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. . 1 as in ask as aw in law

( ) as a in father o as 6 in no

as ow n now o is pronounced like the German o unaspirated and in G'c the, .g. ,t6 -, the aspirated p' unaspirated .sound of a trumpet as e in there p' aspirated as ay in pay join s and z n one sound

as i in pin unaspirated

3 S GQ 1 n SG6 aspirated unaspirated ts unaspirated as ts 1 n dtsbsne aspirated ts aspirated when written alone is (short) as n bull

the second half sound (long) as oo n fool in . as ng in sing [of m u is pronounced like the French u TONES

In Chinese; the tones a very important. A word should

with other words having the same sound. The tones may differ in the case of compound words, but on no other account should they be changed. There are 9 principal tones in the dialect. These tones which can be learnt only from a teacher are marked as follows:

Upper even tone 9 a whip; to whip Upper rising tone 9 flat Upper departing tone 9 m^^\^t to transform Upper entering tone 9 must Medial entering tone 9 a turtle Lower even tone 9 Lower rising tone 9 I Lower departing tone 9 to dispute Lower entering tone 9 to discriminate - . .


in ^sin sin s it, s tt^ ^s\n "sin sin" sit,

f r*? sh ringworm thread — ooze -~ desire eagerly i# I

^manf^^man ) man man mat matQ ^man 'man man' mat^ mosquito — — what wipe people pity ask stocking ^ —_ THE—USE —OF THE^VCCABLXAKY

In the , many of the characters a re not used by tViemselves. They have to be compounded with other characters to bring out the proper meaning. Hence, the student is advised to make use of compound characters rather than a single character as given in the vocabulary, when intends to use a word. ' CLASSIFIERS

A classifier is a word placed between a numeral and a noun; such as a "loaf" of bread, a "sheet" of paper, etc. Here the words "loaf" and '*sheet" are called classifiers. Different nouns take different classifiers, according to the class to which they belong. The appropriate classifiers are put in brackets with their nouns in this book.

Indicates that the tone in which the word is marked is different frcm the

principal tone it is a varied collcqu ia I cne. It hes a high-pitched sound LESSON 2 VOCABULARY

I . ft; hal"i" the verb to be 5. "[ ui he; she; it; him; (am, is/ are, was, were, her. etc.) in any tense or 6 ,go I; me. number; yes. 7 like; love; delight ko classifier used 2. m in; want, extensively with nouns 8. ^ (ko ) man; per- denoting persons and () son; people; human. things, especially those indicating abstract 9. 'm^> no; none; have

o not; there is (are, was, 3. Jai; ^\e\ come. [ideas, were) not 4. f "yau have; has; there 10. no; not; do (does, are, was, were " auxiliary for the past did) not. soon as.

tense. I I. yatj one; unity; a s ke sign of the posses- 1 3. iu want; require wi:

si ; becomes an ad- must; need, jective when used with 14. it pfn? which

a noun; euphonic final. 15. "nei you(singular); the EXERCISE I ish. I. 5 " 13. si Cvi 6 nei 14. c 3. 7 "ngo 15. 4. 8 oi 16. 'yau You now know 35 words


1 . ^yan^yan all persons; 8. f& iMk'ui )ko' cyan everybody - he came alone

2. -m^ Jai did not come 9. f 1^ -k'ui yat^ko' ,yan

3. iu' ,m \u do you he, or she alone

want it 10. f 'k'uike' his; her; hers;

4. HH 1^ ko'ko' each one; its

everyone [body 1 I.

5. ko ko ^yan every- I alone

6. pin ke a flat one 12. ko\yanke' indivi- 7. ? "nei "yau "mo dual (adjective) have you 13. hai" is not " LESSON PROPER I. . 4. f& o Jai. 'K ui oi .

I come. She likes 9 . 5. iiflH^R ? 2. /e i yau. Pfnko'l

' m oi . cYaricyanke Mn e likes. Everybody'

— 3 — ..

7. 15. ii . u P!nko "mo Y J H > e ,n Who hasn t

8. V|> ( 16. m' Ja. •K'ui "mo. Com e net come nu e= sri t

9. M " f.t; Hai- hai- 17. A 5 fH). ls not is Ngo yau T have one. 10. - 3 6 18. ^ n c 'K ui ci r-r t. He wants one. 'mo haver 19. it m " g 3 " ) CM Who wants him to

) won t come

20. 3 \^ ^. 13. r' " . "Nei oi "k ui (.'ai.


You want h i m to come. e doesn 't

14. " . 21. " m . '

I m , •Ng o ^rn oi "k ui -lai.

e doesn't want. I don't want him to come.


Read and transi ete i nto Chinese,

1. I 9. Is it not?

2 . You have. 1 0. Do >ou want to h i

3. He (she; it likes w a n t s )

1 I . I haven t.

4. She (he, it I ikes wants ^

1 2 . You won t ccme. 5. NX hcse

1 3. He doesn't I ike it 6. Everybody s.

4. : 7. Heve you He dcesn t went

8. Arc you ccmii.g or not ? 15. VCho hasn't 16. He hasn't. 19. Vv ho wants him to come

1 7. I have one. 20. You want him t

1 8. He wants one. 2 1 . I don t want hi


14. oi\yan(ko') lover 21. i ,yanke' somebody's

15. 'ngoke mine; my 22. cyarV ko ) a spy

» 16. p I t/iu necessary 23. "y au ^yan there is somebody; engaged 17. " ^yan nobody 24. ii p{nlco'?"ich? who? 18. >5'J p 1 t-cY^n others 25. mr.t; i|:^?-k'ui hai^pinko'? 19. ) ,yan,man (ko')

people who is he ( she)

20. "y^Ucyan somebody 26. "neike your; yours -6)


t6 all (adverb") also; a kau' old (of things); e'; too. former; secondhand.

2. ^ ylk. also; moreover; too. 12 ung same; and; with; altogether. 3. tai' big; large; great. 13. sai small; fine. 4. bury; to draw close; along with. 14. siu small; trifling; petty. 5. capital (oF a country or state\ 15. speak; talk;

p6'- explain. 6. classifier for books. 16. VL shii speak; talk. 7. elder sister. 17. 0^ wa" tell; speak; words. 8. kin'- item; classifier for

1 t h i n business. 18. ^IL^ o g / o that. th ings in general. 19. V3'l<;nM thing;some-

9. language; dialect. i ng; wild; savage.

10. ,;San new; recently. 20. t ni this.

5 ;


Read and trans! ate into Eng! 1 sh.

L 5. Si ^m4i 9. san 13. t6 17. 18 2- 6 ^ ni 10. tL shiit 14. 3- 7 II. 'siu' 15. 'tse 19, A- od ai' 12. t - 16. ct'ung 20

You now know 55 words i


1. f ,t6 hai- all are 13. kcAo' t6 -yau

everybody has it 2. t6 ,m oi, 'kong

all do not want to talk 14. .san^sin fresh

3. ^to 'yau all have 15. tai- _cyan(ko') full grown person 4. t6 oi' all like 16. ""idifUf t6 'yau 5. t6 iu' all want to have everything 6. mat/^yan anybody 17, f yik, hai" it is also 7. -tZj f mat/Cye anything; what 18. yik, t6 hai* same 8. f ct'ung "k'ui pin" to 19. m^gt" t6 hai- -k'uike'

argue with him it is also his

9. Vui$yau w4-'m6? 20. t • sai large and

did he say so or not small; size; of all sizes

10. fS) -ye _cyan(ko') bar- kong tai"wa-

barians; savages; wild ke (ko ) liar people 22. i^) t4i"w4- (ko') a lie; bragging 1 I chit-chat falsehood . \ong 'ye ; (about things in general) boasting

12. t^i- 'tse (ko') the 23. (fin) 'siu ,yan (ko' )

eldest sister mean person (49)


. 2. f& ,.

'Nei 'yau yat^ko' tai" ke . "K ui -'yau yat.ko sai ke . You have a big one. He has a small one. s t • . ( ,

y\, tea*

"Ngo y au yatjko1 tk'\' ke ungcfnai ya tjko sai ke'.

I have a big one and a sma II one. ^

"fs| go o i ni ko t a i "ke

I want this big thing.


koko S d 1 k G -ye*

I also want that small thing.

If- . 7. f ^ c -'K'ui ct'ung -ngo lai. "K ui yil<"to ung ng() k o n Q He with me comes. He also to me speak

IP A -K ui yik :6 ,t\Jng 'ngo kongshiit He also to me talks.

o mat/ye^yanke whose ^ " ha hai neike

This is not is yours

, ^ Lg " ,Mhai- niko hai- 'ngoke 'No, this not mine. 5 . "Ngo "mo ^niko Ve-

I CT ave this thing.

f "fLgftu f.& " 14. 1 ft; . ^

i 'Koko hai" -k'uike'? 1 koko hai* 'k u k

That is not i s his that is his. AM 1? C „Pink( -ngc ,1a.

Who said I won't come . 1

\V- ' 7 6. nai k u 1

Eh not he said •<

7^ k" n n o k p 1 1 ung 'ngo H n a k u it's he to me said

8 1'1 — . hai* o u^yan.

Mn a mean fellow. MEANINGS OF THE ABOVE

Read and translate into Chinese.

1. You have a big one. 10. Is this you rs?

He has a small one. No, this is not mine.

I this thing. 3. I have a big one and a small one. 12. do not have

4. I want this big thing. 13. Is that his his. - 5. I want that small thing also. 14. Yes, that is

6. He comes with me. 15. \fj ho said: woxrtd not co He speaks to me also. 16. Is it not he who said so sc 8. He speaks (or talks) to me as well. 17. Yes, it's he who told me

9. Whose is this 18. He is a mean fellow. MORE COMPOUND WORDS AND PHRASES

24. 'Siu'tse Miss (placed 33. sai'kfn' "ye small after the name) thing, or article

25. 1^ ^t'ung different 34. kong wa" speak; talk 26. f -mo -ye nothing 35. 'kong tai'wa- to tell '^-\Lff "mo mat, -ye nothing; 27. a lie; brag; exaggerate nothing is the matter

36. i ong — i to tell all 28. -'m6 S^e 'kong noth- ing to say 37. "i^M A 'koko' ^yan that man ' 29. ( "siushut^fpo") novel 38. ^l^fi?) 'ko ko' that one 30. !• t^r- sai' ,m jt'ung , 39. hai- ,san,s1nke' of all sizes they are fresh ones 31. -g -ff(#) kau' -ye (kin'") old \ok\n- -ye that thing; secondhand 40. ^im^ f goods tliing thing, or article

32. yat.kin- "ye one 41. - ilD m ko' this one i

42. ni"n'- -ye this thing whom

43. nil sai'sai) ko' very 46. T^i; Jan Vc small one mcy; Your Honour 44. pin yat,kin- ^ which one 47. 'si^ise( ko, ) young

45. -fea?f A. matj'ye ^yan who lady (73) LESSON 4 VOCABULARY

hei air; breath. 1 to go. n i Z. 'lui 2. ro inside.

3. <.t iu classifier for any 1 3. ^nam male ( of human

thing long and slender. beings only ).

/, At 4. pin" convenient; (-) (ts en (- ) one meal. handy; a side. 15. 1 O 5 classifier f o r birds. and whole; food. animals, linnbs, ships. 6. t) 'kau(chekj dog. etc. 7. shik, eat. t 16. ngoi " outside; foreign. 8. ^hung empty; hollow; 17. Cl o unoccupied; vacant. posite to; to; towards. 9. yap, enter; put into. 18. 'tsci (ko)) son; a 10. "nui female (of human diminutive; a noun beings only). suffix. EXERCISE

Read and translate into English.

7. "lui 3- t hik. 8. ^mau 4^ 9. ^nam tsai 10. ngoi"

'nui tui) 12. it pin" yap.

You now know 73 words COMPOUND WORDS AND PHRASES

1. 2! chunghei air (noun) 12. ^hung ke^ empty one

13. tai' tsai eldest son 2. ^1* -i" ? hui hui ere

you going or not I A. ^il. shik, cmai finish eating 15. .san.sin .hunghei' 3. f 'k*ui yat, yap, Jai as soon as he comes in fresh air 4. ( sai'mansai 16. -nui'tsaiCko') girl; (ko child daughter

5. i^) 'tsai-nui (ko') 17. tai" shik_ gluttonous; children eat large quantities of food " yap, jlai come in 6. *

I 8. "ngo (.t ung 'nei 7. +^ jt^iu^in (ko') con- hui I'll go with you dition ( of a contract, "ngo ^to hui 1 shall etc.); prerequisite 19 go also 8. if 'kong ^t'iu'kln dis- 20. m4L/tsai (chekj cuss conditions m kitten 9. -Kit tai" pin' answer the

• lose smell or call of nature 21 sk flavour (through ex-

I 0. fs; shik, 'ye eat some- posure to air) thing 22. tA^(fS))shik2ankeko

. eldest I nui the I tai" man-eater; cannibal daughter (95)


It ? . ojim 1 ill ^nam tsai hai- pinko ke This boy whose

2. fc m f.t; ^km Nik' ^nam tsai hai- koko (.nam ya This boy that man's.

3. -kf ill m 'Koko' nui tsai hai- p{nko ke

That girl whose

— 10 — o m k , f. • . . ^.

4. tf Vc 11^ "5C

— O O n'ji tsai hai ^mko 'nui y a nke . That girl is this woman s

5. ff ^^m / 'Koko 'nui tsai u ,niko ^nam tsaike j^rn a u

T L . this boy's cat. 1 hat girl wants

6. ^mm . KIM Nil

that girl's vj >^ • 1 his boy wants y

i£ f 7 It ) in

,Nam' tsai ung^mai 'k uike kau yap "lui p 1 n". "Boy with his dog enters inside.

8 i£ f ^ m ^ ,. 'Nui tsai ung 0) ^mau hui ngoi'p in". Girl with her cat goes outside. 9 ' c ,Nam' tsai ung 'nui tsai 'Boy to girl said what

r\ 1 U /' f& m t "K ui kong 'k ui ke ^mau fan".

He said hi s cat refuses to eat rice.

. JZ m ^nam tsai Girl with boy said what

1 1 . f& n.

kong — jike kau to ,m sh.k. ran •

She said hejr dog also refuses to eat rice. MEANINGS OF THE ABOVE

d and t ranslat 5 into Chinese.

1. Whose b

2' This Is that man s boy. 0. V/hat did the boy say to the girl?

3. Whose g rl is that 10. He said that his c at refuses to eo

4. That is this woman s girl. rice.

q 5. That girl wants this boy s cat. n. What did the girl iay to the boy

CO 6. This boy wants that gir 1 s dog uses t

7. goes inside wi th his dog. eat rice as w ell. )


23. ( fH) ) ^nam yan (Vo ) 34. kau tsai (chek,) man; husband puppy

nui (ko 35. f tui -k'ui ong said men and women to him

25. ngoi'pin" outside; on 36. .n^m^sai iVo' the outside son; boy 26. — yatts an fan' one 37. 1) -ye \au (chek,) meal stray dog 27. 3^ yat.chek. nnan one 38. " Jai hui to and fro mosquito 39. -nui'tsai (ko') un- 28. yat, tui' mat, one married young lady; pair of stockings spinster

29. — t yat.chek^ mat, one 40. ft 'siu pin" urinate stocking Al. 'k'ui shi mat,- 30. — yat, ct iu sin one ye what does he piec e of thread eat 31. — t yat.chek^ plt^ one 42. Pi ( 'ye m^ Uhek,) turtle wild cat

32. it ( pin- fan- ^^ts'an) 43. it I ? yat, chek ordinary/ plain meal; which one of the pair potluck 44. (fm ) 'nui yan (ko ) wo-

33. A ( fill ) ngoi^yan ( ko'j man; females; wife outsider


m6 long for. , (po'; ) I • admire; 4. 40

_ . . printed book. 2. X yau* again; yet again; also; and. 5. ,kan a classifier for rooms/ houses, etc. 3. ^ ^shang to beget; to give birth to; produce; raw; 6. cS;n fir bef living; life. previous.

