White House Special Files Box 31 Folder 19
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Richard Nixon Presidential Library White House Special Files Collection Folder List Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 31 19 08/22/1968 Report List of Members of the Republican National Committee. 5 pgs. 31 19 08/22/1968 Report List of Republican State Chairmen. 3 pgs. 31 19 08/22/1968 Report Republican State Central Committees: List of Officers. 11 pgs. Wednesday, March 05, 2008 Page 1 of 1 Headquarters: August 22, 1968 1625 Eye Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20006 Telephone : (202) 628-6800 LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS State ----Name City Alabama James D. Martin Gadsden 35901 405 Country Club Drive (205) 546-7056 Mrs. Bobbie Ames Marion 36756 (205) 683-2351 +Alfred W. Goldthwaite Montgomery 36104 Goldthwaite Building (205) 269-2501 436 South Goldthwaite Street Alaska Lloyd Burgess Fairbanks 99701 Post Office Box 1410 (907) GL 2-1271 Mrs. Margee Fitzpatrick Anchorage 99503 Box 1712 +Robert A. Davenny Anchorage 99501 Post Office Box 4-2050 (907) 272-4140 Arizona John H. Haugh Tucson 85718 5705 North Campbell Ave~~~ (602) 887-0440 Mrs. Forrest C. Braden Yuma 85364 700 Second Avenue (602) SU 3-4348 +Harry Rosenzweig Phoenix 85012 3300 North Central Avenue (602) 279-5596 Arkansas Winthrop Rockefeller Little Rock 72201 530 Tower Building (501) FR 2-7301 Mrs. Frank McGillicuddy Little Rock 72202 2000 Magnolia Street (501) MO 6-7889 Rivercliff Apts., Apt. #463 +Odell Pollard Searcy 72143 Post Office Box 36 (501) CH 5-3536 California Thomas C. Reed Ross 94957 Post Office Box 694 (415) 456-3477 Mrs. Eleanor R. Ring Coronado 92118 801 Tolita Avenue (714) 435-4524 +James W. Halley San Francisco 94104 351 California St., Room 505 (415) 982-9036 Colorado William S. Powers Denver 80202 2910 Security Life Building (303) 222-3526 Mrs. Daniel Gray Denver 80210 2850 East Flora Place (303) 756-6909 +Howard B. Propst Denver 80203 1765 Sherman Street, Suite 300 (303) 222-7764 - 2 -State Name Cotmecticut- John Alsop Hartford 06101 Post Office Box 300 (203) 278-3300 Mrs. Norman Harrower, Jr. New Haven 06511 144 Edgehi11 Road (203) 776-1926 +Howard E. Hausman Hartford 06103 410 Asylum Street, Room 315 (203) 249-9661 Delaware Harry G. Haskell, Jr. Wilmington 19801 1300 Market Street (302) OL 4-8764 Mrs. Clement W. Theobald Wilmington 19801 213 West 14th Street (302) OL 6-3032 +C1ayton S. Harrison, Jr. Wilmington 19801 407 Delaware Avenue (302) 652-3132 District of Columbia Carl L. Shipley Wash.D.C. 20016 3740 Fordham Road, N. W. (202) 363-2497 Mrs. J. Willard Marriott Wash.D.C. 20007 4500 G~rfie1d Street, N. W. (202) WO 6-5370 Florida William C. Cramer St. Petersburg 2600 Ninth Street North (813) 862-6708 or: House of Representatives (202) CA 4-3121 Washington, D. C. 20515 Ext. 5961 MrS. Paula F. Hawkins Maitland 32751 241 Dommerich Drive (305) 644-0390 +Wi1liam F. Murfin Fort Lauderdale 33301 325 S. E. 6th Street (305) 525-6736 Georgia Howard H. Callaway Pine Mountain 31822 Callaway Gardens (404) 663-2281 Mrs. John A. Cauble Canton 30114 Route 4 (404) 479-3145 +G.Pau1 Jones, Jr. Macon 31202 Post Office Box 96 (912) 788-4641 or 746-4433 Guam G. Ricardo Salas Agana 96910 c/o Salas Realty Mrs. Margaret C. LarsOn Agana 96910 Post Office Box CV 122-256 - 3 .L,euut:: Hawaii Randolph Crossley Honolulu 9680~ Post Office Box 1061 (808) 94l-074l, or 931-161 Mrs. George Kellerman Honolulu 96821 104 Wailupe Circle (808) 32-411 +Edward E. Johnston Honolulu 96813 Room B-1, 235 Queen Street (808) 581-136 Idaho David Little Emmett 83617 Box 68 (208) 365-4821 Mrs. Gwen Barnett Boise 83705 6525 Robertson Drive (208) 375-7646 +Roland C. Wilber Lewiston 83501 Box 628 (208) 743-3701 Illinois Robert D. Stuart. Jr. Chicago 60654 345 Merchandise Mart (312) 527-0600 Mrs. Hope McCormick Warrenville 6055~ Butt~rfield & Winfield Roads (312) 393-1875 +Victor L. Smith Robinson 62454 205 South Franklin (618) 544-2174 Indiana L. Keith Bulen Indianapolis 4620l 144 North Delaware Street (317) 635-8881 Mrs. Cecil M. Harden Covington 47932 302 Fifth Street (317) 793-2094 +Buena Chaney Indianapolis 46204 111 North Capitol Avenue (317) ME 5-7561 Iowa Charles E. Wittenmeyer Davenport 52801 907 Davenport Bank Building (319) 326-3521 Mrs. Elmer M. Smith Des Moines 50312 654 - 59th Street (515) 279-5390 +John E. Warren Des Moines 50309 933 Insurance Exchange Building (515) 282-8105 Kansas McDHl Boyd Phillipsburg 67661 251 F Street (913) LI 3-5242 Mrs. Richard Rogers Manhattan 66502 301 North 15th Street (913) 539-3413 +George E. Nettels, Jr. Topeka 66603 Room 500, Jayhawk Hotel (913) CE 3-9615 - 4 State Name Kentucky Edwin G. Middleton Louisville 40202 501 South Second Street (502) 584-1135 Mrs. Harold B. Barton Corbin 40701 1311 7th Street Road (606) 528-2404 +John H. Kerr Lexington 40507 463 East Main Street (606) 252-6767 Louisiana Tom Stagg Shreveport 71101 406 Petroleum Tower (318) 424-3294 Mrs. Jean M. Boese Alexandria 71301 831 City Park Boulevard (318) 445-2972 +Char1es deGrave11es Lafayette 70501 409 Azalea Street (318) CE 5-5660 or 232-7957 Maine Robert A. Marden Waterville 04901 44 Elm Street (207) 873-0188 Mrs. Brooks Brown, Jr. York 03909 Ramshead Farm (207) 363-5289 +Cyri1 M. Jo1y, Jr. Waterville 04901 222 Main Street (207) 872-5568 Maryland D. Eldred Rinehart Smithsburg 21783 (301) 824-4151 Mrs. Katherine Black Massenburg Baltimore 21212 5608 Pur1ington Way (301) ID 3-0590 +Joseph M. Dukert Washington, D. C. 20016 4709 Crescent Street, N. W. (202) 363-7625 Massachusetts Bruce Crane Da1 ton 01226 45 Main Street (413) 684-0100 Mrs. H. Dunster Howe Brookline 02146 142 Summit Avenue (617) 277-8684 +Josiah A. Spaulding Boston 02108 146 Bowdoin Street (617) LA 3-7535 Michigan Harold McClure Alma 48801 468 Luce Street (517) 463-2081 Mrs. E11y M. Peterson Lansing 48933 404 East Michigan Avenue (517) 487-5413 +Mrs. E11y M. Peterson Lansing 48933 404 East Michigan Avenue (517) 487-5413 - 5 - State Name Minnesota George F. Etzell Clarissa 56440 (218) 756-2131 Mrs. Russell T. Lund Minneapolis 55424 4814 South Lakeview Drive (612) WA 7-9791 +George Thiss Minneapolis 55435 4940 Viking Drive (612) 920-5750 Mississippi James M. Moye Laurel 39440 515 Fifth Avenue (601) 425-1438 Mrs. James F. Hooper Columbus 