
Our LadyQueenofMa Sunday: [email protected] OLQM Catholic Academy: A Deacon GregKandra OLQM C S CADEMY tel 718-268-6251;fax718-793-2584 Saturday: 5 p.m. Anne Zuschlag UNDAY Tuesday at11:30a.m.;Saturday andThursday at12:45p.m. (useQueensBlvd church entrance) Monday throughSaturday afterthe12:05p.m. Mass 9 a.m., Forest Hills, NewYork 11375 110 -06QueensBoulevard A Mondays afterthe8a.m.and12:05p.m. Mass D R OAINO THE OF DORATION SR AND OSARY W EACON ourladyqueenofmartyrs.org/webcast Thursdays from12:40p.m.Thursdays to7:30 p.m. M P 11:15 Rev. Msgr. L.Cunningham ATCH M ATHOLIC RINCIPAL ASSES IRACULOUS | a.m., October 3,2021- ourladyqueenofmartyrs.org S Very Rev. Francis J. Passenant, V. F. — C UNDAY Most Rev. Paul R.Sanchez, D. D. —P ALTOF HAPLET 1 p.m. tel 718-263-2622 M B Rev. AntoninKocurek M EDAL LESSED ASS D N IVINE O S OVENA ACRAMENT Twenty-seventh Times SundayinOrdinary NLINE M D ERCY Deacon Thomas Jorge Deacon Thomas 8 a.m.and12:05p.m. RCO OF IRECTOR W (Monday–Saturday) Veronica McCarthy C Roger Aguinaldo EEKDAY ONFESSIONS E T DUCATION RUSTEES M — S — R ASSES ELIGIOUS Arrangements shouldbemadeat least Arrangements P ENIOR AROCHIAL advance, Scan theQRCodewithyour phonefor is udyo each monthat2:30p.m. First Sunday of C P C A LBAINOF ELEBRATION prior totheproposedwedding date 6DWXUGD\DPWRSP1RRIÀFHKRXUV6XQGD\V LBAINOF ELEBRATION DMINISTRATOR IS IN RIEST online parishgiving G V ( closed for lunch closed for IVE ICAR Wednesday-Friday 9a.m.to5p.m. Masses at8a.m.and12:05p.m. Monday-Tuesday 9a.m.to8p.m. H ASTOR N OLY F P Vigil Massat7:30p.m. INANCE R OW ASTORAL Dennis Francis Portelli M ESIDENCE O D B M ARRIAGE FFICE APTISM Y OF AYS USIC Close Lorna Stark Lorna from noonto1p.m.) C six months H OMMITTEE C OURS D O ARE IRECTOR rtyr

BLIGATION Detail of stained glass window on south side of church D IRECTOR in C HAIR s

