SEIA NEWSLETTER on the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism ______Number 200: May 31, 2012 Washington, DC
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SEIA NEWSLETTER On the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism _______________________________________________________________________________________ Number 200: May 31, 2012 Washington, DC The Eastern Orthodox Churches cerns is vital. We hope that they will con- tions on our native island of Imvros, tinue to inspire churches around the where so many of our properties were world, especially as we prepare our own unfairly confiscated over the last century, HE WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES 10th Assembly that will focus precisely on and, later, in the historical Theological (WCC) CONGRATULATES ECUMENI- these dimensions under the theme ‘God of School of Halki in Turkey, which was CAL PATRIARCH BARTHOLOMEW I T life, lead us to justice and peace’,” added forcibly closed forty years ago. Over the OF CONSTANTINOPLE FOR RECEIVING THE Tveit. last two decades, we have consistently – FREEDOM OF WORSHIP AWARD OF THE The renowned Dutch theologian Wil- albeit humbly and respectfully – defended FRANKLIN AND ELEANOR ROOSEVELT lem A. Visser 't Hooft, who took up office the fundamental rights of our Church to INSTITUTE which acknowledges his efforts in promoting religious freedom, dialogue in the WCC as its first general secretary in train its leaders and educate its clergy in and environmental concerns. 1948, also received the Freedom of Wor- order to maintain the spiritual legacy of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and ship Award in 1982. the Church of Constantinople for over prime minister Mark Rutte will present This year along with Bartholomew I, seventeen centuries. this award to him in a ceremony on 12 other recipients of the Four Freedoms Our childhood reminiscences of dis- May in Middelburg, the Netherlands. Awards include Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, cussions in our parents’ village coffee Bartholomew I was nominated for former president of Brazil, Ela Ramesh shop and our memorable formation this award for his immense contribution to Bhatt, human rights worker from India, through worship and study in our alma dialogues between Christianity, Islam and Hussain Al- Shahristani, deputy prime mater on the mountaintop of the quaint Judaism in his native Turkey, and else- minister for energy in Iraq and the Al- island of Halki, instilled in us the desire where. His call to the churches to work for Jazeera Television Network. – WCC Press and advocacy for religious tolerance and environmental progress has earned him Release, May 9. freedom. This is much more than simply a the title of “the green Patriarch.” theory or ideology; it is a conviction and a The Four Freedoms Awards are pre- HIS IS THE FULL TEXT OF THE way of life, learned through conversation sented to personalities whose achieve- REMARKS OFFERED BY PATRIARCH and deliberation as a small minority in a ments have demonstrated a commitment T BARTHOLOMEW UPON RECEPTION predominantly Muslim nation. And we to the principles which United States pres- OF THE FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT FREE- know that such an exchange can bear fruit ident Franklin Roosevelt proclaimed as DOM OF WORSHIP MEDAL in the Nether- precisely because we have lived the re- essential to democracy in his historic lands on May 12: sults of good will and moral integrity, speech to Congress on 6 January 1941: To worship freely is to breathe. which can sometimes silently accomplish freedom of speech and expression, free- In the fourth century, our venerable far more than political pressure or legal dom of worship, freedom from want and predecessor on the Throne of Constanti- coercion. freedom from fear. nople, St. Gregory the Theologian, identi- The second dimension that shaped Bartholomew I has been engaged fied the capacity to remember God in our ministry with regard to freedom of with the WCC in the promotion of unity prayer with the ability to breathe. worship is the mission of the Ecumenical among churches and in addressing many Your Majesty, Esteemed Mrs. Anna Patriarchate through the centuries. Søren concerns of the ecumenical movement. Eleanor Roosevelt, Honorable board Kierkegaard once said: “The most tre- This relationship has deep historical roots, members of the Roosevelt Foundation, mendous thing granted to the human being as the Ecumenical Patriarchate is a found- Beloved fellow laureates, Distinguished is choice, freedom.” Indeed, authentic ing member of the WCC. brothers and sisters: humanity is only realized through the free While congratulating Bartholomew I It is a profound privilege and sincere act of relationship with others. Freedom is on his award, the WCC general secretary delight to stand beside other esteemed a natural and inherent trait; however, it is Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit said, “We ap- recipients of the Franklin D. Roosevelt also a divine gift and an ongoing task ac- preciate the recognition His All Holiness Freedom Awards in order to accept the quired through much