and the TriState Area

VOL. 5, NO. 23 THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1968 - TWENTY FOUR PAGES $5.00 per year 10 per copy "Miss Steelmark 3rd" To Usher In Steelmark Monith Eight Area Girls To Vie For Title e44C644 Of dmeican i(tyens Each year on May 1, the legal profession of the Sponsors Law Day U.S.A. programs. The theme for the 1968 observance is "Only a lawful society can build a better society." There will be many programs throughout sponsored by local Bar associations. The purpose of this observance is to bring public attention to the rights and duties of citizenship. Several years ago, the American Bar Association drafted some "Canons of American Citizenship" to highlight the responsibilities of being an American.

; canons of lmtrican itiztnship

eveRy ameican citizen shoul 6 Recoqnize the buty tO

* upholo the laws of the uniteb states, an6 the states anb communities. I

E befen6 OUR countay fRom invasion anb OuR Gcoveanment fRom oveRthRow By fORCe, violence, oR suBveRsion. ELAINE PIERCE VALERIE TALIANI SHEREE GAMPOLO Junction Wintersvi lie Steubenville * encouRaCe Respect fOR law ano ORObeRanb insist upon solu- tions of biffeRences anb Rievances By pRocesses of law anb nFveR By ResORt to violence ORotheR unlawful means.

* suppoRt those chaRQeob with the enfoRcement anb abminis- tRation Of OUR laws; voluntaRily act as a witness anb serve as a JUROR.

* haRBOR no pReJUbice aqainst anyone Because of Race, R LI- Qion OR national ORGifn.

E maintain pRibe in family, heRitage anb chuRch as well as in community, state anb nation.

E keep infoRmeb on issues anb canbibates, anb vote in every election. >NP

SRespect the Richts anb opinions of otheRs.

E participate in Relicious, chaRitaBle, civic, ebucational OR otheR activities to pRomote the welfaRe of the community.

E acknowleoe that 'ResponsiBilities' aRe as impoRtant as 'Richts' in the p1eseRvation of Reebom anb justice. SHARON CLINE BONNIE MILBY PAMELA RICHMOND Follansbee New Cumberland Wellsburg Library Committee Gives Library Proress Report

JUDY GALLOWAY JO LYNN LOWERY Weirton Toronto Laman Studio Photo Eight area communities have is a daughter or relative of a nominated queen candidates to steel worker. compete for the title of "Miss Selection of "Miss Steelmark Steelmark Il." IIP* will take place at the Steel- The Wintersville Library Committee meeting was held in the Municipal Building, Wintersville on One of the eight lovelies will mark Month kick-off banquet of Friays April 19th at P.M. with 8:00 representatives from Wintersville Area organizations in attendance. b ecome queen of the annual Steel- the Follansbee Chamber of Com- Revo Dalley, chairman, presided over the meeting. A review of what has been accomplished was reported mark Month observance held merce on Monday night, April Ralph Freshwater, committee member. Each representative gave a report on the pledge from their each year in May in the Upper 29, at 6:30 p.m. at St. Francis organization to the library fund. Organizations will be notified of the next meeting. The Committee consists Ohio Valley to salute the steel Centre on Hooverson HeigtL. of:(l to r). Ralph Freshwater, Rev. Fr. Charles Sargus, Mrs. Tom Keller, Miss Barbara Hukill and Rev. industry. Each of the candidates STEELMARK MONTH Charles Dailey. (Cont'd on page 8) DAVCI 2 THEM a YOUYOU. SAWSAW. ITIT. ININ.T....I.... "THE WINTERSVILLETE... IL..ITZEN-O CITIZEN" .R..... ON THURSDAY.T... ..APRILAPRI 25.25v-4 1968-1-9 Fr. Lewis To Speak To Eagle Scouts ;:...... Fifty-two Eagle Scouts from Fort Steuben Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, will be team- S Indian Creek School Levy Endorsed ed up for an evening with 52 business and professional men I The following organizations in the Indian Creek School:'.... at an Eagle Recognition Dinner District have endorsed the 11/2 mill School Operating::::.:. The 6 at the Fort Steuben Hotel in will appear on the May 7th. Ballot; Steubenville on Tuesday, April : Levy which 30. Established December 6, 1962 Walter George, chairman for INDIAN CREEK PTA COUNCIL Rudy Taliani, the banquet which begins at 6:30 SSTARK SCHOOL PTA III Publisher-Co-Ed itor p.m., said the program is de- II BANTAM RIDGE PTA II Patricia Taliani Co-Editor signed to let each boy spend the evening with a man who is in the II MINGO KIWANIS CLUB j.| Subscription Rates: field the boy hopes to enter, I St. AGNES HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION $5.00 per year or 100 per copy "'This will give each Eagle Advertising rates furnished Scout the opportunity to talk with II MINGO PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION on request the man about his career," Mr. . WINTERSVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE George said, "and as a result SWINTERSYILLE ELEMENTARY PTA I the boy will receive valuable BLOOMINGDALE JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB guidance which will help him as he prepares for his life's I WINTERSVILLE ATHLETIC BOOSTERS Published weekly at work." II HILL'S ELEMENTARY BOOSTERS CLUB 559 Canton Road In keeping with the career JUNIOR FEDERATED WOMEN OF WINTERSVILLE 1 Wintersville, Ohio 43952 guidance theme, the speaker for : :.::...... Phone: 264-4303 the evening will be The Rev...... : ...... :..: ...... :.:%. .::.. .. .:: :...... :.:....:..:...... : :...... ::.:::: :::!...... :.i:.:..:: ..: ! Clifford M. Lewis, S.J., assist- 'PROBATION ant to the president of Wheeling AFTER Second Class Postage Ohio College. Fr. Clifford Lewis DEATH" SUBJECT OF Methodist WSCS Paid At Steubenville, A graduate of Allegheny Col- SERVICE lege and the University of Wis- "Ye are all the children of Plans Annual Meeting consin, Father Lewis was em- All Faiths To Rehearse light, and the children of the day: The Woman's Society of ployed in newspaper work, high we are not of the night, nor of Christian Service of the North- school and college teaching, and For Performances darkness." East Ohio Conference, will hold public relations work before Mr. Leslie Jackson, Presi- This verse from First Thes- their 28th Annual Meeting at the By MRS. JAMES WALTERS entering the Society of Jesus dent, has announced a rehearsal safonians is part of the Respon- First Methodist Church, In Can- "In the beginning, God created from the staff of of the All Faiths Singers for sive Reading from the Lesson- ton, Ohio on May 15, 1968 at the heaven and the earth" State University in 1942. 2:30 p.m., Sunday, April 28, Sermon tobe read in all Christian a.m. The theme of the 9:30 (Gen. 1:1). He was ordained to the priest- 1968. The rehearsal will be held Science churches Sunday, April Meeting will be "Open Doors". of the universe hood at Woodstock College, in the sanctuary of Brentwood 28, 1968. The subject is "Pro- Principals at the meeting will The history began with astupendous miracle- Maryland in 1951 and went to Methodist Church in Win- bation after Death." include Mrs. C.E. Achberger, the creation of all matter out of Wheeling in 1953 to do public tersville. Services at the First Church of Mount Vernon, Ohio-President, nothing by the Word of the Lordl relations work in connection with Mr. Jackson requests all team Christ, Scientist, 600 Lover's Mrs. Clyde Banbury, Danville, Right here all infidelity begins, the founding of Wheeling College captains to make a special effort Lane, Steubenville, begin at 10:30 Ohio-Vice President and Pro- and right here faith comes to where he has been ever since. to turn out all interested singers AM. The public is invited to gram Chairman and Mrs. Floyd rest. If you do not receive as Father Lewis has written in the respective areas for this attend. Greene-President of Canton Dis- - ****** truth the first verse of the Scrip- several articles of historical rehearsal. The first public ap- trict. and archaeological interest and pearance of the All Faiths TWO RIDGE CHURCH TO tures, you cannot believe any is co-author of thebook "Spanish Singers will be at the First HOLD SPECIAL SERVICES The Morning session, thing else God says. God does Jesuit Missions in , Methodist Church at West Lafay- Services and prayer and spiri- scheduled for 9:30 a.m., will not stop to prove that opening have Mr. Shiro Abe, of Japan, statement concerning creation. 1570-1572." ette, Ohio at 7:30 p.m. on Mayk tual healing are being conducted as speaker. Mr. Abe is the us to believe and The 52 boys to be honored 5, 1968. The group will also in the Sanctuary of the Two He expects Director of Yokosuka Christian were required to be registered appear at Wayne High School in Ridge Presbyterian Church on accept it by faith. The atheists and active Eagle Scouts who at- Bloomingdale, Ohio on May 19, Route 43 the first and third Community Center in Yokosuka, and the evolutionists object to tained their rank between April 1968. The meeting onSunday will Wednesday of every month. In Japan. Also included in the morn- this because they say they do That 1, 1967 and March 31, 1968. put the finishing touches on the May, the services will be held ing session will be Business, not believe in miracles. of Officers arose from the dead is Boys attaining the Eagle rank program for May 5, and will on the 1st and 15th at 8:00 p.m. Reports, Election Christ between April 1 of this year mark the beginning of intensive with the Laying-on-of-hands. The and a Pledge Service. Following too great a miracle for the and March 31, 1969 will be practice for the All Faiths public is invited. the business session, Mrs. Na- evolutionist to believe, but he honored at next year's banquet. Singers engagements. thaniel Bedford, National Presi- swallows without a wince, the Further information concern- HEALTH DRAMA dent of the Woman's Missionary theory that life developed in an ing the aims and purpose of the A dramatic film called "The Council of the Christian Metho- orderly fashion from a dead All Faiths Singers, and Sunday's Elusive Enemy," about the still- dist Episcopal Church, will blob of protoplasm, or originated rehearsal, can be obtained by present hazard of tuberculosis speak. Mrs. Bedford has been in a fire-mist. That Qod could contacting Mr. Leslie Jackson, and what can be done about it honored as the Outstanding Negro make three men "fire-proof" in Adena, Ohio or Mr. J. Albert has been issued by the National Woman in the field of religion. a flaming furnace (Dan.3:15-27) Huffman, Bloomingdale, Ohio at Tuberculosis and Respiratory is considered impossible and Steubenville 944-1362. Disease Association. School and The Afternoon session will be- ridiculous. Note the folly of un- college teachers and members gin at l:15p.m. withMiss Thelma belief! of social or civic organizations Stevens of Mississippi as the God never made a monkey into CHRISTIAN SCIENCE can arrange for showings of the speaker. Miss Stevens is As- a man, but man seems to insist RADIO SERIES Thank You film to their groups by contact- sistant General Secretary in the on making a monkey of himself! Aprl 2 - 8:4 a To the many friends and ing The Jefferson County Tuber- new Section of Christian Social relatives who responded and culosis and Health Association. Relations. Her address will be 04 ^ April 28 -8:45 am shared with us the tragic loss Phone 282-7431 followed with Recognition of For Lumber Suppliesi^] WSTV - 1340 - RADIO of our loved one. We thank you ****** Retiring Officers by Mrs. Paul and may God Bless each and DOCTORS vs. SMOKING Spencer and the Installation of "Thou Art every one of you. Doctors in the California Officers by Mrs. Francis E., QUALITY Individual personal thanks will Medical Association, 97%strong, Kearns. BUILDER'S follow slowly. consider cigarette smoking a There are 702 Societies in the SUPPLY Made Whole" Family of Lt. Robert Lulla health hazard, a recent survey North East Ohio Conference, with _ , • ...... ,,, shows. Of these, 85% advise a membership of 39,983. Be- their smoking patients to quit, tween 600 to 700 persons are and a majority favor a ban on expected to attend the meeting. Route 22, Top of Reed's Mill Hill cigarette advertising. Phone 264-4601: m=, YOUR CHILD DESERVES THE BEST FROM SPAHN'S


DID YOU KNOW -that there are nine known veterans of the Revolutionary War buried in SUNDAY SCHOOL...... 10:00 AM Union Cemetery? They, with hundreds of others DELIVERED RIGHT PREACHING SERVICE ...... 11:00 AM were moved into Union Cemetery from local TO YOUR DOOR YOUNG PEOPLES ...... 6:00 PM church yards, when Union Cemetery was founded Dial 264-1619 SUNDAY EVENING SERVICE... 7:30 PM YEARS AGO. 114 WEDNESDAY EVENING ...... 7:30 PM The Union Cemetery Association AMPLE PARKING SUPERVISED NURSERY SWEET HOME DAIRY LOCATED ON FERNWOOU ROAD 1720 Market Street Phone 283-3384 Steubenville (Opposite the JoAnn Little League FieIl) nN THURSnAY - APRIL 2S- 19AR IDAr-1 c 12 TELLTELL*- THEMTHEM YOUYOU %P%SAWSAW ifIlIT IN 61THE 116TVIN WINTFRSVILLFIIN I LoF%JVI toIm F %oICIT17FN"IIA6L IIFW N I'r.IWIPNf*a % AIPtIl1 9 Q4R-DALC rA v - 4 Mrs. Timothy Schmied To Head Mrs. John Eft Hostess To Civic Service Club The Wintersvllle Civic Ser- Wintersville Junior Women vice Club met at the home of Mrs. John Eft, Efts Lane, Win- tersville. Mr. Troy F. Penner, Super- intendent of Wintersville Memorial High School spoke to the club and explained the need of the school bond issue to be voted on in May primaries. Mrs. Rudolph May of Efts Lane, was welcomed as a new member. Mrs. John K. Mackey, presi- dent, presided at the business m eeting. Plans -were made to send Mrs. Ernest Jackson as a delegate to accompany the District XI Sewing Contest winner, Miss Jane Ann Ensell, to Spring Con- vention in , Ohio, April 23-25. Mrs. Jackson reported the highlights of District XI meet- ing at Atwood Lake Lodge, March 27th. The new revised Constitution and By-Laws were read by Mrs. Joseph Maxwell and approved by the club. Program chairman, Mrs. Robin Hickman David Miller, introduced Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Hick- Roy H. Hamm of Fort Steuben man, Bantam Ridge Rd., have Garden Club. Her topic was ar- announced the engagement of ranging Spring Flowers. their only daughter, Robin Mrs. John Miller and Mrs. Cynthia, to David Douglas Gos- ney, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Mrs. Robert Corder, Chairman of Family Living of District XI, was the installing officer at Installation Joseph Maxwell assisted the hos- tess. H. Gosney, 159 Meadow Rd., Services of the Wintersville Junior Women's Society at the home of Mrs. Thomas Eddy, Karen Drive, ****+* Sunset Gardens. Wintersville. Mrs. Corder (seated left) is shown handing the gavel to Mrs. Timothy Schmied, New President, Friendly Neighbors Meet Both are 1967 graduates of (Standing, 1 to r) Mrs. Thomas Eddy-Parliamentarian, Mrs. Virgil lalenti-Treasurer, Mrs. Frank Wintersville High School. Miss Backel-Vice President, Mrs. Jack Steele-Recording Secretary, and Mrs. Pat Dickey-Corresponding The Wintersville Friendly Hickman is attending Stautzen- Secretary. Neighbors Club held their meet- berger College of Business and ing at the home of Mrs. John Professional Drafting in Toledo, Fuzy, Longvue Estates. Prizes Ohio, where she is studying GOP Candidates Speak To 100 Club Penelope Daughters To were won by: Mrs. Ted Bunce, Medical Secretarial Science. Walter L. Myers, Jr., Jeffer- Mrs. Tom Gump, Mrs. Henry The Women's Republican 100 son CountyChairman, introduced Schmied, Mrs. Jerry Ksiazek Club sponsored a "Meet Your Her fiancee attended Miami the candidates, who spoke to the Sponsor "Spring Frolic" and Mrs. Joe Rouse. Mrs. Tom Candidate" Dinner at the University in Oxford, Ohio, and group on their individual plat- The Daughters of Penelope, Gump was presented with a Y.M.C.A. Committees in charge plans to enter Bowling Green forms. Candidates speaking were Lemnos Chapter No. 214, Steu- birthday gift. University in June. He is em- were: Mrs. Stewart Ferguson, Nils P. Johnson, candidate for benville, Ohio, are having a Guests were: Mrs. Ksiazek, ployed at Signode in Weirton, Mrs. Freda Wood, Mrs. Tom the Court of Appeals; John W. dance, "Spring Frolic," on Mrs. Bunce, Mrs. Ray Orwick W. Va. Burns, Mrs. David Cousley, Longsworth, candidate for re- Saturday, April 27, 1968 at the and Mrs. William Cerra. No wedding date has been set Mrs. Donald Fisher, Mrs. Adolph election to State Senate; Andrew Hellenic Hall, 300 South Fourth The next meeting will be at by the couple. Pfannanschmidt, and Mrs. W. Miller, mayor of Steuben- Street. There will be Greek and the home of Mrs. Carl Mauk, Louise McHenry. ville and candidate for State American dancing from 9:00 p.m. Longvue Estates, Wintersville. II I I IfI I Central committeeman; Orie to 1:00 a.m. The proceeds will Ennis, Orville Miller and Bill be used for their church pro- Hupp, candidates for county com- jects. The public is invited. A VOTE missioners; Joseph M. Bell, Dance chairmen are: Mrs. 0 Stanley 'YES. candidate for State Representa- Georgiafandis, general tive; Hays Wisener, County Sher- chairman; Mrs. Nick Mougianis, iff; Mr. Myers spoke for Dr. admissions; Mrs. James De- FOR James Sutherland, who was un- mitras and Mrs. MiltonKayafas, able to attend. Dr. Sutherland decoration co-chairmen; Mrs. INDIAN CREEK is a candidate for Congress, 18th William Apesos, refreshments; Congressional District. and Mrs. Nick L. Terezis, pub- After dinner, a short business licity. SCHOOL LEVY session was held with Mrs. Jack Hennebert presiding. Mrs. Hen- Lambing and Mrs. Robert is a FOOTHOLD on the nebert and Mrs. William Camp- Thompson, were welcomed into bell reported on their trip to the club by the president. FUTURE for our Young the Spring Conference held in Officers for 1968-69 will be People Cincinnati, sponsored by the Ohio named by the nominating com- Federation of Republican mittee in May. The committee Women. Mr. Richard Nixon and consists of Mrs. Henry Barren, Sponsored by the Mr. Dean Manion of the Manion Mrs. Nick Ogrizovich, and Mrs. unior Federated Women Forum of the Air, were the main Frank Fornsaglo. The next regu- lar meeting of the club will be of Wintersville speakers. Two new members, Mrs. Del May 15th. I


1967 PONTIAC Executive - 4 door 1966 MUSTANG - V-8 - Hdt 1966 LAMANS - 2 door hardtop We'lyou help nance your dream home witi 1965 PONTIAC Bonneville - 2 door hardtop 1964 JEEP Station Wagon - Auto - 4 wheel drive 1964 BUICK - 4 door Sedan - Auto - PS 1966 OLDSMOBILE Starfire - Auto - PS We'll help you finance your dream home witF I:.

