Musaïques 2002-2017 Sensory Room Project : CAPISCO Paris Arts Center for Social and Cultural Innovation – OMNI*
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Musaïques 2002-2017 Sensory room project : CAPISCO Paris Arts Center for Social and Cultural Innovation – OMNI* *UMO - Unidentified Musical Object 1 MUSAÏQUES Musaïques, an association founded in 2002 by Patrice Moullet, composer, sculptor and self-taught engineer, and presided by Cédric Villani, mathematician, 2010 Fields medalist, Institut Henri Poin- caré Director, is a not-for-profit organization, the purpose of which is to • Support the creation of electro-acoustic musical instruments, the “musical sculptures” designed and built by Patrice Moullet • Develop innovative research projects, starting from these instruments, that are both artistic and pe- dagogical in nature, with particular attention paid to people living with disabilities. 2 PATRICE MOULLET composer, sculptor, self-taught engineer In 1969, Patrice Moullet set up a band, Alpes, with the iconic singer Catherine Ribeiro. In the 1969-1982 period, they gave over 500 concerts. It was then that he created his first two instru- ments, the cosmophone and the percuphone, which gave the band its unique sound and earned critical praise. From 1982, Patrice Moullet dedicated him- self entirely to the creation of innovative and playful musical instruments. In 1992, he moved into a workshop into the business district of La Défense, having been in- vited to do so by Gérard de Senneville, who led the public institution – now known as De- facto – in charge of developing La Défense. This space currently belongs to Defacto. OMNI (UMO - Unidentified Musical Object) 3 LEARNING PROGRAMS AND RESIDENCIES ABROAD From 2001 to 2015, a OMNI (UMO - Unidentified Musical Object) was in-resi- dence at the Muziekgebouw in Amsterdam. Since 2011, another OMNI has appeared in a room entirely dedicated to the art of sound at the Concertgebouw Brugge, an in- ternational music and performing arts cen- ter. A number of learning programs have grown around these permanent residencies: the KlankSpeeltuin project (The Garden of Sounds) at the Muziekgebouw in Ams- terdam, for children from the age of 7 and anyone interested in electronic music; the Bruges project aimed at the general public (the Concertgebouw Brugge Sound Factory). AN ENCOUNTER WITH THE WORLD OF DISABILITY Right from the start, there had been a learning kers, stopped at the OMNI stand to play on the element in what Patrice Moullet had set out to instrument. do but chance was to take this to a whole new What followed was a scene of extraordinary im- dimension. provised interaction between the young people In 2003, during an exhibition at the Musico- and the OMNI. It was then than Patrice Moul- ra fair in Paris, a group of young people with let became aware of the artistic potential of the Downs Syndrome, visiting with their care wor- OMNI for disabled people. 4 1000 WORKSHOPS OMNI DISABLED CHILDREN PILOT PROJECT AT LA MAISON DES MÉTALLOS From 2009 to 2013, under Patrice Moul- The OMNI Disabled Children Pilot Project was let’s leadership, the OMNI Disabled Child- initially centered around two OSE organiza- ren Pilot Project, was supported by Fonda- tions for children with multiple disabilities. The tion de France, the Paris City Hall, L’Œuvre residency at la Maison des Métallos led to fur- de Secours aux Enfants - OSE (Charity for ther collaborative projects, including a year-long Children’s Relief) and Defacto led to 1000 project with a special needs class at the Bernard workshops being held at the Maison des Palissy middle school in Paris and other projects Métallos (a City of Paris cultural center) for with the Centre Etienne Marcel day hospital in Pa- children and young people with multiple di- ris, which welcomes teenagers and young adults sabilities from the OSE’s Centre Raphaël, a with psychiatric disorders (severe developmental medical and educational institute (Institut disorders, neuroses, borderline cases, teenage Médico-éducatif -IME) and from the OSE’s psychosis). Dozens of hours of sessions held over Alain Raoul Mossé specialized care home (Maison d’Accueil Spécialisé - MAS), both several years have broadened the scope of the located in Paris. workshops in terms of target participants. Some of them have led to performances. Feedback from care workers and parents was wholeheartedly enthusiastic. 