PHOTO BY CAROLYN CAVALLERO How Sup.BrittwooedtheToklasClub•Obituaryfor1-Hotel A fashionablefarewell to the70s. fashion provocateur. political statement. Mandatory ModernDress. Robert DiMatteocallson Doug Shafferonfashionasa Monique Montgomery, Looking inontheSociety for Day &Night—8-dayBayAreaentertainmentguide Can T-shirtskeeptheBerkeleyFridayFerryafloat? SINCE 1966. THE WEEKLYNEWSPAPEROFSANFRANCISCOANDBAYAREA. THE BAY GUARDIAN, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 sure proposedbySanFranciscansforAf¬ Carol RuthSilverweretheonlysuper¬ zation ordinanceapprovedbytheboard fordable Housing,Brittvotedinfavorof Harry Brittwasaloneamongthesuper¬ experience ofmanywhoworkinmental your readerswouldhavehadmoreappre¬ County’s MentalHealthRailroad,”by visors invotingagainsttherent-stabili¬ week, weincorrectlyreportedthatSup. in June.Actually,whileBrittandSup. they wantedtohelppeople,onlyfind deteriorates proportionately.The there isunderstaffingandinsufficient health fieldhadyoudocumentedthecuts visors tovoteinfavorofthetoughermea¬ work inmentalhealthformuchofthe health isthattheychosetheareabecause post-Proposition 13.Inanyfield,when ciation forthosewhoworkinthemental Art Goldberg.(Guardian9/5/79.)Ithink read yourarticleentitled“Alameda there willbeincompetentorunethical suffering ofthementallyill.Ofcourse themselves overburdenedandunappre¬ resources, thequalityofservicesprovided in fundingthatmentalhealthhassuffered when suchstatementsasthefollowingof attention andstopped.ButIdonotthinkit ciated. Itistooeasytoblamethosewho Mr. Goldberg’saremade: and theirpracticesshouldbebroughttoj people workinginthisfieldasany is inthespiritofconstructivereporting I wasbothpleasedanddismayedto In our“Campaign’79”storylast CORRECTIONS AND The ironyisthatwhenKurland(not his realname)wasarrestedhe Can T-shirtskeeptheBerkeley Fridayferryafloat?10 Cancer county?Themajorgovernmentstudyof Obituary fortheInternationalHotel. 6 Fashion formoderns:Alook attheSocietyfor How Sup.BrittwooedtheToklasClub. 5 Benefit forFayStender.4 Loo/c/Alioto libelsuitlandsinappealscourt.4 SOCIAL DUMPING DAY ANDNIGHT INDEX...A2 How muchisPG&Ereallyworth?....•.4 NEWS ANDINVESTIGATIONS ADDITIONS cancer inContraCostaCounty Mandatory ModernDress fashionshow.12 is finallyunderway.9 » «V 4 V'>«•* *4t» •ftit« fr*«4: m* *:*Aft »* INSIDE: take toomuchandwouldgetintrouble him thisdrugbecausehewasgoingaway ments. Onemightbetemptedtocon¬ by theuninformedreaderfromsuchstate¬ Catherine Peters,itmaybebecausethe the medication,ifdoctorhadanother because it'ssostrong.”Infactitismore and shouldhaveknownthepatientwould clude: “Thedoctorshouldn’thavegiven KRON; andKPIX.Thusitturnsoutthat columns shouldhaveread,fromleftto tently leftoffthechart.Thefour article aboutthelocalTVnewsshowsof was defeated. unanimously aftertheSFAHmeasure too muchofhismedication,andifhewas of state(certainlydoctorsareallowedto doctor coveringforhimwhilehewasout ation. Wedon’tknowifthemanneeded correctly ingivingthismanmedic¬ likely thatthedoctoractedperfectly on oursamplenewsday,amongother right: KGOat5p.m.;6 identities ofthestationswereinadver¬ San Francisco’scommercialstations,by “TV NewsScorecard”inlastweek’s than bringinghimdirectlytopsychiatric arrest (highlyunlikely)orifthepolice go outofstate!),ifthemandidinfacttake the supervisors’ordinance,whichpassed in spiteof,notbecausetheStelazine attention. Itismostlikelyhewasarrested need forpsychiatrictreatmentasdrug mistook bizarrebehaviorindicatinga influence andarrestedthemanrather intoxicated byStelazineandthisledtohis False inferencesaretooreadilydrawn If youhadtroubleunderstandingthe under theinfluenceofStellazine(sic) drug thanheshouldhave. doctor, heprobablytookmoreofthe at thetime.Inabsenceofhis his therapist,whowasoutofthestate a heavytranquilizerprescribedby LETTERS j forthemostmurdersandrapes;KRON j animalstories;KGOat5tiedwithKPIX j revelations,KGOat5hadthemost I askedustonotethat,contrarytheim¬ ' opportunityimbiber. 1 pationtowomenbutisinfactanequal I winetastings,shedoesnotlimitpartici- | labels),furniture(includingateaktableset i 8019forfurtherinformation. | TownSchoolscholarshipfund.Call929- | Sunday.Proceedsfromthestorehelp j openfrom10a.m.to4p.m.everydayexcept | more.Andallofitisgoingforhalf-pricefrom I them.NoloPresspublishesanexceptional Art Goldbergreplies: The dumpingisbyoursociety,which the article,“Peoplewhohaveno suggest thelatter. prescribed, butyourarticletendsto would rathernotthinkoftheneeds the effortsofthosewhoworkinfield. dumped allthetime."Isubmitthatin aren’t savvytofhewaythingsoperate,get the professionalstaff,hesaiditwasn't. also saidarecentappropriationhad problem inrecruitingnursingstaff,buthe meet thoseneeds. mentally illortheresourcesrequiredto is moreinspiteofratherthanbecause case ofmentalhealthintheBayAreathis resources, familyorfriends,andwho drawn byan“uninformedreader,"Ionly him whethermoneywasaproblemwith reported, thatProp.13hadcreateda Highland Hospital,didmention,andI therapist hadlefttown.Dr.Ritvoseems under theinfluenceofaheavytranquil¬ remedied thatproblem.When1asked sale, they’ll besellingundamaged ones at out, stopbyNolo Press attheirnewaddress damaged coversforone-halfoff. Subject selling currenteditionswith slightly with chairs),toys,books(particularlygood of everydescription(andmanywithdesigner pression thatsomereadersmayhave izer prescribedbyhistherapist.The reported whathappened.Kurlandwas 20% off. •! ■ . Nolo runsoutof damaged booksduringthe to 5p.m.between Sept.17and28.If 950 Parker,Berkeley, Mon.-Fri.fromnoon child supportandalimony.Tocheck thissale claims court,managingsmallbusinesses and payers’ rights,divorce,livingtogether, small matter includes,besidestenants' andbill- line ofself-helplawbooksincludingsuch Sept. 13to22.TheClothesClosetis source forkids'books),lampshades,kitchen with allmannerofsecondhanditems:clothes Sacramento, SF,isnowloadedtothebrim California Debtors'Handbook). Nolois titles asCaliforniaTenants'Handbookand those ofyouwhoareunacquaintedwith paraphernalia, skioddsandendsmuch gained fromourAug.22articleonher of commercials. with tophonorsforthegreatestnumber commuting; andKGOat6walkpdaway and KPIXtiedforthemoststoriesabout — DavidZ.Ritvo,M.D.,SanFrancisco BY VALERIEMINDEL Dr. JackYork,thechiefofpsychiatryat But togetbacktheimportantpointof As foranyinferencesthatmightbe The TownSchoolClothesClosetat3325 A greatdealonNoloPressbooks!(For Also, wineconsultantJeanWalzerhas FLEA MARKET i CecilyMurphy.DonnaNoradoSENIORADVERTISING ! CLERK:JessicaSternSUBSCRIPTIONTYPIST:SueAnn ! JohnO'Donnell,JerryM.RossCTomHobson.Barbara j ViscontiFIELDREPRESENTATIVE:JohnGollinDELIVERY: : DavidSweetCASHIER:MichelleWardenCOURIER:James ■ DISTRIBUTIONMANAGER:Shy

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This is a new subscription □, renewal □. If you are Name___.__ YES, I want the best renewing your subscription, be sure to enclose a Address _ consumer bargain in the recent mailing label. Bay Area. I want the Bay City_State_Zip_ □ I want 2 years of the Bay Guardian with Day & Night Guardian with Day & Night for the price of 1 year. (Save $18.20). at half price. Card number _Expire date_ □ Iwantl yearoftheBayGuardianwithDay&Nightfor Customer's signature____ the price of 6 months. (Save $9.10). □ Payment enclosed □ Bill me **‘CREDIT CARD CUSTOMERS: For fast subscrip¬ □ Use my MasterCharge/BankAmericard-Visa*** tion service, call 824-7660, Mon.-Fri., 9 AM to OFFER EXPIRES OCTOBER 18, 1979 4:30 PM. *> THE SAN FRANCISCO BAY GUARDIAN, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 general damages. The firstthreetrials endedinhungjuries, Alioto and awardedhim $350,000in Wjlliam Schwarzer ruledinfavorof but inthefourth in1977,federaljudge least fivemembersofLaCosa Nostra.” “enmeshed inawebofalliances withat Lance Brisson,chargedthatAlioto was expensive libelsuitsinthenation’s to sueforlibelwaspublished Sept. 23, history. in oneofthelongest-runningandmost scheduled toappearinafederalappeals Alioto andCowlesCommunications, with membersofthemob,attorneysfor court inSanFranciscoforanotherround Inc., Look’sformerpublishers,were 1969. Thestory,byDickCarlson and total fairmarketvalueofthePG&Eelec¬ background factsheetontheissue, study. Accordingtothegroup’s argument PG&Eissuretopeddlewithall visors’ GovernmentalServicesCommit¬ buted lastspringinadvanceofthesuper¬ expensive. InaleafletthatPG&Edistri¬ system wouldbeprohibitively Francisco BoardofSupervisors,one approaches itsSept.24datewiththeSan trical systeminSanFranciscois$173 “Public PowerorPrivateProfit?,”the pushing forSup.CarolRuthSilver’s Public Power,thecitizens’group billion.” saddle thecitywithadebtinexcessof$1 would beacostlymistake,”PG&E resolution callingforthefeasibility claimed thatmunicipalization“would takeover ofPG&EinSanFrancisco tee hearingsontheissue,titled“Why bility studyonmunicipalizingPG&E its mightisthattakingovertheelectrical On Sept.11,just12daysbefore THE ALIOTO/ $1 billion,buttheevidencesuggestsactualfigureisabout The Lookarticlethatprompted Alioto Poppycock, saySanFranciscansfor As thequestionofauthorizingafeasi¬ LOOK CASE ANOTHER GOES YET PG&E claimsthatmunicipalizationwouldcostthecity ROUND former MayorJosephAlioto Look magazinearticlelinking the tenthanniversaryof HOW MUCHISPG&E REALLY WORTH? one-fifth asmuch equipment atthetimeofpurchaseor fair marketvalueofthePG&Esystemin property inSanFrancisco1978was of thecompanytoaninvestor.The forward todeterminethepresentvalue construction andescalatesthesevalues value oftheland,improvementsand of Equalization,whichtakestheoriginal $426 million. the fairmarketvalueofallPG&E Board ofEqualizationdeterminedthat of $173millionand$285are system—primarily PG&E’sgassystem of propertythatthecitywouldnothave probably abithigh,sincetheyboth Beale St.Eventhecitizens’groupfigures and itscorporateheadquartersat77 to acquireintakingovertheelectrical 1978, asdeterminedbytheStateBoard ating plants,or$285millionifyoudo. Potrero HillandHuntersPointgener¬ million, ifyoudon’tincludePG&E’s and thattheywere thereforeguiltyof Brisson shouldn’t havereliedonhim, wasn’t credible, thatCarlsonand on Interstate80).Schwarzerdetermined of malicebecauseallegationsin thestory reckless disregard forthe truth. that Look’ssourceforthe meetings the NutTreerestaurant(nearVacaville mobsters whichsupposedlytook placeat concerning meetingsbetweenAlioto and the truth. actual malice,orrecklessdisregardfor tory, butalsothatitwaswrittenwith only thatanarticleisfalseanddefama¬ attempting toprovelibelshownot Supreme Courtruling(NewYorkTimes case becauseofthelandmarkU.S. malice. MalicewasakeyissueinAlioto’s Look storywaswrittenwithactual with theNinthCircuitCourt. would beforcedtoappealtheU.S. for Look’sformerpublisherareappeal¬ v. Sullivan)thatrequiredpublicfigures cerned solelytheissueofwhether Schwarzer withoutajuryandcon¬ according totheappellant’sbrieffiled the judgeinsecondtrial1972, appeal isCowles’scontentionthatJudge Supreme Court,seekafifthtrialorlet resulted fromalegalerrorcommittedby Schwarzer’s decisioninAlioto’sfavor the matterdrop.Atheartof ing. Iftheappealissuccessful,Alioto The groupbaseditsappraisalonthe But muchofthis$426millionconsists But on the questionof whetherthe Schwarzer ruledthatLookwasguilty The fourthtrialwasheardbyJudge It isSchwarzer’sverdictthatattorneys ON GUARD feasibility study?Orwilltheycontinuetheir question: willtheExaminerandChronicle out. Check yourdailypapersnextTuesdaytofind hearings onSilver’sresolutionlastspring? blacked outthetwodaysofsupervisors’ drive formunicipalization—justasthey by ignoringtheRakerActscandaland time-honored traditionofprotectingPG&E dare toreportontheupcomingvote the S.F.PressClub,555PostSt.Thebig resolution at10a.m.onMonday,Sept.17, holding apressconferenceonSup.Silver’s tionism. home— after66yearsofPG&Eobstruc¬ to bringourHetchHetchypower them toperformtheircivicdutyandtake between nowandtheSept.24vote.Urge would benefitintheformofreduced objective feasibilitystudytoprovidea the crucialfirststepofafeasibilitystudy rates andincreasedcityrevenues. cost thecitytobringpublicpowerSan true pictureofjusthowmuchitwould urgently needsanindependentand the costsofmunicipalizationarewildly plants). (not allofwhichthecitywouldpurchase and $19millionfortransmissionlines of whichisusedonlyforthegassystem) inflated, naturally.That’swhythecity if itchosenottotakeoverthetwopower include $30millionforlandvalue(some Francisco, andhowmuchSanFranciscans That’s becausetheappealattorneys can successful andAlioto seeksanewtrial, material. However, iftheappealis previous trialsandcan’tbring innew only arguelegalerrorscommitted in 4/26/79) tendstocorroborate the basic earlier thisyear(andwhichwas siero’s informantfileswhichsurfaced even thoughthesummaryofBompen- will beintroducedduringtheappeal, years beforehewasshottodeathin1977, Tree meetings,whichwerejustasmall Thus, Cowles’sattorneysarearguing jury atthesecondtrial,whichconcluded used. Bompensiero’s information couldbe contention oftheoriginalLook story. published bytheGuardian,4/19/79 and confidential informantforanumberof part ofthewholefive-pagestory. based onlyonthenarrowissueofNut chief FrankBompensiero,whowasa tained bytheFBIfromSanDiegoMafia arguing thatSchwarzer’srulingwas associations withmobstersandare that thearticlewassubstantiallycorrect that Schwarzer’sverdictwasinvalid. ted todosobyJudgeRussellSmith. decided thisissueaftertheywereinstruc¬ that theallegationsaboutNutTree Schwarzer reliedonthefindingof Nut Treeallegationsweretrueorfalse, in itsallegationsconcerningAlioto’s meetings werefalse.However,thejurors P. S.:SanFranciscansforPublicPowerare Write andcallyoursupervisors The pointisthatPG&E’sestimatesof P.S.: Noneoftheinformationob¬ Cowles attorneysarealsocontending — MichaelE.Miller — David Johnston betrayed GeorgeJacksonandtheentire Panther PartyleaderHueyNewton quently acquittedonthemurder escape attemptfromSanQuentin,but defendants, FleetaDrumgoandJohn of attemptedmurder. times fromcloserange.Asuspecthas tain consistentorreliablefunding,and Drumgo andClutchetteweresubse¬ murdering aprisonguard. forced hertosignanotesayingshehad the earlymorninghoursonMay28and forced hiswayintoherBerkeleyhomein to thepracticeoflaw. additional surgeryandextensive bullets firedintothemfracturedbones friends say. of anassassinationattemptlastMay, the FayStenderTrustFund,Bankof provide wheelchairaccesswillbecloseto was acandidatefortheStateBarBoard overwhelming. Morerecently,Stender disbanded in1973whenitcouldnotob¬ charges ofmurderinganOakland during hishighlypublicized1968trialon counsel withCharlesGarryforBlack Clutchette. Theywerechargedwith defense committeeforhimandhisco¬ arranged forthepublicationofhisbook, been arrestedandfacestrialoncharges prison movement,beforefiringathersix for severalmoremonthsandwillrequire faces alonganddifficultrecovery,her founded thePrisonLawProjectin Intersection, 756UnionSt.,SF, tohelp CA. 94701. Lawyers Association,andlastyearshe helped formtheCaliforniaWomen the needsofitsprisoner-clientsbecame policeman. charges. Previously,Stenderwasco¬ Soledad Brother,andhelpedorganizea and causednervedamage. pected toregaintheuseofherlegs.Sheis early Seventies,andwhowastheobject Francisco, Ca.94133. ■ Ticketsare $5. defray someofStender’sexpenses. Itbe¬ California, P.O.Box7773,Berkeley, of Governors. therapy, butshecontemplatesreturning currently unabletouseherarmsbecause lyzed fromthewaistdownandisnotex¬ HELP FAYSTENDER dressed to herat1714Stockton St.,San respond toletters. Mailshouldbead¬ friends, even though shecannotyet $200,000. Contributionscanbesentto the costofremodelingherhometo gins at8p.m.(nohostbar 7p.m.). 15, therewillbeaspecialbenefit atthe The PrisonLawProjectwas Jackson waskilledduringa1971 Stender isexpectedtobehospitalized Friends sayStender’smedicalbillsand Stender wasJackson’sattorney, She wasshotbyayoungmanwho Fay alsoappreciates hearingfromher On FridayandSaturday,Sept. 14 and, At thepresenttime,Stenderispara¬ Fay Stender,theactivistattorneywho A CHANCETO PHOTOS BY JANET FRIES began lobbyingtheclubmembers. paign staff.Earlyon,theBrittcampob¬ tained anAlicemembershiplistand tion ofweekshardworkbyhiscam¬ of supporters.“Nonethemhasmeant more tome,andnonewill.” dorsement,” Britttoldacheeringcrowd two votesrespectively. gay opponents,HowardWallaceand Leonard Matlovich,receivedfourand out ofthe156cast.Britt’sclosestrival, dorsement handily,gamering128votes for supervisor. KayPachtner, got12votes.Britt'smajor brought anewroundofrecriminations Democratic PartyEndorsementsession Sept. 10,whilehisnearmissatSunday's in thealreadybitterFifthDistrictfight the DemocraticCountyCentralCommitteevotedonItsmayoralendorsement candidates' day.Bradleywasn’tstuckholdingthemayor’sbagallday,though.Before mayor InherappealforgayvotesattheAliceB.ToklasDemocraticclub’sSept.9 endorsement, we’regoingtobreaksomelegs.”Ormaybehitthemwiththepurse? same day,BradleytoldaworriedFelnsteinsupporter,“Ifwedon’tgetthecommittee’s Sup. HarryBritt'span-gaycandi¬ Don Bradley,MayorDianneFelnsteln’scampaignmanager,doeshisbittohelpthe Britt's Alicevictorywastheculimina- ‘This ismytenthorganizationalen¬ As expected,BrittwontheAliceen¬ ocratic clubonMondaynight. from theAliceB.ToklasgayDem¬ dacy wonalong-soughtvictory carry theday. votes, butgoodmathwasn’tenoughto count Democraticpartyendorsement of thevote,”saidDickPabich,aBritt Britt camp’spre-Alice-meetingcount— them toattendtheSept.10meeting. each ofBritt’sAlicesupporterstoremind campaign aide. ment session,Brittcampaignaidescalled ficer heldareceptionforthegaysuper¬ visor, attractingmorethanISOpeople. Three weeksbeforethevoteanAliceof¬ 128 votes—wasrightonthenose. The Brittforcesalsoknewhowto The meticulousworkpaidoff:the THE NO-ENDORSEMENTGAME “We werecallingrightuptothetime In thefinaldaysbeforeendorse¬ A HITANDMISSFOR News andnotesfromthecampaigntrail HARRY BRITT ON GUARD friend andallyof Pachtner’s. cal base.ButWalker isalsoalongtime progressive gay groupandBritt’spoliti¬ support oftheHarveyMilkGay Demo¬ cratic Club(HMGDC),thecity’s most servative Dolson,Walkerisseeking the Lee DolsoninDistrict9. son andprogressivechallenger toSup. the Britt forcesbefore thevote.They at NancyWalker,DCCCcommitteeper- feat graciously,someofhiskey rancor. Mostoftheirangerwasdirected campaign aidesreactedtothelosswith Jaicks. Thechairman’seffortsalmost before theSept.9meetingBritthadonly paid off—accordingtoJaicks,aweek by Agarjaicks,”Britttoldhislisteners. behalf. cratic Partychairman’sworkonhis pitch withabriefreminderoftheDemo¬ nan’s attacks,choosinginsteadalow-key arm-twisting forBritt’scampaignby Rome burned,”Hallinansaid. electing NerototheRomanSenateafter Board ofSupervisors,followinghiscon¬ duct atCityHall,itwouldbelikere¬ lOto 12DCCCvotes. erous attackonBritt’sbehaviorduring the May21gayriotatCityHall. stride. “Igotmorethan50%ofthevote, ment stanceasavictory. election choices. ibly tothemeeting’stensionwithavocif¬ and ifIkeepdoingthat,I’msatisfied.” they bothtoutedtheparty’sno-endorse- against slainsupervisorHarveyMilk, party’s supporteasilyinhis1977race DCCC, andthoughHallinanwonthe no endorsement2. Kay Pachtner5,TerenceHallinan5and each timehefellonevoteshortofthe er thattotalwouldbeenoughtowin. votes. Whathedidn’tknowwaswheth¬ tered Democrats,indicatingtheparty’s slate cardssentouttoallthecity’sregis¬ ty valve,butalsoforthethousandsof not onlyforitsmomentaryfreepublici¬ dorsement. TheDCCCnodisimportant County CentralCommitteesureof16 60% neededfortheDCCC’scoveteden¬ held ontohissolidblocofsupporters,but vote,” Pachtnersaid. Walker hadbeen lobbiedheavilyby In heruphillbattleagainstthe con¬ While BrittacceptedhisDCCCde¬ Britt's nearvictoryfollowedaweekof “All ofyouhavebeenlobbiedtodeath In hisremarks,BrittignoredHalli¬ “If HarryBrittisreelectedtothe Though Pachtnerisamemberofthe Harry BrittwentintotheDemocratic Earlier intheday,Hallinanaddedvis¬ The finalDCCCtallywasBritt16, Through threecliffhangingballotshe Britt, however,tookhisdefeatin “I’m delightedbytheDistrictFive HARDBALL POLITICS mayoral candidate.■ 5 Feinstein andDavid Scott, thegay mayor’s racein aclosebattlebetween was. itdidn’twork. OnMondaynight, Alice votedno endorsementonthe to winthegayclub’ssupport. And ifit Alice executivecommitteetheday before fulfill Moscone’spledgetoappoint agay the Aliceendorsementsession,was timed police commissioner,delivered tothe to drinkherwine,”theactivistsaid. “mau-mau” themayor.“Wejustrefused April sessiondeniedthegaystriedto April meetinginCityHallwere“trying wanted hertoabstainfromvotingonthe rather unpleasantsituation.” to mau-maume.Iwasnotwilling day, Feinsteinsaidthatthegaysat Sunday’s DouglasSchoolcandidates gay leadership. April withabroadspectrumofthecity's she hadinherCityHallofficelate placed herinan“unpleasantsituation.I don’t respondtounpleasantsituations.’’ make [thepolicecommissionpledge]ina leaders demandingsuchapledgehad come sooner,exceptthatascoreofgay gay policecommissionerwouldhave cently announcedpledgetoappointa pled,” Pachtnersaid. to NancybytheBrittpartisanswereun¬ The Brittaideswerefurious. of votesBrittneededfortheendorse¬ called-for, ungraciousandunprinci¬ aides thenextday.“Thecommentsmade this politicalcatfight,blastedBritt’s won’t forgetit.” close Brittconfidant,toldWalker,“We manager andpresidentofHMGDC, ment. third ballot,reducingto16thenumber hope youneedussometime,Nancy.” leaned overtoWalkerandsaid,“We apparent, BillKrause,Britt’scampaign Pachtner, blockingaBrittendorsement. Feinstein deniedthatherpromise to But agayactivistwhoattendedthe Supervltor Brittscampwasrightonthe In betweenherappearancesat Feinstein wasreferringtoameeting Mayor DianneFeinsteinsaysherre¬ Kay Pachtner,thechiefbeneficiaryof A fewminuteslater,ChrisPerry,a As theno-endorsementresultsbecame In theend.Walkerstuckwith money initsTokta*Clubnosecount. DAINTY DIANNE

THE SAN FRANCISCO BAYGUARDIAN, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 O' THE SAN FRANCISCO BAYGUARDIAN, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 Francisco’s financialdistrictsent proper¬ target for destructionby developersand land, theI-Hotel becamebothaprime — includinginthe Manilatownstrip.Sit¬ ting asitdidon averyjuicyparcelof ty valuesinadjacentareasskyrocketing pressures ofManhattanization inSan neighborhood untilthelate1960s, when Register ofHistoricPlacesin1977. won thehotelaspotonNational munity. Itwasthissocialsignificance, along witharchitecturalfactors,that became acentralbasewithswitch¬ board thatservedtheManilatowncom¬ hotel onthesite),andI-Hotel the earthquakehaddestroyedanearlier such astheInternational(whichhad bidden toownpropertyorbusinesses, been rebuiltinitsfinalform1907after Filipinos naturallyclusteredinhotels Delano inthemid-1970s.) home forsingleFilipinomennear Farm Workersunion.Inrecognitionof pinos wereamongthepioneeringorga¬ their status,theunionbuiltaretirement nizers ofwhathasbecometheUnited fields ofsouthernCalifornia,whereFili¬ live inthevicinityofagricultural single, elderlyFilipinomentobefound explanation forthelargenumberof in thestatetoday.(Manyofthesemen of themwouldnevermarryatall—an busboys andsoon),thislawmeantmost pinos, byfar,weremen(whoworkedas farmworkers, seamen,canneryworkers, miscegenation lawthatforbadethemto marry whites.SincemostoftheFili¬ as Manilatown,Filipinoswerealsoso¬ cially restrictedbyastateanti- along KearnyStreetthatbecameknown ploit theirlabor. few wealthycountrymenwhohelpedex¬ nation fromwhites(aspartofageneral They traveledonU.S.passports,for anti-Asian mood)andoppressionfroma citizenship, butratheraswardsor nationals. Theirstatuswasunclear. (won bytheU.S.inSpanish-Ameri¬ rights— andsufferedbothdiscrimi¬ example, buttheyhadnocitizenship country putdownguerrillauprisings American controlfrom1898to1946 Since thePhilippineislandswereunder here inlargenumbersthe1920s. in notasforeignimmigrantsseeking that lasteduntil1905),Filipinoscame can war,then“pacified”whenthis in Californiawhentheyfirstarrived hands ofcity,stateandfederalgovern¬ pino community—athat ethnic neighborhood:Manilatown,the ments overthepast60years. blow inthedestructionofaunique demolition marksthesymbolicfinal The dusthasfinallysettled has suffereduncountedinjusticesatthe original SanFranciscohometotheFili¬ gles, andremovesfromthesceneyet book ononeofSanFrancisco’smost brick facadeoftheInternationalHotel. the Hungryi).Butevenmore,this housed thefamousNorthBeachclub, things, theI-Hotel’sbasementonce another locallandmark(amongother prolonged andagonizingpoliticalstrug¬ there stoodthehistoric,poster-covered BY WILLIAMRISTOW All wentrelativelysmoothly in the In thecity,wheretheywerealsofor¬ Restricted inSanFranciscotothearea Filipinos occupiedanunusualplace The long,slowdemolitionclosesthe gaping hole,whererecently now blessedwithonemore the cityofSanFranciscois over 848KearnyStreet,and (on Dec.31,1973, thetitleistransferredtoa negotiation: tosellthebuilding.The nameof Insurance Company),but itturnsouttobe holding company, theTransamericaTitle the buyerisn'trevealed untilMarchof1974 without tellingtenants,beginsanew typeof sible eviction. that tenantsresumepreparations for apos¬ stein agreestonegotiate,butthemood issuch agreement withanoptiontobuy.Shoren¬ quietest twoyearsofitsfinaldecade. pire, theInternationalHotelwillenjoy tenants askformoresecurity:alonger-term now untilJune1972,whentheleaseistoex¬ many ofthemstudents,payoff:therepair and restorationworkiscompleted.From January of1969thePalmHotel,across the tenantsandhundredsofvolunteers, but atleasttheycanstay. bring thebuildinguptocodewithinayear, new three-yearlease:therenttriplesand molished, throwingitselderlytenantsinto tenants mustrepairthefiredamageand the streets—withnorelocationprovided. street fromtheInternational,hadbeende¬ town andNorthBeach.Forexample:in mayor’s blessing)intotheedgesofChina¬ tion andthespreadofdowntown(with hood oftheI-Hotel.Whynot?Inpartbe¬ cause ofthefirstbigwaveManhattaniza¬ especially inthehousing-starvedneighbor¬ there isno“comparablehousing”available, Alioto’s schemeflopsbecause,ofcourse, landlord triestomakelifeunbearablebycut¬ replaced byaFilipinoCulturalCenter.Con¬ ting backonutilities,repairsandsoforth. currently, accordingtothetenants, housing, withthehoteltobetorndownand tenants, atcityexpense,intocomparable Shorenstein’s problembymovingthe asoriginally planned. sulted fromfailuretodemolishthebuilding backs outofthelease,sayingdeathsre¬ it arson.Beforethemonthisout,Shorenstein lease wastohavebeensigned,afireinthe hotel killsthreetenants.Hotelsupporterscall But then,onMarch16,thesameday the tenants.Byearlyspring,tenantssuc¬ skirmishes begin;SanFrancisco’sHuman joined. cessfully negotiatealeasewithShorenstein. Bights Commissioncomesoutinsupportof political highlightsinthelonglastgaspof the UnitedFilipinoAssociationtodemanda who donotwanttomove,organizethrough multi-story parkinggarage.Hoteltenants, notices. Thecompany’splanforthesite:a the I-Hotel. Below, ayear-by-yearsummaryofthe complicated litigationinthecourts. well astheendlessmonthsoftedious, order tostopademolitionattempt),as new leaseinsteadofeviction.Thebattleis lition permit,andthetenantsreceivefirst ber, thecitygrantsnewlandlordademo¬ purchases theI-HotelinMarch.ByNovem¬ man oftheboardWalterShorensteinwasa connected downtownreal-estatefirm(chair¬ of highdrama(aswhenapoliceofficer political allyofthenmayorJoeAlioto), leveled hisgunatabulldozeroperatorin rainy streetsx>f-Chinatown;themoments few lonelysupportersleafletinginthe past decadehashaditall:theenergyof and sheriff,aswellthedrudgeryofa opponents ofthatdevelopment. in whatwillbecomealongseriesofeviction massed demonstratorsresistingpolice a focalpointforpoliticalorganizingby Shorenstein cutsoffleasetalks— and, With theexpirationoflease, By earlysummer,thecombinedeffortsof Finally, onJuly4,Shorensteinagreestoa Mayor Aliotonowproposestosolve As theJan.1evictiondeadlinepasses, Milton Meyer&Co.,thelargeandwell- The struggleoverthehotelduring 1972 1973 1970 1969 1968 sues theInternationalHotelTenantsAssocia¬ a demolitionpermitfromthecityinMarch, Guardian, 5/19/77). just afterarevolutiontoppledThailand's ‘Godfather’ oftheInternationalHotel," poly liquorprofits(forfulldetails,see“The he hadcloseties,thusjeopardizinghismono¬ Thai liquormagnatewhoboughtthehotel nearly $5millioninlate1973andearly1974, and otherCaliforniarealestatetotaling right-wing militarydictatorship,withwhich the FourSeasInvestmentCorporation. Principal stockholder:SupasitMahaguna,a Four Seasquicklymovesintoaction:itgets 1974 INTERNATIOI A chronologyoftheunsuccess Board ofSupervisorsisnotfriendlytothe fore thearrivalofdistrictelections,andthis neighborhoods. Themeasurefails. parable housing.Butitisstilltwoyearsbe¬ that thetenantswillberelocatedtocom¬ nance topreventFourSeasfromproceeding with demolitionuntilthereisaguarantee does notyetdemandeviction. all requestsforleasenegotiations,althoughit tember, andthenrefusesrentpayments delivers evictionnoticestothetenantsinSep¬ tion (IHTA)forunlawfuldetainerinJune, REQUIEM The beginningofastringcourtjudg- Sup. JohnMolinariintroducesanordi¬ from thepressureso 1976 1975 1907- PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY.SEPTEMBER 13THROUGH20,1979.BAY GUARDIANVOL.13NO.45. DAY &NIGHTNO.12

PHOTO BY TOM COPI If# *4tt.4 4t.f.f.T MITCHELL IT OFF- COMPLETE LISTINGS! & WRITERS...MORE! MUSIC, CLUBS,DANCE, RADIO, BOOKS MOVIES, THEATER, FASHION narcissism Robert DiMatteoon as anartform JONI PULLS AT LAST K> > THE BAY GUARDIAN DAY & NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 r If youlikeDay&Night IfeS) Iwantthewholethingathalfprice. theBayGuardian This isanewsubscription□,renewal.Ifyouare with Day&Nightdeliveredweeklytomymailbox! □ Paymentenclosed □Billme Enter mysubscriptionasfollows: □ Iwant2years(enclose$18.20) oftheBayGuardian □ UsemyMaster Charge/BankAmericard-Visa* * □ Iwant1year(enclose$9.10) oftheBayGuardian recent mailinglabel. renewing yoursubscription,besuretoenclosea (Save $18.20). with Day&Nightforthepriceof 1year. of 1year—asavings$18.20,or50%offthe$36.40 for thepriceof6months.(Save $9.10). newsstand price. your mailboxeachweek,justchoosebetweenthetwo get theBayGuardianwithDay&Nightdeliveredto tips thatcanpayforthecostofasubscriptionmany tion canmatch.Splashyfeaturesrangingfromthemob famous andwidelyquotedalternativepapersinthe you likeDay&Night,you'lllovetheBayGuardian. half-price offersandsendinthecouponbelow. times over. country. fare thathasmadetheGuardianoneofmost of BayAreaentertainment.Butremember:thisisjust that it’samarvelouslyusefulandtimelycompendium in CaliforniatonudebeachesourBestofSan part oftheweeklyBayGuardian. ever madetoanybody.That’stheBayGuardian(with best subscriptionoffertotheBayGuardianthatwe entertainment guide,we'repleasedtoofferyouthe inflation-fighting, budget-cutting,revenue-enhancing Francisco picks.Consumerstorieseachweekwith Day &Night),athalfprice. The otherpartisnewsandeditorialconsumer You canchoose2yearsoftheGuardianforprice Our one-timeofferisbasedonasimpleprinciple:if If you’dliketotakeadvantageofthissuperofferand Investigative reportingthatnootherlocalpublica¬ Read throughDay&Nightandseeifyoudon’tagree (Subscribe andgetthewholethingathalfprice.) To helpinaugurateDay&Night,ournewartsand you’ll lovethe Bay Guardian. we’ll giveyouourbestsubscriptionoffer For ournewDay&Nightreaders— to theBayGuardian OFFER EXPIRES OCTOBER 18,1979 Customer’s signature_ Card number_Expire date_ City_State_Zip_ Address_ Name_=_ “‘CREDITCARD CUSTOMERS:Forfastsubscription the priceof6months—asavings$9.10or50%off the $18.20newsstandprice.Thatworksouttoonly important ways: 17 Vicentsanissueoneitherofferof1or2years. not berepeated. hurry! ThisspecialofferexpiresOct.18,1979,andwill Or youcanchoose12monthsoftheGuardianfor 3. YougettheGuardian'sgreatinflation-fighting 2. Yougetthisofferbeforewe’reforcedtoraise 1. Yougetthesamehalf-priceofferof$9.10we Plus, youwillbenefitfromthisspecialofferin3 If youlikeDay&Night,you’lllovetheGuardian.But service, call824-7660, Mon-Fri,9AMto4:30PM. tips andcoverageatagreatinflation-fighting fall. our newsstandandsubscriptionpriceslaterthis years. made in1975despitetheinflationofpast4 price. DfcY& MIGHT rdian I Wheretoget form, orTheBigSleek, provocateur A4 fashion statement A7 Robert DiMatteoon COMPLETE Monique Montgomery, Theater Reviews: Fashion asapolitical Narcissism asanart Theater A10 Clubs A9 MENTGUIDE ENTERTAIN- FASHION 8-Day Calendar of EventsA14 Music A9 Concerts A18 Classical Mind &MatterA18 Music Column: Micro-films A16 Dance Review: area andatmanylocationsintheEast and entertainmentguide,willbedistribu¬ Bay. ApartiallistofDay&Nightoutlets: ted freeinthedowntownSanFrancisco Day &Night,theBayGuardian'snewarts Offbeat MoviesA21 copies of Radio A19 Orange Tree—191Pine Wells FargoCoffeeShop—475Sansome Oliver SuddenRestaurant—249Montgomery Movie Review: The Haven—1Ecker Eat Cetera—408Montgomery m &MIGHT Books &WritersA22 Kidstuff A22 Chez Monique—45Drumm Sir Speedy—206California Pacific Camera—1MarketPlaza Rainbow Records—30Mission El CortezHotel—550Geary Movie FlousesA22 PIP Printing—21Drumm Drumm PlaceSandwich—27 Harrington's—239-243 Front Liquor Mart—264Kearny Iron Horse—19MaidenLane Tchaikovsky A16 theL.A. Dance Festival A10 Bram “NoSanctuary” A12 Night’s Dream,” “A Midsummer Flash andclassat “Rich Kids”A20 INSIDE \_~4BCi—HZ . CjK"


EXCLUSIVE SAN FRANCISCO STARTS FRIDAY, ENGAGEMENT SHOWS DAILY AT: 11:00 SEPTEMBER 21 ^41^ Bay & Powell 2:00-5:00-8:00-11:00 Free Parking all day Sunday and Holidays • Free Parking after 6:00 p.m. Monday thru Saturday* No passes accepted for this engagement W > THE BAY GUARDIAN DAY & NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,1979

