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Sex in Antiquity Exploring Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World Mark Masterson, Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz, James Robson

Fertility and Gender in the Ancient Near East

Publication details Stephanie Lynn Budin Published online on: 18 Dec 2014

How to cite :- Stephanie Lynn Budin. 18 Dec 2014, Fertility and Gender in the Ancient Near East from: Sex in Antiquity, Exploring Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World Routledge Accessed on: 30 Sep 2021


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Downloaded By: At: 04:42 30 Sep 2021; For: 9781315747910, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315747910.ch2 h rcs tm rmodrprdgs ol ru nta htw aeipsdorown our imposed of have view we our that that instead seem The argue might past. would it the While paradigms, onto history: older perspective ancient from in stems studies process gender the of detriment great the a h edlmi o wnigteohrwycnenn the concerning way other the swinging now is pendulum The lddthat, cluded ye)o atrto.Sol h natb onhaty h eaemgtmk nadditional an suggests experience. make evidence positive might Anecdotal wholly female ejaculate. a the Males is healthy, this breast-feeding. blood born that in positive/negative be investment incompatible, infant with physical of the multi-year months, cases Should nine in and parturition. hemorrhoids, (especially or for pressure, types) pregnancy blood bodies high during their pica, death as within such potential risks embryo/fetus health the and inconveniences di incubate concomitant very and make conceive males Females and females Human ihMte . with his preted n12 a e oteble htfriiyadrpouto r essentially female. are the reproduction is and life fertility for that responsible belief sex the the to led has 1827 in oe n odse,wt h eutta l mgso h eaetruhu niut have antiquity throughout maternity. female and the fecundity of of images symbols all that as result interpreted the been with , and women naeysxs mlctoso h hoyta oeo eae r ohn u ob was wombs but nothing are females article somehow 1989 that her in theory Hackett JoAnn the by of questioned implications sexist innately ipyamgciaeo h ocso etlt,bttemi on sta h mg ffriiyis fertility of image the that is point main the but fertility, of forces the identi of image magic a simply ETLT N EDRI THE IN GENDER AND FERTILITY ffi nmdr ie,ti maac ncnrbtoscmie ihtedsoeyo h ovum the of discovery the with combined contributions in imbalance this times, modern In m 21:151): (2010: rms neo rt.Btee o h ean h ra ohro eeainadfertility. and vegetation of mother great the influ- remains Eastern Ishtar she Babylonian Near so, to acknowledge even linked rightly But been who Crete. scholar- has on specialized scholars She ence and by guises. popular Astarte various both Syro-Palestinian taken in or alive has much she very although still ship, is goddess mother [T]he fi da woman. a as ed fi d rmÇtlHyka vdneo ahfnsyeerymtirh,complete , early Bachofen-style a of evidence as Höyük Çatal from nds “ ti di is It NIN EREAST NEAR ANCIENT ffi utt a hte hsi h ersnaino ods ffriiyor fertility of goddess a of representation the is this whether say to cult ” 4 5 aqeieKarageorghis Jacqueline nhrdsuso fteMinoan the of discussion her In “ eae=fertility = female tpai ynBudin Lynn Stephanie 2 1 hsielg hnhsbe atbc noteps to past the onto back cast been has then ideology This ff rn otiuin otepoeso reproduction. of process the to contributions erent 2 30 “ ’ nlsso yro cruciform Cypriot of analysis s a eitMdlLbrt s nin Near Ancient Us? Liberate Model Sexist a Can ” aaimosue tde fbt ancient both of studies obscures paradigm 3 “ o xml,JmsMlar inter- Mellaart James example, For ohrgoddess mother “ eae=fertility = female feminine ” an Marinatos Nanno ” trbts that attributes, fi qain The equation. uie con- gurines Downloaded By: At: 04:42 30 Sep 2021; For: 9781315747910, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315747910.ch2 eooai,teLvn,Aaoi,adEgypt and Anatolia, Levant, the Mesopotamia, erdcin h aaso htms eeecst aeiefertility— o baseline to references most life— that show data The reproduction. ie ote yteml.A aescn-ilnimBblna natto elepesdit, expressed Males well as: Babylonian summarized second-millennium late be a basically As “ male. could the by reproduction them sexual to given of terms in seed created sexes the of division ale sa ocrigteaprnl bnatmtra cngah rmteBronze the 93): from 2014: (Budin iconography that maternal noted abundant have apparently I the Aegean, concerning Age essay earlier an In noted, Day Eastern ycnrs,i a women was it contrast, By life new created East Men Near fertility: initial Ancient of the founts In the reproduce. be to to 16): believed necessary 2002: were were who (Asher-Greve female men and was it male (ANE), both biology as masculine well both. or not), of (or contributions fertility combined female the studies One not lines: but gendered fertility, along fertility of notions divide fertility reproduction non-reproductive on focuses onBie n er oprhv ulse ntemsuierl nfriiyi Egyptian in fertility in role masculine the on as repro- respectively. such published merely literature Scholars have fertility. the Sumerian male Cooper in than and interest Jerry other iconography incipient an and women been has Baines for there associations John time same exploring the at in and interested ductive, now are Critics yfte eo e ymte oeme bore mother my me, begot father My ff rneadIo Age Iron and ANE—Bronze the of societies the how of examination an is essay This sarsl,orsuyo nin erdcinhsbe nopees a,fri dooyas ideology in for far, so incomplete been has reproduction ancient of study our result, a As pig nov ohsexes both involve spring) n ieyacpe ro oteavn ffmns naeet ti ipyimpos- simply is it engagement, proponents. feminist its of of advent all the cite to to sible prior accepted widely and n h cnisl sasmo fmtriyadfriiy o nyd uhblanket such do only Not mother, fertility. a and is maternity infant speci of or culturally child symbol recognize a a to of is fail proximity itself assessments the in icon female the any and that assume to tendency insuffi An of characterized and goddesses repro- worship and/or fertility cult major sexual fertility as alleged the as them their them characterized labelled of terms functions, scholarship in ductive Bible exclusively almost Hebrew goddesses Canaanite traditional speaking, Generally ment eandmdclwso ni h otiuierl fteoaiswsrcgie in recognized was ovaries the of century. role 18th contributive late the the until as wisdom seen medical remained was man semen, to procreation of became source sole the Attributing nlsso h eaei question. in female the of analysis nov aeaet,weeseape fhmnrpouto teceto fhuman of creation (the reproduction human of examples whereas agents, male involve ‘ Fertility “ — pramksteman, the makes sperma fi e se per rst rgn,children progeny, inl eonzdpolmi h td facetioorpisi the is iconographies ancient of study the in problem recognized ciently ’ Goddesses. ecdAristotle influenced have may idea Mesopotamian This gender. utemr,adprasody hr sagnrltnec nshlrhpto scholarship in tendency general a is there oddly, perhaps and Furthermore, . ’ oet eev htnwlf,t omi,adt ors it. nourish to and it, form to life, new that receive to role s ” 9 nhrciiu fadoeti ednisi ilclsuisPeggy studies biblical in tendencies androcentric of critique her In — — aeadfml.Brhisl elmil ihntefemale the within mainly fell itself Birth female. and male hra eae nuae,nuihd n utrdteseed the nurtured and nourished, incubated, females whereas … ” — 6 sthis As etlt n gender and Fertility hc pedoe h etr ol hr it where world Western the over spread which h etlt of fertility the ” Fse 93 554). 1993: (Foster … 31 fi hrceiainwsso was characterization — eatc, lodsorg careful discourage also they semantics, c 7 nedrdterntoso etlt and fertility of notions their engendered oee,mc fti eetscholarship recent this of much However, fi l rstream or eld — h blt ocet new create to ability the ahrta nsexual on than rather fi myembedded rmly “ creator ’ state- s ” and 8 The Downloaded By: At: 04:42 30 Sep 2021; For: 9781315747910, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315747910.ch2 ohis to tyhli,i eipls epthspnsi i rs hth ih aeogs ihi,and it, with orgasm make might he that grasp born his in were Spell penis siblings Text 7): his two Pyramid 2003: put the Egyptian In (Allen He Old Atum world. Heliopolis. the the in the in constituting ithyphallic, mythology with expressed phenomena commences is ANE natural creation cosmogony wherein the in of 527, of instigation fertility or male itself for the reality Egypt, force of dominant either creation, the baseline is sexuality Male reproductive of division This both. men, for of cures part concomitant the on with impotence women, as of understood was Infertility domain. nGnss1w edhwatasedn aediybogtfrhteerhfo the from word. the his forth of brought force deity the male through transcendent earth a on how life read bohu all we creates 1 accounts, Genesis separate In two in who, Genesis, nm Eli Enuma survey. this of in process covered it pale. the periods ANE, in maternity and the fertility regions and on to the placed progeny exclusive of emphasis societies all of masculine throughout patrilinear the issues seen of the as light explicit, by in creation explained is understood be be voice also might female might part in the this when reproduction Although roles, and contrast, other fertility By highlight that to clear tive. becomes preferring it status, aspects— end, maternal the female their In emphatically emphasize occupation. more as to progeny, such likely of less creation were the women in role primary o their valued established having who, men di entailed on e n oe eulyapaigadaoos ie 52 lines amorous; and appealing sexually god’ women and men young to 18 refer Lines hymn language. the in passages Additional a eakbefrhspalcfriiy iigrs ofriiigwtr,vgtl nml and animal, vegetal, waters, hymn (Black fertilizing Enki Sumerian read the to Enki. we in water, rise presented fresh explicitly giving Order of most World fertility, god is phallic This the abundance. notably his human/divine most for deities, remarkable creative was particularly some of