Informatik 8, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
[email protected] Subverting the Classical Picture: (Co)algebra, Constructivity and Modalities∗ Tadeusz Litak Contents 1. Subverting the Classical Picture 2 2. Beyond Frege and Russell: Modalities Instead of Predicates 6 3. Beyond Peirce, Tarski and Kripke: Coalgebras and CPL 11 3.1. Introduction to the Coalgebraic Framework ............. 11 3.2. Coalgebraic Predicate Logic ...................... 14 4. Beyond Cantor: Effectivity, Computability and Determinacy 16 4.1. Finite vs. Classical Model Theory: The Case of CPL ........ 17 4.2. Effectivity, Choice and Determinacy in Formal Economics ..... 19 4.3. Quasiconstructivity and Modal Logic ................. 21 5. Beyond Scott, Montague and Moss: Algebras and Possibilities 23 5.1. Dual Algebras, Neighbourhood Frames and CA-baes ........ 23 5.2. A Hierachy of (In)completeness Notions for Normal Modal Logics . 24 5.3. Possibility Semantics and Complete Additivity ........... 26 5.4. GQM: One Modal Logic to Rule Them All? ............. 28 6. Beyond Boole and Lewis: Intuitionistic Modal Logic 30 6.1. Curry-Howard Correspondence, Constructive Logic and 2 ..... 31 6.2. Guarded Recursion and Its Neighbours ................ 33 6.3. KM, mHC, LC and the Topos of Trees ................ 34 6.4. Between Boole and Heyting: Negative Translations ......... 35 7. Unifying Lewis and Brouwer 37 7.1. Constructive Strict Implication .................... 37 7.2. Relevance, Resources and (G)BI .................... 40 ∗Introductory overview chapter for my cumulative habilitation thesis as required by FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg regulations (submitted in 2018, finally approved in May 2019). Available online at https://www8.cs.fau. de/ext/litak/gitpipe/tadeusz_habilitation.pdf. 1 8. Beyond Brouwer, Heyting and Kolmogorov: Nondistributivity 43 8.1.