and the TriState Area VOL. 5, NO. 23 THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1968 - TWENTY FOUR PAGES $5.00 per year 10 per copy "Miss Steelmark 3rd" To Usher In Steelmark Monith Eight Area Girls To Vie For Title e44C644 Of dmeican i(tyens Each year on May 1, the legal profession of the United States Sponsors Law Day U.S.A. programs. The theme for the 1968 observance is "Only a lawful society can build a better society." There will be many programs throughout Ohio sponsored by local Bar associations. The purpose of this observance is to bring public attention to the rights and duties of citizenship. Several years ago, the American Bar Association drafted some "Canons of American Citizenship" to highlight the responsibilities of being an American. ; canons of lmtrican itiztnship eveRy ameican citizen shoul 6 Recoqnize the buty tO * upholo the laws of the uniteb states, an6 the states anb communities. I E befen6 OUR countay fRom invasion anb OuR Gcoveanment fRom oveRthRow By fORCe, violence, oR suBveRsion. ELAINE PIERCE VALERIE TALIANI SHEREE GAMPOLO Mingo Junction Wintersvi lie Steubenville * encouRaCe Respect fOR law ano ORObeRanb insist upon solu- tions of biffeRences anb Rievances By pRocesses of law anb nFveR By ResORt to violence ORotheR unlawful means. * suppoRt those chaRQeob with the enfoRcement anb abminis- tRation Of OUR laws; voluntaRily act as a witness anb serve as a JUROR. * haRBOR no pReJUbice aqainst anyone Because of Race, R LI- Qion OR national ORGifn. E maintain pRibe in family, heRitage anb chuRch as well as in community, state anb nation. E keep infoRmeb on issues anb canbibates, anb vote in every election. >NP SRespect the Richts anb opinions of otheRs. E participate in Relicious, chaRitaBle, civic, ebucational OR otheR activities to pRomote the welfaRe of the community. E acknowleoe that 'ResponsiBilities' aRe as impoRtant as 'Richts' in the p1eseRvation of Reebom anb justice. SHARON CLINE BONNIE MILBY PAMELA RICHMOND Follansbee New Cumberland Wellsburg Library Committee Gives Library Proress Report JUDY GALLOWAY JO LYNN LOWERY Weirton Toronto Laman Studio Photo Eight area communities have is a daughter or relative of a nominated queen candidates to steel worker. compete for the title of "Miss Selection of "Miss Steelmark Steelmark Il." IIP* will take place at the Steel- The Wintersville Library Committee meeting was held in the Municipal Building, Wintersville on One of the eight lovelies will mark Month kick-off banquet of Friays April 19th at P.M. with 8:00 representatives from Wintersville Area organizations in attendance. b ecome queen of the annual Steel- the Follansbee Chamber of Com- Revo Dalley, chairman, presided over the meeting. A review of what has been accomplished was reported mark Month observance held merce on Monday night, April Ralph Freshwater, committee member. Each representative gave a report on the pledge from their each year in May in the Upper 29, at 6:30 p.m. at St. Francis organization to the library fund. Organizations will be notified of the next meeting. The Committee consists Ohio Valley to salute the steel Centre on Hooverson HeigtL. of:(l to r). Ralph Freshwater, Rev. Fr. Charles Sargus, Mrs. Tom Keller, Miss Barbara Hukill and Rev. industry. Each of the candidates STEELMARK MONTH Charles Dailey. (Cont'd on page 8) DAVCI 2 TELLTELL.TH...no THEM a YOUYOU. SAWSAW. ITIT. ININ.T....I.... "THE WINTERSVILLETE... IL..ITZEN-O CITIZEN" .R..... ON THURSDAY.T... ..APRILAPRI 25.25v-4 1968-1-9 Fr. Lewis To Speak To Eagle Scouts ;:.. ......... Fifty-two Eagle Scouts from Fort Steuben Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, will be team- S Indian Creek School Levy Endorsed ed up for an evening with 52 business and professional men I The following organizations in the Indian Creek School:'.... at an Eagle Recognition Dinner District have endorsed the 11/2 mill School Operating::::.:. The 6 at the Fort Steuben Hotel in will appear on the May 7th. Ballot; Steubenville on Tuesday, April : Levy which 30. Established December 6, 1962 Walter George, chairman for INDIAN CREEK PTA COUNCIL Rudy Taliani, the banquet which begins at 6:30 SSTARK SCHOOL PTA III Publisher-Co-Ed itor p.m., said the program is de- II BANTAM RIDGE PTA II Patricia Taliani Co-Editor signed to let each boy spend the evening with a man who is in the II MINGO KIWANIS CLUB j.| Subscription Rates: field the boy hopes to enter, I St. AGNES HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION $5.00 per year or 100 per copy "'This will give each Eagle Advertising rates furnished Scout the opportunity to talk with II MINGO PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION on request the man about his career," Mr. WINTERSVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE George said, "and as a result SWINTERSYILLE ELEMENTARY PTA I the boy will receive valuable BLOOMINGDALE JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB guidance which will help him as he prepares for his life's I WINTERSVILLE ATHLETIC BOOSTERS Published weekly at work." II HILL'S ELEMENTARY BOOSTERS CLUB 559 Canton Road In keeping with the career JUNIOR FEDERATED WOMEN OF WINTERSVILLE 1 Wintersville, Ohio 43952 guidance theme, the speaker for : :.::.. ....................... ................ ........ ... ... ........ ... .. ... Phone: 264-4303 the evening will be The Rev. ..........: .........................:..: ..........:.:%. .::.. .. .:: :......:.:....:..:..... ....: :.......... ::.:::: :::!... ..........:.i:.:..:: ..: ! Clifford M. Lewis, S.J., assist- 'PROBATION ant to the president of Wheeling AFTER Second Class Postage Ohio College. Fr. Clifford Lewis DEATH" SUBJECT OF Methodist WSCS Paid At Steubenville, A graduate of Allegheny Col- SERVICE lege and the University of Wis- "Ye are all the children of Plans Annual Meeting consin, Father Lewis was em- All Faiths To Rehearse light, and the children of the day: The Woman's Society of ployed in newspaper work, high we are not of the night, nor of Christian Service of the North- school and college teaching, and For Performances darkness." East Ohio Conference, will hold public relations work before Mr. Leslie Jackson, Presi- This verse from First Thes- their 28th Annual Meeting at the By MRS. JAMES WALTERS entering the Society of Jesus dent, has announced a rehearsal safonians is part of the Respon- First Methodist Church, In Can- "In the beginning, God created from the staff of Pennsylvania of the All Faiths Singers for sive Reading from the Lesson- ton, Ohio on May 15, 1968 at the heaven and the earth" State University in 1942. 2:30 p.m., Sunday, April 28, Sermon tobe read in all Christian a.m. The theme of the 9:30 (Gen. 1:1). He was ordained to the priest- 1968. The rehearsal will be held Science churches Sunday, April Meeting will be "Open Doors". of the universe hood at Woodstock College, in the sanctuary of Brentwood 28, 1968. The subject is "Pro- Principals at the meeting will The history began with astupendous miracle- Maryland in 1951 and went to Methodist Church in Win- bation after Death." include Mrs. C.E. Achberger, the creation of all matter out of Wheeling in 1953 to do public tersville. Services at the First Church of Mount Vernon, Ohio-President, nothing by the Word of the Lordl relations work in connection with Mr. Jackson requests all team Christ, Scientist, 600 Lover's Mrs. Clyde Banbury, Danville, Right here all infidelity begins, the founding of Wheeling College captains to make a special effort Lane, Steubenville, begin at 10:30 Ohio-Vice President and Pro- and right here faith comes to where he has been ever since. to turn out all interested singers AM. The public is invited to gram Chairman and Mrs. Floyd rest. If you do not receive as Father Lewis has written in the respective areas for this attend. Greene-President of Canton Dis- - ****** truth the first verse of the Scrip- several articles of historical rehearsal. The first public ap- trict. and archaeological interest and pearance of the All Faiths TWO RIDGE CHURCH TO tures, you cannot believe any is co-author of thebook "Spanish Singers will be at the First HOLD SPECIAL SERVICES The Morning session, thing else God says. God does Jesuit Missions in Virginia, Methodist Church at West Lafay- Services and prayer and spiri- scheduled for 9:30 a.m., will not stop to prove that opening have Mr. Shiro Abe, of Japan, statement concerning creation. 1570-1572." ette, Ohio at 7:30 p.m. on Mayk tual healing are being conducted as speaker. Mr. Abe is the us to believe and The 52 boys to be honored 5, 1968. The group will also in the Sanctuary of the Two He expects Director of Yokosuka Christian were required to be registered appear at Wayne High School in Ridge Presbyterian Church on accept it by faith. The atheists and active Eagle Scouts who at- Bloomingdale, Ohio on May 19, Route 43 the first and third Community Center in Yokosuka, and the evolutionists object to tained their rank between April 1968. The meeting onSunday will Wednesday of every month. In Japan. Also included in the morn- this because they say they do That 1, 1967 and March 31, 1968. put the finishing touches on the May, the services will be held ing session will be Business, not believe in miracles. of Officers arose from the dead is Boys attaining the Eagle rank program for May 5, and will on the 1st and 15th at 8:00 p.m. Reports, Election Christ between April 1 of this year mark the beginning of intensive with the Laying-on-of-hands. The and a Pledge Service. Following too great a miracle for the and March 31, 1969 will be practice for the All Faiths public is invited. the business session, Mrs. Na- evolutionist to believe, but he honored at next year's banquet. Singers engagements. thaniel Bedford, National Presi- swallows without a wince, the Further information concern- HEALTH DRAMA dent of the Woman's Missionary theory that life developed in an ing the aims and purpose of the A dramatic film called "The Council of the Christian Metho- orderly fashion from a dead All Faiths Singers, and Sunday's Elusive Enemy," about the still- dist Episcopal Church, will blob of protoplasm, or originated rehearsal, can be obtained by present hazard of tuberculosis speak.
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