Norway's Arctic Circle Communities

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Norway's Arctic Circle Communities Norway’s Arctic Circle Communities The MS Polarlys made 32 cargo/passenger stops, day and night, during our 6‐day trip from Bergen, Norway to Kirkenes, Norway near the boarder of Russia. We saw many panoramic settings and communities that were vibrant and energetic. This photo program shares some of the stops and the sights of the following communities: Ørnes–Bodø–Finnsnes–Tromsø–Honningsvåg–Kjøllefjord–Vadsø–Kirkenes Ørnes lies on the northern coast of Helgeland as the area’s largest settlement with a population of over 1, 700 people. Documents place a tenant farm in Ørnes in early 1600s. Commerce can be traced to 1794 as it later became a trading center. It is a few degrees south of the Arctic Circle (approximately 21 miles) and 25 miles off the North coast of Iceland. Bodø is the capital of Nordland County with population of over 50,000 people. It is above the Arctic Circle. Bodø was founded in 1816, first as a trading center. By 1860, it became a fishing hub with the main catch—herring. Its name is believed to have come from a farm in the same area the town was formed. It is northernmost of both the Kystriksveien Coastal Route and west on the Arctic Highway. It is also the northern terminus of Norway’s rail system. Locals call it the ‘gateway to Norway’s true north.’ As you can see it is very modern and has fantastic sights to go with it. Finnsnes is a small town with a population of less than 5,000. Fish farming is a major business here. Finnsnes is also known for a summer festival that attracts many tourists. It is a major artery in both water and land transportation. Its name can be traced to the Middle Ages. It was formally established in 1838. Pictured is Gisund Bridge. It is a cantilever road bridge spanning 3,763 feet. At its height, the clearance is 135 feet. It was opened on June 23, 1972 and crosses the Gisundet strait. Tromsø is reported to be the place to be to see the Northern Lights. Well we were there when 19 hours of daylight and twilight for the remaining 5 hours was in‐play. It is a very modern city with nearly 80,000 people. Unfortunately, we did not get to see much of it, due to other tour commitments. Engineering feat observed: Tromsøysund Tunnel (Tromsøysundtunnelen) is an undersea highway consisting of two tubes, both over 2 miles longs with an 8.2% grade. It even has roundabouts. It was operational in 1994. Honnigsvåg is the northernmost city in Norway. Its a small community with less than 3,000 people. It is called a city, but it does not meet the criteria of having at least 5,000 inhabitants. It was exempted in 1996 by the National legislature. Its name is associated with a mountain and a bay. The Gulf Stream benefits this town also with a subarctic climate. Fisheries and tourism are key economic businesses. The 260‐acre community has a population density of nearly 2,500 people. Many tourists use Honnigsvåg as port of call to visit the famous North Cape. Kjøllefjord is a small town in Finnmark County, Norway that has less than 1,000 inhabitants. Since the 1500s, the settlement at the head of a fjord, has been a market place for the Sámi as well as others involved in fishing and other trades. The fjord provides an excellent shelter from the open sea, but its location and means of getting there has kept the population low. Vadsø is a community of over 6,000 people in Finnmark County. It has Finish roots since Finland is close to this northeastern Norway town. Hunting, fishing and hiking made Vadsø an occupation and sporting place. A lot of history and multi‐culturalism is noted here. Fishing since the 16th century has been and still is the main industry. Kirkenes is northern town in Finnmark County with a population of about 6,000. Kirkenes lies on a peninsula surrounded by ice‐ free ports that have access to Barents Sea. It is also surrounded by Finland and Russia. The Russian boarder is close to Kirkenes. Its history goes back to 1326 and the Treaty of Novgorod between Norway and Russia. That treaty lasted 500 years until 1826 specified in the St. Petersburg Convention between Russia and Sweden. The Convention set markers to be set along the borders, Norwegian yellow, Russian green and red striped. Sources: MS Polarlys daily newsletter,,‐norway/bodo,‐ff58‐4795‐9754‐c2291c7d87bb/360217,,‐Bridge,‐to‐go/northern‐norway/tromso/,‐tunnels‐roundabouts‐ 2016‐8 ,,,‐nordkinn/thestory,,‐to‐go/northern‐norway/kirkenes‐eastern‐finnmark/,‐russia‐border‐short‐stretch‐long‐history/,‐surreal‐lighting‐to‐make‐world‐s‐longest‐tunnel‐ safe, and John R. Vincenti Norway’s Arctic Circle Communities .
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