-Now %o77^ convenient, low-cost Mortgage Loan. If you're planning to buy or build a home, see us for prompt, personal and expert service I7

wfim SALES OFFICE AT 3-3706 The Steubenville Building & Loan Association 2001 Sunset Blvd. AT 2-458 On the corner at Third and Market Streets 0 Phones: 283-3784 - 283-3785 - 283-3786 -PAGE 4 TELL-THEM YOU SAW IT IN "THE WINTERSVILLE CITIZEN" ON THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1968 PAGE 4 TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN "THE WINTERSVILLECITIZEN" ONTHURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1968 Ohio Ruritans Hold Spring Meeting Approximately 550 Ohio Ruri- tans and their wives gathered to enjoy the fellowship of their annual Spring Meeting Saturday night at the Hoover-Price Cam- pus Center on the Mount Union College campus. They repre- sented 36 of the 51 clubs pre- sently in central and eastern Ohio. Dinner music was provided by Marilyn Hahn at the organ, and group singing was led by Don Snode of the Lexington Ruritan Club. Robert Wachsman was in charge of arrangements and served as master of ceremonies. District Governor Lowell Whin- ery introduced the National and District officers and guests who were present. One of the evening's highlights was the presentation of the Ohio District Achievement awards for 1967 by Past District Governor James Justice. These awards are presented annually to the ten clubs who have compiled the best record of service of their communities during the previous year. The CanfieldRuritans were this year's winners, with Lee- tonia "a close second. The other winners placed in the following order: Smithville, Greenford, Berlin-Ellsworth, Western Re- serve, Washington, Winona, West Township and Jefferson. After several entertaining selections by the "Custom Chords", a barbershop quartet, Master of Ceremonies, Wachs- man, introduced Ohio's National Director, Richard Klyne, who in turn, presented the speaker of the evening. He was Kelly Chap- man, Jr., a National ,Director from Grottoes, Virginia, and his message was in the form of a challenge to every Ruritan to take stock of his club and him- self and apply his energies to the betterment of his community. He specifically cited the need Mrs. Terry Shepherd James George Studio for youth programs, recognition Linda Long of senior citizens and warned Wedding vows were exchanged the bride, was the Maid of Honor. against the "something for Mr. and Mrs. Dio C. Long, Jr. Wintersville High School and is between Shirley Ann Scapel, Bridesmaids were Miss Ruth nothing" welfare programs. of Lisbon Street, Richmond, employed at Weirton Steel Com- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albino Shepherd, Miss Becky Watt and The evening closed with the Ohio, have announced the engage- pany. Scapel of Amsterdam, Ohio, and Miss EmmaJohnson. The Flower benediction being given by ment of their only daughter, An August wedding is planned. Terry Lee Shepherd, son of Mr. Girl was Miss Nancy Drabick. Governor Lowell Whinery. Linda Cheryl, to David Lee and Mrs. Howard Shepherd of The Groom's brother, Mr. There were 32 in attendance Moore of 131 Orchard Street, Bergholz, Ohio at the St. Joseph Richard Shepherd, was the best from the Jefferson Club. Wintersville. He is the son of Sanitary Service Catholic Church with Rev. Dick man. Serving as ushers were ****** Dallas Moore Jr. of Blooming- Slates Hanze and Rev. Father Stanley Mr. David Carson, Mr. Charles dale, Ohio and grandson of Stella Septic Tank Cleaning Zekas officiating for the double McCart and Mr. Robert McCon- Elementary Spelling Moore of 131 Orchard Street, Cleaning ring, open church ceremony. nell. Wintersville and the late Dallas Electric Sewer Following a reception at the Bee Announced Moore Sr. Mrs. Joseph Walulik was St. Joseph Grade School, the A Spelling Bee will be held at Miss Long graduated from Phone 264-4411 soloist, accompanied at the organ couple honeymooned at Washing- the Wintersville Elementary Jefferson Union High School and by Mrs. George Vahalik. ton, D.C. School on Friday, May 3rd at is employed as cashier at Belle- PORTA-JONS The bride, given in marriage Mrs. Shepherd, a graduate of 7:30 p.m. Students of the 4th, Aire Quality Market. Rented and Serviced by her father, chose a white Springfield Local High School 5th and 6th grades will partici- Mr. Moore was graduated from organza gown with pearls and in 1966 and the Columbus Busi- pate. The schools represented sequins and pearls around each ness University, is employed by will be Long Run, Blessed PHONE 944-1421 3 i sequins around the neck, bottom the Ohio Bell Telephone Com- Sacrament, Stark, Wintersvllle and train. She wore a white or- pany at Columbus, Ohio. Elementary and Bantam Ridge. ganza headpiece with sequins and Mr. Shepherd, a graduate of The Junior Women's Society pearls around each leaf. Her Springfield Local High School in of Wintersville, sponsors of the bridal bouquet was of white lilies 1963, is serving with the U.S. Contest, have announced that 1st, 0. o.omngdoerio and gardenias. Army at Fort Jackson, South 2nd, and 3rd prizes will be ...... B Io o min gd a le , Oh i o ^ ^ - - -- ^ - \ Miss Karen Finn, cousin of Carolina. awarded. Wintersville Superette 119 Canton Road Garvins HALF & HALF . pint 2

Y2galI Budget Pok S f ICE CREAM ...... 2for.19 GARVINS in returnable < plastic jug MILK ...... a 9 ISugardale CHIPPED-CHOPPED HAM

Picnic Supplies

BEER AND WINE TO CARRY OUT OPEN 9:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. - 7 Days A Week TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN "THE WINTERSVILLE CITIZEN"'ON THURSDAY. APRIL 25. 1968 PAGE 5 TELL.THEM YOUSAWIT.IN..T.....NT.R.....E..IT..aN...N...*a am ...... APRIL 2... 1968- Mrs. Bertha Kromer Wintersville Eve Seiter To Speak At C of C Lists Celebrates 90th Birthday Resolutions Book Review Breakfast The Wintersville Chamber of The second annual Book Commerce met April 17th, 1968 Review Breakfast, sponsored by at Village Hall at 7:30 p.m. the Literary Department of the The following resolutions were Weirton Woman's Club, will be passed at that time: held Saturday, May 4th, at Mill- 1. The Wintersville Chamber sop Community Center. Break- of Commerce is again backing a fast will be served at 10 o'clock. Major Little League Ball Team followed by Mrs. Kenneth D. for 1968. Seiterffs dI scusioFn of "Books 2. The Wintersville Chamber Bound to Delight". of Commerce is sponsoring a Although well known to local local student to be sent to Ohio audiences, her book reviews are University for the 31st Annual always anticipated with enthusi- Buckeye Boys State. asm by the literary-minded. 3. The Wintersville Chamber Mrs. Seiter is listed among of Commerce went on record the 22,000 in the Fifth Edition they will endorse the School of "Who's Who of American Levy one hundred per cent. Women", and more recently been 4. The Wintersville Chamber selected to appear in an of Commerce made a donation to analogous British edition. the Wintersville Concert Choir She is listed as a "writer, to help send Deborah Davis to broadcaster and lecturer". As a tour Europe for one month along writer, her news features have with 110 other students. been published in Canada and the Mr. Robert Snyder, represent- Brahamas, as well as the United ing Jefferson County "Commun- States. Many of her feature arti- ity Action Council" explained cles have been inspired by her Mrs. Bertha Kromer how the program is operated. He travels; others are distinctly stated volunteers are needed to local, as is the 'flyer' on the A surprise party was held for Mrs. Kromer was born in help with the program In Win- Federal Land Office tourist at- I-. 1 9 - . 2-~. . - -- It- _III, . Mrs. Bertha Kromer on April Germany in 1878, coming to the tersville. traction in Steubenville, unlo; 19th, celebrating her 90th birth- United States In 1896. She re- An invitation is extended to now used In the Ohio Historical Mrs. Eve Seiter day, at the Forester Nursing sided in Everson, Pa., where the public to attend the board Museum. Home at WintersvilvUle, Ohio, her family was born, later meetings. They are held every Mrs. Seiter of Wintersville, where she has been a resident moving to Scottdale, Pa. The third Wednesday of the month Ohio, is the only woman to have since September 10, 1960. At- family resided for many years at 7:30 p.m. at Village Hall on participated in her 'village 'local tending the surprise affair were; at 402 South Hickory Street. Leonard Ave. government; she was a member Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Kro- Any suggestions or ideas are Mrs. Kromer of council for four years. mer, Sr., of Baltimore, Mary- is a member of welcome. Anyone interested in She is an active Presbyterian land; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Par- St. Pauls Lutheran Church of joining the Wintersville Chamber laywoman, often engaged for pul- sons of Baltimore, Maryland; Scottdale, Pa. Mrs. Kromer ex- of Commerce. contact any mem- pit services. As an interdenomi- Mr. and Mrs. William Seneff of pressed her gratitude to her ber or the Executive Secretary, national religious speaker, her Unlontown, Pa.; Mr. Louis Kro- many friends and former Ruth Roberts at the License work has included more than ten mer of Scottdale, Pa.; Mr. Clar- neighbors, who remembered her Bureau. years of professional broadcast- ence Kromer, of Pittsburgh, Pa.; with cards and gifts on her Officers are: ing. Her talks are ecumenical in Mrs. Joseph Pergar of Irwin, "special day." Her day was President-Geno Morelli scope, made to and for Jewish, Pa.; and Mrs. Russell Stoner of shared with other residents of Vice President-Ralph Fresh- Catholic and Protestant groups, Greensburg, Pa. Foresters Nursing Home. water crossing lines of both color and Secretary - Treasurer - Jack creed. Beveridge. Reservations for the breakfast Steubenville Art Association Announces Art Exhibit Board members are: Arthur should be made by May 1st with Final arrangements for the Over $400 will be given in Martin, Roy Hooker, William either of the co-chairmen: Mrs. 19th Annual Art Exhibit spon- prizes which include first, Becker, George Stenger, Rudy Robert Ellsworth or Mrs. Will- sored by the Steubenville Art second, third and honorable men- Taliani, James George, Bart iam J. Moore. Association have been made and tion in four media: oil, water Marano, Ann Beardsley, Judd The public is invited. Only the show is scheduled to open colors, miscellaneous and sculp- Parrish and Ruth Roberts - Ex- one hundred reservations willbe Sunday, May 5, and continue ture. A "Best of Show" award, ecutive Secretary, made. Members of thirty clubs through May 12. The exhibit will the "Purchase Award" and of the tri-state area have been on "Popular Award" (people's be held in the Temple Beth El issued invitations*+**** to attend. Lovers Lane. choice) plus the "Steelmark" Blischak Appointed To Mrs. Fred Spindler, chairman plaque and the "Dr. Paul and TINA GUYDOSf ATTENDS of the show, has announced Fri- Dr. Laura Mesaros" award will Legislation Committee BATIONH CONTEST day, April 26, from 10 A.M. to be given. A new award from Tina Guydosh, 8 year old 4 P.M. and Saturday, April 27, Austin Lake Inc. will be offered Huston Barnes, President of daughter of Mr. and Mrs.George County Commissioners' As- from 2 P.M. until 8 P.M. as the for the best picture done of the the Guydosh, Route #1, Bloom- dates the receiving committee lake and the surrounding scenes. sociation of Ohio, and Robert A, ingdale, Ohio, attended the NBTA will accept entries. The show is open to all Tri- Wood, Hamilton County Commis- Baton Twirling Contest at Pitts- ^- .. - State Area artists over 18 years sioner, announced the appoint- burgh, Pa. -I" alf fGot of age. The entry fee for non- ment of Michael Blischak, Jeff- Tina placed-4th in Beginners As k 01rai Gt members of the Steubenville Art erson County Commissioner, to Solo. She is a student of the.. RIINA IAssociation, is $3 except for full- the Association Standing Com- Shirlie Rogers School of Dance ORIGINAL time college students who pay mittee on Legislation. and Baton. S9only $1. Wood, Chairman of this com- Opening of the show on May 5 mittee said his group will meet J .JI.144 ~from 2:00 until 5:00 P.M. will in the very near future to make coincide with a tea and pre- studies and recommendations of ,Am^^ .1sentation of prizes. The tea is for the many problems confronting members, guests and exhibitors. County Commissioners in this 4TE ,cO - Bread Prizes will be announced at ap- area and will report to the As- Rolls proximately 2:30. sociations Executive Committee and The public may view the prior to the Annual Meeting of The "Original" me entries at the church, Sunday, County Commissioners which INSURANCE is onmthe wrapper May 5 from 2 to 5 P.M., and will be held in Columbus, Ohio .. between May 6 and 12, from 1 in early December. COVERAGE! to 8 P.M.

40;z -- Don't let .BELLEAIRi your dreams QUALITY SUPER MARK Large Pascal be snuffed :LLCKT ...... stalk - - A All Meat- No Waste Cube out by fire! Cello CARROTS... It bag STEAKS It's heartbreaking to see the toil I Fresh Crisp of years go up in flames. But it's ASPARAGUS•.... reassuring to know your fire in- Fresh 31Ibs.lbhs |ei surance covers today's rebuilding RICOTTA CHEESE costs. Check now! Chase and Sanborn Assorted Assortec VANCE COFFEE . JIFFY CAKE or JELLI Reg. or Drip FROSTING MIXES 18 oun Insurance Agency Phone: 264-1487 i7a u.:. * rJ 2 -1.29 box 10 4j ars mug" "71FUVI PAGE 6 TELL THFM YOIl SAW IT IMK *TW WIkTOC.II I rIT1tct 'r- fbt] "r IunaDClA V ADDnI 1c tO -P tr""v--^ ^i." __ ...... II .I5A^_v...a-" %Wr* ^ '__ Ia -_i- .. I*.. %p % I VV M I i9N I,,,,rwI .LT.L .IV VJ i r1u U TiA MtrU Ill. , 1700 Belvedere VFD Auxiliary OAGC Holds Spring Regional Meeting The Spring Regional Meeting reports were given by Mrs. of Region 12 of the OAGC was Charles Hoffman, Belmont; Mrs. To Sponsor Card Party held in Wilson Lodge, Oglebay Paul Reed, Harrison; Mrs. Wal- Park, Wheeling, with Mrs. Jo- ter Quick, Noble; and Mrs. Rus- seph Kelly, Regional Director sell Johnston, Jefferson County. of Amsterdam, Ohio, presiding. Mrs. Johnston announced the The Belmont County Garden Jefferson County Open meeting, Clubs were Hostesses for the May 10, Wintersville Grange Hall meeting. Mrs. Charles Hoffman 8 P.M. Mrs. W. W. Peabody of Belmont County Contact Chair- Pittsburgh to be the speaker. m an, gave the welcom,'. Rev. Lee Mrs. Kelly announced a Gar- Fetters, minister of Powhattan den Tour for Region 12 members Methodist Church, gave the in- June 6, 12:30 to 4. The gardens vocation and luncheon prayer. of Mrs. Russell Johnston, Mrs. The Sunset Garden Club of Paul Sweeney and Mrs. Kelly Jefferson County won the at- will be toured. All have won the tendance gavel. Outstanding Gardeners Award. Reports were given by the fol- A tea will follow. lowing Regional Chairmen: A donation was made to the Mrs. Frederick Wassman an- Wahkenna Fund from Region 12. nounced the Judges School to be Mrs. Kelly introduced Mrs. held at the Southern Hotel, Co- Albert Pool, State President of lumbus, Ohio, May 2nd, 9 A.M. the OAGC as the morning speak- Mrs. Paul Sweeney and Mrs. er. Mrs. Pool reported 750 clubs Joseph Kelly will be attending with a membership of over 17,- from Jefferson County. 000 in the State of Ohio. Also Mrs. Viola Cappel, Flower announced the following meet- Show Chairman, reported Flush- ings: ing Garden Club Flower Show Horticulture Tour Day, spon- June 14, 2 to 9:30 P.M. sored by the OAGC, to be held Mrs. Walter Jones, Nature at Secrest Aboretum, Wooster, and Conservation Chairman, an- Ohio, May 20th at 9:30 A.M. nounced Region 12 Nature Tour, OAGC State Convention, Stark Wilderness, Wilmont, Ohio Sheraton Hotel, Columbus, Ohio May 4, 10 A.M. Jerry Fellend August 14 and 15 with Region to act as Tour Guide. Bring 8, 9, and 14 as Hostesses. The Spring Bouquet Card Party, sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Belvedere Volunteer Fir(e a Sack Lunch. Also State Nature Mrs. Pool thanked all in Re- Department, will be held at the Belvedere Fire House on April 26 at 8:00 p.m. Pictured above are the Tour May 11 and 12. See Gar- gion 12 for their support during officers and the chairmen of the Card Party. (Seated, 1 to r) Mrs. Wray Rutan-Co-chairman, Mrs. Glenr den Path for details. her term of office as State Horton-Chairman. (Standing, 1 to r) Mrs. Paul Terpenning-President, Mrs. Mary Vojvodich-Secretary Mrs. Earl Snyder reported on President. and Mrs. Jay Shoemaker-Treasurer. the Publicity Books and Mrs. Luncheon was served at 12 Louis Dorrance on News Noon. Release. Mrs. H. R. Stanier of Pitts- St. John Hospital To Open Bids For Expansion Program Civic and Roadside Beautifi- burgh, was the guest speaker and The more than $3,600,000 reality when bids for the con- sent for the event will be Sister cation Chairman, Mrs. Alma demonstrator for the afternoon expansion program for St. John struction are opened at 1:30p.m. M. Agatha, Administrator and Runnels, reported on the Com- session, using ashertopic,"The Hospital will be a step nearer May 16 in St. Agatha Hall. Pre- other members of the hospital munity Improvement Conference Touch of Color". Mrs. Stanier -administrative staff, a repre- held at Zanesville, Ohio, April said "Color is the most com- sentative of Conrad & Simpson, 1st. It was sponsored by the peling element of design and DEPENDABLE Architects, a member of the Ohio OAGC and Sears Roebuck and Co. affects our whole life. Colors State Department of Health and SMrs. Judd Parrish and Mrs. never clash, it is the manner representatives of all building SRussell Johnston from Jefferson they are put together. The mono- J contractors who have prepared County attended this meeting. chromatic colors are the most I - Mrs. Wayne Liming, Horti- used by the sophisticated as their bids. L According to Sister M. Agatha culture Chairman, reported a well at the retiring personal- it is possible the three new Horticulture Clinic to be held at ities." Mrs. Stanier went through 11 floors, and enlargement of pre- the 4-H Club Building, Cadiz, from this point on the color harmonies known as Triad, Com- 5BJERAL COINTRAC;TOR>K I AM 4-14 30 s en t notiLitalV1UU11± e.- vvn E&' t Ohio, May 25th. Mrs. Frederick under way during June. The much1 Wassman will be the speaker for plimentary, Analagous, comple- FOR needed expansion program will the morning session. The Top ting the display with the Achro. Sincrease patient facilities by 100C) Flight Gardeners in charge of m atic black through whlt4, known QUALITY ' beds in addition to the opening program for the afternoon, also as no color. a new Intensive Cardiac Care a surplus plant exchange will be Mrs. Kelly gave the closing CONSTRCTE Dof held. remarks of the Spring meeting Mrs. Gwynne Nixon reported of Region 12 of the OAGC. +****3t, W CARPENTRY - iQOFING - GUTTERS - CUSTOM CABINETS FOR SALE - Boy'sSuit - size 20. the following clubs participating - CABINET REFINI.SING . EXTERIOR PAINTING - REC ROOMS PHONE 264-6594 in Garden Therapy work in Re- * ****** eion 12.-. - Friendly Valley.I. _ _'I., Bel- mont, Shadyside, Flushing and Hill View. Those participating in Sunshine work are as follows: Bittersweet, Hopedale, Beth cog Park, Fort Steuben, Scioto Transplants, Petite Fleur, Coun- try Side, Jefferson Hills and Hawthorne. Mrs. Cecil Ayers gave a re- port on the slide contest and Mrs. Paul Warren, State and County Flower Show Chairman = Distributor - urged all clubs to organize and JOHN MATHES participate in their County Fair Program. Phone 264-4593 Laundrying The County Contact Chairman Open e Shirts for 8:00 lar People HOUSE CLEANING 1 is DRY CLEANING Time r LET US HELP ! At house cleaning time, empty your closets. Send your winter garments and blankets to us. When your closets are back in order your garments will be ready to be returned to your closets having been skillfully Dry Cleaned, finished and packaged for the season.

