Part-Ora Approval Reference Gbr.Ato-0215

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Part-Ora Approval Reference Gbr.Ato-0215 PART-ORA APPROVED TRAINING ORGANISATION MANUAL This document supports the European Union PART-ORA Approved Training Organisation Approval of: WHITE WALTHAM AIRFIELD LIMITED trading as WEST LONDON AERO CLUB Waltham Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3NJ Tel: 01628 823272 Fax: 01628 826070 e-mail: [email protected] PART-ORA APPROVAL REFERENCE GBR.ATO-0215 Document Reference No: January 2016 Version 1 Page 1 West London Aero Club Part 1 - Organisation Management FOREWORD This manual has been prepared in order to support the West London Aero Club PART-ORA Approved Training Organisation Approval. This document is divided into FOUR parts. PART 1 MANAGEMENT ORGANISATION PART 2 OPERATIONS MANUAL PART 3 TRAINING MANUAL PART 4 APPENDICES January 2016 Version 1 Page 2 West London Aero Club Part 1 - Organisation Management CONTENTS FOREWORD LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES LETTERS OF TRANSMITTAL FOR EXPOSITION/AMENDMENT APPROVAL EXPOSITION AMENDMENT RECORD MANUAL DISTRIBUTION LIST INDEX PART 1 MANAGEMENT ORGANISATION & PROCEDURES PART 2 OPERATIONS MANUAL – MANAGEMENT & PROCEDURES PART 3 TRAINING MANUAL - PLAN & COURSE SYLLABI PART 4 APPENDICES January 2016 Version 1 Page 3 West London Aero Club Part 1 - Organisation Management LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Page Revision No. Page Revision No Page Revision No. 1 Original 30 Original 59 Original 2 Original 31 Original 60 Original 3 Original 32 Original 61 Original 4 Original 33 Original 62 01/03/17 5 Original 34 Original 63 01/03/17 6 Original 35 01/03/17 64 01/03/17 7 Original 36 Original 65 Original 8 Original 37 Original 66 Original 9 Original 38 Original 67 Original 10 01/03/17 39 Original 68 Original 11 01/03/17 40 01/03/17 69 Original 12 01/03/17 41 Original 70 Original 13 01/03/17 42 Original 71 Original 14 01/03/17 43 Original 72 01/03/17 15 01/03/17 44 01/03/17 73 Original 16 01/03/17 45 Original 74 Original 17 01/03/17 46 01/03/17 75 Original 18 01/03/17 47 01/03/17 76 01/03/17 19 01/03/17 48 Original 77 Original 20 Original 49 Original 78 Original 21 Original 50 01/03/17 79 Original 22 Original 51 01/03/17 80 01/03/17 23 Original 52 01/03/17 81 01/03/17 24 Original 53 01/03/17 82 01/03/17 25 01/03/17 54 01/03/17 83 Original 26 Original 55 Original 84 Original 27 Original 56 01/03/17 85 01/03/17 28 Original 57 01/03/17 86 01/03/17 29 Original 58 Original 87 01/03/17 January 2016 Version 1 Page 4 West London Aero Club Part 1 - Organisation Management Page Revision No. Page Revision No Page Revision No. 88 01/03/17 117 Original 146 Original 89 01/03/17 118 Original 147 Original 90 01/03/17 119 Original 148 Original 91 Original 120 Original 149 Original 92 Original 121 Original 150 Original 93 Original 122 Original 151 Original 94 Original 123 Original 152 Original 95 Original 124 Original 153 Original 96 Original 125 Original 154 Original 97 Original 126 Original 155 Original 98 Original 127 Original 156 Original 99 Original 128 Original 157 Original 100 Original 129 Original 158 Original 101 Original 130 Original 159 Original 102 Original 131 Original 160 Original 103 Original 132 Original 161 Original 104 Original 133 Original 162 Original 105 Original 134 Original 163 Original 106 Original 135 01/03/17 164 Original 107 Original 136 Original 165 Original 108 Original 137 Original 166 Original 109 Original 138 Original 167 Original 110 Original 139 Original 168 Original 111 Original 140 Original 169 Original 112 Original 141 Original 170 Original 113 Original 142 Original 171 Original 114 Original 143 Original 172 Original 115 Original 144 Original 173 01/03/17 116 Original 145 Original 174 Original January 2016 Version 1 Page 5 West London Aero Club Part 1 - Organisation Management Page Revision No. Page Revision No Page Revision No. 175 Original 207 Original 239 Original 176 Original 208 Original 240 Original 177 Original 209 Original 241 Original 178 Original 210 Original 242 Original 179 Original 211 Original 243 Original 180 Original 212 Original 244 Original 181 Original 213 Original 245 Original 182 Original 214 Original 246 Original 183 Original 215 Original 247 Original 184 Original 216 Original 248 Original 185 Original 217 Original 249 Original 186 Original 218 Original 250 Original 187 Original 219 Original 251 Original 188 Original 220 Original 252 Original 189 Original 221 Original 253 Original 190 Original 222 Original 254 Original 191 Original 223 Original 255 Original 192 Original 224 Original 256 Original 193 Original 225 Original 257 Original 194 Original 226 Original 258 Original 195 Original 227 Original 259 Original 196 Original 228 Original 260 Original 197 Original 229 Original 261 Original 198 Original 230 Original 262 Original 199 Original 231 Original 263 Original 200 Original 232 Original 