12 -

7. takj get; a verbal suffix. I 3. 1 meaning; idea; thought. 8. ho good; well; very;

very much. , idea. I 4 & s z meaning; 9. kei how many; how 15. cchung middle; centre.

much; a few; severa I; how very; somewhat- 16. pun origin; a copy; classifier for books. now; understand. pity. I to I I 7. . hok, learn; used a s a suffix, it combines read aloud; study. 1 8. tuk, with other characters -) to indicate various 19. 'leung (-) tahil; tael; branches of study, etc. ounce. 12. both; double cto many; much. 20. "leung two; .

EXERCISE a f e n ^ lish.

I n l mo" 9 <4 6- z . I pun 7- od I ,shang 3.

— 5. 1 o.

You now know 93 word: COMPOUND WORDS AND PHRASES

1. jn'm^' admire s 7. -leung pin" both

i s d e ; t 2. ;1 f 'h6 sin- mi- Yui s h e two parties admire him very much 8. jshang I business; 3. 1*^^0^ 'k ui yau" wa" he trade said again 9. " cfn tak, cannot; im- 4. ct'U ng' agree possible

5. k4i' tai anyhow (in 10. "iM careless; any case) general idea

6. mat/ye t6 ^nam'nui ^.t ung anything will do hok^ co-education

13 >

12. t^-holc, 29. jshang "ye to grow or colleg e; university develop in or on the 13. yau" Jai has come again body (as boils or ulcers) I A. ^m'h6 don't 30. J{n$man to have com- 15. err/hci 'k ong don't passion for; to pity say; don't talk about 31. 'yau 1 to have in it; it cannot be told mind; intentionally

I 6. t5L hokshCit doctrine 32. -S^au Si ^to to eat how many are there anything raw 33. m -Yui tar to eat much how old is he ) 19. 'si6 hole, (,k^n) 34. A f fiD & -ngo ,m hai" elementary school; niko 1 sz 1 primary school don't mean this

20. t5ej# ,chungi' ong- 35. Af^ifif^ -ngo -m^ ni-

ko I sz I don't have shiitvv fond o f talking such an intention

36. -an ,yan 38. h i t a u k ^ know; under-

(ko ) go-between; stand middle -man 39. hok^man' knowledge;

25. 'hi ,yan < ko' learning one's edu- good person cation

26. !ff (h6 -ye good thing; 40. f hok, -ye to learn to well done bravo do things 27. h6 r good intention 4 I . ,chung I to like; to be

28. \6 shik, good toeat; fond of 159) delicious 42. (.shangke living; alive

14 X


• u yau kei toko sai man tsai e has how many children

]ID -. •m leungko sai nnan tsai. e two children.

3, —n f.t. c. -kif.

Yatjko hai' ^nam t ai. atko. hai "nui tsai One is son. One daughte

5. if f.t; . ^Nam tsai hai" "Nui'tsai sai ke

Son is Daught€ small.

7. ^imm if. Koko tai "ke tsai. That big one . 06 sai ke hai" nui.

small one is daughter. OK .

chung I k uike sai rnan tsai. likes his children.

10. \^%t 3i . sai ^man tsai hiutak^ tuk, His children know to read

/' f i>.

"K ui i' yat kc Cn

He a teacher.

ft; — ^ c .

'Ngo ha i* yat . kc) hok^^shang.

1 am1 a studant.

— 15 — . e - ^ .

3- 1^ i^. 'u -yau 'leungko hok.^shang. e has two students.

A f

N go na I "k ui ke E cn

I am his boy student.


hai- k ulke cn

You are his girl student. ^ . "Ngo kong 'k uike wa

I to spe;3k his langu

7 f

hok. kong "k uike 1.2 also to sp language. 8 5 f.t; i^. wa" "ngo hai" yat.koV h m^^He ok, ha n g

said am < good student.

19. m f.t; — i^. "K ui yau" wa" ' nei hai' yat.ko ho hok, ^shang He also said you are a good student.

o- i -m r. 3 c . w yatjko ho in.shang. 2 O s d a good teacher.


Read end t nslate into Chinese -

' 1 . How many children has he 7. The big one is a boy-

2 - He has two children. 8. The sma 1 1 one is a girl.

3. One is a boy. 9. He likes his children.

4 . One is a girl. 10. His children knew how t ead.

5. The bey is big. I 1 . He is a teacher.

6. The girl is sma 1 1 I . I a student.

16 .

13. He has two students. 18. He said that I am a good student.

14. 1 am his boy student. 19. He said also that you are a good 15. You are his girl student. student

16. I learn to speak his language. 20. He said also that he is a gocd

1 7. You learn to speak h is language too. teacher.


A3, sz mo' long for; think 56. — im yat, -l^ung ko' one longingly after or two 44. oi mo" love ardently 57. — yat^ leung one ounce 45. { cchung ^.yan lover; (tael; tahil) sweetheart 58. 46. pun^yan the man him- tuk.,shu cyan (ko one who has self; the man in ques- tion; personal been to school 47. , \\z meaning; idea; 59. 'Ui 'h6 pretty good opinion; thought; in- 60. tuk ,shu to read a tention book loudly; to study 48. ,ch ung^kan middle; 61. tuk/p6n ) ( Vun) centre; between; within reading book 49. ^chung hole, (.k^n) 62. f tui) -k'ul (kong middle school high say school to him 50. 'h6 not good 63. .t'unghok, (ko')

51. cm cto not many or schoolmate; fellow much student 52. ,& ,m \6 \\z not 64. ^ ^nam "nui ,t*ung- nice to do; in a n aw- hok^ schoolmates of kward position both sexes

53. " ft; hai- 'k^i \6 , 65. ung.chung sky; not very good or well space 5A. 'k4i to not 66. several very many or much 55. kau- ,shu (p^- 67. ^hung^kan space (that ( i S or pun) old book; in which all objects secondhand book exist or move)

— 17 — .

68. in) hok.,shang (ko ) 78. -mo tuk.^shu un- student; pupil; scholar educated

69. cto kong to talk much 79. {ih fS]) i'ngoi' (kin-; ko ) unexpected ly 70. ,to wa' talkative accidently; an accident 71. 5t i- ,s;n,sh4ng (ko ( 80. -'mS \ unintentional ly teacher; si r; Mr. (plac- 81. \6 .san.sin very ed after the name) fresh; quite fresh 72. yau' 'ho that will also 82. kei ho very good or do; all right well; you must be

73. yau' -yau there is also doing very well 1 83. 74. 6 eshii tul<_ there & mat/ye \'sz what is is no book to read the meaning or idea 75. ni these 84. ffi^i ,ch ung- 76. \o those

I jchung I would 77. is ko leungko th ose you like it or not two (201)


^yan because; cause; 9. k WO fruits in general; reason results.

2. ^ wai" because; for. 10. pel give; allow; let

3. kwong broad. un happy.

4. ts6- do; make; act; 12. 6i happy.

to be. 13. if.

5. it, tei' earth; ground; 14. ching make; do; arrange. place. 15. a a prefix to names

6. ..tung east; eastern; of persons (where

th ese are monosy I la- host; rnaster. bl o ko elder brother. re ati ves, etc.); used 8. risao') fellow; to imitate sounds. person 16. ft prefecture.

— 18 — 17. *f 'cho sign of the past 20. kau teach instruct; tense. doctrine sect;

, I . r .r I school; religion. irt tj» , I ^ sign ol- the plural 1 8. tei

. a labour; (of persons ). 2 I ^kung work; a

& job' 1 9. ong square ( a plane figure). 22. se write. EXERCISE

3. 9 ctung 12 h 4. ^ o • h 5. 2 I wai" o 6. 2 2 ^yan ^ yap, 'u 7 ^ 2 3 06 /u 24 yau"

You now know 1 1 5 words


1. ^fJ- shik, 'cho ate 9. I^f- wai'- cho -k^uit^i- because of them 2. ts6- hok,,shang to

be a student 10. yap, kau to become a church member 3. ts6" ^sio^shang to

I I. -fil ^shang cho born be a teacher 12. iE^lta ^mai'cho buried 4. ^ ^yanwai" because; on 13. /1^> ts^-,sh^ng- account of

i ke (yan (ko ) busi- 5. - ^.hung cho became ness man empty; emptied 14. Jai'cho came 6. sai 'cho became 15. tso'tak, can be done; all right

•a 7. kau'-'cho %6 ,to I 6. Iff K wong f u wa became very old (said Cantonese dialect

oF a thing) 17. tai" se capital

8. i^faf be- wai-'cho "k'ui I 8. "^ ^yan kwo cause and cause of him effect

19 1 .. J

19. tui"cho compared; 32. 2 ,hung tei- empty checked space; vacant g round n' 20. <.f ongp convenient 33. yap/cho entered 21. ts6- .shangl' to do 34. 'h^'cho felt better; business improved 22. -pi ts6-'cho did 35. ( ) -nui ckung^yan 23. ts6" ^kung to work; (ko ) female labourer to get a livelihood 36. il^ tso" _,nnai completed 24. e ,sh ang to draw all the work living objects 37. tuk,ho 'si6hok, 25. gtung Jong the east; orient completed primary education 26. ^Tung A Eastern Asia 38. "^ c^hang kwo fresh fruit 27. flu) tkr'\6(ko) the Vei'cho gave elder brother 39. , ,m^i all; 28. 4 CO (appellative) 40. '\ give elder brother gave all

29. kOcko same 41. & 'pei c^nai ni ko' 30. lcoko w4- the elder give this one as well brother said A2. 5^ wai" shik, greedy in

31. - ko eldest brother eating; gluttonous (2/,3 LESSON.PROPER

Sai CO ,chung ( kau tsai

Children like puppies

; tjL >^ / f " c . -N4it4i- cCi kw< pel kau tsai -k'uit4i ho un hei

You "if giv( puppies them; they very happy. ;. "Nui yan jchung sai ^man tsai Women like children.

20 i R - . , I .

"^ ^ ^F-^ flp^ i& - o "k uitei • 'yau cho sai cman tsai; 'k uitei" 'ho

If they have children; they ve ry

. 5. . un hei IT o ,shu.

happy. Students like to read b o ok s

- -pa fg- . kwo 'k'uitei" o rr rr cf un he

If they have books to read; they very happy. .

^Kung^y an ,chung 1 ts6" ^kung. en likei to do work. . kwo 'k uitei" yau cho c^ung tso"; "k uitei" un hei if they have work to do; they happy.

3 .

cSiDcshang chung I kau ^.shu Teachers like teaching.

- -. c ^

Ngotei'ke' 1 n^shang (.chung kau K wong f u w Our teachers like to teach Cantonese.

- i c "K uitei kau ngotei tuk)_, se ung<.mai kong They teach to read/ writs ind speak "

K won g f u V chung I nko an Cantonese. Yen like whom " . "Ngo ^chungl

I 't like you. . . •

14. ^ 15. ;^

Tso"mat/ye *ne i ^chung i "ngo ^Yan wai' Why you don't like me Because ^ t .

'nei ^chung I tuk^ c^hu; 'nei ^chung \ shik^ "ye. you don't like to read books; you like to eat things. MEANINGS OF THE ABOVE

Read and translate into Chinese.

1 . Children like puppies. 9. Teachers like teaching puppies; they are 2. If you give them 10. Our teachers like to teach happy. Cantonese. 3. Women like children- I I . They teach us to read, write and 4. If they have children; they are happy. speak Cantonese.

5. Students 1 ike to read books.

1 2. Whom do you not 1 ike 6. If they have books to read; they are

1 3. I do not I ike you happy.

14. Why do you not I ike me 7. Workmen like to work.

8. If they have work to do; they ere 15. Because you do not like to study; happy. you like to eat only. MORE COMPOUND WORDS AND PHRASES

43. "fa -yau'cho had 51 t6 ts6-tak, it V/ill

do also; it can also be Jun hei happy; glad done 45. ^yan ^ku ng human la- bour; wages 52. Kwong.tung Kwang-

46. "" -ngo ts6- ,mjai tung

53. ,kung,yan (k ) 1 could not do such a ; thing labourer; wo r k m a n 47. o servant l6lco lad; b oy 48. tso'tak, impossi- 54. sa ' ble to be done; cannot 55. , hok/cho learn 4" mastered 49. " ' tso" ,m Jai impossi- ble to be done 56. [til hok,.'cho \h to learnt a lot of 50. tso'tak, (lai it can ye be done things

— 22 — 57. tai'cf ong liberal; 71. 1^ - -k'uitei" they; them generous 72. "- kau' ,mjai unable 58. ching pin make it to teach flat 73. ""Ml "ngotei" ; us 59. 'ching pin" make ready 74. tsS'tak, 'h6 well

60. 'ching 'ho make right; done to repair 75. -ir^f-^ hui^'cho went 61. -nui ,kung (ko'j 76. mat/'ye cShQ? what needle work; female book is it ? labourer

62. 1^ "mo cho no more 77. ^-^7 wai" mat? what for?

63. JtL tei'J ong a place; 78. wai- mat/ye? what locality for?

64. 'hei.Fun to be pleased 79. ts^))- mat/ye? why? 65. , tuk.'cho read what are you doing 66. "^ kong cho spoke what are you up to

67. 1^ kau 'cho taught 80. tso' mat,? same 68. kau (.shii to teach 81. " ts6- ,m 'h6? (as a school teacher) will it be good to do

69. i^'lt'K -k^ui't^i-ke' their; It theirs 82. ^il m4t cho wiped 70. mat, ft 83. 'se'cho wrote cshangi ho ts6" there is not much business 84. ^^ sai'l6 (ko') the to do younger brother (255)


1. sheung " above. 4. 'f h4- below; I ow; next;

2. arrive; come to descend; to go down. (a place); reach; until. 5. kiu' call; call out; shout; yell; send for. 3. "i^. hai at, in, on (merely

indicating presence ). 6. (,cheung) a chair.

— 23 — (classroom; 1 shat, room i r for 6. :h{ c i f e cafe; examination nouns f e r r i n g to re- long, slender and room; laboratory; straight things, such ception room, etc.). as pens, flowers, look; watch; 1 7. t'ai see; candles, rifles, etc. observe; think.

8. |olc a final particle classi- 1 8. ,cheung sheet; or em- (affirmative fier for tables, beds, phatic). photos, chairs, and 9. find; search; to things that present look for, as for some- a large, flat surface; thing lost. the surname Cheung.

10. mak, (,t'i6) i n k 19. - "i some; a little (the (Chinese cake-ink comparative degree of ^chl know, as a fact. adjectives is formed by this word ti, 12. 'h^ a moment; a addedtotheadjectiveX while; once; a blow.

