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The Ledger and Times, May 19, 1962

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1962 • eetertg Id it BM 1111 day Nrovtirip-ct

,1) 24. as Largest Circulation In on Detroit, The City irrny Route • Largest

tint; of the Circulation In :ietv of the The County • • - --- 41MNIMPI•1011M=.•••1 11•••••1, United Press International IN OUR 83rd YEAR Murray, Ky., Saturday Afternoon, May MURRAY POPULATION 19, 1962 10.100 Vol. LXXXIII No. 119 'CITY PURCHASES NEW FIRE ECUIPMENT I Realtors To Observe National Week Next Deluge Gun Can Throw High More Marines Week May 20-26 Volume Of Water On Any Blaze Realtors of Murray today begin -- The Murray Thailand celebration of national Realtor City Council last are three water connections, each Land night purchased In a I II week (Ma)' 20-261. which will con- new piece of of them two and one half inches fire fiehting tinue through Saturday. equipment which is in diameter, which supply the expected to be Under the motto "Homeattad and of great vatue to water to the gun. The gun is By ROBERT E. UDICK a strong warning to the United firemen, especially Home—Foundation of the Na- in cases where hand operated as tar as setting the United Press International States. a large volume tion," they will join with some of water is needed. direction is concerned, and has BANGKOK, Thailand UPI — An Gen. Paul D. Harkins visited A deluge 70,000 other Realtors across the nozzle was purchased a hand wheel connected to additional 500 U. S. aoldiers and U. S. Marine Corps units bivou- from the nation, seeking through this means W. S. Harley & Company at gears which move the Niarines began landing today at acked within gunshot range of the gun to the to emphasize their services and the low bid of $519.90. The de- right position. Karat Airfield, about. 130 miles Laotian border before returning luge 4 to make clearer the distinction be- gun is a piece of equipment en in la.•••• northeast of Bangkok, to bolster to his headquarters in Saigon. which tween a Realtor and others in the will be mounted on the Fire Chief Flavil Robertson said the 2,800 U. S. combat troops al- While the Marines dug in and newest real estate business. Realtors are fire truck. It is attached that the equipment will also be ready in Thailand. high - ranking set up field encampments, planes, to members of local constituent a base which is geared, and so that il can be taken from the military sources here reported. trucks and helicopters shuttled in the boards of the National Assoeia- gun can be rotated in a full truck, where the truck cannot get The sources said the first con- arms and equipment being un- circle. tion of Real &tate Boards, one The nozzle or gun itself close enough to a fire, and set tingent had already arrived with loaded from supply atrips of the of the largest trade and profes- is about five feet long and is up on a tri-pod or stand. After the rest scheduled to land later U. S. 7th Fleet at Bangkok's ma- sional organizations in the coun- made of brass. It has several It is set, it will continue in opera- today and Sunday. port areas. jor trY. different size tips which can be tion without a fireman in at- Many of the 500 American troops Although Harkins is the over-all used aith the nozzle, depending tendance. flown here aboard five U. S. commander of U. S. forces now '"A Realtor." Donald R. Tucker, on how much volume of water is Air Force transports are combat committed un Southeast A.S111 to president of the Murray Realtors needed. The deluge gun was purchased * speciakista from the Army's 27th cheek Communist aggres.sion and said today. "subscribers to a well- At the base of the equipment on advice of the state fire in- Infantry based in Hawaii. which expansion, U. S. Army Lt. Gen. established code of professional spection bureau so that the city already has 1,000 men deployed James L. Richardson is command- ethics enforced through the local could retain its favorable fire insurance near Karat. The group also in- er of the newly landed forces in CLOUDS DIMMING THEIR HOPES—The technical board. It obligates us to keep Kennedy is Urged. rates. astronaut preparations for the three-orbit cludes a small number of Ma- Thailand. Scott Carpenter are rolling along flight by the interests of both buyer and scheduled steadily, but the weather outlook To Shoot Atomic Other companies bidding on the . rines. Richardson conferred with high May 19 space mission Is darkening. fur the seller uppermost in mind during and Carpenter is .hown with his wife. deluge nozzle were Fyrfiter Com- Sources here said an additional Thai military and defense officials their children (from left) Kristen Elaine, Rene, a t ransact ion." Armed Atlas 6, Robyn Jay. 10; Mark Scott, Missile pany at =620; Emmett 500 troops are scheduled to ar- on preparations for another 1.000 Candace Noxon, 5. 13, and The term "Realtor" was adopted Lewis at Cape Canaveral, at $525.00 and alidweat rive in Thailand from Hawaii or inure American combat trips by NAREB in 1916. and its ex- Fire and By DARRELL Wets' at $561 44. NCE early next week. saheddled to arrive here soon to clusive right to the ownership of GARWOOD The troops landed as the cOrn- boaster Thai defense's. help llurray the term for use by its members United Press International The council also purchased 800 mander of the combined Amen- The tremendous amount of aims Hoffa Could tiosPital only has been established by feet Shawn nu- \SHINGTON Jun - President of two and one-half inch fire • can task force in Southeast Aaia and equipment being transferred Bucy meroua court cases over the years. hose 'Kennedy is being strongly urged with the low bidder Emmett toured the newest "front-line" from the 7th Fleet supply ships Census — It is registered as a collective Lewis • engine tar to reverse a decision not to of Tiptonville. Tennessee. area of his command. At the same to the ground forces encamped in Get Census — Nursery 5 mark (similar to a tradesnarki in His price was sing:" 3 Years shoot an atomic-armed Atlas inter- $1.24 per foot. time, Communal( China sounded strategic northeast areas of - Adult Beds Entertains the United the 65 States Patent Office. cont:netai misaile all the way Another type of hose was bid clear the S. from Thailand made it U. Emergency Beds 5 , The observance of Realtor Week the West Coast to the at $1.45 per foot. prepared Christmas combat units were for On Charges • Patients a6mitted 1 in Murray be highlighted by Island testing area. serious cation. Patients dismissed' a luncheon Tuesday Only other bidder was Mid- 0 Rotary C1111) at the Trian- Informed sources said today Mrs. Olila, Because of a three-dray• holiday New Citizens gle Inn. Prof. Tom llogancamp west Fire and Safety with bids . 