End Conscription Campaign 4lt ■/


4 JANUARY 1991


On 8 January 1991, yet another whites-only call-up into the SADF will begin. Despite the government’s supposed commitment to political change, it refuses even to discuss the replacing of the existing racist system of military conscription. Resistance to conscription continues to grow, with thousand of conscripts failing to report for camps and evading initial .

While the existing system of conscription collapses, the government selectively prosecutes a few high-profile conscientious objectors, while most "draft dodgers" are left alone, in a hypocritical and opportunistic attempt to intimidate other would-be objectors. However, the great increase in the numbers of those who have refused publicly to perform military service in defence of proves the failure of this strategy.

We say to President F W de Klerk:

The retention of a racist, whites-only system of conscription is not acceptable.

The refusal of the SADF and your government even to discuss the future of the defence force and the system of conscription is not acceptable.

The continued persecution and selective prosecution of conscientious objectors is not acceptable.

Your failure to take effective disciplinary steps against General Magnus Malan and senior SADF personnel responsible for the actions of the CCB and the obstruction of the Harms Commission is not acceptable.

While such glaring discrepancies exist between your talk of reform and democracy on the one hand, and the continuation of racist and undemocratic practices on the other, we will continue to find your bona fides unacceptable.

Issued by Chris de Villiers ECC Chairman () Telephone : 880 1705 (w) End Conscription Campaign




The ECC is encouraged by the statements at a news briefing today bv Deputy Minister of Defence, Wynand Breyten bach, concerning the phasing out of "whites only" conscription.

The ECC's interpretation of the Defence Act is that the scrapping of the Population Registration Act would remove the legal basis for a racially discriminatory call up. The implication is that the government is faced with two choices in providing manpower for its army: it can either call uo ail race groups or it can move away from conscription and recruit volunteer professionals.

The ECC believes that the former option is unworkable and would only serve to exacerbate tensions in our society. For example, until a democratic new government is elected, members of the ANC and other organisations opposed to the government will clearly resist conscription into the SADF. Equally, right wing whites will resist conscription into an integrated aetence force. Instead, we believe that the recruiting of professional soldiers into a scaled down defence force is the most politically sensible and cost effective approach. State President de Klerk has a 1 ready stated in his open ing of parliament speech that he believes that the SADF must operate on a professional basis. If the SADF is taking the programme of the State President seriously, then the path to follow is to transform the SADF into a professional force with a volunteer reserve.

It is clear that the government has finally admitted that a racially selective call up is unacceptable. It thus follows that the prosecution of Conscientious Objectors has no moral basis and such prosecutions should be halted immediately.

The ECC urges the governmen t to ac t positively in the light of the statemen ts by the State Presid ent and Deputy Min ister of Defence, and to consult with a 11 interested par ties in formulating the basis for a new defence force.

d-x (J. C L ;

Issued by Chris de Villiers, ECC Chairman, Johannesburg Branch. Telephone: 880 1705 (w) 2 *** Qee-fcf Ander metodes kan kom om SAW te beman Wynand se oor nuwe grondwet, diensplig

