Beef Products and Oils Opened to Freer Export To
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@mct41alk U .uli PUBLISHED DAILr under order of THE PRESIDENT of THE UNITED STATES by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC INFORMATION GEORGE CREEL, Charrnan * COMPLETE Record of U. X. GOVERNMENT Activities 'VOL. 3 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1919. No. 507 WARNS PHILADELPHIA MAYOR List of American Units BEEF PRODUCTS AND OILS VICE CONDITIONS ARE MENACE Now on Duty in Russia OPENED TO FREER EXPORT SOLDIERS AND SAILORS TO U.S. Totals 12,941 Soldiers TO THE NEUTRAL NATIONS VIOLATION OF PROMISE CHARGED The following statement is au- thorized by the War Department: BY TRADE BOARD ORDERS Secretary Daniels, After Conference STRENGTI OF AMERICAN FORCES IN SIBERIA. With Secretary Baker, Demands (Source of information, The Adjutant CONSERVATION LIST General's Office.) Immediate Improvement-Federal Officers. Men. Total. CHANGES ANNOUNCED 27th Infantry ... 91 2, 784 2, 875 Action to Follow Failure. 31st Infantry 96 3, 666 8,762 53d Telegraph Bat- Countries of Northern Eu- talion, Co. D 1 83 84 The Secretary of War and the Secre- Field Hospital Co. rope to Be Especially Bene- tary of the Navy had a conference on No. 4-- -------- 4 55 59 Ambulance Co. No. 4 4 114 118 Wednesday with reference to the situ- Evacuation Hospital fited by Board's Action. ation existing in Philadelphia. They No. 17 24 237 261 previously had a conference with Col. Medical Supply De- Supervision of Hide and pot No. 7 - -- 5 45 50 Hatch, who has been making a thorough 146th Ordnance De Investigation of the vice situation in pot co ---------- 5 79 84 Skin Imports by the Tan- Philadelphia. The Secretaries of War Staff officers ------- 4 0 4 Q. M. C. detachment 2 27 29 ners' Council Also Discon- and the Navy say they hope the authori- Medical detachment 12 67 79 ties at Philadelphia will cooperate with Ordnance detachment 1 15 16 tinued-Other Rules Off. Col. Hatch in such a way that they will Signal Corp s de- tachment-------- 0 18 18 not be called upon to act, but in default Intelligence detach- The storehouses of America's abun- of the preservation of good conditions ient --------- 0 52 52 dance were opened more widely to less- in Philadelphia for the soldiers and Engicers detach- ment ----------- 1 18 19 favored nations of the world In notable sailors they will take such action as may Cavalry detachment 3 0 3 orders issued January 8 by the War be required. Philippine Scouts 0 3 3 Trade Board, removing many restrictions Photo Section de- Letter to Kayor Smith. tachment -------- 2 4 6 heretofore existing on exports and im- ports. The board's policy of encouraging Secretary Daniels sent the following Total -------- 255 7, 267 7, 522 letter to Mayor Smith: the resumption of normal trade relations Much against my inclination, I found STRENGTH OF AMERICAN FORCES IN WEST- as rapidly as possible and an increase in ERN RUSSIA. the supply of foodstuffs and some other It necessary last spring to write you a. (Source of information, Gen. Persh- letter calling attention to the open and ing, November 30 and December 31.) articles brought about through the econ- flagrant vice conditions In Philadelphia 339th Infantry. omy of the American people were largely which were having a serious effect upon 310th Engineers, 1st Battalion. determinative circumstances impelling 337th Field Hospital. the board's action. the discipline and morale of the Navy 337th Ambulance Company. and Army personnel stationed in or visit- Total strength, 5,419. Notable Removals from List. ing in your city. The most notable removals from the At that time, in response to the request Export Conservation List were a list of of this department, you assured Lieut. beef products and a list of vegetable oils Col. Chas. B. Hatch, the representative of and products. the Navy Department, that you would The beef-product list in- JAPANESE PEACE DELEGATION cludes fresh or frozen beef, beef loaf, take action. This you did and it re- of con- canned and dried beef, ox tongue, pickled sulted in immediate improvement HAS LEFT NEW YORK FOR FRANCE and barreled beef, corned-beef hash, and ditions. This improvement continued until recently, when, I am now informed, completes removals of all commodities The Japanese mission en route to the originally included in the the conditions in Philadelphia have re- conservation peace conference at Versailles has sailed list under the general heading of beef and verted, so far as the protection as to from New York. Baron Nobuaki Ma- beef products. soldiers and sailors is concerned, to the kino, the head of the delegation, wire- old conditions which prevailed prior to lessed to-day a message to Acting Secre- Aid to Neutral Countries. my communication to you last spring, tary of State Polk expressing apprecia- The relaxation of restrictions on vege-. and tht the change of your policy was tion " of the many and great courtesies table oils and products