Kathleen Frances Balph Edgar Banking Isabel Lyall Beid Edgar Argent Boss John Timothy Ryan Thomas Midbael By an Mary Gammons Beryl May Sanders Jack Vincent Shallard Ethel Mary Sharp Alexander Livingstone Sharwood Kenneth Frederick Sknes Madge Elizabeth Slater Ella Annie Sloane . Amy- Alice Smith Walter Fleetwood Smith Ethel Easter Soilleux Henry James Bondfield .Stephens Monica Mary Tighe Balph Ewart Tonkin Gwendoline Ivy Tregear Annie Trende Margaret Heggie Troup - John Eeorton Tulloh Charles William Angliss Tuppen Grace Tye 866 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1922-1938.

Ethel Alma Volk Frederick Jacob Volk Francis John Vontier Harold Vincent Ward Thirza Elizabeth Leila Wettenhall Emily Waterman White Chadwiok Marshall Whiteley Eileen Isabella Margaret Williams - Walter Edward Williams Carl Winter LATIN. First Class. (In Order of Merit.). James Gladstone Cornell Marcus Winter Ashton John Hugh Sutton Alan James Bice Allen Ernest Winter James Wingfield Baruaby William Frederick Paton Douglas Macfarlan Little ; Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) John Munro Whitehead Bobert Cyril Taylor Francis'Patrick Vincent McManus Balph Siward Gibson Stanley William Byrne John Edward Briggs Geoffrey Buckhnrat Stephen Hart Clifford William Lethbridge Hall > „ , John Edward Lennon j tqual Jean Florence Wilson Kathleen Grace Hardy Geoffrey Stephen King Paul Vincent Branagan ")„,„• Kenneth Frederick Skues > Jwluftl Percy George Weston Mary O'Shea Dorothy Alice McLean Paul Bedford Leslie Kneale Corteen } Wnual Brian Charles David Jones ) *"» SCHOOL LEAVING. 867

Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) John Francis Carroll Margaret Elizabeth Dayies Enid Alice Druoe Winifred Fanning rrancis James Fmnegan Thomas Ignatius Anthony Forbes Eileen Claire Harper William Joseph Hendry John Patrick Horan Kenneth Leslie Humphrey John Martin Vaughan Kennedy Matthew James MoKeiman Eileen Louise O'Reilly Samuel Austin Frank Pond. Charles Jooelyn George Bhoden Walter Fleetwood Smith Winifred Temple Smith Wilson Denis Sproulee James Stanislaus Stephens James Frederick Sullivan John William Rogers Thomson Frederick John von Sierakowski Harold Vincent Ward Carl Winter GREEK. First Class. William Frederick Paton Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) Marcus Winter Ashton Allen Ernest Winter . Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Ralph Svward Gibson Geoffrey Buckhnrst Stephen Hart Paul Badford FBENCH. First Class. (In Order of Merit.) John Hugh Sutton Stanley Paterson Grounds EXAMINATION RESULTS, 19W-192S.

James Gladstone Cornell John Munro Whitehead Dorothy Beatrice Bond' Balph Siward Gibson Kathleen Colville Joyce Eoberteon Semmens Annie Elinor Carter , Francis Field Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) Harold Leslie White Monica Sergeant Sheila Evelyn McBryde ) Leslie Andrewartha Osborn t Equal Linda Maud Mary TaaseH ) Norman Denholm "Harper •» ,, ,., Bose Fellows White »J*'ual Gideon McCrae Rutherford Marcus Winter Ashton } Elizabeth Bertha Hughes [ Equal Francis Kevin Heathcote Joseph Maher ) Marjorie Alice Friday Wilfred Gillman Hall } „ . Kathleen Popham Luscombe » ,J<*UB1 Deborah Rush Proctor Frank Raymond Tredinniok Egbert Armytage Cunninghame Farran ) Margaret Morgan > Equal Jack Alpen Richards ) Bobert Cyril Taylor } _ , Carl Winter J E1ual Margaret Elizabeth Daviea ) „ , Kathleen Ethel McGregor" J Mn»l Marjorie Louise Kissick Evelyn Bond Laurence William O'Brien Dorothy Graham Pye Eileen Claire Harper Sophie Isobel Borland Wilson Denis Spronles . „ . Frederick John von Sierakowski ) ^V*1 Ethel Violet Gillespie Winifred Fanning } Alan James Bice > Equal Coralie Clara Skinner ) SCHOOL LEAVING. 869

Paul Vincent Branagan ) Lilian Thomson Houston > Equal Jean Mhmro McLennan ) Maestoso Louisa Norman Eulo. Comer ) t«„„„i Winifred Temple Smith ) Ji „ , Hebe Elizabeth Cooney j ^l"*1 Jessie May MoClymont Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Jessie Allan Simpson Adam Keith Alrnold Anson Claire Mary Aitherton. Muriel Jessie Atkins Rosanna Faith Bailey Frank Augustus Barrett Margaret Anne Bartels John Leslie Noel Benjamin Brian Allan Bergin Mary Frances Bourke Flora Theresa Brennan Mary Alberta Buntine Thomas White Carrol1 Daniel Condon Leslie Kneale Corteen Winifred Lillie Cotes> Amelia Veronica Croagh Paula Helen Deegan Enid Alice Druce Dorothy Margaret Dyson Christina Troup Edgerton. Blanche Emily Everard Marie Bethune Faoey Francis James Finnqgan Constance Fonder Hughina Agnes Cameron Foord James Alexander Forrest Isabel Gannan Joseph Lawrence Oleeson Grace Graham Eileen Nellie Green Richard Alfred Harman 870 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1922-1923.

Geoffrey Buckhurst Stephen Hart Geoffrey Alfred Hay Roland Murray Hill Dorothy Mary Hurley Hannah Isabel Jeffery Lloyd Emerson Jones Rudolph Urban Jones Gwendolen Agnes Eeane Emmeline Mary Keenan Aileen Louisa Victoria Kellaway Eileen Agnes Kennedy Geoffrey Stephen King Annie Frances' Legg John Edward Lennon Kathleen Mary Linane Maureen Claire Linehan Janet Elizabeth Looney Margaret Isobel Macgibbon Kenneth Wulsten Macfcmnon Mary Frances McDonald Myrna Victoria McDonald Kenneth McGregor William McKean Theodora Miljoen Gladys Agnees Mills Kathleen Mary Moran Erna May Morris Daisy Ada Mulgrew Annie Catherine Noon an Joan Howard Norris Eileen Louise O'Reilly Mary O'Shea Kathleen Emerson Perry Edith Phyllis Pickering Kathleen Elizabeth Pitt Samuel Austin Frank Pond Kathleen Frances Balph Charles Jooelyn George Bhoden Marion Leonora Doreen Bigby Edgar Argent Boss Mary Sammons Beryl May Sanders Ethel Mary Sharp Catherine Veronica Sherry Madge Elizabeth Slater SCHOOL LEAVING. 871

Ella Annie Sloane Leo Phillip Slutzkin Walter Fleetwood Smith James Stanislaus Stephens Agnes Katherine Cumbrae Stewart Arthur Geoffrey Strickland Ena Marie Tharle - John William Rogers Thomson Edith Marjorie- Tonkin Nellie Treaidder ., Charles William Angliss Tuppen Kathleen Gertrude Warren Evelyn Violet Veronica Welshman Lynwood Florence Westacott Leely Mary White Eileen Lillie Whiteley Alan Boy Wilson Doris Irene Zimmer

GERMAN. First Class. (In Order of Merit.) Myrna Victoria McDonald Bosanna Gertrude Jones.

Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) Mary Frances Bourke Grace Graham Margaret Morgan

Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Bosanna Faith Bailey Eileen Nellie Green Lena Margaret Lombard Agnes Minnie Meares Theodora Miljoen Maestoso Louisa Norman 872 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1922.1923.

HISTOBY. First Class. (In Order of Merit.) John Edward Brigjre } Norman Denbolm Harper f v\auBi John Edward Lennon ( * A3an James Bice ) Eulo Comer ( Knual Douglas Macfarlan Little ) H John Leslie Noel Benjamin Leo Thomas Grattan Geraghty Myrna Alice Chrisfleld ~) P„„„, Linda Maud Mary tassell j J5 **„„„-, John Bnrstoll Turner » ^ufti Beryl Elizabeth Christie Eleie Katrine Johnson > -, , Edgar Argent Ross ] ^"^ Frederick John von Sieratoweki Francis Patrick Vincent MoManua Jack Alpen Richards Evelyn May Morton Sydney Rex Kelson . } E , Alexia Brown Richardson j r' ,, , James Wingfield Bamaby \ Ji E Equal Mary Gwendolyn Hardy ) Kathleen Elizabeth Pitt James Alexander Forrest "} Elizabeth Bertha Hughes / ^ , Annie Prances Legg t Kinal Olwen Esther Morgan j SCHOOL LEAVING. 873

Keith Arnold Anson ) Sophie laobel Borland (Equal Myrtle Eileen Fraser ) ' Maisie Florence Anderson \ Florence Baxter I Francis Patrick Donoghue > Equal Jean Adele Fowler 1 John Lawrence Gorman / Margaret Elizabeth Davies ~\ Evelyn Clara Perr£ f „ ., William Morrison Beid f aqua» Sheila Semmens Stewart J Gwendolen Ada Carnegie 1 m-;,.! Amos Walter Males \ Equal Winifred LUdie Cotes } E • l Francis Field ) ^qum Brian Charles Cornell ~\ Alexander Allen Stewart > Equal Mary Leeson Thorn ) Eva Doris Daniel ) Kenneth Wulsten Mackinnon (Equal Dugald Stalker ) George Balph Edwards ) Gladys Agneas Mills > Equal Bernard Francis O'Connor ) John Francis Meehan 1 m , Jean Florence Wilson I JS,^U*1 Evelyn Bond Frank Augustus Barrett > w , Madge Elizabeth Slater ] B1nal Harold Boy Fidge \ - WiUiam Thomas Hogan ) Geoffrey Hugh Morieson > Equal Edith Phyllis Pickering 1 Kathleen Muriel Stride / Mary O'Shea ) Charles Jocelyn George Bhoden > Equal George Charlton TooteU ) Mary Angee Campbell Agnes Oonnell Francis Henry Croft _ Marjorie Alice Friday ' V Equal James Robertson Thomson Ma/m^ilgn ( Eileen Anna O'Brien 874 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1922-1923. Paul Vincent Branagan - \ Lilian Thomson'Houston I Kathleen Popham Luscombe V Equal John William 'Rogers Thomson | George Hector Wood / Claire Mary Atherton. \ Kenneth Percy Bladen ' { Cora Elfreda Hadley - > Equal Thomas Shaw Henderson I Freda Mary Howy Irving / Isobel Maude Allen (P„„0, Marie Bethune Facey J ^l11"1 Edwin Thome Dixon . Thomas Ignatius Anthony Forbes f Albert Peter McLean > Equal Dorothy Graham Pye | Frederick Jacob Volk / Edward Charles Jenkins ) Francis Kevin Heathcote Joseph Maher ( Equal Alexander Einar Pratt ) Myrna Victoria McDonald ' Doreen Rita Allen Peter Beverley Creswell Patricia Duncan Eleanor McLIroy Equal Eileen Louise O'Reilly Margaret Amy Young Rachel Letitia Baird >,, , Bosanna Gertrude Jones j Jiql,al Annie Elinor Carter "\ Owen Fredrick Lloyd f _, , Ema May Morris ^M*"" Coralie Clara Skinner J Bobert Walter Delves Bae William Dungan John Bertram Plant Equal James Andrew Morrison Thomas Michael Ryan Daisy Ada Mulgrew ") Ethel Easter Soilleux [ Equal Gwendoline Ivy Tregear ) SCHOOL LEAVING. 875

Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Kenneth 'rnomas Adamson Kathleen Ella Axford David Cleveland Baldy Catherine Marion Bennett Brian Allan Bergin Katie Weir Bothwell Bloomfield Dorothy Beatrice Bond Hugh Hutchison Bradshaw Edgar Heffeman Brotohie Stewart Fiddes Brown Eva Eerville Bruce Thomas Cleary Daniel Condon Mary Oonvery Alma Beta Dew Mattie Elliott Douglas Loreen Rae Duncan Leila Ada Ellis Marjorie Dwight Ellis Blanche Emily Everard Balph Fambooh Dorothy Jean Featherstone Eunice Elizabeth Flitton Hughina Agnes Cameron Foord Gladys Irene Geraghty Oliver James Gillard Ethel Violet Gillespie Joseph Lawrence (jrleeson Ord Howard Glenn Sylvia Noel Greene George Howard HaUett Bythesea Baymond Edward Lytton Hitchins John Patrick Horan Mary Howard Kenneth Leslie Humphrey Lloyd Emerson Jones. Buoolph Urban Jones Gwendolen Agnes Keane Kathleen Mary Linane Eileen Mary Mannion Jessie May MoClymont Loma Kathleen McCuUagh Patricia Miljoen

86 876 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1922-1928.