KAAPSTAD. - Diensplig sal tydens die het nie die name van die lande genoem oorgangstadium in Suid-Afrika in sy nie. huidige vorm behou word, maar inge- Hoewel Suid-Afrika nie wapens ver­ volge ’n nuwe grondwet kan daar ander koop het aan ander lande wat in die metodes wees om die Weermag te be­ Golf-krisis betrokke is nie, is Krygkor man. Op hierdie wyse sal dit onbillik aktief besigom na markte te soek vir sy wees om te verwag dat net een deel van oorskot-wapens na die beeindiging van die bevolking onderhewig moet wees die oorlog in Angola, het mnr. Breyten­ aan diensplig. bach gese. So het mnr. Wynand Breytenbach, Krygkor verhoog nie produksie nie, Adjunk-minister van Verdediging, gis- maar hy kan dit verhoog indien hy ter op ’n media-voorligtingsessie in markte kan vind, het hy bygevoeg. Kaapstad gese. • Die End Conscription Campaign Oor die oorlog in die Golf het hy gese (ECC) het die Regering versoek om enige wapentransaksies met Irak - en in positief” op te tree in die lig van mnr. besonder die G5-kanon - is afgehandel Breytenbach se verklaring, berig Sapa. lank voordat die VN besluite geneem Mnr. Chris de Villiers, voorsitter van het wat gewapende optrede deur die die ECC, het gister in ’n verklaring gese geallieerdes moontlik gemaak het. Daar soos hy die Verdedigingswet interpre- moet ook onthou word dat Irak ook teer, sal die wetlike basis vir rassediskri- Britse en Amerikaanse vliegtuie bekom minerende diensplig verdwyn met die het. skrapping van die Bevolkingsregistrasie- Beweringe dat die Suid-Afrikaanse wet. Lugmag steeds vlugte na Angola onder- Die Regering. het dan twee moontlik- neem, het mnr. Breytenbach kategories hede om manskappe vir sy weermag te ontken. kry: Hy kan of alle rassegroepe oproep Op die vraag oor die moontlike rol of diensplig laat vaar en vrywilligers wat Umkhonto we Sizwe in die toekoms werf, het hy gese. kan speel, het hy gese daar is geen plan Die ECC meen die eerste moontlik- om die organisasie met die Weermag te heid is nie werkbaar nie en sal die laat integreer nie. Net so kan nie verwag spanning in die gemeenskap vererger. word dat die Ierse Republikeinse Leer Die tweede moontlikheid is politiek die met die Britse leer gei'ntegreer sal word mees verstandige en koste-effektiewe me, berig Sapa. benadering. Pres. De Klerk het reeds by die • Op die vraag of die Golf-krisis parlementsopening gese hy glo die daartoe gelei het dat Suid-Afrika hoege- Weermag moet op ’n professionele naamd wapens verkoop het, het mnr. grondslag bedryf word,” het hy byge­ Breytenbach volgens Reuter geant- voeg. woord: “Nee, glad niks nie.” Mnr. De Villiers het voorts gese die Sedert die VN se wapenboikot in Regering het finaal erken dat rasgebon- 1977 teen Suid-Afrika ingestel is, het de diensplig onaanvaarbaar is. Die ver- Suid-Afrika wapens ter waarde van meer as R2 miljard aan 39 lande ver­ volging van gewetensbeswaardes het dus geen morele grondslag nie en moet koop, het mnr. Breytenbach gese. Hy onmiddellik gestaak word. P.O. Box 537 Phone: 836-8423 Kengray 2100 Fax: 834-3189



Once again Minister of Defence Magnus Malan has refused to release figures of National Servicemen and Citizen Force members who refused or failed to report for military duties. In a written reply to DP MP General Bob Rogers, Minister Malan gave his now standard response that the release of such figures would be abused by “a certain organisation which campaigns for the discontinuation of military service". We suspect that the Minister means us.

Once again the Minister is refusing to deal with the reality of conscription in South Africa. It is clear that the Minister’s refusal to provide figures shows that the number of people who have failed to report for either initial national service or citizen force duty is, for the SADF, embarrassi ngl y high. If this was not so, the ECC believes that the Minister would have released such figures.

As for the suggestion that the ECC had abused such figures in the past, we suggest that Minister Malan read a dictionary to ascertain the real meaning of the word "abuse". The ECC believes that the Minister’s understanding of the word "abuse" means the publication of figures which illustrate that more and more South Africans are lodging their protest against the system by simply not reporting for national service or citizen force duty. Rather than repeating the now hackneyed statement that whites only conscription will remain in place during the period of transition, the Minister should look at the root causes of such extensive resistance to conscription. Clearly whites only conscription and conscription more generally is an increasingly unpopular and out moded manpower procurement system.

