The Military Academy of 7 BNEI DAVID ELI BULLETIN Pesach 5770 - 2010

« They were redeemed in Nisan and will be redeemed in Nisan in the future »

The future redemption of the Jewish People, whose first stages we are witnessing in our lifetime, depends on our faith and spirit. Our true freedom is gaining strength and clarity - from national independence devoid of spiritual content, to a freedom that is lighting the world with the richness of our spirit, the heritage of our forefathers that lives on in us. We have much work ahead, but Alon Prize it is a labor of love, this striving for freedom by a people for whom freedom is the air that we awarded to the Mechina breathe. he Palmach Generation Association graduates with a sense of mission and awarded this year’s Yigal Alon commitment to making a difference for the We wish all our friends Prize for Outstanding Trailblazing better during their army service. Defense and their families AchievementT to Israel’s pre-army Mechina Minister Ehud Barak praised the important institutes. The awards ceremony was held at role of the Mechinot in building the next Palmach House in on 17 Adar, 5770, generation of leadership for the IDF and the a happy (March 3, 2010) and commemorated 30 years State of Israel. since the death of Palmach commander Yigal “The Mechina students are following in the festival Alon. Rabbi Eli Sadan, head and founder of footsteps of the Hagana and IDF fighters who of freedom the Bnei David Institutions accepted the prize endangered their lives for the establishment jointly with Zeev Nativ, who founded the of the State of Israel,” said Barak. Rabbi Eli Sadan, first non-religious Mechina in coordination The Alon Prize was also awarded to Gen. with Rabbi Sadan. The emotionally charged (res.) Amram Mitzna who is currently the the staff and students ceremony was attended by Defense Minister mayor of Yerucham. Amram Mitzna as Head of Bnei David Institutions Ehud Barak, Palmach veterans, the heads of Central Command in the late 1980s, was of the Mechinot and representatives of involved in the founding of Bnei David. In a the students. The prize committee, which chat with Mitzna at this event, Rabbi Sadan includes former IDF Col. Dani Matt and mentioned that four of the employees at industrialist Steff Wertheimer, decided to Yerucham city hall are Bnei David alumni, grant this year’s prize to the Mechinot for who continue to contribute to Israeli society BNEI DAVID ELI their achievements in instilling high school through key positions in the civil service. ❚ The Military Yeshiva Academy of Israel

BNEI DAVID ELI BULLETIN | 1 The gift of life The Blood Bank always knows that when there is a shortage of blood, Bnei David is here to help! Every three months the Blood Bank staff comes to Bnei David to hold a blood drive. The medical team sets up equipment in two classrooms, with folding beds and a registration table, Shabbat and the work begins. Scores of students line up, wait patiently to fill out forms, in Bnei Brak lie down on the bed and donate a unit of blood. More than one hundred units of life-saving blood were donated at the last blood drive. This is another of the many contributions Bnei David students make to Israeli society. ❚

he entire Mechina, students and rab- Friday evening “tish” gatherings of Hassidim bis, spent an extraordinary Shabbat a with their Rebbe, for singing and more words Tfew weeks ago in Bnei Brak. of Torah. The first “tish” was with the Nadvorna The wonderful experience began on Friday Rebbe followed by a “tish” back at the Vishnitz afternoon when the students gathered at Beit Midrash. the home of the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Vozner From there, the students went to visit to the shlit”a, one of the great halachic deciders of well-known Ponevezh Yeshiva. Although it our generation and author of the responsa was already past midnight, the yeshiva was full Shevet HaLevi. The students had the honor of of boys learning and the mechina group had hearing the Rabbi’s thoughts on current affairs the opportunity to speak with them. and afterwards he blessed the students one by After the morning service and Shabbat meal, one. the group walked to the beit midrash of the They continued to the home of the oldest Gaon Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a, for a close living , Rabbi Aharon Leib encounter with the world of total devotion Shteinman shlit”a, 98, who agreed to give an and commitment to . Sefer Torah hour of his precious Friday afternoon to the During Seuda Shlishit they heard Rabbi Israel students. He spoke to them about the value Dov Meir Shushan, a talented and moving in memory of Ariel of Torah study and the importance of taking storyteller. As soon as havdala was over a the best advantage of the big surprise awaited the opportunities in our lives. students – a sumptuous The group split into two Melava Malka sponsored because the room could by Israeli businessman not accommodate them Motti Zisser, who was all together. The Rabbi’s the driving force behind appearance and his most the organization of modest apartment left an this uplifting Shabbat, unforgettable impression. together with his son and The Friday night prayers loyal friends. were held at the Vishnitzer The Modzhitzer Rebbe Beit Midrash together with hundreds of arrived during the course of the meal, and Hassidim. From there the students went to the after hearing his sweet words the group broke Ruzhin yeshiva where they ate the Shabbat out in boisterous singing and dancing. meals and slept in the dorms. Even after all this, the Shabbat experience Three years after the death of our student After the evening meal they went to hear a talk was not yet over… After receiving a special Ariel Strigler, z”l, his family donated a Sefer given by the Gaon Rabbi Kowalsky shlit”a, head invitation from the Nadvorna Rebbe, the Torah to the Beit Midrash in a joyous and of “Meorot Hadaf Hayomi”. The Rabbi spoke on students returned to the hall underneath his uplifting ceremony. The procession was held a scholarly halachic topic. In spite of the late home, where he spoke to them from his heart in the pouring rain, which could not dampen hour the students all sat attentive, fascinated and they drank up his words like desert dew. our spirits. Afterward hundreds of guests by the Rabbi’s teaching. “He makes the gemara Tired and full of impressions, the students participated in a festive meal and heard come alive!” said one student, excitedly. returned to Eli with much to think about, reminiscences of Ariel. May his memory be for Next, the students went to two customary internalize and add to their spiritual growth. ❚ a blessing. ❚