LASK ABOUT OUR FREE PLAYING CARDS PHONE 264-05 11 TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN **TMF WI C.Vivi..i, I IiT=7C I I rMUo ir As =iAv II -q 19 AlR PA rC 7 TELM Y UTH ~W I 1W Th WIT~DVIEIF'l7CI9 LNI flU fD~nALA;#%ITr-OA1% 1 LW. F-A %P I Area Students To Lead Teen-Age March Pack 115 Holds Wintersville Girls Named Over-Night Outing To Buckeye Girls' State Pack 115 of Starkdale Pres- byterian Church held a "Scout- ing Outing" Sunday, April 21 at the Hatcher farm. Cub Scouts were given the opportunity to pass various outdoor achieve- ments and electives under the supervision of pack officers and fathel s. Cubmaster Paul Hatcher passed out the following awards: Wolf badges to Pat Culp and David Petras. Bear badge to John Mantica. Gold arrows to Jody Beck, Pat Culp, Michael Macedonia, Jim- my Dunn, Roger Richardson, Richard Olivito, and Richard D'- Angelo. Silver arrows to Jody Beck, Jimmy Dunn, Richard Olivito and Randy Livingston. Denner stripes to Roger Rich- ardson, Pat Culp, John Mantica, Keith Moore, and Richard Piz- zoferrato. Showman pin to Jeffrey Hat- cher. Artist pin to Alan Russell. Citizen pin to Glen Cunning- ham. Craftsman and engineering pins to Andy Pipo, Jr. The afternoon concluded with Outstanding Ohio girls will have the privilege of attending a weiner roast. Buckeye Girls' State on the Campus of Capital University, Columbus, In conjunction with the out- Ohio from Saturday, June 15th to Sunday, June 23, 1968. Mrs. E.D. A Teen Age March, to better acquaint Wintersville and Steuben- ing, the Webelos den held an Rice and Mrs. Donald Dunlope, Co-Chairmen of the Americanism ville residents of the present and future status of St. John Hospital, over-nighter at the farm Satur- program of Unit 557 Auxiliary, Wintersville, have announced that will be conducted during National Hospital Week, May 12 to May 18. day, April 20. Fathers who at- Amy Cohan will represent Wintersville Memorial High School as Area High School boys and girls will distribute the Hospital's tended and assisted with the the Delegate and Brenda Waterman will be Alternate. Both girls are latest brochure as they contact every home in the two districts. arrangements were Cubmaster Juniors. Miss Cohan is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. H.S. Cohan, While the March is primarily one of education, donations will be Paul Hatcher, Bill Clark, Dr. 501 Westwood Drive and Miss Waterman is the daughter of Mr. and gratefully be received by the youthful workers. David Russell, Vernon Allmon, Mrs. August Avoli, 124 Starkey Blvd. Pictured above are: (1 to r) Heading the Steubenville Drive will be (seated, 1 to r) Kathy Terry Marshall, Dick Murphy, Miss Cohan, Mrs. Rice and Miss Waterman. Georgiafandis and Bonnie Shafer, and (standing, 1 to r) Douglas Andy Pipo, Don Fithen, and Carl Curry and Paul Schoenfeld. Laman Studio Photo Grunewald. Initiation ceremonies were Mrs. Howard Bowers Hostess Hawthorn Garden Club held for the new Webelos scouts, Hawthorn Garden Club held been held to get ready for the Cub Pack 20 Receives Awards Jeff Miller, Bobby Marshall, their April meeting in the home Bazaar to be held in May at the Den I, Pack 20 Cub Scouts of Original-lst, Joe Hammer; 2nd, Bobby Murphy, Larry Bouchet, of Mrs. Howard Bowers. Mrs. Steubenville Arena. Richmond, held its April Pack Jay Pollock; 3rd, Rusty Toth. and Randy Allmon. Other Webe- James Christian, President, May's guests will be Mrs. meeting at the Richmond Ele- Most Humorous-Brian Goddard; los scouts attending the over- opened the meeting with the roll Joseph Kelly, RegionaDirector, mentary School. Den 4held open- Most Practical-Timmy Geary. nighter were Billy Clark, Alan call, "Favorite flower arrange- and Mrs. Russell Johnston. ing exercises. Webelos Den I with John Por- Russell, Brad Grunewald, Jeff- ment." County Contact Chairman. Mrs. Rev. Roger Bush and Rev. ter as Webelos leader, had a rey Hatcher, Andy Pipe, Bobby Plans were made to attend George Eddy will be hostess. Robert Fisher were judges for a skit about "Forestry and Forest Biggio, Glen Moore, Ricky the Spring Regional meeting in Members who attended the genius bag contest held by all Fires." Schmied, Gary Allmon, and Glen Wheeling, . Spring meeting were: Mrs. How- the dens. Winners were: Most Scoutmaster Thomas Geary Cunningham. Hawthorn club made the pro- ard Bowers, Mrs. James Christ- presented awards to the follow- grams for the Spring Jefferson ian, Mrs. George Eddy, Mrs. ing boys: County Open meeting, to be held Stanley Prawdzik, Mrs. Earl J. NORMAN THOMAS John Palkovic-denner stripe; Day School Parents Meet at the Wintersville Grange Hall Snyder, Mrs. Harry Williams Building Contractor Lee Gregorino-Silver arrow and The Parent's Meeting of the May 10, 8:00 p.m. Mrs. W.W. and Mrs. William Zatezalo. Wintersville Methodist Kinder- denner stripe; Wylie Hubbard- Peabody from Pittsburgh, will April Hint: Lawns, shrubs and garten Day School was held April assistant denner; Brian Powley- be the speaker, flowers should be fertilized as 22nd in the kindergarten room. denner stripe; Mark Blackburn- Reports were given on the soon as frost is out of the ground. bear badge; Jim Bocek - wolf Mrs. Redenour presided for Jefferson County Horticulture ****** badge; Eddie Barnhart-1; the business meeting. meeting, held in March and ar- WANTED TO BUY - Good used Gordon Dawson-bobcat pin. The Spaghetti Dinner, sche- rangements made in March by Roto-Tiller. Pop bottle pick up inRichmond duled for April 30th, was can- club members. Workshops have PHONE 264-3956 will be April 27th from 9:00 a.m. celled. New Homes Available or to 12:00 noon. Mrs. Nolf told about the trip to the farm. Built to Your Specifications Den I and Den II had refresh- ments. Den HI had the closing Mr. William Merryman was Phone 264-4741 exercise. the guest speaker. Mrs. Shanley and Mrs. Wil- cher served refreshments. FOR SALE - 22-inch Rotary Power Mower. Extras included. Aero Vac. Controls on handles. Like new-used only 6 times. Best offer. PHONE 264-3158 Elect... M WALKI Democratic Cai COMMISS As director of public senrv Steubenville, these are some I have been directly involved * Improved Downtown Street * Various Street Improvemeni * Recreation -Two West Enc enville Marina, Golf Cours and Swimming Pool ($134,C * Water Lines ($3,000,000.00 * Sewer Project ($1,200,000. * Improved Downtown Parkin *Urban Renewal Project ($2 Highways - Brady Avenue struction, Planning New and Interchanges, U.S. Ro Mill to Alikana. I feel that my experienc help qualify me for Your Cou PA C St TO: 1 1, T14 1: Mvnii qAW IT IN 4"TI4F WINTFRSVILLF r-IT17FN't nN T141ioqnAV '-A'PPII 7C. IOAR 11- 16,UF 0 t T 4~lAW ITII' IIV. VIF 16FJTF V II FL.f% . II7FI&-. FN n..IIclV u r A ~ t~C 1OOU..______1_ w] STEE-MARK MONTH Division of National Steel Cor- school, Miss Pierce is a cheer- (Cont'd from page 1) poration. She is the reigning leader, and member of the Pep Bene Leone To Seek Sheriff's Post The honor of reigning over Queen of Queens of the Ohio Club, GAA, school paper staff, Steelmark Month activities, and Valley, a member of Chi Omega Y-Teens, and yearbook staff. Bene Leone, life long resident an expense-paid trip to Atlantic social sorority, is Miss West NEW CUMBERLAND - Bonnie of Jefferson County, born in City with an escort awaits the Liberty, a majorette at the col- Elizabeth MiixY:, 17, daughter of Mingo Junction and a graduate new queen. As has been the cus- lege, and is entered in the Miss Mr. and Mrs. William J. Milby, of Mingo High School, is a Demo- tom in the previous two queen West Virginia competition as a 1006 Third Avenue. The candi- cratic candidate for the office of contests, the winner will be the prelude to the Miss America date is 5-5, with blue eyes and Sheriff of Jefferson Coanty. He girl who draws an off-colored contest. Miss Galloway is major- brown hair. A junior at Oak is married to the former Raf- rose from a wrapped bouquet. ing in elementary education. Glen High School, she plans to faelina Orsini. They are the Previous winners included STEUBENVILLL - Sheree attend West Liberty State Col- parents of 3 daughters and one Marlene Potenzina of Mingo Gampolo, 17, daughter of Mr. lege. Her hobbies are dancing son. Mrs. John (Donna) Porter, Junction (1966) and Kathleen Ann and Mrs. Nichael Gampolo, 3148 and majorette routines. She ap- who resided in Steubenville; Cline of Follansbee (1967). Sunset Blvd. The candidate's pears in area shows as a dancer. Lewis Leone, graduate of West This year's queen candidates father is a General Foreman at At school, she is a majorette, Liberty College, attending Kent come from Weirton, Wellsburg, Follansbee Steel Corporation. member of the band, andbelongs State College to obtain his Mas- New Cumberland, Follansbee and Miss Gampolo (5-3, black eyes, to the National Honor Society. ters Degree. He is presently on Wellsburg on the West Virginia dark brown hair), is a senior Miss Milby's plans for the fu- a Leave of Absence from side of the , andSteu- at Steubenville High School and ture include work and becoming Buchanan Junior High School in benville, Mingo Junction, and plans to attend West Liberty a homemaker. Her father is an Wintersville, where he taught for Wintersville in the Buckeye College. She works part-time employee of the Weirton Steel one year; 1st Lt. Sandra Leone, State. New Cumberland and Win- at Teek's Fine Shoes and her Tin Mill. a registered nurse in the U.S. tersville are entering candidates hobbies are reading and swimm- WELLSBURG - Pamela Rich- Air Force, serving in Pakistan; in the queen contest for the first ing. At school, she is a mem- mond, 16, daughter of Mr. and and Benita, a sophomore at Bene Leone time. ber of Pepper Club, Y-Teens, Mrs. Roy H. Richmond, Jr., Catholic Central High School. The bevy of beauties is about Future Teachers of America, and 240 Hillcrest Drive. Miss Rich- Mr. Leone has been associated Action Council, member and Past evenly divided between blondes a majorette with the Big Red mond's brother, Roy Lee Rich- with the Mingo Junction Com- President of the Mingo Kiwanis and brunettes. Three are Band. Miss Gampolo will major mond, is an employee of Weir- munity Chest for the Past 25 Club. blondes, four have brown hair, in elementary education at col- ton Steel Division. A junior at years and has been president Mr. Leone, who served 1Iterm and one very dark hair. Their lege. Wellsburg High School, she is for the past 5 years. He is as Safety Director and as the ages range from 16 through 18. WINTERSVILLE - Valerie 5-8 with green eyes and blond president of the Jefferson County Mayor of Mingo Junction for 6 Wellsburg's candidate is the tall- Anne Taliani, 18, daughter of hair. Miss Richmond enjoys Township Trustees and Clerk's terms or 12 years and is pre- est (5-8) and Wintersville's the Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Taliani, 559 reading and at school belongs Association, now serving his 2nd sently serving his 1st term as shortest (5-0). Almost without Canton Road, Her grandfather, to National Honor Society, term with the association. Presi- Steubenville Township Trustee, exception, the candidates plan Angelo Taliani, is a retired em- French Club, Ski Club, Tri- dent of the Mingo Library, he is said his accomplishments during careers in teaching and related ployee of Weirton Steel. The Hi-Y, Rainbow Girls, Youth Fel- also a member of the Eagles, the his tenure in office speaks for fields, although New Cumber- candidate is a senior at Win- lowship and Junior Red Cross. Jefferson County Community itself. land's aspirant plans to work tersville High School where she She plans to attend West Liberty and become a homemaker. is president of the Girl's Ath- State College to study secondary At coronation ceremonies on letic Association, a member of education. Wintersville Bands To Scout Troop 192 Monday night, the crown of the National Honor Society, High TORONTO - Jo Lynn Lowery, royalty will be placed on the head School Chorus, Y-Teens, Future 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Present Spring Concert Steelmark Teachers Club, Future Home- Auxiliary Meets of "Miss II" by Thomas J. Lowery, 508 Fern- The Wintersville High School makers Club and is a majorette Parents Auxiliary Robert E. Mentzer of Weirton, wood Drive. Her father is an Band, under the direction of Mr. of Boy Scout with the band. Miss Troop met in the Vice Chairman of the Upper Taliani, (5-0) Erection Mechanic at Weirton Dominic DeLuca and the Cadet 192 home of hazel eyes, blond), plans to at- Mrs. Betty Young, Bloomingdale, Ohio Valley Steelmark Month Steel Division. A senior at Tor- Band, under the direction of Mr. tend West Liberty State College Ohio on Wednesday, Committee. Jack J. Adams of onto High School, she is 5-51/2, Carl Brozka, will present their April 17 to major in elementary at P.M. with the Steelmark Month Committee edu- has brown hair and brown eyes, Spring Concert this Friday, April 8 Mrs. Margaret is contest chairman for the third cation. and works part-time at Frost- 26 at the Wintersville Buchanan Kaurich, presiding. -Sharon Patri- year in succession. FOLLANSBEE T-Cream. Her hobbies are fash- Junior High School. Plans were discussed for a Following is the lineup of cia Cline, 17, daughter of Mr. ion sewing, dancing, and in- The Senior Band will feature Bake Sale, to be held on May 4, queen candidates with a brief and Mrs. Cecil Cline, R.D. 1, structing young girls in baton two selections selected for the at the Annapolis Auction. biographical summary of each Miss Cline, (5-7, hazel eyes, twirling and precision marching. District Contest for A2 Bands, Court of Honor date was set girl: brown hair), has tradition in At school, she belongs toStudent the "Prelude & Fugue in D for May 28. More plans will be WEIRTON-Judy Galloway, 18, her corner. Her older sister was Senate, Senior Senate, Choir Minor" and "Variations" (on a made on this at a later date. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will- "Miss Steelmark II'. A senior Council, Y-Teens, and choir. She Korean Folk Song). Floyd Hen- Next meeting will be held at iam Galloway, 108 Kathleen Way. at Follansbee High School, she plans to go into secretarial work dricks, student conductor, will the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- A 1967 graduate of Weir High plans to attend West Liberty or to attend a school of cosme- lead the band for "Choral". ward Kaurich, Bloomingdale, School, Miss Galloway (5-6, State College in the fall to major tology. - Ohio, on May 15. in physical education and music. Mr. Brozka has announced his brown hair and eyes), is a stu- band will play four selections, She likes to sing and enjoys dent at West Liberty State Col- "Midway Gaiety"' by Donald lege on a scholastic scholarship athletics. Her father is a Slit- Game Warden Speaks Moore, the "Arlington Over- terman at WeirtonSteel Division. DACHSHUND and attained the Dean's list for ture" by Ralph Hermann, "Born The student is active in school. the first semester. Her hobbies Free" by John Berry and "The PUPPIES She is co-editor of the Ingot, To Wintersville Lions are knitting, tennis and swim- Blue and The Gray" (Civil War A.K.C. Registered ming and her father is an em- school paper; secretary of the Virgil E. Carpenter, game Suite) by Clare Grundman. 23rd ployee of the Plant Protection GAA; parliamentarian of Future warden for Jefferson County, Students of the bands are sell- Ready to go after Apri I Department of Weirton Steel Teachers of America, in the was guest of the Lions Club at ing tickets, or they may be pur- its first April meeting. He 264-5476 or 264-4929 concert choir and band, Social chased at the door. Studies Club, Latin Club, Chem- narrated a selection of excellent HOWELL'S istry Club, Junior and Senior slides on our native Beaver. At Y-Teens, and member of. the one time, the Beaver was headed FRoof and Gutter Service yearbook staff. for extinction, but through care- MINGO JUNCTION - Elaine ful study and management by (Lanie) Pierce, daughter of Mr. Conservation authorities, the and Mrs. William N. Pierce, Beaver has staged a great come 303 Longview Avenue. Miss back. When Beaver dams cause Pierce, 17, is 5-2, with blue property damage, the beaver are eyes and blond hair. A senior at live - trapped and moved to I Mingo High School, she likes another area. They are bark luminum SOFFIT & FACIA fashion sewing and plans to at- eaters, and when they fell a tree A tend West Liberty State College the cut reminds us of a wooden Aluminum Siding and to major in secondary educa- pencil sharpened mechanically. [GLENN D. HOWELL, owner tion. Her father is a Machinist Their homes are usually at 160 Circle Dr. 264-3371 at Weirton Steel Division. At the edge of the dam, and branches are stored for winter use. The backwaters of the Jefferson State Park Lake are home to several colonies of beavers. O.K. you want to Lion President Harry Hen- dricks announced the next Board Meeting to be held in the home of buy a house. C. E. Dougherty. SWhatdo you do frst?

Robert VISIT US NOW HAYS Get details about low-cost Mortgage for ------lo a N SUBSCRIPTION BLANK financing. And-let us help you in many State Representative (Clip Out & Mail Today) $5.00 per year $2.50 six months ways as you approach each important Endorsed by the entire NAME...... step in home buying. body, trustees, committee and membership of 5,800 men of the United Steel ADDRESS...... Workers of America Local OHIO VALLEY SAVINGS #1190. CITY ...... I am opposed to the House New...... MAIL TO: THE WINTERSVILLE CITIZEN I I 1a A iLla o t i i iA Bill 454 "Ohio Gun Act". P.O. BOX #2228 and LUAN .UVIMANT AA Renewal... m .V I ja Q439 52 1 Democrat Pd Pol Ad TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN "THE WINTERSVILLE CITIZEN" ON THURSDAY. APRIL 25. 1968 PAGE 4 Mrs. RodgersSarah To Retire April 30th Democrats -Meet Your Candidate" Ni--- Mrs..Sarah Rodgers To Retire Aopril 30th' Democrats "Meet Your Caniae i "ht Steubenville, was honored by her fellow bank officers at a re- tirement dinner party held at the Steubenville Country Club on Tuesday, April 23. Mrs. Rodgers, who will retire on April 30, has been associated with The First National Bank and its predecessors since 1922. She graduated from Steubenville High School in 1921, attended the Steu- benville Business CollegQ and has a Standard Certificate from the American Institute of Bank- Ing from which she has completed several graduate courses. Active in bank and church or- ganizations, Mrs. Rodgers has served as Treasurer, Secretary, Vice Chairman, and Chairman of the Ohio Group of the National Association of Bank Women. She has also served in similar capa- cities with various groups of the Fifth Street Methodist Church, and is currently Chairman of the Commission on Worship. She is also a member of the Chamber Of Commerce and the Business and Professional Women's Club. An avid traveler, Mrs. Rodgers has toured the East A large gathering of area residents gathered at St. Agatha Hall on Monday night for a Democratic Coast from Virginia to Massa- "Meet Your Candidate Night" chusetts and throughout the West Present at the meeting were (1 to r) John Corrigan-Central Committee Chairman, Robert Price- to the Pacific Coast. She has County Chairman, June Eberts-County Chairwoman, John Gilligan-Candidate for U.S. Senate, John visited most of the National Abdalla-Mayor of Stratton and a member of the Executive Committee, Pat Petrella-Treasurer and John Mrs. Sarah Rodgers Parks In the western part of the Ford-former Mayor of Wintersville and a member of the Executive Committee. Continental United States and Mrs. Sarah B. Rodgers, Assis- Hawaii. tant Vice President and Director Mrs. Rodgers was presented of Personnel of the First National with a gift at the dinner party Wintersville Boosters College Woman's Club Fashion Show Committees Bank and Trust Company in by the officers of the Bank. The Rev. Philip A. Clarke, send, Mrs. Michael Vecchione, T.O.R., advisor to the College Mrs. Adelaide Verstraten, Miss Endorse School Levy Ann Washel, Mrs. John Weaver, The Wintersville Athletic of Steubenville Women's Club, has announced that final plans Jr., Mrs. Joseph Wilson and Mrs. Mental Health Volunteers To Meet Boosters has endorsed the Indian Jonathan The first Annual Meeting of the The speaker will be introciuced for the Eleventh Annual Fashion Yobaggy. Creek School District additional In addition, faculty members, Mental Health Volunteers of Jeff- by Dr. F.J. Manalac, founder of Show and Card Party are now one and one-half mill operating college erson County, Ohio, will be held the volunteer organization, and complete. This annual affair, personnel, fraternity and levy. sorority groups will be assisting. Tuesday, April 30 at 8:00 P.M. Clinic Medical Director. sponsored by the club, will be In a talk given recently to the The proceeds from this annual .in the Clinic. Miss Margaret? Reports will be submitted by club members, school superin- held Wednesday, May 8, at the Boyd, President of the Board of the Board as well as reports Community Arena and will benefit, which last year attracted tendent Troy Penner emphasized more than 1300 guests, will be Directors will preside. on volunteer activities. The Men- the need for the levy. He pointed feature a Fashion Show by The Guest Speaker will be Dr. tal Health Volunteers member- out that the electors in the Indian Hub of Steubenville. Trans- used to air condition the Star- vaggi Memorial Library. Garry Etcher, Pathologist at St. ship enrollment is now nearing Creek School must vote for the World Airlines' collection of John and Gill Memorial Hos- the three hundred mark. levy in order for the district international festival costumes p'P Is. Dr. Etcher, who is Presi- to be eligible to continue to re- from 17 countries, will be an d,'-,t of the Jefferson County ceive revenue from the State added feature this year. Jefferson County Mayor's Medical Society, received his Saved By The Belt Club Foundation Program. He also Business and industrial B.S, degree from the University stated that the revenue from the leaders from the tri-state have Association Meets -of-Plttsburgh i 1950, and his Membership in Ohio's ultra- additional tax levy will be used donated more than 200 prizes. M.D. degree from the University exclusive "Saved By The Belt" to offset a decrease of $92,000 As in the past years, there will The Jefferson County Mayors of Pittsburgh School of Medicine club is snowballing. in State revenue beginning in be attractive table prizes for Association met on April 18 in in 1954. He interned at Shady- Only motorists who credit 1969; employ additional kinder- all games played and refresh- Steubenville City Council Cham- side Hospital, Pittsburgh. He buckled seat belts with saving ,garten and elementary teachers; ments served. bers. took four years specialty train- their lives in traffic crashes are and cover the increased costs Committee chairmen are: Mayor James Bailey of Bril- ing (two years residency in Ana- eligible, but fortunate folk from of operating the schools. Mrs. John Tines, Mrs. John A. liant, President of the Associa- tomical Pathology and two years 33 of Ohio's counties, six other The Booster Club urges all re- Madigan, Jr., Mrs. Robert Klos- tion, gave the attending members residency in Clinical Pathology.) states and Viet Nam have quali- gistered voters to vote on May 7 ka, Candy; Mrs. George Gil- a report on the recent convention Dr. Eicher is aDiplomat, Ameri- fied as charter enrollees. and vote for the school levy. more, Mrs. Nick Contes, Cards; held in Columbus, Ohio, by the can Board of Pathology; Fellow, To get into the select group, Mrs. Ann Bates, Mrs. Constance Ohio State Mayors Association. College of American Patholo- and to receive the attractive Horvath, Door; Mrs. Thomas The Articles of Incorporation gists; member of the Ohio State dashboard decal denoting mem- death - defying experience to Abernathy, Mrs. Anthony were presented to the officers of Medical Association, the Ameri- bership, the lone requirement for Warren C. Nelson, Ohiodirector D'Aurora, Fashion Show; Mrs. the Association, by County Pro- can Medical Association and the eligible motorists is that they of Highway Safety, 240 Parsons Lino Casini, Games; Mrs. Mary secutor Dominic Olivito. Ac- Pittsburgh Pathology Society. write a terse account of their Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43205. Salata, Mrs. Elaine Shuman, cepting the document were agents Hostess; Mrs. Stephen Hart, of the Association, Mayor James Mrs. Tony Gentile, Mrs. Joseph Bailey, Brilliant, Ohio; Mayor D'Aurora, Pizzella; Miss Angela Anthony Petrozzi, Wintersville, D'Aurora, Mrs. Julius Socha, Ohio; and Mayor James Westling Mrs. Ralph Mantica, Prizes; of New Alexandria, Ohio. Mrs. Robert Fink, Mrs. Robert Order Your Trousseau of Bedore, Publicity; Miss Stella Judge John Spon spoke to the Spiewak, Miss ClotildaCarfagna, members on Juvenile Court pro- Special Tickets; Mrs. John Man- cedures, stressing a strong need tica and Mrs. Stephen Callas, for juvenile officers in local ddng Stai r Refreshments. communities. Assisting the chairmen will Representative Douglas Ap- wxquis be: Mrs. Sam Avoli, Miss Betty plegate spoke on Legislation and Exquisi Brettell, Miss Mary Ann Buch- Legislature. Mr. Applegate ex- ifely Thermograved by 4 low, Mrs. Raymond Cagnina, plained the procedure in adopting Mrs. Paul Carapellotti, Mrs. measures of law and reviewed Richard Canestraro, Mrs. Viola the activity of the recent ses- You'll be so proud of your lovely stationery, done in beautifully correct " Cardelli, Mrs. John Carrigg, sion. Mrs. Victor Ciancetta, Mrs. County Court Judge, Michael taste.., and you'll be pleased at the sensible price made possible - Thomas Colsh, Mrs. Joseph Cor- Button, spoke on "Court Pro- tez, Miss Julia IYD'Aurora, Mrs. cedures in the Mayors Court". by famous Coronet Thermograving. t Agon DeLuca, Mrs. Patsy De- Judge Button explained some of Luca, Mrs. Galdo DICarlo, Mrs. the new laws affecting Mayors Primo DiCarlo, Mrs. Michael Court. DiNicola, Mrs. Michael DiNova, a _? Wedding Invitations Calling Cards , Mrs. Joseph Dobrynski, Mrs. Mayors attending the meeting ' Land Announcements Personalized Stationery John W. Driscoll, Jr., Mrs. were Mayor James Bailey, Bril- Luncheona A" Invitations Informal Notes Geary Eicher, Jr., Mrs. Thomas liant, Mayor James Westling, Gift Acknowledgments Monogrammed Napkins Emane, Mrs. Bernadette Fal- New Alexandria, Mayor Anthony SAt giani, Mrs. Ellen Fletcher, Mrs. J. Petrozzi, Wintersville, Mayor Home Monogrammed Matchbooks Andrew Miller, Steubenville, f Minnie Forcone, Mrs. Stanley i / ,r Announcements Georgiafandis, Mrs. Donald Mayor Wendall Reese, Empire, Grace, Mrs. Robert Greco and Mayor Val DeNoble, Adena, May- A complete selection of correct styles Mrs. John Griffin. or Del Dalton, Bloomingdale, Others assisting are: Mrs. Mayor Silvio Banal, Dillonvale, PHONE 264-4303 Harry Harris, Mrs. John Irvin, and Mayor Aaron Gillespie, Mrs. Annamary Kindsvatter, Richmond, Ohio. Mrs. William Lakios, Mrs. Other guests attending were Catherine Lancia, Mrs. Daniel Ulrich Sinkora, JeffersonCounty Lapenna, Mrs. Gertrude Lee, Regional Planning Commission, Miss Rose Longo, Mrs. D. A. Michael Hesske, newly appointed Macedonia, Mrs. James Mead, County Juvenile Officer and Mrs. Francis O'Leary, Mrs. Dominic Olivito, Legal Council Joseph Plesich, Sr., Mrs. Adam for the Association. Sagun, Mrs. John Sellaroli, Mrs. Certificates were presented John Shavinsky, Mrs. Albert to the attending members. Shiappa, Mrs. Ronald Stanko, The next meeting of the As- Mrs. Michael Starvaggi, Mrs. sociation will be held onSeptem- John Targoss, Mrs. Mabel Town- ber 9. PAGE 10 TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN ""THE WINTERSVILLE Clw(IZENO" ON THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1968 PAGE 0 TEL.H._O.SWITI.TEWITRSILEC...N.O.TUSDY.ARL.5 16 Girl Scouts To Attend Senior Conference

