THE XjritiiH BteiTa1 rOurnat.I 7 ~THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. EDITED BY NORMAN GERALD HORNER, M.A., M.D. VOLUME 11, 1934 -JULY TO DECEMBER 11 3iErntIur: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED AT THE OFFICE OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, TAVISTOCK SQUARE, LONDON, W.C.1. I [ THE BRITISR JULY-DEC., 1934] REY TO DATES AND PAGES I MEDICAL JOURNAL KEY TO DATES AND PAGES THE following table, giving a key to the dates of issue and the page numbers of the BRITISH MEDTCAL JOURNAL and SUPPLEMENT in the second volume for 1934, may prove convenient to readers in search of a reference. Serial Date of Journal Supplement No. Issuie Pages Pages 3835 J lily 7th 1- 48 1- 24 3836 14thi 49- 98 25- 36 3837 21st 99- 152 37- 44 3838 28th 153- 192 45- 84 3839 AuLg. 4th 193- 240 85 - 112 3840 11th 241- 290 .113- 124 3841 18th 291- 338 .125 - 148 3842 25th 339- 380 .149- 156 3843 Sept. 1st 381- 454 3844 8th 455- 498 .157- 164 3845 15thl 499- 538 .165 - 168 3846 22nid 539- 578 .169- 172 3847 29th 579- 618 .173- 180 3848 Oct. 6th 619- 664 .181- 192 3849 13th 665- 706 .193- 204 3850 20th 707- 754 .205- 212 3851 27tll 755- 796 .213 - 228 3852 Nov. 3rd 797- 844 .229 - 236 3853 10th 845- 890 .237 - 248 3854 17tl 891- 928 .249 - 260 3855 ,, 24th 929- 976 .261 - 268 3856 Dec. lst 977 - 1026 .269 - 280 3857 8th 1027 - 1086 .281 - 292 3858 15th 1087 - 1136 .293 - 300 3859 22n,d 1137 - 1186 .301 - 304 3860 29th 1187 - 1228 .305- 308 INDEX TiO VOLUMNE I1 F'OR 1934 READERS in search of a particular subject will find it useful to bear in mind that the references are in several cases distributed under two or more separate but nearly synonyrmous headings-such, for instance, as Brain and Cerebral; Heart and Cardiac; Liver and Hepatic; Renal and Kidney; Cancer and Carcinoma, Epithelioma, Malignant Disease, New Growth, Sarcoma, etc.; Child and Infant; Bronchocele, Goitre, and Thyroid; Diabetes, Glycosuria, and Sugar; Light, Roentgen, Radium, X Rays; Status Lymphaticus and Thymus; Eye, Ophthalmia, and Vision; Pyelography and Urography; Lunacy and Mental l)iseases; Sunlight and Ultra-violet; Bicycle and Cycle; Motor and Automobile; Association, Institution, and Society, etc. Subjects dealt witb under various main headings in the JOUR*AL have been set out in alphabetical order under their respective headings-for example, "Auinotations," "Correspondence," "Leading Articles," "Reviews," etc. Original Articles are indicated by the letter (0). For Obituary Notices see under Names of Individuals. A. Adrenaline, after-effects o0 continued doses of, Anaemia and non-sspecific colitis (D. C. Hare), 538 162 (1) ABDERHALDEN, Emil. elected a corresponding Adrenaline, biological properties of(A. C. Marie), Anaemis, nutritional, 122, 526 foreign membet of the Vienna Academyv of 910 Anaemia, pernicious IJ. M. O'Donovan), 1071 Sciences. 337 Adrenaline and cerebral baemorrhage, 578 Anaemia, pernicious, blond films in, convenient Abdominal cyst. See Cyst Adrenaline in haemoptysis, intratracheal in- method of examining (G. H. H. Booth), 17 Abdominal pregnancy. See Pregnancy jections of,1123 Anaemia, pernicious, nature and treatment of AB13RCROMBIxE, Rt. H.: The swab in diphtheria ADRIAN, E. D.: Awarded a Royal Medal of the (leading article), 726 diagnosis, 373 Royal Society, 911-Discoverer of cortical Anaemia, splenic, pathological basis of (J. Aberdeen. See Scotland rhythm. 