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i. SOME ASPECTS OF THE OPTICAL TURBIDITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA INLET WATERS by LAURENCE FRANK GIOVANDO B.A., University of B.C., 1946. M.A., University of B.C., 1948. A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in the Department of PHYSICS We accept this thesis as conforming to the required standard THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA October, 1959 ABSTRACT A light-scattering method has been utilized to determine the seasonal and geographical variation of optical turbidity in the waters of the major inlets of the southern British Columbia coast. (The optical turbidity is here defined as the fractional decrease in light intensity per meter due to the presence of suspended material in the water.) The major contribution to the turbidity in the inlets is the minerogenic material brought into the inlet by rivers at or near the head. The inlets whose rivers are primarily glacier-fed possess the highest turbidity values and exhibit the most marked seasonal variation of turbidity. The net outflow of water in the shallow layers-which is a prominent feature of the circulation in the inlets-ds the basic mechanism by which the material introduced by rivers is distributed throughout the length of the inlet. The surface values of turbidity range from about 0.5 to over 30 meters * (m *) in the summer and from about 0.1 to 1 m-^ in the winter. The values decrease from head to mouth, the effect being especially marked in the summer. The main body of water in the inlets usually possesses uniform tur• bidity at any time of the year, values ranging from 0.1 to 0.7 m"1. A marked increase in turbidity occurs, in the bottom layers of water, in all inlets. In the shallower inlets, this increase appears to be due primarily to tidal scouring of bottom material. In the deep inlets, it is presumably due to two causes: intermittent intrusion of deep water from outside the inlet, and, to a more prominent degree, turbidity currents originating at the inlet head. Evidence suggests that these currents are slow and possess a frequency of occurrence of the order of weeks. The contribution of material of biological origin to the turbidity is confined primarily to the inlets with small runoff. Little or no dissolved coloured matter is present in inlet waters. Size analysis by microscope indicates that the suspended material averages somewhat below 10/c in the major portion of an inlet; average sizes of up to 17/6 occur near the head of inlets during large runoff. There is little material below \JL in size. Light-scattering measurements indicate that the suspended material is preponderantly anisotropic in nature. The concentration of material varies from less than 1 to over 100 parts per million by volume. By means of the turbidity and concentration values obtained, it has been estimated that the rate of sedimenta• tion in the inlets ranges from about 35 cms to about 650 cms per 100 years, the value increasing from mouth to head of the inlet. The following relation between the Secchi disc reading 3> and the average turbidity Z over the distance 3) has been found: 7 = JJL J)L'Z Faculty of Graduate Studies , PROGRAMME OF THE FINAL ORAL EXAMINATION FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY "t L. F. GIOVANDO B. A., University of British Columbia, 1946 M. A., University of British Columbia, 1948 IN ROOM 301 PHYSICS BUILDING TUESDAY, JULY 14th, 1959 at 10:30 A. M. COMMITTEE IN CHARGE DEAN G. M. SHRUM: Chairman G. L. PICKARD K. C MANN R. W. STEWART R. D. RUSSELL J. A. JACOBS V. J. OKULITCH A. M. CROOKER C. K. SMITH External Examiner: Dr. W. V. BURT Oregon State College, Corvallis SOME ASPECTS OF THE OPTICAL TURBIDITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA INLET WATERS ABSTRACT A light-scattering method has been utilized to determine the sea• sonal and geographical variation of optical turbidity in the waters of the major inlets of the southern British Columbia coast. (The optical turbid• ity is here defined as the fractional decrease in light intensity per meter due to the presence of suspended and/or dissolved material in the water.) The major contribution to the turbidity in the inlets is the minero- genic material brought into the inlet by rivers at or near the head. The inlets whose rivers are primarily glacier-fed possess the highest turbidity values and exhibit the most marked seasonal variation of turbidity. The net outflow of water in the shallow layers—which is a prominent feature of the circulation in the inlets--is the basic mechanism by which the mat• erial introduced by rivers is distributed throughout the length of the inle^. The ^surface values of turbidity range from about 0^. 