VOLUME 11, 1934





THE following table, giving a key to the dates of issue and the page numbers of the BRITISH MEDTCAL JOURNAL and SUPPLEMENT in the second volume for 1934, may prove convenient to readers in search of a reference. Serial Date of Journal Supplement No. Issuie Pages Pages 3835 J lily 7th 1- 48 1- 24 3836 14thi 49- 98 25- 36 3837 21st 99- 152 37- 44 3838 28th 153- 192 45- 84 3839 AuLg. 4th 193- 240 85 - 112 3840 11th 241- 290 .113- 124 3841 18th 291- 338 .125 - 148 3842 25th 339- 380 .149- 156 3843 Sept. 1st 381- 454 3844 8th 455- 498 .157- 164 3845 15thl 499- 538 .165 - 168 3846 22nid 539- 578 .169- 172 3847 29th 579- 618 .173- 180 3848 Oct. 6th 619- 664 .181- 192 3849 13th 665- 706 .193- 204 3850 20th 707- 754 .205- 212 3851 27tll 755- 796 .213 - 228 3852 Nov. 3rd 797- 844 .229 - 236 3853 10th 845- 890 .237 - 248 3854 17tl 891- 928 .249 - 260 3855 ,, 24th 929- 976 .261 - 268 3856 Dec. lst 977 - 1026 .269 - 280 3857 8th 1027 - 1086 .281 - 292 3858 15th 1087 - 1136 .293 - 300 3859 22n,d 1137 - 1186 .301 - 304 3860 29th 1187 - 1228 .305- 308 INDEX TiO VOLUMNE I1 F'OR 1934

READERS in search of a particular subject will find it useful to bear in mind that the references are in several cases distributed under two or more separate but nearly synonyrmous headings-such, for instance, as Brain and Cerebral; Heart and Cardiac; Liver and Hepatic; Renal and Kidney; Cancer and Carcinoma, Epithelioma, Malignant Disease, New Growth, Sarcoma, etc.; Child and Infant; Bronchocele, Goitre, and Thyroid; Diabetes, Glycosuria, and Sugar; Light, Roentgen, Radium, X Rays; Status Lymphaticus and Thymus; Eye, Ophthalmia, and Vision; Pyelography and Urography; Lunacy and Mental l)iseases; Sunlight and Ultra-violet; Bicycle and Cycle; Motor and Automobile; Association, Institution, and Society, etc. Subjects dealt witb under various main headings in the JOUR*AL have been set out in alphabetical order under their respective headings-for example, "Auinotations," "Correspondence," "Leading Articles," "Reviews," etc. Original Articles are indicated by the letter (0). For Obituary Notices see under Names of Individuals.

A. Adrenaline, after-effects o0 continued doses of, Anaemia and non-sspecific colitis (D. C. Hare), 538 162 (1) ABDERHALDEN, Emil. elected a corresponding Adrenaline, biological properties of(A. C. Marie), Anaemis, nutritional, 122, 526 foreign membet of the Vienna Academyv of 910 Anaemia, pernicious IJ. M. O'Donovan), 1071 Sciences. 337 Adrenaline and cerebral baemorrhage, 578 Anaemia, pernicious, blond films in, convenient Abdominal cyst. See Cyst Adrenaline in haemoptysis, intratracheal in- method of examining (G. H. H. Booth), 17 Abdominal pregnancy. See Pregnancy jections of,1123 Anaemia, pernicious, nature and treatment of AB13RCROMBIxE, Rt. H.: The swab in diphtheria ADRIAN, E. D.: Awarded a Royal Medal of the (leading article), 726 diagnosis, 373 Royal Society, 911-Discoverer of cortical Anaemia, splenic, pathological basis of (J. Aberdeen. See Scotland rhythm. 1129 McMichael), 225 ABERLE, S. B. D.: Vitamin A and nerve lesions, ADSON: The endocrine factor in essential hyper- Anaemia, yesterday and to-day (Francis J. 1053 tension, 261 O'Donnell), 915 Abortion. contagious, discussion on. 483 Advancement and tendon lengthening (W. B. Anaemias of pregnancy (G. D. Kersley and D. A. Abortion, contagious, and undulant fever in Inglis Pollock). 269 Mitchell), 720 (0) Northumberland (A. I. Messer), 856 (0) Aerophagy with meteorism, 843,1136 Anaemias and their treatment (Leslie Witts), ABRAHAMS, Adolphe: Publicity, 699 Africa, East: East African Medical Service, 830-Discussion, 830 ABRAHAmsON, Leonard: Adhesions in artificial information concerning, 447 Anaesthesia, chloroform, in maternity cases, pneumothorax, 790 Africa, South, Union of: Bantus, health of, 1222 ABRAM!, Professor: Rheumatoid arthritis, 127 recommendations of Departmental Com- Anaestbesia, chloroform - hyoscine. in labour Ab,scess, brain, review of book on, 772 mittee, 128-Female nurse aids, 129-Medicel (James Clark), 468 (0). See also Labouir Abscess. epidural spinal, case of (J. Mlintzman), aids, 128-Medical and nursing services in Anaesthesia, closed, with C02 absorption (W. B. 593 (0) the native territories. 128, 612-Public health Primrose), 223, 339 (0)-Discussion, 223-bead- Abscess of frontal lobe, extradermal. Jacksonian in, 479 ing article, 360-Correspondence on. 489 attacks in connexion with (Douglas Y. Richard- Africa, West: West African Medical Service, Anaesthesia, cocaine, firbt operation under, son), 1101 information concerning, 447 commemoration of. 663 Abscess of liver, non-troDical solitary (A. H. Agranulocytic angina (A. Daly Briscoe), 61(0). Anaestbesia, cyclopropane (W. Stanley Sykes', Holmes), 991 185-Correspondence on, 139,185 901 (0) Abscess, peritonsillar, haemorrhage from, 284, Agranulocytic angina in a diphtheria carrier Anaesthesia, deaths following (parliamentary 371, 491, 533, 612,'657 (A. Ford Tredre), 902 note), 926 Agranulocytosis (F. W. Madison and T. L. Anaesthesia, evipan, 40. 141, 201, 224, 285, 312- Squier), 29 {H. J. A. Simmons), 224-Discussion, 221- ACADEMY, ROYAL. OF IN IRELAND: Agriculture, control of poisons in (parliamentary Correspondence on, 285, 322, 534. 656, 700, 706- Election of Fellows, 607 note), 887 On a full stomach, 656, 700. See also Sodium Section of Medicine.-Adhesions in artificial AINsWORTH, Norman J.: Residual infection of evipan pneumothorax, 790-Gee's disease, 918. 1026- the jaws, 834 Anaesthesia, evipan, in ophthalmic surgery A correction, 1026 AINSWORTH, Major-General R. B., appointed (T. Keith Lyle and F. G. Fenton), 589 (0) Section of Obstetrics antd Gynaecology.- Officer of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Anaesthesia, intratracheal (R. W. Shaw), 1217 Some personal prejudices, 917 - Operation 24 Anaesthesia in maternity cases. 1015.1128, 1222 masks. 1013-Cervical myoma, 1013 AINSWORTH-DAVIS, J. C. * Chronic cervicitis, Anaesthesia, nitrous oxide and air, in the mid- Section of Pathology.-Growth of B. coli in 935(0)- Diathermy cutting current in cervi- wifery of general and hospital practice (John water, 919 citis, 316, 935 Elam), 1196 (0) Sectionof Surgerv.-Acutecholecystitis.879- Air. compressed, ruDture of the sigmoid from Anaesthesia, personal factors influencing (H. P. The intratracheal method of anaesthesia, (H J. Nightingale), 860 Crampton), 877 1217 Aircraft, control of infection by, in Sudan (par- Anaesthesia, review of books on, 168, 555 liamentary note), 1134 Anaesthesia, spinocain (J. U. A. Norman), 271 Accidents, road. 96, 213. 887-Doctors summoned Air Force, Royal: Information concerning the Anaesthetic explosions from static dischar ge in, 96-Emergency treatment for, 213-Figures, medical branch of the, 'l41-Appointments, 966 887 - Leading article on, 213 - Motor, in the 453-Annual report on the health of for 1933, Anaesthettc, local, for nasal work, 380 United States, 753-Parliamentary notes on. 1110-Sea also Supplement Index Anaesthetic shield for use in mastoid opera- 96,887.1084-Pedal cyclists and, 96-In mines Air, transport of invalids by, 538 tions, 518 and quarries in 1933,1084 Air warfare, disease carriers in (parliamentary Anaquintine nasal drops, 1202 Accidents in sewers: Report, 367 note), 96 Anatomy, review of books on, 18, 118, 861. 992 Acetllcholine bromide, 635 AITKEN, Charles J. Hill: Labour and heart ANDERSON, A. Greig: Organic and functional Aehlorhydria (Arthur F. Hurst), 218, 665 (0) disease, 578-The G. P.'s nightmare, 796- nervous disorders, 267 -Discussion, 218 LabelliDg patients, 1086 ANDERSON, J. Barcrofs: Priapism after circum- Acid child " and rheumatism. See Rheu- AITIEN, McCrae: Pott's paraplegia, 1012 cision, 1025 matism AITREN, Robert: Rodent ulcer in the young, ANDERSON, J. H.: Achlorhydria, 218 Acid extract of anterior pituitary. See Pituitary 1044 ANDREASEN, A. T.: Bilateral rupture of the Aota Cancrologica, first number of. 770 Alcoholic cirrhosis. See Cirrhosis tendon of extensor pollicis longus, 515 .etaBadiologica. Supplementum XIX: Effects ALEXANDER, Browning: Seaside resorts for ANDREWES, C. H.: The mouse and influenza of x rays on the lungs (Rolf Bull Enselstad), respiratory disease, 31 virus, 817 364-No. XIV: The ionization method of ALEXANDER, G. F.: Ocular Dioptrics and Lenses, ANDROss, Mary (and Mary MACKIERDY): Cheap measuring the intensity and absorption of rev., 258 Diets representing a Week's Meals, rev., 20 Roentgen rays (Dr. Thoraeus), 906 Alkali reserve in asthma, 531, 611, 836 Aneurysm, subelavian (left) and cervical rib ADAM, James: Asthma in children, 330-Alkali Alkaline treatment of coryza, 1222 (T. G. Quinn and George Davison), 808 (0) reserve in asthma. 531-Aetiology and treat- ALLEN, Bernard M.: Sir Robert Morant. A Angel of Death," 885 ment of asthma, 1070 Great Public Servanit, rev., 1102 ANGEL'UCCI, Arnardo, deatli of, 335 ADAMs, A. Wilfrid: Pelvic cellulitis of unknown ALLEN, H. W.: Headache following lumbar Angina, agranulocytic (A. Daly Briscoe), 61 (0), origin, 17-Use of fascia lata sutures, 922 puncture. 349 (0) 185-Correspondeace on, 139,185 ADAMs, E. W.: Recepst Researches on the Nature Allergic factors in rbinorrhoea and nasal catarrh Angina, agranulocytic, in a diphtheria carrier and Therapy of Pernicious Anaemia, 726 (Theodore Just), 587 (0) (HX. Ford Tredre), 902 Adaptor, electrioal mains, for diagnostic set, Allergic state (O. C. W. Prausnitz), 960 Angina pectoris, total thyroidectomy in treat- 1048 Allergy, metabolism,and the autonomic nervous ment of (O. Brenner, Hugh Donovan, and Addendum. 152 systeIn C. Paget Fapage). 985 (O)-Correspon- B. L. S. Murtagh). 624 (0) ADDISON, Ro. Hon. Christopher:-Four anid a dence on. 1086 Angina, tobacco, 922 Half Years: A Personal Diary from June. Allergy, review of books on, 812. 1047, 1104 Animal behaviour, study of, 523 1914, tooJanisary, 1919. rev.. 209 ALLISON, Andrew (and others): Election to Animal Diseases Research Association: Report, ADDISON. 0. L., appointed consulting surgeon General Medical Council, 880-Representation 180 to the Infants Hospital, Westminster, 289 of Scotland. 880 Animal life, study of, 361, 523 Addison's disease due to malignant involvement ALLISON. P. R.: After-treatment of empyema, Animals, experiments on (parliamentary note), of the solar plexus (Franklin eBicknell), 206 881 188, 237 (0) ALL5OPP. C. B. (and F. TWYMANI: The Practice Addison's disease, treatment of (R. Benard and of Absorption Spectrophntometry with Hilger Annotations: G. Thoyer), 637 Instruments, second edition, rev., 814 Adrenaline, biological properties of, 910 Additional Imports Duties Orders (parliamentary ALPORT. Major A. Cecil:-The Lighter Side of Agranulocytosis, 29 note), 925 the War: Experience of a Civilian in Uniform, Air Force, Royal, health of. 1110 Adenoid and tonsil operations, results of rev.. 356 Anaemia, nutritional, 122 (B. Elizabeth Nesbitt). 509 (0) Alps, English children in the, 498 Animal behaviour, study of, 523 Adenoid. See also Tonsil Ambulance services (parliamentary note), 96 Animal life, the study of, 361 Adenomyoma of recto-vaginal septum (J. E. Ambulances for maternity work, 955 Annual Representative Meeting, 174 Stacey), 1122 AMBUIIGER, Dr., appointed to the chair of Apothecaries' Hall, reception at, 1000 Adenotome, La Force, modified, 119 clinical medicine at Chicago, 576 Arterial hypertension, aetiology of, 1057 ADKINS, George, obituary notice of, 886 AMEuILLE: La granulie froide, 815 Auricular fibrillation and flutterof unknown ADLER: Endometrial hyperplasia, 818 Amidol poisoning, 617 aetiology, 950 ADLER, Alfred (and F, G. CROOKSHANK): Indi- Amnesia, chloroform-hyoscine, in labour (James Australian Cancer Conference, 911 siduai Psychology and Sexual Diffictaties, Clark), 468 (0) See also Anaesthesia, chloro- Bacteriophage therapy, 1110 rev., 724 form, and Labour Barbiturate poisoning in France, 263 Adoption of Children (Workmen's Compensa- Anaemia, aspects of (G. R. Minot), 1067 Becontree, problems of. 1207 tion) Act. 147 Anaemia, cardiac hypertrophy in, 216 Bibliography, the A B C of, 691 JOURN. 2 4 1934] r THE BRITISH JULY-DEc., INDEX IMEDICAL JOURNAl. =

Annotations (continued): Annotations (continued):| ARMSTRONG,S. Report on the Dufferin and disease in 729 R.: Rilharzia , Oculist-and optician in Europe, 312 Ava Hospital, Belfast,607 Biochemistry and nutrition, 125 910 Old Bailey, centenary celebration at the. ARMSTRONG, T. P.: Poor Law medical officers' in medical history, 477 case 1001 Biography Ophthalmology, the history in, salaries (county Wexford), 1167 welfare of the, 647 of Nations: a new Blind, Opium and the League ARMSTRONG-JONES,SirRobert: Use of narcotics. Blood count, normal, variations In the, 867 source of morphine, 604 vessels, 222-Occupational therapy,486 Blood superficial ocular, function of Oxford and the history of science, 911 Army, British: Commissions in the Royal Army the, 362 Parathyroid and calculi, 1157 urinary Medical Corps, 661-Infonnation concerning Book of Bournemouth, 174 Parathyroidectomy, the first, 216 the Royal Army Medical Corps.440 Sir Henry, 214 Pathological Museum at Bournemouth, 214 Brackenbury, ARaNIsoN, W. D. (and G. Gray The British of 177 TURNER): Journal Tuberculosis, Phrenicectomy, 999 School of Medicine, 1834- Budget, next 1158 262 Newcastle-upon-Tyne tear's, Pictorial art and the medical profession, 1934, 686, 817 Cancer, International Union for Combating, Medical School, 777 Post-Graduate British, Aron: A new diagnostic test for cancer, 176, 1208 Pregnancy, prolongation of, 177 1156 Cancer, new test for, 176 1156 diagnostic Psychotherapeutic follow-up, Arauivos de Medicina Legal research, a mare's nest 1156 Identificagao, Cancer in. Public health In South Africa, 479 August issue devoted to proceedings Carbon dioxide for the newborn, 728 Quintuplets, the, 562 Congress of Identification, 814-Contents Cardiac hypertrophy in anaemia, 216 Rabies virus, separation of from brain tissue, cortex and July issue.1202 Cerebral gastro-intestinal motility, 124 in relation to the keratin (Sydney 646 Arsenic Radioactivity, artificial, 688 Smith and B. B. Hendry) 675 (0) Cheese-paring at Geneva, 602 Radiological treatment of cancer: League of Arterial disease and rheumatism. Chest injuries and pulmonary tuberculosis, Nations conference, 217 matismn 689 Radiologists hospitals, 645 and Arterial embolism. See Embolisni Child guidance in London, 868 Radium protection of. 952 workers, Arterial hypertension. See Hypertension Convulsions, infantile, 522 Red Cross and St. John, 524 occlusion (R. arteries rheumatic Arteries, coronary, Grant),224 Coronary in fever, 561 Remedies, new and non-official, 217 -Discussion, 224 Corpus luteum, formation of the, 1056 Body relaxes, 175 Representative Arteries, coronary, in rheumatic training of, 28 " 602 Cripples, Rheumatism and the acid child," Karsner and F. Crystalline cortin, 363 Royal Society awards, 911 Bayless), Arteries, thyroid,ligation of Curie, Marie, 72 Scarlet fever, period of isolation in, 215 See also Goitre Cystic disease of the 778 a lung, Seeing and Human Welfare, 729 Artery, external iliac, and ligature Deaf, National Institute for the, 563 Lecture, 866 vein, Semon man aged 67 (Robert Rutherford), 553 Dental surgeon's place in a general Skeletal muscle pain, of, 563 hospital, causation Artery, innominate, ligature of the, 38 562 inherited, 777 Small-pox, Arthritis, rheumatoid, appliance for, Diabetes, increased mortality from, 175 Snake venom for haemophilia, 867 Arthritis, rheumatoid, discussion Diphtheria, case mortality of, 603 and metabolism, 477 Spleen carbohydrate national Congress for Study Chronic Diphtheria diagnosis, the swab 476 1208 Rheu- iD, Stomach and blood formations, matism, 126 Diphtheria immunization in Leningrad, 1003 1002 Strangeways Research Laboratory, See also and scarlet fever, world Arthritis, rheumatoid. Diphtheria prevalence Surgical scholarship, 779 deaths from (parliamentary note). 123 Asbestosis, of. Swimming baths, 313 974 Dixon Memorial Lecture, 868 tests with scant supply of serum, Syphilis reaction genital " Doctor from Padua," 909 Aschheim-Zondek tubercu- 953 losis (J. St. George Wilson), Drug addiction, problems of, 690 medical, international and Terminology. AscoLI. Maurizio haemoptysis: Drugs, dangerous, traffic in in 28- national, 523 *-Treatment Egypt, intratracheal injections adrenaline, of in, 478 262 Control traffic Toe-nail, ingrowing, Ascorbic acid. See Vitamin Drugs, new, for old, 646 Tonsils and the rheumatic child, 953 AsH., E. Baylis: Removal tattoo Educational Number (1934), 364 Tuberculous 1108 rheumatism, AsEBY, Hugh T.: Pyloric stenosis. Endometrial hyperplasia, 818 Undernourishment and unemployment, 561 A ASHDOWN, A. Millicent: Complete of Evipan anaesthesia, 312 217 SjStem Undulant fever in Austria, Nursing for Male Nurses, rev.. Fathers of odontology, 1COO Unemployed, needs of the, 311 Mastoiditis Fee-splitting in 262 AsHER0ON, N.: Acute Otitis and Canada, United States, the depression and health in Geteral Practics. A Mantualfor Prateitionere Fight against dises se, 818 the, 313 and rev., 681 Five days week, 1109 Water pollution, 1206 Students. AsEIFouD, Bailey Kelly, obituary Wood poisoning by ducks' eggs, 1002 in, 11C9 causes Whooping-cough, prophylaxis ASEMORE, W. H.: Ovarian pelvic Fractures of the neck of the femur, 123 X-ray and radium protection, 689 Fractures the pain, 267 of newborn, treatment of, 363 Xrays, effects of on the lungs, 364 Advancement Galactose tolerance test, 1057 Association. American, Gee's disease, 728 Science awards its nrize, of etc., 47, Goiter, Announcements forthcoming events, Association, American, General Medical Council, 96, 150, 289, 336, 379, 496, 537, 576, 1055-Elections, 817, 191. 2S9, 616, offers the Van Meter prize, 868, 1003 842, 888,927, 974,1023, 1084, 1135, and 662, 704. 752, 795, Association, American Medical: General practitioner, articles for the, 1058 1185, 1226 Official Remedies, 646 Gold therapy in W. pulmonary tuberculosis, 727 Anopheles mnaculipenntis. subspecies of (L. Animal Research: Report. Gordon Memorial College, Khartum, 648 Hackett), 134 Association, 524 180 Guttadiaphot, Ante-natal care, are we satisfied with the results Association, issues Guy's Hospital, clinical research 690 of? (John S. Fairbairn) 193 (O)-(F. J. Automobile, at. Browne) of its London map, Hasmoptysis, treatment of, 364 197 F. 194 336-(Ethel Cassie) (O)-(George British: (0), Association, Annual meeting, Aber- Haernostasis, subcutaneous, in animal operations, Buchan)(199(O)-t)iscussion, 220-A correction, deen (1934). 523, 525, 'f 648 338 Hall Institute of Research, Melbourne, 819 behaviour, 523 525- Ante-natal care and the maternal death rate: Hardy memorial lecture, Harveian festival, 778 at the Royal of Disctission Society Medicine, 526-Nutrition and disease, 526-Physiblogy Harvey and literature, 124 1009-Correspondence on. 1176 vision, 557-Psychology social Health and the architect, 1058 Ante-natal care and obstetric diplomas (leading 557-Sleep and hypnosis. Health exhortation from Scotland, 691 article), 643 557-Vocatinal guidance, 558-Vitamin Ca.558-0ow's 558 Health work of the League of Nations. 72 Ante-natal clinics (parliamentary note), 1225 &ssociation, British Dental: conferenoo Heat and light, influence of on the nasal Ante-natal and post-natal care, team work in: in Dundee, 368 mucosa, 951 Discussion at Public Health Congress, 996 Leprosy and Association, Empire Heredity tuberculosis, 1055 Ante-natal record card, 976 of Hospital advertising, 1207 of, 140 Change address, Ante-natal work, British criticism Association, Resorts, 88, Hospital developments, English, 479 Ante-natal work and reduced maternal mor- 1049-Annual meeting, 1049onference at Hunterian museum, 263 tality. See Mortality factors in reduction of 31-Seaside respiratory Icterus gravis neonatorum, 73 Anthrax (Mario Mazzucchi), 481 Cromer, half-yearly, disease, 31-Climatic disease, Indexes, 74,125 Anthrax in a slaughtered cow, 530 -Correspondence on, Industrial bealth research, 647 Antimalaria campaign in Rhododaphnia (G. Influenza, 1205 Association, British Annual meeting, Berdaris), 714. See also Malaria Bournemouth 214, Jackson, Chevalier, and endoscopy, 522 (parliamentary note). 925. (1934), 22, 174, Anti-noise Committee 262, 276.281, 498-Bournemouth neighbour, Lenses, patented, 1158 See also Noise hood. 22-President's climAte and Leptospirosis, recent work on, 727 serum, on, 733 Anti-plague researches 172-Leading health, 153. l17--The Let tbere be light, 729 Antiseptics in of bacterial article control infections Book of Bournemouth, Lewisham Hospital, 729 H. 318, 579 (0)-Discussion, 318 174-Leading (C. Browning). on the meeting, musbum. London County Council and the sterilization serum for "rheumatic" Antistreptococcal 214-Exhibition of pictorial art, 262-Populair report, 73 affections (Robert Coopeand F. Pygott), 1217 276- lecture: Foods, fads, fashions, Louping-ill in man, 261 Antityphoid inoculation in Japan (M. Tsurumi), Bournemouth services, 281-Surgical Lung, human,intrinsic nervous mechanism of 985 the, 865 films: an acknowledgement. Antrum, pyogenic infection of (Herbert Tilley), Association, Medical, Malaria in Trinidad and Tobago, 477 869 British ADnual meeting, 866. Melbourne (1935), sketch Manchester Medical Society, centenary of, 72 rupture of (K. 0. Evensen), 631 Aorta, of Melbourne of the city Greig), 730- Maternal mortality, 908 Apothecaries' Hall of Ireland: Information con- Melbourne Medical History of Medical care, organized.214 cerning the study of medicine, 408 Medical centenaries, two, 691 Apothecaries of London: Degrees and (W.A. Osborne). Society Association, British Medical Medical charitv, an example of, 74 pass lists, 41, 237, 492, 838, 1023-Information Medical education, in, 176 sentative Meeting, Representa- co-operation concerning the study of medicine, 402. 449- tive relaxes, *Medical Insurance Agency, 177 Diploma in obstetrics, 449-Reception in the Body Medical qualifications, Britisb, in India, 1001 Hall, 1000-Yeomanry dinner, 1168 Medical AssocIATION, BRiTaIsH MBDICAL Rogister: Unitraceable practitioners, Appendicitis acute, simulated by torsion of Assam Branch.-AnnuslmeetiDg, 604 N. hydatid of morgagni (E. MacDermott), Derbyshire Men in White. 29 Branch.-Diseases injurief 679 of the lower spine, M46ni&re's disease, treatment of, 779 Approved Societies' surplus funds (parlia- Mental hospital Dundee Branch.-Review bladder-neck clinic (aerts County), 952 mentary note), 149 obstructions special reference trans- Mental states associated with epilepsy, 11C8 Garth, libel on': woman punished, APTHOMAS, urethral prostatic Metabolic exercise tolerance test, 603 1223 resection, FolkestoneDivision.-Syphilisin praotice, ilk, excretion by the, 124 Archives of Neurolog-and Psychiatr,from the Mongelism. cause Pathological of, 1206 Central Laboratoryof the[.ondon cranial tumour,

Mouse and influenza virus, 817 County Mental Hospitals. Eleventh volume and Cheshir Lantcashire e Branich.-AnolDnt Murrell (Christin&1 (edited bv rev., 67 Fellowship, 819 P. TL. Golla). Hindu-Aryan medicine,872 Narcotic drugs. See Drugs Armagh County: medical inspection of school New Branch.-Conterence Dun- Nation's food children. 739 supplv, 478 din Visitors from in of: (1935): wilbewelcome, Newcastle School of Medicine, 817 Armies India. health Report, 130 779 Nutrition and ; J.: Bad surgical the public health, 1157 ARMSTRONG, risks, 265 Yorkshire [ 1 JUiY-DEC., THE BRITISH 5 1934] INDEX L MEDICAL JOURNAL

ASSOCIATION, BRITISEH MEDICAL: SECTIONS: ASTLEY-WESTON, B. A.; Motor backache and BARBER, Geoffrey: Triplets witbout tears, 152 Astaesthetics.-Summary of proceedings, 223, neuralgia, 834 BARBER, H. W.: Aetiology and treatment of 271-Report of proceedings, 339 Asylum. Royal Blind: Annual meet- conditions affecting the eyelids, 132 Balneologvi antd Climatology.-Summary of ing, 34 Barbiturate drugs. See Drugs proceedings, 228-Rieport of proceedings, 1037 Asylum, James Murray's Royal, Perth Annual BARCLAY. A. E.: Stanley Melville Memorial, 569 Dermatology.-Summary of proceedings, 321 report, 279 BARCROFT, Joseph: Features in the Architecture -Report of proceedi n gs, 291, 541 AT:K[N, J. A., estate and bequests of, 1024 of Physiological Function, rev., 860 Medical Sociology.-Summary of proceed- ATKINS, Gerald B., estate and bequests of, 337 BARFF, G. P.: Calcium lactate as a muscle ings. 323-Report of proceedings, 350 ATKINSON, Donald T.: Externtal Diseases of the tonic, 976 Mtedicine--Summary of proceedings, 218, Eve, rev.. 355 BARGER, George. awarded the Hanbury gold 264, 314-Report of proceedings, 456, 665. 929 ATKINSON, E. Miles: Abscess of the Brain: Its medal of the Pharmaceutical Society, 705 Neurology. Psychological Medicinte, anid Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment, rev., 772 Barley water, lemon, 1048 Menttal Diseases.-Summary of proceediingsi, Atlas, dislocation, inflammatory, of the (Duncan BARLING, Seymour: Pyloric stenosis, 136 222, 267. 317 Report of proceedings, 499, 619, C. L. Fitzwilliaius), 107 (0)-Correspondence BARLOW, Sir Thomas:-Royal Medical Benevo- 891, 1087 on, 232 lent Fund: Christmas gifts, 655, 1C80 Obstetrics asnd Gvjnaecology.-Suimmary of Atmospheric pollution, conference on, 1052 BARNARD, E., appointed director of food investi- proceedings, 220, 266, 316-Report of proceed- Atophan (parliamentary note), 887 gation in the Cambridge Research Depart- ings. 193, 380, 621, 760, 899,935-A correction, 380 Atoohan administration followed by subacute ment, 150 Ophthalmology.-Summary of proceedings, yellow atrophy of liver (Thomas N. Fraser), BARNETT, Burgess: Snake venom for haemo- 227, 269-Report of proceedings. 296, 809 1195 (0). See also Liver philia, 867-Treatment of epilepsy by snake Orthopaedics.-Sumnmary proceedings, 270 ATTLEE, W.: Acute streptococcal throat infec- venom, 1073 Report of proceedings, 669, 800, 983 tions, 568 BARNETT, El. Norman: Appreciation of Charles Oto-rhinsolaryngology. Summary of pro- AULAGNIER, R. (and M. PtHu): L'Eczx ma du Heath, 235 ceedings, 226, 271-Report of proceedings, 158, Nourrisson, rev., 680 BARNSLEY, A.: Sodium evipan anaesthesia, 329 509, 544, 587 Aural. See Ear BARRETT, Lady: Ante-natal care and maternal Paediatrics.-Summary 221, Aural vertigo. See Vertigo mortality, 1011 272-Report of proceedings,241, 539 Auricular fibrillation and flutter ofuatknown BARRY, D. T.: Barbiturate poisoning. 140 Pathology, Bacteriology, anpd Biochemistry aetiology, 950 Bassini's operation, review of book on, 555 Summary of proceedings, 224, 263, 3186Report AuSTEN, Major: Subspecies of Anopheles maculi- Basutoland, medical work in, 572 of proceedings, 579, 1187 penni.s, 134 Bathing pools and deafness (A. Tumarkin), 357 Public Health (intclutding Tuberculosis).- AUSTIN, Sir Herbert: Gift to the Birmiiingham Bathing pools and diphtheria (parliamentary Summary of 220, 273-Report of General Hospital, 705 note), 238 proceedings, 712, 1143 Australia, cancer conference in, 911 Baths, chlorinating outfit for (chlorotex outfit) idiology anid Electr-otherapeutics.-Sum- Austria, undulant fever in, 217 210 miary of proceedings, 225, 275, 319-Report of Author's and Writer's Who's Whooin 1934, rev., Baths, mud. at Southend-on-Sea, 696 proceedings, 160, 343, 460, 584, 1032 556 Baths, pithead, in Fife, 485 Surg-ry. Summary proceedings, 219, 265, Autoclaving of gum-i-elastic catheters, 498 Baths, swimming. 313 315-Report of proceednings, 755, 896, 1090,1189, Autotransftusion in grave emergency (NI. W. BATTEN, Dr.: Treatment of genito-urinary 1197 Renton), 470. See also Blood transfusion diseases, 226 Tiropical Diseases.-Summary of proceed- BATTEN, G. B.: Radiology and the general prac- ings, 320-Reportproceedinge,of 244, 1192 titioner, 275-Radiology of the stomach and duodenum, 319 Association, British Orthopaedic: Annual BATTEN, Lindsey WV.: The general practitioner, meeting, 1011-Pott's paraplegia, 1011-Trans- the schoolmnaster, and the specialist, 283 port of cases with hack injuries, 10i2-Con- B. Battersea factory's fumes (parliamentary note), genital club-foot, 1012 Fractures of the neck 1225 of the femur and intra-articular arthrodesis BABONNEIX. L (and P. NOBE OURT. editors): Battersea power station (parliamentary note), of the hip, 1012-Movemeient of the lumtbar TraitW de 1Mdecine des Efants. Tomles IV 1225 spine and pregnancy, 1012-Adolescent coxa and V. rev., 209 B3AUER, J.: The first parathl roidectomy, 216 vara, 1013 Baby Week Couincil, National:-Issuesmore BAXTER, A.: Radiology and the general practi- Association, B0ritish Paedliatric Windermere pam phlets on diet: The Diet of the Expectant tioner, 275 (1934),97 Mothler and Thoughts ont Food antd Feedin,g, BAXTER, Andrew. obituary notice of 1182 Association, Canadian Medical: Health In- 131 BAYLESS, F.: The coronary arteries in rheu- surance in Canada, 775 BACH, Francis: Rheumatoid arthritis, 127 matic fever, 561 Association of Certifying Factory Suirgeons: Bacillus Calmiiette Guerin vaccine, review of BAYNE-JONES, Stanhope (and Hans ZINSSER) Annual dinner, 1065 book on, 773-Correspondence on, 791, 834, 885 A Text book of Bacteriology. With a Section Association of Clinical Pathologists: Summer Bacilluts coli, growth of in water (J. W. Bigger), PathogenicPr-otozoa, seventh edition, rev. meeting, 81-Clinical pathology of coma, 81 919 1103 Association dBEnseignement M6dical des Bacillus coli infection: aetiology and treatment BAYNES, H. G.: Science and religion. 1186 H6pitaux de Paris Course in cardiology, 325 (D. I. Lyon), 264, 456 (0)-Discussion, 264- BEATTIE,, John: Report on the Hunterian Association. Dutc0-Urological: Thrombosis of Correspondence on, 570. 611 Museum, 263 the penis and urethral haemorrhage, 249 Bacillus colt infections, conditions predisposing BEATTIE, J. M1.. title of Emeritus Professor of Association, Edinburgh Women Citizens,': Men- to, afterposttoperative retention (Cuthbert bacteriology conferred on. 924 tal hospitals and institutions, 876-Hospital DukeDs) 458 (0) B3EATTY, J.: Treatment of lupus vulgaris, 322 services13cotland,for 917 Bacillus of tubercle, point of entry of, 137 BEAUMONT, Mr.: Atmospheric pollution, 1052 Association, Far Eastern, of Tropical Medicine: Back injuries, transport of cases of (T. P. BECKETT. J.: Sodium evipan, 224 Nanking (1934), 83 McMurray), 1012-Correspondence on, 1124 Becontree, problems of, 1207 Association, Grenfell, of Great Britain and Backache, motor, and neuralgia, 791, 834, 958, Bed for postural drainage of lungs, 254 Ireland: Change of address, 48 1026 Bed-bug. See Bug Association, Irish Medical: Annual meeting, 80 Backache. See also Pain in back BEDFORD, Evan: Prognosis in coronary occlu- Association, Irish Medical Schools' and BACMEJSTER: Influenza. 1205 sion, 829-The thyrotoxic heart, 1172 Graduates': Annual dinner, 1066 Bacon, Roger, and thirteenth century medicine,BBDRINE: Thoracic cancer, 1052 Association of [Spiecial Libraries and Informa- 40 BEEDHAM, Henry William, obituary noice of. tion Bureaux: Conference, Oxford (19341, 191- Bacterial infections, antiseptics in control of 659 Inaugural meeting the London and Home (C. H. Browning), 318. 579 (0)-Discussion, 318 Beef production in the United Kingdom (parlia- Counties Branch, 1153 Bacteriological warfare, 706 mentary note), 150 Association, London, of the Medical Women's Bacteriology, review of books on, 168. 356, 634, BEER, W. A.: Separation of rabies virus from Federation: Sterilization of theinfit, 135 See 1103 brain tissue. 124 also Medical Womi-en's Federation Bacteriophage therapy, 1110 BEREUWKEs, Henry, Mary Kingsley miiedal pre- Association. Mcedical Officers of schools: Acute Bad Homburg, new university institute for sentedto, 916 streptococcal throat infections, 566 balneology and dietetics founded at. 1085 BEGGS, S. T.: A nutritional investigation of Association, Mledical Women's International: Bad Nauheim post-graduate courses at, 96 school children, 738 quinquennial congress, 568. See also Congress BADCOCK, J. H.: Residual infection of the jaws, Behaviour, animal, study of, 523 Association, Mental After Care: Appeal for 834 Behaviour, medical, review of book on. 471 fusnds, 1165 BADGER, G. F.: Isolation period in scarlet fever, Beit Memorial Fellowship for Medical Research: Association, National Veterinary Medical: An- 215 Annual report, 127-Election of new Fellows, nual congress, 328 -Eradication of bovine Bag. drainage. for permanent cystostomy, 945 127-Appointment of trustee, 648 tuberculosis, 328 BALLET, Hamilton: Treatment of ruptured BELAM, F. A.: The swab in dipatheria diagnosis, Association of Preventive Paediatrics Inter- spleen. 1219 572 national, Lyons (1934). 370 BAILLIE, Malcolm: Autoclaving of gumii elastic BELCHEE, Clement: Chronic bone sinus, 753 Association Professionnelle des M6decins: Ocu- catheters, 498 Belfast. See Ireland 'list and optician in Europe, 312 BAINENRIDGE,Moajor-General George, obituary Belgian State School for Tropical Medicine Association, Royal Sanitary of Scotland: Con- notice of. 146 changes its name to Prince Leopold InstiLute gress. 565. See also Congress BAIRDD. Dugald: Diathermy cutting current in of Tropical Medicine. 97 Associations, Rick Bertl Staff. Central Council cervicitis. 316-Pyelitis of pregnancy, 316 BELL, Elizabeth Gould, obituary notice of, 146 of, formed. 19 BAKER,R Lieut.-Col. George Henry, obituary Bell, Joseph, Conan Doyle, and Laycock, 498 Assoniation, South African Medical: Annual notice of, 336 BELLAMY, W. A.: Obstetric methods at St. Alary congress, Pretoria (1934),o 13 BAKER, H. Searle: The cancer prohlem, 48 Abbots, 1074 Association of Suflgeons of Great Britain and BAKER. S. L.: Cholesterol and disease, 790 BENARD, R.: Treatment of Addison's disease, Ireland invites applications for a surgical BALFOUR, Margaret I.: Obstetrics in India, 637 scholarship, 97, 779 1125 Benedict's test, modification of (.Tosei'h Fine)167 * Association, Surgical Instrument Manufac- BALLANTYNE, A. J. Headaches, 228 Beney's tonsil clamp, modified, 635 turers': Annual dinner, 81C5 Balneological institute founded at Bad Hom- BENNETT, T. Izod: Oedema-its causation and Association, Welsh Natioral Memorial: Annual burg, 1085 treatment. 314. 929 (0) - Increasei mortality report, 824 BAMFolD), C. B.: Therapeutic malaria, with from diabetes, 609-Gee's disease, 728 Asthmat. aetiology and treatmient of (Sir special reference to a case of haeti-oglobinuria, BENNETT, William Harvey: Maternal morbidity, Humphry Rollest-in), 105)-Discuission, 1069 764 (0) prophylaxis, 1025 Asthma, alkali reserve in, 531, 611, 836 BANG, Professor: Contagious abortion, 483 BENSON. W. T.: Treatment of infectious dis- Asthmna and bronchitis (chronic), 139, 231 BANKOFF. G.: Prelimaiary ligature in toxic eases. 1064 Asthma cases. pulmonary tuberculosis in goitre, 656 BENZAQUEN: Treatment of haemoptysis, 364 (Ernest M. Fraenkel). 513 (0) BANKS, A. G.: Treatm-ment of arterial embolism, BENEE- H anFr TKRT--l am Ibdutle Asthma in childhood, 48. 192. 231. 330, 577 219 mit Tuberkculosen, 1056 Asthma, reflex. its pathology and treatment BANKS. H. S.: Isolation period in scarlet fever, Bequests to hospitals and medical chiarities, 47. (H. H. Moll), 299 (0) 215-Puerperal sepsis: serum treatment, 1121 337, 564. 889, 919. 1024 Asthma Research Council: Annual BANTING, Sir Frederick: The early story of BERG. H. H.: Silvanus Thompson Lecture on Asthma, septum cauterization 1017 insulin, 795 the digestive mucosa, 1114 Asthma due to toxaemeiia, radiological Bantus, health needs of, and help for. 128 BERGEsTROM, Dr.: Treatment of arterial em- to (A. C. Jordan), 1115 J-,GbL.Bar. calls .- the..--J 975I. - MUS113LLASbolism. &%4291 THE BRITISy 6 JULY-DEC.., 1934] INDEX MIEDICAL JOURNAL q

BBUGEY. Bergev's Manual of Deter- Blind in Wales and Monmouthshire, welfare of, Brain abscess. See Abscess Bacteri minative logv, fourth edition, rev., 168 1227 Brain tissue, separation of rabies virus-froni, BERGM&NN. (and R. STABHELIN. editors): Blind, Welfare of, Advisory Committee re- 124 lnfektionskranlkheiten, vol. i, rev., 594 anpointed. 28-Report of Advisory Committee BRAND, Alexander Thieodore, obituary notiee of, BERKEBL.EY, 'lomyns (and others): Diseases of for 1933-4. 647-Parliamentary note, 974- 93 fifth edition, rev., Advisory Committee for Scotland. 1167 BRAMWELL, Crighton: Some recent advances in Berlin. graduate courses in, 111, 537. 1040 Blindness, conflicting decisions on, 576 cardiology, 741 BEwNARD, (Charles FLANDIN and Francois Blindnessfollowingnovarsenobillon (F. A. Juler), BRAMWELL, EDWIN, retirement of from the JOLY): L'lntox.cation par les Somnif6res 269,809 (0)-Correspondence on, 882 chair of clinical medicine at Edinburgh, 1166 (Intoxication Barbiturique), 263 Blindness, total, from war service (parlia- BRASHER, C. W. J.: Hyperpiesia, 39 BERNARD. Lh6on Roger EVEN): Thurapeu- mentary note), 888 BRAV: Tuberculous rheumatism, 1108 tique Efydro-i7limastologique de- la Tubercntlose, Blindness, war, due to mustard gas, new cases BRAY, G.: Allergic factors in rhinorrhoea, 272- rev., 20-Obituarv' notice of, 483 of (Reginald B. Bickerton). 769 (0) Aetiology, andi treatment of asthma. 1069 BERNARD, Oscar, awarded the Gold Cross of the BLISS, Colonel Ernest William, obituary notice BRAY, G. W.: Recent Advances in Allergv.second Ameriean Congress Physiotherany. 889 of, 89 edition, rev., 1047 BERNSTEIN, Sidney, obituary notice of, 335 Bloodl count, normal, variations in, 867 BRAZIER, M. A. B.. awarded the Van Meter prize Troatment BERTWISTLE. phlebitis, 489 Blood films in pernicious anaemia, convenient for an essay on goitre, 21 La granulie froide. 815 method of examining (G. H. H. [sooth), 17 Breath,;offensive, 1227 BEST, I Benjamin: Circumcision clip. 1104 Blood formation and the stomach. 1208 BREBNER, W. B.: Poliomyelitis, 863 BBsT, H-.: Encephalitis, Blood lvmph, review of book on, 681 BREHEmER, W. von: Cancer a bacterial disease. BETT, Young's rule, 152 Blood pressure, control of (.0. H Burn), 740 497, 520 Betting Bill, 45, 95,188, 886, 925, 973 Blood pressure, high, is it a risk ? 370, 486, 532, BRENNAN, Dr., Sodium evipan, 224 for British hospitals. 45-No 664. 699 BRENNECKE: Endometrial byperplasia, 818 Christmas draws hospitals, 925-Royal Blood pressure risks, 664 BRENNER. 0. (Hugh DONOVAN and B. L. S. MUR- to, Blood transfusion, autotransfusion in grave TAGH): Total thyroidectomy iu treatment of BEVAN-BROWN, Frederic Vivian, obituary notice emergency (M. W. Renton). 470 patients with congestive heart failure and of, Blood transfusion. review of book on, 722 angina pectoris, 624 (0) C. E. G., receives permission to Blood vessels, ocular, superficial, function of BRIDE, J. W.: Adenocarcinoma of corpus uteri, insignia Order of the Nile, 889 the, 362 962 HEZANQ,ON, nominated general secre- BLOOM, William (and Alexander A. MAXnMOW): BRIDGE, Dr.: Mental states associated with International Union Against Tuber- A Textbook of Histology, second edition, rev., epilepsy, 1108 culosis, 724 BRIDGES, M1. A.: Dietetics for the Clnician, BBZANcNON. l'rofessor: Rheumatoid arthritis, 126 BLOOMFIELD, A.: Retroversion of the uterus, rev., 307 BIBAs: haemoptysis, 364 316 BRIGGS, Professor, memorial to, 965 Bibliography, C 69 of, Board, Central Midwives, for lEnglandl and Bright's disease (leading article), 60 Reginald BICKERTON, B.: New cases of war Wales: Report of meetings, 16. 129. 738, 955 BRINCKER, J. A. H.: Acute streptecoccal thDreat blindness due to mustard gas, 769(0) Board, Central Midwives, fo,r Scotland: Report infections. 567 BICKNBLL. Franklin: Addison's disease due to of ueeting, 279. 917 BERINDEAU, Dr., elected a meiamber of the malignant involvement of the solar plexus, Board of Control: Annual report for 1933, 640, Acad6mie de M6decine, 337 (0) 1049 BRINDLE, W. S : Use of fascia lata sutures, 810 BIGGER, Growth B.1coli in water. 919 Board of Oontrol institutions, medical inspec- BRIQUET, Raul: Obstetvieta Operatorws, rev.. 67 salts empyema, 85 tion in (parliamentary note), 238 BRISCOE, A. Daly: Case of agranulocytic angina, dise&se Bilharzia England (J. B. Christo- Board of Control for 13cotland: Annual report, 61 (0).185 pherson Ogier Ward), 729 954 BRISCOE, J. F.: TrichophytGn infection. 845 Bilharzia disease, review of book on, 1103 Board of Education issues a reporton the educa- BRISTOW,W. Rowley: Acuteandchronic sprainx, BINET, LAon (and G. H ROGER): Traits de tion of partially sisbted children, 68-Annual 320. 669 (0) Physiologie normale et pathologique. Tome report of the chief medical officer. 1107 1115 British Dominions, conditions of practice in, 445 vii, Saitg Lymphe Rdactions d'Immunit, Board. Metropolitan Water, annual report, 259 British Guiana, relief and cure of leprosy in, 693 second edition. rev.. 681 BODANSKY, Meyer: Itntroduction to Physio- British Industries House: Section of display of ii Biochemistry trition, 125 logical Chemixtry, third edition, rev., 1151 hospital equipment opened, 178 Biochemistry. books on. 722, 1047 BODMAN Frank: Psychological background of British Institute of Radielogy. See Radiology Biography history, 477 patients suffering from colitis. 1218 British Journal of Tuberculosis, new editor of, Biology education, the place of (F. A. E. BOIT, Hans. death of, 1021 177 Crew). BOLTON, J. S., Honorary D.Sc. conferred British Legion: British Serbian Units Branehb, Biology. human,applied (leading article), 1054- on. 20 annual dinner, 623 Correspondence on, 1179 , P. R., appointed Officer of the Order of British Orthopaedlc Association. See Associa- Biology. nf bonk on, 905 St. John of Jerusalem, 24 tion li'e Biology seial (1 ading article), 816 Bombay, plague epidemics in, 529-Small-pox British Science Guild: Lectures, 937 Biology, teaching of, epidemic in, 1215 British Social Hygiene Council. See Hygiene BIREWT, Fl. S.: a Fo-,Q infection as problem BONACINA, L. C. W.: Climatic factors and British spas. See Spas the larvnn.'o ist, 227-Allergic factors in disease. 32 BROADBENT, Walter: Myoidema, 679 rhinorrhoea, 271-Tonsillectomy in children, Bone. "marble," familial (.J. Duncan White), BROCK, Arthur J.: Occupational therapy,231, 375 1115 -Psychology and religion. 1136 : Child welfare in, 607-Hospitals Bone sinus, chronic, 617, 753 BROCK. L. G.: Work of the Mental After-care inaugirated the Prince of Wales, 822 BONHOTE, A. M Valerie: Earwig 'in ear, 618-A Association, 996 -Medic 'rAnl ion,78-Mentaldiseaseresearch disclaimer, 664 BROCKBANK, E. 81.: Manchester Medical Society in, roniloais in, 916 BONNIOT: Phrenicectomy, 999 centenary, 683 o1incis (rarliamentarvnote), 926 Book wanted (Dispensing mde Easy). 192, 240- BROoCKLEHUEUST, R. J.: Cyanide poisoning: Birth book on,356 And found, 240 Rasputin's death, 184 S,'s also Contraceptive BOOTH, G. H. H.: Convenient metbod of exam- BROCKMAN, E. P.: Congenital club-foot. 1012 Birth. live, tAst cases of infanticide by ining blood films in pernicious anaemia, 17 BROcQ-RousSEAU, Denis (and Gaston ROUSSEL): drow.iang, 142. 192 -A correction. 192 BORDIER, Henri, awarded the Gold Cross of the Le Shrum Normal. Ricolte et Caracteres Birtbgf sqcond twin, delayed. See Twin American Congress of Physiotberapy, 889 PhVsiqttes, rev., 308 BISEOP, Alice, death after "cancer cure," 704 Bose Researeh Institute. See Research BRODERICK, Lieut.-Col. R. A.. Efficiency Decora- F.: BIsuoP, Oestrus-producing hormones, BOTEAM, R. H.: Treatnient of M6nibre's disease, tion of the Territorial Army conferred on, 972 889 BRODIE. M.: Poliomnyelitis, 863 "Biwmostab," 844 BOTTOMLEY, F. C.: Oedema, its causation and BRODRIBB, Lieut.-Col. Ernest, obituary notice Bismuth salts, of in oil,1186 treatment. 315 of,972 V.: BLACKER, C. iterillz'tion of the unfit. 135- Botulism, case of: recovery (W. Gifford Nash), BROMFIELD, R. J.: Blkckwater fever, 1154 of Chlaices orbid Inheritance, 864- 1199 Bronchitis, acute, treatment of (R. A. Young), Voluntary sterilization, 995 BOUCUT, L.: Cardiac hypertrophy in anaemia 1111 BLACKLEEz. F.: alesults of operations for 216 Bronchitis, chronic, and asthma, 139,231 elephantiasis, BOURKE, F. S.: Cervical myoma, 1013 Bronchography. lipiodol, 'followed by acute BLACEMORE, Major H. Stuart (and Major-General BOuRNE, Aleck: Results of ante natal care, 220, iodism (J, G. Scadding), 1147 (0) OL1I.>IN): First Aid itn Defen1ce against 1011-Ovarianscauses of pelvic pain, 267-Dia- Bronchoscopy, review of book on, 1150 Chemical second War,are, edition, rev.,724 thermy cutting current in cervicitis, 316-Plea BROOK. Harry Darville, obituary notice of, 94- BLACKTIN, S.U)3 ril: Dust.rev, 812 for abolition of the pelvimeter, 963 BROSTER, L. R.: The endocrines in sex consti- Blackwater fever. See Fever BOURNE, Geoffrey: Pathology of coronary occlu- tution. 83 BLACKWELL, Sir irnlaey, appointed chairman of sion, 224 BROWN: The endocrine factor in essential hyper- the Statutory tommittee of the Pharmaceu- Bournemouth, Annual Meeting of the Associa- tension. 261 Society, tion at. See Association-Health Services, 281 BROWN. Eleanor Gertrude: Milton's Blindness, Bladder, tuberoulous, rested by transplantation BOUIsFIELD. Guy: Traffic control and signal rev., 813 single ureter (Vernon Pennell), 942 lights, 40, 235 BROWN, J. Percival: The swab in diphtheria Bladder-neek obstructions,review of (Duncan M. BowiE. John Macaulay, obituary notice of, 702 diagnosis. 612-Prevention of "steaming" Morison), 53(V)-Leading artile on:70 Box, C. R.: Pellagra, 121 glass. 1026 BL4R, B. tsad surgical risks. 265-Hernia BOVD, A. S.: Treatment of Cancer by Modified BROWN, R. Christie: A chloroform , 316- operations, Methods in Serum Therapy, with Record of Retroversion of the uterus. 316 BLAIR-BELL. William : -.The Principles of RecoverV in a Case of Secondary Sarcoma, BROWN, R. Cunyngham: Use of narcotics. 222 Textbook for Gynaecolt'gy: Students and now published in pamphlet form, 556 BROWN, Thomas Alexander, obituary notice of, Practitioners, fourthedition, rev.,65-Oorre- BOYD. William: Mental health services 566-A 923 spondence the review, 182-The endocrines Text-Book of Pathology, second edition, rev., BROWN, William: Psychology and psychotherapy, sex constitution, 83-Principles of gynaeco- 1104 third edition, rev., 118-Functional diseases of logy, 182 BOYLE, Helen: Organic and functional nervous the eye, 132-Sleep and hypnosis, 557 BLARE, k1.Elliott: Unqualified surgery,1228 disorders, 267 BROWN, W. Langdon: The Biologl/of Social Life, BLAKE, V. Seaside resorts for respiratory BRACKENBsURY, Sir Henry, r-esignation of as 816 disease, 32 Chairman of Council, 214-The training of the BROWN. W. Paterson: Spermatorrhoea when -'jir BLANE, Gilbert, centenary of the death of, 47 medical practitioner, 381 (0)-Election to the bathing, 290 BLAYNEY, J. R.: Dental Pharmacology and G.M.C., 1013 BROWN, W. W. King.: Traffic control by light Therapeutics, rev., 68,152-Addendum, 152 BRADFIELD. Colonel E. W. C., mentioned in signals. 141 BLEASE, Arthur T.: The swab in diphtheria dispatches. 89 BROWNE, Denis: Haemorrbage from peritonsil- diagnosis, 371 BRADLEY, W. E.: Acute streptonoccsal throat lar abscess, 533, 657-X-ray examination of Bleeders," lemale (M1. A. Foulis and J. W. infections, 568 empyema cavities, 807 (0) Crawford), 584. u'orrespondence on, 700, 744, BRAHAM. Noel: Psychological effect of hysterec- BROWNE. F. J.: Are we satisfied with the results also 921,1016, 1228. See taemophilia tomy. 86 of ante-natal care ? 194 (0), 338,1010-A correc- Blind, care of MAdinburgb, 34 BRAILSFORD. J. F.: Radiology and the general tion, 338-Ovarian causes of pelvic pain, 266, Blind, Biehbols Memorial Clinic opened, 78 practitioner, 275 380-A correction, 380-Team work in ante- Blind: Partially blind children, education of, BRAIN, W. Russell: The medical and mental natal and post-natal care, 996-London Uni- report on, 68-Parliamentary note, 1226 him5toBryQtnrv oiLof Dr-jjr. StmnAlOtLWJcSPIJJ1ssJohnshon.v vuvu 480OV versity and its medical schools, 1122 rTHa BRITISH JULY-DEC., 19341 INDEX [MEDICAL JOURNAL 7#7

BRtOWNE, Leonard F.: The endocrines in sex CALLCUTT, J. Shirley: Intracranial injuryin the Cardiology, recent advances in (Crighton Bram- constitution, 83 newborn, 39-Maternal mortality, 1127 well), 741 BROWNING, C. H.: Antiseptics in control of CALMETTE, Surgeon-General Inspector, death of Cardiology, review of books on, 117 ,bacterial infectibns, 318, 579 (0) 616 Cardroom workers and the Workmen's Com- BROWN[NG, Lieut.-Col. Winthrop Benjamin, CALVE, Jacques: Adolescent and senile kyphosis, pensation Act (parliamentary note), 887 obituary notice of. 662 270. 983 (0) CARL)WELL, Mary G.: Non-specific colitis, 285 BRUCE. Hon. Herbert A., appointed Knight of CAMBELL, Archibald, obituary notice of, 1223 CARINGTON W. Whately: Sleep and hypnosis, 557 Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 24 Cambridge, changes at (leading article), 26 CABLING, Rock: Treatment of arterialembolism, Brucella abortus fever (S. Harvey). 470 Cambridge University. See University 219 BRUNWIN, Alan Deed, obituary notice of. 94 CAMERON, A. J. D.: Alkali reserve in asthma, CARLTON, Hope: The thyrotoxic heart, 1172 BRYANT, Arthur: The Enigland of Charles II, 611 CAUawATH T.: Immunization at the specific rev., 994 CAMERON, Isabella: Ante-natal care and the fevers, 274 BUOHAN, George F.: Are we satisfied with the maternal death rate, 1009 CARRItRE. G. (Claude HURlEz and P. WILLO- results of ante-natal care? 199 (0) CAMERON, John: The Skeletont of Br-itish Neo- QUET): LeBarbiturisme Aigou et les Anti- BUCHANAN, A. G.: Nail-biting, 337 lit hic Man, rev., 118 dotibmes Gardenol [Strvychnine, Coramine, BUCEANAN, Sir George Seaton appointed Master CAMERON, PSamuel James. appointed to the chair Alcool], rev., 19 of the Society of Apothecaries of London, 479- of midwifery at Glasgow University, 179 CARR-WHITE. Maior-General Percy, obituary May Kingsley medal presented to, 916-Inter- CAMERON T W M.: Immunity to parasites. 482 notice of, 661 national action to control the spread of CAMPBELL. Arthur: Anaesthesia in maternity CARSWBLL, Robert: Treatmentof lupusvulgaris, infectious diseases, 977 (O)-Milroy Lectures cases, 1015 49.0 on. rInternatio'.al Co-operation in Public CAMPBELL, D.: Oestrus-producing hormones, CASSIDY, Sir Maurice: Prognosis in coronary Health. Its Achievementi and Prospects, 998 269 occlusion, 829 BUCK. Robert W.- The Essentials of Physical CAMPBELL, Harry: Increased mortality from CAssIE, Ethel: Are we satisfled with results of Diagn7osis, rev.. 861 diabetes, 230 ante-natal care? 197 (0)-Factors in the reduc- BuiCKHRIDGE, Surgeon Rear-Admiral Guy L., CAMPBELL, H. J.: Puerperal morbidity and tion of maternal mortality, 948 appointed Deputy Director-General of the mortality, 964 CIASSON, Elizabeth: Occupational therapy for Ke lical Department of the Navy, 289, 379 CAMPBELL. Dame Janet: Successor to (parlia- mental and nervous cases, 133 BUCKLEY, C. W.: Diseases and injuries of the mentary note), 150-Invited to visit Canada, CAsTIGLIONI, Arturo: "A doctor fromn Padua," lower spine, 64-Problems of sciatica, 789 662 909 BUDD, Lieut.-Col. C. H., Efflciency Decoration CAMPBELL, Maurice: Transport of invalids by CASTLEDEN, L. Ivan M: Female bleeders," of the Territorial Army conferred on, 492 railway, 498 744 Budget, next year's. 1158 CAMPBELL, Robert B.. retirement of, 1007 Castor oil vapouir as a purgative (G. Grabanm BUENO, S.: Kalaria prophylaxis in Cuba, 541 CAMPBELL. R. M. (L. 8 P. DAVIDSON. H. J. RAE, Macphee), 1045-Correspondence on, 1228 Bug, bed, as a housing problem (A. W. McKenny and J. SMITH): Weil's disease, 1137 (0) Casual wards closed (parliamentary note), 1083 Hughes), 842. 55 CAMPBELL, Thompson, obituary notice of, 659 Cataract extraction, irrigating repositor for, 682 Bulgaria: Typhus fever in, 97 Catarrh, nasal, allergic factors in (Theodore BULLOCH, William: Appreciation of Hubert CANADA: Just), 587(0) Edward 1131 Fee-splitting in, 262 Catarrh. See also Coryza Powell, cracier, 597 BULxBR, Ernest: Agranuilocytic angina, 139- Health insurance in (leading article), 775 Catgut tube Mortality from haematemesis in peptic ulcer, Catheters, glass, dangers of, 1174 920 Cancer a bacterial disease (WV. von Brehmer), Catheters, gum-elastic, autoclaving of, 498 BUNTING, G. L.: Tubercutlin, 85 497, 520 CATTELL, D. B.: Vitamin C. 558 BURCH: Etndometrial hyperplasia, 818 Cancer of the bladder, radium in (A. J. Durden CATTERINA, Attilio: L'Opdration de Bassini BURGEsS, John A.: Pliudness after N.A.B, 882 Smith). 584 (0) pour l(a Gurison Radtcale de la Hernie rtn- BuGRGCSs, Norman: Treatment of lupus vulgaris, Cancer of breast, control of x-ray treatment in giuinale, rev., 555 322: serum tests in, 534, 610. See also Cancer Cattle diseases,research in (parliamentary note), BUJRGESS, W. L.: Hospital problems in Duindee, treated by serunm tests 95 608 Cancer Campaign, British Empire: Annual Cattle Industry (Emergency Provisions) Resolu- Burials, earth, and disease, 497 meeting, 76-Annual meeting of New Zealand tion and Itill, 147. 188 BunRKg, Edmund: Evinan anaesthesia, 285 branch, 784-Co-ordination of research, 76- CAUSSIrON, J. (and E. LEURET): Les Rdactions BuRKE, Lieut.-Col. G. T. (and S. P. GUPTA): Dry Garton prize. 76-Quarterly meeting of Grand dui Tisstw Pulmonairedans la Tube) culose, rev., pleurisy with high eosinophil lencocytosis. 16 Council, 948-Result of appeal, 150 355 BURN. J. H.: Control of the blood pressure, 740 Cancer campaign in Italy: prizes offered for Cautery and light apparatus in the operating BURNAND: La granulie froide, 815 reports of curable cases, 97 theatre. 556 L. A Text-Bock 3fedi- BUR4RhL-JONES, H. S.: Tuberculin, 183- Cancer of cervix after artificial menopause by CECIL, Russell (editor): of Treatment of lupus vulgaris, 375 radium, 38 cine, by American authors, third edition, rev., B1UN'BET: Louping-ill in man, 261 Cancer, chorionic (Rufus C. Thomas), 590 (0) 20 Bnrns, lightning, non-fatal (E. G&ham, Elwell). Cancer claims (leading article), 520 Cee-all " (anti-steam), 976 771 Cancer conference, Australian, 911 Cellulitis, pelvic, of unknown origin (A. Wilfred1 fiavine for, 68 " Cancer cure." death after-Alise Bishop 704 Adams), 17 Burns. tanna Centsnis of and Wales, 1931: BURnELL, L. S. T.: Seaside resorts for respira- Cancer. diagnostic test for, a new, by the urine Englanad Occupation tory disease, 31-Appointed editor of the (Aron), 176-(Roussy, Oberling, and Guerin), Tables, 162 British .Tournal of Tuberculosis, 177-Stanley 1156 Census. the next (parliamentary note), 1083 'Melville memorial, 569 Cancer, International Union for Combating: Central Criminal Court. See Criminal BURROUGHR, A. E.: Dental problems of medical Delegates to represent Great Britain elected, Cerebral cortex. See Cortex interest. 832 1208 Cerebral haemorrhage. See Haemorrhage Burroughs Wellcome and Co.: Change of tele- Cancer library, 1228 Cerebro-spinal fever in England and Wales, 824 phone number, 98 Canicer of the mesophagus (H. S. Souttar), 797 (0) Cervical erosion and dischai ge, 1077, 1178- J. rib. See Rib BU1RT, Barnes: Problems of sciatica, 788 Cancer, prize offered for best essay on, 67 Cervical UBUTON-FANNING, F. W.: Seaside resorts for Cancer problem, 48, 85 Cervicitis, diathermy cutting current in (J. C respiratory disease, 31-Climatic factors and Cancer, radiological treatment of: League of Ainsworth-Davis), 316, 935 (0)-Discussion, 316 disesse, 32 Nations conference. 217 -Correspondence on, 1076,1125 BUnY, F. W.: Diabetic gangrene in a young Cancer recurrence, late (C. L. Spackman), 115 Cervix, dilating the in placenta praevia, 884, 920, woman, 811 Cancer research (leading article), 120 965, 1016 Business relations between doctors. See Doctors (lancer reseat ch: a suggestion, 1C86 Ceylon, malaria epidemic in, 15E8 1iUSTO T'. (and M. MARQUEZ): Le Biastig. Cancer Research Fund, Imperial: Annual meet- CHADWICK. Mary: Mental hygiene in childhood, la Tables la 1062 1171 matisme dans Pratique. pour ing, 1006-Scientific repiort. " Transformation des Verres Bicylindriques Cancer resw arch a mare's nest in, 1156 CHALK, M.: Sypbilis and cure," 230 A. K : The dW xes Obliq7es en Verres Sph6rocylindriques, Cancer Res-arch Workers' Cnnference, 1058 CHALMERS, undesirable tenant, 653 518 Cancer. review of book on, 1046 CHALMERS, R., Pellagra in England, 283-infan- seoond edition. rev., 844 BUTLEER, R. W.: Pott's paraplegia, 1011, 1080- Cancer of stomliach in a woman of °0 (Henry J. tile eczema, Pathological material wanted. 1080 Knight). 469 CHAMBERS, W. D.: Report on James Murray's BUTTERWORTEH, Major Samuel, obituary notice Caheer, spontaneous regression of. 966.1016. 10i7 Royal Asylum, Perth, 279 of,289 Cancer and tarring of roads (parliamentary CHANCE, A.: Intratracheal anaesthesia, 1218 BUXTON, Basil: Tuberculosis, 482 note), 148. 190 CHANDLER, Dr.: Modern sanatorium treatment, BUxTOx. Edward, obituary notice of, 496 Cancer of thorax (A. Patoir, Warembourg, and 275 BUXTON, P. A.: Subspecies of Anopheles maculi- BWdrine). 1052 CHANDLER, F. G. (N. S. FINZI and James venvais, 134 Cancer treated by serum tests, control of, 584. MAXWELL): Irradiation treatment of mlig- BUZZARD, Sir E. Farquhar: Functionaldiseases 610. -See also Cancer of breast nant intrathoracic tumours, 714 (0,-Treat- of the ese. 132-Unemployment assistance: Canner: rT Union Internationale contre I ment of pleurisy. 1209 determination of needs, 235 Cancer, 742 CHAPMAN, P. F.: Ingrowing toe-nail, 1073, 1186 CANDLELt. A. L.: Non-malignant stricture of Charity, medical, an example of, 74 hepatic flexure, 1173 CHARLES. Enid: The Twilight of Parenthood, a CANNEY, .J. R. Campbell: Spontaneous rupture Biological Stutdy of the Decline of Poputlation of the uterus at the twenty-fourth week of Growth,310 pregnancy. 63 CHARLES, J. A.: Nutritional anaemia, 122- CANNON, D. J.: Rectal prolapse complicated by Nutritional problems of in North Country C. procidentia, 488. 538-Cervical myoma, 1013 cbildren, 1065 CANUYT. G. (and P. PAU. L): Lex de CHARLES, Major-General Sir Richard Ifenry Phlegmons notice CABOT, Richard a.: Physical Diagutosis,eleventh Za Loge Amygdalienne, rev., 992 Havelock, obituary of, 838 edition, rev., 1048 CAPENEIt, N.: Movement of the lumbar spine CHIARLEsON. Conal: Calculus forceps, 724 Caesarean seetion: delivery of 254-day extra- and pregnancy, 1012 CHAVASSE, Bernard: Thermoplasty of the extra- uterine foetus (Arcber Hosking). 111 (0) Carbohydrate diets. See Diets ocular muscles, 133 Caesarean section, film denmonstration of (W. S. Carbohydrate metabolism, the spleen and, 477 CHEATLE, Sir George Lenthal, appointedSa Richardson). 267 Carbon dioxide absorption and closed anaes- Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, 1227 Caesarean section, lower segment (Harvey tbesia. See Anaesthesia Cheese-paring at Geneva. S(e League of Nations Evers), 36 Carbon dioxide for the newborn, 728 Chemical research and industry (J. T. Dunn), CAIRNEY, Maud C.: European children in the Carcinoma. See Cancer a22 tropics, 1186 Carcinoma ventriculi. See Cancer of stomach Chemistry in Conmmlerce, rev., 862 CAIRNS, Hugh: Diagnosis of intracranial CARDENAL. Leon, nominated Rector of Madrid Chemistry, review of books on, 3(07.473,993,1048. tumours, 1070 University. 975 1150 Caliulm aspirin in treatment of chorea (N. Cardiac hypertrophy in anaemia, 216 Cheshire. conference on health education and Muutch),246 (0) Cardiac murmurs, pre-natal, 791 propaganda, 239 Calcium lactate as a muscle tonic, 976 Cardiac oedema. salyrgan in, 1086 CHEsKY, Victor E. (and Arthur E. HERTZLBR): a Calculi, urinary, and the parathyroid, 1157 Cardiac. See also Heart Surgery of Genteral Practice, rev., 633 Elizabeth Sloan: treatment Calolus, renal, bilateral (D. F. Hegarty), 1071 Cardiology, course in, in Paris, 325 CHESSBR, CALLANDER, C. Latimer: Surgical Dutch Association for, foundation of complete rectal prolapse, 331-Cervical Atnatomy. Cardiology, 1178 rev.,861 of, 975 erosion and discharge, r THE BRITISH 8 JULY-DEC., 1934] INDEX I MEDICAL JOURNAL 0

Chest injuries andpulmonary tuberculosis, 689 Club-foot, congenital (Miss Forrester-Brown), COLLEGE, ROYAL. OF SURGBONS OF ENGLAND CHEVALLE:Y, Abel (and Marguerite CHEEVALLEY): 1012 (con1tinued): The Concise OxfordFrehch Dictionary, rev., (ILUVER, E. H.: Public Health in Soouth Africa, Fellowship, 749 945 479 Hallett prize. 143 Chicken-pox complicated by tetanism (Thomas C02. See Carbon dioxide Hospitals, recognition of, 1180 Imrie), 207 COATES, Dr.: Modern sanatorium treatment, Hunterian Museum: Annual report. 263 Chicken-pox and herpes zoster See Herpes 275 Information concerning the study of medicine. Childbirth, removal ofiimother after (parlia- COATES. Vincent: British and foreign health 402 mentary note). 1184 resorts, 228 Jenks Scholar, 749 Childbirth. See also Labour COATES, Vincent M., death of, 911-Obituary Lecturers, 143, 970 Child guidance clinic at the West End Hospital notice of, 970 Macloghln Scholar, 749 for Nervous Diseases: Report, 199 Cocaine and novocain, 380 Membership, 288, 749, 924, 1180 Child guidance clinics, review of book on, 1150 Coccygeal sinus (J. B. Oldham), 960 Museum dem-lonstrations, 794 Child guidance in London, 868 Cocx.F. William: Weil's disease among sewer Patent , statement pe, 822 Child, school. See School workers, 98 Picture of Henry VIII in the possession of Child welfare in Birmingham, 607 COHEN, Henry: Dental problems of medical (E. J. S. Thompson), 651 Children,sdoption of. See Adoption interest, 833-Spinal tumours, 961 Primary Fellowship examination, 41, 749,1180 Children, English, in the Alps, 498 COLBURN, L. W., appointed to the chair of -In Melbourne, 1180-In India, 1180 Children, European, in the Tropics, 1025, 1186 otology at Boston, 576 Streatfeild Scholarships, 41, 749 Children, execuition of (L. A. Parry),823 Cold. See Catarrh and Col yza Children, the nation's (leading articl), 1107 COLE, L.: Osteomyelitis, 272 College, Royal, of Surgeons in Ireland: Inform- Children, nutritional problems of. See Nutri- COLE, Samuel John, obituary notice of, 840 ation concerning the study of medicine, 408 tional COLEBROOK, Dr.:-Puerperal sepsis: serum College, St. Mungo's: Information concerning Children, partially sighted, report on education treatment, 1120 the study of medicine, 423 of, 68 COLEMAN, J. Sitanley: Dilating the cervix in College of Surgeons, American, Honorary Children's diseases, review of book on,209. See placenta praevia, 965 Fellowships conferred, 927 also Paediatrics Colitis, non-specific. in relation to deficiency College, Trinity, Dublin: Degrees and pass lists, Chili, typhus fever in, 975 disorders and anaemia (D. C. Hare), 162 (0)- 188, 749, 1132-Information concerning the CHIsHOLM, A.E.:Ovarian causes of pelvic pain, Corresvondence on, 231, 285 study of medicine, 4C6, 423. 435-King's Pro- 267-Retroversion of the uterus, 316 Colitis, psychological background of patients fessorship of Medicine. 80-Psychological Chlorinating outfit for baths (chlorotex outfit), suffering from (FrankBodman), 1218 medicine. 435. See also University of Dublin 210 College, Andereon, of Medicine: Information College, University, Cork: Degrees and pass Chloroform anaesthesia. See Anaesthesia concerning the study of medicine, 423 lists, 90, 1226-Information concerning the Chloroform-hyoscine amnesia in labour (James College, Epsom: " France " pension awarded, study of medicine, 424 Clark), 468 (0). See also Anaesthesia and 151-Founder's Day, 240-Annual meeting and College, University, Dublin Information con- Labour dinner of Old Epsomian Club, 1169 cerning the study of medicine, 423 Chloroform inhaler(R. Christie Brown), 316 College, Gordon Memorial, Khartum Report, College, University, Dundee: Information con- Cholecystectomy and recurrent d uodenal ulcera- 648 cerning the study of medicine, 423 tion, 538 College, King's: Information concerning the College, University, Galway: Intoinmation con- Cholecystitis, acute (Seton Pringle), 879-Dis- study of medicine, 415. See also Hospital cerning the study of medicine, 424 cussion, 879 College of Medicine (University of Durhan), College, University, London; Awards, 142-In- Cholera, review of book on, 307 Newcastle-on-Tyne. See University of Durhan formation concerning the study of medicine, Cholesterol and disease (S. L. Baker), 790 College, Metropolitan Police: Appointment to 416 Chorea, medicinal treatment of [calcium the scientific-laboratory, 1008 College,-West London Post-Graduate, informa- aspirin] (N. Hutch), 246(0O Collese, North-East London Post-Graduate, in- tion concerning 430 CHRISTIANSEN, Professor: Infective mastitis, formation concerning, 430 COLLIER, HowardE.: Maternal mortality, 1128 481 College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, COLLIEIlt, Jallles: Use of narcotics, 223-Organic Christmas Fare," 1186 British: Quarterly meeting, 237-Eleetion of and functional disorders, 268 Harveian CHRISTOPHERS. Sir Rickard: Subspecies of officers, 237-Election of members, 237- Ad- Oration: Inventions and the outlook in Ainopheles iniculipennis, 134-TIphus fevers mission of Fellows, 237. 924-Degrees and neurolcgy, 707 (0) in the Tropics, 320-Medical services at home pass lists, 237, 924-Analgesics suitable for use Colliery roads, stone-dust on (parliamentary and abroad, 832-Mary Kingsley medal pre- by midwives, 237-Information concerning. 402 note), 1184 sented to. 916 -Annual dinner, 872-Special meeting, 924- COLLINGWOOD, Bertram James, obituary notice CHRISTOPHEHSON, J. B.: Asthma and chronic Honorary fellowships, 924-Admission of mem- of, 377 bronchitis, 139 -(and R. Ogier WARD): Bil- bers, 924 COLLINs, Barry Keyte Tenison, obituary notice harzia disease in Englandl, 729 College, Queen Margaret: Information concern- of. 659 CHUN, J. W. H. (Wtn LIEN-TEH. R. POLLITZER, ing the study of medicine, 422 COLLINS, Ma)or-General 1). J. (and Major and C. Y. Wu):-Cholera: A Manual bor the College, Royal Army Medical, Millbank: Appoint- H. Stuart BLACKMOREF): First Aid in Defence Medical Pr-ofession in China, rev., 307 ment of Director, 1223 against Chemical Warfare, second edition, CHURCHE1LL,J. and A.: The Medical Directory, College, Royal Australian, of Surgeons: Annual rev., 724 88 meeting, 237 CoLLINIs, -Major-General D. T., appointed ek Ciba " jubilee, 1086 College. Royal (Dick) Veterinary: Annual prize- deputy-lieuteiant for the County of London. Cider taPs. See Taps giving, 79 336 Cinchophen administration followed by sub- Coilege. Royal, of Physicians of Edinburgh: COLLINS, Sir Godfrey: Ahealth exhortation, 691 acute yellow atrophy of liver (Thlomiias N. Quarterlv meeting. 236,.25-Fellows elected, COLLINS. Octavius Augustus Glasier, obituary Fraser), 1195. See (Ilso Liver 236.925-Degrees and pass lists, 236-Laboratory notice of, 94 Cinematography, x-ray, 1020 report, 328, 694-Information concerning the COLLINS, S. D.: Influenza in the United States, Cineradiography (Rtussell J. Reynolds), 1114 study of medicine,405-HillPattison-Struthers 997 Circumcision. 1227 Bursary, 925 COLLINS, William Edward. obituary notice of, Circumcision clip, 1'04 College, Royal, of Physicians of Ireland: Annual 334 Circumcision, priapism after. 975, 1025, 1085 meeting, 785 -Degrees and pass lists, 90, 1132- COLLIP: Inhibitory hormones, 687 Cirrhosis, alcoholic, frequency of (Juliette Election of officers, 385-Information concern- COLLIS. W. R. F.: Icterus gravis neonatorum. Harburger), 629 ing the studyof medicine,408-Captain Massy- 74-Adhesions in artificial pneumothorax, 790 Citizen and the Law, rev., 472 Miles Prize, 1132-Reports of representatives, Collodion-gauze splint (W. yle ( reer), 1199 Civil servants, salaries of (parliamentary note), 1132 Colonial Medical $ervice, information concern- 46 ing, 446 Clamp tonsil, modified Beney's, 635 COLTLEGE. ROYAL, OF PHYSICIANS OF LONDON: Colour-blindness, tests for, 1020 CLARENBURG, Dr.: Animal paratyphoid and Appointments, 288, 837 Colour vision (H. E. Roaf), 526. See also-Vision public health, 483 Comitia, 837 COLT, G. H.: Ingrowing toe-nail, 967-Gas CLARK: - Streptococcal infections: specific Degrees and pass lists, 288, 333, 838 gangrene restricted to the subcutaneous treatnlent, 950 Diplomas, 288. 838 tissues, 1078 CLARK. A. J., appointed a member of the Election of officers, 288 COLWELL, H. A., awarded the Garton prize of Medical Research Council, 648 Harveian Festival, 778 the British Empire Cancer Campaign, 76 CLARK. A. Landale: Transport of invalids by Harveian Oration, 707 Coma, clinical pathology of (G. Roche Lyfich), air, 538 Information concerning the study of medicine, 81-Discussion, 81 CLARK, James: Chloroform-hyoscine amnesia in 402 Coma, post-anawestbetic, 928 labour, 468 (O0 Lectures, 749 Compressed air. Sea Air CLARK, W. E. Le Gros: Early ForerusLnnlers of Licence, revised regulations for, 837 Congress on Alcoholism, International, London Man. A Morphiological Study of thte Evolu- Licences, 288, 333, 838 (1934)1 191 tionary Origin nf the Primates. rev., 67 Membership, 288, 838 Congress of the American College of Surgeons, CLARKE, H. O.: Transport of cases with back Murchison Scholarship, 288 Boston (1934J, 927-Honorary Fellowships con- injuries, 1012 Pneumococcal pneumonia. 288 ferred, 927 CLARKE, Irene, obituary notice of, 187 Prophit Scholarship for research in tuber- Congress, American, of Physiotherapy, awards CLARKE. Colonel J. T., appointed Commander of culosis, 90 its Gold Cross. 889 the Order of St. John of JerusAlem, 24 Sterilization Committee's report, 837 Congress of Anatomy, Italian. Rome (1934)1 379 CLARKE, John Tertius- obituary notice of, 495 Streatfeild Scholarships, 41 Congress of the Anti-Noise League, Oxford CLARKE, Sidney: Hospital wards, 753 Tuberculosis survey scheme, 288 (1934), 636-Noise and health, 636 CLARKE, Thomas A.: Haefnorrhage from peri- Congress of the Association of Photographic tonsillar abscess, 533. 657 College, Royal. of Suirgeons of Edinburgh: and Cinematographic Documentation in CLARRKON, R. T).: Encephalitis, 222 Degrees and pass lists, 236, 794,1226-Fellows Science, Paris (1934). 617 CLAUSEN, R. J.: Anaesthetic explosions from admitted, 236, 794, 1226-Information concern- Congress of the Association of Special Libraries static discharge, 966 ing the study of medicine, 405 and Information Bureaux. Oxiord (1234),191 CLEARKIN, P. A.: Typhus fever in the Tropics, Congress on B. coli infections, Chitel Guyon 487 COLLEGE, ROYAL. OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND- (1934), 10 CLEGG. G.: Dystrophies and degenerations of Annual imieeting of Fellows and Members, 837 Congress of the British Institute of RadiolOgy, macula, 270 969 London (1934). 575, 1113 Clemenceap, Georges, bust of, unveiled, 379 Annual report, 749 Congress, British Pharmaceutical (1934),173 CLENDENING, Logan: The Laboratory Notebook Appointments. 143. 749, 1180 Congress of the Chartered Society of Massage Method in Teaching Physical Diagnosis and lilane [Sir Gilherti medal, 749 and Medical Gymnastics, London (1934). 497- Clinical History Recording. 999 Browne [B uctkston] dinner, 924 Congress on Cider and Apples, Paris 11934X, 150 CLERY, A. B. Acute cholecystitis, 879 Con versazione, 125 Congress of Electro-radio-biology, Internatidnal, CLBVELAND, Clement. death of, 335 Council election. 90 Venice (19341. 96. 336 Climate and health (S. Watson Sm-nith), 153 (0)- Council meeting. 143, 288. 749, 924, 1180 Congress of the Far Eastern Association of Leading article on, 172 Court of examiners, 288, 749 9!ropical Medicine, Nanking (1934), 83. 879 Clinic and isboratory, interaction of (leading Degrees and pass lists, 41, 143. 288, 749, 924 Congress of the French Association of Urology, article). 776 Diplomas, 749. 924. 1180 Paris (1934). 537 CLorUH. Irene N.: Psychology and religion. Elections and re-elections, 143, 1180 Congress of the French Societies of Oto-neuro- 1228 Exhibitions and demonstrations, 125 ophthalmology, postponement of. 336 [ JULY-DEC., 1934] INDEX MEDICALTHE BRITISHJOURNAL 9

