ROBARTS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/cantoneseforbegi01jianuoft CANTONESE FOR BEGINNERS WORD-FOR-WORD METHOD BOOK ONE LESSON 1 PRONUNCIATION . 1 as a in ask o as aw in law ( long) as a in father o as 6 in no as ow i n now o is pronounced like the German o unaspirated and oe in G'c the, e.g. ,t6 -, the aspirated p' unaspirated .sound of a trumpet as e in there p' aspirated as ay in pay join s and z n one sound as i in pin unaspirated 3 S GQ 1 n SG6 aspirated unaspirated ts unaspirated as ts 1 n r dtsbsne aspirated ts aspirated when written alone is (short) as u n bull the second half sound (long) as oo n fool in fu. as ng in sing [of m u is pronounced like the French u TONES In Chinese; the tones a very important. A word should be with other words having the same sound. The tones may differ in the case of compound words, but on no other account should they be changed. There are 9 principal tones in the Cantonese dialect. These tones which can be learnt only from a teacher are marked as follows: Upper even tone 9 a whip; to whip Upper rising tone 9 flat Upper departing tone 9 m^^\^t to transform Upper entering tone 9 must Medial entering tone 9 a turtle Lower even tone 9 Lower rising tone 9 I Lower departing tone 9 to dispute Lower entering tone 9 to discriminate - . TONIC EXEFvCISE in ^sin sin s it, s tt^ ^s\n "sin sin" sit, f r*? sh ringworm thread — ooze -~ desire eagerly i# I ^manf^^man ) man man mat matQ ^man 'man man' mat^ mosquito — — what wipe people pity ask stocking ^ —_ THE—USE —OF THE^VCCABLXAKY In the Chinese language, many of the characters a re not used by tViemselves. They have to be compounded with other characters to bring out the proper meaning. Hence, the student is advised to make use of compound characters rather than a single character as given in the vocabulary, when he intends to use a word. ' CLASSIFIERS A classifier is a word placed between a numeral and a noun; such as a "loaf" of bread, a "sheet" of paper, etc. Here the words "loaf" and '*sheet" are called classifiers. Different nouns take different classifiers, according to the class to which they belong. The appropriate classifiers are put in brackets with their nouns in this book. Indicates that the tone in which the word is marked is different frcm the principal tone it is a varied collcqu ia I cne. It hes a high-pitched sound LESSON 2 VOCABULARY I . ft; hal"i" the verb to be 5. "[ ui he; she; it; him; (am, is/ are, was, were, her. etc.) in any tense or 6 ,go I; me. number; yes. 7 like; love; delight ko classifier used 2. m in; want, extensively with nouns 8. ^yan (ko ) man; per- denoting persons and () son; people; human. things, especially those indicating abstract 9. 'm^> no; none; have o not; there is (are, was, 3. Jai; ^\e\ come. [ideas, were) not 4. f "yau have; has; there 10. no; not; do (does, are, was, were " auxiliary for the past did) not. soon as. tense. I I. yatj one; unity; a s ke sign of the posses- 1 3. iu want; require wi: si ve; becomes an ad- must; need, jective when used with 14. it pfn? which a noun; euphonic final. 15. "nei you(singular); the EXERCISE I ish. I. 5 "mo 13. si Cvi 6 nei 14. c 3. 7 "ngo 15. 4. 8 oi 16. 'yau You now know 35 words COMPOUND WORDS AND PHRASES 1 . ^yan^yan all persons; 8. f& iMk'ui yat)ko' cyan everybody -lai he came alone 2. -m^ Jai did not come 9. f 1^ -k'ui yat^ko' ,yan 3. iu' ,m \u do you he, or she alone want it 10. f 'k'uike' his; her; hers; 4. HH 1^ ko'ko' each one; its everyone [body 1 I. 5. ko ko ^yan every- I alone 6. pin ke a flat one 12. ko\yanke' indivi- 7. ? "nei "yau "mo dual (adjective) have you 13. hai" is not " LESSON PROPER I. 4. f& o Jai. 'K ui oi . I come. She likes 9 . 5. iiflH^R ? 2. /e i yau. Pfnko'l<e'? o u have. Whose ^ . 