THE ASMSU April 2, 2009 • Vol. 103, Issue 24 GET GET GET ANGRY JIGGY INSPIRED THE ASMSU EXPONENT I APRIL 2, 200 2 Open Carry Confusion LATE THE CARRYING OF WEAPONS, AS DEFINED IN 45-8-361(5) (B), ON THEIR Dem· Editor, CAMPUSES." Hopefully this has cleared On page 10 of the March 26th issue, up any confusion surrounding the issue. regarding HB 228, you printed, "[A] gun Thanks for keeping us on our toes! could be openly caJTied in public and d1·awn,provided it isn't pointed at anothe1· person." To be sure, open cany is already legal in Montana. Lucas Reddinger Bozeman, MT Lucas, HEY YOU! YEAH YOU ... Thanks for your response and the good catch! You are correct about open carry laws currently in Montana. The More than ants love a discarded clause in HB 228 we were referring to in the article was "A person who displays or popsicle on a sidewalk, the ASM shows a firearm for a harmless defensive purpose needs no justification for the SU Exponent LOVES feedback! display and may not be charged with or convicted of an offense for that display" Please send your rants, raves, (the full te::'-.'t is at bills/2009fBil1Html/HB0228.htm). and heartfelt expressions of your What some people were concerned about was the implications that this undying love to: could have for MSU. At the time it was ·--i•
[email protected] unclear as to whether this could affect "':"'.!IMC~.~ gun control policy on campus. As of this printing, however, the bill has been amended to read: "THIS SECTION DOES NOT LIMIT THE AUTHORITY OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS OR OTHER POST SECONDARY INSTITUTIONS TO REGU- masthead (ji/A.vE BIG ~ .