Congress of Gastro-enterology, International, Congress of Surgery, Rumanian, Bucarest (1934), Correspondence (continued): Brussels (1934), 191 753 Breach of professional confidence, 375 Congress, German, of Children's Diseases, Congress of Surgery, Russian, Leningrad (1934), Briggs, Professor, 965 Brunswick (1934), 191 96 British Health Resorts Association,88 Congress, German, of Natural Scientists and Congress for Therapeutical Paedagogy. Munich Cancer of cervix after artificial menopause by Doctors, Hanover, (1934), 191 (1934), 150 radium, 38 Congress of the German Ophthalmological Congress of Tuberculosis, Pan-American, Cancer: L'Union Internationale contre le Society, Heidelberg (1934),191 Montevideo (1934), 1084 Cancer, 742 Congress of the German Society for Industrial Congress of Urology, French Association of, Cancer problem, 85 Diseases and Accidents, Wtlrzburg (1934),191 Paris (1934), 537 Cancer, spontineous regression of, 966, 1016, Congress of the German Society of Neurologists, Congress, Veterinary, International, New 1077 Munich (1934), 191 (1934). 481-Anthrax, 481-Infectious mastitis, Cancer treatment by serum tests, control of, Congress of the History of Medicine, Interna- 481-Veterinary sanitation, 481 - Psittacosis 610 tional, Madrid (1935), 1185 and Weil's disiease, 482-'ruberculosis, 482- Cardiac murmijurs, pre-natal, 791 Congress of the History of Science, Madrid (1934), Immunity to parasites, 482-Milk marketing, Catheter, glass, dangers of, 1174 617 482-Viruses, 483-Contagious abortion, 483- Cervical erosion and discharge, 1077, 1178 Congress of Hygiene, Italian, Bari (1934), 239 Animal paratyphoid and public health, 483 Cervicitis treated by diatherm-ly curette,1076, Congress of Identification, Rio de Janeiro 11934): Conjoint Board in England: Information con- 1125 Proceedings, 814 cerning the study of medicine, 401, 432, 434, 449 Cervix, dilating the in placenta praevia 884, Congress of Industrial Medicine, Italian, Turin -Special diplomas in miedical radiology, 920, 965, 1016 (1934), 705, 753 laryngology and otology; ophthalmic medi- Chloroform analgesia in maternity cases, 1222. Congress of Internal Medicine, Italian, Rome cine and obstetrics.449 See also Anaesthesia (1934), 663 Conjoint Board in Ireland: Informiiation con- Clinical science. See Science Congress of the Italian Paediatric Society, cerning the study of miiedicine. 407 " Closed " anaesthesia. SeeAnaesthesia Sienna (1934), 497 Conjoint Board in Scotland: Degrees and pass Colitis, non-specific, 231, 285 Congress of the Italian Society for Oto-rhino- lists, 237, 838-Information concerning the Colour blindness.tests for, 1020 laryngology, Padua (1934), 336 study of medicine. 404 Corporal punishment, 1178 Congress of the Latin Medical Press, Paris (1934), Consumption. See Tuberculosis Corpus luteum extract and uterine contrac- 663 CONTET, E. K.: ElemnenLtary Prcisof the Car e of tion, 1174 Congress of the Latin Oto-rhino-laryngological the Sick, IVounided, anid of lnfants, rev.. 862 Cortical rhythm, discoverer of.1129 Society, Brussels (1934). 336, 497 Contraception and infertility (leading article), Coryza, alkaline treatmient of.1222 Congress on Life Assurance Medicine, London 310 Coryza, local treatiusent of,835,882,920,968,1017 (1935), 786 Contraception, inquiry into, 1026 1222 Congress of Medical Radiology and Electrology, Contraceptive advice at clinics (parliamentary Curarine in tetanus, 1173 Rumanian. Bucarest (1934), 843 note), 46 Cyanide poisoning: Rasputin's death, 184, 234. Congress of the Medical Women's International Contraceptive methods, demonstrations on, 704, See also Rasputin Association, Stockholm (1934,, 568-Note on, 842 Death and the survival of rights of action,658, 563 Contraceptive. See also Birth control 792 Congress. National Veterinary Medical, Edin- Convulsions, ethei, 610, 743, 792, 834 Dermatitis,. occupational, 87 bu-gh (1934), 328-Eradication of bovine tuber- Convulsions, infantile (P. Hartenberg), 522- Diabetes, increased nmortality from, 230, 330, culosis, 328 (M. Petermiian), 522 570. 609 Congress of Oto-neuro-ophthalmology, Freni ch CONWELL, H. Earle (and John Albert KEY): ThAq Diathernmy, short-wave. See Short-wave Societies of, postponement of, 336 lMalagemzentt of Fractu?-es, Dislocationts, atnd Diphtheria diagnosis. the swab in, 230, 286, Congress of Oto-rhino-laryngology, Italian Sprains, rev., 116 332 371 487 535.572. 612, 657, 746 Society for, Pa iua (1934), 336 CooK, B. E.: Ether convillsions 743 Duodenum;n and the Kirby grip,965,1077,1179 Congress of Oto-rbino-laryugology, Latin Society COOK, Jamnes: Ptierperal morbidity and mor- Eichholz clinic, 655 for, lBrusselg (1934), 336, 497 tality, 963-Obstetric methods at St. Mary Empyenma, after-treatment of, 881 Congress of Oto rhino-laryngc,logy, Rumanian, Abbots, 1221 Epilepsy and nasal sinusitis, 1219 Bucarest (1934), 496 CooK, L. C.: Unsettled prob'ems of neuro- Epilepsy treated by snake venom, 1073 Congress, Oxford Ophthalmological: Proceed- syphilic, 788 Ether convulsions. 610, 743, 792, 834 ings, 132, 289-Functional diseases of the eye, COOKE. W. E.: Trauimatic rup)ture of lungs Evipan anaesthesia, 40, 141, 285, 329, 656. See 132-Aetiology and treatment of some condi- without signs of trauma in ihe chest wall. 629 atlso Anaestbesia tions affecting the eyelids, 132-Corneal graft (0)-Traumia and pulmons*y disease, 791- E3vipan on a full stomach,656.700 performed on both eyes successfully, 132- Modern views on silicosis, 878 Fascia lata sutures, use of. 922 Annual Harold: for toxic 84 Fractures of the [neck of] the femur, 1072, 1220 dinner, 132-Constitutional factor in COOKSON. Operation goitre. 571 myopia, 132 - The pre-myopic state, 132 - COOPE, Robert: Antistreptococcal serum for Fractur-es in the newborn, treatmient ot, " Doyne Memorial Lecture: " Tuberculosis and "rheumiiatic affections, 1217 Gas gangrene restricted to subcutaneous its relation to spontaneous post-traulmatic CooPER, T. V.: Bile salts for enmpyeama, 85 tissues, 1078 and sympathietic ophthalmia, 132-Intfluence COPE, V. Zachary: Antiseptics in control of Germiian measles": a plea, 135, 966 of diet in ophthalmic practice, 132-The rmo- bacterial infections, 313-Anaemias and their General Medical Council: Electioni to, 880, 962, plastyof tbeextraocular muscles,133-Aetiology treatment, 830 1013 -Representation of England,880-Repre- and treatment of congestive glaucoma, 133- COPEMAN, W. S. C.: Seaqide resorts for respira- sentation of Scotland, 880 Clinical significance of the composition of tory disease,32-Diagnosis of endocrine dys- General practice, whither? 472, 797,836,883, 968, tears, 133-Cases of uveoparotid fever, 133- function. 664-Differential diagnosis of chronic 1019 Production of rosettes in the mammalian rheumatic disease, 921 General practitioner, the schoolmaster, and retina, 133-Executive appointments, 289 CORBET, R. XT.: Maternity cases, 918 the specialist, 283 373 Congress of Paediatricians of the World, Lyons CORDINER, G. R. Mather: _Radiology of the Glass catheter. See Catheler (1934), 496 stonmach and duodenun. 319 Goitre, toxic, operation for. 84 Congress, Pan-Anierican Sanitary, Buienos Cork City, diphtheria in. 1168 Goitre. toxic. preliminary ligature in, 84, 136, Aires (1934). 883 CORMACK, James Grieve, obituary notice of, 181, 569, 609, 656, 699 Congress of Physiology, International, Moscow 1080 Graves's disease. See Goitre (1935), 1226 Corneal graft perfornmed on both eyes success- Gynaecology, principles of, 182 Congress of Preventib e Paediatrics, Inter- fully (Tudor Thomas), 132 Haematemesis in peptic ulcer, mortality from, national Association f, Lyons ()134., 370 Coronary arteries. See Arteries 920, 1176 Congress, Plublic Health, London (1934). 977, 995 Coronary occlusion. pathology of (R. T. Grant), Haemoptysis, treatmuent of, 833, 881, 1123- -International action to control the spread 224-Discussion, 224 Endotracheal iDjections of adrenaline. 112' of infectious diseases, 977-Voluntary Rteriliza- Coronary prognosis in (John Hay). Haemorrhage fronti peritonsillar abscess, 284, occlusion. 371, 491, 533, 612. 657 tion, 995-Boarding-out of mental patients, 996 828-Discussion, 829 infra-red 375 -Team work in ante natal andpost-natal care, Coroners' iDquests. See In quests Hand, septic, treated by rays, 996-Food standards. 996 Corporal putnishment. See Punishnment Harvey Memorial Tower, 1080 Congress of [the British Institute of] Radiology, Corpus luteum exti act and uterine contractions, Hesrt, congenital, pre-natal diagnosis of, 743 London (1934), 975, 1113,-Physicist and radio- 1174 Hernia operations, pbs sical efficiency after, logist, 1113 -Artificially induced radioactivity, Corpus luteumI, formation of the, 1056 1174 radical cure of, 1113-(Constitutional effects of x rays, 1113- Corrections. 152, 192. 338, 380, 618, 664, 844,890, 976, Hernia, 286 Silvanus Thompson Mlemorial Lecture, 1114- 1026, 1136, 1182, 1186 Herpes zoster and varicella, concurrent, 836, The digesti ve nm ucosa, 1114-Cineradiography, 884 1114-Therapy generator operating six x-ray Correspondence: Holmies, Sherlock, origins of, 374 tubes in parallel, 1114-Dosage in radiation Agrantulocytic angina, 139, 185 Hyperpiesia, 39 tberapy, 1114-Radliological study of a,sthma Anaesthesia, " closed." 489 Hysterectomy psychological effect of, 86 due to toxaemia. 1115-Osteomalacia and foetal Anaesthesia, evipan. 41. 141, 285, 329, 434 Infantile paralysis. See Paraly sis rickets, 1115--" Famiiilial mlarble bone." 1115 Anaesthesia in maternity cases, 1015,1128.1222 Influenza and the war, 1159 Congiess of sadiology. Zurich (1934), 217, 239- Anaesthetic explosions fronm static discharge, Intracratnial injur y in the newborn. 39 Proceedings published in the Deutsche 966 Jaws, residual infectioni of the, 745, 792,834, £67, medizittische Wochensclhrift for Ju ly 20th, "Angel of Death," 885 1079 239-Rtecent work in radiology (leading article), Ante-natal care and maternal mortality, 1176 Knee-joint, injuries of the. 40, 572, 657 908 Ante-natal work, criticism of, 140 League of Nations and peace, 701 Congress, Red Cross, International, Tokyo: Artery, innouminate, ligature of the, 38, 138 London University and its medical schools, ' reserve 836 962, 1018, 1072, 1122. 1173, 1218 Humanization of war, 1122 Astbma, alkali in, 531, 611, 700 Congress of [Chronic] itbeumiiatisuti, Inter- Asthima in chil(dren, 231, 330 Lungs, traumatic rupture of, national, Aix-les-Bains (1934), 126 -General Asthma and chronic bronchitis. 139, 231 Lupus vulgaris, treatment of, 375. 490 survey of rheumatoid arthritis, 126-Clinical As t-hma, septum cauterization in, 1017 Malaria, therapeutic, and hat moglobin uria, an(d pathological aspects, 127-Discussion on Atlas, inflammatory disloRc tion of. 232 884 treatment, 127 Autotransfusion in ruptured ectopic gestation, Maoris, miiaternal mortality in, 233 Congress of the Royal Sanitarv Association of 1126 Maternal mortal its See Mortality Scotland, Stirling (1934), 565 -Health and Bacillus Calmette-Gu6rin vaccine, 791, 885 Measles complicated by peripheral neuritis, housing, 565 Bacilluts coli infections, 570, 611 232 Congress of the Royal Sanitary Institute. Back injuries, transport of cases with. 1124 Medical benevolence, 745, 836, 880,968. 10O,]0129 968 M1edical Directory 88 Bristol (1934), 1157-Nutrition and health, 1 57 Backache, motor, and neuralgia, 791, 831, Medical education, 486, 570-Responsible Congress of the Scottish Association of Insurance Bacon, Roger, and thirteenth century medi- 486-Trainit g for the Comnmittees, Stranraer (1934) 576 cine, 40 clinical experience, 140' specialties. 570 Congress of Social Hygiene, Imperial, London Barbiturate poisoning, problems, minor, 701 (1935). 1226 Bile salts for empyema, 85 Mredical 658 Congress. South Afl-ean Medical, Pretoria (1934). Biology, "applied human," 1179 Medical profession in Hungai-y, 700. 921. 1016 correction of, 793 913-National hlealth insurance schemiie, 913- "Bleeders," female, 744, Iteister,for 374 Presidential address, 913-PleDary sessions, 'Blindness after novarsenobenzol (N.A.B.), 882 Medical school womiien, propoced, n for natives in South 914-ThieIA -rln ffections.OeIAn914-bcjentinc---ieandan Tlrades Blood pressure,high-is it a risk? 370, 486, 532, Medical training Aflica. Exhibition, 914-Entertainments, 914 699 612 CoDgress of Surgery, French (1934), 874 Blood pressure, is the taking of a risk? 532 Melville, Stanley, Memorial, '69 r THE BRITISH 10 JULY-DEC.,- 1934] INDEX MEDICAL JOURNAL

Correspondence (cointinued): COeMULESCO: The spleen and carbohydrate CUaIE-JOLIOT,M. and Mme: Artificial radio- Menorrhagia after splenectomy for purpura metabolism, 477 activity, 688 haemorrhagica. 488 COTTON, Dr.: Contagious abortion, 483 CURL, H. F., elected mayor of Mental deficiency and heredity. 39 COTTON, T. F.: Patlhology of coronaryocclusion, 975 Wrokingham, Mental hospital clinic, 1078,1177 225 Proenosis in coronary occlulsion, 829 CuRmE,Lieut.-Col. Duncan Edward, obituary Midwifery, practice of, 1221 Council, General Medical, 1055-Elections, 817, notice of, 379 Milk, bacteriological examination of, 882. 962 868, 880,902,1003 1013-Information concerning CURRIE, David WV.: Maternal imiortality, 1127 Mortality, maternal. 1126 the study of medicine, 391-Representation of CuSSEN.O'Hea: Speech defects, 1122 Motor backache. See Backache England, 880-Representation of Scotland, 880 Cutaneous manifestation of vitamin A deficiency. Muco-puirulent and tubo tympanic infections, See Vitamin CJJVJJt, IAItEt CUTHBERT, T. M.: Insect bites and iodine. 337 Nasal mucosa, inifluence of heat and lighlt on Atnbulances for maternity Work, 955 Cyanide poisoning: Rasputin's death,184, 234 1014 Annual Report for 1933, 365, 695-Report of the Cyclists,pedal, in road accidents (parliamentary Obstetric methods at St. Mary Abbots,954,1074, scbool miiedical officer, 355-Public healtl: note). 96 1221 Report of the County Medical Officer of Cyclopedia of Medicine, vols. viii, ix,x, and Obstetrics in India, 1125 Health, 695 xi, rev., 993 Occupational therapy. 231, 283. 333, 375, 486 Dietaries (official) of resident officers in hos- Cyclopropane anaestbesia. See Anaesthesia Oil " vaccine in rheumatism. See Rheuml- pitals and institutionis, 239 Cyst, abdominal,untusual (J. E. Stacey),1121 atismll D)istrict miiedical officers, salar-ies of, 485 Cyst of thymus in a newborn baby,553 Paralysis, infantile, orthopaedic treatmtietnt of, Hoipitals of, and fLondon mledical sclools, co- C !!stic disease of the lung (Debreand Gilbrin), 533 operation in vorking, 211 778 Pellagra in Etnglatnd, 283 Hospitals of, mtiedical staff, 326 CNystostomy, permanent, new drainage bag for, Pelvimeter plea for the abolition of tbe, 963, Nutrition clinics for London school children, 915 1014, 1075, 1175 1168 typhus in, Pelvimetrv and rAdioeraphy, 1175 Operating theatres, fire and explosioni risks in, Czechloslovakia, fex-er S7 Pelvis, viewing the, 1222 484 Phlebitis, treatment of, 332. 489 Parliamentary notes, 238 Pineapple juice in oedeisia, 492,572 Public institutions, classification of initiates Port sanitation and ccDnimon sense,' 491, 572, in, 1008 613, 658, 701 Specialists' sessions, duration of, 826 Pott's paraplegia: p ttholo.gical material Sterilization Report and the Council, 73 D. wanted, 1080 Tuberculosis, residential treatmient of, 484 Pre-asthmatic phase. 922 Ttuberciilosis treatment and the, 238 DABHOLEARI, Alajor A. Y.: Report on plague Pregnancy, angular, case of, 184 epidemiics in 529 Pregnancy diagnosis station, 531 Council, West Riding County, miiedical salaries D'ABIIEU, A. L.:Boiiib&ay.Dangers of the glass catbeter, Prostatectomy, control of haemorrliage in, 700, in, 1009 1174 744 Country planning. See Town and Country DAFOI, A. R.: The quintuplets,562 Publicity, 699, 747, 793 County medical officers of health. See Medical DAHNE, Constant Gustav lTogan,Obittiary notice Puerperal morbidity and mortality, 963, 1074 COURCOUX: Treatment of haemoptysis, 364 of, 335 Punishment, corporal: Plea for the exetmip- COuTS, Dr., death of, 840 DAIN, H. Gtuy: Radiology and the general tionof girls, 1178 " Covering " in France, 874 practitioner, 275-Defective hearing as a }'vloric stenosis, 37, 84,136 833 COWAN, Alfred: Patented lenses, 1158 national problem,324 Quinine, ante-natal use of, 86 COWAN. Stuart Lawson, elected to a Beit DALAF,, Captain S. D.,mentioned in dispatches. Radiological practice, 1013 Memorial Fellowship, 128 89 Rasputin's death, 88, 184, 234 COWELL, E. M.: Treatmeiit of arterial eiiibo- DALE1, Sir Henry: Chemical ideas in medicine Rectal peolapse, complete, 330, 331-Injection lism, 219-The septic hand, 220-Hernia opera- and biology, 795-Dixon Memorial Lecture: treatment of, 330-Complicated by proci- tions 315 Pharmacology and nerve endings, 1161 dentia, 488 COWELL.Stuart J.:-Unemuploym-ent assistance: DALLY, J. F. Halls:-High Blood Pressure: Its R'nal function, tests of. 138. 285 determ-lination of needs, 235 -Nutrition and Variations and Control. A Manlual for. Prac- Rtbeumatic disease. chronic, differetntial diag- disease,527 titioners, third edition, rev., 1152 nosis of, 884, 921, 967 Cox, Alfred: British Health Resorts Associa- DALRY[MPLE-CHIAMPNEYS, 8ir W.: Eradication Rlheumatism, use of * oil"? vaccine in, 233, 374, tion, 88-The miiedical profession in Hungary, of bovine tuberculosis, 328-Ante-natal care 491 658-MIedical benevolence, 880 and imaLernal mortality, 1011 Ross, Ronald, and the Panama Canal. 1023 Cox. J. WV. -MIanual Skill: its Orge(n?izatiott DALTON. C. H. C.: itadiology anid the general Royal Melical Benevolent Fund Christmiias and Development, rev., 994 practitioner. 276-Radiology of the stomach gifts, 655, 1030 Cox, 1,issant: Rteport on tuberculosis in Lan- and duodenum, 320 Safety-pins, open, swallowing of, 1017 cashiire, 876 Daltose, 1202 Science, c inical, endownment of, 1?18 Coxa vara. a(lo1escent (V. H. Ellis), 1013 DANDY, Walter E.: Treatmiient of MWnitees' Scoliosis, hereditary, 87 CoxoN, A. C. M.: [iesidual infection of the jaws, disease, Scottish Health Services, 181 1079 Dangerous779drugs. See Drugs, " Septicaemia," 1079 CRAIG, Jamties Crawford. obittuary notice of, 749 Danube, delta of, mLialaria in, 698 Sex literature, advertisements of, 88 CRAIG, R. WV.: Hospital service3 for Scotland, DaNZIS, Max: Treatulent of arterial embolism, Sherlock Holmes. See Holmes 917 219-Bad surgical risks, 265 Short-wave diathermy, 1013, 1072, 1124 CRAMPTON, H. P.: Personal factors influencing DARWIN, Ruth: Occupational thorapy for Signals, light, traffic control by, 40, 141, 235 anaesthesia, 877 iiiental and nervous cases, 133 Sodium evipan. See Anaesthesia. andc Evipan CRAWF'ORD, Jamiies: The swab in diphtheria DATNOW, M.: A new lighted vaginal speculum, Spleen, ruptured, treatmiient of, 1219 diagnosis, 332 170-Sterility with ovarian dysfunction. 1217 Splenectomy for inenorrhagia in purpura CRAWFORD. J. W. (and M. A. FoiTLiss: Femiale DATTNER, Bernhard: MIoderfle Thterapie der haemorrhagica, 284 "bleeders," 594 Neurosyphtilis. rev., 471 Suicide, economuic aspects of, 1222 CREAK. Mildred: Mental hygiene in clhildhood, DAVIDE, A.: Poliomlyelitis. 863 Sunbathing and tuberculosis, 85,138 1171 DAVIDSON, Andrew H.: Ovarian causes of pelvic Syphilis and " cure," 230 CREER. W1illian] iSayle, awarded a Dorothy pain, 266, 623 (0) Tendon, extensor pollicis, ruptuire of, 611 Temple Cross Fellowsihip in tuberctulosis, 76- DAVIDSON, D. Du B.: Corporal punishment. A Thrombosis of the penis, 329,371, 4i9 A collodion gatuzs sulint, 1199 plea for the exemption of girls, 1178 Thrombosis of internal saphenous vein, 183, CREw, F, A. E.: Biological aspects of sex, 82- DAVIDSON, James, appointed head of the scien- 232, 331. 884 Eadocrines in sex constitution,83-Pregnancy tific laboratory of the Metropolitan Police Thyroid addiction, 84 diagnosis station, 531-The lplace of biology in College, 1008 Thyroid prescription, 136 elJucationu, 826 DAVIDSON, L. S. P.: Nutritional anaemia. 122- Tobacco angina, 922 CaICHTON-MILLEIt, H.: Mechanismii of pain, 317 Nutrition and disease, 526-(R. A1. C. CAMP- Toe-nail, ingrowing, 922, 967, 1073 CRII)LAND, Arthuir Bernard, death of. 29 - BELL, H. T. RAE, and J. SMITHi: Weil's Toll of var. 1019 Obituaryr notice of, 92, 145 disease, 1137 (0)C.: Tonsillectomy, position of patient for, 922 Crim-iinal Court, Central, centerary celebration DAVIDSON, W. Allergic factors in rhinor- Traffic control by light signals, 40, 141, 235. at, 910 rhoesa 271 See afs0 Signals Crippled children, Princess Margaret Itose DAVIES, A. B.: -Case of gastric neoplasm: Trauma and pulmonary disease, 791 Hospital for: Annual iiieeting, 79 gastrectomy, 116 Trichloreshylene, 1219 Cripples Hospital, Treloar, fete in aid of, 97 DAVIES, D. Justin: VaTicella and herpes, 1026 Ttubercle bacillus, p )int of entry of, 137 Cripples, training of, 28 DAVIES, E. M.: Whither general practice? 836 Lloyd (and W. NEVIN): lProg- Tuberculin, 39, 85, 182, 234, 612, 701 CRITC'HLEY, Maodonald: Mechanism of pain, DAVIES, T. A. B. Tuberculosis, notification of, 137 317. 891(1) nosis of haematetuLesis, 858 (0), 1176 Tuberculosis, peribronchial, 571 CIoosKs, McKenzie: Transport of cases with DAVIBS, W. L.: Cow's milk, 558 Ttuberculosis, uveo-parotid. 1123, 1220 back injuries, 1012 DAVIES-COLLEY, Eleanor, obituary notice of, Typhus in the Tropics. 487 CROOKS1IANK, F. G. (and Alfred ADLER): Imtdi- 1181 Ultra-short waves, action of on tumours, 332, vidua6 Psyicholoqy atid Sexieal Difticulties, DAVIS, Albert A.: The presacral nerve, 1 (0) 370 rev.. 724 DAVIS, E. D. D.: Muco-purulent tubo-tymLpanic U ,-m'-lovuient assistance: determination of CrossL Dorothy Teniiple) Research Fellowships. infection, 227-Allergic factors in rhinorrhoea, needs, 235 See Research 271 Varicella and herpas. Sce HIerpes Cssoss, Williani Foster, obituary notice of, 235 DAVISON, George (and T. G. QUINN): Left sub- Vitamin A deficiency in 'childhood, 140, 234 CRiOWD,N:, G. P.: Defective hearing as a national clavian aneurysml associated with cervical rib, Vitamin D, dosage of, 967 prol)lelml, 323 808 (0) Water shortage: " Use less water," 185 CR0oWjE, H. Warren: Use of "oil " vaccine in DAVISON. M. H. Armstrong: Female bleeders, Whithar general practice? 742 793,836.883, 963, rheuimatisml, 233, 49t-Differential dliagnosis of 1228 1019, 1079 chronic rheumatic disease, 884,967 DAVISON, Wilburt C.: Thte Complest Icia- Whooping-couigh, early diagnosis of, 1221 CROWTHER,,). G.: The Progress of Scientce: Ani trician. Practical. Diagnostic, I'Iherapeuttic, X-ray cinematography, 1020 Accounlt of Recentt Ptundamental Besearches an7d Preventtive Pediat-ics, rev., 1200 X ray examination of empvyema cavities, 831, int Physics. Chemzistry, and Btology, rev. 208 DAWcINS, C. J. M.: Ether convulsions, 792 921, 1014 Cuba, malaria prophylaxis in(S. BUino), 541 DAWKENS, Veronica: Occupational therapy, 133 X-ray treatment in breast cancer by serum CULLEN: Endomtetrial hyperplasia, 818 DAAWSON, J. B. Haemorrhage from peritonsillar tests, control of, 534 Cullen's sign of extrauterine gestationi, case showing(Frank Stabler), 255 ectopic gestation. 1126 Consi, H.: Fuingtus infections of the feet, 322 CuMMINGS, Arthur P.: The swab in diphtiheria DAwsos of Penn, Lord: Lewisham Hospital, Cn-.t x, cerebral, and gastro-intestitial motility, diagnosis, 487 729 646 CUMMINS, R. C.: Vertigo, 1122 DAWSON, Professor: Use of narcotics, 223 Corticas rhythm, discoverer of, 1129 CUNNINGHAM, J. F.: Oparation isaasks, 1013- DAWSoN. Shetifherd: Psychology of social prob- Cortin. crystalline, 363 *ervicalmyomla, 1013 lems, 557, 560 CoryzaL, alkaline treatment of. 1222 Curarine in tetanus, 1173 Deaf, device for the. 119 Cor.% a. local treatment of, 835, 882, 920. 968, 1017, CURIE, Marie Sklodowska, death of, 47--Obit- Deaf, National Institute for: Change of address, 1222 uarv noticeof. 72-Memorialto.297-Souarei n 563-The work of, 563 Cormza. Seeatlso Catarrlh Paris named after, 843 Deafness and bathing pools(A. Ttumarkin),357 THE BRITISH JULY-DEC., 1934] INDEX L MEDICAL JOURNAL

Deafness after opotherapy, 151 Diets, carbohydrate [high] and insulin efficiency DOYLE, Conan, Bell, and Laycock, 498 DEAK, F.: AMalaria in delta of the Danube, (H. P. Himiisworth), 57 (0), 338-A correction, DOYLF, F.: Maternity cases, 918 698 338 Doyne Memorial Lecture. See Lecture DEAN, Frank (and C. H. SPENCE): Hospitail Diets, model, for sclhool children (parliamlentary Drainage bag for permanent cystostimy, 945 AccoItItttig and Secretarial Practice, rev., niote), 1184 DREFUs-SI.E, G.: Excietion by the inilk, 124 258 Digestive muicosa (FI. H. Berg). 1114 DRENNAN, A. Murray: Pathology in Scottish DFEARDEN. Harold:-Death unider tha Micro- DIGGLE, F. Holt: Mnco-purulent tubo-tympanic Mental Hospitals, 180 scope: Some Cases of Sir Bernard Spilsbury infections, 655-An unusual laryngeal foreign Dressinigs. sturgical, heat-sterilized. 473 autd Others, rev., 945 body, 771-Nieningitis of otitic origin, 1120 DREW, J. (iralbanme: Weil's disease in Queens- DEARNNEY, Gertrude: Ovarian causes of pelvic DILLON, Frederick: Raspuitin's death, 88-Prac- land, 1142 (0) pain, 266 tical note on suicide, 1(98 (0' DRFNvYER, Georges: Obituary niotice of, 376-His Death after " cancer cure "-Alice Bishop, 704 Dioptries, review of book on, 258 scientific work at Oxford (E. NY. Ainley Death and the survival of rights of action Diphtheria antitoxin and the Schick test (It. B. Walker), 946 (leading article), 600-Correspondence on, 658, Mayfield). 938 (0) Dnroop, Rteginald, a member of the crew of the 792. See also Rights of action Diphtheria, aural, 1185 Endeavour, 191 Deaths following anaesthesia, See Anaesthesia Diphtheria and bathing pools (parliamentary DROUET, P. 1.: Hyperpituitarism and Graves's DE BEER, G. R. (and Julian S. HUXLEY): The note). 238 disease, 361 Elements of Bxperiimettal Embryology, rev., 18 Diphtheria, case mortality of. 603 Drought, the, 46, 281, 654-Water storage against DEBRI;:: CYstic disease of the lung, 778-La Diphtheria in Cork City, 1168 (tparliamentary note), 46-Meeting at Ministi y gratnulie froide, 815 Diphitheria diagnosis, the swab in, 230, 286, 332, of Ilealth, 281 DE CHAI5EMARTIN: Evils of a sedentary life, 371, 487, 535, 572, 612, 657, 706, 746-Annotation lDrought. See also Water 1089 o0n, 746 Drowning, infanticide by, test for live birth in DE CHAZAL, E. L. (and F. A. ROUGET): Guiide Diphtheria immunization in Duisburg-Hamborn cases of, 142 Pratique d'Hyoiulne Infanttile, rev., 256 (H1. Gundel and F. Mtiller- Voigt), 1147 DRUCK\REY, H.; Cancer claims, 520 DE CoURCY: The endocrine factor-essential Diphtheria immunization in Edinburgh, 1007 Drug a(ldiction, problem of .(Sir Malcolm hypertension, 260 Diphtheria immunization in Lenintgrad. 1003 Delevingne), 690 Decubitus, influence of on vertex presentation, Diphtheria immulnization in a schlool (Willian Drug addiction treatmiient (G. Laughton Scott), 1224. See also Labour G. Patterson), 855 (0) 1149 DEE, J. P.: Thromibosis of the internal saplienous Diphtheria mortality (Irish Free State), 987 Drug rash. 97 vein, 331 Diphtheria, world prevalence of, 123 Drugs, barbiturate, poisoning by in France, DEEPING, Warwick- Appreciaticn of Andrew Diploma in Public Health, lectures and demon- 263 Baxter, 1182 strations for, 537 Drugs, barbiturate, poisoning by. review of Deficiency disorders, relation of non-specific Diplomas, special, information concerning, 448 book on, 19-Correspondence on. 140 dangerous. traffic in, 45, 478-In Egypt, colitis to (D. C. Hare), 162 (0) Disaffection Bill. See Incitemiient to Disaffec- Drugs, DE1 FREITAS. Q. B.: Sprue, 320 tion 28,-45-Homiie Office statement 'to League of DE GRosz, Emile: Trabchomia, 277 Disclaimers, 98, 152, 290, 380, 664 Nations, 478-Parliamentary notes on, 45 D'HERELLE, Professor, appointed director of the Disease carriers in air warfare (parliamentary Drugs, narcotic, in treatm'ient of nervouis and Institute of Infectious Diseases at Tiflis, 289 note). 96 mental patients (Lo] d Horder). 222, 619 (0)-- DELEVINGNE, Sir Malcolm:-Norman lKerr Disease carriers, detection of (parliamentary Discussion, 222. See also Narcotics memorial lecture: 8Sone international aspects note), 1083 Drugs, new for old, 646 of tlle probleml- of druig addiction, 690 Disease, study of as an intellectual stimulus Drugs, vegetable. cf Ind a. review of book( on, DRLPRAT, C. C., deatlh of, 496 (William Allen Pasey), 34 1134 Dengue fever. muntual protection against (parlia- Disinfectant mistaken for shark oil (parlia- DRUMMOND, J. C.: Lanie Aredictal Leetures: Bio- miientary note), 1083 mentary note), 1184 che nical Studies of Nuttritional P'roblems, Denmark, epidemic of acuite poliomiiyelitis in, Dispatches, names mentioned in, 89 776 497. 617, 863 District nmedical officers. salaries of, 485 Drunkenness from ml-ethbylated spiris (parlia- Dental benefit. See Insurance District nursing. See Nursing mentary note), 1083 Dental conference in Diundee, 368 DITTMAR, Frederick, obituary notice of, 236 Dublin. See Ireland Dental problems of medical interest (Robert Diuresis in a case of pittuitary tuimour, 705 Dublin County, health of, 877 Kennon), 832 DIVER, Ebenezer William, obituary notice of. Ducks' eggs. See Eggs Dental service, school, in New Zealand, 784 287 DUBLIN, Dr.: Infant mortality and expecta- Dental surgeon's place in a general hospital Diverticulitis with unusual complications tion of life in New Zealand, 784 (Harold Round), 562 (Humtphrey Foxell). 988 (0) DUDLEY, Surgeon-Captain S. F.: Immunizationi Dental surgery, informiation concerning the DIVINE, John: Occupational dermatitis, 87- in the specific fevers, 273 study of, 450 Appreciation of David Roger Moir, 839 DUEL. Arthur Bal win: Operative treatmiient of DE PABLO, Vincente: AlMedicacion local pulmonar DixoN, G. B.: Report on tuberculosis in Bir- facial palsy. 1027 (0) por via int atraaqueal, rev., 170 mingham, 916 DUFF, A.: X-ray examination of empiema Depressed Areas (Development and Imiiprove- DOBBYN, Michael H.: Maternal mlorbidity and cavities, 921 miient) Bill, 1022. 1084,1134,1224 the G.P., 1086 Dnfferin (Countess of) Fund, work of, 914 Depressed areas, money for (parliamentary DOBSON. G. AH. B. * Atmospheric pollution, 1052 DUFFOUR, J.: Carbon dioxide for the newborn, note), 1083 DOBSON, J. 0.:-Ronald Ross: Dragon Slayer. 728 Depression, the, and health in the United States, A Short Account of a Gr-eat Discovery and of DUGD&LE, J. N.: "Praise and dispraise of 313 the MIan who made it, rev., 1104 doctors," 498 Dermatitis, occupational, 87 DOcKAR. A. W.: Asthma in childhood, 192-Tbe DUGUID, J. B.: Pathology of coronary occlusion, Dermatology, review of book on, 722. See also pre-asthmatic phape, 923 224 Skin DOCKERAY, G. C.: Growth of B. coli in water, DUGUID, Major John Hay, obituary notice of, D]mROT. Maurice: L,e Traitement de 'Asthme 919 336 Bronchique, rev 68 Doctor from Padua " (Arturo Castiglioni). DUJARRIC DE LA 1iIVIkRE, R.: L'Imnmunitl vasr Desitin ointnment, 635 9C9 Mslcanisme Physico Chimique, rev , 118 D)E VERTEUTIL, E.: Malaria in Trinidad and Doctors, buisiness relations between, 42, 141, 574, DURKE-ELDER, Sir Stewart: Recet Advatnces in, Tobago, 477 660, 750, 841, 1081-The law of partnership, 42- Ophthalholcgy, third edition, rev., 1102 DEVOTO, rUJuigi, elected a imiember of the Italian Dissolution of partner-ship, 141,574-Variation DUKEN: La granulie froide, 815 Senate, 289 of the partnersbip agreenment, 660-Relations DuREs. Cuthbert: Clinical pathology of coma, DH&AMAVIR, N. R.: Public Health in Inidia, of partners to outside persons, 661-Goodwill 81-B. coli infection, 264-Conditiors pre- 1215 agreements to refrain from practising, 750- disposing to B. coli infection after- post- Diabetes, burning sensation in, 577 Assistants and locumtenents, 841-Transfer of operative retention, 458 (0) Diabetes, mortality from increased, 175 230, 330, practices, 1081 DuNDAS-GRANT. tirJames: Muco-purulent tubo- 570, 609 Doctors' cars, thefts from (parliamentary note), tympanic infection, 226-Asthma in childrets. Diahetes. special clinics for (L. Wislicki). 717 (0) 1184 231-Appreciation of Robert Alexander Gib- Diabetic gangrene. See Gangrene Doctors and investnments (New Zealand), 784 bons, 493-Aetiology and treatment of asthma, Diagnosis and physical signs, drilling in (lead- Doctors. praise and dispraise of, 498 1069 ing article), 999 Doctors and road accidents. See Accidents Dundee. See Scotland Diagnosis, review of books on, 861, 1048 DODD, Harold: Ruptuired spleen after trifling DUNHILL, T. P.: Pre'inl-inary ligature for toxic Diagnostic set. electrical mains adaptor for, 1C48 mishaps. 1094 (0) goitre, 84 Diaries and calendars, 1136, 1228 DODDs. E. C.: Oestrus-producing hormones, 268 DUNHILL, Sir Thomas: The thlrotoxic beart, Diathermy cutting current in cervicitis (J. C. 1187 (0) 1172 Ainsworth- Davis), 316, 935 (0)-Discussion, 316 DOLMAN, C. E.:-Streptococcal infections: DUNLEVY, A. J.: Adrenaline and cerebral -Correspondence on, 1076,1125 specific treatinent,950 haemorrhage, 578 Diathermy, short-wave, 1013, 1072, 1124. See also Domiciliary Nursing Services Bill. See Nursing DUNLOP, B.: " Applied human biology;" 1179 Short-wave DONALDSON, Malcolm: Cancer of the cervix DUNN, J. P.: Campaign against tuberculosa', DIBEEx, J. Henry: Mode-rn views on silicosis, after artificial mienopause by radiun, 38 565 878 DONELLAN, J. O'C.: Treatment of the mentally DUNN, J. T.: Chemical research and industi y, DICE, J. Staveley: The swab in diphtheria defective child, 786 229 diagnosis, 487 DONOVAN, fIlugh (0. BRENNER and B3. L. S. DUNN, Naughton: Congenital cluib foot. 1012-- Dick test, age for. 796 MURTAGH)- Total thyroidectomy in treatment Fracttire of neck of femur and intra-artiotila * DICRIN, E. P., appointed Serving Rrotlher of the of patients with congestive heart failure and arthrodesis of hip, 1012 Order of St. John of lerfisalein, 24 angina pectoris, 624 (0) DUNN, Shaw: Bright's disease. 601 DIcKINsON, Robert Latoun Humtan Sex Antatomy, DONOVAN, Major-General Williamii, obituary Duodenal ulcer. See Ulcer rev., 210 notice of, 335 Duodenal ulceration and cholecystec'omy. See DIcKsoN, Robert Harper, obituary notice of. 971 DOOLIN, W.: Intratracheal anaesthesia, 1218 Cholecystectomy Dictionary. Gould's Polcket Pronouncing Medlical, DORCUS, Roy M. (and G. Wilson SHAF ER): Duodenum and the Kirby grip, 965, 1(77, 1179 tenth edition, rev., 308 Textbook f Abnormal Psychology. rev., 994 Duodenum, radiology of (C. Cochrane Shanks), Dictionary, Oxford French, Thte Concise, rev., DORE, S. Ernest (and John L. FRANKLIN): 319,1032 (0)-Discussion. 319 945 Diseases of the Skin: A Handbook of Der-ma- Dupuytren's contraction (parliamentary nofe) DIEEIL, Karl: Ztvillingstuberktelose (Zwilliitgs- tology for Practitionters aTnd Studetnts, rev., 926 forschunq und erbliche Tuberkulosedisposi- 722 DURAND, Paul: The James Mackenziecf Franm e, tion), 1055 DOUGAL. Daniel: Ovarian causes of pelvic pain, 874 Diet cards at Harrogate, 618 266,621 (0) DURANTE, Henator Francesco, death of, 691 Diet id ophthalmnic practice, influence of (Olive DoUGLAS, Major A.: Eradication of bovine Dt,it. review of book on, 812 Pratt), 132 tuberculosis, 328 DOTRENIT: The guttadiaphot, 524 Diet during pregnancy and lactation (leading DouSSAIN, Dr. (and Dr. RAPPIN): Consid6ra- Dwellings, rural, reconditioning of (parlia- article), 1205 tion1s SU)- I'Etiologie des Maladies rnfectieu-ses, mentary note), 1225 l)iet, review of book on, 307 rev., 596 DYBALL, Brennan, obituary notice of, 144 Dietaries (official) of resident officers in London DOWNER, R. L. E., appointed Officer of the DYRE, S. C.: Clinical pathology of coma, 81- County Council hospitals and institutions, Order of St. John of Jerusalem. 24 B. coli infection, 264 239 DoWNES, Colonel Rupert Mlajor, appointed Dysmenorrhoea in virgins, treatmient of, 5'8 DIETLEN, Hans: Die Lutngeaztuberkulose, rev., Director-General of Medical tServices of the D13strophies and degenerations of maculn .J.j3154I Australian Military Forces, 536 (Arnold Sorsby), 270 [ THE BRITISH 12 JULY-DEC., 1934] INDEX I MEDICAL JOURNAL

E. EndoscoDy and Chevalier Jackson. 522 Its modern treatment, 320. 1192 (0)-(And G. ENGELSTAD, Rolt Bull: Uberdie Wirkungen der Carmichael Low): Fatal perforation of caecum EAGER, R.: Use of narootics, 223-Nail-biting, Rdetgenstrahlen auf die Lungen, 364 in a case of sprue, 678 (0)-Blackwater fever, 528 ENGLISH, J. S.: Ovarian causes of pelvic pain, 1154 Ear, earwig in, 618 267 FALDELLA, G.: Pulmonary infiltration treated Bar. review of book on, 681. See also Nose ENsoR, John Williams, obituiary notice of, 660 by artificial pneumothorax, 593 and Throat Environment and mental deficiency. See Mental FALKINER, Ninian: Maternity cases, 918 Earwig in ear, 618 Epidural abscess. See Abscess Family allowances; 1203-Memorandum by the Earth burials and disease, 497 Epilepsy associated with mental states (Dr. Children's Committee, 1203. See also Un- East Africa. See Africa Bridge), 1108- employment assistance EASTWOOD, W. J.: Osteomyelitis, 273 Epilepsy and nasal sinusitis, 1219 FARKAS, G., death of, 1223 DecLEs, McAdam: Bad surgical risks, 265 - Epilepsy treated by snake venom, 1073 Farnborough Institution Hospital. See Hos- Hernia operations, 315 Epistaxis, persistent, 47 pital Bclampsia, review of book on, 517 Epithelioma of vulva (J. E. Stacey), 1122 Fascia lata sutures. See Sutures Economy cuts, restoration of (parliamentary Epsom College. See College Fathers of odontology, 1003 note), 148, 191 ERWIN, G. S. (and A. Hope Gossaz): Pulmonary FAuRE. J. L., elected a member of the Academle Ectopic gestation. See Gestation tuberculosis after sunbaths, 15 10) de M6decine, 337 Eczema, home wanted for child with, 97 Erythema annulare, treatment of, 705 FAWKEs, R. B.: Climatic factors and disease, 32 Eozema, infantile, 844 Erythema nodosum with Hodgkin's disease FEARON, W. R.: An Introduction to Bio- Eczema, review of bookon, 680 (C. J. Fuller), 1172 chemistry, rev., 722 EDELMANN, Ricbard: Text-book of Meat HVgiene. Erythroedema, case of, 706. See also Pink Feeding, infant, review of book on, 256 With Special Consideration of Anite-mortem disease Fee-splitting in Canada (Harris McPhedran), 262 anti Post-Mortem Inspection of Food-produc- ESOR, P.: Osteomalacia and osteodystrophia Fees to hospitals for road casualties (parlia- ing An?imals. Sixth edition, rev., 472 fibrosa, 1094 mentary note), 191. See also Road Traffic Bill Eden, T. Watts: Factors in the reduction of E38ER, S. J. D.: Thrombosis of internal Feet, fungus infections of. 322, 541. See also maternal mortality, 948 saphenous vein, 884 Fungus EDGEcOmBE, Wilfrid: Problems of sciatica, 789 Esthonia, rabies epidemic in, 97 Fehling's reaction, chemistry of, 1136 Edinburgh. Se'e Scotland Estimates: Board of Agriculture,95-Education, FEIjoo, E. J. Canal: Forms of leishmaniasis EDMONDSON, John: Treatment of fractures in 147-Health, 44-Mines, 147-Scottish adminis- in Santiago del Estero, 514 the newborn, 571 tration, 147 FEINBERG, Samuel M.: Allergy in General EDRIDGE-GREEN. F. W.: Physiology of vision. Estuary muds at Bouthend-on-Ses, 696 Practice, rev., 812 557 -Tests for colour-blindness, 1020 F.ther convulsions. See Convulsions FELDMAN. W. M.: Ante-natal care and maternal Education, medical. See Medical Etienne. G.: Hyperpituitarism and Graves's mortality, 1011 Educational Endowments (Scotland) Bill, 1022, disease, 361 FELIX, A.: Typhus fevers in the tropics. 320 1183 European children. See Children Fellowship of Medicine and Post-Graduate Educational number, 1934, 364 Eubion tablets contain vitamins A and D, 945 Association: Information concerning, 430. EDWADS, F. W.: Subspecies of Anophelesmacu- EVANs, Arthur, gives a collection of pathological See Post- graduate lipennis, 134 specimens to the museum of the Post-graduate Female bleeders. See Bleeders EDWARDS, J. Watkin: Pruritus with jaundice, Medical School at Hammersmith, 305 Femur, fractures of. See Fractures 338 EVANS, A. Lovatt. honorary LL.D.Birming- FENIOHEL, Otto: Outline of Clinical Psycho- EDWARDS, Norman Fox, obituary notice of, 886 ham conferred on, 41-London University and analV8is, rev., 1230 Eggs, ducks', food poisoning by, 1002 its medical schools, 1122 FENN, Samuel Backwell, obituary notice of, 1182 Eggs, , importation of (parliamentary EVANs, Frankis: Closed anaesthesia with CO2 FENTON, E. G.: The cancer problem,, 85 - note), 238 absorption, 223-Sodium evipan anaesthesia, Traumatic rupture of the lungs, 700 Egypt: Dangerous drug traffic in, 28 224 FENTON, F. G. (and T. Keith LYLB): Advantages Eichholz Memorial Clinic and Institute of Mas- EVANS, Geoffrey: Oedema-its causation and of intravenous (evipan) anaesthesia in oph- sage and Physiotherapy by the blind, opening treatment, 314 thalmic surgery, 589 (0)- Evipan on full of, 78-The special work of, 655 EVANS, J. Jameson: Aetiology and treatment of stomach, 700 BIDINOW, Albert: Action of ultra-short waves on congestpive glaucoma, 133 FENTON, M. J.: Funguis infections of the feet. tumours, 332-Short-wave therapy, 956 EVANS. Philip Jameson: Aetiology and treat- 322 EISELBERG, A.: Title of doctor honoris causa ment of congestive glaucoma, 133 FENWICK, P. Clennell: Work of the radium and conferred on by tile University of Paris, 97 EVANS, P. R.: Peripheral neuritis complicating deeptaerapy deosrtments at the Christchurch ELAM, John: Nitrous oxide and air analgesia in measles. 232-Clinical diagnosis of whooping- Hospital, New Zealand, 679 the midwifery of general and hospital prac- cough without the whoop, 1043 (0)-The duo- FERGUSON, Arnold S.: Treatment of M6nibre's tice, 1196 (0) denum and the Kirby grip, 1077 disease, 928 Elbow-joint. bilateral congenital malformation EVANS, William: A Student's Handbook of FERGOUSON, Fergus R.: Organic and functional of (Trevor Gwyn Thomas), 903 Clinical Electrocardiography, rev., 1047 nervous disorders, 267 - Unsettled problems Elbow, tennis, 192, 289 EVEN, Roger (and LIon Bernard): TUirapeutique of neurosyphilis, 788 Electrical mains adaptor for diagnostic set, 1048 Hudro-climatologique de la Tubercutlose, rev., FERNAU, Albert, death of, 972 Electricity Supply Bill, 1022 20 FERRIER, P.: La Guitrison de Ia Tuberculose. Electrocardiogram, review of books on, 680, 1047 EVENSEN. K. 0.: Cs-se of aortic rupture, 631 second edition, rev., 356 Electro-ooagulation of prostate. See Prostate EVERS. Harvey: Lower segment Caesarean sec- Ferr6lic " iron granules (Allenburys), 814 Electrotherapy apparatus, booklet on, 844 tion, 36 Fever, blackwater, recent research in (leading Electrotherapy in treatment of diseases of the Evipan anaesthesia. See Anaesthesia article). 1154 genito-urinary system (W. J. Turrell), 160 (0) Evipan paralysis, case of (J. V. Landor and Fever, Brucella abortus (S. Harvey), 470. See Elephantiasis, results of operations for, 48, 97 Mohamed Salleh), 940 (0)-Correspondence on, also Brucella ELGOOD, Cyril: Medicine inl Persia. rev., £45 1025 Fever, scarlet, isolation period in. 215 ELLIOT, Lieut.-Colonel Robert Henry: The EWING, A. W. G.: Defective hearing as a Fever, scarlet, world prevalence of, 123 MVth of the MVstic East, rev, 862-Treatment national problem, 323 Feyer. typhus: In Bulgaria, 97-In * hili. 975- of epilepsy by snflke venom, 1073 Excretion by the milk. See Milk In Czechoslovakia, 97-In Rumania, 97-In ELLIOT-SMITH, Sir Grafson, elected an honorary Execution of children. See Children Uganda, 14-In Yugoslavia, 97 foreign member of the Royal Academy of Exercise tolerance test, a metabolic, 603. See Fever, undulant, and contagious abortion in Medicine of Belgium, 576 als') Tolerance Northumberland (A. I. Messer). 856 (0) ELLIOTT. Brereton George, obituary notice of, Exercises for lumbago. See Lumbago Fever, undulant, investigations in Aberdeen, 840- Exhaust fumes. See Fumes 1213 ELLIOTT, Charles Coyne, obituary notice of, 495 Explosions, anaesthetic, from static discharge, Fever, undulant, in Paris (S. J. J. Leroux), 592 ELLIS: Action of insulin, 519 966 Fever, undulant, in Austria, 217 ELLIS, V. H.: Fractures of neck of femur Er, H.: Hallucinations et Dflire. rev., 635 Fever, uveoparotid, case of (Mr. Savin). 133 and intra-articular arthrodesis of hip, 1012- Eye disease, ultra-violet therapy locally in Fever, yellow, mechanism of immunization Adolescent coxa vara, 1013 (F. W. Law), 269 against (Joan Laigret), 705 ELLISON. F. OB , appointed Officer of the Order Eye, functional diseases of the (Sir E. Farquhar Fever, yellow, committee visits French East of St. John of Jerusalem, 24 Buzzard), 132-Discussion, 132 Africa to study methods of inoculation against, ELLM&N. Philip: Seaside resorts for respiratory Eye. review of books on, 168, 355, 518, 634, 681, 1085 disease, 31-Prolnosis in coronary occlusion, 1104 Fevers. the specific, immunization in (R. A. 829 Eye See also Ophthalmology O'Brien), 273, 712 (0)-Discussion, 273 ELWELL. E. Grlaham: Non-fatal lightning Eyelids, aetiology and treatment of conditions Fevers, typhus, in the Tropics (Sir John Megaw). burns, 771 affecting the (H. W. Barber). 132 244 (0), 320-Discussion, 320-Correspondence Embolism of the peripheral arteries, surgical Eyes as a cause of headache. See Headache on,487 treatment of (Geoffrey Jefferson), 219,1090(0) FFOrLLIOTT, A. G. C.: The swab in diphtheri4 -Discussion, 219 diagnosis, 657 Embryology, review of book on, 18 FIELDING, M chael: Parenthood: Design or Empyema, after-treatment of, 881 Accident, third edition, rev., 356 Empyema, bile salts for, 85 FIE SINGER: The spleen and carbohydrate Empyema cases, post-oPerative management of metabolism, 477 (G. A. Mason). 266,1197 (0) F. Fife. pithead baths in, 485 Empyema eavities, x-ray examination of (Denis Fight against Disease, 818 Browne), 807 (0)-Correspondence on, 881, 921, FABER, H. K.: Poliomyelitis, 863 Films, German medical and surgical, private 1014 Fabriciuts ab Aquapendente. De Venarum demonstration of, 1023.1085 Empyema, mediastinal and apical (Stanley J. Ostiolis 1603 of Flieronymus Fabricius of Filterable viruses. SNee Viruses Hartfall and Lestie N. Pyraa), 1039 (0) Aquapendente (1533 ?-1619), facsimile edition, Finance Bill, 44, 147-Royal Assent. 147 Empyema thoracis, acute, post operative rev., 1201 FINCH, Ernest: Treatmentof arterial embolism, management of (George A. Mason\, 1197 (0) Facial palsy. See Palsy 219-Bad surgical risks, 265 Encephalitis (W. G. Wyllie), 221, 241 (0)-Dis- Factories and workshops: Report of Chief FINCKH, Alfred E.: The swab in diphtheria cussion, 222 Inspector, 325 diagnosis, 746 Encephalitis following vaccination (parlia- Factory conditions (parliamentary note), 238 FINDLAY, G. Kf.: Encephalitis, 222 mentary note). 238 Factory girls, holidays for, 380 FINDLAY, Leonard: Seaside resorts for resDira- Encephalomyelitis, post-vaccinial, death from FAHR: Bright's disease, 601 tory diisease, 32-Tnjection treatment of com- (parliamentary note), 1022 FAIRBAIRN, John S.: Are we satisfied with the plete rectal prolapse, 330-Unsettled problems Entyclopaedia of Sexual Knowedge, 94, 152- results of ante-natal care ? 193 (0)-Ovarian of neurosyphilis. 788 Summons by Director of Public Prosecutions, causes of pelvic pain, 266 FINE, Joseph: A modification of Benedict's test, 94-Disclaimer from Dr. Norman Haire, 152 FAIRBROTHER, R. W.: Handbook of Filter able 167 Endocrine dysfunction, diagnosis of, 664 _Viruses, rev., 554 FINZI. Dr.: Contagious abortion, 483 Endocrine factor in essential hypertension FAIRFIELD, Letitia: Sterilization of the unfit, FINZI. N. Si. (F. G. CHANDLER and James (leading article). 260 135-Team work in ante-natal and post-natal MAXWELL): Irradiation treatment of malig- Endocrines in sex constitution (W. Blair-Bell), care, 996-Ante-natal care and maternal mor- nant intrathoracic tumours, 714 (0) 83 tality, 1010-Mental hygiene in childhod, 1171 FISCHEL, Marguerite K.:-The Spastic Child: A Endometrial hyperplasia, 818. See also Hyper- FAIRLEY. N Hamilton: Weil's disease among Record of Scecessfully Achieved Muse e Control ;- T -e., via,e-a?lftSia sewer worKers in iLonaon.^-11U ttJJ-;vrue\-Mva na - n Littrie^85;#7.. 71osoeuct8ea8e. rev., t1sio13 [ THE BRITISH 13 JULy-DEC., 1934] INDEX L MEDICAL JOURNAL 1

of, 972 FISCHER, H. (and Marian 0. HOOKER): Thle FRANCE (continulied): GALLARDO, Angel, death LVophilicColloids. Their Theo ryandPractice, Covering," 874 GALLEY. A. H. (and Gerald SLOT): Pharmacology rev., 472 DuRAND, Paul, 874 and Therapeutics of sodium evipan, 201(0) Galway county. health of, report, 530 FI%CHL, Viktor (and Hans SCHLOSSBERGER): Medical salon, 1185 W Handbuch der Chemotherapie, rev.. 556 Pasteur Institute, future of, 874 Gangrene, diabetic, in a young woman (F. FISHER, Lieut.-Col. David Leonard, obituary Post-graduate courses, 617 Bury), 811 notice of, 702 Professional chairs abolished on the grounds Gangrene of finger caused by insect bite, 240 FIsHMAN, M.: Concurrent varicella and herpes of economy, 837 Gangrene, gas, restricted to the subcutaneous zoster, 836 Spas, voyage d'etudes m6dicales to, 47 tissues (Margaret Moore White), 937 (0)- ITZSIMONS, J. J.: Intratracheal anaesthesia, Street accident hospital in Paris, a new, 483 Correspondence on, 1078 1218 Surgical congress, 874 GARtDEN, A. 8.: Results of ante-natal care, 221 FITZWILLIA1MS, Duncan C. L.: Inflammatory Tuberculosis Defence Council publishes its GARDINER-HILL, H.: Intersexuality in man, 82 dislocation of the atlas, 107 (0) statistical report, 948 -Oestrus producing hormones. 268 GARDNER, James: European children in the Five days week. See Week Tropics, 1025 FLANDIN, Charles (Francois JOLY and Jean France. See also Paris BERNARD): L'Intoxication par les Soinsnifire8 FRANCIS, Alexander: Asthma in children, 577- GARLAND, Hugh G.: Diagnosis of intracranial (f ntoxication Bar biturique), 263 Septum cauterization in asthma, 1017 tumour, 346 (0)-Female ' bleeders," 744-Un- FLEMYNG, George Gilbert, obituary notice of, FRANCIS, C.: Aetiologv and treatment of settled problems of neurosyphilis, 788-Uveo- 923 asthma, 1070 parotid tuberculosis, 1123, 1220 FLETCHER, H. Morley, appointed consulting FRANCIS-WILLIAMS, C. H., appointed officer of GARROD, Lawrence P. (and Geoffrey HADFIELD): physician to the Infants Hospital, West- the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 24 Riecent A4dvavlces in Patltology. Second edition, minster, 289 FRAN4ON, F.: Rheumatoid arthritis, 127 rev., 19-Antiseptics in control of bacterial in- FLETCHER, William: Typhus fevers in the FRANKEL, Ludwig, made an honorary member fections, 318- Staphylococcal infections, 319 tropics, 320 of the Italian and Brazilian Societies of Gynae- GARVIE, Colonel John, obituary notice of, 336 Flies, house, 47, 97, 151, 289 cology and Obstetrics, 617 Gas detectors in mines, automatic, (parlia- Flies, non-biting haematophagous, mechanical FRANKLIN, Alfred White, awarded a Dorothy mentary note), 149,1022 transmission of trypanosomiasis, leishman- Temple Cross Research Fellowshipin tubercu- Gas gangrene. See Gantrene iasis, and yaws by (J. Gordon Thomson and losis, 76 Gas in Houisitng antd Slum Clearance, 531 W. A. Lamborn), 506 FRANKILIN, Lieut.-Col. Denham Francis, Gas, mustard, new cases of wvar blindness due Flogging, punishment by. See Ptinishment obituary notice of, 1180 to (Reginald E. Bickerton), 769 (0) R. Water Board FRANKLIN, John L. (and S. Ernest DORE): Dis- GASCARD, Dr., death of, 496 FLORIS, B.: MIetropolitan La annual report, 259 eases of theSki5n. A Hactd book of Dermniatology GASTINEL, P. (and 1. PULVENIS): Syphilis Flour, chemically bleached, 1086 for Practitioners and Students, rev., 722 Experimnentelle. Etude Critique et N'Vouvelles Flushing, localized, treatment for, 705, 796 FRASER, Alex.: Increased mortality from dia- Recherches. rev., 471 Focal infection as a problem for the laryngo- betes, 570 G:astric dilatation, aecute, witlh perforation, after logist (A. J. M. Wright), 158 (0)-Discussion, FRASER, J. (part editor): Irish Texts, rev., 555 hysterectomy (J. Rousset). 1071 227 FRASER, John: Osteomysrelitis, actute, 272, 539 (0) Gaastric neoplasm: gestl-ectomy (A. 1B. Davies), FOLIN, OTTO: LaboratoryMavnutal of Biological FRASER, J. S.: Muco-purulent tubo-tymlpanic 116 Chemistry, fifth edition, rev., 1048 infections, 742 Gastro-intestinal motility and cerebl-al cortex, FONTES, G.: Nutritional anaemia, 122 FRASER, Kate: Boarding-out of mental patients, 646 Food and health (parliamentary note), 1133. 996 Gastric ulcer. See Ulcer See also Nutrition FRASER, Louise: Alkaline treatment of coryza, G astro-intestinal coDditions, radiological diag- Food inspection at the port of Manchester, 1213 1222 nosis of (B. R. Kirklin), 957 Food Investigation Board: Annual report, 478 FRASER, Mearns: Portsmouth's housing ques- GAUTIER-SMITH. C. 1.: Results of ante-natal Food poisoning, bacterial, treatment of (Major tion, 1065 care, 220 George R. XIcRobert), 304 (0) FRASER, Nutting: Treatmient of dysmenorrhoea GAUVAIN, Sir Henry: Occupational therapy, 133, Food poisoning by ducks' eggs, 1002 in virgins, 578 283-Repor-t on the Lord Mayor Treloar Food poisoning in Lincolnshire (parliamentary FRASER, Thomas: Fatal case of subacute yellow Cripples' Hospital, Alton, 738 note), 239 atrophy of liver after cinchophen, 1195 (0) GAYLOR, J. B.: Intrinsic nervous ml-echanism Food standards: Discussion at Ptublic Health FRASER-HARRIS. D F.: Harvey and literature, of the hllman lung, 865 Congress, 996 124 GEBBIE, Nicolas: Report on the nutrition of Food supply of the nation, 478 FRAWLEY, J. M.: Prophylaxis of whooping- school children in Hull, 696 Foods, fads, and fashions (V. H. Mottram), 276 cough, 1109 GIEBEIARDT, K.: Ubungsbelandlusig. rev., 119 Foods, imported (parliamentary note), 840 FRAZER, A. C.: Use of "oil" vaccine in rbeu- GEBHARDT, L. P.: Poliomyelitis, 863 Foot-and-mouth disease and animals' diet nmatism, 374 Gee's disease, 728, 918. 1026-(HENRY MOORE and (parliamentary note), 46 FRAZER, R. B. F.: Roger Bacon and thirteenth others), 918-A correction. 1026 Foot and-mouth disease infection, carriers of century medicine, 40 Gelaphane," a substitute for oiled silk, 664 (parliamentary note), 1083 FRAZBR, W. M.: Port sanitation at Liverpool, General Medical Council. See Council Foot-and-mouth disease, outbreaks of (parlia- 129 General medical Eervice. See Medical mentary note), 887, 974 FREEMAN. John: Aetiology and treatmnent of General practice, opportunities of (W. H. F. Forceps, calculus, 724 asthma, 1069 Oxley), 820 Forceps, cervical biopsy punch, 119 Free State. See Ireland General practice, tr-eatment in. See Treatment Forceps, Willett's, in placenta praevia (C. H. FREaMANTLE, Sir Francis: Voluntary steriliza- General practice, whither? 742, 793. 836, 883, 968, Marshall). 961 tion, 995 1019, 1079 FORDE, J. R., appointed a member of the FRENCH,-Alistair R.: Tuberculin, 183-The swab General practitioner, articles for the, 1058 Executive Council of the Gambia and an in diphtheria diagnosis, 332, 746 - Sperma- General practitioner, laboratory equipment for. official member of the Legislative Council of torrhoea when bathing. 337 See Laboratory that colony, 927 FRIDJOHN, M. H.: Cyst of the thymus in a new- General practitioner and maternal miortality, Foreign body in larynx, 6n unusual (F. Holt born baby, 553 1086 Diggle), 771 FRIEDLANDER, R. D,: Auricular fibrillation and General practitioner and radiolopy (J. H. Foreign countries, conditions of practice in, 445 flutter of unknown aetiology, 950 Douglas Webster), 275 - Discussion, 275 - Forensic medicine. review of book on, 67 FRIEI,L A. R.: Defective hearing as a national Demonstration, 276 Forensic medicine. See also Medical Juris- problem, 323 General practitioner, radiology as an aid to the. prudence and Toxicology FROMENT, R.: Cardiac hypertrophy in anaemia, See Radiology Formulary, Natiossal, Schedule to thie, 578 216 General practitioner, the schoolmaster, and FORRESTBER-BROWN, Maud F.: Adolescent and FROMME, W.: Food poisoning by ducks' eggs, the specialist, 283, 373 senile kyphosis, 271-Congenital club foot, 1012 1002 General practitioner's nightmare, 754, 794 FORSYTH, David: Psychology and religion, 958 FUJIKAWA. Y.: Tapattese Medicine. rev., 170 Generalizations, fallacious (leading article), Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Blontgen- FULLER, C. J.: Hodgkin's disease with erythema 475 strahlen, fiftieth volume of, 506 nodosum, 1172 Genito-urinary system, electrotherapy in treat- FORTY, F. J. (and F. WILKINSON):-Swimming FULLERTON, Harold Williams, elected to a Beit ment of (W. J. Turrell), 160 (0), 225-Discus- Bath Water: Purification from the Putblic Memorial Fellowship, 127 sion, 225 Health Standpoinit. With Special Reference FULTON: Cerebral cortex and gastro-intestinal Genito-urinary systemii, x-ray treatment of to Planst anid Eqlipmesst and Hygienic Educa- motility, 646 diseases of the (G. Harrisoti Orton), 343(0) tiont, 313 FULTON, John F.: The ABC of bibliography, GE:RAGHTY,J. A.: Gee's disease, 918 FORWARD, Francis Edward, obituary notice of, 691 GERLACH, Dr.: Filter-able viruses, 483 146 FULTON, J. Struthers: Therapy generator "German mueasles ": a plea, 835, 966. See also FOuLIS, M. A. (and J. W. CRAWFORD): Female operating six x-ray tubes in parallel, 1114 Measles " bleeders," 594 Fumes, exhaust, harmful effects of (parlia- Germany: Food poisoning by ducks' eggs, 1002 FOULKES, R. K.: Sodium evipan, 224 mentary note), 238, 840, 887-In streets, 840 -Suicides in in 1932: numbers, 934 FOWLER, Sir James Kingston, death of, 29- Fund, Earl Haig's: Report of the 1933 Remenm- GERVAIS, Albert: A Surgeon's China, rev., 905 OOituary notice of, 91, 145 brance Day appeal, 568 Gestation, extrauterine, Cullen's sign in (Frank FOWWEATHER, F. S.: Examination of renal Fund, King Edward's Hospital: Statistical re- Stabler), 255 function, 49 (0), 285 view, 368-Result of the tour of the miniature Gestation, ectopic, ruptuired, aiutotransfusion Fox. R. Fortescue: Climatic factors and dis- hospital, 576-The waking hour in hospital, in. 1126 ease, 32 1009-Distribution meeting, 1110, 1153-Time Gestation, extrauterine and intrauiterine con- FOXELL, Humphrey: Diverticulitis with un- table re out-patients, 1211 current (H. Grey Massiab), 207 usual complications, 988 (0) Fund, Queen Alexandra Sanatorium: Annota- Gestation. See also Pregnancy Fracture of spine caused by strain, 976 tion in, 498, 1086 GHOSE, R. (and D. Sanyal): Vegetable Druigs of Fractures of [the neck of] the femiur, 123 Fund, Royal Medical Benevolent, Christmas 1ndia, second edition, rev., 1104 F'ractures of [the neck of] the femur and intra- appeal, 655, 1080-Report of meetings, 684 GIBBERD, G. F.: Is the maternal death rate articular arthrodesis of hip, 1012-Corre- Fungus infections of the foot (A. M. H. Gray), really high ? 1009 spondence on, 1072, 1220 322, 541 (0)-Discussion, 322 GIBBONS. Robert Alexander, obituary notice of, Fractures of the maxilla, treatment of (A. 493, 536 Simpson-Smith and W. Al. Graves-Morris), 632 GIBBs, H. E.. appointed Officer of the Order of Fractures in the newborn, treatment of (Eric St. John of Jerusalem, 24 Pritchard and Jean Smith), 363-Correspond- Gibraltar. health of: Annual report. 243 ence on, 571 GIBSON, C. R.: Pellagra, 121 Fractures, review of books on, 116, 723 GIBSON, Frederick Goulburn, obituary notice of, FRAENKEL, Ernest M.: Pulmonary tuberculosis G. 1223 in asthmna cases, 513 (O)-Aetiology and treat- GIBSON, George: Voluntary sterilization, 925 ment of asthma, 1069 GABB, J. P. A., obituary notice of, 702 GILBRIN: Cystic disease of the lung, 778 GAINSBOROUGH. H.: Oedemla-its causationi and GILFORD, Sidney, elected chairman of the FRLANCE: treatment, 314 Reading Insurance Committee, 927 Barbiturate poisoning in, 263 GAISPORD, Wilfrid F.: Pyloric stenosis,38 GILES, J. L.: Nutritional anaemia, 122-Typhus BERNARD, LMon, obituary notice of, 483 Galactose tolerance test, 1057 fevers in the Tropics, 320 Chairs abolished in the Paris Medical Faculty, GALE, A. H.: Defective hearing as a national GILL-CARREY, C.: Aetiology and treatment of 889 problem, 323 asthma. 1069,%,,j4 r THE BRITISH 14 JULY-DEC., 1934] INDEX MEDICAL JOURNAL - - 'R I GILLESPIE, John R.: Tuberculin, 39-Achlor- GRAY, E. E. D.: London University and its Haematemesis in peptic ulcer, umortality from, hydria, 218 medical schools, 1018 920. 1176 GILL1SPIE, R. D.: Organic and functional GRAY, F.: Whither general practice? 793 Haematemesis, prognosis of (T. A. Lloyd Davies nervous disorders, 268 GRAY, Janet. M.C.: The swab in diphtheria and R. W. Nevin), 858 (Q) GILLIEs, Sir Harold: A disclaimer, 380- diagnosis, 706 Haemiioglobinuris (C. B. Bamiiford), 764 Honorary Fellowship of the Amuerican College GREEN. David Ezra, elected to a Beit Memorial Haemoglobinuria and therapeutic malaria, 884 of Surgeons conferredL on, 927 Fellowship, 128 Haemophilia, snake venom for, 867 GIMLETTE, John Desmond, obituary notice of, GREEN H. H.: Nutrition and disease, 527 Haemophilia; See al8o " Bleeders" 378 GREEN-ARMYTAGE, V. B.: Ovarian causes of Haemoptysis, endotracheal injections of ad- GIRDLESTONE, G. R.: Acute and chronic sprain, pelvic pain, 266-Anaemias and their treat- renaline in, 1123 321-Pott's paraplegia, 1012 muent, 830 Haemoptysis, treatment of, 364. 881 GIIRGEs, Rameses: Schistosomniasis (Bilhar- GREBNBURG: Influence of heat and light on Haemoptysis: pathology and treatment (H. V. xiasis). rev.. 1103 nasal mucosa, 951 Morlock and A. J. Scott Pinchin, 762 (0)- GITTINS, Robert Jobn, obituary notice of, 747 GREENFIELD, C. R. M. (and J. Pickford Correspondence on, 833,1123 OJEsSING. Harald: Case history in ophthalmo- MAR5DBN): Inherited small-pox, 777 Haemorrhage, cerebral, and adrenaline, 578 logy, 1001 GREENFIELD, J. G.: Clinical p%thology of coma, Haemorrhage from peritonsillar abscess. 284, (Ilanders, diagnosis of, 618. See also Epitome, 81-Diagnosis of intracranial tumours, 1070 371,491, 533, 612, 657 paragraph 95 Greetn's Manual of Pathology, fifleenth edition, Haemorrhage in prostatectomy, control of, 700. Glands, parathyroid, growth-retarding function rev., 516 744 of (T. Lloyd Hughes). 1121 G-REENWOOD, J. M.: Salyrgan in cardiac oedema. Haemorrhage, urethral, and thrombosis of the Glasgow. See Scotland 1086-Puerperal sepsis: serum treatment, 1120 penis (Clifford Morson), 249 (0). See also Glass catheters. See Catheters GIREENWOOD, Major: London University and its Penis and, Thrombosis Glass identified by ultra-violet rays, 976 medical schools, 1072 Haemostasis, subcutaneous, in operations (J. Glass. safety, in motor vehicles (parliamentary GREGORY, H. Chodak: Encephalitis, 222 Riese). 648 note), 96 GREIG, A. W.; Historical sketch of the city of HAIRE. Norman, a disclaimer re An Encyclo- Glass,' steaming," prevention of, 976.1026 Melbourne, 730 paedia of Sexual Knowledge, 152 Glaucoma, congestive, aetiology and treatment GREIG, J. Russell : Report of the Animal EHALBAN. Josef, Honorary Fellowship of the of (J. .Tameson Evans and Philip Jameson Diseases Research Association, 180 American College of Surgeons conferred on, Evans), 133 Grenada, health conditions in (parliamentary 927 GLOVER. J. Alison: Acute streptococcal throat note), 1133 HALDANE, J. B. S.:-" Unemployment assist- infections, 566 Grenfell Association. See Association ance: determination of needs, 235-Awarded GLOVER, Lewis G.: Medical benevolence, 836 Grenfell calendar, 890 the Copley medal of the Royal Society, 911- GLOVER, Robert, obituary notice of, 146 GRIERsoN, Cecilia, death of, 840 Normaan Lockyer Lecture on hunian biology Glucose-insulin therapy and vasovagal attacks GRIBv,. W. P.: Results of ante-natal care, 221 and politics, 1054 (C. S. Shillito). 941 GRIFFITH, A. D.: The eyes as a cause of head- HALL, J. A. Moore: Case of erythroedema, 706 - GODLEE, Philip. presents a silver flagon- to aches, 227, 296 (0)-Blindness following N.A.B., HALL, Surgeon Vice-Admiral R. W. B, ap- Lister EIouse, Manchester University, 1180 269-Local ultra-violet therapy in eye disease, pointed Honorary Physician to the King, 89 Gogarburn Certified Institution. Edinburgh: 270 HALL. Walter and Eliza Inistitute of Research, new wards opened, 131 GRIFFITH, Fred: Acute streptococcal throat Melbouirne: Report, 819. Ste also Research GOHAR, M. A.: Elementary Bacteriology, rev.,634 infections, 565 HALLAM, Rupert: Treatment of lupus vulgaris, GOIL, Colonel D. P.: Report on hospitals and GRIFFITH. Walter, S. A.: Plea for abolition of 322 dispensaries in the Punjab, 528 the pelvimeter, 1075 HALLOWES, Collis: British and foreign hea"lth GOITEIN, P. Lionel Treatment of chronic nasal GRIFFITHS. Gilbert Henderson, obituary notice resorts, 228 discharge. 889 of, 236 Hamburg, post-graduate courses at. 617 Goitre. exophthalmic. See also Graves's disease GRIFFITHS. Ivor, appointed a Streatfeild scholar, HAMELINCK, M., death of, 616 Goitre, toxic (James M. Graham and H. L. 41 HAMILL, P. (editor): What to do in Cases of Wallace). 845 (0) GRIGAUT, A.: Evils of a sedentary life, 1089 Poisonittg, fourteenth edition, rev.. 682 Goitre, toxic, operation for, 84 G#RIGNON: The splden auid carbohydrate meta- HAMILTON: Variations in the normal blood Goitre, toxic, preliminary ligature in, 81. 136, bolism, 477 count, 867 181. 569. 609, 656. 699 GRIMWADE, Surgeon Captain S. W.: Position of HAMILTON. J. A.: Traumatic rupture of the Gold tlherapy in pulmonary tuberculosis, 727. patient for tonsillectoniy, 922 heart without external injuries, 1101 See also Sanocrysin GRINKER, Roy R.: Neurology, rev., 306 HAiILTON, W.: Scottish health services, 181 Gor.,)BERGER: P'ellagra. 121 GROBER J. (editor): Physikalische Therapie. HAMPSHIRE. C. H.: Compilation of pharmaco- GOLDIE. Ismay (and Hugh QUIGLEY): Housing Elinsi8elces Lehrbuch, rev., 66 poeias, 173 and Slum Clearanee in London, rev., 257 GROSJEAN. P. (part editor): Irish Texts, rev., 555 Hampshire boundary in the vicinity of Bourne- GOLDSCHMIDT-FURSTNER, Paul: Head and foot GROVES, EtnestR. (and Gladys H. GROVES): Sex mouth, 564 presentation, 577 in Marriage, rev., 473 Hand, the septic (B. Kennon), 220, 1189 (0)- GoLDSMITH. Margaret:-Mesmer: the Historv of GRovEs, E. W. Hey- Fractures of neck of femur Discussion, 220-Correspondence on, 375,X rev., 20 and intra-articular arthrodesis of hip, 1012 Hand, the septic, infra-red rays in treatment of. Go!.D8TF,N, Hyman I: Female " bleeders," 1016 Growth-retardingfunction of parathyroid glands 375 Golf, medical: Scottish Medical Golfing (T. Lloyd Hughes), 1121 HANDY, L. M.: Cause of mongolism, 1206 Society's inaugural meeting. 290-Sussex GRUNERT. Karl: Die Dehntsucht des Auges HANNAN. John H.: Tobacco angina, 922-Spon- Medical and Dental Golfing Society's autumn (Myopie) und ihre Behandlung, rev., 1151 taneous regression of cancer, 1077 mtieeting. 754 GUERIN: Diagnostic test for cancer, 1156 HANNESSON, Gudmundur, awarded the gold Gonococcal infection, review of book on, 593- GUERIN, Dr.: Tuberculosis, 482 medal of honour by the University of Ham- Correspondence on the review, 706 GUENIOT, D., one hundred and second birthday burg. 889 Gonorrhoea, review of book on. 772 of, 1085 HARBISON. J.: Report on the health of county GOODALL, Joseph Strickland, obituary notice GUIBERT: The guttadiaphot, 524 Dublin, 877 of, 1020, 1130 Guillotine, tonsil. 1152 HARBURGER, Juliette: Frequency of alcoholic GOODHART, G. W.: Aeblorhydria, 218-Anaemias GuIJRAL, M. L.: Injection Treatmenlt inlGeneral cirrhosis, 629 and their treatment. 830 Practice. rev., 1048 HARDCASTLE, D. H.: A psychotherapeutic fol- GOODWIN, G. P.: Cutaneous manifestation of Gumma of the brain, with a report of a case low up. 1156 vitamin A deficiency. 113 (0) treated surgically (J. E. PATERISON and HARDEN, A.: Vitamin C, 558 GORDON, J. E : Isolation period in scarlet fever, Manraret LEOLIE). 109 (0) HARDIE. D.: Blindness following N.A.B., 269 215 GUNDEL. Max: Die I'yveslehre in der Mikro- HARDING. Harold E.: An uncommon malforma- GORDON, R. G.: The Neurotic and His Friends, biologie,rev..66-Diphtheria immunization in tion of the heart, 306 rev . 1046 DUisburgh-Hamborn, 1147-Influenza. 1205 HARDWICKE. George, obituary notice of, 536 GORDON, W. S.: Louping-ill in man. 261 GUNEWARDENE, H. O.: Prognosis in hypertension, HARDY. Sir William Bate: Abrabam Flexner GoRDON-TAYLOR, G.: Bad surgical risks, 265,755 578-Is high blood pressure a risk? 699-Trau- Lectures:-To Remind: A Biological Essay, (0) matic rupture of the heart without external rev., 1104 GOsSE, A. Rope (and G. S. ERWIN): Pulmonary injuries, 942 HARE. D. C.: Non-specific. colitis in relation to tuberculosis after sunbaths, 15 (0) GUNN, J. A.: An Introductio7n to Pharmacology deficiency diseases and anaemia, 162 (0) Gossip. William H.: Case of angular pregnancy, and Therapeuttics. fourth edition, rev., 682 HARE, Dorothy: Achlorhydria, 219 - B. coli 184 GuNTHER, B. T.: Oxford and the Histor-y of infection, 264 GOUGE, Dr.: The septic hand, 220 Science, 911 HARINGTON, C. R.:-The Thvroid Gland: Its GOULD, Eric Pearce: Liondon University and GUNZBURG, Professor: Rheumatoid arthritis, Chemistry and Phvaiologv, 361 its medical schools. 1018 127 HARMAN, John, awarded the E. G. Fearneides GouLD. G M.: Gould's Pocket Pronouncing GUPTA, S. P. (and Lieut.-Col. G. T. BURKE): Dry scholarship, 236 Medical Dictionary, tenth edition, rev., 308 pleurisy with high eosinphil leucocytosis, 16 HARMAN, N. Bishop: Election to General Medi- GOuLD, R. Blair: A disclaimer, 152 GUsTERsON, FP. R.: Modified ether inhaler, 473 cal Council, 880-Representation of England. GovBia, M.: Influenza in the United States. 997 Guttadiaphot, the. 524 880 GERAHAM. J. D. P.: High therapeutics, 240 Guy, John: Report on the health of Edinburgh, HARMON, P. H.: Poliomnyelitis, 863 GRAHaM. James M. (and H. L. WALLACE): Toxic 79 HARNETT. W. G.: Medical benevolence, 837 goitre, 845 (0) Gymnastics, review of book on, 905 HARPER, Philip: Radical cure of hernia, 286 GRAHAM-LITTLE, Sir Ernest: London University Gynaecology, pipe cleaners in. 618 HARRIES, E. H. R.: Immuinization in the speeific and its medical schools, 962 Gynaecology, principles of, 182 fevers, 274-Acute streptococcal throat iifec- GRANGER, E. Douglas Organic and functional Gynaecology, review of books on, 62, 257 tions. 568 nervous disorders, 268 Gynaecology. See also Obstetrics HARRIs. D. T.: Experimental Phvsiology' for, GR&NT, Gordon Allison, elected to a Beit Mem- Gyo 'tY, T. von, awarded the Karl Sudhoff Medical Students, second edition, rev., 943- orial Fellowship, 128 medal, 889 Practtcal Histol 'g', for Medical Students, GRANT, R. T.: Pathology of coronary occlusion, third edition, rev., 1048 224 HAR'RIS, H. A.: Adolescent and senile kyphosis, Granulie froide (leading article). 815-A correc- 271 ttone 890 HARIRIS. Leslie: - Unemployment assistance: ',raps juice. Key Brand, 1152 determination of needs, 235, Basil: Certain features of the normal H. HARRIS, T. A. B.: Closed anaesthesia with C02 limbus, 362 absorption, 223, 489 Grtves's diseare and hyperpituitarism (leading HABERLING. W.: Germnan Medicine. rev., 596 HARTRIS, Wilfred : Headaches in relation to article),361. See als, Goitre HACKETT, L. W.: Subspecies of Antopheles ocular conditions, 227, 298 (0) GnRAvEs-MoRRIs, W. M. (and A. SMaPsoN-SMITH): maculipeenni, 134 Harrogate, diet cards at. 618 Treatment of maxillary fractures. 632 HADDOW, Major A. C.. Efficiency Decoration of HARROW, Benjamin (and Carl P. SHERWIN): GRArY, 49. M. H.: Treatment of lupus vulgaris, the Territorial Army conferred on, 9'2 Tlhe Chemistrv of the Hormones, rev., 773- 322-Fungus infections of the feet. 322, 541 (0) HADF[ELD, 0. F.: Closed anaesthesia with 002 A correction, 844 -London University and its medical schools, absorption, 224-Use of sodium evipan in HART, Ernest: 1836-1898, 796 1173 midwifery 224 HART, Philip D'Arcy. awarded a Dorothy Temple GRAY, D. Macleod: The swab in diphtheria HADFIELD. Geoffrey (and Lawrence P. GARROD): Cross Research Fellowship In tuberculosis, diagnosis, 372-Elected dean of the Medical Recentt Advances in Palthology, second edition. 76 Faculty of the University of London, 924 rev., 19 HARTENBEREG. P.: Infantile convulsions, 522 r THE BRITISH 1 JULY-DEC., 1934] INDEX L MEDICAL JOURNAL 15