13. pat, (,) pen. 20. -k'ei to stand.

a place. take; bring; carry. shu I 14. 2 . ning

fan to play; to amuse 22. 'sheung up; to go up. one's self; to make 23. ^sheng sound; voice; sport with oppose; turn against rebel tone. opposing. 24. shui water (noun). You now know 139 words L COMPOUND WORDS AND PHRASES

bring it here 1. sheung' ha about; 6. ' ,ning approximately nearly; 7. ^ning "sheung hui mors or less bring it up there 2. f- it 'hai sheung-pln" 8. kiu' 'n^i a\ko above; on the top of Jai call your elder above; 3. sheung'pin' brother the top 9. kiu'ts^- it is called 4. -^"Ita*^ hui^'cho lok already gone 10. tai\sheng kiu' to call out with loud voice 5. ' Its t6''cho arrived

— 24 — n -k'ui yau- lok I I. k^u'shat, (M^) 23. f Jai cleissroom he has come agai

12. ,m cchl don't know 24. fg^ffxil -k'ui 'hai shu' he is

13. cm cch(t6' don't i6' know 25. f -h4 -k'ui he should be scolded 14. crpChS 'fan don't play 26. ^Ji nishij' here; this place 15. 01 fan do not want to play 27. .' hai nishU' here; it is here 16. ^ % i. 'hai 'ye-ngoi- se c^hang to draw 28. - hai shu' same

live objects i n the 29. 'shui tai- high tide country (highest level of the tide) 17.

3 I . 'ngo t ai 'yau I ountain pen think there is

I 9. -i* "sheung hui go up 32. sai'sai' jsheng in a whisper; in a very 20. ^ \o 'ai good to look low voice at; nice-looking 33. 1. 'hai tuk, ,shu is

21 • 't'ai -h^ have a look reading a book; is 22. -h^ h a ve a game schooling ois)


4^ . 2. . r C 'Ngo -yau yat^ pun j.shu. Ts eng "nei pei 'ngo t a

I have a book. Please you let me se

e^ff 5^ 'Ngo t ai cho "neike ^shCi lok

I have seen your book / . c

"K ui 'yau yat;^.ch i pat.,.

He has a pen.

— 25 — R .

6 - 5. ^ . ^ C Hai,- jfn hai- yat,,chi 'hoke' pat,? "Ngo ,ch|. Is not is a good pen ? 1 don't know.

'. ^mm . 'Kokc sai „man tsai 'hi .p inshii That boy where

8. . ^ "ha "k ui. "Ngo jch it6 . "Ngo hui wan him. I don't know. I go find once

9- i

e there doing what ?

f f .

-K'ui fan -V. mak, s h u i

He is playing wi th hi: ink.

12. c • yat,<.cheung pei "ngo.

Bring a chair give me.

13. c cNing tso" mat/ye Bring a chair for v^hat "( 14. . fK ' •Ngo iu kiu "nei hai sheung'p In".

I want to ask you to stand on top.


16. 5 . 7 , JL. Yau^ti hai" t ai cshii. a. hai" fan. Y u Some are reading book s o m are playing.

— 26 i . 18. ' @ , .

•Yau^ti •k'4i'h< koshu tai\sheng kiu .

Some 3€J standing there loudly shouting.

19. [ ^ff -N4i hai koshii mat/ye

You there doing what ?

20. A 1 - . •Ngo hai koshii t ai "k'uitei"

I was there looking at them playing. MEANINGS OF THE ABOVE

Read and translate into Chinese.

I hav e a book. 12. Bring me a chair.

2. Please let me have a look. 13. Why do you want a chair

3. I hav e seen your book. 14. I want you to stand on it.

4. He L3S a pen. 15. What are those children doing

5. Is it a good pen inside

6. I don t know. 16. Some are reading books.

Wherei is that boy 17. Some are playing.

8. t know. I 1 ! go and l(Dok for 18. Some are standing there end

9, He is in the classroom L him. shouting.

10. What is he doing there 19. What were you doing there

11. He is playing with his ink. 20. I was looking at them playing there.


34. ill f oPmshu' hai- 40 ^Cheung In^shang

it is everywhere Mr. Cheung

35. cch{t6 k now 41. ^Cheung ^Shang same

42. yat. jcheung { 36. sai ^sheng low voice one chair 37. 'p4i -k'ui ,chl let

43. yatjjch I him know pat) one pen 38. tai' jsheng loud voice 'f^ ntui opposite 39. 'Ch^ng 'SiG'tse (contrary); be opposed Miss Cheung to

— 27 — (

45. kong ^shii preach 56. tai\sheng 'kong to talk loudly 46. m ) ,s!n^chl (ko'j prophet 57. sai ^sheng 'kong to talk in a low voice 47. m4u kiu purring

58. f w^- -k'ui 48. san to ke recently Vei to tell him arrived about it

59. ''in \oshU there; that 49. 'ai ^shu read a book jk place (silently) 60. l'"a? 'hai 'koshii' there; 50. l<;Si 'ha several times; it is there several blows 61. 'mo lok there is no 51. "' t'ai t^-^fong more ho ho see whe- 62. " wan ,m\6 unable ther the locality is good to find 63. \b tkr.sh eng very 52. ^t6,t5 ,sheng the loud sound of a trumpet 64. p{nsh[j where? what 53. "mo ^sheng speech- place anywhere less; mute 65. 1 ii 'hai ,pinshu' 5^, -k ei "sheung hui where where is it? to stand up there it is 66. "f^ ha"r lok yes, so 55. 'kong to' talk about '351)


1. sz- (kin*) affair; 7. napj grain^seed; classi- business. fier for grains, seeds,

2. ku ancient; antique; kernels or fruit stones, very old. beans, beads, round fruits; drops; 3. () tau or tau' (nap^) bullets; bean. moles; spots on the

4. 5C f6- father. body/ and small round things. 5. p4k father's elder

brother. 8. ^kung grandfather; 6. ^hei giggling. public; just; justice.

—— 28 . ) . t

9. 1^) ct'a u (ko ) the head; 14. n\ (.wan naughty. the top, chief; first. 15. old ( of persons 10. % home; family; venerable. household; used as a 16. 1 old gentleman suffi X to indicate a gran df ather.

spec alist. 17. cP O old woman.

II. slu^ laugh. 1 8. retatives;persona

12. -m6 mother. 19. sz' scholar.

1 3. wai naughty. 20. cP ei skin; leather.

You now know 159 words COMPOUND WORDS AND PHRASES

1 punsz" ability; talent; 13 "^ "yau sz' busy; engaged capable; smart 14. jshang sz" to cause

2. " yat^k 1 n" sz' an trouble; to create a "fair disturbance

'ku-16 ancient; old 3. 15. <^ ^kung.man (ko') fashioned; out-of-date citizen

4. A{fiS)) 'ku ,yan (ko,) the 16. ,man sz" (kln'J ancients civil suit

5. In^t au at first; just 17. .t'ungsz- (ko') now; a moment ago colleague; co-worker

6. 5L ct aUjS In same 18. ckung'tsai

"^ 'mo sz' at leisure; dis- jShCi ( po' or pun) com- engaged; no trouble ics (a strip of cartoons)

8. hol

9. ^ts a n-oi beloved; 20. 3\ jt ,t'au,p'ei dandruff dear to love dearly 21 ts6- \h sz- to do 10. 'J^ "leung ^kung ^p'o a good thing both husband and wife 22. flD ) tse ( ko') the S|Sung" both of us; elder sister both parties 23. lc^tse (ko') the 12. ^ M 'leung au both sides elder sister

— 29 — , ' I )

24. -( tai'- k4tse 32. "leung tsai ^ye \ ko ) the eldest sister f ath( and so

25. ctungckS (ko') em- 33. "A (ko') % ( ) klkung ployer; head of a firm father - in - law ( o f a 26. ]1D ) tui'.t'au (ko') woman enemy; opponent

3A. 3C ( fS] ) ngoi 27. sz-'kin (kin-) father - in - law (wife's event; affair; matter father) 28. "i - everybody; all of us body's 35. ^^J 'lopak^ father's 29. t^i-,k4ke e very- friend ( used as a term

of respect ) 30. -l^tau'Mko') father

31. 5C 4^{m) fu-.ts'an (ko') 36. ' fit] ct'au yat, ko the

father (more refined) first one c^Ay)


^nam y an hai- f u\ts an man father. 2 ^ . N "nui yan hai' "m6j.ts an. ^ woman is mother.

3 Hi] — . ^ c ' ^ u yau yat.ko tsai ct ung 'nui.

e y have a son and a Cl_ rr

4- c , n, 'mojts rr rr nui hai- yat, ^ moth(SO son and daughter are one family


Ko wai n u i s z hai" That lady a teacher.

- 30 — -

6. pimn , - Ko keiko sai l6ko hai" 'k uike hok^^shang.

Those children are her pupils.

m ^ii^jk " ^ . CI yat^ko sai nnan tsai 'k ei hai koshu ^hei^heisiu T e a boy standing.there giggling. yatjko sai „man tsai. H naughty boy.

ii^ #" ft; oNi wai pako^ye^kung hai: sz' t au.

This old man is the boss.

10. m t_ f . c ' c ko' ct ung yatchelc ^mau kong wa'ke ) hai: tsai.

That erne to a cat speaking is his son.

0, m 4? ' - Nei t ai, Q- pei o

You see, he is holding a bock let that cat

m. 12. m t ^. K 'mo t/ye see. not very naug hty.


Read and translate into Chinese,

1 . This man is o father. 8. He is a naughty boy.

2. This woman is a mother. 9. This old man is the boss. 3. They have a son and a daughter. 4 Father/ mother, son and daughter 10. That one speaking to the cat is his

make a family. son.

5. That lady is a teacher. 11. You see, he is hold ing a bock and 6. Those children are her pupils. showing it to the cot. 7. There is a small boy standing

there and giggling. 1 ?. He is not very naught ly.

31 ) )


37. yfl— (4-^ ,t"au yat^kln- sz" 53. "lui.t au inside the first thing 54. siu 'wa a ; joking 38. ,hei,hei siu giggle 55. 'kong siu to joke

* 39. " si "ha give a smile 56. U t'aisiu laugh at 40. " 'hi szHkln-) good 57. tai' siu laugh loudly deeds; works of charity 58. 'hosiu laughable

(ko)) grand- 59. tai" legal wife 41 . K U'cye cP(o father 60. A X ( 'pin tau- (nap,) 42. ngoi- „kung (ko') lentil grandfather (maternal sz"t'au (ko') 61 • 43. a'.kung (ko') master (employer) grandfather ( patrenal) 62. , ^tosz' meddlesome; troublesome 44. "p'o (k' grand- officious; mother 63. "Nuisz" Miss 'Nuisz" 45. 'hei sz'- (kin") 64. .Cheung happy occasion Miss Cheung 65. ia);m6Uo') mother 46. 5fl .t'au.yan (ko ) headman 66. •M^ ( s'an (ko') mother (more refined) 47. I t4i- "l^.ye His Hon- ngoi our; Your Honour (for- 67. () - in-law (of a mer official term of mother address for magis- man) trates) 68. ^ka p o mother-in-low

1 woman's A8. m "k'ui 'pun- / 69. "It 41 ,ts'an-oi\e' ^yanke sz' (kin") his "m6<.ts an my dear personal affair mother flll)yatc" an(ko" 49. — 70. % 5C ,ka fu- (polite) my household; family father <^ 50. ( -li.kung (ko\) 71.1 ,ye_,y e (ko ) my husband g rand father

51. "^A ^kung _,p'o husband 72. 5C ,sln fu' ( polite ) my and wife late father

52. tai- sz' (kin-) im- 73. <.s!n "mo ( polite ) my portant affair late mother

— 32 — 74. ^ka 'mo (polite) my 92. Il* ts an ^ka parents of a mother married couple (a term

75. 7^ )K (.wan^p ei naughty by which the parents of a married 76. ^1<&-4 now couple add ress one another) 77. ,ts*an^shangke' of one's own begetting 93. 5CU11) p4kJ6'(ko') pa- ternal uncle ( senior 78. <^ ,kung sz' (kin-) to father) official business; on 94. government service ^'pak.'ko') same 79. I <^\(m) pak^^ye.kung 95. p^kjmd (ko') paternal ( ko ) old man aunt (wife of preceding) 80. I "lo.ye old genti eman; Sir Your Honour; His 96. ckung hok, (,k^n) Honour (term of public school respect) 97. M6;yanck4 Sir! 81. kau- sz- (kin-) old my parents

matter 98. 'si^ sz' (kfn-) 82. fiD)p41

83. _ct au sheung" on the 99. \6'tsai (chelO head bean story; petty tale c 84. yat;,nap3 tau one 100. 3_ ong chek, 'k6- tsai to tell a story 85. e ^ts'an- )

^shangke/ tsai'nui ( ) 101. kong ku same ko one's own children 102. „kung%sai (ko')

86. 41^ ^ts an patj one s own toy; doll; statuette

handwriting I 03. 1 -'lopSk a term of re-

87. "Il^ cts'an pat/seke' spect used to a friend's same father or a father's 88. an^shang 'mo friend [naughty one 's own mother 104. i 'h6 ,k'wii very 89. 41 , m ) ,ts'an,sh^ng 105. tsai (ko ) one's own son mat/ye sz" why

90. ^kung't'au (ko') 106. (W '16^0 (ko') a ovefseer wife 91. 5C fi:rmS parents (father. 107. I T^i- -L6,ye Your and mother) Honour; His Honour (zj^si

— 33 — - . ap


(-) dc)Ilar. 1. ya one. 18. (-) ^man

2. ] two. 19, (-) fan- (-) c O p V - 3. ^sam three. (dupl icate^; a share. sz four. A. 90 r ^kam) gold. 5. 'ng five. 21 pun half. 6. luk. six. 22. ^ma n ; writ- 7. ts'at-, seven. ten language essay; 8. pat^ eight. iterarv. 9. kau nine. 23. il ts in money. 10. shap, ten. hundred. 24. 'tsz a noun s uf f ix. 1 1. pak^

12. ^ts in thousand. 25. (-) 'tau (-) e c k ( a

13. man' ten thousand.

14. an cent. OA price.