0 there is a definite possibility that in celebration of the birth of Bud- of Murray State College will ad- of $1.85 per foot and another Patients admitted from Wednes- atter another view of safety pre- +the. there was a tail an diplar dress the group. at $1.46 per foot. day 12:30 p. m. to Pride,/ 0.10 cautions the government will de- matte activity. But there was con- CHICAGO tJPU — Teamsters Un- -Our membership has grown Carl Rogers a. m. cide to conduct the teta: - • Midwest was represented tact between Thailand and ita al- ion president Jam& H. Hotta to- rapidly in the past few years," at the I Samuel P. Warren. Rt, 5; Miss Shawn Bury, fifteen If so. a 90-foot Atlas will be council meeting by Allen Purdie, lies in the eight-nation Souttieawt day was heeded for two cowl year old Tucker said. Membership in NAR- Jettie Ladd, Rt. 1, Dexter; Mrs. son of Major launched from Vandenberg Air Karl Frazee appeared Asia Treaty OrganizatiOn SENTO appearances that could lead to and Mrs. Solon EB, jumped from 68.918 at the before • Give Program William Hudson and baby girl, Bury was the guest entertainer Force Base north of Los Angeles, the counfri to advise that parting on the necessity of sending more possible prison terms totaling end of 1960 to 70.692 by the end 205 E 12th Benton; Master Dar- of the Murray and will hurtle 3,000 males Ebro- on the ealt side of South Nintk SEATO troops to this country. three years. Rotary Club on of 1961. rell Redden. Rt. 2; Mrs. Jimmy Thursday. James street prohibited him (roan enter• Wilson, who was The parent organization, found- A federal grand jury Lewis, Hardin; Mrs. Andrew Scalf, in charge of mg or leaving his driveway much in Nash- the program, intro- ed in 1908 in Minneapolis, Minn., ville, Tenn . Friday indicated Hof 212 la-van St.; Mrs. Arthur Dunn, dtsced young Bucy who is of the time In the area of his Mrs Howard Olds, one of Mur- M - a Sopho- has offices in Chicago. In_ and fa on charge of accepting illegal Rt. 1, Dexter: Mrs. Billy Nelson, more at Murray High driveaay, no parking at anytime ray's most popular musicians. and School. Washington, D. (' Realtors are rs. Gus Nix payments if more than $1 million 101 E. 10th.. Benton; Harley Wil- will be allowed. Carl Rogers. Professor of Voice kept aware of changes in real ?room a alttiagan trucking corn- liams, Rt. 3; Mrs. Ralph Black, Bucy has traveled extensively at Murray State, joined talents estate law, mortgage rates, buy- Charles Ryan presented pa fly. Rt. 1, Farmington; Mrs: Charles since his father is a retired U. S. a peti- Tuesday evening to present an ing trends, and innunitssible other tion to the 6 Salmon, Rt. 3, Homer Wicker. 110 Air Force Major. His mother is council requesting that outstanding program of Verdi D•les Friday Hours business fastors, through publica- the area of the and earlier, Hotta appeared Poplar, Miss Melinda Sue Notes, a teacher at Murray High School. city in the gieneral Mozart arias at the final meeting before- a municipal tions of the Association's pro- vicritty of his home judge in Wash- 316 West 8th.. Benton; Mrs. Odell Young Racy renered several be taken into of the Music Department of the ington and fessional Kali which main-tail: the city bmits. The pleaded innocent to Lamb, Rt. 2. Hazel; Mrs. Goebel popular selections on the piano petition was Murray Women's Club. To open Mrs. Gus Nix. age 84, died Fri- charges of close contact W it h developments signed by several beating a union sub- Wilson. Rt, 3; Mrs. Rudell Bogard, and was applauded enthusiastical- property owners the program. entitled "A Night lday at 1;05 p. m at the Murray ordinate throughout the country. The Mur- of the area. This will Rt. 3; S. E. Hicks, Rt. 1, Purycer, ly by the assembled Rotarians. be referred of Opera", Mrs. 0111. sang the I Hospital after a two weeks ill- ray Board joined NAREB in July to the Murray Planning Tenn. Commas- deeply moving into fleas. She resided at 320 Irvan The Nashville indictment charg- A number of visitors were pre- 1957 sion for space, pare, Patients dismissed from Wednes- action. trio" from Verdi's opera, "La For. Street- ed Ikea and the late Owen Bert sent for the meeting. Rev. 0. A. Brennan. day 12:30 p. en. to Friday 8:00 A za del Destino". She was ably .1c- She is survived by three sons, former Teamsters vice Starr, former pastor of the First flasher type traffic light will a. m. compenied by Mrs. Richard Myers Nix. Indianapolis. Indiana, president, with receiving $1,008.0157 Method/St Church was a guest of be installed at North Fourth and Far- Green, New Concord; Homemaker Fair rell. Rue Nix, 320 Irvan. and James from Commercial Carriers, Inc., , Ronald Luther Robertson U. A. Moore Chestnut streets. a Mrs. Euin Ramsey, Rt. 1, Dexter, Mr. Rogers, hass baritone, then Nix, ThIsa, Oklahoma, several nationwide transport company, was a guest of henry McKenzie. Committee To Meet • Mrs Ilenry ()glestry. 1604 Callo- Mayor Pro-Ten Leonard Vaughn presented three arias from Mo- nieces and nephews, nine grand- in violation of the Taft-Hartley Guest of Dr. A. D. Butterworth way; Mrs. Myrtle Dowdy. Rt. 3; reported that the advisory com- seals zart operas, two of which are ex- children and seven great-grand- low. The indictment charged the was R. .1, Cooper. Don Overbey payments Mrs. Jimmie Hodges and baby girl, mittee appointed to study the dog uieter, amples of the hurnorous side of children. were made from May, was a guest of Howard Titsworth. The Homemakers fair commit. 1949, 1312 Main St.; Miss Jettie I.add, poisoning problem in Murray has rvia k es Mozart's carti These were the Funeral services will be held at to May. 1958. Guests of Ralph Tesseneer were will meet on June 18 at the Ex- President Kennedy Rt. 1, Dexter; Miss Tina Todd, requested the city council to pass Dot h " -Catalogue Song" from "Don Gio- the Max Churchill Funeral Chapel Tom Lowe and Kea Glass. harry tension office to review the last U. S. Thy lien. Robert F. Ke- Rt. 2; Mrs. John Hutchison, Mod- ugh space before an ordinance prohibiting the vanni" and -Non pm andrai" from Slis ras: at 300 p. m. with Bro. Slectri, former postmaster, was a year fair entries and make the exploding over nedy. who first announced the in- el, Tenn.; Mrs. James Jones, Rt. the Pacific with a abandonment of dogs in the city. "Marriage at Figaro". The more Paul Matthews. Burial will be on 1;11es-I of Vernon Stubblefield, Sr. needed changes in the Fair Cata- force equal to dictment, said it was on two I. Benton; Samuel P. Warren (Ex- '3 million tons City attorney Wells Overbey re- serious aspect of Mozart's style the Old Harmony Cemetery in Tom Brewer. Southern Bell Tele- logue. This committee evaluated of TNT. counts — receiving illegal pay- pired) RI. 5; Master Timothy Believe Test ported that in his opinion present was shown in "in disen heilgen Graves County. phone Company manager was a host year's fair and have made Safe ments, and conspiracy. • Story. In 6; tirs. Wm. Duckett, American scientists state statutes cover this situa- Hallen" from sTbe Magic Flute". Active pallbearers are James guest of Ralph Case. some recommendations to be pre- believe the Kts Brennan died last year in De- and baby girl. 1416 Madison,' Pa- test could be conducted tion. City police have been pick- Mr. Rogers was accompanied at Rudy Alibritten, Bradford Hale, sented to the Fair Board this without troit. ducab Mrs Billy Thurman and danger of a disaster ing aa) stray dugs according to the piano by Jack Gardner, junior Rex hole, John tleF;Iratts Bryan coming Thursday at their regular either on where. baby boy. Rt. 6; Mrs. Glen Kelso NOW YOU KNOW the West Coast, on British-owned Chic( Burman Parker. The dogs music major at Murray State. Tolley. and Merlin Washer. Haifa, in Chicago Friday night meeting. I and baby girl. Rt. 1, Lynn Groit; Chrietmas Island or other have been lodged with Ray Hern- OVETT The two soloists closed the pro- Friend's