exploits vnatiuet h o h it fmra ig.Ti sadiywt osmaecnrlof control consummate with deity a is This fertilizing kings. mortal the of with birth associated the often god fertility, the to attribute even ehp h raetfn fmsuieceto n etlt nteAEcru stegdof god the is corpus ANE the in fertility and creation masculine of font greatest the Perhaps nMsptma lhuhcosmogony although Mesopotamia, In — blt osakfriiyi edaiasadtepoueo the of produce the and animals herd in fertility spark to ability s ilb we.I ruh aly ote alyide:tepol ileti.It it. eat will people the a indeed: like barley heart mottled its barley, in brought rejoiced It Tigris born sweet. The was be gift. it will bridal when a bull, brought wild he great penis, his lifting By bull. h -u,tehueo ni,wt l ot fthings. of sorts all with , of house the E-kur, the uhae,h to pfl fls iearmatbl,lfe i ei,eauae and ejaculated penis, his lifted the bull, across rampant eyes his a lifted like had lust Enki of father full after fi up there, stood from he gaze his Euphrates, turned had he After aefriiyand fertility Male ldteEprtswith Euphrates the lled “ h at n void and waste the garden. ff š pigi h ouetr vdne ycnrs,otieo h erwBible, Hebrew the of outside contrast, By evidence. documentary the in spring ff , ouigo h asgswihrfrnetegod’ the reference which passages the on Focusing . rn tiue n prcain o erdcinbtentetosxs twas It sexes. two the between reproduction for appreciations and attitudes erent hooyo Dunnu of Theogony ” 04 220 2004: al. et r oehgl audadepaie hnpeetdfo aeperspec- male a from presented when emphasized and valued highly more are – 0nt Enki note 30 — — hl nGnss2h ruh an etlt,vgtl n nmllife animal and vegetal, fertility, rain, brought he 2 Genesis in while “ h ar n ent(moisture). Tefnut and (air) Shu parthenogenesis ,temsuientr ffriiyi eeteesepesdi the in expressed nevertheless is fertility of nature masculine the ), fl – wn water owing 1): ’ oto vrvgtlfriiy ie 32 lines fertility; vegetal over control s tpai ynBudin Lynn Stephanie … tbogtwater, brought It “ e se per waters” ’ … 32 oto vrfriiy lhuhwt esphallic less with although fertility, over control s h Tigris The ” scnitnl eeoeul(e.g. heterosexual consistently is nNa atr mythology Eastern Near in fhspenis. his of fl … wn ae ned t wine its indeed: water owing ” hli eudt l.250 (ll. fecundity phallic s thssd iearampant a like side his at 10 – 0ad326 and 60 fi “ “ – barrenness ls n ie 193 lines and elds; tmeovdgrowing evolved Atum oeta nimakes Enki that note 7 — ti soitdwith associated is it — – “ 4etbihthe establish 34 responsibilities ohml and male both ” niadthe and Enki ntepart the on fi Atrahasis lled ouwa- tohu – – 65), 205 ” , Downloaded By: At: 04:42 30 Sep 2021; For: 9781315747910, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315747910.ch2 ecno eoefo i oy h ete alfrNnusg h ucin sasurrogate a as functions who , which 202 it for deities 1987: plant damaged, call (Jacobsen with deities is Enki impregnated The text becomes for body. the he canal his Although as birth from this, plants. remove from of cannot sick variety quite he a gets in Enki that placed appears had Ninhursag goddess mother tale Sumerian the In 11,4 (= 120 1972: (Simpson Mot by vanquished was god, storm Ugaritic the Baal, when emerges ( situation similar A (Ho disappeared Telipinu god Rain/Storm Anatolian ogtpenn.TeNwKndmEyta tale Egyptian Kingdom Seth New The how pregnant. get do earth the of descriptions includes god “ “ h evn anol h ai u ihhoney with run wadis the oil, rain The Death” ttems xrm,i yh rmEyt eooai,adAaoi aediiscnand can deities male Anatolia and Mesopotamia, Egypt, from in extreme, most the At vanishing the of motif The absence: through functions fertility their express gods ANE Some opn xetlettuce. except company “ “ hands. cool [placed Ninhursag he Thereupon ate. regularly Horus. he which of lettuce, semen the the ate with and pregnant habit became daily his to according Horus’ to it applied off cut and and ointment knife, sti become copper fragrant her some seized shriek, ched loud a out let broke famine hunger. that of so the dying up, that are dried those so gods springs and And up, and Humans dried pregnant. pastures . trees the The become and in (forth). longer out mountains come The not no birth. do humans shoots give meadow and cannot growth, the pregnant) sheep, luxuriance, (already to fecundity, Cattle, steppe, animal ripen. the grain, longer removed to and abundance away and went too Telipinu “ it. of out Abu “ to birth gave She h aebrht iskl u fit. of out Ninsikila to birth gave She company? me.” Isis: to mother done his has Seth tell sti what to went become / to down. Horus lay phallus semen. both his they caused and Seth them, Horus for night prepared the was during bed But time, evening at afterward, Now adt Seth to said ybohr htpr fyuhrsyou?” me! hurts hurts you brainpan of My part what brother, My h o fm arhrsme! hurts hair you?” my hurts of you top of The part what brother, My ssa onn iewn arigtesmno ou otegre fSt and Seth of garden the to Horus of semen the carrying went time morning at Isis .Wietegdi dead, is god the While ). ’ tepst ugrHrswr eesdb ss edn oSeth to leading Isis, by reversed were Horus bugger to attempts s ’ hgs hnHrspae i ad ewe i hgsadrcie Seth received and thighs his between hands his placed Horus Then thighs. s ˆ ” adEk nhrvulva, her in Enki laid a ff ’ o h adnrtl her: told gardener the So, gardener: s n netdi noapt n ecue i ee to semen his caused he and pot, a into it inserted and niadNinhursag and Enki … – ” ” “ 10)): htsr fvgtbe/i tta ehet eei your in here eats Seth that it is / vegetable of sort What n ssaddtesmno ou noi.St returned Seth it. onto Horus of semen the added Isis And n eoee i adadlthrseSeth see her let and hand his opened he And “ ” ace r h urw fthe of furrows the are Parched ’ etlt n gender and Fertility ako etlt hl h o sasn.We the When absent. is god the while fertility of lack s niet ag uniyo i w ee htthe that semen own his of quantity large a eats Enki , – 3): … 12 “ 33 edoesn He “ ” epm,Ii,m ohr oeadsee and come mother, my Isis, me, Help Sihi akr19:158 1997: Parker in (Smith ff h otnig fHrsadSeth and Horus of Contendings The … e 98 15): 1998: ner ’ a n eeal eei my in here vegetable any eat t hrfr alyadwetno wheat and barley Therefore hlu.Secue tto it caused She phallus. s i hands his ff fi n netdi between it inserted and elds, fl ” wdw noit. into down ow … u hnh returns, he when but hnsefet- she Then ’ ee.She semen. s – ’ 9). impregnation s 11 relates ’ s Downloaded By: At: 04:42 30 Sep 2021; For: 9781315747910, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315747910.ch2 ao o hm nismosNnutewm ods ocet uaiy u h goddess the but humanity, create to goddess womb the must Nintu Enki that summons counters Enki them. for labor ae,te,aetesuc fnwlf nAEielge,b htvgtllf r(divine) or life vegetal that be ideologies, ANE the in gave seed/semen life Male reproduction. that new or was creation of understanding basic source the Nevertheless, the reproduction. are then, Males, Hurrian the In eddt odta edit ua en.Ti oincmsars togyi two in strongly across comes notion This (c. period being. Babylonian Old human the to a Enki dating god into former, the again, seed once featuring, that myths Mesopotamian mold to needed overthrow. to attempting is he whom , sky-deity the rtn n eieabtta omte o a ua h n a ae h te will other the merely cele- make, is can while it one if tipsy the bit human a a bad get how matter deities no two that these bet a humankind, devise created and brating having after of Here, tale goddess). Sumerian the in emphatically lc o ti oit.Nna eis raighmn h r ln,icniet paralyzed, incontinent, blind, are can who Enki humans wise creating instance, begins, every In Ninmah stupid. society. or in it for place a female the of importance The h eooaineuvln fsmn notemte fceto.Frhroe h o Ge god the Furthermore, creation. of matter the into semen, of equivalent Mesopotamian the rwt h epo it odse,frsteca nohmnfmlsadmlswohenceforth who males and females 16 human liquids 1989: into male clay (Dalley Thus, herself the sexually by life. themselves forms either goddesses, with reproduce Nintu, invigorated, birth will it properly of is infusing help clay also the the clay, with once However, or the live. with to clay mixed inert is the cause blood his and slaughtered, is uab i Anu bit Kumarbi o h obgdesi rao ffate. of creator is womb-goddess the For females, created Seven males, created cord, Seven umbilical seven the and cut knowledgeable seven to and Womb-goddesses, it wise opened the reed, up a Called brick. of left, mud use the a made on down She seven put right, she the them on Between pieces seven set) (And o pinched She age u od n undaon n pk oKumarbi: to spoke and around turned Anu the loud. swallowed out had laughed Kumarbi When bronze. n w diinltril osIhv lcdisd o sbres ntefuture the head! In your with burdens. Tassa as Mount you of inside boulders the placed striking have Tasmisu. up with noble I end you the gods will with impregnated terrible you you have impregnated additional I have two I Second, And Third, God. River. Storm Aranzah noble irresistible the the with you impregnated manhood? my swallowed have you because yourself within “ tprjiigwti oref aepae nieyuabre.Frt have I First, burden. a you inside placed have I yourself! within rejoicing Stop “ tnigb h king. the by standing ogo Kumarbi of Song ff orenpee o clay) (of pieces fourteen ’ on,adhis and loins, s fi s rvd e ihpuri with her provide rst eeoeulreproduction Heterosexual h o uab eoe rgatatrbtn o biting after pregnant becomes Kumarbi god the , ’ odn ftese noahmncmsars vnmore even across comes human a into seed the of molding s ” niadNinmah and Enki tpai ynBudin Lynn Stephanie u hnEk utfr ua isl,h creates: he himself, human a form must Enki when But “ manhood fi da mlyetfrtedsbe niiul even individual, disabled the for employment an nd 34 1800 15 fi – dca.I hsat niifsshis infuses Enki act, this In clay. ed “ “ ” 17): (Ho BCE manhood spark” ntdwt Kumarbi with united ( ff “ 14 ,tediisdcd ocet uasto humans create to decide deities the ), — ra Lady,” Great e 98 42 1998: ner Atrahasis fnwlf,bttefml oywas body female the but life, new of both ” fAu erjie and rejoiced he Anu, of ee eerqie o human for required were sexes and – eooainmother Mesopotamian a 3(=AI25 “ niadNinmah and Enki r o rejoicing you Are ’ nie like insides s ff – h on of loins the 36)). “ water, nthe In . 