Furthermore the Minister’s refusal to answer General Rodgers’ question shows his contempt for the public right to know and reflects his belief that the SADF is an arm of the state above public examination and criticism. Released by

u y m • Roddy Payne, ECC National Worker, / J 836 8423 (w)

CC £nd 'fh-m Campaign P.O. Box 537 Phone: 836-8423 Kengray 2100 Fax: 834-3189


14 MARCH 1991 STATEMENT ON THE CHARGING OF METHODIST PROBATIONER MINISTER ALAN STORY FOR REFUSING TO SERVE IN THE SADF. On 13 March, Alan Story a 22 year old probationer Minister in the Methodist church was formally charged at Doornkop Military base in Johannesburg with refusing to serve in the SADF. Alan was released on his own recognisance and will be appearing in Johannesburg Magistrates Court 8 on 1S Apri1 1991 Alan had indicated his refusal to serve to the authorities on 9 January 1991 when he was supposed to report for initial military service at the 8th Infantry Battalion at Upington. Alan’s refusal to serve is based on his beliefs as a Christian oacifist He has not applied to the Board for Religious Objection, because he feels that it is discriminatory towards conscientious objectors who hold moral and political objection to serving in the SADF. The ECC condemns in the strongest terms the charging of Alan Story. With the repeal of all apartheid legislation soon to be passed in parliament, and the basis for whites only conscription logically being removed, it appears a complete contradiction that COs are still being charged for r®fu«jn9 serve in the SADF. Clearly the SADF believes that it is able behave in ways contradictory to the spirit of the new Africa. With political prisoners being released from prison we! may soon have a situation where COs will be occupying the cells ^ a t political prisoners have recently vacated, showing that the National Party is still intransigent on reforming the system of conscription and the SADF more generally. The ECC calls on State President de Klerk to end all objector trials and end the system of conscription. We need men of Pe*ce such as Alan Story working among South Africans in buildi g spirit of the new nation, NOT wasting time in prison.

Rodd/y Payne, ECC National Secretary. (w) 836 8423 or 716 2823. A (f: ^ effe c ts


Apri 1 15 1991

Press Release:

The Rev’d Alan Storey, Conscientious Objector. In a surprise move in the Johannesburg Magistrates court today the State requested a postponement in the trial of Methodist minister Alan Storey, charged with refusing to serve in the S.A.Defence Force. The charges arise from Storey’s refusal to do compulsory military training when called up to an Infantry unit on January 9 this year. A new trial date has been set for June 17, and it seems that on that date the magistrate will decide whether to proceed with the prosecution or to withdraw the charges. In the light of the emphasis on non-violence in Alan Storey’s stand, and of the present vacillation about the future of whites-only conscription, it could be an embarrassment for the State to pursue this prosecution ana that of others who have refused to serve. The Conscientious Objectors Support Group sees this move as another step in the long read to the recognition of tne right of all Conscientious Objectors to refuse to do compulsory military service . COSG also eagerly awaits the report of the van Loggerenberg committee appointed in 1989 to examine the manpower needs of the SADF and nopes that the end of military conscription is in sight.

For further information contact NanCross phone 011 614-7458 (h) 011 835-8423 (w) End Conscription Campaign


15 APRIL 1991


The ECC has noted with interest that the trial of Rev. Alan Storey, who is charged with refusing to perform military service in the SADF, has been postponed until 17 June 1991 on the instructions of the Attorney General.

The ECC regards this intervention by the Attorney General as an implicit acknowledgement that the continued prosecution of conscientious objectors is immoral and untenable. In the light of this, we repeat our call on the government to cease the harassment and prosecution of conscientious objectors.

We also believe that it is no longer possible for the government to continue fudging the issue of an ongoing whites-only call up. Accordingly, we challenge the government to come clean with the public on the issue of military service, and to state whether it intends to abolish the present racist system of conscription, or whether it intends to maintain military service for whites only, in spite of its stated intention to do away with racially discriminatory legislation.