Everett C. Lindsey will be the main speaker at the Senior Scout 3-day Conference to be held in Oglebay Park on April 26th. IT'S Nine Senior Scouts of Winters- ville will attend the Conference with Mrs. Carl Boyd as Advisor. A delegation of 150 Senior Girl Scouts will converge on Wilson Lodge in Oglebay Park YOUR for the conference. They will be coming from all areas of the Upper Ohio Valley Council and neighboring Councils. Registra- tions begin at 6 o'clock with the MOVE Upper Ohio Valley Council as hostesses. An informal evening program will be offered under the leadership of Vandalia Scouts. TO The Saturday program will begin with a flag ceremony pre- pared by the Zanesville Council delegates. The main part of the conference program will follow which includes the showing of a film "Values For Teenagers- DEBORAH MANOR The Choice Is Yours". After lunch, the conference song ses- THRU BETHEL AGENCY sion will be led by Miss Sally Schafer. A tour of Oglebay Park will precede the banquet at 6 o'clock which will take place in SATURDAY and SUNDAY the Glessner Room with Everett C. Lindsey as the speaker. Others appearing on the banquet Everett C. Lindsey APRIL 27 and 28 Noon till 9 pm program will be Alan Dober, pianist, folk singers Terry Grif- Debby Guisto, Cheryl Dondzila, fith and Greg Hartman and Mrs. Mary Krnich, Carole Hazlett, Rose Chiazza. Carla Boyd, and Mrs.Carl Boyd. Separate Sunday morning wor- ****** ship services will be conducted FOLLOW at Wilson Lodge for Protestant Brilliant Girl and Catholic Scouts. The Senior Chorus will sing, directed by Honored For Essay THE 1 Miss Schafer. An impressive "Scouts Own" for Sunday has Miss PaulaRobinson, daughter been prepared by the Marietta of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robinson SIGNS Council to include a bridging of 519 LaBelle, Brilliant, re- ceremony from Senior Scouting cently received congratulations to young adult Scouting. Luncheon from the National Essay Press will be served promptly at 12 of New York. 60,000 essays were noon in Wilson Lodge, after submitted from Ohio. Paula's which the conference will be essay was chosen for publication adjourned. in the biennial Anthology of High While Visiting - Let Bethel Show You Those attendingfrom Winters- School Essays. vllle are: Bonita Rae Higgins, Paula is a Sophomore at Bril- Cheryl Finkowski, Deborah liant Memorial High School and Another Nice New Brick Home In Deborah Manor will be 16 years old in May. Gribben, Lee Ann Mandick, I

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Damewood POWNALL CHRISTOFF ELECTRICAL Masonr CONTRACTORS Plumbing & Heating Masonry Phone 537-1841 Phone 264-2135 Phone 765-4090 Brandywine Road P.O. Box 2208 Wintersville, Ohio Toronto, Ohio 177 Locust Street Wintersville, Ohio Wintersville Michael Kalin Excavating Gerald Cornish

Plastering Inc. Air Conditioning and Heating Phone:264-4631 Phone 264-1580 Ohio Phone 264-0274 Steubenville, Ohio Two Ridge Road 184 Linmar Avenue Wintersville, I---.------.--- I------I--- |------I CARPETING I FURNISHED BY

IL- I- W17-LOITY'V62,VV..U I5 ,.PAGE 12 TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN "THE WINTERSVILLE CITIZEN" ON THURSDAY. APRIL 25. 1968 -\-A-E-12TELL -T.EM.YOU--A. vT-IN...- -W.-TERSYILLE-CITIZEN"ON -:;.rSDAY. APRL 25. 196 Florida's gain is certainly a great loss to this area. His con- Mrs. Catharine College To Honor tributions to Workshop material Square has been acclaimed in nearly Pfannenschmidt To Students At Program every Square Dance publication Head Sunset Club Seventy students who have ex- known throughout the country. celled in their academic pro- Em Up Good luck to George and Marg Mrs. Catharine Pfannen- grams during the time of their in new home, and thanks to Jack schmidt, newly installed Presi- enrollment at The College of and Marion Jenkins for sharing dent of the Sunset Club, pre- Steubenville, will be honored by the letter with us. sided at the regular club meet- administration, faculty, their ern Style JENKINS FAMILY HOLDS ing on Tuesday evening in the fellow - students, relatives- a-n-d FAMILY REUNION Kennedy Apartments. Officers friends, Thursday evening, May ONICA BONHAM The John Jenkins of 121 Beech- serving with Mrs. Pfannen- 2. The program will be held in wood Blvd, had a reunion of their H. Lloyd I schmidt include S. Egan Hall on the campus and the family last week. HAL GREENLEE Himes, first vice president; public is invited. DIP 'N' DIVE TO FEATURE Sgt. Tom Jenkins who has Albert Pillot, second vicepresi- Students to be honored come The Dip 'N' Dive Club will hold a Western Style Square Dance at enlisted for another four years dent; Mrs. Margaret Chapman, from five states and the Dis- the Wintersville Fire Hall at 8:00 p.m. with Hal Greenlee of in the Air Force and is now Chaplain and Mrs. Agnes Shaw, trict of Columbia. Erie. Pa. as the caller on Friday, April 26th . All Western Square stationed at Shaw Air Force Base assistant chaplain. Reelected of- Thirty - eight are from the Dancers are welcome. in South Caroline, was home with ficers are: Mrs. Laura Bash, Steubenville - Weirton-Wheeling ED SCHNABEL TO CALL FOR PAIRS & SPARES his wife, Kathy, who is the former recording secretary; Miss Mary area; eight are from the Pitts- Kathy Marsh of Steubenville. Thornton, correspond- The Pairs and Spares of Wellsburg will hold an "Easy Squares" Frances burgh district; three are from A/c David Jenkins, who is Marie dance on Saturday, April 27th at 8:00 p.m. with Ed Schnabel at the ing secretary and Mrs. the area. stationed at Reese Air Force Ricci, treasurer. Mrs. Emma mike. The dance will be held at the Penn Street Hall in Follansbee. To be honored are recipients Base, Texas, was home. He DALE ROBERTSON DANCE Gorsuch is Director of the Senior of class awards, departmental SWINGIN SQUARES ANNOUNCE brought his Fiancee, Vicky Gondy Citizens Recreation Program. Squares will hold an open dance onMay 7th, wWTh awards for excellence in their The Swingin of Lubback, Texas home to get The President announced the calling. The dance will be held at the Lion's Club on major fields of study; newly- Dale Robertson acquainted with his family. following Committees: Marland Heights in Weirton. W. Va. at 8:00 p.m. elected members of the Baconian Dad, mom and kids all agree Program Chairman - Mrs. Society, campus equivalent of WAGON WHEELERS INVITE DANCERS TO WORKSHOPS it was a reunion that was great. Sarah Smuck; Co-Chairman- Phi Beta Kappa; 1967 members The Wagon Wheelers have announced that their regular Club NEWS FROM THE CLUBS Mrs. Helen Porter; Members of Alpha Chi, national honorary Workshops will be opened to all Western Style Square Dancers Friendly Squares of the committee are: Mrs. Laura scholarship society; and upper- who have completed their basics with the first one scheduled for By Minnie Batting Bash, Mrs. Marie Ricci, Mrs. class members of the Antonian at the Grange Hall in Wintersville, beginning Miss Mary Frances Tuesday, April 30th The Friendly Squares held Nita Smith, Society, a membership reserved have been opened by the Club, to Thornton, Mrs. Edith Plummer- at 8:00 p.n. The Workshops their regular dance in the Fire- for students who have performed accomodate the many square dancers who have been requesting Flowers; Mrs. Lindeman, and hall with Ed Schnabel as caller. exceptionally in the .classroom a weekly session. Mrs. Mildred Barrett. ... Guests attending were from the for at least two years. an ananaa onaussuD on ncHcHO 0 on OOG Kitchen Committee-Mrs. Bes- individual awards will to dance and when they learn, to Swinging Squares and the new Several AREA DANCERS HELP sie Mizell; Co Chalrman-Mrs. them let them use their own judgement class in Toronto. also be presented. Among DR. WEISER'S CELEBRATE Josephine Acherman. as to where they want to dance The hall was appropriately are the John F. Welsh Memorial ANNIVERSARY The club will hold a card party The Daniel and the level they think they decorated for April with figures Alumni Award, W. By ELSIE STANLEY on April 30th in the Assembly the would enjoy the most. In keeping of square dancers under a rain- Egan Lambda Chi Award, Six couples from the Peppy Room of the JF Kennedy Apart- Alpha Phi Delta Award, the Rose with the pattern set up by the bow and pastel colored umbrel- Promenaders Square Dance Club ments at 815 North 6th Street, D. Ficarra Award and Catherine Tri-Club Committee, Dale says las. The decorating was done by attended the 8th Annual Spring Steubenville. Proceeds from the Bell Award. he will encourage his dancers Jack and Betty Scott. A. Festival at Akron, Ohio Satur- card party will be used to par- dance Easy Squares first, Co-President, Eugene Jeans, The principal address of the day, April 20th. The couples to tially finance the up-coming bus then progress, as they see fit. announced the following schedule evening will be delivered by Mr. were:. Lois and Wally Allen, Mary trips for members of the Sunset Peter F. Flaherty, Pittsburgh The class is meeting each Mon- for May: and Moose Caleffee, Edith and Club. city councilman and chairman of day evening at 8:00 p.m. and May -Dancing will be to re- George Martin, Betty and John Fourteen members of the Sun- the City Planning and Redevelop- experienced dancers are wel- cords and abusiness meeting will Blaine and Donna and Jim Cain set Club attended the Tri-County ment Committee, whose subject come to assist. be held immediately following the and Elsie and HaleStanley.Mary Council meeting at Salem, Ohio. Role of the College P.S. Dale is an up and coming dance. will be "The Lou and Rusty Brandon of the The Tri-County Council is com- caller, who has abig future ahead May 17 - Annual Smorgasbord in the Urban Community". Dip ON' Dive Club, accompanied posed of 14 organizations of The program will be under of him. I was especially happy at and dancing at 8:00 with the Stanley's and spent Saturday 6:15 Senior Citizen's Clubs. The next the direction of the Rev. Theo- when he stated his views about Schnabel calling. Night at the Holiday Inn, where Ed meeting of the Tri-County Coun- phane Scanlan, T.O.R., academic the future of his dancers. We Heading the hospitality com- the Orsini's, Jones' and Dr. cil will be held at Steubenville dean of the College. The charge have the Friendly Squares, mittee were John and Helen Weiser's of the Calico Cats,' on May 15th with a luncheon to those receiving recognition Swingin Squares and the Wells- Mathes. They were assisted by stayed. After the dance, they at Calvary Church followed with will be delivered by the Rev. burg Pairs and Spares dancing Ed. and Minnie Batting, Chuck were all invited to the Weiser's a meeting at the JF Kennedy with progressive Columba J. Devlin, T.O.R., suite, where they were cele- Easy Squares and Virginia Burch, Dan and Iva Recreation Center. president. the 'NWDive, the Bob and Hilda Roush, brating their 41st Wedding Anni- dancing in Dip Cribbs, The club voted to begin taking Schnabel, Ed and versary. On Sunday morning, the Wagon Wheelers, the Scio Cats Chris and Patty subscriptions from Senior Citi- FOR THAT YEAR ROUND and the Peppy Promenaders. Burnetta Schnabel and Dave and Brandon's and Stanley's attended zens to the Wintersville Citizen GIFT, send the CITIZEN might Norma Townsend. church services at theCathedral This point is something you as a fund raising project of the 264-4303 explain to any prospective dan- Wagon Wheelers of Tomorrow. Other members club. Subscriptions may be sent OILAmmh Admb dmkk-- dllhAdEkk Admlkl Admkm AML Adllk dmll cers. If they want to dance, we'll Bellville --q of our club attended the dance By Red & Rachael to Miss Mary Francis Thornton, BOLEN at Harlem Springs with Dale find a place for them in Our The next Wagon Wheelers at the JF Kennedy Apartments Square Danc- Robertson as the caller. Wonderful World of dance will be held at the Win- in Steubenville. GARDEN TRACTORS ing. We all wish to extend our tersville Fire Hall on Saturday, on Sale at KUESTER deepest sympathy to Doris AN OPEN LETTER FROM May 4th with Les Chewning of DID YOU KNOW largest members of the Hooper on the recent passing of GEORGE JABBUSCH Maryland at the mike. Club mem- The IMPLEMENT CO. Due to the fact that my family minnow family in Ohio are the her mother, Mrs. Charles Fel- bers are asked to attend and bring Phone 264-1281 , and I have decided to move to carp and goldfish. u6mo A lows, Sr. of New Alexandria, a friend to give Caller Chewn- L- Ohio. Florida, in August, 1968, I re- gretfully announce that I must Ing a big welcome in his first DALE ROBERTSON BEGINS appearance in this area. NEW CLASS IN WEIRTON cancel all engagements that I Dale Robertson held his first have committed myself to after session in a new series of les- August 17, 1968. Meat Buying sons at the Youth Room of the I would like to take this op- TO MR. DANTE BRUCCHI'S Thomas E. Millsop Community portunity to thank all Square Demonstration Scheduled Center with 7 couples in atten- dancers and clubs that we have By DELMA McCOURT in DEBORAH MANOR dance. Dale has reportedthatthe been associated with and have If buying meat for your family future of the class looks good contributed so much to our is a big problem plan to attend OPEN HOUSE April 27 and 28 with the possibility of 3 full. Square dance calling and enjoy- the meat buying demonstration squares dancing when the class ment in the past years. which is to be held from 1:00 finally is organized. He also said We are planning on living to 3:00 p.m. at St. Agatha Hall, Johnson & Knowles that with his new class stem- and calling in the Sarasota Fla. Steubenville, Ohio on Tuesday, ming from the basement group vicinity and would enjoy having April 30. PLUMBING AND HEATING at Joan and John Black's home, our friends drop in to say Hello Miss Sandra Brookover, Con- he would welcome any new and dance with us anytime they sumer Education Specialist, Phone 282-9402 dancers interested in the area. come to Florida. USDA, Washington, D.C., will Dale, a member of the Tri-Club Squarely yours, be the star of the show and will Committee, has said that his GEORGE &MARG JABBUSCH demonstrate buying meat by cut 138 Butte Street Steubenville, Ohio main interest is teaching people P.S. May I say that what is and grade. ANOTHER SATISFIED SCUSTOMER DANTE BRUCCHI'S MASONRY SUPPLIES Furnished by - MORELLI BROS. INC OPEN HOUSE