13 š -e fi nd ” Downloaded By: At: 04:42 30 Sep 2021; For: 9781315747910, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315747910.ch2 niaeada-ee auet h rao deity: creator the to nature dual-sexed a indicate ln ol o omahmn ecud n i,poietese o h en,btahuman a but female. being, a the of for participation seed male the the a provide with that did, formed was and point fully could, the be which He but for only human. bet, fetus, could a the a form lost possibly not infant, Ninmah could an found. alone but be human, might adult occupation standard, independent the no not created Enki simply, Put iieram nieteceto yh rmters fteAE ete eso fthe of version neither ANE, Nevertheless, feminine the creator. a the suggest of complementing the which rest creatrix data in female the some a complementarity from are has Genesis there gender the myths in is any creation humanity source of primary the against creation our Unlike worked where Israel, realm. In divine Egypt. masculine and Bible, Israel both Hebrew from come examples Counter the Athirat, of breasts the at female 210 and suckle 1997: engenderer Parker who as in male deities Lewis of (T.J. division voracious nourisher the of and have we bearer pair again, as Once a goddess. to mother Canaanite rise give activities the u iie aant/grtcrpror o repertoire Canaanite/Ugaritic limited Our it fteGaiu Gods Gracious the of Birth aeadfml ecetdthem. created them; he created female he and God Male of image, image his the in In humankind created God So ml(= Umul El El t ug eea were lungs its a were eyes n t oln edi ol o u ra noismuh t pn n edwere head and the spine on it its (?) mouth; carry its not could into feet bread shaky put the and not hips could weak it The head dislocated. lolling its and h uktetaso h Lady the of them, teats bore the that suck day Who the of devourers gods. Paired gracious the to birth, Birth give and travail Both Dusk. and … Dawn gods birth the give to and travail two The heat. pregnant embracing, In conception, kissing, In fruit. succulent as sweet, Sweet are lips, lips their their kiss Ah! to down bows He … the Generous scepter, your is Lowered out: cries “ pair maiden maids. the of If pair the charms El … ubn!husband! husband! O ’ ’ s s “ “ hand hand “ ” ” ydyi a o far is day My ffl steocean. the is rw oga h sea, the as long grows ce,isnc a a was neck its icted, ‘ sta ffl ff ce,ishatwsa was heart its icted, ’ nyu hand. your in ( ff CAT ” :isha a a was head its ): ’ breasts. s .3,tefcsi ntefte o lwoephallic whose El god father the on is focus the 1.23), ” ffl 17 19 etlt n gender and Fertility ce.I ol adybete t iswr shaky, were ribs its breathe, hardly could It icted. ffl ce,isbwl eea were bowels its icted, 18 35 ff aspect r iia nesadn fti aaim In paradigm. this of understanding similar a ers ffl otegdo h es eei :7may 1:27 Genesis Jews. the of god the to ce,ispaeof place its icted, – 13): ffl ce.Wt t hand its With icted. … a a was . fi ffl eld. ce,its icted, 16 Downloaded By: At: 04:42 30 Sep 2021; For: 9781315747910, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315747910.ch2 eaegdesssc sAhrh(grtcAhrt opeetn aegd uha land El with as such polytheistic, gods originally male were complementing and Athirat) Israelites Israelite goddesses (Ugaritic these ancient ancient Although the the Baal. as between that such cognates goddesses suggest close female religions the Canaanite with combined and evidence archaeological The 5): (l. Jeremiah prophet the to claims the Likewise, in hr o sceie ihfrigteftsi h ob hsi sl 3 l.13 (ll. 139 Psalm in Thus womb. the in fetus the forming with credited is God where tion, God of idea The re notion This etlt.Wa sodi htKnmaoemkshmn,wtotafml opeet For complement. female a without provides that humans, attribute makes masculine alone a is Khnum water that that Kingdom is motif Middle the ANE odd example, the is Hapy. of deity What continuation male the a fertility. be see to understood was we which such, Nile, the As from waters with clay his moistened He novn reproduction. involving Israel nteHbe o sGnss4:5 hri,aogohrbesns ao lse i sons: his blesses Jacob blessings, other among element wherein, feminine 49:25, a Genesis suggesting is for god cited Hebrew passage the Another in reproduction. re sexual females, future seven for and allowing males seven made desses aho.Teprdgai no sta ewe srsadhssse/pueIi,a eone in recounted heterosexual as standard Isis, sister/spouse in his done and Osiris was §§632 between Text it that Pyramid is reproduced, union themselves paradigmatic The deities fashion. the when Nevertheless, Kingdom New the in Likewise, nEyt uaswr nesodt emdldb h o hu,tepte deity. potter the Khnum, god the by modeled be to understood were humans Egypt, In n eoeyuwr onIcnertdyou consecrated I born were you before And “ made. wonderfully and works. fearfully your am are I Wonderful for mother you, my praise parts; in I inward together my me formed knit who You you was it For lsig ftebessado h womb.” the of and breasts beneath, the lies of that Blessings deep the of above, Blessings you of bless blessings will With who Almighty the By “ hu osntfsinbcueo h tt fteland. the of state the of because fashion not does Khnum “ hu aeacmainfrhmwowsmr euiu nbd hnaywoman any than body in (the beautiful for more land, was whole who the him in for companion a made Khnum Khnum: to said Pre-Harakhti ’ oohim h et emt niaea rgnlfmnn rsne seilythose especially presence, feminine original an indicate to seem texts the monotheism, s eoeIfre o ntewm nwyou, knew I womb the in you formed I Before yteGdyu ahr h ilhl you, help will who father, your God the By o oe r arn oeconceive, none barren, are women Lo, fl cswa eswi h raino uaiyin humanity of creation the in saw we what ects ’ supino eaecaatrsisas ly u nteramo reproduc- of realm the in out plays also characteristics female of assumption s – Fuke 07 120 2007: (Faulkner 3 21 doiin fIpuwer of Admonitions fl aeo w Brothers Two of Tale i f vr o a nher. in was god every of) uid “ “ aho iefrBt,ta entlv alone! live not he that Bata, for wife a Fashion extraneous tpai ynBudin Lynn Stephanie ’ womb. s – 1): fl 36 20 cigtegneso h ete hmevsand themselves deities the of genders the ecting ” oswr eoe ntepoeso creating of process the in removed were gods …” aet Lctem20,Vl :11 that: 151) I: Vol. 2006, (Lichtheim laments Lctem20,Vl I 207): II: Vol. 2006, (Lichtheim ” Atrahasis hr h it god- birth the where , ” Then – 14): Downloaded By: At: 04:42 30 Sep 2021; For: 9781315747910, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315747910.ch2 So 00 6.A l Babylo Old An 76). 2000: Dingir- texts (Stol Akkadian-language In 158). no. rr,Bltii imh Dingir-ma Ninmah, Belet-ili, Aruru, nmdr coasi sbrhgdess hs atrgdesshle h oiatmother dominant the helped goddesses above: latter (as These humankind understood goddesses. create and obvious as birth to names childbirth, the goddess collective as of With various charge scholarship by dominant. in modern known becomes goddesses goddesses in role mother semi-anonymous named of feminine had groups the as pantheons born, well ANE be Bible, the to of ready exception is infant the When ( at,btfrteceto fhmn.I hsapc hyaeotnsonmkn rsculpting are or making Goddess re shown Mother epithets often are their Sumerian most they and the the aspect clay, of for this of In heterosexually out humans. themselves, beings of do human creation deities the the for but (which part), reproduction divine for much iia nesadnsfrIo g salaeepesdb auhLvn Lvn 02 341 2002: (Levine Levine Baruch by expressed are Israel Age Iron for understandings Similar ngnrl hn erdciefriiyrqie ohsxs xldn,frtems at those part, most the for were roles excluding, The sexes, above. mentioned both impregnation required male of fertility tales reproductive then, general, In lmn a osdrddmnn nti rcs fceto:I a h aewocetdnew created who male masculine the the was But It life. creation: new of then process that he this which nourished in life ultimately dominant and considered molded, was element incubated, females life; of 00 189): 2000: d TIBIRA-KALAM.MA nMsptma h ohrgdessaekonb eea ae:Nnusg Nintu, Ninhursag, names: several by known are goddesses mother the Mesopotamia, In oefrhfo o sHrswoi nSti.I swl ihyutruhhmi his in him H through you and with Sothis, well is as your It ready on Sothis. in her being is placed she who have of Horus her, You name as into you. you of from issues forth love seed come for your rejoicing you and to phallus comes Isis sister Your noaperson. a into a sw a seti,ta h eaecnrbtsalf sec,a g,t the to egg, an the by essence, provided is life seed a The womb. nurturer. the contributes of inside that female as grows entirely to Bible, it the is does Hebrew and female that the earth male, the in of mother ascertain, role indication the the can no as embryo; however, we embryo is, as There the it. to far in nutrients grows same that vegetation the provides womb The h o h rtcshsfather. his protects who son the ntelnug,weetevr htw rnlt as translate clearly seen we be that can verb association crea- This the sex. the where male Instead, language, the life. the to new exclusively in creating attached with is credited role not tive were women Egypt, ancient humanlife,thehymnsaysthathehas ttdepiil nAkhenaton in explicitly stated woman the aea h gpinvr sdfor used verb Egyptian the as same de we If fi “ prtwoi nthe in is who Spirit efriiyspeci fertility ne “ ,and ), receives ” “ gave” “ cltro h Gods the of Sculptor ” otefml.Tu sAnMc ohcmet nEyt(Roth Egypt on comments Roth Macy Ann as Thus female. the to h hl,arayflycetd rmtemn hsve is view This man. the from created, fully already child, the fi al steato rainisl,i a eage htin that argued be can it itself, creation of act the as cally inhm oBltiiclshrthe her calls Belet-ili to hymn nian D – ’ it goddesses Birth ndrw ynt h tn riigtegda rao of creator as god the praising Aton: the to Hymn s ,Mm.A oe bv,te r epnil o so not responsible are they above, noted As . h, ˘ etlt n gender and Fertility Atrahasis “ -bark “ ayPotter Lady oreceive to “ lcdse nawmnadmd h sperm the made and woman a in seed placed ” 37 n epoet o nhsnm fHorus, of name his in you protects he and ; ,o sitdmra oe uigparturition. during