Masonic Educational Resources on the Internet Links to all these sites may be found on the of Iowa’s web site at: The personal web site of: MWB Neil Neddermeyer, Past Grand Master of the and currently The Grand Orator of the Grand Lodge of North Dakota This web site is offered to assist Masonic Leaders in their efforts to lead and inspire the Craft. Cinosam (Masonic spelled backwards) is an email letter that has been sent out to subscribers at least once per month since 1999. It contains Masonic biographies, histories, quotes, stories, poems, and more. You can access the Cinosam archives on this web page. You can also download PowerPoint presentations and Masonic ideas as well as view leadership videos. These offerings are updated frequently. The videos have been compressed for easy downloading but copies of them can be ordered from the Grand Lodge of Minnesota. This website was developed to deliver further Light in . While the origin dates of Freemasonry in Europe are unclear, for more than two hundred years Freemasonry has been documented as an integral and vital part of the American society, culture and history. Our site is important to Phoenixmasons (e-Masons) and the general public, because it is a well-kept repository of our treasured Masonic heritage and humble origins. Our Mission Statement fills many roles. One goal, in the global world of the Internet, is to exhibit Masonic documents, lectures, and objects in a rich historical context that both educates and stimulates the traveler to continue and learn. We hope to bring the past back to life; and incite a passion for learning. We truly appreciate your visit and welcome you to download any portion of this site for your personal use as Masonic Research and Education material. Ed Halpaus, Education Officer for the Grand Lodge of Minnesota, explores topics of interest to Masons and those curious about the Craft. Including the archives for Mehr Licht; Three, Five, and Seven; Masonic Matters Grand lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of South Australia and the Northern Territory The Masonic Dictionary has been designed to provide Freemasons with electronic access to information on Freemasonry from a variety of sources arranged alphabetically by subject matter. The purpose of the site is to assist Masons in understanding their fraternity and to provide those who would like to research the craft an opportunity to do so online. The purpose of this publication is to disseminate the writings of Freemasons and to provide contemporary information on Freemasonry. Also . You've found a place to learn about Masonry. Have a look around

1 02/26/2010 Pietre-Stones Review of Freemasonry PS Review of Freemasonry is the oldest, most popular and famous Freemasons' online publication written by Master Masons of a Grand Lodge of Ancient, Accepted Free Masons. Freemasons recognized as regulars by the United Grand Lodge of England or by a Grand Lodge of the United States of America, Masonry included. PS Review of Freemasonry was established on July 17, 1996 and since then eminent Freemasons Scholars, members of Quatuor Coronati Lodge 2076 United Grand Lodge of England, Australian and New Zealand Masonic Research Council, the Ancient Accepted Research Society USA and The Philalethes Society USA, have published their Masonic papers on this site. Mainly in English, but with a lot of Masonic research papers available also in Italian, French, Spanish and Portuguese, the site is a reliable resource of Masonic Education on the net allowing you to be more acquainted on the Origin of speculative Freemasons as far as on the Ritual performed in a and the Degrees of Freemasonry. On this website you read valuable papers about Freemasons history, symbols of Freemasonry, Freemasons rituals and Research papers written by Freemasons scholars. We publish several Masonic full-text books on-line. You find out Famous Freemasons who - of their own free will - chose to associate with the Masonic Fraternity. You listen to Masonic music for Lodge and Chapter and read essays about Arts and Freemasonry. The Freemasons' educational resource where non-Masons find the most relevant information on the oldest and largest world wide fraternity. A veritable free Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, a comprehensive tool for Freemasons looking for more light and your open door to Freemasonry world. After the blessing of the material light was restored, Freemasons saw the Light of Freemasonry, which enables them to comprehend the symbolism and the inner meaning of the teaching of this peculiar system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols. It is a continuous and never ending process. The progress is directly proportional to the exertions made in this regard by the individual Freemasons. We have attempted in a humble way to place materials culled from different sources and from different learned brethren and thinkers together with our views for your contemplation. We do not purport to be beacon lights. If our efforts like the torches along side have thrown some light on your pathway and progress to enlightenment, we will feel amply rewarded and honoured. The Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon Ancient Free and Accepted Masons website contains philosophy, symbolism and history text files Great resource for information on Freemasonry. The Philalethes Society The name of the Society is pronounced fill a [as in a-bate] lay thess with the accent on the third syllable - lay. It is derived from two Greek words, philos and alethes. It means lover of truth. The Philalethes Society was founded on October 1, 1928, by a group of Masonic Students. It was designed for Freemasons desirous of seeking and spreading Masonic light. In 1946 The Philalethes Magazine was established to publish articles by and for its members. The sole purpose of this Research Society is to act as a clearing house for Masonic knowledge. It exchanges ideas, researches problems confronting 2 02/26/2010 Freemasonry, and passes them along to the Masonic world. Its membership consists of Members and 40 Fellows who are Master Masons in good standing in a Regular Masonic Lodge anywhere in the world. Today the Society has members within 185 Regular Grand Lodges. The Masonic Renewal Committee is sanctioned by the Annual Conference of Grand Masters in North America to develop Programs and Products to assist the Symbolic and Grand Lodges undertake Masonic Renewal throughout North America The Masonic Service Association of North America (MSANA) was formed in 1919 to provide services to its member Grand Lodges that they would find difficult to provide for themselves. Thus the national voice that the MSA has is dedicated to Service to the Masonic community. Articles about famous persons and events in North Carolina Freemasonry. The Global Fraternal Network is a product of THE MASONIC BBS, INC., a non-profit Organization which created this Site "to provide an electronic platform where Brothers can get together, develop closer global fraternal ties, voice their opinions, contribute ideas, foster a Masonic exchange, and promote Masonic education". The Masonic Cyber Temple where the Virtual Internet Lodge No. 1 meets. It is divided between Discussion Forums and Bulletin Boards. You can only enter these through the Door of the Cyber Temple. The Virtual Lodge will have its meeting dates and times posted. However, the Trestle Boards can be accessed 24 hours a day. The Trestle Boards are a series of Bulletin Boards where you can read, leave and/or receive messages to/from anyone on subjects that may interest you. One Trestle Board is called "THE ANTE ROOM" and is reserved for general messages. The other Boards cater to particular subjects or to groups of Brothers sharing the same interests. Additional Trestle Boards will be constructed as we receive requests for them. This is a free service. There is no cost involved. Please Note: These Boards are not meant for individual Lodges. We are also working closely with several developers of audio and video programs for the Internet. When these programs become acceptable for general use we hope to install them. 3D virtual reality representations of King Solomon’s Temple, Noah's Ark, and Moses' Tabernacle Southern California , the user friendly education and information Lodge, (3,400 members in every state plus 30 foreign countries), offers their services to Lodges, Masonic Education Committeemen, District and Lodge Education Officers and Master Masons. The Masonic Research Network (MRN) is a Free Online Masonic Community open to ALL Master Masons! The MRN's mission is to renew interest in the Masonic fraternity as well as to bring together brethren for the good of Masonry in general. The MRN includes the following features: Masonic Publications, Membership Articles, Book Reviews, Live Chat Room, Private Messaging System, Discussion Forum, and much more.

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