may call at the Max to address a meeting of telephone inhabi- Robert I.ynn, College Mts.; Mil- ted points which the don, County Doi! Warden.' After gram with a 'delightful rendition Churchill Funeral thane until the accountants who are members This committee is .composed of 6.000-mile of burn Henson, 830 Bethel, Padu- Atlas normally would a specified time if the dogs are of the famous duet. "La ei darem service hour. • the Cormnunications By United Press International women who like to participate in be capable 'N'orkers of cah; Miss Lisa Arnett, Rt. 4. of reaching unclaimed, they are killed. „ate tlano" from Mozart's "Don Gio- America, refused to discuss fairs. They are: Mrs. Herman the There are approximately 71 mil- sgn icantly. howeser. .HELL vanni". again accompanied by Mr. indictments. Barnell, Mrs. Nrobel Fuqua, Mrs. the first The city traded a 1946 model Little Relief Seen liqn telephones in operation in word that the test wit Gardner. Students, Teachers Lowell Palnier, Mrs: John Tom again un- truck for a used 1950 GM(' truck the United States compared der consideration leaked Dun rig the business meeting, From Heat Wave lksrold (;ibbons, a Teamsters with Taylor. 'Mrs. Leon Chambers, Mrs. out in at Parker Motors for the sum vice, Entertained Monday about 63 million for the rest Lcuidon. British government presided over by Mrs. Josiah Dar- president. said, "We do not of Marvin Parks and Mrs.. Charlie con?' of $250. The trade was made so ERVICE the world. eurrence would be nall, chairman, the members By United eress International try legal cases in the newspapers." : ubblefield. necessary for Sthat the oil distributor, voted -- the recently .1 to' donate some children's records A record-smashing heat wave Gibbons said that "if this indict- 'purchased' : could be used. The senior agriculture students e cctemirding' to The old XACO to Public Library. extended into its sixth day in ment is anything like past indict- I reliable but unot- truck was too the the -I short, and a longer from Murray College High and ficial information. -the Iloatesaes for the evening eastern half of the nation today, ments of labor leaders, it Is the Atlas war truck was needed. The truck were i Calloway High and Calloway Coun- head •packs a aill Mrs. Richard Farrell. Mrs. Charles with only slight relief in sight for essence of 'Untruths." Puhtfd 150 tunes , be used only. for this . purpose. ty High were guests of the Jeek- greater than the IHmehinia` Simons, Mrs John C. Winter, the weekend. bomb. -Streets vsill be oiled where need-. Speaking to the telephone ae- son. Purchase Production Credit Its Power Mrs. N..8. Ellis, Mrs. Robert Bear, Nebraska and Minnessota report- is .rated five Iinie6 ied with the city paying one-third roontants, Hotta said the press Asaaciation ,Monday night at the• greater. than that of the and Mrs. Neale Mason. ed several tornadoes Friday, and 'Polaris' and the tesidenta_•tin each side S 'received a distroted version" of Miirray City •F!sark for a grilles, miSsile. Whieh has alreadi lightning killed one Wall 117 Iowa. been paying incidehts which led to charges hamburger supper. fired 'one-third. Chicago and Cleveland recorded from a, aubmarine and deto-• he beat tip Samuel Baron, one of Clays Hobbs, Mayfield.' Ken- fleartiecles. t‘e4• fifth straight clay ci( record in, he. current. Pecsfic test The (sky will install thP ,ISICW his subordinates, in Washington tucky. 'Manager' of the Credit -As- temperatures Friday. Chica- . •,.. , tyae.'mereury vapor - lights in the.. • high Thursday. sociation broad. greeting •frein .k Weather ' Fqingasthe Wes, • ', J failure instead . al .The xtreapnt #.1.)- . • :5 goans Sweltered in .03-tdegiree hipat, s .sr_ "Ns..a.. es: .••- •s-'s •-slealstseesaa ; Cnt-fitte,..,:.,...... „!.....,,1 •Npars.-,saistais. --nlvcse ',One mercury rose t.05 st "Nevortrers .ferrft ittercitliteeti' tetsfltikat,-•treta.-r • .11071/1 Inc LariS was 'given as one qf' -tlie.l are added, to the sregs'n, an old Toledo."Oh . strikes, arguments and Thscus- ilikibs assistant Itepeet man, Keys Keel. • IIPpiincipal reasags for reconsider- 1 type fixture from the itkowipown Columbus. Ohio, with a 95.1em- sioraS. Ilona said. "The prew is Charles 'Magness, grachiate. of -Mur- 111.0.4 ram Issersallesal perature; surpassed brit the Atlas launching. Fired at area will be use and the newer a record set helping turn :the United States ray College High. gave an interesk- Cleveland sea by the nuclear-powered sub- I bulbs will he installed in the in 1911, and had a high into a poliSe state." ing talk on interest rates and ad- Western Kentaicky — Fair marine than111,40t.Ilmesenii thbeef.oProleaeriiis downtownh area. This idea was ' and of 90. •• , The Teamsters leader brushed yardage: of the PCA way of ob- continued -hot today flew' ,, that the down town 'with scat- Indianapolis. Ind., reported 90 aside reporters who sought to taining credit. tered afternoon ardl evening thun- degrees, also topping the record l Itlf plotting over its target area. • area would be uniformly lighted question him before and after the Keys Keel presented a, mono- derstorms through Scientists contend there are with the new bulbs. Sunday. Partly set there in 1911. Nashville, Ten- meeting. grammed' brief case to Cherie:: L. tonight and -foolproof" methods of preventing An expression of thanks was cloudy Sunday. A nessee's. 95-degree top was the Eldridge. Milton Walston. ('an- little cooler Sunday. a nuclear explosion except at gives by the council to Rex Ta- High today highest reading this- early in the TO VISIT HERE man Parks, Eugene Chainhy, and ! in the low 90s, low tonight around year. such great altitudes that no dits- tiers for voluntarily moving shrubs }lamp Brooks, teachers 4 Agri- aster would occure even if the from the corner of Woodlawn 85. High Sunday in upper 80s. A cold front was expected to Mr. and Mrs Nurman Crain High • culture at Murray College missile was far off course. and Vine after a child almost got Temperatures at 5 a. m. (EST).: move from the Dakeetas as far as and daughter Amanda Jane. of PINCH-HITS—Members • anal Calloway County Iligh School HOTEL MANAGEMENT of the hotel If a low-level nuclear explcision by a car there. The shrubs Louisville 86 the Great Lakes by tonight, bring- Charlotte, North Carolina will management staff pass the plates the ar- 'rhe Crelit Association,, officials at 50th anniversary is. ruled out, a misfire in the made the corner a 'Wind corner", Lexington OD ing momentarily relief to some of rive in Murray on Sunday fbr a indicated dinner of the French Institute at the Waldorf the event would be an , Astoria in launching presumably would in- Ile donated (tie shrubs to Murray C,ovingt on 64 the MiSwest. however, some two week visit with his parents annual New York following a walkout by about 500 of affair for Agriculture ' the sedate solve no greater danger than the State College and cleared the corn- Bowling Green (18 warming was expected again Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Crain of teachers hotel's waiters, bus boys, cooks, bellhops and elevator op- and for Senior Agricult- crash of a bomber with adiclear er so that motorists have an un- Paducah 813 di.). Poplar street. erator& Vice President Lyndon Johnson ure students. was one of diners. weapons abeard. alai rurt ed view.