women mortal assisted or ), fl ” his ˘ c hsrl nrpouto.Treepithets Three reproduction. in role this ect ( d ” TIBIRA-DINGIR.RE.E.NE “ ” or h ra ohrwomlscreatures molds who mother great the ( d “ NIN-BAHAR otake. to fi “ e:Mlspoie the provided Males xed: ocnev child a conceive to ” nteEyta view, Egyptian the In ), “ cltro h Land the of Sculptor “ So 00 4and 74 2000: (Stol ) n h od the molds who one . rSp has ar-Sopd ” sthe is fl i seed uid – 2): ” ” Downloaded By: At: 04:42 30 Sep 2021; For: 9781315747910, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315747910.ch2 edsperdadwogthvco h etlt fteln.Hrnm nteHittite the in name Her land. the of fertility the on havoc wrought and disappeared he fasagtrdgod— slaughtered a of goddess hmi a iha ryo eosadmntr.I sb luheighrta adkis that signi her creation. remains human slaughtering desses di of by process very is the It a from monsters. is removed engages and wholly there and is demons children such, feminine of her As against army turns king. an who made with , is war goddess in mother them primary the , this In creature raino uakn,adi sEa/Enki is it and humankind, of creation h raino humanity. of creation the ilnimtl of tale millennium on, calling woman, parturient the fi hi oso .Myte rn hsbb tagtforth! straight baby this bring they May ]. of [ version of Assyrian pots the their in humanity of creation the in Nintu assisted Atrahasis who goddesses those ae o h ent swudamortal a would as neonate the for cared bv oNnumaking Nintu to above ayo.A oe yTkaFye-esiadMre tl ytetm ftecmoiinof composition the the of creation— time of the of terms by o account Stol, in that the Mesopotamian Marten evidence both and later in is Frymer-Kenski process, the diminished there Tikva by her, goddesses birthing noted assist birth the As to Babylon. the in present of midwives females female role of consistently the importance the and obvious herself the mother of spite In (ll.18 time critical the At s afo h eodmlenu a î teMsptma ua et)snigassac to assistance sending deity) lunar Mesopotamian (the Sîn has millennium second the of half rst uhaptirhltkoe nti yhntihtnig h oeo ohradbrhgod- birth and mother of role the notwithstanding, myth this in takeover patriarchal a Such oetpcly h oeo iwf ett h nnmu olcieo it goddesses, birth of collective anonymous the to went midwife of role the typically, More htde sipsil odescribe, Nudimmud them to For on impossible gods is it. the deed from of That gods toil the mankind, the released created imposed and had Had man) wise (on the gods Ea the When of blood, toil his the from Imposed mankind created (Ea) He h affl iea(unn)gzlet h ground. the to gazelle (running) a brow, body. like her her fell on of calf jar front The the the from sprinkled oil she labor. rubbed As brow, of she her water time on with third jar body A the whole from her oil sprinkled labor. rubbed She of she water time with second brow, body A her whole on her jar sprinkled the She from oil labor. rubbed of She water brought oil, other heaven. of The from jar Anu a of brought daughters One the down sent He ” hyspeci They . Hanna ˘ So 00 77 – 2000: (Stol an,wo mn te hns a h n to one the was things, other among who, hanna, ˘ fi “ ati h te N oite.I ntla h ietdiyi h mother the is deity wisest the Anatolia, In societies. ANE other the in cant fi 24 î n h Cow the and Sîn al perdrn cnso otlpruiin nicnainfo the from incantation An parturition. mortal of scenes during appear cally ig Dle 99 261 1989: (Dalley Qingu efre twt h ialso Marduk. of miracles the with it performed – “ 22 7 otr19:891 1993: Foster 27; s fare,oee tt u h miia cord umbilical the cut to it opened reed, a of use ) hs odse a lose also may goddesses These 8). adk o fBblnadha ftepnho,cmad the commands pantheon, the of head and Babylon of god Marduk, “ h agtr fAu ee adsvn, My hy[] [ they [May] seven],/ [and seven Anu, of daughters the ” tpai ynBudin Lynn Stephanie eest h it ftemo god’ moon the of birth the to refers ff 23 rn aeo aent nthe in maternity on take erent em sage femme ln h rae hm neaanwt h blood the with again once them, creates who alone 38 – nm Eli Enuma — – 2): 2): . ffi illtrtr flt second-millennium late of literature cial š — v smdie,adtereference the and midwives, as rve eae olne a n oein role any had longer no females ” Fse 93 3)The 135) 1993: (Foster fi dadrtr eiiuwhen Telipinu return and nd nm Eli Enuma ” oieo bovine s hw o they how shows š n the and , ff spring. fi rst- Downloaded By: At: 04:42 30 Sep 2021; For: 9781315747910, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315747910.ch2 h Gil the hs w eso odse eeas osipdtgte nbrhrtas codn oaHittite a to According rituals. birth in together ( worshipped prescription also were ritual goddesses of sets two These eetiecnb rte ylbcly rwt h Sumerogram the with or syllabically, written be can repertoire aeBoz Age, Bronze Late ainwt h in for signs the with nation it ftegdKumarbi god the of birth Like desses. nat neaan h eaewsrsosbefrtenwlf fe thdbe rvddb the by provided been had it after life new the for female responsible the was male; female the again, Once infant. that suggest data the All (KUB born was child a when Likewise, ntla eiinsei ena n ftefrrnes(ra es otiuo)t h Phry- ( reveals the spell to birth contributor) Hittite a a least Thus at domain. (or forerunners 240). the 1983: of (Beckman one Kybele as goddess seen gian is she religion Anatolian fe etoe lnsd this alongside mentioned Often Hanna ˘ uab ea osyt himself: to say to began Kumarbi aeGdessadMte odse aegvnt me? to a given child] have the Goddesses [to Mother gave and he Goddesses and Fate Kumarbi him, clean on to [him] began he cradled and boy, and that child] amuse] the [lifted desses [The eand(s [pl]ace. a (as) Remained u for But Hakmi in likewise, Huzziya Taw(i)niya And in Telepinu [awe]some The hnlthr( her let Then [ child male a When hnafml hl [ child female a When ( her let Then ote[od lomnsaegvn h u-ods nArinna in Halma Sun-goddess and The herself, given. [se]ated are Has allotments follows: [go]ds as the conjure To repeatedly midwife [ha]nd. shall the (her) you And with [And] stools. blanket the receiving on the fall, herself Holds to seats begins woman child the stools the [then] the When between ground. cushion the [on]e On out spreads one cushion. And following: one the each placed prepa[re]s On is midwife cushions. Stool the three then (and) birth, sto]ols giving [two is woman a [When] n aei < Hatepi And š e š an a nesodt epeeta itsadt aealo uaiya her as humanity of all have to and births at present be to understood was hanna ˘ — … aegoddesses fate Hanna Hanna ˘ ˘ oe aehrgv it.TeFt odse n h ohrGod- Mother the and Goddesses Fate The birth. give her made women ] ’ oewsta fmle n nurturer. and molder of that was role s Hanna Hanna an,teegdesswr rsn ttebrho hl,adaogwith along and child, a of birth the at present were goddesses these hanna, KBo Hanna ˘ an hr i o eanapae ofrhr a id> kind < man her, for so place; a remain not did there hanna ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ X ,3 4, XXX Hanna ˘ an)[. hanna) an)mk hm str[ong (him) make hanna) ’ ˘ ˘ an a emdteeuvln fAkda it,adi later in and Nintu, Akkadian of equivalent the deemed was hanna — ˘ … o nthe in son s d NIN.TU … š eersosbefrdceigaft o h ent.Tu tthe at Thus neonate. the for fate a decreeing for responsible were sborn.] is likewise. an a epnil o ohradcidatrtebrho the of birth the after child and mother for responsible was hanna ˘ sborn,] is ’– Bcmn18:29.I h yceitctnece fthe of tendencies syncretistic the In 239). 1983: (Beckman … DINGIR.MAH š 11 iti Harpi in uitt ]. ogo Ullikummi of Song ’ etlt n gender and Fertility eka 93 243): 1983: Beckman ; “ X 0 eka 93 0,Tx M): Text 201, 1983: Beckman 30; XXX htnm salIpto]tecidwo the whom child the on] put I [shall name What KUB ˘ 39 d eethe were LAMA X 9 eka 93 3 etA): Text 23, 1983: Beckman 29; XXX š likewise, a … nKahalikewise, Krarhna in ] Aii10 iii (A DINGIR.MAH ’ ne.Kmribgn[to began Kumarbi knees. s ” DINGIR.MAH – 15): ˘ me (Ho š — ff ˘ h lrlbrhgod- birth plural the oeie nalter- in sometimes , e 98 57 1998: ner fi tn name. tting – 8) Downloaded By: At: 04:42 30 Sep 2021; For: 9781315747910, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315747910.ch2 h ieauesei oal o e usn blte,scln the suckling abilities, nursing her for notable is she literature the Danel ongd hypa hi otpoietrl nteetn ieauei the in literature extant the in role prominent most their play They god. moon the is in goddess role mother this as resumes Kirta. role She King Her El. Athirat. husband her was pantheon the of goddess mother con the Ugarit, In ot ae hmi n luhesacl o hmt a,wiebdigSrht aethem make to Sarah bidding while eat, to perfect them the strangers: for Abraham, three calf Mamre. the a of meal slaughters oaks their and the After beneath bread. in sits them he takes as host, Abraham 18:1– approach (Genesis strangers Isaac three of narratives Biblical the present. were hc nmn asexempli ways many in which .Hwvr eoeh nae nthese in engages come he before which However, birth. to plaisir leads intercourse heterosexual Thus, to Danel tell gods The matter. masculine a Baal. is of (in)fertility o of attention ( makes problem home the initial He go the drawing heir. Thus, an ultimately son. a without ritual, Danel’ with is incubation on Danel seven-day intercedes man a Baal wise performs the and tale, deities the of beginning the Pre 97 7.Terrl ntesoya hspiti tpcl sbrhgoddesses birth as atypical, is point this at story parturit upon the mother in the these role to attend Their normally 57). 