Freemasonry & Israelitism
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TABLE OF CONTENTS. acknowledgment of their superiority, while its rider ; with thee also will I break in PAGES tliey evinced an all-embracing sympath ieces man and woman ; and with thee will "FREEMASONRY AND ISRAELITISH 595 & 596 y p LAUNCH OF THE " FREEMASON " LIFE-BOAT ... 596 and benevolence ? We have seen that it I break in pieces old and young ; and with LAYING THE FOUNDATION -STONE OF A TOWN was thus predicted ; and we have seen, 111 thee will I break in pieces the young man HALL FOR W IRKSWORTH 596 & 597 part, the fulfilment of those predictions, in and the maiden ; I will also break in pieces CONSIICRATION OF THE DORIC CHAPTER , NO. 933 597 tracing the progress of the Get-E, or Goths, the shepherd and his flock ; and with thee THE M ISSION OF FREEMASONRY 598 from their settlements on the Euxine west- will I break in pieces the husbandman and MULTUM IN PARVO 593 ward, their conquests in the Roman Empire, his yoke of oxen ; and with thee will I THE R ITE OF M EMPHIS 599 and their settlement in these islands. They break in pieces captains and rulers" (chap, LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE 600 were to be " terrible " in their anger, when li. 20-23). POETRY—Sonnets 600 attacked by others. They were to be ex- Let any one read " The Rise and Fall of O RIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE— posed to great vicissitudes of success and the Roman Empire," "The great European The Rite of Misraim ... ... ... ... 600 loss but they were not to be finally con- Battles," and the " History of India," and The Transactions of 1717 : Were they, or , were they not, the " Revival" of Free- quered. It was said to them, several years see in them how far these prophecies and masonry ? ... ... 600 & 601 after they had been carried into captivity, promises have been accomplished in the " A Masonic Student " on the Master Degree " Fear them not, for I am with thee ; be Saxon race. And let him also look at the and the Royal Arch ... ... ... ... 601 not dismayed, for I am thy God : I will progress and issue of the late terrible war T HE C RAFT — strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee ; yea, between tlie Germans .and the French, and Provincial ... ... ... ... ... 601 I will uphold thee with the right hand of therein see how, " Through Thee, they shall India 601 my righteousness. Behold, all they that thrust down their enemies, and in Thy "M ARK M ASONRY— were incensed against thee shall be ashamed name trample on those who rise up against Provincial... ... ... ... ... ... 601 and confounded ; they shall be as nothing ; them." These arc the same people,descen- SCOTLAND ... 601 & 602 and they that strive with thee shall perish. dants of the old Getse(Israel), against whom I RELAND 602 . They that war with thee shall the Romans so long fought in vain, and MASONIC M EETINGS FOR NEXT W KF.K 603 be as nothing, and as a thing of nought " who, after a war of centuries, was broken to ADVERTISEMENTS 593, 1:94, 60^, & 604 (Isaiah xli. 10-12). I know that many re- pieces by them. In the old empire, the volt from the idea, that God, in his moral rumour ran, that there was never any that FREEMASONRY & ISRAELITISM government of the world, uses peoples, as meddled with them that repented it not. BY BRO. WILLIAM CARPENTER, P.M. & P.Z. 177. He does His angels, to execute His judg- The Roman legions, during the last century ments, and to effect those changes in the of the commonwealth, and in the first ofthe XVIII. condition of nations recorded on the pages empire, assailed and subdued Gaul, Britain, One is sometimes startled at seeing the of history, and which the devout student Rhcetia, Vindelicia, and Pannonia. One very opposite qualities that are united discovers to be indispensable to the fulfil- nation alone of all the European nations in the same person or the same race. In ment of His final purpose, which is the that Rome attacked, maintained her inde- the Saxon race, this is especially noticeable. happiness of the creation. In fact, I think pendence. These Goths, or Germans, as they You shall sometimes, and not unfrequently, it is impossible to-read history, with a mind came to be called, conquered and dismem- find a noisy boasting bully sneak away, if open to conviction, and not to discover in it bered Rome's Western Empire ; but it was but a comparative child bravely rebuke his the hand of God. No doubt much will be still more to their glory that they resolutely brutality; and you shall find a hero of in- inexplicable and irreconcilable with our withstood her, when