15. cham cent (in Malaya 27. CD Unly). 16. qS in cent. 28. kok. ten cents; a cor- 17. horn of an animal. essays, compositions ten cents. and Speeches. 29. You now know 187 words

COMPOUND WORDS AND PHRASES jChung ^man Chinese all things; 5 1. J^j, man' sz" language every human under- c^an in) taking 'ku ancient essay 2. Hok,sz- \u'\b 'ts'in ancient Bachelor of Arts cash (old coin) by all 3. -f cts'lnman- i kok/t'au (ko') means corner (noun) ^kungjts' in cost of 4. Vun^ts in capital (for business); original cost work; wages

34 ( r

10. tui pun divide equally 2 1 . man'yat^ if by any chance I I. .rnankfo- (fan") documents; papers 22. pun ^hung^chung in mid-ai 12. M ) .ngan'ts'in (ko') dollar' 23. ^to pun larger part 13. ^ p" kol< eighty 24 ,man ,yan (ko)) cents; octagonal man of letters

1 4 ng chann five cents 25. shu'cngan m e c u r ! y ; 15. tau Jeng five cents quicksilver

I 6. "ng Jan five cents 26. fill ) .manhok, ^kk 17. pun ko cHgan'ts'in (ko ) man of letters half a dollar 27. ng^kam metals 18. pun ka half price

''111 28. tai" pun more than 19. ;' i^k) am (.ct'iii) gold bar half; majority; mostly

20. 'k^i ,t6 'ngan how 29. ^manhok^ literature

many dollars (^87) LESSON PROPER

fl L /I* - shapjvat. 18. I snap, 21

19. I 2. shap,!" 12 "shap., - 22 3. shap.^sam 13 20. ^samshap, ^sann; ^saa" 33

4. shap.sz 14 21. sz shap, sz sz a' sz 44

5. shap 'ng 15 22. 'ngshapj "ng; 'ng-a" "r g 55 16 a' 6. 23. luk^shap^ luk,; luk. I 66 a 7. shap ts t. 17 24. t s at^shap^ t s at" ts c ts'at) 77 8. shap pato 18 25. pat^shap^^ pat^; pat^a" pato 88 9. 19 26. kaushap, kau; kau-a kau 99

10. 1 'shap^, 20 27. yat) pako Jeng yat) 101 ^samshapj 30 28. ya pako I'shap, ^.sam 123

2. sz shap. 40 29. yat in l,OCO

13. ngshap. 50 30. y a man* lO'OCO 14. luk^shap^ 60 31. shap^ man' 100,000

15. ts a t^shap^ 70 32. yat^ palcQiTian" 1 ,000,000

16. Q. 80 33. yat ^ts I nman" 10,000,000

17. J 1 kaushap, 90 34. ya t man'man" 00,000,000

— 35 — 1 " " J . ' " s ' '


/1 Sam X vat

/ \ ,- X luk. X 1 ^sam

l,,L Sam >< Sam kau X I 1 Sam u

1 - 1 X ' 1. ^sam X sz shap, i sz pat^

X s h 9 sa m X "n Q CP 1 ng p ^ /1 X luk Chan 1 s aft! > luk. shap-pato i

1' X ts'at^ shap^sz ^sam X ya" yat^

1- X pat^ shap Juk^ ^sam X pat^ ya' sz

1- X kau shap^pat^ ^sam X kau ya* ts at^ s z s 2 "p g X

1" sz X pat^ 'ng X 1 shap^ sz X ^sam "ng X ^sam shap/ng

X sz sh a p J u k •ng X sz 1 'shap^

{ "/ ' s h a 'n X "no p ^ g ya 'ng

~ y a ' s 2 n Q >< luk ^samshap^ — SZ ya" pat^ 'ng X ts'at, cSaa" 'ng = SZ X pato - cSaa' i" ng X pat^ sz shap, sz X kau "ng X kau sz a" 'ng

ll 3 t s at < y a t ts'at) 1 UK, X y 1


1 < 1 luk, X s ha I ts atj ) shap^sz

s a a t >< liA) X S g m h p ^ p Sam >> luk) X sz va' sz ts at^ )< sz ya' pat^ luk) V "no s a ID s h d p5 ts at >< n Q cSaa" _ng

d' 1 luk X luk s d luk ts at >< luk, sz a" luk: X ts'at sz a" { ts at^ >< ts'at) sz a" kau

X sz a' pat ts'at) >< 'ng-a' luk, luk* pato ,3 pato liik: X kau "ng-a* sz ts atj >( kau luk^a" ^sam

These contracted forms cannot be used a 1 one, they t precede som other figure or f as ya" yat, (21), ts at^a ' ts'at) (77) a nd so on.

1 " = ' I ' a rr.ultiplicction equation I X y atj read as y l\ The end signs are not mentioned

— 35 — "

pato X yat, pato k X y 3 1 . k 3 u

^ n a n n a f* X kau 1 pato 1 shapjuk. X ^sam = ya' sz kau ya ts d " \' >< Ix-, X sz = ^.saa' sz .5 a a 1 U

c X "ng = sz shap^ kau '< 'ng = SZ a' *ng

L* = , 1 1 1 = - s P X luk, sz a" pat^ k 3 u 1 U N . - n g 3 z

patg X ts'at) "ng-a luk kau t s at^ 1 u a ' 5 m ^ II / ^ yC n » f- = P X pato = luk^a sz P 3 ts, at, a 1

pato X kau ts at^a 1 kau : p6 1 ya MORE COMPOUND WORDS AND PHRASES

. if; pro- 30. — yat.ko' "n ^to 41 f yat.hai' or; 'mi not even one vided

cent left 42. ka'^ts' in price (noun)

'\' 3 I . yat3 an one cent; 43. ko second elder five minutes brother - 32. yat cham (Malayan) 44. ^tse second elder one cent sister

33. yatAo in one 45. luk)_ 6 luk, 'tsz cent 66 cents

34. yafcj nan one dollar A6. sz (.f ong square; four- 35. yat)ko' .ngan'ts'ln square one dollar A7. tau'kok^ long beans; 36. I ko' pun' ,ngan- peas in the pod ts in one and a half 48. .ho'tsz ten-cent coin dollars 49. — yat, kok ten cents

37. — yat, ,ts'{n Jeng 50. ^1 yat, (.ho tsz same sz one thousand and 51. 4^ shap.ko' ,ngan- four ts in ten dollars 38. — yat) sz' Jeng 52. cSam kol< triangular; Jeng 1040 triangle; trigonometry; 39. ko' \k\ ,ngan- thirty cents

ts in more than a 53. {" l

— 37 — .

55. pun' ^san kau" half 57.

twelve tahils or ounces young lady ^516) LESSON 10 VOCABULARY

I I or yeung kind; 1. 'ui able to; can; may. . yeung* sort; pattern; sample; 2. cts'ing affections; fee- lings; emotions 12. ui" meet meeting; 3. jsheung always; often; society; association.

common ly; common. 1 3. 1^ kwol< a nation; country.

4. ung classifier for let- 14. , not. ters, covers, and small 1 5. Gt the provinces of sealed packets^ as of Kwang tung (&' Kwangsi. money, etc.; to sea!; I 6. sung to present (to to close up, makeagift of); deliver; 5. kai enigma; Buddhist send; accompany; stanza. escort. 6. ang friend. cP 17. ,k*ing to talk.

7. yau friend. 18. mat, things in general;

8. cts ung from. articles. time. 9. lik, (.k^n) he 1 9. c^h\ class; 10. - /k*ei in the house 20. tang wait; a (used when speaking a grade.

of anything in or about 2 1 . hau" wait.

the house); home 22. "ii a word ; (house). speech; language.

You now know 209 words COMPOUND WORDS AND PHRASES

1. - "ui tso- able to do it 3. yeung-yeung" all kinds; all sorts; every kind 2. szVs'ing (kin-) affair; matter 4. ^fS H \o yeung" that style

38 i

5. man'kwok^ all nations; 23. # Ut,"u Cantonese international dialect

6. f i oto har y3t:ySung- 24. k4u"ui (ko')

all the same church; mission 25. k£u' -yau (ko') 7. ^sh i_cSh I always; fre- quent; frequently church member

8. ,shi_,sheung same 26. iSl kwok -cman (ko" citizen 9. kau- ,sh{ or kau- M ancient times; formerly 27. u'r v/a conversation

10. 6i ,sh; t6 tak, 28. 1 ka current price any time will do 29. " ii^ ts6' ni

1 ing apathetic; ko 1. "^T & cts yeung", tso" yeung" cold; hardened in heart doing different things

or f eeliriQS 30. # ( ) sh.k.mat, (kin-)

I 2. 'kong ,ts'ing ask a eatables; food f avoar or help for an- 31. S ,hung uk, (,k^n) other; plead for ano- empty house ther 32. yeung'yeung" 'ye 13. .kung'ui f.k^n) ) everything (articles of

association all kinds)

14. ^liJk''^\^\ uk/k*ei at home 33. yeung'yeung" sz"

15. ^t'ung^.sh I at the same everything (matters/ time; meanwhile acts, events)

16. . 'hai niko' ,sh;- yat^yeung'yeung'- hau" at this time ke exactly the same

17. t^i- uk^ (,Un) big 35. cf^icsh ng extra- house; mansion ordinary; very

18. ' .sh^ngmat,- 36. an^ts ing favour; human feeling hok, jka ^ ko ) biologist 19. # esh^gmat: hok, 37. sheung" tang first biology class; best quality

20. " -ui ,m -ui can 38. au tang same

you do it or not ? 39. ( ngoi- mat, (kin") ll] the capital 21. kwokc" a Foreign body or

22. eChungkwok China substance (555)

— 39 — . 3f R . f c ^. . .


fi . "Ngo "yau yat^ko ^p'ang'yau.

I have good friend

2. f '

CJ) -K'ui hai- cts ung a i k e . , J He from China comes

3. It. c -K'ui hai* kong ^ChungkwokQ K wok -Uke\ He speaking Chinese Natic Language.

m i§. ct'ung 'ngo kong ^Chungkwok^ Kwok^ "L^ to me speaks Chinese National Language.

5. f' - i % f . 'Ngo yik^ ct'ung "k ui kong cChungkwok Kwok —U.

1 also to him speak Chinese National Language.

6. f / . 5 5 c 'Ngo "mo -ct ung "k ui kong Kwong f u wa

1 dor to him speak Cantonese, m c (. ^Yanwar "k ui kong Kwong f u wa. Because he cannot speak Cantc nese 5 IS] lH m "Ngo .t ung k ui kong 'ngoke ^Chungkwok^ Kwol<

I to him said my Chinese National Language

. 9. c c m h6. 'ngoke ^Chungkwok^

is not good He said my Chinese n # . f Kwok -(j ^fei^sheung 'ho. National Language very good,

40 . . . .

o. J^f"'. ^t ung 'ngo kong ho ^to ^Chungk wok^ke sz'^ts ing. to m e said very many Chinese things.

L % i ^pei ^ngo t ai ho ^to ^Chungkwok^ke ma" kin. let me see very many Chinese things.

12. m A ii ( isi^ K ui yau' sung kei yeung' ^Chungkwok, He also presented several kinds of Chinese

A. 13. >^

matj kin pei "ngo. cU'kwc) 'ngo

articles to me If I

1 " , ' ) e

^sh ihau"/ ngo jchung 1 hu i 5 ukj k €

time, I like to go to his house

5 fsj m

Ngo j^chung i ct ung Vui

I like always to him talk.

3 < ^ jk ^ ^ .

' f .chung 1 ngo ^shl^sheung hui —k mike uk, k ( u H e likes me always to go to his house


Read and translate into Chinese.

1 . 1 have a good friend. 10. He to Id me meny things about Chine .

2. He comes from China . 11. He showed me many things from

3. He speaks Mandarin China.

speeks Mandarin to me. 12. He present 4. He ed me with sever a I

5 . 1 speak M and ar in to him also. Chinese articles also.

6. I do not speak Cantonese to him . 13. If I have time, I would like to go

7. Because he cannot speak Cantonese. to his house

8. i told him that my Mandarin is poor. 14. I Irke to talk to him often.

9. He told me that my Mandarin is 15. He I ikes me to go to his house very good often.

41 '


40. ngoi'kwok^ foreign 56. ^sh4ng mat, (ko') country; foreign living being; creature

57. oi love (be- 4|. () ngoi'-lcwckc an cts'ing tween male & female ) (ko ) foreigner ' 58 ,ts*ing,shu(,fung) 42. tso ui form a money love letter lending association 59. ,ts*ing,y6n (ko') 43. ,p*ang-yau (ko') lover; sweetheart friend 60. cChunglcwok" give ^ AA. f sung pei 'nei K wolcU Mandarin it to you 61. \sa\ A5. 'f h4- 'tang inferior Uo member of a money I low in quality); low lending association class

A6. ^lUii^i^ 'hai uk/k^ei in the 62. fg) ) ui- Vau (ko' house member of a society 63. 47. P\ man'hau" inquire after chung tang middle one's health class middling; me- diocre 48. yap, ui join a society 64. k^u^'ui (ko') mis- A9. yat yeung" sat just sion (religious organi- a s small as this zation) k'ing -h^ 'kal just 50. 65. kwolc>4 (ko'' have a talk nation; the state;

51 . ) (kung 'ui (ko'j national labour union 66. ^ kwol< st} (kln-t Land 52. T"-_cyan Kwoko national or government of the Giants affair

53. Cs—an Kwok Land 67. kwokSii national of the Pygmies language 5A. - hokj "ui learned how 68. ^ kwok ^man national to do it; to master it literature

55. tang "ngo ts6' let 69. 1^ pun kwoko native

me do it country

— 42 — )

70. pun tei ' native land; 73. " fl^ ,t*ung 'yeun^ native (adjective) not the same

"ui 71 . ^^f- ,m not able 74. i£ i ,t'ung,nnai yat,- 72. J:^^ ,m 'hai uk/k'ei yeung of the same

not at home kind (590)

75. ct ung yeung' of the 88. 4^ yeung" pun sample same kind; equal; like; copy; specimen copy; the same sample (pattern)

76. " yat^yeung" tai ' of 89. ." Jung'cho sealed; the same size closed up 77. iHl) -1^ -yau (ko') old 90. i" tang second class friend 91. il-^ sung hui to send to 78. yat^.kan uk, one house 92. 7f 'mo^f ei simply; solely 93. sa uk, (,k^n) 79. lj ,k^,sh4ung ptn- f an" ordinary plain small house food, such as one gets 94. yau^shl sometimes at home; potluck 95. ^au ,sh\ 80. kwokVi (ko'j yau, -yau ^sh { 'm6 parliament sometimes there is, end 81. cyanmat, personage sometimes there is not (of a play, novel, etc. 96. yat, yeung" sz" a 82. - i ts^- ^yan polite sort of thing and kind

97. ct' ung^t s ing 83. il sung pei to make a sympa- present r dona- thize; sympathy tion to; to oFf er as a 98. sh^ung- tang superi- gift or quality or rank 84. esh4 ung ui regular meeting 99. ingai to talk

85. ,ts^an -yau (ko' 100. yeung' yeung" t;(^> relatives and friends fT)6 there is nothing 86. yat. yeung" same: simi- of any kind larly; alike 101 . T ye Xing

there is 87. ^ yat,y^ung-ke' uk, nothing t o

same I of house talk about

— 43 — . . . .

102. ^ 6 -ye'h^ Xing 108. yat.hai- 'nei hui' there is nothing good or you go to talk about 109. ang "ha wait a 103. mat/kin (kin") while

things (concrete ) i n 1 10. tang yat^ ha same general; articles tang hau" to wait for ^ noun ) I Ok. ,shihau" time

'leung yeung- two I -yau mat: I 05. f 12. f 6 kinds; both ways ing? what is there

106. /i^ "teung ,sam,kan to talk about uk two or three

I 13. 'kei.shi ? when houses \e\,sh\ hui'? 't'au trustee or I l( 1 07. ui" do you want to manager of a money when lending association go (63o;


13. m grove group of t soi again. forest; the sur- trees ; 2. In appear.

3. tsoi ' at/ in, on ("merely 14. a n interrogative indicating presence ' well as a declara-

( < > 4. 1 kwat, ,t*iu bone. tiv( particle.

5. cp'o classifier for 15. morning, trees, shrubs, etc. 16. cshan morning

6. ( fm) c'chung

7. ch a different. an inch, and of things generally; a minute; 8. t im dot; point; to to divide; to light (set fire to); a cent;

Lhow? share ; to separate; to 9. \s6 early. distinguish 10. ^la a n emphatic final

' ( ko plum. particle 18. (flD) 'lei or to see. tsau go hurriedly; run. 19. ^ kin

20. \6m so, adverb < mo- 12. chut-, go out; out ; to verb). put out; to make a bid. difying

44 '

21. kirn' so, adverb ( mo- 24. W[{^ ) shu' ^\p'o~) tree. dif ying adjective). ; f?? c, . ii ^„ , 25. ,1-an to trouble. 22. s3j tse" to thank; to give

fil] ") i thanks thanks the 26. ( tsz" ko' ) word; surname Tse. character; letter

23. il tsau' thenCaf terwards). (written or printed ).