264 Original 201 Original 233 Original 265 Original 202 Original 234 Original 266 Original 203 Original 235 Original 267 Original 204 Original 236 Original 268 Original 205 Original 237 Original 206 Original 238 Original January 2016 Version 1 Page 6 West London Aero Club Part 1 - Organisation Management Letter of Transmittal Date: 2nd December 2015 For Manual Approval Document Ref. No: Original Issue Ref. Remove Insert Brief Details of Amendment [ ] Approved By: Chris Royle Compliance Manager Part-ORA West London Aero Club Date: 1st December 2015 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR UK CAA USE ONLY Approved By: For the UK Civil Aviation Authority: Date: Following investigation and approval by the UK CAA, a signed & stamped copy of this page shall be returned to the Part-ORA West London Aero Club for inclusion in all copies held by the company. January 2016 Version 1 Page 7 West London Aero Club Part 1 - Organisation Management DOCUMENT AMENDMENT RECORD Amendment No Date Date Embodied Signature Original Issue 1st January 2016 1 1st March 2017 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 January 2016 Version 1 Page 8 West London Aero Club Part 1 - Organisation Management MANUAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 1. Accountable Manager/Airfield Manager 2. Compliance Manager 3. Head of Training / CFI / Safety Manager 4. Operations 5. Flight Planning Room Library 6. UK CAA January 2016 Version 1 Page 9 West London Aero Club Part 1 - Organisation Management Contents FOREWORD ...................................................................................... 2 CONTENTS ....................................................................................... 3 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES ............................................................ 4 Letter of Transmittal ........................................................................... 7 DOCUMENT AMENDMENT RECORD .............................................. 8 MANUAL DISTRIBUTION LIST ......................................................... 9 CORPORATE COMMITMENT BY THE ACCOUNTABLE MANAGER ......................................................................................................... 20 PART 1 – Organisation Management ............................................... 21 Section 1: Management Procedures ............................................. 22 1.1 Authority and Applicability ....................................................................... 22 1.2 Structure 22 1.2.1 Scope of Training ...................................................................................................... 22 1.2.2 Personnel ................................................................................................................... 22 1.2.3 Organisation Chart .................................................................................................... 23 1.2.4 Facilities ..................................................................................................................... 23 1.2.5 Notification of changes to Organisations activities ............................................... 23 1.2.6 Changes not Requiring Prior Approval ................................................................... 23 1.2.7 Terms of Approval ..................................................................................................... 23 1.2.8 Continued Validity ..................................................................................................... 24 1.2.9 Access by the Competent Authority........................................................................ 24 1.2.10 Staff Training .............................................................................................................. 24 1.2.11 Contracted Activities ................................................................................................. 24 1.2.12 Dissemination of Information ................................................................................... 24 1.2.13 Licensing Records..................................................................................................... 25 1.2.14 Training Aircraft ......................................................................................................... 25 1.2.15 Aerodromes ................................................................................................................ 25 1.2.16 Personnel Requirements .......................................................................................... 25 Section 2: Compliance Monitoring .............................................. 26 2.1 Terminology ............................................................................................... 26 2.2 Specified Activity Standards ....................................................................
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