0-. I •••• Rag •

PAGE TWO fHE LEDGER & TIMES-MURRAY, KENTUCKY SATURDAY - MAY 19, 1962 1 ?THE LEDGER,IMES PINIILISHED /ay Two Of Lisunua alMss OCIIMIPSSIT. Last Year's Hard Luck Comps*dwaboa se Ihr leas 71nres-kimek TImais. i Oeselpor se, suss. So 111est idneadi/sob 1. IIK2. ARNIM Pitchers Going Strong Now

Ile pearrve m10 * =Sod ems Advertises& By FRED DOWN LAWN 55 On Mk" who shut out the White Sox sr Iambi* Vows *ems ulkielbyin UPI Sorts for egiedoe. awe nee Sin Sas Riot 1110 Wilhar the last 4 2-:3 . sorest et ver modem Don't look now but the two Hurls Four-Hitter hard - luck pitchers of MATIohLAL RE1U=11TATIVIISt WIALLACI 1961 are Ken Johnson pitched a four- Mad** Awe_ Imams 006 1110 h.tving a ball for Amapa* Tems4 Sloe 410 idle BYO. themselves in hitter and won his own game Eamodmwmm Nem *Ebb Mid 1962-and in by Eldg., Detroit, Mit\ the process are mak- , singling in Carl Warwick ing the. Cleveland from Indians arid se...unti base in the Insamed et Ilse oaks, lierray, lastodia. Cincinnati 10th bat lemmigkaa SI - Reds look like pennap.t , after a homer by Second Class lArdeee contenders. San Francisco's Willie McCovey tied the score in BATS& By They're Dick Donovan Carrier is Worm7. per weak 2160. and Bob the ninth. Norm Larker homered esealk 1160. Oessserg aid miasmas pet Purtey. Each chalked esamlies. per piss. OILINt up his sev- for the Colts who handed Jack enth straight victory oil the sea- !Sanford • his third loss against four son Friday night. wins. Donovan, Who stood S.VI CRDAN 0-8 a year Warren Spahn won the 313th MAY 19, 1962 ago, pitched a five -hitter and hit game of his career when Mack two homers to lead -- the Indians ; Jones and Eddie Mathews hit to a 9-2 victory Rosalind Russell :urnrises Maximilian Schell, over the Detroit back-to-back homers in the eighth left, and Tigers while Pulite'', Jack 01 this Quotes From only 16-121 inning at Milwaukee. Hank Aaron scene from the Frederick Brisson The News Last year and j tosigh-lock World also production, "Five Finger Exercise." harnered for the Braves as Richard Berner also Series loser against By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL the Yankees, New York's Roger Craig suffered stars in the new drama, based,on the Broadway pitched a six-hitter prize- 1 Oh - to.lciia•s for a 4-1 tri- his fourth defeat of the campaign. winning play by Peter Shaffer. idtichil Peiping People:* umph c4ver It plays Sunday thru Daily editorial the Pitbiburgh Pi- George Altman drove Tuesday warning the United States about sending rates. in five at the cool Varsity Theatre. troops into Southeast runs with two homers and a Asia: • The Indians' victory - enabled single and Ernie Bangs, Ron Santo "It is certain that if U.S. imperialism dares them to hold first to launch ally place in the and Bob Will also bothered in a new military adventure in Southeast American League Asia. it will stiller a by a half-game 15-hit (Xib attack against the Phil- worse defeat than while the it did in Korea. and those who tie them- Reds' win was their lies. Dun Ellsworth won his third seventh in THE LEDGER TIMES selves onto the LS. war chariot will also invite eight games. game while Jack Baldschum suf- & disaster." kielps Own Cause feted his fourth loss against one Donoval yielded a ); WASHINGTON - Laotian Ambassador on two vielnrY• Tiao Khampan. hits in the first explaining recent inning and then Larry Jackson weltered nine Communist military auccesses: • shut out the Tigers until Rocky hits to win his fourth game 'It' is clear that the c.ppcisition has colavito for HAS weapons Superior to THREE IN A ROW-Wainer of the Colonial homered in the seventh. the Cardinals, who sent our forces: therefore, the success Natanial The 10 men of their attack on Nam Tha Loh Golf Tournament title in Fort Worth, big pitcher homered in the to the plate against was a Tex., In an 18- Stan Williams •result of superiority of weapons hole playoff with Johnny third to be the score at !--441---a- -HNT-f-Sida- received from the Pott, Arnold Palmer kisses the I-1 -and third-inning. Ron Soviet Union." trophy. Defeated Pott Jokingly lead off the fifth with said he thinks Palmer should his second " Fairly and Larry Burright had b. handicapped, like homer to make the race horses. It was Palmer's third tour- score 4-1. three hits each for the Dodgers. GOT IT! Willie SYDNEY. Australia -4;reek 'pay victory in a row, his sixth this year and the Kirk/and and Chuck Esse- • bachelor .George Gnessoulis, 32nd of gian after a charter- kw 224-tournament pro career. Palmer's earnings also homered for Cleveland. flight from Greece a: the okily male passenger this year • now $59,308.33. Hs holds the PGA record Purkey struck out seven behind traveling with 85 young. single women: of $75.262.80. an eight-hit Cincinnati attack that other bachefOr. I like GIVE HOPE! girls, but 85 of them was included three hits by Eddie Kas- just t,R; much. l'onlyluid to look thirsty and six girls would ko and two by Leon Cardenas. Difer Inc water Bill and there would be a sidiusbble." Years Virdon homered for the Pi- 30 Ago This Week rate*. Harvey liaddix battered his MS JACKSON, Ledger and Time* File second defeat. Miss. Nlississippi State Sen. SIULTMLE SCLUIOSIS liudie Pitt:. The Minnesota arguing against a bill to legalize Twins beat the Sand contntout.ons to s c/0 Postmaster the sale of wine under local Nli•s .\\ .,tteis will New York aption in the open a private studio on June 1. Yankees. 4-3. the Los nation's oaly legally dry state: Slw offers Angeles private lessons to beginners and other Angels downed the Boo- • "A drunk man iillkfrist 4s crazy courses iu as a lunatic. I've been mu•ic, ton Red Sox. 8-4. the Washington drunk alai I know • it hat I'm talking about." Bun A. Outland. Senators edged the Kansas one of Calloway County.'s most prominent City and.popular A's 3-2. and the Baltimore Or- ROLLERDROME men. died \%ednesday morning at eleven o'clock idles scored a 124nning. 7-4, it his hoine . im Maple Street tia- of paralysis following a two umph over the Chicago OPENING SOON months illness. White Sox Ten in other AL games. Years Ago Today NH's I kirotlit) Robertson is valedictorian and Miss 'Wini- In the other NL action, the It's Gonna Ledger and Tunes File fred Keys is salutatorian At Murray ,Iligh School. Houston Colts beat the San Fran- Postmaster NI. I.. ‘‘ bitnell cisco Giants, 3-2. the Paul Gsrgus antaitinced this week that he, Milwaukee Be Great oi Murray has won a trip to New Orleans T. Waldrop. and Braves tapped the New Harry I. Sledd hint been selected as York in a qualification contest given bv the tlie Stets, 5-2. the insurance company three eligible for the Murray post office Chicago Cubs drub- with which he is connected,- as a result of the bed the the. Kentucky .Central Life and recent civil service examination. Philadelphia Phillies, 11- Accident Insurance Comp:zny. . . 