MKT AL MARKETS WEATHER FORECAST. By IB Associated Prrm ftow silver Mf WABrllrTOTo:. AMUL l-- TUCAS. lr.w York sler.lrolylle rappsf NIH OBMEIlALLY FAIR VINIUY AND MONDAY. eer Yorl lead 14 1704 MISIN., TEMprKATUrlCS.





Artillery and Cavalry Reinforcements Reported Ninety Miles American Citizen, Representing Foreign Population of Away and General Assault Is Unlikely to Occur Before Capital, Reaches El Paso With Tragic Tale of Murder Next Wednesday. i J- Pillage and Outrage Against Women. IthlllHNO. i across the Border of rood auppltea ror the - A MM statement rrom tho Aniurlran colony in trial, and that It to to has s duty perform iiiondent Morning Timet.) Villa forces and stock food ror the horses Mexico city. In wnirh II was declared the humanity which nu longer should be post- nrownsvms. ran. adtii . wim oi tne revolutionists, nut are permuting situation was more cliaotlr ano hi iplcss poned. artillery and cavalry reinforcements near rorces to-- Drstrm-tloa- . away, the i.arranaa obtain all needed iinn ever" was brought to El Paso yester- last Drlftlas to Camargo. ninety two miles tod we supplies on the side or day by Mullan! a delegate Mexico la toward total destruc- general Oernre Tens tbe border Arthur Johnson, drifting assault unlikely lo occur Violation or neutrality due to favoritism Is representing Jointly the American, and tion, in. in which a mistaken altruism Is text Wednesday, (eneral Rodrigues tun alleged. or the lie mil national committee or the capital powerless to save it. The present struggle morning a re iignt sneiis The head customs division iiiiriju caimer the complaint to M dltlrlcl. the- latter composed or 17 national does not represent the efrorls or a people and more than a few bullets Into tna referred tbe state depart rifle ment and announced upon or Ittrs aggregating mote than nuts! persons to secure their Utterly snd equal rights SO arrancióla trenches before Matamoros that receipt or this morning. a ruling rrom Secretary Bryan he would Johnson on bis way east to take up the much aa a rlaas persoual ambition ami sliooltng, waa Dy issue tne proper Instructions to the Browns mailer with put lie men. revente. Tn winch witnessed Tbe "Americans Mexico look to the i Major Oeoersl Frederick Punston and vllle custom authorities. resolutions wrre drawn March 10 at in Darty army officers, a meeting attended by about ioo members or for the protection which tney be- of United State wall lieve due to receive, and tbe ad- evidently for the purpose of annoying toe AMERICAN BU UACKETS WELL the American colony, In answer to s it Is Ibetr BV CARRANZA VEI from ine Washington govern- ministration', desires and unquestionable garrison anil Keeping toe soratera peM TREATED AT CHIT. they respect-full- up In a badly ment again siiggeniing lhal lite Americans duty to afford; and further Matamoros from securing By the Mooseted .Prase leave the republic. express tbe hope that their views needed rest. may as may ef- - Trie American officers watched the firing Washington. April I Two hundred blue "The last request that Americans leave he given such publication or Jackets rrom the American fleet, marooned the caoiiai was sent by Mr. Bryan at a time rectlvely assist tne .unem-a- people in from a point on the Texas aide UN ne opinion or Hlo Hrande. about l.vt yards rrom tne end ashore at Vera Cruz for two days and un- when must have known lhat there was foi tiling sound the Mexican of the Carrancista trenches, which were able to get back to their ships on account no rsllroad exit," said Johnson, who Is an situation filled The shooting or weather, American aflorar? of ihe Mexican capital. "What then will be necessary to relieve with iinn. apparently rough have been accorded "My the eunsequrnt snd prevent, per was without effect. every courtesy by tbe Carranza authori- arrival in re was erier u trip of the distress utmost uncertainty. There remain bsps, tbe death or thousands from starva- One thing disclosed by tne firing was ties. Tbe state department announced to- about ' iiic presence in ine nouriguex camp 01 a day rrom fifty American women at ihe capital." tion in normal times It requires lmo.uiu . that advices Vera Crux said Rear The message or .March 10 tons or corn to reed these l3..vJ,ut!0 people number of small guns. The Vtlls corn-- Admiral Caper several days ago requested Bryan ion asked to make us public, to the sec- ovar a period or eight months, with the. mander. how ever, refused to show Mem and was granted permission to land two ici wnirh to visitors this afternoon. retory replied that he did not consider this visible supply tut tr.,uuu tons this leaves hundred men dally ror liberty. On the wise, nu J a shortage or l.m.ono tons or 3V.T7l.tXM During the sniping rrom the Carranza or or March the American colony trenches a number or bullets fell on tna night April l, on account rough si tit tin- ri.llowiiiir and final rrnlv: bushels. Tbls corn must be purchased Auiei lean side, but no one was hurl. wealher, the men could not return, and Time lu lace laciv front the lulled States. The present mar- The operations of the aerial squad were through the courtesy or Hariri Zubaran. TBB Amen, an residents In Mexico llllv ket pure laid down at points along tbe again postponed today. On the Villa side minister or tna Interior, were, given quar- do In msss meellng express their sppre-- northern rrontler is to cents gold a bushel, tne failure or tne aviator to arrive rrom ters In the customs bouse. Rough weather at Ion or the serreiary of state's message lr we allow i', cenia gold a buabel ror dis- Monterey was given ar the reason, and it continued and the men received the same, or March H. as communicated to in. m by tribution cost throughout ihe various parts Is understood the lack or a pilot also pre- courtesies when obliged to remain ashore the Bratlllau minister. However, Ihey most or the republic, we have a charge or II .Ui vented lb Carranclstas making use or trie on the night of April í respectfully submit thst it Is their fixed gold per bushel, which will necessitate the. machine which Is lying Idle In their camp. Other advices were summarised as rol onthtoD, deducted from lite past four years' expenditure of Sii,Si3,7M) gold to prevent a Oeneral Hodrtgues received report today lows I experience, nine nas come to se- - devastating famine. By thai lime Ihe pur- , nisi ins or that the advance guard or bis relnrorco-ments- "The department Is Informed that cepi ii,,. .Mexican situslion for what it I chasing puwer tbe Mexican peso will MO men tindor Colonel Ascención have dropped to ten ceuls gold ao, due to VlUa and Angeles have gone west or the Hernandez, bad lert Camargo and were to rrom Monterey, which Is reponed aulet. the Ignorant and seirishness military be rollowed In a raw hours by ioo cavalry rrom or warring ractlons may u j to represent armaments or sll ractlons, Mexico will rind or Carranza forces Laredo and surround called upon to expend II3.I37.MU. and artillery with four batteries neto ing towns are said to be It to be. herself guns. The march from i. amargo overland concentrated at "The record .a clearly written lu rsrte pesos to prevent tbe larger part or her pop- to Matamoros will at Lampasos- rrom to death. require least three April rrom which show the true value or the preten ulation starving days, so tbat a general assault and bom- "Advlces dated l the west sions or contending groups. Tbry note the "Where Is 'his money lo come trota? or the positions is coast- state that Carranza rorces are ad- or a bottom' acraped treasury and bardment carrancista vancing or opinion the president that he does not With s unlikely 1m Tore Wednesday. in the direction OuadalaJara and think It would contribute to their welfare while ti'.e.i country, Mexico must throw her- Shortly before dark tonight large bodies that Jose M. Addis, an Italian sublert. has to upon the charily of the world. ror grant their request to make public their self of men rrom the villa ramp at Las nucías been imnrlsoned three weeks, armarenl. communication or Man n v. tney ask mat "not only hsve thev taken away the man could be sinn moving in the direction or Jy by tbe Carranclstas at Manzanillo, con- ft be made known to the president that it snd the farm material from the land and the Carrancista trenches, but no firing nad ditions are quiet at Quay man and Masarían." la their firm conviction lhat it requires thus produced these dire results, but many occurred up to a late hour. Tne point them to lake the people or ihr United males Instances hsve been reported where the which seemed to be the objective of tne into tneir ruiiest ronrinence sun in tne military commanders have actually Villa forre is strongly held, nearly hair interests or humanity tu lay before them permitted the horses and mules to reed on of the Carrancista strength being CHINA HELPLESS the whole tru'h or the Mrtiran situation the young and gsowlng corn In such sec- there, as well as rourteen macnine 11 msy have been planted while guns. and In the prerormauce uf thia duty they tions where earnestly invite and amenity nope tor tne tha droughts In the north and eaat have During the morning Oeneral Funston completed the work or ruin Inaugurated way aid and rooperstlnn or the administration made his .alone along the American They desire. Insofar as they can, to con- by these men. Stored grain has alan been bank of the Hlo orande to get a closer lu conaldorable quantities oy the or rtrVag iba AGAINST trovert the systematic mtsrepretentelton of burned view the between oppoaiag JAPAN tne Mexican situation, to put an end ot vandals and tbe records show that In the factions. The sppeeranca of vule evasion repression or tne truth hi re, face or all this, some seirish military leaders party brougM heavy lira ad especially as to own have actually exported grato to epricn prjpoalto guard thereto, their - from the Carrancista trenches situation and altitude. They are not sur- - themselves, pus to tbe paralysis of com- ' eneral Funston, which vac returned or a targe pat uu, so a man who might Uml, . - I ihnl laxeseaii al arssexr t i oi tne vimiias, nut rar wat MjraJMa tamMim ivltti iTfTawrt SlnxscK tñtbe ufmnal or grain si wsa NEW. Beanstos transported rram liMaaj IV TO nlWinalltUaartl, Mprama of oro, Inclino lo those of consumption. a waate of the too small stock on 'sto1ilWftoaersl Funston. Besom turnea mb Mstr apeja caa orieroej crown promise snouta ne esomaiea oy wim uen- causing n ersl Carransa has done and decreed since hand. panled by his chler, of Starr, Major W H. these are Ihe direct re- Hay, and aide, Captain W. 0. Ball, lert Ay And chose to eJsewH with hiimbe tstOttlOSvTi me his triumphal enay into the Cltv of Mexico "Tbat eendltlona hlr tea on August is, Isst. sult or. the wanton ami seirish altitude of itrownsvllle ror department head quarters April military of ractlons at San Antonio. Pekln, conference Between That he might ease the heavy load ttsay bore. xrnnrarv conin., anon oi rroprny. the leaders different "Tbe from Mexicans who claim to tie righting ror the liberties "1 do not consider the situation iter representatives of China and japan were arbitrary taking and most oen- Plant hope faith foreigners or property inotuaing nouses or the people, has been made plain dangerous at the present Urna." sata continued today, but' nothing ass and in tirad human hearts by tbe of Oeneral Alvaro eral Funston before wrvinlT "1 esmect to here, auiomoblles, garages, furniture, of late conduct Tbe Chínese employed their usual higher money and crops; the Issuing of oliregon, acting under the directions of return as soon as the maul focos resuma tactics avoiding the the And lead them up to thoughts and lives.. decrees Carransa. fighting.-- ' of mutative and so In contravention of rlgtil, fairness and Oeneral Venusllano or Japanese took up all or tbe ses- as to he almost the de- Inhumanity of Obregva. with the departure Oeneral Pension. sion a discussion or or Justice incredible, Colonel A. P. Blocksom. of the Third cav- with details tbe liberate, persistant and III concealed attempt Oeneral Obrrgdn entered tbs city of alry, becomes commander or the united south Manchuria immigration question. conditions. Acspulco and to starve a city of fwu.uun inhabitants, de- Mexico ou January tfvi last. On tbe rol ules border patrol. They did not commit themselves, however, quiet. priving them of water, fuel and transporta- lowing day the water supply or tbs city to a choice of tbe Chinese offer tu waive CARRANZA AGAIN The stale department today received GERMANY RUSHES tion; the shlpplug or defenseless women wss rut. Tbs price of roodslurrs. already BROWNSVILLE SITUATION the question of emigrants coming to south dispatch rrom Zacatecas confirming tne In locked rattle cars to Vers Out; the very high, due to tbe depreciation In tbe Manchuria except in cases involving land report thst Oeneral laobel RoMaa. secre away of the of 'power or alrylcan currency, IP TO SECRETARY BRYAN. tary to tiuttorpsa. carrying controllers electric purchasing By Bpeoiai to tAe owoerantp. of war Oeneral Bad street cart, thus paralysing tranalt, the to figuren, but Oeneral Wirt Time The Chinese re- on April I all or 01s com rots exorbitant Washington, April i. Protasis reached government has not "surrendered closing or he courts and schools, the hold- Obregon. acting under the direct orders or ceived official encouragement rrom anv mand, machine guns, smmanttKin ana Ihe and the treasury department rrom Brownsville to Oeneral VUla'a near ing of priests for ransom: srresl oeneral Carransa. endeavoratt in every way power aucb as would warrant resistance to POLITELY ASKED equipment rotees REINFORCEMENTS or 300 business men who hsd (Continued on Page a.) today to the errert that customs officials has, (.amacno.- - detentlou are prohibiting the transportation Japan and thererore, conceded de at Ilia request or the general In there mand arter demand. Foreigners In touch roed Supply Serious Problem. charge of the city; the pereerution or Span- with toe aituatton express tbe opinion thst A report predicting tbat Mexico reces iards, suppression of malls and violation or China must concede every point on which serious situation respecting her food sup aealed correspondence, both foreign and Japan Instala. TO PROTECT LIFE plies hss been made by a committee or INTO HUNGARY IN domestic II. e removal of public archlvea EXPECTS ITALY TO News rrom Manchuria and Shantung tells Americans and other foreigners In Mexico and the stripping of public buildings; the AMERICAN OFFICERS of aggressive action on the part or the city wr has bean investigating tne situa- open Invllstlob lo riot snd loot; the sacking Japanese troops in the garrison there. For tion. Tbe report in part la aa roliowg: of and desecration or images; the example, it la reported that several Chinese "Pour years or almost continuous right- killing or snd the outraging or women, were put to death for stealing Japanese AND ing throughout tbe various parla or the are events too recent snd well known to telegraph wire. The Chinese elvutans offer PROPERTY OF republic has produced s condition ot af EFFORT TO HALT permit their being overlooked in running ENTER WORLD WAR TO LEAVE GERMANY no resistance and some or them have lert fairs In the food supply mistión so serious judgment Tbe wantonness of such acts their homes. as to threaten a famine or such proportions renders II Impossible to arcept tbe profes- Owing to me satires taken by the govern- as to necessitate the world-wid- aid. Tne sions or tbe ractlonlsts. or their counsels ment, no serious antl Japanese boycotts ran tbat farm hands have everywhere as to ihe course to be pursued by rorelgn been thrown Into armies, thai era. of ihe Ameri- have been reported la any section, nor baa FOREIGNERS. RUSSIAN ADVANCE It la the earneat desire MKMBKB Or HAMBCB OI OP.Pl TIES BAYS there been repetition tbe farm anímala have beea utilised ror use cana In Mexico to assist the Washington PUSHKIN OP ARMY OBSERVERS REN i of ""- - purposes, or SB WILL P BOB .ABLY uiaoruers, woscn oi laeznaeiveg were unun that readers roving bends administration to find a solution for tbe COtlNTRV UERRD UNTENABLE BY TENDENCY ST portent. marching under banners containing fan las perplexing international situation that exists MIAU I I It. THIS BOMB. th-- the HUM. SOME GERMANS TO C BITWISE U. Representatives or legends about liberty and rights Slid lo this end they request tbat their er S several ni ai basse wbt ot men. Which they use ss s blind to fa- are Shanghai have tbe forts be rewarded as made In good fslth and is rabiad central cilitate robbery, pillage and murder, nave lhat knowledge and experience or the goveratnent an imperative demand to know so crops their By tea Associated Press My tk decreased the that by rtovembsr. Mexican situation be accorded full weight. iiwasM Press wnai preparations nave been taken to pre FIRST CHIEF'S ATTENTION I s of SS.v7u.tM) FURIOUS IN CAR- Paris, April Veona. editor or vent rrom Ml, there will he shortage FIGHTING Thev are willing lo make a sacrifice lr Washington, April a -- Tbe five army otfl- - Japan Impostor Korea's fste oi bushels or corn alone, not to mention MM anv good may ac the Turki Alampa and also a member of Use Chins. There are no signa of ihrooeh Uiem ultimate military other absolutely necessary cereals, are crue to the Mexican people or American Italian chamber or told prc.eraiious CALLED TO INDISCRIM- now wall known to those Investigating, PATHIANS WHERE AUS- deputies, tbs Oermi Many unaware prestige, but they reel that thus far the today that he had s deep, ciusens. of tbe army a in wba Bass Bxads s caret ul study of tins very opposite baa Been tbe result Tney Press eapselty, advocate dart anee or Japan, INATE FIRING phase or Mexico's ills. conviction tbat Italy would hegtn war ofrirera. Tbe reason assigned by Secretary government but BY HIS TRIA NS ARE STUBBORNLY consider that American civilisation is on Oarrtsoo for the today waa the officials apparently rear to Csssatry el starvotous PredaeUvUy. against oermany and Austria recall order laar any kuud before tbs end tbat their mission had been fuirUlod. Tola TROOPS EN TAMP1CO "Thai lbs effects of una wanton destruc- RESISTING ATTEMPT OF uf April explanation, It was announced, would bo tion ara only just beginning to be rait la Blgnor Veone said Italy's military prepa- due to the great productive agriculture rations were almost complete. The Italian RHEIVERNAMEQ WHICH HAS ALREADY RE- riches of Mexico where It Is said the SLAVS TO BREAK (iOVEKNOR NAMES be declared, waa not wslttoa fanner has bat to scratch the soil and R.vernmnnt, bailie lu favor of the allies, considered by army officials lo determin SULTED IN IMMENSE LOSS drop bis aeed while tkd and suusnlne do PASSESj TEU- but desired to become engaged In the war ing tu withdrew i be observers the rest. BUI gaff seeking and sell sp THROUGH before such a battle. He added lhat It was The American officers. It la said, have I minted military laattsi save tor so swag not possible for Austria lo satisfy lb SSS round position somewhat difficult be TO OIL OPERATORS; FOOD lime prevented tbe farmer from even TON GARRISONS IN FLAN-DER- S aspirations, because, tu part, they con- cause of the high tension to whlcb at least FOR SHIP COMBINE eseasxsS tha seal eear so as sat aa acre APPELLATE JUDGES cerned tbe Mediterranean a few of those with whom they mual rosne age that Mexico Is about to reap the wain The seller waa rxpreased by in contact In Oermany crlUclae toe attitude SITUATION SERIOUS. wind BBS hss sewn. DEPLETED. thst ihe Vatican would not be ap- of tbe tolled sute on various subjects Com to the atarr of Ufa to Mesías, ss posed lo Italy intervening In tbe war Re relating to tbe war. y The effect bes Basa U wheel ar its bmBbwi ia other eosxatrtes. said alan that It waa not necessary tor tha Tha harvest of this esreel tor tha sigssBI i" lumper tne oiiservers and ooen nossiblll 1AM WAR SRI aro AaaociATxt nances raa government lo convoke parliament for lbs lu--s or basrla about tha first of Noveaasaar. of declaring war. personal ruction tbat might become APT new couarr j purposs are LB ISSS IN ABBS Ss INTERNA- By the vestal Prese Is sarht ssantas rreas aa oats of use My sh AeeeetoSeS PVeea at bbaimon inn rnationai. ami oinriais Here under or report, t pea to have TIONAL SsUCANTBLE MARIN t. . Washington. April L The Ui this sBveeusseioa pour-ha- aloud determinad to withdraw the tbat bul five alausa ur Melles s IssBns. April t. The uernaasa are officers ratbei man thai any unpleasant in Its to sap should occur. aoftl. Irril reasforeeaaeau axis Huaasry rtdrnl Usas to uenersl cairanaa are being My Seevtal Win as ato ranges ATLANTIC COAST IN slAeiiiiaatSB Bert tas Asstrlaa armtea whlcb as. ameers to prsWfllss to foreigners i Austin, Tessa. April i Judge juun Sale sweeps New New York. asta x Tbe issssraaiii sal afford ara prensa by v. BBS Carpathian t.ouiey or aaauiuuatl aa enter justice, My tAe .iseuctosed p,. blssNsBBaJe sai their totosejaa. cmmmpmmm Tmmmmm Bf Mlddlahrook h ' 'MsrBse, oosnpeny, rjse rustt is Slapatcbsa rrom Holland again of Neeoedo. and Hon Boston Kuril in heeler snowstorm sMVaavMaasM &Tf&tÍ9BÚ tM IMa) to lbs note em oeoerel Lar assssiassa o Brooks of as Bsetlres. a tteéUtttmf b$ first asssaass saaa rrom Bailgiuui to stfeogtbsu cseMtofs sseoctoa driven before aorlbesat J P. Morrea A whteb placed ussttar eas ri was irsasssiakss war appouiieu tor toe coun us civu reached a velocity of S. and Asaertcaa fitTsU ttxsa lasts rs rroat where GRIP OF BLIZZARD eoatrol some at the principal KnglUh. ftof appeals at Bsaisaral By uoveiuer rwrgs hour, swept the New England coast totughi. Belglsa v'tiaid by iswssse Csrrsais baas saBas BXe uftaneivs ana tedae. crippled Ijsirltai asa sasejasxhay Raws ply Si .wfg Mas a&l to CarpeOuau wire rouiioumcaiiua and ssasnr B Bras as Uu Untied Btotoe awS Europe, C The sstfle tbs cooimues My i atol sa was resraao alter Besnug titluB and caused anxiety to ship Su date now gasa w serviré tostojr west ksto the haada as a BsdaMl ra- - ranas anal hss ByjsjeSMjatoasji. Jhs husaians. holers llar atrrereai lor least five crart known laxTÍrat ITTrBA'BsXTaS iled and d. Ücd b.a"i.amájutHiis"f eelver. íWbjj mt Lorries sa-- ntito uf the rest af Beastart, wtst i K iwtm eaxaasweas Oal IU I - The i n as y ror BBJ añeras to reres naos sos the aal a, o MltS, WET wo ST It St IHKfctT- íes has ata asssihs Beea tjnMJriikjsTi rsSCTo UHa nu reply lUM aiPtroatliMtl u washes to SBW tha Si at aSa.taLses Lsstaaer aasasxa. aaS aysan the saeeess af and penalista of pabhio to sire aa tu yvu om ens ra ai'iN bastes Make Uedtoes oeitoaseal Suoala .asnee páranos tastr army. which Is oa taat ucisaietiaiiy nave at aecisss sUei-eT- tret k Émwiv njisaiiiniii mtkm wm mm o BBs our liiíix.alH feSMiula WS.M NBW toaus tbs iBiesiBisil Maresaule Marsse BaaesTtas atas of Dukia. is vallina sSSee Ha aaaSse seexaaussg its aavahrs. air equally eouipalenl and I". si toa la.s ano H. Admiral araiaaiMu has Been eaahes is on I ssu tasaseis pay dlvlrtsasfs. U U aato aeeeuiaaiy huaalalla ii..- nal BBS ouws bun uutosui. luted K that with the oui mk mm mmm m mm m I all lbs will apprectoto wa Sp las i aid. for operations. J, Break Mm - tas Iba of ricial reports af tas Bares iaa war Its ssrnisaa taMHll. iTTiájriwvMv- placed, New York, s - ,.a and day the letter's request assecagf saasaastosL pre. ipKetmg ihr iwiwtoiüil repules of Auatiieii attacks jBfn asd tosí aprtl v duiy aa aeujor muiisry Use failure or ii on ine pan as ene atttltwr ui sal trtoto. stsay af Us sfcepa sre saw is láutte bv bóllela i'urlraituiB wave a is oue aouia ur virtually IBS estire Aiianu aboard were na department pass, be to ao sviae ausid Tuudiitoua to tbe TISSBISS i sad ssst of uasok to Ma grtp sf B satoiature biisaard ua tou, Ine secretary asid he had awl dataiwdee It Ujskeisss to toe ras ul g afficlels sssxcb cease re Bar nflaaiss. Vili . AaarM a. i ion tlM.ii su rus. list a,.isinsseui he would ates to Beer MSfSS Hon of lovaltr or toe day befare Beater mw, thick, was sst of a pass. to UU hW .line lo wbltb ibey Admiral Flake sur Sed be aetoctsd is resistance or tbs Aua tsasarnnr sticky, driven by s BiitBiaii gale chief Of rarauasia use approxl of lbs s read la aesrSXssaaaasa aa SaiaeBaa trtaaa niy frUHUl. Judge C r BWneOa. ur uo tlasss sltoiaed a clucit of auty erully treaded By Praakllu, irtaa asaja sjast the Oa etsxsJB my or resyeee of reaspaay. asa I. aa BnsslaBi to have arty, was cauce for una tba aa Br id ap tratos toe asst?i aere fetasdred officers eud to view of Uss fact question ules hour. sa sAañjSasa tobea Brtosaera bul that the est TaMuntlCAa. er..ri NMMMI g1- tofl'y srstors fur liUl'lie. asas and o ten wss sed BBJ u. .f ills re. esuiuig.. oaaaed srat tbe saast - perry '.ese base captured suus Tal a' f IN EABLV s réstese waa retsawjasl to bass aaaea sad use propriety s tos candína, Ms ssssttefTV fHssf BaMsitJdI. sfMBflt MBBesHHMB SajsajBBjBiajKassm IN MAY several ttasoeeeseiui anaest. ta Sur Aasartsa nmaynaasau lata for tía pises, he Stout at perahU SSS a, Is WssTCdB. n.i t uo TBtot BE bsab úewésd Tf coat u (srsw'to'tosstwa view - at' at Use ana weak to rea ass Its haae. But wish aaesrvlag and to tSetr sis t iHj b! l j isi aUSit- staUli g thai Be dr aired, sad lusT-ti-i utos sssdaHajped tai My IA. A to hsve uss ruily istssvasi rreas any crtu clean uxsu axlsal artos fseas uña Sanaa Toledo r"ude ,435ia)a Ti of useblg la ...i. air tssT aso lusa Usa ulfaaul.. aiul uata- - tst Taa af syaafilii sahs ar use Istasr tretod toSu BaisarsBia. but ha siu.e to be urr cape narsstse. tt.rv sir ii lure mmtmm w hvit ( nnt i i iiei a u skip rnue Msurlu of .nsiriri i There u ao eaasae Votoud bui the We.i una asa to of a a ludisn dUtrasa w'ta? ra nvasxsni af ueraaaa troop. rrUiU Senium Sag wireless calla lor heap. Bat uaotsast ex laaxxggraVtodieasss that itssir svsexst staff Sssused up sy reaaaa a csuafc ISM aa las sue at dr. awawss. H a4 aWMa9jr a tasaasy .ver ta. . ts kiwalsas ajarajtoja na MmWt MtmMmm r'f BapsjsJJjsstsB) EsaNr C IÉBI ttfj UW asUl iWsf tt sxBiajBes ea l eas a. ÍtuIisiT aWaexvasto T 191 S. EL PASO MORNING TIMES Sunday. April 4. a di rannnna of - as onrteratsvwi rtrsnvs l st ssvee th nvaens and the slam Mass ws hsvs never had serious tarree bs drsnun- art Ynu see. we believe in the "aser in Iks' a cos try or course, is dramatic con Ihe cause and Ihe elTecl, or a genersl bet menl nothing tn nr tershent or th cheater The abence or uch Hon cur wuction there ts prevent In a l over w pack In doing II we an in Ihe drama It the mark "As soon Ihe esnn condemn the of but Aasnrt tniereal printed out In opnoslte dlrei cans don't Ilk sneh plsys I d like to pet or a degraded enhile taste and of a national our srlps snd set not Ir I go to Southern f'sltfornls to a alee, shrew dollar to s doughnut that drams that does not pretend snd does tlonr big gsme "TsklSg rare to anything essentially different fih, Dssre go ui Alask sfter 'nanees" worTt last eery long he hanger the gsme, nove "Oe Trial" Hatlag Cecal Sag. from, at the het. s child' toy. at th Worst If I after bis or the anteroom to an evil woman's boudoir chooses Europe. Two ot three months It Is worthy of note In this connection "How many of the moat popular plays of that and w rsn stand each other ágela .In Safe Remedy that "On Trial" has passed Its two hon Amertes arid rnglend will fact, when we meet w sre better friends ara there thst to try It. dred and rirtleih performanre at the l and aland Ihe teat or reading without prorlslm then ever . Msrrled folk ought ler theater snd thai It Psr to Advertise" Ing themselves to b rrank bnneomb. trick If the winning way to happtn. g I nesrlng the asme mark "Twin Beds" ly slipshod slsng. grinning Kidneys eentlrasttt. i and Liver has also paaoad the two hundred snd rtrty idMVcv or veiled ranrnosgphr? asestas Perls mark, a hss "Under sfoesr." "The Law Pave Montgomery and Fred ston whom i Aseeesaeed Prw has been a standard medicine I "t Í a. L...I .hre sea of the and" Is spproarhlng It two hun- hair the country rememtver with pleasant rapes dred and twenty fifth performance The silll vivid memo ríes of comical men ere drowned o Ihe Delswsr since 1877. It has brought and their todsy. During s siset niy inn nas neen at use IjfTic since early capers in The Wtssrd of Os," "The Red In the roast storm barge relief to many who have suf- fall. And Ihe only on that has even the Mill" and other dellghtrul etirgvtgsnsa. entns "i the nowtorrn s lrsndd very allgtiteat element of. rlsqueness ts celebrsted th other night st the lilobe was discovered by the '.spe Henlopen rosst "Twin neds " All of which proves thai the " Repeated efrortt fe resch the barge fered with severe kidney and thester. where they sre ternng In hin gusrd seamen dean piar Is the only sort of play thst i:hln." ih twentieth snntverssry or their fslled and later three drowned liver complaints really make money. Ir yon Introduce sny atag partnership. were found. and were scene or s risque yen must be 1 BBrÜsBiáwl aMeáf fl nsture sure "On Msrrh IS, ISO, era out as s thst It or the i leanest sort of fun. started Ssnged-f- ready to give up in despair. team In Mew iirleans st a combined salary Staff Officer s Spy. On the siibieri of the evil or the nresent- - or MO a week. It seemed s tot or money the aaeootased Pre Two sbjaa, 90c no. your i and V at day theater Henry Arthur Jone, who hss said Btone "Then we broke Into e rrngrsd, Apni II orr'c'"'' more man plays lo hi he Colonel Mtsssoyedorr Jw k druggist, or direct. peseasid on receipt ninety credit Jumped bsck into vaudeville and nnnnred thst o Ides "The Ms." In which Msrgsret mint made our first big hit In Tne Wlisrd of w as attached sa Interpreter lo th sisrr of pries. OS.' During sll these years Dave snd I hsve the Tenth srmy. provd to be '''rnisti been inrether every morning, noon snd trey, snd was tried by rourl msrtlal snd Ven sr aWsvi. "A widely spread Interest In the printed night In the plsytng months la all that hanged enter' a Sate lemesli Real mi. Soeheeter, With Tomorrow, Monday, Comes Our week by tbs El Paso Clearing House as- sociation aftow that the clearances or the tl Paso banks for January, Fsbrusry and March, composing the rtrsi quarter nr the After-East- er year let 4. amounted to MO.Tas.4a4 5. as Sale Of Women's Apparel against a total of Ui 0 for the cor- responding months snd qusrter of lots, at special concession from our usual stock prices. The diversity of frocks fat this important representing an tncrasse in smount or travel or evening NEW dssrsncss or HJSLStD.M It la doubtful ale proridas for every social rUrtasnH of the season. Whether it be a coat for 129 If there 11 snotber city In Texas, nr else comprehensive assortments. Have Received where that would be able to mske s wear, a dinner dress or an afternoon suit, it is embraced in these utcment st this Mm- - that would stand And the models shown are down to the last minute of style, in tha favored shades of the season. FIRST AWARDS comparison with that of El Psao, snd It Is In long one of which tbs ctty snd its people are its and glorious career the Checkering has Justly proud. ARRIVAL received I 29 First Awards, and been the chosen It snows mbre eloquently than could Qf Women's Suits, words or argument that the city IS Second Floor Offerings instrument oí the world's greatest artists. progressing rapidly, and Inst Its rnmnvr rial and Industrial health ts sound snd robust. Dresses, Skirts, Blouses and Coats Wlills bulktlng sctlvity in the city snd weekly sales of property running into IN thousand snd hundred! or thouasnds or SUITS $12.95, $17.95, $24.75 dolltia .,,ntin lie. to tie the regit Isr order or business tn El Paso, so much so tint including the entire collection of suits formerly marked $1 6.00, the presence of these activities no longer models excltsa vtny psrtlctilar comment, there is $25.00 and $32.00, respectively. All this season's It vil the sweet, prxriv minting quality of the Chlck-erln- g siso considerable movement in El Hsso the newest style features in bolero jackets snd flare skirts the that helped these brjlltant masters of technique valley lands, snd a number or big sales TOWN ewre repotted during the week. accepted colors shown in the best materials all sizes. hulld their fame and marvelous compositions. You An Important event Tor the valley fsrms would he safe In selecting- what they hsve selected. wss Ihe srrlvsl In n Psso yesterdsy or F. or Ihe W. Prortor, slate experimental DRESSES-45.- 95, The matter. Oodowskl, writes of the Chlckertng: buresu of Ihe A M. college, who Is her $9.75, $14.95 ITS ONE THAT HAS imt tn recommend the appointment or a county "It has orchestrnl volume and variety of color, well farm adviser, which will be msde during reduced from $10.00. $1 5.00 and $22.00. A comprehensive already started peo- as the utmost delicacy and clearness." this week. The sdvlser will be an agri- styles of dresses of cultural expert, who will be in a position collection of the favored the day in crepe de ple to talking our A selection of (.rands, riayer to give the most skilled snd scientific ad- chine, soft taffeta, faille silk, messaline, silk poplin copies snd fine Grand. I'prighl snd vice to the farmers, snd II Is estimated risyers of this grand old piano now on exhibition at thst In this way be' will be worth in adaptations of Pariaian models. Spring and Summer directly many thoussnda of dollsra to we rarrm-r- of the valley. stock of Clothcraft New Buslaeas Bloek I'soteiaplsled. The American Furniture company la pre- COATS $6.95, $9.75, $12.95 All-Wo- Clothes. Co. paring to erect s big rotnmerrlsl building. Jenkins Piano To consist of s cont rete struc- formerly priced at $12.00, $15.00 snd $18.00. Coats for ture to be erected on South Stanton streut, dress, evening, motoring traveling, in gabardines, shepherd's BIO PIANO Mot si near Ovsrlsnd. The building in question or will adjoin s big commercial structure or plaids, checks, mixtures snd French serge in the English box THESE CLOTHES riinnc Tesas Street Hires stories to be constructed for 1. 2.Tuning. S.on Work Guaranteed. The two structures In question will effect and full bell bottom. So Popular that be modern business buildings, and will add Are to the appesrsnre or that section or Ihs city. we need only to say It BLOUSES 98c and $1.98 SKIRTS $1.98 and $2.98 . The srrnltectiirsl rirm or Troat Troat -1- reports thai plana snd specirirsltona are radical reductions from $1.75 and $3.50 an extensive assortment that was priced they are better this being designed ror s great number of new will $3.00 and $5.50 formerly colors, models be- buildings, construction of which shor- in charming array st prices, above quoted, the season than ever tly be undertaken. In many instance, and tailoring leave nothing to be desired ma- particulars concerning such building pro- Embodying all the latest fore at prices you BUILDING PERMITS FOR MARCH jects are uol given out In advance of the terials include covert cloth, army cloth, gab- $32,000 1' tting of contracts to erect tha same. style touches in the favored shades and color- ardines, poplins, serges and black white are acquainted with, Also the firm Is prepsrlng plsna ror a and magnificent Masonic temple lo be erected ings of the hour. checks. The newest ideas in pleatlngs. $15 to $22.50. st Tucson. Art st s cost of more than ItOO.UUO. The building Will be constructed MORE THAN FOR CORRESPONDING PERIOD along Hues similar to that of. the F.l Paso Tomorrow. A Special Offer- Masonic uniipie, uimi wxit navatwo asene. Fetching Little Mate Sly Realty Deal Cossumsasled. ing Of Trimmed Hats AND WHAT'S MORE furl the past week deals were msde LAST YEAR BANK CLEARINGS GREATER tKrotii Brosddus A LcBsroti whrreh laed that ara trmrnughty distinctive For Children At You must see the Elliott and c B. BSaVena purchased and In accordance with the lat- front Ernest Wright the property consist ent fancies of fashion. 5 30 BlueySerKe for ing of tbs j tsnuih Ore goat $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 street, including s 60 room tenement Specially Spring. You know house, the consideration tnvohcel being Priced prices indeed flattering HKt.otKi. une building conveyed is s two $4.95 and $7.98 splendid $15 Real Estate Record Week More Than Maintains Itself leg structure of in rooms, and the to the quality and finish what a Put other s ope story brick or iO room. The A wonderful array, constitut- of the hate. The assort- psrties also arqutred one hall or block it. value that was last Business Men Pleased With Status of Affairs All Along the Last EI Psso, lying at the ntlcraectlon of ing a completa aaaortmont In ment Includes Panamas, Btevefl I and Tata streets. On these prem which ara offered the newest Ihco hats, silk braid season, and here it is ' Line Valley Farm Lands Still Active in Market. laes are s two. story brick, snd effects at very apaelal prions. combined with crepe de i 't room tenement house. Box Turbans. Sailors, Tricórnea, china gome of lingerie with again for the same lie real estate business In F.I Paso Is ahowtng s derided Improvement," sstd trimmed with Flowers, Wings, trimmings of voile, lac and W. II. Hawkins, of the firm or Hawkins Ribbons, Ornament. Leghorns little flowers to match. money, with the im With building permits for the mmtin nr hulneii and rtnancul way, Insuring me Bros. "We arc, having s heavy demand for not) or Die total for ejptnalon snd hcillhy growth In continue easy payment houses, snd the man of small and other fashionable light and Second Floor an-c- x Msrrh Ml. In eirest provement or Msrrli. mi, and with bank rleerinna rnr ynmii'trlrslly in all lines or mntisinii means lias realised that now Is the best dark hats. the rtrsi qu trier of 1M. over SS.'OO.ikW in activity. lime ror him lo buy. while lerms can be other year of eireta or the rirat qtiarrer last year, a con- Miiildliirr permita tor the month of Mann hsd almost like paying rent-- and prices are vincing commentary lit presented roncero HKKi'sal'd tile suni or vl,W0. coveriim almo. as reasonable as paying Ihe entlrs perience. ing the rinenrUI tollrlerttY Of El Peso tw permita tfsued. This was just Ha.'' smoiitit tn cash, hir business bss been and II continued growth snd prosperity. ore Hum the total lor Mitri ISM. mi greater than sny other yesr st tin- - sesson, Basement Budget Of Monday Features Xol nnlv In activity onehateel and run siso s lissvy Increase over the permits and we reel rnnfidenl that there will he tlnuslly nn the upgrade In the matter or for Mum v last, wblrti amounted to s heavy movement of real estate during the real estate activity snd new bnlldinit ojirt trct.os, iimnier months, 'here sre precttralfy no Bargains In CALL ON US, we'll attona. but the rlty Is protperou. in a The nrrtclal rtgurea issued iturlus Ihe houses lo he bad for rent in the illy, and Brief Main Floor as as thry are rent houses sis taken fast WHITE ENAMEL BEDS Continuous round posts, Novelty gladly show you offered." reinforced rilling rods, strong ilSe ralla; Handbags 98c ir the season a handbags in leather some clothes for regularly 19.60. Basement Hpeclal Se4D and moire, PORCH Made of woven wire heavy attractively finished with the new collapsible Spring that with- roTh with steal are "TAKING CHANCES" frame aprlnga, full alte, white enamel, or ( Qf gate top and one lock attachment regularly in your means fireproofGunterHAN ANTONIO. TEXAS.HotelEUROPEAN bronse finish; regularly $t no, for s))aafs) sold elsewhere at $1.50. A Hotel Built for the Climate li M l. TKKEtV Well made of burnished brushed clothes will , Now Neckwear 49c that PERCY TVBREIJj, Manager, Official Hcailquarters T. P. A. A.A. A. NEEDS FUMIGATION brssa. riveted tubing-- reinforced. Special, Si At bring to you that tomorrow, each J) 1 .iJ dainty collars of organdie, oriental lace snd MÉ t HF.AM KRJCEAKRS Three-qua- alas, made voile combinations of oriental lace and or- satisfactory feeling of white cyprue, well bound bal handle, double gandie, hand embroidered in the latest styles action. Extra specially priced at. which comes from BBCT PAIJC Bátg I IMVlllh U.ITY WAS So tag and shapes. TAhtt IH T r THr. LIM.n i hi mi each aD knowing that you Decide In HOI Ll SxC NOIMIMf. LETT. REFRIGERATORS ramlly sise, upper and lower Knit Underwear 26c compartments, golden oak made of fine quality can get what you and hard oil finish, Cheno lisle in union suit or favor Urnaa Triumphs and trine Is Assailed la brass trimmings, leek and key. Monday j separate pieces lace or cuff knee Ike Piece lever CrtlieUaa el Pe saeclal, complete, r narrow want for what you of Kiachhcln Hrothers clothe That Hag uresl Hub la Parte. each 7 f .43 tape band. and you'A decide slao In favor HOME AND CAMP COOKERS can solidified alco- want to pay for it. f Quality. Children's Hosiery 25c Workmanship and By SBET PAOE hol and atewpan complete (reflllera 10c e)A Stylo. If you want etyle ew York. March gi In the good aid each) ZIfC the well known Round Ticket brand hos- police of ew of that beooms you, the quality ilavs when ttar departments - place Hi l (Out of Town tantas Will Koeloar tat- iery for children. heel and fa- good sense- and (nod York liked to achieve a the Extra for toe WE'RE READY ANY that by renaorlng the drama, the nroduc i ""Huge on Thene Cookers.) mous for its strong wearing qualities. laate demand, Ihe wear that ere or "Taking rhenee." Ion Trllegens honest, clothea latest hole, would have een tskmg TIME. Are you rhaioe. But thai wa before ihe police ought to srlvs. you will come an every one else resitted that m put s Short Skirts This Season Will Show More Of The II Kit K. We meet these re- moral I bad olsj under toe han was not a Feet! quirements In every sense of punisbmeni. but s sure wsy to msks It s ucee.. Perhaps thai is the reason vstiv -- Queen Quality Shoes A Fitting WE ARE SOLE the word. Try us for your this latest offense agsinal good tests govs Are Footwear Decision Agent El Paso next suit, and Judge for it. ay unhonorod here are two popular styles in our elf In "Tsking Chancea" l.ou rellegeu is a Baffles Mow. had ine Hirsh-Wickwir- Don Juan we4iavr of the season. They tru- for e, isntlemauly burglar th every Imaginable are po.e and plsce -- Indeed, be is anions the isms of the Queen Quality way Sophomore and Frat (veal s saeta or the modern stage but II re tiiuued for Paul Frank and Siegrried Meysr of putting into s woman's shoe Clothes. bet- to evploit turn ss s I'oti Jusu I Vienna all stylish, None success. It had a great run tn Pari, before that's comfortable it .lipped into rata country past tas asslth and good looking. ter, that is why we ilrpsrtmem Attbuugh somewliat changed CUf Nalioasal Bank Bnlltilug Scsxmd Moor to the second act, It still needs niniigstlon The aeoeM U!lustration Use , at raft made good. But shurki' If the Immorality were ut ts a patent Lax VaJUerr ptuap, hro- - of ike play there wouldn't be sny pla out aaarser. Vienna heart, writ Briellj s ssysterloa count arrives st Mice with s letter of introduction lo th ssasxsM IBsaSlSIt I right LOOK AT OUR rhiel of police from Ihe chief or police or at the another ni He presenta litinseir there at s a ssary ax paunp. with the WINDOWS. CHIHUAHUA EXCHANGE a iny given by Mr chief of Poli. and favored strap effect la pateai atad all toe ladies Including the hosteas. Ml asesoss Hhi liante, ni nn. to bis charata. The oa laMr at displayed rotohery ol a large Goods task We asoasy. cmveraatlon la lb nag txjghast prices laSaral and cua! llalli mallet haak --ol course the couui is the UiMf. Monday Dress Goods fa t ii) National bank S Itsuoe as IS. IUr lie 11 HVirullig mi. IS tnr llura McCall Patterns For Mere- ii, setiUHl as' t Is "in the chief nr po Pay, Are - lo. ,i an oual spsrimriit In in. ho -- to arresi bins for tbe r. blei ana tin i. i t - ul own asi ssfasesssi sex ao a HOME OF LOW PRICE-- illo, ailng Mia n.a.ureo sneistug tfresa ataterlsi as s la ret jacket MatursJI) his muid runs 10 scandal nurvtl tllvii or unite se ao.i ke chooses hi ral the rotssi to s wig neraur ti n s ii r rtoi i .uffrr lihaifeasaiii notoririy sad Tesnurfew. yd 90c LEVY GROCERY CO. i departs iiTh s letisr of tatrwskie- All OtHorsi t,o rrom hint lo the rssei of saslice ihe asta run ix u new atajea VSWh. hell exiestaai ausiut us ,upuu o. y U gasatssS 1 SPECIAL SALE Mere ts pi wbsr viesus átate hrgii I arty NR 1 1 snd wrong irwuipk la that M assails ih Mostea yd " 1.08 i a o as tsar Esasst I Oaae String Sean fan Eastern Table Peaehaa saaMtMPS sysass I rtrjf sattrt Large Casts Naked fears w sated rakru for uiu. .airu tau 16 iSl , greases, sll wont. tn wtde Pt asirías, a.-- Wsigsilar askv, s awn tf. Mail araVosa giieu larueugx stlsajrins. 90c See Our Men's Ad On mm jus, tins Rmsje as --ass e Sunday, April 4, 191 V FX PASO MORNING TIMES J

Special Monday Stamps Normandy Val lacea, insertions and edgings to Are one of the convenience offered by thia match, from 3 to 7 in. wide, valué Q 1 tore. By carefully conserving of them, means a to I 5c at per yard O 3 C ravins f about fi per cent on the money jron apend. VAL LACKS iv MATCHED SKTH. ORRMAN AND A rilARUK ACCOUNT IM ANKTHKU CONVBNI-KNC- WHICH MA'KRH 8HOPPINU A M.KAMI UK FRBNCH, SIMM Al. I'KIt V AHI) o AT. EVERYBODY'S AT THIM 8TOHK. Featuring Remarkable Values in Newest Spring Merchandise In Every Department ot the Store, Starting Tomorrow An Opportunity Begins Here Beginning the Week With Re- - Monday In markable Spring Suit Values at vV OMPARISONS will prove that no other r store in thia it v nnnrnar Ke niir Now S Latest Spring Wash Goods Suits in style, variety and quality at the price named. The showing is a complete triumph to the special items below will give an idea of the l REFERENCE t reaay-to-wea-r r r. of these offerings to every woman in El Paso who has ror our (department A price any Spring sewing left undone. A good time to prepare for summer on which we have special- ized this sewing. season, giving values usually retailed at a third 40c White Materials, in Val- - more. Besides the 20c White Goods splendid assortment now at thia price, at. ues to 40c Yard, to further strengthen Per Yard . . . . 10c this line for this Per Yard 25c week of Remarkable Value Giving, we Sheer white Voiles. BsIMn and dainty Sheer white mstertala, such aa Rkfi have a number Cloth. Leno and Plain Voile, Imcti added of Suita from our Dimities, 40 lachea wide, sold regular higher linea, We Have Cloths and Striped Crepe. SI to to in priced making in all near- For Monday Planned a at 20c per yd. 1 A wide, ly a hundred Suits the lot. You lWC in will Special, yd per yard 25c not be urged to buy when you come in Wonderful Sale of Monday Plain snd Crossbar Klaxon, a dainty 16 and IS In. Voiles and Lace Cloth In or Tuesday to see this special aheer quality, several alie checks to se- dainty stripe and figured effects Very suit selling at 24.50. priced Smart Trimmed Spring lect from at 1 C specially at Oarment Section. Third per 19c Floor. f 7 CJ a yd IOC yd Hats at Imported Japanese Crepe for Drene or Kimono In a large Bats From Our J 10.00 and J12.50 Lines ranee of pattern to select from and a quality superior lo New Suits Have Arrived any ever nhown In Kl Paao, at a yard asUVIJ to INCLUDED are Tailored and Semi-Dre- Hats in all the new 25c Crepes, 19c 25c Scotch Tissues, 18c Strengthen the Unusual Spring in all the new Straws and Combinations for Dainty figured Crepes for dresse and A pretty aheer fabric In nest checks, Spring. Also included are Panama and Milan Hats that just tripes and plain shades; a regular Vats, are Kimonos, sold regularly st 25c; becoming to be the favored Summer Hat. You will be Q the. neller, Monday A interested special at, per yard arV 00 in the styles created in our own work rooms offered in this lot for per yd , loC IS SI In. wide Embroidered Voile Oif5 snd Monday's selling. values unusual. The d wo- Sheer Figured Voile, Ball tee, neat WV I'RlNtl the past week we The are and dainty embroidered Organdies for have been man will appreciate these remarkable reproductions of higher stripe Crepes, etc.. In a large range of mm remtirinK very unusual value, very un- HJouaea. Drenara, etc., uaually sold at usual styles, very dainty color eomblnatlona to $1.'25 per yd., unuaual aanrtment In priced models, especially at thia moderate price, $7.50. or Spring Suit at price choose from, per yd avC Special VOC the nsmed above. Mon- Millinery Dept., day ahoppera will be afforded the opportun- Second Floor. Remotirully Crepes In embroidered and Voile dainty ahade of ity of Choosing from a lili greater anaort-men- t. pink Mué, also In and combination colors; nold regular at A late ahipment ha been added per yd. 7Sc. SS SS Ins, rn Jut Comes and wide. Special, per yd. OuC to the line for Monday, offering unususl se- lection at thl moderate pries. 7WÜ Just in the Height of the Season Come These Women's Separate Skirts, In Beautiful Afternoon and Evening Remarkable Values in fashionably Tailored J Q B Gowns, Remarkable OC lf) Models. Special at . . yimfO Values at GROUP of well fitting, .... $D.UU splendidly Newest Spring and Summer Silks HAVU been ao buay telling you ubnut A made skirts that presents very un- Suits (of which we have a remarka- usual value. With the addition of a new WE Floral and Brocaded Taffetas Silk and Wool Poplins ble assortment) that we have rather shipment, there's a possibility in securing Silk and wool and all wool Poplins in the New neglected Dresses rot Monday we ahall fea- New floral and brocaded Taffetas and Satina just the fabric and model you looking Shades, Palm Beach Sand. Putty, Sand and are ture a large assortment (only one or two of a In white ground with small, medium and large Weasel; comes 42 in. wide in medium and Choice for. Fabrics are Poplins, Serges, Basket kind) of beautiful designa. A much favored aprlng heavy weight. th afiernoai and evening gowns Stf ff kr Weaves. Black and White Checks and -- ' at 115.00 scti. The values aro fabric, per yard. .SS.00 and per are r... sJ AeaW Covert Cloths. Some the styles unuaual. Jhe vl.U of are styles sre .Hprlng'a laat word. The values range belted, others have yokes, all are Lovely Shades new upwarda from the price named for Monday. White and Black and 12 of rn flare models, $4.95 each. Cheney's Satin de Londre at. Per Yard ...- f- V 50c 136.00. A much favored fabric for Spring and Summer Dresses. Comes full yard wide in medium weight, with extra high lustre. The following new Spring ahadee are Included: Rusalsn While fifty green, delft blue, Copenhagen, aand. old rose, battleship gray and Belgium blue. Per yd.. $1.60. Women's and Misses Cheney's Crepe PopUn 41 Inches wide in me- Cheney's Tnasah Crepe All silk. 42 in. wide, Dozen Last dium weight, suitable for dresses and coat suits. in colors flesh, malae. shell pink, light blue, Fine Quality Spring S Underwear Comes in the new and wanted Spring shades, nary and black; washable and color ffA From aueh aa Rusalsn violet, Oregon green, Relglum guaranteed. Per yd 1 V Styles Shown a Manufacturer Who Makes Only High Quality Garments new blue. Tuxedo brown, wisteria, Gettysburg gray, Satin Stripe Crepe Shirting in all the color In particular, battleship gray, delft blue and combinations; extra weight and She chad from we call your attention to the make, the fit and black, at per yd $2.50 quality, at per yard $1.25 Hats on Sale the quality of the material used in the making of these under- garments. Made by a maker who turns out only high quality 2nd Floor garments. New Spring Parasols Spriny Vests Union Suits Shown In lace trimmed or bodice Sprlng-needl- r the Spring Costumes demand. Made on machine, Smart Offsets In both 111 snd llk hale or THAT if a particular style Swiss ribbed, dulntlly trimmed almost as there's garmrnta with the shape knit outfit, ahapea neck, with buttoned to go with most every so varied are into them that will not fancy waah out. lapel, sesm taped and bound, and colors. New grays, putty and colored Specially commendable for Spring which prevents ripping or wear- border effects, also the black and white combi- wear. A aplendld asaortment at ing. Unuaual valuea at 'JUST 600 SHAPES in a most nations in wide and narrow stripes and many unusual offering SOc, & other pretty combinations. Beautiful styles and right at the height of the season. They are the 6Sc 75c $12S,$L50&$2.25 unusual values here at $4.95 up to $12.00 each. House Samples (consequently clean and perfect), from six of our leading hat makers, given to us at Special Values at $2 95 a FRACTION of the COST to make as a COMPLI- 99 A latee aasortment In plain and fancy In Use bell shape, MENT to the UNUSUAL VOLUME of BUSI- gathered effects and abo In Um plain uwulard styles, our Specially prtoed $3.Uf NESS this season. Everybody's In alaea up to at each. The assortment consists of Milan Hemps, Hemps. Barnyard Braids. Rough Straws in all shades and Black and White, and are actual values up to and Basement Salesroom Front-Lace- beyond $2.50. Choice There Is Only One d SOc With Its Spacious Selling Accommodations, Its None on approval or exchanged. Wonderful Daylight. Its 20-Fo- Ceiling, Its Excellent Ventilation, Offers Pleasant ShoDDins Conditions Corset With the T&nZZ&r Back Remarkable Values in Ready-to-- Wear Not Approached in Any Basement Salesroom in El Paso. A Moat every good corset has some special feature that make for its popu- Sale of Factory Surplus is exclusive with Garments in the larity. The "Ventilo" back a feature the Basement Store Muslin Suits, Values $10.00 Silk Dresses C Off jW.-J- Ü $9.50 Values at . f Under garments to $14.00 at $5.95 At a third to less Spring Suits of Serge. Novelty IS light and dark colored dresses, a half than regu- which means mors comfort Weaves, Poplin, French Herge, Ha ,w desirable for e.lsrnooa wear, In lar values. An unusual assortment the late to the wearer than any other kst Weaves snd Black aad White wide skirt styles: neat, pretty CaHekS and Combination. 10 auita pattern, eirellestly made and trim- of desirable sizes in all kinds of make and without a sacrifice of ia the let to chouse from In sixes med, aplendld I ho value, our Base- ment lit or apaclal garments, including extra sizes. style. No steel up sad down the for women aad misses. Choke, SS.S5 back to grate ou tha spumous .. Gowns, Combinations, Petticoats, Bungalow 7. Bloomers, Corset Covers, Pajamas, processes. A similar device la Aprons nouse messes provided In the front shield A Ateto Lime Camisoles, Teddy Bears, Chemise, Wuinea sheers welcome sew Excellent Quality which para-il-l of greater range ths at Drawers and Brassieres. of the arrival of these aplaudid gar of adjustment snd prsveats aaaata. There's light and dark sol-o- The prices quoted can be relied up- sesee ara xa Dreaa uiads of estr goed laces from acoriag ths flesh. Al- loas C A on to be authentic. Kaes up to 41. al JVC quality Madras, Ulngham and ways cut urn Mass which sr Pareáis, In al ripea, uheche and piala colors, ia saw yoke ef- Regular values up to $1.95 95c correct. Every pair Girls' Dresses the fects, in alsae IS to 44. These Regular values up to 79c filiad sad gui any d of "Summery" Crepe drees ahuuld not be ooafueed $1.50 Very ueatly tria axes' fa hsaaa val- With the ordinary ho us drías Regular value up to $1.00 59c ve aad aataly lata atesé te IS A turtt to aes (inn will eon vises r. veiues regular al IS SS. spe you of their ausaru.r quality at Regular values up to 75c 49c S2 cially priced XI to $10 la Regular value up to 50c 39c rlax-mri-i ator . $1.59 'Coras Dept. lee i luw - April 4. 191. EL PASO MORNING TIMES Sondar-

Mi tea. ft will roa ta 10. when finnned. H4. thla valley 1 delight that can be reputed ruble af m worm IN THE TRENCHES.! tha atomaei. oa rood yard) meaner rw rural piares in ine neaerfal Moraga Labe. Lraava and Carnal 5:.?.lood, tha food that will nonriah tha - Appetite Follows . ropa velleyd are The It will form a late in tie- canvnn above frown tn theae Friends of Peruna blood, and tba blood will faad tha determined partly by tbe doll partly by Old It will umrege t.unn mrrn of land Lonrion, Knglanrl It lahee a narraa. It takes good fraah blood to a lake with . mllea or etpriinc ami an the water supply and parity hy the ell li and maka a fighter, a good htialnaaa man, arara apth of t reel. Tlila lake win Qood Digestion mate Tha rim It lb rlebeat allurinm: llilaryO.rTuVr braver mm to wait in tha the aerond Ineahausllble. f armar or a good workman. henrerorth. branch thM to charge the ninny. a good and the la one of Ibe nsTJtrWl I (rolden third molt ailrar It i Ihe long wait whan llmba ara Doetor lerea'i Medical liba twice aa runcb water aa can be Itor lira tnd Itvlrnrattag la the world. INDIANA and on la damp and chtaaayl, reotiOea ttomaob tremble. II by the nootereit .um and ar rent Here mo dowel told tn Nearly everyone Mdularea thel p the tber meter teldom geei la a Unlc which trnlt naw itrangth into mora than la (tored by the Aaaoiian dam to tern, end never atvrrve loo. With ui petit and tbe dlgttre organ are elevation decreeing t.nofi feet, and tha rimarla and nerroa by parifriM Yhla i around int lake will cunlain an. rongeauon of wllh 1 cool bree ar blowing and night, i blood. At a body holfdar and or -- aperad more man abated. reeiMUng in dty tha waitr enietrb lo thla decline had become known aa healih narra tonta It anexcatlad baoauaa two the whole ilate of I olaonnua watt tbM eloga the btyweld Delaware dPIt wtri0r iwi.ton rre nf for Ihoee auffering it la a temperance ramady and re ft reclaim and c an aea muck ml aery and dlitrett ru- nata 011 rare ine from lung troubled, catarrh, The the moat fertile land the nl The matt remedy tn or eupplvee the c'na focos Made from earth. Of tfelt lend, la.ia arrea n within tfractlv growing aeaton here la nine full monthe. root and barba of American medicinal the Cnlted rttatet in v- Meatco and reel thla condition i the combination ami Inatead or making t stogie rrop per FT by ifwng para .'Oí Mr in Old a den of aliñóle lixtttre tierbi adh pepalB. annum, the firmer make, rrom two to four Mr.-- planta and axtraoted on glycerine Inataad of alcohol. Tha iMtmllttde of thla body er water ia known aa Dr. caldweir gyrup Pep the same land a ajmirtlrely amall matter lt iierui tin. Thla la a natural, pleasant taat These rropp cover very wide range fjaw HtrengUi food properly I not jgj it mala frota neaa what really muni. II will Ing gentle yat in Broadly speaking, whatever ran be grown only m remedy, poaitlre digrawxf and aaaimilated, and Bo man rumian iiifricient aler irnrate qiHrkly relMrea . anywhere Mee in the Untied Slated ran be ail llil body of lan.l ilurlna normal teflon, tad grown here, grown more mjas ia atnDger than hie ttomach, beaaaa vt punier ilea, ronaapatkyn. atek beedache, and abwndantlr liuiv. vv.viipw.., It la de laclo umirari.e 11 one of the leading cropa when the itomach la dlaeaaed digestion on cropa can crer lie piari'e-- etc. Drug atore Dr. Alftiri Pire til lb that belchlna, tall coding a year, yielding from une 10 two and aatimltallon are imperfect. there during any arnwin n tren Caldwell a syrup PepalB al fifty rent (irande abiiuhi perform me tona each, are obtained dtrdeo Iruek. the raremcdier Doctor Ptaroe'i (rolden Medical ir the Rio and one dollar a bottle, tnd In berries, near he., ipplea, peara. corn. rane. rea diaeaeea of the ttomach 11, li f of or 111. ii. an. reiiiaimn 00 ilry for three conaeriitlre rM arid not of hornet It la ihe indltpenslble rripea plant what you will, and you are and other orgaaa of digaation and a drop of rin rail die meaiilitne, the family remedy. Por t free trial bottle apt to ennrluda that these valley! ire It eaablaa tba perfect digaa- in the ferule vll" la h.v. me Kl write Dr. W. B. Caldavell, aM Wash psciuiv adapted to that particular rrop. k rnr wa- food ao phant Butte dam wniil.i bol la. Itigton at , M. nil' en... Ilia. Bartlrtt Pear Thrlte. tion and aaatmilation of that culpable l ter. Hever uiln, etrapl tiinmah The Bartlett pear doea particularly well fea. T-- the body aooriahed into parfJaot 111(11 I BF' 'JÉIfk neriigenr of "the wi ll die lue, here There Is no pear Might In theie health and strength ran thera a rmp fadui'' m the as valleys, pear tree mio hearing in Mi pilla or tn In place of tba Impuritten, the ah the Itincn. die four year and live and hear above a cen II Ptao rllya. "-- ss arteriee and Taina gradually gat fraah hundredth part of Ihe prnrltlona, feed, tury. A ftirtletl peir on hard In full beir-In- fanillyfraipilwifyefirx Titahaad blood and tha action of tbia Tbe Irritable tree. .11 , whlrh I bey eonaume. yield tra per lere. Apples do M per KSfdS Of the lau.'no aeren of IrrlraMt land rent better, hul the Ireet live only to to 30 good blood on tba akin mean that Market la tsmreil years. plmplea, boiU, carbono lea, aoaema. below die dam, fin.iuu lie in em Meami,, Thla geogrphlcal reel aures Ihe.e val am more a.UUO In Teiaa and the balamr Mil Met leya a end Live tork or all kinds tnrivea here, not mu ta one of raah, acne and all akin bUmtahea will nr perpetutl market. only of .T arrio, cold In a deal of the time. We alwaya Ico. tu tboiiaand rite huniirert arrea Moreover. II la margal wMch la not only because the abundance ami tor Urffnr the mil Then yon mcrl ramaanbar the .law Mexico nr UHItejitB what rulence of the reed, because of the your medicine In the houae. Laat daappear. ahtre comparatively independent of Chicago and but baatx, tore throat, nervoua headache bare when the blood la right, tha llrar, K knnwn aa tbe l.aa Paloma valley. Tbia dryneas and lemperatrnraa of the climate. dlaotrr-era- d we bought bottle. Aa wa have that Ftstern rnndltlona. but one whim It. tnd end couch a that baa arer been week a atrirnaoh, Ixrwels and kklneya become baaullful llltl ralley. heiuuilrir ab'iut four rnual tlwtyt remain. Ibrlra by reaaon of Tblt la a natural dairying aertlon silo, In a Urge family It a vea ua a great deal the. are becoming numerous, ami the Aftar tbe uat of on bottle healthy, activa and Tigciront and yon mllaa below dapi lad eitendlBf nearly firorlmlly. II Id true, they are not during keep your medlclnea In the houae. to mllaa down the river. It a little rmire last yeir much mention haa been directed my family, I don't af without to troable with controlling It lodty, hut die one - Life aa our will hare no more than mile wide. Comparatively uttle or to reeding- range cattle for the market. my houae."fl Wa aleo uta The nía of backaobe, headache and reason why they ire not It becuae they Peruna In It la a help to ua. the land In thla valley la yet under rail have not develorwd agi leiilturillv to tho The ew Mexico College xt bttar latttr Mr. Raye aaya: family doctor. treat tlvatlon. and none ,r it la yet watered nd Arts, loctted Mesilla In a buy our drug atora point where they are ble in supply Ut it "1 nerer without a bottle of Pa- We Peruna at Oat Dootor Pievoa'l Ootdtai Medical fruin tbe dam. Hui hi Uml la now ml Park, two and a half miles belnw I. as am often. Be reral year ago my rrom demtnds. Reetuae of thla. mella, flour, Cruces, of to In the I ! the children quite Diaeorerr y from any medloine tlvated her la Irrtraled everal hty, etc., tre tblptved through them from is Incalrulablc tid the firm raría bona. waa of a xraxlcoe uloar on amad atreama flnwiiie; uno the Km drenoe era In tbts tecUon. It la maintained Jointly If they hare a cold, and It wife eared ; ia baaed partner, polnta and aold the han- Peruna i dealer ft a powerful Thla la only one or die four vallera eaatward. under by the federal government I bad catarrhal tiar one of Tour remedlea. Her real tbe dicap of eireatlve rrelght to the tnd tbe atile al waya relieve! them. elnce." that oarriea the poiaoaa of tba un In 1. iltan.1i- iimji-c- rtlet or .stew a full corpa mg remained- sound arer In the ehleh hunrry minera; bul thla miidt ceaae the Mexico. It .arrie bronchltli and It re lie reo m. haa . . la nut by a ikiod of aerv- - eystem ihrraded raila tea man! Ihe tbe I i. asslatants and instructora, whoee 01 - Ha h It auiomobdi-frui- ibtt vtlleya under arc r n of Patrintic- Dauchterap 1 Atrtir- It not a inerat ramady for enable one in rea. by Unite dam begin Irea always gladly nd ifalulroudy Mrj. MRnr -- . u;n v. Pliant growing produce given In miua, especial are printed an wrapper. Him on. Hatch or Rngle. ami Meat enough tn supply thla market. to the farmers thla aeetmn. Here "I have found Perun. of valley cenlcady UI problema from irrigation, ica Iri.rrapolia, Ind., write.: río or free booklet on roada, like the Itteif, tre one above Kl Paan, about truing toll For free ad i In suty mllea and and weakneM. hlrhly beaudful. The aotl deep and - condition!, etc., ire apeedlly solved. beAefit in caaes of irregularity blood, write Doctor V. M. Pierce, Buf- only tl in n above Crurtt. the walla nf ctJon credibly rtrb, awaldn die dlrrinir ihe meaaa irte Hincón vtlley Anomer great aid to tne rarmers is time and is pleatvant to take. falo, N. an- bordering found In Btrength in a very abort T. uf Ihe canal that I" mike available ronverge rtae until the vtlley the various agricultural. live have used it in floaae Hadieal tin- I tad it stork Al- is very mild, but sure. We Dr. Piaroe'i Common die atore watera above darn pinched nm to a aheer eenynn, through and other organizations here. on whole system Uadv-rar- f A TJudn M. T. a falfa growers' look mar- of us a cold Oanti hi hr nl Adriaar ia lent frr on reoeipt of atampi Into little mountain which he Rio nrande tumbles noisily. This aisocltUona aflcr family for a number of years, and when any take of awJw. Sand or keting that crop, cattlemen's aaanciatlona the that nal In on tha nerraa and harolpm to pay arponas mailing lha upper end Ibia itellahlful canyon parálala for perhaps a mile. Then remedy we take, and a few doses will generally cure. Tor Utile valley are the village or ma- - and This attend to ihe Inlereats of the storkmen first of the nghbar. "It tightens roar three dime, or atampt. the widens Into third fertile valley. ru ral association, have been formed ror 1! the use of Pierce, the noted watering plan- ktinuu a Palo- la known ta the Meillll vtlley. It It the ihe cold ha. not baen neglected. But riatent yonr breath." vorame. Add rent Dr. - the purpoae of loaning money at low chest and rou hold ma Hot Sprlmra. The lndlau- knew and the in Invalida' iiotei, Buffalo, N Y. A dr. uve. of four included the project, a lien on the stock being will cure a cold of even long steeling. NaiK1ni understood, M lo modern valued the propertied nr theee ronttlnlng ui terra or Irrigable land. accepted Peruna medicinal water. entune her. ire the riral Tbe Marvelous Meallla. .ecurity for the loans. man rauu- Today the lintel Br Water Associations. white Agricultural development In theae valleys Parra -- ' In mat rase could only be an In civilian aa well as tbe military. Tailors available are almnat aluaya his retched III present high water mark The greatest aaaocladona in theae valleys termediary. and bootmakers liso find many derations to tfyelr capartty wllh Invallita M. . M) it known the user- 11- - Uied lak in the ni valley, flnnietmng like tre is water He reasoned mat tne peculiar circum to uie their skill Letther workers gather In the hatha ami drinking the watera. per cent of the land In thtt vtlley ia now sorlatlnni. There ire two of theae one stances looking Intu the up odd plerea of from discarded for Mew Justiricd him in loather A Southwestern Paradise Pleaatirc Resort Planned. under rtilttvition. Hood roada trarerae it Mexico ind on for Text Theae letter. He opened It and read: harneas or equipment tnd make It up into at Intervals and In all re the tgenti through which Uncle Nam In or Plana re aroot lookln In the frequent direction. My dear rriend: Conirary to the pocket books rases for various articles, village dealt with the various land owners In I of thla place, following the com- Tnwna and dot lie aurfare. formation have already given you my soldiers with 1 fair education rind plenty are ubiquitous. Modern Im- handling the buslnesa of the Rio tirande bag- or to the English pletion of the dam, inm dn- and and linn Aunt Jane will be it 7 wtth her work teaching French Wondcru nrld rí tin .. (runde Vullry below the flreut Klephant Butte provement hat here Jolntd huida wllh project. Theae aaaocladona. comnosed of gage on the mid. You know that my re- añidiera or vice vera. Home nf the Eng- beat equipped health rcdnri tn thla notion. all the land owners benefited by the pro- or among pupils Hecln met Ion Kino Sam fsruree Aim.iIiit Stupendous Victory In tha Thla plan Included the wmveralun nr the history and trtdlllon to make it interest lation still has 1 greit deil baggage. lish soldiers number tbelr Ui man of ject, flrat formally contracted with the I civilians, or whom are eager Typical, Ainerlrnn Way. town of Kkphani Unite, by ihe ing dm intlquirlin and die think that ahe will irrlve during the several ill bultl arralra alike. government ror the building of the dim nlgbt.' lu master the intricacies of Englllh. and beinw ihe dam. and or and the digging of the dllrhei. They now no more, nut car a proportion or these civilian puplli on the iiboir the In the little town Old Mesilla, onre The nrriccr needed rtlr quartere" helahi county, M. .M., attend to ill mailers coming between the rled the 10 the Intelligence are of tbe sex. H K or the eotinly teal of Dona Ana letter ftlr I.I ni rniinirurll'.n The one la inn dam. Into a irreal plenre re..rt. l.aunchea rambling, one government and their members. They will where it was figured out that The nullltry authorities thus hire, .ulil Win hi; llie 'idler, of the Mew. The be placed on die Like, winch will bu stands a crumbling, story fir laiiiid1 r. in. win adobe proudly out to collect the annual water right iMeaamenla tins letter reported the arrival of Impor- had no occaalon to notice ihe little aide - Dim tint- hi h k to llie traddlona or a locked me run Thr hill alriicture. wlntd lldfe Mie m an with round the as the office In which Ihe lain when the project It finally pronounced tant Prenrh reinrorrementl tt rrltlci! employments, which ire not exactly al . neighbor made upon nil lililí of ulrlpe, inn about warm with deer anil bear unit wild visitor run. t to a Stephen B Klklns, of West Vir- bed Their prime purpose It the lm point on the battle front." lowed by military rules. They prefer 1i1.1i iff'.i i other look' foruanl to hialory makiiir adjoining- - am Senator iuU ll dian ,i or turkey. The arronl ginia, began legal which Plirieation or Uncle sam a work for tbe dote their yes. however, as long 11 hi drawing lo- In In unen valei pnniperoiij peace, nir linka The eievaiioii runa the career vtn eiampled so In public benem of me people composing them. AND belpi to keep the soldier busy ami rial I" Di done nl Ü11 Una' ttrmng Martelnim a.tVN) to lead him hlirh the aerrlre. ITILIZES TRADES iiut the Hem. aroupil feet above aea level. Niirhta The Klephanr Butte - hippy. 11 Carpathian ami iiiMin the pi nor- - The moat notable pre aera or From tblt unprelenliout nrflre the youmr Water racri' aaaocla- P.HHIOVS AT feeinre are always eor.i and tav are comrnrlabie. don, or an crucen. M.. Pilot FRONT. lit- lula, muí which - ua vnlhyn nr ! r to attiarney aent. In 4. to tha and the El Paso rtnmg i. thai Iheae aotWarflll die ti Juat below the l.aa Paloma valley Ilea wat ivi of Commerce, Can urn mare the vtllej "t 11m Urano i.iande Ik the irreal Kleiilianl Rntle dam. of Mew Mexir.0. Later, after hold- Chamber with Ihe full appro .taaoeta.rd Prm ROAST Tt RKKV. TODAT. the liinron vallt-- Tlila rontalnt, arenrd-Ini- t val inklrk. Prance. March !7. t.'nder the 25. lilla the kevnine in that rreat arch 01 ing several important federal appointments, or ine Termination Dureau, maintain a Wllh oyster dressing. Plenty ror every- prorMM anil which ia to aovermnem rtgarea, l.roo rre of Joint Immigration bureau wtth headquar uniform of the soldier various trades and proapetily kndtina - l he removed tn West Vlraiula and there body. Weston's. 380 San Antonio St. (Adv.) Un- Irrigable land. Hen- tin and deep and tera in Kaa Cruces Kl professions are hidden, all of prore Ne, M.iiiliwett inUi an linpreiriiable rose to proud distinction . but New Mexico, and Paeo. Thli I ll- re- rich, like In the l.aa Palomaa valley useful In nne way or mother In ramp .ill ill! inn Ine soil I'lin naimnal Imlirence It la a iini and In particular the town of did Meallla. bureau advertleei tbe country and looks Expresa Office at Three Rivers iriBi-- with Hie M I or nationa, pour- markable Hlnirtiire rrum It la one of the peraltar! Uei or thi valley after Interests or Immigrants or trench. The woodcutter of last year i hct remarkable atlll vaunts mm as her own. tbe who It ed in vain oMation upon (in- adiii ut Whaterer anah' viewed. that Its Irriiahle land Ilea generally rela- rome to aettle nil goes on iin nis wood cutting, al By ggectal ire te tbe Tttae Ualurr. here. It haa no financial N. M April 3 -- response to raritigV: upon lha oilier, lira It In remarkable m nf lie tively aa In the bed than Hlstnrir Interest In though now he chops wood for heating Sant Pe. In immm lower river thai inly a Tew away Intereat the sale of lands, but la charged I lauipaiii waii - or a iim hI r.n r an- dy II itiiiukanle fur what it will da III the valb-y- Ihe prujerl and duors standi another purposes Ihe front or for use In rein- a complaint riled by nlted Stttes Senator other under ao In with the tperlal duty or acrlng, as rar as it A. B. Fall the. lienor, and aloud for a piirpoae ilmiliiy hccaii-- e oi the vaatnean nr the body nl hem e, m the rlaya Mam building, not dissimilar appearuice, forcing' Ihe trenches, several Infantrymen slate corporation commission preceding l'nele which one told ihe old lie In lu power, that ihe geta has succeeded in securing the opening or 10 alnp the ilepreilailona water wlnili will more aim the lie taking nf the um iirande. It suf- is li Jail where a square when not In die trenches spend their iviry It mnirnl in..- outlaw, "Billy, was ueii." it is the ronvlcdon or an expreaa office at Three tttvers station by rbvnda, aiul I" lliointaima area ..f land will redeem. It fered more e ver frmn die ne- - nolorloua the gld." ntghli In the marehea fishing for ee. m Ikoaaamta or Ferula aerea. WIMrfi laca - reinarkiilik nr die pecnllarlllca rather elf rnnffned being ripiured by tbe racltmiUon service, gained through .. so, on the El Taso at Southwestern railroad ihii laoanae caalona e treme riwoil Hut Ihnae ftooda after in so fair nignt eaten is wnicn sen ror (itero county. A; of rainrall liad io,.ineil In liai s. of U in n. and ine poase foUowlng one of hi rae rather trying experience, that ihta telegraph ofTtce has ben rnfineerun harnjle-y- go about 4 cents each. opened at Turquoise, alio on mr: i niplnyi-i- protilrma wlilrti mat cnnatruction na rhargrircistlr historic on policy will ftrther toward aatlataclnrlly Men ihe In. of ru and perfornunrra who were mechanic bafore the wa' in the oitave coupty Hill while III! in nf r.i raiaeii anil anhred. Ihe taiga rotd running rrora Kl to solving tbe problem of settlement then now employ their apare III! 11(1 III IlkfY. in ina .lam waa inm. and Po any time manufactur Jin mil lull The Hntte dam. to beam with. ciunneering Mllvar dy- The frequent rlrh shipment other. ing Under hove, and out ' 01 unía - other artlrlea Hunting Ureases Held Up. alt "t America r. rai It the ulrtii tiire nf da kind ever feat lua rompalled the eaiincinuii dtrt'in nf by thla stage, which or old One can obtain many diaiii hy die t tn obey bullion carried cartridge rates. By H ail nn.lcrtakiii niied Stales rerlama .ihan lla waninnneaa and tho dally through um ralley, were pen knives, pencil cigar gpcciel ire to the OTaet paaeii casei, scissors, . S amo at' then luloee. .ci It prolie Iftiia feet below will of man for all lime to romo "Billy, klrj." Santa Pe. April Stale IIIMIO-.- I .111.1 llie river bed ami KClp llie-- - aolld Irrealatlbly alluring to the cite holder, and 1 variety of similar ar C. de Baca announce.1 Rich Rlneiin Valley. many le Warden Trinidad III ill Mkinit human lit- lili urtth a baie 15 feet thlck. II la In and hla kind, anil an exciting NOVEL SYSTEM OF in ihtia hammered out or cartridge today that no more rishmg or huntinu Mian property; lile iilMrr lolla llntl mere ría 104.9 feel diieer. laprrlnir In a wldtn 'nmewhat more than hair of the land in took place in those early days along rues licenses would lie issued until rurthcr a ie mnre ÍKiinaa for rnrii, anil trial the Hincón valley now under cultiva- Ihe now pcecrrul hlyhwiy leading up 10 Agricultural workera spend their ipire notlcr-- . Tho law under whlrh the license, iMiIre- - mat multiply. he one - nnna tion. Irrlraunn baa been aecured by Ihe mine. lime helping the Tinners with whom they were being Itjaacil is one of those ftniuv or- die nltter, a cam- t.mtl feet hum on mean nf communis dm he taking water Nor wi re Ihe scenes nr blond and vio- are billeted, soldiers' harhers do a roir- - pissed after noon of March It and the directly rrom live channel nf the nio lence witnessed here limited to thoae ESPIONAGE IN WAR tng trade and find customers tmong the game warden is doubtful of da validity. tirande Theae dltchea have been not only by rotd agenta, ror oid chief eodlly in unnslrtirilnn. hut nuing m the VlftnrIn, Chirr dcniiiiino and other Aparhe lark or control of the river in flood tunea, renegades roamed tin. section and wruught A CHILD'S WHEN diatab-- at will, until REGULATE BOWELS aubject in occasional dealruclion. Yet and death their DADDY AND rich la Ihe doll In thla and vi career was finally ended In TRADES MAMMA, CHILDREN ALL Auguai. when and his band mi PROPEBBIONN mm win long Ihe growing season permuting the ink, riernmmo AT THE aIIUNT: HOW MKCIIAMO! dafm were captured by the late Nelson raiding of two to four rrODa on the Cenenl .ME.M III H SPARK TIME. CROSS, BILIOUS OR FULL OF COLD lam each year1, that thoae who settled A. Mllea. t. . A. here were undtiintrd by even iheae tor does Ihe hlatnrir Interest In this LOVE "CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS" eiperleueea. Tle v rebuilt Ihelr lection of the Southwest date merely from taaartetrd Preaa r.'orrrapoenence frail dams and dug afresh their demolished those pioneer day. As far back aa l Parla. March tv The following sinrv of ii hild di fia.iu lake "Caarareti up a bad mill dili he. erurc In the knowledge that in the Spaniard. Marro de Mia, came ihta I pPett) girl and a suarepiibie offlrer. tlanii. ralhartlr." whi.ii aci renlly never ill din ctiiinn for rhililnn and (roen-up- spile or mi - himltrap they could dn belter way. leading adventuring troop. which ended In the illarovery ,.f a .yslem MARMLEK "FRl IT LAXATIVE" CLEANS Please don't thlnkLof "California Syrup of afripi or .mdiice the hltrhtaai iineaautrai in rich pactan. here in die long run ihan anywhere else. on the land they had apied nut led of espionage, is published here: STOMACH. LIVER AND Pigs" at 1 phyalraa, non mink you an- tiwaiali rleanaea die little una CotuUpatad Motbera can real eaay after riving Ihli Centrally located in the ajaeoa valley Pram taro Vaquei Coronado to rolluw the "An orrn-er- . about to take the train to drugging yourself hll.lren. Unit- year exploration BOWELS. aweeleui tin- uluaiai h ami breaba ende, it tin laaaliva to cblldreii Is thr town uf Hatch. Tbia la di'sdned nrvi and beam Ihe and rejoin hla rnglment, waa accosted by a rauia thla drllclom ud laxitive ran not to become one or the ototl imiMirtant ship- conquest of what Is now Teias. New Mex- pretty gin, who blushingly asked ir he cauae injury. Even! lleno child can ping tmlnts the project. A ico and AM ton Hla explorationa extended would post a letter to her at Paris, so II under hranrh A take It as sarely t Ke Into Kan. - Ihe lirtnd canyon of the would more quickly lla destinat- delirious cure for constipation, bilious at t mtn. It It line nf die santa railway trareraaa thla tnd arrive al the most valliy. uniting with the main Colorado river. ion. Tm wnung to my sweetheart.' she ness, sick headache, stomach, in harmtaag ilomich, liver northward tour - Um- TI. M In thr Itays nf eiplalned. tnd bowel ivirulaior tnd 40.1 or de- at Rincón. and palng nriinad. digestion, coated tongue, itllowneaa take to ihe rich mining ili.tri. t about Prom that timr rnrth untH long after The officer uromisi-i- in render Una vised. silver City, Fierro end Sania Hila. Thla the territory herame a part of the t uileil little service. The girl ut a hural of gratl 'Califomlt Syrup of Pigi." For tbe cuae Your only dlirtcully mty be in getting hram h Hue loin lie the southern Pacific slates, thr history of thla section ia lude threw her arm about hla neck and or til mía distress lies In a torpid liver the ao him. 'i genuine; ask ytur druggist ror a at Iteming. N. M. Thus ilueri one of continued revull ami aubjugttlon of kltsed htvr uur word.' she cried nd sluggish bowels. fid cianrrllon after him au the cent bottle of "California syrup of made lMiween the upper vallcya In the the Indian tribes; of atruggle and slaugh- train started, 'you'll post A tahlrspoonrul tonight means all con or wan- It al thla evening.' Figs." Siy to your arugglat, "I wint in 01 ande project ami the minea of the ter of the white nun; the gradual Parlt stipation, poison, waste matter, rermennng 10 - only that made by CloetaltÍPRICE NTSJ iMiudiwx-a- which produce ing or nil, in I.. and power and the "Brrorn naming Paris ihe officer had It California Pit mine Itirredl upon rood and sour bile gently moved out or syrup " ble of gold, allvi r, copper. gradual waxing or white mriuenre. The time to reflect tome of the rurlmia company.' This haa many coun- LAS CARETS WORK WMILE YOU uuanlltlrs led es He yuur system by morning giipinir JP SLEEP. and nnc, but cannot poaslbly produce the Indiuia were irrigallnv the fertile vtlleya tu muslim of ihe afrur. oull d without terfeit rig syrups," to witch out. now Ihe Hlo Orinde tbr letter out of hla nocket and round in.. lurluded in irnjert ' ehen the uiu-.- sptnltrt rum. They tddreaa read 'Madame X Then be had hern doing so. arrordliig to their recalled that tbe girl had told htm aba for untold reniunei. They hid was writing to her sweetheart. 'Maduue rielda ur witmg mine an. frijolea and "TIT GLADDENS (hill They grew augir cane uul many vega tablet. Coronada was ao smirk with die eight of Iharlr agricultural pruaperuy Try "GETS-IT- ", It's California Expositions thai hr wrote home that these valley! "bloomed like fair Aragón" How thai TIRED FEEI Imltui munition faded apira ifier Ihe Magic For Corns while man came, and bow for deradea the i chapparal encroarhrd upon the flrtda of rane and die rarlua grew where mrn had NEtt , COMMON KEN lag in . and how eventually I'nrle am SIMPLE. WAY. riTrin-rr- at rmnu, t:nu.n ram.- tn tbe reirur of the eturtly plrav-e- r You will never know how really aaar who were aiiigle fianded aguust la taWKATY raJtT NO CgfaVU battllna It to gel rid of t com. until you have the raprlcaa of the willful river, tried "OPTS It." Nomina like It ha ever oa t tXLoi :s sumeiimea rune roaring In dearruriive been pioduerd. II Ukej less dm to I flooda and Mimctttnra dried Inconunrntly apply 11 than II does to read thla. 11 In ll . iiaiuirl baa been retold ao often that known 10 all men. The matter bow It what Uarte Sam haa actually done and whit he going to do. tioiunij Ihe anal rive re, tarnation bureau is now p. mi 1 nil ti ..i 1 in. .mil in digaing ranal anil lmg&mJ3A 1.11,1 Uat aUveraVata duna IB tba Meallla au.i II Paeo valtrya lB tddltmn to the tag J atrnrtloa wurk which ah adUy proceed. lug .11 llie big dun al I b phant Bulla In 1I11 work nearly f.Mt raen and half NO a muiy h ama tre engtard There It IAIN II ai budl oa big dlveraloa dam or The new system Round Trip Ticket on Sala Daily. la ii.iruition it l.eadburg, it tbe up is absolutely par end of tbe Meallla alley, and another al kl Peso Tbe bureau ia milium the real painless dentistry. in'. of Ut rtvor a tbe avala ranal of thr ayairm. building these diversion dama Three Months' Limit a al uilervala ami lappUig II with See the remarkable results auai juat above the gaaia of the Stopowajr at All Point Going or Returning The Mr.iiia valley eoaa Juat abare gl Plan Here me tataaa aírala draw rloee new system work, no charge to Travel in luxury and atyla, via "Tit" aagaUM sore burning tira reel to the rbauael and beag up lato ue.uutuua Katartl Cdea fata, fa bet Ifcaw. Mm fklrly Jan e wiia delight Awy g ta lormmg "the pun," a tk tag tba ttw it. rhe and pelaa. tbe era. iu.u- -. Ibe auoal erUva tnd protfwrout city ui aaraaV. Qal fctl I show Tarase Muvlera. buatuna ead ibilblauii be whole x.utliweat ml lea belo will diiagiiwan you tapacially if uu bar "Til" araa out lie' tétala and puieuu kl Pave tlae nwaa rer-d- and tac U Paau ined rrvivlhla elae for con. dioos Note the Standard prices. .aii widen uui u vaai en Ihe Iu Full Set $750 Golden Uui nun up ur tvrt Na natter bow a Hani at a raw aacasavda thai a all. Tba Limited . bM.VM slate and at.uut arret of It ua State dan,- haril vil id irk kiiw tullir vim .or abrlveU. Inta coaaea right .rr pain ay the an an .vtsa. hsdly. faddiu or But 22K Gold Crown far yuu vaalk. taw Ua you reaia Land lb El Paeu valley, heetaaae of wiiboul trouble if jruu .J5.00 yeaar -- in liavt over linda fat bañadle uul of tour rriaajay Train at ÜM Soatawaat oa feet, tiz brui reaiai foot lla tsroaauliy la tat aillr uat U Paeo. la t i vtiih I and uM uuck, coro ronuori. rie naTi neui .i,.ir grnerally hi (bar Ml price tUau'ui lh upper prraauig oiaua rtauja' ccara palltat aalvra ful fa Ufd a.ailia. tanakgt. auiaiuiac ttllay it ..f tba tame genera cfcartcter !. New System Yoaart Pullman B.aan. atwn Early W Can Taka Cara vatrya iraavltat plaattr veil vou'U agatir Dental Parlors met Abi how haw naupj and poiruiuuinea aa iht la tat tier ill ff. ira. akni em Udr UrT af Yon rVog--rt, iou reel Yvur reel i.( lauta tar Jo above, and u proldej with a larga IT" Vour aora agauj will ratHdh ui RopoMÍbltRd auca aeree burl or eerm UgM. tin catted ihe traakua eanel uwaU with kiuvca rile uw .dd.ii. real got of fravaa Bisi al iba aaaa wiadirrai larma la tad law danger .4 kvloud Ell ai t t Tlf .1 are tbia away Cor. Paao and San Antonio Sta. Over Tankat Oaffke any atruggkat ar aWvdajf laaaeatl eiare, avavd inn. stair, laaattd in uir a. are toaw witb Try "ttaTS Amanean Bo O Tha iargs-- i duty in iba I'auad gtatea am IT tuaigbl for ear cata, eativia. wart Acroas fool vurloru foretrr car anttjUaar atatee. - ur taiasst rrom atatranca to Hotai Del tag tre- rtiuaurair dirr.i tt u rttert here, a bualoa Navrer Noite atlf-- ml Hnaanr Bidg Phones! kerg your Irri Uwatt, awwet gad bata . fallí. I 1 taa aid rtr.trar aoavrurbdaa railway rant MrTS IT" U told by drugiui Opan EvtMuatfja wkatle a fuel uuuafuai rruaav Kl awiaaaa Spanuh Spok Jut a Tálala. II duwa wtvra, tt 1 b.IUe or ul on act kg I i law wnty at aaa il BituJiUUe rajaataggt naga IIÉHtlg a wa, caavaja.