2 | BNEI DAVID ELI BULLETIN Bnei David Teacher Training students visit Retorno Drug Rehab Center Rabbi Sadan publishes commentary One of Bnei David’s post-army on the Pesach Haggadah yeshiva programs is a teacher training college, which currently or many years, Rabbi Sadan has every family would gather together for has 50 students. As part of one given special lectures prior to the the Pesach sacrifice, and every household of the courses, in recognizing irregular behavior in the FPesach vacation, preparing Bnei – every extended family – would come heterogeneous classroom, the David’s students for Seder night. This together as one whole group, because students visit various types of year, Rabbi Sadan edited these lectures “the Pesach (sacrifice) is only eaten as a educational settings and hear a for publication in a new and attractive group.” Thus began the custom of the holy series of special lectures. edition of the Haggadah. nation of Israel is to celebrate Seder night Two field trips earlier this year included This new Haggadah features an together, with the family members. visits to yeshiva high schools for teens introduction to Seder night, explaining In addition, this family ingathering with various learning disabilities: the essence of the holiday and its mitzvot, is an expression of the deep, inner Ahavat Chaim in Kochav Hashachar, a foreword by Rabbi Charlap and the Seder understanding of the essence of the and Bnei Chayil in Jerusalem. Our service, with Rabbi Sadan’s commentary. Jewish family, which is: students met with the ’ In honor of the Haggadah’s publication, principals, students and teaching staff, and observed classes. Rabbi Sadan gave two 5-hour classes on Recently, the students visited Retorno, preparing for the Seder and the Seder Passing on the light the International Jewish Center itself. of Israel’s faith from for Prevention and Treatment of In his introduction to the Haggadah he generation to generation Addictions. The students met with writes: “Seder night is far more than a patients undergoing rehabilitation religious-cultural family get-together. The main focus of the family gathering and with “graduates” of Retorno’s Seder night is specially designed to pass is the Divine revelation on this night. programs. The patients talked about on the Jewish faith from fathers to sons, On Seder night we express our the therapies they receive and the and the main mitzvah of this evening, the complete faith in our redemption, and faith that the staff has in their ability telling of Haggadah, is a fulfillment of the in Hashem’s declaration that we are to build a better future for themselves. Torah command, “you shall tell your son,” Bnei David’s students also met with sons of kings, Hashem’s children, who Retorno’s director, Mr. Shmaryahu – to pass on the tradition of emunah from continue to fulfill our purpose in this Chen, who led them in a “foundation fathers to sons. world – to call on His name. workshop,” which addresses a This is why the prophet Elijah comes on The Haggadah can be purchased at person’s exposure to emotional pain this night, to bring parents and children Bnei David, Tel. 02-9407888 and his search for simple solutions, closer together. & by email: [email protected] such as addictions. The workshop During the time of the Beit haMikdash, and Jewish bookstores. then focuses on the fundamentals of managing feelings and speaking about pain as a way to solve problems and prevent the build-up of anger and frustration that lead to addiction. This visit tour was an important stage in the emotional and character development of our graduates who are embarking on careers in education.