Jfl’A’AA A A A A A ♦♦♦##♦♦ E.A. f.f T.1 .V, r.T TJ .V. I ■x'j'A'k’A A’iA A'A 6 4 A F A A « A <' A r t A « A <>.? f.A A.1 .A/'.A r.-r .A.V.T. f.T i**.' a7a a’j ’A’ k'A A'F A'd 'A F A A’i'A' I i' • * THE BAYGUARDIAN DAY & NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 would besosingularlydisposedforuncertainan figured thatonlyrecenttransplantstotheBayArea anticipating themosttorridweatherinMaui,andI thing thewell-dressedjournalistoughttobe.Iwas Except forthepreviousnight’sresidueofdouble favorite fedorawitharedfeathertuckedinitsbrim. slacks withpaleyellowshirt,tieanddisplayhandker¬ appointment. and yellowtypewritersonthem.Onmyheadwas chief, brownoxfords,woolsockswithtinyred it. Iwaswearingmybrownwooljacketandpleated Scotches andaday’sgrowthonmyface,Iwasevery¬ ateur. calling onMoniqueMontgomery,fashionprovoc¬ Just asIhaddeducedthatthe He alwaysdid.Orsotheysaid. spot thehalf-dozendiamonds.' From amongseveralhundred either inMoscoworPesaro. was offatsomefilmfestival, Film Archive.IknewLuddy Luddy, directorofthePacific gomery’s inamorato,Tom Luc Godard’sToutVaBien.I order ofaclapboardfromJean- supply oflinenandchina,being celluloid zircons,Luddywould marked thepresenceofMont¬ thought thehighbrowclutter devoted insteadtocuriosonthe sideboard heldonlyaspartan available surfaces.The cals werestackedinpilesonall hall staircase. a minute.”Atthis,Vivienhur¬ “Vivien, tellhimI’llbedownin from somewhereupstairs. voice likeafoghornbellowed woman wasaseamstress, belied myregardingtheinstru¬ but thejollinessofhermanner holding anopenpairofscissors, paneled diningroom.Shewas place andledmeintothewood- the doorofMontgomery room. Moviebooksandperiodi¬ ried outoftheroomandup ment asinanywaythreatening. A robustwomanmetmeat While Iwaited,perusedthe I wasbetterprepared,anddidn’tcarewhoknew over thecity.OnmywayupSpruceStreetinto days whenthefoglingerslowandindecisive t wastwelvenoonononeofthoselatesummer eyed beachgoersloadingthemselvesintoabeat- the Berkeleyhills,Ipassedafamilyofbright¬ up Dodge.Theywerescantilydressed,asif BY ROBERTDIMATTEO stretched intoten,andIguessed The figure’sposewasregaland woman infrontofamirroratop stair, myeyesfixedonabustof from behindme.NowIcould woman hadenteredtheroom tense stageofinnuendo.Just almond eyesstaringoutinanin¬ aloof, thechinheldhigh, the manteloverfireplace. the clickofapairheelson this fall’sskirts.JustasIheard relative astheproperlengthfor that, forher,timemightbeas bust andreflectionwerethe stare atherreflection.The some reason,Ididn’tturn blend oftuberoseandmusk.For smell herperfume,afelicitous then, inthemirror,Isawthata same classydame.Clearly,her next tothebust,andIsawthat around, butrathercontinuedto image ofherfacewaspositioned Montgomery’s “minute” OR,THE BIG SLEEK own mirrorimage.Sheseemed eyes werenotonmebuther gomery saidsuddenly.Her Jack Daniel’s.Herewasthis self-delighted. Iturnedtotake voice wasraucous,raspyand an artform,”MoniqueMont¬ liked thefeeling. herself. Ifeltlikeavoyeur. locked intocommunionwith spades. going togetmyanswer.In figure outwhyshedevotedso to bewithyou,”shesnapped.I will wanttointerrupttheirday at me.“Dresssothatsomeone ting asilver,soft-sculpturegun son onherhead.Shewaspoin¬ quined ballsonit,blackandred a velvet-ropenecklacewithse- soft-linked rhinestonebracelets, stretch glovesfestoonedwith black cocktailapron, a blackpetticoatwithsheer bone-thin exoticcreaturewear¬ offered. outfit suitsmymood.” room table.“Doyougoout and nowIknewthatwas much timetoherappearance, had beensenttoMontgomery cowboy bootsandablackStet¬ ing afeatherbreastplatejustso, in avisionasbracingbeltof is dailycostuming.Todaythis looking likethat?”Isaid. NARCISSISM “You see,narcissismcanbe “It’s quiteasingularmood,”I “Sometimes. Tome,fashion We satdownatthedining ing. I'mworkingtowardeccen¬ anyone butme.It’sone-of-a- ery wouldreturntoagainand eral keyphrasesthatMontgom¬ forget them.” the rulesandnowI’mtryingto tricity asanormbecauseIknow kind dressing.Characterdress¬ grateful fortheserepetitions.I again, likeamantra.Ibecame last remark.Itwasoneofsev¬ hand Iwouldhavetoastedthat was thefastesttalkerIhadever machine gunwhocouldmow Montgomery wasaverbal could restinthem.Otherwise, father wasadministratorfora ture. Ontheotherhand,my gave meanappreciationofcou¬ arelli, DiorandWorth.She mother wasdressedbySchiap¬ fashion,” shecontinued.“My met. a persondownwithwords.She his wholesaleclothesandredo chain ofmedium-pricedcloth¬ meant accessorizingthem.I’m them, makethemmyown.This ing stores.Asagirl,Iwouldtake AS AN “Of course.Thisisnotfor If Ihadadrinkinmy “I’ve comefullcirclewith something DianaVreelandre¬ describe itsfunction. sory” seemedtoomildawordto her back.Somehow,“acces¬ sequined ballshangingdown tions, andIcaughtanotherlook are thekeytoimaginativedress¬ an accessorynut.Accessories Garche, France,aswellalot was quiteyoung,myparents much aboutfashion?Firstof cently said:‘HowdoIknowso at hervelvetnecklacewiththose ing.” where Igotmysenseofcolor. early childhoodnearParisina of hispaintings.SoIspentmy all, IwasborninParis.’When person, I’macolorist.” always sayI’mnotafashion masterpieces. Thatmaybe house surroundedbyFauve bought vanDongen’shousein Montgomery shiftedposi¬ She wenton.“Icouldsecond “A fashionFauve,perhaps?” She seemed pleased with my afford a thing in the store. Of was a half-breath, and she went Fifties. We’re merely acknowl¬ more practical information choice of words. I sensed that current designers I pay particu¬ on talking. edging the influence of those about Montgomery’s work. her work eluded labels and that lar attention to Sonja Rykiel, “And you know, by studying beautifully tailored Forties and “Let’s get down to earth for a she liked nothing better than to Norma Kamali, Betsey John¬ clothes you end up being a little those tight-legged Fifties pants. minute, ” I said assertively. have someone help her search son, Karl Lagerfeld, Mary bit of a sociologist. For example, How can liberation not include “The earthiest I get is for that perfect title. McFadden. Oh, and I can’t I’ve had to deal with the reac¬ the freedom to look sexy?” wearing brown,” she quipped. “What do you do, exactly?” I forget Yves Saint Laurent. tion of certain people to the fact “I don’t know,” I said, with Then she laughed and, in so asked. McFadden and Saint Laurent that women’s clothes have got¬ conviction. doing, almost dislodged her “First, I study fashion. My design art pieces that could be ten so bold and femme-fatale. “There is, of course, the feather breastplate. “So you background is in art history, shown in museums. Kamali and Now, the femme-fatale has tramp trap. But that can be want to know more about what and I apply the tools of that Johnson point to the Eighties. always been one of my basic avoided with a little humor. I do? Good. Well, I probably trade to fashion. It’s important Lagerfeld is the true fashion characters. When I’m not busy Tongue-in-cheek is my motto. I was the first person to do the¬ to me to know where the ele¬ provocateur. And Rykiel is being Berkeley’s answer to always include an accessory atrical fashion shows. If I called ments in today’s designs come today’s Chanel. She’s very Cher’s Laveme, I’m the heroine that tips my hand. ” them performance art they’d from. I hound the best vintage expensive, but I wear a lot of her of some still-to-be-made film Once again, I contemplated put me in the museums. What I stores— Matinee and Old Gold individual pieces, which I find noir. But it is interesting that so Montgomery’s velvet-roped do is bring movement, color and in San Francisco, Far and Few on sale at Macy’s Shop on Union many other women are express¬ necklace with those dangling fabric together in a tableau that and Oona in Berkeley. I even go Square or secondhand at ing the same fantasy through balls. It did tip the hand. Then, expresses some attitude of the to a lot of forgettable f ilms at the Oona. If I had all the money in their clothes. Some feminists suddenly, I got a strong whiff of day. The high point for me was Archive just because I know the world, I wouldn’t buy cou¬ think this is a backlash to tuberose and musk. In my “Up Close,” a show that I did at Adrian’sclotheswill be great. ture. I’d buy soft streetwear women’s lib that has been per¬ mind, I started to follow those the Little Fox Theatre. It ended “And then I’m always re¬ pieces by the Italians, Krizia petrated by male designers. I two sequined spheres on an im¬ with a Broadway male-female searching today’s clothes at and Missoni, and mix them with don’t think so. The ‘retro’ ele¬ aginary path down her back. love-act striptease. I had always Wilkes Bashford, Macy's or in Rykiel.” ments in much of today’s clothes Down . . . down to earth. I sat wanted to end a show of clothes Berkeley at La De Da. Wilkes is Montgomery paused for don’t mean that women are try¬ up straight, as if coming out of a with a show of no clothes. ” an education even if you can’t what I thought was a breath. It ing to go back to the Forties and trance. I realized that I needed continued next page 0> > THE BAY GUARDIAN DAY&NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 o. > THE BAY GUARDIAN DAY & NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 Open Sunday 665-2017 718 IrvingStreet NOW AVAILABLEINSHORT: 34-38REGULAR:36-44LONG:40&42 NEW FALL SPORTCOATS Michael Heller,Inc. am|2!<2£J ■ex°bess VISA' as mycontributiontoecology.” money onnewpieces.Iseethis ways tocombineoralterpieces minimize theneedforspending Whenever possible,Itryto so thattheybecomenew. when thisisdone,Ioffermy ject inthefirstplace.Idon’t fresh eyeonwhatshethinksof as heroldclothes.Ishow She decidesforherself.Then or imagesshewouldliketopro¬ impose myowntasteonaclient. lem. Theprocessinvolveshelp¬ me herparticularclothesprob¬ try ondifferentpieceswhile every drawer.ThenIhaveher son’s home,rightintohercloset. ing apersonrealizewhatimage looking inthemirrorandtelling bored withwhattheyhave.For service forwomenwhohavethe analyst’ hereandinNewYork where. “Whatelse?”Iprobed. I maketheclientemptyout $50 anhourIgointotheper¬ them ‘work.’Ormaybethey’re clothes butcan’tquitemake and LosAngeles.Thisisa Now weweregettingsome¬ “Well, Iworkasa‘wardrobe 395 SutterStreet at S'ockton 956-1520 women withmillionsofdollars are lessso.I’veevenhadafew conservative clients,othersthat women seekyouout?” said, exercisingwhatlittlebitof noon. “Tellme,whatkindof my withadsurvivedtheafter¬ ceive aCongressionalMedal,”I coliforniohoirlines hair careformenandwomen -22 FillmoreBus dropsyou21/2blocksfrom ourstore Cologne—Pia byDimitri,atWilkes College Avenue,Oakland.Blackand Bashford, S.F.$22.50for4ozs. bracelets—$12 apieceatFarand ture gun—onsalefor$6atVerbatim. Oona. BlackStetson—$15atOldGold, Woman's ChristmasBag"($19.95for 4409 CaliforniaSt.•(Between6th&7thAves)SanFrancisco rings byKennethLane,NewYork. Few, WalnutSquare,Berkeley.Ear¬ Bashford. Soft-linkedrhinestone red cowboyboots—$270atWilkes Market Street,S.F.Silversoftsculp¬ lace withsequinedballs—$5.50at nue, Oakland.Velvetropedbelt-neck¬ the wholebag),atAart,CollegeAve¬ stretch gloves—partofMaryWinder Oakland. LittleFiftiesapronandblack the Fifties—$10atOona,CollegeAve., Baker's artbag,"TheNewIranian artist unknown.Blackpetticoatfrom COVER COSTUME assembled andloanedbyBizarre Shaw. RobertDiMatteo’soutfit gomery. HairbyHeatherHalston. outfits assembledbyMoniqueMont¬ Berkeley severalyearsago.Priceand merchant onTelegraphAvenuein Bazaar, CollegeAvenue.Oakand. Photo sessionassistancebyNancy CREDITS Indian featherbreastplate—madebya Photography byCarolynCavallero.All “All kinds.Ihavesomevery "1 doubtthatyou'lleverre¬ Our RegularCustomersKnow theSavings 10115th DeHaroSanFrancisco Open 6days«ThursdayEvenings*Tel.387-1323 ADDITIONAL 10%DISCOUNT MON.TO FRI.9to4SATURDAYS9to3:00 Junior SizeWomen’sApparel BRING INTHISADFORAN Dresses, Tops&Sportswear Large FallStockonHand Sizes 3to13 words forthetightropeshe point whereitbecameart. pushed afrivolousinteresttothe wanted tohave?Shehad exhilarated. Wasn’tthisprecise¬ was settingin,andyetIfelt and nosense,ifyouknowwhatI Comic art.Therewerenoother ly theeffectthatMontgomery collect mythoughts.Overload me. ing toreturnwithasurprisefor up andexcusedherself,promis¬ mean.” gold telephone—Kaleidoscope,S.F. Segalen andPeterBracht.Black around head—$6.50,FarandFew, more St.,S.F.Remnantoffabricworn footballs onelastic)—$8,Pizzazzy,Fill¬ Verbatim, Oakland.Armband(gold Oakland. Soft-sculpturedagger—$10, (part ofMaryWinderBaker's"The Berkeley. BustofMoniquebySophie —$19.95 forwholebag)—Aart, $70, Ariadne'sCouture.Afghaniveil New IranianWoman'sChristmasBag Black silkpants—boughtonsalefor Macy's, S.F.Silkwithcreperosebed¬ Black Swiss-dottedstockings—$3.50, —Wilkes Bashford,S.F. opaque Danskintightsandblackfish¬ room slippers—$10,Matinee,S.F. the BayArea.Sameredandblackboots net stockings—availablethroughout stretch string)—504apiece.Red stuffed andthenattachedwithblack schoolboy hatsthatwerefolded, shoulder pads(littleStuartplaid beret—$7.50, Oona.Removable BACK FROMNOWHERE Oona, Oakland.Stuartplaid S.F. Femme-fatalehandpin—$20, dine jacket—$35,Matinee,PolkSt.. Gold. S.F.EarlyFiftiesblackgabar¬ Knit shirtandbolerojacket—$25,Old BACK-TO-WQRK During herabsence,Itriedto At this,Montgomerystood PHOTO BY ROSE SKYTTA Heidi Familiar:“Space fashiongetsusreadyforspace Itself... political statement Survival will bethefashion oflife.” Fashion asa jacket withStuartplaidshoul¬ world isthevisible,notin¬ walked betweenvisualpleasure one ofmyotherfavoritecos¬ with you,”Isaidlasciviously. outf it,”shepurred. sharp enoughtodobattlewitha did. Thenailsonthehandwere fastened toherjacketdefinitely didn't putone’stongueincheek, had wornbefore.Ifallthis pair ofredandblackbootsshe stockings ontopandthesame der pads,aStuartplaidberet, Here wasLorettaYoungwitha visible. ” ance. Thetruemysteryofthe people donotjudgebyappear¬ made newsense:“Onlyshallow quoted epigrambyOscarWilde her paint,thebodycanvas. and provocation.Clotheswere Nowhere. tumes. It’scalled‘Backfrom more thing.Here’saphotoof grizzly bear. red tightswithblackfishnet knit skirt,ablackgabardine truckmouth. Shewaswearinga gomery descendthestaircase. In lightofherwork,anoft- the femme-fatalehandpin BY DOUGSHAFFER waver seemedto haveapolitical with thatbrillianthair,she syyellow. Anorexicallythinand stupid, thoughitdidlook perfectly turned-out new- mass. Iwasimpressedthatthis over sixfeettallinherheels, hair wasdyedanobviousbras- swathed inblackvinyl,andher the DeafClub.Shewas out fliersforameetingabout bizarre. armholes. Itdidn’tlook for herheadandsewntogether a bathmat.She’dcutholeout that thiswomanwaswearing could thinkofatthetimewas couldn’t describeit.Allhe maybe yellow,buthereally mat. Hesaiditwaspink,or seen awomanwearingbath- kxjked likeacandleatblack police harassmentofpunksat Street whenshewashanding had seenherwasonMarket Heidi Familiar.ThefirsttimeI continued nextpage A couplemonthsago, “I'd workinthesameoffice “Now, I’vegottorun.One ‘This ismyback-to-work I turnedintimetoseeMont¬ I figuredthatmusthavebeen party andsaidhe’d home fromabirthday my roommatecame what lookedtobeaglitzy she saidmatter-of-factly. other world. nomad steppinginfromsome house together.Asshedroveoff, Montgomery andIleftthe I decidedthattheafternoonhad red. ” FOR WOMENMEN1700SHATTUCK/BERKELEY843-0697 Peter Thomas:usheringintheeighties ADDRESS _ “I worethattotheKremlin,” She handedmeaphotoof STATE_ZIP_ CITY _._ “I betthosecommissarssaw NAME_ I closedupmynotebook,and San Francisco,California 94102 Tha SmallThingsCa. lavar T-SHIRTSCOUPON (Allow3to4weeks) 760 MarketSt.-Suite217 Please Send-T-SHIRTSat$1000per-Shirt Whatever happenedtoVivien? wad ofgumontheback me. ture becauseitwasdistracting hill, Ihadtoremovethepic¬ fastened thephototodash¬ photo shehadgivenmeand been thebeginningofaclothes- board. Onthewaydown knit relationship.ThenIstucka L_, Accountno- j_j ChargeMyBankAmericard L_j PaymentEnclosedjChargeMyVisaCard Exp. Date.--- And Ihadonelastthought: ( RedLetteringonBlackT-Shirt) Sizes Unisex-S-M-LEXL French Cut-S-M-L- □ ni > THE BAY GUARDIAN DAY & NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 0» ► THE BAY GUARDIAN DAY & NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 tuesday- a woman-ownedbusiness noon tosix Saturday §5 era (So) & giveyourselfagift ZOl 23 12MarketStreet,SanFrancisco,CA94114(415)552-9566 of exoticflora. complete selection We haveSan Francisco’s most and flowers. of tropicalplants. Visit ourshowroom 2HO-B VineSt.,Berkeley, CA(415)549-3373 Mon-Sat. 10-5:30Sun.1-4 3804 17thSt.atSanchezSanFrancisco THE VIBRATORSTOREANDMUSEUM reasonable prices•freeconsultation woodworking, crafts,gifts in additiontothefinest presents KenSmytheDesigns anywhere. mm ■ 1 amto7pmTues.-Sunday *>/ + V ** ” Vv <> II 3416 22ndSt.,cornerGuerrero leT'TkeaWe. -" • »/ 863-3578 282-2202 ended justbelowtheknees.Her pearances toclockherdragand other atapartyinsomeloftor grated), andthatshehadmade seur, saidthatHeidiwasinVs., originals inEngland. pants. Itaddeduptoanap¬ pink socksdidn’tquitereachthe boy’s jeansthatfittightand blouse withPeterPancollar Patrol, shewaswearingablack to quizherabouttheFashion those balefulbows. mirror—anything tostymie hold upasortoffunhouse Dianne Feinstein’spublicap¬ planning toshowupatallof said. TheFashionPatrolwas Badges givenouttonight,”she veyed thecrowdwithoutmuch garage whereHeidihadsur¬ He andHeidihadrunintoeach thing calledtheFashionPatrol. also saidshewaspartofsome¬ the outfitshewaswearing.He a women’sband(sinceinte¬ genius andnewwaveconnois¬ consciousness, justlikethose walked uptothe Mayorette,in¬ Francisco,’ andwecheered selves. “Wesangalong,real wore scissorsaroundtheirnecks strong. TheFashionPatrol you addarttofashion—which treuse plastic“Jackiedress,” edging. Heidiworeherchar¬ by passingouthundredsoftri¬ endeared themselvestochildren Dominant Mistressposters.The tion withDianneDogfuckeror station. “We’dplasteredthesta¬ the sleeknewWestPortalMuni curred atthe“Mayorette”’s Fashion Patrol’svisibilityoc¬ Addams Family,partGidget pealing contradiction:part buttoned attheneckandwhite interest. “NoFashionPatrol that Iwas gladtosee that she troduced myself,and told her whenever anyone saidanything and boisterouslyenjoyedthem¬ the Kennedysandadvertis¬ tic sandwichingacolorxeroxof piped inblack,withclearplas¬ bands ofclearplasticwithpink Patrol Badges.Theyworearm- angular pinkandblackFashion filmmaker BruceConnor,and and acoupleofmen,including arrived inforce,fivewomen a streetsign.”ThePatrol a. m.,exceptforone,wayupby police tookthemdownat5 ribbon cuttingattheopeningof Goes toBalletSchool. like ‘modern’ or ‘plastic.’I loud, to’ILeftMyHeartinSan in honoroftheribboncutting is itthen?”Heidiasks.) row.” (“Whathappenswhen ing slogan“InTrustforTomor¬ The high-watermarkofthe The policepresencewas When IfinallyvisitedHeidi My friendJoe,anold-clothes ery istheworkofa19-year-old. xerox book. Someday theymightgatherall dance (“andshewassobee-you- Her beatnikpoetfathermether their photosandnotesintoa wearing hergo-goboots and ents inFlorida. Whenshear¬ occasional tripto thegrandpar¬ France andGermany, withan Her firsttenyearswerespentin Heidi says,battinghereyes). tifull thathehadtofallinlove,” blonde Germanmotherata accumulate fashiondata. disposable). Iworeablack were obligedtowearplastic, Cars party(whosepartygoers blue naugahydebedcomforter. Destroy newspaperhouseand shirt. WeraidedtheSearchand wearing atourquoisebowling (2404 California),andhewas xerox ElvisshowatAFineHand on BobBasile,whohasacolor would gooutandsayweareon would beafunctionofVs.“We wave, fetteredasthoseterms plastic guns.Sheputtheposter would havethemesoftheweek was toomuchfun.We plastic skirtandblouse."They took notesattheSex,Fearand bands andtheaudiences.We We gooutandtakenoteson found themmakingapinkand home. Wepulledasurpriseraid and seewhattheyworeat ple whoalwayslookedgreat would gotothehomesofpeo¬ good—here’s abadge.Orwe patrol, weareVs.,andyoulook cided thattheFashionPatrol are withmediaassociations,de¬ like tocallapresenttenserock nounced “verses”),whichthey — wehadpicturesofgirlswith For ourmilitaryweek—we posters, butshegotoffended. but wedidn’tgo.Thatotherone day. scaring apoliceman,andcut (Heidi hatesflesh-coloredhose. rived in Americafor good, rubber orpaper—something band ratherthanpunkornew in afileofsubversivegroups.” continued tomailherallour that itmightbevaluablesome¬ transfers, andshelikestothink crepe paperbackedwithMuni herself apieceoftheribbon.It’s She sayseitherdoitordon’t string ofpearls.Wewouldan¬ wore: asimpleTimexwatch, down notesoneverythingshe wearing abeigeascotbow.We didn’t match.Andshewas were thesamecolor,butthey it.) nounce thedetails.Pearlear¬ and theskirtwastextured.They the jacketwasawoolgabardine beige. ”(Heidihates)“Up was wearingtealblueinsteadof rings! Flesh-coloredhose!” had ournotebooksandtook close, though,Icouldseethat This sophisticatedtomfool¬ Heidi’s band.Vs.(pro¬ “We plannedanotherraid, Heidi tookoffherscissors, doesn’t apply.It’samisuseof ent andthatretrolookjust seriously, asakindofconfronta¬ space ship.”Shetakesfashion one. Thatwasnobathmat— be sensibleandletpeople feeling forpeople.Youhaveto wear them.Youhavetoa but theycan’tbe.YvesSt.Laur¬ vival willbethefashionoflife. osophy. “Spacefashiongetsus She’s aspace-agerandvege¬ endorse. Shelikesstrapsandal¬ says sheunderstandsbutcan’t sure oftakingthemoff.Heidi and too-tallshoesfortheplea¬ ous pleasuresofbondage.(Her woven intosomethinglikea pinks andpurples,tufted know abathmatwhenhesees that myroommatedoesn’t good-humored. Butitturnsout bathmat is,ifnotfrivolous,at that anyonewhowouldweara themselves. ” clothes andexpectpeopleto power todesignridiculous ready forspaceitself.Sur¬ tional politicsandvisiblephil¬ all, youcan’ttakeanimalsona tion betweenthetwo:“After tarian andsheseesaconnec¬ are “strongandfuturistic.” but shelikeshercomfort,too.) but buttons,whichcomeoff— ternative closures—anything friend wearstoo-tightclothes wasn’t offendedbythesugges¬ could havebeenabathmat.She thrift store.Thepointis,it bathmat nap.Shefounditina that wasasweater,inbathmat least whimsicalandcertainly I’d likethingstobefrivolous, taught herthesomewhatdubi¬ a neckbraceformonths,which creamed byaberserkL.A.bus. member beforehercarwas xeroxes ofredmeatforaDevo er’s smockwithtriangularcolor worked asadesigner’sassistant white Capezioshoes andablack woman with a wideyellow someone wholooksreallygood. plete. AboutonceaweekIsee all dayandmostpeoplearen’t about clothes.Iwatchpeople tion thatitwasone. Back inSanFrancisco,shewore design major,soshestartedact¬ dresser, shewasmistakenfora tered fashionschoolinmer¬ support herjuveniledrug sleeved blousesatartfairsto but cool." ■ and white jumpsuit. Simple, patent leather cinch belt,flat Yesterday IsawthisJapanese complete atall.They’reincom¬ ing awhitenaugahydebutch¬ in thegarmentindustry,design¬ ing onit.InLosAngeles,she chandising. Butasaway-out habits. fornia andherownbusinessasa ing Renaissance-stylebig¬ tall subteen,designingandsew¬ believe. Afterthatcameschools duller, lumpierandlessstylish appointed tofindAmericans than themovieshadledherto in Florida,KentuckyandCali¬ little redoutfit,shewasdis¬ Of course,itmightbeargued Heidi looksforclothesthat “I havemyownstandards From highschool,sheen¬ Glide. Thurs/20-Sat/22. 2505 The Alameda. Santa DIRECTORY Clara, (408) 247-0552 Clubs.9 NORTH BAY Music.A9 Davood’s: The Richard Olson Quartet (). Theater.A10 Fri/14-Sat/l 5; William Feasley (classical guitar). Dance Review.A10 Complete Sun/16. Sy Perkoff & Paul Breslin (piano/bass/ Theater Reviews.A12 duo). Mon/17. Tony Angelo (classical piano). Tues/18, Rob Selzik (solo piano), Weds/19. Mark Calendar of Events.A14 Naftalin ( piano). Thurs/20. Jan Tangen (solo Micro-Films.A16 guitar). Frl/21. 22 Miller Ave , Mill Valley. 388- 2000 . . „ Music Column.A16 Inn of the Beginning: The Moonlighters. Mind&Matter.A18 Billy C Farlow. Fri/14-Sat/l 5, Tattooed Vege¬ Classical Concerts.A18 table, The Symptoms. Improved Formula. Sun/16. Soul Syndicate. Mon/17-Tues/18, Robert Cray Radio.A19 , ‘Entertainment Band, David Bennet Cohen. Weds/19. Robert Movie Review.A20 Cray Band, Thurs/20; Queen Ida & the Bon Ton Band, Fri/21. Cotati. (707) 795-9955 Offbeat Movies.A20 A listing of Bay Area events Laguna: Duck's Breath Mystery Theatre. Fri/ Kidstuff.A22 from Friday through Friday. 14, Tony D'Anna (jazz solo/trio), Sat/15. Jack Books & Writers.A22 Grant. Sun/16; Ashley Cleveland. Tues/18. Lenny ^uide Anderson. Weds/19; Squatter's Rights. Thurs/20; Movie Houses.A22 Murphy's Law (string band), Fri/21, 234 Main St . fire. Mon/17. Back in the Saddle. Tues/18; Poker Sebastopol. (707) 823-5240 McGowan’s: Bruce Leighton & John Venetian Room:Joel Grey. Fri/14-Weds/26, Face. Weds/19; The Toons, Thurs/20; Mark Ford The Marshall Tavern: Natural impulse. Gregory. Dave May, Sun/16,; Bruce Leighton & Fairmont Hotel, Mason and California. 772-5000 Band, Fri/21, 3877 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, Fri/14. The Housebreakers, Sat/15. Easy Money, John Gregory. Mon-17-Tues/18. Dave May, Washington Square Bar and Grill: 493-3433 with Sarah Baker. Fri/21. Highway 1, Marin. 663- Weds/19, Julie Farbolin, Thurs/20, Bruce John Horton Cooper (piano jazz). Fri/14-Sat/15; KeySton©: The Rubinoos. Fri/14, Reconstruc¬ 8141 Leighton & John Gregory, Fri/21. 101 Jefferson, Mike Lipskin, Sun/16; Burt Bales. Mon/17- tion, Sat/15, The Nervebreakers, Sun/16; KFAT Rancho Nic^sio: Peter Rowen & the Free 441-5515 Weds/19, Dick Fregulia & Dorothy Moscowitz FAT FRY Mimi Farina plus Nicolas, Glover, and Mexican Air Force, Fri/14. Attitude, Sat/15. The Mooney’s Irish Pub: Junior Earl, Fri/14, (piano jazz), Thurs/20; John Horton Cooper, Wray. Mon/17; Rock Island plus Nyle. Thurs/20; Sky Blue Band. Sun/16; Neo Paris & the Futures. California Zephyr, Sat/15, Dana Hubbard Blues. Fri/21.1707 Powell St.. 982-8123. The B-52's. the Humans. Fri/21, 260 California Weds/19; Jim Messina. Thurs/20; Rodney Crowell 1525 Grant Ave., 982-4330 Ave . Palo Alto. 324-1402. & the Cherry Bombs. Fri/21. Nicasio. 662-2012 Munchkin’s: Sally Coombs (pop and origin¬ EAST BAY Kuumbwa Jazz: , Sat/15; Bill Stains (folksmger). Fri/14; als), Hugh Fountain & Co. (jazz), Fri/14, Susan Rosebud’s: Ace McMurphy’s: Theresa Naomi Butts, Richie Cole Quintet, Mon/17. Tete Monoliu, Tues/ The Rogers & Burgm Band (boogie). Sat/15; Any Burritt & Co (jazz), Sat/15; Joe Ontiveros Tues.-Weds., 1103 Embarcadero. Oakland. 893- 18. 320-2 Cedar St.. Santa Cruz, (408) 427-2227 Old Time String Band. Fri/21. 433 First St . (originals). A Jazz Duo. Sun/16, open mike. 6700. Mon/17, Sally Coombs. Hugh Fountain & Co.. Miramar Beach Inn: stu Blank, Fri/t4-Sat/ Benicia, (707) 745-9988. Square dancing with live caller. Tues/18. David Lee Williams (classical piano). Ashkenaz: 15; Robert Cray Band, Sun/16-Tues/18. Live Wire, The Sleeping Lady Cafe: Fat Chance, Valerie Arakawa (pop & originals), Weds/19, Joe Fri/14; Rumberos de San Martin (salsa), Mon/17, Weds/19-Thurs/20, Boarding House Reach, Fri/ Fri/14; The Sons. Sat/15; Richard Garneau (sitar), Ontiveros. Valerie Arakawa, Thurs/20. Sally 1317 San Pablo Ave . Berkeley, 525-5054 21-Sat/22. Coast Highway, Half Moon Bay, Phil Ford (tabla). Sun/16. Naftalin's Blue Monday CLUBS Coombs. Hugh Fountain & Co., Fri/21, 242 Dirty Legs. Sneezer, Fri/14. 726-9053 Party, with Queen Ida, Al Lewis and Band. Mon/ Alpen Glow: Church St..431-6090 Hoo Doo Rhythm Devils, Will Porter Band. Sat/15; Odyssey Room: Sound Barrier, Fri/14-Sat/ 17. Gaylord Birch (drums). Ron Stallings (sax/ 1st Pony Express. St Louis to California 1859. 15; Rejoice, Tues/18-Fri/21. 799 East El Camino vocals). Tues/18, Eggs Over Easy. Weds/19; SAN FRANCISCO Mustard Seed Coffeehouse: winter Sun/16, Alpen auditions. Football, Wed/19; Hand Real. Sunnyvale. (408) 245-4448 Listen, with Mel Martin, Thurs/20; Tasmanian Atrilim Lobby: Dick Saltzman Quartet Levine (jazz). Fri/14; Living on the Inside (jazz), Picked. Thurs/20. West Coast Sheiks. Sneezer, Devils. Fri/21-Sat/22. 58 Bolinas Rd.. Fairlax, (jazz), with special guest David Scott, Sat/15. Fri/21,432 Mason St.. 552-4387. P.J.’S: Sweet Thang. Fri/14-Sat/15. Kent Fri/21.18564 Mission Blvd.. Hayward, 276-2310 456-2044. Hyatt Regency. Market at California, 788-1234 Cohea, TBA. Sun/16, Funkateers, Mon/17-Tues/ Network Coffeehouse: sylvan Grey Bacchanal Bar: mj Laiio Trio (jazz/ Susie’s Restaurant: Coi wingnuts one The Blameystone: Paddy Wagon (Irish/ 18; Jules Broussard. Weds/19. Funkateers. (originals), Fri/14,1036 Bush St . 989-6097. COMEDY(, Sat/15; Catherine D'Amato (vocalist, Man Jazz & Blues Band, Virgil Elliott. Fri/14, Joe rock), Fri.; Red Dust (country/bluegrass). Sat , Thurs/20-Sat/22, 261 California Dr , Burlingame. Jimmy Diamond's composer, poet), Weds/19. 1369 Solano, Albany, Nickerson, Alice Bradshaw, Sat/15, Rich Irish Country (Irish). Sun , 5716 Geary, 752-3326 New Orleans Room: 344-5745 Nob Hill Gang (Dixieland), nightly, the Fairmont, 527-1314 Prenkert. Tues/18; Picante. Weds/19; Lanny Th© Rio: Roky Sullivan, Hendrix & Kasmir, The Boarding House: Poker Face. John California at Mason. 772-5000 Miller, Thurs/20; Joe Nickerson. Virgil Elliott. Fri/ Barclay Jack’s: S F Limited (jazz), Thurs - Fri/14; Double Devil Nite. with Hoo Doo Rhythm Compton "The Sheik," Fri/14-Sat/15: B-52's. 21. 8240 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati. (707) 9’s: Angela (pop). Mon.-Tues., Jonathan's Folks Sat through Sept. 29; Daybreak L.T D (jazz). Devils & Tasmanian Devils, Sat/15. 140 Parker Tues/18-Weds/19, 960 Bush St., 441-4333 795-4575. (pop). Sun.. 1416 Powell St.. 771-9800 Sun.-Mon . Solstice (fusion). Tues-Weds, 1211 Ave , Rodeo. 799-0075. Brasserie Castle Grand: Ron Towe (pop Embarcadero, Oakl , 261-3287. Uncle Charlie’s: The Sons. Fri/14. Fat ■ Old Spaghetti Factory: spaghetti skycreek, Fri/i 4-sat/ piano), Tues.-Sat.. 12th & Folsom. 621-9491 Smokey Mountain: Chance. Sat/15; Dancer and Oasis. Weds/19; Janv(comedy), Fri -Sat.; Flash Family (comedy), Come Back Inn: East Bay Mud. Fri/14, 15. Blue Steel. Sun/16; Hot Cider, Mon/17, Lovey Blue (pop), Fri/14, Mar¬ Jules Broussard. Thurs/20; Modoc. Fri/21. 5625 Cadell Place: Thurs , 478 Green. 626-8696 Names. Sat/15. Gnus. Fri/21, 2516 Durant Ave . Omega, Tues/18; Cornell Hurd. Weds/19, Airtight, Paradise Drive, Corte Madera, 925-9927. cella Pirot (jazz). Sat/15. Paul & Margie (Irish folk), Berkeley. 548-2452. The Neville Bros Band, the Thurs/20; Fri/2T-Sun/23. 33 S. Central Ave.. Weds/19; Jeff Wyman (pop). Thurs/20. Lovey Blue Old Waldorf: Wild Tchoupitoulas, with special guests Aaron Freight & Salvage: Kate wott. Fri/u-sat/ Campbell (408) 866-8288 (pop). Fri/21.524 Union SI.. 391-4343 ■ indicates comedy performance. Neville, Earl King, James Booker, Sun/16-Mon/17. 15, MJ Lallo Trio (jazz), Tues/18; Quintessence The Wooden Nickel: Streamliner, Fri/14; Pete Zangara Trio (jazz), Weds Capurro’s: Jan & Dean, plus Papa Do Run Run, Tues/18, (bop-jazz). Wed/19; Gary Marko (folk, jazz, soul), Mirage, Sat/15; Zen Archer. Sun/16; Thought Fox, “tba" stands for “to be announced.” and Thurs.. Pier 47, 300 Jefferson, 771-0377 Brand X. Thurs/20. 444 Battery St.. 397-3884 Thurs/20; Ms. Clawdy. Fri/21. 1827 San Pablo Mon/17; Poker Face. Tues/18. Avalon. Weds/19, —Jeanette Doob Ave . Berk . 548-1761 ■ Chez Jacques: Breakfast in Marin Open Theater and Cafe: Pony Poindex¬ (comedy), Fri/14-Sat/15; Suzy Perisho and Bob ter Quartet (jazz). Fri.-Sun., Tues . 441 Clement. International Cafe: sneezer. Teaser, Cheney. Fri/14. Pilar du Rem, Sat/15, Rita Black 386-3086 Fri/14, Leapers, Jars, Suspects, Sat/15, audi¬ Masonic Auditorium, 1111 California. SF, $8 50. on Vinyl No, 1, Sun/16, Randy Anger and Sunlight tions, Mon/17; Foxx, Tues/18. Back Alive. Myth, ■ The Other Cafe: , TELETIX or 527-3622. (jazz). Tues/18, 1390 California St , 775-7575 Weds/19. Noise, Odysseus. Thurs/20; Sapphire. Fri/14, Comedians. Sat/15. Duck's Breath Dolly PartOn: a legend of another sort, Chi Chi Theatre Club: Theresa Naomi Oquisha Paradox, Golden Dragon. Fri/21. 2516 Mystery Theatre. Sun/16-Mon/17. Steve Seskin country and pop. Sun/16. 2 pm, Greek Theatre. Butts (jazz), Sat , 440 Broadway. 392-6123 Telegraph Ave., Berkeley, 841-9070. and Friends. Tues/18; Comedians. Weds/19; UC Berk , $8.50 advance. $9 50 day of show, John Marconi, with guest The City: Maxene Andrews of the Andrews Classic Comedy, starring Mike Davis and Irongate Inn: TELETIX Sisters. Fri/14-Sun/I 6. Anita O'Day (jazz vocalist). Friends, Thurs/20; Cheapsuit Serenaders, Fri/21. Eddie Henderson, Fri/14, Geannie Stout Band Tues/18-Sun/30, Montgomery at Broadway, 391- 100 Carl St .681-0748 (rock), Sat/15, 5356 College Ave . Oakl . 654- RECITALS 7920 9600. Owl and Monkey Cafe: j. c Bums Festival Consort: Renaissance dance The Crepe Escape: Simon Dray (vocal), (blues). Fri/14. Lumiere (soul/pop), Sat/15. Life ol Keystone: Greg Kihn Band, Fri/14. Rubinoos. music, processionals, fanfares and fantasies, Fri/ Thurs, 150 Kearny St . 424-4449 Riley (goodtime), Fri/21,1336 9th Ave , 664-9892 Sat/15, 260 California Ave . Palo Alto. 324-1402 14. 8:30 pm. Old First Church, Van Ness and Sac¬ Day’S Saloon: Rock 'n' Roll Sunday Fast The Palms: Secret Service, Fri/14. the Cor¬ La Pena: Teresa Trull, with Julie Homi on ramento, SF, 776-5552 piano (blues, ballads), Fri/14. Sexteto Diablo & Floyd, the Urge, and the Corvairs, Sun/16. 24 Ellis. vairs. the Times 5. Sat/15, Fast Floyd. Art Sharks. ★ Faculty Recital: with Beulah Forbes on Rockridge Live (salsa, rock-blues). Sat/15. Gary St . 421-2874 Sun/16; the Whormones, Mon/17, Ivy S the piano playing Gershwin tunes and other jazz Lapow & Lois Ann Thomas (originals). Thurs/20; Dewey’s Bar and Saloon: John Stafford Eaters, Tues/18; Will Porter, Weds/19. Kid Cour¬ standards, Fri/14. SF Conservatory of Music. age, Thurs/20; tba, Fri/21,1406 Polk. 673-7771 Los Payas (Andean music), Fri/21. 3105 Shat- MUSIC and his Bourbon Street Irregulars (Dixieland jazz), 1201 Ortega, SF, free. 564-8086 tuck, Berkeley, 849-2568 Tues.-Sat. Hotel St. Francis. Geary & Powell. Paul’s Saloon: High Country (bluegrass). Kronos Quartet: me miiis college artists Fri. Wed, tba, Sat. Good Ol' Persons (blue- Larry Blake’s: Pure Honey (jazz, rock, 391-1200 ROCK/SOUL/POP in residence play String Quartet No. 3 by Betsy grass). Sun . bluegrass jam session, Mon, Old disco), Fri/14. The Liz Lewis Band. Sun/16. Robb Eight Immortals Lounge: The Chang Jolas. Mills Milhaud Visiting Professor, and works Fischer (jazz), Mon/17; Andrei Kitaev (Russian Jack Casady's new new wave band, with Sisters, Tues.-Sat. Holiday Inn, 750 Kearny. 433- Friends (bluegrass). Tues , Done Gone (blue¬ SVT: by Mozart and John Geist, Sat/15. 8 pm, Mills grass), Thurs.. 3251 Scott. 922-2456 jazz piano), Tues/18; Steve Evans Band (jazz), CIA. Fri/14, 9 pm, O P Folsopi Studio. 1681 0545 College Concert Hall. 5000 MacArthur, Oakl. $4 Weds/19, Rathskeller Band (), Peta’ S: Peta's House Band (jazz). Fri , Sun . Folsom, SF. $3. 346-2384 general, $2 students and seniors. 632-2700. ext Fanny’s Restaurant: Sharon McNight. Thurs/20; Pure Honey. Fri/21, 2367 Telegraph Fran Fosten (jazz). Fri. Tues. Coalescence Foghat/Foreignen Gamma (with Ronnie 317 Fri/14-Sat/15; Sunday Brunch, Sun/16, Martha Ave . Berk . 848-0886 Loren (jazz), Sun/16, Frank Dioro (comedy), (jazz), Wanda Ingram and the Jazztet. Sun . Brazil Montrose), Bram Tchaikovsky and the Cars at Alum Recital: David Tanenbaum on guitar, Jack, Sat/14. Philip Rosheger, Fri/15. Mon/17; Patti Wolfe (vocalist), Tues/18. Pam Export (salsa), Mon . Kai Hutchins Trio (jazz). La Val’s: Day on the Green #4, Sat/15. 10 am (gates open playing Bach. Takemitsu, Albemz, Scarlatti and Tues . Ed Kelly and the Jazz Express, Weds , Dick Carol Denney& Patch. Fri/21, 1834 Euclid. Berk , at 9 am), Oakland Coliseum. Nimitz Frwy and Brooks. Weds/19-Thurs/20, Sharon McNight. others, Sun/16. 4 pm. SF Conservatory of Music, Partee and the North Beach Quartet (jazz). 843-5360 Hegenberger Rd . Oakl $12.50 in advance. $15 Fri/21.4230 18th St . 621-5570 1201 Ortega, SF, $3 general. $2 students and Thurs., 577 Columbus, 982-4999 The Point: Dick Oxtot's Golden Age Jazz day of the show, TELETIX. Golden Grommet: Night Tram (jazz). seniors. 564-8086 bhi stames Band, Fri.-Sat through Sept. 29; Pamela Polland, Mon.-Sun , Chelsea (jazz), Mon/17 and Thurs/20. Plowshares Coffeehouse: Leif Garrett: the pop singing sensation and ★ La Flor Perdida: vocalists, mandolins, (folk, country, originals), Sun/16, Laguna & Fri/14-Sat/15. . Fri/21 -Sat/22. 32 teenage idol, Tues/18. 7 pm. Concord Pavilion. 834 Irving St. at 10th Ave . 564-6627 guitars and violins present a program of "la Washington Ave., Pt. Richmond, 233-4295 The Great American Music Hall: Marina, Bldg 312,441-8920. 2000 Kirker Pass Rd , Concord, $7 50 reserved, musica antigua de la frontera" and contemporary Blues Survivors (blues). The Townhouse: Texas chainsaw. Fri/14- $5 50 lawn seating, TELETIX or 798-3311 Mexican music, Sun/16, 1 pm. History Special David "Fathead" Newman, Fri/14, Duck's Breath Precita Park Cafe: F/i/14, Jesse Foster's Amber Band (jazz). Sat/15. Sun/16; Football (video), Mon/17, Back Up and Gallery, Oakland Museum. 1000 Oak. free. Mystery Theatre. Sat/15; Dizzy Gillespie. Sun/16. ★ The Stormers: free . Tues/ Night Train (Latin/jazz). Weds/19; Bishop Norman Push. Tues/18; Wheeler, Weds/19. Texas Chain¬ 18. noon-3 pm, Music Concourse, Golden Gate Buddy Rich & his Big Band, Mon/17; Count Basie 273-3401. Williams (jazz), Thurs/20; Automatic Slim (blues/ saw, Thurs/20; Cooder Browne. Hearts on Fire. Park, free. & his Orchestra, with special guest Carmen David Jacobson/Helene Wickett: Fri/21-Sat/22, 5862 Doyle St., Emeryville. 658- McRae. Fri/21-Sat/22, 859 O'Farrell St . 885- boogie), Fri/21.300 Precita Ave , 285-6626 violin-piano duets, including Brahms and Bach 5556 0750 Purple Onion: Terry Dale & Scott Hughes JAZZ/FUSION/ sonatas and works by Saint Saens. Bloch and Gulliver’s: Luther Tucker Blues Band, Fri/14, (pop), nightly except Thurs., 140 Columbus. 781- AVANTGARDE Wieniawskl, Sun/16, 4 pm, Old First Church. Van Ness and Sacramento. SF, 776-5552 Debbie & Stuart (pop). Monica DuPont (blues). 0835. SOUTH BAY Sat/15; Powell St Blues Band, Dana Hubbard, Redante’s: Michelle Hendrix (jazz). Weds/19. Barney Steele’s: uncle Rainbow. Fri/14- Ed Ansel and Steve Mangold: Anita Fujita Teng: the well-known concert Sun/16, Lisa & Debbie. Mon/17. Pete Zangara 20 Mark Twain Lane, 777-1955 Sat/15; The Un-Disco, Sun/16, Back in the lyrical jazz piano and visual images, Fri/14, 8 pm. pianist makes her SF debut with works by Mozart. Saddle. Wed/19; Hot Cider, Thurs/20; Omega, Marina Music Hall, Bldg. 314, Fort Mason, (blues), Tues/18. Monica DuPont (blues), Reflections: Terrell Prude and High Life. Schubert, Chopin, Debussy and Scriabin. Sun/16. Fri/21-Sat/22. 590 Veteran's Blvd , Redwood City. Laguna at Marina, SF, $3. 441-5705. Weds/19; Brother Buzz (reggae). Thurs/20; Jack Tues.-Sat., Hyatt on Union Square, 345 Stockton 3 pm, Herbst Theatre, War Memorial Opera 365-8145 # (rock), Fri/21.348 Columbus. 982-0833 St.. 398-1234. ★ Nicholas, Glover and Wray: House. SF. $4-$10. 431-3433. Live music nightly. John contemporary and nostalgic jazz vocals, Fri/14, 2 Hotel Utah: Raskin/Johnston Quartet (jazz). ■ Rick’s: Jordan Playboy, Fri/14-Sat/l5. Bianchini’s: Coppola. Chuck Travis, All-Star Big Band. Mon . pm. Union Depot, Student Union. SF State Uni¬ ORCHESTRAL/CHORAL Fri/14; Susan Rabin (jazz). Sat/15; The Optet comedy, Sun/16-Mon/17; Back Alive. Tues/18, 35 Skyline Plaza, Daly City, 994-2540 versity. 1600 Holloway, SF. free, 469-2444 ★ Jonathan Khuner and (jazz). Mon/17, open mike, Tues/18. On the Ave "Gratis." Weds/19. Jordan Playboy. Thurs/20. Ceta Symphony: J Karla Lemon conduct Beethoven's "Coriolan (rock). Wed/19; Scott Beach and Hokum (revue), Merle Saunders & Co., Fri/21. 736 Irving, 665- Bodega: Omega. Fri/14-Sat/15. Boots, Sun/ ★ David Mahler: plays bells, glass, olives, Overture." Tchaikovsky's "Serenade for Strings" Thurs/20; Steve Seskin (folk), Fri/21,500 4th St. at 6551. 16; Poker Face. Mon/17; Mark Ford Band. TuesI whistles, stones and more conventional instru¬ Bryant, 421-8308 18; Ivy & the Eaters. Weds/19. Skycreek, Thurs/ ments to initiate 's Center for and Brahm s "Variations on a Theme of Haydn," Roland’s: Joey Burt Trio, with Jamie Davis 20; Poker Face plus Snail. Fri/21 -Sat/22. 30 S Contemporary Music. Fri/14. 8 pm. Mills College Fri/14. 8 15 pm. Hayward Drama Center. 22311 Keystone Korner: Buddy Tate & Eddie (jazz), Fri.; Federico Cervantes Trio (jazz). Sat , Central Ave , Campbell, (408) 374-4000 Concert Hall. 5000 MacArthur, Oakl , free. N 3rd St.. Hayward, free. 88-MUSIC "Cleanhead" Vinson. Fri/l4rSun/l6, Richie Cole afternoon Sun.. Tues-Thurs. John Cordoni Big 632-2700, ext. 337 headlines with the San & Alto Madness, Tues/18-Sun/23. 750 Vallejo St , Band (jazz), Sun -Mon . 3309 Fillmore. 921-7774 ■ The Country Store: Hot cider. Fti/i4- George Shearing: 781-0697 Sat/15; Laugh Your Ass Off! (comedy). Mon/17- Watermusic: compositions and improvisa¬ Jose Symphony, conducted by George Cleve. Savoy Tivoli: Reggae, Frl/14-Sat/15: Kotchi tions for reeds, violin and percussion, Sat/15. Sat/14 and Sun/15. 8 30 pm, San Jose Civic Audi¬ Last Day Saloon: Boarding House Reach. Tamano, Noh Mercy. "The Silent Geisha" (new Tues/18", Kara Nite. featuring the Innocents, 8.30 pm, Bethany Church. 1268 Sanchez (at 25th) torium, $2-$8. $3 students. TELETIX or 298-2300 Fn/14-Sat/15; Steve Seskin. Sun/16, talent audi¬ wave). Sun/16; Gorilla My Love, Idris Ackamoor, Weds/19, Poker Face. Thurs/20; Garcia Bros., $2,952-1910 com- tions onstage, Mon/17. Will Porter and his Band, Weds/19; Mirasol (latin, reggae), Fri/21 -Sat/22. Fri/21-Sat/22, 157 W. El Camino Real, Sunnyvale. ★ San Francisco Symphony: memorates the 15th anniversary of Ghirardelli Tues/18. TYE, Wed/19, Hearts on Fire. Thurs/20, 1434-38 Grant Ave , 362-7023 736-0921 ★ Turk Murphy: and his Dixieland band, Ball Taylor Band, Fri/21. 406 Clement St. 387- Sun/16. 2 pm. Fort Point, beneath the south end Square, Sat/15. 2:15 and 4.15 pm, Ghirardelli S. Holmes, Esq.: Bocedi. with Luis Urroz. Fargo’s: Garcia Bros , Fri/14-Sat/15. Starfire, 6343 of the Golden Gate Bridge, free, 556-1693 Square, free. 775-5500 Mon -Fri , Holiday Inn-Union Square, 398-8900 Sun/16; Friends. Mon/17-Tues/l8. Joe Sharino. Mabuhay Gardens: a benefit tor me Weds/19. Legend, Thurs/20-Sat/22, Old Mill Night Train: Latin jazz, gospel-funk and ★ Berkeley Promenade Orchestra: Terrace Room: Abe Battat Trio (easy listen¬ National Organization for the Reform of Mari¬ Center. 2540 California Street. Mountain View, mambo. Sun/16. Marina Music Hall, Bldg 314. presents an "Indian Summer Pops" concert ing), nightly, St Francis Hotel. Powell at Geary, juana Laws (NORML). with Bntley Blacks the 941-6373. Fort Mason. Laguna at Marina, SF, $2 50 or PAS, conducted by Kent Nagano. Sun/16. 3 30 pm, 397-7000 Lawrence Hall of Science, UC Berk. free, Next, the Times Five. Pressure. Ivy and the The Garret: Passage. Fri/14. Julie Farbolin, 441-5705 Eaters, the White Boys and the Exiles. Mon/17, Tonga Room: Amapolo and the Entertain¬ 642-5132 Sat/15; auditions, Mon/17, Mitch Ballard. Tues/ Kava Kava: vocal jazz trio and four instru¬ Offs. Nervebreakers. Fast Floyd, Fri/14 Units ers (pop). Tues -Sat., Nancy Chen and the Shades 18, Joel Abramson. Weds/19. Joe Ferrara. Thurs/ mentalists. Sun/16. 8 pm, Live Oak Theatre, 1301 ★ Oakland Symphony Week: tree and other bands, NYC video. "Nightclubbing," of Jade (pop). Sun -Mon , Fairmont Hotel. Califor¬ 20, The Toons. Fri/21, The Pruneyard, Campbell. Shattuck. Berk , $2.50. 843-2459 concert by the full orchestra, conducted by Sat/15, Streamliner, Avalon Blvd, Charmers, nia at Mason. 772-5000 371-6505 ★ Pee Wee Ellis: and the Assembly. Jazz James Setapen, Tues/18. noon-1 pm, City Hall Bob, Tues/18; D O A, Vs. Bramiacs, Thurs/20; ■ Union Depot: Nicholas, Glover & Wray The Hall: West Coast Sheiks, Fn/14-Sat/l 5, Art Movement and the Elinore Coleman Dance Plaza. Oakl. free Red Crayola. B-People, Fri/21, 443 Broadway, (variety), Fri/14, Football (video), Mon/17. Dana Max, Tribute to Elvis. Tues/18. Hoi Cider. Weds/ Ensemble. Thurs/20. noon-3 pm, Music Con¬ 956-3315 Carvey & Barry Sobol (comedy). Tues/18. Atrios OPERA/OPERETTA 19, The Innocents, Thurs/20-Sat/22, 1425 Burlin¬ course. Golden Gate Park, free. 552-4387 (modern jazz). Weds/19 Sylvester & Gurr the 57th season Major Ponds: Bishop Norman Williams, game Ave . Burlingame. 348-1112 San Francisco Opera: Fri/14. Anna Klmaer Sat/15. Charlie Hickocks, (variety), Thurs/20. Mercury Jazz Trio (jazz), FOLK/COUNTRY/BLUES continues with three different operas this week. Ball Taylor Band. Fn/14, Mark Weds/19; Omar Hakim Khayyam, Thurs/20; Fri/21, S F State Student Union, 1650 Holloway Iron Works:

Ford Band, Sat/15, Allan&Marsha. Sun/16. Star- folk singing legend. Sat/15, 7.30 pm. « ► THE BAY GUARDIAN DAY & NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 Junior Earl, Fri/21.2801 California St.. 567-5010 Ave ,469-2426 Odetta: continued next page O > the BAY GUARDIAN DAY & NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 Graphic DesignSeminarsforBusinesspeople graphic designerandcollegeteacherofdesign(C.C.A.C. advertising materials(directmailflyers,newspaperads,bro¬ Aragalla. conductedbySilvioVarviso.Sat/15and Carlo,'' withAnnaTomowa-SmtowandGiacomo Ewing andDaleDuesing,conductedbyJuliun and LucianoPavarotti,conductedbyBruno Ponchielli's "LaGioconda,withRenattaScotto chures, newsletters,etc.)Ms.StarO'Breen,award-winning Learnataone- dayseminartodesignandproduceC-TM.I.U.),willsharewithyouherstep-by-stepformulastember27, ClaremontResortm.Hotel, Debussy's "PelleasetMelisande."withMaria Bartoletti. Sun/16.12:30pmandFri/21.7pm, Van NessandMcAllister.SF,$4-$27.431-1210 Rudel, Fri/14andWed/19.730pm.Verdi's"Don continued frompreviouspage Clevinger. Mon/17.9:30pm.KeystoneKorner. Jacques, 1390California,775-7574,LoftJazz Sigrid Wrunschmidt,Sun/16,9pm,Chez wide jazzfestivalLarryJohnson,Sun/16.2pm, Tues/18, 130pm.WarMemorialOperaHouse. Golden GatePark,free,MusfcBytheBayRe¬ Assembly, Thurs/20,1pm.MusicConcourse. pm. SavoyTivoli.1438Grant,362-7023,Michelle St ,$2.863-5255;CreativeForce.Wed/19,noon, Tues/18. 6:30pm.Women'sBuilding.354318th Sanchez, $2,$1musicians.647-1800;Jennifer lam, Mon/17.730pm.BethanyChurch.1268 Fort Mason,LagunaatMarina,$2,441-5705, Jazzmo: weekthreeofthemonth-longcity¬ 441-5705 cording Seminar,Thurs/20.730pm.FortMason Twain Ln.777-1955,PeeWeeEllisandthe Hendrix. Wed/19,930pm.Redantes.20Mark Hallidie Plaza,free,IdrisAckamoor,Wed/19.9 750 Vallejo,781-0697,WomeninJazzSeminar. Laguna atMarina.$5.$4MBBmembers, —Susan Ferrell presents anewversionofJMBarrie'sclassic SF's all-womancomedytroupeLesNicklettes FESTIVALS — Peteristhetopteenidolofrockpalace “Peter Pan:ANewWaveFairytale”: OPENINGS * Indicatesadmissionof$1orless THEATER WEEKENDS THRU-SEPT23 Tickets atBoxOffice, Bass&TicketronAgencies Sat .$4Thursand$3.50Sun.832-8030 and Sunat5:30pmthroughSept.23Oakland and thewaystheysurvive.Thurs-Sat.at830pm dra Sharpthatprofilesblackwomen'slives,loves Sept 23$9-$12.AlcazarTheater,650Geary blind womanterrorizedbycriminalsinFrederick Spanish taleoflecheryandwitchcraft,writtenby formance Space.1350Waller(atMasonic)$3 Center forPerformingArts.255AlmadenBlvd, Sat. at2and8pmSun7The plays Tues.-Sun.untilOct.7.Tues-Fri.at8pm, Theater Guild's1979/80seasononTues/18,and monologues bysixcharacterswhosedreamsand version ofRobertPatrick'splay—aseriesot Oct. 78pmatStudioEremos,401Alabama(at Queen OpensFri/14,andplaysFri-Sunthrough over theup-and-comingpunkstarV.DPirate Ensemble Theatre.66013thSi.Oakl$5Friand “The Sistuhs”:amusicalwrittenbySaun- 775-7100 Knott’s suspensethrillerTues.-Sunthrough “Wait UntilDark”:JulietMillsstarsasa from theclassicbyFernandodeRojasFriand Edward SeniorwithmusicbyValLeoneAdapted 285-3719 sis, JeanCrossman.JeffBarberandBobTomlin San Jose.$10,$12.50,$15.(408)246-1160 tival's TouringCompanyopenstheSanJose musical asadevicetoshow"whatit’sreallylike" Sixties ThesecondproductionofTheatreRhino¬ Never Land,fightingtoretainhistopbilling Sat. throughSept22830pm.StageGroup “Celestina”: araucous,bawdyandbloody Fri andSat.throughSept22.8:30pmThePer¬ combining mime,musicandlanguagebyMime¬ Ave LosAltos$450Wed.andThurs.,$5 Award andCritics'Circleplay,createsanexis¬ ONGOING to beadancerTheNationalShakespeareFes¬ Micheal Bennettconceivedthesituationforthis “A ChorusLine”:Choreographer/director $4 50.$3.50onThurs.626-1921. the GoodmanBuilding.1115Geary(atVanNess) and playsThurs.-SatthroughOct.138:30pmat ceros's RobertPatrickFestivalOpensFri/14. realities werebothshapedandbetrayedbythe Theater, 449Powell(atSutter).$3.50.433-1226 Fri -Sun941-5228 17th St),$3.50.621-0448 “A ThousandClowns”:HerbGardner's “No Sanctuary”:aperformancepiece pm. LosAltosConservatoryTheatre,97Hillview at "Hamlet."InrepertorythroughSept218 tential comedythroughabehind-the-sceneslook Are Dead”:TomStoppard,inthisTony “Rosencrantz andGuildenstern CHARGE BYPHONE 981-8205 Mastercharge\Visa “Kennedy’s Children”:anewiy-revised NOW OPEN Inquire (415) 981-8497—Group SalesCall(415) 981-8205 9 am-6pm Do GameinElizabethan Costume! Hwy 101to37—offatBlackpointExit for effectivecopywriting,layout,color,paste-up,typography, and printproduction.TobeheldonTuesday,September25, Hyatt onUnionSquareSanFrancisco,orThursday,Sep- Blackpoint Forest,Novato,Marin •formance pieceaboutanoldFrenchcircusclown 941-5228 Altos $450WedandThurs$5.50Fri.-Sun Altos ConservatoryTheatre,97HillviewAve,Los lost inhismemories.Fri.-SunthroughSept30at classic comedypresentedbyBuffaloProduc¬ savagery InrepertorythroughOct128pmLos about aCatholicboardingschoolthateruptsin 8 30pmFortMason'sMarinaTheatre.Bldg310, $6, $550students,seniors.$36-12.under6free under 6free.Fri.andSat.8pm,Sun2 Wed.-Sun throughSept23Wed.andThurs. Hour”: asatiricalrevuethattakesbitinglookat “The AmericaBustedFamily Lacuna andMarinaBlvds$3.50848-5396 Shepard's wrenchingjourneythroughtheAmeri¬ Cultural Center,762Fulton$2.50921-7976 Sat throughSept29.8pm.WesternAddition and WritersWorkshopofthreeoriginalplays: case productionbytheSFBurielClayBlackArts Geary $6-$8775-7100 “Jacques BrelIsAliveandWell John HinkelPark,SouthamptonRdandtheAr¬ 7:30 pm.$5.$450students,seniors,$26-12. can dreamwitha"peculiarlyAmerican"rural “Curse oftheStarvingClass”:Sam "The Hourglass"byRobertAlexanderThurs- "Bloodline toOblivia"byJohnWilliams,and “Life’s TragicReflections”:ashow- tended throughSept.23AlcazarTheater.650 at 8and1030pm.Sun3pmEx¬ composer, JacquesBrelTues.-Friat8pm,Sat Eric BlauandMortShuman'smusicalbasedon Living inParis”:RuthHastingsandCoperform sented bytheBerkeleyShakespeareFestival seniors 548-7677 world renownedmimeLeonardPitt'ssoloper- Sun 863-4859 4147 19thSt.(atCollingwood).$5.$4Thurs.and Thurs-Sun throughSept308pmDirectedby “Arms andtheMan”:Shawsclassicsa¬ students, seniorsandunemployed548-4728. Pablo). Berk$6.$5ThursandSun.$1offfor Berkeley StageCompany.1111Addison(offSan family Thurs.-SunthroughSept308pm "Episodes ofanAncientScript"byJohnHatch. the lyricsandcommentaryoflatesinger- lington, Berk845-0303 William Shakespeare'smostfancifulplaypre¬ Metamorphose. 25258thSt..Berk$350.$250 “Doppo, ClownofYesteryear”: Michelle TruffautattheSFRepertoryCompany, tire onwarandtheprofessionalfightingman “A MidsummerNight’sDream”: tions. Thurs.-SunthroughSept238pmTheatre continued pageA13 “Child’s Play”:RobertMarasco'sthriller PrarfwrJ osberg4WendellPhillips Using bancS'anttlovskitechniquesas telephone: StarO’BreenandAssociates415332-8030. Berkeley. 9:30to4:30,$45.00.ForReservationsorinformation 449 PowellSt.,S.F. Flash andclass AdvitO'y ioord DANCE REVIEW DAT NIGHT rdian answer toDonaldMcKayle.Black, showy dancingofSouthernCali¬ here forsomeofthelightand mystical mumbo-jumboonefinds eographers' workastheMarin bright andtalented,hewasoneof fornia. ment doesondanceintheBay seem tohaveasmuchinfluenceon the dancerswassurprisinglyper¬ than “high”art,thetechnicalneat¬ offered byseveraloftheresident among certainchoreographers Area. Occasionally,itmightbe County personal-growthmove¬ wood andthefilmindustrywould suasive. TheproximityofHolly¬ oriented towardentertainment many Angelenosastheincipient n icetoexchangealotofthepsuedo- the lookandcontentofL.A.chor¬ ness andphysicalattractivenessof Los Angelescompanieswasmore Donald Byrdislookedtoby While thecontentofworks SanFrancisco.CA94110 Bay Guardian.270019th Street. Tara SafinsSsfl2411 heart-beat rhythms of the other “The only trouble with a place so dancers’ jazz at the end of “Coming good... is that it is becoming Out," it is not a victory of styles, but increasingly difficult to rather an acknowledgement that get into. ” jazz is after all what the Landrums James Armstrong do best. AFTER DARK MAGAZINE Jennifer Muller and the Works 1390 California at Hyda flew in from New York Saturday Reservation* 775-7674 night to replace the originally scheduled Pacific Northwest Sunday : NEW WAVE Ballet. It would be hard to imagine Fri.-Sat. : LATIN, FUNK. a company better suited to the chic REGGAE glamour of than S7YV0Y Muller’s. A former lead dancer Sunday 3-6pm $3 with Louis Falco, Muller has built 9/16 • TAMANO/NOH MERCY 9/23 • TOUCH TONES/ her five-year-old company into one MINIMAL MAN of the first truly Eighties companies TIVOLI Fri.-Sat. 9:30-l:30am $2 I have seen. Muller’s works glorify 9/14 • IRIE REGGAE BAND the dancer as a sexy, fashionable 9/15 • CONTRABANTIEMPO creature. (REGGAE) A piece like her “Speeds” (1974), 9/21-22 • MIRASOL. looks like a Bloomingdales’ fashion show for apres jogging attire. The JAZZMO SERIES • Wed. The Landrum Dance Company’s modern-dance-as-cold men wear white linen suits with 9:30-l:30am $2 dlsco-Jazz-as-hot equation quickly became trite. 1434 Upper turned-up collars and pushed-up 9/12 • ED KELLY b FRIENDS 9/19 • GORILLA MY LOVE the few choreographers on the In the first vignette, Scott plays sleeves, while the women wear Grant festival's Friday night program enticingly with a bamboo parasol. layered blouses, pants and dresses. 9/18 • Benefit for Beatitude with 362-7023 Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence who held his own against the seduc¬ The hint of orientale in her silk Like an American version of Ferlinghetti, Bob Kaufman tion of surface prettiness. Byrd’s costume and parasol is stylistically Bejart's Ballet of the XX Century, NORTH and others. 8 pm. $4°° dance, "Oh For A Little Purse Of suggested rather than authenti¬ Muller’s dancers “dance” them¬ BEACH Money,” which he performed with cated. In the second vignette, her selves as much as they do her his company, the Group, is an skirt has become a party dress, and choreography. oddly private and yet confronta¬ she sits demurely on the edge of her “Speeds” plays on all the possible AN ALL-NEW VERSION tional piece. "Oh" opens with a chair— an expectant wallflower. jargonistic connotations of the OF THE COMEDY-THRILLER spotlighted trio of figures who For the final section, Scott wears word speed, from its use as a syn¬ YOU CAN stamp their feet in an urgent bare¬ deliberately awful polka-dot onym for amphetamines to its SINK YOUR TEETH INTO. footed rhythm. Byrd and Donna bloomers. She sings along with meanings in terms of dance pacing “Superb.” Jack Brooks KGO Radio Sternberg and Teri Weikel, the Jelly Roll Morton and almost con¬ and life styles. Likewise, the word other two members of the trio, vinces us that it is possible to make a “changes,” which the dancers in A ROUSING SMASH!” — Rex Reed, Dally Newt wear the faded, baggy clothes of dance about nothing more than “Speeds” shout at one another is poverty. They stare at the audience attitudinizing, timing and person¬ also played for its literal and collo¬ with the vacant looksof hunger and ality. quial meanings as the dancers ON • 4SS BROADWAY exhaustion. Spider Kedelsky, the artistic change tempos, directions, part¬ TUES-FRI 8:00 Sat 3& 8:00 SUN 3 & 7:30 TICKETS AT ALL AGENCIES, a The dynamic of Byrd’s move¬ director of theL.A. festival, contri¬ ners and costumes. DAVID RICHMOND CHARGE BY PHONE: 398-0800 ments alternates between the buted "Dreamtime,” which he As much as she is a contemporary controlled pull of a high-arched performed with other members of pacesetter, Muller is also a shrewd ballet arabesque and the lazy the Orinoco Dance Theatre. To historian. Her 1973 piece, “Tub,” collapse of Irish clog dancing. One Craig Kupa’s electronic distortions reads like an avant-garde “Singin' "DELIGHTFUL senses immediately, however, that of Jewish prayer sounds, the seven In The Rain.” In this work, the dancers in “Dreamtime” flow from curtain rises on the figure of a ENTERTAINMENT!" Byrd’s work isn’t just eccentric for — Richard Freedman NEWHOUSE NEWSPAPERS the sake of being eccentric. It is one Laocoon-like grouping to woman sitting in a bathtub. She generated by real feelings and another. At times they look like rises, and we realize with a shock "A BRIGHT, CHARMING, intent. In the last moments of “Oh,’’ refugees from Kei Takei’s “Light that she has been sitting, costume DELIGHTFULLY IMMORAL TALE!" Byrd and his blonde female com¬ Part V.” Ultimately, however, and all, in real water. Eventually, — Judith Crist panions gradually fall back into even the seriousness of Kedelsky's six more of Muller’s leggy, lean "A beautifully generous, funny, their original stamping formation. theme seems modified to suit the dancers wander on and perform The manner in which their Tharp- overall "look” of his dance. Phrases these same opening ablutions of emotionally detailed view of a ian flings of legs and arms give way of movement in “Dreamtime" tend dunking themselves and their hair three-sided love affair." to look familiar because Kedelsky’s in the tub of water. to the tight control reminded me of — Veronica Geng THE NEW YORKER a cinematic flashback, as if the unifying idea doesn’t lead us to see As they swing their dripping entire middle section of the dance any dramatically new visions. Pas¬ heads, the water flies off in amber- "A MENAGE A CHUCKLES, were simply a means of catching us sions always seem tempered in the colored beads of light. With their a comedy of deadpan up to the image that opened it. interest of design as clumps of dripping costumes dinging to their bodies, the dancers exude a slick outrageousness." Madeline Scott and Karen bodies neatly fall into sculpted — Tom Allen VILLAGE VOICE Goodman, the two soloists on the poses. sexiness, and there is just the sugges¬ program, both performed works Jacqui and Bill Landrum’s tion that at their wilder post¬ "FRESH, BREEZY that tended toward a movement “Coming Out” feels like a hot jazz performance parties this may be visualization of the songs that routine that doubts itself. Dressed the take-off point for other acti¬ AND ENTERTAINING!" — William Wblt CUE MAGAZINE accompanied them. Goodman’s in Spanish-styled flamenco skirts vities. For all its apparent casual¬ “Theme With Blues Variations” is a and fitted high-waisted pants, the ness, "Tub” contains some clever back-to-back repetition of the same Landrums and another identically quotes. When Christopher Pilafian dance, the first time in silence and dressed couple coruscate across the first enters, the three preening the second with music. In "Theme” stage. Like disco royalty, they sell women onstage quickly rush to the Goodman parlays her good looks their sensuality with pouting tub and hide their heads in the and sexy manner into a performing mouths and swinging pelvises. As water, like true cygnettes. presence that wavers between soon as they exit, however, the “Lovers” (1978), the newest genuineness and artifice. The first driving rhythm of their music gives work Muller and company per¬ time Goodman moves through her way to the psuedo-serious strains of formed, also reminded me of hair-tossing, sultry walking solo, violins. A trio of two women (Juan¬ another historicdante work, in this she seems to be dancing herself. But ita Miles Dotson and Fraricine instance Martha Graham’s “Diver¬ when she repeats these same ges¬ O’Neil) and a man (Pieter Lems) sion of Angels.” Against the back¬ tures, and we see their very literal replaces them. This modern triad ground of a huge Gustav Klimt grounding in the lyrics of the keeps sweeping off the disco revel- painting of a reclining woman, the accompanying song, we feel erswith its cold purity. four couples in "Lovers” enter, one tricked for having believed her the Once it is established, this by one, and enact their respective first time. modern-as-cold and disco-jazz-as- phases of lovefrom adolescent infa¬ Betty Walberg’s “Just A hot equation quickly becomes trite. tuation to mature passion. Muller Moment,” which Madeline Scott The classroom-bland modern the builds the movements like the performed, is a similarly literal Landrums’ present is merely a foil emotions by having the later work. It’s use of accompaniment, to make their jazz appear all the couples' duets embody and expand A HIM BY COUNI SIRREAU however—Tom Waits, Edvard more vibrant. The obvious ballet the backward spirals and stretched Starring Sami Frey, Christine Murillo. Marin Gon/alc/ and Nit ole jjmet trainingthat is evident in both their split legs of the early couples. The Grieg and Jelly Roll Morton EXCLUSIVES.F. PREMIERE STARTS FRIDAY scores—is far more sophisticated modern and jazz dances belies this com missioned Keith Jarrett score and witty than Goodman's. “Just A whole notion of the separation of for “Lovers” grows and evolves LUMIERE California at Polk/885-3200 Daily at 1.3.5, Moment” presents a triptych of dance styles. When the three stoic with the same nice subtlety as Discount parking Holiday Inn, Van Ness at Calif. 7 15. 9 30 > THE BAY GUARDIAN DAY & NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 period images of a single woman. moderns finally succumb to the Muller’s choreography. ■ 11 12 > THE BAY GUARDIAN DAY & NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 L ■ I V I I CHAMPION JUICERS$159 VICHYSPRINGS VITAMIN BCOMPLEX100 IA,8hn countryroopsl FRESH ORANGE,CARROT,ANDWHEATGRASS CONTINUOUS RELEASE NATURALLYSPARKLING San Francisco 3872 24thSt. MAKE YOUROWNFRESHJUICE phone:285-2227 This couponisgoodfor1smallcupfreshsqueezed ANDPARNASSUSSTS. CORNEROFSTANYAN MINERAL WATER JUICE AVAILABLEATOURSTORES. Restaurants 19th&ULLOA SEVENTH ANDOURPRODUCETRUCKSAT CORNER OFFULTONAND 566-2511 OFFER GOODTHROUGH9/18/79 This couponisgoodforismallcupof FROZEN YOGURT VISIT OURSTORESAT At ourParnassusSt.Store ORANGE JUICE At ourHowardSt.Store FREE! FREE! with purchase with purchase COUPON COUPON 3 H9/18/79 Store M 1051 HOWARDST. BET.6TH&7TH 863-6842 We offerafulllineofdelicatessen $1.79 $;i9 $8.95 „T» ALL BAGELS BAKEDFRESHDAILY per 6-pack' GRAND OPENING per 100 COMPARE! 355 mlbottles 1 DozenAssorted egg creams desserts salads sandwiches &bythepound (Regular value$1.90) ON THEPREMISES SPECIAL BAGELS -with thiscoupon- J 4 s°r 99*v,,- I I I part whereItellyouhowgoodthe production, youcanreaditlaterif Arlington, Berk.,Wed-Sun.through She thenfallsasleepanddreamsthe Theulis' ratherperverselyartsy or "reinterpreting"hisintentions— favor ofcuttingShakespeare,and spoiled myenjoymentoftheprod¬ performances are.Ishouldsaythat Sept. 23.845-0303. dingnight, withherselfasTitania. rest oftheplay,upuntilherwed- run offtotheforestandmech¬ eavesdrop onthelovers’schemesto dream. TheulishasHippolyta can offergenuinelyilluminating director ofgenius,likePeterBrook, except inthoserarecaseswhena almost neverinfavorofchanging uction. none ofmyreservationsseriously you wantto,orskipdowntothe a fewreservationsIhaveaboutthe As therestislargelyconcernedwith have awonderfultime.Youshould Berkeley ShakespeareFestival,John A MIDSUMMERNIGHT’S BY ROBERTCHESLEY anicals’ plantorehearsetheirplay. as, ofallthings,Hippolyta’s conceit tostagethebulkofplay left mecold.I'malmostalwaysin Rae Theulishasdonewiththetext enchanting, thatJohnHinkelPark me to.tellyouthatit’slovelyand Hlnkel Park.SouthamptonRd.andthe DREAM, byWilliamShakespeare, insights byalteringtheplay.Itis know thatalready. Night's Dream.It’salmostsillyfor Shakespeare Festival'sMidsummer isthe perfectsetting,andthatyou'll lovers andgettotheBerkeley Quick! Getoutapicnicbasket The tinkeringthatdirectorMary That's thepointofthisreview. eats, takeyourfriendsand and packitwithyourfavor- midsummer night’s An enchanting THEATER REVIEWS entertainment some linesaredeliveredwith Forthe mostpart,itwasprettyeasy those, Theulis’"conception"was an originalideaabouthowtodi¬ that IdoubtShakespeareintended acter intheplay,Ithoughtthiswas some ofthenicepoetryplay. to forget. not nearlyasdamagingsome and notaboutanythinglurkingin scene isabouttheloversaspeople four loversaredefinitelytheirown fairies andeventhemechanicalsas sorts ofhiddenhostilitiesandinse¬ of theirpersonalities,revealingall to afewcontradictionsandpuz¬ interpretations arecharming. are twistedoutofhislanguage. broadly Americantelevision-style a shame.Andforthesakeoflaughs, and asHelenaismyfavoritechar¬ is upstagedbysomeshenanigans One ofHelena’spoignantspeeches effect, andthisisadisserviceto ardent declarationsofloveareun¬ play forbroadcomedy,andwhile tinkerings canbe,thankheavens. rect Shakespeare,ifwemusthave Hippolyta’s personality.Well,for selves— themagnificentquarreling part ofHippolyta’sdream,butthe curities underneaththeirpretty marish journeyintothedarksides dream somuchasitisanight¬ lovers' dream—anditisn’treallya nations. Thedreamis,afterall,the in exchangeanycompellingillumi¬ zles, muddiesupsomeofthemean¬ inflections—jokes andmeanings between LysanderandDemetrius, duly hurriedorplayedforcomic human comedyofthelovers.Some icals, itattimeseclipsesthesubtler this isappropriateforthemechan¬ romancings. Byastretchofthe ings oftheplayanddoesn’tofferus imagination, onecanacceptthe doesn’t reallyfitintotheplay,leads Reservations: 821-1515 410924thStreet,San Francisco,CA ~ MiuciuuV— Theulis hasdirectedmuchofthe Some ofTheulis’sadditionsand Cute idea,no?Thetroubleis,it ISMU U.I., RISTORANTE Garden Setting Italian Cuisine Mon.-Fri. noon-11p.m. Sat-Sun 2p.m.-11p.m. in a are supposedtobe. them, andwecanbelieveinthem flittery ortitterynonsenseabout graphed byKevinGardiner,are noid. Theulis’sfairies,costumedby should be—passionatelyfoolish, as thepowerfulearthspiritsthey the bestI’veeverseen.Thereisno willing todebaseherselfutterly tailed performanceasOberon,and Merrily AnnMurrayandchoreo¬ and quiteunderstandablypara¬ Robin _ScottiseverythingHelena gives amarvellouslyliveandde¬ expert performanceasBottom, find him.GailChugggivesan who isveryathletic,abitobtuse ning gownJudymighthaveworn, Morillas, inaretro-chicblackeve¬ ing humorinthecharacterrather making himveryhumanandfind¬ you neverknowwheretoexpect chortle punctuateshislines,and than inhamming.JulianLopez- and definitelynasty.Awicked few agreeableperformances. squirm. Ofthe25playersonstage, productions thefestivalhasoffered ites, omittingmentionofquitea I shallmentiononlymyveryfavor¬ stronger, atleastnoneofthemis the performancescouldbe such intenseforeplay. even ifwewonderatBottomfor stage. TheulishasalsomadeTita- nearly badenoughtomakeyou production morethanintheother headed Bottomamatterofpure this summer.Butevenifsomeof falling asleepafteranonslaughtof lasciviously. Andagain,it’sfun. ally isn’t,particularly),andit’sfun a lovablecharacter(whichheusu¬ famous observationaboutwhat lust—she actuallylickshissnout nia’s enchantedlovefortheass¬ to fallinlovewithacharacteron¬ fools weare—butitmakesOberon expresses displeasureatPuck’s mortal thanimmortal—heeven Demetrius spurnspoorHelena, she dotesupon.Adisplayofsuch lady andoutrageagainsttheheel Oberon isfullofcompassionforthe reactions makesthisOberonmore whether ornottheyare“correct”. reactions. When,forinstance, a comicchorusfortheaudience’s he takessides,actingsomethinglike not standalooflikemostOberons- hears thelovers’quarrels,hedoes directed Oberon.Whenheover¬ I especiallylikedthewayshehas Kevin GardinergivesusaPuck The performancesvaryinthis cedes the Mime Troupe's 20th Anniversary Bene¬ way, yet exactly that risk is re¬ continued from page A10 “Irving Berlin in Revue”: a tribute to NO SANCTUARY, A MIME the popular songwriter in celebration of his 90th fit Dance with Energy Crisis, former back-up band quired for a genuine exploration. political and social situations in San Francisco. birthday Produced and directed by Barry Koron for Country Joe MacDonald, and East Bay Mud by Mimesis. Performance PLAY, Much of the material pertains to the gay scene, Thurs -Mon at 8 30 pm. in an open-ended en¬ In addition, the Troupe will present a medley of Space, 1350 Waller, SF, Fri. and Sat- The play strayed even further but its 'for and about everyone "Fri and Sat gagement Chi Chi Theatre Club. 440 Broadway "greatest hits" from past shows 9 pm until 2 am through Sept. 22,285-3719. from the scariness of the mind's through Oct 1 7 30 pm Presented by KatosRota $7. $8 on Fri and Sat. 392-6213 at California Hall. Polk and Turk $3.50 advance, at the Top Floor Gallery, 330 Grove (behind the $4 at the door 285-1717 secret mythologies with its social Opera House) $3 50, $3 students, retired “Beach Blanket Babylon Goes to the Stars": Steve Silver presents the latest incar¬ “Salmon Show”: a one-person entertain¬ 861-8362 commentary on our consumerist nation of the long-running musical "Beach Blan¬ ment about fish, George Jackson and multi¬ “Much Ado About Nothing”: Shake- national corporations by Bob Carroll The NY society. A minotaur is an awesome ket Babylon Goes Bananas' with a Snow Whjte- No Sanctuary is the first pro¬ speare s romantic comedy with sharp tongued in-Tmseltown theme Wed -Thurs at 8 pm. Fri. Times called it "outlandish, ebullient and puri¬ duction by an experimental figure— but here is one giving satir¬ lovers Beatrice and Benedick, presented by the and Sat at 8 and 10:30 pm, and Sun. at 3 and fying as a mountain stream " Hosted by Paul Proteus Players Fri. and Sat through Oct 6 8 7 30 pm Club Fugazi. 678 Green $8-$8 50 Krassner Fri/14 and Sat/15 at 8 pm at the Inter¬ mime theater called Mimesis, ical commercials for perfume and pm at Epic West, 2640 College (near Ashby), 421-4222 section, 756 Union Both shows are to benefit Fay Berk $4, $3 students, seniors 549-1844 Stendet, a lawyer/worker m prison reform and the which grew out of the Theatre of pain-relievers. The juxtaposition is Wild “The Taming of the Shrew”: women s movement, seriously injured in a recent “Dames at Sea”: Miller. Haimsohn and West Ltd re-mterprets the Shakespearean jarringly discordant and rings assassination attempt $5 A no-host bar opens at Man. The play intends to be an ex¬ Wise s fast-stepping musical. Fri and Sat classic and sets it at the American Irontier. Di¬ 7 pm 397-6061 ploration of the psyche of a female false, at least for me. through Oct. 13. 8:30 pm Plus Thurs from Sept rected by James Dunn. Tues-Sat. at 8 pm and 13 to Oct. 4 at 8 pm The Masquers Playhouse, Sun. at 2 and 7 pm in an open-ended engage¬ “The Best of O.A.T.CO.”: the One Act office worker as she daydreams by I would not concern myself with 105 Park Place, Point Richmond 526-1038 ment Cannery Theatre, 2801 Leavenworth. Theatre Company of SF goes on tour this fall with the water cooler. While the piece is the show’s weaknesses if I did not “Dancin’ Bob Fosses's new musical 441-6800 an evening of three favorite one-act plays from its entertainment Daily through Oct 13 Mon.-Sat repertoire Tennessee Williams' "A Perfect earnestly and expertly performed care about it. I respect the serious¬ at 8 30 pm. Sun at 7 pm. and Wed and Sat at CLOSING Analysis Given by a Parrot." Lady Gregory's by Sandra Jean Crossman, who has ness of the intention. There is 2:30 pm The San Francisco Civic Light Opera at “Babes in Arms”: the show must go on as "The Rising of the Moon" and Lorees Yerby's the Orpheum Theatre, 1192 Market $8.50- Los Altos Conservatory Theatre presents the old "Save Me a Place at Forest Lawn " Thurs/20- taught mime at the Theatre of Man enough that is of value in No Sanc¬ $20 50 552-4002 Rodgers and Hart musical about summer stock Sun/23 at Epic West, 2640 College. Berk 8 30 pm plus a 2 30 pm matinee on Sun $4. $3 students, for several years, I found the play a stompin', apprentices struggling to stage an original musi¬ tuary that I want to see more of “Ain’t Misbehavin’ semgrs 548-1844 Tues/25 at the Jewish Com¬ struttin'. high-hattin" tribute to Fats Waller, with cal revue In repertory through Sept 15 at 8 pm itself (written by Jeff Barber) only munity Center, 3200 California 8 pm $4 346- what Mimesis hastooffer. Their re¬ more than 30 songs composed, collaborated on. 97 Hillview Ave., Los Altos $4 50 Wpc-Thurs. 6040 Wed/26 at SF State s Barbary Coast, 1650 sporadically effective. or simply recorded by the great jazzman Tues. and $5.50 Fri-Sun 941-5228 sources include not only Holloway. 8 pm 469-2444 O.AT CO s number: through Thurs at 8 pm. Fri. and Sat at 8:30 pm, The intention of the piece is cer¬ Crossman's fine technique but “How the Other Half Loves”: Alan 421-6162 Wed and Sat at 2 30 pm and Sun at 3 pm, Ayckbourn's comedy of manners using a set that tainly serious and respectable, but Robert Tomlin’s skill with electron¬ through Oct 14 The Curran Theatre. 445 Geary at once represents the living rooms of two sub¬ “The Land of Dress Me Up Nice”: a $10-$19 673-4400 urban homes, revealing the simultaneous action one-man show m 33 poems by Irwin Rosen. Tues/ the material at times seemed in¬ ic music. Jeff Barber’s material 18 at 8 pm at the SF Jewish Community Center, “A Delicate Balance”: Edward Aibees of the two couples dwelling within Wed -Sun at 8 3200 California $3. $2 students 346-6040 authentic to me. There is peril in a may be raw and, at times, thin, but Pulitzer Prize-winning play about the fracturing of pm plus Sun at 2 30 pm through Sept 16 Reims- Joffe Productions at the Showcase Theatre, 430 journey into the unconscious, as we it is also, at other times, interesting a neurotic Connecticut family With actors Mi¬ * “Intrigue at ‘AhPah’ ”: a musical chael Liebert, Mary Rose McMasler and Barbara Mason (at Geary). 421-6162 comedy written in the style of a Bogey/Bacall can see, say, in Sam Shepard's Sui¬ and effective. Oliver, directed by Don West. Tues -Sun through SHORT RUNS mystery thriller with "Scar Tissue," an infamous cide in B Flat orin the work of some The best sequence was one that Oct. 21 Tues.-Sat at 8 pm and Sun at 2 and 7 female gumshoe, a legendary trout and the pm Berkeley Repertory Theatre, 2980 College ★ “Sketches”: a sequence of character Ahpah Creek An original play by the Dell'Arle of the Bay Area’s more interesting did present genuine fear. Cross¬ Ave , Berk. $4-$9 sketches depicting a Northern California rural Company from Blue Lake, California. Sat/15 and family by Steve Morris A Wednesday-One-Act at Sun/16 at 2 pm in Golden Gate Park, behind .the dance/theater groups. But “Grand Illusion”: Donald McClean pre- No man is alone at a bus stop, and from the Berkeley Stage Company Wed through Sept. DeYoung Museum, and Tues/18 at 11:30 am in sents a revue of music, magic and humor, fea¬ 26 at 8 pm 1111 Addison St. Berkeley 99« Sanctuary uses rationality to ward the surrounding darkness low, sug¬ turing illusionist Marshall Magoon, with grand Harney Plaza at the University of SF. 2445 548-4728 Golden Gate Free (707)668-5411. off a confrontation with these per¬ gestive male voices menace her. illusions constructed by John Gaughan, who built all the illusions for Doug Henning's TV specials “The Physicists”: Friedrich Durrenmatt's PERFORMANCE ART ils. Events in the character's inner Her mime-dance conveys a power¬ and stage shows Wed and Thurs at 8 pm. Fri. psycho-comedy involving nuclear secrets, Isaac journey have too literal and con¬ ful sensation of terror, and Tomlin antf Sat at 8 and 10 pm, and Sun at 3 and 7 pm Newton and Albert Einstein, directed by John Chi¬ ★ “Noise Sculpture”: a progressive per¬ Hippodrome Theater. 412 Broadway $6-$8. $2 chester at the Florence Schwimley Little Theater formance executed by Dean Schoeppler over a scious a symbolism, and I was has supplied some frightening elec¬ off for children and seniors. 982-2343 Fri/14 at 8 30 pm and Sat/15 at 2:30 and 8:30 pm. five day period. He will set up an environment Allston Way between Grove and Milvia Sts.. Berk tempted to call out "Do something tronic whooshes representing cars “The Passion of Dracula”: an aii-new version of the classic vampire tale directed by $2.50. 845-2308 continued page A17 you don’t understand! Do some¬ speeding by. Here we are indeed Bob Hall Tues.-Fri. at 8 pm. Sat at 7 and 10 30 “Scenes from Lite”: the Flash Family's thing that scares you— that scares imperiled. pm. and Sun at 3 and 7:30 pm in an open-ended exploration of the human condition created spon¬ engagement. On Broadway Theatre, 435 taneously from audience suggestion. Sat/15 and us! ” The play seems to be using the If No Sanctuary failed for me, it Broadway $8-$12 398-0800 22 at 8:30 pm. Fort Mason's Blue Bear Music premise of a journey into the un¬ was not a total failure. There is “Asparagus Valley Cultural Society": a Hall. Bldg 314. Laguna and Marina Blvds $3. 441-4384. conscious as a way of illustrating some measure of genuine daring musical comedy revue blending magic, music, stand-up comedy, pantomime and side-show ★ “Squash”: the San Francisco Mime consciously preformulated ideas. here, and an interesting failure is Tues.-Thurs at 8:30 pm, Fri. and Sat. at 7 and 10 Troupe's latest hardhitting musical comedy about No Sanctuary does not dare to give pm. and Sun. at 3 and 7 30 pm $6 50-$8 50. An the gas shortage, community gardens and the still my second favorite kind of open-ended engagement Phoenix Theatre, 430 abuse of power Sat/15 at Precita Park, Alabama up its pat ideas for fear of losing its show. ■ Broadway. 397-3700 and Precita. 2 pm. Free. This performance pre- ■cremation- r A