Laurence Langley Nash ' Annie Catherine Noonao Thelma Marion Gates lima Lovell FhiUips Samuel Austin Frank Pond Deborah Bush Proctor Heriot Roland Karl Joseph Stanislaus Schneider Agnes Katherine Cumbrae Stewart Hector Stribling Gwendoline Agnes Swann Balph Ewart Tonkin Frank Raymond Tredinniok Francis John Voutier Lesly Mary White John Turnbull Pringle Melrose Wilson Frances Eleanor Winduss Carl Winter ALGEBRA. First Clasa. (In Order.of Merit.) Godfrey Bernard O'Malley Annie Wilson Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) Keith Hargreaves Price Frances Elizabeth Allan •) „ . Leonard Phillips Fox >. quftl Thomas Lambert a'Beckett Bobert Charles Mears Edith Rita Lowenstern John Frankland Hughes Arthur James Bobinson Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Egbert Procter Bainbridge Herbert Godfrey Bolwell Albert Arthur Langston .Brentwood John Edward Briggs Rosamond Mary Eccles Edna Pearl Fryer William Allison Glover Jean Florence Elizabeth Green SCHOOL LEAVING. 877

Ivy Dorothy Hart Gladys May Meikle Ronald Stanley Miller Courtney Balthazor Oppenheim Mohr Rowland Price Morris Alexia Brown Richardson Norman Josiah Solomon Alexander Allen Stewart Lillian Beryl Stillard Ernest Hugh Templeton GEOMETRY. First Class. (In Order of Merit.) Rowland Price Morris ) ir_„0i Keith Hargreaves Price > ^l"*1 Rosamond Mary Eccles } j;nUBi •Courtney Balthazor Oppenheim Mohr ) " Frances Elizabeth Allan } w„„0i Leslie Arthur Reynolds ) ^aal Lindsay Hamilton Lonmer ) Wn„., Edith Rita Lowenstern 3 r,qual Laurence William O'Brien .John Edward Lennon ") ., , , Esther Beatrice Tucker ) Jiquai Second Class.. (In Order 'of Merit.) Norman James Butler John Edward Briggs ~) Leo Thomas Grattan Geraghty f „ . .Norman Denholm Harper C aquai Jack Vincent Shallard J William flolliott Cawcutt 7 „ , Godfrey Bernard O'MaUey j ^ual Herbert Godfrey Bolwell Ronald Stanley Miller Albert Arthur Langston Brentwood ) Robert Charles Mears i Equal G-ilbert Howard Vasey 3 -George Earl Moore Kathleen Grace Hardy ) „ , Amos Walter Males > *'

Thomas Cleary ) v , WiUiam Edward Fitzgerald 3 *"*»"" Henry Baker Brain ~\ John Timothy Byau f _ , Percy George Weston L q Rose FeUows White J Jean Florence Elizabeth Green v John Frankland Hughes I John Chapman Eidd \ Equal Eileen Eleanor Pigdon 1 Charles Boy Tennant Francis John Bryan John Patrick Horan Marjorie Louise Kiesick Equal Harold Winston Rhodes William Theophilus Simpkin .

Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Claire Geraldine Henry Anderson Muriel Jessie Atkins Boy Ambrose Barnes John Charles Westlook Brown William Alfred Bunn Alison Byatt Helen Jane Thelma Cameron Jean Fancourt Couchman Francis Patrick Donoghue Henry Percival George Elsie McCormiok Graydon Jack Beah Harper Ivy Dorothy Hart Peter Henry Hart William Charles Edwin Head Helen Katharine Irving Janet Elizabeth Looney George Alfred Loutit -Margaret Christabel MoKie John Francis Meehan Theodora Miljoen Keith William Nicol Melville James Nicol Frederick Baymond Niemann SCHOOL LEAVING. 879

Clara Elizabeth Osborne Evelyn Clara Perry Jack Heme Price Vincent Edmund Michael Ryan John Robert Searls Harold Edgar Sholl Mervyn Spenser Smith Myrtle Dorothy Stainsby Lillian Beryl Stillard James Alexander Stuart WUliam Henry Taylor Viator Henry Webster Annie Wilson

TEIGONOMETBY. First Class. (In Order of Merit.) Leonard Phillips Fox Harold Edgar Sholl George Alfred Loutit Godfrey Bernard O'Malley Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) Frances Elizabeth Allan Jack Hasher ) Edith Bita Lowenstern (Equal Robert Charles Mears ) Gilbert Howard Vaeey Courtney Balthazor Oppenheim Mohr Herbert Godfrey Bolwell Harry Gordon Poole } „„ . Myrtle Dorothy Stainsby > t(l"al WiUiam ffoUiott Cawcutt John Hersey Aitken Jack Vincent Shallard Mervyn Spenser Smith Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Louis Purves Brumley Rosamond Mary Eccles William Edward Fitzgerald Ivy Dorothy Hart 880 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1922 1923.

Margaret Rose Hatfield John Frankland Hughes Kenneth Lee Brian Francis McCardle John Bernard Mulvany James Alexander Stuart Esther Beatrice Tucker Annie Wilson Harold Bury Wray

MECHANICS. First Class. (In Order of Merit.) Keith Hargreaves Price Leonard Phillips Fox Robert Charles Mears 1 v„„., Godfrey Bernard O'Malley > t,(lual

Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) Donald Urquhart Macintosh Thomas Peat Scott Leslie Arthur Reynolds Gilbert Howard Vasey Prank Bobbins Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Egbert Procter Bainbridge Norman James Butler Francis Ormond Fenton John Chapman Eidd Edith Bita Lowenstern

PHYSICS. First Class. (In Order of Merit.) Alexander John McKenzie Godfrey Bernard O'Malley Noel Stanley Baylies "\ Leslie Arthur Reynolds ' „ . Gideon McCrae Rutherford C *'qual John Burstall Turner J SCHOOL LEAVING. 881

Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) Louis Purves Brumley ) v„„„i Ronald Stanley Miller ) Jiqnal Bowland Price Morris ) _ , Frank Penman \ E

Gilbert Howard Vasey Victor Henry Webster Harold Bury Wray

CHEMISTBY. First Class. (In Order of Merit.) Frank Penman Leo Thomas Grattan Geraghty Second Class. (In Order df Merit.) Alexander George Mancy Donald Munro Armstrong ) n. _ j Donald Urquhart Macintosh j ™ N06I Swifte Williams John Geoffrey Stonham , r„„„i Leigh Thornton Wedlick j Ji -^q"81 Edna Pearl Fryer ),, . Gideon McCrae Bntherford > *,qnal Leonard Phillips Fox Harry Gordon Foole Stanley Duncan Edwards , -p . Douglas Orr > Eq,,al Arthur Thurlby Dann Thomas Lambert a'Beckett ) r , WiUiam Adamson Bossenoe , **quaI John Bernard Mulvany William Edward Fitzgerald > „ , Frederick Baymond Niemann jiwlnal Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Wilfred Agar Hubert Silvers Black Stanley WiUiam Byrne CLASS LISTS. 883

Alick Ian Chapman Basel Mary.Doery Bae William Dungan Egbert Armytage Cunninghame Farran Bessie Franks Ewen Balph Gazzard John Lawrence Gorman Elsie Jean Irving WiUiam Wettenhall Lempriere Leo Patrick Loorham John Francis Meehan Lawrence Gordon Mitchell Godfrey Bernard O'Malley Hazel Florence Parker Bhoda May Parker Bichard Thomas Martin Pesoott Leslie Arthur Reynolds Edgar Kenneth Rodda Albert John Boennfeldt Colin Wallace Boss Athol Dyring Teele Harold Leslie White Walter Edward Williams Harold Bury Wray

GEOGRAPHY. First Class. None.

Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) Elizabeth Bhoda Bunio' Roberts } Harold Leslie Solomon > Equal Trevor Norris Wellington j Annie Elinor Carter WUliam Alfred Bunn Margaret Augusta Sydea Dorothy Jean Featherstone Robert James Amor Frederick Henry Brooks •> v--., Thomas Talbot Colquhoun j ilqnal 884 EXAMINATION RESULTS, IM21M8.

Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Keith Arnold Anson Henry Edward Baxter Beryl Elizabeth Christie Marjorie Dwight Ellis Nancy Mclntyre Lewes Thomas Bex Mackenzie Annie Catherine Noonan Clara Elizabeth Osborne Monica Sargeant . Kenneth Frederick Skues Bobert Wilton Taylor John Leo Thomas Frank Baymond Tredinniok Gwendoline Ivy Tregear May Theresa Wallace

GEOLOGY. First Class. None. Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) Douglas Orr Florence Elizabeth Ford Alexia Brown Richardson

BOTANY. First Class. None. Second Class. Lalage Rosamond Agnes Benbam Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Mary Gwendolyn Hardy Dons Lilian House CLASS LISTS. 886

ANIMAL MORPHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY. First Class. (In Order of Merit.) Eulo Coiner Joyce Robertson Semmens L Ev , Noel Swifte WUUams . • • (C <• qua- Walter Edward Williams Leigh Thornton Wedlick. Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) Colin Wallace Boss Donald Munro Armstrong Norman Josiah Solomon Mary Gwendolyn Hardy Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Christina Troup Edgerton Milton Gray Edison Russell Noel Hill Leo Patrick Loorham John Londels McEendrick Henry David Phipps

AGRICULTUBAL SCIENCE. First Class. Elizabeth Rhoda Bunic Roberts Second Glass. (In Order of Merit.) , Edgar John Salter Henry Edward Baxter } ,, , -,. Thomas Talbot Colquhoun 3 Jiqual Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Frederick Henry Brooks Ord Howard Glenn Donald David Metcalf Dugald Stalker 886 EXAMINATION BESULTS, 1922-ltIS.

COMMERCIAL PRINCIPLES. First Class. None. Second Class. William Hanmar Stratford Newman Third Class. Balph Inverleigh Tonkin

COMMERCIAL PRACTICE. First Class. None. Second Class. Balph Inverleigh Tonkin Third Class. John Mackinnon

DRAWING. First Class. (In Order of Merit.) Bobert James Amor Muriel Elizabeth Bobinson Alexander Kathleen Castles Dorothy Alice McLean Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) John Hersey Aitken Muriel Jessie Atkins Horace West Briggs Dorothy Graham Pye Constance Ferguson Orr WiUiam Charles Edwin Head Marjorie Ethel CaeteJl Gladys Agness Mills James Hosie Marjorie Glen Shannon Mary Queenie Houghton CLASS LISTS. 887

Margaret. Buth Whitla Beryl Elizabeth Christie George Francis Green Eva KerviUe Bruce Catherine Marion Bennett Joan Howard Norris Third Glass. (In Alphabetical Order.) Margaret Anne Bartels Lalage Rosamond Agnes Benham Alan Coulson Loreen Bae Duncan Bobert Desmond Gardner Edna Lilian Jones Sydney Bex Kelson Margaret Alice Proctor Arthnr James Bobinson Irma Lynda Bussell Madge Elizabeth Slater Constance Mabel Mary Tirnms Ethel Alma Volk Marjorie Lawson WindmiU Helena Alberta Wood.