Deborah Manor - Rex Ave WINDOWS - GLASS - DOORS - Wintersville Ohio SHUTTERS - PATIO DOOR - RAILING and POST April 20, 21,27 & 28 Open Noon til 9 pm Furnished by - SUNSET WINDOW CO. SUNSET WINDOW CO., INC. 261 Main Street Phones: 264-5051 - 264-5888 Wintersville, Ohio IuraTMFnM VIMI AW~ IT IN 40TW*yi WINTRESVUILFC SITZE" 01 THURSDAY.APRIL' .- 25.1968A~1--- DA r9 19 116169a IWISM I %M JVAW of m Irv I W-&1%4pvvuoww %of I edbwwq wv ww'WFF%,JWP%It Pw 1%42- 46 %of a • r* -C i Indian Creek Board "Chuck" Klasic Lists Aim As Candidate Charles "Chuck" Klasic, Jr., Changes 40, of 105 Meadow Road, Win- Lists Personnel tersville, will be on the May The Indian Creek Board of 7th ballot as a Democratic Can- Education renewed the contracts didate for Jefferson County of eighty-eight teachers and ad- Commissioner. The father of ministrators. Included in the 4 children, Mr. Klaslc is married group were six teachers who to the former Irene Kreps of were granted continuing con- Steubenville and is employed as tracts. They were: David Ingler, Manager of the Penn Ohio Linen Nick Maurizi, Mrs. Evelyn Supply Company in Steubenville. Green, William Simmons, Mrs. He attended the Youngstown Col- Clara Smith, and Mrs. Helen lege as a major in Business Eroshevich. Administration. Administrators having con- An active participant in Civic tracts renewed- were: Alfred organizations of the county, he Diserio and Philip Cupp, prin- was manager of the 1968 Lions cipal and assistant principal, Club Auto Show. He also holds respectively, of Buchanan Junior Smembership in the Jefferson High; Nick Drazich, Mingo High Couinty Sportsmen's Club, the principal; Clifford Wilson, Win- Moose, Elks, Eagles, American tersville Elementary principal; Legion Post #33, Dapper Dans, and George Allan, guidance co- Polish P.A.C. and the Winters- ordinator. ville Little League. In the sports Six teachers submitted resig- field, Mr. Klasic, widely known nations effective at the end of the Duane Leone is hard at work, preparing for the grand opening of as an avid golfer, is a member current school year. They were: the Richmond Branch of the Bergholz State Bank. Mr. Leone, who of the Belleview Men's Golf Club Brian Baiocco, Bryan Bandes, will serve as branch manager, has 10 years of banking experience. and the Steubenville Country High School, has completed several Club. Mrs. Carolyn Glossenger, Mrs. He is a graduate of Flushing Mr. Kiasi salci-tAt-22.1Ai his Helen Korode, Miss Patricia A.LB. courses and attended Ohio University. Mr. Leone has been Mr. Klasic said that his aim Patchen, and Miss Janet Thomas. active in the Red Cross, Crippled Children Organizations, served as County Commissioner is to Charles Klasic Resignations were also received as a Director of the Cadiz Chamber of Commerce, is a member utilize the land donated to the ______from Mrs. Sandra KumberaVill- of the Lions Club, American Legion and a Korean Veteran. He County by Hanna Coal Company, o rti Wn T amagna, secretary, and Thomas resides in Cadiz with his wife Bernadine and has three children, set up a sound County Highway Democratic Women ToI McNeil, custodian. Both are ef- Diane 12, Lisa 10 and Craig 16 months. The public is invited to Program and help county resi- d CniJ jff1 fective May 1, 1968. open house Saturday, May 4, 1968 from 2-8 PM. The bank will be dents with the sewage problem. Hold "Candidates Coffee'U Miss Cheryl Ann Strobel and opened Monday, May 6, to offer the Richmond area people a com- He also hopes to bring an Air- Miss Frances Lepo were em- plete banking service. port to Jefferson County at a The Federated Democratic ployed as elementary teachers reasonable cost. Womeni of Wintersville met at school year. *** the home of Mrs. Anthony J. for the 1968-1969 for Miss Kay Birney and Eugene Greek Week Event To Prnt Tribte T Petrozzi to formulate plans their forthcoming "Candidates Bowe were given contracts ef- John Mantica ToPresent Tribute T fective April 1 and April 19, Highlight Open House Coffee". held in the respectively, to the end of the Martin Luthur King The affair will be school year. Both re- The annual Open House for Mr. John Mantica will present "Persian March" by J. Strauss Wintersvllle Grange Hall on current p.m. place teachers who are on sick freshmen accepted for the fall "Homage to a Martyr" as a and "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" Sunday, April 28, from 3 leave. semester of 1968, interested piano solo in the Tri-State by Jerome Kern. to 6 p.m. Other employments included students and their parents, and Symphonette Concert, under the The concert is sponsored by The public is invited to attend Miss Stephanie Connor, secre- counselors scheduled for Satur- direction of Marlo Mancinella. WSTV-TV approved under the and meet the area Democratic tary-clerk; Joseph Bruhn, cus- day, April 27th at The College of "'Homage to a Martyr" was Music Performance Trust Fund, Candidates seeking the various todian; and Mrs. Evelyn Gump, Steubenville will attract arecord written by Anthony AHllenRidman Local #223, Steubenville, Ohio. offices. throng, registration figures in- as a tribute to Dr. Martin Luther Children under 14, accompanied Refreshments will be served matron. and candidates The request for a leave of dicate. Students from 69 high King, Jr. Mr. Mantica will also by parents or adults, are and all citizens absence from Neil Nixon, vocal schools in five states have sent accompany David and Carol admitted free to all Symphonette are urged to attend. music teacher, was approved. in reservations. More than 300 Prosser for their Vocal Duet of concerts. Mr. Nixon has been offered a now are expected. "The Letter Scene" from the S AS * c HELD one-year fellowship grant at Ohio "Barber of Seville" by Rossini. SMORGASBORD TOBE HELD MUTUAL FUNDS University for a Guidance and The Open House coincides with Featured in the concert will AT EAST SPRINGFIELD Counseling Institute. He will re- the annual Greek Week cele- be a Trumpet Solo, by William A Smorgasbord will be held at WAYNE DAVIS and visit- Harms with orchestra accom- East Springfield Community ceive a master's degree at the bration on the campus Phone: Unionport completion of the Institute. ors will be able to see much of paniment. Mr. Harms will offer Center on Saturday, April 27 In other action, the board ap- the activity scheduled from the "My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice" from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. S944-1555 proved the transfer of deed to early afternoon when teams from from "Samson and Della" by The public is invited. 'I the Mingo Junction Village Coun- fraternities and sororities vie Saint Seens. cil for the old Hill's Elementary for athletic supremacy. property, rejected a contract for Twenty-one high schools from The Steubenville Women's payment of fees to the First the immediate area will have Chorus, directedby Mrs. Willard and par- Hutton, accompanied by Mrs. National Bank and Trust Com- delegations of students TO MR. DANTE BRUCCHI'S pany for bond issue accounts, ents in attendance. Out-of-state Lewis Diekmann, will sing reaffirmed its acceptance of the students from Pennsylvania, " Panis Angelicus" by C. Frandk, bid of Sunset Window Company Connecticut, New York and West "Snow White Fantasy" byMorey for window replacement at Stark Virginia are expected to swell and Churchill and "Chinese Lul- in DEBORAH MANOR Elementary, acknowledged re- the attendance. laby" from "East is West" by OPEN HOUSE April 27 and 28 ceipt of a petition from resi- Bowers-Riegger. Soloists for the dents objecting to having their The program will begin at Chorus willbe Mrs. George Mor- children reassigned to other 10:30 a.m., with registration. rison, Mrs. Herbert Leicy and school buildings, and heard a This will be followed by an Mrs. William Welday. Cionni request for the board to con- assembly in Egan Hall Audi- The Symphonette will present Cabinet Co. sider having an "open" prom torium, where the Rev. Theo- "Hands Across the Sea" March at Wintersville High School. phane Scanlan, T.O.R., will wel- by John Phillip Sousa, "Tales The board also reassigned come the group. from The Vienna Woods" Waltz Mrs. Mary Downing to the posi- Beginning at 11:30 a.m. con- by J. Strauss, "Ciribiribin FOLLANSBEE, W. Va. Phone 527-0055 tion of secretary to director of ferences have been scheduled Waltz" by A. Pestalozza, "El business affairs and Mrs. Mar- with the various department Relidarlo" by Jose Padilla, jorie Lott as secretary at Bu- heads and faculty. chanan Junior High School. At 12:00 noon, the College will be host at luncheon in An- tonian Lounge to all visitors. Beginning at 1:30 p.m. indi- WANTED vidual conferences with per- OPEN HOUSE sonnel from the admissions of- DEPENDABLE fice will be possible without appointment. Baby Sitter for Deborah Manor 3 Children ages VFW POST 80 TO HOLD WINTERSYILLE, OHIO ELECTION OF OFFICERS 7-5-3 Election of officers of V.F.W. Post 80 will be held Saturday, (Showing 1 to 5 pm ) April 27th at the War Memorial April 27-28 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Building in Steubenville from 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. A meet- ing will follow the election. Re- 264-5958 freshments will be served. Dante Brucchi General Contractor FOLLANSBEE, W.VA.

Lovely 3 Bedroom Brick Home with 2 Baths, 29' Paneled Recreation Room TO MR. DANTE BRUCCHI'S TO MR. DANTE BRUCcHI'S with Stone Fireplace, All Assessments Paid. in DEBORAH MANOR Priced at $24,000 - $2400 down payment OPEN HOUSE April 27 and 28 Patrizio Bros. Ceramic Tile Work ADLER CLICK AGENCY Phone 283-1640 Steubenville, Ohio 282m3677 Weirton, W. Va. Phone 723-1041 lst National Bank Phone

I 1st National Bank Phone 282-3677 DA .F 14 lr-Ilc -rUl&Ai VAI CAW IT il 1 I IIcU I i/IrT c Bc ,li c rITI7I9I:Utt fgM%-rTJ IIIDincIAV AD II !)KC 1 0/0 PAEL F 3j...... a


If you have that new car fever, now is the time to select the safety featured car of your choice and have your dealer finance it at the First National Bank. Low, low rates will be arranged for you efficiently and quickly.


MEMBER F.D.I.C- FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM I THE~M YOU SAW IT IN ""THEFWIhITFRSVII L~FCITIZEN""ON THURDAY- APRIL 25.1968 PAGE rTi ILL__I -N 1 1-9 1 1 IV.F% -0 V I %. 1616 %,,1 1 IA6 16 Wr%ePwf% I &'#%v W%I ow 46*04 -- _JJJI ...... 15 I ...... Technical Institute Seal Winners Vianney Players To Give Miss Marilyn McCain, (left), 2nd Performance At Arena 17, a senior at Brilliant Memor- ial High School and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William McCain of RD #1, Mingo Junction, was named first place winner in the contest held by the Jefferson County Technical Institute, to choose a seal for the school. Her design depicts a compass atop the words Jefferson County Technical Institute. An outline of the county and the year 1966 are included on a dark field. Mrs. Carla Stiles is the art teacher at Brilliant. Miss Betty Richardson, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Robert Richardson of 209 Main St., Tiltonsville, was the first run- nerup. She is a senior at Warren Consolidated High School in Til- tonsville. Pictured below is John Wilson, 13, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd C. Wilson of 169 Gumps Lane, Wintersville, who was a double winner as the second runner up and fifth place winner. He is a seventh grade student at Buchanan Junior High School. The entry which John is holding in his left hand was the winning second runner up entry. The seal which John is displaying in his right hand was awarded 5th place. Receiving Honorable Mention were: Carl Ciancetta, 14, of St. Anthony School; John Brady, 14, Catholic Central High School; Paula Puzzuole, 15, Catholic Central High School, all of Steu- benville and Iney Creekbaum, J Brilliant Memorial High School The second performance of "Julius Caesar' , featuring the and Patty Lorok, 15, Smithfield Vianney Players, will be given Thursday, April 25 at 8:15 p.m. at p.m. Friday. One performance of High School. with matinee to follow 3:00 "King Lear" is still to be given at 8:15 p.m. Friday, April 26. "Lear" features Father John Galea, who also directs the offering, Wintersville Students To supported by a cast drawn from the ranks of the Steubenville Players. Shown above is Father Galea as Lear defying the storm Appear On Quiz which rages against his challenge in the famous scene. Shown with Wintersville High School Lear are the "Fool", played by Charles Grantonic, and the Earl makes its initial appearance on of Kent, played by Father Ron Spitznagel. Tickets may be purchased the popular WSTV-TV High at the Steubenville Arena. School Quiz games this Saturday afternoon at 3:00 PM. They will be trying to outwit a four student J.U. Juniors To Present "Rest Assured" team from Follansbee, W. Va. The Junior Class of Jefferson High School. Union High School will present Jim Gilday, Cheryl Haight, Glen- Koch, Pete Wintersville students who will "Rest Assured", a rollicking da Kinney, Kathy Orwick. be participating are Seniors comedy by Donald Payton, at McGeehan, and Leonard Mr. John Tegano is the Larry Corder, who will be acting 7:30 p.m., Friday, April 26, in as captain, James Bartasevich, the high school gym. director of the play, assisted by Denny Montgomery, Susan Weiss This is the story of a grouchy, Brenda Davis, student director. with Connie Skulas as alternate. fidgety father, who will not per- mit his daughter to marry an The High School Quiz which is Italian boy because his father Williams patterned after the highly suc- is poor. But the boy's father E.A. cessful College Bowl, is moder- stands up to the girl's father ated by Marshall Fatkin, who and the comedy begins. The pro- ( BUILDING asks the questions. The team blems are eventually solved, but ' supplying the first correct not without a supposidly"grave" / CONTRACTOR answer for the question is award- happening. ed points. At the games end, the Cast for lead roles in the play team with the largest number of are: Tom Allison andDeanHodg- Took The Hint- points is declared the winner kiss. Others cast in important and returns the following week roles are: Joan Hilt, Roberta to meet another school. If Win- Keppen, and Gary Kolopajlo. Phone 282-6109 tersville is successful this week The supporting cast is: Karen they will be opposing ateam from Amos, Jeannine Bengar, Ben Weirton Madonna High School on Francis, Amy Frey, Ray Frye, RD #3-Wintersville I CALLED LintkY I Saturday, May 4. ****** -|" ASK THE SPECIALISTS FIRST " FOR SALE - House near MARTIN & ANN SIMONE Harding School. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, gas heat, wall to wall carpet, air condition units, ACME QUALITY PAINTS 4351 Sunset Blvd. Ph. 264-1682 Ste?ubenville venetian blinds. 187 N. 4th St. Phone 282-7331 Steubenville PHONE 282-4419 m Arthur R. Bowers DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE State Representative wW41

Art Bowers held the line when the Steubenville Administration tried to break the Water Contract with Wintersville. He has been proven right by the healthy financial condition of the Steubenville Water Department.

Art Bowers sponsored the Ordinance which permits sale of Steubenville Water to

Districts M, 0, J at the same rate as Wintersville. i

In the past 4/2 years Chairman Art Bowers and his Water and Sewer Committees have sponsored legislation to install more water and sewer lines than in the previous 26 years.

Ilil ake Steubenville's West End's strong voice Jefferson County's strong voice in the State Legislature. p Adv. drft^&GE 16 HEM YOU SAW IT-1114'.#4THE WtNTERSVILLE CITIZEN" ON THURSDAY, APRIL 25.- 1968 PAGE 16 TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN "THE WINTERSYILLE CITIZEN" ON THURSDAY, A S 1968 Stufents Displery Projects At Open House Voting Issues For May 7th In keeping with "Citizen" policy to inform the public of Official Questions and Issues which voters are asked to vote on, the following ballots will be presented for approval or rejection in the May 7th Primary: Official Questions and Issues Ballot - 1PROPOSED TAX LEVY 5= INDIAN CREEK SCHOOL DISTRICT =Jefferson County, Ohio SA Majority Affirmative Vote Is Necessary For Passage s =--. Vote Ballot With An "X" - An additional tax for the benefit of Indian

- Creek School District. Jefferson County, Ohio, - |- for the purpose of CURRENT EXPENS- = E ES at a rate not exceeding one and one-half S mills (1.5) for each one dollar of valuation which amounts to fifteen (15) cents for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for a continuing

S period of time, effective with the 1968 tax year. -



ENGINE REPAIR MOTOR MAC PARTS and SALES An open house demonstration for the Industrial Arts Class was displayed by Mr. Donald L. Stewart, Authorized Repair Service and Parts for Briggs & Eugene Hickman and John Pesta. Stratton, Tecumseh, Lawn Boy, Remington Chain Saws Phone 765-4344 Richmond, Ohio )AY I & SUNDAY

Latin Week was observed at Wintersville High School from April 16 through April 19th, and in conjunction with the Open House at the school on April 19, through various displays in the classroom, Latin students conveyed to the public some of the contributions of the ancient Romans to our culture. (I to r) Bob (YO'Bremski, wearing a Toga, and Becky Fink, wearing a Tunic, stand behind a Parthenon constructed by Roger Burdick. I Bergholz State Bank I REG. 25c EACH

O HOME LOANS What's better than a cheese- burger? FIVE Burger Chef O AUTO LOANS cheesbtOgers_- a better buy than ever at our sale price. Burger Chef serves a better 0 CHECKING ACCOUNTS cheeseburger, because we start with lean, fresh-ground -Ir r =A*A beef... broil over open flame 77= 4 E R -=V- =Aj K to preserve that prime-steak flavor.. . top with melted Kraft's cheese and serve on a toasted bun. PAID ON TIME SAVING CERTIFICATES