407 - Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Our Lady Queen of Martyrs - Forest Hills, New York Masses for the Week Main Events of the Week Saturday, October 2 Sunday, October 3 Holy Guardian Angels 10 a.m. Zoom: Sunday Morning Bible Study 8 a.m. Renelyn Joy Carino After 1 p.m. Mass church plaza: 12:05 p.m. Renelyn Joy Carino Living Rosary 5 p.m. Thomas Trott 2:30 p.m. church: Baptisms Sunday, October 3 Monday, October 4 Parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs After 8 a.m. and 12:05 p.m. Masses church: Monday, October 4 Novena 4 p.m., church plaza: Blessing of the Animals 8 a.m. Issa De La Cruz Tate 7 p.m. Zoom: Monday Evening Bible Study 12:05 p.m. Irene Ciuffo Tuesday, October 5 Tuesday, October 5 11:30 a.m. church: Confessions Blessed Seelos 7 p.m. Zoom: Catholic Social Action Committee meeting 8 a.m. Lawrence Sanchez, Jr. 7:30 p.m. church choir loft: Choir Rehearsal 12:05 p.m. Michele Lapunzina Wednesday, October 6 Wednesday, October 6 Religious Education Saint 3:45–5 p.m. levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 class Blessed Marie Rose Durocher 7–8:15 p.m. OHYHOV&RQÀUPDWLRQ))2, 8 a.m. Emilia Arroyo 12:05 p.m. Frances Yodice Thursday, October 7 11:30 a.m. church: Confessions Thursday, October 7 Our Lady of the Rosary After 12:05 p.m. Mass Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 8 a.m. Issa De La Cruz Tate 7:30 p.m. church: Benediction 12:05 p.m. Gretta Grennan Friday, October 8 On today’s cover is a detail of the fourth stained glass window on 8 a.m. William Joyce the south side of the church. Our Lady of the Rosary represents 12:05 p.m. John Sequeira the favorite form of asking the intercession of the Blessed Mother according to her own wish expressed in giving the rosary to Saturday, October 9 St. Dominic. Its companion stained glass window is that of Saint Denis St. of the Dominican order. Her name Rose Saint John Leonardi recalls that the rosary takes it name from the Crown of Roses for Our 8 a.m. Lawrence Doyle Lady. (Source: The Parish Monthly, 1936) 12:05 p.m. Sr. Benigna 5 p.m. Bruno Remember Our Deceased Ines Amador Aida C. Lopes Thomas P. Clarke Corazon Mendoza Remember Our Sick Catherine Clements Rose A. Munoz Svetlana Abramova, Man-Wing Au-Yeung, Marylou Bagasan, Sonia Deacon Gregory Dixon Janet Vecino Seguran Baxter, Donald Begola, Shania Brennan Clemente, Taylor Calder, Jeffrey Nadia Ferrer Peter E. Vairo Carrasquillo, Geraldine Casserly, Martha Catel, Mary Rose Crow, Tracy Elena La Mura Cuva, Maria Daulo, John Di Biasi, Melinda DiMurro, Brian Donohue, Norman Doucette, Baby Luka Dudashvili, Helen F. Flores, Marie Giorgi, Pat Gmerek, Alex Guttierez, Graciela Guzman, Elizabeth Hansen, We pray for the men and women of our Tommy Jorge, Cipriana Jorge, Bob Keegan, Julie Lee, Ann Longobardi, Armed Forces serving in the U.S. and abroad Jason M., Florence Mannino, Artur Mavashev, Marina Mavasheva, Louis Mavashev, Joan Michelli, Sylvyanne Mullholand, Ferbian T. Penaflor, Eric Böhm, Sergio Borrero, Thaddeus Buenaventura, Ricardo Cantillo, Maureen Piatt, Bonnie Post, Victoria Rodriguez, Sally Roth, Beatriz Sainz, Bobby DiTroia, Armando Fellin, Andrew Gonzalez, A. Jay James, William Dr. Anthony Sarro, Scaturro family, Tony Simomes, James F. Smith, Robert (Will) Klos, Michael Le