You now know 235 words I


't'aitak, ch'ut, able 15 <" cfanp;t, ,m ch'ut, to see cannot distinguish

2. t soi ^sa m again and 16. shii' ,chl the branch again; repeatedly of a tree 3. V27 tsoi\sam tsoi sz 17. WS'^Jl .ningjai bring

same it here

4. f t6 hai- \6m a 1 I 18. f^ ) t4i-'se tsz--

36 such " m 6 ( k o ) capital letter 5. tsau- \6m lok all

right; let it be so; so 19. It 'h6 'ts6 Jai came

be it quite early

6. ,ch'a ,nn ^to (or to) 20. Jtik in- ''ts'in cash (ready almost; nearly money

21. l[l in' ngan same 7. tsz--m6 ( ko') alphabet; letter 22. 1?^ tsoi Jai come again

8. Jt. fn'ch ut, appear ; to 23. " ch'ut, Jai come out become manifest 24. f * " nap, ^sheng (m 9. f & "ngo yat, kin 'k'lii ch utj did not say a

as soon as I saw him word

dis- 10. [I ^shan ts6 at daybreak 25. IL , ,mkln' cho

app 2a 'ed ; lost in'tsoi" at present distinguish; 26. 'j Janpit, Uf shu" ^p'ei bark of tree different; leave; depart 13, ts6 ^ts'an breakfast * 27. tui' pun' Jon divide 14 kwat;,t au bone equally

45 . .

28. 'kom tso- do it like 34. — ilH yat:)l

30. cchi6ct'au'ts6 early 36. f!H cch'S yat,ko'

in the morning tsz' luk, t im five

31. t SQU hei escape (as minutes to six

steam, spirits, etc.); 37. shii" Jam forest to lose flavour 38. - \s6 ti hui' go a 32. ii' \\m iVo) bit earlier essential point 39. "tso hui' go early 33. kwat, tsz fine; well- AO. ch'ut, hui' go out made; skillfully done (670)

LESSON PROPER f . ^ nc hang, tso^shan Lam £J good morning. 2 . e . cSin^shang, ts^cshan Mr., good morning

3. # . ^ fl^ • ' zT "' rr kom tsi. 'Nei hai mat/ye ,sh 1 he clai You came so early. u did what time come

4. A . c "Ngo hai ts'at ung

I at seve n o'cloci< come.

5. c "nei shap, an ^.S t n jshang ung 'ngo kong ,m Teacher to me said you don't V€ ry much . " rr neike know to your books

46 , . > ...... t..

4- It. 'ngo tuk,.

//ants me to come to1 teach you to read

— fin . Ph t (m yatjko r-r "ngo iu hui ts6\kung.

Eight o'clock one quart er I must go to work.

8. ; ^^^ .

] i n t s o hai- ts'at) 't(m I 'shap^ an.

Now it's seven o'clock twenty minut <

9. T .

Ln . i M I n t s o t s at, 1 1 m pun • N o now seven o'clock half

10. /tp. - .

1 n t s o i igo "nei tuk, .shij. Now want to teach you to read book* 11. 5 "Ngo kau •n4i pun tlm^jchung wanh to teach you halF hour . jTotse' "nei In'tsoi cch a yat,ko tsz' pat^ Thank you. Now diff. 5 minuses eight

. 13. ittC, A ^ 4

t'lm lol<. Ki^jfTitsau-, ngo u t: sau ^le

o'clock . Well, I want to go

14. i . 15. C )

-To an nei kin Tsoi kin . Much troubling you. Again see. MEANINGS OF THE AHOVK

Read anri translate into Chinese.

. early. I . Good morning/ Mr. Lam 3. You hove come very At wKo

. Good morning/ Mr. Lei. time did you come

47 . .

is 4. I came at seven o 'clock. 9. No, it now half-past seven-

5. Teacher told me that you do not 10. Now I want to teach you to reed

know your lessons very well. 11. I want to teach you for half an

6. He wonts me to teach you how hour.

to read. 12 . Thanks - It is now five to eight.

7. At a quarter past eight, 1 must go 13. Well, I am going now. to work. 14. Thank you. Good-bye

8. It is now twenty-post seven. 15* Good-bye, MORE COMPOUND WORDS AND PHRASES

41. ,kam sz- (koV) 55. kin'si^i' laughed at by letter gold 56. tsau in to leave ( a 42. tsoi' ui" good-bye place) first

43. good 57. It tsau- \hm let it be 'tsijshan 1

morning 1 so; all right

44. =,M^4- ^sam \\m pun half 58. cto tse- many thanks; past three thank you 45. pat^tsz" horoscope 59. ,to tse- -n4- I ok, an 46. — yat, t im^chung same hour; one o'clock 60. -Lei 'Siu'tse Miss 47. ' "ngo tsau" Jai lok Lei I am coming 61. Tse'- 'Siu'tse Miss 48. hJ^l^.^m .ti'kwo hai- 'k6m Tse if it is real so ly 62. i ,Lam ,Sln,shang 49. tsau - if thus, Mr. Lam then 63. -Lei .Sh^ng Mr. Lei 50. ^ y l

printing )

52. 1 1 m yeung in ? csan tsz- llco'i what way how 65. new word 53. "ilL 't'ai.mkm invisible 66. "mo Janpit, n o t 54. (1) 'tsau'kau (chek') different jackal (one who does mat, mean work for ano- 67. t -m^ Janpit, ther's advantage) not much difference

— 48 — .

68. "f. cm ha shapcfan 73. I kin opinion; view not very good; hi 7A. t^'r\\m iVo) not best the spot; place; locality 69. CUmchung o'clock 75. 'i tOff" "nei please; ch'ut, ka\ts*In to 70. will you do me the make an offer; to make favour (of); thank you a bid 76. l4rtsz (ko') plum 71. — yat.ct iu kwa" one long piece of bone 77. shap)cfan quite; very 72. — yatcP'o shu' one 78. shapjan 6 quite tree good; very good (708»

79. luk^ t'lm ,sam- 93. yau^sh I ko kwat^ quarter to 'k ui pun^yan Jai some- seven times he came himself

80. % tsoi se rewrite 94. tsoi' 'kong speak 81. tsau hui run away again; repeat running to- 82. * tsau (lai 95. shu-,t'au (p'o a wards one stump

hai- 1 wa" to say 83. f 96. tsoi' Jan subdivide so 97. \6mVeungke' 84. I 't'aikln' se e; saw seen % sz' such a matter

85. ILl tsoi kin' 1 see again 1 98. tsau- hai- that is; f& k(n'-h4 •k ui see 86. IL namely; viz him once

( 99. ^ft;'^ tsau- hai- k6m that 87. siu se tsz'- is the case

cv ''^ small letter

I 00. f& tsau- hai- Yui that 88.

49 . .

103. Yui tsau- l. ts6 ts6 very early huk^ ^shu then he dis- I I. t^i- ts6 same continued his studies 12. m -k'ui^kii.shi 1 04. A ti ft; ^!^ -ngo ^ tsau* hai' kong nilco clai ka when did he come cyan lok^ this ts the

man oF I whom spoke 1 3. se ch uL Jai

of write it out 105. k6m Ve ung this way; ' I 4. 'se tsz" to write so; such; thus 15. ,mantsz- (ko)) I 06. 'ng tim sz twenty written past five word 107. -ng 'tim sz'ko' 16. m^if^^ -k'ui 'Um tsz' same ka yes, he said so

108. ch'ul:, esheng utter 17. 4i \{m,chung

109. l'aitak>;n3 visible what time is it (74" LESSON 2 VOCABULARY

1. 1 "mai buy. 8. tai' Number (as No. 1, No. 2, etc 2. # tsz elder sister 9. it ^koi 3. tL;CS) ^^n"c^^el< p'aO ought. horse. 1 0. ts eng please (a polit e A. ma nn interrogative expr e ssion in making final particle requiring requests); invite; en- the answer "yes" or gage; employ. "no". an to return 5. ^ni, oOi, ^ne, ^ne an inter- 12. e to ride ( n rogative final particle 13. mai" sell. LarlimalsV requiring a full answer and questions contain- 14 ts sit ( down or on ).

ing affirmative and 15. shai use; e rr ploy; regative forms. spend.

6. tai to lead; bring with 16. hang willing. one; carry; a be It; girdl< mui- (ko'' youngei 7. M (-) fo (-) lesson. sister. You now know 252 words


- " I • tar I yeung ano- 20. "^ sheung f o to go to ther kind class 2. masheung" at once; 21 . f& ^ a if^ -k'ui iu' 'ts'eng instantly; Immediately "nei he wants to in- vite you 3. f" tai'^cho ,f^njai brought it back here 22. "-i"f -n^i wa- cm you 4. ," i"chohui) brought hai" ma here are it back with you

I ask? 5. "maiyap, buy 23. ts eng kau may to ask for instruction 6. "mai "ma buy a horse ui 24. f 'ngo c*"- ung 'k 7. "mai mai buy and sell; "mai I bought it from to trade; business him 8. shaitak^ can be used; 25. serviceable; will do A if^ & - 'ngo ^ch i 'neike \ 9. in" mai cash sale sz hai" tim ^ni I 10. 33" an J ai come back don't know what your

opinion is; I wonder

I I . - ,fanjai ,sin come what you think about back here first that

12. A tai' 'tsz the eldest " 26. fngo /ung "k'ui sister mai' I sold it for him

13. tai'yat, first; No. I; 27. _^ — Tai'yat;, Fo Lesson the best One 14. ch'ut^m^i)- for sale 28. IHJ) a^'mui (ko') little 15. mat.tai' r.t'i^) a sister garters 29. 'ching Jan 6 16. tai'-yat, p^" first make it good again

volume; Vol. I 30. eung ma mount a 17. 'h6,fan get well h horse again; be reconciled


3 I . t a f ' ^chiu next 1 8. pei^f an give back morning 1 9. (.f an hui go back; return 32. " m 'shoi no need

— 51 — e f .

33. ^^ 'shai k6f ,to 35. ,rn 'hang 'shai no need to hav so ts in not willing to much spend money

34. ftg -m6 tai-i- ko no 36. ' yat:)chelc one other on horse (763)


yatjko tai"'l6 ung

elder brother to hi 4

a mui kong: younger sister said:


in'tsoi" iu anhui cChungl<\vol<. "1 now want to go back to China.


, ^ 'Nei oi mat/ye fChungk wok^ke mat, k !n You want any Chinese thing

kwo ts'eng nei ct ung ngo kong,

"if you want/ please you to hell,

f . pei nei.' give you

5. i& m ' Mui mui wa' k ui ya t,chek Younger sister said she in ted a hors

6. i^: I 'ft A " Tai' 16 wa": K6i mat)- kin^ ngo Elder brother said; "Sue thing,

52 ' " . f . "" ' ; ff " t im yeung tai tak^ an^lai ^.r.ne

how to bring back - ( ( t

Mui mui wa': \U k wo " nei hang 'mai Younger sister said: "If you willing to buy A, " ir ' c pel "ngo/ "oei "k ui an Jai ma " give rme, you can t ride it back —— MEANINGS OF THE ABOVE

Read and t r e n s I e t e irtto Chinese

broth er who 5 1. There wos an elder - His sister said the t she would like

said to his younger sister : to have a horse

* 2. { am now going back to China. 6. The elder brother said ' How con there anything you want from 3. s ' ' I bring back such a big thing China 7. Younger sister replied: " Jf you are 4 . If there is a iiy thi -^g you want, willing to let me heve it, why please let me know, i shal I get

' . it you couldn t you ride tt heme V r\^ for MORE COMPOUND WORDS AND PHRASES

37 yatjP at^ 'ma one 43. tsoi mai resell horse ang shtk, refuse 38. s(eng "ts'o please to eat sit down A5. ^Mj e ma ride on a 39. s'eng '^ts'o 'h^ horse

I n please sit down first 46. "^ ,k e sheung 'hui ride 40. " c^c^oi 'n^i on the top of it ts o 'ha in same 47. "^ tai'I * second; No. 2 41. # m-koi -n^i ^ ^ 48. {-mi^i second younger ung "ngo tso' please ct sister do it for me 49. mfi'-ch'ut) sell 42. f& 'ts^eng w^' 'pei 50. sung anhui send k ui ^ch I please tell

hi m about it back

53 ! )

51. 'tszmui- (ko') 62. sheng vocal cords sisters (elder and 63. It'tang "ngo Janjai

younger sisters wait till 1 come back 52. i -ts^o.mai sit closer 64. mat, -ye ,ne

together what is it 53. -tso 'hai ,nishu' 'X^^yJijk 65. tai'- \i\ what is sit down here the number 54. -ts'o 'h6\b sit 66. k6i 'tim.chung properly ni what time is it 55. ,mui'"tsai (ko') 67. tai- \k\ ko' slave girl which one (of them ) 56. -Ita mar'cho sold 68. " hang ,m hang 57. f S S 'mai ,hung mai' willing or not ^hung speculate for to differences 69. 'hang 'pei willing give 58. - >ng ^fanhui' take back 70. i\ 'hang (shai 'ts' in willing to spend money 59. «^ ,m^koi thank you; I sai' 'mui


t right hand side. sui age (of a person ). 9. yau' he I •

2. ^ts ang already; past; 10. "4 chung" more ( compara- have or has done. tive); still; important. agree to; yet. 3. yeuk^ arrange; 1 I . mei" not promise; make an ap- 12. ho a place; that pointment; agreement; which; what (that or contract; treaty. make, those which); t he cwai to be; to do; to thing or things that. possible, ^"^ ho can; may; sign of the past 5- 13. \6 pei compare with, tense or the potential

7^ kau compare with, mood; action accom- 8 tso the left hand side. plished.

54 )

I A ^t' jt ing stop; cease; bring 1 7. a& "nam think over; con-

to a stop. sider.

I 5. jL 'chl stop; cease; bring I 8. n"m suitable fit; to a stop; only. right; correct; just.

16. seung think; expect. 19. " " i to use.

You now know 27 i words j


1. " Isheung' above on- 13, V^k^u' sai nap, wards; more than comparatively smaller

2. " shap, ^man ' !- (said of things as sheung" more than beads, grains, drops, ten dollars etc.)

3. )% sho 'yau all (even to 14. i^tsai Veik^u' the minutest particle cto to have more 4. yap: cf^icf^i ^^ ng stories to tell allow the fancy to run 15. p4ik wild compare with 5. "$ ?t ? chung" 'yau 'm6 16 'sho ,ch'lke' the anything else diff erence is

6. "f ung_ "yau ch 17. ,m 'seung 'kong do mat/ye "mo? same not wish to talk about 7. ^wai

can; may; possi- k I n have never seen

ble; it will do it

12. 'seung ^mch'ut, 22 mei^ts ang have not

cannot recall it yet ..

— 55 — , . 7

23. f f - Vui chung- m^i" 31. sho 'ts'engke (lai he has not come ckung^yan labourers yet who are engaged, the 24. -n^i t sui'? 32. so pin- left (side) how old are you 33. tso yau' left and

^ right; nearly; about 25. ^ kom n g a m 1 how opportune 34. 'ho oi) lovely

26. if :^ -^ngo chung- 35. ,if P m4i-p{t, ha|2 ngam mei" shik, tso^ts an may not be correct I have not yet had my 36. ;i breakfast may not be so 27. chung'iu important 37. ,San k New 28. t-^A# m) chung-i6'- Testament

ke ^yanmat, (ko ) im- 38. , mei- p it^ not certain; portant person perhaps not

29. 6 m is it good? 39. mei" pin' not conveni- will that do ent to do so; not ready

ng6mng4m hai" 40. cm chl not only; more 30?' f ^ k6m yeung it is just so than (859)


-Neike :p ang yau hai 6i Your friend ho old 7 2. a? - -Neike :p ang yau i in jShang hai sui Your "friend LeM Mr. ho old?