EXHIBITIONS AND PBIZES. ENGLISH. Fitzgerald James | Eqnal John Hugh Sutton

LATIN. James Gladstone Cornell

GBEEE. William Frederick Paton

FRENCH. John Hugh Sutton 868 EXAMINATION BRSULT'S, 19221928.

ALLIANCE FRANCAI8E FRIZES. James Gladstone Cornell (First) Ralph Siward Gibson (Second) Stanley Paterson Grounds (Third) Dorothy Beatrice Bond (Fourth) GERMAN. Myma Victoria McDonald HISTOEY. John Edward Briggs Norman Denholm Harper John Edward Lennon • Equal Alan James Bioe ALGEBRA. Godfrey Bernard O'Malley GEOMETBY. Rowland Price Morris ) v , Keith Horgreaves Price j ^V**1 TRIGONOMETRY. Leonard Phillips Fox MECHANICS. Keith Hargreaves Price PHYSICS. Alexander John MoKenzie CHEMISTRY. Frank Penman GEOGRAPHY. Elizabeth Rhoda Runic Roberts GEOLOGY. Douglas On BOTANY. Lalage Bosamond Agnes Benham CLASS LISTS. $ 889

ANIMAL MIORPHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Eulo Comer } Joyce Robertson Semmens f _, , Noel Swifte WilUams C J!iqual Walter Edward Williams J AGBICULTUBAL SCIENCE. Elizabeth Bhoda Bunic Boberts

COMMEECIAL PEINCLPLE8. Exhibition and Special Prize not awarded.

COMMEECIAL PBACTICE. Balpb Inverleigh Tonkin

DRAWING. ! Robert James Amor 890 EXAMINATION BESULTS, 1922-1923.



EXAMINATION BOAED'S EXHIBITIONS. Doris EUen Ross (Pianoforte). Elizabeth Diana Lester (Violoncello) Leslie Baymond Barklam (Flute;. OBMOND ENTRANCE EXHIBITIONS. 1. Marjorie Alice Smith (Pianoforte) 2. Enice Winnifred Gregory (Violin) T Eanai Mary Monica Gaskin (Violin) j «



CLASS LISTS. GREEK, PABT I. First Class. Severin Howard Ziohy Woinarski (Trinity)

LATIN, PABT I. First- Class. Severin Howard Ziohy Woinarski (Trinity) Eleanor Bridget Barry (Newman) Constance Ellis Whitehead (Teachers' CoUege), Second Class. Elsie Margaret Henderson (Trinity) Lionel John Bakewell (Trinity) Allison May Scott (Trinity) Vernon Howard Tomholt (Trinity) Isabel Agnes Hodgson. (Queen's) Elizabeth May Woodbridge (Teachers' College) Eric Ivor Willis Third Glass. Marjorie Lois Parkinson (Ormond) The following candidate; though not eligible to ap­ pear in the Class List, has qualified in this snbject as prescribed for the Degree with Honours:— Georgette Ida liitz

ENGLISH, PABT I. First Class. WUUam Vincent Augliterson (Teachers' College) Vernon Howard Tomholt (Trinity) Thomas Thornton Reed (Trinity) Florence Maryi Grant (Queen's) .67 892 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1922-1923.

Second Class. Elsie Margaret Henderson (Trinity) Marion Christina Fry (Newman) ( JJ-U-I Mary Nicholson (Trinity) ) 4 Joseph Francis Mulvany (Newman) ) Vn,lai Joan Theodosia Wilkinson (Trinity) j r'qual Isabel Agnes Hodgson (Queen's) Katherine Douglas Meldrum (Teachers' College) Third Class. . Eleanor Bridget Barry (Newman) Marian Matilda Tyers (Ormond) Mary Clark (Trinity) Patricia Wynu Bees FRENCH, PABT I. First Class. Constance Ellis Whitehead (Teachers' College) William> Vincent Aughterson (Teachers' College) Geoffrey Winthrop Leeper (Trinity). Mary Clark (Trinity) Patricia Wynn Bees : Second Class. Elizabeth May Wood bridge (Teachers' College) Katherine Douglas Meldrum (Teachers' College) Florence Mary Grant (Queen's) • ' Keith Ramsay Mackenzie Mary Nicholson (trinity) Louise Margaret Blankley Third Class. Adela Miller (Teachers' College) . Marjorie Lois Parkinson (Ormond) Allison May Scott (Trinity) The following. candidates, though not eligible to ap­ pear in the Class List, have qualified in this snbject as prescribed for the Degree with Honours: — Royena Strathy Chisholm Madge Charlotte levers Tivey Winnifred Wateford * GERMAN, PART I. First Class. None. 0LAB8 LISTS. 896l

Second Class. Henry Rupert Pottage Third Class. Carmela Frances Wallace (Newman) The following candidate, though not eUgible to ap­ pear in the Class List, has qualified in this subject, as prescribed for the Degree with Honours:—. Madge Charlotte levers Tivey

BBITISH HISTORY B. First Class. Joseph Francis Mulvany (Newman) Second Class. George Francis Taylor (Newman) Helen Kathleen Leigo (Teachers' College) Mary Ellen Lazarus John Adrian Redmond (Newman) Third Class. Brian Charles Fitzpatrick Margery Herring (Trinity) John Daniel Barron Harry Hope Gyles (Ormond) Adela Miller (Teachers' College) John Lawrence McCabe Doyle (Newman) Patricia O'Donoghue (Newman) Marian Matilda Tyers (Ormond) Mary Moore Bayne (Trinity) Dorothy Grace Reynolds Isabella Hepburn Thomas Beatrice Campbell McDonald (Teachers' College) The following candidate, though not eligible to appear in the Class List, has qualified in this subject as pre­ scribed for the Degree with Honours: — Gordon Frederick. Connell PSYCHOLOGY. LOGIC AND ETHICS. First Class. William Lloyd Williams (Teachers' College) WUliam Vincent Aughterson (Teachers' "\ College) Florence Mary Grant (Queen's) Equal George Francis Taylor (Newmigi)

.blA 894 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1912-1923.

Sarah Ethel Currell (Ormond) Brian Charles Fitzpatrick Ellen Agnes Lee (Teachers' College) ' Second Class. Ernest Wallace Archer (Ormond) } Eauai John Lawrence McOabe Doyle (Newman) ) q Thomas Thornton Reed (Trinity)} E al Marjorie Constance Wilson ) q Norman Cleaver Woods (Ormond) Hubert John Clifford (Trinity) Clement Reginald Hill (Teachers' College) Dorothy Grace Reynolds John Daniel Barron ) ifnimi Thomas Allan Rank (Ormond) ) r"Jual Lucy Irene Fielder Kathleen Ouare O'Shea (Teachers' College) Sydney Walter Addinsall 1 Graeme Wilson Heggie (Teachers' College) VEqual Henry William Traynor (Trinity) J John Evan Eric Owen (Ormond) Agnes May Browne (Teachers' College). Arthur Godfrey Patricia Wynn Rees \ Equal Arthur Mortimer Rush (Queen's) Joan Theodosia Wilkinson (Trinity) Francis George Thorn (Newman) Third Class. Nathan Grosby (Ormond) ~\ Harry Hope Gyles (Ormond) f «i„„„i Elizabeth May Woodbridge (Teachers' t aqual College) ) Marion Christina Fry (Newman) Ernest Sydney Middleton ) ., , Adela Miller (Teachers' College) ) ihcixml Isidore Harris Lesser • Charles William Turner (Queen's) i tl Equal Patricia O'Donoghue (Newman) ) Amelia Gladys Brew (Teachers' College) CLASS LISTS. 896

The following candidate, though not eligible to ap­ pear in the Class List, has qualified in this subject, as prescribed for the Degree with Honours: — William Somerville Milne (Trinity)

PURE MATHEMATICS. PART I. First Class. Richard Ormond Cherry (Ormond) Charles Joseph O'Malley (Newman) John Edward Parker (Queen's) Second Class. John Maurice MoCutcheon (Queen's) Third Class. Gladys Georgina Wicks (Teachers' College)

MIXED MATHEMATICS, PART I. First Class. None. Second Class. John Maurice McCutcheon (Queen's) Richard Ormond Cherry (Ormond) David Victor Isaacs Charles Joseph O'Malley (Newman) Geoffrey Owen Thomas (Ormond) Third Class. John Edward Parker (Queen's) Lionel Norman Jamieson (Ormond) Albert Hector Moroney (Newman)

ANCIENT HISTORY. First Class. John Frederick Foster (Queen's) I P„„ol Sylvia Leah Bothstadt (Queen's) ] aqual Second Class. John Adrian Redmond (Newman) John Bobinson Peart (Teachers' College) Lloyd Robert Maxwell Ross Allan Leigh Hughes 896 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1922 1923.

SCIENCE OF LANGUAGE. First Class. Kathleen Muriel Chomley Second Class. Alan Seddon Incoll (Teachers' College) Severin Howard Zichy Woinarski (Trinity) Third Class. Charles Alexander Ramage (Ormond)

GREEK, PABT II. First Class. None." Second Class. Charles Alexander Ramage (Ormond) LATIN, PART U. First Class. Bertram Charles Ballard (Ormond) Second Class. Charles Alexander Ramage (Ormond)} jjjaual Jean Margaret Randall (Ormond) j q Alexander Duncan Grant Adam (Ormond) Third Class. Clement Reginald Hill (Teachers' College) ENGLISH, PART II. First Class. Helen Walker Sinclair Martin (Ormond) David Clyde Griffiths (Teachers' College) Lorn a Elizabeth Josephine Taylor Second Class. Mary Alice Williams Dorothy Steel (Teachers' College) Dorothea Catherine Hoy (Newman) George Oswald Reid (Ormond) Third Class. Mary Mcintosh (Newman) Julia Mary McCormack (Newman) Hercules Charles Sydney Cares (Trinity) CLASS LISTS. 897

FRENCH, PABT II. First Class. Bertram Charles Ballard (Ormond) ) r..,,.! Gertrude Agnes Dahle ) Jkqua' Helen Walker Sinclair Martin (Ormond) Dorothy Steel (Teachers' College) Frank Murray Alexander (Teachers' College) Bhoda Myrtle Clark (Ormond) Kathleen Muriel Chomley Winnifred Watsford William Lloyd Williams (Teachers' CoUege) Jean Margaret. Randall (Ormond) Second Class. Ada May Bickford (Teachers' CoUege) Georgette Ida Itttz Marjorie de Freyne Bishop Royena Stratfay Chisholm Gwyneth Laura Fox Hercules Charles Sydney Coras (Trinity) Amelia Gladys Brew (Teachers' College) . Third Class. Madge Charlotte levers Tivey ' Roy Bruce Shankly Beryl Florence Lindsay Alice Margaret Allan Margaret Kent Hughes (Trinity) The following candidate, though not eligible to ap­ pear in the Class List, has qualified in this subject, as prescribed for the Degree with Honours:— Mary Lea Wright (Newman)

GERMAN, PABT II. First Class. Gertrude Agnes Dahle ) Julia Mary McCormack (Newman) > Equal Winnifred Watsford ) Second Class. Madge Charlotte Levers Tivey ' Third Class. Maggie Donovan (Newman) 898 EXAMINATION BESULTS, 1912-1923.