angaki Sunday. April 4. 19! PASO MORNTNC TIMES Spring Time SLAYER OF NANGEL k Foe to Tuberculosis Tas? Journal af Ihe America Medical AsMtelaSjM. la Its isssse al August a. ttta. revfewkss sat article sa "Tae lalhseare of IN HANDS Calcinas Halt m Csastilutlan and Health." Is Tonic Time OFFICERS mm Spring is the time of rene- "They (las author resort number concrete lastaaees In which patient galsed wingof new life new blood la vltallt) ssM energy after taking calcinas." seem agree mat m. no at'.OTT OLl VTtRU t -- i rts Doctor! ta id new vitality. IMCRsi; KXHIBITs and chronic throat and bronchial TWO ni lowered and lost energy vm i mío i i.i h in affections, vitality When your reserve strength min are condition mat must he overcome One of the constituent of Fi kman's and energy have been reduced s- - Nassel Brake II Alterative la rslclum (limei. so combinad imsiiraie outers. Wsa with other ingredients as to he easily during the trying Winter Are Placed la Jeopardy. assimilated by tits average person. To ' month you need a good this. In part. Is due its widespread sue cess In the trestnieni of these dniretng Popular Priced Spring With two ballet boles through the left snd disastrous ironblet. tonic to tone up your snoiiioer jusi Move the heart, and surrer-in- rrom a broken jaw. Jerry stroll, the By preventing, as well as arresting the system, and restore vour vi negro who killed Harry c. Mangel and ravages of the tubercle bacilli. Fckman's tality and energy a wounded iisritv while at the Borderland Alterative performs a service, which evet to normal condition. But remember, Inn last Thursday, yesterday voluntarily some ethical prsrtluonnrs nsvr arknottl J when one's health is in surrendered lo Judge Adrian Pool and told edged to their patients. We do not nriaki j question, knowledge nothing but the best will do. a slory of the tragedy. And no sooner had wholesale claims ror It. but our ine story or the negro peen unroided than of whst It has done warrants the statement officers proceeded lo arrest Harry Mack. that IT CAM lir.LP. 2.50, 3.00, $3.50, $4.00 Duffy's "Red" Polly. L C. Mullen and Hardy While. It contains no opiates, nsrcotics or habit f f Pure Malt Whiskey the wounded msn. the three former being forming drugs, hence s trial is agre. Should m0 charged with having been to It, you fa accessories your druggist be out of rsn order a tonic of the highest quality, made from sound rain thoroughly malted, the alleged assault on White, and the latter through him or direct rrom the mskers including barley the moat expensive grown. Repeated reflnlnga, or diminu- with an assault on the .rson or Scott with Krkmsn Laboratory. Phllsdelnhls. We hare jugt received a large shipment of tions, to In attempt to commit murder. After telling Kelly k pollard Drug tore. Knoblauch are resorted order that Injurious may be removed. popular priced footwear for ladies, including I i Tlz.l"" fi'jk only his gruesome story and msknnr bond in Drug Store, people s Drug Store. This leaves the sound, wholesome aoul of the rain which ivas to Duf-fy"- s the sum of gano, the negro was sent to the all of the new novelties for Spring wear. f,J I the healthful benefit so necessary county hospital, where Ma wounds ware jl for medicinal use. A eostly procesa, These shoes are the perfection of shoemak- - 'tis true, but the splendid In- messed f ri '(J1 yt results obtained an well worth the outlay, and Bottle lo Hie Death Near Road House sure a higher of la B. er'g art made of lightweight patent leather fe? atandard purity than required by the U. I'harmaconela. Scoll commenced his story by slating that ACTIVITY IN THE Jí Leading physicians have prescribed Duffy'i Pure Malt Whiskey for over he bad stayed In the wood- - suffering from and dull kid vamps, with all the new Putty. 1.,1IIII f nitr a century, in old age, in Illness. In oases of weakened vitality, or where his wounds for i hours, nesr Judge Pool White quarters. I A v resldenre. before determining lo give u Sand. Gray and ' is run down bullder-u- p fe " and in need of a real of the system, Duffy's may and make a clean hrrast of everything, and if SJ he relied on for good resulto. It's Just the Spring tonic you need. Try It. even then had to he assured by friends Among these you will find all that Is desired ) thai he would get a square deal before sur PATAGONIA CAMP in smart footwenr, ami we have widths In fir n .r- I ri I "'if' jffl Brjf rendering. J I Jsí-yíl-áf "Gel Duffy's and Keep Well" Scon's story runs shout as follows The row feet as well ns the broader ones. J H HKK which Sold In SEALED BOTTLES ONLT. Beware of imitations. trouble ended in the tragedy started 1 oon sncr me arrival of Nangci at Hie Inn THEY ARK EXCKLI.ENT VALVBS AT Zy Thursday afternoon Mangel objected lo BIBV COMPANY TO COMMGMCK OPERA fijllgaii the kitchen, hut Scott Insisted that the boss TIOVs ON THE OLD MANSI IELU $2.50, $3.00. $3.50, $4.00. Get Dutfy's year I TllÍSía fren oral druggist, grocer or had given orders ror sll employes to egl 'PROPERTY. dealer, fl.M per If be supply you, there. Mangel and While, the qitsr-re- TIIRM TO If buttle during l HAT WE SHOW TOf? fJ J RV NOTE write its, wa will tall yes where to get II. which ensued, told Scott that they J ÍCVjÍJÍ Mettles! booklet free. "would get htm." On account of this ouar- - hv Tftnea socciai Correnrtondrnt rrl Scott was dlsehsrged by Ihe proprietor Patagonia. Arft., April I. II Is authorita The Duffy Malt Whiakey Co.. Rochester. N. T. or tne inn. receiving 14 wages due him tively stated that the Ruby Coper com not ?:. as stated by Msck and Mullen nanv at ManaHeld. nine miles from Psta Scott said he went to hts cabin lo psck gonla. will commence operations again on Thornton- - McKeel up his belongings preparatory to leaving Pie rirsl of next week. rnts company Zwlek Mineral Today. has not yet been round, although orriclils the place, plaeinir his gun In his hip pocket has a fine equipment, a new compressor j The funeral of Ed Zwlek, the conductor and friends or because or the threat made against his lire having been put in last ran. as the ihe mother have been ny who died result of injuries received searching diligently In all parts or the White and Mangel, .rter packing he Diiuuesne ha- - commenced shipping saín lin tic fell from the top of a moving city ror her. returned to the road house and Just as he Dennis ronughlln and M. V.. Trlckey. who train al Clint, wil loe held this stepped on the porch Mangel appeared sr. ui charge, state that there Is a good rternoon at 4 30 o'clock from the carrying a rock, throwing the weapon and n Mormon Pioneer Dead. prospect of the mine being worked lo 221 San- of Mrs. J. E. Ewcsrlnger. mother-in-la- breaking the nagro's Jaw. Scott says that full during the summer 11 Ihe price Antnllh or deceased, ami Bliss street. Rev. Orden, i:tan. April J. Thomas Burden, at this Juncture he started to run around copper up sne a Utah who of keeps The mine al liuqu' Terry J. nice officiating. Burial will be pioneer Joined the Mormon the house, when Mangel drew his gun. It is capable or employing close to one In the Evergreen cemetery, emigration rrom England In last and walked was then thst While sppeared on the scene, the entire from thousand men If developed to Its Dili distance council Blurfs. la.. coming around the comer directly In the extent, at present only a tew miners CUM Still Missing. 10 Salt Lake, died today at the age or 88 path over which the negro was retreating. but years. He Is by sro employed. Muquesne is one mile from or survived tin descendants. White rired at him. and the negro says camp, ""i1 Irene, the little daughter the Mex- Including three daughters, iti grandchildren, pulled gun Washington wnicn Is siso working. ican housekeeper at the home or Mr. I.eon so then he his and took a shot at of pumping out the water hss great grandchildren and ten great great White, the Ihe In Work who disappeared last Thursday. grandchildren. bullet sinking latter the tie en commenced on W llai diniay iicmoei. leg. At this in the lir eis Juncture battle Whit property In lied Mountain, rormerlv known ran from the negro and took reruge In iho road house. lie niand nupcrinienueni reier nan- Meantime Mangel was sen Is In .liarse after the nerro Rupert Mew ra groups, tne one with a gun In his hand, snd In the melee The and t some one unknown to the negro opened purchased and the other leased recently up on roor or by While and McNeil or Pasadena. Cal., him fmm the the house. He gen- 70CTOR then started across the rials with Mangel st will be opened up this spring. Huth lJc , heels. As ha rsn. Scott ssys. he would tlemen roormerly worked the property. turn snd shoot at Mangel, being annul out temporary camp has oeen duiii ai as we sped along, one lie river and making a lake of the valley, further reflected Hie return of normal con or In can soldiers replied or breath. Msngel. he declares, was root Flux mountain. Flux pierced our tank his Mk) meter long. KO meter high bridge illtlons. both in stocks and bonds March rirlnr yon, ror or the work of the enemy bullcl at him all during the chase, the accommodation a me in been rebuilt In Hie space of M dsys. business rose well above ihe correspond thellme men engaged and anoth--i bored hole inruugn mg daj? emptying his gun once and rerilllng It with in building ine tramway Hues In the engine boiler. jut la now available for all trains. month last yesr. the rtnal of the cartridges. Finally Scott stopped and de- which is lo bring ore from the mine on month rising to the maximum and the or "We had Put out our fsaasjsgat, bin liberately fired, striking Mangel at the base top the mountain to the mill, which steam lit up the glow from FIN AMI, I. REVIEW OF WEEK. highest price since ihe outbreak of the on a mesa on one Ihe escsplng by war. Speculative and manipulative of the spine, the latter dropping In his ill bo situated flat tne rire box enabled Hie Hermans 10 in- It' Ihi .tsanciafctf Press caution The questions below gen- tracks. The nerro went hack to the stop side or the canyon. The tramway is being en New Vork. April X -- ilrowlng rerogtittlon veesses prompted ihe realUlng which re answered are cite us. (me bullet liter killed the suited in the irregularity at tbe week end. eral In character, the symptoms or dis- where Mangel Ml. picked up the gun of constructed by a Virginia rirni it should gineer, iiuoiher hit the officer in tne rsce. or ihe sireguard cujoved by this country eases are glgen and the answers will his adversary snd hoifooted it ror the be Hi operation by rail, together with the The fireman opened Ihe clenched hand gainst the financial iTfcrt of the war was luplnuiailc exchanges over nrutril rights or In watched apply In any case or similar nature. woods, where he went Into hiding. mill, construction which has not yet the snd look lh throttle. registered In the week's stock marker snd Japm's steps Hhtns sre for of desd engineer Mx.litiort or minim. marked lbs posslbllittea or aaxjaty. sttu Those wishing further advice, rree may When Scott surrendered he gave Judge been slsrted. A Uermsn uhlan appeared and snouted snip. in. prices tit Metim address Dr. Lewis Baker, College Bldg., Pool the gun he said belonged lo Mangel. ine mux was lessen a rew mourns ago re establishment or s wholly free and open Ition also came In Tor s renewed consld-- i He nred it us. nut missed, imr ouueis F.tpsndcit volume of dealings Sts., Dayton. 0., enclos- He said he could not tell the name of thai by Pasadena Interests rrom Colonel R. R. got him. Tbe Herman cavalry continued lusrket. tiltoa ing envelope ror person who nred the Millets which pene- lilchsrdson. II Is the olflesi property in we un suuied excep to shout at ua. but went ahead reply. Pull 'name and address must be trated his shoulder, but think the shots Patagonia mountains, with the harmed at a speed of about 90 miles per given, but only initials or rictitlous name came from Ihe roor of the road house. tion of the ram.. us Mowry. which. Idle for hour tad reiched our lines in sarety. will be used In my answers. The pre- Htorv Corroborated bv Footprints. seven years, al one time was lbs only scriptions can be rilled al any well stocked When Deputy Sberirr Fulgham traced the urodueer west or the noes e a. drug store. Any druggist can or negro and Mangel from the house hv foot- Discovered and worked by Mexicans ORE AT Ml m MADE IK NOTHING IS EASIER order prints he was harried to explain REP IR1N1. O BltllM.ES. wholesaler. the with, the aid of a crude smelter still to be your la Bucott's story seems to explain HI seen near the entrance or Con Rysn canyon BtirlHI, March f. Jndlcallve of ihe speed Than having horns bright and cheerful, rout of Calotlnt M. It. writes: have infrared with this, It is also Mid that the colored man's the Flux haa bad an Interesting history WIIR which the Oermans are rebuilding very effective and nearly anyone csn apply It Simply mix It with dyspepsia, or nervous indigestion more or story dovetails In other respects into Hie It was located rirat In the eighties and and repairing the bridges in France tnal cold water Hend for a Color Card. less for eight years, and I want you to circumstances or the Investigation made hv a smelter built at Benson to handle the were destroyed In an efrort to rlieck their prescribe treatment for me; my symptoms ItlC sheriff and ilcoiillc The nlrlciira ore.' At that lime the railroad, now the advance in tae earlier days of the war. Dr. are ihe usual ones, such as pain and dis- were never satisfied with ihe stories told S. P.. running from Benson to rsuayma. Hsns F.lsselo. Just reliirned from Ihe rronl, TUTTLE PAINT & GLASS CO. tress after eating, sour stomach, head- ihrin st the Inn. They were too tnct.rirrcnt was by Santa Fe.1 which the or bridge near Kourmles. as owned the built cites esse t ache, heart burn, and pain In regions of to details, novel with eontrgdlctory n. The Benson smelter proved a failum, 175 meters In length, which has been re Phone 105 ami SOS. 3I0-St- 3 N. Stanton street. heart, or between shoulders, constipation, siau isst SII and otherwise complicated. The and later, when the slag dumps were stored within ts dsys. or sometimes diarrhea, coated tongue, bad rnsrnssj agamy .vacs. Mullen and Polly found lo be rich, thsy were wurkrd al a For this work wss needed avi cunic breath and a score more. Am miserable, nni oi rne indication mat iney at profit years. or and tempted to for ten meters wood thst had to be felled Mrs. Belle C. "I am Informed In a word. shield White. In some of 11 from writes: The preliminary colonel Richardson relocated the mine hauled from the foreal. that l have kidney trouble and that 11 is Answer: Your rase Is chronic, but By lieartnss in the rase will ISM snd leased It to tns Empire smelling onshirrable, distance, on the day or a stage. cireful diet and the regular use or an probably be comrfletieed Wednesday of this rait approaching serious What eeg. roc company, which built a smelter tt I'ata his visit Pi tbe bridge pr. Liselo found eVIIIHIIIIIIIIIIHIIMIIIIIMHtlllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllMlllllinilltlllltlillltlllllllWillllB would you prescribe?" aid and tonic you should soon rrrover a too penally assault to kill, will! gonla. This company fallad to pay its It lined wllh fir trees, In honor of the normal state, obtain a packet or "double-fou- r hlrh White is charged. Is. from two lo fif great Answer: If your symptoms are the teen second installment for the purchase of the ksisir's blrtbdiy, snd equipped wllh stomach and bowel medicine" or a years, evcept where ambush con ror an usual ones, such as purls under 1'ie eyes, nected with the case, in which event mine snd the properly reverted to Richard bsrrels of water use In rase effort swelling ankles, scant, coploua or foul druggist. With It are directions. This Is this son. Since then it hss been worked more should be msde to It down agsln I penalty Is doubled. The statement burn the newest and best treatment knuw or. that or less, snd dev elopment Miirlllng urine, accompanied by lead White lay In wait for if suliatan ronsidrrsblr work Ktgbl guards, constantly changing, watch .ches, pains, chills, s.oli. done, with the result, It Is now depression, fever, etc.. 0. J. R. "Can safely my tlated, may make a cae of rrom slsted. fha en ii. lure i,, prevent sny inhsbltaut of I the Immediate se o( baun-uo- asks: reduce thst enough high grade ore Is In sight to would advise weight, and how?" ambush. The penalty ror to an Foiirmles rrom undoing me worn or me Stationery tablets, sold in sealed with render Ihe proposition more than attractive. Fine tubes Answer: On a well aiinmpi to column murder is rour years Hermans. Mllltsrv trains usedl It eriu- rull directions for self administration lo storked druggist the or Despite the resumption or activity here, tnd gel rive irrain arbolonr tablets In minimum Ihe charge proper. ly. as they do most of the territory lo y.slcrrlay Muck. Mullm- - and t'o ly no outside miners are required aa yrl. now occupied by In 1 ranee. sealed lube with complete directions. Take a rew or local James J. asks: "For several months I you ssld Hist the tragedy look place about one "ply ihe propositions work ihougli civilians wllh Hie proper passe as directed, and should soon reel the while men exclusively and these have al- have not been feeling well. My skin Is r you Many or my re- mils, rrorti the Inn. and MM that ihev went are able to travel by rail. rein desire. patients 4T.n ready more applications rrom unemployed mIIou. my tongue is coated, have head port any yards or more and brought Nsnrcl Another bridge rebullí in unusually non quirk results without harmful snd In men than they can use. Crane's l.iticn Lawn, with gold bevel edges, while and ache, am sleepless, nervous, and bothered action whatever.- While They also staled thai they lime i that over Ihr Tliun near orlriy with chronic constipation, Please help me." inouiriH the tragedy was ihe aftermath This structure was destroyed by the gray, box 90c a game of Since they ARMV ORDERS, You need a Ellen J. "Tell me, please, how I dire. lold the first French In I8TO snd rebullí only in three Answer: laxative blood asks: slory they have talked more, and It Is said a Xpirlnl Wtrr In tht Tlmrt Lawn 50c In the rorm or can Increase my weight and Improve my D. 3 years. In Hie process or reconstruction. Nurd's tlcausing treatment three Ihe do ni l particu- Washington. C, April Captain W. I last slorlrs Jibe in all It Is claimed, dynamite chambers were grain sulpherh tablets (not sulphur i. color. seem lo be anaemic, weak and with However, Wutterburn, quartermaster corps, will Nurd's Initial 65c overcome lars the rirsl one. the orri Installed lo permit or it easy destruc- the tendency to constipation and tired all ihe time." cera to slate particulars as lo the proceed to .imago, III., and report. Regln taking hypo refuse I B V. tion Iglln In or nceessll.1 When this Linen Lawn Cards, in new shapes 50c to $1.00 gradually your good health and pure blood Answer: stories told by the firSn, irst Lieutenant Thomas kerne is rise will return. miclanc tablets wllh your meals and soon relieved rrom srtive duty in Ihe medics! took place the gigantic block ..r ioit Lawn Cards, with two color initial 75c corps. re Ihrown into Ihe valley, daiiiuiitig up Nurd'a you will reel your strength reluming and CI T o COAL PR0MIKE reserve E Im- mil Leave ot absence ror two montns and Delft Initial reduced to 25c Poor Nerves" wrties. "Is It possible gradually your weight and color will Crane's Cards prove. This Is a most effective remedy len daya Is granted to First Lieutenant to uní a medirme which by Its tonic or Expert Nas Granting ol Rsllroad Item uni B Highland Linen Paper Highland Linen Cards, ir persistently used. lliomas V. avene, medical reserve corps. i and in nutritive powers will bring the glow of ts III Wean Reduction In Place of tdvsnce ' ii. tain J B, chamber, quartermaster health and ambition back to a man who Jig the Prca white and the following colors, violet, chamois, hare- sska "Can you a .imaciulri asm, will proceed to Brownsville. Tex.. has In the J. W. W. prescribe Chicago. April More I everything world bul health to gel or reduction thsn April snd report. bell, old rose 35c and happiness? I am dull rorgeirul. de reliable treatment rid dsndrurr. sdvanccs In freight rgtes on soft coal second l.leutensni Waller C tlulllon. pondrni, weak, or Itching and feverish scalp?" would from the wi Inrainry Poplin, white and blue 25c trembling, short breath - you result stern railroads' is assigned to Twentieth Crane's in and suffer more or less with pain in Answer: I know- can get Instant proposed read ilisirneiii of the rale on cer He will be assigned to a company by nis Cards, white only spine and back or head." relief and permanent results by using tain commodities, according lo lesiunonv regimental commander and will Join inn Crane's Louisine 25c Answer Your condition Indicates the plain yellow mlnvfll aa per directions before the interstate' commerce uraitmr ciop. in to which assigned Paper, in boxes 25c, 35c, 50c need or a atrong. harmless tonic nutrlUve which accompany each 4 oi. Jar. Ifle western rate cases today by B. J to restore nerve equilibrium, which In Rne, coal trarric manager or the llllnol mm fortifies and strengthens the organs "Morris" asks- 'I hare suffered with Central railroad. of nutrition, thus vitalising the blood and a chronic cough ror almost a year, and r. Roe ssld that although the forty DARING FEAT OF promoting new cell and tissue to take catch a fresh cold every few weeks. one western railroad systems were seek care or the waste forces Three grain Nothing Ihe doclor gives me helps, so I ing an advance generally or rue cení, adornen tablets, packed in sealed tube write lo you." ton on soft coal, mm from llluioi rull are In Answer: You need s thorough lsistive and Indiana mines m villi directions, recommended one only central ami southern g ail cases. cough syrup, one Ibat relieves Wisconsin, a m such rrom system. ten cents ton points on RAILWAY ENGINEER CURRANT bul surely drives It the The Ihe west Mississippi any bank of the river and following regularly uaed will oust west thereof In Iowa, Missouri. Minué "I. E G." writes: "My rheumatism Is curable cough or cold promptly obtain getting worse all the lime. am getting sola snd part of North and south Dakota, BOOK STORE a f I I ot. bottle or essence inentho lai the proposed equalualiou would cause re so turr that ii makes ji very hard ror ene, II with a sugar ma to get around." mil ductions This would be done he said lo syrup or hooey as per directions on place all the rates on a proortlonaie liasi Rl SHESi TRAIN THROt LINEH AMI - I H 108 Mess Answer Do not worry about your bonis. "Taking the we. tern trrrtlorv js a whole RESUMEN t Ntll li HI UN rheumatism, as tkal can be very easily our promised increases would average T.g n-i- LSSg-- Ltri controlled by using the following OH Miss "Stranger" ssk "I am In a cents a ton,'' he saul hauling the ft ual in the st drug store Ihe mgrrdients named, weal i not aa attractive to He- a man slllllSIUIUIMtHIHHIIMaiUIIIIIIIHIItllSllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllMliaitllsailS thoroughly a or Briefly i have Pelvic railroad Repairing Bridges lirstrojed mis and lake al catarrhal Iroubts as in u,, mi. i roen Ueratsa it east where ui. bays ; Re WHEN meal lime and again si bedtime and you catarro tieucorrncs aun nitnn o, iur ni. ce has approved higher rales." the Early si War Is Eraser should soon be entirely relieved uf liiet noae and throat. What local treatment la kullS Bridge is XS DsyS. out to - All or today s session wa iskon up bv dlsagreealsss disease, rheumatism. Pur irooo ror a rijrr- e railroad in finishing nut or t I buy new Spring chase 1 drsms of iodide potassium, i Answer am quite sure thai entisep .lllpleled in Ihe regular Mm. allotted a os. oi wine of colchicum; 4 drams of tic VI lane Powder is the most prompt and tbriu. The roads are to have four more !... mi..! frees I'STTSSfMUHicSt sodium salicylate; I os. romp, fluid balm Petri, gT ad, March si the espku of a hat he U likely to ag. accompany days before the protesluig sbrpptgr fes- - wort; romp essence rardlul. and 6 hly use lull direction, either gin testimony on why proposad to Huiau military locomotive engineer who osa. of syrup llietr ran his engine through the lines, aarsaparills This has sal reases on apertrtr comiuodmes snosld enemy's want quick action i rlsd thousands and am sure it wilt you. neglect catarrhal trouble Advertisement.; not be allowed effecting use rescue of a number of ir ended Russian pssaenget from a train and sure results. The Ladies of disabled by Use Hermans. Is recounted by one of the members of the engine crew It is on that basis The episode took place near rVrxtao dsn GIVE lag lb rsesat u rosen advance as that that we are asking St. Clements Church I WILL S1000 neigbUirbood. "About I o'clock to Usa looming.' said you to come in and CARCU t Wm I treR tht narrator, "our paaaeuger train as. rived at ib suuoa v.. Ws wars or get acquainted Will Hold a FIELD SEEDS takes dretl to deisrn oar eugme ssvl proceed nil all possible speed lo the station sua and brusg bark our .miosis, who with our new Have jgsvt rwcesvstd otar WklTTgg SUA SAST wars on guard r n our wag we Stetsons. rtoUcssl a detachment of lays usrsnsn rat Spring Home-Mad- IBS O e Cake Sale gtaat airy wlinia a few hundred yards or las Soft .uid Stiff new taajjt the ewtws Iracas behind us Wi wanted to turn 8sM T2"la STJTíJf? back, but wksss ws allssapla to we found UoCsaaV Colors, skatpOS our way by nea iouj i cAssga barred railroad tura ansj plcava-sSs-jj jTdj tae Oermaas had placed on UM irasks The a realty uaviy thibg left to ato ws su anead of sizos. Y, HEID BROS. Snail fartksvr along we found raukjje On SATURDA APRIL 3, at u..iasv ANY LUMP ls a ..f a passenger inoaui who b bad WHOLESALE AND RETAIL been ktfi ImuumI We manages to book i to tiMue vss. which weie filiad wlus HAY, GRAIN, SEEDS, FUEL AND BUILDERS' rngntasMd paiasaassrs. sad itortod tossgag ratunsaUKn ikaan su a pom wkwrv wa kusw lastra WATSON'S GROCERY SUTPLJES was s WaSKB Us over gate Has ws sa sraagstaeaal usorv obt. las in the way of 2 10-- 2 U Uxas St. fio Phoiu -- 3131-2-3-4 3 Ms m. 4 On. If. IsnaWgj A Is W Mas ailed aa uto tracks, but r ras CStil unougb lasas kskiag a clisare oa Besag stortotod. wtaso 4)9-11- 1 TEXAS St UML1UL lltftt sa as wtta ikveti rtftos. Ottr Sunday. April 4. 191 V EL PASO MORN INT. TIMES LATEST DAILY PROGRESS OF POLLYS DAY THE SOUTHWEST EDITORIAL PAGE OF THE EL PASO MORNING TIMES ESCAPADE EVERY The Legend of the Croat. Southwest Prea. Southwestern Progresa. GLIMPSES OF THE PAST. been located at Abi- 111 o n g QHmtg 1 HAM. haying lived to a great age, according to In onfldence. If our right arm were aa strong as A poultry killing plant hss mi f fl fata " nnn legends to Jase WHIard'a, so that we feared fstaHtlea in using lene. Tea., by Swift A Co.. the big packing firm. .Haass Saar IMv la 0 Tw k? SI h" Ttaaat Ciiaapw of tha mnsl ancient hrnded down (From the File of Th Times li Wa know at least large and robust parties I total nf S.00S pounds .i at Tai., aa family, and feeling waa not three and the plant now shipping rt,mm II c a MU'f'ri the human that death far a we horn would so right out and hit on the Jaw TWKNTY-FOU- poul i m i. orm r. YF.AR8 AOO TODAY. poultry per week The bulk of this ation distant, bade his son Heth bring In him either the Albuquerque N. M.) Herald. of dressed run muinni in m soith of the Abilene coun- 111 lYaaaaaailratM fruit of life whlrh grew In the Harden of Kden, or If we way It, one try Is purchssed from fsrmers Mm ' r a felt that about we would risk of A. D. Wilson arrived In the city from Washing- Til sJoavlNO TTMIH. O. some of It la hlpped In from nearby the nil nf merry which flowed there and which had of the for consequences. ton, D. C, accompanied by hi wife try, although romiK-.- bunrh without regard the rvTiLNa uniwimiii been promised to Adsm upon his espnlslon from the gwt point Tar S. C. Ttlsssa alMnt. If you don't get licked by the first one, yoil may inlll M In city from Hrlra C sWtalth asmej.lí.Tutu partíalas garden. Heth made hla way to faradtae by the a U Mann and wife arrived the ! a reputation that will cause two to make . baaSJ MI TNM NltlnaaJ MM the other Washington to enjoy climate C rara Hi asanif Kve, over no grase our beautiful Portales. N. M set the entire Southwest a Traaattaf Baraard. OI1U Malina. Jk MM " of Adam and which had tracks when they see you coming. HTttl 1. II tarta ever grown. angel to made known glorious example ..n Arbor day when 11 miles of J. The whom fteth City Collsetor Merrill yesterday psld over to the aalhralnnl CU rli-- Utgk. Oil KlM. town and In the aur- - y f MlllW, M lacaar his errand gave him tree seeds, from the fruit of the A Kansas woman haa cleared $,000 on hoga thla city treasurer the sum of $470. to ha placed to the treea were planted in that credit of special A of 3.600 pop-ta- r r)TAOI IHUf .IN III! TIMrs rOUrOWS tree of whlrh Adam had eaten, and directed that they season That Is what you would approvingly call the fund. rounding Irrigated districts. total It la M pta placed tongue burial. Mhosts for Women. Nogales (Aria.) Herald. and elm trees arrived In time for the planting be under Adam's Just before hts B. H. It ta St pa. Mi., i for Women" Is a slogan that would at Captain Ruhlen and his sble assistant. In the course of time Adam died and the angel'a In Offley, were pushing aa and th entire town took a holiday and planted least prove matters forward ss fsst structlona were carried out. far more remunerative than the other possible so that work on the new military post trees. DM SUflO ItATKJ cry that is being throughout the length and ' o there aprang from Adam's grave In Hebron heard could b begun at the earliest possible period. (Bf M.i. k IIWII breadth of the land. patt ami atindar. ana rear tt three treea a redar. cypress snd a pine tree. A new infantry company has been authorized Pailr Ind Kriu. Ml MMIi County Judge Blscker received a letter from Pall, and IN These grew long together, forming but one trunk, for Tucson. Aria, by the adjutant general of the avtiila? thraa aontna only a little 'while remalna now that you can plant Austin to the effect that the commissioner of the 'am ana ona atonta rnme to be regarded aa a aymhul nf the Moly general land office would decide boundary line state, and It Is reported the new organization will 11m liman rtroaa, asa raw whlrh that tree and be mire that It will grow. 8ee that it la the controversy between Jeff Dsvls and F.I Paso coun- university students. It is If Carrtai I Trinity. Thla tree, transplanted by Moses and later put out tomorrow, and remember that $3 Invested be largely made up of Tl on Msy 1. Pall? M Suntlar. aha month by David, grew to he very beautiful. But even Us that way adds $200 to your property Inveatment. ties planned to give a big military ball the latter port aoanan aVIHLn Kama raiaa rioajaalad l!.. swell iN. I SvjaarrlMra alie rail la Ihair papar rafuiarlr ara U beauty did not prevent Holomon from rutting It dowa Mi New. General Sampson. ITnltsd States consul at Juaret, of the month, at which time It expected the aatlfr th aualnaaa offlra to that afraat In to complete temple, beam The man who planta one tree confer a lusting accompanied by hla wife, from a bridal new company moatered Into service. Olaa poatanl- -i atdraaj in full. In.MM aamlf aail Mala, BaaiH order his for which a returned tour will be T atnnaa rtr.ri nr ratnalarad stttar. of enormous else was larking. Hut each time the benefit on posterity. And all over thla great n through the South. a MM. prllata branch ai. nansa ailh flra leant llaaa aannaRUK beam cut from thla tree was fitted, l would be either country ther is a crying necessity for the Game Warden Baca, of New Mexico, has reoelved all aVapartraanu Tail naaratnr whirr, or anat dapartraant n The city council met In regular session with aval" planting the wlaa and nonnartlnna ba raada. atar It p m. and an SundaF too large or too small, and such a strange circum- of more tree. following present: Mayor Capíes, Aldermen Davis. at the Valley ranch, near Kanta Fe, the bunch of aftarnonaa aad nolldara tba folUrvUvf drptrt manta alll ajiaaar dlrarl stance Waa taken aa a algn that It should not be Dieter, Magoffin. Merrick. Kelly. Papin and Holo- Elk presented to the state by the national govern- Mtl Juaraa Branrh and Bunlnaaa Mana Keeping competent I a problem haa mon. The ordinance waa granted Mai Manafar MM sVtll.rrlal and used. teachers that committee an ment. Forty-seve- n head arrived in good condition Mat Bartatr E and Mall Boaai Ada and Or Uapta. for years been hard for the achirvl board In all n additional week in which to report on the proposed Mtl Home time sfterward. most versions agree, the out of the shipment of 60. three dying en route. The If laa rimar falla ta dailnst ma papar pramptlr. Batí a oar of the country to aolve. Few men remain In fire ordinance. Contractor Terry was granted n af tha aanaa latapennai beam was hurled where the pool of Hethesdn was at in- work any great length of time, especially In the, further time to lay sidewalks on Chihuahua street animals were extremely wild and much trouble Aru arronaou raflaritoa upon tha atandlnp. rbaranar or raputatlan a later time discovered. During Paaalon week the smaller cities. The great reason for thl that It I The weekly payroll of the sewer commissioner was wa experienced in unlosdlng them. af anr paraan. firm or mrpuratlon walrh mar appaar m tha evluaini a difficult position to fill, and practically all lea. hers approved. af tha arlll . elidir rarraaud it. hatuf la laa 11-- wood rose and floated on the aurface of the pool, arsUtai nf are poorly paid when it la taken Into consideration Martin I.ohman. of Las Cruces, arrived In the tha mai,frnanl It Pecos, and was used for the cross of the crucifixion. the amount of money that must be expended,! to my city on business. The cotton ginning season has closed at The Resurrection and the Life. In Palestine there grows a creeping plant with nothing of the time required in preparing for the Tex., with a total output for the gin located at that long the Bplnl Chrlstl which may work. Douglas (Arlx. ) Dlapatch. FIFTKEN YEARS AOO TODAY. point 840 season. This Just a VDAY is Faster. hard thorns of bale for the have furnished the material for the crown of thorna T. at hers who make teaching a profession I what little more than double the amount ginned the pre- Thin day in celebrated the recurrent anniver- Mrs. Hubert Martin, after a visit with her son, placed on the head of the Havlor. One of the e the school Interests of the entire country need moat ceding year, shown irrigated cotton Is a sary .if (hut marvrlotiH development that followed the W. R. Martin, returned to Fresno, CaJ, and that legends says the willow wss used for this pur- at this time. Cut out the teacher who teach for proposition that has come to the Pecos country to Tragedy upon the (Yon, when Jesus ChrlrJl. t hf r pose, and that In sorrow for causing so much agony. revenue only, and employ those who teach a a pro- J. T. lgan, general traffic manager of the Sierra stay. nf thr World, ni resurrected from fhr dead and It dropped and wept. Its sharp thorns changing Into fession. Madre railway, returned from a trip over the road. wtli'tl thr- f,iih of thr believing children of Almighty aoft leaves, they might never again cause any Citizens of Carrizozo, N. M will celebrate two Ood. thst General Manager J. A. Eddy, of the El Paso 4 pain. And ever since it has been known aa the weep- The number of homes in Arizona' at this time, Northeastern, returned from a trip to Alamogordo. arbor day this year, having already planted out 800 Without thin Bevlor without thin faith, there la according to census Is 47,817. ing willow. the bureau. Double Carolina poplars, 100 rose snd some cherry treea Itn the 10 years ago. The will be iiiithlnK ilHr umn whlrh Chlietlanlty mn liaer number number As aoon as the weather becomes warmer the El In other legends in this connection allege that the more doubled during next 10 yearn; advance of the governor' proclamation of Arbor hope. than the the Paso aV will commence running, ex- op- Northesstern day. Now they are going to observe Arbor day by willow became a weeping plant for the reason that people are learning that Arizona Is the land of cursion to Cloudcroft. "I am thr ftrNiirrrrt Ion and thr Ufe." ) trains Its branches were used as a scourge upon the back of portunity. Douglas (Arix. Dispatch. planting more trees, and future generations will rise Ho JeartiH Mlmarlf iroi'laimod. ami without f'hrlft .Icsus Christ, when Me was scourged and reviled by The state of Arlxona Is rapidly developing, but Mrs. W. F. Carroll, of Lass Cruces, was (pending up and Cafll Carrizozo hie that lleeurrectton ami l.ifr we are lost truly those who participated In Hla crucifixion. there remain many opportunities for those who want a few days In the city. ' There were wllnrHat-- to thr Krniirrrrtlon of .leans homes. Men must learn, however, to adapt Quay county, N. M., haa voted $(0,000 bond Issue them- Governor Bob Taylor left Tucson. Aria., where Chrlal He apprurrd lo flvo hundred living wltm-tow- prosperity for purpose of Improving public of V Freak legislation continues to come to light in selves to natural conditions, and not seek he Is schedule to deliver a lecture. for the the toads Mary, at where Hla county, at nnr time. wrrping thr Tiimli. connection with the proceedings of various state through Impossible method. that and the amount Is to be split Into hody luid, talketl auppoaed I had hren with thr legislatures. California haa a bill frrnvldtrig com- While Jailer Lyons on the atck Hat Deputy three sums of $20,000 each and go to the throe w )mr name waa waa A friend of our brought In a nice specimen of the Brldgers Is taking his place at the county jail. go but hrn railed ahe pensation of 12 per day for all persona districts of the county. Not one cent will to arrested Oogleewoo, a sit la known, the desert thrillrd with thr recognition of trvr-rl- of flod. who or better salary account, but every dollar of the proceeds Is and tried for crime who escape conviction 'Texas This strange little animal, which extremely New waa received from Little Rock that Dan had ariaen from and from the Tomb. to be spent building. thr rad roine amended the law prohibiting playing cards on rail- rare. Inhabit the driest portion of the Arizona Stuart, the n promoter of pugilism, would for actual road wan to dlaoiplag Mr to- Hhr told Inform Ilia that had way traína by providing that one who Indulgea In has a tail like a corkscrew. Becoming thirsty aoon leave for Mexico City to renew his efforts armen. Two of thoae dlariploa on their way to a In hi perambulations over the waste he erectahlm-sel- f ward securing a concession for the establishment of One of the bet grain crops In .the history of a gsme In his own home two nlghta in succession Monte Carlo Juarez. were with and comforted and recognlxed on his spiral tall and resolves himself at a rapid a at the Salt River valley la the report that comes from talkrd must pay a fine of $60. In other words, n man and Quickly sight, rute. he is lost to while the dust rise Phoenix, Arts. Thousands of acre have been planted Him a He broke bread with them. his aIff may play cards Mondays. .Wednesdays and In cloud, generated by the woo. In a aurpristngly R. W. M. Lain returned to Chihuahua after a In the Tempe and Kyrene sections, and the stands is Mr appeared alao to the eleven dtariplca, upbraid- Hatiinlays, hut If they break over and Indulge Mon- ahnrt time he renchra water, slakes his thirst and re- pleasant visit here with friends. sumes his way through track less desert. Phoe- said to be almost perfect. " Already the threshing ing them for their uubeipaf and hardaaaa of heart, days and Tuesdays they are violating the Texas law the nix t Arla, i t e. C. N. Rush aad F. H. Farreil arrived In the city men are getting their machinery In order In antici- following that action with the ádmonltlnn, "On ya) and liable to $50 each fin. Huoh la the of prohibition In Tho from I 'ecos. Into all the world anil preAch the Ooapel to every result Arlsona. pation of one of the biggest crops on record. Oogleewoo waa only equipped with a spoonbill up to creature." Oeneral Hugh I.. Hrott paid a high tribute to The lumber mills at Casaa Orandes were turning the time Arizona went dry, but developed the cork- out five carloads of lumber per day, which was be- A rich strike of gold ore I reported at the And aa Jeaua ("hriat aroae from the dead and tri- Indian the day, upon his return character other screw as a later necessity growing out of the diffi- ing shipped to market over the Sierra Madre line. Heffern mine, near McNeal, Ariz., and It I claimed umphed over the Tomb, ao will there come reaurrec-tin- n from an expedition among the of Utah. He I'lutea culty In finding moisture. that the assay show free gold to the amount of $90 and immortality for all who believe and accept true, said: "I have more real, trustful friends who and tribulations, and the Mexican people have never per ton. There is much excitement in that section Him us the propitiation for their alna. willing to lay down Uvea for me among are their Teachers' cottage are th latest thing in educa- known what It was to have free and representative over the strike. Life without the hope of Immortality la to rele- the wild red men nf the plalna anil muuntalna and tion. The slate of Texas has about 100 of them, and government.' present gate so Washington. If the revolutionary trouble that which was made after the Iniagr of A- the wild Mohammedans of the 1'hlllpptnes and the has the state of Alabama has taken Farmers and stockmen in the vicinity of Por- to the Idea with enthusiasm, are six of theae brings them thst boon, then the achievement will lmighty Otd to the real ma of heaattallty. If thrre la Inlands the Pnrlflc thnn have among people Thee M tf the hornea In one county, and In one town be worth all It has cost the nation. tales. N. last year raised product of greater value nothing beyond grave alerp for teachers the but the of oblivion of my own race." Anil fleneral Hcott might have there Is a cottage built by public subscription, with than ever before In the history of that section. The lh returning of our bodlea to basic day, thru we added to thla the fact It is six of land It. well that the practice acres around (Art.) Review. The Sulphur Springs valley la getting greener and business transacted at the Santa Fe depot during ore but living In vain we nothing more south-weste- arr than the of the atinare deal that han made auchi a condition Any policy that will better the standard of prettier every day, according to Constable Sam t, the month of February was $4,000 greater than for brutea over whlrh Ood gave ua dominion when he possible. school teachers is a good thing. Profes- who went to McNeal yesterday to serve some the same month laat year, while the March bualnesa subpoenas. He says is lots of placad ua on thin earth. sional i. a. who teach for the love of their pro- warrants snd there will show a gain of SO per cent over sume month In the channel. Douglas the great I, water Whitewater river In the arch of Chrlat lunlty the doctrine of War ib is of the European powers now actually fession Is what the country needa not the Individ- (Aria) International last year. the resurrection from the dead la thr veritable key- rngaged in fighting total the aum of $10.500,000.000, ual who use teaching as a stepping atone to aome The Sulphur Springs valley of Arlsona Is fast stone, as Faith ik the hlaxlng hsavoon points the the annual revenue of In- profession. The Pecos Valley Oil company sinking a well ' that and all these countriea. other developing aa a section of prosperous and happy way. cluding possessions, Lake N. M., their colonies and arr less than homes, and some of the agricultural yields reportad at Arthur. and the drill ha already We may not ondersiand the mystery of the $t,000.000.u00. The total revenues of the entire The lower house of the Missouri legislature reached a depth of 400 feet. The Intention I to paased s bill Monday making It a misdemeanor for from thst section sre almost unbelievable. but wr are convinced of its mighty world leas $12.000.000,00 annually With put the well deep enough to thoroughly truth. air than a newspaper to publish an adverttsemen; containing demonstrate All nature proclaims II truth and thr human heart th.r.e nations spending half aa much more per an- an untrue or misleading atutemrnt. but the bill re- Now we read in the El Paso paper that Oeneral whether or not there la oil to be found In that must and does accept it as a fact. num us the entire world la earning, It is evident lieves from liability a publisher who s Ignoran: of Obregon has gone with hi army to attack the Villa vicinity, and it is said the oil prospect are promising. that war is hell on finances aa well aa In Its toll the untruthful nature of the publication, Nogales forces In the rear, near Tamplco. Experience has (Ariz.) Herald. taught th Villa enemies that It Is not ssfe to attack The dtaatrous effect of the operation of Jitne of human life and dratriicllon of homes ami other The Jitney automobile fever ha struck Globe. Krputahlr newspapers do not publish thla warrior In front. Douglas (Ariz.) International. automohllea on th. ini umc of the Houston Kit i trie IV dishonest Aria, and a finance committee has been appointed propel General Obragon la not unduly anxious to come railway, la madr avldsnl in the report of thr com- advertisements, and when a dishonest advertiser i to raise fund for the Inauguration of Jitney ser- In contact with General Villa from any direction, pany Jual madr public. According lo thlh statement, Dr Hun Yat Hen. the dlatlngulahed Chinese revo- discovered he Is promptly shut out of the news- vice, several thousand dollar having already been for he has a pretty good knowledge of the fact that earnings In January fill off more than $11,000 for lutionist, makes the charge that Y'liin Hhl Kal. the papers Such legislation as applied to newspapers subscribed. It Is estimated that $10.000 will be Villa a very fine fighting man. February more than 31,000, and for 2g daya In present president of China, has entered Into a com- is unnecessary. It should apply to th advortiaer. required to establish such a service a I contem- Marih tnora than 112.000 part with .Ispun, under the terms of which he con- plated by the men behind the movement. Then rc three periods when Mexico was fairly George J. Gould hss lost out as president of two cedes Japanese demands in return for Japanese tie a the peaceful ni. orderly under the Aztec, under the or three rallroada, but atlll president of the The greuteat cotton crop ever grown In the I'nited liberty mov You keep a good man off the pay The live cltaen of Atamogordo, N. M have support in suppressing the cmrnt In Spain it'll!- and under Diaz. The Aztec king lw T. P. can't Stales was groan during thr year 114. According China. their subjects by ten of thousands as sacrifices to roll. Albuquerque t N. M.) Herald. atgreed upon a plan to provide amusement pavilion In thr official estimate furnished from Washington the great god H uitzllopochtlt. The Hpaniah v (rorge ha ben Jarred louse from som of his and public play grounds for the school children of etl population the total of K, 1(1.141 bales aland lo the credit nf A 'machine has been invented in Chit ago winch, the and drained the country railway holdings, and it is generally understood that that town through the taking of stock by all th '' of Ha gold and silver. Diaz gave away In the American for last rar, hut operated b) two men. a HI uaah and dry mure romessluns Is ready to retire from the railway business. citizens. Ona very enterprising and public farmer while the when to foreign capitalists the country's richest resources. he about spirited heavy, thaVJi It Is to hold unto Texas dt Meld was the price has been leas half on than 11.000 dlahes an hour, and thus the ad- HiKliCe I Ariz. Krv lew. He seems able the Pacific. citizen has sgreed to auberrihe $$00 for the pro- the average what It Is usually. vanced woman Is coming into her own. Mexico aa a nation has undt rgunv muny trial however. ject.

POLLY AND HER PAL-S- Moral: Investigate Before You Bribe. By STERRETT

I DOaji tutomt J I VOvJ )fcaj ftioM'StP JutT" "TkAriKÍ tut I V t&O V MAKx stv SJOeo Pfaja iaty ) C A ail U Psv .ai' L4V HtfailAKr vtvrreV 4a Iff M MCsJ Ha HbuD FRtsYt sUiIm.J IXHz I V4$ SuOOtsl VXáríl Vikas W O. tu aSOa-ai- las HAS (XV 43 ÍU IU rislP vXfl $441 Iim stXJ r 4sK4Kr All To twHV Till J TROO'CiAl iTV na BKiSXvJjt lH AjkjrWl rVOMf T. ' ) y iPtail asfegMcrO L4S1 ijajllT j AaiO Vi DiOaH LAV isatl Uy ttwwi ItASsaf aal I r (HAt UrztaióOaU ; liál uiTs PtaVa PfJilf-U- 5mo UP Tut .v v.. . - Bjaj i I'aWV aaSl r4rWWB " i II . I . t r MslllV Ut4aS I - JjaYT A "aü II fS n " 1 . T 7 FOcR silKf ijgjt to an?J mm wm mm mm wm m ,.mw is i m w ror raizas mHnv April 4. T913. FI PA9Q MORNNG TIMES )

i Belle Wsr'nfr Is engaged M fill a position in hts employ Brown to new turns Ins BIJOU-TODA- Y beauty, ignoring the pleadings of his former i rharmer who is beroanmr an object of in GRAND derision to hrr Things im GRECIAN TEXAS come to a crisis when Itose enters the AN EASTER PROGRAM private office uneipertedly and finds Belle Thet wltl send vol home hup THE Warm in Brown's embrace. A stormy TODAY Wimer Ruanova scene fallows Rose, m a freniy. "ALL COMEDY BILL" grabs a paper-knif- e and stsbs her GAR- Bill employer. Thinklna him dead, she makes "HAM AT THE Another Great Sunday Operette Co. her escape from the of rice, but Is teen by BAGE GENTLEMEN'S Edward Temple, a client. Rose arrives Matinee at 3 p. m home Just as her fattier receives drteil'd, BALL" "CAUGHT IN THE ACT" information rrom the police sergeant in A Itlot of Fun. KEYSTONE KOMEDY Latin Muses and Goodie his district at the Brown assault rase. ANIMATED Rose begs her rattifr not to Uke up the 'THE Featuring Guzman case, pleading for the unknown girl who GROUCH CHASER" waa so cruelly wronged. In her excitement. Night at 8:30 Rose goes through the motions enacted A Scream. CHAS. MURRAY wlien she stabbed Brown. Her father's 'SEEN THROUGH THE as I suspicions are aroused, and when he goes logan, the Artist A WALTZ DREAM m MAKE-UP- " to Brown's orflre aa an officer of the law Boxes he becomes convinced that bis own daugh- This reej Is full of comic: "THE FIRST STONE $1.00 ter committed the crime. He is aboul to BEAUTY" Orchestra 75 do his duly and arret her. when word Balcony 50 reaches In in from headquarters to drop the P. S "ATTEND THE COMEDY DRAMA rate. Brown, repentant, and rinding bla Gallery 25 wound Is not fatal, has halted further In- BIJOU TODAY" vestigation. He sends for Peters, confesses For Real somen! Seats on sale at Ryan's Drug all, and the rather returns home to bla "REFORMATION" daughter with a glad heart. Brown's old TOMORROW STRONG DRAMA Store and at Box Office zTi r tint laiir love for Rose returns and be makea her Texas Wf ErILL WILLIMIflo bis wire. "THE FIRST Featuring at Grand This feature has ueen booked by the COMMANDENT" KD COXF.JÍ AND Wigwam for tomorrow. WINIFRED GREENWOOD A Real Fen tit re In Three Acta 54 People in Cast by an r Cant of the Kalem orchestra Company FINEST PROGRAM IN EL PASO TODAY Special Scenery EARL WILLIAMS Amusements appears In the Broadway star feature, from Headquarters. AT THE WIGWAM TODAY. entertaining litis noble hand of men ami first Iwu game- - anil the Pallas Giants will "Prom Headquarters" is a Broadway star The Wigwam today will show "The only nothing will be loo goon for them while be here on the closing ilay. feature which the Vttagraph company ha Way nut. a three-ree- special by the l.ti- - they are here. Aside rrom tlic rrgular en itcamnont acre h.n the assurance thai peen running- ai its .cv TOT! theater D.n company It is a story oi a man s tertslnment features, every rtrlcgate will prrlal railroad rate wfil he grained rem and Im just released for exhibition by errorts to shield his sttfe. The story Is a he given free llckcts to the Tesas League rver point In Texas, and nrs accommo- cither exhibitors. Anita Stewart and Earl framatlr one and Is well acted by a picked hahall games each Hay. The Waco dations will he provided hy Hie local bo- casi, one ot OK Beaumont will play the no Williams have the leadme parts. The story which includes John It BE IN nothing ana WAI.IS it hp no it Mm and mlers tris itb increase in rate. the three famous Ince Elltll Ml REE "THE WALI.K OF for hut "bridge" last me. I'nlquv present Edmund nreese told by the picture follows: brothers. it lili no AT I UK TVESDAV She Involved a the The will Tomorrow A Broadway Star feature, L.Müt'E becomes In acaudal and In or Tuesday aim Rote Peters, the daughter of a detective AND WEDNESDAY. man who tries to Induce her to leave her 'The Walls Jericho" who helievea there Is no thing aa an "From Headquarters," with Anita Stewart Wednesday. This is a modern drama or such Earl the leads. husband plots against Froblsher. falsely -- one excuse fnr rrlme, falls In love with her and Williams playing great society lire, by Alfred mm. and is Ralph lii'-- produced "The Walls of Jericho" In this accuslng him of a crime Iroblshcr of America's .greatest stsge successes, be- employer, William Brown. He devotes Marguerite modern drama of faablonable life and so- over the scoundrel and drives to her exclusively, Paramount release. trlunichs ing pisved bv James J lUckvtt. The price himself despite the Clark In pro- ciety intrigue, are the ramparts of sliani blin out of bis. Ufe. Then lie tears down be. ror anger of Matters change Wlldfiowcr." Thla auperb roi this production will rents her father. when duction should not be confused with Lil- and fraud that surround tbe "00." Jack the Wslls of Jericho that have surrounded sdults and is rents Tor children, see lian Hn. In "Wildfire." Froblsher, a young' million his wife and. hand tn hand, they begin a schedule of shows in Monday's papers. aire from the west, who lias married a new and happier life. A tremendous ar- As this picture will la the scaling THE LMULE beautiful and titled wire, rinds to hts hor- raignment of modern society with a of the theater, the Unique manage-mvnt- Warren Kerrla-a- In "The Huardian ror that she Is utterly frivolous and cares "punch" that leavea you breathless. requests all who ran to attend tne of the Flocks." a Victor feature. matinee. aim an excellent comedy win ne ine pro- gram today. Mr. Kerrigan Is at his best In tbla production and you can depend and iVorge Behn. ihe prime ihe Waif will be seen for the Ism time. WIGWAM on seeing a good picture. The mi i' sre hard to bejt and got some k local This most charming and delightrul rive will be good, of course. Jokes off that made an Immense bit. the pafl rralure Is tbe one we bavr been EASTER PROGRAM AT THE BIJOU. Monday "The Black Box." by E. Phillips work or ine rnorus is me talk or tne telling yuu about all week and If you three-re- el city. go The HIJoii management has secured The dramatic nppenhelm, featuring Annie Little and Her- let tbls opporlunliy by without seeing ror today afternoon a yours. program its patrons that nut bert Hawllnson, will be shown. This is Tills there will be manner st ir. the fault and loss will be Mary semi everyone home happy. It consists or picture, the third or this great mystery series and 1:30. Neil Thursday matinee ine bill will Miles Mlnter. tbe twelve year old leading an bill and rvery one' or tne la the best one so far. "The Black Box" change to "The Twentieth rentury Girls" lady of "The Littlest Rebel," togeaher recia are excellent releases. "Ham al Ihe will be here bul the one day. so make ar- and "Behind tliu scenes." an exceptionally with Percy Helton, of "The Miracle Man," c.arbage Gentlemen's Bull" Is one of inose 'The Only Way Out' rangements now to gee it. big olio offering will be staged wltn the have the leads and they leave nothing lo celebrated "Ham Comedies" that la a riot models in a series or new lire poses ar- be desired in the presentation. Thla or fun from start to finish "Tim Am THE CRsWFORI) THEATER. ranged by Rube Delch. feature will please botb tbe old and young mated Oroiirh chaser" Is another sine Featuring The Western Wheel Burlesque with their and you will always remember It with hi Jitter, and to complete the bill, "iseen big and vary capable company of fun "THE EAIRV AND THE WAIT." pleasant recollecllona. The abowa will Through the Is a reel lbs! is akers delighted two banner houses at At the Alhambra today "Tbe Fairy and start on the hour and Ihe prices of ad- - full of entertanitieni. Don't overlook tins JOHN INCE e Crawford yesterday, the evening per- prugt-Hi- at the HIJou luttay. as It is sure formance standing room belnf at a 9 goodDnc. premium and the matinee ahow playing Tomorrow "The First onmiandmenl.' and a Picked Out to practically ladies only wbo certainly a spcrlal jkalem feature In three arts. Tina tbe production. If laughter and ap- is one of the' kalem company's star pro plause are to be taken aa evidence. iinciion-- . Tne veiling, j n .i.isi aruiv Mlas Frances Holland Talt. as In her acting in mis picture are credit to tne TOMORROW prevloua shows, took the bouse by storm producers. In her specialty In tbe olio; her splendid Broadway Miss In a KRECIAVH (.RE AT I DAV BILL Star Feature voice puta Talt clais by herseir. Today's bill at the Grecian la fully up Vera Hansdale, tbe clever soubrette, Is or big to the standard the usual fine smiMiv fast becoming favorite. Bube Welch ALHAMBRA programs, of comae. A keystone Koiiioiv heads the bill The one today Is entitle, I, caught in Ihe Act." and it s a scream. It Muring Charles Murray as Hogan, 1'ie Last Showing Today artist. And, by the way, you'll see in mis "THE I'AIRV AND THK WAIK." death causes the evin sons' altitude comedy a lot or feminine models mat The story of tbls tliisiave InroMaM pro- change. A - r,r money entrusted to FIVE-PAR- duction is sure to appeal to every person for Viola's care has been lost by THE DELIGHTFUL T won d be sn inspiration lor any artist. Nevin.ion FEATURE There will also be shown a pretty com- in Ihe audience. The principal artors. Mary him In speculation, and Viola Is looked edy drama b the "Beauty" playera and Miles M inter (known the country over s upon as a burden and treated harshly, be- a strong drains featuring hd Cosen and "The Littlest llebel"). Percy Helton (the coming the household drudge. They'll Be There Two Nights Winltrvd Greenwood !l Is Hie bc.i pro- boy of "peter mi ranie), and Will Uosded beyond endurance, she turns "The Fairy and The Waif" gram in El Paso today. rrhle twhoni every one knows), will d aw av. drifts into a Ihe iter and becomes S light Ihe children with their pathos slid falrv in a i:tirtslina production. At the THE MIVSTREI.i. WEDVERDtV humor, whilo the grown-up- s will ha dress rehearsals she fall from a cloud WITH El Pesos favorites, the Elks' Minstrels, gripped hy ihe u.iii settlor and lbs which was l.earlng her skyward. Site li will make He ii second annual appearance Interest of Ihe plot, based upon events not injured, but Is so Iterated hy the stag' al the Tegaa Grand Wednesday and Thurs brought about by Ihe sudden oulbresk or i..,. iii it she rustics out Itiio ihe ntght day nights. It will he a feast of music and the present Kuropean war, whirb in brier. In her fairy costume anil disappears. Tbls El MARY MILES MINTER pass Waif, a Paso as the Theatre run. so don't miss It. The rinest nisle Is follows: bota li to that is conic soloists and chorus ever heard In El Paso Major Drayton, of the British army, re wretched little urchin who..- only sic Iter Is April 7th and 8tn OF 'THE LITTLEST REBEL." will be In Ihe eaal. It will be better relies a cablegram whu h necessitates his an old barrel in a lonely alley. Is sure that than any professional minstrel company return tn London. As he mil be gone but "lbs angel" has come down to AND In the land, and Ihe prlres are only si. so, a few weeks, bis lawyer suggest that he him when he Is aroused frota, his Christmas SI.UU, 71c and 5c. Reserved seats o leave Viola III his care. eve leep by Viola dashing headlong Into on sale at Byan'a. Tuesday, the eth. Be Mola Is i., Iisppv in l auvcr Mrvinson's Ids barrel, seeking lo hide from a pursuing PERCY HELTON there early, for tbe enure house will be. household, ami is therefore dismayed when dog old Tuesday fur the two nights. Adver at tho outbreak of Ihe war abroad, her, despite the gathering clouds, the threads tisement. rather writes that he has been ordered tn of the story are woven together Into S OF "THE MIRACLE MAN." the frunl. Tbe news of Major luayton's happy ending. At tho Alhambra this week. SHOWS ON THE EVEN HOUR. ADULTS, 20c CHILDREN, 10c Great Minstrels ELABORATE PLANS r Attract- For the FOR CONVENTION TodayEaster Sunday Bigger, Better, Flore Spectacular UNIQUE DINE AT 7 HE ions at Next Bv Tine Special Corr.spensat Heaumonl. Texas. March tf squad or more than loo local Eaglea Is now making elaborate plans for Ihe entertainment of tne Than Ever Days son or mora delégales who will be in Beau THE in., ni May la. 10 and an to attend the ap nual elate contention of hc rstrrnal i i Campbell Cafe der of .!. Indication are that Ihe attendance Tuesday and Wednesday surpass Ibat of any previous stale meetlns BRILLIANT CLIMAX IN TODAY Iteld by this order, and in anticipation of A La Carte Special Eaater Menu this the local member are making every Warren Kerrigan in arrangement 10 take care of the visitor In J. true Besumoiil fashion One evening during the contention will be "THE GUARDIAN OF Edmund spent at Port Arthur will be taken over on the Inteiurbsn and In prívale Burnt Cork Minstrels THE FLOCKS" automobiles sod Port Arthur asrte. eom Choice Foods w.uut ..I il.,.M oc nki. will fnrll. visitors ' A t Victor Keitur. Its best efforts to show the Ihe time of their lives Properly Prepared and Served Bréese karh forenoon will lie taken up with a A GOOD COMEDY business session tu ene of the local audi at Popular Prices. tarring 1st loriums and each afternoon and evening will alara be on the MIL null be given over entirely to pleasure. A Medley of Laughter and olh Beauinoiii and Perl Aithui realise Hie Walls Ihe important e and appre. late the honor of Melody Fifty Trained Monday The Most Popular of Jericho" THE COLONIAL TEA Black 621-2- Voices in Grand Chorus. Hie Box" ROOM. 6 FIRST NA- Cafe in Town I Br Alfred Nutro.) By E Phillip. vp i. heim ) TIONAL BANK BUILDING. Ten Soloists with Sweetest With Anal Uttl. and Herbert As l layed br Kawtineon Oreaiaat Mystery Voices in Great West . . Picture aver produced. JAMES J. HACKETT CRAWFORD THEATER Special Musical Program A GOOD COMEDY A Modera Drama of Social Ufa ICrvry h truing at 0;M or Mm. and one ! Aas.rlea's Lireateat Unese at o Taraadars. hy Van Surdam'a Orchaatra. cot atlas ucreajas. TliaurasUya, Saturdays. tMssMtaj. ADULTS . 26c WESTERN BURLESQUE Vocal StleerlfMn During the CHILDREN 16c WHEEL Prices $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 25c Frrnit lug P aaa Monday a pa atara tar "INDIAN MAIDENS" Era! of a ad scfcedule .now. tram la I THHJCk. ACT Mía Salina Heniduafi and Van Surdam Seats qb Sale tyaa's Dru Store Tues. 6ti the nsatiBe.a and Ua sura eat a it tst Pltlt l l-t-l telUug 2. I" I 04 Mallaaasi, I W to SO. EL PASO MORNING TTMFS Sunday- April 4. 1919

& ROBS HOUSE WHILE Houm! Dr J. C. BALLARD COMPANY I Mill-- - M I 14 IMml ati- ranging in price Offers Special Value in Sheets, Causes and Mr Mlk Boot THE BEST BUY IN EL PASO TODAY from 7 Sr. $1. $1 IS. Sftc Mlk lloae t Mi' Sheetmc and Other Items for Monday Mr Mlk lloae Me FAMILY IS AT MEAL $1.50 and $2.00 and Tuesday 7 ike Hiik lloae a;. Sheets and Caaes Extra Specials Sheeting Specials 7íxS sprrlal lol nf a A A IWI.I. nan N imkhs rv Mr.tXft or Richmond JiMMt Terrace ivii wiiii Monday Titrswlny Mr, I 1.UU 4 mw iHtv nl hrrl. or for M.Hihed OAlg i.i muí i oí i tan Right in the center of El Paso's greatest building activity and just a few minutes' ride from hr-t- ; 0e hrrllna; aparlsl tfTjC It yards Aprun fherk 72xIS amid, fall vaina the heart of the city. 55c Ipnaen sa mi s4 blnohrd'l'rpiirrill - Nlrrrl Balllr trr bun) Plnrky Ingham for t M4 h SaajC0J Irrk I' Mra Who lake Property 10 yard ltpt "alien He shpetlna. I ri, Ware ; Males ol Poller Nras. 50c 810 Inch tiratas worth ..',c x4 iinlilpaihed Peppiritl for asaesa $?. Oil1 C ahertlns L 2 .o RICHMOND Ihr door with a Jimoiy. TERRACE 10 yard IioiiLIp lire hark lo rlnae In- has all modern Im prove, nervt. Tbsstrreta an- paved with blthulllhlr. Thrrr arr miles Karh Mr 10x4 fcJüitill Psppaftn hurxlars last nhrhi mlrred u in m- - or llpmnant 55c K arrowing shrubbery. Ooa, water, I'rrcale 72x1 ivpparlll or hpavy hotel nhertlns;. aSSClal aCDjC Moyp, I mi ,1orlh ore.. n sircrt, of irmpnl oldewnlk. rrmenl aWMSS snd park sparina; with trees and Or - one room ..r the hou-- e and arnevl pwprsajr. electrlstly and ear service all now not simply promised. Nn sub- 10 yarda llnsrham, harta-- pillow salnv I aaay fire hydrant, sre thrrr 80c "n lO fff.MI in raah. The peculiarity of division of El Paso can compara with Rlehmbnd Terrace In point of lmprovrmenta. location and In quality, for liw tree sale at lata ?C the robhrry la iin- ran thai the rainii.v waa almul laldp (I in-- ! the quality of homes have been built. OVKH ONE HI NORBD THOUSAND DOLLARS have 10 yarda liinarhnm. in KaHi ana pillow rnalnn; thr dlnnrr that 1í'c SI heavy lyU.. tin' Iin mysterious person was 11 form- been spent for homes In Richmond Terrace durl ng the psst frw months. quality, for 95c hotal hert or 1 value fur ina the fist. It neina- nrrrssary for lor I'epprrlll 12'C inirnder to pas the rrnm 10 of ISC thronsh kltitien. yrd Outlaf Isotrtl 7 n Towel Specials avfstrS riKini he pntrml the aparlnr-nt- or Klannrl 85c Mlaa Maid I'snar. whrrr lliev eairarted GO OUT AND SEE RICHMOND TERRACE. LOTS ARE NOW SELLING AS Patch 20s44 lowela; 1 ihr tnom-- m an her trunk. It la uiiiin.ii 10 yarda (luting bath tic 42xl im mi M value for mti1 2 C that thr robber heronv LOW AS LET DS BUILD YOU A HONE ON EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS ri im for 67c ii SI. 75 diioverln anylhins rlar to appropriate $450. x44 both lowrla and mi. hla yruway throurh thr bam 10 yard liet Apron hprk IXavh . loe. room window, w hb h wa round oprn. A 42x18 hraiy SI. S3 .quad or in i... pnlirr wrnt lo the home finish in 'or i 85c holrl - l)rm SISO ISc mi a rail, hut 110 in hold, had 10 yard if (!nod Itlrachet robber waa dlarovrrrd. IN Ka rotton hin k fare lowrla; Urrk Has Willi llrr,t Thlrtrs. S3230 PRIZES ibmieetir for 75c A Hhl - to the first build houses in Richmond Ter race from now Read the following partic- ease on aala rrd border; apprlal lively time and murh o. in or- to on. In toe 10 yards of Good Hlpaehrd i . rurred yesterday ariernoon at and ulars. ' Mbw II Mo n sa' trinity of thr fntrraaUonal Ktiriilturr Iiomrrtlr for 65c Itoaea 4 i I im Sc atorr. Third and El Pai alreets, reaiillin-i- two Medrana named in- i.aatlllo and FIVE-PASSENGE- Joae ii. in i, o. im m jail, on to. TWO R FORD AUTOMOBILES rliarSr or larrrny In thr auui of StS. end Ola' .o ili llive.tlffatliin wllti to or their equivalent in money will be given absolutely free to the first two purchasers of lots tin- rib hint of a watch. A elrrk at the iillXpnsts In runfli sip flirt an were OVrni M TRt I k tTOI.KX. ilorr says he Oeleeteil the two Meaieans who build homes costing not lesa than $4.500.00. oree fat in from neighboring regions on ihe ail or i.ik 110. a baby hussy, wbtrn CARRANCISTAS th haiku ni muí". horse or donkey they aiteiiu.leil to make away with, lie ' $300 CASH TO EACH ONE OF THE NEXT THREE who will build homes costing not point-In- Takrn from In front nf Ihr lonapany' There an abundance of evidence r save hate, and wls ti thr two turn wrr less than $3.500.00. to Hip fart that thin Inhuman rondiirt lliiHnloan llfflrr overtaken they rave the deck quite a wis part of a detfliarata campaign to tarvp nlrld alionl II o rlnik aome unknown were troiineins. hut the trllly salesman $250 IN CASH TO EACH ONE OF THE NEXT FIVE who build homes costing not less tne populace Into rnlMltit In the ranks .;iillii a valuable iivirland auto n urk Inns to Ihr buKKy until help arrived, tor i prevent mo intr.nliiiiinn '.r f. mdaiurra of hit army. In Iniiiriiiir to tie' imavr cota- - proferir raro varad and Use aiie-e- nueve than $3,000.00. 1nlo Maxim m. m .mix nl hr ri'fuwi pany, laklnt the marhim- dlrertly In mi their way to poller headquarters in R.i.i. In Pillage rrnui i All hornea must be built on not less than two full lots, and work must commence on or ihr city rounrll rtilway cars tor trena Inllrd fruni of tin- nrrire of the rompsny on San euskstf of tirrirera Henderson and Himp-'i- turto sineki were available In "Winn 11m Itipvitahlp consequence i 'ranciare lintel, Aetlns ipfaln Klatrber While srarrhed. one or thr before the first day in September, 1915. regions rontlrunua lo apital and ron thla plan Penan In evince them.'!.'--- anrl diapaliln-- iifileira Ware and men was seen to quietly slip a wsten tlr .riiilninr rrOSa lila poeket and cla'poalt It a win- irollrd Iiy Im Ironpa, hut hi ordered his ftV people priad fur rood. Ornar! Obregiai down the valley in Ihe point- aulo In l.nali-th- 00 proprny If Patrol dow ill, and immediately Ihe orflerra tddrrsied thrm ihrnurh Ik prrs ami by tosstblr. this wa stolen property. Thla mem ol printed posters informed I ham men on San Antonio at reel repnrteii that they saw- a man will be turned over to ihir ronnty that Hie rood waa dn In truck carrying three toen mina; or abortase east, - in., ii.iv hound the ronnty authorities on Ihe rnarsr then or inoi-- Hp s b.r Is- ami not rrihni-s- drrrerd Ihe Hie wa- - Iban r. and In.lli will irtrd on tne re- road, about lime then reported. 1.. CO. special ta levy of di.iain.nnn peana or . & in rharire the L. MARK It Is Hiirmlaod Hie I. was taken for use stealtns JANES crrrnntry to rail itv lira Purse USts Klaly Haya. líete whal hr had Ihr in iran-p'- .i nri aminunjllnii. Hnalrhrr At tletpsrslr situation of thr city poor. J urn Cavara, tlie Mrxiran taken In hy two Successors to Austin Man Co. Now's soldier Irhlay night the Whan Ihr merchant refused In pay after haviinr aiiatcheil hv Vol.. San St. (Capíes Building) "?hone 4350 tat br niiip'ct tin nibble In take what email Slrurk Ihe purse of .Mra. A. I. (llllliore nil the 304 Antonio rould by looting in A r'eSrrT siitiimnblle drlirn h.v tieet. was found (rullly of the thrv and airkin. by rhrr formlnr them that If tlila ernrral looflnr Arnelav last .in vtrm-- a woman named and senteneed Jiuqre Shannon 10 Time Buy I Alnnn-il- nays to l.rrHl nn avenue, in jail Mis. readily lipiran lie nuiihl manh out or tin- rllj Willi nrlqueta knnrk uiv illlnnue in hpr down and ion.. a number nr np ntirieil the man. Cavara Is allraed to hi imop, not flrlnr hiiihIi' anol in u. lisve been hy the mob from what Ihrv minor injurie, rbr woman was removrd anolbrr ihtsoii prnrnl Uklnr to the or ai me num. lie HIIV Mm fhp p opp pri" dp home In. Hrsnih. and in a abort inn lirilseil in make Your wlhrrt not time aide In so bom, 1.11. ii. hi the Identity of this loVtlty iplvprt Tlirv rpfiiapil I a Arcordlns lo emieernllir and devotion, so Indispensable tt la hl w it i. Amela was ilrlvinir at a moder- person. BREVITIES every of her Thp ihr sltgr rarrcr. tnnl. marrhnt rf foraisn áis rute of M'Pid w hen ihe p i,t oc- tllnry lirlvrr Arrested. iAdvertttrmeols.j HIGH TRIBUTE TO Mayor Lin I Also Honors Ladles. ri.lniip ralri1 a rrllrf fund nf mor than of a Jllney ar curred. driver car. was Mtyor-rle- . mofi.ono In a frw ilav by voluntary un last nnrht on the Tom l ei was the next sprtk-rr- Refrigerator rratrd rharire of bavins Dr. Ehrrt. Dentin, Mills bidg. He Mr. arrlptlan ami th- of thr violated Ibr liso wrlcomrd Woodhrtd to aulr ip rrli traffic ordinanrr. AeeordlnK thr city, told .something or Ihe wonderrul psn'd. in I'airiiimnii t,ayWood, who made the ar 41 Comtnrrrlal Consult - r AMI Kichangr. altracllons of thr city and in ronrluslon "Prlro-- of foiiiiHiufr In Mriri nty arc Marias pel uutlliiv paaam-e- ti lug business experts, interpreter and trans a uie on the 1....11 .1 or GUEST OF HONOR paid glowing tnd eloquent tribute to the two ami thri'i' hniulrril pm- rent hUhi-- r iiiiiun his machino. lttors. Phone luuo, w. Comercio, Jutrei. .Mex. Itdlet. II. llroaddiis. James Hohsun and J. A . than In normal llmra and mill rionr. due Claiborne to thp I'hlpps were also in the tnll, yes Dr. aliyrield, opposite Tlvoll, Jusres Adams, mtroiliieed aa the in marhlii.'ilioiM of mllllary Irailrrn of kflaMVl teida.y mi ihe eharire or peruilttlor drratlgable booster who was 'helping the the typr of iiiiipirnn. hli h toter unfurliinaiilv ma. lunes in lie paraeu 100 inns on tue soiilbwest grow." pud compliment to MiAV Ini lmlPt pr.n tu allv ill. Wuñdhead, mentioning the many evldencpar street, roiurary In retulttinhs. ;.AI. Mill it PSKSKVTS ll It or In o. .ii.- It" or his friendship to the my to "What trur tlir rood altuatlon roll, Kail to vitolrn Machine W (iiililll Mi WITH TOkttN OF ES- -I and tbe Hip All or flub, and alluding to the splendid ror Mrllrn City In fuel ltua eflorta Ihe poller In hieate the Live Wire Kills Three. M AT Ii work lli a I'ord auto Win the upbuilding of Ibe west Mr. Wood-hea- lion Thr plrlt vralrh xiarvr ipo whlrii was sinlen ililav evenlmr BiM - 'l 'era lhal plr for peraona nam or on thr street have proved rutile. Ihr was iccomplishlng through his sunset Mlflah mllllary The ear lili hiiioiid, t.. April 3. Thrrr persons Miguine. mblllnni llora not mukr for llbrrly nf heliums to lir. I'li kels and bears the num were killed by I broken live wire burled llisllnnulshrd Visitor speak- - on Truthful Aeisaersey. Mrilrn uiii'i rpap ihp ha ber r?t. run-re- before adjournmrnl Totslmtslrr Shrrmatt I With tin- snow that lllebiuniul and Vilvrrtlvlnu at llanipiei Local speakers town ami unh i Hip wiarrhv. ihaoi ami harurd Thrralrnlnii In Kill. surrounding with a bltnket Add Portion of est to Usía Affair. paid trloutr to the high worth or the lap h or EUTbs Heath win be required to answer R. E. of Las di"Milatlon whli pri'iall In all rn ili and prat'tii-all- nil the city off from COBS- - crtires, a member of rrpuhln- under the or lilierailn to thr liarse of bavins threatened to kill the flub, and, standing, all present drank a ulr a man J or inuiilcttlon with Ihe outside world. arinii- la renwdlM. IIM world III wire named or preset, luer tin- avia- to silent totst lo Ihe memory of the departed tion COTOS of (ieneral Villa, who riled the It a revelation of this trur orator brother. a aperlailf hrre winch will lie ai a pare Accordion Puckler Rld(. lake u subjert, rather dry and prosaic In friuii history Hip - iiimplaliil yesfrrdity which resulted in the I'lritltir- i lorn the of inld'llr or the runner. rWTuiuii', and by the marshaling or Tarts Keep open trrrsi at- your eyes for The Time Morr Traftli- Violations Ckargrd. and liny or Ideas render It not .only Rotary Edition. will T RI.IHK. This It be t hummer md IMHI MMVICU mi Patrolman a,v wood pitied Kuriquu Bl- tractive, but extremely Interesting. of great value to El Paso. vcru and M L. MCDSaM under was thu feat performed last evening by arrest Lnnnvvrll's Lavender Line rent Tnrnllrlh lutaiilr arajnms. the mi Irr' eharse or , laaaa William Woodhrail. of san Francisco. ienhes; an on ra'-- a m atis. Itniuusiuet nd auto bag inesuli iil nf the Assoelateil Advi s TO WRLItH PUt, Mr. drivtns auln the street tnd gaga give day aw I i ra at on the or truck beat service orHriubs of World, In delivering the piilT Weitr.n's. Ran Antonio St. (Adv.) iihIoiu. hit m.liln nrl lbs latter rhtrtp npersrm bis nighl. pilona ihr The Famous en - III hold Esslajr aiTvlrea loilay. Ta iiitrlunr inliiiis ioiu lltrhta. Both drivers I. etpal address al a bampiet hem in his Honor be riiriii.-hc- d In Advertising." rxtirrlsrs will umlrr Ibr charts f lb bekd. Haw mi siibieet Trulli J. S. DAILY WTAIHKK Twcnilatb Mfsnlry. loda.v hems the turn Ilr Minis Prarlu-- led lo ObbJUlCI The bnTiquet was given in the main dlnlttg aULLETIM. Hats and mi. in - 401 Hob Ban. bids'. ny of tin oraraiiizatlon to ronillirl rrllsloiii dlseuo. room "I the Hotel sheiiloii at of iocs Tbe iewrs 150 following shows the westber rone,, aervieei, eaih rnmnsaj haviim mirti duty the hi Paso Adclub. PnibaNy people Hons prevailed the 10 Iiy turn. or Ihe STETSON many thtt tt various weather iierfi.rni Tlie orflrera GERMANY Dutcb were In attendanre, Inrludlug ladles bureau ttttlom throughout Garland Aainiulli have inkrti Kreal pallia In ai RUSHES lunches. In the History of the United who, for toe riral lime States it t p. nr., seventy r rth meridian lauaiuii a prnsram ami providing unían' when we say Hie Adeliib, attended t public meeting given time, yaiterday; in. ualipm will la' ni. - J. E. AND tor 11s auspices. w7Tna HiikIi r. Shultl. W. u. Wravi r and hats we don't An elalNirate menu wt served, and in femp 11. IHnielnn. The Twentieih lafSBtry was ren or just mean newly Coldest April In Mnhilr's History. the nurse of the evening nusif band win rvndrr mualr, a number aoloa made Ion the Prussian rriuilier and In Ihe Iiy by an orchestra. o In lit mi Hie rol' reiidlIKin bV Ihe .tsaocialed Prca dered 53 prnniniu reniral portion uf the old kingdom. Having April 3. Tuday w ith 1. in le ature or tne oanquei was Hi. .111a- - Mra. A. II. bats but new shapes, Mobile, Alt.. t pleasing iiolilatein. r..riirn'ii the whole or Belgium and having w lo Mr. VVutnlhead or a Refrigerators K 1. -- parsntra of forty aaaTrsss as the esMsst nri'M ntallnn Knlcknierer and .ik. nn Hurl Ja opened the lone- the gold bib, containing one or the oh- - Vii new colors, new styles eitelidlnr April a on reeonl at the loral weather solid watch l.a.lvr Miitllalioii will he de flood 1 .an, - It la by haplaln T. a that they bun-ail- The runner reeonl was forty ule Adflub inblenis. on brhair of tlm Aclrlub llvrrrd iohn Aaum. aim in word, re t aura or defeat In aaaaihonp quai tri will play. At nie i a new Stet- tor the tlllrs. rees In is:. and with lis roinpllnirnts and hlfb At any they have, say eor-r- r or M. P. Ctr- - uiiantiy lamp at V Mi thla inorniiiK rtle, hutch latlon ihe honor guest. sons. apon ta, 1111: Extra values for a few days Hi,- trmriK will rnmnirnrp, and a seneral dea depleted in. garrhjom In The (welleat bar in town. ttneat goods i'K inane presenta! inn auaress. p j lii'lgiuui Inv llalli. ha. lieen i ti'mli-- lo the tnd hive tetalsUy wlihdrawn men 11 ( Ih or in. President It. E. Sherman, or Ibr Adclub, irotierai You y $5.50 to $15.00 publlr. know what from the ser frost. presided and intriMluenl Allorney joe si. Abllrnr. eliiudy .... S I 4 S 36 .', tin' am beyond tins ibars u nine news frets fission, who, an Ihe Mart senlillve nf Mayor Amarilh), pi. cidy S 50 Hi M 3S in. -- rollona "Stetson" stands for Rryeiaa, lliar our Prayrr." Twenlnui tin- we-- rn thealer of operations. kelly. who was absent from Ihe city. Atlanta, rlrar ..." NW M 44 48 34 ,H ni mi. hand in quality, authentic ol murh ImiHJrlanre Is allaelied In I on delivered the address of ri to Mr. Bptse, pt. rldy W 10 Bl M 48 .1)1 Hymn, "Holy, Holy, Holy" (Pyket don lo iin- raid hy Mitigarían Irregulars into Woodhead in vrry rtrrtious and pleasing ttnston, snow iR 51 :ti M M 3 Kaaaiilom ipiarlei and ronsri (Stoa. style, thoroughbred Sei Ma bi'si' raids are ronluiuaily taking way, mirodiif mg the is tne Chicago, clear NE S 34 38 34 .011 Hrauoiiatv leadinr. IV. píate, tne only dirri'i. in thai Sir iJilajiail, whoSS high task had lieen Cltiflnnall. clear M .18 42 .tal YOUNG "11 ..'in(Nevlna Pt7 ROA TOLL - a i'ii,- and Purgative tin- DSBSII . pi. KE I no iiolo, line lllvlaa" by Mra. appearance, as well as Is leal was earned nut witb gi tu slsv dragon that lurks In uutruthriil rldy Ñ r 70 38 II filer young c Detroit, 4 A. Ikildalein mili- man tiaual ami was aimed Syrup, for anil old. Drug slorcs. advertising.'' and as the sineere friends rlrar I 34 40 96 Jkl Matt do. it Kl Diiluth. J HI 43 18 .On Hrrlplure, - xxviu we Come take railway rrom Isup In Salomon. Thr uf Kl Paro anil tlv Paso Adelub." cletr U .1 (.rni'l aolii. rhe Holy I. Iiy." Stepnrn 4 KL PASU, pt. III 711 4V mal of ernan rompe Ileal lias Mrsldenrr. Mr. woodhead Iheti delivered in attend rldy.... W 7 .11 ailauis. Hut I mil hand arroinpaiu-mafit- . your choice leinlnn We one ur the borne In upon 1. aii - SW .'ii Jone, nie Humarían- - to to uwt hive prottlest ed. Inierrsllng Hid plrasiug address elrtr 0 46 .00 retire their one uf Ihe best turmoils In Kt Psto for till re, WW I.' ia FURNITURE rroetlrr, nut, however, before ronsidrrtbh .i.iv. o ins in general, louening on elrtr .ui Pravrr sale at 1 low price, iivvnrr needs money, Jacksonville, cloudv.. W 48 losses weie suffered on both value of truthful advertising md thr .. U 4S ,fW Solo, "Thrrr la a lireen HIM Kir Away, side. tnd will aril chrap. all tint sre It for and progress by Hi mura HHIe Itork. elrtr ...NW II M T A. i.hrisiiau orillan submarines nuilliiue Ibetr yourselr. A. P. Coirs ti Bros , office tfut 8 7 imlaj . being tr .ii Using clubs id Hie World In brmgins "1. w "v- M An taster Mediation, Chaplain John I. tint), mure one iiritlsh North ureguo street. m V.viiT. ' 1 44 46 36 siei r. ihe a inn irect higher elbli al slanilirits me , 1, Ali4i. and French At paid 8 .') rat 4 on 1. iion. o. for New 318 Hldg advertising world. Ihr outset be a ew CO. mark luiindland. II It. sAMPUC, drntlst. it Mills the ladles, saving York, snow .... Jsj VtaM With the id II prriiy roiupliment lu tunaba, Us lo l ur.oa return alnur weather hr was glad to srr so many atiénd cletr ft is evpei-ii-- that airmen will aamn be- Dr. Panel. Dectltt. . Hn;g thtt pt. rldy is Ivsy ni, a mouiitrd ofrirrr or Ihr thr ame and thai aetiiitles In the Adi lub puttes tune moie a. live tnd i. of proposed Htpld lly. cloudy 14 Of 66 40 Inr ilepartiiiriit. n yeatrnliy fur -- In mid bt- iiiinurateiL He slid Hut be S. El Paso St. to KapprllB raída on tlnilaud are being re Ills Oil al. Hoawrll. pt. rldy.. 16 74 76 36 307 TufSon, Arli., visit hla ralher for Ml 109-11- rune rrom California, where women had 1 d Tulsa. Hkll April 3. Willi Is said here St. Louis, cleat- WW 6 SO eral erka Texas Street in. r. iniUt-- In rights. This he 44 30 to be Hit largest stir of oil Ih lankam' hern their salt l ake, cloudy SVV today knew beiause not lung before leaving the t 44 68 ni II HI HI III tUPIIHI ever made was consummated when san Alllonlo, flear ..SW 6 64 68 40 On Mil seventy-tw- 1,1. leu be Mrs a mm tu vi iK, lute a Sinclair sold M.iau sute hid rued 11 - iouiiy. w 8 inn ti.oNb tanks id oil In liar Cushing field lo ket and .111 In r out tu vote. The llu tin PravM barrel were nit le. iu. city... Bar :uoi iii.-- .Ian, .April j. in. Prairie ml tnd lita r,Mnptiiy. The ladles,' be declared, natural born rl,n via ni,,,, Mini I makiug ; 6S0ÍS148 I.' '.'. a II links eoniilned ipproilmitrl) fnur million They kiirw ho art id ?;"''Washington, cloudy 9W in.. is idfliially denied at liuiklug If 34 30 M Vienna mat na- .,.en.,i birrels uf oil. and keeping llieinselves frrab tnd Wlrhila. S .susiria iiiurh than ibr men rlrtr It i4 U at with Ituaala SB a spparatr peeea. tltrarttte brltrr unit, pt. ddy s at 4 5t Dr. Annt Heum. Hockitr etaar ovsr Elits. He gave varying eeflaitsoai or the nean BUY A VALLEY HOME TRACT Hiti.tKiw ipitKi.t taosa 111a or advertising, the great - -- a. - tu Mil It III tlTtlh mi: H VIA. Dr. Htwlina Prtrtlrr limited in nbtsiirlrs real of Ihr Texts rlubs in rtpturuig ihe 4.1 tl oaa.o BU aoo a.a.a. 111 tli. laaaHSarraf ml children's diartsrs. 404 Bldg. big convention, nr Hie Vssoi lited Advertis- Msh, Servil. April J Via lndon ing lubs rive veais ago and liking It to A Hi.'lgarisn In iiaii o'elm k tins I.oagnrll'a lingo Lavender line tuto Hallas Thla wa of great brnrrii In the EAT AT : i sllick it or uno mug in ,1 Vallan. lorn when several baKie truckt tr ilways 00 tune day Mats, md no less belieni to kl Paso and TD2 Sratauraat l uni- aii' niirlii service. Phone t Ihe southwest wis I be big success PS V " " irivtulars. weanni military Pay tad Bak asar I f ' " I. int-- . tl tike r me and suriirisavd it Tomólo, lanada last year. The aperrh Prs .ea t and killed the Sarilajl iiurd They Keep your eyr oprn for The. Times ,.r h I. shei man or ibis my, be drcUred, Í j : I all the height, nn the ten bank Hi. tan l.dliion. It will be a bummer and Club Of the tramar river and penelraio.l as of treat vtlue to El l aso iaai men to tilkthg almul II Paso House Cafe sSiwa e.s.-.- g. e I far a the lain, of Mi omnia I hey ml He sani that withm the ptsi rive years 1 S South PM ae w aa becoming i pan-- 1 II, lelt'sraph ami Iplrphoni- wirta and rreal rhtngr lu tbe lasos I kaaasa drove bark Ihr tritops and cop- - advertising world. There was Increasing 4 i III,- -. (Wit SMS. NOTES ren, 4111111,11 everywhere that Honesty in ad Ii servían Inaapt. Seiufoi ii is LIVESTOCK Venning, ts In bullae, la tin- betl polk-- II. mull, - after a vlsli-n- t all day right Ilr gave mmy coiivlncpts lllusirtliuna ol a .V and reraptiiaid He- aim- - rin Ssrvlsui thi tnd complimented the prea of the OPEN ALL ia : tri is UurSBIn gll- nnlgailau- - Who ,1 Unit Pulíala ta Trvas mullir ao tidy sei oiiduig in. right tbtt NIGHT 1 heavily Hill had wayed alung these lint-- ( leas., I ' I CH lu kin.. and w..iindeil tin r. Jones, of Portales, at private Ida aaaorltiiun Prescriptions fl'lad and dallvarsd Is... " Ml Hp Hie of hla vims lost turn killed. to Buffalo Jones, is nmrerniig also growth at any time day or nbjhL W - Plainvtrw, wboao irllvitlei isuw eitend ibruad . H SS with liar mum- of Trias, "la meiuba-rsbl- ... Mall IIII'IOMM Ulll.VKIV IS - with ol Order Killed Frompüy. I I IVslsIs r lo 101,1 mi. the raneo, Jones of t T I MM t asi Ma S III Ml IIBsiKNVIM. Ml Mill II . abe.-- to He attd Uitt tbe cosntry etucrgtug ? ' tl Ik. n l.niralo. tint ' Persian wit A. E. RYAN &. CO. t..,iairat fi.aa Htlv ruunty. lo remain brn- prnuinenily rrom t critical situation retted by tbe a- T ; l.nudua, April 4. tJ.U t. ni A dispalrii range; l.umpeen war, all Hut there were now Drugs lata. s i T.u . i., lo.- t 1. tiauge rrom The burrtlur aro now rut the neir ' r Telenapli rnaiptny many Uidlratloaa or 1 revival in . " Home Purities. bit ! Swe J ao.a se sty s metsbrr nf the Hulgtrisn CHK- gumi cried of I Us crasaimu or t n ni. .ii in tit.- Italian capital la ail tular-vie- tajafclsi our traite with Europa was to our ' HaVaa eonerroma law r ron tier neM tasa Mat al Part kusaasr. and own " II of tbe moal extra-uv- iiianumciuiers lo sell, bold our Miiltarlsk soldiers tad iservlaa Waller Loaf, isw markets, au thai Ihe Itojau Made U) Ihr laSj "J operators or New Mea m a" Huups. Ibr rniouatrr nnunporl raltli Kastrra 0. 8 A " will Is Hit future have a greater ssae an i diplomar- - quailed a, was a few days ii, haima aaul Ira. ui loll suiuner tfo. aurllil toce 11. an ever before. "araTaTSS Nine miles from Postof also li, .1 lbs raisUuua brlwaea the aual inir tbar purckaaad 41 ragiaiered Jl atvd Serviaa goaeratia ala wrr Say Vrltooa roa rum Wll k Pays udlar High Trthaaal s Hreeforda tad i , - U. P. arlo, k waa UMrodai-P- a "ft-iii- fice Interurban. Make m and tlial bulsalla wa loyally ue- Hani Hunter tt privtlr Irruí. list GlAHANTIIJi ItMsmOM on i un m i dutira of neutrality r ol lb Ha spoke In lugb 1J pm.. and tributa of Mr. VVuudhead. re Fbutaas 14VU aud 14S4 your Mlection now only $275.00 hr 11 Trtsd I talar ttovrt rounliut wlial had dour for Ptao at Trust Bids; It Uatvta. Mr liu While furria; rename tato t t I. ar lufuiilo auui tud said per acre and up 10 per cent down; laiidiiig ui ih,- yaida of Ibr santa "I id tea tiki In n, a ,,,,, Ir rail ton irieudslup aud leve l leal filth trra-l. Adolf Maxllliea wa. YOUR REWARD raireiu. our lor thla 3 per cent per month. arrestad last aught by tifrieers lypirai Sue 1. an geiillriutii una great ur ouiualri. ftsr Willi Ikav I aim srun .j. - vfaiiuiri ha.l n- taJliat-- Mad perWsa trader have lbs "ASK FOR GLOBE FULLS iha rala of lite dour of Iba ear aiol lalscar ajad HaiM asta wttl tse bet- buam lu ail Im Hp- Adclub pri iiiint in :- - -:- - wis ual lavtaty to arr. i ia aapiMsUaas. laavpruarai Mr Woudbrasl thla solid a, ,1,1 walcli Tol. PEERLESS NO INTEREST NO TAXES Ibr ter attamltai with Ha aibksat of and we bup HEN AND tlss iiiuiai uas uf a auaabrr abiib the fraiau Iteaaaiaa-t- Irutb. that eaprvl to of tl II wiu ever 111 uir.ullla In greater CHICK FOOD" ml lNUaua aaaat HUi- - entleivor b eailf id trulli and huucaly ui Automobiles at Your Service To asesas abanat tlaia nna adai-- liaini and buamria." Made rroaa tas Mrnrll atad Mi W uawMaeasI load. t'a rij stfcBual tatmi an a. Miiai laanay, Seotdw a aai IT eaguieul of Ik Sift, if ter 1,1,1, becrriu-- irrland B C ivl of the Adrlu aa tuiro.iu.d Ul 4 r.i.a-ii- ami s-- r of the luavie -- for tl l a--, aoavune a big drwgaiioT to you forest-- K.,-- . bl Filler, ill.. I art n i. kisMi HOSTETTER'S i ba ago .oaveuiioil ia Juu tad lita Sole Usv .hT Agents ..f Anderson roa, ho- t- iiaaiiy Uuhca kai ta dial riy MADE IN EL PASO 1M Uavrs' I Win ,i..i tun.. a would ta. inapta y lava sue. tal 1-- 4 Buckler Block Phone 491 "ii and M. w a rurd Mt pat Stomach Bitters ax4'atH tSar'í' iid' 'üv"" """ "irW tas aatrsHi of an aatjsM! To't'tLL uV Kcfcas. knauaa. ! Irm GLOBE It helps Nature every wjr tstsat ayisatilid utbuw tu ayauaui . MILLS

