BACKGROUND STUDY Climate protection and energy efficiency in the transport sector – The case of Japan Jana Narita, adelphi With support from: Thorsten Koska, Wuppertal Institute; Nicole Plewnia, German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan; Feres Mezghani, adelphi June 2018 In cooperation with This study was compiled in the frame of the project "Supporting the Energy Dialogue with Japan and Supporting the Bilateral Energy Relations with Korea" on behalf of the Federal Office of Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) and was prepared on request of Division IIA1 of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). The responsibility for the content lies exclusively with the authors. Imprint Publisher: adelphi Alt-Moabit 91 10559 Berlin T: +49 (030) 8900068-0 E:
[email protected] W: Author: Jana Narita Support from: Thorsten Koska, Wuppertal Institute Nicole Plewnia, German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan Feres Mezghani, adelphi Contact:
[email protected] Layout: adelphi Photo credits: Cover: morelimages – Status: June 2018 © 2018 adelphi adelphi I Abstract Japan is considered as a pioneer in the development and dissemination of new drive systems such as hybrid and battery electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles. Furthermore, the Japanese fuel economy is one of the best worldwide and the share of railways for passenger transport is much higher than in many other developed countries. The objective of this background study is to provide an in-depth overview and critical analysis of Japanese concepts and activities for climate protection and energy efficiency in the transport sector and derive recommendations for the Japanese-German energy dialogue.