1997: (Parker h rueaditniyDanel intensify and arouse who fruitful. h olciebrhgdessi grtaeteKtaa o ohrt,duheso the of daughters Kotharat), (or Katharat the are Ugarit in goddesses birth collective The hsarvlo it ete eoetecneto fadsrd aebr o srefl is son late-born desired, a of conception the before deities birth of arrival This fi ad er,coe] n ntpsesa[esmto-a ae(n)ma.Adshe And meal. (and) cake mutton-fat Fate-deities]. scat[ters the she before top all) on (it And places cooked]. Mother-goddesses. heart, the mutton-fat a before scatters (and) all) she Mother-goddesses. top (it the on places for And she cooked. loaves] And heart, [thin meal. a (and) three (and) cake liver breaks a pregnant places is she Thereupon who woman a And baa n aa eeod dacdi g;i a esdt ewt aa fe the after saying, Sarah herself with be to to laughed ceased Sarah had So it age; women. in of advanced manner old, were Sarah and son. Abraham a have shall tent. yhsadhsgonod hl aepleasure? have I shall old, grown has husband my [Abraham], him to said nebaighr pregnancy! her, embracing [conception]! In wife, his [ kissing couch In his mount him Let mdb neihto h ostesle,woaekonas known are who themselves, gods the of epithet an by rmed ’ “ ihhswf,teKtaa oet i oet efatdfrsvndy,after days, seven for feasted be to home his to come Katharat the wife, his with ssonAqhatisnotpreserved;wecannotknowifthebirthgoddessesorAthirat u he hnlae h rasfrteFt-ete.Teepnsepae li[ver a places she Thereupon Fate-deities. the for breaks she loaves thin three But moon 25 ” CAT notntl,tetx sbdyardd oteprincnann h it of birth the containing portion the so abraded, badly is text the Unfortunately, hnoesaid, one Then ’ “ ain daughters radiant s [ .7 o.i 38 i, col. 1.17, … ]thejoysofthebed[… ” n aa a itnn ttetn nrnebhn i.Now him. behind entrance tent the at listening was Sarah And eafwt l n hybt ge htte ilpoieDanel provide will they that agree both they and El, with behalf s “ ilsrl eunt o ndesao,adyu ieSarah wife your and season, due in you to return surely will I fi “ steegnee oe ffriiy(n netlt)i h N.In ANE. the in infertility) (and fertility of roles engendered the es hr syu ieSarah? wife your is Where – 0 akr19:53 1997: Parker 40; … ’ ” asoss hthslvmkn ihhswf proves wife his with lovemaking his that so passions s ] ih eudrto seoi stimulators— erotic as understood be might tpai ynBudin Lynn Stephanie 5 n asn(ugs13:2– (Judges Samson and 15) 40 it Epic Kirta o,ntbfr ocpin nti instance, this In conception. before not ion, /Tedlgt ftebdo childbirth of bed the of delights The ]/ – 4): ” usn asb h aebr o of son late-born the Yassib, nursing , ” n esaid, he And “ fe aegonodand old grown have I After “ “ Athirat rcosGods Gracious “ 4.I h former, the In 24). ’ hr,i the in There, sons s ff aeo Aqhat of Tale rnst the to erings ” ( ” bn.atrt goddesses ce in ected onto born ie du rites .In ). ” , Downloaded By: At: 04:42 30 Sep 2021; For: 9781315747910, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315747910.ch2 nJde 13: Judges In elns u isMna n i iet o to wife his and Manoah bids but this declines, down tracks Manoah h rao o hu,cudtk ati h ie fcidit.TeWscrPprs(=P. = ( Papyrus the Westcar of The including childbirth. birth of the deities, on triplets): rites of prominent as prominent the story here in more the especially part tells is the take 3033) imagery could even Berlin Khnum, Bes the However, god divinities and in creator women. infants, the birth goddesses to and desired birth unnamed belonging the new paraphernalia of where before protecting echoes feasted and for are are known man, there Bible) old the Israel in monotheistic heirless angels these in narratives. an unnamed With preserved even to 7). the Thus, Ch. Ugaritic, child 2007: conception. in (Kugel a Katherat YHWH promises god (the old of single El the the scenes that by god such absorbed prophesying notes, were and Kugel deities speci them, the James from all As of feast son. a a receiving refl bear couple, would barren woman old, an visiting ad faml et,b eEk/a lo al hu rYW.Frtebrhof birth the For YHWH. or Khnum Baal, and or nourish, El shape, Enki/Ea, to he invoked is be goddess deity, a male mortals, a of hands nldn angels. including Ninmah, or o Nintu of with creation actual The itself. manifests paradigm standard the cases, all In gp,to a t it iiiis h o e n h ods aee r hs best those are Taweret goddess the and Bes god The divinities. birth its had too, Egypt, nbt ntne ehv ihrGdadhis and God either have we instances both In c ako h oepltesi ie fIsrael of times polytheistic more the on back ect i iewsbre,hvn onn hlrn n h ne fthe of Manoah. angel was the name And whose children. Danaites, no of born tribe having the barren, of was Zorah, wife of His man certain a was There hl ocieadba son a bear and conceive shall h oa n adt her, to said and woman the a fGdcm om,adhsapaac a ieta fa ne fGd most God, of angel an of that like was appearance his and me, to awe-inspiring came God of man noeo hs asRdee ettepnsadhrlbrwsdi was labor her and pangs the felt Ruddedet days those of one On aet fR,lr fSkb,(ad oIi,Npts ekee,adKhnum: and Meskhenet, Nephtys, Isis, to (said) bene this Sakhbu, assume of lord “ Re, of majesty tnigwt i onlt piedw.Te edott i hi ekae and necklaces their him him to found out them: they held to Rawoser, They said of down. He house upside sistra. the loincloth reached his they with When standing porter. their as Khnum sdi is “ n her. and fi laeg,dlvrRdee ftetrecide h r nhrwm,wowill who womb, her in are who children three the of Ruddedet deliver go, Please oein! Come cnsw e neh ftetlso it n seilyAht hr h father the where Aqhat, especially and Kirta of tales the of echo an get we scenes c hs osstot aigcagdterapaac odniggrs with girls, dancing to appearance their changed having out, set gods These ffi cult. ” ” hysaid They hywn nt uddt hylce h ombhn themselves behind room the locked They Ruddedet. to in went They …” fi etoffi cent Hanna ˘ “ “ a fGod of man e ssehr eudrtn childbirth. understand We her. see us Let “ ylde,lo,i stewmnwoi npi;hrlabor her pain; in is who woman the is it look, ladies, My ei hswoeland. whole this in ce an,Ahrt rtevroscletvso it goddesses, birth of collectives various the or Athirat, hanna, ˘ “ lhuhyuaebre,hvn onn hlrn you children, no born having barren, are you Although …” etlt n gender and Fertility hntewmncm n odhrhusband, her told and came woman the Then ” n o and ff rtefata un sacri burnt a as feast the er 41 fi s he ig fteFfhDnsy(presented Dynasty Fifth the of kings three rst ff “ r i es.Temn en nangel, an being man, The feast. a him ers assistants ’ at eoeterlsadresponsibilities and roles the before past, s …” otipratydel importantly most ” Lctem20,Vl :220). I: Vol. 2006, (Lichtheim rmrl n ftoeassistants those of one merely or “ ” neonzdAngels Unrecognized fi LORD esi othem, to said He et God. to ce ffi ut hnthe Then cult. vrteifn,as infant, the iver ff perdto appeared pigi nthe in is spring “ A ” Downloaded By: At: 04:42 30 Sep 2021; For: 9781315747910, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315747910.ch2 set novdwomen involved aspects efrigrtast lo hi rast ucinadtero their not and is function i it experts, to when the organs as out sharp important their seek so into mortals allow never which come to is at suddenly rituals reproduction point mortals of performing the process is workaday the That fertility. infertility, because functioning. of with is understandings ANE This dealing concerning relief. evidence when a our the contrast, of with majority By dealing the m in produce and are that other texts above each presented among both texts deities, the of Most h aiao rue nml;did ouaiglzrs rsa penis. stag or lizards; were Thus copulating potency. concoctions sexual Other dried, known iron. animals; of and or aroused oil mating in plant of engaged of saliva those made and preferably the ointment Mesopotamia parts, an both animal in with with light made body to lower come and have Bog penis and at period capital Babylonian Hittite psycho- Middle the and the medical, to Magical, date was man. They problem a the by women, them For both. given body. for seed female existed the the treatments hold into logical life, to insu new inability or the the the magic men, seed, barrenness, For his of was infertility. getting because of of level, diagnosis either incapable the royal impotence, regarding the existed was approach at problem of avenues especially separate infertility, two that of problem The ANE. couples the Kirta. in infertile and critical of Danel, tales wife, numerous his seen already have ig Bgs20:72 2002: (Biggs Biggs llysiaantiptne h liaeproeo hsrta st aeaa man a away take to is ritual this of purpose ultimate The impotence. against Uliliyassi iheetl yfnto.Tems ealdrta ehv sPaš dealing is of have means we own ritual their detailed had also most Hittites The the dysfunction. Anatolia, erectile in with used were prescriptions such While ocrigml moec,the impotence, male Concerning surprising not is it fertility, ancient of understandings the in divide gendered the Considering h oto ybdi idarm h n tteha fm e,gta erection, me! an caress get erection, bed, an my get of bed, head my the of at foot one the The at have ram. one we a text The similar tied me! to is love bed make my of foot the dog, a of penis the fast holds dog female a … penis)!” of his vagina fast the hold as vagina Just by my dog. may recited a (so ostensibly of penis mostly says, the that are men one is they the of example, that ability for sexual is as, the increase these to of women feature striking A ieabttite ie mk oet e n ieapg orentms ieawild a like times, fourteen pig] my times, a Around twelve like tied. sheep and is weaned me, sheep a to weaned like love a times], [make bed] eleven times my bull ram thirteen of a bat foot [Like a the tied. like [At is tied. wool is their ram waist a bed my of ewt h oemkn fawolf! a of love-making the with me “ e neeto ieawl bull! wild a like erection an Get fi t ie,lk s[ta]g a like times, fty – ,excerpted): 3, ˘ zö.Fo eia esetv,teaymgticuerbigthe rubbing include might therapy perspective, medical a From azköy. “ “ akn dirty talking uk aesm![a] ouaewt me! with copulate [Ram], me! caress Buck, fi t times! fty Š .IG,or À.ZI.GA, tpai ynBudin Lynn Stephanie ” “ Infertility yvgn stevgn fafml o.Hspenis His dog. female a of vagina the is vagina My otermn oeie ihpos oqoeRobert quote To props. with sometimes men, their to ” ” and ” tooia.Te eti oteatoso the of actions the to pertain They ythological. n naohrtx ehave we text another in And 42 “ tteha fm e ste uk At buck. a tied is bed my of head the At … “ iigo the of rising oeicnain r ut explicit, quite are incantations Some — ffi baa n aa,Mna and Manoah Sarah, and Abraham ff in alns.Ete a,h is he way, Either manliness. cient iso uakn.Teeaethe are These humankind. of airs ‘ heart kuwatti ff ” ’” pigt mre We emerge. to spring and 27 et eeextensive. were texts ’ iult h goddess the to ritual s vkn ete and deities nvoking oepsychological More “ “ aelv to love Make A h head] the [At ’ femininity s ” na In 26 Downloaded By: At: 04:42 30 Sep 2021; For: 9781315747910, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315747910.ch2 yhssd l8 Ho (l.8; side his by 0) ntemr aia iew aeaselfo ic 1000 circa from spell a have we bandage” a side as apply magical and honey, more this the in leaves) On (the Grind 103). 