aaaaxsl Sumdmj. April 4. 191). EL PASO MORNING TIMES



PRKf IPITATION W S I IM Hli.l1 tWT n RE rtR MONTH.Ilt. GODSON'S LIVER TONE Tt; LOWmttT. . There rs always Interest tn the monthly meteorological report M this section of country, If ror no other resson than thai H Is full of sunshine. The record for the New Discovery! Takes Place of Dangerous Calomel It Puts Your month of March, which was maile public hv the United Slelee weather bureau shows that in Fl Pssti the in shone an B dsy out Of at. snd thst there wre 11 Liver To Work Without Making You Sick Eat Anything perrectly clear day during the month The total precipitation for the month was t.M nf an inch, aa against in of an inch in February. The largest amount uf pre- It Can Not Salivate Don't Lose a Day's Work! cipitation in any hours was ,41 of an Inch, on the nth Three snd rive tenths Inches of snow red during the month. The mean tentperature was 49. S. the maxi- 1 I discovered a vegetable compound that from a day's work. want to see a bottle mum being no and minimum - ' tVt the corresponding month In mil the mean does the work of dangerous, sickening calo- of this wonderful liver medicine in every temperature waa U. On roe 4lh the tem- perature waa 7ft. the highest during lire mel and I want every reader of this paper to home in the South. month, and on the tun 11 was the lowest. The record show s the greatestf. dally aver try a bottle and rf it doesn't straighten .you Calomel is poison it's mercury it at age to have been 14 and the lowrsi average i the former occurring on Hie Jid and the up better and quicker than salivating calomel tacks the bones, often causing rheumatism letter on the lllh. The absolute maximum temperature 37 Promise March the last of for during The just go back to the store and get your money. Calomel is dangerous. It sickens while year was 93. snd the absolute minimum Dod-son'- for the same number or years was fl. I guarantee that one spoonful of s my Dodson's Liver Tone is safe, pleasant During the month the prevailing direction of the wind was west, snd ft total move- will sluggish and harmless. Eat anything afterwards, be average Liver Tone put your ment was U.lflt tulles, making an Better Day in Tires or A velocity hourly The maximum liver to work and clean your thirty feet of cause it can not salivate. Give it to the chil velocity for five minutes, occurring on lha 31, waa at the rate of 44 miles per hour. bowels of the sour bile and constipation dren because it Soesn't upset the stomach There are "dead ooiles" of slgntrirsnre Years ago in the dark days for tire users there poison which is clogging your system and or shock the liver. Take a spoonful tonight attached to thla weather repon, proving that the climate of Kl Pss.. has few su- loomed up in that gloom this Goodyear Fortified making you feel miserable. and wake up feeling fine and ready for a periors on the fsce oMsrrg tlrms. I Ire Mekers Must Psy Speclsl Tex. Tire. guarantee that one spoonful of this full day's work. By Specie! li tre fe lee ristra harmless liquid liver medicine will relieve bottle! Try it' If it doesn't do Austin. Texaa. April s.ln an opinion Get a made public today ihe. attorney, general's Armies of motorists, in a short time, flocked to it. the headache, biliousness, coated tongue, exactly what I say, tell your dealer to hand department hold that Ira la rood and that manufacturers thereof are consequently largest-sellin- g tire in the world. ague, malaria, back. druggist arid held liable to the tax or fee or ll.m im- It soon became the sour stomach or any other your money Every store posed on manufacturers of rood. Branch Ice nouses, the opinion holds, are also since, amid all tire betterments, this tire distress caused by a torpid liver as quickly keeper in the South knowe me and knows liable to the tax. The opinion was given And ever vile, calomel, discovery In response to a request from Pure Food as a dose of nauseating be of my wonderful of a medicine Commissioner Horfman. has held first place. sides it will not make you sick or keep you that takes the place of dangerous calomel. It gained in its lead, until last year we sold i.S7 Second honor fell 10 the 1,479,883 Goodyear pleasure Car tires alone. Infantry and third place was cap- SIXTEENTH INFT. tured by the "lilh infantry. EXTRA SESSION IN In the and folding exercises, Over-Expe- ct form every hun- engaged In by competing teams or sixteen Don't in tire turn each, the first place was secured by dreds of large rubber tbe Twentieth infantry, second, the Sixth you adopt this we hope you Infantry place waa by the When tire ss rivets. One compels us to vulcanize in each tire WINS THE PRIZES ami third acored ARIZONA APRIL c Sixteenth In'Siitry. 23 will don't expect s mag-i- tire. It is not base 126 braided piano wires. In the wall scaling exercises, with com- trouble-proo- f exempt from mishap and peting aquads of eight earh going through not One comes through our double-thic- k the exercise of wall scaling and firing rive misuse. shots on the other ejda of the wall, first tread, with its sharp, tough, resistless Al SO mkKH THE mCMKST PI Hf r fell to the Math second GOVERNOR HI NT ISM ES CALL ; ONLY place men y M M.i honors Infantry; ' It won top because countless grips. Together they mean a super-qualit- tire. IN HI n HEET; LAAT.E CROWD to the sixteenth Infantry and third to the arttivthk la Tlir be- HIGHLY ENTERTAINED. Twentieth Infantry. proved that it averaged best. It did that The Twentieth Infantry covered Itself with cause in five great ways in five exclusive glory, winning nearly all the prises and Three Reductions With t beautiful day and with the added making the highest percentages or all those Pcrgettiallen nl Land Ceaanilssloa Possible features it excels every other tire. In the past two years we hsve made three price iifH.iir.ri o" band concert by several of competing In Passage nl pproprialli.n Bill: Hunt Declares This Must Br Hone. Be content with the best don't expect the reductions, totaling 45 per cent. The last was on the military banda, a lar ire crowd of sol Mayor Cees Butte. iin-- telrphaat impossible and you'll slways be happy with February 1st. Now these premier tires, despite i and civilian assembled in Washlng-lo- v g Mayor fi Kelly yeaterday made a flying Park yesterday afternoon between trip to Klephant Butte dam. where he re Bu Hnrclal Wire lo tAe Time Goodyear. Fortified Tires. these extra features, cost aim 5:JO o'clock to witness the annual field malneil last night. He will be on Phocnl, Arlx.. April 3. Governor Hunt met fir the Eighth hi made, United States ner bark less than many others. army. the Jot at the city hall Monday. today issued a call ror e special session of Five Protections wan the Anions legislature to convene on April has any given Interest in the varloua events keen. NTR AVVBEHRY PIE, tge. Never tire He several rómpanle and picked teama According 10 the constitution only aueh ago San 8t. (Adv.) n We protect you In five so much for the money as participating having practised for montha Weston's, nionlo mattrra aa are designated In aueh call can and rnnducled eliminating ronteata In order ways, used by no other Fortified Tires do now. to have representation by their verv best We buy be considered, and the only matter so maker, against major alien. designated the call la the general these GoODEkR are in lodiy AKRON. OHIO These the best tires The scores mad In the varloua event appropriation bill. troubles: fea- are very and the Speeds Day Home Folks. built. These exclusive considered creditable, With When asked whv he did not include in'ne Rim-Cu- " lil meet as hole was ene of the most Mist Polly flood, daughter of Stanley ft. lax legislation and the setnl annual payment ts Insecurity tures prove it. The verdict ever held by the Eighth bri- or stirreaaful Oood. chief deputy to Sheriff Peyton J. taxes, aa provided fur in bills iiiin.iturdfl Blowouts . Punctures Fortified Tire. of Tiredom proves it. We nde. spent yesterday In F.I raao visit- at tl.e regular session, the governor skid UssvCaav-bye- NoJUm-Co- t company allowing l.dwartl. lo the drill competition, ing with her father and brother. Misa there was a "ging li ving to run the slat Treads Skidding u hrmir I'n Air" cm ssk you now, for your own the manual of arma and other maneuvers flood la attending school at Crucea. and made no further comment, Lxe raad. by many robber required by th. regulations, place Aim I "On-Air- to prove it to your- first fell N. M small nun In Male Treasury. Tne way our " sske, U the Twentieth Infantry: second place he According to a by state mmd sup- by inrantry. statement isurd a RICHERSON enre costs us $450,000 self. Any dealer will Inr captured the sixteenth From Trig. Treasurer Mitt Sims, on March lit there a thick tread while third binors fell to the sixth Infan- Returns were guYttto.1 Becomes CUy .Sale Manager of the well ply yon. torn) Denutv Sheriff Stanley ft. flood. re but in the stats treasury's piano or yearly. One requires us to try. Jr general 10 pay the operating expenses established house Jenkins Piano race, a of f a long fund vi Peso In the relay over eourjt turned yesterday morning from or the until next December I It Is us Tetas street. El competing- teams or men tnrougn tne v stale C. mile, with la journey i.tint. inen inn stated at the present rate or expendi-tir- RJcherson has for several vesrs participating, the first place was secured lets districts, where he was serving papers that been in the employ of the Fl Psso Piano Stations-Tir- by the time being and notices for the office. tbls amount will be exhausted by June Company, Goodyear Service es in Stock the Twentlaib Infantry, sheriff's I Last year the general fund waa not beginning aa collector. By hard uepieifu until ociouer. This cutnoaritive work, nose application snd a determina- discrepancy makes It appear that the tax tion to make a auceeas, be went from col- El Paso Rubber Co., 313 San Francisco. El Paso Auto Sales Co., 713 N. Ochoet. lector to bookkeeper, salesman as ft hldirst Te levy wss loo low. and SOS It fa also shown by reporta that Us slatant manager Realgned his position Western Battery St Magneto Co., North Hotel Taxi Cab St Baggage Co., 207 South isyltitn. Industrial school and military with the El Paso Piano Company on April Santa Fe. runda are already overdrawn. The total 1st. accepted the management and has A Sure Wrinkle Remover siiKiunl of rssh mailable In the state treas taken full charge of the city aalea depart- The Mission Garage, Inc., 436 Mills Street ury Is 177 no most of tbls amount being ment nf Jenkins Piano company. interest and school rtinds. wnicn rannot dc ntrnerson is one or the verv best hi tied to make govd any deficiencies in and most favorably known piano salesmen Beauty any other runds. in tula part or the country From the And Other Secrets many Land WUhdrewe t reat Eatry. congratulations received each day. Kmall Mexlran Bey Last. fourth dlstrti t ffrtift, arompanied hy his Bull rtghl Today Notice s re. nt-i- at the stale land enrt in view of his being associates! with reponer. W H. Fryer, will leave El Jose Zubia. l year old son of Señora court . At 4.S0 srtarnotaS Antonio Fltvas will l no necessary by off Ire today thai the government of the largest and most un to .late man.. this herréis hat Will Have You Years nl Tlsae But such labor Is longer 7aragoas. 110 Santa l de- Paso tills rvenltig for Van Texas. he seen in a bull in the a i Mates had withdrawn from entry house, carrying Ihe Hue or In south irM, right Juarri hull and Wan Dollar la Your Que,! far reason of tbe use nf formula which iuid best pianos parted from his borne Friday night st 1 when. It Is four sperlally Beauty. by Yaleska believe the moat wonderful six sections nf land ten miles east of Flor- El Paso, goes without aaying his future mis annotinred. Tolft snraii. ranted is heatittrier ence, o'elofB. wnhoiji hla nal and has nut selerleil animals will rontest with him for aa the Urtaiest Beauty have aver known, with a hair pint of on the i.iia river This land la to he success is doubly saaured. r a In uaed for a a dam In lietrd of sun their lives. Rlvas la noted matador Ac trass. hot water mix two tahlespoonfuls of gly site for diversion rase menerson and the jensgns Piano Mexico. This will be his laat exhibition lit the Han CBrxoe irrigation project la inatalled company extend a moat By VALS8KA SUBATT end while stirring pour in one cordial Invitation lo PtjflflATOI.I. - Laxative and Purgative the Juarex arena. mine or union.- When cool It makes an by the govemnaaoL many mends and arausintanres 10 Ts BJeld flourt la rulhertsea t:eaal. Syrup, young and old. Urug atoras. ALL more or leas lead Uvas of quiet call on at new rot irt exquisite, ssttny cream and is ready to him his lorstton dv Judge Dan M. Jarkson. oí the Thirty sitviTtisrment.) THF. BIG KID IS lJ Jl ABEZ. (Arrv ) YV desperation, and the older e be Use. Thla Is exceedingly economical, and coma the more pronounced seems to you can and must uaa It generously on he our resignation. And particularly la faca, arma, hands, neck and shoulders MUST ANSWER TO this true with women upon whose races every day. Time is sketching, tn wrinkle characters, an epic of Ha night. MRS. M 0 T. 1 don't use sny face pow More wnndeaul to Ibeae women, than der but mi own. tríade according to say seems the staftjment thai wrinkles can ha own formula. Being entirely Tree from BURGLARY CHARGE eradicated a surely as chalk from a alaie. eitraordinarUy and Pay- agio rhalklness and line Cash or Easy Exchange Your Old We are all sisters in the skin la skin smooth. It gives a tint and veivrtnet That the skin can be made youthful In lis appeara Vengar winch absolutely natural. You vigor and appearance, la ns a que ran obtain thla face powder now al drug Hon. It is fact. The secret lis la the alores, Is called Pare ment Plan, New and "Vtleeka Sural. i I I ACT ROBBISr. APABTtC(TS Furniture for Powder." IN WKKTEB IIIMIUIM. IH)( MM. UOOD os HIM assBaaaaaQsBaasi MRR. li is a difficult matter, Let Us Talk it Over With You at heit, to develop the bust, but there Is phone tioe only one way that deserves a trial, and At a preliminary hearmx ysirrday before that is to make a mixture or two Jiidai- J si. C. K Willis was be id of meton. hair a rttp of sugar, and a pint In the sum of aMXi to anaaer lo the charge of mill water, and taking this two of burglary before tlie grand Jurv ami after meals and at bedtime Tbls falling to give the required security thr should do it ir anything can. licit ii. lam went to jail. The rtitabety took plere at the Baa wry MIBI O. N h- .- The nest soap Hi lb Hrstem rof)niuig house it:, South San An world ran never cleanse the alp of all ionio alreci. atvd C. i elevens, the proprle scurf, dead skin partirla. snl danrtrurr tor. was the principal iiness sgalnss ibe as res eggol This produces a wonderfully arrusei nun He lotit the court that mi i ris fVvA i rwf the ryaotBg of the robtiely tic saw rich, creamy lather and i unexcelled aa the dc mi aRiarrsisH Complete a scalp a teaapoonful r.ndant take a key In. in the board and go Your Home cleanser Dissolve nr mm tana wit SI'BasTANTlAlt HK has the HTTL.R QUALITY af aggol m hair a ran of hul waier ror down tbe lull, su police anal BSl fsxtwf- VSV1 Kl'RNlTI that and shampo Enough eggoi .an be s at tied .lev eli.MiienK Mn arrest'-- ai that will remain good for years and you will nlweya be a SATTHTIKD Mor f kg I rmm your a nttng Mr. Meveus. lha man had In his I HKK A H III v A I.H secured druggist al nr MTuMBH mil NKW MONDAY. moderate coal to give over lortve exquisite aoeeessiOB s rasor. in., pairs rurr links, one pair of Mrb. me small ruina snd IF VOL' BI'Y i I it M I hi KOR CASH THERE IS NO Hot HE THAT shampoos t ulhcr srtirlrs aught the defendant III 1 PRICEts, Ab WE THE GOODS. -- Mirror WUl Been Bet eel a staled he a Int.kins lor a named Will OIR Waader DISSATISFIED 1 So not wonder that you rrlrnd iur faal Mary at Youthful Apaeer-ar- e barllc while in njorn .1 but lie had in his KITCHEN f ABINKTM-H- olld oak. white enameled lined, sliding nlrkelold - are diasauafled with the many superfluous u. Regalas re possession a ke loom tt this being the topa, bine. 110 00. on paytneata. hair reusosrrs tuu have used You will aparinv-n- t I mem aulomatlo flour it he look move My. without from while la eliead ( (.KM Bs suck hairs perl.. and nameo IB KAN "The Peninsular" new stovea; 111.00 up; payments. anaierial used, not la lbs saner of as. aulfn IBS grueiea Ms, a Is of Baa hum or irritatloo by uslag aluile C. A. Huí loo who us- - ROOM New patterna In buffets and china rloeete alone value ordinary solution, which the Mislead isntina Il MX. and chairs of HUI Tex If alls.. lys hair stated on the stand lUal be vsaa not at rrsim sir utertl. r b uramg off leaving a spot to match, beautiful aiylee to please moat all ahoppere and the prive (..ránula. u my uiutd. I retole-i- . a and red mam the the ret.rsrry took pig posltivsly II la vary startling Us action You can nisi't SB- r le right aa mm era move them agar) in - resulta, yet it is (untilirtty in Wban he returned the aexf BBSseWakB -I he Kotarv Central IMeserllr' solns '" get simple auirn so u aten If your drug- iteeir. Mix this formula al boma hul said itie gravers in rus .lr.ser .lu)eaf that HEDIUtoMtt We ran please you with a DliiKOLD for 110.00; paymente. yourir gist hasn't it then get the aullo pswásr aage rummageo in a law anotswnia and you UI have a ateas had through Haría Kel StarKxard Sewing IVlachinc, se. t.M) ill" whtrha svery hti aa effective works the use enicu-- lounu on use I Hit. IRON lis Willi HIGH GRADE HPK1NGS qn unity or .urpasaing vrtatki rwnovar ame way. you esevjviiiru proa would ordinarily many and which sisaoly wet wttb ef Willis aa l.eknaing in kun and aevtng good for a life time, sold for W: CAN OlVE YOD SOME BAKGAINb. CASH OR RLFRIGERATORS which rust dollars a Utile water before you apply H. ir ti eouM be bought la the .tores already just been laaeo from ala rot, eithoui his pel I PAYMENT. nilesion H $3 month. Aay sise you may want. T O you Mher raer le Verte HKKsMKg AMI) HIKfOMIERf4 In thi line wa are overstocked and pun al hat wager, add iwo nsfl B.l regret were put out tewrts $7 SO ouuroa to powgrrad optoi attd two labia because the drisgglM had no aero sin hut Charged with assault, anuas Wfl make a apwelal dlacount this weak to move tbeiu PrU-a- from to $74.00 ana . h spoonfuls of glycerine This forme s If you wilt aa aueh sais, write, address Josa w. neks iifctaBas gellty OS 00 tn rreato fJudgti M II to ITI In plain oak fina 1'lrcasalan walnut and mahogany, apPtg nsj lag "Valeafca guralt Tare r,f (secretary hen arraigned before I. Heater roi. regularly eterr aver I I ab lbs iplol be ..Maine J al riion....ii Huras " esKlf.sing rtftr and fitted and rosta tit in it si in AT AN LOW IK li i v,rr This fn ligbi coals, you will Be supplua Br return mail la Use county .win uur i oaaxplalBl waa i UN4I OI T THE PHEMENTtint kTIM rraasa reams I aged yeeteruay when Penlel iLogssg to k witnkle. lines of worry heMl . years barged wiu carrms a ptaiol u was aUJA'KEHaV A flue we lection or VERY HEAVY I" H'KKRel In lew and I said uiakea a ddiereoi of UaJaU will go oa forever piared the county jell . u. in pendías trial. hkfjh fumed oialiogany ' m arta uslag trees get rid ..f puiU'le. and I -- bark, in golden, and with leather or wood .ft" Thomaa ls and Jose Tgea were BOrer turrtm what you awed la s power- .barged yeelerdgy before seels, and style, to suit muet any home at vary low price thla ..aek mi as MOW y gar I! You will ha ful teiajaasr afie,iun Judge rear bifiod There Is eolguug bet James J Muri by vsub beting hail tn Ihelr II New Iceberg.'' Ttea HKA.IKM. MEI'HIUKH-- t aba lo ua and brush your heir ier then a inltture of twelve oaujees of Jll titn.r Kilts The pouesaaiaa forged m.i .insaaita The uses KiR MADE, and every aale luse proved a antlefied range Uitfuauii wtlhsmi hettag a atee iraud user dtsaats'sd k a pusi af eater atad sato arc allege .1 to a roster of cualomet. exeats ataat your grow hat. ,ud itoa SS 00 out hair will begin to Manee of serseo, lesea la dose uf Hirer Boia ariensa and MIU unen, y IT U 7I US ataal Beautifully ágata if you apply ur loor leeaoaessfuls -- lime s They were masar any t .i rdr bogua" Btld la us EXTRA SPtXIAL FOR MONDAY 7 or so. aM as lateral doy le the aaraeo la too etgtasl aera .....itey ai 1 xtfaailM-wl- l a auuiure snaaw ag haw a sjsai ag b Us ewaee, 41 the drug store. You aaas JAklS the reeNrd heatat POR, II SW1NSB SS IS URNTEK TARI.EB li st near a mi MI gel Me of posar pssaplei ajusrbly gaaS eeunarrfeu f a rveasry a PoMa H Ht'lTSCH, gpaeee SB M Instil ser t gshoeaslered Rocever gs la CHsaes af ai.aankaal ' osa ay ssrtiar the grand MTy i aesiam sssat SO and baa it ui he reasty io ... ir pgsj BBS. B M L It is as asieaaMBesag far' Has i the LAWN SUITES, 3 peacasa, gtmtm, nasiarMilis $11 geerer. yaua la irfa first .,ri en use laafaglig hay runs IBM ueihJaeeda raa a reoxeswl aa a lew irvm ... i MONDAY SPBCIAL of waaar aa.ui.i lesas a aha aM alcohol laiuufs by Ins, Jhw and sania Fe tail rued i taxBaaiss at oat hot oet ess WIU Be gaa.ssiad aaUta'hnptkg eg si má PorcK sw.ajj. BBS. v r I Heel ajhe esa isxfajl ceas teas ua the MarBateaSs II nexus. Uva Ta is ayag aa asalias eeieravay a $3.7. raw auusg haw a Sxe bag oajee. CHARLES FOUTZ adames hew an. sad Bute The aavresia tag Matg ftfth ar gears peaeseaseag faun, win aJker af eftevt cae he shUaasd at the drug stssre 9mmWmmWmmmWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWmmmmm 1106 119 fl. StaaxBtasS Sis

4 10 EL PASO MORMNG TIMES Sunday. Afrril -- . 1915. "We Offer Easter Greetings Today To Our Customers, Our Friends And All Mankind" STATE AGENT WILL

Mlro-De- n Mentonnierre Elmo Sisters' Demonitr'n NAME FARM ADVISOR new pnlntod fhln Huppnrted that an nprl from the Kim 11 anf double china, drooping mouth and MONDAY TNI about the nose or mouth 8 Philadelphia will rontin th II of loll at preparations demonstrated T O O demonstration and r rnocTOB.. or oi in.t mTatniv ITIces. jpO perfume. Take advantage of Ihla opportunity l ( m M" M SPOSK; i.rcn-ni- "The House of Coirtr" in HI ho on W. f. toetor. HUM sgent of 0r United Btsisi deparbcenl of sgrlriiiaM-i- l 1 taimara After-East- er rsros-me- Monday si College fltsllnn, Teiss, who te As Splendid appointment of s rnimly farw A Inducement We Offer the Bdnser for F.I Pato county, arrived in IP Psso Saturday mornlns and U s Heit st SB Hotel Hhrldon Mr. I'rorior will be an nonnr Sweat at Suits, Mnnoay at & Coats, to be Values In Dresses 1 lunrheoo aerred $13 hotel, to be given r O'clock at the Hheldon under the auiplrti of the ianrt-- i and 25o oimmitiee nl the Chamber of Com- Every merce. At Ihla meeting Mr. Proejar win Irresistible Economies For Woman In EI Paso be given opKiriiinlly 10 meM in local penpie. eitperially tin ae who are MiereaU'd In the aar H or the hortlctillursl Apparel "Occasion" Tomorrow only, will prove one of the biggest attractions to all or the Kl Psao valloya. conn tlona will be ullred over in an informal THIS way. and Mr. Proctor will be advised con shoppers that has been held this season. Very seldom if ever can charming cernina; local conditions, and will, to nun. explain the dutli and reaponalblllllee or new garments portraying the newest ideas be bought at such reductions at this time of the an farm detnonatrtior led s The matter of Tlnsnclnr Ibe cmnioymcni of s farm adviser bti already been year. Early shopping is necessary as the collections are limited. ranged. The r.Minty comnilasionera' court baa made an appropriation of 11.000 ror Ihla purpnej'. the budrel fund trustee or the ChamDer of Commerce hsve sppro r DRESSES prlsted a similar amount, and, conilnreni $25.00 $25.00 COATS $25. OO SUITS upon these appropnatlona. El Paao county will be entitled to the sum of M0 rp in tlie state treasury. Durtng his ilsy In tn city of several days, Mr. Proctor will rec- ommend aome suitable person ror appoint- ment sa farm adviser. The Chamber or $18.95 $18.95 $18.95 Commerce will then make the appoint-men- mm special collection of just 25 new Spring A great many applications for ill Dresses selected from our regular jt fifty Suits for special selling Monday. An position have already been received, it FIFTY Coats at the remarkable reduction JUST only. has been the custom, more or leas, over to stimulate unusual selling tomor- most value for one day The the state. In making; similar appointments quoted this season. Shown in checks, plaids, gab- collection includes the newest models in checks, It to select some graduate or the afrlcullursi row. All regular $25.00 values, and will posi- department or the Tetas Agricultural and ardinas, plain and fancy coatings in every new plain and fancy weave in all the wanted color. Mechanical college, but there Is no aoo) tively be on sale Monday only. New spring crea- pmsory provision In the law thai ihla he color brought out this spring. Mostly medium Loose and flare style jackets with plain and plait- dono, the matter being. In this Instanc tions made of charmeuse, crepe de chine and taf- - first 50 cus- discretionary with the Chamber of Com- and short models in flared or belted effects. ed backs. New style skirt. The merce. letas in black and every new color. New Hare Plain and fancy collars and cuffs. Regular $25 tomers get these regular $25.00 suits Monday Mr. proctor was yesterdny the roest or George It Le Baron, chairman of the lands skirts and pretty bodices. values, tomorrow gj 1 for and Irrigation committee or the ChsmDcr Q fV or Commerce, and alao or Dr. s. T. Turner. special . only Extra tomorrow only $18.95 By Un latter he waa taken ror sa $18.95 tJiO. tide down the El Paso valley and,., expressed himself as amazed by tas en denres or the fertility and prudiirilvenesM of the soil. He said .ibat the results After-East- er achieved in these valleys under sclenlirtu After-East- er methods or Irrigation are simply wonder r Blouse Occasion Accessory ful. lirratcr results Mill, however, can be achieved by bringing the agricultural college to the individual farmer and giving &. him expert advice and direction at every FEATURES $1.45. $1.95 FEATURES stage or his farming, rrom tnc nianiniK $2.95 or seeda to the harvesting or ihe crops. - BOO the GRKKN PAHAHOI.S. 9ÍK- IP No NEW NKCKWKAR AT S5c and in otner rnxas counties extremely gratiry-in- ATTRACTIVE WASH BLOUSES AT $1.45 A big assort- results have been achieved, and witn nihrr color Ih ao reMful and for A targe and varied Una of new crea- ment of the most advance creations, made of white and putty a capable man In the orrice, Mr. Proctor the eyee. We feature h wonderful tions made of white lace, net and or- says the farm adviser should and doubt- colored voiles, with pretty embroidered fronts. Handsomely less will be worth thousands of dollars lina of green i Monday at gandie. Collars, waist fronts, neck to the Kl Paso farmers. trimmed lace. High roll and flat collars. $17.60 and other down with ruches and collar and cuff sets. A big feature Monday at Why Not low a $1.45 Great values at 2 Be We have a raw genuine Japanese 95c mandarin coals and kimonos y. and on display. They are exquisitely dainty NEW BtLVKR NOVKl.TIKH. $1.00 NEW CREPE DE CHINE BLOUSES FOR This value 50c $1.95 handwork In beautiful and strikingly clever Twin candleetlckii with ahada, to of El Paso. For Monday we an- I Mil l INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS, designs, some gorgeouily embroidered lcd continues be tha talk offer In gold. As fast as they arrive rrom the eland und caadle. Also pepper and other new shipment in crepe de chine Blouses in white, black 25c Hoft sheer Shamrock linen with orient, these beautiful robes will be added 10 our atock of art goods. Within a very Mill Met, fern riinhcs, rffK nota, condi- and colors. Also candy stripe silk Blouses, showing every new wide and narrow hems. Plsin and abort time we hope to bav s complete Also colored borders assortment. ment tea .trainera, buil holdera. idea. All beautifully made and are colored Initials Brack's Art Shoe, etr. Whlta II dim with white initials. All hand em- 104 Pioneer Plata, city Natl Bank Bldg. great values at (AdverUaement.) . $1.95 - pedal Monday $1.00 broidery work. Wonder- O Sf NEW SILK BLOUSES FOR MONDAY SELLING, $2.98 A ful values Monday. . VITAL RECORD I'lATKD Ml I It NOVKIJTIKN, v.. JJ large and varied collection of new models made of crepe de KAYKER'S SILK VESTS AT $1.50 New Ideas for the home, such as Births. chines, candy stripe silk and flowered silk. Plain tailored and Fine top PERES To Mr. and Mrs. Oomeslndo Pe- a castors, butter tuba, bud tailored Venetlsn silk Tests tucked effects in all the new color, black res, la Chihuahua, April S. a girl. win. salt lutxea, sugar holder., pep- Q ra with small narrow taped band neck ALBORES To Mr. and Mrs. Luí Albores, per suit aeta, etc. New out and white. Choice Monday only Eighth and Chihuahua, April 1, a girl. nnd and 7 V and shoulder straps In oorsjtrast color. Santiago of the ordinary. JoX7 RENTERIA To Mr. and Mrs. .1 .. . i Pirsk and white; all Rentería. 1010 Chihuahua. April t. s girt. Choice 50c A Noteworthy Millinery Event alia Chice Monday $150 BitiHA 10 nr. ana sirs, nicoias nuna, M'Vm KITS FOR II 7S 1.00 LONG SILK GLOVES, Mo Full OonssJes. 1903 El Paso. April 1. a boy. Mr. K. One-ha- pint bottle with case long colored silk glove In PAYOS To and Mrs. Junes Payos, tin AFTER-EASTE- 819 Arlxona. March It. a boy. light blue, green . and lunch bos. Wrap handle. Neat R MONDAY pink, and red. These garcía To Mr. and Mrs. Enrique SALE 60S shape ,,11. handy tl.00 values Mon- East Seventh, April I. a boy. v HlltóCH To Ur. and Mrs. Hlrscn, 1 aise kit. Monday . day ' . Jacinto $1.75 83c Morencl. Aria., March 31, a boy. fe. Death. TAILORED OAHFIAS Mirlan Carries, SO, April 1 tot Hill. Burled In Concordia cemetery April 3. VILLA Urbana VlUs. 3, April S. 1(17 Ca- nal. Buried in Concordia cemetery April J. Q.95 ALVAREZ Manuel Alvares, 8 monms. April , 301 Michigan. Burled In Con' r The Latest r New Leather cordla cemetery April 3. SEVEREA Felicita Severes, M, April 3. HATS 3013 ceme- 2 Magnolia. Burled imConoordia tery April I. CHL'E Nr Ah Cbue. 3. April I, County Pong'ee Craze Values Unparalleled in El Paso Handbags hospital. Buried in Concordia cemetery April s. The New Rage On Economies of Interest to Women Remarkable Values Automobile Licenses. río 3373 A. Malinas company. Broadway and sale will undoubtedly cause a furore in the main floor & Overland, Ford roadster. Fifth Avenue 93c. $1.50 S1.75 337 Eugene C. Hardwlck, 1109 Arlxona, THIS salon Monday morning'. To our knowledge noth- roru 3376 C. fc Rosa. 1337 San Antonio, kissei-Ka- "Pongee" erase la rapidly ing of equal importance ha been held in El Paso during the past HANDBAGS AT Mo A big aew lot of all laatber handbags In black only. roadster. the country. Having year. The sale includes just ONE HUNDRED new Tailored HaU 3376 George E. Williamson, Derbyshire THE Every wanted finish made with Iron and Machine Works. Ford they ' atarted on Fifth Avenue, It la that arrived too late for last week' selling, and tomorrow go patent Jewel set locks. Many 3377 A. B. Mckee, 1000 ArlloOa, lord the neweat dreaa and accessory fea- at unprecedented sacrifice. In the lot are every conceivable shape, equipped with puras and mirror. ture of the Spring aeaaon. Heeidea material, color and trimming and we guarantee that every Hat is Strong frames. Whits House Spe I cials Monday Mil- the very style and a good $ 2.50 value. No COURTS, Hull.. Casta, Hklrta and newest qfrO fif at linery we .how new Ideas In roncea woman can afford to miss this opportunity. Choice J 95c Blouaea. Milk Olovea. Milk Hose. Para- J HANDBAGS AT $1.M and JI.75 Price. J lid' Hat Marked irvin King vs. Texas 4 Pafiru- and Sania sols. Middy Blouaea, Petticoats, etc NOTEi All Our Fine Imported Pattern Are Real leather handbags with leather Fe rail roed, damages; on trial. or moire silk linings. New shapea at Radical Reduction. Mxly-rif- The White House I. "always first, as 6 showing every new Idea. Many M strict i:eurt. beau 'Ballard Coldwell. Judge.) usual," to introduce tha newest dress tifully equipped. üggy T. iierrelritigor va. Louisa Ideas In El Paso. Choice 11.4 aad. $1.75 divorce; riled. A Special Demonstration Of Ceualy Cearl. (Adrian Pool, Judge.) Stole of Tria vs. Daniel Lopsi, carry-bi- s pistol; riled. J. L. Raplong va. W. H SchulU. ami on . New Redfern Corsets On Monday counsel, on trial. JuaMrs Courts Big (J. M. Deavrr, Judge.) New Spring' By McCauley Values SUM of Texas vs. Samugo Pautóla, Miss pleaded gullly and rtned ti and coals. FOR MOND Y stole of Texas vs. John loe ails UsSs. assault, pleaded guilty and riued and NOVELTIES Associate Designer costs. ti II KM I CKKPfC DC. CHINK t ME MM Texas vs. s. ( el.-- . n..rr,. mn,i 111 K WHITE Ji wi 111 .0. UP Mate of tin,. Tomorrow and lasting for a limited period. Mia Fine washable crepe de chine en- Ctrlraco Bsrrsaa, aasauil loiwd not guill. Monday wa feature the latest BEGINNING oiete ui irio i., t yvilll. Durglsri designer of REDFERN CORSETS, will be at velope c hem la la plak only. Finished held 10 grand Jury in Sano bond. "I'lalrnold" finish novelties. Including Stole or Texas va. Harry Mark, socagsory' wlilf oaaalaole lace top and camisole Isi bar pin, earrings. L Valuares, brooch the Whit I louse and demonstrate the superior merits of this famous murder, riled. hematltched effect Ribbon aad laes Stole of Ttxas va. L. C. Mullens, acces- pins, pendants, chains, finger rings, sory to murder; filed. make. She will give to the woman of El Paso many valuable sugges- trimmed. Stole of Texas vs. Had" Polly, accessory Many U etc. set with brilliants. First Uonal al murder, rile. tions about corsets, how to wear them, and will advise you about just $2.95 Stole of Teta va. aUrdv white, uuuu v how lag so murder, filed. Monday. . Up the right corset for your particular type of figure. MM WASHABLE CIXVES, MM 50c Her suggestion M Murpny Judge. Monday oaly we BleXe ' r t MKKIt AN MAID BtCliTH OR !. For offer of and advice will mean a great deal to your health and appearance, a waahable white kid gloves rancy. pleaded not gullly. Tha newest belt Idea, ahowlng tha la famous stale of Texas va. f huma Lewis aad well to your comfort. waahanew" make Jes Y sus. of forged tassru "watch your step" checks, stripes aad a BMOt. iaseioe at pair filed plain leather. the $2.95 Local Osilea gletUos us Come the morning if possible, as the Corset Section will be laa M tun ra las wide. Monday in BUNGALOW APKONH MONDAY. By seclel ur l Uc riM $1.00 Sania Fe. h u April 1 Peuuaaa cainag t llKHKMMMiK VI K C'AKDM. to. BX crowded and you will receive undivided attention. Me Attractive aad durable aproas for s aural opium eleaion is Santo re. light eilutb have beea in ctrcuUuoii ror sonj' New- abades of buff, la easier. Mae, made of aad dark colored per tMSS. are SM lu .uutolu i.e. re Ulsa roo us u cales glngbama. aignaiurv. to Ul,ur ,Uc ,aiim7 pink aad while. 14 cards aad en- - aad sBitkss Ttw O uuveiueui oasTflvwi lut velupas to each bos. Ha- - Prices to reel values st iwwa id lie- ir.rin addivse Bgre of lui $3.00 $10.00 50c iurr OSMsraM lieuk llaiuy of l.uliaua siu markabls values at. 25c WOMEN1 MUSLIN DKAWKMK. Mo " prunuiuasi swirasss. CHimmi PAKAwUUt, sae mm Made of Mae soft sausila and with pratty mM Ma All softs of styles la ail and trimmed Use Of U S Opea or olesad at y lea am fm codos novatUas. Jap effects la plain Ms ie,u oMMrea for -- end sad two tuns effect. Laurg. SB. values Mesdsy white aB. Ns says. Wa ax. uve7 vniW dtum and large Little Phone her last, the rob) . Muaey as Tar to tb bouse " 4 aue. SjMMWssaf, soagaV sísenlas, nigss PS riVlerete si Mc Ple 4360 sad rsw. 50e 39c una M wait u w cMM is out aaas to reeut 1Chm Store o Service" lainsou or isiecuuos dleaass Mn'l oaey aad far I am iissssi J sana 11 rastose. 'cuuglu "Next Time You Visit The White House Buy A 25c Cake of Royal Cuticle Soap for lOc" m mm, iswi oru c.-- a.

i Sunday. April 4. 1915. EL PASO MORNTNG TIMES

Give hiM 44 A BLACK (tee frlE CANY I 7 Krackajack HAT H lív Hit it BRANO HE'S DBAb, Goo FROM THE IS Baseball DEAD Satisfaction Guaranteed (neck üpjy

ji --r a zm am a I T a n raws: r

s sw m r ,- - a 'm isa issssssaisssa itiasiBaa in h omjn.t ! saai nrnna: av,-v- r a. v 'Vk ' 'aúW. nssVSaal 'ivX " (M HM.nlm ssaV hullj ""ill a a ttkttmmsHsi B TIM1MMI1HDammin mumDiruT w DDirrciimllj 4. 4WP .ssVf H LH HUM! Ill "KRACKAJACK" VALUES Ask For "KRACKAJACK" Baseball Goods from your dealer. We prefer of "Krackajack" Baseball Good Every specification of our line that you buy from him, but in case he does not have haa been rigidly drawn up by sporting experta and we tried handle them, we will deliver, post or expre market. ready to improve upon every other line on the The demand paid, at prices listed on this page. When you is undisputable evidence for "Krackajack" Baseball Goods that order from us, give the name of your dealer received by the our improvements have been popularly baseball who could not supply you and we will see that fraternity. he is supplied. "KRACKAJACK" SATISFACTION INSIST ON "KRACKAJACK"

"KRACKAJACK" "KRACKAJACK' League BASEMAN'S MITTS National Will Hold Its Shape The Beat Baseball Money Can Buy. The Glove That BA I 14 Mitt Made in strict conformity with the regula- Baseman's .$4.00 tions of the National agreement, making it BD 1 3 1 Baseman's Mitt $2.50 official for use in any league. BA 128 Baseman's Mitt $3.00 PRICE, $1.25 EACH. BD 41 Baseman's Mitt .$1.50 BD 145 Baseman's Mitt $1.25

"KRACKAJACK" "KRACKAJACK" OFFICIAL, AMATEUR AND BASEBALL BATS BOYS' LINE OF BASEBALLS Second Growth Ash No. 40 Bat, 32 to 36 inches long. No. 4 Official League $1.00 $1.00 IU. Bat, jL to inches . No. 19 Amateur Leaguet 50c m i6 long. 4 1.00 No. 15 Bat, 32 to 36 inches No. 28 King of the Diamond 25c long. f.... 75c No. 22, Bat, 32 to 36 inches long. . No. 3 Boy's Favorite 15c ...50c No. 36 Bat, 32 to 36 inches long...... 25c

i XMWYkim I- 'Xt'wr i - KRACKAJACK" MITTS CATCHER'S KRACKAJACK" FIELDER'S GLOVES Each Fitted With Patented Wrist Strap and Protector 1 THE GREATEST LINE OF FIELDERS' GLOVES Prevents chafing, perfectly balances the mitt and prevents glove Bf THAT HAS EVER BEEN SOLD from turning when ball strikes side or thumb. té t No OB Í27K Olovea. Professional No. OC4 Glove slate colors n horaehlde .1 No. CM 19 Catchers' Mitt, Prof. League Mitt ..$7.00 IB1 Jí I Modsl fS.Ou 3.00 No. OBHI Olovea, full No. CM 31 Catchers' Mitt. Prof. Model Mitt No. IUZI6K MIovM. f'rofesaloual leath. linlBai.&o ..$5.00 .' No. OBII1 Olovea, waited aeama. . Model . .St. 00 ji 30 No. CS 46 Catchers' Mitt. Scoop Model Mitt No. OB374 Olovaa. leather palnia. ..41.00 ..$4.00 No. QBJI Olovea, black horsehlde J 50 No. CB 55 Catchers' Mitt, Boys' Amateur Mitt No. OB17I Olovea, buckakla ...... Si.tS .....$3.00 No. OCItlF Olovea, strap a buckles. 00 No. OFtlt Olovea, youths' Has COPYRIGHT V Wj ...... sSu

"KRACKAJACK" Mittr KRACKAJACK" KRACKAJACK KRACKAJACK" FOR THE YOUNGSTERS BODY PROTECTORS Baseball Goods Information is yours for The best values ever offered. Made in Cúmplete body protection, the same careful manner as higher grade Should be sold the asking. Detailed in- seven laches Ions mitts. by every live formation regarding any WO. SS AMVrt l It Jj No. CC67 Catchers' Mitts .. . $2.00 dealer. article in our line ' CATCHER'S MASK No. CD 76 Catchers' Mitts . ..$1.50 Stuffed face pad, ear protectora, opea No CE85 Catchers' Mitts Wholesale Prices on Application s- vision. ...$1.00 Request WO. 1 e&xr i - tS MASK Krakauer, Zork & Moye's HIGHEST QUALITY Sole Distributors of KRACKAJACK 11

117 San Francisco St. 1 Paso, Texas RIGHT ' PRICES

1 Smflajr. April 4. 12 EL PASO MORNING TIMES

iter refreihmenta HAVE lSj n DARK HAIR Tbe Spwoerh i easvs of Yrtaitr Method let churrb will hole) SB Esater Bible and 1 Paso Optical Co. song aervte. tut. mentas. St T o'clock in the under school room The program SOCIETY I RS AND LOOK YOUNG will be in charge of Mr. I J Avars. tOCTlCTY PERSONALS lltlrMIWtlHtimiimtttWIIIMtllMtMltttllMUMIS)MMMIHlPl III! I " u I H H " DOVT BTtr Nseoer c Mil Illlda Bauer returned Saturday from iimt! tut. muirla-- . Am. where ahe waa a gue.t tn ao or nivKSBtov Kaater, Thotnaa A i hnaitan and I'arrm tnrn vm najaMKN rkiMcu mr aeveral weeg gi a bouse party riven le-- ., ot Wltkr. The pnicraru III tn inara it mu w rrsi sAor rsA mu si lphi r by a number or tba orTlcera rrom the dith Kirn frnuniei mm id ynn, my dear. Mi. I I kanO'i. will Mi. Jame i.ianain field millet) t Re brsrr-- MUI Mcarll at tbe piaan. b lirvc nanajtiel s . Try smiling, though you srall through n mi ii. i n eTenrnr tha annual (iranrtmoiker nf Hie hebeera mudrlarl chapter of IB kept bet hair beautifully emt Croobar. Who has been Hie aueat nanalilera nf the American Mevolntloo will darkened, gloaay and abundant with of hi uat. Mrs cnrion nrook. nf rutila, i be held tba Horel del Korla. Mra. brew of Base Tea and Bulpbur. Whenever for the past two weefta, ha returned to al r.arn lire mini nve m wsr. i will prraide her half fell ont or took on that dull, El Paao. Ther I no iluuil. however drk, The Pa'irhteri nr inn will tra their faded or atreaked appearance, thla limpie i I p away caí d on Sut whit ni anniiaJ taatar dam and parly neo i Mi city on kt Milla audi- mlllure wa applied with wonderful affect. irirk Is eapsetsd lb 'inla) eienina al Ihe tret the of ihl month to spend a few My Mn mortal ttVM tint bal timet Bar torium The Henriie Home aaaoriallon will By liking gt any drug atore for 'Wyeih' twelfth Take Advice -- days witb family Bars. fit trife ami woe ma triare, i. i.i ih.rin,. uioiti, arterniKin al ) are ami Btilpnur Compound, you will get nil Sul grief, my dnea not l1 in parlori nf Hm- itrai l'refy a large bottle .r ihl old time recipe, ready a go EL PASO OPTICAL CO.. If t..lack rhiirVh. Mm. C. KIMott la IB Mr. M. end to Thai briva hearti (an noi hear. nan i. to uae, ror ahont Ml Thla itmple and Mrs. 0. Evans and baby ire Mta way is he.t and ihnigri the nignt riiarte nf (he merlina. cent. gitesli at the Hotel Paso del Norte. Mr. you need gis asas I never knew what eye r mi i lure cln be depended upon lo reatare Be Mark. there'll ronic Hie day. Hi rii"iav arwrnnon iri rane ejn,p I van ekpecla to leave for Mew York city glass was until a month ago if There i. no ..n t however dark. CoflltlU natural roior and beauty to tbe hur and It in it week and Mrs. Ersai and baby will comfort Mm what inuii p away, ton Mm,.' plendld for aamfrurr. dry. Itchy acalp and remain in El Paao to be the guest of her the lenses were right there was always Saw York Worm. IO OS Siren at tier nonie uu mrmm falluig hair mother, Mn. c. r. Elliott, of Minn Maraaret of Tremont noaepiece ; (m Wtnclav afternoon A well known dmggm aayi street. something the matter with the Veek'e Sartal Calradsr. Yoimt will entertain at bridfe Mra. A t. downtown tna everybody utea Weyth' Sage and Bulpbur. o was everlastingly fall- Tha wedding or Mías rranca Mayrfid Heerera will Ive a piano ror it either pinched or pupila of the M l'a( Brhool for oirll because ll darkenta m naturally and even Mr. and Mn. W. E. Hamiey have moved at n. all will t the ing off. and Pranru interesting in the mu ii rooma of tna acnnol. ly that nobody can tell it hsi been applied rrom the Ramsey apartment tn th home event among CI Paaoana for tnia wrseg. The l.adie. Aid f.rleiy of Temple Mount It'g gd agar to uae. too. You limply rnrmerly occupied by C. P. Thede on Mr lain will ente, tain with a bridge parly oa Kinley avenue. I EL Tha wedding will orrur on Wcdncsdkv or dampen a comb or aoft brush and draw it "But a friend suggested that try Bl hutudev in the parlor rcotai evening at o r loch al the firm Mai.ttst afternoon through your hair, taking one airartd al a rburrh, Rev. J. r. VTHhiin performing it. ik.' clnh. PASO OPTICAL CO.. and. after aoane ATTRACTIVE rrmay lite Barnnt will entertain linn By morning tba gray hair dlaap- - Mlaa Beatrice Psteman hi a her guest ceremony. Virginia aim eveninr. rnr week-en- I ii' iiardner Toller club. Miai peara two, II ihe Mlaa Margaret Bryan. persuasion. went down to their atora at lyn Jamhoii will Mower tria. Mrs. with a dam at the after (noiher ippliratmn or or w. Mavfww win he matron or Mbxir iNirnlhy Ormabee will be me imateae at II renered 10 Hi natural color and look canutillo. 1 08 Oregon. I'll never t. a dan.jna parlv to he aiven at lh norna Texas street, near The brldcmalil will be M.n illlda Shut,, Bloaiy. gori and abundant I M of h r párenla. Mr. and Mra J. i. John Virgil Hughea jr.. son or Mr. and be sorry. They fitted ma with a pair of Klren'.r ilimk and Ml" Walker v. Mtaa Mellan. Mr. ii. Ma field will it me meiicr Mr and Mr. J. v. Hughes, of (irsndview, I' i.c.t their pupila will wai those new invisible bifocal lenses that look SPRING man and the ualiera anil rn muni n are trainla Itean and fire hrlatened I ail Bunday morninr at Ibe A Berra, W. W. Carroll, C, A. Brand-ber- a violin recital In lite eyenint " AbYAMCK nf I ail C. NOTICE! Church Emseulate conception by Father just like ordinary glasses. can use them and I. P MpMZ Metmidim church. Mra. I. Bereiia win Roy. E. of Barnei Mn. r. Kelly and Edward Lebucdy A tie held at the noma ot entertain ih nonor Milk Verdk to read or aew or to wear on the street, rerepiion mil mlaceiianrotn" wars tha iponsara. the btlde'a parents, Mr. and Mr. ÍW. Ii. with a ihower. I Mat field, on Montana street, roitnuihg inc lite tinual card and aawlnf clnha wilt and they are so comfortable often forget nun, week and n Thinaday Mrs. w E. Lambeth haa guest ceremony. miel the We regime that a majority of the people ai her that I am wearing glasses at all." Much social bevm and fiaturdav nihn the weekly danrei her mother, Mn. M. Emerson of Memphn. STYLES Interest hat ccnlereo Ihe Weat Yaleta Country in El Paao depend on our Pounlaioa for round Mlaa Mayrieid tnrn in announce-men- t will he len at Wa want to dvi Term. lull and Ilia I Pkeo lAiuntry club. their Bununer Iirlnka. of tier rngg( ment to Mr Heal! and you hi idvmre that here you will find many charming afraira Barí been given o Pretty Maaajnerada Itaare. all Iba old atandbyi ami many new onei Mis virtinis Hall, who bat bren spend in lionnr them have added. We make a practice ing the winter bare with tier Hater, Mm. A. A maaquerade waa bean Mn. Mr. and Julius krakaner will very pretty dance a c. C. Henderson, has to Mlaa MavfB-l- Itoberta of never Introducing novelty drink returned ber honor and Mr Rcill wflfi a Blren Ftldav night hy Mlaa Vera are home In New for dinner to he riven Monday rvctiiinf at tiielr al her home on Krlo alreet. Tha litar n Ita Ingredient pure and health- orlean. ful, you t bom on Arizona atrent. im Ttiedy t aihool rolura of mange and black were if want tha beit rountitn Mr Brail will give a ala dinner ror aiiranively earned OKI, riitich waa aerveo vi.e in Kl Paio Mr, r. L. Hindi, who bs been visiting Mr ...rii men ii in the evening and at ihe rloae or in Mop al Scott White' i and get H. ner irirna, Mr, jonn weicn, win reiurn The Woman's riuh n i and na danriiif an he coiitae waa enjoyed. to iter home in Colorado ia s fow day. LITTLE frh nda will be tnlen teal n sour cycle. Mra. 1 B. Itoberta and Mra. S I. Morae "The Persian Harden." hy In penman, alklMl lid young hoateak. TllOae pn'etn hi Be riven Monday eveninr y l'"' mil He and their eoatumea, were Mlawa Luuiac Mr. H. Allen returned Thursday from department of the club In the auditorium Berr, "llkM," Until McMillan. "Spring:' Srelt White á to. 8 Sierra, s two months' vliit tn San Francisco of the High acbool al n clock. The sing lieaale Arree, "pocalKintaa," Mary Wyhe, "fafety iril" l.rurgiaii Sh ii with her daughter, Mn. c rt. John era are Mr. A. H. linldstein. Mis. J. I. "BpsBlalt Hirl." Margorio uieli, "Ballet (Advcrtliemant.) ion, of 7ti north oebos gtrsst. muí." .i. die Crenhau. "pamah uari) FELLOWS Hobrita. h. e Itoberta, Co. liuih wa preaented with a aat or illver rrom Mr. John Lomas, who has been spend El Paso Optical ranibouiliie idrl;" nielen An id. ".'Hint, good Ing several month! iu lbs city, to Dmothy i.rane. "Japnee. iigny l.oveti. the memberi in appreciation of her returned "Irench Poll1 I.Hy lal-- . "Haby Poll," work. DARKEN GRAY .i.,' Wall. "Japaitear,' Mildred Perry, Mra. Murray ia matron of the order and presentation wa made by Mlaa Vivian "Mra.' Vernon i.aetle," r.rearenl rtekll, to spsre no to 'country SrlttB;" Uriel Kinney, "iiyiiay, Blteav. gaanclate matron. Mr and Mn. r H Witkini moved Fri- qoent tales and efforts Boy not in coatume were l iiylllk I.aler rerreahtnt'.BIl were aerved. day to 14 North Kins street Mrs. Wit compel payment Never Were olhera Mlea TAX ' LOOK YOUNG Butkadce, Itejen UXtWly. laaboi kin nena. 0 kini experts lo leave the first of Msy for DELINQUENT Plstflel and county attorneys sre. re- HAIR, Marth.i Ionian. Man llamiuuiidk, Kmmt Mra Baker Molleas. independence, kan., id villi ner párenla were for m quired to file "mil agalnat all deltnquenta Distinc- vsiiiliiiii uld tin boya Mathew Mr. B. B. waa the ror tne s ninn Suits More B. Baker hoalei on or before January I, II7, in countlei "i.lnwn," 1. Mnberla, "VainB Boui Bridge club yelterday after- i.inw'ii;" i;naa. Futre B. North' sv.uon or legs, and Vamai Kaile Armiroug. , noon in addition to the the Mn. r. williemi, of SM Florenre having population of Gray Changed An Even memberi t 1, IBM, Hair to Nailiiiin, "harnvv untrnld ." Matnew were Mra. B. Mn. street. mending mouths with ACT IS APPROVED on or before January in counties tive for Quality and Kd guest I. Zabrlakta and ievcrl than su.uuu. "t.harlea ;hailni." Pony, "Vaina A. S, llowrgn. ber huiband on their ranch In Sew Mexico. with a population greater Dark Shade. No Dye. t.eeil "Clown,-- ' and are provided for lima," Hod, oinera were won by W. B. Heavy penalties failure hoi coaiume were Willard Brown. Law- Tbe nrlie Mr. of to comply with tho term or of Design in wetmore and Mr A. B. Ilowran. MUM Hallla smith, of Houston. a re- officials Smartness rence Amrtaou. Iionald Htunt. Utiy lr. cent in the city and axoect to the new law. You can turn Bray, farted, atreaked with Arthur Hathaway. Paul Mooro. Mkritn The club will meet in two week with arrival nay hair beautifully dark and lustrous Berry, Eugene Wnmeulnrf, l.awrenca Bdr Mn s. p rem. make thli ber horse. flOVKRNOB rT.Bt;t90N SIC.NR MF.AMRK almoat overnight If II apply, a few B'O iiwalii, Kerrln Mobely. Hainnn o RF.QI irtlM. C,l NTY ATTORNCVB vn rel, i ii k Htirrs. ilmaa. llalr (.olor lieainrer to hair IniVoae, Charlea iiverrlrcrt, ucorge Hariuw Mra. Wtehriia lo Entertain. to and Tbomaa i.illam. I.s, have relumed renin a vlatt lo IK. BEAUTIFUL and acalp Ilka a itauu..... ) Han la Harm Mn. F.dward Wlkbrtin will entertain at parent In Toyah, Tex. Icaa, use bridge on ihe rternuoii or April u al ner Sale nnl sticky, delightful to and r I im Hunt By Hprrial IT (re to th Ttme$ Easter Candy gray m evenly homo on Montana. - larkcns hilt naturally and Mra. w A. irayier ami Mra. r. i. o-- Jame Bowen. Jr.. returned veiterdav tn Austin.' April I. krrarnor rw- tail- Kaiter-eg- Ten. fabrica have been tlial no one ran tell It ha bren applied rave g moat rujoyable (igniblea Ealertaln. ho.,i at t.oi Angele, after spending the aon today signed the delinquent tax ct On Delicious Assorted 0 Ban aria on trie rnoit. makea fray hair hunt to tho Junior and intermediate de ltd raster wee wiiu nil parent. Mr. and Mr. and Mra. II. 0. Cambie entertained P.. pataed at Hie recent session of the Min- healthy, and proniicea that soft, dark taVi - ..r iho rhlldren'k mlaatonkry ao- - Mr. Jame Bowen. EGGS at dinner last night al the Country club. Mae and which will become orfectlve EASTER ored into pretty Norfolk let ami abundance to the hair which makea nety nf T rttll 13 rburrh yesterday afternoon, were Mr. and Mr. Harris Mis Nellie Bowen will remain for iature in on Their rural two wffeka and will givs s concert on tba hair ao raarlnaltna; and attractive, ba NUBd) Park, Kunaol lleighta. The Wall hall and Mrs. M. J. Uimble or June next. ImateKsea made dainty Kaater haikata In Monday afternoon rrom to o'clock gt In provisión 18c the ft landrnrr itcrtlns alp and The measure Ii drastic Its Ib. these preenia luili ihe egga were hidden Kach little o the First Christian church on North Ore tax suits. To see ralllnk hair and prumoira ita trowth Ap gon and nuke ll mandatory for county Saturday Only guei r reived a BSBBet. After the hunt Beta liria Rslrrtalaed. street. - piv Ban to a;ray and acalp and i" Lo collectors to mall out notloss of deun- 'j hair li'inniia.le waa aerved in all preaent, and Mlat Then Patterson eurertained me iteta will later return to Angeles suits is to be convinced you'll he delimite i with your beautiful, nuidonr gamea parlt.ipatrd In The egga ItpUa eteroay ifternooti at her home on where ah Is attending achool. i THE aort. rmrry. nam hair anri low of ii aim fae Una pleikant otillni were riirnlshnd Kaat Nevada ktreeL card kwere played outhful appearance Money hack If It hy Mra. C M Harvey. Elite Confectionery Co. falta lo ray hair imly Una for a laBOBS ihoe pnaenl were Mary wnaon, from Plywood Springs, where be apenl that in darken Margaret Meara. Maud apron. I.uelle and 7 us, bottle at Kelly aad Pollard' and MESA AVBNfJE AND TICXAS tn bit rati.-e- Ayera. Helen Keratiaob. Doroths 4 BBtM OB BS BAITY IB S JOY rOSgBW. Fréckle-Fac- e Paople a i i Paao, or it. Morea. Tei. Out ranieaon. l utilae Jone, ( and Mr. J J, Mundy haa rrom aupplled by mall narkitte returned town rolka Mary Trance Crawford. Jane Wright. Or. T. FELIX BOURAUO S a nit to ber old home at Elgin, 111., PERFECTION francés muer, Urare ulbon. Maria (tlier. where the gpent monlh. Dorothy ihepi leona Burrotigha, liuih Thoiuae, NOW I! THE TIMK TO GET BID OT THESE Parker. I diih TiMtru), t BIG CAMF. ON THE INCREASE. lara Woolridge. Oriental Cream UGLY SPOT wiiiinrreti nittaerald. -- adíe and Lucila woman niiiirorrl. Mi tna Pot liliu, Orox OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER More Than 7 .nog Becky Mountain sneen Is hlialielh easy I to know CLOTHES Jame ami l.eelle Lynch. Maurice B.. sute ef Colorado Alone no you know bow ll remote that Super u nun. lie.irge Whaler, Byriim Webdell, It will be in iba nature of s lurprtae tbuie ugly spot so that no one will call fltioua Hair. BoaetM BoSaria, charle Mor win tn mot pergons to learn that hlg game g you freckle-faoo- A rm k e , nickinaon. aad a.arv sagging or i'ii ami l ee and Ilavld haa.itr. aad on ihe mrrease all through the welt. Pimply get an ounre or nthlne. double T- -4 Hulaey, auretti and flohert i'tliserald, teeilsa It ka kist Trier a ort of general lnipreglon strength, from Potter Drug Co., and s few Hollow Style is not sacrificed Mitold Hnnlh, í.ugenti (h.t..t of My. ara, aal the hlg nlm1 are being rapldiy deci- - Cheeks and an Imperfect complexion are Tkilor. lorrrat barro tese wa gaaia tht application should show you bow- easy I laao mated, hut the United Blates forest service not aids to beeping Toutb and Beauty. hiitith. tiny o. .th rank illllett. I.kwrenre It to be It la are- - to rid yourself of freckles and get .ii i lar says this I antrue. An official of tbe ll im liichanl i'. in.ii. .Mm Wllliknta. Accaplas Th sun and for service, nor is servi- Cil,mt,l or almilu sen tec said there re more than 7 im k beautiful completion MA8SAOK AND BLCACHIN0 i Bam Or. I. Barra Rocky .Mountain sheep In Colorado alone. winds of Pebrmry and March have i it asm gtven .11. to a laly of ik Elk are growing more plentirtil. The to bring and treatment! .wuig la ihe .omen tn ) ; H. tronr tendency nut rrecklea. i. be giten kaattoa (a aaliasl ervu-- the ce1 forgotten for style. thla aftttinoon 3 M ...... k foreal attribute Increase of aa k result more othlne is sold tn these at at it. Bllaa big to co- by cavalry band, Chief rain efrertive and patnstalcing months. Bo ur to ask for the double A. the urteentb wltb operation between the officer and em- BSMSON, m. ceo iteetn in. nitiatrai strength othlne, a thl Is told under guar 8IICI Durability is needled director: all tke eki r.anaraiioae." ploye or the forest service and the state 303 Herald Bldg. March Ihe Thunderer Bouaa katkltaneretrAt Druggiala aad Darartaaat atoraa game officials in enforcing the stalo law aun of money bark If II rails to remove iiverture itntlrawhri brt T. aasght las, rYgB, WSm lUa-- C for ihe protection of Kme. the freckles obb I'lowcr SniiK riuii,.. i into every suit in this eleelloli ichue ti mu llHI Me tropolllkll ttpria llouaii Tnbaiil Walla rite katei Yall Waldieufel shop. panre Pollah liante No. I Nchwarweiika ianikkla lliime Bwrvi Home and tbe Didn't a BU. World over , UBttpa Hurt Kola. Tna rompo'i dcactlbea tha r in wbii-- IPiuie -- weet Mi, un- is played Choor from them with in different umiiirii'i - followa: Ural au r aw m m oernuny, J .pain, t liuaaia. t Italy, - a .iiUn.l. ii.iiii' SPECIAL a feeling of content- uur In America. ueniai March At the Ball. That a All Hill ment. THEIR WEAR March nabal Mater tsllf Work Hi due far Mra. Brlaro Mra. A - Buwlamta cnierlained at bridge VICTR0LA IS DOUBLY GUAR- every yealriday artrrnoon al h. r linine mi Poug- - tB so good Hint we guaaante la mreel to honor her daugtiler, Mra. Jay bit ot It. We make thin, tlfjht ru- Dt'iearo, oi i.onnon, rugiaiiii ANTEED by us and by tins platea, alao extract taath with- ideen and while we. the color arrteNH you fjnod. Uaed and rarnattoua and rema were It out pals. If want clean, evidence thriuighiiut intlowiua the sanie . uurtlruj dental work without pain, a m,. ouutaa luHa..,.ii waa OFFER the makers, too. ervl we can pleaae you. Mlaa (KTlrilde 1 elghtnn won Ihe firal ' pille. Mlaa Alberta Deep the --ec.nd and SS, Ui cunaolaliiiu tell lo im w ivnre SSK Cold Croaras. S4 and Thl piiaaant hnvie.a hy no an aaaiated For the of those who have wanted a Victrola in their home but felt they could not afford one, we going lindar Work 9S. S4 and Mlaa tjeriruae leigntoti and Ml benefit are WASH SUITS! My, Kubbpr Platea SS.OO and up ratten pre.-r;- Mr- - rillvvr i till nt- - See lliiie w.r" net,. Mlak to offer this Victrola XI, selling at $100, for the small payment of laiitainaud i ink. - tiara link. Mim what a big selection and Kitractlaaj Mc uertriulu l.righion. Mlaa Mirr l.eighiiui. Mlaa Hoy Pence, Mlaa I ydla Vence . Mlaa nne i cw un anas un t.i MiietiMili. Mix just half the price; bet- NEW YOU PAINLESS Albert llecp. Mta liertrude Brnjuntii, Mia v r mi. ii- - m - rani. in. t, h.Miih. Mra V N resce, Mra Walter Ar ter styles, better work- DENTISTS nold. mi. K, i. Ulala, Mr. W. H. ianu anil and Mr kiaokUmht. O $10 Cash and $10 Per Month manship; 50 cents up rina. Mn aad Teaas Ktraart. mi- Uarl Moalaas. Mtaa Jane llanuli .ti Pan- - etneriaitied tha I. H. T. Budge ciub vi'ilerday alirin.Mn to the very finest. Ev- ai ner mune mi wiunaua in "m lurm ul bower to Iwaavir Mi I'eaii Ma Mrayer This instrument is a Genuine Victor-Victrol- is equipped with automatic stop, record that boy Dr. Che ilek Mm Mildred I idle pi uol gurtl erything a in an. i in in' cabinet and all the latest improvements. Can be had in Mahogany, Fumed, Weathered, Bridge w maim and Mlaa Beatrice curea BBauaaatUaa. Bioos - Polaod. Internal tul Es- lll. a won tie- itral i.rttt ud Mtaa mu or Golden Oak. needs you always find ternal niaeaaaa pr ial Bray tbe a, mad I ,.,... treat raaai for nava. alar two lum Ik mi waa ModraM faaa Conaulta Ml Margaret iHvta aaatklrd the boatcai here, more and for less uaa rra dUlUlg lie. aUt'l'lliiou of real Mi Birayer i- - the re. tpient of many HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Think the pleasure snd enjoyment a Vic- sM Ban Antonio El neeuiuui mu anaa sillo will Ur lie' money. fhoaa ma ueii suaviee trola will bring to your home. Mr Hurra i aurart- - Mra. M B Murray w pMaaanUy aur pllaMl lie. day eiaiung rn in wing toe PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY of iliu Baau.ui átar. auna auc Silica LoBBy Alua II tel. Pkur lltt TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OFFER. LET US SEND THIS VICTROLA TO lAaaarbM auioatobuaa lur mra by rip. Buur or Jay r, YOUR HOME ON FREE TRIAL flv vaaarniar cara tl ka aar hour. - i . i I, ma Saves paaaenrer cara Hoo .r buur our order tor cut tv.wera puui. g, i.i rib VICTsKbLA XI. --kaWrlj Alaj. ' Saxa bay aa MpBl aud bird Tbe iluwer Bavp. ID N ItauiOB I üu 00. rus sarr bl -- fk. adnkBMaw of uaa lassleeisiiaiii. a, ey mlrrftal valui ara uftaruia In Mao i. ottl an . ah. .e ga cas III lU tiki rvi labial eijle ai reel luutie i ice, kl Pa, m. k; G. to, Sruadw. BvyMS Maje am 441 W. WALZ COMPANY SjaMaaea, ay. a. See as 1601 103 South El Paso Street Smnémy. April 4. 191$ EL PASO MORNING TIMES 1)

rminr-wm- rB the reatan after hour As a member be ran buy all the drinks after hours be wishes and ha A NO NEEDLES TONE THE MISSING LINK is money to Buy. IF YOU ARE s a matter of cold, hard rart. tkw Oreal White Wav has ivren triirk by the TO CHANGE MODULATOR THE OVERTONES same depression - though to a less marked degree that has Ml the show business of DRINKING MAN niher sections of the country. Restaurant keepers, theatrical managers and all are doing everything they can to make u Ton bad better si at one or you'll forget the high cost of ittn lose your job. Every line or business I There has been no more strangely picas dosing Its doors to "Prinking" men. I In play seen In New York In a long time may be your turn next. By the aid of THE man Alice in wonderland." Mire itersten oRRisiii men re berg's or thousands of have bees dramatisation Lewis Carroll's to lives of sobriety and z always delightful "Allre In stored Industry Wonderland" W so and "Through the l ooking nlsss.'' Rroughi are sure that oRRIMK will bene o In the Roolh theater by the Player's Pro fit ynu that we say to you that If after during company of the Fine rf theater a trial you fall to get any henerit from hlrign. tbe noveltr Is well east, happily Its use. your money will lie refunded When you siop "Drinking" think or the money you'll save; besides, sober men looking study and the glass, then Alice are worth more to their employers and rails asleep The Red Queen rails to her get higher wages. The Loaf That Made Home and In her dream site answers climbing through tlie looking glass, now son Coats only ll.M a box. We have LIN that Is and yielding. I'p go the lights and there Interesting booklet about On a. I If I that r Baking Unnecessary the room reversed ctartlv as you ara giving away free on request, call si would see it In the looking glass and our store and talk It over. Krlly a Pol wholesome, nutrition and mad from the purest materials scien- Allrc has to answer questions and run Bldg. BIND lard. Sheldon lintel THAT tifically pu' together ami baked "just to a turn" by experts. hard tn stay In the same place, but she Wrapped In waxed paper to keep It clean and sweet from our ovens gels so tired she stops and rinds herseir In the Hall or rmors drowning In the lake to your table. her own tears, t'nder the sea she For Hale by All Grocers. Made by meets the ttryphon and Ihe Mock Tunic; then she is round In a garden taking tea POLAND IS ONE with tbe Hatter, the March Hare and the Doormouse. Then In the nuchess' garden USIC is the link she goes to hold the baby that turned Inlo a M pig and to play croquet with the riamln goes and the Queen or Hearts; then kilo HELPING BELGIANS ihe court or the Queen, to testify against the Knave who stole the tarts. But the 2 tarts are found and so she wakes, after crowning herself a queen, to the call to binds tothe dinner. nm that ALTHOtT.ll OT PARTY TO WtR. mCfj Faqulsitely sweet and rharmlng. the play a, i - you I saw sr; noun is makes reel that It was not Allre. but STARVING CONDITION.aD 73 ynu who had the dream, indeed, when BAKING COMPANY you rosne out Into Broadway so early the motor cars have not ret arrived, yon have Cholera. Typhus and Typhoid Terrible Is to ruh your eyes to make sure you haven't Their natagrs; 00.100 Refusers Takes dreamed It. arier all. i are el Is Ceuutrv. home, and love's The long awaited 1. M. Rsrrle rcyue, "Rosy ex- formancestarted the hall Then Rapture," does not meet the pectations or London. A combination or Associated Press Corrrspoadescc Maxim's restaurant struck a streak of poor childlike or SPICY STAGE LORE ami produced Moving humor and subtle travesty. It me city Warsaw, which is nearer to business "keen "goes over the heads" or Ihe audience chain grows stronger by Punning 40 It the the actual righting tone than any other for minutes. parked Preceded by "The rltv restaurant was no admission charge. Rarrle's curtain raiser, Its slxe In Europe, there .lew World." which Is pretty In sentiment, for and which has lived That set the other ribaret proprietors talky, this new to for months under the continued ntrnare or to thinking and scheming. iow it res but rither rnntrlbuUon the craxe for revues tags woerully. even German occupation, wears the astonishing FROM OLD GOTHAM taurants along Broadway are playing of Qattjr mighty mak- one Deslys and Norworih link. with Jack or that aspect are about to piay "Midnight nevtie. ing personal successes. a disinterested observer, ror A very dirrerent thing from the cabaret, The Impression around Broadwav had whom the fortunes of war have but a the "Midnight Revue" Is an expensive and been that Barrle the Inimitably whimsical casual Interest. O pretentious offering. are theatrical There Barrle Intended to shoot sharis or ridi- Tbli Is the carnal of the country The first link to the child's musical BROADWAY girls, of course-plen- ty of rlrls and cule at the prevalent rraze ror revues and I hose sons, tAVKLOPtill l CRAZR rOP. THE medians that are funny and alleged plots Ihe manner of presenting them. How Tar almost equally divided, are "MIDNIGHT BJCVIK." and pretty costumes all that sort or thing short or tbe mark "Rosy Rapture" tell Is righting hair on thn Russian and hair on education is the perfect reproduction we usually associate with the really truly snown ny inc wise move or the manage tbe side. piay souses, inoran, u is enomrr amuse- ment In not opening the gallery. In Lon- Warsaw Is within thirty miles or that Brrlt Page Sllres Stage alad Extremely ment Tor ins tired business man and an- don, "don't rher know." they sometimes fierce, persistent and apparently untiring of sound. line far Critical Public: "Dm; other worry for tbe tired theatrical ma s shows off the stage. "Rosy Rapture" Herman offensive, against which a large Raptare" Mot Liked la Londoa. ager. but one more proor or the irulh or the pux of the entire Russian army has been Borne or the other restaurants have old saw, "every shoemaker to his own massed, anu is subject lo all tlieeiii, whlclt wildly gripped less expensive straws to last. follow in Ihe wake or battle, such us dearth The missing link to perfect reproduc- By Brett Paje. save themselves and attract business. Uall Kane, whose beauty first won her of provisions and rue, congestion and di- sease. The best or Po- :ew York, April The thinir la Many are adopting the London "club" i engagement by Charles Krohman In farms and rslates "Mid- pro "Iieroratlng land have been turned situ vast burial tion to which child's hearing tho "Mldniirbt Revue." ziegrield's scheme. To every one who has tbe Clementine." Is returning grounds, her people are and the night atop the New they arter playing Cohan A homeless anil Frullr" Amsterdam and the thirst Issue a card entitling for Harris the last starving and every dav seems theater char gin a for the hour per the to admission to the three seasons to the same management In lo darken "member" "club the prospect or that regeneration of the is tne leaning part or "ine Hyphen." An Polish people an should be trained the overtones. nounced as accepted only the other day, Into Independent nation, new which Is the dream or every Pole, whether this Justus Miles Forman play li he Is s Russian, a German qr an Austrian being rushed to rehearsal. It Is another Prom the or or the or play subject. accumulated rilth The overtones are to music increasing number "war tbe trenches, from the thousands or shal- low graves where Russian. German and Ü Polish soldiers nave been hastily purled, cholera, and typhoid are is to flower; CHICKEN SALAD typua said to be What the fragrance the C5 1 spreading, and In the opinion or military doctors, when the softening or the ground and melting or the streams begins In early P What the colors are to painting. C5 7 spring, will run like u. 3 disease fire through AND Poland. CASEIN COURT Over a hundred thousand refugees, who have been thrown upon Ihe mercy of the to various committees or Polish rrlier In 's Warssw, have brought into the city five Edison known cases of cholera. The eases have been promptly Isolated, and all who have 4I D6F. CAI.HOt'N I IS! s TO DltsriOLVK been subjected to the cantaglon have been Diamond-Dis- c 7These Are Our INU NCTION AtiAINHT PAYMENT deported Into the country. Warsaw Is at Phonograph 32 OV 178 ITEM. present surrerlng from a dearth or coal, since the supply from southern Poland Telephone Numbers in the Chenstoknvati region has been cut is the only sound-reproduci- instrument that actually liu pretal Wire, to Ihe 7 'taw . off by tbe German invasion, Austin, Texas, April 3. Judge (albotín streets of Warsaw Lay Is Midst or Dlalf. all missing Mnk to this afternoon overruled a motion to dis One then Is entitled to a feeling of reproduces the overtones (ihe perfeci These are our telephone solve tbe Injunction. In the case or Mlddlc-to- n amazement at the undiminished spirits and tne apparently normal lire wntrn exist in sound reproduction). number and they bring our vs. Terrell. The case Is known as the this city which, one reasons, ought to be entire stock as close to you punch and chicken salad controversy trembling on the vercg of catastrophe. The Note all the features that linked only around which plalntirr. a member of Hie house of streets arc ray With laughier and song, are as your telephone. A mes- the cares are rilled until lale al night, and representatives, seeks hi prevent State Diamond-Dis- c. sage to us will take to your comptroller Terrell rrom approving a war the opera and ballet are playing to full the Edison These cannot be secured or S78 houses. It Is curious, Indeed, to see these rant drawn ror the payment ex sound-reproduci- home the desired article in penses incurred by former (overnor U. B audiences giving way to the Imaginary with ány other instrument. The r.olqulll for refreshments served at a re- troubles or the actors on the stage, while s our line without delay. ception to of the legislature real trouble awaits them beyond the door CJ members slate ad- Edison does not copy it's all original. The Item Is contained In the deficiency ap- or the theater. On the runner German n We tur making a propriation bill passed by the Irglslsturr vance upon Warsaw, whlrh approached of and approved by Governor Ferguson. No within seven miles of Ihe elly, one theater Write for catalog and deferred payment plan. specialty wiltten opinion was handed down. While continued Its performance without Inter- PROMPT DELIVERY the amount In controversy is small Hep ruption, while Ihe booming or the enemy's seutative Mlddlelon Insists that a great guns muid be distinctly beard over Ihe Edison Diamond-Dis- c Phonograph, prices from principle is involved, an opinion whict voices or tne actors. Telephone us your wants for the home, no matter how small. shared by Attorney General Looney, but Club lire, goes on as usual. An American $60 to $450. not by (overnor Ferguson nor Comptroller correspondent was In the rooms of one or on oc- You will have immediate attention. n. u-- the best known Warsaw clubs tbe ierren. casion or s rerent aeroplane raid. Pour were playing bridge. There is a public telephone in the front of our store for your Keep your eyes open tor The men atitlnn Two Times bombs were dropped, one within H00 yards notary Kdttton. It will be a hummer and or or care DEMONSTRA TED DAILY AT THE use when you are down town, and we invite you to use it; or great value to El the rlub. Two the men strolled Paso. lessly to the window and watched the and any other favor we can extend is yours for the asking. STRAWBERRY two German Taubea volplane recklessly PASO DEL NORTE COOKING SCHOOL ÜHORTCAKE. tar. an of 5.000 mo ban Antonio at. (Adv.) from altitude about feel lo a Weston's. distance or approximately two thousand OR OUR OWN MUSIC ROOMS. te eyes dtop a bomb apiece and clrrie upward and Ieep your open for The Times westward, with two itiissian aeroplanes in Rotary Edition. It will be a bummer and rloae pursuit. Husslan sltarpnel was of great valúenlo El l'aso. directed at the two German aeruplsnes rrom s battery on the outskirts of tbe city, but MOOIEV QUARANTINE MONDAY or was so H THE WARNER DRUG CO. the speed the aeroplanes great that tbe grey hursts or smoke fell harm Eoibarao sa "lock Shipment From Okla- lessly tn tbe rear. The other two men in homa lo Be Reasoted EL Orndorff Hotel Block El Paso, Texas si Osre the bridge game were more Interested In PASO PHONOGRAPH SE their bands. These aeroplane raids have April . The world Indeed become such commonplace occur- wide quarantine Imposed against sll live rences that tastesd of hurrying Indoors, stock shipments into Texas by tbe state as the residents of the rliy used to do I oiniiii-sio- n par TEXAS TEXAS livestock sanitary will be hen ihe appearance or I lie osrman 202 COMPANY 1202 tially removed Monday, according to the Taubea was an alarming novelty, the announcement Issued by J 11. Avery, chair- or streets ere now crowded with mildly In- man the commission. Shipments or terested spectators, who tr tbey have no horses and mulrs and hogs will be received on hand, a point rrom Oklahoma beginning Monday under other husmeas make It proper lo be on the street, on clear arternooons disinfection precautions April 11 It the Is tbe plan or the commissions or Texas. .'clock, al which time German AUTOMATIC NATURAL Alitalia, New Mexico and Colorado to enter aeroplanes appear, weather permitting, INDESTRUCTIBLE Into an agreement allowing shipments of with unerring regularity Those was la April sate their years. rattle between these stales. "Berorr we have tea.'' says a timid look STOP TONE RECORD Ing Polish woman, "let's plan to gu out IMaaiaoSs should wear, lest bitter tear ITAH ANB WYOMING and see Ihe aeroplane raid." One mtgtii K ror velo repeals ce flow. This alose MAY III ti II At. lit I Ul M almost think that II was a sporting rvenl By I Ac .1 or ihe season which it hsd become Emblem ocia led Pre of laaoceacc la knows Salt Lake City, April J. (iovernor Spry tollable lo attend. rrnl days all the rorts at Aclrianonl and gnus, inc roo A. ft. Bllllrk. A. aailikciji town - received a message rrom (overnor kead-rlr- Meanwhile Ihe wounded an brought back and also vuitnd the iv umphi cy and i,s,- or Wyoming, todav which indicated rrom the trenches, and a continuous line or Mtiatarauasha anil ku IS! that the root and mouth disease guaran of soldiers, infantry, mounted Infantil northeast or Adriannple), In order to raise keep1 your eyes open for The Timea line y and long provision trains, file Uic spirits or he Mussulmans Holary (dlltOO II will be a bumiut-- order recently promulgated by Wyom- "The ihe corrmpond and ing would be modified wiih regard to live- through the city hi take their places Turks." coniinuei of great value to El I'aso. UBBER rrom he firing line the endless activity. eut. are lino buudins new rorta at hau stock t'lah It was Intimated that hut HUttano on the western outskirts oí Co Diamonds I lab would adopt retaliatory measures It be countless episodes, any of which would MAW STAMPSRJBD laniuiopie on Ihe Sea of Marmora, wbc UFAtTL' DAILY n pmvoke anxiety in Wyoming order was not uiodliied ordinary tunes and tlu v an installing heavy caliber sun. si With this store Diamonds and Diamond alarm, seem only o act ss a stimulant u( Irylnc to make ton line or defenses Jewelry specialties. ua the overwrought nérvea of this re atroiig as Ihusc al Tehatalja. Tlmosanns Ellis Bros. Co. are We know good uiarksbl capital. One soon learns that r troop, are employed in the auiMionliiuu If in need, consult the Times' one. We buy good one and we sell a AVOID -- Hie nervous laughter which one hear factories. " SPRING ILLS everywhere In Warsaw la not far from Want Ad page. great many of them. Every piece we sell a sob. and the apparent unconcern onlv M rasa Aula Kussety Cassseay or i the pitiful bravery a nation that bas MssTcisI li ... I tas ríase with an unconditional guarantee, and MU-- Pt AND Bl IP THr. Bl OOO HUM learned But lo cry when It Is hurt. Austin, Texas, April I A charier was we take pride in explaining to you just as HOOD SAaaAPAXItXA issued today to the al raso auio nupply much about Diamonds as you want to rouipsny. of n l aso. Texas. . apiialued know. GLOOM PERVADES Money Is and clinching tun reel poorl) and there. is more or less eruption on your raes and JUST NOW body, tour appetite is no good, your sleep W have a paper of unusually fine blues; U broken, and you are tired all iba usas. TOM asa Moo s sort soar ilia it la the CONSTANTINOPLi: FRECKLES Your 4 une Best they weigh carats each, and at $200. safe and effective Ionic thai has stood Friend i lie leal of roily ys II makes lbs par set up in either a ring, stud or pin. they red blood thai will make you feel belter. No week should pass without you save a portion are exceptionally good value. look Bauer, eat aad sleep bettor It is lb old No St the flats te Wl Sua el Tasas standard tried and true ail lb year o I an i i of your income. lusdirUM Maud ihisimm ML the a, round for la aud the i a t is I mop as. I Sly avast. ALSO whole system nutIsvenimm; START A BANK ACCOUNT W have a plan whereby you can buy Ask any druggist for HooS sarsaparilla. TSere's sa loafer ta ellfaieel "' " ' aud o.i.i ua ha ma it .luihiug else arts reeling as any priced Diamond and have it grow. like U. ror nothing else baa lb sanee for eabausrd of four track!, the and add to it from your salary each week or month. Wa will saalg or ingrodirnia. aad a there Is a I.-- ' prcarripuoa otaine double strength is real substitute, (let It today era rroro guaranteed lo remove these homely spots kelp you add to it by paying 4 par cant interest on your savings, gaUb," tin- tunes suite torn D. Co. em. ico., ii i.ubli. lomai Stsapjy gel sa oust of mhias duuhls The A. Foster ople as sreaüy II Is gvtwreJiy depressed tieugib PvUar Co. or say Herald Btsiaisg fracd iivsi a steal aia.iropse is frota IraT gj. Irutsiti aad apply a mil ul it iuht aad "Our Woddiaa Munition are mm and you should aauu American Truist and fUaa fisssh sop of obtaining use worst frerkss has aeasaa to él- - i usuro Happy Marrlssas ' gerousi. n - iisisnia aad Sulaart n cn Tier fVvMl uki fisrsr wbtl afea Ugbur asea ase a apiial lotiiiuur risaeo ruurei it i talausa tas Basta iban east of the govraaaiil an ounce Is sasSSS la insatif- -' 'i cavar itss Cost. Ssmb Atsssasxao tsfsd B Passes. saetas viriuall aVciard a os a oa . piaiai . ato aud gaiu beautiful rUer ouipti I ecu un aii J. F. PK1MM. PRES. as au.r wji oihaa a this is sold andar guarantee has aaesnujed ta re luiuot) o. k li it laits Mi isswx fikl Aunday. April 4. 1915. 14 EL PASO MORNING TIMES