3. m ft. ( \'tn -k ui hai- kei^to sui

You th ink he ls how o

4. J , c c ^ N4i angyau clp 2- think my friend ^

— 56 — - o • " . . . 5. m . Cp4i 'keicto sui ^ne "Ng Ota i k uli hai nei tai*

how old I thi nk he than you old A . "Ngo seung 'k ui pei "ngo tai'.

I think he not than I older.

7. f f K'l ta'ryeukg hai' i "shap, sui .

He about is twenty years. 8. m t A) . -K'l ch{ I 'shap^ sui Ja. He more than twenty years

9. f . 10. ^-^

chung" " I. mei yau I 'shap^ kwo "k He still not yet twenty years. "If he

1 f . L ^ hai k ui tsau" ct ung "ngo yat^yeung'

nineteen years, he then as I same old.

^^ m - 'g ' vo "k ui hai" i pei ngo

If he is twenty years, he then than I

. 12. ( ' c

tai- yatj sui . 'Ngo Seung "Lei jSin hang

olde r one year. 1 think Lei Mr.

— fm . hai" yatjko I'shap^ tso-yau'ke ^yan is a twenty something man

13. A n f It .

"Ngo to Seung 'k i. yau'ke ^yan.

1 also think he is a twenty something man

14. A % - ^t'lL . P

" i^wai "Ngo "ngote o Qngamke .

I think we what thought is right.

— 57 — . . . .


Read and translate into Chinese.

is 1 . How old is your friend 9 He not yet twenty.

10. If he is nineteen, he Is of the same 2 . How old is your friend Mr. Lei

age as I. 3. How old d' you think he is 11, If he is twenty, then he is a year 4. How old d> you think my friend older than I.

Mr. Lei i I think Mr, Lei is about twenty 5. I thii k he is older than you years old

6. I thii ,k he is not older than I I think he is about twenty also.

7. He is abou t twenty years old. I thir.k we are correct in our

8. He is twenty years of age. cpin ions. MORE COMPOUND WORDS AND PHRASES

41 . f \o,\\n -k'ui to 51. " ' jwai to regard as; I have pity on him take it to be; consider as; think 42. «|" ,m 'chi kom' ^to side not so few only 52. yau" pin" right hand 53. f * + 4 chung- m^r 43. " "! jin jto m not wan to ^kung tso" quite right still can't find a job not yet arrived 54. f chung- m4i- 'm^i- 45. -k'ui m4i- pit, to still can't get it hang pei an perhaps (as in the market)

he is not willing to 55. chung' iu wan still give it back have to look for it

A6. 'ho J in pitiful; to pity 56. chung" mei' cts'ang still not yet 47. L tei" Jong 'pei- kau tai" the place is 57. "t ch ung" mei" wan- comparatively bigger to still not yet found 48. 'ho.llnke' ,yan 58. "^ chung- _,m 'hang poor fellow hui still not willing 49. ili'sho place of to go meeting; assembly hall 59. i> chung- mei' ^fan 50. t"-y"k probably; Jai still not yet com-

about; neai ly ing back

— 58 — i '

1^ & 'sho sung' 'pei 60. jt'ing ch I stop 71. il •k ui ke what has jkung stop work 61 . t'ing been given to him 62. chung* "yau there is 72. It %ho ts^'-ke' sz- still; more; furthermore what has been done 63. " 'sho"i therefore 73. ho wan't^ke' 64. 's6ung -ha think it ye what has been found ovsr 74. M 'sho ^k'ingke' what has been about 65. tfeo am 'ha same talked 75. J^/f^i"^ 'sho 'seungke' what 66. 'sho 'ts'engke' has been thought of cyan those who are invited 76. 'sho 'seke' what has been written 67. -Yui 'sho 77. 'sho -m4ike' what hei^f unke those has been bought whom he likes 78. 'sho ^chike' what 68. chung seung vain, is known empty thoughts 79. 'sho -'yauke' 'ye 69. 'sho s(n-m^-ke' whatever there was what one admires t 80. -(ngo 'sho -yau- 70. ' sho shik.ke' what ke "ye whatever I

has been eaten have (699) LESSON 14 VOCABULARY

I. kin affair; business. 5. ^yung easy.

2 kiin a book; a major 6. 1 easy. division of a literary

' work. shiu few; s e I d

deficient ii 3. kun control govern ; manage; rule over; 8. it friend ship, pipe; tube. 9. ^chan g e n u i n e ; r 4. kwo cross over; pass; true. pass through or by; 0. ct e ng hear; listen. sign of the past or perfect tense. shikj know recogn

— 59 — 1 2. ^ leisure; free (dis- 1 8. ^kam at present; now; engaged); not busy. at this time. 13. kai loosen; explain. |9 sz private; privately.

14. ,\ moreover; besides. 20. ya" ; day.

I 5. ch e moreover; besides. 2| . t'ai) too (over; more 16. tsz' oneself private; than enough) term of personally. respect, used in titles.

17. kei oneself. 22. (-) ^n\n (-) year.

You now know 293 words


1. ^ sz-k6n (kin-) 14 tso' ^shangyat, to affair; business Celebrate a birthday

2. - kwo''cho \^\ ,nin 15. cto shiu a certain

after some years quantity; some ; how

3. /\ ch e also; besides; many; how much

moreover; in addition I 6. ^sheung shik^ common

4. I n ui annual meet- sense; general know- ing ledge

5. I n t au beginning 17. Veikau' 'shiu com- of the year paratively less

6. ho kwo better than 18. yat/tsz date; day

7. chung- ho kwo same 19. yat, t'au daytime

8. 3 .shangyat, birthday 20. tsoi' tso" kwo' do shik, tsz-\4i board 9. t it over once more oneself

21 . ,m shik, do not know 10. 'Klin Yat) Book I 22. " ,m shik, -k'ui do not 11. ^t'engtak, kin can know him hear 23. tso'kwo done 12. "- I ct eng ,m kin' can-

1 not hear 24. ^ cVung " easy 13. tak, kwo' 'ch'e 25. tki kwo excessive; kwo carry on with beyond the limit; to go what one has too far

— 60 — - .

26. I shik, experience; 36. mei' kin k\ hi knowledge never seen

27. kong kai explain; 37. ^fB mei" seungk wo demonstrate have never thought of 28. tak,,h4n it; unexpected free now 38. ^1 "yau to have

29. tak- ^han free; leisure in hand 30. tsz\ts ung from a 39. ct'eng"n' hear; heard

certain time past til I AO. t\ 14 tsz-'kei et'eng hear now; since oneself 31. f ,k^,sz (kin-) furni- 41. ct'engtak, 'h6 ,to ture (as chairs, beds, heard a lot about it etc.) 42. -n4i tsz-'k4i ,t'eng 32. ^^/ _,;^ka hui go now listen to it yourself

33. fA ^han wa* gossip ; idle 43. eng kong hearsay talk

34. pi^n y at, half a day 44. t ai tsz heir-apparent 35. mei' hui kwo have 45. f -k'ui ,kam 'nin never been to (said of kei t a i" ? how old is

a place) he this year ((i^)


i_ ' :N4i shikjtak, jLam Yat Sin^shang ma You know Lam Yat Mr.


Yatj ^Tung ^.S i n^shang hai' *neike ang'yau ma

Yat Tung Mr, is your friend

m It

"Ngo shik^tak, "K ui hai" 'ngoke ^to i nke h6

I know He is my many years good

. 4. ^ m f 3 . .p ang'yau. $1 ch e , "k ui yau" hai" 'ngoke unghok, friend. Besides, he also was my schoolmate.

— 61 — . c 3 I R

5. is] i

: V — ^ In N Ul ct u ng Lei w \ K WO K en ^ 'y au i'

He with Lei Wc i K w c k Mr's friendship d 1"

1 n : IN hai L m y e u y g o t ai -k'uitei-ke' _cP ang jts ing

how 1 thin k their friendship

ff -ky. 7. f.t;

1 hai— i an1 i n s n ke ho e 3 h a g nai yatjko not is very good. "Lar

tb f>L .

no ^chung 1 kongsh ut qW a'ke cyan. vsry much like talking man.

8. 1* K f.t; fli) ) c

Is u 1 yau' hai" yat.kc ho ^chung 1 ku n

He also is a very muc h like to mind

. 9. jhans2:"ke cyan. -L4i ,S( n^shang hai"

other people's business man. Lei M is .

y at^ko shap. <.f ^chung a'ke ^yan. one not very muc h like talking man.

10. K ui 'sh cyan<.ka ck'ing kai. He se Idom to others speak — . -K'ui yau" hai " yat.ko tsz'cSzke cyan.

He also is a selfish man.

12. f Sln^she ng kun igke Lam Mr. always interfere Lei Mr's . 13. f - chansz "Yau yat, yat) Lei ^Si n<.s hang

private affair s. Ther 3 was one day Lei Mr.

62 -~ . .

1^ A c jt ung jLam ^Sin^shang kong: cS I n^shang, "ngo

to Lam Mr. said: "La Mr., I J ^ ts eng 'nei ho kun ngoke sz'kon T I m kai asked you not to mind my affairs, Why

St R

'nei eng "ngoke wa, nei ^chan hai' t ai k wo you not listen to my words you really are too ! t ^rn ho. "Ngo iu 'nei tso" 'ngok cP ang'yau Jk.'' •'' bad. I don't want you to be my friend


Read and t renslate into Chinese.

I . Do you know Mr. Lam Yat Tung? Q. Mr. Lei does not like to talk much 2. Is Mr. Lam Yat Tung your friend 10. He seldom speaks to ethers

3. I know him . He has been my good 1 1 . Besides/ he is selfish.

f ri end for many years. 12. Mr. Lam always likes to interfere

4. He was also my schoolmate. with Mr. Lei's affairs.

5. Is he very friend ly with Mr. Lei 13. One day, Mr. Lei said to Mr. Lam:

Wai Kwok? Mr. Lam, it s very bad on your

6. I think they are not very friend ly. part to mind my affairs after my

7. Mr. Lam is talkative, telling you not to do so. I,

8. He 1 ikes to mind other people's therefore, do not wish to have bu ycu as my friend any more.


46. ^ cChrk^icP'ang- 50. "n'shik) 'h^ just -yau (k.o ) intimate friend to gain an experience a Yat, pun Japan 47. 1 5 . sliik)tal< know; un-

48. Hi]) Yat/pun cyan derstand

(ko ) Japanese 52. kau" 'nin last year

49. Yat, ^fTi an Japanese sh 53 h ok^ i learning; . language acquired knowledge

63 ^

T'a^ye Old 54. f .t'eng^mai 70. I -L6 res- "k'uike ku tsai listen until Gentleman (term of he has finished his story pect to the elderly head of the family) 55. oi' ,yan ,u \ei 71. 'T'ai Old Lady love one s neighbour as (term of respect oneself 72. yat yat, one day 56. 'ho yat/tsz lucky one day 73. yat) yat, more day 57. ching kwo make it 74. 2> tsz''kei oneself again; do it over again 75. ") 'ngotei" tsz" kei 58. fA-&RW^'k^in ,yant4i-- ourselves ke jhan sz* mind other 76. kwo' .shi out-of-date; people's affair old-fashioned 59. ?7 ,i'ch'e -ngo 77. tsz-'k^ike' own moreover, I am tak^^h" (possessive) f reo 78. tsz-'keike' sz' 60. it & fcWe own affair in ^to kwo "k ui 'neike ts 79. kwo In pass the moreover, you are richer New ear than he 80. "^ kwo'hui' past; to pass in kei more than a 6 I . kwo hui ct'ung 81 • y S3r present ^1 ^ka past and shap) ,leng _,nin 62. 82. pat/k^in (,ch\) more than ten years penholder

63. T'ai"t'ai Mrs;Madame 83. Ml 'sho hui'- kwo'ke tei'cf ong the 64. P cCh'an Yai Mrs Ch'an places one has been to 65. ch'ut, 'nin next year 84. ,sz,ka private; per- new year 66. c^an nin sonal

67. ILnn4i'-;ts'ang ,t*eng- 85. ^sz^yan same never heard kin 86. ^ (4) ,sz sz" (kin-) affair 68. ^i^ka now; this mo- private ment 87. ,sz,yanke' sz" 69. .t'engwa' obedient (ki n") same — — - 64 .

88. " ,m 'shiu quite a good 91. t-r Tie m kwo many reconsider

92. t Q i kwo saw; seen; 89. tsoi' tuk, kwo read read over it again (aloud)

93. Jiii, In M 1 Ik W {J saw; seen 90. H tsoi) 't'ai kwo read 94. •^ja wan kwo searched it again (silently) (993)

2 1 i yat some 95. t s ' o i self-esteem 10 • esin \k 96. tsz\5z selfish days ago 97. tsau^sz smuggle III ^kam (c:hiu this morning 98. fp) 'tsau.szke'

1 12 . ^kam nin this year ^ya n ( k o ) smuggler

1 13 . ^kamyat. today 99. a t ai ,hung space

I 14 . (kammat. today 100. S tl) t'ai^hung 'kau

(chelc space dog 1 15 . 51 ^t'ingyat. tomor row

1 16 ^t'ing ^chiLJ tomorr cw 101 . fi?n t'ai\huog ,yan morning ( ko ) spaceman

1 17.. t ai tso too early 102. 0 'shaitak, \h 1 18. t'ai' \6 too good shiu ts In to spend

1 19. t ai shiu too little very little money 120, t'ai (to too many; 103. ftU > \unsz- (ko') too much; excessive Steward 121 t'oi'k wo t sz \sz

I OA. ) 'k6n^ka (ko') too selfish steward; butler "5" i 222. kwo t ,m hui

i n »nd; I 05. "yau ^to'shiu there uneasy m to feel are some sorry

123. ftU" .t'engtcik^ Jai u n- 106. f - 'uit4i2 tsz-\4i derstand; a30 hear themselves 124. ^t'engtok^ch'ut, 107. ;h A kwo'hui'ke' sz- things oF the past 125. 'h^.han uiri important;

108. ^3 A seung k^o think it insignificent over; consider 126. K fii'h) \Uu\ kuo (ft iu) I 09. nam k wo^ same water pi pe

— 65 — . . . »

127. P)) B "It 'sho ^t'engke' 131 . m -k'ui ,s4m- what has been heard shap) sui ko sh 128. I' sho k{n\wo'ke' when he was 30 what has been seen 132. it -n^i ts6-tak,-

129. 'dm 'k^i what is Jai ma will you do the meaning wh y it 130. f, ^^ ekam- 133. #) hei^'kun r^t'iu) yat hai' mat/ye ya t,- windpipe

tsz what is today's 1 34. yearly; year date by year ( io33>


cP ai arrange; to place 7. ts'o mistake; error;

in or der ; a row; a line. wrong

2. a colour. 8. pat. not; do not.

3. - wai to f eed 9. rssson; cause.

4. (.a a final p a 10. reason; cause.