Watch For The GRAND OPENING Of Our Richmond Branch MAY 4th - 1968 i TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN "THE WINTERSVILLE CITIZEN" ON THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1968 ______PAGE 17 , PAGE 17 BRILLIANT About People You Know By MRS. ROSS MILLER WEST PARK .em' HAPPENINGS .. By MAXINE JOLLY The W.S.C.S. of West Park PUBLIC NOTICE Church will hold their Mother Notice is hereby given that at YWCA for Steubenville and the BRILLIANT PTA and Daughter banquet May 11 sealed bids will be received Dear Editor: SCHEDULES AUCTION the office of the Clerk of the Tri-State Area. Remember! It in the Church Fellowship room April 21 to 28 YWCA's in our Village of Wintersville, Ohio, states will be celebrating is "Where You Count! The Com- at 6 P.M. Reservations are to 50 The Ways and Means until 12:00 noon on the llth day their annual National YWCA YWCA". Resnectfullv. mittee of the Brilliant P.T.A. be given to Elsie Pittman by May 1. Phone 765-4665 or 264- of May, 1968, for the purchase Week. The programs in every MRS. HOBERT D. SHAWHAN has completed plans for an 0284 for reservations. of the following described pro- community are geared to one Membership Chairman auction sale to be held Saturday, perty: p.m. at the BELVEDERE national theme, a particularly April 27th at 7:00 One 1967 Ford Police Cruiser Mr. and Mrs. Robert McAl- important one relevant to these An Open Letter To The Winters- Lincoln School. Said property is to be sold and times - "Where you count! the ville Little League: Mrs. Floyd Pitts is general lister left for a vacation in Florida. conveyed to the highest bidder YWCA". I have been told that again chairman of the affair. The com- upon the following terms: Cash The occasion in HOSPITAL NEWS Steubenville this year, we will not have regu- mittee is: Mrs. Eugene Frye- upon sale. gives us an opportunity to tell lar umpire's. I think this is food benefit, Mrs. Delbert Hunt- Carolyn lalenti Ball is a patient in St. John Hospital, Room 506. The right is reserved to reject our friends about our organi- simply ridiculous and would like telephone, Randall Craven and any and all bids. zation, and to extend an invita- to know why. Every year we are Mrs. Malcolm Fellows-trans- Prayers and cards are welcome. tion to all church women of the promised paid umpires, and portation and Mrs. Randall Cra- DELBERT P. VANCE Tri-State area to participate. every year we end up with these ven-publicity. Glenn Fisher will --Clerk in Auctioneer. New Officers Elected The YWCA was founded young boys that are easily per- be the Village of Wintersville London in 1855 by a group of suaded to change their calls ***so* For Wayne P.T.A. Christian women who met as a after they have made them. I RANDALL CRAVEN ELECTED The above Public Notice was prayer circle to improve the don't blame these young boys. PRESIDENT nF PTA Wayne Local PTA met Monday, published in the Wintersville working girls by at 8 P.M. in the Wayne conditions of After all, when you have a mana- Randall Craven was elected April 15, Citizen on April 11, 18, and 25, with Mrs. providing decent housing and ger of a team screaming at you President of the Brilliant P.T.A, High School Cafeteria, Hull presiding. A letter 1968. good food for those living away over a call maybe you aren't His staff of officers include: Manual the first place Viola Cline con- from home. In 1858, the first too sure of it in Vice President - Ron Yocum was read by the work shop for the American YWCA was started in and maybe your mind can be Secretary-Mrs. Ron Yocum cerning Dr. Press To Head New York City as the "Ladies changed for you. Treasurer-Mrs. James Van- officers. to pro- was held and the new Christian Association", But I say, if you have a regu- Beneden. Election Macedonia Memorial for the temporal, moral plate, are as follows: vide lar umpire behind the officers Plans were announced for the. and religious welfare of young to know what President - Margaret Kaurich who is supposed SHIELDS BRUBECK NEW formation of a fund to perpetuate going President Betty Young women who were self-support- he is doing, no manager is AUXILIARY POLICEMAN Vice - the memory of the late Dr. D.A. ing. Today, the YWCA functions to change his mind, no matter Secretary - Pat McLeish Shields Brubeck, principal Macedonia, prominent Steuben- in 76 countries around the world how much screaming he does. Mr. Treasurer - Kathleen Owens of Brilliant Memorial High ville medical, civic, church and with world headquarters in Gen- And I don't care what team Treasurer - Nancy Darling School, was recently sworn in as fraternal leader, who passed eva, Switzerland. it is, when they have a call Historian-Kathleen Owens. Auxiliary Policeman of the away unexpectedly in February. The emblem of the YWCA, an changed on them and maybe that The next meeting will be held Present plans call for a soli- is against them Village. inverted triangle, signifies mind, clianged call on May 20. ****** citation of funds, an action which after it was changed, that take's body and spirit. The organiza- was suggested by several indi- tion tries to develop the poten- the heart right out of them. State Patrol To Observe viduals closely associated with tialities of the Individual through They are just children. Why UNIONPORT him in a wide range of acti- remem- promoting physical and mental don't these managers Law Day, U.S.A. vities. The memorial would be health and training for useful ber that. I know I have finally NEWS The Ohio State Highway Patrol established somewhere in the citizenship. It urges cooperation realized it myself. By ETHEL NEWBURN is inviting the people of Ohio to Steubenville community. among all, regardless of race Thank You, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Newburn attend the Open House beingheld The proposal to form the fund or creed. MRS. VIVIAN ORWICK and Chris and Mr. and Mrs. on May 1 at each of the 57 Posts resulted at a recent meeting at The Stettenvile YWCA was P.S. Why are we the only league Harry Ault and family and Mike throughout the state in honor of which time officers to activate organized in 1913 with Mrs. that doesn't have regular um- Newburn visited Mr. and Mrs. "Law Day, U.S.A.", according the Memorial were elected. D. J. Sinclair as its first presi- pires? Ralph Marsh at Tappan Lake to Patrol Superintendent Colonel This group includes: Dr. San- dent. Quarters and a cafeteria Saturday evening. Robert M, Chiaramonte. ford Press, Chairman; Dominic were first opened on North eeeeo, be shown through Bianco and Adam DiVincenzo, Fourth Street. Kay Newburn has returned Guests will and informed on vice - chairmen; Richard Gay- Our summer program for pre- home from her stay in Florida. the buildings of the Patrol lord, secretary; and Arthur teen girls ncludes one week of By JOSEPH F. McKEEVER, JR. various aspects the Mr. Jack Cunningham and D'Anniballe, Jr., treasurer, day camp, two weeks of free Peace in Vietnam, at operation. moment, seems snarled in the Governor James A. Rhodes Other members of the board of Learn to Swim, and a two-week Bruce and Mr. Blaine Newburn trustees are Victor Ciancetta, boughs of nationalistic self - proclaimed Law Day, U.S.A. and Reg'lar Gals Program of con- and Mike attended a dinner at the D'- interest. Hanoi desires the pre- Law In Your Life Week (April Trent Ciarrocchi, Anthony tests, crafts, games, swimming Morgan Horse Club at Worthing- Lamatrice, Jo- liminaries to be held in a nation, 28-May 4, 1968) in Ohio for all Aurora, Ernest iandbus trips. ton, Ohio on Sunday. Joseph Scio- which is more condusive to Herl citizens to observe the indispen- seph Scotti, and There are twelve Y-Teen .oe*** scia. philosophy. We, on the other Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grimm sable rules of law and courts in Clubs in High Schools and Junior our nation. All donations should be made in the Tri-State hand, refuse to meet Hanoi under of Richmond visited Mr. and High Schools such circumstances, and so we These two events are spon- payable to the Dr. D.A. Mace- Area with a total membership Mrs. Ed Gitffen and family donia Memorial Fund, First have an impasse on the road to Sunday. sored by the American Bar As- of 990 girls. In conjunction with sociation with the aid of state National Bank and Trust Com- d3w High School Y-Teens, we peace. and local bar associations. This pany, Steubenville. conduct an annual college tour I give our government credit Auxiliary #45 entertained Dis- knowing that if North Vietnam year marks the tenth anniversary for Juniors, visiting five or six in trict No. 1, Sunday afternoon. war, she of the celebration. college campuses on a two-day is unable to win the There were visitors from Salem, OW'd 00:9 Joy certainly try to win the The purpose of this obser- tour. A committee of Board will Alliance and Minerva. There 010V-9 3NOHd peace. On the other hand, I give vance, according to leaders of members also conducts a club were 38 present. knowing that we the bar association, is "to for 8th grade girls from Grant Hanoi credit for prestige for re- Junior High School. will lose world Mr. and Mrs. Orin Heisler of strengthen dedication to the rule any- of our For Adults, our residence is fusing to "meet anywhere, Crooksville, Miss Mary LouLy- of law as the foundation time, anyplace". The leaders of free society, and to freshenevery a "home away from Home" for pins of Columbus, visited Mr. of the rights eleven girls under the super- both countries involved have shed and Mrs. David Marsh. citizen's awareness blood to ignore national he enjoys by rea- vision of a capable and con- too much and privileges and yet - not enough blood system of laws and siderate "House Mother". pride, Mrs. Karen Sims has returned son of our in Clean, homey social rooms, with to meet at the first opportunity home from the St. John Hospital. courts." Public groups, schools, col- use of kitchen if desired, are any locale. ****** leges and private organizations available at a very nominal fee The Eastern mind and the will also hold Law Day, U.S.A. for meetings, teas, etc. Bus trips Western mind were raised in two observance activities on May 1. to special events are sponsored. completely different cultures or lZ96L 31VS 1 -1 Craft, needlework and bridge social climes, and many think classes are conducted, and that this is the cause behind the through the facilities of the cause; I don't! Economics and YMCA, physical education and human reserves govern the swimming classes are sponsored length of war, as well as the October through May. "Teas" multitude of other less impor- highlighted by special music, tant influences, such as morale, BOOKMOBILE SCHEDULE nspirational and timely lectures kill ratio, etc. Both nations have a good supply of human and eco- MONDAY, APRIL 29 are provided during the year. 10:00 Mt. Pleasant Elementary We sincerely thank those of nomic reserves available, so the war could, conceivably, continue & High School our YWCA members who have 3:35 Dunglen Community so loyally supported our efforts for a long time. This nation is beginning to TUESDAY, APRIL 30 and ask for continued interest as 9:30 St. Plus Elementary in creating a bigger, better recognize the futility of war, the answer to world problems. 11:30 Springfield TWP. High North Vietnam is beginning to School HALLMARK CARDS realize that she can't win this WEDNESDAY, MAY 1 war, as she did warring with the 9:00 O.W. Buchanan Memorial French. Preliminary actions or Jr. High School words towards peace are men- THURSDAY, MAY 2 Richmond Pharmacy tioned, therefore, and they are 10:00 Wayne Elementary & Phone 765-4334 easily frustrated, because High School Richmond, Ohio neither have a true desire... 3:00 Bloomingdale Comm. for peace! FRIDAY, MAY 3 9:45 Pineyfork School (Sth-6th Grades) DAIRY BOB ARPS TRENCHER 12:00 Smithfield Community 1:00 Smithfield Elementary NOW OPEN SERVICE Digs Trenches FOR SALE - two gowns - size 9. Monday thru PHONE 264-5460 Friday 4" to 12" wide 4 to 10 pm Ideal for GAS, ELECTRIC When You Vote - Remember and WATER lines. Saturday and JOHN Sunday Phone 12 to 10pm GILDAY Route 22 - 543-3912 County Commissioner J .... s Mill Hili Bu4 EverIy Amsterdam Paid Pol. Adv. PAGE 18 TELL THEMYOU SAW IT IN "'THE WINTERSVILLE CITIZEN" ON THURSDAY. APRIL 25. 1968 PAGE 18 TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN "THE WINTERSVILLE CITIZEN" ON THURSDAY. APRIL 25. 1968 W-mm"Immop- TOM NALLEY PROMOTED IN VIETNAM Jeff Davidson Promoted To Charles Thomas Nalley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Nalley of Fernwood Road, Win- WSTV-TV Sales Manager tersville, was promoted toLance Corporal on April 1st while serv- J.B."Jeff" Davidson has been ing in Viet Nam. L/Cpl. Nalley, named General Sales Manager married to the former Valerie of WSTV-TV, Wheeling-Steuben- Komestakes and the father of a ville, Rust Craft Broadcasting 2 month old son, Scott, has been Company flagship station in an in Vietnam since January 4th, announcement by General Mana- ger George L. Baren Bregge. 1968. ,*****+ Davidson has been National Sales Manager for WSTV-TV Questions &Answers since January of 1967. He came to the station in June of 1966 About Selective Service from WNYS-TV in Syracuse, where he was national sales NEW 11-S DEFERMENT and programming manager. His LAW DISCUSSED background in management and sales was acquired while serving Following a meetL., with re- stations in Houston. Texas; presentatives of The American Memphis, Tennessee; and Association of Junior Colleges, Greenville, Mississippi. His The United Business Schools As- broadcasting career began with sociation, and The American Vo- training at the famous Keegan cational Association, Lt. General School in Memphis. College Lewis B. Hershey, the Director years for "Jeff" were spent at of Selective Service, issued the Union University and Murray following statement: State College. "Local boards may continue In making the appointment, Mr. to consider for Class n-A those Baren Bregge stated that David- registrants who are pursuing a son will now be in charge of all full-time course of study that National, Regional and Local will not lead to a baccalaureate Sales. Other Rust Craft stations Anthony Alonzi Curtis C. Kossuth degree. Boards are authorized are: WRCB-TV, Chattanooga, to allow such students to com- Tennessee; WRDW-TV, Augusta, Airman First Class Anthony Senior Master Sergeant Curtis plete their programs. Students Georgia; WROC-TV-AM-FM, Alonzi, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Kossuth, son of Mrs. Henry transferring from one institution Rochester, New York; WJKS-TV, Benny Alonzi of 320 Fairview St., Wietfeld of R.D. 2, Wellsburg, to another, whether a two-year Jacksonville, Florida; WPIT- Weirton, W. Va., hasbeen named W. Va., is a member of the or four-year institution, may be AM-FM, Pittsburgh, Pennsyl- Jeff Davidson Outstanding Airman in his unit 1964th Communications Group considered for I-S or I-A status vania; WSOL, Tampa, Florida; at Bergstrom AFB, Texas. that has earned the U.S. Air depending upon the educational WWOL-AM-FM, Buffalo, New Mr. Davidson and his wife, Airman Alonzi, an adminis- Force Outstanding Unit Award programs in which they enroll, York; and WRCP-AM, Philadel- Kathy, reside at 414 E. Church trative specialist, was selected for a third consecutive year in provided that they continue to phia, Pennsylvania. St., Wintersville, Ohio. for his exemplary conduct and Vietnam. make normal progress, in ac- duty performance. He is amem- cordance with regulations, to- Q. In that both I-Y and IV- of 1967 provides: "No judicial ber of the Tactical Air Command. Sergeant Kossuth, an air ward completion of their pro- F classifications are given to review shall be made of the The airman, :i graduate of traffic control superintendent, grams." those who are unacceptable for classification or processing of Weir High Scbwol attended West will wear a distinctive service entry nto the service, will you any registrant by local boards, Liberty (W. Va.) State College ribbon to mark his affiliation explain the difference between appeal boards, or the President, and Texas Lutheran College ex- with the organization. Q. I began graduate study in the two? except as a defense to a crimi- tension at Bergstrom AFB. law school in September 1947 A. The registrant classified nal prosecution instituted under The major Air Force Com- and am making satisfactory pro- I-Y is not currently qualified section 12 (Penalties) of this munications Service (AFCS) unit gress. Will I be entitled to con- for service but would be in time title, after the registrant has in Vietnam, the 1964th is head- tunued deferment in I-S for my of war or national emergency responded either affirmatively quartered at Tan Son Nhut Air second year of law next Septem- declared by the Congress. The or negatively to an order to Base and has 10 subordinate ber? man classified IV-F is not quali- report for induction, or for squadrons operating throughout A. No. Under the advice of the fied for any service in the Armed civilian work in the case of a the country. National Security Council on Forces either currently or in registrant determined to be op- February 16, 1968, deferment time of war or national emer- posed to participation in war He is assigned AFCS duty at for graduate study was limited gency declared by the congress. In any form: Provided, that such Bien Hoa. to registrants in medicine, den- review shall go to the question The sergeant is a graduate tistry, or an allied medical - 0.00*0 of the jurisdiction herein re- of Warwood High School, Wheel- tistry, or an allied medical Q. When is a Selective Service served to local boards, appeal ing. W. Va. specialty, or those who had Classification subject to court boards, and the President only His wife, Ritia, is the daughter entered the second or subse- review? when there is no basis in fact of Theodore Brissette of 12 quent year of graduate study A, Section 10 (b) (3) of the for the classification assigned Crosby Ave., Caribou, Maine. last fall. Military Selective Service Act to such registrant."

OF STEUBENVILLE Invites You To A Special Event Sgt. and Mrs. James T. Mclnnes Staff Sergeant James T. Mc- Innes, son of Mr. and Mrs. MEET THE EXPERTS Samuel S. Mclnnes of 318 N. Sixth St., Steubenville, Ohio, has been graduated atSheppard AFB, Representing Some of Our Outanding Manufacturers Texas, from the training course for U. S. Air Force flight engineers. Of Famous Brand Menswear Sergeant Mclnnes, a graduate of Mingo High School, Mingo * MR. JOHN MARCONE Junction, Ohio, is being assigned * ARROW SHIRTS to McGuire AFB, N.J., for duty. The sergeant's wife, Patricia, * HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHING * MR. GARY HALL is the daughter of Mac R. Wood- burn of Cleveland. * McGREGOR SPORTSWEAR * MR. RON KRAMER SGT. BURKEY HONORED * NUNN-BUSH SHOES * MR. AL FISCHER WITH UNIT Sergeant Jody A, Burkey, son ALL DAY THURSDAY, MAY 2 'til 9 P.M. of Mr. and Mrs. Homer S. Bur- key of 515 Logan St., Steu- benville, Ohio, is a member of MOVIE: "BEHIND THE SEAMS" an organization which has earned the U.S. Air Force Outstanding Unit Award. A very interesting film that shows how a Sergeant Burkey, an account- by Hart Schaffner & Marx ing and finance disbursement suit is made specialist in the 437th Military Airlift Wing at Charleston AFB, ORGAN MUSIC by RAY SHEPPARD FREE SOUVENIRS S.C., will wear adistinctive ser- vice to mark his affiliation with Steubenville's Finest Men's Store the unit. The unit was cited for achiev- ing an exceptionally meritorious rating for distinguished service during a one-year period. This is the second time the 437th has been so honored. The sergeant, a graduate of ^w^. Steubenvllle High School, re- ceived a degree from Florida State University's extension at 336 MARKET ST. STEUBENVILLE Eglin AFB. 336 MARKET ST. STEU BEN VI LLE TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN "THE WINTERSVILLE CITIZEN" ON THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1968 PAGE 19 History Of The Ohio Seal And State Flag OHIO STATE S EAL letter of Ohio, but is suggestive of its being the 'Buckeye State'." Republican Primary Ballot The Great was provided for in the Constitution ****** of 1802. But it was not until It1 For United States Senator For Member of State Central For early in 1803, following a gather- County Students Named Committee, Man Clerk of Court of Common Pleas ing of officials and others at (18th District) WILLIAM B. SAXBE (,eforMe not me"-*an 0" Belle View (later Adena) near To OSU Honor Roll Chlllicothe, including Governor Ohio State University has WILLIAM L. WHITE ANDREW W. MILLER Edward Tiffin, Secretary of State issued its honor roll for the For Sheriff ALBERT EDWARD PAYNE ROBERT M. BELL William Creighton and United winter quarter, listing names of SJ. HAYS WISENER- States Senator Thomas Worth- undergraduate students who For Member of State Central -- ^------ington, that the design for the achieved high academic averages Committee, Woman (18th District) seal actually was decided upon. for that period. Those eligible For Chief Justice of the (Votefor 0" mom mOe) Having tarried until a late hour, for listing received an average of - Supreme Court For County Recorder S (Full Term Commencing SISABELLE K. CHANEY as they walked south of their at least 3.5 (A-4.0; B-3.0) and S January 1, 1969) (Ve forotsworethenoe) host's home, they saw the morn- were enrolled for at least 12 For State Senator ing sun between the hills of Mount credit hours. Jefferson County S KINGSLEY A. TAFT (30th District) an inspiring sight. It (Four Year Term) For County Treasurer Logan - students are: ss __ .______(Voefor not man Was ont) IVotr. wlo "#am was this scene that Creighton Nancy S. Blickensderfer, RFD JOHN himself incorporated in the 2, Cadiz Rd., Wintersville. R. LONGSWORTH he made for the seal. :ffi=w For Judge of the Supreme Court design Anna Marie Bruzzese, 1852 (Full Term Commencing For County Engineer On March 28, 1803 the Legis- Columbia Ave., Steubenville, m January 1, 1969) lature passed a law authorizing a Philip Paul Distefano, 3179 (Voteforntmm, ..e a ) For State Representative Coronerb two-inch seal to contain 3 M. (33rd District) IF1or the fol- Homewood Ave., Steubenville. JOHN MATTHIAS (Valefor not swore tha o ) lowing device: In the foregoing Carol Ann Stottlemyer, 317 For Coroner 4vee or0" ot a sheaf of wheat and sheaf of Kingston Ave., Steubenville. JOSEPH A. BELL seventeen arrows with a moun- JoAnn Somerville, RD 1, Box SFor Judge of the Supreme Court tain in the background, over 318, Richmond. (Full Term Commeneing m which shall appear a rising sun. Thomas Glenn Stine, RD1, S January 2, 1969) For County Commissioner For Member of County Central == S (VAe. frR aEm Committee The arrows indicate that Ohio Richmond. (Vt.. forat More Mn.two. was the seventeenth state admit- Robert William Fisher, 310 THOMAS M. HERBERT BILLY D. HUPP ted and the mountain and rising 7th, Toronto. ORVILLE E. MILLER sun that it was the first state Faith Marjorie Mayhew, 156 west of the Alleghenies. The Sunset Dr., Toronto. ffi= For Representative to Congress ORIE ENNIS mountain shown on the seal is David Craig McCasland, 720 (18th District) Mt. Logan near Chillicothe. This S. River Ave., Toronto. law was repealed in 1805 and Mary Jane Takach, Box 84, JAMES F. SUTHERLAND there was no law to take its Dillonvale. place until 1866. As a result, Barbara Flo Smith, RD1, Am- For Prosecuting Attorney mre Great Seals of many sizes and sterdam. SFor Judge of the Court of Appeals (Votefor ot aft e) devices came into use at various Ronald Michael Figurski, 303 (7th District) times. About the period of canal S (Full Term Commencing E. Main St., Adena. S February 9,1969) construction acanal with acanal- Vicki Ann Blawut, Box 125, N P(VotefornotMe i as0 ) boat upon It became popular as Adena. ****** S NILSP. JOHNSON part of the . OHIO STATE FLAG Homemakers Aids % official flag, adopted by By DELMA McCOURT Ohio's tattle-tale the General Assembly in 1902, If gray is a pro- has three red and two white blem at your house, you may horizontal stripes. At its staff want to try a special whitening washday. A good deal of the end, in a blue triangular field tattle-tale gray whose apex is at the center of color in white clothes, is caused from deter- Democratic Primary Ballot the middle red stripe, are 17 gent which didn't quite get rinsed five-pointed stars, group- white, out in your regular washday For Member of State Central For Prosecuting Attorney ed around a red disc superim- rinse water. The remedy is 5 For Itnited States Senator posed upon a white circular 0. (Vot or ot m simple. You simply run your ___ .r...... _,ha Committee, Woman .... s.. - John Elsenmann, designer of laundry through a regular wash FRA N K J.I.LAUSCHE f1. ,AC (18th14w not District) am" than Got) DOMINICK E. OLIVITO th& flag, explained Its symbolism - cycle without the detergent, as follows: "The triangles =_ S- JOHN I. (;lIGAN----- m-----!j ESTHER F. PINSKY --.. ...----- formed by the main lines of the softener, bleach, or any other extra you are accustomed to use. flag represent the hills and val- SFor State Senator Fo Clerk of Court of Common Pleas All you add is washing soda, S (30th District) ____(Vote f no. )______leys, as typified in the State three to four tablespoons. The =For Chief Justice of the Supreme (Court (Four Year Term) WALTER KANOSKI Seal, and the stripes the roads - (Full Term Commencing - .. ______..---...... - washing soda will loosen the January 1, 1969) STUART HENDERSON i and waterways. The stars indi- ( Vwefori o mo" than one) cating the thirteen original states accumulated grey color caused of the Union, are grouped about by detergent and clothes will - JOHN C. DUFFY DANNY D. JOHNSON For Sheriff whiten. If you have not done S ------== ------~~ ------ss:(Vot for not mroreAmi odet) ______JOSEPH LOHA the circle which represents the OP L______-- BENE LEONE , and that this for a long time, it may | = take two or three treatments but For Judge of tFe Supreme (Court DOUGLAS APPLEGATE -- MNTNRY Ohio was the seventeenth state S (Full Term (Commencing ---- ,__ PATSY MONTENERY __ admitted into the Union is shown quite often, one washing will do the trick. White clothes are a lanuarv 1, 1969) by adding four more stars. The S- nor |r ______thanme .. PAUL THOMAS morale booster, too, so give white circle with its red center, S For State Representative - RICHARD P. WELLS yourself a lift while you im- = _ __ _ =(33rd District) --- = not only represents the initial -- "-=(Voe frtnot gomo an oat) prove the looks of your clothes. [For Judge of the Supreme Court ------STEVE WILLIAMS (lFull Term Commcncing _; CARL E. FERGUSON -___------__ = January *-,,]!)6!)) ARCHIE CROCETTI i% otefor ni-t inurr than onei TROBERTL. HAYS