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Mon-Fri 11:30-2 pm Fri & Sat 6-8:30 pm finest ice cream other evenings for business Indian Cuisine and private functions 242 CHURCH STREET reservations recommended ► THE BAY GUARDIAN DAY & NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 SAN FRANCISCO/431-6090 Est. 1972 1616 Webster, Oakland 763-1112 14 8pm attheSanFrancisco Art > THE BAY GUARDIAN DAY & NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 showcase forpersonal and avant-garde films. The admis¬ Cinemathique, the BayArea film. Aonce-a-month Fri.series sion is$1orone8mm or16mm and C.l.A.9pmuntil2amat tonight's performersareS.V.T. sessions areopentothepublic: musicians. Fri.andSat.night reserve tickets:346-2384. 1683 Folsom.$3.Callaheadto sound servingnewwave, reggae andothertypesof tonight, whichwillbealive Beautiful, opentheOP.Studio er producersattheTemple Olufunni Presents,theform¬ $20.397-6061. bar. BoardatPier39.at7:45pm. recording facilityforvideoand hors d'oeuvresandanohost ances bySuggstheMimeand ver. Leila T.Snake.MorrisBobrow Amanda Hughesandperform¬ Gold BayCruiser,features- 4190. Studio, 2840Mariposa.$3.552- 8:30 pmattheMangrove ment whichalsoincludesa hosts theevening'sentertain¬ ger Quartetwithvocalist dancing totheJenniferClevin- for theArtsaboardBlueand section andBayAreaLawyers tain DanceTheaterofVancou¬ the men'sperformancecollec¬ by JohnLeFanofMangrove, tional movement,isperformed 3101. sion chargeincludesapost¬ Jarashow ofSignscope,Ven¬ The filmhasaregularvoice¬ Theatre, 429Castro,at8pm. Georgia Browfi,""Lovefor get ofarecentassasination Times, andhasplayedinNY, was called"outlandish,ebul¬ multi-national corporations, about fish,GeorgeJacksonand one-person entertainment ★ BringYourOwnFilmtothe raffle ofnotableartobjects, “Cruise,” abenefitforInter¬ ing artisticdirectoroftheMoun¬ tive, andFreddieLong,found¬ choreographed andimprovisa- ext. 32or(forthedeaf)TTY848- buffet. Fortickets:841-4776 show receptionwithwineanda tura, California.The$15admis¬ deaf cultureisgivenitsworld “Think MeNothing,”afilm Conservatory ofMusicat8pm. attempt. AttheIntersection, are tobenefitFayStender,an shows, at8pmtonightandSat., now SanFrancisco.Thetwo England, Wales,Hamburgand lient andpurifying"bytheNY “Salmon Show,”BobCarroll's “Step onIt,”aneveningof language. ProducedbyDavid over soundtrackaswellsign premiere tonightattheCastro made bythedeafabout 564-8086. Sale," and"TheManILove." Program includes"Sweet piano concerttonightatthe opens at7pm.397-6061. 756 Union.$5.Anohostbar prison reform,whowasthetar¬ East Baylawyer/workerin Lady ofJazz,givesafreejazz Heilman Hall,1201Ortega. * BeulahForbes,SF'sFirst ^ight ©ay Friday 14 ^College's CenterforContemp¬ at theFreightand Salvage warmest songsaround, plays and 11pm.1827 SanPablo, tonight andSat.Two showsat9 sweetest voice and the 2700 ext.337. Berk. 548-1761. on theConcertHallStage,5000 orary MusicConcertandPer¬ MacArthur Blvd.,Oakl.632- formance Seriesthisyear.8pm olives, whistlesandstonesin who playswithbells,glass, Kate Wolf,whohasthe concert tonighttoinitiateMills addition tothemoreexpectable instruments, givesafree acts, jugglers,dancers,fire entertainment—bands, stage Stroll offersawidevarietyof Avenue, NorthBerkeley. benefit fromanauctionand dreds ofitemsandcharities stilt-walkers andmore.Solano eaters, streettheatergroups, from 5to9pmohSolano Stroll t-shirtsales.Free.Today merchants willgiveawayhun¬ 441-5705. jazz pianoandvisualimagesat tonight at8pm.Bldg.314, present aneveningoflyrical Gate Park.$1.50,50®under18. Academy ofSciences,Golden American lifeorganizedbythe by seventyphotographers ★ DavidMahler,amusician ★ TheThirdAnnualSolano Laguna andMarinaBlvds.$3. fate China," atHerbstTheatreinthe Tues., Wed.andFri.,10amto graphers Annual.Theshow editors ofTheBlackPhoto¬ collection ofviewsintoblack between 1908and1977,opens an exhibitionof150workstaken 8486 Fort Mason'sMarinaMusicHall Ed AnselandSteveMangold 752-8268. 2 pm;Sat.andSun.at12:30, frontier, the2,000yearold women ofInnerMongoliain arts, includingapremiereof Veteran’s Bldg.,VanNessand es fromtheProvincesof 863-8800. Thurs. VanNessatMcAllister. today attheSanFrancisco Institute, 800Chestnut,586- at 7:30pm.AttheCalifornia and 3:30pm;Wed.Thurs. earthquakes andtheultimate sunspots, U.F.O.'s,quasars, sky showopeningtodayatthe “Mysterious Universe,”anew $7 and$10.$1offforseniors. matinee at2pmonSat.$3,$4, Sat. at8pmwithanadded Zhejiang Province.Tonightand their dailyworkofpatrollingthe itional dance,musicandmartial The CaliforniaFolkDance sion isfreefrom6to10pmon am to10pmonThurs.Admis¬ 5 pmonSat,andSun.,10 Museum ofModernArt.A “The BlackPhotographer,” look atsomecosmicpuzzles: Morrison Planetarium,offersa 781-4432. "Mending Fishnets,"fromthe “Red RibbonDance,"and "Daughters oftheMongolian sists ofcontemporaryandtrad¬ Association performs"Danc¬ um hoursare:10amto6pm runs throughNov.4andmuse¬ Frontier," portrayingthe McAllister. Theprogramcon¬ ^Calendar through Oct.13.775-5500. to theIn-Water BoatShowand on theEstuary,free boatrides a craftsshow,water skishow am. Commentaryon theraces, winners shouldreturn tothe tinues onSatafternoons sionals Orchestra,Theatre speed is80milesanhoursothe Oakl. at9:15am.Average Jack LondonSquareMarinain times. Theboatsleavefromthe the GoldenGateBridgeeight ship foroffshorepowerboat Oakland istheU.S.Champion¬ the SanFranciscoSymphony Today andSun.at2pmbehind Marina sometime after 11:30 and outoftheBayunder Concert Hall,5000MacArthur 4:15 pm.Thefreeseriescon¬ Square's EastPlaza.2:15until giving afreeconcertinthe today with50musiciansfrom Anniversary Celebrationstarts Gate. Free.(707)668-5411 Golden GateParkandThurs/18 acrobatics intoamysterythril¬ porates music,comedyand of BlueLake,Califoi'nia,incor¬ Level. Free. speed boatsracing200milesin The BenihanaGrandPrixof seniors. 632-2700ext.317. Blvd., Oakl.$4,$1students, Zann" andBetsyJolas's Geist's "TheMusicofErich at 11:30amHarneyPlaza, the DeYoungMuseumin infamous femalegumshoe." style starring"ScarTissue, show bytheDell'ArteCompany Embarcadero Center'sPodium Chorale Group.1to4pmatTwo Company andtheBechtel California Hall,PolkandTurk. 527-3622. California (atTaylor).$8.50. York Times,appearsatthe racing withmorethan40high¬ "Quartet inDMajor,"John tonight featuringMozart's second yearinresidencyat The KronosQuartetbeginsits University ofSF,2445Golden ler writtenintheBogey/Bacall Flamenco, theOneActTheatre by ACT.,theSFYoungProfes¬ three hoursofperformances Childcare available.285-1717, past shows.9pmuntil2amat turing musicbyEnergyCrisis, at abenefitdancetonightfea¬ Concert Series.7:30pm.1111 music" accordingtotheNew "Quartet No.3."8pminthe Month continuestodaywith $3.50 advance,$4atthedoor. medley of“greatesthits"from addition, theTroupeperformsa East BayMudandMacaw.In Celebrate theSanFrancisco part oftheToday'sArtists Mills Collegewithaconcert Festival celebratingCityArts Mime Troupe’s20thbirthday Masonic Auditoriumtonightas Odetta, whohas"themostglo¬ rious voiceinAmericanfolk ★ GhirardelliSquare's15th ★ “IntrigueatAhpah,”anew ★ TheEmbarcaderoCenter JS, EAST BAY Theatre, VanNessandMc¬ Allister. $4,$6,$8.$10.431- porary musicandformerchild organists andtheSFBallet 3433. today at3pmintheHerbst of heralmamaterattheage prodigy (shejoinedthefaculty interpreter ofChinesecontem¬ Anna Teng,thewest'sleading comedy tonightat theLaurel 14), givesherSFdebutconcert Sentence." 2pmat800Chest¬ The formatiscasualand work and/orrelatedsubjects. on GearyatGoughnearVan organ, "unquestionablyoneof and BachonSt.Mary'sRuffatti Orchestra playingconcertosby American GuildOrganists advance, $7.50atthedoor. James BookerandtheNew guests AaronNeville,EarlKing, and theWildTchoupitoulaswith a talkentitled“TheNew Santa Cruz.7:30 and 10pm. seats. the finestexamplesoforgan¬ Saint-Saens, Haydn,Mozart Memorial Concertpresents10 397-4334. Battery. 8and11pm.$6.50 Orleans musicoutsideofthat Sounds ofNewOrleans,”the “Mardi GrasMambo—The nut. Free.771-7020. local poet,startstheserieswith serious. Audienceparticipation Series: "Artiststalkabouttheir Call 444-3188forfurtherin¬ music goonduringtherace. (405)427-1984. $3.50, $2.50seniors, children. Community Center, 301Center, around," performanevening hound, anddownrightjoystobe best boys,theheart'smain The FlyingKaramazov Ness. Free.Comeearlyfor 7:30 pm.St.Mary'sCathedral, building intheworldtoday." Orleans All-Stars.Tonightand city, starstheNevilleBrothers most diverseshowcaseofNew starts at1:05pm.Ticketsare$5 am, ballfanswithcamerascan Candlestick Parkandthat 648-1181 arts andcraftsfoodfrom live music,folkdancegroups, is inevitable."RonSilliman, formation. of jugglingand vaudeville cream ofthecrop,band's word andsickleslingers,the Kesey as“hum-dingers Brothers, describedbyKen Mon. attheOldWaldorf,444 al. 467-8000. box, $4reservedand$1gener¬ against theHoustonAstrosand area ofthefield.Thegameis favorite Giantsinadesignated snap close-upphotosoftheir means thatstartingat11:45 the MissionDistrict,andoffers first annualculturalfestivalin ival, sponsoredbythe24thSt. It’s Brooks’CameraDayat am to6pmon24thSt.between Mexico andLatinAmerica.11 Merchant's Association,isthe Mission andHampshire.Free. ★ The3rdAnnualBiggs ★ The24thSt.CulturalFest¬ ★ SFArtInstituteTalk Sunday 16 $2.50.841-5580. tuck (atBerryman),Berk. and originallyrics.8pmatthe traditional jazz,scatsinging sent aprogramofmodernand 642-5132. and fourinstrumentalistspre¬ “Kava Kava,”threevocalists bring blanketsandpillows,j above theUCBerkeley Science Plaza,onthehill Live OakTheatre,1301Shat- campus. Nochairsprovided; pm ontheLawrenceHallof oni, Pachelbel,Mozart,Alben- iz, GershwinandPorter.3:30 gram includingworksbyAlbin¬ oboist HerbLashnerinapro¬ ures vocalistEvelynShiroand free concertbytheBerkeley Archive onSun.afternoonsat Promenade Orchestra,feat¬ 2 pm.2626Bancroft,Berk. os." Partofacontinuingvideo Free. 642-1438. series atthePacificFilm talking aboutthemselves. tapes: "LearningtoTalk,"with Payne" and"PaulineOliver- "Mitchell's Death,""Mitchell Linda aseightpersonalities Montano showshervideo¬ ★ “IndianSummerPops,”a ★ PerformingartistLinda jazz series.9:30pm.781-0697. The JenniferClevinger as partoftheMon.nightlocal Quartet playstonightatthe tickets are$5unreserved and Van NessandMcAllister, on Sun.Thelectureistonight Gallery toinauguratetheir presented bytheGrapestake of America'smostimportant a lecturebyAnselAdams,one “My LifeinPhotography”is Center, PodiumLevel.The Center oftheFineArtsMus¬ Keystone Korner,750Vallejo, Today throughOct.15.For 931-0779. Gallery, 2876 California. Oct. 27atthe Grapestake exhibit canbeseen through $7.50 reserved,431-3433. The at 8pmtheHerbstTheatre, exhibit ofhisworkthatopened living photographers,andit's tional Park.12noonto5pm, the creationofYosemiteNa¬ artists playedinencouraging show concentratesontherole eums, ThreeEmbarcadero opens todayattheDowntown drawings andmemorabilia of paintings,photographs, foundation: 621-2300. between CastroandDolores. enlarged tobillboardsizedis¬ seven originalphotographs outdoor settings,consistsof ted toplacingfineartworkin vironmental artgroupdedica¬ and EarsFoundation,anen¬ show sponsoredbytheEyes Mon.-Sat. Free.434-1407. more information,callthe played onupperMarketStreet ★ Abillboardphotography ★ “Yosemite,”anexhibition Monday 17 of Events Wed. backedupbytheSan at HerbstTheatretonightand movie Outrageous,appears Craig Russell,whoplayedthe impersonator inJohnWater's hairdresser -turnedfemale Tuesday fervently thanbythosepogoing of X’s,thefirstnewwave/rockand shirts, issuddenly,irrevocablyir¬ punkiest.,thatphrase, of questionableappeal,eventothe often ontheorderofablinddate— where theliveentertainmentis alternative totheslickdiscoshas punks andpunketteswhosemain This MessAround.”Onlythesure slipped fromMagazine’sdemonic opening nightsattracteda50/50 Howie Klein.Lastweek,theclub's Richard Gossettandpunkmaven disc jockeysBeverlyWilshireand the collectivebrainofex-KSAN overnight, changedtheverymean¬ which hasstartedoffcountlessT- been theafter-hoursMabuhay, segues. Ofcourse.Kleinandguest ears ofGossettandWilshirecould “Shot fromBothSides”tothe to adanceablesoundtrackthat pogo andevenhippy-hippyshake out totwist,frug,mashedpotato, early-to-late twentieswhoturned mix ofmenandwomenintheir ing oftheterm"disco"inthiscity. roll discoontheWestCoasthas, relevant. Passe,even.Thecreation the ubiquitousExplosionsman- disc jockeysBenFong-Torrcsof have managedsuchexquisite B-52’s beachpartyesque"Dance the NameofLove"andoverto Supremes' melodramatic“Stop!In Rolling StoneandPearlGatesof Disco sucks!"It'safamiliar X's hassprungfull-blownfrom 18 THIS MESS AROUND!” rant, neverscreamedmore “DANCE Richard Gossett,BeverlyW The brainsbehind “Change the World: It Needs It” is an evening with German poet, playwright and lyricist Leon Marlell, Jim Turner and Merle Kessler In an Ingmar Bergman parody, “Sonata My Fault.” Bertolt Brecht as interpreted and performed by Ina Wittich, a German actress. 20 songs including "Mack the Knife,” "Abortion is Illegal” and "Pirate Jenny." Tonight through Sept. 28 on Thurs. and WEBBED Fri. and Oct. 5 through Oct. 27 on Fri. and Sat., 8 pm. Fort FEET Mason's Music Hall, Bldg. 314, Laguna and Marina Blvds. $3. OVER 441-5705. ★ City Celebration’s Thurs. afternoon free concerts honor¬ AMERICA ing the SF senior citizen com¬ munity continue today with Duck’s Breath Mystery Theatre Pee Wee Ellis and the Assem¬ kicks off a 2'A-month nation¬ bly, the Jazz Art Movement and the Elinore Coleman wide tour with their “long- Dance Ensemble. 12 noon until berated" return to the Great 3 pm in the Band Concourse, American Music-Hall on Sat., Sept. Golden Gate Park 552-4387 15. The screwball comedy troupe — which took a summer hiatus EAST BAY from official live performances to hold a comedy workshop, write and debut three one-act plays and “The Best of the One Act Theatre Company” tours the establish a kid-rock band called Bay Area this fall; three of the Child’s Portion—was seen on an most popular plays from its ABC-TV network special. ‘The repertory: Tennessee Wil¬ Lisa Hartman Show,” in late June. liams' “A Perfect Analysis The Duck’s roadshow (Webbed Given by a Parrot," Lady Greg¬ ory's "The Rising of the Moon” Feet Over America?) will include and Lorees Yerby's "Save Me 35 engagements at clubs and col¬ a Place at Forest Lawn.” The leges in a dozen states—from rural first stop is Epic West, 2640 Kentucky to their first bite in the College in Berk, tonight Big Apple. through Sun. at 8:30 pm with DUCK'S BREATH MYSTERY an added 2:30 matinee on Sun. $4, $3 students, seniors. 548- THEATRE, Sat.. Sept. IS, 8:30 1844. O.A.T.C.O.'s number: and II pm. Great American Music 421-6162. Hall, 859 O'Farrell St., S.F. Tick¬ ets $5, available in advance at the Music Hall box office and major agencies. For more info, call 885- 0750. —Michael Branton

Francisco Big Band. 8:30 pm Cherkovski, Jennifer Doane is the title of a symposium to¬ aged to keep the dance floor in the War Memorial Opera and Gary Johnston plus guitar¬ night hosted by the Berkeley crowded, too. House, Van Ness at McAllister. ist Steven Taylor. 8 pm. $4. Historical Society. Five creeks Friday According to Klein, the city's $8.50, $10.50, $12.50. 431- 362-7024. and innumerable tributaries overnight sensation will keep the 3433. Learn how to get started as a flow through Berkeley, but Nancy Karp and Joanne most are covered up, polluted kids happy with offbeat guest disc Anita O’Day records her first freelance writer at a workshop Kelly, two Bay Area choreo¬ or culverted. In 1915, a propo¬ jockeys, including, in coming live American album in twenty featuring established news graphers, present an evening years from the stage of the City and magazine writers present¬ sal was made to preserve the of their works at 8:30 pm weeks, members of groups like the Showroom tonight through ed by the Media Alliance. creeks as thin strip parks so tonight at the St. Francis Hotel Clash and Talking Heads. And Sept. 30. Every night save Panelists include Merle T. that every home would be with¬ on Union Square. Karp's there’s more: occasional unan¬ Mon. at 9 and 11 pm. "One of a Wolin (People, Mother in a few blocks of a wooded ^Thursday dances, "River Canon," nounced live performances by handful of genuinely original Jones); Eve Pell (New West, pathway from the hills to the "Reminiscence" and "Jump¬ bay. Paradise! The Society ultra-hip underground groups like jazz vocalists in that music's California Living); Francis ing Phase” are performed to Moriarity (Washington Post, wants to take a look at what General Alexander Haig music by the Berkeley Game- Atlanta’s Brains and New York's history." Montgomery at Broadway. 391-7920. Berkeley Barb); Paul Grabo- can be done now to restore the speaks on “The Challenge lan. Kelly premieres'' Money & Suicide can be expected. witz (New Times, Washing¬ creeks. A community work Facing America" tonight at the Love" with music by Terry Last Tuesday, people were ton Post); Janet Hobson party will be organized to clean Flint Center, Foothill College, Allen. $5.648-9040. a stretch of derelict creek and Cupertino. This is the first turned away at the door after more (Science News, Rolling “Women in JazzMo: a con¬ EAST BAY community groups are espe¬ speech on a college campus than 500 were crammed into the Stone); and Nora Gallagher cert by Mary Watkins. Linda cially encouraged to come. in many years for the former 300-capacity club, which is adja¬ (Time-Life Publications). Tillery Group, and Alive at the 7:30 pm on the third floor of 7:30 pm at Strawberry Creek White House Chief of Staff and cent to the Old Waldorf at 144 Women’s Building, as part of Bldg. 312, Fort Mason, Laguna Lodge. 1320 Addison, Berk. NATO official. 8 pm. $6. 948- ★ “Oakland Symphony Music By the Bay's month-long Battery (the space is used for the and Marina Blvds. $3.50. 441- 849-3387. 2587. Week” is proclaimed today by festival. 8 pm. 3543 18th St. Punch Line comedy club on other 2557. Mayor Lionel Wilson at an hour $3.50474-5601. nights). Already, there is talk of long free concert with 50 The Institute of Celtic “The 12th Annual California expanding to seven nights a week. pieces from the Orchestra at Studies initiates a lecture BAY WINDOW by J. Michael Leonard Dressage Society Champion¬ But for now, $3 lets you hang out City Hall Plaza, Oakl. James series on “Celtic Society Past ship Show." C.D.S. members and hang loose from 8 p. m. to 1:30 Setapen conducts. This is one and Present” tonight with a have bumper stickers that say performance and discussion a.m. on Monday and Tuesday in a series of eight free public "Dressage: Ask Me What It concerts given throughout the by Shawn Folsom entitled evenings. Is." The answer: a four to eight East Bay to promote the Sym¬ "Pipes of the Celtic Peoples." year non-violent process of Do the Aqua- Vel va! phony's season ticket cam¬ The series runs on Fri. nights gymnasticizing a horse to the — Michael Goldberg paign. 12 noon. 444-3531. through Oct. 24; some other point where horse and rider act titles: "Status of Women in d the beat at X’s: and react as an integrated Celtic Society" (Sept. 26) and Wilshlre and Howie Klein. whole, the horse performing "Working Songs of the Gaelic as if on his own in response to Areas" (Oct. 24). 8 pm at Fort the unseen aids of the rider's Mason's Bldg. 312, Laguna hands, legs and weight. The and Marina Blvds. $2.50, $1.50 show runs today through Sun. seniors, students. 533-4666. at the Sonoma Fairgrounds in 19 Rick and Ruby are Roasted Santa Rosa, and all levels of by SF's comedy community training will be exhibited, but Wednesday tonight at the Great American Sat. night’s show is the Special Music Hall. Participants in¬ Events program, probably the A Beat Reunion with poets clude Mark McCollum, Bab most interesting to spectators. Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Fer¬ Sarlatte, Dana Carvey, Lor¬ One such event is the Pas de linghetti, Peter Orlovsky, Bob enzo, members of Duck's Deux competition, in which Kaufman and Harold Norse, Breath, Mark Miller and more. two horses perform a program five important post-WWII 9 pm at 859 O'Farrell. $6. of movements simultaneously American poets, celebrates 885-0750. in mirror image of each other., the 20th anniversary issue of For more exact schedule in¬ Beatitude, the literary journal formation, call: (707) 528-3247 published in North Beach. At ££§TBAY or (408) 996-7837. the Savoy Tivoli, 1434 upper THE BAY GUARDIAN DAY & NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 Grant in the North Beach. Also ★ Indicates general admis¬ performing are younger wri¬ ★ “The Berkeley Creeks: sion of $1 or less. A ters Charles Upton, Neeli Rediscovery and Restoration” —Jennifer Poole 15 16 > THE BAY GUARDIAN DAY & NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 writer/actor AlanAldaisaverynice who getsalotoutofsomeverynice senator (evenwhenpayingtheself- This isaverynicefilm.Screenplay- Thumperingly goodscreenplay's"if- lines. MerylStreephassomeverynfce The seductionofJoeTynan fling withAlda.Buteventuallythe lines herselfasamarriedattorneywho Barbara Harrisishisverynicewife imposed duesotseductivesuccess); thinks itwouldbeverynicetohavea B^T ZENAJONES A verynice “Seduction” BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS 369 PineSt.,#516B,SanFrancisco,CA94104,(415)421-7199| MICROFILMS _ZipSouth America□I Address___Africa □• Name___Asia □2 2 to17weeks,..andfrom$240$2345inc.4-wheeldrivevehicle| Norman, DayidHayes-Bautista,EliZaretsky man RonDellums,HarryBritt,RichardRiemer, WilsonRiles,Jr.,Pat and MichaelHarrington,LoniHancock,Rev.Cecil Williams,Congress¬ Child Care,PickleFamily Circus,CokeEscovedoBand, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 29 all partofFAMILYDAY, at LaneyCollegeinOakland Join UsWithYourSenseofAdventure,QuesttoExperiencethe| 10th &FallonStreet9am-7pm , ..withpartnerschildren.stressinfamilies Workshops, Entertainment.$1.00 admission.50<:forchildren. SEND COUPONTOABOVEADDRESSFORFREECATALOG| _• speakers include Rugged OverlandExpeditionsThroughRemote . .obstaclestointimacy.problemsofsingles Regions ofAsia,Africa&SouthAmerica• 3 mealsaday&campingequipment Dr. MichaelLemer Dr. BenjaminSpock Herb Kohl Betty Friedan & FamilyCounselor Director, TheInstituteforLabor&MentalHealth Author, GrowingWithYourChildren World-famous expertonchild-rearing Founder, NationalOrganizationofWomen(NOW) ™ s■•LLl.I Unusual &CampingSpirit• Expeditions Rangefrom The FirstNationalTeach-Inon he temporarilyleavestheothertwo the expression)comedybutnotmuch why hismarriagebrokeup).Butwhen female, undisciplinedanderratic; else, hereyouhaveamenage-a-trois Literally ascrewball(ifyouwillpardon Why Not? Fernard, whosexuallysharesbothand disciplined anderratic;Alexa,whois composed ofLouis,whoisgay,un¬ a whileuntilthenewcomerfinallyun¬ complications naturallyensue.Ittakes they're lostwithouthim,andwhenhe you'll alsohaveaprettygoodideaof is terribly,terriblytidy(whenyousee than substance,thoughit'salsovery you-can't-say-sumthin'-nice-don't-say- film seemsoverlong,anditendsup derstands thesexualsetupandmakes girl whohasfalleninlovewithhim, his conceptofaroomfortwokids acting. Theacting(especiallyStreep's) aren't niceatall:Alda'skidsandthe tors inthefilmthatverydefinitely nice toknowthatthereAREtwofac¬ the plotandreduceittomoresound nuthin'-at-all" overtonesunderwhelm Sept. 14;Lumiere,SF) really havingnoendatall.(OpensFri, ted soshallowlythatat93minutesthe her choice,butthethemeispresen¬ ing. (Royal,SF) isn't nice,it'ssimplysomewhatsmash¬ returns withanewupper-middle-class Info: 653-6166 B.Q .• BY MICHAELBRANTON scheduled toplay,hasbeencan¬ — "StrangeMan,Changed” and OldWaldorfareallpossibili¬ stone Komer,KeystoneBerkeley and oursourcestellusthattheKey¬ play somegigsintownbeforecon¬ celled. Thebandwilldefinitely (Just beforepresstime,welearned Standing herebeforeyouallalone duce myselftoyou/I’mnotreally ties.) tinuing withitsnationwidetour, which BramTchaikovskywas that theDayonGreen#4,at only thingthatkeepsmesaneisthe trying togetoutofacage../The sure whatitisI’msupposedtodo/ dressing roomandbeingonstage sound fromtheband." upon thisstage/Feelinglikeaman by BramTchaikowsky Man, ChangedMan(Polydor).*T title trackfromthealbum,Strange says BramTchaikowskyaboutthe one night.Iloveperforminglive, —the lull-before-the-stormfeeling, quite abit. but itdoeschangeyourperspective wrote itrightafterIgotoffstage That songisaboutthediffer¬ "Ladies andgents,letmeintro ence betweenbeingina Bram Tchaikovsky: in astrangeland Changed man MUSIC REVIEW shop attheSanFranciscoInterna¬ I couldwriteasongassingle,but emotion oropinion.Ihonestlywish a songwithanyothermotivein tional Airportinmid-July,acupof vocalist sitsinacornerofthecoffee- can’t doitlikethat.” mind otherthantoexpresssome me, they’rejustthere.Ineverwrite F ENGAGEMENTEXTENDEDTHRUNOV.24- basically tryingtogetoutof,” band hadn’twrittenany—they’d [Approved], andtherestof of songsforthesecondalbum stered booth.Amidtheclatterof sits besidehiminthevinyl-uphol¬ led hands.MickeyBroadbent one ofthethreeMotors]andsaid, way Iwanted’emto. do mysongs,theydidn’tsoundthe Motors wasthatI’dwrittenaload beeping ofthecashregister,Tchai- serving traysandthecomputerized (bass, guitar,keyboards,vocals) steaming javacradledinhisfreck¬ Bram says.“Butwhenwetriedto hit adrypatch,whichthey’restill debut albumbytheirnewgroup— and Broadbentarediscussingthe kowsky (realname:PeterBramall) also knownasBramTchaikowsky. Look, thisisgonnagetworseifwe The formerMotorsguitarist/ "Songs likethatjustsortofhit “What happenedwiththe “So IgotaholdofNick[Garvey, “HAPPIEST MUSICALTOHIT TOWN INYEARS.” Jack Brooks.KGORadio ECLECTIC OBJECTSOF SCIENCE&SPIRIT ' 399524THST.SANFRANCISCO i641-8626 2751A HYDE ST.SANFRANCISCO 673-1687 OPEN 11-9PM DAILYATTHEWHARF 11-8 PMSUN-THUR,10-9 PM-FRISAT Carole JShorenstemandJamesMNederlandcr Curran Theatre445GearySt.SanFrancisco.Ca.94102 Eves. 8.30pmWed.&Sat.Mats.2:30pm;Sun.Mat.3pm V-YhS™eP1 __&_GROUPSALE_S_ /VIDD AIMCHARGEBYPHONE BEST OFBROADWAY’(415)673-4400 Under TheDirectionol Tues. thruThurs.Eves.8pmFri.&Sat. earlier. vey andfellowMotorAndy anymore, ’causeitwasgonnabea mer KeithBoyce,usingthemon¬ around EnglandwjthBroadbent, group, Brambeganplayingpubs complete fuck-upifIdid.” point inmestayingtheband Bram explains.“Nick’sstillagreat porarily enlistedintheeffort. mostly filledwithtunesthatGar¬ that secondMotorsLP,whichwas And heagreedthat,therewasno let itcarryon.SoI'mgonnaleave.’ with usforawhile.Andcertain friend ofours.Hewasontheroad an oldjammingbuddy,anddrum¬ McMaster hadwrittenyears tween uswhenIlefttheband," iker Battleaxe.EvenGarveytem¬ record companiesthatshallremain Bram Tchaikovsky:“Rock’n’roll He didstaylongenoughtofinish “There wasnoanimositybe¬ Even beforeheofficiallyleftthe Emporium. Capwellsandmaioroutlets and makesmehappy.” is whatkeepsmegoing Box Office.BASS.Ticketron.Macys. Tickets atCurranTheatre nameless [obviously Virgin Rec¬ continued from page A13 “Breakfast in Marin”: a musical comedy Duck’s Breath Mystery Theatre: this “Reginald Figtree and Your Favorite through which noise will be used to create sculp¬ about a young woman from Ohio and her adven¬ screwball comedy Jroupe launches a national Ladies" "His exquisitely gowned puppets move, ords, the Motors' label] found out, ture, the public is invited to participate and should tures in Marin County Wed-Sat through Sat/15 tour with two shows at the Great American Music with astonishing realism, to the music of Gersh¬ and so he had to stop. But he did bring noise making objects of their own. Fri/14- and Wed and Thurs from Wed/19 to Thurs/27 8 Hall. Sat/15 at 8 30 and 11 pm 859 O'Farrell $5 win, Cole Porter, Rodgers and Hart, and others Wed/19 from 6 to 8 pm Works, 248 Auzerais pm, 7 30 pm on Sat Chez Jacques. 1390 Cali¬ 885-0750 Wed and Thurs at 8 30 pm and Sun at 7 30 pm help us produce and play on Ave . San Jose (408) 297-5740. fornia St. (at Hyde) $3 50. 775-7574 * through Sept The Open Theater. 441 Clement “Top Banana Finals”: a comedy com¬ spontaneous theater based $2 50 386-3086 Strange Man, Changed Man." ★ “Outdoor Month”: 80 Langton St ore- Flash Family: petition presented by Allen's Alley every com¬ on audience suggestion every Thurs at the Old sents outdoor installations and performances petitor wins first prize and applicants for judge “Change the World: It Needs It”: an Spaghetti Factory, 478 Green. North Beach $2 The boys soon dropped the name throughout the month of Sept Two ongoing positions had to proye their suitability to the co¬ evening with German poet, playwright and lyricist 441-4384 Battleaxe (“It was just a joke,” says events Carter Hodgkin installs a senes of side¬ medians F-«/T4-and Sat/15 downstairs at the Bertolt Brecht, as interpreted and performed by walk drawings in chalk and powdered pigments at Spaghetti Jam: improvisaiional comedy Boarding House. 960 Bush. 441-4333. Ina Witlich Twenty songs including "Mack the Micky, "and everybody took it ser¬ the corners of Folsom and Langton The drawings skits every Fn -Sat at 9 pm with a tree "midnight “The Rick and Ruby Roast”: Knife," "Abortion Is Illegal." "Hollywood Elegy iously— they thought it connotated will disintegrate and be re-done every week; best show" at 11 30 pm Jam members conduct a Roasters are among the top comedians in the and "Pirate Jenny " Thurs/20-Fri/28 on Thurs viewing days will be Weds. Sue Berkey installs a workshop on improv basics every Mon at 8 30 Bay Area Mark McCollum. Bab Scarlatte. Dana and Fri and Oct 5-Oct 27 on Fri. and Sat 8 pm real heavy metal music"), added sculpture of 100 mirrors on the east wall of 1038 pm Old Spaghetti Factory. 478 Green, North Carvey, Lorenzo. Ducks Breath Mark Miller. at Fort Mason's Music Hall. Bldg 314, Laguna Dennis Forbes on guitar and kept Howard which can be seen through Sept Fri/14, Beach $2 421-0221 Rosie Radiator and more 9 pm at the Great and Marina Blvds $3 441-5705 Robert Swick presents "Of Trust and Violation," San Francisco Funnies: Tony DePaui American Music Hall, 859 O'Farrell S6. 885-0750 “Judy’s Songs: A Celebration”: a right on gigging. a performance developed around the issue of presents stand-up comedy at the Holy City Zoo “Double Feature”: the Rocky Horror revue of Judy Garland songs and dance, pre¬ "the frustration of living and making art in San "I really love performing live,” Professional comedians on Sun. and Mon nights Picture Show and a theater group duplicating its viewing Fri. and Sat through Sept 15, before Francisco " At the parking lot adjacent to 80 at 9 pm Open mike on Tues. at 8 30 pm 752- entire cast and performing in tandem with the moving to SF in the fall 8 pm Santa Clara Arena Tchaikowsky enthuses. “You’ll Langton. This piece has an admission charge $2; 2846 movie. Every Sat at midnight at the Strand Thea¬ Theatre, 3091 El Cammo Real, Santa Clara $5 the other events are free. 626-5416 never, ever, ever, while you’re in a ★ Comedy Open Mike at the Owi and tre, 1127 Market St. 552-5991. 998-4126 studio, play with the intensity that COMEDY/CABARET the Monkey Cafe on Wed. nights at 8:30 pm 1336 “Quirks”: a revue in the classic tradition, ★ indicates general admission of $1 or less. 9th Ave (between Irving and Judah) 644-9892 which takes a satirical look at the Seventies Fri. —Jennifer Poole you do onstage. You might play Papaya Juice presents comedic improvi¬ “Comedy after Dark”: a midnight come¬ at 8:30 pm and Sat. at 7:30 and 10 pm Open with considerable amount of per¬ sation every Wed.-Fri at the Holy City Zoo, 408 dy series on Fri at the Chi Chi Theater Club, 440 Theatre, 441 Clement St. (at 6th Ave) $5 continued next page 386-3086. fection in the studio, but that gets Clement St. 9 pm. 752-2846 Broadway $3,1 drink minimum. 392-6213 boring. NickGarvey is of the school of ’Let’s keep doing it until we get it right.’ There are certain tracks on Approved that took over one hundred tries to get the backing right! It just gets antiseptic after awhile. “Touring America with the Motors was really great, although I was the only one in the band who liked it. That was another of the things that made me think that maybe I was in the wrong band. “Now, you have to understand. There’s a tremendous difference between our culture and yours,” Bram continues. “We may speak English, but it’s not the same lan¬ guage. You always have to be very cautious. . . not cautious, but try to understand what people are really saying to you. Culture shock really got to Andy McMaster. It got to the stage where he just couldn’t handle Americans anymore. And I was getting along all right with Ameri¬ cans. In fact, one of the qualifica¬ tions for the new guitarist was that he had to be open to moving to America at some point. ” Bram Tchaikowsky—the band, that is— has gambled on stateside success with an album that is at least as commercially appealing as any of the Motors’ pop-rock anthems. Strange Man, Changed Man is, by and large, an upbeat ef¬ fort of energetic love songs softened by layers of easygoing guitar chords and ingratiating two-part vocal harmonies. While the album often works as snappy background fare, most of the material has been arranged so un- "I have flouted the Wild. offensively that it fails to grab the I have followed its lure, fearless, familiar, alone, listener with any earth-shattering Yet the Wild must win, and a day will come musical moments. Songs that might really tear the house down in When I shall be overthrown!' • Robert Service concert—“Bloodline,” “I’m the One That’s Leaving” and "I’m a Believer"—are delivered here in tidy, smoothly palatable earfuls. The British rock press hasn’t been kind to Bram Tchaikowsky. Reviewing the LP’s single, “Girl of My Dreams,” the bombastic New Musical Express likened it to main¬ stream AM radio pap lacking any gut-level feeling. The critic was un¬ The black sheep of Canadian liquors. usually succinct: “Neutered Tom, very Petty.” There's a breed of men with gypsy blood. Like these But Bram Tchaikowsky—the men, Yukon Jack is a black sheep, a liquor that goes man, this time—professes to care very little for commercial remuner¬ its own way. ation. He bristles at the suggestion Soft-spoken and smooth, Yukon Jack is unlike any that any of hismaterial waswritten Canadian spirit you've ever tasted. Its hundred-proof specifically for radio acceptance. Yukon “I’ve been playing guitar since I potency simmers just below the surface. was 11 years old, and if this album Straight, on the rocks or mixed, Yukon Jack is a taste born stops selling tomorrow. 1 can sur¬ of hoary nights when lonely men struggle to keep their vive," he raises his voice sharply. "I fires lit and their cabins warm. don’t need success, fame, all that Jack shit! I play rock 'n' roll for one reason— it’s what keeps me going with Blended Canadian Whisky. and makes me happy. That’s all 100 Proof Imported LlQUeUTmade