1. the honey, from Ram 1; recipe (P. acacia, One recommends of dysfunction. Kingdom erectile Middle curing the in of magic end and medicine both used Egyptians The h a efrsatredyln iulivligicbto,ivkn h goddess’ the invoking incubation, involving ritual long three-day a performs man The (Ho h a oipent i ie nti iultefml ucinr Paš functionary female the ritual this In to wife. magic his sympathetic impregnate to man the n elc twt aclnt.A uh hr ssm eaea owehrti sart ocure to rite a is this whether to eff as male debate cure some to is rite there a such, or As impotence, masculinity. with it replace and vnorcmaal iie opsfo grthsarta o uigiptne etRIH Text impotence. curing for ritual a the has for Ugarit sorcery from cites corpus 78/20 limited comparably our Even 103): 1997: Manniche ff ilbcm oe e i aehswf n rdc o isl osaddaughters! and sons he himself and for him, produce to and over wife wife) his (his take maidservant him your Let Turn yoke. him! a become to will speak and favor) (in him “ lc pnl n distaff and spindle a place I eairepce fmen! of expected behavior i.Igv i o ad ar]() n a t i)altewhile: the all him) (to distaff say and and spindle [arro]w(s), the (and) take bow I a gates, him the give through I forward him. steps he When ae eiiiyaa rmyuadgvnyumsuiiyi eun o aecast have You return. in masculinity you given and you o from away femininity taken eie over recited ihrsett et ontsag, not do heat, to respect the With and companions the Even vulva every of mouth the weak not test be you strong, May class. lower the “ hn sfrtesrees h tormentors, the sorcerers, H the for as Then, … recovered. has rod lair. The a to summit, a Like to goats pillar, mountain a Like from a ta window, Like the a of from voice smoke the Like rod. at your forth of goes pain It banished, the has of man: it producers young rod The a your of of tormentors pain the The out casts recitation This . e 97 277): 1987: ner oet hsmn o r his are You man! this to Come alt o ra o,wocetdteuprcas o,Knm h established who Khnum, you, class, upper the created who god, great you to Hail ff rn ildiete out, them drive will ôranu h sxa)bhvo xetd[fwmn;[o aetkn oyusl the yourself to taken] have [you women]; [of expected behavior (sexual) the … ff e 97 278): 1987: ner h ebrt eaone ihit. with anointed be to member the “ cure … ” “ ano orrod” your of pain h a ffmnnt l ) trslsi h rdcino children of production the in results it 4); (l. femininity of man the o teghnyu etce ihSt,sno . of son Seth, with testicles your strengthen You ” ntepatient the in “ eminacy/passivity. aso wisdom of lads ‘ ieo children of wife ’ etlt n gender and Fertility y iyu 43 Pre 02 160 2002: (Pardee ’ hn] n ecmsudrtegates. the under comes he and [hand], s o XII): no. V . ” ’ ewl rv u o you. for out drive will he 28 o i!S okatrhm unto Turn him! after look So him! for nete vn,tesae isaefor are aims stated the event, either In … “ evso hitton ;leaves 1; thorn, Christ of Leaves – eeet entsf;be soft; not be erect, be ,excerpted): 1, BCE uat xlctyuses explicitly kuwatti ( .CetrBeatty Chester P. Mnih 1997: (Manniche “ wyfrom away aejust have I ” obe To presence ” X; Downloaded By: At: 04:42 30 Sep 2021; For: 9781315747910, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315747910.ch2 artv fArm Sarai, Abram, of narrative ens,fo aeprpcie a ipyt e nte oa.Teacetdocu- ancient The woman. another get to The attestations. simply such was of perspective, full are male ments a from renness, hc non-reproducing which htawmnwoi o rgatbcm rgat o tigi nalnnyr,yupti on it put you yarn, linen a on it string you pregnant: become pregnant neck not her is who speci woman of a that use prescribes the text and/or Babylonian objects One and/or incantations replacement. magical such using avoid to pains at were Women fcide.Acrigt the to According children. of elher sell er hnteduhe fhrbohr Iwa brother, her of daughter the then heir, nrc ewe uzr n dti(ll.2 Idatti and Zunzuri between contract similar a is (3.101C) 93 AT Document 252). llk LvlI)dcmn h elcmn ffml oisfrpouigchildren. producing contract for marriage bodies 15 a female lines is of to (3.101B) According replacement (husband). 92 the AT document Document IV) (Level Alalakh ai omryTimit h leto he hlrnbr oasaegr ogtb her by of bought children girl recorded slave no speci girl had a slave couple to brother the the born bought younger since have children her may that, three allowed Nebnefer suggests of own, Rennefer Robins their eldest how Gay the relates Nebnefer. Taiemniut, husband Egypt marry Kingdom to New Padiu from papyrus A 252): 2003: Hess he hlrnwr,i at i own. his fact, in were, children three ehp h otfmu tr fawmnpoiighrhsadwt urgt sthe is surrogate a with husband her providing woman a of story famous most the Perhaps atr ol emr di more be could Matters Abram hs aewsHgr n h adt Abram, to said she and Hagar, was name whose o h o fmn rmilesh sdelivered. is he illness from man, of son the For o h a,dsedfo h o oteerh O earth, the to rod the from descend man, the For decanalized. be … not canal your stutter, May not tongue your May loe et eracid aem lv-il ehp hl on aiythrough family a found shall I perhaps slave-girl; my Take child. a her.” bear to me allowed il aa h gpin n aehrt e ubn ba sawife/concubine a as Abram conceived. husband she her and to Hagar her with gave lay and He Egyptian, the Hagar girl, emytk eodwife. years, second seven a after take birth may given He not price. has gold bride she of a [I]f shekels as thirty given and has silver He of shekels hundred wife. Two a for taken Has Idat[ti Zunzuri, Ilimili, king:] of the daughter [Niqmepa The before day, this From ” ” Rt 03 344 2003: (Roth ba gedt hthswf ad oSri Abram’ Sarai, so said; wife his what to agreed Abram So 00 5.Aohr(elyhril)pecito was: prescription horrible) (really Another 35). 2000: (Stol ’ ieSrihdbrehmn hlrn o h a nEyta slave-girl Egyptian an had she Now children. no him borne had Sarai wife s naditu 31 – n aa Gnss1:1 16: (Genesis Hagar and ) w ea et rmteLt rneAeSra iyof city Syrian Age Bronze Late the from texts legal Two 5). ffi pisesspoiea provide -priestesses fi “ utfrbre oe.Teesetwyt elwt bar- with deal to way easiest The women. barren for cult a statute, nal ivr od rn opr nttl2 aue)soe,i order in stones, (amulet) 21 total in copper, iron, gold, Silver, ’– 16 30 tpai ynBudin Lynn Stephanie ’ ftecontract, the of 29 oe Hammurabi Codex “ šš fsede o ercide,hrmsrs may mistress her children, bear not does she If 44 r,wl egvn(oIri-halpa) (to given be will ura, “ Fixing – š 4): ugitu ” ewe ad wf)adIri-halpa and (wife) Naidu between “ fl “ o e htthe that see You e oycnitdo rcie uhas such practices of consisted body her fi ow; fNiude o iebrht an to birth give not does Naidu If al o erdcin n htthe that and reproduction, for cally (§§144 oterhsad o h bearing the for husbands their to ie ruh e slave- her brought wife, s fi – lnst rmt fertility. promote to plants c )rgltstepoesby process the regulates 7) LORD ” a not has Hs 2003: (Hess … – 9; Downloaded By: At: 04:42 30 Sep 2021; For: 9781315747910, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315747910.ch2 h unesnileapeo oa oigwt arnesi Jacob intervene is later barrenness might with he above. coping that discussed woman so Sarai/Sarah, read: was God a we example by 30 of such Genesis sent One example son. been late-born quintessential having a The with as woman seen the is bless and barrenness Bible, the In h odradnuihro h iecetdb h ae sacneune e eeaxosto anxious were as men but consequence, vegetal, a even As or male. divine, the human, by male. modern that created was be life to life life, the of contrast new of source of nourisher The In creatrix and quality: not molder place. masculine was the a female and be the to time of seen role is over was The gender fertility that varying ANE show the constructed, They in ANE. socially conceptions, the in and dynamic gender relative the indeed of aspects important reveal data These ut ihi oeaes uha eooainNz) rsml hog iyfra orphaned an for be pity could through daughters Mesopotamia simply from adopted or exercise by Nuzi), training acquired Mesopotamian legal price as late-second-millennium bride such A (the areas, child. debt some a in settle high to quite or marriage, previous a dpinddocrfrraosohrta netlt,icuigteaoto fone’ of adoption spouse new the a of including adoption the infertility, or above), than Nebnefer with other (as slaves reasons to born for children occur did Adoption scribe the to el-Medina Deir from 77 letter 1993: personal (Robins Twentieth-Dynasty reads and A Nekhemmut herbs, solution. medicinal a of as use emerges body, female replacement deity. father a a of from use intervention the see we Here eaebd would body female speci infertility 10) ua ik[h usdhim] nursed [she milk human ncssweeteml scnicdta ti ewois who he is it that convinced is male the where cases In — ykesadta o a aecide hog her. ”… through mandrakes children found have and may went too Reuben I harvest that and knees my womb? said, hnRce a htsebr ao ocide,seeve e itr n h said she and sister; her envied she children, no Jacob bore Jacob, she to that saw Rachel When a;yupaei nhrvgn,adsewl eoepregnant. become will she and vagina, her in it place you fat; You pregnant: woman child-bearing and not a make To ob h ocie n oeason. a bore and conceived She womb. Leah, to said drakes. Rachel Then Leah. mother p ti i epniiiyt orwtrot orhnsa one’ as him hands bring your one [to] onto no instead water orphan give pour an You to adopts responsibility stingy. he his fellow children, exceedingly is your no being like It has pregnant in who up. wives him abound your for make You As to matter: anything. unable further are you A since men. man a not are You records, fi “ li ihmrh o r ti h hd,cuhadgidi p n i twith it mix and up, it grind and crush shade, the in it dry you myrrh; with it ll mIi h lc fGd h a ihedfo o h ri fyour of fruit the you from withheld has who God, of place the in I Am ”… ” hnsesaid, she Then “ “ fi iem hlrno hl die!” shall I or children me Give This al per saslto nyoc h netlt a eacie oteml;no male; the to ascribed be can infertility the once only solution a as appears cally hnGdrmmee ahl n o eddhradoee her opened and her heeded God and Rachel, remembered God Then “ qadi work š tu ” acli iwf)to nacidfo h tet ttebes with breast the at street; the from child a in took midwife) cultic (a “ o him. for eei ymi ihh oi ohrta h a erupon bear may she that her to in go Bilhah; maid my is Here ” e,gne,advoice and gender, Sex, Wsehl 99 5) oee,aoto sarmd for remedy a as adoption However, 251). 