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MICHAEL L. ALEXANDER, Staff Director BRANDON L. MILHORN, Minority Staff Director and Chief Counsel TRINA DRIESSNACK TYRER, Chief Clerk PATRICIA R. HOGAN, GPO Detailee and Publications Clerk

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Every four years, just after the Presidential election, the ‘‘ Government Policy and Supporting Positions,’’ commonly known as the Plum Book, is published, alternately, by the Senate Committee on Home- land Security and Governmental Affairs and the House Committee on Over- sight and Government Reform. This publication contains data (as of September 1, 2008) on over 7,000 Federal civil service leadership and support positions in the legislative and executive branches of the Federal Government that may be subject to noncompetitive appointment (e.g., positions such as agency heads and their immediate subordinates, policy executives and advisors, and aides who report to these officials). The duties of many such positions may involve advocacy of Administration policies and programs and the incumbents usu- ally have a close and confidential working relationship with the agency head or other key officials. Following are the major categories of positions listed: • Executive Schedule and salary-equivalent positions paid at the rates established for levels I through V of the Executive Schedule; • Senior Executive Service (SES) ‘‘General’’ positions; • Senior Foreign Service positions; • Schedule C positions excepted from the competitive service by the Presi- dent, or by the Director, Office of Personnel Management, because of the confidential or policy-determining nature of the position duties; and • Other positions at the GS–14 and above level excepted from the com- petitive civil service by law because of the confidential or policy-deter- mining nature of the position duties. See Appendix 2 for more details on SES appointments and Appendix 3 for more details on Schedule C appointments. Additional information on the positions listed and the Federal salary schedules under which they are paid is provided in the appendices. The Legend on the following page shows the codes and acronyms used in this publication.

DISCLAIMER The information for this committee print was provided by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management [OPM].


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Position Location (Column 1) Listed are the cities, States/Provinces, and foreign countries in which the positions are located. Countries and cities (or other subdivisions) are shown for overseas posts. Note that ‘‘Washington, DC’’ includes positions in the entire metropolitan area and therefore may include certain cities and counties in the States of Maryland and Virginia. Position Title (Column 2) Listed are the position titles and the names of the organizations in which they are located. Name of Incumbent (Column 3) Listed are the names of individuals serving under other than career appointments. The phrase ‘‘Career Incumbent’’ is shown for positions incumbered by career appointees. The term ‘‘Vacant’’ is shown for positions that were not occupied on September 1, 2008, the ‘‘as of’’ date of this publication. Note the law requires ‘‘member’’ positions in certain agencies (e.g., boards, committees, and commis- sions) be filled on a bipartisan basis. For such positions, the following letter codes are shown in parentheses following the name of the incumbent:

(D) = Democrat (I) = Independent (R) = Republican Type of Appointment (Column 4) Listed are letter codes that denote the type of appointment under which the position incumbent is serving. Note that several categories of positions can be filled by more than one type of appointment, e.g., SES positions listed in this publication may be filled by using career, noncareer, limited emergency, or limited term appointment authorities. Therefore, no ‘‘Type of Appointment’’ is shown for such positions when they are vacant.

PAS = Presidential Appointment with Senate Confirmation PA = Presidential Appointment (without Senate Confirmation) CA = Career Appointment NA = Noncareer Appointment TA = Limited Term Appointment SC = Schedule C Excepted Appointment XS = Appointment Excepted by Statute


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Pay Plan (Column 5) Listed are letter codes that denote the Federal salary schedule or pay system under which the position incumbents are going to be paid. Tables showing the salary ranges for major pay systems are contained in Appendix 4.

AD = Administratively Determined Rates ES = Senior Executive Service EX = Executive Schedule FA = Foreign Service Chiefs of Mission FE = Senior Foreign Service FP = Foreign Service Specialist GS = General Schedule PD = Daily Pay Rate* (per diem) SL = Senior Level TM = Federal Housing Finance Board Merit Pay VH = Farm Credit Administration Pay Plan WC = Without Compensation* OT = Other Pay Plan* (all those not listed separately) * Although not Pay Plans, these codes are shown for information purposes. Level, Grade, or Pay (Column 6) Listed are numerical and letter codes that denote the level, grade, or salary of the position incumbered: Levels I through V of the Executive Schedule Grades 1 through 15 of the General Schedule Annual Salary in Dollars Daily Pay Rate in Dollars If there is no entry in this column, the position does not have an established level, grade, or pay rate. For example, the pay rate for Senior Executive Service and Senior Level positions is ‘‘personal,’’ i.e., attached to the incumbent, not the position. The pay rate for each new appointee is set by the appointing authority (usually the agency head) on a case-by-case basis. Annual salary schedules and pay ranges for such positions are shown in Appendix 4. Tenure (Column 7) Listed are the terms or durations of the appointment in years. If there is no entry in this column, the appointment has no fixed term. Expires (Column 8) Listed are the expiration dates for time-limited appointments. If there is no entry in this column, the incumbent is not serving under a time-limited appointment. However, many member positions on agency advisory boards, councils, and commissions are filled initially for a fixed term, but the incumbents may (and often do) serve beyond the expiration date until they are replaced. In such cases, no expiration date is shown.

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Page Page FOREWORD ...... iii Federal Communications Commission ...... 154 LEGEND ...... v Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ...... 156 Federal Election Commission ...... 156 LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ...... 156 ...... 1 Federal Housing Finance Board ...... 157 Government Accountability Office ...... 1 Federal Labor Relations Authority ...... 158 Government Printing Office ...... 1 Federal Maritime Commission ...... 158 ...... 1 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service ...... 158 United States Tax Court ...... 2 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission .. 159 System ...... 159 EXECUTIVE BRANCH Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board ...... 159 ...... 159 Executive Office of the President ...... 4 General Services Administration ...... 160 White House Office ...... 4 Harry S Truman Scholarship Foundation ...... 162 Office of Policy Development ...... 6 Interagency Council on the Homeless ...... 162 Office of Administration ...... 7 Inter-American Foundation ...... 162 Office of Management and Budget ...... 7 International Boundary and Water Commission ...... 163 Council of Economic Advisors ...... 8 Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin ..... 163 Council on Environmental Quality ...... 8 James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation ...... 163 Office of the U.S. Trade Representative ...... 8 Japan-United States Friendship Commission ...... 163 Office of Science and Technology Policy ...... 10 Marine Mammal Commission ...... 163 Office of National Drug Control Policy ...... 10 National Security Council ...... 11 Medicare Payment Advisory Commission ...... 163 Merit Systems Protection Board ...... 163 Millennium Challenge Corporation ...... 164 DEPARTMENTS National Aeronautics and Space Administration ...... 164 Department of Agriculture ...... 12 National Archives and Records Administration ...... 166 Department of Commerce ...... 20 National Capital Planning Commission ...... 167 Department of Defense ...... 27 National Council on Disability ...... 167 Office of the Secretary ...... 27 National Credit Union Administration ...... 167 Air Force ...... 39 National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities ...... 168 Army ...... 41 Institute of Museum Services ...... 168 Navy ...... 45 National Endowment for the Arts ...... 168 Department of Education ...... 47 National Endowment for the Humanities ...... 168 Department of Energy ...... 53 National Labor Relations Board ...... 169 Department of Health and Human Services ...... 65 National Mediation Board ...... 169 Department of Homeland Security ...... 77 National Science Foundation ...... 170 Department of Housing and Urban Development ...... 84 National Transportation Safety Board ...... 172 Department of the Interior ...... 89 Nuclear Regulatory Commission ...... 173 Department of Justice ...... 95 Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board ...... 175 Department of Labor ...... 104 Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission ... 175 Department of State ...... 109 Office of Government Ethics ...... 175 Department of Transportation ...... 120 Office of the Federal Coordinator Alaska Natural Gas Department of the Treasury ...... 128 Transportation Projects ...... 176 Department of Veterans Affairs ...... 133 Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation ...... 176 Office of Personnel Management ...... 176 INDEPENDENT AGENCIES AND GOVERNMENT CORPORATIONS Office of Special Counsel ...... 177 Advisory Council on Historic Preservation ...... 141 Overseas Private Investment Corporation ...... 178 American Battle Monuments Commission ...... 141 ...... 178 Appalachian Regional Commission ...... 141 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation ...... 179 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Postal Regulatory Commission ...... 179 Board (United States Access Board) ...... 141 President’s Commission on White House Fellowships .. 180 Arctic Research Commission ...... 142 Presidio Trust ...... 180 Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence In Edu- Railroad Retirement Board ...... 180 cation Foundation ...... 142 Securities and Exchange Commission ...... 181 Broadcasting Board of Governors ...... 142 ...... 181 Central Intelligence Agency ...... 143 Small Business Administration ...... 181 Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board ...... 143 ...... 183 Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation ...... 143 Social Security Administration ...... 184 Commission on Civil Rights ...... 143 Tennessee Valley Authority ...... 189 Commission of Fine Arts ...... 144 Trade and Development Agency ...... 189 Committee for Purchase from People Who are Blind United States Agency for International Development ... 189 or Severely Disabled ...... 144 United States - China Economic and Security Review Commodity Futures Trading Commission ...... 144 Commission ...... 192 Consumer Product Safety Commission ...... 145 United States Commission on International Religious Corporation for National and Community Service ...... 145 Freedom ...... 192 Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for United States Election Assistance Commission ...... 193 the District of Columbia ...... 147 United States Holocaust Memorial Council ...... 193 Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board ...... 147 United States Institute of Peace ...... 193 ...... 148 United States International Trade Commission ...... 194 Environmental Protection Agency ...... 148 United States Postal Service ...... 195 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ...... 153 Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Com- Export-Import Bank of the United States ...... 154 mission ...... 196 Farm Credit Administration ...... 154 Vietnam Education Foundation ...... 196


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Page Page APPENDIXES 2. Senior Executive Service ...... 200 1. Summary of Positions Subject to Noncompetitive 3. Schedule C Positions ...... 202 Appointment ...... 197 4. Federal Salary Schedules for 2008 ...... 203 5. Office of the Vice President ...... 210

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Architect of the Capitol ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX III 10 Years


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Comptroller General ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX II 15 Years Do ...... Deputy Comptroller General ...... do ...... PAS EX III ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE PUBLIC PRINTER Washington, DC .... Public Printer ...... Robert C. Tapella ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Deputy Public Printer ...... Paul Erickson ...... XS EX III ...... Do ...... Superintendent of Documents ...... Vacant ...... XS SL ...... Do ...... Inspector General ...... J. Anthony Ogden ...... XS SL ...... Office of the Chief of Staff Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Maria S. Lefevre ...... SC SL ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS Washington, DC .... Librarian of Congress ...... Dr. James H. Billington ..... PAS EX II ...... LIBRARY OF CONGRESS TRUST FUND BOARD Do ...... Ex-Officio (Chairman) ...... do ...... PAS WC ...... Do ...... Ex-Officio Member (Secretary of the Treas- Honorable Henry M. XS WC ...... ury). Paulson Jr. Do ...... Ex-Officio Member (Chairman, Joint Com- Honorable Dianne Fein- XS WC ...... mittee on the Library) Senate. stein. Do ...... Ex-Officio Member (Vice Chairman, Joint Honorable Robert A. Brady. XS WC ...... Committee on the Library) House of Rep- resentatives. Dallas, TX ...... Member ...... Ruth Altschuler ...... PA WC ...... 5 Years 03/08/10 Bethesda, MD ...... do ...... B. Francis Saul II ...... PA WC ...... 5 Years 03/08/09 New York, NY ...... do ...... John W. Kluge ...... XS WC ...... 5 Years 03/09/09 Grand Rapids, MI ...... do ...... Elizabeth DeVos ...... XS WC ...... 5 Years 10/29/08 San Francisco, CA ...... do ...... J. Richard Fredericks ...... XS WC ...... 5 Years 09/20/09 McLean, VA ...... do ...... Anthony Welters ...... XS WC ...... 5 Years 10/18/09 Dallas, TX ...... do ...... Edwin L. Cox ...... XS WC ...... 5 Years 10/18/09 Philadelphia, PA ...... do ...... John Medveckis ...... XS WC ...... 5 Years 06/09/11 OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES DEVISE Washington, DC .... Member ...... Robert Cottrol ...... PAS WC ...... 8 Years 05/31/10 Do ...... do ...... Allison Eid ...... PAS WC ...... 8 Years 12/24/10 Do ...... do ...... Timothy Hagle ...... PAS WC ...... 8 Years 05/31/10 Do ...... do ...... Maeva Marcus ...... PAS WC ...... 8 Years 01/19/09 AMERICAN FOLKLIFE CENTER BOARD East Lansing, MI ... Chairman ...... Dr. C. Kurt Dewhurst ...... XS WC ...... 09/06/12 Washington, DC .... Ex-Officio Member ...... Dr. James H. Billington .... PAS WC ...... Do ...... Ex-Officio Member (Acting Secretary of the Cristian Samper ...... PAS WC ...... Smithsonian Institution).


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Ex-Officio Member (Chairman, National En- Dana Gioia ...... PAS WC ...... dowment for the Arts). Do ...... Ex-Officio Member (Chairman, National En- Bruce Cole ...... PAS WC ...... dowment for the Humanities). Columbia, MO ...... Ex-Officio Member ...... Dr. Elaine Lawless ...... PAS WC ...... Washington, DC ...... do ...... Dr. Margaret (Peggy) Bulg- PAS WC ...... er. Riverside, CA ...... do ...... Dr. Deborah Wong ...... PAS WC ...... Washington, DC ...... do ...... Dr. Judith McCulloh ...... PAS WC ...... Do ...... Member (Director, National Park Service) ...... Honorable Mary A. Bomar PA WC ...... Do ...... Member (Assistant Secretary for Public and Honorable Lisette M. PA WC ...... Intergovernmental Affairs, Department of Mondello. Veterans Affairs). Durham, NC ...... Member ...... Thomas S. Rankin ...... XS WC ...... 12/31/08 New York, NY ...... do ...... Dr. Daniel Botkin ...... XS WC ...... 11/24/08 Pierre, SD ...... do ...... Dennis Holub ...... XS WC ...... 03/31/10 Bennettsville, SC ...... do ...... William L. Kinney Jr...... XS WC ...... 04/01/12 Sebastopol, CA ...... do ...... Mickey Hart ...... XS WC ...... 03/31/10 Elko, NV ...... do ...... Charlie Seemann ...... XS WC ...... 01/23/12 Henderson, NV ...... do ...... Donald L. Scott ...... XS WC ...... 12/31/12 Ripton, VT ...... do ...... Dr. Jane Beck ...... XS WC ...... 12/31/10 Washington, DC ...... do ...... Kojo Nnamdi ...... XS WC ...... 12/31/08 Cambridge, MA ...... do ...... Dr. Kay Kaufman XS WC ...... 01/22/12 Shelemay. Tesuque, NM ...... do ...... Marlene Meyerson ...... XS WC ...... 06/27/08


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

JUDGES Washington, DC .... Chief Judge ...... John O. Colvin ...... PAS OT $169,300 15 Years 08/11/19 Do ...... Judge ...... Mary Ann Cohen ...... PAS OT $169,300 15 Years 11/06/12 Do ...... do ...... Maurice B. Foley ...... PAS OT $169,300 15 Years 04/08/10 Do ...... do ...... Joseph H. Gale ...... PAS OT $169,300 15 Years 02/05/11 Do ...... do ...... Joseph R. Goeke ...... PAS OT $169,300 15 Years 04/21/18 Do ...... do ...... David D. Gustafson ...... PAS OT $169,300 15 Years 07/28/23 Do ...... do ...... Harry A. Haines ...... PAS OT $169,300 15 Years 04/21/18 Do ...... do ...... James S. Halpern ...... PAS OT $169,300 15 Years 11/01/20 Do ...... do ...... Mark V. Holmes ...... PAS OT $169,300 15 Years 06/29/18 Do ...... do ...... Diane L. Kroupa ...... PAS OT $169,300 15 Years 06/12/18 Do ...... do ...... L. Paige Marvel ...... PAS OT $169,300 15 Years 04/05/13 Do ...... do ...... Richard T. Morrison ...... PAS OT $169,300 15 Years 08/28/23 Do ...... do ...... Elizabeth Crewson Paris ... PAS OT $169,300 15 Years 07/29/23 Do ...... do ...... Stephen J. Swift ...... PAS OT $169,300 15 Years 11/30/15 Do ...... do ...... Michael B. Thornton ...... PAS OT $169,300 15 Years 03/07/13 Do ...... do ...... Juan F. Vasquez ...... PAS OT $169,300 15 Years 04/30/10 Do ...... do ...... Thomas B. Wells ...... PAS OT $169,300 15 Years 10/09/16 Do ...... do ...... Robert A. Wherry Jr...... PAS OT $169,300 15 Years 04/22/18 Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... PAS OT $169,300 15 Years CHAMBERS ADMINISTRATORS TO THE JUDGES Do ...... Chambers Administrator ...... Shirley Allison ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Victoria L. Bowen ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Susanne S. Catlett ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Julie B. Daniels ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Jean Douglas ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Debra K. Essary ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Joan Ewing ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Terry Farr ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Patricia Flagg ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Dorothy Graham ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Gail D. Hardy ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Virginia L. Lanier ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Velinda Morton ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Marisa J. Nickerson ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Gay Rodey ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Susan Sanders ...... SC GS 12 ...... MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... do ...... Betty Scott-Boom ...... SC GS 13 ......

with Do ...... do ...... Rebecca L. Styles ...... SC GS 12 ......

Do ...... do ...... Mary S. Sutherland ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Janet M. Telli ...... SC GS 12 ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Chambers Administrator ...... Katherine W. Trenary ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Sharon Ward ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Karen Lynn Woodard ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Bernice E. Williams ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Helena D. Williams ...... SC GS 11 ...... TRIAL CLERKS Do ...... Trial Clerk ...... Jennifer A. Bayles ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Robert C.K. Boyd ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... do ...... Tereza Y. Chapa ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... do ...... Catherine T. Fuller ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... do ...... Danielle E. Graaf ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Christopher C. Lee ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... do ...... Heather P. McMahon ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... do ...... Joycelyn S. Peyton ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Lindsey Powell ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Kimberly M. Schauff ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... do ...... Sarah L. Silfies ...... SC GS 9 ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

WHITE HOUSE OFFICE Washington, DC .... Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff Joshua B. Bolten ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... Counsel to the President ...... Fred F. Fielding ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... Counselor to the President ...... Edward W. Gillespie ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... Assistant to the President for Presidential Joie A. Gregor ...... PA AD ...... Personnel. Do ...... Assistant to the President for National Secu- Stephen J. Hadley ...... PA AD ...... rity Affairs. Do ...... Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief Joseph W. Hagin ...... PA AD ...... of Staff. Do ...... Assistant to the President for Economic Pol- Keith B. Hennessey ...... PA AD ...... icy and Director, National Economic Coun- cil. Do ...... Assistant to the President for Strategic Initia- Barry S. Jackson ...... PA AD ...... tives and External Affairs. Do ...... Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief Joel D. Kaplan ...... PA AD ...... of Staff for Policy. Do ...... Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff Anita B. McBride ...... PA AD ...... to the First Lady. Do ...... Assistant to the President for Legislative Af- Daniel P. Meyer ...... PA AD ...... fairs. Do ...... Assistant to the President and Press Sec- Dana M. Perino ...... PA AD ...... retary. Do ...... Assistant to the President for International Daniel M. Price ...... PA AD ...... Economic Affairs and Deputy National Se- curity Advisor for International Economic Affairs. Do ...... Assistant to the President for Communica- Kevin F. Sullivan ...... PA AD ...... tions. Do ...... Assistant to the President for Speechwriting Marc A. Thiessen ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... Assistant to the President for Homeland Se- Kenneth L. Wainstein ...... PA AD ...... curity and Counterterrorism. Do ...... Assistant to the President and Staff Sec- Raul Francisco Yanes ...... PA AD ...... retary. Do ...... Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy Walter Karl Zinsmeister .... PA AD ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant to the President for Ap- Melissa S. Bennett ...... PA AD ...... pointments and Scheduling. Do ...... Special Counsel to the President ...... William A. Burck ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant to the President for Legisla- John G. Emling ...... PA AD ...... tive Affairs. Do ...... Deputy Counsel to the President ...... John Michael Farren ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant to the President for Legisla- Debbie S. Fiddelke ...... PA AD ...... tive Affairs. Do ...... Special Counsel to the President ...... Emmet T. Flood ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant to the President and Dep- Salvatore A. Fratto ...... PA AD ...... uty Press Secretary. Do ...... Deputy Assistant to the President for Man- Linda M. Gambatesa ...... PA AD ...... agement and Administration. Do ...... Deputy Assistant to the President and Direc- Jean S. Mamo ...... PA AD ...... tor of Media Affairs. Do ...... Deputy Assistant to the President and Dep- Brent J. McIntosh ...... PA AD ...... uty Staff Secretary. Do ...... Deputy Assistant to the President and Dep- Scott M. Stanzel ...... PA AD ...... uty Press Secretary. Do ...... Deputy Assistant to the President and Dep- Adam A. Belmar ...... PA AD ...... uty Director of Communications for Produc- tion. Do ...... Deputy Assistant to the President for Home- Thomas P. Bossert ...... PA AD ...... land Security. Do ...... Deputy Assistant to the President and Dep- David M. Clark ...... PA AD ...... uty Director of Presidential Personnel. Do ...... Deputy Assistant to the President and Direc- Julie E. Cram ...... PA AD ...... tor of Public Liaison. Do ...... Deputy Assistant to the President and Direc- Janet J. Creighton ...... PA AD ...... MISCELLANEOUS

tor, Intergovernmental Affairs.

with Do ...... Deputy Assistant to the President and Direc- Jonathan D. Felts ...... PA AD ...... tor of Political Affairs. PRODPC74 on (4)

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Deputy Assistant to the President for Legisla- Christopher W. Frech ...... PA AD ...... tive Affairs. Do ...... Deputy Assistant to the President for Ad- Spencer E. Geissinger ...... PA AD ...... vance and Operations. Do ...... Deputy Assistant to the President and Direc- Jay F. Hein ...... PA AD ...... tor of the Office of Faith Based and Com- munity Initiatives. Do ...... Deputy Assistant to the President and Direc- Henry C. Lozano ...... PA AD ...... tor of USA Freedom Corps. Do ...... Deputy Assistant to the President for Stra- Brian V. McCormack ...... PA AD ...... tegic Initiatives and External Affairs. Do ...... Deputy Assistant to the President for Domes- Sonya E. Medina ...... PA AD ...... tic Policy and Director of Projects for the First Lady. Do ...... Deputy Assistant to the President and Dep- Christopher G. Michel ...... PA AD ...... uty Director of Speechwriting. Do ...... Deputy Assistant to the President and Dep- Terri M. Moore ...... PA AD ...... uty Director of Communications for Policy and Planning. Do ...... Deputy Assistant to the President and Direc- Joel A. Scanlon ...... PA AD ...... tor of Strategic Initiatives. Do ...... Associate Counsel to the President ...... John D. Adams ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the President for Legisla- David W. Boyer ...... PA AD ...... tive Affairs. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President and Execu- Dianna G. Campagna ...... PA AD ...... tive Secretary. Do ...... Associate Counsel to the President ...... Scott A. Coffina ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... do ...... Amy F. Dunathan ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... do ...... Tobi M. Edwards ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... do ...... Leslie A. Fahrenkopf ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... do ...... Francis Q. Hoang ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the President for Legisla- Robert R. Hood ...... PA AD ...... tive Affairs. Do ...... do ...... Ann G. Johnston ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the President for Home- Robert P. Kadlec ...... PA AD ...... land Security and Senior Director for Bio- logical Defense Policy. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President for Legisla- Elizabeth Barrett Karr ...... PA AD ...... tive Affairs. Do ...... do ...... Harold H. Kim ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... Associate Counsel to the President ...... Albert C. Lambert ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the President and Dep- Matthew N. Latimer ...... PA AD ...... uty Director of Speechwriting. Do ...... Associate Counsel to the President ...... Kenneth K. Lee ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the President for Legisla- Jeffrey E. Lungren ...... PA AD ...... tive Affairs. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President and Dep- Daniel J. McCardell ...... PA AD ...... uty Director of Public Liaison. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President for Legisla- Justin Joseph McCarthy .... PA AD ...... tive Affairs. Do ...... do ...... Martin E. McGuinness ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... do ...... Alexander M. Mistri ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... Associate Counsel to the President ...... Richard G.F. O’Donoghue .. PA AD ...... Do ...... do ...... Peter A. Patterson ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... do ...... Stephen D. Potts ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... do ...... Michael M. Purpura ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the President for Presi- Luis A. Reyes ...... PA AD ...... dential Personnel. Do ...... Associate Counsel to the President ...... Emory A. Rounds III ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... do ...... John M. Smith ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... do ...... Kathryn C. Todd ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the President and Execu- David V. Trulio ...... PA AD ...... tive Secretary. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President and Dep- William B. Wichterman ..... PA AD ...... uty Director, Office of Public Liaison. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President for Home- Ronald C. Williams ...... PA AD ...... land Security and Senior Director for Nu- clear Defense Policy. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President and Direc- Patrick S. Aylward ...... PA AD ...... tor, Office of the Chief of Staff. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President and Dep- William L. Behrens ...... PA AD ...... uty Director of Intergovernmental Affairs. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President for Com- Cynthia L. Bergman ...... PA AD ...... munications. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President for Presi- Katja Bullock ...... PA AD ...... dential Personnel.

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Special Assistant to the President for Inter- Elizabeth H. Dial ...... PA AD ...... governmental Affairs. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President for Policy .. Myriah L. Jordan ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the President for Home- Daniel J. Kaniewski ...... PA AD ...... land Security and Senior Director for Re- sponse Policy. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President for Policy .. Jeremy L. Katz ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the President and Dep- Jedd E. Medefind ...... PA AD ...... uty Director of the Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President for Home- Marie O. Sciarrone ...... PA AD ...... land Security and Senior Director for Cybersecurity and Information Sharing Pol- icy. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President and Dep- Alison T. Young ...... PA AD ...... uty Director of USA Freedom Corps. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President and White Amy S. Zantzinger ...... PA AD ...... House Social Secretary. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President and Dep- Sara W. Armstrong ...... PA AD ...... uty Chief of Staff to the First Lady. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President and Dep- Therese M. Burch ...... PA AD ...... uty Director of Advance. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President for Speech- Meghan L. Clyne ...... PA AD ...... writing. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President and Dep- Rachael L. Duffy ...... PA AD ...... uty Director of Advance for Press. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President and Dep- Luke R. Frans ...... PA AD ...... uty Director of Political Affairs. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President for Speech- Jonathan D. Horn ...... PA AD ...... writing. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President and Dep- LaRhonda M. Houston ...... PA AD ...... uty Director of Appointments and Sched- uling. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President and Per- Karen E. Keller ...... PA AD ...... sonal Secretary. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President for Cabinet Ross M. Kyle ...... PA AD ...... Liaison. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President for Presi- Martha Cagle Miller ...... PA AD ...... dential Personnel. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President and Direc- Sally M. Niemiec ...... PA AD ...... tor of Communications and Press Secretary to the First Lady. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President and Trip Jason J. Recher ...... PA AD ...... Director. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President for Inter- John S. Roberts ...... PA AD ...... governmental Affairs. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President for White Bridget A. Sheedy ...... PA AD ...... House Management. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President for Stra- David L. Sherzer ...... PA AD ...... tegic Initiatives and External Affairs. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President and Direc- Nancy A. Theis ...... PA AD ...... tor of Presidential Correspondence. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President and Per- Jared Berman Weinstein ... PA AD ...... sonal Aide. Do ...... Executive Clerk ...... George T. Saunders ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Director of Records Management ...... Philip C. Droege ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Deputy Executive Clerk ...... David E. Kalbaugh ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Supervisor of Search and File ...... Wandra E. Simpson ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Deputy Director of Records Management ...... Paul S. Raizk ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Assistant Press Secretary and Director of Tel- Eryn M. Witcher ...... XS AD ...... evision. Do ...... Associate Counsel ...... Rene I. Augustine ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Deputy Associate Counsel ...... James M. McDonald ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... do ...... Ashok M. Pinto ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... do ...... Glenn E. Roper ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... do ...... John A. Sutherland ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Director, International Programs and Border Matthew P. McCabe ...... XS AD ...... Security Policy. OFFICE OF POLICY DEVELOPMENT Do ...... Deputy Assistant to the President for Eco- Charles P. Blahous ...... PA AD ...... nomic Policy and Deputy Director. Do ...... Deputy Assistant to the President for Domes- Jess G. Sharp ...... PA AD ...... MISCELLANEOUS tic Policy. with Do ...... Special Assistant to the President for Eco- Amy Lynn Farrell ...... PA AD ...... nomic Policy. PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Special Assistant to the President for Eco- Julie L. Goon ...... PA AD ...... nomic Policy. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President and Acting Jedd E. Medefind ...... PA AD ...... Director of the Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President and Acting Alison T. Young ...... PA AD ...... Director of USA Freedom Corps. Do ...... Special Assistant to the President for Domes- John P. Bailey ...... PA AD ...... tic Policy. Do ...... do ...... Stacie S. Maass ...... PA AD ...... Do ...... do ...... Christopher C. Papagianis PA AD ...... OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION Do ...... Special Assistant to the President and Direc- Sandra Kay Evans ...... PA AD ...... tor, Office of Administration. OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Office of the Director Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Management and Budget ... James Allen Nussle ...... PAS EX I ...... Do ...... Associate Director for OMB Administration Robert Shea ...... NA ES ...... and Government Performance. Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Management and Stephen McMillin ...... PAS EX II ...... Budget. Do ...... Deputy Director for Management ...... Clay Johnson III ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Assistant Director for Management and Oper- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ations. Do ...... Associate Director for Economic Policy ...... John Howard Kitchen ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Executive Associate Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Barbara Snitker ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Sarah Mae Greer ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Candice N. Dalton ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Counselor to the Deputy Director for Manage- Susan Elaine Dudley ...... TA ES ...... 07/29/07 ment. General Counsel Do ...... General Counsel and Senior Policy Advisor .... Jeffrey A. Rosen ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant General Counsel ...... Vacant ...... XS SL ...... Natural Resource Programs Do ...... Associate Director for Natural Resource Pro- James T. Bates ...... NA ES ...... grams. Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Adam Joseph Tecler ...... SC GS 7 ...... National Security Programs Do ...... Associate Director for National Security Pro- Joseph W. Bowab ...... NA ES ...... grams. Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Jane Elizabeth Crumpler .. SC GS 9 ...... General Government Programs Do ...... Associate Director for General Government Michael Bopp ...... NA ES ...... Programs. Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Jennifer E. Gagnon ...... SC GS 12 ...... Human Resource Programs Do ...... Associate Director for Human Resources ...... David Nile Fisher ...... NA ES ...... Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Do ...... Counselor to the Administrator, Office of In- Elizabeth L. Branch ...... NA ES ...... formation and Regulatory Affairs. Do ...... Administrator, Office of Information and Reg- Vacant ...... PAS EX III ...... ulatory Affairs. Do ...... Deputy Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office of Federal Financial Management Do ...... Controller, Office of Federal Financial Man- Vacant ...... PAS EX III ...... agement. Do ...... Deputy Controller ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant and Counselor to the Con- Robert B. Stillwell ...... SC GS 11 ...... troller. Office of Federal Procurement Policy Do ...... Administrator, Office of Federal Procurement Paul A. Denett ...... PAS EX III ...... Policy. Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Katherine F. Wilmoth ...... SC GS 7 ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Office of E-Government and Information Technology Washington, DC .... Administrator, E-Government and Informa- Karen S. Evans ...... NA ES ...... tion Technology. Do ...... Deputy Administrator for E-Government and Timothy K. Young ...... NA ES ...... Information Technology. Do ...... Portfolio Manager ...... Jeff W. Koch ...... SC GS 15 ...... Legislative Affairs Do ...... Associate Director for Legislative Affairs ...... Stephen M. Cote ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy to the Associate Director for Legisla- Shannon B. O’Keefe ...... SC GS 15 ...... tive Affairs. Do ...... Deputy to the Associate Director for Legisla- Daniel A. Lerner ...... SC GS 13 ...... tive Affairs. Do ...... Legislative Assistant ...... Christopher L. Jackson ...... SC GS 10 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Jessie Susan Appleby ...... SC GS 7 ...... Communications Do ...... Associate Director for Communications ...... Christin T. Baker ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Press Secretary ...... Corinne Hirsch ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Deputy Press Secretary ...... Abigail Olivia Tanner ...... SC GS 12 ...... COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISERS Do ...... Chairman (Council of Economic Advisers) ...... Edward Paul Lazear ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Member (Council for Economic Advisers) ...... Donald Baird Marron Jr. ... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Director for Macroeconomic Forecasting ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Alice Williams ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... do ...... Sandra Daigle ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Administrative Operations Assistant ...... Lisa Branch ...... SC GS 12 ...... COUNCIL ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Do ...... Chairman (Council on Environmental Qual- James L. Connaughton ...... PAS EX II ...... ity). Do ...... Member (Council on Environmental Quality) Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Agriculture, Lands and Gregory Thomas Matthew SC GS 15 ...... Wildlife. Schildwachter. Do ...... Associate Director for Congressional Affairs .. Christopher S. Scheve ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Chairman ...... Ludmilla L. Savelieff ...... SC GS 8 ...... OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES TRADE REPRESENTATIVE Office of the Ambassador Washington, DC .... United States Trade Representative ...... Susan C. Schwab ...... PAS EX I ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Timothy Keeler ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director of Scheduling and Advance ...... Michelle Johnson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Executive Assistant to the United States Martha Wilson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Trade Representative. Do ...... Confidential Assistant to the Chief of Staff Luke Andrew Evans ...... SC GS 9 ...... and Associate Director for Scheduling and Advance. Do ...... Personal Assistant to the United States Nicholas Taylor ...... XS AD ...... Trade Representative. Deputy United States Trade Representative (1) Do ...... Deputy United States Trade Representative .. John K. Veroneau ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Justin Hage ...... XS AD ...... Deputy United States Trade Representative (2) Do ...... Deputy United States Trade Representative .. Vacant ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to Deputy United States Neil David Herrington ...... SC GS 15 ...... Trade Representative. Chief Agricultural Negotiator Do ...... Chief Agricultural Negotiator ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX III ...... Geneva Geneva, Switzer- Deputy United States Trade Representative Peter F. Allgeier ...... PAS EX III ...... land. for Geneva. Do ...... Deputy Chief of Mission-Geneva ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... General Counsel Washington, DC .... General Counsel ...... Warren Hideo Maruyama .. NA ES ...... MISCELLANEOUS

Do ...... Chief Counsel for China Trade Enforcement .. Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ......

with Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Counsel for Legal Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Counsel for Dispute Settlement ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Public and Media Affairs Washington, DC .... Assistant United States Trade Representative Sean Michael Spicer ...... NA ES ...... for Public and Media Affairs. Do ...... Deputy Assistant United States Trade Rep- Gretchen Diane Kinder SC GS 15 ...... resentative for Public and Media Affairs. Hamel. Do ...... Speechwriter ...... Juli Branson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Public Affairs Specialist ...... Scott Elmore ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Public Affairs Assistant ...... Robert Sumner ...... XS AD ...... Congressional Affairs Do ...... Assistant United States Trade Representative David Andrew Olson ...... NA ES ...... for Congressional Affairs. Do ...... Deputy Assistant United States Trade Rep- Erik Paul Heilman ...... SC GS 15 ...... resentative for Congressional Affairs. Do ...... do ...... Kenneth Barbic ...... XS AD ...... Special Textile Negotiator Do ...... Special Textile Negotiator ...... Scott Quensenberry ...... XS AD ...... Intergovernment Affairs and Public Liaison Do ...... Assistant United States Trade Representative Colleen Litkenhaus ...... XS AD ...... for Intergovernment Affairs and Public Li- aison. Do ...... Deputy Assistant United States Trade Rep- Patrick Kilbride ...... XS AD ...... resentative for Intergovernment Affairs and Public Liaison. China Affairs Do ...... Assistant United States Trade Representative Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... for China. Do ...... Senior Trade Representative (Minister Coun- Vacant ...... ES ...... selor for Trade Affairs). Americas Do ...... Assistant United States Trade Representative ...... do ...... ES ...... for the Americas. Japan, Korea and Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Affairs Do ...... Assistant United States Trade Representative Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... for Japan. Southeast Asia and Pacific Do ...... Assistant United States Trade Representative ...... do ...... CA ES ...... for Southeast Asia and the Pacific. African Affairs Do ...... Assistant United States Trade Representative ...... do ...... CA ES ...... for Africa. Environment and Natural Resources Do ...... Assistant United States Trade Representative ...... do ...... CA ES ...... for Environment and Natural Resources. World Trade Organization and Multilateral Affairs Do ...... Assistant United States Trade Representative ...... do ...... CA ES ...... for World Trade Organization and Multilat- eral Affairs. Agricultural Affairs Do ...... Assistant United States Trade Representative ...... do ...... CA ES ...... for Agricultural Affairs. Administration Do ...... Assistant United States Trade Representative ...... do ...... CA ES ...... for Administration. Services, Investment Do ...... Assistant United States Trade Representative ...... do ...... CA ES ...... for Services and Investment. Policy Coordination and Information Do ...... Assistant United States Trade Representative ...... do ...... CA ES ...... for Policy Coordination Information. Monitoring and Enforcement Do ...... Assistant United States Trade Representative ...... do ...... CA ES ...... for Monitoring and Enforcement.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 09:10 Nov 06, 2008 Jkt 040210 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 1652 Sfmt 1652 E:\HR\OC\E210A.XXX E210A rmajette on PRODPC74 with MISCELLANEOUS 10 EXECUTIVE BRANCH


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Trade Capacity Building Washington, DC .... Assistant United States Trade Representative Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... for Trade Capacity Building. Industry, Market Access and Telecommunications Do ...... Assistant United States Trade Representative Vacant ...... ES ...... for Industry, Market Access and Tele- communications. Economic Affairs Do ...... Assistant United States Trade Representative Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... for Economic Affairs. Intellectual Property and Innovation Do ...... Assistant United States Trade Representative ...... do ...... CA ES ...... for Intellectual Property and Innovation. Europe and the Middle East Do ...... Assistant United States Trade Representative Vacant ...... ES ...... for Europe and the Middle East. Labor Do ...... Assistant United States Trade Representative Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... for Labor. South Asian Affairs Do ...... Assistant United States Trade Representative Vacant ...... ES ...... for South Asian Affairs. OFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY Do ...... Director, Office of Science and Technology John Marburger III ...... PAS EX II ...... Policy. Do ...... Associate Director, Technology ...... Richard Mather Russell ..... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Associate Director, Science ...... Sharon L. Hays ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff and General Counsel ...... Stanley Sokul ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy to the Associate Director, Technology Daniel Everett Byers ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy to the Associate Director, Science ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff and Associate General Jason James Cervenak ...... SC GS 14 ...... Counsel. Do ...... Assistant Director, Federal Research and De- Christopher John Wydler .. NA ES ...... velopment. Do ...... Assistant Director for Telecommunications Sally Anne Wentworth ...... SC GS 15 ...... and Information Technology. Do ...... Assistant to the Director for Legislative Af- Jessica Swinehart Tharpe SC GS 12 ...... fairs. Do ...... Assistant to the Director for Communications Kristin Scuderi ...... SC GS 12 ...... and Public Affairs. Do ...... Program Management Specialist ...... Abigail R. Bacak ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Policy Assistant ...... John Stanley Plack ...... SC GS 9 ...... OFFICE OF NATIONAL DRUG CONTROL POLICY Office of the Director Washington, DC .... Director ...... John P. Walters ...... PAS EX I ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of National Drug Con- Scott Burns ...... PAS EX II ...... trol Policy. Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Stephen A. Katsurinis ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff ...... Raymond Blake ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... White House Liaison and Intergovernmental Douglas Simon ...... SC GS 15 ...... Affairs Specialist. Do ...... Special Assistant to the Director ...... James O’Gara ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Jodi Peters ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant to the Director ...... Justin William Rand ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Ashlee Ann Strong ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Eric Charles Johnson ...... SC GS 7 ...... Office of Demand Reduction Do ...... Deputy Director for Demand Reduction ...... Bertha Madras ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Assistant Deputy Director for Demand Reduc- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tion. Do ...... Counselor to the Deputy Director ...... Pedro Moreno ...... SC GS 15 ...... Office of Legislative Affairs MISCELLANEOUS

Do ...... Associate Director, Legislative Affairs ...... Vacant ...... ES ......

with Do ...... Special Assistant to the Associate Director for Michael F. Bishop ...... SC GS 15 ...... the Office of Legislative Affairs. Do ...... Legislative Analyst ...... Christopher Lee Rager ...... SC GS 12 ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Office of Management and Administration Washington, DC .... Associate Director, Management and Admin- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... istration. Do ...... Deputy Associate Director, Management and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Administration. Office of Performance and Budget Do ...... Associate Director, Office of Performance and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Budget. Office of Public Affairs Do ...... Associate Director for Public Affairs ...... Thomas Riley ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Public Affairs Specialist ...... Evan Christopher SC GS 11 ...... McLaughlin. Do ...... do ...... Kevin Allan Searcy ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Eva Nicole Brown ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Ashley McCoy ...... SC GS 7 ...... Office of State and Local Affairs Do ...... Deputy Director for State, Local and Tribal Vacant ...... PAS EX III ...... Affairs. Do ...... Assistant Deputy Director for State, Local ...... do ...... ES ...... and Tribal Affairs. Do ...... Policy Analyst ...... Cynthia Margaret Boyd ..... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... John A. Zadrozny ...... SC GS 13 ...... Office of Supply Reduction Do ...... Deputy Director for Supply Reduction ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Assistant Deputy Director of Supply Reduc- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tion. Do ...... Associate Director for Intelligence ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Deputy Director for Intelligence ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Office of the General Counsel Do ...... General Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Counterdrug Tech Assessment Center Do ...... Director, Counter-Drug Technology Assess- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment. Do ...... Senior Law Enforcement Advisor ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Associate Director, Research Branch ...... do ...... CA ES ...... NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL Do ...... Executive Secretary ...... John I. Pray Jr...... PA SL ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Washington, DC .... Secretary ...... Edward Schafer ...... PAS EX I ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Dale Wayne Moore ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff ...... Jennifer Lynn Cervantes ... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Jeremy Wayne Stump ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Secretary ...... Hunter H. Moorhead ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Secretary ...... Michael E. Neruda ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Homeland Security Office ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Scheduling and Executive Assistant Cherri Carpenter ...... SC GS 15 ...... to the Secretary. Do ...... White House Liaison ...... Anthony Hulen ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Executive Assistant to the Deputy Secretary Marlene Minix ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Director of Native American Programs ...... Dawn Marie Charging ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Mica Robertson ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Faith-Based and Commu- Erin S. White ...... SC GS 11 ...... nity Initiatives. Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Branden Forsgren ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Holly Anne Booth ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Pathenia Whitsett ...... SC GS 9 ...... OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY SECRETARY Do ...... Deputy Secretary ...... Charles F. Conner ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Sheila Trollinger ...... SC GS 14 ...... OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR CONGRESSIONAL RELATIONS Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Congressional Rela- Linda Avery Strachan ...... PAS EX IV ...... tions. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Lowell W. Randel ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Staff Director ...... Dan T. Roehl ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Joshua D. Rolph ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Kelly Porter ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Deputy Director of Intergovernmental Affairs Ryan Krabill ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... David P. Kelly ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Renee Latterell ...... SC GS 7 ...... OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS Do ...... Director of Communications ...... Christopher Connelly ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director of Communications ...... Corry Schiermeyer ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Director of Speechwriting ...... William T. Quinn ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Press Secretary ...... Keith M. Williams ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Director of Advance ...... Winfield Slade ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Director of Web Design ...... Kimberly J. Taylor ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Assistant Press Secretary ...... Janice Elaine Tolley ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Press Assistant ...... Courtney Ann Robinson ..... SC GS 7 ...... OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ECONOMIST Do ...... Chief Economist ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF BUDGET AND PROGRAM ANALYSIS Do ...... Director of Budget and Program Analysis ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Budget Control and Analysis Divi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sion. Do ...... Deputy Director, Budget Control and Anal- Vacant ...... ES ...... ysis Division. Do ...... Deputy Director, Budget, Legislative and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Regulation Systems. Do ...... Deputy Director for Program Analysis ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... Charles R. Christopherson NA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Chief Information Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ......

MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... ES ......

Do ...... Associate Chief Information Officer, Enter- ...... do ...... ES ...... with prise Planning, Program and Information Management. PRODPC74 on (12)

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Associate Chief Information Officer, Cyber- Vacant ...... ES ...... security. Do ...... Associate Chief Information Officer, Informa- ...... do ...... ES ...... tion Technology Services. Do ...... Associate Chief Information Officer for Oper- ...... do ...... ES ...... ations and Integration. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... Charles R. Christopherson PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Associate Chief Financial Officer, Financial Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Operations/Controller. Do ...... Program Manager (Financial Policy and Plan- Vacant ...... ES ...... ning). Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Jessica C. Bortolini ...... SC GS 12 ...... NATIONAL FINANCE CENTER New Orleans, LA ... Director, National Finance Center ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Government Employee Services Di- Vacant ...... ES ...... vision. OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Washington, DC .... General Counsel ...... Marc L. Kesselman ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Senior Counselor ...... Job Serebrov ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Associate General Counsel, Civil Rights Liti- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... gation. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel, Marketing Divi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sion. Do ...... Associate General Counsel, Regulatory and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Marketing. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel, Regulatory Divi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sion. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel, General Law Di- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... vision. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel, Internal Affairs Vacant ...... ES ...... and Compliance Program Division. Do ...... Associate General Counsel, International Af- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... fairs Commodity Program. San Francisco, CA Regional Attorney ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Kansas City, MO ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Atlanta, GA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Associate General Counsel, Rural Develop- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel, Region and Mark ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Practices Division. Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant General Counsel, Conservation and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Environment Division. Do ...... Associate General Counsel, Food and Nutri- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tion Division. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel, Rural Utilities ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Denver, CO ...... Regional Attorney ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC.... Associate General Counsel, Natural Re- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sources. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel, Civil Rights Liti- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... gation Division. OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL Do ...... Inspector General ...... Phyllis K. Fong ...... PAS EX IV ...... OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ADMINISTRATION Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Administration ...... Boyd K. Rutherford ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administra- Gilbert Smith ...... NA ES ...... tion. OFFICE OF ETHICS Do ...... Director, Office of Ethics ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF SECURITY SERVICES Do ...... Director, Office of Security Services ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Magda Angulo ...... SC GS 15 ...... OFFICE OF HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Do ...... Director, Office of Human Capital Manage- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ment.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 09:10 Nov 06, 2008 Jkt 040210 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 1652 Sfmt 1652 E:\HR\OC\E210A.XXX E210A rmajette on PRODPC74 with MISCELLANEOUS 14 DEPARTMENTS


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Deputy Director of Human Capital Manage- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ment. OFFICE OF SMALL AND DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS UTILIZATION Do ...... Director, Office of Small and Disadvantaged James E. House ...... NA ES ...... Business Utilization. OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR CIVIL RIGHTS Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights ...... Margo McKay ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights ... Annabelle Romero ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF CIVIL RIGHTS Do ...... Director, Office of Adjudication and Compli- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ance. Do ...... Director, Outreach and Diversity ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Scott B. Mexic ...... SC GS 15 ...... OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT Do ...... Under Secretary for Rural Development ...... Thomas C. Dorr ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary for Rural Develop- Douglas L. Faulkner ...... NA ES ...... ment. Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff ...... Susan K. Stacey ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Rebecca S. Cotton ...... SC GS 14 ...... Rural Business Service Do ...... Administrator ...... Ben Anderson ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Administrator ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator, Cooperative Services .. Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Olympia, WA ...... Special Assistant ...... Jackie J. Gleason ...... NA ES ...... Washington, DC ...... do ...... Michael Thieman ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Brooke Robinson Yoder ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Robin Robinson ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Joseph C. Stovall ...... SC GS 9 ...... Rural Housing Service Do ...... Administrator, Rural Housing Service ...... Russell Davis ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Administrator ...... Peter D. Morgan ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator, Community Programs Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Human Re- Allen Hatcher ...... TA ES ...... 07/22/10 sources. Do ...... Deputy Administrator for Single-Family Vacant ...... ES ...... Housing. Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Dana B. Covington ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... J.R. Sanchez ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Barbara Nelson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Director of Legislative and Public Affairs ...... Katherine Poole ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Richard C. Kasting ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... do ...... Bradley R. Martin ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Jessica Hammonds ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Lindsay H. Atwood ...... SC GS 9 ...... Montgomery, AL .... State Director - Alabama ...... Steve Pelham ...... SC GS 15 ...... Phoenix, AZ ...... State Director - Arizona ...... Edward Browning ...... SC GS 15 ...... Little Rock, AR ...... State Director - Arkansas ...... Roy G. Smith ...... SC GS 15 ...... Davis, CA ...... State Director - California ...... Benjamin L. Higgins ...... SC GS 15 ...... Lakewood, CO ...... State Director - Colorado ...... Michael E. Bennett ...... SC GS 15 ...... Camden, DE ...... State Director - Delaware ...... Marlene Elliott-Brown ...... SC GS 15 ...... Gainesville, FL ...... State Director - Florida ...... Charles Clemons Sr...... SC GS 15 ...... Athens, GA ...... State Director - Georgia ...... F. Stone Workman ...... SC GS 15 ...... Hilo, HI ...... State Director - Hawaii ...... Lorraine Shin ...... SC GS 15 ...... Boise, ID ...... State Director - Idaho ...... Michael Field ...... SC GS 15 ...... Champaign, IL ...... State Director - Illinois ...... Douglas Wilson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Indianapolis, IN ..... State Director - Indiana ...... Robert White ...... SC GS 15 ...... Des Moines, IA ...... State Director - Iowa ...... Mark Reisinger ...... SC GS 15 ...... Topeka, KS ...... State Director - Kansas ...... Charles Banks ...... SC GS 15 ...... Lexington, KY ...... State Director - Kentucky ...... Kenneth Slone ...... SC GS 15 ...... Alexandria, LA ...... State Director - Louisiana ...... Clyde C. Hollaway ...... SC GS 15 ...... Bangor, ME ...... State Director - Maine ...... Michael Aube ...... SC GS 15 ...... Amherst, MA ...... State Director - Massachusetts ...... David Tuttle ...... SC GS 15 ...... MISCELLANEOUS East Lansing, MI ... State Director - Michigan ...... Dale Sherwin ...... SC GS 15 ...... with St. Paul, MN ...... State Director - Minnesota ...... Stephen Wenzel ...... SC GS 15 ...... Jackson, MS ...... State Director - Mississippi ...... George L. Phillips ...... SC GS 15 ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Columbia, MO ...... State Director - Missouri ...... Morris Westfall ...... SC GS 15 ...... Bozeman, MT ...... State Director - Montana ...... Clark Johnson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Lincoln, NE ...... State Director - Nebraska ...... Edwin Blehm ...... SC GS 15 ...... Mt Holly, NJ ...... State Director - New Jersey ...... Andrew Law ...... SC GS 15 ...... Albuquerque, NM .. State Director - New Mexico ...... Ronald Gleason ...... SC GS 15 ...... Syracuse, NY ...... State Director - New York ...... Patrick Brennan ...... SC GS 15 ...... Raleigh, NC ...... State Director - North Carolina ...... John Cooper ...... SC GS 15 ...... Bismarck, ND ...... State Director - North Dakota ...... Clare Carlson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Columbus, OH ...... State Director - Ohio ...... Randall Hunt ...... SC GS 15 ...... Stillwater, OK ...... State Director - Oklahoma ...... Brent Kisling ...... SC GS 15 ...... Portland, OR ...... State Director - Oregon ...... Mark Simmons ...... SC GS 15 ...... Harrisburg, PA ...... State Director - Pennsylvania ...... Gary Groves ...... SC GS 15 ...... Hato Rey, Puerto State Director - Puerto Rico ...... Jose A. Otero ...... SC GS 15 ...... Rico. Columbia, SC ...... State Director - South Carolina ...... Thomas Miller ...... SC GS 15 ...... Sioux Falls, SD ...... State Director - South Dakota ...... Jafar Karim ...... SC GS 15 ...... Nashville, TN ...... State Director - Tennessee ...... Mary Sisco-Tackett ...... SC GS 15 ...... Salt Lake City, UT State Director - Utah ...... John Cox ...... SC GS 15 ...... Montpelier, VT ...... State Director - Vermont ...... Lolinda LaClair ...... SC GS 15 ...... Richmond, VA ...... State Director - Virginia ...... Ellen M. Davis ...... SC GS 15 ...... Olympia, WA ...... State Director - Washington ...... Jonathan Leighn DeVaney SC GS 15 ...... Stevens Point, WI .. State Director - Wisconsin ...... Frank Frassetto ...... SC GS 15 ...... Casper, WY ...... State Director - Wyoming ...... Del Tinsley ...... SC GS 15 ...... Carson City, NV .... State Director - Nevada ...... Larry Smith ...... SC GS 15 ...... Morgantown, WV ... State Director - West Virginia ...... Rick E. Rice ...... SC GS 15 ...... Rural Utilities Service Washington, DC .... Administrator ...... James M. Andrew ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Assistant Administrator, Telecommunications Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator, Program Operations ... Curtis M. Anderson ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Administrator, Water and Environ- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... mental Programs. Do ...... Assistant Administrator, Electric Program ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Mike Kossey ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... John Tyler Oborn ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Tammy N. Kelch ...... SC GS 13 ...... OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY FOR MARKETING AND REGULATORY PROGRAMS Do ...... Under Secretary for Marketing and Regu- Bruce I. Knight ...... PAS EX IV ...... latory Programs. Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary for Marketing and Charles D. Lambert ...... NA ES ...... Regulatory Programs. Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Administrator ...... Cynthia L. O’Connor ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Brandon B. Beshears ...... SC GS 12 ...... Agricultural Marketing Service Do ...... Administrator, Agricultural Marketing Serv- Lloyd Day ...... NA ES ...... ice. Do ...... Associate Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant to the Administrator ... Karla Farnsworth ...... SC GS 12 ...... Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Do ...... Administrator, Animal and Plant Health In- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... spection Service. Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Terry Van Doren ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Administrator ...... Kathryn Boots ...... SC GS 15 ...... Ames, IA ...... Director, National Veterinary Services Lab- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... oratories. Washington, DC .... Associate Administrator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator, Veterinary Services ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Deputy Administrator, Plant Pro- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tection and Quarantine. Do ...... Associate Deputy Administrator, Regional ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Programs. Do ...... Deputy Administrator, Plant Protection and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Quarantine. Do ...... Senior Invasive Species Coordinator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator, Policy and Program ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Development. Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration Do ...... Administrator ...... James Link ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator, Packers and Stock- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... yards.

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Deputy Administrator, Grain Inspection ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Kansas City, KS .... Director, Technical Services Division ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY FOR FOOD SAFETY Washington, DC .... Under Secretary for Food Safety ...... Elizabeth Johnson ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary for Food Safety ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... J. Savonne Caughey ...... SC GS 13 ...... Food Safety and Inspection Service Do ...... Administrator ...... Alfred V. Almanza ...... TA ES ...... 07/08/10 Do ...... Assistant Administrator, Office of Food Secu- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... rity and Emergency Preparedness. Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY FOR FOOD, NUTRITION AND CONSUMER SERVICES Do ...... Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Con- Nancy M. Johner ...... PAS EX IV ...... sumer Services. Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition Katherine Jane Houston ... NA ES ...... and Consumer Services. Food and Nutrition Service Alexandria, VA ...... Administrator, Food and Nutrition Service .... Roberto Salazar ...... NA ES ...... Washington, DC.... Director of Communications and Govern- Susan Siemietkowski ...... SC GS 15 ...... mental Affairs. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Steven Christensen ...... SC GS 15 ...... Alexandria, VA ...... do ...... Steven Savage ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Associate Administrator, Special Nutrition Eric Steiner ...... SC GS 15 ...... Programs. Atlanta, GA ...... Regional Administrator, Atlanta, Georgia ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Robbinsville, NJ.... Regional Administrator, Robbinsville, New ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Jersey. San Francisco, CA Regional Administrator, San Francisco, Cali- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... fornia. Dallas, TX ...... Regional Administrator, Dallas, Texas ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Chicago, IL ...... Regional Administrator, Food and Nutrition ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Service (Chicago, Illinois). Denver, CO ...... Regional Administrator, Food and Nutrition ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Service (Denver, Colorado). Boston, MA ...... Regional Administrator, Northeast Region ..... Vacant ...... ES ...... Alexandria, VA ...... Deputy Administrator for Food Stamp Pro- ...... do ...... ES ...... gram. Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for Food Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Stamp Program. Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator, Special Nu- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... trition Program. Do ...... Associate Deputy Administrator for Manage- Vacant ...... ES ...... ment. Washington, DC .... Executive Director, Center for Nutrition Pol- ...... do ...... ES ...... icy and Promotion. Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY FOR FARM AND FOREIGN AGRICULTURAL SERVICE Do ...... Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agri- Mark Keenum ...... PAS EX III ...... cultural Services. Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary for Farm and For- Floyd Gaibler ...... NA ES ...... eign Agricultural Services. Do ...... do ...... A. Ellen Terpstra ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary ...... Kevin P. Natz ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Megan J. Provost ...... SC GS 14 ...... Foreign Agricultural Service Do ...... Administrator, Foreign Agricultural Service .. Michael W. Yost ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Administrator ...... Constance Cullman Jack- NA ES ...... son. Do ...... General Sales Manager ...... Walter K. Miller ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator for International Trade Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Policy. Do ...... Deputy Administrator, Trade Programs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Roy Henwood ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Director of Legislative Affairs ...... Robert Rosado ...... SC GS 15 ...... MISCELLANEOUS

with Farm Service Agency

Do ...... Administrator, Farm Service Agency ...... Teresa C. Lasseter ...... NA ES ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Deputy Administrator for Commodity Oper- Larry Adams ...... NA ES ...... ations. Do ...... Deputy Administrator ...... John A. Johnson ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Administrator, Programs ...... Glen L. Keppy ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Administrator for Management ...... Thomas Brooks Hofeller .... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator for Field Operations .... Steven A. Connelly ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Policy and Program Analyst ...... Bradley Karmen ...... TA ES ...... 03/27/09 Do ...... Deputy Administrator, Management ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Kansas City, MO ... Director, Kansas City Commodity Office ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Director, Economic and Policy Analysis Staff ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Production, Emergencies and Com- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... pliance Division. Do ...... Assistant Deputy Administrator for Farm ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Loan Programs. Do ...... Director, Information Technology Services Di- Vacant ...... ES ...... vision. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... John Moultrie Truluck III SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Director of External Affairs ...... Patricia Klintberg ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Michael T. Wild ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Adam M. Guzzo ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Justin M. Wilkes ...... SC GS 7 ...... Montgomery, AL .... State Executive Director - Alabama ...... Danny Crawford ...... SC GS 15 ...... Palmer, AK ...... State Executive Director - Alaska ...... Chad Padgett ...... SC GS 15 ...... Phoenix, AZ ...... State Executive Director - Arizona ...... Alan Nulliner ...... SC GS 15 ...... Little Rock, AR ...... State Executive Director - Arkansas ...... Dotson Collins ...... SC GS 15 ...... Davis, CA ...... State Executive Director - California ...... John Smthye ...... SC GS 15 ...... Lakewood, CO ...... State Executive Director - Colorado ...... Lewis Franks ...... SC GS 15 ...... Tolland, CT ...... State Executive Director - Connecticut ...... Bonnie E. Burr ...... SC GS 15 ...... Dover, DE ...... State Executive Director - Delaware ...... Richard Bergold ...... SC GS 15 ...... Gainesville, FL ...... State Executive Director - Florida ...... Kevin Kelley ...... SC GS 15 ...... Atlanta, GA ...... State Executive Director - Georgia ...... Susan Dykes Holmes ...... SC GS 15 ...... Honaunau, HI ...... State Executive Director - Hawaii ...... Rueben Flores ...... SC GS 15 ...... Boise, ID ...... State Executive Director - Idaho ...... Donald E. Dixon ...... SC GS 15 ...... Middletown, IL ...... State Executive Director - Illinois ...... William Graff ...... SC GS 15 ...... Marion, IN ...... State Executive Director - Indianapolis ...... Kenneth Culp Jr...... SC GS 15 ...... Des Moines, IA ...... State Executive Director - Iowa ...... Derryl McLaren ...... SC GS 15 ...... Manhattan, KS ...... State Executive Director - Kansas ...... Bill Fuller ...... SC GS 15 ...... Lexington, KY ...... State Executive Director - Kentucky ...... Jeffrey Hall ...... SC GS 15 ...... Alexandria, LA ...... State Executive Director - Louisiana ...... Willie Cooper ...... SC GS 15 ...... Bangor, ME ...... State Executive Director - Maine ...... David Lavway ...... SC GS 15 ...... Columbia Park, State Executive Director - Maryland ...... Elizabeth Anderson ...... SC GS 15 ...... MD Amherst, MA ...... State Executive Director - Massachusetts ...... Sandra Adams ...... SC GS 15 ...... Lansing, MI ...... State Executive Director - Michigan ...... Nancy Lou Dietz ...... SC GS 15 ...... St. Paul, MN ...... State Executive Director - Minnesota ...... Perry D. Aasness ...... SC GS 15 ...... Jackson, MS ...... State Executive Director - Mississippi ...... Mickey Black ...... SC GS 15 ...... Columbia, MO ...... State Executive Director - Missouri ...... Timothy Kelly ...... SC GS 15 ...... Bozeman, MT ...... State Executive Director - Montana ...... Randolph Johnson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Lincoln, NE ...... State Executive Director - Nebraska ...... Milton W. Rogers ...... SC GS 15 ...... Concord, NH ...... State Executive Director - New Hampshire .... Robb Thomson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Reno, NV ...... State Executive Director - Nevada ...... Roger Van Valkenburg ...... SC GS 15 ...... Bordentown, NJ ..... State Executive Director - New Jersey ...... Paul Hlubik ...... SC GS 15 ...... Santa Fe, NM ...... State Executive Director - New Mexico ...... Rick Lopez ...... SC GS 15 ...... Syracuse, NY ...... State Executive Director - New York ...... Douglas Frago ...... SC GS 15 ...... Raleigh, NC ...... State Executive Director - North Carolina ...... Keith Weatherly ...... SC GS 15 ...... Fargo, ND ...... State Executive Director - North Dakota ...... Gary Nelson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Columbus, OH ...... State Executive Director - Ohio ...... John A. Stevenson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Stillwater, OK ...... State Executive Director - Oklahoma ...... James Reese ...... SC GS 15 ...... Tualatin, OR ...... State Executive Director - Oregon ...... Larry Frey ...... SC GS 15 ...... Harrisburg, PA ...... State Executive Director - Pennsylvania ...... Richard Pallman ...... SC GS 15 ...... San Juan, Puerto State Executive Director - Puerto Rico ...... Juan M. Ortiz ...... SC GS 15 ...... Rico Warwick, RI ...... State Executive Director - Rhode Island ...... Robert Swanson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Columbia, SC ...... State Executive Director - South Carolina ...... Joseph Rentiers ...... SC GS 15 ...... Huron, SD ...... State Executive Director - South Dakota ...... Steve Cutler ...... SC GS 15 ...... Nashville, TN ...... State Executive Director - Tennessee ...... Jamie H. Jenkins ...... SC GS 15 ...... College Station, TX State Executive Director - Texas ...... John Fuston ...... SC GS 15 ...... Salt Lake City, UT State Executive Director - Utah ...... Bruce Richeson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Townshend, VT ...... State Executive Director - Vermont ...... Harvey T. Smith ...... SC GS 15 ...... Richmond, VA ...... State Executive Director - Virginia ...... Jacquelin Easter ...... SC GS 15 ...... Spokane, WA ...... State Executive Director - Washington ...... Jack M. Silzel ...... SC GS 15 ...... Morgantown, WV ... State Executive Director - West Virginia ...... Robert Ferrebee ...... SC GS 15 ...... Madison, WI ...... State Executive Director - Wisconsin ...... Ben Brancel ...... SC GS 15 ...... Casper, WY ...... State Executive Director - Wyoming ...... Lois VanMark ...... SC GS 15 ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Risk Management Agency Washington, DC .... Administrator for Risk Management ...... Eldon Gould ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Administrator ...... James Callan ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Alan Ott ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Kenneth Bridger Roy ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Andrew Brandt ...... SC GS 9 ...... OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY FOR RESEARCH, EDUCATION, AND ECONOMICS Do ...... Under Secretary for Research, Education and Gale Buchanan ...... PAS EX III ...... Economics. Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary, Research, Education Joseph A. Dunn ...... NA ES ...... and Economics. Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Eleanor E. Rollings ...... SC GS 12 ...... AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE Do ...... Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Beltsville, MD ...... Director, National Agricultural Library ...... do ...... CA ES ...... COOPERATIVE STATE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND EXTENSION SERVICE Washington, DC .... Administrator, Cooperative State Research, ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Education and Extension Service. Do ...... Associate Administrator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator, Plant and Animal Sys- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tems. Do ...... Deputy Administrator, Science and Education ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Resources Development. Do ...... Deputy Administrator, Natural Resources ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Environment. Do ...... Deputy Administrator, Competitive Programs Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator, Families, 4-H, and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Nutrition. OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY FOR NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT Do ...... Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Mark E. Rey ...... PAS EX III ...... Environment. Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary for Natural Re- Gerald Gary Mast ...... NA ES ...... sources and Environment. Do ...... do ...... Melissa M. Simpson ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Yenie Le Tran ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Kari L. Smith ...... SC GS 9 ...... Natural Resources Conservation Service Do ...... Chief, Natural Resources Conservation Serv- Arlen Lancaster ...... NA ES ...... ice. Grahamsville, NY .. Regional Assistant Chief (East) ...... Richard I. Coombe ...... NA ES ...... Grafton, IA ...... Regional Assistant Chief (Central) ...... Emma Christina NA ES ...... Muedeking. Boise, ID ...... Regional Assistant Chief (West) ...... Sara Braasch-Schmidt ...... NA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Special Assistant ...... Burleson Smith ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Daniel Whiting ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Chief ...... Gerald Willis ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Justin T. Busch ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Associate Chief, Natural Resources Conserva- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tion Service. Davis, CA ...... State Conservationist, Davis, California ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Temple, TX ...... State Conservationist, Temple, Texas ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Director of International Programs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Financial Assistance Division ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief for Programs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief for Science and Technology ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Soil Survey and Resource As- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sessment. Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Atlanta, GA ...... Associate Deputy Chief for Management ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... FOREST SERVICE Washington, DC .... Chief Forester ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Chief Forester ...... do ...... CA ES ......

MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... Deputy Chief, Research and Development ...... do ...... CA ES ......