Yukon Jack. Imported and Bottled by Heublein Inc., Hartford, Conn, Sole Agents U.S.A.*©1907 Dodd, Mead & Co., Inc. > THE BAY GUARDIAN DAY & NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 that is important.” ■ For a full color 40" x 30” poster of this original art, send $2.00 to Poster Offer, P.O. Box 11152, Newington, CT 06111. 5 ► THE BAY GUARDIAN DAY & NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 a non-profit tducalionaC Alliance Francaise4i4Masonstreet7818755 the revised1979editionof announcing thepublicationof San Francisco'sSupervisorialDistricts a CoroFoundationGuideto THE DISTRICT everyweek. 824-7660tCTBTKfelil HANDBOOK Visa orMasterchargecard.”Yoursubscriptionwill San Francisco94103. the DistrictHandbookto:CoroFoundation,149NinthSt., want toknowSanFranciscobetter. home buyersandrenters,neighborhoodorganizers,allcitizenswho neighborhood intheCity—fromtheirhistoriesandhousingtotoday's enjoying theBestofSanFrancisco|t start comingtheverynextweek.Sogiveusacallany people, politicsandconcerns. time between9amand5pm,Mon.-Fri.start “I wanttochargeaBayGuardiansubscriptionmy It’s assimplepickingupthephoneandsaying resource forpoliticalactivists,businesspeople,publicserviceproviders,

A LIFE STYLE WORKSHOP • develop personal power through the clothing you wear A HOT SPRINGS AND HEALTH SANCTUARY • learn what colors and styles work best for you • trimyourwardrobebudget FOR OVERNIGHT OR DAY USE 2Vi hours northeast of San Francisco Saturday for men sept. 13 BY RESERVATION 10 am-5 pm forwomensept.22 Wilbur Hot Springs, Wilbur Springs, CA 95987 NATASHA FRESHMAN phone (916) 473-2306 For reservations call $75°° includes workshop 1950 Gough #305 FREE BROCHURE ON REQUEST (415)775-7114 plus a gourmet lunch San Francisco, CA 94109 Gasoline always available near Wilbur. INNER RESEARCH INSTITUTE CI.ASSKS BEGINNING LEARN SHIATSU The Art of Japanese Massage Birkenstock. September 25 100 Hour Course—Taught by Experts from Japan OQ00 Tues&Thurs CLASSES BEGIN from £Xj 6-7 pm Oct. 9 100% return policy For details contact EXPERT CUSTOM FIT Call or write 62 1-268 KABUKI SHIATSU SCHOOL Birkenstock Footprints 135 Mission St., SF 94103 (sponsored by Kabuki Hot Springs) 1181 Polk at Sutter 776-5225 Japan Center, 1730 Geary Blvd., San Francisco major credit cards & checks

Telephone: 415/346-3242 > THE BAY GUARDIAN DAY & NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,1979

' 19 20 > THE BAY GUARDIAN DAY & NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 The LIFEORGANIZERprovidesamethodtominimizeyour risksby maximizingeffectiveandefficientuseofyourtime. _Full ^fui]dGUARANJEE_p._ MASS CONSUMPTION(BERLIN)BYE.S.ROSS The BayGuardian (CA res.add$1.17tax) _VisaM/C # progress towardsanygoat.Abookdesignedforyour address, incheck/moneyorderorchargeto: ORDER NOW!Limitedintroductoryofferof$17.95. 6X9,3-ringed binder.FREEfirstmonth’sforms. ADVANCEMENT inBUSINESS,orSOCIALCOMFORT. Exhibition First AnnualPhotography Exp. date:_Signature Enel, coupon&send$17.95,alongw/yourname ORGAN IZER'Sfill-informs,youputoffyoursuccessand Gain: MONEY,LEISURE,PRIDEofACCOMPLISHMENT, very personaluse!Compiledinadurable&convenient increase therisksthatyoumayneverevenbeginto Each weekyouprocrastinateusingtheLIFE Family Practiceispleased toannouncethat BERKELEY FAMILYHEALTHCENTER 2340 WardSt.Berkeley 849-3665 Pediatric NursePractitioner andMidwife CLARIFY YOUROBJECTIVES A ComprehensiveHolistic Medical Camerawork Gallery 7012th Street,SanFrancisco MAIL TO:AMERICANINFORMATIONDISTRIBUTORS—003 as PediatricProgram Director Monday throughSaturday from noonto5o’clockpm through September22nd has joinedourstaff 625 PostSt..#484.S.F,CA94109 PART II:SelfImageContacts PARTI: IntrotothePsychology Carol Tracey Plan ofAttack How ToGetWhatYouWant Processes BarrierDefinitions Milestones TodayWhat continued frompreviouspage cast onChannel9.12:30pm.KKHI957FMand Stefama Toczyska.MargaritaLilova,Luciano politics irvEuropeandtheireffectonUSforeign World PressReview:TheEuropean KNBR680FM Mittleman. conductedbyBrunoBartoletti,simul¬ Pavarotti. FerruccioFurlanettoandNorman KPFA94 FM policy Call-inquestions.848-4425.6:30pm. Press.'' withHelgaLorh-Bailey,takesalookat Giants: vsHoustonAstrosinSF,1245pm, 1550 AM revues, playsandmusicals.8pm.KUSF903FM Noel CowardSpecial:musicfromhis Young. WrittenbyJudithRoss. (DavidSelby), ahipupper-middle- BY ROBERTD1MATTEO tread theliberallimitsoftheirca¬ — thesortofover-30urbaniteswho Kids. Steveisdescribinghiscronies class ManhattanlawyerinRich are 1)likelytomakeamessof that long-overduedivorce—they its—by takingaloverorfilingfor When thesepeoplepushthoselim¬ reer-marriage-parenthood roles. RICH KIDS.DirectedbyRobertM. The not-so-discreetcharms TT7 careallsuchgoodpeo- POSTERS*COMICS«SCI-FI*ARTZINES atCOMICS&COMIX 2461 TelegraphBerkeley94704722ColumbusS.F.94133650Irving94134 yy pie,”musesSteveSloan PERFORMANCE ISABLENDOF PUREVE (845-4091) (982-3511)(665-5886) HOP ONTHEBANDWAGON! of thebourgeoisie MOVIE REVIEW 1 •H—^ A NATURALSENSATION! new theoryofhowthehumanbrainfunctions.9- Pribam, takesanincisivelookathisremarkable The HolographicBrain:withKan pm, andThurs/20at11KCSM911FM manages tospendtimewithhisgirlfriend, he worksmanylonghoursatafactoryjob.Paul “Sons andLovers,”PartTwo:Although Miriam, whichMrsMorelthoroughlyresents,8 91 7FM obsessed witharecentatrocity.1pm.KALW 11 pm,KALW917FM teacher whoseparentsweremurderedbecomes Earplay: presents"AttractsAnelderlyIrish sights. It’snothardtobestruckby MONDAY/17 Ross’s screenplayforRichKidshas its shareoflow-keyedsatiricalin¬ may bethinking.Yes,butJudith we allsofuckedup?” Madeline (KathrynWalker)—is though themarriedSteve’sown fall. “Good”peopleall,tobesure, money beneaththemtocushionthe tragic amess,becausethere’s things and2)notlikelytomaketoo inclined towonder:‘Thenwhyare lover— hislongtimebuddy’swife, often hasanoverheard-in-the-bed¬ the easeofRoss’sdialogue,which Shades ofPaulMazursky,you and otherRetail Outlets. Available atselectedBayAreaDrugstores features aballoonistprojectingslidesofthe conceptual artistAlzekMisheffatUCBerkeley, April atBrooksHall.730pm.KUSF903FM Franny’s mother(thepreviously Live transmissionofaradioevent,byBulgarian South LoomisOuickstepBand,recordedlast tiona FolkEnsemble.HokumWJeebsandthe mances byThieves'Theatre.WestwindInterna¬ AM AM psychiatrist (PaulDooley).While has foundsolaceinthearmsofa high-strung, queruloustypewho cials andfavorskewpiedollsfor swinger whomakesTVcommer¬ parents himself—hisfathernowa know, beingthechildofdivorced having anaffair.Thekidshould Franny’s father(JohnLithgow)is she’ll thinkhe’sbeenthereallnight when Frannyshareshersecret SF FolkArtsFestival:featuresperfor¬ KNBR 680AM “a nice,intelligent,angrydivorce realize thatwhatshereallywantsis companions, hismotherarather house earlyeachmorningsothat about herdad’sslippingintothe school. Theirfriendshipissealed oh-so-liberal UpperWestSide Radio EventwithAlzekMisheff: Oakland A’s:vsTexas.710pm.KXRX1500 mentioned Madeleine)iscomingto long. Jamiesaysthatofcourse G iants:vsCincinnatiRedsinSF.7:15pm. N.Y. Giants:atWashington.6pm,KCBS740 (Trini Alvarado)andtheequally eyes—the 12-year-oldFranny geoisie throughtwopairsoffresh not-so-discreet charmsofthebour¬ too, Rossfiltersherversionofthe whole gangofcharacters.Then, grace withwhichshejugglesa room quality.There’salsothe 12-year-old Jamie(JeremyLevy). Franny andJamiemeetattheir FEEDEIE LONG 2842 Mariposa(atAlabama) JCLN LEfAN fri. sat.sun.sept.14,15,16 thurs. fri.sat.sept.6,7,8 8:30 pm$3.00orPAS Mangrove Studio 14 111INI HI 14III [STER D4NCES performing & explores street history of 20th and Diamond in music, and an inspiration to countless folk and heavens onto a screen on the ground. 8 pm. the Philadelphia Orchestra, conducted by Eugene in 1975. the work is the only truly avant-garde SF.4 30 pm. KALW91 7 FM political singers. 1 pm, KPFA 94 FM KPFA94 FM Ormandy, 8 pm. KKHI 95 7 FM and 1550 AM x-' work ever to be performed at New York's Metro¬ Peoples Republic of China: politan Opera House, 9 am. KPFA 94 FM Giants: vs. Los Angeles Dodgers in L A .7 15 Giants: vs Los Angeles Dodgers in L A . 7 15 TUESDAY/18 pm. KNBR680 AM pm, KNBR680 AM "Prospects for the Republic of China in the Next Oakland A’s: vs Texas. I lOpm.KXRX 1500 The Goon Show: Lost Horizontally or Discussion notes and Decade." a discussion by Harold Hinton, profes¬ AM Fruit Punch —Gay Men s Radio: Up- Opera Preview: "Shangri-La Again, starring Peter Sellers. 12:30 sor of political science. George Washington Uni¬ Front Gay Lyrics in Pop Music " Listen to gay musical selections designed to heighten the lis¬ pm. KALW91 7 FM versity. Ving-mao Kau, professor of political Newsmagazine: Juel Anderson, co-author lyrics available on commercial albums but not tener's enjoyment of the SF Opera s broadcast of of "The Tofu Cookbook, tells how tofu can Oakand A’s: vs Texas. 7 10 pm. KXRX 1500 science. Brown University, and Wou Wei, vice often heard, plus a discussion with Conan, a Bay "Pelleas et Mehsande 8 pm. KKHI 95 7 FM and save money and maintain your health, 2 pm, AM chairman Securities and Exchange Commission. Area musician, and Stephen Matthews, about the 1550 AM KCBS 740 AM Taiwan. 10 pm. KUSF 90 3 FM music and the problems of getting it recorded Radio Theatre: Echoes Of Me and Giants: vs Cincinnati Reds in SF, 7 15 pm. Travel Costs: Bill Waltrip. Pan American and distributed, 10 pm, KPFA 94 FM Myself, the Black Expressions Youth Drama KNBR680 AM WEDNESDAY/19 World Airways' executive vice-president, talks Company in a lively reflection of the various All-Beethoven Program: features Morning Concert: , about the various package tours and fares avail¬ THURSDAY/20 moods and historical background of the lives of "Leonore Overture No 3. Op 72a," "Piano Con¬ introduces the new comDlete recording (fodr Black Americans. 10 pm. KPFA 94 FM able, 3:30 pm, KGO 810 AM features the music of Pete Seeger. certo No 4 in G. Op 58" and "Symphony No 7 in discs) of the sensational Robert Wilson-Philip Sing Out! one of the greatest interpreters of American folk — Fiona Mackenzie A. Op 92," performed by pianist Andre Watts and Glass opera "Einstein on the Beach " Composed A Walk with Judith: Judith Waldhorn

adults I was most impressed by Kathryn Walker’s performance as Castro at Market. SF, $15 includes wine and bul¬ Madeleine. It’s sometimes hard to let party. 621-6120 like Madeleine—she can be some¬ CINEMATHEQUE: "Open Screening: Bring Your Own." both 8mm and 16mm films wel¬ what abrasive and tense. Walker come, 8 pm. Fri/14. admission $1 or one film: seems to know that this is as it "Phil Perkins in Person" introduces his films PATCHWORK (1977) A WINDOW (1975) should be. She respects the integrity CROWNFIRE (1974). THE TUNNELS (1978). of her character rather than going BRIGHT (1976). WORKS ON PAPER (1978), FOURTEEN DOLLARS (1978). FIELDS (1975). soft on us. She’s also got a fine, RAIN (1974). FOUNTAIN MIX (1975). TIME throaty voice. PASSES (1978), plus GILA (1979). 8 pm, Sun/16. "Joel Singer in Person" introduces his films But, for me, the nicest surprise of OFFBEAT SLICED LIGHT (1976) PERISPHERE (1975). Rich Kids was the direction of Rob¬ GLYPHS (1976-79). WINDOWMOBILE (1977). POET IN ORBIT (1978), 6x5x4x3x2xJAMES ert M. Young. I've admired (1978). BEHEMOTH (1977). plus APOTHEOSIS OF LEO (1978). 8 pm. Thurs/20. SF Art Insti¬ Young's previous work without Jeremy Levy and Trlna Alvarado are 12-year-olds united by tute. 800 Chestnut. SF. $2 includes coffee. 586- MOVIES 8486. ever suspecting that the man who problem parents In “Rich Kids.” gave us the degradations of prison ★ ASIAN ART MUSEUM: discover- INTERSECTION: "Porky Pig Tribute." features a 21-cartoon salute, including PORKY like everybody else,” Franny is tween men and women that dom¬ ING THE ART OF KOREA, 2 pm. Sat/15-Mon/ life (Short Eyes) and the plight of a 17, Golden Gate Park. 9th Ave. near Lincoln Way, PIG’S FEET, WHAT PRICE PORKY, SCALP avoiding trauma and sneaking off inate our movie romances. To keep Mexican migrant worker (Alam- SF. free except tor price of admission to mus¬ TROUBLE, PORKY’S HARE HUNT and WACKYLAND, 8 pm. Sun/16, 756 Union. SF, $2 with Jamie. .. . the old innocent tradition alive, eum. $1 adults. 50* youths ages 12-17. free to brista!) could do justice to the ritzy seniors and children under age 12 558-2993 adults, $1 children. 397-6061 The romance of Franny and we've started to give our love stories milieu of this movie. He’s still a 558-2993 LA PENA: in the jungle there’s lot TO DO (1972. Uruguay), plus TUPAMAROS (Jan Jamie may not be consummated, to the kids. In a sense Rich Kids says ASHKENAZ: "Betty Boop Tribute," a 21- sympathetic and unsentimental Lindqvist). 1972. Uruguay). 8:30 pm. Mon/17. Boop salute features 11 of her greatest hits, plus but it's clearly meant to have its LOS MAPUCHI, plus THE COURAGE OF THE just this. The adult characters don't observer of human behavior, and 10 more cartoon gems by her creator, Max PEOPLE (Jorge Sanjines. 1971. Bolivia), 8 30 pm. erotic component. Following on know what they want, and Franny this time he also gets to show a flair Fleischer, includes SNOW WHITE, MINNIE THE MOOCHER, BLUNDERLAND and HA HA Tues/18. 3105 Shattuck. Berk.. $2. 849-2568 the heels of George Roy Hills and Jamie suspect that they'll even¬ for comedy. And he proves himself HA, 9 pm, Sat/15. 1317 San Pablo near Gilman. LAWRENCE HALL OF SCIENCE: pleasant if schmaltzy A Little Ro¬ tually become the same way. But quite a traffic cop (a la Altman and Berk . $2 adults. $1 children. 525-5054 "Connections Film Series features YESTER¬ DAY, TOMORROW, AND YOU. from the BBC CASTRO: THINK ME NOTHING, a Him made mance with its own pair of pubes¬ in the meantime, they might as Claude Sautet) in the film's very by the deaf about deaf culture. 8 pm. Fri/14. continued next page cent “lovers," Rich Kids suggests well enjoy their simple feelings for funny climactic scene, where a that the movies are coming around each other. tangle of husbands and wives and to an uncondescending view of Not that their feelings are all lovers descend on Jamie and puppy love. Perhaps there's some¬ that simple. The movie works part¬ Franny in their hideaway retreat. thing else at work here. Try to ly because of the charming com¬ Also, how about a good round of THE think of the last pure, lyrical and plexities that Trini Alvarado and applause for art director David credible adult love story you've Jeremy Levy bring to their roles. Mitchell? His hideaway for the seen on the screen (and please don't Almost every adult actor in the cast young couple is a triumph of ex¬ count Cousin, Cousine). The lose bears impressive credentials in the cess— a brownstone apartment 'JUG SHOP story is a movie staple, yet we re New York theater (including the that houses a veritable tropical still basically in the midst of an imperious Irene Worth as Franny's paradise, an aviary, a funhouse of 1567 Pacific Ave. (at Polk) airing-the-dirtv-laundry period, grandmother), and yet Alvarado mirrors and an inviting waterbed. 885-2922 where it's the erotic tensions be¬ and Levy hold their own. Of the Ample Free Parking

Suggestology LIQUOR SPECIALS Ancient Age 86 proof Qts. $4.99 Super Learning Super Therapy Early Times Qts. 5.39 MAELSTROM Early times 1.751 9.89 Training Seminar for san francisco Seagram VO Qts. 7.99 Helping Professionals Canadian Mist 1.751 9.45 old books-new art-fresh coffee Remy Martin 750 ml 18.95 Sept. 29-30 CourvoisierVSOP 1.01 16.99 Booth’s High & Dry 90 proof Qts. 4.75 For brochure call Beefeater Qts. 7.49 Interface One Popov Qts. 3.69 821-9934 Smirnoff 80proof Qts. 5.09 Cutty Sark 750 ml 6.49 Old Smuggler Qts. 4.59 E&J Brandy 1.01 5.89 SHOP US FOR PORTFOLIOS Kahlua 23 oz. 7.65 BRIEFCASES Galliano 23 oz. 8.89 Has ATTACHES LUGGAGE All DOMESTIC WINES WALLETS GuastiChablis 31 $3.99 Reliable TOTES GuastiChablis 1.51 2.19 CARTS SebastianiChablis 41 4.29 Brands & Fetzer Premium White 1.51 3.75 At SAVE Stony Ridge NOW ON EXHIBIT Cabernet Sauvignon Lot 7477 750 ml 2.49 Nice 20% Louis Martini Discount Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml 2.99 Wente Grey Riesling 750 ml 2.29 LARK SKYWAY avings Christian Bros. Champagne 750 ml 3.69 VENTURA ATLANTIC *Y ^ SAMSONITE Luggage IMPORTED WINES BAYLEY BAGS Celia Lambrusco & Bianco 1.51 $3.14 AMERICAN Fontana Candida TOURISTER Italian White 750 ml 2.49 HALLIBURTON 986-2751 Folonari Soave 1.51 3.29 MAIL 8, PHONE ORDER OPENING/FRI, SEPT 14, 5 PM Hours: 9:00 am-9:00 pm Monday-Saturday 517 MISSION ST. 9:30 am-7:00 pm Sundays SAN FRANCISCO 572 Valencia Street • 863• 9933 DELIVERY AVAILABLE > THE BAYGUARDIAN DAY & NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 21 M ► THE BAY GUARDIAN DAY&NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 L I l PO BOX1271 LAFAYETTE, CA94549 PO BOX1271 LAFAVETTI Traditional Japanese coverings sea-grass floor CATALOGUE ONLY $1.00WITHTHIS COUPON OSIRIS ENTERPRISES HEATH TheClassicCalifornia 400 Gate5RoadPhone3323732 Our 'Seconds’ShopIsOpen7Days A WeekFrom10A.M.To530P.M. Stoneware IsMadeInSausalito. HYDROPONICS* LIGHTS*MIRRORE OWALLS*TESTKIT TOUGH PLASTICORVYNAL•REMOVABLEPANNELS. DELUXE INDOORGROWINGSYSTEMS: 321 DivisaderoSF,Ca.94117(415)626-0414 CLOSET SIZETO7FT*TALL — MUCHMORE SAN FRANCISCODANCERS’WORKSHOP EXCLUSIVELY DISTRIBUTEDBY- GENTLE WIND • lowestpricesS75loroneVx(>'mat • hiKheslqualityworkmanshipwholesaleinciuiriesweliome for GreenDragonTatamiCo The PerfectAccentforanaturalenvironment ANNA HALPRIN,ARTISTICDIRECTOR APARTMENT TERRACESIZETO12SOFT SEND FORCATALOGUE TODAY1. UIT'VEGETABLES.EXOTICherbs $100 —$285INPLASTIC $60 -$215COMPLETE OUTDOOR GREENHOUSES: TATAMI ROW YOUROWN • MARIJUANA Fall IntensiveTraining (5656 CroydonAve San JoseCA Reply POAddress) Ongoing Classesand Special Events (415) 561-5354 S.F.. Ca0411*5 1844 Divisadero Program continued frompreviouspage pm, Sat/15-Sun/16,UCBerk.$175adults.75* we beabletorecognizethem911am,1and3 the commonfactorsinvolvedinchange9Will series onthehistoryoftechnologyWhereare (Barrie Nelson.1975).8pm,Fri/14."Romance as theytrackdownthedisappearanceofan VANISHES (AlfredHitchcock.1930,UK),with 5132. children ages6andundermembers.642- students, seniorsandchildrenages7-12,freeto they continuetoaffectourlivesinthefuture9Will (1969, Englishtitles),producedbyNBC.2pm. 9 pm,Fri/14 Alain TannerwithinPerson"fea¬ general. $imembers,754childrenages14and plus NEWSPARADEOF1939,andPOPEYE well, 1939).withCharlesBoyerandHedyLamarr, and AdventurefeaturesALGIERS(JohnCrom¬ elderly ladyaboardthesametrain,plusTWINS themselves caughtupininternationalespionage, Michael RedgraveTwotravelersonatrainfind James Cagney.CharlesJudelsandDorothy $1 50admission;"CartoonsoftheDepression" plus FELLINI:ADIRECTOR’SNOTEBOOK and theFilmkolectivZurich.1978.Englishtitles). ALIVE (UrsGraf,MathiasKnauer,HansSturm narration). 7:30pm.plusCINEMA—DEADOR tures ACITYATCHANDIGARTH(1966.English under. 282-5354 Ministry, 1021Sanchezat23rdSt..SF,$1.50 LAMP (MaxFleischer).8pm,Fri/21,NoeValley MEETS ALADDINANDHISWONDERFUL admission. STEAMBOATBILLJR.(CharlesF admission Sweet. FordSterling,AlJolson.RubyKeelerand SHOW GIRLINHOLLYWOOD(MervynLeRoy. Warner's TalkiesfeaturesDOORWAYTO "James Cagney'sFirstMaiorRoleandTwoEarly Fleischer. 1932).HAPPYHOBOES(JohnFoster. features PROSPERITYBLUES(AlEngster BERGMAN (StigBjorkman.1973.Englishtitles), PACIFIC FILMARCHIVE:'TheFilmsol and FrancisFord.69pm.Sun/16 John McGuire.BertonChurchill,StepmFetchit with WillRogers.AnneShirley.EugenePallette. and TomLewis,4:307:30pm.plusSTEAM¬ Reisner. 1927).withBusterKeaton,MarionBryon Montano withLindainPerson"teatures Loretta Young.6:25and1030pmSat/15.$1 1930), withAliceWhite.JackMulhall,Blanche Matthews, 5:05and905pm,$1admission,plus HELL (ArchieMayo.1930),withLewAyres, Marcus. 1937),4and8pm.$1admission. BETTY BOOP’SUPSANDDOWNS(Dave DARN YASMILE(HarmonandIsing.1931). 1930) WHATALIFE(UbIwerks.1932).SMILE with EdwardGRobinson.GailRussellandJohn Elisha Cook.Jr,7and1015pm,plusNIGHT Franchot Tone,ThomasGomez.AlanCurtisand LADY (RobertSiodmak.1944),withEllaRaines, "Film NoirExplorations."teaturesPHANTOM BOAT ROUNDTHEBEND(JohnFord.1935). PAULINE OLIVEROS(1979) DEATH (1978)MITCHELLPAYNE(1979).plus LEARNING TOTALK(1978)MITCHELL’S 1931) .plusTHELITTLEMATCHGIRL(Sid with AnthonyMeyer.DavidQuentinCrisp by GunvorNelsonandDorothyWileywiththe Guillermo HernandezandChrisStrachwitz. THE HEART)(LesBlank,MaureenGosling. Maureen GoslinginPersonintroduceTHE 1932), LAMBSWILLGAMBOL(MannyGould. pm, Thurs/20. (Alexander Medvedkm,1934.Englishtitles).910 pm. plusHAPPINESS(SNATCHERS) English titles),withAlexanderMedvedkm,730 THE TRAINROLLSON(ChrisMarker,1972, and HelenMirren.915pm.Wed/19 miere olHAMLET(CelestinoCoronado,1976) Filmmakers inPerson"teaturesBEFORE "From theAmericanIndependentsANewFilm Bingham 1978).plusDELCORAZON(FROM NEW KLAN(LeslieShatzandEleanorMiller Lund, 840pm.Mon/17 HAS ATHOUSANDEYES(JohnFarrow.1948). * NOEVALLEYCINEMA:thelady Dan Duryea.JuneVincent.PeterLorreandBrod¬ REMEMBER (1972),withJohnGrierson,and NEED (1979,7:30pm.plusWestCoastPre¬ 1979). 730and9pm.Tues/18 BLACK ANGEL(RoyWilliamNeill,1946).with "Films onFilmmakers'"teaturesINGMAR "Videotapes byPerformanceArtistLinda "Filmmakers LeslieShatz,LesBlankand Films onFilmmakers"teaturesIREMEMBER, Film NoirExplorations"featuresTHE 3150 Sacramento,free,558-5034. Communications Center.3150Sacramento,tree. SF. tree.558-4268 ming teamholdstryoutsforchildrenunder12'/? CABINET OFDR.CALIGARI(RobertWiene. Kidd, 10pm.Thurs/13-Sat/15.9Sun/16.THE with BruceDern,BarbaraFeldonandMichael pm. Sun/16,plusSMILE(MichaelRitchie,1975), Skala andLouJacobi.8pm,Thurs/13-Sat/15.7 Walken. GeraldineChaplin.TeresaWright,Lilia SONOMA FILMINSTITUTE:rose- on ErikErikson'stheoriesof"theeightstages Addition Branch.1550Scott,free,346-9531 GEORGIA O’KEEFFE,7pm,Wed/19.Western Room, MamLibrary.CivicCenter,free.558-3191 WALKER, withCharlieChaplin,plusTHEDAY A MINORALTERCATION,THEFLOOR 558-5034 lor theDeal"teaturesSLEUTH,2pm.Sat/15. double feature.$2singleteature,$1matinee,call Kelley, KayScolt.DeForestKelleyandAnn THE NIGHT(MaxwellShane.1947),withPaul erick Crawford,7and950pm.plusFEARIN Children's Zoo.SFStoatBlvd.attheOcean, as wellsomelivelynewtunes,withpuppeteer books andsongbookscometolifeintales Fri/14, 5pm.LarsenPool.19thAve.atWawona. and beaccompaniedbyaparentorguardian. years ofage.bringaswimsuit,pencilandpaper land (JamesIvory,1977).withChristopher life," 7pm.Wed/19.CommunicationsCenter. EVERYBODY RIDESTHECAROUSEL,based Branch. ChestnutandWebster,free.346-9336 NUCLEAR WASTE,7pm.Wed/19.Manna Nuclear Power'featuresDANGEROUS MANOLETE WASKILLED,noon,Tues/18.Lurie for specialrates,642-1412 Doran. 8:30pm.Fri/21.2621Durant,Berk,$250 504,661-2023. Nancy Fox.Sat/15-Sun/16.1:30and230pm. characters thatsinganddanceold-timefavorites drama. Fri/14.730-9pm,FortMason.Bldg312, circle games,storytelling,localoutings,physical pre-school classesincraftsprojects,singingand Tiny TotClasses:registrationopenfor Laguna Central YMCA.2001AllstonWay,SF.forinforma¬ Civic Drive.WalnutCreek,forinformation,call 4952. Dept playgroundsandrecreationcenters,SF. fitness andmore,throughSat/15.SFRecreation Proppets Show:alovablegroupotpuppet 929-0278 classes includeexplorationofacting,mime,com¬ dramatic trainingforchildrenages8through18 tion, cal!848-6800.ext.23 935-3300. ext240 age children,beginsMon/17.CivicCenter,1445 music andmovement,forpreschoolschool- nominal feedependingontypeofactivities.558- ★ SFPUBLICLIBRARY:FilmCaptioned 549-1362 works, throughSat/22,formoreinformation,call woodwind, brassandpercussionplayersthrough conducted byKarenMichalka,offersadvanced edy techniques,improvisation,classesbegin fencing KiAikido,classesstartMon/17.Berkeley now openforclassesingymnastics,swimming, YMCA YouthPrograms:registration Civic ArtsEducation:experiencesinart, high schoolageachancetoperformmajor Auditions: fortheBayAreaWindSymphony, Mon/17. SFAtticTheatre.2938Washington,SF. ★ StoryspaceSurpriseNight:story- ★ SFMarionettes:synchronizedswim¬ "Film andDiscussionwithPeopleAgainst Dramatic Training:pre-protessional — HarrietSalley NOTE SF. tree.989-9000 989-6097 $2. 397-6061 and WritersSeries,Tues/18,8 pm.756Union,SF. Savoy Tivoli.1434Grant.SF.$4,982-5357 anniversary issueofBeatitude,Tues/18.8pm, Allen Ginsberg,LawrenceFerlinghetti, signing, Mon/17.5pm.BooksPlus.1240Market. Network Coffeehouse.1036Bush.SF,donation. read theirworkaspart of theIntersectionPoets Norse readtheirpoetryinabenefitforthe20th Peter Orlovsky,BobKaufmannandHarold Open PoetryReading,Mon/17.8pm. ★ indicatesgeneraladmissionof$1orless. KIDSTUFF Barrett Wattenand KitRobinson READINGS Mike Poetry ReadingandFree Cajun Food ★ WaterfrontWritersreadingandbook BOOKS& ★ NorthBeach SpokenSpoon Open W0I1ERS \ under age6.642-5132 children ages7-12,freetomembersand WINDOW, 1030amand2pm.Sat/15-Sun/16. AUNTIE, THESANDCASTLE,plus UC Berk.Si75adults.754students,seniorsand (Franco Zeffirelli),withRichardBurtonandEliza¬ members andchildrenages12under,all and ErwinKeusch.1978).8pm.plusTHE 8 15pm.Wed/19.1AMMYFILMS:APORTRAIT Wed/19, plusFRANKENSTEIN(JamesWhale. Columbus atWashingtonSquare.SF,free — FionaMackenzie adapting it.7pm.Tues/25,2003LifeSciences as acinematicsourceandtheproblemsof mond. founderanddirectoroftheShakespeare beth Taylor,plusadiscussionbyHughRich¬ features THETAMINGOFSHREW seats $125forTuesmatinees.(707)664-2606 Park. $225general.students,$150seniors, State College.1801Ea^tCoiatiAve.Rohnert Thurs/20-Sun/23. Rm108,DarwinHall.Sonoma STEINER (WernerHerzog.1977).945pm GREAT ECSTASYOFTHESCULPTOR OF WERNERHERZOG(ChristianWeisenborn Broadway.,893-8676 day. 10am.UpstairsArtAssociation,927 for practicingandbeginningwriters,everySatur¬ LAWRENCE HALLOFSCIENCE: CHILDREN’S FILMS Bldg .UCBerk$6,642-4111 Program. UCBerkeley,explorestheplay'svalue UC EXTENSION:"ShakespeareonFilm 1931). withBorisKarloff,4and9pmTues/18, 1919. silent).3and8pm.Tues/18.930 (805)543-3043 exhibitors, nonprofitgroupsandfoodconces¬ ues Weds.-Sun,11am-5pmthroughNov11. ture anddrawings,opensFri/21.11am.contin¬ ist. plusVerifaxcollages,assemblages,sculp¬ features literaryworksofthelatesurrealistart¬ SEMINARS CLASSES/WORKSHOPS/ Fest, everySunday.3pm.Peta'sJazzClub. Obispo NeighborhoodArtsCouncilbookfair.$10. sions isnowunderwayfortheOct14SanLuis Small PressBookfairRegistrationol University NOTES ★ indicatesgeneraladmissionof$1.50orless. — PatriciaCallahan ALHAMBRA: (i)love,andbullets,plus and 10. daily at110.3:20.5:30.7:40and9:50.(3) daily at1,3.5.7and9.(2)LOVEANDBULLETS, ALEXANDRIA: (i)themuppetmovie, "Young Children'sFilms"featuresSMILEFOR daily at8:40,withmatineesSat.-Sun1and (2) AFORCEOFONE,dailyat7and10:45.with with matineesSat.-Sunat12:30.2:40and445. call theaterfortimes. GOLDEN GIRL,(2)YOUNGFRANKENSTEIN, BREAKING AWAY,dailyat1.3:15.5:30.745 CASTRO: "BenefitfortheDeaf"sponsoredby Wed., Sat.-Sun.at4:10. SILENT PARTNER,dailyat8.withmatinees with matineesWed,Sat.-Sun.at2:10,plusTHE 4:55. matinees Sat-Sunat3:05,plusGOLDENGIRL, ★ CreatingwithWords,ongoingclass (Christopher Miles.1970).withJoannaShimkus (Ken Russell,1970),withGlendaJackson,Oliver the CenterforIndependentLiving(seeOffbeat BALBOA: (I)ROCKYIt,dailyat7and9:15, ★ indicatesgeneraladmissionof$1orless. ★ WallaceBermanRetrospective l, at j.t'.'»'i.y t jV*A- v Wed/19; SUDDENLY,LASTSUMMER(Joseph with MelanieMayronandEliWallach.58:45. GIRL (1957).withLaurenceOlivier.MarilynMon¬ nee at2:15;THEPRINCEANDSHOW¬ 6:30 and10:30.Sun/16-Mon/17,withSunmati¬ Waters, LouisArmstrongandDukeEllington, cente Minnelli,1943).withLenaHorne,Ethel Sun. matiqeeat4.plusCABININTHESKY(Vin¬ and RichardPryor.8:15,Sun/16-Mon/17,with THE WIZ(1978).withLenaHorne,DianaRoss and FrancoNero.245.64510:45,Sat/15; 8 30.plusTHEVIRGINANDGYPSY Reed. AlanBatesandJennyLinden,430 Movies fordetails).Fri/14WOMENINLOVE BRIDGE: SAINTJACK,dailyat6and9:50. with JillClayburghandAlanBates,245,6:30 Allen, 1978).withDianeKeaton,GeraldinePage (Ingmar Bergman.1978).withIngridBergman 6 30and10.30.Thurs/20;AUTUMNSONATA CAT ONAHOTTINROOF(RichardBrooks. Elizabeth L Mankiewicz.1959).withKatharineHepburn. 10:15, plusGIRLFRIENDS(ClaudiaWeill.1978). UNMARRIED WOMAN(PaulMazursky.1978). Laurence Olivier.6:45and10:30.Tues/18,AN BEGGAR’S OPERA(PeterBrook,1953),with roe andSybilThorndike,8;30.plusTHE with matineesWed..Sat.-Sun. at4 6:20 and10:30,withmatinees Wed.andSatat CENTO CEDAR:THE innocent,dailyat and MaureenStapleton.6:4510*15,Fri/21 and LivUllman,8.30,plusINTERIORS(Woody CINEMA 21;hot stuff. dailyat8.with 1958). withElizabethTaylorandPaulNewman. matinees Sat.-Sun. at4,plusCALIFORNIA 1 55.plusLASTTANGO INPARIS,dailyat8:20. conti" dnextpa ie HOUSES MOVIE at 2:45. 6 15 and 9 45. (2) REVENGE OF THE PLAZA: (1) THE MUPPET MOVIE, dally al 6, thy McGuire and George Brent, 3 and 8:10, plus GRAND LAKE: love and bullets, plus continued from previous page PINK PANTHER, weekdays at 7 and 10:55. Sat - 7 45 and 9:30, with matinees Sat.-Sun at 2:30 THE NIGHTCOMERS (Michael Winner), with A FORCE OF ONE, call theater for times Marlon Brando, 1:10 and 6:30, Thurs/20; THE Sun at 3:15 and 7 15, plus MOONRAKER, SUITE, daily at 6 and 9 45, with matinees Sat - and 4 15, (2) IS BACK, daily HILLTOP MALL: (i) Richard pryor is weekdays at 8 45. Sat -Sun at 1.5 and 9 at 6 10, 7:35 and 9, with matinees Sat.-Sun at WARRIORS (Walter Hill), 11:10, 2:50, 6.30 and Sun at 2. BACK, daily at 1:30. 3:05. 4.35, 6 05, 7 40 and 1:55, 3:20 and 4:45. 10:10, plus IF (Lindsay Anderson), with Malcolm TELEGRAPH: (1) "The Films of Humphrey CLAY: THE 400 BLOWS, daily al 7 and 10:30, 9 15, (2) LOVE AND BULLETS, daily at 1 20. McDowell, 12:50, 4 30 and 8:10, Fri/21; "Late Bogart, features TREASURE OF THE SIERRA with matinees Wed , Sat -Sun at 3:30, plus LOVE REGENCY I: RICH KIDS, call theater for 3:20, 5 20. 7 20 and 9 20, (3) THE MUPPET Show, features THE ROCKY HORROR PIC¬ MADRE (John Huston, 1948). with Humphrey ON THE RUN, daily at 8:45, with matinees Wed , times. MOVIE, daily at 1. 3. 5. 7 and 9, (4) ROCKY II, TURE SHOW, midnight, every Fri.-Sat Bogart, Walter Huston and Tim Holt. THE Sat-Sun at 1 45 and 5 15, runs through Thurs/ REGENCY 2: north Dallas forty, can daily at 1,3:10, 5:20. 7:30 and 9:45 SURF: DOWN AND DIRTY ©tore Scola), with AMAZING DR. CLITTERHOUSE (Anatole 20. Monty Python's LIFE OF BRIAN, opens theater for times. Nino Manfredi, dally at 7:15 and 9:30. with mati¬ NORTHSIDE: murmur of the heart, Litvak. 1938), with Humphrey Bogart. Edward G. Fri/21, call theater (or times RICHELIEU BRINGING UP BABY (Howard nees Wed , Sat -Sun at 2:30 and 5 daily at 6 and 10, with matinees Sat.-Sun at 1:50. Robinson and Claire Trevor, plus THE BIG SHOT COLISEUM: young Frankenstein, Hawks. 1938), with Katharine Hepburn and Cary plus A LITTLE ROMANCE, daily at 8 05 with (Lewis Seiler. 1942). with Humphrey Bogart. Irene U.A STONESTOWN: (t) THE FRISCO daily at 7 and 9, with matinees Sat.-Sun at 1. 3 Grant, plus STAGE DOOR (Gregory La Cava, matinees Sat-Sun at 3:55, (2) HALL, Manning and Susan Peters. (2) THE THIN MAN KID, daily at 7 15 and 9:30. with matinees Wed . and 5. 1937), with Ginger Rogers. Katharine Hepburn, daily at 6 and 9:25. with matinees Sat.-Sun at (1934), AFTER THE THIN MAN (1936). plus Sat.-Sun at 12:30. 2:45 and 5. (2) A FORCE OF CORONET: SOLDIER OF ORANGE, daily at Lucille Ball and Eve Arden, runs through Sat/15, 2:45, plus MANHATTAN, daily at 7:35 and 10:55. ANOTHER THIN MAN (1939). all directed by W ONE, daily at 7:30 and 9:30, with matinees Wed , 7 and 9 45. with matinees Wed , Sat -Sun at 1:30 THE GREAT LIE (Edmund Goulding. 1941), with with matinees Sat.-Sun. at 1 and 4:15. S. Van Dyke and starring William Powell and Sat.-Sun. at 1 30. 3:30 and 5:30 and 4 15. Bette Davis and Mary Astor, plus DECEPTION OAKS: (1) NORTH DALLAS FORTY, plus Myrna Loy. call theater for times. (Irving Rapper. 1946), with Bette Davis, Claude VOGUE: MANHATTAN, dally at 8:30. with EGYPTIAN: A FORCE OF ONE, daily at HEAVEN CAN WAIT, (2) MEATBALLS, plus U. A. CINEMAS: (i) a force of one, Rains and Paul Henreid. Sun/16-Tues/18, THE Sun matinees at 1 30 and 5. plus ANNIE HALL, 12:30, 4:10 and 7:50, plus GO TELL THE SPAR¬ FOUL PLAY, call theater for times daily at 1 45. 3:45, 5:45, 7:45 and 9 45, (2) THE GANG’S ALL HERE (Busby Berkeley, 1943), daily at 6:45 and 10 15. with Sun. matinee at 3:15 TANS, daily at 2:10, 5:50 and 9:30 PARKWAY: (i) young Frankenstein, WANDERERS, daily at 1 30, 5:45 and 10, plus with Carmen Miranda, Alice Faye and Benny no movies this week WARFIELD: daily at 7 and 9, with matinees Sat.-Sun. at 1. 3 THE KIDS ARE ALRIGHT, daily at 3 45 and 8. (3) EMPIRE: (1) STAR WARS, weekdays at 7 and Goodman, plus GENTLEMEN PREFER YORK: "24th St. Merchants' Benefit," call and 5. (2) NORTH DALLAS FORTY, daily at 7 THE VILLAIN, opens Fri/14, daily at 1, 4:30 and 9:15, Sat-Sun. at 2. 4:30. 6:55 and 9:15, (2) BLONDES (Howard Hawks, 1953), with Marilyn theater for details, 8 pm, Fri/14; THE INNOCENT and 9:10. with matinees Sat.-Sun. at 2 and 4:30. 8, plus H.O.T.S., daily at 2:40, 6:10 and 9 45, (4) GREASE, weekdays at 9. Sat -Sun at 3:10 and Monroe and Jane Russell, Wed/19-Sat/22, call (Luchino Visconti), with Giancarlo Giannini. Jen¬ GOLDEN GIRL, daily at 1 ;30, 5:25 and 9'35. plus 7:05. plus SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER, week¬ theater for times. PIEDMONT: THE MUPPET MOVIE, daily al nifer O'Neill and Laura Antonelli, 5 and 8:35, plus SEVEN, daily at 3:30 and 7:40 days at 7. Sat.-Sun at 1:15, 5:10 and 9:05, (3) 7 and 9, with matinees Sat.-Sun. at 1.3 and 5. ROXIE: HAROLD AND MAUDE (Hal Ashby, YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN, weekdays at 7 and 9 SERVANT AND MISTRESS (Bruno Gantillon), UC THEATRE: dawn of the dead 1971), with Bud Cort and Ruth Gordon, 6:35 and RIALTO: <1) GET OUT your HANDKER. Sat.-Sun. at 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, 7:15 and 9:15. with Andrea Ferreol and Victor Lanoux, 3:20, 7 (George Romero, 1979), 9 10, plus NIGHT OF CHIEFS (Bertrand Blier). with Gerard Depardieu, 10, plus SKIDOO (Otto Preminger, 1968), with and 10 35, Sat/15; THE WIZ (Sidney Lumet), with THE LIVING DEAD (George Romero. 1968), FOUR STAR: la cage aux folles daily at 7 and 10 35, with matinees Sat.-Sun at Groucho Marx, Jackie Gleason, Diana Ross and Richard Pryor, 1:30, 6 and 10:30, 7 30, Fri/14, (Michael Wadleigh, (BIRDS OF A FEATHER) (Edouard Molinaro, 3:20, plus THE TOY (Francis Verber), with Pierre and George Raft, 8:15, Fri/14-Sat/15. with Sat. plus HAIR (Milos Forman), 3:45 and 8:25, Sun/ 1970), 3 40 and 8:30. plus CELEBRATION AT 1979, France), with Ugo Tognazzi and Michel matinee at 4 45, DAYS OF HEAVEN (Terrence Richards, daily at 9, with matinees Sat -Sun a‘ 16 ZATOICHI’S FLASHING SWORO (Kazuo BIG SUR (Baird Bryant and Johanna Deme- Serra.ult. daily at 6:30, 8:30 and 10:30, with Malick, 1978). with Richard Gere, Brooke Adams 1 45 and 5:20, (2) ROCKY II, daily at 6:35 and Ikehiro). with Shintaro Katsu, plus ZATOICHI’S A trakas. 1971), 2:10 and 7. Sat/15; BATTLESTAR matinees Wed., Sat -Sun. at 2:30 and 4:30. 10:35. with matinees Sat -Sun at 2:45. plus STAY and Sam Shepard. 8 15, Sun/16-Mon/l 7, with FUGITIVE (Takuzo Tanaka), with Shintaro Katsu, GALACTICA, BUCK ROGERS, FLASH Sun. matinee at 4:15. plus THIEVES LIKE US HUNGRY (Bob Rafelson). with Jeff Bridges and GATEWAY WITNESS FOR THE PROSE- Mon/17, ERASERHEAD (David Lynch), 8:40, GORDON’S ROCKET SHIP, plus STARCRASH, (Robert Altman. 1973), with Keith Carradine, Arnold Schwarzenegger, daily at 8 45, with mati¬ CUTION (Billy Wilder, 1958), with Tyrone Power, plus FREAKS (Tod Browning). 7 30 and 10 15. Sun/16,SWINGTIME, plus THE STORY OF Shelley Duvall and Louis Fletcher, 6 and 9:55, nees Sat -Sun at 4 45. (3) DOWN AND DIRTY Marlene Dietrich, Charles Laughton and Elsa Tues/18: WHY DOES HERR R. RUN AMOK? VERNON AND IRENE CASTLE, Mon/17; VIVA Sun/16-Mon/17; LENNY BRUCE PER¬ (Ettore Scola). with Nino Manfredi. daily at 6, 8:15 Lanchester, plus SLEUTH (Joseph L Mankie- (Rainer Werner Fassbinder), with Kurt Raab. plus LA MUERTE, plus GUERNICA, Tues/18; A FORMANCE FILM (John Magnuson. 1966), 7:45 and 10 20, with matinees Sat-Sun al 3:45. (4) wicz, 1972), with Laurence Olivier and Michael SATAN'S BREW (Rainer Werner Fassbinder), Whale Festival." features GREAT WHALES, PHANTOM INDIA (Louis Malle), daily at 6:30 Caine, runs through Sat/15; ANCHORS and 9:45, plus PULL MY DAISY (Robert Frank, call theater for times. Wed/19; NIGHTWING WHALES, DOLPHINS AND MEN, BELUGA 1959), with Allan Ginsberg, Gregory Corso and AWEIGH (George Sidney. 1945), with Gene Kelly (Arthur Hiller), 9:45. plus PROPHECY (John ROXIE. DRACULA, plus BUCK ROGERS, call BABY, plus WE CALL THEM KILLERS, Wed/ and Frank Sinatra, plus THE BARKLEYS OF Jack Kerouac, 7:15 and 9:45, Tues/18, THE Frankenheimer). with Robert Forrester. 7 and theater for times. 19 THE TALL BLOND MAN WITH ONE BROADWAY (Charles Walters. 1949), with Fred CONFORMIST (Bernardo Bertolucci, 1970, 10.35, Thurs/20), A LITTLE ROMANCE (George SHOWCASE: (i) Manhattan, daily at BLACK SHOE, plus RETURN OF THE TALL Astaire and Ginger Rogers, Sun/16-Tues/18, THE Italian with English subtitles), with Dominique Roy Hill), with Laurence Olivier, 8:30. plus WHO 2:50, 6:25 and 10. plus ANNIE HALL, dally at 1, BLOND MAN WITH ONE BLACK SHOE, Thurs/ DUELLISTS (Ridley Scott, 1977), with Keith Car- Sanda and Jean-Louis Trintignant, 6 and 10 05, IS KILLING THE GREAT CHEFS OF EUROPE? 4 40 and 8:15. (2) FOUL PLAY, daily at 2 45, 6:30 20 ROCK ’N‘ ROLL HIGH SCHOOL, plus radine and Harvey Keitel, plus DAYS OF plus DOSSIER 51 (Michael Deville, 1978, in with Jacqueline Bisset, George Segal and Robert and 10:15, plus MEATBALLS, dailyat 1,4:50 and AMERICATHON, Fri/21; "Late Show,' features HEAVEN (Terrence Malick, 1978), with Richard French with English subtitles), with Francois Morley, 6:30 and 10:30, Fri/21. 8:45. THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW, mid¬ Marthouret and Claude Marcault, 8:05, Wed/19- Gere and Brooke Adams, Wed/l9-Sat/22. call night, every Fri.-Sat. theater for times Thurs/20, MURMUR OF THE HEART (Louis SOUTHLAND CENTER: call theater for titles and times. GHIRARDELLI: a little romance, daily Malle, 1971, in French with English subtitles), EAST BAY with Lea Massari, Benoit Ferreux and Daniel Titles and times subject to change. Call at 3:10, 5:15, 7:25 and 9 30, with matinees Sat - SOUTH SHORE: (1) H.O.T.S., opens Fri/ Gelin, 6 and 9 55. plus theater to verify. Sun at 1. GET OUT YOUR HAND¬ ACT CINEMAS: (i) la cage aux 14, weekdays at 8 45, Sat.-Sun. at 1, 4 30 and 8. KERCHIEFS (Bertrand Blier. 1978), with Gerard FOLLES, daily at 7 and 9. with matinees Sat.- plus SEVEN, weekdays at 7 and 10:30. Sat.-Sun. —Fiona Mackenzie GRANADA: young Frankenstein, Depardieu and Patrick Dewaere, 8, Fri/21 - Sun at 1. 3 and 5 and late shows Fri.-Sat at weekdays at 8. Sat -Sun at 12:30. 4 20 and 8:30, Sat/22, with Sat. matinee at 4, "Late Show," fea¬ 10:50. (2) THE TREE OF WOODEN CLOGS, plus SILVER STREAK, weekdays at 6 and 10. tures ROCK ‘N‘ ROLL HIGH SCHOOL, mid¬ daily at 8:30, with matinees Sat.-Sun. at 1 30 and Sat.-Sun at 2:20 and 6:10 night, every Sat 5. KOKUSAI: SWEET REVENGE, willj Momoe STAGE DOOR: the inlaws, plus the ALBANY: BREAKING AWAY, daily al 7 and Yamaguchi and Tomokazu Miura. plus LIGHT, SAN FRANCISCO’S FRONT, call theater for times 9, with matinees Sat.-Sun. at 1. 3 and 5 and late WINE AND YOU, with Tomokazu Miura and Jun shows Fri.-Sat at 10:50. Igarashi. runs through Tues/18. GAMBLING STRAND: A LITTLE ROMANCE (George Roy SAMURAI, with Toshiro Mifune. Michiyo Ara- Hill), with Laurence Olivier. 1 20, 5'25 and 9 30. BERKELEY: young Frankenstein, call BEST BOOKSTORES tama and Kumi Mizuno, plus THE WANDERERS plus LOVE AND PAIN AND THE WHOLE theater for times. DAMNED THING (Alan Pakula), with Maggie FOR MORE THAN A CENTURY (Kon Ichikawa), with Kenichi Ogiwara. Wed/19- CALIFORNIA: call theater for titles and Smith. 11 20. 3:25 and 7:30. Fri/14. THE CHINA Tues/25. call theater tor times. times. SYNDROME (James Bridges), with Jack LUMIERE: why not? (POURQUOi pas?) 360,000 BOOKS & PAPERBACKS Lemmon and Jane Fonda, 1, 5:10 and 9:20, plus CAPRI: THE SEDUCTION OF JOE TYNAN, (Coline Serreau, 1978, France), with Sami Frey, THE PARALLAX VIEW (Alan Pakula), with daily at 7 and 9, with matinees Sat.-Sun. at 1, 3 opens Fri/14. daily at 1,3. 5, 7:15 and 9:30 42,000 EVER-CHANGING SALE BOOK BARGAINS Warren Beatty, 1:10, 3:20 and 7:30, Sat/15; and 5 METRO I: THE WANDERERS, dally al 7:30 BEYOND THE POSEIDON ADVENTURE (Irwin CENTURYS: (21) THE VILLAIN, opens and 9:45, with matinees Sat.-Sun. at 1:10, 3:15 Allen), with Michael Caine, 3:05 and 9 Fri/14, plus HOT STUFF, call theater for times, and 5:20 CAPRICORN ONE (Peter HyamsJ, with Elliot (22) THE WANDERERS, opens Fri/14 at 8, Sat - OPEN EVENINGS & SUNDAYS METRO II: WIFEMISTRESS, dally al 8:15. Gould and James Brolin, 12:50 and 6:45, plus Sun at 3:40 and 7:45, Mon.-Tues. at 7:15, plus with matinees Sat.-Sun. at 12:55 and 4:35. plus DAMNATION ALLEY (Jack Smight), with Jan- BOULEVARD NIGHTS, Fri/14 at 6 and 10:20, CAT AND MOUSE, daily at 6:20 and 10, with Mlchael Vincent, 11:10 and 5:05, Sun/16: Sat-Sun. at 1:45, 5:50 and 9:55, Mon-Tues at 140 POWELL ST. 3515 CALIFORNIA ST. matinees Sat.-Sun. at 2:40 FEMALE TROUBLE (John Waters), with Divine, 7:15 and 9:25. 11:15, 2:45. 6:15 and 9:45. plus JABBERWALK, Downtown — 397-1555 NEW MISSION: SATURDAY NIGHT CINE 7 THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME, Laurel Village—221-3666 1, 4:30 and 8, Mon/17; EQUUS (Sidney Lumet), FEVER, plus GREASE, call theater for times. plus GIMME SHELTER, call theater for times. with Richard Burton and Peter Firth. 11:20, 4:15 ELMWOOD: LOVE ON the RUN, daily al NORTH POINT: ALIEN, daily at 5:50, 8 and and 9:10, plus WOMEN IN LOVE (Ken Russell), 7:30 and 9:15, with Sun. matinees at 2:15, 4 and 10:05, with matinees Sat.-Sun. at 1:30 and 3:40, with Alan Bates and Glenda Jackson, 2 and 7, YOUR FRIENDLY except Frl/14 at 5:40 and 10:15, with a sneak pre¬ Tues/18. FELLINI SATYRICON (Federico Felli¬ 5:45. BOOKS Inc. HELPFUL BOOKSTORES view at 8:05, runs through Wed/19: note that ni). 11 10. 2:50, 6:35 and 10:20, plus SEBAS- EL REY: DOWN AND DIRTY, daily at 6 and 8, theater is sold out for Thurs/20. APOCALYPSE TIANE (Derik Jarman). 1:20, 5 and 8 45, Wed/ with matinees Sat.-Sun. at 2 and 4. "Late Show," WESTERN-OW NED & WESTERN-RUN SINCE 1851 NOW, opens Fri/21, call theater for times 19, THE HAUNTING (Robert Wise), 11:10. 4:20 features THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE PARKSIDE: call theater for titles and times and 9:30. THE SPIRAL STAIRCASE, with Doro¬ SHOW, midnight, every Fri.-Sat GUARDIAN CLASSIFIED 824-2506 Mathematician INDEX FREE EVENING LECTURES JOBS Socially oriented ecologically conscious resi¬ dential educational community accepting appli¬ Categories within Sections are “Exploring the Hidden cations for internships in the seemingly incom¬ Bona fide nonprofit organizations may list patible areas ot math instruction for poor and alphabetized. Job Market” EMPLOYMENT their paid employment positions here at no minority children and building restoration. B S. in September 5 and 13,6-7:30 pm. Math for teaching positions Stipends. The EMPLOYMENT charge (up to 42 words per issue). Call 2398 Broadway, SF S E E D Learning Center Call 642-3070 business Jobs. Page A?3 824-2506 for iniormalion._ hours. E.O.E CAREER DESIGN Social Service HOUSINGS. PROPERTY Specialists in career transition and development The Jewish Home for The Aged has full-time posi¬ Ranny Riley & Associates Living & Working Space Page A24 tion for sheltered workshop assistant $4 47/hr, CAREER SERVICES SEMINARS • WORKSHOPS • COUNSELING (involves heavy lifting) and one part-time position INSTRUCTION UNCOVER OPENINGS! tor Activity Program coordinator $4.61/hr Must be sensitive to needs of older adults. Contact Schools & Classes. PageA24 Call Catherine Fetz for reservations. Howard Lader 334-2500_ (415) 929-8150 MERCHANDISE Introducing: Office manager for healing arts center Book¬ Career Development keeping, typing, phone, PR. 25 hrs/wk $500 and classes Start 10/20 est preferred. Photo and For Sale.. Page A25 takes dedication and sometimes the help of a The Career Concept resume to HOC2547A8th St. Berk 94710. TYPIST professional counselor. To get your career plans NOTICES SUBSCRIPTION off the ground, contact one of our Career Ser¬ People needed to work as attendants for disablea Bay Guardian subscriptions needs fast (65 Business & Personal vices advertisers Say you saw it in the Guardian! persons Dufies include personal care, home¬ wpm), accurate typist 8-12 hours/week, UNITED PERSONNEL making services, shopping and errands, trans¬ Opportunites. Page A25 SERVICES OF COW HOLLOW portation, etc Part-time $3 25-4 00 per hour Tues., Th. Fri. somewhat flexible hours, e great job for student, Call Tom. M-F, 8:30 am- Interviews Thursday mornings at 9 30. Indepen¬ PERSONAL GROWTH EMPLOYMENT WANTED dent Living Project. 814 Mission. 2nd floor. 543- 4 pm, 824-7660 for details. Body & Mind. Page A2L 0223._ We find careers for people—not iust Bright, talented, attractive 30s w/f. published Bookkeeper/Person Friday COORDINATOR PROFESSIONAL & HOME people for companies. CAREER CON¬ writer, public speaker, film historian, graphic GUARDIAN GRAPHICS Part-time, fulf-time position with growing audio CEPTS does not use the traditional artist, leftist activist and blythe spirt, needs p/t .nergetic, motivated person to bring in new work with good pay Will consider anything. and record company. Varied duties, pleasant SERVICES approach of simply filling job slots We know •ccounts and manage typesetting service working conditions, located in Noe Valley Salary from experience that an individual is Guardian Box 13-52-G Graphic skills, paste-up and knowledge of Cemmercial Assistance . Page A27 open Resume important. 282-8000._ happiest when placed in the field and career Art Fields/Skilled Trades type essential Willing to do initial sales, keep RECREATION of. his choice. To this end we make every accurate records and coordinate production Signs, slide shows, films, photography, graphics, Very Attractive Women effort to find just the right opportunity for for authentic wrestling films. Maximum weight '0 hours per week to start. Send resume to: painting, carpentry, office work, maintenance Travel. Entertainment . Page A27 each client applicant, even though it usually 130. Will train Scott (707) 823-4207 after 6 p m Jean Dibble, SF Bay Guardian. 2700 19th St. Hire capable SF Art Institute graduates, students. means more effort than simply filling a job Non-sexual SF 94110. VEHICLES order for a company Call Placement 771-7020 x79. Land, Sea & Air.PageA27 Secretary -VOLUNTEERS- We look forward to working with you! GIGS Part-time to small publisher Odd hours Smart, We need help with various, sometimes LEGAL NOTICES Pagell organized, information freak. Lottsa typing and tedious tasks, weekdays You receive a six- errands 781-2121. x month subscription for every four hours of Andean Music Specialist GIANT GRID COUPON FreeLance Writers work, as well as a chance to make some in¬ Call (415)931 -6860 for appt. Consultant, performer of Andean music needed teresting new contacts. To arrange a conve¬ and photographers wanted for articles on con¬ Rates & Information.PageA25 Knowledge and versatility in all Andean wind, nient time, call Eileen, Mon.-Fri , 9 am-5 pm

