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I O B S E R V IOBSERVER Thursday, September 14, 1995* Vol. XXVII No. 19 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S S t u d e n t S e n a te N e w s A n a l y sis Consensus building takes priority Abortion By GWENDOLYN NORGLE dent Body President Jonathan plish this year as a Senate?” “We have here a student law spurns Assistant News Editor Patrick. “We’re not as ‘empowered’ a leader from every major orga­ In a discussion of the roles body as the CLC,” Patrick ex­ nization on campus. We could The Student and responsibilities of the Stu­ plained. “We need to utilize our be the most creative organiza­ questions Senate must dent Senate, Patrick presented voices a lot better than we have tion on campus. What we need his views of what these roles in the past.” to ask ourselves is ‘Do we want build consen­ By MARY KATE MORTON sus amongst are: the Senate is an organiza­ One way for the Senate to do to just be advisors all year?’ We Associate News Editor its members tion that advises and makes de­ that, he said, is to “better for­ would be so much more effec­ cisions about the allocation of mulate our arguments and tive as students,” Lawler said, before pre­ Indiana Pro-Choicers are on senting issues funds. opinions before presenting “if w e cam e (to CLC) w ith one the edges of their seats these “We’re the only truly repre­ them . ” voice.” to the admin­ days, and it looks like they will sentative student body organi­ Student Union Board Manger Director of Student Activities istration and stay that way for a while. The zation on campus," Patrick said Katie Lawler also encouraged Joe Cassidy agreed. He told the members of Cassldy pro-choice With this in mind, he asked, Senate unity and initiative to in­ Campus Life m o v e m e n t Council (CLC), according to Stu- “What do we want to accom­ crease its presence on campus. see SENATE / page 4 and abortion clinics state­ w id e a r e Mayo: Holtz’s recovery looking good waiting with baited breath on a local Head coach’s condition upgraded state law that to good; will remain hospitalized will require w o m e n to Kommers through the weekend wait 18 hours after their first consultation By DAVE TYLER before having an abortion. News Editor The US District Court of Indi­ anapolis has injoined the law Lou Holtz’s convalescence at the Mayo Clinic because questions arose over continued Tuesday as the Notre Dame coach its constitutionality. As a moved out of the intensive care unit and into a result, the law will remain in regular hospital room. court until the end of October, While the 58 year-old Holtz won’t be back on at which time there will be a the sidelines any time soon, doctors said his hearing as to whether or not it recovery from surgery to relieve compression of upholds the Constitution. his spinal cord was proceeding normally. Clinic The law, scheduled to go into officials still expect Holtz to remain hospitalized effect on September 1, was through the weekend. successfully blocked by the “Mr. Holtz is progressing satisfactorily,” said legal efforts of a group of seven Michael O’Hara, spokesman for the Mayo Clinic. abortion clinics and one doctor, “He is up and walking and his spirits are normal under the auspice that the law for a patient who has had major surgery.” really set out to prevent Doctors at the Rochester, Mn, clinic have called women from getting abortions. the operation a success and upgraded Holtz’s Many clinics are rejoicing over condition to good. the injunction, hoping that it By all accounts the procedure went according may ultimately lead to a rever­ to plan. Over the course of the four and one-half sal of the law; according to hour operation, two surgeons removed a disc Barbara Maze, of the Muncie, from between Holtz’s fifth and six cervical verte­ IN, Planned Parenthood, the in­ brae and inserted a bone graft in its place. No junction is a crucial first step. complications or problems were reported, and “Until the court makes a final Holtz is expected to make a full recovery. No decision, the law cannot go into paralysis or permanent damaged resulted. effect. This is a positive step. ” The success of the operation presented a stark In addition to the 18 hour The Observer/David Murphy contrast to the confusion that surrounded the waiting period, the new law The prognosis is good for Coach Lou Holtz, pictured above with the team. Holtz is current­ ly recovering from Tuesday’s spinal cord surgery at the Mayo Clinic. see H O LT Z / page 4 see ABO RTIO N/page 4 SMC reveals