8. and the St. Louis Cardinals Dr. and Mrs. defeated the Los Angeles - IL C. t ! aial daughter. Shirley Joyce Baltimore at Chicagi. 2 Dod- will return today Kansas gers, 8-3. • ifirtlin Florida. where they City at Chicago. 2 - MURRAY have Meow Wins Gan* RIITINIE 'wen attending the Southern B.- 1.o-4 lais Angeles at Boston. 2 -IN THEATRE Convention. Ilarinon Killebrew's two Miss Tennis- Breckenridge. Detroit at Cleve!and. 2 - run has recently been elected seventh-inning homer gave Open President of the Business NATIONAL LEAGUE Mm- 6:15 • Start 7:15 and Profe,s,ional WAmien's Club. nesotas [hni Lee his third win and %V I. C I • - - San Francisco - 16 10 .7r2 .1 dealt the Yankees' Whitey Ford,' STARTS TOMORROW a 25-game winner ,Los Angeles- 23 13 .639 3 in 1981. his --- 75r third loss against St. Louis 19 13 .594 a three wins. (hildren --- 20 Yankee star Free Years Ago This Week Cincinnati 19 14 .5;6 51' Macke:. Mantle suf- fered a muscle tear running SMITH Liedgrr and Times File United Press international Pittsburgh 16 16 .5u0 8 0,1' -CORONA the last putout of the game •'. B. Milwaukee • 16 18 .41 9 ao - - - will be sidelined gkLy kviLDEpb T. II. AMERICAN LEAGUE Philadelphia- 14 17 .432 91 until at lea-t -krs. Pre;iller.t of the People: Savings Bank. June 1. wait Cleveland IS II .633 Hou st ad' 12 21 .364 124 M''rid Governor Kern Johnson, The Angels overcame ExPLosiVE NEW a member of Minnesota 20 13 ,.1106 New York 9 19 .321 13 a four the Ki.:tt:Av.'Aliniitittrit.1Vage and run deficit with five,run. Iltiur Board. New York 1.8 12 .800 Chicago 10 23 .'303 141 a lift:. ADDING MACHINES S -t • • 1,44in I itiniOirev's, inning rally to hand the COMEDY -03 a Murray boy, can be seen in Ba;tam-ire 17 14 .548 2) Peiday's Results_ _ Rex So\ "Juki- P.• their third straight los*. jenny.'Saturday at the Varsity Theater. Chicago 18 16 529 3 Chicago II Philadelphia -8. night Earl A. Angeles enlbs two-run single and Mrs. Luther Robertson opened her home .vesterday Los 15 15 .500 4 Cincinnati.4 Pittsburgh I. night after- producing srnzles by Albie Pea: FROM $129.50 - n•you for ,a joint meeting of the Dietrait 13 16 .448 .14 Milwaukee 5 New York 2. night United chiughters of the son and Bill Moran were the h.: _COnfeileravv• anti the I, 13oston 13 1; .433 St Louis 8 Los Angeles 3. night hildren of the Confederacy. blows of the Angels' ammo., Ralph Tessenetr Kansas City '4 20 412 7 Roust in 3 San Francisco 2, 10 ail! star as Roger Butler. a small town merchant..y Washington 8 21 .2;6 104 inning-. night ,ho. bet:vet-um failing Int-intss and Bob Schmidt's sixth - inning hi: heckling Friday's ROW its Teday's Games wife. t;ies to run for city council homer snapped THE in a hilarious comedy, "All- Minnesota 4 New York 3. night Chicago at Philadelphia a 2-2 tie and LEDGER & TIMES Amerkz,,o 1:1,mov". ti, be brought Washington's giv at Murray I ugh School on Baltim)re ; Cnicago 4, 12 innings, Cincinnati at Pittsburgh Pete Burn- luesday nigl.t. side his third victory M. 26, at 8:00. night New York at Milwaukee of the sea- son. Burnside pitched a seven Wasningt in 3 Kansas City 2. night Houston, at San Francisc - hitter and struck out four. Los Angeles 8 Boston 4. night St. Louis at Ltd: Angeles. night • Turk Lown's throwing let Cleveland 9 Detroit 2, night. Sunday's Games OFFICE in the tie-brealung runs SUPPLY and Teday's Games Chicago at Philadelphia. sin- WHEN 2 - gles by Jackie Brandt and Whitey WILL MS BE CURED? Minnesota at New York Cincinnati at Pittsburgh te Herzog produced the insairance Baltimore at Chicago . New York at Milwaukee, Say when.., 2 the White Sox. The victory went with your dollars! Kansas City at Washington St. Louis at Los Angeles DEPARTMENT runs of the Orioles victor over HELP Lot Angeles at Boston , • • • F-a' FIGHT MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS - .- 2 to ri•!.of p.lrher 103 N. 4th • Detroit at Cleveland Wdhebnir. PlAssa 3-191e) cont••t.Jtany to SS cie P•stma•ter • Sunday's Games ar "Everything For The Office" m nea.ota a. Ni a York. 2 HOLLAND DRUG M CENTENNIAL SCRAPBOOE The War for the Union 1961-65 in Pictures Will Be Open This Sunday DRY A reader wonders If a CLEANING SPECIALS a No. 169 cannon • 441141. then hammering tlue,corts rr,n,inted best].Civ.1 Into a toe peer Drug, Preesrlparn mod MON., War weidedl eylintle:.1 The cylinder Sundry Seeds MAY 21st thru THURS., MAY in hi town is one of the **Napo- wisp bored and 24tht leons" or "Dshlgrens" referred shrink; on t,' 'tin, Parrott, wesp founded to earlier in In 10-.. 20-, WE WILL °LIMED thie series. His snapshot shows 30-, 60-, 100-, 200- and 300- IS from Parrott oneof the pounded calibers, - isms to be seen today one foundry rnakine. 11300 a.m. to 10.1) p.m. for Church Pants - Skirts in battlefield 700 Hour - Sweaters parks. The of therm during the civil Warr" - wrought-iron jacket re-inforcing • the breerh makes It recognirame The (!onfederacy never had a fotuselry'SNI- (Plain) This invention p11.'.. or! such armament production. of Robert' P. Parrott lade. It sr", wrib-1 in "Artaflery dependent for field artillery on the Tredegar FARRIS' Through the Ages" by Albert Works at Richmond (only a few pieces ea "the 'United States rifle were most effertive in siege Iraq Orleans. Nanhville and Rome. work." Th:s was C, evilent in 1ar.2 along the Iowa/fries). imports, captured White -Atlantic coast. cannon, House Grocery Maniniy particularizes, 'The raptures enabled the Rebels also $.00 jacl:Pt Was 1608 West Main made by culling to have slime of the Parrott'. A bar over the mandrel La .1.;•CIARIL KINSAIRIV • STOP - SHOP and COMPARE! R 3.F- Everyday Lor Prices ° • aw $1 15. Remember To 'Save Your Register 'Tape For Beautiful Yorktown Crystal 1 . INSURED OPEN SUNDAYS BOX STORAGE (Al.;:)-2 Phillips 66 Gas Bird Baths aCk'ottery. ' • •. • • - FREE ALL-T.H1S • ITEM . V YOU TAKE NO CHANCE WHEN YOU , 1 TRADE WITH . . . . ONE HOUR PARKER MOTORS Symbol of MARTINIZING and Trucks PLaza 3-5273 Murray, Ky. On The,Square LARGE VOLUME - LOW PROFIT "Service Builalkir PT UP NrATIONS W1SHY WASHY Butiness" NO. 1 * WISHY WASHY NO. 2 • A 11i poundor Parrott gun at I ori Totten, IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US ON A NEW OR one ef the wagging's di I. in USED CAR1 ORE HOURSERVICE

