STATE INFORMATION COMMISSION (Under Right to Information Act, 2005) Samachara Hakku Bhavan, D.No.5-4-399, ‘4’ Storied Commercial Complex, Housing Board Building, Mojam Jahi Market, – 500 001. Phone Nos: 040-24740107 (o); 040-24740592(f); E-Mail:[email protected]

Complaint No. 14585/CIC/2018 Dated: 23-1-2020

Appellant : Sri P.Balwanth Rao, R/o. Lalitha Nagar, Hyderabad

Respondents : 1. The Public Information Officer (U/RTI Act, 2005) / O/o the Director General Of Police, Government of Telangana, Lakdikapool, Hyderabad.

2. The Public Information Officer (U/RTI Act, 2005) / The Sub Inspector of Police, Narkatpally Police Station, Narkatpally, District.


Sri P.Balwanth Rao, R/o. Lalitha Nagar, Hyderabad has filed a Complaint dated 29-10-2018 which was received by this Commission on 29-10-2018 for not getting the information sought by him from the PIO / O/o. the Director General of Police, Telangana State, DGP Office Complex, Lakdikapool, Hyderabad.

The brief facts of the case as per the Complaint and other records received along with it are that the Complainant herein filed an application dated 25-07-2018 before the PIO requesting to furnish the information under Sec.6(1) of the RTI Act, 2005, on the following points mentioned in his application annexed. TSIC

The Public Information Officer has not furnished the information to the Complainant.

As the Complainant did not receive the required information from the PIO even after 30 days of filing his application, he preferred this Complaint before the Commission requesting to arrange to furnish the information sought by him u/s 18(1) of the RTI Act, 2005.

The Complaint was taken on file and notices were issued to both the parties for hearing on 23-1-2020.

Note: This is system generated copy and no signature is required. On 23-1-2020 the case is called. The complainant is absent. The Public Information Officers, Chief Admn. Officer, O/o the DGP, Hyderabad and Sub Inspector of Police, Narketpally PS, Nalgonda are present.

The Public Information Officer, O/o the DGP, Hyderabad submitted that through letter dated 27.07.2018 the application was transferred U/s 6(3) to the Public Information Officer, O/o the Supdt., of Police, Nalgonda for necessary action.

The Public Information Officer, SI of Police, Narkatpally Police Station submitted that information was furnished to the complainant through letter dated 17.01.2020. The Public Information Officer further submitted that the delay is due to internal communication gap and requested to condone the delay and assured that such delays will not be repeated in the future.

Since information is furnished, the complaint is closed.

Dr. Raja Sadaram Soma Chief Information Commissioner

Authenticated by:

Assistant Registrar Copy to: IT Section/SF


Note: This is system generated copy and no signature is required.