Floch, Louis Mannino, Gabriella Mattson, Justin Sorsaia, Remington Stafford, Lacey Straeghtly, Robert D. Scudellari Sr., Pabse, Rodney Ross, McNeely Royal, Jose J. Vaz, Mollie Rae Whitley, William Sen Trinh, Jorge Vasilescu, Maria Viesta, Lyle Vestermark, Wai-Suet Wong, Teresa Wong, Brittany Zaita—and all parishioners currently in nursing Youssef, Phillip Whitley. Please pray for all who risk their lives for our KRPHVKRVSLWDOVRUFRQÀQHGWRWKHLUKRPHV VDIHW\LQFOXGLQJSROLFHÀUHFRUUHFWLRQVDQGPLOLWDU\SHUVRQQHO WELCOME! Sound-enhancing assistive listening device is available if you have trouble hearing during Mass. Visit the sacristy IRULQIRUPDWLRQ,I DGLVDELOLW\PDNHVLWGLIÀFXOWIRU\RXWRIXOO\SDUWLFLSDWHDW0DVVRURWKHUDFWLYLWLHVRI RXUSDULVKFRQWDFWRXUParish Advocate for Persons with Disabilities, Karen Mongiello, at [email protected], to make your special needs known. 407 - Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Page 2 October 3, 2021- Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Times 7KLV:HHN·V5HÁHFWLRQ Order of Mass from Catholic Social Teaching Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Times Respect for Life Sunday: St. Joseph, Cycle B—Choir Mass 11:15 a.m. Faithful Protector of Mother and Child ENTRANCE Missal #426—“All the Earth” Dear St. Joseph, you who were able to turn a problem into a possibility by trusting always in divine providence, help us to MASS PARTS: Mass of Creation imitate your faithful trust and courage. (USCCB) FIRST READING: Genesis 2:18-24 REFLECT: “The infant Christ came into our world in a state RESPONSORIAL PSALM of great vulnerability. He needed to be defended, protected, May the Lord bless us all the days of our lives. cared for and raised by Joseph. The humble and often hidden carpenter of Nazareth accompanied Mary in her pregnancy, SECOND READING: Hebrews 2:9-11 assisted at the birth of the Messiah in a stable, presented GOSPEL: Mark 10:2-16 LQWKH7HPSOHÁHGZLWKKLVIDPLO\IDUIURPWKHLUKRPHODQGWR HOMILY protect them, and lovingly raised Jesus as his own son in the years to come. OFFERTORY “If a Man Love Me” (J. Roff)—Choir “While the angel of the Lord appeared to Mary to announce Missal #656—“When Love Is Found” that she would bring forth the Savior of the world, it was revealed to Joseph in a series of dreams how God’s plans COMMUNION ZRXOGEHEURXJKWWRIXOÀOOPHQW$V3RSH)UDQFLVKLJKOLJKWV “Ave Verum” (E. Elgar)—Choir ‘God trusted Joseph, as did Mary, who found in him someone Organ Meditation who would not only save her life, but would always provide Missal #602—“I Have Loved You” for her and her child.’ CLOSING HYMN “Like every other human family, the Holy Family had to Missal #597—“For the Beauty of the Earth” confront real and concrete challenges. Yet, in every situation, -RVHSKGHFODUHGKLVRZQ¶ÀDW+LV¶\HV·WRWKH/RUGPHDQWWKDW Sunday Mass Online UHJDUGOHVVRI WKHKDUGVKLSDQGSHUVRQDOVDFULÀFHWRKLPVHOI 9 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. Livestream he consistently chose to put the needs of Mary and Jesus ourladyqueenofmartyrs.org/webcast before his own. Joseph’s devotion helps reveal to us our own Daily Mass Online call to show special care for the lives of those whom God has 8 a.m. & 12 p.m. Livestream Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph entrusted to us. netny.tv/masses ´'XULQJWKLV