C c L O'

Issued by Chris de Villiers ECC Chairman (Johannesburg) Telephone: 880-1705 (w) Beeld, The Editor Correspondence pages P.O. Box 5425 JohannesPurg 2000 Dear Sir, SUPPORT FOR REVEREND ALAN STOREY, CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR

It is an encouraging development m a t the magistrate presiding when the Reverend Alan Storey aopeared in court on April 16 told the accused that he was postponing the case until 17 June while the decision was made as to whether to pursue the prosecution. The magistrate was responding to a request for a postponement made by the Prosecutor, apparently on the instructions of the Attorney General of the Transvaal. We call on the Attorney General to let reason prevail and to drop the charges of refusing to serve in the South African Defence Force (SADF) which have been raised agairst the Reverend Alan Storey. We support the Reverend Storey’s stand as a Christian pacifist, opting for non-violence as the only true way to bring peace to our strife-torn country. We hcpe that ethers will be heartened and follow his example in choosing to address the problems of our country through non-violent means. Individuals have to take a stand against the ongoing cycle of violence which is wreaking havoc in our land. We commend the Reverend Storey for his display of courage and his commitment to building a new South Africa on the basis of peace, love and uni ty. We call on President F W de Klerk firstly to ensure that the State will no longer prosecute those who refuse as a matter of conscience to serve in the SADF. We call on the President, secondly, to abolish the system of conscription once and for all. The facts that the courts are displaying what we interpret as a reluctance to prosecute the Reverend Srorey highlights the dilemma the courts face when conscription is still in force, yet the President is advocating negotiated, peaceful channels to resolve South Africa’s problems. The President should demonstrate the seriousness of his commitment to non-violence by relegating the system of conscription to the dustbin of practices which are no longer acceptaPle in the building of the new South Africa.

Reverend Frank Chikane 25 April 1991 General Secretary This letter also sent to: Daily Dispatch, East London: Eastern Province Herald, Port Elizabeth; Cape Times, Cape Town; Daily news, DurPan; Natal Witness, Pietermaritzburg; Pretoria news; Star, Johannesburg; New Nation, Johannesburg; Vrye Weekblad, Jhb; Weekly Mail,Jhb. Sunday Times, Jhb Sent on SACC letterheads signed by Frank Chikane f + ) The South African l-lg-i Council of Churches "Come Holy Spirit, Renew The Whole Creation" The New Nation. The Editor Correspondence cages P.O. Box 10674 Johannesburg 2000

Dear Sir, SUPPORT FOR REVEREND ALAN STOREY, CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR It is an encouraging development that the magistrate presiding when the Reverend Alan Storey appeared in court on April 16 told the accused that he was postponing the case until 17 June while the decision was made as to whether to pursue the prosecution. The magistrate was responding to a request for a postponement made by the Prosecutor, apparently on the instructions of the Attorney General of the Transvaal. We call on the Attorney General to let reason prevail and to drop the charges of refusing to serve in the South African Defence Force (SADF) which have been raised against the Reverend Alan Storey. We support the Reverend Storey’s stand as a Christian pacifist, opting for non-violence as the only true way to bring peace to our strife-torn country. We hope that others will be heartened and follow his example in choosing to address the proolems of our country through non-violent means. Individuals have to take a stand against the ongoing cycle of violence which is wreaking havoc in our land. We commend the Reverend Storey for his display of courage and his commitment to building a new South Africa on the basis of peace, love and uni ty. We call on President F W de Klerk firstly to ensure that the State will no longer prosecute those who refuse as a matter of conscience to serve in the SADF. We call on the President, secondly, to abolish the system of conscription once and for all. The facts that the courts are displaying what we interpret as a reluctance to prosecute the Reverend Storey highlights the dilemma the courts face when conscription is still in force, yet the President is advocating negotiated, peaceful channels to resolve South Africa’s problems. The President should demonstrate the seriousness of his commitment to non-violence by relegating the system of conscription to the dustbin of practices which are no longer acceptable in the building of the new South Africa.

Reverend Frank Chikane 25 April 1991

Khotso House, 62 Marshall Street, Tel: General Secretariat -011 - 832 3541/9 Marshalltown, Johannesburg 2001 Programs: 4921380/9; Fax: 4921448 P0 Box 4921, Jhb 2000 Telex: 486296; Teletex: 450614 End Conscription Campaign


13 MAY 1991


Delegates from ECC branches around the country attended a three-day national conference in the Eastern Cape over the weekend of 10 to 12 May. High on the agenda were the continued whites-only call-up, and the ongoing civil conflict in the country.

