Medical News
846 old wards must be reopened. A return of the cost of small- Evans, George Harrison, M.B. Edin., Birmingham ; April, 1863. in the has been sent to the Goodsall, David Henry, L R.C.P. Lond., Finsbury-sqnare; May, 1868. pox patients infirmary corpora- Harvey, William, L.S.A., Indian Army; January, 1862. tion, which shows that the average cost per head per week Jouhert, Charles Henry, M.B. Lond., Ruyal Victoria Hospital, Netley; for food, fuel, bedding, clothing, &c., is lIs. 6d., and that May, 1868. incurred for medical and nurses is 2s. Railton;’l’l1omas Carleton, M.B. Lond., Manchester ; January, 1869. attendance, drugs, Sympson, Thomas, L.R.C.P. Edin., Lincoln; July, 18,17. In Walsall, Dr. Drewry, the newly-appointed medical Wells, John Soelberg, M.D. Edm., Savile-row; December, 1860. officer of is in to health, actively engaged endeavouring At the same meeting the following Members were ad- arrest the of the extensive revaccina- progress epidemic by mitted Fellows of the College by election :- tion ; but the mortality is very high, no less than thirty-one Allen, Robert Marshall, Deputy Inspector-General, Brackley, North- cases of death from small-pox occurring during the past amptonshire. week. Weekes, Henry, L.S.A., Barnstaple, Devon. The authorities of Wolverhampton, profiting by the lesson The Preliminary Examination in Arts &o. for the diploma of Fellow or Member of the of of taught by their recent sufferings, seem determined to be Royal College Surgeons will be held on at the of more vigorous in the future in putting down nuisances.
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