
Learn from UFC Champ Randy Couture How to Take a Chance and Change Your Life

(Video Transcript)

By Jerry Gladstone

Hey all you warriors out there. I’m Jerry Gladstone, author of The Common Thread of Overcoming Adversity and Living Your Dreams and founder of The Common Thread Success Academy.

Let’s get right to it and talk about getting you out of your comfort zone, and there is no better example we should all look at for this than my friend and UFC champion Randy “The Natural” Couture.

For those who don’t know Randy, not only did he win several ultimate fighting championships, but he won 4 world titles after the age of 40.

Randy’s comfort zone was more than likely a little different than yours and mine.

Being bloody and bruised in a cage against other ultimate warriors was Randy Couture’s comfort zone, but after his fighting career Randy wanted to evolve into the acting field, so in order to get to the next part of his life he told me he was going to take all the same disciplines he had learned as an athlete and put them into his next career.

His first order of business was to get out of his comfort zone, so Randy did what was the opposite of cage fighting.

Among doing many things out of his comfort zone, he joined the cast of Dancing with the Stars, and in turn pushed himself and learned much. And what happened?

He landed a whole bunch of movie rolls, including The Expendables with .

Let’s talk about the benefits and what happens to you when you work outside your comfort zone. This is a place where the learning is done. This is the place where you ask questions. This is the place where the stretching of your mind and brain is done. This Is the place where you build up your mental toughness. This is the place where you work on new skills. This is the place where you stay humble and grounded. This is indeed the place where you do things that your competition will not do. And, this is the place where you develop your A game that brings you to the next level.

Me, I still like challenging myself and doing things out of my comfort zone. I was not a good student, but I wrote a book. I trained my whole life in stand up Karate and became a black belt. Now as a white belt, I do Brazilian jujitsu and get my butt kicked by guys half my size.

And one of the last things I want to do is go on camera, but I want to get my message out there so I do these videos. Getting out of my comfort zone has helped me grow and has helped Randy Couture grow, and no doubt can help you grow.

Realize that all superstars started from the beginning just like you, and in most cases were just plain awful when they started, but they kept going. They did not care what others thought or said. They cared about the end result.

With time and patience, they became what they are today, and so can you.

So my challenge for you is to do 1 thing today - that’s right, today - that you have been thinking about a while that is out of your comfort zone and do it.

It will be uncomfortable. Laugh it off and just keep doing it.

If you are having trouble getting out of your comfort zone and want some help to get to the next level, shoot me an email or call me. I am more than happy to help.

I am certified by the International Coach Federation and have years or experience working with high level athletes and entrepreneurs.

And, as always, stay strong, be a warrior and keep moving forward!