A number of issues were identified as requiring high-priority attention from the ECC, including:

The ongoing trials of conscientious objectors. -s - The continuing civil conflict in the country, and the role of the SADF in dealing with it. The need for the ECC’s in-depth policy proposals on the future of conscription and the nature of a future defence force to be circulated more widely.

In particular, delegates were unanimous that the continued existence of a racist system of conscription was unacceptable. The government’s attempts to benefit from a public commitment to repealing racist laws, while at the same time trying to maintain white dominance of the military, were rejected as deceitful and dangerous. A campaign to expose this dishonesty and to call the State’s bluff on the repealing of racist conscription was planned.

In the light of the excellent work carried out by the ECC’s unrest monitor in Natal, it was agreed that a similar position should be created in the Transvaal, to monitor SADF activities and to facilitate peace negotiations.

W Prior to the conference, some members had felt that the ECC had already won the battle against conscription, with significant concessions from the government on the length of military service and its soft-pedalling on the prosecution of some conscientious objectors. However, it was agreed that the progress that had been made so far in convincing even government supporters to reject conscription was only as a result of ongoing pressure and the sacrifices made by conscientious objectors, and delegates agreed to redouble their efforts to end conscription finally.

aaa» \J

Issued by Chris de Villiers ECC Chairperson (Johannesburg) Telephone: (Oil) 880 1705 % For further information, please contact the ECC at the above telephone number or at our national office (Telephone: (Oil) 836 8423). CC &r>d Co*r\r?

The "whites-only" racist system of conscription is out of step with the changing times in the new South Africa. It appears as if the July call“up will be Magnus Malan's last one. If this is the case, we anticipate the halting of all objec- tor trials. In the interim, we appeal to Magnus Malan to stop marching to a different drum, to stop all objector trials and to end conscription.


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r - — O o - ^ s N< 20 May 1991

The Conscientious Objector Support Group welcomes as a step forward the outcome of the Appeal by the Reverend Douglas Torr against the one year jail sentence imposed last year. However COSG still calls upon the State to stop all Objector trials as Objectors are not criminals

This morning in the Rand Supreme Court, Acting Judge Gautschi with Judge Lazarus concurring, set aside the sentence imposed by the Johannesburg Magistrates Court. Instead, sentence was postponed for five years on condition that Torr perform 800 hours of unpaid community service at the Johannesburg AIDS Advice Centre.

Issued by Johannesburg Conscientious Objector Support Group For further information phone Nan at 836-8423

Additional information on the Appeal hearing: The S t a t e ’s advocate conceded that the Magistrate in sentencing Douglas to a year in jail had misdirected himself in concluding that he had no discretion in the matter since even with a suspended sentence Torr could be called up and prosecuted again. In his judgment today Acting Judge Gautschi quoted extensively from the 1990 Toms and Bruce Appeal judgment, which did in effect give discretion to the lower courts; and with reference to the possibility of repeated call-ups he said "Neither the interests of the S.A. Defence Force nor the interests of the community would be served by repeated prosecutions". In presenting his case for Torr, Advocate Edwin Cameron mentioned the anomaly of the State still operating a system of "whites- only" conscription at a time when it is supposedly repealing all Apartheid laws, and asked that the courts take this into consideration. He then requested a postponement of sentencing, conditional on Torr doing unpaid community service. T o d a y ’s judgment has special significance for CO Michael Graaf who is at present doing a very long community service sentence (2400 hours in a Durban hospital) which was handed down in November last year. Since Graaf had in any case completed his initial two years military service some time ago, and therefore "owed" the Army much less time than Douglas Torr, it is to be hoped that his sentence will be drastically reduced when his case comes up on Appeal on June 13.