HISTORY OP PHILOSOPHY. First Class. Alexander Duncan Grant Adam (Ormond)) WiUiam Keith Gibson (Trinity) . > Equal Norman Desmond .Grant J Ethel May Tovell Ida Joan Baiabridge . .5 vnnai Norman Edgar Lade (Queen's) > ^q Second Class. '- - Bertram Russell Wyllie -(Queen's) Adelaide Clarice -Esther Fizer William Somerville. Milne (Trinity) Alan Ambrose Murray Arthur Tom Pidd (Trinity) } _. Gwynneth Isabel Steane ) Gertrude Lucy Grigg (Trinity) Third Class, Andrew Delbridge Osborn Alice Margaret AUan Francis Thomas Borland (Ormond) The following candidate, although not eligible to ap­ pear in the Class List, has qualified in this subject aa prescribed for the Degree with Honours:— Frederick Eales Brown

ADVANCED LOGIC First Class. Ethel May ToveU Norman Desmond Grant Ida Joan Bsinbridge William Keith Gibson (Trinity) Second Class. Norman Edgar Lade (Queen's) Henry Peter Richard Morganti (Newman) 1 gQuai Flora Fraser Rae (Ormond) ' ) Frederick Eales Brown )„ , John Xavier O'Driscoll (Newman) > ^Sl"1" Bertram Russell Wyllie (Queen's) William Somen ille Milne (Trinity) Gertrude Lucy Grigg (Trinity) CLASS LISTS. 899

Third. Close. . Alan, Ambrose. Murray ... PUB& MATHEMATICS. PABT II. First Class.' John Xavier O'Driscoll (Newman) TraiU Alexander. Sutherland (Teachers' College) Second Clasa. None. Third Class. Winifred Gawley (Queen's) • Alec. Henry McCutchan. (Queen's) Edward. Brian Lester MIXED MATHEMATICS, PABT H, First Class; - None. Second Class. Traill Alexander Sutherland (Teachers' College) . Third Class. Edward Brian Lester John Samuel MoOann William Shaw Mathieson (Ormond)

BBITISH HISTORY D. First Class. Graeme Murray Castles (Trinity) - George Whitecross Patoii- (Ormond) ' Second Class. James Richard WiUiam Purves (Trinity) John Frederick Foster (Queen's^ Bruce Boucaut Morris (Ormond) Sydney Henry Heymanson John Raymond Brew (Newman) Ada May Bickford (Teachers' College) Roger Edward Webb Ware (Trinity) Laura Ellen Payne (Newman) Third Class. John Stanley Coltman- (Ormond) Mary Heywood' Shaw 990 EXAMINATION BESULTS, MH-19B.

Dermott Hubert O'Donoghue (Newman) Elizabeth Marion Schneider David Clyde Griffiths (Teachers' College) Mary Ellet O'Driscoll (Teachers' College) John Demetrius Morris Pauline Pusterla (Newman)

EUROPEAN HISTORY B. First Class. Sydney Henry Heymanson- Graeme Murray Castles (Trinity) John Frederick Foster (Queen's) Second Class. James Bichard William Purves (Trinity) George Whitecross Paton (Ormond) Ada May Bickford (Teachers' College) Mary Ellen O'Driscoll (Teachers' College) John Raymond Brew (Newman) John Stanley Coltman (Ormond) Bruce .Boucaut Morris (Ormond)' Arthur Langan Haddon Laura Ellen Payne (Newman) Elizabeth Marion Schneider Roger Edward Webb Ware (Trinity) Third Class. Dermott Hubert O'Donoghue (Newman) John Demetrius Morris Gordon Frederick Connell Mary Heywood Shaw Jack Egerton Oldham Eugenie Owen Davies John Fox

POLITICAL ECONOMY. First Class. Sydney Henry Heymanson 1 Ennai George Whitecross Paton (Ormond) > q Bruoe Boucaut Morris (Ormond) Alexander Duncan Grant Adam (Ormond) Bertram Charles Ballard (Ormond) ) John Horwood Wightman Lawson (Ormond)) CLASS LISTS. 901

Second Class. David Clyde Griffiths (Teachers' CoUege) ( F , Lloyd Bobert Maxwell Boss ) *,qual John- Stanley Coltman (Ormond)) Allan Leigh Hughes C Eoual George Oswald Beid (Ormond) t H Mary Heywood Shaw ) Alfred Bobert Gardner (Queen's) James Burt Aitken (Ormond) John Xavier O'Driscoll (Newman) Third Class. WiUiam Thomas John O'Connor Mary Ellen O'Driscoll (Teachers' College) John Fox Robert Tweeddale Breen Norman Millar Morrison ) William Palstra [ Equal Arthur Tom Pidd (Trinity) ) Rice Hopkins Clayton > Eaual Vincent Leo Donoghue (Newman)) q John Henry Cleary Robert Gafbraith McComas

EDUCATION. First Class. John Bamsden Lyall (Teachers' College) > g Christopher Balph McRae (Teachers' College) > »

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, PART I First Class. David Victor Isaacs. James Alexander Simpson (Ormond) Ernest George Tfaurlby Geoffrey Owen Thomas (Ormond) Second Class. Francis Ernest Brigden Lionel Norman Jamieson (Ormond) Albert Hector Moroney (Newman) -Equal John Edward Parker (Queen's) Frank Henry Williams (Queen's) 902 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1822-1923.

Frank Adam Green (Ormond) I John Maurice McCutcheon (Queen's) V Equal Horton- Robert Williams {Queen's) 1 Richard Ormond Cherry .(Ormond) - Florence Oederhplm George Henry Smith (Teachers' College) Daniel John Roonev (Newman) Frank Murray Alexander. (Teachers' College)) -s Hubert John difford (Trinity) [ | Leonard Albert Cooke (Teachers' College) J * Third Class. William Matthew Kerrigan VEoual Charles Joseph O'Malley (Newman) I q Robert Benjamin Withers (Teachers' College) \| Edna Swallow Wood (Ormond) jo- Kenneth Jack Charles (Teachers' College) Ferdinand Herbert Fliegner (Teachers' College) )"3 George Barrand Tindale f §• William Macarthur Telford

CHEMISTRY, PART I. First Class. Florence Cederholm Frank Adam Green (Ormond) Robert Benjamin Withers (Teachers' College) Edna Swallow Wood (Ormond) Frank'Henry Williams (Queen's) Leonard Albert Cooke (Teachers' College) Second Class. Ernest George Thurlby Kenneth Jack Charles (Teachers' College) Geoffrey Owen Thomas (Ormond) Horton Bobert Williams (Queen's) James Ian Nish (Ormond) James Alexander Simpson (Ormond) Thomas Benson Gvles Third Class. Alan Finlavson .Dunbar Lionel Norman Jamieson (Ormond) George Henry Smith (Teachers' College) Ian Webster -Morley (Queen's) CLASS LISTS. 903

Howard Carlyle Forster (Queen's) LUian Irma Dohney John Pedrazzi (Teachers' College) Francis Edward CoTIings: (Teachers' College) Francis Ernest Brigden WUliam Harold Williams (Teachers' College) Vincent Afloysius WardeU (Newman) Hubert John Clifford (Trinity) Ferdinand Herbert Fliegner (Teachers' College) Peter Mi,tehel Buchanan (Ormond)

GEOLOGY. PABT I. First Class. GUbert Frederick Busden (Trinity) Alan Finlayson Dunbar \ | Bobert Benjamin Withers (Teachers' CoUege) j £ Second Class. Harry Hope Gyles (Ormond) Vincent Aloysius Wardell (Newman) Angus McEerrow Baird (Ormond) Third Class. Frank Henry Williams (Queen's) Horton Bobert Williams (Queen's) Thomas Benson Gyles

BOTANY. PART I. First Class. Alan Beverley Haokwell (Queen's) Second Class. Leila Jean Heyward (Queen's) Third Class. Eileen Eva Hamill Green (Ormond) Nina WaUisl Whelpton (Teachers' College) Alan ©arson Raw (Queen's) Gladys Winifred Coleman

ZOOLOGY, PART I. First Class. Eileen Eva Hamill Green (Ormond) 904 EXAMINATION BESULTS, 1922-1923.

Second Class. Leila Jean Heyword (Queen's) Alan Beverley Harwell (Queen's)

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, PABT II. First Class. . Bichard Randolph Garran (Trinity) Geoffrey Winthrop Leeper (Trinity) 1 Kanai Frank Gordon Albert Sublet (Ormond) ) H Second Class. Traill Alexander Sutherland (Teachers' College) Third Class. WiUiam Walter Miller (Trinity)

CHEMISTRY. PABT H. First Class. Richard Randolph Garran (Trinity)) „, ., Walter Newling Ricketts > Jiqual Second Class. Herbert Marshal Cummins (Ormond) Geoffrey Winthrop Leeper (Trinity) Third doss. Gladys Olive Conabere James Richard' Vickery Charles Maurice Tattom Frederick Margarson Bisgrove Hynes Frank Charles Hulme Mary Lillian Condron (Ormond) Thomas Baden Powell MoKay

GEOLOGY. PABT II. First Class. Charles Melbourne Focken (Queen's) Charles Maurice Tattam Second Class. Wilfrid Dinsey Chapman Edmond Joseph Woreham CLASS LISTS. 909

Third Glass. Adolf Theodor Ahlston Norman Thomas Harding

BOTANY, PABT II. First Class. Nancy Gwynne Kerr . ErcU Eyres Baynes (Trinity) Beryl Jean Bryoe Second Class. Nancy Gregory Heath

ZOOLOGY, PART U. First Class. None. Second . Class. None. Third Class. Edward Woodall Gfault (Queen's)

PHYSIOLOGY, PABT I. First Class. None. . Second Class. Nancy Gregory Heath { j. ^ Nancy Gwynne Kerr » H James Bichard Vickery Third Class. Evelyn Muriel Green' John Cecil Beardwood

APPLIED MECHANICS. First Class. Boy Mervyn Badenach ~t p>anfli Lawrence James Waokett ) r'qual Second Class. Edward Gunn 906 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1922-1923.

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, PART III First Class.,- None'. Second Class. Neil Bannatyne Lewis (Queen's) Lawrence James Waokett Third' Class. Hedley Heywood Champion Cardwell David James Zachariah McQuillan (Teachers' College) CHEMISTRY, PART HI. First Class. Neil Bannatyne Lewis (Queen's) Second Class. Arthur Bichard Edward Ashton Frank Harry Hempel Oscar Adolf Mendelsohn Third Class. Hedley Heywood Champion William Jeffrey Trende (Teachers' College) Isabel MatUda Haynes Upton METALLUBGY, PABT II.. WITH METALLO­ GRAPHY. First Clasa. None. Second Class. Frank Harry Hempel Franklyn Victor Stonham GEOLOGY, PART III. (First Class. None. Second Class. Russell Barton Pretty BOTANY, PABT III. First Class. None. CLASS LISTS. 907

Second Class. Dorothy Jean Boss ) Vn„-, Adele Victoria Vincent (Trinity) j ^l1"11 ZOOLOGY. PABT IH. First Class. None. Second Class. Mavis Ethel Wood Ellery PHYSIOLOGY. PABT U. First Class. None. Second Class. Dorothy Jean Boss Kathleen Annie Milne Semmens ErcU Eyres Baynes (Trinity) Third Class. Oscar Adolf Mendelsohn PUBE MATHEMATICS, PABT HI. First Class. None. Second Clasa. Vivian Benjamin Cook Grenness ) Ecm„j Denis John O'Donoghue (Newman) j ' Cardwell David James Zachariah McQuillan (Teachers' College) LAW OF PEOPEBTY IN LAND AND CONVEYANC­ ING, AND LAW OF OONTBACT AND PEBSONAL PEOPHBTY. First Class. John Gerald Norris (Ormond) Second doss. John Paterson Adam William Charles Lynott Townsend Third Class. Beatrix Waring MoCay Percy Victor Feltham (Ormond)

.68 908 EXAMINATION. RESULTS, 1B22-192S.