hole h made, of M the tiemv like a had who illas himself in rum ratr than BI liF, EVENT youfr ran din him out' I tell. It RIBBON would Indeerl be an astonihtn measure of Care or nreesa for a firal smrripr and the enemy me may reajnire a areai deal more tiamoe nn "Tke Eagle's Hite" at many iiointi before he ha rlefinliely HERE'S hid ennua-- al any point nut thae oper ON OPENING DAY GENUINE aliona the day rlnaer, and Me hrottrht A lum our uVmerhta 10 Ihe time when w Dur flair And Mil be ante m move forwird. and on. 300 Other CHANCE find" the e.vairtmen wonderlni whethe if perhapa iney, Vws win rei their rhanre IU.OM ORRtlV AT M1 nmici DOWN TO Hew Titles Now nr. lifting ll IN WAV RH1M.S II si YOU frrnAwiip.fmnn tvt cmiam. m. in miiMNi. roi.ntii n Wenmfa. Mi. nan Anvmlo ti 'Ad Out, NAVAJO 1 60c SHOULD Three obeatew Per ear atari rraat Far Eaat it Named 10 t.o t rack Ullv Cnaldrred NOT LIVESTOCK NOTES I. Mate a Cbaoee (By I. k a THIN., III r MISS aroectal Hi. r to Ihr TUmn RUGS OF THE SOUTHWEST on m Hie. Ky., April . Oreat aiperta-tloa- Ii perhaps the beat way to speak or the coming Kentucky Derby race. A pedal shipment of high-grad- e Navajo Rugs right Thli I1t,0m three year old a take will be derided thli season at tbe Loulivllle course, from the Indian country. m mm ot Tf". i pkkprim; known for more than forty yeara as IM TO TI UN tro H1" Bain UN TUT. Churchill Downs track, which Ii now the I.MVss THIS si'RIM, RED BLACK anal of the iport fu ml abed by GRAY the New Louisville Jockey club, of which Will Rlrltt a nfli organisation charlee F oralnrer Ii t "It's Bandy" iiimiiag vuu y BROWN WHITE 111(1 h rrlre Pild tnr Hrrrfnril Hull tall and M J. Winn la manarer. Only (St Ofrereil rr I n Teiaa Thla spring Ibe event will be run orf on COLOR COMBINATIONS Cal vea A rl on a Mobalr. Saturday. May a. Ihe opening day at ihe days of sport at thla course which winds up on Friday, May tl, when the historic 1018 when the gray fllly Tagallc won the to beautify he had spent much of his great That aome of the lamhnien In ihr rollón Kentucky mas will be decided, I race r un ii. claialc al Epaom Dowm. fortune. MM rake fer dina dlslrlria of Tejas CutoaSoap which haa a hlitory ai long ine Derby Taral, who riafe Homlno lhal day. Hied rallle season whenever md the of which Include in tbelr Regret last triumphed the Quick will turn on this ipnny a mini winnera to place IM son of Hlmyar Pissing Sale bark many queens she met colls and reldlngs well as fillies w Action Price tri's number turr n his mouth Ide statin the black colt had ber or their rattle w hleh hive been on feed, To find a rraat three year old event and there Is reason lo believe that II II open and his rider did not lei biro down announced on the kanaka City yarda which malpares in Intereat to tbe Kentucky among the probihllltlra at lean that she his until well ir the Mrk atreteh. When he wai snampoos Derby season It necessary to Ken- race this Ii a look in anyway In the coining big give II up apparently $10.50 , $43.50 by rtitaaeii, one of moat then railed on him he Lea ihe eitearilre go bark In ism when Domino and senator tucky event at one and the further the distance m feeders nf the Iflne star state. Mr. Una tirady came wait to rill their engagement Tn speak of great races of Ihe peat al creased the worse he was beaten. Thai day Are moat offaeiiew whan aided by light in the American Derby. Domino up to No question of the stamina of the WORTH DOUBLE en, who marketed a larirr hlpment of sen- wayi calls up a flood of memories. settled the apph notions of Cut cura, Ointment that lime had never known detent atnd rare In thla country ever attracted more black old champion of 1803, which cakrfrtl tleers In the quarantine nlvlalon of ator 1, raily bad also a remarkable record, attention than the American Derby of Ural. was at best a phenomenal sprinter, though this market ihla week, rave two rraat na Sample's Free by Mall having as a two year old won all his racei The coming Kentucky Derby may turn out he went in the alud and sired stayers In CuuVvra Soap sad iniusart aalrl sverrwbara. fter his rirst start and in the big Western to be as no matter boih the and serond generations. for this uniiatial move line, la thai the aaaaaaa nao sensational a race, hut first Ubsral of osea nao arltk t boa. Derby rare tas making his first public bow Is Is It cannot a muddy ronrliiions or reedlota about Ihe oil aVaostat e year brilliant result Senator Ortdv made the best showing of "OutUara." Data. Mr, baaaia. appeal am is a three old. bigger dump at least than In Ihe year at Derby race. He made mills prevented rattle from well. This year mere Is a hill trio of unbeaten the pair In that great or Washington Park when the tar or both all Ihe running until Rey EI Sania Anita The other reason la that rallle thla rlaai, rorr rracks among the Kentucky Derby Domino Senator set as or ROGERS FURNITURE CO. not Mulshed, are not namely- oat Iron Duke and and (irady look ihe lead from him at the end about well brinrlnk prlret eligible., Coin, year Is ao as Hampton three ni, seven furlongs and then stalling off lha blah enoiiah to Jnstiry tbelr owners in twice a year, and Ihe average ror the herd Hegret, the latter being of much class out to get the aelllny ihem. rrr r.,of) stuei a we have a filly that she may at laal break the, Ai a speculative event that the other contestants lasted 208-21- "nui nigh so bigh thai many ran rice As to tbe winner, the California 0 N. STANTON. .l hoodoo haa rollowed her sex In this sporting world agog. The raring pr.'.Mc piar. been al Hrownwool, which roll's victory was clean and most decisive. and Menard. Teiaa, and at lierwyn. 'Hla.. rredli hla iittement, nevertheless It la a event and lead home her field In tbe prlie, wagered thousands on the chances or Dom- away ract pounds per per clip, In Arter aeven furlongs he ran from his we have markelrd about 1,000 I. Mr. goal or is his occurred several times the famous ino, many bellevlnr he wai rare to quit the one of the 6 ti caí h ror Derby recently aa wiih rield at will and won easiest of Rusaell said. "In looking Hpv altuallun 14 pounds tbe year. Kngitsh and in fact ai turt an unbeaten record, while ihe his career he held hla of Senator ( irady .Montana, rat es. Later on In over we find thai we will s'atnl a far hel- followers from own with such horses as Henry of Navarre pay where Mtfcut Daly, his owner, resided, high ler Chanca lo make nur item out by never reasrd plsylnr five hundred dollar anil Clifford and will ever enjoy a vepi him from ttirnlna them bark on arao this sprint;. bills on the coll the Held rank among the Derby winners of America. IUidrilnr elat They In wtn-- they MORNING TIMES CHART JUAREZ RESULTS chestnut until Una la a awalalneu effort, mail" will be rood condition were well on tbelr way In the rich stake. Should Ihe coming Kentticky Derby result wher". on Hie pasture to put on JC.vKfcZ. MKXICO, riaiurday. April .1, S. IISlIi day. Weitber clear, track fail.. FRENCH PERSISTENT wuh hi or keepina a prfs-lur- ft and ouichl fit In the big dump of Hie race won by oi.jert lunaiiiil ran un Fllt.HT RACE rurlongs. Helling. and up. Net value 10 Much thirty and some rnrly to one waa on hia firal line or ilcfenae. of fan We tarry the" rattl" alnnr 34gf3 Five laid against or "Lucky" Baldwln'a crack hack now morn iffert la .Inner ai.'w, tan, the chinees ihe Calirornla a riar hla uac ,r the from ill the rraaa ftiri rood, ami thai outht second third tl Rey El Anita, than twenty years ago It will have railway Baianeour' tn aa c;, bred colt, santa which hail in i. hall, ranre, a few inil'a in the north, make ihem nt lo turn early araasera Hides. Iluise wt. st ..Ik Fin, jockey. op. done aome fairly running as a outcome than did lhat rich prlie. or the beat aort. I believe V rood were the ones that profited ami of w down hla revrvea r.r tim rraaa ;ii7 1 H and from atonía, wheis The bookmakers anna ni'ti amera, tirltip- The shrimp a (EFJOetrhell, Clark wis Just of Domino and Senator ir fat. will niueh in Juna 3417 ..11 he won a good race, none ibe good by the downfall IN Kill IMS ATTACK ami ammuiilllon. It may he 1311 lha: ihe Huir Hall a iJN.MliuUrel ....IW Hi M tier but of sutTered the or IfilU as ateeta ire hrlnvmr now." i. I Judges of racing rorm regarded him as hiv- nrady. The public loll of marker) the openlnir tf Kttiy 8tmfleld iauf ....IMS carter much or thli never came rind Will New Hbrrp. noma 4 MShilling, :pi 41 H ing a look lu when It come to raring with thousands md the tvt'i rainoalrn, lltal Ibla flral base ship ktetlea UU ....IM sholling 10 again. Coder the l pla-- .ile.'i 11 15 colls as Domino Cratly back tbe players will flml an UaporlMt when th" The rinrk of hearl id slieeff which tJhaa. iIih.i u (WHTulIyi .104 4 (a (irmee U such and Senator system or belting th hulk of th hlatury war 3I1 Hab Prospect 4 (ACNlrhaus! .10 7 o1 F'eeney He was then trained by Henry MrDnnlci. "f the tome to be written. Charlea T Adama or carlahad. M., baa or money wagered lucky players and - atar nuss 4 (rvtbitawsnni nr7 I at aa 7a j Howard who Is now In charge the big racing teturna.Jn t I I In leva-- . sand Itt on the trom M M I I OVStt.At'CHT ON PI s Tha nature of the rountry entirely wlnterlna- ho enunly, us.- 1,1 of the H. Is kept circulation track HtVI Podwlck a ICWJacksoni ..lutl . 81 8't 8' Deity string Canadian turrman Davles. Coin, Iron Duke, HLIUFt.N HUMUS MI MIDI ilirfrTrm lo mat In whlrh ihe Hilllah army aro to be brniiahl in San Anreln by April 348K B DO on day to day. So If Last Keatiiiiont a Mci.nlluniiilli 110 0 0 Mulhire and his condition surely reflected credit the. i vim I'M inn until m.i.ks I. flffhiltifr. t is one vaat plain, nmliilal 1. The anímala havti been fed m pens on ..9 that skillful handler of horses, as be was and Regret, the unbeaten slirs In ma. the hllla moat Mn feet ion rnalre ami eane for the past alxty Corrected weight, Bad Prospect 107. very event Ihla season, all rail neither the public hlvher than post 3 et, .17 8 place, show, fit to the hour. Ihe valleys, are tn in splendid At minutes, urf at 8:1a. Time Shrimp, or talent will be hit as hard as was the frrntlf llora! everywhere. The days and said he rnndl- (loir, place, show Hiinrieid, show. gr. by Nabot Pianola II. In looking back, now that the wonderful I soil la The only are the linn. They are be i 11 Winner ease back In 190t when Domino and Senator nrtrrnth nt I. Harked rhnlky. features In sheared between Trained by F. Mallory. .Scratched. Woods Flutgerald. atari, good; won first race haa long been history. It Is easily lo a Derby of I l h if try 3 Httndlnr tlradv railed lo live out route Ihe 181, imp.uiir. hrsr Ml.. ine wooda, whli Mv" been plañir April and in and shipment lo market will - tUOO. be seen why Rev El Santa Anita should new Hire- driving. Winner entered ror No bid. Uverwelgbt, The Shrimp 4, noma grriiibd with the sturdy colt hailing from stltllflllfl Af'tltH) hundroda Aa rath nae la topired. 1 heyiii ahout April it). 3, Kitty 3. Chas, tlneiz I, Had Prospect 8. plain, a new set or woods sianrield the "Oolden State." sireirh of small I housands of I The .Shrimp, well up in Ihe early stages by a close stretch turn, look tbe lead and appear, like Uiat which been left tletlean mule Jual lias Knriy-tw- double derks of Meilran Hood a drive,, uolf Hall eatiin rrtim the rear gamely. Kilty Stanrield a slrong fac- wat. The firt was thai Domino and Senator Our "JITNEV OMrr This and 5e. behind. The rltlaaea am few and rniall. lamba, comprlslmr mure than ani- tor, doma nui 1. has (loet. iiolh stopped at the end. (Irady possessed inch prestige that the DON'T MI88 THIS. Cut out this slip, en- must of In well as the were ihem ire nlna iftt'r ihe flkhl mals, In all, purchased recently from Wha- - taring public is talent close 8c to Foley & Co., Chicago, III., - sti.D.ND HACE )nc mile. Pelting, year ol. Is and up Ret value to away with MB tin- French rorres in Un1 field, wlm Ilia In September, anil Ihe Iroopi live aJ ih' in " or nel lllo, passed hie carried with their records and never your name, and clearly. or or tirolher 3487 winner 1i second It... thought of inquiring Into probability or writing address permission nr iípih ml J off re lo re- moil entirely In colonlei little huta IhrniiKli Fort W'rrrth en route to feed tola third II. the You receive In return a trial package ln the wood or alrnw. aliuui rour feet dol either or both of them being able to run will port on Hie w..rk or Hit- army. Ml near Kmporla. Kansas, where they will be Indea. Horse. Wt. 81. B H sir. Fin. Jockey. Foley'a Honey and Tar Com- Frenrtl le.i about in ihe wooda, In the valbya, S over a Derby route or ground. The glamor rntitalnlnr Foley urn I Hi In Hi'' nrflrlal preaa bureau an fed for Ihe market by the F.mporla Grain 3443 Sam Connor (Jilennrssyi ... i"7 4 y ! isr m Uarner 3 t or pound, ror coughs, colds and croup; a llltle water anil le ii., la ob- i P i' ga as their known invincible speed kept awiy back, count Ihe Hire weeks since wherever levator company, the lamba were un 3440 Wan a 1. Stone 107 i tit 8a r,i Hrazel t 4 any mat they frt the Kidney Pills, ror rain In sides and rovcrlnr tainable ii.,-- , s thought might filter it, in champagne, in the district loaded to be fed and watered. 3141 as 4 (UhorlellaiB) lo 1 I l i at 34 orme 10 to home stretch and tlte general opinion rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder 844A 11., A Tablets, a midway between Itlii iin- - muí t. Inn. im "I. irk nf tlllaiea mema lark of roatla. Fine Hereford Yearling Hrlfera. Cloud Chief a fie id .... .107 M J' l'l 4t a Oreen a seemed to be that the one that could out- aliments; and Foley cathartic 111 11 cleansing ca- tigiititia-- ri nut .if .uní'' rit mili lir This has been one or ibe real dirrntillle James Mrklllop has arrived m peros. 8418 Henry Walbank a Tullett) . 118 10 10 7 7't E Morae ll it run the other would win the prlie. The wholesome and thoroughly tin French nan- been Marking .on lo be far eil, hut at Ihe saute time, the Teiaa, rrnm Fort Wlirlti with a rim; bunch il.'.l I low a I.N "iii.e Ii ... P., 8 81 71 4 M 6' H Shilling I 4 wise ones overlooked that S. J. Raldwtn thartic, especially comforting to stout per- mi movement the is nr - 3118 Molhe ci.l 0 (MiysAtiishnun) .110 8 18' Is 13' II 7 Molesworlh HI 10 sending son!. Owl Drur Co. (Advertisement.) point or mn.llni every ily for three at wwroni icroM ruuntrv lleretorda. They were eat Una- heifers a was Hey El Santa Anita to the post poaalble lo k Tar ellenl than III and were beauties. There were Ji.M Mel" il,,ri- 3 (RHipieyliCo) .... M f. V 10 H't Morco 4 4 and that in Hirer- other seasons he had won Week reier three 3101 loa i II Imp- -. 81 10 V 8" 81 V Morys 30 80 It i operation, of a Klandera. aJthnuKh it Is 'often net esaary to m head. Mr. Mcklllop look Ihem thla race. They also forgot that the rar i luatalued tttrfT Sftl3 Wise Mison a (WJcranor) ... 3 71 4 l lu rilóme 80 80 tii'.-r- - iisr right or ten hornea 10 net a aun or a on peros ,Q western turrman had thought ao well or the ent kind i" which r have teen dur nut lo Saramaa via Ihe Valley 3111 Cyin ,108 13 13 18' 10 II Hayes 30 30 vuiron to the point tlealred ITntn the t (rflherldeii) 8' I son or Imp. Cheviot as to name him In ing IM winter nvmttn." he y. 'Tbnee snuthern. where he will unlnar) Ihem and UM Patriotic a (Mlaalinooney; .110 9 S 1t It1 13" J 10 10 - pnllil ot view the Is ... II" Howard English king or Santa Anita," after the ROAST Tl RKEY, 23e. TODAY. wore. local rfr.irt- lasting a day nf iwo. miluary drive them tn hla ranch near Carmel, lie. 8118 Motto's (BHuhr) .10 13 13 19 30 30 ror troopa, Ua Pride U i't Dealy great enaie lhat is still one of tbe beauty With oyiter drestinr. Plenty ror every- designed t" ki i p Ibe buss pre nenily aultihle with believes in martlnr nui nrhi by (ctiuir lit I'oneealtnetll, of produrlni and rood stuff. Apprenlice allowance waived on Belcolure. sputa or Southern Calirornla. and on whlrh body. XVealon's, 380 San Antonio St. (Adv.) ilen aurprl.aej with and or mitren, At pnal I minute. Off at SIM Time 83 46 1:18 1:S8 Connor, Callle Hum rs In 3 b snow, wap, 4 S 8 ver awMiraJly. 11 Is, in ran. ihe iralnliiar place, place. abow. Hoscas, show. Winner eh. g., by Tulles and Cotinell are now In Ike vicin- Sam Phillips katherlne Connor. Trained by J. Hennessy. Scratched: Agnes tl. Quick round of the ureal military trnier of the ity of triobe, Thlp. start, won same. ChlJoiia, ami Ti troopa rloubl Arimina, a here ihey purpose standiiig good, easily, second and third Winner enteren ror hie lo buy a eonsld'-rabl- . No bid Kmelda 1. FINE FOR less been over Ihla prriMiixl nunibrr of rallle. SALIS exerriaed Hcndei-snT- nr I Oil Sam Connor waa held In the pare made by Hoscas, went to the evr ry brant'b ol military nperallon, oenpl Oorve lilnlie restraint behind head of rood sloek callle from Winters I rronl In Hie atretcb when ready lo win easily. Wap flnlihed fast. Hoscas weak Ihit whlrh they are inra. at Ihe prva-en- t eni'd. Cloud chlr UP with Hie firal division. rnomanL Orirrin a few days aso Cattleman am wel pleased wtin the niillonk ror Ihe eattp' rmiUD iTerTirlon(8. and up. Net value to LITTLE WONDER RECORDS "Wbal erinimandrf, tralnlnir his men over or MOfl HAClei bualneae Ihla aecllnn. After the quar winner tl.V), serond 831, third Ih. this .around, MUM have Imailneil ihit Ihe antine is raised Ibe market la eipected lo ,0 area from Perthes lei llurlua to Heauae-Joti- become lively with prices ind'-a- llorsa. WkjL H Sir. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI wiiiild uerom two 34.M. 4 aim rorireia mi. ih Price Paid for Calf. Maria Mac (ItWWilmore) ....11 6 7s t l D Poland 5 t lines ,iiMiiipe'i in i improved for four 11., Boy a (JWFuiler) S . 1' fa 6 6 hull can. horn November UII4. and lit l'l Jlloward i i i w o mm or thai le w.nihl have to II. 946. Hosemary tCNFreemani 7 8 .' 3 J Murphy 4 ron mi ii tu xi un rirry by Point (nmfiirt XIV, ehant- - Ilk t nut an aitm-- moilelleri on Ihe same ay. sired world's I4M Little nirdle 3 (AAUreggl 107 8 raf 3'i 3' 4 Atareen 4 MDMYS. THK.N BACK lll'STS AMI plon Is In t t' in as thai rmphiyej the last hull. almost wnrih his weirhl 316 Cal Curn 5 (PFHale) 110 6 6' M Darner 6 6 TEN CENTS EACH III noilir.K Ot treat rnr n Nana und rlakan in rem n troops, inn mid, J. W. Cool k "tons. km. of Sits Doc Allen a UEDwyer) ItO t bi 4 Cañar t ror i3i:,3 ft 71 or Sebialopol In kWf Vet ihla Is what Is MerWe, Teiai, plltl H.:t.'.. him al Ihe rnrdova a (FMcketisiei US 8 8 8 tr 'in. v la tt lietiia ilnjte Kvery day an alta, k 1. made annual auction sale or pure bred Hererord ,1 Him Man 4 tliALHaytnaker) ...110 4t 4 7 Morys 3 Ml,l Ik- - Inryi'l thli the kidneys. Ilk.' nil- - t u gs 8l 1.11 a Ireneh, on Ihe edire of one ol Ihe III al the La Vecnet alork in of W. J. Mli Irish a (Hurhananltroat ...103 5 ' at 8 o Oenirv 15 it tl- bowela, and rlnrrad tul Jr. near Jackaon, alurrtah He w'ooils. or to a in in one of Mvla Co.. reranlly. At post minutes' Off at 3:36. Time :8t 17 i, is) Mac, 8 place, I a Hushing else have arouml need cislnnally, wt Ihem, every day the around valued haa Chaunes from Sheep In Callle. show. Hosemary. show. Winner b. h., by Marta .sania- l. tille Mac. Trained by Will play on any Victrola or Grafonola. There is a In kidney Monument company Cirla-bad- . bKkirM arid 'lull misery tll in be transformed ao aa in Uve probo-Ho- The sheep of It. Mack scratched: Miss Sly. standing van, guuu: wou iirai mroe arivtng. win region. nrtiTi' headaches, rheumatic to new ori upanla mema of N. M haa riled ameniliiienls with Ihe ner entered for t8uo. Hid up to tvUQ by 0. W. CantDbell: sold. Overweight. Little good variety of the late popular song hits and dance in imt - iwlugea, torpid lit 11111 stomach. - ai eesa 10 ihelr lupporta; every and lite eorporallun ronimiasinn lu it- artt Dlrdle 4. it. aa Us Mac came on numbers letaneaa mm ml si.ri- - nr bladder dieordcra. on many da)s, the enemy'a rounlerat-taek- t rles of Incorporation, so tn change Maria down the rail and tqueeied through a very small opening on these little records. None of these rec- name lo Monument company. The he received a oowerfttt ride and won drawing rleir. DoU Boy made Ihe running, only You limply must hrwp your kidney f have to be repulaed Karh atlaek ittle has be aiockhnldera are ti. at, cnoke, W. A. tiring rlghl It the end. Hosemary raced strung. Bird Man 110 apeed and un the ords will be charged or delivered. ano rlran ami ihe moment roll feel III in prepared by a violent and irru tril rile artillery fire, it may lie said thai a ami W II. Hull or Carlsbad. . Ide. erhe or pain m tin- kltlnrv region, are I h has to be morally raptured by run borne Concho Coiinly Urals RACE f s about lour ounces "I Jail Mita any oaLfMlj FOURTH Five and futlunrt. Selling and up. rtre it t an he ar tually aelaed by the tleorge Cauble has sold hla ranch of oiT Nel value to winner ti8t. second aso, tblrd ts. g .ir .. nil. n- lit re, tike a utile iprmnriil Infantry, lanre In Ihe new ihe men acres. In CdMCko county, Teiai, rive irenrh. lodai Morse. St. In a glass ff water before breakfael fur have to work with their entrenrhlna; lools, miles wist or Fden. rnr laa.ano to J. K wt. Victor-Victrol- as a few day. ami your kidney, win ih.-- wiiiioiii akpaanst inaamaalraa, ami wait ror Fuwler of in. Coke county. Mr. Hud- 3153 Lackroae a iHiiiickitison) Ill 8 It It J Murphy .1111 3 and art ruie Tin. runuui salts la made Iroui a counter atlaek. ii.imv wbal damii-- they son sold lo Mr. Cauble for J. K. Fowler I Msinlk (RHipleyACoi 4 8S 8S M c.arnar :tll3 Cacti 5 UJRyan) 107 8 5 3 O'Mahnney Ihr acid "f gripes nit. I lemon Juice, rat ran In the enemy with hand and irrigable farm on the Colorado iuai Tune vims Thus the amount or rirle river. i miles raal nr Hrnnle. for t: 3I9 Marie o'ttiien 3 (Freeman) .... at 1 S ta E Hayea blned un nt a. ami la harmless to riualt Orme 5 6 5 rire la verv small: H is a war of eiplo tain. Mr. Cauble also i.. ... all or Mr i3l6r.t:arrle iKJo'connelli .. t i' Braiel kldiicia ami stimulate iliem In :ili:i nsaple t tsnencefcCo) loo 1 6 ilurirert Hies and liayniK-t- Fnw'lrr'a alock and farm produrta, ma- Feeney normal aetlvltt 11 ateo the aim Aunlle curl 4 IJLBerkham) 104 t 7' 7'4 R shilling araltaa "Up 10 ihe present. Ihe Ireiiih have chinery, etc., With Ihe eveepllnn or tasi 3 arid- - in ihe m it no tt.J Planetary ... H a a 11 i, entry nrtne luuier Irritate. made steady and oitniiuoii. pr..i. 3. and beep The total irauaariinip. ain.iuiilcd lo t Mllttng, Al poal Orr 4 08." I Columbia Ihuit Mail, let disorders Iheir su. ieaa may be the HUH minute al Tima ot Lackroae, place. judid lioin s 5 Jail 11 kaviauMii taaapsaglvai mike urn they have nut Will Nheep out show. Maznlk. place, show. Cení, show. Winner b. g.. bv Lackfoin fan. rail been loreed bark shin ral R. P. nuua .11 on any day behind Ihe one they In Culp Wleman or M.. sararosa. Trained by Dickinson. Scratched Langhorne. John Hurle stand a delirhiful ni artkat ink Fort sninner. v tng start, good; won second Hie lit spite rounler-allaek- s will ship ot drivina, easily; third driving Winner entered for 8400 whlrh ttarybodi 1 bou id tak.- imw ami iii'iinlnv. innumerable mil i hunch fat sheep in in, No Overweight, Cecil a Una Is not merely snme bid. i. Planetary IlK'll lO keep Hi, I'li'.lll. UlUn Mid 1 question eastern market time this week. They sprinted to ihe rronl quickly and outgamed Maintk at kl,.. of around, but oue of have ale l.uuu ahecp vr bog's l.arkrusii the end. The latter avoiding rinu rnmpllciHona moral oil head of ami inullv Marm o Mrien shui orr on tbe tar turn Cecil closed strong from a Grafonolas for It l in Ihe on reed lols A well known local drugglai aaya MMl nnaiiereiirul ihr runnier atlat'ki that losses are heavy, and ateo Coiialy Condlllona riae. lot or tu roik win i l a Jiii salta lie and Ibe senae nf railure R lllahnp. foreman OX Ibe f, M FIFTH RACE Su furlongs. Selling. Throe year old!. Net value to winner while n afreet tbe ranch in ovarrninmi kidney trouble la nmral of an irmy aooner or lilrr Will in i county, Tetai. report, fine rwgc 3490 ISO. aerond 3 third 815 only trnubl. Ihe ti puah the line Will a throuEh-ou- inn. Ihmnrb conditions The rrequenl rains t HE Horaf Wlfl 1 in. Jockey. op. CI Ihe winter have made tt'.airterftilly tin 3i3'-- i Twilight iWPJuhnaon) toa 4 M weeds, and cattle Inaaea Mve. been uarner ven 8436 Had Davlrs J, 10 I 4 mall of all go ..... Feeney i stock kmda will into ihe 3448 Viva (Ji Ferrisn 104 5 i' Moleiworth 10 spring In fine fleah and alrrngth 3149 H. A. J tinea iBAJonea) Hat 8 l'l J Howard Prices $15 to Lower " $500 AKOZ BEST REMEDY OF ALL FOR Prices for Calvre. 3IS6 Tower ilBtriker) 104 t Mulbara tt ts We hav. received orre or aso .r 1456 Ben's brother Newman A son, .107 I 31 Orines I i head Tnr our unborn calves, which la ay to Vlaliel liulvvel.ei .I'men.elter lu 7 leaa iban we auld rnr .4 J EASY TERMS list spring," taya t posi a ai t 37 84 4a 12 I Norton, minute,, uif line I t, LIS. Twllleht. nlaoe Kdrar r. a well known ranrhmin snow naviea. place, i s ahow. vivi. 3 show, winner b f by Dick Welles 1 nr uuanalt. T. vas "kaiiaaa parties are llena Trsinrd by w 11 user stamiing atari, good fur all but DulweMr; won RHEUMATISM SAYS EL PASO MAN just reatiming nieraHon. he tinned. an muí and third easily. Winner entered for 8300 .No bid ovarwelahi Vn. "and I think It possible, though not prob- recognized able, that tin- market mav gel a hule bel Twilight came atrong the laal quarter winning going away. Dad Daviea. when Are the world over vt being two premier linea ler. However, there is no ause for worry making Ina run In Ihe atreteh. bore over on U) Ben's Brother, forcing him in take of Talking Hie Machine. Tone plua tone control are exclusive Kirby, North becauac Panhandle nerda al home ail ui vara sharply, when he was running strong. Viva, wall up throughout, n a Wm. 807 a St. IM ralrea whlrh are lo ruma Ihr liquida Jones under restraint Ihe early pari, collapsed in Ihe stretch when csll-,- 1 r.n features controlled by the Victor and Columbia Hon laal year having cut companies. Re- tlx rouniry'a HAt.b on.- mile, year Vrain St., Get. Quick down to imall proportions as n.nipared 3491 sixth selling Four and up. Net The world's greatest artista make records exclusively for In normal ' 1150, serond ISit Ihird tl the Victor and Columbia companiea. lief Using Mineral. atas-- s and only on Victrola rlghl Oiillnuk tor lute. Horse wt y. St . ' up H. C. Millar, ot Prese, Hi. Aril . gaya the snaps a I.PatleraMl' ia 01 s ormea and Grafonolas can these record be reproduced with the year 101 avUl year in in t be a record lu in rat ti.Mt spindia o iJLowe) 106 f 4' tl 4' 8' Molerworlh S same wonderful tones and expression Alter toma many remedie, and 'till' rem He and sheefi industry with lUr rubna it") Sri HI. k 4 MorrisA' uiien 8 8t s aa a H ahllllng 8 that has made Victor mineral apuna- i teller from a bad loan pnrr fur wool and lamba, aheep men - ivlng a iSHBarg KM T'l 71 a it m Harnar 8 and Columbia artists world famous. raaa of rheumatism, William kirby of aril's, are aaaured a fine profit, and In the rat tivi smortta Dana 5 iHuehanan ta st 8 tt t o UasMry a iHEoaa) 106Ml1 sa as , Norm XI tr. . i. 11 pas... He Industry, conditioiij are equally guud lai.MiCanteni 4' ta ta tner lam rraurletl let J Uli. hards. .11: 190 I 8 a 7H Marro to Jjyior III, le w .1 U.I, .ear Nuithem Heals. t 7t II 'Oí..,- t attle transar liona gating are tt4 rinl lee ttwyirtln' , "itt 1 8 I J MurphJf j dan reault Hut la mtm a.U on tbe mail asan llnan f f reported rrmu Pres.-ni- i Mir .ua Mbeit s at isjsI minute tiff it i lim- :M It, :47 IS. I 13 13. IS i.anaps. OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN la Mr Kirby I an old rtsident I MAKES rvrinru tain ot tamp Verde anld to J it in, or. piare. obow Spindle. 8 place. ahow Hick. 8 t ahow Winner b m . by Bedei of 1 Peao and. in IrUliiv of Ibe ratter two branda. H :. md f and ill the o anopsia iMoapa Trained bv a 1 alters., s, rairhed Pontefta.i l.k Hav PURCHASING EASY. Mklt AJitr 1 ave Inn, -- 1.0. Hie lolloislmr rallle and buraca bearing timar brands Moving alarl. good won tlrsl three driving Winner enterad for DM. No bid. ove together with certain Imraea running with w. 11.1 nal Mai I. tbst am- - na, tbe Mh day of April. t anapa made all ibe pare god lasted It out weal. Spindle ran with a ruah at "I am 01 ysara ula) and fiar tbe laal tei. ej ni Hog a race a ccniiiig fuiir horses, together wiih all An Flying .ioaed a gap. ano rila Dana and ani.-i- 1 two years I have bad rbeuiualuvui In Hi) the both itred gfer being well up all Uie wj left kave and najul foul The run. at .411, it" lui kings selling Four year olds and up. Net value linyera war. lldna awful, and tnjr naa I, III tint km iherroii la Ibe aennid trausa.ii. 41 3492 winner 11 - se.ud gv third eta I Tri-Sta- waa aa avail as a poker uaasj tuaii) n.dni.k. -- Ill 1 .. te lawaillna and irtrd aovaral mineral an undivided nor hair mien ,t in all ralue nam i m kaat I fatfed u, get any relief front any of arrylng a draignaird brand He ti 8 IH IH D au-- narro I read f Akoi beina mUuduea,! in VMIIIVM klHUV .aa Man klahaSr rtaTtilri t'haraaa V. Hands, wlm owns Staa Mae fling 4 LMMorrl) IVlWe, I a so and oVeub-- in vive II a bul . I and naiftaWI Ml ft t tl glad any airs an angora goat rain h oirmiles A t.r itI It MM lam Afcoa . .isuwuaxk tur rtvaravai ftuuait and will be u lell no. tsf anui ma Hr Naufar I iCWMuttttorrr 107 ' Mole. wo. o, ravuMdy uary ni tan tinaón Am alupped CUM srtlh U.e beat of taw re Ihla if tu rail uas at any taso Bub I yack a JRondorpb' ... at 8 51 aa O Oolry 4 resolta ' p. unds ot nan to n ai a few aays t t Talking HaaT I ma TM Akoi bosta innata 4 iBIshopAl oranger Machine uniaui' a. pit. ago It u' aid tiiiiika will bring man annul aa ne Jennie rawford il BlaiB ajimnat powoav Uuvi usaban law iniiwral TM alavtav la uauy one f iua csante paw Auné. Mr. 1,. sánala aiates .1 kWt riTH 1 TtllliyirMfi' Sí tavanar Ma atao alan mueb ku heap n In ha) uaaal Abas and .shuin ,i i irasrfrr I. fur . at p. oiiusiia nit al 4 utMt iUfMTlajeas 4as-- l 14.1U 0.1 III. u ttlsV 4aVdJK austmtk kiaae UM and bow I ahow t. , I 8 g iu ahiu Ature t piar. f this Wlaoer, rh b firi U.llT.i,. easart in Laalltla. Tralaad by T Prorlur Musing atari, fan-- waa eaelly. a anal loot mtr Company nal) haa la.ugkl puie bluutled utals'a, .nía ph. Jautr Waa nor 11 Uas um beat guata null anat wn.hi a I. . and leaauag aru that to fur seuamr lames I hoae tttag t. High alr.-e- l t "" uliarda uibrr uivu ibe figtsat wuul fot ibe log) d Stastlasi StjrseU Zlif'n uvfrx MiaHun luerkaita sWualui Jains, rnutaal up In the ou.j sua going away rio ire lunierr atay M taw auxa oy auna mm en inthii atar alt wiua vfuea ata a. -- .flori CT, IJ

WWW WXW ; 1 I H ; 1 IIbíIIíb lilfilllisllfitsl WWW I 4 Smday. April 4. 191 1. FJL PASO MORNING TIMES 15

of the rhnri-- and Oen. Kermey Mayer, bastos. AT ONCE! resuming at 10 o'clock The morning lam and Jss a Mrlfary; organist. Mrt Jts PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN STOPS preaching service will be in Seeplae with n Wrftsry SMILE, BE HAPPY! Hv tester festival There will be a tntn by Mrt. M. E. Bowies. Oreater Love luth Mo Corner Lee and Montana sweets Herman Mari, and rhortl rrmmphtni tort pastor INDIGESTION, GAS, SOUR STOMACH from The Man of "Satareth" (James H Porter TAKE CASCAREIS Rogers) by the choir. Herman subject. special taster tetvieei both morning tn.t "The Lord tv u ni. e Triumphant and the Triumphant Easter At o'clock the rholr, assisted tn morning service there Se three Mr." presented by tita choir, at rol- - io"t fiirmi rmc i mum taeir favorite foods without fear- they Dnemher of various choirs In the city, will numbers IT! RFMOYF TW tllMirt's mri present "The Seven I of InW POISON VOI R AMI AND siomc ii nr know It It needles, to htve a sad ntnmarh. tM Words Christ" prelude 'The vrnlng Slar" Wlgtner FROM l.lFR MR - (Dubolsi The solo part" will be taken by IMF KMCWN. fiel i Itra-- fifty rent rate of rape- Mls Dellt Klefer sown.. Mrs H F. Bowles, Parvin Wltte and vi M Abbott niapepsin from tny drug store and pul l.emen. The christian Fndravnr meeting oiiartet. "Chrlti Is Risen" Mrs B J Wilson, soprano. Miss llttabeth your ttomarh right. Slop being muer mil be held immediately following th KtlJOV DOVT IT Time It! II fe II tble-ll- Fry, alto; ti. F. Durkee. tenor, and Lim minus. minutes iitmirh fe is too ahort you're net few evening service sura, hi in l gone flo long, make your may .nld, bast tiiu tetress liMlliMlon. negrtourh. to avreeakle. Ski Itta. "Re comforted Ye That Mourn' coNt-ro- sourness or belching of gas. scM. nr what ynu like and digest It; enjoy It, First Pressiterlae William R. Flther nictatloas of undlgrstec food, no , without fear of rebellion In the Momees. Boulevard and Plantón street Rev Mrs R J Wilson Charles uver street, paator. Mealing, roul hrrath or ovad aro Piof i ptapoptln belonrt m your noma. Morning taster Oiitrtet. "Rite. Olorlous Conqueror" Porter Pape ' mapepstn is sorvleat. IS:.1. Musical program sermon subject. "The joy of Fatter " Furniture noted for iu .rp,i Should one of loe family something iimmer eat in regulating upset stomachs "Ood Mtlh Appointed a Day" (Tours', by At the evening service the choir will pre It u the whlrh doetn't aarrr with them, or In rate lb choir.' sent the following numbers: ureal, quickest stomach dorior in the of an attack of indigestion, dyspepsia, "flood Mghl" Nevln whole world, "At It Began to Dawn '(C. W. Combs bjj Voluntary, aid beside. It la harmless. irattrltlt or ttomarh derangement, It la the Mist Delia Klefer. MMUona of men women rholr. and now tat bandy to give lnitnl relief. "The ord Is Mien" (The Light of the Ui. artet. "To Thy (treat Name. Almighty World) (Arthur Sullivan) Mrt. A. H. Oold ood" Fearts stain. Duet, "lift Your llltd Voices In Triumph BIG SPECIALS on High" Schnerker ove Baptismal service, rcrepilnn of new mem CHURCH NOTICES "l Divine jstamer) Mra W D. Howe tr, ho.y communion be observe Mrt. R J Wilson and H. F Rurkae service. Oiitn.-i- . Mturdallnc" Warren Angels' Chorus" llatlste, Mrs J. J Pearre program ror s Shelley Srrlpture lesson. (doom Musical o'clock. Knights So, "Resurrection" Solo. "From to Templar Faster service, to take pitre after Mrs. B. J. Wilton, Trinity Mefhssflsl dlory" litelbel) Mrs. W. D. Howe. Hymn. sermon Power of His Ten Harps " by the pastor: sermon subject, "The Retur oulerard and Meat. fie, c. Wesley "Hark. Thousand and Voices Anthem Began (C. Anthem, "As It To (Martin "it to Dawn" W. rertlon." o ,)o Regan Dawn" Comba. An will be given by the wtbdell, pastor. Sunday school, a. m. quartet. Violin aolo, (Mas Easter program 'Meditation" Solo "There is a 'ireen Hill Far Away" Sunday school, beginning at sr. a. m a THIS league. A WEEK I'qworth 7.00 p. m. D. f ennesey. ALL f'resrhlng. Mrs aentt) Solo, "Resur- ((iounod) by T. A. pastor bap tiste In 10 4 and i:UO p. m. theme, S I Christian. whlrh service the will Mornlnf "The rection tnd the Life" V Sehtrklev J Antliem-"rh- the I. At Iho even- "(lolden cre Are They" rants. nciurrerllon tnd ire." Coggeshall. ilyman, Harjis Are There Hie ing hour a tarred song service will be Sounding." Anthem. "O. Death, Where It will be usual responses, chants, given, (tperial intuir both morning and Thy Sting" 'Manning! quartet. Benediction. processional tnd recessional hvmns. Austin Park Chrltliaa. Morning Sunday evening: Double quartette will Corner of and Montana Sts J. H vrnlng anthem, "O, tiealli, Where "Seven Fold Anien," quartet. Soprano, Mrs. sing cebada Tby sting' (Manner) quartet Colo W. D. Howe alto. Mrs. Bales Hughes Evans; tie Faster rantata. "Chrtsi the victor" Allen, pastor. Blue Flame Oil Stove, I burner $4.25 the by Dudley Buck During the Bible school hour, beginning Perfection Tome See Place Wliere Jesus lay4' tenor. M. II. Maci siiiim. basa. J. L. Cog- Prophetic Harlem Mrs. W. D. Howe. Violin oblígalo geshall; Mrs. D. V. Prologue Ban lone solo. T. A. at S:30 a. m an approprisie Kastner exer-rl- Oil 2 Fennesey. Christian. Who Is This That CoineTh Perfection Blue Flame Stove. burner 6.35 liy Mrs. D. V. Fennesey. organist, Mrs. J. J. i varee. ' will be rendered by the pupils or From Kdnni? the school. Communion at 10:4 and Stove, 3 special musical program, t p. in.: Organ "The or I Perfection Blue Flame Oil burner 8.45 be sabbath" (Friday vtgln. at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. prelude (nullmant) Mrs. J. J. Pearre. "Sink First i krtsUaa "Lamentation of the Women." ow Wlllun preaching Mlclula Kortli" (Dudley Buck) qtiariel. Morning discourse. "Eastertide tnd Its Spend in feel grand! Toniglil tslte Guaranteed Gasoline Stoves, 2 burner 2.50 Corner "North tireaon and Franklin the Tomb Ha l.leth," by wnnien's chorus. Evening. Hymn, "All Mall the Power of Jesus ame," "The Easter Dawn Sunday." "As It negan Lessons." "Hell." There will be Cascareis to liven your liver and clean prayer, Perry J. Rice, pastor. Sunday -- no the society having Pure holds 6 cups 1.65 Fvrnlng paator. "Response," ttreets. to Dawn." Fear Not Ye." Duet rot" soprtno Endeavor service, your bowels. Slop the headarhes. Mil.. Aluminum Percolators quirtei Solo, "Katler Dawn" (Hiuilinirion school ;30. Communion at 10:43, followed and alto. Tenor tolo, with Mrs. accepted an Invitation to meet In Joint tes chorus, spells, sourness, gases, rotted tongue, bad Berner-Marti- n 4 ft. 6 in Woodman). Mrs. Bales Hughes F.vans. violin by the preaching. The Sunday school will J. J. Vaster, Mrt. A. H. UoMsteln, (Jeo. K. slon with the society or the irst Christian Beds. posts 4.50 oblígalo by Mrs. D. V. Fennesey. Duet, hold a special (ally day and derision Meyer. church at p. m. breath, sallnwneas and constipation Tike "The Night watch. Saturday." "The Next r.israrets and enjoy the niresl, gentlest Day There Came Unto Pilate." chorus ror Church sf Christ. "inside rletnsing" you ever egperlenred. HAMMOCKS REDUCED men. and baritone solo by T. A. Christian. Services will be conducted Sunday by the Wake up reeling riñe, cascareis Is best 50c "Reappearance. Sunday Nigh!," "Peace church of Christ at the courthouse. cathartic ror children. Our Regular $1.25 Hammock GIRLS! GIRLS! YOU MUST TRY THIS! Be L'nio You," chorus and tenor solo by Bible lessons, 10 a. m Our $2.50 Hammock . $1.50 F. a Millings The minister, J. W. Dunn, will discourse Recular "The Report of Sunday Night." at II m. on "The Great Passover." The Our Regular $3.75 Hammock 2.25 "And Hie Same Evening Came Soldiers of subject for discussion at 7:30 p. m will be Mr. Rnsensteln. Hallelujah chorus rrom the DOUBLES BEAUTY OF YOUR HAIR the Watch," baritone solos, by T. A. Chrls-tal- "To Whom Sball We Oo" Messiah'' win he sung by the choir. REFRIGERATOR SPECIAL "The Questioning of Simon Peter." Altura Preebvterian. Church of SI. Clement. F.plsroptl "Simon. Son of Jonas, Lovest Thou Met" Montana and (.amplíen; .streets. Hev. Henry Our line of Refrigerators is most complete a full line of Soprano, Corner Idalla and Rtitsell, Urandvlew, Rev. bast and tenor solos with eh. .ins. W. C. Hther. pastor r.atter. rector on s I M- - YOU CAM MAKE YOUR doubled the beauty of your hair. A de- Mrs j. j. Vaster, F. O. Billings. J. a. m. Sunday. Holy sizes and they are all "BLIZZARDS' NONE BETTER. At 11 a. m. paslor will prearh from Easter Communion at 7:S. Nary. the s su v iio a. a. i AND lightful surprise awaits those whose balr the the Evidence of anil in. Morning prayer. II m. HAIR s n "The Ascension," subject "Would Jetut" 4 Blizzard Family Refrigerator, ice capacity of tjlC in has been neglected or Is scraggy, faded, "And He Lead Them the Dead Hold in children's festival, p. in. QC Ont as Far as Bethany." "This l He Who Resurrection From t ABUNDANT dry. brllttle or thin. Betides beautifying Cometh Court or Law?" Mrs. Scott will ting. 35 pounds OisJ.iFsJ Oul of Edotn," alto and baritone also at East Kl Paso Stpllsl. the hair, Danderine dissolves every partirla solos. Mrs. A. H. (loldsteln. T. A inn tstiaii. There will be preaching services 7 Si p. m. Mission Diy will he observed Sunday of dandrurr; cleanses, purines and In- Epilogue and Fútele "So Hie Heaven or IL3U s at a. m : Leonard Sunday ictiool. a. m., T. P. imlth. scalp, rorever stopping Itch- Heavens Did He Ascend '' ,ehortu. Sunday hool Immediate' Yes' cerlnin" that's the vigorates the West superintendent superintendent. Joy or It. Your becomes light, wavy, ing and falling hair, what will please Hymn "St. Cuthbert, "Our Blest Re- The n .Mowing program be balr but deemer, 'Ere He Breathed." win rendered flurry, abundant and appears as soft, lus- you most will be after a rew weeks' use, Frog at Song by choir. "Malte Me a Cbenncl of Benediction. Musical ram Cnaoregttlonal. Blessings. tróos and beautiful as a young girl s after when you ace new balr fine and downy Vesper Hymn "Lord Keep Us Safe This At the Flrtl Congregational rhurrh. cor- a yes new growing Night. May ner in. Orande and Williams streets. Miss Danderine hair cleanse just try this at first but really hair Seritre From all (nir Fears Scripture reading by the PORCH OR moisten a cloth a Danderine and all over the scalp. It you care for pretty, Angels (itiard ut While We Sleep, Ml Dorothy Congdon will have charge of the superintendent. with little sung rwcoria rtaini. carefully draw it your taking son and of It, surely get a v. Morning Light Appears." Amen. musir. Solo, "The Holy City." will be through hair, balr, loll by Harry orrertory. "Volun- song by choir. "Why Stand Here GARDEN one small at a time. This will cent bottle or know lion's Danderine rrom The members of the double quartette are: Rotentteln. strand Sopranos, Mrs. J. J. Katler and Mrs. Ralph tary," in u flat (Farmer), by Nits Cong- idle?" SWING. cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or excessive any drug store or toilet counter and Just M. Henderson; allot, Mrs. A. H. Goldstein don. Duet, "My Soul Waited ror the Retpnntlve reading hy superintendent and nil, and In Just a few moments you have try it. and Miss Dora Akin: tenors. F. n. Billings Lord" iManneyi. Miss Dalit Hosentteln and Sunday school. like Song by congregation. "Tlie Fight Is On." Exactly cut Song by school, "onward, Christian So- ldiers." $7.25. "Our Own Land and Nation." review or A price no one can southern Baptist Home Missions by eight inienneuiaie pupils meet. song by congregation. "America" Reading by Mlts Minnie Taylor. "Kling uui ine Banner: cei u noat. Song by congregtllon. "crown Him Lord of AIL" Benediction. Special service for women only si 3 p. m. Cars Make It Possible The young people will hold their regular Street ervlcet at .Ju p. m. Preaching at 7.10 p. m. bv the paator. We Have Just Unpacked a New lap u su i at close. Prtyer meeting and montlilv conference. Wednesday I Hji. in. Line of Genuine Fibre Furniture DiDie sniny fsturiuy 7 30 p. in., con- Poor People to Have Homes ducted by the paator. For First (Confrsstllontl Corner Williams and Rio tlrtnde sireett. 10 a m sundty school wilh Mrs. Carl Zabn superintendent. 10.15 a. m. Bible cits, presided over by Re. Milts Hanson. ARM CHAIRS. tl a. m Public worship. Easter sermon the press Is by Rev. Miles Hanson. ROCKERS, CRAWFORD, in a letter to yesterday transportation service rather than tear it down? it not Special Latter tutislr. brought out a strong truth when he said that the to your interest also even if you live downtown, to wish to HH. first Presbylertta street cars had made the suburbs possible and the see all your city thrive? Do you think you are helping the Sunday school musical nrntram rinen. ity when you help indirectly destroy of val- Ing hymn, No: 180. to one the most air. suburbs had made possible homes for the people with mod- nurkee. - uable assets to the city by patronizing its "fair weather" com- Hymn No. I0o. "imen the Uonr for iiie TABLES, Etc- erate means. Children.'' petitors? The time comes when you NEED the old reliable stcrtmeni of inftni baptism. cars; then you need them badly. Then you see Song by the class Merrv netu Without the electric cars, how many people owning cozy street the Are Ringing." value of a permanent, systematized, responsible transporta- Taoieaut. Mrs. Mowie In charge. Tableau Paso would be No. little bungalows in the various suburbs of El if I, repreaeniing John In ii fr. tong, tion system. Help it to grow you would have it when or I close is already built upon "In the Crots Jesus filory." Tableau so fortunate? The property in or you need it. No. , repretantlng Matt. 7 i tong of sal- "Jutl As I Am." Tableau V :t renr. is too costly for the modest home the average man on tenting taster terluture lesson. Mall. When you contribute your five cents to the "fair weather" No. See Them. ary; without a dependable transportation service, the suburbs W Tableau 4. song, "Mork, or Come In and Priced automobiles, what are you doing to help El Paso in a perma- Ages." Vocal duet, hv Atleeo i.,,,...... were too far from the business center to be reached afoot. ireva man Extremely Low nent way? If this system of transportation is stable, is safe, Closing hymn, No. lis. Benediction Therefore, except for the street cars, the suburbs would be is .sound, why is the regulatory ordinance being fought so tarlsllaa keleace Church impossible as residence places except for those who could Corner Molilalia and Clantoti St. persistently? If you are conducting an honest business, are Itrst retder. I. J. Shirley afford a horse and buggy or an automobile. The street cars subject, "I nreslliy." NEW FURNITURE IN EXCHANGE FOR OLD. you afraid to be open with the public? The El Paso Electric Sunday n o'clock a. m. made it possible for these suburbs to be built up, for thousands Sunday srhool, 9 90 o'clock a. m. Street Railway company is a corporation that is responsible for Wednesday evening testimonial .,..,!,., of people to have homes. at S o'rluck. its acts. Why should other "competing" transportation con- Without the street cars, the value of every piece of subur- Kvsnfellcsl Lutheran Churrh cerns not be made to be responsible? If you ride in their Easier seiner at llou .san m.i, ,,.. ban property in El Paso would decrease, for the "fair weath- win on conducted In Kngllsli sad begini,i cars, isn't it right that they should have a bond posted at the SI lO.SU Subject of sermon. The i. latlon WESTERN in thai J er" transportation "system" that has sprung up city does or Christ's Heturrvciion la ih. coining not operate to the suburbs except at exorbitant fares; exorbi- city hall to indemnify you if you are injured? You cannot Judgment." sundty school, both Jvnglish and Herman tant at least in comparison to the fares of the street car and recover in any other way. classes, al u ts. FURNITURE CO. the means of the average home owner. PAUL o tURJtMAél, Pastor. Why shouldn't the drivers be compelled to pass ex- an East CI Past Methodist Opposite Grecian Theater. The "fair weather" transportation companies operate only amination? The El Paso Electric Railway company puts Corner or uraiua and Hlver street n p Out of High Rent District. Better Values for Less Money Bond, i, actor JUnday school, m a in.. the upon the busy thoroughfares, where fares are certain and trips every through a system of training Hugh T Henry, superintend, ni aster ei i motorman that often lasts erciaet by Hie whole 'Preaching quick. It is only by this method of they can school." II are operation that s rn tint p. m. Epworlh league, 30 for weeks. It is forced to do this as a measure of self pro- p. t continue their service. A transportation service that serves all IS., Miss Mary Clifford, president Mid- tection, because it is a RESPONSIBLE week praise teivice. Wednesday at x B m. the people is expensive. Let the "fair weather" automobile corporation and must 1. Inn 1I1 conrerance at Ihla prayer aerwee. answer employes. operators attempt to give the service in El Paso and its suburbs for its Why shouldn't these people who St. leaaeal , Kplseapal that the El Paso Electric railway gives daily and they could boast that they are "competitors" be made to observe some Morning prtyer and musical program Prelude "War March of the frlealt," not exist a week. The long hauls to the outlying suburbs regulations, too? Why should the owners of the "fair weath- rrom "Alhalie," Mi n.ieltstion organ, k W. Mercailiiin; piano. W. B. McCrscknn. cornel, would eat up the profits and more. er" opposition transportation systems oppose an examination J Miller. for their men? Why should they oppose the placing of lights Processional 'At Tlie Lamb's High least We si,,,- ,, i givey The El Paso Electric Street Railway company has been in staying is Truth their cars? An old that "no honest man is afraid "Christ Our Paasover Old chant. operating on regular schedules to all these suburbs, all the of light." Oloria Pan m,i chsM the There have been many robberies, pocket pick- In In iiiii In U lial sianfoid time. It has been daily making good its losses on the subur- ings and other escapades in these opposition cars; you Jubilan- in I, Sullivan. have Sermon hymn "Jesus Christ ( To- ban lines from the receipts from its downtown lines. Operat- " linen read of these things in the papers. Why the fight against day, Alleluia non, Lyra UavUL ing them all as one system, it was able to do this. Take away iminiog) Bourgeois. lighting these cars? itrrartury anlbetii Heboid. He Ocnwers In Advertising from the street car company its downtown patronage and Parker, Incidental aolu M him what is left to help pay the operating cost of its suburban The El Paso Electric Railway company pays for its usa WStSSflnasI "He la Risan, He Is Risen' " J Nr Slider is revolutionizing the selling methods of all lines? of El Paso's streets, in taxes, in street paving, in taxes to ths Potllude "Heat-S- and the Earth insplty Hit i. canden t abounded, from Alna lines of business. he Associated Adver- state, ate. Why should an "opposition" use the streets at Us." MendeissiKin Piano, w h Mccracken Any El Pasoan , u. C'lube of the World are the sane knows that the suburban street car will without regulation, when it does nothing in return for t. M:ilar. tising exponents -- this business gospel which doing lines are not paying; that they cannot pay in most cases the city? Alta Vista Mrthudlai of new is for years. It should be apparent to every El Pasoan also Corner l.uua tod Hue,., slrsslt, Hev W. so much to protect the patrons of sdvertieed H Imuran Status Sunday m hool I that to maintain such lines, the money must rome from some- El Paso is not the only city that has recognised the neces- II Hornier superuiicinli Preaching, II goods. If sity for taking such Mayor Brown, S. m Junior league 1 p. m. Mr- - bush, In of where. it cannot be secured from the operation of the action of San Antonio, 'i "Inl'Siatnl senior Uaaut. ; u iu Mu accordance with the earnest desire downtown lines if the patronage of opposition ' fair weath- in a speech to a delegation representing the "fair weather" Loretia Comisa, leader this bank to always identify itself with every er'' systems is such as to seriously cut into the receipts of transportation concerns in that city, said, according to the Inst Bapiltl bur. n worthy movement for the betterment ot I J Msaoffln of the -- be- San Express oí recent data; Corner atenué and giaia Pssso and Southwest we became mem- the downtown lines company who is there who Antonio avast, Mat. I W. Wiliiam. n I paator ths lieves that the company could long continue to operate its Tafca Park o Boulevaul Mviu. .si tu Vil bers of tha El Paso Adclub upon its oi- "We don't care how you handle the insurance policies, a uie and come a xiuaie noun uinr. suburban lines? Who is there in bustness in El of momma rrimui 'The Louanucia el ga nutation. whether indemnity insurance is carried by individuals or Jetut Lvruing sermon Tin rouiia Paso who would or could operate a mercantile bustness that Man AJstulom The ordman, r ,t 10. whether the passengers are protected by policies carried by was losing money ? Who is there who would take up such BMBasr will be adii.ini.iered it the close sf the association. It protection fot passengers we are seek- 1st Morolas Sunday school ally a business and carry it forward, if the original owner could if .SI, Prof U. P Pulutm. auperint. udrat ing, and not a specific manner of attaining that end. The B 1 p i auaday evening J. leaser not make it pay? Mitt Vert Hunt subir. tr.aieeiuins inner) Rio Grande Valley Bank streets of the city belong to the cttuttmi and when we grant 1st tat Than Tntatawfvet " Lest motila These arty but reasonable They you the privilege of msksng your living by TtasetVij I p. tu subí, Jrrln irasie, questions. are questions operating cars ovsr Mr W J. Matt. A busiaet sr. nng wll, tor every El Pasoan to think upon. Is it not to your inteieat 4m streets we expect you to da sosMfhing in return, for the lulls, tiae atavie gRas TU r Trust Company a 11S - will lord at t W to if you live in a suburb, to do what you can to keep up your owners of those streets- I ha people study Ur bsJtaprj a book 1 last mi itaiauwHi n sir, in, furto Ail evesas gaSMlitge now J "Baa ol Service." iISail Uaipta sviaialljj wtkottataj 11 Hot churcb 4. 1915. n . n imnkiiki- - -i ira Niinrlav. AdHI

ntnt nnlv on hair mile renaaj the mill, which h raen pepelPd eaeIMr MORE QUICKSILVER for mlthi l la ronrenlraiea aod of the Miami and Inapiralion rompanlea.iri It ia eaiiniatPd that when trie Miami concpirtor la rnnodeled It at III produre r.iianiaai ponnda or c..pir a ypr al roat not párpenme renta a Witn IS FOUND IN TEXAS copper aellint 14 eenta a pound in pronta wnuld ft rpnt a onri per annum C. inanarer. , my i: nixnoi w iiwmim wu.i W ELBERT HUBBARD'S brfm-i- ir vr Second iot mm.! The Problem it to kux iXTrr.N rtn im WEEKLY SERMON

I oilr nt Hl.h Ore Rrp..rl. rt la Sr Ma Ml n in BBAnn. Xlrreal. uml runurf la WMib Nrall la a of nf i . feet ' ivilliallon matter nrranuatlnn Oretk el ti mn and marerlala laya out madwaya. htuld Game nil nailon Morning Times Puzzle I M. tiAVI The factortea. pqitlpa them wVi marhlnery, a, ani) rich Inrialiar. re- nw ilirnvrr 1 2 rearranged, a second or qtilrkellvrr. i.rr has .11 IIIKl" PdiiratPa men Pi the nap of till inaeion-- All those who submitted 589 as the correct solution of the first In the event of ties on Problem No. as Mri mllr-- smith "f Marethri Hrravatrr pnrnnae in all for the of ronvertlnr ril arrangement will be made of the numbers, and those tied will be requir- - Tof into uern second. As more contest- iirchiMv erer mailc in tlx- tammi material rommodltl. problem are entitled to submit a solution of the xre en- linrna mv John I rnr train Men and material are nrranlred ao aa ed to submit another solution of the problem to determine who district v at in. i m. ii. m i Ik M railrnei to hulld. manufacture, and prizes of- Just in M ' dlatrlbtil" are tied on the solution of the first puzzle than there are titled third rearrangement of the Alplnr. who hut erriirrl a ants to the prizes. Should ties ensue a a i" the proi'ciu l,i inrinr Iranaporl lha neceaaltlea of life. tumi - third, US r ..f .ani,l" Iitrli rrert- or Tranaportation la the flrat (real factor In fered, those submitted any other than the correct solution are numbers will be made to decide who is entitled to first, second, r. ratctSS. in which BM red civilisation. all who armtillnr t l plPtiiifiillv rlissrniinair-r- coin Mkvake ret ... mi, In eat by kdllnr fourth prizes and so on down the list. Should ties still mm the solvers (if rim l l r rent anrt all " the ampie hy animal and uain( raw frulla and re. eliminated. tied, II I rich. Tin ili.r.n'iv was mart table- - To preaerve. pack, and so tying shall receive full value of the prize for which they II "H tratianort the A. Msrmlni Skotli rirl "I yr i i,. ihcir power. hv Mr. who u distribute sub- will there be i.n lan1 r,xvnl i.bihilm. mm The hartiartan may planl. and take care Only one sdlution of Problem No. 2 may be submitted. Once based on payments made, but under no circumstances a ralilman Th irc"Ny loreterl by claim in a an HI of a limited number of llvpatoek. bin the rr,nnl of rivr i.euntcil not tranaport; and men more than three transpositions of the numbers. group, which an- ralkd the Kl HU". ' aavake dor until mitted the solutions cannot be changed. Tier V. I. riin" to. 1. l Thw In. 1 orranind. faininr wa Jital around the No. 2 it and on iter Ttw arc on ury (auc- corner No money cam be paid and only one solution of Problem as rniinty Moth tion) Ho. , blore t, Hrrwster men and material have In be trana As information for solvers the following is quoted from the condi- from persons "TliroiiKb thc rletm. say Mr. l.yn. ported before they are or much valtlP. is presented may be submitted. In case of ties resulting I riinnlnar a Imri- about Hi. founil fl r '' jointly. smith ronipird of calrit and siialr.rnrg alive tions appearing in the announcement of the puzzle game: working together, only one prize will be awarded twrii wall of the linn tnn country action. on muer side. Tin- - wide Htfa Sf" Initiative doc not Imply merely the aua; and rol.. red a rrddih hue by II nrinaiiar renon of the rich! thinr. men of initiat- It atira-w-- the aitcnlion f Nr. Clinnoim ive an- men who carry their plana lo a All from it strong rrsetnrilaiire l tlx- l"cl'' aiicceaaful laaue. to This Puzzle Must Be in the Nails EIGHT Days After You Receive It. propf-rli- Solutions in Die Ihivis company imiric thp nilfc on Ibr opposm- - ani aupervlalon of labor of lrntv distant mm men a rare Mne of ten of the Isamr sample or oiher airt out Be Made. You Will mountains It Be Closely No Exceptions Will to tli essayrr. he nan men do not nna.eaa at all imly on in Solutions Will Checked and (inlrropiin( can do it wpI. fn-- to learn tlial In liad h"ifi correct in len thousand Ins and that Hi. i. i million sir II iimpbrey liavy mi lila fineat Mails liripr.,ii. waa Mlrheal I araday. Days Solve This and Get Your Answer in the lined mi k l arricd llw mcrnilr Mili'lildc Have Eight to Puzzle or iiiimIm! nrc, and that there WW "iii (i. smith aid hla one rraat of IL lie on nerlira, ainiarenlly. in ir acbu veiiienl waa trie dlaeovery of Jame Ruling Will Be rertilar biMii- lrne and porkNl, tliionan j. Hill After the Moment You Receive It. This the id'- lode, in Hie anie manner aa in Andrew Carne(ie made Charlea M. Srhwali the bir mine ol ine hio eomianv, but poaatolP. Mr. i:hiholin nt To. bellered thai' any And srhwali dlatrlbulea a hundred ihou Strictly Adhered roterv of neater iiiaaniiuile than ltd pat envelope, directly and Indirectly, oilier ever tnade in he liilliiKiia dlslriet. nrk ha been every Saturday nltnt. Very lillle mveliimient To Pltrouraajai initiative wtaeiy a ne done, hut a liafl lia- - been unk reel deep on one of llw aeama, oine layo reel eeaatt) otherwlae the dark are (r,. a Ihe 17 wide In one of Ine llrnealota wall, door 87 48 81 17 35 55 96 46 97 79 90 73 63 13 67 35 28 41 83 18 34 05 S3 82 26 30 66 90 76 50 61 88 67 19 79 81 00 73 10 76 10 37 38 13 60 63 89 81 17 36 28 46 46 66 46 30 67 28 89 01 07 75 01 73 ine i"ii or im.ii yrade That which would destroy Initiative and 'imettinm our iuh 73 10 30 70 48 SS 44 40 78 00 11 48 77 07 68 76 01 88 67 19 71 ore ha rapen pil' d on the dump, eatlroalod would deairoy nvllliaiion. 4i. fll 40 14 99 64 33 16 51 86 13 29 77 18 31 73 99 55 71 63 44 83 73 25 86 21 77 00 74 77 97 88 73 86 56 87 33 55 16 67 49 63 81 56 tf. p. ill aim alnlily plan a never to a d qileller. The lo thinr that haa 31 38 ss 11 71 90 72 91 38 18 77 60 55 39 20 83 29 33 87 53 16 73 65 SO 37 75 03 18 63 18 37 8 30 67 68 69 82 18 01 45 88 68 47 67 77 90 69 22 66 53 89 04 TO 77 71 86 47 W 52 73 81 13 25 61 13 tie.lll Kre a lot of lower arade ore been done bafnrP, to orranl7.e (reat ruin Ihroun over I be din ber- - of men and uaa real maaaea or ma- 33 24 22 53 lfi 30 63 47 99 15 38 23 55 19 39 00 13 63 23 35 55 21 68 00 48 61 10 30 87 33 18 77 05 SO 46 74 39 68 18 66 05 65 34 38 77 63 88 91 83 73 99 99 22 19 81 38 87 62 63 66 52 30 21 94 81 Mr vne here way. la a lcríala in an mtellirent a rifi 82 46 33 88 44 55 01 90 10 88 46 86 72 57 81 36 88 77 77 08 28 10 11 39 37 08 11 88 71 55 14 86 10 71 77 18 70 48 85 77 69 10 70 40 76 66 43 77 73 35 28 49 71 68 33 41 15 rapltal I" velnp mid iniiill beyond 45 32 33 91 82 31 55 14 l(renni on the valuable the ability of men to n'lorliiiK planl or tall Mueller 13 11 01 99 77 31 79 37 73 83 30 25 32 36 14 S3 05 55 86 08 66 76 78 77 18 56 75 23 47 65 83 47 33 68 86 77 97 36 10 60 22 98 11 85 13 07 33 00 79 23 99 65 43 51 80 72 24 73 34 22 39 piar'- ih.. prop rompulat. 00 19 25 87 proiiei n ho h doll' will Theoretically. m lallam beyond env on a pat ink The recovery of arm 48 37 4 76 77 23 66 87 13 22 80 18 31 00 53 70 08 77 IS 1 74 18 76 83 10 06 13 87 33 61 60 86 13 38 00 31 47 56 86 68 55 58 77 33 70 15 81 38 67 81 03 08 55 14 33 76 16 40 18 55 95 56. 67 18 33 fruni U" ore one of the men i. bill If pul to actual teat there la a ,,, t, 31 01 14 87 03 88 88 90 01 86 88 39 86 58 76 68 04 73 73 37 71 18 71 77 66 70 99 07 93 79 95 11 48 00 74 30 76 53 91 86 31 28 86 88 61 84 00 44 76 62 11 30 66 00 68 11 atmplesl Kwn. and the m rTava u. aa to whether II would not 39 21 73 33 44 55 66 32 19 inore prove of ; nialhilioii nf a ilaiil ihe derlinu indlvnliiallly the 18 44 77 46 38 99 88 47 97 73 87 75 55 73 70 30 87 04 18 86 53 66 87 78 36 07 88 64 84 40 78 11 63 66 51 83 73 80 88 83 87 48 13 33 49 71 47 87 87 85 48 77 31 37 44 23 27 15 54 15 83 88 49 77 82 little. I.Ike n irolil I'l death nt Inlllallvr. in nan It lake l iberty the liberty a man ran llae 28 89 91 67 76 19 37 97 36 79 10 81 00 58 78 30 70 74 83 00 00 14 83 11 46 11 S3 76 77 96 65 75 31 09 33 83 88 96 66 80 33 98 77 78 39 61 59 88 17 67 14 87 87 18 03 68 98 11 39 95 87 70 01 83 13 TO to tin rron - lia. auppllnd, inly fit pi ni thl Amerlra and Ihl 72 9S 12 56 92 18 93 85 73 76 80 83 55 43 47 79 88 83 81 07 42 76 22 08 11 56 43 88 80 77 74 85 78 55 79 77 40 21 68 23 73 76 12 88 43 78 75 97 64 03 74 38 23 83 99 83 95 18 73 95 87 46 66 46 30 M.u.iih.iii on a yood aulnmiiliii mad why we lead the world All around - abundance or ;ih wood, A man of initiative i work nut hi 7 3 87 39 81 86 82 88 91 67 83 67 74 80 79 00 06 88 16 81 68 87 80 38 70 41 38 86 15 95 33 04 13 69 67 00 05 99 56 39 06 73 67 68 06 19 38 68 58 60 97 31 87 90 73 68 81 33 90 73 86 55 87 33 78 which delivered on the propel It al own plan own way. in hi 55 18 67 49 63 99 65 96 95 68 54 05 85 73 33 80 65 27 05 00 81 90 81 30 90 81 10 77 33 83 49 30 73 57 41 48 19 41 53 26 48 00 51 47 81 26 71 08 88 76 00 83 00 73 53 89 64 68 77 63 36 71 crd, and which will furiiih aood ruel - 95 1143 mere la i.urlailiuenl ol hi llbcrlie break- hla for the iitoiiiinr fiiriian- AIo lalmul-h- 19 62 88 38 74 26 37 78 70 56 50 85 67 00 81 84 65 78 18 04 08 11 45 33 81 83 85 00 11 88 47 55 69 88 87 31 38 63 49 12 77 31 54 39 88 37 67 08 18 37 63 87 80 80 67 75 99 81 72 11 37 34 00 liealbv Winn and Iniiialnailnh 80 47 plentt ol water the prllia. No man know hi limn for Initiative, That enilre dltrli I. av Mr. LyBP, I 39 30 11 27 67 38 22 98 99 17 88 44 83 33 75 04 33 06 18 75 36 84 66 07 75 56 18 37 91 70 33 38 91 13 93 66 33 63 34 83 76 43 70 88 61 90 25 13 17 15 75 03 47 10 88 13 86 11 47 55 26 66 27 55 73 al In eiiver- men are always Hurprliw-- al their lnyiiit mineraltted, ndlni 07 88 83 76 57 67 70 10 81 11 79 83 04 35 00 70 07 08 66 70 63 83 86 99 30 73 48 89 41 33 88 64 87 11 88 08 13 84 36 00 87 01 30 64 13 32 22 28 33 01 88 38 14 88 lead run ami oilier on-- , bill heretofore achleveiiieiiu. 71 25 79 15 13 47 31 14 23 15 88 are w never It lonir tllaunre from He' railroad and here bl( InaUIUUoni hlrh 19 78 58 68 37 33 73 34 13 01 88 83 00 33 07 85 73 76 84 83 84 1 05 00 30 10 87 43 63 78 67 51 41 17 48 37 31 67 98 40 78 37 36 18 16 65 11 30 88 17 25 10 74 88 27 33 25 66 58 33 00 95 39 39 68 the former unakllafairtory minuta law have produce blr men There a reneial ten retarded their exploitation and develop lien, y In many abopa and alorea lo keep 92 29 43 99 32 94 85 55 86 46 87 00 28 86 88 88 70 00 47 50 48 83 78 33 84 77 35 83 70 38 71 08 61 SO 80 61 53 39 75 95 34 16 00 08 54 66 35 01 68 65 38 00 81 48 55 38 83 20 16 91 38 67 45 77 25 are i many n IlkMll. Hut ti" iliifur hanalna. all orirlnahly. Any aironr men that 80 08 98 19 68 96 74 78 86 66 85 37 55 73 78 66 61 84 76 41 22 37 67 58 18 30 84 61 38 68 10 76 43 66 00 83 61 96 88 67 55 18 81 63 79 88 14 63 78 13 34 10 37 87 50 08 14 43 02 48 76 57 55 66 78 rlalioa are Iwirnr Incaled and there are lino want it look ror and baa to mailt In the field. un outlde. in. hunt i man 99 96 88 77 85 63 11 80 80 09 00 88 92 47 88 55 46 11 66 88 61 71 65 87 13 40 81 13 00 30 60 87 74 66 44 09 99 44 81 85 18 95 81 76 38 75 56 10 81 35 69 67 74 10 35 68 71 55 37 63 87 89 29 67 55 The Mm nt roiiipan.v. conipoaed aaya Klpllnr hi... hum." And he la light. 19 87 24 28 47 04 34 63 36 43 62 08 78 87 58 05 00 00 83 13 36 03 77 71 63 68 73 67 88 71 07 70 56 60 00 53 43 73 16 51 33 36 35 04 08 31 80 01 66 18 86 76 44 13 05 87 10 30 04 46 25 82 13 98 98 or eaalern aloeknoldera. which ha been If man lit tin- plan- a new baa nev- ant urKcta OparaUDk ro. Ihe pal Ml year, Hie whole proposition la pooh 22 44 08 64 77 60 69 83 73 69 11 04 18 71 66 00 28 73 S3 20 77 58 73 33 50 11 39 14 86 6ST1 00 80 80 71 52 69 37 00 44 81 40 58 77 70 16 00 30 51 14 73 41 67 31 98 68 99 55 05 11 87 92 33 77 87 ) out a lliuir era! furnace and ttunink larae bed. oiitpiil i.l II present oillpiii 30 91 75 27 09 88 26 05 90 89 05 78 90 38 79 76 11 14 53 00 35 37 60 38 7J 60 30 63 70 43 58 61 35 35 38 19 57 76 31 33 00 03 60 45 10 84 66 88 04 13 81 86 66 33 30 73 88 66 63 50 15 88 68 72 19 inu whirb la aelllni in une h dlrplllie ielro( Individual I riak. 11 inoiilli. 37 48 83 87 69 66 58 34 80 03 68 63 70 33 71 00 67 30 56 45 38 39 43 65 80 73 33 56 43 88 01 83 43 37 76 78 93 31 08 33 37 from o lo per riak. The price jump lit and mediocrity the ruin. 4a 91 18 88 67 49 68 33 14 86 80 68 71 49 60 66 86 66 47 08 07 49 66 Marshall Field waa one or the bi(, oil limn ai pei ti, k the r.ui brlkhl 76 97 22 28 78 98 66 83 76 64 10 01 70 14 83 14 69 00 SI 60 27 73 08 11 57 88 00 69 35 61 83 It 37 87 31 77 99 33 86 16 36 30 00 44 66 58 45 77 87 71 16 61 05 00 77 68 49 11 74 51 99 29 10 73 33 war lo trie pi in BuaNMMi men wbo discovered latent 13 19 i rmiiii ol ih.- an jl il' maim in 75 95 76 33 58 32 13 94 11 33 05 77 99 41 78 55 61 77 37 13 44 60 73 33 65 13 69 59 70 66 81 68 11 47 85 13 87 47 78 31 14 12 93 68 17 88 SS 84 48 49 77 33 66 04 49 91 23 03 90 07 18 07 10 parruaalon rap Held a few men. facture of Inhúmale in Marshall produced bit 38 51 72 65 46 00 66 87 36 19 37 Tl 19 61 31 69 67 87 66 87 25 13 28 96 22 67 11 IS 33 87 79 86 79 33 18 53 90 55 85 76 11 38 76 14 71 17 33 87 65 78 63 80 66 35 52 37 99 81 73 4 60 30 70 08 70 aiiiiiiunliH'ii for war Moal and he did n by paylnr men a loiiuni---lo- n and purKi.' or trie miniinaic ued in Kurope made where they Im ruaeed Ihe buaineaa 29 91 32 76 18 33 81 47 S3 86 05 38 23 46 0 1 88 35 11 73 86 40 60 1)048 58 68 09 63 66 40 67 13 33 60 01 77 33 87 33 76 86 38 58 67 09 88 87 78 35 68 08 88 60 31 05 18 99 89 03 08 08 66 73 18 33 In ihe war. but now the in hi imanv line above a rerialn amount. 37 08 39 29 87 33 39 78 20 08 87 41 33 65 70 48 06 41 31 50 40 98 79 60 81 08 63 00 23 30 27 85 58 88 69 95 00 allle are cut oil nun un- - uiaikei aim in are ten men are 43 67 59 98 43 40 01 60 55 IS 65 33 66 34 43 11 83 66 76 66 64 28 17 35 75 04 34 88 rrom II there al leaal who It lliotiairea several time over wbo 28 68 13 73 37 80 72 73 88 63 19 90 99 88 49 59 87 63 68 70 40 99 S3 11 13 33 80 39 38 96 10 39 65 70 14 60 14 83 07 71 03 30 70 49 11 04 20 86 68 66 IS 30 73 88 00 48 87 78 56 87 11 75 00 65 74 -- lia- - Ihe uii beran I itiied Ule., and aued iploytnenl under Marshall Field A Co. on Braredenled hiah price It i aid mat 86 19 89 01 81 43 61 81 61 84 31 21 51 30 71 81 61 28 41 71 31 51 43 18 31 61 81 41 61 31 61 51 41 61 48 71 31 33 14 01 81 01 68 41 41 71 01 80 61 41 71 16 33 01 01 61 81 81 18 61 41 71 48 51 61 Ihe or quirkatlver m New r are rjr moderate aalarlea. atocka you cannot out the power In a 71 91 18 81 43 51 61 10 31 61 91 71 21 71 81 91 91 33 31 61 31 81 81 SI 61 31 61 61 21 31 81 31 81 61 81 81 41 18 01 41 18 71 81 31 91 53 14 81 41 61 01 71 81 81 31 61 21 21 71 31 01 01 10 31 51 hi. eiliaii-ie- d The uniMtial demand brlnr from powder maker man unless ymi offer proper incentives. 12 which ha conic t 81 91 61 14 61 32 71 01 51 41 31 81 81 61 81 31 61 41 01 81 71 SI 81 41 61 31 41 61 83 81 81 31 31 31 61 31 38,31 81 81 01 81 61 81 51 71 41 61 41 61 51 61 41 31 61 41 81 71 41 41 81 41 14 drain on the market I mb r normal eon Had Jame- - j. mil been on a salary tl (lllioii- - powdri maker would not averatre e man would never have evolved. He 71 21 61 10 13 31 31 61 61 61 41 91 61 41 71 31 81 81 51 81 01 15 71 81 61 21 81 41 31 00 4 1 31 81 01 51 31 83. 134 1 61 33 41 61 51 81 81 31 01 18 41 31 21 41 23 01 81 61.68 81 41 31 81 01 31 71 a year. Inn with would never had been known Ihe 'mure than .mi fUk outside 32 61 71 21 81 01 51 01 18 10 01 71 81 41 16 61 58 14 61 81 91 64 31 81 61 01 61 80 78 14 46 68 76 IB 33 63 75 13 47 68 85 88 41 18 36 06 14 18 43 16 28 34 18 73 36 45 64 46 14 87 23 31 14 08 million- d liol rind every day city of SI Paul. U Ihe eilra demand can . ally be Itnaalned EdtaoaVt reiuua came rrom the fart that 48 39 16 24 64 47 39 18 16 64 87 10 85 89 91 46 63 98 81 76 64 17 14 46 36 87 40 18 88 14 85 36 61 43 05 29 87 18 87 38 01 80 83 33 56 63 81 38 20 06 43 86 86 18 73 28 84 92 36 38 68 14 13 70 04 A ip ii weiah, ?: pound, lie had a rull and free field and oppor riak id kiltei 15 08 03 37 83 80 29 91 88 25 18 40 36 14 90 33 31 87 80 and tlie price la over ki t? per pound unity to make millions for hlmaeir. 12 47 52 43 29 24 28 04 35 03 47 18 63 46 53 05 14 63 78 88 36 38 63 66 84 33 30 48 37 68 48 76 46 63 34 86 18 08 31 63 88 03 76 88 83 52 There an increaed demand rrom or Men alo ty Money Is the measure power. 78 68 29 78 45 81 15 07 74 85 84 00 75 76 24 83 65 34 48 87 34 84 68 64 14 87 IS 86 11 31 13 33 46 66 36 74 80 06 64 87 63 48 98 45 73 40 15 87 88 46 88 08 84 23 02 84 73 62 80 75 03 18 13 34 36 ( run. T he hi.,,, company kvep uni do not especially prlie money tur the sake team buav haulmar (iitrkiltei to Mara money, aa a 23 24 96 75 28 82 63 49 18 64 73 20 14 33 30 68 45 61 68 64 83 78 69 83 97 13 76 6T 63 OS 30 61 40 11 18 80 07 81 14 61 76 15 41 16 13 08 80 36 53 08 46 60 76 45 88 31 83 15 88 64 75 04 33 81 17 upplie fioin tneie into of but Ihey prlie II tanrUihi thou and biuuiluii of ability. 87 48 81 17 36 55 96 46 07 70 00 73 83 01 73 46 61 40 14 00 64 33 16 51 86 13 81 56 19 71 38 13 00 73 81 38 a amp. eniplotin- about I no mmer. and rerorniiiiiii their 81 65 71 73 81 13 85 61 13 33 84 28 63 16 80 63 87 48 81 17 35 55 06 46 07 70 00 73 83 camp aup Soriallain wlib - restrictions on what there are abmit 'io peofde in 91 73 46 61 40 14 99 64 33 16 61 80 13 01 73 46 61 40 14 00 64 33 16 51 86 13 01 73 46 61 40 14 80 64 33 16 51 86 13 01 73 46 61 40 14 00 64 33 16 51 86 13 81 66 10 71 21 38 55 13 71 00 73 01 38 ported hv the nunc Thine team are own any man hall receive would never have ed and run lit Mevican-- . who an- paid only produced a Field, a James J. Hill, 87 48 81 17 35 55 96 46 97 79 00 73 83 87 48 81 17 35 5.1 06 46 97 79 90 73 83 SI 56 10 71 31 38 55 13 71 00 73 01 38 81 56 10 71 81 38 65 13 71 09 78 01 38 73 81 13 86 61 13 33 84 22 63 16 20 63 kfl poiuiil fur Iretani a i.oiumodore aiulerbiii a Henry Ford, or rem per hundred 73 81 13 25 61 13 33 84 28 53 10 20 63 87 48 84-- 17 35 55 06 46 97 79 90 73 83 73 81 13 85 61 18 33 34 83 63 16 39 63 73 81 13 35 61 33 88 38 63 and are paid iuotly from lb coimnia a John H Patieron 13 24 63 16 81 66 10 71 81 38 86 13 71 09 78 01 38 Ihe end of socialism would be when a Alplar. Teta. Ma Minino Bonan Strong man einerred nut id the mass and arcordllia Alplll i t ruled lie . the autocratic eirrrtae of parlenriiiK quite a minina boom Witni power Then we would hav a nuvnari-h- m a or more thaaf radio or doleli inlle I iiKJcrarv in a compromise between so- la hlrhlv muir ral o d reato II. and all ol and monarchy, n seeks Ihe great up a cialism Draw chain across the from left to right and back By section is meant a series of three, four or five circles in a straight a aiidden there ha priiur rraulkr est lo Ihe (reau-s- a continuous chart iiiiniiik booiiL Mod are ta- rood number ina reoorted ioniantlv. and it an al Also ii placas no limit ou individual again so that the numbers within the circles will total the greatest num- line. ee achievement. inoat dally ocrurrenee tu cattlemen left-han- and cowboy riitiua into town with ark whlrh would Iron nut men to one ber of points. Start any number you wish in the d column. n at is or mineral aainple- - and pocket full urn level, and rease lo offer reward The circle at the angle where the chain turns to be regarded as roeka. and the little lincha; r men wm lo itiltialiie, would reduce Ihe race lo The progress of the chain in c rossing the first time may oe up or r. in,, ii, talked in lunar bul row and hull nullity. the end of one section and the beginning of the next. This, however, now moat or Ihe time talking lioiil oiiimuiiism only succeeds where thcie down or to the right. BUT NOT TO THE LEFT. In coming back it poma new mineral di.cutery. lead, attver a siruiK. Just and erricleiil l does not mean that the numbers in these circles are to be counted twice, an. une orea are the t common, but tonuuuhlsui Is bvneflrit-D- i au- may be up or down or to the leit. BUT NOT TO THE RIGHT. Each Olí (Old dlaroverie are aio llielilloned. locraey. or that the circles themselves count two when adding up the number of our of Uti.- of tbla enihineni tauart an iireat itidiisiriat leaders sei iar( iium section must be at a right angle with the preceding and succeeding sec- I roi, ably (fue to a recent dlarvery of ra ur men to work Ihey plan and ráe- points encircled or the number of circles which form the chain. old bafl tkat haa been covered aNkf me (leal enriiieei mr schemes. They take tion, and must contain either three, four or five circles, NOT LESS i'ii - atro rhe 'muni asi quamilles of raw malcríala and nianu The numbers in each square, where there are two figures, are to be krethan miner receinit died, but before ue or i cowboy, racture iu uu. roiina use ueautt. THAN THREE OR MORE FIVE. paaut( awat told an Mnericati o,,, TrJAN ninety-nin- e, sixty-fiv- eighty-seve- where to tiuik These in. (Itn work lo lull regarded as double numbers, as etc who had befriended htm. Itona And till work, wllh Ihe diMrlliuiton working back to the left, the chain must cross itself, for II iioina la the place and i learins When not and off the or and earth he or Ihe pink and pudry pay rtiielope, mak' roverint hruli M, which The circles do have to be perfectly round or artistically foimd the old han and in it a vein of nrii openiy saline no circle shall be drawn in a square touches at right angles or not formed. allver ore. When you make war on men of Initiative circle Solvers, however, should be careful to draw them so they will ob- roinpant or an I ranelaro mlnltik men ,u paralyse the pay roll. H is an en obliquely any square which contains a that was drawn when going not have jut purrha-e- d a lie and are latum deavor lo force socialism onto democracy. numbers. Circles can be drawn with pencil the foundation ror a auteller in Al and tbua wa would u rtsle ol the toward the right. s literate the either or ink. pine pi treat the idea ! the dlatrlrt key weak. will eiuplot a hewn palenled t - m nlesa we sight Use rocks and keep clear whiob. II la will aurceaafitlly Heal ol ihe will grow woraat Tht-j- were in londtlloua rather in. ore al a iiiuiiiiuiiu late than Untar. rii-- Alpine of l um lha of Ihe chamber And what ihe end will las no man ran sty. Dierre laat Kridat and there aa (real This Illustrates How to Work the Second - any II will over Ilk- oroapetla of Alplll be In evrnl, nol be work fur SOLUTION BLANK onitn( a (real imn!n( evnler. rterytkHly. with high In aim. Joy, proa Miami Catpprr ta an pant Heaawl lieriiy and great increase in wealth The annual rrport ol the Miami ( npper I hat power uu re strained tends to tyranny Problem (oiunam. or Amona lull iued. make a Is a fact Therefore, supervision or our TO THE CONTEST MANAGER i The proMifiv Is neceataary fine alaiwutf. rninprla ttt great organiMtiuua hut this sixty-si- x arret nr palenled inlnlii( laun- - urj acre siipervisiran must be conducted The first section in the chain in the adjoining chart begins at number (66) on the Having subraitted 1.589 as the solution of the ror powa-- held Ihe mill and plant, and laadera today that thirty-nin- left-han- I luduslrlal understand left-han- d e d first puzzle. herewith submit my solution arrea lor water nam all in the Miami Ihey ran only help thentaelvea as Uiey bvlp side of the chart, and ends at (39) in the upper corner. of the about milra of puzzle, muiuia dlatrlrt riahl wet humanity sixty-six- , second aa follows: iluhe Aril ileolufli allt lie' i lalnta ahuw Beginning at the first section consists of five circles, tha second four, the third near a I,, work lor self alone is laial to neatlli an area ol alllnfiod rhlal al or happiness and pruaperiiy n either meu or miiki i with a (real imruinre body ol kssttitutinni four, the fourth five, the fifth three, and so on. arramte known aa Hrhultie a ran lie The Total of the numbers llenad actual bell average. I.tuo reel Added together, the numbers in the circle total 5.576. width and kaw (aaseral eaat weal dn I loo lb ore tone i oiijxcd and era' nen tor an avaraae depth of it" feel Helo una learned Den orcur ine one oi Dr. Carl prnunaied or ao railed porphyry ore.' BLOOD,SmithtketlN, 1JV-- i which tkay ropnar orrura In the foro KIPriKt, Addr The ore it, H i n n i x AMD itl xii chalcoclt or copper (lanrt 1 1 I I I I II II I I rtaa Is vrtlal ilnrknraa from ton to DKH UlkilLAtlas. KUIl I.!.. .lili II THIS CHART raauL That ora haa been dveld Kooma 127 13 aharia drirta id drill bolea and aoowa followa Material hich aulpblda r. Klrel National Bank Blda) kuo averama MMH atllphkV WILL NOT W U ora. tlMU.MO lona. ma I u per rem Popper The ulpbtdr ora la njMjW ata. avrraama IM per eaatl eopatc III ddlUoti to km. "TAKB LIFE EASY" aulpm.le IMPORTANT NOTICE. Itoara arar 4JMJMI loau uf aaliad W XI h ox ttlkUAlUa ULtl aajt) ore of an of APPEAR State badow the Muka apprailauaie (rada a s a exact you alohker Heel. (eat. psjpjas asaarmjj m fjeaje gsg aajaj s W.earMsasassiaaaii rajas Bj amount paid in con-:tlo- n t per cent roptaar-Th- ikker Meek. t Ceaia xarith the solution 1.589. will cuaWlata or ala aaclauaia or una. jgju safe it 7 TJuMmf' ''W"íwTllflM''lfH 1 whether paid at one reaiilK aau aona oi ore a ie os in inetallments. Do not include wkai star 1 EJntMx 'leather co. AGAIN aastkaa ao Usal bv MM aalaaaa of uu m i í apf e paid with any other aolubon. if you axuboutted aavto isaalasi will ernnansjaglly kestat law W Moaai Ae ají iiss j reaiiae HHflLjflHHLHjPTWI any toJks o ore a day. Ibua rtvlM tokal ra BJjMkjl M M mill or t.fto loata of ore a mill will not oaiv Amount paid with 1.589. Vimjm (to) cofMsriiy hut lav. b auprovpu form the chas circles Dote pod. ai - an The purpose ol the sjdoining chart ia to furnish aa axsprtpia how to of Ainouiy iae Uaa aibailHin oi lour H. MOHR nv t ointniitttioti under tlie axbuve lunditiotis is pSjfSjjMSJBjgUa. The Kkf7 rto Cut Raxte Hrdwkvr, greatest number in the grand total of figurase within the circle. W ayll mm. y! XJSL fSLtrm aaygiiMkto co A j lay. I April 4, EL PASO MORNING TIMES 17 d Business and- - Morning Times Want Ads Are Truly Inseparable