HARTFALL, Stanley J. (and Carlton OLDFIELD): HEALY, T. M.: Some personal predjudices, 917 Itindu-Aryan medicine, ancient (E. W. Lewis) Severe menorrhagia due to chronic thrombo- Hearing, defective, as a national problem (G. P. 872 cytopenic purptira, cured by splenectomy, Crowuen), 323, 350 (0)-Discussion, 323 HINTON, C. L.: Summary of Food Lawss and 8 (O)-(And Leslie N. PYRAH): Mediastinal HEARRN. Reginald, appointed assistant deputy Regulatiy iis, rev., 170 and apical empvema, 039(0) coroner for Ceotral London, 97-Appreciation HINTZE. K.: Geographie senid Geschichte der HARTTMAN, Carl G. (and William L. STRAUS): of :ir James Kingston Fowler, 145 Erisd7rumg, rev., 119 Hallucinationis et Dvlire, rev., 635 Heart, congenital, pre-natal diagnosis of, 743- HIPSLEY, P. I .: Congenital pyloric atenosis, 833 Harveian Festival, 778 See also Cardiac murmturs fIIRScHMANN: Endometrial hyp-rplasia, 818 Harveian Oration: Inventions and the outlook Heart disease and labour, 578 Histology, review of books on, 596, 724, 1048 in ne irology 'James Collier), 707 Heart failure, congestive, total thyroidectomy in HOBHOUsE, Neill: Encephalitis 222 HARVEY: Variations in the normal blood count, treatment of (0. Brenner, Hugh Donovan, and Hodgkint's disease with erythema nodosum 867 B. L. S. Mlurtagh), 624 (0O (C. .J. Fuller), 1172 HARVEY. Major General D.: Typhus fevers in Heart. malformation of, uncommon (Harold E. HOELSCHER, H.: Prophylaxis of whooping-couigh, the Tropics, 320 Harding), 306 1109 HARVEY, B.: Gee's disease, 919-A correction, Heart, revitew of book on, 1201 HOFFMAN, Frederick L.: his cancer library, 1026 Heart, rupture of, traumatic, without external 1228 HARVEY, S.: Case of fr. abortus fever. 470 injuries (IH. 0. Gunewardene), 942-(J. A. HOGAN, P.: Plea for abolition of the pelvimeter, Harvey, William, and literature, 124-Memorial Hamilton). 1101 1075 to at Hempstead. 820,1080 Heart, thyrotoxic (B. T. Parsons-Smith), 1171- HOHMANN, Georg: Fuss send Bein. Thre Erkran- HAsIWOOD, lUothini6re, death of, 335 Discussion, 1172 kuonigeit und de -en Behndtlung, second edition, HASS, Julius: Kovservative u7sd Opserative Heart. See also Cardiac rev.. 772 Orthopvdie, rev., 1201 Heart-block, congenital (Joseph Lewis), 1096 (0) Holborn. health of, report, 825 HASSON, James: Treatment of trichophyton Heat and light, influence of on nasal mucosa, Holidays for factory girls, 380 infection, 928 951. 1014 HOL1,AND, Eardley: Anaemias and their treat- HASTINGS, Violet E.: Maternal mortality in HEATH, Charles Joseph, obituary notice of, 186, ment, 830-Ante-natal care and maternal Maoris, 233 235 mortality, 1010 HAUDUROY, Paul: Les Ultravirus Pathogentes et Heating. review of book on, 516 HOLLINGWORTH, John. obituat y notice of, 615 Saerophytes, rev., 554 HEDBLOM, (larl Arthur, death of, 1021 HOLLINs, 1'. J.: Ante-natal care and maternal HA.UTANT, A.: Treatment of Meniere's disease, HEGARTY, D F.: Bilateral renal calculus, 1071 mortality, 1010 779 HEGLER Influenza, 1205 HOLMES, A. H.: Non-tropical solitary abscess of HAWE, Philip: Swallowing of open safety-pins, HUELLGRE?: La granulie froide, 815 iver, 991 1017 HENCH: ;LTuberculous rheumatism, 1108 HOLMES. F B. G., appointed Officer of the Order E[AWES, A. J.: Medical benevolence, 745-The HENDERSON, 0. K.: Mentalhealth services,365- of St. John of Jerusalem. 24 death of Mauriceau's sister, 782, 844-A correc- Report of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, HOLMES, Geoffrey: Briti-h and foreign health tion. 844 Morningside, 736 resorts. 228 HAWESLEY, J. C.: Icterus gravis neonatorum, HENDERSON, MaIjor-General P. H.: Defective Holmes, Mr.. and Dr. Watson, 278. See also 73 hesaring as a national problem, 324 s-ociety, Sherlock Holmes HAWORTS. W. N., awarded the Davy medal of HENDERSON, Thomson: Constitutional factor Holmes, Sherlock. origins of, 374 the Royal Society, 911 i" myopia, 132 Home for child with eczema, 97 HAY, James R. WV.: Dbsage of vitamin D, 967 HENDERSON, W. Savile: The general practi- Homne Offlce: Control o0 traffic in narcotic drugs, HAY, John: Prognosis in coronary occlusion, tioner. tte schoolmaster, and the specialist, 478 828-Title of Emeritus P3rofessor conferred 373-Whith-r general practice? 742 HoosKER, Marion 0 (and H. FISCHER): Thte Lvo- on, 924 HENDPRI K Ives: Facts awd Theories of Psychlo- phtlic . Their Thteory and Practice, H kYDEN, J. Muirrav: Gee's disease, 918 analysis, rev.. 1200 rev., 472 HAYWARD, W D.: Chloroform analgesia in HENDRY E. B. (and Sydney SMITH): Arsenic in HOPEWELL-ASH, E : A disclaimer, 290 maternity cases. 1222 its relation to the keratin tissues, 675 (0) Hopflelds, improved conditions in (parlia- Head and foot presentation, 380, 577 HENEY .1. N Poliomyelitis, 863 mentary note , 1184 Headaches, tbe eyes as a catuse of (A. D. Griffith), HENNESSEY, R. S. F.: Typhus fever in Uganda, HOPKINS, Sir Frederick Gowland. awarded the 227, 296 (0)-Discussion, 227-( Wilfred Harris), 1- Albert Medal of the uoyal -'ociety of Arts, 125 298 (0-Leading article. 309 HFENRIJEAN, F.: Le Dualisme de la Contraction -Unemployment assistance: determination Headache following lumbar puncture (H. W. C .rdiaqute, rev. 210 of needs, 235-Endowmen t of clinical science, Allen), 349 0) Henry V ILL picture of in the Royal College of 1106 Headlamp, an improved, 1202 Surgeons (C. .-. S. Thompson). 651 HOPKINS. Robert S.: His family record of hos- HEALD C. BI.: Short wave diathermy, 1013 Hepatic flexuire, non malignant stricture of pital service, 338 Healing of a wound (leadiug article), 71. See also ( A. I .. Candler), 1173 HOPWOOD, F. L.: Artificially induced radio- Wound HEPPER, Lieut.-Col. Evelyn Charles, obituary activity, 1113 Health and the architect, 1058 notice of. 662 HORDER, Lord, appointed Commander of the Health and Cleanliness Council isstues a revised Herbalist at home, 890 Order of St John of .Jerullalem, 24-Libel on, edition of its pamphlet, 249-Issuies a new Heredity and ment,al deficiency, 39 an action settled, 44-The une of narcotics poster," Health Insurance," 655-Annual Heredity: Morbidity in a family tree (Walter P. in treatment of nervous a' d mental patients, luncheon, 1008 Ken edy), 630 (0). See also Morbidity 222, 619 (0)-' Medicine and Motals." 697- Health Departmnent of Scotland: Annual report, Heredity and tubercutlosis (Karl Diehl and Treatment of influenza, 1059-Ttue thyrotoxic 32 O0 mar v. Verachuer,. 1055 heart, 1172 Hea!th education, conference on, 875 HERNAMAN-JOHNSON, F.- Oontrol of prophy- Hormone of the suprarenal cortex, 363. See also Health and housing, 565 lactic x-ray treatment in breast cancer by Cor,in. crystalline Health education and propaganda (in Cheshire), serum tests, 534-Spontaneous regression of Hormones, inhibitory (leading article), 687 239 cancer, 1078-Constitutional effects of x rays, Hormones, oestrus-prociucing (E. C. Dodds), 268, Health exhortation from Scotland, 691 1113 1187 (0)-Discus- ion, 268. S&e also Oestrus Health and hiiman progress (Ren6 Sand), 732 Hernia operations. physical efficiency after Rormones, review of book on, 773 Health, Industrial, Research lhoard, report, 647 (C. :\ax Page). 315, 896 (0). 1174-Discussion, HORT IN. Thomas, obituary notice of, 795 Health, international (leading article), 998 315-Correspondence *n, 1174 HOSKING, Archer:-Caesarean section: delivery Hernia, radical cure of. 286 of a 254-day extrauterine foetus, 111 (0) HEAL' HaMINISTRY: Hernias, nmbi,ical, in children, preservation of Hospital adverlisung, 12G7 Anaemia, perticious, nature and treatment the uml)ilicus in the radical cure of (R. Wood Hospital, Anglo - Yugoslav Children's at of: Report. 726 Power), 353 Kamenica. 576 Annual report 11933-4), 358, 589, 638 Herpes: Post-herpetic pain. 1185 Hospital, Armagh Mental: Report. 80-Salary Blind, welfare of, advisory committee re- Herpes zoster and varicella (Douglas Robertson), of resident medical superintendent, 280 appointe l, 29 721 Hospital, Bangour Mental: Extensions, 1167 Blind, welfare of in Wales and Monmouth- Herpes zoster and varicellea, 1026 Hospital, Bethilem Royal, information concern- shire, l227 Herpes zoster and varicella, concurrent, 836, 884 ing, 435 Blindness, conflicting decisions in, 576 HERRINGTON: Influence of heat and light on HIospital, Birmingham General: Gift of x-ray Estimates. 44 nasal mucosa. 951 apparatus for treatment of cancer from Sir Hospital eqluipment, standardization of, 228 HP.RTZLER, Arthur E. (and Victor E. CHESKY): Herbert Auistin, 705. See also Hospitals, Bir- Houses of the working classes, 211 Suuruery of a General Practice rev.. 633 mingham Centre Housing policy, 655 HEisEI.TINE, Michael: Correction of the Medical Hospital, Cancer (Free), Fulbam Road: Lectures Infectious disease, provision for cases of, 78 Regtster, 793 orn cancer, 842 Nla.ternal mortality, circular re, 737 HEOJBNER. Professor, elected an honorary Hospital, Cardiff Mental: Annual Report, 695 Medical officers of health, annual reports of, memnb)er of the British Pharmacological Hospital, Charing Cross Information coLeern- circular re. 975 f:ociety, 74 ing the study of iiiedicine, 409-Opening of Sewers, aeci(lents in: Report. 367 HIFuBNE:R, W.: Cancer claims, 520 winter session, 650-Inatuguirstion of the Town and country planning, advisory com- HEWER, C. Langton: Evipan on a full stomach, centenary appeal of the uiedical school, 871 mittee appointed, 191 656 llos;iit'l, Christchurch, New Zealand: Review Water resources, deputation to the Minister Flexvl-resorcin durine lcetation. 975 of the work of the radium and deep therapy re, 179 Hk:YiO, C11. Glordon, appoint-d to the chair of departments, 679 Water supplies and the drought, 280 clinical surgery at Columbia University, New Hospital, City of London for Diseases of the York, 576 Heart and Lungs: Report for 1933 of the Health Notesfor Yousp Ten,Ocerseas, rev.. 682 HEYS, krthtir, appointed officer of the Order of pathological lahorato ies, 289 Health quiestions. international co-operation on St -John of Jerusalem. 24 Hospital, (City of London Nlaternit': Anrnal (Office International d'Hygi6ne Publique in HEYWORTH. George Alexander Frederick, obitu- report, 282 Paris), 30-Port sanitation, 30-Recent work on ary notice of, 703 Hospital, Clapham Maternity, ante-natal clinic yellow fever. 30-Cholera prophylaxis, 30- Higti therapeutics,240 at, 795 Small-pox and vaccination, 30-Typhus fever, iIILL, A Bradfoi d: Inheritance of resistance to Ho-pital. Crumpsall, exoneration of, 1082 etc.. 30 bacterial infection in animial species, report, Hospital, Curie [Marie], support ofiLt5-Prime Health Research Board, Indnstrial, report, 647 643 Mitnister's tribute to, 105 Health Resorts Association, British. See HILL, rchibald Vivian, honorary D.Sc.Oxford Hospital developments, Ernglish, 479 Association conferred on, 41 Hospital, Dnblin National Maternity: Annual Health resorts. British and foreign (E. P HiLr,, Falkuier: Sodium evipan, 224 meeting, 739 Poulton), 228.1037 (O-Discussion, 228 HILL, Sir Leonard: Economical deqign of the Hospital, Dufferin and Ava, Belfast: Report. 607 Health services of B3ournemouth, 281 mlelted paraffin wax bath, 171-Action of ulti a- Hos ital. Edinburgh Cit): Treatment of inlec- Health services of the nation. See Health sbort waves on tumours, 370-Influence of tious diseases, 1064 Ministry, annual report heat and light on nasal mucosa, 951 1014 Hospital, Hldinbur,h Dental, an(d School: Prize Health services, qcottisb (leading article), 25- HILL, Robert, elected to a Beit Meemoria' Fellow- distribution, 34 Correspondence on. 181 ship. 127 Hospital, Edinbturgh Royal, for Sick Children: Health services in India since 1921 reforms HILL, T. R.: Encephalitis, 222 Annual meeting, 79 (parliamentary note), 1183 HIMSW.'RTH, H. P.: High carhobydrate diets Ho-pital equipnmeDt. stantdar-)ization of, 228 Health visiting in America: a national survey, a.n I insulin efficiency, 57 (0),338-A correction, Hiospital exonerated IW'rmpsall Hospital), 1082 229 338 Ho-pital, FarnlIorough Inistitution (parlia- Health work, international, 642 IIINDMARsH, Mr.: Hernia operations, 315 mentary note), 1022 THE BRITISH 16 JULY-DEC., 1934] INDEX L MEDICAL JOURNAL

Hospital, Fourteenth Stationary: Annual Hospital, Samaritan, Free: Opening of exten- HURIEZ, Claude (Gl. CARRIhRE andP. WILLO- dinner, 1135 sion, 912 QUET): Le Barbiturisme Aigu et les AAtii- Hospital, General Lying-in, London: Annual Hospital service, a family record of, 338 dotismes Ga-deenot [Strychnine. Coraminte, report. 282 Hospital services for Scotland,917 Alcool], rev., 19 Hospital, Glasgow Mental, at Hawkhead, ex- Hospital, Stirling District Mental: Retirement HURST, Arthur F.: Achlorhydria, 218, 665 (0) tension of, 828 of Dr. R. B. Campbell, 1007 HUTCHISON, Robert: Pellagra, 122 Hospital, Glasgow Royal Mental: Report, 131 Hospital for street accidents in Paris, a new, BUTCHISON, R. G.: Treatment of genito-urinary Hospital, Glasgow Royal Samaritan: Medical 483 diseases, 225 report, 608 Hospital treatment in workmen's compensation HUTT, Cecil W.: Immunization in the specitic Hospital, Grangegorman Mental: Treatment cases (parliamentary note), 1134. See also fevers, 274-Obituary notice of, 493, 573- of the mentally defective child, 786 Workmen Report on the health of Holborn, 825 Hospital, Great Ormond Street, for Sick Hospital, Treloar Cripples',fete in aid of, 97- HUTTON, Dr.: Retroversion of the uterus, 316 Children: Appeal, 1212-New ward to be Report, 738-Enlargement of the scope of the HUTTON, William, appointed Commander of the after the Princess Royal, 1227 work, 738 of St. John of Jerusalem. 24 named Order S. Hospital: Guisborough Joint Small-pox Hos- Hospital, University College: Radiotherapy at, HUXLEY, Julian (and G. R. DE BEER): 2'7te pital District Bill, 1132 326-Information concerning the study of Elements of Experimental Emnbirology, rev., Hospital, Guy's: Clinical research at, 690-In- medicine, 414-Lectures, 704 18-Scientific Research asid Social Needs, rev.. formation concerning the study of medicine, Hospital, Waitaki, New Zealand, action against, 634-Voluntary sterilization, 995 409-Paying patients' block in (Nuffield House) 1214 Hydatid of Morgagni, torsion of simulating 654-Scholarships (combined) examination, 143 Hospital, Municipal, opening of a acute appendicitis (E. N. MacDermott). 679 Hospital, Heatherwood, Ascot, formally trans- new, 33 Hygiene Council, British Social: Conferenice in ferred to the London ('ounty Council, 889 Hospital, the waking hour in, 1009 Edinburgh, 826-The place of biology in educa- Hospital. Hendon Cottage: New private wards Hospital wards, 753. See also Wards tion, 826 opened, 888 Hospital, Westminster: Information concern- Hygiene, home (Robert E. Steen), 785 Hospital, Herts County Mental, Hill End: ing the study of mnedieine, 414 Hygiene, Industrial, Stasidas-d Code of: Inter- St. Albans, clinic at, 952 Hospital, Mental national Labour Office pamiphlet concerninig Hospital, Infants, Vincent Square: Extension Hospitals Board (Superannuation) Bill, 1183 workers einployed in factories, workshops, opened, 1118 Hospital, Weymouth and Portland Joint Hos- etc., 548 Hospital, Kent and Sussex, Tunbridge Wells, pital District Bill, 44, 237-Royal Assent to, 237 Hygiene, mental. See Mental opening of the new, 239 Hospital, Wycombe and District Joint Hospital Hygiene, review of books on, 723, 774 Hospital, King's College: Information concern- District Bill, 44 Hygiene. Social, Year-book, 1.934, rev. 774 ing the study of miiedicine, 410-Entrance Hospitals, Birlningham, Centre, inauguration by Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London School scholarships, 573.-Twenty-first anniversary the Prince of Wales, 822 of: Appointment to Wandsworth scholarship, of occupation of present site, 786. See also Hospitals, London Couuty Council: And London 885 Memorials to Manson and Ross, 33- College medical schools, 211-Co-operation in teach- Degrees and pass lists, 236, 703-"White slave Hospital, King George V: Merchant Seamen's ing, 211-Medical staff of, 326 traffic in the East," 239-Information con- Memorial. Malta: Extensions. 1226 Hospitals, London Maternity: Annual reports, cerning, 432-Classified catalogue of books in Hospital, Lewisham (London County Council), 282 the library relating to natural science, 781 extension of, 607.684, 729-Opening of, 684, 729 Hospitals, London voluntary, statistical review Hyperpiesia, 39 Hospital London Fever, reconstruction of, 826 of, 368 Hyperpituitarism ard Grates's disease (leading Hospital, London:Information concerning the Hospitals, miiental, and institutions in Scotland article). 361 study of medicine, 410-Scholarship awarded, (Hamilton Marr), 876 Hyperplasia, endometrial, 818. See also endo- 703--Students' hostel opened, 21 Hospitals, Mental, in the Irish Free State, metrial Hospital, Madras General, extension of, 130 report on, 370 Hypertension, arterial, aetiology of, 1C57 Hospital, Mary Imogen Bassett: Clintical Hospitals, mental, researeh in, 1049 Hypertension, essential, endocrine factor in lMiscellavy, vol. i, 1934, rev., 774 Hospitals, mental, Scottish, patbologv in, 180 (leading article), 260 Hospital, Maudsley, London: Information con- Hospitals, military and civil (parliamentary Hypertension, progtnosis in, 578 cerning, 435-Lectures and practical courses note), 238 lIypnosis and sleep (William Brown), 557 at, 1009 Hospitals and radiologists, 645 fIlypochondriasis, 98 Hospital, Meath, Dublin: Home hygiene, 785 Hospitals and roadaccidentq, fees for casualties Hysterectomy followed by acute gastric dila.ta- Hospital, mental, clinic, 952,1078,1177 (parliamentarynote), 191. See also Road Traffic tion with perforation (J. Rousset). 1071 Hospital, Mercer's, Dublin.bicentenary of, 1167 Bill Hysterectomy, psychological effect of, 86 Hospital, Middlesbrough, West Lane, nurses' Hospitals, St. Mary's. Manchester: Inquiry home opened, 842 (parliamentary note), 973 Hospital, Middlesex, Meyerstein gift to, 47- Hospitals,Scottish, new, 485 Information concerning the study of medicine, Hospitals, Vienna General, 150th year of, 1185 411-Opening of winter session, 649-Reprints Hospitals, voluntary, balance sheet of, 527 of articles by the staff of, 774 Hospitals Year-Book, 1934, rev., 527 Hospital, Middlesex, South andRichmond Joint Houses completed and under construction (par- Hospital District Bill, 95, 147, 237-Royal liamentary note), 150 assent to, 237 Houses for wage earners (parliamentary note), IBOTeON, Edward C. B.: Insect bite causing Hospital, National, Queen Square, information 188 -Departmental Committee: report of gangrene of finger, 240 concerning, 436 meeting, 211 ICKERT, Franz (and Hans BENZE): Stammnbdibite Hospital for Nervous Diseases, West End: Housing (parliatmentary note), 887,1224 mit Tuberkuldsen, 1056 Report of Child Guidance Unit, 199-Informa- Housing amenityin Scotland, 485 Icterus gravis neonatorum (J. C. Hawksley ancd tion concerning, 430-" Josephine B Marshall" Housing Bill, 1224 R. Lightwood), 73. See also Jauindice review of book on, 681 pathological laboratory opened, 753 Housing Bill for Scotland, a new (parliamentary Immunitv, Hospital, Northampton General: Gift for a note), 46, 565, 1183, 1224 Inlport duties: Additional duties on medical, maternity wing, 47 Housing in Cardiff, 876 surgical, dental, veterinary, and dissicting Hospital, North-Eastern, for Infectious Dis- Housing Committee, Conservative (parliamen- instruments, 481-Catalogues and free cata- eases, South Tottenham, reconstruction of, tarv note). 1225 logues added to free list, 1024 826 Housing in Edinburgh. 654 IMRIF, Thomas: Varicella complicated by Hospital, Portrane Mental: Treatment of the Housing and health, 565 tetanism, 207 mentally defective child, 786 Housing and Healtb Exhibition in Glasgow, 694 Incitement to Disaffection Bill, 840. 886 Hospital Practice forInterns. rev., 943 Housing policy of the Mlinistry of Health. 655 Hospital, Prince of Wales's (Plymouth), Act 147 Housing in Portsmouth, 1065 INCOME TAX: 48,97, 151, 192. 240, 290. 338, 498, 577. Hospital, Princess Margaret Rose, for Crippled Housing, rehousine, committee on (parlia- 618. 663, 705. 754, 796, 843, 889, 928, 975, 1025, Children: Annual meeting, 79 mentary note), 150 1085, 1136, 1227 Hospital problems in Dundee, 608 Housing, review of book on, 257 Annuity, payment of, 98. 843 Hospital, Public, action against (Kildare), 955 Housing in Scotland. accelevation of (parlia- Assessment in excess of return. 334 Hospital, Queen Charlotte's: Annual report, 282 mentary note), 150.189 Assessment of new house, 151 Hospital, Queen Victoria Memorial, Welwyn: Housing. See also Slums Assistant becoming partner, 151 Opening of new buildings, 165 HOWARD, L. C.. appointed to the chair of ortho- Assistant, expenses of, 498 Hospital, Rotunda, Dublin: Annual report, 180 paedic surgery and traumatology at Boston, Assistanit's board, etc., cost of, 754 Hospital, Royal Dental: Annual dinner, 1000- 576 Audit of accounts, request for. 240 Fathers of odontologv, 1000 HOWARTH. Norah: Occupational therapy for Beginning of appointment, 1227 Hospital, Royal Edinburgh, Morningside: Re- mental and nervous cases, 133 Cash basis: in-coming partner, 97-New part- port, 736 HowE, E. Graham :- Morality auld Reality: ner, 618 Hospital, Royal Free (London School of Medi- Ant Essav oHt the Law of Life, rev., 66 Compensation for loss of office, 706 cine for Women): Information concerning the HOWELL, B Whitchurch: Adolescent and senile Debts, outstanding, on retirement, 889 study of medicine, 415, 426 -Scholarship kyphosis, 271-Acute and chronic sprain, 321 Deduction for rent and rates, 290 awarded, 187 HOWELL, C. SI. Hinds B. coli infection, 264 Depreciation, rates of, 58 Hospital, Royal London Ophthalnmic: Extension HOWELL, J. B.: Imxmunization in the specific Division of partnership assessment 577 of, 33 fevers. 274- Bacteriological examination of Domiinion income tax on Colonial pension, Hospital, Runwell Mental: Foundation stone mnilk,882 1025 laid, 47 HOWELLS, Gilbert H.: Retractor for external Employment abroad, 577 Hospital, St. Bartholomew's': Information con- frontal sinus and ethmoidal opei-ations, 473 Employment of assistant, 618 cerning the study of medicine, 411 -St. Howes: Bacteriophage therapy, 1110 Employment, cessation of, 928 Bartholomew's Hospital Bill, 1183-Scholar- HOWITT, Frank: Appliance for rheumatoid Employment earninus, cessation of, 1136 ships (combined) examination, 143 arth]ritis, 1202 Employment of wife, 290, 754-Special allow- Hospital, St. George's: Information concerning HUGHES, A. W. McKenny: The bed-bug as a ance, 290 the study of medicine, 412-Rebuilding housing problem, 842. 955 Expenses of an attack of scarlet fever, 844 scheme, 875 HUGHES, T. Lloyd: Growth-retarding fuinction Fees paid by locum tenant, 48 Hospital, St. blary Abbots, Kensington, obstet- of parathyroid glands, 1121 Foreign dividends: blocked account, 1025 ric methods at (G. W. Theobald), 850 (0)- HUTGHES. W. Kent: Inigrowing toe-nail, 922 General expenses-proportion. 192 Correspondence on, 964, 1074, 1221 Hull, nutrition of school children in: Report. General household expenses, 152 Hospital, St. Mary's: Information concerning 696 General practice and appointment, 8C0 the study of medicine, 412-Opening of winter HUMPHgREYS, Colonel H. F., Efficiency Decora- Income from Dominions, 754 session, 650-Admission to the medical school tion of the Territorial Army conferred on, 972 Interest on borrowed capital, 889 to be restricted to students reading for uni- Husemszms, F. Howard: Treatm-ent of genito- Interest paid out of profits, 976 versity degrees, 975 urinary diseases, 225 Medieal officer of health: Use of residence, Hospital, St. Thomas's: Information concern- Hungary, the medical profession in, 658 976 ing the study of medicine, 413-Scholarship HUNTER, D.: Gee's disease. 728 Motor car: Allowance, 48, 192, 1085-Allow- (combined) examination, 143-Scholarships HUNTER, S. R.: His experiences during the war, ance to M.O.H., 1085-Depreciation, 290- awarded, 236-Revised list of old students, 338 954 Expenses,proportion of, 290-Hire purchase, -Familyrecord of hospital service,338-Open- HuNTER. W.: Is the taking of blood pressure a 98-New practice, 48-Private motoring ex- 649 risk ? 532 penses, 844-Replacement of, 843, 975-Trans- ing of winter session, AO no Hospital, Salford Royal: Annual report, 282 Hunterian Museum: Annual~nuai report,epor, 26327 actioi3s,n,- 48, 98 17 JuJLY-DEc., 1934] INDEX L[MEDICALTRz BRITHJOURNAL 17

INCOM TAx (contiitued): Insulin efficiency and high carbohydrate diets IsAAcs, Susan:-Mlental hygiene: preventive Payment of aunuity,843-Under agreement,98 (H. P. Eimsworth), 57 (0), 338-A correction, measures in childhood, 1169 Payment for guaranteeing a loan,1085. 1227 338 Italy: Italian Central Council of tbe Campaign Payment for introduction of a partner, 48 Insurance, Health, in Canada (leading article), against Cancer offers prizes for reports of cases Payment of subscriptions, 577 775 in the curable stage, 97-Italian Red Cross Proportion of household and car expenses, offers prize for monograph on malaria,-191 290 Insurance, National Health: ITENGAR, Major K. R. K.: Separation of rabies Proportion of residential expenses,1227 Approved Societies' surplus funds, 149 virus from brain tissue, 124 Purchase of additional practice, 663 Arrears, extension of period of grace for Purchase of practice, 844, 1025-Basis of redemption of, 973,1224 accounts, 1025 Dental benefit. 926 Rent allowance, 192 Exte9sion of in Scotland, 1007 Resident patient: expenses, 1025 Leavlng school (for children), 1084 Retirement from foreign practice,705 Manual labour contractors, position of, 1022 J. Schedule A assessment, 151 Medical benefit, numbers ceasing to be Sun-ray apparatus, depreciation of, 240 entitled to, 1022 JACKsON, Chevalier, and endoscopy, 522-(And Surgery, etc.,at private residence. 844 Medical benefit under the Unemployment Act, Chevalier L. JACKsON):-Bronchoscopy, Eso- Tax on interest paid. 664 1132 phagoscopv, and Gastroscopy. A Manual of Use of private residence, 796 Members of approved societies: Numbers, 973 Peroral Endoscpvy and Laryngeal Surgery. Numbers insured under the Act, 973 third edition, rev., 1150 Numbers insured for health and pensions JAciKsoN, I. A., called to the bar, 975 Indexes, half-yearly, 74,125 purposes, 928 Jacksonian attacks in connexion with extra- Parliamentary notes, 45. 149, 926, 973, 1022, 1084, dural abscess of the frontal lobe (Douglas Y. INDIA: 1132, 1224 Richardson), 1101 Armies in, health of,130 Schedule to the National Formularv, revised JACOBY, D., appointed to the chair of derma- Assam Branch: Annual meeting, 784 edition, 578 tology at Boston, 567 Bombay, plague epidemics in. 529 Scottish Associationof Insurance Committees' JACOBs, P., appointed a Streatfeild scholar, 41 Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine, 785 conference, 653 JAcomB-HooD, Charles John, obituary notice of Government of India Bill, 2224 Sickness benefit, 1225 1080 Hlealth services in since 1921 reforms, 1183 Telephone facilities in rural areas, 1022 JAMES, E.: The swab in diphtheria diagnosis, Madras General Hospital, extension of,130 Unemployed, needs of. See Unemployment 230, 372 Medical aid by women for Indian women, 914 assistance, below JAMES. Colonel S. P.: Subspecies of Anopheles Medical qualifications, British,in, 1001 Unemployment Act and medical benefit, 1132 maculipennis, 134 Medical services in Mysore, 915. Unemployment Assistance Board, 45,1203,1224 JAMES, T. G. Illtyd (and Norman M. MATHESON): Obstetrics -in (Rufus C. Thomas), 1060-Corre- Unemployment assistance: determination of Metastatic cerebral tumour with perforation spondence on, 1125 needs, 235, 311,1224 of an acute gastric ulcer, 902 Parliamentary noteson,46,1183, 1184, 1224 Unemployment. See also Unemployment JAXESON. Major G. D.: Health of Gibraltar, 243 Pasteur Institutes,528 JAHESON, W. W.: Medical services at home and Public health problems of (Lieut.-Col. A. J. H. Insurance and public health (leading article), 559 abroad, 831-Appointed a member of the Russell), 947 Intellectual stimulus, study of disease as. See Industrial Health Research Board. 868 - Public Health in India, 1215 Disease Bacteriological examination of milk, 962 Punjab, urban sanitation in the, 1215 Inlternational Cliniics, vol. iL forty-fourth series, Japan: Antityphoid inoculation in (M. Quinine stocks of the Government, 46 1934, rev., 682-Vol. ii, forty-fourth series, rev., Tsurumi), 985 Small-pox epidemic in Bombay, 1215 906 JARMAN, Ronald: Sodium evipan, 224 Small-pox isolation in, 1184 Intersexuality in man (H. Gardiner-Mill), 82 Jaundice. catarrhal, following T. A.B. inocula- Vegetable drugs of,review of book on, 1104 Intestinal obstrucation, case of (Arthur H. tion. 663 Women in the Punjab, medical training of, 528 Richardson), 553 Jaundice, leptospiral, in England (leading Women's medical service in, information con- Intestinal obstruction. review of book on, 904 article), 27 cerning, 428 Intracranial injury in the newborn, 39-Preven- Jaundice with pruritus, 48, 338 of (Roland H. Nattrass) 766 (0) Jaundice, spirocbaetal haemorrhagic [Weil's Indian Medical Service, information concerning, Intracranial tumours. See Tuimours disease] (W. G. Willoughby and A. G. Shera), 442 Invalids. transport of by air, 538. 14(0) Industrial diseases, medical edueation in Invalids, transport of by railway, 498, 538 Jaundice. See also Leptospirosis, Tetanus and (parilamentary note), 238 Inventions and the otutlook in neurology (James Weil's disease Industrial diseases. review of book on, 595 Collier), 707 (0). See alsa Neurology Jaws, residual infection of the (R. S. Taylor), 552 Industrial Health Research B9ard. See Health Iodine and insect bites, 290, 337 (0), 792-Correspondence on. 745, 792, 834, 967 and Research Iodine vapour in maxillary slnusitis, 906 1079 Infant feeding. review of books on, 256 Iodism, acute. following lipiodol bronchography JEANS, Sir James: Address as president of the Infant mortality. See Mortality (J. G. Scadding), 1147 (0) British Association, 525 Intanticide by drowning, test for live birth in JEANSELME, Ed.: La L4pre, rev., 354 cases of, 142 Ireland: JEFFOOATE, T. N. A.: Sterility with ovarian Infantile paralysis. SFe Paralysis Anaemia: yesterday and to-day, 915 dysfunction, 1217 Infection of aircraft in Sudan, control of Anthrax in a slaughtered cow, 530 JEFFERSON, Geoffrey: Surgical treatment of (parliamentary note), 1134 Armagh Mental Hospital: Report, 80-Salary embolism of the peripheral. arteries, 219, 1090 Infectious diseases, international action to of resident medical superintendent, 280 (0) control the spread of (Sir George S. Buchanan), Belfast: -Health progress in,369-Tuberculosis JEFFrPIEs. Lilias: Acute streptococcal throat 977 (0) in, 280-Dufferin and &va Hospital, 607 infections, 567 Infectious diseases Provision for cases of, 78- County Medical Officers of HeslIth, appoint- JEMIA, Rocca: Supplement to the June issue of Ministry of EHealth circular re, 48 ment of: Leitrim, 369. 1168-Longford, 1168 La Pediatria dedieated to, 97 Infectious diseases, review of books on, 594, 596 Diphtheria in Cork city, 1168 JENNINGS, John Frederick: Obituary notice of Infectious diseases,treatment of (W. T. Benson), Diphtheria mortality, 987 146-Estate and bequests of, 919 1064 DUBLIN: JENSEN, Carl Olaf: Death of, 479-Obituary Infective disease, resistance to (leadiug article), County Dublin, healtb of, 877 notice of, 535 643 King's Professorship of Medicine, T C.D., 80 JENTZER: Evillan anaesthesia, 312 Infertility and contraception (leading article), Mercer's Hospital, bicentenary of, 1167 JERN: B%cteriophage therapy, 1110 310 National Mdaternity Hospital, 739 JoBsoN, T. B.: Muco-purulent tubo-tympanic Infirmary. Edinburgh Royal: Annual meeting Rotunda Hospital, 180 infection, 227 of the League of -mubscribers, 1063 Galway cotnty, health of, 530 JOBANsBsON, Sven: The Operative Treatment of Infirmary, Hull Royal, annotation on, 485 Home Hygiene, 785 Colium Femoris Fractures, rev., 723 Infirmary, Leicester, report: Progress of exten- Hospital, public, action against (Kildare), 955 JoHN, HenryJ.: Diabetic Mantual for Patients, sion works. 282 Irish Kedical Association, 80 rev., 862 Influenza (Gundel), 1205 Irish Medical ScBlools' and Graduates' Asso- JOHNS, A. Morris: Advertisements of sex litera- Influenza in Great Britain and New Zealand, ciation. 1066 ture, 88 784 Kilkenny, county M.O.H. for, 531 JOHNS, A. W.: Pre-natal diagnosis of congenital Influenza, review of book on, 633 Local Government and health legislation, 606 heart, 743 nlfluenza. treatment of (Lord Horder), 1059 Medical inspection of school children (County JOHNSON, (. E.: Poliomyelitis, 863 Influenza in the United States, 997 Armagh), 739 Johnson, Dr. Samuel. The medical and mental Influenza virus and the mouse, 817 -Medical treatmentof school children (Clogher), history of (W. Russell B ain), 480 Influenza and the war, 1179 915 JOHNSON, W. H., death of. 972 Infra-red rays in treatment of the septie hand, Mental hospitals in the Free State, 370 JOHNSTON. D. J. Gair: Point of entry of the 375 Mentally defective child, treatment of, 786 tubercle bacillus, 137 INGLIS, David Wood, obituary notice of, 923,976, Midwifery nurses and general training, 740 JOHNSTON, Surgeon Commander Stewart lo62-A,correction, 976, 1026 Milk Bill (Free State). 279, 603, i066-U'ritlcisms Russell, obituary notice of. 1180 INRGAM. J. T.: Fungus infections ofthe feet, 322 of, 606 JOHNSTON, T. B.: A Synopsis of Regionial Inhaler, chloroform (R. Christie Brown), 316 Milk regulations in Northern Ireland, 739 Anastomy, third edition, rev., 992 modified, 473 Poor Law medical 280-Salaries of, R. W.: Plea for the abolition of the Inhaler, ether, officers, JOHN5TONB, 1014-A Inheritance, morbid, charqees of (leading article), 1167 pelvimeter, Textbook of Midwiferyfor 864 Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, 607 Students and Practitionters, seventh edition, INMAN, Philip: Oil and Witne, rev., 906 Royal College of Physicians, 785 rev.. 1151 Innominate artery. See Artery Ulster Kedical Society, opening of session. 954 JOHNSTONE, T.: Conan Doyle, Bell, and Lay- Inoculation for elementary school children Vital statistics: Free State. 181-Northern cock, 498 (parliamentary note), 46. See al0o School Ireland, 877 Joint manipulation as applied to the spine Inquests, coroners', in London, 484 (J. B. Mennell), 1216 Insect bite causing gangrene of finger, 240 Irish Medical Association. See Association JOLL, Cecil A.: Ligation of thyroid arteries in Insect bites and iodine, 290, 337 Irish Medical MS., 844 toxic goitre, 181--Spontaneous regression of Institution. Liverpool Medical: Dental problems Irish Medical Schools' and Graduates' Associa- cancer, 1016 of medical interest,832-Manganese poisoning, tion. See Association JOLY, F. (C FLANDIN and J. BE: "NARD): L'ln- 833-Silicosis, 878-Coccygeal sinus, 960- Irish Texts, Fasc. v, rev., 555 toxication par les somntsj res, 263 Spinal tumours. 961-Growth-retarding func- Irradiation treatment of intrathoracic tumours. JONES, Dr.: Infective mastitis, 481 tion of parathyroids. 1121- Antistrepto- See Tumours JONE:S, E. W. Cemlyn: Voluntary sterilization, coccal serum for ' rheumatic" affections, 1217 IRVINE, K. Neville: The B C. G. Vaccine, rev., 773, 995 -Sterility with ovarian dysfunction, 1217 885 JONES, George, obituary notice of, 4' Instrument makers at dinner, 825 IRWIN, C.Gordon* Acute and chronic sprain,321 JONH:s, Sir Robert: Memorial to, 178-Meeting at Instruments. medical, surgical, dental, veter- IIRWIN, Henry F. G.: Retroperitoneal sarcoma- Mansion House. 178 inary. dissecting, etc., additional import tosis, 1149 JONES, R. Watsot: Transport of cases with duties on, 481 IBWIN, Rachel: Post-anaesthetic coma, 928 back injuries. 1012-Fractures of the neck of Insulin, action of (leading article), 519 ISAAC.sue Urer-Cantainor os.R. J..V.unaDnDointeniL ,ierusaIenl Comlliander of- the femur and intra-articular arthrodesis of Insulin (cryst.). Wellcome, 814 tnie orcier or St. jolln Of Jerusalem. Z. hip, 1012, 1220 - THE BRITISrH 18 JULY-DEC., 1934] INDEX MEDICALL JOURNAL I JONES, Colonel Theophilus Percy, obituary King Edward's Hospital Fund. See Fund LANIDATEINER, K.: Die Spesiftixitlt derSero- notice of, 379 KING, Hon. JamesH. appointed Knight of Grace logisishenReaktionen, ev, 944 JONES, W. E.. eleetedm yor of Leamington, 975 of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 24 LANE. T. J. D.: Acute chlecystitis, 879-Intra- JORRDAN Alfred C.: I?eribnchial tuberculosis, KING, M. Truby: Mothercraft, rev. 256 tracheal anaesthesia. 1218 571-Radiological study of asthma due to KING, Thacker, obituary notice of, 573 LANGLEY, G. J.: Treatment of arterial em- toxaemia, 1115 KING, Willism Wilfred, obituary notice of, 144 bolism, 219 JORDAN, Harvey Ernest: A Textbook of Histo- KINNEAR, James Crawford Myers, obituary UIR, Irving: Tle unpredictable results of LANGM 795 logy,sixth edition, rev., 724 notice of, 703 research, JoRy, Norman A.: Meningitis of otitic origin, KiPPING, F. Stanley (and F. Barry KIPPING):. LANKESTER, Lionel: The duodenum and the 1119 PerkinantRKipping'sOrganic Chemistrv, rev., Kirby grip, 1179 JosEPH. E., death of, 496 473 LAPAGE, C. Paget: Allergy, metabolism, and the JOsTIN: Increase in mortality from diabetes, Kirby grip and the duodenum, 965.1077,1179 autonomic nervous system, 985(0) 175 KIMIRLIN 1B. R.: Radiological diagnosis of LARKS, G. E.: Treatmentof artificial embolism, Journal of Pathology and Bacteriolog for July gastro-intestinal conditions, 957 219 published in honour of SirRtobert Muir, 173 KIREWOOD, W. D.. appointed Officer of the Order LARHOCHE, G.: Evils of a sedentary life, 1089 JOWETT, Maurice, elected to a Beit Memorial of St. John of Jerusalem, 24 LARUELLE, Dr., awarded the Dejerine prize, Fellowship, 128 KITCHEN, D. Harcourt: Death and the survival 1024, 1085 JOWETT, R. E.: Cautery and light apparatus in of rights of action, 792 Laryngology and otology, diplomas in, informa- the operating theatre, 556 KITCHIN, D. H.: Radiology and the general tion concerning, 449 Joy,Norman R.: Occupational therapy. 333 practitioner, 275 Larynx, foreign body [unusual] in (F. Holt JUDY, Lj. V.R.: A campaign against rats, 338 KITCHING, R. L.: Corporal punishment. A plea Diggle). 771 JuLJ. R, F. A.: Blindness following N.A.B., 269,809 for the exenmption of girls, 1178 LATHAM, D. V.: Pipe cleaners in gynaecology, D.: disease in Holland,482 (0) KLARENBEEK,* Weil's 618 JUNG, C. G.. founds a fund for the advancement KLEIN, L. Rice beds and the spread of malaria, LAUDER, Major James Lafayette, obituary ofpsycho-analysis and allied studies, 975 583 notice of, 492 Jupe, M. H.: Diagnosis of intracranial tumours, KLEINSCHMIDT, H.: Thierapeutic Vademecum LAUNAY: Phrenicectomy, 999 1071 for Paediatric Practice, seventh edition, rev., Laundries, pamphlet on administration, equip- Jusr, T.H.: Focal infection as a problem for 1152 ment. etc., of, 336 the laryngologist, 227 Allergic factors in Knee-joint, injuries of the,40, 572, 657 LAW, F. W.: Local ultra-violet therapy in eye rhinorrhoea and nasal catarrh, 271,587 (0) Knife for submucous resection of septum. 724 disease, 269-Ultra-Violet Therapy it Eye JUSTIN-BESAN VON, M.: Hyperpituitarism and KNIGHT, Henry J.: Carcinoma ventriculi in a Disease, with aReview of the Action of Other Graves's disease, 361 womianof 90, 469 Forms of Radiant Etnergy rev., 681 KNIGHT, John, Serjeant Surgeon, 577 LAWRENCE, Evelyn M.: Problems of social KNOWLES, Lieut-Col. It.: Advances in the treat- psychology, 560 ment of tropical disease. 687 LAWRENCE, R. D.:-The Diabetic Life. Its KNOX, J. F.:ltesults of operation for elephant- Controlbuj Diet andlInsulin, eighth edition, iasis, 97 rev., 1048 KOBAYASHI, Professor. death of, 616 LAWS, Rev. Dr. Robert, obituary notice of, 334 K. KOCH, Frederick C.: Practical Methods in Bio- LAWSON, Sir Arnold: Antiseptics in control of chemistry, rev.,1C47 bacterial infections, 318 K4HrLmETER, Professor:Rheumatoid arthritis, Ko1eLSCErE, G. A.: Crystalline cortin, 363 LAWsON, Brevet Colonel Charles Bunbury. 127 KON., S. K.: Cow's milk, 558 obituary notice of, 537 K SHN, Reuben L., awarded the annual prize of KRAUSE, Paul, death of, 616 LAYCOCK, Conan Doyle, and Joseph Bell, 498 ttile American Association for the Advance- KRECKE. Albert: The Doctor antd his Patients, LAYTON. Frank G.: Puhlicity, 747 ment of Science. 191 rev., 471 LAYTON, T. B. Meningitis of otitic origin, 1118 KAISER, A. D.: Tonsils -and the rheumatic KRET5CHYMER, Ernst: A Text-Book of Medical LAZARSFELD, Sofie:-Rhythm of Life: A Guide child, 953 Psychology, rev. 1103 to Sexual Harmonyi for Women, rev., 006 KtkLK, H.: The endocrine factor in essential KROGH: Hyperpituitarism and Graves's disease, Lead poisoning and metal cider taps, 976 hypertension, 260 361 Lead poisoning, review of book on, 517 KALMANSON, John: Local treatment of coryza, KRUEGEER: Prophylaxis of whooping-cough, 1109 968 KUHNE, Paul: Evipan anaesthesia. 40 Leading Articles: KARSNER. H. T.: The coronary arteries in rheu- KURt: The endocrine factor in essential hyper- treatment m-atic fever, 561 tension.760 Anaemia, pernicious nature and of, L. N.: C'ausation of skeletal muscle pain, Kvphosis, adolescent and senile (C.Lambrinudi), 726 KATZ, Ante-natal care and obstetric diplomas, 643 563-A metobolic exercise toleraDce test, 603 270. 800 (0)-Discussion, 270-(Jacques Calve), Biology, human, applied, 1054 KAUFMANN, Constantin, death of, 616 983 (0) 816 1026 Biology of sociu; life, KtY. Richard: Psychologysnd reliUion, fever, recent in, 1154 569 Blackwater research KAYE, G. W. C.: Stanley Melville memorial, Bladder-neck obstruction. 70 -Protection of radium workers, 952 meeting, 212 of his Dorothy Bournemouth KAYNE George Gregory: Renewal Bright's 600 tuber- disease, Tem-ple Cross Research Fellowship in Cambridge, changes at, 26 cuilosis, 76-s4unbathing and tuberculosis, 138 L.. Cancer claims, 520 in -(And B. Weill-HallW). Tuberculin tests Cancer research, 120 inifants and children, 464 (O)-B.C.G. vaccine, LABBt, Marcel: Hyperpituitarism and Graves's " disease, 361 Closed anaesthesia, 360 791 of action, 600 Mary: Ante-natal care and maternal Labelling patients, 1086 Death and the survival of rights KEENE, Diet during pregnancy and lactation, 1205 mortality, 1011 LABIGNETTE. P.: Motoring and the expectant mother, 890 Drilling in physical signs and diagnosis, 999 K[ iR , Rear-Admiral W. W., appointed Honorarv Endocrine factor in essential hypertension, '4urgeon to the King, 89 Laboratory and clinic, interaction of (leading article), 776 260 KEITH, T. S.: Prognosis in coronary occlusion, Endowment of clinical 1106 Laboratory equipment the practi- science,- 829 for general Fallacious generalizations, 475 KPETH. W. Brooks: Boarding-out of mental tioner, 337 996 Labour,chloroform-hyoscine amnesia in (James Granulie froide, 815 patients, Headaches, ocular, 309 KELLY, D. L.: Report on mental hospitals in Clark), 468 (0) Head and foot presentation, 380, 557 Healing of a wound, 71 the Iribh Free State, 370 Labour: 998 P. J.: Medical services Labour and heart 578 Health, international, KELLY,tiurgeon General disease; Hormones. inhibitory, 687 at home and abroad, 832 Labour, occipito-posterior presentation, unre- Hyperpituitarism and GravAs's disease, 361 vapour as a purgative, duced, with short cord (F. P. N. 515 KEMP, Philip: Castor oil Parsons), Infective disease, to, 643 Office, International: Code of resistance 12;8 Labour Stanidard Infertility and contraception, 310 C.: cortin, 363 Health. 548 KENDALL, E. Crystalline Industrial Insulin, action of, 519 Walter P.: in a family Labour, relief of pain in, review of book on, 117 KENNEDY, Morbidity health, in Canada. 775 tree, 630 (0) Labour, vertex presentaation, influence of InsLirance, 220, 1189 decubitus 1228 Insurance and public healtll. 559 KENNON. R.: The septic hand, (0)- on. and clinic, iuteraction of, 776 275-Dental problems of miiedi- Lactation, hexyl.resorcin during. 975 Laboratory Osteomyelitis, London water in a dry year, 259 832 LADELL, H. Macdonald: Priapism after circum- cal interest, Milkc, reconstituted and sophisticated, 519 KIINWOOD, Henry R.: Whitiher general practice? cision. 1085 reinterment of, 975 Morbid inheritance, chances of, 864 883 Laennec, Muir, Sir Robert, 173 report La Force adenotome. See Adenotome Kenya Colony and Protectorate: Annual Nation's children. 1107 of Native Affairs Department, 527 P. P.: The mouse and influenza virus, for 1932 LAIDLAW. Neurology, the attaclk 725 Kenya native (parliamentary note), 840 817 in, to (Sidney Joan: Mechanism of immunization Parliamentary session. 1933-4, 949 Keratin tissues, arsenic in relation LAIGRE,T. Pellagra in England. 21 E. 675 against vellow fever, 705 Smith and B. Hendry). (0) Pharmacopoeias, compilation of, 173 1182 Norman C. (and C. Jennings KRPB, Huih, obiluary notice, of, LAKE, MARSHALL): 863 rev., 18 Poliomyelitis, Kp,aa, J PA. dunr: R-sults of ante-natal care, Sutrgical Anatomy and Phusiplogy, address (1934), 172 of 266- A. T., appointed Commander of the Order Presidential 220-Ovarian cause- pelvic pkin, LAKIN. Profession of medicine, 385 mortality, 1166 of St. John of Jerusalem. 24 Maternal Radiology, recent work in. 908 KaRIIIDGE, Phyllis: Defective hearing as a LAMB, G.: Snake venom for haemopbilia, 867 324 Wright: Treatment of trichophyton Road accidents. emergency treatment for, 213 national problem, LAMBERT, Schools, overcrowding in, 1204 KmRBY, Richard: -Cancer research: a sug- infectiou, 796 W. A. (and J. Gordon Scottish Health Services, 25 gestion, 1086 LAMBORN, THOMSON): Secret remedies, control of 865 D. A. Anaemias Mechs.nical transmission of tympanosomiasis, KER.LEY, G. 1). (and MITCHELL): Social psychologv, prohlems in, 560 720 and yaws by non-biting of pregnancy, (0) Leishmaniasis. infections: treatar KEY, John Albert (and R. Earle CONWELT.): The haematophagous flies, 506 (0) Staphylococcal specific ent, Mlagemeitt of Fractures, Dislocations, and LAMBRINUDIa,.: Adolescentand senile kyphosis, 950 1 6 800 1012-Move- Tropical disease, advances in the treatnment . Eprains, rev.. 270. (0)-Congenital club foot. of, 687 262 ment of the lumbar spine and pregnancy, 1012 Kv.YES: Ingrowing toe-nail. Tuberculosis, infection and immunity in, 474 Geoffrey: Preliminary ligature in La Medicina Ibera for October 20th contains an K}EYNEs, Vitamin A and nerve lesions, 1053 699-Hernia obituary notice of the late Ramon y Cajal, 927 toxi¢ goitre 84. operations. 315 Vitamin D, of, 907 superintenden' of the Low Lamp: Headlamp, an improved, 1202 dosage KIDD, F., appointed Weil's England, 27 ray generator, disease. 1156-In Temperature Rtesearch Station, Cam bridge, Lamp, "medium," ultra-violet Whither medicine? 645 150 booklet on. 844 KIE.NBOCK, R.: The first parathvroidectomy, 216 LAMPITT. L. H.: Food standards, 997 KIKUTH:, Walter, awarded the Paul Ehrliech gold Lancashire: Tuberculosis report, 876 LEAGUE OF NATIONS: medal, 524 LANDAU, Arthur, awarded a Dorothy Temple Cheese-paring at, 602, 701 Kilkenny. county M.O.H. for. 531 Cross Research Fellowship in tuberculosis, 76 Epidemiological Report of Health Rection: KTr TT*N Tiens: NarkosezuOperattifn Zweckeni, LANDOR. J. V (and Molhamed SALLEE): Case of World prevalence of diphtheria and scerlet rev., 168 evipan paralysis, 940 (0) fever, 123-Survey of the world incidence KIMBER. W. J. T.: A mnental hospital clinic, 117j Lands for recreation (parlianmentary note), 150 of small-pox, 642 [ THE BRITISH 19 JULY-DEC., 1934] INDEX MEDICAL JOURNAL

LEAGUE OF N&TIONS (conttinuzed): LBwis, Sir Thomas: Clinical Science. Illus- LOUsTE, Dr.. death of, 496 Health work of, 72, 642 trated by Personial Experiences. rev., 904 Low, G. Carmichael (and N. HAMILTON FAIRLEY)- Hospital developments in England, 479 LEswIs-PHILIPPS, H.: Post-herpetic pain, 1185 Fatal perforation of calcium in a case of sprune Morphine, a new source of, 604 Libel on a doctor (Garth ApThomas), punish- 678 (0) Narcotic drugs, control of traffic in, 478 ment for, 1223 LOWE, G. Cronin: Control of treatment in cancer Official and unofficial co-operative action, con- Libel on Lord Horder: an action settled, 44 by serum tests, 610 ference on, 74 LIBMAN, Julius: Treatment of haemoptysis, 882 LOWE, Walter George, obituary notice of, 839 Opium and, report of Advisory Committee, Libraries [Special], Association of, and Informa- LOWENFELD, Margaret: Endocrines and sex 604, 686 tion Bureaux: Annual conference, Oxford constitution. 83-Mental hygiene in childhood, Peace and, 701 (1934), 191 1171 Radiological treatment of cancer, 217 Licensing and teachine, medical, in the LOXLEY, Councillor: Voluntary sterilization, provinces (J. A. Nixon), 959 995 LEAK, W. N.: Pathology of coronary occlusion, LIDDIARD, Mabel: T'he Mothercraft Mametial, LUBET, J. V. H.: A campaign against rats, 338 225-Bad surgical risks, 266-Oedema, its or The Expectant and Nursing Mother and LUCKIESH, Matthew: Seeino and Human Wel- causation and treatment, 315 -Female Baby's First Two Years, rev., 774 fare. 729 ' bleeders," 700, 921 LItGE, R.: Transfusion dtu Sangq et Immusio- LUKEBR, S. Gordon: Results of ante-natal care, LEAKE, Colonel Jonas William, obituary notice Trantsfusiots en Pratique Medicale. Indica- 221-Diathermy cutting current in cervicitis, of, 146 tionls, Resiultats, Accidentts; rev.. 722 316-Pyelitis of pregnancy, 316-Retroversiorn LEAKEY, L. S. B.: Adam's Ancestors: An Up- LIEN-TEH. Wui (J. W. H. CHUN, R. POLLITZER, of the uterus, 316, 760 (0) to-date Outtlinie of What is Knowntt aboutt thte and 0. Y. Wl: -Cholera: A Mlanual for the Lumbago, exercises for, 48, 151 Origin of Mani, rev., 355 Medical Professiont in Cltina, rev., 307 Lumiibar puncture followed by headache (H. W. LECLAINCHE, Professor: Veterinary sanitation, Life, expectation of in New Zealand, 784 Allen), 349 (0) 481 Life, sedentary, evils of (G. Laroche, de Chaise- Luing, cystic disease of the (Debre and Gilbr-in), Lecture, Dixon ATemorial, 868, 1161-Pharmaco- martin, and A. Grigaut), 1089 778 logy and nerve endings (Sir Henry Dale), 1161 Life statistics in Scotland. 827. See also Vital Lung, human. intrinsic nervous mechanism of Lecture, Doyne Memorial: Tubercullosis and LIGHT, Amos E.: Graham Lusk. 664 (J. B. Gaylor), 865 its relation to spontaneous post traumatic and Light and heat, influence of on nasal mucosa, Lung infiltration treated by artificial pneumo- sympathetic ophthalmia (Joseph Meller), 132 951, 1014 thorax (G. Faldella), 593 Lecture, Finlayson Memorial: History of the Lightning burns. See Burns Lungs, postural drainage of the (H. P. Nelson),. prevention of malaria (Sir Malcolm Watson), Lights, signal. See Signal 251 (0) 1007 LIGHTWOOD, R.: Icterus gravis neonatorum, 73 Lungs, traumatic rupture of, without signs of Lecture, Harben: Diagnosis of small-pox and LILLY, Eli: The work of the Lilly Laboratories, trauma in the chest walls (W. E. Cooke), 629 the investigation of vaccinia by laboratory 795 (0)-Correspondence on, 700 methods (W. J. Tulloch) 711 LILLY. J. K : Research in manufacturing phar- Lungs, effects of x rays on (Rolf Bull Engelstad). L.ecture, Hardy Memorial (Sir Frank Smith), macy, 795 364 525 Lilly Research Laboratories. See Research Lupus vulgaris, treatment of (Svend Lombolt), Lecture, Kerr [Norman] Memorial: Some inter- Limbs. normal, clinical features of (Basil 291 (0). 371-Discussion, 321-Correspondence national aspects of the problemn of drug addic- Graves). 362 on, 375, 40o tion (Sir M%lcolm Delevingne) 690 Lincolnshire, food poisoning in (parlianmentary Luas, Graham, 664 rLecture,Lockyer [Norman]: Human biologyand note), 239 LYiLE, T. Keith (and F. G. FENTON): Advantares politics (J. B. S. Haldane), 1054 LINDBESRG: Hyp)erpituitarism and Graves's of intravenous (evipan) anaesthesia in oph- Lecture, Semon: Chronic pyogenic inflamma- disease. 361 thalmic surgery, 589 (0)-Evipan on a full tion of maxillary antrum and the accessory LINDEARD, J.: The Theory of Gymniasties, rev., stomach, 700 sinuses (Herbert Tilley), 866, 869 905 Lymphadenosis, subleukaemic, in a child (G. Lecture, Thompson [Silvanus] Memorial: The LINLITnGOW, Marquess of, appointed chairman Stewart Smith). 1097 (0) digestive rnucosa (HF. H. Berg), 1114 of the Medical Research Council, 604 LYNCH, G. Roche: Clinical pathology of coma, Lectures, Flexncr [Abrahama]:-To Remind: Lip, chronic enlargement of, 1024, 1085 81 a biological essay (Sir William Bate Hards), Lipiodol bronchography followed by acute LYNN-THOMAS, Sir John: Key of all Wales, rev., 1104 iodism (.J. G. Scadding), 1147 (0) 862 Lectures. Lane Medical: Biochemical studies of Lipiodol and x-rays in pelvic trouble (Farquhar LYON, D. M.: B. coli infections, aetiology and niutritional problems (J. C. Drummond), 776 Murray), 36 treatment, 264, 456 (0) Lectures, Milroy: International co-operation in LISTER, Lieut.-Col. A. E. J.: Appreciation of LYON. Surgeon Commander Reginald, obituary public health. Its achievement and prospects Arthur Bernard Cridland, 92 notice of. 147 (Sir George S. Buchanan), 998 LITTLE, Dr.: Infective masstitis, 481 XIYTHGOE, Mrs.: Production of rosettes in the LEDINGEIAM, J. C. G. :-Unemplovment assist- Liver, yellow atrophy [subacute] of, after mam,nalian retina, 133 ance: determination of needs, 235-Appointed cinchophen (Thomas N. Fraser), 1195 (1) a member of the Medical Research Council, 648 Liverpool, maternal mortality in (parliamentary Lu'4:, Maurice: Rupture of extensor pollicis note), 887-Port sanitation in, 129-Psychiatric tendon, 611 clinic, work of, 327 LuJ L"LEMING, E. Kaye: Appointed chairman of Liverpool Medico-Chirurgical Journal, vol. xlii, C;ouncil, 214-Radiology and the general prac- Part 1, rev. 473 ti tioner, 275.462(0)-Acute streptococcal throat Liverpool: AMedical Institution. See Institution M. infections, 567-Overcrowding in schools, 1204 LivsNGSToNE. J.: Aetiology and treatment of LEGGE. Sir Thomas: Industrial Maladies, rev., asthma, 1069 MAcALISTER, Sir Donald, estate of, 47 595 LLANAS. J. Cardus: Carbon dioxide for the new- MCALISTER, W.: Mental health services, 566 LEIGH, Annie T., obituary notice of, 495 born, 728 MAcAULEY, Charles: Ligature of the innomiii- 1,EIPER, D. Paterson: Quinoidine, 1025 LLOYD, David Clharles, obituary notice of, 145 nate artery, 138-Haemorrhage frolii peri- LEISEHMAN, John: Economic aspects of suicide, LLOYD, Eric I.: Late tendon suture, 165 (0) tonsillar abscess, 371 1222 LLOYD, John Tryweryn, sentence on, 239 MACBETH, Alison N.: Achlorhydria, 219 Leishmaniasis, mechanieal transmission of (J. Local Government Amendment Bill (Irish Free MCCALL, A.; Muco-purulent tubo-t3 inpanic- Jordan Thomson and W. A. Lamborn), 506 (0) State). text of. 606 infection, 227 Leishmaniasis in Santiago del Estero, forms of Local authorities and maternal mortality MCCARRIONN, Sir Robert: Separation of rabies E. J. Canal Feijool, 514 (parliamentary note), 887 virus fromii brain tissue, 124 L,EITCH, 1:: Nutritional anaemia, 122 Local governmnent hospital services, informa- MACCARTHY. T.: Diuresis in a case of pituitary Le trim County Council and its medical officers tion concerninjg. 443 tunmour. 705 of health, 369 LOEBEL, Josef: Whtit her Medicine ? 645 MCCARTNEY, J. B. (and T. J. MACKIE) An1 llht ro- LELONG: La granulie froide, 815 LOEPER, Maurice: - Th4rapeutique Medicale: ductiou to Practical BactertologV. A Guide Lemon barley water, 1048 Vol. vii, Vaisseaux et Reitns, rev., 633 to Bacteriological Laboratory RT ork, fourth LEMPRIERE, L. R.: Actute streptococcal throat LOEWENTHAL, Mlax:-Life and Sou?l: Outlinies edition, rev., 634 infections. 568 of a Futture Theoretical Physiology and of a MCCLEARY, G. F.: Factors in the reduction of- LENEHAN, Major Thlomas Joseph, obituary Critical Philosophy, rev., 257 maternal mortality. 918 notice of, 1084 LOGAN, J. S.: Results of ante-natal care, 221 MCCLENDON, J. F.: A Manuital of Bioclumisty,. Leningrad, diphtheria immunization in, 1003 LOMHOLT, Svend: Treatment of lupus vulgaris, rev., 1150 Lenses. patented (Alfred Cowan), 1158 291 (0). 321 MCCLOSKY, A. J.: Pineapple juice in oedeimia, LsPers in Norway: Numbers, 1024 572 Leprosy Relief Association, British Empire: LONDON: MACO]MBER, D.: Diet during pregnancy and Change of address, 497 Child guidance in, 868 lactation. 1205 Lnlrosy relief and cure in British Guiana, 693 Children of, hiealth of, 365 MACCORMAC, Henry: Syphilis in practice, 99 (0) Leprosy. review of books on, 166, 354 City of, report on, 875 MCCORMACK, Dr.: County medical officers of Lent-spirosis in Queensland (J. Graham lDrew), Coroners' inquests in, 484 health in Leitrim and Longford, 1168 1142(0) County Council. See Council MCCURRY. A. L. (and S. E. TANNER): Uveo- L-ptospirosis, recent work on, 727 - Report Health of: Annual report, 695 parotid tuberculosis, 1041 (0), 1220 of a series of cases occurring chiefly anmong Intercollegiate Scholarships Board awards MACDERMOTT, E. N.: Torsion of hydatid of fish workers (L. S. P. Iavid&on. R. M. Camp- 41, 333 Morgagni simulating acute appendicitis. 679 bell, H. J. Rae. and .. Smith), 1137(0) Leading Medical exhibition, 739 MCDONAGHI, J. E. R.: Thle Nature of Disewse article on, 1155. See also Weil's disease and Medical schools and London County Council Journal, rev., 518 - Unsettled problems cf Jan ndice hospitals: Co-operation in teaching, 211 neurosyphilis, 787 LERICHH. Professor: Rhettamatoid arthritis, Medical schools and London University. See MACDONALD. A. D.: Uveo-parotid tuberculosis, 127 University 1123 LEROUX,S. J. J.: Undtulant fever in Paris, 592 Port of London: Report for 1'33, 480 MACDONALD. Flora L.: Increased mortality froiii LESLIE, Mlargaret (and J. E. PATERSON): Gumm1i-a Refuse. See Refuse diabetes, 330 of the brain, 109 (0) Routes out of, 928 MAcDONALD, William. obituary notice of, 335 Le Sutd Med,ical et Chirurgical for June devoted School children, nutrition clinics for, 1168 MCDOUGALL, J. B.: Occupational therapy, 133 to sturgery of childhood and orthopaedics, 191 School of Tropical Medicine. See Hygiene and McFARLAND, B. L.: Congenital club-foot. 1012 Let there be light, 729 Tropical Medicine MACFA1PLANE, N. M.: Medical work in Basuto- LETHEM, W. A.: Eradication of bovine tubercu- University of. See University land, 578 losis, 328 Water supply of in a dry year (leading article), MACFARLANE, R. G.: Snalie venom for lhaemiio- LETILET. H. (and J. CAu-s-- -ON): Le.s RTactions 259 philia, 867 dit Tissu Pulmonaire dets la Tuzber culose, MACFIE, J. D.: Tuberculosis, 183 rev., 355 LONG, S. H.: Climatic factors and disease, 32 McGIBBON, John: Plea for the abolition of the LEVINE, S. A.: Auricular fibrillation and flutter LOTKA: Infant mortality and expectation of life, pelvimeter, 1076 of unknown aetiology, 950 784_ M'G*ONIGLE, G. C. M.:-Unemployment assist- LEwrs: Causation of skeletal muscle pain, 563 Lotteries. See Betting and Lotteries Bill ance: determination of needs, 235 LF.wIs, Aubrey J.: Organic and functional LOUGENANE, F. MfcG.: Control of haemorrhage MIACGRATIS, J.: Growth of B. coli in water, 919 nervous disorders, 268 in prostatectomy,700 MACGREGOR, Alastair: Problems of sciatica,, LEwi,wIS, E. W.: Ancient EHindu-Aryan medicine, Louping-ill in man, 261 789 872 LOURIE, Emanuel Mannie, elected to a Beit MACGREGOR, A. S. M.: Report on the health of LEWIs, Joseph Congenital heart-block, 1096 (0) Memorial Fellowship, 127 Glasgow, 691 THE BRITISH 20 JuLY-DEC., 1934] INDEX MEDICAL JOURNAL

