A 4-star council Awarded top marks by the Audit Commission October 2008 SEB COE YOUR LOCAL Olympic chief’s plans Page 10 VISION MORE local area news. See P5 Audit’s high FLYING marks % for 97 council of schools START FOR LANCASHIRE County Council has now have topped performance tables for the fifth Healthy year running. The council has kept the highest possible four Schools status stars from the Audit CHILDREN Commission. County Councillor By Greg Bowen be so close to 100 per cent of our Hazel Harding, leader of schools gaining Healthy School Lancashire County status. Council, said: “Providing LANCASHIRE’S schools are NEWEST “There’s growing evidence that chil- good services is more leading the way in promot- FLAGSHIP SCHOOLS dren and young people do better at important than winning ing healthier lifestyles school when they are healthy, and are awards but this endorse- among children and young Carleton Green Community Primary Adlington Primary School then more likely to choose healthy ment from the Audit School, Poulton le Fylde lifestyles as adults. Commission, which is people. Oswaldtwistle White Ash Special “I’m very proud of that fact that our an independent watch- A staggering 97 per cent of the Ashton Community Science School schools are dedicated to producing the dog, proves we are county’s schools have now achieved , healthier citizens of tomorrow.” among the best.” National Healthy Schools status – Castercliff Community Primary Having achieved national Healthy The commission’s over 30 per cent above the national Higher Walton CE Primary School School, Nelson Schools Status, schools are encour- Comprehensive Per- average. All Saints CE Primary Cribden House Community Special aged to continue with Lancashire formance Assessment (CPA) praised the au- And the rest – just 18 of the county’s School and Nursery Unit School, Rawtenstall County Council’s own version of 600-plus primary, secondary, special healthy school status which is even thority for working well and short-stay schools – are working more stringent than the national pro- with partner organisa- towards it. and the wider community – and pro- campaigns, safety advice and discus- gramme. tions to create jobs, sup- Lancashire County Council’s motes healthy eating, physical activ- sions about drugs, growing up and re- It has no fewer than 13 individual port regeneration and Healthy Schools Programme aims to ity, and a safe and supportive lationships; and all schools are now standards that schools can work to- improve prospects for help children and young people to be atmosphere which helps emotional totally smoke-free. wards including one for school nurs- rural communities. happier, healthier and to realise their wellbeing. Councillor Vali Patel, Cabinet mem- ing. Schools that achieve 12 gain A separate Joint Area full potential in school and in life. Schools have embarked on a wide ber for Schools said: “This is a won- Flagship Status. Review (JAR) looked at The programme takes a “whole range of activities including throwing derful achievement and I’d like to There are currently 13 flagship council services and also school” approach to health issues – in- out unhealthy vending machines, eat- thank everyone involved for their schools across Lancashire with more health services, police volving pupils, parents, school staff ing and drinking well, anti-bullying hard work. It’s very exciting to to follow. and probation, and the voluntary sector. The re- port looked at safeguard- MANDY Turner, left, of the Mini-Mozart String Quartet enter- ing looked-after children NOTE-ABLE tains youngsters in Rossendale. Also pictured are county and children with learn- councillors Hazel Harding, Sean Serridge and Dorothy Westell. ing difficulties. CLASSES The CPA recom- BABIES and very young mended improvements children across Lancashire to the council’s com- are being introduced to the plaints process and also world of music. said that staff should “Mini-Mozart” concerts work more closely with are being held in children’s the voluntary sector. centres to help parents The main JAR finding was inadequacies in the learn how music can aid fostering service. child development. Concerns focused on Music can help relation- implementation of the ships and, it is believed, service’s systems and tackle the problem of procedures, rather than under-achievement at an thequalityofcarepro- early age. vided by foster carers, To say nothing of and have been ad- calming over-excited dressed through a com- youngsters! prehensive action plan, approved by Ofsted. A cassette version of Vision is now available for visually impaired people from Galloway’s Society for the Blind by calling 01772 744148 The presence of promotional leaflets delivered inside Vision does not imply Lancashire County Council endorsement. YOUR LANCASHIRE: A PLACE WHERE EVERYONE MATTERS 2 October 2008 Providing • food safety • welfare advice www.lancashire.gov.uk

A full job description of all vacancies is available on our website www.lancashire.gov.uk/vacancies

