CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 7 April 25, 2007 in 1977 He Founded Its Companion Fes- Was Writing Songs, but I Wasn’T
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April 25, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 7 10303 Since I was first elected to Congress, I have Whereas when the organizers of the Fes- mother, he began to compose songs, always supported strengthening the partner- tival of Two Worlds decided to plan a com- and 4 years later he wrote the words ship between the United States and Israel. I panion festival in the United States, they and music of his first opera, ‘‘The searched for a city that would offer the am pleased to see these two important bills Death of Pierrot.’’ charm of Spoleto, Italy; Following the death of his father, his pass the House, and throughout the 110th Whereas Mr. Menotti and the Spoleto USA Congress, I will continue to look for opportuni- organizers decided that Charleston, South mother took him to the United States, ties to bolster the relationship with our key Carolina, was the perfect counterpart to where he was enrolled at Philadelphia’s ally, Israel. Spoleto, Italy, because Charleston is small Curtis Institute of Music. There he Mr. ACKERMAN. We thank every- enough to be dominated by nonstop arts completed his musical studies. body for everything as well, including events during the 17-day festival, but also His first mature work, the one-act the Speaker. I have no further speak- large and sophisticated enough to provide a opera buffa, ‘‘Amelia Goes to the Ball,’’ ers. I yield back the balance of our knowledgeable audience and appropriate the- was premiered in 1937, a success that aters; time. led to a commission from the National Whereas the Spoleto USA organizers also Broadcasting Company to write an The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time observed that Charleston has an extensive has now expired. The question is on the history of involvement with the arts, from opera especially for radio, ‘‘The Old motion offered by the gentleman from housing the Nation’s first theater and ballet Maid and the Thief,’’ the first such New York (Mr. ACKERMAN) that the companies to housing the Nation’s oldest commission ever given. House suspend the rules and agree to musical organization; ‘‘The Consul,’’ Menotti’s first full- the resolution, H. Res. 240. Whereas Mr. Menotti founded the Spoleto length work, won the Pulitzer Prize The question was taken; and (two- Festival USA in 1977, and the festival quick- and the New York Drama Critics Circle thirds being in the affirmative) the ly became a haven for a large group of art- Award as the best musical play of the rules were suspended and the resolu- ists, both traditional and experimental, who year in 1954. were attracted to the mix of dance, theater, tion was agreed to. In 1984, Menotti was awarded the opera, music, and visual arts; Kennedy Center Honor of Lifetime A motion to reconsider was laid on Whereas the Spoleto Festival USA has the table. maintained traditions of the Festival of Two Achievement in the Arts. He was cho- f Worlds, such as a dedication to young art- sen 1991 Musician of the Year by Musi- ists, an enthusiasm for providing unusual cal America, inaugurating worldwide HONORING THE LIFE AND ACCOM- performance opportunities to recognized tributes to the composer in honor of PLISHMENTS OF GIAN CARLO masters in their fields, and a commitment to his 80th birthday. MENOTTI all forms of the performing arts, including Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Ms. CLARKE. Mr. Speaker, I move to classical ballet, modern and post-modern my time. suspend the rules and agree to the con- dance, opera, chamber, symphonic, and cho- Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. ral music, jazz, theater, and visual arts; Speaker, I yield myself such time as I current resolution (H. Con. Res. 68), Whereas the Spoleto Festival USA cur- honoring the life and accomplishments rently claims an audience of between 70,000 may consume. of Gian Carlo Menotti and recognizing and 80,000 attendees each year; and Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support the success of the Spoleto Festival Whereas Gian Carlo Menotti died on Feb- of House Concurrent Resolution 68. USA in Charleston, South Carolina, ruary 1, 2007, in a hospital in Monte Carlo: This resolution honors the life and ac- which he founded. Now, therefore, be it complishments of Gian Carlo Menotti, The Clerk read the title of the con- Resolved by the House of Representatives (the and recognizes the success of the current resolution. Senate concurring), That Congress honors the Spoleto Festival USA, which he found- The text of the concurrent resolution life and accomplishments of Gian Carlo ed in my birthplace of Charleston, Menotti