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CARTERET PRESS 12 Pages Today VOL 93, The Price of This Patter is 3 cents evetywhwe—Pay no ntow Four Page Colored TWQSGCQWS Comic Section CARTERET PRESS 12 Pages Today VOL. X, No. 4 OARTRRKT, N .!., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1031 PRICE THREE CENTS Fitzgerald Named Jlocal OddteBows Legion Post Kean Annoances MembeHK Board Install Officers Tests For Jobs Local Fire Chief Is Appointed Many Vuitors At Meeting Of New Officer* Auxiliary Civil Service Examinations Par A Member Of The Board Of Cart«r«t Lodge — RDa*t Are Also Installed At Meat- Good Poaittona To Be HeM Health. Beef Supper. ing Tuesday Night. Soon. Dennis FiUgerald, who recently Recently elected officer* of Cirtur. Senator Hamilton F. Kean The Carteret lodge No. 267, In- waf elected state president of the et Pout No. 263, American Legion nounce* that the United States C A. 0. H. »nd yho. is chief of the dependent Order of Odd Fellows were installed Tuesday evening as Service Commiuion will hold exam- Csrteret Fire Department had an- had an overflow meeting Friday were the new officers of the Auxili- ination thortly regarding podtiOM oth« honor awarded to him Monday night when new officers were in- ary unit The two organisation* had under tho Federal Government lot stalled in the presence of the mem- a Joint meeting in the Legion quar- appointment* in the government wN ght when he was appointed a bers of the local hody and many member Of the Carteret Board of ters in the Borough Hall. vice as below mentioned. Here is U visiting Odd Fellows. The installa- The new officers of the poit sre: opportunity for residents of Ntw Health. Mr. Fitzgerald will fill the tion was held in Odd Fellows Hall. unexpired term of Commissioner Commander, Edwtrd J. Walsh; vice- .Jersey to obtain positions under th» After it was over the members and commander, Morris Cohen; Jr. vice- Federal Government. Alec Erdelyi, resigned. Mr. Fitz- visitors adjourned to the'St. Elias gerald is a Democratic district lead- commander, Michael Pallny; adju Senior Medical Technician (Bac- Hall where a roast beef supper was tant, John Kennedy; finance officer, teriology). $2,000 a year, for duty ' er and has been an active worker served. for the pftrty for many years. Mr. Clifford Cutter: service officer, at the II. S Veteran's Hospital. Ttts- Thero wore vin'tdng delegation* Thomas Jakew»y. kegrp, AU., only. A« thin hospital 1* Erdelyi had his resignation before from Rahway, Westfleldj Jersey the council' Monday night. He stat- TThh e offleerffl d of the auxiliary aro: for colored patients only, qualified City, Perth Amboy, Hoboken and President, MTS. John Kennedy; vice- rnlored persons aro urged to apptf. ed in the resignation that other New York. duties mad* tt impossible for hljn president, Mrs. Harry Gleckner; Ortnin specified education and e» The out-going Nobel Grand. Mat- pi-rloncp required. Application* j to cbt i Wl ilnce on thhe healthlh treasurer, Mrs. John H. Nevill; ser- thew Sloan, was presented with an geant-ftt-arms, Mrs. Fred Kurkrtiml; he on file with the U. 8. Civil was sworn into Odd Fellows watch charm as a token vice Commission at aihington, P. C,, office on morning by Ror- lecretary, Mias Jane Cook; historian. of appreciation for "his services and DIRECTOR Mrs. Jonn Kstusha; chaplain, Mrs. not later than October 18, 1931. ough CCleril c H. VO, rintt. devotion to the lodge during the William D'lurilla, chairman of the HOSPITAL Alec Stawicki. Social Service Worker (Prisotk term of his office. CHILD After the installation ceremonies Bureau). $2,000 a year, for duty at police committee reported that ho The installation wan conducted by the Federal Industrial Institution fW had investigated the teletype sys- were completed there was a social District Deputy T. W. Moss and session »nd refreshments were serv- Women, Aldorson, . Va., at elia* tem being installed in various part * staff, of Carteret lodge. The new when; throughout the country. Cw» of the itat« and that he thought it ed. officers are: ' . tain specified education and exptrit ould be an effective aid to the lo- Noble Grand, Louis Chodosh The auxiliary wan awarded a gavel once required. Application* must b+ cal department A letter was read Vice Grand, Carl Shaaf^recording for having accomplished the most U. S. Civil Servtar. front the chief of police of New secretary, William Elliott; financial outstandinn relief work during the oCommission (\\e wjtnh at Washington, __ Brunswick asking that the Carteret secretary, Stanley Roger, treasurer past winter. The gavel was presented not later than October 22, 1911, department be represented Tuesday Sumner Moore; warden, Morris Ul- by the state organization. A cup wa» Both men and women may #at_T it a meeting of police otiiriala in man; conductor, John Richardson