CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 152, Pt. 11 July 18, 2006 Activist Judges Who Are Trying to Throw I Am Proud, Mr

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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 152, Pt. 11 July 18, 2006 Activist Judges Who Are Trying to Throw I Am Proud, Mr July 18, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 152, Pt. 11 14781 The images coming out of Israel and We know that we are at a historic of the United States relating to marriage. Lebanon are a sad, ugly replay of some- crossroad in Washington this week. We The joint resolution shall be considered as thing we have seen far too often. Mr. are either days away from this Con- read. The previous question shall be consid- Speaker, there is no easy solution to gress passing this stem cell bill, or we ered as ordered on the joint resolution to final passage without intervening motion ex- this problem, despite what some pun- are going to see delays for years. We cept: (1) one hour and 30 minutes of debate dits on the talk show circuit would tell know that this issue has united Ameri- equally divided and controlled by the Major- us. This is a fight between a nation and cans into action across party lines. It ity Leader and the Minority Leader or their between terrorists who claim no na- includes over 80 Nobel Prize scientists. designees; and (2) one motion to recommit. tion. It counts hundreds of disease-fighting SEC. 2. During consideration of H.J. Res. 88 It is simply unacceptable that Iran groups advocating for 110 million pursuant to this resolution, notwithstanding would be permitted to fund a terrorist Americans who are afflicted with a ge- the operation of the previous question, the Chair may postpone further consideration of organization like Hezbollah. It is unac- netic sentence to disability or death. ceptable that the state-sponsored ter- the joint resolution to a time designated by We know President Bush has signed the Speaker. rorist organization would be placed in over 1,000 bills into law. This is not the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- another nation, Lebanon, in order to time to start with the Presidential tleman from Georgia (Mr. GINGREY) is wage a steady war against one of our roadblock of a veto. allies. That is what has been happening recognized for 1 hour. f Mr. GINGREY. Mr. Speaker, for the for far too long. Mr. Speaker, our President is exactly TIME FOR A CHANGE IN purpose of debate only, I yield 30 min- right not to condemn Israel for taking LEADERSHIP utes to the gentleman from Massachu- actions to defeat its terrorist enemy. setts (Mr. MCGOVERN), pending which I (Mr. DEFAZIO asked and was given yield myself such time as I may con- f permission to address the House for 1 sume. During consideration of this res- A CLUELESS CONGRESS minute.) olution, all time yielded is for the pur- Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, the Mid- (Mr. MORAN of Virginia asked and pose of debate only. dle East is near all-out war and the was given permission to address the Mr. Speaker, House Resolution 918 is House for 1 minute.) United States is on the sidelines ham- a closed rule. It provides 1 hour and 30 Mr. MORAN of Virginia. Mr. Speak- strung by the Bush occupation of Iraq. minutes of debate in the House equally er, there is a conflagration in the Mid- We will borrow $1.3 billion today to run divided and controlled by the majority dle East. We are losing the war in Iraq. the government and hand the bill to leader and the minority leader or their We are losing ground to the Taliban in our kids and grandkids. designees. This resolution waives all Afghanistan. The stock market is Record gas prices are hamstringing points of order against consideration of crashing, gas prices are skyrocketing. family budgets and business. Record oil the joint resolution, it provides one We have raised the debt ceiling four profits for the oil companies, and we motion to recommit, and it provides times to $9 trillion, all of which we are are borrowing the money from Saudi that during consideration of the joint going to dump on the backs of our chil- Arabia and OPEC. resolution, notwithstanding the oper- dren, who we are inadequately edu- Now, these are difficult issues, and it ation of the previous question, the cating, let alone creating a safer world would be tough to hammer out solu- Chair may postpone further consider- for them. tions here on the floor of the House, so ation of the joint resolution to a time And what are the Republican con- the Republican majority has chosen to designated by the Speaker. gressional leadership’s priorities? To walk away from these issues of real Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support ban same-sex marriage, to ban flag concern to the American people and of House Resolution 918 and the under- burning, to