- ( interrogative/ e m vai ( \ (ko ) seat (a^ phat c, or msrs ly eu- place where one sits

phorlie). i n a o a bu S/ a 5. wai ! hello boat, etc.).

a 12. a time; occasion^ 6. f" method; w y ;

means; used in t rans- 13. cWong yellow; the sur-^ literating. name Wong You now know 306 words COMPOUND WORDS AND PHRASES

1. hok/wai (ko') 5. 3t ( ,unku' (ko'j cause;: academic degree reason

2. ^ui wa a n answer 6. .^yan 'ko" same (verbally) 7. shi shui colour 3. holc-sz'- Bache- (generally applied to lor of Laws the colour of printed

4. tai' ts o big mistake cottons, etc.)

— 66 — I ) , )

8. " 'S ngf" 19. 'yau wa i to have a

ct ung different ways seat or seats (e.g. in of thinking a school/ a bus, a boat/ etc.) 9 (M) ts'o' fcsz' (ko') 20. ^wong^kam gold errata ( error in wri- ting or pri nting 21. 'k6i ,to 'wai how many persons (said of 10. —, yat^ ^.ui sz" an event visitors, customers)

1 wai sai ^man tsai ' 1. 22. cam pun wai go to a baby feed standard ct'au 1 2. yat, wai the 23. kei how many first s eat times several times

J 3. ct au tang wai first 24. ku 1 intentionally; class seat purposely; wilful Islam (the 4. ct'au yat, .ui the 25. JJik" religion) first time Mohammedan ts6" ts'o make a mis- 35. F4tl

language 28. se ts'o make a mis-

18. kam shik gold colour take in writing ( io6i



' nei hai' Hai" "nei ma , ^Cheung? " "Hai", "Yes, you are Is you — , Cheung?"

i|:fS]?J 3. . ' ,Wong ^a." I nko "'Ngo hai" A ." who " I am Ah Wong

4. e ^ cWong ^Sin^shang, yau mat, ye sz' "Hell( Wong Mr., there is what thing

— 67 — ' I

5. n # n" '(•Ngo kong yat^ki sz" pei "nei ^ch i , "nei yau mo "I tell one thing let you know, you have not have

l , ^ n ft engk in ^Lam cSln^shang ung 'Lei ^Sin ^shangke sz' ne?" '" heard Lam Mr. and Lei Mr.'s affairs —

7. m^jt o *'ln*tsoi "k uitei" "leungko' 'm^ o "At present they two do not

^)." 8. * kongshijtw[ Ja." "Mat, "ye ^unku " talk — ." "What reason ?"

f& ^ &c t ung "k ui tai' loke o know 3 M and hi s elder broth<

— '$ 10. '' yat^^ui sz' ma ""Ngo Lar CO

co- to- O '' know Larn Mr. to ^. c

ho ^ho cVan kong "Leii n^shi

very many people told Le i Mr. is rot right."

f it - ^ ' '^Yanwai niko e cP ang^ts ing tsau"

''Because o f this their friendship ther>

. 2. m- yatj yat, pat) yat^ yat.'' ''"K uitei" t:6 hai"

one day not as good as one day." **They all are

p > . 'ngotei'ke ho ang'yau. Nei yau mat/ye f at^ tsz. our good friends. You have any way

— 68 " ' mt 13. ^ A ^t'ung 'k'uitei' ^p'ai kai ma " Ts eng "nei Jai 'ngo for them to settle " "Please you come my

oji^ ^ "

ofiishCi ung "ngo seung yat,ko f at^ tsz, ho 5m ho " place with me think one way, good not good?"

14. . il " . "Ngo tsau"

"Good, I immediately come. MEANINGS OF THE ABOVE

Read and translate into Chinese,

. "Hello! Is that you, Mr. Cheung''" 10. Yes. Mr. Lcm has made known to

. "Yes, who is that, please " niofiy people the faults of Mr. '' 3. "I am Ah Wor.g." Lei

4. "Hello! Mr. Wong, is there anything | | This is the reason why their

I can do for you friendship is getting worse day "I tell you something. want to by day. Have you heard the news about ,, P. They are our good friends. Can Mr. Lam and Mr. Lei

you t h i r. k of any way to reconcile "No." them They are not on speaking terms " ^* Will you please call over at "What is the reason " L now, ' my Do you know what happened be- place After that, we can con-

tween Mr. Lam and his elder sider how to reconcile them.


brother?" 14. Good . I shail come at once, MORE COMPOUND WORDS AND PHRASES

29. .p'ai'kai make peace; 33. ^Ti6 f &' tsz no help; mediate; settle no remedy; cannot be 30. f" tsz method; way; helped means 34. 'mo ts'o no mistake; 1^ 31. ts6- ts*o''cho a correct; right mistake has been made 32. ct'eng tsV misunder- 35. yat>o' 'wai t6 stand a mis- "mo not even one ; to make take in hearing Seat is available

— 69 — . )

36. pat(ii not so good as; 46. -y&f n'/wai S2-'t'au getting worse; nothing this boss like 47. niCwai t^i- 37. JtLiS. tei" wai" position in sz' t au this big boss life 48. ^ niCwai ,sln,sh^ng 38. sheung" yat^ ^ui this gentleman; this previous time; formerly teacher 39. ^ui kwok return to 49. ni\vai 'siu'tse one's country this young lady AO. m ,p'4ikwat, f,t'i6) 50. ,ui ct'au ribs; chops turn the head

41. t a i' I " wai second seat 51. pun wai unit (e.g. of 42 ) cwong 'tau (nap)) soy bean 52. ) _^wong,p'ei (nep) wampee (a fruit 43. chung' mei" ^yau

wai there is still 53. se u no n ng f at ^ way of seat available thinking; idea M. k(i\z- (chekj , (1) 54. A yau- 'se tsV lo|< Story; legend written wrongly again 45. £ 'seung fat/tsz to 55. cwong shik, yellow think of a way


I . Wj ^nau angry; to get 5. k6m (or kam) dare; ry anger. venture ang ;

2. f tsik, banquet; feast. 6. hSk guest; visitor; customer. 3. 'ta beat; strike; hit; fight. 7. m tsau liquor; wine,

4. < ham' cry ( to shed 8. chan- a moment; a whi le. tears); weep. 9. ^pa papa; father; dad.

You now know 3l5 word! ) ; . COMPOUND WORDS AND PHRASES

,m I I. \6n\ I • 'kochan? csh; at that time dare or dare not ? attend (as 2. ch'ut, tsik, 12. # mat, ^t6 'k^m tsb' a meeting dare to do anything 3. "sheung^mai tsik, 13. k6m hui dare to go attend a banquet

1 4. kom kong dare to 'tsautsik, banquet 4. say feast

1 5. ta (.kung to be en- 5. tSQ- jVonhak^ to be gaged in manual work a guest for others 6. 'ta tsV ,yan to 16 sung h41c to escort beat the wrong person a visitor to the door 7. 'pei (Van ta to be

beaten 17. fSl ) ,yanh4k, (ko')

8. tai'csheng ham' cry guest

loud ly; loud weeping 18. 1^ ) 4 ,yan (ko a 9. A k6m dare not ) Hakka

10. " ,m \6m iu' dare 19. # Hak Hakka not to take it dialect (.107) LESSON PROPER 5 — — f Yau yatjko Q. yat, yat "k ui ts6" There was an old man, one day he celebrated

fa 2. m ' fill . c r ^ ^shangyat, 'K ui ts eng birthday. He invited very many guests

- f 3. 1' \% Jai ukj k ei. Hai ^mai to come to his house During attending

— ftu

tsik,ke ^sh lhau", yatjko cyanh6k hang ' tso

banquet time, no one guest wish to sit

— 71 — . ' . 3 . . . .

. ^& ^& jLg

hai tai ya ko qN gamQngam kochan' h i, the first one seat Just then,

'pm — . 5. Jai cho yatjko ^yanhak^ "Lo^yan^ka c h ut hui came another guest. Old man out went

it Hi kin k'u -Ko.ti cyanli4l< tsau Is eng to meet him Those guests then asked

: fill

Qftian tsai "ts o ha i ta'ryat. ko)

old man's litt cr to sit on the first one l<^ - . 1

CL clai

S 6 Q t Old man back came

8. f c

-K'ui t a i k 1 r1 "ts o hai tai1 "yat;, ko wai \o ko) He saw sat on th e first one seat that one

if. .

hai k uike tsai ^yeokung au lok. was his son. Old man b ecame angry

10. m it f& . 3 c ( -K'ui tsau' "k'uike tsai. He then beat his son

'Koko sai man tsai ham

That little5 boy sobbed

2 #: & c i wa " Tsau'hai y 3 n w a a ^oa i u t a said: "It's because papa wanted to beat

72 — , f i , WtlL •ts'o hai tai'yatj ^yan, sho' 'neitei

sits on the first one seat man, theref < you ^ /'• to \6m ( kar i) "ts'o." everyone all not dare to sit." MEANINGS OF THE ABOVE

Read and trar'slate into Chinese.

1 . There was an old man who once 7. The old men came beck.

celebrated his birthday. 8. He sc w his son seeted at the seat

2 . He invited many guests to his house. cf honour.

3. The guests all declined to take the 9. The old me n became angry.

seat cf horour at the table. 1 0. He beat his son.

4. Just then/ a guest arrived. 11. The little hey sobbed and said:

5. The old man went to receive him . 12. It is because you knew my daddy

6. hen, the guest at the table asked will beat the one who sits there,

their host's little son to take the that you a 1 1 decline to eccept seat of honour. the seat cf he MORE COMPOUND WORDS AND PHRASES

20. -ngo \\m \6m 28. Ii% a jpa papa; father; dad

how would I dare 7 29. 'ta ( hung ring a bell (by 2 I . 'ts'eng hak^ invite pulling) guests 30. "ts'o tsik, sit at a 22. u"r hSk meet guests banquet

23. shuihSk merchant 31. is. jfTiai tsik, same

who goes by sea from 32. >fa cho struck place to place 33. hSkli6i stand on 24. f^) ,san ao') h" ceremony ping new comer 34. 'ta tsz- to type; ty- 25. 2 nichan'- ,shi now 35. ,nau mat/ye 26. — yat)chan,- one what makes you angry? moment 36. IUT ? 'shai mat/ye 27. ^koi 'ta ought to be Jai ta what was beaten used to strike with

— 73 — .

37. <^ A^l phlcc/ 38. -nei ^nou .pin- ham kcm* tai\sheng ko whom are you who cries so loudly? angry with " 26


1 . lad]) sun C^f ung) to be- 7. jhung the male of birds lieve; a belief; faith; — thus: vigorous, confidence; a letter. strong.

2. cts'ung bright (intelli- 8. tsok to make; do; act. gent); clever. 9. iin to pass from one 3' ^ming bright ( showing to another; to hand light); clear; plain. down.

4. -'l^i a Ch inese mile 10. ,lai pull; arrest. (1,894.1 2 English I I . hau" a school. feet). 12. pV (,k4n) a shop, 5. t (M) ,kun Cko') govern- 13. an translate; inter- ment officer; official. pret 6. M- ^ying heroic; the sur- 4. yik^ same. name Ying; used in

transliterating. 1 5. yung- use. You now know 330 words

COMPOUND WORDS AND PHRASES 1. ^ tsok cyung- action; 7. ^ts ung^^ming bright function; use cme (intelligent); clever 2. 1^ t6 cyan to arrest 8. X ( M) ,man ,kun (lco 3. tsok^tui' to be at civil officer enmity with; oppose 9. an^ming clear; dis- 4. ts6- ,kun to be in tinct; evidently office 10. _,ming ,chi clearly 5. fl^ sun kau to become aware a convert common 1 yung? 6. ,shu pV (,k^n) I • ^sheung book shop use; commonly used (

1 2. f§ sun yung" credit 23. ^ Jingkwok jyan (confidence; trust) (ko ) Englishman

13. ^sh^ungyung- 24. ^ X (-) ing -l^i (-) En- c

tsz" (ko ) commonly glish mile used word 25. •^ eYing;man 14. 9 yat, yung" daily ex- hok^hau" (^kan) English pense school

I 5. yung-f at^ directions 26. it n ) sun\fung (ko') for use; how to use envelope 16. yung" ^yan employ 27. ^^ shalyung* expenses people 28. ,ka yung- family ex- 17. ^ g) ingkwok penditure; for home use e England 29. Viui hok,h^u- cYing "u English language (spoken) (^.Ican) girls' school 30. .kam pV (,k^n^ 19. ^ Jing^man )c goldsmith shop (.shu (p6"; pun) En- ,ying,hung (ko') glish book 31. «^t hero 20' ^ X cYing ^man English 32. "nui ^ying.hung language (written^ (ko ) heroine 21. ^ Ying h^u- (^k^n) 33. f ft'ung^'ui English school pin' "m^ yung" it 22. 4^ Ji ng^man sun is definitely of no use

(Jung) English letter to argue with him 159) LESSON.PROPER OA 'Ma Jai^yan A a Malay.

^ - I u —fill K 'ngotei' hok^h^u- luike' yat^ko' -Majai

H our school inside a Malay

. 5^ fm .

— "I^ungko tai'*l6. student. two elder brothers.

" 75 m

4. f, ^ ^, ) Tai* ko hai* yat.ko anyik,^ ^kun.

Eldest brother is an official interpreter.

5. i' ko hai' %ai yatko cChungkwolcsyank<

Second elder brother is in a Chinese

mm . ^4 p o' t au ts6'ckung. K tuk^ ^Chungkwok^ ^shu shop working. read Chinese books

. 7. m c yau 1 in \\ tuk, cho

alrea dy thn56 years more • He read

. 8 . f ^Chungkwi -K'ui 'ui kong very many Chinese books. He m 6 rr a. very much Chinese National La nguage

1 #- ^! till m #

c. hai hok^hau* tuk^ cChungkwok Kwol< -(J

in school studies Chinese National Language

M . 10. m

ct ung.i ng^man. K ui yau" hok, and Eriglish. He Iseirns

- f#, , . sesun tSol

He knows threeJ national languages

— 76 — . . , . V . . ,

12. n- f — ^yan kong a\\\ hai" fts ung-

Very many people said All IS a clever

. 13.

^mingk*5 cyan. K ui CL tuk, man. .He very much likes to study Chiingkwokclc( manhok^. Chinese literature. 14. f n / t ung %6 ^yan kong ngoi'kwok^ cV^^ He to iry many people said foreigners. c , tuk, ^ChungkwokQ ^manhok^ hai* shap"f an "yauyung'ke

study Chinese literature is very useful MEANINGS OF THE ABOVE

Read and translate into Chinese.

1. Ali is a Malay. 9 • He studies Mandarin and English in

2 . He is a Ma lay student in our school the school

3. Ali has two elder brothers. 10. He also learns letter-writing, essay- writing, typing and translation, 4. The eldest brother is an official 11. He knows three languages interpreter.