MOGlimoR, Major J. G.: Campaign against MALPAS, D. D.: Treatment of genito-urinary MAXIMOW, Alexander A. (and William BLooM): tubrculosIs, 565 diseases, 225 A Textbook of Histology, second edition, rev.. MOILROY, Dame Louise, appointed assistant MALPAS, P.: Hypersexuality associated with 724 director and lecturer to the Clapham Mater- cystic ovaries, 962 MAXWELL. J.: Oedema-its causation and treat- nity Hospital, 795-Ante-natal care and Manchester: Annual report of medical officer of ment, 314 maternal mortality, 1011 health, 1213-Food inspection at the Port of, MAXWELL, James (F. G. CHANDLER, and N. S. McIvzu. Monroe, A.: Aicute Intestinial Obstruc- 1213-Post-graduate courses in, 537, 705, 795 FINZI): Irradiation treatment of malignant tion, rev., 904 Manganese poisoning (Donald Owen), 833 intrathoracic tumours, 714 (0) MAcAY,Caberles: Orthopaedic treatment of in- Manipulative surgery, review of book on, 169, MAXWELL. J Preston: Osteomalacia and foetal fantile paralysis. 533, 618-A correction, 618 308 rickets, 1115 MACKAY. Helen M. M. Cutaneous manifestation MANNINGER. Dr.: Filterable viruses, 483 MAY, Dr.: fShort-wave therapy, 956 of vitamin A deficiency,114 MANSON, J. S.: Appreciation of C. W. Hutt. 573- MAY. Sir Gould: Appreciation of Robert Alex- MACKEITH, Alexander Arthur. obituary notice Hereditary syndactylism and polydactylism ander Gibbons, 493 of, 1130 descriptive of recent additions to pedigree, MAY, Otto: Is high blood pressure a risk? 532 MAcKEITH. M. H.. retires from office of dean at 1044 MAYFIELD, R. B.: Interference in the Schick the British Post-Graduate Medical Secool, 777 IIANSON, Sir Patrick, memorial to. 33 test by diphtheria antitoxin injection in the MCKENzIE, B. F.: Crystalline cortin.363 MANSON-BAHR. P. H.: Anaemias and their human subject, 938 (0) MCKENZIE.Dan: Noise and health, 636 treatment, 830 MAYNE, W. A.: Aural diphtheria, 1185 Mackenzie Institute for Research. See Research Maoris, maternal mortality in. 233 MAYou, Marmaduke Stephen, obituary notice of, MACEENZIE.IVY: Physiology of vision, 557 MAPOTHER, Edward: Use of narcotics, 223- 185 MACKENZIE, Melville D.: Recent Tendenctes in Organic and functional nervous disorders, 267 MAYRS, E. B. C.: Appreciation of J. A. Milroy, the Development of General Hospitals in Eng- Marble bone, familial (J. Duncan White), 1115 559 land4,now published in pamphlet form, 289- MARGET5ON, N. J. Linnington (and D C. MAZZucJEHI, Mario: Anthrax, 481 Annotation on,479 OGILVIE): Case of abdominal pregnancy. 115 MEADE, H.: Acute cholecystitis, 879 MACKENZIE. Murdo: Organic and functional MARGRAM-MOLLER, S. F.: Circumcision, 1227 MEADEN, Lieut.-Col. Albert Anderson. obituary nervous disorders,268 MARIE. A. C.: Biological properties of adrena- notice of, 613 MACKENZIE. W. R.: Catgut tube cracker, 597- line, 910 Measles complicated by multiple peripheral Plea for the abolition of the pelvimeter, 1015 MARIE, Julien: La Chrysoth6rapie de la Tuber- neuritis (D. A. Urquhart), 115-Correspondence T. J. (and J. E.MCCARTNEY): An Intro- culose Pulmonaire, rev., 354 on, 232 MACKxE, " duction to Practical Bacteriology. A Guide to MARION, Dr., elected member of the Acad6mie Measles, German ": a plea, 834. 966. See also Bacteriological Laboratory Work, fourth de M6decine. 975 German edition,rev.,634 MARRLE, P.: Causation of skeletal muscle pain, Meat inspection, review of books on, 472, 943 MACKIRDY, Mary (and Mary ANDROsS): Cheap 563 Medical aid by women for Indian women, 914 Diets repres#ntillg a Week's Meals, rev., 20 MARLIN, T.: Manipulative Treatment for the Medical benevolence, 745, 836, 880, 968,1080,1129 MACLAREN, Lieut.-Colonel James Farqubarson, Medical Practitioner, rev.. 308 Medical care, organized, 214 obituary notice of. 662 Marmite booklet, 890 Medical centenaries, two, 691 MOLATCHIE. J. D. P.: Treatment of phlebitis. MARQUEZ, M. (and T. BusITO): Le Biastigma- Medical charity, an example of, 74 332 tisme dais la Pratique, Tables pour la Trans- Medical curriculum to-day, 391 MACLEAN, Sir Ewen: Ovarian causes of pelvic formationt des Verres Bicvlindriques d'Axes Medical Defence Union: Annual meeting, 783 pain, 267 Obliques en Verres SpIerocylindriques, second Medical Directorv, 88-Review of. 1152 MACLBOD: Action of insulin, 519 edition, rev., 518 Medical education, 486,570-Responsible clinical MACLEOD, Surgeon-Commander (G. Ernest: Ap- Marquis, F. J., appointed a member of the experience, 486-Training for the specialties, preciation of Eric Danvers Macnamnara, 494 Industrial Health Research Board, 868 570 MACLBOD, J. ,J. R.: Nutrition and disesase. 526 MAim, Hamilton: Mental hospitals and in- Medical education, co-operation in, 176, 211 MCLEOD. J. W.: Pathological research at Leeds, stitutions, 876 Medical Exhibition in London, 739 327 MARRACK, J. R. (and P. N. PANTON): Clitical Medical golf. See Golf McL-EsTER, James Somerville elected president Pathology, third edition, rev., 595 Medical History, Annals of (edited by Francis of the American Medical Association, 97 Marriage, fitness for (parliamentary debate). 973 R. Packard): New Series, vol. vi, No. 3, May, MCMICHAEL, Dr.: Campaign against tubercu- MARSDEN, J. Pickford (and C. R. M. GREEN- 1934, rev., 169-Vol. vi, No. 4, July, 1934, rev., 477 losis, 565 FIELD): Inherited small-pox. 777 -Vol. vi. No. 5, September, 1934, rev., 814 MCMICHAEL, J.: Pathological basis of splenic MARSHALL. C. H.: Willett's forceps in placenta Medical Insurance Agency, 177 anaemia, 225 praevia, 961 Medical iurisprudence. See also Forensie medi- MACMILLAN OF ABERFETDY, Lord, appointed a MARSHALL, C. Jennings (and Norman C. LAKE): cine, and Toxicology trustee of the Beit Memorial Fellowships for Surgical Anatomy and Physiology, rev., 18 Medical licensing. See Licensing Medical Research, 648 MARsrHIALL, James, transferred to the Arsenal Medical man's libel action settled (Nabarro v. MCMURRAY. T. P.: Acute and chronic sprain, 321 Football Club, 289 Virtue and Co.), 970 -Transport of cases with back injuries, 1012 MARTIN C. J.: Snake venom for haemophilia, Medical mayors, 975 MCNALTY, A. S.: Modern sanatorium treatment, 867 Medical MS , Irisb, 844 274, 1143 (0) MARTIN, Edgar: Use of narcotics, 223 Medical missionaries, information concerning, MACNAMARA..Eric Danvers, obituary notice of, MARTIN, Frank W.: Test for live birth in cases 450 424 of infanticide by drowning, 142-Identification Medical officers, district, salaries of, 485 MCNEIL,Charles:-Unemployment assistance: of glass by ultra-violet rays, 976 Medical officers of health, annual -eports of, determination of needs, 235 MARTIN. J. Purdon: Mechanism of pain, 317 Ministry of Health circular re, 975 MACPHAI, Sir Andrew: The healing of a wound, MARTINDALE, W.: List of their medical pro- Medical officers of health, county, appointment 71 ducts, 48 of (Ljeitrim), 369.1168-(Longford), 1168 MACPHAIL, J. M.: Chemistry of Fehling's Masks, operation (R. E. Tottenham), 1013 Medical officers of health, information con- reaction, 1136 Masochism, medico-legal implications of (Sir cerning. 436 MCPHEBDRAN, H.: Pathology of coronary occlu- Bernard Spilsbury), 83 Medical Officers of Schools Association. See sion, 225-Fee-splitting in Canada, 262 MASON, G. A.: Post operative management of Association MACPHEE, G. Graham: Dental problems of empyema cases, 266, 1197 (0) Medical plays, 29 medical interest, 833-Castor oil vapour as a MAsoN, H. L. Crystalline cortin, 363 Medical practice in British Dominions and purgative. 1045 Massage, review of book on, 945 foreign countries, information concerning, 445 MACRAE:, G. M. L. Summerhayes: " German MASSEiR, Alfred A.: Fractured spine caused by Medical practice and the law (Waitaki Hospital measles": a plea, 835 strain, 976 Board, New Zealand), 1214 McROBERT, Major George R.: Treatment of MASSEY, Thomas Hunter, obituary notice of. Medical practitioner, training of the (Sir Henry bacterial food poisoning, 304(1)-Typhus fevers 378 Brackenbury), 381 (0) in the Tropics, 320-Sprue, 320 MAsSIAK, H. Grey: Concurrent extrauterine and Medical problems, minor, 701 Macula. degenerations of, and dystrophies intrauterine gestation, 207 Medical Products of Precision, 928 (Arnold Sorsby), 270 MASTER1MAN, Mr.: Bad surgical risks, 265 Medical profession in Hungary, 668 MADISON, F. W.: Agranulocytosis, 29 M1astitis, infective, discussion on, 481 Medical profession, number of, 389, 664 -A cor- MAEGRAITH, Brian Gilmore: Elected to the Mastoid operations, anaesthetic, shield for use rection, 664 Staines Medical Fellowship of Exeter College, in, 518 Medical qualifications, British, in India, 1001 Oxford. 924-Pineapple juice in oedema, 492 Mastoid retractor. 597 Medical Begsster: Correction of, 793 - Office MAGEE. H. B. Nutrition and health, 1157 MATAGA, Viktor, death of, 1021 edition, 1026-Untraceable practitioners, 604 MAGENNIS, J. B.: Adhesions in artificial pneumo- Maternal mortality. See Mortality Medical Research Council. See Research thorax, 790 Maternity benefit and Poor Relief in Scotland Medical salaries. i-lee Salaries Magic pastille. 290 (parliamentary note), 96 Medical salon, Paris (1935),1185 MAGUIRE, Cyril Charles William, obituary Maternity cases, ambulances for, 955 Medical school, choice of a. 390 notice of, 615 Maternity cases, anaesthesia in, 1015, 1128 1222 Medical school for women, proposed, 374 MAHER, Chauncey C.: Electrocardiographv, Maternity and child welfare, number of clinics rev., 1047 and average attendance at (parliamentary MEDICAL SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES: MAIN, David Duncan, obituary notice of, 495 note), 1134 Acknowledgement, 452 MA1TLAND, T. Gwynne: Mecbanism of pain, 317 Maternity and child welfare, medical officer for Air Force Medical Service. Royal, 441 Malaria: Antimalarial campaign in Rhodo- (parliamentary note). 926 Army Medical Services, 440 daphuia. 714 Maternity and child welfare medical officers, British Dominions and foreign countries, 445 Malaria in Cuba, prophylaxis of (S. Bueno), 541 information concerning, 437 Carnegie Trust, 404 Malaria in the delta of the Danube, 698 Maternity and child welfare in Monmouthshire Clinical hospitals. 425 Malaria in Ceylon, epidemtc of,1158 (parliamentary note), 926 Clinical teaching in Dublin, 423 Malaria morbidity and mortality, prize offered Maternity and child welfare services (parlia- Colonial Medical Service, 446 for hnonograph on, 191 mentary note), 974 Correction, 664 Malaria prevention, history of (Sir Malcolm MATHESON. Norman M. (and T. G. Illtyd JAMES): Curriculum to-day, 391 Watson), 1007 Metastatic cerebral tumour with perforation Dental surgery, 450 Malaria, rice beds and the spread of (L. Klein), of an acute gastric ulcer. 902 Diplomas,-special, 448 583 MATIIESON, J. G.: Food st%ndatds, 997 General Medical Council, 391 Malaria, therapeutic, with stecial reference to MATHIEU, Paul: Rheumatoid arthritis, 127 Indian Medical Service. 442 a case of haemoglobinuria (C. B. Bamford), Matrimonial Causes Amended Procedure Bill, Information concerning the study of medicine, 764 (0)-Correspondence on. 884 1132 381 et seq Malaria in Trinidad and Tobago, 477 Matrimonial Causes (Procedure in Suits for Laryngolugy and otology1 diploma for, 449 Malaya, medical services in, information con- Nullity) Bill, 1132 Local Government (Hospital) Medical Services, cerning, 447 MATTHERWS. Bryan H. C.: Discoverer of cortical 443 MALE, (}. P.: Eradication of bovine tubercu- rhythm, 1129 Medical appointments in the Colonies and losis, 328 MAURER, G'lstav: Adhesions in artificial Mandated Territories, 446 MALROTRA, Major: Urban sanitation in the pneumothorax, 790. Medical missionaries, 450 Punjab, 1215 Mauriceau's sister, the death of (A. J. Hawes). Medical pro'ession, numbers, 385, 664-A cor- NMALKIN. S. A. S.: Osteomyelitis. 273 782-A correction, 844 rection, 664 Mall, Franklin Paine: l'he Storv of a Mind Maxillary sinus infections (I. B. Thorburn). 272 Medical radiology and electricity, 448 (Florence Rena Sahin), rev., 944 -Discussion, 272 Medical registration in the Irish Free State, MALLINSON, F. B.: Evipan paralysis, 1025 Maxillary sinusitis, iodine vapour in, 906 406 [ THE BRITISH JULY-DEC., 1934] INDEX JOURNAL 221 IMEDICALL MEDICAL JOURNAL MEDICAL SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES (continued): Mental disease research in Birmingham, 327 MITCHELL, Douglas A.: Ante-natal use of Medical school, choosing a, 390 Mental disease, treatment of (Hamilton Marr), quinine, 86-(And G. D. KERSLEY): Anaeinias Medical students, numbers, 386 876 of pregnancy, 720 (0) Nasal Medical Service. Royal, 439 Mental disorder in Scotland. 954 MITCHELL, G. W.: Stanley Melville memorial Obstetrics, diploma for, 449 Mental disorders in 1933, report, 640 569 Opening of the winter sessiou, 649 Mental Health Services (Scotland), discussion, MITCHELL, Joseph Stanley, elected to a Beit Ophthalmic medicine, diploma for, 449 565 Memorial Fellowship. 127. Post-graduate study. 428 Mental hospital clinic (Helrts County), 952- MITCHINER, Philip H.: The septic hand, 220- Prison Medical Service, 445 Correspondence on, 1078, 1177 Hernia operations, 315 -(And W. H. C. Profession of medicine, 385 Mental hospital or hospitals. See Hospital or ROMANIS): The Science and Practice of Psychological medicine, 433 Hospitals Surgerv. Vol. i, General SutrgerV; vol. ii, Public Health Medical Services, 436 Mental Hygiene, National Council for: Con- Regional Surgery, fifth edition, rev., 1200 Radiotherapy, 448 ference on occupational therapv, 133-Occupa- MITTERMAIER. Richard Die Krankheiten Scholarships, 143, 394 et seq tional therapy for mental and nervous cases, Nasennebenhohlen untd des Ohres im Rbntge-tt Special diplomas, 448 133 bild, rev,, 19 Tropical medicine, 432 Mental hygiene: preventive measures in child- MOHLER, Dr.: Veterinary sanitation, 482 Women medical students, numibers, 426 hood (Susan Isaacs), 1169-Discussion on, 1170 MOIR, D. F. G.. awarded the Tlheodore Williams Women in medicine, 421, 426 Mental patients, boarding-out of: Discussion scholarship in pathology, 89 Women's Medical Service of India, 428 at the Public Health Congress, 996-Parlia- MOIR, David Roger, obituary notice of, 839 mentary note on, 1184 MOLL, H. H.:-Refiex asthma: its pathology Medical schools, London, and London County Mental states associated with epilepsy (Dr. and treatment, 299 (0) Council hospitals, co-operation in teaehing, 211 Bridge), 1108 MOLLAN, Major F. R. H., menitioned in dis- Medical schools of London University. See Mental welfare, conference on, 825 patches, 89 University Mentally defective child, treatment of (Irish Mongolism cause of (A. J. Rosanoff and L. M. Medical service, public, Edinburgh, 653,1166 Free State), 786 Handy), 12C6 Medical service, general: Parliamentary note MENZMES, Sir Frederick, appointed Knight of Monmouthshire: Maternity and child welfare in on, 95 Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 24 (parliamentary note), 926 Medical services of the central authority, -Annual report on the health of London, 695 MIONSARRAT, K. W.:-Medical education: respon- inform-ation conicerning, 436 Mercurochrome injections followed by paralysis, sible clinical experience, 486 Medical services at home and abroad (W. W. (William More), 1045 MOODIE, William, appointed ml-edical con- Jameson) 831-Discussioni, 832 Mesenteric thrombosis. See Thrombosis sultant at Court Grange, Abbotskerswell, 975 Medical services of the local authorities, Mesmer, review of book on, 20 -Mental hygiene in childhood, 1170 infornmation concerning, 436 MESSER, A. I.: Undulant fever and contagious MIooK, William Hewson, obituarsy notice of, 923 Medical-spirits. See Spirits abortion in Northumberland, 856 (0) MOONEY, A. C.: Radiology of the stomach and Medical students, restricted entry of (New Metabolism, allergy, and the autonomic nervous duodenumiii. 319 Zealand), 1214 system (C. Paget Lapage), 985 (0) MOOt1r, Henry: Gee's disease. 918 Medical and surgical preparations and appli- Metabolism, carbohydrate, the spleen and, 477 MOORE, J. E. : The 31odes-n Treatmentt of ances. See Preparatiolns Metal taps. See Taps Syphilis, rev., 2C8 Medical terminology. See Terminology Meteorisnm and aerophagy, 843, 1136 MOORE. Thomas: A second attack of acute polio- Medical training for natives in South Africa, Methylated spirit drinking in Scotland, 1184 m1yelitis, 166 (0) 128, 612 Methylated spirit, drunkenness from (parlia- MOORE, W. A.: Gee's disease, 919 Medical training of women in the Punjab, 528 inentary note), 1083,1184 MOORHgAD, George A., obituary notice of, 376 Medicine, frustration of (V. H. Mottram), 475 Metropolitan Police (Borrowing Powers) Bill, MOOREFAD, T. Gillman: Thyroid addiction, 84 Medicine, Hindu-Aryan, ancient (E. W. Lewis), 1132. See also Police MOORSHEAD, Robert Fletcher. obituary notice of, 872 Metropolitan Police College. See College 1130.1182-A correction, 1182 Medicine and m-iorals (Lord Horder), 697 Metropolitan Water Board: Annual report, 259 Morbidity in a family tree (Walter P. Kennedy), M1edicine, Preventive Aspects of, rev., 554 Mexborough, Yorks, medical services at (par- 630 (0). See also Heredity Medicine, profession of. 385 liamentary note), 1135 MORE, William: Paralysis following mercuro- Medicine, review of books on, 20, 66, 67, 170, 517, MEYER, MaX. awarded the Guyot Prize. 379 chrome injections, 1045 554,594, 633, 774, 992 MEYER, Professor: Psittacosis, 482 MOREY. GEOFFREY- Tonsillectomny with local Medicine: Whither Medicine? (leading article), MEYERsTEIN, Edward William. makes a further anaesthesia. 990(0) 645 gift to Middlesex Hospital, 47 MORGAN, Branford: Septicaenmia following Medicines, patent, 822-Statement by the Royal MICHELHMOIE, B. G.: Hodgkin's disease with tonsillectomy, 1145 (0) College of Surgeons, 822 erytheima nodosum, 1172 MORGAN. Colonel Claude Kyd, obituary notice Microbiology, review of book on, 66 of. 573 MEDICO-LEGAL: Microscopes, exhibition of, 1026, 1186 MORGAN, David Naunton. obituary notice of, 287 Business relations between doctors, 42, 141, Midwifery, meddlesome (Sir WilliamiSmyly), 917 MORGAN, M. T.: Cerebro-spinal fever in England 574, 660,750, 1081 Midwifery nurses. See Nurses and Wales, 824 Dea,th after " cancer cure "-Alice Bishop, 704 Midwifery, practice of, 1221 M1aRIARTY, M.: Gee's disease, 918 Encyclopaedia of Sexual Kntotvledge: Sumn- Midwifery, review of book on, 1151 MORIsoN, Duncan M.: Review of bladder-neck mons by Director of Public Prosecutions, 94 Midwifery. See also Obstetrics obstruction, with special reference to tranis- Hospital exonerated (Cr-umpsall Hospital), 1082 Midwives Board. See Board uJrethral prostatic resection, 53 (0) Infanticide by drowning, test for live birth in MILBURN, G. L., appointed an official member of MORLAND. A. J.: Seaside resorts for respiratory cases of, 142 the Executive Council of Saint Christopher disease. 31 Libel on a doctor (Garth ApThomas), punish- and Nevis, 1024 MORLEY, Arthur S.: Injection treatment of ment for, 1223 MILES Ernest: Bad surgical risks, 265 complete rectal prolapse, 204 (0) Libel on Lord Horder: an action settled, 44 Milk Bill, 44, 147,190, 237-Debate in the House MORLEY, R. H.. obituary notice of, 972 Medical man's libel action settled (Nabarro v. of Lords, 147-Veterinary officers under, 190- MORLOCK, H. V. (and A. J. Scott PINCHIN)- Virtue and Co.), 970 Royal assent to, 237 Haemoptysis: pathology and treatment, 762 Milk Bill (Irish Free State). 279, 606, 1066- (0) Medisun " lamp, ultra-violet ray generator, Criticisms of, 606 Morphine, a new source of, 604 booklet on, 844 Milk, bacteriological examination of. 882, 962 MORRISON. G. H.: Evipan paralysis, 1025 MuaGAW, SirJohn: Typhus fevers in the Tropics, Milk boiled, 290 MORSON, Clifford: Urinary Infections, rev., 209- 244 (0). 320-Medical services at honiie and Milk, cheap, and nursing schools (parliamentary Tihrombosis of the penis and urethral hae- abroad, 832 note), 1226 morrhage, 249 (0), 371 M5HTA, D. H., appointed Associate Officer of the Milk, cows' (J. F. Tochler), 558-Discussion, 558 Mortality, causes of (New Zealand), 1214 Order of St. John of Jerusalem. 24 Milk duiring pregnancy and lactation (parlia- Mortality, infantile, 1022-In New Zealand, 784 MEHTA, Lieut.-Colonel Nanalal 'Maganlal, ilientary note). 487 Mortality, maternal (J. M. Munro Kerr), 1166 obituary notice of, 613 Milk, excretion by the, 124 Mlortality, maternal (parliamlentary note), 926, MEILLLPE: The endocrine factor in essential Milk, free, and medical inspection (parlia- 1022 hypertension, 260 nmentary note), 974 Mortality, maternal, correspondence on, 1126 MEIN, W. Arch: Osteomyelitis 273 Milk, imported (parliamentary note), 887 Mortality, maternal, and ante-natal care: Dis- MIEISEN, Valdemar, death of, 616 Milk marketing (Dr. von Ostertag), 482 cussion at the Royal Society of Medicine, 1009 Melbourne, Annual Meeting of the British Milk reconstituted and sophisticated (leading -Correspondence on, 1176 Medical Association at (1935), 730. History article), 519 Mortality, maternal, deputation to Minister of of the medical school, 1050. See also Asso- Milk regu ations in Northern Ireland, 739 Health, 1164 ciation Milk, safer, campaigtn for, 1212 Alortality, maternal. factors in the reduction of: MELENEY: Bacteriophage therapy, 1110 Milk-in-schools scheme (parliamentary note). Discussion in London, 918 MELLANBY, Edward:-Nutrition and Diseatse. 1084-In Scotland (parliamentary note), 974 Mortality, maternal, and the general practi- The Interaction of Clinlical aGll Experimental .Milk supplied to school children in Somerset tioner, 1086 Work, 776-Vitamin A and nerve lesions, 1053 not limaited to pasteurized or tuberculin- Mortality, maternal, investigations (parlia- MELLANBY, May: Nutrition and disease, 526 tested (parliamentary note), 1226 mentary note), 1083 MELLiR, Joseph: Doyne Memorial Lecture on Milk supply in schools at reduced rates (parlia- Mortality. maternal, in Liverpool (parliamentary tuberculosis and its relation to post-traumatic inentary note). 289. 926, 974- note). 887 and sympathetic ophthalmia, 132 MILLER- La granulie froide. 815 Mortality, maternal, local authorities and (par- MELLOR, J. W.: A Comprehensive Treatise on MILLER. Arthur: Modified La Force adenotome, liamentary note), 887 Inorganicand Theoret&cal Chemistry, vol. xiii, 119-ModernAdvances in Diseases of the Throat, Mortality, maternal, in Maoris, 233 Part II, rev., 307 rev., 555-Knife for submnucous resection of Mortality, maternal: meeting in London, 908, MELVILLE, Stanley, memilorial to, 569 septum, 724-Tonsil guillotine. 1152 1025 Men in White, 29 MILLER, Emmanuel: Mental hygiene in child- Mortality, maternal, Ministryof Health Circular M6ni6re's disease, treatment of (Walter E. hood, 1171 on, 737 Dandy), 779-Correspondence on, 843, 889, 928 MILLIN. Terence: A new drainage bag for per- Mortality, maternal: prophylaxis, 1025 Meningitis of otitic origin (T. B1. Layton), 1118 manent cystostomy, 945 Mortality, puerperal, 963,1074. See also Puerperal Meningitis, tuberculous, with recovery (Con- MILNE, N. C. F.: Myoidema, 796 MORTON. A. L.: Principal Druigs and their Uses, stance L. Parry), 859 MILNE, William Morrison, obituary notice of, rev., 862 MENNELL, J. B.: Physical Treatment by Move- 1081 Moss, E. Lawton: Obstetric methods at St. ment, Manipulation, and 3Massage, third edi- MILROY, John A.. obituary notice of, 614, 659 AMary Abbots, 964 tion, 169-Joint manipulation as applied to the Milton's blindness, review of book on, 813 Mother, removal of after childbirth (parlia- spine, 1216 Mines, gas detectors, automatic, in (parlia- mentary note), 1184 Menorrhagia, severe, due to chronic thrombo- mentary note), 149,1022 AMothers, Unmarried, and Illegitimate Ciiildren, cytopenic purpura, cured by splenectomy Mines, safety in (parliamentary note), 1183 the Law of England antd TVales Relating to, (Stanley J. Hartfall and Carlton Oldfield), 8 (0) MINETT. Dr.: Infective mastitis, 481 599 -Correspondence on, 284, 488 MINOT, George F., awarded the Nobel Prize, 819 Motor accidents. See Accidents Mental deficiency, environmaent as a cause of, -Some aspects of anaemia, 1067 Motor backache. See Backache 279 M1NTZMAN, J.: Case of epidural spinal abscess, Motor car exhausts, noise from'(parliamentary Mental deticiency and heredity, 39 593 (0) note), 190 Mental deficiency in Scotland, increase of (par- Missionaries, medical, information concerning, Motor car: How to Drive a Car. thirteenth liamentarvAAILfi s=VCby LULVIU,note). 189lo7 ,?VI450 edition, rev., 356 - 22 JULY DEC., 1934] INDEX MEDICALTHE BRITISHJOURNAL

Motor cars for 1935: The Olympia Show. 692, 734 NASH, E. H. T.: Results of ante-natal care, 220- NODINE. Alonzo M.: Residual infection of the Motor vehicles. safety glass in (parliamentary Immunization in the specific fevers, 274 jaws, 745, 967 note), 96 NASH, W. Gifford:-Case of botulism: recovery, Noise: Anti-noise Committee (parliamentary Motoring and the expectant mother. 890 1199 note). 925 MOTT, Sir Frederick W.: Pellagra, 121 NASMYTH, D. C.: Appreciation of Eleanor Noise (J. B. Priestley and G. L. Stampa), 485 MOTTRAM. V. H.:-Unemployment assistance: DJavies-Colley, 1181 Noise and health (Dan McKenzie), 636-Corre- determination of needs, 235-Popular Lecture National Council of Women of Great Britain spondence on, 754 on " Foods, Fads, and Fashions," 276-The urges strict compliance with regulations re Noise from motor-car exhausts (parliamentary frustration of medicine, 475-Variations in the mental defectives, 795 note), 190 normal blood count, 867 National Formulary, Schedule to, 578 Noises, lethal. 754 Mouse and the influenza virus, 817 NATTRASO, Roland H.: Cervical biopsy punch NORBURY, L. E. C.: The thyrotoxic heart, 1172 MOYLE, H. H.: Metal cider taps and lead forceps, 119- Prevention of intracranial NORMAN, J. C. A.: Sodium evipan, 224-Spino- poisoning, 976 injuries of the newborn, 766 (0) cain as an anaesthetic, 271 MOYNIHAN, Lord, appointed a Knight of Justice Navy, Royal: Appointments and promotions, Northumberland, undulant fever and con- of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 24-The 453-Seealso SupplementIndex-Central Coun- tageous abortion in (A. I. Messer), 856 (0) Eichholz clinic, 655 cil of Sick tberth Staff %ssociations formed, 89 Norway, lepers in: Numbers, 1024-Sterilization MUCKLOW, S. Ej.: Treatment of genito-urinary -Information concerning the Royal Naval laws passed, 1185 diseases. 226-Radiology and the general prac- Medical Service, 439 Nose. See also Ear and Throat titioner, 276 Navy, Royal: -Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve: Nosokometon, the official organ of the Inter- Mucosa, nasal, influence of heat and light on, Appointments, 453. See also Supplement Index national Hospital Association, 672 951 NEALE, A Victor (and Allan G. W. WHITFIELD)- MUU)IE, Elizabeth C.: Treatment of ozaena, 890 Rheumiiatism and its relation to arterial Notes, Letters, Answers, etc.: *Muggleston on the Map " to be broadcast, 496 disease and periarteritis nodosa, 104 (0) Addendum. 152 MuiR, Sir Robert, honorary degree of the Uni- NEAMEZ. Humphrey: Atlas of External Diseases Adrenaline, after-effects of continued doses versity of Bristol conferred on, 77-Honorary of the Eve, rev.. b34 of. 538, 618 D.8c. Eieeds conferred on, 90-Leading article Necropsies, review of book on. 596 Adrenaline and cerebral haemorrhage, 578 on, 173-4eventieth birthday of, 73 Nederlandsch Tij/schrift voor Uenteeskumde for Aerophagy with meteorism, 843, 1136 MUKEERJEE, H. N.: Alkali reserve in asthma, July 7th contains an obituary notice of thelate Allergy, 1086 83fi Prince Consort of the Netherlands, 151 Amidol poisoning, 6 7 MULLER, Friedrich von, nominated doctor NEIL, Surgeon Lieutenant-Commander T. C. H., Anaesthetic, local, for nasal work, 380 honoris causa of the Geneva faculty of medi- Gilbert Blane gold medal awarded to, 492 Anglo-American Continental Medical Society, cine, 191 NEILD, Newman, ohituary notice of, 93 152 MULLEPR, Ludwig Robert, made an honorary NELIGAN, A. R.: Rheumatoid arthritis, 127- Ante-natal record card. 976 member of the Neurological Society of Tokyo, Problems of sciatica, 789 Asthma in childhood, 48,192, 577 617 NELSON, H. P.: Postural drainage of the lungs, Bacteriological warfare, 706 MULLER-VOIGT, F.: Diphtheria immunization 251 (0) " Bismostab." 844 in Duisburg-Hamborn, 1147 Neoplasm, gastric, case of: gastrectomy (A. B. Bismuth salts solution i'n oil, 1186 MuNNE, Vidal: Anthrax, 481 Davies), 116 Bleeders, female, 1228 MUNROE, Hon. Hugh E.. appointed Knight of Neosalvarsan. See Novarsenobillon Blood pressure risks. 664 Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Nephritis, review of book on, 516 Bone sinus, chronic, 617, 753 24 NEPRURKER, J. S.: S'mall-pox in Bombay, 1215 Book wanted, Dispensing Made Easy, 192- MURDOCH, J. Roland: Prevention of "steam- Nerve endings and pharmacology (Sir Henry Found, 240 ing " glass, 976 Dale). 1161 Breath, offensive, 1227 MUJRPHY, Edward Graham, awarded the Paul Nerve lesions and vitamin A (leading article), Burials, earth, and disease, 497 Philip Reitlinger Prize, 1081 1053 Calcium lactate as a muscle tonic, 976 MURPHY, William T., awarded the Nobel Prize, Nerve. presacral (Albert A. Davis), 1 (0) Cancer library, 1228 819 Nervous disorders, organic and functional Cancer problem, 48 MURRAY, A. B.: Results of ante-natal care, 221 (George Riddoch), 267, 499 (O)-(A. A. W. Cancer research: a sulggestion, 1086 MURRAY, D-.: Animal paratyphoid and public Petrie), 267, 503 (0)-rDiscussion, 267 Castor oil vapour as a purgative, 1228 health, 483 Nervous system, autonomic. allergy, metabolism Catbeters, gum elastic. autoclavitng of, 498 MUIRRAY, D. i'.: Staphylococcal infections, 319 and (C. Paget Lapage). 985 (0) Cholecystectotriy and recurrent duodenal MUIRRAY, Farquhar: Lipoidal and x rays in NESBITT, B. Elizabeth: Post-operative com- ulceration, 538 pelvic trouble, 36 plications and results of tonsil and adenoid Christmas Fare " booklet, 1186 MURRAY, George R.- Prescription of thyroid, operatiotns in children, 509 (1) Ciba " jubilee. 1086 136 Neuralgia and motor backache 791, 834, 968, 1025 Circumcision, 1227 MURIELL (Christine] Fellowship, 819 Neuritis, peripheral, multiple, complicating Coma, post-anaesthetic. 928 MURTAGH, B. L. S. (O BRENNER and Hugh measles (D. A. Urquhart), 115-Correspon- Contraception, inquiry into. 1026 DONOVAN): Total thvroidectomy in the treat- dence on, 232 Corrections, 192. 338, 380. 618. 664, 844. 890, 976, ment of patients with congestive heart failure Neurology, inventions and the outlook in (James 1026, 1136. 1186 and angina pectoris, 624 (0) Collier), 707 (0)-Leading article on, 725 Deafness after opotherapy, 151 MtSCATELLO, Giuseppe, elected a member of Neurology. a landmark in (jubilee of the first Diabetes, burning seisation in. 577 the Italian Senate, 289 oneration of removal of cerebral tumour),1003 Diaries and calendars, 1136,1228 Muscle pain. S-e Pain Neurology, review of hook on, 306 Dick test, age for. 796 Muscle tonic, calcium lactate as a, 976 Neurosyphilis, review of book on 471 Diet cards at Harrogate, 618 Muscles, extraocular, thermoplasty of (Bernard Neurosyphilis, uDsettled 1roblemrs of (S. A. D)iphtheria, aural, 1185 UHAVASSE), 133 Kinnier Wilson), 787-Discussion, 787 Diphtheria diagnosis. the swab in, 706 Museum, historical surgical, founded in Buenos Neurotics. review of book on. 1046 Disclaimers, 98. 152. 290 380, 664 Aires, 1024 NEVILLE, W. S. Thaciker: Aural vertigo, 989 (0) Diuresis in case of pituitary tumour. 705 Mustard gas. See Gas NEVIN, R. W. (and. T. 4. I.lovd DAVIS): Prog- Doyle (Conan). Bell, and Layeock. 498 MUTcii. N.: Medlicinal treatment of chorea nosis of haematemesis. 85 (0). 1176 Drug rash, 97 (calcium aspirin), 246 (0) NEWELL, A. G.: The swab in diphtheria diag- Dysmenorrhoea in virgins, treatment of, 578 MYERs: Infection and immunity in tuber- nosis, 372 Earth burial. See Burial culosis. 474 NEWMAN, Sir George, renominated a member Earwig in ear, 618 M1YERs, Bernard: Splenectomy for menorrhagia of the General Medical Council. 364-Report Eczema, infantile, 844 in purpara haemorrhagica, 284 as chief medical officer to the Ministry of Electrotberapy apparatus, 844 MYERs, C. S.: Crystalline cortin, 363 Health, 598 638-Health of the school child: Elsphantiasis, resu ts of peration for, 48, 97 Myoidema (Walter Broadbent), 679-Correspon- Report, 1107.1115 Enevelopaedia of Sexual Knowledge, 152 denee on, 796 NEW8HOLME, Sir Artbur :-Notification of tuber- Endocrine dysfunction, diagnosis of, 664 Myoma, cervical (D. J. Cannon), 1013 culosis in Groat Britain: a historical note, 75 English children in the Alps, 498 Myopia., constitutional factor in (Thomson NEW8HOLME. H. P Report on child welfare in Epistaxis, persiste, t. 47 Hender-son), 132 Birmingham, 607 Epsom College Founder's Day, 240 Myopia: The pre-myoPic state (Arnold Sorsby), New Zealand: Cancercampa.ign in, 784-Doctore Erythema annulare, treatment of, 705 132 and irnvestments. 784-infant mortality and Erythroedema. case nf, 703 Myopia, review of bock on, 1151 expectation of life, 784-Influenza in Great European children in the Tropics. 1025.1186 Mysore, medical serviees ina: Report, 915 Britain and New Zealand, 784-Medical prac- Evipan anaesthesi". 706 tice and the law. 1214 - Medical students, Evipan paralysis, 1025 restricted entry of. 1214-Mortality, causes of, Febling's reactio-, chemistry of, 1136 1214-School dental service, 784 Flies, house. 47, 97, 151, 289 NICOL, Dr.: European children in the Tropics, Flour, chemically hlipached, 1086 N. 1186 Flushing, localized, 705. 796 NTcOL, W.: Unsettled problems of neurosyvhilis, General Practitioner's nightmare, 754. 796 N. A.B. See Novarsenobillon, Novarsenobenzol 788 Glanders, diagnosis of. 618 or Neosalvarsan NICHoLsoN, James C., obituary notice of, 972 Glass identified by ultra-violet rays, 976 NAB&RRO, l). Unsettled problems of neuro- NICOLA, A F. F.: Physicochemical Aspects of the Glass, " steaming," prevention of. 976,1026 syphilis, 788-Settlement of his libel action Photorhemical Transformation of Estosterol Golf, medical: Sesttish Medical *(Golfing against Virtue and Co., 970 to Vitamin D, rev .210 Society's inaugural meeting, 290- Sussex NAEGELI, O.: 4utritional, anaemia, 122 NIcoL.E, J. Ernest:- Psychopatholoay: A Medical and De"tal Golfing Society's N GELSCHMIDT, Franz, awarded the Gold Cross Surveiw of tfodern Appr-oaches, second edition, Autumn meeting, 754 of the American Congress of Physiotherapy, rev.. 118 Gonococcal infection 706 889 NICOL.LE, Dr.: M-chanism of immunization Grenfell calendiar 890 NA(EER. F R.,awarded the Guvot Prize, 379 against yellow fever. 7 5 Hart. Ernest. 1836-1998, 796 Nal.biting, 240. 290, 337, 538. 663 NIcoLLE. Charles, elected an honorary foreign Heal and foot presevitation, 380. 577 Nail tissue. regeneration of, 337 member of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Herbalist at hornie, 890 Nail, toe, ingrowing, 262, 922. 967 Belgium. 576 Herpes and varicella, 1026 NAIRN, William: Eradication of bovine tuber- NIEs,sN, Professor: Infective mastitis. 481 Hexvl-resorcin during lactation. 975 culosis, 328 Nigeria, small-pox and vaccination in (parlia- High carbobydrate diets and insulin efficiency: NAPIER, Robert: Soditum evipan, 534 mentary note), 1083 A correction 338 Narcotic drugs. See Drugs, dangerous NIGHTINGALE. H. J.: Rupture of the sigmoid High therapeutics, 240 Narcotics, use of (Lord Rorder), 222. 619 (0)- from compressed air, 860 Holidays for factory girls, 380 Discussion, 222 See also Drugs Nitrous oxide antesthesia See Anaesthesia Home for child with eez ma. 97 Nasal discharge. chronic, treatment of, 796, 889. NIXON, J. A : Medical licensing and teaching in Hospital service. a family record of, 338 See also [thinitis the provinees, 959 Hospital wards 753 Nasal drops (anaquintine). 1202 NOBECOURT, P. land Tr. B&ABONNEIx, editors): Hypertension. prognosis in. 578 Nasal mocosa, influence of heat and light on, Trash) de ME lecine des ITfants, Tomes iv and Hypochondriasis. 98 951, 1014 v, rev.. 09-Ble-ted president of the Societe Income tax, 48 97 151. 192 240, 290, 338, 498. Nasal sinusitis and epilepsy, 1219. See also de P6diatrie of Paris, 705 577, 618. 663. 705, 754, 796. 843 889, 928, 975, 1025. Sinusitis Nobel Prize See Prize 1085, 1136, 1227. For details, see General Nasal work, local anaesthetic for, 380 PINOBI,K,Vnwr.w r-.Pi M .;* Mantsiviel LehiObvVianALLYSt;au inILI e.hiltihnnelt;JlilUIULUU, 1171Ii. I Index [ THE BRITISH 23 JULY-DEC., 1934] INDEX MEDICAL JOURNAL d

Notes. Letters, Answers. etc. (continued) Nursery Rchools, plea for more (parliamentary OLTRAMARE Evipan anaesthesia, 312 Insect bite causing gangrene of finger, 240, 290 note). 150. See (1l8 SSchools O'MALLEY, Major D. V., mientioned in dis- Insect bites and iodine, 290, 337 Nurses, midwifery, and general nursing patches 89 Invalids, transport of by air, 538 (Ireland), 750 O'MALLEY, Jobn F.: Treatment of coryza, 1017 Invalids, transport of by railway, 498, 538 Nurses, training of in Scotland: Inquiry com- O'MEARA:- Streptococcal infections: specific Irish medical MS., 844 mittee, 45 131-Parliamiientary note ou, 45 treatment, 950 Jaundice, catarrhal, following T. A.B. infection, Nursing District, Quieen's Institute of: Statis- O'NEILL, Lieutenant J., miientioned in dis- 663 tical report, 529-Scottish Branch: Maternal patclhes, 89 Ktnight, John. Serjeant Surgeon, 577 mortality, 1166 Operating theatres. See Theatres lIabelling pati -nts. 1C86 Nursing, public health, in America: a national Operation masks. See Masks Laboratory equipment for the general practi- survey, 229 Operations, haemostasis, subcutaneous in (J. tioner, 337 Nursing, review of books on, 518, 862 iliese), 648 Labour and heart disease, 578 Nursing Services Bill, Domiciliary, 95,188 Ophthalmia, post traumatic and sympathetic, Lip, chronic enlargement of, 1024. 1085 Nursing services, district (parliamentary note), tuberculosis in relation to (Joseph Meller), 132 Lumbago exercises for, 48, 151 95 Ophthalmic medicine, diploma in, information lusk, Graham. 664 Nutrition (parliam-ientary note), 1133. See also concern in g, 449 Magic pastille 290 Food anzd Health Ophthalmic practice, influence of diet in (Olive Marmite booklet 890 Nutrition and biochemistry, 125 Pratt), 132 Maternal morbidity and the genieral practi- Nutrition clinics for London school children, Ophthalmic surgery, evipan anaesthesia in. tioner, 1086 1168 See Anaesthesia Maternal morbidity- prophylaxis, 1025 Nutritiont and Disease (Edward Mellanby), 776 Ophthalmolog,y, case history in (Harald Medical golf. See Golf Nutrition and disease (L. S. P. Davidson), 526- Gjessing), 1001 Medical Plroducts and Precision, 928 Discussion, 526 Ophthalmology and physics (F. Ridley), 270 Medical Register, office edition, 1026 Nutrition and health (H. E. Magee), 1157 Ophthalmolo"y. See also Eye Medical work in Basutoland, 578 Nutritional anaemiiia. See Anaemia Opium and the League of Nations, 686-A new Meniere's disease, treatment of, 843, 889, 928 Nuitritional problem-s in North Country children, source of morphine, 604 Microscope in modern life, 1186 1065 Opotherapy followed by deafness, 151 Microscopes, exhibition of, 1026, 1186 Nystagmus, compensation in cases of (parlia- Optician and oculist in Europe, 312 Milk, boiledl 290 mentary note), 46 ORi, J. B.: Nutritional anaemia. 122--Un- Motor backache and neuralgia, 1026 NYULASY, Frank, obituary notice of, 377 emt;ployment assistance: determination of Motoring and the expectant mother, 890 needs, 235-Nutrition and disease, 526 Myoedemiia, 796 Orthopaedic Association, British. See Associa- Nail biting, 240 290, 337, 538, 663 tion Nail tissue, regeneration of, 337 Ortbopnedic surgery, review of book on, 772. Nasal discharge, chronic, treatment of, 796,889 See also Surgery Natiotal F' rm'elary, a schedule to the, 578 0. Orthoptic treatment: its scope and limitations Noises. lethal, 754 (M A. Pugh), 270 Novocain and cocaine, 380 OAKLEY, C. A.: Vocational guidance. 558 ORTON, G. Harrison: X-ray treatment of the Oiled silk, substitute for, 664 O'SEIRNE B Report on health of County genito-urinary system, 226, 343 (0) Orthopaedic treatment of infanitile paralysis, Galway, 530 OSBORNE, W. H.: History of the Melbourne 618 OBERLING: Diagnostic test for cancer, 1156 Medical School, 1050 Ozaena, treatment of. 890 O'I4RSEN, R. A.: Immunization in the specific O'SssAUGHNESSv, L.: Treatment of arterial Pain, post-herpetic, 1185 fevers. 273, 712 (O)-Puerperal sepsis, serum embolism. 219 Pipe cleaners in gynaecology, 618, 661 treatment. 1120 Ostelin liquid, 618. .See also Vitamin D Piayfair's prohe as pipe cleaner, 664 Obstetric diplomas anid ante-natal care (leading Osteomalacia and foetal rickets (S. Preston " Praise and dispraise of doctors," 491 article), 643 Maxwell), 1115 Preientati)n, vertex, influence of decubitus Obstetric methods at St. Mary Abbots Hospital, Osteomalacia and osteodystrophia fibrosa, 1094 on, 1228 Kensington (G. \V. Tieohold), 850 (0)-Corre- Osteomyelitis. acute (John Fraser). 272, 539 (0)- Priapism after circumcision, 975, 1025, 1085 spondence on, 964, 1074, 1221 Discussion, 272 Pruritus with jaundice, 48, 338 Obstetrics, diplom-ias in, information concern- Osteopaths Bill, 1132, 1163, 1182, 1224-Text of Pruritus, senile. 192, 618 ing, 449 Lord Mfoynihan's speech, 1163 Psychology and religion, 1026, 1136,1228 Of)stetsrics anid Gvnaecologv, rev.. 517 OSTERTAG, Dr. von: Milk marketing, 482 Puerperal sepsis, antitoxin for. 1186 Obstetrics in India (Rufus C. Thomiias), 1060- OSTERTAG, Robert V.: Text-Book of Mleat rinspec- Queen Alexandra Sanatorium Fiund, 1086 Correspondence on. 1125 tiont (Ante-Allortenm and Post-Mortem), inclusd- Quinoidine, 1025 Obqtetrics. See also Gynaecology anzd Midwifery ina the Veterinlarv Contr ol of Meat and Meat Rats, campaign against, 338 Obstruction, intestinal, case of (Artbuir H. Products, rev., 943 Raynaud's disease, treatmiient of, 151 Richardson), 553 Ovarian causes of pelvic pain (Daniel Dougal) Rectal prolapse complicated by p)rocidentia, Obqtruction. intestinal, review of book on, 904 266, 621 (0)-Discussion. 266-A correction, 380 538 O'CALLAGHAN, W. P.: Growtlh of B. coli in -(A. H. Davidson), 623 (0) Revite de Rhismatismse, 338 water. 919 Ovarian dysfunction and sterility (T. N. A. Routes out of l.ondon. 928 Occipito-posteriorpresentation, unreduced,with Jeffcoate), 1217 S-iyrgan in cardiac oedenma, 1086 short cord (F. P. N. Parsons), 516. See also Overcrowding Bill, 188 Schick test, age for, 796 Labour OVERHOLREN. W., appointed to the chair of Science and religion. 1186 Occupational dermiiatitis. See Dermatitis psychiatry at Boston, 576 Sclerosis, di-seminated, treatment of, 663 Occupational therapy (Sir Henry Gauvain), 133- OWEN, Arthur Deaker, obituary notice of, 886 Short-wave theramy 618 Discussion. 133-Correspondence on, 231, 283, OWEN, Donald: Manganese poisoning, 833 Smith's [Eustace] sign, 844 333, 375. 486 OWEN, K. A.: Galactose tolerance test, 1057 , excessive, remedys wanted for, 240. O'CONNOR, Edwin Fitzgerald, obituary notice of, Oxford and the history of science, 911 337, 497 1131 OXLEY, W. H. F.: Results of ante-natal care, 220, Special plate: correction, 1136 Oculist and optician in Europe, 312 1010-B. coli infection, 264-Opportunities of s'permatorrhoea when bathing, 192, 290, 337, Doris: Use of narcotics, 223 general praclice, 820 Spine, fracture of, caused by strain, 976 O'DONNEI.L, Francis J.:-Anaemia: yesterday Oxygen tent, demonstration of (E. P. Poulton), Sugar, white and brown, 928, 1185 and to-day, 915 265 Surgery, unqualified, 1228 O'DONOVAN, J. M.: Pernicious anaemia, 1071 Ozaena, treatment of, 890 Rurgical films at the annual meeting, 498 O'DONOVAN, W. J.: Treatment of lupus vulgaris, Taps, mesal cider, and lead poisoning, 976 321 Tattoo marks, removal of, 380, 497 Odontology, fathers of, 1000 Tendons, extensor, spontaneotis rupture of, 380 O'DOWrD, Dr.: Sodium evipan, 224 Tennis elbow, 192, 289 Oedema-its causation and treatment (T. Izod Thrush and pyloric stenosis, 796 Bennett), 314, 829 (01-Discussion, 314 P. Toe-nail ingrowing, 1186 Oedema, cardiac, salyrgan in, 1086 Trichophyton infection, treatmnent of, 754, 796, Oedema, pineapple juice in, 492, 572 PACKARD, Francis R. (editor):-Annalsof Medical 843, 889, 928 Oestrnis-produicing hormones (H. C. Dodds), 268, Historv: New series, vol. vi, No. 3, Alay, 1934, Triplets without tears, 152 1187 (0)-Discussion, 268. See also Hormones rev., 169-Vol. vi, No. 4, July, 1934, rev *477- Twin, secoid. delayed birth of, 1085 O'FARRELL,T. T.: Growth of B. coli in water, Vol. vi, No. 5, September, 1934 Ultra-violet lamp ray generator, 844 919 PADDLE, K.: Unsettled problems of neuro- Urine stains on clothing, removal of, 380 O'FARRELL. W. R.: Gee's disease, 918-Growth syphilis, 788 Vertex presentation. See Presentation of B. coli in water, 919 Paediatrics, review of books on, 209,1200 Vitamin D concentrate, 618 Official and unofficial co-operative action, con- Paediatrics. See also Children's diseases Warnings, 192 ference on. 74 See also League of Nations PAGE, C. Max: Hernia operAtions, physical Weight, excessive, in childhood, 240 O FLANAGAN. Daniel John Francis, obituary efficiency after, 315. 896 (0), 1174 Weil's disease among sewer workers, 98 notice of, 236 PAGCEL, W.: La granulie froide. 815 Young's rule, 152 OGILVIE, D. C. (and N. J. Linnington MARGET- Pain in back, rhythmical exercises for (T. Stacey soN): C,ase of abdominsl pregnancy. 115 Wilson), 1216 NOVA ET VETERA: Oil, esstor. vapouir of as a purgative (G. Graham Pain in back. See also Backache Ancient Hindu-Aryan medicine (E. W. Lewis), Macphee), 1045-Correspondence on. 1228 Pain in childbirth, review of book on, 117 872 Oil. shark, disinfectant mistaken for (parlia- Pain, mechanism of (Daniel Water-ston), 317, Death of Mauiriceau's sister (A. J. Hawes), 782 mentary note), 1184 1087 (0)-Discussion, 317-(Macdonald Critch- -A correction. 844 Oil " vaccine iD rheumatism, 233, 374 ley), 891 (0) Execution of children (L. A. Parry), 823 Oile(d silk. substitute for (gelaphane), 664 PaiD, pelvic, ovarian causes of (Daniel Dougal), Hampshire bouindary in the vicinity of O'KEFFE, S. J.. and J. G. (part editors): Ixis7 266, 621 (0)-Discussion .266-A correcLion, 380- Boiirnemouth, 564 Texts, rev.. 555 (A. H. Davidson). 623 (0) Johnson, Dr. Samiiuel, medical and mental O'KELLY, Major Robert, obituary notice of, 336 Pain, post-herpetic, 1185 history of. 480 O'KE.LLY, W D.: Growth of B. coli in water, 919 Pain, skeletal muscle, causation of (S Perlow, Picture of Henry VIII presenting the Act of OKKELS: Hyperpituitarism and Graves's disease, P. Markle, and L. N. Katz). 563 Union to the Barbers and Surgeons in the 361 PAIN, C. Ernest: Fiftv Years otn the Test, rev., possession of the Royal College of Surgeons Old Bailev. See Criminal Court, Central 258 IC. J. S. Thompson), 651 OLDFIELD, Carlton (and Stanley J. HARTFALL): Palestine, restriction of immigrant doctors to Severe menorrhagia due to chronic thro2nbo- (parliamentary note), 46-Labour legislation Novarsenobenzol. See Novarsenobillon cvtopenic pirpura, cured by svlenectomy, 8(0) in (parliamentary note), 1084 Novarsenobillon administration followed by OLDHAM, J. B.: Coccygeal sinus, 960 PALMER, A. C.:-The prolapse syndrome: its blindness (F A. Juler), 269, 809 (0)-Corre- OLIPHANT, E. H. Lawrence, obituary notice of, treatment by vaginal hysterectomy, with re- spondence on. 882 42 construction of the pelvic diaphragm, 317, Novocain and c-caine, 380 OLIVER, James: Cbhemically bleached flour, 1086 899 (0) NuNAN, Major William, appointed Officer of the OLIVIER: The endocrine factor in essential PALMER, Rupert: Whither general practice? Order of St. John of Jerusalem. 24 h%pertension. 260 793 Nurseries, day, vacocination and admlission to OLJENICK, Dr.: Diagnosis of intrathoracie Palsy facial, operative treatment of (Arthur (parliamentary note), 238 tumours, 1071 Baldwin Duel), 1027 (0) INDEX r THE BRITISH 24 JULY-DEC., 1934] [MEDICAL JOURNAL

Palsy. See, also Paralsis Parliament, Medical Notes in (contd.): Parliament, Medical Notes in (contd.): PAMPSANA. EMililJ.: Vita pietsana e jvii lulga, Disinfectant mistaken for shark oil, 1184 Milk supplied to school children in Somerset rev..994 Doctors, immigrant, restriction of to Pales- not limited to pasteurized or tuberculin- PANTON. P. N. (and J. R. MARRACK): Clintical tine, 46 tested milk, 1226 Pathology, third edition, rev., 595 Domiciliary Nursing Service Bill. See Nursing Milk supply for schools at reduced rates, 289, PANZER, Bernhard. death of, 1021 Drought and water supplies. See Water 926 pAPiN, Ed.: LLaRsection EEdloscoyiiu-e de la Drugs, dangerous, illicit manufacture and Mines, safety in, 1183 ProstPate rev.. 355 smuggling of, 45 Motor car exbatusts, noise from, 190 papworth Village Settlement: Annual meeting, Dupuytren's contraction, 926 Motor vehicles, safety glass in, 96 96-Annual report, 282 Dur ham University, Royal. Commission on, Noise: Anti-Noise Committee, 925 Paraffin (melted) wax bath, economical design 1134 Noise from motor car exhausts, 190 of, 171 Dwellings, rural, reconditioning of, 1225 Nursery schools. See Schools Paralysis, of (J. V. Landor and Economy cuts, restoration of, 148. 191 Nurses, training of in Scotland: inquiry comn- Mohammed Salleh), 940 (0)-Correspondence Educational Endowments (Scotland) Bill, 1022, mittee, 45 on, 1015 1183 Nursing Services, Domiciliary, Bill, 95, 188 Paralysis, infantile, orthopaedic treatment of, Eggs, liquid, importation of, 238 Nystagmuus, compensation in cases of. 46 533, 618-A correction, 618 Electricity Supply Bill, 1022 Osteopaths Bill, 1132, 1183, 1224 Paralysis, infantile. See also Poliomyelitis Encephalitis following vaccination, 238 Overcrowding Bill, 188 Paralysis following mercurochrome injections Encephalomyelitis, post-vaccinial, death from, Palestine, labour legislation in, 1084 (William More). 1045 1022 Physical training in Scottish schools, 46 Paralysis. See'also palsy Estimates: Agriculture, Ministry of, 95- Poisons in agriculture, control of, 887 Paraplegia, Pott's (R. W. Butler), 1011, 1080- Health, 44-Mines and Education Depart- Poor Law Bill, 886, 925, 973-Royal Assent to. Pathological material wanted, 1080 ments, 147-Scottish Administration, 147- 973 Paraplegia.spastic,review of book on, 813 Supplementary, 148 Poor Law relief, nunmbers in receipt of Parasites, immunity to (T. W. M. Cameron), 482 Exhaust fumes. See Fumes (England and Wales), 888 Parathyroid and urinary calculi, 1157 Factory conditions, 238 Poor Law (Scotland) Bill, 148, 190-Royal Parathyroid glands, growth-retarding function Farnborough Institution Hospital, 1022 Assent to, 237 of (T. Lloyd Hughes), 1121 Finance Bill, 44-Royal Assent to, 147 Poor relief in Scotland: num-bers in receipt of, Parathyriodectomy,the first. 216 Flogging, punishment by, 1183 840 Paratyphoid, animal, and public health: dis- Food and health, 1133 Prince of Wales's Hospital (Plynmouth) Act, cussion,483 Food poisoning in Lincolnshire, 239 147 PARDEE,Harold E. B.: Clinical Aspects of the Foods, imported, 840 Public health in Sunderland and Seaham, Electrocardiograml, including the Carditac Foot-and-mouth disease and animl-als' diet, 46 1184 Arrhythmias, third edition, rev., 680 -Outbreaks of, 887, 974 Punishment, corporal, 1184 Paris: Chairs and assistant professorships Foot-and-mouth disease infection, carriers of, Quinine stocks of Government of India, 46 abolished in the Faculty of Medicine, 889- 1083 Radium, distribution of, 886 New street accident hospital in, 483-Post- Fumes, exhaust,harmful effects of,.238,840, 887 Refuse, London, 46, 840, 887-Report of Ad- graduate courses, 617-Undulant fever in,592. Gas detectors in mines, 1022-Automatic, 149 visory Committee, 46 See also France General Medical Service. See Medical Research, medical, expenditure on, 95 to Grenada, health conditions in, 1133 River Tame, pollution o0, 926 Paris Midical: Issue of June 16th devoted Road bone and joint surgery, 151-For July 7th to Guisborough Joint Smiall-pox Hospital Dis- accidents. See Accidents diseases of nutrition, 191-For September to trict, 1132 Road Traffic Bill, 45, 95, 147, 149, 190, 191, 237- ophthalmology and oto-rhino-laryngology, 576 Health Ministry: Estimates, 44 Debate in the House of Lords, 149-Fees to, -For September 22nd to psychiatry, 705-For Hopfields, improved conditions in, 1184 hospitals for road casualties. 191- Noise October 20th to diseases of the kidneys and Hospitals, military and civil, 238 from motor-car exhausts, 190-Report stage urology, 888 Houses, completed and under construction, 150 passed, 45 PARISH,H. J.: Staphylococcal infections,318, 950 Houses for wage-earners, 188 Refuse, London, disposal of, 191 PARRK,W. II.: Poliomyelitis 863 Housing Bill, 1224 Rural dwellings. See Dwellings PARK,W. Y.: Campaign against tuberculosis, Housing Bill (Scotland), a new, 46, 189, 1183, St. Bartholomew's Hospital Bill, 1183 565 1224 St. Mary's Hospitals, Manchester: Inquiry, 973 PARKER,George,honorary degree of the Uni- Housing Committee, Conservative, 1225 School children. elementary, inoculation of, 46 versity of Bristol conferred on, 77 Housing. e housing, committee on, 150 School children, model diets for, 1184 PARKES,A. S.: Oestrus-producing hormones,268 Housing and slum clearance in Scotland, 150. School medical officers, reports of, 150 PARKINSON, A. Stanley: Thrombosis of internal 189 Schools, nursery, and cheap milk, 1226 saphenous vein, 183 Hoousing, 887. See also Slums Schools, nursery, plea for more, 150 PARKINSON,John:-Oedema: its causation and Incitement to Disaffection Bill. 840, 886 Seamen, working conditions of, 1184 treatment, 315 India, 1132 Session opened: King's speech, 973 India: Government of India Bill, 1224-Health Shipping subsidies, 1083 Act Parliament, Medical Notes in: services in since 1921 reforms, 1183-Quinine Shops (1934): Explanatory circular, 888 road, 96. 887-Doctor, summoning a stocks of Government of, 46-Small-pox Shops Bill. 95, 188, 237, 888 Accidents, " " doctor in, 96-Fees to hospitals from, 191- isolation in, 1184 Silent zone and road safety. 888 Figures,887-Pedal cyclists in. 96-In mines Industrial diseases, medical education on, 238 Silicosis, compensation for, 238-Disablement and quarries during 1933, 1084. See also Infant mortality figures, 1022 in South Wales, 96 Road Traffic Bill Infection by aircraft. See Aircraft Slum clearance, 840 Duties 925 Inoculation of elementary school children, 46. Slum clearance in Scotland, 189 Additional Import Orders, also Compensa- See also School Slums See Housing Adoption of Children (Workmen's in India, 1184 tion) Act, 147 Insurance, National Health: Arrears, exten- Small-pox isolation in, 96 sion of period of grace for redemption of, 973. Small-pox and vaccination in Nigeria, 1083 Air warfare,disease carriers rebate 149 Aircraft, infection by, in the Sudan, control of, 1224-Benefits under the Unemployment Act. Spirits, medical, on, 1134 1132-Manual labour contractors, position Stone dust on colliery roads, 1184 96 of, 1022-Numbers ceasing to be entitled to Suicides, inerease in number of, 1022 Ambulance, of Anaesthesia, deaths following,926 medical benefit, 1022-Numbers insured for Supreme Court Judicature (Amendment> living.experiments on, 188,237 healtlh and pensions purposes, 926, 973- Bill, 1132, 1224 Animals, increased Ante-natal clinies, 1225 Numbers belonging to approved societies, Surgical appliances, importation, Noise 973-School leaving children tn receive bene- of, 191 Anti-noise. See of roads and 148, 190 Approved Societies' surplus funds, 149 fits, 1084-Sickness- benefit, 1225-Telephone Tarring cancer, from, 974 facilities in rural areas, 1022-Unemploy- Teeth, artificial, increased import duty, 190 Asbestosis. deaths doctors' 1184 Atophan,887 ment Act, 45, 1132-Unemployment Assis- Thefts from cars, and 238 tance Board,45-Regulations, 1224 Town and country Planning, 1022 Bathing pools diphtheria. Town 237,1022 Battersea factory's fumes (Morgan Crucible Kenya native, 840 planning, Company),1225 Land for recreation, 150 Traffic Signs (Pedestrian Crossings) Pro- 1225 LLocal authorities and maternal mortality, 887 visional Regulations (1934),1224 BatterFea power station. treatment and the London Beef prodtuction in the United Kingdom,150 London County Council and treatment of Tuberculosis 95, 188, 886, 925, tuberculosis, 238 County Council, 238 Betting and Lotteries Bill. 45 45. See also Insurance 973-No lotteries for British hosvitals, 45- Marriage, fitness for, 973 Unemployment Act, draws for hospitals, 925- Maternal imortality, 887, 926, 1022, 1083 - Unemployment Assistance Board, 45 No Christmas Assistance (Determinatiosi of Royal Assent to, 973 Figures. 1022-Investigations, 1083-In Liver- Unemployment clinics. 926 pool, 887 Need and Assessment of Needs) Regulations. Birth control 1224 Blind: Partially blind children, education of, Maternity benefit and poor-relief in Scotland, 1226 96 Vac,cination and admission to day nurseries, Advisory Committee, 974 Maternity and child welfare. 1134 - Medical 238 Blind, Welfare of, for, Blindness, total, fromi war service, 888 officer for, 926 Vaccination, comrlpulsory, compensation Board of Control institutions, medical inspec- Maternity and child welfare in Mronmouth- 974 shire, 926 Vaccination, conscientious objections to, 1135 tion in, 238 Vaccination, prosecutions for offences against Campbell, Damile Janet. successor to, 150 Maternity and child welfare services, 974 1083 Matrimonial Causes Amended Procedure Bill, the Acts: numbers, 1022 Casual wards closed, 1224 Cattle diseases, research on, 95 1132 Vivisection, Matrimonial Causes (Procedure in Suits for Water storage against drought, 46 Cattle Industry (Emergency Provisions) Reso- 887 lution and Bill, 147, 188 Nullity) Bill, 1132 Water supplies: present position, Medical Research. See Research Water supplies, rural, 239, 926 Census, the next, 1083 1225 removal of mother 1184 Medical Service, General, 95 Water survey. 1134, Ohildbirth, after, of Yorkshire Mental Children, partially sighted. See Blind Mental deficiency in Scotland, increase of, 189 West Riding Hospitals salaries 46 Mental patients, boarding-out of, 1184 Bioard (Superannuation) Bill, 1183 Civil servants. of, Portland Joint stone dust on. 1184 Methylated spirit, drunkenness from, 1083- Weymouth and Hospital Colliery roads, Assent 237 advice at clinics, 46 In Scotland, 1184 District Bill, 44-Royal to, Contraceptive (Adoption of Chil- Corporal punishment, 1184 Metropolitan Police (Borrowing Powers) Bill, Workmen's Compensation 1132 dren) Act, 147 Dangerous drugs. See Drugs Compensation and cardroom Deaths following anaesthesia, 926 Mexborough (Yorks), medical services at, Workmen's against, 1083 1135 workers. 887 Dengue fever. mutual protection cases, Dental benefit, 926 Middlesex, South. and Richmond Joint Hos- Workmen's compensation hospital Areas and Improve- pital Bill, assent to, 237 treatment in. 1134 Depressed (Development 95.,147-Royal District ment) Bill, 1022,1084,1134,1224 Milk Bill, 44,147,190, 237-Debate in the House Wycombe and District Joint Hospital Depressed areas, money for, 1083 of Lords, 147-Veterinary officers and, 190- Bill, 44 and bathing pools, 238 Royal Assent to, 237 Diphtheria session, 1933-4 (leading article), Disaffection Bill. See Incitement to Disaffec- Milk during pregnancy and lactation, 887 Parliamentary tion Milk, free, and medical inspection, 974 949 La Pulmouaire, Disease carriers in air wvarfare, 96 Milk, imported, 887 PARODI, F.: M.kcanique rev., Disease carriers, detection of, 1083 Milk-in-schools schem'ie, 1084-In Scotland, 974 119 JULY-DEC., 1934] r THE BRITISH INDEX MEDICAL JOURNAL 25-

PARRY, Constance L.: Tuberculous meningitis PETTE: Influenza, 1205 Poliomyelitis. See also Paralysis, Infantile with recovery, 859 Pharmaceutical Codex, British, fourth edition, POLLITZBE , R. (Wu LIEN-TEE, .J. W. H. CHUN. PARY, L. A.: The execution of children, 823 rev., 605-A survey of materia medica, 605 and C. Y. Wu,:-Cholera: A Manual for tile PARRY. T. Wilson: Treatment of M6ni6re's Pharmacology and nerve endings (Sir Henry Medical Profession in China, rev., 307 disease, 928 Dale), 1161 POLLOCK, W. B. Inglis: Advancement and PARSONS, A. R.: Adhesions in artificial pneumo- Pharmacology, review of book on, 682 tendon lengthening, 269 thorax, 790 Pharmacopoeia, Belfast Hospitals', new edition Polydactylism and syndaetylism, hereditary PARsoNs, F. P. N.-: Unreduced occipito-posterior of, 497 (J. S. Manson). 1044 presentation with short cord. 515 Pharmacopoelas, compilation of (leading Polypus, choanal (Herbert Tilley), 272 PARSONS. Sir John Herbert: Diseases of the Eve, article), 173 PONCET: Evipan anaesthesia, 312 seventh edition, rev.. 168 PHEELPS: Endometrial hyperplasia, 818 PONDER: Variations in the normal blood count, PARsoNs, T. R.: Lectures, Reading and Ex- PHILIP, Sir Robert W.: Notification of tuber- 867 aminations, being Hints on Taking Notes at culosis. 137-Report of the laboratory of the PONDER, Constant: The swab in diphtheria Lectures with some Suggestions on Preparing Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 694 diagnosis. 373, 535 for Examinations, 999 PHILIPP, E. (and G. SCHFiFER): Metasta8en unid Poor Law Bill, 886, 925. 973-Royal assent to. 973 PARSONS-SMITH, B. T.: Prognosis in coronary Rexidive im Knochen, rev., 906 Poor Law medical officers (Ireland), 280, 1167- occlusion, 829-The thyrotoxic heart, 1171 PHILLIPS. W. J.: Closed anaesthesia with C02 Salaries of (county Wexford), 1167 PAsCEKIs, K.: Cardiac hypertrophy in anaemia. absorption, 224 Poor Law (Scotland) Bill, 148, 190. 237-Royal 216 Phlebitis, treatment of, 332. 489 Assent to. 237 PASSBY. R. D.: Cancer research at Leeds. 327 Photographv as an Aid to Scientific Work.,98 Poor relief in England and Wales, number in Pasteur Institute, France, future of, 874 Phrenicectomy. 999 receipt of (parliamentary note). 888 Pasteur Institutes of India, reports, 528 Phthisis. See Tuberculosis Poor relief and maternity benefit in Scotland Pastille, a magic, 290- Physical education, review of book on. 773 (parliamentary note), 96, 148 Patent medicines. See Medicines Physical signs and diagnosis, drilling in (leading Poor relief in Scotland (parliamentary note), 840 PATERsoN, A. H.: Medical services at home and article), 999 PORRITT, Norman: The Menace and Geography abroad, 832 Physioal training in Scottish schools (parlia- of Eclampsia in England and Wales. rev., 517 PATERSON, Donald: Pellagra, 122 mentary note), 46 Port of London in 1933: Report, 480 PATERSON, J. E. (and Margaret LESLIE): Gumma Physical treatment, review of book on, 169 Port sanitation and common sense, 366, 491, 572, of the brain, 109 (0) Physics, applied, conference on, 379 613, 658, 701 f PATERSON, J. Ralston: Dosage in radiation Physics and ophthalmology (F. Ridley), 270 PORTBR, Charles:-Unemployment assistance: therapy, 1114 Physicist and radiologist (Sir Humphry determination of needs, 235 PATERSON, R. S.: Stanley Melville memorial, 569 Rolleston), 1113 Portsmouth, housing question in, 1065 Pathological research at Leeds, 327 Physiological function, review of book on, 860 POST, H. W. A.: Radiology of the stomach and Pathology, review of books on, 19, 516, 595, 1104 Physiology, review of books on, 18, 680, 943 duodenum, 319 Patients, labelling of, 1086 PICKEN, Ralph Mi. F.: London University and Post-graduate courses: At Bad Naubeim, 96-In PATOTR, A.: Thoracic cancer, 1052 its medical schools, 1218 Berlin, 111, 537. 1010-At Durham, 888-In PATON. Leslie: Headaches, 227 - Local ultra- PICRERING: Causation of skeletal muscle pain, France, 617-ln Glasgow, 737-At Hamburg, violet therapy in eye disease. 270-Orthoptic 563 617-In London, 47, 96. 150, 191, 239, 289, 336,379, treatment: its scope and limitation. 270-Un- Pickett-Thomitson Research Laboratory, Annials 430, 452, 496, 537. 564. 576, 617, 662, 705, 753, 842, settled problems of neurosyphilis, 788 of. Part II. Influenza (D. and R. Thompson), 888, 927 974,1024.1084, 1135-In Manchester, 537, PATRICK, John: Appreciation of James W. Steel, rev., 633. See also Research 705. 795-At Neweastle-on-Tyne, 353, 888-In 287 PICKUP, J. C., called to the Bar. 975 Paris, 617-In Vienna. 336, 941, 1145 PATTERSON, S. W.: Thyroid addiction, 9 (0) PICKWORTH. F. A.: Epilepsyand nasal sinusitis, Post-Graduate Medical School, Haammersmith r PATTERSON. William G.: Diphtheria immuniza- 1219 Gift of pathological specimens for the museum tion in a school, 855 (0) Pictorial art and the medical profession, 262 of the, 305-Progreas of the buildings,- 483- PAULL, P. (and G. CANUYT): Les PhlegmonsB de PIDCOCK, B. H.: An improved headlamp, 1202 Retirement of the dean (M. H. MacKeith), 777 la Loge 4mvgdalienne. rev., 992 PIECHAUD: The guttadiaphot, 524 Post-graduate study, information concerning,428 PAVLOV. Professor: Eighty-fifth birthday of, 795 PIERCE, G. LI., appointed Serving Brother of the POSTLETHWAITE, J. M.: Delayed birth of second PAYNE, A. E.: Radiologyof the stomach and duo- Order of St. John of Jerusalem. 24 twin, 1085 denum, 319 PIhRY, M.: Th6rapeietique Hydro-Climatique POTTENGER, Francis Marion: Tuberoulosis in PAYNE, W. W.: Rheumatism and the "acid des Maladies nion Tuberculeuses de l'Appareil the Child and the dtilt, rev., 993 child," 602 Respiratoire, rev. 20 POTTER, Bernard E.: Local treatmentof coryza, Peace and the League of Nations, 701. See also PIGOTT, Phyllis P., appointed Officer of the Order 921 League of St. John of Jerusalem, 24 Pott's paraplegia. See Paraplegia PEARCE, Evelyn C.: - Aids to Elementary PINCasIN, A. J. Scott: Sunbathing and tubercu- POULTON, E. P.: British and foreign health Hygiene: A Guide to the Preliminarv State losis, 85-(And H. V. MORiLOoK):-Haemop- resorts, 228, 1037 (0)-B. coli infection, 264- Examinationl, rev.. 723 tysis: pathology and treatment, 762 (0) Demonstration of oxygen test, 265 PEARsON, H. L.: Chronic enlargement of lip, Pineapple juice in oedema, 492. 572 POWELL, Dame Edith, estate and bequests of, 1024 Pink disease, case of, 706. See also Erythroe- 889 PEARSON, Karl, honorary D.Sc.Lond. conferred dema POWELL, Hubert Edward, obituary notice of, on, 1131 Pipe cleaners: In gynaecology, 618, 664-Play- 1131 PEARSON, S. Vere: Endowment of clinical fair's probe as, 664 POWELL-EVANS, David Robert, obituary notice science. 1218 PIRRIE. Ivan M.: The general practitioner, the of, 748 PERSON. W. J.: Climatic factors and disease, schoolmaster and the specialist, 573 POWER, Sir D'Arcy: Ernest Hart, 1836-1898, 796 32 Pithead baths. See Baths -Medical benevolence, 880 PEAT, G. B.. appointed Officer of the Order of Pituitary, anterior, acid extract of, effect of on POWER, R. Wood: Preservation of the umbilicus St. John of Jerusalem, 24 the thyroid gland (E. F. Scowen and A. W. in the radical cure of umbilical hernias in PEDIOoNI, Pio, death of, 616 Spence). 805 (0) children, 353 PiHU, M. (and R. AULAGNIER): L'Eczecma du Placenta praevia, dilating the cervix in, 884,920, POWE X, T. D.: Studies int Blood Formationt.rev., Nourrisson, rev., 680 965, 1016 170 PEIMiE, E. R.: Port sanitation in Liverpool, 129 Placenta praevia, Willett's forceps in (C. H. POWER, Wood: Hernia operations, 315 Pellagra in England (leading article), 121- Marshall), 961 POYNTON, F. John: Pyloric stenosis, 84- Correspondence on. 283 Plague: anti-plague serum, researches on, 733 Encephalitis, 222-Osteomvelitis, 273-Anae- Pelvic cellulitis. See Cellulitis Plague epidemics in Bombay- Reports 529 mias and their treatient, 830 Pelvic pain. See Pain PLATT. Harry, Honorary Fellowship of the POYNTON. J. Orde: Treatment of cervicitis by Pelvic trouble, lipiodol and'x rays in (Farquhar American College of Surgeons conferred on,927 diathermy curette, 1076 Murray), 36 PLATT. Robert: Tests of renal function, 138- Practitioner: July number devoted to neuro- Pelvimeter, plea for the abolition of the, 963. Nephretis and Allied Diseases: Their Patho- logical subjects, 21 1014. 1075, 1175 genV and Treatment, rev., 516-Female " bleed- "Praise and dispraise of doctors," 498.. See also Pelvimetry and radiography, 1175 ers," 744 Doctors Pelvis, viewing the, 1222 Playfair's probe as pipe cleaner. 664 PRALL, Lieut.-Col. Samuel Esmond, obituary PEMBREY, Marcus S., death of, 217-Obituary Pleurisy, dry, with high eosinophil'leucocytosis notice of, 662 notice of, 286 (lieut.-Colonel G. T. Burke and S. P. Gupta), PRATT, Oliver: Influence of diet in.ophthalmic Penis. thrombosis of, and urethral haemorrhage 16 practice, 132 (Clifford Morson). 249 (0)-Correspondence on. Pleurisy. treatment of (F. G. Chandler), 1209 PRAUSNITZ, 0. C. W.: The allergic state, 960 329. 371, 489 Plumbism, review of book on, 517. See al18o Lead Pre asthmatic phase, 922 PENNELL, Vernon: Transplantation of a single poisoning Pregnancy, abdominal (N. J. Linnington Mar- ureter as a means of resting a tuberculous Pneumothorax. artificial: Translation of getson and D. C. Ogilvie), 115 bleidder. 942 Forlanini's original paper on ptiblisbed in the Pregnancy, anaemias of (G. D. Kersley and D. A. PENNY. Lieut.-Col. Jeremiah, obituary notice November issue of l'ubercle, 927 Mitchell), 720 (0) of, 185 Pneumothorax, artificial, adhesions in (Gustav Pregnancy, angular, case of. 184 Pentide." 68 Maurer), 790 Pregnancy diagnosis station (Edinbugh), 531 People's League of Health: Annual meeting, Pneumotnia, treatment of (W. H. Wynn), 1159 Pregnancy, extrauterine, full-term, with living 1212-Csmpaign of safer milk, 1212 Pneumothorax, artificial, in treatment of pul- child (W. Arklay Steel), 62 (0) Peptic ulcer. See Ulcer monary infiltration (J. Faldella), 593 Pregnancy and lactation, diet during (leading Periarteritis nodosa and rheumatism. See POGGI, Alfonso. death of, 972 article), 1205 Rheumatism Poisoning. amidol, 617 Pregnancy and movement of the lumbar spine Peribronchial tuberculosis. See Tuberculosis Poisoning, barbiturate, in France, 263 (C. Lambrieudi). 10]2 Perkici and Kipping's Organic Chemistrv, rev., Poisoning, barbiturate, review of book on, 19 Pregnancy, prolongations of (P. F. Snyder), 177 473 Poisoning, cyanide: Rasputiti's death. 184, 234 Pregnancy. pyelitis of (Duguld Baird), 316- PERLOW, S. * Causation of skeletal muscle pain, Poisoning, food, bacterial, treatment of (Major Discussion, 316 563 George Li. McRobert). 304 (0) Pregnancy. See also Gestation. PERN, Sydney: Hypochondriasis, 98 Poisoning, food, by ducks' eggs, 1002 PERRY, Sir Edwin Cooper,honorary LL.D.Lond. Poisoning. food, in Lincolnshire (Parliamentary PREPAR4TIONS AND APPLIANCES: conferred on, 1131 note). 239 Acetylcholine bromide, 635 PERRY, Colonel R. Ki. J., appointed Director and Poisoning, lead, and metal cider taps, 976 Adenotome, La Force, modified, 119 Professor of Pathology at the Royal Army Poisoning, manganese (Donald Owen). 833 Anaesthetic shield for use in mastoid opera- Medical College, Millbank, 1223 Poisoning, review of books on, 517, 682 tions, 518 Personal prejudices, some (T. Mi. Healy), 917 Poisons in agriculture, control of (parliamentary Cataract extraction, irrigating repositor for, P*htY. G.: Carbon dioxide for tbe newborn, 728 note), 887 682 PETERKMAN, M.: Infantile convulsions, 522 Police College. See College Catgut tube craker, 597 PETERS, E. A.: Meningitis of otitic origin, 1120 Police: Metropolitan Police (Borrowing Powers) Cautery and light apparatus in the operating PETiRS, R. J.: Campaign against tuberculosis, Bill, 1132. See al8o Metropolitan theatre, 556 563 Poliomyelitis (leading article), 863 Chlorinating outfit for baths (clorotex outfit), PETRIE, A. A. W.: Organic and functional Poliomyelitis, acute, epidemic of in Denmark, 210 nervous disorders, 267, 503 (O)-B6arding-out 497.617, 863 Circumcision clip, 1104 of mental patients, 996 Poliomyelitis, acute, second attack of (Thomas Cystotomy, permanent. new drainage bag for PJETRIB, P. W. R.: Sodium evipan, 534 Moore).AN.LUMLIUR, 165AWJ (1)%WI ;7^rU945 L THE BRITISH 26 JULY-DEC., 1934] INDEX MEPICAL JOURNAL

