Congressional Record-House: April 16
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4226 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE: APRIL 16 . ' ~'.Ir. JONES of Arkansas. Thei·e are certain s:unendments to be The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Illinois move~ that tho offerecl which it will takE:' time to consider. The Senate seems re House resolve itself into Committee of the Whole Rouse on the luctant to proceed w1th the consid~ration of those amendments state of the Union for the consideration of the naval appropriation this afternoon. and I move to proceed to the. consideration of ex bill~ and, pending that, he asks unanimous consent that general ecuti-ve business. debate be continued .1 or fourteen hours, seven hours on a side, and The motion was agreed to; and the Senate proceeded to the con that the gent eman from Illinois, acting chairman of the commit sideration of executive business. Afte:r five minutes spent in ex tee, shall control one half of the time and the gentleomn from ecutive session the doors were reopened, and (at 4 o'clock and 45 New York shall control the other half of the time, w1th the right minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Tuesday, to yield to othel" m"€'mbers of the minority: that when general de April 17, 1900, at 12 o·clock m. bate expires, or, if it shall be e-:thansted before the fourteen hours e.xpire, the bill shall then be considered under .the five-minute NOMINATION. rute. Executi't:e nomination reeeived by tlteSenate.April 1C, 1900. Mr. FOSS. Mr. Speaker, I will state that under this arrange ment I hope that general debate will be through by to-mo1Tow GOVERNOR OF PORTO RICO. eYening at 5 o'clock, 'because, although this side will have seven Charles H. Allen. of Massachusetts, to be the governor of Porto hours, I do not see where the speake1·s are to come irom. I think Rico, an original appointment, as provided for by an ad of Congress we shall be able to finish it by that time. entitled "An act temporarily to pr-0vide revenues and a civil gov Mr. CUM:\HNGS. Mr. Speaker, I am authorized to say that ernment for Porto Rico, and for other purposes," approved April the proposition is acceptable to the minority, w th the understand 12, 1900. ing that each member ot the minority has his hour, and members who desire time, consequently, will get theil" time irom the mi CONFIRMATIONS. nority members. Executi1:e nominations confir1ned by the Senate Ap1-il JC, 1900. Mr. CANNON. Mr. Speaker, J want to say a word. if I can have the attention of the gentleman from Illinois as well as the co~~suL. gentleman from New York. From glancing at the majority and Charles E. Barnes, of Illinois, to be consul of the United States minority report and the hUI itseJf I can see some very important at Cologne, Germany. questions to be determined in Committee of the Whole. 'lake the PRO.MOTIO~ IN THE NAVY. coast survey which is proposed by it, for instance, and the ques Silas W. Terry, to be a rear-admiral in the Navy, from the tion in the minority report of an armor-plate factory, and the q ues 29th day of March, 1900. tion of the utilization of the navy-yards for construction of ships aU very important question&. Now, it St!ems to me it would be POSTMASTERS. better to have an hour on each side to cover at least these three Frank G. Penne11, to be postmaster at Mount Joy, in the county general question.s-an hour on side of general debate upon of Lancaster and State of Pennsylvania. the particular measurE:'s when they are reuched. 'Villiam Krause. to be po~tmaster at Richland Center, in the Mr. WHEELER of Kentucky. That is what l was going to county of Bucks and State of Pennsylvania. suggest. Henry D. Ruth, to be postmaster at Lansdale, in the county of Mr. CANNON. I suggm;t th~t we should have an hour on a Montgomery and State of Pennsylvania. side, with the assurance that where the debate is in ~ood faith Henry F. Hershey, to be po3tmaster at Steelton, in the county and upon the m.erits of the proposition it will be a little bit free of Dauphin and State of Pennsylvania. aud easy for time when these ·measures are reached. I shonld be Daniel G. Engle, to be postmaster at Marietta, in the county of glad myse~f to submit some remarks upon one of these matters, Lancaster and State of Pennsylvania. but I should rather not do it to empty benches, and would rather it would be a real debate . .Mr. UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, I