will be of par- made in violation of the promise which extended to me and to the members of ticular aid to the neutral countries of you made to Col. Hatch, the representa- this mission throughout our stay in the northern Europe, which already have re- tive of the Navy Department. United States en route to Europe." ceived marked manifestations of friend- If these conditions, which have already Baron Alikano added: ship felt toward them by the United grown materially worse, continue to be " I am overwhelmed by the great con- States Government in previous authoriza- maintained it will be extremely difficult, sideration and kindness on the part of tion of shipments of pork, pork products, if not impossible for the War Depart- the Government and people of the United sugar, fats, and other foodstuffs of which ment and the Navy Department to fulfill States at all points of our journey across they are reported to be urgently in need. the solenin obligations made to the par- the continent and during the period of Production of vegetable oils in the United ents and communities from which these rest in New York. Permit me to renew States has increased notably during the boys have come, and to return them to assurances of sentiments reciprocating war, it was stated. their homes, In the words of the Presi- those so graciously expressed In your tele- The removals from the Export Conser- dent, "with no wounds except those gram of farewell and to extend wishes vation List include the following: Coco- borne in honorable conflict." for much happiness for yourself and your nut oil, copra oil, cottonseed oil (except- (Continued on page 3.) countrymen in this and future years." ing hydrogenated cottonseed oil), palm 2 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TIURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1919. oil, peanut oil, soya-bean eil, vegetable stearin, coconut butter, butter substi- Order Removing All Beef Products tutes, oleomargarine, palm-kernel oil, vegetable olein, and inedible vegetable greases. From the Export Conservation List Cattle Supply Increased. The War Trade Board announces in originaly included under the general The cattle supply of the Nation also a new ruling (W. T. B. R. 489) the fol- heading of beef and beef products.) has increased notably. The board also lowing removals from the Xxport Cou- Coconut oil, copra oil, corn oil, cot- announccd that the supervision hereto- servation List: tonseed oil (except hydrogenated cotton- fore exercised through the Tanners' Coun- Beef products, as follows: Beef loaf, seed oil), palm oil, peanut oil, soya-bean cil of the 1Wnted StatesotAmerica (Inex, canned, corned beef hash (canned), dried, oil, stearin (vegetable)-, coconut butter, over the importation of nearly all hides fresh o frozen beef,. ox tongues, pickled butter substitutes, oleomargarine. and skins, tanning materials, and fminshed and barreled. The War Trade Board also announces leathers has been discontinued, and that (The above, in addition to those already that plam-kernel oil, vegetable olein, in- .l, regulations on the importation of cas- announced in previous notices, take from edible vegetable greases are no longer tor beans- and castor obl have been lifted, the. conservation list all commodities considered as upon the conservation list. as have restrictions upon importations of fraxseed and linseed- Applications for Tn- censes to import chrome ore, it was an- 3,000 DISCHARGED SOLDIERS BUSINESS nounced, will be given consideration, pro- FOR U.S. FORESEEN vided the shipments to be licensed were ENLIST INMERCHANT MARINE THE REBUILDING OF EUROPE actually in transit to the United States on IN November 11, 1918. That the sea is calling many soldiers Labor Department Information Relaxations by Great Britain. on their demobilization is indicated by a statement issued by the Shipping Board, Indicates a Large Demand Information that Great Britain had to the effect that more than 3,000 men in Coining for American withdrawn import license requirements uniform have recently signed cards at the on wood and metal working machines of camps, stating that they wished tot enter M1aterial a great variety of types and on leather the merchant marine on quitting the gloves, coffee, and tobacco, manufactured Army. Rebuilding northern France and Bel- and unmanufactured, was given out by Agents at Camps. gium will mean in the latter part of this the board. These relaxations are officially effective only untif March 1, 1919, but it By order of the War Department the year a great volume of business for the is expected that they will then be further Shipping Board Recruiting Service has United States, according to preliminary extended. Shipping recommendations been permitted to place an agent at each information which has reached officials the 30 eamps where men are now be- from the Priority Board at Cairo are no of of the Department of Labor, provided in- longer required in connection with trans- ing demobilized.