1989: (Westenholz – 8): etlt n gender and Fertility 45 “ ao eaevr nr ihRce and Rachel with angry very became Jacob laegv esm fyu son your of some me give Please 32 nthe in fl ya dbemue pni up, it open mouse, edible an ay fi l,adbogtte ohis to them brought and eld, “ barren, ntedy fwheat of days the In w letson. eldest own s ” — h dpino heirs of adoption the So 00 53). 2000: (Stol n itti ana ’ ieRce.In Rachel. wife s ’ hlrnfrom children s fi š u ’ al divine nally man- s VIii 9 iii, (VII own s – Downloaded By: At: 04:42 30 Sep 2021; For: 9781315747910, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315747910.ch2 fl hm hr a rae es ftedi the of sense greater a was there them, ae,te ol erpae ftogtt ebre.Teeoinlsri uthv been sterile. have as must presented ever strain is emotional man The no barren. where texts, be Biblical to the thought in if evident replaced especially considerable, be could they males, ohr rm xml sQenUntmo Urke of Uqnitum Queen is example prime A mother. oncin,adteecnetoswr mhszdi h ncitosadiconography. and inscriptions noble more the 74): their in 2006: through (Asher-Greve emphasized it noted acquired has were and status Asher-Greve princesses, connections Julia any Queens, As same had these the profession. who did and Priestesses or Servants husbands. connections, positions. lineage and cultic fathers from their their either vis-à-vis with status derived portrayed that and derived status nobility of positions in dets hi aenlsau:T aecide a nieli l h oite eeconsidered here societies the all in ideal an was children have To ( status: paternal their advertise lohdaproverb, a had also h xetost hsptencm nywe woman a when only come pattern this to exceptions The u rmlnaeadoccupation. and lineage from but o upiigta nmc fteAEterpetg aentfo terhusbands is (their it from then not Perhaps came rearing. prestige and their ANE childbirth the of of drudgery much full in the that bore surprising women not life, new of creation Ase 97 2.Sc ttmn xrse efcl h ihtm rsne ttesatof start the e at almost presented simple, dichotomy o is the of reproduction perfectly thora males, expresses For statement essay. a this Such 72). 1997: (Alster igmsadteNetherworld the and Bilgames ow eetees oe nteAEse aeyt have to rarely seem the ANE unlike the as, in especially women course, Nevertheless, of children, having about concerned also were Women o eae,rpouto a agru,srsfl n xasig o rdtdwt the with credited Not exhausting. and stressful, dangerous, was reproduction females, For “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ it raqiehg ult el fepniemtras mgr aeysoswomen contexts. shows public rarely and/or ceremonial Imagery religious, materials. in primarily expensive but of children votive or seals donate husband quality to with means high the acquire as well or o as independence gifts temple some and least court at marriage, women gave from apparently Apart priestesses. of daughters or … “ fo of i o e h a ihsvnsons? seven rejoices. with heart man his the harness see in you ploughs Did with man a Like rejoices. heart his with a donkeys man Like four the of see team you a Did with man saddle. a the Like on slung waterskin the from water drinks He mn h uirdiish iso hoeadlsest h proceedings. the to heir? listens no and with throne man a the on see sits you he Did deities junior the Among eet ra-oflk kiln- a like bread-loaf a eats He i o e h a ihtresons? three with man bread-loaf. the a see eats you he Did bricks two on Seated i o e h a ihsxsons? six with man the see you Did sons? four with man the see you Did i o e h a ihtosons? two with man the see you Did o h e ul nohswl itryh laments. he bitterly wall his into built peg the For i o e h a ihoeson? one with man the see you Did needn oe okdfrqen rohrcutwmn oewr priestesses, were some women, court other or queens for worked women independent ff ff pig h same The spring. pig eeytepieo en fpoe etlt n potency. and fertility proven of being of pride the merely spring, fi esrb ihanml adh nesteplc ihease.” with palace the enters he hand nimble a with scribe ne “ ohrwohsgvnbrht ih otsle oni weakness in down lies youths eight to birth given has who mother A l 255 ll. , Sumerian 33 fi esons? ve h oe h perdi al r otae themselves portrayed art early in appeared who women The – 9 ere19:187 1999: George 69; fi oit htcmoe h bv utto from quotation above the composed that society tpai ynBudin Lynn Stephanie e brick. red ”“ ffi ”“ ”“ ”“ ”“ ”“ ute novd ahrta naprnl eff apparently an than rather involved, culties ”“ ”“ a him. saw I a him. saw I a him. saw I a him. saw I a him. saw I a him. saw I 46 a him. saw I a him. saw I ” ” ff ”“ ”“ rls.Teei odwsd oaple- a to downside no is There ortless. ”“ ” š ”“ 34 ”“ ”“ ,modernTellMozan. ’ ttsi ietylne ohrrl as role her to linked directly is status s ”“ ”“ o osh fare? he does How o osh fare? he does How o osh fare? he does How – o osh fare? he does How ” o osh fare? he does How o osh fare? he does How 8): o osh fare? he does How vaunted o osh fare? he does How ” ” hi aenlsau.For status. maternal their ff rdpstosthat positions ered ” ” ” ” ” ” ” 35 ” ” h queen The ’ )o ff Bilgames spring, ortless ’ ” s Downloaded By: At: 04:42 30 Sep 2021; For: 9781315747910, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315747910.ch2 ohri e cngah,btisedto ttsfo e ahr e el hwcma scenes, combat show seals Her father. her reads: from inscription status her took and instead but iconography, her su in of mother lineage a Akkad, of Sîn h oa aiy ihoecido e a,aohrsadn eoetekn.Hr Uqnitum Here king. contrast, the By generation Consort. before next Royal the standing Chief of of another consort that royal title, lap, and that queen with her the and on Mother Queen child as role one her emphasizes with family, royal the esnlsa htue e ogs title longest her uses that seal personal hi esrpoutv copihet.Prasta edrcntuti o odi so not is construct all. gender after that own, Perhaps men our accomplishments. give to reproductive ability less their their women male- for wholly women, exclusively In for almost them. valued nities for woman’ are credit the women masculine When Bible, the the sons. and as males. children such by as exclusively texts such penned voice fore, and the voiced to text come a concerns in recorded and deity male a by given edly aracs eidayacs oterlgoso oiia irrh vial owmni other in women to available hierarchy status political and or power religious wielded the societies, to ANE access any denied matriarchs, 5Arfrnet h u rcsuo hc oe nlbri eooai n gp nee or kneeled Egypt and Mesopotamia in labor in women which upon bricks discovered mud text the the to of reference versions Assyrian A later, 15 two in preserved only is passage this that emphasizes Stol 14 3I h ae re rdto,tesygdZu becomes Zeus god sky the births. tradition, and Greek pains, aches, later similar the of In lines 13 more several goddess With birth Hittite 12 the when occur dynamics Similar 11 0O h rnlto fteSumerian the of translation the On 10 iia etmn sepesdi h re eetiei Aeschylus in repertoire Greek the in expressed is sentiment similar A 1989. 8 Cooper 1985; Baines 7 299. 2012: Day 6 19. 1992: 17. off 17 Karageorghis 2004: of 2004: 5 Schroer rearing Schroer and and the Keel Keel to 4 12; make 2011: males Budin contributions 3 188. non-biological 2000: extensive Roth the 2 discount to not is This 1 ti la html n eaewr emdtesadr ee n edr naltergosunder regions the all in genders and sexes standard the deemed were female and male that clear is It 9 liaeyi samte fvie steml oc oiae h nin et,male texts, ancient the dominates voice male the As voice. of matter a is it Ultimately h mhsso aent oe cosms togyi h erwBbe ee h Biblical the Here, Bible. Hebrew the in strongly most across comes maternity on emphasis The rgnlcneto fteoiiso uaiy(tl20:113 parturition. 2000: during (Stol crouched humanity of origins the of conception original male. a Assurbanipal from birth in their with began inversion this and Greece, unn ean fhsmte eeeadswdhmit i hg ni ewsrayfrbrh Both birth. for ready was he until thigh his into him sewed and Semele mother deities his of remains burning ed codn oEuripides to According pregnant head. his swallowing upon 924), the to this pare omtv n o-omtv e n edri eooai,seAhrGee2002: Asher-Greve see Mesopotamia, in gender and sex non-normative and dubbed normative be 28 might 1998: what especially gories, e thus sex, their pig uha ahn n feeding. and bathing as such spring, ob,o eeprevda,o di themselves a felt communities human of various especially as, the reproduction, perceived of for members were necessary some or if as be, even understood valid to were remains sexes fact This two reproduction. those that and discussion, — teaadDionysos and Athena – e 2002: McCaffrey see ANE, the in sexes) not (if genders alternate On 36. ’ ff irr.Tu,te a eltradtost nerirtx,adntpr fthe of part not and text, earlier an to additions later be may they Thus, library. s gtadrtr fDmtri the in Demeter of return and flight mnt e,msuiewmn rnvsie,encs rohrie nsc cate- such On otherwise. or eunuchs, transvestites, women, masculine men, eminate oc lp hog,epcal nsceista a rae opportu- greater had that societies in especially through, slips voice s “ O)NrmSn h igo ka,Tar Akkad, of king the Naram-Sîn, (Of) may ffi in motneta h ue etn edt ota esl sa as herself portray to need no felt queen the that importance cient ’ — Bakkhai efietf smtes u hyaemr ieyt highlight to likely more are they but mothers, as self-identify eercgie sivrigtenra edrprdgso ancient of paradigms gender normal the inverting as recognized were A ff fi — rn edroinainta h n omlyascae with associated normally one the than gender-orientation erent s ieMts esicbtshsftr agtrAhn nhis in Athena daughter future his incubates Zeus Metis, wife rst as l.95 (ll. ieo Kn)Tupki (King) of Wife etlt n gender and Fertility “water, exclusively “e Notes – ff 19. – mnt males eminate ) essie h motlftsDoyo rmthe from Dionysos fetus immortal the seized Zeus 6), 47 ”“ — urine, oei ynt Demeter to Hymn Homeric hog hi aeo male their through Tar Hanna ˘ ” ’ am-Agade “pregnant or ” “sperm – an iapas n n ih com- might one and disappears, hanna ˘ nacetMsptma e Nissinen see Mesopotamia, ancient in š 14). — hw h ue ntemdtof midst the in queen the shows ” ” ’ — ’ Eumenides wc.I Hesiod’ In twice. mAae i daughter. his am-Agade, e ec 94 25. 