ASK THE EXPERT Judge dismisses

Questions answered motorway legal by your friend in the know challenge Passing time I am an 80-year-old womanandliveinthe Preston area. I find it Heysham - M6 Link legal victory very hard to get out and about. I have recently received a Blue Badge. paves way for 2010 start The badge I have Lune being in a flood plain. The received will expire in LANCASHIRE County Coun- Judge disagreed and dismissed the three years. I thought as cil has welcomed a High legal challenge. soon as you received a Court ruling dismissing a The Secretary of State approved Blue Badge you received PERMITTED: See “Passing Time”. legal challenge in relation to if for life. What should I the - M6 Link. the permission, following a public Heysham inquiry, saying that the considerable do when the badge watertopassdownthe visit our website - Work on the congestion-busting expires? Do I have to go gully again. Whilst his www.lancashire.gov. road is now expected to start in early benefits generated by the scheme out- through the whole appli- intentions were good, uk - or contact the pre- 2010. weighed any adverse impacts. cation process again? I unfortunately he left the viously mentioned A local resident had issued the chal- Sir Jeremy Sullivan, the judge, dis- don’twanttodothatas leaves on the footpath Childcare Information lenged, claiming that the Secretary of missed all claims and upheld the it took over eight weeks andtheyhavenow Services team. State had not acted lawfully in grant- planning permission. for me to receive the one become wet and very ing planning permission for the road. County Councillor Matthew I have. Please help. easy for someone to slip School time It was claimed that the Tomlinson, Cabinet member for Mrs C Churchill, Preston on. Would it be possible I have recently relocated Environmental Statement submitted Sustainable Development, said: “I am for someone to remove to Lancaster from Kent, by the county council was insufficient very pleased that the judge has con- Blue Badges do need to these leaves please for as we moved with my and that guidance for evaluating cluded that all the due legal process- be renewed, usually thesafetyofpeople husband’s job. We have alternatives was not complied with. es have been followed correctly. every three years. You walking on the footpath? a three-year-old daugh- It was also claimed that Whitehall “I am obviously disappointed that don’t have to apply Mr. Talbot , Pilling ter who will be due to had not adequately addressed the we have had to incur additional again and if you are still attend primary school issue of a new bridge over the River expenditure in proving that. at the same address you Yes of course. Contact next year. I’m not sure will receive a letter four your local district coun- how I apply for a school to eight weeks before cil and ask to speak to placement and because your badge expires. This the Street Cleaning we are new to the area, I will explain how you department. The contact don’t really know any of renew your badge. Your numbers for the district the local schools either. new one will be sent out councils in Lancashire Mrs. E Kerr, Lancaster before your current one can be found on the expires. Lancashire County To contact your local Don’t know who For more information on Council website - Area Education Office, to contact when applications or renew- www.lancashire.gov. in this case North youneedhelp? als, please contact our uk Lancashire, call the Blue Badge application If you are experiencing county council on 0845 Baffled by service on 0845 053 a problem with blocked 053 0000. bureaucracy? 0049, where a customer gullies in you area, call service officer can help. the county council’s Booking ahead Highways Department My wife and I were Ring Shirley on on 0845 053 0011. 0845 053 0000 or email Leaf it out recently taking a walk Shirley on csc.enquiries@ As autumn approaches in our local area when lancashire.gov.uk the weather is getting Childminder we passed what seemed increasingly worse, espe- I am currently working to be a mobile library Write to: cially the rain. There are part time after having with Lancashire County Ask Shirley several gullies on our my first child 18 months Council written on the Customer Service Centre road which get blocked ago. I am interested in side. We have a two- The Red Rose Hub with leaves and general becoming a registered year-old grandson and a Bluebell Way silt. One evening a childminder as this mobile library would be Preston neighbour removed all would mean that I could great for us, as he often PR2 5PZ the leaves that were sit- be self-employed, but comes to stay the night ting on the gully also be with my own and we’re always look- lid, to child at the same time ing for books to read to allow as looking after others. him at bedtime. I understand that there However, I haven’t seen is a process but that’s it since. Is there a about all I know. I don’t timetable for this any- know how to get started where? Where do I apply or where to register. Do for a member’s card? you have any advice? Mr H Blake, Nelson Mrs K Slater, Dutton Yes, certainly. You can If you are interested in view a timetable for the becoming a registered mobile libraries at childminder, call the www.lancashire.gov. Lancashire Childcare uk. Most of our mobile Information Service on libraries operate on a 0800 195 0137. A cus- two-week rota, so it is tomer service officer will advisable to contact take your details and your local library to con- send you a booklet firm the dates, times which explains the reg- and venues. istering process. The Anyone who is a library registration usually member can also use takes about three the mobile libraries free months - depending on of charge. To become a the person’s circum- member, you would stances and availability. need to contact your For more information local library for details. www.lancashire.gov.uk Providing • youth services • tourism October 2008 3 Watchdogs take aim at age timebomb A MAJOR drive is on the y e aham Other proposals are for new- cards to create additional build homes to be adaptable for extra-care home provision people’s needs as they age. The places in Lancashire ton, O&S chair, said: “The imme- council will also propose new and diate aim is to provide an extra tougher legal standards for such  E R I : erem Pa man is sho n a i o ancashire s rou as within five years. residential care. The race against time will, it is 1,000 places within five years, but onra arle he museums eaving echnician. The O&S recommendations expected, start soon – and is we will be wanting to provide an must be approved by County needed to bridge a demographic extra 1,500 overall. Councillor Anne Brown, the gap caused by rising numbers of “Everyone gets old. Everyone has parents. Everyone needs the county council’s social care chief. Paxman probes older people. Councillor Brown said: “This re- It is also hoped to increase inde- peace of mind of knowing that search has been very thorough – pendent financial advice available their later years will be comfort- and absolutely correct in recognis- to people faced with the need for able and worry-free. ing that everyone must work to- county’s textile past more help in old age. “All councils, housing associa- gether in driving this forward. The extra-care concept will pro- tions and the NHS need to unite to NEWSNIGHT presenter Lancashire County Council “On the whole, I am very sup- vide relatively high levels of sup- agree future needs and then to Museum Service, said: “Jeremy raise the money.” portive of this approach.” Jeremy Paxman visited - port for people in their own homes. ey s Queen Street Mill Textile was fascinated by the weaving The homes can be either on spe- Museum recently as part of a shed with over 300 Lancashire cialist estates or “villages” or even or aren s o isa le chilren looms and also the working steam in existing neighbourhoods. CARE CASH  rovi e lanne reaks or new TV documentary. engine. Extra cash is the key to carers ho rovi e sus an ial Paxman filmed at Burnley’s “I would say that historic ma- progress, so Lancashire County A care o an a ul ho lives a home award-winning tourist attraction in chinery isn’t normally high on his Council proposes to hold a confer- e ra 4. m ill e availa le  rovi e ur her su or or Ha e y e, Burnley - the world’s ‘must see’ list but Queen Street ence to enlist district councils, over he ne hree ears o su - chil ren an oung eo le un er only surviving 19th-century steam- Mill made a lasting impression. He housing associations and the NHS or a gro ing num er o carers 8 ho are carers hemselves in powered weaving mill. loved the history of the mill.” in joint bids for Whitehall support. across ancashire. having a reak rom caring. BBC1 is making a four-part pro- The documentary is expected to The proposals follow a nine- al o he un ing ill e invese ive imes more carers are gramme on the Victorians. Paxman be broadcast next year. month in-depth probe by Overview in rovi ing emergenc su or or su or e ancashire oun will be seen travelling by canal boat, as well as pouring molten and Scrutiny (O&S) county coun- carers uring a crisis. ouncil no han ive ears ago. or more in orma ion a ou he ueen metal in a Victorian ironworks and cillors which included visits to ex- The cash ill also e use o: S ree Mill Te ile Museum call 0 282  or more in orma ion visi : wading through a Victorian sewer. 4 2555 or visi online a isting schemes across Britain. rovi e su or an in orma ion www.lancashire.gov.uk carers County Councillor Bob Pendle- Ian Gibson, head of collections at .lancashire.gov.uk museums 4 October 2008 Providing • bridge maintenance • paths www.lancashire.gov.uk irst-rate glad to see them re- well as the Scots and placed. Welsh – have enjoyed service MARY HODGES free country-wide off- ON READING a let- peak travel for some ter in the August time – editor. issue of Vision, I also Stop abusing would like to say a Can’t please big thank you for the pensioners LETTERS SPEC AL THE help that the staff of IT REALLY does everyone... beggar belief that I READ with interest St Anne’s has given the letter and article to myself in the past people like L Willan can rush into print about free bus travel and more recently to (Vision, September). my son who took (Vision, September) in criticism of the I am retired and have some rubbish for me sold my car. I have last week. new pensioners’ a ash e as I used to regularly go travel pass, which been a keen cyclist hme he - to Scotland by motor- He comes from Wales since I was 10 and I bike to see my parents and was astonished at has hardly had time like to cycle everywhere y s s m ay - to settle down, as it he he a e and I saw the new road the help he got from the as it keeps me fit and is people at the recycling enjoyable. he es y- ass at Bamber Bridge. surely will. There was no-one in centre in St Anne’s. For his/her informa- Thefreebuspassisa ee In this day and age it tion it really is not great idea if the council he a has a s- sightsoIgotonitto give it a go. is all too easy to criti- “free” as the many hun- can afford it. I was me m h he I soon saw a black cise because so many dreds of pensioners quite happy paying 50p ya s Humber police car in people do not come up have paid all their lives each time I climbed as e ea e s my mirror. It flashed to standard in their in taxes. aboard a bus. ee see- jobs but, in this case, a It is one of the few I think Mr Willan’s me to stop and I ex-  ee a may plained I was only hav- RI I Po e ane ri ge as one mile nor h o unc- big “well done” is due to benefits open to pen- letter is silly in saying ing a look! ion 3 . The roa as i ene in he mi - 0s an he the staff at St Anne’s sioners who surely that frequent travel to eh a Igotagoodtelling ri ge as relace . Recycling Centre...you must, after all those the seaside is an abuse The mo or a ha a he ge in he cen re - roa sal in he he e s a e off and was told I was are appreciated. years in dedication to as it runs up large bills. in er even uall kille i . MAUREEN WORDEN a ash e s lucky not to be fined their country, be al- A free bus pass is a free and my Honda confis- lowed to enjoy the op- bus pass whatever the cated. I even had ‘L’ Ken Sefton our top jun- exhibition giving de- portunities that are distance. ior teacher. I’m proud tails of the proposals, Eggs-cellent now presented. Everyone’s use of a Drivers tested plates on the bike. I’m writing to say O RUSE tosaymymentor in the site huts. The travel will allow bus pass will be differ- cars to limit drove a Ford Anglia The next excitement how wonderful it was ey a people to get out of ent. Not everyone I WAS interested to Super and Mr Rimmer was the choosing of to read in the latest their houses. wants to go to the sea- read the letters re- drove an old banger. colours for the even- edition of Vision that How can you call that side on a bus. Some garding the opening Late knight On the return jour- tual painting of the you are banning bat- “abuse”? people are car owners, READER A An- of the M6 - from the ney Mr Sefton turned completed bridge and I tery eggs from I really am sick and some are not. drews (Vision, Sep- north on the A6, in- think that everyone former Preston by- schools in Septem- tired of all the put- To introduce tokens, tember) asked why stead of south, and stuck their five penny- downs and obstacles as Mr Willan sug- pass to the first ber. the Preston by-pass joined the motorway at worth in, even the wife that seem to follow pen- gested, would be more junction south of Broughton - which had of the County Surveyor It’s a fantastic idea sioners around. expensive for the coun- Thelwall Viaduct. was originally built been opened that day (Lady Drake). which will save many as a two-lane road Some bus companies cil. It is the same old I was a police patrol by Transport Minister The chosen colour, thousands of hens from only seem to consider story – you can’t please officer and my entire and then widened a Ernest Marples. which has remained suffering. Animal wel- their drivers, some of everyone. Traffic Unit was as- few years later. As we came off the the same throughout fare is very important whom seem to despise My own use of the signed to the newly Some years ago I at- motorway at Bamber the years, was a duck- to me and I wish to the card-carrying pas- bus pass is small – but formed Motorway tended a talk at County Bridge, Mr Sefton in- egg blue, and any Lan- thank the council for sengers. much appreciated. I Patrol Unit. Hall about the work of formed us of the exact castrian looking at the making this decision. Such people, who are only use mine to go We started to patrol James Drake, who, I distance we had trav- colourful graceful span Thank you once probably fairly well off, from Leyland to Chor- the new section three think, had the title of elled along the M6 and over the river could not again. should just shut up. ley a couple of times a weeks before it offi- “bridge-master”. the time it had taken. fail to swell with pride. PAUL HARNETT They should encour- week to attend the cially opened in order Apparently the Pre- The following day Another nugget of in- eH e age these good folk, courses at Lancashire to get familiar with ston by-pass was au- during maths we had terest was the pride ex- some at the twilight of College. hazards such as driv- thorised as a two-lane to calculate the exact pressed by James Support the their lives, who would I use my Senior Rail- ers accessing the mo- road, but Mr Drake average miles per hour Drake in the fact that otherwise pass on be- card for longer dis- torway illegally and was refused permission to two decimal places. no compulsory purchase bus pass lieving that no one re- tances on the train. breaking down, blow- to build it as a three- Great people. Great order was needed I AM delighted to ally cares for them. E LYDIATE ing up engines and col- lane road. Mr Drake days. Great memories against landowners. have a bus pass and DAVID ASHCROFT ey a liding with machinery. then built it as a two- except for the maths! Wonderful you might can’t see why L as On the Sunday be- lane road but included a J B LITTLER think, but as you drive Willan wants to ra- fore the official open- large central reserva- sHafrom Preston to Lan- Stay local ing the Thelwall tion and hard shoulder. caster count the num- tion its use (Vision, Day-trippers I ALWAYS find Viaduct was opened to The mandarins at ber of bridges crossing September). Vision interesting to Pride in road He seems almost spend money pedestrians. It was a Whitehall were appar- FOR many years I the section of road, I I AM incensed at L read but was quite scorching hot day and ently furious and it seem to recall the apologetic for using his wasonsecondment passeventhoughhe Willan’s letter in surprised that the hundreds of people was many years before number 60 coming into competition page fea- walked across it. Mr Drake became Sir from Lancashire the equation. owns a car. September’s Vision. The first weeks after James Drake. County Council to These bridges gave My view is quite the He or she wants to tures a weekend on the opening our main When the time came the road construc- the landowners access opposite. Any scheme introduce bus tokens the coast in YORK- activity was helping to widen the road, the tion unit and was to the land severed by which gets people out of for pensioners to travel SHIRE and not Lan- motorists who were central reservation part of the band of the road, this keeping their cars and onto pub- to the seaside on their cashire. wont to see how fast was reduced to accom- them happy. The cost lic transport is to be ap- NowCard bus passes. I hope your equiva- workers dealing plauded. Does he/she not re- their vehicles would modate the third lane. with the purchase of of such a project would lent paper in Scarbor- go. It was a common It was only at certain today be too prohibi- Consider the extra alise that many pen- ough is giving readers a sight to see an oil slick bridges that there was land and all ancil- tive to contemplate. trade elderly people sioners do their weekend in Lancashire. leading on to the hard insufficient space to in- lary work connected It was an exciting with their bus passes shopping in these sea- MRS P BRADDOCK shoulder and a down- clude a hard shoulder. with the motorways. time in history in bring to the towns and side towns. --ea cast driver heading for S SAYER When the work which I am grateful to villages of Lancashire Pensioners in Scot- an emergency phone! ey a started at The Tickled have participated. with their use of local land and Wales enjoy I hope so too! Recent Sadly, it would seem Trout at Samlesbury MRS D RUSSELL shops, pubs and cafés – free bus travel across Vision competitions that restraint and dis- Happy days this unit was not oper- tourists coming by car their countries. Pen- have included major cipline are still lacking THE opening of the ative, but my husband often as not bring their sioners in England prizes of Lancashire- and there are still driv- first section of the was employed by Lan- Speedy bet own sandwiches. don’t. produced food, a num- ers whose main aim M6 still holds many cashire County Council I WELL remember It’s good that we no Some councils say ber of holidays in in the Surveyors’ De- longer see buses run- there is a shortfall in seems to be passing happy memories of the early days of the Lancashire and also a everyone else. partment (Bridges) as a ning empty. funding for the bus number of other promo- On visiting the USA my childhood grow- draughtsman/photogra- Preston by-pass. I A good case can be pass scheme – but they tions of Lancashire en- I was impressed with ing up in Stanifield pher and model maker. was learning to made for regarding ought to think of the terprises. Vision exists the standard of lane Lane, Farington. We had a young son, drive and, with my public transport as a environmental impact to promote Lancashire, discipline and speed In the years before so when the opportu- tutor at the wheel, social service, funded on the pass scheme. but readers do travel limit conformity on all the opening many of the nity to go to “the start drove it both ways. from general taxation If 3,000,000 Lan- elsewhere – editor. roads. It’s a pity we Irish workers practised of the motorway” pre- We came down the andfreeatthepointof cashire pensioners have don’t have that here. their hurling skills on sented itself (and being hill to the bridge over use, like public li- taken their cars off the CLIVE Farington Park. Every assured it would not the Ribble at 80mph- braries, parks and hos- roads by using their DETA LS BROUGHTON lad in the area got to cost anything) nothing plus in a pre-war Ford. pitals. NowCards, think of the know the sport. could hold me back. I was terrified. Our visits to the li- reductions in CO2 that PLEASE IwasapupilatFar- Putting the little boy The reason for the brary or the park aren’t will have benefited the irst man on ington County Primary in his pushchair and trip was that the next rationed. Why should environment. ll le ers are su mi e motorway? School and on the taking along a friend Sunday, my tutor was our use of buses be cur- MR G GILBERT or u lica ion on he opening day of the mo- who also had a young to drive the Jaguar of a tailed? H un ers an ing ha he I will never forget torway, pupils took son, we watched yellow Incidentally, many ma e ei e . e ers my first road of- local bookmaker over  part in the district earth-digging ma- the by-pass in a bet years ago, Wyre Coun- Everyone who leaves shoul con ain a name fence. It was on the football six-a-side com- chines demolishing against some other cil had bus tokens for their car at home and an a ress or email M6–twodaysbe- petition at Fulwood. hedges in the fields op- participant. pensioners. They were uses the bus instead is a ress . Reques s or fore the M6 was We were ferried by posite the river. L WILLAN seen as unfair by those helping cut CO2 emis- en-names ill e even open! cars belonging to Mr There had been an ea Ha living in rural areas sions. Incidentally, res ec e . and most people were English pensioners – as www.lancashire.gov.uk Providing • youth services • tourism October 2008 5

