Presidents Message:

Now that the 2019 truck shows are behind us, it is time to do those neglected maintenance issues to be ready for spring shows.

I say this as a reminder to myself as my truck is usually the one to have trouble.

We are working on a reasonable location and venue for an annual meeting in January.

I hope all our members have a happy and healthy holiday season.

Dane Petersen


Congratulations to Redwood ATHS Chapter members Richard Dilworth and Casey Dilworth of Geyserville for their ‘Best of Show’ prize at the 10th Annual Geyserville Lighted Tractor Parade last weekend. Nicely decorated 1956 Peterbuilt, ready for the holidays


Alert – Details coming soon …

Redwood ATHS Annual meeting to be held January 2020. We are working on date, time and location. Please reply to the email with your input. Looking to hold a lunch meeting in Santa Rosa or Petaluma, a change for members in the lower part of the north coast. Maybe we can alternate locations or times year to year. Your input matters – share your ideas reply to the email.

Summer Travels by Truck by VP Ed Couderc

Thursday morning on the Cotati Hill and green cab markers of a Red LT Mack, Bordeaux LT Mack and Orange and Black work their way into the southbound commute traffic of 101. Late summer so it will not be until the end of Lakeville Highway that the sun hits each driver’s face. We pass through the Cordelia Scales and a short time later it is time for breakfast in Williams where additional trucks will join the group. 9 am breakfast is over and we are down the onramp to I 5 with the new arrivals: Red & White 351 Pete with a 57 Chevy PU and 47 Peterbilt on its deck, Black & White brand new Pete with Freightliner COE in the belly of its lowboy, Red Sterling with a couple of elderly Sterling’s on its truck bed and pull trailer and a Bumble Bee Yellow Black Mack with 2 Mack’s, green and yellow, on its equipment trailer.

Half of the group stop in South Weed for fuel while others just keep rollin on to Medford. We’ve got a barbeque to get to. Member Dan Thomas and wife Cindy, for about the last twelve years, open their home in the foothills of West Medford. Excellent roast pig with trimmings along with wonderful wine makes this evening overlooking the vineyards perfect. Adding to the event are 6 or 7 spiffed up trucks, most belonging to Dan. We added a few more people, their trucks at the motel with ours, from Reno and Madera and they enjoyed the evening along with us.

Friday 7:30 am and the black smoke is laying low in the parking lot of the Ramada Inn. As usual we have managed to wrap our trucks around the building in a big U giving other guests an extra treat of waking up to the whine and crack of a diesel engine starting its days work. Besides our group from Williams we are joined by the others. I THINK WE’VE GOT US A CONVOY.

Heading north we have added 2 Blue 70’s ’s with big horses under the hood. One with a Cummings KTA is pulling a cattle trailer, not hauling hogs, but Friday night BBQ supplies. The second KW with its V 12 Detroit drags a 48’ van. We also add an


old original 60’s KW tractor with ABC Sleeper and on its step deck is a 48 Pete. Seventy years later it seems to have its original green paint job. Bruce Thomas is always finding something new. An 80’s COE Pete pulling a dry van slides in. This is owned by one of our new members Steven Simon. Steve has left the original markings on the tractor so it looks ready to go out and make money. Again, we are off to breakfast. This time exit 86 is Heaven on Earth. Best pastries in Southern . By the time we have finished eating, another bunch of trucks from Dan Thomas livery arrive so we are now about 20 trucks now as we roll up Interstate 5 for 180 miles to north of Salem.

The Brooks show will again be a full house. The spiffy newer trucks out number us 3 to 1 but it is nice to see these owner operators and fleets take such good care of their rides. As always there are great historical trucks and we get to park in and around the trees shaded from the noonday sun. We run into another new Redwood member, Charlie Cunningham and his beautiful orange Pete COE Hay Hauler. Charlie, along with his neighbor, Neil McIssac and his green over green perfect Pete had arrived a day earlier. They were enjoying the show as all of us would.