MERRILLis AJI461161lit, 1).If. BROTHERS' IAIA7 1 1 la"IW3 Free Want IAd Serv'ice',*,iI I RnRVRT 1. KFARNIFY O'HARA For County Recorder PATRICK J. (Votefor notMore Hmoa) For Represent",tive to ('Congress = ALLYOU H&VE TO DO IS: Print or type your ad in the ARTHUR R. BOWERS PETER P. McKEEGAN _ blocks below, check the type of ad, sign your name, S (18th District) - ARTUR R. BOW IV*#* oIC,! Mov anone) - =______addtessx, and phasone number and mail to the Wintersville NICK It. KARNICK - ! Citizea 559 Cantos Road. Wintezsville, Ohio. Fo unyomisoe ForCounty Commissioner For County Treasurer WAYNE L. HAYS IVult fornof Morethuatwo) (Votefor not morelum one) :1 =--- MICHAEL BLISCHAK MICHEAL E. ENTINGER A_--

tuftm NICK J. CALABRIA For Judge of the Court of Appeals Street...... *...... M5.YTr (7th District) PAUI,4 TTY A. Ld-ITITYHILESIlKY (Full Term Commencing ---I For County Engineer i. thin February 9. 1969) DEAN COIL I (Votefor o more am) B City ...... o...... Store ...... I"" "Ifr "t n,, itn ntoI . oo.. o. o o. o* - * oStat. 0* * * -- I MARTIN MARK SMITH city ---= } NATHANIE IL.JONES QUERINO J. D'ALBENZIO

For Sale . .Waonted *Foar Rooet *Fr Trod* .. JAMES R. McKENNA JOHN G. GILDAY For County Coroner IIAROLD) S. RIC('KERT.I.JR HENRY GILLIAM (vatt*rot f hm 4Me) , mz_ Miscllanaousv (state type of a0 . . .. JOHN P. SMARRELLA THOMAS .. FLYNN CHARLES M. HOUSEHOLDER GEARY M. EICHER, JR. i------...... --- CHARLES KLASIC. JR. ------For Member of State Central HELEN PAYOVICH I Committee, Man =1 { ~-. a.. - (18th District) JOHN W. TARGOSS S For Member of County Central -S t51a,Ih


By BOB SHIVELY Do you believe your children keep Coach Barren where he is. should have the finest equipment I for one, hope he reconsiders made for their protection as and stays. I also hope the Mar- they participate in Athletics? Do tins Ferry School system gives you believe the band members Coach Barren as much support should have the best musical as his fans, if he reconsiders. equipment possible? Do you be- The Valley can't afford to lose lieve the children of the Indian coaches with the qualities of Creek school district should be Coach Barren. educated better than any child- ren in the world? If you do Our thanks to the Wayne SUPPORT the Indian Creek Tax Booster Club for the fine ban- The Wayne Booster Club held its Annual All-Sports Banquet at the Wayne High School Gym last Levy. If you are against the quet they held last Saturday. Saturday night. A large crowd turned out to honor the athletes and enjoy a beef dinner prepared by the above named items and the Rudy Mumley was terrific as Women of the Unionport Methodist Church. Pete Zinaich, head football coach at Adena High School, children of the IndianCreekDis- the speaker. The food was ex- served as Toastmaster. The colorful Rudy Mumley, president of the O.V.A.C., scored a big hit as the trict, vote no. Your children's cellent. It was a fine affair. principal speaker. Pictured (1 to r) are: Tom Gensor, baseball coach, Pete Zinaich, Rudy Mumley, Dave future rests in your hands. Also thanks to the people at Hervey, assistant football and basketball coach and Rich Willnski, head football and basketball coach. oeeeo. Blessed Sacrament for the in- Pete Barren, the hard work- vitation to their banquet. One tIng head football coach at Mar- thing about being a sports wrker, tins Ferry has resigned his you eat good. position. Coach Barren came to coco.. Martins Ferry at a time football The Boston Celtics made be- and everything else was at a low lievers out of a lot of sports point. Although the Purple Riders writers as they came back, failed to win a game last sea- after being down 3 games to 1, son, when they appeared at Win- to defeat the unbeatable Phila- tersville, they had a well coach- delphia 76'ers 100-96. The win ed, hard hitting ball team. With enabled the Celtics to capture the very few seniors on the squad Eastern Division Crown. At this the Purple Riders figured to be writing they lead the Los Angeles on the rise next season. At the Lakers 1 game to none as they I present time, there is a move- try to recapture their National V ment going at Martins Ferry to Basketball Association crown. - Warriors Win 8th Straight The Wintersville track forces Montgomery, (W); 3. Masci, (W). fL, I to 8 in a row ran their streak Time: 2:05.1. as they defeated Bellaire 76-61 Pictured are the seniors at Wayne High. (1 to r) Ron Rowland, Tom Hervey, Ed West, Fred ?frwbura MILE RUN: 1. Hoffman, (EL);, Richard Cline, Fred Devore and Kevin Penner. Gary Davenport is in the back row. and East Liverpool 79-52. The 2. Schilling, (W); 3. Montgomery, Warriors had a triangular meet (W). Time: 4:44. "a with Steubenville Central and TWO MILE RUN: 1. Manning, LONG JUMP: 1. Paul Nuzum, Toronto rained out. Wintersville APPLIANCE (EL); 2. Folger, (W); 3. Burris, (W); 2. Clutter, (W); 3. Ander- 3kfb05ERVA7 faces Cambridge in a dual meet (W). Time: 11:07.4. son, (EL). Distance:19 ft., 1 in. REFRIGERATION tonight. 120 HIGH HURDLES: 1.Pe- SHOT:- 1. McVay, (EL); 2. THE SUMMARY vich, (W); 2. Arcuragi, (EL); Crites, (W); 3. Cottrell, (W). PARTS & SERVICE 100 - 1. Hooper, (EL); 2. 3. Masci, (W). Time: 16.3. Distance: 44 ft., 1 in. Clutter, (W); 3. Reed. (W).Time: 180 YARD LOW HURDLES: 1. HIGH JUMP: 1. Smith, (W); Dutch Carl's 10.9. Pevich, (W); 2. Clutter, (W); 2. March, (EL); 3. Day, (W). Ph. 282-4581 220 - 1. Hooper, (EL); 2. 3. Bartow, (EL). Time: 21.9. Height: 5 ft., 8 in. Humble Service Center Lacher, (EL); 3. Price, (W). TWO-MILE RELAY: 1. East DISCUS: 1. Kincey, (EL); 2. Main Street - Wintersville Time: 23.7. Liverpool. Time: 8:51.3. Wamsley, (W); 3. Cottrell, (W). Sloane Service Inc. 440 - Kerstetter, (W); 2. Gar- 880-RELAY: 1. Wintersville. Distance: 135 ft., 3 3/4 in. P.O. Box 1387 vey, (W); 3. Lyle, (EL). Time: Time: 1:37.1. POLE VAULT: 1. Obremsky, Phone 264-0167 MILE RELAY: 1. Wintersville (W); 2. Garvey, (W); 3. Ar- Steubenville, Ohio 24-Hour Towing Service i880 - 1. Hoffman (EL); 2. Time: 3:45. zuragi, (EL). Height: 10 ft., 6 in.

the biggest Summer Tournament MONROE BOWL In the Country Proudly Presents SEVENTH ANNUAL Begins Sat., May 18 Ends Sun., Aug. 25 SUMMER ENTIRE CLASSICS GUARANTEED ABC & WIBC Sanctioned - ISPAA Memb*r CLASSI(S SINGLES CLASSIC 6 GAMES - ONE RE-ENTRY PERMITTED I HANDICAP DOUBLES GuaranteedFIRST Handicap Prizes CL A 0SSI PRz 4,000.00 I. A: 2nd . $2,000-- 5th . $1,000- 8th . $1,000 3rd. $1,000 - 6th. $1,000 -- 9th . $1,000 4th . $1,000-7th . $1,000- 10th . $1,000 2ndsi .. tT . . .1,0000I' 00 o

*4th ..... 100.0 GUARANTEED SCRATCH PRIZES 3rd.... 1* W,00: FIRST 1,000.00 6th. .. :...... 1",. S PRIZE 7thi ... 1000 9th...... 500.0 2nd - $500 4th - $300 6th - $200 $7.00 PRZE F, $1.SO LOWUNo 3rd- $400 5th - $200 7to 10 -- $150 $1.50 EXPENSS - TOTAL $10.00 PERfPERSON $9.50 Prize F*ee,$3.00 Bowling, $2.50 Expentes--Total $15.00 ONE ENTRY FEE PUTS YOU IN BOTH HANDICAP AND SCRATCH 3 GAMES - 15.94NM8 Men 70% Handicap of 200-Maximum 25 Pins a Game PERMITrED Women 80% of Handicap of 200-Maximum 35 Pins a Game FREE ENTRY FOR SQUAD SPONSORS- 12 BOWLERS S- For Resevatin. Write or Coll Fred Fischler, Tournament Mnager I

IIM ,4 1 eii K1 0 1D N AA, -Ir R 110r, P.-, 1Erldo C, BO !A IWL4?i "%7'1 - n t, I RACCOON ST., ALIQUIPIPA, PA. 15001 Phone (412) 375-9881 IF 4171 Nor;hern Vike, monroevwc, ro, 1-11140 j'4 1 L I SL TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN "THE WINTERSVILLE CITIZEN" ON THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1968 PAGE 21 I IIIII 4 Blessed Sacrament Sports Banquet Held Wintersville Invitationa Attracts 10 Teams The 4th Annual Wintersville 1965. Invitational Track meet will be 440 yd. Dash-Time 51:4-By held Tuesday, April 30, at the R. Gregory, Cambridge in 1965. Wintersville All-Weather Track. 180 L. H.-Time 20.5-ByDom- Ten teams have accepted invita- broski, Martins Ferry in 1967. tions to compete. The events will 880 Run-Time l:59-ByAndre- start at 5:30 PM, with Cal Giffin atta, Claymont in 1966. serving as referee. Walter Heil Shuttle Hurdle-Time 59.8- By will be official time keeper. Scipio, Woods, Rutter, andDom- Martins Ferry, who just won the broski, Martins Ferry in 1967. West Liberty Relays, will be 220 yd. Dash-Time 23.3-Mit- favored to take home the title. chell, Follansbee in 1965. Other teams competing will be One Mile Relay-Time 3:30.5v Toronto, J.U., Wellsburg, Fol- By L. Thomas, R. Gregory, H. lansbee. St. Clairsville, Cam- Newton and G. Fletcher, Cam- bridge, Bellaire, Steubenville bridge in 1965. Central and host-Wintersville. Two Mile Relay -Time 8:20- Over 250 athletes will be trying By R. Bovenizer, J. Angus, J. to shatter the following Invita- Creamer and G. Marling, Bel- tional records. laire in 1967. 120 ILH.H.-Time 14.8-By Hos- Pole Vault-Height 127'"- By felt, Cambridge in 1967. Feitts, Cambridge in 1966. 100 yd. Dash-Time 10.1-By High Jump-Height 5' 1011-By Jones T., Cambridge, in 1966. Holloway, Bellaire In IgXT. Tom Duff, Head Football Coach at Steubenville Central, was the principal speaker at the Blessed One Mile - Time 4:35.5 - By Long Jump-Distance 19'7 1/4" Sacrament All-Sports Banquet, held Sunday at the Blessed Sacrament Church. The basketball team, Beckelheimer, Follansbee in. By Tucker, Claymont in 1966. baseball, team and cheerleaders were honored. A chicken dinner, prepared by the women of the church, 1966. Discus-Distance 150' 10 1/4" was served. Pictured in the first row are: (1 to r) Anthony Petrozzi, Mayor of Wintersville, who served 880 Relay-Time 1:34-By L. By Symons, Toronto in 1967. as Toastmaster; John Kuczykowski, Blessed Sacrament Coach; and Bryan Linch, Blessed Sacrament Thomas, T. Jones, G. Quarles Shot-Distance 51' 9"- By H. Coach. (2nd row, 1 to r) Father Sargus, Blessed Sacrament Principal; Tom Duff, and Bill Fitzgerald, and G. Fletcher, Cambridge in Maxwell, St. Clairsville in 1966. Athletic Director of Blessed Sacrament.

Cheerleaders for Blessed Sacrament are: (I to r) Shirley Remp, Julie Rozsa, Sally Mavromatis, Barbara Fredley, Elaine Granitir and Barbara Joyce.

Blessed Sacrament Baseball Team members are: (kneeling, 1 to r) Neal Fitzgerald, Mike Donnelly, Tom Mieczkowski, Ted Zryini, Bryan Linch, Mike Fitzgerald, Shawn Mieczkowski. (Standing, 1 to r) Jack Linch-Coach, Danny Compston, Dan Kuczykowski, EdSpence, Frank La Sota, Bill Kuzmich, Jerry Hagerty, Andy Shimko, and Bill Fitzgerald-Athletic Director. Not present for picture were: John Colaiacovo, Dan Duggin and John Kuczykowski-Coach.

Members of the Blessed Sacrament Basketball Team are: (seated, 1 to r) Neal Fitzgeral, Ed Spence, Frank La Sota, Bill Kuzmich, Dan Kucykowski, Jerry Hagerty. (Standing, 1 to r) Jack Linch-Coach, Jack Kuczykowski-Coach, Bryan Linch, Tom Mieczkowski, Mike Fitzgerald, and Shawn Mleczkowski. Not present for picture were: John Colaiacovo, Frank Rotella and Mark Burkey. PAGE 22 TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN "THE WINTERSVILLE CITI ZEN" ON THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1968 St. Agnes Holds All-Sports Banquet

ARTICLE 3. MEMBERSHIP. Paragraphs five and six. The legal opinion of the OHSAA will be incorporated into the Con- stitution. They will read: 5. "If a pupil attends a non- member junior high school and, in his last year of attendance at said non-member junior high school violates any of the rules and regulations of the OHSAA, that pupil would not be eligible to participate in any athletic activities in his first year of attendance at a member high school of the OHSAA." 6. "This regulation affects all eighth grade pupils entering a four (4) year high school and all ninth grade pupils entering a three (3) year high school." Baron Golfers Win First Otto Jack, Jr., of Steubenville f-clureu are me noys honored at the St. Agnes Banquet. 0( to r) Fristich, Dan Capabianco, Micky Adams, Chuck Stewart, Gary Pat Sweeney, John Petrozzi, Dennis McEndree, Mike Lucas, Mark led the College of Steubenville Bracone and Mike Homol. Barons to their first win over Wheeling College. Jack shot a 79 in the 17 to 3 -OV.A.C. Silver Anniversary Dinner Planned victory for the Barons, played at Belleview Park Golf Course. Other scores were: B. Cawley (C-S) 82 Pts. 4 T. Friday 84 Pts. 0 L. Aurino (C-S) 87 Pts. 4 M. Potts 90 Pts. 0 0. Jack, Jr. (C-S) 79 Pts. 3.5 B. Sharpenberg 95 Pts. 1/2 J. Clark (C-S) 89 Pts. 1.5 J. O'Leary 90 Pts. 2.5 E. Urben (C-S) 86 Pts. 4 G. Sonnefield 99 Pts. 0