ig Rat Card. Wanted Male A otoe and Acceeeoriee Personalia Apertmenta For Rent Fur- - Furnished Rooms For Rent n 111. I. IVOR FOR SMF 1'nderwr.c.d. 11 Rebuilt Type FOR SU.g. -- eennrt band "lore, small stork FOR TRADE Dandy Saxon madster. In good writer Co an Mesa Phone rift. long lease, cheap rent. w Ban nionio condition: new nres. win uge dia- WHITE HOUSE CAFE tía s 3131 J apart Phone mond!. god lots, nnies or what nave you S MCKI.Y rurnlslMd housekeeping JAP m family, tormer Inratlou of Three Nations, mon rook wantt place Address Rot l Demlng. N V or will he Ft lit insnt. with sleeping porrh si flcE room, six minutes' watt, esa country .. 441L car MAi MINE Paso St. Itswly furnished, handsomely private Rr " Time. nil WITH NEEDLE THREADER St M A. doff s nfftre, 15 Bsnner Rldg Call at 10 Nevada for luformillon. ftmlly. I'hone Stoi w ftfm nA loesrooo. MONDAY, R. decorated spotless riein privste booms ror la, fit STANTON. CHA. Monday, the 3th, only. ladles. JIM hoy. Prop .rat aiBlr MKM wants work; rAt'T7.. RiTH Apartments Finest in II I'aso AN I TI E rooms. rhrSV wi n NT to repair ARE von Marrv for vcatlh and summer rites; large sleeping porrliea Mill it Phone I7tt. Von will always rind j lonelvs walking SSO W Roui, si,i WArtTEO fresh and lamps We make and epalr happiness Reliable, 'rnnftilenllal. early dlitanee. rnsitton as Janitor, good psstnes at Arrheri Bakery IN N. Stan- tints, hoods, etc oiilrk service and prices Phone atan w. ton marriage I antes nesrnpnons punu nen I'nR HI N Well 1st. with street rrasoiienir. ri raso riauiaior ami i amp free, paper plainly sealed, tor Itsmona furnished an toMinm it f.) Ulan sleeping porches, ggriga. Alio one un ff. vM lloi'StCl.EANIrt-Johim- PH. SMI tn Texaa Phone 5n- "Air Test," Agency, l cal ie Oreen BARBER SHOP. 3 rhalr. trade. ormrtia. furnlshiif. Phone t4W very reaaon- - In wrllln. ror sale, rneap. Addrraa t rare FOR SALE New second-han- srssr nv W. and elenrir Ai Ml SHU T METAL WORKS Chls. A. . ckalM ta w oos n Stasations Wanted Female Times Sao Band power for Imme KIT" HEN i.RNETs. NtV IMTIIIN-- rarbonslors Kauffman. ollle B. Moore, nenenl shawl I díate shipment at a saving to you. Write ftn. ON EASY TERMS tlA Hit T.. Ill FRo.NT room, with board, suitable ror two. FnH SAI E Cheap, goou paying restaurant metal contractors. Heating ami vrniilailng N. STA.NTUN. N. RETAIL lumber yar.i manager or work in ror roider Tiie ttygro Company or Tens specialty. 400 LI Ti xu. ttt tmrb'M ; miiat sell at once. Address Box SM, Tomb our Text! St.. Piso. office t years- experience in lumber Pallas Taxaa. I'hone 1450. fitrntghed business; bookkeeper, and can operate lone, Arlg. nil RENT "llrely spsrlment. RALE A 7 privite bath, ileeplng porch, modern. typewriter; al present employed, de FOR IM4 passenger Bulrg el your birth-du- ill but lOH SALE lleming tun typewriter, visible. good as interested in futursr Send sires to change. Phone Hit. as new, sell starter, speedom and loc stampa for book. "Sun-es- MO. Rebuilt Typewriter Co.. 40 Masa. ter. Just out or the paint shop Any one rooms, summer Mexican jroung lady, stenographer and wanting s bargain look this over Call 3Sn4 mart, at ah btacb. 7 years rsle .lays. POT Inrh. ida. translator, experience, desires PI 0P1 1 NCR Room Amer. home rook lnn position in El paso or Mexico; CHAS. K. Hi'SS. ARE you Do you northern ing. So7 I. Stanton A E. Moorhead. Prop. unhappy? wish lo mar . r, Inssrtlnlt. M NML gill edge references. Please address Aparta- Auto and carriage palming, automobile v Send stamp for particulars or my ,11. mat isr Inrh per nMMk IIS M. do HW, Monro Hy. mpi recovered and seal rovers made lo or plan. Strictly private, pactrtr social Cir- lam umwu AW act vara uer. t Texas. Phone 4033. cle. Box 617, Los Angeles, Cal. ubjsrt le illtceunl WANTED Position as governess for sum- mer, grade accomplished WRECKED or broken Tiamti UiUW m"i. first rrrtirirate. MAliRN. Thousands, wealthy, will marrv IWii furnished rooma. 4IS Myrtle. Phono In music and expression. Box 500, Dawson, uaranteed. Hi soon: all ages, nitlonslliles. religion! TWO rooms, kllrhenetta and bath, steam 6S , " 3347. mm ll!M. II enrisco itrsrrlptKnis rree. Western club. Dept. IS, heat 711 N. Stanton. Oeorgette Apts F.l. PAWTDIMIllljT'!, re.. y Msrket. San Frannsco. al LANOEj comronable bearaSsa 17 N. WANTED Position by experienced office Rooming Houses for Sale MI ST SACRIFICE El woman and bookkeeper; city references. touring car. best cash offer this week ME BRANCH Phono or address R. 33', rare HOI SKKEEPER'S CHANTE. takes It. See dealer. El I'aso Oarage. lorated. Mi I furnished fr, irt rr.o II Ona nice house, close. In on Mesa; aealeil, send lor. T. T. Love, Box It. SS. CHAS. FOCTI. Till STATE MOHiH CO. lit Income 174. price Woo. lion cash and 5 Automobiles and ver, Colo. Room Board ? OFFICES per month; rent only n, new furniture. accessories. Distributors Ford csrs, Fire- and Offered stone Urns. 33 Texaa Phone 137. IIHOI'HEH Arrldetilally Tool Kl Paso Montln TIM LA BALLE REALTY CO., dlsrmered BY American woman as housekeeper, nurse Herald Uldg. cures tobarco habit and Indlge.tmn. Olad Kl Pun. Trial governess. IB 40 7 conTenlet of Its paireéis Ths Tims, or nursery Buckler Bldg For SALE Chalmers psssenger tour. ly semi particulars. W. M. Stores, Mn car. son II.'- II. htmnrh at Uva rol loe lit. places A SACRIFICE. ing Apply at American Garage, hawk. Fla. Echo, 1.'. Tela. Hi A large, beautiful bouse, very close in on S. Oregon si. Cash price. ISM. ID Olnunl-Corn- er Oeoead and Kl Oregon St.; rent only sen; 1130; ten- SEND toe ror your name lyiiogravrd on ineome FOR SALE Cadillac- - 7 passenger, con moon crest. ants are high rlasa and steady; must be good heauiiriil linen vlsmng cards. Wolle MRranrti 11111 BOS Seo Antón. Asxents seen to be spprer.iated. dltlon. I extra lire, t extra rims. etc. In- Woire. Novelty printers. IVS5 Bdwy.. Denver. Hlghlatiil Park, almve the Hr. li umnocff Hoial vestigate. 711 N. Oreroo St. smoke Hwl.ian.t 1'rua ULfhland Park LA BAI.I.E REALTY CO.. and glime. sleeping porches to all MAN Hi.NTY-- madn.M MACE, spirliuai medium, clalrvoy ( rooms. It.nno PER PER Ci anse In Herald Bldg. 7 PASSENOER Bulck, model No. 43. excel- Housekeeping, Rooms For Southern exposure, limning H'.iiievar.l Drug Stars. Mlmrd and W I it vention startles world; arents amazed; 10 anc Advice on business affairs, family ml and cold water, home rooking, lent condition, practically new tires all irouiiies, love. en. ana mesa. Rent inexperienced men divide g40,ono; korsttd. a 10 around, S7Í0. Phone eTit. ltd a week. The most desirable lo did In 14 Lost and Found In El Paso tor farmer, gsjos days; Schleicher, a MARRY HU H - ration convalescents. 1195 19 Hundreds anxious to msrrv THREE or furnished, to nr adnata nurse in anca, minister, nrst hours; gljon cold iiH SALE My "Six." X Desrrlplliins and phuios free The meed splen caah made, paid, banked by In 30 between Prnvidenr good ,aealed. only, references exchanged. did lew of tin in hospital Hank, model: condition: subiirbsn model. i. ran. i itapids. Mini 3740 days. (11,000 to date. A hot or cold running and First National an Tom Wood. Phone 450. un, Phone J. any Eastern Star nln. set w ith nearls. i unlet Phone waier nam eauiomeni tor nouie at only MARRY ror happiness. Relia- - BS.50. no return to Providence Hospital and receive wealth and FOR RENT- one light housekeeping room Male Help Wanted plumbing or Water MAOAirffl In "Used cars. Automobiles from ble paper, photos, rree. Mcsseuger Arlington rewarn. SM) up. with al Hotel. , San Antonio works required. Investigate. Exclusive International Auto Co.. 416 Texas Hoi 5S4. Los Angeles, Cal. sale. Credit given send no money. Write St. Phone i'.i.'i or posiat louay. .mg. luable papers ad- - inwM Alien to., 4Wt lo I. B Tobln. ll.v to OET MARRIED Best matrimonial paper TWO front r tv lag. dressed Kla return CAN you use new lord automobile at a iMAN small In. ml, Méx., MO mo turn mieao, unto. No. 15, .Mi piipnsneii, Manen tree, i ne i for light hoii rook, Films Court. Reward. Phone j. second-han- Sludebaker orrespoti HllBlgftri II. R. work. New Mexico, 11.75 price? store, 49 Toledo, Ohio. I'hone 6140-- BELL'S tooth paste dent. l -i powder, tooth and natu LOST gold stickpin, San Antonio. "M H.iNti Tl BERCC-- I iipanl rook, family. New Mexico. tooth men and women one with coral set, In lull woman or cook, ral brush; warned Washington Re- uH SAI iieiniiigion lypewrlter, visible, OIL STOVES THREE itsis Hlsh rlass ac omtii.HMtions, with Colored Chinese un to sell our antiseptic and scientific grand stand at park. lili, AT roadster, good tires and newly rook kINDs. All. si ity. New Mexico, HO monto. toilet ward. Phone 45il. gao. i. rio tn typewriter co., so Mi sa. A WEEK. (.HAS. FOI'TE. 113 N. STAN hospital mention; rales te.isonahle. Park preparations during spare hours; big money rsinieu; avail rasn ii soni at onre. I, .me 7747. and Fort car Mills Bldg. TON. Frankfort sis Bliss lo door. Ml 111 ran be made; our salespeople have made as LOST Last Ph .tie UNI. FALL It as eso per ween Employment. Sttl San Francisco 81. nign send wic. either ears clipped; 15 reward. Laxative and money order or stamps, for complete sam- Ml ST leaving town. Make NICELY rom w Phone 1670. on furnished in pin- ple outfit and Instruction. Bell Dentifrice fer good Maxwell runabout. I'hone porch. ai'jolntiiK hath. Nil 7011. co., miro staiiisoo Ave., new York city. It A WEEK WIT I HI V THE Hl.sT Udell, in MADE. CHAS. FOUTE, 113 N. AOF.NTa WANTED Real live representa- STANTON. patented l san EMPLOYERS' CLEARING HOJSE. tive to sell artlrlea of lent i.Ecl Hie mas vu Ancmii barked by guarantee. Household 1 nave For Sale Miscellaneous MANHi'f.lNn. 50c. 111114 Taxaa. Room A I'ipe rmer ror mine, New 13.50 per necessities mat never been offered be Mexico. fore. Clear field open. Big profits. Write El 1.CI hoard, r day. Three cooks, city, 16 per week, room ANY GOLD MINER MA.Mi BIN. Myrtle Ave. haliony. Mrs. and board Machinist, New Mexico, 14 per will .tall you that "beans" buck the gold: ns j day. 9 hours. any financier will tell you that the man 27 OH RENT of housekeeping rooms. Ml I Hi For Rent Miscellaneous Suite uiE IIS' CLEARLY USB WE oTaHT YOU IN BUSINESS, with Uic job is the market. Thar the rea- Phone 4510. Wyoming, Phone 1504. 313 Mills Bldr. furnishing NUMBERS Weil aad lilt everything: men and women: sao to gana son the Myrtle Trading Place Is always Tain FoR RENT Swell basement, tile rioor. ta- weekly operating our new system specially looking out ror Jobs ror the other rellow. bles, chairs, etc.; been used as a rath- randy factories, nome or small room, any We are the market place, and If we don't skeller; cheap rent. Call Hotel Bristol, WnNTED Men to learn the barber trade. no keep Sli fiEBAKER "SO" touring car. I3Í5 Phone The world needs more than any where; canvassing; opportunity lifetime; the other fellow busy there will bo no room 3. barbers booklet free. Hagsdale Co.. Drawer 14. East market. w' have a selfish Interest In keep-lu- Oilier tradesmen; few weeks qualifies; tools .nine, re you milking Ft If while i. busy Jersey cowi. Phone HAI.MKHS HUH. mobile 305 S. Santa Te .1. NEW FURNITURE EXCHANGED included, bosrd deilred; wares MSB. CALL 110 TO OET THE BEST learning. Distant applicants write Moler keeps room, walking AfiENTS Oct psrtleulars of one of the best AUTo LAP ROBES Weil Tcxaa Saddlery Co. CHAS. EOUTZ. Barber College, Fort Worth, Texas. paying prunos tloii ever nut on the mar Eolt SALE EBtctrle and automailr planoi 40ÍH. moving LEA li. automobile repairing, driving on ket, something no one else sells; make si- for di izalsts. confectioners and isi yearly. Address t.. m. reliman, sates picture theaters; small cash payment bal- Bicycles and Motorcycles 24 cars: also electricity: room ance easy monthly Hygro tan If, El Pa nil hoard while learning: many positions Mgr.. tow Third St.. Cincinnati, Ohio. installments. The Company of Texas. Dallas, Texas. BICYCLE tlrea 45 to .ii!;m non iru.u .inu-e- catalogue f from tl ti just Houses For Rent saciaren HAVE a rontrart lo distribute a million free El Paso Rubber Co., 3M S. El Paso, rree. .National School or Engineering, ilio pkgs. soap soaps, To close must sell cot ROOM, vvith .rd. U0I N. El Paao. Phona v Ttb, Angeles. powder, with etc.; want in estate furnished RENT. Loa Cstabllsbed t05. reliable men and women to help. 115 week- tage at once Would ronsider aalllsa fur FURNISHED HOUSES FOR ly. Brown. 730 N. Chicago. nil ure and renting to tenant. Call Special Notices fl rooms on Boulevard An experienced man manage Waverly Franklin. desirable 4 iIEam lu'a ic. i ixiar l. proapecL WANTED to rc Kansas si. rooms on Cotton ins. tin sa rooming house department; good money un 4 rooms on california A table for a live hustler. James L. Marr Co. Business Opportunities PLANT pure LulbocK Sudan gran seed; UNFURNISHED HOUSES. moo. 4t 304 4 i" Austin Main. San Antonio. maaes in" oeai nay; soc per pounu, de- WE CAN FIX IT SHOP rooms on Anse si phoot 3S0. 4 FOR SALE. I Broa, co . Dal- - rooms on Ange st 37.50 Live Stock For Sale livered uiywhere. adgitt IK1E light housekeeping room, aro I want the shrewdest huver of real etaie texaa. 347 Myrtle. i rooms on T. fe P ai.op; front MINE, office, smeller and all other classes In El I'aso to come tn and see me about tins 4 rooms un Hills , ft.&o Niyiue Ave. Dm liilleh rows. Just at help furnished free to employers. Olve or FOR SALL Onyx soda 3 i Mfe Qua a :. rooms on .i no fresh, calf by un Price .. apiece. Also double frontage lots, closeln, that are fountain. draft Key. and Work Specialty. Piedras i t aullas, uoa 1 order 40 rheap or sell-t- i, rooms on Memphis icmsiii.Ii housekeeping 15 apiece. Call H. I.. i'our absolutely per cent under the market. tobes, tfry for rash, Mill Parasols covered and Repaired. mi. El l'aio SL other springers, s0 t3.50U wlil handle; partly improved. . good party on payments. W. S. Mlllgr, 315 Bicycles Sold and Repaired. The La Salle Realty Co Robinson. Phone OS or 5&S4. i at BEESON, with rust oidg. Tins Reduced Prices. HERALD BLDG. I'HONE 1W sis E. Missouri. Pboue 54is Jamea L. Marr A Co., Jersey uugs BUILD a.'i.uoo business of your own and be 47, San Antonio St. GENTLEMEN'S full dress suit, size nev BY. R. E. llol'SEKEEIiNO 'suite. 6HVk N. Csmpbell independent; make your tlaae worth more er been use,); cost Sou. Will sell ror 120. FOR RENT LYONS. man 3KV0 Ft. 6 rooms S35.0H living w.ige3, toe brings explanation FOR SAI E 57 room can note) Bristol, itooiu 3. Boulevard, S7, apartment house. Ssn 1413 El Paso, 4 room ItidSEkEEIiNii rooms. II E. Missouri. Maro liion. Box Du Bola, Pa. Diego, Cal.; best location: paying tgoo per !. New American .ii ii t rooms It.oo mono. Will sell property, AND bi. IIOUSFKEEI'INO rooms, N. Stanton. gin rEH loo upward paid larking signs, dis- entire rurnlture tlACYdS '" HBAK'S fKUITINO lormer lucauou oi u. Auiuncao til potilea, cheap. Í? bookiuts, samples, etc. Send c and lease, or leaae. Address La Vleu fAppa SL MÜÜM IciR RENT, H RMTI UÉ AND tributing Eiirbea, ins San Antonio I.IOHT housekeeping rooms. .D pson. list Apartments. Van Lee Hood, Prop., San SALE BY J. F. POLLOCK. UUSTI.NK. CAL. .Newly FOB SALE: UoOMs. 4 SlEEI'I.Mi stamps for price paid; secure territory, Diego. Cal. turnished. nandsomely decorated bhepard's Agency. Lebanon, N. H. spotltssly dean private booths for iadlea. PORCHES AND RAsE.MENT. ALL NEW AND illes 0 Poultry sVggs NEW rurrlture exchanged ror old: will uy SAM WAH. Proprleior. EXTRA NICE PHONE MIS. ANY TIME and an EDr Bookkeeper that Is capable and WILL you work? Thla is THE CHANCE aeco ia .onus. i. e iv.i. salary 173 per'montb. State for tfie MAN with a little Home co., n. stanton st. LEI OFEKB YOU HEL1EF Furnished Rooms For Rent So BABY IIIX. :t. PER WEEK. reliable; money to get a furniture hi Is R. C. R. I. Bed- and references. Address Merchant, Into business with possi- and comfort that we give for chronic SVM, or will sell ji.itsi. cssh and Buff and Barred Rock. a -- utheis Blai-- k care Times. . bilities for big ruture. FOfl SALE one sew aim nervous ailments or men and women. SVo per ne. nth. Apply Room 5nV, Two Re Burr ort.lnaioii .in.l insUlSM S14 BEESON, with leather couch. some bar Come talk With us: coniullallun free. Urad hiles libia. per loo; large train S. c. While leghorns, SXI WEEKLY, evenings at borne; everythnlg James 1.. Marr 4 Co., galna In lieaners. II lain. hi and nurses In SI J per Itai; lefiovers alHive breeds and physicians trained al FOR RENT To refined man. newlv fur per in inched , no experience; no canvaaalng. tt San Antonio St. iiiidsnre, call 0 lo 7; Sunday to rronl liedriHitti In isscs k 110 "'. prepaid H SM.E Singer sewing It beautiful eggs, Poofl Nvorrv about capital. Boyd H. Brown, machine; good SOUTHERN ME DIC A INSTITUTE building, 4 in. .inlet .due Toulouse noose EoH SALE Soda fountains. We are mak- -- on, mimiles' walk from poaloflr l duck- Omaha. Neb. orntcion. art r es second floor Herald Bldg. El Paso, Texas III tn howl! r 7; Ushel strain WUtto Runner ing a peclalty or an foot and reasonable 5I3 V Campbell. features, stallonary wash lings, tvo per pi spruigvale Poultry and soda rountaln complete, stock design, at a btrge rloset and dressing room attached: INCORPORATE. hot and cold water; an ess to Bathroom, stock Psrsu, i.eon. kau. UNIQUE CAFE saving of 50 per cent to you. Permit us to M.EIt electric starter llaynrs, best New Mexico now has moil liberal Incor- mall folder and price. The Hygro Company some car: cneai. rur casti. see with shower attarhment; every gsodern onuituin: poration laws. New Jersey statute. No iv Montana al, no ilium or Texas, Dallas, lexas. Barber, 60S San Francisco. franchise tsx. Provision non liability un- Hug; Railed paid stock .New Mexico Incorporators' Mms. in bi.u k Minorías. BUSINESS CHANCES. TIIE NEW Ir EREBO IS THE HEAVIEST Company. Santa le, specialists cor- - :,u Magidfin. lilolle jOKI before p. ni A Trust Furnished Houses growing florist business, now itr.ntiuf ha roil si ade sold BV CHAS poraie organisation. Box 4 B. For Rent 408 netting ano to 40o a month, can he bought OUTE, 113 N. STANTON ST. IN, MN II in... DUCkS. White leghorn. CAFS. ni i ti. li t RuilMB. for 33.500. This place will I While Wj.m.i.itle Barred sitting; invoice this . i lefc We nave contracted for the sale of wltb (lortv amount, i auses owner to sell. orn grlndihK mill, capable any ona illness foh sale lbs Pass City laundry, who DELICIOUS BOARD. SHW fi eaihanged fit ,0 w.ll ouj BEESON, with or grinding several Ions per day; llou wlU not riled tneu claim please do so mime hand goods. Phone James L. Marr it Co., buy it Phone Everything New. i''Hl Iht K6. diately it. the undersigne.. Place for Your IPiME Et.'T NITURE CO. Ill N. Ma, Hon Bt Jo.' San Antonio M, El. I'ASO AbBOCUI.ON OI CREDIT car. ALE 5 ME". HOTEL PAR FOR Furnished, room rial; big 307 City National dank Bldg. h, ref- HALE or bargain if sold al onre. Owner leaving house. Mi.niaiia SI7 Magoifln Ave. Phone 5S77. THOROUGHLY responsible man. with FiH or LEASE The property the . o erences, lo sleep In good, comfortable Vinton Brick and Tile Co.. located on the city. Phone BEAUTIFUL DI.MNC. RonM liltNlTIHE loom rem fren. Address P. 0. Box IS7. A., T. A S. F. By. miles north of EI Paso. JUST ARRIVED. NOW I RMSH YOUR it SUDAN 3Se Mrs W. Bishop. Large, well h eggs, Write James Connors. P. O. Box 74. Kl SEED pound; aeconda. ror WANTS, CASH EABI l'AMENTS. CHAS J. furnls delivered, lour SS Of rooms at weekly Ample IP iT i'aso, Texaa. broadcasting. per ion pounds. Box t7t, Fol.'TZ. Ill N. STANlO.t ST. nasoiiable rales. Is so in while. .'latería Cafa, 314 San in. Texas bathing faiitltiei. EnUanre on overland HI Antonio. l or SALE Peanut and popcorn macunes. NEW f.nltura etcnaugesi for olu; will uuy si near 8 El Paso SL make; small cash payment, easy Inn SAuE Electric Nitioiial cash register, pi. .ne 1103. Wanted to Rent - standard second baud FINE large rooma for gentleman, parlous', IP 15c meal in town. June Cafe, its monthly installments Write for folder. In excellent condition, cheap for caib. HOME li II.M1 III CO Ill V tan too Oregon. Strictly American management. The Hvgro Company or raías. Dallas. Tea. wanied -- on or by May I. a rurnished from and sleeping porches, in uew I Financial and Investments 43 WAUL paper cleaned. II per room and up. horn for the summer would like ona lory home, in desirable healthy location. . LuDQlNO. EoH SAUE Reiningiot where iba care of place with all conveniences, In. un P&c an s. Kansas. A OOINO OARAOK. typewriter, visible. Painting, paper hanging; rea- would be part ron tit Nevad. ' Business that Is now clearing Sxuo to SM0 S40. Hebulil Typewriter Co., 40 Mesa. sonable, w. Scott. 414 Mesa Ave. snlrrailon of rent; no small children and 144 W. Plume 747. no good rufvrance. Marlon, a month can be bought for ll.tso. This Is sick, Address ecurll.v Eqnlt Loan Assorts Salesmen Wanted a good muy SPLENDID cook will bake your care Times. Foil RENT Large, cool room, aottthern ex buy. (ash tMMJDAN cakes ii- o- - Trust Rldg BEESON. with taUSI SEED. Vc LB. n sa ur own bom, or posura, ronvenient bath, private rannly E von can aeii lots In a new railroad shop L. I D. Park, Box or?, Kl Paao. Tea. V.I Ml man. permanently located desire lu minutes', walk lo city hall III. phone pay you Junes Marr 4 Go.. Phone 4S06 town with growing roll aaniiH 30 san Antonio St. hume m private family; references eg 611 J. Money to Loan f i jo r month. This la a big cor- - wnniiii-T- buy second haiid fiirnltiira: s a nteD carpenter lo bid on raising 4 changed Address Y. 44JW. rare Tillies ana gas -- HENT- auoti ot raiiroaa oiriciais ana bankers PARTNER In new and second-ban- rural- - ranges. Chas louu hon no, room frame house, sea B. Tom Btnith or -I ttrnlihed. larga from roofs o. are making money. WANTED By ciAiple. opivosTle WE nut- loan battel oitgage nd eslora Solid, sub- lure business si invoice, bio much permanent small modern cunvmnca rloaa in. eoilasvn i.ut good notes, us for DTODOal btii WE have s lot of J. C. S.'s odd volumes, hjuae, In, or aojuara. Upson Ave. Phone alo tsnilal ion. Wriie our nesa ror one man, bJin paying welL rlue fuinlshrd uururuishcd. tievaland tit ill I ipillable nt o trust Rldg. flion Townsite Co Norm pleaaanton, lens. Address S. SSie, care Timas. tito par volume. Ill Texas St. Epic. I l.jLIC oes.a. toilet cheiuicaia. arcnaaorles. Phone 3S7I. paper towel a. Phone 454 Juaraa Com. Co. NICELY furnished rronl room, lu udim I MEN wanted for country towns, Stf li HI Swell basement, ttie floor, ta Un- - walk to pies, every convenience. Auctioneer and .balee per Apartments For Rent roomer iiklv salary and li day allowed for bles, chaira, ele ; been used as a rath be Phone vis.' expenses when traveling, western Cider akeller, cheap rem. Call Hotel Bristol, formatted runbl. W A. WILLIAM i, IV couts, .no. room 3. ii ENDIDI i lurnlsheii parlor bedroom Audi m sale and n Broker. o HiR BI N :o. or ladles employed rst. Offlra Ehtrshc to i.pies Bldg. Female Help Bt fuR SALE story concrete building and mil .,, vdern, beautiful " peiinaneril partlea I3IS N. Oregon I sell iviyiliuig at auction 01 prívala SSl Wanted saloon ID good In irrlgaird . nt Heights uffico i'Uutic ovi; licaldettce. JMO W. business louu s ni HOTEL. San J. si. bps MMC Sltk Antosio St. LADIES Immediately, noma eve district. Address Ferry, stf. Nica clean rooma. and perma work Sumtyr. N. M vanaluit Ml IS state, addressing, folding circulars, ate.; nenl Hh ltf 47rl. Eiufrleiired Auct.ooaer. no hum no eg- shower ; tarvaiits quarters, laundry, ga si canvassing, GENTLEMAN. aJone tu his own house. s range refrlgerslor. Is 37 Flril Nil nan Plug. Pbc ci lb m Inclose rae, and will lURMHIED rooms, s blorks of post. .frier, opportunity. stanun. Lrma wuld Ilk lu ll wiy some rouge-nia- A phone 1764 p. May I specially Co.. Toronto. OeL OooD violin, after ipleted about IhniT move until oppoaiie in uurary, rates rraaoiianir. ..ii miiii. charge A. 4433, rara you aaa in modern apaiiio ni- - Tunes. W ANTED Lace curtains 10 wash. Pb SS7S. tawai I' hour 7047 WSMi' mi English speaking girl ror 70S Hie. Orsnde must stay on pla S roost t story ItouM, with s ott FOR RENT Four romfn merit ItiillL earuuig SttVi per mooih in best city a o 'RE fixtures, tu Stanton ur S'. S4ri enees required. Apply 140 Anson For i Molilalia St.. lurnuhM iiutui n shed ri aims; lose hi aoutnweet. particulars and price .1 .1.1.1. irW HAS A klNNl Real Estate and Fire Insure or photic loll. Mot Ferry Co Í757J. addrraa SeUi. IK.tiilSl W anted to Buy VtucelUneou ' - 3H 3I lust NslloaaJ Bank Rid general Real Eslate Insuri ..VI sill I. sleeping rooms tilMt wanted lo do housework w)'t'- .iil Ply la pi .on, brisa gSfusSJUIS. OLD COINS wanted, ta paid ror dollar 1173 Moved from 41 N El Peso Montana ST. i Paa Metuaan Restaurant, (S. SS lor l04 dollar, proof. SI for Itiu kl.HS' Hi" KtHA HI III ni N.N Florence mint. Nil I I.ABI a III Y ilS N. haasas SI ISA) quarter 100 arrows, Many valuabti HI. HIST B.u'EER IN hit PHuNE m. Wnniid ai onre, girl for general house Baal Mciirau Disltes m loan. iouu eiriiiiaiing send st for large FOR THI. MONEY M'.XHAY IMS I'd Tá N. ll liiiiitlieo room wslkius 'lisUurr rusaal wheat laud, otar Pacific roast, worth III IS. STANTON. In private lamlly. hoard, ll work, must understand tuglisli jov Mou rlnulai It may nwau laige in of Its 10 Bats; income t3M yearly; also larga desired lie .in tens seuu 10 Nun.isiuaiie hank. Dept. H. í..r'i Nfi WHoIEsaiE onij California produce bank account, good disposition, easy hi gat l i'R RENT- g rooms, ball, sleeping rc h Worth, faxas along win poor man if rv-- Coi l. Apply bring hill now our peier I wiiii, marry bright, hot water, bull! In leaiures, janitor a in neison, ref onions specially aiiii.iiioui honorable and lapeUle of man erenrea Naltaya El Paao Sturaga Warehouajt. 40S S I'IaMi IN HAN.,1 walking diatanc. Carolina AparUitriit It t. ttVNIH. lell. t aging property successfully More particu- MS san a Ft s F'iR CRM fl HE Mil I II 1 III N Phoaa WAM LO s gul foi griind nouaawork. STANTuR lars for any man singling uvtcs, indos t i Mar RcoMav 411 A. kianto rag wa- Pnoea ana kEAI bargain for cast, Wit modal " ptt- ' Mi posaesie. Aoarasa sincere, MM uinnur aichaug. d lor old. will buy ter, fro baihs. lOc, gl day. up a; n u olid "bona IMS wk. sen r ei, irte starter oldtiimbiie Ihla WANTED- - TA bus I sróoli I. .11 floor ' jse. .,r.f., ueiisertea not I, baud sood. WA H irl for gi aeral housework lo sry Utua. tea Barber, tat Bat! Hot nonce Is geuuuts Hume PL t.MTUHt Co. II ilaasoe go oolite nighu Mr. T C Phillips, sunt PRona 4lv. Kit 7a j Mr Montana- Phone 4734 J. MNThiMiiNiAl paper, arcalUkhsal and larg II Ms h OAK HANOI 1 Dili TupC with 14 A MONTH IDEAL room ekM uLi (trpunri mm MY atüáL I I VY'AONER 1W1 ' Alt - vmib V "settle eoaai. daacrlpttaas Real Est e Ml III ,HR ANTON. out I aahaUS liiutle VII tlx Ana Mrs elite, lull. aulasved illJAhA.N TEED CHttS I ot TI. I II V ''0F marrlageabl people showuia re f rinemes OK, BI ft T A N 1 N llatullly and ariatre, paper seat sesu lor " B I IIMM A SON. rirrxklBf eases o j l E tlkTr on. Bell l)ai seventh Ave , Lo. vngele Alo, desiisble uulsid. lisims oui floor. k si Natsnaaii Bloc i raeas at WANfXD--AJ- Englisti speaking III lit suitable B a lady or gee Accajeeoriea Suman Pier, lit Mimoutl Auto, end U i n. (raeoe. uakaa. a gssud Uvusa ut 11, SSSii caali wil ' -- Fstnsisbed Hum b srEVENs. liasen aaa Louu Hawaii sua Marald blag rAJavcM s cuba i tia.oiAvr anu B.aJ EsKie u4 Inaurasae. ulhl rr . uaral houssvtork lavi E bo ule at roMiiBILBS. en 1 MODEL SI MMER APART MEN f -- larga vara) Thraa car have never be. ka reel aorv Telle uJijaei of your visit you J WATiS. la rousns. wuh urivcta bath and sieruag hi I f. ,11,1.1,. uufur x i sayuig word Brings In husiars purea. fitfsuslaaaT or unfumliBwd -- - sail car fully W"4i uaikiiig shed S4. alia 4i.i Pii. MS.aMr FII7I rsilnrt st" leurina setip sasaaiOatioris and lote tell at Advene. Ho PSsiea SMI- it. Sstnasiotas Wataiad Mada a I Lauiled Price nao diiaae. R ' SlttuT BLAIR. Faoav. I44A lutt lei. ai aau iututuu .I...-- RS.fthE OOMI isw.j, iiEMk- - S BEV luraMsrt m ii i i o i I I. - '1 ""' " hi cm ir tooes T ANTON 'HA- - ED- Posiliua by all round prinier aetoud nassU 11 sai i u' tan ieEAjutet.1 sttanaxaet. fraai ad ass lull Hoi, s sills It N rureihd i Os. Mill Plvtaao fi tat, nil b. si rurnliurc Co.. III aiaetoo at JAY r KfSOt iiMPAJIV. uanaajtogies pi. paled. .roooan, May lorchas ale yard, private fauul Prsoiao N me to room side ISM s esaj or mors desin-- Laatiy iol share ud I samples if Hoial tjrsaterri Pbuee 477 flower coiouiai and hevoialsuiiary ra IM ID N. ocho siak l MO N oregua. Prtoin- )f saiiKey. bel Rw. Tetavs SoNTtl Li SAROAII DaV WITH CilAS Real LaUta, --City frratpeety"" KIR Ft RNITUIUL AM, StPPLY ,. Con- - i lot It HMPH.E VuX'A'1 sMAi saejaaMai. SattS wSS ho vi ri i iuiiiisVjo rouiiu leasuiuhi. r4 volt you.t utau wauts woik of aug I and Pulun uras end lube. wain ativi.e I. m ,il.l ,. f,j. lit? Masof'ia Phone J UNI. proparttr gi pete, wuh wd where a rasare aav I b Mtlir-ri- sal 11 ' 7tt í (ro.a Stan la far sad fata tunas jajsas - ct rssupie oi U.iwtt woman, at 714 H aaav nraoiuuiary If Xaens. lis saetsxeas isatrisi A asst. tit - Hga&'ít1 IS. IISUUI. Ml. , FURNISHED rvuaia. Coull hWu. Bios.. MS TsLTS reao. ToastI .i&v-1


BBBaBaBBai aaBaaaBBBai . , , - V, ,: , BaBBi M I . Baaai 18 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Sunday. April 4. i El Paso Business Firms from A to Z

AC 4 M AMU (LUMMl A Nil I'MKHSINIJ llllllflltlllltllfillllilllllMIIIMIfllMltltMlfdlllfltllllllllltllllltl tllfll IIIIMItl IIIUIIIIttlllllllltMIMfll.MIMIfltlllMIIIIII ri, I'M HMU. k I UK ACA. wABaMIOLSM. IMIRsTuN A I CO. ITionr Ml BEST ran 11 in euuihweal; moat a., seal ll aW Room BRIMI I jmir cMhis to only pd gur win Itjr National renta a aun Moreiwerl, Iba Tailor, 4W n bit. phone for ralea, wafoa iik in, .11 vi tía .i, trino ix'arehnuaa. Prion.- Oregon St, Phone 33a El I'aao Plumbing Co., MS aihmm. mm iiimx. nwi. ue nimia ' o'. T FURNITURE. BURROUGHS Adding Machine, KM Milla Bljg II. L. BTEWAHT we buy. sell and store, pack, ship and 6lt - ainptf II Si DAI. TON Adding Machine, Milla St. move houaehold goods. fie phone Alt, 9. Stanton 8V AI) I.MTIKIN... I I Ills BEST eipjipped Horage wareboua In tie WY being alive to opportunity, quick aotithwest. track farllltlei: low Inauran MAILING Lists I Ippinea'a. 4IM Trual Rldr ralea. City Transfar Co. Phone Mas). AIIT PASO FACTORY flaw ware- mus K NATIONS, plumbing r.l TRUNK to taKe advantage or Phone ta house, aafeat location; posltlval lowest A'F.W conditions and oriental hand marie, hand painted. hi PI UMBINO 00. Phone 8471 ratea. Phone 1054. hand rinlimiii fad linens, larca and Ik ALL the latest flnn' taught In class anri goods; ahaws, scarf, ilk handkerchiefs, private lijan s I'anring Academy IUKA1 E8TATK. mantillas. Mr i Iran .liawn work and sarape la'it. that are outlined in the Wants. n t n I ATTLR. HEAL ESTATE. RENTALS AND INSURANCE Anderson Filler Realty Co. Real eatata. FUI.I.-0- CWN ilmil cade, horses nd muir! many success huinnng. insurance in i investments. to 4 ss ) I us hauled away free. Phone 74, immediately gain Mm nm muck rnon 4Vt shim REPAIRIMO. STOVF. New parta made and INPEPEM'ENT ASSAY OFFICE- - Agent for lK TISTH. KIM. K NT ATT; M.I REPAIRINO or shippers' arraya chemical analy Mils carried for all maMaa of atovea. L. i. inri Peeler, vilh D. k II. l.on Works, corner ala. Mm - 'iiN'.' and reponed upon Bullion work a penalty, (.ornar Dan rnone Fiftt and S. Florence Sta. Pbone Ma. Fram-isc- and rMlmaliua 91.. I I'aao. Tex IIB UHECK 127 Flrat National Bank Hldg. Ml ".llllllll ft) lilt IIIIMIIIMIMIMrilMltll lili II Mill M i M II II M I M I I'Allt bHOPb SKAM"N i Established IBM. Frank Mlllllllli ")) .i IOTA 34S Myrtle Ave. with Schaffer Furn. Eir' H. Bramón, E. M. Manairi'r. Aaaayere, I'M A. Ill HT'lV Ml Milla l'.'il. Phone ' rhcmlMa engineera. m for and minina A. HETK riVal At.F.M 1KB I I ' I N SPANISH LESSONS or 404 sun St.. hi I'aao, FEED at WrX, .11 U Lit) It I M It . MUSIC AJU shippers. Iranrisro ' Teiaa. p. 0. Ilni 7. I m SAN ATORI CMS. limne 14. I. r sTANsi.l A "i OK FniVE AGENCY 1 CTorr rr.Aí r rusa tu Tira CONVERSATIONAL method. Palmare College. Hi- of attorneys TO4. pilone 11a feed, alao NEW AND SECOND II )M GOODS. W solicit Phone for pure cryalal' l.'.r. All work twi) ASSAM. US. 1. III. Mli H, Ml I A 'HOISTS , - or in in 1'iniii- nr any cías of hay anri iraln. Prompt delivery, ruaranleed EL PASO SANATORIUM Fine cuisine, grad SPANISH lessons CrHrhett A Icrguson, reprcsenlallves for .wars i.ineva jewi iiy 1.11., rp, san An uale nuraes. Hales III.R0 up. Phone I7D4 t inv ir 'nil or criminal tunlo SI. orr shippers to El I'aao smelter; umprrr anri handled liv urai'ir- - in the M the Km Oranile Fuel Co. ror hay Iraara ti'iri Inn SECOND-HAN- (.OOTJS rontrol work a specialty; analyaia of coal, I Slates Mexico (arj Two rnal and oak rhunka. Mu S. St. EtK nllrri aim Hinn rain, WATCHES REPAIHEP HloHT watch Hroond-Han- sai.k. water. etc.- - Kl Paso. Trata. Roí 71. llepubln . if. I. Phone 347 Vrain St phnne VM. Expert NEW antl MACHINERY ami jewciry repaiiini. all work aliaran WHY Mirow away your old furnliure when teert. J 1:0., Mil. Ill WIIIIXMS PE1I ' UVE AGENCY snhler 4 l san Antonio. Electric motors, electric jreneraiors. South we are poalllve!y the highest payera far Investigation mail'' in nvii and criminal western Wrerklnr C0.11 s. Duranro. seronci naiu: lurni'.ure and Household aril TAXIDERMISTS. " 1.1 Nat Rank mm limne 440)1. Saddlery Co. alUNJA I I M i UK cleaT El Paao New and Second Hand Store. nvi Sacldle Wen letas M 'MSI mi s Phone 3401 4W S. El Paao. MCI.EI...AN BROS. Phone 710. 309 Frisco 1MMJ EL PASO llto.N AND METAL CO.. .(OS San Fl KMSHIX.S. WHVTX STANDS All Antonio, In aerap Iron, EL PASO Nl hSERY CO.. uit WANTED klnda or furniture. We pay leaiei. rubber, and or more any TKANaPltRS. West Saddlery Co. .opl cr braaa, bonek, etc. Ptione 4seo. namental trees, shriihs, riower.i and for your goods than firm in the ling Furnishings Teiaa CUT PRICE HIUIT STOIIE for beat frulta at ; ma S. El plant.-- rosea our specialty, Nursery, md city, Paao. Weaiern Furniture Co TBX1C0 TRANSFER CO. General trans' loweal prl ea. Call 1783. Ordcra THE ALAMEDA JUNE CO. pay prlea Phone I4M. hamuli i n iii'vrs. DRUG KTOUK8. Oct Iradlni alampa. hlrheat irieenhouses block Alameda; phone livery ai.a atorage. Sale and piano for all klnda of Junk. IMS Alaiwda. rinwiT siore r.nie t cor- ln. 307 S. Sania Fe. Phono 761 752. I'liune MM ner of Mesa; phone 347. A. J A. W'raber A Ca. Teiaa and W ruRNrrvRE Llefirnen. Ma;r. POMEItOY'S El. PASO TRANSFER CO.. 30- - Haw aorailnn. Hi - Ovrrland. formerly wi Y ill klnda ol Junk and bottlea. H. tog s El Paao. Will ba plraaed to wekoma Nelaon. Flnt and 3t. Vraln. I'bone nst. ORNAMENTAL shtMNt. MA1.HI.MCA. KICK KS old cnalonvra and new. Phone ISA. IRON. sewing machines for rent. Free. JOSE K. A. IIOIK ASITA3 City real ratal. MANUFACTURERS of ornamental Iron and White and Standard. Machines repaired.sinr 1 RAN bLATORS. roon nnn" atriiraii rrn.HKr. snrcial VSI,INK. wire work of all klnda. Soul, veatern All repalra guaranteed. Needles tor all tira I ran- - uri rurn, 3?0 Flrat N Bank Iron and 'ire Works. 704 Texaa. Ph. 50A6. ramajee or machines, nogera Fur. Co. Ph. 749 ida Plifiiia :7W s al H. Oaaollne oil I. Phone 47:17. KEY KITTJN'f. mining work. Phone 5051. PAINTINU AND PAJVKRINU. J. A. KERN, lino San Antonio. Keys fitted, Its M ONTR AI'I'OHS MAI It . TURKISH BATHS. lril.ll I'ltl sslM. Inrka repaln-d- Pilone - I ELTON PAINT CO.. Ma) N. Stanton. P. IM7. 406 N. JREOON. Louie. Prop'r. Phone IIAIItDRKSSlNo. manlrurlnr and "MarDePo" W. H. ALLEN for palntlns. Phone 34S9. SAVINGS BANKS. 10. prepare! lona. Mlaae Rodrlruex. r I. Al U lili s. Ill Mil I'Kli. KTORrt. 111. 1. Iiaarment. DON'T bo anri TYPEWRITERS. Lap Robra Weat Tetaa Saddlery Co. Deposit vour earn tm while thev are PIII G an m siM'ss .11 1.1 s PEOPLE'S STOIIE. arenu for yuuia. iuu u.ui wnn us oy aMMIi TYPEWRITERS absolutely rebullí by fac- candy, tllbaon water Conimerclal National 107 É, anri llraall LIVERY. Bank. Texaa. tory mechanics. Supplies ror all lnakea of M7 san plKin I ' MnPHiN :liil (IF III MNF.SS. ertiea Antonio. or Ifli. Haraeaa Weal Teiaa Saddlery Co. machines. Rebuilt Typewriter Co., auV Mesa. "Thr Hi. 111. ScIkkh," :,n W Roul. varrt. LIVERY, hoarding- - and sales tablea. SECOND-HAN- CLOTHES. Phone Í747. Phonr 56S All lottmnrrclal nlijrita anri El I'aao Transfer Co.. S. PASTRY GOODS. Spaniab. Pay and iiii;Iii Mary I. 1IIDKH AND WOO L oreaoii. Phone 2444. NEW starter needa goods. Will pay high- TYPEWRITER AND OFFICE SUPPLY CO. Plantón, prim IpaL HOME MADE PASTRY, but rolls noon and est price for second bapd clothes. Ph 3055. All makes .sold, rented and renalred 91A IIHY 1.1 FIN NEC AN BROWN CO. Hidra, wool. pe'U uní-- ins M M II ROOMS evenlnc. lamest and nest 5c loaf of bread. ra. tux. ngeni corona typewriter. laJlow, elf. El I'aao, Trias.: AlbuiUcrgue, at The Pure Food Bakery. M. P. Bessler, SELL your old weiring apparel to J, M. i.lovea--We- Saddlery Co N. M in- - Trias "iK Ariz.: Phoenix. Aria.- . Prop., tat San Antonio St. Phone S804. VETIvRLNABY si ItctuNs. Afll.; Chihuahua. Met.: Parral, Mel. PEOPLE'S LUNCH Home Mr S. Stai.ton. A. t: Mo rhead. Prup. tAKI'K.VTKIU. rilMICATIONAL. DR. R. A. HIGGIN9. Phone M5. 305 South A RlioWNS I'EIN A CO. Hulea, pella, tal- Oregon. Hospital for horses and dogs. R. n. PRAIIGHN'S BUSINESS COLLEGE low, wool. etc. orrice alnl wa eliouae IKI Ml I) ALM AND HADI.KS. In El CITY UaW XN N. MrCUI.LfiUOII. L'ariM'nlrr and bulldrr. - Book EL PASO PIANO CO.. oldest house Paso. CO.. Stanton. Phone iMi T. .'ohlilna. iVM I'lio o 87VI. kerpinit. Spaniah Tiiaa. I'll. III. Mtin office Loa Anielea. BHoWrtT veterinary. Phone 4M7. mil, atenography. and U. W. Srhiili. Prop. JUS Texaa St. FurnlJhra competent office help. S. HEOULATION medals and police EL PASO SKllt CO.. 414 Mesa. Phone 1133. for horses, 600 Texas. Phone Slat. tMialtlon! Tile moat badges made to order. 3M S. El Paao St. ( I itKxov oiiaranteea date s lll li. Z Phone n&7. A CAJtrn atix;. l)iiiti"s In the weal. R. V. maseh. octavia a. Antonio. iile(te Parla, BE a Want you : VNO A ManaK'-r- Phonr I4H4 m;.'. Triiat Ad chauffeur and will never REWARD any uncomplicated rasa Iif WELLBORN PnOM :iow. Dld. I.I) T.KSITI KS. lack for a lob. Itoo for HOI'KKIK NEI or piles we ran 10 cure without me anire, MADE :N EL PASO Galvanised steel. Tbe WAGON YARDS. THE liionia- - srhi.i.l l.iiniieii number of ligature, cautery or carbolic acid ltjec- - best made. Dallas and Myrtle. ASM III Its Waal Saddlery Hills. COURT WAGO-- i.lsll pupl.l; Indu Iriiial Itmirui Hon: uurk all Tnaa Co. MEN'i; .sinus. Sutton A White Mrg. Co. HOUSE . YARD Hay and iv n place-- i giaui. uie : Hummer will riT. pupila tu rill anaii, aairy ieea; NTloAI. raili r.aHti'ra. nw and M l I I I.eiglnfla-We- tbe feed, of iluldrrn leavin. city. VNII I I.. at Teiaa Saddlery Co. SHEET METAL TJCTS. horse better and cheaper raay payinrnlK. Iirpalr work an1 I'ROp than all the resL Houses uiii i. a J Strajrer, Hale Aarni, w.i ii j itippitra. liprfaaMNI. H bought, sold and boarded. Thoroughbred Myrllr. opp City Mull I'lionr sag. rrinalun. OIIANPE E AMI FUEL CO., Ml HI I .1 Nt s WHOLESALE and retail. Tanks, culverts, I'nre Platllleil Water. Will irrigation pipe, sons, ror catalog. Jersey bull for service. Corner Overland I I.I CI Al, M At every metal in any eic ask Hit IIINHIY. Pure Planned Water Ice. LOCAL MERCANTILE AGENCY. ELECTRIC plating of Hills, Sution White Mrg. Co. Phone 1454. sot ns" vviii LkiNu Phone vro Reports anri ratina; rtnish. Southwestern Iron and Wire muí su jo.,Tff. of individúala, ',C4 Texas Phone 5001. ACME SHEET METAL WELDING. Puranao. Members of Hie National Asaoclatlon Work, St. ,11 I I.I of Mercantile sneei uiciai contracture 01 ail iluda. II CHINA PAUITINO. lis PI III ll STENOGRAPHERS Texas St. I'hJhe MML CORLISS cylinder and flywheel, KV KRYTIIIMi rOH THE IIORSR. IIAIIIIY I'ATEMAN, Mr., ...... welded. - :i nouiiin .vi., ziz aan francisco. r.UNTON's BTUDliX Lin rrn Apta. p. 6006. TO LOAN m dlamomla al t per cent. 31 II.' lid Rldr. Horn Blankrlv Weal Teiaa Saddlery Co. Walrhra cleaned. IOC; malnaprlna;. 90c; STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. Von will flnH mjh.t - warraiiled. Denver Jewelry Co., 1(a) San irrmauui. violinist. Buckler H vtl. on the Classified page. ii iv ii KNGlNKKtta I S. D. M Ml MASHAUK. Antonio. Wltrwain RIiIk- - F. T. FOLEY, public atenographer. General BASS.'ORD, successor to tbe Gateway reporting. 01 Irst Nat. Bank. Ph. TM. City Future Go. Courteoua treatment; WHIPS. liAVIP M Willi h. nvii rnirlni'rr and aur prompt, erriclem and :.ones. service ror vryor. Mil IllUa St. (III. Moving: (30 Uldg. prices. 700 Moving: Call Oilnm'a Transfer Co. phone 76. First National Bank honest Texas. Phone 492. Whips West Texas Saddlery Co.

Jtleal Estate City Property Real EitMte City Property Real Estate City Property Real Estate City Property Real Estate City Property Rxttml Eatate City Property Real Eatate City Property THREE HOMES Fox 1 HOT down lo Airalfa, "El faso's 8. CAMPBELL UNDER CONSTRUCTION and ST. railroad suburb." Sunday afternoon Lotslare cheap at 11,500 each. Betier amid surioiinrilugs are especially de- - huv a ot for II down and 11 per wees grab that this tenement on 5 corner lots sii tilde ror a hume. no Interest, no taxes. Investigate our at 17,350; homes are guarantee. cash rice truly representative of "money back CASSIDY a NEEL. Phone 9KU Hit- - bent ideal or borne building and rurnlsh H. E. kILRURN CO.. FOR LEASE Hie or 803 acres on inland, nun a standard value that has raroly been First Nat. Bank Bldg. Phonr Fine unfurnished apartment WE have a buyer ror 5 or 6 WllV lli.VV 1..11 Boulevard, n room new ir hoi III ll nica i room house, land, on road, well located i'quaic.1 .nit never surpasseu. i y ar ue hi The Lambeth, Upson Ave. you a mall iracl, close in wnn sleeping purrb; luM are 14:. acre, easy in; . or AT 13.200 k. Í!? lr11nu"1" lL P',ce1 rl"t and located level terms. under auprrvlnlon Most modern In tbe city. tracks and new high achool. aid' pin., station. Flnesl mid (ace aoiilh. V5 or down. pracllcal siinrrlnleuilcnt bv ciuiiiii tent me These homes have no competition. Located rooms, un- .l s Four large bath and m.iI in valley. Ixi Ibes I LUSH. 7.'. ACHES NEAR llames ..r ili' besi iii.iii clals. and will lie oh a sUri-i- law lis all in Boa Kta-- all conveniences. appi-a- Ml vnn ' Hi -r Lot on 1 L.p.-- grow 5 largu rooms. The of r.n'?ods T!"0 50,",e 0ranu View ror luuxuu curiur. Willi mom LA IESA. as nearly porDsel as hiKlily i. skill lug. merits block from car line. reñí down and S per rent er "' and sleeping p.irrh; 4 blocks aere ll Mdil al once can mase u.eio. beautiful new homes can lust be k Any or 1.....1 autus tuonili tlae trait to Mill. Alia Mala terms. This pnee lor a H'W laya Walking distance. Judged by Inspecting them. Our ara brlrk on Florence lots. ai your service. ror si.; fine borne.--' ,, ,.) uol, Realty Co. sale on terms. t.. j Virginia SI :i riHini brlrk iHinse. Paved street, paving paid for. MAYHE1.D HI II PINO AND IMP. CO.. INC I bath, very wnn or - Phone 20 Mesa. rooiHS, larar .in. hair block Aruoiia car SMALL TRACTS live large basement ami licatitig Phone cat. lira. W. F. GRAY, r epini porch, 1 run lula: lute. Santo rouiaa, rine land. plain, all Hie built conwuielices. with P A R K H yellow pressed brn k Well .Muo.i ror $4.250. JUM ih place chicken PRICE 115 Main St. rurtuaheil. House and fnrui Cost owhi r in 750 Price ranch. Me. 175 lo 1135. oue Terms 1411 cash, balance like rent. inn an goes fur tin above in to make qui ale. lo in yeaia' lime to pay Out. MA) HELP Bl II.PIMI AMI IMP CO. Alios nio,., aJ, in ,.ar, .v.. and lb. h Ick 10 6S4. turban kvaau 1.1 ice .ji rcl lots llial rash pay men Ph.. pel lll 'lllh will liainlli- IP ME IN I ISTEN For 3 day only. J. HOME BARGAIN. tf.. L0, IS. II. M. ll PARk. 50U, bouse, with full Modern mom lirlek on 9 lota down and lí per wáST "'" Cost I. with heatlAg plant, for 17.500. f e' ;'.:ai Ir ani. ut order 10 make Facing Manhailan Ib'lglila. 6 1., in. in anri furnished, tialf ormer pin n. r.. Kll 01 n Co., 4 10.1111- bain. ateenlni ipmk sale This and ad above riHiimr on Iota; s3,dm. Lola block or Grand View achool Hrat Nat Hank Bldg. Phone 103 porch, t luir lula, hall l.l .ik iwne.l b ame parly; 4 room brick. ulolle worlll MMXk and car line. CABSIDY k NEEL. Phone two. fmiii Manhattan hviyliiv i . Ii 2 best lots on Hllss SC. QIVEJI AWAjT. blocks Ir .' raí Huís, 0.1,1 Hi 200. 2.6.V). TWO ..... IIDINi II frame, nuini h.u,..l,... l. . lawn ill make l run Meuiphia si hair block of car Aan sc, rooms, eaal 30 acres upper valley, all In all modern, paved etreet. PHI Ml a , .' . sidewalk, all 1 rrom .a,. fuSiU laJN. line. in. in bunsalou l.'ji rrmii. only sa.isVI. csall, ro.iui-- slorie-- sleeping porch, base cultivation, some allslrs. on paid; blocks tbe Alia Hl) N rash, balai e very easy. balance like o ut in- ..i im tu. Montana sc. 2 Iocs. I'rlce mam al (Ml. Vialg srlMml. on slreel ear line; ' kMli '. mad. per month; s.,Z,KoI,,' bu"1' ei a room bath and ep :'.ji au.jrat. M you wani to trade lei ut brlrk. rents llo ,n lot. pon li, small rash psymeni, balance KU, including Ins buill ol Pun rMiiua and lame sleeping air h - ill til allow "ii 1. wnn Has-- r int. rest will pay 15 per cent on tbe In ki all limit in Ira nil taenia miuUi. I block of reiflasara m laxilika Hill, I room '"ii Hiiulitaid. fuie lo PA Vis TANDY COM. CO., in R. E. LYONS. on 11.. I4.2UU. I50U veslmeiii. lui, MouUua. or ai al Lai lis an.j r. iu ca, overlooknil cily. 4 luta. callun. car Une; dowu. balance Trust Building. Hri Nailunal Bank Bldg. saiiHi ainoiilii Will gel von a Irruía. Imuse, baaeiient, heal iiioniiily like rriic 3014. ef.156. . 1211 per IH'W pla. Un- lino 1)1... k W.75U. mg ayaletii, uue third Hun rash, balance month, will buy Ml Callfoiioa with a rrcep Runialow Willi . raah, balance over 3 t. room house In East El Paso, 02',it.n lot, peeping irrhes years. all 111.500 Hall addition In Hm' and 2 mis, 4 nt. i' uu modern roaventences. Belter get this I coins bath. quick. - aUxive ro.'inr Ins la built jou .town and 12:. will handle It. ROOM Cloae.ln uf Allaa brick In. on Runlet 2 '. nun rornrr on Hlo .1.10.1. weat or turn, ise aril, full s room new ibiwn will buy On. 6 room ror lot., flowers, shrubs, etc.; Paltas: :i,mi. caali. balance I, MAkE "I I Hi bungalow on Tnlaroaa St., Al L Al l VI. I A abaolulely in. word in arrhl-1- . IN AT HM W at', whiih cost owner 13 am ' 'an Ik.iaw, easy lernu. and 3 yarg. Dandy 7SII2U rt suiilhtiasl corner, north last modern aéi . - ilx- iippi i .o. lint lake o( Hacks, so;, a good apart inn', I75H rash, balance leo per month, lis down al thla price. inruine month including AS. J. WATTS. Heiiei alk 11 over 11a. BIMiAPPl'S A 1.1 i., arlrk oa Myrlle Ave 37 fl. meni paved slraast. Will wire your interest with RHo.Y district, H. 13.750 2uv lo I Nai Bank 3.15U. I7W dowu. balance un long time ..i in. ake a moa J. GRIFFIN, Phone irst ui A2ft Bldg. aU im san Franclseo SL NAk buiiaalow with healing plant line proposition lor soine one soulli-u- i CABSIDY 4 NEEL. Phone leja Mills Phone am Ul t h M ' loll kuiiai, which U an reel u.epct lein ahops. orlh.'a-- BW OREOO.t l ..i "i. litan uioai lot. I in. ,1 kind .r 5 ROOM UMIt S. ST. ) Si,- - ariourrt nr .,,,. . 4S fret, M.anu - Montana .3011 k. rt . front, fur Pla. r..i hi' ken- and in part Ill lota oa It withlu walk of iMistoffice; t tsiiso east pating and apeculaie oU l. br.i ' nuniiii's' 17) wnh..ut financial l.,xa . II Mol. II. foi ni in 11 run au xi.s. iu urner 10 naaten aie lias paid, al a rool. price I'M.. 10 I u"' mres com Mp be made y caay. j. h. sMi ni a sons, t sano and CASSIHV a NFEL. '.s. buied Tui 255 -- 1 - baaa at M.ouo. down balan. e counsel '"Alfalfa." in Allma for 125 luonlb. Thla lul is p" railroad n Phuue 441. tuO Texaa SL kt wunk H.iaai plume suburb all write or Ms al.iiu- )our chance 1.1 gel close III prop- ;0r particulars lioi.yapai imeui aiiea. newmainMnvestment erly al a give away pro. .11 III III SOME OF HE j H00M ERAME nr., N.,"B.nkVlua" CUPhon.x AMihHSsiN II COMPANY Mu III si PLMItvHI E I'HOP 2 tug Iota, largu sleeping porrlt. I block I I' kit I O R HOME ." Phone 150 luo tau Antonio. Hill .s lilt l Iroiu ar line Altura Park. Price) only Bl IIP )ol II IDA In. Ml iR SALI I Buckler Bldg.. A I HAHOAIN on f glali. 1250 down and IIS II Ih . .s x. ran sate you nauoey by Anions BL. close ii'.. AM. PRICES s. bnibiiiig fur you un easy pay- new lou, Da., ari bmioul) lliah what It will si too lo mil aTiy' roo sua iti I M4MIM MUUkMN RUI HUH k ments, ou v.. in lots or ours BEESON, will, tl.aa SulR-- (eaturea. ala. large alaaaed-t- We wiU draw your plana free Jamea L. Marr a Co . lu.. Grande St bargain; haruwiH-.- of 302 sail Annan..' ui ' e rooms I e.i.ina iHirch. s rliarfe. and sleeping porrh. place, on 2 large lots, MACON SCOTT REALTY CO., A BARi.M - ver) uillul lose Ml ST be ja.ld In boauHiul ..nh lo acbuol,I. franas oa rear Lot 42 Milts Bldg Phuue k7 tbi umSS k - N HI At MM I Mn I rlsased rurnara beat lias) rash, balame Hkr rem. reuting ly neaderu 4 room si AT as aae. per month. Yuu ran have pla-- bniigai,"1. Jg1' II M s( I, i can Lw new bungalow, all lor llo ibia IkAH Kls l hv, Jl T lAtMPI Iroua made Mual aell 13.1)0, oai very easy and ''je ETEP. 1. .111 Alia lor lernu aldiiisual loui ur. tbal lend com ox I Wo FU L LOT asilcat in fealurea, arar E55.,. rur buB fTmSmmmtffUmi 11 aiui Iwaul) wiu Im in 11.. 14 150 leil, Hi ran La aiie ResJty Co. k SOTHI H 11)1 in plan and instruí Hon of Uieac beauitlul kaglt prbHl .brick. aitra.Tn.iy Close In red prataaed brlrk Herald Bldg. PbuaM no v 11.11 In lahail 5 to IM. liuuari uo.i.i iiiaiaii ui oiiipirir ano Ui rxKiui nsodarn bungalow, s' cash balance suit reaiy tuMir into cloaav 10 bigb ron. new 5 room bungalow asixiai FEET Rea! tltl.AM.r all ferine 1250 raah. balance 135 r as'nuol, tvruia BHH'k TENEMENT mm arad a LaMgc ruma, 1,11. a month easy. Uuaa liar.two.Hl fkiora. bull! Ml lea Hall block north of ka elote in. Eft loins luaaaiw man which paya and pruicinal in boiuaa sail "lia. price 14 Ion. a.lobi- - uti unrim . p let 2 tirela, lliil.r.ivrd wltn rood Ranchea lib Irookcaa saca) side wuli lead.'.l luralujaa tbt-- ttvUH-.- I kl) urea, glaiaeil porch. riiU 3 musas un . iaed rei open lor in. t axavl (SAW tola, sidewalks paid alore and addlinaaal oraer. lot drlirr. pi n e a lug lit hi llu oe.uaakr paving, ..ill., a. I cornal sn. 5 rooan naw bungalow, for: sjuao k.ii.s r.luui busiueaa property. lr MAYIIEl D B( II HIM, kNp si I up I - ,, lu uje 2 CLOSE IN. isslli) 4 Mil ne W2U. I'lwaw IxM tumuie. gtrage, lois. H bl 11. I .. New e bungalow, " ull irswa lu ka r.Kiin "M s x 1 I r a " f Mia Vista achual. Caá hardwood fluora. bullí lu Ira uruilurr I rama EAla.M o4lk,m,. Mil r u al KaUa El la- - . iaalr..a.l saw m Altura dlslrlcl olí OCT Mjaa)- - Anuibwr u.ake all lures beaeiuellt. furt.aar, laird ilinel out wher oil ....i, hrautilul in., Oraudr bouw walking .olialalUig of paib dUllng rooan. 2 in. lo ..u. Mir klltirli will b naici o. own l l III. wiituu distance. vikow von vuu esa ku wmms oréate. W. )oul 4 rasochs 14.71) where luske bedruouia and rouapsrh. kilcbru uutfll, alau iu Miiail aaauur). aun all ikvr bhiiIi in fraiurea iliai fl "jo . south 1.....1 l..t. wnn ruotua. Alia Viaia utt a avail tuce bed ou sleeping a new Iran, uuall buuse 2 run aula a..uiii Wa nave ae bung inmit purrb ail sae un icaiat. riou several 1 kll hi RN CU tí 1. ..1:111, a . fjjfl "ibis rSw rJüiii "an.1 ' areas, lio alow a d lan ala new maliusaii) Vic tUm I .iTrplug Alia JUI brills "Oil no I Nal avauk alkig lawaSS aSM. 1U1 Mo purrb MU. laman ilial ra cea aril un caay paj nal aboni woihi new lajea ll WHIIE PAkEJI REALTY CO.. Thla will also include silver, can glass and . linet-S- . 1450 will lake everyiiuug baif guutg house, Teak " BJULTT caah lu sell uu. - Allure Uurk m ar ct. balaiaie uu luur ir you want a own- ASS Milla badg isbuaw M7S. real lor W urania nauav J.. 2.fcSíl Moiiaba aunare iiiabed non sea UUav. origins' cost hi fur jaPBPP brick is h laud I k malí about II See Akrf I Mala an .r.rv" .,u,'' 'a aaav 3 rxjusa fa Ural VW3í 5ua 'uala-.- ai rash, balsa. 1st pri ukihib Xaluuil Bald, Bldg Phuue 4M Huuac w art Tarawa Man cash. Ta lauutaiy aua war. fur 145 par luuuta. baorS rroaa g trad, fur ell, prupert, a ruMi jm Ik. Meaiea PxWwa sj IMiiN ( sihuol and psvr.i er u frJ MA 1. tab. lull iil. bb k Price irri. niea we ran Mai 1, .T, nu affljAJBi iao ui aaaaaar I ux I arres IB LAS Cruce, ua hi an a alrawl rar reasonable LOVELY new re prrassd bn.k buiujaiuw Inn mm buagatow. lni 4 Kw T ' 1....1M jo. lija pt ulMilvlde mu. - - nxjsms. large aierpuig porch huge lui i 4i5i, waiAing dlalaucr nai caali will fx külTAR) kJaVr-- bla Eur aaU uai sea l "laU li La.. I EN Au Pbuac HEInine í" 11 W 44VblUsi4sraaiu.iii, gjilsj fl lause. ! atsMtcrn. kardwosai. ply Un Loa Angeles SL, suuael Helgl, l.u- mé St. nrnarr Ihiusiiaiii and I Í i r. Mat. aclal wit up iu stats Hiktirnvaensaia, buna) ft aaav aaaaa aMakssw, sita) AlanaMa jv Mtai rurtuakawl. ft kl. (or roa a arwum LuUlyy Bold wiuoVxl UsUgaau puuus I sale SB buule aawl call ui bal. 21 a. ai )iaAu.

aaabu ní.y. April 4. 1915. EL PASO MORNING TIMES 19 T Leal Notkee r t. mm. Jk WiTF SHOULD A MAN WHILE IRI"lt wBm&mW g"1" BE IDLE proetact No. ts- -ii Peso Oea tutaystv, SSI Tjatsr laito HIS COMPANION IS DOLLING UP IN PUBLIC?By Goldberg. HI anv arta vm RANCH fteeatTef sM wa I., 'thaffiaia. associate Oarrrtcht. i 15, bf R. i. iiii.t fq ipped judge. Mflb. A III ho Preeiaet No. Stiles C., croa Mam and sama re streets. M. R. tMnaa. room, rtslrv (Tally nilprf1. YOVJ TOOBT rSLL DoisJT LCT MG betwe-- n iMm teres alfalfa, prealdina Méaw; Oaoria Bllafe, William YoOLtL HAJC TO 4 tugeos Stein, asaoetate Judgaa. - which produced overé NO tofi per Melaal sea rVV)MT. "THt F mm - I r- t vari- MY coloR of iMSTORb You - we uttting luí mti nltiir land The proper aMtase offlears of Ota AMYWiY . ft stork rorn. potatoes Mr ous precincts ara Hereby aiitbonaed and ftoscoe - - rr" uihoo NGPL bt. ne empowared to select two or mora aleras la i l us .anus inn ooinmg rin earn of the said praelncta. u t rnoce HAlvl i i'in. In Met this ranch fully equipped NOT HOMGOY isw ; X V STODrJOR Ni fi 1 r To tor you lo gr, right lo meklng It la hereby directed it. at this Dot los of -- I MP JnrT Jtel I - V SrufF nemo nmney now m the 1lry business election shall be published in the fflctal TONIGHT TWi We invita you to investigate newspaper of the city of Kl Paso, and a fVTTttfc-S- rVMY tree copy of this notice of election hall Be m Arm chicken ranch Boated rip for thirty days uart preceding II 'Vi n SH trree. With inry laid alt Ikon at the several places desig- adobe nouee. lorsterl at Balan, nun nated for holding said election, in escb or M' lor chicken ranch; terra fJSP the aforesaid election praelncta. rath, balance monthly. IS) whereof have hereunto set my band, thla tttn day of March, a. U. NEWMAN tola, and aused toa sell of the city of Bi INVESTMENT Paao, attested by the asal of taa city dark COMPANY or the elty of Kl raso, to be afflisd iba same date at El Paso, Teiaa. Phone ut. too San Antonio St. (Seal) Jab. I. HEWITT, Mayor Pro tarn, of the city of CI Paso. Tatas, rooming hoi'se iiprT. Attest: C. W. FABSETT, City Clara JftST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING TOR noma, m BE IT ORPAINKD BY THs! CITY COUNCIL RcautTiil clone on hesi resident OF THE sV MsVkJ ?VT SsHrAVlNJG sireet. in room. sleeping porche, new CITY Of El. PNS" coOibT IM li TIME ntl elegently furnisher), furniture and flection I. Thai oo person shall drive or lease can ha bought it a hsrgsln. üno cash. propel an automobile for hire or a motor - iiimiirr per mouin; senr no par montri bus as heretnartnr defined upon or along Hs CLOSE IN ON MONTANA. the strcts. alleys and public places of tnc a room, oeaullptlty furnished owner city of F.I lsso. Tetas, without first secur- leaving cuy. win sacrtfire rnr II wo ing, under the conditions hereinafter pre- scribed a chauffeur's certifícate. Vr4b TWO BLOCKS PROM POrlTOFFICE. If XbO boMT f T 3M0 LoivlG HLL YoO IS room, well I goes furnished, rood lease, Section Tbat when this ordinance ( money maker; ttoo, rath will swing . into erred, the Mayor shall appoint a com- iOOM . Tee9 CeW STrVrob - MfXYBE Orí MESA or TrtCe- mission composed or three persons, all V F R rooms, clota in. handsome rnmtture whom shall be tax paying voters or w ewe rYS-TL- Lily or El Paao, and one of whom snau SPTfVMPOO possess skill In the driving and propelling TOO snau S or automobiles, which commission very dealriblc; tlJMO cash will be known as the Automobile Examining wing. Board. M K. TOWN LEY, with section 1 Any parson deslrlnff a chauf- Bailey Land Co., feur's certificate shall make written ap- S0 Mesa Ave. Phone JOAA plication to the said Board for an mat Ion and shall deposit an etaminstmn BUY LAND. fee or SIM), and said board snail wttnin 12 arm. located on tata highway, main ten days after the filing of such applies ditch iwlt north of El Paso, heart of uon inn the nivmrni of such fee. examine Mesilla valley. noil, level, all In said applicant as to his knowledge of the cultivation, wnn oeanng rrapavinea ordinancea or the City or El I'aeo and true luir mile from school; tt.i'oo. ooo cash, bal aws or the ststr or Tetas regulating trai anco tssiiine a note held by local bank fie and vehicles, and before receiving sum This must move thla week. c.hauireur's certificates shall be recjmre.i R. C. BAILEY. y .Mena Avt. Phone SOAR. of knowledge of such ordlnsnces and laws suriicieni in warrant a grane oi est assay" TOR CATTLEMAN, rive ner cent, and shall also be reo.ui'd tin arre above l.easburr. frontín to demónstrale his ability to ar.iv orive VWHIL6 Hji' rtOWTIrJtS PCR. n sr. issin i i nio Grande river; part valley land, part motor vehlehj through the crowded per , rO 41 M wnn nnc range pars or it. tor saio lions of tha streets or that section or tno sMCV on easy term. rltv described in rtertion IS or an ordin JAY F. KNOX COMPANY, ance regulating trsrric within the city or l obby Hotel Orndorff. Phone 477. 1014. and when such examination shall nave KOUR acre of Dorbendt tract, 6 miles down been passed by the applicant siiccessruli.v. 52 f.2 valley, racing south county road. Will herein renu red. trie said Doarri snat Legal Notices Legal Notices take as part payment lots, automobile to the Mayor that he or riling recommend or per- THE STOCK MARKET THE GRAIN MARKET mall Mil urban house, balance terms, If de- be grained a chauffeur's trrrllflrale, ami rirma, corporations or associations H: II 7f7 Wa HAVF. FOR HALF, sired, "lair. 4IS Roberts- - Ranncr Bldg. e snau ineroiipon nun sons and joint stork companies ITATION BY PI ni.lrTIO siavor issue I Th Hist mj Tftsjt Trt the Hhiirr r am Ctmmimmm nio Orando Valley Bank and Phone 1440. rtlftrale In words and rigures substan isectloo It shall be unlawful I (a) To or operate or rause to. be of Kl PtffO i mint,. Offtfttlnc Trust. tally as follows: drive art, Htwshy iiiiintiirlnl Ca HiRirtvn J OH TRADE 10 acres land driven or" operated, any motor bus upon Tn First National Bank. Inn sale fruit "uity or n raso t any Hulis b) ptakinc rswhlti atlnei of Util rtt el I'tn rmc mM Portland Cement Hi Marlon county, Florida, and lot In Sil- Thts la to ( or along street or other public place Iti Metí eprk fur four wtflffct iTettoue to scntMN b i. noes o bi mum- - nt Southwestern rertirv that a valid sui Man mmmi ttmvtTY uní pfd. ver Oily. Abstract and deed furnished. A has successfully the examination unless there la In force and effect tin mum dét km- mm iiiMit A Nil tn nil THAN Wllitil Mil Ml BflY TO barájala for somebody. Call or address W. provided ror within the city license as prescribed In this ordlnsnce Tor In ytrtir rountv. its watir at tha hrst rssjular terra OS' TltAMItACTIONK. ar.rmt i KM BASKI.KSf. nio firande Mortgage Co. ciiauffeurs or RI It. Kales, rare Paso Ml None Hotel, ki Kl Psso and Is entitled tn run and operat.' the operation such motor bus. of the rlhitrift rMHirl of Fmo rrUOti MUi Peso. Texas. (b) TO drive or operate any motor bus Jtt4toll lUtrlr-r. m be holtisMi' at llir nun htuae We Want le Buy motor biisaes and otner piibiie venicie tt) U.e upon or along any street or public place Ih.reof th rltv tsf Kl Paa. TRS on Un Ihr commercial National Bank. within the citv of El Psso. subject u ei upon flral lonUy In Mir, tl5, lh aanit bHiti th ami laws, and such laws without having prominently displayed laktlllr s down o Istlnr ordinances same, rrom im IM dar of May, 111!. tfirn ml to answat a CURTIS MANMNC1 4 CO. Want Boy Real Estate may oe so as to w plainly visinir n rtajr inw liolldtiv ami the snowstorm snrl turn 'n responae to i s, the to ana ordinances as nereaiier passra. or painting IMtitíou In aald "uri the ant of uliirh pere uuioi Mock and Ponds dreet. sign howtng both April. ill's. In a "ult iiumtkereo! mi Ihr .Uvsri of ously with market when ' Interrupted eoiuiouniratlon todiiv advanced H Paso, Texss. V"i LD like to buy a 4 or 5 room Mayor. " tlnatton and route of me a.4 omirt No, ll.TOT Nan iralth. points, todsy't railed to hopes a kl modern upon or market rnnfirm 376. mm lUMae, about (100 or SS00 down and bel- Attest: (ri Tu run the street leys (HarHey rrahtr MM T. H i I'ttarv ere plahitlffi. session manifestad pronounced activity end shortening or the war was In sight, real-lu- 1 Phone eño about tan per monto. L. S. R., cara public placea in tar city anv ati.l J. A. Dukf and t. L Phrine are .lrf(nrlanta, breadth. Of the unusually large overturn, at the close was unsettled. Willi tiily cier'k," motor bus unless the same shall hear in and aald nrtillnti allaflnf that pUlniilft arr tha however, moro average ot to Tttursday nlghi's own an of four notas .utrd :'th. than ihe amount ty shove 4. anuí pro plain view, to as to be easily visible to !I3. was to like level. ruilslied a orf to a Section Befonr the leal ion persons upon the street, the name of tne mat ta hr J A Dukt. nay Me to A. O HaintKon. business reslrlried minor Issues sixteenth vldad for tn Section hereof shall be con ta oh for f.lM.lf, lu In 1. ''. end 4 teare sftrr Hie local iraetlon group, ttnek Island. Knee like ant unit up. oats unchanged lo 'tOHe Exchange person holding the license to operate euc.n lower Real Estate s dered by said Automobile ciauuning name at date raanerttvali. all tsearlng InUfoel at Ihe rata snd specialties. The various motor shares and previsions al a rise of vt to loc Board, shall pay to the bus, which shall be in letters of elcht Dar oaol. tsar annum from IttU, al also United more than a rave sharp to Wheal at the applicant city roast inches ID height iaahla .inn prices broke miller shtrply Kxeess reserve, tltl.iite.0lii; decrease. ;ierk a ree or gg.wi, ana saia rees snau w lour Dillasl. IV aa. far ahi rM eiM rliat salt I notaa the list. rtrst, but oiii niigs were absorbed on rest To upon the streets, alleys or 4. II uhde paid to tire tnemliers of the Exsmining (dj run wera flran In par. navuianf for Sr. ti.m lock RMS ."land Its course, inr orders, and n was not long barore summary of bank com public places in the City or El Paso any 24 of tha iMWir lantla all ua ted hi Ki Paao rontlnued erratic tttte and trust Board as eompensatlon ror inrir seiuics l.y declining almost 3 points al the outset,, bul sJiorts attempting to rover found the mar paules n Urealer New York not Included motor bus with the lop up. between sun- nunty Tria, varad A. D llamlllnci to iba or peace Section I. The word or term "moior aald Dulte by ftssri rrfor4ad to tisana 2(3. page It recovering Isier. Numerous specialties, ket hate offera. talk aeemed loo In clearing house staiemeut TRADK. mean Include sny autumn down and sunup, unless the interior oi imp to fraw bus" sksll and the same, Is eautnned with a llsht or Hunts of Um Mrorrta of Kl Paao rowtr. Toiaa. In nrhifh ranging from Tobaren subsidiarles to 'on finite continue to hold attention Loans, ele .r.Ts.msi. increase. tDIVMS. Fiiiuiy in tenement, bile, autoniobiie truck or other traraieaa dead a imritr's lien I ratatnatl and kiit iinenisl can. rose points or more, while which soon appeared to center more on Ilia Hpei le, tU.WM.ini. titfl.SOO. a which shall be kept burning at stirh times i decrease. l y k Kuod income, for hiele anseged tn the business or carry In atd iioie tht aaina a ilyet Cuban American Sugar rose 10 points to tug etiort ciearanres l.rVMk huahela Legal tenders. tO.SJat). derrease. 144 400. i lose-I- g so as to wen Ught tne rear seals or sain pay saute or any Instal bungalow. Daasnftsrers for hire In and upon m tba Imen tne areompaniineni oi si", a or easn titvi the day. In this eontieciiou Kansas total iieposlls. f.-- Inccease. MEBA LOTS iblfc itraate of El Paso, which la held Dita. terete! when itue hall at tin- - He. il'.i. Mal .lend iiiuors dispatches brought wortl thai most or building texIM feel, or by sign, volee, wrung Section ta. Any person who shalJ violet-- nt aald nob or aay una of t lru mattn all mt . or sites. out announced aid notaa and th randor'i flan autijsii-- The tti railroad news Included of a milium bushels wheal Hanks' cash reserve in vanltt, tin.ióO.nuo. nasi car line; SSOO each, ac device or adierttserie-ii- t or which ts any prrjTtakm or this ordinance shaft b ehu statements of earnings by New Haven remaining them would he loaded out reserve lo any of misdemeanor, and. upon couvlc eeadlttfa at toe try Trust rómpanles' rash vaults, reh, balance IIS monthly i.ndcd to be operated or run over anlltv Nota No I dna one yatr after alali- aixl nun tue ti,nuil t.oasi j.uie, tne leuer snow rest as ears muid be obtained, and that t.ol7.MW. 100 CASH. narilrulsr street or route or to and rrom tl"ti thereof, shall be punished by a line on all four of aald ñatea liaa no ,ald thnttajh tig a in operating Income of slocks would Im next to no tiling by May I. two (tSB0.0U decrease fS7. 3 room house on t full lots, particular points or piares. nut eiceeding hundred dollars demand baa baati mad for uutir ami tha haliivwa iKJO, hile ihe former decreased its dericli Illinois. Indiana. Missouri and Kansas Kill RAI RKMKHVK RANK STATEMENT. v operate 14. Any person holding a hcenso af all of aald note ilerlararl tire aarna and I block rrora car line; $1.900. Section No person siiali Section hará due by S71B.U0O. couipltints or dry weather and rrnp dam a IA. AaaecierraT fVraa HAMEY BROS., cause to ba a motor or motor to operate a public automobile. In the City payahV; that aald notas pi.uida for in par rant vd .No age operated bus dlllonal on lha prlrwlpal atiorney'a new rhangss of linporlanee were tended to discourage wheat Mart In washingtoii, April 3. cold coin and I'lTSI National Bank Building. busses upon the streets, alleys and public or El Paso at the time this ordinance takes and Intartet due ny the bank statement the laat part of tl ssimt or effect, may surrender the satire and shall f that Um aaaaa lea to baan p4t. In tha ttamla in Ihe hands the federal reserve places or al I'asu. wimoiu rirsi securing of K Hiimer art auorntyy-a- t law, r ..n- The bond market was broad, but nr. an Corn swayed wtih wheal. A late rally waa banks abotil i.iaai during the a rrom the or thereupon be entitled lo credit for tne r ii..n decreased isi license thereror city clerk that on January IIUi. 114 J. A tuba transferrml lar In the main. Total sales, par value, ag- helped by reports of Mg export rlearanre-o- r lasl week, while legal lender and silver r the City El Paso, provided, however, value of the unexpired portion inereon Is Phelpa by " of or aid land to P daad in t...ii gregated ll .set .(inn. corn and by bullish estímales ol colli lineales increased about f i.''u. areard-lu- that this license shall not b or pro rated according lo time In payment Of tha Deed fUrnrd of RI Paao l ountv, renuind ffte MM i, Slates registered 4 reserves on rarms. the or .'. fee provided herein. Any per ah)st-- (he memtonr,! limed ts derlined lo statemeni condition tha chauffeur Immediately in charge of tha license lo uotsja and per cam and 'he coupon Jt per rent on Oats had only a narrow range. Trading Issued today by Ihe federal reserve board. such motor bus, unless he be the owner, son operating an automobile sum as is al entiles t due tha state. f T. jj was o Plaint Ufa pra Ileal cell during Ihe week almost altogether loral. It shows. I. or proprietor thereof. dunned herein at the lime this ordmam tsourt thai lent, or foreign government effective a public auto- tn appear And s Ihta pHltl'Mi. that the hara i. stork prices were as lollows ti'issin orders put nisoCRCiS. In Oklahoma section 7. rrerore a ncenso suau d is bernmes under - how- mobile who shall nol wish to rom- lii'lcniant fnr (hair 1e taresti f.r-- arsd Alaska cold lltk .ti. mto provisions, orrertngs, (iold cn.n and renirieaies tSN.lTtOO City, on paved streets and car line, for tin sued to any person to operate a motor bus license and Ttar nf thai Amalgamated i a Iv the provisions or mis rorarloaiire. upper ever. Increased lo material extent on the Legal notes, eerliri- - proved LI I'svi property. Will or line of motor busses upon the slreeia. with ominante ahsna iraot ,4 (Bt)ri ,tli ,nj(t na American Beei Mugar bulge lender sliver 1S Kl may public automobile li- t ratSa and t&,SfTJMS MA' SCuTT REALTY CO.. alleys and public places of the Clly or surrender such ba t sold a.'.- -r MnC to late thai American can .. closing quotations were as follows: subsidiary roln.... 4'.'.". cense, and shall be emitted to a - SIS Mills Itldg Phone aars. Paso, said person shall rile with the city reiumi alMTIlt or other f aiarttttna aald oedet- of Mu. May. of of his unexpired licensed pro shall lha purfhaser of aald prrtperit in .in smelting and Harming tl :.:i',; July, tt Clerk or the Clly of El Paso. Texas, a writ- the value pla.e told Ia tnrn- - Mav, TSr! WHAI HAVE YIJ4J tu tur SAI ap- to time. W the aald order of ale In rkraaahm Iherrsuf preferred July. Bills .ii- nun ksa and loans: iradu arres of ten application for such license, which rated according i lata- - May. fine tiliural land In the Section speoiric enumeration or regu ."Mi. IMrty Is after the m. tinerlrati Heriiiiug Oct July, Me. Maturities within so days. tlii.07S.nni) axiir beautiful plication shall state: It Usdi Hi; valley? thing one shall in no manner relieve oihar ami fun iter relief - American Tel. and Tel Pork May. tl7 July, tIT CO. within 0 l.'i.vtll.OOO Mimbren Jnsl the for (a) name, ad- lations herein to law and tn aaulty l May, Maturities daya.. seeking iiealih, and The residence and business herein mentioned from Ullotl In American Tubaci.-- ard Slo.l.',, July, gin to. recreation profit. For the applicant. aurh motor busses Hweán fall not. hut hare .., jfs.ra set. (tmirt. ,; SjBJB, tithir phone Boi 804, dress of of vehicles, so rar as Anaconda Mining tt July. particular, or address (b) The number of vehicles lo be oper- general regulations tta afisraaabl nayj resriilar let tliht writ, with ihe same may be applicable thereto tnerasen. alsowitii hite hara Aictitson tstt and county rem ated under such licenses. are now or may hi tie talad icilumiire and "i Tt LIVESrock MAJMtETM. Dallas restaenes liiis fc) The lype or motor car to be used, such general regulations Uta aaaia I)Idh "ty for sale or rirltange for El Par.o be provided. In other ordinances Ultiima. J BaralsMla lha 14ih dhtrlt-- BrooBlyn liaptd Transit together with rbe horsepower ihervof, Srtt Llveslaek. ptoierty or ranch In west Tesas. A. A4SS. county regulating the same, ami oiiierwise man r.t raais mint r. csliro nis noli rati Uarlh 8.601 .000 Bra Tunes. the factory number thereof and the herein provided, all such motor busses " mj hand and aaa, said nourt. at anadian Pacific " .(...,( Hill Iu IO license tha .a Kl Paan Ihla. Lha tnereor. shall be subject lo the same, regulations Trie. 3rd .nil el leather fori Worth. Texas. April 3. Hoge Total resources I tdi Tha sealing capacity or such vehletee. day a April, lf)l Mt Saw INCOME property wanted on which can and reslt-- lions applicable inereiu ami noi U" it mid t.lilo strong snd higher in ly one load sold, scolding to their trade rating, unless such ilrrai Wealarn al U.U. Otiat aniliie on boas lilted, erree- LIABILITIES sealing capacity has been changed by re- vehicles and Chicago, Milwaukee nnd llve Monday capital paid In t in IM.isi various ordinances relative lo si. Paul... '.' K4Í. OHO construction or modification, In wnicn In Iiuago and iieceipis. ran. nougnt in couniv iiescrva neposua capacity as so snodiried tt'iinohllrs general Nurlharaiem al notes event the seating Section 16 The holding or adjudication chino copper price, not published l or the week steers reerrve in circula or reconstruct. shall be riven. anv subdivision or any ssv- - colorado I uel and Iron teadj. cows Strong, slrolur. Hon (net tlsliiliiyi Legal Notlcea Section a The said application shall be section or hellers li' hi of Ihla ordlnsnce to be Invalid shall If Is ..lurtii'i ami Southern bulls steady, calves strong and Blocker accompanied hv a license ree or eighteen or any This Your Birthday I ION I'Kl flOiS. wrren imt afreci ihe validity other section Iienver and III" ilrandr steers ni higher. tLtL dollars for each vehicle, such fees or a nut an IK, .sheep No sitias here today Mtrket Notice t hereby given that an election placed a 10 section otner prererred collected to be in fund be sub divisions of sections shall (ieneral steady for SN aa per cent. will be held ui tue Uy ol LI 'aao, reaaa. police Fund, which runo .ennuis and APRIL 4 l.lerlrtr HI'; known aa Trarrir H' full force and errect. pfd Ssii reserve against iui liabilities, on luesuay, ine aay r April, a. the purpose of enforcing and remain In The sign governing thl Is Ureal Northern tita d shell be used for 17 All and parts or blrthrlaie Arle, Haass, t lly Llveslaek. per rem. IBIS, same being the second Tuesday u or an ction ordinances Mara or Meptunr. lireal Northern lire rllt tat- the provisions this ordinance and ordlnam-e- eonrilct with this and lite planet is UUggeiili. riir rar r. Cask reserve against liabilities arter purpose 01 electing Use fol in ordlnsnce nicle ini klplnl allull ',, 40 Aurll. lui lbs oilier ordinances regulating toe operation same are hereby repealed II la almost iiiiposalM- - tu anything April SjSas Wai ting aside per ceut gnld reserve agtlttet lowing ty uniceie, A mayor or motor shall be and the an who developed Illinois cenirai kan.a clly, x tlplt, of busses. Insofar as in ronrilcl with this ordinance from Aries ieison has Interbafo Metropolllan pfd km Msrkel hither Bulk, S.70tj.s.1 net aauiuut or federal reserve nutei in clr tha city or El laso, four eldermac at large hi- - or her power of Intuition. un i per cant. Section S. pon the riling or such and Do further tieii ration cipper Heavy, S.7iUB: Blas, t ..VHSA.S0. ulatlon, w rrom tue cuy of U Paso, s judge ol the Hie payment or fees, TBa will or this iierson is ilomintnt. Ihe Srg) a or and sorb flection is This ordlnsnce snau ne in intertiati.'iisl llarvesler tilla-- Receipt... Market ateady lorporaiK'U court; treasurer th elty the making or bond pro- rrom April IM. quirk ami keen, and tiiev rare, Ll aaaesaur SOU ami hersiaartar rorcaand erreel and arter kansat Clly Moulheru Prime fed steers, ssmaraj; wesiarn steers, Keep your eyes open for The Timet of Psao; a City collector of vided for. the my clerk shall issue a li- IMS, ly fall In rarogmilng the psyehulogiral mo- sr. of 'Da clly Of SU r aso ci cliigh Valley ;:.ul S6. calves, trsaiiLfsi lasas ai .alu cense to the applicant lo operate a motor ment. l Rotary Edition. It will ba a hummer and ol the clly Passed and spproved this 1st day ot or ouiavllle and Nashville sheep kerelBti imne Market Heady. Uon all qualified electors or motor ror a period of one April. A. 1). The lova this nature is ror heauty and .mili Peso, are 10 ror bus busses Itm. every Mexican petroleum ft' V'. yrarliafs ts BM or treat alúa to El Paao. El cis.. utAorued vole year rmm the riling or sain application. c. E. reerur. harmony in surroundings, and oppor- all Hi' "Hi. , .uiuve named lUe salo el pro- our given a or Mttml Copper .i Secllou to. Mu n.ensr of the kind Clly "f El Paso. tunity should be rlul.l this hlrlh M manner latean, kanaa and Tetas tu. o i s lion will be mu in tha and lone vided fur In Ibis ord mains- shall lie Issued Attest date lio disuiaa any laietii to culliiale . .i hi. in. i i by me of lila of 10 lie un Missouri Parirte ias stale unless the applicant therefor shall have C. W. FASSKTT. Clly Clerk. ni National Hlscull Bg ft i ...... i. 'res Trias, ano wui u naki octweeu the hours riled with the city a bond approved Many famous artists, singers and nun Chicago. April 3 Hogs Recrióla 7 p. m. clerk Nam mal I red CUSTOM ASSAY OFFICE of in ana of the said date, rbe by the citv council, which bond snail as. n.nt nana are born unitei the Aries sign. Msrki I strong, ke tbove yetlerday't aver eieciluu win be nesd in various pru BY PI Bi ll ATK1N i Nevada Copper tee executed by the applicant, together witn ITATIOJI Mara Is Ihe governing lanel. New ase o. hi ai isi '. isi. eavv. m uwn- Lit ITCH KTT a FUKGIMIN lolluwa, n The SHsu af Tessa tm Ike ftbartff an Constat! The Want Ads will sell real estate and York Central in. tincls éí two or more good ami surru tu sureties n i It and II I "'". Assay era. Chemists. Mctu! urgíala. pracinci no. I Orear s Slab a, tl West or executed by tlss applicant and a solvent CI Pss last! Uresttug: rind place for bookkeepers anil alenog ilaltle Iteceipis. hat Market No. Bulger, Vov ars Hsretv Csietassitsrl w giismne irmen Morfoik and Wesiarn t.,ii Kapreeentatlvaa Mappers. Ovrrlanu strar:. W. C presiding corporation. Incorporated under the laws rapni ts tins romtng eeg in asara, l uos 7:. western, ta Mty7 in for Ora of at. Wis kr suatnf gallsrtsa of Ihb ettslkss M la Northern Parirte ludas said precinct, Jotui j. Powers, or ibs State or Tatas, or having permit vasts STtsSeta to Ik sleep Reeelpta, lute. Market 110 Ban Kraaoltx'o ru L. M t sc HI l ftif t. Hie Mall ttrady. J Treoio and vuisa. asaociaw udgua. lo do business tu the Slate or Texas, wnicn rasura 4 kmsf. laa.1'1" sattassal SS A Times want ad may bring yuu nsppi Bbeep, t7.MrS4u; leiubs. No. S At 111 East Second fmf slli Pai Iflr Tel. and Tel rr5iulo. UI Paao, Teaaa. Precmci street. bund shall be in the sum of rive thousand rmm raunlr. U SSglir si u nasi Mgunr lan f nees. It will save you dollars. Pennaylvania A ongntckard. presiding Judge; Clara dollars If such llien-- . ball be fi law e .it, ,11.1,1.1 van of SO Psn ..u.e, la k MEW YORK COTTON. Wludhauae, Iran Paraer and issue Ulan- operation of any number or vehicles leas s lb MM ' UM(f. la IU ill, uf Pullman Pelare car a ska Bast UsavSat la Mar lata. Hay consolidated copper My IA Satootaloa Frmu Uian an and shall be in tha sum ü tata, New s. aw "f heading April thousand ir the number "f venirles as ot uitra ta, isas and tork. Spot rollón steady RAILROAD TIME TABLES g dollars .etaae ft .eMIUsei tilma M Rnrk Island Ca middling trie No Ftaaer, presUUJ Juuge, T. W Blown ,'w. be operated such license anaii uplands. salea i a, si. tii- -i S. to under r April Ml la M EL PASO CATTLE DEALERS Un (referred tla. b Antes and W. Bonner, associate Judges. exceed five be less than eleven N TM i. and ml mi emm U KANSAS CITY isia no. so. ao-- Virginia t. In the sum or rtrteeti aujd Cmmmm Wtss CQiMMlSSION FIRMS. sl Louis and asm Sran td pfd PROOC'ca iMoaiutt Tim oou i rrecuaci lire ahleh bond shall be ktniif AND Southern a. S. W. Brown, preeidlnt Judas, P. A. Morse, thousand dollars if the number of ventnes rukmm mmm tm npm uVi h Parirle AS IAe Aito, luirá Gaorge Lites and W. J. Caca, ssaacista to aucn snau ax t4M flsit tsAttktM mí atlas Mu muá tMs4 Southern Hallway Kansas Aprilira3 traa ia tratNana ead Bees be operated under license IW. (lly, Butter, eggt aim stmw J and winch bond shall ba pay so i. km mmm mmm mrnHmt ml Um mm fat mm xi iIaHBY L. ltriIsi.iN-t- n ral altle Iennare Copper poullr) unchaiiged Slioralae I . -- .ed ton. mi tmm tm mmnOm Prsclact No. & 410 Taya atrasa, r. b. L. lo the Mayor or the City of El Paso, Texas svaattM M mmmv om sU aaaa Lobby of Hotel doo. Teta rnmosoy I Uuakss StSM Uatttsf ... i mmm Um fitm mt tmm pmUtmm. mm tkmt ta I no ui Vm I Taaaasrl-k- Peas levari ii Newiaaa. preaullng Jucf W efflca, rnr use mfmg die A a Jsxm aixl his Successors In the émímámut it tmtmai its. tttU tm mmm tf SI TTKB l ELI1I.N It u - Ilia. nvaaarTP 0 Aiders is and r. Kseajav as- - esta kasvem of any and all parsons, as fm ludaea. iWsty pmVmtm m mmm: in tbm m um (wmmi Mies By Ik Attimtmi free tali, ?ta.i'.id u.clale or their Interest! may appear, who shall ! Ummm Cm, fmmmn It'll uel ..... 1 II X 4 U'L I stew. Ño a bbH. sm Writ. JU Pa lam III Butter 100 tubs told Pracusci ats WlsVpas Slasri. have a cause of action. against lite pnnel (Ka om s rnrnmm Jtvatesvrr NU, 1BJI fámimOfí W AUTO STAGE LINES. prererred 170 wm Nueva Slat tat tWjirTMtej I ai sold at ttty. DU oiesldlng judge; Bsnry ierraat Oaorae .atuese the a tee. ueaimanl aJs4 WdM lell 'upper stv. ltaí!ai'''ír.i. t tt aa. Buchanan and a. Chaurci.. a asocíete et intm ll i mm wmm u leme mo4 mmm Wabaali pfd 4 Ilnillal i es sot. t Meslraa Maasy Kl tasas! .sr. s acaula, servants or employee kfoaniNO rtltss nuim at Welarn nton ...... la Peaa. I r, tav. 7 IMI7 Um mmm mmm at mM inMMM I aaaa nsssac Masa, trait al wu tu. ho. East El Paso ore atsMioo. Uon- Has opsraUon af aay such va éttm Westing house tlectric iij.iottllon I tout the Meal, an American rt . au a se with mmrnrnt mmtm mnmm mUBu- -. mm4 mm im&mmt sao a a - i a saa hielas, aoit! wtasif u Total for lit day sss.istj i i uasa asta which Bead shall be uudi clMtr tmm m mU mmm mmmm garas-- tmm w se, .tiaras. raaing coinpany f Cama Cue tl t US"S ror pay- mvkm C4.illi. it, it ttl Honed the (irotnpi savd faithful ll TtWi ttt m mmmm mmj mmm. an Sanaa. 11 St. II Stl II SSi Msui ft Naeional and Baak of London Silla. tlVá associate Judgss. ment or all damages which the principal Oa La araass. St ll rk tos tvaao. Bi Beat A Saeta Sa esos et MCTAX state bills federal!. s am j Saia. Precise! ra. slsassas. aveou (ad such bond shall la sny n suit in a court a new I is, sale kataas Bota i BaasaSa ta ajtaarrs Villa Tve Itf utai was. iUawutsr-ej- B. rsyaasr. pre- . eurrstiry. tmm laa Mvata a.. ... jareot to at dc It eats .. n a a. ai a rurreney. 7t. CaStU-barr-y se Hark in siding Judge. I I Saul Sera a L to pay an accrual of injur; to tea psreaa swasa teiassi e4 aas Bsawa kY,tas ttaall aapiWB mmttm earstsS al aeasaal lasas listel Men. an silver and a KoealL asaoclala Judaea. or person t; tsaa taa sat sts Seataa r Mas iota ilia iu aiaai kslw as TtsMs tktaak B to eras. psso. trw ill or property ai Maeaas aa inaitle ikal to esaaaW Stales Menean silver half doners ttv Baal. pre. tac ito. uaraas rear w tsaa aegUgWnce thi is itM a as nta KaS. 1st SteasL Hear 4oYork, April -- i a reason of the or roata a asanas tat rrsst amissia iss iiisis Ta t Tha metal marketa -- af sua or Iks asenta san an S aaSS Ssaes Ca. ttl TVvw acre nun uta nominal today WOUILV BANK STATEMENT. wesww. . w. ta with u.e .., . so esses, mmm SkslSaa. Copper Clenrolylir. lis, T.TT::::lsa tAa"i jpa t ruuneetwn aít-i- Pi i baa mum ratting. StstS IAe m asty p having a gTSi5r .-e Last a m I Be ftm s.aeaaa Harao'a seca vaaisssi. and rsoa .kja sa4 Si I I, si t smelae Seam a a et. New 4oetlaApril rractacs Se Trart lire sis as asresa- lag eta eaS ttssa imiIsiS ks artsss laiittswl ra aera at aaaaa a at li on uiubsaged York. I - The statement or the - lt..uiJ 's. sai actual J tmm i mmm Atm. ceaSa-asato- KSk l ruscipai a taa tmm stsk bos lasa SttkkstBL Ssaaa ia. road Has ot clearing house banks awwas taeessa, asea have ia sun sVss kss arcsssk ta Ik riii.s s of aelit aaae Mew tors Salter ' taa rteat bit estja soaSS ttw ot eats esaataa tkoa e araee --aVjuincasl ota ataos oa aa kwaa swS ' sail I laabi law 4sMSaaat a Prscial aa II corner Missouri III ska ratiuu laasis rtsia it ascreaas of tl koaa of raaos us k4 atssasd tan I Raw Vari. April I -- Marc em Ha papar, MTTtO Itst week Th Uoa of sotsa saw w assa mj in ia ts faa místate! rol ''aaí'lllvar. SMas. vet. irw surety o4 mu hr. sei soaast awltr. kwestraio. caaa.aoso asu (Wvar-Jtw-ai lar rasas, ttl. nrVaisact sWas aesa ua kottda beavy. iBi'iUMi bSmSjLBTtm or hi raises eastSua be liable fog atar saS aok oosaM ia lasis, yaasasaa) tajta )iHe SaaaiaU ion, traaata trrsgulal. tha or such baud aowuuj ata ottk eartva t saoS fuiiraas ihsa tsaeuat ftitiis BMaUaáiarsBs' SteaMa, Caasiaa aaai Jaalet stall óvjrta fail taa to esa tatata seat asaM. Beata las aa j Is a uwaasa.. c Bin BI Sssekisr íisJjtrgrt a aa mail I east afsktr tsast. Star ati mhh Pate Jiiaieksas ktt SaaaaS mmS ie raasaa taw saa kaoa I (Corree ted OatTy Besarte ib redera! Book. tttS. mm atssaas. iSisSae aei an HM0. lacreaaaL KvSl)reaarva silver CasSy a llar asea uassttaaj, elJSl. a s u 11. east e as sMss ,Bal .js Soasaa' eaaaliartttt. ISSjSajSS Oaan J m ras asta 111 aP'oB af El' Pas'úsul Hai'f tftSl abas aaaa? aa kaaé eaS asal m tsaa aaaa. as aueasto oudoa lead. US 7s tu Na áas4af)o ti i m tosetsatt, ia Preclaet Bja, ia--asa Egataas strsaa. have flraa tea Clly Caere of ' uos Bast Uasais. Son ntei alia tf S r t ftaksaT swMV!aWNlats SsisYÍsa "jmsCbI 'mmtrn. ttiijtsatB. lacraao M ka Vasa toMSaJ It as. I Baas lies II lissaa sal eta. Basaste Caen. SlTtiTsaai cirvulstioa. mi Mm am ssartsts. Tl mt stootsaal asesa s aaaa saslaTa jtrtSf. tt root waal is raar all IBs aattaat Ust to tats erStoaBia eaatt uua tas lasas Waal sag. mmm in SUUt tea Sutasayj. asta way. SB AggrSBkii rasarse, see asi eta. astaTT..... Iat sue etteae SSSaea .. as J . Sunday. April 4. Kit. 20 EL PASO MORNING TIMES