Do ...... Deputy Chief, National Forest System ...... do ...... CA ES ...... with Do ...... Deputy Chief for State and Private Forestry ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief for Programs and Legislation ... Vacant ...... ES ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Associate Deputy Chief, National Forest Sys- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tem. Do ...... Associate Deputy Chief, State and Private ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Forestry. Do ...... Director, Senior Youth and Volunteer Pro- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... grams. Albuquerque, NM .. Director, Albuquerque Service Center-Budget ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Finance. Washington, DC .... External Affairs Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Program and Budget Analysis Staff ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director Resources Program and Assessment Vacant ...... ES ...... Staff. Arlington, VA ...... Director, Human Resources Management ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Civil Rights Staff ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Associate Deputy Chief, Research and Devel- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... opment. Do ...... Associate Deputy Chief, Chief Financial Offi- Vacant ...... ES ...... cer. Do ...... Associate Deputy Chief, State and Private Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Forestry. Do ...... Advisor to the Chief on Climate Control ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Recreation and Heritage Resources ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Deputy Chief, National Forest Sys- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tem. Missoula, MT ...... Regional Forester, Region 1, Northern Region ...... do ...... CA ES ...... (Missoula). Lakewood, CO ...... Regional Forester, Region 2, Rocky Mountain ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Region (Golden). Albuquerque, NM .. Regional Forester, Region 3, Southwest Re- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... gion (Albuquerque). Ogden, UT ...... Regional Forester, Region 4, Intermountain ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Region (Ogden). San Francisco, CA Regional Forester, Region 5, Pacific South- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... west Region (Vallejo). Portland, OR ...... Regional Forester, Region 6, Pacific North- Vacant ...... ES ...... west Region (Portland). Atlanta, GA ...... Regional Forester, Region 8, Southern Region ...... do ...... ES ...... (Atlanta). Milwaukee, WI ...... Regional Forester, Region 9, Eastern Region Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... (Milwaukee). Juneau, AK ...... Regional Forester, Region 10 (Juneau) ...... do ...... CA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Immediate Office Washington, DC .... Secretary ...... Carlos M. Gutierrez ...... PAS EX I ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Andreas Karellas ...... SC GS 13 ...... Office of the Coordinator for International Intellectual Property Enforcement Do ...... Coordinator for International Intellectual Wayne B. Paugh ...... PA EX ...... Property Enforcement. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Jonathan M. Gregorio ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Ian S. Ellis ...... SC GS 11 ...... Office of the Counselor and Chief of Staff Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Claire E. Buchan ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy ...... Joseph V. Schwan II ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Protocol ...... Marilouise Sibley Avery .... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Caraline Johnson ...... SC GS 7 ...... Office of White House Liaison Do ...... Director, Office of White House Liaison ...... Jeffrey S. Cavanaugh ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... Sarah L. Bonner ...... SC GS 12 ...... Office of Executive Secretariat Do ...... Director, Executive Secretariat ...... Alicemary O. Leach ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Executive Secretariat ...... Erin J. Gabrian ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Alexandra H. Anderson ..... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Steven Johnsen ...... SC GS 9 ...... Office of Business Liaison Do ...... Director, Office of Business Liaison ...... Mary T. Raul ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Business Liaison to Kathryn A. Knapp ...... SC GS 15 ...... the Director. Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Kimberly G. Kirkpatrick ... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Katharine F. Neal ...... SC GS 11 ...... Office of Policy and Strategic Planning Do ...... Assistant to the Secretary and Director, Of- Joel A. Harris ...... NA ES ...... fice of Policy and Strategic Planning. Do ...... Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Policy and Sean M. Reilly ...... NA ES ...... Strategic Planning. Do ...... Policy Advisor ...... Jennifer M. Sullivan ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... do ...... Barron O. Bell Jr...... SC GS 12 ...... Office of Public Affairs Do ...... Director of Public Affairs ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director for Speechwriting ...... Jenifer Sarver ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Speechwriter ...... Jan D. Levey ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Press Secretary ...... Ann M. Hauser ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Deputy Press Secretary ...... Mary C. Binsted ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Tatiana Posada ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Gregory Proseus ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... do ...... Edward A. Diaz ...... SC GS 7 ...... Office of Advance Do ...... Director of Advance ...... Thomas J. Michael ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Deputy Director of Advance ...... Jeffrey J. Herinckx ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Emily D. Newlin ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Jennifer Lee Traner ...... SC GS 9 ...... Office of Scheduling Do ...... Director of Scheduling ...... Marilyn Abel ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Rebekah L. Johnson ...... SC GS 11 ...... Office of the Deputy Secretary Do ...... Deputy Secretary ...... John J. Sullivan ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff to the Deputy Secretary ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Ashley Stewart Frans ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Katherine E. Zuk ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Evelyn C. Daniel ...... SC GS 7 ...... Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Legislative and Inter- Nathaniel F. Wienecke ...... PAS EX IV ...... governmental Affairs. Do ...... Director of Intergovernmental Affairs ...... Robert B. Seidman ...... SC GS 15 ...... MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... Director for Legislative and Intergovern- Patrick R. Leahy ...... SC GS 14 ...... with mental Affairs. Do ...... Legislative Affairs Specialist ...... Jamal R. Nelson ...... SC GS 12 ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Legislative Aide ...... Kelsey Walker ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Ryan T. Wrasse ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislative Randall D. Popelka ...... NA ES ...... and Intergovernmental Affairs. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intergovern- Vacant ...... ES ...... mental Affairs. Office of the Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Administration Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Administrator and Otto J. Wolff ...... PAS EX IV ...... Chief Financial Officer. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administra- Jeffery K. Nulf ...... NA ES ...... tion. Do ...... Director, Office of Civil Rights ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Civil Rights (De- Vacant ...... ES ...... cennial Census Operations). Gaithersburg, MD Program Manager, Financial Management Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Systems. Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Management and Organi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... zation. Office of the General Counsel Do ...... General Counsel ...... Lily Fu Claffee ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... David K. Bowsher ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for Administration Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief, Employment and Labor Law Division ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief, General Law Division ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for Finance and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Litigation. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for Legislation and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Regulation. Do ...... Chief Counsel for Import Administration ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Counsel for International Commerce ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Counsel for Economic Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Counsel for Industry and Security ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Counsel ...... Ryan P. Meyers ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Anthony G. Cotto ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Michael McCoy ...... SC GS 9 ...... Bureau of Industry and Security Do ...... Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry Mario Mancuso ...... PAS EX III ...... and Security. Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary for Industry and Se- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... curity. Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary for In- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... dustry and Security. Do ...... Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor ...... Eugene Lee ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Mark Groombridge ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Matthew P. Braud ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Export Administra- Christopher R. Wall ...... PAS EX IV ...... tion. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Export Ad- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ministration. Do ...... Director, Office of Nonproliferation and Trea- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ty Compliance. Do ...... Director, Office of Exporter Services ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Strategic Trade and For- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... eign Policy. Do ...... Director, Office of Strategic Industries and Vacant ...... ES ...... Economic Security. Do ...... Program Manager ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Policy Advisor ...... Neena Shenai ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement .. Darryl W. Jackson ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... William E. Houston ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Eric A. Albertsen ...... SC GS 7 ...... Economic Development Administration Do ...... Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Eco- Santanu K. Baruah ...... PAS EX IV ...... nomic Development. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for External Af- Matthew Crow ...... NA ES ...... fairs and Communication. Do ...... Chief of Staff for Economic Development ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director of Outreach ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director of Public Affairs ...... Kelly A. O’Brien ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Director of Congressional Affairs ...... Patricia Sheetz Desantis ... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Thomas J. Struhs II ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic De- Benjamin Erulkar ...... NA ES ...... velopment.

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Chief Counsel for Economic Development Ad- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ministration. Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Mark E. Meredith ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regional Af- Vacant ...... ES ...... fairs. Philadelphia, PA .... Regional Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Chicago, IL ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Austin, TX ...... Southwestern Regional Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Atlanta, GA ...... Regional Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Seattle, WA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Denver, CO ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS ADMINISTRATION Washington, DC .... Under Secretary for Economic Affairs ...... Cynthia A. Glassman ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary for Economic Affairs Jack C. McDougle ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary for Vacant ...... ES ...... Economic Affairs. Do ...... Associate Under Secretary for Management ... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Emily L. Kropp ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Chief Economist and Special Advisor to the Joseph V. Kennedy ...... NA ES ...... Secretary. Do ...... Director, Office of Economic Conditions ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Policy Development ...... do ...... CA ES ...... BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Suitland, MD ...... Director ...... Steve H. Murdock ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Communications ...... Ruth Cymber ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor for Data Management ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief of Congressional Affairs ...... James T. Hayes ...... SC GS 15 ...... Atlanta, GA ...... Regional Director, Atlanta Regional Office ..... George Grandy Jr...... TA ES ...... 04/27/11 Boston, MA ...... Regional Director, Boston Regional Office ...... Kathleen N. Ludgate ...... TA ES ...... 04/27/11 Charlotte, NC ...... Regional Director, Charlotte Regional Office .. William W. Hatcher Jr...... TA ES ...... 04/27/11 Chicago, IL ...... Regional Director, Chicago Regional Office .... Stanley D. Moore ...... TA ES ...... 04/27/11 Dallas, TX ...... Regional Director, Dallas Regional Office ...... Gabriel A. Sanchez ...... TA ES ...... 04/27/11 Denver, CO ...... Regional Director, Denver Regional Office ...... Cathy L. Illian ...... TA ES ...... 04/27/11 Detroit, MI ...... Regional Director, Detroit Regional Office ...... Dwight P. Dean ...... TA ES ...... 04/27/11 Kansas City, MO ... Regional Director, Kansas City Regional Of- Dennis R. Johnson ...... TA ES ...... 04/27/11 fice. Los Angeles, CA .... Regional Director, Los Angeles Regional Of- James T. Christy ...... TA ES ...... 04/27/11 fice. New York, NY ...... Regional Director, New York Regional Office Lester A. Farthing ...... TA ES ...... 04/27/11 Philadelphia, PA .... Regional Director, Philadelphia Regional Of- Fernando E. Armstrong ..... TA ES ...... 04/27/11 fice. Seattle, WA ...... Regional Director, Seattle Regional Office ...... Ralph J. Lee ...... TA ES ...... 04/27/11 INTERNATIONAL TRADE ADMINISTRATION Washington, DC .... Under Secretary for International Trade ...... Christopher A. Padilla ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary for Vacant ...... ES ...... International Trade. Do ...... Director, Office of Legislative Affairs ...... Lori J. Harju ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Director of Public Affairs ...... Matt Englehart ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Lisa M. Martilotta ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff for International Trade Admin- Michael P. Dipaula-Coyle .. SC GS 14 ...... istration. Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Public Affairs ...... Brittany Eck ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Public Affairs Specialist ...... Ashley H. Gotlinger ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Eric G. Toy ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Public Affairs Specialist ...... Gary Michael Brown II ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Seamus B. Kraft ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... James A. Thomas ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Austin C. Imperato ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Lacelliese D. Witowski ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... do ...... Thomas Doheny ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary for International Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Trade. Do ...... Director, Trade Promotion and Policy Coordi- Vacant ...... ES ...... nation. Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ......

MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Import Administra- David M. Spooner ...... PAS EX IV ...... tion. with Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Import Ad- Vacant ...... ES ...... ministration. PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Senior Advisor ...... John M. Herrmann II ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff for International Trade Admin- Sahra Su ...... SC GS 13 ...... istration/Import Administration. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping Stephen Claeys ...... NA ES ...... and Countervailing Duty Operations. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... and Countervailing Duty Policy and Nego- tiations. Do ...... Director, Office of Policy ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Textiles and Richard M. Priest ...... NA ES ...... Apparel. Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Market Access and David S. Bohigian ...... PAS EX IV ...... Compliance. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Market Access Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... and Compliance. Do ...... Chief of Staff for Market Access and Compli- Charles J. Skuba ...... NA ES ...... ance. Do ...... Senior Advisor for Cuban Affairs ...... John M. Anderson ...... TA ES ...... 07/19/10 Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Charles G. Schott ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Lester F. Williamson III .... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... James H. Walker ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Katherine M. Prada ...... SC GS 9 ...... Suitland, MD ...... do ...... Melisa Kersey ...... SC GS 7 ...... Washington, DC .... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Africa, the Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Middle East and South Asia. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Asia ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Europe ...... Paul Dyck ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... William J. Receveur ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Trade Agree- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ments and Compliance. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Western ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Hemisphere. Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Manufacturing and William G. Sutton ...... PAS EX IV ...... Services. Do ...... Chief of Staff for Manufacturing and Services Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Executive Director for Trade Development ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director of Advisory Committees ...... Caroline Swann ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Carla Langjahr ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Deputy Director of Advisory Committees ...... Kate W. Sigler ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Martha Paluch ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Industry Vacant ...... ES ...... Analysis. Do ...... Director, Office of Economic Analysis ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Manufac- Jamie P. Estrada ...... NA ES ...... turing. Do ...... Senior Director for Manufacturing ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Aerospace and Automotive ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Industries. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Services ...... Mark A. Brady ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Director for Services ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Service Industries ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Sean McMaster ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Assistant Secretary and Director General of Israel Hernandez ...... PAS EX IV ...... U.S. Foreign Commercial Services. Do ...... Deputy Director General ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director for Global Diversity and Employ- Vacant ...... ES ...... ment Programs. Do ...... Executive Director for Trade Promotion and ...... do ...... ES ...... Outreach. Do ...... Director, Office of Strategic Planning and Re- Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... sources Management. Do ...... Chief of Staff for Trade Promotion and the Gabriel B. Pellathy ...... SC GS 15 ...... U.S. and Foreign Commercial Services. Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Jacquelyn Hayes-Byrd ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Loretta S. Greene ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... William Turenne ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Beth A. Supple ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... do ...... Haley R. Barbour Jr...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Sheri Valera ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... David A. Baker ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... do ...... Asher S. Lisec ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Inter- Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... national Operations. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Domestic Op- Stacey B. Silva ...... NA ES ...... erations.

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... National Field Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Lauren D. Harvey ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Adriel J. Cardenas ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Laura Ann Walach ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... Director, Advocacy Center ...... Emily A. Willeford ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Brian P. Williams ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Lawrence M. Navin ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Director of Global Trade Programs ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Beijing, China ...... Commercial Officer First Secretary, Beijing ... Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... Sao Paulo, Brazil ... Deputy Senior Commercial Officer, Sao Paulo ...... do ...... CA FE ...... San Salvador, El Regional Senior Commercial Officer, San Sal- ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Salvador vador. Beijing, China ...... Senior Commercial Officer, Beijing ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Deputy Senior Commercial Officer, Beijing ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Mexico City, Mex- Deputy Senior Commercial Officer, Mexico ...... do ...... CA FE ...... ico City. Seoul, Korea, Re- Senior Commercial Officer, Seoul ...... do ...... CA FE ...... public of Paris, France ...... Senior Commercial Officer, Paris ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Sydney, Australia .. Regional Senior Commercial Officer, Sydney ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Shanghai, China .... Principal Commercial Officer, Shanghai ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Tokyo, Japan ...... Senior Commercial Officer, Tokyo ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Ottawa, Ontario, Senior Commercial Officer, Ottawa ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Canada Washington, DC .... Regional Director for Western Europe ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Mexico City, Mex- Senior Commercial Officer, Mexico City ...... do ...... CA FE ...... ico Riyadh, Saudi Ara- Senior Commercial Officer, Riyadh ...... do ...... CA FE ...... bia New Delhi, India ... Senior Commercial Officer, New Delhi ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Madrid, Spain ...... Senior Commercial Officer, Madrid ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Buenos Aires, Ar- Senior Commercial Officer, Buenos Aires ...... do ...... CA FE ...... gentina Cairo, Egypt ...... Regional Senior Commercial Officer, Cairo ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Washington, DC .... Regional Director, Eastern Asia and Pacific ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Tokyo, Japan ...... Deputy Senior Commercial Officer, Tokyo ...... do ...... CA FE ...... London, United Senior Commercial Officer, London ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Kingdom Johannesburg, Senior Commercial Officer, Johannesburg ...... do ...... CA FE ...... South Africa Brussels, Belgium Senior Commercial Officer, European Union, ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Brussels. Moscow, Russia ..... Senior Commercial Officer, Moscow ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Washington, DC .... Regional Director for Central and Eastern ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Europe and Russia. Hanoi, Vietnam ..... Senior Commercial Officer, Hanoi ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Hong Kong, Hong Senior Commercial Officer, Hong Kong ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Kong Rome, Italy ...... Senior Commercial Officer, Rome ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Baghdad, Iraq ...... Senior Commercial Officer, Baghdad ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Berlin, Germany .... Senior Commercial Officer, Berlin ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Warsaw, Poland ..... Senior Commercial Officer, Warsaw ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Washington, DC .... Regional Director for Africa, Near East and ...... do ...... CA FE ...... South Asia. Ankara, Turkey ..... Senior Commercial Officer, Ankara ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Washington, DC .... Regional Director, Western Hemisphere ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Taipei, Taiwan ...... Senior Commercial Officer, American Insti- ...... do ...... CA FE ...... tute, Taipei. Tel Aviv, Israel ...... Senior Commercial Officer, Tel Aviv ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Berlin, Germany .... Deputy Senior Commercial Officer, Berlin ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Washington, DC .... Training Complement ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Bangkok, Thailand Senior Commercial Officer, Bangkok ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Baghdad, Iraq ...... Training Complement ...... do ...... CA FE ...... MINORITY BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Washington, DC .... National Director, Minority Business Devel- Ronald N. Langston ...... NA ES ...... opment Agency. Do ...... Deputy Director, Minority Business Develop- Vacant ...... ES ...... ment Agency. Do ...... Associate Director for Legislative, Education Chiling Tong ...... NA ES ...... and Intergovernmental Affairs. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Mary J. Millben ...... SC GS 11 ...... MISCELLANEOUS with


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION Washington, DC .... Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Conrad C. Lautenbacher Jr. PAS EX III ...... Atmosphere and NOAA Administrator. Do ...... Chief of Staff for NOAA ...... Carla C. Sullivan ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director of Communications ...... Charles Franklin ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Communications .... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Business Liaison ...... Edward Shaw ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary for Oceans and At- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... mosphere. Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Deputy Under Sec- Gregory W. Withee ...... TA ES ...... 03/31/09 retary. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Vacant ...... ES ...... Affairs. Do ...... Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans William J. Brennan ...... PAS EX IV ...... and Atmosphere. Do ...... Chief Scientist ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX V ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Oceans and Timothy R.E. Keeney ...... NA ES ...... Atmosphere. Do ...... General Counsel ...... Jane C. Luxton ...... NA ES ...... Silver Spring, MD Deputy General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Deputy General Counsel for Atmospheric and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Ocean Research and Services. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for Fisheries ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director of External Affairs ...... Jeffrey R. Donald ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Legislative Affairs ...... Karl E. Anderson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Congressional Affairs Specialist ...... April R. Black ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Morgan Harris ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... Assistant Administrator, Office of Program Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Planning and Integration. Do ...... Director, Strategic Planning Office ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Marine Fisheries Vacant ...... ES ...... Silver Spring, MD Deputy Assistant Administrator for Regu- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... latory Programs. Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Protected Resources ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Woods Hole, MA .... Regional Administrator, Northeast Region ...... do ...... CA ES ...... St. Petersburg, FL Regional Administrator, Southeast Region ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Seattle, WA ...... Regional Administrator, Northwest Region .... D. Robert Lohn ...... NA ES ...... Santa Rosa, CA ..... Regional Administrator, Southwest Region .... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Juneau, AK ...... Regional Administrator, Alaska Region ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Honolulu, HI ...... Regional Administrator, Pacific Island Region ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Assistant Administrator for Ocean Services ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Coastal Zone Management. Charleston, SC ...... Director, National Oceanic and Atmospheric ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Administration Coastal Service Center. Silver Spring, MD Director, Office of National Marine Sanc- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tuaries. Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Ocean and Coastal Re- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... source Management. Do ...... Assistant Administrator for National Envi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ronmental Satellite, Data and Information Services. Silver Spring, MD Deputy Assistant Administrator, National ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Environmental Satellite, Data and Informa- tion Service. Suitland, MD ...... Director, Office of Satellite Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Executive Director, Office of Space Commer- Edward M. Morris ...... NA ES ...... cialization. Silver Spring, MD Assistant Administrator for Weather Services Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Deputy Assistant Administrator for Weather ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Services. Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Oceanic and At- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... mospheric Research. Silver Spring, MD Deputy Assistant Administrator for Programs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Administration. NATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION ADMINISTRATION Washington, DC .... Assistant Secretary for Telecommunications Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... and Information. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Telecommuni- Meredith Attwell Baker ..... NA ES ...... cations and Information. Do ...... Director of Public Affairs ...... Todd Allen Sedmak ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... David T. Murray ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Brian W. Danza ...... SC GS 12 ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Chief Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Administrator for International Af- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... fairs. Do ...... Associate Administrator for Policy Analysis Eric R. Stark ...... NA ES ...... and Development. Do ...... Associate Administrator for Spectrum Man- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... agement. Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for Domestic ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Spectrum Management. Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for Inter- Vacant ...... ES ...... national Spectrum Management. Do ...... Associate Administrator for Telecommuni- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... cations and Information Applications. OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL Do ...... Inspector General ...... Todd J. Zinser ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Inspector General ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY Gaithersburg, MD Director, National Institute of Standard and Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Technology. Do ...... Deputy Director, National Institute of Stand- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ards and Technology. Springfield, VA...... Director, National Technical Information ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Service. PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Alexandria, VA ...... Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Jonathan W. Dudas ...... PAS EX III ...... Property and Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary and Deputy Director Margaret Peterlin ...... PA AD $149,000 ...... of U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Administrator for External Affairs ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director of Governmental Affairs ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... General Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director of Operations ...... Barbara McCaffrey ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Speechwriter ...... Beth P. Gibson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Legislative Affairs Specialist ...... Amanda Foster ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Ross T. Cameron ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... Chief Administrative Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Commissioner for Patent Examina- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tion Policy. Lewes, DE ...... Senior Advisor to the Commissioner for Pat- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ents. Alexandria, VA ...... Senior Advisor to the Deputy Commissioner ...... do ...... CA ES ...... for Patent Operations. Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Executive for Business Relationship Manage- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ment. Do ...... Executive, Enterprise Information Technology ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Security Management. MISCELLANEOUS with


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Arlington, VA ...... Secretary of Defense ...... Robert M. Gates ...... PAS EX I ...... Do ...... Deputy Secretary of Defense ...... Gordon R. England ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Secretary and Dep- Robert S. Rangel ...... NA ES ...... uty Secretary of Defense. Do ...... Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of Robert L. Earl ...... NA ES ...... Defense. Do ...... Executive Secretary ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Special Advisor to the Deputy Secretary of Kevin M. Wensing ...... NA ES ...... Defense. Do ...... Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense Vacant ...... ES ...... for Protocol. Do ...... Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense James O’Beirne ...... NA ES ...... for White House Liaison. Do ...... Director of Net Assessment ...... Andrew W. Marshall ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director of Net Assessment ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Net Assessment ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of the Convening Authority ... Susan J. Crawford ...... TA ES ...... 01/20/10 Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Donald Henry ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Sharon Curcio ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Stephanie Sherline ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Personal and Confidential Assistant ...... Joann Drennan ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Claire L. Zipf ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... Personal and Confidential Assistant ...... Delonnie Henry ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Protocol Specialist ...... Lindsey C. Finch ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Heather Fitzgerald ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Lisa Hamar ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant for Correspondence ...... Sarah Adair Hendrickson .. SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense Jessica L. Lightburn ...... SC GS 13 ...... for Protocol. Do ...... Assistant Protocol Officer ...... Emilie P. Duncan ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Speechwriter for the Deputy Secretary of De- Laura C. Watson ...... SC GS 15 ...... fense. Do ...... Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense Ryan D. McCarthy ...... NA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (ACQUISITION, TECHNOLOGY, AND LOGISTICS) Do ...... Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, John J. Young ...... PAS EX II ...... Technology, and Logistics). Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisi- James I. Finley ...... PAS EX III ...... tion and Technology). Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Logistics P. Jackson Bell ...... PAS EX III ...... and Materiel Readiness). Do ...... Director of Defense (Research and Engineer- Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... ing). Do ...... Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Nu- ...... do ...... PAS EX V ...... clear, Chemical and Biological Defense Pro- grams). Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Installa- L. Wayne Arny III ...... NA ES ...... tions and Environment). Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Indus- William C. Greenwalt ...... NA ES ...... trial Policy). Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Inter- Alan Haggerty ...... NA ES ...... national Technology Security). Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Ad- John J. Kubricky ...... NA ES ...... vanced Systems Concepts). Do ...... Deputy Director, Systems Engineering (De- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... velopmental Test and Evaluation). Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Labora- William Rees ...... NA ES ...... tories and Basic Science). Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Business Paul A. Brinkley ...... NA ES ...... Transformation). Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Science Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... and Technology). Do ...... Principal Assistant Deputy Under Secretary William H. Buckey ...... NA ES ...... of Defense (International Technology Secu- rity). Do ...... Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Earl B. Boyanton ...... NA ES ...... (Transportation Policy). Do ...... Principal Assistant Deputy Under Secretary Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... of Defense (Full Spectrum Dominance).

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Arlington, VA ...... Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... (Precision Engagement). Do ...... Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense ...... do ...... CA ES ...... (Joint Coalition Operations Support). Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of the Secretary of ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Defense (Special Access Programs). Do ...... Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense John C. Williams ...... NA ES ...... (Installations). Do ...... Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Alex A. Beehler ...... NA ES ...... (Environment, Safety and Occupational Health). Do ...... Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... (Program Support). Do ...... Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense ...... do ...... CA ES ...... (Industrial Policy). Do ...... Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense James D. Hall ...... NA ES ...... (Logistics Plans and Studies). Do ...... Principal Assistant Deputy Under Secretary Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... of Defense (Logistics and Materiel Readi- ness). Do ...... Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Kathleen L. Harger ...... NA ES ...... (Innovation and Technology Integration). Do ...... Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... (Materiel Readiness). Do ...... Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense ...... do ...... CA ES ...... (Business Integration). Do ...... Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense ...... do ...... CA ES ...... (Strategic Sourcing and Acquisition Proc- esses). Do ...... Deputy Director, Property, Plant and Equip- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment Policy. Do ...... Director, International Cooperation ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director (Atlantic Armaments Cooperations) Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Environmental Management ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Installations Requirements and Vacant ...... ES ...... Management. Do ...... Director, Housing and Competitive Sourcing Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Base Realignment and Closure ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Test Resource Management Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Economic Adjustment ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary of De- Joshua T. Hartman ...... TA ES ...... 02/09/09 fense (Acquisition, Technology and Logis- tics). Do ...... Director, Small Business Programs ...... Anthony R. Martoccia ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Industrial Base Assessment ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Systems and Software Engi- ...... do ...... ES ...... neering (Enterprise Development). Do ...... Deputy Director, Small and Disadvantaged Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Business Utilization Policy. Do ...... Deputy Director, Joint Force Integration ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant for Chemical and Biological Jean D. Reed ...... TA ES ...... 12/26/08 Defense and Chemical Demilitarization Programs. Do ...... Director, Systems and Software Engineering Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Software Engineering and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... System Assurance. Do ...... Director, Defense Laboratory Programs ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director for Basic Research ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Environmental Readiness and Safe- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ty. Do ...... Director, Continuous Process Improvement John D. Sicilia ...... TA ES ...... 09/14/10 and Lean Six Sigma Program. Do ...... Director, Joint Advanced Concepts ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Business Transformation Agency ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Task Force to Support Business and Robert E. Love ...... TA ES ...... 11/28/07 Stability Operations in Iraq. Do ...... Director, Portfolio Systems Acquisition ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Joint Rapid Acquisition Cell ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Emerging Contaminants ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Business Enterprise Integration ...... do ...... CA ES ...... MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... Deputy Director, International Negotiations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... with Do ...... Deputy Director, Test Resource Management Vacant ...... ES ...... Center. PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Arlington, VA ...... Deputy Director, Joint Investment Programs Vacant ...... ES ...... and Range Policy. Do ...... Deputy Director, Program Operations ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Unmanned Warfare ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy to the Defense Business Systems Ac- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... quisition Executive. Do ...... Special Assistant to the Defense Business David M. Swatloski ...... TA ES ...... 04/01/09 System Acquisition Executive. Do ...... Chief Architect Department of Defense, Busi- Dennis E. Wisnosky ...... TA ES ...... 09/04/09 ness Enterprise Architecture. Do ...... Special Assistant for Investment Manage- Paul K. Ketrick ...... TA ES ...... 05/13/09 ment. Do ...... Technical Advisor, Interoperability ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director of Assessments ...... Edward T. Timperlake ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Charles Cervantes ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Staff Specialist ...... Kelly Michelle Kotch ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Meghann L. Burger ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... A. Danielle Wright ...... SC GS 13 ...... OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (POLICY) Do ...... Under Secretary of Defense for Policy ...... Eric S. Edelman ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Christopher Ryan Henry ... PAS EX IV ...... for Policy. Do ...... Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Mary Beth Long ...... PAS EX IV ...... Security Affairs). Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of De- Michael Coulter ...... NA ES ...... fense (International Security Affairs). Do ...... Assistant Secretary of Defense (Global Secu- Joseph A. Benkert ...... PAS EX IV ...... rity Affairs). Do ...... Assistant Secretary of Defense (Special Oper- Michael G. Vickers ...... PAS EX IV ...... ations/Low Intensity Conflict and Inter- dependent Capabilities). Do ...... Assistant Secretary of Defense (Homeland Paul F. McHale ...... PAS EX IV ...... Defense). Do ...... Assistant Secretary of Defense (Asian and Pa- James J. Shinn ...... PAS EX IV ...... cific Security Affairs). Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of De- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... fense (Homeland Defense). Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of De- Mitchell E. Shivers ...... NA ES ...... fense (Asian and Pacific Security Affairs). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense ...... Brian R. Green ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Afri- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ca). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (West- Stephen C. Johnson ...... NA ES ...... ern Hemisphere Affairs). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (North Daniel P. Fata ...... NA ES ...... Atlantic Treaty Organization and Europe). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Sta- L. Celeste Ward ...... NA ES ...... bility Operations Capabilities). Do ...... Deputy Director for Strategy and Programs ... Victor A. D. Rostow ...... TA ES ...... 07/08/09 Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Pris- Charles A. Ray ...... NA ES ...... oners of War/Missing Personnel)/Director, Prisoners of War/Missing Personnel Office. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary Defense (Middle Christopher Caudwell NA ES ...... East). Straub. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Part- Gregory J. Gross ...... NA ES ...... nership Strategy). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Cen- Bobby Joe Wilkes ...... NA ES ...... tral Asia). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Crisis Derek J. Maurer Esq...... NA ES ...... Management and Defense Support to Civil Authorities). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Coun- Richard J. Douglas ...... NA ES ...... ternarcotics, Counterproliferation and Glob- al Threats). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Mark A. Gunzinger ...... NA ES ...... (Forces Transformation and Resources). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (South James Clad ...... NA ES ...... and Southeast Asia). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Sup- Michael Scott Doran ...... NA ES ...... port to Public Diplomacy). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Steven P. Bucci ...... NA ES ...... (Homeland Defense).

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Vienna, Austria ..... Secretary of Defense Representative to the Powell A. Moore ...... NA ES ...... Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Arlington, VA ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Policy Thomas G. Mahnken ...... NA ES ...... Planning). Do ...... Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of Abram N. Shulsky ...... NA ES ...... Defense (Policy). Do ...... Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary Vacant ...... ES ...... of Defense (International Security Affairs). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Spe- Kalev Sepp ...... NA ES ...... cial Operations Capabilities). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (East David Sedney ...... NA ES ...... Asia). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Donald P. Loren ...... NA ES ...... (Homeland Security Integration). Do ...... Principal Director, Enterprise Services ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Enterprise Services ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Combating Terrorism Technology ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Support Office. Do ...... Foreign Relations and Defense Policy Man- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ager. Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Stuttgart, Germany ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Arlington, VA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of Michael H. Mobbs ...... SC GS 15 ...... Defense (Policy). Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Adrian Cronauer ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Executive Assistant ...... Cecile St. Julien ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Director, Cooperative Threat Reduction ...... James Reid ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Timothy B. Kyger ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Tara Jones ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Malgorzata M. Sadowska .. SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Deputy Under Sec- Mark M. Walker ...... SC GS 15 ...... retary of Defense (Asian and Pacific Secu- rity Affairs). Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Henry Nuzum ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Jamie M. Fly ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Nanci Brannan ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Scott R. Feeney ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Supervisory Staff Assistant ...... James Anderson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Alan J. Davidson ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... C. Brian Ferguson ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Jeffrey L. Klug ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Ashley R. Richardson ...... SC GS 12 ...... MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... do ...... Michael J. Barton ...... SC GS 14 ...... with Do ...... do ...... Daniel Green ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Mark Warren Morehouse .. SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Jeffrey Ryan McNichols ..... SC GS 13 ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Arlington, VA ...... Special Assistant ...... Andrew C. Lewis ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Katherine L. Dempsey ...... SC GS 11 ...... OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (COMPTROLLER) Do ...... Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) ...... Tina Westby Jonas ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Vacant ...... ES ...... (Comptroller). Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Finan- Jonathan D. Koller ...... NA ES ...... cial Management). Alexandria, VA ...... Special Assistant to the Deputy Comptroller .. Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Arlington, VA...... Assistant Deputy Comptroller (Program ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Budget, and Execution). Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Budget Blaine F. Aaron ...... NA ES ...... and Appropriations Affairs). Do ...... Deputy Comptroller (Program and Budget) .... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Comptroller (Strategy, Capabilities ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Acquisition). Do ...... Associate Director for Contingency and Inter- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... agency Programs. Do ...... Director for Accounting and Finance Policy ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Personnel and Health ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Care. Do ...... Associate Director for Air, Space, and Intel- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ligence Programs. Do ...... Director, Business Integration Office ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director for Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director for Investment ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Ground, Sea, and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Other Programs. Do ...... Director for Financial Improvement and Vacant ...... ES ...... Audit Readiness. Do ...... Associate Director, External Affairs ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director for Program and Financial Vacant ...... ES ...... Control. Do ...... Director for Financial Reporting and Analysis Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director for Military Personnel and Construc- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tion. Do ...... Associate Director, Defense-Wide Programs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Military Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Military Construction ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director for Revolving Funds ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant, Deputy Under Secretary of Teresa Lukach ...... SC GS 15 ...... Defense (Budget and Appropriations Af- fairs). Do ...... Special Assistant ...... John P. Koehn ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Personal and Confidential Assistant ...... Whitney J. Meyers ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Mandy S. Haggerson ...... SC GS 13 ...... OFFICE OF UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (INTELLIGENCE) Do ...... Under Secretary of Defense (Intelligence) ...... James R. Clapper ...... PAS EX III ...... Director, Operational Test and Evaluation Do ...... Director, Operational Test and Evaluation ..... Charles E. McQueary ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Director, Operational Test Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... and Evaluation. Do ...... Deputy Director for Naval Warfare and Net- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Centric Systems. Do ...... Deputy Director for Conventional Systems ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director for Systems and Test Re- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sources. Do ...... Executive Assistant ...... Cynthia M. Craft ...... SC GS 14 ...... OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR (PROGRAM ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION) Do ...... Director, Program Analysis and Evaluation ... Bradley M. Berkson ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Strategic Assessment and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Irregular Warfare. Do ...... Director, Irregular Warfare Division ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Projection Forces Division ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Re- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... connaissance Programs Division. Do ...... Deputy Director, Conventional Forces ...... do ...... CA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Arlington, VA ...... Director, Tactical Air Forces Division ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Land Forces Division ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Naval Forces Division ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director (Resource Analysis) ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Economic and Manpower Analysis ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Division. Do ...... Director, Force and Infrastructure Cost Anal- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ysis Division. Do ...... Director, Operations Analysis and Procure- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment Planning Division. Do ...... Director, Weapon Systems Cost Analysis Di- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... vision. Do ...... Director, Strategic, Defensive, and Space Pro- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... grams Division. Do ...... Director, Command, Control, Communica- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tions and Intelligence (C4) and Information Programs Division. Do ...... Director, Program Resources and Information ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Systems Management Division. Do ...... Deputy Director, Program and Administrative ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Support. Do ...... Deputy Director (Strategic, Command, Con- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... trol, Communications, and Computers, and Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnais- sance Programs). Do ...... Director, Analytic Integration Division ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Study and Analytical Support Divi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sion. OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (PERSONNEL AND READINESS) Do ...... Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and David S. Chu ...... PAS EX III ...... Readiness). Do ...... Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Michael L. Dominguez ...... PAS EX IV ...... (Personnel and Readiness). Do ...... Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Af- Samuel W. Casscells ...... PAS EX IV ...... fairs). Do ...... Assistant Secretary of Defense (Reserve Af- Thomas F. Hall ...... PAS EX IV ...... fairs). Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Civilian Patricia Bradshaw ...... NA ES ...... Personnel Policy). Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of De- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... fense (Health Affairs)/Principal Deputy Di- rector, Tricare Management Activity. Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of De- John D. Winkler ...... NA ES ...... fense (Reserve Affairs). Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Readi- Vacant ...... ES ...... ness). Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Program Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Integration). Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Plans) ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Military ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Personnel Policy). Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Military Leslye A. Arsht ...... NA ES ...... Community and Family Policy). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Clin- Joseph Kelley ...... NA ES ...... ical and Program Policy). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Force Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Health Protection and Readiness). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Vacant ...... ES ...... (Health Budgets and Financial Policy). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Re- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... sources). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Man- Donald L. Nelson ...... NA ES ...... power and Personnel). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Mate- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... riel and Facilities). Do ...... Principal Director (Civilian Personnel Policy/ ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Workforce Issues and International Pro- MISCELLANEOUS


with Do ...... Principal Director (Military Personnel Policy) ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Principal Director (Military Community and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Family Policy). PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Arlington, VA ...... Principal Director for Diversity Management Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... and Equal Opportunity. Do ...... Principal Director (Readiness, Training and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Mobilization). Do ...... Director, Civil-Military Policy ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Readiness Programming and As- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sessment. Do ...... Director, Accession Policy ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Readiness and Training ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Personnel and Readiness Analysis ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Talent Acquisition, Development ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Management. Do ...... Director of Military Compensation ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Financial Plans and Policy ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Urazoe, Okinawa, Director, Department of Defense Dependents ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Japan Schools Pacific and Domestic Dependent El- ementary and Secondary Schools, Guam. Wiesbaden, Ger- Director, Department of Defense Dependents ...... do ...... CA ES ...... many Schools, Europe. Peachtree City, GA Director, Domestic Dependent Elementary ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Secondary Schools and the Department of Defense Dependents Schools, Cuba. Arlington, VA...... Director, Department of Defense Education Vacant ...... ES ...... Activity. Do ...... Director, Officer and Enlisted Personnel Man- ...... do ...... ES ...... agement. Do ...... Associate Director for Financial and Business Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Operations. Do ...... Deputy Chief, Personnel, Procurement, and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... TMA Operations. Do ...... Special Assistant, Joint Training and Range Frank C. Digiovanni ...... TA ES ...... 02/03/11 Sustainability. Do ...... Chief, Human Capital (Military Health Serv- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ice). Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Executive Director, National Security Profes- William A. Navas Jr...... TA ES ...... 12/21/10 sional Development Program Integration Office. Do ...... Program Executive Officer ...... Robert T. Foster ...... TA ES ...... 09/02/08 Do ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Falls Church, VA ... Chief, Health Plan Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Arlington, VA ...... Staff Assistant to the Principal Deputy Under Kati N. Lake ...... SC GS 7 ...... Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readi- ness). Do ...... Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary Akhila Kosaraju ...... SC GS 13 ...... of Defense, Health Affairs. Do ...... Confidential Assistant to the Under Secretary Mary E. Woodward ...... SC GS 13 ...... of Defense, Personnel and Readiness. Do ...... Confidential Assistant to the Assistant Sec- Linda Davis ...... SC GS 12 ...... retary of Defense (Reserve Affairs). Do ...... Coordinator of Reserve Integration ...... Gayle A. Lawrence ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Director, Human Capital and Resource Man- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... agement. OFFICE OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (RESERVE AFFAIRS) Office of the General Counsel Arlington, VA ...... General Counsel ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy General Counsel ...... Daniel J. Dell Orto ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel (Fiscal) ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel (International Af- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... fairs). Do ...... Deputy General Counsel (Acquisition and Lo- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... gistics). Do ...... Deputy General Counsel (Personnel and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Health Policy). Do ...... Director, Standards of Conduct Office ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel, Legal Counsel ...... Chistian M. L. Bonat ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Department of Defense, Office of Paul M. Lewis ...... TA ES ...... 05/01/09 Legislative Counsel. Do ...... Deputy General Counsel (Environment and Roy G. Wuchitech ...... NA ES ...... Installations). Do ...... Administrative Assistant ...... Charles Imbesi ...... SC GS 7 ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Arlington, VA ...... Special Assistant ...... Joshua M. Druding ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... do ...... Sarah P. Shacklett ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... John Hawk ...... SC GS 13 ...... Office of Inspector General Do ...... Inspector General ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX ...... Do ...... Strategic Planning Advisor for SWA Affairs ... Kenneth P. Moorefield ...... TA ES ...... 08/17/10 OFFICE OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY (NETWORKS AND INFORMATION INTEGRATION) Do ...... Assistant Secretary of Defense (Networks and John Grimes ...... PAS EX IV ...... Information Integration). Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of De- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... fense (Networks and Information Integra- tion). Do ...... Principal Director to the Deputy Assistant Vacant ...... ES ...... Secretary of Defense (Information, Manage- ment, Integration and Technology). Do ...... Principal Director to the Deputy Assistant Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Secretary of Defense for Information and Identity Assurance. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Infor- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... mation Management and Technology)/Dep- uty Chief Information Officer. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Command, Control, Communications, Intel- ligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance and Information Technology Acquisition. Do ...... Director, Information Management ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Com- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... mand, Control, Communications, Space and Spectrum). Do ...... Deputy for Information Sharing for Intel- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ligence and Homeland Defense. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Re- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sources). Do ...... Deputy to the Information Sharing Executive ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Director, Commercial Policies and Oversight ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Arlington, VA ...... Director, Space Programs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Command and Control Policy ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Director, Strategic Resource Planning ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Arlington, VA ...... Director, Planning, Policy and Integration In- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... formation Technology Management. Do ...... Director, Acquisition ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Congressional Review and Analysis Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Command and Control (C2) Pro- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... grams. Do ...... Director, Spectrum Management ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director of Strategy and Operations Integra- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tion. Washington, DC .... Director, Communications Programs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Arlington, VA ...... Senior Systems Engineer Related to Net-Cen- Vacant ...... ES ...... tric Initiatives. Washington, DC .... Federal Information Sharing Executive ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (PUBLIC AFFAIRS) Arlington, VA ...... Assistant Secretary of Defense Public Affairs Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of De- Robert Hastings ...... NA ES ...... fense for Public Affairs. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Inter- Allison Barber ...... NA ES ...... nal Communications). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Geoffrey S. Morrell ...... NA ES ...... Public Affairs (Press Secretary). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Vacant ...... ES ...... Affairs) for Strategy and Operations. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Senior Public Affairs Advisor ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, BRAC Management Team ...... Carla Kay Coulson ...... TA ES ...... 06/23/10 Do ...... Public Affairs Specialist ...... Mark Hamilton ...... SC GS 11 ...... MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... Supervisory Speechwriter ...... Thayer Christopher Scott .. SC GS 15 ...... with

Do ...... Speechwriter ...... Alston B. Ramsay ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Frederick Shear ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Public Affairs Specialist ...... Erin E. Healy ...... SC GS 15 ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Arlington, VA ...... Public Affairs Specialist ...... Matthew J. Konkler ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Jamie N. Findlater ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Public Affairs Analyst ...... Daniel R. Brownlee ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Public Affairs Specialist ...... Emily Hamilton Domenech SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Katrina Anne Fuller ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Anne D. MacDonald ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Arch A. Capito ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Michael Leach ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Rebecca P. Martinez ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Special Events Coordinator ...... Amy Mitchell ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Public Affairs Analyst ...... Joanna Campione ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Personal and Confidential Assistant ...... Shannon M. Kay ...... SC GS 7 ...... OFFICE OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS) Do ...... Assistant Secretary of Defense (Legislative Robert L. Wilkie ...... PAS EX IV ...... Affairs). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Sen- Robert P. Taylor ...... NA ES ...... ate Affairs). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Daniel Wilmot ...... NA ES ...... Intergovernmental Affairs. Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of De- Christian Marrone ...... NA ES ...... fense Legislative Affairs. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (House Virginia H. Johnson ...... NA ES ...... Affairs). Do ...... Director of Operations ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Legis- Vacant ...... ES ...... lative Outreach). Do ...... Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary Susan P. Lindahl ...... SC GS 11 ...... of Defense (Legislative Affairs). Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Anthony B. Murphy ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Traci A. Scott ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Thomas A. Alexander ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... John M. Currin ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Tara N. Napier ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Angela J. French ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Jeffrey A. Burke ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... J. Andrew Kavaliunas ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Jennifer E. Giglio ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... David S. Bolls ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Kristen F. Gilley ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Lee A. Cook ...... SC GS 11 ...... OFFICE OF DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT Do ...... Director, Administration and Management .... Michael B. Donley ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Washington Headquarters Services Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... and Deputy Director, Administration and Management. Do ...... Director for Organizational and Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Planning. Do ...... Chief Historian ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Office of the Secretary of Defense Deputy Vacant ...... ES ...... Chief Information Officer. Do ...... Office of the Secretary of Defense Chief Infor- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... mation Officer. Do ...... Senior Manager and Advisor for Organiza- Mark A. Munson Sr...... TA ES ...... 04/27/11 tional Reform and Policy Integration. Do ...... Public Affairs Specialist ...... Mark D. Pfeifle ...... SC GS 15 ...... Washington Headquarters Services Do ...... Deputy Director, Washington Headquarters Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Services. Do ...... Deputy Director for Information Technology James R. Fitzharris ...... TA ES ...... 06/10/10 and Construction Implementation. Do ...... Director, Executive Services Directorate ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... General Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Financial Management Directorate ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Program Manager, Pentagon Renovation and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Construction Program Office. Do ...... Director for Planning and Evaluation ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director for Information Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Reports. Washington, DC .... Deputy Director, White House Military Office ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Presidential Contingency Programs ...... do ...... CA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Arlington, VA ...... Defense Fellow ...... Christina Burmeister ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Paul Anir ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Brendan Kelly ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Kathryn C. Kaufman ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Kimberly A. Alldredge ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Chelsea M. Holden ...... SC GS 11 ...... Washington, DC .... Administrative Assistant ...... Laura M. Horton ...... SC GS 9 ...... Arlington, VA ...... Defense Fellow ...... Matthew J. Schoeffling ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Larissa A. Plunto ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Kara Nichols ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Simone A. Ledeen ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Michelle L. Parrozzo ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... do ...... Olga Arguello ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Executive Assistant ...... Stephanie J. Ansell ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Defense Fellow ...... Maria Teresa Aguirre ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... James H. McCall Jr...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Sergio G. Rodriguera ...... SC GS 15 ...... Office of the Do ...... Director for Joint History ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director for Strategic Communications ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Global Strategic Partner- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ships. Do ...... Deputy Director for Joint Force Development ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Integration. Do ...... Joint Staff Comptroller ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Civilian Executive Assistant ...... Kristen Cicio ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Mary Turner ...... SC GS 14 ...... Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Do ...... Director, Defense Advanced Research Project Anthony J. Tether ...... NA ES ...... Agency. Do ...... Special Assistant, Operations Liaison ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... General Counsel ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant for Space ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Comptroller ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant for Strategy and Planning ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Missile Defense Agency Washington, DC .... Deputy for International Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Dahlgren, VA ...... Deputy Director, AEGIS Ballistic Missile De- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... fense. Arlington, VA ...... Director, Security and Intelligence Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Huntsville, AL ...... Director, Combined Test Force ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Arlington, VA ...... Executive Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Contracting ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Huntsville, AL ...... Program Director, Multiple Kill Vehicle ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Arlington, VA ...... General Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Defense Contract Audit Agency Alexandria, VA ...... General Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Defense Logistics Agency Arlington, VA...... Executive Director, Base Realignment and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Closure Implementation. Philadelphia, PA .... Executive Director, Contracting and Acquisi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tion Management. Alexandria, VA ...... Director of Enterprise Planning and Trans- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... formation. Arlington, VA ...... Director, Acquisition Management (J–7) ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Defense Information Systems Agency Do ...... General Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Vice Principal Director for Global Information ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Grid Combat Support. Defense Threat Reduction Agency Fort Belvoir, VA .... General Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Defense Security Cooperation Agency Arlington, VA ...... Deputy Director, Defense Security Assistance Vacant ...... ES ...... Agency. Do ...... Principal Director, Business Operations ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... Principal Director for Programs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... with


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Defense Finance and Accounting Service Arlington, VA...... Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Service. Do ...... Principal Deputy Director, Defense Finance ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Accounting Service. Alexandria, VA ...... President, Defense Acquisition University ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Arlington, VA...... Director, Acquisition, Education, Training ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Career Development. Columbus, OH ...... Deputy Site Director - Columbus ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Cleveland, OH ...... Deputy Director, Commercial Pay Services ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Arlington, VA ...... Deputy Director for Strategic Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Cleveland, OH ...... Deputy Site Director - Cleveland ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Arlington, VA ...... Director for Standards and Compliance ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Indianapolis, IN ..... Site Director - Indianapolis ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Columbus, OH ...... Site Director - Columbus ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Arlington, VA ...... Transformation Executive ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Information and Technology ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Fort Ben Harrison, Director, Enterprise Management Services ...... do ...... CA ES ...... IN Do ...... Deputy Director, Accounting Services - Army ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director for Standards ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director for Policy and Requirements ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Denver, CO ...... Director, Enterprise and Component Solu- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tions. Arlington, VA ...... Deputy Director for Compliance ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Rome, Italy ...... Site Director, Rome ...... do ...... ES ...... Fort Ben Harrison, Risk Management Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... IN Do ...... Business Integration Executive ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Administrator, Defense Technical Information ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Center. Arlington, VA ...... Chief Technology Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Fort Ben Harrison, Director, Resource Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... IN Arlington, VA ...... Deputy Director for Operations ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director for Internal Review ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Defense Security Service Alexandria, VA ...... Chief Information Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Arlington, VA ...... Director of Security Education, Training and Vacant ...... ES ...... Awareness. Defense Commissary Agency Fort Lee, VA ...... Director, Defense Commissary Agency ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Eastern Region ...... do ...... CA ES ...... McClellan Air Director, Western Region ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Force Base, CA Germany, Germany Director, European Region ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Arlington, VA ...... Chief Operating Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... United States Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Brussels, Belgium Defense Advisor, U.S. Ambassador to NATO W.B. Weinrod ...... NA ES ...... and Senior Civilian Representative of the Secretary of Defense in Europe. Rome, Italy ...... Special Advisor to NATO Defense College ...... Grant T. Hammond ...... TA ES ...... 10/13/10 Brussels, Belgium Foreign Relations and Defense Policy Man- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ager. Joint Activities Arlington, VA ...... Director, Joint Staff and Principal Assistant Vacant ...... ES ...... to the Chief National Guard Bureau. Defense Human Resources Activity Do ...... Director, Federal Voting Assistance Program Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Program Manager, Regionalization and Sys- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tems Modernization Program, Defense Human Resources Activity. Do ...... Assistant Director, Defense Human Resources ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Activity. Do ...... Director, Information Management, Defense ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Human Resources Activity. Do ...... Executive Director, Labor Management and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Employee Relations.

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Arlington, VA ...... Executive Director, Employer Support of the Lewis Gordon Sumner ...... NA ES ...... Guard and Reserve, Defense Human Re- sources Activity. Do ...... Program Executive Officer, Defense Human Vacant ...... ES ...... Resources Activity. Do ...... Director, National Security Personnel System Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... (NSPS), Human Resource Systems. UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE ARMED FORCES Washington, DC .... Associate Judge, United States Court of Ap- Margaret A. Ryan ...... PAS OT $179,500 ...... peals for the Armed Forces. Do ...... do ...... Scott W. Stucky ...... PAS OT $179,500 ...... Do ...... Chief Judge, United States Court of Appeals Andrew S. Effron ...... PAS OT $179,500 ...... for the Armed Forces. Do ...... Associate Judge, United States Court of Ap- James E. Baker ...... PAS OT $179,500 ...... peals for the Armed Forces. Do ...... do ...... Charles E. Erdmann II ...... PAS OT $179,500 ...... Do ...... Clerk of the Court ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Deputy Clerk of the Court ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Level Commissioner ...... John B. Holt ...... XS SL ...... Do ...... do ...... Stephen D. Smith ...... XS SL $158,500 ...... Do ...... do ...... John E. Sparks ...... XS SL ...... Do ...... Court Executive ...... Keith L. Roberts ...... XS SL $158,500 ...... MISCELLANEOUS with


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Arlington, VA ...... Secretary of the Air Force ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Air John P. Wheeler ...... NA ES ...... Force. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Force Man- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... agement and Integration. Do ...... Principal Advisor to the Secaf for Smart Op- Ronald C. Ritter ...... NA ES ...... eration Integration. Office of the Under Secretary Do ...... Under Secretary of the Air Force ...... Ronald M. Sega ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary (Energy, Environ- Kevin W. Billings ...... NA ES ...... ment, Safety and Occupational Health). OFFICE OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY AIR FORCE FOR ACQUISITION Do ...... Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisi- Sue C. Payton ...... PAS EX IV ...... tion). Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary (Acqui- David M. Van Buren ...... NA ES ...... sition and Management). Do ...... Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary Gail Henderson- SC GS 13 ...... of the Air Force (Acquisition) for Industrial Wishnefsky. Relations. OFFICE OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY AIR FORCE FOR FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND COMPTROLLER Do ...... Assistant Secretary (Financial Management John H. Gibson II ...... PAS EX IV ...... and Comptroller). Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary (Finan- John G. Vonglis ...... NA ES ...... cial Management). Do ...... Financial Management Specialist ...... Todd A. Baldwin ...... SC GS 14 ...... Washington, DC .... Director for Strategic Initiatives ...... R. Matthew O’Malley ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Secretary ...... Jamie Brewer ...... SC GS 10 ...... OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Arlington, VA ...... General Counsel ...... Mary L. Walker ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel (Fiscal Ethics and Vacant ...... ES ...... Civilian Personnel). Do ...... Deputy General Counsel (Dispute Resolution) Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel (National Security ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Military Affairs). Do ...... Deputy General Counsel (Contractor Respon- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sibility). Do ...... Principal Deputy General Counsel ...... Robert Thomas Maguire .... NA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Special Counsel and Special Assistant ...... Mary Sydney Leach ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... do ...... Ryan Ashley Morrison ...... SC GS 13 ...... OFFICE OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY AIR FORCE, INSTALLATIONS, ENVIRONMENT, AND LOGISTICS Arlington, VA...... Assistant Secretary (Installations, Environ- Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... ment and Logistics). OFFICE OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE FOR MANPOWER AND RESERVE AFFAIRS Do ...... Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Man- ...... do ...... PAS EX IV ...... power and Reserve Affairs). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Strategic Di- ...... do ...... ES ...... versity Integration. Washington, DC .... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary (Man- Ronald A. Winter ...... NA ES ...... power and Reserve Affairs). OFFICE OF DEPUTY ASSISTANT SECRETARY RESERVE AFFAIRS Arlington, VA ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Reserve Af- John C. Truesdell ...... NA ES ...... 12/17/04 fairs. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF STAFF Deputy Chief of Staff, Personnel Arlington, VA...... Program Manager, National Security Per- Vacant ...... ES ...... sonnel System (NSPS) Program Manage- ment Office.

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

AIR FORCE MATERIEL COMMAND Air Force Research Laboratory Wright Patterson Director, Propulsion ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Air Force Base, OH Air Armament Center Eglin Air Force Director, Engineering ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Base, FL MISCELLANEOUS with


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Arlington, VA ...... Secretary of the Army ...... Preston M. Geren III ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Secretary of the William Robert Andrews ... NA ES ...... Army. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Judy Smith ...... SC GS 15 ...... OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY Do ...... Under Secretary of the Army ...... Nelson M. Ford ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary of the Army ...... Thomas E. Kelly III ...... NA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Director, District of Columbia National Guard David F. Wherley Jr...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, District of Columbia Na- Vacant ...... ES ...... tional Guard. Arlington, VA ...... Special Assistant to the Deputy Under Sec- Ronald E. Rezek ...... NA ES ...... retary of Army. Do ...... Deputy to the President, Army Civilian Uni- Elizabeth H. Phillips ...... TA ES ...... 01/19/11 versity. Do ...... Personal and Confidential Assistant ...... Kathleen M. Cox ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Business Transformation Initiatives Analyst Kerri A. Kuester ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Personal and Confidential Assistant to the Stephanie A. Lautenbacher SC GS 13 ...... Deputy Under Secretary of the Army. OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY Washington, DC .... Director, Center of Military History ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE ARMY (ACQUISITION, LOGISTICS AND TECHNOLOGY) Arlington, VA ...... Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Logistics and Technology). Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Dean G. Popps ...... NA ES ...... Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Tech- nology) and Director for Iraq Reconstruc- tion and Program Management. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Strategy and Edward W. Walters III ...... NA ES ...... Performance Planning. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Defense Exports and Cooperation. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army ...... do ...... CA ES ...... (Strategic Communications and Business Transformation). Do ...... Executive Director, Strategy and Performance Vacant ...... ES ...... Planning. OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE ARMY (CIVIL WORKS) Do ...... Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) John P. Woodley Jr...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the George S. Dunlop ...... NA ES ...... Army (Civil Works)/Deputy Assistant Sec- retary of the Army (Legislation). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... (Project Planning and Review). Do ...... Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary Elwyn Darden ...... SC GS 13 ...... of the Army (Civil Works). Do ...... Confidential Assistant to the Assistant Sec- Kathleen A. McGlynn ...... SC GS 7 ...... retary of the Army (Civil Works). OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE ARMY (FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND COMPTROLLER) Do ...... Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Management and Comptroller). Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Peter E. Kunkel ...... NA ES ...... Army (Financial Management and Comp- troller)/(Controls). OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE ARMY (INSTALLATIONS AND ENVIRONMENT) Do ...... Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations Keith E. Eastin ...... PAS EX IV ...... and Environment).

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Arlington, VA ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary (Instal- Geoffrey G. Prosch ...... NA ES ...... lations and Environment). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (In- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... stallations and Housing). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (En- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... vironment, Safety and Occupational Health). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Paul P. Bollinger Jr...... NA ES ...... Privatization and Partnerships. Do ...... Personal and Confidential Assistant ...... Moira A. Kennedy ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Deputy Assistant Corey Brooks ...... SC GS 11 ...... Secretary of the Army for Privatization and Partnerships. Do ...... Special Assistant to the Deputy Assistant Thomas F. Mooney ...... SC GS 9 ...... Secretary of the Army (Environment, Safe- ty and Occupational Health). Do ...... Personal and Confidential Assistant (Installa- Jessie Loftis ...... SC GS 7 ...... tions and Environment). Do ...... Special Assistant to Deputy Assistant Sec- Vacant ...... ES ...... retary of the Army (Environmental Safety and Occupational Health). OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE ARMY (MANPOWER AND RESERVE AFFAIRS) Do ...... Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower Ronald J. James ...... PAS EX IV ...... and Reserve Affairs). Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Robert W. Rodriguez ...... NA ES ...... Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs)/Dep- uty Assistant Secretary (Training, Readi- ness and Mobilization). Do ...... Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary Danny Pummill ...... TA ES ...... 09/15/10 Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) for Strategy. Do ...... Personal and Confidential Assistant ...... Tyler K. O’Neal ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Vacant ...... ES ...... Army (Recruiting/Chief Marketing Officer). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army ...... do ...... ES ...... (Force Management, Manpower and Re- sources). OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... General Counsel ...... Benedict S. Cohen ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy General Counsel and Chief Vacant ...... ES ...... of Legal Services. Do ...... Deputy General Counsel (Operations and Per- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... sonnel). Do ...... Deputy General Counsel (Acquisition) ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel (Civil Works and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Environment). Do ...... Special Assistant to the General Counsel ...... Michael T. Morley ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Peter J. Dickson ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Amy Greenan ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Army General Coun- Vacant ...... ES ...... sel. CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER/G–6 Do ...... Director of Information Resource Integration Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF SMALL AND DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS UTILIZATION Do ...... Director of Small and Disadvantaged Busi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ness Utilization. OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE LIAISON Do ...... Principal Deputy Chief of Legislative Liaison ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE, CHIEF OF STAFF Do ...... Director of Management/Vice Director of the ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Army Staff. U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command MISCELLANEOUS Falls Church, VA... Executive Technical Director/Deputy to the ...... do ...... CA ES ...... with Commander. PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Aberdeen Proving Executive Director, Developmental Test Com- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Ground, MD mand. Center for Army Analysis Fort Belvoir, VA .... Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Technical Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... OFFICE, DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF, G–1 Aberdeen Proving Director, Civilian Human Resource Agency ...... do ...... ES ...... Ground, MD OFFICE, DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF, G–3 Arlington, VA ...... Special Assistant to the Deputy Chief of Staff, Clifton Lee Dickey ...... TA ES ...... 03/18/09 G–3/05/7. Do ...... Deputy Director, Joint Improvised Explosive Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Device Defeat Organization. Do ...... Director, Biometrics Task Force ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE, DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF, G–4 Do ...... Director of Program Development ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE, DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF, G–8 Do ...... Deputy Director for Program Analysis and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Evaluation. OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Washington, DC .... Associate Director, Center for Advanced Pa- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... thology. Do ...... Associate Director, Center for Scientific Publi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... cations. OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL Arlington, VA ...... Director, Civilian Personnel, Labor and Em- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ployment Law. UNITED STATES ARMY SPACE AND MISSILE DEFENSE COMMAND Huntsville, AL ...... Chief Scientist ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director Sensors Directorate ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Space and Missile Defense Tech- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... nical Center. UNITED STATES ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Washington, DC .... Chief Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief, Homeland Security Office ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Division Programs Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Regional Business Director ...... do ...... ES ...... UNITED STATES ARMY MATERIEL COMMAND Aberdeen Proving Program Manager, Assembled Chemical Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Ground, MD Weapons Alternatives. Office of Command Counsel Fort Belvoir, VA .... Command Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Command Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... United States Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command Warren, MI ...... Chief Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... United States Army Aviation and Missile Command Redstone Arsenal, Chief Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... AL Do ...... Associate Director for Technology, Missiles .... Vacant ...... ES ...... United States Army Sustainment Command Rock Island, IL ...... Chief Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Executive Director for Field Support ...... Clyde Redding Hobby ...... TA ES ...... 02/17/10

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

United States Army Communications- Electronics Command Ft Monmouth, NJ .. Chief Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... U.S. ARMY TRAINING AND DOCTRINE COMMAND Hampton, VA ...... Deputy Chief of Staff for Resource Manage- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment. Fort Leonard Wood, Deputy to the Commanding General, Maneu- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... MO ver Support/Director, Capabilities Develop- ment and Integration. UNITED STATES ARMY, EUROPE Brussels, Belgium Director, Defense Operations and Plans ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Administrative Advisor to United States Am- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... bassador to North Atlantic Treaty Organi- zation. Do ...... Director, Infrastructure Logistics and Civil ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Emergency Planning Division. Do ...... Managing Director, Defense Armaments, Vacant ...... ES ...... Communications Electronics and Invest- ments Division. UNITED STATES AFRICA COMMAND Stuttgart, Germany Deputy to the Commander for Civil-Military ...... do ...... ES ...... Activities. UNITED STATES EUROPEAN COMMAND Do ...... Deputy Director for Capabilities and Assess- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ments. Do ...... Sustaining Base Operations Advisor ...... do ...... CA ES ...... UNITED STATES SOUTHERN COMMAND Miami, FL ...... Deputy Director, Strategy and Policy ...... do ...... CA ES ...... MISCELLANEOUS with


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Arlington, VA ...... Secretary of the Navy ...... Donald C. Winter ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Secretary ...... Michael D. Griffes ...... NA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Navy Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Program Appraisal ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Arlington, VA ...... Special Assistant ...... Jon Gary Ferko ...... NA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Chief Information Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Arlington, VA ...... Director for Policy and Integration, Chief In- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... formation Office. Do ...... Director of Assessment Advisory Services ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Director, Identity Management Policy John V. Sylvester IV ...... TA ES ...... 08/24/10 Advisor. Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Stephanie A. Worthington SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Director for Strategic Initiatives ...... Laura Parker McAleer ...... SC GS 14 ...... Office of the Under Secretary of the Navy Do ...... Under Secretary of the Navy ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Washington, DC .... Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy ...... Marshall S. Billingslea ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Small Business Programs ...... Timothy J. Foreman ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Residence Manager and Social Secretary to Elizabeth Denny ...... SC GS 15 ...... the Vice President. Arlington, VA ...... Staff Assistant ...... Christopher J. Filiciello ..... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant (Policy) ...... Alexander J. Gehring ...... SC GS 11 ...... Washington, DC .... Staff Assistant ...... Erin R. McCarthy ...... SC GS 11 ...... Arlington, VA ...... Staff Assistant (Policy) ...... Lisa Danzig ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Michael Clauser ...... SC GS 12 ...... Office of the Assistant Secretary of Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) Do ...... Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... and Reserve Affairs). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy Anita K. Blair ...... NA ES ...... (Total Force Transformation). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Mili- Lynda C. Davis ...... NA ES ...... tary Personnel Programs). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Re- Harvey C. Barnum ...... NA ES ...... serve Affairs). Office of the Assistant Secretary of Navy (Installations and Environment) Do ...... Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Installations Buddie J. Penn ...... PAS EX IV ...... and Environment). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (In- Howard E. Snow III ...... NA ES ...... stallations and Facilities)/Chief of Staff/ First Assistant. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (En- Donald R. Schregardus ...... NA ES ...... vironment). Do ...... Assistant Director, Joint Guam Program Of- Joseph D. Ludovici ...... TA ES ...... 01/05/10 fice. Washington, DC.... Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... (Safety). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (In- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... frastructure Strategy and Analysis). Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisition) Arlington, VA...... Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research Sean J. Stackley ...... PAS EX IV ...... Development and Acquisition). Washington, DC.... Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... (Management and Budget/Chief of Staff). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Re- Roger M. Smith ...... NA ES ...... search Development and Acquisition) (Ex- peditionary Warfare). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... (Ships). Arlington, VA ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Air ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Programs). Do ...... Program Manager, Navy Enterprise Resource Vacant ...... ES ...... Planning/Enterprise Convergence. Do ...... Director, Technology Security and Coopera- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tion Programs Directorate. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy Vacant ...... ES ...... (Command and Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence/Information Oper- ations and Space).

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Technical Director for Navy Enterprise Re- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... source Planning and Enterprise Conver- gence. Arlington, VA ...... Deputy Program Executive Officer for Enter- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... prise Information Systems. Patuxent River, Deputy Program Executive Officer for Missile Joanne Cardarelli ...... TA ES ...... 10/20/10 MD and Weapons Programs. Office of the Assistant Secretary of Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller) Arlington, VA...... Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Douglas A. Brook ...... PAS EX IV ...... Management and Comptroller). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Fi- Joseph M. Guzman ...... NA ES ...... nancial Management and Comptroller). Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Phara Forsythe ...... SC GS 11 ...... Office of the General Counsel Do ...... General Counsel ...... Frank R. Jimenez Esq...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel (Legislation and Kenneth J. Lee ...... NA ES ...... Special Counsel). Washington, DC .... Deputy General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate General Counsel (Management) ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate General Counsel (Litigation)/Direc- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tor, Navy Litigation Office. CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS Do ...... Chief Information Officer, Manpower, Per- Vacant ...... ES ...... sonnel, Training and Education. Do ...... Director, Training and Education Division ..... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Arlington, VA...... Deputy Director, Warfare Integration Pro- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... grams (N6fb). Do ...... Deputy Director, Warfare Integration ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Executive Director for Field Support/Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Field Support Activity. Naval Observatory Do ...... Scientific Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Office of the Commander, United States Pacific Command Camp Hm Smith Director, Center of Excellence in Disaster Vacant ...... ES ...... M. Corp B, HI Management and Human Assistance. Military Sealift Command Washington, DC .... Director, Military Sealift Fleet Support Com- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... mand. Office of the Commander, United States Fleet Forces Command/Joint Forces Command Norfolk, VA ...... Executive Director Force Generation ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Executive Director, Standing Joint Forces Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Headquarters. UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS HEADQUARTERS OFFICE Washington, DC .... Deputy Director, Command, Control, Commu- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... nication, and Computers/Deputy Chief In- formation Officer-Marine Corps. Marine Corps Combat Development Command, Quantico, Virginia Quantico, VA ...... Executive Deputy, Training and Education ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Command. Do ...... President, Marine Corps University ...... do ...... CA ES ...... MARINE CORPS SYSTEMS COMMAND Marine Forces Reserve, New Orleans, La New Orleans, LA ... Executive Director, Marine Forces Reserve ...... do ...... CA ES ...... MISCELLANEOUS with


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Washington, DC .... Secretary ...... Margaret M. Spellings ...... PAS EX I ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... David L. Dunn ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategy ...... Hanna Skandera ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy and Programs Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Educational Technology ..... Timothy J. Magner ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Executive Management Staff ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Management Improvement Team ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Executive Secretariat ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Executive Director, White House Initiative on Anselm G. Davis Jr...... SC GS 15 ...... Tribal Colleges and Universities. Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Secretary ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Senior Counselor to the Secretary ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Chief Operating Officer ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Counselor to the Secretary ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... White House Liaison ...... Jana Toner ...... NA ES ...... Paris, France ...... Special Assistant (Education Attache´ to the Sally G. Lovejoy ...... SC GS 15 ...... United States Mission to the United Na- tions Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). Washington, DC .... Director, White House Initiative on Hispanic Adam Chavarria ...... SC GS 15 ...... Education. Do ...... Director, Scheduling and Advance Staff ...... Tina-Maria G. Henry ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Director, Faith-Based and Community Initia- Christopher D. Bayer ...... SC GS 15 ...... tives Center. Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of International Af- Grant B. Lebens ...... SC GS 15 ...... fairs. Do ...... Deputy Director, (White House Initiative on Raquel C. Sours ...... SC GS 14 ...... the Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans). Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Jocelyn J. Pickford ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Sarah J. Gesiriech ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Richard A. Boucher ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Emily Winland Gribble ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Sarah E. Lowe ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Kimberly M. Brodie ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Susan L. Berchelmann ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... do ...... Stephanie Y. Robson ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... do ...... David S. Butler ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... do ...... Nora A. O’Keefe ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... do ...... Harrison Clark ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant (Faith Based and Cheryl A. Buford ...... SC GS 12 ...... Community Initiatives). Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Elizabeth G. Scranton ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Carly Robb ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Carrie M. McGonagle ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Catherine J. Terrell ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant (Protocol) ...... Cathy I. Del Duca ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Blair Elizabeth Hood ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Kimberly A. Casey ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Alycyn Keeling ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... do ...... Julie A. Stewart ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... do ...... Jacqueline Lee Smith ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant (White House Liaison) Elizabeth K. Martin ...... SC GS 7 ...... OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY SECRETARY Do ...... Deputy Secretary of Education ...... Raymond J. Simon ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Deputy Secretary ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor for Policy and Strategic Initia- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tives. Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Marta M. Zaniewski ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Andrew Peter Dean ...... SC GS 7 ...... OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY Do ...... Under Secretary ...... Sara A. Martinez-Tucker ... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary ...... Cheryl Oldham ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Robert Moran ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Erin M. McDermott ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Lindsey A. Langford ...... SC GS 7 ...... OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... Lawrence A. Warder ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor and Chief of Staff ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Financial Management Operations .. Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Financial Systems Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Brent A. Hartzell ...... SC GS 15 ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER Washington, DC .... Deputy Chief Information Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Information Assurance and Chief ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Information Security. Do ...... Director, Information Technology Services ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Information Technology and Pro- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... gram Services. OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Management ...... Christopher M. Marston .... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Process Im- Vacant ...... ES ...... provement. Do ...... Director, Facilities and Management Services Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Security Services ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Performance David C. McAlpine ...... SC GS 15 ...... Improvement. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Lane A. Raffray ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Steven C. Link ...... SC GS 7 ...... OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Do ...... Inspector General ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... General Counsel ...... Kent D. Talbert ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel for Postsecondary Dennis M. Cariello Jr...... NA ES ...... and Regulatory Service. Do ...... Deputy General Counsel for Program Service Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel for Departmental Robert Scott Eitel ...... NA ES ...... and Legislative Service. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for Legislative Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Counsel Division. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel Ethics ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Angela M. Price ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... John C. Fischer ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Brandon S. Sherman ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Kristin Michelle McGee ..... SC GS 9 ...... OFFICE OF LEGISLATION AND CONGRESSIONAL AFFAIRS Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Legislation and Con- Holly Kuzmich ...... PAS EX IV ...... gressional Affairs. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Marc R. Scheessele ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Stephan Tisher ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Jennifer L. Bradley ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Julia Phillips Davis ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... James W. Kuhl ...... SC GS 9 ...... OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights ...... Stephanie J. Monroe ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Enforcement Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Enforcement Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Program Legal Group ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Tonya M. Johnson- NA ES ...... Fitzpatrick. Do ...... Senior Counsel to the Assistant Secretary for Vacant ...... SL ...... Civil Rights. Do ...... do ...... do ...... SL ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Kimberly M. Richey ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Kim Nadine Proctor ...... SC GS 13 ...... OFFICE OF ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Sec- Kerri Briggs ...... PAS EX IV ...... ondary Education. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Management Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... and Planning. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and Amanda L. Farris ...... NA ES ...... Strategic Initiatives. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and Vacant ...... ES ...... State Technical Assistant. Do ...... Director, Academic Improvement and Teacher Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Quality Programs.

MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... Director, Student Achievement and School ...... do ...... CA ES ......

Accountability. with Do ...... Director, Office of Indian Education ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Migrant Education ...... do ...... ES ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Senior Advisor ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Carolyn Snowbarger ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Anne E. Dudro ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Abigail A. Potts ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Jessica M. Morffi ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Lauren M. Prehoda ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Abigail G. Rogers ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Courtney C. Merritt ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... do ...... Vanessa Hatcher ...... SC GS 7 ...... OFFICE OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE ACQUISITION, LANGUAGE ENHANCEMENT, AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT FOR LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENT STUDENTS Do ...... Assistant Deputy Secretary and Director, Of- Vacant ...... ES ...... fice of English Language Acquisition. OFFICE OF POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Edu- ...... do ...... PAS EX IV ...... cation. Do ...... Director, Fund for the Improvement of Post- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... secondary Education. Do ...... Director, Policy and Budget Development ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Staff. Do ...... Director, Forecasting and Policy Analysis ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Staff. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Plan- Vincent T. Sampson ...... NA ES ...... ning and Innovation. Do ...... Director, Higher Education Preparation and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Support Service. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Higher Edu- Vacant ...... ES ...... cation Programs. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Elizabeth Shays ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Joanne Hansen ...... SC GS 15 ...... OFFICE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Tracy Ralph Justesen ...... PAS EX IV ...... Rehabilitative Services. Do ...... Commissioner Rehabilitation Services Admin- Vacant ...... PAS EX V ...... istration. Do ...... Executive Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Special Education Programs ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Special Education Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Programs. Do ...... Director, National Institute Disability Reha- Vacant ...... ES ...... bilitative Research. Do ...... Deputy Commissioner for the Rehabilitation Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Services Administration. Do ...... Deputy Director, National Institute on Dis- Vacant ...... ES ...... ability and Rehabilitative Research. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Special Edu- ...... do ...... ES ...... cation and Rehabilitative Services. Do ...... Director, Office of Special Education Pro- ...... do ...... ES ...... grams. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy ...... William Knudsen ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Richard L. Fisher ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Katherine S. Race ...... SC GS 11 ...... OFFICE OF VOCATIONAL AND ADULT EDUCATION Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Vocational and Adult Troy Ralph Justesen ...... PAS EX IV ...... Education. Do ...... Senior Advisor for Special Initiatives ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor for Research and Development Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor for Community College Initia- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tives. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Patricia Stanley ...... SC GS 15 ...... Colleges. Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... John Robert Martin ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Angela Desrochers ...... SC GS 13 ...... INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION SCIENCES Do ...... Director, Institute of Education Sciences ...... Grover J. Whitehurst ...... PA EX II ...... Do ...... Commissioner of Education Statistics ...... Mark Schneider ...... PAS EX IV ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Deputy Director for Administration and Pol- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... icy. Do ...... Associate Commissioner, Early Childhood In- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ternational Crosscutting Studies. Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Evaluation ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Commissioner for Education Evaluation and Phoebe H. Cottingham ...... XS AD $154,200 ...... Regional Assistance. Do ...... Commissioner for Education Research ...... Lynn R. Okagaki ...... XS AD $160,079 ...... FEDERAL STUDENT AID Do ...... Chief Operating Officer ...... Vacant ...... AD ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Operating Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff ...... Vacant ...... AD ...... Do ...... Chief Business Operations Officer ...... Susan M. Szabo ...... XS AD $165,613 ...... Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Financial Officer ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... do ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Chief Compliance Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... General Manager, Student Aid Awareness Jennifer L. Douglas ...... XS AD $161,020 ...... and Applicant Services. Do ...... General Manager for Enterprise Performance John T. Fare ...... XS AD $162,387 ...... Management Services. Do ...... Director, Communication and Administration Marianna O’Brien ...... XS AD $163,189 ...... Officer. Do ...... Director, Policy Liaison and Implementation Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Staff. Do ...... Senior Advisor for Strategic Planning ...... Kristie A. Hansen ...... XS AD $149,998 ...... Do ...... Ombudsman ...... Debra D. Wiley ...... XS AD $148,492 ...... Do ...... Case Management and Reporting Officer ...... Richard J. Kurtz ...... XS AD $138,062 ...... Do ...... Operations Officer ...... Charles M. Turpenoff ...... XS AD $137,440 ...... Do ...... Supervisor Program Specialist, Contract John S. Brooks ...... XS AD $125,058 ...... Oversight Division. Dallas, TX ...... Supervisor Program Manager, Program Com- Claire M. Roemer ...... XS AD $137,676 ...... munication Division. Washington, DC .... Supervisor Program Manager, Funds Control George E. Strudgeon Jr. .... XS AD $118,316 ...... Do ...... Service Director, Operation Services ...... Jana Hernandes ...... XS AD $141,450 ...... Do ...... Service Director, Portfolio Performance Man- Sybil C. Phillips ...... XS AD $160,169 ...... agement Services. Do ...... Supervisor Program Specialist, Portfolio Per- Michael E. Sutphin ...... XS AD $145,970 ...... formance Analysis and Research Division. Do ...... Supervisor, Management/Program Analyst, Deborah Miller ...... XS AD $121,683 ...... Change Management Division. Do ...... Supervisor, Management/Program Analyst .... Brian Shaw ...... XS AD $127,589 ...... Do ...... Supervisor Program Manager, Special Initia- Joel Harrell ...... XS AD $125,050 ...... tives. Do ...... Service Director for Program Management William D. Leith ...... XS AD $162,201 ...... Services. Do ...... Supervisor Program Specialist, Default Divi- Dwight A. Vigna ...... XS AD $147,195 ...... sion. Do ...... Supervisor, Program Specialist ...... Susan O’Flaherty ...... XS AD $148,028 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Matteo Fontana ...... XS AD $146,238 ...... Do ...... do ...... Margaret Ayanian ...... XS AD $145,000 ...... Do ...... do ...... Frank D. Curran III ...... XS AD $116,600 ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Financial Officer ...... Vacant ...... AD ...... Do ...... Audit Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Financial Management Group ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Budget Group ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Financial Management Systems Vacant ...... ES ...... Group. Do ...... Deputy Chief Information Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Application Development Group ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Enterprise Information Technology Ganesh D. Reddy ...... XS AD $158,252 ...... Management Group. Do ...... Director, Enterprise Information Technology Michael J. Fillinich ...... XS AD $153,831 ...... Services Group. Do ...... Senior Application Architecture Manager ...... Terrence J. Woods ...... XS AD $142,216 ...... Do ...... Supervisory Information Technology Spe- Diana L. O’Hara ...... XS AD $140,903 ...... cialist. Do ...... Information Technology Specialist ...... Leslie Willoughby ...... XS AD $131,040 ...... Do ...... do ...... Karen T. Edwards ...... XS AD $119,678 ...... Do ...... Senior Security and Privacy Manager ...... Vacant ...... AD ...... Do ...... Supervisor, Information Technology Specialist ...... do ...... AD ...... Do ...... Information Technology Specialist ...... Adam Wandler ...... XS AD $129,427 ...... MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... Deputy Chief Compliance Officer ...... Vacant ...... AD ...... with Do ...... Program Manager, School Eligibility Group ... Robin S. Minor ...... XS AD $153,285 ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC.... Director, Integrated Partner Management Molly K. Wyatt ...... XS AD $144,122 ...... Group. Do ...... Program Manager, Performance Improvement Veronica Pickett ...... XS AD $117,463 ...... and Procedures Group. Do ...... General Manager, Financial Institution Over- Vacant ...... AD ...... sight Group. Do ...... Customer Interaction Officer ...... Rebecca J. Alcorn ...... XS AD $123,490 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Calvin D. Thomas ...... XS AD $146,642 ...... Do ...... Director, Federal Student Aid Acquisition Patrick A. Bradfield ...... XS AD $163,513 ...... Group. Do ...... Chief Risk Officer ...... Stanley M. Dore, III ...... XS AD $160,641 ...... Do ...... Director, Knowledge Management and Con- James W. Coffman ...... XS AD $143,815 ...... trols Divisions. Do ...... Director, Mission Procurement Division ...... John D. Cutlip ...... XS AD $159,251 ...... Do ...... Internal Review Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Strategic Planning and Reporting ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Group. Do ...... Risk Analysis and Reporting Officer ...... Vacant ...... AD ...... Do ...... Director, Project and Management Oversight Carole Kuriatnikova ...... XS AD $133,250 ...... Do ...... Manager, Market Research and Business James M. Ferrara ...... XS AD $128,520 ...... Analysis. Do ...... Executive Business Advisor ...... Michael Whisler ...... XS AD $132,358 ...... Do ...... do ...... Dega Hussen ...... XS AD $108,768 ...... Do ...... do ...... William Keller ...... XS AD $117,000 ...... Do ...... do ...... Jeffrey Mills ...... XS AD $131,500 ...... Do ...... do ...... Lisa Davis ...... XS AD $115,500 ...... Do ...... do ...... Denise Roberts ...... XS AD $128,756 ...... Do ...... do ...... Richard T. Segich ...... XS AD $129,755 ...... Do ...... do ...... Peter Janssen ...... XS AD $130,260 ...... Do ...... do ...... Carol A. Fagnani ...... XS AD $141,590 ...... Do ...... Director Communication Services ...... Christopher B. Greene ...... XS AD $127,061 ...... Do ...... Director, Staff Development Group ...... Anne H. Teresa ...... XS AD $119,427 ...... Do ...... External Events Manager ...... Susan K. Thares ...... XS AD $144,203 ...... Do ...... Facilities, Security and Emergency Manage- Mark Washington ...... XS AD $122,094 ...... ment Officer. Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF SAFE AND DRUG-FREE SCHOOLS Do ...... Associate Assistant Deputy Secretary ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Deputy Secretary for Safe and Deborah Price ...... NA ES ...... Drug-Free Schools. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Linda J. McKay ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Catherine Davis ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Meagan O’Daniel ...... SC GS 7 ...... Office of Innovation and Improvement Do ...... Assistant Deputy Secretary ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Associate Assistant Deputy Secretary for Pro- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... grams. Do ...... Assistant Deputy Secretary for Innovation Douglas B. Mesecar ...... NA ES ...... and Improvement. Do ...... Director, Office of Non-Public Education ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Virginia K. Gentles ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Associate Assistant Deputy Secretary for Pa- Kelly Susanne Scott ...... SC GS 14 ...... rental Rights. OFFICE OF PLANNING, EVALUATION AND POLICY DEVELOPMENT Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Planning, Evaluation, Williamson M. Evers ...... PAS EX III ...... and Policy Development. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Andrew R. Smarick ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Special Education, Rehabilitation, Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... and Research Analysis Division. Do ...... Director, Elementary, Secondary, and Voca- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tional Analysis Division. Do ...... Director, Budget Service ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Cost Estimation and Analysis Divi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sion. Do ...... Director, Program and Analytic Studies Divi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sion. Do ...... Director, Performance Information Manage- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment Service. Do ...... Director, Policy and Program Studies Service ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Budget Execution and Administra- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tion Analysis Division. Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Diana Perez ...... SC GS 14 ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Special Assistant ...... Susan Leslie Aud ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... James L. Woodsome ...... SC GS 9 ...... OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS AND OUTREACH Do ...... Assistant Secretary, Office of Communica- Lauren M. Maddox ...... PAS EX IV ...... tions and Outreach. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Communica- Vacant ...... ES ...... tions and Outreach. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Communica- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tion Services. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Elizabeth A. Pitts ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff for the Office of Communica- Marcella K. Ridgway ...... SC GS 15 ...... tions and Outreach. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for External Af- Meredith A. Beaton ...... SC GS 15 ...... fairs. Do ...... Director, Intergovernmental Affairs ...... Rogers J. Johnson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Media Rela- Chad Gregory Colby ...... SC GS 15 ...... tions and Strategic Communications. Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary ...... John K. Herr ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Press Secretary ...... Samara Yudof ...... SC GS 15 ...... Boston, MA ...... Secretary’s Regional Representative ...... Michael Sentance ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Deputy Secretary’s Regional Representative, Kristen Lepore ...... SC GS 15 ...... Region 1. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Jane E. O’Hearn ...... SC GS 13 ...... Philadelphia, PA .... Secretary’s Regional Representative, Region 3 Kelly Daniel Colvin ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Deputy Secretary’s Regional Representative, Edward J. W. Cashman ..... SC GS 13 ...... Region 3. Atlanta, GA ...... Secretary’s Regional Representative, Region 4 Selma A. Hancock ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Deputy Secretary’s Regional Representative, Lavin Gartland ...... SC GS 15 ...... Region 4. New York, NY ...... Secretary’s Regional Representative, Region 1 Valarie M. Smith ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Deputy Secretary’s Regional Representative, Orysia Z. Dmytrenko ...... SC GS 14 ...... Region 1. Chicago, IL ...... Secretary’s Regional Representative, Region 5 Kristine O. Cohn ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Deputy Secretary’s Regional Representative, Todd A. Zoellick ...... SC GS 14 ...... Region 5. Dallas, TX ...... Secretary’s Regional Representative, Region 6 James R. Davis ...... SC GS 15 ...... Kansas City, MO ... Secretary’s Regional Representative, Region 7 Mary Cohen ...... SC GS 15 ...... Washington, DC .... Deputy Secretary’s Regional Representative, Tracy D. Young ...... SC GS 15 ...... Region 6. Denver, CO ...... Secretary’s Regional Representative, Region 8 Patricia Chlouber ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Robin M. Gilchrist ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Deputy Secretary’s Regional Representative, Wendy L. Evans ...... SC GS 14 ...... Region 8. Do ...... Deputy Secretary’s Regional Representative, Tori Hatada ...... SC GS 14 ...... Region 9. San Francisco, CA Special Assistant ...... Emily S. Casarona ...... SC GS 14 ...... Seattle, WA ...... Secretary’s Regional Representative, Region Donna Foxley ...... SC GS 15 ...... 10. Do ...... Deputy Secretary’s Regional Representative, Eric O. Earling ...... SC GS 14 ...... Region 10. Washington, DC .... Special Assistant ...... Romanita Matta-Barrera ... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Elissa Leonard ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Brenna Hapes ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Keith Robert Brancato ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Anna N. Rankin ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... do ...... Wesley Benton Campbell ... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Anh-Chau Troung ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Victoria Holowink ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Jennifer Faulkner ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Christine M. Anderson ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... do ...... Whitney N. Lowery ...... SC GS 7 ...... MISCELLANEOUS with


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OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Washington, DC .... Secretary, Department of Energy ...... Samuel W. Bodman ...... PAS EX I ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Jeffrey F. Kupfer ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Adam B. Ingols ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff ...... Brent W. Merchant ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Benjamin Getto ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Jean Marie Lough ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Special Advisor ...... Michael J. Davis ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the White House Liaison Alison E. Devault ...... SC GS 7 ...... UNDER SECRETARY FOR SCIENCE Do ...... Under Secretary for Science ...... Raymond L. Orbach ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Todd Harding ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Under Secretary for Science ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY SECRETARY Do ...... Deputy Secretary of Energy ...... do ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Deputy Secretary ...... Christopher J. Campione ... NA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Policy Advisor to the Deputy Secretary Andrew C. Patterson ...... SC GS 15 ...... OFFICE OF THE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Information Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Chief Information Officer for Busi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ness and Information Management. Do ...... Associate Chief Information Officer for Infor- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... mation Technology Reform. Do ...... Associate Chief Information Officer for Cyber ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Security. Do ...... Associate Chief Information Officer for Ad- Vacant ...... ES ...... vanced Technology and Systems Integra- tion. Do ...... Program Manager ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Web Content Manager ...... Thomas O’Neill ...... SC GS 11 ...... OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... Steven J. Isakowitz ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Financial Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Energy Finance and Accounting ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Service Center. Do ...... Director, Office of Finance and Oversight ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Program Analysis and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Evaluation. Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Budget ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Corporate Information Sys- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tems. Do ...... Director, Office of Financial Policy ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Chief Financial Office Business Op- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... erations Center. Do ...... Director, Office of Cost Analysis ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Finance and Accounting ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Policy. Do ...... Director, Budget Operations Division ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Program Liaison and Fi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... nancial Analysis. Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Budget ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Internal Review ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Finance and Oversight ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Operations ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Budget ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Program Manager (Office of District Energy ...... do ...... ES ...... Programs). Do ...... Special Assistant to the Director ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director for Analysis and Coordina- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tion. Do ...... Director Loan Guarantee Program ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE CHIEF HUMAN CAPITAL OFFICER Do ...... Chief Human Capital Officer ...... Jeff T. Pon ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office Of Human Capital Manage- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment. Do ...... Director, Human Capital Management, Inno- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... vations, and Solution.

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Washington, DC .... Director, Human Capital Management, Stra- Vacant ...... ES ...... tegic Planning and Policy. Do ...... Director, Headquarters and Executive Per- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... sonnel Services. OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT Do ...... Director, Office of Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Acquisition Officer ...... Francis C. Spampinato ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Aviation Management ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Engineering and Construc- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tion Management. Do ...... Director, Project Management Systems and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Assessments. Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Engineering and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Construction Management. Do ...... Director, Office of Facility Management and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Professional Development. Do ...... Director, Office of Procurement and Assist- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ance Management. Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Procurement and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Assistance Management. Do ...... Director, Office of Procurement and Assist- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ance Policy. Do ...... Director, Office of Contract Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Resource Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Headquarters Procurement ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Services. Do ...... Director, Office of Executive Secretariat ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Logistics and Facility Oper- Vacant ...... ES ...... ations. Do ...... Deputy Director, for Management Adminis- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tration and Operations. Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Laurie S. Morman ...... XS SL ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Scheduling and Advance .... Anne C. Merchant ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Leila Sepehri ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... Kiahna Sellers ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... John D. Gelsthorpe ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant and Scheduler to the Sec- Carrie Shaffer ...... SC GS 11 ...... retary. Do ...... Lead Advance Representative ...... Erin N. Brady ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... David Quentin Bates III .... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Trip Coordinator ...... Jason H. Smith ...... SC GS 7 ...... OFFICE OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR POLICY AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Policy and Inter- Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... national Affairs. Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Pol- Katherine Ann Fredriksen NA ES ...... icy and International Affairs. Do ...... Senior Policy Advisor ...... F. Chase Hutto Sr...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Investment Security ...... Steven J. Cuevas ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Climate Change Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Policy and Technology. Do ...... Director, Office of Russian and Eurasian Af- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... fairs. Do ...... Director, Office of African and Middle East- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ern Affairs. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for International ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Energy Cooperation. Do ...... Director, Office of European and Asian Af- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... fairs. Do ...... Director, Office of American Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Anal- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ysis. Do ...... Director Office of Climate Change Policy and Vacant ...... ES ...... Technology. Do ...... Senior Advisor (Global Change) ...... Richard A. Bradley ...... XS SL ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Rory Cooper ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Alan Cobb ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Policy Advisor ...... Benjamin C. Salisbury ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Case Analyst ...... Michael Townsend SC GS 11 ...... McMahan. MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... Policy Advisor ...... Bradford G. Laughlin ...... SC GS 11 ...... with


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR CONGRESSIONAL AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS Washington, DC .... Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Lisa Epifani ...... PAS EX IV ...... Intergovernmental Affairs. Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Michael A. Brairton ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor for Intergovernmental and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Community Integration. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear En- Michael T. Richard ...... NA ES ...... ergy. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Policy Scott B. Shiller ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environ- Forrest D. Allen ...... SC GS 14 ...... mental Management and National Security. Do ...... Director of Intergovernmental and Tribal Af- Kristen G. Ellis ...... SC GS 13 ...... fairs. Do ...... Legislative Advisor ...... Eric M. Hutchins ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... William E. Shaw ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... do ...... Nicholas Wiley Butterfield SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... do ...... Michael Stwarka ...... SC GS 7 ...... OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... General Counsel ...... David R. Hill ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of National Environmental ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Policy Act. Do ...... Deputy General Counsel for Environment and Mary B. Neumayr ...... NA ES ...... Nuclear Programs. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for Civilian Nu- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... clear Program. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for International ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and National Security Programs. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for Environment ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel for Litigation ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for Technology ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Transfer and Intellectual Property. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for Federal Litiga- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tion. Do ...... Deputy General Counsel for Energy Policy ..... Warren Belmar ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for Energy Effi- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ciency. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for Legislation and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Regulatory Law. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for Electricity and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Power Marketing. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for Procurement ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Financial Assistance. Do ...... Deputy General Counsel, Technology Trans- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... fer and Procurement. Do ...... Senior Counsel ...... Salo L. Zelermyer ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Janelle N. Moore ...... SC GS 7 ...... OFFICE OF HEALTH, SAFETY AND SECURITY Do ...... Chief Health, Safety and Security Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief for Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief for Enforcement and Technical C. Russell H. Shearer ...... NA ES ...... Matters. Do ...... Departmental Representative to the Defense Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Nuclear Facility Safety Board. Germantown, MD .. Director, Office of Resource Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Security Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Headquarters Security Op- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... erations. Do ...... Director, Office of Departmental Personnel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Security. Germantown, MD .. Director, Office of Health and Safety ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Nuclear Safety and Envi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ronment. Do ...... Director, Office of Corporate Safety Analysis ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Corporate Safety Programs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Enforcement ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Albuquerque, NM .. Director, Office of the National Training Cen- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ter. Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Independent Oversight ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Germantown, MD .. Director, Office of Security Evaluations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Cyber Security Evaluations ...... do ...... CA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Germantown, MD .. Director, Office of Environment, Safety and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Health Evaluations. Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Security Policy ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Technology and Field As- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sistance. Germantown, MD .. Director, Office of Field Assistance ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Classification ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Albuquerque, NM .. Director, Office of Security Training Oper- Vacant ...... ES ...... ations. Germantown, MD .. Director, Office of Emergency Management Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Oversight. OFFICE OF ECONOMIC IMPACT AND DIVERSITY Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Economic Impact and Di- Theresa Alvillar-Speake .... PAS EX IV ...... versity. Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director ...... Adrienne Cisneros ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Civil Rights and Diversity Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Civil Rights and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Diversity. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Lisa Joy Avila ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Small Business Specialist ...... Rita M. Solon ...... SC GS 13 ...... ENERGY INFORMATION ADMINISTRATION Do ...... Administrator, Energy Information Adminis- Guy F. Caruso ...... PAS EX IV ...... tration. Do ...... Deputy Administrator, Energy Information Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Administration. Do ...... Director, Information Technology Group/CIO ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Coal Nuclear Electrical and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Alternate Fuels. Do ...... Director, Coal, Nuclear and Renewables Divi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sion. Do ...... Director, Energy Markets and End Use ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Statistics and Methods Group ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, International Economic and Green- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... house Gases Division. Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Energy Analyst ...... James K. Joosten ...... XS SL $149,200 ...... Do ...... Senior Operations Research Analyst ...... Shen Sheng Phillip Tseng XS SL ...... Do ...... Senior Mathematical Statistician ...... Janice K. Lent ...... XS SL ...... Do ...... Senior Modeling Analyst ...... Andy S. Kydes ...... XS SL ...... OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Do ...... Inspector General ...... Gregory H. Friedman ...... PAS EX IV ...... OFFICE OF HEARINGS AND APPEALS Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Hearings and Ap- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... peals. OFFICE OF INTELLIGENCE AND COUNTERINTELLIGENCE Do ...... Associate Deputy Director, Counterintel- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ligence Directorate. Do ...... Associate Deputy Director, Enterprise Protec- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tion. OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Do ...... Director, Public Affairs ...... Andrew C. Beck ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director for Strategic Communica- Vacant ...... ES ...... tions. Do ...... Speechwriter ...... Peter D. Roff ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Deputy Press Secretary ...... Jennifer A. Scoggins ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Assistant Press Secretary ...... Bethany P. Shively ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Angela M. Hill ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Joann Wardrip ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Kristin C. Brown ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Victoria L. Barq ...... SC GS 7 ...... OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY Do ...... Under Secretary ...... Clarence H. Albright ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Associate Under Secretary ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief of Nuclear Safety ...... Richard H. Lagdon ...... NA ES ...... MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... Senior Financial Advisor ...... John T. Hubbard ...... XS SL ...... with

Do ...... Senior Policy Advisor ...... Douglas H. Schwartz ...... NA ES ...... PRODPC74 on

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ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND RENEWABLE ENERGY Washington, DC .... Assistant Secretary (Energy Efficiency and Alexander A. Karsner ...... PAS EX IV ...... Renewable Energy). Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... John F. Mizroch ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Operating Officer for Energy Efficiency Paul Dickerson ...... NA ES ...... and Renewable Energy. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Program Manager ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor (Commercialization of Renew- Carol J. Battershell ...... TA ES ...... able Energy). Do ...... do ...... Wendolyn S. Holland ...... TA ES ...... 06/17/11 Do ...... do ...... Dennis D. Bond ...... TA ES ...... Do ...... Director of International Activities ...... Amy Y. Chiang ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... George Michael Bruce ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Leslie J. Drogin ...... SC GS 12 ...... OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Environmental Man- James A. Rispoli ...... PAS EX IV ...... agement. Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for En- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... vironmental Management. Do ...... Executive Officer ...... William M. Levitan ...... TA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Small Sites Projects ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Communications and Ex- Jeffrey L. Bobeck ...... NA ES ...... ternal Affairs. Do ...... Director, Office of Management Analysis and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Process Management. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regulatory ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Compliance. Do ...... Director, Office of Compliance ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Disposal Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Engineering ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Technology. Do ...... Director, Office of Waste Processing ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Ground Water and Soil Re- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... mediation. Do ...... Director, Office of D and D and Facility Engi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... neering. Do ...... Director, Office of Strategic Planning and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Analysis. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Program ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Planning and Budget. Do ...... Director, Office of Budget ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Cap- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ital and Business Services. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisition ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Project Management. Do ...... Director, Office of Contract and Project Exe- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... cution. Do ...... Chief Operating Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Operating Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Safeguards and Security/ ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Emergency Management. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Safety Man- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... agement and Operations. Do ...... Director, Office of Safety Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Operations Oversight ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Standards and Quality As- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... surance. Germantown, MD .. Manager, Portsmouth and Paducah Sites ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Procurement Planning ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Senior Project Manager ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Business Op- ...... do ...... ES ...... erations. Do ...... Director, Office of Strategic Imperatives ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Infrastructure and Facilities Man- ...... do ...... ES ...... agement. Do ...... Director, Office of Human Capital Planning ...... do ...... ES ...... and Operations. Do ...... Director, Office of Corporate Information and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Services. Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Stephen C. Lien ...... XS SL ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Advisor to the Chief Operating Officer ...... Vacant ...... XS SL ...... Do ...... Senior Communications Advisor ...... Bobby G. Carr ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Policy Advisor ...... Rachel Audi ...... SC GS 14 ...... Environmental Management Consolidated Business Center Cincinnati, OH ...... Director, Consolidated Business Center ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Program Manager ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Carlsbad Field Office Carlsbad, NM ...... Manager, Carlsbad Field Office ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Manager ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Albuquerque, NM .. Assistant Manager for Operations ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Richland Operations Office Richland, WA ...... Manager, Richland Operations Office ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Manager, Richland Operations Office ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Manager for Safety and Environ- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment. Do ...... Assistant Manager for River Corridor ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Manager for Central Plateau ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Manager for Administration ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Seattle, WA ...... Assistant Manager for Mission Support ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Richland, WA ...... Manager, Office of River Protection ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Seattle, WA ...... Deputy Manager, Office of River Protection ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Richland, WA ...... Assistant Manager for Waste Treatment and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Immobilization Plant, Operations. Do ...... Assistant Manager, Tank Farms Projects ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Manager for Engineering and Nu- Vacant ...... ES ...... clear Safety, Operations. Do ...... Assistant Manager for Environmental Safety Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... and Quality. Idaho Operations Office Idaho Falls, ID ...... Manager, Idaho Operations Office ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Manager, Idaho Operations Office ..... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Manager for Operations ..... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Counsel ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Manager,Technical Support ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Manager for Environmental Man- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... agement. Do ...... Assistant Manager for the Chief Financial ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Administrative Office. Do ...... Assistant Manager for Research and Develop- Vacant ...... ES ...... ment. Do ...... do ...... do ...... ES ...... Savannah River Operations Office Aiken, SC ...... Manager, Savannah River Operations Office Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Manager ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Manager for Cleanup ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Manager for Business ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Salt Waste Processing Facility ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Project Office. Do ...... Assistant Manager for Waste Disposition ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Project. Do ...... Assistant Manager for Nuclear Material Sta- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... bilization Project. Do ...... Chief Counsel ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Manager for Closure Project ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Manager for Integration and Plan- ...... do ...... ES ...... ning. OFFICE OF FOSSIL ENERGY Washington, DC .... Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy ...... do ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fos- ...... do ...... ES ...... sil Energy. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Oil and Nat- James A. Slutz ...... NA ES ...... ural Gas. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Clean Coal .... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Justin R. Swift ...... NA ES ...... Affairs. Germantown, MD .. Deputy Assistant Secretary for Petroleum Re- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... serves. MISCELLANEOUS Pittsburgh, PA ...... Director, National Energy Technology Lab- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... with oratory. Do ...... Director, Strategic Center for Coal ...... do ...... CA ES ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Bruceton, PA ...... Director, Coal and Power Research and De- Vacant ...... ES ...... velopment. Germantown, MD .. Director, Clean Energy Systems ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Clean Energy Collaboration ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Director, Natural Gas and Petroleum Import/ Vacant ...... ES ...... Export Activities. Germantown, MD.. Director for Management and Field Oper- Edward F. Kilroy ...... TA ES ...... 11/12/09 ations. Morgantown, WV ... Director, Project Management Center ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Major Demonstrations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Director, Sequestration Hydrogen and Clean ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Coal Fuels. Morgantown, WV ... Director, Research and Development ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Institutional and Business Oper- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ations. Bruceton, PA ...... Principal Deputy Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Morgantown, WV ... Deputy Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Pittsburgh, PA ...... Chief Operating Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... New Orleans, LA... Project Manager, Strategic Petroleum Re- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... serve. Washington, DC .... Product Line Director, for Natural Gas and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Petroleum-Upstream Technology. Germantown, MD .. Senior Financial and Procurement Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Director, Oil and Gas Global Security and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Supply. Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Gayland Robert Barksdale SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Policy Advisor ...... Douglas L. Francisco ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Raj K. Luhar ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Policy Advisor ...... David W. Murphy ...... SC GS 9 ...... OFFICE OF NUCLEAR ENERGY Do ...... Assistant Secretary of Energy (Nuclear En- Dennis R. Spurgeon ...... PAS EX IV ...... ergy). Germantown, MD .. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Senior Technical Advisor ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Power Deployment. Do ...... Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nu- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... clear Power Deployment. Do ...... Director, Office of Light Water Reactor De- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ployment. Do ...... Director, Office of Laboratory Facilities Man- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... agement. Do ...... Director for Gas Reactor Deployment ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Radioisotope Power Sys- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tems. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Corporate ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Business Operations. Do ...... Director, Integrated Safety and Program As- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... surance. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fuel Cycle ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Management. Do ...... Director for Light Water Reactor Spent Fuel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Separations. Do ...... Director for Fast Reactor Development ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Recycled Fuel Development ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Fuel Cycle Research and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Development. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Corporate and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Global Partnership Development. Germantown, MD .. Program Manager ...... Timothy A. Frazier ...... TA ES ...... 02/03/11 Washington, DC .... Policy Advisor ...... Shane J. McLean-Wheeler SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Dawson Hunter ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Theresa M. Beem ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... do ...... Lauren K. Joyce ...... SC GS 7 ...... OFFICE OF CIVILIAN RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT Do ...... Director, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Edward F. Sproat III ...... PAS EX IV ...... Management. Do ...... Principal Deputy Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Nuclear Safety and Li- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... censing Policy. Do ...... Associate Director for System Operations and Eric K. Knox ...... NA ES ...... External Relations. Las Vegas, NV ...... Associate Director for Organizational Devel- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... opment.

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Las Vegas, NV ...... Director, Quality Assurance ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of the Chief Scientist ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of the Chief Engineer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Regulatory Authority Office ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Logistics Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Disposal Operations Office ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Construction Management and Site ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Operations Office. Do ...... Director, Office of Project Management and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Procurement. Washington, DC .... Senior Policy Advisor ...... Gregory Williams ...... SC GS 15 ...... OFFICE OF ELECTRICITY DELIVERY AND ENERGY RELIABILITY Do ...... Assistant Secretary (Electricity Delivery and Kevin M. Kolevar ...... PAS EX IV ...... Energy Reliability). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary, Permitting, Marshall E. Whitenton ...... NA ES ...... Siting and Analysis. Do ...... Energy Operations Coordinator ...... Rachael J. Beitler ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Elizabeth A. Mortenson ..... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant for Communications ...... Downey Palmer ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Coleman Rogers Hughes .... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... do ...... James Edward Lyons Jr. ... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... do ...... Elliott J. Nethercutt ...... SC GS 7 ...... OFFICE OF LEGACY MANAGEMENT Do ...... Director, Office of Legacy Management ...... Michael W. Owen ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Program Manager ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Policy Advisor ...... Scott Verstandig ...... SC GS 14 ...... Bonneville Power Marketing Administration Portland, OR ...... Administrator and Chief Executive Officer ..... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Operating Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Executive Vice President and General Coun- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sel. Do ...... Senior Vice President for Power Services ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Vice President for Transmission Serv- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ices. Do ...... Executive Vice President and Chief Financial ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Officer. Do ...... Vice President for Environment/Fish and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Wildlife. Washington, DC .... Vice President for Energy Efficiency ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Portland, OR ...... Executive Vice President, Internal Business ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Services. Do ...... Vice President, Generation Asset Manage- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment. Do ...... Vice President for Requirements Marketing ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Vice President, Bulk Marketing ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Vice President for Engineering and Technical ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Services. Vancouver, WA ...... Vice President, Planning and Asset Manage- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment. Do ...... Vice President for Transmission Field Serv- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ices Bus Line. Washington, DC .... Vice President, Transmission Marketing and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Sales. Portland, OR ...... Chief Information Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Executive Vice President Planning and Gov- Vacant ...... ES ...... ernance. Do ...... Vice President for Energy Efficiency ...... do ...... ES ...... Southwestern Power Marketing Administration Tulsa, OK ...... Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Western Area Power Marketing Administration Lakewood, CO ...... Administrator, Western Area Power Adminis- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tration. Do ...... General Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Billings, MT ...... Regional Manager, Upper Great Plains Re- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... gion. MISCELLANEOUS

Phoenix, AZ ...... Regional Manager, Desert Southwest Region Vacant ...... ES ......

with Loveland, CO ...... Regional Manager, Rocky Mountain Region ... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Folsom, CA ...... Regional Manager, Sierra Nevada Region ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Lakewood, CO ...... Chief Information Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Southeastern Power Marketing Administration Elberton, GA ...... Administrator, Southeastern Power Adminis- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tration. OFFICE OF SCIENCE Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Science ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Policy Advisor ...... Veronica A. Angulo ...... NA ES ...... Germantown, MD .. Associate Director, Office of Advanced Sci- Vacant ...... ES ...... entific Computing Research. Do ...... Director, Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and ...... do ...... ES ...... Biosciences Division. Do ...... Director, Scientific User Facilities Division .... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, High Energy Research and Tech- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... nology Division. Do ...... Director, Physics Research Division ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Facility and Project Management ...... do ...... ES ...... Division. Washington, DC .... Deputy Director for Resource Management .... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Germantown, MD .. Director, Office of Science and Technology In- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... formation. Do ...... Director, Nuclear Physics Division ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Planning and Analysis ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Germantown, MD .. Director, Environmental Sciences Division ..... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Materials Sciences and Engineering Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Division. Washington, DC .... Chief Operating Officer ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Germantown, MD .. Associate Director, Office of Nuclear Physics Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Plainsboro, NJ ...... Site Office Manager, Princeton ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Stanford, CA ...... Site Office Manager, Stanford ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Berkeley, CA ...... Site Office Manager, Berkeley ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Deputy Chief Operating Officer ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Germantown, MD .. Director, Medical Sciences Division ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Fusion Energy ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Environmental Remediation Vacant ...... ES ...... Sciences Division. Do ...... Director, Climate Change Research Division .. Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Senior Policy Advisor ...... Thomas Vanek ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Julie A. Herward ...... SC GS 7 ...... Chicago Operations Office Argonne, IL ...... Manager, Chicago Office ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Manager ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Manager, Acquisition and Assist- ...... do ...... ES ...... ance. Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Chief Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, New Brunswick Laboratory ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Site Office Manager, Argonne ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Site Office Manager, Berkeley ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Upton, NY ...... Area Manager, Brookhaven ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Argonne, IL ...... Site Office Manager, Fermi ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Site Office Manager, Princeton ...... do ...... ES ...... Chicago, IL ...... Assistant Manager, Technical Services ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Operations Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Oak Ridge Operations Office Oak Ridge, TN ...... Manager, Oak Ridge Operations Office ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Manager, Oak Ridge Operations Of- ...... do ...... ES ...... fice. Do ...... Chief Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Manager, Business Affairs ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy for Operations ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Manager, Laboratories ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Manager for Environmental Man- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... agement. Do ...... Assistant Manager, Assets Utilization ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Manager for Environment Safety Vacant ...... ES ...... and Health. NATIONAL NUCLEAR SECURITY ADMINISTRATION Immediate Office of the Administrator Washington, DC .... Under Secretary for Nuclear Security/Admin- Thomas P. Dagostino ...... PAS EX IV ...... istrator for Nuclear Security.

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Principal Deputy Administrator for National William C. Ostendorff ...... PAS EX IV ...... Nuclear Security. Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Principal Deputy Administrator for ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Program/Field Support. Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary for Counterterrorism ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... General Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Scientist ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief, Defense Nuclear Security ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief, Defense Nuclear Safety ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director of Congressional Intergovernmental David A. Campbell ...... NA ES ...... and Public Affairs. Do ...... Director, Congressional Affairs ...... Scott A. Kopple ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Public Affairs (National Nuclear Se- Bryan K. Wilkes ...... NA ES ...... curity Administration). Do ...... Senior Advisor for Environment, Safety and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Health. Do ...... Deputy Chief Information Officer for Informa- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tion Technology. Do ...... Senior Associate Advisor for Environment, Vacant ...... ES ...... Safety and Health. Do ...... Senior Advisor for Public Affairs ...... John C. Broehm ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Congressional Affairs Officer ...... George M. Bernier ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Congressional Affairs Specialist ...... Aaron P. Cutler ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Public Affairs Specialist ...... Casey L. Ruberg ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Director, Diskless Workstation Task Force Patrick D. Edgerton ...... TA ES ...... 10/02/08 Office. Office of Defense Programs Do ...... Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs, Robert L. Smolen ...... PAS EX IV ...... National Nuclear Security Administration. Do ...... Principal Assistant Deputy Administrator for Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Operations. Do ...... Assistant Deputy Administrator for Science, ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Engineering and Production Programs. Do ...... Assistant Deputy Administrator for Strategic ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Planning, Resources and Integration. Do ...... Assistant Deputy Administrator for Nuclear ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Safety and Operations. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Deputy Administrator for ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Secure Transportation. Do ...... Director, Office of Advanced Simulation and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Computing. Do ...... Director, Office of Stockpile Assessments and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Certification. Do ...... Director, Office of Nuclear Weapons Stockpile Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator for Military Applica- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tions and Stockpile Operations. Do ...... Director, Office of Defense Science ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Inertial Confinement Fusion and Vacant ...... ES ...... National Ignition Facility Project. Do ...... Assistant Deputy Administrator for Program Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Integration. Do ...... Assistant Deputy Administrator for Facility ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Infrastructure Acquisition and Oper- ations. Albuquerque, NM .. Senior Advisor for Complex 2030 Implemen- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tation. Los Alamos, NM .... Los Alamos Site Office Revitalization Man- Donald L. Winchell Jr...... TA ES ...... 06/22/10 ager. Do ...... Deputy Manager for Technical Programs ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Las Vegas, NV ...... Deputy Manager, Nevada Site Office ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Albuquerque, NM .. Deputy Manager, Sandia Site Office ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Oak Ridge, TN ...... Deputy Manager, Y–12 Site Office ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Pantex, TX ...... Deputy Manager, Pantex Site Office ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Livermore, CA ...... Deputy Manager, Livermore Site Office ...... do ...... ES ...... Aiken, SC ...... Director, Pit Disassembly and Conversion Fa- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... cility Integrated Project Division. Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Washington, DC .... Deputy Administrator for Defense Nuclear William H. Tobey ...... PAS EX IV ...... Nonproliferation. Do ...... Principal Assistant Deputy Administrator for Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... MISCELLANEOUS Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation.

with Do ...... Chief Operations Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ......

Do ...... Assistant Deputy Administrator for Global ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Threat Reduction. PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Associate Assistant Deputy Administrator for Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Global Threat Reduction. Do ...... Assistant Deputy Administrator for Non- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... proliferation Research and Development. Do ...... Assistant Deputy Administrator for Nuclear ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Risk Reduction. Do ...... Assistant Deputy Administrator for Non- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... proliferation and International Security. Do ...... Assistant Deputy Administrator for Inter- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... national Materials Protection and Coopera- tion. Do ...... Assistant Deputy Administrator for Fissile ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Material Disposition. Do ...... Associate Assistant Administrator for Non- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... proliferation Research and Development. Do ...... Director, Office of International Cooperation ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Assistant Deputy Administrator for ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Nonproliferation and International Security. Do ...... Associate Assistant Deputy Administrator for ...... do ...... CA ES ...... International Materials Protection and Co- operation. Do ...... Director, Office of the Second Line of Defense ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Deputy Administrator for ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Fissile Material Disposition. Aiken, SC ...... Director, Office of Site Engineering/Construc- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tion Management. Do ...... Mox Federal Project Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Moscow, Russia ..... Executive Director, Moscow Office ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Beijing, China ...... Executive Director (Beijing) ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Senior Policy Advisor ...... Charity Azadian ...... SC GS 15 ...... Office of Naval Reactors Schenectady, NY ... Deputy Manager, Naval Reactors Laboratory Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Field Office. West Mifflin, PA .... Assistant Manager for Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Schenectady, NY ...... do ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Washington, DC .... Director, Nuclear Technology Division ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Program Manager, Advanced Submarines and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Space Reactors. Do ...... Program Manager, Shipyard Matters ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Program Manager, Prototype and Moored ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Training Ship Operations and Inactivation. Do ...... Program Manager for Future Carrier Nuclear ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Propulsion. Do ...... Program Manager for Surface Ship Nuclear ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Propulsion. Do ...... Director, Advanced Submarine Systems Divi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sion. Do ...... Director, Instrumentation and Control Divi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sion. Do ...... Director, Regulatory Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Reactor Engineering Division ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Information Technology Manage- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment. Do ...... Director, Acquisition Division ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Newport News, VA Senior Naval Reactors Representative (New- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... port News, VA). Yokosuka, Japan... Senior Naval Reactors Representative ...... do ...... CA ES ...... (Yokosuka, Japan). West Milton, NY .... Senior Naval Reactors Representative (West ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Milton, NY). Washington, DC.... Senior Naval Reactors Representative ...... do ...... CA ES ...... (United Kingdom). San Diego, CA ...... Senior Naval Reactors Representative (Puget ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Sound Navy Shipyard). Washington, DC .... Deputy Director, Nuclear Technology Division ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Advanced Submarine Sys- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tems Division. Do ...... Deputy Director, Instrumentation and Con- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... trol Division. Office of Emergency Operations Do ...... Associate Administrator for Emergency Oper- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ations. Do ...... Deputy Administrator for Emergency Oper- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ations. Do ...... Director, Office of Emergency Response ...... do ...... CA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Germantown, MD .. Director, Department of Energy Operations Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Center Division. Office of Infrastructure and Environment Washington, DC.... Associate Administrator for Infrastructure ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Environment. Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for Infra- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... structure and Environment and Director, Office of Project Management and Systems. Do ...... Director, Infrastructure and Facilities Man- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... agement. Office of Management and Administration Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for Manage- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment and Administration. Do ...... Diversity and Outreach Manager ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Planning, Programming, ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Budgeting and Evaluation. Do ...... Director, Office of Business Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director for Planning Programming, ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Budgeting and Evaluation. Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Acquisition and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Supply Management. Do ...... Director, Human Resources and Workforce ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Management. Office of Security Programs Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for Nuclear Vacant ...... ES ...... Security. Do ...... Director, Office of Security Operations and ...... do ...... ES ...... Performance Assurance. Do ...... Director, Office of Field Operations ...... do ...... ES ...... National Nuclear Security Administration Service Center Albuquerque Operations Office Albuquerque, NM .. Deputy Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Field Financial Manage- Vacant ...... ES ...... ment. Do ...... Associate Director for Technical Services ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Associate Director for Technical Serv- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ices. Do ...... Senior Technical Advisor ...... do ...... CA ES ...... MISCELLANEOUS with


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Washington, DC .... Secretary, Health and Human Services ...... Michael O. Leavitt ...... PAS EX I ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Richard B. McKeown ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff ...... Charles G. Morris ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Science Advisor to the Secretary ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Counselor to the Secretary ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Counselor for Health Policy ...... James C. Stansel ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Counselor for Human Services Policy ...... Philo D. Hall ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Counselor for Public Health and Science ...... Richard M. Campanelli ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Counselor for Policy and Strategic Initiatives Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Executive Secretary to the Department ...... Ann C. Agnew ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Executive Secretary to the Depart- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ment. Do ...... Director (Office of Documents and Regula- Janice M. Cotter ...... SC GS 15 ...... tions Management). Do ...... White House Liaison for Political Personnel, Jamie T. Burke ...... NA ES ...... Boards and Commissions. Do ...... Director, Office of Disability ...... Margaret J. Giannini ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director of Scheduling ...... Allyson Bell ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Deputy Director for Scheduling ...... Martha Elena Lopez ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Chief Acquisitions Officer ...... Catherine Backmeyer ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant to the Chief of Staff .... Joseph F. McGowan III ..... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Monica Filipa Henriques ... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant (Scheduling) ...... Adam R. Toronto ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant (Scheduling) ...... Meredith P. Brown ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant (Advance) ...... Mark A. Phillippe ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Jennifer M. Claypool ...... SC GS 12 ...... OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY SECRETARY Do ...... Deputy Secretary, Health and Human Serv- Tevi D. Troy ...... PAS EX II ...... ices. Do ...... Principal Associate Deputy Secretary ...... James B. O’Neill ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Deputy Secretary ...... Demetrios L. Kouzoukas .... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Deputy Secretary ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director of Intergovernmental Affairs ...... Laura M. Caliguiri ...... NA ES ...... Boston, MA ...... Regional Director, Region I ...... Brian P. Golden ...... SC GS 15 ...... New York, NY ...... Regional Director, Region II ...... Deborah Konopko ...... SC GS 15 ...... Philadelphia, PA .... Regional Director, Region III ...... Gordon R. Woodrow ...... SC GS 15 ...... Atlanta, GA ...... Regional Director, Region IV ...... Vacant ...... SC GS 15 ...... Chicago, IL ...... Regional Director, Region V ...... Maureen H. Lydon ...... SC GS 15 ...... Dallas, TX ...... Regional Director, Region VI ...... Michael Garcia ...... SC GS 15 ...... Kansas City, MO ... Regional Director, Region VII ...... Fred Schuster ...... SC GS 15 ...... Denver, CO ...... Regional Director, Region VIII ...... Joe Nunez ...... SC GS 15 ...... San Francisco, CA Regional Director, Region IX ...... Thomas E. Lorentzen ...... SC GS 15 ...... Washington, DC .... Regional Director, Region X ...... James Whitfield ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Chairman, Departmental Appeals Board ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant to the Deputy Sec- Matthew K. Shiraki ...... SC GS 9 ...... retary. Do ...... Confidential Assistant to the Director of Emily Buell ...... SC GS 12 ...... Intergovernmental Affairs. Do ...... Confidential Assistant to the Director ...... Kaleena K. White ...... SC GS 11 ...... OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Administration and Joe Ellis ...... NA ES ...... Management. Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Ad- Vacant ...... ES ...... ministration and Management. Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for ...... do ...... ES ...... Administration and Management. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Hector F. Irastorza Jr...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Michael H. Knotts ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... do ...... Scott Sechser ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Executive Officer, Office of the Secretary ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Diversity Management and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Equal Employment Opportunity. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisition ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Management and Policy. Do ...... Director, Acquisition Consolidation ...... Michael B. Fullem ...... TA ES ...... 01/19/10 Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Business Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Transformation. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Facilities ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Management and Policy. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Re- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sources.

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Atlanta, GA ...... Director, Atlanta Human Resources Center ... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Director, Baltimore Human Resources Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Rockville, MD ...... Director, Rockville Human Resources Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Chief Learning Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Workforce and Career De- Gina Nightengale ...... TA ES ...... 03/17/10 velopment. Program Support Center Rockville, MD ...... Director, Program Support Center ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Program Support Center ..... Vacant ...... ES ...... Washington, DC .... Director of Operations ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Rockville, MD ...... Director, Administrative Operations Service ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Director of Federal Occupational Health ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Rockville, MD ...... Deputy Chief Financial Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Division of Financial Operations ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Business Continuity Project Director ...... Frederick J. Rojee ...... TA ES ...... 03/16/11 OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR RESOURCES AND TECHNOLOGY Washington, DC .... Assistant Secretary for Resources and Tech- Charles E. Johnson ...... PAS EX IV ...... nology. Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Re- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... sources and Technology. Do ...... Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary Patricia A. Luther ...... SC GS 15 ...... for Resources and Technology. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary, Budget ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary, Budget ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Division of Budget Policy, Execu- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tion, and Review. Do ...... Director, Division of Discretionary Programs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Division of Health Benefits and In- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... come Security. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary, Grants ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Information ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Resources and Chief Information Officer. Do ...... Deputy Chief Information Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Information Security Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Re- W. Craig Vanderwagen ...... PAS EX IV ...... sponse. Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Pre- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... paredness and Response. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary and Director, Bio- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... medical Advanced Development and Re- search Authority. Do ...... Director, Office of Preparedness and Emer- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... gency Operations. Do ...... Principal Deputy Director, Office of Prepared- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ness and Emergency Operations. Do ...... Director, Office of Medicine, Science and Pub- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... lic Health. Do ...... Director, Office of Policy and Strategic Plan- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ning. Do ...... Principal Deputy Director for Public Health ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Emergency Medical Countermeasures. Do ...... Director of Resource Planning and Evaluation ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary Chad M. Hrdina ...... SC GS 14 ...... for Preparedness and Response. OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... General Counsel ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy General Counsel ...... Preeya Noronha ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel - Program Review ... Paula Stannard ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... Thomas R. Barker ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... David G. Caperton ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Legal Resources ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Projects Director ...... Jay A. Swope ...... TA ES ...... 08/05/11 Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Andrew B. Spalding ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Angela Hope ...... SC GS 13 ......


with Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... New York, NY ...... Chief Counsel, Region II ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Atlanta, GA ...... Chief Counsel, Region IV ...... do ...... CA ES ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Chicago, IL ...... Chief Counsel, Region V ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Dallas, TX ...... Chief Counsel, Region VI ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... San Francisco, CA Chief Counsel, Region IX ...... do ...... ES ...... Seattle, WA ...... Chief Counsel, Region X ...... do ...... ES ...... Associate General Counsel Divisions Washington, DC .... Associate General Counsel, Children, Family Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... and Aging Division. Do ...... Associate General Counsel, Civil Rights Divi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sion. Do ...... Associate General Counsel, Centers for Med- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... icaid and Medicare Services. Do ...... Associate General Counsel, Ethics Division ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Rockville, MD ...... Associate General Counsel, Food and Drug Gerald F. Masoudi ...... NA ES ...... Division. Washington, DC .... Associate General Counsel, Legislation Divi- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... sion. Rockville, MD ...... Associate General Counsel, Public Health Di- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... vision. Woodlawn, MD ...... Deputy Associate General Counsel for Litiga- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tion. Washington, DC .... Deputy Associate General Counsel for Pro- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... curement, Fiscal, and Information Law. Do ...... Deputy Associate General Counsel for Pro- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... gram Integrity. Do ...... Deputy Associate General Counsel, Centers Vacant ...... ES ...... for Medicare and Medicaid Services Divi- sion. Rockville, MD ...... Deputy Associate General Counsel for Public Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Health and Science. Atlanta, GA ...... Deputy Associate General Counsel for Public ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Health (Disease Control). Washington, DC .... Deputy Associate General Counsel for Public ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Health (National Institutes of Health). OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR PLANNING AND EVALUATION Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evalua- Benjamin E. Sasse ...... PAS EX IV ...... tion. Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Mary McGeein ...... NA ES ...... Planning and Evaluation. Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Scott Nystrom ...... NA ES ...... Planning and Evaluation. Do ...... Senior Executive Advisor ...... Andrew A. Croshaw ...... TA ES ...... 07/03/09 Do ...... do ...... Gregory J. Downing ...... TA ES ...... 12/08/09 Do ...... Director, Center for Faith Based and Commu- Anna Pilato ...... NA ES ...... nity Initiatives. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Planning and Steven J. Tingus ...... NA ES ...... Evaluation (Disability, Aging, and Long- Term Care Policy). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Planning and Vacant ...... ES ...... Evaluation (Health Policy). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Planning and Melissa G. Pardue ...... NA ES ...... Evaluation (Human Services Policy). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Planning and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Evaluation (Science and Data Policy). Do ...... Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Planning and Evaluation (Disability, Aging, and Long-Term Care Policy). Do ...... Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Planning and Evaluation (Health Policy). Do ...... Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Planning and Evaluation (Human Services Policy). Do ...... Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Vacant ...... ES ...... Planning and Evaluation (Science and Data Policy). Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Randolph W. Pate ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary Michael K. Nelson ...... SC GS 14 ...... for Planning and Evaluation. Do ...... do ...... Raymond W. Sass III ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant (Center for Faith-Based and Joshua J. Scheiderer ...... SC GS 13 ...... Community Initiatives). Do ...... Confidential Assistant to the Assistant Sec- Amanda J. Hughes ...... SC GS 12 ...... retary for Planning and Evaluation. Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Jana L. Hoisington ...... SC GS 12 ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Confidential Assistant (Faith-Based) ...... Elizabeth Robertson ...... SC GS 9 ...... OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs ...... Christina Pearson ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Holly K. Babin ...... NA ES ...... (Media). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Kevin L. Schweers ...... NA ES ...... (Policy and Strategy). Do ...... Director, News Division ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Web and Media Communications ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Division. Do ...... Senior Speech Writer ...... Brian P. Mitchell ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary Rebecca Ayer ...... SC GS 15 ...... for Public Affairs. Do ...... do ...... Jeffrey H. Anderson ...... SC GS 13 ...... OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC HEALTH AND SCIENCE Do ...... Assistant Secretary, Health ...... Joxel Garcia ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Surgeon General ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX ...... 4 Years Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Health. Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Willis A. Morris ...... NA ES ...... Health. Do ...... Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary Andrew Bremberg ...... SC GS 14 ...... for Health. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Brenda C. Destro ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Director of Communications ...... Jacqueline L. Halbig ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Executive Officer ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... (Science and Medicine). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Women’s ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Health. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Population Af- Vacant ...... ES ...... fairs. Do ...... Executive Director, President’s Council on Melissa Johnson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Physical Fitness and Sports. Boston, MA ...... Regional Health Administrator, Region I ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... New York, NY ...... Regional Health Administrator, Region II ...... do ...... ES ...... Philadelphia, PA .... Regional Health Administrator, Region III ..... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Chicago, IL ...... Regional Health Administrator, Region V ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Kansas City, MO ... Regional Health Administrator, Region VII ... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF GLOBAL HEALTH AFFAIRS Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Global Health Affairs ...... William Steiger ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director for Policy ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Paris, France ...... Health Attache´ - Paris ...... John S. Hoff ...... NA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Health Attache´ ...... Terry L. Cline ...... SC GS 15 ...... OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR LEGISLATION Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Legislation ...... Vincent Ventimiglia Jr...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Leg- Vacant ...... ES ...... islation. Do ...... Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary Julie L. Hasler ...... SC GS 15 ...... for Legislation. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislation .... Roger Mahan ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislation Matthew J. Hughes ...... NA ES ...... (Congressional Liaison). Do ...... Congressional Liaison Specialist ...... Katherine S. Hoppe ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislation Vacant ...... ES ...... (Health Policy). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislation Chris Bowlin ...... NA ES ...... (Human Services). Do ...... Confidential Assistant to the Deputy Assist- Riley Swinehart ...... SC GS 11 ...... ant Secretary for Legislation (Human Serv- ices). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislation Jeremy Craig Burton ...... NA ES ...... (Planning and Budget). Do ...... Confidential Assistant to the Deputy Assist- Holly A. Kilness ...... SC GS 9 ...... ant Secretary for Legislation (Planning and Budget). MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS with Do ...... Director, Office for Civil Rights ...... Winston A. Wilkinson ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Deputy Director for Civil Rights ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director for Health Information Pri- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... vacy. Do ...... Deputy Director for Management Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF MEDICARE HEARINGS AND APPEALS Do ...... Executive Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Arlington, VA ...... Director of Management Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director of Program Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE NATIONAL COORDINATOR FOR HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Washington, DC .... National Health Information Technology Co- ...... do ...... CA GS 15 ...... ordinator. Do ...... Deputy National Coordinator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Executive Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Health Information Tech- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... nology Adoption. Do ...... Director, Office of Policy and Research ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Programs and Coordination ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL Do ...... Inspector General ...... Daniel R. Levinson ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Assistant Inspector General for Legal Affairs Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Inspector General for Management Vacant ...... ES ...... and Policy (Chief Information Officer). Office of the Deputy Inspector General for Evaluation and Inspections Do ...... Assistant Inspector General for Evaluation Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... and Inspections. ADMINISTRATION ON AGING Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Aging (Commissioner Josefina Carbonell ...... PAS EX IV ...... for Aging). Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Vacant ...... ES ...... Aging. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Programs. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Management. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Program Op- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... erations. Do ...... Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary Francine A. Hennie ...... SC GS 13 ...... for Aging. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Abelardo Torres ...... SC GS 13 ...... ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Children and Families Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Daniel Schneider ...... NA ES ...... Children and Families. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and Ex- Charles N. Keckler ...... NA ES ...... ternal Affairs. Do ...... Executive Director, President’s Committee for Sally Atwater ...... SC GS 15 ...... People with Intellectual Disabilities. Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administration Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administra- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tion. Do ...... Director, Office of Information Services and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Deputy Chief Information Officer. Office of Head Start Do ...... Director, Office of Head Start ...... Patricia E. Brown ...... TA ES ...... 09/05/09 Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Head Start ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office of Family Assistance Do ...... Director, Office of Family Assistance ...... Sidonie Squier ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director (Temporary Assistance for Katherine Kless ...... NA ES ...... Needy Families Bureau). Office of Public Affairs Do ...... Director, Office of Public Affairs ...... Arne Owens ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Ryan L. Cole ...... SC GS 11 ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Planning, Research and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Evaluation. Office of Child Support Enforcement Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Child Support En- Margaret E. Bean ...... NA ES ...... forcement. Do ...... Confidential Assistant to the Deputy Director Julia G. Thornton ...... SC GS 11 ...... of Child Support Enforcement. Office of Refugee Resettlement Do ...... Director, Office of Refugee Resettlement ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director ...... Vanessa Garza ...... SC GS 15 ...... Administration for Children, Youth and Families Do ...... Commissioner, Administration for Children, Joan E. Ohl ...... PAS EX V ...... Youth and Families. Do ...... Deputy Commissioner, Administration for Vacant ...... ES ...... Children, Youth and Families. Do ...... Associate Commissioner, Children’s Bureau ... Christine M. Calpin ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Commissioner, Family and Youth Vacant ...... ES ...... Services. Do ...... Project Manager ...... David H. Siegel ...... TA ES ...... 01/08/09 Do ...... Special Assistant ...... John M. Cusey ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Karen Sampson ...... SC GS 13 ...... Office of Regional Operations Do ...... Director, Regional Operations and State Sys- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tems. San Francisco, CA Regional Hub Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Atlanta, GA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Chicago, IL ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Philadelphia, PA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Dallas, TX ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Administration on Developmental Disabilities Washington, DC .... Commissioner, Administration on Develop- Patricia A. Morrissey ...... NA ES ...... mental Disabilities. Administration for Native Americans Do ...... Commissioner, Administration for Native Quanah Stamps ...... PAS EX V ...... Americans. Office of Community Services Do ...... Director, Office of Community Services ...... Josephine Robinson ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Director, Office of Carol A. Apelt ...... SC GS 15 ...... Community Services. Office of Legislative Affairs and Budget Do ...... Director, Office of Legislative Affairs and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Budget. AGENCY FOR HEALTHCARE RESEARCH AND QUALITY Rockville, MD ...... Deputy Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Policy Coordination, Executive Sec- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... retary and Department Liaison. Do ...... Senior Science Advisor for Information Tech- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... nology. Do ...... Director, Center for Outcomes and Evidence ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Information Technology ...... do ...... CA ES ...... CENTERS FOR MEDICARE AND MEDICAID SERVICES Washington, DC.... Administrator, Centers for Medicare and Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Medicaid Services. Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Woodlawn, MD ...... do ...... Douglas M. Stoss ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator, Centers for Medicare Herb B. Kuhn ...... NA ES ...... and Medicaid Services. Do ...... Chief Operating Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Operating Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Baltimore, MD...... Director, Beneficiary Information Services ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Group. Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Policy ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... Director of Media Affairs ...... Jeffrey P. Nelligan ...... SC GS 15 ...... with Do ...... Special Assistant to the Director Media Af- Allison E. Henry ...... SC GS 13 ...... fairs. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Diana Newhart ...... SC GS 13 ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Baltimore, MD ...... Confidential Assistant to the Administrator ... Molly A. Schild ...... SC GS 11 ...... Washington, DC .... Confidential Assistant ...... Brynnan Wammack ...... SC GS 9 ...... Office of Operations Management Woodlawn, MD ...... Director, Office of Operations Management .... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Operations Man- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... agement. Office of E-Health Standards and Services Do ...... Director, Office of E-Health Standards and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Services. Center for Drug and Health Plan Choice Do ...... Director. Center for Drug and Health Plan ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Choice. Do ...... Deputy Director, Center for Drug and Health ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Plan Choice. Do ...... Director, Medicare Drug Benefit Group ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Medicare Drug and Health Plan ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Contract Administration Group. Do ...... Director, Medicare Enrollment and Appeals ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Group. Do ...... Director, Medicare Plan Payment Group ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Program Compliance and Oversight ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Group. Center for Medicare Management Baltimore, MD ...... Director, Center for Medicare Management ... Jeffrey Brian Rich ...... NA ES ...... Woodlawn, MD ...... Deputy Director, Center for Medicare Man- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... agement. Baltimore, MD...... Director, Hospital and Ambulatory Policy ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Group. Woodlawn, MD ...... Director, Chronic Care Policy Group ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Provider Billing Group ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Provider Communications Group ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Center for Medicaid and State Operations Do ...... Director, Center for Medicaid and State Oper- Vacant ...... ES ...... ations. Do ...... Deputy Director, Center for Medicaid and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... State Operations. Do ...... Director, Family and Children’s Health Pro- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... grams Group. Do ...... Director, Disabled and Elderly Health Pro- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... grams Group. Do ...... Director, Survey and Certification Group ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Finance Systems and Budget Group ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Financial Management Group ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Office of Clinical Standards and Quality Do ...... Director, Office of Clinical Standards and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Quality. Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Clinical Standards ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Quality. Do ...... Director, Quality Improvement Group ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Office of Research, Development, and Information Do ...... Director, Office of Research, Development, Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... and Information. Office of Strategic Operations and Regulatory Affairs Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Strategic Operations and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Regulatory Affairs. Office of Information Services Woodlawn, MD ...... Chief Technology Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Enterprise Databases Group ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Business Applications Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Group. Do ...... Director, Information Services Design and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Development Group. Do ...... Director, Enterprise Data Center Group ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Enterprise Architecture and Strat- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... egy Group. Office of Financial Management Do ...... Director, Budget Analysis Group ...... do ...... CA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Woodlawn, MD...... Director, Financial Management Systems Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Group. Office of External Affairs Washington, DC .... Director, Office of External Affairs ...... Robin R. King ...... NA ES ...... Woodlawn, MD ...... Director, Strategic Research and Campaign Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Management Group. Office of Legislation Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Legislation ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Legislation ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Consortium for Medicare Health Plans Operations New York, NY ...... New York Consortium Administrator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Boston, MA ...... Boston Regional Administrator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Philadelphia, PA .... Philadelphia Regional Administrator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Consortium for Financial Management and Fee for Service Operations Kansas City, MO ... Kansas City Consortium Administrator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Denver, CO ...... Denver Regional Administrator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... San Francisco, CA San Francisco Regional Administrator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Consortium for Medicaid and Children’s Health Operations Chicago, IL ...... Chicago Consortium Administrator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Seattle, WA ...... Seattle Regional Administrator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Consortium for Quality Improvement and Survey and Certification Operations Dallas, TX ...... Dallas Consortium Administrator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Atlanta, GA ...... Atlanta Regional Administrator ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION Do ...... Director, Centers for Disease Control and Julie L. Gerberding ...... NA ES ...... Prevention. Washington, DC .... Associate Director, Washington Office ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Washington Office ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Atlanta, GA...... Senior Advisor to the Director for Global ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Health Affairs. Do ...... Special Advisor for Policy ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Operating Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Operating Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Security Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Executive Officer ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Enterprise Communication Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Administrator for Urban Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief of Media Relations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Coordinating Office for Global Health Do ...... Associate Director for Global Health ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Coordinating Center for Health Promotion Do ...... Deputy Director, Center for Chronic Disease ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Prevention and Health Promotion. Coordinating Center for Infectious Diseases Do ...... Deputy Director, National Center for HIV/ ...... do ...... CA ES ...... AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Trans- mitted Diseases, and Tuberculosis Preven- tion. Coordinating Office for Terrorism Preparedness and Emergency Response Do ...... Director, Strategic National Stockpile ...... do ...... CA ES ...... FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION Rockville, MD ...... Commissioner of Food and Drugs ...... Andrew von Eschenbach .... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Commissioner and Chief Frank M. Torti ...... XS OT ...... Scientist. Do ...... Director, Office of Equal Employment Oppor- Vacant ...... ES ...... tunity and Diversity Management. Do ...... Special Assistant to the Commissioner ...... Virginia Gunderson ...... SC GS 14 ......

MISCELLANEOUS Office of the Chief of Staff

with Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Commissioner for External Rela- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tions. PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Rockville, MD ...... Assistant Commissioner for Legislation ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Commissioner for Public Affairs ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Kristen R. Smith ...... SC GS 14 ...... Office of Chief Counsel Do ...... Deputy Associate General Counsel/Deputy Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Chief Counsel. Do ...... Associate Deputy Chief Counsel for Litigation Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Associate General Counsel for Litiga- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tion, Food and Drug Division. Office of Scientific and Medical Programs Do ...... Assistant Commissioner for Science Coordina- Vacant ...... ES ...... tion. Do ...... Assistant Commissioner for International Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Programs. Do ...... Senior Advisor for International Policy and Vacant ...... ES ...... Communications. Jefferson, AR ...... Associate Director for Management, National ...... do ...... ES ...... Center for Toxicological Research. Office of Operations Rockville, MD ...... Deputy Commissioner for Operations (Chief Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Operating Officer). Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Information Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Information Technology Infrastruc- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ture. Do ...... Director, Information Technology Systems ..... Mark R. Gregory ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Commissioner for Management Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... (Operations). Do ...... Director, Office of Financial Management ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Budget Formulation and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Presentation. Do ...... Director, Office of Real Property Services ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director White Oak Consolidation Program ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief of Shared Services ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Office of Policy, Planning and Preparedness Do ...... Deputy Commissioner ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor and Counsel for Integrity and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Accountability. Do ...... Assistant Commissioner for Planning ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Commissioner for Policy ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Office of Regulatory Affairs Do ...... Director, Office of Resource Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Regional Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research Bethesda, MD ...... Associate Director for Policy ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Rockville, MD ...... Executive Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Policy ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Planning and Business ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Informatics. Do ...... Director, Office of Pharmaceutical Science ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Center for Devices and Radiological Health Do ...... Deputy Director, Center for Devices and Ra- Vacant ...... ES ...... diological Health. Do ...... Senior Associate Director, Center for Devices Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... and Radiological Health. Do ...... Executive Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Compliance ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Communications, Edu- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... cation and Radiation Programs. Do ...... Director, Office of Surveillance and Bio- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... metrics. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition College Park, MD .. Deputy Director for Regulatory Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Regulations Policy and So- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... cial Sciences. Rockville, MD ...... Executive Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Center for Veterinary Medicine Rockville, MD ...... Deputy Director, Center for Veterinary Medi- Vacant ...... ES ...... cine. Do ...... Associate Director for Policy and Executive Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Programs. Do ...... Executive Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of New Animal Drug Evalua- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tion. Do ...... Director, Office of Surveillance and Compli- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ance. HEALTH RESOURCES AND SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Do ...... Administrator, Health Resources and Serv- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ices Administration. Do ...... Deputy Administrator, Health Resources and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Services Administration. Do ...... Special Assistant to the Administrator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Planning and Evaluation ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Legislation ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Administrator, Office of Rural ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Health Policy. Do ...... Director, Office of Information Technology ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Chief Information Officer. Do ...... Director, Office of Equal Opportunity and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Civil Rights. Do ...... Director, Office of Communications ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Center for Quality ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Administrator for Financial Man- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... agement (Chief Financial Officer). Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for Financial Vacant ...... ES ...... Management. Do ...... Associate Administrator, Office of Federal As- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... sistance Management. Do ...... Associate Administrator, Office of Perform- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ance Review. Bureau of Primary Health Care Do ...... Associate Administrator, Bureau of Primary ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Health Care. Bethesda, MD ...... Deputy Associate Administrator, Bureau of Vacant ...... ES ...... Primary Health Care. Maternal and Child Health Bureau Rockville, MD ...... Associate Administrator, Maternal and Child Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Health Bureau. Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator, Maternal ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Child Health Bureau. Do ...... Director, Division of Services for Children ...... do ...... CA ES ...... With Special Health Needs. Bureau of Health Professions Do ...... Associate Administrator, Bureau of Health ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Professions. Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator, Bureau of ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Health Professions. Healthcare Systems Bureau Do ...... Associate Administrator, Healthcare Systems ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Bureau. Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator, Healthcare ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Systems Bureau. HIV/AIDS Bureau Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator, HIV/AIDS ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Bureau. Do ...... Director, Division of Service Systems ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Bureau of Clinician Recruitment and Services Do ...... Associate Administrator, Bureau of Clinician ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Recruitment and Services. Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator, Bureau of ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Clinician Recruitment and Services. INDIAN HEALTH SERVICE MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... Director, Indian Health Service ...... Robert McSwain ...... PAS EX V 4 Years

with Do ...... Deputy Director, Indian Health Service ...... Vacant ...... ES ......