Nan Cross Jhb Conscientious Objector Support Group Box 591 Kengray Jhb 2100 14 JUNE 1991


On Monday 17 June the Reverend Alan Storey, Conscientious Objector, will be appearing in the Johannesburg Magistrates Court. He was arrested in March this year and charged with refusing to serve in the SADF; he had been called up to start his national service in an infantry unit in January. At his previous court appearance in April the postponement was requested by the Prosecution on the grounds that the State Attorney had not yet decided whether to pursue the prosecution or not. Since that date, the jail sentence of another Conscientious Objector the Reverend Douglas Torr has been set aside by the Rand Supreme Court on condition that Torr performs part time unpaid community service. Alan Storey is a probationer minister in the Methodist church, at present working in Rustenburg. For further details contact Rob Thomson phone 011 23-2371 (w) 011 646-5332 (h) or Nan Cross phone 011 836-8423 (w) 011 614-7458 (h)

Is_ , ehalf of the Alan Storey Support Group PRESS RELEASE

16 June 1991

Rev. Alan Storey, Conscientious Objector

In the Johannesburg Magistrates Court this morning, Magisrate Davel dismissed Alan Storey and Wally Rontsch; the charges of refusal to serve in the SADF were withdrawn by the prosecution.

The implications of this turnabout will be discussed at a press conference at the Central Methodist Church, 79 Pritchard st, at 12 noon today.

Issued by Nan Cross for the Alan Storey Support Group

o r P.O. Box 591 Kengray 2100

24 June 1991


Withdrawal of charges against two more ob.iectors.

Johannesburg Conscientious Objector Support Group welcomes the withdrawal of charges against two Objectors for Failing to report for duty, in the Johannesburg Magistrates Court today. Mr Wayne Boshier had been charged with Failing to report for National Service, and Mr Clyde Winter with Failing to report for a camp. , \ These cases extend the possibility of further withdrawals beyond the scope of last w e e k ’s withdrawal of charges against Alan Storey and Wally Rontsch who had both Refused to serve in the SADF. In terms of the Defence Act Failure to Report is the lesser charge; it is also by far the more common response of conscripts objecting to their call-ups. Since bringing these cases to court is a waste of time if the charges are to be withdrawn,. we trust that the State will refrain from prosecuting any objectors, at least until the Gleeson Committee has made its recommendations.

Issued by Nan Cross on behalf of Johannesburg COSG

For further information phone 011 836-8423 (w) or 011 614-7458 (h) End Conscription Campaign


The End Conscription Campaign has now obtained an in-depth legal opinion on the status of the continuing whites-only call-up, in the light of the repeal of the Population Registration Act. The Defence Act relies on the definition of "whites" in the Population Registration Act to make military conscription applicable to white males only. In a nutshell, the repeal of the Population Registration Act has the effect that all male citizens of the country, regardless of race, are liable for compulsory military service in the SADF. However, the Minister of Defence, General Magnus Malan, has insisted that whites-only conscription will be maintained for the foreseeable future. Such a racially discriminatory call-up amounts to administrative action, purportedly in terms of the Defence Act, which is discriminatory and unreasonable and is therefore unlawful.

The effect of this is that any person refusing to render service in the SADF on the basis of such a cail-up will have a valid defence if he is charged with refusing to serve. By declining to prosecute those who refuse to serve in the SADF, the state is buying time for the present system of conscription, by delaying a legal challenge to the validity of the call-up. This leaves the average conscript uncertain as to what his legal position is vis a vis the call-up. If a conscientious objector successfully defends himself against a charge of refusing to sen/e in the SADF on the basis outlined above, the entire call-up will become unenforceable.

In the light of the above, we believe that the government’s insistence on retaining a whites-only call-up is perverse and unreasonable, and it confirms our suspicion that the government is determined at all costs to maintain a white dominated military force which can effectively provide a military veto over the current negotiation process.

Issued by Chris de Villiers ECC Chairman (Johannesburg) Telephone: 880-1705 (w)

i*r\ Camnpetgn P.O. Box 537 Phone: 836-8423 Kenqray 2100 Fax: 834-3189 9 y ECC PRESS RELEASE

30 JULY 1991


The End Conscription Campaign is pleased by the announcement that former Minister of Defence General Magnus Malan has been removed from his position and relegated to the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry. Although such a move is clearly symbolic, it is none the less significant, and we hope that it signals an intention on the part of Mr F W de Klerk to reduce the influence of the military establishment on future policy-making. We see the move also as a signal to the hard line militarists and "securocrats" in the security establishment that the days of uncontrolled military adventures are over. With General Malan gone, we also hope that his replacement, Mr Roelf Meyer, will be prepared to enter into a constructive dialogue with the ECC and other organisations on the future of the military in South Africa.