• •• 4,,,,appilamitaliesdepgru1mesta11plum, , • • mt MOO' . .

.11 -

•••••, •



SATURDAY — MAY 19. 1962 THE LEDGER & TIMES — MURRAY, KENTUCKY PAGE THREE Immommlos• MP,•INIMINN. can Electric Service, Telephone 753-4601. G E T PROeSSIONAL CARPET cleaning results, rent Blue Lustre electric carpet shampooer. $1 per day. Crass Furniture. m2le HIRE ALL GARMENTS Y SELL TRADE RENT AHELP HYGIENICAL, ly cleaned with free moth proofing and mildew proofing at One-Hour Martinizing. m212e SHARP 1858 Oldsmobile, hardtop, THREE BED410011 home /14 block NICE 7 ROOM BRICK HOUSE FOR power. Also 21" T. V., from Robertson school and .one with 5 acrees land, 4 miles north . SALE NOTICE , PRAISE both in mod condition Phone block from college 75 x 300 ft. of Murray on Hwy. 641, owner CITIZENS COUNCIL 1311. 3-4705. M49-C lot will finance PICNIC TABLES. 5, 6 or 7 FOOT on black top street, city sew- with /14 down, im- P'RIVA'TE invettigations, lengths, painted, stained or un- erage. New gas furnace, gas hot mediate possession. confident ial service. Jim Armstrong, Dial JACKSON, Miss. RIP9 painted. Call PL 3-2450 or 492- ADJUSTABLE WINDOW fan $15.00 water heater, alunumen storm SEVERAL NICE BUILDING lots - The windows and priced to sell. 442-3186 or 444-6516, 206 North Mississippi House of 2560 or see just beyond city limits Also 3 cushion glider $18.00. Both doors. Call PL 3- Representa- 4716 ROBERTS 9th Paducah, Kentucky tic tives, by a 9-1 vile, on Concord Road or 4j miles from are in good condition. Phone PL or see Alvis Jonee, REALTY, 505 Main PL Thursday 3 1651, Hoyt praised the New Orleans city limits on Hazel Highway. 3- 5871. M-19-C Roberts PL 3-3924 or Citizens STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE. 10 Jimmy Rickman PL FREE ESTIMATE on installation Council for providing one - Uric 3-5344. way cents a quart you pick 'em, 25 oil Fedders Heat Pump or Air transportation north for Negroes 1958 PONTIAC left, and L'hifeten. Phone cents quart picked. Brooks Wat- A TWO BEDROOM HOUSE lo- Oonditioner. If you are building wanting to leave the South. The ATTENTION TOBACCO 436-3753 derick Brisson Growers: M-21-P son, phone HU 9-2455, Kirksey, cated on North 18th Street Ext. see us. We can save you 20 per resolution urged Mississippi Thoroughly season citi- •d tobacco sticks Kentucky. 1 tc Price $9400.00. Low down pay- cent or more on wiring, heating, zens councils to Berner also clear of knots, follow the exam- sawed to uniform REFRIGERATOR IN GOOD con- ment $300.00, balance low month- or air conditioning. Alfred Dun- ple. •oad way prize- thickness and USED -ELECTRIC REFRIGERAT- length. C. C. Farm- dition. May be seen at 1708 Olive ly payments. Sunday thru er Tobacco or, spaNigattbsciz.i . Perfect con- Company. ml9c or phone PL 3-4691. m22e Beautiful lakeview lots in Pano- dition. Priced uick sale. Mar- rama Snores. Price $650.00 and tin Oil Company, PL 3-9119. up. CROSSWORD PUZZLE Answer to Yesterday's Puzzle m2le Call F:teman Johnson, Realtor, PL 34731. m21c ACROSS 4-Ruin YOUR MURRAY NICE 14)T on paved Street, West b-Walk on =UM UMOMM CALLOWAY COUNTY 1-Difficult 'swage side of South 8th extended. Size 6-Oid pronoun 7-Betrothed MOMDBM MOMMMS TIMES HELP WANTED 1-Article of 8-The self MO MMMUMMO MR 66' x 140'. B. K. Farris Phone furniture 9-Sound of a MOH =MOM OMM 753-969. M-19-P 12-Vs logs gong YOUNG M A N FOR GENERAL 13-Tolled 10-Without end MOO MOO M000 BUSINESS 1961 BLACK. VOLKSWAGEN with work in grocery store. If interest- 14-Eggs ii- Pacts SOMMMO WMCIUM 1.-UnIt of 19-Hurried MOM USEI extras. Mrs. Hubert Farley, Pur- ed please write to box number Portuguese 20-That which MOMMOM MOMMEI year, Tenn. Phone 317-4471.M-19-C 32-0, giving age, experience, ref- currency remains SHAGGY DOG STORY-English sheep dog Zero Zero rides (P1.1 unpaid (pd.) MRMO DOM MOW erences etc in2lc 14-Thu• 23-Symbol for OSM IMMO WMV around Laa Vegas, Nev., in his own special sidecar. LOT IN PLAINVIEW ACRES, 17-Openwork silver MO ()MOM@ GE FOR THE BEST JOBS register fabric 24-Conducted DIRECTORY good investment. Reasonable. Dial 18-Comprehen4 MOSOMM GOMM 26-Cynrinold PL 3-2409. m21c with us, Commercial Employment Si'.. view flab MOSE MM000 20-Site of TO a Service. 208 North 5th, Dial 442- Mahal 26-Alcoholic 3186, Paducah, Kentucky. tfe !I-Youngster beverage 33-Music: B-flat 43-Toward the ADDING MACHINES EXTRA NICE 2 BEDROOM fram- 22-Long, 36-Bone of body sheltered OFFICE SUPPLIES ST-Noia• 31-Conect aide and ed' hOUSV on Sycamore near 16th WE NOW HAVE openings in slender fish 28-Girl's name TYPEWRITERS Ledger & Tames PL 3-1916 114-Gooda cast Ss-Girl's name 44- Rescue Sales & Service St.- Has den, garage, ms heat, city Calloway and Graves Counties for overboard 29-Excavate 40-Country of 27-A 1 rase 30-Dutch town Asia 46- Heraldry: PRINTING sewer, F.H.A. loan owner will two men Who are interested in 36-Prepare for grafted Cadger & Tunes PL 3-1916 32-Bend back 41-Revelry 48-Ureek letter Ledger & Times PL 3-1914 transfer or can secure new loan makiag a good future for them- print WEE GREEN MINATURE GOLF COURSE with only $500.00 down plus clos- selves. Best poesible working con- 'dished 1 2 3 4 ing cost. ditions and top earnings for the 33-Wlfe of IS 6 7 8 si, i. u DRUG STORES TYPEWRITER RENTAL LARGE 3 (ieraint g. BEDROOM Brick house right men. Musa be 21 or over and 34-I AND SERVICE habitant I 2 1814 Scott Drum PL 3-2547 on College Farm Road. Has dining has e car. For interview write 36• RON rn WUMMM Ledger & Times PL 3-1916 37-Simpleton I 5 ":,:.:R is VW% yi MI room, utility, ifarport, electric heat, Stan Bratcher Box 749 Paducah, 39- Went III INSURANCE was built under F.H.A. approved M-23-C 39-KIng of :1•1. ::`,.":II KY. beasts 19 *sit USED AUTO PARTS plans and specifications, can be 42 IMI 20 Located on the Hazel Highway Frazee, Melugin & Holton -Thrash - - 58% A.urray Auto Salvage - Hazel Rd. bought with $500.00 down plus wANTED. 2 MEN WITH CARS (slang) :151. 47-Ede al23 27Steafle, Gen. Insurance PL 3-3415 Parts For All Model.. - PL 3-3750 closing cost. to service 2400 established Fuller mistsken OEM 21 CXIIIIIII customers. Car a nd references 49-Profit 24 25 26 1. n27 III ill29 30 fm -Scold necessary. $40 per week to start_ 6,3e33 fd-fligh cards 31 4402 Open Monday through Saturday -- 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m Write 608 W. Central Ave., May- 62-Newt liar.) :.:•:i •ACS•RIM held, Ky. Phone 247-6013. m31c 63-One, 34 I ; 36 Greatest Thriller no matter v.::: IAN FLEMING'S which MC* MIII Grocery. WasidAN TO WORK IN TA-Southwest. 61164:8•58 ern Indians III sia el.:1.!st,i7s. If interested please write to Box 39 40 41 43 Li-Withered M42 245 4‘, LifGOTEDEL3E3 number 32-0, giving age, experi- ill/2III4 • ADMISSION 30e eace, eferences etc. m2it: DOWN • •%,:48 9 tr•=.74121.1...var, 47MM x..• 7VO, 1-Mmtfral III * • ,M52 in9trument all Ell III FOR RENT ' 2-Appellation 53 Irma CHAPTER 29 Ile ended. "So you see, there! on In your cabin several tim^s, of Athens -5 rooms and tile Ell HILE James Bond was is nothing we can do until th anything like that. We moe APARTMENT 2-Preci1:1tation y toiled Seater. Sindlcsta. Ian s floors, radiant W changing in the nut, a. weapons are actually on board men watching the ship. They bath, vinyl tile storage space, answered Domino Vitali's laugh- the Disco. Until that moment will be told to report. Then get heat, oar port, patio, 1324 Main, PL 3-3971 TI-116 16 ..