ÍT. H. ROGERS & CO. f. H. ROGERS & CO. 101 to 113 N. Stanton St 108 to 112 N. Stanton St "Quick-Actio- n of Rogers' Entire Stock EL PASO, w TEXAS EL PASO, TEXAS; Sale" EL PASO MAS GON E


Fancy Stoneware Water Fiber Matting, 36 in. wide, Pitcher 25c Yard 33c Ten-Pi-n Hat Velvet Hall and Stair Carpets, Rack 15c Yard 95c 10c Wire Coat Printed Linoleum, Hanger 3c Square Yard 45c Savory Roasters, Window Shades, a0 colors, Up From $1.19 EXTRA SPECIAL sise 3x7 ft. Each 35c Rag Rugs, sise 24x48 in., 1 -- Quart Blue 180 Only Pure Q Each 85c Aluminum Sauce Pens , . Flame Oil Stove $6.95 vv Grass Rugs, sise 6x9 ft., Each $4.35 Wire Soap Dish for Bath .ah ...... 7c Seven-inc- h Butcher Knife, rt Entunes, Pudding Pan, 15c Regular 50c Value for. . . 12c Large Sise Enamel 15c Can Q i 15c Dover Egg Coffee Pot 25c Openers. . V Beater 5c 10 1- Inch Cast Griddles, Price 28c Three-qua- rt Class Churn or Cream Whip 88c Ten-qua- rt White Enamel Pail 39c

SOLID OAK MAGAZINE CHIFFONIER ELECTRICAL (Similar to Cut) RACK PERCOLATORS FOLDING Has Large French Bevel Plate DINING CHAIRS Only a few of them in stock. Mirror Very Handsome. Hold 7 Cups. Made of strong With Brscrd Back Made of solid oak. Four QUICK ACTION copper and heavily nickeled. (Similar to Cat) Strongly made, with rubber Strung; " Durable shelves. Nicely finished. SALE PRICE. . $6.95 Reg. price $7.50. wheels. Our Sale Price 65c WITHOUT QUICK-ACTII- .... N SAME, All Brlter Dlnlns Chaira Reduced SALE PRICE . . $1.35 MIRROR . . . $5.65 SALE PRICE $4.95 Accordingly. SALE PRICE . $1.95

Pay a Small Deposit and SPLENDID "Great Bargains" in Let Us Hold Your Fur- T. H. HIGH CLASS STOCK Fine Standard niture and Floor Cover- ROGERS' Makes ings Until Your House Is Ready At the Old Stand. 108 to 112 North Stanton Street, El Paso "Carpenter's Tools" Please Be Patient We Are Making All Deliveries As Fast As Possible In the Order Sold'

- we are MABATM6VS, TEXAS. TlturMtay. wbare Ibey lb. nnir Haulm mil briny tbe fain a rouraa of lartsWt for aroman," hrin a Ian lull Bui vn bare will be auiluned lu bruise, and eult Saturday bao inrowa ilv nuw hut ISa T urkiali equivalent fur remarked Mix Sruilba- - "Tba ruab for ad boiler off Iban mu women lit fciielamt. By riaara SaeSaal I wrriavaSraf ii.. ruture. from bit bicycle. " many tn for unían can dl- - Maiairum April Sheep aJiearuif Mr. Osnlnar Ml returned from TURKISH WOMEN tad Tka yejeysf ladle, declinad to have mlaMoii Sfa xi ral Ibal failed Inalanre. aerui t Teta. t buti A abort talk by Cochrane, fimltv Iiieniiimed. bul were Itaa nrpoi tunny they aousbl. Tba li r on ju.l one aruuli.l. all e Hve lu U IB vosue on many of lb ran. lie. near nen trip to n Paso. Secretary toiot ntuwi sal oire k of Menean Townarnd Ian Tburaday and t retutaj. bo.tne.e esalun con. untied i p. Ibe at talk lure, are by tbe prufaaaora who do I lo bow trial lire wlih the man w tbl. plac. Isrte number Mr. Everett for iter embrace opportunity ftvan i employed w llb Jieartn ma. a inp to gap Antonio tbe int. re. liny reaturea or of UM or the Ib Bien, wblrk I laka be so of i., I Bul atrévanle. Tba belnt bine. M meetmt in lu epreteniallve Imeacan learb li wiib dlvorr On Gt moat aociai Y. C. A. Tintadas Al lb bu.l-ne- v. bu Kid torn" in.' many II e of lb woman uf Turkey la be Her uff In ibal lb deiithirul evnu evenlnr luiperv tnry thnuttit tnlthi alSa Ibst ae.lualro - of lb here wee I be Why Kialon the ll p i lia ati.l. u i iban many- e need vetMin .urpriae parly Nail ruliuwliif urricwt for WELL EDUCATED "ncwi" la tba pom ton of woturu lurfct.b otilan I. nnnriHi re.i .i utbtri Mint Mallei lisuUlf year ere elMuMÍ O yell, I nor nun, Henil Mi.i.y avanunj al the Bears-- Art BBos for Prvtidttl. k .11 li.rkcy o Uf kltU wear lb of rouraa, bul in. iiolltnai equaliiy un Cvra ot bia two mile waal f appropriate rundlUon ocwe eaiatad in Turkey bul We ara alowly psrwnla, of El and lb aouikweiu a lb wbtrb belter edurtlton town. HerreSmenl. included rrull Po .un Un Cbea'ler Ore "lady" tríalas a the nuil Urrt of nay be rutuUderad a. of lb You Ibal MaaBWbll we are in. i Iryms puncb varied and comptou ataortmeol on aitpity kacreury Uarrctl. at B(AM I hMi MOK SUI T MM IS three ud tlld moil of lha Kite ual tins and take Thoae praaeni were Muara id i it y neti. rrmt. s o nookialio Hit telklnl mil .till find mor veiled to in ede IB butiseaa ami mniiiirial May lint, sank nio. ui. IN HONK'S IM1 nn her with iiTeekeui oavis Nay Mckmley, Ota Maryin. William, Tbe Ml lllt IMIItn un. remarks. Iban you III In of our country are mew May lAdvamienunt.) track inuui i. tnu. i. ABOI I - - . .1 lb' pntuirri. world Tbr ilútale Jones. Huby siaushier. Eddy I IMIHIi M lam. thai .tilia lira kail bar. very law weHMt are In aa lu.lun SBS'ISB to do ibal work. practica week every day now. Tbe tilatt I Todd. Marie vinapaon. Want Haru.m. Dot - raoasuly v many ui ii a.pect. .lie wat inclinad today (V Iba baram I ill tit Xneyee. sn I va N. H. tailed iba El Haao foundry under on Si uur.e TBS women or Turkey seed dBalioo for Harria. .Millón Lillian Hark. Or look lbs brlhl of Italos I believe Ibal lia Ssyt ara Bella Clark, nw h a. towaa. a Pr.arrl) Sight. Ik. U- 'I lie entiese, bul tbe Durixik of bailarina ibal of iba nam Wililama and and Metan or Uvr la aW. art. bad tomeibin "I rspulSUoS I slab to rorrccl i vary iki. u -- Hialr Wuoaier Baudreaut. JU Br r preparatory deptrlinenl I HUr U I uual kuflr.a of a ' tomboy " Bui. Ilka and Uwpiovlns life aenerally leuarr M Tuetday2Ul Pi. , . beiut r.f ul.r lar error I be II la Bal Harmon Bad Hueaell lark Meniia Park, t April I. TBa as umlt En.nit wat elected cantata r puilii. ii a mnmlnt bartai women were Juna. uf Um prep upanioiu If wee una women arnerally me em la TBs tBre youn rei Mr ot Alpina la tpeudiua a ins board of IB Athletic .... i.u.m track i. am un- AU a apukc bUvr.i ibal mi. to Worihisflou if ibarsnns in ii. tin, MdianniH-da- Ui.n lutiun Tby wanted tneir eruury lew dsya Iba yueal of Dr awarded leven baaaal ball playera lae tal T M C. A. avapuuiiou torear CMtoia. Isnrly her. OW i Tf brain too tin lull uiiii tsar, white Mia EUeitb e kuow lb Sir lea. II la entirely oii.wirao Turkey bai iia rsulte. MortbtnsAos. tar "A" for work the pael taaaoa, to ortau Sunday and r.uidurud aarrteSB (.'arMaiJi a. Mu-- a may efcT peuiiM ware no I bad IB oaves ' He- be ímiMM uc.i aiiiMu aiih OrliaStrul ffara. ami BTS inaUUlllan W ben Bul U ai Basiir; fulat ajnain Humble, ti keboul houee IBS! place dm I'bvjr ' nrai Ors Mae ravaie utyl by ba. Tbsy la alao okr tttiio h ant r rman ba be iiihMiuuii look t they a bad been t.rward Ueevtcbeldl. l enter Wharton, TBa 1 .oiaianiliioi i. aarte of roapel whlck had ILlr. loujl idr inrtr Saliva lauauas HanJ. Hautiii luuud barcm ibouxbl Ibst in Iba Unir ouuuiry uuerd Batnunau and black wn sub for aervlcet AaauclaSyd I Hi au il lb. rllu IB ut Uva .w a pi. rolleei. ta Prae tor u a abuin bialory and ao bad, Lam pry of all brua Hsmrdsy on s buenteea trip ward Cue and ub Uusrd Weddell TBs we. iraafchr toa By MMaa taal aolosji aOaa , BrSalt Hanuu ara. ab basdeiiri in. .l. ru ÉBBbbbbWI era BBS bean too tlieou lu ba- - MrattaBtafl ebjhi stria Hum Bat co ad aquad maiardi of Iwrof lollouuts Beta poalpooed USUI AprU rtird Is M'lxur. lu.K.1) alai itriiulia .. Iliaillle-te.- by Hi. um ..llll .. 1IK- Ilia i rrj ul ..u. were also arrtirawS Hal aUB Bastir Miste t t HaSlaa sUMSail klattiryft and arMttc tiuiab asid ibas ata r far Bulb Pbaipt. caputs. PeUcltuu llatBI, U I o well luauaat ruilllral delivered BUW Of k "47a irosasi Turttata wotass la arr miud Mauje did Out a. ín Turkey Oermaa. ware .r e( Mabel Banter lull Beiurruw. Era Hani wa Iks if IS uue l.,a (row. LufwSB MalBart and sana Oaraaau Tba uitarvtew resiarksBta lr bi Klu..iioii mu M ii lulrn.led eirai tb fnlewl BSttfbl. B tbpufki Bui Turkey Mia I wry rbkdui of Lot Aauetat Wat rait mat IB ibre Tuitui. n. .' t rial ib ftllk aaaarsaaa taba ihuusbi ibal on iba listaSt, IBs and ao work oul bar .aiitd bar lo be al iba bedtiu. of bar Ma bury tbe rlrlt la am rmiabed lb tasSBEi wmTpark lowed U. appear wilbuul IS. lrsdlu..iii y sVb-- who la very Ul wiib but oaa Safwsi. and Ibu wat at MM lüii IS .otayas oí lurk, tara Uta atiuartur wuassa TtttsBss kaaas kaaa T of Um ursBBlBU tofore bar bar Mia Cars, vaiuradsady'ídu! iba at Mr. liarwaas relumed rrUtay from vtail kaaa af si Psao Tbey defeated St Sliver of IScU brvikrn lu iu.t rmt Many do rlsbl no UWS oicupy IbemKl.ei aith of ur aaas sr .Mil aouirubat utdtrirrnii tba ende Tbey as torVta hKStavaV bul . u..t are esual auHra. M lb. lle Is ItiU'M Ibui tai. Um Crucaa. araoaiay tad BM est vTiuaa ioLaik oul u, lha ...17 witik.ui ii..u uutiru.bia do uo4 Bead lurk a atoreaaanl U Turkey lalpM ui IB au tuner uf old Twrfcay aavS IB - ifcul'to'BtaaS.a! P-- SB faalnos sf lb v IcTkJe iaí fuulr. ' cairb pruuerty man Buaa efSSrl liad uiede II lor - nybu araibk uoaiOui Mesas of Hssmund suss . B Park Imarliall laeiu IU i.tay II .a .....iwk.. .iJu7.T .....iUeBuuta lor airli BBSS ibabicd a If'Jr IB by old Mat wSabee St an eulitbi m MaralmuTlult week uVaay buy. MMSb.ara muí k belter and beded nam ut u alac nasi Sal uf legal and noll'lt! baMusp us anBv tfsesiy iba ur uf Ali.UK aa ut urwu Moa Secretar uf IS T M A . urday uu.i I v.. really suod. Bui - I ombres, C - to akKW. MaaMm. Sana boira ibal I by aur aaas I .vary nybl any S sayas f ) band ra Lata waafc Akw.- BaBlBl I ka. BurawKL Sat seal day. al El rata tenia, aitd eWaSa M arm iilmi a ksra iba trU uui ibu Bms .rn uaw.ed la Un . bs. baa nib tea ibtln Bfui mi iroon f use HIiibII III n ral aBaaafMr MSagba u Tbe SSSS OSS aorv bia elfe bf aaaraiy .airy. aicS Bat Bass aasltossd bare fur up frutu kl taau Kuadaj asssr? EdtsMM ssm use uf usivaratlby bs by Bal SBaSS 81 IB tur atar imu leUiu so. IBs uSau MBt.tey BaotVa. ueparted fa r auflarwS of rat vsIim by SIJTgLfZiPssa. OOMIC SIOION OT THE 1 fH?Í0 Ittflrninjgf fñmt$

Sunday, April 4, 1915 Polly G reat Little Diplomat the Baron Vtoü S4V OUR LITTLE- - U liHAosctAit imn urinal Uto u2Wy6u4l PCTI" wnl r - &jéÚ flSHilfrTRiP IS AlLOtf. so 2. 'nvm i 5i4id T t-- 7' d in miM m vvat. aw . mm m fi READ It Here Now-T- hen SEE It All in Moving Pictures THE!"1 1 . . zT1 1 A DETECTIVE NOVEL AND A cxDloitsEiame MOTION PICTURE DRAMA Presented by This Newspaper in Collaboration with the Famous Pathe Players yoa la MIM Dodger Inquired Ken- chanrad a faw worda. Bheuttng a faw dlraatloaa to tha aacratary, overcoming you. Eraa now." ha addaa. Kannady Ifltro-ducin- g nedy, with oupproeasd excitement aa ra ea- - "I't tora; at to thank you fat tbaaa tha elarka and Elaina. climbed ara too weak ta rise." tarad. loveiv rosee you aent ma," aha exclaimed at through tha window and dartad dawn tha Bra Baanatt mada frantic effort! to move from "I think aha'a out shopping, ana I don't length They wara baautlful. and I appra- - eaoapa In awlft pursuit Bla but tha potion waa already taking White, bo elatad tbem ever ao much." Tha Clutching Hand, howaver. managed ta weaknaaa ha found Miss will hack," answered Pearl know Jaat urban aha effect, and through ahaar Aunt Jetophln. with aoma eurprlee, "WhyT Bennett acknowledged her thank with a lado capturo again. Turning the etreel oar- - n. w unable to get on hla faet In pite of la It anything Importaat any newef" amlle, placed a chair for her and they plunged nor he leaped Into a taxi which happened to 11 hll struggle. Kennedy Into a of o. lal gossip, be sending there, and. haaUly giving the "Vary Important," returned es eln w fc mellelou chuckle Long Bin moved Daly and cltedly. "I think I hava tha boat clue yat. eloaar to hla victim and apoka again. Arnold an opportunity By Kennedy Only It will ba neceary to look through Uan around until he found to the time reached the atreat "Dlrula whin your aeven million donara aoma of tha houeehold correspondence I mine- - make a tactful allualon to tha report of tbetr Clutching Hand had disappeared. ara hidden," ha euggosted crafUly, "and I will lal- - papera. dlately to aee whether there are certain engagement la the morning Whtle theae exciting erenta were occurring antidote new attempted to queer dolnga wara tara I weuldn't be aurprlaed If aha had Ra had leaned orar, and Dennett' office aoma By thla tima Bennett, who waa becoming I however, procrees of "Craig Kennedy" acme perhaps not very personal dut null take bar hand. She withdrew It in In the heart Chinatown mora r arid each moment, waa unn.ui " Waa something big Deep underground. In one aee them Thre about touab which. of the catacomb. bu, fc p.,ad nd an The runo as loUnttflc Declive of Fiction. might, Waa ipJl mo.tmmi tf Aunt Josephine eeemed nonplussed at drat, try aa aha aha could not MB. It known only to tka Innermost member of the expression lb hla ayes h Indleattd that na I thought ahe waa going to refuaa to allow mar prejudice or waa It her keen wemsn's Chiaeaa ecrei ocletlea. waa Tong Wah, pop- - was ready to agree to tha Chinaman s pro- - B. Cralg ta proceed. But finally ahe aaeanted. Intuition'' ularly known a "the hld.r," engaged In noma Written by Arthur Reeve Kannady leet no time, tie want to a dsk Bennett looked at fear a momtni, aupprrt. mraterioua work, "Wbere you hlddan th v.n million - atnlater-'lookln- hae where Elaine generally aal. and quickly taok Ing a momentary flash of anger that had red- A Chinaman, draaaed Long Bin. Well-Know- n dollarar rapeatad The Novelist and the out eeveral typewritten letters One after donad hla face, and controlled hlmaalf a If by collie costume, ha waa standing at a tabla In Blowly, daeperete struggle. rejecting and after a another ho examined them cloaely, superhuman effort. a dim and musty, chamber. Bennett managed to ralee one hand ana of the "Craig Kennedy" Stories Anally caro "I you realty man Ken- - were Creator one after another, until ha ta oka believe love that faced with tone and brisk Before him pointed to hla breaat pocket. Tha Chinaman seamed to Intareet blm. nedy," he exclaimed In a tone that wa almost eight add ahapad Chinata ríala, and from -- ft Photo-Pla- y by Chas. W. Goddard. that ,....,I ,hru.t Bls and and drew out Dramatized Into Ha eepareted It from the real and fall lo a Mee. "Rat I tall yoa, Elaine, he la ail these he waa carefully maa.urlng certain map. atudylng It, comparing It with tha paper bluff Why, he han been after that Clutching proportions, aa If concocting orne powerful Sin examined tha Author of "The Perils of Paulino," from the bomb and tha note whloh Lang Bin Hand now for three montha and what has potion. far some momenta Long your laboratory before night Clutching Hand. Then accempltahedT Nothing " stepped and looked around eua- - map Intently, and. with a grin of aatlafaction. had received from the be He aaek hen ha Copyright, lilt. By Tha Btar Co All fortlg a Tha placid air with which ttia grotesque he folded the lettar ao thai both tha eigns- - Bennett, by another affert, eeemed to grip picioualy aa he suddenly heard footatepe P'" " hla own pockat. i Rights Rssarvtd looklns Chinaman Imparted thla astounding tura and tha eddreea could not ba rand by u hla tamper again. MP paced up aad down above Tilt next momant Long Bin. who had h w dntldot. ""d somef me -- mrarmatlon waa In Itself prapoataraaa. Hla A pertlen of tha lattar I ra oa road aomi Then lib changed tha subject entered through a trap door, climbed down ano' Paring or siquwr of Prevlouj Chapters. 11 Synoptii actiona aad worda aa ha laid tha package thlag Ilka thla abruntlr. and the converaatlon waa resumed a .ong ladder and walked Inte the room. h" n,d Seenettt lipa - THK law Varh petite at my.ttdad bp dawn glngtrly an tha laboratory tabla Indi- Thla la hss eeatearleai Waaraas. with aome constraint. Lang Bin taoh the bowl In whloh the liquor Aa Bennett opened bt mouth to drink It. I aartaa f aiaidna aad ha lflm Tha catad that ha waa tallnc tha truth. TRUTH la Iba enlp aal aad MATTaTR ta While Blnlne and Bennett werb talking had been miaad, and. baring examined It. he Lone Bin with a laugh slowly pulled the cup prwipi. elwe la tke eriaalwale a Kannady and I tarad at aeb othar la Kennedy ua I had entered office. gave a nod and a grunt of satisfaction. Than away and poured Its content! on the flpor - me BBxaaxxaa aaialant" tha warataa- leiter Uil la reel blank masement for a momant. Than tha Waltar," Crtlg boy waa Bennett'a body had now become atlll more i.nrd with m elwleblws bead." Tha "Look at tht. remarked Craig atopped the who about to ha mounted the ladder again and disappeared lalaat i.iim wf Iba aayaterleae aaeawale la humor of tha thing atruck ua both aad wa dltT, r, .training hlmaalf. "What announce ua and aaked for Bennett'a aocre. Aa h gene Tang Wah. picking rigid. Every algn of Intelligence had left hla waanay wlth on ad had mm. aanavnaa laughed utrlght ao yu maK of Itr1 tary Initaad, much to my aetonlahment. up eevaral of tha vlala. went out through face, and although hla oya did net cioe. a r"..J "T. fffifTÍL---. rÜ.iTrf di! Clatohln Hand had told him to d.llver I A alance at tha typewriting wbb aufflclant The bor merely Indloated tha door of on an Iron door at Ihe and of the room. blank stare came orer hla countenance, Indl- - etlve, la try (a aamrrl mystery. Wkat and ha had dona rot to show me that Kennedy had. Indeed, made ot the private fricas, and we entered. A few minutes later the Clutching Hand eating plainly that the drug had destroyed arraanpltabea la itr by bib we. other Keawedy told Irte Hastily I tilled a pall with water and aB important discovery. Th writing of th We, found the eecretary hard at at drove up to Long Sin s house In the taxlcab all eonaclousneta. ueareea. a eewapaper anea. work my Knrsuged at Iba drteraalaed effort wbleb brought it to Kennedy. letter which he had Jut found In Edalnea the typewriter, copying a legal document and. after paying the chauffeur, want to th By thla tima I waa tlowly recovering Klalae Tralg K earned y ara manían to It l rally a bomb," remarked, "why In every respect with annaea the eecretary' office, where Ben-- aad Clalahlng "If a,,k corresponded that without a word Kennedy at one locked tha door and knocked eharply. In pal a end o ble rrlaaea. Iba not put the thing out of commlaolonr , on tha r reeponee ap- - me. eeoretary and Hand, aa able etrwngo arlaelBa! la katawa, th clutching Hand Bote and that aoor. to hla knocking Long Bin na.i had left Blaine, the resarta ta all aarte of Ike aaeo dlaballeal "No. no. Waller," ha cried quickly, (baking bomb formula. In each Inetance there were xhm aboretary roa In eurprlaa. but Craig peered on the threshold and motioned to Ben- - the clerka were gathered around me, doing aekrsM ta mm baos awl of Iba way. Kara head. If chemical bomb, the th ajame falntneea, the aama crooked align- - paid ao attention to him. Inatead he calmly natt to come In, evidently astonlahed to sea all they eould to revive me. If way 7kT grail w'ur B1l,ht ,B,t "" ,hln t0 ,nk th " aama battered appearanoe of ail walked over fo the machine aad began to blm. Meanwhile Kennedy bad eniiateo tne aia tflssxnvtt the off. city detective .m all Ma bilí ta aere thla chamícela run together and eet II tn, aUar T examine It. Am be entered, Bennett made a ort algn of two dtctlveo and waa scouring, the ratty gttrt aad blaiatif free death. Ha look ths bomb and carefully placed It Wa stared at each othar, almost too dased Might t ask" bagan tha eortry and said "I am tha Clutchin Hand. Kan- - for a trace ot Bennett or the taxlcab In wnicn Under Ihe wonderful raye, then with tha to snseak. "Tsa keen ouletL" ordered Kens.adv. with a nadv Is close on mv trail, and I bava coma be had lied. eyes - Chapter XIV. fluoroseope over hla studied .the shadow th4t momant wa were startled by tha noa t. ,T,a to watch the fellow. "Tou are t ba hidden." Somehow. Kennedy suspected. Instinctive- caat by the raya on He aenaltlve orn. For aufldan epparano of Elaine harpalf, who Hn4ar .rr..t and tha let you My th better In tone rblch betrayed alara Jad fear ly. that Long tin might give a elua to Ben- - bral mlnuUt continued aafaly tbop- - " at Chinatown Long Bin waa thinking ht ttudrlfe had corns In unekpeetedly from bar tot you the chinaman intimated that he had ao place nett e whereabouta. and a law momenta later ,rem " thoroughly un-- t way In Long over hla barn'ain with Kannedr te be- - P "Tr unt" ping expedition. I ahall never forget the look that crossed la which eould be concealed with we were all on our b or to ' r,,0 " oomD. ture nouga, g,a entered the room, carrying In hsr arma th secretary , face Waa It the surprise of any degree of safety Btn'a houaje. trey the infamous Clutching Hand ta - At length he eea ted hlmaalf at a teakwood ' " a huge bunen ot roe... wnron ana nao evi- ln innocent manT ror a moment Bennett glared savagely al I nougn wa oia not kuow ix. uui oiu. table, atlll deliberating over the promlee he deatly )ul received. Rr face waa half Taklnc the man e place at tha machine Long Bin th mumnt whan Kennedy knocked at his ""' plc of In thsre too , ,fca fpeyant pioatoma, but wag Kennedy removed the legal papar wag bad been forced to make to 'T" "rb. ,M that mo-e- ply absorbld "n .g"5 and put In a new ahaet. Than tapped for .om. jTgg.ry come, ht thought Ibberalery included, to kingdom gance. out at w watohad: DOí "4 w Hudd.n.y aa Idea taemed to .trlk. him. ' '"'.J ","11' ""n"t L W BBJ AT MBADwt ARTBRa AT 1. lifting a little hemmer. be ttruck a Cklneee " '"TS "' '" i. Z, hort w,ln l00" F r"" TbTJa lllinDIATBLY. gong on the table at hi. .Id.. At th. .em. "'" K.nhedy. on h.srfK ob. ..a d a ba TibOTvBB! at tomfff time he leaned over and turn.d a bnoh at the 7. ÍÜÍ ,h THRKB PARTS Off wMeh 1 k.. " iT"0'up. haeldLtlng""r'' .ay. roll-to- p 'KXTJli what ta aide of a large desK. V lettera, stood half ha hi aleall nhenia TRUTH .af afce retufAped A few .eeond a sort of hatthway. bwd, and hla salutation aly goal aad MATTER I aaa- - later ja'. and un- - lit lb. covered by a rug on th. floor. In on. corner "rr.ppln, th. bomb wh . wr no ..r th. rccm lifted . ntw. er.wlng one part while he held another Arm. baa-- pardon. Mtae Dodge," he said, "but a TTT .a. .in.iv h aamW ook of MSsSaxaOT eecretary. a pale, cadaveroue Chinaman,i.. ap- - oul " " toUle ' ,lu,d Bd matter baa Just come up which nec.tlured "f.nnk Waller." ha aaelalmad aa ha drew ne. r.d frm w. ..i. oms pwdr. Then he pi, ed a faw gralnt m,r,iy a cursory examination of aome purely th. ,.Da. . ., machina. ot tewdar on a dleh and dropped on It a whloh inlffbt have en Importaat into th rem and shuffled acroet to Long f0rmal lotttrt t bant together we compared the ' Bin. ot wo "1"" T" krlgtii bearing en the dtaeovery f the Clutehlng y,, wU, ,hoaa tBa clutching Hand letter. ' aaam sssa Long though something ,h l"Had lnttantly Haa4. Tour aunt had no Id where you m, paper th bomb and the which WW' Sin ecowled. as had "h " - frm letter 'tmm W Interfered with hla own plens. but tore open Ju,t what I tkected, comm.ntsd Ken- w,re. nor of when you might return, and tha Cra,laj hai ttkVi Blalna'e desk B aro,na lm- - the envelope without a word. epreaAlngt out r''dy w'th " aWB abaolute nacoaalty for haste In euctl an Aa Craig pointed out th resemblance wlrh m mJüM P workmanship bomb. I exam- - on his lap the aheet of paper II conNUoed of the portent matter my only excuse for a pencil my dmaxement gradually changed H The latter bore a typewritten message, all n' thln ,h' Intereeted him wa fhat a faw minor letter without Brat ob- - ,, comprehennlon and comprehension Into tn espitáis, which D'rt of ,h co'lUn had been wrapped In talnlng your permlaelon." conviction. The meaning of It all began to red: lo keep In place. This papar h "BE AT HEADQUARTERS AT It. DB- - Paper them he said nothing. At another time .uch an dawn on me. V STROT this immediately" w" now carefully examining with a micro- - .zpuaatloa would hava been Instantly ac- - Xha writing wa IdaatlaaL There were aa At the bottom of the note appeared the moa- copied. Now. however. It waa different dtfferenceal pa- - tnlster slgneture of the Clutoklag Hand. A nrl 1 oould SpOB M out. the Kean.dy read tha look on her fac and an while we were looked la th eeretary Aa .oon at be had Bnlahtd reading th note. P" cohtslned part of a typewritten chemical mstant later turned to Aunt Josephine and ofIlce Bennett and Blala wr continuing the chinaman turned to hit obotquloue .rr.- - ""muta, which read myaalf. their chat on various social toptoa. Buddsnly. tar v. who elood motlonle... with folded arma TlhTlTt MB op loniir "I would very much apprec iate a obaaee to however, with a glance at the clock. Bennett and head meekly bent THRKK PART OF aey a few words to Miss Dodge alan." h U- - told Blaine that ha had b Important letter "Very wall," he said, with an tmperlou He looked up from ble study of the ml- - timeted. "I hava had no tuch opportunity to metete aad that It mutt go OS at ones wave of hie baad. Tsu may go." roscops i o Long Sin. for torn. tlmt. If you would b ao kind aa she aaid that ehe would excuse him a faw Bowing low again, the eecretary shuffled "Tall me just how It happened that you got to l.av. ua In lha library for a few mlnutea, aad ht preeaed a button to call hi rro. end down again through the hatch thl bomb.' he asked minutas" eecretary. way, rloelng th. door a. he descended. Without hesitation tha Chinaman recited He did not finish the entone. Aunt Jo- - of lourae. th acretary did not appear. Long Bin read th. not. one. mora, while th circumstances, beginning with ths note sephlne had already begun to withdraw and Bennett left hit offlea, with aoma annoyance, hie Inecrutlble faae aaeataed sn expreeslon by which ha had bean eummoned. I followed. and went Into tht adjoining room, tha door of mallcloua cunning. Th hs glanced at "A aete? ' repested Kennedy, eegerly. "Wa Fr a moment or Iwe Craig and Elaine to whloh Kennedy had not locbed. aavy geld watch. II typewritten looked at each ether, neither aaylng a word. He hesitated a moment, than opened the A few moments Inter, with e malignant Long Bin reached Into Ms pockat and pro- - sack wondering just wkat Waa in the other a door quietly. Te hie astonishment he sawBanjIfftt, thd Tnuted LWydT, AttdTOStd to Kill Elaine When Ht finds That She waa - chuckle, Loag Bin rote elowly and left the dueed tht nett itaelf. whloh he had not mind. Kennedy wa wondering If there Kennedy, the eecretary and m fee If apparent- Knowt Hs I th BfSiTtsr Onminai room, burned any y that might read a woman e heart. y making a rioee examination of tha type- - Heenwbll the meetar criminal waa busily Aa Craig studied the typewritten message aa be waa accuateastd t ftad other, of writer i poaseaa hlddaa plunder worth ttva door, wa fllng la hla in.ld. pocket to aa engaged In putting tha finishing laucha te a from the mulching Hand I could eee that ha nature a serreta (Hiding ralbar than walking bath Into hla million dolUra" h. pleaded qulehly. "aa If that tht map ha had taken from Bennett wa nal écheme of Aendiek ingsnuily for the ak- - wee growing mor end more excited He cleared hla throat the chylous manner own office he clad th doer and loqked It by your aid I sen maks a getaway, a eeveath perfectly cafe, rinding that h. had It, he aoejuta dtmila of Orig Ktaatdy. "At last he baa glvea ue something tyape- - of covsria up ble emotion. Almost instantly fear and fury at tha 1 your." s sal led with his peculiar Oriental gull.. Then He had been at worh la a small room, fitted written," ht exclaimed 'To meat people, I "Blaine." he said at length, dropping th pre of hi h.tad rival. K.nn.dy, turnad Th Chinaman a cupidity wa. tlaarly e- - he opened the door end tod for a mom. at kp as a sort of laboratory la tht myetarloue euppoee, It masni that typewriting Is the beet recent return to "Hit Dodge," for th Bennett, at It ware, from tht JsbyH of a cited by Bennett's offsr. while th. bare men- - silent houss wbleb now nerved as hit headquanbera way te eonoeal Identity. there are a moment "Eleine. It there sny truth In thla polished lawyer and lover of Blaine tat an Uan of the amount at atabe wa sufficient "Where la Bennett?" demaaded Kennedy. Clutching Baad. at a bench In a corner, thouund and one way of Identifying type- - morning's newspaper report of of yu" Insanely Jeeloua and revengafb! Mr. Hyde ta overcome all his scruple. Long Bla yod ut alt then, with a placid had juit somptet.d aa internal ma. blue of writing Clutehlng Hand knew that That 8h. had dropped bar eye. But he peraltt- - The atraía wat mer Uan hi warped xeind After exchanging a few words he Anally amlle. eald. "Fellow me. I win ahow you." diabolical taanlng. aad wat wrapping It tare, waa wb, ht waa ao careful ba order thlt aote ed. taking a newspaper clipping from hla oould bear agreed te aid the Clutching Hand. Opening Ht opened trap door and we climb fully In paper to meka an, lantesSI package, destroyed As for the bomb, he figured that pockat and handing It to bar. With a leak at Intsaae horror aad laa thing, a trap doer In the floor of the roam la which down after Crater, entering a aubterraneaa mb waa interrupted by a knock at tka dv. It would deetroy tee If Her head trembled aa abe lancea ovar Ruina watched him elowly change from the they ware .tending, he led Bennett down a chamber, lad by Long Bin. Laying down ihe bon.b ha went to answer Ihe Ha was placing una pie of typewriting the item: composed, calm. Intellectual Bennett ahe hnew r Inte the subtsrranean chamber In There waa Bennett, eeated rigidly tn tbe summons with s stealth) movement. There after another under the a. a. rutlalalng SOCIHTY NOTRB. and reepected Into a repulalve, atad figure of wbleb Tong Wah had eo'r.c.osly been pre- - chair beatde tae table, from which the vial etood Long nin. who had dlegulsed hlmeelf each letter rlossly Da aee Raeaar la ewaaeetlaa the a aawe ml a man. paring ble myetarloue potion and cupa. about which w. knew nothing, bad aa a Chiaaa lauadrymaa. "Look, Waller," he remerked at length. las Blata tledgnsi the belreaat with I bat Heat atetare even seemed to be alterad. Aa Menustt saak lato a chair and peased hie been removed, "On time good" growled Clutching Hend taking a Una tipped pencil end pointing at f Perry teaartt, tbe taaawws raaaa law. eeemed to ekrlv.l up aad become deformed-- baad ever hit brew la utter waariaeae. Long "Hew did It happenT" aaked Kennedy surlily aa be closed ihe door with equal care, the distinguishing marks aa he talked "Tou pwr. Tbe ssaiasisaisl mi mm asssse. Hie fee. waa terribly dletorted sua pew red Into a cup some of tht liquor ef "Me earn hr." replied Long Sla, with a Mo time waa wasted la ueeleas formalities, will notice that all tha T'C In ibis nate are aaeal between them al ear Ms Aad hie long, sinew y hand slowly twisted death which Tong Wah bad mixed. Ha headed wevt tf hi baad. "aad before I eould atop "This la a bomb." he went en. pointing lo battered end faint aa wall mm a trida out of no mmu umii ue leviam um twwa.i aw Biaaais www mi ana 1 wwejwnj. am B. aia away Wlin nimaelr ' the pa oka a "Carry it caref.ll cm no aa- - alignment Now I will place Ike paper from Elelae read no further. Bhe handed bach bodlmeni of the Clutching stand. "How do feu prepoee te bel, mo I la dumb show the Chinamen indicated that asw wup. or you are a eea man it ina mm unaer me mirroecope an yea win tne eappiaa te aisaray as ner eywa iwwi g. ere. Us liatcaiaff saaaa eeoaper at www saaain suaauy aenaaii nao laaan peleón. "at be la Kennedy laboratory before alao eea that the In Ihe scrap t formula hla aha Bel lead his expression of deep con- - a .pit. ef closed We eould Sew Without Wtrd Loag Ma Wtat I th wall. "Well, we've got him." Kennedy, - Ti iter mused atghi Uaderetaad? Can yea arrange Itr- hava exactly tbe aama appearance. That la- - rera. aad heel la lad with Ihe reply she had plainly hear ahrlsh Craig, th aad, graaptag one of tht MM, proceed R shaking hla kaad eadb adding after a pauaa Loag Ma glanced et tbe daageroue pack- - di oata. without tha poealblllty of doubt, evidently bee just about to maba. aeeretary aad myself made a raeb for th back, opening a large receptacle, la whlh "but be dead." SB, then with an impaaaive look, replied, taken la connective with a acore of other pe- - bull, at tht lowered her head, II aeeseed to dear t Bennett . privet office. Blading It there were lw gla eoSlat apparently eea- - Blaine, who had followed aa a... Hava ao fear. I aaa de lb It will be t . uli.nuee la the latiere which I eould pick give alleat conSrmollen to tbe truth of (tb looked, we began to batter It talnlng two dead Chiaamea. Bulling eat tka cover ad her eyee with htr heads and waa tbe laboratory wish! aa bear Truel me" oat that both theae were written mm the new papar report By tkle lima kowever. Baaaett bad herled ooffine. he pushed them befar Beaeatt wfe MbMag convulaivaiy. I thought ehe would Por e m gave - ! Ctalhlaa Baad klmaalf sama iraaantar. hava aalaaied the To' Kennedy aeld nothing, but hla eyee aa- himself pea BBala aad waa elowly shobing raa to hi feet end gated pea Item with faint, bat Kennedy led her gently away lute ap to tbe ax toll atemplatio ef wbM he beoauM II I th meet marked " tinned ta study bor fa bar. wonder ta apper room. had Juat dene, than tar aad to clean up le I etralaad my eyee to laab. Bars enough, Ht suppreoead hit feeiln with great Kaantdy gulcbly found that U wat ImpseM Loag ata broke the Henee: "Theae mea." As hs placad her la an eeay Balr, he beat woraahep Keaaedy wa right Thar waa that a asta-- effort, tfeaa. wllhaul a ward, bowed asm left kl te batter tewa tka deer la task by or- - he salt, ara at dead, but tkp ha bean ta r IMP. aootaiagly. tahaM idsntuy between the Te In tbe fur- the room diaary saaaaa Quickly k alead IB tpo-- tkle roaMUea far raaay atóalas. It l wkat "Did you did ysa really love ' hlmr be ia Meanedp. laser et I waa wateblag mula bad the aal a Waltar ha eaalfeimcd a he rajolaed In writer had hurled It ibreugb tbe panela I. called as yr lasujwag upBd aalMS ask at la a law taae, aeddlag la the diraotlea Craig man m rasper Ira vale wllk a ew Keaaedy bad been geelag at the Boor, hi tha drawia room, what I wa oenllla with Tae fee tferaot hi band taraatjh tha apa- - Ua." tram which ba feed tad bar. ray a p parala which had jual arrived, ae- - fan .ushered la thought a I looked Bud aunt Jeeephlae. "wo saast be off again Tbe Ina end turnad III alta. "It tfeat what yo latead te do wit pxr Still huddriea. aad with ..... y leaking tareugb Iks flor dealy ht clapped hi heads together, aa If be trail foltowa Mill further A we Bang late Iba ranas Rea snhed Beanolt abrloklag bath la tarro at Keaaedy Elaine ehaofe ber When - beautiful head he t taaaMaiag eomt uaueuaUy hv ad abade a dlawwvary I saw aad, mfe te tae awpaUSsa. astt reeked late a Metal la a earner. Mam- TB Cbiaamaa nodded la efftrsnatiea aa fee The, eiwwty riela ta r loot, ehe toohe mraetiBg o i wt ml we eotapoeed baafe ble. N straek If he .sclaiaisd. juetpla up. UN Aael Jeoopblea lrdleft the keaea aaMaJ th doer hablad him It Waa Pebed tha nil I at Orale eppaallagiy Bar a moment he We ware abllvlea paasag. I Ujksse aMnd esTeeiaaily prevented any www by Me Ua ef Una, 1 wa wdrig waere bad atea irpewrii An hear r a IbUr. BMlaa uf sheet Iroa aad ism th horror of the Bennett, leeksd dwa laU fear tw great ,akaa of ear " verted atleal lea. year oeal aad bat Wa are aa the right trail decided te aaehe a call aa her lawyer and the tried valaly. however. I pry It open la hi bead at If i laaleei that tbe plan Forgive ma," murmured Bleu, holding apiaad SB a Berry w Was Mat MM I dear aad lew unsafe later al Uat eoaadaat ef ber ralbar. While were tbea ta SPrdfe tar tomtit la tarry eat bar band Than ana eded Is vetea tou am hlmaalf eeiored J or eeTta eaiBR kan a Anal tump bint we. la Ihe bear r. knM Tw three Mark, ware la tka voter an aatraaa ta a aert f elaeet with MMMar amlle aad a abrug ef pi toan with amatlaa. "Tbank you far saving Sanaedly laeBed a leeiriagl es Use uan. a aaa the bailee Jaaaiaaa whaa ahe am red. bat Ina saTtfle ha. I lia ant aa na saaa. bad and masks Whisk ha - beir Loan aja aM.lad la lha aati Obiaessae bSyrsasbit, betgeaa oat a a- - at We were admitted et aaee. far dual J, dew. a dime aevei re a meet bar aad la- - variaaby ware i. the htMls ad fe Ob tab- - wbua BeaaMt had druak Keaaedy look bar hand For a aaadhma had aaver uadarMaad what was formed bar Mr Bennett waa atoan. caff sasMS. Than an aayd a Mac dear maalat." be remarked saaveiy Tbwa aalla that iillikRS bold it. he drew bar toward bam. an- - aa aun. B gag saaat aba Mangle a.ssjiia and tsyaan. aad Aa Rlataa entered hi prívate eáTtoa. Rafea Ml dneur In the feeasfe mi Uaa taaabM tvad "yea hava aatiady Stank a BaM áVnaa wag. aaltr.. tnril i gusHiiB ta fedaw si planed la had a bag regard far him ra ta greet hat dTaMvaay aad shay - wy mntv aa asat. pnuen M to . PHILLIPS OIBNWiv

-- THIRD INSTALLMENT "Ton eaa enter me." ha added, aa he held opon the BOW. lay, French, where did you any that was a stub, and flipped It Quest drew a long breath. Where? Whore exactly did you Bad Itr tha door for bar, "aa a friend or would you prefer found?" His eyas were sat hard professor Insisted. a pseudonym ?" "Just outside tha professor's book gata." Frasea "Drop that elnb." he ordered. "I found It Is a but" Quest aald, "hidden In n BYNOPBia. "A psandoaym. if yon plea an," she beamed. . "Wa grunted. "Bat you're not kidding me" Tim creature suddenly sprang up. The club was piano box. I found thers. also, a creators a hu- Tn her the Inland 131a. daMrhtr of kava so many who send na earns of money as "It's n Anger from the professor's skeleton you've waved around bis hand. man being. I must cell him in a stats of cap- Lord Aahleiah. Is red end tlM AshMSgTi llMMDi friends. Anything will do." got there," Quest mterrupted. "Drop It" Quest repeated Armly. "Ton win sit tivity." stolen. The repeat-a- it Known M The professor glanced around the room. Quest hung sp the receiver. Then ho turned down la your corner. Tou will sleep." "Hidden In s piano box?" the professor mamar crtmlnolonlat nt tha world. Ma "What pseudonym shan I ho toward his two assistants Tha elnb slipped from the hairy Angara. Tha wondnrtngly. "Why, yon mean In Hartoo's Kiln's maid, to his own npertmewU and ternas adopt" ruminated. nam ano tne una or eiecti "Shall I aay that an oak sideboard gives you five Another finger from the professor's skeleton," tense frame, which hsd been already crouched for aleeplng box, than?" rover her connection with hundred dollars? Or a Chippendale sofa? Or," ho he announced, "hag bees found Just outside his the spring was suddenly relsxed. "If Mr. Hartoo It the gentleman who tried to monda and arraata tha murderer, Uardoui eyea you you right," Quest "Mr. husband, though nearly trappad to hla daat added, his rooting for n moment upon the grounds. What do suppose that means t" They found nothing unusual until they came to elnb ma are admitted. "nfmtm now wnue engagoo in inn worn little box. "a black boxr "Craig," Lenora declared confidently. tha distant corner, where a huge piano box lay Ashlelgh, before we go say further I must ssk you rnnrtf na of queers assistants two "Craig your sn explsnstlon as to presence of per Irt to Investigate the theft of tha skeleton of an apa. The girls from the other side of the table on life." Laura echoed. "Bay, Mr. on Its aide with the opening turned to the wall. for the thst presented to tha museum War Professor Ashlelgh, brother started. Even Qneet swung suddenly around. The Qneet. I've got aa Idea." "This Is where the brute sleeps, I suppose," eon In your grounds?" nt i ...r.l Ashlelgh. Maedouaml escapee hla way whit on professor, aa though pleased with bis fancy, nod-da- d Quest nodded. "We'll It anyway." Ths professor hesltsted for moment. Then hs to priaon. A string of dlamonda la myetertoualy atolcn Quest remarked. turn around s (rom Mr. Rhelnholdt during a reception. as his Angers played with the lid. "Oct right ahead with It." Tbey dragged It s few feet sway from the wall, slowly crossed the room, opened the drawer of a "Tea. that will do very nicely," he decided. "Put "Didn't the butter at Mrs. Rhetnholdt's say that so thst the opening faced them. Then Lenora small escritoire, and drew out a letter. ma down Black Box,' Ave hundred dollars." Craig belonged to a servant's club up town? I gsva s little cry and Quest stood suddenly still. "You have heard of Kir William Rayemom, ths THE POCKET WIRELESS Tin girl took out nor book and began to write. know the pisos well. Lot me go end see If I can't "Tha skeleton I" Lenora shrieked. "It's tha prssldsat of the Hoy si society ?' hs asked. The professor, with a little farewell bow, crossed join and pick up a little Information about the skeleton!" Quest nodded. the room Quest moved so old bones "This letter is from him," the professor con- CHAPTER VIII. toward Lanora toward man. Ho most have a night out sometimes. Lot's It wss s skeleton that the hsd the door. And ont ha does. How's turned a dull gray. Quest glanced towards tha tinued. "Tou had better read it." Mr. Quest easy what that?". Sanford aat in hla favorito chair, "Lot me see yon out," aha said to the girl pleas- "Capital!" Quest agreed. "Get along. Laura. hands. The criminologist read It sloud. Lenors looked Ms cigar Inclined toward tha corner of antly. And you, Lanora," ha added, "put on your hat. "Little Angara both missing," be muttered. over his ehoqldsr: his mouth, hla upon mall In- attention riveted a Lanora opened the door. Both girls started. We'll a rtda towards Mayton "Remember the messsge?" she exclaimed. To Prof. Edgar Ashlelgh, New York. upon take aranus." strument which ha was supporting all knee. Only a few foot away Craig was standing, his bead "Where the skeleton Is, the necklace may be also." My Dear Frofeeeor: Tmir rommunlcetlos gratines and me. I aay no your Ho glanced across the room to where Lemork a little thrust forward. For a moment the quiet Quest nodded shortly amase can mtre It fell to lot to bending tu OMAPTIR IX. discover the skeleton of the anthropoid! a tnarvwlona orar her desk. of his manner seemed to have deeerted "Well search." thing. In Ita way, and needing only Ha corollary to form "We've done It this time, young woman," ha de- loss for tn place the greatest discovery since the dark ages. Now you him Ha seemed at a words. Tbey turned over everything the fruit tell me that In the person of Hartoo. the laat at the clared triumphantly "it's all O. K., working Ilka you missing ' "What do want" Lenora demanded. The exact spot where the bone of the Isssly. There was no sign of the necklace. Inyamo race of South America, you have found that little peach "I waa waiting for my master." Craig explained. sksleton wag discovered, was easily located. It was "Tou get outside. Lenora," Quest directed. "Ill corollary. Tou have supplied the mlaalng link. You Lenora rose and cam him. ere In a position tn give to the world e definite and log- toward "Why not downstairs?" Lenora asked suspicious- about twenty yards from a gate which led Into tha Just bring this beast round sgsln sod then ws'tl ical explanation of the evolution of man l - t me give "Is that the pocket wireless?" ly. "You did sot noma up with him." back part of tha professor's grounds. Quest wasted tackle the profeesor." you ene word of warning, prufeeaor. before I write, you He nodded. ' at arsater lensth on this matter. Anthropologists are af- "I km driving tha professor In his automobile." very little time before arriving at a decision. Quest turned towards the creature which flicted more, even, than any other race of sclontlfl.- men. "I've had Morrison out at Harlem all the morn Craig explained. "It oeeursed to me that If he were "The dlscovsry of ths bone so near the profes- grouched still huddled up In Its corner. with Jealousy. Ouard your secret well, lest the honor of this discovery should be stolen from you. inc to test It," ho told her. "I've sent him at least going to be long 1 should time to go and house," decided, be coincidence me," hora hare sor's hs "cannot "Look st he ordered. WILLIAM RAY8MORB. half a doren messages from this easy chair, and The creature obeyed. Once more Its got frame professor nodded deliberately the replies. How ara you getting on with the seemed to grow more virile and The ss Quest natural. finished code?" "You need sleep no longer," Quest said. "Wake the letter. perhaps, you "Not so badly for a stupid portón." Leño ra re- sp and be yourself." "Now, ran understsad," he said, plied. ml itlaSttli JM Lai "why it was becessary to keep Hartoo sbsolntely WéBBen9saaHfl HKUá V ai at The effect of bis words wss instantaneous A- aura, hidden. In s month's my pspsrs will who had bean busy with some papara at El lmost as he spoke, the creature crouched for a time bs the farther end of tha room, came over and joined ready. Then I shall electrify ths world. I shall them. writs not a now pago but s nsw volume across ths "Say. It's a dandy little affair, that. Mr. Quest," history of denos. I shell " she exclaimed "I had a try with It, a day or so P-ltflL- Ths door wss suddenly thrown opon. Craig ago. Jim spoke to ma from Fifth avenue." jLfwL r9j áP sprsng In. no longer thn perfect "We've got It tuned to a shade now," Quest de- sS r K but with the face of some wild crea- clared. "Equipped with this simple little device, ture. His shout was one slmost of agony. you can spank to me from anywhere up to ten or a "Tba hut, professor! Ths but Is on fire!" hs miles." efgA fWfanwKnnsñl FsaBananffav dsHbal I iSatnsm AnsaBmal mm cried. Quest roso to bis feet and moved restlessly about I B" snsTUSk His appearance on the threshold wss like n the room. flash. Thsy heard his flying feet down the hall, "Sajr, girls," ha confeesed, "this Is tha first timo and without a moment's hesitation they all fol- In my life I have been In n fls Ilka this. Two eases lowed. The professor led the way down a narrow on hand and nothing doing with either of them. and concealed path, but when they reached the Criminologist, indeed! Whose box la thief" little clearing In which the hut was situated, they Quest had paused suddenly In front of an oak ÍgaSBanaES wars unable to approach any nearer. The piaco sideboard which stood against the wall. Occupy-ln- Bansanl waa a whirlwind of flams. The smell of kerosene a position upon it of soma prominence was a was almost overpowering. The wild yell of the small black bos, whose présenos there seemed to leopard rose above ths strange, gibber- him unfamiliar. Laura came over to hla side and ing of the monkeys snd the hoarse, bass calling looked at it also In pussled fashion. of another voles, st tbs sound of which Lenora "Never saw it before) In my life," she answered. snd even Qusst shuddered. Then, as they came, Quest fronted. breathless, to a standstill, they saw a strange H'm! No one else has been In the room, and thing. One side of the hut fell in, and almost Im- It hasn't been empty tor more than tan minutes," mediately tbs leopard with a mighty spring, leaped ho remarked. "Walt, let's see what's Inside, any- from the pisos snd ran howling into the under- way." growth. Tbs monkeys followed but they came He lifted oft the lid. There was nothing In the straight for ths professor, wringing their hands. interior but a sheet of paper folded np. Quest Thsy fswnsd st his fset as though trying to show smoothed It out with hla hand. They all leaned 1 "Ths Hut, Professorl The Hat Is on Fire!" blm their scorched bodies Then for a single over and read the following words, written la an moment they saw the form of the n as ha obviously disguised hand: order another tiro. It is of no consequence, though. struggled to follow ths others His strength felled sbbssbsbbbSbI ' ' snnB ' You have embarked on a new study anthropology. I will go down and wait to tha oar." MLl&MritáKwlBBM& san2anamDhsaeSij him, however. He fell bsck wards Into the burning What characteiiatlo strikes you moat forcibly In con- Lenora stood at ths top of the stairs watched chasm. nection with It? CunnlnsT The necklace might be and where the skeleton la. Why not begin at the beginning" him disappear. Than sha want thoughtfully back The professor bade them farewell, an hour later, suddenly The note was unsigned, but In the spot where) n to hsr work. Ths profeesor end Quest wsrs talk- on the steps of the house He seemed signature might have been there was a rough pen ing at ths further and of tha room. to have aged. your Qusst." said, drawing of bands, Angers extended, "I was in hopes, la great hopas." the professor 'Tou havs dons best, Mr. he twt with talon strong. fashion,1 menacingly, as though poised to admitted, "that you might have heard something. "but fste has bees too Remember this, strike though. at some unseen enemy. Quest, after their first I promised to call st Mrs. Rhslnholdt's this after- It is quits true that the cunning of Hartoo moment of stupefaction, whistled softly. noon." may have made It possible for him to have stolen skeleton and to have brought It back to its hiding- "The hands!" ha muttered. Quest shook his head. 2 Humsn Yet Inhuman, a Monkey snd Vet S Man. the -place, It was Jealousy cruel, foul "What hands?" Leñara asked. "There Is nothing to report present Mr. Ash bnt brutal, st Jealousy smeared walls "The bands that gripped Mrs. Rhelnholdt by lelgh." be announced. only. Ws will waste no time ont here, Lenora. which the of that hut with the light to work of life- throat," be reminded them. "Doo't you remem- "Dear me." the professor murmured, "this Is We will sesrch ths grounds. Corns on." kerosene snd est It The s way turn. Every time, my dreams of sclsntlflo immortality, havs ber 1 Hands without arms?" very disappointing. Is there na clue, Mr. Quest-- no It wss hard to know which to There wag another brief, almost stupefied clue all?" path waa choked with tsngled weeds snd bushes vanished in those Asmas." st slowly away from them and re- silence Then Laura broke Into speech. "Not ths ghost of one," Quest acknowledged "I Thsy wssdsrsd shout almost aimlessly for sssrly Hs turned Quest sudden stand- entered the' housa Quest snd Lenors made their "What I want to know la." she demanded, "who am as far off solving mystery of disappear-snc- e half sn hour. Then csme to s ths ths wsy avenue the brought the thing here?" of your sksleton snd Mrs. neck still. Lanora gripped his arm. They had both beard I At Was Mrs. Rhslnholdt's Necklace. down ths sad entered sutomoblls Rhslnholdt's cry, was waiting for almost tn silence. "A most daring exploit, anyway." Quest declared, lace as I have ovar basa-- the same sound a queer, crooning Uttls half whloh thsm, plaintive, angry. The latter glanced toward bis compasión, aa thsy "if we could answer your question, Laura, we Ths professor took a courteous Isave of them half spring. There wss wild hatred Is Its cloes sst up departed. "What's thatr he exclaimed. drove could solve the whole riddle. Wo aro against all sad Lenora crossed ths room to syss. snarl of something Seaa-tlk- e In Its con- o. ' ths "Say, this has besa a bit tough for you," ho re- something, and no mistake. where Quest wss seated. Lenora still slung to hla srm. slipped quickly whispered. terrifies torted month. Qusst through ths marked. I'll have to somewhere get you hand which placed Quest "Mr. Quest," aha "do you In In- "I hate this plans," shs "It sail aad The that bos bare," aakad. believe door. wins," continued slowly, "is capable of more wonder spiration?" ma What are ws looking for, Mr. Quest?" a glass of eras "Anyons may have thst for a pat!" hs remarked tried was ful things. We must he cautions. "I attribute a large amount of my success," Quest "Can t any that I knew exactly." tke latter Sha to ssiils but hsr strength almost Hols!" cry grimly. "Come, Lenora, there's s word or two ta gone. drove to The door had opened. The professor stood upon replied, my profound belief in it." "bat I gusss ws'll find out where thst Thsy s restaurant aad aat there "to bs ssid Is tbs professor. Thsrs's somsthlng hsre Lenora soon the threshold. "Then 1st ms tall you." Lenora continued, cams from. Sounded to me uncommonly like a for some little tima recovered her "thst will nssd s little explanation." color. even hsd courage to speak of "I trust that I have done right In oomlog up?" I have ons. and a very strong one. Do you know humsn sCort" Shs tba he He lit a clgsr ss thsy struggled bask along ths afternoon they inquired. when I west to door few ago Thsy mads their way sp as far as ths hedge, events of the when ths that ths s minutes pstb. Prest-utl- tbey reached the untldy-lookln- Quite fight, professor." Quest assured him. the professor's servant. Craig, was there, listen which thsy skirted for s few yards until thsy found sutomoblla ex- sveuue, snd s few minutes later arrived at tha murmured, yoa "They know wall enough downs I al- an opening. Then Qusst gars vent to s Uttls "Mr. Qusst" Lenora "who do lairs that am lag" house. ways liberty you. Come clamation. Immediately in front of thorn wss a suppose burned the but down?" at to in." "Inspector French baa had his men watching Quest Is vsln for s bell. They walked "I am so anxious learn," professor contin- Craig night of small but built apparently of sticks and bamboos, searched "If I don't ssy Craig, I snpposs you will." he re- to the ever sisee the ths robbery," quiet round the pluiza. There were no signs of any ued, eagerly. "Whether there la any news of my ly remarked Quest ' What s that? Answer the with a strosgsr framework behind. Ths sloping marked. "1 wondsr whether aura a hsd sny luck." grass-grow- human Ufa. Thsy came back to the front door. ekeletou" telephone, Lenora." roof wss sad sntwtnsd with rushss. Thsy were greeted, as tbey entered Quest's room, lit- Quest tried the handle and found It opas. Thsy Not yet, professor. 1 am sorry to say," Quest obeyed. 1 e only apology for a window was a queer by s famlllsr Uttls ticking. Quest smiled with Lasers psesed Into tba hail. replied. 'Tome In and shut the door." Inspector tle hols sot quite close to the roof. pleasure. "It's French," aha announced. "He "Hospitable sort Of place, anyway," he re- "There la a young lady said, "who to yon " wss door, but Qusst, oa "It's ths posset wireless." be declsred "Let here," he wants speak to There s marked. "We'll go Is snd wait, Lenora." caught me up upon the landing. Sha, too, I believe, Quest sodded held band re- trying found it locked. They walked ground ms lake dawn tks message sad out his for ths It way wishes to see you." ceiver. the place but found no other opening. All the tima They found their to tha stndy. which seemed Ha spelled It oat to Lenora, wko stood by bis glanced He threw open the door and stood on one side. "Hello. French!" ha exclaimed "Anything from Inside they could beer queer scuffling sounds. to be tba only habitable room. Lenora Mas; A around at Its strange con ion la with ss expresólos young woman cam a little hesitatingly Into the Lenora 's cheeks grew paler Havs Joined tninti' clue disguised ss your butler. room. Her hair was plainly brushed back, and she "Nothing much." was ths answer. "One of my "Must ws stay" shs murmursd. "I don't think almost of awe. Craig frequent visitor here ten years ase. comee now motor-ca- r passed window, by oceasienaUy Tl radar ravel Ukely time. Shall wore the) Salvation Army. w - Qusst! A small the drives the severe drees of men. though, who has bean up May tun avenas way, I waat to ass bat's Inside- Mr. Mr. wait here os shnuuo of ásalas hiss. "Want to see me, young lady?" Quest brought I Qneet!" Crsig. Ths professor dssesadsd. A asomoot or asked. la something found rather Interesting "Osad gUi that." Quest rsmsrksd "She's a She held ont a book. morning. I you arm. Thsy opposite twa later he entered the room He gsssd from this want t some round and see Sas slung la his wsrs ths rare sUcknr, ton." "My name la Miss Qulgg." she said. "1 .want to little aperture which served as s window, and at Quest to Loners st Bret is blank surprise. Then If-- held out Ms turned away from ths instrument ssd wss ask you for a subscription to our funda." Go right ahead tall me Quest In- thst moment It suddenly framed tha than of hs bis hands. and shout it" a crossing tha roam toward his cigar cabinet Sud- Quest frowned a little. vited. esestars, h features, diabolical sxprse- "You .have good osws for ma my friends I" ha aseen la Is denly as stopped. Hs looked Intently towards tha "Very weU, Miss Q1gg ywa dona- in- exclaimed. "1 am ears of How unfortunate shall have a "Toa know we've been shadowing Creía." the, sión. It sideboard. tion 1 am busy today, but call at the sama hour spector continued "Not luck up aow. "Bay, soma thst I wss sot st home to resolve you I Tell me mack till that's faca!" hs remarked. "I'd bate "What la Lenora sefcsd. tomorrow and my secretary hare shall have a Fellow seems savor to Isave a Wo to aped! It " dont keep ssa Is suspense. If you please you It" his master side Hs did not answer Sao followed ths direction check ready for yon." bars had a couple of mea sp there, though, Bran ss spoke. U disappeared bars discovered my skeleton snd ha r' of his gasa. Exactly la the spot as before The girl smiled ber gratitude. ons of thsm broagbt In looking object "We've got Lsaors," "Wo Qneet semuj a curlou be to gat laside thers, ha aa bars found ths sksleton," announced rspcssd but somewhat larger black box. of The professor laid hla hand upon her arm aa she Hahsd np Just outside tke of profseeors sjsasaaa. stepping forward singlo moment newcomer saother back the Far a the stood ss the same shape and material as ths previous ons gas followed htm silently. A lew turns of tba thnssjh turned to sums " - "hay, wba put that there?" he dsmssdsd young lady." ho sbssrvsaL pea amaga Waal la inn thine wrtet sag door yielded Keeping Lenora "My Qneet. 1 tha a skslstoai" hs murmured. "Mr. Lsaors shook hsr head much In earnest about your work," Wall. 1 wast yon to see yon agree with behind him. Quest gsisd around eagerly. Ex- it You greatest man nttva whether ksaw ere the Now locked tha dear when ws want sat,'' shs es- It to only the peo see la earnest, etr," she me," Ft sank wont on. "if yon come actly In of bits, lad only In a lola clotb, me quickly -- I 1 can't rouad. front tell wsat to know everything, but sayed him. ewered. "who can do any good In the world. My I'M oosss to you with banc Ued up shoulders, s necklace around hla this Brst of ail Where did you Bnd the sksle- " Quest took ths bog lato ate bands sag removed work kg worth betng ta earnest a boot . "N siimshM Quest replied Weva got ever seek, wMh kissing eyea and ugly gleaming tooth, Who wss the ton' thief" tha lid. It seamed half full of oottoa-woo- i Oa tha "Ton compel my admira tins) say snoot reapect-fu- l little dimcnlUoe of that sort Laura, just as srosshsd some) unrecogsUable creature, human skeleton professor." Quest replied, task "We found tun top wsrs law Uses of writ lag and ksnssik them May !. too. ha par u the paetstsleesse," he added, uoMia yst saonkoy yet uvea. s adalratiaa. igr tha nsslist laksshss. a snd a Them "wtthls a hundred yards of this hone of ths parted bands Ha read tha drew a pocket book aad pasead ever to- sway for a sseuuent One Frsash, wars a couple of monkeys swinging by wss opon ths signature lie oat - saoaaesi. There their lalla Ths professor's month wide Hs toras out slowly ward Uttls wad of aotoa that's right.- be eddied, as with dart flggsig looked like a bewildered child. It was bar a lean, several IWo sil laveedaeUWe-Jewel- a SasSa teat return teens m It la so kind of yon," aha miirssaroa. "We aoeor arisansa what issesed U be a reuituod mirror ths sround, walking roñad aad rasad te Uto far seconds Ussra he spoke. ouinwveud It. have any bawl latloa fea sseeplksg isa or. May 1 to tha Instrument "Now, French, bold sp the somas, sn suing sad snarling every tune so "With a hundred yarda of thie house? Then It Quest rained ths coi tou wool. Hnneatb lay Mia. pm know year nasaaT SSSAeJe Jnst ta front of the enrol ex There, that s gins sed teanrda tha aawoosssrs. 7ba eratera wesn't stolen by one of my rivals' ShalneVsMt's assklass! right Moid at Hisdy. I've got the bens sd it In front of him strsAsasd sst s hairy hand towards "1 should say not." Onset ad milled. (To Bs Coattessdl MY ROOM ma' Room PRESSING fcoOM


r JXJTTCO LINCHOWJ Koutc TAKgN bvtictc andthe cat wr The Idea Was Clever, But the Cat Spoiled Everything mnm, uu. kr miii r nun nfci om anuía mtu "I hi fÚowútoTAKC A PATmTÑ Ifl'vE GOT the BCíTV. I'M dOlNC To HITCH You 7 Ma I IDEA YoU EVER. ZHK MY ROOM JAvl TUB You (JlVINC A OClETY ILESAS ft" T PUTMWAGoh) (Sr ANPLET PULLj SHE IS THE AFFAIR To NIT AND WANTxl jPWfe WHEELS ONThL BATH TUBJL ME AROUND Roqhj 1 ífl S NOT IK EVlPCNCE 3- - í Supposed Know TkAT nt j tEL 7 Xfc. TÜB STV