Washington, DC .... Senior Advisor to the Director, Indian Health Christopher A. Walker ...... SC GS 15 ...... Service. PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Rockville, MD ...... Deputy Director for Indian Health Policy ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Tribal Self-Governance ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Resource Access and Part- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... nerships. Do ...... Director, Office of Public Health Support ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Urban Indian Health Pol- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... icy. Do ...... Deputy Director for Management Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Environmental Health and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Engineering. Do ...... Director, Office of Finance and Accounting .... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Management Services ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Anchorage, AK ...... Director, Alaska Area ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Tucson, AZ ...... Director, Tucson Area ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Phoenix, AZ ...... Director, Phoenix Area ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Window Rock, AZ .. Director, Navajo Area ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Sacramento, CA ..... Director, California Area ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Bemidji, MN ...... Director, Bemidji Area ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Billings, MT ...... Director, Billings Area ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Albuquerque, NM .. Director, Albuquerque Area ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Oklahoma City, OK Director, Oklahoma City Area ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Portland, OR ...... Director, Portland Area ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Aberdeen, SD ...... Director, Aberdeen Area ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Nashville, TN ...... Director, Nashville Area ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Bethesda, MD ...... Director, National Institutes of Health ...... Elias A. Zerhouni M.D...... PAS EX IV ...... Office of the Director Do ...... Deputy Director for Management ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Budget ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Research Services ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director Office of Equal Opportunity ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Human Resources ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Management Assessment ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Legislative Policy Anal- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ysis. Do ...... Associate Director for Communications and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Public Liaison. Do ...... Associate Director, Research on Women’s ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Health. Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Director, National Insti- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tutes of Health. Do ...... Special Advisor to the Deputy Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Extramural Programs ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... National Cancer Institute Do ...... Director, National Cancer Institute ...... John Niederhuber ...... PA OT ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, National Cancer Institute ... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Science Planning and As- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sessment. Rockville, MD ...... Director, Office of Communications and Edu- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... cation. National Eye Institute Bethesda, MD ...... Director, Division of Extramural Research ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Do ...... Associate Director for Administrative Man- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... agement. National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Do ...... Director, Office of Strategic Planning and Fi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... nancial Management. National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development Do ...... Associate Director, Office of Science Policy, ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Analysis and Communication. National Institute on Drug Abuse Rockville, MD ...... Director, Office of Science Policy and Commu- Vacant ...... ES ...... nications. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Durham, NC ...... Associate Director of Management ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

National Institute of Mental Health Rockville, MD ...... Associate Director for Management ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Bethesda, MD ...... Senior Advisor to the Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Center for Information Technology Do ...... Deputy Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Rockville, MD ...... Administrator, Substance Abuse and Mental Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Health Services Administration. Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Administrator ...... Michael J. Costigan ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Associate for Medical Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Senior Associate for Behavioral Health and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Interagency Coordination. Rockville, MD ...... Associate Administrator for Communications ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director of Special Initiatives ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Executive Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant to the Administrator ... Avigail Goldberg SC GS 7 ...... Goldgraber. Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Do ...... Director, Center for Substance Abuse Preven- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tion. Do ...... Deputy Director, Center for Substance Abuse ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Prevention. Center for Mental Health Services Do ...... Director, Center for Mental Health Services ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Center for Mental Health ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Services. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment Do ...... Director, Center for Substance Abuse Treat- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment. Do ...... Deputy Director, Center for Substance Abuse ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Treatment. MISCELLANEOUS with


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Washington, DC .... Secretary of the Department of Homeland Se- Michael Chertoff ...... PAS EX I ...... curity. Do ...... Counselor to the Secretary ...... W. Price Roe ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Allison J. Boyd ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant to the Secretary ...... Judith Ann Dickie ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Secretary for Stake- Craig B. Haverback ...... SC GS 15 ...... holder Affairs and Information Integration. Do ...... Advance Representative ...... Chris Mitarai ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant to the Counselors ...... Abe E. Goldschmidt ...... SC GS 7 ...... Immediate Office of the Deputy Secretary Do ...... Deputy Secretary of the Department of Paul A. Schneider ...... PAS EX II ...... Homeland Security. Do ...... Counselor to the Deputy Secretary ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Brian M. White ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Marvin Lee Waldrep Jr. .... SC GS 9 ...... Office of the Chief of Staff Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Chad C. Sweet ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff ...... Adam R. Isles ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Advisor to the Chief of Staff ...... Jonathan R. Hoffman ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Director of Scheduling and Advance ...... Amanda Paduchik ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... White House Liaison ...... Jennifer A. Minton ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Deputy Director of Scheduling and Protocol Mary Ellen Brown ...... SC GS 13 ...... Coordinator. Do ...... Deputy Director of Advance and Travel ...... Corry Robb ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Secretary ...... Jacalynne Becker ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Deputy White House Liaison ...... Meryl Scrutton ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Advance Representative ...... Justin Uran ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Hubbell P. Knapp ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Advance Representative ...... Clayton Sanderson ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant to the White House Li- Vanessa Laviano ...... SC GS 7 ...... aison. Office of the Executive Director for Operations and Administration Do ...... Executive Director for Operations and Admin- Fred L. Schwien ...... NA ES ...... istration. Do ...... Associate Executive Secretary for Internal Janice Burmeister ...... SC GS 15 ...... Coordination. Do ...... Advisor to the Executive Director of Oper- Benjamin Canino ...... SC GS 15 ...... ations and Administration. Do ...... Supervisory Management and Program Ana- Maria H. Roumel ...... SC GS 14 ...... lyst. Do ...... Senior Liaison Officer ...... Andrew M. Matheson ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Associate Director of White House Actions Christopher Kobberod ...... SC GS 9 ...... and Policy Coordinating Committee Coordi- nator. Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Amanda I. Ramsdale ...... SC GS 7 ...... Office of the Chief Privacy Officer Do ...... Chief Privacy Officer ...... Hugo Teufel III ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Chief Privacy Officer Amanda L. Schumacher .... SC GS 12 ...... Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Do ...... Officer of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties ...... Daniel W. Sutherland ...... NA ES ...... Office of the Counternarcotics Enforcement Do ...... Director, Office of Counternarcotics Enforce- Uttam Dhillon ...... PAS EX IV ...... ment. Do ...... Counselor to the Director ...... Bradley C. Schreiber ...... SC GS 15 ...... Office of Recovery and Rebuilding in the Gulf Coast Region Do ...... Coordinator of Recovery and Rebuilding in Douglas V. O’Dell ...... NA ES ...... the Gulf Coast Region. Do ...... Chief of Staff to the Coordinator ...... Paul T. Conway ...... TA ES ...... 03/31/09 Do ...... Associate Director for Public Liaison ...... Matthew G. Adkins ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant to the Chief of Staff .... C. David Burke ...... SC GS 9 ...... Office of the Ombudsman, Citizenship and Immigration Services Do ...... Ombudsman ...... Michael Dougherty ...... NA ES ...... Office of the General Counsel Do ...... General Counsel ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy General Counsel ...... Gus P. Coldebella ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... Andrew J. Levy ...... NA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Deputy General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Counselor to the General Counsel ...... Lani Miller ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Mark A. Klaassen ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Associate General Counsel for Legal Counsel Mark A. Patton ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Associate General Counsel for Legal Vacant ...... ES ...... Counsel. Do ...... Associate General Counsel for General Law ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Associate General Counsel for Operations and ...... do ...... ES ...... Enforcement. Do ...... Associate General Counsel for Immigration ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Associate General Counsel for Regulatory Af- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... fairs. Do ...... Associate General Counsel for National Pro- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tection and Programs Directorate. Do ...... Associate General Counsel for Science and Vacant ...... ES ...... Technology. Do ...... Associate General Counsel for Intelligence ..... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Confidential Legal Assistant ...... Ryan D. Yaeger ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Ryan M. Newcomb ...... SC GS 7 ...... National Cybersecurity Center Do ...... Director, National Cybersecurity Center ...... Rod A. Beckstrom ...... TA ES ...... 03/18/11 Office of the Inspector General Do ...... Inspector General ...... Richard L. Skinner ...... PAS EX IV ...... Office of the Operations Coordination and Planning Directorate Do ...... Director, Operations Coordination and Plan- Roger T. Rufe Jr...... TA ES ...... 07/04/09 ning Directorate. Do ...... Deputy Director, Operations Coordination Robert S. Cohen ...... XS OT ...... 07/19/10 and Planning Directorate. Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Operations Coordination Division .... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Deliberate Planning Branch ...... Christian A. Abbott ...... TA ES ...... 07/19/10 Do ...... Director, Future Plans Branch ...... Gregory A. Marchio ...... TA ES ...... 07/19/10 Do ...... Director, Intelligence Division ...... Kimberly L. Becker ...... TA ES ...... 07/19/10 Do ...... Director, Incident Management and Inter- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... agency Planning Division. Do ...... Director, National Operations Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Department of Homeland Security Advisor to ...... do ...... CA ES ...... the Department of Defense. Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff ...... Brendan P. Shields ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Advisor to the Director ...... Elliott M. Langer ...... SC GS 13 ...... Domestic Nuclear Detection Office Do ...... Director, Domestic Nuclear Detection Office .. Vayl S. Oxford ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Advisor to the Director for Policy ...... Ryan Eddy ...... SC GS 15 ...... Office of Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs ..... Donald H. Kent Jr...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary of Operations for Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Legislative Affairs. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislative Af- Lee C. Morris ...... NA ES ...... fairs (Senate). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislative Af- Jeffrey R. Sural ...... NA ES ...... fairs (House). Do ...... Assistant Director of Legislative Affairs for Timothy Johnson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Miscellaneous Offices. Do ...... Director of Legislative Affairs for Policy ...... Anne Kimberley Joiner ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Director of Legislative Affairs for Intelligence Christopher N. Guilford ..... SC GS 15 ...... and Operations. Do ...... Associate Director ...... Timothy Andrew Kennedy SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Assistant Director of Legislative Affairs ...... Jeffrey S. Cook ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Assistant Director ...... Courtney J. Calka ...... SC GS 11 ...... Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs ...... J. Edward Fox ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Kathleen M. Montgomery .. NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Media Rela- W. Russell Knocke ...... NA ES ...... tions. Do ...... Director, Ready Campaign ...... Erin Streeter ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Director of Speechwriting ...... Paul H. Liben ...... SC GS 15 ...... MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... Senior Advisor for Brand and Event Manage- Luigi Crespo ...... SC GS 14 ...... with ment. Do ...... Director of Strategic Communications ...... Anne Marie Frawley ...... SC GS 14 ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Press Secretary ...... Laura C. Keehner ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Associate Director of Strategic Communica- Charles J. Couch ...... SC GS 13 ...... tions. Do ...... Speechwriter to the Secretary ...... Andrew F. Poe ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Associate Director of Strategic Communica- Veronica Nur Valdes ...... SC GS 9 ...... tions for Policy. Do ...... Assistant Press Secretary ...... Caroline R. Dierker ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant to the Deputy Assist- Bethany Egan ...... SC GS 7 ...... ant Secretary. Do ...... Public Affairs and Press Assistant ...... Christopher A. Caimano .... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... Press Assistant ...... Alexander Marriott ...... SC GS 7 ...... Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health Affairs and Chief Medical Officer Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Health Affairs and Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Chief Medical Officer. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Weapons of Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Mass Destruction and Biodefense. Do ...... Director of Operations ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Chief Medical Officer ... Paul Jones ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Policy Advisor to the Assistant Secretary and Richard Weiblinger Jr...... SC GS 12 ...... Chief Medical Officer. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Policy ...... Stewart A. Baker ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy ...... Paul S. Rosenzweig ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Secretary, Office of State and Local Edmund M. Sexton Sr...... TA ES ...... 01/19/11 Law Enforcement. Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Private Sector ...... Alfonso Martinez-Fonts Jr. NA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Policy Development ... Richard C. Barth ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Devel- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... opment. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Counter- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... terrorism Policy. Do ...... Director for International Enforcement ...... Daniel E. Sullivan ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Secretary for International Affairs Carol A. Haave ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Vacant ...... ES ...... Affairs. Do ...... Department of Homeland Security Attache´ to Stephen J. Mangino ...... TA ES ...... 07/22/09 Baghdad. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Screening ...... Kathleen Kraninger ...... TA ES ...... 07/29/09 Do ...... Senior Advisor, Office of Screening Coordina- Thomas J. Lockwood ...... TA ES ...... 04/14/09 tion. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Plans ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Strategic Plans ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director/Executive Secretariat, Private Sector Candace Stoltz ...... SC GS 15 ...... Advisory Committee. Do ...... Business Analyst ...... Jan W. Mares ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Legislative Policy Advisor ...... Lisa M. Vogt ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Advisor for Refugee and Asylum Af- Igor V. Timofeyev ...... SC GS 15 ...... fairs. Do ...... Business Liaison ...... Albert G. Bullock ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Executive Director ...... Michael Fullerton ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Executive Director, Homeland Security Advi- Jeffrey D. Stern ...... SC GS 15 ...... sory Committees. Do ...... Business Liaison ...... James B. Plehal ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Aidan M. Cleary ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Tiffany A. Kebodeaux ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Business Liaison ...... Adam W. Salerno ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Policy Analyst ...... Christopher M. Kuzmuk .... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Director ...... Richele E. Cole ...... SC GS 11 ...... OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY FOR INTELLIGENCE AND ANALYSIS Do ...... Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis Charles E. Allen ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary for Intelligence and Vacant ...... ES ...... Analysis, Operations. Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary for Intelligence and ...... do ...... ES ...... Analysis. Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary, Mission Integration Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Counterintelligence Programs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, National Applications Office ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Current Intelligence ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Homeland Threat Analysis ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Under Secretary for Aaron A. Coats ...... SC GS 12 ...... Intelligence and Analysis. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Christine M. Diaz ...... SC GS 12 ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Special Assistant to the Under Secretary for Jennifer L. Internicola ...... SC GS 12 ...... Intelligence and Analysis. OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY FOR NATIONAL PROTECTION AND PROGRAMS DIRECTORATE Do ...... Under Secretary for National Protection and Robert D. Jamison ...... PAS EX III ...... Programs. Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary for National Protec- Lawrence Scott Charbo ...... NA ES ...... tion and Programs. Do ...... Counselor to the Under Secretary ...... Frederic Austin Nichols ..... NA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Cyber Security and Gregory T. Garcia ...... NA ES ...... Communications. Do ...... Director, United States Computer Emergency Mischel L. Kwon ...... TA ES ...... 06/21/11 Readiness Team Operations. Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure Protec- Robert B. Stephan ...... NA ES ...... tion. Do ...... Director, Office of Risk Management and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Analysis. Do ...... Director, U.S. VISIT Program ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Patrick A. Burns ...... SC GS 15 ...... Infrastructure Protection. Do ...... Program Director ...... Eric J. Tysarczyk ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Policy Advisor ...... Laura F. Fullerton ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Advisor ...... Christopher Cox Krebs ...... SC GS 14 ...... OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY FOR MANAGEMENT Do ...... Under Secretary for Management ...... Elaine C. Duke ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary for Management ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Scott A. Krause ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Advisor to the Under Secretary for Manage- Elaine Rigas ...... SC GS 15 ...... ment. Office of Administration Do ...... Chief, Administrative Services Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office of the Chief Information Officer Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... Richard Mangogna ...... NA ES ...... Office of Chief Procurement Officer Do ...... Director, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Business Utilization. Do ...... Director, Selection Acquisition Transactions .. Wendy T. Molzahn ...... TA ES ...... 12/23/09 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... David L. Norquist ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Financial Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Budget Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Headquarters Operations ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer Do ...... Chief Human Capital Officer ...... Thomas D. Cairns ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Learning Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Do ...... Under Secretary for Science and Technology .. Jay M. Cohen ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary for Science and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Technology. Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Program Analysis and Evaluation ... Karen L. Ray ...... TA ES ...... 10/14/09 Do ...... Director, International and Interagency Randel L. Zeller ...... TA ES ...... 01/02/10 Science and Technology Programs Office. Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary for Michael B. Smith ...... SC GS 15 ...... Science and Technology. Do ...... International Policy Analyst ...... Anthony S. Correale ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant to the Under Secretary Caroline M. Whitfield ...... SC GS 11 ...... for Protocol and Advance Briefings. U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION Do ...... Commissioner, U.S. Customs and Border Pro- W. Ralph Basham ...... PAS EX III ...... tection. Do ...... Assistant Commissioner, International Affairs Michael C. Mullen ...... NA ES ...... and Trade Relations. MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Thaddeus M. Bingel ...... NA ES ...... with Do ...... Assistant Commissioner for Public Affairs ..... Jeffrey C. Robertson ...... NA ES ...... PRODPC74 on

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Washington, DC .... Assistant Commissioner for Congressional Af- Luke P. Bellocchi ...... NA ES ...... fairs. Do ...... Chief Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Secure Border Initiative Network Deputy Rowdy D. Adams ...... TA ES ...... 03/17/10 Program Manager for Operations. Do ...... Executive Director, Secure Border Initiative Tiffany T. Hixson ...... TA ES ...... 09/15/10 Acquisition Office. Do ...... Director of Policy and Plans, Customs and William H. Houston IV ...... SC GS 15 ...... Border Protection. Do ...... Public Affairs Specialist ...... Kia L. Evans-Watson ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Commissioner for Con- Kanon K. McGill ...... SC GS 13 ...... gressional Affairs. Do ...... Director, Strategic Planning and Communica- Thomas H. Hoare ...... SC GS 13 ...... tions. U.S. IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT Do ...... Assistant Secretary, U.S. Immigration and Julie L. Myers ...... PAS EX IV ...... Customs Enforcement. Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Nicholas J. Smith ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Policy ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Principal Legal Advisor ...... Michael H. Neifach ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director, U.S. National Central Bureau, Martin Renkiewicz ...... TA ES ...... 10/28/09 International Criminal Police Organization. Do ...... Director of Communications ...... Wendy G. Burrell ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Director of Legislative Affairs ...... Jamie E. Zuieback ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Advisor ...... Stephen J. Cox ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Sharon I. Wells ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Andrew P. Acker ...... SC GS 11 ...... U.S. CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION SERVICES Do ...... Director, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Vacant ...... PAS EX III ...... Services. Do ...... Deputy Director, U.S. Citizenship and Immi- Jonathan R. Scharfen ...... NA ES ...... gration Services. Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Thomas C. Paar ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Chief of Policy and Strategy ...... Carlos E. Iturregui ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Chief of the Office of Citizenship ...... Alfonso G. Aguilar ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Principal Legal Advisor ...... Lynden D. Melmed ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Director ...... C. Natalie Lui Duncan ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Luz Figuereo Irazabal ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Steven C. Gonzalez ...... SC GS 7 ...... U.S. COAST GUARD Do ...... Director for Civil Rights ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Commandant for Engineer- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ing and Logistics. Do ...... Deputy Judge Advocate General and Deputy ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Chief Counsel. Do ...... Director of National and International Stand- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ards. Do ...... Director of Assessment, Integration and Risk ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Management. Do ...... Director, International Affairs and Foreign Vacant ...... ES ...... Policy Advisor. Do ...... Deputy Director of Personnel Management .... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY Office of the Administrator Washington, DC .... Administrator for Federal Emergency Man- Robert D. Paulison ...... PAS EX II ...... agement Agency. Do ...... Deputy Administrator for Federal Emergency Harvey E. Johnson Jr...... PAS EX III ...... Management Agency. Do ...... Associate Deputy Administrator, Federal Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Emergency Management Agency. Do ...... Senior Law Enforcement Liaison ...... Charles F. Dinse ...... TA ES ...... 11/26/09 Do ...... Counselor to the Administrator and Deputy Nathaniel T. G. Fogg ...... SC GS 15 ...... Administrator. Do ...... Advisor to the Administrator and Deputy Ad- Eric B. Heighberger ...... SC GS 15 ...... ministrator. Do ...... Policy Advisor to the Deputy Administrator ... Deborah J. Eng ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant and Travel Aide ...... Cornelius William Booher SC GS 12 ...... III.

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives Washington, DC .... Director of Faith Based and Community Ini- J. Kim Cook ...... SC GS 15 ...... tiatives. Do ...... Deputy Director of the Center for Faith Gregory Edward Dinapoli .. SC GS 13 ...... Based and Community Initiatives. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Kirk Ryan Marshall ...... SC GS 11 ...... Office of External Affairs Do ...... Director of External Affairs and Communica- Jonathan F. Thompson ...... NA ES ...... tions. Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental Anne P. Petera ...... NA ES ...... Programs. Do ...... Associate Director of Communications and James L. Kaplan ...... SC GS 15 ...... Speechwriter. Do ...... Director of Intergovernmental Affairs ...... Edward J. Cash ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Christopher Eric Hagerup SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Coordinator for State and Local Affairs ...... Jason A. Carroll ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Governor and Homeland Security Advisors Caroline E. Wicker Sims ... SC GS 9 ...... Coordinator. Office of Policy and Programs Analysis Do ...... Director of Policy and Program Analysis ...... Marko G. Bourne ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Strategic Planning and Evaluation .. Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office of Management Do ...... Director, Human Capital Division ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Information Officer/Director, Informa- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tion Technology Division. Do ...... Deputy Chief Information Officer/Deputy Di- Vacant ...... ES ...... rector, Information Technology Division. Round Hill, VA ...... Chief, Enterprise Operations Branch ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Chief, Competitive Sourcing ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Round Hill, VA ...... Program Advisor, Facilities Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Office of the Chief Financial Officer New Orleans, LA ... Chief Finance Director, Gulf Coast Recovery Joseph L. Garcia ...... TA ES ...... 10/10/09 Office of Logistics Management Washington, DC .... Assistant Administrator, Logistics Manage- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ment. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator, Logistics Di- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... vision. Office of Gulf Coast Recovery New Orleans, LA ... Assistant Administrator, Gulf Coast Recovery Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Transitional Recovery Office, New James W. Stark ...... TA ES ...... 06/24/09 Orleans. Biloxi, MS ...... Director, Transitional Recovery Office, Mis- Vacant ...... ES ...... sissippi. Office of the Chief Counsel Washington, DC .... Chief Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office of Disaster Assistance Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Disaster Assist- Carlos J. Castillo ...... NA ES ...... ance. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator for Disaster Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Assistance. Do ...... Chief, Individual Assistance Division ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief, Public Assistance Branch (Disaster As- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sistance). Office of Disaster Operations Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Disaster Oper- Glenn M. Cannon ...... NA ES ...... ations. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator, Disaster Op- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... erations. Do ...... National Incident Management Assistant, Vacant ...... ES ...... East. Sacramento, CA..... National Incident Management Assistant, Michael J. Hall ...... TA ES ...... 08/02/11 West. Office of Mitigation Washington, DC .... Assistant Administrator for Mitigation ...... David I. Maurstad ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Chief, Risk Reduction Branch (Mitigation) ..... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... MISCELLANEOUS Office of National Continuity Programs with Do ...... Assistant Administrator for National Con- Martha T. Rainville ...... NA ES ...... tinuity Programs. PRODPC74 on

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Washington, DC.... Deputy Director, Office of National Con- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tinuity Programs. Round Hill, VA ...... Deputy Executive Administrator, Emergency ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Operations Center. Grant Program Directorate Washington, DC .... Assistant Administrator, Grant Programs ...... W. Ross Ashley III ...... PA EX IV ...... Office of National Preparedness Do ...... Deputy Administrator for National Prepared- Dennis R. Schrader ...... PAS EX IV ...... ness. Do ...... Assistant Deputy Administrator for National Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Preparedness. Do ...... Director, Small State and Rural Advocate and Brock D. Bierman ...... NA ES ...... Director of Community Preparedness. Emmitsburg, MD ... Superintendent, Emergency Management In- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... stitute. Washington, DC .... Advisor ...... Sean P. Murphy ...... SC GS 12 ...... Office of the National Capital Region Do ...... Director, Office of National Capital Region Christopher T. Geldart ...... NA ES ...... Coordination. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Della Stull ...... SC GS 12 ...... Office of the U.S. Fire Administration Do ...... Assistant Administrator, U.S. Fire Adminis- Gregory B. Cade ...... PAS EX IV ...... tration. Emmitsburg, MD... Deputy Assistant Administrator, U.S. Fire Vacant ...... ES ...... Administration. Do ...... Superintendent, National Fire Academy ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Regional Administrators Boston, MA ...... Regional Administrator, Region I (Boston) ..... Arthur W. Cleaves ...... NA ES ...... New York, NY ...... Regional Administrator, Region II (New York) Stephen Kempf Jr...... NA ES ...... Philadelphia, PA .... Regional Director, Region III (Philadelphia) .. Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Atlanta, GA ...... Regional Director, Region IV (Atlanta) ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Chicago, IL ...... Regional Administrator, Region V (Chicago) .. Edward G. Buikema ...... NA ES ...... Dallas, TX ...... Regional Administrator, Region VI (Dallas) ... William E. Peterson ...... NA ES ...... Kansas City, MO ... Regional Administrator, Region VII (Kansas Richard G. Hainje ...... NA ES ...... City). Denver, CO ...... Regional Administrator, Region VIII (Denver) Garry L. Briese ...... NA ES ...... San Francisco, CA Regional Director, Region IX (San Francisco) Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Seattle, WA ...... Regional Administrator, Region X (Seattle) .... Susan K. Reinertson ...... NA ES ...... TRANSPORTATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION Arlington, VA ...... Assistant Secretary, Transportation Security Edmund S. Hawley ...... PAS EX IV ...... Administration. Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Strategic Com- Ellen Howe ...... XS OT $148,500 ...... munications and Public Affairs. Do ...... Assistant Administrator of Legislative Affairs Jason M. Conley ...... XS OT $115,000 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary .. Rebekah Williams ...... SC OT $82,961 ...... Do ...... Special Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Vacant ...... XS OT ...... Transportation Security Administration.

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Washington, DC .... Secretary, Housing and Urban Development .. Steven C. Preston ...... PAS EX I ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... David L. Horne ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff ...... Anoop Prakash ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Executive Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Counselor to the Secretary ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Secretary ...... Frank R. Borchert III ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Advisor to the Secretary ...... David T. Eagles ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Policy Advisor ...... David M. Hazelton ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Assistant to the Secretary and White House Gayle J. Cozens ...... SC GS 15 ...... Liaison. Do ...... Special Assistant to the Secretary ...... Sean C. White ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Francine D. Tuck ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... White House Liaison Assistant ...... Bethany J. Windle ...... SC GS 9 ...... OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY SECRETARY Do ...... Deputy Secretary, Housing and Urban Devel- Roy A. Bernardi ...... PAS EX II ...... opment. Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Deputy Secretary ...... Mark A. Studdert ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ADMINISTRATION Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Administration/Chief Keith A. Nelson ...... PAS EX IV ...... Human Capital Officer. Do ...... General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Ad- Dawn M. Luepke ...... NA ES ...... ministration. Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Administration. Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Resource Management Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Re- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... source Management. Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget and Management Support Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Management Support. Office of Security and Emergency Planning Do ...... Director, Office of Security and Emergency ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Planning. Office of Executive Scheduling Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Rebekah J. Pemberton ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Advance Coordinator ...... Jeffrey A. Becker ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Kevin J. Binversie ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Jeffrey G. Nyhuis ...... SC GS 8 ...... OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... John W. Cox ...... PAS EX IV ...... OFFICE OF THE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Information Officer for Informa- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tion Technology Operations. Do ...... Deputy Chief Information Officer for Busi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ness and Technology Modernization. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER Do ...... Chief Procurement Officer ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Associate Chief Procurement Officer, Acquisi- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tion Workload, Planning, Management and Oversight. ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Community Planning Susan D. Peppler ...... PAS EX IV ...... and Development. Do ...... General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Com- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... munity Planning and Development. MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... Senior Counsel ...... A. Bryant Applegate ...... NA ES ...... with Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Joy M. Bricker ...... SC GS 15 ...... PRODPC74 on

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Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations Washington, DC .... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations .... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Field Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Technical Assistance and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Management. Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Special Needs Programs Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Special Needs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Programs. Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Grant Programs Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Grant Pro- Manuel T. Ochoa ...... SC GS 15 ...... grams. Do ...... Director, Office of Block Grant Assistance ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Affordable Housing Pro- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... grams. Do ...... Director, Office of Community Viability ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Amanda E. Walz ...... SC GS 8 ...... Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic Development Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic De- Otto V. Banks ...... SC GS 15 ...... velopment. Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Jason M. Bogovich ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Robert H. Kurtz ...... SC GS 12 ...... ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR CONGRESSIONAL AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Sheila M. Greenwood ...... PAS EX IV ...... Intergovernmental Relations. Do ...... General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Con- Leonard Wolfson ...... NA ES ...... gressional and Intergovernmental Relations. Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislative Relations Do ...... Legislative Specialist ...... David J. Herbenick ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... do ...... Tiffany C. Martin ...... SC GS 13 ...... Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Congressional Relations Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Congressional Todd F. Lawson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Relations. Do ...... Congressional Relations Officer ...... John C. Mica ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Kedrin T. Simms ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Congressional Relations Assistant ...... Sarah B. Keith ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Nicholas A. Cardillo ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Geoffrey C. Smith ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Rebekah J. Kuhn ...... SC GS 8 ...... CENTER FOR FAITH-BASED AND COMMUNITY INITIATIVES Do ...... Director, Center for Faith-Based and Commu- Anna M. Farias ...... NA ES ...... nity Initiatives. Do ...... Deputy Director, Center for Faith-Based and Nancy C. Skaggs ...... SC GS 15 ...... Community Initiatives. OFFICE OF DEPARTMENTAL OPERATIONS AND COORDINATION Do ...... Director, Office of Departmental Operations Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... and Coordination. Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Departmental Op- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... erations and Coordination. ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR FAIR HOUSING AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Kim Kendrick ...... PAS EX IV ...... Equal Opportunity. Do ...... General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fair Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Housing and Equal Opportunity. Do ...... Director, Office of Policy, Legislative Initia- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tives and Outreach. Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations and Management Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Management.

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Programs Washington, DC .... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Enforcement Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... and Programs. OFFICE OF FEDERAL HOUSING ENTERPRISE OVERSIGHT Do ...... Director, Office of Federal Housing Enter- James B. Lockhart III ...... PAS EX II ...... prise Oversight. OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... General Counsel ...... Robert M. Couch ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... General Deputy General Counsel ...... Michael C. Flynn ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Enforcement Stephen B. Hollingshead ... NA ES ...... and Operations. Do ...... Associate General Counsel for Legislation and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Regulations. Do ...... Associate General Counsel for Litigation ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel for Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate General Counsel for Human Re- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sources. Do ...... Deputy General Counsel for Housing Pro- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... grams. Do ...... Associate General Counsel for Insured Hous- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ing. Do ...... Associate General Counsel for Fair Housing ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate General Counsel for Assisted Hous- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ing and Community Development. Do ...... Associate General Counsel for Finance and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Regulatory Compliance. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Ursula A. Lecznar ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Thomas E. Garloch ...... SC GS 12 ...... GOVERNMENT NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION Do ...... President, Government National Mortgage Joseph J. Murin ...... PAS EX IV ...... Association. Do ...... Executive Vice President ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... William L. Shen ...... SC GS 15 ...... OFFICE OF HEALTHY HOMES AND LEAD HAZARD CONTROL Do ...... Director, Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Hazard Control. ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR HOUSING-FEDERAL HOUSING COMMISSIONER Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Brian D. Montgomery ...... PAS EX IV ...... Housing Commissioner. Do ...... General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Hous- Vacant ...... ES ...... ing. Fresno, CA ...... Senior Housing Project Management Officer .. Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Senior Financial Advisor ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Policy Advisor ...... Jack N. Bobbitt ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Matthew J. Robinson ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Scott A. Schmidt ...... SC GS 9 ...... Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations .... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Multifamily Housing Programs Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Multifamily Vacant ...... ES ...... Housing Programs. Do ...... Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Multifamily Housing Programs (Programs and Policy). Do ...... Assistant Deputy Assistant Secretary for ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Multifamily Housing Systems Integration. Do ...... Director, Office of Housing Assistance and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Grant Administration.

MISCELLANEOUS Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for

Single Family Housing with

Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Vacant ...... ES ...... Housing. PRODPC74 on

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Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regulatory Affairs and Manufactured Housing Washington, DC .... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regulatory Af- Gary M. Cunningham ...... SC GS 15 ...... fairs and Manufactured Housing. Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Finance and Budget Do ...... Senior Advisor for Project Management ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL Do ...... Inspector General ...... Kenneth M. Donohue Sr. ... PAS EX IV ...... ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Policy Development Darlene F. Williams ...... PAS EX IV ...... and Research. Do ...... General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Development and Research. Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic Af- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... fairs. Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Affairs Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Shannon H. Sorzano ...... NA ES ...... Affairs. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Dennis Teti ...... SC GS 15 ...... ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Pub- Stephen C. O’Halloran ...... NA ES ...... lic Affairs. Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Sara M. Steele ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Nicole E. Noble ...... SC GS 8 ...... Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC AND INDIAN HOUSING Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Housing. Do ...... General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Pub- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... lic and Indian Housing. Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Field Operations Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Field Oper- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ations. Detroit, MI ...... Senior Advisor ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Buffalo, NY ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Miami, FL ...... Senior Advisor for Project Management ...... Karen K. Turner ...... TA ES ...... 03/16/11 Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Native American Programs Washington, DC .... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Native Amer- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ican Programs. Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Housing and Voucher Programs Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Hous- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ing and Voucher Programs. Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Real Estate Assessment Center Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Real Es- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tate Assessment Center. Office of Receivership Oversight Do ...... Special Policy Advisor ...... Peter R. Coffin ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Eric D. Schmutz ...... SC GS 14 ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT DEPUTY SECRETARY FOR FIELD POLICY AND MANAGEMENT Washington, DC .... Assistant Deputy Secretary for Field Policy Robert W. Young ...... NA ES ...... and Management. Do ...... Deputy Director, Field Policy and Manage- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ment. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Ronald D. Young Jr...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Jessica S. Zurcher ...... SC GS 8 ...... New England (Boston) Boston, MA ...... Regional Director ...... Taylor Caswell ...... SC GS 15 ...... New York/New Jersey (New York) New York, NY ...... Regional Director ...... Sean M. Moss ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Special Projects Officer ...... Frank R. McKay ...... SC GS 15 ...... Mid-Atlantic (Philadelphia) Philadelphia, PA .... Regional Director ...... John G. Bravacos ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Elvis Solivan ...... SC GS 14 ...... Southeast (Atlanta) Atlanta, GA ...... Regional Director ...... John B. Wilkerson Jr...... SC GS 15 ...... Jacksonville, FL .... Field Office Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Columbia, SC ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Atlanta, GA ...... Special Projects Coordinator ...... Teresa J. Chappell ...... SC GS 15 ...... Midwest (Chicago) Chicago, IL ...... Regional Director ...... Joseph P. Galvan ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Southwest (Fort Worth) Fort Worth, TX ...... Regional Director ...... A. Cynthia Leon ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Regional Director ..... Margaret G. Lara ...... SC GS 14 ...... Great Plains (Kansas City) Kansas City, KS .... Regional Director ...... Macie L. Houston ...... SC GS 15 ...... Rocky Mountain (Denver) Denver, CO ...... Regional Director ...... John K. Carson ...... NA ES ...... Pacific/Hawaii (San Francisco) San Francisco, CA Regional Director ...... Richard K. Rainey ...... NA ES ...... Northwest/Alaska (Seattle) Seattle, WA ...... Regional Director ...... John W. Meyers ...... SC GS 15 ...... MISCELLANEOUS with


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Washington, DC .... Secretary ...... Dirk A. Kempthorne ...... PAS EX I ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Brian Waidmann ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff ...... Douglas Domenech ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Counselor to the Secretary ...... Michael L. Bogert ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Information Officer and Director Office Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... of Information Resources Management. Do ...... Science Advisor to the Secretary ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Senior Adviser to the Secretary for Alaskan ...... do ...... ES ...... Affairs. Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Secretary ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... R. Paul Gugino ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Director of Executive Secretariat and Office of Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Regulatory Affairs. Do ...... Director, External and Intergovernmental Af- Vacant ...... ES ...... fairs. Do ...... Associate Director, External and Intergovern- Ashley B. Carrigan ...... SC GS 14 ...... mental Affairs. Do ...... do ...... Katie R. Loovis ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Communications ...... Ernestine W. Kreisher ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Press Secretary ...... Shane Wolfe ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Communications .... Christopher M. Paolino ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Media Relations Specialist ...... Isabel M. Benemelis ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... White House Liaison ...... Mitchell Lowe ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Jack Wiley Westall ...... SC GS 9 ...... Fairbanks, AK ...... Special Assistant to the Secretary for Alaska Hans Neidig ...... SC GS 15 ...... Washington, DC .... Special Assistant for Alaskan Affairs ...... Ashley D. Banister ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant for Public Affairs ...... Thomas A. Hase ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Director of Scheduling and Advance ...... Christina M. Estrada ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant, Scheduling and Advance .... Joshua T. Mauthe ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Clifford A. Rosenberger ..... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Joseph M. Smith ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Patricia Connally ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... do ...... Kristen J. Sabella ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... William C. Allen ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Justin A. Kintz ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... do ...... Jeffrey Daker ...... SC GS 7 ...... OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY SECRETARY Do ...... Deputy Secretary of the Interior ...... P. Lynn Scarlett ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Counselor to the Deputy Secretary ...... Daniel Jorjani ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Deputy Secretary ...... James E. Cason ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Deputy Secretary ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Kameran Onley ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Executive Director, Office of Historical Trust Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Accounting. Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Historical Trust ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Accounting. Do ...... National Borderland Coordinator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Reid Schuster ...... SC GS 13 ...... OFFICE OF CONGRESSIONAL AND LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS Do ...... Director, Congressional and Legislative Af- Matthew Eames ...... NA ES ...... fairs. Do ...... Deputy Director, Congressional and Legisla- Robert G. Howarth ...... NA ES ...... tive Affairs. Do ...... Legislative Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE SPECIAL TRUSTEE FOR AMERICAN INDIANS Do ...... Special Trustee for American Indians ...... Ross O. Swimmer ...... PAS EX II ...... Albuquerque, NM .. Chief Information Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Special Trustee ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Special Trustee, Field Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Special Trustee, Trust Accountability ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Special Trustee, Trust Services ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Trust Records ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Trust Review and Audit ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Trust Program Management Center ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Regional Fiduciary Trust Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

NATIONAL INDIAN GAMING COMMISSION Washington, DC .... Chairman, National Indian Gaming Commis- Phillip N. Hogen ...... PAS EX IV ...... sion. Do ...... Associate Member, National Indian Gaming Norman H. Desrosiers ...... XS AD $139,600 ...... 01/28/10 Commission. Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... General Counsel ...... do ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... Penny Coleman ...... XS AD $158,500 ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Vacant ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff ...... do ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Director of Contracts ...... do ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Director ...... do ...... XS AD ...... OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR Do ...... Solicitor ...... David L. Bernhardt ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Solicitor ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Counsel and Special Assistant to the Jason P. Alberts ...... SC GS 15 ...... Solicitor. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... R. Matthew McKinney ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Associate Solicitor, Division of Parks and Robert C. Faber ...... NA ES ...... Wildlife. Do ...... Associate Solicitor, Mineral Resources ...... James D. Harris ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Solicitor, General Law ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Solicitor, Indian Affairs ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Associate Solicitor, Land and Water Re- ...... do ...... ES ...... sources. Anchorage, AK ...... Regional Solicitor, Alaska Region ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Atlanta, GA ...... Regional Solicitor, Atlanta ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Lakewood, CO...... Regional Solicitor, Rocky Mountain Region, ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Denver, Colorado. Newton, MA ...... Regional Solicitor, Boston ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Albuquerque, NM .. Regional Solicitor, Albuquerque ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Portland, OR ...... Regional Solicitor, Pacific Northwest Region, ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Portland. Los Angeles, CA .... Regional Solicitor, Pacific Southwest Region, ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Sacramento. Salt Lake City, UT Intermountain Regional Solicitor, Salt Lake Vacant ...... ES ...... City. OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL Washington, DC .... Inspector General ...... Earl E. Devaney ...... PAS EX IV ...... ASSISTANT SECRETARY - POLICY, MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Do ...... Assistant Secretary Policy Management and Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Budget. Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary, Monica A. Noe ...... NA ES ...... Policy, Management and Budget. Do ...... Special Assistant, Historic Preservation ...... Aimee Jorjani ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Information Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and Christopher B. Kearney ..... NA ES ...... International Affairs. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary, Human Capital, Paul D. Hoffman ...... NA ES ...... Performance and Partnerships. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary, Insular Affairs ... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Insular Affairs ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Wildland Fire Coordination Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Civil Rights ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Budget ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Budget ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Acquisition and Property Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Management. Do ...... Director, Office of Environmental Policy and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Compliance. Do ...... Director, Office of Policy Analysis ...... Christine Baglin ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Conservation, Partnerships and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Management Policy. Do ...... Director, Office of Planning and Performance ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Management. Do ...... Director, Natural Resources Damage Assess- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment and Restoration Program. Do ...... Director, Strategic Employee Development ...... do ...... CA ES ...... MISCELLANEOUS

Do ...... Principal Deputy Director, Office of Hearings ...... do ...... CA ES ......

with and Appeals. Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Environmental Pol- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... icy and Compliance. PRODPC74 on

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Washington, DC .... Deputy Director, Office of Policy Analysis ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director, Facility and Property ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Management. Do ...... Associate Director, Acquisition and Financial ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Assistance. Do ...... Assistant Director, Human Resource Systems ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Boise, ID ...... Project Director, Fire Program Analysis ...... Donna K. Scholz ...... TA ES ...... 12/23/09 Washington, DC .... Program Director, Financial and Business Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Management System. National Business Center Do ...... Director, National Business Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Denver, CO ...... Chief Information Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Chief Financial Advisor ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Appraiser ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Herndon, VA ...... Associate Director, Acquisition Services ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Lakewood, CO ...... Associate Director, Human Resources Direc- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... torate. Boise, ID ...... Associate Director, Aviation Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ASSISTANT SECRETARY - FISH AND WILDLIFE AND PARKS Washington, DC .... Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and R. Lyle Laverty Jr...... PAS EX IV ...... Parks. Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Janet R. Naughton ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant for Fish and Wildlife and Jennifer M. Klos ...... SC GS 12 ...... Parks. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary and Counselor to Vacant ...... ES ...... the Assistant Secretary. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fish and Kaush Arha ...... NA ES ...... Wildlife and Parks. Do ...... do ...... David M. Verhey ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Mitchell J. Butler ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... James A. Mosher ...... NA ES ...... Miami, FL ...... Executive Director, South Florida Ecosystem Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Restoration Task Force. Do ...... Director, Everglades Restoration Initiatives ...... do ...... CA ES ...... National Park Service Washington, DC .... Director, National Park Service ...... Mary Amelia Bomar ...... PAS EX V ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Director ...... Owen Mark Simcoe ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Support Services ...... Lindi Harvey ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Operations ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Director, Legislative and Congres- John T. Wolfe ...... SC GS 15 ...... sional Affairs. Do ...... Assistant Director, Business Services ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Director, Human Capital ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director, Visitor Resource and Pro- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tection. Do ...... Associate Director, Natural Resource ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Stewardship and Science. Do ...... Associate Director, Parks Planning, Facilities ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Lands. Do ...... Associate Director, Partnerships, Interpreta- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tion and Education, Volunteerism and Out- door Recreation. Do ...... Associate Director, Cultural Resources ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Regional Director, National Capital Region ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Philadelphia, PA .... Regional Director, Northeast Region ...... do ...... CA ES ...... San Francisco, CA Regional Director, Pacific West Area (San ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Francisco). Oak Ridge, TN ...... Superintendent, Great Smoky Mountain Na- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tional Park. Washington, DC .... Superintendent, National Mall and Memorial ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Parks. Boulder City, NV ... Park Manager (Superintendent), Lake Mead ...... do ...... CA ES ...... National Recreation Area. San Francisco, CA Park Manager (Superintendent) ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Moose, WY ...... Park Manager (Superintendent), Grand Teton ...... do ...... CA ES ...... National Park. Denver, CO ...... Manager, Denver Service Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... New York, NY...... Executive Director, National Parks of New ...... do ...... CA ES ...... York Harbor. Atlanta, GA ...... Regional Director, Southeast Area (Atlanta) ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Anchorage, AK ...... Regional Director, Alaska Area (Anchorage) .. Vacant ...... ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Omaha, NE ...... Regional Director, Midwest Area (Omaha) ..... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Denver, CO ...... Regional Director, Intermountain Area (Den- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ver). United States Fish and Wildlife Service Washington, DC .... Director, United States Fish and Wildlife Henry Dale Hall ...... PAS EX V ...... Service. Do ...... Deputy Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Arlington, VA ...... Special Assistant ...... Margaret Emma Hopkins .. SC GS 14 ...... Washington, DC.... Assistant Director, Information Resources Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... and Technology Management/Chief Infor- mation Officer. Do ...... Assistant Director, External Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Director, Business Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Operations. Do ...... Assistant Director, Budget, Planning and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Human Resources. Do ...... Assistant Director, Fisheries and Habitat ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Conservation. Do ...... Assistant Director, Endangered Species ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Director, International Affairs ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Director, Migratory Birds and State Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Programs. Do ...... Assistant Director, Sport Fish and Fish Res- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... toration Programs. Do ...... Assistant Director, National Wildlife Refuge ...... do ...... CA ES ...... System. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Director, Endangered Spe- Vacant ...... ES ...... cies. Do ...... Fish and Wildlife Advisor ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, National Conservation Training Vacant ...... ES ...... Center. Sacramento, CA ..... California/Nevada Operations Manager ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Portland, OR ...... Regional Director, Portland ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Minneapolis, MN ... Regional Director, Twin Cities ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Atlanta, GA ...... Regional Director, Atlanta ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Hadley, MA ...... Regional Director, Hadley ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Anchorage, AK ...... Regional Director, Anchorage ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Denver, CO ...... Regional Director, Denver ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Albuquerque, NM .. Regional Director, Albuquerque ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ASSISTANT SECRETARY - WATER AND SCIENCE Washington, DC .... Assistant Secretary for Water and Science ..... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary, ...... do ...... ES ...... Water and Science. Do ...... Science Advisor ...... Tara J. Conrad ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Water Vacant ...... ES ...... and Science. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary, Water and Tim R. Petty ...... NA ES ...... Science. Do ...... do ...... Brenda W. Burman ...... NA ES ...... Bureau of Reclamation Do ...... Commissioner Bureau of Reclamation ...... R.W. Johnson ...... PAS EX V ...... Denver, CO ...... Chief Information Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Chief, Congressional and Legislative Affairs Ryan Serote ...... SC GS 15 ...... Office. Do ...... Special Assistant (Communications and Leg- Carter L. Brown ...... SC GS 14 ...... islation). Do ...... Deputy Commissioner (Director of External Kris Polly ...... NA ES ...... and Intergovernmental Affairs). Do ...... Deputy Commissioner (Director, Operations) Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Commissioner, Program, Administra- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tion and Budget. Lakewood, CO ...... Director, Program and Policy Services ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Director, Program and Budget ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Denver, CO ...... Director, Administration ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Lakewood, CO ...... Director, Safety, Security, and Law Enforce- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment. Denver, CO ...... Director, Technical Resources ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Technical Services Center ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Washington, DC .... Deputy Director, Washington Operations ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ......

MISCELLANEOUS Boise, ID ...... Regional Director, Pacific Northwest Region ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Salt Lake City, UT Regional Director, Upper Colorado ...... do ...... CA ES ...... with Boulder City, NV ... Regional Director, Lower Colorado ...... do ...... CA ES ...... PRODPC74 on

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Billings, MT ...... Regional Director, Great Plains Region Bil- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... lings Mountains. Sacramento, CA ..... Regional Director, Mid-Pacific ...... do ...... CA ES ...... United States Geological Survey Reston, VA ...... Director, Geological Survey ...... Mark D. Myers ...... PAS EX V ...... ASSISTANT SECRETARY - LAND AND MINERALS MANAGEMENT Washington, DC .... Assistant Secretary, Land and Minerals Man- C. Stephen Allred ...... PAS EX IV ...... agement. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... James Ratliff ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Land Vacant ...... ES ...... and Minerals Management. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary, Land and Min- Foster L. Wade ...... NA ES ...... erals Management. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary, Land and Min- Julie A. Jacobson ...... NA ES ...... erals Management. Do ...... do ...... Michael D. Olsen ...... NA ES ...... Bureau of Land Management Do ...... Director, Bureau of Land Management ...... James L. Caswell ...... PAS EX V ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Charles Rigler ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Justin R. Hall ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... Luke Johnson ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Operations ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of the National Landscape ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Conservation System. Do ...... Director, Law Enforcement, Security and Pro- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tection. Denver, CO ...... Director, National Operations Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Assistant Director, Renewable Resources and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Planning. Do ...... Assistant Director, Business and Fiscal Re- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sources. Do ...... Assistant Director, Minerals, Realty and Re- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... source Protection. Do ...... Assistant Director, Fire and Aviation ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Director, Human Capital Manage- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment. Denver, CO ...... Assistant Director, Office of Information Re- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sources Management. Salt Lake City, UT State Director, Utah ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Santa Fe, NM ...... State Director, New Mexico ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Cheyenne, WY ...... State Director, Wyoming ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Reno, NV ...... State Director, Nevada ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... State Director, Eastern States ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Sacramento, CA ..... State Director, California ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Billings, MT ...... State Director, Montana ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Anchorage, AK ...... State Director, Alaska ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Portland, OR ...... State Director, Oregon ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Phoenix, AZ ...... State Director, Arizona ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Boise, ID ...... State Director, Idaho ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Denver, CO ...... State Director, Colorado ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Office of Surface Mining Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Surface Mining Reclama- Brent T. Wahlquist ...... PAS EX V ...... tion and Enforcement. Do ...... Special Assistant to the Director ...... Thomas D. Geoghegan ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Assistant Director for Finance and Adminis- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tration. Do ...... Assistant Director, Program Support ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... St. Louis, MO ...... Regional Director, Mid Continent Region ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Minerals Management Service Washington, DC .... Director, Minerals Management Service ...... Randall B. Luthi ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Holly Hopkins ...... SC GS 15 ...... Lakewood, CO ...... Senior Policy Advisor ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Deputy Director, Minerals Management Serv- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ice. Do ...... Deputy Director for Policy and Planning ...... Jon Andrew Hrobsky ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Administration and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Budget. Do ...... Associate Director for Offshore Minerals ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Management. Do ...... Associate Director for Minerals Revenue ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Management.

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Herndon, VA ...... Deputy Associate Director for Offshore Min- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... erals Management. Washington, DC .... Human Resources Project Leader ...... James N. Burckman ...... TA ES ...... 07/21/09 ASSISTANT SECRETARY - INDIAN AFFAIRS Do ...... Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Counselor to the Assistant Secretary ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Indian Vacant ...... ES ...... Affairs. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary, Management ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Self-Governance ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Indian Gaming Manage- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment. Do ...... Director, Indian Energy Resources Develop- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment. Albuquerque, NM .. Director, Office of Regulatory Management .... Michele Singer ...... TA ES ...... 03/03/10 Washington, DC.... Director, Facilities, Environmental, Safety Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... and Cultural Resources Management. Do ...... Director, Planning and Policy Analysis ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director of Human Capital Management ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Trust Reform Project Manager ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Budget Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Bureau of Indian Affairs Do ...... Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Fort Snelling, MN Director, Indian Land Consolidation Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Deputy Director, Justice Services ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Trust Services ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Indian Services ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Phoenix, AZ ...... Regional Director, Western Region ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Muskogee, OK ...... Regional Director, Eastern Oklahoma Region ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Anadarko, OK ...... Regional Director, Southern Plains Region ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Albuquerque, NM .. Regional Director, Southwest Region ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Portland, OR ...... Regional Director, Northwest Region ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Juneau, AK ...... Regional Director, Alaska Region ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Gallup, NM ...... Regional Director, Navajo Region ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Sacramento, CA ..... Regional Director, Pacific Region ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Minneapolis, MN ... Regional Director, Midwest Region ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Regional Director, Eastern Region ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Aberdeen, SD ...... Regional Director, Great Plains Region ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Billings, MT ...... Regional Director, Rocky Mountain Region .... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Bureau of Indian Education Washington, DC .... Director, Bureau of Indian Education ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Policy, Evaluation and Post ...... do ...... ES ...... Secondary Education. Do ...... Deputy Director, School Operations ...... do ...... ES ...... Albuquerque, NM .. Assistant Deputy Director, Administration ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Associate Deputy Director, Compliance, Moni- ...... do ...... ES ...... toring and Accountability. Do ...... Associate Deputy Director, West ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Flagstaff, AZ ...... Associate Deputy Director, Navajo ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... MISCELLANEOUS with


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Washington, DC .... Attorney General ...... Michael B. Mukasey ...... PAS EX I ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Brett C. Gerry ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff and Counselor to the Vacant ...... ES ...... Attorney General. Do ...... White House Liaison ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Counsel to the Attorney General ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Counsel ...... Evan A. Young ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Deputy White House Liaison ...... Angela N. Williamson ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Director of Scheduling and Advance ...... Lindsay Sweetin ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Attorney General ...... Dianna L. Dunne ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Catalina Cabral ...... SC GS 9 ...... OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL Do ...... Deputy Attorney General ...... Mark R. Filip ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Brian A. Benczkowski ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Deputy Attorney General ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... John A. Eisenberg ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Gil M. Soffer ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Chief Privacy and Civil Liberties Officer ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Privacy and Civil Liberties Officer ..... Kenneth P. Mortensen ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Counsel to the Deputy Attorney Gen- Mark D. Epley ...... SC GS 15 ...... eral. Do ...... Senior Counsel ...... Cornelius G. Gerst ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Counsel ...... Michael Stransky ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Trevor N. McFadden ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Director, Center for Faith-Based and Commu- Steven T. McFarland ...... NA ES ...... nity Initiatives. Do ...... Deputy Director ...... Miriam R. Moore ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Senior Legal Counsel ...... Robert Siedlecki Jr...... SC GS 15 ...... Criminal Division Do ...... Assistant Attorney General ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General ...... do ...... ES ...... and Chief of Staff. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Attorney General ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Sigal P. Mandelker ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Counsel ...... Matthew W. Friedrich ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Edward E. McNally ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Counselor to the Assistant Attorney General Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Policy and Legislation ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Vacant ...... ES ...... Task Forces, Fusion Center. Do ...... Deputy Director, Organized Crime Drug En- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... forcement Task Forces. Do ...... Director, Office of Enforcement Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of International Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of International Af- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... fairs. Do ...... Chief, Gang Squad ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Special Investigations ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Counsel for Domestic Security ...... John T. Morton ...... TA ES ...... 04/30/11 Do ...... Special Assistant for International Protocol ... Deborah Underhill ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Counsel ...... Benjamin S. Longlet ...... SC GS 15 ...... National Security Division Do ...... Assistant Attorney General ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General J. Patrick Rowan ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Attorney General ...... John C. Demers ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Chief, Counterespionage Section ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief, Counterterrorism Section ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Office of Legislative Affairs Do ...... Assistant Attorney General ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Keith B. Nelson ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Attorney General ...... Rebecca S. Seidel ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Robert N. Tracci ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Special Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Confidential Assistant ...... Jaclyn Donnelly ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Zachary R. Morgan ...... SC GS 7 ...... Office of Legal Counsel Do ...... Assistant Attorney General ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Attorney General ...... Steven Bradbury ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... John P. Elwood ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Steven A. Engel ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Elizabeth P. Papez ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Special Counsel ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Counsel ...... John R. Phillips ...... SC GS 15 ...... Office of Legal Policy Do ...... Assistant Attorney General ...... Elisebeth C. Cook ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Attorney General ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Counselor to the Assistant Attorney General Rachel K. Paulose ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Counsel ...... Daniel T. Fahner ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Counsel ...... Seth M. Wood ...... SC GS 15 ...... United States Parole Commission Chevy Chase, MD .. Chairman ...... Edward F. Reilly Jr...... PAS EX IV 6 Years 03/12/09 Do ...... Vice Chairman ...... Cranston J. Mitchell ...... PAS EX V 6 Years 03/12/09 Do ...... Parole Commissioner ...... Patricia K. Cushwa ...... PAS EX V 6 Years 12/11/10 Do ...... do ...... Isaac Fulwood Jr...... PAS EX V 6 Years 12/11/10 Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX V 6 Years Executive Office for United States Attorneys Washington, DC .... Director ...... Kenneth E. Melson ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Director ...... John A. Nowacki ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Counselor to the Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Director for Strategic Frank R. Shults ...... TA ES ...... 08/06/10 Planning. Birmingham, AL .... United States Attorney, Alabama, Northern Alice H. Martin ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. Montgomery, AL.... United States Attorney, Alabama, Middle Leura G. Canary ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. Mobile, AL ...... United States Attorney, Alabama, Southern Deborah Rhodes ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. Anchorage, AK ...... United States Attorney, Alaska ...... Vacant ...... PAS AD ...... Phoenix, AZ ...... United States Attorney, Arizona ...... Diane J. Humetewa ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... Little Rock, AR ...... United States Attorney, Arkansas, Eastern Vacant ...... PAS AD ...... District. Fort Smith, AR ...... United States Attorney, Arkansas, Western Robert C. Balfe ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. San Francisco, CA United States Attorney, California, Northern Joseph P. Russoniello ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. Sacramento, CA ..... United States Attorney, California, Eastern McGregor W. Scott ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. Los Angeles, CA .... United States Attorney, California, Central Thomas P. O’Brien ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. San Diego, CA ...... United States Attorney, California, Southern Vacant ...... PAS AD ...... District. Denver, CO ...... United States Attorney, Colorado ...... Troy A. Eid ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... New Haven, CT ..... United States Attorney, Connecticut ...... Vacant ...... PAS AD ...... Wilmington, DE ..... United States Attorney, Delaware ...... Colm F. Connolly ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... Washington, DC .... United States Attorney, District of Columbia Vacant ...... PAS AD ...... Tallahassee, FL ..... United States Attorney, Florida, Northern ...... do ...... PAS AD ...... District. Tampa, FL ...... United States Attorney, Florida, Middle Dis- ...... do ...... PAS AD ...... trict. Miami, FL...... United States Attorney, Florida, Southern R. Alexander Acosta ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. Atlanta, GA...... United States Attorney, Georgia, Northern David E. Nahmias ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. Macon, GA ...... United States Attorney, Georgia, Middle Dis- Frank M. Wood ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... trict. Savannah, GA...... United States Attorney, Georgia, Southern Edmund A. Booth Jr...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... MISCELLANEOUS District. with Agana, Guam ...... United States Attorney, Guam ...... Leonardo M. Rapadas ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... Honolulu, HI ...... United States Attorney, Hawaii ...... Edward H. Kubo Jr...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... Boise, ID ...... United States Attorney, Idaho ...... Thomas E. Moss ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Chicago, IL...... United States Attorney, Illinois, Northern Patrick Fitzgerald ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. Springfield, IL ...... United States Attorney, Illinois, Central Dis- Rodger A. Heaton ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... trict. Fairview Heights, United States Attorney, Illinois, Southern Vacant ...... PAS AD ...... IL District. Hammond, IN...... United States Attorney, Indiana, Northern ...... do ...... PAS AD ...... District. Indianapolis, IN..... United States Attorney, Indiana, Southern ...... do ...... PAS AD ...... District. Cedar Rapids, IA ... United States Attorney, Iowa, Northern Dis- ...... do ...... PAS AD ...... trict. Des Moines, IA ...... United States Attorney, Iowa, Southern Dis- Matthew G. Whitaker ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... trict. Wichita, KS ...... United States Attorney, Kansas ...... Eric F. Melgren ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... Lexington, KY...... United States Attorney, Kentucky, Eastern Vacant ...... PAS AD ...... District. Louisville, KY ...... United States Attorney, Kentucky, Western David L. Huber ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. New Orleans, LA ... United States Attorney, Louisiana, Eastern James B. Letten ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. Baton Rouge, LA ... United States Attorney, Louisiana, Middle David R. Dugas ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. Shreveport, LA ...... United States Attorney, Louisiana, Western Donald W. Washington ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. Portland, ME ...... United States Attorney, Maine ...... Vacant ...... PAS AD ...... Baltimore, MD ...... United States Attorney, Maryland ...... Rod J. Rosenstein ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... Boston, MA ...... United States Attorney, Massachusetts ...... Michael Sullivan ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... Detroit, MI ...... United States Attorney, Michigan, Eastern Vacant ...... PAS AD ...... District. Grand Rapids, MI.. United States Attorney, Michigan, Western ...... do ...... PAS AD ...... District. Minneapolis, MN ... United States Attorney, Minnesota ...... do ...... PAS AD ...... Oxford, MS ...... United States Attorney, Mississippi, Northern Jim M. Greenlee ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. Jackson, MS ...... United States Attorney, Mississippi, Southern Dunn Lampton ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. St. Louis, MO...... United States Attorney, Missouri, Eastern Catherine Hanaway ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. Kansas City, MO ... United States Attorney, Missouri, Western John F. Wood ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. Billings, MT ...... United States Attorney, Montana ...... William W. Mercer ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... Omaha, NE ...... United States Attorney, Nebraska ...... Joseph W. Stecher ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... Las Vegas, NV ...... United States Attorney, Nevada ...... Gregory A. Brower ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... Concord, NH ...... United States Attorney, New Hampshire ...... Thomas P. Colantuono ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... Newark, NJ ...... United States Attorney, New Jersey ...... Christopher J. Christie ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... Albuquerque, NM .. United States Attorney, New Mexico ...... Vacant ...... PAS AD ...... Syracuse, NY ...... United States Attorney, New York, Northern Glenn T. Suddaby ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. New York-Kings, United States Attorney, New York, Eastern Vacant ...... PAS AD ...... NY District. New York, NY ...... United States Attorney, New York, Southern Michael J. Garcia ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. Buffalo, NY ...... United States Attorney, New York, Western Terrance P. Flynn ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. Raleigh, NC...... United States Attorney, North Carolina, George Holding ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... Eastern District. Greensboro, NC ..... United States Attorney, North Carolina, Mid- Anna Mills S. Wagoner ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... dle District. Charlotte, NC...... United States Attorney, North Carolina, Gretchen C. F. Shappert ... PAS AD $149,000 ...... Western District. Fargo, ND ...... United States Attorney, North Dakota ...... Drew H. Wrigley ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... Cleveland, OH ...... United States Attorney, Ohio, Northern Dis- Vacant ...... PAS AD ...... trict. Dayton, OH ...... United States Attorney, Ohio, Southern Dis- Gregory G. Lockhart ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... trict. Tulsa, OK ...... United States Attorney, Oklahoma, Northern David E. O’Meilia ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. Muskogee, OK ...... United States Attorney, Oklahoma, Eastern Sheldon Jay Sperling ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. Oklahoma City, OK United States Attorney, Oklahoma, Western John C. Richter ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. Portland, OR ...... United States Attorney, Oregon ...... Karin J. Immergut ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... Philadelphia, PA .... United States Attorney, Pennsylvania, East- Vacant ...... PAS AD ...... ern District.