Saturday, we spent the night in Sutherlin, Oregon. This makes Sunday a bit easier in the 105-degree valley heat. We left Sunday about 7 am, fueled in Medford, had lunch in Williams and arrived at home about 5:30. Good trip !

It is always nice to visit the Pacific NW Truck Museum. Thanks to all their members. **************************************************************************************************** Photos needed….

Of note – if anyone attended the Brooks 2019 show and have photos to post on our website – please let me know. Tim and I were busy with the grape harvest and missed the show. Email me a note or send me your photos to be added to the Redwood ATHS website [email protected] thank you ! - Katey

Cool youtube video of the Brooks 2019 Show here

Mark your calendars. 28th Annual Brooks Truck Show -- August 21-22, 2020 Featuring Mack & International


Vice Presidents Message - Ed Couderc

Fall ATHS Board Meeting Kansas City, MO

I attended the 2 day meeting at National Headquarters mainly as part of the conventions committee. The building is very nice and large enough to accommodate staff, library and many displays. I was pleased to see the cut away axle display and other smaller items that came from the A W Hays collection. You could spend over a day looking at binders of photos from the early 1990’s to present day. I spent an hour studying photos of Consolidated Freightways from their start during the depression to their downfall and bankruptcy in 2002. It included the building of their with the first one a “kit” over a wrecked Fageol that look like something that I would do in my backyard. They finally improved and were a large share of the Class 8 market when CF sold their truck manufacturing to Daimler Mercedes Benz in 1981. CF originally was called Freightways but changed to Consolidated Freightways in the 40’s and ruled the West for many years.

ATHS is operated by committees with the help of staff that present to the board of directors of thirty Regional VP’s ( RVP) and seven executive voted positions of our fellow members. The convention committee discussed the details of the 2020 Illinois convention first and then the majority of our half day meeting was the future. The thought is to go back to the same venues when it is practical. Also a survey of all members thought it was great to not have to bus from hotel to show grounds. This made Reno a top candidate for 2022. The registration and photo lines problems can be corrected along with some other items that Grand Sierra would rectify if we return. ATHS made money on the show mainly from the over 3,000 guest that paid for daily admission to our show. These folks also give us good exposure to what we do and may stimulate future membership.

Other locations to be considered for 2022 are a return to Yakima or Salem and a consideration of Cal Expo in Sacramento. There were quite a few board members that grumbled at California. They truly think we are off the rails here but I think that is just jealousy. 2023 is Midwest and maybe a return to Des Moines Fairgrounds with Lincoln, Nebraska and Madison, Wisconsin to be considered as new venues. Many other cities were talked about previously in a conference call but we have gotten so large that places like Salt Lake and others do not have room for a 1,000 trucks and 800 rooms within a few miles. We really looked hard for other locations that could accommodate trucks and hotel together. We only found 2 others so far. Las Vegas at a hotel where the new Raider stadium is being built and Phoenix at the football stadium that has 1000


hotel rooms within walking distance to the trucks. There is a possibility that we could end up there if other western locations cannot be booked. Bring your sun hats.

The next board meeting in January may decide where we will be in the West in 2022. The 2021 eastern area convention will be in Virginia and your January-February WOT will have all the information, but you can get your room now by going to ATHS website. Many more items were decided during the 2 days, but I will leave that up to RVP Manuel Andrade and newest RVP Bill Irvin, who gives us the great Orland show and who is also a member of Redwood, to fill us in on happenings from Kansas.


New member Neil McIsaac III of Petaluma

Neil came to Brooks with a tricked up beautiful 358 Pete. He traveled with Charlie Cunningham, another newer member. Neil's Pete won an award for best antique truck at the Brooks Show featuring Peterbuilts this year. Nice article here:


New Member Justin Gregori

Justin made his debut to the Redwood ATHS August BBQ in Healdsburg in his 988 Crown Supercoach. 6-71 pancake engine mid mount under floor. 5 speed manual transmission. It was the last bus purchased by Analy Union High School District (Sebastopol). Cool story - Justin rode in it when it was new as a student and drove it as a driver. Now he is the proud owner. The cool Crown was also on display at the Orland show, were we could see under belly.