E S Red-hot dish is BR E S top of the pots! aking your LOCALLY-sourced food was a winner when local point a yetown scooped a top prize for producing S IRE ocal the world’s biggest Lancashire hot pot. commi ees ring ogeher The giant dish won asa the north west coun an is ric councillors Market Towns Award for 2008 and a place in the o ake ecisions over national final. neigh ourhoo issues. n one can a en an The hot pot weighed in at a whopping 460lb 8oz. It s eak a he mee ings. included 75lb of Bowland lamb, 5lb of onions, and gen as an relevan 220lb of potatoes. ocumen s are on he The record attempt was supported by celebrity council s e si e. sauce-maker Loyd Grossman at the launch of Taste The ne ylde is ric Lancashire 08, a festival celebrating local food. ancashire ocal is on Lancashire county councillor Valerie Wilson, who Tues a ovem er 25 a m a scou e houses ane represents Garstang, attended the presentation of S nnes. the award. The ne Wyre mee ing ill She said: “I’m delighted that local produce is being ake lace on e nes a promoted. It’s important to know where our food is  T I : cele ra or ho o i h rom le Denis onnor coun councillors iki Penne an alerie ilson Decem er 3 a m a Inski sourced to ensure healthy eating.” S Pe er s School on Pres on i h ngela ersha an oanne al on. Roa nski .

ill workers WOR RS who hel young eo le stay on the right side of the law are celebrating their new home at last. Turning up the heat After months of working at borrowed desks staff from the HEAT pumped from county council s Wyre and ylde underground will be used outh Offending Team have set Green power plan for £2m revamp u at arsh ill illage in to warm a restored historic Thorn on levele s. building in es. yesae popular with local people and tourists be built to look as much as possible The new remises will rovide The green technology is being – and particularly children.” like the original. It is excellent that a base for the 5-strong staff. partly funded by Lancashire County on the St George’s Road site in 1876. They work with young eo le Councillor Barbara Mackenzie, the town, borough, and county aged 0- and their families to Council as part of a programme to They were donated to the people of St Mayor of St Annes, is also pleased councils are working together on this.” revent offending and combat global warming. Annes by Lord Ashton in 1914. with the scheme. The climate change fund seeks to encourage them into education A ground source heat pump is The original Ashton Institute was She added: “Anything that reduces support green community projects. and ositive activities. The team being installed in the new Ashton built in 1916. the carbon footprint of the building The grant was handed out by the was based at ord Street Institute in Ashton Gardens on St The re-built colonial-style pavilion must be considered. The outside will Fylde Lancashire Local committee. lee oo until anuary 2008. George’s Road. will be home to a café and an Grants of £1.4m from the national assembly room. lottery and £15,000 from the county County councillor Colin Walton, council’s climate change fund are who represents St Annes North, contributing to a £2m scheme to which includes the gardens, said: “I’m regenerate the institute and gardens delighted that Lancashire has been by August 2009. able to support a green way of heating Gardens were originally developed the new institute. The gardens are erry cross the yre sets sail for success A 165-YEAR-OLD ferry can round, thanks to cash from keep sailing through the Wyre Borough and Lancashire winter thanks to handouts County Councils. from two local councils. A trial service ran between The Knott End-to-Fleetwood November 2007 and March 2008 service was started by the Croft and the feedback was “excel- family in 1841. lent”. For years it just sailed in the During that time the ferry summer for tourists. was used by 6,537 passengers. But now it takes local people County Councillor John across the River Wyre all year Shedwick, chairman of the Wyre Lancashire Local committee, said: “The ferry is very important to our district. “It supports the tourist trade and joins up the coastal path for walkers. “It is also well used by local people nipping from one side of the river to the other.” Keeping the ferry run- ning all year also has advantages for the local environment. Vandalism to the dock and slipway is reduced as it is used more often. And the river needs less dredg- ing because the channel is in constant use. The new contract with Wyre Marine Service runs for 10 years with a review after three. And a free bus will be laid on when the ferry  P I S I I : T E err across he re. cannot run. www.lancashire.gov.uk October 2008 5

 S ID RIT : hris all an he chil- E S Helping hand for ren in heir school uni orms ai or ou o ancashire orkers sonsorshi . BR E S children in need aking your KIND county council workers have local point clubbed together to sponsor the education S IRE ocal of three children in South Africa. commi ees ring ogeher Seven-year-old twins Wandiswa and Wandile, coun an is ric along with eight-year-old Ilse, are each backed councillors o ake ecisions with £40-a-year from staff based in Christchurch over neigh ourhoo issues. Precinct, Bow Lane, es . n one can a en an s eak. gen as an relevan The twins live with relatives after their ocumen s are on he coun mother died of Aids and Ilse would not have been council s e si e: able to stay at school without support. .lancashire.gov.uk They are from Somerset West in the Western The ne Preston is ric Cape and the sponsorship has been arranged mee ing is on c o er 30 a through education charity Imibala. m a oun all. The ne Staff raised cash with a cake sale and raffle. South Ribble mee ing ill e hel a ostock Hall Winter clothing was also collected and sent out. ommuni igh School a County council corporate risk manager Chris m on ovem er 20. Hall recently visited the children in South Africa at their school. She said: “It was very gratifying outh works to see that our money had made a difference.” P A RS revam ing a youth and community centre in ey a took e ert advice from local youngsters. Politicians listened to ideas at a consultation event at the centre on West Paddock. Work on the 250 000 ro ect Roads are green for go will start later this year. Library boost LANCASHIRE’S first PRESTON li rar has environmentally friendly Repair project is environmental first een re ur ishe he coun council in a 5 000 hole in the road repair ro ec . ne chil ren s project has been completed ya a ee is successful we will be ensuring that quality of work should ensure fewer cen re has also een uil in es . it is copied across Lancashire. repairs are needed in the future. ne o Sharoe reen i rar . County council highways watchdogs “When the public utilities dig up the “And the reduction in waste will insisted that recycled material was for a way of recycling the material road they need the permission of the safeguard the environment for our Smooth ride county council and we can stipulate children.” used to refill a trench sunk in that came out of the hole.” CO T council engineers Fishergate for gas pipe work. For a trial period waste removed the standard and the environmental Every year 2.4m tonnes of earth have re-surfaced 000s ft of John Thorp, a county highways from roadworks in Preston is being impact. This new method may cost the and rocks from road works are sent to eyland Road in Pen or ham. manager, said: “People think holes in sent to a recycling centre in utilities a little more. But the better UK landfill tips. the road are filled back up with the Manchester to be crushed and rocks and earth that are taken out. reprocessed. “But if we did that the standard of The aggregate is then brought back the surface would go down. in a specially modified vehicle that “In the past brand new concrete was can mix it with high quality cement to used and the old stuff went to landfill. make concrete good enough to be used “That is very bad for the to repair the road. environment, so we have been looking Mr Thorp said: “If this experiment Beth’s an inspiration

A FRONT-OFFICE assistant in the county council’s pensions department has won a prize for her voluntary work with young people in Lancashire. Bethan Richardson (22) won the heCommunity Achievement Award in the age 17-30 category. She helps to run a guide troop in e ham on Tuesday evenings, and gives up Wednes- days and Fridays after work to help with a youth group and a kids club at the Calvary Chris- tian Fellowship in sHa. Bethan said: “I aim to set an example to the younger genera- tion, and provide a positive environment where they can go, to make sure they are not walk- ing the streets.’’ More than 100 young people a week benefit from Bethan’s above, left, receiving her prize help and support. from Helen Durning of sponsors She was given a cheque and a BAE and Councillor Barrie Yates, certificate. Bethan is pictured mayor of South Ribble. Giving carers a welcome break BUILDING work is underway on a have enough facilities to give carers a new home designed to give a break to break. people who care for relatives who are “People who care for family members sick or disabled. at home take on a 24 hour-a-day, seven The six-bed facility on Larches days-a-week job. Avenue in the sh area of es “We take carers for granted and we will give short term care to adults who need to help them.” need it. The new home will be part of the County Councillor Tom Burns, who adult and community services represents Preston North West, said: directorate of Lancashire County “This is a much needed asset. We don’t Council. www.lancashire.gov.uk Providing • youth services • tourism October 2008 5