We are an equal opportunity employer. sciousness-raising topics, holistic health work¬ > THE BAY GUARDIAN DAY & NIGHT, SEPTEMBER13,1979 string instruments Fluent in Quechua. Spanish at 824-7660 shops. classes, communities, etc. Call Lifestyle CARTOON KITCHEN .PageA26 Call 863-9397 at 824-2900 23 24 > THE BAY GUARDIAN DAY & NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 566-2426 Communal household committedtoopen its intentional family.$140plus 1/5 utilities nal sharinghasavacancy foranothermemberin communication, co-operative livingandemotio¬ jection facilitiesAboveBoardTheater751-2168 performances Lights,sound,andmoviepro¬ Theater availableforworkshopsand classes 834-4953_ plus utilities.Excellentlocation,idealforart Share 1600sqftwithotherartist,split$300rent, Oakland artstudio,skylights,haseverything Valley. $50/mo..826-6397. Space specificallydesignedfordarkroomNoe #203. $250/mo707/823-0988._ Sausalito office/studioSeeat200GaleFiveRd utilities Windows863-3126_ 1,000 sqft.studiospaceavailablenow$250plus would liketovolunteer,callRobinJackson, for information.673-7824 work weekdayswithweekendsoffCall6-9p.m. or equivalentforhandicappedwomanPossible 495-4770 activist networkIfyou'reastudent,instructor,or Friends OfTheEarthannouncesitsnewcollege Live inhousekeeperwithnursesaideexperience SF CA94111 writing sampletoImmedia.440DavisCourt,304 Oriental topicsResume'sunnecessary.Send Bright, sensitive,free-lancewriter/researcher Children CenterPermitPhone661-7274 Teachers requireBAandteacher'saides Telephone Nicolasat921-1400 Full andpart-timesalariedpositionsavailable some graspofnutritionandfoodsupplements full-time personablesales/stockpersonwith open Resumeimportant.282-8000 working conditions,locatedinNoeValleySalary and recordcompany.Variedduties,pleasant Respected Marinanaturalfoodstorerequires clients inthehealth,growth,orestheticscom¬ Part-time, full-timepositionwithgrowingaudio Lila at668-7777.ext.307_ munity Vicinity3rdAveandAnzastreetCallfor talk withpeopleFlexiblehoursandinteresting (415) 362-6947_ Mature, responsiblemaleorfemalewholikesto search. 166GearyStreet(offUnionSquare).SF Basic rate$3.50/hour.RichardLee,FarWestRe¬ legible handwriting,abilitytocommitschedule hours, intermittentbasisGoodphonemanner litical andconsumerresearchprojects.Variable Telephone, intercept,door-to-doortoworkonpo¬ agencies Salary$17,000;callLegalAssistance to theElderly434-3895_ munity housinggroups,local,stateandfederal least threeyearsexperienceworkingwithcom¬ frail elderlyinSanFrancisco.Shouldhaveat Full-time professionaltodevelopnewhousingfor bors inaction654-1797or653-1017 benefits Rakemuckfornon-profitUnitedNeigh¬ San FranciscoofficesSpecialtrainee'sincome, experienced fieldmanagersinOaklandandnew Reform grouphasjobsfororganizer/fundraisers, L Answering ServiceOperator COMMERCIAL SPACE Bookkeeper/Person Friday LIVE-IN SITUATIONS HOUSING & COMMUNITIES Health FoodsStore PROPERTY Activist HealthCare Housing Specialist College Activists VOLUNTEERS We Classified Advertisement. This couponentitlesthebearer to oneGuaranteedGuardian Guarantee It! Commune Interviewers Teachers Writer you need,we’llrunyourad3MOREtimesat If foranyreasonyoudon’tgettheresponse NO EXTRACHARGE! decision. Allthisisavailable for$5.Justwrite prospective Roommate'sAstrologicaldataand We willcompareyourAstrologicaldatawith way tofindoutbeforeyoulivedwithsomeone: you hated9Wouldn'titbeniceiftherewere a interpret itforyousocanmakeanIntelligent How manytimeshaveyoulivedwithaRoommate 2840 CollegeAve.Berkeley845-7821 cies. 610-AColeSt.,626-0606. $7 feeListyourvacancyfreeOver100vacan¬ Try cooperativeinvesting$950anduppershare COMPATIBILITY Honda, Ca.94020948-4958 Yellow-Phone Inc.,870Market#612.956-4357 537-1882. Jerry Professional man.29.straight,seeksfemale By phone,7days,9am-10pm.Only$5/month. nonsmoker Days271-6639.evesorweekends roommate(s) tofind/shareapartmentinSFNeat, 5118 SF94101285-9854. 665-6290. keeptrying a nicehomeRentupto$275each.Mike. location asofOct.1References.Bob.POBox Responsible employedhousesitterseeksnewSF honest, compatibleM/F.26-38.wantingtocreate —Noe/Eureka Valleys.BernalHeights.Potrero Let's teamtogethertofind&shareahouse/flat- vations 986-9850 nightly at630—$6plustaxincludeswineReser¬ breakfast, traditionalBasquefamily-styledinners single. $23doubleImmaculaterooms,large Guardian selection'78—ObreroHoteland Are youasinglemanorwoman,recentlyretired Basque RestaurantBed&breakfastfrom$15 I'm 35.straightW/MSeekingresponsible, mation. George Goldmark.654-4025,forfurtherinfor¬ cuss thisinterestingpossibilityPleasecall work, problems?Formingastudygrouptodis¬ like yourselfinasmallgroup,sharingexpenses, or nearingretirement?Whynotlivewithothers Welcome childrenMessage—Eric751-2169. 530-2707. mon Templearea.3plusbedrooms,2Y?baths. Open 2-5.3095FryeSt.,Oakland.QualityMor¬ tive; sharing,humanistichouseholdinSF Two warm,caringstraightmenformingsuppor¬ reduced to$135,000.PropertiesUnlimited. Dining andfamilyrooms.FullylandscapedPrice Details (licensedbroker):Box305,Rte.2.La CONNECTION ► ifyourgeneralattitudesarecompatible? ► ifyourneedsforprivacyaresimilar, ► ifyour"neatconsciousness"matches. ► howfinanciallyresponsibletheyare. HOUSES. COTTAGES.FLATS,APARTMENTS HOUSESITTING SERVICES SF RoommateReferralService HOUSEHOLDS FORMING OAKLAND, CA.94614 Advertise YourVacanciesforFREE! Real EstateTooExpensive? INVESTORS WANTED BERKELEY Please reply toboxaddressonly. And AllTypesofSharedHousing RENTAL SERVICES COMPATIBILITY HOUSES FORSALE Computer Roommate NOW YOUCAN. P.O. BOX2565 Best CheapHotel EAST BAYRENTALS Why LiveAlone? DAY SfNIGHT (1440 29thAve.) Gua&lian Sun Home HOTELS Clip outthiscouponandmailor Guardian Classified. for 3consecutiveinsertionsin bring ittoourofficewithyour Private Partyadandpayment ships classificationarenoteligible. multiple transactionsandRelation¬ CommerciallOrganization Raleads, yard, garage, fireplacePels,okay. $200 plusV* Quiet, responsible,gay, professionalwoman woman, civilized,sociable, &responsiblehasele¬ $250/month Professional40-year-oldgay utilities. 586-5034. seeking same toshare2bedroom housewith sible gayperson751-1576, evenings block northofUSF.toshare withanotherrespon¬ gant 2-bedroomflatnear GoldenGatePark1 non-smoker Nopets$140/utlinc2blksfrom or 566-0187,evenings. Balboa BartstationByron,585-6726. —no pets.$180plusutil.431-6637._ professional womanover30Non-smokeronly Woman over30tosharespacious,sunny6room volved inwork—whowouldn't?Roomwithdeck, Nice home,goodlocation.$150.M/F334-4716 Large apt.tosharewith1otherpersonPrefer flat overlookingDoloresParkwithwarm,sharing, able—single parentconsidered.527-7260. bath, $225plusutilities,2ndroomalsoavail¬ funny, smart,literate,direct,open,tidy,quiet,in¬ co-operative livingarrangement;I'dlikesomeone home seeksexceptionalhousemateover30for 433-0300_ across fromGGP$175/275Mitch752-7731or One ortwopersons,20-30yrsoldtosharelarge weekends Photographer/writer withcharmingBerkeleyHills furnished 2bedroomapartmentonStanyan and lightgardening.Call566-7520evenings change for3-4hoursperweekofhousekeeping keeper (willingtodiscussreducedrentinex¬ portation $250/monthincludingweeklyhouse¬ dining room,backyard,deckandparkingNear wood floors,fireplaces,alargekitchen,beamed and oneother.Houseisverysunny,withhard¬ share hisfour-bedroomVictorianhousewithhim UC MedCenter/GoldenGateParkGoodtrans¬ Professional manseekssane,amiablepersonto excellent transportation$166566-8472 6-8 pm bedroom, 2bathNoeValleyflatGoodtransporta¬ util. CallRon665-5053 area nearG.GParkGarage,fireplace$190plus Woman tosharesunny2bedroomflatSunset Housemate neededBeautifulhouse,nearbeach, tion, fireplace,viewNopets$225plus.821-3810, Roommate wanted.30plus,tosharesunny2 two feminineandartisticwomen771-2220eves. Sunny roominlargeflatFor$160plusWere evening, 861-8924. cat $255includesutilLee.forday,543-3746. Art director,29,gay,seeksnicecongenialperson to shareBuenaVistaEastarea,Victorianflat.6 $150, share7roomflalwith1M/2F,Bushand $100/mo 527-7260._ rooms. Bayview,lotsofsun,andonebigfriendly Laguna, callHoward,921-5305,1-5pm home foroffice,writingorotherworkspace. Room availableinbeautiful,quietBerkeleyHills Sunny gardenapt.onRussianHillFullyfur¬ 621-3722. 543-2320 2 mos.Sept.22-Nov.22.datesflexible.$325/mo. nished Comfortable1bedroom,fireplace,patio Studios andone-bedrooms.$250-$355Nicely $l00/wk. 931-5979,626-2657. eves. 776-0219,keeptrying. renovated Victorianbuilding.312FillmoreSt 826-6397_ cifically designedfordarkroom.$200 Available Oct.1.567-5167_ SERVING THEBAYAREASINCE1967SINGLES.CO-ED, Marina, large,sunnystudiow/view.10/8-10/27, facilities, openstogarden.$175.Withspacespe¬ Studio $175/moplus$175dep.148HermanSt PARENTS. STRAIGHTANDGAYFEEGUARANTEED Noe ValleySeparateroomwithcooking,bath Need aRoommate? San FranciscoRoommatesBureau RENTALS TEMPORARY RENTALS TOSHARE For CitySunLovers Looking For1More Spacious, Sunny 956-6499 Quiet Sublet RENTALS ployed, quiet,responsiblePayupto$130/mo. All levels.Flexiblehoursandratesforbusinessor Home 538-0168.work652-7464SFpreferred Male studentneedsroominhousehold.Em¬ conversation Barbara,397-1796_ with otherstraightwoman,25-40Denise character studythroughmovementBeverly Female singer,employedwithpianoseeksshare Borough. 552-9411. Modern danceclasseswithanemphasison 752-0587_ permanent, to$225664-0468.Larry Professional writerseeksquietplace—subletor 863-2666 ble malepainter/cartoonistforstudio,living eves. change fortennislessonsShawn.848-5562, Instructor VirginiaKesterCall731-7755or space Privateorflatshare323-5020_ Tennis pro.30.seeksfreeaccomodationinex¬ Compatible healthorientedSingles/couplesonly Now attheSanFranciscoConservatoryofBallet. Large lightroomwantedinMissionbyiesponsi- Photo, detailsyourlifestyle,toGuardianBox shared unit).Singlemale(29)wouldconsider house) toshare-tradeforsuitableSF1bdrm(or finish constructionAlso.3bdrmunit(same secluded, quietlocationforcontractorwillingto unfinished studiounit(partofhouse)inwoodsy, damentals ofMovementBeginninginthefall.Call Announcing courses:Introduction.Advanced,Fun¬ 13-52 B have countryandcityhousingonsharedbasis9 trade forauto'sstoragespaceWouldyouliketo Peninsula (25minutesdrive280/101)Free-rent 524-7798 or431-1171. courtyard andpatioGaragespaceis$25extra 2 bedroomtownhouseapartmentThetolalrent Good shopping.567-8667 Spanish. French,Portuguese.Mandarin.Arabic. Katherine My homephonenumberis567-1725,askfor is $375(includingutilities),wehaveaprivate My catandIarelookingforsomeonetoshareour furnished quietflatNopets.On55busline. $175 employedwomen25plustosharelarge German, Italian.EnglishConversationclasses 524-7798 GGPk. UCMCGoal:emotional&financialcontrol CpI toshare7BRVictorianHo.cityviewnear BART location552-9899.1-5._ technique classesbeginningOctoberinBerkeley over ourlives$200665-0716 Relaxed, creative,pleasure/prosperitymindedFI Woman 25plustosharelargeNoeValley/Mission woman ormanover28,withenergytoadd betsy Kaganwillberesumingadvancedmodern $175 includesutil/deposit,826-4890 flat Quiet,responsible,non-smoker,nopets collective householdNopelsordrugs.648-2594 term forresponsible,articulate,politicallyaware Victorian withgarden,garageinMissionLong¬ 10-noon_ lease Sept15Sharewith2women.8room a goodfriendfosharehouse&SundayNYTimes thirties? Seekingprofessionalwomanwhomakes educated, well-travelledhousemateinmid- Want tolivegraciouslyineleganthousewithwell- share withmaleAEK,ownbath$250.626-1793 Spacious &sunnyviewflatonTwinPeaksM/Fto Much betterthanaverage$127plusutilitiesand $300. CallCarolWilder751-1486,evesVwknds (weekends/aft 10om.)864-1855Roland ment, $108982-4872 Male wantedtoshareTelegraphHill3BRapart¬ $l25/month plusutilitiesM-F542-7122; iM/F toshareflatonOakNearLaguna, or 928-6182_ good groomingandtasteseparateroombath Gentleman lawyer(51)willoffertoneatladyof housekeeping orsecretarialservices.965-5564 in elegantRussianHillresidenceexchangefor Near BART, ferry,buses,economy parking Advanced classes,private lessonsavailable Effort ShapeMovementAnalysis SHERI GAIA,DIRECTOR 16 California St.,SanFrancisco.956-8325 Classes inModernandBallet JAPANESE LANGUAGE WORKSHOP * Beginner classfee$110 (16lessons) Small classes—AM.evening, orSat. JAPANESE Bay AreaLanguageCenter EARTHLY STUDIOS Call 626-4622forbrochure Trade/Rent-Free Housing Beginner classstartsevery month Nederlands DansTheater INSTRUCTION RENTALS TOTRADE Theatre DanceClasses 223 MississippiSt.S.F. Former soloistwiththe Modern/Jazz Classes SPACE WANTED Spanish OrItalian LANGUAGES DANCE Children andbeginnersaspecialtyReading,im¬ to yourgoalsandlevelMarcDobrmerStudio673- 647-0730. SF by "fineversatileguitarist"(SFChronicle).Suited advanced SpecialratesforgroupsAnnChannin, afternoons. you wanttoplay9AskforTom.826-2136,late Very experiencedinstructorwillteachguitar, presence, etcPrivatesessionsBeginners& Time StringBandCostis$5per’/?hr,paid performer/recording artistKateBnslinofAnyOld Helen at564-7508. provising, theory,techniqueSunsetDistrictCall mandolin, banjo,autoharp,ukelele,etcWhatdo Call BenHerr763-2984 Breathing, articulation,miketechnique,stage monthly ($20permo)Phone387-9648(SF) Beginners, intermediate,advancedInstructoris 6023 x6 All levels10yearsexperience.Convenient For 5-stringbanjo,clawhammer/frailingstyle position DavidFenwick—776-3740 Children andbeginnersaspecialtyReading,im¬ Black Belt.Excellentinstructionin Instruction byMasterDukeMoore.NinthDegree Berkeley location.Jamie848-3571 Relaxed lessonsinrock,jazz,andbluesstyles. come Professional,experiencedteacher.Call stand 922-3138 All levels;alsotheory,composition.CharlesHie- personal creativityTheory,arranging,com¬ approach Emphasizingpracticalknowledgeand Piano instructionalllevelsComprehensive Helen at564-7508 provising, theory,techniqueSunsetDistrictCall Donna Lerew—fraeconsultation922-6651 Learn violin/musictheoryAllages&levelswel¬ Berklee graduate,studyingwithSylviaJenkins music. Call647-6015 members, allvoicesFriendlygroup,exciting San FranciscoCommunityChorusauditioningnew 524-4557 welcome NorthBerkeleyareaPhilipJohnson Experienced teacherw/BAinmusicAlllevels afternoons. you wanttoplay9AskforTom826-2136,late mandolin, banjo,autoharp,ukelele.etcWhatdo Very experiencedinstructorwillteachguitar, B AinmusicYearsofexperience826-7412 Private lessonsforalllevelswithTadLathrop language ofmusicFormusiciansandvocalists Learn ihefundamentalsofthewrittenandspoken Let YourFingersDoThePicking Let YourFingersDoThePicking • 1-2pm:Ju-JitsuSelf-Defense • 12-1pm:ZenMeditation switchboard—A non-profit ► Escapefromfront&rearholds ► Defenseagainstknife,gun&club ►Women's rapedefense workshop designedforindividuals and whyofpublicityinanintensive Learn thewho.what, SKILLS—STARTS SEPTEMBER29 educational communityservice Free informationandreferral Sex Information relations asacareer. as wellthoseinterestedinpublic promoting theirownorganizations INFORMATION ANDCOMMUNICATION THE MOSTACCURATESEX INTENSIVE VOLUNTEERTRAININGIN For allagesandlifestyles Vocal Coach—Jazz,Rock,Pop How ToGetIt•Use SPECIALIZED COURSES MUSIC THEORYCLASS $95 includeslunchand materials. Classical GuitarInstruction Ju-Jitsu Self-Defense Classes areheldSundaysbegSept2 DEAF TTY#665-0889 2608CaliforniaSt.,SF 94115 New coursesstartevery3months •music, notation •sighisingmg •chords/scales OR WRITEBOX99054,SF,94109 Private PianoLessons THE ORSBORNGROUP Friday, Sept.28,9:30-5:30 KARATE DO,1819Market,SF Private PianoLessons & ZenMeditation PUBLICITY: SELF-DEFENSE MUSIC &VOICE CALL 665-7300 Guitar Instruction Guitar Instruction CALL JOHNPEREIRA Jazz RockGuitar pMinntsSsc® Banjo Lessons Piano Lessons Sing WithUs! Tuition $25/month (415)929-8383 863-2455 Learn To Fly Piano Sexual Problems CAPITAL WANTED Introductory flight $10 with ad Approved for THE ^ Excellent condition Kohler-Chase upright, $600 Improve sex drive, potency, orgasm potential veterans, foreign students Flightways Academy. Call 731-4213 to see Leave message Men/women volunteers needed for research Oakland Airport, 569-3899 project Nutrition and other holistic therapies Beautiful, Intelligent Woman FRIENDLY Most sexual problems physical rather than psy¬ Will do anything legal for $5000 All serious offers Gratz Piano Shop considered Guardian Box 13-51-G _ Fine selection of rebuilt pianos. 1 year guarantee chological Write for details. Box 882 Berkeley THEATRICAL Rentals available. 1910 Bonita Ave, Berkeley, 94701 Adam Bombs Can Destroy FOAM 548-9768 Reactors. W E C.A R E needs seed money z'o THE NEXT STAGE We're feminist marxists developing a dialectical SHOP L. W Cat Skinner, coordinator, 373 Ellis, SF materialist theory of spirituality We re compiling 94102 Theater Games Workshop Sitar a book, soliciting articles and graphics on spiri¬ •Actors, Teachers, Therapists, Beings* For sale—professional East Indian sitar. ivory in- tuality. healing, ESP, revolutionary politics Send No previous experience in layed, along with Barcus-Berry pick up and Foam Mattress c/o Taj Tellalian, PO Box 42402, San Francisco improvisational theater necessary converter $300 Call (415) 552-3048 MESSAGES 94101 Demonstration class held once a month Famiiia de Ring "/rats Vail fools wasted For info call Marcia Kimmell Moog $175,000 yearly—spy-clones, business deals, 584-0729 or 332-9100 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Micro-Moog with hard case. Ribbon and wheel saboteurs since 1973' "She" reaps only lupus Ms. Kimmell studied with Viola Spolin, pain-hells/death 10-26-77 gravy tram poverty bending plus all the other classic Moog sounds. originator of Theater Games, for 3Vi hears. Send name-change, not 6-8-79 lead promised, 771-7065. GOLDEN YOUTH Improvisation Workshop Offers unlimited part time income for serious clone-papa No "sinus", prefer smoking, never At Stage Group with Bruce Mackey of The Com¬ minded people with new national marketing booze1 company to demonstrate physical fitness and mittee Starts Sept. 22. $100/9 wks 433-1226 "Cot of Many Colors" OFFICE EQUIPMENT nutritional products which are advertised on TW RELATIONSHIPS Directing Workshop Folding Beds Punch And Bind Like Crazy! AVERAGE BETWEEN S30-55/HR. StageGroup's Wendell Phillips has directed/ Like new plastic ring binding set 21-ring punch For Appointment: Guardian Classified does not print last acted in 47 Broadway plays. $325/18 weeks and binder, 9/16' centers, $300 for both Advice 5C Call Patrick Thompson at 548-2087 names, private addresses or telephone 433-1226._ 863-8788 Improvisation Workshops 1500 Ocean Ave , SF 585-3626 Unique Opportunity 'numbers in this classification. Relation¬ San Anselmo-Marin 453-3626 For theatre, personal growth or fun Workshops PHOTOGRAPHIC Auto pinstripmg—established profitable business ships advertisers must use a Guardian Box, for beginners through advanced begin mid-Sept Albany-Berkeley 527-3626 installing tape pinsiriping in S F Many commer¬ P0 box or commercial mail service box for Pleasant Hill-Concord 825-3626 Sue Walden 441 -4384 Dry Mount Press cial accounts, inventory, van. comprehensive replies (no exceptions). We do not want and Redwood City-Palo Alto 364-3626 Seal 160 Jumbo, 16 x 20 Excellent condition. training by the best. Kevin Frest 652-4401 ext Hour*: 10-6 M S. 12-5 Sunday* $350 661-3132 419 will not accept advertising with a purely VIDEO sexual objective. $2 charge for copy Entrepreneurs Wanted changes or cancellation. Address Television LOST & FOUND " RECORDS & TAPES O.K., so you've got a bright idea We've got the New College, in conjunction with Viacom Channel Lost male collie, one blue eye/one brown eye Re¬ Opera and classical records, scores and books capital and experience to make it work Let's Guardian Box replies to the appropriate 25. offers documentary, studio production, and ward 755-1235 or 756-6232 Excellent condition. Call 668-9269 hear about it. Write B.O.D., PO Box 9441, Berke- comparative media courses September 18-20 ley, CA. 94709_ number, c/o 2700 19th St., SF, CA 94110. registration 548-7800 MISCELLANEOUS For sale a small (20,000 circulation every 2 mos.) Worldly, male intellectual (hetrosexual) seek* successful (11 yrs in continued existence) news¬ correspondence/cafe talk with same 182( VOCATIONAL Weaving Store Sells Out paper (with prime newstand locations) Will teach Union; Box 154; SF 94123.__ Have three elegant oak cabinets. $900: electronic right person(s) entire operation. 863-3899 cash register. $275. Gilmore loom, 32". 4H, NOTICES I’ll enjoy becoming friends with a woman who re¬ $450; spool rack $30. warping mill $40. 621-4714 quires absolute honesty. I'm W/M, 36, 5'11", Double mattress, box. bookcase, books, loveseat. BUSINESS PARTNERS WTD. #150, attractive, high self-esteem. PO Box 31612, miscellaneous, cheap 845-7106 or 845-7793 SF 94131_ DEAN Karen____ Direct Sales Feminist Companion Virtually unlimited commission potential—if you ASSOCIATES Pure Water Distillers Jewish man, 30, left-feminist, childcare worker, You can make your own purified drinking water have been successful in direct, franchise, com¬ seeks feminist woman companion to share sup¬ Dial a tape for more details 567-4240_ AUTHORS/RESEARCHERS mission. or multi-level sales, and are able to sub¬ port. ideas, feelings and play. Guardian Box Provides a state-approved 100 hr. course in stantiate your income, you could become an in¬ 14-01-B_ massage therapy Classes include Swedish Women Struggling With tegral part of our national organization Our com¬ MUSICAL Overweight!!! Investigating the heavier woman's soft tissue work, anatomy/physiology, busi¬ pany has created a most innovative method of sexual and self attitudes for PH D dissertation. Nudist (Female) ness and ethics, shiatzu. polarity, reflexolo¬ Tablas, silver and leather Comes with wooden mass merchandising/consumer-oriented buying wanted for friendship by 18yr WM Guardian Box Anonymous questionnaire. Call Sharen at gy. self-awareness and grounding. Shorter crates, rings and covers No hammers. $135. Call service Call 285-7395 13-51-E. 387-9407 after 6 pm courses available and many are approved for 668-9269 nurses continuing education Classes in Oak¬ land and Palo Alto Call 835-5018. DEADLINE IS Rocky Mountain Healing Arts Institute offers SINGLE ISSUE RATES advanced training program in Body Mind Con¬ sultation for practicing health professionals FRIDAY, Word Rates Contact RMHAI Box 1881, Boulder, Colorado 3roups of characters separated by a space count as separate words Most hyphenated or slashed words count as 80306.(303) 443-5131 3:00 PM! wo words. Phone numbers or dollar amounts count as one word. Most punctuation is free Printed in 6-point type, Deadline applies to payment, copy oaragraph style changes, new copy and cancellations COMMERCIAL/ORGANIZATION: 25c per word, $4.50 minimum. This rate applies it you charge money for a and is strictly observed. Prepayment of service or represent an organization all ad costs Is required and no cash PRIVATE PARTY: 20c per word, $2 minimum. This rate applies if you are advertising as an individual for refunds can be authorized. Classifi¬ MERCHANDISE something unrelated to your business. cation and placement are at our dis¬ HEADLINE: Add $1.50 to the word charge to print the first line centered in 8-point type cretion. 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We must have your name, address and weekday phone, information which is For sale—sound system: Altec speakers, Sher¬ We publish only such advertising as