"" jfl fL I Wl STImfr" 1 KÍnwKhi RETódLVEDTXAT S A BBs Sim iiX ) PotS ntmoU 7Hiá PROVES MY JuptíENT 15 NT FIT lb Fat. l II WMCAToflbP 50ME PtOLE on Picking our thC Wf 1 L I insist

fclnuak ' V - T. ' MAGAZINE SECTION

. Sunday, April 4, 1915

II HBH tha chin., uf kaatat aaod forth thalr )eyoua rraurractloa paaJ thara la aa laraajiai ahout r lp WBk I from all ha avártta af kjh,.Tha aaprrto aota uf raltaioa. raliaraiin. Ita faith la U. atara- - sia Y ii i3airw"'-- I laa arm Naw Ufa. te áa Ml awmunr with tha racurrta- - oüracla af aa awaaanad áuth YauU. "lo "a owa TutiU) tasara that Natura will lia word, that hud aa Huí Ill prora a fatdhaaat Thaw, tha lifari latiaajli at rahaloaki tha uafuidiaaa of N atara aad I af aawlr prtif huaaaatty aaata h aapraaala a luaiiAad oonhdaact, a raaltaad haa Tha rataadar nam aot atwajia aark tha aaraa data at laatar. viaia prtaa aar rary hr lha chaaoaa af latliuda aad tha Baratarla af aaaava. Bat Baatar haa haoaasa I M ahlalaa aaartL tha uMiuajou. aianai of aa awahiail matt, una ia. a fraah raallaattoa af ai That Wuaaaat ahaaht aawtWuiarl; mbvimim awtaa la aa raaauuahla aa ail aaatxr. whaaid hjaaaa har a out mpoetat m blowing a shrill whistle through "And I aat Boss Reaper." calmly finished Marks, CHAPTER 111. "Wait a mínete." And Officer Dowd stalked By arrangomtnt for thit papar watchman's tba par Inaiatt-men- to desk. "Well. Dsn. yen got tbe wrong photo-dram- a oorroaponding to 's atli la tba cottar. Tba fugitives from Justice, easily 'Waste tbe charger aaked the deck eergeant WW the dock Ned Warner's detective the iht at against my friend. of " Ranaway Juna" may now bm MM outdistancing tba heavy rubber boot, gained tbe "wiping a boat" This hoarse Information cama appeared, and Bouncer, picking up tba ties." be announced. "What's By car. Wltb a bow wblcb bad m It all the grace and frees tbe overcoat aad cap. trail at the landing, ran excitedly up to Bess Heeper P at ihr trading moving ptotura ihtaiara. DO laat night." eald tbe eer- arrangamont modo with tho Mutual Film gallantry which could have beet) displayed bad be "I don't know about the Frenchman." whispered tbe street at tba point where June and "Copping s motorbnat used much mor time Henri aaslated Marie to her the phenomenally long policeman In the sergeant' bad taken taxi Bouncer be- geant looking St the blotter. Corporation it t not only poooibto to road Bennett Durban tba waa aeat He aprang In beside her. He Inserted hla red ear. "but tba gun aee ra to ba all right aha gan to go round and round in widening circle, whin- "Wrong party." returned Dowd promptly. "I "Runaway una" eeel waak, but atoo after- her key. He pressed tbe starting button. Hllsnce! Bab! knows Offerer Dowd, oa tba east aide, and Moran Ma nose close to ground. The trail waa with Botur Hesper mysal f laat night, her aad to oua moving pioturoé illustrating ing tba nearly ward Tbe motor waa eoldt and OToole and that bunch." loot, aa tbey would ba, and little friend, and wa didn't leave the safs tin our atory. bad known that trail "yoo'r under arrest!" And aa Ironlike middle "Oh!" Tba Information seamed to heva some from bare the detectives scattered, seeking every- daybreak.'' finger thuinied Henri on the ahoulder. weight The officer releed heavily from Ms wide where In their own met bed for a Claw to tbe where- Tbe sergeant made sa entry on the blotter. Oapyrigbt, 1918, by mum wHnaHs Oorpontlo. "Arrest. H. offlcerr cried Henri "impossible1" chslr and waddled through tba door loot back of abouts of tba runaway brida. As tbey left tbe vi- "I'll toil that dock watchman It'e sa alibi." And ba gave another vigorous twirl of but crank. bin. Ha warn gone long, silent minute, but when cinity a row boat pulled slowly up to the dock, drag- "Will he stand for ltr Dowd asked. " "ok. tbe boat wa have" he came back bat brww waa knotted lato what ging behind It a steam yawl with frosty mist on ita "If bo don't we'U push him off the dock," calmly nionn "fjff iigaOona. "Bo you're a friend sergeant "Joe, bring and IT." Jan. Mm bride at Mad Warner. Imeelslvaly laavee ber you know Officer DowdT" aaked Maria. seemed permanent aori stovepipe, aad a very mucb begrimed lady with a stated tbe out d rusband on their hoonnwon bacanas she bacina ta raav "DowdT" repeated tba aofemn police man, shaking of Dowd and Moran and OTool and that bunch!" long noes and high arched brows landed and want Fire was out first and displayed bar friendly gums. laa that ana muat ba entirely dependent on Mm far his bead. be thundered at tbe lockleee Marta. "Wall. I tele- away n word, pausing only to cast a look "Where's your little friend T' aaked Officer Dowd, money. Iba daalraa ta ba tndapandent without you phoned 'em all. a oaa 'am knows any o glancing paat a dejected looking little Juna la pnnuad by Ollbart Blya, a waalthy married "Do know Officer OTootoP Anó ana beamed aad not of of withering scorn at the well known and Juatly waiting and escapa hta with difficulty. Nad high up Into solemn policeman' faca, Boss Heeper! Lock 'em op!" BUI Wolf. abort, thick chauffeur witb a Uny mustache wbo came through man. Bha from clutches - the n private detective. That ncarchea- Attracted I y for Jan, end. learning at Blye- "O' Toole J OTooleT Rest alder' "But moneleur. It M all a mistake!" cried tba Individual, wlbb mucb puffing exertion, eerambled the cell room door. vengeance on him. many sdvao-turr- a dealcna., vowe Aftar parado Jules Lefon. "Mademoiselle is n- o- smudge on Mb face with "That's Mm," snd Marie Introduced Henri. la parata by Durban, a "listen. M Oarer, eh V broke In Henri. np and renewed the a Juna raaeuad from river distinctly audi- little glared srtlst. Marie bad fnrtlTely kicked him on tba shin Crark! That kick oa tba aula waa rotary motion of bis sleeve and damned profusely The big policeman and tbe chauffeur "We took tba boat, yes, but yon will comprehend, ble throughout tbe little room, but It bad Ita affect then he. too, stomped away bt easb other s moment, wbUa tba cheek bones of Henri at had tba Mat and ba abat Ms lipa Cunningham Marie grew red with pleasure. TWELFTH EPISODE monsieur-"- but Blya and Edwards aad la a luxurious "Oat 7 He saya ba took tbe boat!" Tbla waa tightly together beneath Ma tiny mustache aa ba limousine stopped at a boos, where they ware Henri looked about him wistfully. and Maria, Intense gratification of tba over- I met you, M. Dowd." He The Spirit of the Mirsh. front tba cap and tba overcoat to the ushered into a gay parlor, where half a donan hand- "I am happy that bava "Take 'am along!" rumbled tbe cap and overcoat coat and cap, were Md away and locked In their somely gowned yonng woman crowded around tbem bowed politely "Now we go. Mile. Marie." CHAPTER I. "1 guess I'll have to take yon." tbe officer eald re- respective cells. wltb hilarious grsawlngi A larga blond woman Marie displayed bar friendly amile to Henri and roee room wblcb STEAM yawl, wltb black smoke pouring from gretfully "Will you walk or will you ride? He la tba dainty and white drawing earn In to greet tba callers, gad to bar Blya sbowed then ta Officer Dewd. and op to be neat bar atovaplpa, suddenly stopped Ita churn- only op a couple of blocks." Ned Jane Warner bad fitted their the picture la the watch. Iba laughed and nodded "Won't you come with ns?" she inquired. u ing halfway acroaa New York bar th "Walk!" exclaimed Henri In astonishment. "Nev- Ned eat In consultation witb J ne'e father abd barbead. "You'U come with ms!" be blurted snd grabbed Ak long women He rushed to the bis mother and Bobble Blethering and June' bosom Gilbert Blya gravely baft Mrs. Bussed house. by tbe arm. principal passenger, a nosed er:" front of car aad cranked it. her y friend. Iris, detectives. On the floor wltb high bad brows, recognised through a wb-bl- Off tbey went to tbe police ttlon. and the three la tbe Mgh caUingad atadlo June quietly watched Bill Wolf celled up Honoria Blye. ire by Mrs. Moore's feet lay bandeóme collie. taxi totoecope tba leaders In a procession of June's Bennett Durban walking about wltb a perplexed air. "Got htm!" be triumphantly yelled. "Bay, listen. Join Bouncer, Brat mention of bla ml nv speedy motorboats wblcb swept rapidly toward bat at the tress' "I can't fiad my brushes, vivi." ba blurted as Mb I Juat done a fine piece of work- - I sleuthed tbe oth- CHAPTER II. name be waa up barking loudly. ber. and wife came in. er party's detectives. Tbey got the girl's dog, and FURTIVE eyed btitier wltb a young face on -- Torn around, qulckP tba woman ordered aa tba it win be the easiest thing in tbe world from they've spotted your husband's limousine. Join me tbe withered and stooped body of an old you A bora down, a ad aba daabad a cinder now on, Bennett" abe Informed Mm aad sbowed la front of the Blakely building, and I'll toad rut motorbost man admitted tba runaway bride and her from bar oeady aya. "Hará comae tba runaway A him tbe box at tba side of tba big easel. to thsat" escort into a magnificent studio bung wltb He stared at bar ta eurpriss. At tb heme moment Ned's were tele- bride!" rare tapestries, embellished wltb exquisite paintings, detective now, ma'am." reportad a abort, "Good scheme." bo granted, looking down St tba phoning tbe earns Information to tbs tnxlou group "I'm turnio bar fitted with quaint furniture and objects of art from whoa round faca waa one eonsecu-Ur- e brushes, and than ba laughed. "However, I suppose ta the Warner apartment. thick Individual all over the world. And bare Warner wa In- hanr oar engine etnpplng T" June IU have tbem scattered all arar tba placa again by "Didn't I tail yon we'd a clew J" exclaimed Irla smudge "Don't 70a troduced try Art 1st Durban to hla wife, a bright eyed tbd goeer acraacbad Houorta lily aá tba tomorrow." Blathering and sobbed to relieve feelings. "Thar aba woman great charm. She received wltb al- her Daabad paat, bearing, of June "oh. no, Bennett" aba returned. "I'd rather you'd The little runaway bride waa picture which long, narrow at eel gray boat most gushing cordiality. a driver, a bcauUfnl gul la a yacht- keep them bare, please. I don't like my house all would have held tbe eye of any artist aa she lay bealdea lu yonnf "Tbe Spirit of tbe Marshes." laughed Durban, and aa mucb aa poaalbla from tba cluttered up." aslsep la tbe inglenook with tbe flare of flamea ing costume, protected It waa wltb a professional eye that be tbla time the a arm tail roan with a aoft "I don't believe I can paint If I don't nava to find dancing about bar. Tbe filmy negligee bad slipped flying pray la tba of surveyed the beautiful girl. "It waa an utterly Im- my favorite brush behind something or Other," be from Otis smooth, ahoulder her pretty fait bat and a looaely knotted cravat possible adventure, my He stood before aa round snd my buabaud!" criad Bonorla dear." bead, with the wavy hair rippling back from her "Why, aha lan't with elaborately carved Florentina table, while tba ladina Blya. brew, reefed upoa s tapering white ana. She sud- "Norn,' confaaeed BUI Walt, putting a fresh denly awoke under Durban's Intense gaae and. flush- amudga on hie round face aa tba cinder ladea amoka ing, hastily drew tbe negligee ta putea. Ha spoiled rolled down; "not now." Hi perplexity cleared. jt! "" "You've ttP Cried Durban. "My Spirit of apled tbe aecond boat. "There ba comee!" yamasaal HI ""YjjÍkjfSÍf s. tbs Marsh! Coma bare!" Be caught her hand and "Gilbert!" ecraajnad the woman aa tbe aecond boat raised bar. abot by. driven by a bear y man with a round bead Be tod her, bewildered, before the Mg esnvas, and thick lidded eye, and carrying aa It peaeeuger where, crudely Indicated by a few rough strokes of a dark, bandeóme man wltb a black Vandyke, wboaa ths crayon, the "Spirit of tbe Marsh" hovered over wbola attention waa fixed on the beautiful girl la her domain. tbe forward boat "QUIyP Tbe dark, bandeóme "You must be my model P be excitedly Informed man paid 110 attention. "Ton riper!" aba abrteked; bar. "I will pay yon any price you wish- Here le then aba whirled to BUI Wolf. "Why don't yon tura some money tn advance." And, Jerking s wad of tbla around and chase tucin?" loose Mils from hla pocket, he thrust them In ber "Wa re turning, ma'am." reported BUI Wolf, look- band "Now stand here." Hp was so quick, so en- ing a nx lonely in at tba engineer. "Don't you bear ergetic, so fired with Impatient fervor, that June tbe angina rwaralngT" time to think, much toss protest He half Tba third boat abot paat. driven by a white d tod. hslf pulled, bar 00 the small data wblcb he man la evening clothe. hastily shoved Into poalUon. Ha caught up a sharp There tba creature wbo corrupted my bueband!" knife. It would sot da He ran ta s workbaaket shrieked Honorta. "Ba wae wltb Ollbart tba night In tbe alcove and brought back a Ions; pa'r of aneara be took ala trunk awayl Too beaat!" ana acre mad. and with one clip sUt tbs filmy negligee at the and then aba caught eight of the occupant In tba boulder. fourtb boat, a little chauffeur wltb biasing eye and At tbgt moment tbe portieres opposite tbe big tbe tlnleet of mustache and a stiff woman, wbo canvas opened fsr enough to reveal the dark, band-som- e bent eagerly forward. fees of the black Vandyked Gilbert Blye. "The maid of tbe runaway bridar explained the Toward tbe Durban house there dashed two auto- juatly fatuous detective. BUI Wolf. "Do yon notice mobiles, tbe electric of Honoria Blye and the Moore that we're turning now, ma'am T YOu'&E IN LOVE WITH HLkZ" Rj 1 JUNt AS TWf SPIRIT QP THE MARSH" family Nr. wltb the parents and boa band of June "Ned Warner, tba deserted groom P announoad and her bosom friend, Irte Blethering, and Bobble. Honoria Blya aa tbe fifth boat darted paat. Ned sat In the log I en 00 k, in tba flare of tba grateful fins. Marie and Officer Dowd were suddenly Interrupted held binocular to bla eyea, and tbey were focused Uta eyes still glowed witb the excitement of tba In their leisurely stroll by a loud yelp, and s white oonfewd "Why. where's my old alternately on beautiful June Warner In the arm of morning, and he laughed "First time I've bed a I seed chaise snd brown streak threw Itself against Marie. toon tbe and upon tbe closely pursuing Hubert chance to use tbe revolvers you make me carry II ra?" Bouncer! He barked; be circled; be ran up the unlet "I bad It taken out was ao very Blye Wltb him were a plump and placid email wbeu I go out for lbs marsh sunrtae 1 waa buay It disreputable." street a little way, ran back and darted off again. Mrs. Durban waa studying room wltb haughty man. wbo drove wltb unwelcome ereeeae In, bla sketching, trying to catch that wonderful ecarlet of the "Miss funlaP cried Marie, and, clutching Officer severity want my bouse to represent me." brow, and a generoualy plump yonng woman, wbo tbe aun and tbe mist you know, my deer whes 1 Dowd by tbe aleeve, aba ran up tbe street after the I The young butler cams in. dragging a tall r. waa half hysterical. suddenly beard a piercing scream. It could coma WrmU Vi WUUMUUUUT aBBBBBBBBSs9 dog "We're turned, ma'am." aald BUI Wolf, clutching but from one direction tbe but Immense! A real Vivian Durban, ber chin tilted, ber face eerene. "What are you going to do. Osear Inquired Dur- - Honoria Blye by tbe elbow. Don't you aee tbe adventure! 1 folded my eeaal. drew my revolvere r ber step deliberate aad leisurely, came into ber shsrply . Wool worth building?" snd told Jimmy to pusb through tbe reeds for Ufa atadlo. Whatever aba had been about to aay froze "I am to remove tbeae sir," be report- On tbe dock there etood a watchman wbo constat- or death. Before we could reach tbe hut there were tapestries, oa bar lips ss she saw the tableau before tbe can- ed, setting hi np by aide of oaa ed of aa overcoat and cap. and aUanUy. motionleee-l- shrieks upon sbrieke la a young gtrl'e voice, than ladder the of tbem. vas Ths exquisitely molded runaway bride, draped "The dickens yon exclaimed Durban sur- hour by boar be looked out toward tba bay. V hots, one after another. Wonderful P He shook sreP hi like the Spirit of the Marsh, stood upon the data. prise "Oat motor boat, slender pointed, steal gray, daabed back his dark hair and laughed, and bla wife paled. aatP "OhP Tbe word was a shriek. Vivian Durban swift waa " up, and from It tba artist quickly lifted beautiful Juue trembled and grew talat wltb tbe memory of "It ms Aim's orders, sir rushed down the length of the studio, towering with "Oh!" Durban looked Mb June Warner The overcoat and cap moved not a It and her eyea distended with a recurrence of bee st wife alowty. rage- - "Bo that's BP ahe cried. "That's why you muacle. but from far off Nad Warner, In tba fifth terror. "As we burst through tbe tall marsh ruabas "Yea stay take tbem down. Oscar," said Mrs. Dur- brought tbla creature here!" boat of that Strang regatta, through bla powerful I saw oa tba island this beautiful c rasters held by ban quietly, and both tbe artist and bis wife were "VlvlP protested tbe artist binoculars saw that landing, aaw June cling to bar a gigsntlc murderer. A woman wltb a beautiful silk Mleal while tbe Upestrias wars removed "Out of my bouse P the woman arreemed at June, newly found protector, saw, from the band of bla shawl over her rough clothing waa running toward "Viví. I don't understand," puaxlad bar husband ber finger working convulsively. "Out of my houae don't ees why you'd remove important things head, that tba artlet'e eyea ware Sited wltb appre- tbe but Another murderous thief waa lying oa tbe "ñOttD TO TtHS MOUSi.SHC CXmtO "I thta minute!" And she started toward tbe fright- ciation for tbe beauty of tba fair Uitle runaway ground. Down the channel from tbe open watat without consulting me." And be glanced at June, ened June. bride straight np tba dork tbey ran bo tba street there came two speed boats, one driven by a man wife's dogT" ssM tbe chief of Ned's d tso- wbo bad returned to the bouse to resume her nap. "Here!" Bennett Durban caught bla wlfa'a arm Tour eyea and balled a passing tail and whirled away wltb a mustache. In evening clothe and a sUk bat, il r foros, aad Nad nodded "We ll take aim." Her were closed, although abe waa net sleeping. A keen little racer daabad up. apraylag tbe ra tar aad the other, driven by a round beaded man. car- e e e e a The woman's chin went up. She stopped, snd slowly her chin went up. She " In a glittering translucent abeet aa It curvad Into ried a dark, handsome fellow with a black Vandyke, Uew cheerful wag tbe biasing fire as June reclined "Bennett, dear, tbla to sty hoses turnea ssj nim coldly. tbe dtp From It sprung tbe black Vandyked Gil- wbo stood up. snooting two revolverá. I fired la the la the lagieooob, s cap of hot coffee ta uboret "Oh. yea, yes, to be eureP He walked eery quiet- " Either that creature leaves goes Instantly or bert Blya la time to aee the tax Ice b whirl away ear. Tbe gigantic murderer dropped this beautiful by her aide and a com fort ble drowsiness steaUng ly back ta Mb Mg oaare snd studied tt tor a teog yoa go! Tbla to my boaso P with beautiful Juna. Through bla powerful binocu- creature, and she ran shrieking to my boat" over her! She did not know new pretty she wae In time without eeetag it at stt. With a taw err Juna haul daetaS fK. .,- - lars Nad Warner aaw Blye gesticulating wltb anger, "Yon poor deer!" Tbe artist's wife waa Instantly tba filmy usgUgse. bat Benuett aad Vrvtaa Durban June waa as only shocked, but filled with enas clasping bar gauay dra partea about ber aa beet abé aaw the heavy, round beaded Ed wards climb elunv contrite "You muat be tired aad cold and half fam did aa tbey est at the little studio ta hie. which waa tas maderatood as tba man could net tbe id ñau ene ternea 10 asn np tn stairs. aUy upoa tba dock and stamp but foot. tened and frightened to death. Aad you r ail wetr their favorite breakfast piaoe. aad turned ptossed r the sstaandlag changa to A third beat, a trun, tithe little cutter rrom It be raised Juae by tbe band. ayes upoa their beautiful guest Tbe aaddea aoqukcttlaa of property bad transformad "Oat ef nxy bou!" sternly called the woman, and study-ba- glvaa a dtaay ugh eerauiUed tbe whit mo tachad Orta Cunningham. "Tbe Spirit of tbe Marsh." mused the artist A butler brought M tbe snail to tbe Dorbsas ss bar asure Balare, bad bar ha aa June stopped, bewildered, hslf erased, tbe front Through bla powerful binoculars Ned Warner aaw Juue crttleslly. tbey finished their breakfast Durban walked out bad twisted bar view until abe placad aa utter- doer waa opened by the smirking butler, whose fur Cuunlugbeat too. give way to a fit of fury, and toward the garden. Be eeeesed aax lona ks eoeossi ly false valawttoB Spaa herself aad apoa everything trre eye leered at bar. Nad dnally gritted bat teetb and clinched bla Beta la a richly furnished office wbleh coe tatuad no sosnetMng Ble bh swbwwsd. Durban opeeed s aroaad bar- Msany again Alwaya money I Faint, daaed. acaree knowing what aha did. June, aa ba aaw tbeae ecoundxeliy pursuers of hie lovely bint of buelneaa except for Ba tal apt sag and tbe long envelope with sg expects at emtio aad took Offiotr Dewd walked lato the pottos static Just draped as the Spirit of the Marsh, slipped out of tbe bride race es tbe dock. Tbey hailed a peaelag taxi long rows of peak batten est Gilbert Blye sad fresa B a folded dseaajsal aa tas seek sargasat with the as ess g shaped red bouee aad tale the street and whirled away np tbe street On Cunningham aad T. J ltd wards In earnest eo "My deer." bM estce vibrated witb etoesure, "caa't sssstaifci gave way ta ose with s Mas eye aad s The srttat aad Ma wife want to the porch snd A fonruh bant. A little rrencb chauffeur witb a fereoc. t'uuulugbam still la bj keep my secret Teaawtrsw M the fourth anniver- Mee ches, aad the aaw tocnajbeat greeted Offioer wetched ths ffM gattsr away. The wesaea torued a atlff woman with high Udwarda with bis sary weddUtg. to sty gift to eoav Dewd wltb effuetve oordJality to rjewhaa. "You're m tore tiny meetsrb sad cheek still pajamas of ear aad bore -- with bar." she snapped. A yea bones, wbo beat and anbeat painfully aa aba wee coal aad the carpet sUppers oa bla memorstioB of that nappy event" Where bringing tato sty dtstrtotT Or are srewad the corear, two Macha sway, tore the polled to tba dock. after buttou tbe black Vandyked man iter ayes bin tog. tbe warns a teak ta étocnamai yoa off duty r Mesas car. with Nad Werner peering latently ahead. "May r Tbe overcoat and cap at last bad moved, una sftar another silent stealthily moving. sod opened tt "Dau. you got a girt hare by the nasas of Bene o oppemte siiiiisaa Oeme Honorta Blye'a ato gas, of-t- rapkiiy. violently Tbey p sensed between Henri and gtunleatrva usee came la and witb grave tarea ra "A dead 10 tbla hnaasP abe estad. aspar that toss ta knew aad 1 Juet shopped Ig front Darken door etood a tuxu- - Marte- - "Teare g.tashis'P eajved their lastructioM and departed "Aad ail thai B canutos," toughed bar husband; la to stag bar." -- i'Uicaasl seetastrl IsaposelbUr ar Matad Haja- Heart aad Marie stood la front of a mottle raoad "everything, torludio myself " "Yea can took these all over bt yespee nana," great bert Btys'sl ri la sateamhaaaat "Par what as It that we aro joek sargaasl with a sausage Ilk red mu Lache. There wee an ear ta asaltos of AeffghL Tbe woman ed the eergeant end Dowd walked back tato the ceil As a (tasked down tbe steps the atoar of tbe I s püKhed? Behold tba boat Wa bavw returned it" "Veer assise ." be deassndsal ktosed bus ssato and agate sad ceiled hla a dear ssyogg "Boas Beaiwr In reU t" ear opeases, aad the while esssattad Oris Cnnntug-ha- Marie started to ran away "Voile!" agreeably returned Heart 1 ass-e- ghP beg and s good boy aad lbs bast beebead la tba "Way, batto. Marts r i claimed Dewd "Wast yee sprang urn sad caught Jane by the wrhu As- "Hoorayr Oa bt aide Banal barked aad. tsugb And he lifted hi feet sharply. Mario bad kicked world Juae, whs bad swskessd sad followed to tor r echar agaxre mm mm ke Darken atoas, ateas apoa tocayes bag gayly. ssartated after Marte. Off aa tba street, tasen, drew beck, a they wooid set knew that aba Marta ap with s Jerk. tea 1 11 1 saara sr tee ataran it wee Gilbert la taw shatter at a waribigaj atoad a tosrtag ear. "Ba to Jatos latum,' aaappad Msrto bad beard, bet aba waa giad far esas to bar besa "Thar a , uuls friend of astas basa, toe." She ex Aa be ran fctesnaj tea rand bl Ma pocbat Mr a bay. -- Noal Nob! Nob' Near asad be heve abased ta "tt was ail a satataka ra ta aa swfel Heart end these eesssed g wmaaln theTwenty DollatMystery Million-- UÍ?H AR)JJ MAC ORATH Aft flW IS SBMl

HUNT CAMS DOWN reOM THE POBCHVAHED UNTIL BPUCE ANO GYP LE PT THE HOUSE THEN CPAWL.ED IN PTT WEVWEREON LV 30ME INSURANCE PAPERS RtGAPDI N AAAOAMb PftOPERTV I AT THF WINDOW u I rritoreis. draw my revolver aad cover them while I id of hia head, which ached painfully. back to his own work. Zudora would b tonight will match up a proml like that iog and concluded that they had done for Sudor, heiress to $20.000.000. I placad picked op the bag?" Where the deuce had. Hunt gone? along presently. I can take car of you, girl; and wall bare you," answered Balrd, rather breathlessly. Has-aa- In the guardianship of bar uncle. " Search me," said Balrd. smiling. "Now, Meantime lkc recovered. ñatead of at- On going out of th office madam had sat our honeymoon In the West Indies some- " Not so you'd notice It. Jim, I've got the All, a mystic Hassam All la deter- mined to aecure the girl's fortune for don't get a grouch before dinner. At least tempting to follow Baird he staggered off to th latch s that it would cloaa but not lock where. Now, let's get out of this stuffy old diamonds." himself, and whan aha becomes of ago. wa got Zudora out of their clutches, and th first telephone he could find and called the door. When aha saw Zudora coming la office. Hoop-l- a I Come on!" "By George, that's great work! Suppose he makes every effort to bring about her that'a worth a bag of diamond any. day la Radllffe, " lie vas sure had arrived at at the entrañe of the building abe hid herself When they were gone Mine. Du Val we bike after Mr. Bruce and nail him while young death. Zudora It In lora with a the weak." Mm. Du V ill's by this time. Hodellffe bad and followed th gTrt back upateirs. The slipped out from behind the ecreen and stood the nailing' good." lawyer, Storm, and aha seeks par John " of mission of her miserly uncla to marry And poor Storm wont to the aame bat hia band full documents most of them typist wa leaving. listening intently. When abe was assured "My idea." him. Hassam All promlaea to grant her and never amelled a rat! Well, If they gat rightfully belonging to Zudora when th Zudora ran Into th office, threw her srimi that there was no possible chance of the two They ran down the path to the road, but wish provided aha shall solve twenty of her again I'll give the joh to yon. I've telephone rang. around John' neck, and hngged him. lover returning ah walked over to Storm's tbs quarry had disappeared. They hunted cases. olves nina of the hia Zudora warned thoee two enough about keeping their " It's Ike," be said to madam. " Ha aaji " Aad to think tills morning I waa a pris- desk and futllely tried to open some of the thoroughly, but for a long time failed to make caaea when har uncla dlaa, aha la ra- - and put paper In your leaaed of her pledge. aye open. Sha and Mm. Do Val were both he needs as. Her, those oner, wasting to die and be free of It all! drawer. So tbey ware beginning to suspect any headway. At the death of har uncla, Zudora haa mid prisoners, but evidently madam aa handbag. We'll go right to Storm's efflce O, I've gone through so much that I never her? She smiled. They could not find the "They'll be around the boat landing. another suitor for har hand Jim Balrd, capad day ago. Peculiar, huh?" Brat Yoa.11 know what to any." want to hear the word ndveuture again." least proof in th world. And, mor than Hastia!" a man who haa baan playing aa double " Toold yon arrest her?" Storm, barteg teen Sudors safely at bom " And T'TJorrmame ;o i. P r this, In th end they would surely be beaten Near the dock where they bad landed waa to All, who, through slnoera Hassam but " O, they're slippery eitt with Ramsey, had returned to hi of- Do Val stole noiselessly in love of the girl, glvea up the false Ufa Not on this deal. Mr. Mm. in and trying to recover the property. But is aa old steamer. They arrived la time to see and goea back to hia work aa a newspa- an. They don't take the turnip out of the fice. He wa vastly surprised to see Mm. behind the screen. some manner ah must get hold of tboa two mea enter the pilot house, evidently to per reporter. pot until they aré cooked. Still gaining on Du Vsl aster, but be managed to form hi "Do you belie v that Mm. Da Vsl wa paper tha man viniera was (ending from bide. MÍ No longer obliga Mira Baas aro ns. Well, well har to take oar chance on feature late graciousncss. He wa curious really mad a prisoner, too?" Montana. Tha two art off In pursuit. All's caaea Zudora now confronts tha land. do the work. Ton stay by the to learn what the woman wanted. He dis- " Temporarily, yes. Bat tt all look a bit To return to Hunt H could a word r greateat mystery of all, which la tha Ill haar From the pilot house came Ike, who mystery of har own Ufa and tha ambi- boat I don't propoa to walk back to Jersey missed bis typist, wbo, making a pretense of fishy to me. Here's the postman! Let's see or two from the men, but nothing definite. pounced upon Baird'a baek and downed him. tion to secura the vast fortuna of 180. City. We wouldn't get iBto Now York until Bruce and Oyp came to the scoundrel's aid, 000,000 looking left bar. On through kar midnight Ra! there they go! Jersey shorn and they bad Baird trussed up like a Christ- uncle's papers aha also linda that bar It is, engineer. yon go croa Iota yon can In a diamond If mas fowl In no time. father left har aa Interest gain." mine, and Storm and Balrd both land as- cut down a bit of their On th opposite side Radrliffe ran full tilt sistance in trying to regain for ker pos- Is the other boat they eeemed to be enjoy- Into nunt, who wasn't especting him. session of this aetata, wblob la being ap- ing the voyage. by rogue. atruck first, and Hunt crumpled up on propriated " Right from under IT tint's nose! Thst's Sided with Zudora are Detective the deck. Radrliffe coolly aearebed him, found Runt píenme me," Bruce. whan ' and Balrd. who let out for South Af- what aald "Ike, th water bottle with the diamonds, and con- Gyp rica to look after some of kar diamond we land yon dip behind the warehouse. cluded that hia presence on the scene was no mines. There they have a stirring en- aad I will scoot for the old house on the hill. rogues longer neceesary. He bed urgent business In counter with some of the who If aaa alan follow, let him he; bat If th so. k Zudora'a fortune. Eventually they town. two of them on the trnil. mus 'am up a ' return to New Tork. Shortly afterward start They tied Balrd up in the pilot house. In kidnaped. Storm, a got to thee atona oat of the "' H Zudora la through bit We're ret HnSsT one wa a large box on " H corner of excelsior This . fisherman, learna aha U hald captive water bottle In a lmm j an island. Hia sear oh (or har la vain. anHsBmaBBBasBsBmamaai they pat around Baird'a feet. "Any gun play T" asked the mas called Ike. BBmBBi Bpsnpr Balrd and Hunt are enlisted and by " All over, old top ! " jeered Ike. " You're "Not If you can avoid It," aald Braca. smmi A mSwHB Wm shadowing one of ike guards of Zudora t going do a little stunt Ilk that in Quo they find and rescue her. Tk earns day Make that landing by tha old sailboat, engi- f attempta tka Vadla. 'Member'!' That Nero knew his bust-ne- Hunt but falla t fruetrete neer." plot of two ol the rogues to amuggla IsnPH WwW all right. Burn 'em up when you don't some of Zudoras priceless diamonds Tuny sad six minutes' land when thy sm snTetTsVsWi lato the United States. like 'am. says he." landed, lka slipped behind lb warehouse, Baird struggled. Copyright: 1014: By Harold hUnOraW-- l while Bruce and Gyp ran toward tha road. Gyp the guarnan lit a cigaret and carelesaly CHAPTER XIX. Through hia field glasses Hunt watched them, mk WBw mWLwL tossed the mstcb into th excelsior. ras psmohs in TBS pilot bo ran carefully noting th direction of their flight At this moment Hunt came to hi senses. AN w make thami" asked Balrd But in hi eagerueas be did not Botica that He rverbed for the waier bottle. It wa gone. tt Hunt, aa their motor boat sped only two man cania Into focus. The miuute Then be Bought hi automatic. That waa V up the river IB pursuit of the tha boat made a landiug he jumped out aad gone He got up. one; he smuggler. began running toward tha spot where ha had siso. Three to yauk-In- realised that he must go quickly for help. I can't tell just yet Think of them Been the two men last Balrd occupied r The motor boat engineer would help. that water bottle out of my band! Ill with the painter. The engineer knelt HHsBaaPssmL Ihe and Qyp had ao Intention of setting A bet It bad a hundred gems inside. Wail, before hh cylinders and hunted for n possible real overcoufl-den- fire to tb eld steamer. Tbey bad made the well; tkat'e what comas by being t. bit of damage. nffl 4 threat merely to add a little more torture to Hey, engineer, what apead are w The man Ik thought that he might Just " their predteamrnt. But excelsior is making t aa wall dispose of BairU. In that event tba very Inflammable Tk flames swept up gust- " About eighteen mil." detective would be between two Iras, and ily. Tb two rogue bagas siamptsg n them, la that a higher powered boat tank onteT" they might ha able to put him out of hia mis- naamBBnflLZHcnnai but to bo avail " Don't know aotblog about bar, air." ery Balrd was iu th act of tying tha Gawd's, sake, arreamed Gyp. " She's pulling- away from us slightly, ' painter whan Iks at rock him a violent but "Far lka!" got cut for W eaa't do notb-tB- growled Bslrd. fortunately glancing Maw an tha hand. dHaanmma "BBnmBmamBBT "We f it s Wbaddld you throw that matos there for, " Bat you can take It from aso, mistar, that Balrd stumbled aad fell and Ih draw kia abe woB't pull as far away that we east tall half with murderous Intentions. But Balrd toalt" f Th two turned heel aad ran They wanted where and whoa she's going to land. I got turned in time, caught tha wrist, and fought to be far away when the fiama) attracted out- , pieut of oil." said tka lagtaasr, aevsgely for alt (hat hi head waa ringing sat waa oa thing to smuggle, - Well, keep bar right where aha la and ilk discordant raíste. He aeceeVd In SsXlIrT attest to. It to pick paeksts, creek safe; It wan eatlrely du a for shore when they do. Staking hw assailant drop tha knlft, then be te tie up a mea and rosal him to Hunt Stepped hack and to spar As lka soother bcn tearing tha room, atol bahmd a aerean. what he brings." He opened ap the letter Bat he saw them put th diamond hack into They did sot Map running "They're making far tha J atoeped to recover the kalfe Balrd caught death. rea aad Mata. Du Val ara aliad haavüy, but Storm oa by on. " Why, here's a letter from that th water bottle. Thru they draw eat of tk uatll their toga began to gi eat 1 guasa goaa twenty fairly ChlS. Balrd did not w.t taw patata aha ah hi - oa tka g readily dtecvr has Wlsatlty. What did ma Marcus VU Iters, who la managing yvur rang of hia vision What now? ha wear Hast Sashed W the landing and wa speed-la- three- It'll take har SB haar to las a en- ts leeva whether th man was asnaalisa or the woman want? min In Montana." toward th motorboat whea h saw a tirely." not B teas to sis hol. co.:fldnt that Sha sated advloa sheat aaaw papers "Bend Braca opened up plank la tha soar aad - Hinca wa can't overhaul bar, hispías har ant would preeeatly bare urgent a It" nd Whea ska broagfat tham oat of ker ha ad bag " ' I tailed to my test effort to deliver to hid tb beg. Tbaa a aad liyp laft tha kRck-en- . " Qosr, jutoh! That teawr I aa Ira la eight is the aest boat thing." replied Hunt Mm Storm felt a Barry mt eaclteaaent But gas aaaa rateable papara couceraiug your Hunt duwu from tk porch, waited BBd there's was tied ap la th Bitot -- of filling a water bottle with dhv Beat wan a tornea rosnar, aad he thar casi boa'" Think eahal taeu neereot aguasa Baked, asna tka kill jest as Brae and Org were ualy some laanraae panera regarding law father's óslete. I am nw eeedkaa theia uatil Uru and Uyp ktft th house It was asnal the Jin asonda and so Ideatally druegdag It HirhaBBl tha badly bib flame gjcaaHl Storm maaaged to read by espreee aad trust they will reach you crawled la at tha window. Ha asw Ike tos alies Haseaw As. erar had-- He waa talo tha hands f eoafederates! Sons sand ateref It. theea eve rsrefufiy Kg ret rued them with safety.' I haa to beaveu thee sapera will slash aad straightway investigated Ha that maa H. kilt has got Aid they'd have Tha taw amaewjew wast directly te tha thai thaw vaga In Shaw light We seed II. g rl chuckled Har was tb goods, ail right He " Hunt. I'm goiag te ras tfceee fellows down got awey with it completely bat far (ha aranv SMahas. Brae. lka wagf hettte SB tha fssssrh sertert! seed B I be- years of my Uto." ha declared, wsawge we tba deal labia. 4rdwed th tap. and rda. H sa sard a s am a I to tor ki " O, art's bather mm shoot money was sural a larky ntao, sad Brace waa if ft lakes tea bling onto that rule That lar Baser agatotoi toa U aa paid, aw) Ma Da V I li s ealy bseught mUfortsa I'd bare haea som lag g sa sags oa. A SB day's werti as the end Hast him an ear part. They certainly ara tearing aa damped ont tha Haw." Bast aw this left lb edbes. Meted to pas tea see but for a slapid Sudor freed aad ih smagsli die moods the meterboat "I know the whole bench behind. I ana eet an that smb Brass's yhHssily tomsksk ih kttens wtew h. "Weil, hang If s grids marry ye thro andar hi rent. A h earn ant the house AaA has It. I " thorn mm saw wsdMi he'd hsisgSt Bslrd ahtsg wBh a. that hmt faaag Ms, It laalii I ef St' tar Bo I J yen to gasssk wTest th 4 Urban ass aha want ' Or saastha. mm what happsan" be espied Balrd bat footle it up th pngg. do ia Bnl vast haea meads in that hag and ret I enslds't peave it sutler getttag th lay tor - WW yea. aeoestlyr " Hetlat Where did you eon frvmr' cried wait tea yean take it bum so." replied Hun court Ther probably taha Shosn D oat And Bated had tott hia wag. wm ah teat of th osbw 4 i. fajara " Honest tetase w cas land aa thorn. I wish yeed aor tha aaaa ha wa parsed sg were anywhere sims warhr Isdan!" Haal. " Wev- - I ro an FVseBadsVay tw An could aalv vulguaa. he wast Well. Bathing less than a " Hot lest. Saw Brae aud waa an-- sne whan we got eahnc. Why didnt I til igfttt ttslsJ 910fs AtBn sssTfsB h sat th tiptP aar sis

í i ni i iwM V Vy SH 3 o-0-0,T- h2 Doggie Runnecl Awy! a j RAC C. ORAYTOH t . General Sports gaggattorning Q&meg Automobiles PAGES I TO 8 B P EL PASO. TEXAS, SUNDAY. 4. 1915. APRIL

rerenre of nptnlrm among right experts re- There seems always sean unknown power BASEBALL SCORES. AND garding Ihe possible length .r the fight; that coaxes that ball anywhere hul In ihe BOUND GARNER JOHNSON AND JESS the siyta of th me FATHERS MOVE THAT i never live H principals snd cop It'a uncanny and ll tltstRa. Bo.lno. El Paso First in each poaaeasss. II Is generally down- - never." admitted, however, that the champion is a Bv Ihe alssoetoled frees s In the of- Atlanta, ns April 3. Atlanta southern Wlllsrd master setenes of rsns glad to know wen fensive and ele Tensivo fighting and that he The will naturally be Association team from the Boston Jack Coombs is showing up in grest iKuiala hem today, lo 1 score: R. K. K. RIDE IN RARE FORM READY FOR GONG Is raster OS his fret and the eye. WOULD WORRY lhst I g Class C with STARS style iu the Florids training ramp When Atlanta S Whether he ran make this science effective Jack's arm went haek na kim suddenly Boston I la th shape of blows landed In the right some tlrne ago. she y said thai he was Bailarles Thompson. Hlelt snd Jenkins: place, remante to he SSSSL through with the "big show" for lito. Rol Cruirner. l.uque snd Bruggy Ravagi a or typhoid kept or Seven inning by agreement. MARTA The negro's best kkans are a ton Jack. him out MAG Nam York. April 3 The BOTH BB. MEN COMFLKTK TRAINING FRANK o NHL Wtvtl.O HAVE CHAMPIONS the big world's series twice running Now ' nina, vwmmmn w IN AFTF.RNOUN. WREN TREY MADE once down standing lb rookies snd I Ine In nsli Nationals Win. IH I III - HIM a terrific awing with either hand mdtemi hue at leant he's there U. winner in the international He LAST ArPKARANCC STmRC FMhTT. when offer, it is lane at Ft FBI 1 HIB1 t AVV Ibn regulars on their heads when they try Bg the AssooJeSrd frees aaay hi fathom his Benders. Oood for Jack Chattanooga. Tenn.. April 1 he hove difficult) In landing Ms Chattanooga Marnlk l.oe atklon of ssn lab e fsee owing Nationals defeated southern to Ka hy Clslsslng contort the Athletic Big Crowd Celhrra al Btaallnaa to flea Black Wlllsrd's to Reformer Solicits Aid Fresa Betlag Cam a Association team here today. to I. nsmie a Ihe five aad s half Inches advantage one iw Chria-tia- n see asm Mev missions Over; Raker Rom remember d the other day that Score: R. H. E. Bnule ir WW league of the Young Men'a height which pea senses. the World for I levque I .hi la las esa hej Franela la Iota It waa the snnlverssry or Jim Jeffrie' Chattanooga I 1 Mvetat. r poor - Association TRa ssane may prove troe with old Peter Jarhaon at Wood- Cincinnati of America were hit ward's (tarden m ssn Francisco, nr all Batteries Metier, Reynolds and kllcnen; Hugh Penny. rsinous upiierenl to the Jaw and Johnson happened tn Ihe Oooaalef. Former Jockey, announced here tonight by the Bp "ie itsaorteferf Press may change hi tisusl pound By I0OG cruel things thai ever Douglass and Doom. Hsvsns. April J Johnson and tactics snd New York. April S. O'Nell annsls of the prlxn ring, that heating game Jack the body at every opportunity lor Wlllsrd ,. Diet m Baltimore Hospital Y. M. body th h'rw York Ktaln Athletic rninmlsslott, id tr had lo tafee for few paRry dol- Tiger Dental "Kernels." committee of the C. A. Jess Wtllard completed their training covers his In s rather loose and car, waa worst, less. fashion. is so rawer a mo ran lean among ine great lars the The San Francisco association hare this aftoraaas far the boxing organlsailoos or Ihr world wiih si I remember going over to croil's Aw Ae Pre Wlllsrd. however, has learned to snap or In Alameda, across bay rrom san imoiaM light far Ihe world's heavywasghl a fine left lo race body, idea every world's chain the Amcrlesns defeated ihe Louisville Amen Baltimore. April "HugWo" reamy. the and which Is Dion, no he may Francisco, the day before the right to niak. sn t gained first place for the class A championship an Monday. M waa tha extremely erfecllve owing to bis enormous matter what class dotni As. known ha.rscman died at a bosplisi naie. to defend his litis In a decision bout some sketches M Jackson. I'neto Rill ilv last public apprnrnnee of Ihe pugil- reach. The negm can look rnr trouble In Nsughton waa along, ton. Peter got about I 0 her ton was ma associations; Kocheater, N. Y., at least once s month. It Is Mr n'MrU's Detroit H miii. He a Jockey in ists before they eater the rtas al Iks this direction. The while man's hope to enlist the sld of the National he gymnasium after a rashlon, but the tip Louisville It a younger days. and straight drives have mom power be- - first place for the B. and O Paso. Martaaan rare course. Sporting, or London. Ihe French Federa- ofr as to his real condition didn't happen Batteries ksrr snd McES. hind them than Johnson's. lloa or Boxing, the Wisconsin Boxing com until he put on the gloves to spar with Baker; Taylor, Marks and Crossin. THE WINNERS. Texas, firet for class Their final wark wast watched by Johnson has the advantage or quickness mission and all promoters who stage tin little Patsy Corrigan. What a beating old C snd tureness or root; although he peter long now ne Chicago Beats Worth. The Shrimp (H. dark) ... to I Ihe biggest crowds store Ihe arrival shuffles biggest bouts in the country. He has evei and gamely stood Pert Ninety associations of the rfghlrrs In Cuba. Al Ihe end et about, he bat the movements of a rat and lo rsr Australia and Snowy nder it, even though his once great Be the Sam I nnnor ( M. 1 severe took reached out slstoctofrd fres Garner)...... la Ihe day's exhibition Ihe same uncer- Is a fine Judge of distance, wtllard is Baker has promised to Join this world strength nal been sapped by dissipation Fort Worth. April 3. The Chicago Amer- Maria Mm (D. Bol and) ...... 111 part. ' tainty and doubt as lo Ihe peobsble slow snd spnears at times uncertain of governing body. Mr. O'NoU said; anci msesse. ican league team wob rrom the Fort Worth Ihe next slap. Fraqaently he rinds "How I do, in- lark roue (J. Murphy) ... I la 1 wlaaer prrvaded Ihe minds ol clona him Is, we who have IM did I'ncle Bill?" ssked Jack team or lite loxaa lesgue in Ihe ninth ap- in sn unbalanced "It high time that son. bloody lips, having 1 Ceo. Woodman, Fort Worth, followers of pugilism as had been self awkward, nhslilon. boxing game something u through of his old mend ning here srter been held scoreless Twilight (M. Garner) ... I ta and if happens al heart did B. H. parent during the past two weeks. this in the ring the negro orrsel trie bad with which the until the seventh. Score: t. snaps (Orases) ... la t Texas, made a record of 7 feet win ne sure to turnsit to nis advantage. effects "Just ss great ss over, peter." said Bill :hlrego 3 I Neither fighter showed anything money grabbing, get rich quick no decision 7 Senator Jaaira (D. Bolaad). ... to 1 like game, at he turned tn go. When we got outside Fort Worth 6 inches in fence vaujt. flash thai would revest hidden power or a enampiona nave infesten the we are me: and Schalk; the not aiming at any particular champion, lie whispered to "I'd rather take the Batteries Russell Fentress shllliy to ellnch (he premier honor or tne EITHER A SHORT OR but heating lie's going to gel tomorrow night and Mr Murray. By HY SCHNEIDER. nouns- - w know that some of our present day world. game. rrom Jerrrles myaeir than to have to go Ax a sequel to toe perform- Big gatherings nr men and OQggsn BATTLE. tillo holders sre killing the New York (; Beaunteal 3. Indifferent He badly Cloud Is up doing there tn report It. hope Jerf will do It tired near the rtnlsh. wairhed Willard box two rounds with each F.tpert opinion supports the belief that "There no Incentive to be and quicsiy.- ances or Marts Mac In bis two previous Cbiaf wss st sil times prominent. Wise any more. All tnose reiiows see y the Asaootafrd Prru or his three sparring psrtner. He showed It will either be a short fight or a very tnst Jerr ii Id. was from 3. Although starts at the Juanes coarta with Jockey Mason sod Motto's Pride showed some or long one. think they lisvo lo do now Is to gel Peter saved rurther Beaumonl, Tel., April speed. some of his old raulls. a lark righting In ihe past it has boon John- punishment by the referee early in the the New York Nationals defeated tbe i.avanatigh In the saddle that colt was early spirit which, however, may hsve been du son's pollry to have his opponent come to guarantee, go tn and walls around s put on then- clothes, gather their money third round. local Texas league team here today. boosted from IWO to ssjo when he won to a desire not to injure nis opponents him. It Is thought possible thst on Mon- R. H. E. LACEROSE IN mouth open and da)- he may change into a grip and nvr in.- paiions. me turn Scorer tha third race and was sold. O. W. Gamp-bel- l, and he spsrred with his bis tactics and rush, New York 0 KPARKLINU RACE. his loose, blinking his eyes when figuring on getting psst rom who shove their good coin through the COAST LEAGUE SCORES law Wlllsrd's window, to go grumbling into Beaumont trainer for J. w. Fulier'a stable, r By leadlna or expecting a blow. psrstlvely mediocre defense for s knock little out gelling lo the front right sfter tne the night. Mow if those fellows haven't Lot Angeles, 7: Portland, ft Batteries: Marquard, Mtthewson andtutMey- in Wlltnore youngster. A great crowd gathered st the stadium out, while he Is strung snd fresh, this break and shaking orr all challenges, never ir sense enough to see they sre killing th san Francisco, a. ers, Smith; Martina and Burr. TkM change la riders from lo witness the six round bout between impossible, be Is ll'selv to resort to in; Oakland, being headed. Larkrose ran s cracking Johnson .mi Sam McVev. which proved to goose that lays ibe golden eggs, thctv Bait Lake Venire postponed: storm. who previously bad crsrty westing down system. open eyes Benton Memphis. rlddrn good rare to trim M sin Ik and Cecil in tne be s burlesque. The champion did nothing s n we'll their and rroiect tne gainu Trims wiiiard nest rhsnce to w es In ror them. kirn, to Baland, worked s wonderful fourth. Dickinson's gelding was favorite bul clinch snd wrestle snd smile. He dio terrific smash landed In s mix up. In the fly the AmccuttiH freas Improvrmrnl. Ike running ahe and ran the five and a half rurlongs in not lead a doten limes in the sight minutes early "There isn't any tnrili and less rmure in Memphis, Tenn , April 8 The Boston roll t:0 S. Maznik put a gane errort rounds, or the slow gruelling of the New April in the creditable Usae of forth Occasionally ne shot forth s lightning Jab oiaer man. sitnougn in the latter esse the boxing game If they cotitlpiie lo hood- Orleans. The Pittsburgh Americans defeated the Memphis Southern in the slretrhv but wsa unequal to the tas al- defeated the Cleveland Americans, IM i. Dell Bay, Ike farly pace- and he showed rsst footwork. Never, much depends on the virtually unknown wink ihe public. That's .ill ii is. Take the riatlonals Association team today. maker, or overhauling the leader. Cecil, wbtcn o lo 4. In an game here today. H. held Ike lead until rtqbl al away ways clever, hit the champion repeatedly. ability or both to sttnd punishment such flghl that Welsh put up agslnsl Wlllln Score: R. E. Ike end when Ike adding got from the barrier slowly, rsceo Hquare (larden. Score: P.. H. E. 7 IS 3 Fuller stoutly the way. Marl O'Brien But lightly. as oniy tnese giants csn aesi. Itltrhlc st Madison Illlthle Boston tired, lasting to He second. Rose- sll showed a wag trying every second and all thai Welsh Pittsburgh 13 3 Memphis 3 3 3 mary stoutly to ooa eari; Cleveland 10 raced ihrnuuhout be far turn. JOHNSON SPOILS ALL WIHard to a better fighter new did was to cover, block, run and stall toe I I Batteries. Shore, Leonard and Cady, Car- - third. Mrdnsan was favorite, but than ever before In his Ufe, hill ten rounds through. It's the thing Batteries Adams. Harmon. Kantlrhner kevley, Morrison and Schlel,. ATTEMPTS TO GET LINE ON HIM. th hardest Hagerman rlgan: Merrill, showed no .speed, taking Ike avsrlsad question Is whether he Is good enough in the world lo rloor a man who will do and Olbson: Morton. and O'Nell. Marshall. reute Ike entire auraey. la getting B. A. JONES BLOW 8 Johnson, obviously crafty, was Indiffer lo whip Jnhasoa. On the other absolutely nothing but block. That's whsl Marta home In put If hand. Chicago, Mae front Bolsad WHEN REAL RACING BEGINS. ent snd spoiled all sttempis to get a real It. Is generally agreed thai Johnson made people so disgusted wiih Urn right. t: Blnalaghaas, a. SI. Louis Nollossls Wis; up a powerful finish, coming from line on his present ability. The situation Is It Ritchie's fault. He wus perreclly By the Amuirialnl J'rett back squeezing through a The Jones horse was the early pace- slower than he waa five years wasn't Bp far aad was extremely tantalising, as men with ago when h fought Jeffries, hut willing to gamble punches with Weisn. Birmingham, Ala., April 3. The Chicago the alssoetoled fres small opening an Ike mil an eighth maker, under restraint, leading until weu money hoped to get some actual Idea or mean say champion Nationals defeated the Birmingham South St. Louis, April S The local Nationals many observers surmise thai be "I don't to that a V out lo get Ike derision by a lenglk, into He had left wnen has go ern association team hero today, to created the St. Louts Americans to I In going away. the stretch. nothing Johnson's form. not gone hark mnrh. This has re- must in there snd stick his chin out. i 1 3 or Twilight came up. rtnlsblng outside the The was cold snd cloudy ana but what we do propose is lhst s chain Krore: R. H. E in ninth Innlnr the third city series money, rrom afternoon duced the right question Is whether Chicago ; game today. "Jack" Bolsad showed that he is h (jarner came Tar hack witn Iks stadium was and Johnson advanced far enough to plon shall give in every bout the samo i s f here Twilight to away Wlllsrd hss 9 1 score n. H. K. enjoying- good riding form by win going from Dad said ha was taking no chances. meet Johnson going haek. amount of action that tie would have tn Birmingham r across a second when he fin Oavies and Viva. Ben's Brother, s strong put Into an wcro his in Batteries Cheney, Pierce and Archer. Nationals 000 XI 101 t ft 1 winner to- encounter title non noo 1 on tnc rsctor at all tunas, was forced to tske Referee Jack Welsh announced sporting men here lo Hresnahan; Johnson, Black and Wallace. Americans Out 1 ished first Senator James front an thousand todsv danger and where he had ret un under ksurmao atable. up sharply eighth out when bad Davtes night thai he had seen and talked to wouio use an snswer to tnst question; nut the wire in time to catch the rereren's eye. Batteries: DosJk. Nlehaus snd Snyder: swerved over onio mm the fighters snd hsd told them he no possible If you want to buy or sell gold or Ferryman, Baumgardner, Hcmnoas and Ag- - Jockey M. Garner celebrated his return technically. snswer Is until Mondsv tells now we csn never nope ror mat in "no sliver to day ny would nol deride the light psychological as well as a physlcsl side Consequently we sre Johnson Asssy Co. AO. new. the saddle from, s ten layoff It be wen a straight, aland- lo decision" bouts. wilt winning with Ham Connor In the second CANAPA ALL WAV mast la tne ngnnng game, snd many believe lhst create a world'a governing body thst will ro fasnina. Personally he wss Inter in compel end rwiugtit m me nnn. LN SIXTH. only thst respect Johnson has the adrsntsae. a champion to keep aRvn Interest Kay Spenee, ested in seeing tha heat man win He always tn snd In the gam by represented in the fourtn s snd chance. has been confident in entertng hlinseir forcing him by Osaple. claimed Mssnlk rrom B. Htpley There was nothing to the sixth but ca after lair equal ue ring ana ne nas snown anility to keep to defend his title at least once In 30 days. ti Co. for tvo. Mr. Ripley entered s pro- napa, slier she headed spindle, which wss He Instructed the righters that they must his bead in times of stress. In this way alone ran we keen ihe fans test on the ground that Osaplo did not be first to show at the rront rrom the barrier. protect themselves m clinches and In The championship will bo settled before keyed up lu the proper pitch or enthusiasm. long to Spenee, claiming thai the con Patterson's representative buna on stoutly bresklnr. and also must break wnen or s gathering largely foreign to the righters, "Toere nas never nern sum sn epidemic was the properly of H. Armstrong, it to pioney from Spindle, by Otherwise, straight slthougb thousand hsve of no decision bouis by champions as in developed Mr. tske first widen derad 'be referee. severtl Amertrsns later that Armstrong had moreu up saouuy entering me strewn Marquis of Queensberry rules win govern arrived in Havana In the oast few dsvs. the last two or three months. Formerly bargained wiih Mr Spenee to take toe - aner being taken back In the early Dart tan battle. All the Americans In Cuba seem lo have Ihsy hunted out- the pitres where derisions rClothes by the son or Peep ay Anne ne Passed o' 0 Miss provided Art Rick was favorite at two. bnt his very Three sets or e gloves arrived come here. Tno two steamers which were given aad they fought their lavel runs out of the race yesterday in a sound best effort could get htm no Up best, a champions should. condition. further from ssn Francisco lato today. Tne ens yearned Havana today from Key West than third. Señorita Dana and Can tarn toms house was closed snd It required were parked and many aboard were sea- - "I have roininunicsted with all the great Jockey J. Murphy was presented with a were prominent early, both tiring near boxing and alt aro tn of my suspension indulging In rough special permit lo gel ibero. sica irom tnetr rough voysge across th centers favor Board of Censors for .US.SU. W) pish. When we a champion wo ra wtiiis naing Leak rose in the filthy mile stretch do combine I e ijwwny narn issx ur niase any E WAY to church in jocaey uTgalios MtiffiSfoS', SENATOR asTsesMsea ON-TH- iitMirtinff mi Into JAMES AND BOLAN WlI.LARIt HURT WIN as witn our rtuc an mm me race rnaay. A WINNING COMBINATION Are in Condition thing wss done and we in church on the way borne bnarper in last "P FIGHT TO MAfcE ANYTHING u to Forge, a starter In the last rsce, broke Roland was rsr rrom pace sec- - never tha strolling in the afternoon you down in the stretch while running in maker. Forge, going to the front la the By f As .associated Press The Cuban public will ally pay ror stretch to Win rrom Asures snd Hose rung Hat sua. April fc Forty eight hoars the battle snd nuke up Ihe toO.OOf) pursd BONFILH BACKS RITCHIE will be subjected to the scrutiny Alares raced steadily throughout, beating before their bailie rsr the heavyweight Johnson is lo gel, v. In or lose. No one FOR BOUT IN REN VER. spill at the track ssveral days ago Rose Ring five lengths the ehamploushlp or the world. Jack snows exactly what the arrangements sro of many who know "What's tor place. Willie romes SI been removed from the hospital tp his Forge was going well he Johnson and were de- with Wlllsrd. but It seems Rllrhte forward With doing- nicely. Me when broke Jess Wlllsrd certain lhst offer thst Welsh will in style. home id this city and Is down. The Moots a Stewart gelding's clared to he In as nearly garfee! even should he win the championship he rhempion hsve. What" expecla to be able to ride to Kentucky nave peen will money hard time evading. Ritchie lias a iette oreasaown spotted wnai would pkysiesJ condition as their systems receive no until til expenses from F. 0. Bonflls. In this day when everything is early this summer. a real killing had he been accomplish. They sre settled, and then onlv of the Denver Posl of training sould s nercentan authorising hltu to orrrr Freddie Welsh returnad winner. Tha horse was backed are HI to fight for their Uvea, they of ihe net receipts. censored, from movies to cable rrom ten to one to three to one al post ItS.ís guarantee rot- a twenty-roun- de GBAV HORSE say, aad will step lato the risMj Monday Unless the weather should Interfere, as pnover well wins une. only Cuban vision bout at on July 4. "onrtU dispatches, it is to remember FIRST ON PROGRAM. arierasoa ready for the struggle, weather can. when rain comes is ready to post a ti.uou forren Welsh II he aad fierce, down hi torrents, will be sn that censored. Shrimp, up witn whether short or there as. can claim ir Bonnis rails to carry out the that men's clothes are The at all tunes well N. K. MOODY WILL to Use limit of teiabllng of immense crowds. Although the leaden-- made a deicrtnlned bid entering drawn aal endurance. sgreemeni. inrue roiuid-n-i- tickets ro They are censored by the other RACE AT DENVER. WHlard attracts little attention the Welsh betwnen New the stretch to gat to the front and win in There Is ten years difference In the age as York and Denver sn a drive from (loir Bail and Kitty stanneid. or anon; not sireets. rompsred with Johnson, who also included in the bargaui. Rltrhle said man. who see you wearing them the two Wlllsrd only is the a good In sn (Kims was tha ravorlte at two, rao lo sec- horses younger, has Ihe of the height travels aooui deal automobile "I showed the letter to Welsh and hi but better with his wile snd. Is slwsys In a II H a by your business and social ond position the nut hair, but retired ing Denver Moody has taken and reach. However. Is exceeding- attired turned down. demanded guárante) Johnson fashion to cstrh the eve vet or I - when tin real racing began, ('.has. (Joels Mercurlum to Id., but will later on ly muscular, and will weigh more than th whit. the same amount that got in the Liui- acquaintances. displayed his usual early speed by lead- be in Kentucky usual in eaarsre or man Is s great ravorlte among the Cubans don right, which was tgs.oon. He wouldn't ror home, be did In any previous right. Today he aad carries a considerable or or If they pass, you lose ing ihe Held lo the turn where Jockey J. Mott. Masterson still lias nis probably weighed iM sounds, will lake portion their lisien lo the gusrsntuei don't just be began lo stop, rinisbmg well beaten. old campaigner, Lotta Creed, in bis care bat ,ue naming ramp nss Deen this Is what I propose to do to show bim and will try to her off three or four pounds "drying out" popular, and victory bv hlin sm.1,1 up, lo prove that much in their estimation. bring around again tomorrow and Monday forenoon. thai ho never Intends to right ror summer racing. Moody look Mer- be wildly acclaimed. me me wnne n I nave SAM CONNOR FINALLY to 140, lor une Knows They must fit they must be lo Bowie on account of per- Wlllsrd wishes enter the ring at wnne tne Cutían leg lo stand on. l now to curlum tbal be five over now. sulhorltles readllv stand ready out wins HIS RACK, former's abilities, a tfmre it about pounds that granted permission ror Ihe fight, they will up vio.msi in essit in go as a sine net. mat well tailored but, above all. Is generally such track conditions much or Each WUl carry into the ring rrom five not. It Is aald. sny maacs up rnt.tiou, it, On the strength of good efrorts In previ- to seven pounds of superfluous' flesh, ssortlon righting be. mat doesn't and they must smack of that smart- ous starts Sam Connor went lo the post tne spring in me neignoornood or Balti in tween lontl while and black men in Ihe s good cause tn right, loo. ravorlte In the second. He was held at more. order to have something aside rrom mus- rulure. They say they are not concernen ihe champion, tie says h ness and simplicity which only II culsr energy to burn up during the three. Usrner at limes kept the with foreign problems, but have ihoir Wain roe. so naturally he ll have mile rear mak- horse under alight restraint back of Mldwlek Four Still Wins. struggle. own to deal with. Thev ara not taking Inr that tltl.oui aide bet. If I am master tailors such as the the leaders, going lo the rrom st the turn By the .4 avocaste' Press any chances of willing to wsger my money so why should nan untoward happenings on ers of our clothes know how to for home to be returned- winner by two francisco, April stiawtrg. JOHJVSON WILLARD'H MASTER Monday, however, as militia will be ha be? I don't know what be proposes lo and s hair lengths over Wan and Pasadena. Cal., four continued Its winning rreely Rosea. I disposed about race do sbout It. but I'll mike him ruber right, inject into them. good race, coming rrom in tne polo to- IN m ILNi AND SPEED. the trsek where lbs Wap ran a far streak universal lournair.enl arena nag Deen constructed. back Into a second. Hoscas day by easily defeating the Philadelphia The apparent or each Is un - That endurance s country. A champion cant ariord lo lln- KUPPENHEIMER wsa all there was lo the race down the Country club team In the third round ror limited, neither having shown urns or can rrom the issue for sll time, ir he to I have passed this back stretch, where be want the frost the Golden Osle cup, by a score of It i exhaustion st any lima during the past I 'N CERTAIN ANGLER doesn't care to risk his title then let him CLOTHES with a rush, opening a gap or four lengths. goals to b week In their work. There is a wide dlf- - KEEP BETTING FEVER UOWN. retire censorship is evidenced by the '1 defended my title sgtlnsi Joe Rivers There Is toss actual betunr on mis nnn. a pout character of the El Pasoans wear- on twenty round derision lesi than any similar match In years. very right I after Lemming go many , rirst hsd ing them, and their constantly in- Tears are uncertain anrie t. champion or tne world He hasti l defended consider thai Ibe big bettors sre doubtful 1Mb once since he becsim- champion, ev creasing number. where to put their money Bob Vernon stow lu these tie parlor bou ta. where he hasn't try suit by of York who Is stakeholder ror s nance in tne world lo lose Thai il.',.ii Just a on aa made syndlcsle. said thai Johns.. n bsd authorised uaisniee. with the flu.ouu side bet, ought bins to oTTer sny the House of Kuppenheimer. Get A Rabbit Proves Dandruff to bet psrt of lio.rssi n i make nun come to un ,uid d v the chanadas 4 to t Bui the eanmoloo did think he will riunk out of It somehow. " the effect from all angles before uui give v a most tne money and II was no rush or Willard supporters the mirror; note the moderate Time Cause of Loss cover use oner. rue willard men ssv ARSON WILL BI T price and say whether you can the Hair Ussy want or I so i. Them i nr. MEW I odds LITE IN coi rots afford to be without one. Or of the oarllest experiments following; the Harry Vardorfa coming to America rssa jMSwoa...nioe nuesaMMamaa dis do ague to stimulate interest in Hie rare Prices $20 to $40. covery of th contagious natura of dandruff waa by Johnson told uta promoters thai a was old game than anyihuig mat could have Doctor Babouraud of too Paateur Institute, Parts. uoi ssusiiro with the plan for a I foot ueen uou tor II. ring, which he considers loo small for Is s past Tills doctor Inoculated a rabbit with big srdoo master al golf The. Ver human dandruff men. Conseejurotly the pugilists will don "grip." Ibe VsrUon "swing" and Hie antrnss aad lbs rabbit In time waa completely denudad Dante la a Ri foot ring wlib s ibre foot v srdoo "styu-- ' have been the caper wtier. of Ha far. esssasssa ouiame lue rope, ever golf Is played, It la elaiiued. A large m Style Chats on Men's Accessories But what to us la of mere In ta crowd passed a steady Straus hat the prettiest style of any wen wIhi ever direct rest this hStore the ticket windows or the down tramped ibe fair greens Willi sll his re experiment proved that dandruff kills the Ufo and town headquarters sll day long Most markable genius for plsy through Ihe fair SHIRTS for spring and stimiMr will show in tha beauty of the causee of the tickets wrre sold in block or always hair snd It to fall out. gteen Vardon has been weak al paMasrn tha prsrRaenaasa bright stripe and re four sad sit. sad la all sections of the putting He oevsr did seem lo gat ovar hla I nsrvouaaeaa wben tring to run down the combutariotis on light or white grnsMkds. The total taken lu for to day kirie pill. He declarea himself thst the two foul out lias hsen s iilahtmsre to hiui Tha Arrow shirt for spruta and all hla Uf. In soft negligee or silk $1.60 to $4.50. Newbro's "i suner torturee m a big mstrn when ooia. Sri. tnr&ztínt wslk ud to Ibe ball snd know thai mera NECKWEAR has stoned by the Osl'sston Band t rate. tiu Is only s .illy t putt lo rrooi oí am aovar hloBsnsasd forth spring relumed lo the city leal uurhi rafaJly as slkosrn hi plain shsr ItevMf spool sevsral weeks witu now floral treatments of Save the Hair by Destroying the Duxlruff Ote Galveston teem. Although declared to an agavay sansg SOo greVajgar oar spsycinlty J Ms uT the suepplral acquisitions of use OaJvion dob for several seasons oy Contagion sarros sn sua gun ny. woousa was FELT HATS AND STRAWS in the new spring Bach slay the use of Harp Wide is postponed maaag uucoulitiouellv,by ihe niaaegeaneni hjHBB are ready with all the latest style features of ibe its, sfter bis refusal lo be sou that the scalp to Just a little worse than It waa the day to Ike Austin isatn Woollen stated test illisjinl. Feh hat $2.00 to $4.50. Straws and before. Oosx't eoaspbxla If. as a moult of tats neglect, uigtu OtoTns wss diaeppoioted with use Partantas your Stole of affairs pec. alias t In the Teaaa $1.50 to $20.00. hair becomes unsightly or leaven you entirely Wesut, as the leasee rry iiers apeesma New axe's Herptolda eaablea you to art time year --- si COLLARS that aro new ore the "Raveinkcsr", ''Soan-071- 0' Its Ufa. hair aad lacraaae luster aad loveliness In a vary issi ssason and " Varich ' 4ow staff suntrnor collars and aleo for Thus setentinc Hair slaver aaR Scalp Prophylactic to soft 2 25c grow lúa wonderfully la popularity. Mora people dally SHOES in favor for swine are tan. or low. in are leoasluve Use intelligent hih oi.Uiaiu resulte frena uee of the ssathers. shagsaa Newaro's Harpa Ida than from all other hair remedies to dariter Eaash soBjBdnsd It to clean, pure, euatnJao no area, aoee Tha pair $$.50. not etaia ar Mr ta hair aad pnssiaass a moat sariuaatta Tou wlU eojug Newes-- Herpactde. Ta tune t Sve ead beautify the Rate Is while you have (ha heir. Do aet be mJutU tu accept nay one of a the ortaTtaaL RBLatari' umos t o. ur sat- - la Tkse IbaHlusds Cu, anssst. IBB B ItotpvaU. Míe., far ned asad sad a aM Vastest snaoate cosset .

HEEjfJ tí 41RAW swPSfr.Jw IBs. 91 sntp struma at W sesea .. a Baa oi .4 J. , Sunday April 4. 191. 2 B EL PASO MORNING TIMES

Ma 11k tUmr m murn 4 ilea latnniu Us You Your Spring m Measure For 1.1 Lot mi nti n ii ttaa nnivr rrt AlYftCS N III fM fllln Inui reír old- - md ' CIRCLE NUMBER up Hi (.fnrlmaa and Summer Suit Now 70 ocakii tat MEASURE harvut. If SUIT TO YOUR 117" MMI.I IF hi' II Site. Yon cannot compara aven the best ready-to-wea- r (M flrOJf HOY Al 0 clothe with our I ai . 10 flUTO tv iMrxii 110 garment, beata use of MM ITU ll'RU'.MI 11 in inn fTA v ui eaiata MMI SOS It Jt difference the difference between "P satm im eomethtng made expressly for you and Problem In Heríale He. I Pnbll.ked in ktli.tll II- ! something for "anyone who hap- Say; rtino rini u SU if made uka.ll laelrh'tu. era. hWK !' rait ASceftr, pen along." .1 nrn im. M.l SOS " lia provfi lo be ui'- iluilvr nuinl'r MirtMhin 11 Prom the ham of tha troaeera te the seam of hirh no many tboinanda of ptapl tt "i fu I" lr collar, our tailored clothe bristle with ii Ktmlltir nr HIMirr'nlly llv Mao .llalble: lunni I K. II 1"7 taste, and honest value. pirn r tMki Ui atltniiltta in Mtva t- "HI. lilt nmartnea. food iki Pam Morrrtnr tm Mrr.i" .o HAr.lMl From every' anfle they will e- - nf iiuirlr FUI I. TRint I"fl r.nlni wu imbliih lit. arn ninnfni BU .... I' preaa your individuality, and in oí the im-- r of tlw puMIn, ..M invintor and Bl.l F I"' every crucial point they will fit. kinrinif) j by him t ttn the correr;! nln '.'ll r yaa r olda and SOB). siMii RAi'F Jwfltoa Poo Humor your clothea whlma. It artrilei- of the rnrrrei up. Mile ,7 yarda. or i inn tie., tin. Miiuimn found in ihr rarl ÍBUaTIHII Ittll I oí :oia not a Pent more to he tlm thfre are larav niiniiir of peofitj ram MR n Klltk' M.rY I"J "different" to wear tailor-mad- who have nninted the piKtlr and arrived at vorVirrorUi I HmI Over fabrica for ui" rirure. i" l WMAi: JJf GRAND BULL A lai your aelectloa. FIGHT of lte of J- n number hi rntirie. i'. m.i niiidi it bbapttlniy neee aniy lo hive .i.inn frond ntitslf, mu, i, III if founil n !p ionihrr pic Drily ihoie i onteianl who eiit tii'lhe irntnliitf Iv rorrn I nninh'n lint We Are Tailor. Not Agenta 31 San Antonio St., opposite Stanton St. l. ihi.-- who lent in I MM ire t.iul.-i to fnter lhi een.nd pneilr. lo ennie from any Hindis inv ..fir elv .in le rereived under one etrrunvHanrei. Three year-ol- and up. Mile and A more tied than are Uteenih ir;. there ire there j University of pennsyKanu JUAREZ BULL RING pi i?r i. irrordinr to ihe ni.ii n .i rulen of ÍHD I.MiY Bt'TTP.RFLY Old field Thompson reeot rrom Ihe Ihf rnnlfil. ill the will he PJTt SH.I.IF "AKIfl 2 JUAREZ ENTRIES and over the one mile MO yards course on the pritfi reieried pnui-.l- or Hie New Hav for Iboae Who aro tied. Till- - mean, of em Show Washington Park Helmvlklll river. Each 117" HF a I'FIII 10; at ln the lead. rourae. lint hoe who did not eerid In tllh nay. uedav. April 4. ere i finished two length :ti; JJJ I - 1 Ihe ihanluiely rorrert anawer in Ihe flral rw:i.r inaT Hl'ii vilim r nida and Thrill seekcra from ail oyer this eeetlon SUNDAY, APRIL 1915 MMKI ire fllininaled from tic J471 HHPfRTII up. fi rurlont. 4, tiiuf MP of looktna for- CallleraU Seals lltlaol. ini thf! ni i:i7 virt'itKtarr m the couniry ire eerly Thova h" ire entitled to ihe jwrorw) ' rie-li- 1l1 AVOCAHO aa ward lo Mini-da- Waahlnton Bp IA asocie fed potstt will hair dayi in whlfh lo Apprentice allnwinre claimed. nei it Par. JrM fiid in that alow. im BurtfiY n When of Berkeley, cal. April I The track and 4:30 P. n. ihelr inswer. ineani. your Wi'iHicr li'iidv nnw ma. trick I IM Piracy oldricld, miller driver toliiilon tir in malla eight M$. tTTI.K ABt or University or i. mud ihf within law n toa Hie world, and Do I.Myd loompenn, world'a rifld team ibe aurórala you it ki dayi irifr rerelvf Ml anlmion There were norcea at Bowie Saturday mho r a will be Ibe aUractlon of- University of Illinois at Male will motil ioa aerial wonder, defeated ihe be dnnely rheikfd and no eirepuon nwtnr lo heavy Mi"wiorm. MiHT JUtl.NHON 'KM fered the auspices of Ibe Elks' omen THE WELL KNOWN MATADOR will he made under here today. 71 to It, OT4 cfioa . toa sabe club. V"U have eiahi day lo noiw trtie mailt niKI O ALAR 100 oidfleld' brand or ricltement la well and el your aniwer ln the mall after thf JUAREZ WORKOUTS iil.oB',1. MR) you Hill iiNARIi known here, aa the lalnou aiieed veteran iimment rrreio II. Thia rullnt will mm miki: tKai.m ha been seen at Washinrton Park before. be "Irlrlly adhered to If ran in your inn art Time. iirre FliMHil lit Rut Thompaon' fame la an entirely new eolutloo in the malla k couple or :IT 340 XIM II one, as ahowa here are few la h S and aviaunn RIVAS dayi before ihe lime limit Pur .nan ua loop-ih- ANTONIO and eiplrei .'. :W S t:iMMi..MATion anil Tai' I" ii" en and the far famed like no rhaoce In bavlna; II delayed In Mlnro Jimmy HI- M'MHII" rome. AniHtement tun tit loop has never been aoen in thla acrtlon SB "Mi RACI sellma Thi and at all -- will be watched wiiu Who has proven to the public to be the best Spanish There la no money to loon neirdon .. ik hi work be paid with the 'o Quarter 1:ki intereaL erond punir, bul tboae who paid any leu m who vpuiod recently and in Juarez, Hun Burnt Candle ... a Thoie Turson Matador that ever fought and who has eiahi dolían wiih Ihe corren Ceoa 1:09 ! M Mill I.N AN.TE saw ihompaon fly at Ihe Southern Arizona of the ruai puule ar' prlviletrd to 14 i 3ltl BRFK.KH l fair declare statements reaardlov hl will up Bar Mi. MARIK fX I LI thai made many friends with the American fans, ihelr aubacrlptlon to daw I Termor l:lt ilir.l dl Ill work cannot be eiaareraied, lhat he can dollar! wlin h piy.i for Ihe r.l Morn Maid I ill Ul I.ADY MIMT 108 - Torv a-- do cverythlna poailble while in Ihe air. fig ht his last fight in Juarez, by killing in- Tlmei for one yaat. and puin ihem in Winifred D 1:01 38A M:i-T- 10 machine up and down, nose posalMe 40 I k CAPT DHliAF. 10k lie turns bis line aa the wlnnera of the isoo Rev i Sits up, then tall up, and Invariably rem ma In poaalble I 17 3IO III' .It STREKT 105 huh the blrheit imounl thai John spolui to the Ml a drop that rin he won. I. uke Mae M 3IIMI HI.ACK MATK 105 around stralfhl 4-FER- :MI hriny rear lo the hearts or loose watcn-in- t OGIOUS If all the ibmiaanda who Ihe reda Johnaon 3117 NO OUARTBH 109 BULLS- entered :M itai loo Mm -4 name had actually counted Ihf in riubafit itwsbi fAi or Thompson's or merely Seneca m slot cmni ii tot tine enthusiastic support reíd rtiaaalnf. imnv more :t thf local would have been Nnvnim ai PHINCE i. ON B AH 100 er Is Lulled Ruler sule of the ESPECIALLY PICKED OUT FROM THE BEST correct, frta f people 3it i.ik- - who the fly ihe Idea In Wild llora :lt THIRD RACE year-old a and up. Ala- watcbed blrdman at ,ot Ihe herlnnlna ihit the ir. :i :. Three ' me nnna almoat m prince ronrad mo Hinnicap. Five and rurloiia. Turaon. That fellow nude trembm HERDS IN MEXICO imponible do. aome wHb feár rnr bis sarely, yet he all pent manyiu honra at II. while viratedot lili MK.X M did' his oihera riaifn Helnie I'M wonderful with ibe ease and arare of in line counlfd them repeatedly in half iiK' 341 KI.'IO WORTH teals an for tluw. Trulane St? R'l.M'MASTF.H MS a biro," declared Nr. stiles. k1 hour eich Thou who counted .1118 "One not an can rnrri'iily are to lie upon rmhirhapl SENECA . tos who la aviation expert conrraiuliled ihelr 114 scarcely the filyht, piUenrr. Ullliren'c R atO KOOTENAY describe 'tumble' which and accuricv. while FTI BUM OBKD TO ti t Is Thompson's and perilous rhiite wIki filled and are now eliminated FOURTH RACE Tnree-yea- olda and up. most thrlltlrur PRICES U. S. CURRENCY sp. one ratlc. rest, lo Ibe loop the loop the blrdman from the ranie have at Ifaat had a rood Twenty or More Hltaraaei la Holly Escalón Hindi Style in whii-l- lire MI O .'IL1 M deliberately makes a somersault wnn nis drat of fun out of bat con them I aw anil Over Doa. :ilS it ronleialed :iiai an little machine, but ln Ihe tumble it seems nomina;. HUI rio iu;i. Young Hats Shade Box, $2.00; Shade Side, o where, O where rtaa my rone. (ill37) HÜULAH a 07 aa though he purposely reléase all control Men's $1.50 Willi bin eari cut abort and hli tall rut .11.14 BE OS and lets the frail eraft rail any direction ill T t ravlly and the wind dlreel It. The real w- BOWIE ENTRIES lonrf II- AS you Pido, the pel prtie doj over whlrli Judae ili!8l EXECL'TOB -' M rermnly ten trying; ciiouah lo thrill lb kno- Sunny Side, $1.00 the pant I13H JiillN HEARTH IN II.'. most and la to Prince r.enrae. Md.. April 3. -- Howie en- J. I. Murpkv haa bean referee for hardened, it hard realize every critical 'veMerday to 11a own ill i RASH 118 lhal Thompson all the time and tries for Monda',, fourth diy aprina inael-Int- . week, waa raimred does it April Mr. and Mri. J. J. Pbllllp. and the FIFTH and still escapes death." dresser I: up. one mile knows PlHBT nACSFor two Four i'hara or then aaalnal the defendinta One of the big features of the Thompson aHer a lawaalt whlrli in iiolnt or 34S7 JOHN SPOHN SS idiineld exhibitions ia that In which the there is no half way MM IOI.ITI warmth few equila in JIM SINOI.ETOI. W blrdman shows Ids spectator something of Black Male, Alle. i Inlerrat ind ha hid MAHY Y M style. I Ilirh Mfstt, SIM NKPI many moons. Durtnr UU SMIL ihe part aro playing In the big in TODAY'S SKLECTIONS S .Lin .( MfJi. kIMi I'M! in. Ihe juitlce court for 1.17 II Kl .A M aviators UN" II K ihe proyreaa of the caaa iudfe Murphy JllltWlN I, limpian conflict A rort will 4 John Eve. Tran-n- tM IM THOMAS HARE 101 miniature A hat is either all lirardnn. uior, i S44t TMllllll II 1M had Ihe? rirai Park, Thomp t.HNKMtm it Miry Emily, rer md hl court allachei 341 I.ARO NOME I0 be erected at Washington and in une. :iki uii'l." iiPPFlt ini lo atudy rlo.ely animal ann win down Domm in an en all KB Mominc litan atlrliney. Vrrba. Ann Tilly. tat 313 l.ONF.MAN shower wrong or right , II Ml ST Mill 01 the art or mitin ar and tni to 11. The men In Ihe re- - i i J"lniM)ii, Oalir. 7 34M ilRRICrl.ATION . 110 deavor wreck fori lit if ori spindle, i.nrdle '. 1.AHV ATklNH HI off doen. Hie dirrerence lietweofi teachlna iho with is fac- l.un Mint. M yuarier. Mack Male PlicKKT SIXTH RACI sellma. Three year olds and turn blidman's fire endosives It Just that iIMi MMi do and miklna him perform md t . enough In knotetik.v lcv tVM.TRR M PEatKI Ill up. Five and rurlnna-- powerful lo cause him arrlous cfiii Wtl TltJAN M tt tfid reiaon rnr apon In trm anemih. JOSEFINA MIATE a liiry (.houia they reach the mark, bul ulty for being right Mh, j. i.i KfirUim, uinr. 'Louisville Courier Journal.) i Turcc l - prevent nwnera. Hioae wqo 311 Ln mi inn hi ruina and clilmeii IOtf MARIE O'RRIFN m Thompson always makes It a point lo Wnmi-- John un. Ullar. ' million up l ive and one :. lh ctni .'linn' bill furlonai. ii .ml or mofe wltneaaea aided court 3103 BinO MAN 'IISI evade the "enemy'" lire. that puts the Stetson --Mkrii ; ro lan. Iielaney. High Black Vaic The loan aa A member of k'o. street. Cinder task in reu nir final derlalon 3M4 YUBA 03 Member of the Elks Quien Sabe pre- I'alion. (ordie F. Jr.. Konlrnav. lioeduii-.- .1170 i;APT hi IOTT are where it stands to Mli'r. r ol ihe fft Hilic force wlahed" the doa fae 343 ANN' rll.LY 103 dicting that a record crowd wtU be lirardnn, Enerulor, ii II7'I inillll IMi IM on Jud'ae Murphy. drawn r.Jl.' vnu M13 klVA lo Washington park In watch toe two rcTKn ii.Nk. Man Kmilv. .vune. "i "i- Mi dap 10 day. ImiIv in. Idrm.l i:n MCI IIANMM.k Plillllpa claimed to hare biourhi the .1371 FLORENCE ROBERTS '2 famous alara In anion. It la by far ire 'huaro Dany, kin. Paao rrom about the rirat 3IM1 IitiC ALLEN IOS Spring Stetson -- M 7 rb. ifoii ML CHAJICPT 107 in fi louih Teias mos! notable atlrartlon of ihe kind to ever here Jin, l.iitle I' "ii ntl.Hiiii. f E. Validly Jr. lo 31.18 SCAB M07 n :i RFMAHkAOI.K 107 or ihe year, and Introduced wltneties WILP this part of the country, and the Soft Kith Btniít l'lnk Mite, r ' Cnnnil. prove ihl polni. on the "final 348 LA CAZADORA 10 and Stiff. Coma K OV itll IIICIIWiKlll 107 which club member are hoping1 that baturday Ui''i kontciiay. Sfwu. ONSTNM OPINION of Ihe waa baied. However. 3 DKLANEY II" OSO . I 4k. TOP IVH.K 107 court will be blessed with clear weather. Neither them. leruter, r I pm m Hie on which Ibe 3MU ORIMMI LAD '110 i in. ualir. Utile the :tt7 M ino Phllllpa aivo dale eari Tbonipaon nor Oidfleld let wind or rain Mur tmity. smalcioe. ni - SEV EN I'll RACE .si llín lour . fm. street Malf. Mini J W.I'F. JAV and tall were rut. detailed, dearrlpilon lielim-i- I 1'irwni'f Holier!- - .limn sink lull- in up one .clyhtn. interfere wlih their work, so bad weather kit. I lloirimiKlrr. knolrnay. HO of the apoia in the mouth and bad Mile and a only fii'ii. II7 'Mil doei I -- Ml' t IS will work hardship on the spectator. l'lj(.) Jl. 'Till' I.' 4 :il7e ' an Ihroiiph leveret trtcka to 3110 FUR Kit John lirardnn. Plash, r.teculnr Hl'fk'l ta Ill the animal MOO Mary l.mlly. Mom VS prove knew his perfectly. 3137, CARDIE r I l.oiieniin. Cam II. MAHPI II Din he dor 1 We buy bullion. Johnaon Assay Co. Adv. tavlan Florence liobci Marlr mi:1 inirniMi'i however, 3181 BABNARD sin I i mclMW I laimurr.i t K in The coiiiiier rlaiininin. 1431 MARSHAL rll.lill.MAN iW t Virtfedol. "iiiimiiilaiKMi. lim lo etlrlble: la iluutly that Hie dof waa thelr 3408 SPINDLE 103 tale Wia Tas Kreala. 7 Malolon. nlKla Jr. i:onlln r. .'ii I'WWMV I'.:. an couple, who claimed My I A VTTERRlbVHIRTMfvKa kit lliali Mml, Th lilrtr r. o They were elderly aU7 VOLADAY. JH 10J Anuria trd Preaa II ;i maj iiKniT.Tin 10 have purehaaed the doa rrom an old DA"LSTON Philadelphia, April a Under blMzard k 'iftiiv. hoadraasicr. I -- (3438) Ill srnir. KttKhT Tt RKklV. tic. TODAY. TIIITtli HAi SolUaaT, Thrre year olda and who haa gone to California. They aUu weather condition. Yale today won both 09111 TEXA6 ST Jolm lii'iMl' n. Bcidah ;. Kink up. He and "in rui nun -- rvrrv-ktyé- inir lona. 'Ihe canine' ear cut, and claimed. the varsity and Junior abell Muy I. null i.ii.i Nome, Í If ill J 'dm Wlih nyKr ilr.iiini. Plfnlv fur :ii7ii PfKD aa lid thry hid lbs. apprentice allowance k(H PIPRS at Ihe are the d ran Wi .'iiir. in Aninnin vim MOMK a declared that dot . ri.v could not have apota In his H'inif ii.ihcria, Iiflinf.v. tnn Ully. ilia. rU'LA wki su tot he 7 Volada) i.mrtir I AT Trie XKtfiKR. mn If, rillon. IIMi I.AnY BPYN tot quota evidence a koi ni m i:i ncRVKn I MMI Fldo contributed Ida of rsiin mu FAITH CM lief - confidentially i:. A. sun. in KAlTKM MIH l I III KMHIIT IS7 after the Minimi- had lod MM t.t. Hie were allll i iiifiitniti Lnqalrer lklr VkMII II M Pin pi lt un:.,!.1'i w niiop tnj court lhat Ihe ear tender I Mm. i nfluí ikjiimhi. i.iler ti TO P W - kdifrlUrmfol I AiriA and thai the dor would "holler' If they ITUic mind Klark Mite The Cinder, JI117 ui mi raya puvhed He hollered, all rlyhi. and -- toi or a "' k - IHMVBI.KRIIS AMI '111 Ml Mir PAT lltNVJiVt toa murk lo the aallaraellon the Judlriil 4 Jftiiu imj.i transit. Hash vtcaion'a. W lin Antntiio mi. i Adv.) rtll MrARTIIMTTi.YI tat rereree. hut a each aide claimed thl evt. I IsinriMI), ' 'lii. Mir I mill. 3KUI OBTYX ! no denee aa their It did not help much in 4 itrlajiev Aim Tilly. Keep your eye t OS. lor The Time, aJ0i Till i.V DEB 110 i decision. At the end of bla 7 xrdie r. Vola, haJalou totary l onion. It in lie a hummer and "M l COOK II Icnlior leaah Pido hollered moil of Ihe or vaiua to f.i piiq. NRW IIAVr.1 II time he wa In court anyhow, and had II T!?e areai tM leniency II Will I I M.IIIIIN Mv, hull. le not been for the of the referee Race 117.'. fined many Track (Jlrw Virk telegrafía) Nave you aeld or Kilter Inillion? 5ae MCk HASOt KB 01 ihe doa would hav been tlmea 'kail, ' ii in i u 14 I on Johnaon. Johnaon Aiiay v. Sion Kl AVPII too for Fen RTii mv The UprlBf Time Handiuap It look a ennd ran of one afternoon and Three-yea- oldl and up. Ki furluiiat. a lona tune yesterday to hear eacb aide of I CÍI.TO 07 Ibe rae. VITALITY OF YOUTH SEE FORM CHART ON PAGE 14 Special FOR MEN WHO HAVE LOST IX Th fonr ihit rum ibe human ma. time I tore lite nérvea. mi. grn.'iii nr. aa It ii .ill.-- la only lUntlier name for claetrlrily. II any arfa of your body 11 weak or Inn live lucia lhal Hie nene- - which Will Leave El Paso April 12th al ii k power Thla mual ba re- aturrd berorr Ihe affected part rail Ita niiuiii runrtioaa. II doa Do aowl to take drua (or autb a tuadnion aa Una "i an ooly effe. t a cure by replaiina In enrra) lhal lua been loat. 1589 M. Via - P. I'i '.a- ara polaoaa --alerlrltlly Ii Ufe 12:30 ai .1 ai.- your nerval wiih 1 alowina current Iron) Morirá Ylka for a few houra 0k ulaht wüila you aleep. Toe weak This Was Correct orami will respond lo llr influrnr in the IM lame way lhal aa eleetrte luoior atari, "in 1I1111 at aooo aa too powor la mrii. ii n Answer to the THE E. P. & S. W. R. R. Uerin Vila la a body wbtrb awoeialei a airaaly unbroken trram of aalvanlr elactrliily and infuaea Equipment of this train will be of the same high standard as the former It Into llar nérvea ra nal in naht vulamr. Circle Puzzle It build. ui vllalHy and airrofth and curra Golden State Limited and run on extra fast schedule. all allinenu rtaullUia fi.uu a oVtWIIUIad lair of aervea and MUI nraaaa. ONLY THOSE WHO SUBMITTED THE CORRECT Mao who aullar froja loat rirenylh. aa-l- drama, enlataed vein lad aimMar ANSWER IN THE FIRST PROBLEM ARE ELIGIBLE TO itaiui'iiiuii win rind that tlectra tita. 10 ARRIVE ST. LOUIS 7:36 A. M. aether wild ihe ele irlr uf)euory at COMPETE IN THE SECOND. will layein ARRIVE CHICAGO 8:20 A. M. taihnreui aunkly pul ta aoaat 14tH veaatiiiua APRIL üat Thia Free Book CaJJ ar write im a capy u( avir free City of Washington. Dietrict of Making direct connection lor Louisville. Cincinnati. Lexington, Balti- pa ouuk, vMu. h i ii. ail about Chltnbl. iu how gjurfa and wan II eaaia. Yhu I Jamo R. Co I burn, of the city of Washington, in tna New York. Take this train, get aawk la liuely iluiatiaud ahowlaa la more and the best service, enjoy your iwaourr ia wtuek tftrrtiaYiia ia n i iioi District of Columbia, beans duly horsby affirm that several of aAl aaviaaoa many a, rati you ....ld rwoia. trio, and save hours valuable time. Make reservations with baww irau-eui- ia rauae aaa mrr of .e, ihe corract solution of tha cuela puula, uaaadi by tho El Pasa lain eiaaaHMa. Mr. Elrod at the track. Moraiatg Iimea El Paao. Teaa. la l.9 ( Flftaan Hundred Send Thla Coupon Now and I i .me CITY TICKET OFFICE. JAMES R. COLBURN ROBERTS-BANNE- R BUILDING. THE ELECTSA-VTT- A CO. Sworn aad taabsaikbsd to bef ore pava tasa lamy.firaj day 594. 5651. urSI IW Blaaai urn tteitU'i of March. 191). RICHARD WARREN. McGregor JAMES IC NOTTINGHAM h. d ar avua Generai Agent MrMI Notary Public Qty Sunday. April 4. IU. tL PASO MORNING TIMES 3 B

whlrb is fair enough What is more, n o Me what "Fddle" renin hs been do l liable to da It Tlim" bss a tneorr of Int. and all he has done so far Is to tear M'GRAW MANAGES i nwa. Ihe rover orr the ball What la more, He Hotel "I v wetrbed these American letner," seems to have put Ihe lulling pan says salle and I whom jnst lite to irl hla toanvmates, and, ai Uie present rase, Stetson Knox a chance la work on their circuit, lost lb So wen t be known as the nines or tie oi are flrsl hall toilers, and mat ' wonders" nexl season, ir Hoviand inn Marie Antoinette CLUB my 'dish.' lb the National they mate you will continue to poned Ib liall tlirougl t Hats Easter Hats Hats TO PATCH UP nllrh vour arm ool with manareis like the rare at Ihev have. Hone on the training VlcOraw and Mabinga and Hertot telimt trip, with the pitching starr iney nav. Broadway, 66th it 67th Sts. ineir nailers 10 nan a anv out inve m tr,.e sn will he tronóle makers I took Nsa York City. first ball bluer, ami I II make mm look to see them upset a good many tilings in anyway. UJ? had aa a rule." Ihe niertiin league It Is a theory went to Stt . UIANTI" BOBS WOl'lO toml of "Slims." but When Kddle i. dims the White aeres-slbl- e rnmii tlO IHW II especially I a tallow-e- CITÜATED In the moat Just Walk By and See Our Window I H. in Rfjni H.n ir.xn nan Moni thin would work out. Sn. heard lol of wise baseball WHOM. when he races tones American leaguers say l bal Mr. comltkey nad made a location in town. .Nl itae i.onn. i.onim and lark son. However, mistake l oiihl not be surprised ir sailer could one man." they declared, "won't do a In abst Display. They Speak Themselves any man a Modern every detail, for " rrrrltl wtrrnnihr PHrhln Mall to over Into thai leatue and show some team good, any more single Mo-- I Bi thine tar rhih. II has been dene before, swallow makes a gummas." ten min- Meaner Raakrr for has or lately fireproof, within I nance lo abo la Oolasas. lie one the best rmssrirea nave Rut how about Fvrrt? Stalllngs did not We Have in All Shapes and Materials ever seen used tiv a I. ri lun.l.M with me prrdlei be would win Ihe pennant tin his ute of lending DISPART-MKN- Them exception or t'dflíc Plank, and he has a Notion Hrtves until ho had obtained the ,no By CBRIMTY NATHEWitoN. von drcepiivr motion in delivcrlnt Johnny" rilled m Just iho bole whim 8TORK8, 8HOP8 and wnten a hol- slum-.- rilling badly, and the Boston club owners nail require lot of needed club With rlvl manatrr and long a slim" ran keep the nases looked a good worse mi- year Convenient to to make trade with (trove's, dei at" THEATRES. - refustnt nas clear, lie is all right but when he has than Ihe sox do today. Yet u won In Straw Sailors $2.50 to $5.00 Mac." In iite of lb opposition, hi cm down his motion to hold up run worm s rnampionsnip. ti seems in up inai rcnnRjlTsnta tfnd Grand Cen- rirmonstralrd his tblllly Ibis winter ani ners, it Into lite oitms was the man needed by Mr. - to up tl wa ruls hla efrerllveness. Just Panamas (Genuine) $4.00 $7.50 sprint l" patch his club where way lo hint b.V geltlnt men on In Coin skey to make his elub u strong one. tral Depots. I arttrli'. . wek. At said in previous ,rks. However. If I were an Amerirwi II It certainly a dangerous team now. Look Bankok Value) - was Sherwood MtaT'1. - (Extra $5.00 he aiuion in t leagm- manager. would take a ctiance on out tar II. Rooms with Private Bath, from $2.50 Per Day. hnl she Philadelphia talks would noi live "Slim." He should help a weak starr, nu a a Leghorn - - $5.00 him a look in on the hard litltlnar or lrt banders re scarce. Sprakhif or the old Athletic who are and Small Rates. unless "Mar" traded hair hi There is an old story about Sallee and Large Suites at Special Weekly Bali Buntals - - $12.50 and $1 5.00 l In return. They don'l like to ec now elsewhere, me cm your attention tin "Josh) Devore. "Josh" was never any loo to John coombs Brooklyn. He ha "Mar" alona ihrrr. strons against a southpaw, hut tar a' mnt "I SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. The rt'.lann won't do anything next sea- enanged his religion, or Ills league, I Ibne he looked extremely rollen atatnsl a say. I mm KENTA K son," I heard rentarse! over ami VT should and look lo see stir I'K ANT OP UNUSUAL KXi'KI.I.KN" crossflvc such a IMnk and allee could things up In Ihe National league aaat.i lai rail Tin etching starr Is snoi dlah out. Mriiraw sore one ilav wnen Ihls turn Hi' v any base- tot K STANLEY GREEN, Director. In pirre, and haven't third "Slim" was workins talnsl us and hawh-- Manará man. Slalltiias v.111 beat itir-- worse nexl lievore out. and k i L TN year than ho did ihls." hobble mint the TV Jk iA "On lo ihe pine." he ordered Josb, "ind He la or tnem a man rom.i pitillera. howlnt Some bni there nl one who get Mi with a fast ball I want In snow save l.nbert the bes or lb l one mint which lot or tlnni did noi lM nun me you sallee hasn't speed enough tn nnrt seem to season thai tn know Is. be league, lien be contemplated you. ir you don't hit. vou ll be fined. last Jump, and that man was John J. Mriiraw. tt lUCeettfut Ibey mutt pilch the curve aim Pcvire evidently preterred tn "lake one the one and the alow hall witn tmi because Hn l.nbert had nnrte the trip In tores- - soli spot of bis anatomy to per- rut the world with the leaner, same motion. aroiiml lilants' mitting "Mar" to raise anv wells on nil says to newspaper tmn it Hie camp asked Devlin scIkmiI district, lias hliherto borne an ex I htm. and was enter to "The Idea." Professor Coombs M had rom! admire bankroll with a rine, so he tot hit. When his pitching to why he came back lo u m cebnt reputation, following the stabbing play him. so the New York rnio pupils, "la fool Ihe bailer d under he came back to Hie beneh. lie was pleased you arc handing your "Well." replh-- Arthur, "hetaro ibis card he disappeared Drink ami Jealousy are third baseman. Then into pciienng htm I tot t veiern. sir to death. slow wnen you're really pllrbint tame started, It was because felt a Htlie said 10 have been responsible ror tbe the srofTer stld "I took on or hla rast ones." declared line rer the old buneli." will help aoroe. but Mriiraw curve or a fast ball. And always try to crime. "l.oherl Josh." "and It didn't even tlcklo me." use the delivery wllh every kind or "That's like 'Bid' McCoy," tild Mcoraw. rani do anMhinir with that remnant or After thai. Devore loutd bal Sanees sanie "When some one asked him why he went I ball. If you do thai, you've tot 'em." Clancy Goes tn Alamosorde. starr he ha. It slid ill stalling. The aturr. Me knew "Slim" would not burl lo Australia several years ago, he is said There It something in what you say, Bg fiprrtol If (re 0 e Timrn him if lie did fill nun. John. From whal "Hobble" lo have replied: writes see I was reeling kind or Snta I'e, N. M.. April 3. Atlorney Mrtjraw petan to lake tnys John la liable to be in there nun-- , u. "WHI. ion this sprint. too. blue. It was Ihe first lime my rirst wire Frank W. Clancy lert lodty tar USB tcrlous Jaunts around the rnuntry and paid CHANGE GIVES PLAYERS left me.- " . tordo, N. M , where Hie Otero county gun leas attention lo the tramilla Iban he has NEW LEASE Of it r (Copy right. IMS. by Ihe Wheeler Syndl-ratc- Assayer and Chemist at any time he has been with the MACK SAVB TANGO Inc.) Jury Monrtav. FOR FRESH OYSTERS slnre Frequently, when a pitcher or a baiter rlub. When lie Is In the sprint ramp, as murd-- r Served tn ill styles to lo up ami changes rrom one niajor league to the HELPS MAKE BALL PLAYERS. Action Is expected on the Cnnnell CEO. W. CAMERON a rule, he Is one or the rirt ones town at case general will He Is the moat other, he takes a new léase or lire, mainly Jitat when the Dev. William A. Sunday, Best Mexican dishes !n the and the atlorney astlst the last to bed. tíreles ibey 31 PHIL YOUNG'S CAFE Representativo For Shipper to the worker or all. The veterans nr me squad becauae are nm used to turn in pit rortnerly "Billy" Sunday, big leatuer, got Ceutral liar and cafe. smith staiilon. District Attorney B. Hamilton ami Bpe And 11 kinds or Mexican m.sties, boi or Mr- new sphere or activity "Old :y" Young ibrouth learlnt the out Adv. Assistant District Atlorney W. II. H. UN Kl Paso Smelter. knew aontethtnt as doing, otherwise everlasttnt burnt or COM luucues. iiraw would not be absent at this time or did this twice. When he went lo the or the tango and lis sister dances In Phila- ellyn in lookinr arier tlie Inieresls the lorelrln Cincinnati Beer. Edge wood news he had American he developed a curve ball, navint delphia at hla revival m mg there, Woman Relieved Mortally Wnuadrd. Hale. 20S San Francisco si.. El Paso, Texas year. Then came the that largely on Whisky. BCN SWEENEY. Prop. "sltned lo a St. I.ouls depended apeed in bis earnest "Connie" Mack came through with uw Bp I Mr P. O. Box 4S0. "Pol" Perriti days. In the series or IMS. fp rr NskN with the underalandlnt with the world's read statement that be wanted his players In do Sania N. M.. April 3. Shnrirr Charles Italian Coal Miners Called Home. iarke was iitrprlsed to rind curving Iw II fe, Cardinal owners thai it was tolnt to be ":v" the modern danre because believed Closson ami deputies are hunting Pino lo prompt- lhm. Alter rinlshtnt with Cleveland, "cy" made ilieni more agile and faster. So UM Bu pedal irire tht Timet rhanted lo a New York document spent Madrll or I. amy. who is charged with Union. N. M., April J. In response to ly. Presto! the pitching starr had mal a short time with the Boston Na- tango and lit alsU-- dances or brother tionals and turned In several victories. (lancet, his wire III the back ana tide. Tbe notice received rrom the Italian consul In oilier reliable man we had all been looking whichever they may be. have been or rn up team "Dirk" Hoblitsel hit In the nolgliboriiood pan or the Athletics' training camp course, knife struck a rib ami was broken. The Denver doten Italian coal miner AUTO LIVERY CO. for. Mriiraw bad hpNtered bis man Is physicians ramp of r.otrax every or the jealous own- or .tin in the National' league just beror aa I underauud It. tenon tig wounded but leaving the coal in the "apota" in apir l lie she has a fighting or recovery. ror land, been CWCHKTEB,SPiLLS or quit us. but went over lo the Ameri- Now are phtlaoeipnia tay chunca day Ihelr naifvr havlnt 510-50- 9 ers and manatees other rlub. can the Boston Hed Sox showed ask wbat the Mtdrii. wmi is an employe or tbe cailed In the In tnttrlpatlon or Phones When I'errltt jumped lb tlie lYderals, it with anil folks to do listen to "Connie" .Mack ur stnla Join colors the National over .too. The shirt naturally fills a player They gotten Fe railroad and a director or the l.aiuy Italy becotmni Involved In llio wr. seven-passeng- was not because he disliked new eager "Hilly" Sunday? have Just trel All cars at leatue, but beeause he had bad trouble llh ambition. He la tn make ibrouth paying the Hev. William several or good Just to show bis old employers thin with one or the oiricial the St. I.ouls they wrong they go or thousand dollars tar reviving Ihe town, $2.00 per hour. knows nearly every were when let and yet II Is up to "Connie" to give, them rlub. Mcdraw lhal him. I believe Sallee has some good Amer- leaguer In the. country Is to a winner. It Is a queatlon or goint t TTníss hit eter ican league In "ntt HiimibMiIIh is In only baseball linn vet. which is Inn having a work New York ir he ran no on Ihe American league. perdu and winning SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHf RE opportunity, tar It Is Ihere lhal hett can "' ball rlub with players who cab tango, or and be la would probably lake better care or mm being a Pullman, chair cara dining cars make the bltteat reputation, geir harder, I. aaved but being rorced lo watch Standard and or up in the money and try perhaps too, win loser ail However, one pretty sure bclnt bit take m v shy I In- league one summer? there is It season. Iho St. I. outs at American tango through to St. Louia via Fort Worth, Dallas CENTRAL BAR and CAFE or near each Arier or these days. I not come so rrom point. If Ihe produces a ball player, club had every avallante did far the country may be overloaded with alara 3 It SOUTH STANTON STAEET orrirlals tried it recently at that- - only certain deal P.M. and Little Rock. means lo cntlrn Perrltl hack without Now York Yankees fell down, from Ihe number I have aeen dancing. And FOR REAL MEXICAN OI8UE9 ror the I 6 At I they turned lo McOrw aa the last suppose "Billy" Sunday argues Dial tbey We receive fresh oytiers. Lobsters sod OMOHII.ES for hire. or Na- a . El Pas Auto and Livery. hope, the real "white hope" the don't nuke them any raster today than he all Oklahoma Flsb dtTty. Txl tional leatue In the war, and gave mm With much Interest I have tallowed tne was In hit prime, and they didn't have Direct connection at Fort Worth for pointa in Care open from 8 a. tn. lo s a. ra. Thirty large tounnr permission lo talk with Pcrrltt. "Pol" at reporto rrom the White Sox training camp any tango then, in one or lilt talkt now, and South Texas. 8. C. CONTALES. Proprietor ears and taxis that never sleep. Op- once be tan to luten. He liked "Mac's he gays: posite Del None Hotel. aonr- was necessary to situ him up "I was the rirat man to circle the bases men II W Sm Antonio Street. lo a St. Louia contract rirsi. and In fourteen seconds. They don't do it Via Phones .13 l 1818 came the Giant' paper. I don't believe any quicker today." You will rind wnt you are looking for there are two bettor satlafled ball players In !'Bllly'" own slang. Philadelphia at on the Classified paira. in the country today than Loberl and I'er- URINARY present teems to be up against It between rltt. and McGraw alone responsible ror DISCHARGES Si y Ma Sunday and charbydls "Connie." saving each rrom the Federal leatue. as Arthur Devlin was In Marlin with us. Fine Shot a result or hla shrewdness and ability, the RELIEVED IN He tracked back there out or habit, an.i ? Gun, Revolver!, ntanta will start orr this year with a team It seemed a shame that the old waa Pacific hA POINTER - alar Texas Hunting fit to beat anv in the leatue over the dls- not preparing ror another season or cam Knives, Coats, 24 HOURS palgntut He felt II hlmsalr. He rilled in Camp Kit and Ammunition. Kach Cap pretty successfully it the whist nam", Int "Slim" Sallee. and all the other teams however, and not so lunreisfully at an $39.85 In the National leatue have said they don't umpire. MeGraw ws on him nil the time, care, and, furthermore, they don't want to a an umpire, perhaps beeause Arthur ban Shelton-Payn- nays e Co give him a Job. "Slim" be t not SSXSP r HWlrtHtl shown pronounced superiority In tne HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS, AND RETURN Anns worried, but wlllmt to to lo the American whlt tame. He ought to gel slmit nlrrly guarantee will win hair or ALL Dkl'OOIIT summer on the He not Cor. leatue and he u Ihls results hat Kl Paso and Overland Sea, his games for any rlub thai hire him. oatkvnuoiiATn-- slowed up any al whist. Some of tne

iiiJiiiJUfiiiffiffniHifiui . is UllllllllllllllllllllilllMIM RaMHtolMiMMtvlilHMHH

mi JOCKEY CLUB JUAREZ SPLENDID TODAY Escalón Handicap, the Feature, at One IVIile Alamos Sprint Handicap at Five and One-ha- lf JFVirlongs Tuesday and Friday, Ladies9 Days