5 2011 - 2017 A GROWING PROGRAM Workshops, open days, concerts, performances, exhi- bitions, debates, experimental projects 2011: EXPLORING THE MUSICAL with multiple disabilities from 2013: WORKSHOPS IN EXPERIMENTATION WORKSHOP the two OSE partner organi- PARTNERSHIP WITH THE MAR- zations, who had benefited SEILLE CONSERVATOIRE During the European He- from the OMNI workshops ritage Days, hundreds of over several years. Workshops open to both people were able to learn The eight performances at students and adults were about and experiment with the Maison des Métallos organized by the electroa- the Musical Experimentation generated an emotional and coustic music class of the Workshop at La Défense. enthusiastic response from the Pascal Gobin conservatoire public. in Marseille and held in the 2012: “FRACTALES” CONCERT For young people whose autumn, as part of the Mar- daily life often consists of a seille-Provence season and At the end of 2012, the as- series of constraints linked to the biennial organized by sociation organized a show: their health and for parents Musicatreize. “Fractales”. It was shown worried about their child’s The workshops were initially during the City of Paris’ Ex- wellbeing, the introduction of planned to last a fortnight traordinary Month and saw a positive and festive event but due to popular demand, international artists (dancers, with happy times shared to- they were held for a total of musicians and singers) share gether takes on huge impor- six weeks in the Musicatreize the stage with young people tance. room. ENCOUNTER WITH In 2010 Patrice Moullet met Cédric CÉDRIC VILLANI Villani, mathematician, Institut Hen- ri Poincaré Director and professor at Université de Lyon, who had just been awarded the Fields Medal. Passionate about science, the arts and social activism, Cédric Villani became keenly interested in the project championed by Musaïques, of which he became Honorary Pre- sident in 2010 then President in 2012. A new structure for the association and a fresh momentum were the result. 6 2011 - 2017 A GROWING PROGRAM 2014: CAPISCO EXHIBITION AT (11 holiday club groups, 12 musicians from the OMNI LA MAISON DES MÉTALLOS classes from primary and workshops for disabled middle schools), 5 groups of children, provided a reminder January-February 2014, a young autistic people and 8 of the work undertaken and simulation of what was to be- associations for adults (inte- also paved the way for “Frac- come the multisensory room gration, community associa- tales 2”, which was shown at CAPISCO project in Paris tions). the Château de Vincennes. was provided at the 2014 Over 100 contacts were esta- CAPISCO exhibition, which blished with the educational presented the entire range of teams and heads of medical Patrice Moullet’s Instrumen- and educational institutes in MORE THAN tarium (12 instruments and the Paris region. 1800 VISI- prototypes) in the large exhi- Performances by Patrice bition area at La Maison des Moullet, accompanied by TORS IN JUST Métallos (around 400 m2). international artists who More than 1800 visitors contribute to this project (Lee- 12 DAYS flocked to the exhibition in la Petronio, Stomp dancer, just 12 days of being open to Odile Heimburger, colora- the public. 461 of these came tura soprano and violinist), in groups: school groups together with the young 7 2011 - 2017 A GROWING PROGRAM 2015–2017 2015-2017 2015 EXTERNAL WORKSHOPS WITH EXPLORING THE MUSICAL EXPE- WORKSHOPS, “FRACTALES 2” OSE RIMENTATION WORKSHOP CONCERT The partnership with OSE During the Paris Week: “La In October, two perfor- continued. 80 workshops Défense – Change your point mances of “Fractales 2” were were held (in March and of view”, more than 200 given and 16 workshops for July 2015 and 2016 and in people were able to learn a hundred or so children and February 2017) in the Centre about and experiment with adults with multiple disabili- Raphaël for dozens of child- the instruments in the Musical ties were held in the Château ren with multiple disabili- Experimentation Workshop. de Vincennes’ chapel, in ties. The event was organized by partnership with the French Defacto. Center for National Monu- During the “Hidden Face of ments and RATP, via 12 cen- Paris” event organized by ters linked to the Committee the City of Paris and RATP on the Study, Education and (public transport authority in Care of People with Multi- the Paris region), 360 visitors ple Disabilities (Le CESAP : were also able to explore the Comité d’Études, d’Éducation workshop and Musaïques’ et de Soins Auprès des Per- instruments. sonnes Polyhandicapées). 8 9 2011 - 2017 A GROWING PROGRAM 2016 2016 2017 WORKSHOPS, “FRACTALES 3” WORKSHOPS, EXHIBITION & PROJET EXPERIMENTAL CONCERT, A DEBATE ON EMPOWER- AND SHOW AT THE VILLEJUIF AVEC LE MIT AUX USA MENT AT LA MAISON DES MÉTALLOS LIBRARY 40 workshops for 200 people At the end of the year, the A new experimental OMNI from specialist centers (for Elsa Triolet library in Villejuif project is planned in July disabled people, schools, the hosted a OMNI exhibition 2017 in the USA: at the general public) were held for the general public and 18 Boston Children’s Mu- in the Maison des Métallos, workshops with participants together with 2 performances from specialist centers (shel- seum working together of the “Fractales 3” concert tered employment, day care with MIT – a project ini- and a debate on empower- centers for disabled people, tiated by Cédric Villani and ment with Cédric Villani and services for the elderly, addic- led by Thanh Nghiem (IN- the key figures involved in the tion treatment, day hospitals SEAD) and Fabienne Cazalis Musaïques project. for anorexia sufferers from (CNRS).