

by EARL L. CORE, Professor of Biology, West Virginia Univer- sity, Morgantown, W. Va.

ABSTRACT. The five most important upland oaks of eastern are (Qwrcus alba), chestnut oak (9. pinus), northern oak (Q. mbra), oak (Q. velutina), 'and scarlet oak (Q. coccinea). Of these, white oak and northern red oak are most characteristic of northern aspects, coves, and lower slopes, while chestnut oak, black oak, and scarlet oak are typically found on upper slopes and dry ridges.

WHITE OAK cover of litter is desirable. The germination (Quercus alba L.) capacity ranges from 75 to 95 percent. Gray HITE OAK is the most important are important in distributing the seeds, and a diminishing population commercial timber s~eciesof- oak. w may have adverse effects on dispersal. in the and probably in the world. It ranges throughout most of Seed production is extremely variable. the eastern United States except for north- Some years a large number of are ern New England and peninsular Florida. produced (2,000 or more on a 24 inches Mean annual temperature varies from 45OF. in diameter); but good years do not occur in the northern part of its range to 70°F. in with regularity, and several years may pass east Texas and north Florida. Optimum without any crop at all. conditions for growth are found on the Seedling growth is interrupted by cold western slopes of the Appalachian Moun- weather, but is resumed in spring. The root tains. system has a prodigious development the White oak grows best on northern lower first season: a seedling 3 or 4 inches high slopes and in coves, but is found in wet may have a taproot '/4 to '/z inch in diam- bottom lands and on any upland aspect ex- eter and more than a foot long. cept extremely dry, shallow-soil ridges. Al- Young white oak of pole size sprout titude is seldom a factor except in the vigorously from stumps or when damaged northern parts of the range and in the by fire. Stump sprouts in general result in higher Appalachians (Core 1966). trees about as good as those from seed. White oak flowers appear in spring as the White oak grows in a wide range of soils, new unfold, and the acorns ripen particularly podzolic, both glaciated and about October of the same year. The acorns unglaciated. germinate soon after they fall to the ground. Growth is not particularl~rapid, but is This is- a disadvantage because often the generally faster than that o hickories and roots do not have time to penetrate the soil almost as fast as that of black or red oak. before they are killed by freezing. A heavy Like many slow-growing trees, it attains a considerable age; and individuals 600 years diameter of 20 to 30 inches. Maximum size old have been found. Clarkson (1964) re- is a height of 100 feet and a diameter of 7 ported the cutting of a tree in 1913 in feet. Tucker Couty, West Virginia, measuring Chestnut oak is a vigorous and prolific 13 feet in diameter I6 feet from the base. sprouter, and in some areas of the southern The famous Mingo white oak, in Mingo Appalachians 75 percent of all reproduction County, West Virginia, was 9 feet 10 inches is of sprout origin. As with other oaks, in diameter at the base and 145 feet tall however, the vigor of the sprouts decreases when cut in 1938 (Strawbaugh and Core with the age of the stump, and decay is 1913). The largest standing tree at present more frequent in sprouts from large stumps. known in the United States is 150 feet tall In tolerance chestnut oak is intermediate. and 8 feet in diameter. In forest stands the trunk is relatively free White oak is intermediate in tolerance, of branches and it has excellent form on being most tolerant in youth and becoming good sites. At high elevations or on poor less tolerant as the tree becomes larger. It sites the form is often gnarled and twisted. tends to become dominant in the stand, partly because of its tolerance and partly In the mountainous region of western because of its longevity. Natural pruning is North Carolina chestnut oak contributes a good in heavily stocked stands, but in the greater volume of sawtimber than any other open the tree has a short bole and a wide- tree (McComack 1956). Yield is about s~readinncrown. 7,000 board feet per acre for 80-year-old A 0 trees. Acorns of white oak were used for food by the Indians, who boiled them in water The bark On trees is and to remove (Core 1967). coarsely furrowed, more so than on any of the other upland species. CHESTNUT OAK lQuercus prinus L.) NORTHERN RED OAK ( L.) Chestnut oak has a limited geographic range as compared to the other eastern up- Northern red oak, the largest of the east- land commercial species. It is typically a dry- ern upland oaks, extends from New Bruns- site oak and does better than most other wick, southern Ontario, and species on dry, sandy, or gravelly soils. It south to and . It is among occurs up to elevations of 4,500 feet in the the most important of the northern hard- Appalachians. Maximum size, however, is and extends much farther north than attained in well-drained coves. any of the other upland oaks. Mean annual Chestnut oak flowers from early April to temperature varies from 40°F. in the north- early May. Freezing temperatures at the ern part of the range to 60°F. in the south- time of flowering may greatly reduce ern part. production. Good seed production may Within this range the species is most occur no more than once in a 5-year period. frequently found on northern and eastern The acorns mature in the first season and aspects, in coves, and on middle and lower germinate soon after falling in September slopes. The best sites are characterized by or October. Litter depth appears to be the fine-textured soil and a topography that most important single factor affecting ger- favors a high water table. Soil types range mination and survival. Some shade on the from clay to loamy and from deep stone- seedbed appears to be favorable. Growth is free soil to shallow rocky soil. relatively slow: in West Virginia the site The flowers develop about the time the index ratio for chestnut oak is 0.98, and for leaves unfold in April and May. The acorn white oak 0.95, compared with 1.0 for requires two seasons to mature and ripens northern red oak on the same site (Triwzble