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Williamsport, PA ... United States Attorney, Pennsylvania, Middle Vacant ...... PAS AD ...... District. Pittsburgh, PA ...... United States Attorney, Pennsylvania, West- Mary Beth Buchanan ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... ern District. Hato Rey, Puerto United States Attorney, Puerto Rico ...... Vacant ...... PAS AD ...... Rico Providence, RI ...... United States Attorney, Rhode Island ...... Robert Corrente ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... Columbia, SC ...... United States Attorney, South Carolina ...... William W. Wilkins III ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... Sioux Falls, SD ...... United States Attorney, South Dakota ...... Martin J. Jackley ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... Knoxville, TN ...... United States Attorney, Tennessee, Eastern James R. Dedrick ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. Nashville, TN...... United States Attorney, Tennessee, Middle Edward M. Yarbrough ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. Memphis, TN ...... United States Attorney, Tennessee, Western Vacant ...... PAS AD ...... District. Fort Worth, TX ...... United States Attorney, Texas, Northern Dis- Richard B. Roper III ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... trict. Beaumont, TX ...... United States Attorney, Texas, Eastern Dis- Rebecca A. Gregory ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... trict. Houston, TX ...... United States Attorney, Texas, Southern Dis- Donald J. DeGabrielle ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... trict. San Antonio, TX .... United States Attorney, Texas, Western Dis- Johnny K. Sutton ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... trict. Salt Lake City, UT United States Attorney, Utah ...... Brett L. Tolman ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... Burlington, VT ...... United States Attorney, Vermont ...... Thomas D. Anderson ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... St. Croix, Virgin Is- United States Attorney, Virgin Islands ...... Anthony J. Jenkins ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... lands Alexandria, VA...... United States Attorney, Virginia, Eastern Charles P. Rosenberg ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. Roanoke, VA ...... United States Attorney, Virginia, Western Vacant ...... PAS AD ...... District. Spokane, WA ...... United States Attorney, Washington, Eastern James A. McDevitt ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. Seattle, WA ...... United States Attorney, Washington, Western Vacant ...... PAS AD ...... District. Wheeling, WV...... United States Attorney, West Virginia, Sharon L. Potter ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... Northern District. Charleston, WV..... United States Attorney, West Virginia, Vacant ...... PAS AD ...... Southern District. Milwaukee, WI ...... United States Attorney, Wisconsin, Eastern Steven M. Biskupic ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. Madison, WI ...... United States Attorney, Wisconsin, Western Erik C. Peterson ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... District. Cheyenne, WY ...... United States Attorney, Wyoming ...... Kelly H. Rankin ...... PAS AD $149,000 ...... San Antonio, TX .... Public Affairs Specialist ...... Shana C. Jones ...... SC GS 13 ...... Williamsport, PA ... Executive Assistant ...... Donald J. Turner ...... SC GS 11 ...... Omaha, NE ...... Secretary ...... Martha Glut ...... SC GS 10 ...... Mobile, AL ...... do ...... Victoria Burch ...... SC GS 10 ...... Concord, NH ...... do ...... Linda Tomlinson ...... SC GS 10 ...... Tulsa, OK ...... do ...... Nita Wittman ...... SC GS 10 ...... Wilmington, DE ...... do ...... Theresa Jordan ...... SC GS 10 ...... Executive Office for Immigration Review Falls Church, VA ... Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director of Operations, Board of Immigration ...... do ...... ES ...... Appeals. Office of the Pardon Attorney Washington, DC .... Pardon Attorney ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office of Public Affairs Do ...... Director ...... Brian Roehrkasse ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... Peter A. Carr ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Senior Counsel ...... Erik Ablin ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Carolyn M. Nelson ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Speech Writer ...... John A. Mitchell ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Public Affairs Specialist ...... Scot A. Montrey ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Senior Press Assistant ...... Melissa J. Middlesworth .... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Media Affairs Specialist ...... Evan Peterson ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Daniel P. Robles ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Press Assistant ...... Jamie L. Hais ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Kimberly H. McGuire ...... SC GS 7 ...... MISCELLANEOUS Office of Intergovernmental and Public

with Liaison

Do ...... Director ...... Jennifer Korn ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... Paul A. Hayden ...... SC GS 15 ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Associate Director ...... Julie Warren ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Research Assistant ...... Arthur V. Schwartz ...... SC GS 9 ...... National Drug Intelligence Center Johnstown, PA ...... Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Rule of Law Office Baghdad, Iraq ...... Rule of Law Coordinator ...... Philip H. Lynch ...... TA ES ...... 08/18/09 Do ...... Director, Law and Order Task Force ...... William V. Gallo ...... TA ES ...... 08/18/09 Do ...... Justice Attache´ ...... Larry Ferrell ...... TA ES ...... 10/16/08 OFFICE OF THE ASSOCIATE ATTORNEY GENERAL Washington, DC .... Associate Attorney General ...... Kevin J. O’Connor ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General Carl J. Nichols ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Associate Attorney General ...... John T. Battaglia ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Candace C. Cain ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Jesse Witten ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Counsel ...... Patrick J. Bumatay ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Lindsey M. De La Torre .... SC GS 13 ...... Antitrust Division Do ...... Assistant Attorney General ...... Thomas O. Barnett ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Attorney General ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... David L. Meyer ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... James J. O’Connell Jr...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Deborah A. Garza ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Econom- Vacant ...... ES ...... ics. Do ...... Director of Operations ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... New York, NY ...... Chief, New York Field Office ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Chicago, IL ...... Chief, Chicago Field Office ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Cleveland, OH ...... Chief, Cleveland Field Office ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Philadelphia, PA .... Chief, Philadelphia Field Office ...... do ...... CA ES ...... San Francisco, CA Chief, San Francisco Field Office ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Dallas, TX ...... Chief, Dallas Field Office ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Atlanta, GA ...... Chief, Atlanta Field Office ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Chief, Foreign Commerce Section ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief, National Criminal Enforcement Sec- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tion. Do ...... Director, Criminal Enforcement ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Chief, Litigation I Section ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief, Litigation II Section ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief, Litigation III Section ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Economic Litigation Section ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Legal Policy Section ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief, Legal Policy Section ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief, Competition Policy Section ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief, Appellate Section ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief, Networks and Technology Enforcement ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Section. Do ...... Chief of Staff and Counsel to the Assistant Hill B. Wellford III ...... SC GS 15 ...... Attorney General. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Paul D. Garrett ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Counsel to the Assistant Attorney General .... Anne Marie Cushmac ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Trent Luckinbill ...... SC GS 14 ...... Civil Division Do ...... Assistant Attorney General ...... Gregory G. Katsas ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey S. Bucholtz ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Attorney General ...... C. Frederick Beckner III ... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Jonathan F. Cohn ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... John C. O’Quinn ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Thomas H. Dupree Jr...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Appellate Staff ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Appellate Litigation Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Corporate/Financial Section ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Civil Fraud Section ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Intellectual Property Section ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, National Courts Section ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, National Courts Section ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Branch Director, Federal Programs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Litigation Counsel, Federal Programs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Branch Director, Federal Programs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Director, Aviation and Admiralty Section ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Constitutional and Specialized Tort ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Litigation Section. Do ...... Director, Environmental Tort Litigation Sec- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tion. Do ...... Director, Federal Tort Claims Act Section ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Appellate Section ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Federal District Court Section ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Civil Rights Division Do ...... Assistant Attorney General ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Lisa Krigsten ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Attorney General ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Grace Chung Becker ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Jessie K. Liu ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Un- Patrick Shen ...... PAS SL ...... 4 Years 11/12/11 fair Employment Practices. Do ...... Deputy Special Counsel for Immigration-Re- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... lated Unfair Employment Practices. Do ...... Chief Appellate Section ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Coordination and Review Section ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Criminal Section ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief, Disability Rights Section ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief, Educational Opportunities Section ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief, Employment Litigation Section ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Chief, Housing and Civil Enforcement Section Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief, Special Litigation Section ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief, Voting Section ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Counselor to the Voting Section Chief ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Counselor to the Assistant Attorney General Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Counsel to the Assistant Attorney General .... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Matt M. Dummermuth ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Louis C. Whitsett ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Counsel ...... Hilary J. Funk ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Norman A. MacLean ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant and Media Affairs Coordi- Cynthia J. Magnuson ...... SC GS 12 ...... nator. Environment and Natural Resources Division Do ...... Assistant Attorney General ...... Ronald J. Tenpas ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Michael J. Guzman ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Attorney General ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Ryan D. Nelson ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Counselor ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Chief, Policy, Legislation and Special Litiga- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tion Section. Do ...... Senior Counsel ...... Herman H. Ross ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Stuart J. Barks ...... SC GS 11 ...... Tax Division Do ...... Assistant Attorney General ...... Nathan J. Hochman ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Attorney General ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Christopher A. Jones ...... SC GS 7 ...... Office of Justice Programs Do ...... Assistant Attorney General ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Sahni Ambika ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Attorney General ...... Eric Holland ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Oper- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ations and Management. Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... General Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Bureau of Justice Statistics ...... Jeffrey Sedgwick ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Bureau of Justice Assistance ...... Domingo S. Herraiz ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Policy and Management ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director for Programs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Director, Bureau of Jus- Joel R. Pardue ...... SC GS 12 ...... MISCELLANEOUS tice Assistance. with Do ...... Director, National Institute of Justice ...... David W. Hagy ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Assistant Director, National Institute of Jus- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tice. PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Executive Science Advisor ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Darryl J. Fox ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Administrator, Office of Juvenile Justice and J. Robert Flores ...... PAS EX IV ...... Delinquency Prevention. Do ...... Deputy Administrator for Policy ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator ...... Gregory Harris ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office for Victims of Crime ...... John W. Gillis ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Director, Community Capacity Development Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office. Do ...... SMART Office Coordinator ...... Laura Rogers ...... NA ES ...... Community Relations Service Do ...... Director ...... Ondray T. Harris ...... PAS EX IV 4 Years 04/24/12 Do ...... Senior Counsel ...... Ryan Breitenbach ...... SC GS 15 ...... Foreign Claims Settlement Commission Do ...... Chairman ...... Mauricio J. Tamargo ...... PAS EX V 3 Years 09/30/09 Do ...... Member ...... Stephen C. King ...... PAS EX V 3 Years 09/30/08 Do ...... do ...... Rafael E. Martinez ...... PAS EX V 3 Years 09/30/10 Do ...... Special Assistant to the Chairman ...... Emily Hollenberg ...... SC GS 11 ...... Office on Violence Against Women Do ...... Director ...... Cynthia Dyer ...... PAS EX V ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Director ...... Kirsten Rowe Phillips ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Policy Advisor ...... Janis K. Langbein ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Claire Brickman ...... SC GS 12 ...... Executive Office for United States Trustees Do ...... Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Community Oriented Policing Services Do ...... Director ...... Carl R. Peed ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Matthew Miranda ...... SC GS 14 ...... Office of Information and Privacy Do ...... Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR GENERAL Do ...... Solicitor General ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Solicitor General ...... Gregory G. Garre ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Solicitor General ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Executive Assistant to the Solicitor General .. Janet Potter ...... SC GS 15 ...... OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL Do ...... Inspector General ...... Glenn A. Fine ...... PAS EX IV ...... FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Do ...... Director ...... Robert S. Mueller ...... PAS EX II 10 Years 09/03/11 DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION Do ...... Administrator ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator ...... Michele M. Leonhart ...... PAS EX V ...... Do ...... Director of Congressional Affairs ...... Eric J. Akers ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Congressional Liaison Specialist ...... Connor Flaherty ...... SC GS 11 ...... BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS AND EXPLOSIVES Do ...... Director ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Philip S. Kaplan ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Blake E. Lichty ...... SC GS 9 ...... UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE Arlington, VA ...... Director ...... John F. Clark ...... PAS EX IV ...... Washington, DC .... Deputy Director ...... Brian R. Beckwith ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Arlington, VA ...... Director, United States National Central Bu- Vacant ...... ES ...... 2 Years reau of Interpol. Birmingham, AL .... U.S. Marshal, Alabama, Northern District ..... Chester M. Keely ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Montgomery, AL .... U.S. Marshal, Alabama, Middle District ...... Jesse Seroyer Jr...... PAS GS 15 ...... Mobile, AL ...... U.S. Marshal, Alabama, Southern District ..... William S. Taylor ...... PAS GS 15 ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Anchorage, AK ...... U.S. Marshal, Alaska ...... Randy M. Johnson ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Phoenix, AZ ...... U.S. Marshal, Arizona ...... David P. Gonzales ...... PAS SL ...... Little Rock, AR ...... U.S. Marshal, Arkansas, Eastern District ...... Robert G. Howard Jr...... PAS GS 15 ...... Fort Smith, AR ...... U.S. Marshal, Arkansas, Western District ...... Richard J. O’Connell ...... PAS GS 15 ...... San Francisco, CA U.S. Marshal, California, Northern District ... Federico L. Rocha ...... PAS SL ...... Sacramento, CA ..... U.S. Marshal, California, Eastern District ..... Antonio C. Amador ...... PAS SL ...... Los Angeles, CA .... U.S. Marshal, California, Central District ...... Adam N. Torres ...... PAS SL ...... San Diego, CA ...... U.S. Marshal, California, Southern District ... Vacant ...... PAS SL ...... Denver, CO ...... U.S. Marshal, Colorado ...... Edward Zahren ...... PAS SL ...... New Haven, CT ..... U.S. Marshal, Connecticut ...... John F. Bardelli ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Wilmington, DE ..... U.S. Marshal, Delaware ...... David W. Thomas ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Washington, DC.... U.S. Marshal, Washington D.C., District George B. Walsh ...... PAS SL ...... Court. Do ...... U.S. Marshal, Washington D.C., Superior Vacant ...... PAS SL ...... Court. Tallahassee, FL ..... U.S. Marshal, Florida, Northern District ...... Dennis A. Williamson ...... PAS SL ...... Tampa, FL ...... U.S. Marshal, Florida, Middle District ...... Thomas D. Hurlburt Jr. .... PAS SL ...... Miami, FL ...... U.S. Marshal, Florida, Southern District ...... Christina Pharo ...... PAS SL ...... Atlanta, GA ...... U.S. Marshal, Georgia, Northern District ...... Richard V. Mecum ...... PAS SL ...... Macon, GA ...... U.S. Marshal, Georgia, Middle District ...... Vacant ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Savannah, GA ...... U.S. Marshal, Georgia, Southern District ...... James T. Roberts Jr...... PAS GS 15 ...... Honolulu, HI ...... U.S. Marshal, Hawaii ...... Mark H. Hanohano ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Boise, ID ...... U.S. Marshal, Idaho ...... Patrick E. McDonald ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Chicago, IL ...... U.S. Marshal, Illinois, Northern District ...... Kim R. Widup ...... PAS SL ...... Springfield, IL ...... U.S. Marshal, Illinois, Central District ...... Steven D. Deatherage ...... PAS GS 15 ...... East St. Louis, IL .. U.S. Marshal, Illinois, Southern District ...... Donald Slazinik ...... PAS GS 15 ...... South Bend, IN ...... U.S. Marshal, Indiana, Northern District ...... David R. Murtaugh ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Indianapolis, IN ..... U.S. Marshal, Indiana, Southern District ...... Peter M. Swaim ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Cedar Rapids, IA ... U.S. Marshal, Iowa, Northern District ...... Timothy A. Junker ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Des Moines, IA ...... U.S. Marshal, Iowa, Southern District ...... Charles E. Beach ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Topeka, KS ...... U.S. Marshal, Kansas ...... Walter R. Bradley ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Lexington, KY ...... U.S. Marshal, Kentucky, Eastern District ...... Vacant ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Louisville, KY ...... U.S. Marshal, Kentucky, Western District ..... Ronald R. McCubbin Jr. .... PAS GS 15 ...... Shreveport, LA ...... U.S. Marshal, Louisiana, Western District ..... William R. Whittington ..... PAS GS 15 ...... Baton Rouge, LA ... U.S. Marshal, Louisiana, Middle District ...... William C. Jenkins ...... PAS GS 15 ...... New Orleans, LA ... U.S. Marshal, Louisiana, Eastern District ...... Michael D. Credo ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Portland, ME ...... U.S. Marshal, Maine ...... David D. Viles ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Baltimore, MD ...... U.S. Marshal, Maryland ...... Johnny L. Hughes ...... PAS SL ...... Boston, MA ...... U.S. Marshal, Massachusetts ...... Vacant ...... PAS SL ...... Detroit, MI ...... U.S. Marshal, Michigan, Eastern District ...... Robert M. Grubbs ...... PAS SL ...... Grand Rapids, MI .. U.S. Marshal, Michigan, Western District ...... Vacant ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Minneapolis, MN ... U.S. Marshal, Minnesota ...... Michael G. McGinn ...... PAS SL ...... Oxford, MS ...... U.S. Marshal, Mississippi, Northern District Larry W. Wagster ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Jackson, MS ...... U.S. Marshal, Mississippi, Southern District Nehemiah Flowers Jr...... PAS GS 15 ...... St. Louis, MO ...... U.S. Marshal, Missouri, Eastern District ...... Ronald Henderson ...... PAS SL ...... Kansas City, MO ... U.S. Marshal, Missouri, Western District ...... Charles M. Sheer ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Billings, MT ...... U.S. Marshal, Montana ...... Dwight MacKay ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Omaha, NE ...... U.S. Marshal, Nebraska ...... Vacant ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Las Vegas, NV ...... U.S. Marshal, Nevada ...... Gary D. Orton ...... PAS SL ...... Concord, NH ...... U.S. Marshal, New Hampshire ...... Stephen R. Monier ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Newark, NJ ...... U.S. Marshal, New Jersey ...... James T. Plousis ...... PAS SL ...... Albuquerque, NM .. U.S. Marshal, New Mexico ...... Gorden E. Eden Jr...... PAS SL ...... Syracuse, NY ...... U.S. Marshal, New York, Northern District ... James J. Parmley ...... PAS GS 15 ...... New York-Kings, U.S. Marshal, New York, Eastern District ..... Eugene J. Corcoran ...... PAS SL ...... NY New York, NY ...... U.S. Marshal, New York, Southern District ... Joseph R. Guccione ...... PAS SL ...... Buffalo, NY ...... U.S. Marshal, New York, Western District ..... Peter A. Lawrence ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Raleigh, NC ...... U.S. Marshal, North Carolina, Eastern Dis- Vacant ...... PAS GS 15 ...... trict. Greensboro, NC ..... U.S. Marshal, North Carolina, Middle District Harlon E. Costner ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Charlotte, NC ...... U.S. Marshal, North Carolina, Western Dis- Patrick C. Smith Sr...... PAS GS 15 ...... trict. Fargo, ND ...... U.S. Marshal, North Dakota ...... David S. Carpenter ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Cleveland, OH ...... U.S. Marshal, Ohio, Northern District ...... Peter J. Elliott ...... PAS SL ...... Cincinnati, OH ...... U.S. Marshal, Ohio, Southern District ...... James M. Wahlrab ...... PAS SL ...... Tulsa, OK ...... U.S. Marshal, Oklahoma, Northern District ... Timothy D. Welch ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Muskogee, OK ...... U.S. Marshal, Oklahoma, Eastern District ..... John W. Loyd ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Oklahoma City, OK U.S. Marshal, Oklahoma, Western District .... Michael W. Roach ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Portland, OR ...... U.S. Marshal, Oregon ...... Dennis C. Merrill ...... PAS SL ...... Philadelphia, PA .... U.S. Marshal, Pennsylvania, Eastern District Gary E. Shovlin ...... PAS SL ...... Harrisburg, PA ...... U.S. Marshal, Pennsylvania, Middle District Michael R. Regan ...... PAS SL ...... Pittsburgh, PA ...... U.S. Marshal, Pennsylvania, Western District Thomas M. Fitzgerald ...... PAS GS 15 ......

MISCELLANEOUS San Juan, Puerto U.S. Marshal, Puerto Rico ...... Esteban Soto III ...... PAS SL ......

Rico with Providence, RI ...... U.S. Marshal, Rhode Island ...... Burton Stallwood ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Columbia, SC ...... U.S. Marshal, South Carolina ...... Johnny Mack Brown ...... PAS SL ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Sioux Falls, SD ...... U.S. Marshal, South Dakota ...... Warren D. Anderson ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Knoxville, TN ...... U.S. Marshal, Tennessee, Eastern District ..... Arthur J. Hedden ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Nashville, TN ...... U.S. Marshal, Tennessee, Middle District ...... Denny W. King ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Memphis, TN ...... U.S. Marshal, Tennessee, Western District .... David G. Jolley ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Dallas, TX ...... U.S. Marshal, Texas, Northern District ...... Randy P. Ely ...... PAS SL ...... Tyler, TX ...... U.S. Marshal, Texas, Eastern District ...... John L. Moore ...... PAS SL ...... Houston, TX ...... U.S. Marshal, Texas, Southern District ...... Ruben Monzon ...... PAS SL ...... San Antonio, TX .... U.S. Marshal, Texas, Western District ...... Lafayette Collins ...... PAS SL ...... Salt Lake City, UT U.S. Marshal, Utah ...... Randall D. Anderson ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Burlington, VT ...... U.S. Marshal, Vermont ...... John R. Edwards ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Alexandria, VA ...... U.S. Marshal, Virginia, Eastern District ...... John R. Hackman ...... PAS SL ...... Roanoke, VA ...... U.S. Marshal, Virginia, Western District ...... George W. Pike ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Spokane, WA ...... U.S. Marshal, Washington, Eastern District .. Michael L. Kline ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Seattle, WA ...... U.S. Marshal, Washington, Western District William J. Hawe ...... PAS SL ...... Clarksburg, WV ..... U.S. Marshal, West Virginia, Northern Dis- J. C. Raffety ...... PAS GS 15 ...... trict. Charleston, WV ..... U.S. Marshal, West Virginia, Southern Dis- Vacant ...... PAS GS 15 ...... trict. Milwaukee, WI ...... U.S. Marshal, Wisconsin, Eastern District ...... do ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Madison, WI ...... U.S. Marshal, Wisconsin, Western District .... Stephen G. Fitzgerald ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Cheyenne, WY ...... U.S. Marshal, Wyoming ...... James A. Rose ...... PAS GS 15 ...... Agana, Guam ...... U.S. Marshal, Guam ...... Vacant ...... PAS GS 15 ...... FEDERAL BUREAU OF PRISONS Washington, DC .... Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, National Institute of Corrections ..... Morris L. Thigpen ...... NA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Washington, DC .... Secretary of Labor ...... Elaine L. Chao ...... PAS EX I ...... Do ...... Executive Assistant to the Secretary ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Associate Deputy Secretary ...... Laura Genero ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director of Operations ...... Susan Thigpen ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director of Field Operations ...... Alden Ream Sanborn III ... SC GS 11 ...... Office of the Deputy Secretary Do ...... Deputy Secretary of Labor ...... Howard M. Radzely ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Associate Deputy Secretary ...... Mala Krishnamoorti ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Tamara Somerville ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Small Business Programs .. Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Counselor to the Deputy Secretary ...... Nicholas Geale ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Christopher R. Ridley ...... SC GS 11 ...... Chief of Staff Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff ...... Andrew Schauder ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Counselor in the Office of the Secretary ...... Donald R. Owen ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Kristie Nordstrom ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Jeanette Cotter ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Adrienne R. Cumbus ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Christopher Martin SC GS 7 ...... McGuinn. Office of Job Corps Do ...... Administrator, Office of Job Corps ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office of the 21st Century Workforce Do ...... Director, 21st Century Office and Deputy As- Karen M. Czarnecki ...... NA ES ...... sistant Secretary for Intergovernmental Af- fairs. Do ...... Deputy Director, 21st Century Workforce ...... Bettye B. Samuels ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Alan R. Severson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Silvia Pavia ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Colin Gowan ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Stanley C. Dennison ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Leah Lattimer ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... do ...... Emily Unger ...... SC GS 7 ...... Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Do ...... Director, Office of Faith Based and Commu- Rhett Thomas Butler ...... NA ES ...... nity Initiatives. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Kristin Fortin ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... Scott H. Shortenhaus ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Kimberlee Ross ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... do ...... Erica H. Pelman ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... do ...... Christopher Stio ...... SC GS 12 ...... Executive Secretariat Do ...... Executive Secretary ...... Ruth D. Knouse ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Executive Secretary ...... Allaire D. Williams ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Agency Liaison Officer ...... David McFadden ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Steve D. Hampton ...... SC GS 9 ...... Scheduling and Advance Do ...... Director of Planning, Scheduling, and Ad- Amy D. Barrera ...... NA ES ...... vance. Do ...... Deputy Director of Scheduling ...... Jennifer G. Sauer ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Director of Events ...... Sandra Lehrer ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Brittany Balmer ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... do ...... Brian C. Bartlett ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Advance Representative ...... Sarah Obenour ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Jeffrey Pirro ...... SC GS 9 ...... Office of the White House Liaison Do ...... White House Liaison ...... George Bryan Slater ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Stephanie Terek ...... SC GS 11 ...... Public Liaison Do ...... Associate Deputy Secretary ...... Anna S. Hui ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Brett Melvin ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Dan Carter ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Kevin D. Schwalb ...... SC GS 15 ......

MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... do ...... James V. Barcia ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Brian W. Schoeneman ...... SC GS 14 ...... with Do ...... do ...... Misty L. Church ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Tina Wei ...... SC GS 7 ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

BUREAU OF INTERNATIONAL LABOR AFFAIRS Washington, DC .... Deputy Under Secretary for International Af- Charlotte Ponticelli ...... NA ES ...... fairs. Do ...... Associate Deputy Under Secretary for Inter- Larry W. Casey ...... NA ES ...... national Affairs. Do ...... Director, Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Human Trafficking. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Stephen Thompson ...... SC GS 14 ...... BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS Do ...... Commissioner of Labor Statistics ...... H. Keith Hall ...... PAS EX IV 4 Years EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SECURITY ADMINISTRATION Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Employee Benefits Se- Bradford P. Campbell ...... PAS EX IV ...... curity. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy ...... Alice Joe ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Economist and Director of Policy and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Research. Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Thomas B. Alexander ...... SC GS 15 ...... EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Employment Stand- Victoria A. Lipnic ...... PAS EX IV ...... ards. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Employment Dixon Mark Wilson ...... NA ES ...... Standards. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations .... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Nicolee W. Ambrose ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Kimberly Essary ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Joanne Butler ...... SC GS 15 ...... Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Federal Con- Charles James ...... NA ES ...... tract Compliance. Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Federal Contract David Lewis Frank ...... NA ES ...... Compliance Programs. Do ...... Director, Division of Policy, Planning and Vacant ...... ES ...... Program Development. New York, NY ...... Regional Director for Office of Federal Con- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tract Compliance Programs. Atlanta, GA ...... Regional Director for Office of Federal Con- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tracts Compliance Programs. Chicago, IL ...... Regional Director for Office of Federal Con- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tract Compliance Programs. San Francisco, CA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Division of Program Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Brian D. Lalli ...... SC GS 11 ...... Office of Labor-Management Standards Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Labor-Man- Don Todd ...... NA ES ...... agement Programs. Do ...... Regional Director (Southern) ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Chicago, IL ...... Regional Director (Central) ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Philadelphia, PA .... Regional Director (Northeastern) ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Regional Director (Western) ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Sean P. Redmond ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Earl Don Loos ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... R. Christian Berg ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Nathan Paul Mehrens ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... do ...... Marvin Kaplan ...... SC GS 13 ...... Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs Do ...... Director, Office of Workers’ Compensation Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Programs. Do ...... Deputy Director for Office of Workers’ Com- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... pensation Programs. Wage and Hour Division Do ...... Wage and Hour Administrator ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX V ...... Do ...... Deputy Wage and Hour Administrator ...... Alexander J. Passantino .... NA ES ...... Philadelphia, PA .... Regional Administrator for Wage and Hour ... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Atlanta, GA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Chicago, IL ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Dallas, TX ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

San Francisco, CA Regional Administrator for Wage and Hour ... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Deputy Wage and Hour Administrator for En- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... forcement. Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... David A. Prather ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Todd F. Dupler ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Thomas F. Haselden ...... SC GS 14 ...... EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Employment and Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Training. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Brent Orrell ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Administrator, Office of Policy Development, ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Evaluation and Research. Do ...... Administrator, Apprenticeship and Training, ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Employee and Labor Services. Do ...... Administrator, Office of National Response ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Administrator, Office of Workforce Invest- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment. Do ...... Administrator, Office of Workforce Security ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Administrator, Office of Foreign Labor Cer- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tification. Do ...... Administrator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Boston, MA ...... Regional Administrator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Philadelphia, PA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Atlanta, GA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Chicago, IL ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Dallas, TX ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... San Francisco, CA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Chief Learning Officer ...... Eileen M. Walsh ...... TA ES ...... 04/18/09 Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Erika L. Baum ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Daniel J. Murphy ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... William A. Sanders Jr...... SC GS 15 ...... MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Arlington, VA...... Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety and Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Health. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Richard E. Stickler ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... John P. Pallasch ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Administrator for Metal and Nonmetal ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator for Metal and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Nonmetal. Do ...... Administrator for Coal Mine Safety and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Health. Do ...... Deputy Administrator for Coal Mine Safety ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Health. Do ...... Director, Educational Policy and Development ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Standards, Regulation and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Variances. Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Andrew M. Madden ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Douglas Charles Austin ..... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Jeff Ladik ...... SC GS 12 ...... OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Washington, DC .... Assistant Secretary for Occupational Safety Edwin G. Foulke Jr...... PAS EX IV ...... and Health. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Thomas M. Stohler ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director of Information Technology ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director of Construction ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Directorate of Enforcement Pro- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... grams. Des Plaines, IL ...... Director, Office of Training and Education ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Boston, MA ...... Regional Administrator, Boston ...... do ...... CA ES ...... New York, NY ...... Regional Administrator, New York ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Philadelphia, PA .... Regional Administrator, Philadelphia ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Atlanta, GA ...... Regional Administrator, Atlanta ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Chicago, IL ...... Safety and Health Administrator, Chicago ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Dallas, TX ...... Regional Administrator, Dallas ...... do ...... CA ES ......

MISCELLANEOUS Kansas City, MO... Safety and Health Administrator, Kansas ...... do ...... CA ES ...... City. with Denver, CO ...... Regional Administrator, Denver ...... do ...... CA ES ...... San Francisco, CA Regional Administrator, San Francisco ...... do ...... CA ES ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Seattle, WA ...... Regional Administrator, Seattle ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Special Assistant ...... Matthew Scott Miller ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Gabriel L. Sierra ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Aaron L. Taylor ...... SC GS 13 ...... OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Administration and Patrick Pizzella ...... PAS EX IV ...... Management. Do ...... Deputy Chief Information Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... George J. Hittner ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Bruce B. McElvein ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Terrance J. Wear ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Chief Information Of- Cesar Deguzman ...... SC GS 14 ...... ficer. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Frank Vincent Vernuccio ... SC GS 11 ...... OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR POLICY Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Policy ...... Leon R. Sequeira ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy ...... Deborah Misir ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy (Oper- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ations and Analysis). Do ...... Director, Office of Compliance Assistance Pol- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... icy. Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... John Britton ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Porter Montgomery ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Christopher Bailey ...... SC GS 9 ...... OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... Douglas Webster ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Financial Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Deputy Chief Financial Officer for ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Office of Fiscal Integrity. Do ...... Associate Deputy Chief Financial Officer for ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Financial Systems. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Virginia M. Green ...... SC GS 15 ...... OFFICE OF CONGRESSIONAL AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Kristine A. Iverson ...... PAS EX IV ...... Intergovernmental Affairs. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Congressional Geoffrey Burr ...... NA ES ...... Affairs. Do ...... Senior Legislative Officer ...... Sarah F. Pierce ...... SC GS 15 ...... New York, NY ...... Regional Representative ...... Angelica O. Tang ...... SC GS 15 ...... Chicago, IL ...... do ...... Robert L. Athey ...... SC GS 15 ...... Denver, CO ...... do ...... Rick L. Collins ...... SC GS 15 ...... Los Angeles, CA ...... do ...... Marina Tse ...... SC GS 15 ...... Seattle, WA ...... do ...... W. Walter Liang ...... SC GS 15 ...... Philadelphia, PA ...... do ...... Patrick J. Marano ...... SC GS 15 ...... Des Moines, IA ...... do ...... Everett John Rife Jr...... SC GS 14 ...... Washington, DC .... Senior Legislative Officer ...... James J. Wheeler ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Suzanne Morgan ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Intergovernmental Officer ...... Daniel John Sadowski ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Legislative Officer ...... Ann Carmichael ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Eric D. Snyder ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Intergovernmental Assistant ...... Timothy J. Nichol ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Legislative Assistant ...... Natalie V. Farr ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Arthur M. Love ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Ronald Herbison ...... SC GS 7 ...... OFFICE OF DISABILITY EMPLOYMENT POLICY Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Disability Employ- Neil Romano ...... PAS EX IV ...... ment Policy. Do ...... Director, Office of Policy and Research ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Robert C. Brostrom ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Loretta M. Herrington ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... William F. Parker Jr...... SC GS 14 ...... OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL Do ...... Inspector General ...... Gordon S. Heddell ...... PAS EX IV ...... OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs ...... David William James ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Jennifer L. Coxe ...... NA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Richard M. Manning ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Patricia K. Hinshaw ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Matthew Faraci ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Speechwriter ...... Ken Masugi ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Sharon H. Worthy ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Terry Shawn ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Loren Smith Jr...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Otto Heck ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Jason Coleman ...... SC GS 7 ...... OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR Do ...... Solicitor of Labor ...... Gregory F. Jacob ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Solicitor of Labor ...... Jonathan L. Snare ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Solicitor (National Operations) ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Solicitor (Regional Operations) ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Attorney Adviser ...... Cynthia M. McKnight ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Attorney Adviser ...... Gregory J. White ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Laura A. Palmer ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Amanda Strainis Walker ... SC GS 14 ...... VETERANS’ EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SERVICE Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Veterans Employment Charles S. Ciccolella ...... PAS EX IV ...... and Training. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... William L. Offutt ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... James B. Wilkinson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Ramona Ely ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Kathi D. Ladner ...... SC GS 14 ...... WOMEN’S BUREAU Do ...... Director of the Women’s Bureau ...... Shinae Chun ...... PAS SL ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Elizabeth B. Hicks ...... SC GS 15 ...... MISCELLANEOUS with


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Washington, DC .... Secretary of State ...... Condoleezza Rice ...... PAS EX I ...... Do ...... Deputy Secretary ...... John D. Negroponte ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Chief of Protocol ...... Nancy G. Brinker ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Ambassador-At-Large (War Crimes) ...... John Clint Williamson ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... HIV/AIDS Coordinator ...... Mark Dybul ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Resource Manage- Bradford Higgins ...... PAS EX IV ...... ment. Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Brian Gunderson ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Protocol ...... Raymond Martinez ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Charity N. Wallace ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Brian R. Besanceney ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Counselor ...... Eliot Cohen ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy to the Ambassador-At-Large ...... Sandra L. Hodgkinson ...... TA ES ...... 08/13/09 Do ...... Special Envoy for Eurasian Energy Diplo- B. Clayland Gray ...... NA ES ...... macy. Do ...... Foreign Affairs Officer (Visits) ...... Bryan Langley ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Myron Meche ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Foreign Affairs Officer (Ceremonials) ...... Amy Little ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Colby James Cooper ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Milbert Shin ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Director of Communications ...... Kristin Pugh ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff ...... Ruth E. Elliott ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Kathryn Ballenger ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Tiffany Divis ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Supervisory Protocol Officer (Visits) ...... Matthew Wendel ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Protocol Officer ...... Dawn Dianne Owen ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Assistant Manager, President’s Guest House Ann Dorr ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Protocol Officer (Visits) ...... Yale Speegle Scott ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Andrew McGarrity ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Veronica Ruano ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Protocol Officer ...... John Pearson ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Jason Gorey ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Protocol Officer ...... Jennifer Lynn Buntin ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Aimee Violette ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Protocol Assistant ...... Sarah Bess Rickman ...... SC GS 7 ...... Office of the Foreign Policy Planning Staff Do ...... Director, Policy Planning Staff ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director (Principal) ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Todd Deatherage ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Janelle B. Carter ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Policy Advisor and Chief Speechwriter ...... Christian Brose ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Daniel Charles Twining ..... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Paul V. Lettow ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Whit Wolman ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Catherine Elise Jordan ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Dagmara K. Tchalakov ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Daniel J. Feith ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... do ...... Peter Surprenant ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... do ...... Dorothy Marie Tyler ...... SC GS 7 ...... Office of Civil Rights Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Equal Employ Vacant ...... ES ...... Opportunity. Do ...... Director (Assistant Secretary Equivalent) ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office of the Deputy Secretary Do ...... Deputy Director, Operations ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Office of the Director of Foreign Assistance Do ...... Director, Office of Foreign Missions ...... do ...... EX ...... Do ...... Director of Foreign Assistance ...... Henrietta H. Fore ...... TA ES ...... 01/19/09 Do ...... Office Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism Do ...... Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism ...... Dell Dailey ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Coordinator ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Office of the Policy Planning Council Do ...... Deputy Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office of the Counselor Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Kenneth Meyer ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Elyse Braner ...... SC GS 9 ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Office of Legislative Affairs Washington, DC .... Assistant Secretary for Legislative and Inter- Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... governmental Affairs. Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Matthew Reynolds ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Joel E. Starr ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Bruce Brown ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Legislative Management Officer ...... Henry Robert Nickel ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Legislative Management Officer (Staff Direc- Scott Kamins ...... SC GS 15 ...... tor). Do ...... Legislative Management Officer ...... James Hagan ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Charles Faulkner ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Cindy Chang ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Susan S. Yang ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... do ...... Susan Sheybani ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Jennifer Daniels ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Legislative Analyst ...... Abby K. Pitlick ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Legislative Management Officer ...... Edward Sanders ...... SC GS 7 ...... Office of the Legal Adviser Do ...... Legal Adviser ...... John B. Bellinger III ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Legal Adviser ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Legal Adviser ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Legal Adviser ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Legal Adviser ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Daniel P. Kearney ...... SC GS 15 ...... Office of the Inspector General Do ...... Inspector General ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Counsel to the Inspector General ...... Erich O. Hart ...... TA ES ...... 04/07/09 Do ...... Assistant Inspector General ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Bureau of Intelligence and Research Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Re- Randall M. Fort ...... PAS EX IV ...... search. Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Strategic and Proliferation Affairs ... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Office Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Analysis for Inter-Amer- Vacant ...... ES ...... ican Affairs. Do ...... Office Director ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Office Director, Office of Analysis for Inter- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... American Affairs. Do ...... Office Director, Office of Research ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Analysis for Terrorism ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Office Director, Analysis for Western Europe, Vacant ...... ES ...... Canada. Do ...... Executive Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Geographer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Economist ...... do ...... CA ES ...... MISCELLANEOUS with


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Office of the Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Washington, DC .... Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and James K. Glassman ...... PAS EX III ...... Public Affairs. Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs ...... Sean I. McCormack ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Assistant Secretary of Educational and Cul- Goli Y. Ameri ...... PAS EX IV ...... tural Affairs. Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Teresa Dean ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Pamela Stevens ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Thomas Farrell ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Professional Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Exchanges. Do ...... Office Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of International Visitors ...... Bradford J. Minnick ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Office Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Historian ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Executive Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Managing Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief, Voluntary Visitors Division ...... Lucy Weber ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Office Director ...... Cheryl C. Nolan ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Mark Busse ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Nina Bishop ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Thomas Fitzgerald ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Gavin P. Gamber ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Susan Phalen ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Andrea L. McDaniel ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Public Affairs Specialist ...... Joseph David Snider ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Gordon D. Johndroe ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Heath Kern ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Eric W. Terrell ...... SC GS 15 ...... New York, NY ...... do ...... Salvatore Scrimenti ...... SC GS 15 ...... Washington, DC .... Program Officer ...... Barbara Chase ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Public Affairs Specialist ...... Maguerite England ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Foreign Affairs Officer ...... Algirdas Silas ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... Daniel Turner ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Emily A. House ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Public Affairs Specialist ...... Melissa Price ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Julia Gomez-Nelson ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Jennifer Ann Crall ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Public Affairs Specialist ...... Edward W. Buckley IV ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Melissa Carson ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... A. Morgan Middlemas ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Jennifer Lynn Veerman ..... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Natalie M. Rutherford ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Jacob Blane Roskelley ...... SC GS 7 ...... Office of the Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs Do ...... Under Secretary for Global Affairs ...... Paula J. Dobriansky ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Population, Refugees Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... and Migration. Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Democracy Human David Joshua Kramer ...... PAS EX IV ...... Rights and Labor. Do ...... Ambassador-At-Large for International Reli- John Van Hanford ...... PAS EX IV ...... gious Freedom. Do ...... Assistant Secretary, Oceans, International Claudia A. McMurray ...... PAS EX IV ...... Environment and Science Affairs. Do ...... Director, Office to Monitor and Combat Traf- Mark Lagon ...... PAS EX IV ...... ficking in Persons. Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environment ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Natural Resources. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Oceans ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Kelly Ryan ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Jeffrey Krilla ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Office Director, Office to Monitor and Combat Vacant ...... ES ...... Trafficking in Persons. Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Climate Negotiator/Special Represent- Harlan L. Watson ...... NA ES ...... ative. Do ...... Women’s Human Rights Coordinator ...... Andrea G. Bottner ...... NA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC.... Special Representative for International Vacant ...... ES ...... Labor Affairs. Do ...... Executive Director ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Ocean Affairs ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Global Change ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Marine Conservation ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Office Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Kennedy Space Office Director, Office of Aviation ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Center, FL Washington, DC .... Office Director, Office of Multilateral Coordi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... nation and External Relations. Do ...... Office Director, Office of Refugee Assistance ...... do ...... CA ES ...... to Africa. Do ...... Office Director, Office of Refugee Admissions ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Office Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Comptroller ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Controller/Executive Director, International ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Narcotics Matters. Do ...... Director ...... James Viray ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Foreign Affairs Officer ...... Gregg Rickman ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Joaquin Ferrao ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant (Senior Advisor) ...... Christian Whiton ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Randall J. Brandt ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Supervisory Foreign Affairs Officer ...... Laura Lederer ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Eleanor Gaetan ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Sandra Pedroarias ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Kelley Currie ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... William Samuel Patten Jr. SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Saundra J. Lineberry ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Foreign Affairs Officer ...... Karen E. Paikin ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Debra Nelson ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Jaime L. Petersen ...... SC GS 9 ...... Office of the Under Secretary for Political Affairs Do ...... Under Secretary for Political Affairs ...... William J. Burns ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Assistant Secretary for African Affairs ...... Jendayi E.J. Frazer ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pa- Christopher Robert Hill ..... PAS EX IV ...... cific Affairs. Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs C. David Welch ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Assistant Secretary for European Affairs ...... Daniel Fried ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Thomas A. Shannon Jr...... PAS EX IV ...... Affairs. Do ...... Assistant Secretary for South Central Asian Richard A. Boucher ...... PAS EX IV ...... Affairs. Do ...... Assistant Secretary for International Organi- Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... zational Affairs. Do ...... Assistant Secretary, Bureau of International David Timothy Johnson ..... PAS EX IV ...... Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs. New York, NY ...... United States Representative to the United Zalmay Khalilzad ...... PAS EX IV ...... Nations. Do ...... United States Deputy Representative to the Alejandro Daniel Wolff ...... PAS EX ...... United Nations. Vienna, Austria ..... United States Mission to the International Gregory L. Schulte ...... PAS EX ...... Atomic Energy Agency, Ambassador. Do ...... United States Mission to the Vienna Office of ...... do ...... PAS EX ...... the United Nations. New York, NY ...... United States Representative to the U.N. Al- Rosemary DiCarlo ...... PAS EX ...... ternate Representative for Special Political Affairs. Geneva, Switzer- United States Representative to the Con- Christina B. Rocca ...... SC OT ...... land ference on Disarmament. Paris, France ...... United States Permanent Representative to Louise Oliver ...... SC OT ...... the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. The Hague, Nether- United States Representative to the Organi- Eric M. Javits ...... SC OT ...... lands zation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. Rome, Italy ...... United States Representative to the United Gaddi H. Vasquez ...... SC OT ...... Nations, Agencies for Food and Agriculture. New York, NY...... United States Representative to the Social T. Vance McMahan ...... PAS AD ...... and Economic Council of the United Na- tions. MISCELLANEOUS Washington, DC .... United States Coordinator for Afghanistan .... Vacant ...... FA ...... with


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Vienna, Austria ..... United States Representative to the Organi- Julie Finley ...... PAS FA ...... zation for Security and Cooperation in Eu- rope. Paris, France ...... Representative of the United States to the Christopher Egan ...... PAS FA ...... Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Geneva, Switzer- Representative of the United States to the Warren W. Tichenor ...... PAS FA ...... land European Office of the United Nations. Brussels, Belgium Representative of the United States to the Kristen L. Silverberg ...... PAS FA ...... European Union. New York, NY ...... Representative of the United States on the Patricia Brister ...... PA AD ...... Commission of the Status of Women of the Economic and Social Council of the UN. Montreal, Quebec, Representative of the United States on the Donald Tiffany Bliss ...... PA OT ...... Canada Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization. Addis Ababa, Ethi- Representative of the United States to the Af- John A. Simon ...... PAS FA ...... opia rican Union. New York, NY ...... United States Mission to the United Nations Vacant ...... AD ...... Representative for Management and Re- form. Washington, DC .... Special Envoy on North Korea Human Rights Jay Lefkowitz ...... PA OT ...... Brussels, Belgium Permanent Representative of the United Victoria Nuland ...... PAS FA ...... States on the Council of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Washington, DC.... Permanent Representative of the United Hector E. Morales ...... PAS FA ...... States to the Organization of American States. Do ...... Commissioner International Joint Commis- Irene Brooks ...... PAS AD ...... sion. Do ...... do ...... Allen I. Olson ...... PAS AD ...... Do ...... do ...... Samuel W. Speck ...... PAS AD ...... Do ...... Commissioner International Boundary Com- Vacant ...... AD ...... mission. Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Brian Hook ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Christy McCampbell ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Carol J. Thompson ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Todd Moss ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Near Kent Patton ...... NA ES ...... Eastern and South Asian Affairs. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Colleen Patricia Graffy ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... David A. Merkel ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Kristen Madison ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Evan A. Feigenbaum ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Compact Negotiations ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Policy and Regional Affairs ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, United Nations System Administra- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tion. Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Bobby J. Pittman Jr...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Sada Cumber ...... TA ES ...... 02/26/09 Do ...... Office Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Caleb McCarry ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Representative ...... Grover J. Rees ...... TA ES ...... 09/26/08 Do ...... Counselor, International Legal Affairs ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Owen Kirby ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Moises Behar ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Fernando Rojas ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Public Affairs Specialist (Speechwriter) ...... David S. Jackson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Foreign Affairs Officer ...... Alexander Zemek ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Kristofer Harrison ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Thomas Jefferson White .... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... James R. Nelson ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Balbina Hwang ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Foreign Affairs Officer ...... Christopher Fancher ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Public Affairs Specialist ...... Shahira Tewfik ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Sarah Corbett Gelinas ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... William Haldeman ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Humberto A. Collado ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Blake A. Phillips ...... SC GS 9 ...... Kabul, Afghanistan Chief of Mission, Islamic Republic of Afghani- William B. Wood ...... PAS FA ...... stan. Tirane, Albania ...... Chief of Mission, Republic of Albania ...... John L. Withers II ...... PAS FA ...... Luanda, Angola ..... Chief of Mission, Republic of Angola ...... Dan Mozena ...... PAS FA ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Buenos Aires, Ar- Chief of Mission, Republic of Argentina ...... Earl Anthony Wayne ...... PAS FA ...... gentina Yerevan, Armenia Chief of Mission, Republic of Armenia ...... Vacant ...... FA ...... Algiers, Algeria ...... Chief of Mission, Democratic and Popular Re- David D. Pearce ...... PAS FA ...... public of Algeria. Canberra, Australia Chief of Mission, Commonwealth of Australia Robert M. McCallum ...... PAS FA ...... Vienna, Austria ..... Chief of Mission, Republic of Austria ...... David F. Girard-diCarlo .... PAS FA ...... Baku, Azerbaijan ... Chief of Mission, Republic of Azerbaijan ...... Anne E. Derse ...... PAS FA ...... Nassau, The Baha- Chief of Mission, Commonwealth of the Baha- Ned L. Siegel ...... PAS FA ...... mas mas. Manama, Bahrain Chief of Mission, Kingdom of Bahrain ...... Joseph Adam Ereli ...... PAS FA ...... Minsk, Belarus ...... Chief of Mission, Republic of Belarus ...... Vacant ...... FA ...... Bridgetown, Bar- Chief of Mission, Grenada ...... Mary Martin Ourisman ..... PAS FA ...... bados Do ...... Chief of Mission, St. Kitts and Nevis ...... do ...... PAS FA ...... Do ...... Chief of Mission, Saint Vincent and the Gren- ...... do ...... PAS FA ...... adines. Do ...... Chief of Mission, Saint Lucia ...... do ...... PAS FA ...... Do ...... Chief of Mission, Antigua and Barbuda ...... do ...... PAS FA ...... Do ...... Chief of Mission, Dominica ...... do ...... PAS FA ...... Do ...... Chief of Mission, Barbados ...... do ...... PAS FA ...... Dhaka, Bangladesh Chief of Missions, People’s Republic of Ban- James Francis Moriarty .... PAS FA ...... gladesh. Brussels, Belgium Chief of Mission, Belgium ...... Sam Fox ...... PAS FA ...... Belmopan, Belize ... Chief of Mission, Belize ...... Robert Johann Dieter ...... PAS FA ...... Cotonou, Benin ...... Chief of Mission, Republic of Benin ...... Gayleatha Beatrice Brown PAS FA ...... La Paz, Bolivia ...... Chief of Mission, Bolivia ...... Phillip S. Goldberg ...... PAS FA ...... Sarajevo, Bosnia Chief of Mission, Bosnia and Herzegovina ...... Charles Lewis English ...... PAS FA ...... and Herzegovina Gaberone, Bot- Chief of Mission, Republic of Botswana ...... Stephen J. Nolan ...... PAS FA ...... swana Brasilia, Brazil...... Chief of Mission, Federative Republic of Clifford M. Sobel ...... PAS FA ...... Brazil. Bandar Seri Chief of Mission, Brunei Darussalam ...... William Todd ...... PAS FA ...... Begawan, Brunei Sofia, Bulgaria ...... Chief of Mission, Republic of Bulgaria ...... Nancy E. McEldowney ...... PAS FA ...... Ouagadougou, Chief of Mission, Burkina Faso ...... Jeanine E. Jackson ...... PAS FA ...... Burkina Faso Kolonia, Micro- Charge d’ Affaires, Union of Burma ...... Larry M. Dinger ...... PAS FA ...... nesia, Federated States of Bujumbura, Bu- Chief of Mission, Republic of Burundi ...... Patricia Newton Moller ..... PAS FA ...... rundi Phnom Penh, Cam- Chief of Mission, Kingdom of Cambodia ...... Vacant ...... FA ...... bodia Yaounde, Cam- Chief of Mission, Republic of Cameroon ...... Janet E. Garvey ...... PAS FA ...... eroon Ottawa, Ontario, Chief of Mission, Canada ...... David Horton Wilkins ...... PAS FA ...... Canada Praia, Cape Verde Chief of Mission, Republic of Cape Verde ...... Marianne M. Myles ...... PAS FA ...... Bangui, Central Af- Chief of Mission, Central Africa Republic ...... Frederick B. Cook ...... PAS FA ...... rican Republic Fort Lamy Chief of Mission, Republic of Chad ...... Louis John Nigro Jr...... PAS FA ...... (Ndjamena), Chad Santiago, Chile ...... Chief of Mission, Republic of Chile ...... Paul E. Simons ...... PAS FA ...... Beijing, China ...... Chief of Mission, People’s Republic of China .. Clark T. Randt Jr...... PAS FA ...... Bogota, Colombia ... Chief of Mission, Republic of Columbia ...... William R. Brownfield ...... PAS FA ...... Brazzaville, Congo Chief of Mission, Republic of the Congo ...... Alan W. Eastham Jr...... PAS FA ...... Kinshasa, Congo, Chief of Mission, Democratic Republic of the William John Garvelink .... PAS FA ...... Democratic Re- Congo. public of the San Jose, Costa Chief of Mission, Republic of Costa Rica ...... Peter E. Cianchette ...... PAS FA ...... Rica Abidjan, Cote Chief of Mission, Republic of Cote d’Ivoire ..... Wanda L. Nesbitt ...... PAS FA ...... D’Ivoire Zagreb, Croatia ...... Chief of Mission, Republic of Croatia ...... Robert Anthony Bradtke ... PAS FA ...... Nicosia, Cyprus ..... Chief of Mission, Republic of Cyprus ...... Frank C. Urbancic ...... PAS FA ...... Prague, Czech Re- Chief of Mission, Czech Republic ...... Richard W. Graber ...... PAS FA ...... public Copenhagen, Den- Chief of Mission, Kingdom of Denmark ...... James Cain ...... PAS FA ...... mark

MISCELLANEOUS Djibouti, Djibouti ... Chief of Mission, Republic of Djibouti ...... W. Stuart Symington IV .... PAS FA ......

Santo Domingo, Do- Chief of Mission, Dominican Republic ...... P. Robert Fannin ...... PAS FA ...... with minican Republic PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

East Timor, East Chief of Mission, Democratic Republic of Hans G. Klemm ...... PAS FA ...... Timor Timor-Leste. Quito, Ecuador ...... Chief of Mission, Republic of Ecuador ...... Heather M. Hodges ...... PAS FA ...... Cairo, Egypt ...... Chief of Mission, Arab Republic of Egypt ...... Margaret Scobey ...... PAS FA ...... San Salvador, El Chief of Mission, Republic of El Salvador ...... Charles L. Glazer ...... PAS FA ...... Salvador Malabo, Equatorial Chief of Mission, Republic of Equatorial Donald Johnson ...... PAS FA ...... Guinea Guinea. Asmara, Eritrea ..... Chief of Mission, State of Eritrea ...... Ronald K. McMullen ...... PAS FA ...... Tallinn, Estonia ..... Chief of Mission, Republic of Estonia ...... Stanley Davis Phillips ...... PAS FA ...... Addis Ababa, Ethi- Chief of Mission, Federal Democratic Repub- Donald Y. Yamamoto ...... PAS FA ...... opia lic of Ethiopia. Suva, Viti Levu, Chief of Mission, Republic of Kiribati ...... Vacant ...... FA ...... Fiji Do ...... Chief of Mission, Tuvalu ...... do ...... FA ...... Do ...... Chief of Mission, Kingdom of Tonga ...... do ...... FA ...... Do ...... Chief of Mission, Republic of Nauru ...... do ...... FA ...... Do ...... Chief of Mission, Republic of Fiji ...... do ...... FA ...... Helsinki, Finland .. Chief of Mission, Republic of Finland ...... Barbara McConnell Barrett PAS FA ...... Paris, France ...... Chief of Mission, Principality of Monaco ...... Craig Roberts Stapleton .... PAS FA ...... Do ...... Chief of Mission, French Republic ...... do ...... PAS FA ...... Libreville, Gabon ... Chief of Mission, Gabonese Republic ...... Eunice S. Reddick ...... PAS FA ...... Do ...... Chief of Mission, Democratic Republic of Sao ...... do ...... PAS FA ...... Tome and Principe. Banjul, The Gam- Chief of Mission, Republic of The Gambia ...... Barry Leon Wells ...... PAS FA ...... bia Tbilisi, Georgia ...... Chief of Mission, Georgia ...... John F. Tefft ...... PAS FA ...... Berlin, Germany .... Chief of Mission, Federal Republic of Ger- William Robert Timkin Jr. PAS FA ...... many. Accra, Ghana ...... Chief of Mission, Republic of Ghana ...... Donald Teitelbaum ...... PAS FA ...... Athens, Greece ...... Chief of Mission, Hellenic Republic ...... Daniel V. Speckhard ...... PAS FA ...... Guatemala, Guate- Chief of Mission, Republic of Guatemala ...... Stephen C. McFarland ...... PAS FA ...... mala Conakry, Guinea ... Chief of Mission, Republic of Guinea ...... Vacant ...... FA ...... Guyana, Guyana.... Chief of Mission, Co-Operative Republic of John M. Jones ...... PAS FA ...... Guyana. Port-Au-Prince, Chief of Mission to the Republic of Haiti ...... Janet Ann Sanderson ...... PAS FA ...... Haiti Rome, Italy ...... Chief of Mission, Holy See ...... Mary Ann Glendon ...... PAS FA ...... Tegucigalpa, Hon- Chief of Mission, Republic of Honduras ...... Hugo Llorens ...... PAS FA ...... duras Budapest, Hungary Chief of Mission, Republic of Hungary ...... April H. Foley ...... PAS FA ...... Reykjavik, Iceland Chief of Mission, Republic of Iceland ...... Carol Van Voorst ...... PAS FA ...... New Delhi, India ... Chief of Mission, Republic of India ...... David C. Mulford ...... PAS FA ...... Jakarta, Java, In- Chief of Mission, Republic of Indonesia ...... Cameron R. Hume ...... PAS FA ...... donesia Baghdad, Iraq ...... Chief of Mission, Republic of Iraq ...... Ryan C. Crocker ...... PAS FA ...... Dublin, Ireland ...... Chief of Mission, Ireland ...... Thomas C. Foley ...... PAS FA ...... Tel Aviv, Israel ...... Chief of Mission, State of Israel ...... James B. Cunningham ...... PAS FA ...... Rome, Italy ...... Chief of Mission, Republic of Italy ...... Ronald Spogli ...... PAS FA ...... Do ...... Chief of Mission, Republic of San Marino ...... do ...... PAS FA ...... Kingston, Jamaica Chief of Mission, Jamaica ...... Brenda LaGrange Johnson PAS FA ...... Tokyo, Japan ...... Chief of Mission, Japan ...... J. Thomas Schieffer ...... PAS FA ...... Amman, Jordan ..... Chief of Mission, Hashemite Kingdom of Jor- Robert S. Beecroft ...... PAS FA ...... dan. Alma Ata, Chief of Mission, Republic of Kazakhstan ...... John M. Ordway ...... PAS FA ...... Kazakhstan Nairobi, Kenya ...... Chief of Mission, Republic of Kenya ...... Michael E. Ranneberger .... PAS FA ...... Seoul, Korea, Re- Chief of Mission, Republic of Korea ...... Alexander R. Vershbow ..... PAS FA ...... public of Kosovo, Yugoslavia Chief of Mission, Republic of Kosovo ...... Tina S. Kaidanow ...... PAS FA ...... Bishkek, Chief of Mission, Kyrgyz Republic ...... Tatiana Gfoeller-Volkoff .... PAS FA ...... Kyrgyzstan Kuwait, Kuwait ..... Chief of Mission, State of Kuwait ...... Deborah K. Jones ...... PAS FA ...... Vientiane, Laos ...... Chief of Mission, Lao People’s Democratic Re- Ravic Rolf Huso ...... PAS FA ...... public. Riga, Latvia ...... Chief of Mission, Republic of Latvia ...... Charles W. Larson Jr...... PAS FA ...... Beirut, Lebanon ..... Chief of Mission, Republic of Lebanon ...... Michele J. Sison ...... PAS FA ...... Maseru, Lesotho .... Chief of Mission, Kingdom of Lesotho ...... Robert B. Nolan ...... PAS FA ...... Monrovia, Liberia .. Chief of Mission, Republic of Liberia ...... Linda Thomas-Greenfield .. PAS FA ...... Tripoli, Libya ...... Chief of Mission, Great Socialist Libyan Arab Vacant ...... FA ...... Jamahiriya. Vilnius, Lithuania Chief of Mission, Republic of Lithuania ...... John A. Cloud ...... PAS FA ...... Luxembourg, Lux- Chief of Mission, Grand Duchy of Luxem- Ann Louise Wagner ...... PAS FA ...... embourg bourg. Skopje, Macedonia Chief of Mission, Republic of Macedonia ...... Gillian Arlette Milovanovic PAS FA ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Tananarive, Mada- Chief of Mission, Republic of Madagascar ...... Niels R. Marquardt ...... PAS FA ...... gascar Do ...... Chief of Mission, Union of Comoros ...... Niels Marquardt ...... PAS FA ...... Lilongwe, Malawi .. Chief of Mission, Republic of Malawi ...... Vacant ...... FA ...... Kuala Lumpur, Chief of Mission, Malaysia ...... James R. Keith ...... PAS FA ...... Malaysia Bamako, Mali ...... Chief of Mission, Republic of Mali ...... Vacant ...... FA ...... Valletta, Malta ...... Chief of Mission, Republic of Malta ...... Molly Hering Bordonaro .... PAS FA ...... Majuro Atoll, Mar- Chief of Mission, Republic of Marshall Is- Clyde Bishop ...... PAS FA ...... shall Islands lands. Nouakchott, Mauri- Chief of Mission, Islamic Republic of Mauri- Mark M. Boulware ...... PAS FA ...... tania tania. Port Louis, Mauri- Chief of Mission, Republic of Mauritius ...... Cesar Benito Cabrera ...... PAS FA ...... tius Do ...... Chief of Mission, Republic of Seychelles ...... do ...... PAS FA ...... Mexico City, Mex- Chief of Mission, Mexico ...... Antonio O. Garza Jr...... PAS FA ...... ico Kolonia, Micro- Chief of Mission, Federated States of Micro- Miriam K. Hughes ...... PAS FA ...... nesia, Federated nesia. States of Chisinau, Moldova Chief of Mission, Republic of Moldova ...... Asif Chaudhry ...... PAS FA ...... Ulaanbaatar, Mon- Chief of Mission, Mongolia ...... Mark C. Minton ...... PAS FA ...... golia Podgorica, Monte- Chief of Mission, Republic of Montenegro ...... Roderick W. Moore ...... PAS FA ...... negro Rabat, Morocco ...... Chief of Mission, Kingdom of Morocco ...... Thomas T. Riley ...... PAS FA ...... Maputo, Mozam- Chief of Mission, Republic of Mozambique ..... Vacant ...... FA ...... bique Windhoek, Namibia Chief of Mission, Republic of Namibia ...... Gail Dennise Mathieu ...... PAS FA ...... Katmandu, Nepal .. Chief of Mission, Nepal ...... Nancy J. Powell ...... PAS FA ...... The Hague, Nether- Chief of Mission, Kingdom of Netherlands ..... James Culbertson ...... PAS FA ...... lands Wellington, New Chief of Mission, New Zealand and Inde- William Paul McCormick .. PAS FA ...... Zealand pendent State of Samoa. Managua, Nica- Chief of Mission, Republic of Nicaragua ...... Robert Callahan ...... PAS FA ...... ragua Niamey, Niger ...... Chief of Mission, Republic of Niger ...... Bernadette Mary Allen ...... PAS FA ...... Abuja, Nigeria ...... Chief of Mission, Federal Republic of Nigeria Robin Rene´e Sanders ...... PAS FA ...... Oslo, Norway ...... Chief of Mission, Norway ...... Benson K. Whitney ...... PAS FA ...... Muscat, Oman ...... Chief of Mission, Sultanate of Oman ...... Gary A. Grappo ...... PAS FA ...... Islamabad, Paki- Chief of Mission, Islamic Republic of Pakistan Anne Woods Patterson ...... PAS FA ...... stan Panama, Panama .. Chief of Mission, Republic of Panama ...... Barbara J. Stephenson ...... PAS FA ...... Port Moresby, Chief of Mission, Papua New Guinea, Sol- Leslie V. Rowe ...... PAS FA ...... Papua New Guin- omon Islands, and Republic of Vanuatu. ea Asuncion, Paraguay Chief of Mission, Republic of Paraguay ...... Liliana Ayalde ...... PAS FA ...... Lima, Peru ...... Chief of Mission, Republic of Peru ...... Peter Michael McKinley .... PAS FA ...... Manila, Philippines Chief of Mission, Republic of the Philippines Kristie A. Kenney ...... PAS FA ...... Warsaw, Poland ..... Chief of Mission, Republic of Poland ...... Victor Henderson Ashe ...... PAS FA ...... Lisbon, Portugal .... Chief of Mission, Republic of Portugal ...... Thomas F. Stephenson ...... PAS FA ...... Doha, Qatar ...... Chief of Mission, State of Qatar ...... Joseph LeBaron ...... PAS FA ...... Bucharest, Roma- Chief of Mission, Romania ...... Nicholas F. Taubman ...... PAS FA ...... nia Moscow, Russia ..... Chief of Mission, Russian Federation ...... John S. Beyrle ...... PAS FA ...... Kigali, Rwanda ...... Chief of Mission, Republic of Rwanda ...... Michael R. Arietti ...... PAS FA ...... Riyadh, Saudi Ara- Chief of Mission, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia .... Ford M. Fraker ...... PAS FA ...... bia Dakar, Senegal ...... Chief of Missions, Republic of Senegal ...... Marcia Stevens Bloom PAS FA ...... Bernicat. Do ...... Chief of Mission, Republic of Guinea-Bissau ...... do ...... PAS FA ...... Belgrade, Yugo- Chief of Mission, Serbia ...... Cameron Munter ...... PAS FA ...... slavia Freetown, Sierra Chief of Mission, Republic of Sierra Leone ..... June Carter Perry ...... PAS FA ...... Leone Singapore, Singa- Chief of Mission, Republic of Singapore ...... Patricia Louise Herbold ..... PAS FA ...... pore Bratislava, Slo- Chief of Mission, Slovak Republic ...... Vincent Obsitnik ...... PAS FA ...... vakia Ljubljana, Slovenia Chief of Mission, Republic of Slovenia ...... Yousif Boutrous Ghafari .... PAS FA ...... Pretoria, South Af- Chief of Mission, Republic of South Africa ...... Eric M. Bost ...... PAS FA ...... rica

MISCELLANEOUS Madrid, Spain ...... Chief of Mission, Spain ...... Eduardo Aguirre Jr...... PAS FA ......

Do ...... Chief of Mission, Andorra ...... do ...... PAS FA ...... with Colombo, Sri Lanka Chief of Mission, Republic of Maldives ...... Robert O. Blake II ...... PAS FA ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Paramaribo, Chief of Mission, Republic of Suriname ...... Lisa Bobbie Schreiber PAS FA ...... Suriname Hughes. Mbabane, Swazi- Chief of Mission, Kingdom of Swaziland ...... Maurice S. Parker ...... PAS FA ...... land Stockholm, Sweden Chief of Mission, Sweden ...... Michael Wood ...... PAS FA ...... Bern, Switzerland Chief of Mission, Principality of Lichtenstein Peter R. Coneway ...... PAS FA ...... Do ...... Chief of Mission, Swiss Confederation ...... do ...... PAS FA ...... Damascus, Syria .... Chief of Mission, Syrian Arab Republic ...... Vacant ...... FA ...... Dushanbe, Chief of Mission, Republic of Tajikistan ...... Tracey Ann Jacobson ...... PAS FA ...... Tajikistan Dar es Salaam, Chief of Mission, United Republic of Tanzania Mark Green ...... PAS FA ...... Tanzania Bangkok, Thailand Chief of Mission, Kingdom of Thailand ...... Eric G. John ...... PAS FA ...... Lome, Togo ...... Chief of Mission, Republic Togolese ...... Patricia McMahon Haw- PAS FA ...... kins. Port of Spain, Trin- Chief of Mission, Republic of Trinidad and Roy L. Austin ...... PAS FA ...... idad and Tobago Tobago. Tunis, Tunisia ...... Chief of Mission, Republic of Tunisia ...... Robert F. Godec ...... PAS FA ...... Ankara, Turkey ..... Chief of Mission, Republic of Turkey ...... Ross Wilson ...... PAS FA ...... Ashkhabad, Chief of Mission, Turkmenistan ...... Vacant ...... FA ...... Turkmenistan Kampala, Uganda Chief of Mission, Republic of Uganda ...... Steven Alan Browning ...... PAS FA ...... Kiev, Ukraine ...... Chief of Mission, Ukraine ...... William B. Taylor II ...... PAS FA ...... Abu Zaby, United Chief of Missions, United Arab Emirates ...... Vacant ...... FA ...... Arab Emirates London, United Chief of Mission, United Kingdom of Great Robert H. Tuttle ...... PAS FA ...... Kingdom Britain and Northern Ireland. Montevideo, Uru- Chief of Mission, Oriental Republic of Uru- Frank Baxter ...... PAS FA ...... guay guay. Tashkent, Chief of Mission, Republic of Uzbekistan ...... Richard Boyce Norland ...... PAS FA ...... Uzbekistan Caracas, Venezuela Chief of Mission, Bolivarian Republic of Ven- Patrick Dennis Duddy ...... PAS FA ...... ezuela. Hanoi, Vietnam ..... Chief of Mission, Socialist Republic of Viet- Michael W. Michalak ...... PAS FA ...... nam. San’A, Yemen ...... Chief of Mission, Republic of Yemen ...... Steven A. Seche ...... PAS FA ...... Lusaka, Zambia ..... Chief of Mission, Republic of Zambia ...... Vacant ...... FA ...... Harare, Zimbabwe Chief of Mission, Republic of Zimbabwe ...... James C. McGee ...... PAS FA ...... OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY FOR MANAGEMENT Washington, DC .... Under Secretary for Management ...... Patrick Kennedy ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs ...... Janice Lee Jacobs ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Administration ...... Rajkumar Chellaraj ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security ... Eric J. Boswell ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... Bradford R. Higgins ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Director General of the Foreign Service Direc- Harry Keels Thomas Jr. .... PAS EX ...... tor of Human Resources. Do ...... Deputy Chief Financial Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Planning. Charleston, SC ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Global Finan- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... cial Services. Washington, DC .... Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Secretary and White Carrie B. Cabelka ...... NA ES ...... House Liaison. Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Managing Director ...... Michelle Bernier-Toth ...... TA ES ...... 09/30/08 Do ...... Managing Director Passport Services ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Managing Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Charleston, SC ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Managing Director, Global Compensation ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Executive Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Logistics ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Information Resource Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Programs and Services. Do ...... Director, Office of Language Services ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Support Planning ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Systems Integration Office ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Resources, Plans and Pol- Vacant ...... ES ...... icy. Arlington, VA ...... Director Office of Program Execution ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Resource Management ...... do ...... CA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Director, Resource Management and Organi- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... zation Analysis. Do ...... Office Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Building Design and Engineering ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Division. Do ...... Office Director, Enterprise Network Manage- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment. Do ...... Office Director, System Integration Office ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Office Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Office Director, Resource Planning and Budg- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... et Information. Do ...... Office Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Office Director, Office of Budget Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Office Director, Special Projects Coordination ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Division. Do ...... Deputy Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Human Resources Specialist ...... Melissa Lytell ...... TA ES ...... 03/31/10 Do ...... Supervisory Visa Specialist ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Program Manager ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Education Program Administrator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Procurement Executive ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Art in Embassies Program ...... Anne Johnson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Jonathan J. Blyth ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Roberto Coquis ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Christopher Scalzo ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Michael Molina ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Kelly Michelle Kotch ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Robert Hartwell Martin ..... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... do ...... Matthew R. Mayer ...... SC GS 7 ...... OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY FOR ARMS CONTROL AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AFFAIRS Do ...... Under Secretary for Arms Control and Inter- Vacant ...... PAS EX III ...... national Security Affairs. Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Verification and Com- Paula A. Desutter ...... PAS EX IV ...... pliance. Do ...... Assistant Secretary for International Security John C. Rood ...... PAS EX IV ...... and Non-Proliferation. Do ...... Assistant Secretary of Political-Military Af- Mark T. Kimmitt ...... PAS EX IV ...... fairs. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary (Principal) ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Particia A. McNerney ...... NA ES ...... Counterproliferation. Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Stephen Elliott ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Mary Alice Hayward ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Plans, Pro- Stephen Taylor Ganyard ... NA ES ...... grams, and Operations. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Envoy for Nuclear Nonproliferation ... Jackie Wolcott ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director Nuclear Energy Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Negotiator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Executive Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Office Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Political Advisor ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... David Glancy ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Kenneth William Staley .... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Foreign Affairs Officer ...... Renick Smith ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Remzey Samarrai ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... William Thomas Joyce ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Pratik Chougule ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... do ...... John F. Dogero ...... SC GS 7 ...... OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY FOR ECONOMIC, BUSINESS, AND AGRICULTURAL AFFAIRS Do ...... Under Secretary for Economic, Business, and Reuben Jeffery III ...... PAS EX III ...... MISCELLANEOUS Agricultural Affairs.

with Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Economic and Busi- Daniel S. Sullivan ...... PAS EX IV ......

ness Affairs. PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC.... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for David A. Gross ...... NA ES ...... International Communication and Informa- tion Policy. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Investment Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Office Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Coordinator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Coordinator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Representative ...... Jules Frank Mermoud Jr. NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary ...... Manisha Singh ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Stephen B. Kaplitt ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Paul Skoczylas ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Advisor ...... Katharine L. Uhre ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Kelly Dillon ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Emily Yee ...... SC GS 11 ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Secretary Washington, DC .... Secretary ...... Mary E. Peters ...... PAS EX I ...... Do ...... Deputy Secretary ...... Thomas J. Barrett ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Quintin Kendall ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff ...... Husein Cumber ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... White House Liaison ...... Janae Barker ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Assistant to the Secretary for Policy ...... Suhail Khan ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Casey Morgan ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Counselor to the Secretary for Strategic Ini- Katherine Stusrud ...... NA ES ...... tiatives and External Outreach. Do ...... Confidential Assistant to the Chief of Staff .... Victoria Mitchell ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... Counselor to the Deputy Secretary ...... Jessie Torres ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Julius Jackson ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Director for Scheduling and Advance ...... Suzanne Scruggs ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Deputy Director for Scheduling and Advance Brooke Evans ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Colin Shipley ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy Vacant ...... PAS EX II ...... Executive Secretariat Do ...... Director, Executive Secretariat ...... J. Richard Henry ...... NA ES ...... Civil Rights Do ...... Director, Office of Civil Rights ...... J. Michael Trujillo ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director of Civil Rights ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Do ...... Director, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Denise Rodriguez-Lopez .... NA ES ...... Business Utilization. Chief Information Officer Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... Daniel Mintz ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Information Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Chief Information Officer for Infor- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... mation Technology Investment Manage- ment. Do ...... Chief Technology Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Chief Information Officer for Infor- Vacant ...... ES ...... mation Technology Services. Public Affairs Do ...... Assistant to the Secretary and Director of Brian G. Turmail ...... NA ES ...... Public Affairs. Do ...... Deputy Director for Public Affairs ...... Sarah Echols ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Press Secretary ...... Melissa DeLaney ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Speechwriting ...... Terri Hauser ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Speechwriter ...... Arthur Berg-Bochner ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Mollie O’Dell ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Nahee Cho ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant for Public Affairs ...... Kristine Schwed ...... SC GS 9 ...... General Counsel Do ...... General Counsel ...... David James Gribbin IV .... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Jennifer McIntyre ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for Operations ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for General Law ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for Litigation ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for Legislation ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for Regulation and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Enforcement. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for International ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Law. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for Aviation En- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... forcement and Proceedings. Do ...... Counselor to the General Counsel ...... Melissa Burt ...... SC GS 14 ...... Assistant Secretary for Budget and Programs Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Budget and Programs Phyllis Factor Scheinberg .. PAS EX IV ...... and Chief Financial Officer. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Programs. MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Management Mark A. Haerr ...... NA ES ......

with and Budget.

