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Tweak-Issue3.Pdf A Letter from the President...On to Canton! We have come to the end of 2007 and tons of miniature football with some what a year it has been. Thanks to all of the best coaches in the country. of you, the MFCA has begun to take This will be an all around shape, reaching new coaches every football weekend with our focus day and promoting the hobby of min- not only on Miniature Football iature football to a greater number of but on football itself and a strong players. The MFCA membership has emphasis on fellowship. The Pro now surpassed 120 and I am pleased Footballs Ultimate Fans Associa- to announce the beginning of the most exciting year yet to come…2008! The MFCA has accomplished a lot in a very short time period. Our magazine Above: Fawcett Stadium has continued to grow and get better hosts the HOF Game. with each issue. We hosted MFCA skill At left: The MFCA will join competitions at all the major tourna- members of PFUFA during a ments in 2007, the painting contest was a huge success and the MFCA forum United way Event for up to 800 children. has continued to bring coaches together tion (PFUFA), made up of fan mem- from across the country. And with all of bers of the Hall of Fame-Hall of Fans, have been secured for the con- our success…2008 looks even brighter. invited us to hold our convention paral- vention. For reservations contact It is my priveldge to announce that the lel to theirs. This will be PFUFA’s ten (330) 339-7000 and be sure to first ever MFCA convention is going to year reunion in Canton, Ohio. Their mention that you are attending be held in the “Holy Land” of football, membership includes such notables as the MFCA Convention. Rates for August 1-3, 2008 in New Philadel- The Hogettes (Redskins), Barrelman the rooms are $129.00 and include phia, Ohio, just a twenty minute drive (Broncos) and Big Dawg (Browns). The Hampton’s hot buffet breakfast. from Canton, Ohio, the home of The MFCA convention will share a num- There will be an upcoming an- Pro Football Hall Of Fame. This is the ber of but not nouncement regarding the rules f o r same weekend that the HOF enshrine- all activities t h e t o u r n a m e n t p o r t i o n of the ment ceremonies will be taking place with PFUFA weekend. The MFCA will also an- and there will be many opportunites to i n c l u d i n g nounce the first Miniature Football Hall attend HOF events as well as getting in each MFCA of Fame Class during the weekend. m e m b e r ’ s We are working hard on all the choice of tailgate party, HOF enshrine- details but feel that no matter how you ment ceremony, HOF game, HOF play the game or what your level of in- tour and a huge United Way event volvement is in the hobby that there will where the MFCA will provide minia- be something for you and your family ture football entertainment and prizes to enjoy at the MFCA Convention! for up to 800 kids and their parents. From all of us at The Tweak staff we Twenty rooms and the want to wish everyone a Merry Christ- banquet room at the Hamp- mas and a Happy 2008! ton Inn, 1299 West High Avenue in New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663 Lynn Schmidt MFCA President 2 WINTER 2007 THE TWEAK THE TWEAK Table of Contents OFFICIAL MAGAZINE O F THE WINTER 2007 Issue Three MFCA Letter From The President by Lynn Schmidt Editor and Publishing Director 2 Matt Culp 4 Letters from the Editors by Matt Culp and Al Dunham Assistant Editor 6 Master Of Innovation by Matt Culp Al Dunham 12 Solo Mio by Al Dunham Contributing Writers 14 The Unreal League by Glenn Hardaway Paul Bartels Andre Cogdell 16 The Columbus Day Bash by Corey Johnson Dave Campbell 18 Interrogations by Al Dunham John DiCarlo Glenn Hardaway 20 The Show VIII by Dave Campbell Corey Johnson 21 In The Lights by Steve Miles Steve Miles 22 The NHFL by Paul Bartels Design and Graphic Artists Dave Campbell 26 Beacon Of Light by John DiCarlo and Matt Culp Lynn Schmidt 32 Operation Shootout by Andre Cogdell Cover Photo 36 New Kid On The Block by Dave Campbell Photo by Lynn Schmidt Custom figures by Chris Fields 37 Announcements and Mike Guttmann 38 The National League Directory compiled by Matt Culp MFCA Executives Lynn Schmidt, President Will Travers, Vice President Mike Guttmann, Treasurer John Merida, Assistant Treasurer Contributing Photographers Paul Bartels Dave Campbell Matt Culp George Diamond John DiCarlo Al Dunham Glenn Hardaway Corey Johnson Editorial Advisor Caryn Day Subscriptions Customer Service The MFCA is a not-for-profit organization the purpose of which is to promote the hobby Call 816-891-0802 of miniature football and to encourage participation of coaches across the country. The MFCA shall not be responsible for or in any way liable for the content of images, articles or any other information furnished by its advertisers. Said liability to include defamation To Join the MFCA in any form, copyright, trademark or patent infringement, license violations or other legal theories. THE TWEAK WINTER 2007 3 Letters from ... ... the Editors by Matthew Culp to highlight in this issue are two of the longest. George Diamond has been a huge part of this hobby for so many t is finally here…my fa- years and in this issue it was my complete honor to tell his vorite time of the year. story. I was also privileged to get to know John DiCarlo of As I was outside in my Charlotte, New York. After getting me all the information yardI the other day, I could for the article, John experienced a personal tragedy when smell the scent of burning I was informed that his father passed away of 85 years of leaves, the smells of late fall age and then just two days later, he lost his brother-in-law, and I felt a chill in the air, as if winter was just around the who was just 56 and an original member of the CEFL. corner and was saying hello. Across the street was a sight Through it all he continued to e-mail me to get the article that would make any grown man cry…it was kids playing completed and I would just like to extend my thanks and football. Immediately I remembered back to a time when I great respect for him. He is a true patron of the hobby was Roger Staubach in my backyard and my father would and one of the nicest people I have ever had the pleasure get upset, because the entire neighborhood was there and of meeting. Along with John, we have had more tragedy we were having the time of our lives…even though we in our miniature football family. Corey Johnson lost his tore up the yard. When I saw the game across the street, nephew just a month ago and Will Travers lost his wife I could not resist and I got to play QB on both sides for a of 30 years. Through it all, like John, these two guys con- couple hours, it was so much fun. So it is for all kids these tinued to make things happen for the MFCA. Corey got days and football still brings so much fun for today’s youth. me the Columbus Day Bash Highlights and Will Travers, For that reason, I want to take advantage of this opportu- with his wife ill, still found the time to get us the equip- nity to express how excited I am about the MFCA Con- ment for the skills competition. I cannot put into words vention coming up next August. We, the MFCA, are going how grateful I am to all of them. I would like to dedicate to make a difference in some underprivileged youngster’s this issue to Will Traver’s wife, Karen Travers, Corey lives, when we participate in the United Way event. If Johnson’s nephew, Devon,John DiCarlo’s father- James only for one day, we are going to bring miniature football, DiCarlo and Brother-in-Law- Steven Demthock. It was youth and fun to the next generation…to me that is what definitely a rough year for these guys and the out pour- it is all about. If any of you only attend one convention in ing of support from MFCA members was truly touching. 2008, I beg of you, do not miss this one. You may not go As for the MFCA, I am excited on how we have grown home with a huge trophy, but I promise you will go home over our first year. We have become an organization with a feeling of pride and that you made a difference, of miniature football coaches, who have learned to get just for playing the game we all love, not to mention, the along, learned to have fun together and have come to- fellowship of playing coaches from all around the coun- gether when one of our brothers had hard times. Thanks try…and visiting the Pro Football Hall of Fame. It is go- go out to all of you and I am thankful during this holiday ing to be a very special weekend.
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