If you are interested in Catholic social teaching, consider joining our Catholic Social Action Committee. Our next meeting, via Zoom, will be Tuesday, October 5th at 7 pm. For Zoom details, contact Chris at [email protected].

To learn more about the legislative issues that impact us as Catholics and KRZ\RXFDQH[SUHVV\RXURSLQLRQVWRRXUHOHFWHGRI¿FLDOVZHHQFRXUDJH you to sign up for “Action Alerts” from the New York State Catholic Conference: www.nyscatholic.org/nys-catholic-conference-action-center 407 - Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Page 3 Our Lady Queen of Martyrs - Forest Hills, New York Faith Sharing on Zoom AreA you looking to explore the Bible with others? Join a faith-sharing group.

Sunday Morning Bible Study meets 10–11 a.m. The group is currently discussing the Gospel of St. Mark. If you’d like to join them, contact Noila Johnson: [email protected]. Monday Evening Bible Study meets 7–8 p.m. Over the next several months, the Through the Word bible study group will engage scripture through “The Nicene Creed: Beholding the Fullness of Our Faith.” All are welcome and can join in the study at any time! For Zoom details, please contact Joe: [email protected].

RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults If you are interested in becoming Catholic or need to complete your Sacraments of Initiation, RCIA is the DQVZHUWR\RXUSUD\HUV7RÀQGRXWPRUHSOHDVHFRQWDFW [email protected] or call 718-268-6251, ext. 27, and leave a message (including a callback number). All emails and calls will receive a response. An inquiry form is available at our website at ourladyqueenofmartyrs.org/rcia.