its own share of alcohol problems Editor's note: This is the Twenty percent said it (sec­ fourth of a five-part series Part 4 of 5 ond hand drinking) prevents examining the use of alcohol on them from enjoying events like S aint M aryfs A lcohol M il our campuses. football games and concerts; 19 percent felt it “messed up their By PATTI CARSON Under the Dome l i p physical living space.” Eleven S ain t M ary’s E d ito r 6 Under the Influence percent said that others’ drink­ Don’t Drink f-2 days 3 or more ing makes them feel unsafe. “It’s a reward. I work hard days In addition, the poll showed But not everyone on the SMC all week so I can go out for a that 49 percent of Saint Mary’s campus drinks. In fact, Vance drink or two on the weekend. ” students own a fake I D., found that 20 percent of the “It relaxes me.” whereas 51 percent do not. students she surveyed said they “I like the way it tastes.” I Last year, Susan Vance, asso­ would prefer not to have alco­ That’s why Saint Mary’s ciate professor of business ad­ hol at parties; another 20 per­ 26% 60% 14% women drink, or so they said ministration and economics at cent indicated they would like when asked in an informal Ob­ Saint Mary’s, took her own de­ to live in an alcohol free/drug Have you ever been sick due to alcohol? server poll of 100 Saint Mary’s tailed alcohol survey of Saint free residence hall. students. NO M Y E S Mary’s students. Vance’s inter­ “But you’ve got to translate Of those surveyed, 60 percent est in the subject inspired her those percentages into real of the students responded that to work for a fellowship from numbers," Vance said. “That they drink one to two nights the Center for Academic Inno­ twenty percent is really 300 per week. Twenty-six percent vation, with which she con­ I students. My point is this: drink three or more nights dur­ ducted her survey. That is a huge number of stu­ 38% 62% ing the week, and 14 percent of The statistics Vance found dents who consider themselves those polled do not drink alco­ surprising were those as­ abstainers or nondrinkers.” hol at all. If underage, do you have a fake ID? sociated with “second hand Vance indicated that these Sixty-two percent of those NO H Y E S drinking,” or “the conse­ people should know that they, questioned have gotten sick at quences of other students’ too, have a voice on the SMC least once due to consumption drinking.” Her survey showed cam pus. of alcohol; the remaining 38 that 22 percent of students said “It’s important to empower percent have never experi­ other students’ drinking inter­ I enced alcohol-related sickness. feres with studying. see ALCOHOL/page 4 51% 49% 100 people polled page 2 The Observer • INSIDE Thursday, September 14, 1995 Inside C olumn WORLD AT A GLANCE 100 Rwandans massacred Banned books of 1995 KIGALI, R w anda A kinder, Soldiers massacred more than 100 men, women and Book Reason children during a hunt through three villages for attack­ A Thousand Acres ers who killed a fellow soldier, a U.N. official said by Jane Smileymlley Has no literary value gentler Wednesday. Human rights and military observers went The Utile Mermaid to the villages in northwestern Rwanda, and said they by Hans Christian Anderson Pornographic and satanic pictures were still trying to determine the exact circumstances of Qarojitar, to lUUn Anurican the deaths. The slayings apparently took place over a 10- campus The Complete Fairy Tales of Brothers Grimm hour period Monday evening and early Tuesday after an by Jacob and Negative Portrayal ol women and Don’t call me Emily " army patrol was ambushed near the border town of Wilhelm Grimm the Jewish Post, and please don’t Gisenyi, said a U.N. statement. It said an army lieutenant The Chocolate War „ _ . confuse me with Miss was killed. Residents of neighboring towns said the sol­ by Robert Cormier Recurring themes ol rape. Manners, but it is time to diers then swept through the villages of Kinama, masturbation, violence and get on my high horse and Kanama and Kayove. The villages are about 10 miles degrading treatment of women preach about etiquette. south of Gisenyi, just across the border from refugee I Know What the Caged Bird Sings Allow me to begin with camps in Zaire. Most of the victims were shot in the head by Maya Angelou Pornographic; encouraged premarital sex and homosexuality one of my biggest pet and their bodies were found inside and outside their peeves: elevator eti­ Bridge of Terabithia homes, said Lee Woodyear, spokesman for the U.N.
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