JENNIFER MAYS B KCSTAGE NOVEMBER 2006 1 Cappies Launch Fifth Year by Beth Ocheskey •
[email protected] The Kansas City Cappies are bringing back new ideas for now launching their fifth year their own shows, and voting of celebrating high school the- on what they truly felt was the ater in the metropolitan area. very best they’ve seen all year, Many area schools are reaping that the idea of competition just the benefits of being involved in doesn’t fit. a program that promotes critical The Cappies critics love that analysis, writing, performance they get to see a lot of great and technical skills, and public- theater for free, getting to make Top Billing ity for their theater programs. friends from other schools that Spotlight on Jennifer Mays...........................4 Cappies takes a small team they already have something in COVER: Jennifer Mays appears this month in Over of theatrical critics from each common with, the fact that only the River and Through the Woods and Leading Ladies at the New Theatre Restaurant. participating high school, trains the things done by students them how to write theatrical count for awards, and that the Starring critiques, then sends the critics awards are determined by their National Alliance of Musical Theatre Festival of New Works ...............................2 out to other area high schools votes, not adults. Watch Out: Nonprofit Organizations’s to see and write about their per- Joining the Kansas City Cap- Desire to Mobilize Voters............................3 Cappies Launch Fifth Year.................................1 formances. The best written cri- pies is easy: all a teacher needs tiques are published each week to do is go to Book-in-Hand in the Kansas City Star as well as and click on the “rules and Acting is a Job..................................................6 several other local newspapers.