E S Links that will BR E S last a lifetime Teens get a LIFELONG friendships have been Lotto boost sparked by a series of trips between and the borough’s German eo le in Eas sse a e ancashire are cele ra ing twin town. inning a 0 000 gran rom Ten young people from Bocholt came to the he o er . valley this year – returning a visit made by The ar s or ll Lancashire youngsters last summer rogramme gran means The visitors’ trips included Rossendale eens rom he les ian ga ise ual an ransgen er Museum, a walk in the hills and a farewell bar- communi can con inue o becue hosted by the aesaYouth and e su or e hrough Community Association. eekl mee ings. Yasser Khan (19), from Has e , said: “I ancashire oun ouncil visited Bocholt last year where I made very good ou h orker a el Parkinson friends. Seeing them again in Rossendale has colla ora e i h oung firmed up our links. eo le an Rossen e ouncil o se u he grou . “This kind of youth exchange has helped bring young people of the two towns together to pave the way for lasting friendships.”  E ME: oun council lea er a el ar ing resen s he erman visi ing ar i h a shiel marking heir s a . ff the skids PRO TS have been made to unkenhalgh Way with resurfacing and e tra anti-skid treatments to surfaces. Work is e ected to be finished early this month. Taking issue S IRE ocal £1.1m roads drive commi ees ring ogeher coun an is ric COUNTY councillors have councillors o ake ecisions agreed to spend an extra over neigh ourhoo issues. £1.1m improving roads in Extra money for highway projects n one can a en an s eak. gen as an relevan Rossendale and Hyndburn. yesae ocumen s are on The cash is on top of millions of Extra highways improvements a sha h and road resurfacing .lancashire.gov.uk pounds that had already been being carried out this year include: work on Commercial Street in The ne t Hyndburn mee ing leader of Lancashire County Council,  Improved street lighting on Union eh allocated to highways in the district said: “We have been able to allocate an is on ovem er 24 a m a Street and Heathfield Avenue in  Pavement repairs on Booth Road in S ringhill ommuni en re this year by the local authority. extra £5m for highways across Lan- Accrington. The ne Rossendale Lancashire Local – a a s ea s cashire. sse a e and Hy  Road and pavement resurfacing The improved lighting is part of a Rossendale one is on c o er which brings together representatives will receive a large chunk of the cash. work on Adelaide Street in countywide strategy to prevent crime. 20 a .30 m a he orse an of the county and borough councils – - “Thanks to this an extra 21 am oo en re Waterfoot. has agreed how the cash will be spent. Rossendale schemes will be carried Hyndburn county councillors will take out that would not their own decision. hav e got done this financial year. Road safety, pavements, crime “To put the figures in perspective reduction, and highway resurfacing we have a list of 40 highway schemes projects will all receive major cash we will carry out this financial year in investment. County councillor Hazel Harding, Rossendale alone. Last year that list ran to just 12.” Home help is on line

HI-TECH help is on hand for elderly and disabled people in Hy and sse a e. The county council-funded Telecare scheme allows care workers to check on people in their own homes and react to accidents and emergencies. Sensors in the home link to a wireless hub which can send an emergency call to a local 24-hour monitoring centre. The sensors can tell if the home is too cold or the gas has been left on. County councillor Dorothy Westell, Lancashire’s champion for older people, visited an home with Telecare. She said: “It is an incredible aid which offers reassurance and peace of mind, particularly to the families and carers of older people.”  I-TE : rom le ouncillor Doro h Householders can still sign up es ell Telecare rainer ar ara Roe uck to the Telecare scheme by an ancashire manager or ol er eo le s calling 01282 873767. services ill ro n all i h he ki . Creating a haven for wildlife FERN Gore Residents Associ- The Fern Gore Community Wildlife project has been given ation in is one of just under £50,000 of lottery cash. the first community groups in The cash will help transform a England to benefit from a disused lodge site into a wildlife £50m Lottery-funded grant. haven. Community Spaces provides The group has been working funds and support to help people closely with the county council’s make the most of open spaces in environment projects team their neighbourhoods. John Drinkwater, group chair- Lancashire County Council con- man, said: “This award will help tributed £20,000 to the project. us transform our neighbourhood.” www.lancashire.gov.uk Providing • youth services • tourism October 2008 5


aking your A clear view over local point

S IRE ocal commi ees ring ogeher coun an is ric councillors o ake ecisions over neigh ourhoo issues. n one can a en an s eak a he mee ings. beautiful Bowland gen as an relevan A BLUEPRINT is being yesae ocumen s are on he drawn up for the council s e si e. outstanding natural beauty is The ne ancaster mee ing management of the administered by a joint is on c o er 4 a .30 m a Forest of Bowland advisory committee. Heysham ommuni en re until 2014. The organisation is made The ne Ribble alley one is It will influence the policies, on ovem er 5 a m a The up of representatives from rea all halle e he actions and priorities of the eight councils including San s Whalley. coalition running the area – Lancashire County Council, directly affecting the landscape aase, and eaey. and rural communities. Pass masters In 2014 the forest will Heritage A T earners on the Access celebrate 50 years as an to Higher ducation i loma official area of oustanding They have the legal Programme at The Adult national beauty. responsibility for ensuring its College ancas er are The designated area is 312 special qualities of relatively celebrating their success. square miles of rural unspoilt landscape, wildlife, Seventy learners have assed a variety of courses ranging Lancashire and North and heritage are conserved from evel 2 CS e uivalent Yorkshire and includes and enhanced. in maths and science to evel Pendle Hill. The forest is The committee will approve A-level e uivalent in a range almost entirely in private the new plan – after listening of sub ects. ownership. But the area of to the views of local people – The Access to H i lomas and publish it next January. are new credit-based awards for Heysham county councillor eo le aged and over  offered by ancashire County B LA D Jean Yates, chairs the E T : anoramic vie s across he ores o o lan . ne managmen lan is eing ra n u . Council s Adult earning Service. advisory committee. She said: or further information and S S “We have carried out a of the most important parks things we are looking at is able tourism in protected advice contact The Adult consultation process and we in Europe. introducing zero-carbon areas, joining just 30 other College ancaster on 0 52 m e ma a he will now move forward “It is important that our villages in the forest.” protected sites. It is intern- 58 2 . or details on the range es a he e urgently to bring out the plan management plan stays up- Bowland was the first place ationally important for its of courses rovided by ma a eme a s on time. The Forest of to-date to deal with issues like in England to be awarded the heather moorland, blanket ancashire adult learning es a m visit .la cashire. o .uk Bowland is recognised as one climate change. One of the European charter for sustain- bog and rare birds. a ultlear i Blooming fantastic A business is Rosebud Finance has helped more here for the long-term thanks than 400 businesses. to Rosebud Finance. Rosebud loans and equity funding is available for sums from £5,000 Agriculture, “horsey-culture”, gyms to £750,000. and the water industry are all No business is too large or too small supplied by Lancaster Rubber and Industrial Supplies. to qualify. Rosebud is owned by the Business director Andrew Eccles people of Lancashire, and any profits held a senior position before deciding and income made are recycled, to combine his experience and providing further investment specialist knowledge to take the step opportunities for new clients. of taking over the business. Finance is available to businesses He said: “A Rosebud Finance loan already based in Lancashire or sealed the deal for me and allowed me relocating to the county. to realise this business opportunity.”  mea Lancashire County Council ssesea Development Ltd’s award-winning www.lcdl.co.uk Kids are bouncing

BOUNCE and rhyme musical instruments is one of a number of sessions for toddlers and chant along with activities organised are part of a new nursery books dur- by visiting librarians library service in the ing the activities in from on r e. Re e. the village hall And Audrey Taylor, Youngsters and in n . assistant librarian, parents can play Bounce and rhyme said: “The baby bounce and rhyme sessions have been particularly well rec- eived.” The county council donated equipment including a playmat, books for babies and instruments. A comprehensive library service is also available through a new computer term- inal in the foyer of the Chipping and District Memorial Hall, Garstang Road. Books, CDs and  I D S P : ssis an li rarian u re Ta lor i h DVDs can be ordered essica en o ing a rea ing session in hi ing village hall. and picked up later. www.lancashire.gov.uk Providing • youth services • tourism October 2008 5

E S Eco-roadshow BR E S aking your local is green for go point yehe heyarea. The aim is to help people consider their S IRE ocal commi ees ring ogeher A NEW roadshow will carbon footprint and make small, but coun an is ric help schools and the councillors o ake ecisions significant changes to over neigh ourhoo issues. wider community to their lifestyles. n one can a en an find out more about The group also hopes to s eak a he mee ings. climate change. develop a renewable gen as an relevan aeseyGreen Team energy project with local ocumen s are on ancashire has scooped a grant of primary schools. oun ouncil s e si e. The ne Chorley is ric £9,200 from Lancashire The aim is to build up ancashire ocal is on County Council. awareness of green e nes a c o er 2 a The money will go energy amongst younger . 5 m a ancashire ollege towards presentation children. Sou h or Roa u ton. materials and a weather- The grant was approved The ne West ancashire proof trailer. by the Lancashire Local is ric ancashire ocal is on Chorley committee as e nes a ovem er 2 a And it will help the m a es ancashire group spread its green part of its Climate Dis ric ouncil ices message across the Change Fund.  R T: reen Team chairman Ro ollins le i h mem er Tom Poole cen re an oun lan hi aker. Der S ree Ormskirk. news O R eo le in horle can stay in touch with each other thanks to a grant from the an- cashire ocal committee. oney for a uarterly newslet- ‘Grand carers’ get support ter has been given to the dis- trict s ensioners association. The 550 donation was sug- A SUPPORT service for gested by two ocal members. kindheart grandparents has Help service launched for child guardians County Councillor Peter Wil- been launched in es son who re resents Chorley “Any one or more of these with professional staff, and have South said: This newsletter a ash e yey experiences can lead to feelings access to information and advice contains lots of useful informa- Lancashire County Council, in tion and is well worth su ort- of worry, despair, isolation about services and support. partnership with First Steps ing. and depression.” They will be invited to take time out children’s centre and other local national charity Adfam, there are an County Councillor d orshaw Carers attending the group will of their caring role to experience a agencies, has developed the new estimated 200,000 grandparents in who re resents Chorley West have the opportunity to meet other range of relaxation and pamper said: This sort of activity kee s support group. the UK who have their grandchildren carers, listen to guest speakers on sessions, art and craft therapies, and the community together and It will meet every Tuesday at living with them. specific issues, discuss any concerns develop their IT skills if they wish. hel s ensioners stay in touch. the Beacon resource centre in And one of the main reasons is drug Inskip, emes ae. and alcohol misuse by the parents of The group will offer support to the children. grandparents who are primary carers Maggie Leybourne, county council for children whose parents are substance misuse service coordinator, battling drug and alcohol misuse. explained the situation. The Children Act 1989 aims to Support ensure that children are cared for by a relative or other “kinship carer’’ She said: “For grandparents in their rather than a local authority. 50s and 60s such situations can mean The demand for kinship they are forced to become ‘parents’ placements, particularly with again to their own grandchildren at a grandparents, is continuing to rise. time when they have to cope with Care provided by family members is their own age-related health issues, seen as crucial to the emotional and social and financial concerns. physical wellbeing of vulnerable “For many grandparents, becoming children. According to research by a primary carer of a young child or children can add further worries affecting health – particularly as ET many try to cope alone without T CH adequate support. “Some grandparent carers may even be coming to terms with the loss or more in orma ion a ou he service of their own child due to their misuse con ac Maril n ocke social orker on of substances, whilst also having to 0 5 50 40 or une i simons cen re support their grandchild through this manager on 0 5 55843 . loss too. Joint campus plan is top of the class A MAJOR multi-million fabulous Early Years area for pound project has been under-fives both with and launched to bring together without special needs. Facilities will include a multi- children from mainstream sensory room and IT facilities. and special schools. They will be used by children Pupils at Brookfield Park from both schools and the local Primary School and Kingsbury community. Primary Special School in The development also includes emes ae already enjoy an area that can be used for play working alongside each other. music and writing, with a library Now Lancashire County and a snack kitchen. Council is carrying out a major On the first floor there will be venture at the schools, which are two new junior classrooms and a next door to each other in School staff room. Lane, Chapel House. There will also be a quiet area The plan is to create a joint where staff can work. campus with shared areas. The total cost of the scheme is The new building will house a expected to be £3.5m. www.lancashire.gov.uk Providing • youth services • tourism October 2008 5