Nicholas Thomas O'Donohue (Newman) \ vaxiai Colin York Syme (Ormond) j H

NATUBAL PHILOSOPHY. (MEDICAL COUB8B). First Class. Paul Jones (Trinity) • Charles Stewart Barbour (Queen's) Eric Evan Price (Ormond) Harold Alfred Body (Ormond) ) Andrew Russell.Buchanan (Ormoud) >Equal Eugene Sandner J Second does. Bobert Henry Hadley (Queen's) ) Hugh Henry Martin (Queen's) > Equal Reginald George Worcester (Trinity) j Gladstone Bule Osborn Ronald Walter Bradbury (Queen's) . •„,„„•, Butherford Kaye Scott (Ormond) ) r,qufti Makeby Mushin (Ormond) Third Class. Viola Grace Taylor (Ormond)

CHEMISTRY (MEDICAL COURSE) First does. Harold Alfred Body (Ormond) > - , , Brio Evan Price (Ormond) j *,qual Hugh Henry Martin (Queen's) Andrew Russell Buchanan (Ormond) Paul Jones (Trinity) Charles Stewart Barbour (Queen's) Second Class. Rutherford Kaye Scott (Ormond) Henry Anthony Phillips (Ormond) Makeby Mushin (Ormond) > ** i Gladstone Bule Osborn j Equal Ronald Walter Bradbury (Queen's) Robert Henry Hadley (Queen's) ) w , Eugene Sandner \ Eqnal Arthur Machen HU1 (Queen's) Nome Nelson Harrington (Ormond) CLASS LISTS 909

Third Class. Abraham Bertram Cohen (Ormond) Reginald George Worcester (Trinity) Francis Eugene Costigan (Newman) Bryan Tohyn Keon Cohen (Trinity) ZOOLOGY (MEDICAL COUBSE). First Class. Andrew Russell Buchanan (Ormond) Harold Alfred Body (Ormond) Charles Stewart Barbour (Queen's) ) Edward Graham Robertson (Ormond) > Equal Butherford Kaye Scott (Ormond) ) Second Class. Hugh Henry Martin (Queen's) Henry Anthony Phillips (Ormond) Paul Jones (Trinity) } „ , Eric Evan Price (Ormond) ,t ^l"8,1 Makeby Mushin (Ormond) Reginald George Worcester (Trinity) | Equal Norrie Nelson Harrington (Ormond) Third Class. Ronald Walter Bradbury (Queen's) ") Bryan _Toby.. n Keo_ n Cohe_. n (Trinity-••.-{) £ ]Equa l Eugene Sandner j Charles Ronald David Brothers (Queen's) BOTANY (MEDICAL COUBSE). First Class. None. Second Class. Andrew Russell Buchanan (Ormond) Hugh Henry Martin (Queen's) Paul Jones (Trinity) Gladstone Bule Osborn Francis Eugene Costigan (Newman) Third Class. Eric Evan Price (Ormond) Edward Graham Robertson (Ormoud) Reginald George Worcester (Trinity) Charles Ronald David Brothers (Queen's)


GRAPHICS AND GEOMETRICAL DRAWING. First Class. John Maurice McCutcheon (Queen's) ) ijanaJ Ernest George Thurlby ) "•H™" Second' dass. David Victor Isaacs Third Class. Charles Joseph O'Malley .(Newman) Geoffrey Owen Thomas (Ormond) Albert Hector Moroney (Newman) John Edward Parker (Queen's)

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. PABT I., AND ENGINEERING DESIGN AND DRAWING. PABT I. First Class. Austin Harvard Smith > v ., Frank West JEqual Second dass. Harold Burston Seekamp (Ormond) Third Class. Alec. Henry McCutchan (Queen's) Frank Gordon Albert Sublet (Ormond)

STRENGTH AND ELASTICITY OF MATERIALS. First Class. None. Second doss. Austin Harvard Smith I v„„

SUBVEYING. PABT I. First dass. Austin Harvard Smith Alec Henry McCutchan (Queen's) Second doss.' Basil Bichard Aberv Alan Archibald Rowan (Newman) Frank Gordon Albert Sublet (Ormond) William James King (Ormond) CLASS LISTS. 911

Fred WUliam Gilmour (Ormond) Harold Burston Seekamp (Ormond)

SURVEYING. PART H. First, dass. Arthur Cecil Tregoning James Alexander Mcintosh Second dass. Adolph Theodor Ahlston Third dass. . Francis Mark Lee (Ormond) James James (Queen's)

HYDRAiULICB AND HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, PART I. First doss. Arthur Cecil Tregoning Edgar Henry) Brownbill (Queen's) Second dass. James James (Queen's) Third dass. James Alexander Mcintosh Vincent Packer } p„„,i Gilbert Frederick Rusden (Trinity) ] Jiqual Francis Mark Lee (Ormond) Albert Frederick Martin (Queen's)

CIVIL ENGINEERING, PABT I. First Class. Annur Cecil Tregoning Second Class. (None. Third dass. Vincent Packer James Alexander Mcintosh } Vn„., William Walter Miller (Trinity) > Iiqual James James (Queen's) 1 Equal Francis Mark Lee (Ormond) ) 4 912 EXAMINATION BESULTS, 1922-1928.

ELECTRICAL ENGINEBBING, PABT I. iFirst dass. Charles Melbourne Focken (Queen's) Second doss. Edgar Henry Brownbill (Queen's) ABCHrTECTUBE (THIBD YEAB DIP. ARCH.). First Class. None. Second Class. None. Third dass. Percival Allan Jenkin FIRST YEAR DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. First Class. Vera Florence Bradford Ivy Jane Neilson Violet Livingston Jackson Lilian Jessie Finster

Marjorie Phyllis Kaye Freda Grace Manners Sutton Second Class Emmie Jenkin ),, . Cherry Howard Wilson ) JJ,q"'11 Elsie Iris Jean Ashton Mary Monica Nugent Mine! Lois Craw Eleanor St. John Mitchell Tliird dass. Florence Eileen Dorothy Sinclair Gladys Victoria Cruickshank Petrie FIRST YEAR BACHELOB OF MUSIC AND SECOND YEAR DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. First Class. Lindsay George Biggins "\ Edwyn Herbert Hames f _ . . Gordon Wyndham McKeown C *'qual 3 Rosa Emilie Grace Pinker ton ) CLASS LISTS. • 91$

Avioe Trewin Kimberley Homidge Maisie Evelyn Owen Ethel Thelma White Second dass. Grace Phillips Douglas ' Third doss. Mary Catherine King Dorothy Margaret Mofflin

SECOND YEAB BACHELOB OF MUSIO AND THIBD YEAB DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. First Class; Flora MaoEae Sunning ) Aileen Estoourt VEqual Constance Mary Neville Johns ) Augusta Stone'' Second Class. Gladys Maud Elaine Bull Vivie Frances McCordle Eileen Mnssen Third dass. , - Pearls Margaret Rodger Mercia Viola Mock

AGBICULTTJBAL ZOOLOGY. First Class. None. Second dass. Howard Carlyle Forster (Queen's) Third dass. ComeUns Patrick Goulding \ p.,„.i Alan Bayson Raw (Queen's) { aqual


I Second Class. Frank Morres Bead Ivan Francis Phippa Third Class. Robert Leslie Twentyman

AGBICULTUBAL GEOLOGY. First Class. None. Second dass. Hugh Christian Trumble Frank Morres Bead Third Class. Ivan Francis Phippa

AGBICULTUBAL ENTOMOLOGY. First Class. None. Second dass. Frank Morres Bead Bobert Leslie Twentyman Ivan Francis Phipps Hugh Christian Trumble William Bunting Miller AGBICULTUBB. PABT H.. AND AGBICULTUBAL CHEMISTRY. First Class. None. Second does. George Taylor Levick AGRICULTURAL BOTANT. First dass. None. Second Class. James Edward Harrison Third dan. George Taylor Levick CLASS LISTS. 916

PARASITOLOGY, PABT I., AND PATHOLOGY AND BACTERIOLOGY (THIBD YEAB B.V.So.). . First Class. None. . Second Class. Claude Roderio Toop Cyril Spotteswoode Mory Hopkirk Third dass. Daniel Mnmane ' Thomas Screen Gregory

VETERINARY HYGIENE AND DIETETICS, PHAR­ MACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS AND TOXI­ COLOGY. First Class. None. Second does. Claude Roderio Toop Cyril Spotteswoode Mory Hopkirk Third Clw. Thomas Screen Gregory . Daniel Murnane

PARASITOLOGY, PARTS I. AND H.. PATHOLOGY AND BACTERIOLOGY (FOUBTH YEAB B.V.SO. First Class. None. Second Clasa. Arthnr William Turner Third dass. John Edmund Thomas VETEBINABY 8UBGEBY AND VETEBINABY MEDI­ CINE AND OBSTETRICS. First Class. None. Second Class. Arthur WiUiam Turner 916 EXAMINATION BESULTS, 1922-1928

Third Clasa. . Wesley QUes Bennett John Edmund Thomas . - EXHIBITIONS AND PBIZES. GREEK, PABT I. (H. B. Higgins Exhibition.) Severin Howard Zichy Woinarski (Trinity) LATIN. PABT I. (John Grice Exhibition.) Severin Howard Zichy Woinarski (Trinity)

ENGLISH, PABT I. (John Sanderson. Exhibition.) WUliam Vincent Aughterson (Teachers' College)

PBBNCH. PABT I. (Baillieu Exhibition.) Constance Ellis Whitehead (Teachers' College) Proxime aeeessit. William Vincent Aughterson (Teachers' College) GERMAIN, PABT I. Not awarded. BRITISH HISTORY B. Joseph Francis Mulvany (Newman) PSYCHOLOGY. LOGIC AND ETHICS. (Hastie Exhibition.) William Vincent Aughterson (Teachers' CoU.) "i i Florence Mary Grant (Queen's) '. { S. George Francis Taylor (Newman) ) fl PURE MATHEMATICS, PABT I. (John MacFarland Exhibition.) Bichard Ormond Cherry (Ormond) CLASS LISTS 917

MIXED MATHEMATICS, PABT I. John Maurice McCutcheon (Queen's) ANCIENT HISTOBY. John Frederick Foster (Queen's) SCIENCE OP LANGUAGE. Kathleen Muriel Chomley GREEK, PART H. Charles Alexander Ramage (Ormond) LATIN, PABT H. Bertram Charles Ballard (Ormond) ENGLISH. PABT H., (Edward Stevens Exhibition.) Helen Walker Sinclair Martin (Ormond) (Alexander Sutherland Prize.) Helen Walker Sinclair Martin (Ormond)

FRENCH, PART H. Bertram Charles Ballard (Ormond) ) jjonal Gertrude Agnes Dahle ) q GERMAN. PART H. Gertrude A?nes Dahle ) Julia Mary McCormack (Newman) [ Equal Winnifred Watsford .)

HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY.. (Hastie Exhibition.) Alexander Duncan Grant Adam (Ormond)') William Keith Gibson (Trinity) VEqual Norman Desmond Grant ) ADVANCED LOGIC. (Hastie Exhibition.) Ethel May Tovell 918 EXAMINATION RESULTS 19221923.

PUBE MATHEMATICS. PART;H. (Dixson. Scholarship.) John Xavier O'Driscoll'(Newman)

MIXED MATHEMATICS, PABT H. (Dixson ScholarshipJ Traill Alexander Sutherland (Teachers' College).

BRITISH HISTORY D, AND EUROPEAN •' HISTORY B. - (Dwight's Prize.) Graeme Murray Castles (Trinity)

EDUCATION. (Dwight's Prize.) John Romsdeh Lyall (Teachers* CoUege) I •a Christopher Ralph McRae (Teachers' College) |J-

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, PART I. (Dwight's Prize.) David Victor Isaacs Proxime aeeessit. James Alexander Simpson (Ormond)

CHEMISTRY. PART I. (Dwight's Prize.) . Florence' Cederholm GEOLOGY. PART I. Gilbert Frederick Busden (Trinity)' Proxime aeeesseruht. Alan Finlayson • Dunbar °) | Robert Benjamin Withers (Teachers' OoUege) f g

BOTANY, PART I. (J. F. W. Payne Exhibition). Alan Beverley Hackwell (Queen's) CLASS LISTS 919

(Bmnning' Prizes.) 1st—1887 LeUa Jean Heyward (Queen's) 2nd—1380 Eileen Eva Hamill Green (Ormond)

ZOOLOGY. PABT I. (Georgina Sweet Exhibition.) Eileen Eva EamUl Green (Ormond) (Baldwin Spencer Prize.) Howard Carlyle Forster (Queen's) \ £onai Alan Beverley Hackwell (Queen's)) q GRAPHICS (SCIENCE COUBSE). (Dunlop Rubber Co. Exhibition.) No Candidate.

