A27 Whiteparish


Downton Wick Redlynch




Hamptworth A338 West Wellow Landford

Breamore Roman Villa A3090 B3080 Canada A36 House Half Moon Nomansland Common

Paultons Park B3078 B3078 J2 M27 J3 B3079 M271 Godshill Sandy Balls Newbridge Holiday Eyeworth Centre J1 Pond A31 Calmore Brook A36 B3078 Winsor B3078 A326 Janesmoor Totton SOUTHAMPTON B3078 J1 Fritham Rufus Stone Redbridge Southampton Abbotswell A336 Alderholt Bartley Eling Tide Mill Central Station Longbeech Hyde Cadman’s Eling Pool Millbrook Water Park

A31 Ocknell A337 A35 Longdown Activity Farm Further info A day out in the New Forest Ashurst New Forest A326 Milkham Wildlife Park The New Forest Tour Acres Down Deerleap thenewforesttour.info Explore the A338 Appleslade 0845 0727 093 (Mon-Fri 0830-1700) Bolderwood Lyndhurst Hythe facebook.com/newforesttour colourful Ferry + Pier Railway 4 Matley twitter.com/newforesttour

B3056 Marchwood Millyford Bridge Inclosure military history Linford Don’t forget, your ticket for The New Forest Tour entitles you to 20% off admission prices Reptile Bank Denny Centre Wood Purlieu of the New Forest Linford A337 of various attractions. See guide book for Need somewhere to stay? Beaulieu Road more details. Anderwood Brock Hill Visit thenewforest.co.uk for Moors Valley A31 Country Park Beach Bus luxurious spas, family hotels, quaint A326 thebeachbus.info B&B’s and friendly campsites. Lyndurst B3054 Hightown Black- water Woods 1 to Lepe Standing Hat B3056 Beaulieu Crow Corner Hardley A31 SO42 7ZN Ober Holland 1 Corner Wood National Motor Museum Fawley 01590 612345 Avon Heath Burley A35 beaulieu.co.uk Activities Centre Brand New Forest Matchams New Forest National Beachern Rans Wood + Calshot Castle New Forest Search for Wood 2 Cider Beaulieu B3053Buckler’s Hard Roundhill Park Authority newforestnpa The Brand New Forest Card gives A338 Stockley Blackfield bucklershard.co.uk MAP Wilverley Plain B3055 you exclusive access to fantastic Town Hall Hawkhill 01590Calshot 616203 INSIDE Burbush Hatchet Pond B3347 Avenue Road Langley money saving offers throughout Wilverley Mount + Steam Railway Lepe Country Park 3 Avon Tyyrell LymingtonThorney SO41 9ZG Pleasant the New Forest. Look Activity Centre Hill East Exbury, Southampton, SO45 1AD Longslade Beaulieu 01590 646600 Bottom Heath out for the Brand Wootton Setthorns Sandy Beaulieu Heath hants.gov.uk/lepe Holmsley Bridge Down Exbury [email protected] 2 023 8089 9108 New Forest B3054 Bucklers Hard Sway window sticker Avon Ripley New Forest Centre 4 newforestnpa.gov.uk Pilley Lepe Country Park A337 Lyndhurst, SO43 7NY in participating NPA 00421 – 7. Printed on FSC environmentally-friendly paper. Please recycle after use.B3055 3 Boldre newforestcentre.org.uk businesses Please be aware that some transport services are seasonal and subject to operational change. Please check before travelling.Bashley 023 8028 3444 brandnewforest.com Sammy Hoburne Miller Bashley Hurn Museum A338 Sowley Pond B3055


B3347 B3073 Burton Map Key A3060 Hinton Admiral Christchurch Attraction Point of Interest A338 Everton Station Highcliffe A337 Cycle Hire Lymington New Forest Tour Downton B3058 Rail Station A35 Christchurch Highcliffe Castle + Visitor Centre Barton-on-Sea B3058 Find out more newforestnpa.gov.uk Bournemouth Mudeford Map for illustrative purposes only © Crown Copyright and Database Right 2016. Ordnance Survey 1000114703. Milford-on-Sea