awarded to the post for a similar ac- any examination; appointing offlceflt' New Brunswick when the plan to tight scene supporter, Louis Bunk IFMMER complishment, at the convention In however, have the legal right to spti % extend the teletype service through- er; left scene supporter, Peter La Atlantic City last month. cify the sex desired. The MlarMf out Middlesex would bo discussed. tanzio; right supporter to Nobli The new officers of the post were named are entrance salaries, Hifhtt Mr. D'zurilla and Servant. J. J. Grand, T. M. Moss; left supporter AITEI5SEN installed by Percy Quarkenhush of salaried positions are filled through Dowling attended the conference to Noble Grand, Robert Brown; in Perth Amboy. promotion. _ Tuesday. They reported that the side guardian, Edwiand Stockman; The officers of the post were in- Those who are interested should installation in Cartcrpt will he de- outside guardian, William Schmidt; stalled by Percy Quaekcnhush, senior apply to the United States Civil. ferred until 8 method is decided right supporter to vice grand, Stan- county vice-commander. The officers Service Commission, Washington, K, upon to equalize the cost of the ley Andrewjewski; left supporter to of the auxiliary were installed by C, for full information. • service for the municipalities of the the vice grand, Robert Chodosh; Mrs. C. End, of Piscntaway, head of Senator Kean says that he will b»'-, county. chaplain, William Donnelly. the county auxiliary. Mrs. End also very glad to co-operate with tHe ap- Further reporting a3 chairman of presented the gavel. plicants from New Jersey if hi* h«ljj the police committee Monday night is needed. Mr. D'zurilla said that Chief Henry J. Harrington of the department Deegan Is Speaker Democrats Hear wanted to take his vacation at this tune so as to attend a convention of Fine Prizes For police chiefs. At Young Men s Club Campaign Issues The request was gTanted and the council allowed $200 for the chief's Tells Young Democrats That Joint Meeting Of Democratic Stout Party ' expenses. The clerk was directed to adver- The Democratic National » Men and Women At Cartet- Troop No. 83 To Hav» Biff tise for bids on the contract for side- Party Has Been The Friend et. Card Party October 20 la walks in Atlantic street. He will also Of The Soldiers. Nathan Hale School. notify property owners that it they Many angles of the present cam- intend to lay the walks themselves A COMMUNICATION they must notify the borough of the Joseph F. Deegan, chairman of the paign were brought out Wednesday Vaiious g running fact without delay, , A Harry Moore Veteran's League Woman's Club night at a joint meeting of the A. card parties have encounteredd tnort The report of the chief of police of Middlesex County, was the princi- Aviators Ball October Dear Editor:- Harry Moore club of Chrome and the or less difficulty in obtaining wortV for the months of August and Sep- pal speaker Monday night at a well- I've been real worried like, if you Women's Democratic Club in Fire- while prizes hut this is not the cas4 - atended meeting of the Young Men's know what I mean, cause 1 ain't seen when the card party is run by B07 tember w»s received and turned over Scvoggins for most two weeks BO 1 Opens Season house No. 2. The principal speaker toihe street committee. Democratic Club in the headquarters UlnMon'sHall Scouts or for the benefit of in Washington avenue. He said that take a little stroll over his way and was Mrs, Ethel Kirkpatrick, a state Scouts. And so when the guests ap- An invitation was received for the as I saunter by his bungalow, I see Get-Together Luncheon Held Mayor and members of the council the veterans in the league are band- Affair To Be Held Under Fitz- committee woman. She urged the pear on the night of October 20 al>'< ed together to help make A. Harry Scroggins chasing a guy with a bag In Presbyterian Church — support of \he entire Democratic Nathan Hale School for the card to attend a convention of the State Fitzgrerald Aircraft—Noted off the place. Scroggins is real proud League of Municipalities in Camden Moore the next governor of New ticket from top to bottom and es- party there-, they are likely to b# Persons In Aviation To At- of his bungalow and I figures may- Many Guests. amaiud at the quality of the prliea. which began yesterday and is con- Jersey. Mr. Deegan said that the be the guy stole a sunflower or pecially praised the local candidates Demoprartic party of the nation is The prizes include fancy pen and tinued today. Mayor Hermann an- tend. something. But I find the bird left The Carteret Woman's Club open- and the men of Middlesex in the as- ,~-...-..^ that he would attend and responsible for practically all the pencil seta, several fine leather something instead of taking it.
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