As far as Minister of Law and Order Mr Adriaan Vlok is concerned, we have always regarded Mr Vlok as a mere puppet and as the unwitting tool of the generals in the police establishment, and see his demotion also as a token move. None the less, the mere fact that such a move has been made is significant in itself. Again, we hope that the intention behind the move will be reflected in a more progressive attitude within the police force itself.

While appreciating the difficulties faced by Mr de Klerk in ridding himself of redundant ministers, we nevertheless hope that he will consider more environmentally-friendly ministerial waste disposal techniques in future. In the meantime, we extend our condolences to the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry.

Issued by Chris de Villiers ECC Chairman (Johannesburg) Telephone: 880-1705 (w) P.O. Box 537 Phone: 836-8423 Kengray 2100 Fax: 834-3189


30 AUGUST 1991


The End Conscription Campaign welcomes the granting of indemnity to conscientious objector Michael Graaf, who refused to perform a military camp in December 1989. The granting of indemnity amounts to an admission that conscientious objection is a political issue. It follows that any conscientious objector who is jailed for refusing to do military service would be a political prisoner.

In the circumstances, it is morally indefensible for the government to prosecute conscientious objectors. This has also been tacitly admitted by the suspension of all prosecutions against conscientious objectors, pending the report of the Gleeson Committee into conscientious objection.

We repeat our call on the government to declare a moratorium on the prosecution of conscientious objectors, pending the abandonment of the existing racist system of military conscription. We also call on the government to make its intentions clear regarding the retention or scrapping of conscription in the future, and to release the findings of the Gleeson Committee and the earlier van Loggerenberg Committee without delay.

O a ^ *1 0 ' ^ -

Issued by Chris de Villiers ECC Chairperson (Johannesburg) Telephone: (Oil) 880 1705

C o m p a n y Conscientious Objector Support Group P.O. Box 591 Kengray 2100

30 August 1991


Conscientious Objector Michael Graaf of Durban has been granted indemnity from his suspended 12-month prison sentence, after a long struggle with the Indemnity Board. Graaf was tried in the Pietermaritzburg Magistrates Court last October, and sentenced to 2400 hours of unpaid part-time community service in lieu of a prison sentence (which was suspended on this condition). He had been found guilty of refusing to do any further military service, having already completed two years’ National service and some camps. Graaf said at his trial that it was his experience of atrocities committed by members of the SADF at the time of his national service in Namibia and Angola that had made him a Conscientious Objector.

The Conscientious Objector Support Group welcomes this long overdue recognition of C O ’s as political prisoners. Also likely to be affected by this decision is the R e v ’d Douglas Torr of Johannesburg, currently likewise doing part-time community service in lieu of a prison sentence.

For further information contact

Nan Cross phone 011 614-7458 011 836-8423 P.O. Box 537 Phone: 836-8423 Kengray 2100 Fax: 834-3189




The End Conscription Campaign is encouraged by recent developments on the drawing up of a Code of Conduct for the SADF, as reported in the Sunday press. The content of many of the proposals is positive, and it is heartening to see that the SADF itself has recommended that it be answerable to the Constitution rather than to the governing party, that individual soldiers should be legally responsible for their actions, and that soldiers be entitled to disobey both illegal and unconstitutional orders.

We are concerned, however, by the fact that the proposals appear to be the result of secret negotiations between the ANC and the Government, rather than emerging from an open public debate. We are concerned that a final version of the Code of Conduct may be presented as a fait accompli by the government in due course, rather than being arrived at in a democratic manner. We are also concerned that the government may attempt to introduce certain provisions for the accommodation of conscientious objectors in the same manner, arising out of the deliberations of the Gleeson Committee. Given that the government has its own agenda on the issue of conscription and control over the security forces, it is unlikely that a unilateral decision on this issue, arising out of a secret and undemocratic procedure, will be acceptable.

