Dublin Crossings Approved After Long Negotiations
VOLUME L, NUMBER 46 Your Local News Source Since 1963 SERVING DUBLIN • LIVERMORE • PLEASANTON • SUNOL THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2013 Dublin Crossings Approved After Long Negotiations After years of negotia- of 200,000, an elementary five phases, also will include velopment could come "30 The Army projects in- tions, the Dublin City Coun- school site for 900 students, the extension of Scarlett to 60 days" after dedication clude an administration Find Out What's cil unanimously approved and a community park that Drive, and an Iron Horse of the Camp Parks gate. building, training facilities, a general plan amendment is seen as the future loca- Trail bridge over a stream. SunCal is not a develop- warehouses, a visitors' cen- Happening (GPA) and related plan- tion of the Valley Children's The first project, con- er, but acquires large areas, ter, and the new main gate ning changes for a 189-acre Museum. struction of a new main gate and negotiates with develop- near Dublin Boulevard plus Check Out Section A development on part of the The entire project's 189 for the Army, already is un- ers for construction. a minor entrance at B Street Section A is filled with Camp Parks site. acres is bounded by Scarlett derway. It's supposed to be SunCal will be building and Arnold Road. information about arts, The plan was approved at Drive to the west, Dublin ready by March, said SunCal six projects for the Army at Councilmembers and people, entertainment and the council's Nov. 5 meeting. Boulevard to the south, Ar- land acquisition manager Camp Parks.
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