Annual Catholic Appeal Update—and Reminder. LIVESTREAMING AT OLQM CHURCH When It is with great excitement and gratitude that we can report circumstances prevent you from being physically present in that through the generous support of 377 donors we have church for Mass, please connect with us online. Every Sunday surpassed our 2021 Annual Catholic Appeal goal! As of we livestream the 9 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Masses. If you miss a September 27, we have received paid pledges of $123,621. livestream broadcast, the entirety of the Sunday Mass is available All funds received over our $114,568 ACA goal are returned on demand at ourladyqueenofmartyrs.org/webcast using the to our parish. Outstanding pledges need to be completed by “past livestreams” link. December 31st. “A Christmas Festival” We are delighted to announce the return of a program of Advent and Christmas Music featuring our guest artist, the incomparable John Easterlin, and the Chorus of the Sacred Music Society with a selection of favorites and beloved carols. Our talented singers will lead you, the audience, as we lift our voices in song to the joyous sounds of the Advent and Christmas seasons. The date is December 12th at 4 p.m., and each ticket is $20 (children under 12 free). 407 - Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Page 4 HQVXUHD¿VFDOO\VRXQGSRVLWLRQZLWKRXWKDYLQJWRGHSHQGRQOHVVUHOLDEOHLQFRPHVWUHDPV RWKHULQFRPHVRXUFHV2XUJRDOLVWRFRYHUSDULVKH[SHQVHVWKURXJKKLJKHU¿UVWFROOHFWLRQVWR ekyIcm ed*21, 6XUSOXV 'H¿FLW Weekly IncomeNeeds* Parish GivingOnline 2nd Collection Special collectionsdonotaccruetotheparish. Special Collection: * TOTAL In-Church Subtotal(842attending) 1st Collection Candle Offerings Weekly Collection Mail In possible futureannouncements. meetings, forgroup [email protected] you have attendedOLQMbereavement notice. If further canceled. Futuremeetingsaretemporarilysuspendeduntil Group meetingspreviouslyscheduled forOctoberare Passenant at718-268-6251. Additional informationonleavingalegacygift isavailable Amount neededweeklytomeetchurchexpenses.Figuresunaudited. your willandestateplanning. You mayspeakdirectlytoBishopSanchezorFather Please remembertheRomanCatholicChurch ofOurLadyQueenMartyrsin Bereavement Support Group Update Group Bereavement Support (Release Time/Rel.Ed.) at ourladyqueenofmartyrs.org/planned-giving. Earthquake ReliefforHaiti October 3,2021- Twenty-seventh Times SundayinOrdinary September 26 7RWDOVGRQRWUHÀHFW $ 1,044.00 19 10,275.00 ( $1,309.00 2,109 1,864.00 5,154 7,367 3,711.07 ,140 250.00 .93) .07 .00 .00 Page 5 Page . welcome. welcome. social distancing.masks andobserving Newmembersare in church, onTuesdays at7:30p.m. We willbewearing We inthechoir areholdingchoir loft rehearsalsagain, business hours. during Mass requestandoffering,callorvisittherectory anykind,ortomake a bulletin. To amemorialof arrange thememorializedwillbepublishedin Names of theWineandHosts, Lamp, Sanctuary orAltarFlowers. of Consider honoringadeceasedloved onewithamemorial [email protected] Disabilities Advocate: [email protected] Deacon GregKandra: [email protected] 5&,$2I¿FH [email protected] 5HOLJLRXV(GXFDWLRQ2I¿FH [email protected] 3DVWRUDO&DUH2I¿FH [email protected] OLQM Catholic Academy [email protected] Bulletin Subjects: [email protected] $GPLQLVWUDWRU¶V2I¿FH [email protected] 3DVWRU¶V2I¿FH [email protected] 5HFWRU\2I¿FH BY EMAIL We Pleasejoinus. need60participants. Living Rosary after the1p.m. Mass Sunday -October3 Memorialize aLoved One In theChurchPlaza ot ftheRosary Month of Attention, Singers! Attention, Singers! October Contact Us — www.olqmca.org OLQM Catholic Academy: .com/olqmstewardship YouTube @OLQMChurch Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: ourladyqueenofmartyrs.org ONLINE 718-268-6251, ext.*843 OLQM CharityOutreach: 718-268-6251, ext.*827 5&,$2I¿FH 718-263-0907 5HOLJLRXV(GXFDWLRQ2I¿FH 718-263-2622 OLQM Catholic Academy:  DIWHURI¿FHKRXUV Emergency (lastrites)  718-268-6251 5HFWRU\2I¿FH BY TELEPHONE