1 ?. Very many people said that Ali is 5. The second elder brother is working a clever msn* in Chinese shop 13- He tckes a great interest in Chinese 6. Ali has been studying Chinese for

I i terature. more than three years 14. He told many people that the study 7. has maiiy Chinese books. He read of Chinese literature is a great

8. He has a good vocabulary of Mandarin. help to foreigners. MORE COMPOUND WORDS AND PHRASES 34. JL(-) .kung-l^i (-) kilo- 36. it ( -M4,lai sun' metre (nearly five (Jung) Malay letter eights of a mile) 37. cchung hok.h^u- 35. 'Majai _,man Malay (ckan) middle school; language high school

— 77 — 38. ft, ( k holy 52. "yauyung' ' service- ( fkan ) mission able; useful school 53. 6yung'- same 39. (IS)) J^nyik, ^k6n 5A. Jong (ko) official inter- -) (-) a square preter or translator mile 40. + yung-^kam 'pun- 55. •^ jgj) Jingh^u- wai on a gold basis hok^^shang (ko ) a 41. _ student of an English ^ yat) Jing-I^i p6n' school one and a half miles 56. 42. I Janyikj translate — ft" yat.^fung sun' one interpret translator letter ^fung is us- ( interpreter ed if the letter is in an 57. envelope and it in- ^f^nyik, .Chung- cludes the envelope cHnan translate into as well; use ^cheung Ch inese

as classifier if the 58. iutak, letter itself alone is anyik, unable to meant) translate

43. — f yat^^cheung sun, 59. f "m^ sun yung* un- one letter reliable

44. 'siii hok,h^u- 60. ^n6y ung" useless primary school 61. yau sun - 45. Jk\ -sh^ungjai pull yung' very reliable or haul it up 62. "fei yau mat, tsok - A6. Ui ") pull towards yung" what is the 47. 'f" tsok use reaction 63. ho yung'ke what 48. tsoko fan rebel revolt is used

64. ckungtsok o r Ic 49. f -yau sun yung" re- w ; liable; credible workmanship se sun 50. m$f\ ( pV'aii (,k^n) 65. f write a letter; shop letter-writing

51. yung* ts* in spend 66. tsolc ^man write an

money essay; essay-writing (1192)


1 . f o an assistant. cVau from; by; a cause; 2. () ^pui (chek^) a cup; a reason. a tumbler; a glass. 8. manage; core a

3. yam to drink. principle; a reason.

4* cO emphatically 9. (.king t o pass by or affirmative particle. through a classic (work of literature) 5. ching exactly in the middle; exact; straight 10. remember; to bear (not crooked or curved); in mind; to record; right; just. to meke a note.

II. -) kui (-) 6. an a feudal state of a sentence; the Chou dynastry; the a phrase. Ch an. 12. ,ch'a tea. You now know 342 words


1. "t'^tJS -ui 't^-lei able to 10 -leisz- direct; have arrange or manage charge of 2. , au-'n^i as you pi ease "lei do not care 3. ^ S£- ching ashant; 12 yam ^ch a drink tea slanting 13 £ t) ,hung „p6i (chek,) empty cup 4. f$ * ^ning ^ch a Jai bring some tea 14 ^pui jpui every cup

15 . jtJL tei' lei geography 5. cking^shu 16 & yVau nisli(i' anhui go back from 6. f^) .shuk^i'(ko') clerk here 7. j£> —(yau uk, k ei Jai - 17 'kun-|4i govern; come from home manage; rule; to take 8. " 'ta-lei ,m \6 charge oF could not attend to it 18 . § -'ngo ,m "Ui I don't 9. 1 yat,kei' diary care

79 t "

iL-g^r 19, ->^ .yau nishCi 23. g^-^'J ching'w^- ,t'eng- ch utjhui go out by just heard of it this way 24. i£ ching wa' just now

20. ^ts'ang^king 'kong 25. ching rig" just right ,yau *k*ui kwo have already 26. f'1 leave

spoken about it him alone 27. ,yau tak, 'k'ui same 21 . -l^i's^ungke' ideal 28. ? ,man-lei literary style 22. ching wa* ch 29. iL"^ k4i' -h^ make a note hui just gone out (1221)

LESSON PROPER , , "jS in^shang, ts eng man' <.Ch an lOcshang hai shu m a "

"Mr., please ask Ch an Mr. is here

2. :Its . m • ) -. "jCh'an jSin^shang ch ut, chohui . 'K ui ching ^a* ch ut "Ch an Mr. has gone out. He just gone out."

3. f^ c "jSIn^shang, 'nei 'yau mat/ye sz" " "Mr., you have what business "

- 4. f 5. . ) hai ""Nei hai- p 1 nko ,k :' " "You are who "You from where come —

6. ^^Sft J

"jCh'an ^Si n^shang hai kop i n'.

is there." ' Ch'an Mr.

7- >f t .

hai jking'lei shat, *luip I n'."

is manager room inside."

4 -rfy 8 , ', A ts eng 'ts'o, "ngo kiu f okei hui kiu "k ui." "You please boy to go call him."

— 80 — . . " M J .

9. . o *\TO(.f an "nei.' c yau ('Troubling you. c there

— . f& .

yat wai ' n ^shang hai ngoi'ptn"/ "k ui i u kin ^nei." a gentleman outside, he wants to see you


cTs in ^Slncshang, ts eng yap, "luip'n" "ts o.'

s in Mr., please enter inside sit."

12. - -^^

" *''Ngotei" hui kopi n" ts o, ma 7" W 6 go there good

13. ' ik . . c " Ts eng 'ts'o, ts eng 'ts 0. Ts eng yarr

i_ a '(Please sit, please Please d ri r^k cup

14. . 15. J

' ' ' Ts eng nei ts o yatjchcin"." ,''Ng o hui ,king"|e

''Please you sit a little while "I go m Q n a g €

t^^^. il ".

- ko^pln' kong keikui shiitQWa -Ngc) tsau" Jai/' there speak several wiords immejdiately come.' . #. *'"Nei 'yau 'nei tso" (.sin 'Ngo tanghaiJ' 'nei.'

**You have wor k, you do first. 1 can wait f r you.'

17, ' il - Ngo yat.char)' tsau' Jai.

"I a little A/ h i 1 e then come bac:k.''

-— 81 " "

MEANINGS OF THE ABOVE Pead and translate into Chinese,

1 please?" 11. Mr. Ts in, please come in and I . "Is Mr. Ch'an in,

' 'Mr. Ch'an has just gone out." have a seat. 12. Shall J. 'Is there any thing 1 we sit on the other side?" you " 13. Please sit down. Would you have

' A 'Who are you 3 cup of tea

' ^JChere do you come from 14. Vl^ould you mind v

D, • Mr. Ch an is there. while?" " 7 ^ om 15. I am going to He is in the manager speak t o the manager Q for a 0. ''Please take a seat. I'll send a few words, and then boy to call him. come back immedia tely 16. Do your 9. "Thank yon. work first. I can wait fcr

10. "Mr. Ch'an, there is a gentleman you if you are busy

17. 1 will come wants to see you. back i •nmediately."


30. 'ta'lei manage;arrange; 39 i- cSh^g'l^ihok handle; attend to physiology (ko') 31. .king'lei 40 mat/l6ihok, physics

41 -'|4i,yau (ko') 32. \un-|^i fat, reason; cause management (the art 42 "yau 'lei.yau rea- of controlling) sonable 33. — t yat.chek^ pi!ii one 43. "^ kei ts o cup remember wrongly 34. yat^ cPU' a one — 44 ^ kei tak, cup of tea 45 ching (king respect-

35. I eCh'an -L^t^ai' Old able; serious Lady Ch an 46 ching\king sz" 36. yat kui wa" one ^ (kin') respectable sentence business: serious affair; 37. - ^kingkwo pass by; lawful business pass through; undergo A7. .kung-l^i right; uni- 38. iJ ,sh4ng-i4ihok, r ( V e s a I principle; c^a (ko ) physiologist principle of right

— 82 — . m

48. mum) 'fok^i' (ko ) shop 54. " (1) huipiii (chekj assistant; waiter tumbler

49. 'ts'o ching' to sit 55. -r fi?] -? h^- 'k^iko' tsz- properly the following words 50. ,ch'A ts in tea money 56. •! ,m kei'tak, unable 51. (1) cch'a ,p6i (chelO to remember tea cup

57. t'ai' 52. ,ch*a ui tea party "m^ 'lei.yau very unreasonable 53. "7? 1^ ni kui' shiitoWa" these few 58. "nei yam ^sln you words (spoken) drink first ( , 2 »

This Index consists of words found in lessons 1 to 18. The numbers denote the page and the lesson in which the word is found. 5.3 mee IS Page

5/ Lesson 3.

Revision of the words in this Index will form for the student a c ood test of his knowledge of the text book. Should he have forgetten the sense or meaning of any particular word he has simply to look up the lesson on which it can be found

66.15 cho 19.6 50.12 a 18.6 chung 44.1 1 Jong 19.6

(c" 44.1 1 ^chung 13.5 'fu 18.6 ^ch a 79.18 chung" 54.13 f6- 28.8 ^cham 34.9 cch iin 74.17 un 18.6 (.chan 59.14 ch'ut, 44.1 1 Jung 38.10 c hem' 70.16 an 34.9 "ha 24.7 (.Ch an It 79.18 an 44.11 ha- 23.7 'ch'e 60.14 an 50.12 hai i 23.7 jf an chek 9.4 74.17 har .^^ 2.2 (.cheung 24.7 fan A 2A.7 70.16 ,chl 24.7 cf an 45.1 1 ham 70.16 24.7 fan" 34.9 chan 60. 14 :ch; 55.13 fan" 9.4 hang 50. 12 ching 18.6 f" 66.15 hau" 38.10 ching 79.18 38.10 hau" 1^ 74.17 rChiu 44.1 1 'fo -$1 79.18 hei .,5s? 28.8

— 83 — o

hei 18.6 kei 13.5 74.17

9.4 tO 60. 1 A Jai 2.2

hiu 13.5 79.18 Jam f 44.1 I

'ho 54. 13 k ei 38.10 lei 44.1 I 13.5 24.7 Jei 2.2 ., A4< M 34.9 k{n A4.I 1 lei f 44.1 1 hok, 13.5 kin- 5.3 'lei 74.17 hui ^ 9.4 eking 79.18 'lei 79.18 9.4 ck ing 38.10 -leng 34.9 hung 74. 17 kiu' 23.7 l^ung 13.5 23.7 ko T 18.6 "leung 13.5

13.5 \o 5.3 c'ln 13.5 55 13 ko' 2.2 ^ 18.6 34.9 ^koi C 50.12 '16 29.8 . 59.14 kolc 34.9 lok, 24.7

60.14 kom .^ 44.1 I |ui 9.4 59.14 kom 70.16 luk. ^ 34.9

1 44.1 1 kom 45.1 2.2 k6n 59.14 6 ^ 3.2 "ma 50.12 k4 29.8 kong 5.3 ma 50.12 " 34.9 'ku 28.8 ^mai ^ 5.3 ku' 66. 15 44.1 1 "mai 50.12 kai 38.10 kui' 79.18 mai" 50.12 kai 60.14 "k ui 2.2 mak. 24.7 JSHft-

jkun 74. 1 7 ,kann 34.9 m3 2 1 kam 34.9 kun 59. 14 ofnan 34,9 kam 60.14 'kun 59.14 ^man 2.1

kam 70.16 jkung 19.6 cfinan 2.1 ,kan 14.5 ^kung . 29.8 ^man ^ 34.9 kan 12.5 jku ng 28.8 "man 2.1 ^^ kau 9.4 wai 29.8 man' 2.1 -

kau 34.9 kwat^ 4A.1 1 man' 34.9 kau 19.6 kwo ^ 18.6 matj 2.1 kau ^ 54 13 k wo 59.14 m & 2.1 kau' 5.3 k woke 38.10 mat^ 38. 10 ke' 3.2 kwong 18.6 maj; 2.1

^ 50.12 cl a ^ 44.1 1 m" 9.4 S n

mei" 54. 13 P at, 50.12 sh^u 9" 23.7 cming 74. 17 pei 18.6 ,sh( 38.10 -mo 2.2 pei 54.13 shik, 59.14 1^ 29.8 cP'ei 29.8 shik, 66. 15 £hik, 1 2.5 ^ p in 3.2 9.4 in 'shi6 53. 1 2 .^ 18.80 59.14 'sho 53.12 cP'n I I 54.13

50.1 2 pin I.I cShu 12.5 shu' 9.4 pin I I 24.7 4^ - nam 55.13 Pin u 45.1 I #1 nap^ 28.8 pin" 94 shui 24.7 in shiit 5.3 70. 1 6 cP 34.9 ^^ s{n 50.12 pit. .^ II ^ 34.9 50. 12 P{t 2.1

3.2 pit. I.I I 12.5 34.9 po ^ 2.1

^ I 44. I Sin' ^ngam 55. 1 3 cP 2.1 t.- ^ ngan 35.9 P 32.8 sin- # 2.1

34.9 _cP 29.8 fito 2.1 'si<^ "ngo 2.2 P 74.17 5.3 ngoi 9.4 ^pui . 82.18 siG) 29.8 5.3 oPui 79.18 sui 54.13 ) sun 74.17 50. 1 2 pun 13.5 , sung' ^, 38.10 50. 1 2 p" 34.9 60. 14 sai 5.3 60.14 ^ning 24.7 cSam 34.9 sz: & 13.5 9.4 ^san 5.3 sz: S 34.9 J??^ 79.18 se 19.6 sz: 28.8 2.2 seung 55.13 sz' 29.8 70.16 shai 50. 12 70.16 ai 15 tai 50.12 cP 66, ^shan I 34.9 ^shang 1 12.5 tai- 5.3 pako 28.8 shap, 34.9 tai" 50.12 38. 10 shat- 24.7 't'ai 24.7 pat, 24.7 ^sheng 24.7 t'" 60.14 pat^ 66. 15 'sheung 24.7 tak, 13.5 34.9 (.sheung 38. 10 'tang 38. 10 . A1 tau 34.9 tsik. 70.16 wa 5.3 tau J. 28.8 ^ts in 34.9 wa" 5 3 tau* 28.8 ts in 34.9 wai 66.15 wai* 70.15 t au 32.8 jts in 3A.9 au 29.8 cts'ing 38.10 wai 66.15 19.6 ^wai 54.13 thr - \s6 A4. 1 1 tkr 18.6 tso 54.13 wai" 18,6 ct eng 59.141 ts6- 18.6 wan 24.7 24.7 29.8 cti - ts V 66.15 (.wan 66.15 t im 44.1 1 "ts'o 50.12 cWong ct'ing 55.13 tsoi 44.1 1 yam 79.18

,t'ing 65.14' tsoi' 44.1 1 ^yan 18.6

t iu 35.9 tsoko 74.17 cyan 2.2 9.4 ct iu 9. jts ung 7417 yap. -t6 5.3 cts ung 38.10 yat^ 2.2 5.3 sz 34.9 yat^, 60.14 to 13.5 'tsz 50.12 (.yau 79.18

\6 54.13 tsz- 45.1 1 "yau 2.2 23.7 tsz- 60. 14 yau 38.10 yau" 12.5 . tui' 9.4 ^to 1

tsai 9.4 tuk. 13.5 yau" 54.13 ctung 18.6 eye 31 .8 ^ts'an 1 1 ,45 j ts an 9.4 ct ung 5.3 29.8 18.6 ^ts an 29.8 "ye 5.3 ^ts ang 54.13 38.10 yeuko 54.13

ts'at, 34.9 66.15 yeung 38.10 3« 10 tsau 1 "ui 38.10 yeung" tsau m 70.16 ui 39.10 yik,

ui yik. 74.1 / tsau" it 45.1 1 38.10 tse 5.3 uk, 38.10 eying 74.17 59.14 tse- 45.1 1 ciin 66.15

ts eng 50. 12 lit. 38.10 yung" 74.17

Errata. - Page 6. 16. kin k'l n t6 "y au s ho j|d be kl n'kin' ^to "yau. I'l ' Page 8. 1 o said: wou d not come should

b o d that I would not come

Page 34. a dd le ng a fraction broken up; used to express cypher or nought in a numerical series.

Page 50. add S p at) a classifier for horses.

ai . Page 60. 2 I . t'ai should be t