WE OFFER UNDERGRADUATE MAJORS including actuarial science, finance and engineering. of Messiah College’s Class 98% of 2016 were employed full-time or in graduate school 6-9 months after graduation. #55 “Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs” in the U.S. SOURCE: 2017 U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT COLLEGE RANKINGS Real-world creativity Messiah students forge strong connections between theory and practice, learn to innovate and implement, MC admissions counselor: and receive an education they can put to use in the Veronica Yap phone: +60 12 2312316 world, not just later, but right away. email:
[email protected] web: messiah.edu See what becomes possible when imagination empowers email:
[email protected] discipline as Messiah students see anew. phone: +1-717-691-6000 Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, USA sharpening intellect deepening christian faith inspiring action Undergraduate students: 2,759 • Student/Faculty ratio: 12:1 • 100% of students receive financial aid Athletics: 23 NCAA Division III sports • Majors: 85+ • Study abroad: 40+ locations WE OFFER UNDERGRADUATE MAJORS including actuarial science, finance and engineering. of Messiah College’s Class 98% of 2016 were employed full-time or in graduate school 6-9 months after graduation. #55 “Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs” in the U.S. SOURCE: 2017 U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT COLLEGE RANKINGS Real-world creativity Messiah students forge strong connections between theory and practice, learn to innovate and implement, MC admissions counselor: and receive an education they can put to use in the Veronica Yap phone: +60 12 2312316 world, not just later, but right away. email:
[email protected] web: messiah.edu See what becomes possible when imagination empowers email:
[email protected] discipline as Messiah students see anew.