E S BR E S Office plan registers olden touch for schools T elson hea eachers have sen congra ula ions o a gol me al- inner ho urie a ime ca sule a heir ne schools. the start of a new era Sarah S ore on he omen s in ivi ual ursui yesae c cle race a he ei ing Paral m ics. In anuar Sarah ho ha DISABLED access will be improved at alrea on ive Paralm ic ey s new register office which will gol me als as a s immer be built on Todmorden Road. visi e he si e o he ne The new development is being funded by Pen le ale ollege an Pen le ommuni igh Lancashire County Council, which runs the School an ollege in elson. registration service. Pen le ommuni igh Until construction work is finished weddings hea Paul righ sai : “Sarah and the recording of births and deaths will as an ins ira ion.” continue in the Nicholas Street office. Pen le ale hea S eve The new single-storey building will provide a ilson sai : “ e ill e fully accessible wedding, civil partnership and invi ing Sarah o come ack o visi us i h her gol me al registration service for the people of Burnley. as soon as she can.” Safeguard Local Its ceremony room, which will also serve the voices eearea, can hold 80 guests – compared to 45 in the old building. A CASH R ocal committees bring together The site of the new building was previously county and district councillors to occupied by Springfield Primary School. take decisions over County councillor Marcus Johnstone, cabinet neighbourhood issues. member for community planning and Anyone can attend and partnerships, said the new building would s eak. Agendas and documents “safeguard” the future of the service in the town. are on ancashire County He said: “The site has been chosen because it’s Council s website. The ne t urnle ancashire large enough to accommodate the new building ocal is on ovember at and provide sufficient car parking and drop-off . 0 m at Burnley Town Hall areas for visitors.” The ne t Pen le meeting is on The new office is scheduled to open next year.  ovember 2 at . 0 m at S MET I E : n ar is s im ression o ho he ne urnle regis er o ice ill look once com le e . Barrowford Civic Hall. Country comes to town A NEW route connect- and performance, said: the county.” The mayor ing town and country- “The new route will help of Burnley welcomed side is now open in people in the area to guests to the launch at ey for walkers, travel to the countryside Queen Street Mill cyclists and horseriders. and town more easily Museum last month. The Brun Valley without their cars.” They included cyclists Greenway links the who had been exploring centre of Burnley with Launch the Greenway on a cycle ee, Pike Hill He added: “Lan- ride which started at and Brownside. cashire County Council Towneley Hall. As well as making the has worked very hard  me ma countryside more acces- with Burnley Borough a he e sible, it has improved Council and other proj- aahae local routes to work, ect partners to make ey e me a college, town and school. this project happen; at e s eam County councillor the same time securing ae Tony Martin, cabinet over £283,000 of exter- He y e member for resources nal grant funding for Help is a click away

DISABLED people from a encouraged and empowered es -based group have people to overcome barriers to developed a new website to citizenship. “The website will enable users share information and make to access information 24/7 and services more accessible. create an online community.” The East Lancashire Physical And Amanda Haworth, chair Disability Partnership Board of the East Lancashire board, was created said the county in 2005. council had given It now brings S “full support” to together people the project - with disabilities L E including paying and sensory for a training impairment and ou can visi he ne e si e company to help. their carers to logging on o .l .org.uk She added: “We work with are determined to agencies that provide housing, be a strong and influential voice transport, leisure, employment, for physically disabled people in benefits, education, health and Lancashire for a long time social care. to come.” They meet at Marsden Meirion Harries from the Resource Centre on Rigby trainers WebEnable, said: “This Street, Nelson. achievement is due to the vision Terry Mears, county council of the county council – and to head of physical disability the flair and the sheer services, said: “We are delighted determination of the group who that this partnership has have built a wonderful website.”

October 2008 Providing • food safety • welfare advice www.lancashire.gov.uk www.lancashire.gov.uk Providing • youth services • tourism October 2008

Lancashire County Council ‘ ‘ 2007-08 Report Annual Summary of performance in / inancial review ettret Annual Report 2007/08 One o t e s n e e s re o r ro ress s t ro er or n e n tors T e o o n rt s o s t e ro ress o o r The county council’s budget for sse t r et ntroduction r t n or o e se o r reso r es n ro n et s o o r res ts o re / was m. Efficiency e er or n e n tors P s n o re to o r t r ets nronertnoror nst o n n t on t r ets savings of . m were made otent t re ro e ent Tet esn tet eo n ee esoor or a ash e y has and an underspend of m has ehamae Tsssos rote e e rene e t e n s re o st te ent o o nts n es n ‘been added to the County a ash e a a e he e re ree ent ere e re or n oere ote on s nn ‘und which is part A place where people can A place where people eey emaes t o r rtners to ro e t e es o oston t r of good financial enjoy a high uality can lead healthy lives nt e st e rt e o n s t e eo e o n s re planning to meet

Te nn resn e nts

nt ne t e to o r st r r t n ro environment S es o e-restr te ro ts to n er e Environmental T e nn re ort es r es o e o ent re re t une pected future t e t o ss on e e t e to eo e re ro n or n t er or e o er t e st ont s demands. n s re s o se o ste Re n ootprint ret ers n o r rtners T s s een entre R ser e s o t e est e e reness ns n t e n t e o ntr n t e ere Te ont on s here the money n e or to o s es r s n to ‘

So ser es Capital spending orestse tor Rstnn ‘e-rn n tonte was spent ot er re o t e o ntr o sers s en ron ent t ro ts se o t e ere e t er s t s e or er s t s e a ener ter tr ns ort n ste T s rtsos o te s ro s tr ns ort n t e o nt o n s ent t t e ser e ro e t o r t es o ret ers o ener t on o n s ent one ross T s re e ts n est ent n ssets re se to se o o to n s re to e er ser es En ron ent ene t n s re s res ents s s T e ser e so s rter r t e nere on eoe n t on t e o n s res ons e sstsore nn n ser es s oo s ro s r r es n so re n t on st n r or ser e - e s re test or n er o en ron ent s ort or o n eo e t es or ts n ren e e en e rse ser es n s n o e n r s n ‘ ess to re nt n n o ret ers o reness n t e o n t ‘ nronrosn rresn se s Proetsn e O r e te st re n e n ro n re se to se to o to resrrest rnsoo ns e to t e n on t res ents nere on eoe To ons er t e en ron ent t e t on n e een n ent n e n o o n t t es n e s res Eton e e o ent o ren s entres - e s re test rote t on n s re to re e ore t n o t e t en to ro e o r en ron ent Ot er ser es ser es Ro n r e nten n e rse ne ste n e ent n re n r s e ere to t e s tes eror nete ont on s ste A place where people re ent e e o e ts rst n o ne res ent o e or t e can get help if they a En ron ent Po St te ent n hat we spent in / here the money eer o se o ste sent En ron ent n e ent Str te need it te on or comes from Te oneortssenn o esro o ost n n T e st te ent n T e res e o s o o e s ent on ser es r n t e se er so r es n n o ern ent re n str te n e e r n t esor eo t s one e provide home care services n t on to t e n n o s o n n t e t r nts orro n n o e ro se n ot er on onte este ssets n ontr t ons ro t e re en e known as reablement free of o o se o ste tt n s re e s ent t e e s e o ern ent r nts o charge for up to si weeks. sent to n n ees n r es o e ns ont o en ron ent n o r tot n o e s n S e embers of staff work with the en o e s es a a s e r nts st e s ent on rt r ser es or person to help them to regain A place where people can en o st te ent s on on e e t ese n e or r nn n n s re s o ern ent r nts their independence. soos orro n s learn and develop esees This chart provides a breakdown of these sources. Re en e ontr t ons tt een o t ss ee ero ost ren n o n eo e en o s oo urther information Eton S e o ssets e s on s t en t en o t n on ter n er or e s r e o ore t n re nee s So ser es snteontree e t t or ore n or t on o t t s o r r s oo s e s oo s r e se ont t on T no e a srosntrnsort n o se on r s oo s t o t P n r t PO o o e ent n En ron ent n nn n t e r s oo s oo o nt Preston PR t t ons P one rresn se s e ere t n Non-a tten n e r tes n n s re s E se en or n s Ot er ser es s ness r tes Perr ent r n e seo on e r r-o s oo s ere etter nr n ns o oen res t n tsnon e re on n n t on er es e s se es reso e en rnnt t ne es s oo oos e r Ot er osts n n o e ess n nt ne e n e If you would like Re en e S ort r nt n or t on or Por sore SE SEs n t e r St es e res ts ere A place where people as e e ser es t ro t e ost- or etter e t entn t e n t on er e this information in ees r es n sto er Ser es can work and prosper Per ent e o s Se ot er n o e entre large print, braille sse n se on r o ern ent soos e have helped nearly or in another r nts Re en e S ort r nt long-term benefit claimants A place where people back into sustainable language, please s ness r tes can feel safe A place where people can employment by working with a a e shee i ed assets re te s t t e o n - telephone on T our partners at a cost of just ssnnsnees travel easily and safely n rts o n s re res ents e per person. This could save 01772 532 690. a on on n e to et er to s No to n n te Capital Adjustment Account n r e ere r e e on the ta payer more than m. sse s a s S es eo e t ro t e est s ent o re e ts t e o nt re se to No o n ones on sttsoror orn ron es s e ssets n n e e ssets ess t e ere so r se or o r a Sto s or t e t rtners n n t e or n ose t t e o e n one s n n est ents Tepension liability so ste ne o r oo or n s t ons s e es o e o o t ons or ne n t ent n ts n E st n s re n st n entr s nesses e e hat are we worth? e tors one o e to t e o n rrent e o ens ons t t t e e no een est s e e e to est s re tors one o e t e o n - - o nt o n s re re to ro e or n s re ro n ess to e t oo n er e res Neroneos tt een o e n n e r n es eets orro n - - e st n n or er e o ees n t ese ones s ns n st ers rn eeeeto r n t t re resents t e e o t e o nt on -ter t es - - tr ers n t e re t t res ents not o a re te o n s n n s n ot er ssets o Tepension reserve sseto s ness o er t e oorste T e n t t e s e e t so e tooters n Pens on t - - o set t e ens on t so r ses reness on st res ents o ote rn ro t s o e to s ss es re te to oorste r e n o net or ere str t r Earmarked reserves re n s set te n o roe s a asse s a s nten n e s o e s eorse treseTe ons ere n e ns ent s oo n es a er e n er o s ae y re ontro e n s oo s Pro ort on o r r t t n ort nt rt o s s t st ent o nt t e se es soo srreor t e ro net or s ose Pens on reser e - - ne er e on to or ro or s TeCounty und s one set s e Re t on reser e - or ro s oo to o er ne e te t re e n s E r r e reser es er e n er o Tsessto esreeren m e e a eme s s ont n s t en to re r s s se re n n os t on aaa eay a ay he y ese aae street t n t snerte ontro o t e o n www.lancashire.gov.uk/your money