39701 800 - 8th Street, North (601) FA 8-1816 +C1arke Reed Greenville 38701 Post Office Box 894 (601) 335-2341 Missouri Gene Taylor Sarcoxie 64862 Post Office Box 308 (417) KI 8-3341 Mrs. M. Stanley Ginn Columbia 65201 303 West Bo~levard, South (314) GI 3-3980 or OR 4-2282 +Dorman L. Steelman Jefferson City 65101 Post Office Box 73 (314) 636-3146 Montana James E. Murphy Kalispell 59901 One Main Street (406) SK 6-3644 Mrs. Isabel C. Moberly Shelby 59474 485 Judy Avenue (406) 434-2420 +M. F. (Millett) Keller Great Falls 59401 3101 Fourth Avenue, North (406) 452-9507 Nebraska Donald R. Ross Omaha 68131 1406 Kiewit Plaza, Farn~ at 36th (402) 341-5421 Mrs. Clifton B. Batchelder Omaha 68152 6875 State Street (402) 453-3865 +Mrs. Lorraine Orr North platte 69101 402 South Jefferson (308) 532-3433 Nevada William Laub Las Vegas 89107 1000 Rancho Circle (702) 878-8755 Mrs. Lucie Humphrey Reno 89502 30 Suda Way (702) 322-9012 +George W. Abbott Minden 89423 Post Office Box 396 (702) SU 2-2302 or 882-1309 - 6 - Name New Hampshire David A. Sterling Hillsborough 03244 Main Street (603) 464-5590 Mrs. Mildred K. Perkins Concord 03301 5 Glendale Road (603) 225-9082 +John Palazzi Concord 03301 134 North Main Street (603) 225-9341 New Jersey Bernard M. Shanley Newark 07102 570 Broad Street (201) MI 3-1220 Mrs. Katherine K. Neuberger Lincroft 07738 628 Middletown-Lincroft Road (201) 741-1015 +Webster B. Todd Trenton 08608 28 West State Street (609) 989-7600 Trenton Trust Bldg., Room 405 New Mexico Robert O. Anderson Roswell 88201 (505) 622-5283 Mrs. Floyd W. Lee San Mateo 87050 (505) 876:-2511 +Rex Hatting1y Albuquerque 87102 900-B Park Ave., Southwest (505) 247-1526 New York George L. Hinman New York 10020 Room 5600, 30 Rockefeller Plaza (212) CI 7-3700 Mrs. Keith McHugh New York 10028 10 Gracie Square (212) BD 8-2424 +Char1es A. Schoeneck, Jr. Albany 12210 315 State Street (518) 462-2601 North Carolina J. E. Broyhill Lenoir 28645 Wilkesboro Road (704) PL 4-3421 Mrs. Louis G. Rogers Charlotte 28210 Route 3, Box 251-A (704) 588-1181 +James E. Holshouser, Jr. Boone 28607 Post Office Box 328 (704) 264-8528 North Dakota Ben J. C1ayburgh Grand Forks 58201 729 Reeves Drive (701) 775-8080 Mrs. Joe Burgum Arthur 58006 (701) 967-6611 +Thomas L. Secrest Hettinger 58639 Post Office Box 207 (701) 567-2419 - 7 - State Name City Ohio Ray C. Bliss Akron 44308 2315 First National Tower (216) 762-8903 Miss Martha C. Moore Cambridge 43725 501 Oakland Boulevard (614) 432-2527 +John S. Andrews Columbus 43215 50 West Broad Street, Suite 618 (614) 228-2481 Oklahoma Bud Wilkinson Norman 73069 1408 Brookside Drive (405) 534-6269 Mrs. Dorothy Stanislaus Vinita 74301 133 South Brewer (918) 256-4779 +E. L. (Bud) Stewart, Jr. Oklahoma City 73103 103 N. W. 23rd (405) JA 8-3501 Oregon George P. Stadelman The Dalles 97058 Post Office Box 143 (503) 296-2205 Mrs. Collis P. Moore Moro 97039 Box 225 (503) JO 5-3527 +Irving Enna Portland 97201 1029 S. W. Columbia Street (503) 226-6343 Pennsylvania Thomas B. McCabe Philadelphia 19113 c/o Scott Paper Company (215) SA 4-2000 Miss Sarah Ann Stauffer Lancaster County 17571 Rohrerstown (717) 392-6959 +John C.