407-Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Our Lady Queen of Martyrs - Forest Hills, New York Catholic High School Open Houses Parents and students should contact the school admissions offices for more information. RSVPs and advanced registration required.

REGIS H.S. (boys) NOTRE DAME (girls) 55 East 84th St. 327 W. 13th St. Manhattan Monday, October 11 Sunday, October 24 1–4 p.m. Registration required 2:30–5 p.m. RSVP required 212-288-1100, ext 2057 212-620-5575, ext 318 [email protected] | www.regis.org www.cheznous.org

HOLY CROSS (boys) 26-20 Francis Lewis Blvd. Flushing Download the 2021–2022 Catholic High School Guide Sunday, October 17 of and at catholicschoolsbq.org to 12–4 p.m. RSVP required learn more about the schools, open house dates, and 718-886-7250, ext 524 future Catholic High School Expos. [email protected] | www.holycrosshs.org

Attention 8th DioceseofBrooklyn.org/PrayforMe Graders! ONLINE PRAYER REQUESTS TACHS Registration Looking Ahead: 2022 Pilgrimages Deadline October 24 Passion Play Pilgrimage, May 17–26. Visit Germany All current grade 8 students in public, private, and Catholic and Austria for the Oberammergau Passion Play. Bishop schools who plan to attend a Catholic high school must Octavio Cisneros, spiritual director; Father Frank Schwarz, complete the TACHS admission exam. Register today chaplain. For more information and a brochure, call Peters to take the exam at home, online on November 6. Way Tours, 516-606-1551. Registration is $65 and will allow students to select three **** high schools. Go to www.tachsinfo.com or call 866-618- 10th World Meeting of Families with Francis, 2247 for detailed exam registration information, the TACHS June 20–30. Travel to with the Office of Family Life Student Handbook, and an eligibility form. and the Diocese of Brooklyn. Visits to Assisi, Siena, and Florence. For information and brochure, contact Regina Tours. Call 1-800-Catholic, ext. 232, or email fciraolo@ Project 2021–2022 groupist.com. Monthly vocation discernment retreats for young men (high school and college students) starting November 2021 through Healing after Abortion June 2022 at the Center (Douglaston, Do you know someone who is carrying the grief of a past Queens). Students arrive Friday at 5 p.m. and depart Sunday at 1 abortion? Experience the love and mercy of God to begin p.m. and are under the direction of Fr. Chris Bethge, vocations the journey of healing during a Day of Prayer and Healing. director for the Diocese of Brooklyn/Queens. For schedule Upcoming dates in the NYC area are October 30 and and questions, email [email protected] or call the November 13 (Spanish))RUORFDWLRQVDQGFRQÀGHQWLDO 9RFDWLRQV2IÀFH)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXW registration, call the Sisters of Life, 866-575-0075 or email the priesthood and discernment, visit www.brooklynpriests.org. KRSHDQGKHDOLQJ#VLVWHUVRÁLIHRUJ. Community News Free Speech and Hearing Screenings Do you have to ask people to repeat themselves? Do you have JOIN NYC’S FINEST. Register for the NYPD Police ringing in one or both ears? Now through December 9, you Officer Exam. Registration period: October 6 through can arrange to have a free screening with a hearing professional November 3, 2021. Exam is free of charge at nyc.gov/ at the St. John’s University Speech and Hearing Center oasys. For more information visit NYPDRecruit.com or call (152-11 Union Turnpike, Flushing). Call today, 718-990-6480, 212-RECRUIT. to schedule an appointment. 407 - Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Page 6 Matt Hunter R.J. Wellbrock, Inc. Attorney at Law PLUMBING & HEATING Wills/Estates/Probate 718-268-5200 • 718-268-5201 DOUGLAS WELLBROCK Licensed Master Plumber • Lic # 1429 268-8835 107-17 Metropolitan Ave. Forest Hills Forest Hills, NY 11375 PODIATRIST/FOOT SPECIALIST (718) 793-3223 DR. STEPHEN B. CHERNICK Board Certifi ed in Podiatric Medicine Serving the Community for Over 35 Years 112-41 Queens Blvd. • Ste. LLB • Forest Hills, New York 11375 Mallory’s Army PROFESSIONAL PET PORTRAITS MANNY’S CLEANERS by ROBERT MURPHY Free Pick-Up & Delivery Foundation 917-715-4577 718-520-0679 United Together In The 94-06 63rd Dr. • Rego Park, NY 72-31 Austin St. • Forest Hills, NY Fight Against Bullying... [email protected] WE GLADLY ACCEPT U.S.D.A FOOD STAMPS fb@robert murphy FREE DELIVERY (WITH ORDERS OVER $35) Don’t Just Teach Kindness... PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED ($8 SERVICE CHARGE). 718-268-4243 BE KINDNESS! www.MallorysArmy.com 114-03 Queens (973) 440-8657 [email protected] It’s easy to join our mailing list! Forest Hills, NY 11375 Just send your email address by text message: Text MALLORYSARMY Orchard/Foodtown to 22828 to get started. of Forest Hills 718-263-0800 Message and data rates may apply. 110-44 Queens Boulevard MICCICHE Forest Hills, NY 11375 718-544-5656 Delivery Available Hours Monday-Saturday 7am - 10pm Compassionate, Professional, and Experienced Funeral Directors Sunday 8am - 9pm Newly Renovated, Large Spacious Rooms and Ample Parking CONNECTING Reasonable Rates • Pre-planning and Seminars Available businesses to customers (Conveniently located two blocks away from the church) in realtime! www.ForestParkFunerals.com 718-544-1246 73-01 Austin St. The fi rm is owned by a subsidiary of Service Corp. International 1929 Allen Parkway, Houston, TX 713-522-5141 Forest Hills, NY 11375 AUSTIN RIDESHARE HOUSE DINER ZONE RESTAURANT S top 718-544-2276 • 718-544-1927 72-04 Austin St. Forest Hills A sk Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Open 7 Days M atch Free Delivery I nform #WHATSMYNAME

8566 115TH ST. | RICHMOND HILL 61-40 WOODHAVEN BLVD. | REGO PARK 407 Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, Forest Hills, NY (i) John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • www.jppc.net Q. BAXTER Fox 1911-1985 S. NOEL BAXTER WAYNE C. BAXTER Funeral Home, Inc. THADDEUS W. BAXTER A Forest Hills Landmark (718) 268-7711 Established 1906 DANFORD S. BAXTER 888-804-5616 Three Generations 98-07 ASCAN AVENUE FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 • All Funeral Services Offered • Pre-Arrangement Services Available Eൽඐൺඋൽ Tඈඋඋൾඌ, ർඉൺ Martha (Hampton) Liubicich Aർർඈඎඇඍංඇ඀ ๟ Tൺඑ Sൾඋඏංർൾඌ Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Cell 917 774-7123 G਒ਅਁਔ Pਅ਒ਓਏ਎ਁ਌ Sਅ਒ਖਉਃਅ [email protected]

HHOW O W YYOU O U CCAN A N HHELP E L P OOUR U R 70-50 Austin Street, Suite 101 CCOMMUNITY, O M M U N I T Y, OURSPONSORSOUR SPONSORS Forest Hills, NY 11375 Our sponsors pay for our parish bulletin. Help us support them, thank them, and show them (718) 261-9600 Fax: (718) 261-3357 the app when you visit their establishments. Email: [email protected] Premier Cosmetic Dentist in Forest Hills

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