October 2008 Providing • food safety • welfare advice www.lancashire.gov.uk www.lancashire.gov.uk Providing • youth services • tourism October 2008

Lancashire County Council ‘ ‘ 2007-08 Report Annual Summary of performance in / inancial review ettret Annual Report 2007/08 One o t e s n e e s re o r ro ress s t ro er or n e n tors T e o o n rt s o s t e ro ress o o r The county council’s budget for sse t r et ntroduction r t n or o e se o r reso r es n ro n et s o o r res ts o re / was m. Efficiency e er or n e n tors P s n o re to o r t r ets nronertnoror nst o n n t on t r ets savings of . m were made otent t re ro e ent Tet esn tet eo n ee esoor or a ash e y has and an underspend of m has ehamae Tsssos rote e e rene e t e n s re o st te ent o o nts n es n ‘been added to the County a ash e a a e he e re ree ent ere e re or n oere ote on s nn ‘und which is part A place where people can A place where people eey emaes t o r rtners to ro e t e es o oston t r of good financial enjoy a high uality can lead healthy lives nt e st e rt e o n s t e eo e o n s re planning to meet

Te nn resn e nts

nt ne t e to o r st r r t n ro environment S es o e-restr te ro ts to n er e Environmental T e nn re ort es r es o e o ent re re t une pected future t e t o ss on e e t e to eo e re ro n or n t er or e o er t e st ont s demands. n s re s o se o ste Re n ootprint ret ers n o r rtners T s s een entre R ser e s o t e est e e reness ns n t e n t e o ntr n t e ere Te ont on s here the money n e or to o s es r s n to ‘

So ser es Capital spending orestse tor Rstnn ‘e-rn n tonte was spent ot er re o t e o ntr o sers s en ron ent t ro ts se o t e ere e t er s t s e or er s t s e a ener ter tr ns ort n ste T s rtsos o te s ro s tr ns ort n t e o nt o n s ent t t e ser e ro e t o r t es o ret ers o ener t on o n s ent one ross T s re e ts n est ent n ssets re se to se o o to n s re to e er ser es En ron ent ene t n s re s res ents s s T e ser e so s rter r t e nere on eoe n t on t e o n s res ons e sstsore nn n ser es s oo s ro s r r es n so re n t on st n r or ser e - e s re test or n er o en ron ent s ort or o n eo e t es or ts n ren e e en e rse ser es n s n o e n r s n ‘ ess to re nt n n o ret ers o reness n t e o n t ‘ nronrosn rresn se s Proetsn e O r e te st re n e n ro n re se to se to o to resrrest rnsoo ns e to t e n on t res ents nere on eoe To ons er t e en ron ent t e t on n e een n ent n e n o o n t t es n e s res Eton e e o ent o ren s entres - e s re test rote t on n s re to re e ore t n o t e t en to ro e o r en ron ent Ot er ser es ser es Ro n r e nten n e rse ne ste n e ent n re n r s e ere to t e s tes eror nete ont on s ste A place where people re ent e e o e ts rst n o ne res ent o e or t e can get help if they a En ron ent Po St te ent n hat we spent in / here the money eer o se o ste sent En ron ent n e ent Str te need it te on or comes from Te oneortssenn o esro o ost n n T e st te ent n T e res e o s o o e s ent on ser es r n t e se er so r es n n o ern ent re n str te n e e r n t esor eo t s one e provide home care services n t on to t e n n o s o n n t e t r nts orro n n o e ro se n ot er on onte este ssets n ontr t ons ro t e re en e known as reablement free of o o se o ste tt n s re e s ent t e e s e o ern ent r nts o charge for up to si weeks. sent to n n ees n r es o e ns ont o en ron ent n o r tot n o e s n S e embers of staff work with the en o e s es a a s e r nts st e s ent on rt r ser es or person to help them to regain A place where people can en o st te ent s on on e e t ese n e or r nn n n s re s o ern ent r nts their independence. soos orro n s learn and develop esees Re en e ontr t ons tt een o t ss ee ero This chart provides a breakdown of these sources. ost ren n o n eo e en o s oo urther information Eton S e o ssets e s on s t en t en o t n on ter n er or e s r e o ore t n re nee s So ser es snteontree e t t or ore n or t on o t t s o r r s oo s e s oo s r e se ont t on T no e a srosntrnsort n o se on r s oo s t o t P n r t PO o o e ent n En ron ent n nn n t e r s oo s oo o nt Preston PR t t ons P one rresn se s e ere t n Non-a tten n e r tes n n s re s E se en or n s Ot er ser es s ness r tes Perr ent r n e seo on e r r-o s oo s ere etter nr n ns o oen res t n tsnon e re on n n t on er es e s se es reso e en rnnt t ne es s oo oos e r Ot er osts n n o e ess n nt ne e n e If you would like Re en e S ort r nt n or t on or Por sore SE SEs n t e r St es e res ts ere A place where people as e e ser es t ro t e ost- or etter e t entn t e n t on er e this information in ees r es n sto er Ser es can work and prosper Per ent e o s Se ot er n o e entre large print, braille sse n se on r o ern ent soos e have helped nearly or in another r nts Re en e S ort r nt long-term benefit claimants A place where people back into sustainable language, please s ness r tes can feel safe A place where people can employment by working with a a e shee i ed assets re te s t t e o n - telephone on T our partners at a cost of just ssnnsnees travel easily and safely n rts o n s re res ents e per person. This could save 01772 532 690. a on on n e to et er to s No to n n te Capital Adjustment Account n r e ere r e e on the ta payer more than m. sse s a s S es eo e t ro t e est s ent o re e ts t e o nt re se to No o n ones on sttsoror orn ron es s e ssets n n e e ssets ess t e ere so r se or o r a Sto s or t e t rtners n n t e or n ose t t e o e n one s n n est ents Tepension liability so ste ne o r oo or n s t ons s e es o e o o t ons or ne n t ent n ts n E st n s re n st n entr s nesses e e hat are we worth? e tors one o e to t e o n rrent e o ens ons t t t e e no een est s e e e to est s re tors one o e t e o n - - o nt o n s re re to ro e or n s re ro n ess to e t oo n er e res Neroneos tt een o e n n e r n es eets orro n - - e st n n or er e o ees n t ese ones s ns n st ers rn eeeeto r n t t re resents t e e o t e o nt on -ter t es - - tr ers n t e re t t res ents not o a re te o n s n n s n ot er ssets o Tepension reserve sseto s ness o er t e oorste T e n t t e s e e t so e tooters n Pens on t - - o set t e ens on t so r ses reness on st res ents o ote rn ro t s o e to s ss es re te to oorste r e n o net or ere str t r Earmarked reserves re n s set te n o roe s a asse s a s nten n e s o e s eorse treseTe ons ere n e ns ent s oo n es a er e n er o s ae y re ontro e n s oo s Pro ort on o r r t t n ort nt rt o s s t st ent o nt t e se es soo srreor t e ro net or s ose Pens on reser e - - ne er e on to or ro or s TeCounty und s one set s e Re t on reser e - or ro s oo to o er ne e te t re e n s E r r e reser es er e n er o Tsessto esreeren m e e a eme s s ont n s t en to re r s s se re n n os t on aaa eay a ay he y ese aae street t n t snerte ontro o t e o n www.lancashire.gov.uk/your money 8 October 2008 Providing • food safety • welfare advice www.lancashire.gov.uk Changes Modern ‘pals’ fight are ahead for lone parents for a life worth and carers: explains Jim Dickson living LONE parents whose youngest child is 12 or over may have to sign on and claim Jobseekers’ THE experiences of Allowance instead of Income young soldiers in the Support from November 2008. trenches of the First Now they can get Income Support (IS) until their youngest child World War have been the reaches 16 so they are not expected inspiration for a new art to look for work until then. exhibition by young people Some lone parents could still get from IS if they cannot work because of Lancashire Then, Now and Tomorrow focuses disability or health. They must on the Accrington Pals and sets out claim Incapacity Benefit (IB) before to explore ideas around friendship, 27 October to qualify by this route. loyalty, duty and community through If they claim after this date they will the eyes of teenagers. have to claim a new benefit called in Employment Support Allowance he Haworth Art Gallery in (ESA) instead and could receive a Accrington is hosting a launch of lower rate of benefit. the young people’s work, prior to An additional amount called a dis- an exhibition during Inside Justice ability premium is paid with IS after Week (18-25 October) at a venue to someone has been incapable of work be arranged. containing me- for a year but this addition will not The exhibition is the result of a collabo- mentoes from life back be paid with ESA. This could leave ration between local community artists in England, the young people ESA claimants £1.85 a week poorer. Ruth Evans and John Spedding, and staff assembled boxes to be sent to pres- If you are a lone parent getting In- and young people from Hyndburn Youth ent-day soldiers serving in Iraq and come Support and think you might be Life Offending Team. also collected items for boxes which affected by these changes you should represented themselves individu- claim before 27 October if health prob- uring six sessions at the artists’ ally. lems could prevent you from working. studio in St ste s, they focused “Mud” focused on the ever-present You can claim IB through Jobcentre on some of the everyday experi- hardship of trench mud and the ef- Plus on 0800 0556688. ences of the young soldiers in the fect it had on soldiers’ morale. Carers who now get Income Sup- trenches. port with Carers’ Allowance and The project used writing and art- ounty Councillor Jennifer themselves have health problems work to examine the idea of the steps Mein, Cabinet member for could also be affected when their taken by soldiers as they went “over Children and Young People, caring ceases and should also get

