Munich Personal RePEc Archive Pilot Survey On The Conservation Of Historical Buildings In Malaysia Kamal, KamarulSyahrilandAbW ahab, LilawatiandAhmad, AGhafar UiTM Perak, Malaysia, UiTM Perak, Malaysia, USM, Malaysia 2008 Online at MPRA Paper No. 22478, posted 04 May 2010 06:01 UTC PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2nd. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUILT ENVIRONMENT IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 2008 "SUSTAINEBLE BUILT ENVIRONMENT: BRIDGING THEORY AND PRACTICE", 3 4th. DECEMBER 2008, UNIVERSITY SCIENCE MALAYSIA 1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2nd. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUILT ENVIRONMENT IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 2008 "SUSTAINEBLE BUILT ENVIRONMENT: BRIDGING THEORY AND PRACTICE", 3 4th. DECEMBER 2008, UNIVERSITY SCIENCE MALAYSIA PILOT SURVEY ON THE CONSERVATION OF HISTORICAL BUILDINGS IN MALAYSIA Kamarul Syahril Kamal− Lilawati Ab Wahab− and Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Ghafar Ahmad, University Technology MARA−, University Science Malaysia
[email protected], lilawati@,
[email protected] ABSTRACT- Historic buildings basically re resents the single most visible as ect of our ast history and culture. Like most other countries in the world, Malaysia has a rich legacy of historic buildings with outstanding craftsmanshi and architecture quality. They form an im ressive historic features and heritage of the ast work of man. It is im ortant to conserve and reserve historic buildings because they rovide a sense of identity and continuity in a fast changing world for future generations. However some of these buildings are at risk from defects and are not being well cared for due to lack of technical knowledge and high cost of re air and maintenance. The ur ose of this a er intends to highlight the e(isting conditions of historical buildings in Malaysia with the main focus on the conditions of building defects and conservation a roach to these buildings.