The Redwood Chapter of the ATHS has website… find our current calendar, browse event and meeting photos, read newsletters and keep current with your local chapter of ATHS.


*********************************************************************************** Nice article on the Plymouth Show – one to keep on your calendar for every April. check out the Central California Chapter ATHS website


We ask members to send in facts about themselves. When you get a chance fill out the profile blank included in this newsletter and return to Ed. Member profile: our Past President Dave Anderson AKA ‘Autocar Dave’

Dave Anderson is an owner-operator trucker and so much more. Besides the famous green Autocar he has a stable in his back yard of 19 trucks (in various stages of operation), 5 cars, 2 tractors and 1 military half - track. His theory of collection is it has to be older than he is(1955)to grace the Cotati neighborhood he lives in. Raised in San Bruno, Dave always loved antique trucks as it makes him feel connected to an older, maybe better? time. Over the years he has been so happy to met the people behind these old trucks and the jobs they did. Dave has no trouble striking up a conversation with anyone so he never misses out on finding out fascinating facts about someone’s equipment or occupation. His knowledge about the history of WW II and the people who own military tanks and how they rescued them is amazing. We identify Dave as Autocar Dave. Can you see him pulling up to deliver to Golden State Lumber in a $ 140,000.00 Pete? No way. The made for movies 2 axle tractor and Reliance doubles is what you get. He has put in a CARB legal engine and LED Stop and Tail Lites but that is about it for modern conveniences. I did notice it has an AC compressor but every time I see Dave on Highway 101 his windows are down and he is dressed in his white T Shirt. At one of our truck shows 7-10 years ago, I asked him what is with the distinctive rectangular International truck turn signals on his fenders. Dave explained: I am bit on the heavy side, my engine needs a gallon of oil daily and I am tired of replacing the Grote – Signa Stat style lamps every time I sit on them. When you see his truck next time check out those indestructible lamps. Dave is a regular daily driver on I80, Hyw 29, Hwy 12 and Hyw 101. Dave has mastered the ability to have an old truck do more than sit in a museum or be in the Fourth of July parade.


Special THANK YOU to our hosts, cooks and everyone who attended and contributed a food dish for the August BBQ at the Petersen Vineyard in Dry Creek. Another wonderful event that was enjoyed by everyone. Photos to be added to the website soon.

Looking for - our Redwood ATHS Chapter needs volunteers and leaders. Elections will be held soon. I am needing to hand over the newsletter and website, and duties of secretary is anyone is interested please let us know. Or even if you are willing to help and not hold an office – our chapters future depends on its members

Redwood Chapter Officers 2019 President: Danne Petersen (707) 433-4065 [email protected] Vice President Ed Couderc (415) 990-7572 [email protected]

Secretary/Newsletter/Website: Katey Taylor (707) 294-8421 [email protected]

Treasurer: Jim Ryan (415)286-3424 [email protected]


Member Profile

Tell us about yourself. How did you get interested in trucking and old trucks? Do you own any old trucks? Our members would be interested in learning more about you and your truck (s). You can be as brief or as long as you wish. Please return it to me at address below. Profiles will be published in future newsletters.

Name ______

City ______Occupation______

Original Hometown ______Spouse Name ______

When did you become interested in old trucks? ______

What led to your interest in old trucks? ______

Do you have a particular interest in trucks ( antique, modern, fire, military, die cast models, etc ______

Do you own antique trucks, cars, tractors, machinery? Yes ______No ______

_Trucks ______Cars ______Tractors ______Machinery ______

Any interesting stories or anecdotes related to your truck or trucking experience?


Any suggestions for chapter meetings :


Would you be willing to hold office or be a committee chairman in our Chapter? Yes______No___

Return to Ed Couderc 50 Rancheria Road Kentfield, CA 94904 [email protected]