desire to say something in HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. the line of what the gentleman from Uli.nois has jns.t said. The . armor-plate question bas harassed Congress in this general aspeet :MO:ND.AY, .April 16, 1900. for four or fi:ve years. As the gentleman from Illinois has said. if • k p b th Ch · R this cruestion is discussed in general debate, the probabilities are ~he House met at 1....9 o cloc m. rayer Y e ap1 am, ev. that thv~i:- who speak on the que8tion will speak to empty benches, HENRY N. COUDEN, D. D. because the moment we agree upon fourteen hours of general de- The Journal of the proceedings of Saturday was read and ap- Ibate on the bill the members drop out and attend to their busi- prove<l. ness in town. It is a live question, one tha.t ought to be settled POSTAL ECONOMIC BILL. now, one that is dealmg with the building of the United Btates Mr. :McPHERSON. Mr. ~peaker, on behalf of ~he. mmonty of Navy. The Naval Committea has never brought a more impor the Committee on the Post-Ofuce and Po.::;t-~oads, six m number, I tant question before this House. and it is a matter that ought to desire to file a min<;>ri~y report on _House bil~ 93~3, and I ask fur a. be settled and settled right. Therefore, I hope the chairman of reprint of the ma~ority report with the mmor1.ty report accom~ the committee will agree now that there shall be a liberal debate. panying it. There was an arrangement by which tJ:ie ~wo were Mr. WHEELER of Kentucky. Along the line suggested by to be fi,ed together, but through forgetfulness the maJonty report the O'entleman from Illinois and the ~entleman from Alabama. I was on file a day before we knew about it. desi:'e to say to the House that the differences in the NavaJ Com- The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Iowa. asks unanimous mittee are merely questions of business judgment; and I think I consi:mt to file a minol'ity report from the Committee on the Post- am warranted in the statement that the discussion on general Office and Post-Roads on the Po~t-9ffice app_rop~1ation bill, to- debate on both sides of the House will be confined entirely, or gether with the reprint of the maJonty a;nd. mm~1·1ty report. practically so, to matters of difference bet,-...~een meml•ers of the Mr. McfHER:::30N. Not the app1:opr_iation bill, Mr. Speaker, committee. I have no desire myself to give the benefit of what but what is called 'the postal economic b1l~. real observation and investigation I h~ve made to empty benches The SPEAKER. Will ~he gentleman give the number o~ 1t? and I s:ncerely hope that the membe1s of the House will not pay Mr. McPtlERSON. Nme thousand three hundred and mnel;.y- us tne compliment. but will feel it incumbent on themselve to three. listen to this discussion. I am satisfie<l that no meml er on the The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the re9.uest of the gen- other side des1res to bring general politics into this discussion. tleman from Iowa? [After a pause.] The Chau· hears none, and There are no politics in the Naval Committee; the matters of dif- it is so ordered. ference are simply questions of what is best for the American NAVAL APPROPRJATION BILL. people. Mr. FOSS. l\Ir. Speaker, I move that the House resolve itself Speaking for my~elf alone, I have absolutely no pride of opinion into Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union for the in regard to my individual views on this question. If the ma considerat1on of the naval appropriation bill, and pending that jority of my colleag-ues differ with me, I shall acquiesce with motion, I am instructed by the committee to ask that the general great pleasure in their judgment. But this is a matter which debate be limited to fourteen hours, seven hours upon aside; seven concerns the people, and, as suggested by the gentleman from hours to be controlled on that side by the gentleman from New Illinois, there are three matters of difference between us that the York (Mr. CUlllMD;Gsj, or, ifhe so elects. to be distl"ibuted by the HousP. a1 one can determine; and it would be absolute folly for us minority members of the committee, and the time on this side to to indulge in general debate here tor two days unless members of be controlled by the acting chairman of the committee. And, the House propose to remain and listen and take part in the dis fnrthermore, that upon the expiration of this time, or in case cussion.