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. PART H. Bichard Randolph Garran (Trinity) (WiUiam SutherlandJPrize.) Traill Alexander Sutherland (Teachers' CoUege) PBOFESSOB WILSON PBIZE FOB MATHEJMATICS AND NATUBAL PHILOSOPHY. Traill Alexander Sutherland (Teachers' CoUege) CHEMISTRY, FART H. Bichard Bandolph Garran (Trinity) ) p„_„, Walter Newling Eioketts ) *,qnal

GEOLOGY. PABT H. Charles Melbourne Focken (Queen's) Proxime aeeessit. Charles Maurice Tattam BOTANY. PABT H. Nancy Gwynne Kerr ZOOLOGY. PABT H. Not awarded. 920 EXAMINATION BESULTS, 1822-1983.

PHYSIOLOGY, PABT I. Nancy Gregory Heath > E-l Nancy Gwynne Kerr j ^ APPLIED MECHANICS. Boy Mervyn Badenach NATUBAL PHILOSOPHY, PART IH. (Dixson Scholarship.) Neil Bannatyne Lewis (Queen s) CHEMISTRY. PART IH. . (Dixson Scholarship.) Neil Bannatyne Lewis (Queens) METALLURGY, PART U., WITH METAL­ LOGRAPHY. Frank Harry Hempel GEOLOGY. PABT TH. Russell Barton Pretty BOTANY. PABT IH. Dorothy Jean Ross "I ,,„„„, Adele Victoria Vincent (Trinity) j *qual ZOOLOGY. PARTIH. Mavis Ethel Wood Ellery PHYSIOLOGY, PART H. Dorothy Jean Roes LAW OF PBOPEETY IN LAND AND CONVEYANC- ING AND LAW OF OONTBACT AND PEBSONAL PROPERTY. (John Madden Exhibition.) John Gerald Norris (Ormond) NATUBAL PHILOSOPHY (MEDICAL OOUBSE). (G. A. Syme Exhibition.) Paul Jones (Trinity) CLASS LISTS 921

CHEMISTSY (MEDICAL COUBSE). Harold Alfred Body (Ormond) )„ , Eric Evan Price (Ormond) ) *'qual ZOOLOGY (MEDICAL COUBSE), ' (W. H. Swanton Exhibition.) Andrew Russell Buchanan (Ormond) Proxime aeeessit. Harold Alfred Body (Ormond) (Baldwin Spencer Prize.) Edward Graham Robertson (Ormond) . BOTANY (MEDICAL OOUBSE). Andrew Russell Buchanan (Ormond) FORENSIC MEDICINE PRIZE. Bichard WUliam Johnson GRAPHICS AND GEOMETRICAL DRAWING. (Howard Smith Exhibition.) John Maurice McCutcheon (Queen's) ) w„„-i Ernest George Thurlby ) J!'qual MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, PABT I., AND ENGINEBBING DESIGN AND DBA WING. PABT I. (Wright Prize.) Austin Harvard Smith . Li„„„i Frank West j ^wX tfTEENGTH AND ELASTICITY OP MATEBIALS. (Herbert Brookes Exhibition.) Austin Harvard Smith ) -D.-.I Frank Gordon Albert Sublet (Ormond) j avax METALLUBGY. PABT I. No Candidate. SUBVEYTNG. PABT 1. (H. B. Howard Smith Exhibition.) Austin Harvard Smith 922 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1022-1928.

SURVEYING. PART H. Arthur CecU Tregonning HYDRAULICS AND HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, PART L (W. M. McPherson Exhibition.) Arthur Cecil Tregonning CIVIL ENGINEERING, PABT I. (A. T. Danks Exhibition.) Arthur Cecil Tregonning ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, PART I. Charles Melbourne Focken (Queen's) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. PART H., AND ENGINEERING DESIGN AND DRAWING, PART U. (Dixson Scholarship.) No Candidate, FIRST YEAR DIPLOMA IN MTJSIC. (Ormond Exhibitions.) Ivy Jane Neilson Violet Livingston Jackson Lilian Jessie Finster FIRST YEAR BAICHELOR OF MUSIC AND SECOND YEAB DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. (Ormond Exhibition.) Gordon Wyndham McKeown Avke Trewin Kimberley Homidge Maisie Evelyn Owen (Wright Prize for Instrumental Musio.) Grace Phillips Douglas SEOOND YEAB BACHELOB OF MTJSIC AND THIBD YEAB DIPLOMA LN MUSIC. (Ormond Exhibition.) Gladys Maud Elaine Bull CLASS LISTS...... -j -923

MAUDE HABBINGTON PBIZE FOE ACCOMPANY- ....-,. •. • • :IN6.. No Candidate.

AGBICULTUBE, PAST II.. AND AGBICULTUBAL CHEMISTRY. . (J. M. Higgins Exhibition.) George Taylor Levick PARASITOLOGY, PAETS I. AND H.. PATHOLOGY AND BACTBSIOLOOY. (4th YEAB B.V.Sc). (Dwight's Prize.) Arthnr William Turner



GENERAL AtfD (SPECIAL JPATHOLOGY, WITH BACTERIOLOGY. First dass. •Eric,Leonard Cooper John Carew Eccles (Newman) Ralph Whitburn ;Nich.oUs Second dass. William iThomas Greening (Newman) William ,-Eric Archer -Hughes Jo#es - Harry Masel (Queen's) David Officer 'Brown' (Ormond)

Third Class. BasU Francis Stewart (Newman) Melbert Ian McLean (Ormond) Leslie Proud Wait John Gerard Arthur Winter Ashton (Trinity) James Mayo Buchanan (Ormond) John Clark Spencer Gwendolen Wincfred May Robinson

THERAPEUTICS AND PUBLIC HEALTH. First dass. John Carew Eccles (Newman) Second dass. Inglis Hall Cowling (Ormond) Robert Lester Almond (Ormond) John Gerard Arthur Winter Ashton (Trinity) Leslie Proud Wait Eric Leonard Cooper William Thomas Greening (Newman) Thomas Longton Tyrer (Queen's) CLASS LISTS 926

Charles Wason Nye Bobert Ernest Balph Skinner David, Braham (Rosenthal •Third dass; Melbert Ian McLean (Ormond) John Clark Spencer Harfy Masel (Queen's) Reginald Victor Bretherton William James Burns James Mayo ^Buchanan (Ormond)




.«A 926 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1922-1923.


MARCH, 1H23.

CLASS LISTS.. FINAL EXAMINATION IN ARTS. SCHOOLS. CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY. First doss. Neville Garland Berriman (Trinity) } „ T Beginald Bichard Shall (Trinity) J M"*"

HISTOBY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE. First dass. None. Second dass. Lloyd Bobert Maxwell Boss Bussell Hallel Keon Cohen (Trinity) Allan Leigh Hughes John Henry Cleary (Newman) Sylvia Leah Rothstadt (Queen's) Third dass. John Robinson Peart (Teachers' CoUege) Rice Hopkins Clayton PHILOSOPHY. First does. WUliam Macmahon Ball. Second dass. Arthur James Henderson (Ormond) Louis Morton Humphery (Queen's) Brie Deacon Kent Frank Leslie Oliver (Trinity) CLASS LIST'S. 927

Third does. Bobert Kirkham Whately

MATHEMATICS. First dass. None. Second Class. WUliam Alexander Johnson

ENGLISH. First Class. Thomas Weetman Smith (Trinity) Gwynnyth Annie Alrchdall (Trinity) Lilian Lelean Scholes (Queen's) - Socoiiid dfififi Alma May Eddy (Teachers' College) Francis Thomas Fargher Elmer Benjamin Howells Stasia Slattery (Newman) Third dass. Lorna Pretoria Bishop (Queen's) Dorothy Isabel Knox (Trinity) difford James White

FRENOH LANGUAGE AND LITERATUBE. First Class. Francis Patrick Walsh. (Newman). . Second Class. None. Third dass. - Kathleen Margaret McDonald (Teachers' College)

COMBINED COURSES. LATIN AND FRENCH. First Class. None. Second dass. Marjorie Helena Grenness (Teachers' College) 928 EXAMINATION RESULTS 19221923.

HISTORY AND ENGLISH. First Class. None. Second dass. Geoffrey Francis Adeney Third does-. Eugenie Owen Davies Kathleen Mary Strachan (Newman)

FRENCH AND GERMAN. First dass. Geoffrey Edward Green (Teachers' College) Second dass. Jane Bondfield Stephens (Teachers' College)

HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY-. First does. None. Second Class. Arthur Langan Haddon Gordon Frederick Connell

ENGLISH AND PHILOSOPHY. First dass. Ian Ramsay Maxwell Second dass. None. Third Class. Reginald Harry Howie (Queen's) Jessie Muriel Hutchinson

LATIN AND ENGLISH. First dass. None. Second Class. Bertha Amelia Jones (Queen's) CLASS LISTS 929-

ENGLISH AND FRENCH. Ffirst dass. None. Second dass. Bae Bland (Teacher's College) Third dass. Wilfrid Henry Frederick- (Teachers' College).


CHEMISTRY. First Class. None. Seobaff das*

Alfred Stephen Fifttpatrlok! (Queen's) ) -n. Howard William Strong! (Queen's)) l^V1*1 Jean Maggie Robertson?

BIOCHEMISTRY: First Class*. George Vincent Rudd ', BOTANY. FirStT' dass) Lesley Ruth Kerr ZOOLOGY. First dass. Alan William Greenwood1 9*80 EXAMINATION BESULTS, 1922-1983

FINAL HONOUR EXAMINATION. LAWS. First Class. None. Second dass. ; Donald MiU' CampbeU (Queen's) \ w__-i' Eustace Halley Coghill (Trinity) ) "W*** Maurice Ashkanasy ) .Harry. Urbridge Best Ormond); p Equal- , / Philip David Phillips ) Gavin Layer (Ormond> ) yV . James John O'Brien > t

MEDICINE. SURGERY, OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY. . First Class.; Kathleen Bessie- Daly Kenneth Branston Burwood (Ormond) John Gerald Edward Hayden (Newman) William Langley Conington (Trinity) James Percival Ainslie (Trinity) Annie Doreen Hensley (Trinity) Second Class. William Prout Holman (Ormond) Edgar Samuel John King David WUliam Neville Francis Florence D'Arcy (Newman) ' Edgar Alexander North (Trinity) James Ernest Shilliday'(Ormond) dive Henry Reynolds James Thomas' King (Newman) George Frederick Bennett • s CLASS LISTS 9£1--

Third Class. • Otto Saddler Hirschfeld David Imrie Fitzpatrick (Queen's) George Alexander Brewi (Newman) Thomas Glass Millar (Ormond) Ouido Saverio Carlo Mayrhofer Kevin John O'Day .(Newman) Arthur -Wellesley Bayley Sidney Plowman (Trinity) : Adelaide Gertrude Gault (Queen's) ) W(i, „.i Edward Charles Bell Jones ) llqua- Wesley George Catchlove- Oodbehear 1 v„„^ Ronald Herbert Small (Ormond) j MP*1 Thomas Louis Barker (Queen's) Ernest Raymond Eillmier ") „ , Dominic : Victor ,Shei| 3 t(lual Keith Ghisholm Ross (Ormond) Charles Byrne (Newman) Howard Lyell Andrews .