Free cat to good home. 5 mos, black male, spunky and affectionate. Call 648-1315 before 3. pm. _ Honey Needs A Home If you think you would value the wonderful com¬ panionship of a mature female Cocker Spaniel, please call. Gene 468-0792 % HANDICRAFTS Copper Enameling Equipment _words @25$ ($4.50 min.)_ Suggested Classification Name_ Sale. Entire copper enameling jewelry equipment wkshp for sale: Incl kiln, pyrometer, copper _words @ 20$ ($2 min.) _ Address shapes, findings, books and free extras. $300, Exc cond Ramona 282-9190 plus headline ($1.50) plus Guardian Box ($2) Weekday Phone HOME FURNISHINGS Cut on broken line and mail Single Issue Subtotal _ with payment to: Charge my Oriental Rugs □ MasferCharge Beautiful handknotted rugs from Persia 428-2192__ times_issues □ Visa/BankAmericard I Guardian Classified Rugs, unclaimed 9' x 12'. $14.95 and up. Su¬ less_% discount _ Credit Card #_ preme Rug Cleaners, 2931 Geary Blvd . SF 2700 19th Street I For sale Waterbed with headboard, sheets. & Totals _ SF, CA 94110 Expiration Date. > THE BAY GUARDIAN DAY & NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 mattress. $300 Red vinyl barstools (2). $75. 661- I 4762 J25 4 4 5 ► THE BAY GUARDIAN DAY & NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 humor Guardian Box13-51-M 45. warm,giving,sincere, relaxedwithsenseof 53 Characterimportant, looksnotMustbe25- Mistress-girl frienddesired byprofessionalW/M. mountains. Butalways I lovehavingmyback sometimes,backpack,andenjoythe getherness. EnjoychildrenandelderlyYes. full figures,sensualawareness,andquietto¬ rubbed GuardianBox1-D. and thecouragetodiscoverFondofbrunettes, woman Appreciatesensitivity,workinvolvement, 50 seekscompanionshipandcaringwithwarm educated pastherawesomepotential.Taylor.#B- Kind, giving,contemplative,active,creativeWJM music. SF.seekssophisticatedwoman27-36for serious, hip.cultured,lovesjazzandclassical 29. Jewish.Phd.cand.;attractive,wry,tender, Philosopher, classicist,musician,editor,writer. 98673, Box600,Tracy.CA_ lonas forrealitycontactviacleverwomannot W/M, 22.servingequallymurderouslifesentence Guardian Box13-51-K._ romance GuardianBox13-51-D counselor, astrologer,poet,dancer,truckdriver. area. Carl(12/11/42,6'.150#):mathematician, build ourownhomeina„naturalorwilderness to you.I'mfinanciallysuccessful,andintend wood, laughatlifeandmyself,singthissong sun herflowers.IliveInasecludedcabinin and childwithinme,husbandthemasthe slender(ish), firm-breasted,naturalfeminine strong, beautifulbody—seekssimilar,spiritual, accept themastheyare.definitelyimperfect, with similarqualitiesandcompatibleinterestsfor growth, foreigntravel,tennis,hiking;seeksman ~FRUIT LASS/ relationship. Iknow,love,andrespectthewoman human, andfrail;brilliant/creativemind and vulnerability;abletoseeothersdeeply powerful, sensitivemanopentointensefeeling honest relationshipGuardianBox13-51-L interested inlanguage,classicalmusic,personal assertive; professionallyandartisticallyinvolved, Attractive, sincerewoman.30's,gentle,strong, wants tomeetladywithintelligenceandsenseof vative. separated,lonely,affluent,discrete, Guardian Box13-52-F._ younger womanwithwarmthandsincerity. personal growth,seeksdelightful,shapely sense ofhumorEnjoysshows,weekendtrips, Attractive SFW/M.36.intellectual,gentle,with 31332, SF,CA94131.(+Stamp)_ TV orme9Friendly?Available?35+?Joy,Box cluding address).GuardianBox14-01-C._ possible friendship/intimacyWriteNancy(in- time companionshipdowntown(histreat)and nonsmoking W/M,30-50,foroccasionallunch¬ shirt) W/F,36,seekssimilar,supportive,feminist, Sincere, playful,warm,nice-looking(jeans/T- graph andphonenumber.GuardianBox13-52-C. country clublifestylePleasereplywithphoto¬ and 19-lookingforalastingrelationship.I'mpro¬ drinking, weekendtrips,doesn'tmindasmoker woman whoenjoyssports,dancing,movies, W/M. 32.fromNorthCarolina,seeksattractive woman (18-31)forcommitted,monogamous be enslavedbyawomen'sinspirationinlovere¬ Guardian Box13-51-A._ marital statusisirrelevant.Pleasesenddetailsto cess Objectiveisaquietrelationship,butyour humor Ienioyalmostanything,butnothingtoex¬ More orless43W/Mprofessional,tall,conser¬ fessional. workhard,alotofambition,enjoythe touching, feeling,seeingthebeautyIknowinher. cue Iwanthertogivemethepleasuresof to complimentmeandnevercomemyres¬ belief todissipatemyself-doubt.Ineedherrarely lationship ofliberatingintensity.Ineedherdis¬ I amashy.ectomorphic6'.W/Mage30wantto POB 2221Stanford,CA.94305._ Christian W/M,35-42,interestedineventualmar¬ dating GuardianBox13-52-D. women 20-35forgoodtimes,companionship, Tall, affectionate,whitemale,mid20's,lookingto The CartoonKitchen White maleMid-50's.LooksyoungerSlim,neat, lationship. BayArea.GuardianBox13-51-B Slim, whitemale.24.interestedinmeeting Box 13-52-A._ phone numberwithreplyappreciatedGuardian tive. happy,stable&sometimesshy.Photo riage &havingchildI'm35.single,tall,attrac¬ I’d liketomeettall(5'11"&over)attractive appreciated. GuardianBox13-52-E. for movies,dining,intimatetouching,andmaking oversexed women(anyage),singleormarried, share anon-demandingaffairwithnormalor aware, attractiveandprofessionalGuardianBox Woman wantsother"nifty'womansensitive, educated. Wishestomeetcouplesforclosere¬ love Senseofhumordesired.Photo,phone 14-04-A. COMWNB INAPUrNPER2CUP6 OF CHOICE. Yogurt, slightlylesswater, 4 icecuees,atJp5

Sagittarian Movers Rainbow The Mime ROLFING YOGA AND MEDITATION Eight years experience, 12'. 24' trucks. Long Parties, performances and classes. Call Rainbow, VACATION LODGING distance/local. Fully insured. Dependable, ref¬ 626-6556. •Gentle Caring Work Scientific Meditation erences, low$ 453-8853 •HOTTUBGARDEN Learn how to meditate, private lessons. Center Rainbow Ranch BULLETIN BOARD Expansive mountain view, rustic lodge, cabins, SETTING For Scientific Meditation PO 642. Sausallto 415/ pool. lake, home-cooking Available to groups & '•SSS a session 332-9202. NEW AGE TRANSPORT CO. United Air Lines 50% coupons. $50 each After 7 MOVING-STORAGE pm, 826-3836_ individuals. Write Rainbow ranch, Calistoga GENE SAGE COMPLETE QUALITY SERVICE 94515. (707) 942-5127. Certified Rolfer AT REASONABLE RATES Opera, Friday Evening 527-6299 STATEWIDE—NATIONWIDE 3rd row center, 14 Sept . "Pelleas", 21 Sept . Gourmet Country Dining LICENSED—INSURED "Gioconda"; 28 Sept, "Elektra" and through The Blue Heron Inn. Restaurant and Tavern in Therapeutic Massage PROFESSIONAL & MODERN CONTAINER STORAGE season except 12.19 Oct. $75/pair Bill. 526-8765 Duncan's Mills on the Russian River, serving in¬ CAL PUC-T-123218 ternational vegetarian specialties, chicken and Swedish massage by therapist experienced in a Denver fresh fish. Open daily except Monday. 5:30-9 30 clinical setting Non-sexual. Licensed. 586-4577 HOME SERVICES Airline ticket on Aug 27, $65. one-way Call 956- _CALL 885-5555_ Champagne brunch Sunday 10-2 (707) 865-2269 4357. Masseur; 85% Repeat!!! A truck for all seasons Call 826-8863 for timely Maui Condo European rubdown by expert . . honest reliable transport or hasty deport We drink port. 2 swimming pools and tennis court. 1 bedroom. 1 discreet—athletic professional Mon.-Fri Barry GAMING Starving Students bath, completely furnished $35 a day till 15 Dec . 552-9025._ Licensed, insured apd experienced Local home As Seen On TV $50 a day thereafter. 824-5476 Ganesha And Tapasya ACCOUNTING and office jobs Same rates weekends Call 863- Winning at the track is fun using Jack's Astro¬ 4500. CALT-116, 476 Attention Skiers! Healing massage, $20/hr. Husband and wife Accounting Services logical Selections. Never attended a horse massage partners Eastern and Western tech¬ race—no problem Pick up your selections today. Don't let this winter slip-slide away Join Ernie's for small businesses and self-employed indi¬ ski cabin in the Sierra today For terms and con¬ niques 654-2540 OM_ 581 Eddy viduals Nick Rodin. 548-6932, M-F, 8-6 PAINTING/PAPERING ditions call Ernie Lavorim aft 6pm, 527-4589 Release Stored Tension House Painting Revitalizing non-sexual massage in safe sen¬ CARPENTRY OUTDOORS South Mendocino Coast suous environment 1 Vi hours $15 John Licensed contractor (#356140) fully insured Mar Vista Beach Cottages, kitchens, completely 563-3013 after 11 am Certified practitioner Residential/commercial Interior & exterior. Color Backpacking For Women Victorian Specialists furnished, a unique experience in tranquility $25/ schemes/free estimates. Noel. 261-7474 Wilderness Trips: September 15-17. Carson Pass, Renovation, additions, decks, remodeling, dry rot couple (707)884-3522._ Swedish Massage $35; September 29-October 1, Desolation Wilder¬ Professional, relaxing Absolutely non-sexual; and repairs. For free estimates call Moore Build¬ ness, $35, October 4-8, Sonora Pass. $50 men, women, children. M-W-F. 10-6 pm East ing, 626-3131 or 285-1901. PHONE/MAIL Timber Cove—Sonoma Coast includes good tood, tents, group equipment, com¬ Bay. Dianna. 536-7284 Beautiful ocean-side homes or seclusion among pass work, hot springs Classes. Sept. 12. 19, 26 Use our telephones & mailboxes Barbary Coast redwoods Weekend/weekly rates Hot tubs Call 7-9 pm and Oct 10, 17, 24 7-9 pm. The Outdoor- CARPETS/FLOORS Answering Service. 1820 Union Street Fast & for list (707) 847-3278 Healing Massage In Berkeley accurate. 922-7775. woman's School, 848-5189 I use Esalen and Shiatsu to restore proper ba¬ lance and vitality to the body My work is based, Austin Creek-Side on intuition, combined with several years of ex¬ We’ll Floor You! PHOTO/FILM PARTY SERVICES housekeeping cabins sleeping 5-10. Swimming, hot perience in bodywork Non-sexual only Call An¬ WITH OUR EXPERT CRAFTSMANSHIP tub & playground Openings Mid-July & September Tarot reader available for parties See "Psycho¬ drea, 843-0386, 8 am-8 pm daily. AND REASONABLE RATES by the week, $105-$160/week Call (707) 632-5273 Northern Lights Photo Reproduction astrologer" ad in METAPHYSICAL. HARDWOOD, PARQUET, SOFTWOOD Complete photographic reproduction services evenings, or write Austin Dell Resort, 3650 Caza- Expert Shiatsu FLOORS BEAUTIFULLY SANDED & FINISHED PMT's, stats, film, hall-tones, projections, etc. Westwood Sun Cafe dero Highway, Cazadero CA 95421 Gentle stretching/deep meridian point holding 215 Leidesdorff St in the financial district SF. people love to cater private parties—in our cafe — release posture unblock balance SPECTRUM FLOOR REFINISHING Free pickup and delivery Call 788-STAT —providing food, drinks, entertainment Call Feels great. Harold 665-6578 (Classes also)_ 824-8579 664-2191 _ Masseur For Women PRINTING Rainbow Balloon Company You do need a massage It's sensitive, relaxes CLEANING/MAINTENANCE Balloons. Clowns and Mimes tor parties, pro¬ and is pleasingly sensual and caring Do try one. 1000 Business Cards, $15 National Printing Co. motions and celebrations. Call Rainbow, VEHICLES Call Victor at 531-6100 for appointment Housecleaning 55 New Montgomery St., S.F. 495-5454 _ 861-5372 Young man/student. Thorough—fast—reliable LA RAZA SILKSCREEN CENTER Healing Massage Festive Music Color, sound, visualization with breathing tech¬ References. Steve 431-9975 TYPESETTING • SMALL & LARGE Baroque, Renaissance for all celebrations. Fully niques used with integration of Swedish, Esalen. professional, critically acclaimed. Loud or soft in¬ Shiatsu and polarity arts to revitalize your energy OFFSET PRINTING • SCREEN Abacus Cleaning Co-op struments Trio $180, quintet $250. Call Pastime flow Bach Flowers also available. Helena 564- Housecleaning, rental units, one-time job. PRINTING • GRAPH 1C DESIGN • With Good Company, (415) 566-9610 - AUTO PARTS/SERVICE 0961. 665-2988 POSTERS • BUS PLACARDS Mime Messenger Service CLERICAL Special rates for community organizations Personalized Greetings in Mime for all occasions NEW AGE AUTO SERVICE 3174 16th St., SF 863-5820 Call La Lune, 652-4045._ ROLFING Need a typist? Secretary? Temporary office help? QUALITY AUTO MAINTENANCE Reasonable rates, guaranteed work. Call Marilyn, The Ultimate Moose Band ALL AUTOS AND LIGHT TRUCKS REMODELING Music for all ages and occasions From Big Band 665-5588 525-0721. REPAIR—REBUILD—MAINTAIN swing to Fifties rock to disco. Originals too! (415) COMPLETE SERVICE Alan Freebury Invest Against Inflation 454-8062. GARDENING Consider renovation Lou Bednar and Associates CALL 885-5555 San Francisco Gen'l Contr #362761.346-3880, 992-3588. RIDE SERVICES Home-Grown Landscaping services Pruning, planting, design, ROOFING Ride or drive carpools, cross-country commuting, AUTOS FOR SALE maintenance Back yard restoration Experi¬ or local. Free listing 845-1769 Membership $5. METAPHYSICAL enced, references Free estimates Call Michael, Roofing RCTS, 2720 Grove, Berkeley 94703. '56 Stude pickup mint cond. Overhauled $1500 or b/o 781-0414 days. 752-3340. All types, complete or patch, also gutters and ce¬ Share-A-Flight Astrology . .. It’s In The Stars! ment work Free estimate. Great prices Seats available on private aircraft to and from Personal consultations—classes—private tu¬ 648-1662 or 334-8730 $950 Or B/O anywhere in the U S. (Cars available also.) For In¬ toring—computer calculations. Call Nicki Mi- GENERAL HOME SERVICES 1974 Mazda GD ENGINE ^K. Must sell! 566- formation, call (800) 547-0933 chaels at 821-7070,_ Household Repairs & Decorating SHARPENING 8716. Psychic readings Call evenings Pat 776-2882 General repairs, remodeling, shelving, painting, appliance installation, electrical fixtures, tiling Expert, precise sharpening and repairs. Knives, TRAVEL Please Buy My Economical Car Psychoastrologer and formica counter tops. Call John Marsh, shears, tools Speedy service, quantity discount, Moving east must sell completely reliable 1972 M.A psychologist offers unique, sensitive con¬ 467-6867 eves. Blades. 1692 Haight. 431-4653. Free film show of Encounter Overland's fascinating Vega 47,700 miles New engine at 30,000 sultations Individual, couples, group 841-0993 camping expeditions through Africa, Asia and Spotless interior like new Excellent mileage or 843-4440 x32. South America Tues Sept 18 ^t 7pm. Travel $1000 or best offer. 567-7862. HAULING SIGNS Lodge 250 Beach St. Bay Room "C". Call Ghost Adoption Agency 421-7199 for more details A lifetime of exciting experiences can be Strong Man—Good Truck Sign Painting • Murals • Graphics MOPEDS yours, when you adopt a homeless ghost. Friendly, efficient. Hauling, cleaning. Basements, Any kind of sign. Agency experience. Call for free garages, yards. Fair negotiable rates Call Shad, estimate, references Tom Cross. 552-7304. Send S.A.S.E. for application and information to AIRLINE 441-3998 24-hour answering GHOST ADOPTION AGENCY. 345 Lincoln Ave. TYPING Cotati, CA 94928 HOT TUB COUPONS Informative classes weekly, 707/795-5266. Midnight Express Typing Svc. Hot Tub Maintenance & Repair Meets deadlines. Competitive prices IBM Se- Complete service specialists for SF and the Bay lectric. References available. Large jobs, a spe¬ 441-2466 GASOLINE Area Call Augean. 626-3131 ext. 159 cialty. Experienced, professional, dependable SOLUTION PalmandCardReading vj (/ » 1 647-4519 826-0072 • WINSHIP • 826-4217 Tells your past, present ./ LITERARY Scholastic Typing/Editing Vi-OFF COUPONS and the future. Also, Neat, dependable, accurate IBM Correcting Se- REDEEMED • BOUGHT • SOLD Ride A Moped! Research Specialist lectric, Theses, manuscripts, legal, statistical NYC $108 • Miami $109 counseling on personal Theses, dissertations, economic reports Call typing Work guaranteed Reasonable 821-7612. • Hong Kong $349 • London $242 • problems. h Jim, 285-0673. Brussels $274 • Frankfurt $324 Typing & Dictation • Honolulu $131 • Mexico $99 • College Ave. Cyclery For appointment call Lena: 566-5912 Executive Secretary IBM Selectric II (self- China 10 days, from Hong Kong $670 6026 College Avenue LEGAL correcting/dual pitch) Edit, correct, proof Mary • USSR 15 days, from London $585 • Oakland 94618 M ,626-3131_ Charterways • CharTours • CIEE Telephone: 654-3361 SPIRITUAL GROWTH Personal Injury Litigation Typing/Transcribing/Phone Diet. • Condor • Icelandic • Jet Exchange • Laker • Pan Am • TIA • TWA • World Free consultation, contingent fee Law offices, Experienced, highly professional. Resumes, cor¬ Worldwide Rail • Ship • Bus Gurdjieft-Ouspensky Centers (415) 788-0333 respondence, manuscripts, tape transcribing. Accepting students. 566-6531 IBM latest equipment 346-7380 MOVERS JOURNEY INTO Enclosed Breadtruck Fast and reliable with pads and dollies. 1 man- A tm cAffofits ENLIGHTENMENT $15/hour, 2 men—$22/hour 826-7928. RECREATION h A penetrating, exciting experience. Country Trucking Everyone welcomed at no charge. Light/heavy moving Free estimates, lo rates. AM/ An Escort Service PM shift ok. Call Rob. 731-7715. Leaping Into for the Discriminating Higher Consciousness Curley’s Transfer for Happiness & Fulfillment Sheik Pianos, appliances & fine furniture since 1972. Call us we answer 665-367P ENTERTAINMENT Music by Schawkle Roth. (415 593 3339 Enclosed Transport Service Monday, Sept 17,1979; 8 pm Moving, hauling, dependable, well-equipped, 5 years experience Free estimate Reasonable 1950’s JITTERBUG Performing Arts Theater Call Tom. 239-2203 or Joe. 664-6966 267 Buena Vista Ave., Mill Valley EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Evenings363-8189 30% off list price Coming or going! Call Tommy Trucker 826-8863 Gurdjieff-Oriented Reasonable service Courteous rates firm hand¬ workgroup based on ideas of Gurdjieff. Ouspen- shakes. Short notice OK. all Kodak film and processing sky, Idries Shah and modern psychology. Current openings. 841-6500 x153. San Francisco Trucking Co. Moving—near or far. 1-10 men. Large enclosed REFRACTIONS ■ SUPPORT/STUDY GROUPS trucks, Delivery. Experienced 621-6772. Specialist in Pentax Cameras Berkeley woman. 26. wishes to meet women for Neighborhood Movers co-counseling and/or support group to explore Safe-efticient service. Large 2 ton truck. Experi¬ issues raised in My Mother, Myself PO'Box and Celestron Telescopes enced, assured, friendly We do hauling too! At the Mandala Ballroom 6191. Albany 94706. 731-5879 600 San Pablo AVe. 527-8664 603 Torovol St., SF Between menopause and social security? Would Albany Square Shopping Center you like to get together with other fiftyish to sixty- Granny’s Truckers 552-4990 or 731-9829 ■ ish women, discuss life and compare notes. Five years experience Reasonable, reliable. No > THE BAY GUARDIAN DAY & NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13 move too large Billy, 431-4257 live Music 2nd Sat. $4.50 Phone Gaby, 824-1765 evs wknds. « 27 > THE BAY GUARDIAN DAY & NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 MITCHELL Though Mitchellhasputoutatremendousamountoffirst-rate material overtheyears,littleofItseemsdatedInanyway. INTO HER OWN COMES BACK PRIESTESS THE HIGH tarist PatMetheny hasbecome Each ofthoseappearanceswas where sheunveiledhercollabora¬ could collarsuchanimpressive i chell’s bandforthiscurrenttour— at thoseconcerts. grudgingly byMitchell,whowas accessible. Theoccasionalnodto a headlinereachtime,Mitchell first time,andmostrecentlyatthe Francisco CivicAuditoriumfully Pastorius, bassistofWeather Re¬ liner inmoderate-sized halls. Jaco and couldeasily tourasahead¬ a majorstarhimself inthepastyear array oftalentforhershow.Gui¬ most people,impressedthatshe her firstinfiveyears—Iwas,like determined toestablishhercredi¬ that precededher.Hertributesto showcasing herMingusmaterial. ted. 1hadseenherperformthree expecting towalkawaydisappoin¬ went toherrecentshowattheSan bility asajazzsingerandcomposer her pastworkwasofferedonly Mingus seemeddense,remote,in¬ half anhour)thanmostoftheacts played setsthatwerebriefer(about mildly depressing.Althoughbilled Berkeley JazzFestival,onceagain tions withCharlesMingusforthe year's BreadandRosesFestival, times inthepastyear—twiceatlast than JoniMitchell,Iconfessthat BY BLAIRJACKSON Although therearefewsingers When IsawthelineupofMit¬ or songwritersIadmiremore The SolowithWeatherReport, I jira. Thereadingof“Coyote"really was completely blown away,but and Imustsay,Jaco’sschtickisget¬ third timeIhadseenwhatisspoken Clown PrinceofBass.Thiswasthe were treatedtoanexhibitionof has everwritten. while shecouldnotmatchthebril¬ version of“PorkPie”waseasilythe taneity in it—healways doeshis ize there,isrelatively littlespon¬ the nexttwotimes Ibegantoreal¬ ting abittired.ThefirsttimeIsaw of inreverentialtonesasTheSolo, bass excess,courtesyofJaco,the of thewittiestcompositionsJoni fails totickleanaudience.Itisone on "DryCleaner,”thesongnever crowd wasquietandobviouslyap¬ appreciation ofMitchell'smorere¬ which appearonMitchell’srecent Cleaner fromDesMoines"(bothof Mitehell-Mingus versionof“Good¬ song inafairlystraightforward while Mitchellchargedthroughthe colorful harmonicsateachother showed thespecialnessofMitchell’s own strengthsinhisstyle fuzzed extrapolation on the main best I’dseenherperform,and cessible material.Theslower preciative, evenofJoni’smostinac¬ cent output.Toitscredit,the Mingus LP)testedtheaudience’s manner. band, asPastoriusandMetheny Brecker) and"Coyote”fromHe¬ featured ablisteringsaxsoloby few real“hits")withmoreold compositions. ■Thatsaysmuch while stillbeingtruetoMitchell’s player wasable'toshowcasehis of superstars.Miraculously,every at work,notjustaconglomeration short, itwasobviousfromthe sizer. Jaco’sbasspoppedandrolled liance ofthealbum’sarrangement bye PorkPieHat”and“Dry playfully tossedlittleburstsof Court andSpark(thelattersong and “FreeManinParis”from material—“Just LikeThisTrain” tour. choosing themusiciansforthis about .thecareMitchellputinto first notethatthiswasatrueband strong undercurrentonsynthe¬ Metheny ratherthan above Alias’sniftydrumwork.In playing Mitchell.Maysaddeda sounded likeMethenyplaying fills underthemainmelodythat was unleashinggorgeous,ringing other recentappearances.Metheny asm 1hadseenonlyrarelyather were filledwithagenuineenthusi¬ be likewere.crushedassoonMit- cert. Mitchell’ssingingandplaying “Big YellowTaxi”toopenthecon¬ chell andcompanyboundedinto about whatherCivicshowwould on. there wasanyensembleworkgoing tually boring.Ihadnosensethat cused, markedbyalackofinstru¬ at theJazzFestivalbyPastorius, band. ButIvyasstillskeptical.Af¬ mental depth(1)andinplacesac¬ Williams, andhersetwasunfo¬ Herbie HancockandTony ter all,Mitchellwasaccompanied and you’vegotonehellofagood drummer/percussionist DonAlias, the albumsthatcomeout)and (who seemstoplayonabouthalf Mays, saxplayerMichaelBrecker Metheny'sexceptional (andunder¬ porary jazzbass.Addtothis port, isacknowledgedasoneofthe rated) keyboardpartnerLyle most importantfiguresincontem¬ A lengthysegmentdevotedtothe In betweenthosetwosongs,we She followed“Taxi”(oneofher But anypreconceptionsIhad j managedtogetthecrowdsinging Juan's RecklessDaughter,my tinged tunes,therockerseemedout and Spark’s“RaisedonRobbery.” out rockandrollversionofCourt from theMingusalbum. on therefrainof"GodMustBea Crow” and"FurrySingstheBlues song’s chorus,butwithlittlesuc¬ favorite Mitchellalbum.Jonitried achieve thegospelishsound.Imag¬ of SummerLawns,Mitchell dows andLight.”OnHissing chell wasjoinedonthefirstthree way toendtheshow. of placeandanalmostgratuitous It waswelldone,butinthecon¬ to endtheshowwithanout-and- Boogie Man,"asongaboutMingus (both fromHejira),Mitchell Mitchell performedfromDon strument, andMitchell,guitarless, interesting thanJaco’spyrotech¬ varied, displayedconsiderablepas¬ onstrated thedepthareallygood sizer swellsbetweenverses!Itwas harmony underJoni’sleadand singing perfectfive-partgospel double-tracks herownvoiceto emotion-filled acapella“Sha¬ had openedtheshow)forastirring, encores bythePersuasions(who text ofanentireeveningjazz- tally variedversionsof"Black cess. Afterwonderful,instrumen- to getthecrowdsingingon “Dreamland," theonlysong for aspicy,drivingversionof playing adifferentpercussionin¬ Metheny, MaysandPastorius,each nics. sion andwas,onthewhole,more Though long,hissolowashighly cial mode.Aliastookhissoloon well. Brecker’sflight,following Joni alone,firstonamovingpiano- Lyle Maysofferinggrandsynthe¬ ished quickly,though,whenMit¬ percussionist cangetoutofcongas. much more“outside"thanIwould over theyears,littleofitseems Though shehasputoutatremen¬ naive) tenyearsafteritwaswrit¬ guitar, “Woodstock,”whichstill Last Time1SawRichard,"and dominated versionofBlue’s’The all evening. the mostaffectingsongperformed ine itwiththemightyPersuasions congas ratherthandrumsanddem¬ generally playsinafairlycommer¬ have expectedfromaplayerwho “Dry Cleaner,"wasexplosiveand been aslavetosongstyles,opting sounds great(andcharmingly then, accompanyingherselfon two knoweachother'splaying understated—you couldtellthe Metheny’s solowastastefuland technique andexpressiveness. when itcomestomixingspeed, continuum that wecallJoni dous amountoffirst-ratematerial chell's successinmanyways. ten. AndthatisthekeytoMit¬ Mays’s synthesizerbackupduring more thathehasfewifanypeers from Hejira).Heshowedonce lyrical andmelodicsoloevolved the bandwereconsiderablymore the solobywhippinghisbasswitha broad and unbelievablyrich. ■ At theCivic,she showedthatthe instead toforgeher owndirection. dated inanyway.Shehasnever from Joni’slovely“Amelia”(again, strap. Thankyou,TedNugent. theme ofHendrix’s“ThirdStone Mitchell Music isexceptionally from theSun,”andhealwaysends interesting. Metheny’sbeautifully The badtastethatsongleftvan¬ The finaltwoencoresfeatured It isashamethatMitchellchose Alias wasthenjoinedonstageby The solosbytheotherplayersin merits that would lead an attorney familiar lic support that has been developing for the initially balk before agreeing to the plan in • Nov. 8: San Francisco voters over¬ with the litigation to tell the Guardian, three hotel will mean that an eviction attempt the late 1976. whelmingly reject Pioposition U, which years later, that “the judges have an emo¬ could lead to a bloody confrontation. He says Four Seas, however, doesn’t agree. Al¬ would have the city purchase the hotel out¬ tional response to the I-Hotel case. I’ve never he wants more time and manpower before though the city offers it a return of more than right, without any buy-back requirement. In seen such surprisingly negative results as I proceeding. 50% on its 1973 purchase price of $850,000, the aftermath of this vote, then-Sup. Dianne have on this one.” SF Superior Court Judge Meanwhile, at the end of July, Mayor the corporation refuses to sell. In December, Feinstein prepares to ask the supervisors to Ira Brown starts the anti-hotel ball rolling in George Moscone introduces his save-the- the Housing Authority votes to proceed with abandon even the buy-back plan; the fine form: when a jury can’t decide wjiether hotel scheme: the SF Housing Authority will eminent domain action. By this time, in Oc¬ mayor’s office persuades her to await the out to allow Four Seas to evict the tenants. buy the building from Four Seas, using city tober, Superior Court Judge Byron Arnold come of litigation on the eminent domain Brown steps in and acts as the “13th juror,’ money and exercising its powers of eminent has ruled that the city’s Board of Permit case. ordering a verdict for eviction. His May 15 domain, if necessary. The IHTA will then Appeals had no jurisdiction when it ruled, in 1978 ruling provides for a July 15 eviction date. buy the building back from the city, operating March, that Four Seas’ demolition permit A relatively quiet year at first, as the liti¬ There is no eviction in July or any other it as private low-rent housing. Even though had expired. (Arnold doesn't clearly state gation proceeds. Then: month this year, however, because the man this means there would be no cost to the city that the permit hasn't expired, but his ruling • Oct. 6: Four Seas files a civil suit against responsible for the job—Sheriff Richard for providing a service many people believe keeps the permit al i ve.) the city and Hongisto personally, charging Hongisto—claims that the widespread pub¬ should be publicly funded, the supervisors 1977 he wilfully disobeyed eviction orders. The Heavy action in the courts: suit claims $150,000 damages from the city, • Jan. 10: Judge Brown sentences Sheriff $1 million from the former sheriff. The city Hongisto to jail for contempt of court for de¬ attorney’s office declines to represent Hon¬ laying the evictions. gisto, even though he had been acting in his • Jan. 11: Four Seas starts legal action official capacity at the time. against the Housing Authority to block its • Oct. 16: The state Court of Appeal up¬ sful struggle to save the hotel eminent domain action. holds Judge Arnold’s 1976 ruling on the • Jan. 17: Judge Brown orders a tempo¬ demolition permit. City Attorney George of Manhattanization rary stay of eviction, since continuous Agnost, whose office had been representing demonstrations make it clear that Hongisto the Board of Permit Appeals in the case, now was correct: there will be the possibility of decides to abandon the hotel and not appeal violence if eviction proceeds. to the state Supreme Court. • April 29: Hongisto begins his five-day stay in the San Mateo County jail. FOR THE • May 2: Judge Arnold, who had been The demolition of scheduled to hear the eminent domain case (and who had already ruled in favor of Four the I-Hotel marks the Seas on the demolition permit), suddenly dis¬ NAL HOTEL, qualifies himself only two weeks before the symbolic final blow court hearing—and just a few days after a Guardian article revealed that he is the big¬ in the destruction of gest real estate operator on the Superior Court bench. a unique ethnic 1979 • May 27: Superior Court Judge Charles Peery, replacing Arnold, makes it three neighborhood: judges out of three on the side of Four Seas: he rules the eminent domain action is illegal. Manilatown_ • June 3: Even though Peery’s action was just a Memorandum of Intended Decision, • Nov. 27: Attorneys for the IHTA do plan not the decision itself— and even though the an appeal, and are preparing to file today. Housing Authority was appealing Peery’s de¬ But they, like the rest of the city, are thrown cision in any case—Judge Brown promptly into shock and chaos by the City Hall mur¬ lifts his earlier stay of eviction, ordering the ders of Mayor Moscone and Sup. Harvey sheriff to proceed or go back to jail. Milk, and so their legal papers don’t reach the In other action during this busy year: Supreme Court clerk’s office until shortly • In June, the hotel is listed on the after the 5 p.m. deadline. Normally, exten¬ National Register of Historic Places main¬ sions are freely granted in such instances— tained by the National Park Service in Wash¬ but not for the I-Hotel. The demolition per¬ ington, D.C. This doesn’t protect the build¬ mit case is closed. ing from demolition, but it does provide for 1979 substantial tax benefits to anyone who pre¬ In a series of dramatic and courageous but serves it rather than tearing it down. ultimately futile votes, the Board of Permit • Aug. 4: More than eight years after the Appeals attempts to reassert its 1976 ruling- first threat, the eviction finally takes place, that the demolition permit had expired, and with several hundred police and sheriffs also to rule that in any case the illegal demo¬ clearing their way through thousands of lition attempts by Four Seas, plus the fact demonstrators to remove the 30 or so tenants that the eminent domain case is still under who remain. appeal, should now invalidate the permit. • Aug. 5: Always vigilant in the cause of (For full details, see Bay Guardians for early destroying the hotel, Four Seas attorney W il- 1979, especially Jan. 11 and 18.) liam Bush fires off a quick post-eviction letter On Jan. 29, the supervisors pass a rather to the Keeper of the National Register, asking mild resolution that at least puts them on that the hotel be decertified. His request is de¬ record against demolition and in favor of the nied. original buy-back plan; this resolution is • Aug. 26: U.S. Sen. Frank Church, prompted in part by the recently released chairman of the Committee on Aging, and John Sanger Associates feasibility study ranking Republican Sen. Pete Domenici demonstrating that the hotel could be re¬ come to San Francisco to investigate the Aug. stored and run as private low-cost housing at 4 eviction. In a joint statement, they say that no cost to the city. But the resolution comes a “the International Hotel became the focus bit late: demolition work began on Jan. 16, for confrontation because of the severe and by mid-February the crucial structural shortage of decent and affordable housing for demolition is done and the building is low-income elderly in the San Francisco described as 80% destroyed. A freelance area. The situation is particularly severe in crew working for the Grange Debris Box & the Chinatown community, where more Wrecking Co. continues the job at a snail’s than 2,000 units of housing stock have been pace, avoiding confrontation by working destroyed but not replaced over the past ten from the inside, leaving the front facade years, and where more than half the remain¬ standing until the bitter end. Finally, in late ing stock consists of small single rooms in gen¬ August 1979, more than a decade after the erally substandard residential hotels. ” struggle began, the facade itself falls—and • Sept. 8 and 19: On two separate occa¬ the International Hotel isno more. sions, police are called to the hotel because (Ironically, at the end of July—just as the the Four Seas contractor is preparing to start workers were ready for the final demolition demolition despite a city stop-work order — the state Court of Appeal at last began con¬ that blocks it. In the second incident, a police sidering the Housing Authority eminent do¬ officer draws his gun and aims it at a bull¬ main case that had been before the court for dozer operator before work is stopped. The more than two years. Obviously, even a fa¬ contractor, Fred Grange, isplaced under ar¬ vorable decision would be far too late to save