PREPARATIONS AND APPLIANCES (contintued): Public Health, International: Official summary Radiology, medical diplonmas in, informiatiom Daltose, 1202 of the October session of the Office Interna- concerning, 448 Deaf, device for the, 119 tional d'Hygi6ne Publi(Ique, 1211-Quarantine Radiology, recent work in (leading article), 908 Desitin ointment, 635 proceduire, 1211-Miscellaneous communica- Radiology, review of books on, 19 Diagnostic sets, electrical miiains adaptor for, tions, 1211 Radiology of the stomach and duodenuni (C. 1048 Public health medical services, information Cochrane Shanks), 319, 1032 (0)-Discussion, Drsssings, surgical, heat-sterilized, 473 concerning, 436,437 319 Buoion tablets contain vitamins A and D, 945 Public health problenms of India (Lieut.-Col. Radiotherapy, post-graduate courses in, 430 ' Ferr6dic" iron granules (Allenbturys), 814 A. J. H. Russell). 947 Radiuimi in carcinomia of the bladder (A. J. Forceps, calculus, 724 Public Health Service of the United States: Durden Smith), 584 (0) Forceps, cervical biopsy punch, 119 Annual report, 313 Radium centre opened at 'heffield, 129 Grape juice (Key brand), 1152 Public health, state of the: Report, 598, 638. Radium distribution (parliatnentary note), 886 HIeadldamp, an improved, 1202 See also Health Ministry Radiumii Institute, London: Annual report, 696 Inhaler, ether, modified, 473 Public health in Sunderland and Seaham (par- Radium. medical uses of: Nledical Research Tnraiilin (e.rviq0_ WallenmA_ Rt14 1 iamAn f.alrv nnt-.) 1 1R4 Council's report, 821 Iodine vapour in maxillary sinusitis, 906 Public health textbook, 1215 Radium protection, 689 Knife for subniucous resection of septum, 724 Public institutions, classificatioii of inm-iates in, Radium, review of b)ook on, 1046 Lemiion barley water, 1048 1C08 Radium Trust and Radium Commnission: Nasal drops (anaquintite), 1202 Public medical service for Edinburgh, 653, 1166. Reports for 1933-4 now published, 729-Rteports Paraffin.melted wax bath, economical designs See also Medical for 1934. 780 of, 171 Publications, new and forthicoming, 239, 754 Radium workers, protection of, 952 Prostigmin, 210 Publicity, 699, 747, 793 RAE, H. J.:, Report on public healthl in Refractometer, pocket, 814 Puerperal morbidity and mortality, 963, 1074. Aberdeen, 328, 1213 - (L. S. P. DAVIDSON. Rtetractor for external frontal sinus and eth- See also Mortality R. M. CAMPBELL, and J. SMITE): Weil's moidal operations, 473 Puerperal sepsis, antitoxin for, 1186 disease. 1137 (0)-Undulant fever investiga-- Retractor, mastoid, 597 Puerperal sepsis: serum treatment (J. M. tions in Aberdeen, 1213 Rheumi-atoid arthritis, appliance for, 1202 Greenwood), 1120 RAIKES, H. 10.: Medical training for natives in Rhinitol, 814 1'UGH, M. A. :-Orthzptic treatmnent: its scope South Africa, 612 Soap for surgeons' hands, 1048 and limitations, '170 Railways for transport of invalids, 498 538 Sodium pentose nucleotides C" pentide '), 68 Pulmonary disease and trauma, 791 Rainwater, collection of, 151. See also XWater Spectilum, vaginal, a new lighted, 170 Pulmonary. See also Lung supplies Stretcher, railway, 210 PULVENIS, R. (and P. GASTINEL): La Syphilis RAMON, Gaston, nominated a member of tile Tannqflavine for burns, 68 Experimentelle: Etuide Critique et Nouvelles Superior Council of Public Health in France, Tannic acid jelly (Allenburys), 814 Recherches, rev., 471 379 Tonsil clamp, modified Beney's, 635 PULVERTAFT, R. J. V.: Antiseptics in control of RAMON Y CA-JAL, Santiago, obituary notice of, 794,, Totnsil guillotine, 1152 bacterial infections, 318-Thrombosis of the 927 Urinacidometer, Allenburys', 597 penis, 371 RAMSAY. John: Hlernia operations, 315 Vionase tablets, 518 Punishment, corporal. 1178, 1184-Parliamentary RANKING, Lieut.-Col. George 8peirs Alexander, Vitamnin A, mijeasurement of, 597 note on. 1184-A plea for the exemption of obituary notice of, 336 girls, 1178 RAPPAPORT. E. M., awarded the West of Scotlanid Presacral nerve. See Nerve Punishment by flogging (parliamentary note), R.A.L-C(. Memorial Prize, 794 Preston Hall, seaside annexe to, 795 1183 RAPPIN, eDr. (and Dr. DonusAIN): Cousidera- Priapism after circumcision, 975,1025, 1085 Punjab, medical training of womien in tbe, 528- tion1s sur l'Etiologie des Maladies In!fect;euses, PRiBRAX, Bruno Oskar, made a corresponding Urban sanitation in, 1215 rev., 596 inember of the Societe Nationale de Chirurgie Purpura haemorrhagica, menorrhagia in, Rasputin's death, 88, 184, 234. See also Cyanide de Paris, 617 splenectomy for (Stanley J. Hartfall anid poisoning PRICE, D.: Gee's disease, 919 Carlton Oldfield), 8 (0)-Correspondenice on, RATBBONE, Eleanor: Undernourishment and PRIESTLEY, J. B.: Noise, 485 284, 488 unemployment. 561 PRIE5TMAN, Frederick, estate and bequests of, PusIEY, William Allen: Prosser White oration RATHBONE, Josephine Langworthy: Corrective 1024 on " Disease, Gadfly of the Mind," 34 Physical Education. rev , 7'73 PRIMaOsE, W. B.: Closed anaesthesia with C02 Pyelitis of pregnancy (Dugald Baird), 316-Dis- RATHERY: The spleen and carbohydrate umeta- absorption, 223, 271, 339 (0) cussion, 316 bolism. 477s PRINGLE, P.: Insect bites and iodine, 290 PYGOTT, F.: Antistreptococcal serum for RATHERY, Professor: RbeumatQid arthritis. PRINGLE, Seton: Acute eholecystitis, 879-Intra- " rheumatic " affections, 1217 127 tracheal anaesthesia, 1218 Pyloric stenosis, 37, 84. 136 Rats, campaign against, 338 Prison Medical Service, information on, 445 Pyloric stenosis. congenitsl, 833 RAVAUT. Paul: One Nouvelle Syphilis Neireusec PRILTCHAIRD, Eric land Jean SMITH): Treatment Pyloric stenosis and thrush, 796 ses Foriles Clsniquemesut Isa2pparen ts, rev., of fractures in the newborn, 363 Pyogenic infection of antrum. See Antrum 471 Prize, Brunton Memorial, 794 PYRAH, Leslie N. (and Stanley J. Hartfall): RAVENA: Treatment of haemoptysis, 364 Prize, Cameron, 179 Mediastinal and apical empyma, 1039 (0) RAY, M. E., memorial lo, 795 Prize, Colyer, 1185 RAYMOND. Major George. obituary notice of, 89 Prize, Dejerine, 1024, 1085 Raynaud's disease, treatment of, 151 1'rize for cancer study essays, 97 'Rv.RA- LinlRmv- lInRettled Droblems of neurn- Prize for encephalitis researcb, 576 syphilis, 788 JPrize, Garton, 76 Real Advesiture. rev., 1202 Prize, Guyot, 379 Recklinghausen's [von] disease (P. Esch), 1094 Prize for gynaecological and obstetrical work, Rectal prolapse, complete, iniection treatment 975 Quaranttine Disecttry, Initernational, note on, of (Arthur S. Morley), 204 (0)-Correspondence Prize, Hallett, 143 359 on, 330, 488, 538. See also Prolapse Prize, Horton-Smith [Raymond], 793, 1023 Queen Alexandra Sanatoriumd Fund, 498. 1086 REES, J. 11.: Occupational therapy for im-ental Prize for malaria study, 191 Qieen's Institute of District Nursing, 529. Set and nervous cases, 133 Prize, Nobel.,for medicine and physiology, award also Nursing Refractometer, pocket, 814 of, 819 Queensland, Weil's disease in (J. Grahame Refuse. London. 46 191, 840, 887 -Interim report Prize, Reitlinger (Paul Philip], 1081 Drew). 1142 (0) of Advisory Comnmittee (parliamentary niote). Prize, Rolleston Menmorial, 1023 QUIGLEY, HUGH (and ISMAY GOLDIE), Housing 46, 191, 840. 887 Prize (Achillel Selavo. 324 antd Slum Cle"ranice in London, rev., 257 REID, Dick: Ante-natal care and maternal Prize, van Meter (for study of goitre), 21, 1024 QUIN, J. 8.: Maternity cases, 918 mortality, 1011 Prize, West of Scotland R.A.M.C. Memorial, 794 Quinine, ante-natal use of, 86 REID, R. T. G.: Report on medieal inspection of lProfession of medicine. See Medicine Quinitne stocks of Government in India (parlia- school children in County Armagh, 739 Professional confidence, breach of, 375 mentary note), 46 REID, William D.:-Diseases of the Heart, The Prolapse of rectum, complete, injection treat- QUINr,AN, Harold: Adhesions in artificial Metihods of their Diaginosis, Piogsosis, a1ld ment of (Arthuir S. Morley), 204 (0) -Corre- pneumothorax, 790 Treatmentt, rev., 1201 spondence on, 330, 3'1, 488, 538 QUINN, T. G. (and George DAVISON1: Left sub- Religion and psychiology (David Forsyth). 958- Prolapse syndrome: its treatment by vaginal clavian aneurysm associated with cervical Correspondence on, 1026, 1136, 1186, 1228 hysterectomy (A. C. Palmer), 317, 899 (0) rib, 808 (0) Religion and science, 1186 Prostate, electro-coagulation of the (Herbert Quinoidine, 1025 BihME, Bertrand: La S&ror(actioss Blennorra- Williams), 549 (0) Quinsy, review of book on, 992 gique, rev., 772 Prostate, review of bcok on. 355 Quintuplets, 562 Remzedies, Nesv and Non-Official, 646 Prostatectomy, control of haemorrhage in, 700, Renal calculus. See Calculus 744 Renal function, examination of (F. S. Fow- Prostigmin, 210 weather). 49 (O)-Correspondence on, 138, 285 1'rotoplasm, review of book on, 472 RENDALL, Robert Montgomery, obituary notice PatoWsE, W. B.: Radiology and the general of, 1021 l)ractitioner, 275 R. RENTON. M. W.: Autotransfusion in grave Pruritis with jaundice, 48, 338 emergency, 470 l'ruritis, senile, 192, 618 Rabies epidemic in Esthonia, 97 Repositor, irrigating, for cataract extraction, 682 PIYNNE, Colonel El. V.. appointed Officer of the Rabies virus, separation of from brain tissue, Research Committee, Atmospberic Pollution, Order of St. .lohn of Jerusalenu,.24 123 conference of, 1052 Psittacosis (Professor Meyer), 482 RADCLIFFE, Walter: The practice of midwifery, Researclh (ouncil, Medical: Appointmiients to, Paychiatric clinic, Liverpool. 327 1221 604, 646, 868-Chairinlatn appointed, 604-Infec- Psbchistry in Edinburgh, 736 Radiation therapy, dosage in (J. Ralston Pater- tive disease, resistance to: report (A. P-sycho-anoalysis and allied studies, fund for son), 1114 Hill). 643-Radiui, medical tuses of, report advancerment, of, 975 Radioactivity, artificial, 688 on, 821 - Research Fellowships (Dorothy lesycho-analysis, review of books on, 1200 Radioactivity artificialiy induiced (F. L. Hop- Temple Cross) in tuberculosis, 76 Psychological medicine, awareness of, 789 wood), 1113 Research Fellowships, Beit Memorial: Annual Psi% chological medicine, information concerning9 Radiograpby and pelvimetry, 1175 report, 127-Election of new Fellows, 127 the study of, 433 Radiological diagnosis of gastro-intestinal con- Research fellowships in tuberculosis (Dorothy Psychology, M1edical, Institute of, information ditions (B. R. Kirklin). 957 Temnple Cross), 76 concerning, 436-Post-graduate courses at, 564 Radiological practice, 1013 Research-Industrial Health Research Board: -Recognized by the University of London as Radiological treatmnent of cancer, 217. See also Appointments. 868-Report, 647 anl approved clinic for the teaching of psycho- Cancer Research Institute. Bose. Calcutta: 1'i aits- logy, 1024 Radiologists and hospitals, 645 actiosas, vol. viii, 1932-3, rev., 774 Psychology and religion (David Forsyth), 958 Radiology, British Institute of: Protection of Research Institute, Hall [Walter and Eliza]. -Correspondence on, 1026, 1136, 1186, 1228 radium workers, 952 Melbourne: Annual report, 8 9 Psychology, review of books on, 994,1103 Radiology and the general practitioner (J. H. Research Institute. South African Medical: Psychopathology, review of book on, 118 Douglas Webster), 275, 460 (0)-Discussion, Testingof anti-plague serum, 733 Psychotherapeutic follow-up (D. H. Hardcastle), 275-Demonstrations, 276-(E. Kaye Le Research Laboratories, Lilly, at Indianapolis, 11DK)I11 SO ['Fleming).*¢^^^lljliJ, *Ufl462. %"J(0) formalIlLjb UtvoDpeninJ >aFfiVIs...... of. 795 g JULY-DEC., 1934] INDEX TIIE BRITISH IMEDICAL JOURNAL 27

Rese(trch Laboratory, Pickett-Tltontsoui, Anna(ls Reviews of Books (continued): Reviews of Books (contisnued): of: Influenza, Part II (D. and R. Thomson), Chemistry in Commerce, 862 Gonorrhoea: La S6ror,action Blennorragique rev.. 633 Chemistry, Inorganic and Tlieoretical, a (Bertrand R1ime), 772 Research Laboratory, Strangeways: Annual Comprehensive Treatise on, vol. xiii, part ii Green's Manual of Pathology, fifteenth edition, report. 1002 (J. WA'. Mellor), 307 516 Research, medical, expeniditure oni (parlia- Chemistry, Organic, Perkin and Kipping's. Gymnastics, the Theory of (J. Lindhard), 905 mentary note). 95 Part III (F. Stanley Kipping and F. BSarry Gynaecology, the Principles of: a Textbook Research in mental hospitals, 1049 Kipping) 473 for Students and Practitioners (William Research, nutritional, at Cooner, India, 843 Chemistry, Physsiological, Introduction to Blair-Bell), fourth edition, 65 !Research, review of book on, 208 (Meyer Bodansky), third edition, 1151 Gynaecology, Textbook of, for Students and Research, scientific and industrial: Report of Chemotherapy: Handbuichder Chemotlerapie Practitioners (James Young), third edition, the Food Investigation Board, 478 (Viktor Fischl and Hans Scblossberger), 257 -Retina of mammiials, production of rosettes in Part II, 536 Gynaecology. See also Obstetrics (Mrs. Lithgoe), 133 Child Guidance Clinics: A Quarter Century of Hall [Walter and Eliza] Institute of Research Retractor for external frontal sinus anid eth- Developnipnt (George S. Stevenson and in Pathology and Medicine, Melbourne: moidal operations, 473 Geddes Smith), 1150 Collected Papers, 20 'Retractor, mastoid, 597 Children's Diseases: Traite de Medecine des Hallucination: Hallucinations et Delire (H. Enfants. tomles iv and v (edited by P. Nob6- Ey), 635 Reviewsi of Books: court and L Babonneix), 209 Health Notes for Young Men Overseas (T. Abscess of the Brain: 1ts Path ology, Dii gnosis, Cholera: A Manual for the Medical Profession Drummond Shiels), 682 and Treatment (E. Miles Atkinson), 772 in China J. W. H. Heart Beat: Le de la Acta (Wu lAien-Teh, Chun, Dualismie ContracLion Radiologica, No. X1V, 906 R. Pollitzer. and C. Y Yu), 307 Cardiaque (F. Henrijean), 210 Adam's Ancestors: An Up-to-date Outline of Citizen and the Law, 472 Heart, Diseases of the. The Methods of Wlhat is Knowni about the Origin of Man Clinical Miscellany (The Marv Iiimogene Bassett their Diagnosis. Prognosis, and Treatment (L. S B. Leakey), 355 Hospital, New Yorl). vol. i (1934), 774 (William D. Reid), 1201 Allergy and Applied Immunology (Warren T. Clinical Science Illustrated by Personal Heart. See also Cardiac Vaughan), new edition. 1104 Experiences (Sir Thonmas Lewis), 904 Heating and Ventilation, Principles of (H. IT. Allergy in General Practice (Samuel M. Fern- Cyclopedia of Medicine, vols. viii, ix, x, and Vernon), 516 berg), 812 xi, 993 Histology, Essentials of, Descriptive and Allergy, Recent Advances in (G. W. Bray), Death under the Microscope- Some Cases ot Practical (Sir E. Sharpey-Schafer), thirteenth second edition), 1047 Sir 13ernardl Spilsbury and Others (Harold edition, 596 Anaesthesia, General: Narkose zu Operativen Dearden), 945 Histology, Practical, for Medical Students Zwecken (Hans Killian), 168 Dental Pharmacology and Therapeutics (J. R. (D. T. Harris), third edition, 1C48 Anaesthesia, Suinal, Technic and Clinical Blayney). 68 Histology. Textbook of (Harvey Ernest Application (George Rudolph Vehrs), 555 Dermatology. See also Skin Jordan), sixth edition. 724 Anatomy and Physiology, Surgical (Norman Diabetic Life: Its Control bv Iniaulin (R. D. Histology, Textbook of (Alexander A. Maxi4 C. Lake and C. Jennings Marshall). ]8 r.awrence), eightlh edition, 1048 mow and William Bloom), second edition,72 Anatomy, Regional, Synopsis of (T. B. John- Diabetic Manual for Patients (Henry J. John), Hormones, Chemistry of the (Benjamin ston), third edition. 992 second edition, 862 Harrow and Carl P. Sherwin), 773 Anatomy of the Rhesuis Monkey-Macaca Dia,betic Patients, a Primner for (Russell W. Hospital Accounting and Secretitrial Practice muslafta-(edited by Carl G. Hartmiian and Wilder), fifth edition, 862 (Frank Dean and C. H. Spence). 258 William L. Straus), 635 Diagnosis: The Essentials of Physical Diag- Hospital Practice for Interns. 943 Anatomy, Surgical (C. Latiinier Callander), 861 nosis (Robert W. Buick). 861 Houising and Slum Clearance in London (Huigh Architecture of Physiological Fuinction, Diagnosis, Physical (Richard C. Cabot), Quigley and Ismay Goldie). 257 Features in the (Joseph Barcroft), 860 eleventlh edition), 1048 Hygiene, Elementary, Aids to. A Guide to the Arqnivos de Melicina Legal e Identificai,ao Dictionary, Concise Oxfoi-d French (Abel Preliminary State Examllination (Evelyn C. (edited by rieonido Ribeiro), 814,12-2 (hevalley and Marguerite Chevalley), 945 Pearce), 723 Asthima: Le Traitement de l'Asthme liron- Dictionary, Gould's Pocket Pronouncinig Hygiene, Nurses' Handbook of: An element- chiquie (Maurice lDerot). 68 Medical, tenth edition (revised by C. V. ary Text Book (L. E. H. Whitby), fifth Atom, the (John Tutin), 994 B3rownlow), 308 edition, 723 Author's and Writer's Wlhl'sWiMho, 1934 Dietetics for the Clinician(Et. A. Bridges) 307 Hygiene, Social. Year-Book (1934), 774 (edited by Edwar(d Martell), 556 Diets. Cheap. Representing a Week'sF Meals Hypertension, Arterial Les: Traitements de Bacillus Cal iette-Gu6rin Vaccine (K. Neville ( Iary Mackir dy andIMary Andross), 20 1' Hypertension Arterielle (Maurice Rocli), Irvine), 773 Doctor and His Patients (Albert Krecke, 170 Bacterial Classification in Alicrobiol gy. See translated by Margaret M. Green), 471 Immliunity: tIlmmunit6 par M6canisme Microbiology Drtugs, PNincipal,and their Uses (A. L.Morton), Physico-Chimique(tR. DujarricdelaRivi(re), Bacteriology. Daterminative. lererey's Manual 862 118 of (David E. Bergev), fouirth editioni, 168 D)ust(S. Cyril Ble.elktn). 812 Industrial Maladies (Sir Thomas Legge), 595 Bacteriology, Elenentarsy (M. A. Gohar), 634 Eclampsia in England and Wales, The Menace Infant Feeding and Paediatric Practice, Bacteriology. ledical, Descriptive and Applied, of (Normlan Porritt). 517 Essentials of (Henry P. 'Wright), 256 including Elementary Helminthology (L. E. Eczema: L'Ecz6ma du Nourisson (HA. P6hu Infant, The Healthy(E. R. C. Walker), 518 H. Whitby), second edition. 356 andR. Anilagnier), 680 Infant Hygiene: Guide Pratique d'Hygi6ne Bacteriology, Practical, an Introduction to a Electrocardiogram. Clinical Aspects of the, Infantile (E. L. de Chazal and F. A. Rouget), Gluide to Btcteriological Laboratory Work including the Cardiac Arrhythmias (Harold 256 (T. J. Mackie and J. E. McCartney), fourtl Eg. B. Pardee), third edition, 680 Infectious Diseases: Considerations sur edition, 634 Electrocardiography (Chauincey C. Maher), 1C47 l'Etiologie des Maladies Infectieuses (Dr. Bac eriology, Text-Book of, with a Section on Electrocardiography. Clinical. a Students' Rappin and Dr. Doussain), 596 Pathogenic Protozoa (Hans Zinsser and Handbook of (William Evans), 1047 Infectious Diseases: Infektionskrankheiten, Stanhopa Bavne-Tones), seventh edition, 1103 Emibrvology, Experimental, Elements of Handbuch der inneren Medizin. vol. i Barbiturate Poisoning: La Barbiturisme Aigu (Julian J. FHuxley and(G. R. de Beer). 18 (G. von Bergmann andR. Stasehelin), 594 et les Antidolismes Gardenol [Strychnine, Empire Social Hvgiene Year-Book, 1934, first Influenza, 633 Coramine, Alcool] (G. Carri6re, Claude annuial edlition. 774 Injection Treatment in General:Practice (M. L. Huriez, and P. Willoquet), 19 England of Charles II (Arthur Bryant), 994 Guiral), 1048 Bassini's Operation: L'Op6ratioii de Bassini Ergosterol to V'itainin D: Physicochemical Institutional Managemlent and Accounts (H. pour la Gu6rison Hadicale de la Hernie Aspects of the Photohebmical Transforma- Reynard), 356 Inguinale (Rttilio Catterina), 555 tion of (A. F. F. Nicola), 210 International Clinics, vol. i, forty-fourth Bilharziasis (Ramaeses Girges). 1103 Eye, Diseases of the (Sir John Herbert series, 1934, 682-Vol. ii, forty-fourth series, Biochemistry. an Introduiction to (W. R. Parsons), seventh edition, 168 906 Fearon), 722 Eye, External Diseases of the Atlas of Intestinal Obstruction. Acute (Monroe A. Biochemistry, Manual of (J. F. McClendon). (Humphrey Neame). 634 McIver), 904 1150 Eye, External Diseases of the (Donald T. Irish Texts, Fasciculus V (edited by J. Fraser, Biochemistry, Practical Methods in (Frederick Atkinson), 355 P. Grosjean and J. G. O'Keeffe), 555 C. Koch), 1047 Eve: Le Biastigmatisme dans la Pratique. Japanese Mtedicine(Y. Fujikawa). 170 Biology, the A B C of (C. M. Yonge), 905 Tables pour la Transformation des Verres Japanese Pathological Society, Transactions, Blood Formation, Studies in (T. D. Power), 170 Ricylindriques d'Axes Olliques en Verres vol. xxiii (1933), 258 Blood Lymph: Sang et Lymphe Reactions Sph6rocylindriques (AT. Marquez and T. Leprosy Control in Malaya, 169 d'IminunitW, 681 Buisto), second edition, 518 Leprosy: LaLIpre (Ad. Jeanselme), 354 Blood Pressure, High: Its Variations and Vye. See also Ophthalmology Life, Longer: Vita pif' sana e pifi lunga Control. A Manual for Practitioners (J. F. Fabricius ab Aquapendente. De Venaruma (EmilioJ Pampana), 994 Halls Daily), third edition, 1152 Ostiolis 1603 of Hieronymus Fabricius of Life and Soul: Outlines of a Future Theore- Bloo.1 Transfusion: Transfusion du Sang et Aquapendente (1533?-1619). facsimile edition tical Physiologyaend of a Critical Philosphy Immuno-Transfusion en Pratique M6dicale. (edited by K. J. Franklin), 1201 (Max Loewenthal), 257 Indications, Resultats (R. Li6ge), 722 Feeding, Infant. and Paediatric Practice, Lighter Side of the War: Experiences of a Bose Research Institute, Calcutta, Transac- Essentials of (Henry P. Wright). 256 Civilian in Uniform (Major A. Cecil Alport), tions of, vol viiii 1932-3: Biological and Fifty Years on the Test (C. Ernest Pain), 258 356 Physical Researches (edited by Sir Jadadis Filterable Viruses. See Virus Liverpool Medico-Chirurgical Journal, vol. Chunder Bose). 774 First Aid] in Defence against Chemical War- xlii, part i, 473 Bronchoseopv, Esophagoscopy. and Gastro- fare (Maior-Generasl D. J. Collins andMIajor Lung, Local Treatment of: Medicacion local scopy: A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and H. Stuart Blackmore), 724 pulmonar por via intratraqueal (Vincente de Laryngeal Surgery (Chevalier Jackson and' Ford Laws and Regulations, Summary of Pablo), 170 Chevalier L. Jackson). third edition, 1150 (C. L. Hinton),170 Lungs, Inflanmmation of: Die Lungenentzun- Cancer Treated by Modern Methods in For Fishermen Only (Atwood Clark), 258 dung (Carl-Erich Schuntermann). Immuni- Serutm Therapy, with Record of Recovery Forensic Medicine: A Textbooki for Students tat, Allergie und Infektionskrankheiteni, in a Case of Secondary Sarcomia (A. S. and Practitioners (Sydney Smith), fourth Band iv, Heft, 1-3 20 Boyd), 556 edition, 67 Lunus: La M6canique Pulmonaire (F. Car: Parodi), How to Drive a Car, thirteenth edition, Fouirand aFalf Years: a Personal Diary from 119 356 June, 1914, to January, 1919 (Right Hon. Lyophilic Colloids: Their Theory and Practice Cardiology. Vital: A New Outlook on the Pre- Christopher Addison), vol. ii, 209 (Martin H. Fischer andlMarian 0. Hooker), vention of HEart Failure (Bruce Williamiison), Fractures, Dislocations, and Sprains, the 472 117 Management of (John Albert Key and Mall, Franklin Paine: The Cardiology. Story of a Mind See also Heart H. Earle ConwellI, 116 (Florence Rena Sabin), 944 Cerebral Disease: Cranincerel)rale Schemata Fractures: Operative Treatment of Colllum Mlan, Early Foreruinners of: a Morpbological fUir die RoentRenogri.phische Lokalization Femoris Fractures (Sven Johansson) 723 Study of the Evolutionary Origin of the (A. Sbchiller and Hl. Urban), 724 Gold Treatment of Tuberculosis. 354 Primates(W. E. Le Gros Clark), 67 ChemiRtry, Applied, Thorpe's Dictionary of, Gonococcal Infection: Recent Advances in Man, Neolithic, British, the Skeleton of (John Suupplement. vol. i. A to M, 993 Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment Cameron), 118 Chemistry, Biological Laboratory, Manual of (Robert V. Storer), 595 Corresuondence on, Alanipulative Treatment for the Medical (Folin Otto). fifth edition, 1048 70-6 Practitioner(T.AMarlin), 308 r THE BRITISH 28 JULY-DEc., 1934] INDEX L MEDICAL JOURNAL = I Reviews of Books (cottinued): Reviews of Books (continued): Reviews of Books (continued): Manual Skill: Its Organization and Develop- Pathalogy, Recent Advances in (Geoffrey Syphilis: La Syphilis Exp6rimentale. Etude ment (J. W. Cox), 994 Hadfield and Lawrence P. Garrod), second critiqueet Nouvelles Recherches (P. Gastinel Massage and. Medical GymDastics, Register of edition, 19 and R. Pulvenis),471 Members of the Chartered Society of, 724 Pathology: Text-Book of (William Boyd), Syphilis, Modern Treatment of (J. E. Moore). Massage and Remedial Exercises in Medical second edition, 1104 208 and Surgical Conditions (Noel M. Tidy), Pediatric. See Paediatric Synhilis: Moderne Therapie der Neuro- second edition, 945 Pharmacology and Therapeutics, an Intro- syphilis (Bernhard Dattner), 471 Meat Hygiene, Textbook of, With Special Con- duction to (J. A. Gunni), fourth edition. 682 Syphilis: Une Nouvelle Syppilis Nerveuse. Ses siderations of Antemortem and Postmortem Physical Education, Corrective (Josephine Formes Cliniquement Inapparentes (Paul Inspection of Food-producing Animals Langworthy Rathbone), 773 Ravant), 471 (Richard Edelmann), sixth edition, 472 Physical Exercises: Ubungsbehandlung (K. Tabulae Biologicae Periodicae, Band III, Meat Inspection, Text-Book of (Ante-Mortem Gebhardt), 119 No. IV; Band IV, No. 1,635 and Post-Mortem), including the Veterinary Physical Medicine: Physikalische Therapie Therapeutic Vade-mecum for Paediatric Prac- Control of Meat and Meat Products (Robert Klinisches Lehrbuch (edited by J. Grober), tice (H. Kleinschmidt), seventh edition, 1152 V. Ostertag), English edition translated by 66 Therapeutics: Therapeutique M6dicale: C. F. Marshall), 943 Physical Treatment by Movement, alxnipula- vol. VII. Vaisseau et Reins (Maurier Medical Directory (1935), 1152 tion, and Massage (J. B. Mennell). third Loeper), 633 Medical History, Annals of (edited by Francis edition, 169 Thorpe's Dictionary of Applied Chemistry: R. Packard), New Series, vol. vi, No. 3, May, Physiological Function, Features in the Archi- Supplement, vol. i, A to M (Jocelyn Field 1934, 169-Vol. vi, No. 5, September, 1934, 814 tecture of (Joseph Barcroft), 860 Thorpe and M. A. Whiteley), 993 Medical Psychology. See Psyclhology Physiology. Experinmental (Sir Edward Throat Diseases, Modern Advances in (Arthur Medicine, Forensic: A Textbook for Students SIharpey-Schafer), fifth edition, 943 iMiller), 555 and Practitioniers (Sydney Smith), fourth Physiology. Experimental, for Medical To Remind: A Biological Essay (Sir Willian edition, 67 Students (D. T. Harris), second edition, 943 Bate Hardy), 1104 Medicine, Germ-lan (W. Haberling, translated Physiology, Sex and Reproductive, Recent Treatment in General Practice, Modern by Jules Freund), 596 Advances in (J. A. Robson). 680 (edited by Cecil P. G. Wakeley), 118 Medicine, Japanese (Y. Fujikawa), 170 Physiology: Traite de Physiologie, normale Treatment by Training: Ubungsbehandlung Medicine:-M6decine et Chirurgie Pratiques: et pathologique. Tome vii, Sang et Lymphe (K. Gebhardt). 119 Les Phlegmons de la Loge Amygdalienne, 992 Reactions d'Immunilt (G. Ht. Roger and Tuberculosis in the Child and the Adult Medicine:-Medizinische Praxis. Band xvii: Leon Binet), second edition, 681 (Francis Marion Pottenger), 993 Die Lungentuberkulose (Han s Dietlen), 354 Pickett- Thomson Research Laboratory Tuberculosis: La Chrysothbrapie de la. Medicine in Persia (Cyril Elgood), 945 Atnnals of Influenza, Part II (D. and R. Tuberculose Pulmonaire (Julien Marie), 354 Medicine and Surgery, the Practitioner's Thomnson). 633 Tuberculosis: La Gulrison de la Tuberculose Library of: Vol. vi, Obstetrics and Po.soni(lg, What to do in Cases of (edited by (P. Ferrier), second edition, 356 Gynaecology, 517 (P. Hamill), fourteenth edition, 682 Tubei culosis: Die Lungentuberkulose (Hans Medicine, Preventive Aspects of, 554 Pneumolysis: Pneumolyse Intrapleurale Dietlen), 354 Medicine, Synopsis of (Henry Letheby Tidy), (Louis Says). 354 Tuberculosis Research: Ergebuisse der ge- sixth edition, 774 Pneumotborax, Artificial (Louis SaYi), 354 samiiten Tuberculoseforschung, Band V. 473 Medicine. Textbook of, by American authors Prostate, Resection of: La Resection Endo- Tuberculosis: Les Re Fection du Tissu (edited by Russell L. Cecil), third edition, 20 scopi(lue de la 1'rostate (ed. Papin), 355 Pulnonaire dans la Tuberculose (E. Leuret Medicolegal Necropsy: a Symposium held at Psychoanalysis, Clinical, Outline of (Otto and J. Caussimion), 355 the Twelfth Annual Convention of the Fenichel, translated by Bertrami D. Lewin), Tuberculosis: T h erapeutie ue Hyydro-Clima- American Society of Clinical Pathologists at 1200 tique des Maladies non Tuberculeuses de Milhaukee, Wisconsin, June 9th, 1933, 596 Psychoanalysis, Facts and Theories of (Ives l'Appareil Respiratoire (M. Piery), 20 Mesmer: Tihe History of an Idea (Margaret Hendrick), 1200 Tuberculosis: Th6rapeutique Hydro Clinmato- of MI. Goldsmith), 20 Psychology, Abnormal, Textbook (Roy logique de la Tuberculose(L4eon Bernard and Metastases: Metastasen und Rezidive im Dorcus and G. Wilson Sbaffer), 994 lRoger Even). 20 Knochen (E. Philipp and J. Schafer), 906 Psychology, Individual, and Sexual Difficulties Ultra-Violet Tberapy in Eye Disease: with a Microbiology: Die Typenlehre in der Mikro- (Alfred Adler aiid F. G. Crookshank), 724 Reviewv of the Action of Other Formis of biologie (Max Guindel), 66 Psycholopy. Medical, 'rext-Book of (Ernst Radiant Energy (Frank W. Law), 681 Middlesex Hospital Medical School: articles Kretschmer, tratslated by E. B. Strauss), Infections (Clifford 209 by Urinary Morson), members of the staff, 774 1103 Urologv: Llehrbuch der Urologie (Hans Midwifery, Textbook of. for Students and Psychology and Psychotherapy (William Wildbolz), 813 Practitioners W. 118 (R. Johnstbne), seventh Browvn). third edition, Vaccine, B.O.G. (K Neville Irvine), 773 a of edition, 1151 Psychopathology: Survey 'Modern Vegetable Drugs of India (D. Sanyal and R. Milton's Blindness (Bleanlor Gertrude Brown), Approaches (J. Ernest Nicole), second Ghose), seconid edition, 1104 813 edition, 118 Viruses, Filterable, Handbook of (R. W. Morality and Reality: an Essay of the Law of Quinsy: Les Phlegmons de la Loge Amyg- Fairbrothe 554 and P. r), Life (G. Graham Howe), 66 dalienne kG. Canuyt Paull), 992 Viru-es, Filterable: Les Ultravirus Pathio- Sinuises: Die Krank- Morant, Sir Robert: A Great Public Servant Radiology of Accessory genes et Saprophbte' (Paul FHLuduroy), 554 (Bernard M. Allen), 1102 heiteni der Nasennebenhoblen und dles Ohres Key of All Wales (Sir John Lynn- Mothercraft Truby WReles: LM(. King), 256 im Rnutgenbild (Richard Mittermaier), 19 Thoima-)l 862 Mothercraft Manual, or the Expectant and Radiology for Cerebral Disease. See Cerebral Who's Who, 1202 S. Nursing Mother and Baby's First T'wo E ears Radium and Cancer (H. Souttar), 1046 Women, I)iseases of (by Ten Teachers; (Mabel Liddiard), ninth edition, 774 Real Adventure. 1202 under the direction of C )myns Berkeley), Myopia: Die Dehnsucht des Auges (Myopie) Rhythm of Life- A Guide to Sexuel Harmony fifth edit oni, 308 und ihre Behandlung (Karl Grunert), it 906 115 for Women (Sofie Lazarsfeld), Worm Di-efs sees: Leitfadeui der einheiinis:chen Myth of the Mystic East (Lieut.-Col. Robert A Short 1Ross, Ronald: Dragon Slayer. Wurrmkratnkheiten des Menschen (L. Szidat Henry Elliot), 862 of Accoulnt of a Great Discovery and the and Rt. Wigand), f61 Nature of Disease Journal, vol. iii (J. E. R. Man who made it (.J 0. Dobson), 1104 McDonagh), 518 Law. Aids to (C. F. Sanitary Science and F. a'vaise, November Neolithic Man. See lan 556 Revtue Avdicale issute White), second edition, devote(d to 1135 Nepbritis and Allied Diseases: Their Patho- Schistosomiasis [Bilharziasis] (Rameses *ancer, logy Revue de Medecine for May devoted to rheu- and Treatmiient (Rol)ert Platt). 516 Girges), 1103 matism. 97 Neurology R. of : an Account of (Roy Grinker), 306 Science, The Progress Revue de isme, first issue, 338 Neurology: Archives of Neurology and Recent Fundamental Researches in Rh1aunif Physics. Revue Sud-A merica,vie de M4deci'e et de Psychiatry, 67 and IJ. G. 208 Chemistry, Biology ('rowvther). Chirurgie to cease to appear witli 1934, 1135 Neurosyphilis: Moderne Therapie der Neuro- Research and Social Needs Scientific (Juliau REYHEB. Paul. death of, 1021 syplhilis (Bernhard Dattner), 471. See also Huxley), 634 REYNARD, H1 Itns itUttOldl( Reactions: Die der MecOMOemenft Syvhilis Ser ological Spezifizitlit Accountuf, rev.. 356 Neurotic andhis Friends (lS. G. Gordon), 1046 Reaktionen (K. Serologischen Landsteiner), REYNOLDS. F. Neon: The Relief of Pain in Noble Experiment: a Portrait of Amiierica 944 Childbirth, rev., 117 Ante-natal care and under B. La Blennor- Prohibition (Sidney Whipple), 597 Serum Diagnosis: Seroreaction maternal mortality. 1011 Nursing: Elemnentary Pi icis of the Care of (Bertrand R6me), 772 ragique RE:YNO.DS, Russell J.: X-ray citeniatograply, the Sick, Wounded, and of Infants (E. K. Serum: Le Serum-Normal. Recolte et Carac- 1020-Cineradiograpby, 1114 Contet). 862 (Denis Brocq-Rotusseau and teres Phvsiques REYNOLDS. Siamuel Ht. M.: Corpus luteum Nursing for a 308 Male Nurses, Complete System Gaston Roussel), extract and uterine contractions. 1174 of (A. L. Millicent Ashdown), 518 Sex Anatomy, Buman (R. Dickinson), 210 lRheum-atic affections. antistreptoeocecal Nutrition: Geographie ulnd Geschichte der in (Ernest R. Groves and Gladys Sex Aiarriage serum for (Robert Coope and F. Pygott). 1217 Erniihrung (K. Hintze), 119 473 H. Groves), child and tonsils (A. D. Kaiser), 953 Recent Rbeumatic Obstetrics: Obstetricia Operatoria (Paul Sex and Reproductive Physiology, Rheumiiatic disease. chronic, differential diag- Briquet), 67 Advances in (J. Robson), 680 M. nosis of, 884, 921, 967 Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 517 Diseases: A Handbook of Dermatology. Skin RheuDiatic fever, the coronary arteries in (H. T. Obstetrics. See also and Students Ernest Gynaecologv, for Practitioners (S. Karsner and F. 561 Ocular Dioptrics and Lenses (G. F. Alexander). Dore and John L. Franklin), 722 BaylZless). Rheumatismni and the acid child" (W. 258 Common (A. C. W. Skin Diseases, Roxburgh), Payne). 602 Oil and Wine (Philip 258 Inilan), 906 second edition, Rheumatism and its relation to arterial disease Ophtbalmology, Recent Advances also in (Sir Skin. See Dermiatology and periarteritis nodosa (A. Victor Neale and Stewart Duke-Elder), third edition, 1102 Child: a Record of Successfully Spastic Allan G. W. Whitfield), 104 (0) Ophthalmlology. See also Eye Muiscle Control in Little's Disease Achieved Rheumatismi, "oil vaccinie in. 233, 374,491 Orthopaedic Surgery. See Surgery K. Fischel), 813 (Marguerite Rheumatians, tuberculous (Brav and Hench). the Practice Otitis, Acute, and Mastoiditis in General Spactrophotometry, Absorption, 1108 Practice: a Manual for Practitioners and -of with Instruments (F. Twyman Hilger Rbeumatoid arthr itis, appliance for, 1202 Students (N. B. second 814 Asherson), 681 and C. Allsopp), edition, Rheumiiatoid arthritis: discussion at Inter- Paediatric Practice, Therapeutic Vade-mecum a (Albert Gervais), 905 Surgeon's China, nati(nal Congress for the Sttudy of Chronic for (H Kleinschmidt). seventh edition, 1152 a General Practice E. Surcery of (Artbur Rheuimatism, 126 Paediatrics: Co Iipleat Hertzler and Victor E. Cheeky), 633 Pediatrician, Practical, Rheumatoid arthritis. See also Arthritis Diagnostic, Therapetutic, and Preventive Fuss und Bein. Ihre Surgery, Orthopaedic: Rhinitis, chronic, treatment of, 790 Pediatrics (Wilburt C. Davison), 1200 und deren E rkrankuingen l3ehandlung (Georg Rhinitol, 814 Pain in Childbirth, the Relief of IF. Neon second 772 Hohmann). edition, allergic factors H. Reynolds), 117 Orthopaedic: Konservative und Rhinorrlioea. (T. Just), Surgery, 271. 587 271 Parentbood: l)esign or Accident? A Manual (Julius 1201 (O)-Discussion. Operative Orthopadie Hass), anti-malarial campaign in. 714 of liirth Control (Michael Fielding), third and Practice of. Vol. Rbododaphnia. Surgery, Science i, discoverer 1129 Rhythm, cortical, of. edition). 356 ii. General Surgery; v>l. Regional Surgery cervical, and left subelavian Pathology, Clinical (P. N. Panton and J. R. C. Romenis and H. IRib, aneLtrysm (W. H. Philip Mlitchiner), and Geor ge Davison) 808 (0) Marrack), third edition, 595 fifth edition, 1200 (T. G. Quinn beds and the spread of malaria Klein), Pathology, Green's Manual of (revised by Anatomy anid Physiologv (Norman Rice (J. Surgical 583 H. W. C. Vines), fifteenth edition, 516 C. TJake and C. Jennings Marshall), 18 - JULY-DEc., 1934] INDEX r THE BRITISH LMEDICAL JOURNAL 29 = I I RICHARDS, Walter F., a member of the crew of Ross, Sir Ronald: Memorial to, 33-And the Santiago del Estero, forms of leishmaniasis in the Endeavour-, 191 Panama Canal, 1020--Review of book on, 1104 (E. J. Canal Feijoo), 514 RICiaARDsoN, Arthur H. : Case of intestinal ROTH, Paul Bernard: Transport of cases with SANYAL,D. (and R. GEosE): Vegetable Drutgsof obstruction, 553 back injuries, 1124 India, second edition,rev., 1104 RICHARDSON, Air Commodore A. V. J.: Defective ROTIICHILD: Causation of skeletal muscle Saphenous vein. See Vein hearing as a national problem, 324 pain, 563 Sarcomatosis, retroperitoneal (Henry F. G. RICHARDSON, Douglas Y.: Jacksonian attacks ROUGET, F. A. (and E. L. de CHAZAL): Gutide Irwin), 1149 in connexion with extradural abscess of the Pratiqte d'Hygiene Itifantile, rev., 256 SARGENT, R. M.: Spontaneous recovery in frontal lobe, 1101 ROUND, Harold: The dental surgeon's place in superior mesenteric thrombosis,64 RICHARDSON, W. S.: Ovarian causes of pelvic a general hospital, 562 SASLOW: Variations in the normal blood count, pain, 267-Film demonstration of Caesarean ROUNDELL, C. F., appointed a member of the 867 section, 267 dRpartment committee on thecostof hospitals SAUNDERS, Dr.: Diphtheria in Cork City, 1168 RICHMOND, Major A. E., mentioned in dis- and other public buildings, 191 SAUNDERS, Frederick Anastasius, obituary patehes, 89 ROUSSEL. Gaston (and Denis BRoCQERoUssEU): notice of, 748 RIDDELL, Lord: Death ot, 1085-Obituary notice Le Sgrum Normal. R&colte et Ca? actUres SAUNDERS, J. C.: The Clean Milk Bill (Irish of, 1129 P7hysiques, rev., 308 Free State), 606-Diphtheria mortality (Irish RIDDELL, L. A.: Ether convulsions, 834 RoUSsr.T, J. * Acute gastric dilatation and per- Free State). 987 RIDDOCH, George: Organic and functional foration after hysterectomy, 1071 SAVAGE, W. G.: Food standards, 9c6 nervous disorders, 267, 499 (0) Roussy: Diagnostic test of cancer, 1156 SAVILL, Agnes: Use of narcotics, 223-Treat- RIDLEY, Frederick: Clinical significance of the Routes out of London, 928 ment of genito-urinary diseases,225-Cervical comaposition of tears, 133-Physics and oph- RowORoFT, Colonel G. F.: Local anaesthetic for erosion and diseharge,1077 thalmology, 270 nasal work, 380 SAVIN, Mr.: Case of uveoparotid fever, 133 RlDOUT, C. A. Scott: Focal infection as a ROWDEN, Leo. A.- Stanley Melville Memorial, SAYE, Louis: Pneunmolyse Ittrapleutrale, rev., problem for the laryngologist. 227 569-Radiography and pelvimetry, 1175 354-Cristoterapia de la Tuber-culosis, 727-La RIESE, J.: Subcutaneous haemostasis in opera- ROWNTREE, Cecil: L'Union Internationale granulie froide, 815 tions, 648 contre le Cancer, 742 SAYWELL, E. N.: Over-smoking, 337 Riforma Medica for October 6th devoted to pro- ROXBURGH, A. C.: Common Skint'Diseases. second SCADDING, J. G.: X rayexaminationof empyema ceedings of recent Italian congresses, 1085 edition, rev., 258 cavities, 1014-Acute iodism following lipiodol Rights of action and death (leading article), 600 Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of bronchography, 1147(0) -Correspondence on, 658, 792. See also Death Glasgow: Information concerning the study Searletfever. See Fever RINGEL, Tom, death of, 616 of medicine, 405-Annual mieeting, 925-Elec- SCHAFER, G. (and E. PHILIPP): Metastasen utnd RITCEIIE, A. WV.: Health and housing, 565 tion of officers, 925-Fellows admitted, 1132 Rezidive im Knochlen,rev.. 906 River Tame, pollution of (parliamentary note), Royal Institute of British Architects: Inter- Schick test, age for. 796 926 national exhibition, 1058 Schick test and diphtheria antitoxin (R. B. RIVERS: Louping-ill in nman, 261 Royal Institute of Public Health: Harben Mayfield). 938 (0) RIVETT, L. C.: Results of ante-natal care, 221, Lecture, 711-Investigation of slm-all-pox and SCHIFF -Wertheimer: Hyperpituitarism and 1011-Oestrus-producing hormnones, 269-Pyel- vaccinia by laboratory methods, 711 Graves's disease, 361 itis of pregnancy, 316-Chloroforml- inhaler, Royal Institution, changes in subscriptions for SCHILLING.V.: Cancer elaims, 521 316 lectures at. 849 SCHLESINGEU, B. E: Encephalitis, 222 Road accidents. See Accidents Royal Sanitary Institute: Tlhe bed-bug as a SCHLEsINcGER, Hermann, death of. 496 Road safety and the " silent zone" (parlia- housing problenm, 955-Nutrition and health, SCHLOSSBERGER, Hans (and Viktor FISCEL): mentary note), 888 1157 Hand buch der Chemotherapie.rev., 556 Road Traffic Bill, 45, 95, 147, 149, 190, 191, 213, 237 Rumania, typhus fever in, 97-AMalaria in the Scholarship. See also Medical school. -Report stage, 45-Debate in the House of Delta of the Danube. 698 Scholarships examination, combined, 143 Lords, 149-Noise from motor-car exbausts, Rural dwelliDgs. See Dwellings Scholarships, preparatory school, for sons of 190-Fees to hospitals for road casualties. 191 Russ, Sidney: Stanley Melville Memorial, 569 medical men,871 -Emergency treatment for road accidents, RuSs, V.: Undulant fever in Austria. 217 Scholarships, Streatfeild, 41 213-Leading article, 213 RUSSELL, Lieut.-Col. A. J. H.: Report on public School child, health of the: Annual report of Roads, tarring of. See Tar health problems of India. 947 the chief medical officer of the Board of ROAF, H. E.: Colour vision, 526 RUSSrE.LL. E. S.: Thie Behavioutr of Animals: an Education, 1107 1115 ROBB, W. A.: Hodgkin's disease with erythema Introduction to its Study, 362-The study of School children, diets [model] for (parlia- nodosunm, 1172 animal behaviour, 523 mnentary note), 1184 ROBB-SMITH, Alastair Hamiah Tearloch, RUSSELL, H. S.: Asthma and chronic bronchitis, Sehool children, elemuentary, inoculation for awarded a Dcorothv Teml-pl e Cross Research 231-Allergy. 1086 (parliamentary note), 46 Fellowship in tuberculosis, 76 RUSSELL, J.: Bad surgical risks, 265 School children in Hull, nutrition of, report, ROBERTS, E. Hesketh: Criticism of ante-natal RUSSELL. Pasha. T. W., Report on dangerous 696 work, 140 drug traffic in Egypt, 28 School children, London, nutrition clinics for, ROBERTSON, D.: Nutrition and disease, 527 RUSSELL, W. Kerr: Sbort-wave therapy, 956, 1072 1168 ROBERTBON, Douglas: Varicella and herpes RUTHERFORD, Lord: Stanley Melville Memorial, School children, medical inspection of (County zoster, 72l 569 Armagh), 739 ROBERTSON, R. K.: Localized flushing, 796 RUTHERFORD. Robert: Ligature of external iliac School children, medical inspection of and free ROBERTSON, Thomas: Is high blood p-essure a artery and vein in a man aged 67, 553 milk (parliamentary note), 974 risk? 486 RUTHEtRFURD. W. J.: Hereditary scoliosis, 87 School children, medical treatment of (Clogher), ROBINSON, Surgeon Lieutenant (D) John Wade, RYAN, J. Chas.: Ronald Ross and the Panama 915 obituiary notice of. 185 Canal, 1020 School children, nutritional investigation of ROBINSON, Henry: Prenatal cardiac murmurs, RYCROFT.B. W.: Irrigating repositorfor cataract (S. T. Beggs), 738 791 extraction, 682 School dental service in New Zealand, 784 ROBSON, J. M.: Oostrus-producing hormones, RYLE, J. A.: B. coli infection, 264 School medical officers, information concerning, 269-Recent Advances in Sex and Reproductive RYRIE, G. A.: Marriage among lepers, 169 437 Physiology, rev.,680 School medical officers, reports of (parlia- RocH, Maurice: Les Traitments de I'Hyperten- mentary note), 150 sio it ArtNrelle,rev., 170 Schools, nursery, and cheap milk (parlia- RocHEu, Hilary: Treatment of haemoptysis, 882 mentary note), 1226 JtOOXWELL. Marion Balfour Marshall, obituary Schools, nursery, plea for more (parliamentary notice of, 616 note), 150 Rodent ulcer in the young (Robert Aitken), 1044. S. Schools, overcrowding in (leading article), 1204 Spe also Ulcer SCHOTTMULLER, H., elected president of the RoDGia, A.: Vocational guidance, 558 SABATUCCI, Mlario, death of, 840 German Society of Internal Medicine, 289 RODGER, T. Ritchie: Muco-purulent tubo- SABIN, Florence Rena: Fra-nklin Painie MIall; SCHRTLLEIS, A. (and H. URBAN): Crasiocerebrale tympanic infections, 226, 544 (0)-Tonsillec- Thle Story of a Minid, rev., 944 SchiematafiUr die Roentgenograplhische Lookal- tomy in children. 272 SACQU:PtEl, Gabriel. elected a meimiber of the isation, rev., 724 Roentgen rays, ionization method of measuring Acad6mie de MI6decine in the Section of SCHItFFNER. W.: Leptospirosis, 727 (Dr. Thoraeus), 906 Hygiene, 379,1024 SCHUNTERMANN, Carl-Erich: Dte Lunoenetnt- ROFFO, Professor, awarded the Red Cross medal Safety-pins, open, swallowing of (Courtenay zundeng, Immunitat, Allergie unitd lnfektions- of the first class by Germany, 379 Yorke), 811-Correspondence on, 1017 krankheiten, Band iv, Heft 1-3, rev., 20 ROGER, G. H. (and Leon BINET): Traite de St. Dunstan's': Annual report, 828 SCEWENTEER: Louping-ill in man, 261 Physiologie, normale et vathologiqne. Tome St. John of Jeruisalemi, Venerable Order of: SCHWEIZER: Variations in the normal blood VII: Sango et Lymphe Reactions dm'Inmunitg, Promotions and appointments, 24-Annuial count, 867 second edition, rev., 681 report, 524 Sciatica, problems of (J. Barnes Burt), 788-Dis- ROGERS, Lambert Preliminary ligation in Salaries, medical, in the West Riding, 1009 cussion, 789 Graves's disease,609-Appreciation of Joseph SALLEH, Mohamed (and J. V. LANDOR): Case of Science, clinical, endowmlent of (leading article), Strickland Goodall, 1021 evipan paralysis, 910 (0) 1106-Correspondence on, 1218 ROGERS, Sir Leonard: Reviews Jeanselme's SALT, H. B.: Rheumatoid arthritis, 127 Science and religion, 1186. See also Religion bookon leprosy, 354-Medical services at home SALUS, G., death of, 972 Sclerosis, dissenminated, treatment of, 663 and abroad,832 SALVI, Giunio, elected a memiiber of the Italian Scoliosis, hereditary, 87 ROLLESTON, Christopher: Earth burials and Senate, 289 disease,497 Salyrgan in cardiac oedema, 1086 Scotland: ROLLESTON, S3ir Humphry D.: Unemployment Sanatoriumii, Poole, Mliddlesbrough, visit of Aberdeen:-Annual report of mnedical officers assistance: determ-ination of needs, 235- Princess Royal to, 1135 of health, 1213-Public health in: Report, 328 Stanley Melville Mermiorial. 569-Aetiology and Sanatorium treatment, niodern (A. S. McNalty), -Royal Infirmary, extensions, 485-Undulat t treatment of asthma, 1069-Physicist and 274, 1143 (0)-Discussion. 275 fever, investigations in, 1213 radiologist, 1113 Sanatorium, Winsley, extension to. 787 Animal Diseases Research Association, 180 ROMANIS, W. H. C. (and Philip H. MITCHINER): SANCTUARY, John C. T.: The swab in diphtheria Bangour- hospital extetnsion, 1167 The Scientee and Practice of Surgery. Vol. 1, diagnosis. 286, 535 Biology in education, 826 Ge' eral Surgery. Vol. II, Regional Surgery, SAND, Ren6: L'Economie Humain par la Blind, welfare of: Advisory Committee, 1167 fifth edition,rev., 1200 Medecinte Sociale. 732 Bovine tuberculosis, eradication of, 328 Rome, Institute of Public Health founded in, SANGUINETTI, Harold H.: Treatment of B. coli Campbell, R. B., retirement of, 1007 337 infections, 611-Whither general practice? Central Midwives Board, 279, 917 RONALD, J.: Myoidem1]a, 796. 1019 Dundee, dental conference in, 368-Hospital ROOKE, Basil: Bad surgical risks, 266 Sanitation. port, and common sense, 366,491. 572, -problems in, 608 RoBANOFF, A. J. *Cause of miiongolism, 1206 613. 658, 701 EDINBURGH RO8ENBLUTH, M. D., appointed to the chair of Sanitation, port, in Liverpool, 129 Chair of clinical miiedicine, 1166 clinical medicine at Columbia University, Sanitation, veterinary (Professor Leclainche), Crippled children, hospital for, 79 New York,576 481 Dental school, 34 Ross, David, obituary notice of, 93 SANKARAN. G.: Separation of rabies virus from Diphtheria immiiunization, 1007 Ross, J. Cosbie: Dental problems of ilmedical brain tissue, 124 Graduiation ceremony, 179 interest, 832 Sanocrysin in pulmonary tuberculosis. See also Health of: Report, 79 Ross, James, obituary notice of, 287 Gold Honorary degrees, 34 30 JULY-DEC., 1934] THE BRrrisH - INDEX MEDICALM JOURNAL

Scotland (oontinued): Septicaemia following tonsillectomy (Branford Sinusitis, maxillary, iodine vapouir in, 9)6 EDINBURGH (continued): Morgan), 1145 (0) Sinusitis, nasal, and epilepsy, 1219 Housing in, 654 Septum cauterization inasthma, 1017 Skeletal muscle pain. See Pain )?rincess Margaret Rose Hospital for Septum, knife for submucous resection of. 724 Skill, manual, review of book on, 994 Crippled Children, 79 SEIWARIS, G.: Antimalarial camiipaign in Rhodo- Skin, review of books on, 258, 722 Psychiatry in, 735 daphnia, 714 Skin. See(also Dermatology Yublic medical service in, 653, 1166 SBRGBANT, E. L.: Oedema-its causation and SLADDEN, A. F. S.: Clinical pathology of coma. Royal Blind Asylum and School, 34 treatment, 315 81 Royal College of Physicians' Laboratory, 328, SERGENT, Emile: Phreniceetomy, 999 SLAGLE, l3leanor: Occupational therapy for 694 Serological reactions, review of book on. 944 mental and nervous cases, 133 Royal (Dick) Veterinary College, 79. 328 Serum, anti-plague, researches on 733 SLANE, H. J., appointed Serving Brother of the Rooyal Edinburgh Hospital for Sick Serum, antistreptococcal, for 'rheutnatic Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 24 Children, 79 affections (Robert Coope and F. Pygott), 1217 Sleep and hypnosis (William Brown), 557 Royal Infirmary, 1063 Serum, review of book on, 308 SLOT, Gerald (and A. H. GALLEY)- Pharriiaco- University. See University Serum tests in cancer. See Cancer logy and therapeutics of sodium evipant Educational Endowments (Scotland) Bill, SEWARD, A. (V., awarded the Darwin medal of 201(0) 1022, 1183 the Royal Society, 91 Blum areas, new, creation of by smoke-polluted Environment as a cause of mental deficiency, Sewer workers and Weil's disease. See Weil's atmosphere, 460 279 disease Slum clearance (parliamentary note), 840 Fife, pithead baths in, 485 Sewers, accidents in. report, 3i7 Slum clearance in Scotland (parliamentar-y Finlayson Memorial Lecture, 1007 Sex anatomy. review of book on. 210 note), 189 GLAsGOW: Sex behaviour, mechanisms which determine Slums. See al'o Hlousing Cbair of imidwifery, 179 (B. P. Wiesner). 82 Small-pox in 1933-4, survey of, 642 Health of, 691 Fex, biological aspects of (F. A. 1'4 Crew). 82 Small-pox, diagnosis of by laboratory metlhods Housiag and health exhibition, 694 Sex constitution, endocrines in(W Blair-Bell), (W. J. Tulloch), 711 Ment&l hospital extension, 828 83 Small-pox epidemic in Bombay. 1215 Post graduate courses, 737 Sex literature, advertisements of, 88 Small-pox, inherit d (.T. Pickfora hlarsden and Royal Mental Hospital: Report, 131 Sex, its nature and abnormalities (F. A. E. C. R. M Greenfield). 777 Royaldamaritan Hospital, 608 Crew), 82-Discussion, 82 Small-pogx isolation in India (parliamentary University. See University Sexual knowledge, encyclopaedia of, 94, 152- note), 1184 Gogarburn Institution for mental defect, 131 Summons by Director of Public Prosecutions, Small-pox and vaccination in Nigeria (parlia- Health, Dep srtment of: Annual report, 32 94-Disclaimer by Dr. Norman Haire, 152 mentary note), 1083 Health and housing, 565 SHAFFER, G. Wilson (and Roy Mi. DORCUS): SMART, Sir Morton: Acute and chronic sprains. Health of, 1064 Textbook of Abntormal Psychologv, rev., 994 321-Pathology and treatment of sprains, 673 Health services (leading article), 25-Corre- SHANKS. C. Cochrane: Radiology of the stomach (0) spondence on, 181 and duodenum, 319,1032 (0) SMITH, A. J. Durden: Treatment of genito- Hospital problems in, 608 Sbark oil. See Oil urinary diseases, 225-Radiumn in carcinomna of Hospital services for Scotland, 917 SiARP, Buckley: Unsettled problene of neuro- bladder, 584 (0)-iteport of the Radiunm Insti- Hospitals, new, 485 syphilis, 788 tute, London. 696 Housing, acceleration of (parliamentary note), SHARPHY-SCHAFER, Sir Edward: Awarded the SMITH, Eustace: Eustace Smith'ssign, 844 150 Cameron prize. 179-Essentials of Histology, SMITH, Sir Frank: Hardy Memorial Lecture, Housing amenity in, 485 Descriptive, and Practical, thirteenth edition, 525 Housing BlIl, a new. 46 rev, 596-Experimeutal Physiology, fifth SMIETH, Geddes (and George S. STEVBNsON)I- Housing and slum clearance in (parliamentary edition, rev., 943 Child Guidance Clinics: a Quarter Centurv note), 189 SHAW, B. H.: A mental hospital clinic, 1177 of Development, rev., 1150 Infectious diseases, treatment of, 1064 SEAW, J. V.. elected mayor of Hereford, 975 SMITH, G. 1lliott. See ELJ.IOT-SMITH Instirance, National fHealth, conference, 653 SHAW, Maurice E.: Proposed medical school for SMITH, G. btewart: Subleukaemic lymph- Insurance, National Health, extension of, 1007 women, 374 adenosis in a child, 1097tO) Life statistics In, 827 SHAW, R. W.: Acute cholecystitis, 87%-Intra- SMITH, Lieut.-Colonel Henry: Complete pro- Mtaternal mortality, 1166 tracheal method of anaesthesia, 1217 lapse of rectum, 331 Maternity benefit and poor relief in (parlia- SEIAW. Wilfred: Endometrial hyperplasia, 818 SMITH, Jean (and Eric PRITCHARD): Treatment mentary note), 96 SHAY: Galactose tolerance test, 1057 of fractures in the newborn, 363 Mental deficiency, increase of (parliamentary SHEAHAN, D. H.: Chronic enlargement of the SMITH. J. (L. S. P. DAVIDSON, R. Al. CAMPBELL, note), 189 lip. 1085 and H. J. RAE): Weil's disease. 1137 (0)-Un- Mental disease, treatment of, 876 SHEARER, G.: Radiological practice, 1013 dulant fever investigations in Aberdeen, 1213 Mental disorder in, repoit by Bcard of Con- SHEEN, A. W.: Treatment of arterial embolism, SMITH, John, obituary notice of. 971 trol, 954 219-Hernia operations, 315 SMITH, N. Ross: Adolescent and senile kyphosis. Mental disorder, problems of, 131 Sheffield: Radium centre opened, 129,Annnal 271 Mental health services, 565 report of medical officer of health, 1212- SMITH. Rawdon: Dental problems of medical Mental hospitals, Scottish, pathology in, 180 Tuberculosis in, 1212 interest, 832 Methylated rpirit drinking in (parliamentary SHERA. A. G. (and W. G. WILLOUGHBY): Case of SMITH. R. E.: Acute streptococcal throat infec- note), 1184 spiroebaetal haemorrhagic jaundice (Weil's tions, 568 Metropolitan Police College. appointment to, disease). 14 (0)-Clinical pathology of coma, 81 SMITH, Reginald E.: Mastoid retractor, 597 1008 Sherlock Holmes. See Holmes SMITH, Sydney:-Forensic Messcine: A 2ext- Milk-in-schools scheme (parliamentary note), SHERWIN, Carl P. (and Benjamin HARROW): book for Students anid Pl actittoners, fourth 974 The Chemistry of the Hormnwtes, rev., 773-A edition, rev., 67-(And E. B. tiENDRY): Arsenia Nurses, training of, 45, 131-Inquirv com- correction 844 in relation to the keratin tissues, 675 (0) mittee, 131-Parliamentary note on, 45 SHIBLEY, G. S.: Prophylaxis of whooping-cough, SMITH, Sydney Watson: Presidential address Physical training in Scottish schools (parlia- 1109 on climate and health, 153(01 mentary note), 46 SHIELs, T. Drummond: Health Notesfoi- Young SMITH, Theobald: Death of, 1135-Obituary Poor Law (Scotland) Bill, 148, 190-Royal Men Overseas, rev., 682 notice of, 1181 Assent to, 237 SHILLITO, L.: Glucose-insulin therapy and SMITH, W.: The mouse and influenza virus 817 Poor relief in, numbers in receipt of (parlia- vasovagal attacks. 941 SMITH, Wilson: Immunization in the specific mentary note), 840 Shipping subsidies, money for (parliamentary fevers, 273 Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Morningside, 736 note), 1083 Smoke Abatement Society. Ree Society Royal (Dick) Veterinary College, 79 SHIRLAW. J. Thomson: Non-specific colitis, 231 Smokin]g: Oversmoking, remedy wanted. 240,337. St. Andrews: Honorary degrees, 34 Shops Bill, 95, 188. 237-Royal Assent to, 237-Ex- 497 Tub urculosis campaign, 565 planatory circular re (parliamentary note). 888 SMYLY, Sir William: Meddlesome midwifery. Undesirable tenant, the, 653 SHORT, A. Itendle: The duodenutm and the 917 Undulant fever, investigations in, ]213 Kirby grip, 965 SMYTH, Johnson: British and foreign health Vital statistics for 1933, 736 Short-wave diathermy. 1013, 1072, 1124 resorts, 228 Short-wave Therapy, 618-Discussion at the Snake venom for haemophilia, 867 SCoTT, Ernest, death of, 496 Royal Society of Medicine, 956. See also Snake venunm in treatment of epilepsy, 1073 ScoTT, G. Brebner: Cholecystectomy and recur- Diathermy SNYDER, F. F.: Prolongation of pregnancy, 177 rent duodenal ulceration, 538 Sick Berth Staff Associations. See Associations Soap for surgeons' hands. 1048 SCOTT, G. Laughton: Drug addiction treatment, SIEGBAHN, K. M. G., awarded the Hughes medal Social problems, psychology of (Shepherd 1149 of the Royal Society, 911 Dawson), 557-Leading article 560 SCoTT, S. Gilbert: Rheumatoid arthritis, 127- Sight, recovery of, fol-lowing severe corrosive Soci6t4 Franqaise d'Orthop4dic: Annual tneet- Constitutional effects of x rays.1113 burn of cornea (Thomas H. Wignall). 992 ing, 662 SCoTT, Sydney: Unsettled problems of neuro- Sigmoid, rupture of from compressed air (H. J. Soci4t4 Freneaise de Therapetitique founds an syphilis,788-Meningitis of otitic origin, 1120 Nightingale), 860 International Therapeutic Union, 1024 Scottish Department of Health. See Health Signal lights and traffic control, 40, 141, 235. Socifth de Neurologie of Paris awards its Scottish health services (leading article), 25- See also Traffic Dejerine Prize, 1024,1085 Correspondence, 181 SILCOOc, F. A. E.: Concurrent varicella and Society. Anglo-American Continental, Paris ScowzN, E. F. (and A. W. SPENCE)-: Effect of herpes, 884-Prevention of " steaming " glass, (1934). 152,617 prolonged admihistration of acid extract of 1026 Society of Apothecaries. See Apothecaries anterior pituitary on the thyroid gland, 805(0) "Silent zone" and road safety (parliamentary society, Belgian, of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, SDRODOWSKY, P. F.: Dipht,heria immunization note), 888 offers a prize for the best work on gynaecology in Leningrad, 1003 Silicosis, compensation for(parliamentary note), and obstetrics, 975 Seaham, public health in (parliamentary note), 238 Society, Biochemical, Calcutta: Inaugural 1114 Bilicosis disablement In South Wales (parlia- meeting, 900 Seamen, working conditions of (parliamentary mentary note), 96 Society, Biological, of the Royal College of note), 1184 Silicosis, modern views on (W. E. Cooke), 878 Physicians and the Royal College of Surgeons BEATON, Douglas: Playfair's probe as pipe SIeMMONs, Harold: Use of narcotics, 223-Organic of Ireland:-Anaemia: yesterday and to-day. cleaner, 664 and functional nervous disorders, 268 915 Secret remedies, control of (leading article), 865 SIMMoNs, H. J. A.: Sodium evipan, 224, 271 Society, British Pharmacological: Annual SEDDON, H. J.: Occupational therapy. 133- SIMONETTA. Luigi, deaih of, 616 meeting, 74-Election of honaorary members, 74 Pott's paraplegia, 1011, 1080- Pathological SIMPSON, Levy: The thyrotoxic heart. 1172 Society. Chelsea Clinical: Annual dinner, 786 material wanted, 1080 SImhPsON-SHITH, A. (and W. M. GRAVEs-MORRIs): Society of Chemical Industry: Chemical re- Sedentary life, evil effects of (G. Laroche, Treatment of mnaxillary fractures, 632 search and industry, 229 de Ohaisemartin,and A. Grigaut), 1089 SINcLAIR, Keurice: Fractures of the neck of Society of Chemical Industry in Basle. jubilee SELKIRK. W. J. Burns: Lethal noises,754 the femur, 1072 of, 1086 SEMMELWLIS, Philip Ignas, head of on a new Sinus, bone, chronic, 617. 753 Society, Continental Anglo-American: Scientific Hungarian stamp, 576 Sinus, coccygeal (J. B. Oldham), 960 programme, 871 SHmON. Henry: Treatment of lupus vulgaris, Sinus, maxillary, infections of (I. B. Thorburn). Society, Cork Clinical: Bilateral renal calculus. 322-Fungusinfections of the feet, 322 272 1071-Pernicious anaemia: results in a series SENIOR-WHITE, Dr.: Subspecies of Anopheles Sinuses, accessory, pyogenic infection of (Her- of cases, 1071-Vertigo. 1122-Speech defects. macujipennes. 134 IJULbevtTillev).U A AA&Vjf 1, UWJVI866t OWU869 1122 Septicaemia,'' 1079 r THE BRITISH 31 JULY-DEC., 1934] INDEX L MEDICAL JOURNAL 31