CIVIL ENGINEERING. First Class. Denis John O'Donoghue (Newman) Louis Francis Loder (Queen's) John Adrian Fargher Second dass. Wilfrid Dinsey Chapman James White Young (Ormond) William James Rodan Third Class. Andrew Gordon Sloane (Ormond) George Robin Chapman (Trinity)

MINING ENGINEERING. First Class. None. Second Class. James Coulter McEenzie Third Class. Norman Thomas Harding 9K£ BXAMlNATIOS{ BESULTS, 1922-1921

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Fust- Class. Eric David HoweHs (Queen's) Seeoadr dass. Alan Andrew Lorimer (Ormond) ) -,- „_, William Thorn \ E^uaI Arnold Raymond Miller" WiUiam Joseph Taylor Third Class. Ernest Keith Baytey (Queen's)

MECHANICAL ENGINEBBING. First Class. Noire. Second dass. None. Third Class. Henry Barton Berwick SciroCAr&HtPS- ArfD PRT2B8. 9$9'


FINAL EXAMINATION;' SCHOLARSHIPS, CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY. Neville Garland Berrintan (Trinity) ) - ., Beginald Richaid-BhbU (Trinity) j *

FINAL HONOUR SCHOLARSHIPS. NATtTRAL PHILOSOPHY. (Dixson Final Honour Scholarship.) Leslie Harold" Martin 934 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1931-1928.

(Professor Kernot Final Honour Scholarship) Leslie Harold Martin . , , CHEMISTRV. (Dixson Final Honour Scholarship.) Alfred Stephen .Fitzpatrick (Queen's) } v -, Howard William Strong (Queen's) . I ^UM (Professor .Kernot Final Honour Scholarship) Jean Maggie Robertson BIO-CHE MISTEY. George Vincent Bndd ••'••• GEOLOGY. (Professor Kernot Research Scholarship.) No candidate. BOTANY. Lesley Ruth Kerr ZOOLOGY. Alan WiUiam Greenwood LAWS. Donald Mill Campbell (Queen's) ") v . Eustace HaUey Coghill (Trinity) 3 qul" MEDICINE (INCLUDING CLINICAL MEDICINE). (Keith Levi Memorial Scholarship). James Percival Ainslie (Trinity) SURGERY (INCLUDING CLINICAL SURGERY). (Beaney Scholarship). William Laugley Carrington (Trinity) OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY. (Fulton Scholarship). - - Kathleen Bessie Daly \ ., .- Ethel Elizabeth Osborne ) ^ual CLINICAL MEDICINE. (Jamieson Prize).' James Percival Anislie (Trinity). SCHOLARSHIPS AND PRIZES. 9&&

CIVIL ENGINEBBING. (" Argus ". Scholarship.) Denis John O'Donoghue (Newman) MINING ENGINEERING. (George LanseU Final Honour Scholarship). James Coulter MoKenzie ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. (Dixson Final Honour Scholarship). Erie David Howells (Queen's) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. (Dixson Final Honour Scholarship). No candidate. METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING. (Dixson Final Honour Scholarship.) No candidate. * ENGINEERING. (StaweU Research Scholarship). Louis Francis Loder (Queen's) AGRICULTURE AND AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING. (Wrizon Exhibition). No candidate. AGRICULTUBAL CHEMISTRY AND BIO-CHEMISTRY (J&mes Cuming Prize). No candidate. AGRICULTURAL BOTANY AND AGRICULTURAL BACTERIOLOGY. No candidate. SPECIAL SCHOLARSHIPS AND FRIZES. (The date appended to the name of the Scholarship or Prize indicates the year in which it was first awarded.) SHAKESPEARE SCHOLARSHIP (1865). Robert Cecil Bald (Ormond) ( Equal Keith Alexander MoKenzie (Ormond) I .H '336 EXAMINATION A&SULIS, JW-1928.

BOWEN iPBIZE .C1674). .ENO.^UH ESSAY. John Frederick'Foster {Queen's).


RusseU Hallel Keon Cohen ) v , Lloyd Robert MaxweU Boss j J!"iual POLITICAL ECONOMY. Sydney Hedry Heymanson

MODERN LANGUAGES (ENGLISH). Robert Cecil Bald (Ormond).


NeviUe Garland Berriman (Trinity) > v , Reginald Richard Sholl (Trinity) j ^l"*1 W. T. MOLLISON SCHOLARSHIP (1889). ITALIAN. George Oswald.Reid (Ormond). BEANEY SCHOLARSHIP IN PATHOLOGY (1893). William Harold James Moore. MACBAIN RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIP (1898). BOTANY. Mary Gordon ) w„„„i Herbert Ward WUson (Teacher's CoUege) > B,'lu*1 SCHOLARSHIPS AND PBIZES. i)S7

H. B. HIGGINS SCHOLARSHIP FOB THE STUDY OF POETRY (1905). STUDY or POBTJRY. Frederick Alfred Louis CaUil (Newman).

CAROLINE KAY SCHOLARSHIP (1906). VETERINARY ANATOMY, Wesley GUes -Bennett } Equal John Edmund Thomas

DAVID SYME RESEARCH PRIZE (1906). Frank Longstaff Apperly'






HOWITT. NATURAL : HISTOBY SCHOLARSHIPS (1919). FIRST—BOTA NT. Adele Victoria Vincent (Trinity)

SECOND—GEOLOGY. . RusseU Barton Pretty

THIRD—Zoo LOO*. Mavis Ethel Wood Ellery


MEDICAL RESEARCH. Gordon Roy Cameron (Queen's)


NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. James Stanley Rogers Leslie Harold Martin (Teachers' College) Zeus Amphion Mirfield

CHKMISTTY. Frederick WUliam Jeffrey Clendinnen John Packer. (Ormond). George Vincent Rndd (Ormond).

ZOOLOGY. - i Alan WUliam Greenwood DBOEEES CONFBBBBD, U2MS. 939


23rd DECEMBER, 1922.

BACHELOR OF ARTS. (Ordinary Degree-) Kathleen Byrne Rosalie Bessie Fox Pollard - Winifred Margaret Tate Joseph John Booth Charles Vincent Cecil Harold George Hackworthy George William Irving WiUiam Nail Jaffray Charles Frederick Jeffery Royal Robert MiUer Newman Hirsch Rosenthal In Absentia. NelUe Cecilia Moore Mary Smith BACHELOE OF SCIENCE. Helen Frances Marion Kelsey Lesley Bnth Kerr Arthur Richard Edward Ashton Edwin James George Pitman Newman Hirsch Rosenthal Harry Mayne Treloar Ernest Leslie Wilcock BACHELOR OF LAWS. Erena Landy Gellatly George Anderson Maurice Ashkanasy James Latham Baillieu Beginald William Barrie Dighton William Burbidge Donald Mill Campbell 940 DEGREES CONFBBBBD, 1922-23.

Lyston Arthur Chisholm Eustace Halley Coghill Thomas Kevin Doyle John Warry Flannagan Frederick Barker Gamble Leopold Little Eric Alston Lloyd Stanislaus Joseph Mornane Trevor Morris John Lindsay Neylon James John O'Brien James Raymond A

WUUam Samuel Johnson Gordon Ord Lawrence John WiUiam London Cecil Balfem Neato Eric Spencer Scrivener Francis Bichard Southby Edward Thomas Feet Stubbs Edward George Whiteford

" In Absentid. Charles Norman Finch MASTER OP A1BTS. Jean Hawthorne Hutchinson Bupert James Harper Orocker In Absentid. Samuel Clement Lazarus MASTER OP LAWS. Neville Vicars Henderson DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. John Sydney Green William Ernest Hewitt Gwilym Taliesin James Framptou Gamsey Meade Frederick Harold Moron Hilary Joseph Roche DIPLOMA OF EDUCATION. Charles Frederick Jeffery Norman Percival Le Contour Royal Bobert Miller Arthur Henry Potter Percy George Samson DIPLOMA OP PUBLIC HEALTH. Frank Bobison Kerr DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. August Di Gilio


21st APRIL, 1923.

BACHELOR OF ARTS. (Ordinary JJegree.) Lucy Maud Ahou Mary Josephine Arnold Thelma Lilian Asche Hilda Bissett Alice Eileen Boyes Margaret Josephine Burns Elizabeth Eva Colder Eleanor Sylvia Carpenter Rita May Gwendolyn Collins Helen Ada Llewellyn Cotton Edith Linda Marston Druos Irene Josephine Dunne Margaret Robison Gibbon Jean Arnot Maxwell Veronica Bertha McKernan Margaret Isabell Morrison Enid Constance Crichton Neate Florence Mary Pitt Lorna Mary Pitt Nellie Roe Euphemia Catherine Rose Moya Rowan Irene Catherine Ryan Myra Styles Eunice Tattam Vera Xaripha Thomas Janet Heathfiold Tonge Mary Isabel Watson Vera Gladys Williams Mary Lea Wright John Maurice AUen George Clifford Baker Ernest Leslie Bennett Robert James 'Bennett Reginald Bowell Ernest Henry Carter WUliam George Coates Charles Balmain Cotes David Cecil Boyd Coutts DBOBEES CONFBBBBD, 192223. 94$

John Claude Doggett Keith Alan MoLareu Emmerson Arthur Loftus Christopher Flint Henry Qustavus Furpny Vivian Vine Gribble Vincent Flower Hadley Herbert Cyril Holland Alan Seddon Incoll Joseph Henry Sims James James Edward AUen Kelso WiUiam Duncan Kennedy Edmund Dean Knights William Frederick MoKenzie James Samuel Manfield George James difford Marshallsea Eric dive Tait Matthewson WUliam Graham McAuliffe Colin Alexander McCailum Norman- (MoHutchinsbn John Leonard McEenna John Alexander MoOlison Cuthbert Thomas Moody Allan Ramsay Moon William Norris Muntz Robert Henry Noack • Oliver Charles Phillips • Hector Gordon Robinson Alex. Gladstone Scholes Herbert Denis Shee John Sayers Percival Stafford Leo Conroy Steminger Henry Stockdale ' • Thomas Taylor Henry Francis Tonkin Charles Bichard Veall Edward Leslie Vercoe "' In Absentid. '' Evelyn Mary Hamilton Edward Gallagher BACHELOE OF ARTS. ' T' (Degree With Honours.) Lorna Pretoria Bishop Roe Blond ' 944 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1922-23

Eugenie Owen Davies Alma May Eddy Marjorie Helena Grenness Jessie Muriel Hutchinson Bertha Amelia Jones Kathleen Margaret McDonald Sylvia Leah Rothstadt Lilian Lelean Scholes Stasia Slattery Jane Bondfield Stephens Kathleen Mary Strachan Margaret Lindsay Walker Geoffrey Francis Adeney WUliam Macmahon Ball Neville Garland Berriman Rice Hopkins dayton John Henry deary Russell Hallel Keon Cohen Gordon Frederick Connell Francis Thomas Fargher Wilfrid Henry Frederick Geoffrey Edward Green Arthur James Henderson Elmer Benjamin Howells Reginald Harrie Howie Allan Leigh Hughes William Alexander Johnson Brio Deacon Kent Ian Ramsay Maxwell Frank Leslie Oliver John Robinson Peart Arthur lAngell Phillips Lloyd Robert Maxwell Roes Reginald Richard Sholl Thomas Weetman Smith Francis Patrick Walsh Robert Kirkham Whately Clifford James White

In Absentid. Dorothy Isabel Knox Arthur Langon Haddon Louis Morton Humphery DBOBEES CONFBBBBD, 1922-23. 94ft

BACHELOR OF SCIENOE. Broil Eyres Baynes Beryl' Jean Bryoe Elsie Halladay McGeachy Ada Eileen Molony Florence Sylvia Pitt Slyvia Sarah Reilly Sheila Agnes Robertson Kathleen Annie Milne Semmens Beryl Audrey Pickering Splatt Isabel Matilda Haynes Upton Adele Victoria Vincent Boy Wheeler Andrews Geoffrey George Ashburn Marcus Charles Beresford Louis Edward Calame Hedley Heyward Champion Horace Walter Noxburn Ctebhin ;., Cecil Ernest Eddy Gerald William Elliott George Forman Alexander William Jessep Bichard Read Langdoh Neil Bannatyne Lewis Sidney Frederick Ernest Liebert Herbert Leslie Longbottom William Shaw Mathieson Reginald Frank May Alexander McDonell • Oscar Adolph Mendelsohn Reginald George Perry Bussell Barton Pretty Alan Hollick Ramsay Alan Alexander Robertson ' - Charles John Sharp Barry Cedric Usher Lawrence James Wackett Hector Wallace In Absentid. Alan Trevor Davies Frank Harry Hempel Beginald William Patterson . Allan Field Showers 946 DBOBEES CONFERRED, 1923-83