Francis DiLoreto, (right), toastmaster, presents Ang Vaccaro, principal speaker a plaque at the St. Agnes All-Sports banquet. The banquet was held at the First United Presbyterian Church in Mingo last Saturday night, to honor the Athletes at St. Agnes. 160 people turned out and enjoyed the chicken dinner prepared by the women of the church. Central All-Sports Banquet Set atheletic director ancTbasketball coach of Point Park Junior Col- lege, will be the featured speaker. Joe Duco is general chairman of the banquet. Coach John Nese, headbasket- Rudy Mumley ball coach will present the fol- lowing awards: Most valuable Rudy Mumley, president of the player, best foul shooter and O.V.A.C. will serve as toast- most improved player. Coach Bart Starr, the cog behind powerful Green Bay's Super Bowl master for the Silver Anniver- Champion Packers, Rich Crocuitti, head reserve will be the main speaker at the 25th Silver sary dinner to be held May 1, coach, will present the most Anniversary Dinner of the O.V.A.C, to be held at Ogleby Park in at Ogleby Park. valuable reserve player and Wheeling, Wednesday, May 1. Anyone wanting tickets may contact coach George Sogan, head Rudy Taliani at the Wintersville Citizen. freshman coach, will present the most valuable freshman a- ward. Msgr. James Marshall, diocesan Athletic Director, will Warrior Golfers Sweep Two present the Dr. Press-Mace- The Wintersville golf team Kendrach 57 donia award which is presented swept two matches this week Reynard 61 to the athlete that shows leader- to run their secord to 8-1. The TOTAL Best of 4 263 ship, academic leadership, and Warrior defeated Mingo 165-263 WINTERSVILLE also athletic ability in a sport. and Yorkville 159-190 to remain Smith 36 William Chesson, WSTV- tied with Steubenville for the Linder 42 F. Melvin Cratsley Radio, will be toastmaster for O.V.A.C. Championship. Rebich 44 the banquet. Tickets maybe pur- Malcolm 40 The first annual Spring All- chased from any booster or at WINTERSVILLE Schmidt 41 40 Sports banquet for Catholic Cen- the Sportsman Shoppe. J. Smith TOTAL Best of 4 159 tral will be held this Sunday, The women's auxiliary com- R. Malcolm 42 YORKVILLE April 28 in the school cafeteria. mittee, headed by Mrs. John L. Linder 41 Shane 45 G. Schmidt 42 JUST ARRIVED? This banquet will honor all the Mantica and Mrs. Pat Barilla, Lampasone 47 We've no red carpet to roll Hess 44 athletes that participate in the are in charge of the menu, which DeValt 48 out; no brass band to sere- TOTAL Best of 4 165 spring sport programs, includ- will feature Chicken, scalloped Parry 50 nade you. But we can help MINGO ing basketball, baseball, track potatoes, tossed salad, assorted Yandori 50 you with names and loca- and golf. Savage 49 A total of 127 athletes cakes, coffee, tea, pop, rolls and TOTAL Best of 4 190 tions of schools, lists of com- Ralston 50 i~4****c will be honored. Mel Cratesley, butter. munity facilities, shopping Galonia 53 OUTDOOR TIPOF THE WEEK information and all the other .i your minnows start to turn things you'll want to know belly-up in your baitbucket, drop about your new home town. a couple of aspirin tablets in the A Welcome Wagon hostess KEY'S L water. This will revive the min- will visit at your convenience nows and keep them lively for to provide all this and gifts SERVICE ^ a few hours. as well. I It's all yours-free-for a FOR THE BEST IN Cleaner Cuttini Saws telephone call to Welcome TIRES, BATTERIES Your saws will cut cleaner, Wagon at 264-5650 - Marge truer, faster when filed on Harris or 264-3649 - Eleanor LUBE SERVICE AND our precision machine. Shoemaker. MINOR REPAIRS Quick service on all types of saws. 250 Main Street EMMETT G. ZENDE 264-0142 145 Reichart Ave. -Phone:r --I 264-2195 TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN "THE WINTERSVILLE CITIZEN" ON THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1968 PA GE 23 TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN "THE WINTERSVILLE CITIZEN" ON THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1968 PAGE 23_iLl Andresen Tops Brannan Bowl Begins SpringSingles Classic Babe Ruth League Mayfold Scores after the first week- burgh-1001; Joe Kralicky, Pitts- A final effort will be made to Friday, April 26 at 7:30 P.M., Hollywood Ladies end of bowling in the 18th Annual burgh-997. continue Babe Ruth Baseball in at the Wintersville Grange Hall HOLLYWOOD LANES Brannan's Spring Singles Class- Men's Division - Handicap - Wintersville. In order for any to determine the future of the HIGH SERIES ic are: Richard Towne, Pittsburgh-967/ such organization to survive, League. Once again, parents or R. Andresen 165-192-180 537 Ladies Division - Scratch - 150--1117; Paul Gross, Sewick- there must be an interest and anyone interested in managing D. Bode P77-190-142 509 Helen Long, McKees Rocks-921; ley - 917/183 -- 1100; Floyd willingness of parents and sup- a team, or helping out, are in- J. Wade 142-188-192 522 Freda Kuhn, Latrobe-906. Chambers, Wellsburg, W. Va.- portors to give a helping hand. vited to attend. 500 900/191--1091. The Babe Ruth League consists Williamson 164-165-171 Division-Handicap - To date, this has not been forth- 495 Ladies Men's Optional - Hi Single- of two divisions: one for boys D. Poole 175-155-165 Schmitt, Mingo Junction, coming. 492 Glenna William Caensick, McKees 13 through 15, the other for boys R. Balkun 191-149-152 Ohio-823/255--1078; Vera Kru- 491 Rocks - 248. A meeting is scheduled for 16 through 18. B. Green 170-172-149 lac, McKees Rocks - 841/168- 484 Bowling resumes Saturday, P. Breon 180-179-125 1009. 479 April 27 with bowlers from West M. Vojvodich 200-147-132 Ladies - Optional - Hi Single 478 Mifflin, Ellwood City, FordCity, Atkinson 696 In Commercial B. Swlckard 142-196-140 Helen Daugherty, Weirton, W. Fornsaglio 165-133-177 475 Latrobe, West Newton, Pennsy- SUNSET BOWL Va.-225. lvania and Akron, Ohio. C. Blue 157-149-166 472 - Scratch - HIGH SERIES Men's Division There are a few spots open Moffat Paces H. Daugherty 134-173-165 472 .Albert Deurbrouck, Pittsburgh- J.AAtkinson 194-254-248 6396 M. Olexick 175-156-126 457 on the 2:00 p.m. squad Saturday C. Stewart 203-222-253 678 1006; John Conomikes, Pitts- C.' City League K. Koslik 143-157-156 456 April 27, 1968. Huston 237-184-253 6574 LANES Ntederhuber 159-122-172 453 J. ICoppa 210-204-225 639 ALL AMERICAN HIGH SERIES Bodo 161-164-169 494 T. Zorne 160-255-221 636 N. 604 D. Hinerman 157-153-142 452 Gillespie Tops Dyer Country Club B. Carrocci 228-182-223 633 R. J. Moffat 213-198-193 593 T. Jordan 194-221-211 6 26 H. O'Tey 189-193-211 HIGH GAME Hollywood League Announces Opening Del Wayo Jr. 226-201-193 6 20 J. Corsi 234-184-171 589 Mildred Vojvodlch 200 P. Icuss 220-179-182 581 The Dyer Country UiUD will P. Stead 233-217-166 616 Carolyn Underwood 175 HOLLYWOOD LANES 11 F. Icuss 202-199-180 581 officially open on Sunday, April C. McGill 169-216-226 6 Marge Fabian 180 HIGH SERIES C. Heatherington 180-212-181 573 28. Ceremonies will commence Dylewski 203-174-233 610 Pat Simpson 185 B. Gillespie 197-183-232 612 .G.] 183-202-187 572 at P.M. DiVittorio 246-203-159 6308 P. Graceffa Jo Zuk 174 V. Smogor 188-200-190 578 1:30 W. Kliner 181-167-223 571 Mr. James J. Dyer, after whom S.I Ricotta 205-194-198 5'97 172 N. Faccinto 169-188-187 544 94 N. Ogrizovich 157-233-180 570 Cree June the club was named, will lead the F.] Basil 213-200-181 5 Heatherington 166 Mason, Jr. 192-190-162 544 0. M. McDonald 202-181-185 568 Nancy first foursome. William Morrow, Ridenour 189-195-204 588 Maxine Hreha 166 Szydlowski 136-200-188 524 J. I H. Morrow 193-220-155 568 of the club, will follow KIacGregor 237-163-188 588 Moziejko 155-165 T. Ossio 192-192-134 518 President G. ] D. McMillan 194-178-190 562 Rosemary other invited guests. Buffet Bariska 217-157-213 587 165 A. Sawon 155-190-171 516 with R. Manack 181-185-191 557 Betty Smith will be served by the Dyer B.e Spaar 179-214-192 585 Sally Cassandra 163-150 J. Cutri 164-180-168 512 lunch B. Billick 182-186-187 555 Ladies Association. D. Nethers 200-210-172 582 Edith Wigginton 160 J. Gauker 150-180-182 512 *+***** Y. Manack 186-197-169 552 The scheduled summer events 158 S. GIbbs 186-139-179 504 B. Ribar 130-187-234 551 Jo Sample will be as follows: 158 J. Macre 151-174-179 504 B. Porter 179-199-173 551 Grace McMasters April 28 - Opening Day Zamana, Jr. Heads Mary Faccuito 155-154 F. Casinelli 146-192-165 503 B. Robinson 180-170-201 551 5 - Scotch Foursome McGill 154 R. Dillon 173-169-161 503 May S. Macre 179-166-204 549 Jean - Best Ball Twilight 151-153 H. Reynolds 172-159-171 502 May 19 549 Brawyn Vida Scotch Foursome J. Trombetta 168-200-181 Mary Panebianco 153 June 2 - ALL AMERICAN LANES Smarrella Jr. 214-160-173 547 June 8 & 9 - June Handicap Dot Reeves 153 HIGH SERIES G. Pizzutti 191-180-174 545 June 23 - Special Event Sue Zangrando 151 Eafrati Rolls Lone Zamana Jr. 233-203-205 641 H. Busch 189-179-177 545 151 July 6 - Start Club Champion- W. Peckens 232-172-225 629 Virginia Care ship followed for various classes: Ellen Nocera 152 600 InAlpha E, Olexick 201-165-223 589 July 7 - Scotch Foursome 8:00 to 9:00 a.m.-Swimmers Grimm 150 HOLLYWOOD LANES J. Sharp 186-186-214 586 Sue 14 Best Ball in the Junior and Senior Life Marshall 150 HIGH SERIES July - D. Nobile 182-202-191 575 Mary Lou July 20 & 21 - Jim & Monica Saver Class. M. Eafrati 161-210-245 616 A. Cellini 198-197-180 575 Dyer Trophy Day 9:00 to 9:45 a.m.-Adults and DINovo's Team is in first E. Jean Jr. 176-176-243 595 M. Costantini 185-184-204 573 July 28 - Special Event Intermediate. place with 25.5 wins and 13.5 D. Blair 208-189-197 594 T. Myslinski 182-194-197 573 losses. August 4 - Scotch Foursome E. Terzini 208-194-170 572 9:45 to 10:30 a.m.-Advance P. Giannone 170-158-209 537 Presidents Beginners and Beginners. Team members are Glenna 530 August 10 & 11 - A. Evans 207-173-189 569 G. Hagerty 167-211-152 10:30 to 11:15 a.m.-Advance Schmitt, Helen Daugherty, Caro- Pasquarella 191-166-169 526 Cup J. Yandrich 217-144-206 567 August 18 - Throw Out Tour- M. Walker 563 Beginners and Beginners. lyn Underwood, Marge Hufnagel T. Aldrldge 182-192-141 515 191-178-194 nament 11:15 a.m. to 12:00 noon-Ad- and Donna Bode'. R. Doran 147-156-210 513 Achhammer 204-156-201 561 August 31, Sept. 1 & 2- vance Beginners and Beginners. Twin State Motors are in L. Poole 152-157-204 513 P. Kinyo 196-202-156 554 Husband & Wife Champion- All swimmers must be past second place with 25 wins and G. Crouch 167-177-166 510 T. Miller 203-171-180 554 Dasta 554 the 1st grade in school. 14 losses. 3. Divittorio 207-134-168 509 ship. F. 199-160-195 J. DeMaria 194-173-181 548 Mr. Rathbun has also an- F. Rizzo 155-176-178 509 nounced that registration for the 504 B. Crugnale 226-177-143 546 C. Dylewski 157-215-132 Tony ManfredBombs Swimming Lessons will be THE ARSA'S FINEST J. Costantini 213-171-161 545 free L. Metcalf 193-166-144 503 held onMonday, May 6th, May PROVINCIAL GARDENS? S. Simeraro 170-126-204 500 258 In Inter-City 13th, May 20th, and May 27th, Swimming between the hours of 9:00 a.m. APARTMENTS FOR SALE - 1965 Honda Super ALL AMERICAN LANES CCRA to 4:00 p.m. Interested persons Furnished or Unfurnished Hawk 305 c.c., Lot of chrome HIGH SERIES Program Schedule are to call 264-5090 on the above or 264-2411 and extras. Helmet included - W. Dorrance 188-225-213 626 264-4046 The annual swimming program dates. 408 MAIN ST., WINTERSVILLE reasonable. V. Smoger 209-192-212 613 PHONE 944-1519 T. Manfred 258-158-176 592 of the Cross Creek Recreation G. Rocknage 182-211-191 584 Area has been announced by R Ray Rathbun, director. RIANOO'S Heatherington 170-206-207 583 Everything In Music B. Rust 180-187-203 570 There will be two sessions summer, June 24 J. Costantini 209-155-205 569 through the Rentdls-Sa les-Service Thomaselli 181-206-179 566 to July 17 and July 18 to August 234 S. 4th-Steubenville W. Gerber 162-184-220 566 9. The following schedule will be Phone: 282-5638 Smarrella Jr. 192-206-162 560 i J. Lonetta 200-194-165 559 A. Serafine 182-170-205 557 L. Matello 204-164-181 549 BETTER HEALTH CENTER J. Slccurella 183-165-199 547 REDUCING - STEAM BATH1 - RUBDOWNS J. Werkin 175-215-157 547 ISOTRON B. Ribar 168-191-187 546 For Appointments Call: 264-6130 B, Morelli 154-195-196 545 K. Phelleps 190-181-171 542 520 MAIN STREET - WINTERSVILLE


DEMOCRAT Compliments of Mr. and Mrs. John Bains i Paid Pol. Adv 909 Buckeye Street Phone 2833761 PAGE 24 .TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN-, "THE WINTERSVILLE CITIZEN" ON THURSDAY. APRIL 25, 1968 PAGE 24WO ITELLW0THEM. IYOU''%Sw gIT INWTHE-TWIINTFRSItov it-bom ovITI7 EN" ON THURSDAYwM,w. aPRL2.16 II I ('1 Dale Lancaster 727"Joe Coppa 719.Tom Guio 714 Sunset Bowl Scores Grand Slam In District Tourney The Team Event of the Men's District Bowling Association, came to a close over the week- Dolly Johns Tops end and Sunset Bowl won both Actual and Handicap. The scores Thursday Breakfast were 3103-3142. Members of the Dolly Johns, bowling in the team were: Ralph Ricci, Paul Thursday Breakfast at Sunset Stead, Joe Kearney, Lou Di- Bowl, rolled High Series of 522 Carlo and George Wade. She also took high game honors THE TOP TEN / with her 219. (unofficial) HIGH SERIES Sunset Bowl 3142 D. Johns 181-219-122 522 National Cigarette 3094 I. Hunt (s) 160-198-145 503 Dornicks Sunoco 3067 Fletcher 164-161-162 487 Valley Foods P. 3057 H. Starr 156-140-191 487 Odd Fellows 3045 D. Wells 186-150-149 485 Belle-Aire Market 3018 139-175-170 484 Howard Bowers D. Poole Diomedi 178-137-168 483 DALE LANCASTER 727 JOE COPPA 719 Construction 3013 J. Olexick 152-171-159 482 TOM GUIO 714 McConnell Appliance 3002 C. Dale Heads Commercial as Coppa heads a big night in Pasquarella 135-153-186 474 Pipefitters 2987 his team, National Cigarette, Metro as Iron City hits 3085. Tom paces Major League M. Powley 135-151-187 473 Robinson Products 2968 hits 3102. Peerless Clay hits Belle Aire Market 3082, D'- with 289 and 714. GAME The Doubles and Singles will HIGH 3000. Aurora's 3057 and Tri-R Co. MAJOR LEAGUE SCORES 177 start this Saturday at Hollywood Kitty Barker COMMERCIAL HIGH SCORES 3035. T. Guio 289-191-234 714 Elaine Marker 176 Lanes. D. Lancaster 235-259-233 727 METROPOLITAN SCORES J. 'Atkinson 223-239-215 677 168 The Men's Annual Banquet will Mary Barnes W. O'Reilly 211-193-256 660 J. Coppa 259-246-214 719 Kirkpatrick 217-245-212 674 Fisher 167 be held Saturday, May 25th at Shirley H. Utzler 217-218-224 659 A. Freeman 217-258-203 678 C. Vaja 256-196-193 647 Peachie Auteri 166 6:30 p.m. at St. Pius Hall. J. Atkinson 224-235-193 652 J. Werkin 245-176-252 673 G. Bariscka 204-211-231 646 Jean Linder (s) 166 B. McClave 203-236-198 637 C. Vaja 223-236-211 670 B. Sparr 200-258-184 642 Alice Argano 164 FOR - 14 S. Mantanis 225-172-238 635 B. Sparr 222-189-255 666 C. Ross 242-202-195 639 SALE foot - wood Myrtle Bradley 163 Thompson Boat with trailer C. Huston 227-216-191 634 C. Ely 194-259-209 662 H. Saver 171-247-212 630 Mary Mitchell 162 and motor, remote controls and T. Ragusa 222-171-235 628 J. Kopras 196-239-212 647 B. Lazor 214-228-186 628 Mary Walker 162 steering. $125.00. P. Stead 201-194-232 627 H. Saver 169-215-256 640 C. Blancato 212-206-209 627 H. Rairigh 203-180-235 618 P. Stead 226-223-190 639 A. Freeman 183-265-175 623 PHONE 264-5639 J. Kearney 205-196-210 611 B, Carrocci 169-268-202 639 G. Harter 243-179-194 616 W. Wade 214-192-203 609 R. Starr 223-193-221 637 J. Hazlett 234-176-201 611 H. Ballantine 225-215-168 608 R. Carpoletti 216-233-187 636 J. Paddock 186-203-219 608 m L. Adams 199-226-180 605 J. MacGregor 234-218-170 622 J. Kopras 204-225-177 606 P. Cottone 170-221-210 601 Thomaselli 199-227-194 620 R. Blancato 185-214-204 603 ~zz B. Straka 201-204-214 619 C. Bowers 201-176-223 600 C. Ross 244-180-194 618 B. Berenci 215-162-220 597 G. Medich 227-188-203 618 D. Lancaster 199-181-212 592 Fothernham 233-200-182 615 M. Valkosky 203-200-185 588 Bowling is T. MCClosky 211-187-217 615 L. Sweeney 183-150-255 588 E. Karas 203-211-200 614 T. Ragusa 192-214-182 588 C. Brandt 145-215-253 613 C. Stewart 180-202-200 582 a "family D. Lancaster 204-191-215 610 L. Di Carlo 185-214-204 582 C. Blancato 182-235-192 609 W. Poole 168-214-199 581 B. Rogers 199-186-224 609 affair" on T. Cooper 172-234-199 605 Tops Thomaselli 203-205-196 604 Call McCracken 219-227-158 604 ***** Wednesday Breakfast our lanes SUNSET BOWL Saver InFirst Place HIGH SERIES Call 153-185-175 513 InSuburbanite Whitten 178-190-137 505 Our pleasant atmosphere and fine SUNSET BOWL Ely 163-164-177 504 HIGH SERIES Ferguson 137-192-200 498 facilities score high with family groups. H. Saver 214-205-193 612 Otto 498 D. Myers 237-200-165 602 153-145-200 B. Washel 215-184-193 592 Moorhead 191-148-157 496 Come in anytime, and let us set 'em up D. Lancaster 245-158-189 592 Grunewald 161-147-183 491 W. McMannis 180-172-231 583 Hatcher 162-152-175 489 for relaxed, informal fun for all. Plenty Deist 138-195-148 481 J, Mack 168-183-232 583 Virtue 157-173-147 477 Esther Williamson J. Pata 215-182-168 565 Reed 163-165-144 472 of lanes. T. Finck 193-189-171 553 Cribbs 144-175-153 472 * Esther Williamnson rolled a D. Roe 207-208-138 553 604 series on lines of 191, 235 R. Rogers 169-216-162 547 Cornish 147-192-131 470 and 178 in the Ladies Town and R. Snyder 181-191-173 545 Pyles (s) 147-167-148 462 Drive right in! Our patrons park free in our Saltsman 151-155-153 459 Country League of Sunset Bowl. B. Long 172-200-171 543 parking lot where there's always ample room She also rolled the only 600 set N. Yates 199-149-191 539 Barnett 121-197-141 459 Diedreich 148-162-148 458 of the league. B. Grimm 135-175-214 524 for all. Try our snack bar, too. HIGH SERIES L. Goldberg 169-1727182 523 McClave 140-168-149 457 Williamson 191-235-178 604 E. Johnson 161-182-176 519 Purviance (s) 140-140-175 455 B. Singer 184-187-191 562 E. Stringer 190-150-179 519 Varner 164-142-144 450 A, Gump 173-178-209 560 R. Marchioni 182-158-179 519 Cottrell 130-155-162 447 Glikes 155-136-154 445 N. O'Neill 171-180-181 532 F. Smith 177-173-164 514 Horn 129-168-146 443 M. Ciccolella 170-192-168 530 K. Turnbull 162-158-188 508 Van Oller 148-157-137 442 M. Brown 167-202-160 529 V. Checkler 158-191-159 508 146-144-149 439 M. Kramer 186-150-186 522 C. Antill Sr. 182-138-185 505 Burks Dalrymple 159-120-157 436 M. Wade 192-180-148 520 C. Huston 151-229-125 505 Etter 127-144-165 436 L. Barnett 163-189-160 512 144-176-180 500 P. Hauser Christoff 125-144-167 436 502 P & 0 Oil Co. are in first Burchfield 162-185-155 LaRue 138-160-137 435 158-167-171 496 place with 27 wins and 15 losses. E. Callas Sherry 140-157-136 433 BOWL Where P. Zorne 159-158-177 494 B'nai Brith are in second, C. Blue 201-127-165 493 with 26 wins and 16 losses. Ickes 145-147-134 426 V. Quattrone 175-169-145 489 ****** P. Brettell 172-181-136 489 D.Myers Paces Coleman Rolls 242 B. Avoli 141-186-160 487 The N. Reynolds 168-182-132 482 Tuesday Mixed In Tuesday Breakfast M. Stead 150-156-175 481 SUNSET BOWL D. 175-171-136 482 SUNSET BOWL Gump MENS HIGH SERIES L. Oliver 163-158-158 479 HIGH SERIES D. Myers 202-192-203 597 J. Sample 131-165-179 475 B, Coleman 199-147-242 588 CHAMPIONS K. Turnbull 195-206-192 593 H. Prolago 159-164-152 475 R. Brumback 160-180-215 555 A. Weiss 183-205-156 590 B. Shields 133-189-152 474 I. Ankrum 161-187-189 537 B. Sparr 194-205-188 587 K. Checkler 156-147-169 472 D. Waterman 189-141-203 533 G. Hunt 211-198-178 587 PnllAi W. Waugh 174-151-192 517 UUVV L S, Mantanis 179-233-172 584 L. Evans 180-166-165 511 T. Stewart 205-172-203 580 T. Woodward 166-189-155 510 C. Thomas 204-169-202 575 L. Cline 161-153-188 502 HOWELL'S H. Beardman 217-180-166 563 A. Gump 165-189-141 495 P. Smarrella 164-204-187 555 E. Crissinger 150-172-168 490 SHELL SERVICE H. Rairigh 193-161-188 542 Whitman (s) 158-174-152 484 C. 'June 157-160-213 530 R. Ickes (s) 138-154-188 480 STATION WOMENS HIGH SERIES G. Moore 151-138-189 478 ' I. Hunt 194-213-200 607 M. Metcalf 154-102-217 473 SUNSET BOWL A. Gump 192-178-187 557 E. Brown 140-157-169 466 P. Bethel 200-183-168 551 R. Hanlln 126-163-177 466 3909 SUNSET BOULEVARD C. June 185-171-181 537 S. Sweeney 155-173-136 464 N. O'Neill 171-178-184 533 R. Gump 154-163-147 464 Phone 264-1625 Phone 264-0184 J. Longo 204-167-162 533 J. Rasor 164-136-162 462 won . i.. . S. Mantanis 136-211-178 525 Z. Criss 120-188-153 461