I Society, Devon and Exeter Mwlieo-Chirurgical: SOCIrTY, ROYAL, OF MEDICINE (conltinlu1ed): Sprains, pathology and treatment of (Sir Morton Hodgkin's disease with erythema nodosum, Section -of Psyohiatrv.-Psyohology and Smart), 673 (0) 1172-Non-malignant stricture of hepatic religion, 958-Mental hvgiene: preventive Sprue, fatal perforation of caecum in a case of flexure in a boy of 6,1173 measures in childhood. 1169 (G. Carmichael Low and N. Hamilton Fairley), Society, Eugenics: Programme, 753 Sectiotn of Radiologv.-Rafliological diag- 678 (0) Sooiety of Gastro-enterology, Italian, founda- nosis of gastro-intestinal conditions, 957 Sprue and its moclern treatment (N. Hamilton tion of, 927 Section of Therapeutics and Pharmacoloog. Fairley), 320,1192 (0)-Discussion, 320 Society, Hunterian: President's address, 820 -Control of the blood pressure, 740 SPURRIER, Harry, obituary notice of, 1182 Society, Industrial Welfare: Issues a pamphlet SQUIBR, T. L.: Agranulocytosis, 29 on administration, equipment, etc., of works Society, Royal Philosophical, of Glasgow: The STABLER, Frank: Case showing Cullen's sign, laundries, 336 upndesirable tenant, 653 255 Society, Italian, of Anaesthesia and Analgesia, Society. Royal Photographic: Annual exhibi- STACEY, J. E.: Unusual abdominal cyst, 1121- foundation of in Rome, 1024 tiQn, 617-Exhibition of cinematography, 888 Adenomyoma of recto-vaginal septum, 1122- Society, Japanese Pathological: Tranisactionls, Society, lioyal Surgical Aid: Annual meeting, .Epitheliompa of vulva, 1122 vol. xxiii. rev., 258 1105 STABHELIN, R. (and G. von BERGMANN. editore): Society, Leeds and West Riding Medico-Chirur- Society, Royal, of Tropical Medicine and lItfeklionskrankheiten, vol i, rev., 594 gical: The examination of renal function, Hygiene: Subspecies of Antopheles -mac1li- STALLARD, B. E. W.: Superior mesenteric throm- 49 vpennis, 134-Medical services at home and bosis, 721 Society, Manchester Medical: Centenary of, 72, abroad, 831 - Year Book of, 1039 - Annual STALLYBRASS, C. 0.: Silicosis, 879 683, 691-Medical licensing and teaching in report, 1039 STAMMERS, P' A. R.: Inflammatory dislocation the provinces, 959 Society, St. John's Hospital Dermatological- of the atlas, 232 Society, Manchester Pathological: Chlolesterol Prosser White Oration: " Disease, Gadfly of Stamp, Hungarian: head of Semmelweis on new and disease, 790-The allergic state, 9E0 the Mind." 34 issue. 576 Society of Massage and Medieal Gynmnastics. Society, Sherlock Holmes: First dinner, 278 STAMPA, G. L Noise, 485 Chartered, issues a revised edition of its Society, Smoke Abatement: Change of address, STANDFUss, Dr.: Animal paratyphoid and public Directory, 558-Annual dinner, 651-Register 289-Creation of new s'um areas by smoke- health, 483 of members (1934), 724 polluted atmosphere, 460 STANNUS, H. S.: Pellagra, 121 Society, Medical, of Harrogate, issues diet Society, South-West London Medical: Lectures, STANSFIELD. George Sutcliffe, obituary notice of. charts, 618 705 378 Society, Medical. of Individual Psychology: Society, Therapeutic, of Paris brings the Thera- Staphylococcal infections (H. J. Parish), 318- Annual general meeting, 165-Awareness in peutic Union into being, 1115 Discussion, 319 psychological medicine, 789 - Psychological Society, Ulster Medical; Opening meeting of STARCK, Wilhelm von, death of, 972 background of patients suffering from colitis, session 954 Statistics: Guide to Cup rent Official Statistics 1218 Society, University of London Medical Graduate: of the Untited Kingdom. Vol. xii, 246 Society, Medical, of London: New session, 484, Autumn extra-metropolitan dinner, 650 STEANE, George: Removal of tattoo marks, 380 1212-Annual general meeting, 697 - President's Society, West Kent Medico-Chirurgical: Annual -Spontaneous rupture of extensor tendons, address: " Medicine and morals," 697-The meeting, 842-Opening of session, 842 380 anaemias and their treatment, 830-Diagnosis Society, West 'London Medico-Chirurgical: STECK, Professor: Infective mastitis, 481 of intracranial tumours, 1070-The thyrotoxic Annual dinner, 77 STEEL, JAmes W., obituary notice of, 187, 287 heart, 1171 Sodium evipau, pbarmacology and therapeutics STEEL, W. Arklay: Full-term extrauterine Society of Medical Officers of Health: Annual of (Gerald Slot and A. H- Gtalley), 201 (0)-Cor- pregnancy with livingchild, 62(0) dinner, 997 respondence on-, 285, 329, 534 STEELE, G. H.: Medical benevolence. 745 Fever Group :-Puerperal sepsis: serum Sodium evipan (B. J. A. Simmons), 224-Dis- STEF.N, Robert E.: Home hygiene, 785 treatment, 1120 cussion, 224 Stenosis, pyloric, 37.84, 136 Bociety, Medico-Legal:-Sex: its nature and Sodium evipan. See also Anaesthesia, evipan Stenosis, pyloric, congenital, 833 abnormalities, 82 -Annual dinner, 1165 Sodium pentose nucleotides ("pentide "), 68 Stenosis, pyloric, and thrush, 796 Bociety, Midland Mental Pathological: Forma- SOLOMON, Montague: Evipan anaesthesia, 141 Sterility with ovarian dysfunclion (T. N. A tion of, 875 SOLOMONs, Bethel: Report of the Rotunda Hos- Jeffcoate), 1217 Society, Mid-Staffordshire Medical: Advances in pital, Dublin, 180-Maternity cases, 918-Dilat- Sterilization laws passed In Norway and cardiology. 741 ing the cervix in placenta praevia, 920-Hon- Sweden, 1185 Society, North of England Obstetrical and orary Fellowship of the American College of Sterilization report, London County Council (Gynaecological: Lipiodol and x rays in pelvic Surgeons conferred on, 927-Operative masks, and, 73 trouble. 38-Lower segment Caesarean section, 1013-Cervical myoma, 1013 Sterilization of the unfit (Letitia Fairfield), 135 36-Willett's forceps in placenta praevia. 961- SORSBY, Arnold: The pre-myopic state, 132- Sterilization, voluintary: Discussion at the Aschheim-Zondek reaction in general tuber- Dystrophies and degenerations of the macula, Public Health Congress, 995 culosis, 962-Hypersexuality associated with 270 STERNBERG, MaximilidA, death of, 1223 cystio ovaries, 962 -Adenocarcinoma of corpus SORSBY, Maurice: Headaches, 228 STEVENs, T. G. * Results of ante-natal care, 221 uteri, 962-Actinomycosis of ovary, 962- SOsKIN, S.: A metabolic tolerance test, 603 STEVENSON, George S. (and Geddes SMITE):- Clinical cases, 1121-Unusual abdominal cyst, South Africa. See Africa Child Getidance Clinties. A Quarter Cenitury 1121-Epithelioma of vulva, 1122-Malignant Southend-on-Sea, opening of an establishment of Develpment, rev., 1150 ovarian tumour. 1122-Angular pregnancy, 1122 for " medicinal " mud baths at, 696 STEWART, A. A., obituary notice of, 972 Adenomyoma of recto-vaginal septum, 1122 SOUTTAR, H. S.: Cancer of the oesophagus. STEWART, Dr.: Muco-purulent tubo-tympanie Society. North of England Ophthalmological: 797 (0)-Radium and Catncer, rev., 1046 infection, 227 Case-history in ophthalmology, 1001 SPACKMAN, C. L.: Late recurrence of carcinoma, STEWART, J.: Injuries of the knee-joint, 40, 657 Society, North London Medical and Chirur- 115 STEWART. Matthew: Pathological research at gical: Opening of session, 842 SPACKMAN. W. C.: Local treatment of coryza, Leeds, 327 Society, Paddington Medical: Issues a revised 835 STEWART, Stenhouse: Headaches, 227 edition of their Schedule to the National Spain: Every cinema to exhibit films of a Tunblic STILL. 0. F., appointed consulting physician to Formulary, 578 health character at each performance, 337 the Infants Hospital, Westminster, 289 Society, Pharmaceutical, of Great Britain: SPALDING, Surgeon - Commander Archibald STOICH1TZA, N. N. * Chest inj uries and pulmonary Hanbury memorial gold medal awarded, Denize, obituary notice of, 701 tuberculosis. 689 705 Spanish National Academy of Medicine, second STOKER, G. M.: Whither general practice? 968 Society, Physical: Annual exhibition of scien- centenary of, 1135 STOKES. H.: Acute cholecystitis, 879 tific instruments and apparatus, 1185, 1227 Spas, British, Federation, Leamington (1934), Stomach and blood formation, 1208 Society, Red Cross, British, and the Order of 655 Stomach, radiology of the (C. Cochrane Shanks), the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem: Annual spas, French, voyage d'etudes medicales to, 47 319. 1032 (0)-Discussion, 319 report, 524-" Youth and Health: What Can Spectrophotometry, review of book on, 814 STONE, Captain J. E.: Appeals for Fuznds and We Do to Help?" Report of discussions now Speculum, vaginal. a new lighted, 170 Hospital Publicitv, 1207 published, 721 Speech defects (O'Hea Oussen), 1122 Stone dust on colliery roads (parliamentary Society for Relief of Widows and Orphans of SpEcEim, Arthur D.: Catarrhal jaundice following note), 1184 Kedical Men: Report of meetings, 96, 740 T.A.B. inoculation, 663 STONEY, R A.: Adhesions in artificial pueumo- Society, Research Defence: The Fight against SPENCE, A. W. (and E. F. SCoWEN): Effect of thorax, 790-Acute cholecystitis, 879-Intra Disease. 818 prolonged administration of acid extract of tracheal anaesthesia, 1218 ,ociety, Royal: Award of medals, 911-Election anterior pituitary on the thyroid gland, 805 (0) STORER, Robert V.: Gonococcal Inefection. Recent of officers, 911-Presidenfial address, 1106- SPENCE, C. H. (and Frank DEAN): Hospital Advances in Pathology, Diagnosis and Treat- Endowment of clinical science, 1106 Accounltinlg and Secretarial Practice, rev., ment, rev., 595, 706 Society, Royal of Arts: Biochemistry and nutri- 258 STOTT. A. W.: Oedema-its causation and treat- tion, 125-Albert medal presented, 125 RPENCE, J. C.: Nutritional anaemia, 122 - ment, 314 Nutritional problems in North Country STOWELL, Thomas E. A.: Trichlorethylene, 1280 SOCIETY, RoYAL, oF MEDICINE: children, 1065 STRACHAN, A. S.: Pathology of coronary occlu- Anaemia, some aspects of (G R. Minot). 1067 -Spermatorrboea when batbing, 192,290, 337 sion, 225 Cerebral tumour, jubilee of the first operation SPIETEOFF, B.. appointed editor of the Devrmato- STRACEAN, C. Gordon D. coli infections, 570 for removal of, 604, 1003 logische Wochenschrift, 379 STRANGE, E. W.: Sodiumi evipan, 224 Dixont Memorial Lecture: Pharmacology and SPIE.SBURY, Sir Bernard: Medico-legal implica- Strangeways Research Laboratory: Report, nerve endings, 1161 tions of masochism, 83-Endocrines in sex 1002. See also Research "Doctor from l'adua," 909 constitution, 83 STRAUIB. W., elected an honorary member of the Sectionof Anoesthetics.-Personal factorsin- Spinal conditions, exercises and manipulations British P'harmacological Society, 74 fluencing anaesthesis, 877 in (T. Stacey Wilson), 1216-(J. B. Mennell), STRAUS. William L. (and Carl G. HARTMAN): of Children's Diseases, Study of- 1216 Thee Anatomy of thle Rhesus Monkey (Macacc Treatment.Section of fractures in the newborn, 363 Spine, fracture of. See Fracture mulatta), rev., 635 Section of Epideniology.-Ante-natal care Spine, lower, diseases and injuries of the (C. W. Streptococcal infeCtions: specific treatment and the maternal death-rate, 1009 Buckley), 64 (leading article), 950 Section of the History of Medicitte-Harvey Spine, lumbar, movement of and pregnancy, Streptococcal throat infections. See Throat and literature, 124 (C. Lambrinudi), 1012 Stretcher, railway, 210 Section of Medicine.-Prognosis in coronary SPIRIDION, J. T.: Evipan anaesthesia, 706 STRICKLAND, Eeonard Hubert, elected to a Beit occlusion. 828-Aetiology and treatment of Spirits, medical, rebate on (parliamentary note), Memorial Fellowship, 127 asthma, 1069 149 STURRIDGE. P. F., obituary notioe of, 1131 Section of Neurology.-Unsettldd problems SPITTEL, R. L.: Bad surgical risks, 265-Sprue, Sudan, control of infection by aircraft in (parlia- of neurosyphilis, 787 320 mentary note), 1134 of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.- Spleen and carbohydrate metabolism, 477 Sudan Medical Service: Information concerning. Sex:£Sectionits nature and abnormalites, 82-Ante- Spleen. rupture of, after trifling' causes (Harold 448 natal care and the maternal death rate, 1009 Dodd), 1094 (0)-Correspondence on, 1219 SUDROFF. Professor, resumes the editorship of Seotion of Otology.-Menlngitis of otitic Splenectomy curing severe msnorrhsgia (Stanley Sudhoffs Archiv fUr Gesehichte der Medizin- origin, 1118 J. Hartfall and OJarlton Oldfield), 8 (0)-Corre- unid der Naturwissenishaften, 843 5eSon of Phtsical.Medicine,-Problems in spondence on, 284, 488 Sugar, white and brown, 928, 1185 the study of sciatica, 788-Short-wave therapy, Splint, collodion-gauze (W. Sayle Creer), 1199 Suicide, practical note on (Frederick Dillon). 956-Eercises and manipulations in spinal Sprains. acute and chronic (W. Rowley Bristow), 1098 (0)-Correspondence on, 1222 conditions,-w1216 320,669 (0)-Discussion, 321 Suicides in Germany in 1932, number of, 934 THE -, 32 JULY-DEC., 1934] INDEX IMEDICALr BtITISuJOURNAL Suicides, increase in numbers of (parliamentary Tetanus. curarine in, 1173 TILLEY, Herbert: Muco-purulent tubo-tym note), 1022 TEUSLEIR, Rudolf Bolling, obituary notice of, panic infection, 227-Focal infection as a Sunbaths followed by pulmonary tuberculosis 496 problem for the laryngologist. 227-Allergic (A. Hope Gosse and G. S. Erwin), 15(0)-Corre- TEWSLEY, C. H., appointed Officer of the Order factore in rhinorrhoea, 272-Infections. of the spondence on, 85, 138 of St. John of Jerusalem, 24 maxillary sinus, 272 - Semon Lecture on Sunderland and Seaham. public health in Theatres, operating, cautery and light apparatus chronic pyogenic inflammation of the maxil- (parliamentary note), 1184 in. 556 lary antrum and other accessory sinuses, 866, Supreme Court of Judicature (Amendment) Bill, Thleatres, operating. flre and explosion risks in, 869 1132. 1224 484 TIPPETT, Gordon: Tuberculin, 701 Surgery, review of books on, 18, 633, 772, 1200, Thefts from doctors' cars (parliamentary note), Tobacco angina, 922 1201 1184 Tobago, malaria in, 477 Surgery, unqualified, 1228 THIOBALD, G. W.: Antiseptics in control of TocHER, J. F.: Cow's milk, 558 Surgical appliances, increased importation of bacterial infections. 318-Obstetric methods TODD, A. T.: Spontaneous regression of cancer (parliamentary note), 191 at St. Mary Abbots Hospital, Kensington, 850. 966 Surgical museum, historical, founded at Buenos 1074-Ante-natal care and maternal mortality, Toe-nail, ingrowing, 262, 922. 967. 1073, 1185 Aires, 1024 1011 Tolerance test, metabolic exercise, 603. See also -Surgical rislis, bad (G. Gordon-Taylor), 265, 755 Therapeutic Union, International, founded in Exercise (0)-Discussion, 205 Paris, 1024, 1115 Tonsil and adenoid operations in children, Surgical scholarship, 97, 779 Therapeutics, high, 240 results of (B. Elizabeth Nesbitt), 509 (0) SUTHERLAND, D. S.: Immunization in the Therapeutics, review of books on. 633, 682 Tonsil clamp. modified Beney's. 635 -specific fevers, 274 Therapeutics. See also Treatment Tonsil diseases. review of book on, 555 SUTHERLAND, Halliday: Publicity, 793 Therapy generator for operating six x-ray tubes Tonsil guillotine, 1152 SUTHERLAND. Sage:-Puerperal sepsis: serum in parallel (J. Struthers Fulton), 1114 Tonsillectomy in.children(B. Elizabeth Nesbitt), treatment, 1121 Thermoplasty of the extraocular muscles 272-Discussion, 272 SUTTIE, Ian D.: Mental defieiency and heredity, (Bernard Chavasse). 133 Tonsillectomy followed by septicaewia (Bran, 39 THIVOLLE, L.: Nutritional anaemia, 122 ford Morgan), 1145 (0) Sutures.fascialata, use of (W. S. Brindle), 810- THOMAS, C. Hamblen: Anaesthetic shield for Tonsillectomy, position of patient for, 922 Correspondence on, 922 use in mastoid-operations, 518 Tonsillectomy with local anaesthesia (Geoffrey SUEZAN, S. S.: Pathology of coronary ocolusion, THOMAS. Rufus C.: Chorionic carcinoma with Morey), 990 (0) 225 a report of a case following ruptured tubal Tonsils and the rheumatic ehild (A. D. Kaiser), Swab in diphtheria diagnosis. See Diphtheria gestation. 590 (0)-Obstetrics in India, 1060- 953 SwAIm,Loring T.: Rheumatoid arthritis, 127 Maternal mortality, 1126 Tonsils. See also Adenoids SWAN., G. B.: Spinal tumours, 961-Puerperal THOMAS, Thomas Nash, obituary notice of, 840 TOOMEY, J. A.: Poliomyelitis, 863 morbidity,. 1074 THOMAS, Trevor Gwyn: BilateralI congenital Town and country planning: Advisory com- SWAYNE, R. W.: The duodenum and the Kirby malfermation of the elbow-joint. 903 mittee appointed, 191-Importance of: Debate grip, 1077 THOMAS, Tudor: Corneal graft performed on in parlisamient, 237.1022 Sweden, sterilization laws passed in, 1185 both eyes successfully, 132 TOWNEND, E. M.: Pyelitis of pregnancy. 316 Swimming baths. See Baths THOMPSON, Alan: Gee's disease, 919-Growth of Toxicology. See also Forensic medicine atnd SYKES, W. Stanley: Ether convulsions, 610- B. coli in water. 919 Medical iurisprudence Cyclopropane anaesthesia, 901 (0) THOMPSON, C. J. S.: Picture of Henry VIII pre- Trachoma, campaign against: Conference In SYmmMERS. Dr., appointed to the chair of general senting the Act of Union to the Barbers and Budapest (1935), 104, 277-Meeting in Paris, pathology of Columbia University, New York, Surgeons in the possession of the Royal 277-Pamphlet on, 277 576 College of Surgeons, 651 Traffic control and signal lights, 40, 141, 235 SYMONDS, C. P.: Diagnosis of intracranial THOMPSON, Geoffrey: -Gee's disease, 919 See also Signal tumours, 1071 - Meningitis of otitic origin, THOmPSON, Jane H.: Ante-natal care and Traffic Signs (Pedestrian Crossings) Provisional 1119 maternal mortality, 1176 Regulations (parliamentsry note), 1224 Syndactylism and polydactylism, hereditary THOMPSON, Ralph: Minor medical problems, 701 Traffic in women and children, 239 (J. S. Manson). 1044 THOMPsoN, W. E.: " Use less water," 185 Transport of cases with back injuries. See Back Syndrome, prolapse (A. C. Palmer), 317, 899 (0). THOMSON, Alastair C.: Head and foot presenta- Transport of invalids. See Invalids See also ProlapBe tion, 380 Trauma and pulmonary disease, 689, 791 SYNGE,V. M.: Elected to the King's Professorship THOMsoN, C. B.: Report on the health of Belfast, Treatment in general practice : Influenza of Medicine at Trinity College, Dublin, 80- 369-Anthrax in a slaughtered cow, 570 (Lord Horder). 1059 -Acute bronchitis (El. A. Adhesions in artificial pneumothorax, 790 THOMSON, D. and R.:-Annals of the Pickett- Young), 1111-Pneumonia (W. H. Wynn), 1159- Syphilis and cure," 230 Thomson Research Labo,-atorv: Influenza, Pleurisy (F. G. Chandler), 1209 Syphilis in practice (Hepry MacCormac), 99(0) PartII, rev., 633 Treatment. See also Therapeutics Syphilis, review of bookf on, 208.471 THOMSON, F. G.: British and foreign health TREDRE, R. Ford: Agranulocytic angina In a Syphilis tests with scant supply of serum (E. J. resorts. 228 diphtheriacarrier, 902 Wyler),953 THOMSON, Henry J.: Antitoxin for puerperal TRETHOWAN. William Henry: Death of, 563- SEENT-GYORGYI, A.: Vitamin C. 558 sepsis, 1186 Obituary notice of, 614 SzIDAT, von L. (and R. WIGfND): Leiffaden THOMSON, J. Gordon (and W. A. LAMBORN): Trichlorethylene, 1219 des- einheimischsnt Wur7nkran khleiteu der Meebanical transnmission of trypanosomiasis, Trichophyton infection, treatment of, 754, 796, Menschen, rev., 861 leishmaniasis, and yaws, through the agency 843, 889, 928 of non-biting haematophsgous flies, 506(0) TRIMBLE, Andrew: Report on tuberculosis in THOMsoN, M. Sydney: Antiseptics in control of Belfast, 280 bacterial infections, 318 Trinidad, malaria in, 477 THORAHrus, Dr.: Ionization method for measur- Triplets without tears, 152 T. ing the intensity and absorption of Roentgen Tropical disease. advances in the treatment of rays, 906 (leading article). 687 Tabulae Biologicae Periolicoe. Band IlI, No. IV; THORBURN. I. B.: Infections of the maxillary Tropical Medicine, Belgian State School for, Band IV. No. I, rev,, 635 sinus. 272 changes its title to Prince Leopold Institute, TAIT, L. G.: Congenital pyloric stenosis, 833 THORNTON, Sir Edward: Problems in the sphere for Tropical Medicine, 97 TALLERMAN, K. H.: Recurrent vomiting attacks of preventive medicine, 913 Tropical Medicine, Calcutta School of, review of in childhood, 767(0) THORNTON. George, appointed Officer of the the work of, 687-Annual report for 1933,785 Tame, River, pollution of (parliamentary note), Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 24 Tropical Medicine, Far Eastern Association of, 926 THORNTON, Mr.: Acute streptococcal throat Nanking (1934), 83 Tanna-flavine for burns, 68 infections, 567 Tropical medicine, information cooncerning the TANNER, S. E. (and A. MCCURRY): veo- THORPE.Jocelyn Field (and M. A. WHITlELEY): study of, 432 parotid tuberculosis), 1041I..(01. 1220 U Thorpe's Dictionarv of Aipplied Chemistry. Tropical Medicine, Liverpool School of, Informa- Tannic acid jelly (Allenburys), 814 Supplement, vol. i, A to M, rev., 993 tion concerning. 433-Special reception, 916- TANZI, Eugenio, death of, 496 THOYER, G.: Addison's disease, treatment of, Mary Kingsley medals awarded, 916 Taps,metal cider, 16nd lead poisoning, 976 637 Tropical Medicine. London School of. See Tarring of roads and cancer (parliamentary Throat infections, acute streptococcal (J. Alison Hygiene and Tropical Medicine note), 148,190 Glover and Fred Griffith). 566-Disctussion, 567 Tropical Medicine, Prince Leopold Institute for, TATE, Colonel Alan Edmondson. obituary notice Throat, review of book on, 555 97 of. 661 Throat. See also Ear atd Nose Tropics, European children in, 1025, 1186 Tattoo marks, removal of, 380,497 Thrombosis, mesenteric [superior], spontaneous TROTTER, Wilfred, delivers a lecture on the TAusK. II.: Oestrus-producing hormones, 269 recovery in (R. M. Sargent), 64-(B. E. W. jubilee of the first operation for removal of TAYLOR, A. Brian: X-ray examination of Stallard), 721 cerebral tumour, 1003 empyema cavities, 881 Thrombosis of the penis, 329, 371 TROuP, W. Annandale: Infra-red rays in treat- TAYLOR: Endometrial hyperplasia, 818 Thrombosis of the psnis and urethral haemor- ment of the septic hand, 375-Short-wave TAYLOR, Charles Joseph G,ordon: Acute reten- rhage (Clifford Morson). 249 (0)-Correspon- diathermy, 1124 tion of urine,an unusual coincidence,632 dence on, 329, 489 TRUMPER, H. B.: Trichlorethylene, 1219 TAYLOR, Julian: Diagnosis of intracranial Thrombosis of [internal] saphenous vein, 183, Trypanosomiasis, mechanical transmission of tumours, 1071 232, 331, 884 (J. Gordon Thomson and W. A. Lamborn). TAYLOR, R. S.: Residual infectlon~of the jaws, Thrush and pyloric stenosis, 796 506 (0) 552 (0),792 Thymus, cyst of. See Cyst TSURUMI, M.: Antityphoid inoculation inJapan, TAYLOR, Wentworth: Plea for the abolition of Thyroid addiction (S. W. Patterson), 6 (0)- 985 the pelvimeter, 1015 Correspondence on, 84, 136 Tubercle for November contains a translation of Tears, composition of (Frederick Ridley), 133 Thyroid arteries in toxic goitre. See Arteries Forlanini's original paperon artificial pneumo- Teeth, increased import duty (parlia- and Goitre thorax. 927 mentaryartificial:note) 190 Thyroid gland, effect of acid extract of anterior Tubercle bacillus, point of entry of. 137 TEMPLBTON, W. Lees: Early diagnosis of pituitary on (E. F. Scowen and A. W. Spence), Tuberculin. 39, 85, 182, 234, 612, 701 whooping-cough, 1221 805 (0). See also Pituitary Tuberculin tests in infants and children Tenant, the undesirable (A. K. Chalmers), 653 Thyroid, prescription of, 136 (G. Gregory Kayne and B. Weill-Hall4), 464 (0) Tendon lengthening and advancement (B. W. Thyroidectomy, total, in the treatment of Tuberculosis in Belfast, 280 Inglis Pollock),269 patients with congestive heart failure and Tuberculosis in Birmingham, 916 Tendon of extensor pollicis longus, bilateral angina pectoris (O Brenner. Hugh Donovan, Tuberculosis. bovine, eradication of (Major A. rupture of the (A. T. Andreasen), 515-Corre- and B. L. S. Murtagh), 624 (0) Douglas), 328-Discussion. 328 spondence onb 611 Thyrotoxic heart. See Heart Tuberculosis, campaign against (Scotland). 565 Tendon suture,late (Eric I. Lloyd),165 (0) TIDY. H. Letheby: A Svnopsis of Medicine, Tuberculosis Council, Joint; Report of meeting, Tendons, extensor, of wrist and fingers, spon- sixth edition, rev.. 774-" German measles," 1064 taneous rupture of,380 966 Tuberculosis, discussion on, 482 Tennis elbow, 192,289 Tmy, NCNI M.: Massage and Remedial Exercises Tuberculosis, genital, Aschheim-Zondek re- Terminology, medioal, international and in Medic-al and Surgical Conditionts, second action in (J. St. George Wilson), 962 national, 523 edition, rev., 945 Tuberculosis and heredity (Karl Diehl and TE&RNI,Professor, death of,1021 TIFENEAU, Professor. elected an honorary Otmar v. Verschuer) 1055 Tetanismcomplicating varicella(Thomas Imrie), member of the British Pharmacological Tuberculosis, infection and immunity in (leading 207 Society, 74 lbrbst;sxJ.ari.]) 'tt474 T Btmtx -1 033 JULY-DEC., 1934] INDEX L MEDICAL JOUNAL

Tuberculosis, International Union against, con Ultra-violet rays for identification of glass, 976 concerning the study-of medicine, 407, 43. 435 ference at Warsaw (1934), 113 Ultra,violet therapy [local] in eye disease (F. W. -Medioine. UniverBity examination in, 885- Tuberculosis in Lancashire: Report, 876 Law), 269 Meeting of benate. 1180-Psychological medi- Tuberculosis medical officers, information con- Ultra-violet therapy, review of book on, 681 cine, 435-Reports of examiners, 885-2Report cerning, 437 Umbilicus. preservation of, in the radical cure from representative on the General Medical Tuberculosis notification in Great Britain: a of umbilical hernias in children (R. Wood Council, 1180 historical note (Sir Arthur Newsholme), 75- Power), 353 University of Lausanne, information conoerning Correspondence on, 137 Undernourishment and unemployment, 561 the M.D. examination at, 450 Tuberculosis, peribronchial, 571 Undulant fever. See Fever University of Leeds: Degrees and pass lists, 90, Tuberculosis, prevention: French National Unemployed, needs of the, 311. See aiso Unem- 660-Hoporary degrees, 90-Information con- Council of Defence against publishes its ployment Assistance cerning the study of medicine, 398, 418,435- statistical report, 948 Unemployment Act. See Insurance Pathological department, report, 327-Psycho- Tuberculosis prevention:-King Edward VII Unemployment Assistance Board, 45, 311, 561, logical medicine, 435 Welsh National Memorial Association: 1203-Appointments to, 45-Fa mily allowances, University of Liverpool: Awards, 143-Degrees Report, 824 1203-Memoranda by the Children's Minimum and pass lists, 93, 704-information concerning Tubqrculosis Prevention, National Association Committee, 1203- Parliamentary notes, 45, the study of medicine, 399, 418, 429, 432. 449- for: Annual conference, Transactions now 1224-New regulations, 1224-Undernourish- Post-graduate s ludy. 429-Radiology, medical published, 677, 940 rnent and unemployment, 561 diploma for. 449-Title of Emeritus Professor Tuberculosis, pulnionary, in asthma cases Unemployment assistance: determination of conferred on, 924- rropical medicine, 432 (Ernest M. Fraenkel), 513 (0) needs, 235. 311, 1224 Tuberculosis, pulmonary, and chest injuries, Unemployment. See also Insurance UNIVERSITY OF LONDON: 689 UNGLEY, C. C.: Achlorhydria, 218 Applications for university chairs, 151. 837 Tuberculosis, pulmonary, gold treatment of, 727 Appointments, 89, 90, 187, 333. 379. 837, 924, 1131 Tuberculosis. pulmonary, after suinbaths UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Brown Institution lectures, 924 (A. Hope Gosse and G. S. Erwin), 15 (0)- Depression, the, and health in, 313 Chair of chemical pathology, 89 Correspondence on, 85,138 Health visiting in, a national survey, 229 Dean of the Faculty of iMIedicine elected, 924 Tuberculosis and its relation to post-traumatic Influenza in, 997 Degrees and pass lists, 142, 236, 333, 885, 1081, and sympathetic ophthalmia (Joseph Meller), Lilly Research Laboratories formally opened, 1131, 1179 132 795. See also Research Diplomas, 333. 1081 Tuberculosis, Research Fellowships in. See Re- Motor accidents in, 753 Gifts to, 89, 749 fearch Public Health Service, report, 313 Graham legacy, 89 Tuberculosis, residential treatment of, 484 Surgeon-General's annual report, 313 Grants from Tbomas Smythe Hughes Medical Tuberculosis, review of books on. 354, 473, 993 Research Fund and Beaverbrook Fund, 333 Tuberculosis Settlement, Papworth: Annual University of Aberdeen: Degrees and pass lists, Honorary degrees, 1131 meeting, 96-Annual report, 282 143-Information concerning the study of Information concerning the study of medicine, Tuberculosis in Sheffield, 1212 medicine, 403, 420, 429-Post-graduate study, 396,429, 432, 434,449 Tuberoulosis treatment and the London County 429 King's College, 333 Council (parliamentary note), 238 University of Belfast, Queen's: Information King's College Hospital Medical School, 333, Tuberculosia, uveo-parotid (S. E. Tanner and concerning the study of medicine, 406, 424 573 A. L. McCurry), 1041 (0),1220-Correspondence UniversitY of Berne: Prize for researches on Lectures. 660. 749, 924 on, 1123, 1220 encephalitis, 576 London Hospital Medical College, 90, 333, 703 Tuberculous meningitis. See Meningitis University of Birmingham: Degrees and pass London Inter-Collegiate Scholarships Board, Tuberculous rheumatism. See Rheumatism lists, 41, 1226-Honorary degrees, 41-Informa- 333 Tubo tympanic infections, muco-purulent tion concerniDg the study of medicine, 396, London (Royal Free Hospital) Schlool of ledi- (Ritchie Rodger), 226,544 (O)-Discussion. 226- 416, 429-Medical reunion, 78-Mental disease, cine for Women, 187 Correspondence on, 655,742 research in, 327-Post-graduate study, 429- London School of EHygiene and Tropical TURBKER, Eldon: Acute and chronic sprain, 321 Scholarships, medals, and prizes awarded, 41 Medicine, 143, 236, 703, 885 TuLLoCE, W. J.: Harben Lecture on the diag- University of Bristol: Apnointments, 1226- Medical officers in industry over-seas, con- flosis of small-pox and the investigation of Chair of medicine, full-time, 1226-Degrees ference for, 1132 vaccinia by laboratory methods, 711 and pass lists, 77, 1132, 1180-Honorary degrees, Medical schools of,962, 1018,1072, 1112,1173, 1218 TUMARKIN. Alex.: Bathing pools and deafness, 77-Information concerning the study of medi- Meeting of the Court, 89, 749. 924 357-Modified Beney's tonsil clamp, 635 cine, 397, 417, 429, 431-Post-graduate study, Meeting of Senate, 187, 837, 1023 Tumour, cerebral, jubilee of first operation for 429, 431 Ophthalmic medicine, diploma for, 449 removal of, 604, 927, 1003-Commemoration Post-graduate study, 429 dinner, 1005 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE: Psychological medicine, 434 Tumour, cerebral, metastatic. with perforation Appointments, 749, 885, 1081.1131,1179 Radiology, medical, diploma for, 449 of an acute gastric ulcer (T. G. liltyd James Cambridge Universitv Reporter, 492 Recognition of the Institute of Mediaal Psycho- and Norman M. Matheson), 902 Changes in the medical curriculum and the logy as an approved clinic for the teaching Tumour, intracranial, diagnosis of (Hugh G. personnel, 26 of psychology, 1024 Garland), 346 (0) Composition fee for medical students, 492 Recognition of teachers, 89, 333,1131 Tumour, pituitary, diuresis in case of. 705 Degrees and pass lists, 142,333,492, 749, 794.837, Regulations for e±taminations, 333 Tumours, action of ultra-short waves on, 332, 885.970, 1081, 1179, 1226 Regulations for external teachers' diploma, 370 Fearnsides scholarship awarded,. 236 333 Tumours, intracranial diagnosis of (Hugh Fellowships, election to, 749,1023 Regulations for university medal, 333 Cairns), 1 70-Discussion, 1070 Foster [Michael] Research Studentship, 492 Reitlinger [Paul Philip] Prize, 1i81 Tumours, intrathoracic, malignant. irradiation Gwynaeth Pretty studentship, 1081 St. Thomas's Hospital Medical School, 236 treatment of (F. G. Chandler, N. S. Finzi, and Information concerning ths study of medi- Titles conferred, 1023 James Maxwell), 714 (0) cine, 395, 416, 429, 448 Tropical medicine, 432 Tumours, spinal (Henry Cohen), 961 King and Queen's visit to, 703 University chairs: change of title, 924 TURNBBLL, Jane: Results of ante-natal care, 221 Lilley Research Laboratories formally opened, University College, 142 TuiRNER, G. Grey: Elected a Foreign Honorary 795. See also Research University College Hospital, 704 Member of the Accademis Lancisiana di Molteno Institute. 885 University readerships, 333 Roma, 47-Treatment of arterial embolism, Pathological demonstration, 885 220-A disclaimer, 290-Appointedl to the uni- Post-graduate study, 429 University of Manchester, Victoria: Appoint- versity chair of surgery at the British Post- Prize, Raymond Horton-Smith. addition to, ments, 90,187, 288, 794-Degrees and pass lists, graduate Medical School. Hammersmith, 364- 793-Awarded, 1023 90,1226-Inform-ttion concerning the study of (And W. D. AnNIsoN): The Neivcastle-ipon- Radiology, medical, diploma for, 448 medicine, 400, 419, 429, 431, 435-Laboratory of Tvie School of Medicine, 1834-1P84, 686, 817 University of Catania: Fifth centenary of the surgical research equipped, 243-Lister House, TURNEBA, H. Midgley: Report on the health of foundation of, 705 silver flagon presented to, 1180-Post-graduate Sheffield, 1212 study, 429, 431-Psychological medicine, 435- WlBRNBR, Philip: Post-operative management University of Dublin: Degrees and pass lists, Status changed, 90 of empyema cases, 266-Hernia operations, 315 188, 749, 1132-Information concerning the TURNER. S. S. B.. appointed Serving -Brother of study of medicine, 406, 423, 435-King's Pro- UNIVERsITY OF OXFORD: the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 24 fessorship of Medicine. 80-Prizes awarded, Appointments, 41 TURNERz, Wing Commander Stanley: Defective 188-Psychological medicine, 435. See also Bequest to, 564 hearing as a national problem, 324 Oollege, Trinity Board of the Faculty of Medicine, 885 TURRELL, W. J.: Electrotherapy in treatment University of Durham: Centenary celebrations Boards of Faculties, 41 0 of diseases of the genito-urinary system, 160 of the College of Medicine, 573, 685, 691. 817- Convocation, 41 (0), 225-Demonstration of practical eleotro- College of Medicine, 358. 573, 685, 691-History Congregations for graces and degrees, 1081 therapeutics. 276-Problerns of sciatica, 789- of, 817-Information concerninig the study Degrees and pass lists, 41, 142, 333, 793, 1179, Short-wave therapy, 956,1124 of medicine, 398, 418, 429, 431, 435-Post- 1226 TuRTLE, G. de BEc: Harvey Memorial tower, graduate course at Newcastle-on-Tyne, 353.431, Honorary degrees, 41 8O 886-Psychological medicine. 435-Royal Com- Information concerning the study of medi- TuT!n. John: The Atom, rev., 994 mission on (parliamentary note), 1134 cine, 394. 416, 429, 449 Twin, second, delayed birth of, 1085 University of Edinburgh: Cameron prize, 179- Ophthalmic medicine, diploma for, 449 TWYMAN, F. (and C. B. ALLSoPP): The Practice Chair of clinical medicine, 1166-Degrees and Post-graduaSe study, 429 of Absorption Spectrophotometry with Hilger pass lists, 34, 187, 827, 1166. 1180-General Professor of pathology, 885 Instruments, second editioD, rev., 814 Council's balf-yearly mseting,827-Graduation Radcliffe Prize, 885 Typhoid fever. See Fever, enteric ceremony, 34, 179, 187, 1166, 1180-Honorary Radcliffe Scholarship in Pharmacology, 142 Typhuis fever. See Fever degrees, 34-Information concerning the sttudy Radcliffe Travelling Fellowship, 1023 TY^RRLL. Colonel C. R., obituary notice of, 378 of medicine. 403 421.429,431. 432. 435,448-Post- Rolleston Memorial Prize, 1023 ?IIIRELL-GaAY. H.: Osteomyelitis, 272 graLduate study, 429, 431-Prizes presented, Staines AMedical Fellowship, 924 188-Psychological medicine, 435-Radiology, Welsh prize. 142 medical, diploma for, 448-Tropioal medicine. Williams [Theodore] Scholarship in Patho- 432,433-Women students, 421 logy, 89, 142-In Physiology, 187 University of Geneva: Foundation of chairs of Williams [Mrs.] Ttieodore, bequest from, 564 medical anatomy. etc., 889 University of Glasgow: Chair of Midwifery, University of Paris: Chairs and assistant pro- U. 179-Degrees and pass lists, 794, 827, 924- fessorships abolished in the Faculty of Medi- Graduation ceremony, 827-InformRtion con- cine, 889 Uganda, typhus fever in, 14 cerning the study of medicine, 403, 421, 429, University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Uleer, peptic, haematemesis in, mortality from, 431-Post-graduate study, 429. 431-Prizes Medicine, Hoffman cancer library presented 920, 1176 awarded, 794 to, 1228 lUloer, rodent, in the young (Robert Aitken). University of Groningen: Awards the Guyot University of St. Andrews and Dundee: Degrees 1044. See also Rodent- prite, 379 and pass lists, 34-Graduation ceremony, 34- Ultra-short waves, action of on tumours, 332, 370 University of Ireland, National: Appointments, Honorary degrees, 34-Information concerning tUltra-violet ray generator lamp, -medisun," 1180-Award of scholarships and medals. 885- tbe study of medicine, 403, 423, 429-Post- booklet on, 844 Degrees and pass lsts, 90, 1226-Information graduate study, 429 [ 34' JUL-k-DC:,i934] INDEX [MEDICALTHEBRITISHJOURNAL

University of Sheffield.: Appointments, 143, 749, Vitamin C. See also Ascorbic acid Water survey (parliamentary note), 1134.1225 1180-Degrees and pass lists, 143-Information Vitamin D concentrate, 618 Water: Use less water,"185 concerning the study of medicine, 400, 420, 429 Vitamin D, dosage of (leading article), 207- WATERFIELD, N. E.:-Oedema: its causation -Post-gradnate study. 429-Resignations, 749 Correspondence on. 967 and treatment,315- Universit P of Wales: Degrees and pass lists. Vitamins, standardization of, 77-International WATERSTON, David: The mechanism of pain,317, 288, 794-Information concerning the study of conference, 77-Standards and units for four 1087 (0) medicine, 400, 420-Welsh National School of vitamins, 77 WATSON, E. A.: Tuberculosis, 482 Medicine, 401, 420. 749-New laboratories VIVIAN. Margaret: Use of narcotics, 223 WATSON, Sir Malcolm: Subspecies of Anopheles opened, 749 Viviseetion (parliamentary note) -1224 moculipennis. 134-Medical services at home Unmarried mothers. See Mothers VLASTO, M.: hMuco-purulent tubo-tympanic in- and abros;d, 832-Mary Kingsley medal pre- Untinalified surgery, 1228 fection, 226 sented to, 916-Finlayson Menjorial Lecture on URBAN, H. (and A. SntYLLER): Craniocerebrale Vocational guidance (J. A. Wales), 558-Dis- the history of the prevention of malaria, 1007 Schemata fUr die Roentgenographische cussion, 558 Watson and Sons (Electro-Medical), Llmited, LokatistJtion, rev., 724 VOIGT, C.: Therapeutic malaria and haemo- Edinburgh branch, change of address, 706 Ureter, transplantation of a single as a nmeans globinuria, 814 WATSON-WILLIAMS, E.: Allergic factors in of resting a tuberculous bladder (Vernon VOTOT. E. M.: Therapeutic malaria and haemo- rhinorrhoea, 271-Meningitis of otitic origin, Pennell), 942 globintria, 884 1119 Urethral haemorrhage. See Haemorrhage VOLHARD: Bright's disease, 601 WATSON-WILLIAMS, Patrick, honorary degree of Urinacidometer, Allenbury's, 597 Vomiting, recurrent, in childhood (K. H. Taller- the University of Bristol conferred on. 77 Urinary calculi. See Calculi man), 767 (0) WATT, M. H.: Influenza in Great Britain and Urinary infections, review of book on, 209 Voyage d'6tudes m6dicales to the French spas, New Zealand, 784 Urine as a diagnostic test for cancer (Aron), 176 47 WATTS: Cerebral cortex and gastro-intestinal Urine, retention of, acute, an unusual coinci- Voyage M6dical International to visit the motility, 646 dence (Charles Joseph Gordon Taylor), 632 Riviera, 888 WAUGH. George E., appointed consulting surgeon Urine stains, removal of from clothing), 380 to t.he Infants Hospital, Westminster. 289 Urinle testing, modification of Benedict's test WEATHERHEAD, E.: Treatment of lupus vulgaris, (Josepb Fine), 167 490 Urology, review of book on, 813 WEATHERLY. Lionel: Organic and functional URQUHART, D. A.: Multiple peripheral neuritis nervous disorders, 268-Mechanism of pain, as a complication of measles, 115 317 Use less water." See Water W. WEBBER, A. M.: Appreciation of Robert Mont- Uterine contractions and corpus luteum extract, gomery Rendall, 1021 1174 WADE, Thomas Williamss, appointed a medical WEBER, E. Parkes: Aetiology and treatment of Uterus, retroversion of (Gordon Luker). 316. member of the Welsh Board of Health, 1135 asthma, 1069 760 (0)-Discussion, 316 WAGGETT, E. B.: Mlco-purulent tubo-tympanic WEBER, F. Par-kes: Thrombosis of the penis, Uterus, ruptuire of. spontaneous, at the twenty- infection, 226-Allergic factors in rhinorrhoea, 329, 489 fourth week of pregnancy (J. R. Campbell 272-Tonsillectomy in children, 272-Infections WEBSTER, J. H. Douglas: Treatment of genito- Canney), 63 of the maxillary sinus, 272. urinary diseases, 226 - Radiology and the Uveo-parotid tuberculosis. See Tubercnlosis WAILLING, D. P., appointed an offieial member general practitioner, 275, 460 (0)-Lool treat- of the executive council of the Presidency of ment of coryza, 882-Short-wave therapy, 956 the Virgin Islands, 289 Weedon and Co., E H., a warning from, 192 WAITB, S. H.. appointed to the chair of ophthal- Week, five days, 1109 mology at Harvard, 576 Weight,excessive, in childhood, 240 WAKELEY, Cecil P. G. (editor): Mode'ern Treat- WEILF. Mathieu-Pierre: Rheumatoid arthritis, ineut in General Practice, rev.. 118 126 V. Waking hour in hospital, 1009. See also WEILL-HALLE, B. (and G. Gregory KATNE): Hospital Tuberculin tests in infants and children, Vaccination: Parliamentary notes on, 238, 974, WALEs, J. A.: Vocational guidance, 558 464 (0) 1022, 1083, 1135 - CompDulsory, compensation Wales, South: Silicosis disablement in (parlia- Weil's disease (leading article), 1155 for, 974-Conscientious objections to, 1135- mentary note), 96 Weil's disease (W. G. Willoughby and A. G. Followe-l by encephalitis. 238 -And admis- WALKER, E. H.: Report on the health of Man- Shera). 14 (0) sion to day nurseries. 238-Numbers proceeded chester, 1213 Weil's disease in England (leading article), 27- against, 1022-And small-pox in Nigeria. 1083 WALKER, E. R. C.: Thte Hextlti, Infant. rev., Correspondence on. 98 Vaccine, B.C.G., review of book on. 773-Corre- 518 Weil's disease in Holland (Dr. Klarenbeek), 482 spondence on 791, 885 WALKER, E. W. Ainley: Georges Dreyer's Weil's disease in Queensland (J. Grahame Vaccine, " oil," in rheumatism, 233, 374, 491 scientific work at'Oxtord, 946 Drew), 1142 (0) Vaccinia investigated by laboratory methods WALKER, Hector M: Advertisements of sex Weil's disease: series of cases occurring chiefly (W. J. Tulloch), 711 literature, 88 among fish workers (L. S. P. Davidson, R. M. VALENTINE. Major William Arthur. obituary WALKER, Mina B.: Influence of decubittus on Campbell, H. J Rae, and J. Smith), 1137(0) notice of, 42 vertex presentation, 1228 Weil's disease among sewer workers in London Varicella. See Chicken-pox WALKER. Sir Norman: Elections to the General (N. Hamilton Fairley), 10 (0) Varicella and herpes. See Herpes zoster Medical Council, 962 Weil's disease. See al8o Jaundice and Lepto- VARRIER-JONES. Sir Pendrill: lteport on Pap- WALL. Sven: Infective mastitis, 481 spirosis worth Tuberculosis Settlement, 282 WALLACE, H. L. (aud James M. GRAHAM): Toxic WEI5ENBURG, Theodore T1., death of, 972 Vasovagal attacks and glucose-insulin therapy goitre, 845 WEIss, S.: Aetiology of arterial hypertension, (L. Shillito), 941 WALLACE, J. Edgar: Treatment of haemoptysis, 1057 VAUGHAN, Kathleen: ViewiDg the pelvis, 1222 '881 WEISsENBACH, R J.: Rheumatoid arthritis, 127 VAUGEII, Janet M.: Gee's disease, 728 WALLACE, R. A. R.: Pyelitis of pregnancy, 316 Wellcome Archaeological Research Expedition VAUGHAN, Warren T.: AllergV and Applied WALLACE, W. H. S.: Vitamin A deficiency in to the Near East: Annual exhibition of Immunology, new edition, rev., 1104 childhood, 140 antiquities. 47 VEERS, George Rudolph: Spinal Anaesthesia, WALLIS. Preston R : The swab in diphtheria WELLCOME, Sir Henry, honorary D.Sc.conferred Technic atild Clinical Application, rev., 555 diagnosis, 333 on by the University of Marquette, Wisconsin, Vein, saphenous, internal, thrombosis of, 183, WALSH. C. H.: ActinomyCosis of ovary, 962 U.S.A.. 97-Legion of Hotnour conferred on, 232, 331. 884 WALSH, V. G.: Use of " oil " vaccine in rheuma- 1024 Venereal diseases officers, information concern- tism, 374 Welsh National School of Medicine, informa- ing, 437 WALSHEE F. M. R.: Poliomyelitis, 863 concerning, 401, 420. See also University of Ventilation, review of book on, 516 WALTON, F. P. :-Cyanide poisoning: Rasputin's Wales VERGELY, J.: The general practitioner's night- death, 234 WELSH, Robert A.: EHouse flies, 97-Results ot mare, 754 War. humanizttion of, 1122 ante-natal care, 220 VERNON, H. M.: The Principles of Heating anid War, the toll of. 1019 WELTMANN, Oskar, death of, 616 Ventilationt, rev., 516 WARD, Bernard: Treatment of genito-urinary WENYON, C. M.: Typhus fevers in the Tropige, VERscHUER, Otmar v.: Zwillingstuberkulose diseases, 226 320 (Zwilling4forsching und erbliche Tuberkulose WARD, Lieut-Col. L. B.: Treatment of Raynaud's West Africa. See Africa dispositiot), 1055 disease. 151 WEST, Ranyard: Curarine in tetanus, 1173 Vertex presentation, influence of decubitus on, WARD, Rov: Treatment of genito-urinary dis- West Riding medical salaries, 1009 1228 eases, 226-Radiology and the general practi- WEST- WATsON, W. N , appointed Officer of the -Vertigo (R. C. Cummins), 1122 tioner, 276-Report of the Radium Institute, Order of St. John of Jeru-alem, 24 Vertigo, aural (W. S. Thacker Neville), 989 (0) London, 696 WESTWOOD, W. Thomson: Transport of Veterinary College, Royal (Dick)- Annual prize- WARD, R. Ogier (and J. B. CHRISTOPUERSON): invalids by railway. 538 giving, 79 Bilharzia disease in England, 729 WETTENHALL, Dr.: Treatmentof lupus vulgaris, Veterinary Congress. See Congress WARDEN. A. A.: The toll of war, 1019 322 Vienna: General hospitals, 150th year of, 1185- WARDLE, E. N.: Adolescent coxa vara, 1013 WHEELER: Pellagra. 121 Post-graduate courses in, 336,941, 1145 WARDLE, Major V. H., Efficiency Decoration of WHEELER, Sir William I. de Courcy: Ligature VIILARET, M.: Hyperpituitarism and Graves's the Territorial Army conferred on, 492 of the innominate artery, 38-Preliminary disease, 361 Wards, hospital, 753. See al8o Hospital ligation in Graves's disease, 609 VILVANDRPE, G.: Radiology of the stomiach and WAREc, A. M., appointed Knight of Justice of the WHIPPLE, George H., awarded the Nobel-Prize, duodenum, 319 Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 24 819 VINE, J. Miller: A device for the deaf, 119 WAREMBOURG: Thoracic cancer, 1052 WHIPPLE, Sidney B.: Noble Experiment. A VINEs, H. W. C. (editor): Green's Mantutal of Warnings, 192 Portrait of America under Proh biliot', rev., Pathology, fifteenth edition, rev., 516 Warwickshire, health work in, 530 597 Vionase tablets, 518 WAFEBOUKN. W.: Substitute for oiled silk (- WHITBY, L. E. H.: Medical Bacterioloov, Viruses, filterable, discussion on, 483 aphane), 664 Descriptive and Applied, including Elernen- Viruses, filterable, review of books n, 554 Water, London, in a dry year: Report of the tarp Helminthology, secotnd edition, iev., 356 Vision, colour (H. E. Roaf). 526. See also Colour Metropolitan Water Board (leadlng article), -The Nurses' Handbook of Hygienie: An Vision, physiology of (F. W. Edridge-Green), 557 259 Elementary Textbook, fifth edition, rev., 723 Vital statistics: Irish Free State, 181-New Water Pollution Research Board: Report, 1206 WHITBY, Morton: Control of haemorrhage in Zealand, 1214-Northern Ireland, 877-Scot- Water resources : deputation to Minister of prostatectomy, 744 land. for 1933,736. 827-In the quarter ending Health. 179 WHITE, C. F.: Rteport on the Port of London in Beptember, 1934. 1064 Water storage against drought (parliamentary 1933, 480-Aids to Sanitarv Science and Law, Vital statistics: Registrar General's statistical note), 46 second edition, rev., 556 review for 1933, 1169 Water supplies, domestic, collection and storage WHITE. E. How: B. coli infection, 264 Vitamin A deficiency, a cutaneous manifestation of rain water for, 151 WHITE. J. Duncan: Stanley Melville memorial, of (G. P. Goodwin), 113 (0)-Correspondence Water supplies and the drought: meeting at the 569-Radiological practice, 1013-'" Familial on, 140,234 Ministry of Health, 281,654 marble bone," 1115 Vitamin A, measurement of, 597 Water supplies, present position (p trliamentary WHITE, Margaret Moore: Gas gangrene re- Vitamin A and nerve lesions (leading article), note), 887 stricted to the subcutaneous tissues. 937 1053 Water supplies, rural (parliamentary note), 239, (0) Vitamin (A. Harden),558-Discussion, 558 926 White slave traffic in the East, 239 1934] r TRE BRITISH JULY-DEC., INDEX LIEDICAL JOURNAL 35a

WHITELEY, M. A. (and Jocelyn Field THORiPE): WILSON: La granulie froide, 815 WYATT, Mr.:-Puerperal sepsis: serum treat- Thorpe's Dictiontary of Applsed Chemistrv: WILSON. G. M.: B. coli infection, 264 ment, 1120 Supplement, vol. i. A to M, rev.. 993 WILsoN, C. P.: Muco-purulent tubo-tympanic WYLER, E. J.: Serological Tests for Syphilis WHITFIELD, Allan G. W. (and A. Victor NEALE): infection, 226 with Very Small Amounts of Patient8s Serum, Rheumatism and its relation to arterial WILSON, J. St. George: Aschheim - Zondek 953 disease and periarteritis nodosa, 104 (0) reaction in genital tuberculosis, 962 WYLLIE, W. G.: Encephalitis, 221, 241 (0) Whither general practice? See General WILSON. Justina: Short-wave therapy, 956 WYNN, W. H.: Treatment of haemoptysis, 833- Whither medicine? (leading article), 645. See WILSON, S. A. Kinnier: Unsettled problems of Treatment of pneumonia, 1159 also Medicine neurosyphilis, 787 WHITTINGDALE, J. F. L.: Fungus infections of WILSON, S. P.: Hexyl-resorcin during lactation, the feet, 322 975 WHITTINGRAM, Group Captain H. E.: Medical WILSON, T. G.: fTaemorrhage from peritonsillar services at home and abroad, 832 abscess, 491, 612-Intratracheal anaesthesia, WHITTLE, Glynn: London University and its 1218 X. medical schools. 1019 WILSON, T. Stacey: Rhythmical exercises for Whooping-cough, prophylaxis of, 1109 back pain, 1216 X-ray cinematography, 1020 Whooping-cough without the whoop, clinical Winsley sanatorium. See Sanatorium X-ray examination of emnpyems cavities (Denis diagnosis of (P. R. Evans). 1043 (0) - Corre- WINSLOW: Influence of heat and light on nasal Browne), 807 (0)-Correspondence on, 881, 921, spondence on, 1221 mucosa, 951 1014 Who's Who, rev., 1202 WINTERNITZ, Hugo. death of, 1223 X-ray protection, 689 WHYTE, Adam Gowans: The cancer problem. 48 WISDOM, W. J.: The League and peace, 701 X-ray treatment of diseases of the genito- WIESNER, B. P.: Mechanisms which determine WIsLICKI. L.: Special clinics for -diabetics, urinary system (G. Harrison Orton), 226 sex behaviour, 82 717 (0) 343 (0) WIGAND, R. (and L. SZIDAT): Leitfaden der WITTS, Leslie: Anasmias and their treatment. X-ray treatment In breast cancer by serum einheimischen Wurmkrankheiten des Mens- 830 control 534 chen, rev., 861 WODEHOUSE, R. E., appointed Commander of tests, of, WIGHT, Dr.: Tuberculosis, 482 the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. 24 X rays, constitutional effects of (S. Gilbert Scott WIGLEY, J. E. M.: Treatment of lupus vulgaris. WOLFE: Endometrial hyperplasia, 818 and F. Hernaman Johnson), 1113 321 WOLFENDEN, Hugh H.: Insurance and public X rays, effect of on the lungs, 364 WIGNALL. Thomas El.: Recovery of sight follow- health. 559 X rays and lipiodol in pelvic trouble (Farquhar ing severe corrosive burn of cornea, 992 Women's diseases, review of book on, 308 Murray), 36 WILDBOLZ, Hans: Lehrbuch der Urologie, WOOD, F. G.: Radiology and the general practi- X rays. See also Radiology, etc. second edition, rev.. 813 tioner, 275 WEIDER, Russell M.: A Primer for Diabetic WOOD, Hamilton: Report on health work in Patients, fifth edition, rev.. 862 Warwickshire, 530 WILDEY, Surgeon Rear-Admiral Alexander WOOD, J. E.: Sunbathing and tubetrculosis, 138 Gascoigne, obituary notice of, 1021 WOOD. J. S.: Antiseptics in control of bacterial WIC,xEs. G. A.:-Cyanide poisoning: Rasputin's infections, 318 Y. death, 184 WOOD. W. Burton: Anaemias and their treat- WILKIE, D. P. D.: Preliminary ligature in toxic ment, 830 Yaws, mechanical transmission of (J. Gordon goitre, 136 WOODMAN, G. Stewart: InjUries of the knee- Thomson and W. A. Lamborn), 506 (0) WILEINsoN, F. (and F. J. FORTY): Swimming joint, 572 Year- Book, Empire Social Hygiene, 1934, rev., 774 Bath Water Purification from the Public WOODS, Hugh: Death and the survival of rights YELF, Robert Elerv6, obituary notice of, 145 Health Standpoint. With Special Reference of action, 658 YELLOWLBES, Henry: a disclaimer, 98 to Plant and Equipment and Hvgienic WOODS, J. A.: Dental problems of medical YENIKOMSHIAN, H. A.: Typhus fever in the- Education. 313 interest, 832 Tropics, 320 WILKINSON, John F.: Achlorhydria, 218 WOODS, R. R.: Local treatment of c6ryza, 920 YONGHE C. M.: The A B C of Biology, rev.. 905 WILKINsON, W. (amse: Tuberculin, 85. 234 WOODWARX, Sir Stanley: Climatic factors and YORKEE Courtenay: The swallowing of open WILLCOX, Sir Williiam: Rheumatoid arthritis, disease, 32 safety-pins, 811 127-The thyrotoxic heart, 1172 Workmen's Compensation: Adoption of Chil- YOUNG, James:-A Text-Book of -Gynaecolopy: WILLETT, J. Hayward: Professor Briggs, 965 dren Act. 147 For Students and Practitioners, third edition, Willett's forceps. See Forceps Workmen's Compensation and cardroom rev., 257-Ante-natal-care and maternal mor- WILLIAMS. A. T.: Organic and functional ner- workers (parliamentary note), 887 tality, 1011-Puerperal sepsis: serum treat- vous disorders, 268 Workmen's compensation cases, hospital treat- ment. 1121 WILLIAMs, Everard: Surgical diathermy for ment in (parliamentary note), 1134 YOUNG, John, obituary notice of, 615 cervicitis, 1125-Should pelvimetry be abo- WORLEY, Ernest: Appreciation of David Ross, YOUNG, R. A.: Seaside resorts for respiratory lished ? 1175 93 diseases, 31-Treatment of acute bronchitis, WILwLMs, Herbert: Electro-coagulation of the Worm disease, review of book on, 861 1111 prostate, 549 (0) WORSTER- DROUGHT, C.: Headaches, 227 YOUNG, Terence: Beconitree and Davenham, 1208 WErjLIaxs, Leonard: Aerophagy with meteor- WORTH. Reginald: Work of the mental after- YOUNG, W. J.: Origins of Sherlock Holmes, 374- ism, 1136 care association, 996 Dilating the cervix in placenta praevia, 884, WILLLAMB, T. A.: Use of narcotics, 223 Wound. healing of a (Sir Andrew Macphail), 71- 1016 WILLIAMS. Tom A.: Motor backache and neur- Leading article, 71 YOUNGERMAN, Lieut.-Col. Edward Pettingall, algia, 1026 WRIaGT, A. Dickson: Thrombosis of internal obituary notice of, 573 WILLIAMSON, Bruce:-Vital CardiologV: A New saphenous vein, 232 Young's rule, 152 Outlook on the Prevention of Heart Failure, WRIGHT, A. J. M.: Focal infection as a problem " Youth and health: What can we do to help?" rev.. 117-Menorrhagia after splenectomy for of the laryngologist, 158 (0). 227 report of discussions now published. 721 purpura haemorrhagica, 488 WRIGHT, Lieut.-Col. Edmund Hasell, obituary Yugoslavia, typhus fever in. 97 WImLIAMSON, Major H.: Injection treatment of notice of, 492 __ompldte rectal prolapse, 331-Nail-biting, 337 WRaIGHT, E. J.: Vitamin A deficiency, 234 WILMSON. H.: "' Septicemia," 1079 WRIGHT. Garnett: " The Angel of Death," 885 WLLIAMSON-NOBLE, Mr.: Functional diseases WRIGHT, Henry P.: Essentials of Inifant Feeding of the eye, 132 and Paediatria Practice, rev., 256 WLLOQUIET, P. (G. C&RBRIRE and Claude WRIGHT, H. W. S.: The septic hand, 220-Osteo- Z. HuERlEz): Le Barbiturisme digu et les Anti- myelitis, 272 dotism fardenol (Strychninte. Coramine, WRIGLEY, A. J.: Chloroform inhaler, 316-Ante- ZINsSERE, Hans (and Stanhope BAYNE-JONES): Aloohol). rev., 19 natal care and maternal mortality, 1010 A Textbook of Baoteriology. With a Section WILLOUGHBY, W. G. (and A. J. SHERA): Case of WROTH, C.: Hodgkin's disease with erythema on Pathogenic Protozoa, seventh edition, rev., spirochaetal haemorrhagic jaundice (Weil's nodosum, 1172 1103 disease) 14 (0)-Acute streptococcal throat in- Wu, C. Y. (Wu LIEN-TEH, J. W. H. CHUN, and ZONDER: Formation of the corpus luteum, 1056 fections, 567 R. POLLITZER):-Cholera: A Manual for the Zondek-Aschheim. See Aschhein-Zondek WILLOUGHBY, W. M.: Report on the City of Medical Profession in China, rev., 307 ZORAB, Arthur Batoum, obituary notice of, 662 London. 875 WULFF, Winifred: An Irish medical MS., 844 ZucKERMAN, Solly, elected to a Beit Memorial WILMOT, Colonel R. C.. appointed officer of the WYATT. Hervey, appointed deputy coroner for Fellowship, 127 Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 24 Central London, 97 ZwIcx, Dr.: Tuberculosis, 482 36 JULY-DEC., 1934] LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS [ THE BRITISH MSDICALJOURNAL


SPECIAL PLATES PAGE Elbow-joint, Bilateral Congenital Malformation of the (Trevor Gwyn PAGE ... Acid Extract of Anterior Pituitary. Effect of Prolonged Administra- Thomas) ...... 903 on Electro-coagulation of the Prostate tion of the Thyroid Gland of Guinea-Pigs (E. F. Scowen and (Herbert Williams) 549 A. W. Spence) ...... inset between 820 821 atnd Forceps, Calculus ...... 724 Aneurysm, Left Subelavian, in Association with Cervical Rib (T. G. Forceps, Cervical Biopsy Punch ... and ... 119 Quinn George Davison) ...... facing 821 Fowler, Sir James Kingston 91 Atlas, Inflammatory Dislocation of C. L. Fitzwilliams) (Duncan Gibbons, Robert Alexander inset between 126 and 127 ...... 493 Hand, the Septic (R. Kennon) 1189 Caesarean Section (Archer Hosking) ...... facing 127 Harvey Tower, Hempstead Church, Essex 820 Cancer. Late Recurrence of (C. L. Spackman) ... facing 127 ... Headache following Empyema, Mediastinal and Apical (Stanley J. Harlfall and Leslie N. Lumbar Puncture (H. W. Allen) ...... 349 Headlamp, an Improved ... Pyrah) (& correction) ...... facing 1059.1136 1202 Heart, Traumatic Rupture of, without External Facial palsy (Arthur Baldwin Duel) ... facing 1058 Injuries (H. 0. Gunewardene) Gumma of the Brain (J. E. Paterson and Margaret Leslie) ...... 942 inset between 126 adid 127 Heart-block,Congenital (Joseph Lewis) ...... 1096 Kyphosis, Adolescent and Senile (0. Lambrinudi) facing 820 Inhaler, Ether, Modified ...... 473 Rheumatism and its Relation to Arterial Disease and Periarteritis Knife for Submucous Resection of Septum ...... 724 Nodosa Neale and (A. Vietor Allan G. W. Whitfield) ... facing 126 Kyphosis, Adolescent and Senile (C. Lambrinudi) - (Jacques Stomach and Duodenium after Operation (S. Cochrane Shanks) Calv6) ...... 801,983 Laws, Robert ... inset between 1058 and 1059 334

Syndactylism and Polydactylism, London Hospital ... Hereditary (J. S. Manson) facing 1059 Students' Hostel 21 Uveo-parotid Tuberculosis (S. E. Tanner and A. L. McCurry) Maxillary Fractures, Treatment of (A. Simpson-Smith inset between 1058 and 1059 and W. M. Graves-Morris) ...... 632 Vitamin A Deficiency, Cutaneous Manifestation of (G. P. Goodwin) Maxillary Sinusitis, Iodine Vapour in ...... facing 127 906 Mayou, Marmaduke ...... X-Ray Examination of Empyema Cavities (Denis Browne)... facing 821 SteDhen ...... 185 Medical Schools of London and LondoniCounty Council Hospitals ... 211 Melbourne and District, Views of 731,1050 Morbidity in a Family Tree (Walter P. Kennedy) 630 Causation and Treatment ILLUSTRATIONS IN THE TEXT Oedema, of (T. Izod Bennett) ...930 Paraffin Wax (Melted) Bath, an Economical Design of the ... PAGE 171 Acid Extract of Anterior Pituitary (E. F. Scowen and#A. W. Spence) 806 Pembury,Marcus S...... 286 Postural Drainage of the (H. P. La Modified ... Lungs Nelson) Adenotome, Force, ...... 119 252 Presacral Nerve (Albert Anaesthetic Shield for Use in A. Davis) Mastoid Operations ...... 518 5 "Arterial " Radium in Carcinoma of the Bladder (A. J. Durden Em'bolectomy (Geoffrey Jefferson) ...... 1090 Smith) ... 585 Renal Asthma. Reflex (H. H. Function, Examination of (F. S. Fowweather) Moll) ...... 300 ... 51 B. Retractor External coli Infection after Post-operative Retention (Cuthbert Dukes) 459 for Frontal Sinus and Ethmoidal Oreratious ... 473

Retractor, ...... " Bleeders." Female (M. A. Foulis Mastoid ...... and J. W. Crawford) ...... 594 597

Crest of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Appliance for ...... Bournemouth...... 174 1202

Bournemouth and District Safety-pins, Open,Swallowing ...... of ...... 23 1017 Caesarean Section (Archer Hosking) Scoliosis, Hereditary (W. J. Rutherfurd) ...... 87 Cataract Speculum, Vaginal, a New Lighted Extraction, Irrigation Repositor for 682 ... 170 Catgut Tube Cracker Spleen. Ruptured, aftber Trifling Mishaps (Harold Dodd) ., 597 1094 Cautery and in Sprue, Tropical (N. Hamilton Fairley) ... Light Apparatus the Operating Theatre ...... 556 ... 1194

Cervicitis, Chronic (J. C. Ainsworth-Davis) Stomach and Duodenum after Operation Cochrane ...... 935 (S. Shanks) 1032 Major-General Sir Charles, Richard Henry Havelock 838 Tendon of Extensor Pollicis, Bilateral Rupture of (A. T. Andreasen) 515

Circumcision Clip ... Tendon Suture, Late (Eric I. Lloyd) ...... 1104 165 Vincent Middleton Toe-nail, Ingrowing Coates, 970 ...... 1073

Bertram James ... Tonsil Clamp, Beney's, Modified ...... Collingwood, ...... 377 635 Cystotomy, Permanent, New Tonsil Guillotine ...... Drainage Bag for 945 ... 1152 Dattner Needle Trethowan, William Henry ...... 349 ...... 614 Davies-Colley. Eleanor Umbilicus,Preservation 1181 of in Radical Cure of Umbilical Hernias in Children (R. Wood Power) ...... Dreyer, Georges ...... 353 376 University of Durham College of Medicine,Newcastle-upon-Tyne ... 685

Printed and published by the British Medical Association, at their Office, Tavistock Square, in the Parish of St. Pancras, in the County of London. THE














A. ASSOCIATION, BRITISH MEDICAL: ANNUAL BARBER, H.: Vaccines in treatment, 298 REPRESENTATIVE MEETING (conitinued) Barnet Divison: Report of meetings, 233, 302 Abdominal affections, acute, neglected aide in Presidency (1935-6). 46 BAsu, U. P.: Carcinoma of the stomach, 82 diagnosis of (Zachary Cope). 275 Representation of the Channel Islands, 45 BATES, Arthur: Unsuitable for service in con- Aberdeen City Division: Report of meeting, 302 Secret Remedies, 93 nexion with dental benefit, 200 Aberdeen and Kincardine Counties Division: State of business, 85 IBEAUCHAMP, Arthur: Hospital or home? 177, 277 Report of meeting, 255 Votes of thanks, 98, 106 Belfast Division: Report of meeting, 240 ADAMS, John: Disseiiiinated sclerosis, 224 British MIedical Journal, 52 BENJAMIN, I. M.: National health insurance Age for regional posts. See Regional Censorship of advertisements, 52 record cards, 147 Air Force, Rloyal: Auxiliary Air Force: Medical Charities Committee, 104 Berks, Buicks, and Oxford Branch: Report of Branch, 227 Consultants and Specialists Committee, 95 me-ting, 81 Air Force, Royal, MNedical Service, 23, 35, 43, 83, Finance, 47 3HATIA,B. B.: Suspecteddissominated sclerosis, 111, 123, 155, 167, 171, 179, 191, 203, 227, 235, 246, Allocations to research scholarships and 233 253, 276, 290, 299, 304. See also Journal Index grants, 49 BISHOP, George Harry, namie of restored to the Air 'orce, Royal:-Royal Air Force Iteserve: Hospitals Comimittee, 100 AIedical Reaister, 285 Medical Branch, 83. 155, 167, 246, 258 Provident schemes for middle-class persons, BLAClKBURN, J. T.: Rtecent advances in surgery, Ante-natal examinations in Cheshire, 177 100 224 Ante-natal scheme, Cheshire, 163,177 General practitioner treatment under provi- Blackburn Division: Report of miieetings, 33, 256 APPLEGATE, J. W.: Drug talking, 154 dent schemes, 100 Blackpool Division: Rheumatism and the Army, British, 23. 35, 43, 83. 111, 123, 148, 155, 163, Model hospital forms, 102 general practitioner, 293 167, 171, 178, 191, 203, 227, 235, 246, 258, 276, 290, Paying patients in voluntary hospitals. 103 Blyth Division: Report of meetings, 33 200, 307 299, 304 Hospitals and domiciliary attendance, 104 BONNYMAN, Alexander Gordon: Withdrawal of Army, British: Armiiy Medical Services, 123, 148, Insurance, National Health, 76, 99 authority to deal with dangerous drugs, 159 178. 227 299 Abolition of compulsorv statistical comiipila- Book of Bournemouth, 165 Army, British: Colonial Medical Services, 35, tion of record cards, 99 Border Counties Branch: Report of meetings, 82, 155, 179, 203, 276, 299 Irish Committee, 106 232 Army, British: Life Guards, 35 MIedical education, 54 BRACaKENBURY, Sir Henry: Patient and doctor, Armuy, British, Militia: Royal Army Medical The )ost-examination period of clinical ex- 205 Corps, 43, 191 perience, 55 Brigihton Division: Reportof meetings, 111, 162 Army, British, Regular Army Reserve of Officers, Age of registration of medical students, 57 BISIMBLECOMBE, S. U.: Formiis and futilities, 177 276 Medical ethics, 58 Bristol Division Report of meeting, 81 Army, British:-Regular Armiy Reserve of New rules as to ethics of medical consultants, British GuianaBranch: Report of mieetings, 161, Officors: Royal Army Medical Corps, 43, 83, 111, 58,61 200 163, 2'3, 258, 276, 293 Rules as to other intraprofessional obliga- BRODIE, P. Martin: The Royal College of Arnlmy, British: Rtoyal Army Medical Corps, 23, tions, 59. 61 Surgeons and the chiropodists, 306 35. 43, 83, 111, 123, 148, 155, 163, 167, 171, 179, 191, Ethical rules for medical inspectors, 64 BROUGHTON, L. C. S.: Maternal mortality, 255 203, 227, 235, 246, 258, 276, 290, 299, 304-Con- Proposed recognition of approved chiro- BROWNE, J. A.: Syphilitic atfections of eye, 200 ditions of service for officers, 165 podists, 65 BROWN, R. Christie: Causes and maniagement of Army British:-Supplementary Reserve of Relation of British Medical Association to prolongation of the first and second stages of Officers: Royal Army Medical Corps, 23, 43, agency for introduction of patients, 70 labour, 232-Treatment of haemiorrhage as 111, 167, 179 Medico-Political, 85, 91 applied to obstetrics, 233 Army, British: Territorial Army, 35, 112, 123, Closed panels " of consultants and special- Buckinghamshire Division: Report of nmeeting, 155, 163, 171, 179, 203, 227, 235, 246, 258, 276, 290, ists to societies, 85 21 299 Law relating to abortion, 86, 93 BUCKLEY, C. W.: Principles of treatment in Army, British:-Territorial Armly Reserve of Resumed discussion, 91 rheuDmatic diseases, 82-Vaccines in treat- Officers: Royatl Army Medical Corps, 35, 43, The Llanelly dispute, 91 miient, 298 112, 155, 17l, 203, 227, 235, 246, 258, 299 Public medical services, 91 lBurma Branch: Report of meeting, 161 Army, Britisi :- 1erritorial Army: Royal Army Venereal disease clinics, 92 Burnley Division: Report of meeting, 33 Medical Corps, 35, 112,123, 155, 163, 171, 179, 203, Sickness and accident insurance certificates, BURRELL, L. S. T.: Artificial pneumothorax, 227, 235, 246, 258, 276, 290, 299 92 224 Association, British Medical: Annual exhibition Certification of mental patients on probation, I4URRIDGE, W.: New doctrine of rhythm, 198 of surgical instruments, appliances, drugs, 93 Buxton Division: Report of meetings, 21. 176 foods, etc., 80, 143 Noise in relation to health, 93 Association, British Medical: Annual meeting Meedical services for members of police (1934). Bourne,nouth, 25, 77, 106, 141, 165. See forces, 94 C. also Annual Representative M!eeting-Aca- Naval and military, 87 doinic dress, 30 -Anglo-American Continental Medical branches of the Defence Services, 87 Calcutta Branch: Report of meeting, 82 Society, 142-Annual dinner, 29, 106-Asso- Medical services of India, 88 Cainberwell Division: Report of meetings, 41, ciation prizes, 78-Auditors appointed, 77- Nutrition Committee, 104 303 Book of Bournemiiouth, 165-Catholic ser- Ophthalm ic Committee, 95 CAMPS, F. E.: Streptococcal infections, 240 vice, 109-Clubs. 30-Cornelia and East Dor- Ophthalmic benefit, 95 Cancer and radiulmi (Roy Ward), 290 set Hospital, 141-Films, projection of, 30- Organization, 49 Cancer of the stomach (U. P. Basu), 82 Golf, 142-Hotel and Boarding House accomii- Local support for Association policy, 49 CANK, Harold T.: Unqualified practice, 22 modation, 31-Introductions to President, 78- Other organization matters, 51 CANTI, R. G.: Cinematograph filmns of cell Irish graduates' luncheon, 30, 110-Ladies, Oversea Branches, 83 growth and radium reaction, 303 arrangements for, 1119-Ladies, general infor- Foreign doctors and registration in Great Carcinoma, See Cancer mation for; 30-Lady's Badge, 78-Maps of Britaini, 90 Carditis, rheumatic, early, diagnosis of (J. J. Bourneilmouth, 30-Medical Missionary Break- Public health, 71 Giraldi!, 21 fast, 110-Hospital work in North China, 110- Maternity and child welfare, 71 CAREFOOT, Ernest Melville, disciplinary case of, Octa rjodge No. 4397,3n-Over-seas Conference, Other public health matters, 73 283 120-President-elect, 77-President indtucted, Appointmients by local authorities: The Carnarvon, North, and Anglesey Division: 77-President's address, 78-Programme, 25- Kensineton controversy 73 Report of meetings, 111, 275 Provisional time-table, 28-Religious service, Use of drugs by midwives, 74 Certification, medical, reflections of a regional 108-Representatives dinner, 79-Represent^- Salaries of whole-time public health workers, medical officer on (James L. Halliday), 261 tives fromti over-seas, luncheon to, 80-Royal 75 CHALKE, H.: Modern methods of diagnosis in Victoria and West Hants Hospital, 142-Secre- Science Committee, 53 pulmonary tuberculosis, 256 taries (honorary) conference, 118-Secretaries' Post-graduate medical eduication, 54 CHALLIS, John: Gas and oxygen anaesthesia, 275 (honorary) dinner, 122-Sections, 26-Social Committee on fractures, 54 Charities Trust Fund, B.M. A., list of subscribers, activities, 122-Sports arrangements 30-Tem- Scottish Committee, 96 286 perance breakfast, 110-Travelling facilities, Chelsea Division: Report of meeting, 167 30-Visit to Treloar's Hospital, Alton, 123- Association, British Medical: Committees, Cheshire ante-natal scheme, 163. 177 Vote of thanks to Past-President, 77 composition of, 150 Chiropodists and the Royal College of Surgeons, Association, British Medical, Annual Meeting Association, British Medical, Council: Proceed- 276, 289, 297, 303, 306 (1935). Melbourne, 149, 281-Officers of scienti fic ings of, 113, 249-Composition of, 150-Dinner, Cholera (J. Walker Tomb), 305 sections, 281-Presidents of Sections, 149, 281 237 ('ity Division: Report of meeting, 233 Association, British Medical, AnnzuaI Handbook, CLARKE, Leo Frederick, disciplinary case of, 284 ASSOCIATION, BRITISH MEDICAL ANNUAiL 1934-5, 288 CLAYE, Andrew M.: Some midwifery problems, REPRESENTATIVE MEETING, 45, 85, 143 Association, British Medical: Hantdbook of 290 Annual and Supplementary Reports of. BRcently Qutalified Mledical Practitioners, COCHAANE, E.: Early diagnosis of pulmonary Council, 46 third edititn, 288 tuberculosis, 161 Correction, 106. 143 Association, British Medical, library of: Books COLEBROOK, Dora C.: Awarded a certificate of Election of Chairman of Representative added, 42, 154, 171, 197, 240, 296 honourable mention, 78 Body, 65 Association, British Medical: Publications, 288 COLEMAN, A. H.: Modern treatmint of common Election of Direct Representatives, 99, 100 ASTEN, W.: Some medico-legal problems, 32 fractures, 275 Election of honorary miember, 47 Ayrshire Division: Report of meeting, 302 College, Royal, of Surgeons and the chiropodists, Election of Members of Council, 76 276, 289, 297, 303, 306 Election of Vice-Presidents, 47 Colonial Medical Services. See Army, British Fees for life insurance examinations, 99 B. Colonies for mental defectives. See Mental Fees in workmen's compensation cases, 99 Consultants and Specialists Group, England and Medical benevolence, 104 BALL, W. Girling: Chronic infection of the Wales, 173-Election to Central Committee, 173 Midwifery services, 100 urinary tract, 123-Diseases of the urinary 265-Composition of committee, 209 -Report Municipal welcome to Bournemouth, 47 system, 302 of meeting, 295 Other motions by Branches and Divisions,98 Banff, Moray, and Nairn Division: Report o7 Consultants and Specialists' Group for Scot- Presidency (1934-5), 46 meeting, 224 land: Central Committee for Scotland, 245 r SUPPLEMENT TO THE JULY-DEC., 1934] INDEX TO SUPPLEMENT L BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL 3