Do ...... Director of Budget and Program Performance Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Deputy Director for Budget and Program Per- Vacant ...... ES ...... formance. Do ...... Director, Office of Financial Management ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy Tyler Duvall ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transpor- Robert DeHaan ...... NA ES ...... tation Policy. Do ...... do ...... David Horner ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Economic and Strategic ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Analysis. Do ...... Director, Office of Infrastructure Pricing and Vacant ...... ES ...... Finance. Do ...... Counselor to the Assistant Secretary for Mark Sanborn ...... SC GS 14 ...... Transportation Policy. Assistant Secretary for Governmental Affairs Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Governmental Affairs Simon C. Gros ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Governmental Kerry O’Hare ...... SC GS 15 ...... Affairs. Do ...... do ...... David Wonnenberg ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Kelly Kolb ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Governmental Affairs .. Casey Morgan ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Alejandro Lara ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Kevin Finnerty ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... do ...... Charles Smith ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... do ...... Megan Beveridge ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Vincent Voci ...... SC GS 11 ...... Assistant Secretary for Aviation and International Affairs Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Aviation and Inter- Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... national Affairs. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Aviation and Michael Reynolds ...... NA ES ...... International Affairs. Do ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of International Transpor- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tation and Trade. Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of International ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Transportation and Trade. Do ...... Director, Office of International Aviation ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Aviation Analysis ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Assistant Secretary for Administration Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administra- Vacant ...... ES ...... tion. Do ...... Project Manager ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Departmental Office of Human Re- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... source Management. Do ...... Director, Office of Security ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Financial Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Do ...... Inspector General ...... Calvin L. Scovel III ...... PAS EX IV ...... FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION Administrator Washington, DC .... Administrator ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator ...... Robert Sturgell ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Administrator ...... Boyce Adams ...... SC GS 9 ...... Chief Counsel Do ...... Chief Counsel ...... Kerry B. Long ...... XS OT ...... Communications Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Communications Mary Lynn Tierney ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator for Commu- John J. Hambel Jr...... SC GS 15 ...... nications. Airports Do ...... Associate Administrator for Airports ...... D. Kirk Shaffer ...... XS OT ...... Government and Industry Affairs Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Government and Megan Rae Rosia ...... XS OT ...... Industry Affairs. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator for Govern- Christopher C. Brown ...... SC GS 15 ...... ment and Industry Affairs.

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION Administrator Washington, DC .... Administrator ...... Thomas J. Madison ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator ...... James D. Ray ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Program Manager for the Intelligent Trans- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... portation Systems Programs Office. Do ...... Special Assistant to the Administrator ...... Cheryl Clark ...... SC GS 13 ...... Chief Counsel Do ...... Chief Counsel ...... Marcus Lemon ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Chief Counsel for Legislation and Vacant ...... ES ...... Regulations. Do ...... Special Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Administration Do ...... Associate Administrator for Administration ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Human Resources ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Information and Manage- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment Services. Infrastructure Do ...... Associate Administrator for Infrastructure ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Program Administration ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Bridge Technology ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Pavement Technology ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Asset Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Operations Do ...... Associate Administrator for Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Freight Management and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Operations. Do ...... Director, Office of Transportation Manage- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment. Do ...... Director, Office of Transportation Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Safety Programs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Planning, Environment and Realty Do ...... Associate Administrator for Planning, Envi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ronment, and Realty. Do ...... Director, Office of Interstate and Border ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Planning. Do ...... Director, Office of Project Development and Vacant ...... ES ...... Environmental Review. Do ...... Director, Office of Natural and Human Envi- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ronment. Do ...... Director, Office of Planning ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Safety Do ...... Director, Office of Safety Program Integration ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Delivery. Do ...... Director, Office of Safety Design ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Professional and Corporate Development Do ...... Associate Administrator for Professional De- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... velopment. Research, Development and Technology Do ...... Associate Administrator for Research, Devel- Vacant ...... ES ...... opment and Technology. McLean, VA ...... Director, Office of Corporate Research, Tech- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... nology and Innovation Management. Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Infrastructure Research, ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Development and Technology. McLean, VA ...... Director, Office of Operations Research, De- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... velopment and Technology. Federal Lands Highway Programs Washington, DC .... Associate Administrator for Federal Lands ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Highway Programs. Sterling, VA ...... Federal Lands Highway Division Engineer, ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Eastern. Lakewood, CO...... Federal Lands Highway Division Engineer, ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Central. Vancouver, WA ...... Federal Lands Highway Division Engineer, ...... do ...... CA ES ...... MISCELLANEOUS Western. with


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Policy and Governmental Affairs Washington, DC .... Associate Administrator for Policy and Gov- Mary B. Phillips ...... NA ES ...... ernmental Affairs. Do ...... Director, Office of International Programs ..... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Highway Policy Informa- Vacant ...... ES ...... tion. Do ...... Director, Office of Transportation Policy Stud- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ies. Do ...... Director, Office of Legislation and Strategic Vacant ...... ES ...... Planning. Civil Rights Do ...... Associate Administrator for Civil Rights ...... do ...... ES ...... Public Affairs Do ...... Associate Administrator for Public Affairs ..... Ian M. Grossman ...... NA ES ...... Field Services Atlanta, GA ...... Director of Field Services, South ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... San Francisco, CA Director of Field Services, West ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Baltimore, MD ...... Director of Field Services, East ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Sacramento, CA ..... Division Administrator, California ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Division Administrator, Florida ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Division Administrator, Texas ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... FEDERAL MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY ADMINISTRATION Administrator Washington, DC .... Administrator ...... John H. Hill ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator ...... David H. Hugel ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Medical Programs ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director of Governmental Affairs ...... Craig Chesek ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Director of Communications ...... Kristin Schrader ...... SC GS 14 ...... Chief Counsel Do ...... Chief Counsel ...... Suzanne TeBeau Rohde ..... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Administration Do ...... Associate Administrator for Administration ... Vacant ...... ES ...... Research, Technology and Information Management and Chief Information Officer Do ...... Associate Administrator for Research, Tech- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... nology and Information Management and Chief Information Officer. Do ...... Director, Office of Research and Analysis ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Information Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Policy and Program Development Do ...... Associate Administrator for Policy and Pro- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... gram Development. Do ...... Director, Office of Policy, Plans and Regula- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tions. Enforcement and Program Delivery Do ...... Associate Administrator for Enforcement and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Program Delivery. Do ...... Director, Office of Motor Carrier Safety Pro- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... grams. FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION Administrator Washington, DC .... Administrator ...... Joseph H. Boardman ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator ...... Clifford C. Eby ...... NA ES ...... Chief Counsel Do ...... Chief Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Chief Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Congressional Affairs Do ...... Director of Congressional Affairs ...... Mark Schnabel ...... SC GS 15 ...... Public Affairs Do ...... Director of Public Affairs ...... Steven Kulm ...... SC GS 15 ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Administration and Finance Washington, DC .... Associate Administrator for Administration Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... and Finance. Policy and Program Development Do ...... Associate Administrator for Policy and Pro- Vacant ...... ES ...... gram Development. Railroad Development Do ...... Associate Administrator for Railroad Develop- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ment. Do ...... Director Office of Research and Development ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Passenger and Freight Pro- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... grams. Safety Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for Safety ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Compliance and Program Implementation. Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for Safety ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Standards and Program Development. Do ...... Director, Office of Safety Standards ...... do ...... CA ES ...... FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION Administrator Washington, DC .... Administrator ...... James S. Simpson ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator ...... Sherry E. Little ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Administrator for Communications John Wesley Irvin ...... NA ES ...... and Legislative Affairs. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Stephen Fong ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Executive Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Chief Counsel Do ...... Chief Counsel ...... Severn Eyre Savage Miller NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Planning Do ...... Associate Administrator for Planning ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Program Management Do ...... Associate Administrator for Program Manage- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment. Research, Demonstration and Innovation Do ...... Associate Administrator for Research, Dem- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... onstration and Innovation. Budget and Policy Do ...... Associate Administrator for Budget and Pol- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... icy. Administration Do ...... Associate Administrator for Administration ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Regional Administrator Chicago, IL ...... Regional Administrator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Cambridge, MA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... San Francisco, CA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Atlanta, GA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Dallas, TX ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... New York, NY ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Philadelphia, PA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... MARITIME ADMINISTRATION Administrator Washington, DC .... Administrator ...... Sean T. Connaughton ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Congressional and Public Shannon Russell ...... SC GS 15 ...... Affairs. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Robert Whitney ...... SC GS 14 ...... Chief Counsel Do ...... Chief Counsel ...... Elizabeth Megginson ...... NA ES ...... Administration Do ...... Associate Administrator for Administration ... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... MISCELLANEOUS Shipbuilding with Do ...... Associate Administrator for Shipbuilding ...... do ...... CA ES ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Port, Intermodal Environmental Activities Washington, DC .... Associate Administrator for Port, Intermodal Vacant ...... ES ...... and Environmental Activities. Do ...... Director, Office of Ports and Domestic Ship- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ping. Policy and International Trade Do ...... Associate Administrator for Policy and Inter- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... national Trade. Do ...... Director, Office of Policy and Plans ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Ship Analysis and Cargo Preference Do ...... Director, Office of Cargo Preference ...... do ...... CA ES ...... National Security Do ...... Associate Administrator for National Security Vacant ...... ES ...... Merchant Marine Academy Kings Point, NY .... Superintendent ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Superintendent, Academic Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION Administrator Washington, DC .... Administrator ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator ...... James F. Ports Jr...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... David Kelly ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director of Governmental Affairs ...... Melissa Cook ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Director of Communications ...... Patrice Pisinski Angle ...... SC GS 15 ...... Chief Counsel Do ...... Chief Counsel ...... Anthony M. Cooke ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Chief Counsel for Rulemaking ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Chief Counsel for Litigation ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Chief Counsel for Legislation and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... General Law. Traffic Injury Control Do ...... Senior Associate Administrator for Traffic In- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... jury Control. Do ...... Associate Administrator for Program Develop- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment and Delivery. Do ...... Director, Office of Impaired Driving and Oc- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... cupant Protection. Do ...... Director, Office of Safety Programs, Traffic ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Injury Control. Do ...... Associate Administrator for Injury Control ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Operations and Resources. Policy and Operations Do ...... Senior Associate Administrator for Policy and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Operations. Do ...... Associate Administrator for Planning, Admin- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... istrative, and Financial Management. Do ...... Associate Administrator for Communications ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Consumer Information. Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Vehicle Safety Do ...... Senior Associate Administrator for Vehicle ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Safety. Do ...... Associate Administrator for Rulemaking ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Crash Avoidance Standards ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Crashworthiness Standards ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, International Vehicle Programs, ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Fuel Economy and Consumer Standards. Do ...... Associate Administrator for Vehicle Safety ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Research. Columbus, OH ...... Director, Vehicle Research and Test Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... (Ohio). Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Applied Vehicle Safety Re- Vacant ...... ES ...... search. Do ...... Associate Administrator for the National Cen- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ter for Statistics and Analysis. Do ...... Director, Office of Regulatory Analysis and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Evaluation. Do ...... Senior Advisor for Vehicle Safety ...... do ...... CA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

PIPELINE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SAFETY ADMINISTRATION Administrator Washington, DC .... Administrator ...... Carl T. Johnson ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator ...... Krista Edwards ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Administrator for Governmental, James E. Wiggins ...... SC GS 15 ...... International, and Public Affairs. Chief Counsel Do ...... Chief Counsel ...... David E. Kunz ...... NA ES ...... Pipeline Safety Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for Pipeline Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Safety. Hazardous Materials Safety Do ...... Associate Administrator for Hazardous Mate- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... rials Safety. Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for Haz- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ardous Materials Safety. Administration/Chief Financial Officer Do ...... Associate Administrator for Management and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Administration. Do ...... Associate Administrator for Finance, Budget ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Performance Integration/Chief Finan- cial Officer. RESEARCH AND INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY ADMINISTRATION Administrator Washington, DC .... Administrator ...... Paul R. Brubaker ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator ...... Cheryl McQueary ...... NA ES ...... Chief Counsel Do ...... Chief Counsel ...... Thomas O’Donoghue ...... NA ES ...... Administration Do ...... Associate Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Associate Adminis- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... trator for Administration. Research, Development, and Technology Do ...... Associate Administrator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, University Transportation Centers ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Program. Do ...... Director, Radionavigation and Positioning ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Staff. Bureau of Transportation Statistics Do ...... Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Volpe National Transportation Systems Center Cambridge, MA ..... Director, Volpe National Transportation Sys- Vacant ...... ES ...... tem Center. Do ...... Deputy Director, Volpe National Transpor- ...... do ...... ES ...... tation System Center. Do ...... Director, Office of Aviation Programs ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Administration/Chief Safe- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ty Officer. SAINT LAWRENCE SEAWAY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Administrator Washington, DC .... Administrator ...... Collister Johnson Jr...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Associate Administrator Massena, NY ...... Associate Administrator/Resident Manager ...... do ...... CA ES ...... SURFACE TRANSPORTATION-BOARD MISCELLANEOUS Chairman with Washington, DC .... Chairman ...... Charles D. Nottingham ..... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Board ...... Melvin F. Clemens Jr...... XS SL ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Director of Public Assistance, Governmental Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Affairs and Compliance. Board Member Do ...... Board Member ...... William D. Buttrey ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... Francis P. Mulvey ...... PAS EX IV ...... General Counsel Do ...... General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Proceedings Do ...... Director, Office of Proceedings ...... do ...... CA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Washington, DC .... Secretary of the Treasury ...... Henry M. Paulson, Jr...... PAS EX I ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... James R. Wilkinson ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff and Executive Sec- Taiya M. Smith ...... NA ES ...... retary. Do ...... Deputy Executive Secretary ...... Jeffrey C. Chapman ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Lindsay Valdeon ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Executive Secretary Officer ...... Stanley D. Chapman ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Director of Scheduling ...... Christal R. West ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Deputy Scheduler ...... Andrea R. Taylor ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Director of Operations ...... Michael B. Heath ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Parker M. Payne ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Associate Director of Operations for Advance Matthew L. Everson ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Operations Coordinator ...... Gaines B. Johnson ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... White House Liaison ...... Denise Dick ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy White House Liaison ...... Christopher A. Kerzich ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Special Envoy for China and the Strategic Alan F. Holmer ...... NA ES ...... Economic Dialogue. Do ...... Executive Assistant ...... Susan K. Nelson ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Special Advisor ...... Mary F. Kertz ...... SC GS 11 ...... OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY SECRETARY Do ...... Deputy Secretary of the Treasury ...... Robert M. Kimmitt ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Executive Assistant ...... Lorraine Marshall ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff to the Deputy Secretary ...... Stephen A. Myrow ...... NA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL Do ...... Inspector General ...... Eric M. Thorson ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Inspector General ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE TREASURY INSPECTOR GENERAL FOR TAX ADMINISTRATION Do ...... Treasury Inspector General for Tax Adminis- J. Russell George ...... PAS EX IV ...... tration. OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... General Counsel ...... Robert F. Hoyt ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... John G. Knepper Jr...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant General Counsel (International Af- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... fairs). Do ...... Deputy Assistant General Counsel (Inter- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... national Affairs). Do ...... Counsel for International Legal Regimes ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant General Counsel (Banking and Fi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... nance). Do ...... Deputy Assistant General Counsel (Banking ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Finance). Do ...... Assistant General Counsel (Enforcement and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Intelligence). Do ...... Deputy Assistant General Counsel (Enforce- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment and Intelligence). Do ...... Assistant General Counsel (General Law, ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Ethics and Regulation). Do ...... Deputy Assistant General Counsel (General ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Law and Regulation). Do ...... Counselor to the Assistant General Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... (General Law, Ethics, and Regulation). Do ...... Chief Counsel, Office of Foreign Assets Con- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... trol. UNDER SECRETARY FOR INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Do ...... Under Secretary for International Affairs ...... David H. McCormick ...... PAS EX III ...... ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MARKETS AND INVESTMENT POLICY Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary/Designated Assist- Clay Lowery ...... PAS EX IV ...... ant Secretary for International Financial Markets and Investment Policy. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Trade and In- David K. Kavanaugh ...... NA ES ...... vestment Policy. Do ...... Director, Office of Trade Finance and Invest- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ......

MISCELLANEOUS ment Negotiations.

Do ...... Director, Office of International Trade ...... do ...... CA ES ...... with Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for International ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Monetary and Financial Policy. PRODPC74 on

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Washington, DC .... Director, Office of International Monetary Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Policy. Do ...... Director, Office of International Banking and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Securities Markets. Do ...... Director, Global Economics Group ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Investment Nova J. Daly ...... NA ES ...... Security. Do ...... Director, Office of Investment Security ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Multilateral Vacant ...... ES ...... Development Banks. Do ...... Director, Office of Multilateral Development Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Banks. ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS AND DEVELOPMENT Do ...... Assistant Secretary for International Econom- Neel Kashkari ...... PAS EX IV ...... ics and Development. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Middle East Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... and Africa. Do ...... Iraq Attache´ ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Middle East and North Af- ...... do ...... ES ...... rica. Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for South and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... East Asia. Do ...... Director, Office of East Asian Nations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of South and South Asia ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Western Brian D. O’Neill ...... NA ES ...... Hemisphere. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Europe and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Eurasia. Do ...... Belgium Attache´ ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Europe and Eurasia ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Technical As- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... sistance Policy. Do ...... Director, Office of Technical Assistance ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environment ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Energy. UNDER SECRETARY FOR DOMESTIC FINANCE Do ...... Under Secretary for Domestic Finance ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Senior Policy Advisor ...... Seth F. Wheeler ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... John J. Foley ...... SC GS 14 ...... FISCAL ASSISTANT SECRETARY Do ...... Director, Office of Fiscal Projections ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Financial Management Service Do ...... Chief Counsel, Financial Management Serv- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ice. Bureau of Public Debt Do ...... Chief Counsel, Bureau of the Public Debt ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions David G. Nason ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Jeffrey L. Stoltzfoos ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Terrorism Risk Insurance Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Program. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Critical Infra- Valerie A. Abend ...... NA ES ...... structure Protection and Compliance Policy. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial In- Jeremiah O. Norton ...... NA ES ...... stitutions and Government Sponsored En- terprises Policy. Do ...... Director, Office of Financial Institutions Pol- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... icy. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Dominic A. Iannicola, Jr. ... NA ES ...... Education. Do ...... Director of Outreach ...... Edwin Bodensiek ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Program Coordinator ...... Thomas Kurek ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Director, Community Development Financial Donna J. Gambrell ...... TA ES ...... 11/09/10 Institutions Fund. Do ...... Chief Operating Officer, Community Develop- Vacant ...... ES ...... ment Financial Institutions Fund.

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Washington, DC .... Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets ..... Anthony W. Ryan ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... G.E. Stafford Via ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Dana J. Pasternak ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Policy and Legislative Re- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... view. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Government Meredith M. Broome ...... NA ES ...... Financial Policy. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Federal Fi- Vacant ...... ES ...... nance. Do ...... Advanced Counterfeit Deterrence Program Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Director. UNDER SECRETARY FOR TERRORISM AND FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE Do ...... Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Stuart A. Levey ...... PAS EX III ...... Crimes. Do ...... Senior Advisor and Chief of Staff ...... Christine A. Clark ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to Under Secretary ...... Molly Millerwise Meiners .. SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Director, Foreign Assets Control ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Foreign Assets ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Control. Do ...... Associate Director, Investigations and En- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... forcement. Do ...... Associate Director, Program Planning and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Implementation. Do ...... Associate Director, Resource Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR TERRORIST FINANCING Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing ... Patrick M. O’Brien ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Fi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... nancing and Financial Crimes. Do ...... Director, Office of Strategic Policy ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR INTELLIGENCE AND ANALYSIS Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Anal- Janice B. Gardner ...... PAS EX IV ...... ysis. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intelligence Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... and Analysis. Do ...... Director, Office of Transnational Issues ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Mid-East/Europe ...... do ...... ES ...... ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary/Designated Assist- Kevin I. Fromer ...... PAS EX IV ...... ant Secretary for Legislative Affairs. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Courtney D. Mayo ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislative Af- Peter D. Dugas ...... NA ES ...... fairs (Appropriations and Management) and Deputy to the Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislative Af- John R. Bartling ...... NA ES ...... fairs (International). Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Scott Sendek ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislative Af- William C. King-Mueller ... NA ES ...... fairs (Banking and Finance). Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Tara E. McDonnell ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislative Af- Mark E. Warren ...... NA ES ...... fairs (Tax and Budget). Do ...... Special Advisor (Legislative Affairs) ...... Lindley Kratovil ...... SC GS 12 ...... ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs and Di- Michele A. Davis ...... PAS EX IV ...... rector of Policy Planning. Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Eileen M. Gilligan ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Brookly J. McLaughlin ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Speechwriter ...... Stacy Carlson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Director, Public Affairs ...... Jennifer R. Zuccarelli ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Public Affairs Specialist ...... Robert Saliterman ...... SC GS 14 ...... MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... do ...... Andrew C. Desouza ...... SC GS 11 ...... with

Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Business Af- Jeb J. Mason ...... NA ES ...... fairs and Public Liaison. Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Stephen M. Lineberry ...... SC GS 13 ...... PRODPC74 on

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Washington, DC .... Special Advisor for Business Affairs and Pub- Mary Lauren Kane ...... SC GS 11 ...... lic Liaison. Do ...... Media Coordinator ...... Courtney J. Forsell ...... SC GS 9 ...... ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ECONOMIC POLICY Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy ...... Phillip L. Swagel ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Therese Scharlemann ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Macro- Christine L. Dobridge ...... NA ES ...... economic Analysis. Do ...... Director, Office of Macroeconomic Analysis .... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Microeco- Vacant ...... ES ...... nomic Analysis. Do ...... Director, Office of Microeconomic Analysis ..... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Coordi- Christine A. McDaniel ...... NA ES ...... nation. ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR TAX POLICY Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy ...... Eric Solomon ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy ..... Karen Gilbreath Sowell ..... NA ES ...... Do ...... International Tax Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy International Tax Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Benefits Tax Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Tax Legislative Counsel ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tax Analysis ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Tax Analysis ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director for Revenue Estimating ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director for Individual Taxation ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director for Business and International Tax- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ation. Do ...... Director for Receipts Forecasting ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regulatory Af- Vacant ...... ES ...... fairs. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tax, Trade, Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... and Tariff Policy. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Michael F. Mundaca ...... TA ES ...... 02/17/10 Tax Affairs. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Do ...... Chief Counsel, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Trade Bureau. ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR MANAGEMENT AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Management and Peter B. McCarthy ...... PAS EX IV ...... Chief Financial Officer. Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Cathy D. Alix ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Director of Protocol ...... Listi A. Sobba ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Stuart T. Farrell ...... SC GS 7 ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Management Wesley T. Foster ...... NA ES ...... and Budget. Do ...... Departmental Budget Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Strategic Planning and Performance Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Accounting and Internal Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Control. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Re- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sources and Chief Human Capital Officer. Do ...... Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Civil Rights and Diversity ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Human Capital Strategic Manage- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment. Do ...... Director, Office of District of Columbia Pen- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sions. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Departmental ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Offices Operations. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Privacy and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Treasury Records. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary and Chief Infor- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... mation Officer. Do ...... Associate Chief Information Officer for Plan- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ning and Management. Do ...... Associate Chief Information Officer for Cyber ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Security. Do ...... Associate Chief Information Officer for Infra- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... structure Operations.

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Washington, DC .... Associate Chief Information Officer for Archi- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tecture and Planning. Do ...... Associate Chief Information Officer for ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Human Resources Connect. TREASURER OF THE UNITED STATES Do ...... Treasurer of the United States ...... Anna E. Cabral ...... PAS SL ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Sarah L. Carter ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Scheduler ...... Neal M. Carlton ...... SC GS 11 ...... BUREAU OF ENGRAVING AND PRINTING Do ...... Director, Bureau of Engraving and Printing .. Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director (Chief Financial Officer) ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director (Management) ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director (Chief Information Officer) ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director (Product and Technology ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Development). Do ...... Associate Director, Eastern Currency Facility ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director, Western Currency Facility ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Counsel, Bureau of Engraving and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Printing. UNITED STATES MINT Do ...... Director of the Mint ...... Edmund C. Moy ...... PAS SL ...... 5 Years 08/27/11 Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Michael Stojsavljevich ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Christine A. O’Hara ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Deputy Director of the Mint ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff for External Affairs ...... David L. Kim ...... TA ES ...... 12/13/09 Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff for External Affairs ...... Aaron L. Johanson ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Director of Legislative and Intergovernmental Clifford R. Northup ...... SC GS 15 ...... Affairs. Do ...... Special Assistant to Director of Legislative Brendan B. Adams ...... SC GS 9 ...... and Intergovernmental Affairs. Do ...... Chief Counsel, United States Mint ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Do ...... Commissioner of Internal Revenue ...... Douglas H. Shulman ...... PAS EX III 5 Years 11/12/12 Do ...... Chief Counsel, Internal Revenue Service ...... Donald L. Korb ...... PAS EX V ...... INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE OVERSIGHT BOARD Do ...... Chairman, Internal Revenue Service Over- Paul Cherecwich ...... PAS AD $50,000 2 Years 09/14/08 sight Board. Do ...... Member, Internal Revenue Service Oversight ...... do ...... PAS AD $30,000 5 Years 09/14/09 Board. Do ...... do ...... Deborah Wince Smith ...... PAS AD $30,000 5 Years 09/14/10 Do ...... do ...... Paul B. Jones ...... PAS AD $30,000 5 Years 09/14/08 Do ...... do ...... Raymond T. Wagner, Jr. ... PAS AD $30,000 5 Years 09/14/09 Do ...... do ...... Robert Tobias ...... PAS AD $30,000 5 Years 09/14/10 Do ...... do ...... Edwin Eck ...... PAS AD $30,000 5 Years 09/14/08 Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... PAS AD $30,000 5 Years 09/14/10 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Do ...... Comptroller of the Currency ...... John C. Dugan ...... PAS EX III 5 Years 07/31/10 OFFICE OF THRIFT SUPERVISION Do ...... Director, Office of Thrift Supervision ...... John M. Reich ...... PAS EX III 5 Years 07/31/10 MISCELLANEOUS with


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OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY AND DEPUTY Washington, DC .... Secretary of Veterans Affairs ...... James B. Peake ...... PAS EX I ...... Do ...... Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs ...... Gordon H. Mansfield ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Thomas G. Bowman ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Executive Secretary to the Department ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Center for Minority Veterans ...... Lucretia M. McClenney ..... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Center for Women Veterans ...... Irene Trowell-Harris ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Executive Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Secretary ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Counselor ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Attorney-Advisor (General) ...... Robert C. McFetridge ...... XS SL ...... Do ...... Director, Center for Faith Based Community Darin Selnick ...... SC GS 15 ...... Initiatives. Do ...... Protocol Liaison Officer ...... Maria C. Mastorakos ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Shannon Katherine Graves SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Meredith M. Beck ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant (White House Liaison) ...... Michael L. Dorff ...... SC GS 13 ...... OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL Do ...... Inspector General ...... George Opfer ...... PAS EX IV ...... BOARD OF VETERANS’ APPEALS Do ...... Chairman, Board of Veterans’ Appeals ...... James Terry ...... PAS EX IV ...... Minneapolis, MN ... Chief Counsel for Policy and Procedure ...... Richard F. Thrasher ...... XS SL ...... Washington, DC .... Chief Counsel for Operations ...... Laura H. Eskenazi ...... XS SL ...... OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... General Counsel ...... Paul Jeffrey Hutter ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Counselor to the General Counsel ...... Vacant ...... XS SL ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant General Counsel, Group I ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant General Counsel-Group II ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant General Counsel-Group III ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant General Counsel, Group IV ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant General Counsel Group V ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant General Counsel, Group VI ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant General Counsel Group VII ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate General Counsel (Ethics) ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR MANAGEMENT Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Management ...... Robert J. Henke ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Director, Performance Management and Pro- Andrew C. Pavord ...... TA ES ...... 06/15/09 gram Analysis Project. Office of Budget Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office of Finance Do ...... Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fi- Vacant ...... ES ...... nancial Policy. Do ...... Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fi- ...... do ...... ES ...... nancial Process Improvement and Audit Readiness. Office of Acquisition and Materiel Management Do ...... Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Ac- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... quisition and Logistics Programs and Policy. Office of Asset Enterprise Management Do ...... Director, Asset Enterprise Management ...... Claude B. Hutchison Jr. .... NA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR POLICY AND PLANNING Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Policy and Planning .. Patrick W. Dunne ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Pol- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... icy and Planning. Do ...... Director, National Center for Veterans Anal- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ysis and Statistics. Office of Policy Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy ...... do ...... CA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Special Assistant ...... Roger Dimsdale ...... TA ES ...... 01/04/09 OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Human Resources and Michael Hager ...... PAS EX IV ...... Administration. Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Human Resources and Administration. Office of Human Resources Management Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Re- Vacant ...... ES ...... sources Management. Do ...... Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Human Resources Management Operations. Office of Diversity Management and Equal Employment Opportunity Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Diversity ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Management and Equal Employment Op- portunity. Office of Administration Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administra- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tion. Office of Resolution Management Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Resolution ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Management. Do ...... Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Res- Vacant ...... ES ...... olution Management. Office of Labor-Management Relations Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Labor-Man- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... agement Relations. OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Public and Intergov- Lisette M. Mondello ...... PAS EX IV ...... ernmental Affairs. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Alison Aikele ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... do ...... William Kloiber ...... SC GS 14 ...... San Diego, CA ...... do ...... Jay Vargas ...... SC GS 14 ...... Office of Public Affairs Washington, DC .... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Matthew E. Smith ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant (Advisory Committees) ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office of Intergovernmental and International Affairs Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intergovern- Vacant ...... ES ...... mental Affairs. OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR CONGRESSIONAL AND LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Congressional and ...... do ...... PAS EX IV ...... Legislative Affairs. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Congressional Christine O. Hill ...... NA ES ...... and Legislative Affairs. Do ...... Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Congressional and Legislative Affairs. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Mindi A. Walker ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... E. Phillip Russell ...... NA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY Do ...... Assistant Secretary for Information and Tech- Robert T. Howard ...... PAS EX IV ...... nology. Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for In- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... formation and Technology. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Information ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Protection and Risk Management. Falling Waters, WV Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Risk ...... do ...... CA ES ......

MISCELLANEOUS Management and Incident Response. Washington, DC .... Deputy Chief Information Officer for IT En- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... with terprise Strategy, Policy, Plans and Pro- grams. PRODPC74 on

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Washington, DC .... Deputy Chief Information Officer for Enter- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... prise Development. Do ...... Assistant Deputy Chief Information Officer Vacant ...... ES ...... for VHA Enterprise Development. Do ...... Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for In- ...... do ...... ES ...... formation Technology Enterprise Architec- ture Management. Do ...... Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for In- ...... do ...... ES ...... formation Technology Operations. Vancouver, WA ...... Executive Director (Field Operations) ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Executive Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... New York, NY ...... Executive Director (Systems Engineering) ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR OPERATIONS, SECURITY AND PREPAREDNESS Washington, DC .... Assistant Secretary for Operations, Security Charles L. Hopkins ...... PAS EX IV ...... and Preparedness. NATIONAL CEMETERY ADMINISTRATION Do ...... Under Secretary for Memorial Affairs ...... William F. Tuerk ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary for Memorial Affairs Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Richard A. Wannemacher NA ES ...... Jr. Do ...... Director, Field Programs Service ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director, Office of Field Programs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Do ...... Under Secretary for Benefits ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary for Benefits ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Deputy Under Secretary for Policy ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Program Management. Do ...... Associate Deputy Under Secretary for Field ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Operations. Do ...... Associate Deputy Under Secretary for Man- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... agement. Do ...... Director, Vocational Rehabilitation and Em- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ployment Services. Do ...... Director, Education Service ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Loan Guaranty Service ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Compensation and Pension Service ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Employee Development and Train- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ing. Do ...... Director, Office of Facilities, Access and Ad- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ministration. Do ...... Director, Office of Performance Analysis and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Integrity. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Business Process Integration ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Area Directors Muskogee, OK ...... Area Director, Central ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Detroit, MI ...... Area Director, East ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Nashville, TN ...... Area Director, South ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Phoenix, AZ ...... Area Director, West ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Regional Office Directors Atlanta, GA ...... Director, Regional Office ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Baltimore, MD ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Boston, MA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Buffalo, NY ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Chicago, IL ...... do ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Cleveland, OH ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Columbia, SC ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Denver, CO ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Detroit, MI ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Houston, TX ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Indianapolis, IN ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Jackson, MS ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Little Rock, AR ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Los Angeles, CA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Louisville, KY ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Manila, Philippines Director, Regional Office and Outpatient ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Clinic. Milwaukee, WI ...... Director, Regional Office ...... do ...... CA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Montgomery, AL .... Director, Regional Office ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Muskogee, OK ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Nashville, TN ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... New Orleans, LA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... New York, NY ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Newark, NJ ...... do ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Oakland, CA ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Philadelphia, PA .... Director, Regional Office Insurance Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Phoenix, AZ ...... Director, Regional Office ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Pittsburgh, PA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Portland, OR ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Roanoke, VA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Salt Lake City, UT ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... San Diego, CA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... San Juan, Puerto ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Rico Seattle, WA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... St. Louis, MO ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... St. Paul, MN ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... St. Petersburg, FL ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Winston Salem, NC ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Waco, TX ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Washington, DC .... Under Secretary for Health ...... Michael J. Kussman ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Health Gerald M. Cross M.D...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Oper- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ations and Management. Do ...... Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Health ...... do ...... CA ES ...... for Operations and Management. Do ...... Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Health ...... do ...... CA ES ...... for Policy and Planning. Do ...... Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Clin- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ical and Organizational Support. Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Information Officer ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Chief Communication Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Management Support Office ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Workforce Management and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Consulting Office. Do ...... Associate Chief Financial Officer for Resource ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Management. Do ...... Director, Strategic Planning Service ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Readjustment Counseling Service ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Policy, Analysis, and Forecasting ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Atlanta, GA ...... Chief Business Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Denver, CO ...... Deputy Chief Business Officer for Revenue ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Operations. Washington, DC .... Deputy Chief Business Officer for Purchased ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Care. Topeka, KS...... Deputy Chief Business Officer for Member Vacant ...... ES ...... Services. Washington, DC .... Deputy Chief Operating Officer ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Dean, Veterans Affairs Learning University .. Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Shreveport, LA ...... Special Assistant ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Director, Network Support (East) ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Network Support (West) ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Network Support (Central) ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Chief Patient Safety Officer ...... James P. Bagian M.D...... XS OT ...... Linthicum Heights, Chief Medical Officer ...... Archna N. Sharma M.D. .... XS OT ...... MD Hines, IL ...... do ...... Jeffrey A. Murawsky M.D. XS OT ...... Pittsburgh, PA ...... do ...... David S. Macpherson M.D. XS OT ...... Washington, DC .... Chief Consultant, Care Coordination Stra- Adam W. Darkins ...... XS OT ...... tegic Healthcare Group. Do ...... Chief Consultant, Pharmacy Benefits Man- Michael A. Valentino ...... XS OT ...... agement Strategic Healthcare Group. Seattle, WA...... Chief Consultant, Spinal Cord Injury and Margaret C. Hammond XS OT ...... Disorders Service. M.D. MISCELLANEOUS Washington, DC.... Chief Consultant, Rehabilitation Strategic Lucille B. Beck ...... XS OT ...... with Healthcare Group, Audiology and Speech Pathology Service. PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Chief Consultant for Human Resources ...... Brian M. McVeigh ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Chief Consultant, Women Veterans Health Patricia M. Hayes ...... XS OT ...... Strategic Health Care Group. Do ...... Deputy Chief Research and Development Of- Joseph Francis M.D...... XS OT ...... ficer. Do ...... Deputy Chief Officer, Office of Research John T. Puglisi ...... XS OT ...... Oversight. Do ...... Deputy Chief Consultant, Mental Health Antonette M. Zeiss ...... XS OT ...... Strategic Healthcare Group. Do ...... Deputy Clinical Prosthetics Officer ...... Billie Jane Randolph ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Associate Chief Consultant, Homeless and Paul E. Smits ...... XS OT ...... Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Serv- ices. Do ...... Associate Chief Officer for the Employee Edu- Sheree Cramer ...... XS OT ...... cation System. Do ...... Associate Clinical Quality Liaison ...... Mary T. Roseborough ...... XS OT ...... Orleans, LA ...... Director, Healthcare Retention and Recruit- Marisa W. Palkuti ...... XS OT ...... ment Office. Washington, DC .... Director, Environmental Agents Service ...... Mark A. Brown ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Director, HIV and HCV Prevention Service .... Kim W. Hamlett-Berry ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Director, Rehabilitation Research and Devel- Michael E. Selzer M.D...... XS OT ...... opment. Do ...... National Director, Nutrition and Food Service Ellen M. Bosley ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... National Director of Social Work ...... Kristin A. Day ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Director, Nursing Service ...... Catherine J. Rick ...... XS OT ...... Fort Howard, MD .. Director, Optometry Service ...... John C. Townsend ...... XS OT ...... Seattle, WA ...... National Director, Anesthesia Service ...... Michael J. Bishop M.D...... XS OT ...... Houston, TX...... National Director, Radiation Oncology Pro- P. G. Shankar Giri M.D. .... XS OT ...... gram. Ann Arbor, MI ...... National Program Director, Nuclear Medicine Milton D. Gross M.D...... XS OT ...... and Radiation Safety Service. Washington, DC .... Director, Environmental Epidemiology Serv- Han K. Kang ...... XS OT ...... ice. Cleveland, OH ...... Director, Podiatry Service ...... Jeffrey M. Robbins ...... XS OT ...... Ann Arbor, MI ...... Director, Organizational Health Initiatives .... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC.... Director, Biomedical Laboratory Research Timothy J. O’Leary ...... XS OT ...... and Clinical Science Research and Develop- ment Service. Boston, MA ...... Epidemiology Program Director, Quality and Steven M. Wright ...... XS OT ...... Performance Office. Washington, DC .... Director for Internal and External Collabora- Alexander E.K. Ommaya ... XS OT ...... tions. Do ...... Deputy Director, Clinical Science Research Cheryl J. Oros ...... XS OT ...... and Development Service. Do ...... Senior Health Policy Program Director ...... Sherrie L. Hans ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Assistant Under Secretary for Health for Timothy O. Ward M.D...... XS OT ...... Dentistry. Do ...... Senior Advisor on Legislative and Congres- James H. Holley ...... XS OT ...... sional Affairs. Do ...... Executive Director, Operation Iraqi Freedom/ Karen T. Malebranche ...... XS OT ...... Operation Enduring Freedom. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Dallas, TX ...... Health System Administrator ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Washington, DC ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) Directors Bedford, MA ...... Director, VISN 1 ...... Michael F. Mayo-Smith XS OT ...... M.D. Albany, NY ...... Director, VISN 2 ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... New York -Bronx, Director, VISN 3 ...... do ...... CA ES ...... NY. Pittsburgh, PA ...... Director, VISN 4 ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Linthicum Hghts, Director, VISN 5 ...... do ...... CA ES ...... MD. Durham, NC ...... Director, VISN 6 ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Atlanta, GA ...... Director, VISN 7 ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Bay Pines, FL ...... Director, VISN 8 ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Nashville, TN ...... Director, VISN 9 ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Cincinnati, OH ...... Director, VISN 10 ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Ann Arbor, MI ...... Director, VISN 11 ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Hines, IL ...... Director, VISN 12 ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Kansas City, MO ... Director, VISN 15 ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Jackson, MS ...... Director, VISN 16 ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Health System Administrator, VISN 16 ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Dallas, TX ...... Director, VISN 17 ...... do ...... CA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Phoenix, AZ ...... Director, VISN 18 ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Denver, CO ...... Director, VISN 19 ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Portland, OR ...... Director, VISN 20 ...... do ...... CA ES ...... San Francisco, CA Director, VISN 21 ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Long Beach, CA ..... Director, VISN 22 ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Minneapolis, MN ... Director, VISN 23 ...... Robert A. Petzel M.D...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Chief Operations Officer, VISN 23 ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Primary Care Patient Service Line Director, ...... do ...... CA ES ...... VISN 23. Medical Center Directors Albany, NY ...... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Albuquerque, NM.. Director, New Mexico Veterans Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Healthcare System. Alexandria, LA ...... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Altoona, PA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Amarillo, TX ...... Director, Amarillo Veterans Affairs Health ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Care System. Anchorage, AK ...... Director, Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Regional Office. Ann Arbor, MI...... Director, Ann Arbor Veterans Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Healthcare System. Asheville, NC ...... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Atlanta, GA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Augusta, GA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Bath, NY ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Baltimore, MD ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Battle Creek, MI ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Bay Pines, FL ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Beckley, WV ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Bedford, MA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Big Spring, TX...... Director, West Texas Veterans Affairs Vacant ...... ES ...... Healthcare System. Biloxi, MS ...... Director, Gulf Coast Veterans Affairs Health Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Care System. Birmingham, AL .... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Boise, ID ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Boston, MA ...... Director, Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare ...... do ...... CA ES ...... System. New York -Bronx, Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... NY New York, NY ...... Director, New York Harbor Veterans Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Healthcare System. Buffalo, NY ...... Director, Western New York Veterans Affairs Vacant ...... ES ...... Healthcare System. Butler, PA ...... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Canandaigua, NY ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Charleston, SC ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Cheyenne, WY ...... do ...... David M. Kilpatrick M.D. .. XS OT ...... Chicago, IL ...... Director, Jesse Brown Veterans Affairs Med- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ical Center. Chillicothe, OH ...... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Cincinnati, OH ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Clarksburg, WV ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Cleveland, OH ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Coatesville, PA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Columbia, MO ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Columbia, SC ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Columbus, OH ...... Director, Outpatient Clinic ...... Lilian M. Thome M.D...... XS OT ...... Dallas, TX...... Director, North Texas Veterans Affairs Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Health Care System. Danville, IL ...... Director, Illiana Veterans Affairs Health Care ...... do ...... CA ES ...... System. Dayton, OH ...... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Denver, CO ...... Director, Eastern Colorado Veterans Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Health Care System. Des Moines, IA...... Director, Central Iowa Veterans Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Health Care System. Detroit, MI ...... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... Pamela J. Reeves M.D...... XS OT ...... Dublin, GA ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Durham, NC ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... East Orange, NJ ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... El Paso, TX ...... Director, El Paso Veterans Affairs Health Vacant ...... ES ...... MISCELLANEOUS Care System. with Erie, PA ...... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... Michael D. Adelman M.D. XS OT ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Fargo, ND ...... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical and Re- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... gional Office Center. Fayetteville, AR ..... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Fayetteville, NC ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Fort Harrison, MT Director, Veterans Affairs Medical and Re- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... gional Office Center. Fort Meade, SD ..... Director, Black Hills Veterans Affairs Health ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Care System. Fort Wayne, IN ...... Director, Northern Indiana Veterans Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Health Care System. Fresno, CA ...... Director, Central California Veterans Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Health Care System. Gainesville, FL ...... Director, North Florida/South Georgia Vet- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... erans Affairs Health Care System. Grand Junction, Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... CO Hampton, VA ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Harlingen, TX...... Deputy Director, Veterans Affairs Valley Vacant ...... ES ...... Coastal Bend Division, South Texas Vet- erans Healthcare System. Hines, IL ...... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Honolulu, HI...... Director, Pacific Islands Veterans Affairs James E. Hastings M.D. .... XS OT ...... Healthcare System. Houston, TX ...... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Huntington, WV ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Indianapolis, IN ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Iowa City, IA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Iron Mountain, MI ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Jackson, MS ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Kansas City, MO ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Las Vegas, NV ...... Director, Southern Nevada Veterans Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Health Care System. Lebanon, PA ...... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Lexington, KY ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Little Rock, AR ...... Director, Central Arkansas Veterans Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Healthcare System. Loma Linda, CA .... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Long Beach, CA..... Director, Long Beach Veterans Affairs ...... do ...... ES ...... Healthcare System. Los Angeles, CA .... Director, Greater Los Angeles Veterans Af- ...... do ...... ES ...... fairs Healthcare System. Do ...... Associate Director ...... do ...... ES ...... Louisville, KY ...... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Madison, WI ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Manchester, NH ...... do ...... Marc F. Levenson M.D...... XS OT ...... Marion, IL ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Martinsburg, WV ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Memphis, TN ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Miami, FL ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Milwaukee, WI ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Johnson City, TN ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Muskogee, OK ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Nashville, TN ...... Director, Tennessee Valley Veterans Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Healthcare System. New Orleans, LA ... Director, Southeast Louisiana Veterans Af- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... fairs Health Care System. Montrose, NY...... Director, Hudson Valley Veterans Affairs Vacant ...... ES ...... Health Care System. North Chicago, IL .. Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Northampton, MA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Northport, NY ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Oklahoma City, OK ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Omaha, NE...... Director, Nebraska-Western Iowa Veterans ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Affairs Health Care System. Orlando, FL ...... Director, East Central Florida Veterans Af- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... fairs Healthcare System. Palo Alto, CA ...... Director, Palo Alto Veterans Affairs Health ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Care System. Philadelphia, PA .... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Phoenix, AZ ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Pittsburgh, PA...... Director, Pittsburgh Veterans Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Healthcare System. Poplar Bluff, MO ... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Portland, OR ...... do ...... James A. Tuchschmidt XS OT ...... M.D.

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Prescott, AZ ...... Director, Northern Arizona Veterans Affairs Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Health Care System. Providence, RI ...... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Reno, NV ...... Director, Sierra Veterans Affairs Health Care Kurt W. Schlegelmilch XS OT ...... System. M.D. Richmond, VA ...... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Roseburg, OR ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Sacramento, CA ...... do ...... Brian J. O’Neill M.D...... XS OT ...... Saginaw, MI ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Salem, VA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Salisbury, NC ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Salt Lake City, UT ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... San Antonio, TX.... Director, South Texas Veterans Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Health Care System. San Diego, CA ...... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... San Francisco, CA ...... do ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Seattle, WA...... Director, Puget South Veterans Affairs Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Health Care System. Sheridan, WY ...... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Shreveport, LA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Sioux Falls, SD ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Spokane, WA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... St. Louis, MO ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Syracuse, NY ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Tampa, FL ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Temple, TX...... Director, Central Texas Veterans Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Health Care System. Togus, ME ...... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Tomah, WI ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Topeka, KS...... Director, Eastern Kansas Veterans Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Health Care System. Tucson, AZ ...... Director, Southern Arizona Veterans Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Health Care System. Tuscaloosa, AL ...... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Tuskegee, AL ...... Director, Central Alabama Veterans Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Health Care System. Walla Walla, WA ... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Washington, DC ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... West Haven, CT .... Director, Connecticut Veterans Affairs Health ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Care System. West Palm Beach, Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... FL White City, OR ...... Director, Veterans Affairs Southern Oregon ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Rehabilitation Center and Clinics. White River Junc- Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... tion, VT Wichita, KS ...... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical and Re- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... gional Office Center. Wilkes Barre, PA ... Director, Veterans Affairs Medical Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Wilmington, DE ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... MISCELLANEOUS with


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Charleston, WV ..... General Public ...... Mark A. Sadd ...... PA PD $100 4 Years 06/10/12 Seattle, WA ...... Expert Member ...... John G. Williams III ...... PA PD $100 4 Years 06/10/12 Arlington, VA ...... General Public ...... Rhonda Bentz ...... PA PD $100 4 Years 06/10/10 Knoxville, TN ...... Mayor ...... Bill Haslam ...... PA PD $100 4 Years 06/10/09 Houston, TX ...... Chairman ...... John L. Nau III ...... PA PD $100 4 Years 06/10/09 Albuquerque, NM .. Expert Member ...... John A. Garcia ...... PA PD $100 4 Years 06/10/09 St. Marys City, MD ...... do ...... Julia A. King ...... PA PD $100 4 Years 06/10/11 Aurora, IL ...... Vice Chairman ...... Susan S. Barnes ...... PA PD $100 4 Years 06/10/10 Jefferson City, MO Governor ...... Matthew Blunt ...... PA PD $100 4 Years 06/10/09 Denver, CO ...... Expert Member ...... Ann A. Pritzlaff ...... PA PD $100 4 Years 06/10/11 Quapaw, OK ...... Native American or Member of Native Ha- John L. Berrey ...... PA PD $100 4 Years 06/10/12 waiian Organization.


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Arlington, VA ...... Chairman ...... Frederick M. Franks Jr. .... PA WC ...... Do ...... Commissioner ...... Leslie G. Baker ...... PA WC ...... Do ...... do ...... Chester L. Berryhill Jr...... PA WC ...... Do ...... do ...... Donald T. Bollinger ...... PA WC ...... Do ...... do ...... James B. Culbertson ...... PA WC ...... Do ...... do ...... James B. Francis Jr...... PA WC ...... Do ...... do ...... Victor D. Hanson ...... PA WC ...... Do ...... do ...... Jerry L. Laws ...... PA WC ...... Do ...... do ...... Zell B. Miller ...... PA WC ...... Do ...... do ...... Carol A. Mutter ...... PA WC ...... Do ...... do ...... James M. Reynolds III ...... PA WC ...... Do ...... Secretary ...... John W. Nicholson ...... PA EX IV ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE FEDERAL CO- CHAIRMAN Washington, DC .... Federal Co-Chairman ...... Anne B. Pope ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Alternate Federal Co-Chairman ...... Richard James Peltz ...... PAS EX V ...... Do ...... Confidential Policy Advisor ...... Concepcion Reyna ...... SC GS 13 ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Member ...... John C. Wyvill ...... PA AD ...... 4 Years 12/03/09 Do ...... do ...... Douglas J. Anderson ...... PA AD ...... 4 Years 12/03/10 Do ...... do ...... Gary L. Talbot ...... PA AD ...... 4 Years 12/03/11 Do ...... do ...... Tricia C. Mason ...... PA AD ...... 4 Years 12/03/08 Do ...... do ...... Philip G. Pearce ...... PA AD ...... 4 Years 12/03/08 Do ...... do ...... Daniel O. Rios ...... PA AD ...... 4 Years 12/03/08 Do ...... do ...... John O. Woods Jr...... PA AD ...... 4 Years 12/03/08 Do ...... do ...... Joseph A. Cirillo ...... PA AD ...... 4 Years 12/03/09 Do ...... do ...... Elizabeth A. Stewart ...... PA AD ...... 4 Years 12/03/09 Do ...... do ...... Ronald J. Gardner ...... PA AD ...... 4 Years 12/03/10 Do ...... do ...... James R. Harding II ...... PA AD ...... 4 Years 12/03/10 Do ...... do ...... John G. Box ...... PA AD ...... 4 Years 12/03/11


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Member ...... Neil K. Melick ...... PA AD ...... 4 Years 12/03/11


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Chairman ...... Louis Mead Treadwell ...... PA PD $571 4 Years 02/26/09 Do ...... Member ...... Michele L. Eder ...... PA PD $571 4 Years 02/26/12 Do ...... do ...... Vera K. Metcalf ...... PA PD $571 4 Years 02/26/09 Do ...... do ...... Helvi Sandvik ...... PA PD $571 4 Years 07/29/11 Do ...... do ...... Virgil Sharpton ...... PA PD $571 4 Years 02/26/11 Do ...... do ...... Charles Vorosmarty ...... PA PD $571 4 Years 02/26/12 Do ...... do ...... Warren Zapol ...... PA PD $571 4 Years 02/26/12 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Do ...... Executive Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Washington, DC .... Executive Secretary ...... Gerald J. Smith ...... NA ES ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

BOARD OF GOVERNORS Washington, DC .... Chairman, Broadcasting Board of Governors Vacant ...... PAS AD ...... Do ...... Member, Broadcasting Board of Governors .... Edward Kaufman (D) ...... PAS AD $71 ...... Do ...... do ...... Joaquin F. Blaya (D) ...... PAS AD $71 ...... Do ...... do ...... Blanquita Walsh Cullum PAS AD $71 ...... (R). Do ...... do ...... Steven J. Simmons (R) ...... PAS AD $71 ...... Do ...... do ...... D. Jeffery Hirschberg (D) .. PAS AD $71 ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... PAS AD ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... PAS AD ...... Do ...... Executive Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... General Counsel ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director of Management Planning ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director of Public Affairs ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING BUREAU Do ...... Director, International Broadcasting Bureau ...... do ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff, International Broadcasting Bu- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... reau. Do ...... Director, Voice of America ...... Danforth Austin ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor, Voice of America ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Executive Editor, Voice of America ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Language Program- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ming, Voice of America. Do ...... Associate Director for Operations, Voice of ...... do ...... CA ES ...... America. Do ...... Director of Research and Program Review ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Program Support ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director of Engineering and Technical Serv- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... MISCELLANEOUS ices. with

Do ...... Deputy, Information Systems and Technology ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy for Engineering Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Greenville, NC ...... Relay Station Manager ...... do ...... CA FE $144,477 ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Kuwait, Kuwait ..... Station Manager ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA FE $143,245 ...... Tinang Island, ...... do ...... do ...... CA FE $150,229 ...... Philippines Miami, FL ...... Director Office of Cuba Broadcasting ...... Pedro V. Roig ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff, Office of Cuba Broadcasting .... Alberto Mascaro ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Chairman, Advisory Board for Cuba Broad- Vacant ...... PAS AD $66 ...... casting. Do ...... Member, Advisory Board for Cuba Broad- Robert H. McKinney (D) .... PAS OT $535 ...... casting. Do ...... do ...... Adam M. Lindemann (R) ... PAS OT $535 ...... Do ...... do ...... Jose A. Costa (R) Jr...... PAS OT $535 ...... Do ...... do ...... Jose A. Plasencia ...... PAS OT $535 ...... Do ...... do ...... Feliciano M. Foyo (R) ...... PAS OT $535 ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... PAS AD $66 ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... PAS AD $66 ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Director, Central Intelligence Agency ...... Michael V. Hayden ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Statutory Inspector General ...... John L. Helgerson ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... General Counsel ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Board Chairman ...... John S. Bresland ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Board Member ...... Gary L. Visscher ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... William B. Wark ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... William E. Wright ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Auburn, NY ...... Chairman ...... Kimberly A. Owens ...... PA WC ...... 6 Years 01/19/11 Do ...... Vice Chairman ...... James H. Herring ...... PA WC ...... 6 Years 10/02/12 Do ...... Member ...... Jason E. Allen ...... PA WC ...... 6 Years 01/19/09 Do ...... do ...... Rosalyn Q. Alonso ...... PA WC ...... 6 Years 01/19/09 Do ...... do ...... Maria P. Aristigueta ...... PA WC ...... 6 Years 01/19/09 Do ...... do ...... Valentino F. DiGiorgio III PA WC ...... 6 Years 01/19/11 Do ...... do ...... William S. Gates ...... PA WC ...... 6 Years 10/19/08 Do ...... do ...... E. Gordon Gee ...... PA WC ...... 6 Years 12/25/09 Do ...... do ...... Stephen J. Moses ...... PA WC ...... 6 Years 10/02/08 Do ...... do ...... Paul S. Polo Sr...... PA WC ...... 6 Years 01/19/09 Do ...... do ...... John Salamone ...... PA WC ...... 6 Years 10/02/10 Do ...... do ...... M. Joyce Van Schaack ...... PA WC ...... 6 Years 01/19/11 Do ...... do ...... Anthony C. Wisniewski ..... PA WC ...... 6 Years 03/23/13 Do ...... Executive Director ...... Judith M. Shellenberger .... XS AD ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

COMMISSIONERS Grapevine, TX ...... Special Assistant ...... Kimberly Schuld ...... SC GS 13 ...... Lexington, MA ...... Commissioner ...... Ashley L. Taylor Jr...... PA EX IV ...... Cleveland, OH ...... do ...... Peter N. Kirsanow ...... PA EX IV ...... Washington, DC .... Vice Chairman ...... Abigail Thernstrom ...... PA EX IV ...... Do ...... Commissioner ...... Arlan D. Melendez ...... XS EX IV ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Commissioner ...... Dominique Ludvigson ...... SC GS 13 ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Special Assistant to the Commissioner ...... Richard S. Schmechel ...... SC GS 13 ...... Los Angeles, CA .... Vice Chairman ...... Vacant ...... XS EX IV ...... Washington, DC .... Special Assistant to the Commissioner ...... Tim Fay ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Chairman ...... Gerald A. Reynolds ...... PA EX IV ...... Do ...... Commissioner ...... Gail Heriot ...... XS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... Todd Francis Gaziano ...... XS EX IV ...... Concord, MA ...... do ...... Michael Yaki ...... XS EX IV ...... Do ...... Vice Chairman ...... Vacant ...... PA EX IV ...... STAFF MEMBERS Washington, DC .... Principal Advisor to the Commission ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... General Counsel ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... do ...... David P. Blackwood ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Associate Deputy Staff Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Staff Director for Civil Rights Eval- Vacant ...... ES ...... uation. Do ...... Acting Staff Director ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Staff Director for Congressional Af- ...... do ...... ES ...... fairs. Do ...... Staff Director ...... Martin J. Dannenfelser Jr. NA ES ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Washington, DC .... Secretary of the Commission ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Arlington, VA ...... Executive Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Member ...... Felipe Mendoza ...... PA WC ...... Do ...... do ...... Alan S. Thompson ...... PA WC ...... Do ...... do ...... J. Anthony Poleo ...... PA WC ...... Do ...... do ...... Paul M. Laird ...... PA WC ...... Do ...... Chairman ...... Andrew D. Houghton ...... PA PD $571 5 Years 12/21/10 Do ...... Vice Chairman ...... James H. Omvig ...... PA PD $571 5 Years 12/31/11 Do ...... Member ...... Perry E. Anthony ...... PA WC ...... Do ...... do ...... Robert J. Henke ...... PA WC ...... Do ...... do ...... James House ...... PA WC ...... Do ...... do ...... Kathleen A. James ...... PA WC ...... Do ...... do ...... Robert T. Kelly Jr...... PA PD $571 5 Years 04/24/13 Do ...... do ...... Patrick Leahy ...... PA WC ...... Do ...... do ...... Neil Romano ...... PA WC ...... Do ...... do ...... Edward W. Walters III ...... PA WC ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... PA PD $571 5 Years


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN Washington, DC .... Acting Chairman ...... Walter L. Lukken (R) ...... PAS EX III 5 Years 04/13/12 Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Michael L. Loesch ...... SC OT $221,100 ...... Do ...... Director, Office of External Affairs ...... Ianthe Zabel ...... SC OT $194,727 ...... Do ...... Attorney-Advisor (General) ...... Anil K. Abraham ...... SC OT $179,418 ...... Do ...... Administrative Assistant to the Chairman ..... Erin E. Shaw ...... SC OT $95,272 ...... OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER DUNN Do ...... Commissioner ...... Michael V. Dunn (D) ...... PAS EX IV 5 Years 06/19/11 Do ...... Attorney-Advisor (General) ...... Walter Eric Juzenas ...... SC OT $157,410 ...... MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER LUKKEN with Do ...... Commissioner ...... Walter L. Lukken (R) ...... PAS EX IV 5 Years 04/15/10 PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER SOMMERS Washington, DC .... Commissioner ...... Jill E. Sommers (R) ...... PAS EX IV 5 Years 04/13/09 Do ...... Special Assistant to the Commissioner ...... Andrew S. Morton ...... SC OT $172,800 ...... Do ...... Administrative Assistant to the Commis- Sharon J. Floyd ...... SC OT $69,848 ...... sioner. OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER CHILTON Do ...... Commissioner ...... Bartholomew H. Chilton PAS EX IV 5 Years 04/13/08 (D). Do ...... Special Assistant to the Commissioner ...... Robert A. Holifield ...... SC OT $151,543 ...... Do ...... Administrative Assistant to the Commis- Holly N. Arines ...... SC OT $58,247 ...... sioner. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ECONOMIST Do ...... Chief Economist ...... Jeffrey H. Harris ...... SC OT $221,100 ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Bethesda, MD ...... Chairman, Consumer Product Safety Com- Vacant ...... PAS EX III 4 Years mission. Do ...... Director, Office of Congressional Relations ..... John R. Horner ...... SC GS 15 ...... OFFICE OF COMMISSIONERS Do ...... Special Assistant (Legal) ...... Joseph J. Martyak ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Tai Autumn Moore ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Commissioner ...... Nancy Ann Nord ...... PAS EX IV 7 Years 12/01/05 Do ...... Executive Assistant ...... Linda Taylor ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant (Legal) ...... Quin D. Dodd ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Michael Gougisha ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Pamela L. Weller ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Page C. Faulk ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Commissioner ...... Thomas H. Moore ...... PAS EX IV 7 Years Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Do ...... Executive Director ...... Patricia M. Semple ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Executive Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Supervisory Public Affairs Specialist ...... Juliette Vallese ...... SC GS 15 ...... Office of Compliance Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Compliance ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office of Hazard Identification and Reduction Do ...... Associate Executive Director for Laboratory ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Sciences. Do ...... Associate Executive Director for Health ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Sciences.


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Washington, DC .... Member, Chairman ...... Stephen Goldsmith ...... PAS WC ...... 10/06/10 Do ...... Member ...... Julie Fisher Cummings ..... PAS WC ...... 09/14/11 Do ...... do ...... Mark D. Gearan ...... PAS WC ...... 12/01/10 Do ...... do ...... Vince J. Juaristi ...... PAS WC ...... 02/08/09 Do ...... do ...... Jacob J. Lew ...... PAS WC ...... 10/06/08 Do ...... do ...... James Palmer ...... PAS WC ...... 10/06/11 Do ...... do ...... Alan D. Solomont ...... PAS WC ...... 10/06/09 Do ...... do ...... Stan Soloway ...... PAS WC ...... 10/06/11 Do ...... do ...... Eric J. Tanenblatt ...... PAS WC ...... 10/06/12 Do ...... do ...... Laysha Ward ...... PAS WC ...... 12/27/12 Do ...... do ...... Leona White Hat ...... PAS WC ...... 10/06/08 Do ...... do ...... Donna N. Williams ...... PAS WC ...... 10/06/09 Do ...... Member ...... Vacant ...... PAS WC ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... PAS WC ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Member ...... Vacant ...... PAS WC ...... DEPARTMENT OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Immediate Office Do ...... Chief Executive Officer ...... David J. Eisner ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Career Incumbent ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Lisa P. Guccione ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Special Assistant, Strategic Initiatives ...... Amiko Matsumoto ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... do ...... Jo Anne Newsome ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... do ...... Shannon D. Maynard ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Executive Assistant and Scheduler ...... Vickielyn J. Perry ...... XS OT ...... Office of General Counsel Do ...... General Counsel ...... Frank R. Trinity ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Executive Assistant ...... Phyllis R. Green ...... XS OT ...... Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs Do ...... Director of Government Relations ...... Vacant ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Director, Congressional and Intergovern- Katherine Hoehn ...... XS OT ...... mental Affairs. Office of Public Affairs Do ...... Director of Public Affairs ...... Amy R. Mack ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Director, Media Relations ...... Alexander M. Scott ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Speech Writer ...... Catherine E. Sanders ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Peter N. Shifter ...... XS OT ...... Office of Corporate Relations Do ...... Director, Office of Corporate Relations ...... Jonathan B. Williams ...... XS OT ...... Office of Research and Policy Development Do ...... Director, Office of Research and Policy Devel- Robert T. Grimm Jr...... XS OT ...... opment. Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Susannah L. Washburn ..... XS OT ...... Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives Do ...... Director of Faith Based and Community Ini- Vacant ...... XS OT ...... tiatives. DEPARTMENT OF THE CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Office of AmeriCorps* State and National Washington, DC .... Director of AmeriCorps State and National .... Kristin B. McSwain ...... XS OT ...... Office of AmeriCorps* VISTA Do ...... Director of AmeriCorps VISTA ...... Jean E. Whaley ...... XS OT ...... Office of AmeriCorps* National Civilian Community Corps Do ...... Director, National Civilian Community Corps M. Merlene Mazyck ...... XS OT ...... Office of National Senior Service Corps Do ...... Director, National Senior Service Corps ...... Teresa Scannell ...... XS OT ...... Office of Learn and Serve America Do ...... Director of Learn and Serve America ...... Amy B. Cohen ...... XS OT ...... DEPARTMENT OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... Jerry G. Bridges ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Staff Director and Associate Chief Financial Viquar Ahmad ...... XS OT ...... Officer. OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Do ...... Inspector General ...... Gerald Walpin ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Inspector General ..... John J. Park Jr...... XS OT ...... MISCELLANEOUS with


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

COURT SERVICES AND OFFENDER SUPERVISION AGENCY Washington, DC .... Director ...... Paul A. Quander Jr...... PA EX IV ...... 07/30/08 DEPUTY DIRECTOR Do ...... Deputy Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... LEGISLATIVE, INTERGOVERNMENTAL AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS Do ...... Director, Legislative, Intergovernmental and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Public Affairs. OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... Attorney (General Counsel) ...... do ...... CA ES ...... COMMUNITY JUSTICE PROGRAMS Do ...... Associate Director for Community Justice ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Programs. MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Do ...... Associate Director for Management and Ad- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ministration. HUMAN RESOURCES Do ...... Associate Director of Human Resources ...... do ...... CA ES ...... INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... COMMUNITY SUPERVISION PROGRAM Do ...... Associate Director for Management and Ad- Vacant ...... XS SL ...... ministration. Do ...... Deputy Director ...... do ...... XS SL ...... Do ...... Director of Legislative, Intergovernmental ...... do ...... XS SL ...... and Public Affairs. Do ...... Associate Director for Special Criminal Jus- ...... do ...... XS SL ...... tice Programs. Do ...... Attorney (General Counsel) ...... do ...... XS SL ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Community Justice ...... do ...... XS SL ...... Programs. Do ...... Director of Human Resources ...... do ...... XS SL ...... Do ...... Chief Technology Officer ...... do ...... XS SL ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Community Super- ...... do ...... XS SL ...... vision Services. Do ...... Associate Director for Community Super- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... vision Services. Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... PRETRIAL SERVICES AGENCY Do ...... Director ...... Vacant ...... XS SL ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN Washington, DC .... Chairman ...... Andrew J. Eggenberger ..... PAS EX III 5 Years 10/18/08 Do ...... Vice Chairman ...... John E. Mansfield ...... PAS EX III 5 Years 10/18/11 Do ...... Member ...... Joseph F. Bader ...... PAS EX III 5 Years 10/18/08 Do ...... do ...... Larry W. Brown ...... PAS EX III 5 Years 10/18/10 Do ...... do ...... Peter S. Winokur ...... PAS EX III 5 Years 10/18/09 OFFICE OF THE GENERAL MANAGER Do ...... General Manager ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... General Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Counsel for Nuclear Safety Engineer- William M. Shields ...... XS SL ...... ing.