in the very zenith of domitable courage exhibiting the tender- imperfect ideas of His justice and mercy, her power ; when there went forth a decree ness and sympathy of a woman. Who but the historical facts remain , and if they from Caesar Augustus that " all the world forgets Falstaff ? Who remembers not arc properly weighed, and their results care- should be taxed ;" and when the earth Havelock ? As Emerson says, " The full y gathered up, and estimated in their seemed almost void of independent nations. English del ight in the antagonism which relation to thc world at large, there are few Thc Germans extorted the respect as well combines in one person thc extremes of cases in which it will not be seen, that, how- as the fea r of Rome, by their indomitable courage and tenderness. Nelson, d ying at ever startling and distressing the occur- valour in maintaining their independence, Trafalgar, sends his love to Lord Colling- rences in themselves may appear to have not less than by their domestic virtues, and wood, and, like an English school-boy that been, mankind has, upon the whole, been thc free, but orderly, spirit of their internal goes to bed, says, ' Kiss me, Hardy,' and benefitted by them, in the foundation they governments. For ages, the power of this turns to sleep. Lord Collingwood , his com- have laid for an improved condition of race was dreaded ; nations bowed down to rade, was of a nature the most affectionate things. It will be difficult for those who them, and kings submitted to them. Long and domestic. Admiral Rodney's fi gure deny the moral government of the world to after their conquests in the Empire, the approached to delicacy and effeminacy, and account for this fact, while those who admit fleets of Norway and Denmark grievously he declared himself very sensible to fear, t'le moral government of the world, find no vexed all Western Christendom ; and after which he surmounted only by considera- small consolation in wading through the Charlemagne's death , a large province in the tions of honour and public duty. Clarendon darker pages of history. Well, then, Israel north of France was ceded to them, and says tlie Duke of Buckingham was so was to be not only invincible, putting to they became thc civilised and Christianized modest and gentle that some courtiers shame all who might contend with her ; she chivalry of Normandy. This is the people attempted to put affronts on him, until they was to subdue peoples, and to bring them that was carried captive by the Assyrians found that this modesty and effeminacy was into subjection to her. " Behold I will make into those regions in thc north of Europe only a mask for the most terrible determi- thee a new sharp threshing instrument ; a where we first found them, and whence we nation. And Sir James Parry said of Sir new corn-drag armed with pointed teeth : have traced them coming westward, by the John Franklin, that if he found Wellington thou shalt thresh the mountains, and beat marks they left in their progress, and which Sound open , he explored it; for he was a them small, and shalt reduce thc hills to exist at this day. They have subdued man who never turned his back on a danger ; chaff : thou shalt winnow them, and thc many nations, but they are not to be sub- yet of that tenderness that he would not wind shall bear them away ; and the whirl- dued. Nations may make war upon them, brush away a mosquito. Even for their wind shall scatter them : but thou shalt but they are not to fall. The Lord their highwaymen the same virtue is claimed, rejoice in the Lord ; in thc Holy One of Redeemer says, " Whosoever shall gather and Robin Hood comes to us described as Israel shalt thou triumph" (Isaiah xli. 15, together against thee shall fall, for thy sake; the gentlest thief." A people who unite in 16). From the beginning it was foretold no weapon that is formed against thee shall themselves these qualities, arc not formed that they were to possess the gate of their prosper." " All they that devour thee shall to be conquered and subdued. They know, enemies ; and subsequently it was said that be devoured ; and all thine adversaries, as the writer just quoted says, " where their nations should bow down to them (Genesis every one of them, shall go into captivity ; war clogs lie. Cromwell, Blake, Marlborough, xxii. 17, xxiv. 60, xxvii. 29). And then, and they that spoil thee shall be a spoil ; Chatham, Nelson, and Wellington are not and long after, even while they were in and all they that prey upon thee shall be a to be trifled with , and the brutal strength captivity, it was declared that they should prey " (Jcre.