Consulting pathologists, See Pathologists Essex, South. Division: Report'of meetings, 233, fication, 127, 183--Ch4rging of fees to insured COPE, Zachary: Swellings in the neck, 41- 298 persons, 129. 183 -Consolidation of medical Neglected aids in diagnosis of acute abdo- Essex, South-West, Division: Report of meet- benefit regulations, 126 - Disciplinary pro- minal affections, 275 ings, 41, 83, 200, 275 cedure, 270-Election of direct representatives Corrections, 143, 266 EVANS, Griffith- Syphilis and the chronic ab- for 1934-5, 244-Insurance Acts Scottish Sub- domen, 154 committee, 271-Insurance praotitioners and Correspondence: Everest, Mount (A. W. Wakefield), 232 road adcidents, 271-Medical tecords, 133- Ante-natal examinations in Cheshire, 177 Eye examinations, findings of: Analysis of Medical Service Subcommittee cases, 184- District medical officers and the open choice, 10,000 cases (N. Bishop Harman), 181-Corre- Mileage Fund, 134-Mortgaging of medical 297,306 spobdence on, 245, 256, 297, 306. See al80 practices and arrangements for practitioners Eye examinations, findings of, 245, 256 Opticians, sight-testing on retirement from medical service, 127, 183, Family doctors," 161, 166,170 Eye Serviee, National, centres, 39.159, 201, 244 269-National Insurance Defence Trust, 136. Foreign doctors and registration in Great Eye, syphilitic affections of the (J. A. Browne), 184, 270 -Panel Conference resolutious, 270- Britain, 147. 200 Personnel of, 125 -Prescribing, '131, 18.- General practitioner in th-e hospital, 211 Prolongation of insurance, 131 - Regionial Hospital or homae? 177, 200, 225, 245, 257, 265,277, medical officers' interviews -k6 bertification, 289 F. 129-Scotland, 136, 271-Supplementary report, Inftnt welfare and general practice, 33 183-Unemployment Act (1934), 132 Insurance correspondence. See Insurance, Family doctors." See Doctors subheading Correspondence FARNWORTE1, Albert: Unsuitable for service in Insurance, health and sickness, in Poland, 38 Mental defectives, staffing of colonies for, 257, connection with dental benefit, 200 277 Fee for emergency medical treatment in motor INSURANOE MEDICAL SERVICE WEEK BY WEEK:- Optioians, sight-testing, 256, 276, 297, 306 accident cases, 266 After the conference, 264 Regional posts, age for, 303 Fees for emergency treatment under the Road Alleged failure to examine, 208 Royal College of Surgeons and the ehiropod- Traffic Act, 294-British Medical Association's Altered prescriptions, 184 Ists, 276, 289, 297, 303, 306 model form, 294. See also Road Anaesthetic fee wrongly allowed, 169 Unqualified practice, 22 FERGUSON, F. R.: Headaches and their differ- Anti-diphtheria toxin-improper charge, 184 ential diagnosis and treatment, 21 Applications for refund of fees, 81-- As soon Coton Hill Mental Institution, Stafford: Dis- FITZWIILLIAMS, D. C. L.: Old Barnet. 233 as possible," 160 missal of a medical officer, 20 FLEMMING, Chas. E. S.: Ilospital or home? 245 Capitation fee-Is the central pool adequate? FOOTE, J. A. Balck: District medical offieers 199 COUNCIL, GENERAL MEDICAL: and the open choice, 297 Cases of doubtful incapacity, 231 Address to the King, 274 Foreign doctors. See Doctors Catheters, 184 Committee reports, 285 Fracture of humerus, ununited, with complete Certificates, final, 141 Council procedure, 274 radial nerve paralysis (lieut.-Col. W. L. Har- Certificates on a particular day, 141 Dental Board, 274-Changes in membership, nett), 82 Certification of patients in hospital i,208' 274 Fractures of the limbs (F. D. Saner), 275 Certification of pregnancy, 19, 37 Dental business, 285 Furness Division: Report of umeetings, 82, 166 Charging fees to insured persons: alteration In Dental education, 285 terms of service, 169-A Surrey memor- Disciplininary inquirieb, 282 andum on, 254 E ecti on, 193 G. Definition of "negligence." 242 Election of a direct representative for Ireland, Definition, of "splints," 81 231 GALSTAUN, S. G.: Valuie of radiological diag- Disallowance of prescriptions for appliances, Executive Committee, 296 nosis, 82 etc., 272 Pharnacopoeia. British, addendum to, 285 General Medical Council. See Council Dispensing, inaccurate-a serious case, 160 President's address, 273 General practitioner in the hospital, 211 Don'ts for insured persons, 160 Public Health Diploma rules. 286 Gibraltar'Branch: Report of meetings, 21, 256 Employment of assistants, 32 Restorations to Medical Legister, 285 GIBsoN, A Keith: Hospital or home? 225 Fitness for alternative occupation, 37 GIRALDI, J J: Diagnosis of early rheumatic Food or drug? a Middlesex case, 272 Council, London County: School care conmmittee carditis, 21 Heavy penalty, 81 and medical supervision of school children, 40 GITTINGS, F. C. B.: Sight testing opticians, Hospital case, another, 295 CRAIG, John: Some recent medical advances, 276 Hospital treatment, rocommendation for, 81 255 Glasgow Division: Report of meetings, 32, 161 How the practitioner -an help, 37 CRONYN, H. D.: Mitral disease in a young Glasgow and West of Scotland Branch: Report Incapacity after confinement, 305 African, 275 of meeting, 256 Industrial disease, 37 CISowF, H. Warren: Rheumatism and the GOPSILL, W. L.: Schistosomiasis, 275 Insurance practitioners' handicap, 19 general practitioner, 293 GRAY, F.: Infant welfare and general practice, Insurance prescriptions for a private patient, CROWN, S.: The National Formulary, 43-Hos- 33- 254 pital or home? 225 GRAY, St. George B. Delisle: Foreign doctors Intermediate and final certificates, 37 Cumberland Division: Report of meetings, 82, and registration in Great Britain, 147 Irritating demand, 199 256 GRIPFITHS, G. J;: Vaccines lb treatment, 298 National Association of Insurance Committees, GIarFFTrES. Lionel W.: Royal College of Sur- 175 Current Notes: geons and chiropodists,303 Necessity for give and take, 2S5 Annual meeting, Melbourne (1935),149 Panel conference, annual, 213, 264 Book of Bournemouth, 165 National Formu.lary, 32 Charities Trust Fund, B.M.A., 286 H. Practitioner's residence: distance from prac- Cheshire ante-natal scheme, 163 tice, 184 Fee for emergency medical treatment in Haemorrhage as applied to obstetrics, treat- Prescribing, economical, 2899 motor accident cases, 266 ment of (R. Christie Brown). 233 Range-of medical service. 272 Panel Conference: a eorrection. 266 HALLTDAY, James L.: Some reflections of a Refusal to issue certificates of incapacIty,t 242 R.A.M C. officers, conditions of service, 165 regional medical officer on medical certifica- Regional medical officers, reference to, 38 tion, 261 Road accidents: charging of fees, 32 HAMEED, Abdul: Saddleback anaesthesia, 176- St. Helens Insurance Committee, 265 Suspected cerebral tumour, 233-G[eneralized Scottish Association of Insurance Committees, D. spasticity thought to be a ease of Kinnier 175 Wilson's disease, 307 Scottish Health Bervices, Committee on, 231 DAv[Es, J. C.: Intravenous pyelography, 41 HAMID, Abdul: Case of ataxia, 33 Seamen as "temporary residents," medical DAVIES, J. H. Twiston: Royal College of Sur- Handbooks of the Association, 288 treatmentof. 165 geons and the chiropodists, 297 HARMAN, N. Bishop:-Findings of eye examina- Splints, 199 DAVIES, Picton: Gastric haemorrhagd and a tions: analysis of 10,000 cases. 181 Surgery and waiting-room accommodation, 140 positive Wassermann reaction, 41 HARNETT, Lieut.-Col. W. L.: Ununited fracture Surgical sPirt and the Natienal F@muiarv, DAvIEs, T. Anwyl: Venereal disease, 256 of humeras with complete radial nerve para- 265 Derbyshire Branch: Report of meeting, 298 lysis, 82 Telephone: whyit'is not usdd, - Derbyshire Panel Benevolent and Scholarship HARtRIS, K.: Sight-testing opticians, 277 Withdrawal of acolaint.-20- Trust, 185 ilarrogate Division: Report of meeting, 177 District medical officers and the open choice, Hastings Division: Report of meeting, 298 Insurance, National HealthI 297, 306 HIASTINGs, Somerville: A socialized medical Dental benafit inquiries, 289 "Doctors, family," 161,166,170 service, 303 Dental beneft; unsuitability for service in Doctors, foreign, and registration in Great HEALEY, Thomas E.: Regarded as unsuitable connexion with, 79, 200 Britain, 147 - for-service in connexion with dental benefit, 79 Dispensing doctors and drugs for tuberculous DON, C. S. D.: Medical treatment of gastric and Hertfordshire, East, Division: Report of meet- patients, 20 duodenal ulcers, 290 ings, 82, 223, 303 Deputation to Minister of Health, i65-Re- Dorset, West, Division: Report of meetings, 166, HIascH, Valentine Robert: Withdrawal of establishment of benefits for genuinely un- 256 authority under the Dangerous Drugs Acts, employed persons, 265 Dorset and West Hants Branch.: Report of 265 Sickness among insured persons in Scotland, 19 meeting, 32 HOBsON, F. G.: Pink disease in infants, 153 DOUGAL, D.: The occipito-posterior and the HODGSON, Stanley, presentation to, 23 CORRESPONDENCE: breech, 256 Hospital or home? 177, 200, 225, 245, 257, 265, 277, Forms and futilities, 177 DOUGLAs, C. E.: " Family doctors," 170 289 Medical records, 34 Drugs Acts, Dangerous: Withdrawal of Hospital policy, 209 National Formularv, 43 authority, 159, 265 Hospitals Committee: Report of meetings, 209 Postage on health insurance forms, 166 Dudley Division: Report of meeting, 302 HUGO, Lieut.-Col.: Medical experiences in the Record cards, 123,147 DUGUID, Ian, disciplinary case of, 283 Swat Valley. 162 Dumbartonshire Division: Report of meeting, HUTCHISON, Robert: Dyspepsia, 298 IRWIN, C. Jordan: Useful tips in- orthopaedic 298 Hyderabad Branch: Report of meeting, 32 practice, 307 Dundee Branch: Report of meetings, 41, 298 Hydrology, medical, some new theories in (Max Isle of Ely Division: Report of meeting, 41 DYKE, S. C. The gastric stomacb, 307 Wassermann), 82 Isle of Thanet Division: Report of meeting, 233

H. 5 ~~~~~~~I. Indian Medical Service, 35, 43, 155. 1&3 171, 203, - J. EAST, C. F. T.: Modern treatment of heart -227.246,-290, 299 disease, 303 Infant welfare and general practice, 33 JOHNSTON, J. McQ.: Some principles of thera- Egyptian Branch: Cholera, 305 -Insurance Acts Committee: Report of meetings, peutics, 302 Essex Branch: Report of meeting, 21 125, 183, 249, 269-Amendment of rules, pro- JOSEPE, G. W.: Evidence, direct and indirec, Essex, Mid, Division: Report of meetings, 240, posed, 184 - Ante-natal examinations, 130- of the presence of intelligence in the 'micro- 256 - - AvDendices. 138.Ipw CaDitatiOn%,Ivvvluqmu.%JLA fee.ACV, 126&flu -(erti I scopic cell, 41 4 JULY--DEc., 1934J1 INDEX TO SUPPLEMENT r SUPPLEMENT TO THE L BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAI.

Opticians, sight-testing, 256, 276, 297, 306. See What a Division secretary expects from head- K. also Eye examinations quarters and what headquarters expects from Osteopaths Bill, 301-Criticisln of the Bill, 301 a Division secretary, 119-Election of chair- Kensington Division: Report of meetings, 41, 83, Osteopathy (Mr. Pearson), 162 men of conference, 120 200, 233 Over-seas Branches and Divisions: Conference Sheffield Division: Report of miieeting, 162 KERR, J. Munro, awarded the Katherine Bishop of, 120-Work of the Committee during the Shropshire and Mid-Wales Branch: Report of Harman prize, 78 year, 120-General discussion, 121 mneeting, 224 KILLEN, S. J.: The Dispensary Medical Service Oxford Division: Report of meetings, 153, 302 SHELLEY, H. M.: Pellagra, 275 and its relation to public health. 240 SMITH, Edwin: The medical practitioner in relation to the coroner's court, 298 P. South-Eastern Counties Division: Report of L. meeting, 233 PAGLAR, Charles Joseph Pemberton, disci- Southern Branch: Report of meeting, 41 Labour, prolonged (R. Christie Brown), 232 plinary case of, 283 South-Western Branch: Report of meeting, 161 LACK, V.: Ante-natal work, 83 Panel Conference, Annual, 213, 266-Wrork of In- B.: The in the Lancashire and Cheshire Branch: SPURGIN, Percy nmedical man Report of surance Acts Committee, 213-Certification witness box, 83 meeting, 33 procedure, 214-Charging fees to insured STANLEY, Modern therapeutics, 41 N.: Dou;glas: LEAK, Ante-natal examinations in persons, 216 - National Fortnulary, 217- STEELE, Russell V.: National Health Insurance Cheshire, 177 National Insurance Defence Trust, 218-Con- record cards, 123-Postage on health insurance LEARMONTH, J. R.: The surgeon and pain, 298 stitution of the Central 'Medical Pool, 219- forms, 166 LEwys-LLOYD, E : A day in the life of a county Temporary residents, 219 -" Own arrange- STEEN, Horatio Walter James, name restored to medical officer, 154 ments," 220-Medical records, 220-Scotland, the Medical Regi8ter, 285 LEYTON, 0.: Difficlulties in the diagnosis of 221-Other business, 222-Panel Conference STEPHEEN, Alexander, regarded as unsuitable for diabetes mellitus, 81 dinner, 223-A correction, 266 service in connexion with dental benefit, 79 Lincolnshire Branch: Report of meeting, 154 Pathologists Consulting Group: Annual confer- STEWART, Donald McGregor, disciplinary case Litholapaxy, film on, 233 ence, 272-Membership and list of pathological of, 283 LOCH, William, disciplinary case of, 283 laboratories, 272-Taking of specimens by non- STILL, G. F., awarded the Dawson Williams London County Council. See Council medical persons, 272-University laboratories, Memorial Prize, 78 LUKIS, Helen, awarded the Sir Charles hlastings 273-Use of liver preparations, 273 -Testing of STOBIE, William: Cases of open pulmonary Prize, 78 parenteral liver preparations, 273-Pathologi- tuberculosis treated by artificial pneumo- cal requirements for insured persons, 273- thorax, 153 Post-mortem examinations, 273-Diagnosis and Stratford Division: Report of meeting, 303 M. treatmnent of the anaemias, 273-Balneological STRATFORD, Howard M.: The Royal College of assistants, 273-Election of group committee, Surgeons and the chiropodists, 289 NMACABE, John Joseph, disciplinary, case of, 283 1934-5, 273 Suffolk Branch: Report of meeting, 233 MACDONALD, Peter: Hospital or home ? 200, 265, Patient and doctor (Sir Henry Brackenbury), 205 Suffolk, South, Division: Report of meetings, 83, 289 PAYNE, A. W. Spencer: Dental conditions of 275 MaNEE, J. W.: Prognosis and treatment of interest in general medical pr actice, 298 Suffolk, West, Division: Report of 298 and meeting, acute, subacute, chronic nephritis, 154 PEARSON, Mr.: Osteopathy, 162 SUMMERS, G. D.: District medical officers and MAHER, George Francis, disciplinary case of, 283 PEEL, Charles: Payment of Post Office miiedical the open 306 of choice, Malaria, treatment (P. Ross), 176 officers, 147 Surgery, recent advances in (J. T. Blackburn), MALLAM, E.: Future of general practice, 302 PHILLIPS, Porter: Psychotherapy, 303 224 MARTIN, G. Ewart: The ear in general practice, Pneumothorax, artificial (L. S. T. Burrell), 224 I Surrey Branch: Report of meeting, 162 307 Poland, health and sickness insurance in, 38 Division: Surrey Insurance Comnmittee: Charging of fees Marylebone Report og meeting. 303 Portsmouth Division: Report of meetings, 41, 83, to insured persons, 254-Another hospital Medical recent case, advances, (John Craig), 255 224, 290 295 Medical certification. See Certification Post-graduate courses and lectures, 42,152,162, Sussex Branch: Report of meeting, 111 Medico-Political Committee: Report of nmeeting, 170, 178, 201, 225, 234, 247, 279, 299, 307 Sussex, West, Division: Report of meeting, 233 229 Post Office medical officers, payment of, 147 Swindon Division: Report of meeting, 256 Medical Register, untraceable practitioners, Postage on health insurance forms, 166 (1934), 174 POTTINGER, Steven Tait, disciplinary case of, MEDLOCK, C. H.: After-results of operations for 283 T. malignant disease, 82 Presentations, 23, 82 Mental of defectives,staffing colonies for, 257, 277 PRICE, F. W.: Diagnosis and treatment of heart Therapeutics, modern Stanley), 41 Mental (Ilouglas deficiency, heredity, and sterilization disease, 41 THOMsON, T. Lauder: Certain aspects of the (John Morrison). 256 Prize, Harman (Katherine Bishop), 78 Public Health Service of interest to the Methylated spirit in prescribing, 302 Prize, Hastings (Sir Charles), 78, 167, 278 general 298 Middle-class p)ractitioner, Persons, provident schemes for. Prize, Middlemore, 278, 298 Cecil B. F.: Sight testing opticians, 256 See Provident TIVY, Prize, Williams (Sir Dawson), 78 Prize. TOMIB, J. Walker: Cholera, 305 AMiddlemore See Prize Provident schemes for nmiddle-class persons, 186 Torquay Report of meeting, 154 Midland of lDivision: lBranch: Report meeting, 176 Public Health Committee: Report of imieeting, TUGHAN, Victor Cecil, disciplinary case of, 283 supply: the problem of designation, 241 241 MILLER, Frederick Richard TURNER, A. H.: Appendicitis with a nail in the Lanfear, disci- Public Medical Services: Directory of existing appendix, 41 plinary case of, 282 schemes, 243 Mombasa Division: Report of meetings, 21, 176 PULVERTAFT. R. J. V.: Treatment of pyogenic MONRO, J. K.: Disability following fractures, infection, 233 U. 298 PuRvis, Victor: Sight-testing opticians, 297 Morpeth Division: Report of meetings, 33, 307 Ulcers, gastric and duodenal, medical treat- MORRISON. John: Mental deficiency, heredity, ment of (C. S. D. Don), 290 sterilization, 256 United Provinces Report of R. Branch: meetings, MORRISON, Samnuel: Regarded as unsuitable for 33, 176. 198, 233, 307 service in connexion with dental Unqualified practice, 22 benefit, 79 Radiological diagnosis, value of (S. G. Galstaun), Untraceable See 82 practitioners. ilhledical Register Radium and cancer (Roy Ward). 290 REAY, Joseph: Unsuitable for service in cono W. nexion with dental benefit, 200 S. L.: NAVARATNAM, Practical application of Regional posts, age for, 303 preventive medicine in obstetric practice. WAKEFIF.LD, A. W.: Mount Everest, 232 209 Reigate Divison: Report of meeting, 42 Royal, Medical Service: Wakefield, Pontefract, and Division: Navy, 23, 34, 43, 83, 111, Rheumatic carditis, early, diagnosis of (J. J. 147, 163, 167, 171. 178, Report of meetings, 223 123, 155, 191, 202, 227, 235, 245, Giraldi), 21 33, 258, 290, 299, 304. See also Journal Index Wales, North, Branch: Report of meetings, 41, 276, Rheumatism and the general practitioner Navy, Royal: Royal Naval 154 Volunteer Reserve, (H. Warren Crowe), 293 23, 34, 43, 83, 111. 123. 148, 155, Walsall and Lichfield Division: of 163, 167, 171, 178, Rhythm, new doctrine of (W. Burridge), 198 Report 191, 202, 225, 235, meeting, 307 227, 245, 259, 276, 299, 304, Richmond Division: Report of meetings,233, 298 See also Journal Index WALTERS, Henry Blanchard, name restored to RIDOUT,Scott: Vogue of the streptococcus, 41 NIGAM, K. S.: Demonstrates of 33 the Register, 285 cases cancer, Road Traffic Act (1934), 159, 294-Emergency 3Medical -Multiple fibrocystic diseases of Wandsworth Division: of meeting, 167 bones, 176-- treatment clauses, 159-Payment of fees for Report Chronic ulcer of scalp, 233-Sarcomna of skull, WARD, Roy: Radium and cancer, 290 emergency treatment, 294-British Medical Warwick and Leamington Division: of 307-Encapsulating peritonitis, 307-Ewing's Association model form, 294 Report tumour the upper arm, 307 meetings, 153, 223 Rochdale Division: Report of meetings, 153, 223, Norfolk, East, Division: Report of meeting, 83 290 WASSERMANN, Max: Some new theories in Norfolk, West, ff medical hydrology, 82 Division: Report meetings, 111, RocHE, Redmond: The Royal College of 224, WEBSTER, James Scott, disciplinary case of, 282 30.3 Surgeons and the chiropodists, 276 of England Branch: of West Bromwich and Smethwick Division: Report meeting, Ross, P.: Treatment of malaria, 176 Report 176 of meetings, 41, 153, 255 Rugby Division: Report of g, 153 Counties of Scotland Branch: Report miieetirl WHEELER, Sir Williamr I. de Courcy: Some meetings, 154, 307 surgical impressions, 21 North See Wales WHITELOCKE, H. A. B.: Exhibits Wales. S. specimen Nuneaton and Tamworth Division: Report of removed at operation for acute abdominal meeting, 298 emergency, 153 St. Pancras Division: Report of meeting,275 Nyasaland Branch: Report of WILSON, C. P.: Causes and diagnosis of earache. meetings, 161,275 Salford Division: Report of meeting,166 233 SANER, F. D : Fractures of'the limbs, 275 WILLAN, G. T., presentation to, 82 Science Committee: Statements of work done 0. Willesden Division: Reportof meeting, 275 by scholars and grantees, 157 Wiltshire Branch: Report of meeting, 154 Sclerosis, disseminated (John Adams), 224 practice, practical WOOD, W. Burton: Early diagnosis of application of Scottish Conference of Local Medical and Panel pulmonary preventive medicine in (S. L. Navaratnam1), Committees, 179 tuberculosis, 256 209 Obstetrics, art and science of, 233 Scottish Health Services: Memorandum of W. J.: Neuroses evidence by the Association's Scottish Conm- Y. O'DONOVAN, of the skin and mittee. their treatment, 200 - The neurotic factor in Scunthorpe Report of meeting, 290 dermatology, 233 Dermatitis of external Secretaries' Yorkshire Branch: Report of meeting, 154 origin, 303 (Honorary) Conference, 118-The Yorkshire, East, Branch: Report of meetings, the local Ophthalmic Treatment ard. See Eye Ser- life of the 232, 256 Br 118-Importance of vices, National the honorary YOUNG, George: Findings of eye examinations, the Association, 119- 245

Printed and published by the British Medical Association, at their Office, Tav istock Square, in the Parish of St. Pancras, in the County of London. THE jVIISTiJOI OjtEdiTat QuOuat THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION





READERS in search of a particular subject will find it useful to bear in mind that the references are in several cases distributed under two or more separate but nearly synonymous headings-such, for instance, as Brain and Cerebral; Heart and Cardiac; Liver and Hepatic; Renal and Kidney; Cancer and Carcinoma; Epithelioma, Malignant Disease, New Growth, Sarcoma, etc.; Child and Infant; Bronchocele, Goitre, and Thyroid; Diabetes, Glycosuria, and Sugar; Eye, Ophthalmia, and Vision, etc. The Figures in this Index r-efer to the Number of the Paragraph, NOT the Page. A. Appendicitis, chronic, x-ray diagnosis of, 238 BIENVENUE, A.: Treatment of psoriasis. 284 Appendicitis, death after, causes of, 297 BIANCHI, G.: Osteomyelitis of the scapula, 200 Abdominal distension in retroperitoneal haemor- Appendicitis and typhoid fever, 464 Biliaryfistula following gastrectomy. 199 rhage, 382 Appendicostomy and peritonitis, 6 Biliary peritonitis, non-pDerforative, 56 Abdominal operations followed by uraemia, 104 Appendicular stasis, 388 BIRCHa, C. A.: Gas analysis in the diagnosis of Abdominal trauma followed by peptic ulcer, 101 Apples,powdered, in diarrhoea of childhood, 328 pleuro-pulmonary perforations, 60 ABEL, A. L.: Primary carcinoma of the liver, 64 ARA6Z. J. D.: Tonsillectomy in cases of pul- Bispinous diameter in persistent occipito- Abortion: Abortive action of Br. abortus, 312 monary tuiberculosis, 139 posterior presentation, 330 Abortion, contagious, immunization against, 477 ARNOLD, L.: Foods and bacterial invasion, 437 Bladder papilloma. See Papilloma Abortion in human infection by Br. abortus Arsenic-gold (combined) therapy in lupus BLANC, G.: Vaccination against typhus, 180 (Bang), 270 erythematosus, 432 Bleeding. See llaemorrhage Abortion, induction of, local anaesthesia witl Arsphenamine reactions, serious, prevention of, BL6CH, J.: Haematoporphyrinuria and impaired percaine in, 494 274 liver function in hydroa vasccinifoime, 163 Abortion, septic, of iodine in treat- Arterial hypertension. See Hypertension Blood cholesterol, determination of, 171 ment of, 415 Arteriectomy, arteriography as a guide to, 84 Blood, circulating, tubercle bacilli in, 40 Abscess, fixation, in asthma, 143 Artery, subelavian, traumatic aneurysm of, 261 Blood, human, lysis of by cholera vibrios, 292 Abscess of lung, 236 Artery, uterine, vaginal ligature of, 114 Blood in measles. 39 Abscess, subphrenic, 340 Arthritis, calcium ortho-iodoxybenzoate in, 203 Blood pathology in endocarditis lenta, 476 Abscess, subphrenic, simulating massive Artlhritis, gonorrhoeal, treatm-lent by antigono- Blood, occult, new method for detection of, 291 pleural effusion, 399 coccal serum, 221 Blood phosphatases in osseous affections, 417 Acetylcholine in hemiplegic seizures, 301 Arthritis, stippurative, of the knee, treatment of, Blood pressure and hv-popituitarism, 363 Acetylcholine in periplheral vessel occlusions, 179 158 Blood. reinfusion of, in rupttured ectopic gesta- Achylia, gastric, and pernicious anaemia, 442 Artichokes, Jerusalem, in diabetes, 375 tion, 93 Acid metabolism. See Metabolism Artificial respiration. See Respiration Blood, retroplacental, chenmistry of, 77 Aconitine, identification of, 394 Aschheim-Zondek test for chorion epithelioma, Blood sedimentation rate in pregnancy and Actinomycosis, abdominal, vaccine treatment 149 puerperiiim, 457 of, 202 Aschheim-Zondek test. a modified, 272 Blood-urine urea ratio, 57 Actinomycosis, formiiation of clubs in, 17 Ascites, cirrhotic, multiple tappings in, 105 BOAS, I.: New method for detection of occult Addison's disease, treatment of, 120 Ascites, slight, diagnostic signs of, 461 blood, 291 Adhesive plaster. See Plaster Ascorbic acid in the chicl emiibryo, 191 Boeck's sarcoid. antileprol in, 12 ADLERCREUTZ, E.: Lymphogranulomatosis, 334 ASECROFT, I) NV. : Ftunction of the saccule, 223 JPOEMINGHAUS, H : Sterilization in the male, 4- Agranulocytosis fatalities from amidopyrine Asplhyxia, tongue in the production of, 400 Ftu sion of the kidneys, 482 and other drugs, 420, 421 Asthma, fixation abscess in, 143 BOLLER, R.: Humioi-al nature of insulin resist. Agranulocytic angina, allonal as a cause of, 78 Asylums, secondary pellagra, in, 234 ance, 354 AHRINGSMANN, H.: Early diagnosis of exudative Atelectasis, massive, in pulmlonary tubercu- BONAR, B3. E.: Magnesium sulphate in Hirsch- tuberculosis, 314 losis. 398 spruing's disease, 326 Alcohol, intrathecal, as an analgesic in cancer, Athetosis, congeinital, 184 Bone grafts, autoplastic, in surgical tubercu- 429 Atropine dosage, massive, in Parkinsonism, 9 losis, 405 ALDER, F. H.: Apparetnt ocular atrophy, 206 Aulral vertigo. See Vertigo Bone, parietal, depression of, in the newborn, Allergic reaction of bathers to aquatic vegeta- Avertin anaesthesia. See Anaesthesia 55 tion, 463 Avitaminoses in pregnancy, 132 Bone, temporal, cholesteatomia of. 69 Allergic reactions of veins, 121 AXELROD, M. L.: Pre-operative anaesthes ia Bones, long, tuberculosis of the shaft of. 24 Allonal as a cause of agranulocytic f ngina, 78 411 BORTHWICE, Grizel A.: Factors predisposing Amidopyrine and other drugs, agranulocytosis to infection with Cl. septique, 252 fatalities from, 420, 421 B. BosIGNORE, A.: Ascorbic acid in the chiclk Amnion and vernix caseosa, physiology of, 118 embryo, 191' Amniotin in gonorrhoeal vaginitis of children, BAASTRUP, S.: Serumi treatmiient of poliomyelitis, BOTENGA, S P.: Radlioscopic examination of 386 322 recruits, 173 Amoebic dysentery. See Dysentery 13ABAYNTZ, L.: Radiothierapy in vasomiotor dis- Botulism, outbreak of. 254 Amputation, Ricard's, 298 orders of the extremnities, 246-Appendicular BOUCEAERT, J. . Stapliiylococcal toxin, 152 Amyloidosis, case of, 134 stasis, 388 BOURG, R.: Fibroinyvoiimata in the newborn. 350 Anaemia from lice, 316 Bacilli, " paracoli," pathological significance BRADLEY, J. A.: Mlalaria in drug addicts, 423 Anaemia, pernicious, invariable association of of, 418 BRAHDY, M. B.: Diagnosis of acute poliomyelitis, gastric achylia with, 442 Bacilluria, tuiberculous, significanice of, 355 99 Anaemia, pernicious, in pregnancy, 331 Bacilluts abo,rtus (Bang) causing abortion in Brain, nematodes in. in pellagra, 136 Anaemia, pernicious, proteolytic activity of human infection, 270 BRAM, I.: Suprarenal cortex therapy in Graves's gastric juice in, 117 Bacillus of diphtheria in chronic nasal infec- disease, 365 Anaemia, pernicious, surgical operations in, 276 tions, 226 BRAUCILE, A.: Hot and cold compresses, 159 Anaemia, pernicious, yeast in, 126 Bacillus of leprosy, ctltivation of, 96 Breathing exercises in treatment of hyperten- Anaesthesia, avertin, and nitrous oxide, com- Bacillus of leprosy in the "healthy" skin of sion, 281 bined, 266 lepers, 13 BREDMOSE, G. V.: Secondary pellagra in Anaesthesia, avertin, in oto-rhino-laryngology, Bacillus of plague, immunization power of, 495 asyluims, 234 i11 Bacillus of tubercle in the circulating blood, 40 BREWER, E. D.: Extradural cysts, 29 Anaesthesia, evipan, 410-In psychiatry, 145-In Bacteria, effect of supersonic waves on, 253 BROCK: Ergotamiine tartrate in migraine, 430 general practice, 267 Bacterial invasion and foods, 437 BRODIN, P.: Radiology of the aorta in the aged, Anaesthesia, local, in major abdominal surgery, Baker's eezemia, 14 336 108 BALTAZARD, M.: Vaccination against typhus, B3romilide therapy and miiental deterioration, 385 Anaesthesia, lunmbar, with t)antokain-L, 265 180 Bronchography, dangers of, 196 Anaesthesia, nitrous oxide and avertin, com- BANZET, P.: Cranial fractures involving the BROUN, G. 0.: Treatmtient of epidemic encephal- bined, 266 frontal sinus, 426 itis, 486 Anaesthesia, nitrous oxide, enceplholography Barbituric acid poisoning, strychnine therapy Brucella abortus, abortive action of, 312 under, 248 in, 469 Brucella abortus, isolation of a polysaccharide Anaesthesia, nitrous oxide, in orthopaedics, 110 BARG, G. S.: The zoster virus, 373 substance from. 172 Anaesthesia, percaine, local, in induction of BARNEOUD, J.: Vaccination against typhus, 180 BRUENN, H. G.: Coronary syphilis, 22 abortion, 494 BARON, P.: Pernicious anaemia in pregnancy, 331 BRUNEAU, J.: Vaccination against typhus, 180 Anaesthesia, percaine, in urology, 381-Spinal, a BARRETO, It. S.: Gynaecomastia in lepers, 396 IBRUNET, S.: Multiple tappings in cirrhotic complication of, 412 BARRETT, N. R.: Examination of fresh tisstues ascites, 105 Anaesthesia: pre-anaesthetic medication, ex- by the wet fllm method, 290 BRUNS, 0.: The electrocardiogram in cases of perimental, 374 Basal metabolism. See Metabolislml apparent death, 403 Anaesthesia, spinal, by percaine, a complica- Bathers, allergic reaction of to aquatic vegeta- BRUNTHALER, E.: Ultra-violet light as a pre- tion of, 412 tion, 463 - ventive of tuberculosis, 155 Anaesthetic properties of cVcloproPane, 109 BAYLE, J. C.: Splenotherapy in tuberculosis, 222 BUCHANAN, G. S.: Statistics of nmeasles prophy- ANDERSON, E. D.: Chloral hydrate in paedia- BAZY, L.: Arteriography as a guide to arteri- laxis, 142 trics. 185 ectomy, 84 BuCURA, C.: Treatment of uterine myomia, 113 Aneurysm, operative treatment of, 124 BEAUIFAYS, J.: Congenital athetosis, 184 BULL, P.: Cancer of the stomach, 424 Aneurysm of subclavian artery, traumatic, 261 Bee venoimi in rheumatism, 161 BURGESs, A. MI.: Infectious mononucleosis, 497 Angina, agranulocytic, allonal as a cause of, 78 BEERMAN, H.: Leather dermatitis, 162 BURGEsS, N.: Successful treatment of vitiligo, Angioma of the kidney, 45 BELL, F. G.: Goitre in Otago, 176 285 Ante-natal care, 473 BELL, T. M.: Evipan anaesthesia in general BUvAT, J. Fr.: Hypertonic in epilepsy, Antibodies, heterophil, in glandular fevers, 19 practice, 267 366 Antigonococcal serum in treatment of gonor- BZNEIAMOU, E : Acute meningitis due to rhoeal arthritis. 221 Pfeiffer's bacillus, 352 C. Antileprol in Boeck's sarcoid, 12 BERCONsEY, L.: Occult cardiac insufficiency, 193 Antirabic virus vaccine in treatmiient of sciatica BERLAND, A.: Basal metabolism and specific CADE, A.: The hypersthenic syndrome and and migraine, 220 dynamic action in heart failure and hyper gastric cancer, 359 Antistaphylococcal vaccine in treatment of thyroidism, 460 ='affeine administration for experimental herpes zoster, 28 BESSEMANs, A.: Diathermy of the female pelvic chronic peptic ulcer, 309 Antitoxin and convalescent scarlet fever serum), oreans, 391 Caesarean section, low cervical, 167 245 BETZNER, J.: Cibalgin afler Calcium in epididymitis, 68 Aorta, radiology of in the aged, 336 operations, 302 Calcium ortho-iodoxybenzoate in arthritis, 203 Aorta, stenosis, congenital, of, 387 BEzssONOFF, N.: Vitamin C in the nursling, 183 Calculus, renal, apparent recurrences after &ortic stenosis, 258 BIANCALANI, G.: Isolation of a polysaccharide operations for, 296 Appen.1icitis. (cqte, mortality of, 42 substance from Br, abortus, 172 Calculus, renal, glycerin therapy in, 153 THEBRITISH 3 EPITOME r JULY-DEC., 19341 IMEDICAL JOURNAL

Calculus, nirete,-al, glycerin therapy in, 153 Cranium bifidum and spina bifida, 122 DUFOURT. A.: Nervous complications and CAMPBELL, TJ. K.: The .Jairusaleli artichoke in CrAd6's method for expression of placenta, sequelae of enteric fever, 402 diabetes, 375 imiodification of, 166 Duiao, J. V.: Causes of sudden death, 376 Cancer alcohol intrathecallyas ani analgesic in, CRSUICKSHANE, R.: Virginal leuicorrhoea, 269 DURAN RI-,YNALS, F.: Effects of testicular 429 ('rutches in knee cartilage injuries, mistuse of, extract on tuberculous infection. 210 Cancer of breast, early diaginosis of, 83 125 DITVAL, C. W.: Cultivation of the leprosy Cancer of breast, operability of, limiits of, 320 CRUVEI.HI1AIR, [L.: Antirabic virus vaccine in bacilluis, 96 Cancer of cervix during pregnancy, 348 treatment of sciatica and imigraine, 220 DYKE, C. G.: Extraduiral cysts, 29 Cancer of cervix, radium therapy in, 372 CURPHEY, WN'. C.: Pre-operative treatment of Dysentery, amoebic, radiography in,128 Cancer of colon, symptomatology and early the dilated stoiuiach, 361 DYsoN, J. M.: Pulmonary heart disease in diagnosis of, 154 CURTIS, L.: Cleft p)a?ate surgery, 484 pneumoconiosis, 438 Cancer of the corpus uteri, diffuse squtmotns- CUTLER, '1.: Treatm-lent of generalized osteitis Dyspeptic's dietary, cheese in thle, 323 cell, 16 fibrosa cystica, 383 Dystrophy of cot-neal endolhelium (cornea Cancer, gastric, and the hypersthenic syndrome, CUTTER, C. W.: Errors in surgical diagnosis, 157 guttata), 89 359 Cvclopropane, anaesthetic properties of, 109 Cancer following subtotal hysterectomy, 308 Cystin stones, 299 Cancer of larynx, laryngo-fissure in, 224 Cysts, extradural, 29 E. Cancer of liver, pirinmary, 64 Cancer of lung, prinmary, 277 Ear affections, the toe reflex a diagnostic aid Cancer of oesoplhagnis, radiation treatmient of, D. in, 72 70 Ear, middle-ear suppuration, surgical inter- Cancer of the ovaries, 435 DARIN, C.: Diphtheritic myocarditis, 213 vention in. 488 Cancer patients, " infection index " in, 459 DAUFRESNFI, A Spirochaetes of the mouth,310 EARL, C. J. C.: Aetiology of nocturnal enuresis, Cancer, snake venom as an analgesic in, 406 DAuma, P.: Sarcoma complicating Paget's dis- 472 Cancer of stomach, 424 ease, 240 ECKARDT, E.: The hour of death, 79 Cancer of uterus, 227 DAVID, 1.: Cholesteatoma of the temiporal bone, Eclampsia, paralysis in, 207 CANTOR, M. M.: Treatment of Addison's disease, 69 Eczema, baker's, 14 120 DAVIDSON, H. S3.: Duration of immiiunity follow- Eczemiia, mycotic, of the feet, remedy for Carbon injections, animal, in infections, 243 ing vaccination, 175 C' mycocten "), 244 Carbuncle of the kidney, 319 DAVIES, H.: X ray treatmiient of the thyroid and 1E HALT, W.: M1;isusq of crutches in knee cartilage Carcinoma. See Cancer thymus. 247 injuries. 125 Cardiac affections, drug therapy in, 468 DKAIIING, W. P.: Duration of immunity follow- ETCHIIORN, A.: Hunman influenza and canine Cardiac insufficiency, occult, 193 inig vaccination, 175 distemuper, 233, 332 Cardiac. See also Heart Death, apparent, the electrocardiogramii in ELBIM, A.: Cranial fractures involving the Carditis, rheumiiatic, primary, in adults, 214 cases of, 403 frontal sinus. 426 Carotid sympathectomy in ocular degenera- Death after appendicitis, causes of, 297 Electrocardiograimi in cases of apparent death, tions, 204 Death, hour of, 79 403 Castor oil and male fern, therapeutics of, 88 Death, sudden, causes of, 376 Electrotherapy in gynaecology, indications for, Castration followed by atrophy of fernale l)eath, sudden, while swilimming 61 392 genitals, 251 DE 13ALZAC, H.: Radiology of the aorta in the E'LGART, J.: Treatment of salpingo-peritonitis, Cataract, senile, intracapsular and extra aged, 336 229 capsular operation compared, 205 DE BLASI, A.: The reticuilo endothelial sB stem ELKIN, D.: Tamours of the salivary glands, 5 CATHILA, V.: Oedemlna of the cervix during in oto-rhiino-laryngology, 492 ELSBERG, C. A.: Extradural cysts, 29 labour, 347 DEBRAY. M.: Pepsin therapy in gastro-duodenal Etmbryo, chick, ascorbic acid in the, 191 Caustic poisoning, therapeutic dilatation of the ulcers, 181 Encephalitis, epidemic, treatment of, 486 oesophagus after, 344 DE CASTRO, U.- Chronic nephritis without Encephalitis. See also Parkinsonisnl Cavernous haenmangioma. See Haemangionma hypertension, 216 E,ncephalography tunder nitrous oxide anaes- Cellular alterationis, neurotrophic, and tumour DE FOURMESTRAUX, J.: Treatmiient of suppura- thesia, 248 formation, 351 tive arthritis of the knee. 158 Eadocarditis lenta, blood pathology in, 476 Cerebellar ttumour. See Tunmiour DE GUCITENEER, R.: Retention of the memii- Endocarditis in Still's disease. 186 Cerebellum, sclerotic atroplhy of the, 304 branes, 228 ENGEL, P.: " Infection index " in patients with Cerebral circulation. See Cir-cullation DELAFIELD, M. E.: Experimiiental hyper- carcinOl1a, 459 Cerebro-spinal fever, suboccipital punctur-e in, glycaemlia in rabbits, 38 Enuresis, nocturnal, aetiology of, 472 384 DELHERM, L.: Indications for electrotherapy in Epididymitis, calcium in, 69 Cerebro-spinal fluid, suboccipital, hormiones in, gynaecology, 392 Epilepsy and the cerebral circulation, 452 135 Di.MAREZ: Animial carbon injections in infec- Epilepsy in children, 53 Cerebro-spinal meningitis, serum treatment of, tioins, 243 Epilepsy, hypertonic solutions in, 366 343 Dementia paralytica. snialaria therapy in, 201 Epilepsy, treatmient of, 147 Cervix, oedema of during labour, 347 Dentures in oesophagus, remi-oval of, 71 Epileptic ehildren, futuire of, 439 CHALNOT: Mamumary tuberculosis, 321-Radio- Dermatitis herpetiformis, sodium thiostulphate Epithelial inlay in the treatment of syn- logical exploration of the uterus, 414 treatmiient of, 164 dactylism. 239 Chancroid, treatment of, 427 Dermatitis, leather, 162 Epithelioma, chorion, Aschheim-Zondek test CH&NDLER, M.: Basal metabolism and specific DESMAREST: Conlbined avertin and nitrous for, 149 dynamic action in heart failure and hyper- oxide anaesthesia, 266 Ergotamine tartrate in migraine, 430. See al8o thyroidism, 460 DEUTSCH, F.: Methylene-blue-glucose solution " Gynergen " CHASIN, M. M.: Splenomegaly;in infantile tuber- in gas poisoning, 106 ESLER, A. R.: Tryparsamide treatment of culosis, 115 Diabetes, the heart in, 335 pemphigus, 48 Cheese in the dyspeptic's dietary, 323 Diabetes, Jerusalem artichokes in, 375 ESSARTS, J. Qu6rangal des: Serum treatment of Chick embryo, ascorbic acid in the, 191 Diabetes, latent, and psoriasis, 479 cerebro-spinal meningitis, 343 CHIPAIL, G.: Fusion of the kidneys, 483 Diabetes, trauma as a cause of, 318 ESSER, J.: Treatment of syndactylism by Chloral hydrate in paediatrics, 185 Diagnosis, surgical, errors in, 157 epithelial inlay, 239 Cholera vibrios, lysis of human blood by, 292 Diarrhoea of childhood, powdered apples in, 328 IkTIENNE, G.: Irradiation of the pituitary in Cholesterolaemia and tuberculosis, 436 Diathermy of the female pelvic organs, 391 Graves's disease, 280 Cholesteatoma of the temporalbone, 69 Diathermy in prostatic hypertrophy, 123 Evipan anaesthesia. See Anaesthesia Cholesterin in acute peritonitis, 75 Diet for dyspeptics, cheese in, 323 Cholesterol, blood, determination of, 171 Diet for infants and children, minimum, 50 Chorion epithelionma, Aschheimu- Zondek test for, Diet, influience of on gums and teeth, 356 149 DIMITRACOFF, C.: Primary rheumatic carditis F. Cibalgin suppositories after operations, 302 in adults, 214 Circulation, cerebral, and epilepsy, 452 DINsMORE, R.: Metastases from thyroid tumours, FABER, Knuid: Facial hemiatrophy, 440 Citric acid, urinary excretion of,170 140 FAION, E.: Massive atropine dosage in Parkin- CzAR, F.: Intestinal mucosa in the stomach Diphtheria bacillus in chronic nasal infections, sonism, 9 and the pathology of gastric ulcer, 333 226 FAINSILBER, Mine: Indications for electro- Cleft palate suirgery, 484 Diphtheria immunization, complications of, 275 therapy in gynaecology. 392 CLEMINSON, F. J.: Radiation treatment of oeso- Diphtheria, kidney in, 317 FALCOIUNU, N.: Biliary fistula following gas- phageal carcinoma, 70 Diphtheria, rapid immunization against, 450 trectomy, 199 CLEMMESEN, C.: Future of epileptic childten, Diphtheria toxoid, immunity by, 49 FALTA, W.: Humoral nature of insulin resist- 439 Diphtheritic myocarditis, 213 ance, 354 CLERF, L. H.: Laryngo-fissure in laryngeal car- Diplopia. transient. as an easy symptom in FAMR, F.: Ultimate results of phrenicectomy, cinoma, 224 cerebellar tuimour, 31 141 CLIFFORD, S.: Determination of foetal size in Disseminated sclerosis. See Sclerosis FARINAS, E. P.: Treatment of venereal lympho- utero by x rays, 208 Distemper, canine, and human influenza, 233. granuloina, 364 Clostridiumn septiqute, factors predisposing to 332 FARRELL, J. I.: Gonorrhoeal ophthalmia, 368 infection with, 232 Diverticultum of gall-bladder, pre-operative FAVILLI, G.* Isolation of a polysaccharide sub- COATES, J. C.: Cultivation of the gonococcus, diagnosis of, 130 stance from Br. abortus, 172 273 Diverticulum, l eckel's, miorbid conditions FELS, E.: Chemistry of corpus luteum Cod-liver oil in treatment ofwounds, 428 caused by, 25 hormones, 456 Compresses,bot and cold,15U DOAN-KHAL-THINH: Malarial polyneuritis, 338 FELSEN, J.: Recovery from streptococcus men- CONTEMPRE, J.: A complication of percaine DOBRANIECKI, W.: Intravenous urography in ingitis, 337 spinal anaesthesia, 412 urogenital fistula, 371 FNYES, J.: Percaine in diseases of the skin, 11 COOPER, W.: Treatment of varicose veins, 67 DODDS, E. C.: Solar irradiation and hyper- FESILER, A.: Foot-and-mouth diseasein man, Conception followed by menstruation, 288 vitamiinosis D, 52 102 CORDIER, G.: Abdominal distension in retro- DOGLIOTTI. V.: The thyroid in experimental Fever, cerebro-spinal, See Cerebro-spinal peritoneal haemnorrhage, 382 ovariotomy, 133 Fever, enteric, and appendicitis, 464 Cornea guttata, 89 DOuSKOWA, T.: Basal metabolismii and specific Fever, enteric, nervous complications and Corneal endothelium, dystrophy of, 89 dynamic action in heart failure and lhyper- sequelae of, 402 Coronary syphilis. See Syphilis thyroidismii, 460 Fever, scarlet, haemolytic streptococcus of, Corpus luteum, hormones,chemistry of, 456 DRAPER, G.: Psychological basis of migraine, 416 CORYN, G. Blood phosphatases in osseous 453 Fever, typhus, thrombo-angiitis obliterans and, affections, 417 DROUET, P.-L..: Irradiation of the pituitary in 237 Cossio,F.: Occullt cardiac insufficiency, 193 Graves's disease, 280 Fever, typhus, vaccination against, 180 COTTET, J.: The blood-urine ure ratio, 57 Drug addicts, malaria in, 423 Fevers, glandular, diagnosis of, 397 Cow-pox in man, 2 Drug therapy in cardiac affections, 468 Fevers, glandular, heterophil antibodies in, 19 Coxa vara of adolescents, early diagnosis of, 46 DUBARRY, J.: Pemphigus foliaceus, 431 Fibromyomata in the newborn, 350 CRAFOORD, C.: Symiiptomatology and esrly DcUCING: Physical culture during pregnancy, Field-taking, uniformity in, 367 diagnosis of cancer of the colon, 154 lying-in, and lactation, 34 FIGI, F. A,: Supraglottic tumours, 491 Cranial fractures involving the frontal sinus, DUDGEON, L. S.: Examination of fresh tissues Filix mtas and ol. ricini, therapeutics of, 88 426 by the wet-filmimiethod, 290 FINKEL, A.: Anaemia from lice, 316 L THE BRITtSh 4 JIULY-DEC., 1934] INDEX To THE EPITOME I MEDICAL JOURNAL

FINSTEREER, H.: Local anaesthesia in major Gonorrhoeal artbtitis treated by antigonococcal Heart disease and labour. 150 abdominal surgery, 108-Malignant degenera- serum, 221 Heart disease and pregne ncy, 131 tion of gastric ulcer, 339 Gonorrhoeal ophthalmia, 368 Heart disease, pulmonary, in pneumoconiiosis, FISCHER, K. W.: Influence of statics and Gonorrhoeal vaginitis of children, amniotin in, 438 function in venouis thrombosis, 458 386 Heart failure, basal metabolis:m and specific Fistula, biliary, following gastrectomy, 193 GOODALL, J.: Pelvic extravasations. 73 dyniamic action in, 460 Fistula, urogenital, intravenous urography in, GOODALL, J. R.: Prophylactic intervention in Heart. See also Cardiac n4td Aorta 371 the second stage of labour, 187 HEDERER: Arnificial respiration. 408 FITCHETT, F.: Goitre in Otago, 176 GORDON, B. L.: Headaches and ocular diseases, HEiM, K.: Menstruation after conception. 288 Fixation abscess. See Abscess 91 HELMS, O.: Ultimato fate of sanatorium-treated FLTNKER, R.: Aetiology of pellagra, 378 GOUBERGRITZ, M.:- Basal metabolism and cases of pleurisy. 377 Fluids, pathological, inclusion technique with, specific dynamic action in heart failure and HeIemiatrophy, facial, 440 395 hyperthyroidigm. 460 Hemiplegic seizures, acetylchloline in, 301 Fluoroscopy v. x-ray film in diagnosis of pul- Gouiv, J.: Treatment of psoriasis, 284 HENKEL, M.: Vagin;al ligature, of the uterine monary tuberculosis, 441 GRABOWSKI, W.: Intravenous urography in uro- artery, 114 1betal deformity, X ray diagnosis of, 161 genital fistula, 371 Hepatic extract in general paralysis, 182 Foetal size int utero determined by x rays, 208 GRAM, H. C.: Statistics of disseminated sclerosis, HERCUS. C. E.: Goitre in Otago, 176 Food poisoning in Sweden, 138 303 HERMAN, K.: Generalized xanthomatosis, 2'5 Foods and bacterial invasion, 437 Granulocytopernia, liver treatment of, 66 Hernis, epigastric, 278 in Foot-and-mouth disease in man. 102 GRANZOW. J.: X-ray diagnosis of foetal defor- Herpes zoster, antistaphylococcal vaccine Foreign bodies in the stomach, 65 mity, 168 treatment of, 28 FORKNER, (1. E.: Transmission of kala-azar, 97 Graves's disease, irradiation-of the pituitary in, Herpes zoster, recurrent, 10 Fracture of [neck of] the femur, 44 280 Herpes zoster and trauma, 419 Fracture of skull, prognosis in, ]56 Graves's disease, suprarenal cortex therapy in, Herpes zoster virus, 373 Fracture of the styloid process, 241 365 Heterophil antibodies in glandular fevers, 19 Fractures in children, treatment of, 279 GRAY, I.: Peptic ulcer following abdominal HIBBS, W.: Retroperitoneal perirenal lymphan- Fractures, cranial, involving the frontal sinus, trauma, 101 gioma, 380 426 GRAY, J.: Treatment of lymphogranuloma Hiccup, treatment of, 300 FRANCEE, O.: Biliary fistula following gastrec- inguinale, 485 HICREN, N.: Metastases from thyroid tumours, tomy,'199-Fusion of the kidneys, 483 GRE ENGARD,J.: Immunitybydiphthieria toxoid, 140 FREUD, P.: Powdered apples in diarrhoea of 49 High-frequency in pruritus vulvae of pregnancy. childhood, 328 GRENET, M. A. M.: Kidney in diphtheria, 317 35 FRIBOURG-BLANc, A.: Mtalaria therapy in GRIFFITHS W. J.: Proleolytic activitv of gastric HIMLER, L. E.: Encephalography under nitrous tabetic ocular atrophy, 27 juice. norimal and in pernicious aniaemia, 117 oxide anaesthesia, 218 FROMENT, R : Nervous complications and GROEN, J. Agranulocytosis fatalities from Hip dislocations, unrecognized, 465 sequelae of enter ic fever, 402 amidopyrine and other drugs, 420 HIPPE: Dangers of bronchography, 196 FRIEDMAN, E.: Fatal intoxication by radium GROSS, S. W.: Spina bifida and cranium Hirachsprung's disease, magnesium sulphate salicylate, 2§4 bifidum, 122 in, 326 FROSTAD, S.: Statistics of haematemesis and GRUNER, O. C.: Mlonocytehistologyin malignant HJORT, E.: Haemorrhage from gastric and melaena, 20 disease. 230 duodenal ulcer, 59 F RUGHT, S.: Heart-block in rheumatic fever, 51 GUILHEM: Physical culture during pregnancy, HOCHI.OFF, A.: Treatment of vaginitis due to FULTON, J. F.: The pre-motor cortex syndrome lying-in, and lactation, 34 trichomonas, 349 in man, 30 Gums and teeth, influence of diet on. 356 HOFF, Hi.: Hormyiones in the suboccipital cerebro- Furuncles of upper lip and nose, ligature of the Gynaecological bleedings, radium therapy in. spinal fluid, 135-Odd reactions to tuberculin, angular vein in, 425 434 257 Gynaecology, indications for electrotherap)y in, HOFFMANN, H.: Radium therapy in gynaeco- 392 logical bleeding, 434 cervical G. Gynaecomastia in lepers. 396 HOFMANN, H.: Radium therapy of Gynergen " in migraine, 430 cancer, 372 GABRIELLF., A. Angioma of the kidney, 45 HOLST. J Choice of treatment in gastric and GACHTGENS, W.: Serological diagnosis in Weil's duodenal ulcer, 100 disease, 232 H. HOLT, R. A.: Cultivation of the leprosy bacillus, Gall-bladder, diverticulum of, pre-operative 96 diagnosis of, 130 Haemangioma, cavernous, of the tongue, treat- HOOGENBOOM, C. M.: Primary mumps orchitis, GALLY. L: Sarcoma complicating Paget's ment of, 443 256 disease, 240 Haematemesis. statistics of, 20 Hormones, corpus lIuteum, chemistry of, 456 GAMBAROW, G.: Chemical extirpation of the Haematoporphyrinuria and impaired liver Hormones in the suboccipital cerebro-spinal uterus, 455, function in hydroa vaccinifortlhe, 163 fluid, 135 Gangrene, gas, 160 Haemolytic streptococcus of scarlet fever, 416 Hormonic reactivation of the senile ovary, 74 Gas analysis in diagnosis of pleuro-pulmonary Haemorrhage from gastric and duodenal ulcer, HORN, L.: Short-wave treatment of G.P.I. and perforations, 60 59 schizophrenia. 389 Glas gangrene. See Gangr-ene Haemorrhage, gynaecological, radium thera'py HORN, Z.: Application of vitamin A to wounds, Gas poisoning, methylene-blue-glucose solution in 434 264 In, 106 Haemorrhage, retroperitoneal, abdominal dis- RouGH, G. de N.: Congenital torticollis, 219 Gastrectomy followed by biliary fistula. 199 tension in, 382 HOWARD, P. J.: Tuberculin sensitivity in child- Gastric acid, free, apparatus for detecting, 311 Haemorrhaeic disease in the newborn, 475 hood tuberculobis, 231 Gastric juice, rroteolytic activity of, normal Haemorrhoids, injection treatment of, 7 HROLV, K.: Public hiealth measures in epidemic and In pernicious anaemia, 117 HAGU`ENAU`, J.: Antirabic virus vaccine in infantile paralysis, 313 Gastric ulcer. See Ulcer treatment of sciatica and migraine. 220- HRUSZEK, H.: Recurrent herpes zoster, 10 Gastro-duodenal ulcers. See Ulcers Sarcomila complicating Paget's disease, 240 HUANG, P. T.: Experimental infection with Gastroptosis, investigation of, 21 HAHN, R. G Surgical operations in pernicious molluscumll contagiosum, 496 GAstJL, B. M.: Convalescent scarlet fever serum anaeiia, 276 HUBEIRMAN, J.: Amniotin in gonorrhoeal and antitoxin, 245 HAJEK, O.: Reinfusion of blood in ruptured vaginitis of children. 386 GATTA, ED.: Senile involution of the mammary ectopic gestation, 93 HuCK: Acute meningitis due to Pfeiffer's gland, 188 HAILES, W.: Subphrenic abscess, 340 bacillus, 352 GAUDIER, H.: Animal carbon injections in HALISERG. K.: Spread of tuberculosis in school HUNDEMER, K.: X-ray treatment of the tonsils. infections, 243 chil(iren, 1 407 GAYET, Gl: Angioma of the kidney, 45 HALBERG, V.: Subsequent fate of scrofulous HUNERMANN, C.: Epidemiology of whooping- GEIGER, J. T.: Attempted immunization with childlren, 81 cough, 255 tuberculo-protein, 116 HALLPIRE, C. S.: Function of the saccule, 223 Huss, R.: An outbreak of food poisoning, 138 tests 353 GELDERMAN, C. J.: Agranulocytosis fatalities HALPERIN, E. P.: The abortive action of Brutcella Hydatid disease, intradermal for, from amidopyrine and other drugs, 420 abortuts 312 Hydroa vacciniforme, haematoporphyrin uria General paralysis. See Paralysis Hallux valgus, operative treatment of, 217 and imiipaired liver function in. 163 Genitals, female, atrophy of after castration, 251 HAMANT: Mammary tuberculosis, 321-Radio- Hydrocephalus, treatment of, 262 treatment GERBER, I. F.: Case of amyloidosis, 134 logical exploration of the uiterus, 414 Hyperemesis gravidarum, narcotic of, Gestation, ectopic, ruptured, reinfusion of blood Hand. acuite infections of, 445 4%4 in rabbits. 38 in. 93 HANKE, H.: Experimental ehronic peptic ulcer Hyperglyeaemia, experimental, Gestation. See also Pregnancy from-i caffeine administration, 309 Hypertension, arterial, renal extracts in, 448 cancer. 359 GIBBS, E. L.: Epilepsy and the cerebral circu- HANSEN, 0. G.: Strychnine therapy in barbi- Hypersthenic syndrouie and gastric lation, 452 turic acid poisoning, 469 Hypertension, breathing exercises in treatment GIBBS, F. A.: Epilepsy and the cerebral circu- HANSON, S.: Bispinous diameter in persistent of, 281 lation, 452 occipito-posterior presentation, 330 Hyperthyroidism, basal metabolism and specific GILBERT, R.: Radiotherapy in vasomotor HAPPOLD, F. C.: Cultivation of the gonococcus, dynamie. actioni in, 460 disorders of the extremities 246 273 Hypertonic solutions in epilepsy, 366 GLAESSNER, K.: Organotherapy of peptic ulcer, 8 HARROP, G. A.: Dietetic treatment of obesity, Hypervitaminosis D and solar irradiation, 52 Gland, mammary, senile iinvolution of tlhe, 188 263 Hypnotic in labour, a new (" rectidon "), 289 Glanders, diagnosis of, 95. See also Journal HARitY, B. H.: Syphilitic retrobulbar neuritis, Hypogalactia, treatment of, 33 Index 369 Hypopituitarism and blood pressure. 363 Glands, salivary, tumours of the, 5 HARTEMANN, J.: High-frequency In pruritus Hysterectomy, subtotal, followed by cancer, 30 Glandular fevers. See Fevers vulvae of pregnancv, 35 GLAUBERSOHN, S. A.: The zoster virus, 373 HARTTUNG, H.: Subphrenic abscess simulating Glvcerin therapy in renal and ureteral calculus, massive pleural effusion, 399 I. 153 HASSIN, G. B.: Sclerotic atrophy of the cere- GOAR, E. L.: Dystrophy of corneal endothelium bellum, 304 ICHARD, L. J.1: Complications of diphtheria (cornea guttata). 89 HASSM&N, K.: Patbological significance of immunization, 275 GOEBEL, O.: Sudden death while swimming, 61 " paracoli " bacilli, 418 Icterus, ox-bile therapy in, 87 Goitre. intrathoracic, aberrant, 137 T-AUPT, W.: Symphysiotomy, 249 Icterus. See also Jaundice Goitre in Otago, 176 HAUPTMAN, D.: Schick test after tonsillectomy, IRK DA, K. Radiogral)hy in amoebic dysentery, Gold-arsenic (combined) therapy in lupus ery- 58 128 thematosus, 432 HAUTANT, A.: Surgical treatment of aural Immunity following vaccination, duration of, GOLDMAN, A.: Acetylcholine in peripheral vertigo, 225 175 vessel occlusions, 179 Hay fever, pathogenesis and treatment of, 487 Inclusion technique with pathological fluids, 395 GOmEz, D. M.: Renal extracts in arterial hyper- Headache. See also Migraine Infants, vitamin C in, 183 tension, 448 fHeadache, diagnosis, mistaken, in, 422 Infection risks in children with open tuber- G6MEZ-DURAN: Diagnosis of glanders, 95 Headache, lumbar puncture, prevention of, 409 culosis, 235 Gonococcal myositis, 358 Headaches and ocular diseases. 91 Infections, animal carbon injections in, 243 Gonococcus, cultivation of the, 273 Heart-block in rheumatic fever, 51 INFERRERA, A.: The reticulo-endothelial system Gonorrhoea in women, treatment of, 107 Hear-t in diabetes, 335 in oto-rhino-larnngology, 492 INDEX TO THE EPITOME THE BRITISH 5 JULY-DEC., 1934] IMEDICAL JOURNAL S

Inflammations, acuite, x-ray treatument of, 323 KUNDRATITZ, K.: Vaccine therapy in whooping- Influlenza, human, and canine distemper, 233, cough, 446 M. 332 KUNTZE, W.: Sodiumii evipan in psyehiatry, 145 Insulin resistance, humoral nature of, 3F4 Kt5TER, E.: Tuibercle bacilli in the circulating MACDOwEL, F. L. H.: Malaria therapy in Intestinal mtiucosa. See Mltucosa blood. 40 dem-ientia paralytica, 201 Intoxication. fatal, by sodium salicylate, 294 KUSTNER, H.: Labour and heart disease, 150 MCGINN, S.: Aortic stenosis, 258-Acute pul- Intuissusception in nurslings, 327 monary congestion and cardiac asthma in Iodine, tincture of, in treatment of septic abor- mitral stenosis, 478 tion, 415 MCKAIG, C. B.: Neurological complications of ISRAELOFF, H1. H.: Amniotin In gonorrhoeal L. mumps, 148 vaginitis of children, 386 McLnOD, J. W.: Cultivation of the gonococcus, Ivy, R.: Cleft palate surgery, 484 Labour and heart disease, 150 273 IZAR, G Biological properties of the ultra. Labour, a new bypnotic in (" rectidon "), 289 Macroscopic section s, differential staining of short wavcs, 190 Labour, normal, non surgical aids in, 474 myelin in, 212 Labour, occipito-posterior presentation, bi- MADISON: Allonal as a cause of agranuloctic spinous diameter in, 330 angina, 78 J. Labour, oedema of the cervix during, 347 MADSEN, J.: Importance of early malarial Labour and pregnancy in morphine addicts, 92 treatmient in general paralysis of the insane, JACKSON. C.: Tongue in the production of Labour, second stage of, prophylactic inter- 32 asphyxia, 400 vention in the, 187 MAGITOT, A.: Carotid sympathectomy in ocular JACKSON, C. L.: Tongue in the production of LARSEN, A.: Spread of tuberculosis in school degenerations, 204 asphyxia, 4C0 children, 1 MAgnesium sulphate in Hirschsprung's disease, JAERISCH: Artificial oily tumours, 103 Laryngo-fissure in laryngeal carcinoma, 224 326 JAHIER: Acute meningitis due to Pfeiffer's LAUBER, H. J.: Excitability of humnan ilain MAITLAND, T. G.: Prophylaxis in sea-sickness, bacillu9, 352 muscle in di-ease, 169 449 Jaundice. See Icterus LAVALLE, Robertson: Autoplastic bone grafts Malaria in drug addicts, 423 JEANERRET, R.: Ultimate results of plhrenicec- in surgical tubereculosis, 405 Malaria therapy in dementia paralytica, 401 tomy, 141 LAWFN, A.: Early diagnosis of cancer of the Malaria therapy, early, in general parall sis, JEANNENEY: Limits of operability in cancer of breast, 83-Excitability of hum-an plain muscle importance of, 32 the breast, 320 in disease, 169 Malaria therapy in tabetic ocular atrophy, 27 JEDLOWSKA, F.: Hepatic extract in general LAWSON, H. A : Infectious maononucleosis, 497 Malarial polyneuritis. 338 p)aralysis, 181 LAZARRUs, G.: Carbuncle of the kidney, 319 Male fern and eastor oil, therapeutics of, 88 Jejunal ulcer. See Ulcer Leather dermatitis, 162 MALHERBE, A.:-The toe reflex: a diagnostic JELLINEK, S.: New method of artificial respira- LEATHERS, W. S.: Rapid immiiunization against aid in ear affections, 72-Avertin in oto-rhino- tion, 242 diphtheria, 450 laryngology, 111 Jerusalem artichoke. See Artichoke LEBLINC: Cheese in the dyspeptic's dietary, 323 Malignant disease, monocyte histology in, 230 JEss, A.: Sympattuetic ophthalmiia, 90 LECLEPc, G.: Uterine carcinoma, 227 Mammiiary gland. See gland JOENEN, K.: Treatment of gonorrhoea in women, LEE, W.: Traumatic aneurysm of the sub- MANDELSTAMM, A.: A modified Aschhieimi- 107 clavian artery, 261 Zondek test, 272 JOHANSsoN, S.: Fracture of neck of femur, 44 LEET, N. B.: Treatment of Addison's disease, 120 MARINESCO, G.: Massive atropine dosage in JOHNSON, S. L.: Submaxillary mumps, 43 Leg. See Limb, lower Parkinsonism, 9 JOHNSTON, J. A.: Tuberculin sensitivity in LEIBOVICI, R.: Uraemia following abdominal MARINOFF, G. P.: Antistreptococcal vaccine in childhood tuberculosis, 231 operation, 104- treatment of herpes zoster, 28 JONES, E.: Appendicostomy and peritonitis, 6 LEMkTAYER, E.: Natural immunity to tetanus MARIQUE, A.: Treatment of fractures in children, JopPICH, G.: Endemic pneumococci of Type I, in ruLminants, 76 279 94 LENARSKY, HI.: Diagnosis of acute polioniye- MARONEY, J.: Tuberculin sensitivity in child- JUSATZ, H J.: The hour of death. 79 litis, 99 hood tuberculosis, 231 LENDLE, L.: Experimental pre-anaestbetic MARSHALL, C. J.: Minor complaints of preg- medication, 374 nancy, 493 K. LENNOX, W. G.: Epilepsy and the cerebral MARTIN, J.: Tumours of the salivary glands, 5- circulation, 452 Angioma of the kidney, 45 KADRNKA, S.: Appendicular stasis, 388 LENORMANT, Ch.: Abdominal distension in MARTiNEZ, F. FerniAndez: Intravenous sodium Kala-azar, transmnission of, 97 retroperitoneal lhaemuorrhage, 382 benzoate in peptic ulcer, 127 KAPEL, 0.: Fracture of tile styloid process, 241 LEOPOLD, S. S.: Therapeutic pneumothorax in MARTINI, E.: Ascorbic acid in the chick embryo, KAPLUN, E.: A modified Aschheim-Zondek test, pneumonia, 98 191 272 Lepers, gynaecomastia in, 396 MATEOS, L.: Gonorrhoeal arthritis treated by KARELITZ, S.: Venoclysis in paediatrics, 471 Lepers, leprosy bacilli in the " healthy " skin of, antigonococcal serum, 221 KARNICKI, W.:-Expression of placenta: modi- 13 MArTks, M.: Aberrant intrathoracic goitre, 137 fication of Crd6ds miiethod, 166 Leprosy bacillus, cultivation of, 96 Maxillary sinus. See Sinus KATTEINTIDT, B.: X-ray diaguosis of pulmonary Leprosy bacilli in the ' healthy " skin of lepers, Measles, the blood in, 39 tuberculosis, 194 13 Measles prophylaxis, statistics of, 142 KAUDERS, 0.: Short-wave treatment in G.P.I. Leucorrhoea, virginal, 269 Meckel's diverticulum, morbid conditions and schizophrenia, 389 LIAN, C.: Diagnostic signs of slight ascites, 461 caused by, 25 KEIFFER, H.: Physiology of amnion and vernix LIBERSON, Miriam: X-ray treatment of acute Medication, pre-anaesthetic, experimental, 354 caseosa, 118 inflammations, 324 Medication, pre-operative, 411 KELLER, A. E.: Rapid immunization against Lice. anaemia fronm, 316 MEIJLER, L.: Heterophil antibodies in glandular diphtheria, 450 LICKINT, F.: Glycerin therapy in renal and fevers, 19 KE,LLER, R.: Cervical cancer during pregnancy, ureteral calculus, 153-Dangers of broncho- Melaena, statistics of, 20 348 graphy, 196 Membranes, retention of the. 228 KEMTri,T, J.: Determiiination of blood chole- LIEBIeRMAN, L. M.: Therapeutic pneumothorax MENDELSOHN, H. V.: Sensitization tests in skin sterol, 171 in pneumonia, 98 diseases, 283 KEN\NARD, 'rargaret A.: The pre-motor cortex LIEBESNY, P.: Shnrt-wave treatment of G.P.I. Meningitis, acute, due to Pfeiffer's bacillus, 352 syndrome in m-an, 30 and schizophrenia, 389 Meningitis, cerebro-spinal, serum treatment of, KERESZTURI, C.: Schick test after tonsillec- r.imb, lower, excessive shortening of the, 362 343 tomy, 58 LINDEMANN, K.: Early diagnosis of coxa vara of Meningitis, streptococcus, recovery from, 337 KEY, E : Thoracoplastic operations for pul- adolescents, 46 Meningitis, syphilitic, affecting the pituitary, monary tuberculosis, 341 [aINDsTR6M, A.: Influence of diet on the gums 379 Kidney, angioma of the, 45 and teeth, 356 Meningococcus, healthy carriers of the, 18 Kidney, carbuncle of, 319 LINDSTROM, B.: An outbreak of food poisoning, MENNINGER-LERCHENTHAL, E.: Pregnancy and Kidney in diphtheria, 317 138 labour in morphine addicts, 92 Kidney, " pregnancy," types of, 54 LIssEnI, H.: Treatment of Addison's disease, 120 Menstruation after conception, 288 Kidnes s, fusion of the, 482, 483 LITsCHasS. M.: Otitis in sucklings, 489 Mental deterioration and bromide therapy, 385 KINSELLA, H. A.; Treatment of epidemic Liu, 8zu-Chil: Effect of supersonic waves on MERCENIEPR. M.: Parietal bone depreesion in encephalitis, 486 bacteria. 253 the newborn, 55 KiRscHEN, M.: Injection treatment of ha mor- Liver treatment of general paralysis, 181 MERRILL, T. C.: Polyneuritis in mumps. 23 rhoids, 7 Liver treatmetnt of granulocytopenia, 66 Metabolism, acid, in rheumatic childien, 470 1KISZELNIK, D.: Thrombo-angiitis obliterans LIZET, P.: Tertiary syphilis of the uterus, Metabolism, basal, and specific dynamic action and typhus fever, 237 271 in heart failure and hyperthyroidism, 460 KLEINBERG, J.: Treatment of venereal lyImyipho- LLORENTE,, L. Llopis: Cholesterolaemia and Metastases from thyroid tumours, 140 granuloma, 364 tuberculosis, 436 Methylene-blue in puerperal septicaemia, 112 KLINGENBERG, A.: The heart in diabetes, 335 LTobite " tuiberculosis. See Tuberculosis Methylene-blue-glucose solution in gas poison- Knee cartilage injuries, misuse of crutches in, LOHE, H.: HAbitual. dislocation of the peroneal ing, 106 125 tendons, 218 ME-ULENGRACHT, E.: Invariable association of Knee tuberculosis in adults, 260 LOHR, W.: Cod-liver oil in treatment of wounds, gastric achylia with pernicious anaemia, 442 KOCH, S.: Acute infections of the hand, 445 428 MEYER, K.: Formation of clubs in actino- KOCH-NIOLNAIt, K.: Hormones in the suboccipital LOMHOLT, S.: Antileprol in Boeck's sarcoid, 12- mycosis, 17--Perforation of jejunal ulcer, 434 cerebro-spinal fluid, 13,- Remedy for mycotic eczema of the feet Middle-ear suppuration, surgical intervention in, KOLLE£, W.: Tubercle bacilli in the circulating (" mycocten "), 244 488 blood, 40 L6PEZ, Calvelo: Intradermal tests for hydatid Migraine, antirabic virus vaccine in treatment ¶ONJETZNY, G. E.: Gas gangrene, 160 disease, 353 of, 220 KORBLER, J.: Snake venom as an analgesic in LORGE, H.: lRecurrence of b'adder papilloma, Migraine, ergotamine tartrate in, 430 cancer, 4C6 178 Migraine, psychological basis of, 453 KRAL, A.: Pyrotherapy in treatment and pre- LORNIE, W. S.: Immunization against contagious Migraine. See also Headache vention of neurosyphilis, 451 abortion, 477 MIKALOVICI. I.: Urethrography in nurslings, 198 KRAUCHER, G.: Local anaestlhesia with percaine LOUVEL, J.: Allergic reactions of veins, 121 MIEKKELSEN, 0.: Epigastric hernia, 278 in induction of abortion, 494 LouSTE: Treatment of ringworm of scalp with MIKULICZ-RADECKI, F. V.: Pituitary extract KRENN, rA. X-ray diagnosis of chronic appendi- thallium acetate, 165 and rupture of the uterus, 15-Diffuse citis, 238 Lumbar puncture headache. See Headache squamous-cell carcinoma of the corpus uteri, KRETSCHMER, H.: Retroperitoneal perirenal Lung oedema. See Oedema 16-Aetiology and treatment of pregnanc3 p3 e- lymlphangioma, 380 Lupus erythematosus, combined arsenic-gold litis, 230 KRITSCHEWSKI, I. L.: The abortive action of theirapy in, 432 MILBRADT, W.: Latent diabetes and psoriasis, B Pucella aboJrfus, 312 Lymphangioma, retroperitoneal perirenal, 380 479 KROLL, F. W.: Neuritis acquired in turnip and Lymphogranuloma inguinale, treatment of, 485 ltIILHAUID,1.M The hyperathenic syndrome and potato fields, 3 Lymphogranuloma, venereal, treatment of, 364 gastric cancer, 359 KuC. W.: Therapeutics of Filix mas and Lymphogranulomatosis, 334 MINKINHOF, J. E.: Diagnosis of glandular fever. ol. ricini, 88 LYNCH, F. W.: Xeroderma pigmentosum and 397 KuGELMASS, 1. N.: Haemorrhagic disease in the sensitivity to light, 433 MITHOEFER, W.: Nasal sinus disease in chil- newborn, 475 Lysis of human blood by cholera vfbrios, 292 dren, 490 6 JULY-DEC., 1934] INDEX TO THE EPITC WME IrMEDICALTHEIIRITISHJOURNAL 4