and recognizes the success of the South Carolina. is as follows: Spoleto Festival USA in Charleston, South H. CON. RES. 68 Carolina, which he founded. Born in Italy, near Lake Magiore and Whereas Gian Carlo Menotti was born on the Swiss border, Mr. Menotti began The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- writing songs at the age of 7. By 11 he July 7, 1911, in Cadegliano-Viconago, Italy; ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from Whereas Mr. Menotti began writing songs wrote both the story line and music for New York (Ms. CLARKE) and the gen- at age 7, and at age 11 wrote both the li- his first opera, ‘‘The Death of Pierrot,’’ bretto and music for his first opera, The tleman from South Carolina (Mr. WIL- and shortly thereafter began his formal Death of Pierrot; SON) each will control 20 minutes. musical training at Milan’s Verdi Con- The Chair recognizes the gentle- Whereas Mr. Menotti began his formal mu- servatory. sical training in 1923 at Milan’s Verdi Con- woman from New York. servatory; GENERAL LEAVE b 1245 Whereas after the death of his father, Mr. Ms. CLARKE. Mr. Speaker, I request After the death of his father, Menotti Menotti and his mother emigrated to the 5 legislative days during which Mem- and his mother immigrated to the United States, and he enrolled at Philadel- phia’s Curtis Institute of Music; bers may insert material relevant to H. United States, where he enrolled at Whereas Mr. Menotti’s first full-length Con. Res. 68 into the RECORD. Philadelphia’s Curtis Institute of opera, The Consul, premiered in 1950, and it The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Music. won both the Pulitzer Prize for Music and, in objection to the request of the gentle- In 1951 Mr. Menotti wrote his beloved 1954, the New York Drama Circle Critics’ woman from New York? Christmas opera, ‘‘Amahl and the Award for Musical Play of the Year; There was no objection. Night Visitors,’’ for the Hallmark Hall Whereas in 1951, Mr. Menotti wrote his be- Ms. CLARKE. Mr. Speaker, I yield of Fame. ‘‘Amahl and the Night Visi- loved Christmas opera, Amahl and the Night myself as much time as I may con- tors’’ was the first opera ever written Visitors, for the Hallmark Hall of Fame; sume. for television in the United States and Whereas Amahl and the Night Visitors was the first opera ever written for television in Mr. Speaker, H. Con. Res. 68 honors was first aired on Christmas Eve in the United States and was first aired on the life and accomplishments of Gian 1951. ‘‘Amahl and the Night Visitors’’ Christmas Eve in 1951; Carlo Menotti, and recognizes the suc- was such a success that it became an Whereas Amahl and the Night Visitors was cess of the Spoleto Festival USA in annual Christmas tradition and re- such a success that it became an annual Charleston, South Carolina, which he mains Mr. Menotti’s most famous pop- Christmas tradition and remains Mr. founded. ular work to this day. Menotti’s most popular work to this day; I would like to thank Representative In 1958 he founded the Festival of Whereas in 1955, Mr. Menotti won a second BROWN from South Carolina for bring- Two Worlds in Spoleto, Italy. This fes- Pulitzer Prize for his opera, The Saint of ing this important resolution to the tival was intended to bring opera to a Bleecker Street; Whereas in 1958, Mr. Menotti founded the floor. popular audience and helped launch the Festival dei Due Mondi (Festival of the Two Gian Carlo Menotti was born July 7, careers of such artists as singer Shirley Worlds) in Spoleto, Italy, as a forum for 1911, at Cadegliano-Viconago, Italy. At Verrett and choreographers Paul Tay- young American artists in Europe; the age of 7, under the guidance of his lor and Twyla Tharp. VerDate Nov 24 2008 08:30 Apr 21, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR07\H25AP7.000 H25AP7 rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with BOUND RECORD 10304 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 7 April 25, 2007 In 1977 he founded its companion fes- was writing songs, but I wasn’t. He we say that word respectfully as we tival, Spoleto Festival USA, in wrote both the libretto and music for move towards the discussion and the Charleston, South Carolina. Spoleto his first opera, ‘‘The Death of Pierrot.’’ debate about what our immigration Festival USA is an annual 17-day fes- He was an immigrant. So we are not policy will be later on in this year. And tival of the arts which produces opera, only talking about his life, we are talk- hopefully we will come to salient solu- and it presents dance, theater, classical ing about all of those immigrants who tions which reflect the best of our im- music, and jazz. The festival is held in came here with nothing and made migrant population, every group, re- late May and early June.