effort and dialogue. Bartholomew I is being given through the Freedom of Worship Medal. Three di- Freedom is never solitary but always so- ‘Freedom Award’ for his contribution to mensions of our life and ministry have cial. As we stated after the tragedy of Sep- inter-religious dialogue and his efforts to inspired us over the years to pursue with tember 11 on the site of “ground zero” in promote ecological and environmental sacred passion the goal of religious free- New York City: “On this planet created by justice.” dom. God for us all, there is room for us all.” “His All Holiness Bartholomew I’s The first dimension is the experience The Ecumenical Patriarchate has his- engagement with these ecumenical con- and expression of the Orthodox Christian torically assumed a pioneering role in faith and spirituality under difficult condi- establishing and encouraging theological dialogues with other Christian confessions might be forced to close down if authori- Patriarchate of Moscow; V. Rev. Proto- and religious deliberations with other faith ties continue to impose higher taxes. presbyter Prof. Dr. Viorel Ionita, from the communities. We consider it true to the The monks’ revenue “is just about Patriarchate of Romania; H.E. Metropoli- Orthodox tradition – despite the fact that sufficient to cover repairs to buildings, tan Dr. Isaias of Tamassos and Oreini and we often face severe criticism and slander their basic daily needs and food and lodg- Prof. Dr. Nikolaos Nikolaides (Consult- – diligently and deliberately to avoid any ings for visitors,” the community said in a ant), from the Church of Cyprus. V.Rev. form of propaganda or proselytism. What statement issued after its members con- Prof. Dr. Viorel Ionita and Dr. Jennifer we seek at all times is honest encounter vened to discuss the matter. Wasmuth were not able to attend. and humble engagement with every hu- The taxation of the properties owned First the Committee discussed the man being as our neighbor. After all, the by the monastic community repeals the understanding of Ministry/Priesthood in identity of our Church as “ecumenical” “special institutional treatment” that had the Holy Scriptures. Papers were present- implies an opening of windows to other been reserved for it, the monks said. They ed by Prof. Dr. Turid Karlsen Seim and churches and religions. Surely this is an argued that this special status should con- Prof. Dr. Miltiadis Konstantinou. Atten- essential feature of relating “free worship” tinue to apply otherwise several monaster- tion then turned to the Patristic approach to “breathing.” ies will be unable to keep operating, add- to Ministry/Priesthood in the early Finally, the third dimension that has ing that the monks had made a significant Church, introduced by papers from H. E. guided our tenure is the appreciation of contribution to society over the years, by Metropolitan Dr. Isaias of Tamassos and the beauty of God’s creation. This is why accommodating refugees displaced fol- Oreini and Prof. Dr. Nikolaos Nikolaides we have perceived and proclaimed the lowing the expulsion of the Greek popula- and Dr. Jennifer Wasmuth (read in absen- intimate connection between the natural tion from Asia Minor in 1922, for exam- tia). environment and freedom of worship; for ple. – KED, May 15. Discussion of these papers identified “the heavens declare the glory of God.” areas of agreement between the two tradi- (LXX Psalms 18.1) Our inter-relationship N PREPARATION FOR THE 16TH SESSION tions on these topics and also a considera- as human beings not only embraces all our OF THE LUTHERAN-ORTHODOX JOINT ble number of open questions and differ- fellow humans but also extends to the I COMMISSION, THE PREPARATORY ences. A Statement was drafted which will entire created order. Humankind and the COMMITTEE MET IN LONDON, GREAT help the plenary meeting in 2014. In this natural world comprise a seamless gar- BRITAIN, FROM 5-10 MAY 2012, under the draft Statement the Committee discussed ment, which we can perceive when we auspices of His Eminence Archbishop the approach to Ministry/Priesthood from open the eyes of our heart to the beauty of Gregorios of Thyateira and Great Britain a Lutheran and an Orthodox understand- the world as created by God, who “saw (Ecumenical Patriarchate). This meeting ing. everything that He had made and, behold, begins a new phase in the work of this On Sunday 6 May the Committee it was very good” (Genesis 1.31), alto- Commission, dealing with the issue of attended a Divine Liturgy in the Cathedral gether beautiful. There is a cosmic aspect Ministry/Priesthood in the Church. Church of Saint Andrew, Kentish Town to freedom of worship; in the seventh cen- At its 15th plenary meeting in Luther- (London) celebrated by His Grace Bishop tury, St. Maximus the Confessor spoke of stadt Wittenberg, Germany, in June 2011, Chrysostomos of Kyanea. On Tuesday 8 “cosmic liturgy.” the Commission decided as the topic for May the Committee visited the Orthodox We have persistently emphasized that its next preparatory meeting, “The Under- Cathedral Church of Agia Sophia, the roots of the so-called “ecological cri- standing of Ministry/Priesthood in the Bayswater.