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Clarksdale, MS ...... Federal Co-Chairman ...... Patrick H. Johnson ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Alternate Federal Co-Chairman ...... Rex Nelson ...... PAS EX V ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR Washington, DC .... Administrator ...... Stephen L. Johnson ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Charles L. Ingebretson ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff (Operations) ...... Cecile Kremer ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Counselor to the Administrator for Agricul- Vacant ...... ES ...... tural Policy. Do ...... Staff Secretary ...... Elizabeth L. White ...... SC GS 15 ...... Advance Staff Do ...... Director of Advance ...... Timothy Barley ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Advance Specialist ...... Catherine C. Bui ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Gaston G. Mooney ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... do ...... Grant P. Broggi ...... SC GS 7 ...... Multi-Media Operations and Services Staff Do ...... Audio Visual Producer ...... Judy Pino ...... SC GS 13 ...... Operations Staff Do ...... Program Manager (Operations) ...... Jason M. Miller ...... SC GS 14 ...... Scheduling Staff Do ...... Program Manager (Scheduling) ...... Kelly M. Schulz ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Deputy to the Scheduler ...... Timothy D. Culbreath ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Strategic Scheduler ...... Tegan N. Hare ...... SC GS 7 ...... Office of Executive Services Do ...... Director, Office of Executive Services ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Environmental Appeals Board Do ...... Environmental Appeals Judge ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Office of Children’s Health Protection and Environmental Education Do ...... Director, Office of Children’s Health Protec- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tion and Environmental Education. Office of Homeland Security Do ...... Associate Administrator for Homeland Secu- Thomas Patrick Dunne ...... NA ES ...... rity. Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for Home- Vacant ...... ES ...... land Security. Office of Civil Rights Do ...... Director, Office of Civil Rights ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office of Small Business Programs Do ...... Director, Office of Small Business Programs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Office of the Associate Administrator for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations Do ...... Associate Administrator for Congressional Christopher P. Bliley ...... NA ES ...... and Intergovernmental Relations. Do ...... Principal Deputy Associate Administrator for Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Congressional and Intergovernmental Rela- tions. Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator ...... Randy C. Kelly ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for Office of Mark A. OConnell ...... SC GS 15 ...... Congressional Affairs. Do ...... Senior Counsel ...... Robert L. Cunningham ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Robert A. Kaufman ...... SC GS 7 ...... Science Advisory Board MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... Director, Science Advisory Board ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... with


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Office of Cooperative Environmental Management Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Cooperative Environmental Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Management. Office of the Associate Administrator for Public Affairs Do ...... Associate Administrator for Public Affairs ..... Lisa Lybbert ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for Pubic Af- Darren K. Hipp ...... SC GS 15 ...... fairs. Do ...... Supervisory Public Affairs Specialist ...... William Briggs ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Press Secretary ...... Jonathan Shradar ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Speech Writer ...... Carleigh Price ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Press Assistant ...... Nicholas W. Butterfield ..... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Deputy Press Secretary ...... Timothy W. Lyons ...... SC GS 11 ...... Office of Public Outreach Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Rocco L. Russo III ...... SC GS 12 ...... Office of the Associate Administrator for Policy, Economics and Innovation Do ...... Associate Administrator for Policy, Economics Brian Mannix ...... NA ES ...... and Innovation. Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for Policy, Richard D. Otis Jr...... NA ES ...... Economics and Innovation. Do ...... Principal Deputy Associate Administrator for Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Policy, Economics and Innovation. Do ...... Director, National Center for Environmental ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Economics. Do ...... Director, Office of Environmental Policy Inno- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... vation. Do ...... Director, Office of Regulatory Policy and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Management. Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Dona H. Deleon ...... NA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY ADMINISTRATOR Do ...... Deputy Administrator ...... Marcus C. Peacock ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Louis F. Caso ...... SC GS 12 ...... OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... Lyons Gray ...... PAS EX IV ...... OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Environmental Molly A. O’Neill ...... PAS EX IV ...... Information. Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator for Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Environmental Information. Office of Information Analysis and Access Do ...... Director, Office of Information Analysis and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Access. Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Information Anal- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ysis and Access. Office of Information Collection Do ...... Director, Office of Information Collection ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Information Collec- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tion. OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION AND RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Administration Luis A. Luna ...... PAS EX IV ...... and Resources Management. Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator for Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Administration and Resources Management. Do ...... Associate Assistant Administrator and White Chad C. Babin ...... NA ES ...... House Liaison. Do ...... Federal Environmental Executive ...... Joseph Cascio ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Program Specialist ...... Preston White ...... SC GS 12 ...... OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Enforcement and Granta Y. Nakayama ...... PAS EX IV ...... Compliance Assurance. Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator for Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. Do ...... Senior Legal Advisor ...... do ...... CA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Office of Administration and Policy Management Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Administration and Policy Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Management. Office of Compliance Do ...... Senior Enforcement Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Office of Criminal Enforcement, Forensics and Training Do ...... Program Advisor ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Office of Federal Activities Do ...... Director, Office of Federal Activities ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... General Counsel ...... do ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... Mary Ann Poirier ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Allison Starmann ...... NA ES ...... Air and Radiation Law Office Do ...... Associate General Counsel (Air and Radi- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ation). Alternative Dispute Resolution Law Office Do ...... Director, Dispute Resolution Law Office ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Civil Rights and Finance Law Office Do ...... Associate General Counsel (Civil Rights/Fi- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... nance). Cross-Cutting Law Office Do ...... Associate General Counsel (Cross-Cutting Vacant ...... ES ...... Issues). Pesticides and Toxic Substances Law Office Do ...... Associate General Counsel (Pesticides and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Toxic Substances). Solid Waste and Emergency Response Law Office Do ...... Associate General Counsel (Solid Waste and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Emergency Response). Water Law Office Do ...... Associate General Counsel (Water) ...... do ...... CA ES ...... General Law Office Do ...... Associate General Counsel (General Law) ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Do ...... Assistant Administrator for International Ac- ...... do ...... PAS EX IV ...... tivities. Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator for ...... do ...... ES ...... International Activities. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator for Inter- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... national Activities. Do ...... Senior Counsel (Environmental Governance) ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... David Redlin ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Administrator/Execu- Anna Fitzgerald ...... SC GS 14 ...... tive Assistant to the Assistant Adminis- trator. Office of Western Hemisphere and Bilateral Affairs Do ...... Director, Western Hemisphere and Bilateral Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Affairs. Office of Management Operations Do ...... Director, Office of Management Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL Do ...... Inspector General ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Associate Deputy Inspector General and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Counsel. OFFICE OF WATER MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Water ...... Benjamin H. Grumbles ...... PAS EX IV ...... with Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator for Water ..... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Special Assistant for Communications ...... Pamela Wade Grant ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Policy Advisor ...... Anthony Moore ...... SC GS 14 ...... Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water Do ...... Director, Office of Ground Water and Drink- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ing Water. Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Ground Water and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Drinking Water. Office of Science and Technology Do ...... Director, Office of Science and Technology ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Science and Tech- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... nology. Office of Wastewater Management Do ...... Director, Office of Wastewater Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Wastewater Man- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... agement. Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds Do ...... Director, Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Wa- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tersheds. Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Wetlands, Oceans ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Watersheds. OFFICE OF SOLID WASTE AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Solid Waste and Susan Parker Bodine ...... PAS EX IV ...... Emergency Response. Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator for Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Solid Waste and Emergency Response. Do ...... Associate Assistant Administrator ...... Scott A. Sherman ...... NA ES ...... Office of Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Do ...... Director, Office of Federal Facilities Restora- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tion and Reuse. Office of Emergency Management Do ...... Director, Office of Emergency Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Emergency Man- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... agement. Office of Program Management Do ...... Director, Office of Program Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation Arlington, VA...... Director, Office of Superfund Remediation ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Technology Innovation. Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Superfund Remedi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ation and Technology Innovation. Do ...... Director, Technology Innovation and Field Vacant ...... ES ...... Services Division. Office of Solid Waste Do ...... Director, Office of Solid Waste ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Solid Waste ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF AIR AND RADIATION Washington, DC .... Assistant Administrator for Air and Radi- Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... ation. Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator for Robert J. Meyers ...... NA ES ...... Air and Radiation. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator for Air and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Radiation. Do ...... Director, Office of Policy Analysis and Review ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Policy Analyst ...... Ronald Walter Servis ...... SC GS 15 ...... Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Durham, NC ...... Director, Office of Air Quality Planning and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Standards. Office of Transportation and Air Quality Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Transportation and Air ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Quality. Ann Arbor, MI ...... Deputy Director, Office of Transportation and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Air Quality. Office of Radiation and Indoor Air Arlington, VA ...... Director, Office of Radiation and Indoor Air ...... do ...... CA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Office of Atmospheric Programs Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Atmospheric Programs ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF PREVENTION, PESTICIDES, AND TOXICS SUBSTANCES Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Prevention, Pes- James B. Gulliford ...... PAS EX IV ...... ticides, and Toxics Substances. Do ...... Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator for Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxics Sub- stances. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator for Preven- Vacant ...... ES ...... tion, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances. Do ...... Director, Office of Science Coordination and ...... do ...... ES ...... Policy. Do ...... Counselor to the Assistant Administrator for ...... do ...... ES ...... International Affairs. Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... do ...... ES ...... Office of Pesticide Programs Arlington, VA ...... Director, Office of Pesticides Programs ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Pesticides Pro- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... grams. Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Pollution Prevention and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Toxics. Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Pollution Preven- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tion and Toxics (Program Management). Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Pollution Preven- Vacant ...... ES ...... tion and Toxics (Regulatory Management). OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Research and De- George M. Gray ...... PAS EX IV ...... velopment. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator for Research Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... and Development (Management). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator for Research ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Develop (Science). Do ...... Director for Sustainable Development ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Scientist to the Science Advisor ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Earth Observation Systems Executive ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... do ...... CA ES ...... REGIONAL OFFICES Region 1 - Boston, Massachusetts Boston, MA ...... Regional Administrator ...... Robert W. Varney ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Region 2 - New York, New York New York, NY ...... Regional Administrator ...... Alan J. Steinberg ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Policy Advisor ...... Cosmo Servidio ...... SC GS 15 ...... Region 3 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA .... Regional Administrator ...... Donald S. Welsh ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Region 4 - Atlanta, Georgia Atlanta, GA ...... Regional Administrator ...... James I. Palmer Jr...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Bay St. Louis, MS Director, Gulf of Mexico Program ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Region 5 - Chicago, Illinois Chicago, IL ...... Regional Administrator ...... Lynn Yerges Buhl ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Region 6 - Dallas, Texas Dallas, TX ...... Regional Administrator ...... Richard E. Greene ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Region 7 - Kansas City, Kansas Kansas City, KS .... Regional Administrator ...... John B. Askew ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... MISCELLANEOUS

Region 8 - Denver, Colorado with

Denver, CO ...... Regional Administrator ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Administrator ...... do ...... ES ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Region 9 - San Francisco, California San Francisco, CA Regional Administrator ...... Wayne H. Nastri ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Region 10 - Seattle, Washington Seattle, WA ...... Regional Administrator ...... Elin Miller ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... do ...... CA ES ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN Washington, DC .... Chairman, Equal Employment Opportunity Naomi D. Earp ...... PAS EX III ...... Commission. Do ...... Vice Chairman ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Commissioner ...... Constance S. Barker ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... Christine M. Griffin ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... Stuart J. Ishimaru ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Chief Operating Officer ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director for Policy Management and Coordi- ...... do ...... ES ...... nation. Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Anthony J. Kaminski ...... TA ES ...... 09/03/09 Do ...... Senior Advisor (Information Technology) ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Office of Chief Financial Officer Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office of Communications and Legislative Affairs Do ...... Director, Office of Communications and Leg- Diane Nash Dillon ...... NA ES ...... islative Affairs. Office of Federal Operations Do ...... Director, Office of Federal Operations ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Federal Sector Programs ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Appellate Review Programs ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Acting Director, Office of Federal Operations ...... do ...... ES ...... Office of Field Programs Do ...... Director, Office of Field Programs ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Field Management Programs ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, State and Local Programs ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Field Coordination Programs ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Office of Human Resources Do ...... Chief Human Capital Officer ...... do ...... ES ...... Office of Information Technology Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office of Research, Information and Planning Do ...... Director, Office of Research, Information and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Planning. Office of Legal Counsel Do ...... Legal Counsel ...... Reed L. Russell ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Legal Counsel ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Associate Legal Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office of Inspector General Do ...... Inspector General ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... General Counsel ...... Ronald S. Cooper ...... PAS EX V ...... 12/09/06 Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate General Counsel for Litigation ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Management Services. Do ...... Associate General Counsel for Systemic Liti- Vacant ...... ES ...... gation Services. Do ...... Associate General Counsel for Appellate Serv- ...... do ...... ES ...... ices. Do ...... Senior Litigation Project Manager ...... Elizabeth Anne Grossman TA ES ...... 02/15/11 Do ...... do ...... John Clark Hendrickson .... TA ES ...... 02/15/11

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Washington, DC .... President and Chairman ...... James H. Lambright ...... PAS EX III 4 Years 01/20/09 Do ...... First Vice President and Vice Chairman ...... Linda M. Conlin ...... PAS EX IV 4 Years 01/20/09 Do ...... Member, Board of Directors ...... Joseph J. Grandmaison ..... PAS EX IV 4 Years 01/20/09 Do ...... do ...... Bijan Rafiekian ...... PAS EX IV 4 Years 01/20/11 Do ...... do ...... Diane Farrell ...... PAS EX IV 4 Years 01/20/11 Do ...... Special Assistant to the Chairman ...... Joel S. Robbins ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Frank P. Ward, III ...... SC GS 11 ...... Office of Communications Do ...... Senior Vice President for Communications ..... Richard P. Diamond ...... SC SL ...... Legal Affairs and General Counsel Do ...... Senior Vice President and General Counsel ... Howard A. Schweitzer ...... SC SL ...... Office of Congressional Affairs Do ...... Senior Vice President for Congressional Af- Frank A. Tillotson ...... SC SL ...... fairs. Export Finance Do ...... Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice John A. McAdams ...... SC SL ...... President.


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE BOARD McLean, VA...... Chairman, Farm Credit Administration Leland Anders Strom ...... PAS EX III 6 Years 10/13/12 Board. Do ...... Member, Farm Credit Administration Board Nancy C. Pellett ...... PAS EX IV 6 Years 05/20/09 Do ...... do ...... Dallas P. Tonsager ...... PAS EX IV 6 Years 05/21/10 Do ...... Executive Assistant ...... James Russell Middleton ... SC OT $173,009 ...... Office of Chief Executive Officer Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Keith Heffernan ...... SC VH $228,408 ...... Do ...... Director, Congressional and Public Affairs ..... Martha E. Schober ...... SC VH $164,645 ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN Washington, DC .... Chairman ...... Kevin J. Martin ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Commissioner ...... Michael J. Copps ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... Jonathan S. Adelstein ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... Robert McDowell ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... Deborah Taylor Tate ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Daniel Gonzalez ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Chairman ...... Aaron N. Goldberger ...... XS SL ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Commissioner ...... Rick Chessen ...... XS SL ...... Do ...... do ...... Scott K. Bergmann ...... XS SL ...... Do ...... do ...... Angela E. Giancarlo ...... XS SL ...... Do ...... do ...... Gregory J. Orlando ...... XS SL ...... CONSUMER AND GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS BUREAU Do ...... Chief, Consumer and Governmental Affairs Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Bureau. ENFORCEMENT BUREAU Do ...... Chief, Enforcement Bureau ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Bureau Chief, Enforcement Bureau ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff, Enforcement Bureau ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Program Manager ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Bureau Chief, Economics ...... do ...... CA ES ...... INTERNATIONAL BUREAU MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... Chief, International Bureau ...... Helen A. Domenici ...... NA ES ...... with

Do ...... Deputy Bureau Chief, International Bureau .. Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

MEDIA BUREAU Washington, DC .... Chief, Media Bureau ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Bureau Chief, Media Bureau ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Bureau Chief ...... Mary C. Diamond ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Chief, Video Division ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY Do ...... Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... General Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate General Counsel for Litigation and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Enforcement. OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS Do ...... Director, Office of Legislative Affairs ...... S. Kevin Washington ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief, Legislative Affairs ...... Deana Y. Funderburk ...... NA ES ...... OFFICE OF MEDIA RELATIONS Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Clyde F. Ensslin ...... SC GS 15 ...... OFFICE OF THE MANAGING DIRECTOR Do ...... Managing Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Managing Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF STRATEGIC PLANNING AND POLICY ANALYSIS Do ...... Chief, Office of Strategic Planning and Policy ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Analysis. PUBLIC SAFETY AND HOMELAND SECURITY BUREAU Do ...... Bureau Chief ...... Derek K. Poarch ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Deputy Bureau Chief, Public Safety and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Homeland Security Bureau. Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Bureau Chief, Public Safety and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Homeland Security Bureau. Do ...... Division Chief, Public Communications Out- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... reach and Operations Division, Public Safe- ty and Homeland Security Bureau. Do ...... Deputy Division Chief, Public Communica- Victoria A. Velez ...... NA ES ...... tions Outreach and Operations Division, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bu- reau. WIRELINE COMPETITION BUREAU Do ...... Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Bureau Chief, Wireline Competition ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Bureau. Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU Do ...... Deputy Bureau Chief, Wireless Telecommuni- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... cation Bureau. Do ...... Associate Bureau Chief, Wireless Tele- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... communications Bureau.


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Member of the Board of Directors ...... Thomas J. Curry ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Vice Chairman ...... Martin J. Gruenberg ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Director for Public Affairs ...... Andrew S. Gray ...... SC OT $159,323 ...... Do ...... Inspector General ...... Jon T. Rymer ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Jesse O. Villarreal Jr...... SC OT $175,230 ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Chairman of the Board of Directors (Director) Sheila C. Bair ...... PAS EX III ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Chairman ...... Donald F. McGahn ...... PAS EX IV ...... 04/30/09 Do ...... Vice Chairman ...... Steven T. Walther ...... PAS EX IV ...... 04/30/09 Do ...... Commissioner Member ...... Matthew S. Petersen ...... PAS EX IV ...... 04/30/11 Do ...... do ...... Caroline C. Hunter ...... PAS EX IV ...... 04/30/13 Do ...... do ...... Ellen L. Weintraub ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... Cynthia L. Bauerly ...... PAS EX IV ...... 04/30/11 Do ...... Staff Director ...... Vacant ...... EX ...... Do ...... General Counsel ...... Thomasenia P. Duncan ...... XS EX V ...... Do ...... Inspector General ...... Lynne A. McFarland ...... XS GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Jill A. Moschak ...... XS GS 13 ...... Do ...... Executive Assistant ...... Benjamin T. Barr ...... XS GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Eric Hallstrom ...... XS GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Brad C. Deutsch ...... XS GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Eric S. Brown ...... XS GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Jonathan D. Borrowman ... XS GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Katherine Belinski ...... XS GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Thomas J. Andersen ...... XS GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Jason K. Levine ...... XS GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Eric Wang ...... XS GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Stacey Shin ...... XS GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Rebekah N. Harvey ...... XS GS 14 ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN Washington, DC .... Chairman, Federal Energy Regulatory Com- Joseph T. Kelliher ...... PAS EX III 5 Years 06/30/12 mission. Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... OFFICE OF MEMBER Do ...... Member, Federal Energy Regulatory Commis- Jon Wellinghoff ...... PAS EX IV 5 Years 06/30/13 sion. Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Mae C. Travers ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Member, Federal Energy Regulatory Commis- Philip D. Moeller ...... PAS EX IV 5 Years 06/30/10 sion. Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Jennifer A. Quinlan ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Member, Federal Energy Regulatory Commis- Suedeen G. Kelly ...... PAS EX IV 5 Years 06/30/09 sion. Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Donna J. Glasgow ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Member, Federal Energy Regulatory Commis- Marc L. Spitzer ...... PAS EX IV 5 Years 06/30/11 sion. OFFICE OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS Do ...... Director, Office of External Affairs ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Congressional, Intergovernmental and Public John W. Peschke ...... SC GS 15 ...... Affairs Specialist. OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate General Counsel, General and Ad- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ministrative Law. Do ...... Associate General Counsel, Energy Projects ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Associate General Counsel, Energy ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Projects. Do ...... Associate General Counsel, Energy Markets ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Associate General Counsel, Energy ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Markets. Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... MISCELLANEOUS

Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Solicitor ...... do ...... CA ES ...... with


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF ENERGY MARKET REGULATION Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Energy Market Regulation Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Energy Market ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Regulation. Do ...... Director, Tariffs and Market Development - ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Central. Do ...... Director, Tariffs and Market Development - ...... do ...... CA ES ...... West. Do ...... Director, Tariffs and Market Development - ...... do ...... CA ES ...... East. Do ...... Director, Policy Analysis and Rulemaking ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Administration, Case Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Strategic Planning. OFFICE OF ENERGY PROJECTS Do ...... Director, Office of Energy Projects ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy Director, Office of Energy ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Projects. Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Energy Projects ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Hydropower Licensing ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Pipeline Certificates ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Hydropower Administration, and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Compliance. Do ...... Director, Gas Environment and Engineering ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT Do ...... Director, Office of Enforcement ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Enforcement ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Investigations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Investigations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Audits ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Energy Market Oversight ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF ELECTRIC RELIABILITY Do ...... Director, Office of Electric Reliability ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Electric Reliability ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Compliance ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Logistics and Security ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE LITIGATION Do ...... Director, Office of Administrative Litigation ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Technical Division ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Legal Division ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Counsel for Litigation ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Do ...... Executive Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Executive Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Information Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Washington, DC .... Chairman ...... Ronald A. Rosenfeld ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Board Director ...... Alicia R. Castaneda ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... Geoff S. Bacino ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... Allan I. Mendelowitz ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Housing and Urban Development Secretary’s Vacant ...... PA EX IV ...... Designee to the Board of Directors. Do ...... Special Assistant to the Board Director ...... Christopher Lawrence SC OT $166,453 ...... Bosland Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... John Paul Green ...... SC OT $92,522 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Board Director ...... Jonathan Lindley ...... SC TM $165,672 ...... Do ...... Counsel to the Chairman ...... Daris D. Meeks Esq...... SC OT $184,213 ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN Washington, DC .... Chairman ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV 5 Years Do ...... Management Assistant ...... Matthew J. Martini ...... SC GS 7 ...... OFFICE OF MEMBER Do ...... Member ...... Carol W. Pope ...... PAS EX V ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX V ...... OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... General Counsel ...... do ...... PAS EX V ...... FEDERAL SERVICE IMPASSES PANEL Do ...... Chairman ...... Becky N. Dunlop ...... PA SL ...... Do ...... Executive Assistant ...... Victoria L. Dutcher ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Member ...... Richard Ainsworth Jr...... PA SL ...... Do ...... do ...... Barbara Bruin ...... XS SL ...... Do ...... do ...... Mark A. Carter ...... PA SL ...... Do ...... do ...... John G. Cruz ...... PA SL ...... Do ...... do ...... Grace Flores-Hughes ...... PA SL ...... Do ...... do ...... Olden C. Lee ...... PA SL ...... Do ...... do ...... Andrea Newman ...... PA SL ...... Do ...... do ...... Joseph Whitaker ...... PA SL ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE MEMBERS Washington, DC .... Chairman ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Commissioner ...... do ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... Rebecca F. Dye ...... PAS EX IV 5 Years 06/30/10 Do ...... do ...... Harold J. Creel Jr...... PAS EX IV 5 Years 06/30/09 Do ...... do ...... Joseph E. Brennan ...... PAS EX IV 5 Years 06/30/08 Do ...... Counsel to the Commissioner ...... Steven Najarian ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Edward L. Lee Jr...... SC GS 15 ...... Office of the General Counsel Do ...... General Counsel ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Office of Operations Do ...... Director of Operations ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Washington, DC .... Director ...... Arthur F. Rosenfeld ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... National Representative ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director (Field Operations) ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Chief Financial Officer Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... do ...... ES ...... Office of the Deputy Director Atlanta, GA ...... Deputy Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Washington, DC ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay MISCELLANEOUS


Washington, DC .... Chairman ...... Michael F. Duffy ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Pamela Chisholm ...... SC GS 11 ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS Washington, DC .... Member ...... Robert F. Cohen Jr...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Attorney Advisor (General) ...... Elizabeth Sarah Symonds SC GS 15 ...... OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Do ...... Special Assistant to the Chairman ...... do ...... ES ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Chairman ...... Ben S. Bernanke ...... PAS EX II 14 Years Do ...... Vice Chairman ...... Donald L. Kohn ...... PAS EX III 14 Years Do ...... Governor ...... Kevin M. Warsh ...... PAS EX III 14 Years Do ...... do ...... Randall S. Kroszner ...... PAS EX III 14 Years Do ...... do ...... Elizabeth A. Duke ...... PAS EX III 14 Years Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX III 14 Years Do ...... do ...... do ...... PAS EX III 14 Years


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Chairman ...... Andrew M. Saul ...... PAS PD $571 4 Years Do ...... Member ...... Thomas A. Duffy ...... PAS PD $571 4 Years Do ...... do ...... Thomas A. Fink ...... PAS PD $571 4 Years Do ...... do ...... Alejandro M. Sanchez ...... PAS PD $571 4 Years Do ...... do ...... Gordon J. Whiting ...... PAS PD $571 4 Years Do ...... Executive Director ...... Gregory Long ...... XS EX III ...... Do ...... Director of External Affairs ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... General Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN Washington, DC .... Chairman ...... William E. Kovacic ...... PAS EX III 7 Years 09/25/11 Do ...... Commissioner ...... Pamela J. Harbour ...... PAS EX IV 7 Years 09/25/09 Do ...... do ...... Jonathan D. Leibowitz ...... PAS EX IV 7 Years 09/25/10 Do ...... do ...... J. Thomas Rosch ...... PAS EX IV 7 Years 09/25/12 Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV 7 Years 09/25/08 Do ...... Special Advisor to the Chairman ...... Sarah M. Mathias ...... TA ES ...... 11/08/09 Do ...... Secretary ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Policy Planning ...... Maureen K. Ohlhausen ..... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Public Affairs ...... Nancy N. Judy ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Congressional Liaison Specialist ...... Roderick M. Rill ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... June R. Young ...... SC GS 11 ...... OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Do ...... Executive Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... General Counsel ...... William Blumenthal ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Principal Deputy General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel for Litigation ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel for Legal Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Washington, DC .... Director, Office of International Affairs ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director for International Technical ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Assistance. BUREAU OF COMPETITION Do ...... Director, Bureau of Competition ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Bureau of Competition ...... David P. Wales Jr...... NA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Kenneth L. Glazer ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director, Policy and Special ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Projects. Do ...... Assistant Director for Mergers I ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Director for Mergers II ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Director for Mergers III ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Director for Health Care ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Director for Compliance ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... BUREAU OF CONSUMER PROTECTION Do ...... Director, Bureau of Consumer Protection ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Bureau of Consumer Protec- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tion. Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Privacy and Identity ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Protection. Do ...... Associate Director for Advertising Practices ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Marketing Practices ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Financial Practices ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Consumer and Busi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ness Education. Do ...... Associate Director for Planning and Informa- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tion. Do ...... Associate Director for Enforcement ...... do ...... CA ES ...... BUREAU OF ECONOMICS Do ...... Director, Bureau of Economics ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director for Research and Develop- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ment and Operations. Do ...... Deputy Director for Antitrust ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Consumer Protection ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Research.


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR Washington, DC .... Administrator ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... John F. Phelps ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... White House Liaison ...... John B. Horton IV ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff ...... Kimberly A. Douglass ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... James J. Tolton ...... SC GS 7 ...... FEDERAL ACQUISITION SERVICE Arlington, VA ...... Commissioner ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Commissioner ...... do ...... CA ES ...... PUBLIC BUILDINGS SERVICE Washington, DC .... Commissioner ...... David L. Winstead ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Commissioner ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Patricia L. Stolnacker ...... SC GS 15 ...... OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ACQUISITION OFFICER Do ...... Chief Acquisition Officer ...... Theodore S. Haddad ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Marya K. Pickering ...... SC GS 15 ...... OFFICE OF GOVERNMENTWIDE POLICY Do ...... Associate Administrator for Governmentwide Vacant ...... ES ...... MISCELLANEOUS Policy.

with Do ...... Principal Deputy Associate Administrator for Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ......

Governmentwide Policy. PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF CITIZEN SERVICES AND COMMUNICATIONS Washington, DC .... Associate Administrator for Citizen Services Edward N. Blakely Jr...... NA ES ...... and Communications. Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for Citizen Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Services. Do ...... Senior Communications Advisor ...... Michael J. Collins ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Public Affairs Specialist ...... Lindsey M. Willis ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Events Management Specialist ...... Whitney L. Roberts ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Public Affairs Specialist ...... Sarah L. Stamper ...... SC GS 9 ...... OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... General Counsel ...... Leslie A. Nicholson Jr...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate General Counsel for General Law ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate General Counsel for Real Property Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Associate General Counsel for Personal Prop- ...... do ...... ES ...... erty. OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Do ...... Inspector General ...... Brian D. Miller ...... PAS EX IV ...... OFFICE OF CONGRESSIONAL AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS Do ...... Associate Administrator for Congressional Kevin A. Messner ...... NA ES ...... and Intergovernmental Affairs. Do ...... Principal Deputy Associate Administrator for Linda L. Emery ...... SC GS 15 ...... Congressional and Intergovernmental Af- fairs. Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for Congres- Karen M. Kirksey ...... SC GS 15 ...... sional and Intergovernmental Affairs. Do ...... do ...... Brian K. Mabry ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Paul L. Powell ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Lamar N. Echols III ...... SC GS 11 ...... OFFICE OF THE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Information Technology Security Officer ...... Kurt D. Garbars ...... TA ES ...... 10/13/10 OFFICE OF PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT Do ...... Associate Administrator for Performance Im- Kimber H. Boyer Jr...... NA ES ...... provement. Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for Perform- Paula S. Thibeault ...... SC GS 15 ...... ance Improvement. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Edward J. Rossillo ...... SC GS 13 ...... OFFICE OF SMALL BUSINESS UTILIZATION Do ...... Associate Administrator for Small Business Felipe Mendoza ...... SC GS 15 ...... Utilization. Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for Small Michael J. Rigas ...... SC GS 15 ...... Business Utilization. Do ...... Small Business Specialist ...... Aaron B. Collmann ...... SC GS 11 ...... OFFICE OF CIVIL RIGHTS Do ...... Associate Administrator for Civil Rights ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... REGIONAL ADMINISTRATORS National Capital Region Washington, DC .... Regional Administrator ...... Anthony Reed ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Administrator ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Andrew J. Starrs ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Regional Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... New England Region Boston, MA ...... Regional Administrator ...... Dennis R. Smith ...... NA ES ...... Northeast and Caribbean Region New York, NY ...... Regional Administrator ...... Emily R. Baker ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Patricia L. Summers ...... SC GS 11 ...... Mid-Atlantic Region Philadelphia, PA .... Regional Administrator ...... Barbara L. Shelton ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Administrator ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Maryann L. Urban ...... SC GS 14 ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Southeast Sunbelt Region Atlanta, GA ...... Regional Administrator ...... Craig G. Dawson ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Great Lakes Region Chicago, IL ...... Regional Administrator ...... James C. Handley ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Administrator ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Robert A. Thibeault ...... SC GS 15 ...... The Heartland Region Kansas City, MO ... Regional Administrator ...... Bradley M. Scott ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Elizabeth A. Mohart ...... SC GS 13 ...... Greater Southwest Region Fort Worth, TX ...... Regional Administrator ...... Scott R. Armey ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Tye S. DeBerry ...... SC GS 15 ...... Rocky Mountain Region Denver, CO ...... Regional Administrator ...... Leslie L. Plomondon ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Douglas L. Flanders ...... SC GS 15 ...... Pacific Rim Region San Francisco, CA Regional Administrator ...... Peter G. Stamison ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Administrator ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Darlene Ayers-Johnson ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Regional Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Northwest/Arctic Region Auburn, WA ...... Regional Administrator ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Roy F. Atwood ...... SC GS 13 ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Executive Secretary ...... Frederick G. Slabach ...... NA ES ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Executive Director ...... Philip F. Mangano ...... NA ES ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Arlington, VA ...... President ...... Larry L. Palmer ...... XS EX IV ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

El Paso, TX ...... Commissioner ...... Carlos Marin ...... PA AD $158,000 ......


Type Pay Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Plan Grade, or Tenure Expires

MISCELLANEOUS Appt. Pay with Rockville, MD ...... Federal Commissioner ...... James Winston Porter ...... PA WC ...... Do ...... do ...... George Wesley Reiger ...... PA WC ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Rockville, MD ...... Federal Commissioner ...... Jane Graeffe Witheridge ... PA WC ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... President ...... Paul A. Yost Jr...... XS EX III ...... Do ...... Vice President and Director of Programs ...... Lewis F. Larsen ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Director of Administration and Finance ...... Stephen W. Weiss ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Special Assistant/Office Manager ...... Norma J. Claytor ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Academic Assistant ...... Sheila Osbourne ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Program Analyst ...... Elizabeth G. Ray ...... XS AD ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

JAPAN - UNITED STATES FRIENDSHIP COMMISSION Washington, DC .... Executive Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Bethesda, MD ...... Commissioner ...... Paul K. Dayton ...... PA OT $100,000 ...... Do ...... Chairman ...... John E. Reynolds ...... PA OT $100,000 ...... Do ...... Commissioner ...... Vera Alexander ...... PA OT $100,000 ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Reston, VA ...... Vice Chairman ...... Jack C. Ebeler ...... XS OT ...... 3 Years 04/30/10 Washington, DC .... Executive Director ...... Mark E. Miller ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... James Mathews ...... XS AD ...... Bend, OR ...... Chairman ...... Glenn M. Hackbarth ...... XS OT ...... 3 Years 04/30/09


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE BOARD, CHAIRMAN Washington, DC .... Chairman ...... Neil A.G. McPhie ...... PAS EX III ...... 03/01/09 Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Tracey D. Watkins ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Counsel to the Chairman ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Jon Lynn Kerchner ...... SC GS 14 ...... Office of the Board, Vice Chairman Do ...... Vice Chairman ...... Mary M. Rose ...... PAS EX IV ...... 03/01/11 Do ...... Chief Counsel to the Vice Chairman ...... Lynore Carnes ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant to the Vice Chairman Kathleen McCullough Bul- SC GS 12 ...... lock. Office of the Board, Member Do ...... Member ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Chief Counsel to the Member ...... do ...... ES ...... Office of the General Counsel Do ...... General Counsel ...... B. Chad Bungard ...... NA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Chief Executive Officer ...... Paul V. Applegarth ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Executive Assistant ...... Robert C. Vanderbrouk ...... SC OT $62,886 ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR Washington, DC .... Administrator ...... Michael D. Griffin ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator ...... Shana Dale ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Associate Deputy Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Administrator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Associate Administrator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Paul Morrell ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... White House Liaison ...... Jane Cherry ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Special Advisor ...... JuliAnna Potter ...... SC GS 14 ...... Office of Safety and Mission Assurance Do ...... Chief, Safety and Mission Assurance ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office of Program Analysis and Evaluation Do ...... Associate Administrator for Program Analysis ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Evaluation. AERONAUTICS RESEARCH MISSION DIRECTORATE Do ...... Associate Administrator for Aeronautics Re- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... search Mission Directorate. Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for Aero- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... nautics Mission Directorate. Do ...... Senior Technical Advisor ...... Jay Dryer ...... TA ES ...... 01/02/10 EXPLORATION SYSTEMS MISSION DIRECTORATE Do ...... Associate Administrator for Exploration Sys- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tems Mission Directorate. SCIENCE MISSION DIRECTORATE Do ...... Associate Administrator for the Science Mis- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sion Directorate. Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for the ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Science Mission Directorate. SPACE OPERATIONS MISSION DIRECTORATE Do ...... Associate Administrator for Space Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Mission Directorate. Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for Space ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Operations Mission Directorate. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... Ronald Spoehel ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Sarah Catignani ...... SC GS 7 ...... OFFICE OF THE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Information Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Chief Information Officer for Archi- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tecture and Operations. OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... General Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate General Counsel (General Law ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Practice Group). Do ...... Associate General Counsel (Contracts and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Procurement Practice Group). Do ...... Associate General Counsel (Intellectual Prop- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... erty and Commercial Law Practice Group). Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ......

MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... Executive Assistant ...... David John Wood III ...... SC GS 7 ......


Do ...... Assistant Administrator for External Rela- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tions. PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Deputy Assistant Administrator for External Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Relations. Colorado Springs, National Aeronautics and Space Administra- Vacant ...... ES ...... CO tion Liaison to Air Force Space Command and United States Northern Command. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF HEALTH AND MEDICAL OFFICER Washington, DC .... Chief Health and Medical Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONS AND MANAGEMENT Do ...... Associate Administrator for Institutions and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Management. Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Diversity and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Equal Opportunity. Office of Human Capital Management Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Human Capital ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Management. Office of Infrastructure and Administration Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Infrastructure ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Administration. Office of Internal Controls and Management Systems Do ...... Assistant Administrator, Office of Internal Louis Becker ...... TA ES ...... 11/10/10 Controls and Management Systems. CHIEF OF STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS Do ...... Chief of Strategic Communications ...... Christopher Shank ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Daniel Cano II ...... SC GS 11 ...... Office of Education Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Education ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Legislative and William Bruner ...... NA ES ...... Intergovernmental Affairs. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator for Legisla- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tive and Intergovernmental Affairs. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator for Strategy Margaret Hemenway ...... NA ES ...... and Plans. Do ...... Director, Outreach and Intergovernmental Af- James O’Keefe ...... SC GS 14 ...... fairs. Do ...... Congressional Affairs Outreach Program Susan Theresa Marie SC GS 14 ...... Manager. Laver. Office of Public Affairs Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Public Affairs ..... David Mould ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator for Public Af- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... fairs. Do ...... Director of Public Outreach Division ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Managing Editor ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Writer/Editor ...... Edward S. Goldstein ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Staci Johnson ...... SC GS 12 ...... AMES RESEARCH CENTER Moffett Field, CA ... Director, Ames Research Center ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Ames Research Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... DRYDEN FLIGHT RESEARCH CENTER Edwards Air Force Director, Dryden Flight Research Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Base, CA Do ...... Deputy Director, Dryden Flight Research Vacant ...... ES ...... Center. Do ...... Associate Director for Management, Dryden Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Flight Research Center. Do ...... Chief Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... GLENN RESEARCH CENTER Cleveland, OH ...... Director, Glenn Research Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Glenn Research Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER Greenbelt, MD ...... Director, Goddard Space Flight Center ...... Robert D. Strain ...... TA ES ...... 08/03/09 Do ...... Deputy Director, Goddard Space Flight Cen- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ter. Do ...... Associate Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director for Science and Technology ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director of Applied Engineering and Tech- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... nology. Wallops Island, VA Director of Wallops Flight Facility ...... do ...... CA ES ...... JOHNSON SPACE CENTER Houston, TX ...... Director, Johnson Space Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Johnson Space Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Counsel, Johnson Space Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... KENNEDY SPACE CENTER Kennedy Space Director, Kennedy Space Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Center, FL Do ...... Deputy Director, Kennedy Space Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... LANGLEY RESEARCH CENTER Hampton, VA ...... Director, Langley Research Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Langley Research Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... MARSHALL SPACE FLIGHT CENTER Huntsville, AL ...... Director, George C. Marshall Space Flight ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Center. Do ...... Deputy Director, George C. Marshall Space ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Flight Center. Do ...... Chief Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... John B. McDougle ...... TA ES ...... 10/24/08 Do ...... Director, Engineering Directorate ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... STENNIS SPACE CENTER Bay St. Louis, MS Director, Stennis Space Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Stennis Space Center ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Washington, DC .... Inspector General ...... Robert W. Cobb ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Inspector General ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

ARCHIVIST OF UNITED STATES AND DEPUTY ARCHIVIST OF THE UNITED STATES College Park, MD .. Archivist of the United States ...... Allen Weinstein ...... PAS EX III ...... General Counsel Do ...... General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Information Security Oversight Office Washington, DC .... Director, Information Security Oversight Of- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... fice. Congressional Affairs Staff College Park, MD .. Director, Congressional and Legislative Af- Vacant ...... ES ...... fairs. Office of Regional Records Services St. Louis, MO ...... Director, National Personnel Records Center Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... College Park, MD .. Director, Records Center Programs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Office of Information Services Do ...... Deputy Chief Information Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Electronic Records Archives Pro- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... gram. MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... Deputy Director, Electronic Records Archives ...... do ...... CA ES ...... with


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Office of Records Services - Washington, DC Washington, DC .... Deputy Assistant Archivist for Records Serv- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ices. Do ...... Director, Modern Records Program ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Access Programs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Preservation Programs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Office of Presidential Libraries Ann Arbor, MI ...... Director, Gerald R. Ford Library ...... Elaine K. Didier ...... XS SL $147,111 ...... Simi Valley, CA ..... Director, Ronald Reagan Library ...... R. Duke Blackwood ...... XS SL $152,000 ...... Austin, TX ...... Director, Lyndon B. Johnson Library ...... Betty S. Flowers ...... XS SL $152,000 ...... Atlanta, GA ...... Director, Jimmy Carter Library ...... Jay E. Hakes ...... XS SL $152,000 ...... Little Rock, AR ...... Director, William J. Clinton Library ...... David E. Alsobrook ...... XS SL $130,425 ...... Boston, MA ...... Director, John F. Kennedy Library ...... Thomas J. Putnam ...... XS SL $135,094 ...... College Station, TX Director, George Bush Library ...... Warren Finch ...... XS SL $130,073 ...... Yorba Linda, CA .... Director, Richard M. Nixon Library ...... Timothy J. Naftali ...... XS SL $150,000 ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Chairman ...... John V. Cogbill III ...... PA PD $571 6 Years 01/01/13 Do ...... Commission Member ...... Jose L. Galvez III ...... PA PD $571 6 Years 01/01/09 Do ...... do ...... Herbert F. Ames ...... PA PD $571 6 Years 01/01/11


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Chairperson ...... John R. Vaughn ...... PAS EX IV 3 Years 09/17/07 Do ...... Vice Chairperson ...... Patricia Pound ...... PAS EX IV 3 Years 09/17/05 Do ...... do ...... Ralph Chad Colley ...... PAS EX IV 3 Years 09/17/07 Do ...... Member ...... Milton Aponte Esq...... PAS EX IV 3 Years 09/17/06 Do ...... do ...... Linda Wetters ...... PAS EX IV 3 Years 09/17/06 Do ...... do ...... Robert R. Davila ...... PAS EX IV 3 Years 09/17/06 Do ...... do ...... Victoria Ray Carlson ...... PAS EX IV 3 Years 09/17/07 Do ...... do ...... Graham Hill ...... PAS EX IV 3 Years 09/17/05 Do ...... do ...... Marylyn Howe ...... PAS EX IV 3 Years 09/17/08 Do ...... do ...... Young Woo Kang ...... PAS EX IV 3 Years 09/17/06 Do ...... do ...... Kathleen Martinez ...... PAS EX IV 3 Years 09/17/06 Do ...... do ...... Lisa Mattheiss ...... PAS EX IV 3 Years 09/17/07 Do ...... do ...... Cynthia Wainscott ...... PAS EX IV 3 Years 09/17/08 Do ...... do ...... Lonnie Moore ...... PAS EX IV 3 Years 09/17/08 Do ...... do ...... Anne M. Rader ...... PAS EX IV 3 Years 09/17/08


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE BOARD Alexandria, VA ...... Chairman ...... Michael E. Fryzel ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Senior Policy Advisor ...... Carlton L. Hoskins ...... SC OT $174,141 ...... Do ...... do ...... Gary Kohn ...... SC OT $174,141 ...... Do ...... Board Member ...... Christiane Gigi Hyland ..... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Senior Policy Advisor to the Chairman ...... Sarah D. Vega ...... SC OT $174,141 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Jessica Lynn Vogel ...... SC OT $41,065 ...... Do ...... do ...... Sally Thompson ...... SC OT $65,390 ...... Do ...... Vice Chairman ...... Rodney Hood ...... PAS EX IV 6 Years Do ...... Director, Office of Public and Congressional John J. McKechnie ...... SC OT $201,132 ...... Affairs. Do ...... Staff Assistant to the Director of Public and Katie E. McDonald ...... SC OT $34,762 ...... Congressional Affairs.

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

INSTITUTE OF MUSEUM AND LIBRARY SERVICES Washington, DC .... Director, Institute of Museum and Library Anne-Imelda Radice ...... PAS EX III ...... Services. Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... Wayne Morlier ...... PA ES ...... 08/04/11 Do ...... Deputy Director for Library Services ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... General Counsel ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director for Museum Services ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS Do ...... Chairman, National Endowment for the Arts Michael Dana Gioia ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Senior Deputy Chairman ...... Eileen B. Mason ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chairman for Grants and Awards ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Government Affairs ...... Ann Guthrie Hingston ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Congressional Liaison ...... Shana Meehan Chase ...... SC GS 14 ...... President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities Do ...... Executive Director, President’s Committee on Daniel E. Moran III ...... SC SL ...... the Arts and Humanities. NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES Do ...... Chairman ...... Bruce M. Cole ...... PAS EX III 4 Years Do ...... Deputy Chairman ...... Thomas K. Lindsay ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff and Counselor to the Chairman Andrew Hazlett ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Chairman ...... Mindy L. Berry ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Chairman ...... Annie Hsiao ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Chairman for Programs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Chairman for Partnership and Na- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tional Affairs. Do ...... Director, Office of Challenge Grants ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Division of Education Programs ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Federal/State Partnership ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Division of Preservation and Access Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Director, Division of Public Programs ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Division of Research Programs ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director of Communications ...... Brian J. Lee ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Associate Director of Communications and Lee F. Bockhorn ...... SC GS 12 ...... Chief Speechwriter. Do ...... Deputy Director, President’s Committee on Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... the Arts and the Humanities. Do ...... Senior Project Coordinator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Member ...... Herman J. Belz ...... PAS AD $135 6 Years 01/26/10 Do ...... do ...... Josiah Bunting ...... PAS OT $135 6 Years 01/26/12 Do ...... do ...... Jamsheed Choksy ...... PAS AD $135 6 Years 01/26/14 Do ...... do ...... Celeste Colgan ...... PAS AD $135 6 Years 02/27/09 Do ...... do ...... Dawn H. Delbanco ...... PAS AD $135 6 Years 01/26/14 Do ...... do ...... Jane M. Doggett ...... PAS AD $135 6 Years 01/26/12 Do ...... do ...... Jean B. Elshtain ...... PAS AD $135 6 Years 01/26/10 Do ...... do ...... Gary D. Glenn ...... PAS AD $135 6 Years 01/26/14 Do ...... do ...... Allen Guelzo ...... PAS AD $135 6 Years 01/26/12 Do ...... do ...... Mary Habeck ...... PAS AD $135 6 Years 01/26/12 Do ...... do ...... Craig A. Haffner ...... PAS AD $135 6 Years 01/26/10 Do ...... do ...... David M. Hertz ...... PAS AD $135 6 Years 01/26/14 Do ...... do ...... James D. Hunter ...... PAS AD $135 6 Years 01/26/10 Do ...... do ...... Tamar Jacoby ...... PAS AD $135 6 Years 01/26/10 Do ...... do ...... Harvey Klehr ...... PAS AD $135 6 Years 01/26/10 Do ...... do ...... Iris Love ...... PAS AD $135 6 Years 01/26/10 Do ...... do ...... Robert S. Martin ...... PAS AD $135 6 Years 01/26/12 Do ...... do ...... Wilfred McClay ...... PAS AD $135 6 Years 01/26/12 Do ...... do ...... Manfredi Piccolomini ...... PAS AD $135 6 Years 01/26/12 Do ...... do ...... Ricardo J. Quinones ...... PAS AD $135 6 Years 01/26/10 Do ...... do ...... Marvin B. Scott ...... PAS AD $135 6 Years 01/26/10 Do ...... do ...... Marguerite H. Sullivan ...... PAS AD $135 6 Years 02/27/09 Do ...... do ...... Carol M. Swain ...... PAS AD $135 6 Years 01/26/14 Do ...... do ...... Kenneth R. Weinstein ...... PAS AD $135 6 Years 01/26/12 Do ...... do ...... Jay Winik ...... PAS AD $135 6 Years 01/26/12 Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... PAS AD ...... 6 Years MISCELLANEOUS with


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE BOARD MEMBERS Washington, DC .... Chairman ...... Peter C. Schaumber ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Chief Counsel to Board Member ...... Terence Francis Flynn ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Counsel to Board Member ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Executive Assistant to the Chairman ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Board Member ...... do ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Chief Counsel to Board Member (Chairman) Kenneth T. Lopatka ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Counsel to Board Member ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Board Member ...... Wilma B. Liebman ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Chief Counsel to Board Member ...... John F. Colwell ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Counsel to Board Member ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Board Member ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Chief Counsel to Board Member ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Counsel to Board Member ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Board Member ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Chief Counsel to Board Member ...... Peter D. Winkler ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Counsel to Board Member ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Offices of the Board Do ...... Director, Office Representation Appeals and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Advice. Do ...... Solicitor ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... General Counsel ...... Ronald E. Meisburg ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Division of Enforcement Litigation Do ...... Associate General Counsel, Division of En- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... forcement Litigation.


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Chairman ...... Read Van de Water ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Board Member ...... Elizabeth Dougherty ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... Harry R. Hoglander ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Sarah M. Williams ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Anne K. Woodson ...... SC GS 12 ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

NATIONAL SCIENCE BOARD Arlington, VA ...... Member ...... Dan E. Arvizu ...... PAS PD ...... 6 Years 05/10/10 Do ...... do ...... Steven C. Beering ...... PAS PD ...... 6 Years 05/10/10 Do ...... do ...... G. Wayne Clough ...... PAS PD ...... 6 Years 05/10/10 Do ...... do ...... Kelvin K. Droegemeier ...... PAS PD ...... 6 Years 05/10/10 Do ...... do ...... Louis J. Lanzerotti ...... PAS PD ...... 6 Years 05/10/10 Do ...... do ...... Alan I. Leshner ...... PAS PD ...... 6 Years 05/10/10 Do ...... do ...... Jon C. Strauss ...... PAS PD ...... 6 Years 05/10/10 Do ...... do ...... Kathryn D. Sullivan ...... PAS PD ...... 6 Years 05/10/10 Do ...... do ...... Mark R. Abbott ...... PAS PD ...... 6 Years 05/10/12 Do ...... do ...... Camilla P. Benbow ...... PAS PD ...... 6 Years 05/10/12 Do ...... do ...... John T. Bruer ...... PAS PD ...... 6 Years 05/10/12 Do ...... do ...... Patricia D. Galloway ...... PAS PD ...... 6 Years 05/10/12 Do ...... do ...... Jose-Marie Griffiths ...... PAS PD ...... 6 Years 05/10/12 Do ...... do ...... Arthur K. Reilly ...... PAS PD ...... 6 Years 05/10/12 Do ...... do ...... Thomas N. Taylor ...... PAS PD ...... 6 Years 05/10/12 Do ...... do ...... Richard F. Thompson ...... PAS PD ...... 6 Years 05/10/12 Do ...... Executive Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Do ...... Director ...... Arden L. Bement ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... Kathie L. Olsen ...... PAS EX III ...... Office of Cyberinfrastructure Do ...... Office Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Deputy Office Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office of the General Counsel Do ...... General Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Office of Integrative Activities Do ...... Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Head, Office of Experimental to Stimulate ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Competitive Research. Do ...... Deputy Office Head, Office of Experimental Vacant ...... ES ...... Program to Stimulate Competitive Re- search. Office of International Science and Engineering Do ...... Director, Office of International Science and ...... do ...... ES ...... Engineering. Tokyo, Japan ...... Director, National Science Foundation Tokyo Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office. Office of Legislative and Public Affairs Arlington, VA ...... Office Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor for Legislative Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor for Public Affairs ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Office of Polar Programs Do ...... Office Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Executive Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Division Director, Antarctic Sciences Section ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Division Director, Arctic Sciences Section ...... Simon N. Stephenson ...... TA ES ...... 04/15/09 Do ...... Office Head, Polar Environment Health and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Safety. DIRECTORATE FOR BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Do ...... Assistant Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Division of Biological Infrastructure Do ...... Division Director ...... Judith E. Skog ...... TA ES ...... 01/08/09 Do ...... Deputy Division Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Division of Environmental Biology Do ...... Division Director ...... do ...... ES ...... Division of Integrative Organismal Systems Do ...... Division Director ...... do ...... ES ...... Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences Do ...... Division Director ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Division Director ...... do ...... ES ...... DIRECTORATE FOR COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Do ...... Assistant Director ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Senior Science Advisor ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Division of Computer and Network Systems Do ...... Division Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Division Director ...... do ...... ES ...... Division of Computing and Communication Foundations Do ...... Division Director ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Division Director ...... do ...... ES ...... Division of Information and Intelligent Systems Do ...... Division Director ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Division Director ...... do ...... ES ...... DIRECTORATE FOR EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES Do ...... Assistant Director ...... do ...... ES ...... Division of Graduate Education Do ...... Division Director ...... do ...... ES ......

MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... Deputy Division Director ...... do ...... ES ...... with

Division of Human Resource Development Do ...... Division Director ...... James Howard Wyche ...... TA ES ...... 06/07/10 PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Arlington, VA ...... Deputy Division Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings Do ...... Division Director ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Division Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Division of Undergraduate Education Do ...... Division Director ...... Linda Louise Slakey ...... TA ES ...... 11/25/08 Do ...... Deputy Division Director ...... Karen Kashmanian Oates TA ES ...... 08/18/09 DIRECTORATE FOR ENGINEERING Do ...... Assistant Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Division of Engineering Education and Centers Do ...... Division Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Division Director (Centers) ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems Do ...... Division Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Division of Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation Do ...... Division Director ...... do ...... ES ...... Division of Electrical, Communication and Cyber Systems Do ...... Division Director ...... do ...... ES ...... Division of Industrial Innovation and Partnerships Do ...... Division Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... DIRECTORATE FOR GEOSCIENCES Do ...... Assistant Director, Geosciences ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Division of Atmospheric Sciences Do ...... Division Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Section Head, Lower Atmosphere Research Anne-Marie Schmoltner .... TA ES ...... 09/01/10 Section. Do ...... Section Head, Upper Atmosphere Research Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Section. Division of Earth Sciences Do ...... Division Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Section Head, Surface Earth Processes ...... do ...... ES ...... Division of Ocean Sciences Do ...... Division Director ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Head, Marine Geosciences Section ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Head, Oceans Section ...... Phillip Robert Taylor ...... TA ES ...... 04/12/11 DIRECTORATE FOR MATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES Do ...... Assistant Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Division of Astronomical Sciences Do ...... Division Director ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Executive Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Division of Chemistry Do ...... Division Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Executive Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Division of Materials Research Do ...... Division Director ...... Zakya H. Kafafi ...... TA ES ...... 10/13/09 Division of Mathematical Sciences Do ...... Division Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Division of Physics Do ...... Division Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Division Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... DIRECTORATE FOR SOCIAL, BEHAVIORAL AND ECONOMIC SCIENCES Do ...... Assistant Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences Arlington, VA ...... Division Director ...... Mark L. Weiss ...... TA ES ...... 09/01/09 Division of Science Resources Statistics Do ...... Division Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Division Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Division of Social and Economic Sciences Do ...... Division Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Division Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF BUDGET, FINANCE AND AWARD MANAGEMENT Do ...... Deputy Director, Large Facility Projects ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF INFORMATION AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Division of Information Systems Do ...... Division Director ...... do ...... CA ES ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF BOARD MEMBERS Washington, DC .... Vice Chairman ...... Mark V. Rosenker (R) ...... PAS EX IV ...... 12/31/10 Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Thomas W. Doyle ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Eugenia E. Kocher ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Member ...... Robert L. Sumwalt III (R) PAS EX IV ...... 12/31/11 Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Heather Eilers-Bowser ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Member ...... Deborah A.P. Hersman (D) PAS EX IV ...... 12/31/08 Do ...... do ...... Kathryn O’Leary Higgins PAS EX IV ...... 12/31/09 (D). Do ...... do ...... Steven R. Chealander (R) .. PAS EX IV ...... 12/31/07 Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Mary Jane Smith ...... SC GS 15 ...... OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT Do ...... Executive Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS Do ...... Director ...... Brenda L. Yager ...... NA ES ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN Rockville, MD ...... Chairman ...... Dale E. Klein ...... PAS EX II 5 Years 06/30/11 Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Paul T. Dickman ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff ...... David L. Skeen ...... XS OT $158,500 ...... Do ...... Legal Assistant ...... Roger K. Davis ...... XS OT $158,500 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant for Materials ...... Patrick I. Castleman ...... XS OT $149,916 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant for Security ...... Atanasia N. Fragoyannis ... XS OT $142,532 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant for Reactors and Research .. William T. Orders ...... XS OT $145,295 ...... Do ...... Senior Technical Assistant for Reactors and Samuel S. Lee ...... XS OT $150,761 ...... Research. Do ...... Assistant for Financial and Information Man- Clare V. Kasputys ...... XS OT $158,500 ...... agement. Do ...... Assistant for Administration and Commu- Robert B. McOsker ...... XS OT $158,500 ...... nications. Do ...... Speechwriter ...... Glenn Ellmers ...... XS OT $130,694 ...... OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER JACZKO MISCELLANEOUS

Do ...... Commissioner ...... Gregory B. Jaczko ...... PAS EX III 5 Years 06/30/13 Do ...... Executive Assistant/Chief of Staff ...... Joshua C. Batkin ...... XS OT $158,500 ...... with Do ...... Legal Assistant ...... Angela B. Coggins ...... XS OT $152,219 ...... Do ...... Technical Assistant for Materials ...... Gregory P. Hatchett ...... XS OT $150,000 ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Rockville, MD ...... Policy Advisor ...... Thomas R. Hipschman ...... XS OT $149,001 ...... OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER LYONS Do ...... Commissioner ...... Peter B. Lyons ...... PAS EX III 5 Years 06/30/09 Do ...... Executive Assistant/Chief of Staff ...... Josephine M. Piccone ...... XS OT $158,500 ...... Do ...... Legal Assistant ...... Maria E. Schwartz ...... XS OT $142,227 ...... Do ...... Technical Assistant for Reactors ...... Richard A. Rasmussen ...... XS OT $149,000 ...... Do ...... Technical Assistant for Materials ...... Steven L. Baggett ...... XS OT $152,295 ...... OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER SVINICKI Do ...... Commissioner ...... Kristine L. Svinicki ...... PAS EX III 5 Years 06/30/12 Do ...... Executive Assistant/Chief of Staff ...... Jeffry M. Sharkey ...... XS OT $158,500 ...... Do ...... Legal Assistant ...... Darani M. Reddick ...... XS OT $123,006 ...... Do ...... Technical Assistant for Reactors ...... James E. Beall ...... XS OT $158,500 ...... Do ...... Technical Assistant for Materials ...... John O. Thoma ...... XS OT $158,500 ...... OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER Do ...... Commissioner ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX III 5 Years ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON REACTOR SAFEGUARDS/ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON NUCLEAR WASTE AND MATERIALS Do ...... Executive Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Do ...... Secretary of the Commission ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL Do ...... Inspector General ...... Hubert J. Bell ...... PAS EX IV ...... OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... General Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Solicitor ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Associate General Counsel for Licensing and Regulation Do ...... Associate General Counsel for Licensing and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Regulation. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for Rulemaking ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Fuel Cycle. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for Legal Counsel, ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Legislation, and Special Projects. Associate General Counsel for Hearings, Enforcement, and Administration Do ...... Associate General Counsel for Hearings, En- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... forcement, and Administration. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for Materials Liti- Vacant ...... ES ...... gation and Enforcement. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for New Reactor Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Programs. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for Administration Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for Operating Re- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... actors. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for the High-Level ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Waste Repository Program. OFFICE OF CONGRESSIONAL AFFAIRS Do ...... Director, Office of Congressional Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Do ...... Director, Office of Public Affairs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS Do ...... Director, Office of International Programs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of International Pro- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... grams. OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FOR OPERATIONS Do ...... Executive Director for Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Executive Director for Reactor and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Preparedness Programs.

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Rockville, MD...... Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Waste, Research, State, Tribal, and Compli- ance Programs. Do ...... Deputy Executive Director for Corporate ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Management. Do ...... Assistant for Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director for Strategic Organizational Plan- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ning and Optimization. OFFICE OF INVESTIGATIONS Do ...... Director, Office of Investigations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT Do ...... Director, Office of Enforcement ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION Do ...... Director, Office of Administration ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Do ...... Director, Office of Human Resources ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Human Resources ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Director for Human Resources ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Training and Development. Do ...... Associate Director for Human Resources Pol- Vacant ...... ES ...... icy and Operations. OFFICE OF INFORMATION SERVICES Do ...... Director, Office of Information Services ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF NUCLEAR SECURITY AND INCIDENT RESPONSE Do ...... Director, Office of Nuclear Security and Inci- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... dent Response. OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION Do ...... Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Regulation. OFFICE OF NEW REACTORS Do ...... Director, Office of New Reactors ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF NUCLEAR MATERIAL SAFETY AND SAFEGUARDS Do ...... Director, Office of Nuclear Material Safety ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Safeguards. Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Nuclear Material ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Safety and Safeguards. OFFICE OF FEDERAL AND STATE MATERIALS AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS Do ...... Director, Office of Federal and State Mate- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... rials and Environmental Management Pro- grams. OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REGULATORY RESEARCH Do ...... Director, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Re- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... search. Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Nuclear Regulatory ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Research. Region I King of Prussia, PA Regional Administrator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Region II Atlanta, GA ...... Regional Administrator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Region III Lisle, IL ...... Regional Administrator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Region IV Arlington, TX ...... Regional Administrator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... MISCELLANEOUS with


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Laguna Niguel, CA Chairman ...... B. John Garrick ...... PA EX III 4 Years 04/19/08 Nashville, TN ...... Member ...... Mark D. Abkowitz ...... PA EX III 4 Years 04/19/06 Macatawa, MI ...... do ...... William Howard Arnold .... PA EX III 4 Years 04/19/08 Salt Lake City, UT ...... do ...... Cerling E. Thure ...... PA EX III 4 Years 04/19/06 Trout River, NY ...... do ...... David L. Duquette ...... PA EX III 4 Years 04/19/06 Charlottesville, VA ...... do ...... George M. Hornberger ...... PA EX III 4 Years 04/19/08 Barrington, RI ...... do ...... Andrew C. Kadak ...... PA EX III 4 Years 04/19/08 Waltham, MA ...... do ...... Ronald M. Latanision ...... PA EX III 4 Years 04/19/06 Columbia, MD ...... do ...... Ali Mosleh ...... PA EX III 4 Years 04/19/08 Chico, CA ...... do ...... William Murphy ...... PA EX III 4 Years 04/19/10 Durham, NC ...... do ...... Henry Petroski ...... PA EX III 4 Years 04/19/08 Arlington, VA ...... Executive Director ...... William D. Barnard ...... XS EX IV ...... Do ...... Director of Administration ...... Joyce M. Dory ...... XS EX IV ...... Do ...... Director of External Affairs ...... Karyn D. Severson ...... XS EX IV ...... Do ...... Senior Professional Staff ...... Carlos A. DiBella ...... XS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... David M. Diodato ...... XS EX IV ...... Las Vegas, NV ...... do ...... Bruce E. Kirstein ...... XS EX IV ...... Arlington, VA ...... do ...... Daniel S. Metlay ...... XS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... John H. Pye ...... XS EX IV ...... Las Vegas, NV ...... do ...... Gene W. Rowe ...... XS EX IV ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF COMMISSIONERS Washington, DC .... Commission Member (Chairman) ...... Horace Arthur Thompson PAS EX III ...... III. Do ...... Special Assistant to the Chairman ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Counsel to A Commissioner ...... Tressi Lynn Cordaro Deller SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... do ...... Richard L. Huberman Esq. SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Commission Member ...... Thomasina V. Rogers ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Saint M. Ahmir-Abdul ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Legal Counsel and Special Advisor ...... do ...... ES ...... OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... General Counsel ...... do ...... ES ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Director ...... Robert I. Cusick ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... General Counsel ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Beverly A. Johnson ...... SC GS 12 ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Federal Coordinator ...... Drue Pearce ...... PAS EX III 15 Years 01/01/23


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER Flagstaff, AZ ...... Commissioner ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Executive Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Executive Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Washington, DC .... Director ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX II ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... Howard C. Weizmann ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff and Director of External Affairs Patricia L. Hollis ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Combined Federal Campaign Oper- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ations. Do ...... Executive Director to Chief Human Capital John C. Salamone ...... SC GS 15 ...... Officer Council. Do ...... White House Liaison ...... Cheryl R. Hope ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Scheduler and Special Assistant ...... Thomas E. Rohe ...... SC GS 9 ...... Office of the Inspector General Do ...... Inspector General ...... Patrick E. McFarland ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Assistant Inspector General for Legal Affairs Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office of the General Counsel Do ...... General Counsel ...... John N. Maher ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate General Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Attorney-Advisor (Senior Policy Counsel) ...... Antonio A. San Martin Jr. SC GS 15 ...... Office of Communications and Public Liaison Do ...... Director, Office of Communications and Pub- Susan B. Bryant ...... NA ES ...... lic Liaison. Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Communications Eldon L. Girdner ...... SC GS 15 ...... and Public Liaison. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Beverly J. Ward ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Peter J. Graves ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Dean P. Scrutton ...... SC GS 11 ...... Office of Congressional Relations Do ...... Director, Office of Congressional Relations ..... Susan G. Marshall ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Congressional Rela- Dino L. Carluccio ...... SC GS 15 ...... tions. Do ...... Congressional Relations Officer ...... Thomas S. Clever ...... SC GS 11 ...... Do ...... do ...... Hugh F. Yeomans ...... SC GS 9 ...... Strategic Human Resources Policy Division Do ...... Associate Director for Strategic Human Re- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... sources Policy. Do ...... Deputy Associate Director for Talent and Ca- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... pacity Policy. Do ...... Deputy Associate Director for Leadership and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Executive Resources Policy. Do ...... Deputy Associate Director, Center for Per- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... formance Management and Pay Systems Design. Do ...... Deputy Associate Director, Center for Pay ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Leave Administration. Do ...... Deputy Associate Director for Employee and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Family Support Policy. Do ...... Deputy Associate Director for Human Re- Vacant ...... ES ...... sources Systems Requirements and Strate- gies. Do ...... Chairman, Federal Prevailing Rate Advisory Charles E. Brooks ...... NA ES ...... Committee. Human Capital Leadership and Merit System Accountability Division Do ...... Associate Director for Human Capital Leader- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ship and Merit System Accountability. Do ...... Deputy Associate Director for Human Capital ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Implementation and Assessment. Do ...... Deputy Associate Director for Natural Re- Vacant ...... ES ...... sources Human Capital Management. Do ...... Deputy Associate Director for Human Re- ...... do ...... ES ...... sources Human Capital Management. Do ...... Deputy Associate Director for National Secu- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... rity Human Capital Management. Do ...... Deputy Associate Director for General Gov- Vacant ...... ES ...... ernment Human Capital Management. Do ...... Deputy Associate Director for Small Agencies ...... do ...... ES ...... Human Capital Management. MISCELLANEOUS Federal Investigative Services Division with Boyers, PA ...... Associate Director for Federal Investigative Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Services. PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Deputy Associate Director for Investigative Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Program Services. Management Services Division Do ...... Associate Director for Management Services ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Associate Director for Human Capital ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Management Services. Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Human Resources Products and Services Division Do ...... Associate Director for Human Resources ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Products and Services. Do ...... Deputy Associate Director for Talent Services ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Associate Director for Leadership Ca- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... pacity Services. Do ...... Deputy Associate Director for Retirement and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Insurance Services. Do ...... Director, Succession Planning Programs ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Federal Executive Institute ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Director for Examining and Con- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sulting Services. Do ...... Assistant Director for Insurance Services Pro- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... grams. Office of the Chief Financial Officer Do ...... Associate Chief Financial Officer, Budget and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Performance. Do ...... Associate Chief Financial Officer, Center for ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Financial Systems Management. Office of Modernization and Human Resources Line of Business Do ...... Director of Modernization ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Program Director, Enterprise Human Re- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sources Integration. Do ...... Human Resources Line of Business Shared Joseph E. Campbell ...... ES ...... 07/23/09 Services Centers Coordinator. Do ...... Modernization Project Manager ...... Vacant ...... ES ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

HEADQUARTERS, OFFICE OF SPECIAL COUNSEL Washington, DC .... Special Counsel ...... Scott Bloch ...... PAS EX IV ...... 01/05/09 Do ...... Deputy Special Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Associate Special Counsel for Strategic Plan- Vacant ...... ES ...... ning.


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Washington, DC .... President ...... Robert A. Mosbacher Jr. .... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Executive Vice President ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Dulce A. Zahniser ...... XS AD $158,500 ...... Do ...... Executive Assistant ...... Mary Kloss ...... XS AD $102,535 ...... Do ...... Research Specialist ...... Russell N. Newell ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Kevin Callaghan ...... SC GS 11 ...... BOARD OF DIRECTORS Do ...... Board Member ...... Samuel Emanuel Ebbesen PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... Sanford L. Gottesman ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... Christopher J. Hanley ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... Dianne E. Moss ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... Diane Mae Ruebling ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... Charles William Swank ..... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... Patrick J. Durkin ...... PAS EX IV ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Board Member ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... INVESTMENT FUNDS DEPARTMENT Do ...... Vice President, Investment Funds ...... Cynthia L. Hostetler ...... XS AD $158,500 ...... GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... Vice President and General Counsel ...... Mark A. Garfinkel ...... XS AD $158,500 ...... OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Do ...... Vice President and Chief Financial Officer ..... Howard L. Burris Jr...... XS AD $158,500 ...... ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Do ...... Vice President, Office of Economic Develop- Daniel Nichols ...... XS AD $158,500 ...... ment. Do ...... Managing Director, Market Initiatives ...... Karen J. Roberts ...... XS AD $158,500 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Susan Marshall ...... SC GS 14 ...... EXTERNAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT Do ...... Vice President, External Affairs ...... Christopher Coughlin ...... XS AD $158,500 ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Jensine Frost Moyer ...... SC GS 14 ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Washington, DC .... Director ...... Ronald Tschetter ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... Josephine Olsen ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Chief Compliance Officer ...... John Dimos ...... XS FP ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff/Chief of Operations ...... David Liner ...... XS FE ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff/Deputy Chief of Oper- Michelle Brooks ...... XS FE ...... ations. Do ...... Director of Special Initiatives ...... Paul Jhin ...... XS FE ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... Catherine Andrade ...... XS FP ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Kristina N. Lewis ...... XS FP ...... Do ...... do ...... David Miller ...... XS FP ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... FP ...... OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... General Counsel ...... do ...... FE ...... OFFICE OF CONGRESSIONAL RELATIONS Do ...... Director ...... Gretchen Learman Burrier XS FP ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... Vacant ...... FP ...... Do ...... Special Assistant ...... do ...... FP ...... OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS Do ...... Director ...... Richard Parker ...... XS FE ...... OFFICE OF PRESS RELATIONS Do ...... Press Director ...... Amanda Beck ...... XS FP ...... Do ...... Deputy Press Director ...... Joellen Duckett ...... XS FP ...... OFFICE OF STRATEGIC INFORMATION, RESEARCH AND PLANNING Do ...... Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... XS FE ...... OFFICE OF PRIVATE SECTOR INITIATIVES Do ...... Director ...... Michelle Cangelosi ...... XS FP ...... OFFICE OF VOLUNTEER SUPPORT Do ...... Associate Director ...... Verle Lanier ...... XS FE ...... OFFICE OF VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION Do ...... Associate Director ...... Rosie Mauk ...... XS FE ...... Do ...... Director of Domestic Programs ...... Cameron Quinn ...... XS FP ...... OFFICE OF THE ASSOCIATE MISCELLANEOUS


Do ...... Associate Director ...... Wilbert Bryant ...... XS FE ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER Washington, DC .... Chief Information Officer ...... Edward Anderson ...... XS FE ...... OFFICE OF CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... Vacant ...... FE ...... INTER-AMERICA AND THE PACIFIC REGION Do ...... Regional Director ...... Allene Zanger ...... XS FE ...... AFRICA REGION Do ...... Regional Director ...... Henry McKoy ...... XS FE ...... EUROPE, MEDITERRANEAN, AND ASIA REGION Do ...... Regional Director ...... Jay Katzen ...... XS FE ...... THE CENTER FOR FIELD ASSISTANCE AND APPLIED RESEARCH Do ...... Director ...... Amy Horton ...... XS FE ...... OFFICE OF SAFETY AND SECURITY Do ...... Associate Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... XS FE ...... PEACE CORPS RESPONSE Do ...... Director ...... Mary Angelini ...... XS FE ...... OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL Do ...... Inspector General ...... Career Incumbent ...... XS FE ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Washington, DC .... Director ...... Charles E.F. Millard ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Director of Communications and Public Af- Timothy M. Murtaugh ...... SC SL ...... fairs. Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... George Koklanaris ...... SC SL ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS Washington, DC .... Chairman ...... Dan G. Blair ...... PAS EX III 6 Years 10/14/12 Do ...... Commissioner ...... Mark Acton ...... PAS EX IV 6 Years 10/14/10 Do ...... do ...... Ruth Y. Goldway ...... PAS EX IV 6 Years 11/22/14 Do ...... do ...... Tony Hammond ...... PAS EX IV 6 Years 10/14/10 Do ...... do ...... Nanci E. Langley ...... PAS EX IV 6 Years 11/22/12 Do ...... Special Assistant ...... April E. Boston ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... do ...... Paul L. Harrington ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... do ...... Michael J. Ravnitzky ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Executive Assistant ...... Diane M. Baker ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Sherri J. Proctor ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... do ...... Matthew A. Ruffner ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... do ...... Anne E. Salb ...... XS OT ...... OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... General Counsel ...... Stephen L. Sharfman ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Assistant General Counsel ...... R. Brian Corcoran ...... XS OT ...... OFFICE OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND COMPLIANCE Do ...... Director, Office of Accountability and Compli- John D. Waller ...... XS OT ...... ance. Do ...... Assistant Director, Analysis and Pricing Divi- Charles J. Robinson ...... XS OT ...... sion. Do ...... Assistant Director, Auditing and Costing Di- Margaret M. Cigno ...... XS OT ...... vision.