Mitral stenosis, acute pulmonary copgestion and oedema, acute pulmonary, in preg- anicy, 37 Peritonitis and appendicostom-ly. 6 cardiac asthma in, 478 Oedema of the cervix during IH botor, 3i47 Peritoniitis, biliary, non-perforative, 56 MOFFAT, D.: Tohacco and the peripheral Oedema of lung, terminal, radiologic,al appear- PERMIN, C.: Diathermiiy in prostatic hyper- vascular systeiii, 401 ances of, 390 trophy, 123 MITCHELL, C.: Traumatic ancurysm of the sub- Oesophagus, cancer of. See Cancer PERSKY, A. H.: Sinusitis in children,329 clavian artery, 261 Oesophagus, dentures in, remiioval of,71 Perthes's disease, prognosis in, 466 MIolluscuin- contagiosum, experimental infec- Oesophagus, therapeuitic dilatation of after Pertussis. See Whooping-cough tion wi th, 496 poisoluing by caustics, 344 PEsQUE, lM.: Massive atelectasis in pulmonary MOLTKE, M. L.: Future of epileptic children, OHMAN, R. C.: Results of thoracotplasty for tuberculosis, 398 439 ptulmonary tuberculosis 62 PETERSEN, L. S.: Sedinmentation rate in preg- MONKHOUSE, J. P.: lRadiation treatment of Oil, castor, and Filix nas, therapeuti csof, 88 nancy and puierperium, 457 oesophageal carcinoma, 70 Oil, cod liver, in treatment of wounds, 428 PETGES, A.: Pemphigus foliaceus, 431 Monocyte histology in malignant disease, 230 Oily tumours. See Tumours PETGES, G.: Pemphigus foliaceus, 431 Mononucleosis infections, 497 O r.FsoN, 0. Sanders: Prognosis in skul1lfracture, PETROV, N.: Treatment of cavernous haeman- Mlonster, double-headed, delivery of a, 36 156 gioma of the tongue, 443 MONTGOMERY, T. L.: Premature pVacental OLIVIER: Avitaminosis in pregnancy, 132 Pfeiffer's bacillus causiuig acute meningitis, 352 separation, 268 Ophthalmia, gonorrhoeal, 368 Phrenicectom-iy, ultimate results of,141 MOREAU: Foreign bodies in the stomach, 65 Ophthalmia, sympathetic, 90 Physical culture during pregnancy, lying- in, MORETTI, P.: Biological properties of the ultra- Orchitis, primary mumps, 256 and lactation, 34 short waves, 190 OBR, T. G.: Pre-operative treatme nt of the PICAID, EI.: Staphylococcal toxin, 152 MORGADAS, A.: of typhoid dilated stomach. 361 PIGEAUD, H.: Non-surgical aide in normal vaccine, 47 Orthopaedics, nitrous oxide anaestheLsia in, 110 labour, 474 MORL, F.: Apparent recurrences after renal OSOFSKY, A. G.: Recovery from streptococcus Pilocarpine, ophthalmological effects of, 370 calculus operations, 296 meningitis, 337 PINELLA, I.: Chemistry of retroplacental blood, AoRO, N.: Percaine anaesthesiat in urology. 381 O'SULLIVAN: Ergotamine tartrate in Lmigraine, 7 Morphine addicts, pregnancy and labour in, 92 430 PIsCmsEL,D. K.: Intracapsular and extracapsular Meningitis, syphilitic affecting the pituitary, 379 Osseous affections, blood phosphatases in, 417 operation for senile cataract compared,205 MORSE, J. L.: Minimnum diet for infants and OSSEOMAN, K.: Acetylcholine in peripheral Pituitary affected by syphilitic meningitis, 379 children, 50 vessel occlusions, 179 Pituitary extract and rupture of the uterus,. 15 MOTZFELDT, K.: Acute polyarthritis, 293 Osteitis fibrosa cystica, generalized, treatment Pituiitary, irradiation of in Graves's disease, MuIcosa, intestinal, in the stolmiach and the of, 383 280 pathology of gastric ulcer, 333 Osteomyelitis of the scapula, 200 Placenta, expression of: modification of Crede's MUr,LER, S.: Causes of death after appendicitis, OTA, M.: Experimental infection wiith mollus- mlethod, 166 297 cum contagiosm, 496 Placenta, mnanual extraction of tlle, 189 Mumps, neurological complications of, 148 Otago, goitre in, 176 Placental separation, premature, 268 Mumps orchitis, primary, 256 OTERINO: Intradermal tests for hydaltid disease, Plague bacillus,immunization power of, 495 Mumps, polyneuritis in, 23 353 PLANCEU, M.l: Radiological appearances of Mumps, submaxillary, 43 Otitis in sucklings, 489 terminal oedema of the lung, 390 Muscle, human plain, excitability of in disease, Oto-rhino-laryngology, avertin in, 111 Plaster, adhesive, sensitization to, 286 169 Oto-rhino-laryngology, the reticulo esndothelial Pleural effusion, massive, simulated by, sub- MUT, A.: Drug therapy in cardiac affections, 468 system in, 492 phrenic abscess, 399 " Mycoeten " for mycotic eczema of the feet, 244 Ovariotomy, experimental, the thyroiid in, 133 Pleurisy, ultimate fate of sanatorium-treated Mncotic eczema. See Eczema Ovary, cancer of. See Cancer cases of, 377 Myelin, differential staining of in macroscopic Ovary, senile, hormonic reactivation of, 74 Pleuro-pulinonary perforations, gas analysis in sections, 212 Ovary, turmours of. See Tumours diagnosis of, 60 Myocarditis, diphtheritic, 213 OWE.N, S. E.: Treatment of generalized osteitis PLUM, P.: Agranulocytosis fatalities from Myoma of uterus, treatment of, 113 fibi-osa cystica, 383 amidopyrine and other drugs, 420 Myosotis, gonococcal, 358 Ox-bile therapy in icterus, 87 Pneumococci of Type I, endemic, 94 Pneumoconiosis, pulmonary heart disease in, 438 N. P. Pneumonia, epidemic, 215 Pneumonia, pneumothorax, therapeutic, in, 98 NADEAU, G.: Bilateral pneumothorax, 86 Paediatrices, choral hydrate in, 185 Pneumothorax. bilateral, 86 Narcotic treatment of hyperemesis gravidarum, Paediatrics, venoclysis in, 471 Pneumothorax, therapeutic, in pneumonia, 98 454 Paget's disease complicated by sarco:mna, 340 POILLEUX, F.: Uraemia following abdominal Nasal infections, chronic, diphtheria bacillus PAISsEAT, G. Fatal intoxication byI sodium operation, 104 in, 226 salicylate, 294 Poisoning, barbituric acid, strychnine therapy Nasal sinus disease in children, 490 Palate, cleft, surgery, 481 in, 469 NATIN, I.: Diplitheritic myocarditis, 213 Palilalia and ocular paroxysms, 305 Poisoning by caustics, therapeutic dilatation of NAUJO1KS, H.: Radium therapy in gynaecological PALMER, G. T.: Pregnancy in tubercu3101is, 393 the oesophaguls after, 344 bleedings, 434 Pantokain-L for lumbar anaesthesia, 265 Poisoning, food, in Sweden, 138 NAVARRO, J. G.: Congenital syphilis, 80 Papilloma of bladder. recurrence of,;178 Poisoning, gas, methylene-blue-glucose solution NAVEAU, P.: Mdassive atelectasis in pulmonary PAPILLON-LEAGE: Treatment of ulcerative in, 106 tuberculosis, 398 stomatitis. 467 Polyarthritis, acute, 293 NECHELES, H.: Apparatus for deteeting free Paracoli " bacilli, pathological significance of, Poliomyelitis, acute, diagnosis of, 99 gastric acid, 311 418 Poliomyelitis, serum treatment of, 322 NiLIS, P.: Staphylococcal toxin, 152 Paralysis in eclampsia, 207 Poliomyelitis. See also Paralysis, infantile Nematodes in the brain in pellagra, 136 Paralysis, general, hepatic extract in. 181 POLLAK, W.: Cystin stones, 299 Nephritis, chronic, without hypertension, 216 Paralysis, general, malarial treati ;ent (early) Polyneuritis, malarial, 338 NEUBER, E.: Vaccine treatment of abdominal in, importance of, 32 Polyneuritis in mumps, 23 actinomycosis, 202 Paralysis, general, short-wave treatnnent of, 389 Polyradiculitis, post-influenzal, 315 Neuralgia, novocain suprarenin injections in, Paralysis, infantile, epidemic, pubblic health Polysacchalide substance, isolation of from Br . 144 m11easures in, 313 abortus, 172 Neuritis acquired in turnip and potato fields, 3 Paralysis, infantile. See also Poliomyelitis POMERANCE, M.: Heart-block in rheumatic Neuritis, syphilitic retrobulbar, 369 Paralysis, pregnancy after, 209 fever, 51 Neurological complications of mumps, 148 Paratbyroidectomy, abuse of, 360 Pott's disease, dorsal. spindle radiograms in, 129 Neurosis, physiological conception of, 146 Parietal bone depression in the neNvb,orn, 55 POULIQUEN, E.: Intussuseeption in nurslings, Neurotrophic cellular alteration and tumour PARK, W. H.: Schick test after tonrsillectomy, 327 formation, 351 58 Pre-anaesthetic medication, experimental, 374 Neurosyphilis, pyrotlierapy in treatment and Parkinsonism, atropine dosage, mass ive, in, 9 Pregnancy, anaemia, pernicious, in, 331 prevention of, 451 Parkinsonism. See also Enceplhalitis Pregnancy, Aschheim-Zondek test for, a modi- NEwHART, H.: Surgical intervention in middie- Parotitis, acute suppurative, 404 fied, 272 ear suppuration, 488 PASKIND, H. A.: Bromiide therapy a.nd mental Pregnancy, avitaminoses in, 132 NIELSEN, A.: Inidications for operationin clhronic deterioration, 385 Pregnancy, cancer of cervix during, 348 gastric and duodenal ulcer, 119 Pathological fluids, inclusion techraique with, Pregnancy and heart disease, 131 NICoL, T. S: Evipun anaesthesia in general 395 Pregnancy kidney," types of, 54 practice, 267 PAVLOV, I. P.: A physiological conaception of Pregnancy and labour in morphine addicts, 92 NICoLAs: Cheese in the dyspeptic's dietary, 323 neurosis, 146 Pregnancy, lying-in and lactation, physical NICOLAS, H.: Unrecognized dislocations of PAYNE, W. W.: Acid metabolism in rlheumatic culture during, 34 shoulder and hip, 464 childlren, 470 Pregnancy, minor complaints after, 493 NICOLAU, S.: Antirabic virus vaccines in treat- PEACOCK, A,: Traumnatic aneurysm ofc the sub- Pregnancy oedema, acute pulmonary in, 37 ment of sciatica and migraine, 220 clavian artery, 261 Pregnancy and ovarian tumours, mialignant, 287 Nitrous oxide anaesthesia. See Anaesthesia Pellagra, aetiology of, 378 Pregnancy after paralysis, 209 NOBLE, E. C.: Treatment of hiccup. 300 Pellagra, latent, 41 Pregnancy, pruritus vulvae of. high-frequency NoI,, C. G. N.: Metliylene-blue in puerperal Pellagra, nematodes in the brain in, 136 in,35 septicaemia, 112 Pellagra, secondary, in asylums, 234 Pregnancy pyelitis, aetiology and treatment of, NOGUERA: Foreign bodies in the stomach, 65 PELLEGRINI, M.: Gynaecological tumours and 250 NOICA, P.: Primarv tuberculous infection in the sterility, 306 Pregnancy, sedimentation rate in, 457 adult, 82 PELLERS, 8.: Tonsils and photocheemical re- Pregnancy in tuberculosis, 393 NOURY, M.: Vaccination against typhus, 180 actions of the skin, 462 Pregnancy. See also Gestation Novocain-suprarenin injections in neuralgia, 144 Pelvic extravasations, 73 Pre-operative medication, 411 NUNREZ: Intradermal tests for hydatid disease, Pelvic organs, female, diathermy of, 391 PRIESTLEY, D. P.: Cultivation of the gonococcus, 353 Pemphigus foliaceus, 431 273 Pemphigus, tryparasamllide treatmenit of, 48 Prostatic hypertrophy, diathermy in, 123 0. Pepsin therapy in gastro-duodenal ulIcers, 181 Prostatic hypertrophy in general practice, 282 Peptic ulcer. See Ulcer Proteolytic activity of gastric juice, nornal and Obesity, dietetic treatment of, 263 Percaine anaesthesia. local, in induction of in pernicious anaemia, 117 Obesity, treatment of, 325 abortion, 494 Pruritus, vulvae of pregnancy, high-frequency Occipito-posterior presentation, persistent, bi- Percaine anaesthesia, spinal, a complication of, in, 35 spinous diameter in, 330 412 Psoriasis and latent diabetes, 479 Ocular atrophy, apparent, 206 Percaine anaesthesia in urology, 381 Psoriasis, treatment of, 284 Ocular atrophy, tabetic, malaria tlherapy in, 27 Percaine in diseases of the skin, 11 Psychiatry, sodium evipan in, 145 Ocular degenerations, carotid syumpathectomy PEREIRA, A. S.: Treatment of sexual frigidity in PUCCIONI, L.: Chemistry of retroplacental in, 204 the female, 307 blood, 77 Ocular diseases and headaches,-91 Peripheral vascular system and tobaLcco. 401 Puerperal septicaemia, methylene-blue in, 112 Ocular paroxysms and palilalis, 305 Peripheral vessel occlusions, acetyIcholine in, Puerperium, sedimientation rate in, 457 ODINET, V.: Diagnostic signs of slight ascites, 179 Pulmonary oedema. See Oedeml-a 461 Peritonitis.CissUvULAULD bXUVacute. lkLJLUcholesterinWVDsUVLIJL in.L& 7510# Pulmonary tuberculosis. See Tuberculosis THE BRITISH 7 JULY-DEC., 1934] INDEX TO THE EPITOME L MEDICAL JOURNAL

PUTEHOD, A.: Malignant ovarian tumours and S. SMITH, G. F. Rawdon: Post-anaesthetic vomit- pregnancy, 287 ing, 413 PUTNAM, T. J.: Treatment of hydrocephalus, 262 SABETAY, C.: Iaeamolytic streptococcus of SMITHBURN, K. C.: Attempted immunization Pyelitis of pregnancy, aetiology and treatment of, scarlet fever, 416 with tuberculo-protein, 116 250 SABIN, F. R.: Attempted immunization with Snake venom as an analgesic in cancer, 406 PYLE, N. J.: Human influenza and canine dis- tuberculo-protein, 116 Sodium benzoate, intravenous, in peptic ulcer, temper, 233 332 Baccule, function of the, 223 127 Pyrotherapy in treatmnent and prevention of SACHS, E.: Spina biflda and cranium bifidum, Sodium evipan in psychiatry, 145. See also neurosyphilis, 451 122 Anaesthesia Pyuria, chronic, in childhood, dietetic treatment SAIMOVICI, L.: Endocarditis in Still's disease, 186 Sodium salicylate, fatal intoxication by, 294 of, 342 SALOMONSON: Ante-natal care, 473 Sodium thiosulphate treatment of dermatitis Salpingo-peritonitis, treatment of, 229 herpetiformis, 164 Q. SALTZSTEIN: Intrathecal alcohol as an analgesic Solar irradiation and hypervitaminosis D, 52 QUJIRANGAL DES ESSARTS, J.: Sertim treatment in cancer, 429 SOuLAS, A.: Removal of dentures from oeso- of cerebro-spinal meningitis, 343 SALZER, H.: Therapeutic dilatation of the phagus, 71 oesophagus after poisoning by caustics, 344 Spina bifida and cranium bifidum, 122 SANDOR, S.: Application of vitamin A to wounds, Spinal anaesthesia. See Anaesthesia R. 264 Spirochaetes of the mouth, 310 R 239. See Rectidon SANTOS, R.: Operative treatment of aneurysm, Splenomegaly in infantile tuberculosis, 115 RABATE:, M.: Herpes zoster and trauma, 419 124 Splenotherapy in tuberculosis, 222 RABUT: Treatment of ringworm of scalp with Sarcoid, Boeck's, antileprol in, 12 SQUIER: Allonal as a cause of agranulocytic thallium acetate, 165 Sarcoma complicating Paget's disease, 240 angina, 78 RACINE, M.: Arteriography as a guide to SCARF, M.: Prevention of serious arsphenamine STANCANELLT, G.: The blood in measles, 39 arteriectomy, 84 reactions, 274 Staphylocoagulase and staphylotoxin, 211 Radiation treatment of oesophageal carcinoma, Scarlet fever. See Fever Staphylococcal toxin, 152 70 SCHAEB, H.: Ligature of the angular vein in Staphylotoxin and staphylocoagulase, 211 Radiography in amoebic dysentery, 123 .furuncles of the.upper lip and nose, 425 STARCH, H.: Abscess of the lung, 236 Radiography of the maxillary sinus, 345 SCHEMAN, L.: Apparatus for detecting free Statics and function, influence of on venous Radiograms, spindle, in dorsal Pott's disease. 129 gastric acid, 311 thrombosis, 458 Radiological diagnosis of * lobite " tunbercu- SCHBERTH, K.: Family history in pulmonary STEIN, A. A.: Leprosy bacilli in the " healthy" losis, 480 tuberculosis, 174 skini of lepers, 13 Radiology of the aorta in the aged, 336 SCHEHL, E.: Narcotic treatment of hyperemesis STEINER, EB.: 'Sodium thiosulphate treatment Hadioseopic examination of recruits, 173 gravidarum, 454 of dermatitis nerpetiformis, 164 Radiotherapy in vasomotor disorders of the SCHEPEL, 1. A. C.: Cow-pox in man, 2 STEINER, K.: Combined arsenic-gold therapy 'extremities, 246 Schick test after tonsillectomy, 58 in lupus erythematosus, 432 Radium therapy of cervical cancer, 372 SCHILDER. G.: Treatment of paroxysmal Stenosis, aortic, 258, 387 Radium therapy in gynaecological bleedings, 434 tachyeardia, 447 Stenosis, mitral, acute pulmonary congestion RAKE, G.: Healthy carriers of the meningo- Schizophrenia, short-wave treatment of, 389 and cardiac asthma in, 478 coccus, 18 SCHLENK, A.: The hour of death, 79 STEPERIN, M. I.: Leprosy bacilli in the RAMON, G.: Natural immunity to tetanus in SCEILIESsER, N.: Atypical forms of serumi dis- " healthzy " skin of lepers. 13 ruminants, 76 ease, 197 Sterility and gynaecologicnl tuniours, 306 RAMOND, F.: Cheese in the dyspeptic's dietary, 323 SCHMIDT, W.: Prognosis in Perthes's disease, 466 Sterilization in the male, 4 RAOUL: Treatment of syndactylism by epi- SCHMIDT, W. T.: Novocain-suprarenin injec- STEVENS, W. J.: Low cervical Caesarean thelial inlay, 239 tions in neuralgia, 144 section, 167 RASMUSSEN, A. A.: Epidemic pneumonia, 215 SCHOEN, R.: Pregnancy and heart disease, 131 STILES, J. A.: Anaesthetic properties of cyclo- RAVINA, A.: Multiple tappings in cirrhotic SCHOENES. F. P.: A new hypnotic C" rectidon ") in propane, 109 ascites, 105 labour, 289 Still's disease, endocarditis in, 186 REBOUL, H.: Arteriography as a guide to SCHON, H. I.: Treatment of epilepsy, 147 STOERE, E.: Vitamin C in nurslings, 183 arteriectomy, 84 SCHREUDER: Nitrous oxide anaesthesia in STOICHITZA, N. N.: Thoracic trauma and pul- Rectoplacental blood. See Blood orthopaedics, 110 monary tuberculosis. 259 Recruits, radioscopic examination of, 173 SCHROEDER, R.: Diphtheria bacillus in chronic STOKES, E. H.: Treatment of obesity, 325 Rectidon, a new hypnotic in labour, 289 nasal infections, 226 Stomach, dilated, pre-operative treatrnent of RECTOR, J. M.: Dietetic treatment of chroniie SCHauc. Cecilia: Urinary excretion of citric the, 361 pyuria in childhood, 342 acid, 170 Stomach, foreign bodies in the, 65 Reflex, toe: A diagnostic aid in ear affections, 72 SCHYTZE, H.: Immunization power of the plague Stomatitis, ulcerative, treatment of, 467 REID: Fluoroscopy v. x-ray film in diagnosis of bacillus, 495 Stones, cystin, 299 pulmonary tuberculosis. 441 SCHWAB, R.: Bee venom in rheumatism. 161 Streptococci, elective localization of, 151 REISCHAUER, F.: Unrecognized dislocations of SCHWALM, H.: The Aschheim-Zondek test in Streptococcus haeniolytic, of scarlet fever, 416 shoulder and hip, 465 chorion epithelioma, 149 Streptococcus meningitis, recovery from, 337 Renal calculus. See Calculus SCHWANEN, 1I.: Paralysis in eclampsia, 207 STROM, A.: Outbreak of botulism, 254 Renal extracts in arterial hypertension, 448 Sciatica, antirabic virus vaccine in treatment of, Strychnine therapy in barbituric poisoning, 469 REPOLLIs, E. Boix: Investigation of gastrop- 220 STUART, C. A.: Infectious mononucleosis, 497 tosis, 21 SCICLOUNOFF, F.: Acetylcholine in hemiplegic ST#iRMLINGER, F.: Infection risks from children Respiration, artificial, 408-New method of, 242 seizures, 301 with open tuberculosis, 235 RJTHI, A.: Surgical treatment of fixation of the Sclerosis, disseminated, cervical sympathec- STURSBERG, H.: Trauma as a cause of diabetes, vocal cords, 346 toimy for, 85 318 Reticulo - endothelial system in oto - rhino- Sclerosis, disseminated, statistics of. 303 Styloid process, fracture of the, 244 laryngology, 492 Sclerotic atrophy of the cerebellum, 304 Suboecipital puncture in cerebro- spinal fever, 384 Retroperitoneal haemorrhage. See Haemor- SCOTT, J. W.: Treatment of Addison's disease, SUNDE:R-PLASSMANN, P.: Neutrophic cellular rhage 120 alterations and tumour formation, 351 Rheumatic carditis, primary, in adults, 214 Scrofulous children, subsequent fate of, 81 Supersonic waves, effect of on bacteria, 253 Rheumatic children, acid metabolism in, 470 Seasickness, prophylaxis in, 449 Suppositories, cibalgiu, after operations, 302 Rheumatic fever, heart-block in, 51 Sedimentation rate in pregnancy and puier- SuPrarenal cortex therapy in Graves's disease, Rheumatism, bee venom in, 161 perium, 457. Sew also B!ood 365 RHOADS, P. S.: Convalescent scarlet fever serum SEDWICK. H. J.: Radiography of the maxillary Surgery, abdominal, major, local anaesthesia and antitoxin, 245 sinus, 345 in, 108 HIBET, M1.: Ultimate results of phrenicectomy, SJGAL, P.: Treatment of venereal lympho- Surgical diagnosis. See Diagnosis 141 granuloma, 364 Swimming, sudden death while, 61 Ricard's amputation, 298 SEJRSEN, J.: Manual extraction of the placenta, Sympathectomy, carotid, for ocular degenera- RIEs, E. B.: Treatment of sexual frigidityin the 189 tions, 204 female, 307 SELITZKY, Serge: Types of " pregnancy kidney," Sympathectomy, cervical, for disseminated Ringworm of scalp treated with thallium 54 sclerosis. 85 acetate, 165 Sensitization to adhesive plaster, 286 Symphysiotomy, 249 ROBERTSON, J. D.: Solar irradiation and hyper- Sensitization tests in skin diseases, 283 Syndactylism treated by epithelial inlay, 239 vitasminosis D, 52 Serum, antigonoocccal, in treatment of gonor- Syndrome, hypersthenic, and gastric cancer, 359 ROCHE, H. J.: Solar irradiation and hyper- rhoeal arthritis, 221 Syndrome, pre-motor cortex, in man, 30 vitaminosis D, 52 Serum disease, atypical forms of, 197 Syphilis, acquired, spontaneous recovery from, ROEDERER, C.: Spindle radiograms in dorsal Serum, scarlet fever (convalescent) and anti- 357 Pott's disease, 129 toxin), 245 Syphilis, congenital, 80 ROELOPS, R. J.: Treatment of chancroid, 427 Serum treatment of cerebro-spinal meningitis, Syphilis, coronary, 22 ROHmER, P.: Vitamin C in the nursling, 183 343 Syphilis, natural immunity iD, 192 RosARlus, A.: Non-perforative biliary peri- Serum treatment of poliomyelitis, 322 Syphilis of the uterus, tertiary, 271 tonitis, 56 Sexual frigidity in the female, treatment of, 307 Syphilitic meningitis affecting the pittuitary, 379 ROSENVASSER, L.: Treatment of hypogalactia, 33 SE IDEL, S.: Oedema of the cervix during labour, SZER, MI. I.: Acute pulmonary oedema in preg- ROUBIER, C.: Radiological appearances of ter- 347 nancy, 37 minal oedema of the lung, 390 SHARMAN, A.: Virginal leucorrhoea, 269 Roy, A.: Pepsin therapy in gastro-duodenal SHEPPE: Prevention of lumbar puncture head- T. ulcers, 181 ache, 409 TABANELLI, M.: Cholesterin in acute peri- R6ZSA. F.: Atrophy of female genitals after Short-wave treatment of G.P.I. and schizo- tonitis, 75 castration, 251 phrenia, 389 Tabetic ocular atrophy. malaria therapy in, 27 Roz'NER, E.: Transient diplopi' as an early Shoulder dislocations, unrecognized, 465 Tachyeardia, paroxysmal, treatment of, 447 symptom in cerebellar tumour, 31 SIDOROWICZ, W.: Natural immunity in syphilis, TALBOT, H.: Acute suppurative parotitis. 404 RUBS, R. A.: Gonococcal myositis, 358 192 TAYLOR, Elizabeth F.: Congenital stenosis of RUBINSTEIN, B: Tonsils and photochemical SIEMELINK, R. J.: Heterophil antibodies in the aorta, 387 reactions of the skin, 462 glandular fevers, 19 TAYLOR, F. B.: Treatment of Addison's disease, RUD, E.: Latent pellagra, 41 SIMARRO, J.: Abuse of parothyroidectomy, 360 120 RUDSIT, K.: Hypopituitarism and blood pres- SImON, P. A.: Fixation abscess in asthma, 143 TECILAZIC, F.: Radiology of whooping-cough, 481 sure, 363 SINGER, H.: Perforation of jejunal ulcer, 444 TEDESCO, Mme: Radiology of the aorta in the RUPEL, E.: Calcium in epididymitis, 68 Sinus, maxillary, radiography of, 345 aged, 336 RUPILIus, K.: Epilepsy in children, 53 Sinus, nasal, disease of in children, 490 Teeth, influence of diet on, 356 RuSCHfG, H.: Chemistry of corpus luteum Sinusitis in children, 329 Tendons, peroneal, habitual dislocation of the, horlnones, 456 Skin diseases, percaine in, 11 218 RuSSELL, H. K.: Yeast in pernicious anaemia, Skin diseases, sensitization tests in, 283 TENNESEN, H.: Ox-bile therapy in icterus, 87 126 Skin, photochemical reactions of, the tonsils Testicular extract, effect of on tuberculous RUSSETSrK, J.: Post-influenzal polyradiculitis, and, 462 infection, 210 315 Skull fracture. See Fracture Tetanus, natural immunity to in ruminants, 76 RYDtN, A.: Delivery of a double-headed SLOTTA, K. H.: Chemistry of corpus luteumn TEuSCHER: Allergic reaction of bathers to mouster, 36 hormones, 456 aquatic vegetation, 463 INDEX TO THE EPITOME r THE BRITISH 8 JULY-DEC., 1934] I MEDICAL JOURNAL

Thallium acetate in treatment of ringworm of Tumours of ovary, malignant, and pregnancy, 287 VILENSRI, R.:-The toe reflex: a diagnostic aid scalp, 165 Tumours of the salivary glands, 5 in ear affections, 72-Avertin in oto-rhino- THEVENARD, G.: Avertin in oto-rhino- Tumours, supraglottic, 491 laryngology, 111 laryngology, 111 Tumours, thyroid, metastases from, 140 VILLAMIL, Perez Identification of aconitine, 394 THOMAS: Radiological exploration of the uterus, Typhoid fever, See Fever, enteric VILLEY- DEHSMESERETS, G.: Hypertonicisolu- 414 TYPnlaoxrI n vaccinle, oralr- - aanliinistrationfuot, WA'I 4btions ;in epilepsy. S66 TEOMAS. R. M.: Effect of testicular extract on Typhus fever. See Fever VINZENT, R.: Spirochaetes of the mouth, 310 tuberculous infection, 210 VIoIGILIO, C.: Elective localization of strepto- TFEoMIA&SON, A. H.: Uniformity in field-taking, cocci, 151 367 U. Vitamin A, application of to wounds, 264 THOMPSON, W. O.: Administration of thyroxine, UIBERRAK, K.: Humoral nature of insulin Vitalnin C in nurslings, 183 26 resistance. 354 Vitiligo, successful treatment of, 285 Thoracic traumla and pulmonary tuberculosis, Ulcer, gastric and duodenal, chronic, indica- VIT6N 7J J.: Inclusion techniqtue with patho- 259 tions for operation in, 119 logical fluids, 395 Thoracoplastic operations for pulmonary tuber- Ulcer, gastric and duodenal, haemorrhage fronm, Vocal cords, fixation of, surgical treatment cf, culosis, 341 59 346 Thoracoplasty for pulmonary tuberculosis, Ulcer, gastric and duodenal [choice of], treat- Vomiting, post-anaesthetic, 413 results of, 62 ment in, 100 VON BONSDORFF, B.: Liver treatment of granulo- Thrombo-angiitis obliterans and typhus fever, Ulcer, gastric, malignant degeneration of, 339 cytopenia, 66 237 Ulcer, gastric, pathology of, and intestinal VON GRAFF, E.: Cancer following subtotal Thrombosis, venous, influence of statics and mticosa in the stomach, 333 hysterectomy. 308 function on, 458 Ulcer, jejunal, perforation of, 444 VON NumEIRs. ClaSs: Cancer of the ovaries, 435 Thymus, x-ray treatment of the, 247 Ulcer, peptic, chronic, experimental, from VON THIEL. P. H.: Mode of infection in Weil's Thyroid in experimental ovariotomy, 133 caffeine aduministration, 309 disease, 195 Thyroid tumours. See Tumours Ulcer, peptic, following abdominal trauma, 101 VOLSON, J.: Non-surgical aids in normal labour, Thyroid, x-ray tr eatment of, 247 Ulcer, peptic, organotberapy of, 8 474 Thyroxine, administration of, 26 Ulcer, peptic, sodium benzoate intravenously Voss, G.: Mistaken diagnosis in headache. 422 TIEALA, L. G.: Breathing exercises in treatment in, 127 of hypertension, 281 Ulcers, gastro-duodenal, pepsin therapy in, 181 Tissues, fresh, examination of by the wet-film ULLMANN, H. G.: Operative treatment of hallux W. method, 290 valgus, 217 WAGGONER, R. W.: Encephalography under Tobacco and the peripheral vascular system, 401 Ultra-short waves, biological properties of, 190 nitrous oxide anaesthesia, 248 Toe reflex: a diagnostic aid in ear affections, 72 Ultra-violet light as a preventive of tuber- WAHL, F. A.: Tincture of iodine in treatment of TONDEUR: Ricard's amputation, 298 culosis, 155 septic abortion 415 Tongue, cavernous haemangioma of, treatment Uraemia following abdominal operation, 104 WALDENSTHi6m, H.: Tuberculosis of knee in of, 443 URBACE, E.: Haemiatoporphyrinuria and im- adults, 260 Tongue in the production of asphyxia, 400 paired liver function in hydroa vacciniforme, WARE, tl. H.: Pregnancy after paralysis. 209 TONNIs, W.: Operation for spinal-cord tumour 163-Pathogenesis and treatment of hay fever, WEBER, G.: Infection risks from children with in the neck, 63 487 open tuberculosis, 235 Tonsillectomy, 177 URBAN, H.: Horlnones in the suboccipital Weil's disease, mode of infection in, 195 Tonsillectomy, Schick test after, 58 cerebro-spinal fluid, 135 Weil's disease, serological diagnosis of, 232 Tonsillectomy in [pulmonary] tuberculosis, 139 Urea, blood-urine ratio, 57 WEI8ss. E.: Methylene-blue-glucose solution in Tonsils and photochemical reactions of the Ureteral calculus. See Calculus gas poisoning, 106 skin, 462 Urethrography in nurslings, 198 WELMAN, H. E.: Infectious mononucleosis, 497 Tonsils, x-ray treatment of, 407 Urinary excretion of citric acid, 170 WESTERBORN, A.: Evipan anaesthesia, 410 TiPPIsCH, G.: Nematodes in the brain in Urogenital fistula. See Fistula WESTERMANN, J. J.: Mortality of acute appen- pellagra, 136 Urography, intravenous, in urogenital fistula, dicitis, 42 TORTgLLA, E. Pons: Differential staining of 371 WEBTMAN, A.: Hormonic reactivation of the mvelin in macroscopic sections, 212 Urology, percaine anaesthesia in, 381 senile ovary, 74 Torticollis, congenital, 219 Uterine artery. See Artery Wet-film method of examination of fresh tissues, TouRAINE, Grace A.: Psychological basis of Uterine cancer. See Cancer 290 migraine, 453 Uterus, chem-ical, extirpation of, 455 WETHERELL: Cervical sympathectomy for Trauma, abdominal, followed by peptic ulcer, Uterus, myoma of, treatment of, 113 (disseminated sclerosis, 85 101 Uterus, radiological exploration of the, 414 WHEIATLEY, B.: Cultivation of the gonococcus, Trauma as a cause of diabetes, 318 Uterus, rupture of, pituitary extract and, 15 273 Trautna and herpes zoster, 419 Uterus, syphilis, tertiary, of, 271 WHEELDON, T. Calcium ortho-iodoxybenzoate Trauma, thoracic, and pulmonary tuberculosis, UTTER, 0.: Morbid conditions caused by in arthritis, 203 259 Meckel's diverticulum, 25- Lumbar anaes WHEELER, W. E.: Dietetic treatmiient of chronic TRA-UT, R.: Suboccipital puncture in cerebro- thesia with pantokain-L, 265 pyuria in cbildhood, 342 spinal fever, 384 WHITE, P. D.: Aortic stenosis, 258 - Acute Trichomonas causing vaginitis, treatment of, pulmonary congestion and cardiac asthma 349 V. in mitral stenosis, 478 TRILLAT, P: Malignant ovarian tumours and Whooping cough, epidemiology of, 255 pregnancy, 287 Vaccination,durationof immunityfollowing, 175 Whooping-cough, radiology of, 481 'RITSRCH, J. E : Haemorrhagic disease in the Vaccine, antirabic virus, in treatment of Whooping-cough, vaccine therapv in, 446 newborn. 475 sciatica and migraine, 220 WILDBOLZ. H.: Significance of tuberculous Trvparsamide treatment of pemphigus. 48 Vaccine, antistaphylococcal, in treatment of bavilluria, 355 Tubercle bacilli in the circulating blood, 40 herpes zoster, 28 NVINKLER, F.: Svphilitic meningitis affecting Tuberculin, odd reactions to, 257 Vaccine therapy in whooping-cough, 446 the pituitary, 379 Tuberculin sensitivity in childhood Vaccine treatlnent of abdominal actinomycosis, XVIRTH, E.: Tonsillectomy, 177 culosis, 231 202 WITENSTEIN, F.: Abortion in human infection Tuberculo-protein, attempted immunization Vaginal ligature of the uterine artery, 114 by B. abortits (Bang), 270 with, 116 Vaginitis dtue to trichomonas, treatment of, 349 WODON, J. L.: Retention of the membranes. 228 Tuberculosis of childhood, tuberculin sensi- Vaginitis, gonorrhoeal, of children, amniotin in, WOLTMAN, H. W.: Neurological complications tivity in, 231 386 of mumps, 148 Tuberculosis and cholesterolaemia, 436 VAILLE. C.: Fatal intoxication by sodium Wounds, application of Vitamin A to, 264 Tuberculosis, exudative, early diagnosis of, 314 salicylate, 294 Wounds treated by cod-liveroil, 428 Tuberculosis, infantile, splenomegaly in, 115 VAN BOGAERT, L.: Ocular paroxysms and WRIGHT, I S.: Tobacco and the peripheral Tuberculosis of knee in adults, 260 palilalia, 305 vascular system, 401 Tuberculosis, lobite," radiological diagnosis VAN BusKIRK, E. M.: Radiological diagnosis of WYDRIN, A.: Blood pathology in endocarditis of, 480 " lobite " tuberculosis, 480 lenta, 476 Tuberculosis, mammary, 321 VANBREUSEGHEM, R.: Staphylotoxin and Tuberculosis, open, infection risks from children Staphylocoagulase, 211 X. with, 235 VAN CLEVE, J. V.: Sensitization to adhesive Xanthomatosis, generalized, 295 Tuberculosis, pregnancy in, 393 plaster, 286 Xeroderma pigmentosum and sensitivity to Tuberculosis, pulmonary, atelectasis (massive) VANGORDER, G.: Tuberculosis of the shaft of light. 433 in, 398 long bones, 24 X-ray diagnosis of chronic append icitis,238 Tuberculosis, pulmonary, family history in, 174 VAN HEUVEN, J. A.: Ophthalmological effects X-ray diagnosis of foetal deformity, 168 Tuberculosis, pulmonary, fluoroscopy v. X-ray of pilocarpine, 370 X-ray diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis, 194 film in diagnosis of, 441 VANHOUTEGHEM, L.: Diathermy of the female X-ray film v. fluoroscopy in diagnosis of pul- Tuberculosis, pulmonary, and thoracic trauma, pelvic organs, .391 monary tuberculosis, 441 259 VAN NEs, C. P.: Excessive shortening of the X-ray treatment of acute inflammations, 324 Tuberculosis, pulmonary, thoracopl1stic opera- lower limb, 362 X-ray treatment of the thyroid and thymus, 247 tions for, 341 Varicose veins. See Veins X-ray treatment of the tonsils, 407 TuberculOsis, pulmonary, thoracoplasty for, Vascular system, peripheral, tobacco and the, X rays for determination of foetal size inl utero, results of, 62 401 208 Tuberculosis, pulmonary, t7onsillectomy in cases Vasomotor disorders of the extremities, radio- of, 139 therapy in, 246 Y. Tuberculosis, pulmonary, x-ray diagnosis of, 194 VASTINE. J. H.: Pre-operative diaglnosis of Yeast in pernicious anaemia, 126 Tuberculosis in sehool children, spread of, 1 diverticulum of gall-bladder, 130 YEN, A. C. L.: Effect of supersonic waves on Tuberculosis of the shaft of long bones, 24 Vegetation, aquatic, allergic reaction of bathers bacteria, 253 Tuberculosis, splenotherapy in, 222 to, 463 YIEH, J. Y. C.: Treatment of lymphogranuloma Tuberculosis, surgical, autoplastic bone grafts Vein, angular, ligature of in furuncles of upper inguinale, 485 in, 405 lip and nose, 425 YOUNG: Brgotamine tartrate in migraine, 430 Tuberculosis. ultra-violet light as a preventive Veins, allergic reaction of, 121 YOUNG, A.: Primary carcinoma of the lung. 227 of, 155 Veins, varicose, treatment of, 67 Tuberculous bacilluria, significance of, 355 VELASQUEZ, F.: Treatment of venereal lympho- Tuberculous infection, effect of testicular granuloma, 364 Z. extraction, 210 Venoclysis in paediatrics, 471 ZEIss, L.: Fusion of the kidneys, 482 Tuberculous infection, primary, in the adult, 82 Vernix caseosa and amnion, physiology of, 118 ZIA, Lily S.: Transmission of kala-azar, 97 Tumour, cerebellar, transient diplopia as an Vetrtigo, aural, surgical treatment of, 225 ZIMMERMANN, E.: Lysis of human Mlood by early symptom in, 31 Vibrion septique. Ste Clostridiusm septique cholera vibrios. 292 Tumour formation and neurotrophic cellular VIETS, H. R.: The pre-motor cortex synidrome ZITZKE, E.: lBaker's eczema, 14 alterations, 351 in man, 30 Zondek-Aschheim, See Aschheim Tumour, spinal-cord, in neck, operation for, 63 VIEUCHANGE, J.: Spontaneous recovery from Zoster. See Herpes zoster Tumours, gynaecological, and sterility, 306 acquired syphilis, 357 ZUELZER, W.: Cod-liver oil in treatment of Tumours, oily, artificial, 103 VIGNES: AviTiaminosee in pregnancy, i1S;& wounals,wuuu."-t-4ztas Printedl and publishd by the British Medical Association. at their Office Tavistock Square, in the Parish of St. Pancras, in the County of London. E TuE BRITISH 22 JULY 7, 1934] THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF BOURNEMOUTH I MEDICAL JOURNAL


T HE one hundred and second Annual Meeting of the British Medical Association will be held in Bournemouth this month, under the presidency of Dr. S. Watson Smith, who delivers his address to the Association on the evening of Tuesday, July 24th, in the Pavilion concert hall. The sectional Meetings for scientific and clinical work will be held on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, July 25th, 26th, and 27th, the morning sessi ns being given up to discussions and the reading of papers, and the afternoon t) demonstrations. The Annual Representative Meeting for the transaction of medico-political business will begin on the previous Friday, July 20th. The full list of presidents, vice-presidents, and honorary secretaries of the sixteen Scientific Sections, together with the provisional time-table and pro- gramme, was published in the Supplement of June 16th. Other details of the arrangements for the Annual Meeting will appear in subsequent issues. We publish. below the fourth of a series of descriptive and historical articles written for the occasion. The first, on Bouraemouth and its attractions, appeared on January 6th (p. 22) ; the second, on the hospitals, etc., on March 3rd (p. 391) ; and the third, on some geological and archaeological features, on May 5th (p. 814).

THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF BOURNEMOUTH Than' Bournemouth there can be few places in the British boundaries. Below Wareham the river, which runs down Isles more perfectly set and naturally beautiful. Both into the Dorset lakeland, is still navigable by yachts and within the.boundaries of the town and on the outskirts small vessels. In the Church of St. Mary here King are numerous beauty spots and viewpoints which com- Edward the Martyr, who was stabbed and killed at Corfe mand landscapes that, of a sudden, break upon the eye Castle, was buried ; three years after, his casket was dis- in their surprising magnificence, embracing as they do interred and his body'removed to find its last resting-place vast stretches of coast line, cliffs and coves, woods and in Shaftesbury Abbey. heath, and hills. From Hengistbury Head (now scheduled From Wareham the road to Swanage passes over bleak as an ancient monument) can be viewed at one sweep the and at times forbidding moorland, passing close by Corfe Isle of Wight, the Solent, Highcliffe, Christchurch, and Castle, now a magnificent ruin, and on through the old- the whole of the Bournemouth Bay as far as the Old world village of Corfe. The Purbeck Hills now come-into Harry Rock near Swanage , from the East Cliff and view on the right. From the Swanage cliffs are seen on Canford Cliffs can be seen at one stretch the bay from the the'east the Old Harry Rock, and on the west Durlston Needles tor Old Harry; and, most -splendid of all, the Head, St. Aldhelrm's Head, and the majestic white cliffs panoramic view from Constitution Hill, Parkstone, of of the Dorset coast. 'At Worth Matravers Benjamin Sandbanks, Brownsea Island, the lakeland of Dorset, the Jesty of Downshay, who anticipated Jenner's experiment Purbeck Hills, and many miles into the county of Dorset by two years, is buried; Jesty inoculated his wife and two -the" view the splendour of which so startled King sons with cow-pox. The inscription on his gravestone Edward VII when he drove. out on to the summit of is as follows: the hill there. He was born at Yetminster in this county and was an Bournemouth forms a good base from which to visit the -upright honest man: particularly noted for having been the adjacent parts of 'Hampshire and Dorset. This city by first person (known) that introduced the cow-pox by inocula- the sea has been described as the gateway to a realm of tion and who from his great strength of mind made the historic interest and scenic beauty. From the Square experiment from the cow on his wife and two sons in the roads run fanwise into the two counties, and -give ready year 1774." access hamlet and of interest. Each to every point place Further west are Kimmeridge Bay; Warbarrow Bay, visited has a history and an attraction of its own. Even where from the -promiontory on its east side are to be had Sandbanks of Branksome Avenue and the trip to by way glorious views of the Dorset coast, the Purbeck' Hills, and woods Canford Cliffs has Chine and through the' pine of its on the south-west Portland Bill; and Lulworth Cove. delightful surprise as the 'top of the hill -is reached in the view of Brownsea Island,' Poole Harbour, and Sandbanks THE HARDY COUNTRY itself, which forms ti- eastern promontory enclosing the harbour. Returning to Wareham and thence to Wool, we find the At' Sandbanks a chain ferry takes passengers and. manor house of the D'Urbervilles, the scene of the vehicles across the narrow channel---to Shell Bay -and memorable wedding night of' Tess and' Angel Clare of Studland along- the shorter road to Swanage. The longer Hardy's' Tess -of the D'Urbervilles.- Close by is Binden route passes -through the ancient seaport town of Poole, Abb-ey, and in-the grounds is the stone coffin where Tess an old Ro3'man station on the Via Iceniana, where Alfred rested. If on another- occasion' Dorchester be the objec- the Great is said to have built his ships, and curves on tive, a winding country road between hedges and past through Lytchett Minster, where the inn displays a sign typical Dorset farmsteads carries one to Bere Regis, a showing St. Peter holding up a bleeding hand-a corrup- village of thatched houses and' a 'one-time royal seat, tion of St. Peter ad Vincula, bne of the days ud;der the old situated on a hillside coinmanding extensive views towards feudal land tenure when predial service was done for the the Purbeck Hills and the coast. Bere is the "Kingsbere" lord of the manor. The approach' road to the Roman of Hardy's novels,- and the canopied tomb of the town of Wareham bridges the Frome, and brings into- view D'Urberville family is to be-seen in the church. Wood- the ancient earthworks outside 'the' present borough bury Fair, held each yea'r in September, is mentioned in r THE BRITISH 23 JULY 7, 1934] THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF BOURNEMOUTH L MEDICAL JOURNAL Far from the Madding Crowd; this fair draws visitors Minster was once a " Royal Peculiar," the choirboys from far and near. King John probably made many visits wear scarlet cassocks. to Bere when he came to hunt in the royal forest of On the Blandford Road out of Wimborne, along the Purbeck. Out of Bere the road forks to the right in avenue of magnificent beech trees, is Badbury Rings, the the direction of Milton Abbas, the centre of some of the camp which is situated on high ground (327 feet) and most charming country in England. Milton Abbey, which commands views to the sea and for many miles- in all othe-r was built by King Athelstan and was recently purchased directions. A fine example of an ancient British strong- by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, has only to be seen hold, the encampment is formed of a triple vallum and to be admired. fosse, the area enclosing some eighteen acres. Probably Returning to the main Dorchester Road Puddletown is the camp was occupied in turn by Romans and Saxons. reached, where there is a glorious relic of ancient Dorset- At WVitchampton some interesting Roman remains have Athelhampton Hall, one of the many lovely old Dorset recently been unearthed. Taking the road towards mlanor houses. The church is one of the few in the Cranborne, WVoodlands is reached, where, after his defeat county wrhich have escaped the restorer. The old oak pews at Sedgemoor, the *Duke of Monmouth was captured. still remain; the ceiling panelling is of Spanish chestnut; The Duke's pursuers found him hidden by ferns and and there is a very fine singing gallery, a Norman font, bracken under an ash tree, still pointed out as and an old wood pulpit with a clerk's stall beneath. " Monmouth's ash." Cranborne is an ancient market Dorchester itself, the county town of Dorset, was of town where in 980 a Benedictine priory was established considerable importance in Roman times. It has four by Aylward de Meux. Some years ago certain paintings, main thoroughfares, and takes a cruciform shape. It is centuries old, were uncovered on the south wall of the noted for its beautiful avenues and walks. Here are the church, where also a Normlan doorway was found and most noted earthworks in England: the Roman amphi- restored; the old communion plate is of very beautifully theatre near by Poundbury Encampment, Maumbury wrought and beaten silver. The Manor House at Rings, and Maiden Castle. In 1685 Judge Jeffreys, at the Cranborne dates from the twelfth century. Cranborne Bloody Assizes, senteinced 300 adherents of Monmouth Chase was described by Hardy as " a truly venerable to various punishments; most of them were hanged. tract of forest land, of undoubted primeval date," and is Outside St. Peter's Church is a bronze statue of Barnes famous in history as a royal hunting forest. the poet. Dorchester is the " Casterbridge " of Hardy, If the road is taken eastwards out of Bournemouth the who lived at Max Gate, a mile outside the town. Stour is crossed and Christchurch reached. The magnifi- Wynford Eagle, a few miles beyond Dorchester, was the cent Priory Church here is one of the finest in the birthplace of Thomas Sydenham (1624-89), the " Father country, and has examples of successive schools of archi- of British Medicine"; and in 1598, at Rampisham, was tecture from the Norman to the Renaissance. Near to born Francis Glisson, an otiginal Fellow of the Royal the church are the ruins of the Castle and a Normai Society, and the author of De Hepate. house. The town lies at the junction of two salmon Another very delightful drive from Bournemouth is by rivers, the Avon and Stour, which here unite to form the way of the old market town of Wimborne. The MinsLer harbour, where there is a double tide. The view from here is very ancient, and has a chained library of books, St. Catherine's Hill (160 feet) behind the town embraces at the moment being renovated, of 243 volumes. In the the Avon Valley, from Christchurch Harbour to the spire Minster Tower is a quaint astronomical clock constructed of Salisbury Cathedral. during the fourteenth century by a monk of Glastonbury. Crossing the Avon by the two ancient bridges, the road A nun was first founder of the Minster, Edward the to Ringwood passes by Mudeford, an old seaside resort Confessor being second founder. On the grounds that the which has seen better days: where at " Gundimore

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lived Rose, who translated Ariosto, and where he enter- From Lyndhurst to Beaulieu is a run through the forest tained Sir Walter Scott, who wrote a part of Marmion proper to the beautifully situated village at the head of there. Rose also entertained Coleridge at " Gundimore." the winding estuary of the Beaulieu River. About 1204 The road to Ringwood passes Sopley and the sleepy village King John founded a Cistercian abbey here, which in 1327 of Avon, where is pointed out the smithy at which was endowed by Innocent III with special rights of Tyrrel, fleeing after the death of Rufus in the New Forest, sanctuary. In 1471, after Barnet, Margaret of Anjou took had his horse's shoes reversed, then forded the Avon in his refuge in the Abbey, and in 1497 Perkin Warbeck took flight. Passing on through woods and villages of thatched sanctuary there. The Abbey was dissolved about 1538-40. houses, Ringwood, named " Rincevede " in Domesday The foundations of the first church are outlined on the Book, is reached. The town lies in a beauitiful valley. turf, the ground plan showing the longest Cistercian Monmouth, taken prisoner, lay a night here; and it was church in England (336 feet). The refectory is still used here that he wrote his letter to the Queen appealing to as the Parish Church. Buckler's Hard, on the west bank her to intercede for his life with the King. of the Beaulieu River, is a peaceful village of one broad From Ringwood to Fordingbridge the roadway runs street, lined on each side by old red-brick cottages. Dowln through lovely scenerv along the valley by gentle Avon and this roadway to the waterside were drawn the oak trees between well-trimmed hedges and past thatched cottages, for shipbuilding ; and here were built and launched forty- with nearing hills on each side, giving a vivid and lasting four men-of-war, three of which were used at the battle impression of the real beauty of rural England. Here at of Trafalgar. Fordingbridge Dr. Nathaniel Highmore, who discovered The road back to Bournemouth takes one through the maxillary antrum, was born (1613). At Braemore, Lymington of ancient lineage, which in the fourteenth three miles north along the Salisbury Road, is a pre- century contributed as many ships for the invasion of Conquest church of date A.D. 950-1000, one of the largest France as did Portsmouth. At Buckland Rings, north of and most complete in'England. Off the road to Fording- the town, is an ancient British camp. East of Milford-on- bridge is Ellingham, where there is an early English Sea can be seen Hurst Castle, one of the line of block- church, and in- the churchvard, near the south wall, is houses built in 1535 by Henry VIII for the defence of the the tomb of the venerable Dame Alicia Lisle, who, at the south coast against the French. Here Charles I was age of 70, was arraigned for high treason at Winchester brought prisoner from the Isle of Wight, and held until before Judge Jcffreys. She was the first and noblest his abrupt removal to Windsor on December 19th, 1648. victim of the Bloody Assize (1685), and was condemned by It is interesting that, after his execution on January SOth, him to " be burned alive until you be dead " that same 1649, all editions of the Book of Common Prayer contained afternoon. This savage sentence was commuted by the a special service for January 30th, the day of execution, King to one of beheading. Dame Alicia's only " crime " as an " anniversary day of fasting and humiliation to was that at her house, Moyle's Court, she unwittingly implore the Mercy of God." gave shelter to two fugitives from Sedgemoor. Close to Returning homewards we pass Chewton Glen, the haunt Moyle's Court is the finest oak in the district ; it in spring of the nightingale, the village of Highcliffe, and measures 201 feet at four inches from the ground. Christchurch. To those who wish to leave the highways there are many circuitous byways and paths in both THE NEw FOREST COUNTRY counties which lead to sequestered places, " the world " If the return journey is made via Gorley, the road runs forgetting, by the world forgot ; to ancient churches, along the edge of the New Forest in most charming' each with its venerable yew tree in the churchyard, so scenery, by fords over two streams, and takes one to placed because poisonous to cattle, and in olden days Burley, a village lying in a hollow in a clump of trees in pollarded for bows ; to exquisite old manor houses, each the heart of the forest, where sonme care must be taken with its mulberry tree ; and to nearby clusters of ancient to avoid collision with pigs in pannage-time! Thence the homesteads, many with mud walls and thatched roofs, road crosses the moor to join the main Southampton Road, and with little old-world gardens, where, in the words of which can be followed to Lyndhurst, the capital of the Galsworthy: " Every blade of grass and flower has a New Forest. Drivers on the roads here need caution kind of pride about it ; knows it will be cared for; and because of straying forest ponies. In the Church c'f all the roads, trees, and cottages seem to be certain that St. Michael at Lyndhurst there is the large fresco of the they will live for ever." "Ten Virgins " painted by the late Lord Leighton. The S. WV. S. King's House (1634), from which the forest is adminis- tered, was formerly the residence of the Lord Warden. In the Verderers' Hall (1388), close by, the Forest Court The following medical promotions in, and appointments is held every forty days, and the stirrup said to have to, the Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of been used by Rufus the day he was killed hangs over Jerusalem are announced in the Londonz Gazette of the fireplace. The forest itself covers about 90,000 acres, June 26th: As Knights of Justice-Lord Moynihan, and measures in length about twenty miles. The greater K.C.M.G., F.R.C.S., and A. M. Ware, M.D. ; as Knights part is public land. It comprises woods, marshlands, of Grace-the Hon. James H. King, M.D., late Minister moors, and glades. There is a variety of trees, chiefly of Pensions and Public Health for Canada, the Hon. oak, with yew, fir, ash, silver birch, wild rose, cherry, Herbert A. Bruce, M.D., F.R.C.S., Lieut.-Governor elder, hazel, and also gorse, heather, and bracken. Wild of Ontario, the Hon. Hugh E. Munroe, O.B.E., M.D., flowers and ferns abound. The old gnarled oaks, and the Lieut.-Governor of Saskatchewan, and Sir Frederick peaceful sequestered glades where the grass grows green, Menzies, K.B.E., M.D. ; as Commanders-A. T.- Lak'n, have a beauty all their own. Forest ponies roam at will, M.B., Captain R. J. Isaac, L.R.C.P. and S., Colonel J. T. but seldom far from their usual haunts. Otters are Clarke, C.B.E., M.C., M.D., R. E. Wodehouse, O.B.E., numerous, and the're are a few fallow 'deer in the, forest, M.D., Lord Horder, K.C.V.O., M.D., and William and fewer red deer. 'The timber being no longer needed Hutton, L.R.C.P. and S. ; as Officers-F. B. G. Holmes, for men-of-war, the forest has been left in its natural M.B., H. E. Gibbs, M.D., F.R.C.S., C. H. Tewsley, M.D., state. Rufus Stone, near Stoney Cross, is well worth F.R.C.S., Major-General R. B. Ainsworth, O.B.E., visiting tradition has it that here William Rufus the D.S.O., K.H.P., Colonel R. C. Wilmot, R.A.M.C., W. D. inelegant, of the red hair and complexion, was accidentally Kirkwood, M.D., Colonel H. V. Prynne, C.B.E., D.S.O., slain by a deflected arrow aimed at a stag by his hunting F.R.C.S., George Thornton, M.D., C. H. Francis-Williams, companion, Walter Tyrrel. At Minstead Church, which M.R.C.S., P. R. Bolus, M.B., G. B. Peat, M.D., Major is easily visited by way of Lyndhurst Road, is a William Nunan, M.D., R. L. E. Downer, M.D., Arthur characteristic old forest church with a three-tier pulpit, Heys, M.B., F. O'B. ElliEon, M.D., WV. N. West-Watson, two west galleries, and two squire's pews, one having a M.D., and Mrs. Phyllis P. Pigott, M.B. ; as Associate fireplace. The north doorway is thirteenth century, and Officer-D. H. Mehta, C.I.E. ; as Serving Brothers- inside the church is some fine panelling erected to the H. J. Slane, M.D., G. LI. Pierce, L.R.C.P. and S., S. B. memory of Matthews Duncan. Turner, M.R.C.S., and E. P. Dickin, M.D., AND COLLEGES THED BRITISH 41 JULY 7, 19341 UNIVERSITIES.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEIA JOURNAL wfith the red " Stop," makes no allox4ance at all for the Green, Neil Leitch, S. H. Llewellyn-Smith, K. H. A. Marshall, N. H. Martin, N. J. de V. Mather, A. T. M. Myres, N. A. Neville, fact that each person has a different reaction time, and R. W. Parnell, M. A. Partridge, H. M. Sinclair, M. A. Slee, N. K. that a fast-moving car cannot be brought to rest in the Stott, D. H. Swayne, P. de B. Turtle, R. J. Stephens (St. Hilda's). twinkling of an eye. The point I wish to emphasize is that the designers of UNIVERSI.TY OF BIRMINGHAM At a congregation held on June 30th the following degrees these signals found it necessary to provide a warning to were conferred: start a car after a halt at a crossing by providing an LL.D. (Honoris Causa).=-Professor C. A. Lovatt Evans, F.R.S., initial red-yellow signal before the green appears, which F.R.C.P. M.D.-H. P. Gilding. is obviously superfluous. Amazingly, they omit to pro- M.B., CHnB.-*tPhyllis M. Ball, *R. M. Case, *F. H. Kemp, vide a green-yellow sign to fast-moving traffic, as a warn- N. Angel, T. D. Brettell, C. H. Catlin, C. H. Goodliffe, Bessie W. ing that by the time the driver has travelled 100 yards Goodwill, E. G. Gregory, loan E. Hickinbotham, Christia F. Lucas, or so he must expect to find the short " Caution " yellow E. C. Ostler, 0. C. L. Pitter, A. B. Row-lands, IC. R. St. Johnston. * Second-class honours. t Distinction in Surgery. light appear, and be prepared, to stop. In a nutshell, t Distinction in Medicine. there is far too little warning given to relatively fast- The following scholarships, medals, and prizes have been moving main road traffic that it must stop. The present awarded. Richard Fenwick Post-Graduate Scholarship: position leads to two classes of evil. Driver A, careful WV. H. P. Cant. Queen's Scholarships: (third. year) G. Mitchell, (fourth year) J. A. R. Johnson and A. H. Khan and correct, gets his car thoroughly in hand when he (divided), M. K. Tabataba, (fifth year) J. L. Collis, (final sees a signal in the distance, and takes an altogether year) Phyllis M. Ball. Ingleby Scholarships (final year): unreasonable time about his journey in consequence. C. H. Catlin, Joan E. Hickinbotham. Arthur Foxwell Driver B, human and in a hurry, stamps on his accele- Memorial Medals (final year): R. M. Case, C. R. St. Johnston. Sampson Gamgee Memorial Medal in Surgery (final year): rator every time he sees a green light, in the hope of Phyllis M. Ball. John Barritt Melson Memorial Gold Medal just cheating the yellow. Driving strain would be much for Physiology (third year),: C. M. Fenn. Priestley Smith reduced and compliance with the law made reasonable Prize for Ophthalmology (final year) and Russell Memorial and possible if the light sequences were made as follows: Prize: F. H. Kemp. Foyle Prize: J. A. R. Johnson and a instruction to A. H. Khan (divided), M. K. Tabataba. Peter Thompson Green ; green-yellow (implying definite Prize in Anatomy (third year): Frances B. Robinson. bring the car under control and be prepared to stop) yellow (a very short safety period, during which no ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND vehicle may cross in either direction) ; and red-full stop. Primary Fellowship Examlination If technical considerations demand the use of red-yellow The following have been succeEsful at the First Professional in the restarting process, well, there is no objection. Examination for the diploma of Fellow: I maintain that the present system of sudden changes H. Ackers, H. Agar, H. R. Alban, M. Albert, H. G. E. Arthure, J. I. M. Black, I. N. Blusger, A. Bowen-Davies, W. Bullock, H. L. imposes an unnecessary mental strain on drivers, makes Cochrane, L. Z. Cosin, A. G. Cross, H. L. Davies, I. H. Davies, the real compliance with the law very difficult, takes no H. K. Doctor, A. Dornan, Katherine W. Dunn-Pattison, B. H. Ellis, account of the slow reaction time or faulty quick judge- J. S. Ellis, F. R. Edwards, R. H. Franklin, S. G. French, H. W. C. Fuller, Dorothy M. Gladwell, H. Goldfarb, D. LI. Griffiths, E. H. ment of numerous individuals, and finally imposes a quite Hambly, A. J. Heriot, G. Hyman, W. H. G. Jessop, H. H. unfair strain on the mechanism and tyres of cars by Langston, A. D. Le Vay, J. W. S. H. Lindahl, C. J. Longland, G. H. Macnab, R. L. Mehra, M. S. M. Mehta, D. V. R. Nadkami, bringing them suddenly to a stop with hard braking. M. L. Pan, A. R. Parkes, E. R. G. Passe, E. W. Peet, G. L. Pett, J. W. I suppose my remedy is too simple ever to be considered Pugh, J. LI. D. Roberts, A. Rose, H. L. M. Roualle, V. Sankarambal, by the ingenious people who design these signals without K. C. Sarkar, P. G. Scott, H. Scudamore, W. M. H. Shaw, F. W. Shepherd, J. Sherne, J. G. C. Spencer, J. A. Stallworthy first consulting someone with a little common sense and R. Strang, A. W. G. Sutherland, T. G. Swinburne, Mi. Talwar, a little knowledge of human psychology and physiology. R. G. Taylor, G. Townsley, H. I. Turnbull, R. E. Waterston, For, after all, it is not wheels and engines that are being W. E. Wimberger, R. F. Winckworth. brain.- controlled by these signals; it is the human SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES OF LONDON I am, etc., The following candidates have passed in the subjects London, S.E.5, June 24th. GuY BOUSFIELD, M.D.Lond. indicated: SITRGERY.-R. M. Outfin. MEDICINE.-G. A. Bell, G. W. Bender, P. E. Cresswell, C. McK. Johnston, S. Klein, A. Lassman. Universities and Colleges FORENSIC MEDICINE.-GC. W. Bender, P. E.- CresswvelJ, C. McK. Johnston, S. Kay. MIDWIFERY.-W. C. Campbell, W. McC. Graves Morris, H. W. UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD John, S. Kay, G. F. Metcalf. At a convocation held on June 20th it was resolved to confer of the has been S. and the degree -of D.Sc. honoris causa upon Professor Archibald The diploma society granted to- Kay Vivian Hill, O.B.E., F.R.S., M.A., Sc.D.Camb. G. F. Metcalf. LONDON INTERCOLLEGIATE SCHOLARSHIPS BOARD Boards of Faculties The following awards of medical entrance scholarships and The Vice-Chancellor and Proctors have made the following exhibitions have been made on the results of the Board's nominations of persons to hold office for two years as members examinations. of Boards of Faculties: Faculty of Medicine (Ordinary UNIVERSITY COLLEGE.-Medical Scholarship, L. J. Temple; Members): T. B. Heaton, D.M., student of Christ Church; First Medical Exhibition, WV. S. Lewin; Second Medical .R. S. Creed, D.M., and F. G. Hobson, D.M., Fellows of New Exhibition, R. Mawson.- College. KING'S COLLEGE.-Warneford Scholarships, R. G. Evans, The following candidates have passed in the examinations J. L. Lawrence; Sambrooke Scholarship, G. T. E. Jenkins. indicated: KING'S COLLEGE HOSPITAL MEDICAL ScHooL.-Science FORENSIC MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH.-R. I. Bence, -,H. S. Scholarship, R. P. Crick. Brodribb, R. Clarke, J. P. Dewsberry, A. Fearnley, R. C. Garman, G. E. Greenwood, T. WV. Lloyd, R. McDonald, T. M. Williams. LONDON SCHOOL OF MEDICINE FOR WOMEN.-A. M. Bird MEDICINE, SURGERY, AND MIDWIFERY.-P. C. Alexander, J. H. Entrance Scholarship, J. Avarne Mabel Sharman Crawford Bartlett, R. I. Bence, C. A. Boucher, E. M. Buzzard, A. M. G. Scholarship, M. L. Taylor. Campbell, J. P. Dewsberry, W. F. Fawcett, R. H. Gardiner, LONDON HOSPITAL MEDICAL COLLEGE.-Price Scholarship, D. W. Geidt, C. E. Greenwood, T. W. Lloyd, J. R. Nassim, A. G. D. A. Miln. Palin, J. E. G. Pearson, W. H. A. Picton. PATHOLOGY.-W, J. C. Anstie, R. I. Bence, H. S. Brodribb, STREAT-FEILD SCHOLARSHIPS S. H. L. Bullmore, M. C. Chapman, G. A. Hodgson, G. 0. Jelly, Neil Leitch, G. L. M. McElligott, W. P. Mallinson, D. F. G. Moir, Mr. Ivor Griffiths and Mr. P. Jacobs have been appq~ted J. C. Penton, E. M. -Poulton, J. L. Reid, 0. H. J. M. Telling, Streatfeild Scholars, under the trust administered jointly by E. G. Tuckwell, J. W. A. Turner, F. G. Ward, T. M. Williams. the Royal College of Physicians of London and the Royal MATERIA MEDICA.-W. J. C. Anstie, R. \W. Barr Brown, G. H. L. College of Surgeons of England, to carry out an invrestigation Bullmore, W. W. Coppinger, D. L. -Davies, J. _W. B. Douglas, into " The Tonsil-its Anatomy,. Physiology, and the A. F. Foster-Carter, D. M. T. Gairdner, W. E. Gibb, J. B. M. Relationis of its Lymphatic Vessels."; JuLY 7, 1934] MEDICAL NIEWS- rHLr-BR9rX 47 [ME-DICA'LJOURNAL~~~~~~~~~ Professor G. Grey Turner, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, has been elected a Foreign Honorary M'ember of the Accademia Medical News Lancisiana di Roma. Councillor and Mrs. W. Barratt have given £20,000 The next meeting of the Society for the Study of Northampton Inebriety will be held at 11, Chandos Street, W., on for the erection of a maternity wing, at the Tuesday, July 10th, at 4 p.m., when Dr. John Y. Dent General Hospital. will read a paper on " Apomorphine in the Treatment of Sir Donald MacAlister, President of the General Medical Anxiety States, especially Alcoholism." Council 1904-31, Principal of Glasgow University 1907-29, The Vice-Chancellor of the University of London will and afterwards Chancellor, left estate valued at £61,575. present the prizes to students of the London School of June 26th marked the centenary of the death of Sir Medicine for Women, in the Albert Levy Hall, Royal Free Gilbert Blane, aut-hor of Observations ont the Diseases of Hospital, on Wednesday, July 1 1th, at 3.30 p.m. Academic Seamen, who successfully brought about the disappearance dress will be worn; tea at 4.15. of scurvy from the British Navy by the enforced use of The Fellowship of Medicine (1, Wimpole Street, W.) lemon juice. has arranged lecture-demonstrations at 11, Chandos Street, Mr. Edward William Meyerstein of Dunton Green, W., on Julv 10th and 17th, at 2.30 p.m.; demonstrations Kent, has sent to Prince- Arthur of Connaught, chairman at West End Hospital for Nervous Diseases (in-patient of- the Middlesex Hospital, a cheque for £70,000 towards department) on July 10th, at 8.30 p.m.; at 11, Chandos the completion of the hospital buildings. He gave £30,000 Street, W., July 18th and 19th, at 4.30 p.m. at National to the same hospital three months ago. Temperance Hospital, July 14th, at 3 p,m. courses in urology at All Saints' Hospital from July 9th to 27th; We much regret to learn, at the moment of going to and in dermatology at Blackfriars Skin Hospital from press, of the death of MADAME CURIE, in a sanatorium in July 9th to 21st. Particulars are given week by week Haute Savoie. The name of Marie Sklodowska Curie, with in our Supplement in the Diary of Post graduate Courses. that of her husband Pierre Curie, who died in 1906, will The director of the Wellcome Archaeological Research be for ever associated with the discovery of radium. Expedition to the Near East ainnounces that the annual exhibition of antiquities from Tell Duweir, Palestine (1933-4 excavations), will be open at 2, Hinde Street, Manchester Square, W., until July 21st from 11 a.m. to Letters, Notes, and Answers 5 p.m. daily, and until 8 p.m. on July 12th and 20th. Admission free without ticket. All communications in regard to-editorial business-should be-addressed to The -EDITOR. British Medical Journal. B.M.A. House. Tavistock A conference on occupational therapy, arranged by the Square, W.C.1. National Council for Mental Hygiene, will be held at ORIGINAL ARTICLES- and LETTERS forwvarded for publication are -understood to be offered to the British Medical Joarnal alone 2&, Portland Place, W., on Wednesday, July 1lth. The unless the contrary be stated. Correspondents who wish notice to afternoon session commences at 2.30 p.m., under the be taken. of their commtunications should authenticate them with chairmanship of Sir Henry Gauvain., when Dr. J. B. their names, not necessarily for publication. McDougall will speak on " Occupational Therapy and Authors desiring REFRINKTS' of their articles published in the British Mledical Journal must communicate with the Financial Secretary its End-results," and- Dr. Veronica Dawkins on " Occupa- and Business Manager, British Medical Association House, Tavi- tional Therapy, its Possibilities and Limitations in a stock Squiare, W.C.I, on receipt of proofs. Authors over-seas Sanatorium." Mr. H. J. Seddon will open the dis- should indicate on MSS. if. reprints are required, as proofs are cussion on " Occupational not senrt abroad. Therapv in Relation to Ortho- All communications wvith reference to ADVERTISEMENTS, as well paedic Surgery." At 8.15 p.m., with Dr. Nathan Raw as orders for copies of the Journal, should be addressed to the in the chair, Mrs. Eleanor C. Slagle will describe recent Financial Secretary and Business Manager. methods and advances in America. The discussion will The TELEPHONE NUMBER of the British Medical Association be opened by Dr. J. R. Rees, Dr. Elizabeth Casson, and the Britishl, Medical Jouicnal is EUSTON 2111 (internal Ew. N. A. Haworth., and Miss Ruth Darwin. Tickets exchange, four lines). (ls. Gd. for each session or 2s. 6d. for the whole .,The TELEEGRAPHIC ADDRESSES are: confier- EDITORZ OF THE BRllISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, Aitiology ence) are obtainable from the Secretary, National Council Westcent, London. fsr Mental Hygiene, 78, Chandos House, Palmer Street, FINANCIAL SECRETARY AND BUSINESS MANAGER S.W.1, or at the- doors. (Advertisements, etc.), Articulate Westcerrt, London. MEDICAL SECRETARY, Medisecra Westcenzt, Lontdon. A voyage d-'etudes medicales to the French spas will The address of the Irish Office of the British Medical Association is take place this year in South-East France from September 1-8, Kildare Street, Dablih (telegrams: Bacithls, Diublin;; tele- phone: 62550 Dablin),_ and of- the Scottish. Office, 7, Drumsheug 5th to 16th inclusive, under the conduct of Professor Gardens, Edinburgh (telegrams: Associate, Edinburgh.; telephone: Maurice Vllaret, Professor Giraud, Professor Serr, and 24361 Edinburgh). Dr. Etienne Chabrol. Apart from a visit to the spas in the district, such as Vernet-les-Bains, Luchon,. the tour QUERiES AND ANSWERS will embrace interesting touring centres lik-e the Gorges du Tarn, Carcassonne, and the Republic of Andorra. Further information may be had from the Federation of House Flies the Health Resorts of France, 'tavistock HQuse (North), "G. L." writes: From May until the autumn, during the Tavistock Square, W.C. 1. last three or four years, in a house containing nearly forty windows, one single window has been chosen as a promenade On June 21st Mr. L_ G. Brock, chairman of the Board by a large number of flies of all sizes-; chemical warfare of Control, laid the foundation stone of the Run-well has been waged with paraffin, formalin, camphor, " flit," Mental Hospital, which will be shared by the county lavender, citronella, etc., and the windows have been taken beroughs of Eagt Ham and Southend, and is designed to- out of their frames- in order to look for breeding places, accommodate in the first 875 but all without success. Can anyone suggest a cause and instance patients. a lethal permanent cure? A meeting of the School Medical Service Group will be held at 81, Addison Road-, Holland Park, W., on Thurs- Persistent Epistaxis da-y, July f9th, at 5.15 p.m., when, Dr. Gerald Slot will H. H." (Salford) writes with regard to the case mentioned " on June 2nd (p. 10.15): Might I ask " W. D. C."` if give an address on Absenteeism iln Defective Schol haemoplastin (Parke, Davis and Co.) has been tried? Two Chldcr.en." injections, given close togeth-er, followed by others, if neces- The Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital, sary, at longer intervals-, might quite- weTl cure the condi- net Weiwyn, tion. Thromboplastii, made by the same- firm, is for- local will beX opened by H.R.H. The Duchess of Yo~rk on application, and would probably be found to be very- useful Tuesday, July 24th, at 3 p.m. during any attack.