We urge the government to make public the findings of both the Gleeson Committee into conscientious objection and the earlier van Loggerenberg Committee into SADF manpower policy, and to facilitate an open public debate on the issues of conscription and conscientious objection, and on the role of the SADF and security forces generally.

Issued by Chris de Villiers ECC Chairperson (Johannesburg) Telephone: (Oil) 880 1705 29/10 '91 13:43 © O i l 788 1507 SPOOR & FISHER @003


P.O. Box 537 Phone: 836-8423 Kengray 2100 Fax: 834-3189

The Editor Sunday Times

29 October 1991

Dear Sir

In his eagerness to take a cheap shot at the End Conscription Campaign last Sunday, Hogarth missed the point. The figures he quotes were in fact provided to the ECC, inter slis, some month'; ngn hy an SADF gfflwal. whn also stated that the most senior black officers in the SADF were 3 colonels, in other words, the senior officer corps is white, with a iarge contingent of biack cannon fodder. This has proved useful to tine SADF in the past, for example when invading Angola, allowing the death toll of white conscripts to be kept relatively low.

The point which Hogarth misses is that the conscription system allows hundreds of thousands of whites who have been processed by the military system to be called up it snnn nmrs m m r n n rrm n n nr m mnnmln Hnm nh will riliiw rauui ■■!■■■ U ibL 11 if percentage otwnrtes in the b'AUF would jump considerably If the present 1 year periud of initial service were to be extended to 2 years again. These options remain entirely in the hands of those who ran the CCB, who have waged war around the subcontinent for decades, and who have followed (by the admission of Director General of Foreign Affairs, Neil van Heerden) a deliberate policy of regional destabilisation which has resulted in chaos and economic disaster. Does Hogarth admire these people?

In the meantime, the SADF remains totally intransigent, refusing even to discuss the future of the whites-only call-up, and merely states baldly that it will continue. The Ministry of Defence has so far ignored all attempts by the ECC to arrange a meeting to discuss these issues. However, the call-up system is falling apart, with thousand of conscripts (campers, in particular) simply failing to turn up. Prosecutions of conscientious objectors have been halted, since the SADF dare not risk a court decision confirming the opinion of the ECC’s lawyers that the whites-only call-up is legally invalid. Thus, the call-up is unenforceable, and the SADF cannot control its day to day personnel requirements.

If Hogarth thinks that this is the way to build a new defence force, accountable to all South Africans, perhaps he should think again.

Yours faithfully

c L 0 ^ - 5 - v i

Chris de Villiers ECC Chairman (Johannesburg) 29/10 '91 15: 13 © O i l 788 1507 SPOOR & FISHER @ 0 0

Simply out of step GENERAL KAT LIEBENBURG, Chief of the SADF, this week revealed that 50 percent of serving soldiers are black volunteers, 19 percent coloured volunteers and only 31 percent white conscripts and PF members. That means South Africa is well down the road to meeting the demands of the anti-conscription lobby for a volunteer, professional army. And the End Conscription Campaign a.-, b in j rf-Ampm^iTiE it did not qyqh nonce it. Dk,^0. nr3K~flH23 Fax: 834-3189 P.O. BOX 537 Kengray 2100 ECC PRESS RELEASE



The End Conscription Campaign rejects the proposal by the_ Johannesdux g City Council to deploy soldiers in Hillbrow as a crime prevention measure. The proposal appears to be a publicity stunt aimed at boosting the flagging image of the City Council, which has failed to deliver on its promise to provide a municipal police force. The deployment of soldiers, whether volunteers or conscripts, who are untrained m S m e prevention techniques and who are equipped with military firearms is an inappropriate measure to combat crime. We regard the calling up ot members o the public for this purpose to be unacceptable. The disruptive ejects of a u p during the Christmas period on businessmen and those with families will be .enous.

In teans of a legal opinion obtained by the ECC, we would remind anyone faced with a call-up that whites-only call-ups are legally invalid and thus unenforceable.

CU aXa cU Issued by Chris de Villiers ECC Chairperson (Johannesburg) Telephone: (Oil) 836 8423

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Collection Number: AG1977


PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Historical Papers Research Archive Location:- Johannesburg ©2013


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