1129 McMichael), 225 ABERLE, S. B. D.: Vitamin A and nerve lesions, ADSON: The endocrine factor in essential hyper- Anaemia, yesterday and to-day (Francis J. 1053 tension, 261 O'Donnell), 915 Abortion. contagious, discussion on. 483 Advancement and tendon lengthening (W. B. Anaemias of pregnancy (G. D. Kersley and D. A. Abortion, contagious, and undulant fever in Inglis Pollock). 269 Mitchell), 720 (0) Northumberland (A. I. Messer), 856 (0) Aerophagy with meteorism, 843,1136 Anaemias and their treatment (Leslie Witts), ABRAHAMS, Adolphe: Publicity, 699 Africa, East: East African Medical Service, 830-Discussion, 830 ABRAHAmsON, Leonard: Adhesions in artificial information concerning, 447 Anaesthesia, chloroform, in maternity cases, pneumothorax, 790 Africa, South, Union of: Bantus, health of, 1222 ABRAM!, Professor: Rheumatoid arthritis, 127 recommendations of Departmental Com- Anaestbesia, chloroform - hyoscine. in labour Ab,scess, brain, review of book on, 772 mittee, 128-Female nurse aids, 129-Medicel (James Clark), 468 (0). See also Labouir Abscess. epidural spinal, case of (J. Mlintzman), aids, 128-Medical and nursing services in Anaesthesia, closed, with C02 absorption (W. B. 593 (0) the native territories. 128, 612-Public health Primrose), 223, 339 (0)-Discussion, 223-bead- Abscess of frontal lobe, extradermal. Jacksonian in, 479 ing article, 360-Correspondence on. 489 attacks in connexion with (Douglas Y. Richard- Africa, West: West African Medical Service, Anaesthesia, cocaine, firbt operation under, son), 1101 information concerning, 447 commemoration of. 663 Abscess of liver, non-troDical solitary (A. H. Agranulocytic angina (A. Daly Briscoe), 61(0). Anaestbesia, cyclopropane (W. Stanley Sykes', Holmes), 991 185-Correspondence on, 139,185 901 (0) Abscess, peritonsillar, haemorrhage from, 284, Agranulocytic angina in a diphtheria carrier Anaesthesia, deaths following (parliamentary 371, 491, 533, 612,'657 (A. Ford Tredre), 902 note), 926 Agranulocytosis (F. W. Madison and T. L. Anaesthesia, evipan, 40. 141, 201, 224, 285, 312- Squier), 29 {H. J. A. Simmons), 224-Discussion, 221- ACADEMY, ROYAL. OF MEDICINE IN IRELAND: Agriculture, control of poisons in (parliamentary Correspondence on, 285, 322, 534. 656, 700, 706- Election of Fellows, 607 note), 887 On a full stomach, 656, 700. See also Sodium Section of Medicine.-Adhesions in artificial AINsWORTH, Norman J.: Residual infection of evipan pneumothorax, 790-Gee's disease, 918. 1026- the jaws, 834 Anaesthesia, evipan, in ophthalmic surgery A correction, 1026 AINSWORTH, Major-General R. B., appointed (T. Keith Lyle and F. G. Fenton), 589 (0) Section of Obstetrics antd Gynaecology.- Officer of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Anaesthesia, intratracheal (R. W. Shaw), 1217 Some personal prejudices, 917 - Operation 24 Anaesthesia in maternity cases. 1015.1128, 1222 masks. 1013-Cervical myoma, 1013 AINSWORTH-DAVIS, J. C. * Chronic cervicitis, Anaesthesia, nitrous oxide and air, in the mid- Section of Pathology.-Growth of B. coli in 935(0)- Diathermy cutting current in cervi- wifery of general and hospital practice (John water, 919 citis, 316, 935 Elam), 1196 (0) Sectionof Surgerv.-Acutecholecystitis.879- Air. compressed, ruDture of the sigmoid from Anaesthesia, personal factors influencing (H. P. The intratracheal method of anaesthesia, (H J. Nightingale), 860 Crampton), 877 1217 Aircraft, control of infection by, in Sudan (par- Anaesthesia, review of books on, 168, 555 liamentary note), 1134 Anaesthesia, spinocain (J. U. A. Norman), 271 Accidents, road. 96, 213. 