6. ' m oi . cYaricyanke Mn e likes. Everybody' — 3 — .. 7. 15. ii . u P!nko "mo Y J H > e ,n Who hasn t 8. V|> ( 16. m' Ja. •K'ui "mo. Com e net come nu e= sri t 9. M " f.t; Hai- hai- 17. A 5 fH). ls not is Ngo yau T have one. 10. - 3 6 18. ^ n c 'K ui ci r-r t. He wants one. 'mo haver 19. it m " g 3 " ) CM Who wants him to ) won t come 20. 3 \^ ^. 13. r' " . "Nei oi "k ui (.'ai. * You want h i m to come. e doesn 't 14. " . 21. " m . ' I m lu , •Ng o ^rn oi "k ui -lai. e doesn't want. I don't want him to come. MEANINGS OF THE ABOVE Read and transi ete i nto Chinese, 1. I 9. Is it not? 2 . You have. 1 0. Do >ou want to h i 3. He (she; it likes w a n t s ) 1 I . I haven t. 4. She (he, it I ikes wants ^ 1 2 . You won t ccme. 5. NX hcse 1 3. He doesn't I ike it 6. Everybody s. 4. : 7. Heve you He dcesn t went 8. Arc you ccmii.g or not ? 15. VCho hasn't 16. He hasn't. 19. Vv ho wants him to come 1 7. I have one. 20. You want him t 1 8. He wants one. 2 1 . I don t want hi MORE COMPOUND WORDS AND PHRASES 14. oi\yan(ko') lover 21. i ,yanke' somebody's 15. 'ngoke mine; my 22. cyarV ko ) a spy » 16. p I t/iu necessary 23. "y au ^yan there is somebody; engaged 17. "mi ^yan nobody 24. ii p{nlco'?"ich? who? 18. >5'J p 1 t-cY^n others 25. mr.t; i|:^?-k'ui hai^pinko'? 19. ) ,yan,man (ko') people who is he ( she) 20. "y^Ucyan somebody 26. "neike your; yours -6) LESSON 3 VOCABULARY t6 all (adverb") also; a kau' old (of things); e'en; too. former; secondhand. 2. ^ ylk. also; moreover; too. 12 ung same; and; with; altogether. 3. tai' big; large; great. 13. sai small; fine. 4. bury; to draw close; along with. 14. siu small; trifling; petty. 5. capital (oF a country or state\ 15. kong speak; talk; p6'- explain. 6. classifier for books. 16. VL shii speak; talk. 7. tse elder sister. 17. 0^ wa" tell; speak; words. 8. kin'- item; classifier for 1 t h i n business. 18. ^IL^ o g / o that. th ings in general. 19. V3'l<;nM thing;some- 9. language; dialect. i ng; wild; savage. 10. ,;San new; recently. 20. t ni this. 5 ; EXERCISE Read and trans! ate into Eng! 1 sh. L 5. Si ^m4i 9. san 13. t6 17. 18 2- 6 ^ ni 10. tL shiit 14. 3- 7 II. 'siu' 15. 'tse 19, A- od ai' 12. t - 16. ct'ung 20 You now know 55 words i COMPOUND WORDS AND PHRASES 1. f ,t6 hai- all are 13. kcAo' t6 -yau everybody has it 2. t6 ,m oi, 'kong all do not want to talk 14. .san^sin fresh 3. ^to 'yau all have 15. tai- _cyan(ko') full grown person 4. t6 oi' all like 16. ""idifUf t6 'yau 5. t6 iu' all want to have everything 6. mat/ye^yan anybody 17, f yik, hai" it is also 7. -tZj f mat/Cye anything; what 18. yik, t6 hai* same 8. f ct'ung "k'ui pin" to 19. m^gt" t6 hai- -k'uike' argue with him it is also his 9. Vui$yau w4-'m6? 20. t • sai large and did he say so or not small; size; of all sizes 10. fS) -ye _cyan(ko') bar- kong tai"wa- barians; savages; wild ke (ko ) liar people 22. i^) t4i"w4- (ko') a lie; bragging 1 I chit-chat falsehood . \ong 'ye ; (about things in general) boasting 12. t^i- 'tse (ko') the 23. (fin) 'siu ,yan (ko' ) eldest sister mean person (49) LESSON PROPER . 2. f& ,. 'Nei 'yau yat^ko' tai" ke . "K ui -'yau yat.ko sai ke . You have a big one. He has a small one. s t • . ( , y\, tea* "Ngo y au yatjko1 tk'\' ke ungcfnai ya tjko sai ke'. I have a big one and a sma II one. ^ "fs| go o i ni ko t a i "ke I want this big thing. c koko S d 1 k G -ye* I also want that small thing. If- . 7. f ^ c -'K'ui ct'ung -ngo lai. "K ui yil<"to ung ng() k o n Q He with me comes. He also to me speak IP A -K ui yik :6 ,t\Jng 'ngo kongshiit He also to me talks. o mat/ye^yanke whose ^ " ha hai neike This is not is yours , ^ Lg " ,Mhai- niko hai- 'ngoke 'No, this not mine. 5 . "Ngo "mo ^niko Ve- I CT ave this thing.
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