-440•6C A- ing remarks through Ube wia// comes, Largo has a perfect alibi rid ot the Geiger counter. Drop brick 5ER1006...HOLJ CAN ITS VERY SIMPLE.....)OST Pets. J -7-C with monosyllables. with his treasure-hunt story. it overboard." Adults, No YOU HELP 531AE014E WHO HAS TURN OFF THE WATER: Finally she accepted the There is nothing to link him She said scornfully, "That is 13ECOiliE A cai*kgSiVE "LLOZTER ERMS I : FOUND change in him. She said, "What with the crashed plane or with a silly plan. It LS the sort of LOST SPRINLIF-R-HEAD 6TANDERT is the matter with you, James? SPECTRE. If we interfere with melodramatic nonsense people I 7RONA him now, this moment, arrest Is anything wrong?" write about in thrillers. In real LOST: PLEASE HELP ME FIND "Yes, Domino." Pulling on the ship on some excuse. put a life people don't go into (heir • • my puppy, a SIX weeks old Beagle. his trousers, Bond heard the watch on her, prevent her sail- cabins and switch on their Black. and white spots. Call Lesa of the bttle gold chain ing, there will only be a delay daylight. No. It the rattle lights In Overbey, age four. 801 Vine against the coins in his pocket_ in the SPECTRE plan. bombs are there, I will come up Kim 3-4926. • Street. Telephone PL (-re ,CHINES He said, "Tye got to talk to "Only Largo and his men on deck—show myselt to your m22c you." know where the bombs are hid- men. That is natural behavior. & Bond chose a patch of sand den. If the plane has gone for If they are not .there, I will --NANCY 0 on the other side of the but them, it will be keeping con- stay in my cabin." by Erni* Bosimuller from where they had been be- tact with the Disco by radio. If "All right Have it your own fore. She examined his face there's any hitch, the plane can way. But will you do this?" I KNOW YOUR carefully, trying to read it. leave the bombs at the hiding "Of course. If 1 can prevent Bond avoided her eyes. He sat place or at another, chimp them myself killing Largo when I see COSTUME SEEMS 1,10 with his arms around his knees In shallow water anywhere, and him. But on condition that when CNANCY APPROPRIATE IMES and looked out to sea. She sat return for them when the you get him you will see that clown beside him, but not-close. trouble has blown over. he is killed." She was entirely She said, "You are going to "Even the Disco could be serious. She looked at him with hurt me. Is it that you too are taken off the job and some matter-of-fact eyes as if ne going away? Be quick. Do It other ship or plane used any were a travel agent and she cleanly and I will not cry." time In the future. SPECTRE were reserving a scat on a train, a PLY Bond said, "I'm afraid it's headquarters, wherever they "I doubt if that will happen. worse than that, Domino. Its are, will Inform the Prime Min- I should say that every man on not about me. It's about your ister that there has been a board will get a life sentence brother." change of plan, or they can say in prison." Bond sensed the stiffening of at all. Then, perhaps nothing She considered this. "Yes. her body. She said in a low, from now, they will send 1916 fir weeks That will do. That is worse than tense voice, "Go on. Tell me.' another communication. And being killed. Now show me how Bond took the identification time there will perhaps be -rWW/Le- this this machine works." She got bracelet out of his pocket and twenty-four hours' notice BUSHisia.Z.ER-. only to her feet and took a couple silently handed It to her. money to be dropped. for the of steps up the beach. She took It. She hardly gave The terms will.he tougher. And seemed to remember It a glance. She turned • little we shall have to ace pt them. She something. She looked down at LIL' ABNER PloorWs*.. a away from Bond. -So he is So long as those bombs are still bY Al Copp bracelet In her hand. She dead What happened to him?" lost to us, the threat is there. the walked down to the "It 5 a hid story, and a very You see that?" turned and big one It Involves your friend edge of the sea and stood for a LOOKii.-D-I' COOKIE "Yes. So what is to be done?" Largo. It is a very great con- moment looking out across the JAR,WIF %ACRE LIFE The voice was harsh. The girl's spiracy. I am here to find out quiet water. She said some SAVINS IN IT—IS • eyes glittered fiercely as.they things for my" government_ I words that Bond couldn't hear. looked at and through Bond to- A•TRETERI NV! am really a kind of policeman. Then she leaned back and ward some distant target—not, telling you with all her strength threw the I am this and I will thought, at Largo the great he gold chain far out over the tell you the rest because hun- conspirator, but at Largo who dreds and perhaps thousands of shoal into the dark blue. The had had her brother killed. 1.110 people will die unless you help chain twinkled briefly in the "We have got to know when sun and there was a to prevent it, strong skaellfr -That is why I had to show those bombs are on board the small splash. She watched the you that bracelet and hurt you Mato. That Is all that matters. ripples widen and, when the ciroli7; ir 7Ir 1 Then we can act with all our whole so that you would believe me. smashed mirror was ØS 4 I am breaking my oath doing weight. And we have one great again, turned and walked hack e this, Whatever happens, what- factor on our side. We are pret- up the ,sand, her small limp • dar %hiir - ever you decide to do. I trust ty sure that Largo feels secure. leaving footmarks of uneven you hot to tell what 1 am going /le still believes that the won- depth. • to say." derful plan; and It IS wonderful, Band showed her the working, ff) The words eame.,out between is going exactly as 16 was meant of the, machine. Ho eliminated her teeth In a soft deadly whis- to do. That fa our /strength and the- wrist-watch indicator and. per: "I' hate yo, I hate you, I our only strength. You see (old her to depend- entirely on hate you."' that?" the telltale clicking. Bond said coldly, in a matter- 'And how are' you to know "Anywhere VI th6 ship should ABBIE AN' SLATS TINklbit:110040 "110•14.*40/664 1/kommet-4 sPr* • 44*Ilinvisroonsiniset., 1 by %mbar. Vila SWIM. . , . - .. /.of* -tact vdice, "tow btothee when the bombs come on utiaivl be-all right," he expittineri.."But . '''' "- h- Wale killed by Largo, or oa his ":71.-71- 4ail4el1.3refilacan GET THE v .., 110"0 .1..• •••••• ' 7-001fT THilaiK Pit I THEY'RE 4 t.taliati.'„Tl Us." . get theft.Tony ycii .1.04 to take .,;•I - ---v. Vf2tY WItt. MIMI*it> - buSrtFtp•-• !`"'- --!'"0., WILL SW;. IF ' 6 -. "Yes." The monosyllable Wu photograph trap • the well " 1 kleut. -POE yoit iii on -beatiti- a MTACCOUNT, GROCaGltalS, OR moetE TROUBLE , THEY . • This I.. fill and Ilappy.. I wanted to,put dull,- Indifferent 'Illut how am deck et or something. SHALL te FORCED TO t*ENRy DON'T off hurting you.' ' I to know? And how am I to thing's made up' to look like a TAKE STEPS ,WHICK 7"--er:-...;0*-' 1 lenses • Bond paused. 'Now listen to tell you? This man is no .fool." camera. its got all the CAN ONLY RESULT • "When did Largo tell you to gadgets on the front, lever what I have to tell you. Try and • IN BLOODSHED, and forget about your hate for come hack on bosied?" to press and .all. It just hasn't THE 13/POD I - Is me. I'n a moment you will real- "Five. The boat is coming to got a film. You could say That REFER ID IS mead decided to take Some fare- ize that we are nothing in all fetch Palmyra:" you'd YOURS. YOU lo4ked at pictures of this. ,This Is a thing by itself.- Bond his watch. "It well Nassau and the UNDERSTAND Bond didn't wait for her to is now four. I have this Geiger yacht." comment Ile began from the counter. It is simple to use. It I. will tell you at once if the sending back beginning and went slowly, min- "By Domino 9 tapir, through the whole case, borillas are on board. I want you on board the Digo.. and with omitting only the advent of the to take It with you. If it says thh Geiger counter, Bond was Manta, the one factor that could there is a bomb on board, I putting her in double danger now be of help to Largo and want you to show. a light at ..." the story continuer here perhaps alter ma-plans. your porthole-switch the lights tomorrow. . _ .... - - -