the top”. The young people compared said: “I have been very advice without delay. impressed by the quality of  this to the footsteps that each takes Po n nt or or ur her a vice or hel ou shoul con- through his or her own life, why and this artwork. ac our local or a vice cen re: ring r One re e t ons “They’ve been thinking and talk- how such footsteps are taken and what re e n o n - 0 2 533504 or e ails o our local el- footsteps they would like to be remem- ing about the experiences faced by are Righs eam or ri e o he el are bered for. sters ons er te r soldiers not much older than them- Righ s Service a : ancashire oun oun- For “Boxes from Home”, based on the t res selves and it has given them new in- cil el are Righ s Service REEP ST Pre- packages that were sent to the front line sights.” s on PR 8 R ou o no nee a s am .

Sa Autumn4 c listings ills Te tile useum. Small e tra charge. ill Te tile useum Burnley. Small e tra Pre-book on 0 0 22 5 . charge. Sun 2 c e 2 c -4. Hallowe en Ha enings and hostly 2.30-3.30. abulous leetwood: arts and ames. Small e tra charge. crafts. leetwood useum. Pre-book on 2-3. amily craft worksho . Helmshore 025 8 2. ills Te tile useum. Small e tra charge. 2-3. Story-telling sessions. Helmshore 0-4. 5-mile cycle tri around West an- Pre-booking re uired on 0 0 22 5 . ills Te tile useum. Small e tra charge. cashire. inner and sto s included. Suit- Mon 2 c Pre-book on 0 0 22 5 . able touring hybrid and mountain bikes. 0.30- 2.30 .30-3.30. Art and craft work- eet Beacon Park olf Club lmers 2.30-3.30. abulous leetwood: arts and crafts. leetwood useum. Pre-book on sho . udges odgings ancaster. Small reen ane near Skelmersdale. Contact e tra charge. Pre-book on 0 52 2808. Andy ccleston on 0 5 5 . 025 8 2. 2-3. ro -s inning. Helmshore ills Te - 0.30- 2.30 .30-3.30. amily craft activi- Sa c tile useum. Small e tra charge. ties. useum of ancashire Preston. Pre- - . amily cycle ride and icnic. oin 2-3.30. Hallowe en Collage. udges book on 0 2 5 0 5. South Ribble rangers as they ourney to odgings ancaster. Pre-book 0 52 Thur 30 c Park Preston and back along 2808. 2-3.30. Bat and s ider mobile. udges uiet cycle tracks. miles. eet Walton 0.30- 2.30 .30-3.30. amily craft activi- odgings ancaster. Pre-book 0 52 Park off Carrwood Road Walton-le-dale. ties. useum of ancashire Preston. 2808. ree ride. Bring icnic. Book on 0 2 Pre-book on 0 2 5 0 5. 0.30- 2.30 .30-3.30. amily-friendly ac- 22 . tivity. ancaster City useum. 2-3. ee er s tour. Helmshore ills Te tile Tues 28 c useum. Small e tra charge. Pre-book on 2-3. amily craft worksho . Helmshore ri 3 c 0 0 22 5 . ills Te tile useum. Small e tra charge. 2.30-3.30. abulous leetwood: arts and ational B cycle cham ionshi round Pre-booking re uired on 0 0 22 5 . crafts. leetwood useum. Pre-book on 2. ishwick B track ondon Road .30-3.30. All Things Batty Turton Tower. 025 8 2. Preston. Small e tra charge. 2. 5 .30 2.45. orth ancashire Bat -4. Hallowe en ights. amily fun deco- rou . udges odgings ancaster. Sun 2 c rating ars for lighting. amily fun. Children Pre-book on 0 52 2808. ational B cycle cham ionshi round to be accom anied by adults. eet Pe - - 2-4. All Aboard the host Shi . 2. ishwick B track ondon Road er Hill Barn Wycoller. ancaster aritime useum. Small e tra Preston. Tues 28 c - ri 3 c charge. Call 0 52 for details and 0.30-4.30. World of Wood ay. eet to re-book. Bowland isitor Centre Beacon ell Half-term holiday activities. Queen Street Country Park. Tree- lanting and discovery walks crafts associated with wood. Also seful numbers es o n s s ecial willow worksho Sat and Sun o n s tor entre 0 . Book details on 0 5 055 . e on e o ntr P r n ster st e Mon 20 ct 2-3. ro -s inning. Helmshore ills oer o ntr P r n ster t se Te tile useum. Small e tra charge.

Tues 2 ct Srn oo Pn Ste e s ore Te t e se 2-3. amily craft worksho . Helmshore

ills Te tile useum. Small e tra charge. eet oo se Pre-booking re uired on 0 0 22 5 . n s re o ntr s e

Thur 23 c Ser e n oe 2-3. ro -s inning. Helmshore ills o n n ots o n or t on Te tile useum. Small e tra charge. se s n oe o t e ents on ri 24 ct a smsems 2-3. amily craft worksho . Helmshore se o n s re ills Te tile useum. Small e tra charge. n t Pre-booking re uired on 0 0 22 5 . n ster r t e se a ash e Sa 25 c emeyse 2-3. Story-telling sessions. Helmshore www.lancashire.gov.uk Providing • youth services • tourism October 2008 Doors open at £250m Life Burnley and Pendle are template for schools new-look schools across Lancashire in Lancashire

Kurshid Khan and his wife Naheed dopped off their daughter Saima for her first day at Pendle Vale. Kurshid said: “It is the first time I have seen the new building and it is beautiful.” Naheed said: It’s very nice, clean, and new.”

Alison Cooke, pictured right, dropped off her daughter Hayley Dixon at Pendle Vale. Alison said: “I’m jealous. I wish I was back at school.” Hayley’s older sister Kimberley Cooke (not pictured) said: “It’s amazing. Every- one is trying to make things better for this generation of kids.” Six more sites in east Lancashire will Kirsty Firmin, pictured left, dropped off THREE extraordinary e ST NN N t e entr tr t her Pendle Vale year seven daughter educational establish- S tt e ort o e e be developed by 2010 – and a programme

