(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.232,618 B2 Bourke, Jr
USOO9232618B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.232,618 B2 Bourke, Jr. et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 5, 2016 (54) UP AND DOWN CONVERSION SYSTEMS (58) Field of Classification Search FOR PRODUCTION OF EMITTED LIGHT CPC .............. H01J9/00; H01J 61/00; A61N 5700; FROM VARIOUS ENERGY SOURCES G01N33/00; G01N 2003/0003; G01N 33/53; INCLUDING RADIO FREQUENCY, G01N 33/551; G01N33/54346; G01N 33/553; MCROWAVE ENERGY AND MAGNETC G01N 23/02; G02B 26/00 USPC ....................................................... 250/458.1 INDUCTION SOURCES FOR UPCONVERSION See application file for complete search history. (56) References Cited (75) Inventors: Frederic A. Bourke, Jr., Greenwich, CT (US); Zakaryae Fathi, Raleigh, NC U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (US); Ian Nicholas Stanton, Durham, NC (US); Michael J. Therien, Durham, 4,608.222 A 8, 1986 Brueckner .................... 376/104 NC (US); Paul Rath Stauffer, Durham, 5,118,422 A * 6/1992 Cooper et al. ................ 210,636 NC (US); Paolo MacCarini. Durham, (Continued) NC (US); Katherine Sarah Hansen, Cary, NC (US); Diane Renee Fels, FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Morrisville, NC (US); Cory Robert EP 2130553 A1 * 12/2009 ............. A61K 41.00 Wyatt, Durham, NC (US); Mark Wesley WO WO 2008, 118234 A2 10/2008 Dewhirst, Durham, NC (US) WO WO 2008118234 A2 * 10, 2008 .............. HOL 31,04 (73) Assignees: IMMUNOLIGHT, LLC, Detroit, MI OTHER PUBLICATIONS (US); DUKE UNIVERSITY, Durham, International Search Report and Written Opinion of the International NC (US) Searching Authority issued Mar. 28, 2011, in Patent Application No. PCT/US 2010/0561.78. *) Notice: Subject to anyy disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 (Continued) U.S.C.
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