rest. Early in the new year, he is jailed, and the building—although it might help save THE SAN FRANCISCO BAYGUARDIAN, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 Fpyr.Sfqsjs fined. the land.) 8 THE SAN FRANCISCO BAY GUARDIAN, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 mere suggestion shemight helppostpone no doubtofher position: officialsatCity Hall recallherjaw settinginangeratthe commitment totheplan.When shetook as presidentoftheBoardSupervisors, over theslainmayor’s office,therewas was talkingaboutrevoking the city’s the hotelandliveinitatlowrent, using city moneyfortheinitialcosts,Feinstein, worked tofindacompromiseproposal Shortly afterMoscone,asmayor,had quickly abandonedthehotel,whichhad stay closetohisplansfortheremainder that wouldallowthetenantsto purchase of histerm—butthenshecoldlyand over theofficeofassassinatedGeorge significant measuresofblameforthe long beenoneofMoscone’scauses. Moscone claimingthatshewouldtryto name afewoftheseenemiestheI- of somewell-offattorneys’pockets.If Hotel: monumental real-estatescrew-up.To the disruptionofsomeimpoverishedel¬ that isthecase,certainindividualsbear housing ofsomesortonthesite,andthat derly citizens’livesandtheenrichment all thathasbeenaccomplished short, thatthiswholedecade-longaffair now favorreconstructionoflow-cost has beenatragicwaste—thattheodds such development. an almostforegoneconclusionforany mental impactreportsandthelikeseem use. Additionalyearsofwadingthrough develop thelandforhousing—particu¬ midst ofapoliticallyportentoushousing left withveryuncertainprospectsforfu¬ REQUIEM FORTHEl-HOTEL,1907-1979 planning permitapplications,environ¬ than forsomehigh-profitcommercial larly ofthelow-costvariety—rather many tensofthousandsdollarsinlegal crunch, thereistremendouspressureto ture development.Withthecityin fees overthecourseofbattle,anditis pany hasinvestedwhatmustamountto looking particularlyfortunate:thecom¬ the putativevictor,doesn’tcomeout the mayor’sofficewhenlastbrickhit have gained—althoughwethought hotel akeyplankintheirpoliticalplat¬ harassed fornearlyadecadebeforefi¬ poration, ownerofthepropertyandthus the ground. heard alargesighofreliefcomingfrom forms, andsononecanreallybesaidto for example,evermadedemolitionofthe fited. Noneofthecity’selectedofficials, nally beingevictedin1977. peace, until1968,andwhowerethen It iseasytosaywhohassuffered BY WILLIAMRISTOW • MayorDianneFeinstein.Shetook Even theFourSeasInvestmentCor¬ It ishardtoescapetheconclusion,in It ismuchhardertosaywhohasbene¬ from thedemolitionofInter¬ who livedthere,moreorlessin national Hotel:theelderlytenants Who waswhointhereal-estatescrew-upofdecade AN l-HOTELENEMIESLIST attention tothematterofgettingthose which hasbeentodevotehisundivided year. “Iadmireyourtenacity.I even ifshewantedto,sinceherattorney hotel tomdown,andpushingasideany¬ tenants outofthehotel,gettingthat him awayfromhisrealwork,however, conviction. ”Hisadmirationforthehotel with aconvenientout:herhandswere the demolitionuntilconclusionof body thatgetsintheway. your courage.Iadmire follow thedictatesoflawasheinter¬ and thoughtitwasterriblewhathad sense ofmoralsupportforthetenants had advisedotherwise. case wasn’tworthcontinuing.Hesoad¬ position attheendof1978andstart city’s litigationinthecase. tenants andtheirsupportershasn’tkept the hotel],”Bushremarkedearlythis “I dowanttosalutetheproponents[of and simple.” branded hisbehavioras“hypocrisy,pure to thecasewhowatchedAgnostinaction cision afterdecision.Oneattorneyclose preted it—infavorofFourSeas,de¬ happened tothem,butthathejusthad hands andprotestingthathefeltadeep vised MayorFeinstein,providingher pendent judgeandjury,determiningthe Francisco, whichwasonrecordfavoring acting asanadvocaterepresentinghis that couldhavepostponedandpossibly of 1979tovigorouslypursuelitigation tied, shesaid.Shecouldn’thelpthehotel the savingofhotel—heactedasinde¬ blocked demolition.Butinsteadof bly hotelenemyNo.1,Agnostwasina client— theCityandCountyofSan While thehotelsupportershavehadto Agnost, meanwhile,waswringinghis • WilliamBush,FourSeasattorney. • CityAttorneyGeorgeAgnost.Possi¬ The lastdemonstration for the1-Hotel,Dec. 17,1978. plains bitterly(andwithsomeaccuracy) Milne &Vlahos.AccordingtotheMar- him withabreach-of-contractsuitand city orderedhimnottoproceedwith quently abouthissupportforthegoalof tion ofHomesfortheAgedand pino tenantsincludeatleasttwoorgani¬ dedicated totheevictionofelderlyFili¬ tindale Hubbellegaldirectory,thelead¬ No detail,apparently,escapedhisatten¬ must learntheropesfromstart,Bush punishment, stillunderappeal,resulted Board revokedhislicensefor30daysand demolition andFourSeasthreatened the demolitionofhotel,afterall.But tractor. InasenseGrangeispawn zations thatmightraisetheireyebrowsat ing clientsofthisfirmthathasbeenso the NationalRegisterofHistoricPlaces. tenants fastenough,andevenafutile hearings, courtorders,civilsuitsagainst public-interest attorneys,eachofwhom placed himonprobationforayear.The on Feb.22theContractorsStateLicense Hong KongwhenthelocalFourSeas vate investigatortotakehiseasedirectly tract: the1-Hotelwas“myMobyDick,” Cleveland WreckingCo.Later,Grange heavy damagesifhedidproceed. that hewascaughtinabindwhenthe housing forthetenants,andhecom¬ In private,Grangetalkslongandelo¬ he qualifiesbecauseofhisexcessivezeal. more thanafull-fledgedenemy.Some¬ Hebrew HomefortheAged. this sortofaction:theAmericanAssocia¬ law firmofHanson,Bridgett,Marcus, tion. attempt togetthehotel’snametakenoff Sheriff Hongistofornotevictingthe has churnedalong—throughpublic rely onaconstantlychangingbatteryof but notwithouthisownAhab-likeloss: the contractandlandedhisMobyDick, described howhefoughttokeepthecon¬ contract awayfromhimandgiveittothe though FourSeaswasgoingtotakethe body wouldhavebeenhiredtocarryout attorneys wouldn’ttalktohim.Hesaved to FourSeasbossSupasitMahagunain hesaid, andhewentsofarastohireapri¬ Ironic footnote:Bushworksforthe But then,latelastyear,itlookedas Fred Grange,demolitioncon¬ in 1977. from hisillegaldemolitionattemptsback elected officialsasReps.JohnandPhil Not enemies,exactly,butnotverygood Francisco BoardofSupervisors.TheI- were crankingupthewreckingball.The decade amongliberalswhowantedto friends ofthehoteleitherhavebeensuch judges haveanemotionalresponsetothe gave upthecauseafterevictionin that hehada“warmspotinmy on recordformorethanayearinfavorof that—for example,bylobbyingaggres¬ pay lipservicetosomething,butvery Hotel wasafavoritecauseoverthepast Burton andvariousmembersoftheSan case. special mention,asthemajorreal-estate after orderagainstthetenantsandinfa¬ of how,incaseaftercase,thejudiciary Ira Brown.Asoneattorneyfamiliarwith Peery, BvronArnold,FrancisMayerand friends hadexertedanywherenearthe Burtons (JohnhadtoldtheGuardian George AgnostandDianneFeinstein months attheendoflastyearwhen of thatpositionduringthecritical saving thehotel,didnothinginsupport larly tough. when thegoingincourtswasparticu¬ larly themayorandcityattorney) sively withthecitygovernment(particu¬ few politician'swentanyfartherthan able rulingonthisimportantreal-estate operator whoneverthelessfeltcomfort¬ one.” Seeaccompanyingstoryfordetails prisingly negativeresultsasIhaveonthis the SanFranciscocourtssaid,“The this year.Itmighthavebeensaved,that elapsed beforedemolitionfinallycame tenants duringthe18monthsthat have beensavedandreturnedtothe heart” forthehotelsince1966)basically vor ofFourSeas.JudgeArnolddeservesa has consistentlyslappeddownorder I-Hotel case.I’veneverseensuchsur¬ amount ofenergyasdiditsenemies.■ is, ifsomeofthehotel’swell-placed 1977, eventhoughthehotelmightwell The BoardofSupervisors,whichwas • SanFrancisco’sliberalpoliticians. • SanFranciscoJudgesCharles

photobvpTIsenTl?? Ture and other concerned residents of Contra Costa became convinced that the cancer study would be given a quiet burial in the catacombs of the state bu¬ reaucracy unless they made some noise. So they did. They fired off a barrage of CANCER COUNTY? belligerent letters to Governor Brown, state health officials, state legislators, EPA administrators and congressmen. After two years of efforts to sidetrack it, a major government They staged a demonstration outside the study of cancer incidence in Contra Costa County is under way offices of the state Health Services De¬ partment in Oakland. Finally, in early summer, their efforts began to produce results. On June 6, BY DAVID TALBOT probably more cases I don’t know raged. They accused Nejedly and the about.” supervisors of trying to “take the heat EPA Regional Administrator Paul De For the last 24 years of his life, Kretzmer and other concerned Con¬ off”, industry. Nejedly and all four super¬ Falco, Jr., sent a stem letter to the state John Muir, the world-renowned tra Costans came to feel that there is visors who voted to return the EPA grant Department of Health Services, threat¬ conservationist, lived in a hand¬ only one way to determine if there is a have received campaign contributions ening to withdraw EPA funds from the some two-story ranch house near link between the county’s high rates of in recent years from the petroleum and cancer project unless the necessary staff Martinez, the capital of Contra Costa cancer and industrial pollution: through chemical industries, according to finan¬ positions were filled within 30 days. Five County. Life in Contra Costa seems to an objective, in-depth study. After cial statements on file at the Contra days later, the department assigned two have agreed with Muir. His journals and several years of agitating for such a Costa elections and registration office. employees to the study. On June 29, a letters from the period are laced with study, they finally succeeded. This Nejedly denies that he was trying to pro¬ medical director was hired to oversee the glowing references to the county’s summer, the California State Depart¬ tect industry: “I don’t have any stock in project. Additional staff members were natural wonders. But if Muir were to ment of Health Services began a two- Standard Oil. If they’re responsible for hired in the following weeks. The Contra come back to life today, he would hardly year Contra Costa cancer incidence making people sick, we’ll kick them Costa cancer study is at last under way, recognize the place. study with a $301,000 grant from the where they should be kicked. I just nearly two years after the EPA first Since Muir’s passing, Contra Costa U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. wanted to get the study placed in objec¬ provided funding for the project. has become a major industrial center. 'The results of this study will probably tive, competent hands.” Spokesmen for the oil and chemical The county is dotted with five oil refin¬ bolster our cause,” says Jeff Gabe of The EPA complied with the county’s companies that crowd Contra Costa eries, more than 45 chemical plants and several toxic waste dumps. Where there is industry, of course, there is pollution. According to the latest Bay Area Air Quality Management District statistics, Standard Oil of California’s Richmond refinery— the largest in the area- dumps 65.9 tons of pollutants into the air per day. Shell Oil's Martinez refinery, which is within sight of Muir’s old ranch house, emits 43.5 tons of air pollutants daily. Between 1972 and 1975, Contra Costa industry as a whole was respon¬ sible for an average of 68% of the total air contaminants emitted from major sources in the . Until recently, Contra Costa residents accepted the cluster of oil refineries and chemical plants as part of the terrain. The stacks and plumes of smoke were an eyesore, and the pungent odors were a Standard Oil of California's Richmond refinery—the largest in the area—dumps 65.9 pounds of pollutants into the air dally, nuisance. But, after all, these facilities were essential to the economic health of Citizens for a Better Environment, a request to transfer the grant to the state County say that industry is not opposed the country. These plants also processed national environmentalist organization. Department of Health Services. But the to an “objective, balanced” study of air a variety of fuel oils, lubricants, plastics “Up until now, whenever we claimed federal agency insisted that all of its pollution and cancer. “We’ve got and chemicals that the nation could not that pollution was making people sick, funds be spent on a Contra Costa study, nothing to hide,” says Dr. James Ryan, * seem to live without. industry responded, ‘But you have no rather than a Bay Area-wide study. “We Standard Oil of California’s medical But in the last several years, there has evidence. 'Now we will. ” felt that we had just enough money to do director. “We have an awful lot of good been growing concern in Contra Costa It took a herculean effort to get the what we wanted in Contra Costa people looking very hard into this area. about industrial pollution and its impact Contra Costa cancer study in motion. County,” says an EPA spokesman. “We And so far we haven’t found anything on the public’s health. In 1975, theU.S. Funding for the study was first provided didn’t want our study to be watered that gives us cause for alarm. ” Dr. Ryan Department of Health, Education and by the EPA in fall 1977. The study was down. ” says that public fear about pollution and Welfare published a cancer atlas that originally to be conducted by the Contra Environmentalists greeted the EPA’s cancer has become overblown. “I read showed the death rate from lung cancer Costa County Health Department. But decision with a sigh of relief. It seemed an article somewhere that said we live in in Contra Costa exceeded state and soon after the EPA grant was awarded, as if an adequately funded cancer study a sea of carcinogens. If we believe that national averages. Two years later, a state Sen. John A. Nejedly (R-Walnut was at last going to get started in Contra everything is carcinogenic, then we’re National Cancer Institute study found Creek) began lobbying strenuously to Costa. But Sept. 1, 1978—the target really stuck. I’m sure if someone were to abnormally high death rates from cancer shift the focus of the study from Contra date for the beginning of the take the suit I’m wearing and feed it to of the lung, nasal cavity, sinuses, skin Costa to the Bay Area as a whole and to study—came and went and nothing laboratory mice, they’d find a high and testes in 39 counties where oil refin¬ take it out of the hands of county health happened. State health officials an¬ cancer rate.” eries were located—including Contra officials, whom he accused of bias and nounced they could not hire the necessary But some pollution control officials Costa. incompetence. • personnel to conduct the study because say there is good reason for Contra Many Contra Costa residents now ‘The activists who were behind this of the post-Proposition 13 hiring freeze. Costans to be worried about their health. suspect that the pollution which they study were trying to hang industry,” In December, the state finance de¬ ‘There are places in that county that I once took for granted may be killing Nejedly says. “Specifically, they were partment granted the cancer project an sure as hell wouldn’t want to live down¬ them. “There is never a clean, healthy out to get the oil companies. Before any exemption from the hiring freeze. But wind of,” says an engineer for the Bay odor out here,” says Gerrie Kretzmer, a evidence was in, these people had their several more months passed, and still no Area Air Quality Management District. 14-year resident of Point Richmond, a honchos in the county health depart¬ study. Dr. Donald Austin, chief of the “Facilities like the Dow Chemical com¬ small community wedged between the ment all ready to buy the rope.” _ state Health Services Department’s plex in Pittsburgh or the Shell Oil Bay and Standard Oil’s sprawling refin¬ In February 1978, at Nejedly’s urging, cancer epidemiology section, blamed the complex in Martinez are making these ery. ‘The air hangs like a pall over every¬ the Contra Costa County Board of continuing delay on “administrative and exotic hydrocarbons, substances our thing. ” Kretzmer has been keeping track Supervisors voted 4-1 to return the grant red tape problems.” But Contra Costa bodies have never encountered before. of the cancer cases in her neighborhood. to the EPA and request that the cancer environmentalists suspected there were Who knows what their cancer-causing In the last several years, she says, six of study be conducted on a Bay Area-wide more sinister forces at work. “Bureau¬ effects are?” her neighbors have died of cancer and basis by the state Department of Health cratic incompetence can be deliberate,” Now that the Contra Costa cancer THE SAN FRANCISCO BAY GUARDIAN, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 five more have contracted the disease. Services. Contra Costa environmental¬ says Martha Ture of the Hercules Envi¬ study has finally begun, residents of the ‘These are just f riends of mine. There are ists and community activists were out¬ ronmental ResourcesCommittee. area may eventually find out. ■ q THE SAN FRANCISCO BAY GUARDIAN, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 * methree timesasmuch, butis.tentimes. more than twiceaslong asthebus,costs Corps ofEngineers. “Theferrytakesme environmental research fortheArmy work,” pointedout DickLerner,whodoes hectic urbanarea?” feeling whichthebayprovides toour you reallyexperiencetheopen space watching thesettingsun.Where elsecan said. “CocktailsontheBay while vides auniquewaytostartweekend,”he evening runbackovertothecity.“Itpro¬ erman’s Wharf. ularly takenwiththe6:25p.m.Friday passengers fromtheEastBayovertoFish¬ its finaltripoftheday,ferrycarries 5:30 p.m.andgetstoBerkeleyat6:15.On the evening,itleavesSanFranciscoat pulls inatFisherman'sWharf8:40.In every FridaythatleavestheBerkeley Building inSanFranciscoat8:20and Marina at7:35a.m.,arrivestheFerry the lastscheduledrun. chartering aboatfromHarborTours fueled by$800indonationscollectedon of ferryfanaticswhoweredeterminedto existence, therehaddevelopedahardcore Save OurFerryCommitteeemerged, keep theservicealive.Inshortordera ferry. Inthefewshortweeksofferry’s discontinued. Tours lostabout$1,500aweek.When bay tubeagain,thedailyservicewas On theaverage,boatscarriedonly replaced byACTransitbusses. Bay Terminal.Laterthetrolleyswere take peopleacrossthebridgetoEast BART beganrunningthroughthetrans¬ about 150passengersaday,andHarbor Francisco. daily ferrybetweenBerkeleyandSan authorized HarborTourstoinitiatea The statePublicUtilitiesCommission Berkeley andOaklandbeganinsteadto passengers downtotheferrydocksin a result,thetrolleycarsthatusedtocarry of thehugesilverspanspecifiedthatthere service totheEastBaymadeacomeback. after afireintheunderwatertube,ferry service wasshutdownforseveralmonths could benocompetingformoftransit.As ferry servicecametoanabrupthalt. between SanFranciscoandtheEastBay. But whentheBayBridgeopenedin1936, BY ARTGOLDBERG For nearlyahundredyears— “It’s suchacivilizedwayto getto Ferry enthusiastFrankAnsleyispartic¬ Since lastApril,thecommitteehasbeen But thatwasnottheendofBerkeley The experimentwasnotahugesuccess. The bondsthatauthorizedconstruction Last winter,whentransbayBART FANATICS KEEPTHEFRIDAY CAN THEBERKELEYFERRY PHENOMENON AFLOAT? regular transportationlink between the1830sand 1930s—ferries weretheonly Francisco, and$1.75from thecityto East ,Ra>. SeniorsandchfUIren 6-J2"fill cost $1totravel fromBerkeleytoSan schedules. Through September,itwill experimented with variousdifferentfare eley Marinawillincreasethenumber of tion withbusservicetoandfrom theBerk¬ ferry passengers.Thecommittee has basis andhopesthatimproved coordina¬ $ 13,000weeklysubsidyonanemergency choices.” gasoline shortagehasreducedour enough moneyforallofthem,andthe other transportationsystems.Thereisn’t revenues. Wehavetomakesomehard just astransportation.” finance ACTransit,Muni,BARTand consider anemergencyproposal,Morgan said. Emergencyferryserviceonadaily only entertainaproposalforemergency is fromexcessbridgetolls.Weusethemto replied, “Ouronlyrealsourceoffunding BART orACTransitwasn’trunning. basis wouldgointoeffectonlywhen service atthistime,”MTC’sDonMorgan about makinganycommitments.“We’d project, butatthesametimeiscautious atmosphere. the Fridayeveningrunadefiniteparty of itastherapeuticandentertaining,not “They don’twanttobebothered.” commuters,” hetoldtheGuardian. staff islessthanenthusiastic.“They’renot of Berkeleytosponsortheproject.The out excessbridgetollrevenuesandother the waytowork.Onwavback,there coffee, donuts,croissantsandbagelson nicer, soIfigurecomeoutahead.think do so,butaccordingtoLerner,thecity entities, thecommitteehasaskedCity state moneytolocaltransitagencies. portation Commission.TheMTCdoles was workingthroughtheFerry 75 centsandcocktailsat90cents,giving is wineat50centsaglass,champagne Berkeley CityCouncilseemsinclinedto subsidy fromtheMetropolitanTrans¬ Committee, whichistryingtoobtaina would not.Headdedthathiscompany general managerBobVanAmburgsaidit week, wecontactedHarborTourstoseeif T-shirts thattouttheBerkeleyFerryas citing donations. “The WaveoftheFuture”andbysoli¬ members trytocompensateforbyselling cent fareonthelateferrybacktoSan tried severalgimmicks,includingfree it wasgoingtoresumedailyservice,but $300 eachweek,whichcommittee Francisco. Still,theserviceloses$100to champagne ononeeveningrunandafive The FerryCommitteeisseeking a Asked whythecommissionwouldonly Ferry passengerscanbuyFrenchroast MTC hasexpressedinterestinthe Because theMTCcanfundonlypublic To promoteinterest,theCommitteehas When BARTshutdownagainlast ON GUARD outcome ofthishearing.Ifthe permit Neiman-Marcus architecturalatrocity ding fromthewreckingball(andtosave BY SUSANFERRELL County of SanFrancisco. Ifthepermit is pursue thelawsuit theyhavealreadyfiled stands, thepreservation groupswill take placeinthecourts,regardless ofthe garage, wastedenergyandlostjobs. expansion oftheStocktonStreet parking promise newtestimonydealing withthe from thePlanningCommissionhearing City ofParis. ervation groupswillsquareoffbeforethe and representativesofacoalitionpres¬ slated toreplaceit). battle tosavethehistoricBeauxArtsbuil¬ rescinded, NeijnantMarciis anditscorp¬ against Neiman-Marcus andtheCity city’s PlanningDepartment,torazethe Sept. 12,from4to9pm,arguethelega¬ Board ofPermitAppealsonWednesday, Union SquarefromthePhilipJohnson/ will continuetorunonFridaysonly his companytobreakevenontheoper¬ would take800dailyriderseachwayfor subsidy arenotgood.VanAmburgsaidit back todailyferryserviceswithoutthe on tripsfromBerkeley. Transit’s 51Mbusratea25-centdiscount in January,butsupportersofthebuilding lity ofthedemolitionpermit,issuedby through September.Committeemembers tee bychargingonlyforthesmallestboat pay $1onalltrips,andchildren5 larger vessel. ferry companyalreadyhelpsthecommit¬ ation. DickLernerpointedoutthatthe under ridefree.TransfersfromAC in itsfleetbutactuallyprovidingamuch City ofParissupportersarecallingout POLITICAL ALERTS Neiman-Marcus attorneyWillieBrown The lastbattletosavethebuilding will Most oftheargumentswillberecycled Prospects forHarborToursgetting In themeantime,BerkeleyFerry The BerkeleyFerryseemsheadedforDavyJones’slockerattheendofthismonth. the troopsfornext-to-the-lastbig AND EVENTS 824-7660. iTU'i n questionnaire, callSusanFerrell attheGuardian. second mailing.If vour grouphasnotreceiveda borhood groupsand politics.Wehavejustsentouta series onSanFrancisco's neighborhoodsandneigh¬ groups questionnaire tohelpusputtogetherour Guardian wantsyoutofilloutourneighborhood 864-6413. Sat/15, 10am,12ValenciatatMarket), SF, vote fortherentcontrolinitiative.Proposition R. voter registrationmobilizationtoregister peopleto houses andstoresinwhichtoplacehissigns.Ifyou can help,call564-3225. Lake St.).SF. Cutler, 37WestClavPark(near22ndAve.and votes itsofficialendorsementsafterthecandidates' orate parent,CarterHawleyHaleStores, speeches andquestionsfromthepublic.Thurs/20, them waitingatthealtar,sotospeak. are expectedtosuethecityforleaving 7:30 pmsharp,attheresidenceofMrs.Harold district attorney,sheriffandsupervisors.Theclub cratic Clubfeaturesthecandidatesformayor, way togetfromSanFranciscotheEast saving advantagesofridingtheferry,and the homeofOldUncleGaylord.Wed/19.6pm ders. Dinner,drinks,andhomemadeicecreamat who isupforelectioninafieldfilledwithconten¬ party tohonortheincumbentDistrict5supervisor, to keepaferryafloat?_ question: HowmanyT-shirtsdoesittake yet comeupwithananswertothe may benumbered.Afterall,noonehas tically, orasubsidyforemergencyservice Bay. may turnoutonceagaintobetheonly note thatincaseofamajorearthquake,it service attheendofthismonth. 2346 Clay.SF.$25,648-2166. Sat/15,499 Alabama,SF.$2. DeAndrade's campaignfortheDistrict7seat, is forthcoming,theBerkeleyFerry’sdays Sept. 21.theywillshutdowntheFriday number ofadvanceticketsforOctoberby say thatiftheycannotsellasufficient $25 single,$40couple,861-2378. Fri/14, 6:30pm.IrishCenter,270045thAve..SF. paign toretaintheDistrict9supervisorialseat, Attention neighborhoodgroups. The Bay San FranciscansforAffordableHousing stagea Arlo Smith,candidatefordistrictattorney,needs Candidates NightattheGoldenGateDemo¬ Lee Dolson.Adinnertoraisemoneyforhiscam¬ Harry Britt.An“I'mJustWildAboutHarry" Phil DcAndrade.Adanceandauctiontobenefit But unlessridershipincreasesdrama¬ Committee memberspointtothegas¬

PHOTO B.Y JANET FRIES FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT SUMMONS ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NO. 742937 FILE NO 40313 No 7''6967 The following persons are doing business as KILBY & PATTER¬ SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE CITY SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE CITY SON ASSOCIATES. 1733 Scott #4, San Francisco. CA 94115: AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO. In re the marriage of the AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO In re the application of Albert B Kilby, 66 Cleary #808, San Francisco. CA 94109, Petitioner: EDWARDO GALLETTI, and the Respondent LINDA RONALD HENRY OLSON lor change of name LEGAL NOTICES Terence E Patterson. 1830 Eddy, San Francisco, CA 94115 DIANE HILDEBRAND GALLETTI Whereas the petition of RONALD HENRY OLSON has been This business is conducted by an unincorporated association NOTICE! You have been sued The court may decide against filed in court for an order changing his name from RONALD other than a partnership Signed Terence E Patteison. you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 HENRY OLSON to HENRY RONALD GOLDFIELD, now, there¬ This statement was filed with Carl M Olsen, the County Clerk of days Read the information below fore. it is hereby ordered that all persons interested in said the City and County of San Francisco. California by clerk Valai¬ iAVISO! Usted ha sido demandado El tribunal puede decidir matter do appear before this court in Department 1 on the 28th da S Mason on August 31.1979. contra Ud. sin audiencia a menos que Ud responda dentro de day of September. 1979, at 9 00 o'clock am\)o show cause why The Bay Guardian publishes legal notices tor San Fran¬ 30 dias. Lea la informacion que sigue this application for change of name should not be granted cisco County only Please call 824-2506 tor charter Pub. Dates: September 5.12. 19. 26,1979 1 To the Respondent Dated August 15. 1979 Donald B Constme. Judge of the _BQ-13447 __ a The petitioner has filed a petition concerning your marriage rates and information. Superior Court You may file a written response within 30 days of the date that FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT this summons is served on you FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Pub dates August 22. 29. September 5.12.1979 FILE NO 40314 b If you fail to file a written response within such time, your de¬ FILE NO 40039 BG-13426 The following person is doing business as SAN FRANCISCO fault may be entered and the court may enter a judgment con¬ The following person is doing business as CELICA SALON, 731 EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 4096 18th Street #37, San Fran¬ taining injunctive or other orders concerning division of proper¬ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Florida, San Francisco, CA 94110: Thomas C. Holleran, 731 cisco, CA 94114 Thomas P Standish, 4096 18th Street #37. ty, spousal support, child custody, child support, attorney's FILE NO. 40432 Florida. San Francisco. CA 94110. This business is conducted by San Francisco, CA 94114 This business is conducted by an in¬ fees, costs, and such other relief as may be granted by the The following persons are doing business as BOOKKEEPING an individual. Signed Thomas C Holleran dividual Signed Thomas Standish court, which could result in the garnishment of wages, taking of COOPERATIVE, 234 Pierce, San Francisco, CA 94117 Patricia This statement was filed with Carl M Olsen, the County Clerk of This statement was filed with Carl M. Olsen, the County Clerk of money or property, or other relief Henderson, 234 Pierce. San Francisco. CA 94117. Sandra the City and County of San Francisco. California by clerk D the City and County of San Francisco. California by clerk c. If you wish to seek the advice of an attorney In this matter, Stein, 22120 Broadway St., Sonoma, CA 95476 This business Flanagan on August 17,1979. Valaida S. Mason on August 31.1979 you shquld do so promptly so that your written response, if any, is conducted by a general partnership. Signed Sandra Stein, may be filed on time Patricia Henderson Pub Dates August 22, 29, September 5,12,1979 Pub. Dates: September 5,12,19. 26,1979. Dated September 6. 1978 Carl M Olsen, Clerk By P W This statement was filed with Carl M Olsen, the County Clerk of _BG 13421_ BG-13442 _ Murphv, Deputy the City and County of San Francisco. California by cleTk Tat¬ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MICHAEL R.SHER suo Maruyama on September 7,1979 FILE NO 39972 FILE NO 40315 3386 25th Street The following person is doing business as SAN FRANCISCO- The following person is doing business as SERVICES bY San Francisco, CA 94110 Pub Dates September 12,19, 26. October 3,1979 INTERNATIONAL STABLES. 601 Montgomery. 19th Floor. San SUSIE. 214 Clara. San Francisco. CA 94107: Susanne S 821-1600 B013455 Francisco. CA 94111: Francis O Scarpulla. 601 Montgomery. Jarvis, 2535 35th Avenue. San Francisco, CA 94116 This FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 19th floor. San Francisco, CA 94111. This business is conducted business is conducted by an individual Signed Susie Jarvis Pub. Dates: September 5,12,19. 26.1979 FILE NO 40045 by an individual Signed Francis O. Scarpulla This statement was filed with Carl M Olsen, the County Clerk of BG-13445 The following persons are doing business as TRIAC COMPUTER This statement was filed with Carl M Olsen, the County Clerk of the City and County of San Francisco. California by clerk SYSTEMS. 555 Clay. San Francisco. CA 94111 Robert S. War¬ the City and County of San Francisco, California by clerk Valaida Valaida S Mason on August 31.1979 SUMMONS S Mason on August 14.1979 CASE NO 751653 ren, 588 Liberty. San Francisco, CA 94114. James B Stice. 7 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE CITY Echo Place. Larkspur. CA 94939 This business is conducted by a Pub. Dates. September 5,12,19. 26.1979. general partnership Signed James B Stice Pub Dates: August 22. 29. September 5. 12,1979 BG-13441 _ AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO In re the marriage of the BG-134210 Petitioner LUIZ GALLETTI; and the Respondent HELEN RENE This statement was filed with Carl M Olsen, the County Clerk of FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT GOUAX the City and County of San Francisco. California by clerk D FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO 40046 NOTICE1 You have been sued. The court may decide against Flanagan on August 17.1979 FILE NO 39971 The following corporation is doing business as DOLAN TEXTILE you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 The following person is doing business as SAN FRANCISCO- GALLERY. 2415 Larkin, San Francisco,CA 94109 Dolan, Inc. days. Read the information below Pub. Dates: August 22. 29. September 5,12.1979 INTERNATIONAL LEASING COMPANY, 601 Montgomery, 19th (California). 2415 Larkin. San Francisco, CA 94109. This business iAVISO! Usted ha sido demandado. El tribunal puede decidir BG-13425 Floor, San Francisco. CA 94111. Francis O. Scarpulla. 601 Mont¬ is conducted by a corporation Signed Nancy Novak. Secretary contra Ud. sin audiencia a menos que Ud. responda dentro de FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT gomery. 19th Floor. San Francisco, CA 94111 This business is Treasurer. Dolan, Inc 30 dias. Lea la informacion que sique. FILE NO 40042 conducted by an individual Signed Francis O Scarpulla. This statement was filed with Carl M Olsen, the County Clerk of 1. To the Respondent: The following persons are doing business as A BLINKIN. 4732 This statement was filed with Carl M Olsen, the County Clerk of the City and County of San Francisco, California by clerk D Fla¬ a The petitioner has filed a petition concerning your marriage California, San Francisco. CA 94118 John Roger Scott, 4732 the City and County of San Francisco. California by clerk Valaida nagan on August 17.1979 You may file a written response within 30 days of the date that California. San Francisco. CA 94118. Jill Scott, 4732 California, S Mason on August 14.1979. this summons is served on you. San Francisco. CA 94118 This business is conducted by indi¬ Pub Dates August 22. 29. September 5,12.1979 b If you fail to file a written response within such time, your de¬ viduals (Husband & Wife). Signed John R Scott Pub Dates August 22.29. September 5.12. 1979 _BG-13427_ fault may be entered and the court may enter a judgment con¬ This statement was filed with Carl M. Olsen, the County Clerk of BG-13429 taining injunctive or other orders concerning division of proper¬ NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ENGAGE IN the City and County of San Francisco. California by clerk D ty, spousal support, child custody, child support, attorney's FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Flanagan on August 17.1979 fees, costs, and such other relief as may be granted by the FILE NO 40184 Subject to issuance of the license applied for. notice is hereby court, which could result in the garnishment of wages, taking of The following person is doing business as CHARLES A given that the undersigned proposes to sell alcoholic bev¬ Pub Dates August 22. 29. September 5,12.1979 money or property, or other relie* SKORINA & CO.. 1200 Sacramento. San Francisco. CA 94108. erages at the following premises 775 FREDERICK, SAN BG-13422 c If you wish to seek the advice of an attorney in this matter, Charles A Skorina, 1200 Sacramento #401, San Francisco, CA FRANCISCO. CA 94117 Pursuant to such intention, the under¬ you should do so promptly so that your written response, if any, 94108. This business is conducted by an individual Signed signed is applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage . FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT may be fifed on time FILE NO 39612 Charles A Skorina Control for issuance of an alcoholic beverage license (or li¬ Dated May 18. 1979. Carl M Olsen, Clerk By Joseph Rasch- The following persons are doing business as OPTIONS. 1458 This statement was filed with Carl M Olsen, the County Clerk of censes) for these premises as follows On-Sale Beer & Wine Chabot, Deputy Page #8, San Francisco. CA 94117* Diane L Webb, 1458 Page the City and County of San Francisco, California by clerk Bona Fide Eating Place Signed Gorilla Grotto Remedios De Luna on August 24, 1979. #8. San Francisco, CA 94117. Robert M Calderaro. 1458 Page Pub. Date September 12.1979. MICHAEL R.SHER #8. San Francisco. CA 94117 This business is conducted by a Pub Dates August 29, September 5,12.19.1979. BG-13456 2822 Van Ness general partnership Signed Diane L Webb San Francisco, CA 94109 This statement was filed with Carl M Olsen, the County Clerk of BG-13434 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 441-0121 the City and County of San Francisco, California by clerk D FILE NO 40041 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Flanagan on July 26,1979 The following person is doing business as MAGIC OR MAGIC FILE NO 40183 Pub. Dates: September 5.12,19, 26.1979 SERVICE. 561 Castro. San Francisco, CA 94114 Robert Bruce The following corporation is doing business as LANGLEY- BG-13446 Pub. Dates: September 5,12,19, 26,1979 Puckett. 516 Laguna. San Francisco, CA 94102. This business is TACKES. 4111 18th Street & 2001 Union. San Francisco. CA & BG-13443 366 Grand Avenue. Oakland, CA: Paul Langley & Co (Cali¬ conducted by an individual Signed Robert B Puckett FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT fornia). 4in 18th Street, San Francisco, CA. This business i&- This statement was filed with Carl M Olsen the County Clerk of FILE NO 40038 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ENGAGE IN conducted by a corporation Signed Robert T. Tackes, Presi¬ the City and County of San Francisco. California by clerk D The following persons are doing business as KING CONSTRUC¬ THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES dent & Secretary, Paul Langley & Co Flanagan on August 17.1979 TION COMPANY, 233 Sansome, Suite 400. San Francisco. CA Subject to issuance of the license applied for, notice is hereby This statement was filed with Carl M Olsen, the County Clerk of 94104 Doris Ann King, 625 Greenwich, San Francisco. CA given that the undersigned proposes to sell alcoholic bev¬ the City and County of San Francisco, California by clerk Pub Dates: August 22.29. September 5. 12, 1979 94133; David Lee Chittenden, 625 Greenwich. San Francisco, CA erages at the following premises: 2282 MISSION, SAN FRAN¬ Remedios DeLuna on August 24,1979 BG-13423 94133. This business is conducted by a general partnership CISCO. CA 94110 Pursuant to-such intention, the undersigned is applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control for ^FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Signed Ann King. This statement was filed with Carl M Olsen, the County Clerk of issuance of an alcoholic beverage license (or licenses) for LESLIE A. JOHNSON FILE NO 40435 the City and County of San Francisco. California by clerk D these premises as follows On-Sale Beer & Wine. Bona Fide Miller, Starr & Regalia The following person is doinq business as CLIFTON LEMON Flanagan on August 17,1979 Restaurant Signed Jose Ramon Guidino 1 Kaiser Plaza #1650 DESIGN & PRODUCTION. 1451 Shotwell. San Francisco, CA Oakland, CA 94612 94110 Clifton Stanley Lemon, 1451 Shotwell, San Francisco. Pub Dates August 22. 29. September 5.12. 1979 Pub Dates September 465-3800 CA 94110 This business is conducted by an individual. Signed BG-13428 BG-13444 Clifton Stanley Lemon Pub. Dates August 29, September 5.12,19.1979 This statement was filed with Carl M Olsen, the County Clerk of BG-13433 the City and County of San Francisco, California by clerk FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tatsuo Maruyama on September 7,1979 FILE NO 40182 The following person is doing business as ADAPTEXT ASSO¬ Pub Dates September 12.19,26. October 3,1979. CIATES, 450 Sansome, San Francisco, CA 94111: Joseph Dob- BG-13451_ kowski, 211 Helens Lane. Mill Valley. CA 94941 This business FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT is conducted by a limited partnership. Signed Joseph FILE NO 40434 Dobkowski. The following persons are doing business as REBA & VANCE, This statement was filed with Carl M Olsen, the County Clerk of 143 Fillmore, San Francisco. CA 94117 Richard Vance Martin, the City and County of San Francisco. California by clerk Re¬ 143 Fillmore, San Francisco. CA 94117; Rebecca Kmiec, 535 medios De Luna on August 24.1979 Haight, San Francisco. CA 94117. This business is conducted by a limited partnership Signed Richard Vance Martin. THEODORE L. McCAUGHERTY This statement was filed with Carl M Olsen, the County Clerk of We’re Anderson & Michael the City and County of San Francisco. California by clerk Tat¬ 601 California #1902 suo Maruyama on September 7.1979 San Francisco. CA 94108 398-7000 Pub Dates September 12,19.26. October 3.1979 BG-13452 Pub. Dates. August 29,-September the _BG-13432 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 40433 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as HOTEL VICKS¬ FILE NO 40181 BURG/ 1476 California, Box 40. San Francisco. CA 94114. The following person is doing business as JOAO/'EXCLUSIVE Christopher Beaver 161 Vicksburg. San Francisco. CA 94114; MAKE-UP DESIGNS ", c/o Anthony Machado Interior Designs. Judy Irving. 161 Vicksburg, San Francisco. CA 94114 This Cheapest! 2245 Sacramento, San Francisco. CA 94115 Randy Lee business is conducted by a limited partnership. Signed Chris¬ Wagoner, 422 Noe. San Francisco, CA 94114 This business is topher Beaver conducted by an individual. Signed Randy L. Wagoner This statement was filed with Carl M Olsen, the County Clerk of This statement was filed with Carl M. Olsen, the County Clerk of the City and County of San Francisco, California by clerk Tat¬ the City and County of San Francisco, California by clerk suo Maruyama on September 7,1979 Remedios De Luna on August 24,1979. Pub Dates: September 12.19. 26,October 3,1979 Pub. Dates: August 29, September 5,12.19,1979 BG-13453 BG-13431 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO 40431 FILE NO. 40180 The following person is doing business as HIGH. T & CO.. 116 Going into business in San Francisco? The following person is doing business as HOYT ELECTRIC Belvedere. San Francisco. CA 94117 Aaron H Mazria, 116 COMPANY, 1330 Natoma, San Francisco, CA 94103 William Belvedere. San Francisco, CA 94117 This business is con¬ H Woodruff, 45 Powers, San Francisco. CA 94110. This busi¬ ducted by an individual Signed Aaron Mazria Our $25 charge for publishing your Fictitious Name Statement is the ness is conducted by an individual Signed William H Woodruff This statement was filed with Carl M Olsen, the County Clerk of This statement was filed with Carl M. Olsen, the County Clerk of the City and County of San Francisco. California by clerk Tat¬ lowest in town. Just call us at 824-2506 and we will mail the forms to you the City and County of San Francisco. California by clerk suo Maruyama on September 7.1979 Remedios DeLuna on August 24,1979 for you to fill out and return at your convenience. After that, for an extra Pub Dates September 12,19.26. October 3.1979 $1.50, we will arrange for filing with the County Clerk. We make it that Pub Dates August 29. September 5.12.19,1979. BG-13454 BG-13436 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT easy, and we've also made it the least expensive in San Francisco. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO 40043 FILE NO 39976 The following persons are doing business as PHOENIX CAPITAL The following person is doing business as APPLIED GROWTH INVESTORS. 2307 Van Ness. San Francisco. CA Try us. It’s such a deal. FINANCIAL RESEARCH. 733 Fillmore #11, San Francisco. CA 94109 Melanie S Pozez, 2307 Van Ness. San Francisco. CA 94115 William Perkins. 733 Fillmore #11, San Francisco, CA 94109, Larry Morrell. 2307 Van Ness, San Francisco. CA 94109 94115. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed This business is conducted by a limited partnership Signed William Perkins Melanie S Pozez. This statement was filed With Carl M. Olsen, the County Clerk of GUARDIAN CLASSIFIED This statement was filed with Carl M Olsen, the County Clerk of the City and County of San Francisco, California by Valaida S the City and County of San Francisco. California by clerk D Mason on August 14,1979. Flanagan on August 17.1979 The People Connection. THE SAN FRANCISCO BAY GUARDIAN, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 Pub Dates: August 29. September 5,12.19.1979 Pub. Dates August 22.29. .September 5.12.1979 k • BG 13435 > . r , ' BG-13424 11 PHOTOS BY VICTORIA ROUSE MODERNS you wearthecansasahaltertop. Safeway. FirstyoudrinktheV-8,then designer Bevanbringsusthe While Parisupdatestweeds,local biohazard andtheholocaustina colors, extremehair,synthetic materials. Themessagewas,It’sa the prosceniumarchwerebright those onthestage.Onbothsidesof were clearlyinterested,andthe A clear-plasticwrapwithplasticspoon clothes!” —DougShaffer And abrilliantnewslogan,“Idon’t Brave NewWorld:Enjoyit! fashions intheaudiencerivaled 30 andmorewereturnedaway. even bythelocals,”butover500 wasn’t beingtakenseriously,not accessories your underwearistooprettytohide. tochange theworld—changeyour want tohearhowyou’regoing of church!Myclosetismyarsenal. A. articulatedherend-of-the-decade geometric outfitstheyinspireanda Practitioners oflocalstreetfashion locals showedupattheSan fashion showbecause“local define acommunitythatdidn’thave 5) RaygunbyNickUrbaniak.Forwhen supply stores,cinchedwithD-rings. 2,3,4) StaccatoDystainbyJeorgiaA. Carl Wolf.Whitepapersuitoverblack Imagination applieddirectlytolife.” fashions arenotforchurch!Stayout principles fromtherunway:“These nylon suitforcampuswear.Jeorgia “charming yetassertive”one-piece spheres andcubesthenylon Francisco Women’sBuildingonAug. Mandatory ModernDressorganizeda sense ofitselfbefore.TheSocietyfor pyramid hattokeepthewitssharp. plastic nightsuit.Blacklips,black Bright. Naugahydefromautomotive Back toBasicsmeansstyrofoam Fashion lefttoright:1)CarlWolfby Retro isout;thefuturenow. Things happenoccasionallyto FOR