BACHELOB OF LAWS. Emma Lucy Draper Harry Uxbridge Best Herbert Boas Blair Bichard Cumberland Bridgeford Alan Francis Cussen WUliam Benn Fleming Herbert Metcalf Hawkins Gavin Laver James Crofton Lee Thomas Everett McCann Lumb . Nicholas Edward McEenna Henry Douglas Gordon Melville Frank Barton Nicholls Francis Edmond O'Brien Douglas Stuart Ritchie Stanley Charles .Rosier Gerald Vincent Rush Jack Thomas Strachan- David Edward Trickett BACHELOB OF MEDICINE AND BACHELOB OF 8UBOBEY. Eileen Champion Dorothea Victoria Church Kathleen Bessie Daly Adelaide Gertrude Gault Annie Doreen Eensley Ottilie Noail Ethel Elisabeth Osborne Beatrice Sharwood Howard Lyell Andrews Horace Rowland Guest Barrett Arthur Wellesley Bayley George Frederick Bennett' Gilbert George Benson Boilean Gerald Douglas Broome Edmond Patrick Burke Kenneth Branston Bur wood Charles Byrne Colin George Burrowes Colquhonn Francis Florence D'Arcv George Ronald Davidson DBOEEES CONFBBBBD, 1922-83 947

Reginald Spencer Ellery David Imrie Fitzpatrick Stuart Fraser Leslie Francis Freemantle Henry Woodall Gault Wesley George Catchlove Godbehear George Harold Quthridge Bruce Rudolph Hall6ws John Gerald' Edward Hayden William Prout Holntan dive Henry Reynolds James Edward Charles Bell Jones Thomas King Reginald Frank May - Philip Bernard McCumisky John Sheehy Luxiord Aloysius Meagher Thomas Glass Millar Geoffrey George Holstein Murdoch Noel Murdoch David WUliam Neville Edgar Alexander North Kevin John O'Day Alfred Oldham Matthew Chalmers Patrick Sidney Plowman Valentine Charles Podger. James Leonard' Woodroffe Sharland Dominic Victor Sheil James Ernest Shilliday Ronald Herbert Small Alan Robert Townsend In Absentid- Marion Isabel Lindsay |Breland James Percival Ainslie Thomas Louis Barker George Alexander Brew William Longley Carrington Albert Peter Davis - Otto Saddler Hirschfield Ernest Raymond Eillmier Edgar Samuel John. King Guido Saverio Carlo. Mayrhofer Frederick Westwood. Niesche 948 DBOBBBS CONFBBBBD, 19S2-2J

Colin Campbell Beid Keith Chisholm Ross John Grieve Woods BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Wilfrid Dinsey Chapman Andrew Marsoen Qresham Dempster Henry Ignatius Joseph MoOnigan Gilbert Munro Membrey Allan Ramsay Moon William James Rodan

BACHELOR OF MINING ENGINEBBING. Ronald Bannatyne Lewis George Brown Robertson In Absentid. George Keith Allen

BACHELOR OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Willie Henry Connolly Eric David Howells Alan Charles Bede Kelly Donald Leslie MacDonald Edmund Leslie . James Merrigan Fnssell John Richardson BACHELOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Geoffrey Noel Bedford BACHELOB OF MUSIC. Phyllis May AUinson Madge Carleton - Amy Beatrice Dickinson Elisabeth Constance Adeline Ziebel BAICHBLOE OF DENTAL SCIENCE. Beginald William Bartlett Benjamin Milton Challen Norman Edgar Heokscher Herbert William Leonard Hunt DEGREES OONFERBBD, 198-23 949

Boy Vernon Merritt Bobert Ferguson Pedley Edwin Leslie Quayle John Oulton. Rosson. Frank Norman Sim Baoul Souffldt John Keith Spalding George Herbert Wells In Absentid. Norman Edward Bannan Frank Baden Powell BACHELOB OF VETERINARY SCIENOE. Margaret Qweldoline Keate WesleyGiles Bennett John Walter Mary Maxwell Carroll Herbert dinton Kennan Bobert John de Courcy Talbot Arthur William Turner

MA8TEB OF ARTS. Olive Adeline Atkins Eliza Davidson Angelique Prudence Hamono Caroline Teresa Jones Eileen Mary Mardling Annie Marion Osborn Dora Helen Powley Marjorie lebol Ramsay Hilda Bayword Doris Nellie Richards Buth Rosenberg Douglas Gordon Bain Horry Uxbridge Best Frederick Alfred Louis CallU Finlay Fraser Arthur James Henderson Herbert Gay Henry David Alexander Hodges Beginald Harry Bowie Austin James Percy Ernest Joeke 950 DBOBEBS CONFBBBBD, 19JI-S3.

Eric Deacon Kent Gavin Laver Leslie Denis Alphonsus Lyons . Charles Herbert Murray Frank Barton NichoUs Frank Leslie Oliver Harold John Patterson John Robins Richards , Stephen Henry Roberts In Absentid. Theaden Nancie Brocklebonk Louisa Devereux Oldmeadow Beinhold Walter Theodor Finger Louie Morton Humphery WiUiam Andrew Merrylees

MASTER OF SCIENCE. Barley Scott Baird Edith Elizabeth Mary Derrick MASTER OF LAWS. James Baymond Augustine O'Eeefe Walter St. George Sproule Henry Bruce Stewart David Gordon Taylor • In Absentid. Herman Phillip Levy MASTBE OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. John dyde Miller MASTER OF AGRICULTURAL SCTENCE. Cyril Eduott Crooke DOCTOR OP LETTEBS. Walter George Ivens DOCTOR OF LAWS. John Clifford Valentine Behan - DEGREES CONCURRED, 1912-23. 951

DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. Alfred Plumley Derham , John Horace Kelly Robert Sonthby DOCTOR OF MUSIC. In Absentid. Victor Edward Qalway

DOCTOR OF DENTAL SCIENCE. Frederick Andrew Aird DIPLOMA OF EDUCATION Ethelwyn Gladys Bates Margaret Annie McVean Begg Ada Mary Hazel Betts Hilda Bissett Theaden Nancie Brocklebank Helen Ada Llewellyn Cotton Jessie Mona Stuart Grant Amy Bertha de Putron Hitchcock Gwendolen Kent Hughes Sidney Victoria Knox Eileen Mary Mardling Kathleen Sophia Mary Mardling Violet Matthews Bay Amot Maxwell Ina Winifred Miller Gertrude Mary O'Donnell Katherine Maud Sugden Louisa Stafford Taylor Laura Grace Trickett Boy Wheeler Andrews Arthur Mason Arnold Robert James Bennett Walter William Victor Briggs Edward Bright Ernest Henry Carter Hedley Heywood Champion Horace Walter Norburne Crebbin John Claude Doggett Cecil Ernest Eddy 952 DEGREES CONFBBBBD, 1932-23.

Herbert Cyril Holland Joseph Henry Sims Jaines Alexander William Jessep John Harold Melbourne Lines Albert John Marsden George James. Clifford Marshallsea Eric dive Tait Mattheweon Alexander McDonell Joseph McLlroy Keith Alexander MoKenzie Christopher Balph McSae John Alexander Mollison Harry Elder Morris Oliver diaries Phillips Gordon Wells Pitcher John Bayers Percival Stafford William Allen Stevely Gordon Story Henry Francis Tonkin Charles Fitzroy Walker William Whittle

DIPLOMA OF PUBLIC HEALTH. Frank Payne Edwards John Leslie Boss Soden

DIPLOMA OF ARCHITECTURE. Robert Sutton Davey Keith a'Beckett Klingender Henry Pynor Roy Cedric Staughton Hubert Locksley Waugh

DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. Loris Merlyn AIsop Olive Cheerhom Amy Veronica Coughlon Aileen Estcourt Helen Fraser Pigott Pearis Margaret Rodger Mary Dunbar Stephen Augusta Stone DEOBBBB CONFBBBBD, 1922-23 953.

LICENCE IN VETEBINABY SCIENCE. Colin Aberdeen DOCTOB OF SCIENCE. (By Special Grace.) WiUiam John Young DOCTOB OF MEDICINE. (By Special Grace-) Frank Longstaff Apperly

11th JUKE, 1923. BACHELOB OF ARTS. (Ordinary Degree.) Denis Mnrrell Deasey BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. Allan Robert Gibson In Absentid- Samuel Germaine Qruikshank BACHELOR OF LAWS. Gerald Abbott Moling BACHELOB OF MEDICINE and BACHELOB OF SURGERY. Llewellyn Meredith Smith George Alan Waterhouse BACHELOR OF DENTAL SCIENCE. David EUis MASTER OP CIVIL ENGINEERING. Arthur Cedrio Leith Howard Maooun Sherrard 954 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1922-23

DOCTOR OP LETTERS. Henry Bournes Higgins DIPLOMA OF EDUCATION. Thomas Taylor

17th SEPTEMBER, 1923. BACHELOR OF ARTS. (Ordinary Degree.) Charles Thomas Mason Ronald Ernest McQuie BACHELOB OF ARTS. (Degree With Honours.) Alan George Daws BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. Eleanor Lallo Alice Hillingdon Mills CyrU Gladstone Edwards William Jeffery Trende BACHELOR OF MEDICINE and BACHELOR OF SURGERY. Sara Elizabeth Gundersen Constance Bronwen Jones Jean Qrigg Kay Eleanor Lalla Alice Hillingdon Mills Leonard Hunt Ball George Boukin Bearham Ivo Paul Beattie Francis Rupert Ignatius Benson John Murray Blair Kevin Brennan John Gladstone Cameron Harold William Charlton Raleigh Clarke Charles Wilson Courtney Sidney Kodish Crownson DEGREES CONFESSED, U932-23 955>

Joseph Davia Ernest Richard Edwards Harry Friedman Noel Middleton Gntteridge Edward William Hands Keith Gardner Kerr Sidney James Lehman Leslie Anderson Love Allan Finlay Maclnnes Randolph Yule Mathew Norman McLeod Alfred Cyril Pedler Donald Pryde Max Alfred Rees Joseph Schwartz William Huey Gerrard Steele Thomas Geoffrey SulUvon Johnstone Leslie Thwoites Brian Rosse Woods In Absentid. Philip Graham Commons Samuel Finkelstein Bex Hylton Mario Alberto Mayrhofer Eric Alexander Richards . . Henry Joseph Roberts Thome BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Louis Francis Lbder • - Francis Vibert BACHELOR OF MINING ENGINEERING. In Absentid- Frank Nethercote Betheras BACHELOB OP ELECTEICAL ENGINEERING. Edward Tweddell BACHELOR OF DENTAL SCIENCE. In Absentid. Leslie Sanders Rogers

.61 956 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1922-23

MASTER OP ARTS. Leslie Vernon Ottaway Henry Lycett Tonkin MASTER OF SCIENCE. In Absentid. Walter Henry Oollyer Leslie William Phillips MASTER OP LAWS. Eugene Francis Healy Allan Roderick Henderson MASTER OF CiVTL ENGINEERING. John Mathieson DIPLOMA OP EDUCATION. Evelyn Mary Eddy David Law Bartholomew Leonard Doak Charles Thomas Mason John Robins Richards DIPLOMA OF ARCHITECTURE. diaries Moreland Montague Dare Geoffrey Selwyn Richards DIPLOMA LN MUSIC. Phyllis Mary. Sinclair,

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Author/s: University of Melbourne

Title: University of Melbourne Calendar 1924

Date: 1924

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File Description: 08_Annual Report

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