' •


..4 -5

er t--

rknr. rorR THE LEDGER & T1ME3 — MURRAY, KENTUCKT SATUR.11.\' — 11 1(1,. Spring Creek WMS Mrs. J. B. Burkeen - PLaza 3-4947 has Monthly Meet At The Church The Spring Creek Baptist Church Woman's Missionary So- ciety met at the church on Tues- day afternoon at one-thirty Vowee44 VOW o'clock. Mrs. Novella Chambers was in • charge of the program which con- Executive Board Of cerned the work of "Teaching The Social Calendar Good and Right Way to the In- Woman's Club Holds the Mississippi His . 4 dians East of Luncheon Tuesday wittr Mrs. Alvin Monday. May Zlst Leata Nc-orsWorthy a.m. The execeletive board of the The Penny Homemakers Club t -Usrey as cahostess at 10 Those taking part in the pro- Murray gram were Mrs. Thomas Lee, Mrs. Woman's Club met on :will meet at the home of Mrs.; • • • Tuesday. May 15, for a ranon Brownie Armstrong. Mrs. Melva Greer, Mrs. Edna lunchem at the club house—with The Calloway t7ounty High Vied, Mrs. Clint Watson, Mrs. ;Mrs. James Rudy Allbretere pre- School Parent-Teacher Association Butler, Mrs. Dwight Mrs. Nadine Beane, sident. presiding. will hold its regular meeting at Wanda Bailey. and Mrs. Bobby Mitchell. Mrs. A. W. Russell, secretary. the school at 7:30 p.m. All parents HOLD BIG .1085 IN THAILAND—Lt. Gen. James L. Richard- road the minutes. Mrs. Ailbreten school are urg- I and patrons of the The president, Mrs. Lee, pre- son Jr. (left) is in command of the combat elements of the gave highlights of the Woman's te attend. sided at the meeting. Plans were new United States Military Command, Thailand, headed by Club Convention held in Lexing- Gen. Paul D. Harkins, The Thailand Command also • • • made for a study of Pakistan to em- ton. the military advisory be held at the church on Tues- braces assistance group headed by Maj. Gen. Briard Johnson (right). The president announced tti! Saturday, May 19 PARENTS OF 18 AWAIT THEIR FIRST CHILD—Francis Louis day. June 12. the installation of officers f 19- Beardsley, father of 10 chtldren, and his wife, mother of Department of the 62-63 will be held at the genera. The Alpha eight by her first husband, check their "in-out board" at Woman's Club will have meeting to be held on Friday. Ma- Murray their Lome in Carmel. Calif.. after announcing they are its noon luncheon at the club 18. at six o'clock in the e. • expecting their Iteh child. with Mrs. Howard E. Chita This will be a dinner me, • CENTENNIAL SCRAPBOOK charge of the program. Hostess- Mrs. W. H. Beaman, dist:. • 'in The Wor for the Union 1861-65 in Pictures es will be Mesdames W. E. Black- ••• error from.. Paducah; w.. Bridal Luncheon Is P.1Irs. .1. IL. Newport burn, Henry McKenzie. Morrison toe new officers. There was good reason in federate opportunity to take It as they had SWAPPING DUTIES Rear C. Galloway. James Clark, and Held Recently At Program Leader At No. 167 may 1562 to remeniter the Fort Sumter. Mrs. B.,b Adm. Charles C. Kirkpatrick NI:ss Rezina Senter. Ward of th, Stemmer his May 9, 1862, Confederates evacuated Pen- (above!, 54-year-old U.S. The Lassiter Home .-trra Dunn Meeting heroic stand Lt. Adam J. and Department announced • • • • year earlier at Fort Pickens, sacola itself. The retention of Fort Pickens „ submariner, has been named men made a gistratien for the Sigma Miss Betty 1..issiter, bride- The Arra Dunn Circle of the Rosa Island, by the Union Army "had nullified the use- to succeed Rear Adm. John on the tip of Santa outside ment Kindergarten wile Tuesday, May 22 . elect of Ella ard Hal Buie. W.', Woman's Society of Christian l'ensacola, fulness to the enemy of the most important F. Davidson as superintend- Fla. on Saturday. May 19. a: 9. complimented with a delightful Service .uf the Hazel Methodist The U. S. Navy Yard at Pensacola was naval yard south of Norfolk." am Richard S. ett .of the U.S. Naval Aca- The American Legion Auxiliary in the . kindergarten re. to An. planned luncheon by Mrs. James Church met Wednesday afternoon surrendered intact April 12. 1861, without a West Jr. v.rote in "Mr. Lincoln's Navy" demy. Davidson will take will have a luncheen at noun at child who will be five by Decem-' Lassiter and Mrs. Garnett Jones • at the church. fight by Commodore James Armstrong. (pub. by Longman', Green). The Rebels over Kirkpatrick's-duties as the Triangle Rest#urant. Final her 31, 1962.- is eligible ta attend at the former's home on Wells Mrs. Claude Anderson, circle Siemmer, the senior Army officer there after had taken possession of Forts Barrancas and commander of the Pacific pans for Poppy Day on May 26 Roui&grd on Wednesday. May 9. _chairman, conducted the business John H. Winder, commander of the Army's MiRae, but were unable to use them effec- • Attending the meeting were Fleet Training Command. will be made. Hostesses will be .at one o'clock in the afternoon. !session. An officers training day fortifications at Pensacola Bay went over to tively in preventing Union raiders from dam- Mesdames Allbritten. Russel.. Mesdames Claude Anderson, ! to be held May 23 at the Paris the Rebels, spiked the guns at Fort Barran- aging forays against, the Navy yard. On one Ward. Robert W. Huie. Ge,rge E Howard Olila. John Hutson, Bryan chairman, Bryan Tollv. Macon The honoree chose lo wear for First Church was announced. Mrs. cas, blew up the ammunition at Fort McRae, occasion, as told here earlier, Navy volun- Cherbey. Gene Landolt, Be: Thur- Tiles. J. I. Hosick. Charles Clark Erwin; Harold Speight. and Cleo the occasion a navy silk Suit with Roberta Brandon, local treasurer, and concentrated his force in Fort Pickens teers destroyed the yard's dry-dock. man. P Warren. C. C II • ••, Sykes. yellow and white accessories and : gave the financial report. Sun- and resisted attack until arrival of reinforce- With Pensacola in its possession again, hcstesses* gift a corsage of yell w shine friends were srevealed. ments and supplies via the sea ended Con- and with a strong base at Key West, the carnations. -Giving Yourself" was the sub- Navy strength- ened the block- Mrs. ject of. the program with Mrs. Price Lassiter. the honore's ade against Rebel A. H. Newport as the leader. The mother. wore beige with rose ac- commerce with cess,Ties and Mrs. W. H. Patter- opening seng was "Take Time To Be Holy." the Caribbean grandmether of ehe honorc. Islands. This con- . Mrs. Newport gave the devoti wore. belie linen with beige and tributed to de- and the introduction to the pr brown acceszori.!s. Mrs. L. C. Buie, cline of Southern • grant. Mrs. John McCullou.: grandmether of the groom-elect, cotton exports emphasized "The Faith wa:, attired in a light blue dressl Tr from $191 million C.impel,i Us." with white accessories. They were In 1860 to $4 mil- Mrs. Russ each presented with ascorsage by . Taylor discussed at,. lion in 1862. outlined the hosteeses. the budget which con- —Clark K1onalrd sists of three section: Our Mis- The U. S. S. Miss,ier 1.V3,: presented sion Pledge. local budget, and De Soto at Key with a lovel wedding gift by cultivation. She mentioned West. It took Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Lassiter. ious items under each headierg and part In campalen vividly related them to local in- in Pensacola Bay , The luncheon was served on terest. She endeavored , to make that forced the card tables overlaid with beauti- the budget figures live as expres- :Rebels to give ful: eetwork white cloths and cen- sions of human need. up Pensacola. •' tt!red with fl rat arrangernt!nt. The meeting was closed with a !Photo from au- Ot -.4---aprsng song and prayer-ird-hy -Wm N. collec bon I flowers were used at van:age port whe served refreshments to peints throughout the lovely home. the thirteen members and one vis- itor. Mrs. A. G. Covers were laid for Ntiss Pam Childers of Mur- ray. Mahan. Miss Carel Outland. Mrs. :eird Otelanci. Miss Rogina '7,:acitwoed. Mrs. Ruth Blackveiod, -•••• Mrs. W. C. Elkins. Mrs Haron West, Mrs. Harry Allison. Mrs. National Realtor week 'Luther Robertson. Mrs. Luther THIS PHOTO WASN'T POSED—Between poses with some of their guests for the photogra- Jackson. Mrs. Carol Lassiter. Miss peers at a reception at the White Haase. Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy chats gaily with her Sandra McClure. husband, President Kennedy. sheen at the left is Secretary of the Army Elvis Miss Katie Bai- Stahr. Next to him 1.. Secretary of PeMert McNamara. Others In the back- .!e. Mrs. Huie. Mrs. Pat•erson, \la\ 20-26 ground include Gene. Maxwell Taylor, Curtis LeNlay and George Decker, and their wives; Mrs. 7..ass•iter. Miss Las!,iter. and and the PrPs!'..r• , - • •... a:,-2,3 an I their wives. the hOste;ses. • • • Security - • ENDS TONITE • REALTORS. . . . "Born To Speed"

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Members of The Murray Association Are: RoWling ,. Walter L. Duke Donald R. Tucker .AT AIR, GDP41101.TI0N-ED CORVME •Freeman Johnson Hiram L.Tucker RUSSELL B PEACH—Baury Dor- LANES • e ItIT 7 s -tram pek. g ;PM) P:1_ 14 E R RATES • " ILJaqin Galloway Et A _ -siee,---ter, ,?! T. Waldrop JACK - 3,eiteateteirtrikettallOkni- 1115 T' • beach at the 36th Interne- trundl flim F-‘. • Conrad C. Jones, . 'Wayne • • • MAXIMILIAN:SCHELL Festival in I.3 r, ,N -'1, - $100 - B. Wilson'- Cannes, France. OPEN 11:10 A.M. RICHARD BEYMER Claude L. Miller Associates — J. Bucy's FOR FINE FINISHES 0. Patton Jimmy Rickman Door & Wail M,rrore by Carolina 10-yr. Guarantee. Door and W,ndow Hoyt P. Roberts Dan McNutt Glass Cut to Order. See Jimmy roticy with 27 Years Cross Spann N. B. Ellis Supply Iluitcling Experience. 623 S. 4th Street , Phons 7534712

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