BNEI DAVID ELI BULLETIN | 3 Graduates and freshmen Our second-year students have completed their studies at Bnei David and most are Bnei David preparing for their induction to the IDF before Pesach. Rabbi Eli Sadan and Rabbi Yigal Levinstein gave the students their blessings at alumni a moving graduation ceremony. We wish them much success in their army service. Over the winter months hundreds of high help rescue school seniors from all over Israel arrived at Bnei David to check out the Mechina and yeshiva programs. The students attended efforts classes at the Mechina and yeshiva and were interviewed by the rabbis. Immediately after Purim the 150 students who were accepted in Haiti for the coming academic year returned to Bnei David for three days to get to know one another and to meet and learn with the ive days after the earthquake, Bnei David minutes later a woman in labor arrived in the reception teaching staff at Mechina. They also went on a alumni Lieutenant Colonel Golan Vach and area. All my thoughts stopped and I went back to work. field trip to Lod, the Galilee and visited an army Magen David Adom paramedic Ilan Klein Within minutes a healthy baby boy was born.” base. Fjoined a delegation of 150 IDF rescue personnel Shortly after the Israeli delegation came home, Golan We hope this long-weekend program created and MDA medics from Israel who flew to Haiti’s spoke to Bnei David’s students about his efforts in Haiti a strong foundation for next year’s class. ❚ capital, Port au Prince. Using sophisticated rescue to save lives. He described the amazing work of the IDF equipment and specially trained dogs, Golan helped and the MDA teams, who set up the field hospital and rescue Haitians trapped began operating within eight under buildings, while Ilan hours of landing in Haiti – a fully worked tirelessly in the field equipped modern hospital with hospital. The medical team all the departments and the best treated thousands of injured equipment in the world. While and carried out hundreds delegations from other countries of life-saving operations. were still getting themselves During the first three days, organized, the Israeli hospital it seemed as if there was was already treating dozens of no end to the chaos and patients. disorganization. “The most meaningful incident “It was a terrible sight,” says Ilan. for me,” said Golan, “happened “There were so many injured, it on the last day of the rescue was impossible to keep up.” efforts. One of the directors of Shabbat that week was different the makeshift encampments told than any other, “between me, ‘I read the Bible a lot, and Building toward the tumbled-down buildings and the I admire you Jews.’ I asked him dedication ceremony injured all around, you stop all the why. ‘You have managed to make We are happy to announce that the post- tumult for a brief moment, light a Garden of Eden in this world,’ he army yeshiva building is nearing completion. candles and welcome Shabbat. We thought of our homes replied, ‘and we need you. Without you we just can’t.’ The dedication ceremony will be held on Lag and Shabbat services in Eli, and about our lives – the lives “This illustrated for me how much the Jewish People and Ba’Omer, 18 Iyar, 5770, May 2, 2010. we have built, and which prepared us to take part in this Israel, which is so small, can bring tremendous blessing to Guests at the ceremony will include public humanitarian aid of historic proportions. The enormity of it the entire world. During my prayers that day, I realized why officials, rabbis, IDF officers, our honored all is inconceivable, especially when you are in the middle we ask for normalization in Israel, for health, social justice donors from Israel and abroad, students and of a situation, treating patients and saving lives. The short and rain. I realized how much the whole world can benefit graduates. We still have not obtained the break for Shabbat evening makes you try to understand from the gifts of the Jewish People, when we are living entire sum for the completion of the building this bewildering reality. That Shabbat evening in Haiti I normal lives in our land. Israel is like the heart among all but hope that by the time of the dedication we stopped to think, to ponder what is truly important. A few the organs of the body.” ❚ will have raised the remaining amount. The foundation of the dormitory building’s USA Canada England Panama Israel southern wing is now under construction. We Bnei David-Eli C/O The Mizrachi Friends of Bnei David Friend of Bnei David Bnei David- Eli, are continuing to accept donations in honor One Israel Fund, Organization of Canada 75 Maygrove Road c/o Ezra Cohen, The Military Yeshiva 1175 West Broadway Israel Resident West hampstead London Torre Credicorp Bank Academy of Israel of loved ones and hope to complete the Suite 10, Hewlett Committee Remittance, NW6 2EG Calle 50 Oficina 1702, Eli D.N. Ephraim 44828, Israel, building by Rosh Chodesh Elul, the beginning NY 11557 296 Wilson Ave. Panama, Rep of Panama [email protected] of the new academic year, to ensure that each North York, ONT. M3H 1S8 Tel. 392-5555 student will have a comfortable bed by the Design & publication: Shilo • Barkats Beit-El | Translation & editing: Miryam Blum Translations Eli beginning of the new year. ❚