Tabby in the Coastal Southeast: the Culture History of an American Building Material

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Tabby in the Coastal Southeast: the Culture History of an American Building Material Louisiana State University LSU Digital Commons LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses Graduate School 1978 Tabby in the Coastal Southeast: the Culture History of an American Building Material. Janet Bigbee Gritzner Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Gritzner, Janet Bigbee, "Tabby in the Coastal Southeast: the Culture History of an American Building Material." (1978). LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses. 3205. This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at LSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses by an authorized administrator of LSU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. INFORMATION TO USERS This material was produced from a microfilm copy of the original document. 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Filmed as received. - t e r University Microfilms International 300 North Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 USA St. John's Road, Tyler's Green High Wycombe, Bucks, England HP10 8HR Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 7015619 QRXTZNER# JANET BlOBEE TAiJT IN THE COASTAL SOUTHEAST! THE CULTURE HISTORY OP AN AMERICAN BUILDING MATERIAL* THE LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY AND AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COL*# PH.D.- 1978 University Micrdfilms International 300 N. ZEEB ROAD, ANN ARBOR. Ml 48106 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. TABBY IN THE COASTAL SOUTHEAST: THE CULTURE HISTORY OF AN AMERICAN BUILDING MATERIAL A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in The Department of Geography and Anthropology by Janet Bigbee Gritzner B.A., University of Maryland, 1965 M.A., University of Maryland, 1970 May, 1978 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A number of individuals deserve special thanks and recognition for their valued assistance in this project. Special appreciation must be given to my husband and late father whose support and interest sus­ tained me through the lengthy peTiod of research and writing. My hus­ band, Charles F. Gritzner, also a geographer, assisted in many ways; he was my photographer, field assistant, critic and consultant. My father, the late Charles A. Hazen, a retired civil engineer, was the principal technical advisor. His intimate knowledge of the structural capacities of various kinds of concretes was an invaluable asset to the study. Appreciation is expressed to those members of the Geography and Anthropology vacuity at Louisiana State University who have in any way contributed to this research project. Most sincejre gratitude is ex­ tended to Professor Sam B. Hilliard, Chairman of the dissertation com­ mittee, whose advice, skillful guidance and unfaltering support have led to the successful completion of this study. Thanks are accorded Professors Jay Edwards, Milton B. Newton, and Donald J. Vermeer for their constant interest and valuable assistance in this study since its inception. A special debt of gratitude is owed Professor Emeritus Fred B. Kniffen at whose suggestion and encouragement the study was expanded to its present form. I am deeply indebted to a number of persons for their aid in the conceptual development of this study. Included among the contributors were: Dr. Hale G. Smith, Professor of Anthropology at Florida State University, Mr. Albert C. Manucy, National Park Service Historian at Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. the Castillo de San Marcos, St. Augustine, now retired; Mr. Robert H. Steinbach of the Historical St. Augustine Preservation Board; Dr. Fred B. Kniffen, Eminent settlement geographer; Dr. Anthony Beltramo, As­ sociate Professor of Spanish, University of Montana and Jeffrey A. Gritzner, specialist in Middle Eastern antiquities. Mention also must be made of the individuals and organizations that aided in the collection of research materials. This list in­ cludes: Owen J. Furuseth, Charles A. Hazen, Lois K. Hazen, Alfreda Lieberman, and Louis A. Woods, the Georgia Historical Society, Historic Savannah Foundation, Inc., Manatee County Historical Society, New York Public Library, and the St. Augustine Historical Society. Acknowledgment must be given to those individuals, who rendered linguistic assistance to this project. They are: Dr. Anthony Beltramo, University of Montana; Dr. John Edwin Coffman, University of Houston; Dr. Jay Edwards, Louisiana State University; Ms. Yvonne Gritzner, Trin­ idad, Colorado; Dr. Rolande L. Leguillon, University of St. Thomas; and Ms. Joyce Krevosky, University of St. Thomas. Finally, I gratefully acknowledge the able assistance of Mr. Thomas T. LeFebvre in the preparation of maps, drawings and photographs accompanying this manuscript and to my typists, Ann Swanzy, Loralie Meredith and Joyce Krevosky. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................... ii ILLUSTRATIONS ............................................ vii LIST OF TABLES ............................................. ix ABSTRACT .................................................. x Chapter I. INTRODUCTION ........................................ 1 Scope and Purpose ................................. 2 Methodological Approaches .......................... 3 Sources of D a t a ....... ......................... 7 II. THE MATERIAL AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION.............. 9 Nature of Tabby Material ........................... 9 Component materials ............................. 9 A Comparison of concrete and the building earths . 17 Distinctions between tabby and other masonry construction ................................... 18 Preparation of tabby material .................... 20 Methods of Building with Tabby ....................... 21 Wall construction ................................ 21 Building with a formwork ......................... 21 Spanish formwork tradition .................... 23 English-American formwork tradition ........... 25 Post-and-tabby: a composite construction ....... 32 The manufacture of tabby brick .................. 33 Construction of tabby floors ...................... 38 Construction of tabby roofs ...................... 43 III. HISTORICAL DISTRIBUTION ............................. 47 St. Augustine and the Spanish Tradition .............. 47 First Spanish period - early phase (1580-1701) .... 47 First Spanish period - late phase (1702-1763) .... 54 British period (1764-1783) ........................ 64 Second Spanish period (1784-1721).................. 68 American period (1822-present) .................... 70 St. Augustine: a center for tabby building (1580- 1870).......................................... 72 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. V Charleston-Beaufort and the British Tradition ....... 75 Tabby in Charleston and Beaufort (1703-1725) .... 76 Tabby in the Beaufort vicinity (1726-1741) ....... 81 Building with tabby on the Georgia coast (1736-1741). 87 Tabby in South Carolina and Georgia (1742-1762) . 94 Decline of tabby in Georgia (1763-1804) ........... 96 The revival of tabby in Georgia and its expanded distribution in South Carolina and Florida (1805-1842)..................................
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