887-Doctors summoned Air Force, Royal: Information concerning the Anaesthetic explosions from static dischar ge in, 96-Emergency treatment for, 213-Figures, medical branch of the, 'l41-Appointments, 966 887 - Leading article on, 213 - Motor, in the 453-Annual report on the health of for 1933, Anaesthettc, local, for nasal work, 380 United States, 753-Parliamentary notes on. 1110-Sea also Supplement Index Anaesthetic shield for use in mastoid opera- 96,887.1084-Pedal cyclists and, 96-In mines Air, transport of invalids by, 538 tions, 518 and quarries in 1933,1084 Air warfare, disease carriers in (parliamentary Anaquintine nasal drops, 1202 Accidents in sewers: Report, 367 note), 96 Anatomy, review of books on, 18, 118, 861. 992 Acetllcholine bromide, 635 AITKEN, Charles J. Hill: Labour and heart ANDERSON, A. Greig: Organic and functional Aehlorhydria (Arthur F. Hurst), 218, 665 (0) disease, 578-The G. P.'s nightmare, 796- nervous disorders, 267 -Discussion, 218 LabelliDg patients, 1086 ANDERSON, J. Barcrofs: Priapism after circum- Acid child " and rheumatism. See Rheu- AITIEN, McCrae: Pott's paraplegia, 1012 cision, 1025 matism AITREN, Robert: Rodent ulcer in the young, ANDERSON, J. H.: Achlorhydria, 218 Acid extract of anterior pituitary. See Pituitary 1044 ANDREASEN, A. T.: Bilateral rupture of the Aota Cancrologica, first number of. 770 Alcoholic cirrhosis. See Cirrhosis tendon of extensor pollicis longus, 515 .etaBadiologica. Supplementum XIX: Effects ALEXANDER, Browning: Seaside resorts for ANDREWES, C. H.: The mouse and influenza of x rays on the lungs (Rolf Bull Enselstad), respiratory disease, 31 virus, 817 364-No. XIV: The ionization method of ALEXANDER, G. F.: Ocular Dioptrics and Lenses, ANDROss, Mary (and Mary MACKIERDY): Cheap measuring the intensity and absorption of rev., 258 Diets representing a Week's Meals, rev., 20 Roentgen rays (Dr. Thoraeus), 906 Alkali reserve in asthma, 531, 611, 836 Aneurysm, subelavian (left) and cervical rib ADAM, James: Asthma in children, 330-Alkali Alkaline treatment of coryza, 1222 (T. G. Quinn and George Davison), 808 (0) reserve in asthma. 531-Aetiology and treat- ALLEN, Bernard M.: Sir Robert Morant. A Angel of Death," 885 ment of asthma, 1070 Great Public Servanit, rev., 1102 ANGEL'UCCI, Arnardo, deatli of, 335 ADAMs, A. Wilfrid: Pelvic cellulitis of unknown ALLEN, H. W.: Headache following lumbar Angina, agranulocytic (A. Daly Briscoe), 61 (0), origin, 17-Use of fascia lata sutures, 922 puncture. 349 (0) 185-Correspondeace on, 139,185 ADAMs, E. W.: Recepst Researches on the Nature Allergic factors in rbinorrhoea and nasal catarrh Angina, agranulocytic, in a diphtheria carrier and Therapy of Pernicious Anaemia, 726 (Theodore Just), 587 (0) (HX. Ford Tredre), 902 Adaptor, electrioal mains, for diagnostic set, Allergic state (O. C. W. Prausnitz), 960 Angina pectoris, total thyroidectomy in treat- 1048 Allergy, metabolism,and the autonomic nervous ment of (O. Brenner, Hugh Donovan, and Addendum. 152 systeIn C. Paget Fapage). 985 (O)-Correspon- B. L. S. Murtagh). 624 (0) ADDISON, Ro. Hon. Christopher:-Four anid a dence on. 1086 Angina, tobacco, 922 Half Years: A Personal Diary from June. Allergy, review of books on, 812. 1047, 1104 Animal behaviour, study of, 523 1914, tooJanisary, 1919.
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