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Public Affairs and Govern- Ann C. Fisher ...... XS OT ...... ment Relations. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY AND ADMINISTRATION Do ...... Secretary and Director, Office of the Sec- Steven W. Williams ...... XS OT ...... retary and Administration. Do ...... Assistant Director, Human Resources and In- Garry J. Sikora ...... XS OT ...... frastructure. Do ...... Assistant Director, Strategic Planning and Judith M. Grady ...... XS OT ...... Performance Management. OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL Do ...... Inspector General ...... Jack Callender ...... XS OT ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Director, President’s Commission on White Janet Eissenstat ...... NA ES ...... House Fellowships. Do ...... Special Assistant ...... K Archer ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... Scott L. Glabe ...... SC GS 9 ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

San Francisco, CA Chairman, Board of Directors ...... David H. Grubb ...... NA WC ...... 4 Years 12/30/08 Do ...... Member, Board of Directors ...... T. Robert Burke ...... PA WC ...... 4 Years 05/04/09 Do ...... do ...... Nancy Conner ...... PA WC ...... 4 Years 05/04/09 Do ...... do ...... Curtis F. Feeny ...... PA WC ...... 4 Years 05/04/09 Do ...... do ...... Nancy Bechtle ...... PA WC ...... 4 Years 05/04/11 Do ...... do ...... Michael Shepherd ...... PA WC ...... 4 Years 05/04/11 Do ...... do ...... William Wilson III ...... PA WC ...... 4 Years 05/04/11 Do ...... Executive Director ...... Craig Middleton ...... XS AD ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

BOARD MEMBERS Chicago, IL ...... Member of Board ...... Virgil M. Speakman Jr...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... Jerome F. Kever ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Chairman ...... Michael S. Schwartz ...... PAS EX III ...... BOARD STAFF Do ...... Inspector General ...... Martin J. Dickman ...... PAS EX IV ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN Washington, DC .... Chairman ...... Christopher Cox ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Commissioner ...... Kathleen L. Casey ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... Paul S. Atkins ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... do ...... do ...... PAS EX IV ......

with Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Bettie A. Davis ...... SC OT $86,011 ......

Do ...... Director of Legislative Affairs ...... Jonathan W. Burks ...... SC OT $130,670 ...... Do ...... Legislative Affairs Specialist ...... Matthew J. Shimkus ...... SC OT $91,587 ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC.... Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Anne-Marie Kelley ...... SC OT $81,393 ...... Specialist. Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Jule Konick ...... SC OT $67,134 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Chairman ...... Paul J. Wilkinson ...... SC OT $151,641 ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Peter M. Uhlmann ...... SC OT $221,100 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Mary E. Christ ...... SC OT $83,917 ...... OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ACCOUNTANT Do ...... Secretary (Office Automation) ...... Pamela J. Proctor-Sarvis ... SC OT $77,149 ...... DIVISION OF ENFORCEMENT Do ...... Secretary ...... Sheila A. Russell ...... SC OT $73,505 ...... DIVISION OF MARKET REGULATION Do ...... Secretary ...... Jean M. Wade ...... SC OT $62,509 ...... Do ...... do ...... Janet S. Schmautz ...... SC OT $60,031 ...... OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL Do ...... Inspector General ...... Harold D. Kotz ...... PA OT $193,303 ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Arlington, VA ...... Director, Selective Service System ...... William Austin Chatfield .. PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... Ernest E. Garcia ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Management Analyst ...... Craig Patrick Martin ...... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Executive Officer/Chief of Staff ...... William Maurice Christian SC GS 15 ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR Washington, DC .... Administrator ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Deputy Administrator ...... Jovita Carranza ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Molly A. Wilkinson ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief of Staff ...... Edward B. Verrill ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... White House Liaison ...... Isabel M. Milan ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Counselor to the Deputy Administrator ...... Mary Anne Bradfield ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Administrator ...... Daniel H. Horowitz ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Deputy Administrator .. Cynthia Hsu ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor for Policy and Planning ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Intergovern- Cherylyn Harley Lebon ..... SC GS 15 ...... mental Affairs. Do ...... Advisor to the Administrator ...... Brian S. Neale ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Counselor to the Administrator ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... OFFICE OF ADVOCACY Do ...... Chief Counsel for Advocacy ...... Thomas M. Sullivan ...... PAS EX IV ...... OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL Do ...... Inspector General ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF DISASTER STRATEGIC PLANNING AND OPERATIONS Do ...... Chief of the Executive Office of Disaster Stra- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... tegic Planning and Operations. OFFICE OF DISASTER ASSISTANCE Do ...... Associate Administrator for Disaster Assist- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ance. Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for Disaster ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Assistance. Do ...... Director of Administration for Disaster As- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... sistance. OFFICE OF CAPITAL ACCESS Do ...... Associate Administrator for Capital Access .... Eric Zarnikow ...... NA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Senior Advisor to the Associate Administrator Susan J. Thomas ...... SC GS 14 ...... for Capital Access. Do ...... Associate Administrator for Investment ...... A. Joseph Shepard ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Director of International Trade ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director of Lender Oversight ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF ENTREPRENEURIAL DEVELOPMENT Do ...... Associate Administrator for Entrepreneurial Vacant ...... ES ...... Development. Do ...... Associate Administrator for Small Business Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Development Centers. Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Associate Administrator Wilma Goldstein ...... SC GS 15 ...... for Entrepreneurial Development. Do ...... Associate Administrator for Women’s Busi- Vacant ...... ES ...... ness Ownership. OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT CONTRACTING AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Do ...... Associate Administrator for Government Con- Fay E. Ott ...... NA ES ...... tracting and Business Development. Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for Govern- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ment Contracting and Business Develop- ment. Do ...... Special Assistant to the Associate Adminis- Tim C. Wang ...... SC GS 13 ...... trator for Government Contracting and Business Development. Do ...... Director of Government Contracting ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director of Hubzone Empowerment Con- Vacant ...... ES ...... tracting. OFFICE OF FIELD OPERATIONS Do ...... Associate Administrator for the Office of Field William M. Manger Jr...... NA ES ...... Operations. Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for Field Op- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... erations. Do ...... do ...... Raul Cisneros ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor to the Associate Administrator Michelle A. Baker ...... SC GS 14 ...... for Field Operations. Boston, MA ...... Regional Administrator, Region I ...... Sandford Blitz ...... SC GS 15 ...... New York, NY ...... Regional Administrator, Region II ...... Michael J. Pappas ...... SC GS 15 ...... Philadelphia, PA .... Regional Administrator, Region III ...... Stephanie A. Watkins ...... SC GS 15 ...... Atlanta, GA ...... Regional Administrator, Region IV ...... Nuby J. Fowler ...... SC GS 15 ...... Chicago, IL ...... Regional Administrator, Region V ...... Patrick E. Rea ...... SC GS 15 ...... Dallas, TX ...... Regional Administrator, Region VI ...... Joseph O. Montes ...... SC GS 15 ...... Kansas City, MO ... Regional Administrator, Region VII ...... Samuel C. Jones ...... SC GS 15 ...... Denver, CO ...... Regional Administrator, Region VIII ...... Elton W. Ringsak Jr...... SC GS 15 ...... Los Angeles, CA .... Regional Administrator, Region IX ...... Bruce Thompson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Washington, DC .... Assistant Administrator for Non-Contiguous Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... States and Territories and District Director for Puerto Rico. OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Do ...... Associate Administrator for Management and Robert F. Danbeck ...... NA ES ...... Administration. Do ...... Deputy Associate Administrator for Manage- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ment and Administration. Do ...... Director of Business Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Do ...... Loan Modernization Program Manager ...... Deepak Bhargava ...... TA ES ...... 01/06/09 OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... General Counsel ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... Peter K. Schalestock ...... SC GS 15 ...... OFFICE OF THE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER Do ...... Chief Technology Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF CONGRESSIONAL AND LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS

MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Congressional Charles Edward Rowe III .. NA ES ......

and Legislative Affairs. with Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator for Congres- Brittany McMaster ...... SC GS 14 ...... sional and Legislative Affairs. PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Congressional Liaison ...... Jonathan D. Frank ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... do ...... Andrew D. Guggenheim .... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Scott R. Slusher ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... do ...... Thomas P. Power ...... SC GS 11 ...... OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS AND PUBLIC LIAISON Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Communications Sean Rushton ...... NA ES ...... and Public Liaison. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator for Commu- Sylvester Russell Smith III SC GS 15 ...... nications and Public Liaison. Do ...... Director of Community Relations ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Speechwriter ...... Robert W. Patterson ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Press Secretary ...... Christine T. Mangi ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Speechwriter ...... Guyer Russ McCracken ..... SC GS 9 ...... Do ...... Research Analyst ...... Ryan C. Wah ...... SC GS 7 ...... OFFICE OF POLICY AND STRATEGIC PLANNING Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Policy and Stra- Meredith D. West ...... NA ES ...... tegic Planning. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator for Policy Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... and Strategic Planning. Do ...... Senior Policy Analyst ...... Kathryn M. Holt ...... SC GS 12 ...... Do ...... Policy Analyst ...... Troy M. Lyons ...... SC GS 9 ...... OFFICE OF NATIVE AMERICAN AFFAIRS Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Native American William H. Largent ...... SC GS 15 ...... Affairs. OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN Do ...... National Ombudsman and Assistant Admin- Nicholas N. Owens ...... NA ES ...... istrator for Regulatory Enforcement Fair- ness. Do ...... Special Assistant to the National Ombuds- Christina G. Marinos ...... SC GS 11 ...... man and Assistant Administrator for Regu- latory Enforcement Fairness. CENTER FOR FAITH-BASED AND COMMUNITY INITIATIVES Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Faith-Based and Joseph J. Shattan ...... SC GS 15 ...... Community Initiatives. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator for Faith- Peter A. Jacxsens ...... SC GS 14 ...... Based and Community Initiatives. OFFICE OF VETERANS BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Veterans Busi- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ness Development.


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Washington, DC .... Deputy Director for Planning and Manage- Dean W. Anderson ...... XS OT $130,200 ...... ment. Do ...... Deputy Director ...... Samuel F. Wells Jr...... XS OT $128,199 ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER Washington, DC .... Commissioner ...... Michael J. Astrue ...... PAS EX I ...... Do ...... Deputy Commissioner of Social Security ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX II ...... Woodlawn, MD ...... Executive Counselor to the Commissioner ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Vacant ...... ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Woodlawn, MD ...... Deputy Chief of Staff ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director for Regulations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Senior Advisor to the Deputy Commissioner ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Woodlawn, MD ...... Senior Advisor to the Commissioner ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Senior Advisor to the Deputy Commissioner .. Michel N. Korbey ...... NA ES ...... Woodlawn, MD ...... Executive Secretary ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Office of International Programs Do ...... Associate Commissioner for International Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Programs. Social Security Advisory Board Washington, DC .... Chairman ...... Sylvester J. Schieber ...... XS PD $571 6 Years 09/30/09 Do ...... Member ...... Dana K. Bilyeu ...... PA PD $571 6 Years 09/30/10 Do ...... do ...... Jeffrey R. Brown ...... PA PD $571 6 Years 09/30/08 Do ...... do ...... Dorcas R. Hardy ...... XS PD $571 6 Years 09/30/10 Do ...... do ...... Marsha Rose Katz ...... XS PD $571 6 Years 09/30/12 Do ...... do ...... Barbara B. Kennelly ...... XS PD $571 6 Years 09/30/11 Do ...... do ...... Mark J. Warshawsky ...... PA PD $571 6 Years 09/30/12 Do ...... Staff Director ...... Katherine Thornton ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Deputy Staff Director ...... Deborah K. Sullivan ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Professional Staff Member ...... Joel A. Feinleib ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... do ...... Beverly K. Rollins ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... do ...... George J. Schuette ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... do ...... David D. Warner ...... XS AD ...... OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ACTUARY Woodlawn, MD ...... Chief Actuary ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Actuary, Long-Range ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Actuary, Short-Range ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... Thomas P. Hughes ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Information Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office of Information Technology Investment Management Do ...... Associate Chief Information Officer for Infor- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... mation Technology Investment Manage- ment. OFFICE OF BUDGET, FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT Do ...... Deputy Commissioner for Budget, Finance ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Management. Do ...... Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Budget, ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Finance and Management. Office of Acquisition and Grants Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Acquisition and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Grants. Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Acquisi- Vacant ...... ES ...... tion and Grants. Office of Budget Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Budget ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Budget ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Office of Facilities Management Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Facilities Man- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... agement. Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Facilities ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Management. Office of Financial Policy and Operations Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Financial Policy ...... do ...... CA ES ...... and Operations. Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Financial ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Policy and Operations. Office of Publications and Logistics Management Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Publications and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Logistics Management. Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Publica- ...... do ...... CA ES ......

MISCELLANEOUS tions and Logistics Management.


Do ...... Deputy Commissioner for Communications .... James J. Courtney Jr...... NA ES ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Woodlawn, MD ...... Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Commu- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... nications. Do ...... Press Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Office of Communications Planning and Technology Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Communications ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Planning and Technology. Office of External Affairs Do ...... Associate Commissioner for External Affairs Cherilyn Arnott ...... SC GS 15 ...... Office of Public Inquiries Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Public Inquiries .. Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF DISABILITY ADJUDICATION AND REVIEW Falls Church, VA ... Deputy Commissioner for Disability Adjudica- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tion and Review. Woodlawn, MD ...... Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Disability ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Adjudication and Review. Office of Appellate Operations Falls Church, VA ... Executive Director, Office of Appellate Oper- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ations. Do ...... Deputy Executive Director, Office of Appel- Vacant ...... ES ...... late Operations. Office of Management Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Management ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Manage- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment. OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Woodlawn, MD ...... General Counsel ...... David F. Black ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office of General Law Do ...... Associate General Counsel for General Law ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Associate General Counsel for Gen- Vacant ...... ES ...... eral Law. Office of Program Law Do ...... Associate General Counsel for Program Law ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Associate General Counsel for Pro- ...... do ...... ES ...... gram Law. Office of Public Disclosure Do ...... Executive Director for Public Disclosure ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office of Regional Chief Counsels Boston, MA ...... Regional Chief Counsel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... New York, NY ...... do ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Philadelphia, PA ...... do ...... do ...... ES ...... Atlanta, GA ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Chicago, IL ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Dallas, TX ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Kansas City, MO ...... do ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Denver, CO ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Richmond, CA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Seattle, WA ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Woodlawn, MD ...... Deputy Commissioner for Human Resources ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Human ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Resources. Do ...... Director, Executive and Special Services Staff Vacant ...... ES ...... Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Civil Rights and Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Equal Opportunity. Office of Labor-Management and Employee Relations Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Labor-Manage- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment and Employee Relations. Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Labor- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Management and Employee Relations. Office of Personnel Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Personnel ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Personnel ...... do ...... CA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Office of Training Woodlawn, MD ...... Associate Commissioner for Training ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL Do ...... Inspector General ...... Patrick P. Ocarroll ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Inspector General ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Counsel to the Inspector General ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Office of Audit Do ...... Assistant Inspector General for Audit ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Audit ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Audit Vacant ...... ES ...... (Program Audits and Evaluation). Office of External Relations Do ...... Assistant Inspector General for External Re- ...... do ...... ES ...... lations. Office of Investigations Do ...... Assistant Inspector General for Investigations Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Inves- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tigations (Field Investigations). Do ...... Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Inves- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tigation (National Investigative Operations). Office of Technology and Resource Management Do ...... Assistant Inspector General for Technology Vacant ...... ES ...... and Resource Management. OFFICE OF LEGISLATION AND CONGRESSIONAL AFFAIRS Washington, DC.... Deputy Commissioner for Legislation and Margaret A. Hostetler ...... NA ES ...... Congressional Affair. Woodlawn, MD ...... Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Legisla- Vacant ...... ES ...... tion and Congressional Affairs. Washington, DC .... Senior Advisor to the Deputy Commissioner Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... for Legislation and Congressional Affairs. Do ...... do ...... Scott E. Daniels ...... SC GS 15 ...... Office of Legislative Development Woodlawn, MD ...... Associate Commissioner for Legislative Devel- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... opment. OFFICE OF OPERATIONS Do ...... Deputy Commissioner for Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Oper- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ations. Office Automation Support Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Automation Sup- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... port. Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Automa- Vacant ...... ES ...... tion Support. Office of Central Operations Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Central Oper- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ations. Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Central ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Operations. Do ...... Assistant Associate Commissioner for Dis- Vacant ...... ES ...... ability Operations. Baltimore, MD ...... Assistant Associate Commissioner for Earn- ...... do ...... ES ...... ings Operations. Do ...... Assistant Associate Commissioner for Inter- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... national Operations. Woodlawn, MD ...... Assistant Associate Commissioner for Man- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... agement and Operations Support. Office of Disability Determinations Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Disability Deter- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... minations. Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Disability ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Determinations. Office of Electronic Services Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Electronic Serv- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... MISCELLANEOUS ices. with Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Elec- Vacant ...... ES ...... tronic Services. PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Office of Public Service and Operations Support Woodlawn, MD ...... Associate Commissioner for Public Service Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... and Operations Support. Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Public ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Service and Operations Support. Office of Telephone Services Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Telephone Serv- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ices. Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Tele- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... phone Services. Office of Regional Commissioners Boston, MA ...... Regional Commissioner, Region I ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Commissioner, Region I ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Regional Commissioner for Man- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... agement and Operations Support. New York, NY ...... Regional Commissioner, Region II ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Commissioner, Region II ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Regional Commissioner for Man- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... agement and Operations Support. Do ...... Assistant Regional Commissioner for Proc- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... essing Center Operations (New York). Philadelphia, PA .... Regional Commissioner, Region III ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Commissioner, Region III ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Regional Commissioner for Man- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... agement and Operations Support. Do ...... Assistant Regional Commissioner for Proc- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... essing Center Operations (Philadelphia). Atlanta, GA ...... Regional Commissioner, Region IV ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Commissioner, Region IV ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Regional Commissioner for Man- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... agement and Operations Support. Birmingham, AL.... Assistant Regional Commissioner for Proc- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... essing Center Operations (Atlanta). Chicago, IL ...... Regional Commissioner, Region V ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Commissioner, Region V ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Regional Commissioner for Man- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... agement and Operations Support. Do ...... Assistant Regional Commissioner for Proc- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... essing Center Operations (Chicago). Dallas, TX ...... Regional Commissioner, Region VI ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Commissioner, Region VI ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Regional Commissioner for Man- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... agement and Operations Support. Kansas City, MO ... Regional Commissioner, Region VII ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Commissioner, Region VII ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Regional Commissioner for Man- Vacant ...... ES ...... agement and Operations Support. Do ...... Assistant Regional Commissioner for Proc- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... essing Center Operations (Kansas City). Denver, CO ...... Regional Commissioner, Region VIII ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Commissioner, Region VIII ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Regional Commissioner for Man- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... agement and Operations Support. San Francisco, CA Regional Commissioner, Region IX ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Commissioner, Region IX ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Regional Commissioner for Man- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... agement and Operations Support. Do ...... Assistant Regional Commissioner for Proc- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... essing Center Operations (San Francisco). Seattle, WA ...... Regional Commissioner, Region X ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Regional Commissioner, Region X ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Regional Commissioner for Man- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... agement and Operations Support. OFFICE OF RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY POLICY Woodlawn, MD...... Deputy Commissioner for Retirement and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Disability Policy. Do ...... Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Retire- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment and Disability Policy. Do ...... Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Retire- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment and Disability Policy (Policy). Washington, DC .... Senior Advisor for Program Outreach ...... do ...... CA ES ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Office of Disability Programs Woodlawn, MD ...... Associate Commissioner for Disability Pro- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... grams. Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Disability Vacant ...... ES ...... Programs. Office of Employment Support Programs Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Employment Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Support Programs. Office of Income Security Programs Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Income Security ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Programs. Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Income ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Security Programs. Office of Program Development and Research Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Program Develop- Vacant ...... ES ...... ment and Research. Office of Medical and Vocational Expertise Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Medical and Vo- ...... do ...... ES ...... cational Expertise. Office of Research, Evaluation and Statistics Washington, DC .... Associate Commissioner for Research, Eval- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... uation and Statistics. Office of Retirement Policy Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Retirement Policy Jason J. Fichtner ...... NA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Retire- Vacant ...... ES ...... ment Policy. OFFICE OF SYSTEMS Woodlawn, MD ...... Deputy Commissioner for Systems ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Systems ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Office of Applications and Supplemental Security Income Systems Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Applications and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Supplemental Security Income Systems. Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Applica- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tions and Supplemental Security Income Systems. Office of Disability Systems Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Disability Sys- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tems. Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Disability ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Systems. Office of Earnings, Enumeration and Administrative Systems Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Earnings, Enu- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... meration and Administrative Systems. Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Earnings, ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Enumeration and Administrative Systems. Office of Enterprise Support, Architecture and Engineering Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Enterprise Sup- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... port, Architecture and Engineering. Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Enter- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... prise Support, Architecture and Engineer- ing. Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Enter- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... prise Support, Architecture and Engineer- ing (Electronic Disability). Office of Retirement and Survivors Insurance Systems Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Retirement and ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Survivors Insurance Systems. Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Retire- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment and Survivors Insurance Systems. Office of Systems Electronic Services MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Systems Elec- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... with

tronic Services. Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Systems ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Electronic Services. PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF QUALITY PERFORMANCE Woodlawn, MD ...... Deputy Commissioner for Quality Perform- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ance. Do ...... Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Quality ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Performance. Office of Quality Data Management Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Quality Data ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Management. Office of Quality Improvement Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Quality Improve- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... ment. Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Quality ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Improvement. Office of Quality Review Do ...... Associate Commissioner for Quality Review ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Associate Commissioner for Quality ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Review.


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Knoxville, TN ...... Chairman of the Board of Directors ...... William Sansom ...... PAS OT ...... Memphis, TN ...... Director, Board of Directors ...... William Graves ...... PAS OT ...... Nashville, TN ...... do ...... Dennis Bottorff ...... PAS OT ...... Huntsville, AL ...... do ...... Howard Thrailkill ...... PAS OT ...... Blairsville, GA ...... do ...... Thomas Gilliland ...... PAS OT ...... Inez, KY ...... do ...... Mike Duncan ...... PAS OT ...... Columbus, MS ...... do ...... Donald R. DePriest ...... PAS OT ...... OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Knoxville, TN ...... Inspector General ...... Richard Moore ...... PAS EX ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Arlington, VA ...... Director ...... Larry Walther ...... PAS EX III ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Washington, DC .... Chief of Staff ...... Thomas R. Hardy ...... XS AD ...... Arlington, VA ...... Congressional Liaison ...... Amy L. Lorenzini ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Public Affairs Specialist ...... Donna Jane Thiessen ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Executive Assistant ...... Meredith P. Butler ...... SC GS 7 ...... Office of the General Counsel Do ...... General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Program Operations Washington, DC .... Regional Director ...... Carl B. Kress ...... XS AD ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR Washington, DC .... Administrator, Agency for International De- Henrietta H. Fore ...... PAS EX II ...... velopment. Do ...... Deputy Administrator, Agency for Inter- Vacant ...... PAS EX III ...... national Development. Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Madelyn Marchessault ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Special Assistant to the Administrator ...... Wesley Dale Wilson ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Executive Director ...... Jocelyn M. Rowe ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... White House Liaison ...... Thomas M. Dryer ...... XS AD ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Counselor to Agency ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Director, Center Faith-Based and Commu- Terri Lynn Hasdorff ...... XS AD ...... nications Initiatives. Do ...... Program Analyst ...... Campbell B. Vogel ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Chief Operating Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Assistant to the Administrator ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Senior Director, Program Analysis Staff ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Office of the Executive Secretariat Do ...... Executive Secretary ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Office of Development Partners Do ...... Director ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Senior Management Advisor ...... King David Boyer ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Program Analyst ...... Noreen C. Omeara ...... XS AD ...... Office of Security Do ...... Director, Office of Security ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Office of Equal Opportunity Programs Do ...... Director, Office of Equal Opportunity Pro- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... grams. Office of Human Resources Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Dennis Diamond ...... XS SL ...... Do ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Director ...... Vacant ...... FE ...... Office of the Inspector General Do ...... Inspector General ...... Donald A. Gambatesa ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Inspector General ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Supervisory Criminal Investigator ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Counselor to the Inspector General ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Assistant Inspector General for Management ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Supervisory Auditor ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Assistant Inspector General Auditor ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Assistant Inspector General for Investigations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Supervisory Criminal Investigator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Do ...... Director, Office of Small and Disadvantaged ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Business Utilization. Office of the General Counsel Do ...... General Counsel ...... Alan R. Swendiman ...... NA ES ...... 03/16/11 Do ...... Deputy General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Attorney Advisor ...... M. Elizabeth Medaglia ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for Ethics and Ad- Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... ministrations. Do ...... Assistant General Counsel for Global Pro- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... grams. Do ...... Legal Officer ...... Vacant ...... FE ...... Do ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... Bureau for Legislative and Public Affairs Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Legislative and Jeffrey J. Greico ...... PAS EX IV ...... Public Affairs. Do ...... Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator ...... Portia Palmer ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Congressional Liaison Officer ...... Vacant ...... AD ...... Do ...... do ...... Deborah A. McMahon ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Director, Public Liaison and Protocol ...... Ramsey C. Day ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Public Affairs Specialist ...... Walid Maalouf ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Director, Strategic Communications ...... Stephen R. Tupper ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Senior Writer/Editor ...... Ben Barber ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Supervisory Public Affairs Specialist ...... Joseph A. Fredericks ...... XS AD ...... Bureau for Foreign Assistance Do ...... Chief Operating Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Senior Coordinator ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Coordinator for Security Intelligence Middle ...... do ...... CA FE ...... East. Do ...... Regional Director ...... do ...... CA FE ...... MISCELLANEOUS Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA FE ...... with Bureau for Management Do ...... Assistant Administrator ...... Sean Mulvaney ...... PAS EX IV ...... PRODPC74 on

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Deputy Assistant Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Douglas J. Aller ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Kirk Hansen ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Supervisory Executive Officer ...... Vacant ...... FE ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Acquisition and Assistance Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Deputy Director, Office of Procurement ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Supervisory Contracting Officer ...... do ...... FE ...... Do ...... Chief Information Officer ...... do ...... ES ...... Do ...... Chief Financial Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Deputy Chief Financial Officer ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Administrative Services ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Director, Office of Management, Policy, Budg- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... et and Performance. Do ...... Program Officer ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Bureau for Africa Do ...... Assistant Administrator ...... Katherine J. Almquist ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Regional Development Officer ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Director ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Supervisory Program Officer ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Supervisory Regional Development Officer ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Supervisory Education Program Specialist ..... Sarah E. Moten ...... XS AD ...... Bureau for Europe and Eurasia Do ...... Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eur- Edward D. Menarchik ...... PAS EX IV ...... asia. Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... do ...... Thomas F. Mefford ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Supervisory Regional Development Officer ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... FE ...... Do ...... Supervisory Private Enterprise Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Supervisory General Development Officer ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Supervisory Democracy Specialist ...... Susan Fertig Dykes ...... XS AD ...... Bureau for Asia Do ...... Assistant Administrator ...... James R. Kunder ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator ...... Vacant ...... FE ...... Do ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Director ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Bureau For Middle East Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Supervisory Regional Development Officer ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Director ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Program Analyst ...... Jenny Lynn Marion ...... XS AD ...... Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean Do ...... Assistant Administrator ...... Vacant ...... EX ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... do ...... Jose R. Cardenas ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Senior Advisor ...... Daniel Batlle ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Program Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Director ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Comptroller ...... Vacant ...... FE ...... Do ...... Supervisory Program Officer ...... do ...... FE ...... Do ...... Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Supervisory General Development Officer ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Director ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Program Analyst ...... Norma J. Lippe ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Bureau for Global Health Do ...... Assistant Administrator ...... Kent Hill ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Michael W. Miller ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Malaria Coordinator ...... Robert Timothy Ziemer ..... XS AD ...... Do ...... Director ...... Vacant ...... FE ...... Do ...... Director, HIV/AIDS ...... do ...... FE ...... Do ...... Supervisory Health Development Officer ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Supervisory Health and Population Officer .... Vacant ...... FE ......

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade Washington, DC .... Assistant Administrator ...... Jacqueline E. Schafer ...... PA EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... AD ...... Do ...... Director ...... do ...... FE ...... Do ...... Supervisory Program Officer ...... do ...... FE ...... Do ...... Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... FE ...... Do ...... Supervisory Program Analyst ...... Michael Conan French ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Supervisory Economics Officer ...... Vacant ...... FE ...... Do ...... Supervisory Housing and Urban Development Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... Officer. Do ...... Director ...... Joseph P. Carney ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... General Business Specialist ...... Sandra Goshgarian ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Supervisory Natural Resources Officer ...... Vacant ...... FE ...... Do ...... Supervisory Agriculture Development Officer Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Director ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... Do ...... Supervisory General Development Officer ...... do ...... FE ...... Do ...... Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Supervisory Private Enterprise Officer ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance Do ...... Assistant Administrator ...... Michael Edward Hess ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Deputy Assistant Administrator ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... AD ...... Do ...... Director ...... Thien Ky Luu ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... do ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... do ...... Dorothy Douglas Taft ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... FE ...... Do ...... do ...... Jack M. Hawkins ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... do ...... Thomas P. Baltazar ...... XS AD ...... Do ...... Deputy Director ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... Do ...... Senior Development Officer ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... CA FE ...... Do ...... Program Officer ...... Vacant ...... FE ...... Do ...... do ...... do ...... FE ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Chairman ...... Larry Wortzel ...... XS PD ...... 2 Years 12/31/08 Do ...... Vice Chairman ...... Carolyn Bartholomew ...... XS PD ...... 2 Years 12/31/09 Do ...... Commissioner ...... Daniel Blumenthal ...... XS PD ...... 2 Years 12/31/09 Do ...... do ...... Peter Brookes ...... XS PD ...... 2 Years 12/31/09 Do ...... do ...... Mark Esper ...... XS PD ...... 2 Years 12/31/08 Do ...... do ...... Jeffrey Fiedler ...... XS PD ...... 2 Years 12/31/09 Do ...... do ...... Patrick Mulloy ...... XS PD ...... 2 Years 12/31/09 Do ...... do ...... William Reinsch ...... XS PD ...... 2 Years 12/31/09 Do ...... do ...... Dennis Shea ...... XS PD ...... 2 Years 12/31/08 Do ...... do ...... Daniel Slane ...... XS PD ...... 2 Years 12/31/09 Do ...... do ...... Peter Videnieks ...... XS PD ...... 2 Years 12/31/08 Do ...... do ...... Michael Wessel ...... XS PD ...... 2 Years 12/31/08


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Boston, MA ...... Commissioner ...... Imam Talal Eid ...... PA AD ...... 2 Years Washington, DC ...... do ...... Michael Cromartie ...... PA AD ...... 2 Years Do ...... do ...... Leonard Leo ...... PA AD ...... 2 Years MISCELLANEOUS with


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Chairman ...... Rosemary Rodriguez ...... PAS EX IV 4 Years 12/12/11 Do ...... Vice Chairman ...... Donetta L. Davidson ...... PAS EX IV 4 Years 12/12/11 Do ...... Commissioner ...... Gracia M. Hillman ...... PAS EX IV 2 Years 12/12/09 Do ...... do ...... Gineen Beach ...... PAS EX IV 2 Years 12/12/09


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Chairman ...... Fred S. Zeidman ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/12 Do ...... Vice Chairman ...... Joel M. Geiderman ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/12 Do ...... Member ...... James M. Abroms ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/09 Do ...... do ...... Ivan E. Becker ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/09 Do ...... do ...... Dottie Bennett ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/09 Do ...... do ...... Frank R. Berman ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/09 Do ...... do ...... Bruce L. Bialosky ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/09 Do ...... do ...... William J. Danhof ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/09 Do ...... do ...... Arlene Herson ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/09 Do ...... do ...... M. Ronald Krongold ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/09 Do ...... do ...... Jack Rosen ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/09 Do ...... do ...... Jay Stein ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/09 Do ...... do ...... Marek J. Chodakiewicz ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/10 Do ...... do ...... Itchko Ezratti ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/10 Do ...... do ...... Marilyn R. Fox ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/10 Do ...... do ...... JoAnne T. Ginsberg ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/10 Do ...... do ...... Constance B. Girard- PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/10 diCarlo. Do ...... do ...... Edward I. Koch ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/10 Do ...... do ...... Michael I. Lebovitz ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/10 Do ...... do ...... Elena N. Lefkowitz ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/10 Do ...... do ...... Steven M. Levy ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/10 Do ...... do ...... Marcia P. McCraw ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/10 Do ...... do ...... Florence Shapiro ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/10 Do ...... do ...... William F. Weld ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/10 Do ...... do ...... Debbie Abrams ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/11 Do ...... do ...... Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/11 Do ...... do ...... Norma Lerner ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/11 Do ...... do ...... Michael A. Morris ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/11 Do ...... do ...... Dennis Prager ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/11 Do ...... do ...... Alan N. Rechtschaffen ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/11 Do ...... do ...... J. Philip Rosen ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/11 Do ...... Member - Founding Chairman ...... Elie Wiesel ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/11 Do ...... Member ...... Bradley D. Wine ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/11 Do ...... do ...... Judith Yudof ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/11 Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/11 Do ...... do ...... Miriam Adelson ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/12 Do ...... do ...... Tom A. Bernstein ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/12 Do ...... do ...... Carol B. Cohen ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/12 Do ...... do ...... Michael J. Gerson ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/12 Do ...... do ...... Zvi Y. Gitelman ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/12 Do ...... do ...... Marc Goldman ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/12 Do ...... do ...... William S. Levine ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/12 Do ...... do ...... Kenneth B. Mehlman ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/12 Do ...... do ...... Jeffrey S. Wilpon ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/12 Do ...... do ...... Norman R. Bobins ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/13 Do ...... do ...... Joseph M. Brodecki ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/13 Do ...... do ...... Michael D. Epstein ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/13 Do ...... do ...... Donald Etra ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/13 Do ...... do ...... David M. Flaum ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/13 Do ...... do ...... Andrew S. Hochberg ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/13 Do ...... do ...... Ezra Katz ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/13 Do ...... do ...... Howard Konar ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/13 Do ...... do ...... Douglas R. Korn ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/13 Do ...... do ...... Hadassah F. Lieberman .... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/13 Do ...... do ...... Pierre-Richard Prosper ...... PA PD $570 5 Years 01/15/13


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Chairman, Board of Directors ...... J. Robinson West ...... PAS PD $559 ...... 01/19/07

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Vice Chairman, Board of Directors ...... Maria Otero ...... PAS PD $559 ...... 01/19/07 Do ...... Member, Board of Directors ...... Anne Cahn ...... PAS PD $559 ...... 01/19/09 Do ...... do ...... Chester Crocker ...... PAS PD $559 ...... 09/30/05 Do ...... do ...... Laurie S. Fulton ...... PAS PD $559 ...... 01/19/07 Do ...... do ...... Charles E. Horner ...... PAS PD $559 ...... 01/19/07 Do ...... do ...... Kathleen Martinez ...... PAS PD $559 ...... 01/19/11 Do ...... do ...... George E. Moose ...... PAS PD $559 ...... 01/19/09 Do ...... do ...... Jeremy Rabkin ...... PAS PD $559 ...... 01/19/09 Do ...... do ...... Ron Silver ...... PAS PD $559 ...... 01/19/09 Do ...... do ...... Judy Van Rest ...... PAS PD $559 ...... 01/19/09


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN Washington, DC .... Chairman ...... Shara L. Aranoff ...... PAS EX III ...... 12/16/12 Do ...... Commissioner ...... Vacant ...... PAS EX IV ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant (Legal) ...... Michael Diehl ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Gus Coritsidis ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Brian R. Allen ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Cordelia Odessa Stroman- SC GS 12 ...... Blair. Do ...... Senior Economist ...... Elizabeth Ravesteijn ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Chief of Staff ...... Vacant ...... ES ...... OFFICE OF THE VICE CHAIRMAN Do ...... Staff Assistant (Legal) ...... Jonathan G. Seiger ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Michael Joseph Robbins .... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... do ...... Kevin M. Rosenbaum ...... SC GS 14 ...... Do ...... Vice Chairman ...... Daniel R. Pearson ...... PAS EX IV ...... 06/16/11 OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER OKUN Do ...... Commissioner ...... Deanna T. Okun ...... PAS EX IV ...... 06/16/09 Do ...... Executive Assistant ...... Sally Knight ...... SC GS 13 ...... OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER WILLIAMSON Do ...... Commissioner ...... Irving Alexander PAS EX IV ...... 06/16/14 Williamson Esq.. Do ...... Staff Assistant (Legal) ...... William Theodore Kane ..... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Stuart Weiser ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Executive Assistant ...... Sybia Kea Harrison ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant (Economics) ...... John Davitt ...... SC GS 14 ...... OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER PINKERT Do ...... Commissioner ...... Dean Arthur Pinkert ...... PAS EX IV ...... 12/16/15 Do ...... Staff Assistant (Legal) ...... Karen Veninga Driscoll ..... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... do ...... Stephanie Lynn Nagel ...... SC GS 15 ...... Do ...... Executive Assistant ...... Joyce Rylyk ...... SC GS 13 ...... Do ...... Staff Assistant (Legal) ...... Michael P. Mabile ...... SC GS 15 ...... OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER LANE Do ...... Confidential Assistant ...... Kasey Caroline Freedman- SC GS 9 ...... Sporck. Do ...... Commissioner ...... Charlotte R. Lane ...... PAS EX IV ...... 12/16/09 Do ...... Staff Assistant ...... David J. Ellis ...... SC GS 15 ...... OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Do ...... General Counsel ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ...... OFFICE OF OPERATIONS Do ...... Director, Office of Operations ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Office of Unfair Import Investigations Do ...... Director, Office of Unfair Import Investiga- ...... do ...... CA ES ...... tions. Office of Economics Do ...... Director, Office of Economics ...... do ...... CA ES ...... Office of Tariff Affairs and Trade Agreements Do ...... Director, Office Tariff Affairs and Trade ...... do ...... CA ES ...... MISCELLANEOUS Agreements. with


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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION Washington, DC .... Director, Office of Administration ...... Career Incumbent ...... CA ES ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Washington, DC .... Chairman, Board of Governors ...... Alan C. Kessler ...... PAS OT ...... Do ...... Vice Chairman, Board of Governors ...... Carolyn Lewis Gallagher ... PAS OT ...... Do ...... Member, Board of Governors ...... Mickey D. Barnett ...... PAS OT ...... Do ...... do ...... James H. Bilbray ...... PAS OT ...... Do ...... do ...... Louis J. Giuliano ...... PAS OT ...... Do ...... do ...... Thurgood Marshall Jr...... PAS OT ...... Do ...... do ...... James C. Miller, III ...... PAS OT ...... Do ...... do ...... Katherine C. Tobin ...... PAS OT ...... Do ...... do ...... Ellen C. Williams ...... PAS OT ...... Merrifield, VA ...... Vice President, Engineering ...... Walter F. O’Tormey ...... XS OT ...... Dallas, TX ...... Vice President, Southwest Area Operations ... Ellis A. Burgoyne ...... XS OT ...... Arlington, VA ...... Vice President, Sales ...... Jerry Whalen ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Vice President, Facilities ...... Tom A. Samra ...... XS OT ...... Denver, CO ...... V ice President, Western Area Operations ...... Sylvester Black ...... XS OT ...... Washington, DC .... Vice President, Corporate Communications .... Mitzi R. Betman ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Vice President and Consumer Advocate ...... Delores J. Killette ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Vice President, Business Customer Relations Susan M. Plonkey ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... President, Shipping and Mailing Services ...... Robert F. Bernstock ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Senior Vice President, Mailing Services ...... David B. Shoenfeld ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Vice President, Ground Shipping ...... James P. Cochrane ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Vice President, Business Mail Entry and Pay- Pritha Mehra ...... XS OT ...... ment Technologies. Do ...... Senior Vice President, Operations ...... William P. Galligan ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Vice President, Retail Operations ...... Kathleen Ainsworth ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Postmaster General, Chief Executive Officer John E. Potter ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Deputy Postmaster General and Chief Oper- Patrick A. Donahoe ...... XS OT ...... ating Officer. Do ...... Senior Vice President, Intelligent Mail and Thomas G. Day ...... XS OT ...... Address Quality. Do ...... Chief Postal Inspector ...... Alexander Lazaroff ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Senior Vice President, Strategy and Transi- Linda A. Kingsley ...... XS OT ...... tion. Do ...... Senior Vice President, General Counsel ...... Mary Anne Gibbons ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Chief Human Resources Officer and Execu- Anthony J. Vegliante ...... XS OT ...... tive Vice President. Do ...... Vice President, Employee Resource Manage- Deborah Giannoni-Jackson XS OT ...... ment. Do ...... Vice President, Employee Development and Susan M. LaChance ...... XS OT ...... Diversity. Do ...... Secretary of the Board of Governors ...... Julie S. Moore ...... XS OT ...... San Diego, CA ...... Vice President, Pacific Area Operations ...... Michael J. Daley ...... XS OT ...... Washington, DC .... Vice President, Labor Relations ...... Douglas A. Tulino ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice H. Glen Walker ...... XS OT ...... President. Do ...... Vice President, Supply Management ...... Susan M. Brownell ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Vice President, Controller ...... Lynn Malcolm ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Vice President, Treasurer ...... Robert J. Pedersen ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Chief Information Officer and Executive Vice Ross Philo ...... XS OT ...... President. Do ...... Vice President, Information Technology Oper- George W. Wright ...... XS OT ...... ations. Do ...... Vice President, Government Relations and Marie Therese Dominguez XS OT ...... Public Policy. Do ...... Vice President, Network Operations ...... Anthony M. Pajunas ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Vice President, Sustainability ...... Samuel M. Pulcrano ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Vice President, Delivery Operations ...... Jordan M. Small ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Senior Vice President and Managing Director, Paul Vogel ...... XS OT ...... Global Business. Do ...... Senior Vice President, Customer Relations .... Stephen M. Kearney ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Vice President, Pricing ...... Maura Robinson ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Vice President, Expedited Shipping ...... Gary C. Reblin ...... XS OT ...... Windsor, CT ...... Vice President, Northeast Area Operations .... Timothy C. Haney ...... XS OT ...... Bloomingdale, IL ... Vice President, Great Lakes Area Operations Jo Ann Feindt ...... XS OT ...... Gaithersburg, MD Vice President, Capital Metro Area ...... Jerry D. Lane ...... XS OT ...... New York-Queens, Vice President, New York Metro Area Oper- Steven J. Forte ...... XS OT ...... NY ations.

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Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Pittsburgh, PA ...... Vice President, Eastern Area Operations ...... Megan J. Brennan ...... XS OT ...... Memphis, TN ...... Vice President, Southeast Area Operations .... Terry Wilson ...... XS OT ...... Arlington, VA ...... Judicial Officer ...... William A. Campbell ...... XS OT ...... Do ...... Inspector General ...... David C. Williams ...... XS OT ......


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Salt Lake, UT...... Commissioner (Chairman), Member Utah Jody L. Williams ...... PA PD ...... 4 Years 07/10/10 Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission. Do ...... Commissioner, Member Utah Reclamation James F. Karpowitz ...... PA WC ...... 4 Years 11/06/09 Mitigation and Conservation Commission. Do ...... do ...... Brad T. Barber ...... PA PD ...... 4 Years 07/10/10 Do ...... do ...... Dallin W. Jensen ...... PA PD ...... 4 Years 07/18/10 Do ...... do ...... Don A. Christiansen ...... PA WC ...... 4 Years 11/20/08


Type Level, Location Position Title Name of Incumbent of Pay Grade, or Tenure Expires Appt. Plan Pay

Arlington, VA ...... Board Member - U.S. Senate ...... James Webb ...... XS EX V 6 Years 04/17/14 Alamo, CA ...... Board Member ...... Trung Dung ...... XS EX V 3 Years 04/17/11 Huntington Beach, ...... do ...... Frank Jao ...... XS EX V 3 Years 04/17/09 CA. San Francisco, CA ...... do ...... Richard J. Wall ...... XS EX V 3 Years 04/14/11 Durham, NC ...... Chairman of the Board ...... S. Malcolm Gillis ...... XS EX V 3 Years 04/17/11 Austin, TX ...... Board Member ...... Marilyn M. Pattillo ...... XS EX V 3 Years 04/17/09 Arlington, VA ...... Board Member - House of Representatives ..... Earl Blumenauer ...... XS EX V 6 Years 04/17/14 Do ...... Board Member - U.S. Senate ...... David Vitter ...... XS EX V 6 Years 04/17/14 Do ...... Board Member - House of Representatives ..... Joseph Pitts ...... XS EX V 6 Years 04/17/14 Do ...... Board Member ...... Henry M. Paulson Jr...... XS EX V 4 Years 02/01/09 Do ...... do ...... Condoleezza Rice ...... XS EX V 4 Years 02/01/09 Do ...... do ...... Margaret Spellings ...... XS EX V 4 Years 02/01/09 Do ...... do ...... Vacant ...... XS EX V 3 Years 04/17/11 MISCELLANEOUS with


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PAS = Positions Subject to Presidential Appointment with Senate Confirmation PA = Positions Subject to Presidential Appointment without Senate Confirmation GEN = Positions Designated as Senior Executive Service ‘‘General’’ NA = Senior Executive Service General Positions Filled by Noncareer Appointment TA = Senior Executive Service Positions Filled by Limited Emergency or Limited Term Appointment SC = Positions Filled by Schedule C Excepted Appointment XS = Positions Subject to Statutory Excepted Appointment

Agency or Department PAS PA GEN NA TA SC XS



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Agency or Department PAS PA GEN NA TA SC XS



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Agency or Department PAS PA GEN NA TA SC XS


TOTAL (7996) ...... 1141 314 3723 665 121 1559 473

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The Senior Executive Service (SES) is a personnel system covering top level policy, supervisory, and managerial positions in most Federal agencies. Positions in Government corporations, the FBI and Drug Enforcement Administration, certain intelligence agencies, certain financial regulatory agen- cies, and the Foreign Service are exempt from the SES. The SES includes most Civil Service positions above grade 15 of the General Schedule. An agency may establish a SES position only within an allocation approved by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Currently, there are 8,328 SES positions allocated by OPM to agencies. Types of SES Positions There are two types of SES positions: Career Reserved and General. About half of the SES positions are designated in each category. Once a position is designated by an agency, the designation may not be changed without prior OPM approval. SES positions are designated Career Reserved when the need to ensure impartiality, or the public’s confidence in the impartiality of the Government, requires that they be filled only by career employees (e.g., law enforcement and audit positions). The remaining SES positions are designated General. A General position may be filled by a career appointee, a noncareer appointee, or, if the position meets the criteria described below, by a limited term or limited emergency appointee. Because of the limitations on the number of limited appointees, most General positions are filled by career appointees. A given General position may be filled at one time by a career appointee and at another time by a noncareer or limited appointee, or vice versa. Because of the limitations on the number of noncareer and limited appointees, as discussed below, most General positions are filled by career appointees. This publication lists only General positions since Career Reserved positions must be filled by a career appointee. Appointments to SES Positions The legislation establishing the SES provides three methods of appointments. Veterans preference is not applicable in the SES. (1) Career appointment: Career appointments are made through a Governmentwide or an ‘‘all sources’’ merit staffing (competitive) process, including recruitment through a published announce- ment, rating and ranking of eligible candidates, approval by the agency of the professional qualifica- tions of the selected candidate, and a further review and approval of the executive/managerial qualifications of the proposed selectee by an OPM-administered SES Qualifications Review Board. A career appointee serves a 1-year probationary period. Upon completion, the appointee acquires tenure rights and may be removed from the SES only for cause or for poor performance. (A performance appraisal for a career appointee may not be made, however, within 120 days after the beginning of a new Presidential Administration, i.e., one where the President changes.) When a career appointee is reassigned within an agency, he or she must be given at least a 15-day advance written notice. If the reassignment is to another commuting area, the notice period is 60 days; the agency first must consult with the individual as to the reasons and the individual’s preferences. A career appointee may not be involuntarily reassigned within 120 days after the appointment of a new agency head, or during the same period after the appointment of a noncareer supervisor who has the authority to make an initial appraisal of the career appointee’s performance. A career appointee may not be involuntarily transferred to another agency. Like all career Federal employees, a career SES appointee is entitled to protection against retaliatory or politically motivated personnel actions and may lodge a complaint with the Office of the Special Counsel if a prohibited personnel practice has occurred. (2) Noncareer appointment: By law, no more than 10 percent of total SES positions government-

MISCELLANEOUS wide may be filled by noncareer appointees. The proportion of noncareer appointees may, however,

with vary from agency to agency, generally up to a limit of 25 percent of the agency’s number of SES positions. OPM approves each use of a noncareer authority by an agency, and the authority reverts to OPM when the noncareer appointee leaves the position. PRODPC74 on (200)

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Noncareer appointees may be appointed to any SES General position. There is no requirement for competitive staffing, but the agency head must certify that the appointee meets the qualifications requirements for the position. Any noncareer appointee may be removed by the appointing authority (e.g., for loss of confidence or change in policy). There is no appeal right. (3) Limited appointment: Limited appointments are used in situations where the position is not continuing (e.g., to head a special project), or where the position is established to meet a bona fide, unanticipated, urgent need. Limited term appointments may not exceed 3 years; limited emergency appointments, 18 months. By law, limited appointments governmentwide may not exceed 5 percent of total SES positions. The appointments may be made only to General positions. Generally, OPM allocates limited appoint- ment authorities on a case-by-case basis. However, each agency has a small pool of limited authori- ties equal to 3 percent of their total SES position allocations from OPM. Such pool authorities may be used only for appointment of career or career-type Federal civil service employees. Selection procedures and qualification requirements are determined by the agency, and the incumbent serves at the pleasure of the appointing authority. By law, the appointment to or removal from any SES position in an independent regulatory commis- sion shall not be subject, directly or indirectly, to review or approval by an officer or entity within the Executive Office of the President.

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Schedule C positions are excepted from the competitive service because of their confidential or policy-determining character. Most such positions are at grade 15 of the General Schedule or lower. Schedule C positions above the GS–15 level are either in the Senior Level (SL) personnel system or are specifically authorized in law. The decision concerning whether to place a position in Schedule C is made by the Director, U.S. Office of Personnel Management, upon agency request. Such requests are considered on a case-by- case basis. In addition to consideration of the justification submitted by the agency, OPM may conduct an independent review and analysis. In addition to the Schedule C positions authorized by the OPM Director, a limited number of positions may be placed under Schedule C by Executive Order of the President or by legislation. Requests for Schedule C exception are appropriate when: (1) The position involves making or approving substantive policy recommendations; or (2) The work of the position can be performed successfully only by someone with a thorough knowledge of and sympathy with the goals, priorities, and preferences of an official who has a confidential or policy determining relationship with the President or the agency head. There are special requirements for the types of superiors who are eligible for Schedule C secretaries. The immediate supervisor of a Schedule C position must be a Presidential appointee, a Senior Executive Service appointee (career or noncareer) occupying a General position, or a Schedule C ap- pointee. The immediate supervisor may not occupy a position in the competitive service or a Career Reserved position in the Senior Executive Service. The only time when OPM approval is not required for a Schedule C position is when a position is filled by a temporary Schedule C appointment during a Presidential transition, a change of agency head, or establishment of a new agency. Temporary Schedule C positions may be established for 120 days, with one extension of 120 days, under conditions prescribed by OPM. There is a limit on the number of such positions that can be established by an agency. New appointments may be made only during the 1-year period beginning on the date of the agency head’s appointment, a new Administra- tion or establishment of a new agency. By law, the agency head must certify to OPM that both Schedule C and temporary Schedule C positions are not being requested for the sole purpose of detailing the incumbent to the White House. Agencies may fill Schedule C positions noncompetitively. Because of the confidential or policy- determining nature of Schedule C positions, the incumbents serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority (usually the agency head) and may be removed at any time. They are not covered under conduct-based or performance-removal procedures that apply to certain other excepted Service appointees. Schedule C positions authorized by OPM are automatically revoked when the incumbent leaves the position (i.e., there is no such thing as a ‘‘vacant’’ Schedule C position). MISCELLANEOUS with

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The information in the body of this report reflects grades or salaries in effect on the first pay period on or after January 1, 2008. EXECUTIVE SCHEDULE (EX)

Level I ...... $191,300 Level II ...... 172,200 Level III ...... 158,500 Level IV ...... 149,000 Level V ...... 139,600

SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICE SCHEDULE (ES) Pay ranges for the Senior Executive Service (SES) are established by law. The minimum is 120 percent of the rate of basic pay for GS–15, step 1. For agencies without a certified SES performance appraisal system, SES members’ pay may not exceed the rate payable for level III of the Executive Schedule. For agencies with a certified SES performance appraisal system, SES members’ pay may not exceed the rate payable for level II of the Executive Schedule. SES members are not entitled to locality-based comparability payments.

Structure of the SES Pay System Minimum Maximum

Agencies with a Certified SES Performance Appraisal System ...... $114,468 $172,200 Agencies without a Certified SES Performance Appraisal System ...... 114,468 158,500

SENIOR LEVEL (SL) Pay for SL positions ranges from 120 percent of the rate of basic pay for GS–15, step 1 to the rate payable for level IV of the Executive Schedule. In addition to the 2008 basic pay rates listed below, SL employees are entitled to locality-based comparability payments for their respective locality pay area. The employee’s locality rate of pay may not exceed the rate payable for level III of the Executive Schedule.

Minimum ...... $114,468 Maximum ...... 149,000


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GENERAL SCHEDULE (GS) Initial appointments to positions under the General Schedule are normally made at the minimum rate of the grade, although under certain circumstances, individuals with superior qualifications or fulfilling a special agency need may be paid at a rate above the minimum rate. Step increases are granted to GS employees at the end of 52 weeks of service in steps 1, 2, and 3 of each grade; at the end of 104 weeks of service in steps 4, 5, and 6; and at the end of 156 weeks of service in steps 7, 8, and 9. An employee’s work must be determined to be of an acceptable level of competence before granting a step increase. In addition to the periodic step increase, an employee whose work is outstanding may be advanced to the next higher step rate no more than once every 52 weeks. In addition to the 2008 basic pay rates listed below, GS employees are entitled to locality-based comparability payments for their respective locality pay area. The employee’s locality rate of pay may not exceed the rate payable for level IV of the Executive Schedule. Certain GS employees may receive higher special rates instead of locality rates established to address significant recruitment or retention problems.


2008 Annual Rates and Steps Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

GS–1 ...... $17,046 $17,615 $18,182 $18,746 $19,313 $19,646 $20,206 $20,771 $20,793 $21,324 GS–2 ...... 19,165 19,621 20,255 20,793 21,025 21,643 22,261 22,879 23,497 24,115 GS–3 ...... 20,911 21,608 22,305 23,002 23,699 24,396 25,093 25,790 26,487 27,184 GS–4 ...... 23,475 24,258 25,041 25,824 26,607 27,390 28,173 28,956 29,739 30,522 GS–5 ...... 26,264 27,139 28,014 28,889 29,764 30,639 31,514 32,389 33,264 34,139 GS–6 ...... 29,276 30,252 31,228 32,204 33,180 34,156 35,132 36,108 37,084 38,060 GS–7 ...... 32,534 33,618 34,702 35,786 36,870 37,954 39,038 40,122 41,206 42,290 GS–8 ...... 36,030 37,231 38,432 39,633 40,834 42,035 43,236 44,437 45,638 46,839 GS–9 ...... 39,795 41,122 42,449 43,776 45,103 46,430 47,757 49,084 50,411 51,738 GS–10 ...... 43,824 45,285 46,746 48,207 49,668 51,129 52,590 54,051 55,512 56,973 GS–11 ...... 48,148 49,753 51,358 52,963 54,568 56,173 57,778 59,383 60,988 62,593 GS–12 ...... 57,709 59,633 61,557 63,481 65,405 67,329 69,253 71,177 73,101 75,025 GS–13 ...... 68,625 70,913 73,201 75,489 77,777 80,065 82,353 84,641 86,929 89,217 GS–14 ...... 81,093 83,796 86,499 89,202 91,905 94,608 97,311 100,014 102,717 105,420 GS–15 ...... 95,390 98,570 101,750 104,930 108,110 111,290 114,470 117,650 120,830 124,010 MISCELLANEOUS with


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Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Gainesville, GA-AL 17.30% Boston-Worcester-Manchester, MA-NH-RI-ME 22.51% Buffalo-Niagara-Cattaraugus, NY 15.37% Chicago-Naperville-Michigan City, IL-IN-WI 23.16% Cincinnati-Middletown-Wilmington, OH-KY-IN 17.77% Cleveland-Akron-Elyria, OH 17.11% Columbus-Marion-Chillicothe, OH 15.80% Dallas-Fort Worth, TX 18.74% Dayton-Springfield-Greenville, OH 15.26% Denver-Aurora-Boulder, CO 21.03% Detroit-Warren-Flint, MI 22.53% Hartford-West Hartford-Willimantic, CT-MA 23.97% Houston-Baytown-Huntsville, TX 27.39% Huntsville-Decatur, AL 14.23% Indianapolis-Anderson-Columbus, IN 13.51% Los Angeles-Long Beach-Riverside, CA 25.26% Miami-Fort Lauderdale-Pompano Beach, FL 19.11% Milwaukee-Racine-Waukesha, WI 16.73% Minneapolis-St. Paul-St. Cloud, MN-WI 19.43% New York-Newark-Bridgeport, NY-NJ-CT-PA 26.36% Philadelphia-Camden-Vineland, PA-NJ-DE-MD 20.14% Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale, AZ 14.74% Pittsburgh-New Castle, PA 14.93% Portland-Vancouver-Beaverton, OR-WA 18.72% Raleigh-Durham-Cary, NC 16.82% Richmond, VA 15.40% Sacramento - Arden-Arcade - Yuba City, CA-NV 20.25% San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos, CA 22.00% San Jose-San Francisco-Oakland, CA 32.53% Seattle-Tacoma-Olympia, WA 19.75% Washington-Baltimore-Northern Virginia, DC-MD-VA-WV-PA 20.89% Rest of U.S. 13.18%

Note: Locality pay areas are defined in 5 CFR 531.603(b) and are available on the Of- fice of Personnel Management Web site at http://www.opm.gov/oca/08tables/locdef.asp.

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WASHINGTON-BALTIMORE-NORTHERN VIRGINIA, DC-MD-VA-WV-PA LOCALITY PAY SCHEDULE The following salary tables reflect the locality pay rates for the Washington-Baltimore-Northern Virginia, DC-MD-VA-WV-PA locality pay area in 2008. The tables incorporate a locality payment of 20.89 percent.


2008 Annual Rates and Steps Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

GS–1 ...... $20,607 $21,295 $21,980 $22,662 $23,347 $23,750 $24,427 $25,110 $25,137 $25,779 GS–2 ...... 23,169 23,720 24,486 25,137 25,417 26,164 26,911 27,658 28,406 29,153 GS–3 ...... 25,279 26,122 26,965 27,807 28,650 29,492 30,335 31,178 32,020 32,863 GS–4 ...... 28,379 29,325 30,272 31,219 32,165 33,112 34,058 35,005 35,951 36,898 GS–5 ...... 31,751 32,808 33,866 34,924 35,982 37,039 38,097 39,155 40,213 41,271 GS–6 ...... 35,392 36,572 37,752 38,931 40,111 41,291 42,471 43,651 44,831 46,011 GS–7 ...... 39,330 40,641 41,951 43,262 44,572 45,883 47,193 48,503 49,814 51,124 GS–8 ...... 43,557 45,009 46,460 47,912 49,364 50,816 52,268 53,720 55,172 56,624 GS–9 ...... 48,108 49,712 51,317 52,921 54,525 56,129 57,733 59,338 60,942 62,546 GS–10 ...... 52,979 54,745 56,511 58,277 60,044 61,810 63,576 65,342 67,108 68,875 GS–11 ...... 58,206 60,146 62,087 64,027 65,967 67,908 69,848 71,788 73,728 75,669 GS–12 ...... 69,764 72,090 74,416 76,742 79,068 81,394 83,720 86,046 88,372 90,698 GS–13 ...... 82,961 85,727 88,493 91,259 94,025 96,791 99,557 102,323 105,088 107,854 GS–14 ...... 98,033 101,301 104,569 107,836 111,104 114,372 117,639 120,907 124,175 127,442 GS–15 ...... 115,317 119,161 123,006 126,850 130,694 134,538 138,383 142,227 146,071 149,000


Minimum ...... $138,380 Maximum ...... 158,500 MISCELLANEOUS with


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SPECIAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER (LEO) PAY SCHEDULES Law enforcement officers at grades GS–3 through GS–10 are entitled to special base rates that are higher than General Schedule base rates. Such LEOs receive the locality payments applicable in their locality pay area on top of these special base rates. The locality pay area definitions and pay percentages are the same as those used for regular General Schedule employees.


2008 Annual Rates and Steps Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

GS–3 ...... $25,093 $25,790 $26,487 $27,184 $27,881 $28,578 $29,275 $29,972 $30,669 $31,366 GS–4 ...... 28,173 28,956 29,739 30,522 31,305 32,088 32,871 33,654 34,437 35,220 GS–5 ...... 32,389 33,264 34,139 35,014 35,889 36,764 37,639 38,514 39,389 40,264 GS–6 ...... 34,156 35,132 36,108 37,084 38,060 39,036 40,012 40,988 41,964 42,940 GS–7 ...... 36,870 37,954 39,038 40,122 41,206 42,290 43,374 44,458 45,542 46,626 GS–8 ...... 38,432 39,633 40,834 42,035 43,236 44,437 45,638 46,839 48,040 49,241 GS–9 ...... 41,122 42,449 43,776 45,103 46,430 47,757 49,084 50,411 51,738 53,065 GS–10 ...... 45,285 46,746 48,207 49,668 51,129 52,590 54,051 55,512 56,973 58,434 NOTE: These special base rates for law enforcement officers (as defined in 5 U.S.C. 5541(3) and 5 CFR 550.103) are authorized by section 403 of the Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act of 1990, as amended. By law, these rates must be the basis for com- puting locality payments. (5 CFR part 531, subpart F.)

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Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Step 1 ...... $95,390 $77,294 $62,631 $50,749 $41,122 $36,762 $32,864 $29,379 $26,264 Step 2 ...... 98,252 79,613 64,510 52,271 42,356 37,865 33,850 30,260 27,052 Step 3 ...... 101,199 82,001 66,445 53,840 43,626 39,001 34,865 31,168 27,863 Step 4 ...... 104,235 84,461 68,439 55,455 44,935 40,171 35,911 32,103 28,699 Step 5 ...... 107,362 86,995 70,492 57,118 46,283 41,376 36,989 33,066 29,560 Step 6 ...... 110,583 89,605 72,606 58,832 47,672 42,617 38,098 34,058 30,447 Step 7 ...... 113,901 92,293 74,785 60,597 49,102 43,896 39,241 35,080 31,361 Step 8 ...... 117,318 95,062 77,028 62,415 50,575 45,213 40,419 36,132 32,301 Step 9 ...... 120,837 97,914 79,339 64,287 52,092 46,569 41,631 37,216 33,270 Step 10 ...... 124,010 100,851 81,719 66,216 53,655 47,966 42,880 38,333 34,269 Step 11 ...... 124,010 103,877 84,171 68,202 55,265 49,405 44,166 39,483 35,297 Step 12 ...... 124,010 106,993 86,696 70,248 56,922 50,887 45,491 40,667 36,356 Step 13 ...... 124,010 110,203 89,297 72,356 58,630 52,414 46,856 41,887 37,446 Step 14 ...... 124,010 113,509 91,976 74,527 60,389 53,986 48,262 43,144 38,570

SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE SCHEDULE The Senior Foreign Service (SFS) pay system is an open-range, performance-based pay system that is linked to the SES pay system. SFS members, like SES members, are not entitled to automatic across-the-board increases and locality-based comparability payments. Instead, pay adjustments are based on a member’s individual performance and/or contribution to the agency’s performance. The Executive order prescribes three SFS salary classes that are linked to the SES as follows: (1) Career Minister (CM). with a range from 94 percent of the rate payable to level III of the Executive Schedule to 100 percent of the rate payable to level III of the Executive Schedule (Note: Career Ambassador (CA) SFS members are also paid within the CM rate range); (2) Minister-Counselor (MC) with a range from 90 percent of the rate payable to level III of the Executive Schedule to 100 percent of the rate payable to level III of the Executive Schedule; and (3) Counselor (OC), with a range from 120 percent of the rate payable to GS–15, step 1 to 100 percent of the rate payable to level III of the Executive Schedule.

The 2008 pay ranges for the SFS classes are:

SFS Class Minimum Maximum

OC ...... $114,468 $161,670 MC ...... $114,468 $169,595 CM, CA ...... $114,468 $172,200 MISCELLANEOUS with


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Minimum Maximum

Assistant Under Secretaries for Health ...... $150,588** (Only applies to incumbents who are not physicians or dentists) Service Directors ...... $111,873 $138,939 Director, National Center for Preventive Health ...... 95,390 138,939

Physician and Dentist Base and Longevity Schedule*** Physician Grade ...... $93,818 $137,596 Dentist Grade ...... 93,818 137,596

Clinical Podiatrist, Chiropractor, and Optometrist Schedule Chief Grade ...... $95,390 $124,010 Senior Grade ...... 81,093 105,420 Intermediate Grade ...... 68,625 89,217 Full Grade ...... 57,709 75,025 Associate Grade ...... 48,148 62,593

Physician Assistant and Expanded-Function Dental Auxiliary Schedule**** Director Grade ...... $95,390 $124,010 Assistant Director Grade ...... 81,093 105,420 Chief Grade ...... 68,625 89,217 Senior Grade ...... 57,709 75,025 Intermediate Grade ...... 48,148 62,593 Full Grade ...... 39,795 51,738 Associate Grade ...... 34,244 44,513 Junior Grade ...... 29,276 38,060 *This schedule does not apply to the Deputy Under Secretary for Health, the Associate Deputy Under Secretary for Health, As- sistant Under Secretaries for Health who are physicians or dentists, Medical Directors, the Assistant Under Secretary for Nursing Programs, or the Director of Nursing Services. **Pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 7404(d), the rate of basic pay payable to these employees is limited to the rate for level V of the Execu- tive Schedule, which is $139,600. ***Pursuant to section 3 of Public Law 108–445 and 38 U.S.C. 7431, Veterans Health Administration physicians and dentists may also be paid market pay and performance pay. ****Pursuant to section 301(a) of Public Law 102–40, these positions are paid according to the Nurse Schedule in 38 U.S.C. 4107(b), as in effect on August 14, 1990, with subsequent adjustments.

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The Vice Presidency is a unique office that is neither a part of the executive branch nor a part of the legislative branch, but is attached by the Constitution to the latter. The Vice Presidency performs functions in both the legislative branch (see article I, section 3 of the Constitution) and in the executive branch (see article II, and amendments XII and XXV, of the Constitution, and section 106 of title 3 of the United States Code). The annual legislative branch appropriations act (see, for example, Public Law 109–55) and the annual transportation-treasury appropriations act (see, for example, Public Law 109–115) provide funds for the Vice President to hire employees to assist him in carrying out his legislative and executive functions. Executive branch employees also may be assigned or detailed to the Vice President (see 3 U.S.C. 112) and the Vice President may employ consultants (see 3 U.S.C. 106(a)). The Office of the Vice President (OVP) consists of the aggregation of Vice Presidential employees whose salary is disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate from the Vice President’s legislative appropriation, Vice Presi- dential employees employed with the Vice President’s executive appropriation, employees assigned or detailed to the Vice President, and consultants engaged by the Vice President. The numbers, titles and salaries of OVP personnel change with some frequency. The salaries of Vice Presidential employees whose salary is disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate from the Vice President’s legislative appropriation cannot exceed a maximum specified by law (see 2 U.S.C. 60a–1). The salaries of Vice Presidential employees whose salary comes from the Vice President’s executive appropriation also cannot exceed a maximum specified by law (see 3 U.S.C. 106). The authority to appoint, administratively determine the pay of, and discharge Vice Presidential employees rests with the Vice President. The current duty station of all OVP positions is Washington, DC.


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