1994: Leick see a h agtro Naram- of daughter the was ff . pig o spring, l 657 ll. , ff passim – pigpoint- spring s ff 62. rn from erent Theogony passim . .On ” 36 (l. - Downloaded By: At: 04:42 30 Sep 2021; For: 9781315747910, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315747910.ch2 opr ..(1989) J.S. Cooper, ui,SL (2011) S.L. Budin, —— (2002) M. Kelly-Buccellati, and (2004) G. G. Zólyomi, Buccellati, and E., Robeson, G., Cunningham, J., Black, aly .(1989) S. Dalley, ig,R (2002) R. Biggs, (1983) G.M. Beckman, ltr .(1997) B. Alster, a,P (2012) P. Day, alnr ..(2007) R.O. Faulkner, ans .(1985) J. Baines, —— se-rv,J (2002) J. Asher-Greve, (2003) J.P. Allen, 8The 18 7O h euphemism the On 17 at online available t.1.1.2, translation ETCSL 16 2Fye-esy19:70 1992: Frymer-Kensky 22 for evidence archaeological the On 21 this On 20 are translations All 19 3Ek steSmra omo h god the of form Sumerian the is Enki 23 3O aent n ttsi h nin ol,seBdn21:c.7. ch. 2011: Budin 191 see 2010: 16 world, Kelly-Buccellati 2002: ancient 35 Asher-Greve the also in See status barrenness. 34 and for maternity cure changed. On a were 33 be names to their Believed before 32 Sarah and Abraham 31 58. 1993: Robins to 30 continue liquid May 29 6Bcelt n el-uclai20:13. 2002: Kelly-Buccellati and Buccellati 36 5O h oeo eaea rtcsiuao,seBdn21:20 2011: Budin see stimulator, erotic as female of 26 role the On Ea. 25 of epithet An 24 8O hsitrrtto fterta,seJL ilr2010: Miller J.L. see ritual, the of interpretation this On 28 76. 2002: Biggs 27 p 11 pp. .Mro (eds) Morrow S. World Ancient the in Gender (ed.) Werr al-Gailani L. xodUiest Press. University Oxford edri h nin erEast Near Ancient the in Gender ocayCruc Publishers. 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Schroer S. in ”, “Lady – oal aaadHr,woprhngnclypouemntoso monstrous produce parthenogenically who , and notably , 31. ” ratadwomb and “breast “‘ saepeimhere. euphemism a is ohro itr idn dlsetgrsi Minoan in girls adolescent Finding sister? or “Mother odnAge Golden ” “ ueispteto i rciiyfrpsiesxa cuecneadt elc twt an with it replace to and acquiescence sexual passive for proclivity his of patient its “cure erwBbegdessadmdr eiitscholarship feminist modern and goddesses Bible Hebrew sidenti is rvrso nin ue:TeWorld The Sumer: Ancient of Proverbs h ayoinsxa oec texts potency sexual Babylonian “The yh rmMesopotamia from Myths rmprmdtxssel57(1.3) 527 spell texts pyramid “From eudt iue:Eyta Personi Egyptian Figures: Fecundity äce mAltertum im Mädchen mgso oa n hl rmteBoz g:RcnieigFriiy aent,and Maternity, Fertility, Reconsidering Age: Bronze the from Child and Woman of Images “Enki os1 ,ad3 edn rl,p 7. p. Brill, Leiden: 3. and 2, 1, Vols , NRSV h nin gpinPrmdTexts Pyramid Egyptian Ancient The itt it Rituals Birth Hittite eiiesx seta gender essential sex, “Decisive “hand fi da tia na ale stanza. earlier an in Athirat as ed ’ ebr rsadirgto nSmra literature Sumerian in irrigation and Eros member: s ’ fPt n ln:Ppr rsne oDvdOates David to Presented Papers Plans: and Pots Of wthrough. flow fwmn ttsadgne ntidmlenu ueinadAkkadian and Sumerian millennium third in gender and Status women? of – mgsadGne:Cnrbtost h emnuiso edn nin Art. Ancient Reading of Hermeneutics the to Contributions Gender: and Images abig:CmrdeUiest Press. University Cambridge Cambridge: . . 0 tl20:71 2000: Stol 80; ” – ” 3. o ei,sePu 2002. Paul see penis, for asg e mt 02 48 2002: Smith see passage esni e-syinTx opsPoet p 71 pp. Project, Corpus Text Neo-Assyrian Helsinki: . esni e-syinTx opsPoet p 11 pp. Project, Corpus Text Neo-Assyrian Helsinki: . – 17. hldlha A nvriyMsu ulctos p 87 pp. Publications, Museum University PA: Philadelphia, . “pre-Biblical Grsi niut] üse:WxanVra,p.93 pp. Verlag, Waxmann Münster: Antiquity]. in [Girls xod xodUiest Press. University Oxford Oxford: . ’ Bibliography ae ai h Akkadian. the is Ea name, s n e.en isae:Ot Harrassowitz. Otto Wiesbaden: edn. rev. 2nd , tpai ynBudin Lynn Stephanie – “Tar ,78. 2, 48 ” ’ ’ aletPoebCollection Proverb Earliest s ainadteIoooyo Genre a of Iconology the and fication mAae agtro aa-i,a Urkesh”,in at Naram-, of daughter am-Agade, oyhim e seilyKe n elne 1998. Uehlinger and Keel especially see , ” nWM al n ..YugrJ (eds) Jr Younger K.L. and Hallo W.M. in ”, nS apl n ..Wiig(eds) Whiting R.M. and Parpola S. in ”, nS apl n ..Wiig(eds) Whiting R.M. and Parpola S. in , tlel S iied.o Publishing. KS: Stilwell, . – 52. passim ” – h ieaueo nin Sumer Ancient of Literature The 5. codn oMle,terta was ritual the Miller, to According . fi ” nA ibr and Kieburg A. in art”, gural , eiinCompass Religion – odn auPublications, London: . 81. ”,in ehsa D Press. CDL Bethesda: . UUE DUMU ff pig uha the as such spring, – – 8. 26. hcg,IL: Chicago, . /:298 6/6: 2 DUB-BA- – – Oxford: . 104. 9. e and Sex e and Sex – 308. The Downloaded By: At: 04:42 30 Sep 2021; For: 9781315747910, chapter2, 10.4324/9781315747910.ch2 oh ..(2000) A.M. Roth, (1993) G. Robins, etnoz ..(1989) J.G. Westenholz, (2000) M. Stol, ipo,WK (1972) W.K. Simpson, oh ..(2003) M.T. Roth, al ..(2002) S.M. Paul, akr ..(1997) S.B. Parker, (2002) D. Pardee, mt,MS (2002) M.S. 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Corpus Text Press. opsPoet p 379 pp. Project, Corpus 337 pp. Project, (eds) Whiting R.M. and .ProaadRM htn (eds) Whiting R.M. and Parpola S. nin erEsenReligions Eastern Near Ancient L nvriyo liosPress. Illinois of University IL: os1 ,ad3 edn rl,p.249 pp. Brill, Leiden: 3. and 2, 1, Vols eiitSuisi Religion in Studies Feminist ik (ed.) Finke SE,p.185 pp. ISLET, 271 e ok act Columbine. Fawcett York: New Myth. Pagan otesPress. Fortress niute,Cyprus Antiquities, est Press. versity ff e,HA r(1987) Jr H.A. ner, (1998) – e,K (2002) K. rey, 87. os1 ,ad3 edn rl,p.335 pp. Brill, Leiden: 3. and 2, 1, Vols , nS apl n ..Wiig(eds) Whiting R.M. and Parpola S. in ”, itt Myths Hittite etcrf ü entWlemalßihsie 5 euttgsa 8 aur2010 Januar 28. am Geburtstages 65. seines anläßlich Wilhelm Gernot für Festschrift rnne:Sy Publications. Styx Groningen: Setting . Mediterranean Its Bible: the and Babylonia in Birth e n rtcs nMsptma Literature Mesopotamian in Eroticism and Sex – “ “‘ h hrdlgc fsxa eahr n uhmssi eooainadbiblical and Mesopotamian in euphemisms and metaphors sexual of legacy shared “The iuladCl tUgarit at Cult and Ritual – o oRa h il:AGiet citr hnadNow and Then Scripture to Guide A Bible: the Read to How “Pa oe nAcetEgypt Ancient in Women 202. otat:Alalakh Contracts: h pco igms:ANwTranslation New A : of Epic The ahrerh ohrsy nin gpinblesaotcneto n fertility and conception about beliefs Egyptian Ancient sky: mother earth, “Father grtcNraiePoetry Narrative Ugaritic 44. h al itr fGd awhadteOhrDiisi nin Israel Ancient in Deities Other the and Yahweh God: of History Early The h aso Hammurabi of laws “The eoeteMss nAtooyo kainLiterature Akkadian of Anthology An Muses: the Before Seed p 17 pp. , h ap htOnce that Harps The 23:245 82(3): oortcs nteBbia ol:AHsoia Perspective Historical A World: Biblical the in Homoeroticism a eitmdllbrt s nin ereastern near Ancient us? liberate model sexist a “Can eulLf nAcetEgypt Ancient in Life Sexual ionKnsi n h oa ods:ANa atr Koine Eastern Near A Goddess: Solar the and Kingship Minoan nin gpinLiterature Egyptian Ancient š eosdrn edrabgiyi eooai:I er utabeard?”,in a just beard a Is Mesopotamia: in ambiguity gender “Reconsidering kuwatti The Philadel- Record. Archaeological the in Remains and Representations Body: the Reading nsm set fCaclti eiini Cyprus in religion Chalcolithic of aspects some “On n d.Alna A coasPress. Scholars GA: Atlanta, edn. 2nd , ’ “Pa aa,Qede “Tamar, versus – nteWk fteGdess oe,ClueadteBbia rnfrainof Transformation Biblical the and Culture Women, Goddesses: the of Wake the In ieaueo nin Egypt Ancient of Literature 91. esni e-syinTx Corpus Text Neo-Assyrian Helsinki: East. Near Ancient the in Gender and Sex – qiu n Tar and “Uqnitum :65 5: 27. š kuwatti ’ – iul eeyfriptneo nioet homosexuality? to antidote or impotence for Remedy ritual: s 01:83 10(1): 65. v:Mte le Lebendigen alles Mutter Eva: ‘ womb – 76. os odse,adIae fGdi nin Israel Ancient in God of Images and Goddesses, Gods, nWM al n ..YugrJ (eds) Jr Younger K.L. and Hallo W.M. in ”, ’ esni e-syinText Neo-Assyrian Helsinki: East. Near Ancient the in Gender and Sex iulaantsxa moec CH406) (CTH impotence sexual against ritual s ’ : – … š – ,Qadi a, xrsin fml dominance male of Expressions tat,G:Sceyo ilclLiterature. Biblical of Society GA: Atlanta, . 9. tat,G:Shlr Press. Scholars GA: Atlanta, . abig,M:HradUiest Press. University Harvard MA: Cambridge, . 54. esni Neo-Assyrian Helsinki: East. Near Ancient the in Gender and Sex etlt n gender and Fertility ueinPer nTranslation in Poetry Sumerian : nWM al n ..YugrJ (eds) Jr Younger K.L. and Hallo W.M. in ”, – ekly A nvriyo aionaPress. California of University CA: Berkeley, . ’ 98. odn ea alInternational. Paul Kegan London: , mAae arng n otatr tUrkesh at portraiture and Patronage um-Agade: h otx fScripture of Context The š u n ardpottto nMesopotamia in prostitution sacred and tu, – 49 53. . – New Helsinki: East. Near Ancient the in Gender and Sex 201. rbug cdmcPress. Academic Fribourg: . odn Routledge. London: . ae,C:Yl nvriyPress. University Yale CT: Haven, odn egi Classics. Penguin London: . os1 ,ad3 edn Brill. Leiden: 3. and 2, 1, Vols , ehsa D D Press. CDL MD: Bethesda, . in e ae,C:Yl Uni- Yale CT: Haven, New . e ok rePress. Free York: New . ‘ fertility ”, inaoi,M:Fortress MN: Minneapolis, . ilclIsrael biblical eoto h eatetof Department the of Report raaadChicago, and Urbana . h otx fScripture of Context The ’ goddesses ”, inaoi,MN: Minneapolis, . uaOrientalis Aula n d.Grand edn. 2nd , nS Parpola S. in ”, h otx of Context The ”, ”, Dresden: . ”, nJ.C. in ”, ora of Journal ora of Journal Harvard ” ,in 5: ,