5 to over 30 meters (m ) in the summer and from about 0. 1 to 1 m in the winter. The values decrease from head to mouth, the effect being especially marked in the summer. The main body of water in the inlets usually possesses uniform,turbidity at any time of the year, values ranging from 0. 1 to 0.7 m" . A marked increase in turbidity occurs, in the bottom layers of water, in all inlets; In the shallower inlets, this increase appears to be due primarily to tidal scouring of bottom material. In the deep inlets, it is presumably due to two causes; intermittent intrusion of deep water from outside the inlet, and, to a more prominent degree, turbidity cur• rents originating at the inlet head. Evidence suggests that these currents are slow and possess a frequency of occurrence of the order of weeks. The contribution of material of biological origin to the turbidity is confined primarily to the inlets with small runoff. Little or no dissolved coloured matter is present in inlet waters. Size analysis by microscope indicates that the suspended material averages somewhat below 10// in the major portion of an inlet*, average sizes of up to 17/4 occur near the head of inlets during large runoff. There is little material below 1/i in size. Light-scattering measure• ments indicate that the suspended material is preponderantly anisotropic in nature. The concentration of material varies from less than 1 to over 100 parts per million by volume. By mass of the turbidity and concen• tration values obtained, it.has been estimated that the rate of sediment• ation in the inlets ranges from about 35 cms to about 650 cms per 1000 years, the value increasing from mouth to head of the inlet. The followingjrelation between the Secchi disc reading D and the average turbidity T over the distance D has been founds T = JL_ Dl. 2 GRADUATE STUDIES Field of Study: Oceanography Synoptic Oceanography.. W. M. Cameron Oceanographic Methods Staff Oceanographic Seminar Staff Dynamic Oceanography G. L. Pickard Fluid Mechanics GIL. Pickard Waves and Tides G. L. Pickard Turbulence R. W. Stewart Int. Chemical Oceanography M. Kirsch Int. Biological Oceanography. .......... W. M. Cameron Other Studie s : Electromagnetic Theory , J.R.H. Dempster Theory of Measurements ...............A.M. Crooker In presenting this thesis in partial fulfilment of the requirements for an advanced degree at the University of British Columbia, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for reference and study. I ..further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by the Head of my Department or by his representatives. It is understood that copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Department ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express his gratitude to Dr* G.L. Pickard under whose direction and encouragement this study was carried out. The author is indebted to the officers and men of the various oceanographic research vessels for wholehearted cooperation in the field. Thanks are due to the Water Resources Branch, Department of Northern Affairs and Natural Resources for permission to use unpublished material. Appreciation is due T.H. Killam, L, Regan and G.K, Rodgers for their assistance in the field, and T.H. Killam and F.A. Payne for help in the preparation of the figures. The author also wishes to thank members of the staff and fellow graduate students at the Institute of Oceanography for their interest and comments during the preparation of this work. V. -TABLE OP CONTENTS Page I. INTRODUCTION 1. II. ORIGIN OF THE LIGHT-ATTENUATING MATERIAL FOUND IN NATURAL WATERS 3. III. THE BRITISH COLUMBIA MAINLAND INLETS 5. A. Basic Oceanographic and Morphological Features 5. B. Features of the Individual Inlets Involved in this Study 8, a) Bute and Toba Inlets and Adjacent Channels 8e b) Jervis Inlet 9» c) Knight Inlet 10. d) Loughborough Inlet 11. e) Call Creek 11. IV. SUMMARY OF THE THEORY OF THE ATTENUATION OF LIGHT IN MATERIAL MEDIA 12. A. The Definition of Turbidity 12. B. The Mie Theory 14. (l) Underlying Assumptions 14. 2) General Results 15. ! 3) General Features of the Scattering from Non-absorbing Material (m real) 18. (4) Details of the Scattering Exhibited by (non-absorbing) Particles of Various Sizes 19. (a) Sizes very much smaller than the incident wavelength 20. (b) Sizes about equal to the incident wavelength 21© (c) Sizes larger than the incident wavelength 22. vi. Page 5. Depolarization of the Scattered Light 24. C. Polydisperse Suspensions 26» V. INSTRUMENTATION 27. A. Instrumentation in Previous Work 27. (1) Transmission Method 27. (2) Scattering Method 29. B. Instrumentation in the Present Work 31. (1) Description of the Instrument 31. (2) Calibration of the Instrument 35.