ban stem cell research, to phony up an agenda full of dead-end lying joint resolution, H.J. Res. 88, the ban child safety locks on guns in the bills designed for one purpose only, to Marriage Protection Act. home, to ban abortion here and family excite the Republican right wing base First, I would like to thank Rep- planning abroad, to protect the pledge and perpetuate their hegemony here in resentative MARILYN MUSGRAVE, the of allegiance, to cut $20 billion from Congress. author and lead sponsor of this con- college student loan programs, to cut Two fake stem cell bills to cover the stitutional amendment, for her stead- $9 billion from elementary and sec- first veto by this President of a mean- fast commitment to the preservation of ondary education. And, oh, yes, more ingful stem cell bill that could provide traditional marriage. tax cuts. relief to suffering Americans, para- As the manager of this rule and an Mr. Speaker, this has got to be the lyzed Americans, Americans with de- original cosponsor of the underlying most clueless Congress in American bilitating diseases. But, no, their joint resolution, I am very pleased the history. ideologues won’t allow that. They want House will have an opportunity today f medieval science to prevail here in to consider and debate this very impor- Washington, D.C. It is time for a tant amendment to our Constitution. STEM CELL RESEARCH change in the leadership, to have a Mr. Speaker, the proceeding debate, (Mr. CARNAHAN asked and was Congress that truly represents the both on the rule and the underlying given permission to address the House needs of the American people, not a resolution, either can be divisive and for 1 minute and to revise and extend fringe element in this country. disrespectful, or it can be respectful his remarks.) f and productive. This amendment has Mr. CARNAHAN. Mr. Speaker, last nothing whatsoever to do with exclu- year this House passed the landmark MARRIAGE PROTECTION sion, but it has everything to do with stem cell bill, H.R. 810. We know that AMENDMENT protecting the traditional and histor- President Bush has already authorized Mr. GINGREY. Mr. Speaker, by di- ical definition of marriage as a union research, even though it is arbitrary rection of the Committee on Rules, I between one man and one woman. and artificially restricted, when he call up House Resolution 918 and ask Contrary to what the opponents of made his executive order allowing re- for its immediate consideration. this resolution might say today, this search on existing stem cell lines be- The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- amendment will simply preserve the fore 9 p.m. August 9, 2001, and prohib- lows: traditional definition of marriage as it iting them after that date. H. RES. 918 has existed for millennia. We know that in 2001 it was believed I anticipate there will be those on Resolved, That upon the adoption of this 78 stem cell lines existed. But now we resolution it shall be in order without inter- the other side who will say this amend- know there are only 22 that are viable, vention of any point of order to consider in ment was concocted for political pur- and they have been contaminated with the House the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 88) poses. To the contrary, Mr. Speaker. mouse stem cells. proposing an amendment to the Constitution This amendment is in response to a few VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:17 May 03, 2017 Jkt 049102 PO 00000 Frm 00166 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR18JY06.DAT BR18JY06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD 14782 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 152, Pt. 11 July 18, 2006 activist judges who are trying to throw I am proud, Mr. Speaker, to be from setts but domestic partnership and out the definition of marriage, along Massachusetts, the home of the Na- civil union laws in other parts of the with over 200 years of American judi- tion’s first State Constitution. In Mas- country. The proposal before us is so cial precedent. sachusetts over 8,000 same-sex couples poorly drafted that legal experts dis- have been married since May of 2004, b 1030 agree on exactly what effect it will when it became legal. I should advise have on those laws. That means, of These judges, and these judges alone, my colleagues that Massachusetts has course, that the issue will end up back made this matter an issue, and they not fallen off the map into the Atlantic in the courts, which is ironic given the did so without one vote cast in either a Ocean. The sun still rises and sets in concept of court-bashing by the bill’s legislature or at the ballot box. These the Commonwealth. The Red Sox still supporters. activist judges substituted legal prece- play at Fenway, and life goes on.
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