Street Cars Direct to Grand Stand Every Few Minutes From Cor. Ei Paso and San Antonio Streets

I First Race at 2:30 P. M., Sharp Admission $1.00 I

tsBsb . .' , n .Sunday. April 4. 19 15. EL PASO MORNING TIMES Tire 99 No Pain-N- o GLm AUTO PREDICTION "A Rubber Chain Tread built on a Powerful Modern 10 MIRE DREAD Of DENIAL CHAIRS NADE IN 1896

iimi aijtox urni-- . rr.wr.i.iaxi uM II IM Mill. KUI ItWti ifiwv

Nelc Designer eld Then "Ike Hrr I MsfT Hy IM .New Veltvriil-nev- er before demonstrated in II I'avn ne ere able l. lake mil nerve, extract deep roola Tilla rucie rtmtt ni. eveiind nam anv denial opera and In tirl perform of October IN nuk. highly tun att Iiii'1 w ith'nit wiy more pain llealer ft. than the mm or the na.l Mia interesting reading sourlann" are cpTilljt Alia, poor equlti' If Hie anllclpittona tntaJ work is seldom Just of nilón III tie titllmilelv once'' and If you hurl the first urn wiiii ire III aiowly. but inevlt jroiir snrrly BTC Bol NÉM bick to realised, the horae finish iif ably, rtrop into oblivion. Tl ork Is ell done under nitrogen Mini ,n ha succeeded in perfecting IlKhl- - and III III" fill'-- 'I lipped 111.11 ' motor rarrlage. hlrli ran Office I n i. horseless (at Our riinlniil!v i ruarai in it hy th he operated l.t a woman, and whlrh la Dial up have Ii ,. the whole of barren of ill the nbnoiioua eppurtrnanrca itr' I"irf1 rtank Building vttu.nii ii many or corner rl r n anil "an Mitunto 811. utiii hate hern objeriinnabie in A written guarantee for len cari with the hnrrew srrlSgi In use 10 Kurope, ill work anil which liare been indifferently intru ir nor H' ,i it ililr Prices: ji i d in ihis country. I. nM ...hi. Mt M ii la i medium of Inventive. gcnlti - llvcr I.M and lor over to year ho Ilia been al I nil rl. ni Tn-l- 7 V ora. peifeiima the motor for the rar lr..'i Rout In. IM las', miking aa nam ana as rompan I HI I f iiiimi Ital his anil Kvamlnstlna - i and at IM name time provld-- for Ihr timarle etploaion of the aaa when the engine i in operation. He ha New System hern parllrularly Ini In Ills efforts Dentists mil wiihln Ihv lam sut.v day baa turned 014 nm National rtank Rlilfi . ill a two aeatert hoietes rarrlaae whlrh, Aeros Ihe atreet Krrini Kntrmre to pon being í subjected in iei, has reallled Hotel .lu Nona. hla fondea! hopea v panlti (iirn f'.tealnps. The rarriaer. wnicn ia at present at ine orfca of tin: Wlnton Hlryele company In tills in, - a pi Hilar but not ungainly looklna objert, ami. in fart, suggests H" on nr-- i atiprarinee. Ttie oony r the cgrrlare ironaly iiiageita In ap earanre a Myliari trap, aa ihr two acata are hark in back. The wheels arn thirty Inrhe in dlanii'irr, and constructed imilai. although murh heavier, to Hie hi wheel, allhoiifli the apnkea are nol lanarni The Urea are four Inrhea In ii. i.t The vehicle, aa a whole, la lo 'r ni ni Ihr ordinary trap, but liaa the ap pearamr of talnlily and wear which aleo a it an appeiranre of welahl. The eti tire rarrlarr uriaha I.0MI inunda, but I onoruned to 10 ii a nicety, with full hcsrlna m evei v hub and jolni, that naturally, a bank that ia can be moved with no difficulty at all. rnrtnr and rnmlenaer. aa well aa I five aallon water lank and electric battery, re under the mi-, but the aaaoime lank, that Rive first ronidera-tio- onlainluc five aaltrma of raaolme, lonni a part of the de- dashboard. Popular-Price- d to the safety of its "Ye, in norao la doomed Theae a We challenge the world with our Famous positors' funds. ire the romlna rnuveyinces for all laaaea of work. Jui think what a revo- 111. It will make. Thore will lie no dlr that has gained the con- y atreeta. 110 had aHMlUaf barni, no run tak- iwaya. no noiay waiona, and. In fan, fidence of the public by netropnlitan rnnillliona will be revolution "Chain Tread" Tires. Keep a tire record ing the public into its confi- led. Tina la modern; the hurae la a relic dence. barbariani." I MM Mill - that pays the highest rates Harrv klmkner of Trenton, If. ! akya and for yourself r,.nno on prove it he ha traveled about mllaa hla of interest consistent with rholoeeycle. klnrkner cnrlneer for 1 safe, sound banking. ail Ii ii Id nt 'in' in and hK wnrk lake him throiirh aeveril line. He thlnki Ibc two. wheeler of areal aanKlinre. Our total factory capacity hat been doubled. Now we are ready to supply our famous taking these things into The Twin I'nrla Morion vrle rlub of nu- - consideration, we believe iiitii. Mhan., el aoetior, wis-- i piannina the erection or a aumiiivr rlub houae al "Chain Tread" Tires in unlimited quantities at the lowest price in their history. that our policy conforma mi, lake near nulnlli Thi- poller deparlment or Alliance, Ohio, anti-ski- d with what your idea of a ha added molnrryclea to Ha equipment Now we challenge any competitor's tire to show you the same combination of real strong bank should be. Coyote killing; mi looion vilc la becom ina quite a popular sport in Hnerman low mile. Get Tire Record Cards and prove it for yourself. County. Kansia. in- ntn a party or ten protection and cost per our we invite your business lureltsia uní m roundlnt up Ibrce of upon this basis. Hie anímala. Halilmore reccmly uurrliaaad twenty one motorcycle fur Ihr illy cihTtnrer'n depart-- , 4'" on savings 4 in. in the park board and the electrical cmnmlaalon. April 'Ji in. dale aet for the nrand flaplda (Mich. Motorcycle club'a first run of ihe aeaaon. This will be a our day affair and will rover wo Tires about "Chain Tread" miles. K. A. Iinbmiin ha been appointed hy Prraidetu A H ornnan of Ihe V. A. M. acknowledge rubber chain tread, built on this powerful modern tire, Iran Una roinmlaalniier for the states of Safety experts our Maryland, Viramia and Wcat viralnta. "Vulor lollle of kiii ihe tille or a absolutely marvelous anti-ski- d device. play 1.1 In laired py ihe ludlauapollj to be an rlub. aIhiui 111 rnriiilie.' of the Hacine (Wis.) anti-ski- Motor, .lull iiiiiuli'd Ihe motorcycle "Chain Treads" are not simply a fancy design stamped on a tire they are real d show rminilv livid at Milwaukee. The New eran Moiorrvrie rlub or irrMftsa foe a aerie of lecturva tires. Send your name and address, for a set of Free Tire Record Blanks, to on iilijeri of interest to rldera. Where IUPORTAVT UINCOVKRV IN CA1.IIORMA Denver Branch, United States Tire Co., 215-21- 7 Sixteenth St. it under tnl Tropertlea In tbe M aler ef Arrow arad Not hprlngv When u. s. zanders, an riulnenl phy slctan and author of "Tropin! luaoaaea of "Chain Tread" Tires are sold by Leading Reliable Dealers. Do not accept the km ihd ktdneya," visited Arrowhead substitutes Is the Hoi .iprmta, Southern tJallloruia. rr.en.iy. to secure data for hla new work, "(.ah fo nu a a Health Iteaort." he aw thr ia. ni. - cure uein effected by iheae waiei- - and al unce tne Balurai Money preisotl or arsenlr. He was led to thli opinion from hla comprehensive eaperience uiih ihe waters or 1.1 Bnuiboule, Krani-e- . which ere conaidurrd ihe only araenlr United You in the wuiid Hr andera proceded StatesTires have earned all these walera i, veriry hla helief and had Ihe water years? el Flitted hy rheiniata. whose report rstab Made by the Largest Rubber Company in the World Con Un preel II .1' IS a fact. He away! Spent, with noth- went even niltl farther and had the French " .1 anafjna ihr water snd in.- - of (Operating 46 Factories) I firlal analvala waa similar 10 lost of the ing to show for it American hernials In rnaaiaaiiai upon the diarovary, Dr. Salidera aaya: '"Tw water, whan roolad But somebody got it and aufflrleatly, it palatable and plraaani and tin uiiuiiiiicvs to which they ware - where, ihe locality to be designated by tbe materially lo his aciivttira and next ronrresa. A United will be found of econo-- ataiet tanitoc soterrltu service medlcl ferrtd. department of commerce, but Ihe of his busy career during Ihe does not reside en a thoroughfare called nally Ihe heml of am. pbvairiana REMARKABLE WORK Miiuld cry put the clamps on this measure. rungress. He Is now making an "Kaiy Banked it. you may be Hi IntratlfaU Irrlfallea I'ruaavlllea. lal "vulium aracnaie in natural inm. nl When Un- waa height aa an Two pmiKiaiUona which isenaiur d sanation at Its to study of the subject uf rural water seta aiirrnaine it increase cunare in the tale and fall last niiii- - so as lo be to I'riPlATOl.L akassaasviia sure of that. Well, what's Mid Inhered wcro ul rapeclal interest In summer prepared enter into avallve and the appciu.' dleilon and iiuprote year. Henator Sheppard came forward vuih or mat very Syrup, young . ihe whole or body weal Teaaa, but they died on lite calendar he discussion important lor and old. Drua iiulrlnoii the Murk a uf auageatpKia r.u when II be In i ) done is done. From this aa wllh ihe paealDS ul Ilic seaalon aiul will number tbe cotton shall reached ibc He. Advertisement. rare alera Iheae are rnpeoially value OF TEXAS SENATOR urudtirera. He wanted faa.iaw appropriated hi.- In HM of aencinkc car have tu he renewed In the neai ronrresa If treatment and une for the secretary or agriculture to use In time on tho', put your lain km dltaaai a. Ttie watri a at Arrow .nyihina it in niaienalin- fnuu ihein i. r mi.- I. a mil pnitiuins an investí developing a rollón un compre that head an- well nksn.led and Ihe Inrredienif could be a are aaueu ul the reaalblliiy or Irrlaalinu by the cnosirurtod al price anion ihe surplus money in this ui iiiii propurihin roa- rdach or uulividuili of II la said that if these were In reservoir lyslrni ur plan ta Tsaas. in md nrflnUallolu orinas MOSJIlk Mil IT Will WORK ii. nun a hnveallaratlon here-i- . ivrnge means. He introduced s Joint res rah-i- l In the old country all Kurope would IMIWIIIUI Willi similar bank for savings and we nn i s r. kanaaa, oluilou directing all government depart riu. k mere tor ihr ionic to be de iiiw l. priip. ed fur iaka. briicfii iillllll Ml Villi II UI MNtllii oktalKiiiia New Mevlro and Culorado. As rúenla lu puce base supplies put up la cot- will add 4 it. rived ton or Had twine, interest to Immediately upon the apprupnsuoo ul WaO.mM waa asked but nul containers with rollón dlarovery of this and submitted a bill direr una the lacre-lar- y rare hundreiia of leivara wera - secured Guide liirreuietu má kirarl Hkawa thai III- tecmpllik The was yolnt ; of agriculture to make Mala aad ra. your footsteps to n n ived al ihr pi .1. uiher the resolution mat miuetlliia Here Mu. aail all laliulaird to lor a lurvey and etaawasarloai of tbe port upon the oieibiliiy ol substituting iiiforniallon about Ihe walera. A i..a S.u.rit Natlua aa. Leas Mar Male raw coiton now usen this bank this very day. has now been Kin nrande border lo driermlne the ad for other substances prepared whlrh (tees Ikl a lo general manufacturing, as well as a and DI Ao labllilt of loaalructiaa luahway aloof informailoa denribea Hi. mllniry id concurrent reaolutiuQ to provide a wider ui mu and 11a nun y uaea. A copy I entire burder for iiatoma Mr mi. Sa mt atpmssl i'.rasMiMl aervlrn pucposas. This hlfbway aaa beea dune am markri for cotton seed meal and mat oe iian rree iiy wriima 'o arrow Wuaioston. b, tu April a. A alance cake Tha bureau of markets baa been at head Hot Kpnnaa. Arrow aeail. Cal approiMi by the treasury astil laior Co-Oper- SfSf tk. r.roril of the Maly thiru ctSSJSSM and u ia baaevaat thai tine wir work upon lbs Utter suggestion with some aa Aaotber ate Wat aj4T aiaclosra that Saaatoc Murria ftaepparil d. hi im. ni will give Its appruval lu tk. detrae aucceia. revolution plan II II up neal u when which waa aol reported upon by Urn for- aaJo rusa ara eesili cared for. Tsai uKir. aills upua . grvaler la taken later o a li.une Ifaal II aura. live. , Iran tarul cuogresa convenes. esail relations aoaaaaillaa callad upas Use inur of man any nriiitK-- o departiaaavl to diplo- aim tanilai a.' itiem riclualvrly lit your ulhrr the 1 nltutly Ihe Junior aanilor dues not atai. ilirerl laser lean NTON matic reprreaaletivei lu us all puaaiiile new iiiima more apprvpnaM. upper last propuse to parmil anyone to gat hla buufa branch daflaf iisnariMsanal the You will al WalCll .aim tu a .1.1. laal luuntti. ailhout a protest. Inr be iniroducrd mature, during war la secure unta appreciate the in turn MAI ri.,11. continuance of a er In addiiloa to ihe Urs mmiix-- ul hall. twu goat billa. Una was taken care of in lerrupted our esport aaO rasiiluiiuaa prearaunl by aim. ba ta lite general appropriation bill far the agrt iraSe. financial matters afforded aiuuuf Ibr lupooirber la Ihe lualtar oí p.. ni Mural department, but the ulher railed The moat vuluSalouua kail lubroducrd by you by this UlKma and lurnxirtala. as be aaa rei uaj uf U.S. iiim'ui The skvoraaaful bill pro eiialor Miepitard wes a very rouplKaltd Used aa la Ka.Hn. eipnaieia iu the I nilwl tailed tut a apeciel nudy uf iraaes wuoua nvra-ui-e rutiued. "to supprete grafi and strong, obliging banking si.i.t sraasa ..i nanun aide pruhtbiiiuu sheep and guata, tiuubly the arafe dues.., pie, nn .oiiupiion by pcoliibiiuig ciriam institution. ana untan wftraa' Mid Ihr beat NMIaud fur Ua prevealiuo and rial ion uf asuntas rs of easnareea. mem- Aa lucndier ul lass cotaiailtrea ua coal run The bill thai ftvUatl la recita run bers uf Iba riSlaet. federal ludee. au.l aasri. and lartcullur. Mesppard sldtrsiiuu aosufhl lu direct Use stale de juaUre.. and other fayjeral offloeri with Open an account with the First National ai la a ailiuo hi aol ualy praseal ittaat paiuarnt lu laav up aegutiailuau with Tu- .rciaiu indntdual-.- . nrm roci.raii..ii kaSMaraa biauair. hrartiMT upon rki) itb tha tie tu nn., una the eoaapiai.l gaya aasariaisaava and prescrib Co. upuu p ' Bank and you will ben-ef- aad Ma how impoaed Ihe bnpuiia names hrsef ii provided a soon it ThurstonftajdUhkJ, as a I Audit luteraala. but lu luok ah.r tat la fine realize what a f ting. SyaiamwUisaI aieaaui-e- lairodurtd b) ulher aenatura thai linn lulu Un country of male Vngu. a goals of SMM and vaapraacanai.ul fee say led shatsow tasa ajaaaarlcaia linra.alaa aaT rwtaaatt laatasslsjiSl uwllrei ily ruueern th. Uaa. haai alale. The an- ii. aasavure which did not gel er.1 arfKial who auaoi durhsg hia leroi it will be to you. cesaaaerca canawlMii baa charat of Uva waa save aulhorlaing the tac ra of office, aecaal esnauoyaaent wllh a rur dry NaUaoaaaü Hmmk Bifli g river and harhor apprunnaikaa hill, a puratton. aad flsad a like penally for uffl- - inraaiirr ur atoai aiunsfnt hi Teaa and all dala of luipuraUuaa last Would uiuu.a S aX PASO, TEXAS aer Bsnple The aariiuliuiai tuUMiutiee mil tint cal IP- Iroso Menou OuateiasU and federal asapteya. la aeeapi auah eiuptuy wakes up ihr aipnpi isii .u lull vbj s ii.,n.iui- - n. iu thai part ur resaa fjgaaw aveoi it aaa saver repurird eel ,.f the Nr Cnt In'ereat on pruiuWa lavr the uperalhw ul all n the law- tuulbrrn catua quarantine nue juitlriary ruiuiaitaae uf slick Seaator Cvu UkuuaaaVJ an. i uave a. Iittlhta ul I be depart by Sate Sill Saving Account. aanii oí atyiu ukkurtr aasl ua luaaaraut aaatitor aaeeapard baa giseaaSsag far in SSI luiasaa. 4uh hai ihia nnsaai hi rahuall by Uaa agrouJiaial uavpartaurai al amos haa hail fragüe d m raaaira git ran Teaaa. as ua ui taw real atn i. ultucal tb. remit fair uaiaed itawui iba r ids to placa a Ural sad surgical kit la I hau ait nates ul lb awn. i paieui tu all aiiguirai upeyuaiiiuay- aaa aaasastn tarsias-a- etery piinaaer catara aor aaa am thus, That tuna PsWativ haUh-- that were la gjeUUas laruugh both aaancliaa of ever heard ui his Mil ilsalgajrS lo aiead CLIFFORD BROSI AMU .Hisn-t- a Mil piovutka lur . aw era ite ui. .i.sii. aii iu railroad ahjupuata kwUSIUtAt adavkU UavJtUla sSJit WaTrStli WsVlí aerte a I. ral ti survey t vmoa the aysaer audlituM these hall re an - SST SSS rtwaaaa uveal aad reiver la iu ail and Lkraw- laaaa Sa iisaasl 4aaawasa at Oí sitiad unjuni'iiuu ptSJ of Teaaa and ihe luollg exi- - asura. luteueM. iheae ara km MIU tu pieveal the ll deaeeraixan uf the Ausentan flaa. ui aa E STaViti AND FANCY GROCEJRiES aVPilervayavaaU ay asaavah r EL PASO MORNING TIMES Stmdty. April 4. 191).

11 no mesure seems to hs been bsitlt what they already know the high slan cestihle It pletmir in crawl under - frely a ova. retch, u Into the lo ror it. a tiHinth line- Mifrtrieni to rit dard sntdebtker demand nf lis engineer nine and dark WHITNEY DOING verilltlng0 OWNERS WHO DRIVE ing etui manuracturtrtg prtnent turn a grease cup Second, the rear ailr MRS. wnh team heat, afvparatua. "I mt'liiie it not only hy showing what must be aereatlble. fte same true or or plant, x ray enrflt. modem on t kin hen laundry three rally equipped little repairs have been necessary on ears the stearin teat ourrl Ihe lsi .,onh po mysrir. the must tir n nxvna am! I'.i beds, with t I told right here bat also clutch tnelhe ntlti til" a. ronvwisimn ror tsy beds by the rack that leas than Ii per ear Is iniiioriant in have the gas line, earhtitetor ..r nr use WORK IN WAR l.verv doctor in the neighborhood bltg BUY ACCESSIBILITY the average in a ntv tícese ami enure gatoltne ytem perfectly NOBLE orr war hospital la one 11011111 hi- to in., the Starr rarlns No "Whit Elephants" middle west sin., last August on ittl eesslWe. lil. able lo gel ror population. are wa factory at the cooling gystem easiiv in the also Ike civilian There models. This tn eiari eherk. stude seveniy ve wounded soldiers In ih 'Trie questions of ne man who will lake baker. tht nme h i.ikin out two 00 every in Our Herd the tay and liven removing two four wards and more ace arriving care or the ear htmelf. while dealing also lmlt. rot They dlreeity rpoTn the dis- I coo eiaini dtj cne AND TIMF. with gasoline end fire. find are hoar rOWKRTFD IMO tributing station behind Ihe In ten We make it our bunnee to tee MtktMl MIlMtV have even flgursil down In a tlt.r kttr.k from that HtlUl!sglVINt. DRVII.F.. M MOTOR remed largely with accessibility. There "Wl WHFRF. tMtRKtN auto ambulance brought rrom America he matter or ror h operation I oN every owner of a Den by truck it shown WITH ALL MRTS are two return for this. The first Is minute eti TO! first HKARTS and they are transported .omrortabiy ifiFsmil want to ktio bow much trniiM be will When a mechanic mm In a lime rani Ihey urien enjoy a steep on how got - ttv nrr gen that reaiful to the utmost out of hit pur- have It going over his motor and showing ten minute take a the way. I go m see Mow or himself He knows thera aro tti eraior. mil mvseir what Is 4eMfr4t ( 'ormpmxHt see The medical or the hospital is that prospective purekgser wrong w lrr tomohlle are rigunng eltaHj on whatIf evitable adjustment lo be made, and he ith ihe man or machine because Jililly. March Ik the dormitories or Irom the Instructing staff of .know should be thtne in seven min- drawn Load inc. ' rootJac length of haul, expense It incurred in owning and oper- want t machine that will give him the ami college ,.r Jullly tinlversiiv. and comprises, besides a .ihititv utes. It the same with every oilier the ancient abber ating a machine, it interesting to note niatltniim of ri where ottni tl'Ariagnan. Ih- - 01 urinal ol in Mariin. Dr kati Vogel. nrofesaor of ttopt every phase of delivery work it The nlhei reason is that ir b Is paying oieratmn. I take care or mv customers pathology and connetl and how closely they are investigating the my Dumas' hero, slept In leAO, twentieth cen cluneal Dr. investigated by our Efficiency Engineer- nr a garage mechanic to make seme repairs, in service department on the time fionald liorrtoti instrn.-to- r In surgery, and tnechanlctl ennstruetton .cars. Tkl chedule thai garag' lury or the Three stuheteert" point was yeslerdav bv . he doea not vrlah to pay for an hour spent anl eineri rrtmi wouthls so In Henry Jones, inslrnrtor in medicine ing Staff. bmuihi out I. parts or mechan enre has established ' are rerovering their in 'arret!, handling lite tinlehsVer aiiinmn-blle- . in mist rewlng plates and tntich romfori and gocul cheer, ami under In I! II. M vie. professor of clinical Mr n ror work slowly done because of dtf vtoh Ihey seem That's why every Den by truck pays. Oarrrit ejperience with ror Take t California Allea Law. that lol surgen arrompan led by Hervey gal- buyers who nave driven expensive ear rieitlty of reaching, end another hour Sryaa to be Ihert-- . Pr. You ought to be interested in such ser- and new seek the saine looks ami com spent hi screwing on the various parts Bff fte tnrittrnt Vr With the aid of dlsllngtilhed American lon and Mlvier. are etperted lo arrive frnni again. What he wants Is lo remove three wiungti.ii. pll alien soon 10 Martin hi vice. fort at lower rigtire, anil alto with tliat employment legislation anil Its surgeons who have vnlnnteettil lor Ihe Muerii a relieve Dr. and vast majority nf aniomobile baytra, the lirt something out and be at the uiou service Mr. Harry Payne vhiiner i associates, and II Is riperlrd that Proles or F:nglltli women school teacher in the slate army or men who take care of their ear seat trouble. suhjeei a at doing here, through her auilUary or the sor Oeorge Hrewer. of Columbia university vr. . Is always one on 11 the of the Deaby Motor Track Co., Detroit themselees sibllitv point state teprlinent today between Seneiarv American Ambulance. nmc or that hot and .mi. eminent Amrlraa urrtns wilt "These days Ibe man who is io pay the which I Interest visitor to tny showroom Rrvan and sir recil Spring Rice, die Rrn pilal work which Ike Marquis fle Vogue. cisne over later. bills wants to know what the bills will tt tact, whether tin y know anything about Ish ambassador. preidant or Ihe French He.i i.ross. tays I he ixispittl ha been la operation only PIONEER MOTOR COMPANY be," be explained. ' Those who he en- - ulonotille or not when the) come In. Only rour women teachers vo rar have ha touehetl the kearts of the French " a month too simti a lime for patients I" Jovcri ears wain to knov what tnit the more they know the itrcatcr their been arrected h Hie new law. ami the am In- - hut all ate doing well. a Dtttrfbators. ai- tliev vMIl save on tires ami gasoline hy interest, being able in make mmparlsons. bassidor wa Infurmed that the ahrnrnl nder Ihe direct supervision of Pr A' the ksaoc.lated Press correspondent wis Ciartm- - WjrCfe tad ( mpwri Phn- - S2 using a maektne like the There are seven dtrrerent divisions Into slate authorttle will, by legi.lation tón Merlin, proressor or clinical surgery ai assured hy Joseph fionspv. son of the well which allboiiglv II appears massive. is which accessibility naturally rails man or ronirurllon of Ihe prctcnt law rxrinpt nltimbla university and of tt. I. tike's known retiring master or Ihe New York really a light car Then they Inquire about about to ptirrhase a machine should give from Its operation thce vmnten and others tKi.piial. New York, the ancient ahin-- lito, Mnkrllc ciuh. who etme hack rrom Amerl-r- a Increased repair bills. Rut there l go them all consideration who were already employed before the en hen o in foi in. info a rwispnal so thor lo right lor his country and who was argument on that score alter l call 10 mind "I'lMt. the oiling .system mult ha ae- - setti.ent of the law. ughly movlern lhat even tito old among Ihe rirat wounded 10 arrive.

( igiim

.illl.'l. ' !ik "How long should a man's legs be?" someone asked m T "1 Abraham Lincoln. JSF. 1 "About long enough to reach from his body to the r 1 ground 1 should say," replied Mr. Lincoln. ...lili I Ii. If llllVI Among this kind of motor cars, It "How heavy should a the Chalmers Light Six-4- 8 at PHENOMENAL 1915 WONDERFUL RECORD motor car be?" someone $1,650 is supreme when you asked Hugh Chalmers. consider the cost of the motor MOTOR BUSINESS OF MAXWELL MOTORS car while you have it, instead "Heavy enough to do of its cost when you get it MIIIHIMi SINCE FIRST OF MIK That a automobile rare. what he wants it for," Saving gasoline oil may MARVEL OF KNTIRK COMMER- properly tigged and In ricld or start on and CIAL WORLD. lis ers a fair proportion of tbe star drivers replied Mr. Chalmers. be saving at the spigot to run or America, has powers of attraction winch The present volume-- ' and prosperity no other easily attainable spectacular event out at the repair bung hole. the motor car business is the wonder or can boast, has been amply proven again "Iwantoneheavy enough he rnilre business world. Iteports from during the, past w inter, by the series of the company, manufac- races which bavc taken place In California. There are only a. few dollars turers of the Overland car. show ana pre- Tbls series was so arranged a to be to see me over the rough difference in a season's oil and vious high mark arter another successively almost a complete circuit It Itseir, surpassed. combination or events drawing lo gas cost between any two cars Although. February was the biggest roads without danger irumth ever eiiertiwrd by the coajt almost all tbe famous American cars parts company, up to that time tho and pilots, as well a the pick or the and repairs are what volume of business at the bit Toledo fac- foreign railing cars now on this sMe or and big repair costs tory from the 1st lo the ssih or March me water. cost ejereded that or the entire month of The campaign opened at Corona, Cal., Irhrnarv November. light enough to be rea- Between March I and March more Prior to Ibe Corona race tills Interesting Good tires are all adjusted to shipments were mtdo than during the en Southern California city was on Ihe, tame sonably economical of tire previous month and the number o maps, but lacked a large margin of any your car and sold on a guaran- orden received for ears eir.ceded those Just right 10 national rame. of February bv more than t.aOU. During Bul d Jrfnvlded a w underfill! gas and oil." teed mileage basis. ibis time orders ror Overland; Ttnt wWo cuVfki Perfect eTrrle of three mlTe'sTl received at the rate of i.soo per week originally built as a boulevard 10 enclose The total number was exactly double that Ibe town Itself. As a reattlt. Corona s rar rerclved during the same period or went down lnm history at the raster Yet there are other features besides the notable repair March, iu. event of Its distance ever held. Pullen es one of In spile or the ran that more cars are tabllshtng a road record for tbe world economy will you in being shipped dally from Ibe Overland to shoot at. while oldrieid. In hit siunly that interest this class car leader the factory Iban ever before, order have been Maxwell, ran. the whole uMstanci Six-48- . lowing a steady gain an shipments. In more than 301 miles without a stop and Chalmers Light an errm i to make the supply meet the at an average or neatly m miles an hour. demand the Overland plant Is working ai Without exaggeration. It can conserva- full capacity, employing S.MO men and tively be stated lhat corona's race mad'- Few costly cars can claim equality with it keeping many of tin department on a the city known 10 thousands who had rontinuous r schedule. never heard or 11 and eatabllthed for ihe in beauty. The streamline body possesses a dis- "ii Monday, March 2i, the rtrst day fol- city a fame which will probably endure lowing seven weeks, each of wblili was ror years. tinctive grace of line that makes it note- successively tin- largest in the history of San l'tego wa- - the nei the overland company. 380 cars were being timed to follow closely ihe opening worthy even when contrasted with the finest shipped. The company first pained Ute or tne cantina california Jan mark Just five weeks before. uary I. Much or the motive back or tie foreign models. In connection with ibis tremendous San Diego rare was a desire to itmulate amount or business, rigures furnlabed by early attendance at Ihe expotltlon. This Un- overland Irarrie department ror Man ii punióse was wonderrully fulfilled- Tbe There are no fenders built whether flat or merely are most interesting. From Marrh I to race wat viewed by more than .lO.txs) pri March ". during which time there were sons. Mi. holds were crowded with vis crown that are as handsome as the Chalmers molded twenty-thia- working days, Hie report Jtors. though the urans continental railroad oval sbows that a total of si.m railroad cars. rale were not yet in force, and tbe rair fenders. The conform with exquisite harmony Incoming and outgoing, were bandied at announced a January attendance which to the clean-cu- t sweep of the body lines. the plant. atarilcd even ihe nn.-,- i optimlstlc This Is an average of Itf ears per day. Whlle the San luego course wat not rati. or one loaded car handled every rive mm a fine ricld compeled and t.arlson The doors are wide and flush-fittin- The running utea and twenty aerotuls of a ten hour Maxwell raised oldrield's rgce Quality First day. of ihu number, ti cars were In- record rrom 3ul lo 306.9 uillel. boards are clear. The tires are carried in the rear. bound, bringing raw material of a wide San Francisco came next, and there, as I variety, and parí trom arrillated Over- at Sao Diego, the competitions had been land plants In other cities. Then- wet dated a few days after the formal opening I.7M outbound cars carrying ttnlsked or Ike exposition. Weather ii.iiditioii overland cars for every part of the moil unfavorable and a mikeshtrt course. world. inside the Cantina Pacific eipoMtlon Ktch car has a rapacity or at least three grounds, had lo be used but a crowd or automobiles and some are loaded with as inure than mors si persons sat paticntu many a six. lie- rain for hours, until the orflcials d- - Railroad slallstlctans declare itaal a live, ided lo postpone the Vanderbtlt -- the first progressive American city or is.uuu or r ibe two race carded. iO.000 would use about twenty carload or When good weather rmilly smiled on rreighl par day. Twenty two work days the iolpoiiel Vttideiblli. more lhan t0. would bring ill total ror ibe whole illy U0U peront came lo see II. and iku mam to 40 cara. Toe rreighl arriving at the moth sianil. which iats fi.oisi persons, was Overland rectory In the same length or niled with enthusiasts, who paid rrom lime shows a total greater hy more lhan 13 SO lo tin no ror the prlvtleae. per cant. The combined incoming and A few of the mauuuotli san rtncl- - outgoing rreighl car would make up a field went home eat after ibe Vanderbili. train about tsvemv line.- miles lung. Thl nut nmsl reintinerj ror the entre Ciand wi.uM be a rapauilv load or nnj live of promoted by tin- hustling Imí An the engutrs now In use. rie. 'A largest geles suburb. Tat plttroria space required to handle The enlre course wts lister lhan Sao or Height i . nils amount much larger i ran and Rarm-- oldfirld. lit a Mai than tbat of some of the biggoi won. followed hy Hilly Carlton. In Within Ibe over- (lepóla It Ibe rouulry. another MaiwelL forty-si- t e. ui.U laier i a land rectory luiu.ure Ipre. quarisri ol lew uf lb elrruu kSH - slopiied orr mile or dockage I In constant during ureat, ,rii un ineir way pome, tu the en tiro work day tiorderittid Fair rieopie on loads carried by ibe ear arriving ai Ike lhe fmlJ or their bia annual week overiaiui laciory ronsisi 01 nii luei on. A on each prior ... .10011. ihe automobile lylllidt-- oU. gasoline, sand, fir brick, race did more iban any lumber, machinery, hair, wheels, rprtug. other feature lo paint. oris tne crowns 10 the city and eontltu nuHitHiU). Ilrt. leaibar, sierlt and ted an attraction win. h trtnaformsid Ihe other meials and numerous other mataríais ran" final day into the most urctsaar) for building of thousands ut of the attire wrqk. i mopteie auloaaulMles each monlk Harney oldlield. a Maawell., wen, and when it ii considered thai the materials Silly Carlton, la anulkrr Maxwell. fmllij Six-4- nevar come ta Its that carload lot, and terond. Wy The Chalmers Light 8 Bm sometime, a in Ike or steel. In skip cast That Ik sport or automobile raring it inents that require an entire train tbe steadily becoming US niore clearly rrrognl' d ivrlttd bo I s lake's x priatustimis as Ibe grratett a to in attraction wbicb cat be thai ftimlsb direct refuiailoa staged for an) crowd gathering euierprist-i- tlei'laratkm of tkoae who maintain thai also d In ruuiks tal b) '.ban man keouer $i65o arc liosNie ksm.iiu.hi tti eatatr deJI or r 1. ol of the test. Ike tme an tutOfuuMIe assort not cojite.i board, woo 1. beloa kaaiegatl Comparison Prove tfct Chilwttt traed you dost Mtad to tfcttttr tny apead on all sack ng dales iliqafaS fey Ciatiri vet It la dtttJlr aatiafyinii to feel you ciilea In al country, plan that if aha WHAT WE SAY wtat to you can Utvt your rival ka BUILDING TWELVE utoiauMir during Ihi cur tSTZ, tvtr the ratr. u.s.i, a odksr light tlx ststtnff dollars of turees. notabl- aiwell prica-lia- eO and (he value of the Chtlmcri Takm thm Mumurm though rheet pasty, ttt of Thi Yt wklrk wi year avupnurt iwn will bm quilt atppakTttst. Igsyjtt tf s. 11, a llaiiiiing j Cor'. QUALITY Yourmlf ,11lftor; ibeu pari in rurnitkin tke to Watt tatobüty, trttJc. Itstirinn casjattructlnn, dttiaja. PASSENGER BUSShS large uf a wt do not ttk roa to tccapt thatm on our iu races rrruia. la a tea qualm of anttta-ta- tg rattatt of lista ttatirttot. ton a tuck promt to be tk grsojivai tnt t al ky rar it tk itlttory or ikg tport gr rtpttri But are baiitvt ttkat ssta ghoutd rmmmOl ItilillQIll r iinnttaytty mmamu asttmct at ittt uptaatp com. their tnttk. l k Ntl Stt killlVt Coa-ma- Wkil ike Jitney but era la ttssSsyeaf flaw latí la laxasa, ttrtaicsk ssttakM tasfcta, CkMlgt, lixsaiilttit j We llvvc that the record of the Oujimert Motor avr ike roualrv the autssmoblle nidus uwkUghl aad tkgar tes f Waatlea faj. during the psaMttvan vtvara aad the rtcord of this trie are profiting bv u law V'alt Motor aafei at Settl tar its fatthttt aasiUaag aix-- during the peat I. .f traat ininn htvt III. .v,Ui.o Viuuie til . tat w si TMgit ai rrsTgr ttsr STanr iisknrlan mtmé It i Ojt right to you iwenij rive i.atvngri gVeea ftka ttrsktal your ttriout cxinatdtrartot if are Is.... isle rVrega Jrni (MU dattt ttgtu of heavy . aUtQO tart, en I tu t lactw tatkea rutda and i.tipitfjsg putrtitaOig totr hctwton gad WM Taste cars ar umuue I tg itile. fleet light wuk trfeteS all ol tke lites and api" ' very large asitatnaaMle and do tot re aiitklt It atur k. saa oeauturv rutberaevk'' car used CHALMERS MOTOR CO. OF EL PASO is tkc large riuaa tact car is tni. i ut btssx i.,v,5ír,.' ol lígula 10 ib MuW vf Corner Son Antonio end Sento Po Telephone 4970 wty watcn when lighted waku Or Meuaw. - at. iba cars a unuuUit aiuwaratc atad 0 ui UK- mvrni) uf laularsd eaafele Uktaii at b dcltald J a illsjatti-- bal une or tk lamps. ifijuriui va 01 dar kas fereu kv Ike vetteitattt .lark bV XJ1 iiy rrssui I avawi ouatttk, uf .kv. .. aaiauatt ssatatt tj- n .u'V Kraaciseti tut at -i . i e-" at I rv fee Let your next car be a Clialmers u i i, 'isru wS.; Vs.'. 1 1 HBRHBHH Sunday. April 4. 1911 6 B EL PASO MORNING TIMES ABUNDANT CROPS r la We have no STIMULATE SALES These are the reasons why it is fences to mend .11 Agricultural Base ( Nell a pay ImmMm; laMMH Bushel lar Pre, needless to eat Hane.1- Meip. tuleaa.iHIe asking: MMMa Rear Axle befbro you for Diamond Others are Squeegee Tire preference This tire's ate w hat they totaflr eaarrlbo iny A. r vi - r as pea of Whir h more than SMtlnc' tr aile '985 record in 1914 was so clean so thor flo.nertive pun baser, of automobile, maaiaa that thar era thai earlier who air afraid to buy heeauae inev think I J' gee af sales which ware devel you'll see come to look at oughly satisfying to 99 out of every , general bnaine.. are unfavor- tn thaa.eemUcofttiaPULL And more many more when you modillón C) Maer A ala. Thla Mr able nllgl ,11. in as to the real facta idea 100 users that it stands out as the nerd Aalethat MiidasSakavaasnlarntMh the car Itself. But these are enough to give you some of in Ihe MM I'nderlying conditions wef mora roatlr to manafaetaea. Mat in never sounder or more fatorable for bit Pee M carrhss tfeasvaiarht what you'll find. And when you find other cars that cost bright spot the haze of tire argument. now. Urn- - spring business than ii "i i ailifiiaalaai It thif omitting: de- Mia rrop and a market for ibein mean haa TWO Tlrakan Baa ring a In from $90 to $225 more than Studebaker, or prosperity not only for the firmer but for each hab ta lake up the aide And bear in mind the above ment- every thrnete. And lha .haft Itself dees liberately trying to make advertising capital ofdesigns that are rliy and town in lh eouniry. Atrt ONKthingontr ioned figures are not ours, but repre- eiillure Is be blr basic business of Ihr na tarne the wheels admittedly not as good you can draw your own conclusions lion and rrcMra the kind or eslth that sent the testimony of hundreds of tire all other wealth modming artivltles ran as to whether it is wise to pay more than $985 for another car. dealers depertd on All staple crops were rood covering the sale of over 500,000 lasi rail, bul Un wheal rop reached hum And you don't want to judge this FOUR on price either. Not Diamond Squeegee Tires. .t proportions ,ew iiartrst and rarry Tread over amounted to nearly nm.imn.wn busB for a minute. You find in every detail of You el in round riaures. i...n ronsump QUALITY it linn will require sliahllr rwtre than Hi. find the most approved design. You find accuracy of manu- What is more, this volume of oaintai bushels, patina ns arb n .(mnntyi Ini.hris aisiiaKle fm mpoii lo the markets facturing that strikes the average man as miraculous. But undeniable tire evidence will be placed n I of the world and war inid-- l.urope It is recognized one in every tire user's hands free for ronservailvelv e.timale.1 that Ihe hortaa Radius Rods you expect to get that from a plant that as the it grain foreign market will rully equal is. asking. our Huge surplus, thus adriiig Its sale Ton will not And radias roda an of the largest in the business. And Studebaker And just Al prevailing prlrra the export surplus so, you from a manufacturing li 'iilil vl. id over fvaigai.nnn. Tnnik or 11 expect a relatively low price such Diamond Half a billion dollar of new purchasing will nota ther ara Insignificant In organization. For simple you know large scale Squeegee Tiret power from abroad. II t re alia. Boma cara drive thro' that the reason that drawn doen eprlnga Just because It happens to rpilre miiih Itnatlnalion to regliie what coat mora to use manufacturing results in economies, low costs that other plants are sold at these mean, way or 10 radius rodaand a that in ih ttimiilus nui torque arm as Modabaker doea. begin ne. in general and to ihe ant. .mobile btiM But It also happens that radlua can never to touch. " FAIR-LISTE- " ne In pgrlleuur. nm. oal and all ror rasas take lha drlvloa; thrust that PRICES: age. rrop are also bringing prlees bo the eprlnga have to tains in And so it isn't price but QUALITY we want you to look yoiid Hie dreams of Ihelr produeer Kven other cara. And ao make the car that Diamond war, i mam Diamond (ottoii. Ihe one vicilm eroi of Ihe has for. And we are entirely willing even eager to have your choice MuHtM aVtu recovered anil nowing MernaOM ' " atrength lie proceeds from the .sale 01 rest on just that matter of QUALITY. For we know that 30 3 $ 9.45 34 s 4 S20.3S our CTport wheat surplus alone, from al 30 344 12.20 36 4Ji 28.70 indications, will be greater than the com when you set this Studebaker beside other cars, you'll decide in 32 3 14.00 37 b 8 33 90 1. ne it sale value 'of all the automobiles and your mind, as many thousands ofcareful men have already done 33 a 4 2O.00 trucks sold In thl rountry during the eai 38 S 44.00 endar year PjU. Oops wire never more it is needless to pay more $985 for FOUR and ih i. to in. or sold at higher prices. Thl that than a PAY NO IfORE one bit. otilaiandlng feature in ihe sit unwise to pay less. The car is your convenience at any tuafj HMM would in. ure artive bulne at in nrlng. time and for any tests, hills, roads, anything - Money Is a drug on the market In the eii.p'in cent...- .mil - ftpidlv he.oming Springs throughout the eouniry. The bank are Driving aprln on thro' rrammed with II. grid dteouilt rale thaii springs have tc because prime rommerrlal paper arc al phenonv usual. because the master leaf its a nally low levels in most of the large rltles that one thin band of steal that and aavglnt leadlly everywhere if the runa from tip to Hp of the pringa, old itayUig that 'inoney talks' were liter mart transmit all the push" of ally true, there certainly would be a lot the wheels. Also, one and of the or conversation siored up in our bank vi spring moat ha fir mly attached to very soon the frame. Studrhaker, In addi- day. Rut this condition must tion to having developed apring ereale Its own remedy, which will br found atarla and design that make them In greater production and a larger volume , y svon derretir ataetlc and irlre hi .i'ii to lose ironi-- on II and of exchanges. This tasl reservoir of money, la able, bee a use It ataan radlua resta, tin.- Che up .' in.' of til ruflt on the ..ale this dammed tip buying tauwer. Is exert to make the eprlnga aprirujier'- o AUTOMOBILE TRADES Of ihe new ear. ing sitrh an Increaslnir and Irrmendoua to ear. and also to use spring Tin- moral of all till la: When you el pressure for Its release and legitimate em- shack lea at BOTH ends, thus In nut lo buy a new rar rinel out whit your ployment In irade and manufacture, that It creasing the Quel old rar I worlh and slncr rlear uf the MUi soon sweep sway any remaining bar- Hie a of the ear. dealer who orrrrs you half - much again riers of timidity snd hesitation and lie run- MAY BREAK FIRMS ror lt nejienii on 11. trie rar ne - 10 gen ning rull and deep and strong again in Its lit not worth what he asks Tor It; or ir II Srruslomed rhannels. Ihe iiianuf.iciiirer will soon lie out of Modey a a standard or values Is the ha business, leaung you with a car on your sis of bank rrcdlls. and ihe banker must hands that lina 110 bucking and ran there 1 credits, that Is, make loans, to earn away wnen you The folio inr arth lc rnnn lb ssu fore nardiv he given gci dividends mi suceeÁd ra his business, lie throurh with It. In business there la no ran i uffurd lo lei til nmiiry M heaped up Chronicle n r r. mure-nin- r reedinc larri llnnn something for nothing. and idle In his bank. The hankrrs tnem "i rung the gn ni. in rx nmgr a used selves, the shrewd and progressive ones, rar as a portion nf Ihe price on Mtr for HrtUnlrj Mnnumenl. are impelled by the motive of a n in. in,' I tag ..... uilt'l Preaa and proTttl Tor themselves to get money The average man nxlay lw cnrnes inl Mies. (MUo. April-- The purchase of a back mi" sound legitimate business again ihr market for a IW car has mi nlii MM sil ni ..11 which to rrert lierr a si,iai by extending ihclr loans more at 1r dispose of. In fart, mi" dealers Ij.i UMnaorial 10 Hrealdrai Mrkmiey. wIhi at rales. The new federal reserve rar wild mure used MM t new urn one time lived at Mh's, wit. recorded 10 bank law has remoted ihe Ul reason for Ih mir compelled in num. en - 10 din ilav. Ihe in mi. 11. il la bring barked by the hoarding of reserves of Idle runda by Ample Brakes of iiiiirr than míe used to Hie M' kndi-Y- . Iiirtbiiav association. the bunks and has rendered our currency far i lie Ogm car naif. The land, tallied nl nearly was elastic and responsivo lo ti need of busl- - Minor In Importance, you mlaht .1 ay. 'The dealer wbu cannot aril a new rar I un Iiu.i by llie city mil of Me. proceeds Buttak th brakes ut as any nf bonds made i.y tne rny. Sáaran Auitust. aaampla. SAFETY ta a big fOO- - bv other aii always irles in ailr.lrl When the war last lilla .deration In any car. Your brake hy (irrrrliiir fi a long; ih buyrr a price e un eouniry had Juxl finished period of re vital ometlmes when you ny or Inlernalhmal Labor nnferrin War. m. nam for his uvil rar. rar standard Ihr Vea iiipiiditiion and rrirenciiincni. n have to atop quick.?. Studebaker his Un second-han- A,tittlrtt had been make price, larluhlc New York. April 3. A ronferener or and manufacturers and banker not only uaee a brake equalizer by giro or M acc.iniiiig 10 oaaaalllofi of labor leaders will hasfnvid in playing safe ror several year, sineks of uchae you find on one of the very according lo locality, hill the actual differ Ihia rlty on April I', lo choose tleleirales material and merchandise xvere down M Mgheat priced cars but usee nee between what one dealer ill a Hit en lo an International rongress or labor to solid bottom. Cash reserves and quirk 1 breVe drums that are much larger renter ran gel ror a used and vital devine ways arid means or brinniuf Ihe Sets Were large. There was no general than most cara weighing half a another In the same ranrr el f,,r me of to make the cred- ton more are using. Costs inore renter Kiirian war lo an end, was mm. nine. credit la... i'- - m - - J- - name ear scarcely appreciable. There- bv labor men here lonighl. Tne congress it trii.iiiie shaky. Business bid trained fore the d aier who takea II hi at a fancy will bn held In an I nr'ipesn rlty. ofr ill Its fit and flabblness, so lo speak.

aaatafKLaaW. aapas See it at ROADSTER - SSSS Sraaaaakar UGHT SIX IMS ELLIOTT-GARRET- rSIX. 7 as.Mafsv.M5C T COMPANY f. 0. a Detroit SOUTHWESTERN DISTRIBUTORS 422 San Antonio St. Phone 963 El Paso, Texas

and whil wis left was rb an. hard Indus- looking because anybody la good looking Danyon rrom the Thomason place toward livlnc In and near Ctoudcroft. He wai trial and runiioeri'lil muscle, capable of who looks good." Weed In fair condition hurled lo the James Canyon cemetery Mon- thai would make new records in out He wis not born under the sign of s. Carney, overseer on Ibe James day afternoon. put ami sales. In everything was in Canyon road, was In cloudrrof Tuesday. Tuesday night several inches of snow snori. Taurus. He dues nut deil tn ran I, cant canyon, may lineas r.r a strung, steady, ucsltliy, ex or rustían. cap!. J. H. Lucas, of Cox was a here, which cause niore damage to panding inurement In business. e ware recent visitor. cioodrrufl ciénagas. Monday the train up Governor Whitman cdrrles his own J. W. is up rrom Texas looking the mountain Une made an attempt to pro- ii uur hies," ready for the tearing for- Barnhart -- ward, so to speak, when the I uropeiB war (rips, rides un the slreel car and likes gfler his place in Klchl Mile." ceed lo Hitasla. bul wis unable lo do ao. an upper on the Pullman without protest. Joe West and Claude Hrubaker were Tuesdjv un extra was run wllb the object le Wllb terrible suddenness and lelll or making everything. He la an avenge man, focused and ron recent visitor to Alaniogurilo. Hussla If possible, but the engine norirlly paralyied M. Uenney rrom became rne amazingly quick and complete re eentraled. He his grown strong by doing. II. has returned derailed. nvcrv we made, though, shows cunclit fVtvcroor whitman owes much lo bis Frauk Honnell, sr., dud at his home in AT THE MM K tvely how sound ami stable were under wire. Menially she geared lo a higher is cioudrrofl, Monday morning. Much 8. A sin i DIVNEB WILL HI BERVKD lying conditions al Hut time of shock and speed Iban her liege, bhe Is kiudly waa In Illinois. January 16, int Deceased born SI DAV. nam Those raine ...ii. mi. hi, even woman, gentle, capable, earliest. ith IC57. rrom which place he moved to Mis- EAhTKB HI in LADY TO RE- strengthened hv the rurlher liquidation and positive Ideas on the subject of uomayi s souri and from Ilier lo Mew Mexico. He CEIVE A BIMJVENIR. II. Ml rfj PLA1E. economy thai prevailed during ihe nil snd work. leaves a wife and four children, who are M TO I P. M. (Advertisement) inter, today. It is estimated lhai eiist A good deal or the ISO millions or u govemur's education dollars mouth his been Is name. Mrs Whit added lo our available capital by the na- in his wife's While eeouomy and saving since man is neither fussy nor frivolous, she tion's tin wir la never peo begun Ibis totals the aiuiciidoiis sum of dowdy and indifferent. Yel AUTOMOBILE AND ACCESSORIES DIRECTORY now pic wbo know the governor cannot think ll.uoo.nduooo.oo Hui the shock of the of her. war Is over, the readjustment has been him apart from mm. They ire an einlnenily common BMaM successfully oiifidence and Initia- couple, of the old tive have rerleed. and Hie almost and represent ill , risluuned virtues for which arlvhce haa opinion In lie best infunued never commercial and financial cirrlea la found a siibslllule Industry, eroo Goodrich Auto and Truck Tires the great movement in bual oniy. truthfulness, that forward 3 C. ELAFTURT, BN health El Paa M. TM. nesa summer and belpbiMeas. They are good Drop ol peg oral Mac I c. I. UIS. S3i temieirarily arrested list br nrtghbor. and of apriklug ie la starting again, and mis lime invr habit wir well or other folka. Ith Irresistible nioineniuiii md rertalntv people The automobile business, as always, will These ire the virtues of lbs wbo movement. go forth to their labors until ibe evening SQUARE kad in this These are the folks who make the world THE CLEVELAND GARAGE go round, and wlilmul whom Iberr would U AHA talC AND KkCTAIR any r. JK. BWKkCNary. Prop. B'Utnn CIMU mur. ELBERT HUBBARD'S be neither lliergture. science, art. nor Wsak Kmakllas kwaatn w Bsau, such thins aa rlvIlIMtk. Baarrtoa Mlarhst aaw Omr. a Pbsscsa Ml. WEEKLY SERMON Whitman a Instincts are for peace. Everybody's Happy in exists la bit rosmos only M If you Bjr Elbert Hubbard chemical trace. Vul basked ban iTt . VjERLiAND governor of the stMa of .New into a corner you would probably find PASO O AUTO CO. the Home that Boasts s The York yon liability charles Seymour Whitman He la lha that had taken on Automobiles and Willys aun of a rlerary man. who was pes lag rich Whitman fila la. He does not brie, Overland Tracks un forty pound a year. boast or bluitor Ha doea bis work and holds bli peace. am BAN siKaJkl Charles was ksarii In Migo.i. IHC Ha would be a good pilot, even tn stormy Garland Gas Range Consequently the governor of Maw York weather, and on a eoaal. at thla writing la 7 years of age And if disaster cansa be. like Jim Blud soe, in H to ao ntan who has lived would "bold bar nose to the bank UtTUKRATIUHU ii. every waa " OENkHAL MO TOB rightly is al Ma heal in galoot ashore HARVCBTCH Daddy smiles size of his bill a saawI Company at the gas - Whitman could lake out luoiie,iie ev Svl gv ion. s sc)iie..u Oilman ha- lived on the limitad and hit er up at miles an TBL'c.BS .lasl Taucxa ngblly wtuk an eyebrow uor Mother likes to cook on a stove that nasi si M. unta kaki tai a nam. and he fan afterwards Ha could OAKLAND MITO SALES C9IPMT has moulted a good many of Ma Illusions. limb rlecnph m the winter and dft QH guarantees perfect oven ha.-- ' a iixeinor Wbtlnian ripened .lowly hang i M the cross arms until ooasw by irfiNt iin Ha haa the thorn road, lis ruins all oi ua ami secura rc.i. PrH! way sMf) by alap Ha hag also beau all grow fat thr potaaa aa usa And the children and any lie is aa win. nis uistani 1 1 M lb iraocbaa. and victories that eUiive. but ha la without old Wall'a ac- - happy 'cause everything tastes so good. ' hive come to Mm have been hard earned leuiuciuaa. Just come in nimr WhlUliMi u a gradúale fnun Ha isn't rich, yal ba asrvcr will be poor Ha also drgrtwa fraan WH PER- smbecsi ha lie annul be eiasupcutd. o. i u WINTON SIX ITS ECONOMICAL COOKS Hams, the t utvefairy of New York and the bribed we'll of Hard - FECTLY IS EASY TO CLEAN AND and tell Ihlvarally liwi- lou caiiiMJi surpnae mm in jumpiog Nobody arar rrfaired to Uoveraor Whit out of a corner and shouting, "Boon." or 5000 Mile RED TOP FISK TIKE LA8T8 A LONG LONG TIME. you why man either a a gaaVlua or a guud fellua. or Pooh!" Watch the Ha la booaaw lutolUiaai and Ha la at hocna with Ml sort and cun- baa saving aanse of bueaaar dí Lows of paajfila WESTERN MOTOR SUPPLY CO. " Ha casi latt wail an osKaean. hut bu Wbluuan ban s nal and I Baat M EL PASO GAS CO. iVMkf putnt M tbtvi of be lag a good aaaka uor Ban lb man arbo i--a not ItsMMMf aaeka anaansaa Mart oMMar asuUuo. AUTO N. Os !BdlrhM "rwfssMMg BORDERLAND SUPPLY COMPANY 42S St on othaK-a- iaWof, i Bui u. i. alaer n.w assd aaea who knows baaawr Mast Mb b V L II iW Vi".4eioaai to isktM ataba, but alias I rat aim ' aaw SS OUa SPECIAL WINDOW DISPLAY Mietuu or aswaai i bus anuas la canigaiag. ant uoBkcjs. aa TIRES ix.anvur WMUsaau la nsriliMni QmmiUy Phonm 391$ Car. Myrth naiteui but he tool brilliant actnltll M N. M Jin 4 Aaaaea noi m a annum I . Oovornoi- Whitman can fade lulo llar landasat- - and Uaak like . Mcc. of di.av sHgruaM CADILLAC SALES CO. LLESayi P. á S. W. WJiLJWNO TtUJttOfU 5Mf Sunday. April 4. 19 IS. EL PASO MORNING TIMES ; B


ON AUTO AT FRONT Hupmobile Valve-In-Hea- d Motors turU ieede Tell el labnlsare Work In Ike inraaaaa Wc-frot- éis to Petate Is Pecker Means speed and dependability. With these qualities, service and satisfaction Ask the Engineer never hove word, seemed crude tools es during this War or the World. hand. It much owner, and broad field. It the eerly foolish dramas erre played go hand in means to an covers a lihnttt "props." o this rei strucile, a compe- must be written In ronicmportry hlsiory means that the buyer has his fall value, that the car will go where he desires, We hope you have in your acquaintance without reoonree to odjeruves. More eloquent then studied phraaes sr.1 driver. tent engineer. II notation from the diary or i.urtlt when it wants it, and instills a feeling of confidence in the n UeMMle. who I onnerM with the rsrksrcl We would like you to get his opinion of the Hup- branch la rarls iloods left the French capital for the front In chary- or five mobile. in. I one irurt He work'ii mi ier the direction of Ihe frrnrh predlea. tfr. eannf ror the woumleri hi roll In "Fours" "Just Ask Eneineers constitute a little world of and unto alnnr that sector or Hie mile Irentil line just to the of "n themselves. They are keen critics, but generous ones, when nvi ra try reletinr lo rec-n- ioin.o.orHon In this region rol lows and An Owner" they encounter good work. 1st nlfht hrgvy cannnnadlnr. ' II "Sixes" for four ambulanre. Thr car tn is good. resemmp and one hi acy And these sharpest of observers say the Hupmobile over hill, lo kilometer, "Run out i. Valve-I- n past idvsnctn train of ammunition Motora are Head and produce more power to the gallon of fuel than In Detroit where there are many automobile engineers one wagon and ltttl- bands or inupitw and banderee! soldiers walking risk hears the highest praise of the Hupmobile. from the front covered with mud any other motor built. Heavy firma down throuth in would be much say there is a dissenting voice tie valley. pst aoittlnr supply n1 line of fours and sixes is the greatest line Buick It too to that not ammunition wons. and little mail The present of cars ever it Isne to the lert. pa.l fonl lined regarding the Hupmobile among Detroit engineers. ,th cavalry horses drmklnr. tap a built by the organization. The nineteen-fourtee- n Buick, success has been the Mirp hill. inn rottares ami a . find who holds view. pi But it would be hard to one an unfavorable sharp turn in the rtcht in front of a world by chiifrh. talk of the motor a reputation merited an abundance of power, By common consent they have settled on the Hupmobile as one car they We lake In our sin stretchers and rait until the wounded iro iine.t nn faultless design, perfect performance and efficient service. can unite in commending. them. All the henrlK" or the church re plied dowrr behind th" channel Now this is not mere sentiment or friendliness. rsll ed on each side nd down 'ho Following as closely as possible the now famous models of nineteen-fourtee- n oenter re rows or wounded lyinc on Reputable engineers will not barter away their professional standing by sira'. some cjiitet with "yet rlnvd added for the of the control, in- other moanln one ccymc out with with refinements comfort motorist, easy unmerited praise. the armv stirrenn nd iwo soklicrt maklnir him a romrnrtablr poisl-l.i- . creased power, offered at a moderate price with every improvement that is em- When they approve of the Hupmobile and especially of its splendid until he cam be taken nut. In Hie renter, the littles vllUro small bore, approval means something. th- - bodied in the higher priced motor cars. long stroke motor that l nest in black robe Is ch ut lsl founded knowledge. rues to s dying corporal. We rer ry It is an endorsement on extraordinary experience and otii. one by one. su or the worst of in the of Buick experi- wounded on the stretcher- - snd loid Twelve years success manufacture cars with the It is a source of pride to us and a recommendation you can not afford them in our oaf. We drive hack slowly to Monididler, pssi ammuni- ence of nearly 200,000 Buick cars, now in the hands of satisfied buyers, has to overlook. Take the engineer s expert opinion along tion wacon and Ihe yroup or car lined up close lo i hay with all the other good things that you hear about the stack end unload Ihem I the evalu- taught the builders the requirements and necessities which marked this season 's Hupmobile. us ation hospital el ihe railroad uon Let prove the Hupmobile in a quality test. where they are placed under a Buick and brought the triumphs that satisfaction to buyers alone can stretebed between the un hulldlnv to make moro room. Wo n turn at full speed for the others, bring. LONE STAR MOTOR CO. past the sentry at the outskirts of 1 Montdldler. who salutn a we no by. DISTRIBUTORS "As It ceis dark in the lime church the silver candle stick are piicd in 355 Myrtle Ave. the niche of Hie euliimn. clvlne; a Buick Cars From $1020 Phone 6209 dim and maklnr such j picture tl Paso, Texas that one ran hardly realfio tint !ie Is not looking; ut an oU war palntlne: of Ihe century. To "At the last trip bout n o'clock Iho the "Big Six" at $1750 surrenn and the Illlls priest came lo the car and wished .is rood nlht nd 'merel ' We hurry orr to sleep 1200 aTlor 3e hours' work. ataln Touring Car or Jd. m-- "When we eel back and enum up we find we heve earned In close to II io wounded durlnt the artomoon and part or the morninc Hh our Co. Al over Auto four Packard. the station International I. tOO wounded were htndlcil. sent out on trams' and distributed to the hos- pitals dnMnir 01 hours." 9umm I Dav in. day out. this l ihe mutinv or J. W. STOCKARD, Manager thee ambulance men and tberr cor. 19251 LIVESTOCK NOTES 416 Texas Street Phone ...i.. OF THE SOUTHWEST fi. N. It is what the stockmen call "crook hive tone throiirb th winter m rine canyon snd the rotlowlnt statistics are shape, very few died. Most of them, how- hut that is about all I known given: There ire t.lWJcl sheep on the neck." thit ever, were fed alfal fa- of the disease. Jake Oro ha lost sev- rniton eike snd Navajo reservation vslued st trout. MO. arid fine Of onus, have lust by eral held others Indian Onn Msay Bbeea. 3il,0M oats valued al stff.llO. owned BE GIWATlCciT VKA rOR c rew hetd, but the rtltlemen do not sso the Mivijos. The wool clipped from DM THIS THE Mavajo are STOCKMKS.PU 01' i. un I iv MBalt.o It very seriously. The report from The Indian anions; the lircest nsllve sheep amounted to pound IN HleTORV Of THAT SECTION. out or the plants stale that vriss Is Tow-tni- r sheep owners of the southwest. Litl year veined st ttvv,j7n, na trom toe traiieu good snd Ike whole pllnt country Is 1100,000 worth of Rivsjo blanket wer merino sheep, w 163 pounds valued it re. ii. with plenty of moisture. Th cus sold within one hundred miles or keam's fSI.MI. , Dr. Oeorce A. I.lpp, of Roawen, ?t. M., hetd or the t'nitod states bureau of animal SUGGEST A BULL industry al that point, y tkl will be th rrettest year ror the livestock man tn the history of eastern ew Mexico, "it State National Bank has been ' necessary to feed all throurh ssys. ESTABLISHED APHID. 1111. TU ADVERTISE AUTO lb winter, especially cattle," bo Established in 1906 and Well Known as the . Moro ibero have been fed this year than CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS j300.000.00 ever before In too history of till serilon. One outfit alone is reedlnc i.ssi head snd Oldest and Most Reliable Medical in Interest Savings hsa been prsetually all wmoi people have Institution the Southwest Paid on Accounts "If we rcepied tome of too propor- become educated up lo Iho point where (bey resllio thai riiey musl reod. Cattle to un i ho name or avenís-Init- C. R. MOREHEAD, President. JOSEPH MAGOFFIN. Vice-Pre- tions made in and sheep are worth Inn miieb nowadays The Specialists preparer! rwtriilior cars would be doinr some lo Ewe today are worth SA.50 per International are the only Specialists in El Paso who are properly C N. BAJ8SETT, GEORGE D. FLO II Y , Cashier. loa. Swats' In various pari of the country besd snd sheep men reIUe ihst tliev i sn't and equipped for the successful treatment of Chronic, Nervous, Blood and Special Diseases. L. J. OILCHRI8T. Ant. Cashier. afford to let Ihem die. yrom llie present thai at Irait would aitrart quite a bit of uuilmik wool til brlns; from II to fl kirtl attention." wrltei Maude S. Brim, cents this year. While the Inter was They are the only Specialists who have been here long enough to establish their permanency. of Dm r company bard on II livestock for a time, the pros- than they have They of Detroit. pects today ere brifhtir have ben pracliclna their specialty eighteen yaar ind during- all this time boon for many s sprinf. The prospects hava taken advantage of ovary Important discovery, Inetrunornt and apparatita of merit. tor many year Mr Brtrgj bt made a for a bur lamb rrop and sprtnc and sum- pram.- of presemnr leuer fron (rank mer trass are better than ihey were ever They before take a miracle to make confine themeelve otrtotly to their specially, do no outside work Bur treat acute aii.i taa iMK file i kept in a coaven n would Banking By Mail tbat this anythlnr but a banner year. "The troubles foreign to their regular line. i HJgT AS EASY TO OPKW A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH US AS leni drawer in Mr. Brice" deik contains proeots wer never better for s bic THOUGH YOU LIVED NEXT DOOR. ooinniijiiirations on a variety of subjects ismb rrop." They havn the unqualified endorsement of the Bankera, Commercial Agencies and thai raakrn sisriltnf reading. loading business men the city. vVe 4 A of pay per cent Interest, compound! twice every raer. W o A in ..i n ii ii o this Interesting ,"1 Irle Coualy Mock Deals. I fibeoo. of kjerison, inon county. business under Ule depositors' guaranty Uw of (he State ot Texas, and lection a tener from a Pennsylvinli I.rnetl Their work lo not moro gueoswurk. but is based upon the experience gained in are a Guaranty Fund Bank, as provided by law. who uffer to drive a Detroit Texas ha sold 110 head of stock borses al such .New M6 round Posre k Aull sold Krauk Hic- the treatment of thousands of cas id. Our plan, la addition being la "Bight" from York lo San trtnrisro to convenient safe, profitable and with a ptiie Hereford bull towing behind ham ok old slrars st Mil M. snd liberal. Nobody has ever lost a dollar la a State itank in Texas. "I aee you are featuring me fact that an ot yearlmt steer al tas.tu. A. L. Spniurei IN EI. PARO ALONK TIIBV HA"VB TREATED OVER 1.000 CASES WITHOUT ONE DEATH OR BERI- - WHITE TODAY FOR OUR FHKB BOOKLET. "BANKING BY NAIL" elghl cylinder rer ran a driven two or who moved his sheet) from coujlty oua RKsi'fvr o anv a kehcm-in- IN ALMOST EVERY CABE. to county, ass sold ewes I kind, complete rkcovkrt OR SIMPLY MAIL YOUR DEPOSIT. Ihrte utiles tn hour la Men fear and a Irion ft The above record cam he enfied wo look with pride upon It. 1'ihlSis like tine would be a fine way to snd els muNoa sheep at H around to and EL PASO BANK & TRUST CO.. EI Paso, demonstrate it," write mi- - enterprtstni lasa a Lackey Tex. arrioulturlal. who perfectly utllint to AT RVPTURK Without pain, operation or danger. make UK trip (or saw Mart Raachanee Buylofl Mulls. ruosldertlloa of re- WW car and ,,. f. A Mitchell, of Marfa. Test. hs C VAJUCOCKLIC In on treatment requiring about thirty minutes without a A ceived lo head of rstrllng retisiered operation, pale or danger group of i.hlraro youths offer to.siai recewlty a robbery ano hold a gloaing Hereford bun, purchased from riant out H IIVUfkocKliK In oae treatment opon uperaUon, pain or danger promts, or reeni or publicity with a Trthom breeder, st llaO around L. without Marra, reren d TrAflt it) the Chicago papers, all for the Clsunrh. of has tito lu OsaMTK VOTIONN In five to fifteen dayo rutting, sounding. of Hen ford Dulls recently without trethui or modest mm of u earn, and a crippled bead reststerrd m 11 leav the canal la a perfectly normal condition tcrubei lit lar n unriuasii la aiding to purchased rrosa T. Pyle, of Clarrodon, Goo drive a petroiter backward around tas II IM0 around Mr. Utunrh recently pur- OUvCOSSI Ully I'll.KH and all rectal dlseasoo without painful operation, cautery or ligatura. NEW ORLEANS world for no ono end capeases Offers to chased m Hereford cows from I.. C. In I, or Msrn. snd proposes to breed sosas fine "star" Drtrolier rars in tsudeville, In the ttocja- WE AUK EXCLUSIVE OWNERS OE THE PENN INFILTRATION CURE FOR I'll.KS IN THE STATE "ssgit" and la the moil." for liberal - TEXAS only treatment euros Hag. sloughing or aad makaa are numerous OF th that without rut ulceration a recurrence considerations Ssjyov average A Wlscoasln genius has built a boat svlih Wresaiat la ArtiiiaS-- impossible by rklaforclna th rectal walk. The oaao con bo curad with four troatntoabi without paddies rati be by the rear rian, Mih 4 Co . euosc nir rsaao pala or detention from buslaesa. Call aad lot us egplaln fully ell about it before suhmlttlskg to aa operalloa thai driven lb lb bloody sortton of IN HOURS wheel of a motor oar and ror fUuo ana) Saeta Anion, or any usher treatment. 34 with 4 a car will to rocsajgy closed s bit dee Pearaaai cruise from chicare Catease, esaao. buyer of Wyouihtf. Cndor by war f the Creel Lake. St. i awreore seals river. Atlaailc ocean. Qulf o Mis. tas tortas of the sireetneoi. iMs ststsd. VTA Menee. ths Yavapai count) cam. mrn ill deliver stasUMM rival and Cklrtgn drahMue rsasl. year u Miu. ha a t.sto hood of one two end three old ii.. hauK diud wheal eld st Msvor v.nere ihey will to Specific Blood . rorty to slor Poisoning feet ut be sbosolled bj alaaietor tteeod over to the buyers tomo lira Ik s motor cac set vtiihtn the wherl, od h In Uto pwrfocliaa of our BRITISH CJvHU wo believe that w have Iba only absoluta and porutanoat euro III loar II couiiir U bs It preseaied for trouble The Sunset Limited with o cor. sjmL sHawesl 10 per say rear till cansases aioek beals. eTrsni!íU"r Osons Tsas. has sold IOS Dmüy Cote ss mirrssiins see sursoaTNa too to ranas, round, at 5:43 a.m. It oti. eJe I .i it fat meraeoii.el issproreiisrnis and la hers f m lllltiattll rrem R I not sos i one NI roela caruther. no fooius "Mir is st bu W ottnd. mi- I'rak. soil 40 powers iocs BOS serit. led mi Oukui Ibel in si Our CftMHINED METHODINVESTIGATEof treating Chrwate Disco Wo comblae tho great curative of Else. PULLMAN CARS, TOURIST CAR siv. year si n. ihiviiii.i THROUGH sisnny save lope t the cor m smoky vspor. msjs airee trWity. Light. Hoat. Vibration. Serum aad Aalwtal K streets with carefully salee tod and physiologically TO WASHINGTON. D. G. DINING CAR, OB- nebirns; ihe akriver to fot a'Sy uniaeari-fle- Mtavflrld" ''ar. dea e4flV"ltaoua1J ret steadarllsed drugs, sad believe this to bo the moot ouooosaful Method In ertotouce. Maay af our coat ol al- lu toes of orcidoai. aotaec tus sob ensiles led lv el JU siouud J. .cite liens are arigtsal aad the above record, which eas be aastly verified, aubotaatlataa ur uteneats. Others mines) a eorkluo d'svu s of r with O. E. boo koosrhi asasen SERVATION CAR OIL BURNING LOCO- en ilsitdsisk ik. stay eopy our ada treat llino to time, but we believe few. if any. caa produce thva happy rooalto wo have eh lour tsaesu p..ieo istkaat ii AoeisasiOf ranch, f i t osetiMs i 4 pes sue w rwa Moewsy ss en so Bee. her Mooujeiiurrv ha. btlaad. MOTIVES. ara etui enotoer ass buki inokn ..una sulkies lo roo TO CMKMJCAL Ah A L SIM OF - WE ARE PRBPARKD MAKE MICROSCOPIC AL EXAMINATIONS AND kepi rpoiuaiiv euuao up at II THE HUiof), SE Ki:i IONS AND KXCRETIONR kssrsepveer r taa mriun sou botes actsk ka SNSasM seeltoo. San Francisco and raturn $45.00 4 ftntb of aerer.wo; Texas, are WE UsK MtVKM X KAY EXAMINATIONS WHalN CONSULTATION rREB. ToMSIl na uüar, w taa Woe buytatl.ld imaiN'rN nuaabri of . attle ut Loa Angeles and return (35.00 e.olvoo so mark ,iicim..u rrosa eoools ib Mlojtoad estío tas sureaoaos rhu tryUMJ e Afkaaa Diego and ero lo suMxiotOf for aotk atado r rrt etes-- lentil hsnOan l San raturn. $35.00 uw. io sa M sMav rtt'lmt Ii ms C P at N sestead, i.kat asar On sale daily, limit 3 month. vroa. Nt-- International Specialists vesriioj rtoui or book. Mr as Jdel d at rx mkmsid a co. iFsl.hM.asal Nttsr I lavotees a ssM CITY TICKET OFFICE 206 N. OREGON ST. asa nai sf asaui vr v steal sesrt aa K ni Hita k. tsseavar TasasBt asi Masa Ogsj atu Ro raaea gsaab. IJ fmto, 'Vaste, part of tas ssja alto ! fywsid II tot fie o,..n at ' ' let a. Phone 142 pori oTaMsir'SSritiiir of broas m stbsr ckoatbols, ta iasj' to sataS aosaj tBfi Mat resalvo ma IsSSJSJWBWaWePa

8 B EL PASO MORNING TIMES Hunda?. April 4. 1011

DO YOU REALIZE that tra are equipped to turn out anything in

ASK YOUR DELICIOUS GROCER We Are Manufacturers of HE Art Glass and Mirrors 45 40 35 KNOWS Beveling, Chipping, Embossing, Sand Blast Work. Ornamental Glass mm Of Every Description. Jobbers of .Plate and Window Glass SEE HOFFECKER FOR Most Complete Glasscraft House West of the Mississippi El Paso Sash and Door Co.

GLASS DO YOU ENJOY A CUP OF Made in El Paso r REAL GOOD COFFEE? If so. call 2153. All our Coffee Need Glasses? The largest and most complete stock between Dallas and Los Angeles, is roasted daily and ground when ordered. Ask SegalI Estab. Beveling, Chipping Font Coffee Co. 1901. 1 1 Porn íanfmnl Cn Silvering 6 San Antonio St. Id 109U Up Illy01 VU. and For Sad by AH Grocers. 108 Texas St. . t ART GLASS Machine Shop Work Gem 413-41- Bakery Factory, 5 Milk Street, El Paso, T BUYING BLINDFOLDED. Southwestern Electric and How many men and women in this community their shopping Funny when you do blindfolded? Machine Company, think of it, that thinking men and women will play "Blind Man's Buff" with their money. You don't Quality Inc. Mr. Dealer HAVE to shop blindfolded unless you want to. The n Houses started the Big Game of 302-30- "Blind Man's Buff." But it's a dangerous game for US to play in OUR TOWN. It isn't a fair game. 4 San Francisco St. ni acrompaniea thla The minium It isn't Jair to ourselves, it isn't fair to our COMMUNITY. It isn't fair to our home merchant. He is QuLantity announcement In in abaolute protection to and ELECTRICAL REPAIR WORK helping US, with US, working WITH US to upbuild improve all our home institutions. yi. ii beaMea plratlnr your cuatomerf Our and maranioe or money back toea wltn each Then, let us play fair with ourselves and with him. Let us give the home merchant the first chance Demand Our Bread From Your Phone 1315. product iiisnufacturad by us that besrs tala That is all he asks. Buy "Made in El Paso Goods." Grocer, Accept No Substitute. cal. Buy Globe Mills Help Texas Turquoise The Osaple Nade Flour and the Company Broom Factory in gems See the larseat dlaplay of la tba Southwest. Sola al Cultera prices, also Manufacturers of Brooms of Southwest Grow mounted oa abort so tice. See the Dew unproved fem cutting- - macblne. Every Mall orders aollclteC. 305 San Franclaco Description. Street. El Paso 224-22- 6 W. Overland St. on short notice. For Five Years GLOBE MILLS FLOUR has been the standard in Phone 3031. "Maiden El Paso ' ' thousands of El Paso homes. Each year sees our El Paso distribution TENTS OF ANY SIZE make big increases, but there are still some homes that are not ac- Onllmo iIiiik Wai In not bT Awnings (or store fronti or sny and equalled by only a raw. Let un quainted with the superior quality of our flour. We want these people dwellings, and Porch Curtain. n i you a trial len imunde al 0 renta. to buy a sack just once we willing to abide by the result of need of laxative at lion. Alio wax ror society are When in a corre.ponUence In small áticas. fair trial of our goods. GLOBE MILLS FLOUR is made of selected insist on a pleasant one. wheat. It it made by men who have studied the needs of South- OPTIMO MANUFACTURING western consumers, and we know that this flour will meet your requirements. COMPANY Purgatoll EI Paso, Trias. Phone i Acme 25 Cents Sheet Metal GLOBE MILLS We carry the largest stock of At All" Drug Stores. The Past and Present Porch, Lawn and Camp Furniture Works -- Pass Tex Keep with the I I I sbresat in the Southwest. Write for cata- M It sill Ml l M Niagara LBT TH& UTTLE TRÍES GRPW times. We are OONTRAtTORS hot llvln la the decade, log. SAFETY FIRST at Ws bendle ths latest model "GRKKN which lime the mention tni" or riytnt STAJtM AIR HS H especially 4m WHEN YOU BUILD BRICK marbmee would have Dees t.m, ST taken as sa Idle adapted for cotlases. us before Hg BUILD WITH BRICK R El Paso Tent and letting your contract. Pyramid Hot Air jest. In lbs present ssnlury you wouldn't 411 Tesas si.. I I Paw Tax. jBK HOLLOW T ILK GOOD SLEEP, GOOD HEALTH thin or irsveUnr aa oae did la by asas PARTITIONS 1'lione MM. 3E5 A Beautiful Texture Brick ia then .sleep oa a "Made ia daya. Neither would you thiak or heelac Awning Co. Furnaces various desirable shades Elpaso" Mattress. your aboes repaired by lbs old atyls head method way. IT you knew the superiority SAN FRANCISCO ST Reda. Mottled. Glazed Sur- 514 our up to may V ARCTIC SHORTENING Ervin Manuf'g Co. dale machina of rs. H. Collms, Mgr. face and Fire Flash. pairing. The Ideal butter substitute tor cake He Welsch Co. 608 S. Virginia St. Phoae 1110 bait In Kur sale by all leading gro- Fir Flash aad Fir Clay. tutu asa ii iu ii cers la the Wast. 1215 Texas St. Phone 600 THE PRICE IS THE THING. vwrrtMixr wut i nwr Taast why not phone tor a barrel of un iunn suini ia jii in. in in ataautactured by tas "Cedar Wastes" you will rositas Its blue .hop. To i pay muj go iirofl I lor value you have used work all our El Paso Brick Co. what It. .m iifmieDeo waaa lama. out EL PASO REFINING CO. coooTiái vsiT saos sraiairx A Mi u HIU fcX HAMO, TEX Ah. 0 You Want the Best B Paso, Texas. YANTIS CHEMICAL CO. aU 7419 Teams Skeset El Phao. Tasas m a iMaia rs si I 'tuH MSJe SS7. IIS M. at the lowest pnces than see our has of OUT OF TOWN SHOPPERS

ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Our Axel Swanson Mai Orals Depgrtsasjat TEXAS ELECTRICAL is at Mercfcant Tailor SUPPLY COMPANY YOUR SERVICE Kskh eefs of Haga Plicas. Ike Warier Drag Co. SHta tetd uto. M rimU 11 EL PASO, TEX. BOX 33