Sts. Peter and Paul Albanian Orthodox Church First-enthroned of the apostles, teachers of the universe: Entreat the Master of all to grant peace to the world, and to our souls great mercy! Rev. Nicholas Dellermann (Rector) (860) 861-7468 – Very Rev. H Gregory DuDash
[email protected] - September 22, 2019 14TH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST: HIEROMARTYR PHOCAS SCRIPTURE THIS WEEK APOSTLE QUADRATUS TONE 5 Church Lectionary Today ................................................................ 10:00am Divine Liturgy Wed. 02 ............................................................ 7:00pm Bible Study Today Sat. 05 …............................................................ 10:00am Vespers 2 Corinthians 1:21-2:4 Sun. 06 ............................................................. 10:00am Divine Liturgy Luke 5:1-11 One must be baptized and chrismated an Orthodox Christian to receive Holy Monday Communion. Guests are invited to receive a blessing at the chalice and partake of the post-Communion bread (Antidoron). Galatians 4:22-31 Luke 1:5-25 Fast Days: Fasting Wednesday and Friday.(fasting from meat, fish, eggs, dairy, oil, wine Galatians 2:11-16 and hard spirits as you are able.) Luke 4:37-44 Troparion – Tone 5 Kontakion – Tone 8 (Resurrection) (Holy Apostle Quadratus) Tuesday Galatians 2:21-3:7 Let us, the faithful, praise and The universe offers Thee, O Lord, Luke 5:12-16 worship the Word, the Apostle Quadratus co-eternal with the Father and the as a most honored hierarch and Wednesday Spirit, athlete of great strength; Galatians 3:15-22 born for our salvation from the with hymns it honors his all- Luke 5:33-39 Virgin; venerable memory, for He willed to be lifted up on the And asks that through him Thou Thursday Cross in the flesh, grant forgiveness of transgressions Galatians 3:23-4:5 to endure death, to Luke 6:12-19 and to raise the dead those who sing his praise.