of refurbishing the rest of the county’s Bethan. Kirsty said : “It has been worth ments have caused the extra week’s wait for the school. It’s excitement in east Lan- e SP T e e to r ro n Pen e secondary schools will continue after e oeeonoenn that. fantastic.” cashire. Councillor Hazel Harding, leader of arents, students, and staff Parent Qazzati meS EEP N t e tr t Lancashire County Council, visited two of were thrilled with the re- Pen e e oes o n o r oors the sites on the day they opened. Shah dropped off sults of phase one of Lan- She said: “Our children deserve the best his daughter cashire County Council’s h P t e s re n ront o and in these wonderful new schools we are Mehnouna at Pen- Building Schools for the rn e s offering world-class facilities. dle Vale College Future project. “I hope that everyone who sees them for her first day at recognises that, and supports us as we roll secondary school. out this amazing programme across the He said: “I’m county.” really impressed with the building. huttleworth College in a ham Ihopetomakeuse and ey Campus – which of the community houses Thomas Whitham Sixth sports facilities Form, Barden Primary School, myself.” Reedley Hallows Nursery School and Children's Centre, Holly Grove School and the Burnley and Pendle Faith Centre - opened on 8 September. Pendle Vale College and Pendle Community High School and College, in Nelson, opened on 15 September. HERE EXT Burnley Campus is a striking building with two round towers at the front. THE T RE It has a public library, a coffee bar, and sports facilities. The ne ne S schools o o en ill e Shuttleworth College has a stunning Sir ohn Thurs ommuni ollege an central atrium that doubles as a perform- Ri ge oo ommuni igh School in Burnley ance area. in Se em er 200 . ons ruc ion has s ar e a ni ollege in nd the es site is built on the urnle an Mars en eigh s ommuni side of a hill with a dramatic roof ollege in Brierfield. nicknamed the ski slope. Three ur her schools are ue o e Stuart Smith, head of the com le e in urnle e ore he en o 20 0 as Thomas Whitham Sixth Form, ar o he ini ial 250m inves men . said: "It is great to be in this fabulous fa- er ha he coun council lans o roll ou cility. It will benefit all the community." a rogramme o re ur ishing all o ancashire s Paul Wright, head of Pendle Vale Com- secon ar schools. munity High, said: “The opening was fan- i or overnmen cash o rene schools tastic and the children loved the in he res o Pen le Rossen ale an n - experience. It has been a phenomenal suc- urn ill e su mi e o hi ehall e ore he cess.” en o his ear. Duncan Norris, science teacher at Shut- I a rove ha secon ave o S ork tleworth, said: “The sheer amount of space ill run rom 20 - 4. is wonderful for the students.” 0 October 2008 Providing • youth services • tourism www.lancashire.gov.uk LOOK LIVELY CE Lancashire looks to the future S with plans for London 2012 TWO high-profile Both Coe and cycling visitors heard about star Newton met local BE ambitious plans to school pupils along with the Chair of Lancashire A D BACK boost cycling in County Council and Lancashire when the council’s cycling MPI S an ara- they visited es officers. l m ians ho en o as part of prepara- Seb Coe said: “By ei ing an have links tions for the London motivating young peo- o ancashire inclue 2012 Olympics. ple in the Northwest me al inning cclis s Lord Sebastian Coe and capturing their S even urke rom and medal winning imagination we can Colne an Chorley resi- cyclist Chris Newton help them to fulfill their en ra le iggins. took time out of their potential, and create a busy schedule to hear legacy that will contin- Preston s elen ue long after the li heroe a hle ics an George about the brand new Nina Lancashire cycling London 2012 Games.” Emma in le equesri- strategy and to see pos- County Councillor an ressage also oh PRIDE: oun ouncillor lan hi aker chair o he Domestic violence sible future Olympians Alan Whittaker, Chair com e e in ei ing. co-ordinator of the county council, coun council i h l m ic me allis hris e on. in action at Preston Paral m ians i h Sports Arena. said: “All the athletes resented their country ed sportspeople, they who represented Great ancashire connec ions Each eek in he o omen are kille a Coe, a double gold at the highest possible are an inspiration and medal winner, is now Britain at the Olympics level. wonderful role models. inclu e Chorley resi en ar ner or e - ar ner. Mos omes ic violence is in Beijing should be “In particular I would “We’re now looking raeme allar ahle - carrie ou men o ar s omen in marriage or leading preparations for the next Olympic very proud. Regardless like to congratulate all ahead to London 2012 ics an ancaster orn in ima e rela ionshi s - or a er he rela ionshi Games and toured the of any medals they the Olympians who to see how Lancashire silver me al inner has en e . north west to see some might have won or either come from can make the most of elici oul har o ever an one can e arge e i hin a rela- of the best facilities the records they might Lancashire or live in this event and increase eques rian ressage . ionshi or a close amil mem er. area has to offer. have broken, they rep- the county. As dedicat- involvement in sports.” ere ina eorge omes ic violence co-or ina or e lains her ork. Records What does your job involve? When somebody experiences domestic violence Plan your perfect day LANCASHIRE has an enormous number of organisations can get been named as one involved. of the pilot areas for There is everything from refuges which offer a national project to a safe place to live, to the county council update Common which may help if children are involved; to with new brochure Land Registers. the police and the courts if someone is being prosecuted. My job is to help these different COUPLES who are planning ning process through to the day If you have informa- agencies work better together in a way that is itself, incorporating useful infor- tion about common to tie the knot in Lancashire land, whether you are a sympathetic to the survivor who will be going can get help from a glossy mation to enable your arrange- through a very difficult time. ments to be as uncomplicated landowner, a member new wedding brochure. and stress free as possible.” of the public, part of a What does that mean in practice? Lancashire County Council's Whether couples want a full parish council or other Not all domestic violence is recognised as Registration Service has created ceremony, with readings, flowers body; please contact us criminal behaviour in law - it can mean any- a guide to help couples who are and musicians; or a small gath- to help our update. thing from verbal intimidation to physical planning to get married or con- ering of friends, 'Your perfect To find out more visit abuse. duct a civil partnership. day' is an essential guide to plan- www.lancashire.gov. This has not been well understood in the The free brochure, entitled ning a ceremony in Lancashire. uk past, which means offenders may have not “Your Perfect Day”, provides The Registration Service has been held responsible for their actions and advice and information that around 70 registration staff in survivors may have not felt safe about asking needs to be considered in prepa- Lancashire who conduct non- Business for help. ration for the big day. religious civil marriages and civil IN last month’s edition One solution that has been very successful This includes how to book your registrar at the county council, partnerships at 106 approved of Vision (September) in Lancashire is courts having a whole day ceremony, approved venues in said: “Our new wedding brochure premises across the county. the front page story given over to domestic violence cases so spe- Lancashire and useful tips like is a comprehensive guide to your For your free copy of “Your per- mentioned a Rosebud cialist magistrates, police, prosecution lawyers changing your passport or how to perfect day. fect day” wedding brochure Grant of £134,000. and other support agencies are there to deal obtain a commemorative mar- “There are ten distinct sections please contact your local This is not the case and with these cases. Better co-ordination has riage certificate. that take you step-by-step from Register Office or alternatively the funding mentioned resulted in a better conviction rate and sur- Gill Greeson, superintendent the start of the wedding plan- telephone 0845 053 0021. was part of a partner- vivors feeling safer. ship project between LCDL, the North How did you get into this field of work? West Development I became interested in domestic violence after Agency and the doing some volunteer work at a refuge. In this place - return your form ahArea Regen- It was a real eye-opener. I was very THOUSANDS of questionnaires Lancashire County Council will get a picture of life and view- eration Partnership. impressed by the strength the women showed. are being posted to Lancashire be teaming up with district coun- points at the grassroots. This project is not part They had been through some awful things but households to find what people cils to reduce costs. The survey is a government of Rosebud, which is a showed such courage. They even laughed and think of their area. Health, crime, anti-social requirement. All parts of the separate loan pro- joked about their problems as a way to cope. Such “place surveys” have been behaviour, litter and much, country will be asked the same ject offering business After that I began working with young peo- run for a number of years. much more… all will be reported questions to allow direct compar- finance of £5,000 ple in crisis. I realised that domestic violence This year’s will be a first in that to Whitehall to help ministers isons across the nation. upwards. had been a factor in many of their lives. S ER B KS tal dog tale, but it is far more als of new relationships, mar- page and giggling the next! What are you working on at the moment? than this, so please give it a riage and children to the trag- Though the ending is I’m putting together an education pack for The Art of Racing in the Rain chance! ic death of Denny’s wife, rather “happily ever after”, schools. We know that violent behaviour can The story follows the life of Enzo’s both eloquent and this does not distract from the begin in people’s earliest relationships when B TH STE Denny, a young racing car often witty observations are a sometimes difficult subject they are still teenagers. driver, told through the eyes delight to read. matter covered. Raising awareness earlier could help poten- of his endlessly loyal dog, We grow to love Enzo, I know the book made me tial abusers to understand their own behav- THIS is a beautifully written and heart-warming book Enzo. almost as our own, as we look at my dogs in a new light iour and avoid more serious problems later. Utterly convinced he will watch him grow from a young as I scratched them behind My work at the moment is to make sure about love, loss and triumph told through the eyes of man’s be reincarnated as a man puppy to an old dog. the ear and just wondered schools are equipped to offer advice and sup- (because TV told him so - and From the first chapter this what they would say if they port to students who may be experiencing best friend. Reading the blurb of the he watches a lot of TV!) Enzo book captivated me. It is not could! domestic violence. There is a lot of planning to gives us an insight into the often I find a book that can be done before this can be introduced. book it would be easy to dis- The Art of Racing in The Rain miss it as another sentimen- life of his family; from the tri- have me crying buckets one is available in ancashire libraries www.lancashire.gov.uk Providing • youth services • tourism October 2008

Sample menus

Menu week 1 Beef Casserole with Herby Dumplings Diced Potatoes Broccoli You can trust Special days Sponge Pudding with Raspberry’s and in our service! We’ve planned a series of special lunches - one for every half term just to make Custard or lunchtime even more exciting. Every pupil is welcome, so look out for the special Fresh Fruit or Yoghurt Here are some Juice Drink important facts about order forms which school will send home. school lunches: We haven’t forgotten Christmas lunches either. An extra special lunch will be served Menu week 2  before the Christmas holiday. Traditional Meat and Potato Pie Your school cook is trained to Pickles and Baton Carrots provide the published menu Free school lunch Fruit Cheesecake or each day. Fresh Fruit or Yoghurt  All our recipes and menus have Parents do not have to pay for school lunches if they receive any of the following: Juice Drink or Fresh Milk been tested and approved by the • Income Support pupils. • Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance Menu week 3  Our menus are analysed by a • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 Sweet and Sour Pork nutritionist and planned to provide • Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have Mixed Rice the right level of nutrients your an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) that does not Garden Peas child needs for a healthy diet. exceed £15,575 Chocolate and Pear Sponge  We only use free range eggs from • The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit & Peppermint Sauce or local farms in our home made • Pupils who receive Income Support or income-based Job Seeker's Allowance, in Fresh Fruit or Yoghurt recipes. their own right, also qualify. Juice Drink or Fresh Milk  Most of our vegetables, salads, To apply, you need to complete an application form. These are available from your General information: milk, potatoes and chicken are child's school, your local Area Education Office or as a downloadable form available A vegetarian choice is served daily. Halal also produced locally. by visiting www.lancashire.gov.uk meat is served for religious diets in schools  where required. A bread basket is available We are working with local daily as well as unlimited salad from the producers to increase the amount Once you have applied and been granted free school meals, you are not required to salad bar or servery. of local produce used. complete a further application form annually.  Your school lunch provides at least two of your child’s five portions of Contact us fruit and vegetables every day. We talk to pupils at their school council meetings, but we also welcome feedback  Each day there is unlimited salad from parents including requests, suggestions and complaints. If you require further available for your child to choose information about the lunches served in your child’s school, please contact us on from the salad bar and servery. 01772 646 855 or 01772 646 817. Alternatively, visit the contacts page on our  We only serve award winning pork web site at www.servinglancashire.gov.uk sausages and best of British beef burgers - no rubbish! Looking for a job? Contact us on 01772 538 999 for more details.

ommercial services 2 October 2008 Providing • food safety • welfare advice www.lancashire.gov.uk

Did you know that electrical items left on You can get more energy saving tips by standby could make up around 5 per cent of registering online to become a Friend of your bill? Or that turning down your heating Lancashire on the county councilʼs website. by just 1°C could save you £40 a year? As a registered ʻfriendʼ you receive regular updates on how, and where, to get discounted Saving energy wonʼt just help your pocket - it environmentally-friendly products and tips on also benefits the environment. Every watt of tackling climate change in your neighbourhood. energy we use results in more carbon emissions being generated. To take advantage of the light bulb discount and become a Friend of Lancashire log on to A new initiative launched by Lancashire www.lancashire.gov.uk/climatechange. County Council can also help you save energy. You can also find out more about energy As a member of Lancashire Climate Change saving from the Energy Savings Trust Partnership, which is coordinating efforts to advice centre which works closely with the help the county meet its carbon reduction county council to offer free and impartial target, we have negotiated a 21 per cent advice on all aspects of energy discount off energy saving light bulbs. efficiency.

Energy saving bulbs use up to 80 per cent less The advice centre can offer you a free home electricity than standard bulbs and come in all energy check advising you what you can shapes and sizes to fit most types of light do to save on bills as well as provide fitting. As well as lasting around ten times information on grants, home insulation and longer, the reduction in electricity used by just appliances. To find out more, call them on one energy-saver in your home could save you 0800 512 012 or visit up to £60 before it needs replacing. www.lancashireenergy.org.uk

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