June 28, 2018 HTS NEWS IN SYRIA


HIGHLIGHTS HTS claims targeting the regime forces in the countryside of Lattakia, northern , and Daraa; following a massive regime and Russian offensive in Daraa, HTS, Hurras al- Din, Ansaruddin, and Ansarullah join forces in southern Syria; al-Bunyan al-Marsous Operation Room claims attacking Hezbollah forces in Daraa; Ebaa reports regime and Russian airstrikes focused in Daraa.

• Ebaa News Agency released a video showing HTS immersers in a special operation inside areas of the Syrian regime in Jabal al-Turkman, in the countryside of Lattakia.

• HTS also reportedly targeted the regime army’s strongholds in al-Zahra co-op and al-Castala neighborhood in northern Aleppo. Ebaa shared a video of the operation.


• The artillery brigade of HTS claimed firing mortar shells at gatherings of the regime army in Bashmara village in northern Aleppo. Ebaa shared photos of the attack.

• Ebaa reported that factions in Daraa targeted the positions of the regime army in Sakaka, al-Dara, al-Radar Battalion, and in the death triangle, achieving direct hits. According to an announcement of the Central Operations Room in southern Syria, the leader of the al-Nimr Militia, Colonel Haytham Ahmad ‘Abboud, was killed during battles that took place in the eastern countryside of Daraa. • Following an appeal by HTS calling for the formation of an operation room in southern Syria, Hurras al-Din, Ansaruddin, and Ansarullah announced their readiness to support Daraa. • Al-Bunyan al-Marsous Operation Room claimed besieging and killing elements from Hezbollah. According to Ebaa, the operation room targeted the regime positions in al-Sajna neighborhood in Daraa, using a “very potent” “Umar” rocket, and a locally-made “” rocket which resulted in deaths and injuries in their ranks.


• According to Ebaa, the security apparatus of HTS arrested Sa’d al-Hunayti, an IS leader, in the city of al-Dana.

• Regime airstrikes were reported in Kafr Hamra, ‘Andan, and al-Salah in the northern countryside of Aleppo; the towns of Nahta, Suma, Kafr Nasih, al-Harak, al-Karak al-Majidalin, al-Masirfra, al- Na’ima, Barqa, Basr al-Harir in the countryside of Daraa.

• Ebaa Network reported a large scale offensive in Daraa and its countryside by the Russian aircraft which targeted the villages and towns of Basr al-Harir, Masika, al-Kark al-Sharqi, al-Barik, Soor al- Laja, al-Maliha al-Gharbiya, Nahta, Zakhim, al-Maliha, al-Soora, ‘Aasim al-Kajah, ‘Alma, al-‘Attish, Daraa al-Balad, Kahil, al-Jiza, al-Masifra, Saida, al-Latiba.


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