in September and October. The trees begin and Weitmnan 1956). Chestnut oak matures to fruit when about 25 years old, and good normally at a height of 60 to 80 feet and a seed crops are produced every 2 to 5 years. The acorns germinate in the spring, after slopes and on dry, sandy, or rocky ridges. dormancy has been broken by overwinter- In glaciated areas it is found on heavy clay ing in the litter. Nearly all acorns left hillsides. In the southern Appalachians it on top of the litter are destroyed by rodents. occurs up to 4,000 feet and is an important Available moisture is the critical factor in tree in the foothills. It grows on drier sites early survival and growth of the seedlings. than white oak and northern red oak. In the Vigorous and rapid taproot development Ozarks it tends to replace shortleaf pine in follows germination. After the taproot de- cutover areas on upper slopes and ridges. velops, the seedlings will withstand more The largest trees are found in the rich soils drought. of the lower Ohio River Valley. Black oak In tolerance northern red oak is inter- occurs on all aspects and slope positions, mediate. It is less tolerant than white oak although near the limits of its range its dis- but more tolerant than black and scarlet tribution may be restricted by site. oaks. Regeneration of stands from seedlings Flowers appear in April and May, when is best where the herbaceous growth is not the leaves are half-grown. The acorns ma- too dense (Carve11 and Try on 19J9). ture in two seasons, ripening in September Northern red oak averages 70 to 90 feet in or October, dropping in November or height when mature, and 2 to 3 feet in December. Good crops of acorns may be diameter. Maximum size is 160 feet in height expected every 2 or 3 years; the number of and 8 feet in diameter. mature acorns per tree is generally higher than for other species. The trees begin to Young northern red oak trees sprout produce seeds at about 20 years of age, and vigorously from stumps or when killed by optimum production is between 40 and 75 fire. As many as 8 1 percent of the stumps in years of age. a given area may sprout. Stumps as large as 22 inches in diameter develop sprouts (Roth Acorn germination is favored by a and Hepting 1943). Many second-growth covering of leaf litter during the winter. stands are of sprout origin, and the result- The primary root develops vigorously after ing trunks are about as good as those from germination, and young trees characteristi- seedlings. Sprouts arising at or below cally develop long taproots, which is prob- ground level are less apt to decay than those ably the reason why they survive on dry arising higher. In a West Virginia study sites. over 8,000 stems were found per acre, 20 The seedlings cannot survive under a percent being red oak (Tryon and Carwell dense canopy. For this reason black oak 1958). frequently does not occur on the better Yields of 80-year-old red oak stands sites, where competition is greater. Because range froni 2,000 cubic feet per acre to of its tolerance, black oak persists in a 5,300 cubic feet per acre (Fowells 196J). mixed stand only when its crown is in the upper canopy. In the Midwest most second-growth BLACK OAK stands are of sprout origin. Small trees ( Lam.) sprout prolifically after cutting or after the Black oak, one of the commonest of the tops have been killed by fire. upland oaks, occurs in most upland forest Black oak is relatively short-lived, living types from southern New England to about 150 or 200 years. It grows more northern Florida, and west to the margins rapidly than white oak, chestnut oak, and of the Great Plains. It is found in the Atlan- scarlet oak, but more slowly than northern tic and Gulf Coastal Plains. Mean annual red oak (Trimble 1960). temperature in this region ranges from 45 OF. Timber yield throughout much of the to 68OF., and precipitation varies from 80 range is only about 250 board feet per tree, inches in the southern Appalachians to less although exceptional trees may yield 800 than 30 inches in . board feet. Maximum height is reported as Black oak is usually found on upper 150 feet and maximum diameter as 7 feet. SCARLET OAK Stump sprouts are vigorous, and scarlet ( Muenchh.) oak stumps appear to produce sprouts at The range of scarlet oak is smaller than greater ages and at larger sizes than other that of most of the other upland oaks, but oaks. However, sprouts from larger stumps the tree is found to some extent in all States are often subject to butt rot (Roth and east of the except Sleeth 1939). and Florida. West of the Mississippi it oc- Scarlet oak is found on a wide variety of curs only in the Ozarks. It is frequently soils, most frequently on gray- pod- planted as an ornamental tree and has espe- zolic soils in the North and on red or yel- cially vivid autumnal coloration. low podzolic soils in the South. Scarlet oak is a climax tree on dry soils, Scarlet oak is one of the most intolerant commonly found on average to poor soils of eastern oaks. It is seldom found in a sup- of ridges and upper or middle slopes. It pressed position in a stand, indicating that it occurs up to about 5,000 feet in the south- cannot survive when overtopped. It almost ern Appalachians. always exists as a dominant tree and main- Flowers appear in April and Mar and tains its position because of its rapid growth two growing seasons are required or the rate and its ability to withstand drought. acorns to mature. Seed production is irregu- This oak is a medium-sized tree, nor- lar; however, a good crop may be expected mally maturing when 60 to 80 feet in height at least once every 4 or 5 years. and 2 to 3 feet in diameter. It grows rapidly A light cover of forest litter is helpful and matures early. In some areas it ranks in germination of the seed. The acorns are next to -poplar in -rate of increase a choice food for gray squirrels, chipmunks, in diameter; in others it is exceeded only by and mice, which destroy many seeds. How- yellow-poplar and red oak. Maximum size ever, these rodents also help in the distribu- is reported as 102 feet in height and 5 feet tion of the seeds. in diameter.

Literature Cited

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