Hengistbury Head

SCALE 1:70,000 (approx)

0 miles 1 2 3 4

0 km 1 2 3 4 5 6 through theNational Park. this commemorative wartrail and noiseas youwanderon imagine the sights,smells Second World Wars and heroines oftheFirstand Honour theheroes and attracted tothearea. reasons whyvisitorsare heritage. It’s oneofthemain has resulted inarichcultural role inwartimehistoryand but italsoplayedahuge quaint villagesandtowns, routes, sceniccyclepathsand beauty, wonderful walking for itsabundanceofnatural The NewForest isrenowned Lyndhurst toLepe New Forest military history of the Explore thecolourful

Overview forest heathlands stretching overWhiteMoor. Look eastfrom thebench andyouwillseetheopen New Forest MasterKeeper theDukeofBolton. The benchactuallycommemoratesthe18thcentury views from Bolton’s Benchunderthegiantyewtree. down thehighstreet andenjoyinthebreath-taking ‘unofficial capital’oftheNewForest andhead inLyndhurst,Set thesceneforyourjourney the Step intothecolourfultapestry Morning at thenearbyNewForest Centre? further, whynotvisittheSecondWorld War exhibit like toexplore themilitary historyoftheforest mines. Dogswere also trainedhere. Ifyouwould troops were trainedinhandgrenades andland distance wasafiringrangewhere First World War war, noonewasallowedbeyondthishillasinthe for soldiersonroute tothefrontline. During the World War itwasatrainingground withtrenches A starkcontrasttowhatitisnow, duringtheFirst remember them. (from home andabroad); pause foramoment to dedicated toall theservicemenandwomen the remains oftheairfieldis a largememorial squadrons duringitsyearsof operation. On have seenadiversearrayofaircraft and which, likemostairfieldsinthe forest, would today. Themostpoignantoneis inHolmsley, used inthewar, someofwhich canstillbeseen There were 12airfieldsinthearea thatwere meetings astheyplannedtheD-Dayinvasion. by GeneralsMontgomeryandEisenhowerfor Second World War, BalmerLawnHotelwasused larger properties inthevillage.And,during up bylocalresidents whoownedsomeofthe to betreated inthetemporaryhospitalsset wounded soldierswere brought toBrockenhurst During boththeFirstandSecondWorld Wars bus asyouheadsouthtobeautifulBrockenhurst. New Forest Tour sosteponboard theopentop other memorialsisaboard thegreen route ofthe From Lyndhurst thebestwaytogetaround the to Brockenhurst Ride theNewForest Tour Mid Morning

Morning played abigpartinthebuilduptoD-Daylandings. Beaulieu Riverona2-milewalktoBuckler’s Hard, which Leaving theheartofBeaulieubehindyou,headalong still remaining. design, ithastheoriginalrunwayconcrete andtarmac of thelastremaining airfields.Distinctiveinits‘A’ shaped for sabotageandsubversion.Beaulieuisalsohometoone a scenicandserene villagebecamethebase training attheBeaulieu‘FinishingSchool’anddiscoverhow British andoverseasmemberswhocompletedtheirsecret Beaulieu MotorMuseumExhibition.Hearthestoriesof played duringSecondWorld War intheSecret Armyin Beaulieu asyournextstopanduncoverthecovertrole it From Brockenhurst, hopbackonthe green route with Beaulieu’s militaryrole Afternoon makes theNewForest soenchantingandcaptivating. be sure tocome backsoonanddiscoveryetmore ofwhat uncovered ineveryinch oftheNewForest NationalParkso route. Restassured, there isapieceofhistoryto be of daysgonebysoheadbacktoLyndhurst onthegreen It’s beenanemotionalandyetheart-warmingexploration during theSecondWorld War. endofthebeachandimportantroleeastern itplayed where theremains ofthedefencescanbeseenat A wartimetrailwouldn’t becompletewithoutvisitingLepe school summerholidays). Navy. From here, hopontheBeachBustoLepe(during Army andNavypersonnel,butalsoarepair facilityforthe Not onlydiditbecomethebaseformanythousandsof
